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Name: 20230414_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 14, 2023
2610 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the importance of having a strong sense of values and identity before interacting with technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI). He talks about OpenAI's ChatGPT as an example of AI, mentions the government's superior AI technology and suggests that we might already be interacting with AI without realizing it. Jay Dyer from Jay's Analysis discusses Aldous Huxley's Brave New World as a seminal text about the technocratic order. The conversation also delves into the concept of control in societies, its correlation with aesthetics, arts, and freedom. Alex Jones promotes various products available at InfowarsStore.com and talks about his book, The Great Reset and the War for the World. He emphasizes that these are not mere fiction but plans for a dystopian future by globalists.

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If the public isn't aware they're in a war, and if the public doesn't know who they're at war with, and if the public doesn't know what the enemy's game plan is in their history, you're going to lose that war, okay?
So I consider giving you window dressing all day, and they did this, and they did that, and isn't this interesting, and isn't that interesting, and here's some crime footage, it bleeds, it leads.
Here's some black people killing white people and here's some white people killing black people and all this crap.
Yeah, that gets us ratings, folks.
But at the end of the day, I want ratings for victory.
I want ratings to reach hearts and minds and change the world.
We don't have the country right now.
It's been hijacked.
It's been taken.
We need to be loud and aggressive and focused and never shut up and never submit.
Because we lost our ass because of the attitude, mind your own business.
They're in our business now.
It's kind of like, don't start a fight.
But once somebody starts it, finish it.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news today.
It's Friday, April 14, 2023.
I'm Alex Jones, live from my car.
As we speak, I'm pulling up in the studios, and I'll be live on air in T-minus five minutes.
Stay with us.
We've got a big broadcast coming up today.
There is no more dire threat to the American way of life than the corruption and weaponization of our justice system.
And it's happening all around us.
If we cannot restore the fair and impartial rule of law, we will not be a free country.
As president, it will be my personal mission to restore the scales of justice in America We want fairness and equality under the law.
And to that end, I will appoint U.S.
attorneys who will be the polar opposite of the Soros district attorneys and others that are being appointed throughout the United States.
Very unfair to our population.
Very unfair to our country.
They will be the 100 most ferocious legal warriors against crime and communist corruption.
that this country has ever seen.
As we completely overhaul the Federal Department of Justice and FBI, we will also launch sweeping
civil rights investigations into Marxist local district attorneys.
And that's what we have.
They're Marxists in many cases.
By refusing to charge countless crimes, these Soros prosecutors appear to be engaging in
selective enforcement based on illegal racial discrimination.
In Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and every other city where these maniacs have taken over, the DA's offices should face federal subpoenas of their staff, their emails, and their records to determine whether they have blatantly violated federal civil rights law.
As part of this effort, there should be a federal inquiry into the Soros prosecutor in Austin, Texas, who charged a veteran with murder for defending himself against a threat by a heavily armed member of a radical left mob.
I will also order the Department of Justice to establish a task force on protecting the right to self-defense, which is under siege nationwide.
In addition, we will have a complete investigation into the use of police state tactics by federal authorities to arrest conservatives and Christians.
We will find out who ordered it, and we will hold them totally accountable.
There is much more that we must do.
We have to confront This radicalized law in schools.
You take a look at what they've done to our schools, our beautiful schools.
We have to reform the far left bar associations and stop the purge of conservative lawyers from major law firms.
I will do whatever it takes to save our legal system among the greatest achievements of Western civilization from the Marxist barbarians who seek to destroy it.
And we will do that.
We will save it.
Thank you very much.
If you think the awakening we've seen so far is big, this planet and the globalists have not seen anything yet!
Thank you!
We're aware of your activities, trying to muzzle the American people and gaming your search results.
Google is evil!
We now take the challenge, not to censor like you do, but to stand against you and to fight even harder for our birthright that you are trying to steal!
Remember this.
You killed your profession by becoming nothing but mercenaries for the globalists, and people know that you're fake news, many of you.
Now, with you trying to kill the First Amendment, you're making yourself true villains.
You've declared war on the First Amendment!
You've declared war on free speech!
Since when?
There are hundreds of doctors unable to have press conferences in America.
