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Name: 20230419_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 19, 2023
2297 lines.

This episode of InfoWars explores global conspiracies involving population control, medical tyranny, vaccines, censorship, election meddling, and water filtration systems. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being prepared with health supplements and supports for maintaining good health, as well as promoting their products to keep InfoWars on air. Topics covered include forced depopulation through vaccines, concerns over election manipulation, and the sale of various health supplements and products.

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These men had no love of country, no love of group affiliation, no love of religion, no love of anything other than total world full-spectrum dominance.
We call it globalism, they call it Fabian Socialism, and I will remind you that Nobel Prize winning mathematician Bertrand Russell, who was an enthusiastic Fabian Socialist, said, Through injunction, injection, and indoctrination, it will not be possible for the man of the future to have an independent thought.
And let me finish the quote just to show how real it is.
People can look it up.
He's hailed as a top liberal and won all these prizes.
He said, in the future, the general public, the proletariat, rebelling against our takeover would be as ridiculous as sheep rebelling against the practice of eating mutton.
Exactly would be as ridiculous as sheep rebelling against the practice of eating mutton, which is why the herd can be culled.
Which is why the herd can be culled.
Understand, these people do not see us as people.
These people, these psychopaths, see us as a herd to be controlled and culled.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
InfoWars Tomorrow's news.
Jesse Ventura's conspiracy investigators have tracked down the deadly secret behind the elite group that tries to rule the world.
When the population gets too big to handle, the solution is cut it down.
There's an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different type of medical treatments, namely vaccines.
We're seeing a medical tyranny being set up, not just in the United States, but worldwide under the UN and the World Health Organization.
They want a planetary dictatorship so they can carry out their forced depopulation agenda, and they want to do it through the medical system.
And that's why vaccines are so important.
We know that many of these vaccines turn out to have serious adverse reactions.
This is being done by design.
They kill you slowly over time.
That's why they're called soft kill.
We must acknowledge that the genetic COVID-19 genetic injections cause far more harm than good and provide zero benefit relative to risk.
The death rates from this vaccine are, there's been more deaths in eight months than in all the billions of vaccines combined over the last 30 years.
50% of the deaths occur within 48 hours, 80% within a week.
And I've got an insider I think you should really talk to, Dr. Rima Labo.
In a very short time, not today, not tomorrow, but very soon, we'll be facing compulsory vaccination under the mistaken term of voluntary vaccination.
Now, what is it about these vaccinations?
You think that they're bad?
Well, first of all, let's start with the fact that the World Health Organization has decided that we have 90% too many people.
The World Health Organization has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create permanent sterility.
Now, this is pretty shocking.
This process has already been ongoing.
To make matters worse, the vaccines that were illegally approved by the FDA contain a substance called squalene.
Squalene, an organic compound used in vaccines to stimulate the immune system and increase the response.
If I inject you with squalene, your immune system will attack the squalene, but then it starts attacking all of the parts of your body.
What does that look like when you meet a person to whom that is happening?
It looks like Gulf War Syndrome.
It looks like every joint in the body swollen and intolerably painful and immobilized.
This is in these shots they're going to give us?
It's in some of them, but the U.S.
government has a trick up their sleeve.
They will induce a pandemic using the nasal mist vaccine, which is a live attenuated virus.
That means that if I take it, I can infect you.
You're going to get the flu.
Everybody around us is going to get the flu.
Yes, it's startling, but it's over in a moment.
That's it.
It's all done.
A new report tonight that early CDC coronavirus tests were probably contaminated.
Why didn't they work initially?
The Post reports the cross-contamination most likely occurred because chemical mixtures were assembled into the kits within a lab space that was also handling synthetic coronavirus material.
A production firm in Luxembourg said that core parts of the tests had been contaminated with coronavirus.
This was reported by The Telegraph.
The best protection against COVID-19 could be by going up your nose.
What nasal or mucosal vaccines do, they concentrate the immune protection in the upper airway.
We do have a nasal spray vaccine for influenza virus, so-called Flumist, which has not exactly been a game changer.
So I'm a little skeptical about how this nasal spray vaccine will work.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this live Wednesday, April 19th, 2023 Global Transmission.
Dr. Rima Labo, you talk about a whistleblower on the inside, and of course her now deceased husband, General Stubblebine.
They were the most hardcore on target with what happened decades before it unfolded.
She will be joining us coming up today.
We've got so much other huge breaking news, but see the full report that you just saw part of at Band.Video.
We'll have it added to the front page of InfoWars.com under the live show feed.
Remember when Alex Jones warned Jesse Ventura the government was planning mass killing with vaccines.
It's Wednesday, April 19th, 2023.
This, of course, is the day when the Feds blew up Oklahoma City.
And, of course, you know what they did in Waco.
It's one of the times they like to make their moves.
We hope they don't pull anything sick and evil on that scale today or ever again.
Welcome and thank you for joining us.
Okay, this is a particularly jam-packed transmission.
Dr. Rima Labo I've not had on in many years for some reason.
She's an incredible lady.
I know for a while she was out of the country and hard to get on and just five, six years went by.
She was the most accurate person out there predicting how they'd use vaccines for depopulation.
And of course that's because her husband was the former head of the army.
They had a special operations before that.
He had a defense intelligence agency.
He was Throughout the highest levels of the national security state.
And he had a lot of information about what was going on that was obviously highly classified.
But his wife is a top medical doctor who served royalty.
Heads of state, presidents, presidents' wives.
And I know who she obviously traded from my other sources, but she hasn't given up that information, obviously because of a doctor's oath and HIPAA and things like that.
But she met with multiple globalists and they openly talked about How they were going to release viruses as a scare.
They have a pretext of a vaccine that sterilizes the public en masse.
We now know the COVID shots.
The mRNA are doing that.
So she'll be joining us coming up.
You know, we booked her for an hour.
At 1 p.m., but I'm not sure that's enough time.
So we're trying to get her on at 1230.
Today, we have another medical doctor popping in to decipher this announcement by the FDA.
FDA, monovalent Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized, pulled from the market.
But that's because they want to make you, quote, take the new ones, admitting the old ones don't work.
And of course, the new ones don't work either.
They've got even more on the way.
So what a complete fraud.
We'll be talking to a doctor, she'll be popping in.
Dr. Stella Emanuel at the start of the next hour as well.
In the meantime, people are really starting to get it.
I've got clips from Senate hearings yesterday with Rand Paul saying this is Stalinistic and that the CIA is running mass censorship and it's criminal and must stop.
And then Tom Fenton is a really good lawyer, a judicial watch.
And there's an 11-minute report we're going to post to InfoWars.com where he lays it all out with the documents.
But you listen to this, we heard all this from Alex Jones five and a half, six years ago, seven years ago now, in 2016, because I could read the Defense Authorization Act like anybody else could, and Obama before he left set this up And then Trump let the agency that it had called for be established, and that's the agency that coordinates this illegal activity against the American people.
So, very important information.
And I know as an audience, a lot of you already knew about this, you didn't even know about it from me, but you already know this, but the world's just now getting to this point where they understand it.
So that's a big deal.
And it ties into this that I want to play first.
It's Hillary Clinton in an interview yesterday.
And she says there's no way Trump will be allowed to be back in office.
Just like they said in 2020.
They said we don't care what he does, what happens, it's not gonna happen.
You'll see a red mirage, it'll look like he won, but then there will be the mail-in votes, we will win.
And they did that.
And they used the red herring of the machines, and there was some hanky panky going on there, some scullduggery,
to divert off onto the machines and satellites from Italy and
all that baloney that was attached to it as a PSYOP.
And I've been caught up in PSYOPs before, but I've learned how to recognize them.
They did it the old-fashioned way with dead people and folks who had moved out of the districts voting, and culling the voting rolls and $400 million from Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook to do the data crunching to do that.
And then they simply had armies of people, as the 2000 Mules film shows and documents, go to the key battleground states and sit there with 10, 20, 30, 40 ballots apiece and falsely sign them with the people's name and put them in the mail.
My brother-in-law By the way, he's a scientist and super smart professional.
He doesn't make stuff up.
He thought it was illegal to be in a post office filming people so he didn't tape it.
But a day after the election, 'cause we know this went on for about a week,
he was in the main Austin federal mail facility, you know, the post office,
and saw a guy with dozens of ballots that he was signing different names to
and taking pictures of each one.
This is way before it came out, and months later, the videos of folks
taking pictures of the ballots, putting them into the post office boxes,
putting them into the mail drop boxes, but he saw the guy in the place doing it
and described exactly what we know they then did.
So I have family with his eyeballs.
I mean, you know, a chemist.
Works for major companies, very professional.
You know, to say he was very upset, very disturbed, and he saw it happen.
And I kind of got mad at him.
I said, why the hell didn't you video?
And he said, well, I think it's probably illegal to film in a federal thing when somebody's doing their own documents.
But he saw the guy filling out the names he had on the list onto the mail and then putting it in, well, handing it over to the Postal worker.
He sat there while he was mailing a package and watched this guy in front of him do this for 10 minutes!
And so we know what they did.
We know they covered up the windows of the facilities.
They claimed pipes had broken in Atlanta.
And so when Hillary says that they're going to make sure Trump doesn't get elected, you can believe her.
And this whole Fox News dominion reached $787 million settlement.
That's all just because they've got neocons and they've got Republicans in text messages saying, we think this is all bull.
Tell the other hosts they shouldn't be covering it.
And then other producers saying, no, it's a really hot issue.
There's some evidence of it.
We're going to cover it.
It was opinion.
So now they get to run around and say, Fox admits they lied because you have people in a news organization arguing and debating.
What do you think they do on air?
What do you think we do here?
In lawsuits against me, they went, we have interviews with Paul Watson on your show, disagreeing that Sandy Hook may have been staged.
And I'm like, yeah, we're not a cult.
Paul Watson disagreed with us even looking at that.
And I think he was right in the end.
But the point was, there was no order.
Hey, you're going to go out and say this isn't real.
The internet didn't believe it.
There were some anomalies.
We covered it.
But the issue is then, They turn it all into this giant fiasco to go after everybody's free speech for simply questioning about a big event, when we know so many events do turn out to be staged.
And crisis actors are a real thing in many of these other events.
And that's come out, and the public knows about that now.
And the system doesn't want you to be able to ask questions.
Now with this Dominion settlement and other lawsuits against Fox, they're sending the president to not question elections.
I can sit here and play you a 30-minute compilation.
We've played many of these compilations.
The short ones are two minutes, most are four or five minutes.
But I've seen a 30-minute compilation in the year 2000, in 2002, in 2004, in 2006, in 2008,
in 2010, in 2012, right up till now, right up to Trump being elected in 2016, saying
these machines are fraudulent and naming the same companies that sued the Republicans and Fox.
And we've got evidence of this, and there was some evidence.
I mean, it looks like they did steal the election from Al Gore.
That's two criminals battling each other.
In 2000.
But we know that's gone on the past.
But we know the ballots and dead people voting, or people who moved out of the district, that's the surefire way to do it.
And that's how they're doing it.
There is stuff going on with machines.
Look at Arizona in this gubernatorial election, where all the key Republican precincts in Maricopa County gave them two-inch short ballots that didn't read and didn't work.
Only there.
And then they can quote, not count those.
So they know what they're doing, ladies and gentlemen.
And Hillary is telling you that they're getting ready to steal it again.
We'll go to break and come back with this clip.
But that's not even the main way they're stealing it.
That's the way they physically steal votes on the day of.
But the bigger way is the AI, the algorithms, the censorship of news.
That has cover for the Deep State, the Democratic Party, and establishment Republicans, and it flat-out blocked communication from candidates that are patriots from the public.
That's election meddling.
What they blamed Russia for, they did en masse with the CIA running it now on record, censoring, controlling, surveilling.
So, they're caught red-handed, and now they want to set the precedent that you can't ever question an election again when the State Department runs around the world policing everybody else's elections.
We'll be right back.
InfoWars.com, tomorrow's news today, Bandai video.
Alright, so, the Deep State, when Obama left office in 2017 in January, created this cyber security intelligence agency that coordinates with all the other intelligence agencies to steal elections, and to do exactly what they claim the Russians were doing, with no evidence.
And Tom Fenton's done an excellent job breaking that down.
We'll play some of that video coming up.
So has Ron Paul.
But first, let's go ahead and play a clip of Hillary on Sky News yesterday.
Saying one way or another Trump will not be re-elected.
Here it is.
America goes to the polls.
Donald Trump is running for president while under criminal indictment.
This the man who back in 2016 consistently accused you of law-breaking and actively encouraged chants of lock her up directed at you.
It's pretty ironic isn't it that he is now Former president that could face a jail term.
How does it make you feel?
Well, I always thought about him.
And if you follow him, I think you can see it as well.
He accuses people of doing things he himself is doing.
It's a form of psychological projection.
And I always thought that His record in business in particular, but then as we saw him in politics and government, he was someone who cared nothing about rules, he cared nothing about the law.
So he has been indicted, and there may be others as well, but he has said he's going to keep running, and there's nothing in our current system of laws that would prevent him from running.
But even if he gets the Republican nomination, he cannot, in my view, be re-elected president.
Why can't he be re-elected if he gets the nomination?
I think more people are on to him and his behavior than they were before.
He has a hard core of support that is likely to help him win the Republican nomination.
But in a general election against President Biden, I do not believe he can win.
So you don't think he can win?
Do you think he's a bigger threat to Biden than DeSantis?
It's hard to tell.
I mean, DeSantis is unproven.
Nobody really outside of Florida knows very much about him.
And in Florida, they're watching him do crazy things.
So, I actually believe that President Biden will be re-elected, regardless of who the Republican nominee is.
Hey, that's what they want!
People like Fetterman and Biden that don't know what planet they're on, so the criminals can operate in the background and blame the puppet later.
Useful idiots.
So total projection.
She says Trump's projecting his criminality on the Democrats, but he's the one that's a criminal.
And we all know the laundry list of real crimes that these monsters have committed.
But remember, it's Hillary Clinton, and it came out a year after the election, that told the networks, give Trump all the attention, make sure he wins the nomination.
We believe he's the easiest to beat.
So instead of admitting she was wrong, she's trying to make that fraudulent reality come true again.
Remember the cover of Newsweek?
Madam President, they printed up 280,000 of them, and had them being delivered to store shelves.
That's why we were able to get copies of them.
They were on the store shelves in some jurisdictions the day before the election.
Here's a clip, and I got a bunch of these, this is powerful hearings yesterday,
of Rand Paul pointing out that DHS *end*
On election, on shots, on everything.
Told children to spy on their parents.
Here it is.
In 2021, DHS even put out a video encouraging children to report their own family members to Facebook for disinformation if they challenge the U.S.
government narratives on COVID-19.
Does that not sound like something out of 1984?
Does that not sound like something out of Stalin's Russia?
That our government's trying to get our kids to report their parents?
I mean, that's crazy.
Can you imagine?
Your agency's putting out a video to tell kids to report their parents if they say something like, well, maybe children don't need to be vaccinated.
I still say that because it's the truth.
The risks for the vaccine are greater than the disease for COVID for children.
It's different for the elderly and those who are targeted disease, but that's an opinion based in fact, based on peer review papers.
But that's not that government shouldn't get involved with trying to censor and restrict my ability to say these things.
In reality, the most significant source of disinformation during the pandemic, with the most influence and greatest impact on people's lives, was the U.S.
The greatest purveyor of disinformation has been the U.S.
And all of that's true.
You know, I wish Rand Paul wouldn't go with that statement he's had now for like two and a half years.
That, well, the vaccine shouldn't be given to children because the risk of it, you know, outweigh the benefits.
All the studies show no benefits.
And the same thing for old people.
