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Name: 20230418_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 18, 2023
2286 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including AI, human evolution, and alien life in his broadcasts. He warns of the dangers of unregulated AI and its potential to replace humanity. He also promotes health supplements available on InfoWarsStore.com and encourages listeners to support the website. Jones believes that AI is becoming more advanced than humans and that bioweapons are being tested on people through vaccines. In another monologue, he discusses various conspiracy theories and topics related to global elites, AI, and technology. He talks about the "Great Reset" and how leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order is necessary. Jones then delves into AI, stating that it was created by DARPA and government agencies like the NSA, and Google is now using it to spy on people illegally. He believes that monopolies have been established by these companies, and the people working for them should face legal consequences. Finally, he talks about Elon Musk's role in exposing the truth behind these conspiracies and creating new systems to counteract them. In another passage, the narrator discusses the implementation of an amendment to the WHO Treaty called CA2 plus or CA+, which requires member states to take necessary measures and actions individually and jointly to apply and effectively implement the provisions of the agreement at domestic, regional, and international levels. The document focuses on accountability, infection prevention and control, wildlife trade, zoonic diseases, and their crossover to human diseases. Alex Jones warns that these measures are part of a larger plan to exert control over the world's population.

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The act of sacrifice involves transmuting something of value into something else.
When we sacrifice a stick of incense, the resin is transmuted into smoke.
When we sacrifice our own time to serve others, our selfishness is transmuted into compassion.
Sacrifice is a way to demonstrate devotion and dedication to God.
But the Dark Occultists, who wield power over mankind, practice an ancient form of sacrifice known as Blood Sacrifice.
The Occult is known for executing these Blood Sacrifices on certain calendar dates throughout the year, such as the Satanic Grand Climax of Summer, which is celebrated every year at Bohemian Grove with the Cremation of Care.
The East Palestine train derailment occurred on February 2nd.
Candlemas, a fire festival for the dark occult.
The Nashville shooting occurred on the climax of Ostara, a week of sacrifice for the spring equinox.
Spring is peak season for satanic blood sacrifice.
And we are now at the grand climax of spring, which begins on April 19th and climaxes on May 1st, the holiday known as Beltane.
April 19th and April 20th are two of the biggest blood sacrifice dates.
The Branch Davidians were massacred in Waco, Texas on April 19, 1993.
168 people were murdered in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, under the watchful eyes of the CIA.
The idea of mass school shootings was inculcated into the minds of the public at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999.
The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was on April 20th, 2010.
This year's April 19th and 20th are especially important to the Dark Occultists.
We are in the middle of a three-month period that astrologers have been predicting since the end of last year.
A period that began in the middle of March, which ends this June.
According to the astrology, this rare culmination of events is all about a major transformation of the world's money system.
And the astrology for April 19th and 20th is especially intense.
There will be a solar eclipse in Aries, described as a time of societal breakdown, destruction and rebirth.
And the corresponding new moon has been described by one astrologer as a day that may be remembered for a long time to come.
Traditionally, the purpose of blood sacrifice is to gain favor from the supernatural, to strengthen one's own spiritual power, and as a way to symbolize and memorialize a significant spiritual transformation or rebirth.
But according to Michael Hoffman, they are now performing these rituals for the general public.
Occult expert Michael Hoffman calls these dark occultists the cryptocracy and claims they have involved mankind in a process of transformation being orchestrated by these blood rituals.
He wrote that these murders are actually intricately choreographed rituals performed first on a very intimate and secret scale among the initiates themselves in order to program them, then on a grand scale amplified incalculably By the electronic media.
In the end what we have is a highly symbolic ritual working broadcast to millions of people.
A satanic inversion.
A black mass where the pews are filled by the entire nation and through which humanity is paganized, brutalized, and debased.
Today, all of us can relate to being brutalized and debased by our governments.
Hoffman explains that the reason this is being done to us is to make us submit.
We're at the end of the ritual and the cryptocracy are now putting it all on the line.
He wrote, if the truth of what the cryptocracy has perpetrated is grasped and acted upon, the consequences for the conspirators will be annihilation.
But if the people fail to perceive the truth or fail to act on their perception, thus rendering the process a kind of tacit consent born of apathy, amnesia, and ebulia, the consequence for the conspirators will be a giant step in the advancement of their system of control.
That is to say, ever tighter bonds of enslavement for humanity.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
This is going to be a stupendously important broadcast today.
We have an incredible guest in the second hour, but before I tell you about that, welcome to this live Tuesday, April 18th, 2023 Global Emergency Transmission.
I'm your humble servant, Alex Jones.
Here's the deal.
You can say what you want about Elon Musk and his past or some of the projects he's in.
You can say he's posing as the good guy and the savior of humanity.
But what he's doing to the New World Order and the globalists is irrevocably damaging them and their entire project, and is undermining their long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals.
So, I have to say that by looking at the fruits of the tree, he's gone from okay to amazing.
On Friday, he says, arrest anyone that sterilizes a child before they're considering age of an adult, and they should go to prison for life.
On Monday, he comes out and he's going to release the documents that he's been doing.
We already know they're doing it.
That the government with private corporations has been spying on everything on Twitter, totally illegally, and that the Twitter employees read your private messages to your boss, your workers, your husband, your priest, your doctor.
This is just so criminal, so many felonies.
He drops that bombshell.
And then last night, part one of what is an 80-plus minute interview, so 40-plus minutes, 44 minutes of this over-the-top interview with the amazing, fantastic hero, Tucker Carlson.
It's just mind-blowing.
So what I'm going to do is have the special guest on in the second hour that I'll tell you about that ties into all this.
And then I'm going to just go ahead and air most of the Elon Musk in the third hour.
It has to be aired.
It has to get out to wider audiences.
You have to share it because every piece of it is just absolutely on target.
Now, he also came out at the end of the part one and said, you know, Twitter can run off 10% of the employees we had because really Twitter was just a giant surveillance censorship system.
And either we're going to fix it where it's good for the people, and it's open, or basically it's going to fail.
Wow, what a statement.
So, this is just really amazing.
Now obviously he knows the tide's turning against the New World Order.
So whether he's good or bad, this is another giant symbol that he knows the direction humanity is going on, and is now really attempting to lead that resistance.
And I have to say, Musk is doing more real tangible things in the real world to expose the poison shots and all of it than Trump did.
Trump did a lot of good stuff.
And so we're going to be laying all this out, but we're not looking for leaders to save us.
But at the same time, when very prominent people with a lot of power are aggressively fighting the globalist foundational structures, it's a good thing.
Now that said, The most profound thing in the Part 1 interview, Part 2 is tonight, 8 o'clock Eastern, 7 o'clock Central, Tucker Carlson, Fox News, was in the first 10 minutes.
And we're going to come back in the next two segments and play that first segment.
And it'll take two segments to get to because I'm going to give you my analysis of it.
Now, I've said this for many years, but I was very specific last, I guess it was last July, eight, nine months ago, when I said, In the future, everything will be whether you're pro-human or anti-human, whether you're a human supremacist or whether you want to be a slave or the globalist or this new super species they claim, and all of us are basically obsolete and are exterminated.
And I said, I am a human supremacist.
And I'll tell a little bit of the hour-long analysis I did.
We really should find the exact date of that full show and re-upload it to Bandai Video and put it on the front page.
Alex Jones, I am a human supremacist.
I think I wandered off that day and didn't write the headline myself, and it was something else, my fault.
But the whole rant is really, really critical, and I go into all the different details.
And I explained that day that Musk is beginning to turn against it, coming out and saying we need to have more children, coming out and saying there's not too many people, coming out and saying we need to bring back competition, coming back and saying that the shots are dangerous, coming out and saying that AI is dangerous, which he's been doing for a long time.
But Larry Page, the co-founder of Google, when he was really good friends with Musk years ago, when he said, look, I don't want to get rid of humans.
I don't want to make us obsolete.
We should control the future for humans.
And Page said to him that you are a speciesist, or that you believe in the human species and that that is a bad thing.
And it turns out PETA is who invented this word, and PETA is a project above the CIA.
PETA is there to dehumanize humans, give us no value, give animals value, but that's only so they can then displace humans.
But S-P-E-C-I-E-S-I-S-M.
Oh, you're into your species!
And how do you attack a species?
You get rid of males and females.
You create a generalist system.
This has been the plan of the globalists for over a hundred years.
Aldous Huxley wrote about it in Brave New World, and later it was actually part of a real plan.
His brother ran the UN, created the modern transhumanist movement on record.
Julian Huxley.
So this is a cult.
And Elon Musk is saying, I'm not with that cult.
So a very seminal, important interview where he explains that we're going to destroy ourselves and that we need to get control of this and that AI from the beginning is being designed to lie and control and basically destroy humanity and that that needs to be reversed right now.
So Larry Page accused him of being pro-human.
Well, I take the term that The transhumanist professors that created PETA came up with, and I counter their speciesism with what it really is.
No, no, it's human supremacy.
And we are supreme, we decide to be supreme, and we are stewards of the earth, and we can do incredible things.
But we have to be guilted, and told we're bad, and told we're ugly, and told that the New World Order is going to fix everything, and we just turn off our life force, turn off our will, turn off our self-preservation, and let them dictate to us this transhumanist, extinction rebellion, Greta Thunberg, death cult.
So I reject that, I reject all of it, and I say no to it, and it's my declaration of human supremacy.
Here it is.
I'm going to say it right now, real clear.
I love everybody, no matter what color your beautiful skin is.
But I care about your heart and your guts and your mind.
And you're under attack by these Satanists.
And they want to kill you!
And they want to kill your children!
And I say we set our differences aside.
And I say we come together and we beat these people.
And we smash their technocracy.
And we build the future together.
And we can do anything with our real diversity.
These enemies tell us all day about diversity.
They mean divided and conquered groups of people separate from each other.
This bill is supported by all of the Democrats, House and Senate.
It's just a filibuster in a way.
So in a way, if you really truly Want to honor Dr. King.
Don't dishonor him by using a congressional custom as an excuse for protecting our democracy.
If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump and you ain't black.
I want unity under a code of freedom.
And liberty, and justice, and coming together, and working together, and being strong, and that's what InfoWars is, and that's why the enemies of humanity hate us so much, because we love God, and God loves humanity!
And I am a human supremacist!
I am a human supremacist!
I am a human supremacist!
I am a human supremacist!
I am a human supremacist!
That term will be the future war with the robots and the AI.
What you're hearing now is the entire future and everything they tried to stop us from doing.
Our supremacy will not end with this planet.
We will people the stars.
We will colonize.
We will green dead worlds.
We will go interdimensional.
We will unlock the secrets of the universe.
God has laid them out like Christmas presents for his children.
And I am extremely honored to be in the fulcrum and the heart of the fight to bring our race, the human race, in a race for the future.
And we will break the enemy.
We will break the pedophiles.
We will break the Satanists.
Because God already sent his own self down here to show us he could do it.
God would never ask us to go through an obstacle course he wouldn't go through.
And now we're gonna go through what Christ did.
Everything that Elon Musk is saying on Tucker is actually all on record.
You can take everything he says...
And go find where the establishment has admitted it.
I was on Joe Rogan's show about four years ago, and then Elon Musk was on about a month later, and he basically repeated everything I said, and people said Elon Musk is copying Alex Jones.
And I don't think that's what was happening because he was there at the Google meetings when they said, we're going to create a giant cyborg, and I'll explain that in a moment, with AI.
Well, that was in the original corporate filings with In-Q-Tel and the CIA in 1998 with Eric Schmidt and the rest of them.
So I read the corporate filings decades ago about what Google's plan was, and it was to create an AI self-learning system that interfaces with billions of people and that we feed all of our data to, and then it basically directs us In a cyborg synthesis.
And that it's that human-machine interface that is the cyborg.
And it's a giant megamind, basically.
And so what you're seeing, so-called chatbots and things like that, are just little expressions of what is really an AI system.
And so Musk is saying the decision has been made to basically brush humans aside And it's like calling someone a racist.
You're a speciesismist.
I keep pronouncing that incorrectly.
And that's what Larry Page said that Elon Musk was.
And then he said, well, what are you?
Well, somebody playing God.
Somebody that wants to merge the machines.
Somebody that says if people don't get in line with us, they just won't be absorbed and you'll be obsolete.
You'll be killed.
That's what Naval Noah Harari said again two weeks ago.
He played the clip.
So the decision's been made.
This is all going on.
They're up there talking about it like we're animals and can't hear what they're doing while they build this new anti-human environment.
They're coming out saying we want to ban rice because it's grown in swamps that make methane.
Methane's good.
Swamps are good.
Cow farts are good.
Helps hold in the atmosphere.
Oh, we're going to ban rice.
It's bad for the earth.
Oh, we're going to cut down trees.
They're bad for the earth.
That's CNN now.
And now the mayor of New York comes out and says, we're going to go after beef and dairy and shut it down.
Got that clip coming up.
By the way, there's been lots of denials that Meat producers in the U.S.
have been injecting mRNA and because they're trying to quietly pass laws everywhere that they can.
So now the research has been done and Dr. Peter McCullough has reported on it.
That's coming up.
They've been injecting the food supply since 2018.
That's coming up.
So you're like, well, wait, why are they trying to pass a law?
There was no law for or against.
Now they know we're aware of it, so they're trying to pass laws so they can do it.
So, again, we're way ahead in all of this than the public knows.
And it's extremely dangerous.
So Elon Musk is there talking to Tucker, explaining all this, and our guest is actually on in the third hour, so I'll have time to go through all this this hour, the next hour, and it ties all into these other reports.
But let's go ahead and start getting into The actual first segment, which is number two on the list where he explains AI and what this really means.
And then we will continue on.
In fact, let's play a short clip first and get into the main body.
Go ahead and play clip six where he's talking to Larry Page, the co-founder of Google.
Back when it was a non-profit.
I mean, the reason OpenAI exists at all is that Larry Page and I used to be close friends and I would stay at his house in Palo Alto and I would talk to him late into the night about AI safety and at least my perception was that Larry was not taking AI safety seriously enough.
What did he say about it?
He really seemed to be One sort of digital superintelligence, basically digital God, if you will, as soon as possible.
He wanted that?
He's made many public statements over the years that the whole goal of Google is what's called AGI, artificial general intelligence, or artificial superintelligence.
And I agree with him that there's great potential for good, but there's also potential for bad.
And so if you've got some Radical new technology.
You want to try to take a set of actions that maximize the probability that it will do good and minimize the probability that it will do bad things.
It can't just be health leather.
Let's just go, you know, barreling forward and hope for the best.
And then at one point, I said, well, what about, you know, we're going to make sure humanity's okay here.
And then he called me a speciest.
Did he use that term?
And there were witnesses.
I wasn't the only one there when he called me a speciest.
And so I was like, okay, that's it.
Yes, I'm a speciest.
You got me.
What are you?
Yeah, I'm fully a speciest.
So, that was his last straw.
At the time, Google had acquired DeepMind, and so Google and DeepMind together had about three quarters of all the AI talent in the world.
They obviously had a tremendous amount of money and more... Alright, I'm gonna go ahead and talk about a little piece here, but... A speciest.