They take it off YouTube, they take it off Google, they take it off Twitter, they take it off Facebook.
There is a giant crackdown that even the New York Times calls it a crackdown on conservatives and a plan to de-platform conservatives from the internet and communicating with each other.
Today, just like Communist China, I'm here to expose this fraud.
I'm here, just like when Congress has hearings about me, I go there.
And I get in their face and I expose the truth, and that's what I'm gonna do.
We had over 40 million subscribers on Apple.
That was our biggest thing with my three podcasts.
Those were all banned.
The most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
It's Friday, April 14th, 2023.
And I probably only did two hours preparation for today's show.
I usually do about four hours.
In fact, I got here just three or four minutes ago.
I've not even gone through all the stacks they printed up for me, though I sent them a lot of these links.
But sometimes those are my best broadcast when I really haven't prepared for it.
We have Roger Stone with a lot of big breaking inside baseball coming up at the bottom of the hour.
It's very serious.
perhaps being the VP with Trump.
Chase Geiser, a great researcher and frequent co-host with our different hosts like Owen Schroer and Harrison Smith.
He'll be popping in to talk about AI and more.
And speaking of AI, I just had a two-plus hour great conversation with Tim Poole who's here in Austin, Texas with his morning popular Podcast and I'll be back with him tonight with his nighttime Popular podcast extremely hit podcast at the Vulcan gas company.
I think Joe Rogan's gonna be popping by Says he is and so that should be that should definitely be interesting.
There'll be some excerpts of that on the show undoubtedly Sunday But wow, I Gotta say I've done a lot of podcasts and I've done Tim cast and Five or six times, I think.
But this was the best one, and this was one of the best podcasts I've ever been involved in.
Two hours of breaking down the secrets of the New World Order, the AI takeover, the battle for the future of humanity.
I definitely am going to get some big excerpts of that podcast and air it on the Sunday show.
He tapes it, so as soon as it goes up, if I didn't be up now, it goes up like an hour after.
30 minutes after an hour, we'll post it on Infowars.com because Tim Pool has come a long way.
He's always been smart, but now he gets it and they've got a big problem on their hands.
And not just the fact that Tim Pool's sitting on all cylinders now and actually sees the Matrix, but that everybody else does that's already been trying to find out the truth out there.
And that's really been the theme of the broadcast this week, is the Great Awakening is accelerating.
Everywhere people are saying there's a new world order, there's a globalist takeover, there's been a coup, they want to kill us.
And those are horrible things, but those things were true, those things were there.
So it'd be terrible to learn, you know, you had cancer in one of your lungs, but you learned it was operable, you're going to be able to get rid of it.
But if you waited a few more months, it would kill you.
Well, I think we found the tumor in time.
We better hope so.
I know this, if we don't fight this thing, it'll take over.
That was another big discussion we had.
Is it too late for humanity?
If the general public that keeps going along with the New World Order, or continues to stay asleep, does not get awakened very quickly, and does not start making the right decisions themselves, and if those of us that are awake don't help awaken them quicker, I think we're going to blow the planet up.
And that's not a pessimistic view.
I'm saying if we do not fix this, it is curtains for humanity.
It's that simple.
It's like, you know, a fire starts in your kitchen.
And if you don't get the fire extinguisher that you should have in the pantry and put the damn thing out, it's going to catch the drapes on fire.
And in about a minute and a half, the fire is going to burn down your whole house.
We got the grease fire.
And it's shooting up, you know, and starting to catch the drapes on fire.
Just beeline to the pantry.
That's where I've got mine.
Got them in each room of the house.
Get that fire extinguisher out.
I got a good size one in there.
And just get that out.
So we just got to beeline, get the fire extinguisher, and put it out.
You see all these people have cameras in their houses now online.
There's countless videos I run into people having a grease fire in their house.
And you'll see them like, once it explodes, they'll try to like, go to the sink, get a pot of water, and by then, you know, the drapes are on fire, the ceiling's on fire.
No, you gotta have that fire extinguisher there.
And we have the broadcast, we have the shows, we have the awake people, we have you, that's the fire extinguisher.
That's us.
Now we gotta point it at the New World Order, and put it out.
Or, we're all going up together.