It erases your immune system.
It causes all sorts of autoimmune problems.
It doesn't protect you.
But he goes back to that statement of Maybe it helps the old people.
No, it doesn't, Senator Paul, but that's not why I was getting into this.
There's an 11-minute video.
I'm going to have it posted to the front page of Infowars.com from Tom Fenton's Twitter.
Biden agency hiding records on censorship program targeting Americans as exposed by Elon Musk's Twitter files.
There's an unholy conspiracy of the Biden administration to censor Americans in collusion with big tech.
He goes on to say, we cannot wait Until the next election.
To reverse this, they're going to steal the next election.
He's dead on, and he's sued, and he's gotten the documents, and now he's suing along with the Attorney Generals of Missouri and Louisiana, Mississippi, to get the documents.
Because we have the documents, many of them, from the Twitter site.
But we know that the feds were calling the shots.
A lot of that's come out.
So this is illegal to have government With the Democratic Party colluding to manipulate elections, medical knowledge, all of it.
I mean, this is, this is everything they're doing.
And they, they want the children just like Hitler wanted the children, or the communists want the children.
Because they're young and don't know, they can be conned easier.
That's why they're organizing the children in these mawish spy brigades, both online and in the real world, to go after the adults.
This is the enemy battle plan.
This is defunding the police.
This is dissolving the border.
This is the takedown of the country.
We're gonna go to break, come back with some of Tom Fenton and more of Senator Paul and then just so much more.
I meant to get to this yesterday.
I covered it some, but I've got to spend some time on this.
Documents are out.
It's confirmed.
Pigs and cows are being given the mRNA shots since 2018.
Before the whole COVID hysteria.
That's what Bill Gates' mini-me Fauci said in 2018 on C-SPAN in that hearing we played so many times or that roundtable discussion with a bunch of the federal regulators of the agencies up there.
They said we need to have a virus out of China to blow up the system and just have mRNA come in where there's no more research or studies.
We just test on the public.
And what did Netanyahu say three months ago?
I can play the clip again.
He said, Israel's one giant guinea pig.
We're so proud of the Israeli people.
Now drug companies from around the world can come here and we're going to mandate shots and with our medical ID, track them and see if it works or what it does to them or what the side effects are.
See, they've moved from denying all this to just publicly gaslighting you and saying, you'll own nothing and like it.
You'll eat bugs.
You'll drink sewage water.
Well, of course we're going to give you experimental shots.
Well, of course we're Satan worshippers.
I mean, if Hitler was giving Jews four shots, it'd be big, right?
But it's Benjamin Netanyahu, so it's liberal.
That is sick.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Alright, I was about to get to Tom Fenton laying out in 11 minutes how there's been a coup over our country in our elections.
Hands down, it's not debated, it's totally illegal, it's everything they claim the Russians were doing, but the U.S.
government was doing it, run by the globalists.
I'll have to get to that coming up later.
Don't forget, Arima Labo is going to be joining us at the bottom of the next hour.
The ultimate whistleblower that predicted it all.
She's got new groundbreaking intel on how they're planning to release new viruses in the next phase of the New World Order and how we can stop it.
I cannot stress to you how important this is going to be.
Everybody needs to tune in.
Everybody needs to tell their email list, their text message friends.
People, random folks in a 7-Eleven, hey, tune in to Infowars.com forward slash show, Forbidden Info, coming up 1230 Central, because we need this to go viral, okay?
We need to get outside the choir.
Yeah, we got millions of listeners and viewers a day, and the clips go out and reach tens of millions a day, but we need people to hear this coming up.
Okay, I said I was going to get to Tom Fenton, but They just told me during the break that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running against Biden, that's got the deep state very upset, is officially making his announcement in Boston.
And so we're going to take you to that.
Again, it was live a few minutes ago.
We're backing it up to the start in the live feed.
I'm going to air some of this.
us. Here it is. [Applause]
I want to do this event in Boston because this is a town that I have strong roots in.
I graduated high school here.
I went to college here.
But more importantly, all of my ten-and-eighteen grandparents, ten-and-eighteen is what you call grandparents, landed here in 1848, fleeing British aggression and the potato famine, back at home.
And they arrived here for the nation for 800 years.
Okay, we're gonna leave this feed because Fox was carrying it.
Okay, we're going to leave this feed because Fox was carrying it and it had good audio,
but then cut it.
running for president is a big damn deal.
He's already ahead of Biden in many polls.
And so it should be on every channel in the country, but of course it's not.
We're going with some amateur feed of the live feed.
So once we get a HD feed with good audio, you better believe we'll be airing excerpts or large portions of the speech today or tomorrow, and it will be posted To Infowars.com.
But this is more election meddling.
RFK Jr., his father, assassinated when he was winning primaries across the country after his brother, JFK, was murdered.
He's executed.
And the witnesses all say that Sirhan Sirhan did the shooting.
There was a CIA operative behind him that shot him, what, seven times in the back.
And RFK Jr.
has talked about that and they call him a conspiracy theorist.
It's his father.
They murdered his namesake.
He's the namesake.
So this is a big deal.
And of course, it's not being carried anywhere.
And we can't even get a good feed of it.
So that is how disgusting all this is.
But somebody will upload a good feed and we will get to that for you.
All right, let me get back to what I was already talking about here.
It's an 11 minute video.
It's been posted on the live show feed at InfoWars.com.
Again, the live show feed every day I write a headline for the front page of InfoWars.
And then four or five critical things each day under the live show feed, we'll put the live show feed on screen, will be posted under the live show feed that I think are particularly important.
Today's live show feed at InfoWars.com is titled, The Population Alert.
Globalists preparing to release new deadly viruses.
Whistleblower Dr. Rima Labo, who predicted the globalist COVID assault, joins Alex Jones to issue emergency warning.
For the Population Alert, Global is preparing to release new deadly viruses.
Whistleblower Dr. Rima Labo, who predicted the Global's COVID assault, joins Alex Jones to issue emergency warning.
That's the feed you take every day that you email, that you text message, that you share.
And then under that, we're posting all the key videos that I'm particularly talking about.
We have the Tom Fenton, or I'm told it's already posted, posted under that.
Because I won't have time to air the whole 11 and a half minutes.
But let's go ahead and get started with it.
Here it is.
The Biden administration is committed to it, and they've been promoting it, and aren't embarrassed about it.
This censorship operation, run out of the Department of Homeland Security, which as I recall, and you should recall, was created to protect the homeland from terrorists, right?
And to protect us from having planes thrown into buildings.
Now it's being used to censor us for criticizing the way Biden got elected.
[sound effects]
One of the biggest abuses of our time is the use of the Justice Department,
the Department of Homeland Security, the CIA, the State Department,
the Defense Department, the White House, to collude with big tech to censor you.
So Americans have been victimized by the millions by this collusion of censorship.
Someone said this big censorship, what is it?
The censorship industrial complex to target American citizens.
And the censorship obviously most directly impacted the 2020 election in the sense that it was designed to influence the 2020 election.
By censoring information about Hunter Biden and by suppressing the other candidate, President Trump.
And then you had the censorship related to COVID, the vaccines, COVID origin.
You have the censorship ongoing related to election integrity and the disputes about elections.
It's still happening.
If I say the wrong thing here on YouTube, they'll take the damn video down.
Pardon my language.
So it's ongoing and it's with the endorsement and support and pressure from the Biden administration.
And Judicial Watch has been front and center in exposing and investigating this.
Now, we've heard about the Twitter files where Elon Musk has allowed reporters to look at internal Twitter documents documenting some of this collusion with the federal government that not only show collusion with the feds and some state officials, but also that the collusion includes Facebook and Google and these other social media platforms.
And Judicial Watch has been trying to get the other side of the Twitter files by suing in federal court to say, well, you know, Twitter says you've been telling them to censor.
I want your documents showing that you were telling Twitter and others to censor.
And so accordingly we've been suing, and most recently we sued the Homeland Security Department, Department of Homeland Security, for records on their censorship meetings with big tech.
And there's a specific agency that was created, unfortunately, during the Trump administration in response to the Russia hoax, that tells you how poorly based it was, called the Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency.
So it was originally designed to stop the Russians and foreigners from, quote, interfering in our elections.
Relatively speaking, a non-problem.
Unless, of course, you're talking about the Chinese paying off the Bidens.
Instead, it transmortified into a censorship board that went after anyone who said anything they didn't like about the election disputes at the time.
And we've asked for documents about what it was up to, and we've been getting the runaround, an unlawful response, unlawful secrecy to our request.
We asked for records and communications of its director, It's former director, it's former senior cyber security advisor, and it's I guess another senior cyber security advisor.
So this is the top leadership regarding the following topics.
CISA has facilitated and hosted U.S.
government industry meetings with Facebook, Meta, Twitter, Wikimedia Foundation, Pinterest, LinkedIn concerning election security.
Election infrastructure, subsector government coordination, council meetings.
We are back live, broadcasting worldwide.
We've gotten a cleaner feed, a clean feed of RFK Jr.' 's historic announcement.
We'll get to more of that here in a moment.
And again, I can't play this entire 11 and a half minute clip of Fenton.
We're going to post it.
It's been posted to InfoWars.com, the live show feed.
But he explains, Congress is having hearings but doing nothing about a totally illegal intelligence agency program to control, manipulate elections and censor the American people And since there are people that question forced shots and
people that promote alternative treatments or people that criticize the open border or the Afghan withdrawal, I mean
this is just totally illegal.
On a scale of 1 to 10, it's a 10. And it's just there and it's normalized and they're doing it.
So let's play a few more minutes of this.
Transmortified into a censorship board that went after anyone who said anything they didn't like about the
election disputes at the time.
And we've asked for documents about what it was up to, and we've been getting the runaround, an unlawful response, unlawful secrecy to our request.
We asked for records and communications of its director, its former director, its former senior cybersecurity advisor, And it's, I guess, another senior cyber security advisor.
So this is the top leadership regarding the following topics.
Syza has facilitated and hosted U.S.
government industry meetings with Facebook, Meta, Twitter, Wikimedia Foundation, Pinterest, LinkedIn, concerning election security.
Uh, Election Infrastructure Subsector Government Coordination Council meetings.
Boy, to describe it is to condemn it, isn't it?
Election Infrastructure Subcontractor Government Coordinating Council Joint MDM Working Group meetings.
And preparatory meetings with any employees of the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis, the FBI, the Office of Director of National Intelligence, the National Security Agency, the Secret Service concerning any of the aforementioned meetings or council meetings.
So, we know that CISA has been working with both inside government agencies and outside groups to censor countless Americans.
And the Twitter threads, the Twitter file threads, which we detail in our press release, really expose this.
A December 16th tweet thread includes disclosures in the Twitter files that reports also came from different agencies And they reference an employee recommending bouncing content, this is a Twitter employee, based on evidence from DHS, etc.
And you can bet that was the CISA agency.
And then you had this FBI agent, Elvis Chan, who was doing all sorts of censorship activity for the FBI out of the San Francisco office.
Talking about a Foreign Influence Task Force, which obviously would have included DHS.
Another tweet thread, again, Twitter Files thread, shows that Twitter was, quote, more like a partner to government.
With other tech firms, meaning like Facebook and Google, it held a regular industry meeting with FBI and DHS and developed a formal system for receiving thousands of content reports from every corner of government.
Emails from FBI, DHS and other agencies often came with spreadsheets of hundreds or thousands of account names for review.
Often these would be deleted soon after.
So maybe the documents are still over in the government.
The same agencies, including DHS and the CISA organization, invites the same, quote, experts, left-wing censorship promoters, funded by the same foundations, left-wingers.
Okay, so you're definitely going to want to go to Infowars.com and watch the second half of this.
I'm going to move on now to RFK Jr.
because the national media, and I went and checked during the break and scrolled through the channels, is not covering his major announcement when in many polls he's neck and neck or ahead of Joe Biden.
And they're not carrying this, so we're gonna play some of it.
of it here it is.
Well, maybe we're just not supposed to play this today.
His daughter, Rose Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, was my grandmother.
And she loved this country because she understood that this country, for the first time, She had given her people the capacity and the opportunity to participate in their own political destiny.
And she loved every... She made her children take the Freedom Walk here in Boston.
She took them to Walden Pond on weekends.
She took them to Greaves Hill and Bunker Hill and the other major battles of the Revolution.
She wanted them to know their history and to love their country.
She made all of us, all 29 of her grandchildren, memorize Momfella's poem.
So listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere on the 18th of April in the 75.
Hardly a man is now alive who remembers that fateful day and year.
And Paul Revere took off 242 years ago last night.
From the Old North Church at the North End, where she was born, my grandmother was born, and he rode out to conquer, to alert the countryside, and particularly the Minutemen, that a British troop of 800 men was coming to confiscate their arsenal and their powder dump.
And those men met the British Army, the largest and most powerful empire in history, on the Old North Bridge 242 years ago today.
And they drove them back and they chased them in retreat through Concord, through Lexington, through Lincoln, through Arlington, into Cambridge, inflicting terrible casualties.
And that was the beginning of the American Revolution, but really the revolution has started two years before.
And it started when the British had passed an oppressive law raising the taxes on tea in New England.
And this was a law that the British Crown made in collusion with the British East India Company.
Which the king owns shares in, his ministers own shares in, and most of the aristocracy owns shares in.
And it was their plan to impose the tax on New England merchants but exempt the British East India Company from the tax so that they could undersell everybody and that they would make a profit for their shareholders.
That's the carbon tax now.
And of course, the Americans responded by dressing as Wampanoag Indians and boarding the British East India Company's ships and dumping the tea into the harbor.
And that's when the British sent that troop over here to quell the rebellion.
So, that rebellion was in part against empire, but the spirit of that rebellion was a fury that the colonists had against the merger, the corrupt merger of state and corporate power.
All right, we'll pause.
We're going to come back with more of this in the next hour.
The Dr. Sillimanuel pops in with the big vaccine developments.
The Dr. Remo Abo.
But this is great.
And I can't wait to air all the speech we're posting at Infowars.com.
It's still live.
It's still ongoing.
We've gone back to the start.
And what he's explaining here is, I'm launching the second American revolution right here in Boston where the first one started.
I'm doing it on the day where it started.
And we're fighting fascism.
Because the term fascism wasn't even around 250 something years ago.
But That's what fascism is.
That's what he's saying, and I haven't seen the speech yet, but I'm predicting that's where he's about to go next.
This is powerful, and you can tell the guy's for real, and the system is attacking the living daylights out of him.
They murdered his father, they murdered his uncle, and it's good to see good men standing up and going up against the system.
You know, the rest of the Kennedy family, they're not supporting him because they're a captured family.
And the very Democratic Party that murdered JFK and RFK and MLK Has a bunch of Kep Kennedys, doing a bunch of basically leftist miscreants in my view, most of them.
But it's good to know the firstborn son of RFK is not like that.
And so we really support him and we need to pray for him because they murdered his father when he was one of the primaries.
So this is a big deal.
They're trying to put Trump in jail, and I'm telling you, if RFK starts winning, they're gonna put bullets in him.
The man's got a lot of courage.
You gotta respect courage.
Hour number two, it's totally jam-packed.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
They decided to not perp walking, not put him in handcuffs, not do a mug shot, because they knew that that would help
Didn't they know this would backfire?
We were waiting for the mug shot.
We learned today they wouldn't have it, so we've made our own.
And it says political prisoner.
With an image of President Trump.
The shirt is being printed now in Texas.
It will be shipping out to you in one week.
Political prisoner with Trump on the front there in a mug shot.
Jail background.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It says InfoWars.com on the back of the shirt.
We also have Alex Jones for President.
No, I'm not running for President.
It's a really nice navy blue, high quality shirt.