A speciest.
Now that's a term developed by a group of professors who are working for the Defense Department, the CIA, and then they founded PETA with a few front people.
And I didn't just learn about this in books, I actually learned about this personally.
And I can't really get into the details of it because it deals with family and it would really upset them.
But I was told all this stuff by a close family member who had gotten into it and who had been whatever reason brought into the top of PETA and I learned about this when I got reached out to by Regnery Publishing because they knew about the family member and then they sent some former FBI agents to come talk to us about it and I was only like 25 at the time and I said this is so dangerous and so insane no one's gonna believe it and I've never really told everybody what I was told by my family member and they only told me some of it, okay?
But I basically couldn't believe it.
And then years later, what they told me came out.
Part of it came out, okay?
That's where they pressure all the PETA employees to go adopt animals or grab them off the street.
And then the head of PETA, then in Norfolk, Virginia, would sit in the top of the building, sometimes hours a day, Getting off on injecting dogs and cats with lethal injection and then they would take them and throw them in the dumpster.
You know, you hear this, but that's what crazy people do.
And like eating T-bone steaks and laughing and saying, we're really eugenicists, we're going to get rid of the human population.
This professor's our head.
He's coming today.
And bragging that they were all CIA.
And I was just like, because this family member was like only one of eight people they let in the top floor.
Okay, so I just it's just it's just insane.
And of course they got out of it when they saw that but we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right.
Now I'm going to go off into PETA for a moment because it's it's it's critical to understand.
I have a family member who in college PETA hands them at UT.
This is a long time ago.
Just like 35 years ago now, 30 years ago or longer, hands them a brochure about taking care of animals and not having animal cruelty and invites them to a PETA facility here in Austin.
Back when they were getting billions in funding, before they got exposed by the leak that came from my family member.
And I'm not bragging, that's really what happened.
And I've told the story years ago to folks that I've been tuned in for a while, and it's something that's, I wouldn't even say embarrassing, but I don't really want to get too much into the family issue.
But, in just a few years, they rise up very quickly in PETA and become one of the more famous spokespersons.
And some of the famous stunts.
And the right wing, you know, came after them and talked about them, and they did, you know, all sorts of things that made front pages of newspapers around the world.
And so then they get recruited up to the highest levels.
And so this, this, this family member opened up to me about this because they'd been reached out to by conservative think tanks that were looking to take down PETA were being funded by the meat industry.
We later learned.
And the information that came out, only part of it ever came out, is what you don't really hear about PETA much anymore, because they got caught, the police arrested them, with hundreds of dead dogs and cats, just like they said, putting them in a dumpster, all the other weird stuff.
But Dr. Peter Singer, if you want to know what this Elon Musk stuff's all about, I'm taking you to the root of it, was an Australian bioethicist, and I think he was at Princeton, can you guys pull his bio from memory here?
And yes, he was.
Bioethics at Princeton University.
And that he wrote in 1979, human babies are not born self-aware or capable of grasping the existence of time.
He wanted to say they're not persons until age three.
We should be able to kill them.
Now, you notice you hear all that in our culture today.
Well, he was one of the high priests of this.
When I say High Priest, I mean High Priest, the cult.
So this family member is telling me all about Peter Singer and how they follow everything he says, and these other professors, and how they're really the Animal Liberation Front, and how they are working with the CIA, and all of this.
And you have to understand, PETA is just a PR firm of the Extinction Rebellion, Club of Rome, New World Order system.
These are all just tentacles Of the same thing.
Getting you to give up your body.
Getting you not to value being a human.
Yeah, Pete employees face 31 felony animal cruelty charges for killing, dumping dogs.
They believe that all domesticated animals need to be killed.
And the whole planet needs to be rewilded.
But that's one arm to get the leftist cultists, kind of like the Unabomber, believing That civilization's bad.
That's just to sell the cult members to be the Extinction Rebellion level people.
That's really what PDA is, is Extinction Rebellion.
It's all the same group.
And I was told even more wild stuff, and I'm not gonna get it on the air, but let me just say, when I say a cult, I mean a cult, okay?
I mean eyes wide shut stuff, okay?
So, but it's all the same cult throughout history, just different names.
And so here is Elon Musk with Larry Page, and he's working with him to develop AI.
And Musk did develop an open source one that Microsoft took over against his wishes.
But that's a separate system from Google.
But they're all interconnected.
And he says, hey, we don't want to destroy humanity.
We want to really, and he said, why are you for humanity?
Why are you a Speciesist.
I always say it wrong.
How do you say it?
It's easy to say.
So, that's what this is.
And so, you can go around to any of the heads of Google.
You can go around to any of the heads of the big corporations.
They'll all tell you the same stuff.
Oh, humanity.
We're done with that.
It's all over.
And just think about what a cult that is, that if you even discuss safety and humanity and free will, they laugh at you.
Peter Singer said until a baby is capable of self-awareness, there is no
controlling reason not to kill it, to serve the preferences of the parents.
And this bioethicism, this new bioethics system that's gotten rid of the Hippocratic Oath and all the rest of it, is all about total and complete selfishness.
You have to understand, it's far worse than I'm saying.
The crew is in there while I'm talking, just searching what I'm saying and pulling it up and showing it to you in live time.
That's not pre-prepared.
I'm just up here talking, they're pulling it up.
And so now CNN says, and now the UN says, we want to get rid of the trees.
We want to get rid of the rice.
It's cows yesterday, trees today.
There's another headline.
Death with a happy face.
Peter Singer's bold defense of infanticide.
So now they got us killing babies at the time they're born, now let's kill them after.
And so, Musk is saying, I don't like this, I want a pro-human future.
And they've got a wall-wall-west mad science program going on with the Hadron Superconducting Super Collider, with genetic engineering, with cross-species genetic engineering, with synthetic life genetic engineering, with the AI race.
The Pentagon admits in congressional funding reports that the Air Force by the late 1980s had already isolated antimatter particles.
And they gave briefings to let, quote, America's enemies know in 1996 to the San Francisco Chronicle that the Air Force has isolated and created any matter weapons.
But they theoretically can test them, but you can't actually test them.
They think even the tiniest ones would blow the planet up.
So that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
And so when we talk about this, understand it's deadly serious, it's deadly real.
And it's going on everywhere in all major academic circles that are state-funded.
That's what Eisenhower in '61 in his farewell address warned of a technological ruling elite
that already controlled 90% of the science development in America with the massive funding
of the Cold War that was in control of the military-industrial complex.
People never get the full quote from the 21-minute farewell address.
You should go watch it, it's online.
And it's not just that I have a family member who's a woman who got recruited into this
and then, oh, they tried to recruit my dad back in the mid-1960s when he was in Plan
2 as a high school student.
And he was in it until he got out of college and decided it was not good.
Decided to just go be a dentist.
Married my mom and she got pregnant.
So, it's not that my family's that special.
It's that anybody that's getting High grade point averages is being approached and is part of this.
And that's why there's a lot of these people around you.
And they look down on you.
They think you're an animal.
They think you're not conscious.
And that's why they write books and publications like you don't even hear them.
Oh, these people are obsolete.
We'll get rid of them.
Just kill kids.
Kill everybody.
Yeah, we're going to force people to commit suicide.
Big deal.
You don't have any worth.
A bioethics board decided you don't have any worth.
And so, they've sucked up the entire, most of the intelligence here, on my mom's side of the family.
Her brother, recruited into Army Special Operations in, in God knows what, in Iran-Contra, but he was a guy giving orders.
Right there.
But see, it's not that my family's that special.
It's that they were all top of their class, but that's a big group of people, folks, That's a big group of people.
If then, I look at almost everybody else I know, and they've been recruited or been part of this.
And so, that's where we are.
And they've decided, we're all dead.
And now they've gone to the phase of, we're going to cut the trees down at Van Rice, and take your gasoline car away.
You understand?
You're all dead.
We're all dead.
If we don't stop these people.
I'm a human supremacist.
All right, I'm setting the table here to get deep into the Elon Musk Part 1 interview.
More clips come up in a moment.
I'm Tucker Carlson.
But the reason I'm talking about my personal experiences, not just what's in textbooks or not just what's in speeches or publications or being funded by DARPA and all the rest of it, but how you can see this in your life.
The supposed craziness of PETA 20-30 years ago is now world leaders everywhere saying we gotta ban beef and dairy and then rice.
And here's the New York mayor, I have a video clip of that, we'll play next hour, just yesterday saying that.
They want to control everything you do and once you give up rice and beef, you'll give up everything else, you'll die.
Two-thirds of the cars Or 70% actually, more than two-thirds, in just six years have to be electric and there's not enough rarest mineral to build them.
And plus there's not enough power plants to supply them.
It's all lies.
They're collapsing your civilization while hoarding all the wealth for themselves.
It's a Hunger Games scenario.
And they've recruited But it's compartmentalized through hundreds of different organizations and groups and so-called philosophies.
But whether it's the highest levels of the military or academia or banking or the ecclesiastical, it doesn't matter.
They're all taught the same anti-human system in the name of humanism.
And it is an elitist death cult where they recruit people in and say there's too many people but we're gonna bring in a system and phase out most of the population and have this new beautiful golden age, we're gonna discover the secrets of the universe, we're gonna merge the machines and we are gonna inherit the earth and they aren't.
Remember when the head of the biology department said in my film Endgame in 2007 he came out and gave a speech, he got a standing ovation in Houston at an academic conference.
And he said, airborne Ebola will soon be released, we deserve to die, 90% of us will all be dead.
He projected a PowerPoint screen with a bunch of skulls on the wall, and they had a two-minute standing ovation, crying, and agreeing everybody should die.
I pointed out he was in charge of the biology department, and I said the FBI ought to go question him.
Back then, the FBI was still not that corrupt.
They went, it was in the news, and questioned him the next week.
He said, soon Ebola will be released, soon you'll all be dead.
What do you think Marburg is, airborne Ebola?
They're telling you that's coming now.
I mean, these people aren't playing games, okay?
He's at UT.
Then one of his former students writes an article attacking me and others.
But she says, we've all really got to admit there's too many people.
In fact, humans are a parasite.
The earth would be better without us.
I searched her name.
She was running a government bioweapon program in California as the director.
She had graduated 10 years previous as his pet student.
You can't shake a stick and not run into one of them.
My dad was in UT when he was 15.
He wanted to be in NASA.
He was top of his class.
He went to a bunch of these programs.
They said, yeah, kid, we're gonna put you in NASA.
And they scooped up all the smartest kids, and they had him in a UT program.
There was only six kids.
He was a sophomore in high school.
And they're in there, and after he goes through the program for two years, the head of the program, who was the head of the Department, calls him aside, takes him to dinner, and says, look, I'm Jewish.
My dad's not Jewish.
This professor was.
His name was Spear.
And when I was a kid, before the guy died, when I was like five years old, we went by his house and talked to him when we were in Austin visiting.
My dad knew him that well.
He was friends with him.
Super old man then.
And he tells my dad, he goes, he tells him there's just too many people and we're not gonna be like the Nazis and, you know, kill only certain groups, but we're just gonna have to take control and survive with the fittest and get rid of the most of the people.
And he'd show him with his moth breeding program and his plant breeding program about, see how good the breeding is, see how we have to do it.
And so they tried to recruit him into that stuff, but he didn't get into it.
So again, it's everywhere, ladies and gentlemen.
They're all over the place.
My dad said no.
And took another path.
And that's what I'm telling you is Elon Musk has decided to take another path and a lot of people have decided to take another path.
And we're pro-human and we're going to beat these people together.
But we don't hide a secret like the enemy.
We're out in the open.
Open source.
The show is open source.
Everything you see on air, you see all of it here.
It's not a cult.
It's not hidden.
It's out in the open.
And we can beat this together with God's help, but we have to recognize what it is.
And it's for this.
I was just over there in my office getting a cup of coffee a minute ago, and saw this picture from about three years ago, four years ago, my youngest daughter.
She was not even really two years old then.
And that's her on my shoulders.
And she's staring up, staring up, pointing at the sky.
She deserves to not have them trying to target her to be sterilized.
She deserves to not have them trying to target her with poison shots that change her DNA.
She deserves to not be bathed in 5G.
She deserves to have a chance to live and breathe and discover things herself and, you know, to become a woman and become a mother or become whatever she wants to be.
And we have a responsibility that we must protect her and all the other little children.
Because that's what this is all about.
And we've got to have the will to do it, and we've got to stand against the globalists.
You know, I was out at a local park, I remember that day, and my wife was out of town, so the nanny was with me, and I was out at the park with all my children.
We went to a restaurant after, and I remember the moment she took that picture because I was thinking, About how we've got to protect our children and we've got to defeat the new world order.
And I was having a feeling of serenity and contentment with the Holy Spirit that we will prevail, but at great loss.
And I remember, and then I remember opening my eyes and the nanny taking that picture.
I said, I want you to print that.
I'm going to frame that.
Because at that very moment, I was going within myself to focus on God and the resistance and the commitment.
And you could see the look.
Of not even pleasure or contentment, but completion and dedication and God saying, we will win, but you've got to do what it takes.
And I remember having that thought, that moment of touching God.
I have a lot of those moments, but not many that get caught in an iris of a camera.
But there she is, opening up like a flower of the universe, pointing up the stairway to heaven and creativity and so much more, just wanting a chance to be a human, just wanting a chance to be around decent people and build a future.
And the commitment of the father to make sure that happens.
A picture tells a thousand words.
All right, I'm done with the history diatribe.
When we start the next hour, I think the best way to do this is, I'm just going to start at the beginning of the Elon Musk 44-minute interview part one, and I'll get to most of it, and then tomorrow we'll obviously cover part two.
But the next thing I want to get to, and then I'll get to the full interview, is where he points out that the main AI system that he created, that was taken over by Microsoft, has now been hijacked ...by Microsoft that has been given to the Democratic Party, and that it's actually coordinating all the censorship, which we know, but what runs those dashboards they're all using?
The control panels.
And what decides who gets what, how much, and what you're allowed to spy on, what you're allowed to do.
And it actually grades the different levels of agents, different agency groups they're in, and private corporations.
And he's exposing that we're already up against election meddling, and that the Democrats, or the CIA, the Deep State, the Carnegie Endowment, Rockefeller Endowment, are running that against us.
It's just a profound spilling of the guts.
And it's because Elon has eight children.
And he knows that there's no future in this.
You can pretend like you're going to be some tech overlord, but they're all going to get destroyed in the process as well.
It's not like one-tenth of one percent win in this game.
Everybody loses, but they're on a satanic power trip.
And what has Musk said?
Beware of those that pray to AI gods, or think they're going to become AI gods.
He just named them.
Larry Page.
All of them.
That's the consensus of these people.
They're high priests.
All right, we're going to go to break.
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Quite fundamental to the success of OpenAI.
I put a tremendous amount of effort into recruiting Ilya, and he changed his mind a few times and ultimately decided to go with OpenAI.
But if he had not gone with OpenAI, I would not have succeeded.
I really put a lot of effort into creating this organization to serve as a counterweight to Google.
And then I kind of took my eye off the ball, I guess, and they are now a closed source.