It's going to become progressively obvious that the New World Order is completely predatory, and each stage of their control promises to protect you if you just submit, but every time only makes it worse.
So, we need to understand that this is a life and death situation.
Plus, it's the animating contest of liberty.
You know, God's watching, and we've got a real chance to do some good here.
And I don't know about you, but I look at my children, even if you don't have children, look at other children out there, they really deserve for us to stand up for them, don't they?
I mean, this is really simple stuff at the end of the day.
You got a bunch of mad scientists and people that don't care, people that are willing to do anything for power, who are in control.
And they're trying to dominate us, who are trying to put the brakes on this thing, or trying to take an alternate route, like we're the enemy, when they need to look in the mirror.
In fact, let's go out to break with that two-minute intro we play.
It's usually an intro.
It'll be an outro of Beaver Vendetta.
It's like two minutes, 14 seconds.
He says, because if you really want to know who's guilty here, all you need to do is look in the mirror.
And that means me too.
That means all of us.
That means realizing we gotta repent, we gotta get right with God, we've got to get serious, and then step into the agency that God has given us, our free will, and say no to this.
And I know I just keep hammering that, but when we come back, the news is just insane.
Air Force National Guardsman 21 in court first time over Pentagon docks leak.
We've got new developments on the censorship front, the China war front, massive developments with all of these weaponized prosecutors going after Trump.
A lot of stations don't carry the first five minutes.
I'm tempted to re-air the two and a half minute Trump announcement that is, if you thought the last ones were throwing down the gauntlet, if you thought his last announcements about destroying the deep state and arresting the New World Order were powerful, this one specifically says, We have a criminal communist coup that has hijacked the country and is coming after all of us, and that's true!
And that's so powerful, that rhetoric is finally matching the reality.
Because it sounds crazy to say there's a communist criminal coup, but there is.
So you're kind of like, well I don't want to call it that, that's a little too far.
Well, if the medicine doesn't match the disease, we're going to die.
And so, yeah, and the public is like, no, that's not exaggerating.
We're in a lot of deep crap.
This is not a big party.
It's not a big joke.
It's not funny.
Because we're going over the edge of a financial, cultural, military cliff right now.
And there's still time to have a soft crash landing.
So here's this important piece.
We'll go to break.
We'll come back and I'll play on all the news.
Please stay with us.
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
Let me think, just let me think.
In fact, even now, orders are being shouts into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sutler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and selecting your submission.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
The megacities in the future are deathtraps.
I got all this incredible news.
We're hitting it all, but first, I played this in the first five minutes.
where you can find it, places like BandUp Video, watch it and share it.
Critical breadcrumb in the quest for freedom. Okay I got all this incredible
news, where we hitting it all, but first I played this in the first five minutes.
It's only about two and a half minutes long, but instead of playing the video
again, let me just read a transcript of a two and a half minute statement
that is so key, because everything Trump said is true and we need more of this
and we're getting more of this, because this will bring down the hijackers, the
usurpers, the occupiers of our government that are illegitimate.
President Donald Trump, quote, there is no more dire threat to the American way of life than the corruption, the weaponization of our justice system, and it's happening all around us.
us. 100% true. If we cannot restore the fair and partial rule of law, we will not be a
free country.
As President, I will be, by personal mission, to restore the scales of justice in America.
We want fairness and equality under the law.
And to that end, I will appoint U.S.
Attorneys who will be the polar opposites of the Soros District Attorneys and others that are being appointed throughout the United States.
Very unfair to our population, very unfair to our country.
They will be the hundred most ferocious legal warriors against crime and communist corruption that the country has ever seen.
As we completely overhaul the Federal Department of Justice and FBI, we will also launch sweeping civil rights investigations into Marxist local district attorneys, and that's what we have.
They are Marxist in many cases.
Not in many.
They are.
We're globalists, too.
By refusing to charge countless crimes, these Soros prosecutors appear to be engaging in selective enforcement.
That's more than that.
It's destabilization.
Based on illegal racial discrimination.
In Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and every other city where these maniacs have taken over, the DA's offices should face federal subpoenas of their staff, their emails, and their records to determine whether they have blatantly violated federal civil rights law.