Red, white, and blue.
Alex Jones for President.
2024, it's a fun conversational piece and a limited edition shirt.
Great way to fund the operation.
So get your Alex Jones for President and Trump mugshot shirts at InfoWarsStore.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
And of course, the Americans responded by dressing as Wampanoag Indians and boarding the British East India Company's ships and dumping the tea into the harbor.
undersell everybody and that they would make a profit for their shareholders.
So the revolution, and of course the Americans responded by dressing as Wampanoag Indians
and boarding the British East India Company's ships and dumping the tea into the harbor.
And that's when the British sent that troop over here to quell the rebellion.
So, that rebellion was in part against empire.
But the spear tip of that rebellion was a fury that the colonists had against the merger, the corrupt merger of
state and corporate power.
I've come here today to announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination for president of the United States.
My mission over the next 18 months of this campaign and throughout my presidency
will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening now
to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism on our country to commoditize our children,
our purple mountain's majesty, to poison our our children and our people with with chemicals and
pharmaceutical drugs to strip mine our assets to hollow out the middle class and keep us in a
constant state of war.
Well, I want to start by, first of all, I can't understand that sign language.
I want to start by thanking my wife, Cheryl Hines.
I would not be here without Cheryl.
And I cannot describe in words what she has brought to my life, but she is the wisest person that I know.
She's also one of the funniest people I know.
And I say, the American people get to know her.
They are going to be more excited about having a really funny First Lady in the White House
than they are.
I also want to thank all my family members who showed up today.
My children, Bobby, Kick, Amaryllis, Connor, Kira, Finbar, Aiden... Did I leave any out?
I told them to wear name tags, and I can't see them from here.
And cat, and a cat.
Notice the rest of the family's not there.
Which is why you know he's good.
The rest of Kennedy's were there, I wouldn't support him.
Bobcat, my brother Douglas, my sister Courtney, my nephews Bo and Billy Birdsell and...
So basically only his very immediate family showed up because there's hundreds of Kennedys.
This is a powerful speech.
Very classic Americana.
We'll have more of it coming up.
We've got a very special guest to break down this big FDA announcement.
We come back in 60 seconds.
Dr. Stella Emanuel and then Dr. Rima Labo.
Haven't been on in years.
The ultimate whistleblower.
She's got big intel coming up on the next globalist attack and so much more.
Tell everybody you know and people you don't know.
Tune in now.
Infowars.com forward slash show and Madmaxworld.tv.
All right, I appreciate her coming on on short notice for just a segment or so.
We'll get her back for a full hour soon.
And she's Dr. Stella Emanuel, a very successful medical doctor and one of the first people to be outspoken about what's really happening with COVID.
Now they're blocking therapeutics and her famous press conferences there in D.C.
But I wanted to get her on to decipher this.
And what she told my producer she thought was happening is what I thought.
But I want to get a medical doctor on.
FDA Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines no longer authorize new protocols announced, but that's the monovalent.
Now what's really behind that?
Here's the actual press release from the FDA.
Coronavirus COVID-19 update.
FDA authorizes changes to simplify use of biovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
So they're basically banning the original ones saying you need the new ones and maybe all those didn't work but of course the new ones don't work in the ways they say either.
We also have the UN treaty to take over our national health care system and confirmed Big Agra has been putting mRNAs since 2018 mainly in pigs.
We'll get our take on that so I'm gonna try to just go through these points quickly.
Doctor explain what you think is really happening here.
I think that that's just, you know, how we're going to fight.
Doc, we're going to try to reconnect with you.
It seems we'll have more technical difficulties in one show than we have in two months.
It's just kind of when it rains, it pours.
Guys, without going through a big hour of trying to fix her Skype, just get her on the telephone, please.
Thank you.
So we'll be discussing that with her here in just a moment.
Let me go ahead and hit this information for you.
It's a story about Dr. Joseph Mercola.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Big ag panicking over bill to require labeling of gene-altering products.
And the big thick article by Dr. Joseph Mercola goes through all the links and the admissions.
There's no law on this.
So the reason we know what's going on is they're trying to pass laws to inject chickens, turkeys, cows.
Pigs, everything, with all sorts of weird mRNA gene therapy that stays in the body, lives in the body, replicates the body.
Pork producers have been using customized mRNA-based vaccines on their herds since 2018.
There's no laws.
It's being done without telling the public.
All customized mRNA vaccines are untested.
Only the mRNA platform itself has been approved, and that's with the so-called COVID shots.
That's an emergency authorization.
According to the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, there are no current mRNA vaccines licensed for use in beef cattle in the United States.
However, lobbyists for the association claim to have double vaccinated his own herd with mRNA vaccine against bovine respiratory disease.
Iowa State University began trailing an mRNA vaccine against bovine respiratory Virus on October 1st, 2021.
Missouri House Bill 1169 would require labeling of products that can alter your genes.
Big ag lobbies strongly oppose it.
And then it goes through all the links and all the documents that's been happening in pigs since 2018.
Last week, I reported that pork producers have been using customizable mRNA vaccines on their herds since 2018 without telling the public.
The issue really only rose to the surface after Attorney Tom Renz started promoting new legislation in Missouri, House Bill 1169, which he helped write that would require labeling of mRNA vaccines.
And how did he learn about it?
Because they're trying to pass laws saying they can do whatever they want, unlimited.
All right, now we've got her on the phone. So, Doc, what's going on with them pulling the original
COVID vaccines only two years after and saying you need to quote take the new ones that have
already been out for a year? The word is they've got even more of these things coming out of the
pipe as most of the world has stopped taking them and banned them in under 18s. What's really
happening, Doctor? I think they just want a way for people to take more vaccines because the
monovalent vaccine in the first place was built from the Wuhan strain, which was like way gone
within like a few months. So the vaccine strain that even was in the monovalent did not work in
So now they are putting a bivalent because they want to put the original Wuhan strain and the Omicron strain to make a more, I guess they want to say they're going to make a more effective vaccine.
In other words, they want to give us two mRNA strains.
I just think this is a way for them to get people to start to take vaccines because I guess everybody has the vaccine hesitancy now.
And many people that took the vaccine already got sick and we see a lot of patients that get COVID two, three, four times that took the vaccine.
So for them to continue to inject this mRNA in our system and continue to dumb down on our immune system, they have to find a way to get it acceptable.
I think that's all because then they are actually putting it in childhood vaccines too.
That, you know, they want to put it from six months above that regular childhood vaccine.
Not only that, There was a speech where the Pfizer CEO said that they actually want to start turning all other vaccines like MMR, tetanus and all other vaccines into mRNA and of course putting it in our food.
So there's a big push to make sure that we're all injected with this mRNA spike protein.
producing a gene that would destroy our immunity and I do believe that it's just really to prepare
us for for whatever they're going to be giving us in the future. Well the former chief scientist
as you know Dr. Michael Yidan at Pfizer who just retired a year before this all happened
warned before they gave the shots that would cause all sorts of autoimmune diseases but also
that they never created a vaccine for a SARS type virus because it was known during an outbreak to
to cause massive mutations.
From the intel we've gotten, that's actually what created so much sickness, was turning the people that took the shots, not just into super spreaders or shedders, but that it caused virus mutations and caused the virus to evolve and become more pathogenic and more dangerous.
Is that accurate?
Yes, especially when you produce a stockpile on a non-sterilizing vaccine, what you actually just do is produce More serious strains of the virus.
You know what I'm saying? And I don't even want us to keep calling this thing a vaccine
because it's not really a part of this COVID. It's just an operating system. It's a set of
codes. The Moderna CEO said that they were actually just introducing a code in your system
to produce a spike protein, which does not make any sense.
Things if you spike protein, that gets you sick in the disease. So there's a lot more to
this whole COVID vaccine thing than actually vaccines. And they want somehow for everybody
to take this mRNA gene therapy.
It's gene therapy. So now people are hesitant. They want a way to do it. So nobody should fall
for it. If you didn't take monovalent, don't take bivalent or trivalent or whatever. It doesn't
matter. It's just some jargon. They are trying to do...
Let me ask you this, because my family's in farming with cows and a lot more, and you always give the limited amount.
When you've got to sell cows, they make you vaccinate them.
Most people don't vaccinate their cattle.
It's well known in the cattle industry that when you give them a bunch of shots, they get sick and die.
We've had all these bizarre die-offs, mainly in big herds that have been taking a lot of shots.
I actually worked for a large animal vet off and on for about four years, so I've actually sat there in the squeeze chutes and vaccinated tens of thousands of cattle, literally.
Uh, myself, I only would do it, again, to sell them the vet that I worked for that was top of his class.
I had been doing it for 40 years when I worked for him.
I thought that the things were terrible and didn't work, but that was old-fashioned vaccines.
What do you make of the fact we learned they've now been for four years secretly injecting pigs with mRNA systems?
The issue is they want to get this operating system into everybody.
If they can get it through food, through cows, through injecting in people, they want through shedding.
Which, like I said, you were talking earlier about people that are shedding this operating system into other people around them.
I mean, I don't know why people vaccinate.
I have cows, but my cows are not vaccinated.
So it's just, I don't know, I just leave them natural to graze.
That's right, you've got cows too, that's awesome.
Yeah, I have cows, but mine are not vaccinated.
You know, so we have to put a... We just have to wake up, Alex.
Humanity has to wake up and realize that this is not even a medical battle.
These things that they are doing is not medical.
It doesn't follow any kind of science.
You know what I'm saying?
You cannot... There are so many things about this job that does not follow science.
You know, you don't... For example, people get sick of COVID and then they ask them to get the shot again.
That doesn't used to do with flu.
You understand?
Pregnant women, usually, they don't want you to... If you take MMR, mumps, muses, and rubella vaccine, don't hang around a pregnant woman because it can shed on them.
But they are forcing pregnant women and children that don't even get sick from COVID.
That's right.
We have the major studies.
The spike protein is very similar to prions that cause spongiform encephalopathy.
And we're seeing an explosion in neurological disorders.
Yes, neurology, all kinds of disorders.
And one of the biggest things it causes, like I say, is endotheliitis.
That's inflammation in your blood vessels.
So whenever this inflammation occurs, and there's blood clotting, you're going to get a stroke or heart attack or whatever.
It's like a perfect cure shot.
Well, I want to get you back on in-studio very soon so we can talk about ways to mitigate this, even if you haven't taken the shots, but to stop the shedding.
Thanks for the quick update.
God bless you.
All right.
Thank you.
Thank you. God bless you.
We can't pay for the massive servers.
We can't pay for all the software and all the infrastructure and the satellite uplinks without your support.
We're changing the world together.
Please support us.
I saw a big story over the weekend.
You probably saw it.
You've got a company like Netflix.
Last time I checked, it's worth like $50 billion or something.
And they couldn't live stream any new shows they tried to launch.
They're trying to do events.
And the whole thing crashed.
And that's a company with tens of billions of extra dollars.
We're a company with $25 million a year able to operate and run.
To do that, we got to sell $40, $50 million a product because 95% of our money comes in from direct sales to the public because they attack our sponsors and things over the years.
We get sponsors, they get attacked, they get harassed, they get threatened, they leave us, even though they get great responses.
So we went to the model decades ago of being self-funded, but we can't do that without your support.
We have our own satellite uplinks, our own encoders, our own servers, our own systems.
Because they took everything away from us.
And thank God, we had a pretty good war chest when Trump got elected.
That's why I did things like say, well, PrisonPlanet.tv has been a subscription for 15 years.
I told the audience the truth in 2016-17 and I said, we got plenty of money.
So, This is free.
That's free.
We're hiring all these reporters.
And then the censorship, the shutdowns, the lawsuits, all of it, to try to crush us down.
But thanks for your support.
We are still here.
And I want to hire more reporters.
I want to send them around the country and the world again.
I don't want to just stay on air, which we've stabilized or able to do right now.
I want to be able to expand.
So I want to thank you all for keeping us on air.
I want to thank you for your prayers, your word of mouth.
It's an information war.
And I want to encourage you to go to infowarstore.com and get the very best products.
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Ultimate Bone Broth, sold out for over 2 years, so it's good to get the ingredients.
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Bone broth from chickens that does so much for your bones, your joints, your immune system.
And everybody knows with chicken noodle soup that grandma actually cooks the bones down of a chicken.
You get that essence, how good that is when you're sick or when you're tired.
I mean, there's nothing like boiling a real chicken down and that broth off of that.
One scoop of this is, there's no way to quantify it, but it's probably like 20 bowls of chicken soup without the calories.
I mean, it's insane.
It's a special patented concentrate, and this formula tastes really, really good.
The other one sometimes tastes good, depending on what you mix it with.
Each formula, it's a new batch, so it tastes different, but this new formula tastes amazing.
Infowarsstore.com on Ultimate Bone Broth, Chaga Mushroom, Bee Pollen, I mean, oh, organic turmeric.
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Info or store.com or 888-253-3139.
And something I really want you to think about, and this one I've been eating out of here, so this is not a full bottle, but I'm going to pour these out on the table here.
Overhead shot, please.
Ultimate Krill Oil.
We have to really look and work with top companies that are already some of the top grill producers to get their highest quality.
This is beyond the grade A. It's kind of like beef, where you have the different ratings.
Well, this was beef.
It's that super-rated beef that you get at the steakhouses, you know, where the steak's a hundred bucks, and where if it was just regular grade, it'd be twenty bucks.
I just dropped some on the floor, sorry.
These babies This is the highest grade of krill that you're going to find.
There's no coloring in that.
It's bright, glowing, Superman red is what I call it.
Electric red.
And that is only the oil of the krill.
Not all the other garbage, not brine.
Most krill you find is all cloudy and yellow.
Real krill oil is red.
Very hard to find it.
This is pure, unpasteurized krill oil.
What this does to your heart, your brain, your cells is insane.
I'll be completely honest with you.
I hate fish burps.
And so you get a better effect if you eat this on an empty stomach, but I can't do it.
I don't like fish burps.
So I take it when I go to sleep, and then rarely do I wake up at like 2 a.m.
to go to the bathroom, and I'm like, ooh, a fish burp, I hate that.
But it happens.
If you want what's in it, you gotta put up with that.
If you're taking krill oil or fish oil, and you don't get fish burps, it's been boiled and heated up and pasteurized till it's worthless, okay?
It's like they'll tell you beef fat's really good for your brain and body if it's raw.
It's bad if it's been burned.
Burned meat is carcinogenic.
Non-burned meat is anti-carcinogenic.
Well, this, ladies and gentlemen...
Is insane.
So, you need to get krill oil.
If you've not had krill oil, look at these babies.
There's even more in the bottle.
These are filled to the brim.
But I've eaten seven or eight of these.
I just opened this on, I guess, Sunday.
So, look at those.
Look at those.
I mean, you need to hold it in your hand to actually see the color.
The TV can't quite pick it up.
And if I poked a hole in it and put it on the table, there's no coloring in that.
That's the color.
It is funny.
B12 with no coloring is also the exact same color, and is the precursor to your body.
We've got Ultra 12 as well at m4s4.com.
But you need Ultimate Coral Oil.
Because when I say Ultimate, it is the highest grade.
Sometimes it sells out.
We can't get it for six months because they're like, well, you and a few other medical facilities want this pure grade where there's nothing in it but the oil.
We'll do a run for you in three months.
Put your money down.
So I could get krill oil for 10% the cost of this and probably solve our problems.
Everybody knows krill oil is great.
You'd buy the low-grade krill oil.
You'd still get a good response.
But you'd be paying for kind of crushed pieces of the krill and brine and other things that are in there.
And, you know, maybe some of the krill poop.
You know, it's kind of like buying shrimp that haven't been deveined or whatever.