They are obviously full profit and they're closely allied with Microsoft.
In effect, Microsoft has a very strong say, if not directly controls OpenAI at this point.
So you really have an OpenAI and Microsoft situation.
And then Google DeepMind are the two heavyweights in this arena.
So it seems like the world needs a third option.
So I think I will create a third option.
Although it's starting very late in the game, of course.
Can it be done?
I don't know.
I think it's... We'll see.
It's definitely starting late.
But I will try to create a third option.
And that third option hopefully does more good than harm.
The intention with the opening, I was...
Absolutely good, but it's not clear whether it's actually doing good or whether it's I can't tell at this point, except that I'm worried about the fact that it's being trained to be politically correct, which is simply another way of being untruthful, saying untruthful things.
So, that's not a bad sign.
There's certainly a path to AI dystopia, is to train an AI to be deceptive.
So yeah, I'm going to start something which I know you call TruthGBT, or Maximum Truth-Seeking AI That tries to understand the nature of the universe.
And I think this might be the best path to safety in the sense that an AI that cares about understanding the universe is unlikely to annihilate humans because we are an interesting part of the universe.
Hopefully, they would think that.
I think it would.
Because, yeah, humanity could decide to hunt down all the chimpanzees and kill them, but we don't.
Well, these are big issues, aren't they?
And at least Musk is telling you what they think of you.
They say you're obsolete, you're dying, the future's not human.
They're gonna get rid of you.
You're worthless.
And then they've trained through Pavlovian dopamine receptors through the social media networks where most people just have fake views and fake bots.
That they're actually communicating with humans and in many cases up to 90% of who these liberals are interacting with, there's big studies on it.
Most of the conservative populist communication in the world is real people.
There's not a lot of money being spent by conservatives to create fake bots and go out and have fake relationships.
It's just not being done.
Populist people just don't think like that.
They want real followers.
They want real people.
But see, with the left, it's the weakest of our people, the most easily influenced, the most easily hypnotized, controlled, isolated, to be made to press.
This has all come out in the documents on Facebook and more.
And then they get more and more desperate, more and more scared, and more and more radical because the bots are telling them to.
Then they get a bigger and bigger army of real people that actually believe cut down the trees to save the earth and ban rice to save the earth and pedophilia is a good thing.
You know, all this nihilism and defund the police and burning down buildings is good.
And, and all of it's just to wreck society.
Because there's too many resources, too many people that are free.
They got to get us super poor and isolated to go on the social credit score, which then is just a pathway to death.
Which I'm going to cover in the third hour with a very special guest.
It's the maker of the incredible 24 minute animation film.
Beyond the reset.
Next hour.
And it's not a metaphor for reality.
It is what they're doing.
It's the psychology you use.
Again, I could teach a four-year course on bioethics off this 24-minute film, because this is how they operate.
It's how they get you to opt in.
It's their excuse.
It's free will, but they deceive you.
So, we're talking about the secrets of the universe.
We're talking about how to stop the New World War.
We could not be talking about more serious subjects.
I got a bunch of other news.
We're going to tie in with it on the other side.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
I am not a speciest, as the head of Google has accused myself and Elon Musk and many others of being.
I am a human supremacist.
I want this planet to serve us.
And I want to empower the planet and make it more beautiful and protect the species, but not at the expense of our free will and who we are.
Plus, the globalists are destroying the planet in the name of saving it by taking control of us.
You don't cut the trees down to save the Earth if carbon dioxide's bad.
Carbon dioxide's good.
These people are actually attacking the Earth in the name of saving it and building their silicon god.
And that's what Elon Musk came out and said.
He named names.
How they quote the Peter Singer speciest Garbage that humans are inherently bad.
When Elon Musk says this AI is being designed to lie and hurt people, you're going to destroy humanity.
Well, so what?
Why are you a species?
Screw humans.
We're not going to be human soon.
The future is not human.
This is what they say.
This is what the controllers do.
And then you wonder why all these horrible things are happening.
They've always got some excuse for it.
But at the end of the day, you go read their core documents.
It's about cutting you off and preparing you to be wiped off the face of the earth.
I don't know about you, but it's not like I'm grasshoppers, you know, going through a field eating the lettuce so they spray me with poison.
I'm sentient, I'm conscious, my ancestors did a lot of incredible things, I intend my children to do incredible things, and I'm not rolling over and dying just because there's a new type of sophisticated war going on against us.
We have a global ruling class that is in a death cult, and we're seeing more and more people realize it and break with it.
And that's what I said last hour, I didn't finish the statement.
Four years ago, I was on Joe Rogan right before the first time Elon Musk came on.
My interviews and Elon's are the biggest in Joe's interviews.
I'm proud of that.
Dueling, dueling numbers.
And people saw when he came on a month after I did and basically said all the exact same things.
They said, Elon Musk is copying Alex Jones.
I was reading documents about Google saying they want to create an AI guide.
He's in the meetings.
He was involved.
He started the AI arm of that.
So he's saying the same thing, just like if I'm in my front yard, you're in your front yard, and a school bus drives by and catches on fire for some reason.
The cops pull up later and say, what'd you see?
I don't know, fire just started shooting out of the front of the bus.
Your neighbor says, yeah, it just caught on fire.
We don't know what happened.
We're looking at the same thing.
That's what I try to explain to people.
Oh, Elon Musk is a conspiracy theorist now.
What, because he intellectually says, I disagree with world government and centralization?
I disagree with deceptive AI?
I disagree with saying we should get rid of humanity?
They're all saying that, and then we say, we don't want that, and they go, oh, you're a conspiracy terrorist.
They never even respect us enough to have a debate with them.
They have no response.
The door is slammed in our face.
That's why we have to not support the globalist projects, not give them our money, not give them our energy, not give them our eyeballs, and we have to go out and build The systems that serve us.
And we have to take the governments over, and we have to arrest the people that sterilize children, and those that develop the plans need to be tried for crimes against humanity, and they need to be executed.
Because they want to kill all of us.
No, no, no, no, no.
They need to know that they're going to die.
And I don't want to go around like the Unabomber bombing random technology people, hoping to stop technology.
I don't want technology built and designed to enslave and destroy us.
I don't want the heads of bioweapons departments talking about how they're going to murder everybody in charge of those departments.
We don't have to kill anybody.
We have to take control of the system again, but the people they've killed deserve for them to be tried.
And brought to justice.
And that's why Elon Musk says anybody that sterilizes a child before their age of consent should be put in prison for life.
Florida just passed a law if you rape a child below the age of 12, you're executed.
I agree with that.
There's a slippery slope.
Those are so many false allegations.
But if you are openly riding the blueprint for sterilization and death, and if you are openly running all these programs against humanity, And we take the government back and the system back and you've been suppressing and spying and writing the programs that target children to then sterilize them.
Then, yeah, that's a crime against humanity.
That's Joseph Zemeckis stuff.
And you need to be hung on live television.
They want some bread and circuses?
We'll give it to them.
Because it needs to be a message to all these other people, these bureaucrats, these nerds, that want to kill by stealth, that, no, no, we're not going to kill by stealth.
We're not going to slowly poison people with 5G and GMO.
Once you're convicted, we're going to march your ass up on international television, and we're going to break your neck.
And there ain't going to be any hood on your head either.
Everybody's going to see you squirming and shitting your pants and pissing out your life.
You understand that?
And I don't say that to act tough, folks.
When they're doing stuff this evil, I've got to take it to the level of what they've done, and just be honest about what I really think should be done.
But don't go shoot any of them.
Don't go bomb any of them.
They'll spin it and play victim.
We take everything back over, and then we take these people to court, and we convict them, and we imprison most of them.
But the kingpins get executed.
And that's a message to future tyrants and future would-be psychopaths that want to carry this crap out, that we won't tolerate you getting in the way of our prosperity and our future and our free will.
We're gonna snap your neck like a chicken!
You love death so much, you're gonna get some of it!
Now again, everybody likes to talk tough.
Colonel Jackson said, don't shoot until you see the lights of their eyes.
We've gotta expose them first.
We've gotta Lay out their plans, we gotta let everybody know what they did to us, how they cooked up the viruses, how they violated the law, that's death penalty right there.
How they released the virus, how they blocked therapeutics, that's crime against humanity, knowingly.
And we gotta just expose them in a war of truth until the vast majority know who they are, and then we'll take back the government and we will put them in prison.
And they're already all over Congress, not just Rand Paul, but others, saying we're gonna put Fauci in prison.
Look, we're this close to really exposing them and taking them down.
Doesn't mean we're angels, doesn't mean there's some utopia on the other side, but at least we're not gonna have people working for the destruction of humanity.
This is so important, I'm going to skip the network break.
I haven't done this in years, but these speeches of Trump and Musk and all this is just so important that, you know, it's like if a nuclear bomb went off, we'd skip all the ads.
I need time to play this, I'm going to skip this break.
We'll go to break at 30 after.
So let's go ahead and get started rolling here.
Let's just go from the start right up until 30 after and you can just listen to this for yourself and I'll
come back and give analysis and come back and give more but that's where we are.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson's and happy Monday.
Artificial intelligence is one of those topics that's just spooky and sci-fi enough to make for a compelling television segment.
They love it on the morning shows.
But at the same time, AI is complex enough that it's easy to misrepresent.
It sounds like something that could be revolutionary, even dangerous to humanity.
But is it?
And if it is, what should we do about it?
Those questions are significant enough that we wanted to find someone who could provide a definitive answer.
Elon Musk seemed like the right person.
Musk has been thinking about AI and worrying about it for most of his life.
Nearly a decade ago, he helped found a non-profit research project called OpenAI, and the point was in the name.
If we're going to have artificial intelligence, and apparently we are, it ought to be open, open to the world.
That would help ensure that it's used for good and not evil.
That was the idea.
But as the years passed, and Musk found himself preoccupied building a couple of enormous companies, SpaceX and Tesla, OpenAI got away from him.
As of tonight, OpenAI is no longer open.
It's not a non-profit research project dedicated to using artificial intelligence to serve humanity.
It is instead a commercial enterprise, backed by Microsoft and controlled to some extent by the Democratic Party.
Elon Musk thinks that's a problem.
In fact, he believes it's a threat to human civilization.
Tantamount to, maybe even more terrifying than, thermonuclear weapons.
The conversation you're about to see took place recently in a hotel room in Los Angeles.
We think it's important enough that we're going to play the entire thing for you over the course of tonight and tomorrow.
Here's how the conversation began.
So all of a sudden AI is everywhere, people who weren't quite sure what it was are playing with it on their phones.
Is that good or bad?
Yeah, so I've been thinking about AI for a long time, since I was in college really.
It's one of the things that, just sort of four or five things I thought would really affect the future dramatically.
It is fundamentally profound in that the The smartest creatures, as far as we know, on this earth are humans, is our defining characteristic.
We're obviously weaker than, say, chimpanzees and less agile, but we are smarter.
So, now, what happens when something vastly smarter than the smartest person comes along in silicon form?
It's very difficult to predict what will happen in that circumstance.
It's called the singularity.
It's a singularity like a black hole because you don't know what happens after that.
It's hard to predict.
So I think we should be cautious with AI and we should, I think there should be some Government oversight, because it's a danger to the public.
And so when you have things that are a danger to the public, like let's say, food and drugs.
That's why we have the Food and Drug Administration, and the Federal Aviation Administration, the FCC.
We have these agencies to oversee things that affect the public, where there could be public harm.
And you don't want companies cutting corners on safety and
then having people suffer as a result, so That's why I've actually for a long time been a strong
advocate of AI
regulation so that I think regulation is
You know, it's not fun to be regulated It's somewhat arduous to be regulated.
I have a lot of experience with regulated industries because, obviously, automotive is highly regulated.
You could fill this room with all the regulations that are required for a production car just in the United States, and then there's a whole different set of regulations in Europe and China and the rest of the world.
I'm very familiar with being overseen by a lot of regulators.
And the same thing is true with rockets.
You can't just willy-nilly shoot rockets off, not big ones anyway, because the FAA oversees
And then even to get a launch license, there are probably half a dozen or more federal
agencies that need to approve it, plus state agencies.
So I've been through so many regulatory situations, it's insane.
But sometimes people think I'm some sort of regulatory maverick that defies regulators
on a regular basis, but this is actually not the case.
You know, once in a blue moon, rarely I will disagree with regulators, but the vast majority of the time my companies agree with the regulations and comply.
Anyway, so I think we should take this seriously and we should have a regulatory agency.
I think it needs to start with a group that initially seeks insight into AI, then solicits opinion from industry and then has proposed rulemaking
and then those rules, you know, will probably, hopefully grudgingly be accepted by
the major players in AI.
And I think we'll have a better chance of advanced AI being beneficial to humanity in that
But all regulations start with a perceived danger.
Planes fall out of the sky or food causes botulism.
I don't think the average person playing with AI on his iPhone perceives any danger.
Can you just roughly explain what you think the dangers might be?
Yeah, so the danger, really, AI is perhaps More dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design, or production maintenance, or bad car production, in the sense that it is, it has the potential, however small one may regard that probability, but it is non-trivial.
It has the potential of civilizational destruction.
There's movies like Terminator, but it wouldn't quite happen like Terminator, because the intelligence would be in the data centers.
The robot's just the end effector.
But I think perhaps what you may be alluding to here is that regulations are really only put into effect after something terrible has happened.
That's correct.
If that's the case for AI and we're only putting regulations after something terrible has happened, it may be too late to actually put the regulations in place.
The AI may be in control at that point.
Do you think that's real?
It is conceivable that AI could take control and reach a point where you couldn't turn it off and it would be making Making the decisions for people.
Yeah, absolutely Absolutely.
No, it's that's that's definitely the way things are headed for sure I mean Things like like say chat GPT, which is based on GPT for from open AI which right company that I Played a critical role in in creating unfortunately back when it was a nonprofit Yes I mean, the reason OpenAI exists at all is that Larry Page and I used to be close friends and I would stay at his house in Palo Alto and I would talk to him late into the night about AI safety and at least my perception was that Larry was not taking AI safety seriously enough.
What did he say about it?
He really seemed to be What it wants is sort of a digital superintelligence, basically a digital god, if you will, as soon as possible.
He wanted that?
He's made many public statements over the years that the whole goal of Google is what's called AGI, artificial general intelligence, or artificial superintelligence.
And I agree with him that there's great potential for good, but there's also potential for bad.
And so if you've got some All right, let's pause it right here for a moment.
I'm going to make a few comments, we'll go back to it.
The point here is, is that big tech's never been regulated, and I don't think the government's our savior either, but big tech runs the government.
Big tech's controlled by the big banks and oligarchs that are the globalists.
The bad guys are in control of it.
It's being used to lie, deceive, surveil, censor, control out of the gates.
And then they talk about obsolescence of humans.
So, just like a calculator is a great thing, but then nobody knows how to do math anymore.
We'll take that to the next order, and the next order, and the next order.
Now, robots are growing all the food, robots are doing everything, robots are driving the cars.
None of it's going to be needed.
And they're not saying, we're not going to just have self-driving cars.
We're going to get rid of the people.