I don't know, they get up and say, if a white shop owner shoots somebody that's shooting a gun at them, we're going to put them in prison, but if they're black, We're gonna let him do it.
I think everybody deserves the same rights.
As part of this effort, there should be a federal inquiry into Soros, prosecutor in Austin, Texas, who charged a veteran with murder for defending himself against a threat by a heavily armed member of the radical left mob.
I will also order the Department of Justice to establish a Task Force on Protecting the Right to Self-Defense, which is under siege nationwide.
Which is under siege nationwide.
Absolutely is.
In addition, we will have a complete investigation into the use of police state tactics by federal authorities to arrest conservatives and Christians.
We'll find out who ordered it and hold them totally accountable.
Can you believe this is actually happening and we're battling back?
Because they can't get away with this if they're being challenged at this level.
There is much more that we must do.
We have to confront this radicalized law, schools.
We have to take a look at what they've done to our schools, our beautiful schools.
We'll reform the far-left bar associations and stop the purge of conservative lawyers from major law firms.
I'll do whatever it takes to save our legal system among the greatest achievements of Western civilization from the Marxist barbarians who seek to destroy it.
And we will do that.
We will save it.
Thank you very much.
That's powerful.
And I posted having the text of that posted on the live show feed today.
When you see takeovers in third world countries and Western countries throughout the last hundred years or so, it's almost always the security services and a weaponized judiciary and prosecutors that take over.
And when you get a criminal mafia in control of federal law enforcement, that is the most common form of tyranny that destroys countries, and empires for that matter.
It happened in Rome, it's happened in Germany, it's happened in Russia, it's happened in Cuba and Venezuela, and the list goes on and on.
And that's what we're in right now, and these people are the very worst scum the planet's ever seen that have hijacked the government.
Now again, the rest of the government's a cross-section of the population.
There's some great people, some good people, some bad people, some asleep people.
The government's not our enemy.
Just like if you're on a jet flying from London to Frankfurt, Germany.
And a guy jumps up and says, I've got a bomb!
And if you don't give me control of the airplane, I'm going to blow it up.
And then he goes in and takes over and kicks the pilots out.
You don't start hitting the plane and attacking the windows and punching the, you know, the stewardess in the nose.
Being politically incorrect, the flight attendant.
You know the plane's been hijacked.
So the plane is ours.
The country is ours.
And they're trying to now hijack the plane to go fly it into buildings.
And we have to recognize that, and we have to get into the cockpit, legally, lawfully, politically, culturally, and remove them, extricate them out of the cockpit.
Instead of having a stupid civil war, killing each other because of what color we are, we have to realize the bad guys are driving the bus, they're flying the plane, they gotta get out of there, they gotta get out of there right now.
And they're not doing all this tyranny and doubling down because they're strong.
They're doing it because they're weak.
But I'll tell you, A cornered animal is very dangerous.
So don't think we've already won.
But we've got a really good chance of winning because the awakening is so strong.
And look, I'll say this again.
I was on a very popular show with millions and millions and millions of viewers.
Tim Pool this morning.
And I'll be on with him on his nighttime show tonight here in Austin.
He's coming visiting.
And we talked about it on air.
We talked about it off air.
Everywhere he goes, and he's a well-known person, all he gets is basically support now.
And that's all I get.
And again, that wasn't happening five years ago, two years ago.
So the system has really caused a fundamental awakening.
The question is, what do we do with that energy?
Do we let them divert it off into a race war or some type of idiotic?
No, no.
We expose the globalists who control the cyber system.
They control the power to turn the power off.
They're the ones cutting off the energy.
They're the ones destroying the borders.
They're the ones starting the wars.
They're the ones funding the pedophilia.
They're the ones doing it all to brainwash and control our children.
And that's something at the start of the podcast, as soon as it's up, probably up now, I want you guys to get the first 10 minutes where we expose what transgenderism really is.
Myself and the other three hosts, Luke Hradowski and others completely knocked it out of the park in a 10 minute summation of the entire transgender conspiracy.
It's not the transgender people, they're just part of it being manipulated.
It was so important.
So the minute that goes up, we'll post it at Infowars.com.