This doesn't have that in it.
This is strained, unpasteurized.
That means it gives you the psychoactive qualities.
And they don't technically call it psychoactive.
Almost no one tells you.
Take high grade.
We have high grade fish oil, but it's not.
This is the next level.
We have the great fish oil too.
But this is the next level.
And if you take two before you go to bed at night, almost everybody calls in and says, my gosh, I had the most fantastic dreams ever.
Your brain loves this stuff and it funds the InfoWar, waking up other people's brains.
Get your Ultimate Krill Oil now at InfoWarStore.com or 888-253-3139 and get your 1776 Intosterone Boost.
It'll blow you away.
We'll be right back with Dr. Remo Labo.
This is going to be a historic interview, believe me.
If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
(upbeat music)
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had.
I have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones is right.
There's Infowars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to Infowarsstore.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
...of Alex Jones for President, 2024 shirts, and we'll have a historic memento, be able to spread the word, meet a lot of like-minded people, and you'll be able to keep us on the air.
No way!
No way!
That's a bridge too far!
That's- no, it can't be.
And I said on national television that he was going to win.
At Infowarsstore.com Dr. Rima Labo and her late husband, General Albert Stubblebine,
are undoubtedly the biggest whistleblowers in modern history.
And I don't say that lightly.
She, from her sources and his sources, laid out decades ago What exactly was going to unfold?
In 2009, I convinced her to go on Jesse Ventura's show.
We did the research for it, and it all came true.
Now she's going to tell you what the enemy's planning next and how to stop them.
This could not be more important.
Here's just a short excerpt from that famous Jesse Ventura top-rated TV show that they censored and removed off DVRs.
Here it is.
Jesse Ventura's conspiracy investigators have tracked down the deadly secret behind the elite group that tries to rule the world.
When the population gets too big to handle, the solution is cut it down.
Now one of those sources has summoned the governor.
Alex Jones says he knows how they plan to depopulate.
Alex, you sounded urgent.
There's an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different type of medical treatments, namely vaccines.
We're seeing a medical tyranny being set up, not just in the United States, but worldwide under the UN and the World Health Organization.
Who's behind all this?
The Bilderberg Group.
They want a planetary dictatorship so they can carry out their foresty population agenda.
And they want to do it through the medical system.
And that's why vaccines are so important.
We know that many of these vaccines turn out to have serious adverse reactions.
This is being done by design.
They kill you slowly over time.
That's why they're called soft kill.
And I've got an insider I think you should really talk to.
Dr. Rima Labo.
But she doesn't live inside the United States because she's so concerned about all the police state developments that are taking place.
But if you can get her to come up here and talk to you, she's a medical doctor, she's treated heads of states, and she really understands what's happening on the inside.
Dr. Lebeau, how are you?
I'm fine.
Thank you, Governor.
Governor Jesse Ventura.
Thanks for coming.
Now, you've left the United States of America.
Yes, sir, I have.
I do not feel safe living in the United States.
Do you want to come in and sit down?
No, sir.
I'd rather not.
You'd rather just be here so you can make a fast exit if you have to?
As soon as you and I finish?
I'm leaving the country again.
Because in a very short time, not today, not tomorrow, but very soon, we'll be facing compulsory vaccination under the mistaken term of voluntary vaccination.
Are you talking to me now about the current swine flu?
I am.
Now, what is it about these vaccinations?
You think that they're bad?
Well, first of all, let's start with the fact that the World Health Organization has decided that we have 90% too many people.
The World Health Organization has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create permanent sterility.
Doctor, the response is going to be, you're crazy.
How can you say this stuff?
I show them the documentation.
No, this is pretty shocking.
This process has already been ongoing.
To make matters worse, we know that the vaccines that were illegally approved by the FDA contain a substance called squalene.
Squalene, an organic compound used in vaccines to stimulate the immune system and increase the response.
If I inject you with squalene, your immune system will attack the squalene, but then it starts attacking all of the parts of your body.
What does that look like when you meet a person to whom that is happening?
It looks like Gulf War Syndrome.
It looks like every joint in the body swollen and intolerably painful and immobilized.
This is in these shots they're going to give us?
It's in some of them, but the U.S.
government has a trick up their sleeve.
Which is?
They will induce a pandemic using the nasal mist vaccine, which is a live attenuated virus.
That means that if I take it, I can infect you.
You're going to get the flu.
Everybody around us is going to get the flu.
And the mRNA does that too.
Then the United States government, based on their statements that they've already made, will say, oh my, we have a pandemic.
Oh my goodness, we don't have enough doses.
So we'll admix squalene at the 90,000 injection stations that the Department of Health and Human Services announced that they will ship the vaccines to.
People lining up, sometimes by the hundreds, for an H1N1 flu shot.
What that means is a holocaust.
A genocidal holocaust.
Men and women will sicken and die, and those who survive will be infertile.
If people start dying massively from these inoculations, won't there be like a revolution, a rebellion, a rising up from the peasants?
Until the 420,000 U.S.
military swing into action.
If you remember, NORTHCOM, the Northern Command, was created not long ago to, among other things, relocate the population in the event of civil disorder or pandemic.
Doctor, what you're saying is that if people refuse these vaccinations that FEMA's going to put them into almost like concentration camps around the country?
I think you have to leave out the word almost.
And we just saw the beta test for what she was told by heads of state they were planning.
Her husband headed up the army, headed up the intelligence agencies, going over his bio.
It would take an hour.
He left us a few years ago.
That's Albert Stubblebine.
Famous Hollywood movies have been made about him, of course, to attack and administer at goats and more.
Dr. Rima Labo, M.D., she's a famous doctor.
She invented many of the most used treatments today.
She's a scientist.
And again, her husband was Albert Stubblebine.
You should go look him up.
You want to understand how these people are the ultimate whistleblowers.
So I'm skipping this network break.
This is so important.
We've got her for the whole next hour.
And in fact, in the last segment of the next hour, she's a talk show host her own right.
I'm going to have her host the last 11 minute segment so that I'm not interrupting.
Doctor, obviously it's great to have you back here.
Time flies.
Decades fly like minutes.
People ask why you're not here.
I don't know.
I guess one time I tried to get you and you were out of the country or something, but you're here.
We want to get you back a lot because...
This is all hiding in plain view and a profit's not recognized in their own country.
So maybe you should start at the beginning how you discovered this.
Your husband obviously couldn't get into a lot of it because of national security, but he knew and agreed what you were saying.
Said, look, it's real.
This is a plan.
So you couldn't have somebody better than you two treating heads of state, them confiding in you.
You knew the gun was loaded in 2009.
They were thinking about doing it then.
They backed off for a while, now they've done it.
And so this is so important.
Thank you for joining us.
So where would you like to begin first?
Alex, first I want to thank you for having me.
It is a pleasure to see you again and to talk with you and your audience.
I want to correct two things that you said, if I may, because I'm always able to jump in and offend somebody.
I hope I don't offend you.
First of all, General Burt didn't Simply die.
He was murdered.
And since his murder, he actually finally died after they spent a long time trying to kill him.
He died in 2017.
And since that time, there have been nine serious, credible attempts on my life.
Obviously, we're right over the target.
Obviously, this is information that they don't want brooded about, which is an additional reason that I'm so happy to be here.
Well that was one of my things but I wanted you to get into that absolutely and look I knew you
were for real when I knew you 25 years ago I've been interviewing you and General Stubblemine I've
been interviewing him for like 27 years and so I know you're for real and that's why you know when
we put you to pitch you to Ventura Ventura's team spent months making you give them all the documents
the show almost didn't air then of course they erased it off the DVRs it was a big national
story that oh they control our DVRs this just slipped through the cracks on them so maybe you
should begin with the murder of General Stubblemine or where would you like to begin? I'd like to begin
with What turned me on to this line of thinking?
Very briefly, I was treating a patient who happened to be a head of state and one day she rather casually said, you know, it's almost time for the great culling to begin.
And I said, the what?
And she said, Culling, C-U-L-L.
I said, I know the word, but what are you talking about?
She said, the culling of the useless eaters.
And I questioned that because at the time in late 2002, early 2003, I had never heard the term useless eaters.
I said, what's a useless eater?
She said, not what, my dear, who.
And I said, "Okay, who's a useless eater?"
She said, "Those people who are consuming "our natural resources."
And I said, "Did it ever occur to you "that you're consuming their natural resources?"
And she dismissed that and laid out the plan for getting rid of everybody except, as she defined it,
us, the neo-aristocrats, and us did not include me and you, Alex.
Us, the neo-aristocrats in the neo-feudal system, surrounded by our servants and servitors, And below them are technicians, and that short pyramid requires only 10% of the current population.
And she left, and by the way, I cured her.
Oh, by the way, she never paid her bill, but that's another matter.
Anyway, she stimulated my thinking, and I had to know more about this useless eater business, and I had to know more about A widespread, cataclysmic, enormous genocide of almost the entire human population.
So I began digging.
And what I discovered was they were very serious.
And first of all, this is batshit crazy.
Second of all, it is well in place.
And has been in place for a very long time.
And I have learned a great deal about that.
And so I began telling people about it.
And then I realized that our side, Alex, the Health Freedom side, all over the world, was making a tragic and fatal error.
And that is our side was not thinking strategically And planning their actions tactically.
They were simply waiting around for something to happen, and then they would wave their hands and say, oh my goodness, this is terrible, this is terrible, and lose that battle.
Rinse and repeat.
So, I said to my husband, General Burt, I didn't call him General Burt, I called him Burt.
I said to my brilliant, strategic analyst husband, with a true warrior spirit, If somebody who doesn't think strategically and plan tactically doesn't get involved in the health freedom battle, we will lose all our rights and they, these evil doers, will succeed.
So we need to close our medical practice, which was how we earned our living, and take on the globalists to stop this.
So in 2004, We closed the medical practice that I had in New York and we created the Natural Solutions Foundation specifically to derail the globalist agenda.
And let me just jump in.
You totally predicted it all.
Uh, how they would then lock up sick people, lock up healthy people, now the UN's openly announced it.
And from my research, we just saw a major beta test.
I've been saying that for three years.
Now they admit that's basically a test.
They're planning something much bigger.
I know you can speak to that, but also from interviewing your husband, here I was hiding in plain view.
Once you came to your conclusions, I remember interviews with him and you, that he basically had the other pieces of the puzzle
as well, you know, heading up major agencies in the US military.
So you guys could not be more prestigious or have greater gravitas.
And now everything you said to the letter has been confirmed.
So I want to talk about what we just went through and what you believe is coming next.
What we went through, as you say, is a practice run.
How much will people accept?
How much diaper over their face will they allow?
How much Holocaust will they line up for and ask for?
Me first!
Do me!
Oh, another one?
Oh, good!
The statistics say that 62 days after the first injection, the deaths start Those that didn't start before.
The statistics say that with every single dose of this kill shot, the deaths accelerate and the immune system collapses further until we get to strong negative efficacy.
And by the way, that's a fact.
So what is it?
A 40 in the insurance companies, 44 to 48 percent increase all over the world by the fourth shot of people that take it.
I mean, this is a fact.
And these facts, by the way, come from countries like the United Kingdom, which has been releasing information through the Office of National Statistics.
It comes from other countries.
It's not just wild-eyed Anti-vax advocates making up statistics.
The deaths are predictable.
What's not predictable is whether it's going to be you or you or you.
But the sudden adult death syndrome, which by the way, when I first heard, I laughed at because I thought it was a joke.
I thought, no, no, no one could be saying this seriously, but they are.
And people say, oh, well, now we have children having heart attacks.
We have Fit players on the field of play having heart attacks and it's just an undiagnosed cardiac event.
Professional football players and soccer players world over and tennis players haven't had good physicals?
There was an event a few months ago in high school basketball where in the same town two different players had heart attacks, one died.
I mean, normally one high school basketball player has a heart attack a year.
It's huge news.
Now it's two in a town in one week.
And it's anything but the vaccines.
We understand that.
The fact is, these are death shots, but they're not the only death implementation that's being brought forward.
I am speaking on Saturday at an event in California.
The American Freedom Alliance has asked me to join them to make a presentation.
And so I started doing research because I have an ongoing question, Alex, that any reasonable person has to be asking.
How is this possible?
How can every single nation in the world, 196 nation states, how can every single one of them sign on to destroying their people, to giving up their sovereignty, to eliminating any kind of personal informed consent?
How can any Any country do that?
And how is it that everyone is doing that?
So I've made some very interesting discoveries in doing the research for this.
And actually, this is the first time I'm sharing it.
So this is really exciting for me.
How is this happening?
How has the Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030, been instituted, implemented, accepted?
How has our agreement To lose everything in our society, our families, our religions, our social structure, our jobs, our property, our freedoms, our health, our immune systems.
How has it been possible?
Our land ownership, our water ownership.
How has it been possible for us to collectively so quickly surrender everything that makes us human and now get ready to surrender our DNA to the mass controllers?
It's been planned, and the name that you should keep in mind for the planning system is not Bilderberger, and it's not Illuminati.
I said, Alex, that I was going to disagree with you on two things.
One was that General Burt was murdered.
He didn't just die.
And the second is it's not the Bilderbergers.
The Bilderbergers are middle management.
The actual The source of the evil, the organization, the destruction, comes from John D. Rockefeller Sr.
and his son, John D. Rockefeller Jr.
Before the turn of the 20th century, the world's first billionaire, John D. Rockefeller Sr.
and his son, Jr., thought about the society they wanted to see.
Now, these men were genocidalists.
They were eugenicists.
They were ruthless.
They were psychopaths.
They had the realization that they could use predatory philanthropy to shape every aspect of the world.
And they laid out the world that they wanted to see.
Which is the world that the globalists are now moving toward.
The social movement at that time was called Fabian Socialism.
It was not called globalism, but it was the same thing.
Utter, total domination from the DNA level out.
They didn't understand.
And by the way, you're on fire.
We've got the whole next hour to go over your presentation.
I want to be clear.
You're right that I focused on Bilderberg because people didn't even know there was a global elite.
That's obviously a top-level managerial meeting.
I totally agree.
The history's there.
The Rockefellers took over U.S.
and then World Medicine with Rothschild support.
The Rockefeller and Carnegie endowments.
Gates is just a modern copy of that.
Weaponized philanthropy.
You are one zillion percent right, so we do not disagree.
I knew we wouldn't.
So they decided that they would destroy the family.
That's why they supported women's suffrage.
Now, of course, I believe in women's suffrage, but they supported it not because they believed in it, but because they wanted to weaken the family structure.
They supported uh... uh... do we john dewey for progressive education not
because they thought it was nice for people to value their own emotions
as they grew up but because that would allow them to weaken the rational
component of the educational system which was at that point very strong
people learned inductive and deductive the american people were the most
literate folks on earth and they openly said we can allow this
They said we can't allow that.
They wanted to destroy the fabric of reproduction.
The very fabric of reproduction.
So they created in 1951, as part of their eugenics program, and we'll talk about that in a moment, they created the Population Council.
John D. Rockefeller III and Alan Dulles.
And let's not forget, it was the Rockefeller Foundation that created Cold Springs Harbor, New York, that had eugenics solely worldwide, that then set up the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in the 1930s that then ran Hitler.
It was John D. Rockefeller Jr.
who sent his own personal public relations guy, John Ivy, to Germany to run a little private finishing school for three guys whose names most people will recognize, Goering, Goebbels, and Adolf Hitler, teaching them how to control the mind of the masses.
Now, when that was finished, when they were correct, Correctly schooled in population deceit and control, mental and emotional control, and spiritual control by the way.
Then Hitler was brought forward by Rockefeller money, who, by the way, also brought forward the Bolshevik Revolution.