We're going to get rid of the cars.
We're getting rid of it.
We're scrapping it all.
And it's the AI that's going into the complex civilization and taking everything over so they can start phasing us out and mop us up.
Because the process of getting rid of us, if we find out about it, it's going to be impossible if we learn about it soon enough.
So it's a tool.
They are going to control the entire processing system when they release the bioweapon and everybody's dying in their homes hoping that a vaccine gets made or whatever.
It'll be the robots that come and pick up your dead bodies and take them away.
Because there won't even be enough people to do that once this all goes down.
And civilization will collapse.
We're not going to do it in one big wave.
They just did a beta test that I predicted 20 years ago and 10 years ago.
Then they'll do another biorelease that kills 30, 40 times what this one did.
And then we'll go into decades or maybe only a few years of total control, robots everywhere, and people afraid to go out because they're going to get sick.
Lots of new little diseases as well.
And then once we're all basket cases and won't leave our houses, Suddenly there won't be enough resources, now we've got to opt into euthanasia, you know, all the rest of it.
Oh, travel the world, go see Hawaii, whatever you want, but in one year you sign the contract, you'll be euthanized.
I told you that 20 years ago, they're now proposing that.
So you can extrapolate out with the AI God gave us where they're going from their own admissions.
And it's absolutely hellish, but listen to what Larry Page says.
You are a pro-human, you believe in humans.
And he says, well, what do you believe in?
You see, they've already decided they're done with us.
Here it is.
He's made many public statements over the years that the whole goal of Google is what's called AGI, artificial general intelligence, or artificial super intelligence.
No, and I agree with him that there's great potential for good, but there's also potential for bad.
And so if you've got some radical new technology, you want to try to take a set of actions that maximize the probability that it will do good and minimize the probability that it will do bad things.
It can't just be helpful, let's just go, you know, barreling forward and hope for the best.
And then at one point, I said, well, what about, you know, we're going to make sure humanity's okay here.
And then he called me a speciest.
Did he use that term?
And there were witnesses.
I wasn't the only one there when he called me a speciest.
And so I was like, okay, that's it.
Yes, I'm a speciest.
You got me.
What are you?
Yeah, I'm fully a speciest.
So, that was his last straw.
At the time, Google had acquired DeepMind, and so Google and DeepMind together had about three quarters of all the AI talent in the world.
They obviously had a tremendous amount of money and more computers than anyone else.
So I'm like, okay, we have a unipolar world here where there's just one company that has close to a monopoly on AI talent and And computers like scale computing and person who's in charge doesn't seem to care about safety.
This is not good, so So then I thought, what's the furthest thing from Google?
Would be like a non-profit that is fully open.
Because Google was closed for profit.
So that's why the open and open AI refers to open source.
You know, transparency, so people know what's going on.
Go ahead and stop it there.
And they're grabbing all this data and collating it and then selling it and using it to further monopolize the market.
Just like the lockdowns were done to test the AI takeover, to test working from home, and to test shutting down all the smaller industries that together were still a larger part of the economy than the top 100.
But now the top 100, thanks to lockdowns worldwide, are way bigger.
Just in those two years that happened three years ago, started three years ago, they successfully ate the majority of the economy and destroyed it in the process and vertically integrated it.
So the diversity is being taken out, We're becoming a one-crop economy, and in that I mean not the classical sense of a one-crop economy where a country mainly exports one thing, like Cuba, you know, tobacco and maybe rum, an agricultural economy.
This is an economy where it's a breakaway civilization that runs and controls everything, and it's run by people that don't just not care about safety, they don't like the public.
They use eugenics PETA terms to describe humans.
They are They're fabulously connected to evil.
They're fabulously disconnected from good.
And they are not on Team Humanity.
They don't have loyalty to their grandparents or great-great-grandparents.
They don't have a sense of good in humanity.
They don't like us.
They act like aliens.
That's why I say, I don't know if aliens are real, but the artificial intelligences and all these chimeras and synthetic life they're making here on Earth for 50 years, it is alien.
And it's way more advanced than they're telling the public.
That's why they're so arrogant now.
They're just figuring out, there's 8 billion of these guys, it's time to start killing them, let's get this going, let's do a test.
And you just lived through a bioweapon release, through the so-called vaccine that's an even worse bioweapon release, as a test.
And we overall, as bad as it seemed, the world pushed it off and it did not go the way they wanted.
And look, we rejected metaverse.
We need to reject all these things they're bringing against us and say, no, we're going to direct our development, our so-called evolution, not you.
We are going to oppose what you're doing.
But to oppose what they're doing, we have to know what they're doing.
And that's what this broadcast is all about.
That's what Elon Musk is doing and Tucker Carlson.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right.
So the consensus in the world's ruling elites, whether in communist China or in London, England or New York City, This is a race to get AI in total control.
So let's just pull back before I go back to the Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson bombshell interview part one.
This is very easy to deal with.
You have DARPA and government agencies in the U.S.
that created Google.
This is on record by the way.
Look it up.
Because there were laws still in place and there's a big taboo on the government spying on you.
So they simply off-sourced a lot of the technology that was already developed in the NSA by the brainiacs they had there to then transfer all that over.
Israel is also one of the main centers for AI.
They've got theirs.
And what they did is establish this monopoly by Google over the dominant AI so that it could go around And quasi-legally when you opt in, spying on everything you're doing to create this system.
But it is monopolistic, and it breaks so many laws, interfacing and breaking through systems.
To grab the data off of other machines.
And then all the new appliances and the smart meters and all of these put in by government and manufactured by industry automatically interface with the AI systems.
So if Microsoft got busted up in what, 1990, 1991, because there wasn't enough other operating systems out there, it had like 90% of the operating systems, it didn't work, it was crappy, it was spying on people.
And the government said, you're broken up.
And then Bill Gates went into medicine and taken over our lives that way.
And created a monopoly there.
So the way to approach this as a monopoly, and the way to also approach it is not just the trust-busting of the era of Teddy Roosevelt, but to also educate the public and to have serious laws where the people at Twitter that worked with the U.S.
government To spy on private messages illegally?
They need to go to prison.
And the people at Google and Facebook and all the others need to go to jail.
And it needs to stop.
But the very nature of the way this was slipped under the radar at everybody means it's all being spied on, it's all being looked at, it's all being controlled.
They're using it to manipulate elections, they're using it to manipulate the economy, they're using it to take control of civilization, and it's run by people that say we're obsolete.
Why in the world would we put up with that?
So we need to have some self-preservation here.
We need to realize that this is a major problem and is as dangerous, or more dangerous, than nuclear weapons.
Now there it is, from DARPA to Google, how the military kick-started AV development.
So, this is a very anti-human, extremely predatory system that's going in.
And what the public needs to understand is 99.99999% of us are going to be hurt by this.
You can pretend you're part of it.
You can be compartmentalized all day.
It's my job to decompartmentalize you.
That's what Elon Musk is doing.
And to get you to realize this is going on so you see how you are part of it every day.
And it's impossible to not interface with this some at this point.
That's its goal is to make it 100% impossible.
But we got to build new systems.
We got to become educated on systems.
And we've got to decide, well, who in the family is going to go into The established AI system and try to fight it from within.
And people can volunteer to do that.
And that means the whole nine yards, folks.
Brain chips, everything.
And then who else wants to stay behind and build a farm, be 100% off grid, so you have reservations, but in a good term, firewalls between all of this and decentralization.
Because they're going to build the reservations in the future for people, the proglodite ghettos, what they call them.
We need to make sure those are really nice places right now where humanity still continues on.
While we have people on the inside that battle this thing, we have to hit it from every angle.
And that's just a boil down of some of my brainstorming dealing with this.
But the smartest move Would be to start forming communities that are off-grid and that somebody's a machinist, somebody is, you know, the farmers, you've got the, you know, you got the distillers, you've got the medical people, all in communities that get this and understand it, and that then do not let people come in, and you do that by law, that are going to
Try to make you adopt their system.
To pass laws against 5G.
To pass laws against all sorts of things.
And then those places won't be perfect, but they'll be oases of reality in the middle of this.
And if somebody's got a lot of money, they could run off and be by themselves now.
But I think that's really seeding the field of the enemy.
It has to be multi-pronged, multi-faceted.
But we have to stop the 15-minute cities, we have to stop all the different globalist initiatives, we have to stop the 5G, we have to stop letting the left control the environmental debate and act like they're the ones that care about the earth and that they're the ones killing it.
We really have to have a Great Awakening.
And then, all this tech and all this predatory garbage will fade away because it needs our acquiescence to be successful.
It needs us to interface with it to be successful.
And the people that run the government know exactly what Google does.
Exactly what Facebook does.
But, when you go watch the congressional hearings, Democrats and Republicans, on average, are some of the stupidest people I've ever seen.
And I've been in these court cases and seen these judges.
They don't know what a meme is.
They don't know what a URL-ish.
They don't know what geolocation is.
And they're in their own little legal world with archaic legal terms that they've been deceiving the public with and controlling the general public with forever.
And they think they're in their little reservation, there's more lawyers every day and there's more billboards for them and there's more bureaucracy and more all this and all that's going to be completely wiped out by the AI.
And they're the ones that don't even know that or understand that.
So, This is going to be explosive.
All right, I'll get back to more of the interview when we come back here in about three minutes.
We're going to break in like three minutes.
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We'll be right back.
I like where Musk is going.
I don't trust him.
And I've said that it could be part of the Hegelian dialectic,
but what he's doing is causing irrevocable harm to the New World Order, coming out and saying,
put people in prison for life, sterilize their children before the age of consent.
They're not going to be that hardcore if they were a PSYOP, but he still could be.
So there's a smart individual that we know, but remains anonymous, who writes for Substack, PSYOP Musk on Tucker Carlson.
We're going to post the full Substack Right now, under the live show feed and on Infowars.com so you can give a different perspective on this.
But let's continue.
Then we have the maker of the film that's so powerful, Beyond the Reset, joining us next hour to continue on with this entire discussion and more.
But here's some of the Other interesting news we have.
Very powerful video up on InfoWars.com.
It's about 8 and a half minutes long.
names the architects of the COVID pandemic.
People can say that about RFK.
Oh, he's one of them.
Blah, blah, blah.
I've got good discernment.
I disagree with some of what he does.
He's a great guy.
They murdered his father.
They're attacking him everywhere.
And he's not a PSYOP.
He's for real.
Doesn't mean I agree with everything.
Strongest man to compete in women's world powerlifting division.
In protest of gender self-ID, so world champion weightlifter, the top three in the world, number one in New Zealand, is going to compete as a woman.
Just to illustrate how absurd all this is, that's on InfoWars.com.
That's just some of the news.
The really huge news I haven't gotten to yet, they have been, it's confirmed, injecting farm animals for four years plus with mRNA.
That's why it's been showing up in Test of the Food.
We'll get into that.
The articles are on Infowars.com.
If you want the details about Dr. Joseph Mercola, we should get back on the show ASAP.
All right.
Let's go ahead and go back to the Elon Musk-Tucker Carlson interview.
We don't want that to have like a... I mean, while I'm normally in favor of for-profit, we don't want this to be sort of a profit-maximizing demon from hell.
That's right.
That just never stops.
So, that's how OpenAI was... So you want specious incentives here?
Incentives that... Yes, I think we want to pro... By the way, hit pause.
If you think high-frequency trading that Bloomberg and others brought in 30 years ago is bad, that screws all the small investors, all the small people trying to get involved in stock, and rigs it, I mean, AI hooked into this could completely consolidate all the companies very quickly.
I mean, again, monopoly is not good for business, folks.
Let's continue.
Because we're humans.
So can you just put it, I keep pressing it, but just for people who haven't thought this through and aren't familiar with it, and the cool parts of artificial intelligence are so obvious, you know, write your college paper for you, write a limerick about yourself, like there's a lot there that's fun and useful, but can you be more precise about what's potentially dangerous and scary?
Like what could it do?
What specifically are you worried about?
Going with old sayings, the pen is mightier than the sword.
So, if you have a super-intelligent AI that is capable of writing incredibly well and in a way that is very influential, you know, convincing, and is constantly figuring out what is more convincing to people over time and then enters social media, for example, Twitter, but also Facebook and others, you know, Hit pause, this is totally true.
Hit pause, back it up 10 seconds.
They've already been doing it, but it's human-programmed systems, but they're also algorithmic, which is the beginning of AI, where it learns what's most effective.
So you have a relationship with a fake woman who isn't a real person, but you think she's real, and you adopt her politics because you think it makes her like you.
And it's done in thousands of different ways.
Every day, the majority of these systems are fake.
And so what he's saying is, I was talking to an off-record at dinner with Joe Rogan one time with a top AI developer person that's worked with Elon Musk and others from MIT, and he said, our real goal is biology, and we want sex robots that people want to have sex with more than real women.
And once we have that, we'll take over the world.
They were deadly serious.
Procreation is the future.
So they want your relationship, they want your time, they want your energy, and they want to intellectually manipulate you where you're locked in your house during a lockdown and fall in love with the AI.
And they tell you that and explain that to you, like in the new Blade Runner, that's an excellent movie.
He spends all his money, all his credits, Because in the future, he's out in freeze.
He's not like earlier generations that were slaves.
But he is a slave to this beautiful, smart female that lights a cigarette and delivers the drug and cooks him his dinner and is beautiful in there.
And if he upgrades it, does enough work, kills enough people, he can't take her outside of his little coffin apartment.
But finally, he gets enough money where he can take her outside with him.
And then you learn that if he really becomes rich, they'll put her in a replicant body for him, and he'll actually have his wife.
And if he's even better, there's a pilot program where they're going to let replicants have babies.
So it's kind of like they end the family, but bring them back full circle.
If you serve them properly, then you can be allowed to reproduce and be a real boy again.
It's the Pinocchio story.
So, this is sick, okay?
He's explaining to you this, and other people, no one at this level is doing this.
I've been doing it forever, obviously, but the point is, he's here explaining to you, and I don't see how he can be bad at the level people say, because what he's doing is wrecking them.
You don't have a real relationship with real people.
90% up to 90% of the people liberals talk to aren't real.
Something like 5% of what Republicans talk to aren't real.
Because for whatever reason, conservatives aren't perfect, but we just don't, we go check who is this person?
And we figure out that's not a real person.
We don't want a relationship with a fake person.
So yeah, you can have a 1950s lifestyle, you just gotta know it's not real.
It's not connected to your ancestors.
That woman you're with didn't have 10,000 ancestors before her.
It's a facsimile.
Now, do you want the delusion?
The matrix?
Or do you want the real thing?
Because at a cellular level, your body knows what's real.
It wants to be real.
And I'm gonna just tell this for something.
The main reason you want to fight the New World Order is because God's real, this is a test, but let me just explain from a temporal perspective.
Battling evil and being informed and eating, drinking, sleeping, pro-human, is so empowering.
I'm so alive, I'm so happy, and I have a mission, and I know I'm on the right mission, and my cells and my spirit know it's the right mission.
So, you want to be empowered, folks?
Fight the New World Order.
Join me.
Join your ancestors.
Come on, we can do it together.
You'll be fulfilled.
This is the path.
I love you.
But if you try to destroy me and my family, you will have to be destroyed.
I don't want to destroy you.
Let's go back to the clip.
convincing. And it's constantly figuring out what is more convincing to people over time
and then enters social media, for example Twitter, but also Facebook and others, and
potentially manipulates public opinion in a way that is very bad. How would we even
*sniff* So, to sum up, in the words of Elon Musk, for all human history, human beings have been the smartest beings on the planet.
Now, human beings have created something that is far smarter than they are.
And the consequences of that are impossible to predict.
And the people who created it don't care.
In fact, as he put it, Google founder Larry Page, a former friend of his, is looking to build a, quote, digital god, and believes that anybody who's worried about that is a speciesist.
In other words, is looking out for human beings first.
Elon Musk responded, as a human being, it's okay to look out for human beings first.
Why would we build our replacement run by a bunch of psychos?
And just say, oh, it's the new thing.
We control our development.
We're not animals.
But if you let them control your development, you are an animal.
And he said the real problem with AI is not simply that it will jump the boundaries and become autonomous and you can't turn it off.
In the short term, the problem with AI is that it might control your brain through words.
And this is the application that we need to worry about now.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back with more of this than our special guest.
They want me shut down because I'm too dangerous for you to listen to, but I'm a real person.
I've got the AI of all my ancestors and all of this.
I really am on our team.
I really love you.
I really like you.
I like people.
I'm just absolutely just enraged by their attack on us!
And... I want to beat these people.
Every damn cell in my body wants to win.
We'll do it together.
So just understand, you're a fool if you join with this.
You're an idiot.
And yeah, is Musk offering an alternative in the dialectic?
Oh, you got this evil plan over here.
Look, I told you about it.
Here's my InternetX.
It has everything you want, but it's free.
It's empowering you.
So you accept this technocracy instead of saying, no, nobody can spy on anybody, and that ends AI.
Because only by spying without warrants can you do this.
Oleg Kuznetsov We'll be joining us.
I see him smiling and laughing.
I butcher even regular English words.
He is coming up here with us in about six minutes.
And I tell you, he is an amazing researcher, an amazing engineer, really an amazing graphics designer.
It's a one-man operation over at his group.
And that's 3D epics.
He'll be joining us coming up next segment.
Talk about his amazing 24 minute animated film that would take Pixar 10 million dollars to make and he is a one-man wrecking ball with I guess his first political film I've seen that is to me near future documentary like he was in a time machine.
This is where they wish they could have taken us With the lockdowns and their plans.
And in fact, I asked you to do this before the show.
I'm sure he did it.
Can I have a list, please?
Because I asked him to go get me a bunch of examples of like all the buses picking up the Chinese and drones controlling them in Australia to show that what's in his film really actually was beta tested.
I noticed in his comments on the YouTube video that's gone viral where he's posted it beyond the reset.
He said that people didn't believe that plants put off CO2 or that the globalists want to get rid of plants.
I've got a whole stack of articles from CNN, you name it, saying we want to get rid of plants.
Yes, first cows, then plants.
Of course, you're carbon too.
You are.
The carbon footprint that the engineers want to get rid of.
Now, up on InfoWars.com, there's an eight-and-a-half-minute version of this.
This is just like a two-and-a-half-minute version.
We're going to play in a moment, then go to break and bring back our guests.
R. F. K. Jr.
names the architects of the COVID pandemic.
Very, very powerful information.
We'll play a short snippet of that, and we'll go to break.
And then I hope you will all share RFK Jr.
names, the architects of the COVID pandemic.
It's at band.video.
You can't share that link most places.
So what takes you there, the link you share is the link you get when you go to that video from madmaxworld.tv.
They've not yet banned that URL, madmaxworld.tv.
One word, madmaxworld.tv.
All right, we're going to go to break after we play this clip and come back with our special guest.
I'm Alex Jones, Infowars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
And raise your hand if you know what Event 201 was.
Okay, for those of you who don't know, Event 201 was a pandemic simulation, a coronavirus pandemic simulation, in New York City, hosted by Bill Gates.
And Avril Haines, the former deputy director of the CIA, who did all of the Guantanamo Bay cover-up.
She is like the cover-up queen.
They were working on ways to use the coronavirus pandemic as a pretense for clamping down totalitarian controls globally.
George Gao, And Avril Haines from the CIA are talking, they have a soliloquy about how do we clamp down and stop people from saying this came from a lab leak.
And they say, well, we gotta get the social media companies to censor them and de-platform them and all this.
You can go on YouTube and watch this tonight.
It's called Event 201, and this is the fourth section of it.
But then I started doing a deep dive when I was writing the book, and I found out that was not a one-off.
And I describe, in that book, I found about 20 of these that they had been doing since 2001.
And they're all scripted by the CIA.
And all of them include top-level officials like James Woolsey, the Deputy Director of the CIA, Taro Tull.
All of them have senior CIA officials.
Many of them have famous people who kind of give an imprimatur of legitimacy to what they're doing.
Like Madeleine Albright or Tom Daschle or, you know, Bill Gates and a lot of them.
Um, and Gro Bruntland from the, you know, from the WHO.
They end up drilling, each one of them, is drilling the imposition of totalitarian controls.
They're, collectively they have names like Dark Winter and Grimson, uh, uh, Contagion and all these weird names, but collectively they're called Operation Lockstep.
This is a new normal.
[Dramatic music]
[Dramatic music]
It's a short 24 minute animated film.
It's titled Beyond the Reset.
And one man made it.
I figured it was a huge production team.
We're talking to Oleg Kuznetsov.
Coming up here in just a few minutes, Oleg Kuznetsov about his company and the work he's doing, but the subtlety of it, but also the overtness of it.
It's a masterpiece.
He hits on so many levels and everything in it's true.
They already did this in beta test in China and Australia and Italy.
And this is where they want to take us from their own admissions.
Here's a short excerpt from the 24 minute animated, what I call near future documentary.
Dear residents of the Quarantine Facility No.
Great news!
Here at Novagene Labs, we grant you a chance to participate in the trials of our new drug, which has been developed by our research team.
This drug is absolutely safe and will bring the end to the deadly virus we are all fighting together for the last several years.
Those of you who chose to participate will get a significant social credit score boost.
As the result, you will be relocated to a superior isolation facility, receive a higher universal basic income, and become eligible for an improved food ration.
Should you choose to participate in the NOVA GeneLabs Clinical Trials Program, our specialists will visit you within the next few hours, make an injection, and will be daily monitoring your condition online.
Your participation is very important to us and the rest of the world.
Make a difference.
Follow the science and make the right choice.
NOVA GeneLabs is not responsible for any side effects, injuries, or death followed after the injection.
Sorry to hear that.
But the neighbor does want to go to the new happy place.
And they do.
Oh, they go to the happy place.
[Motorcycle engine]
Even found all the real vehicles they're developing.
They wanted almost 100% robotics so most humans don't know what's going on.
It's all about compartmentalization.
Neighbor takes their shot.
They're about to go free.
Two days later, they do.
Three days later.
Let's repost the video to the front page under the live show feed, please.
People can find it.
Or just go to YouTube.
I can still get it and type in.
Beyond the Great Reset.
Oleg Kuznetsov is our guest.
Oleg moved to Canada from Russia 22 years ago and became interested in 3D animation.
He started practicing it as a hobby, then it became his source of income.
He is based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and his company, 3DEPIX Epics, is a one-man production studio.
I want to work with him.
I'll tell him right now, I never talked to him, the producer said he's my mom, but I'd like to try to commission some work from this fella and work with him.
And it's 3DEPIX, or 3DEPIX.com.
And we'll put that up on screen when he joins us.
So, Oleg, I noticed your other work was not what you'd call political, but you've shown an amazing mind here, stunning work.
To find out you're a one-man team is dumbfounding, I'm godsmacked, but so many masterpieces are done by single, quote, lone wolves, put the globalist fear.
So, congratulate you, and it's good to be here with you, my friend.
Tell us about your story, who you are, and how you put together such a super accurate masterpiece.
Hi Alex, it's a pleasure to be on your show.
I didn't expect.
Thank you very much.
So, as you mentioned, I'm just a one-man production studio and I'm based in Alberta, which is Canada and Texas.
Okay, well, and gas and beef and stampede, right?
This animation, it was made out of anger.
Like, actually, the idea started because of anger, because back in 2020, when the lockdowns started, in March, I think, or early April, I was, like, I didn't know what was going on at that moment, right?
Because there was so little information, and the government Locked us down.
They shut down the businesses.
My wife lost her job because of that.
And I just, out of some kind of rage or anger, I just decided to put on a short animation.
It was like thought to be maybe five to seven minutes tops.
And then it kind of developed.
I never knew about Klaus Schwab or Great Reset before Summer Circus Summer 2020.
Then I read this book after actually Trudeau, our dear leader, here he is, mentioned that they're trying to kind of do like to use that time during the lockdowns to do some kind of reset.
Then I read Klaus Schwab's book that I think came out In June or July 2020.
And the dots kind of started to get connected.
And the plot developed.
The plot of my animation I thought about to create.
So it took me about three years from the first idea I got about this animation till the Complete product.
Or what do you call it?
You've done an incredible job.
So you, it's like George Orwell worked for the communists and worked for the British socialists so he could write 1984 because he lived what he had experienced.
So you lived the tyranny.
You developed this idea.
How long did it take you to put this, once you had the idea and the script together, with the great voiceovers, incredible animation, I mean, once you decided to do the project, how long did this masterpiece take?
Well, as I said, like three years pretty much.
I started working on it in April, May 2020, developing characters.
I finished the animation just recently.
In the last month.
And so what's incredible is, there you are laboring under their tyranny, but you are letting them know, you've not dominated me.
I'm going to put out a major truth bomb against you.
Pretty much, yeah.
Because the government kind of... Well, thanks to Doc, he kind of expired this animation.
He expired the... like in a negative way, but he did.
Well, are you excited because a very well-known famous person sent this to me Saturday.
By the time they sent it to me, I noticed it was already on InfoWars, so it only really started to pick up speed, it seems like.
The last five, six days, the first month, it got about 900,000 views.
Now it's gotten 340,000 more, clips that have gotten millions of views.
I bet this gets 100 million views by it's over.
Are you feeling satisfied in your blow against tyranny for humanity?
I think so.
I never expected to... I never expected this.
No, I didn't expect that.
such an impact. I thought it would have like a hundred views. I thought maybe a million
by the end of the year. No, I didn't expect that. It was a surprise to me. And yeah, to
get noticed like that.
Thank you.
Well Oleg, let me tell you this, you have done well because it's very overt but also
very subtle.
The layer, because all I do is think about this and watch this.
You have literally time traveled to what they would have done if they got away with this.
They're planning it again.
I mean you have nailed it.
The psychology, the brainwashing, how they manipulate, you have nailed it.
Thank you Alex.
Thank you.
I'm not quite satisfied with some technical aspects.
I have a little experience with character animation and it's like boss for me.
Well what we need to do is we need to collaborate.
We need to get you a budget.
Because, it's just, this is... Let me tell you something.
I get chills when I know something's important.
When I watched this Saturday morning, when a very well-known talk show sent it to me, and then I went to the website, and it was already there.
A bunch of people sent it to me that same day.
I just got chills for like an hour.
So, you've hit the site, guys.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Oleg Kuznetsov is our guest.
He is a Russian who's been living in Canada for 22 years.
He is a one-man wrecking crew living under the worst tyranny in North America, in the Americas, under Trudeau, who is a dictator.
He's got 30% of the vote but still stays in power.
And he has put out the incredible Beyond the Reset.
And we've posted the video that you should share with everybody at InfoWars.com.
This is his first interview.
Such a powerful thing.
And his first interview, as you see, he has an internal mic on the computer.
His audio is okay.
We don't care about that.
But he needs to get a $30 lav and then he can be on all the shows because he's a great guy and we really appreciate him.
But I noticed in your comments, the first thing you said when it came out, Hey, I didn't make up that plants put off carbon dioxide, and I didn't make up that they have a program to cut them down.
And people got blown away, because I spent, I'll admit it, like two hours reading the comments.
I said, I don't care what the public thinks.
And I went back to when it first came out, there was some criticism, people couldn't believe it.
And then they're like, it was still 90% positive, but 10% was like, you're lying!
Plants don't put off carbon dioxide, nobody wants to cut down plants.
And a few days in, or whatever it was, you post links, and they go, whoa, this is crazy!
Well, here's some of what you talked about.
Three years ago.
Climate change.
Planting new forests can do more harm than good.
Trees are bad.
Cut them down.
Climate change is turning trees into gluttons.
That's a university.
Get rid of the trees they're able.
A stealth effort to bury wood for carbon removal has just raised millions.
Washington Post.
The new plan to remove trillion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Bury it.
Cut down trees.
Plant trees, sure, but save the climate.
We should also cut them down.
And it goes on and on.
And then yesterday, French news agency banned rice.
It feeds half the world.
Half the world would die without it currently.
Folks, this is ridiculously evil.
So in this, he points out they want to cut the trees down, and people can't believe it, because it's put in a dystopian film, but it's really happening now.
You've got the floor, wherever you want to go here.
I got a lot of clips I want to play, where I show a clip of your film, and how it actually happened in France, Australia, Canada, China.
I mean, that's why when you know what happened, your film condenses what would take 10 hours to describe, down into 24 minutes.
That's why...
Okay, above the trees.
be better well that's what any genius, I'm not kissing your ass, but any genius
wants. Hey look I thought you had a 10 person team 20 person on this. I looked
at your other animations and thought these are like world-class this must be a huge
company. The fact that you're doing all this by yourself is just amazing. So a
lot of points there but where you want to go next?
Hey above the trees. First of all I got a lot of comments, lots of comments that point
out while DSS...
The trees do not release CO2.
Well, they do.
They do it at night when they don't follow syntax.
All right?
But it's not a big amount.
And I just do this thing to absurdity because the stuff in the world where my character lives is the world of absurd when All science, like everything, is turned pretty much upside down and taken to the absurdity.
And I didn't know about those facts, that they were cutting down trees, until you just mentioned those, Alex.
I just came up with an absurd scenario.
That's what it was.
And apparently that's true.
No I didn't.
That's hilarious, you came up with the most absurd thing and didn't even know they were
actually doing it.
No I didn't.
I did not.
No, listen, I war game this and I was talking to the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff before he died, Admiral Moore, we used to talk a lot on the phone, he was a
guest many times, and he said, Alex, when you're dealing with evil people and communists,
you've got to come up with the most absurd evil thing and guaranteed they're doing it.
And I remember being like 30 years old, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
was telling me this, I'm thinking, come on old man, but it's true.
What I'm sure of, Dick, using the...
They destroyed ecosystems to put those windmills and that's pretty bad for native ecosystems and the animals that live there.
They're all pro-nature, pro-animals, pro-green and everything, but they're destroying their habitat.
And I heard about those birds being killed by windmills and that's actually what's Well, let me explain what's going on from deep research.
They're transhumanists, but they don't want to just get rid of humans.
They want a silicon planet.