I assume that your listeners know the story of the...
Loren's train of gold, Stalin all being funded by the Rockefellers.
Yet again, that's a historical fact.
Historical fact.
And so these men had no love of country, no love of group affiliation, no love of religion,
no love of anything other than total world full spectrum dominance.
We call it globalism.
They call it Fabian Socialism.
And I will remind you that Nobel Prize-winning mathematician Bertrand Russell, who was an enthusiastic Fabian Socialist, said, through injunction, injection, and indoctrination, it will not be possible for the man of the future to have an independent Let me finish the quote just to show how real it is.
People can look it up.
He's hailed as a top liberal and won all these prizes.
He said, in the future, the general public, the proletariat, rebelling against our takeover would be as ridiculous as sheep rebelling against the practice of eating mutton.
It would be as ridiculous as sheep rebelling against the practice of eating mutton, which is why the herd can be cold.
Which is why the herd can be culled.
Understand, these people do not see us as people.
These people, these psychopaths, see us as a herd to be controlled and culled.
And so, what they were waiting for, the plan was laid out.
The entire system was laid out.
The compression of humanity... Hold on, hold on, hold on.
What they were waiting for, we're going to start the next hour here.
And you come back next week, or we can do a special two-hour commercial-free podcast.
Those go super viral.
I don't know what mind trick or what weird thing happened.
You haven't been on in years, but it's amazing to have you.
By the way, you've always been on fire, but what's happened?
You're like Gandalf after he fights the Balrog.
Comes back ten times more powerful.
Dr. Rima Labo, M.D.
Everybody tuning in.
I told you this was a big interview.
Text message, email, call your friends and family and neighbors.
Tell them tune in now.
And once this show is archived and manned on video, share it like your life depends on it.
Because it does.
All right, some stations don't carry this segment, but most of the audience is here.
But I want Dr. Rima Lambo to wait until the next segment to start her big presentation she's going to be giving in California here very soon.
We're very honored to have her, preventgenocide2030.org.
But you can do this later if you want to get to it now, but let's just...
Digress to what you started this off with.
What happened, as best you can tell, because I know people are after you, they're after us, we know it's real.
What happened to General Stubblebine when he was, you're saying, murdered, and I have no doubt of that, in 2017?
We were living in Chile.
We never stopped working for freedom in the United States, but General Burt realized that if we stayed in the United States we were so noisy they would kill us.
So we left the United States in 2007.
We lived in Thailand trying to prevent Thailand from becoming a GMO rice country.
Because Thailand was the major rice exporter in the world and Thailand, because of the old king, had a position of leadership in the third world, in the developing world, and so we wanted it not to become a GMO rice country.
We failed in that because Monsanto simply bribed the entire Thai government.
And we then set up an eco-demonstration center in Panama with a medical center and educational center teaching farmers around the world how to stop poisoning people with the chemicals and how to reclaim the soil and grow clean food to support clean health.
When Fukushima happened, we decided that since there would never again be low radiation food, organic or biodynamic or any other kind in the Northern Hemisphere because Fukushima is the U.S.
generated gift that keeps on giving, we went to Chile and we're in the process of setting up a commercial sized organic low radiation food supply for the Northern Hemisphere.
I did not yet have my medical center open there and General Burt needed some intravenous nutrition and some axis orthogonal chiropractic and some acupuncture and acupressure and stuff like that good stuff that wasn't yet available in South and Central America.
So we came back to the United States for a quick visit.
He was Poisoned with an intravenous injection, I believe, and that night he collapsed and I had a choice.
There on the bathroom floor of our friend's home, I could allow him to die in my arms or I could take him into the belly of the beast knowing that the hospital system would do its best to dispatch him.
I chose the second, I called an ambulance, and for 158 days, while the medical system attempted to kill him.
Quite literally, and I'm a physician.
This is not just a grieving wife speaking.
This is a physician knowing precisely what was done and not done.
I fended off the monsters who were trying to kill him.
Retrieving him had to go to court to demand that the hospital, that General Burt was ambulatory at the time, and they were denying him food and nutrition and nutrients.
I went to court about that.
Ultimately, a doctor walked into his room, plunged a needle into either his femoral artery or his femoral vein, I don't know which, injected something, General Burt went into a coma, and was taken to the ICU, where... Hold on, we've got to join some stations.
But start over a little bit when we come back because I know the inside of baseball, I've studied it.
Somebody that knows all the secrets, he was at the highest levels of the deep state.
They, especially before they die, they're scared that they're going to say things when they get older.
So they generally kill guys that even serve them and don't turn against them like he did.
He was never with them, but he was at the highest levels.
And so this fits into a pattern I've seen where people, there's not many of them like your husband, General Stubblebine, Burt, that they actually kill him.
Let's finish up with that and get into your big presentation in 60 seconds.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right, Dr. Rima Labo is here with us.
She's about to lay out what's coming next.
She already predicted what was coming with absolute accuracy back in 2009 here on this show and a show we produced together with Jesse Ventura that has been super viral since despite the fact that Deep State literally tried to Suppress it, and I'm not supposed to get into the, because I signed a disclosure agreement, but people on the set got killed after this came out.
They got threatened never to do it again, and they pulled it off the DVRs.
The episode she's in, they went completely ape over, because it slipped out, had top ratings, and we all know what happened after that.
But she was getting into it.
Albert Stubblebine, who headed up all these important top military agencies, we can put his bio up on screen.
But he knew what was going on.
He was fighting the tyrants worldwide.
And she was breaking down when they visited the US.
That she believes, she's a medical doctor, he got poisoned.
But she knows once he got in the system, they were trying to basically euthanize him.
Please continue with what happened.
So after the doctor waltzed into his room and put something into his femoral artery,
he collapsed, or femoral vein, I can't say which.
He collapsed and was taken to the ICU.
Now, when a patient goes to the ICU, they do tests.
They do blood gases.
They do all kinds of tests on their physiology to figure out what's wrong, what's working, what's not working.
Otherwise, they can't really guide any kind of treatment that's designed to save their life.
Reverse the reason that they got to the ICU.
It's kind of logical.
What they did, and we have the medical records to prove it, is they cancelled all the tests that were ordered on this comatose patient who was wheeled in an emergency into the ICU.
Those tests were later ordered again by the ICU doctor, who obviously hadn't been read into the program.
And she said, I can't treat him without having the laboratory values.
What do I do?
The tests were cancelled again.
And according to the medical records which I have and which were introduced into court in the wrongful death civil suit that I brought and was screwed entirely by the lawyer that I hired, According to the medical records, the tests were cancelled with the notation, patient deceased, only he wasn't dead yet.
It took a number of hours for him to actually die.
He died in my arms.
As I, I did not know that the tests had been cancelled at that time.
I didn't know that until I got the medical records.
And I saw that there was A specific attempt to kill him by making sure that no treatment could be guided that might possibly save his life.
I would call this murder.
I mean, I would too, but we know why they want to get him.
Why don't you talk a little bit before you get into the presentation about Burt?
Because, I mean, they admit this guy basically wrote so much of the modern doctrine,
ran the secret operations worldwide, was like the most highly respected guy up there
and running special operations for decades and just everything else, basically secret projects.
They were really scared of what he knew, because I know he wouldn't tell us on air.
He would just say you were dead on.
He knew it from his intel in the military.
Did he ever, I know people aren't supposed to talk about classified stuff,
but we're well past that now, did he ever confide in you more information?
He never confided anything in me or anyone else that he believed was covered by security secrecy requirements.
He was a man of absolute conviction and total ethical centeredness.
But he did say on air you were dead on him and that you'd already figured it out.
So did you know you were married to a guy that knew all this and then once you figured out he goes yeah honey that's all true.
Actually, he learned most of what was going on about the deep state from me.
Because he had drunk the Kool-Aid.
His father was a West Point graduate.
He was a West Point graduate.
He believed he was fighting for good and truth and democracy and all that.
Sure, but once he shifted his perspective, then he could see what he was really seeing.
And that happened because I refused to stop providing him with information.
And finally, Got him a piece of information that was so compelling to him that he said, wait, what if this is true?
What the hell else is true?
And he opened up this can of huge and hideous worms and he basically entered into what one must call a dark night of the soul and reformatted his entire world, his entire belief system.
And it turned out that his incredibly brilliant analysis Supported what I'd been saying all along, but he didn't believe me because that couldn't possibly be true until it was true.
Well, that happened with my mom's brother who worked in special operations once he woke up.
And when I was a little kid, I didn't wake him up.
And then I had another family member that wasn't an evil person, but believe in the globalist plan.
And then watching my show when I was younger, he had that same epiphany and shifted and woke up because you believe you're doing good, you're compartmentalized.
But once you see the bigger plan, now you see what you're really involved in.
But let's continue.
And then get into your big breakdown.
So when General Burt understood that, although I may be insane, I was also correct.
I mean, you know, being right and being sane are really orthogonal to one another.
They're not the same thing.
But he realized that he had to take his warrior mentality, presence and heart And put it into the battle that had to be fought to save humanity.
It's that simple.
And we are now at an end point.
The end game, one might say.
You see, the Fabian socialists or the globalists, before the 20th century began and during the entire 20th century, had their plans laid out.
What they didn't have was the science.
And so they paid for the science and they directed the science and they used philanthropy and government influence which they bought and which they created over decades and decades worldwide.
They penetrated every government on the planet and they created the science that would allow them to take control of our DNA, to turn us into parts of the Internet of Things, their servants, their Underclass, they're untermenschen, and leave them at the top, the neo-aristocrats.
This plan has been in operation waiting only the science of genetic manipulation, post-microwave transmission, nanotechnology, etc.
And now they have the science, and they're ready to go.
Yuval Harari tells us what they're ready to do, to which I say, Don't you dare.
We're going to go to break in a few minutes.
We'll have plenty of time, but I would not call you crazy at all.
Obviously an eccentric, but anybody that's smart isn't eccentric, but you've been totally proven right.
Everything you said in thousands of shows 20 years ago, 15 years ago, it's all come true.
I mean, but that doesn't feel like vindication, does it?
Because I've predicted a lot of this as well, and it makes me sick that we couldn't stop it.
It's irritating as hell, but we can stop it.
And the way we stop it is through my very favorite law firm in the world, Hubbub and Uproar.
They operate in every country.
And when enough of us, and you know this, Alex, you believe it in your gut, and you've been working for it all these many lonely, difficult years, when enough people say, don't you dare The three most important words of the free human being.
When enough people say that effectively, what happens is that the globalists step back.
Now they will come around again, they will try it again, but we're smarter and we're more organized when they come back.
And the way we do that has been set up to get out of the World Health Organization, the death star that's coming over the horizon toward us, To get out first of the World Health Organization by going to preventgenocide2030.org and bombarding your politicians with millions of emails and demands saying, get us out of the World Health Organization.
All right, I totally agree.
Stay there.
We have the floor and we come back for the rest of the hour.
I'm going to shut up and just let you go.
But here's the thing that's riveting.
There's four words, too.
I do not submit.
And I do not accept your lies.
And we just have to do that.
So we've got all airtime worth in this hour, about 31 minutes of show left.
So I'm going to try to shut up and come back and just go into your presentation.
We're going to see in California.
Dr. Rima Labo, everybody needs to go to your website, needs to share it, PreventGenocide2030.org, and soon we should tape a commercial-free podcast that millions will see.
And I'm gonna try to get you on Joe Rogan.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
They've done their test run.
They've done their beta test.
And they tell you, a new, more deadly virus is coming.
Bill Gates says it'll kill our children.
And they've got Marburg ready.
How do we stop them?
This is real.
This is happening.
And the lady that nailed it more than anybody else other than like Dr. Frances Boyle is Dr. Rima Labo.
Doctor, I'm going to just let you host the rest of this segment.
You're also going to continue hosting.
I'll be here.
Please continue.
Thank you so much, Alex.
Really important to understand that as Krishnamurti said, it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
And we have indeed a profoundly sick society that has been made profoundly sick for a couple of objectives.
One objective is to kill most of us.
Another objective is to control the absolute inner workings of who and what we are, our
DNA, which is a whole lot more basic than even our immune system, to control our DNA,
to control our neurological system, our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our beliefs, and
to enslave a few of us who are allowed to survive to serve the masters.
Now if that's the future you want, then don't do anything.
If it's not the future you want, and I don't believe it is the future that any sane human being could want, then you have to take action.
It's very easy to say, Oh, it's also big.
It's too big for my little head.
The great ones surely will figure it out.
No, the great ones have figured out that they want to be part of the ruling class.
And they don't give a damn about you.
Because to them, you're a cockroach.
Let me digress for a moment and talk about the horrifying videos that you've seen of people who suddenly die by planking.
By just falling over in one piece.
Typically they either look around in perplexity because they're obviously hearing and experiencing something and they're looking for the source or they don't do that but they just suddenly die.
In one piece, it's the mother walking the baby in the baby stroller, it's the guy buying food at the fast food window, it's the person walking down the street, it's the Arab diplomat speaking to a bunch of pubas, and as he turns around to celebrate somebody, he simply falls over backwards in one piece.
Well, I'm a doctor, and let me tell you that people don't die By falling over in one piece.
There's only one way for that to happen and I've made a video called a new way to die speculating and these are not the people we're talking about people who die of blood clots and heart attacks and so on.
These are the people who die this way in one solid piece.
Now, my speculation is that they are experiments, because we are just cockroaches or lab rats to the great ones who see themselves as the elite.
They are not the elite.
They are scum.
They are less than pond scum because pond scum has a place in the ecosystem.
They do not.
These are the psychopaths who see us as nothing to be respected, only to be used and disposed of.
So what I believe is that they, having been injected, And many of these people are in that you see in the videos are in China, but not all of them.
And China has a very, very high rate of vaccination, as we know, mandatory vaccination.
I believe that the nanotechnology that has been injected into them Causes the voluntary muscles, the striated muscles, to go into a spasm when they're hit with a pulsed microwave 5G signal.
That's the kind of death we're talking about.
And you notice that the arms and legs go out stiffly.
The muscles that move your body.
are striated muscles, voluntary muscles, but you have another striated muscle, it's your heart.
And so if you're hit with an energy pulse that causes you to go into total spasm,
as this boy on the screen has gone into total spasm, your heart is also going into total spasm.
I believe that these are experimental deaths to see if the pulsed microwave 5G system
soon to be replaced by the 6G system is effective in eliminating those who are targeted for that elimination.
And you will watch as this man goes into a complete spasm.
This is not how people ordinarily die.
This is induced death.
This is part of the experimental program to which you notice her arm is extended.
She's in spasm.
Her heart, I believe, has been placed into spasm as well.
Now, if they're willing to do this to us, What else are they willing to do to us?
You saw how people were locked into their homes and welded into their homes in China.
That's only the beginning.
That's only the beginning.
What can we do?
Well, the very first thing we could do is instead of looking at the tentacles of the octopus that is coming toward us, to mix metaphors, the Death Star, which is also an octopus, Instead of doing that, we need to go for the very heart of the system that is intending to harm and enslave us, kill and enslave us.
And right now, that Death Star has a very, very clear, observable name.
It's called the World Health Organization, which should be called the World Holocaust Organization.
The World Health Organization is the direct, linear descendant of a Rockefeller organization called the Institute for Health And the Institute for Health is exactly what the WHO was modeled on.
It was intended, when it was created, to become the world dictatorship on the health side.
Now, as you know, the international health regulations which are being amended at the World Health Assembly in late May in Geneva, the world The International Health Regulations.
They have a world treaty.
They admit all the local governments and national governments publicly right now.
Yes, and that can be stopped.
How can it be stopped?
It can be stopped by getting us the hell out of WHO.