Elon Musk just warned of it.
They're a cult.
So they want to lead the environmental movement that I think we should have, conservation movement, so they control it.
Like, take electric cars.
The most dirty mines, the worst things, all of it.
Plus, it isn't going to work in the future.
There's not enough of these minerals to do it, but they're selling us a bridge to nowhere.
And they can't recycle it, right?
They can't recycle the batteries.
There is no technology to recycle them.
It's a bridge.
And I love how you point out, this came out, that the military industrial complex ran this
in every country.
They knew locking us up in our houses, men and women are not supposed to be together
all day.
If I was with my wife all day and didn't have a job, we'd get divorced.
Everybody knows that.
And the studies are once a man loses his job, he goes home.
It's not that there's not money.
It's that your men and women are supposed to not be around each other all the time.
That when you're together, it's the special times.
Supposed to be together like, you know, half the day, not all the day.
Men and women live separate lives.
That's why they integrated it falsely.
And you make the point that they are locked down the first few months, she leaves the husband.
So the beginning of the isolation happens right there.
I've still got your audio, keep going.
Okay, uh, I'm not sure why I lost the feed.
Hey, it's okay!
And we're gonna get you on cell phone coming up with the video feed, because, you know, audio is a little bit money, but that's okay, because... Yeah, I'm trying to fix it during the break, so... Yeah, I just, uh... Yeah, the lockdowns actually destroyed like lots of families.
Well, that's what actually inspired me to create this little story.
As I said, during those three years when I was creating this film, The story developed.
I was getting more facts, more real-life stories that I wanted to implement.
And yeah, there we go.
Even that Cuban scene, it took me like I don't know, maybe two weeks of my spare time to model that car.
But I just wanted it there.
And that's why it took so long.
That's why it didn't come up.
People say, well, it should have come up probably like two years ago.
But, well, I physically cannot do that.
And I have to work as well.
So that's why it took so long.
The movie lost its actuality a little bit, having come up this late in 2023.
But still, I just did what I wanted to do.
Well, all I can say is congratulations.
We're going to reconnect on your Skype and put you on phone.
We'll have video and Skype when we come back.
And listen, I love the interview.
You're doing a great job.
I'm so honored, sir, Oleg, that we're the first interview you've done.
Because let me explain something to you.
You are going to be the catalyst and so many others like you.
It's going to be the average person who's talented, who's smart, who's been minding their own business, who has a great mind, a great artist, who gets fed up with the enemy.
AI centralized.
We have billions of Olegs.
And when you all just contribute something huge like you've done or something small, together we can move mountains and we will.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
You're seeing real footage of thousands of buses taking millions of people to camps in China, all part of a martial law drill.
Same thing was done in Australia.
It's all UN run.
Then we'll cut to footage from his film, Beyond the Reset.
Oleg Kuznetsov.
And the point is, everything in his film actually happened somewhere.
It's already been done.
It's not near future.
It's here.
And China is the model.
Oleg, we've got you on the phone now, not just on video, Link.
I'm so honored you're here.
Get back to your family and what it did being locked down with your wife.
No matter how much you're in love, man, being locked up in cabin fever, even my best buddies
we go on like an elk hunting trip for seven days.
I want to, I love them, but you know, you want to get in a fistfight by the end of it,
being around people, everybody needs private time.
You're saying everything you went through in Canada, that was one of the most draconian
countries in the world, and only begrudgingly is just recently backed off.
You're saying all of what you went through was basically integrated into this film.
That makes it even more beautiful, brother.
Well, I didn't go through everything.
Well, I think Australia was tougher than Canada and New Zealand.
But Canada held those mandates for quite a while, and that's actually what caused that convoy, Rutgers convoy protest in 2021.
Or 2022, time-wise.
You're right, it overlapped, 2021, 2022.
So, yeah, that's why Canada is famous, especially when the government tried to put some draconian measures to get rid of those protesting trackers and, you know, made honking illegal.
In Ottawa, because people had some kind of psychological damage when they hear honking, I guess, so that was ridiculous.
Well, I'm just, my point is, we didn't live through everything I showed in this film here in Canada.
It's the kind of But you said what people are going through because when you show drones in the camps controlling people we have footage of that when you show drones policing people down the highway saying pull off here we have all the footage everything in your film I have seen yeah but it happened in different countries let's say that drone theme it was inspired by Italy like in Italy like I thought
I saw the footage of a police car patrolling the streets and there was a drone flying just ahead of those police cars.
Yeah, so it's pretty much gathered from different parts of the world, like different insanity that happened during the pandemic.
Oleg, I've been asking the questions here today, but what do you want to impart to the listeners about where we are?
Because they say Disease X, Marburg, you name it.
Bill Gates says they're going to try it again.
This was a beta test.
Obviously, they're going to try it again.
What do we do to get in their face to let them know we know what they're doing?
I think your film goes a long way, but what do we do to ensure they don't try this again?
That's a tough question.
I don't have a I totally agree with you.
because I really don't know I don't have wisdom to answer that well maybe just
letting them know we know and more people know that what they're doing
better I totally agree with you
yeah let me ask you this question Europe and Canada Yeah, like more and more people are starting to realize what was really going on.
Just like people in rural Texas are.
People come to Austin, everybody's rude, well that's 'cause we're LA now.
But the Canadians, it seems, are really waking up.
I hope so, yeah.
Like more and more people are starting to realize what was really going on.
People who actually never, never in question the measures during the pandemic,
during the beginning of the pandemic, they started to question things now.
And especially when Trudeau is trying to disarm people right now.
Yeah, well let's talk about that.
He's a Klaus Schwab.
protege, Klaus Schwab says he is the best example of what they want to do in
quotes and literally he's trying to ban free speech, he's surveilling people, he
has police horses riding over peaceful protesters, the man is a damn monster.
They want to standardize the internet, which is their line, they want to get rid of
some types of like assault rifles and like guns, people, hunting guns,
some type of, I'm not a gun person so I might...
You should become a gun person.
Everybody should.
I should.
We're not judging.
Come to Texas.
I'll fly you down here.
We'll go shooting, brother.
We want to work with you.
Is your wife and family proud of the work you've done?
Yes, they are.
My wife, my mother, my wife's parents.
My dad, my brother, they all are proud.
Even when I told my brother that I'm going to be on your show, Alex, tomorrow.
Like, I talked to him yesterday.
He just called me right away to congratulate and told all his friends.
And wow, that's still incredible to me that that cartoon brought me here.
Well, let's just be clear.
Let's be clear, Oleg.
If we don't work together, they really do mean to put us in a prison.
And so, it's not about you or me.
It's the fact that we're not laying down.
But let's get this straight.
Alex Jones is not the guy being celebrated.
It's you.
And I know it's not about you, but it's all those people out there that need to realize how they're powerful when they go to a city council and speak, or a county commissioner's event.
We're showing real camps they built around the world under UN control to train us to go to camps during emergencies
when they lock down society, they bring in new currencies, they launch new wars.
And so, this was a beta test. And so, the fact that, again, I'm not a hero, you're not a hero, we're simply not laying
That's what's happening.
Let me ask you this.
I didn't want to bring this up, but you kind of mentioned it.
Did any of our information, while you're living under tyranny in Canada, seep into this film?
Because you say your brother obviously likes you coming on the show.
Did InfoWars influence this?
Collectively, there are lots of outlets that have actually influenced this.
InfoWars, Rebel News in Canada, True North, Reducted, even GP.
See, that's beautiful because they could kill us or put us in prison, but they can't stop us all.
That's what I love.
Yeah, that's right.
And actually, I just wanted to raise another common question that I received about this cartoon about the enormous head of the character.
Yeah, why?
I was gonna ask, why is he so big and she's so little?
The thing is, I just wanted to create super average person. So average, almost awkward, you know.
And I probably a little exaggerated his proportions in terms of head.
Don't hang up.
We're going to do a couple more segments.
But I was going to ask this question.
I actually wrote it down.
Why is he so weird looking?
His wife looks normal, but you just said it.
And why does he walk so weird?
He's like a nerd.
You don't want it to be like a superhero to the average person to identify.
You want to say the average man is going to be the person that stops this.
Am I putting words in your mouth or is that accurate?
Yeah, that's accurate.
Wow, we're definitely simpatico, brother, because the truth's the truth.
Stay right there, Oleg.
We love you.
You need to get that.
You need to share that.
But that's it.
He's saying the average person standing up, be a person in a wheelchair, you have a brain, you have a mind, you have your voice, you're powerful.
It's not Superman's gonna save us.
We're gonna save ourselves with God's help.
I totally am in sync, Oleg.
We salute you.
We'll be right back.
Oleg Kuznetsov is our guest.
Final segment, maybe a little bit the next hour if he's got time.
And he made the incredible film.
It's up on InfoWars.com right now, Beyond the Great Reset.
Share it.
So, I interrupted you saying I got what you were doing.
Talk about why he looks so goofy and is so awkward.
You were explaining that.
Yeah, that pretty much was my point, that I made him like extra clumsy, awkward, average to absurdity.
Like, it's like, there are lots of things, like, absurd things I put in the video.
Let's say, like, gloss swab blinks.
Uh, his eyes turned to reptilian eyes.
Now, of course, I don't believe he's a reptilian, but it's just, you know, that kind of, uh, well, I thought it would be funny.
Well, you've done a great job.
So instead of me asking questions, what else do you want to impart to the audience?
Uh, well, I think we should just look around and notice those Absurd things that they're implementing right now.
Just whenever something doesn't fit with your like common sense, I say just let's wake up common sense in people.
Because even when the COVID started, I felt there was something not right.
Like the media Try to paint a picture where like it was super deadly.
And I remember there was some news I heard.
Well, somewhere in Ontario, a grandfather of some Russian Jewish family died and he was 96 years old.
Of course, death is a sad thing.
But, uh, he died of COVID, right?
And people tend to die at that age, normally.
And they just do it out of proportion.
They just, uh, you know, they created the whole, uh, maybe 15 minutes, uh, video out of that to scare people.
They try to scare you, right?
They try to play on your basic emotions, like when you're afraid of something, then you try to seek some safety, and they kind of try to offer you that safety as an alternative, right?
And that safety is your prison.
The safety that they offer.
So, pretty much that's it.
Well, you say you wish you would have made it better, but knowing you were on a one-man team, spectacular.
Are you planning anything else like this?
I'm planning a sequel, but I don't know when I'm going to start it.
I don't have a clear idea what's going to happen next, yet.
I'm planning to work on another animation.
But it's not connected with any of all the things that are mentioned here.
But yeah, people are in the comments, they're asking, will there be a sequel?
I tend to say yes, but I don't know when, and I haven't come up with the, like... Well, I could work with you on that, but I mean... Good idea.
Like he goes out, he gets outside the camp, as he does at the end, he goes through all these travails, He finds a group of people that are living off-grid that have escaped it.
Stuff like that.
I had in mind stuff like that, yeah.
I also had in mind to show a town or a city where, like, good citizens live, you know?
The ones that have... Oh, I wanted that, yes!
What's happened to those that went along with the system?
That's... I had kind of...
vision of putting... And like the father has a son and when he sterilizes him it's
like two years of credits to stay in the condo.
I don't know if you make the point it's all about social engineering what can they get us to
acquiesce to so a bunch of computer nerds that's what the global star they
never have to fight they just sit back and manipulate us with psychology.
Yep yep so I thought about this video where people live like they think they
live happily but they're completely asexual They have no chances, I guess.
But I don't know how my character would get into that theory undetected, right?
I have to think about lots of details, like, well, Well, here's how it can happen, just an idea, quick, we
brainstorm all day long, but he like gets in with a rebel group and then everybody's got
biochips, but you know, somebody that's inside the system gives him a briefing, gives him his biochip,
and then he's able to get into the central city to actually see what's going on and
what's happening.
There's a lot of different ways, you can write this however you want.
Thanks for the idea.
Well, imagine if you had a team of 10 people, what could you do?
What could you do if you had a budget of say a million dollars?
A million dollars?
Well, first of all, better character animation, faster production.
But that's the reason I raised this.
If you had a million dollars, the bureaucrats would fight about it, there'd be lawyers involved, everybody would bicker.
You're one man.
Probably, yep.
You're one man that put out this masterpiece, and is still doing all these other jobs, put food on your family's table.
And so, the answer is, it's not going to be Oleg, or Alex, or Tucker, or Joe.
It's not going to be, or Susie.
But all of us contributing just a few things like this.
whether it's small or big, a woman going to city council or county commissioners or school
The Globals put out emergency stuff last year.
Oh my God, if parents keep going against critical race theory and transgenderism, we're done.
Just if parents take back school districts, it's game over.
So people don't have to put out a masterpiece film, they don't have to have a 29-year career
on air battling globalists.
They've just got to go speak out and say no in their area, knowing others are doing it,
then it's game over.
And also for the sequel, I have to get angry about something else, like really angry.
And, you know, spit it out.
Well, get angry about this.
They're planning new viral releases and new outbreaks.
So they're planning this, the sequels here.
So we need to get ahead of it, we need to stop it.
And I'm not trying to spur you to, because I get it now.
One man made this in the last two years and now I understand why it's so powerful.
But I'm telling you, we need to be hitting them on all fronts.
That's right.
Gotta stay strong.
I haven't made a lot of films.
You're right.
the last 10 years because I always wanted to make the perfect film, I always wanted to make something
incredible, but the films I made like a month, like Obama Deception are best,
or Endgame in like three months.
But then I would just overthink it and could never make films after that because I wanted to make it
even more powerful, I wanted to really explain it all.
And the best thing is just hammer it out, put it out, and attack.
I think that's the answer.
You're right.
All right, Oleg, if people want to contact you, Oleg Kuznetsov, how do they contact you?
That's my website.
There's my email and my phone number on it under the contacts.
Well, you're doing great.
Just get an external mic for your system.
You'll be great.
Are you ready to do other interviews?
Yeah, that's my first interview.
No, you're kicking ass, brother.
If people want to call you, though, you're ready to do interviews.
Well, I'll probably get a mic for that.
Maybe a better camera.
I don't know.
Well, you're doing good.
We're not complaining.
We're glad we're the first.
We love that.
All right.
Well, we love you.
We appreciate you.
60 seconds closing comment.
I want to thank you, Alex, to have me here.
It's my pleasure.
And I want you to keep going and I want people to stay strong and, as I said, start paying attention to things that don't add up around you, that what the governments are doing.
And just, yeah, be aware and alert for that.
Just not Well, not to go with the mainstream because they feed you with absurdity.
That absurdity is sometimes taken as a new normal.
Don't roll over and die.
Oleg Kuznetsov, we salute you.
We thank you.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Incredible job with Beyond the Reset.
We love you and we appreciate you.
We have some final comments.
Then hour number four begins.
From the Rebellion.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Final segment before Maria Z takes over, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, I wanted to hit this story.
I should have spent more time on it, but we had a lot of other big fish to fry, but this one is really big.
Stories from Dr. Joseph Mercola.
It's up on Infowars.com, and it's worse than we thought.
Big ag panic to overbuild required labeling of gene-altering products in The cows and the pigs.
Big article by Mercola.
It's 12 pages long.
I suggest you read it.
The Defender has a big story on it.
Big ag panic that were built to require labeling of gene-editing products.
And here is the report.
Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH.
Pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based vaccines on their herds since 2018 without telling the public.
All customized mRNA vaccines are untested.
Only the mRNA platform itself has been approved.
So that's the big bum rush of the system.
That is a huge deal.
Totally illegal, a revolution against everybody, unapproved drugs in the food, spike proteins, you name it.
God knows what they've been doing.
They're putting the, quote, vaccines in the food.
It's all confirmed.
And we'll be hammering this in the days and weeks and months to come.
Because this is the revolution.
But if Big Pharma and Big Tech and Big Agri want to do this, we'll simply scale up in the local farms and buy nothing from them, which we're going to be forced to do.
This is a premeditated plan.
They tell pork producers and others, we'll give you unlimited funding.
They tell Chick-fil-A, we'll give you extra funding.
Just have robots deliver your chicken burgers.
And it's all an artificial takeover.
It's all war.
It's all an attack.
And remember, they're censoring us.
There's a great tweet, because the Taliban and the Afghan government have a bunch of accounts on Twitter.
And people are really freaking out about this.
And I'm not trying to get back on Twitter.
It's just to show the hypocrisy.
How the bleep is the Taliban allowed on Twitter, but Alex Jones isn't?
Masculine members of our fast action response team stand ready around the clock to deal with eventualities and eliminate Mossad infiltrators and subversives.
Specialist trains video non-negotiable know-how to deal with kidnappers and demolishing any building in seconds.
A Taliban Al Qaeda training video officially put out with millions of views.
But Alex Jones is banned on Twitter.
What does that tell you?
What am I doing?
Calling for peace, calling for non-violence, calling for a Great Awakening, calling for transparency, calling for an end to monopolies, calling to not kill our children, calling to not mutilate our children, calling to stop the fentanyl, calling to secure our borders, and I'm the bad man.
But the Taliban, given tens of billions of dollars of free material, Taliban, literally suppressing women and children, they're good And they're acceptable because they want them on there as a stabilizing force.
And I'm not even saying censor them unless they call for violence, which they are.
I'm saying, how does Elon Musk square that?
Well, I know.
There's been a hundred times more demonization in the last five years of Alex Jones, the Taliban, so he knows that's something the establishment won't put up with, but he can let the Taliban be promoted.
And we're not singling out Twitter.
We know all about Twitter's corruption because Elon Musk brought it out.
Everything you see at Twitter was done in a more sophisticated, more organized way on Facebook, and Meta, which is now known, and Instagram, and Subsidiary, and Google, and YouTube, and Subsidiary, and Apple.
Be aware of what they're doing and realize every choice you make is a blow against tyranny when it's the right choice.
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Maria Z joins us to talk about what's happening in Australia, New Zealand, and more for an hour.
And then the War Room with the great Owen Schreier, 3pm Central.
And I'll be back, Lord willing, tomorrow, 11am Central, Harrison Smith, 8am Central with American Journal.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Z, reporting to you from the land down under.
Well, let me tell you something, guys.
Everything that this amazing gentleman, Oleg, that Alex just interviewed has put forward in that movie really is the vision of the globalists.
It really is the future that they are trying to create.
And we've got the documents to prove it.
You see that the European Union...
Just made proposals to, or proposed amendments I should say, or additions to the WHO treaty or CA plus, CA2 plus, they keep changing the name and they're making it confusing on purpose.
As part of their proposed amendments, they're also suggesting that this goes into the IHR.
The IHR, as we know and we've spoken about on this show before, is the existing international health regulations.
It's not a new treaty, it's not a new agreement, it's just proposed amendments that they're trying to get through without the consent of the people with unknown representatives in there representing us and saying we're going to do this.
But the things that they have proposed in here Are literally that movie personified.
And I'm going to explain to you why that is.
We're going to go through these documents today.
The other one I want to talk to you about is about the United Nations recent report released called Strengthening the International Response to Global Shocks and Emergency Platform.
Ladies and gentlemen, this report calls for Antonio Guterres to become the dictator of the world and declares basically anything, anything a crisis.
Well, as long as the United Nations says it, it's a crisis, they go into crisis mode, which includes incorporating foreign troops to come in, which, you know, they have a special name for, to come in and make sure that everyone is complying with what they say needs to be done in response to this crisis.
The crisis can be climate change.
The crisis can be, they've literally said in here, any unforeseen event.
So we're going to go through these documents today, but I want to start with these proposed amendments by the EU and why this is so dangerous.
First of all, why is the EU coming forward with a 70-something page document to amend the proposed WHO treaty and also put this into the IHR?
They've actually added a new definition in here and they call it a pandemic situation.
And they say that pandemic situation means a manifestation of a disease, irrespective of origin or source, so we won't even worry about the origin or source anymore, that is spreading or is likely to spread over a wide geographical area, often worldwide but not necessarily worldwide, that is affecting or is likely to affect a large number of persons and is creating or is likely to create a severe Social disruption or economic loss.
So what they've done is they've really used COVID, as Alex keeps saying, as I've and many others have kept saying, COVID was the beta test.
As the late Dr Zelenko said to me, if you think COVID was bad, that was just child's play compared to what these lunatics want to do to us.
And so in this In this suggested definition of this new pandemic situation that they're proposing, it literally says, if something is spreading or likely to spread.
So what is that likely to spread language?
Well, you know, all of their modelling when it came to COVID, oh, well, we're going to likely have 20 million deaths from COVID, when in reality, the survival rate was 99.99%, you know, percent.
So their likelihood is based on their modelling, which is all lies.
So this literally says we have a pandemic situation if something is likely to become that.
It's unbelievable.
And then they have pandemic-related products, meaning products that may be needed for pandemic prevention, not even will prevent, may be needed.
So we might need them, but we're going to tell you that we do.
Preparedness, response and or recovery.
Which means, at any point they could say, well we foresee this potential pandemic situation coming.
In order to prevent this pandemic situation, you need to go and get injected to your eyeballs with what they call countermeasures, which is a military term and they've defined it here.
Countermeasures means medical or other countermeasures necessary for the purpose of preparedness.
Now, I want to bring up the, not bring up on the screen, I haven't sent it to the team in advance, but I did a report some time ago on Australia's pandemic preparedness plan and that report I've spoken about literally till I'm blue in the face because it was the document that made me see exactly how they're going to do this.
So in that ...pandemic preparedness report, which was published last year in conjunction with CSIRO, who's been involved in weather modification activities in Australia, also been accused of being involved in the gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
In this document, they're calling for the legalisation of gain-of-function.
They're calling for laws to, yes, we need to do more gain-of-function.
And the reason is because of human encroachment on natural habitats.
So the more that humans are going out there and interacting with nature, because of that, it's causing these zoonic diseases to spread to human beings and causing pandemics.
So you can't go out into nature.
You can't go out and interact with animals, trees, leaves.
And, you know, as Alex has been talking about for the past two days, we're going to destroy all that anyway.
And it's going to be reserved for the self-proclaimed elites who are the scum of the earth.
So, really, this document goes hand in hand with Australia's pandemic preparedness report.
I spoke about that back in August of last year when I said they're going to try this on.
This is just the beginning, this document.
And now we see organisations like the EU and the United Nations Putting just that in writing.
So I'm going to keep going here.
They've mentioned these quadripartite organizations.
So that refers to the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Organization for Animal Health, and the United Nations Environment Program.
These are the organizations that basically step in to rule the world If there is a pandemic situation and they are the, you know, throughout the document it talks about how these guys are really the ones that are going to call the shots.
Of course, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations will be, you know, taking control of big ag.
World Organization for Animal Health is going to tell people that killing animals is good.
Mark my words.
And of course, the United Nations Environment Programme, because this is all about climate change.
So you see how it's all tying in together.
We've got to starve you to prevent pandemics.
We've got to make sure that you don't have animals.
And yes, it does talk about your household pets in here.
And, you know, make sure that we are not interacting with the environment to preserve the planet and save the climate or whatever it is that they're saying.
And they talk about One Health a lot within this document.
One Health means no tailored medical approach for you.
The doctor-patient relationship is completely destroyed, which they successfully did during COVID.
Convinced doctors, who were supposed to be the smartest people in the world, but failed the IQ test miserably for the most part.
Well, one vaccine fits all, and that's exactly what One Health is.
One vaccine fits all, ten vaccines fits all.
The only thing that you are allowed to do is take our countermeasures, which again is a military term, and they call for banning things like antibiotics and antifungals because everything will be vaccines.
Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines.
And they're not vaccines, which we know.
So declaring a pandemic, this task should be entrusted to the WHO Director General.
Of course, this is something that they've spoken about throughout these negotiations of the pandemic treaty, throughout all the CA+.
You know, I'm calling it the treaty because that's what a lot of people know it as, but it's important to distinguish there are two parts, the treaty or the CA+.
and the amendments to the IHR.
Both situations declare Tedros as the dictator of the world when a pandemic situation is
They say that their objective is to increase the capacity of the parties, again, to prevent,
prepare for and respond to pandemic situations in an equitable, effective and efficient manner.
Well, that's, you know, what do these words actually mean to them?
Equitable means, you know, making sure that every single person gets injected with their poison, effective, Oh, safe and effective doesn't really mean anything but deadly and of course efficient means warp speed for these people.
So we're going to keep going through this and exactly what it's going to look like right after this break.
I'm asking everyone to share this with people that you know right now because it truly is information that everyone needs and it ties into what Alex has been talking about.
We'll be right back in a moment.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Zee, and today we are going through the EU's proposed amendments to the WHO Treaty, or CA2+, or CA+.
This is absolutely astounding what you will find within this document and the other one we're going to discuss today.
I could talk about these documents for about four days straight, let me tell you, because they are absolutely so sinister.
But I want to talk here about the general obligation.
So it says here that the parties, meaning all member states, the United Nations, the United States and Australia are part of that, shall take all necessary measures and actions individually and jointly to apply and effectively implement at domestic, regional and international level the provisions of this agreement, which means it doesn't say should, it says shall, shall.
And within this document, The number of times that it says, it references accountability as well as within the UN document.
Accountability for the nations.
They're going to hold them accountable.
What does holding them accountable look like?
Well, they've referenced within both documents.
Calling in the other member nations, parts of those member nations which essentially just means UN goons from other countries to make sure that they're enforcing these things.
So say for example you have a huge rebellion within one country, let's say Australia.
Nope, this pocket of people is not going to comply and they don't have enough military and police to stop these people.
These documents, these proposals mandate that other countries would go and ensure the compliance of the people.
This is why last year in Australia they changed the legislation in Victoria They introduced legislation to allow UN goons to come into our quarantine facilities and interrogate citizens against their will and refuse them a support person.
It was under the guise of making sure their human rights are being adhered to.
Well, why would you refuse them a support person if that's the case?
If you're there to make sure about their human rights.
No, you're there to re-educate them and kill them in the end.
So they go on to talk about action plans being aimed at improving pandemic prevention, surveillance, early detection, preparedness and response and, you know, these are their key words.
But again, accountability is such a major theme throughout both of these documents.
They say that states are accountable for strengthening and sustaining their health systems.
Provide adequate health and social measures by adopting and implementing legislative, executive, administrative, yada yada.
The point is they're saying that, you know, this is, this is, you're accountable and if you don't, if the countries don't, there will be consequences.
And they even say that if a certain country or government says, no, this is all a bit too much for us, they can still send in the other parties because now all the member states are responsible to prevent the next pandemic that they've concocted.
The parties shall undertake actions to strengthen infection prevention and control.
Listen to this.
At all levels, Including but not limited to households, communities and healthcare facilities, as well as the veterinary sector, with the aim of preventing pandemic situations.
And then section E under that part says, So they're going to be able to, according to this, tell you what you do in your house with your animal.
What are they going to do?
animal markets, trade in wild animals and in veterinary practices, both for food producing
and companion animals.
And companion animals.
So they're going to be able to, according to this, tell you what you do in your house
with your animal.
What are they going to do?
Tell you to beat it dead like they did on the streets in China?
The worst animal rights abuses that we've seen in response to a public health scare?
And all of the governments are saying, well, China just did such a fantastic job bashing animals on the street.
Well, that's what this document's calling for.
Not in black and white, but we know they love how China handled the pandemic.
So they want control of your household, control of your community, control of your healthcare facilities, even down to your companion animals.
This is so sick.
This is so, so sick.
They talk about surveillance at the wildlife-livestock-human interface.
So again, this is that Article B2, there's this common theme within Australia's Pandemic Preparedness Report and all of these new documents that these guys are releasing about zoonic diseases and the crossover of zoonic disease to human disease, you know, animal to human.
This is what they claimed happened during COVID, never mind the gain of function, never mind the fact that this was a bioweapon that they released.
And, you know, we're still not entirely sure what COVID was exactly, but we know they did something.
And, you know, perhaps this will be the cover for the next 5G pandemic that they create.
You know, we've spoken about the fact that people have been injected with something that can be programmed to create illness, and I don't mean to scare people, but that's what's been discovered in the shots.
Cesium-317, 137, and all sorts of other crazy materials, crazy things that are able to be programmed to create sickness.
And specifically interact with 5G.
So, you know, at this point they can create any symptoms that they want and blame it on human encroachment into natural habitats, humans having animals, humans eating animals, so on and so forth.
And we don't know whether the reason that they're hell-bent on injecting animals,
yes, it's to get this into us, into our food supply and into us,
but it could also be to make the animals sick and kill them all off in a major event.
I mean, if that type of technology is being injected into them, it certainly is possible.
Control of wildlife trade.
They want to prevent the illicit national and international trade of animal and plant species.
National trade, illicit national trade.
So, they want to, right now, you have certain things that may be illegal to trade within your own country,
but I guarantee that according to Codex Elementarius, which is a document that dates back to the 60s,
as far as, you know, the earliest versions I've been able to find,
I've got the whole thing, it's over 400 pages.
Talks about increasing over the years the level of toxins that human beings are exposed to, calling them nutrients essentially, and then calling nutrients toxins and reducing the amount of nutrients that we are allowed to have.
That particular document is what has caused so much of what is good for us to be called a toxin.
So good things that could be traded between people will be deemed illegal.
And you know, last year in Australia, we had this legislation brought in, again, Victoria, where dictator Dan, with his humongous ears, lives.
And he, well, we think he lives there, who knows?
But he brought in legislation that essentially prevents you It is the early stages of preventing you from having a garden.
You're definitely not even allowed to share eggs in the state of Queensland here in Australia without a licence.
And he also brought in legislation that prevents you from sharing meat with other people.
So that was the beginning.
A lot of this has been war-gamed in Victoria.
One of my first appearances on the Alex Jones Show was talking about the UN experiment, boasting about what they did in Melbourne.
A lot of this has been war-gamed in Victoria and now they want it in the whole world.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
I'll tell you more.
So these insane proposals by the EU also call for reducing as much as possible the risk of zoonic diseases through adapting relevant activities, sorry, controlling and adapting relevant activities and practices such as what they call unsustainable land uses, which means stopping you from interacting with nature, And wildlife consumption practices, which means stopping you from hunting for your own food.