So Prevent Genocide 2030 is designed to help as many nations as possible generate the hubbub and uproar.
Generate the outrage.
Generate the demand to say to politicians, the gatekeepers, and I don't care if they're honest or dishonest or on our side or not on our side.
Let's put the pressure on them.
Let me ask just a quick aside here, and you'll come back and have the floor for the next two segments.
What do you think of Trump?
To be completely honest, because I don't know what to make of him.
He went along with the shots.
They're after him in other ways.
What do you think is really going on with Trump?
Not much.
My evaluation of Trump, to be very frank, is that he is a self-interested, unprincipled manipulator who will do anything in order to have power, who will say anything, who will support any cause that he is advised is useful to him.
I mean, I tend to agree with you, I tend to agree with you, but if he's siding with America, he thinks we're gonna win, or is he trying to lead the opposition?
I mean, do you think he's in on it, though?
He's the most pro-vaccine president we've ever had.
Allegedly with a vaccine-injured child.
What does that tell you?
Tells us a lot.
Tells you everything you need to know.
Dr. Rima Leibo, stay right there.
And by indicting him, they ensure he gets the nomination.
Jesus gives you a headache, but it's reality.
What a smart lady.
Dr. Rima Leibo, PreventionOnTheSide2030.org.
I'm Alex Jones.
All right, Dr. Rima Labo has a lot to say.
We're going to be talking this evening.
She'll be back with us again very soon.
It's some weird blind spot or eddy pool where five years goes by and you're like, where's this person?
You call up, they come right on.
Couldn't be a more amazing guest.
We love her.
And she's definitely always on fire, but she's on fire, on fire, on fire.
So I'm going to shut up now, turn my mic off again.
I won't be able to control myself.
I'll write a few notes.
We'll be back at the end of the segment, but just please continue with all the truth bombs.
You're dropping right now and get more into what you think you're planning next with Marburg, all this stuff.
How do you think we stop them?
Approximately four people in the history of the world have died since the Marburg virus was identified.
And so Marburg is the next big thing.
No, perhaps, as I speculated when actually before the rollout of the vaccine, perhaps the 5G signals The pulse microwave signals will be used to stimulate the nanotechnology to emulate the symptoms of Marburg.
How very interesting!
That was specifically what I suspected would happen and now they're talking about Marburg virus being the next continuous unstoppable contagion.
No, not really.
That's what immune systems are for.
And by the way, things like Nanosilver, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, you know, those terribly dangerous, difficult things that humanity has never known about before.
Stimulate the immune system and then you don't get sick.
That's what the immune system is for.
Whereas their measures are designed to make sure that you get sick so that you can be eliminated or controlled.
And remember the pharmaceutical industry, the pharmaceutical agenda, which John D. Rockefeller took control of in order to figure out what to do with the leftover gunk from the bottom of the refining towers, which is called coal tar and the German Industrial Revolution
organic chemistry brilliance was producing coal tar derivatives pharmaceuticals.
So John D. Rockefeller bought up controlling interests in the pharmaceutical industry and
then he created the elevated allopathic medicine system that we have now worldwide in order
to sell his drugs.
That's the same model that Gates uses by the way you invest heavily in vaccines even though
they kill people and make them sick before they die and then you.
Give money philanthropically to organizations like GAVI and the Rotary Organization and the World Health Organization.
You fund them and you Direct their attention to your vaccines.
It's a business model.
Same model.
And if in the course of events, lots of people sick and well, that's great because you're selling them the stuff that they're supposed to take the drugs for their sickness and then they die.
That's even greater because you're a depopulationist.
Right off the bat, and Gates certainly is, and the Rockefellers certainly trained him well to be, as did his father.
So we're looking at an interlocking business model that takes over agriculture and degrades food and weaponizes it so you're gonna get sick, that takes over environmental issues, that Compress you into your urban prison because you're saving the world for animals to be able to rewild it, which is of course nonsense.
It's all interlocked.
All of these pieces.
We shut down the farms in the Netherlands and degrade the food supply availability.
We shut down the supply chain because we, the globalists, They, the monsters, control everything.
We've put our fingers and our financial control into everything.
We've created the octopus.
And the way we're going to control everything is by keeping you safe, by creating a medical dictatorship, and then telling you what happens to your DNA.
And what happens to your DNA is that we, the globalists, take control of it.
Kill lots of you, enslave the rest of you, and oh, by the way, you don't get to reproduce.
This is the craziness and we, the people, have to say, ah, no, not happening.
Now, the only way that we have at this moment in my strategic analysis, the only strategic mission that we have at the moment to prevent all of this from coming to full fruition Is to get the hell out of WHO and the United Nations.
Because these are death machines.
These machines were created through Rockefeller et al.
And it involves Carnegie and it involves Gates and it involves Zuckerberg and so on.
It's a huge cabal.
But let's call it the Rockefeller system.
Because that's what it is.
It was created to accomplish this.
And the death star coming over the horizon to kill us all, or most of us, and enslave the rest of us, is WHO, backed by the United Nations, and behind that, the international financial system, and behind that, the ultimate control system.
Well, the one that we have access to right now, Is W.H.O.
Ah, but you can't get out of W.H.O.
That can't be done.
Yeah, it can.
I've done quite a lot of research and I have a white paper available on exactly how we do it.
And that's simple.
The head of state of any country in the world writes a letter, just writes a letter and says, I'm not in your club anymore.
Our country isn't isn't playing anymore.
And sends it to the Secretary General.
And by the way, that's something Trump did good.
He pulled out of the W.H.O.
but transferred the W.H.O.
power to Fauci.
No, worse than that.
Trump pulled out, he said he was going to pull out of W.H.O.
and then he took the money that we give to W.H.O., doubled it and gave it to Gavi, which is Gates.
So that's not good.
That's not okay.
And that's part of the deceit that I'm talking about.
And by the way, before Steve Bannon advised him that his base would, when he was looking to be elected president, Steve Bannon advised him that his base would not like the fact that he was one of the principal supporters financially of Planned Parenthood, and that they were an anti-abortion base, And therefore Trump switched his position and became an anti-abortion president, which is part of the reason that I tell you that he is a self-interested manipulator who will do what is necessary to gain and maintain power.
Sure, and I'm not defending Trump, I'm just doing full-spectrum analysis.
He then got Supreme Court justices in that are moving against abortion, or is that not right?
That is correct.
And so when you asked me in the previous segment, what do I think of Trump?
The answer is, I would love to have a politician seeking power and authority who was a principled person, but I don't see that.
What do you think of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and I have never gone public with this feeling.
Sucks all the air out of the environment.
He's powerful.
He's well funded.
He's well placed.
The changes that should be...
Coming, should have come through all that air, all that oxygen, all that capacity, have not come.
I am extremely skeptical.
Show me I'm wrong, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Please, show me I'm wrong and that you are not a fifth columnist, a dark horse, obscuring the reality and Acting as controlled opposition.
Prove me wrong.
I will be grateful.
I will be enthusiastic.
I respect your opinion.
What do you think of DeSantis?
DeSantis has done some things that I agree with.
His Surgeon General in Florida has been supported well.
DeSantis has come out against the insanity of the institutionalized, transgender, racist, educational bullshit.
And I appreciate that, but the rest of DeSantis' policies are not ones that I appreciate.
Alright, well said.
Dr. Remo Labo, stay there.
We're going to come back.
You're going to host the next segment.
Powerful information.
Then, coming up in the fourth hour, we have Paul Joseph Watson.
All right.
So definitely look for that straight ahead.
All right.
To give her the floor, she'll be back again with us next week.
I don't know why we haven't had her on.
I'm glad she's here.
Dr. Rima Lebo here on the Alex Jones Show.
She's going to host the rest of this segment and the first segment of the next hour.
Then Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
Remember, it takes funds to fight a war, plus we have great products you need.
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We're up to like eight or nine now.
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Paul Joseph Watson's coming up here in about 16, 17 minutes.
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Share the links.
Share the videos.
We're going to archive in a few hours after the show is live.
It'll be a banned out video.
I'm not sure what headline to give it.
I'm going to let you take over, Doc, but what should we title this video today?
This live show?
I think we should title it We are the power.
I agree, that's powerful.
But Dr. Rima Labo that predicted the COVID attack issues emergency warning, we are the power.
I mean, the fact is, you nailed it, nailed it, nailed it.
How about kill WHO?
We'll get that in the end.
Before it kills you.
So I'm going to let you take over.
There's like nine minutes left in the segment, five minutes next.
And you can go wherever you want, but what is it you're going to do next?
You've already told us.
Other facets, you've got the floor.
Just give us the brain dump.
The thing that I learned, one of the many, many things that I learned from General Burt was that Sun Tzu understood how to fight a war.
I had never heard of Sun Tzu before General Burt said, oh, Sun Tzu knows how to fight a war.
And one of the things that Sun Tzu 3,000 years ago had to say was, we put our greatest strength against the enemy's greatest weakness in order to win.
And if we don't do that, we cannot win.
What is our greatest strength?
Our greatest strength is what they fear most and what they want to eliminate and what they're attacking, which is our numbers.
Our greatest strength is our numbers and our ability to think independently.
They are attacking our numbers, our reproduction, and they are attacking our ability to think with propaganda.
What is the point of propaganda?
Propaganda is designed to create a mass intentionality that they want to control.
Intentionality creates reality and our capacity to think and to discern allows us to create an intentionality.
Our genetics allows us to create the will to survive and therefore those are their targets.
So what do we do?
We don't go violent.
As soon as we go violent, they have vastly superior weapons.
We in the United States like to think, well, you know, I got my gun.
No, they have frequency weapons that can boil your eyeballs from a mile and a half away.
And then what do you do once you're blind?
You throw the gun at them?
At the sound?
Not going to work.
Violence is not the answer because they are vastly superior in terms of armaments and capacity.
The answer is, we throw our determination at them in vast numbers.
Let me tell you a story.
On September 15, 2009, then head of the Health and Human Services Administration, Kathleen Sebelius, announced to Congress, did not ask Congress, but announced to Congress That FDA had fully funded a mandatory swine flu vaccination program.
And they have the legal authority to do that, given to them by Congress, by the way.
FDA had fully funded and was about to implement a mandatory swine flu vaccination program, starting with, quote, those who wanted it first, end quote.
And then everyone else would be herded into vaccination centers or vaccinated in their homes forcefully via mandate.
And They she announced that they had decided to add an adjuvant, an immune irritant called squalene, which you mentioned earlier in the show, Alex, to the to the vaccine.
in a particular amount. And I thought, well that's odd, why is she mentioning the particular amount?
So I went looking and I discovered that the United States holds two patents,
one on using that particular amount of squalene injected to induce male sterility,
immune mediated and irreversible.
The other patent uses that particular amount of squalene injected to produce female infertility, which is immune-mediated and irreversible.
So they were going to sterilize every man, woman, and child in the United States in 2009.
Remember, this plan goes back quite a way.
And we told people about that.
We gave them the patent numbers and we said, click here, use your freedom mouse.
Everybody's got one.
Use your freedom mouse and click here and submit letters to all members of Congress who serve you and the White House and the Vice President and Head of Health and Human Services and the CDC and the FDA and so on.
Send them a letter, an email letter, with your freedom mouse.
And they did.
Three and a half million people in 11 days did that.
11 days after announcing it on September 15th, Kathleen Sebelius said, um, we're not going to do that.
I guess not.
And they backed down because we said, don't you dare.
When I was living in Chile, a couple of years later, They were about to accede to a treaty called UPAV 91, which would have given total control and ownership of the entire genome of their plant system to the bioengineering corporations Monsanto and their evil twins.
And we roused people in Spanish and English and gave them a place to ride their freedom mouse on.
And each click in that campaign sent 68 letters To this day, the Chilean government has not been able to pass, to accede to that treaty, UPOV 91.
To this day, because the people said, don't you dare.
And so I say to you, if you're not willing to ride your freedom mouse, If you're not willing to say, don't you dare, then you don't deserve to live.
You don't deserve to protect your children.
You don't deserve to force these enemies off our territory, out of our homes, out of our lives, out of our water, out of our skies.
You deserve to be a slave.
If you're not willing to take the effort that it takes, To go to preventgenocide2030.org and take the action there and then pick up the link and give it to everybody you know and motivate them and say, listen guys, they want to kill us, they want to enslave us, they want to prevent us from reproducing, they want to take control of our bodies, our genes and our lives and we're not going to let them.
How hard is that really?
How hard is that?
You don't have to understand it very deeply to understand that this is a world dictatorship that has been marching toward us since before the turn of the 20th century, and now is ready scientifically, as Yuval Harari says, to make us the last generations of human beings.
And I say no.
Let us make us the last generations of potential slaves.
And make us the first generation of indubitably, explicitly free human beings.
Every single man, woman and child of us.
It takes this and nothing more than this.
Except for intentionality and determination, which is our human capacity.
We are the strength to put against their weakness.
Their weakness is that they're batshit crazy.
Let's start with that.
They're batshit crazy.
They're powerful.
They've got airplanes.
They've got media.
They've got all kinds of stuff, but they're batshit crazy.
They're psychopaths who have no capacity to understand what is essentially human.
Are they reptiles?
Probably not.
I don't know what they are, but I know that they're psychopaths.
And I know that I don't want to be ruled by these psychopaths.
It is your responsibility to protect your DNA, to protect your society, to protect the future of humanity.
It is your...
Responsibility to take the actions that are available now, because if you wait, they will not be available.
Take the actions, share the information, mobilize your community, because these people, these monsters, want you dead or enslaved, and I want you free, which is what you want.
I am so excited to be able to talk to you, Alex, and to talk to your audience because Your audience is already primed.
You've been doing the work for years.
You've been bringing people in.
In a few minutes, you'll have Paul Joseph Watson, who is a very important person in our truth-telling exercise.
If we don't tell the truth, and if we don't say it as we see it, and then change it when we see it differently, then we're allowing ourselves to be enslaved.
There are two kinds of controlled opposition, as far as I can see.
One is the controlled opposition that works for their masters.
And says what they're supposed to say, and sows dissent, and acts as Jean's provocateur.
And then there's the really, really terrible kind of controlled opposition.
Those of us who choose to control what we say, lest the other side not like it.
Well, if the other side likes what you're saying, you're part of the other side.
And it is our responsibility, each and every one of us, to speak freely, and openly, and honestly.
Listen to each other and be willing to change our opinions as General Burt did.
We began the show talking about a man who had drunk the Kool-Aid and was a man of great honor and Truth.
And when his truth changed, he changed his behavior and became a warrior for our side instead of an honorable warrior for their side.
I mean, we all have to do that, I think, because none of us knows the full truth.
We're all learning continually.
I learned from Paul Joseph Watson.
I learned from you.
I learned continually.
Each of us, however, knows that we are imperiled.
Your entire audience knows that we're imperiled.
And The way we must fight back at this point is to get the Death Star off the horizon.
That's the World Health Organization.
They have a program called One Health, which means that they, through their Director General, that is the Dictator General, a known, experienced genocidalist, Tedros Ghebreyesus, They intend to take control of every plant, every animal, every mineral, all resources, all water, and every interaction and relationship that anything alive on the planet has.
It's called One Health.
It means one death.
And oh, by the way, they have Announced in a chart that I have made public through their immunization implementation agenda, an official WHO document, that by the year 2030, there will be 500 new vaccines.
We know that they'll all be mRNA based or worse.
500 new vaccines that every man, woman, and child on the planet will be forced to take.
And oh, by the way, all of the conventional vaccines will also be forced into every man, woman, and child.
By putting pus and poison into your body, they intend to take control of whether you live or die, what you think, what you can do, and of course, they'll compress you into their cities.
And control what you eat, what you experience, what you know, what you don't know, and every other aspect of your life.
You will own nothing and you will be happy and you can eat the bugs.
Not happening.
Ride your freedom mouse.
By getting your country out of W.H.O.
And that's easy to do.
It's hard to get the leader to write the letter.
But once we push the political engine, the gatekeepers, to write that letter and get us out of W.H.O., then we can sort out the rest.
And we will.
So go to PreventGenocide2030.org.
Take action there.
Spread the link.
Mobilize everyone you can reach because this is a battle for the survival of humanity, for the survival of our genes.
Our DNA is our past.
It is our present.
It is our future.
Otherwise, why would they be attacking it?
And we have every right and reason to survive by supporting each other by first getting out of WHO.
Ride your freedom mouse.
Say don't you dare.
It's up to you.
If it's not important enough to you to survive, then you don't deserve to.
It's that simple.
I intend to take the InfoWars...
Armored truck out, or the InfoWars tank as it's so lovingly called.
You came through yesterday and shopped at Infowarsstore.com, so I'm gonna be able to take the truck out
back if
(upbeat music)
You're live for the Summit News Hour on this April 19th, 2023.
And I don't know about you, but I've been tracking this story over the past few days.
What should be a relatively minor domestic crime incident in Kansas City has garnered national attention.
Protest movements, which are now growing, continue to grow.
And in fact, White House intervention and involvement In what otherwise would be a largely forgotten story, after a matter of days!
Information Liberation reports 84-year-old homeowner hit with felony charges for shooting black teen he said was pulling on his exterior door in suspected breaking.
Now if this was any other role reversal, or if it was a white person shooting another white person, black person shooting another black person, This would barely even be a big story, at least after a few days, in local media.
Because thankfully, the victim survived, and is going to make a full recovery.
So it's not as if this is a potential murder case.
But this is one of the biggest stories in the United States right now, and I think we all know why.
Homeowner Andrew Lester, 84, was hit with felony charges on Monday for shooting 16-year-old black teen Ralph Yall, After he allegedly pulled on his exterior door at night in what he suspected was a break-in.
Now, we don't know what happened for sure.
Lester is telling one story, Yarl is telling another story.
It's basically one person's word against another.
But of course, celebrities have tweeted about it.
Kamala Harris has come out and said that this is basically another example of how young black people are being targeted by white people in the United States.
Of course, Harris being Jussie Smollett's most ardent defender.
And in fact, also, Joe Biden met with the family of Ralph Yall, bearing in mind he wasn't killed, suffered bad injuries, granted, but he's going to make a full recovery.
Biden, amidst all the other important issues that the Commander-in-Chief should be dealing with, Spent 20 minutes with the family of an injured 16-year-old boy in Kansas City who was involved in a relatively obscure domestic crime incident.
Does that strike you as somewhat bizarre?
Quite bizarre, isn't it?
That the Commander-in-Chief, with everything he has to deal with, has inserted himself into a local news story in Kansas City.
Oh, we're seeing the nascent rollout of a Trayvon Martin 2.0 or a George Floyd 2.0.
I don't think he's going to elevate to that level, of course, because y'all survived, thankfully.
If he'd have been killed, this would already be George Floyd 2.0.
I'm telling you right now.
Because look at this.
CBS News.
Andrew Lester, white man charged in shooting of black teen Ralph Yale, out on bond as some urge additional charge of hate crime.
Now bear in mind the police in Kansas City went through the proper procedure.
They immediately detained the individual responsible in this confrontation.
Again, not knowing what had happened, the surveillance camera footage outside Yall's home had been deactivated for over a year according to reports.
So again, he claimed Yall had aggressively yanked on his exterior door in an apparent attempt at a home invasion.
Yall says that he was simply Ringing the wrong doorbell, and even if that case does stack up, which to be fair it looks like it will do because he was ringing the doorbell for 1.15 but 1.15 on the wrong street.
But even if that's the case, that y'all was legitimately just ringing the wrong doorbell, he wasn't trying to home invade, he wasn't trying to cause any harm.
Was 84 year old Andrew Lester Right in being scared of any potential violent confrontation with what he described as a six-foot black teen outside his front door at night after he'd already gone to bed.
An 84-year-old man, obviously somewhat infirm, scared for his life because this random intruder is, according to him, yanking on his door, trying to get in.
Shoots him once, shoots him twice, Says don't come round here again.
Is he, in his right mind, legitimately engaging in a confrontation but a self-defence confrontation?
That is what's up for debate, apart from it isn't up for debate because this guy is never going to get a free trial, a fair trial.
The President of the United States has already made an intervention.
The media is running 24-7 with the story of y'alls ringing the wrong doorbell.
They're basically saying that Lester is a racist who has targeted y'all because of his skin colour.
And that's the narrative, and that's the way the narrative will stay.
We've had BLM-inspired groups.
First off from Sean King, the known serial BLM activist hoaxer, threatening to dox the address of Andrew Lester.
He didn't need to dox it, it was revealed very quickly.
You had protest mobs outside his front door within about 20 minutes the next day
after the new story was revealed, all calling not just for him to be sentenced
on the initial charges, first degree assault and armed criminal action,
but also now for an added hate crime charge to be included in the actions against Mr. Lester.
Despite the fact, again, there's no evidence either way.
It's one person's word against another.
They're trying to race bait.
They're trying to create another national scandal out of this on the level of a Trayvon Martin
to, again, try and create this mass division in America.
And Lester's basically screwed.
The jury, even if he gets a jury trial, even if he gets a "fair trial,"
is now completely prejudiced because of the media intervention,
because of the White House intervention.
And of course, because of the threats of intimidation, violence and rioting that we've seen in similar incidents before, when we have a high profile shooting like this, where it's white on black.
So again, CBS reports some civil rights leaders urged a hate crime charge.
Clay County Prosecuting Attorney Zachary Thompson said first-degree assault is a high-level crime with a longer possible sentence of up to a life term.
Lee Merritt, who of course was involved in the George Floyd case, an attorney for the Yall family, said the case should qualify as a hate crime.
So, he's gonna get life in prison anyway, whatever life he's got left as an 84-year-old man.
So it doesn't even matter if they add another hate crime charge because it's not even as bad as the charges that he already faces.
They're trying to add the hate crime charge to turn this into another racial divisive issue, again despite the fact that there's no evidence that it was racially motivated.
Now we have the affidavit report from the police here up on Summit News, quotes from it at least.
Affidavit says Andrew Laster was scared to death by a teen trying to pull open his door at night.
The elderly man told cops he believed he was protecting himself from a physical confrontation and could not take the chance of the large male coming into his house where he lives all alone, according to the police affidavit.
Again, he didn't know y'all was ringing the wrong doorbell.
All he sees is a six-foot man at the door at night after he's gone to bed, according to him, trying to yank the door.
And so he acts accordingly.
He grabs his revolver.
He's scared.
Was that extreme?
Maybe you could argue that.
Maybe you could argue that he deserves the full extent of the conviction and life imprisonment.
But again, it's a local news story about a domestic potential crime incident or potential home invasion.
Why is Joe Biden involved?
The hell is going on?
It seems like At one point, Yale was fighting for his life.
He made a very quick recovery.
Some people jumped on this very quickly and they were trying to basically grift off of it.
Sean King being prime amongst them, again for this BLM-inspired narrative.
But was the narrative fair?
Is the narrative fair?
And was Leicester reasonable and in his right mind to suspect that his life could be in danger?
Well, we're going to come back after the break and talk about that, talk about why he may have thought his life was in danger, and why this narrative, which is what has been pushed after this incident, that there's some kind of nationwide wave epidemic of white-on-black violence across America because of these individual high-profile cases, which are not common, which the media takes, which the BLM activists take, and now which the Biden administration takes.
And amplifies and elevates to try to create that false sense of white on black targeted shootings and murders.
A narrative that simply does not exist in the real world.
We'll be back.
Don't go away.
So 84-year-old Andrew Lester has been basically convicted in the court of public opinion.
He is guilty until he has a chance to prove himself innocent.
He won't have a chance to prove himself innocent because his, quote, fair trial has already been completely prejudiced by media coverage of this situation by White House involvement, intervention, This from the affidavit though, this is what Lester told the police, a story that is not being told in the media because they've already decided on his guilt and that he's racist and committed a hate crime based on the say-so of this 16-year-old black teenager.
Lester stated he opened the interior door, again this is at night after he's gone to bed, saw a black male approximately six feet tall pulling on the exterior storm door handle.
The police affidavit said, He stated he believed someone was attempting to break into the house, shot him twice within a few seconds of opening the door.
Lester stated the male ran away.
He immediately used his home phone to call 911.
Lester stated he'd never seen the male before.
No words were exchanged during the incident.
And the male had not said anything prior to pulling on the door handle.
He said he was scared to death.
Now that's interesting because the media is running full board with the narrative that this was a racially targeted shooting, basically, a hate crime.
The Independent reports, although Ralph survived and is reportedly in good spirits, the shooting sparked protests in Kansas City.
Yeah, they vandalized his home immediately.
Basically, he can never go, even if he gets off, he can never go home.
You know, he's 84 year old.
He's probably lived there for decades.
He's not even going to be able to move home, but he can't go home anyway because he's targeted for life now, thanks to BLM activists on Twitter like Sean King.
The shooting sparked protests and condemnation across the country.
Again, despite the fact that it's one person's word against another, with activists and civil rights lawyers describing it as part of a pattern of white Americans Using deadly force against unarmed black people based on exaggerated and unreasonable ideas of danger.
Exaggerated and unreasonable ideas of danger.
I pulled up the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report.
Which says, African Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, which presumably includes Hispanics, and other 3% in cases where the race was not known.
So that's 55% of all homicides.
The same report says that in 2019, 17% of white victims were killed by black perpetrators, while 8% of black homicide victims were killed by white perpetrators.
And again, black people make up 13% of the population, or 6-7% if you're talking about black males specifically.
Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Victimization Survey 2018 Interracial violent crime incidents 2018.
Black on white 547,000.
White on black 59,778.
So when they say this is part of a pattern, a trend, an epidemic of white Americans using deadly force against unarmed black people, then you compare that with the actual FBI crime statistics Of who uses deadly force on who, typically.
Generally, not in these individual high-profile incidents which get amplified by the media, by BLM activists and by, in this case, the White House.
The general trend kind of suggests that 84-year-old Andrew Lester was probably reasonably scared for his life in that situation.
And this is all happening, by the way, While the White House Press Secretary Corinne Jean-Pierre has basically said that there's going to be a big White House meeting with lawmakers on Monday of people, lawmakers included, who protested after the Nashville shooting by a transgender terrorist in favor of more gun control, the victims of the trans shooter herself, the children, the parents,
Well, they've not been invited to the White House, but Biden did have time to meet with this 16-year-old black teenager who was injured as a result of what was technically quite an obscure local crime incident in Kansas City.
Interesting, that, isn't it?
There's another story here.
Woman 20 fatally shot by upstate New York homeowner after pulling into wrong driveway.
New York Post, but I haven't seen it really reported much anywhere else.
20-year-old woman was shot dead by an upstate New York homeowner Saturday night after the driver of the car she was riding in turned into the wrong driveway.
So again, an almost identical situation apart from it's based in a vehicle.
Nighttime, they enter the property of the wrong house or just the driveway.
Homeowner shoots the woman dead.
20-year-old woman, she's dead.
Thankfully, Ralph Yale survived, but obviously if he'd have been killed, it would have been an even bigger story.
So a 20-year-old woman in New York, white woman, by her name, presumably, Kaylin Gillis, if she was black, it'd be even bigger than the Ralph Yale story, let's be honest, 20-year-old woman shot dead after entering the property of the wrong house by mistake, upstate New York, shot by a white person, But that's white-on-white crime, so, well, we don't care about that, do we?
But when the perpetrators are in the right order, then it's a national news story.
What wasn't a national news story was this.
Woman attacked in Chicago.
They said they were going to kill us.
You've probably seen the footage by now.
It had 15 million plus views on Twitter last time I saw it.
You'd think that such a viral video would garner national media attention, wouldn't you, CNN?
All the outlets that are reporting on this Ralph Yarl incident.
But no, it remains basically obscure because it's only an internet viral video.
A woman who was violently attacked with a partner during rioting in Chicago told Fox 32, they were going to kill us.
Revealed that police ignored her cries for help.
This, of course, took place on Saturday night amidst widespread rioting, looting, lawlessness, chaos in Chicago, which, again, was largely ignored by media outside of Chicago.
I noticed, by the way, that the Twitter video in this article has now disappeared.
Whether that's actually been censored remains to be seen.
You've probably seen the clip by now.
The video of the assault subsequently went viral on Twitter.
You see it here on screen, amassing over 15 million views.
So they were interviewed by one local Fox station afterwards and basically said they were set upon by this mob who were obviously out there, you know, wanting justice for whatever the latest pet cause is.
Oh no, they weren't.
They were out to just cause chaos.
They stole their shoes, stole their wallets, and they stole their iPhones.
Ashley said, the woman involved in the attack, which you see there on screen, The cops saw she had been attacked and was in distress, but chose to completely ignore her.
So they almost had to avoid the collision to get past us, but they just drove by the incident in the middle of the street.
Interesting again about this is they were helped by a good Samaritan called Lenora Dennis, a bystander who saw what was going on.
When Dennis drove this couple who were viciously attacked to the police station, the desk sergeant told them That this is what happens when Brandon Johnson gets elected, and it's going to happen over and over again.
And we'll get to that on the other side.
This is Summit.News.
Well, it was Baltimore the previous weekend.
It was Chicago's turn the weekend just gone.
Whose turn will it be this weekend?
Will we see more scenes of rioting, attacks on public and private property, vehicles being destroyed?
People being viciously beaten in the streets.
Whose turn is it this weekend in the United States?
Of course, many of you will have seen that footage out of Chicago.
It wasn't really seen nationwide.
Chicago media outlets covered it.
It wasn't a big story nationally.
In fact, on Ground News, which is a website I use, they pointed out that McDonald's launching a new burger Got about four times the amount of press coverage than these riots in Chicago, in Chicago itself.
What's interesting about the riots, and I'm going to come on to Brandon Johnson's comments after the riots, is what the mayor-elect, Brandon Johnson, said before the riots.
And this brings us to our first video, which is called, He Said It, Then This Happened.
Let's roll it.
Chicago's new mayor-elect, Brandon Johnson, recently told a pro-BLM group that black people should not be subject to quote, state-sponsored policing.
Then less than two weeks later, this happened.
Alright, who's got the meme?
Just get away.
Because there's no fixing this.
All hell broke loose in downtown Chicago on Saturday night when hundreds of teenagers smashed car windows,
destroyed public and private property, then later engaged in random shootings.
And scenes that have become normalized in Democrat-run cities across the country.
News stations pulled their reporters from the scene saying it was too unsafe to be there.
People unfortunate to have driven into the chaos fled in panic as their vehicles were destroyed.
Fox 32 reported that a woman whose car was smashed by people jumping on the windshield
said her husband was beaten as he sat in the driver's seat.
He's been taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
The same thing happened in Baltimore last weekend.
The same thing happened in Austin, Texas a couple of months ago.
And it's not even summer yet.
Progressive soft on crime cities turning into lawless hellholes.
Gangs of...
youths destroying their communities as major retailers pull pull out one by one.
Who's to blame? Democrat politicians for letting urban scumbags and criminals run rampant.
BLM for ramming through defund the police policies?
Apparently, it's all Walmart's fault.
You should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves!
You are the reason that our communities lack the investment that they have.
Guess we just need more reparations and social workers.