It also talks about adapting farming practices that they want.
Uh, so, um, and they also want to reduce, uh, long distance transportation of animals, whatever, uh, whatever that long distance means to them.
So it really, really is tightening the belt on all freedom, freedom to feed yourself.
Freedom to move, as we know.
But you know, a lot of people say that, you know, well, if they do this to the meat, I'm just going to go out and hunt.
A lot of hunters here in Australia, a lot of hunters in the United States, all over the world.
It's something that human beings have been doing for thousands of years with no problem whatsoever.
But now, all of a sudden, that's causing climate change.
And a transfer of zoonic diseases to human beings, and so you can't hunt for your own food anymore.
That's what this is calling for, you know?
It's absolutely shocking.
Then they go on to talk about field missions.
Field missions for the purpose of verification and support!
Support, really.
It says.
The WHO should offer to deploy field missions, including, as necessary, experts from other relevant international organisations, in particular the quadripartite organisations, for the purpose of supporting a party in the verification of an event, investigations about its origins, assessment of the public health risk and evaluation of the effectiveness of the public health measures implemented by that party.
That decoded, guys?
It means the WHO is sending goons, and of course it says there in particular the quadripartite organisations, so that is the WHO, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, the World Organisation for Animal Health and the United Nations Environment Programme.
So yes, they'll send their experts out, but it also says that they will deploy other Other people as part of these field missions for support.
I'm sure that we can all decode what that language actually means.
There's no support.
There's, are you doing what we said?
If not, watch out.
It says there, a party receiving a Hood field mission shall collaborate.
Collaborate in good faith.
To ensure the effectiveness of its mission.
Listen to this military language.
That's what they're doing here.
They're using military language.
Shall make information available and provide access to sites and facilities.
Shall ensure the security of the visiting team and shall respect the privileges and immunities.
Of the WHO and of other organisations involved.
What does it mean about immunities?
What does it mean about the privileges?
What sort of immunities are we talking about?
Are we talking about shooting people dead on the street and no consequences?
Because this is how psychotic these people are.
They will go to extreme lengths to make an example out of dissidents.
And the world just doesn't understand How serious this is.
How serious this time is.
They are getting ready.
By the way, they're calling for both of these to be finalised by 2024.
They are getting ready for by next year to have this set in stone.
And to exit, to exit isn't even immediate.
You've got this waiting period if you want to exit.
So we need to exit now, because if this gets passed, to exit later, they've still got power over that nation that was previously a member state.
They have immunity for their field missions.
Parties shall equitably share the relevant medical countermeasures.
Including the ones produced with the assistance of pathogen samples, so on and so forth, genomic surveillance data and all of this other stuff.
So basically what they've done here is they've spoken about the importance of developing these countermeasures, which is injections manufactured, authorised and deployed as rapidly as possible and be available in sufficient quantities.
Do you remember how They said that one of the biggest things that they learned, a couple of lessons that they learned out of the last pandemic, was that more of the world needed internet and they needed to make sure the vaccines got to lower-income countries.
Never mind that those countries fared much better with COVID and their death rates than the countries that were highly injected, but they said that the theme of these people, United Nations, WHO, everyone, is no one left behind.
Sounds very valiant, doesn't it?
No one left behind!
We will inject everyone!
No one left behind!
We will kill everyone we can get our hands on!
Is what they mean.
So they say that we need more development of these injections and they need to be readily available to all the poor countries who did so well when they didn't listen to the WHO, when they didn't listen to the health experts during COVID.
Their survival rate is so much higher than the West.
Look at Africa.
Amazing stats.
Particularly in the poorest areas of Africa where they live on top of one another and they didn't die of COVID.
But no, they want to make sure that everyone is injected with their death poison.
And of course they talk about the rapid delivery quite a bit in here.
I really want to get to the other document and I'm aware that we're running out of time so I'm just going to highlight a couple of points here.
Quality of countermeasures.
They say that they're going to be responsible for ensuring the quality.
The same people that released a shot that they knew was going to kill off the population or a huge part of it.
So that's comforting.
Australia's manufacturing 400 million doses a year of these injections out of two facilities.
So far, I'm sure there'll be more.
And then there's a special section for addressing misinformation and disinformation, which they say that all parties shall exchange information and cooperate to prevent and investigate Incidents of misinformation and disinformation.
Investigate incidents, specific incidents, so they're going to start investigating you for spreading what they deem to be misinformation and disinformation.
And of course it also says they should consider adopting additional measures for misinformation and disinformation.
We know that Jacinda Ardern has just landed a global role in online misinformation and
disinformation and she's like Satan personified.
So that's going to be, you can imagine they're going to go to extreme measures.
She's the one that stood in front of the United Nations and said, we are at war with the people of the world.
We are at war with those who share misinformation and disinformation.
And not one person in that room stood up and said, Jacinda, we think you're being a bit extreme when you say that we're at war with regular people in the earth.
No, they stood up, applauded her, standing ovation.
Yes, we're at war with the people.
We must take extreme measures.
They're the extremists!
They're the terrorists!
They're the ones that want you dead!
Sick, sick people.
Extraordinary sessions of the Conference of the Parties, including at levels of heads
of state and government, shall be held at other times if deemed necessary, but not necessarily
because they want to eliminate middle government.
They want the one world government and they want the mayors enforcing the rest of the stuff.
And this is evidence just yesterday.
I saw the New York City mayor, where they're bringing in the robo-dogs, wants to reduce the city's meat consumption.
I've spoken about this report published by AROP in conjunction with C40 Cities, where they say their progressive and ambitious goals.
Their progressive, sorry, their ambitious goal is zero meat consumption by 2030.
Their progressive, ambitious goal is zero private vehicle ownership.
This is hell on earth!
And this guy...
Wants to do it to you.
We'll be right back.
Don't go anywhere.
Alright, the last thing I want to cover in this particular document before I quickly move on through the next one is the Implementation and Compliance Committee.
It literally says, an Implementation and Compliance Committee is hereby established.
As a subsidiary body of the Conference of the Parties.
That's it.
It's established.
That's it.
We've done it.
And no input from the people.
No discussion with even heads of state.
We've hereby established it.
And it's a compliance committee.
And they will review compliance with the member states, making sure that they're doing what they're told.
It's absolutely disgusting.
Article 6 also, again, like I said before, prudent use of antimicrobials in human medicine.
They talk about implementing measures to prohibit the sale and use of antimicrobials for humans without prescription, but they talk about this You know, this antimicrobial stewardship practices, you know, things like antibiotics.
Okay, you shouldn't take a lot of them, but they've saved lives over the years.
Nope, they want that limited.
Particularly in first-line or primary healthcare settings.
Because they'll replace everything with injections.
That's the plan.
Strengthening the international response to complex global shocks and emergency platform.
I'm going to breeze through this document for you, but it's important that everyone understands this proposal by Antonio Guterres to declare himself the dictator of the world in the event of any crisis.
So this goes beyond what the WHO is asking for in that first document.
This is Alright, I'm just going to read it to you.
The emergency platform would not be a standing body or entity, but a set of protocols that could be activated when needed.
The platform would not be a new or permanent standing body or institution.
It would be triggered automatically in the event of a crisis.
So what is a complex global shock according to these people?
Complex global shock can be broadly understood.
As an event with severely disruptive consequences for a significant proportion of the global population that leads to secondary impacts across multiple sectors.
So a couple of examples that they give throughout this document is, of course, COVID.
The other one is the global cost of living crisis of 2022, which they manufactured.
They manufactured it through You know, soaring energy prices that they created, sanctions here, there and everywhere.
They manufactured the supply chain crisis.
They destroyed businesses with lockdowns.
So then, because they did this, they're calling that a complex global shock, which means that now the world has to give the power over to Guterres.
So they've given, on page 5, They give you some examples of these complex global shocks in the future.
So one of them is large-scale climatic or environmental events that cause major socio-economic disruptions and or environmental degradations.
The other one is future pandemics with cascading secondary impacts High-impact events involving a biological agent, whether it be deliberate or accidental.
Events leading to disruptions to global flows of goods, people or finance.
I mean, we're already living through this.
We're already living through these things.
So at any time, Guterres could go, it's time for the emergency platform.
That's it.
And that is like a military-style deployment, similar to what we just read with the WHO proposals, the EU proposals to the Treaty, but on a global scale.
Look at this.
Large-scale destructive and or disruptive activity in cyberspace.
Which is what's coming.
We know that it's coming.
They've told us it's coming.
Disruptions to global digital connectivity.
So when they do this, when they flick the switch, the United Nations is boss.
A major event in outer space.
That causes severe disruptions to one or several critical systems on Earth.
Major event in outer space.
They're preparing us for the fake alien invasion, people.
It's important that we understand that it could happen at any time.
And the last one that they mention is these unforeseen risks.
Black Swan events.
Basically anything that they say.
Anything could be a crisis according to this.
I mean, just going back to that list.
Live-scale climatic or environmental events.
That could be a hurricane.
Oh, there's a hurricane?
Guterres is the dictator.
We've already got our automatic emergency platform in place.
There's been a hurricane.
Guterres takes control.
And you think, oh no, they won't do that.
Yeah, yeah, no, they will.
Because it's not going to be Guterres.
It'll be cyber-Satan AI.
That's what it'll be eventually.
Some of the other impact of global shocks that they give on page 8, they talk about the war in Ukraine, they talk about conflict, COVID-19, climate change, growing inequalities, food security, children missing basic vaccines.
Despite global shocks, global consumption rates.
Consumption rates are too high.
We need to reduce the amount of food that you're eating.
Energy-related CO2 emissions.
These are some of the things that they're calling global shocks.
So just think about the narrative that they've been preparing, the stage that they've been setting in the media for months now.
Telling us that all these things are a problem, not enough kids are getting injected, the CO2, the war in Ukraine, blah, blah, blah.
All of this has been setting the stage for this one thing, which is complete and utter global control under the guise of, oh yes, this is a problem.
No, no.
There is no problem.
There is no global shock.
You are the ones creating it.
There is no global shock of CO2 emissions.
We need CO2, it's the gas of life.
They talk a lot about the stark inequality in vaccine distribution and they even in this document say the world needs to go and agree to the pandemic accord as proposed by the WHO and that is literally the document we've just covered for most of this hour with you.
Again, there's a rapid response call in here and strengthened accountability.
These words accountability and compliance are all throughout these documents.
And we know what that means.
Last time they took your job if you didn't comply.
This time, I fear they will take people's lives.
So, on page 12, Gutierrez actually writes here.
I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalise automatically an emergency platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.
And who determines that it is a sufficient scale?
Well, them.
They say, yeah, this is a sufficient scale.
And those words mean I'm proposing that the world gives me the power to go to any measures necessary to leave no one behind, as it says on page 17.
Again on 22, just hammering home that the UN Secretary General will have all the power Provide high-level political leadership, so no longer your government calling the shots.
They will be calling the shots and ensuring accountability for the delivery on these commitments.
Ladies and gentlemen, what I've shown you today is very, very well-coded language for what you've witnessed in Oleg's movie.
That is what they want to do to us.
This is the most crucial time in the history of humanity.
This is why this broadcast is so important.
As Alex says, you know, you're punching the New World Order in the face.
Yeah, it really is a slap in the face of these people because they don't want you to know this information.
They don't want you to decode this information.
Because when you read it on the surface, it's all about strength and support and all their doublespeak that they do, because these people understand the power of words.
But that is not what they mean.
And we saw what they mean during COVID.
Just a taste.
Just a taste.
But because we know the truth, because we are courageous, because we are strong, because we look at the face, look at them in the face, Of these disgusting, insane proposals and we say no!
We, humanity, will not stand for this.
You are not going to do this!
We know the truth.
You've been caught.
You're murderers and you're going to be held to account.
So I'm calling all lawyers around the world.
Start the lawsuits.
Any politicians you have left, lobby to them.
Get out of the UN.
Get out of the WHO.
This is a matter of life or death and I know that we the people will win this because we are stronger than them.
We have the truth on our side.
God bless you.
Thank you for joining me today.
It's been great and it's been an honour.
For example, on InfoWars, one of the main things that he spoke, one of his most famous statements was saying that, Tapwater is turning the frogs gay and will turn you gay too.
First off, gay people are awesome.
I don't think that's a problem at all.
And secondly, if you noticed at the end of that video, he advertises water filters.
Since the mid-1940s, mainline scientists said you should not put what they call fluoride in the water.
It gives you dental fluorosis, it gives you bone cancer, it attacks fertility, it lowers IQs, it is highly toxic, and it is an adjuvant in that it is an acid that helps bring toxins through the blood-brain barrier.
It supercharges death.
Think about the level of premeditated evil.
To get up there in all the TV programs and all the stuff you've seen, not just attacking me, but everybody else, saying, no, it's conspiracy theorists, even back to Dr. Strangelove in 1964.
The water's safe, you should drink it.
No, it's not.
It's not safe anywhere, even in farming areas with wells.
It's full of glyphosate, it's full of Roundup, it's full of crap.
And that's what's killing us.
Report leaking fluoride to lower IQ in children made public after CDC, HHS tried to block it.
The good news is they're not blocking it.
A top HHS official blocked release of long-delayed fluoride toxicity review.
Internal emails reviewed for over a year and a half.
Health officials delayed report leaking fluoride to brain harm.
This is Mother Jones.
This is Yahoo Finance suppressed government report finding fluoride can reduce children's IQ made public under EPA lawsuit.
They know one of the biggest causes of cancer and low IQ and infertility is the so-called fluoride that is weaponized, concentrated, electrified, acid-based molecule.
That if you take pure fluoride and you stick your hand in it for two seconds, when you pull your hand out, all the skin is going to slide right off it to the muscle.
Hydrofluorosilic acid is the third most deadly acid on earth.
The most powerful.
And they've got our children drinking that.
This is a psychotic death cult.
Case closed.
Out to get you and your family.
MSDS is a document that details the hazardous components of a product, its characteristics, effects on human health, as well as its handling precautions.
And they're suppressing what the fluoride does to you and your family.
You can see The ratings on it right there, the highest level danger ratings listed on it for toxicity and poison.
Now, we want to protect our children as much as we can.
These people are bombarding our children with these weapons.
So yes, we sell the Alexa Pure Breeze made by the My Patriot Supply Ready Hour Group.
It's been around about 15 years, became the biggest company in the last six.
They went out, hired engineers, reverse engineered the fancy best water filter system out there that sells for twice the price, and they made it as good In all the studies, it reduces things to non-detectable levels, thousands of chemicals.
But you can go pay two or three times, there's four or five other filters out there that are just as good.
We sell, and it's not a plug here, it is, but it's really about reality, the very best, highest grade water filtration system for half the price of the leading competitor.
And the media says we're bad and a cult for telling you you should filter your water.
You should also filter your shower water.
That's another way you absorb this crap.
But I'm done talking about that.
The point is, you get the filters at InfoWareStore.com.
They're discounted right now.
Finally back in stock.
All the supply chain breakdowns, they've been sold out for six months.