Now of course in the aftermath of these riots, which of course were exacerbated by the actions of Laurie Lightfoot, the existing mayor, soft on crime, friendly to criminals, The Chicago Mayor-Elect came out and basically said, don't demonize the thugs who were looting the stores, attacking the innocent people on the streets, trashing vehicles, again, attacking public and private property.
They're just misunderstood.
They're just undervalued.
Chicago Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson defended rioters who caused chaos on Saturday night, saying they shouldn't be demonized.
As video emerged again, as we spoke about earlier, of black youth beating a white woman in the street.
He came out with a statement that although he doesn't condone the activity, it's not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.
Yes, they stole the shoes of that innocent couple on the street because they've been starved of opportunities in their community, apparently.
Meanwhile, more big retailers are pulling out of major progressive cities, citing record debts, Breitbart reports REI to close its only Portland store of a break-in theft.
Outdoor retail giant REI announced Monday it plans to close its only store in Portland, Oregon.
Again, this after Wal-Mart closed two flagship stores in the same city, citing an increase in theft.
REI said its store in Portland had its highest number of break-ins and thefts in two decades, despite actions to provide extra security.
What a surprise!
Defund the police!
You know, limit the resources that the police have to fight actual criminals, let the criminals run loose, bail them out even when they do get caught, and what a surprise, all the retailers are pulling out because of record sets and break-ins.
Of course, I guess, as you just heard, that it's the retailers' fault themselves.
Let's go to another video here, which is an incident that happened in London.
I think you should just watch it because words don't do it justice.
This is called, Well, What Did You Expect?
Let's roll the video.
A young black man in London thought it would be a fantastic idea to chase a woman down a dark street at night while making weird noises at her to prove she's racist.
Absolute, unbridled, utter genius.
Come here!
You scared of black people, yeah?
You scared of black people, yeah?
She's just been judging them on the content of their character
We are not scary We're just normal people.
Because nothing proves you're normal more than chasing women down dark alleyways while making growling noises like a rabid dog.
Don't be scared, dog.
You dumb bitch.
Shut up.
Dumb bitch.
Dumb bitch.
Shut up.
A man's literally walking in the alley, fam.
This woman sees me, she literally goes, and runs off, fam.
Most women don't want to be walking near random men at night when there's no one else around.
Lots of people in the Twitter thread saying she would have behaved the same with any man, no matter the skin colour.
Well, I don't know about that.
But does that mean she's racist?
Or just...
If I speak, I am in big trouble.
The overriding point here, though, is the galaxy-brain-level logic on display of believing that a defenceless woman being legitimately scared of your creepy, aggressive behaviour proves she's racist.
Yeah, that'll definitely show her not to be scared next time.
Refers to himself as not scary and normal after chasing her down an alley.
Gosh, I bet she's convinced.
There's only one person acting normally here, mate.
And it certainly isn't you.
Dude sounds like he's taken inspiration from that Four Lions movie.
Allah Akbar!
Masha'Allah, brother!
Oh, come on.
Just because I'm Muslim, you thought it was real?
UN inspectors have been investigating Britain to determine whether or not it's racist.
But who needs them when this guy's already proven it beyond all reasonable doubt?
Now remaining in the United Kingdom, and you've had this system in America for a while now, for the first time ever they're going to send out, the government that is, they're going to send out an emergency alert system to everybody's phone across the entire country, which will trigger a beeping or a buzzing that will last for 10 seconds, a 10 second siren alert, to prepare the population for unspecified emergencies.
Remix News reports national emergency alert test in the UK on Sunday afternoon could cause mass panic, campaigners warn.
Now you have domestic abuse campaigners warning that women who are basically imprisoned or under the coercive control of abusive partners sometimes have second phones which are kept hidden from those abusive partners This alert, which will sound on every phone unless you turn off the emergency alert system, which many people don't know how to do.
In fact, the guides on how to turn it off don't even apply to many phones.
I checked on my iPhone earlier and the option wasn't even there to turn it off.
So they're saying victims of domestic abuse are going to get this alert, their phones are going to go off, it's going to alert the fact that they've got a second safe phone.
And of course the fact that it could cause accidents on the road, especially with elderly drivers not knowing what's going on.
The fact is it's for a regional alert mechanism and yet they're testing it across the entire country.
If it's for regional disasters, why don't you test it on a smaller regional basis?
That's why people are very suspicious about this test.
We'll be back.
Don't go away.
Now I want to get to these final two videos, again remaining in the United Kingdom because we have more petulant posh twats in the form of Just Stop Oil engaging in hysterical public temper tantrums, targeting specifically the working class once again, whose lives they seem to enjoy ruining and making misery of.
This was an incident that happened in Sheffield, my birthplace, At the snooker championships at the Crucible there in Sheffield just a couple of days ago.
Just stop oil engaging in another public temper tantrum.
This video is called, Oh look, another posh twat.
Let's roll it.
Quats are once again out in force ruining the lives of ordinary people.
Job area four.
Well, I don't quite know what that was for.
Take note of the loud, sustained booing from people who paid good money to attend the match.
Snooker being largely the preserver of the working class.
Underscoring once again how these tantruming trust fund babies succeed at nothing other than pissing off the common man.
People struggling under a cost of living crisis, desperately trying to make ends meet to keep their homes warm.
A situation exacerbated by the very climate crisis.
Drivel being spouted by Tarquin and his uni-pals, which is continually driving up prices due to over-reliance on green energy, that has proven time and time again to be completely inadequate to meet demand.
While this same hysterical green lobby continues to deride nuclear power, the rapid expansion of which would meet the world's energy needs almost instantly.
Their performative outcry wraps itself in the cloak of the morally righteous greater good, while the actual impact of their demented scheme will cause more poverty, create more poor people, and spread more misery.
They act like they've got the moral high ground when nothing could be further from the truth.
Well, what do you know?
Yet again, it's some obnoxious, spoilt, privileged little brat.
Edrid Whittingham!
The son of a rich venture capitalist.
Same boilerplate background and personality type every single time.
Comfortable upbringing, mummy and daddy taking care of everything.
Never had to struggle, never had to face hardship.
Thinking they have to assuage their guilt and prove themselves by becoming brainwashed hysterical eco-militants.
It takes real guts to do something like this, surrounded by people screaming at you.
The suffragettes were hated in their time too.
Yeah, it really takes a lot of guts to be a narcissistic attention-seeking plummy toff, whose green agenda is supported by every major corporation, every government entity, every cultural institution in existence, all while being protected by activist judges, activist barristers, and getting constant sympathetic and sometimes even grovelling treatment from the police and the media.
So brave!
Yeah, it takes so much guts to be a foot soldier for Just Stop Oil, which is bankrolled by the Climate Emergency Fund, co-founded and in turn funded by Aileen Getty, granddaughter of oil tycoon John Paul Getty.
Just Stop Oil, funded by a billionaire oil family.
Yeah, funny that, isn't it?
Because as ever, it has nothing to do with the environment, and everything to do with establishing faux-environmentalism as the new religion.
Neo-feudalism rebranded.
Edrid Whittingham!
Yeah, him and his old money mates will be just fine living off the wealth of their rich parents.
While you shiver in your homes, unable to afford anything above 15 degrees Celsius on the thermostat.
Because the contrived climate crisis just added another 200% to your gas bill.
It's alright though, because Edrid Whittingham got to feel better about himself while having a public tantrum on television.
I'm talking about that demented agenda again making the lives of poor people poorer, colder, more miserable.
Germany closes its last nuclear power plants, just shut down their last three nuclear power plants.
Lo and behold, their electricity bills have immediately spiked by up to 45%.
Who could have seen that coming?
RT reports Germany could run out of gas by the end of next January.
Germany will have to put up further gas consumption restrictions off a severe gas shortage if the next winter is cold.
They're basically saying, unless they have a unreasonably warm winter, maybe hoping for some more global warming that isn't happening, they're going to have to basically start rationing gas, start rationing power again to the German people who've already struggled through the recent winter.
dependent on Russia and that all got cut off. Now their final nuclear plants are being shut
down. That had been delayed, now it's gone through.
Everyone's poorer, everyone's more miserable while these upper middle class toffs continue to
have performative temper tantrums like they're saving the planet, like they're morally
righteous, when in fact they're just literally at the end of the day killing poor people. Let's
go to this other clip now, again out of the United Kingdom, because Wales has decided to
rename one of its beloved national parks, basically again in honour of the new religion of
climate change.
This video is called Another Piece of Inane Stupidity.
Let's roll it.
Wales continues to entrench its role as the California of the United Kingdom.
Now they've suddenly renamed an entire national park in honour of the new religion of climate change.
Brecon Beacons to be renamed over links to climate change.
National parks as a symbol of a carbon-burning beacon is incompatible with its push to net zero.
Brecon Beacons are set to be renamed over concerns that the word beacon is out of step with the fight against climate change.
The national park will now officially be referred to... Hang on a minute.
The Bannow Brecky Ginyog National Park.
Because as every climate scientist worth his salt will tell you, changing two words in the name of something will directly lead to global temperatures plummeting.
Maybe the sun will decide to shine a bit less, because it doesn't like the new name.
Maybe the Earth's jet stream will choose to alter its behavior, because fewer people will make the sound Breckon Beacons emerge from their mouths.
Utter, unbridled, Demented?
Officials said the symbol of a flaming beacon emitting carbon does not fit with the ethos of the National Park as an eco-friendly organisation.
Catherine Mealing-Jones, the Chief Executive of the Brecon Beacons National Park, said... We're an environmental organisation.
We're trying to cut carbon and push to net zero.
So having a carbon-burning beacon just isn't a good look.
Right, so you've eliminated what has become a well-known and well-loved term for a piece of heritage.
In order to make yourself feel better.
And this is how braindead it all is.
There's no historical evidence that warning beacons were ever even lit on the peaks.
We've had awful wildfires over the last few years.
So what?
You think Mother Earth, Gaia, was offended by the term Brecon Beacons?
Was the landscape outraged that you'd assumed its pronouns?
Because I'm sure those wildfires will just suddenly decide to tame themselves.
Now that you've decided to call it something unpronounceable to 99% of the population, welcome to the relentlessly absurd and contradictory nature of Welsh nationalism.
Where they're so desperate to protect the native language, but not so desperate to protect the native people.
To the extent where they're now planning to tear down statues of white historical figures.
Well, because they're white.
You don't have white people in Wales!
What's next on the chopping block?
Burns Night?
Again, it's the raw, power-mad zeal to deform language and socially re-engineer the public.
That's what really lies at the heart of this.
It does every time.
And as ever, it's all wrapped in the cloak of pretentious, cloying do-goodery.
Now, remaining in the UK, we had this story recently again.
Entirely predictable.
At least 19 suspected terrorists snuck into UK in small migrant boats.
Again, Breitbart, at least 19 suspected terrorists have infiltrated the United Kingdom by crossing the English Channel and people smuggler small boats and climbing asylum.
This, of course, after the Manchester Arena bomber was rescued as a refugee from Libya by our own government, went on to blow up a bunch of kids you'd think they'd have learned their lesson.
But no!
Channel migrants to be declared a crisis so government can use emergency powers to force migrant camps on communities.
Of course we've had this absolutely bizarre situation over the past year or so where as taxpayers we're paying six million pounds a day to house illegal immigrants which our own government rescues in four and five star luxury hotels around the country because there's no room to put them anywhere else.
The crisis though, apparently according to the government, which it needs to use these emergency powers to solve, is not the fact that they're rescuing and bringing in migrants, illegal immigrants, some of whom are literal ISIS terrorists.
No, that's not the crisis.
The crisis is that they're putting them in hotels and they need to set up new bases and indeed use old army bases to house them instead.
The UK's Conservative government will use a special provision in emergency legislation allowing it to ignore normal planning laws to build migrant camps in areas where locals are resisting them.
So basically, the councils have been, in many cases, good on them standing up for local residents who have been protesting against all this because of all the crime, sexual assaults that take place, anti-social behaviour around these migrant hotels by using planning laws to say that you can't use this Hotel or this plot of land for a different purpose than initially stated they use that basically To get around the government trying to claim that hotel claim that land to use it to house migrants
Now the government is simply saying we're going to use this emergency law to override all that and at least have temporary camps which exist for six months again.
Many of them ex-army bases which are situated in villages in some cases of just a few hundred people with 500, 600, 700 migrants.
It's an absolute disgrace.
That's going to wrap it up for Summit News.
War Room is next.
Don't go away.
You probably noticed the last three weeks I've barely plugged, I haven't hammered things, because I don't like coming up here, I want to cover news and information, and just begging and pleading and explaining.
We did the accounting yesterday, we're back in the red, we've just gotten out of it, and I guess this is where God wants to keep me, it's all in God's plan I'm sure, but you need these products anyways, these are great products that are life-changing, And we won't be here if you don't support us.
So Trump has a war chest of $400 million.
That's great.
He deserves it.
Everybody's supporting Trump.
We don't have a war chest of a million dollars.
So we need to be able to stay on air.
Bankruptcy is going well.
They found out we're not hiding money.
They found out I've told the truth about everything.
The reorganization is going well, but not if there's not enough money to fund the operation.
So you need ultimate krill oil.
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Those are 40% off.
We're selling out of the great idea my dad had, the turmeric, a non-fluoride toothpaste with all the essential oils.
More will be in a few months, but we've still got it at InfoWarsware.com.
These two products One comes back in at about three months.
Another one comes in at about four months.
But we, these are best sellers.
But we need the funds now.
So, Real Red Pill Plus, with the preglanone and all these things that boost your natural hormones, your overall stamina and everything, it's 40% off.
DNA Force Plus, selling out.
We're down like a thousand bottles.
Won't be in for a long time.
40% off still.
But really, this is an information war.
So I would really encourage listeners to go to InfoWarsTour.com and get an Alex Jones for President shirt.
Get great conversational peeps.
You'll meet a lot of cool people.
That shirt's available limited edition.
It won't be sold very soon.
Also, the Trump mugshot.
They never did a real mugshot, so we already had created one.
It's being printed right now.
It'll be shipping out next week.
Says political prisoner with a picture of Trump in a basically a lineup or a mugshot on the back.
It's a limited edition shirt as well.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
I want to thank you all for your support.
Get a signed or unsigned copy of my best-selling book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, as well.
I want to thank you all for your past support.
I want to encourage those on the fence.
The fight's now, folks.
We're the tip of the spear.
You're the tip of the spear.
Please get off the bench.
Especially those of you, because I know 99% of our audience never buys anything.
Just go to InfoWarsTore.
I'm in your hands.
You're in my hands.
Realize you're in a fight.
Fund the fight, or roll over and die.
Appreciate your support.
It doesn't matter how discredited or debunked any of their narratives get, they will always return to them as if no one has ever raised the question.
I'll give you an example.
COVID-19 vaccination, Alex, absolutely effective and perfectly safe.
They're just ignoring the mountain of information now that disproves that as if we haven't heard it, as if it's not true.
They always return to their same fake narrative, and they double down.
And when you have a near monopoly on the output of information, as they have had until recently, it makes it a lot easier.
They decided to not perp-walk him, not put him in handcuffs, not do a mugshot, because they knew that that would help Trump.
Didn't they know this would backfire?
We were waiting for the mugshot.
We learned today they wouldn't have it, so we've made our own.
And it says, political prisoner.
With an image of President Trump.
The shirt is being printed now in Texas.
It'll be shipping out to you in one week.
Political prisoner with Trump on the front there in a mug shot.
Jail background.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It says InfoWars.com on the back of the shirt.
We also have Alex Jones for President.
No, I'm not running for President.
It's a really nice navy blue, high quality shirt.
Red, white, and blue.
Alex Jones for President.
It's a fun conversational piece and a limited edition shirt.
Great way to fund.
The operation.
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And two other things.
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