And the minute it goes up, we will also play it here on air.
Roger Stone is coming up.
Please remember, despite the fact we're having big wins for Hearts and Minds, the enemy's really cracked down on us.
We're not having huge wins when it comes to financing.
We're barely paying the bills.
So get some of the great products at InfoWarStore.com like Turbo Force, 10-hour incredible clean energy, finally back in stock, 25% off at InfoWarStore.com.
We're selling out of DNA Force Plus and Real Red Bull Plus.
Despite that, they're still both 40% off.
And we have the Alex Jones for President shirt, and we have the Trump shirt that's now about to be in stock.
We just produced it.
That's the Trump Pardon shirt at Info... Trump Pardon, Political Prisoner shirt at InfoWarStore.com.
All right, I wanted to get Roger Stone on a few days ago, but we've got him now and more stuff is broken about this.
JFK's brother, Robert F. Kennedy, the Attorney General who was going to win the primaries, was winning and got assassinated in Los Angeles.
Of course, it was JFK, RFK, and of course, The great civil rights leader, MLK, that all got assassinated by the Deep State, that's all come out now, running as Trump's VP.
This is really getting talked about.
He's obviously filed to run as a Democrat, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but now other big stuff is broken.
Roger came on five weeks ago and he said, Trump has just given this speech, a lot of you probably saw him say it, where he throws down the gauntlet, I'm going to abolish the Deep State, we're going to defeat the New World Order, we're going to restore the Republic, I'm awake now, I understand how bad things are, I'm going to do an even better job, we will have victory.
That was a declaration of war against him.
And Rogers said, they will indict him now.
Don't believe all this talk, they're not going to.
And... Suckering Suckatash about a week later, it happened.
Now Roger's here today to talk about all of this and more.
And this incredible short little three minute speech that we just played at the start of the show.
Trump lays out excellent plan to restore justice in America.
Calls them a criminal communist coup that's hijacked America.
Now that's strong rhetoric, but that's what it is.
So you got to call it what it is if you're going to beat it.
Man, he's really doubling down.
I like what I'm seeing, Roger Stone.
Yeah, this is the real Donald Trump.
I mean, he is dropping truth bombs.
And I think his remarks of March 16th, where he basically said the same thing John F. Kennedy said in 1962, the same thing Richard Nixon had planned in 1974 to completely rout the deep state.
Kennedy called them the military-industrial complex.
But it was the elites that had seized control of the American government.
Kennedy, of course, threatened to smash the CIA into a million pieces and scatter it to
the wind.
Weeks later, he was murdered.
Nixon planning a complete reorganization and a coup against the deep state.
He was removed in a silent coup.
Donald Trump showed up in Washington with the intention to drain the swamp, and they
tried to take him down first in the Russian collusion hoax.
Then there was the Ukrainian hoax, and then finally, they're trying to misrepresent what
really happened on January 6th, and trying to raise issues about his handling of certain
classified and secret documents, when it's very clear that Joe Biden is in violation,
far more egregious violation, since he had those documents when he wasn't president of
the United States, when he was a US senator and when he was a vice president.
We're going to talk about that more, but--
Is the third time the charm.
Kennedy tried, Nixon tried, and got removed one way or another.
Now they've removed Trump through election fraud.
Now they're trying to preclude him with all these criminal charges from running.
Open public election meddling.
No one can deny now the Democrats are election meddling and stealing elections by not letting us have the candidate we want.
Well, he's our last best choice.
I mean, is he flawless?
No, of course not.
No one is.
Only he is perfect.
No one is perfect.
But I think that he is a great beneficiary of his experience in his first term.
I mean, I really think because he didn't come from the world of politics since he came from the world of business, He believed that there were two teams, the Republicans and the Democrats, and that the Republicans were with him and that the Democrats would be against him.
And therefore, unfortunately, there's no question that he trusted some people that he should not have trusted.
But I think he's learned a hard lesson.
And despite some of those misjudgments in the first term, look at his record.
The most robust economy in American history.
The rebuilding of our military strength.
He scares the daylights out of the Chinese so they don't move on Taiwan.
He scares the daylights out of the Russians so they don't move on Ukraine.
He appoints scores of conservatives to the federal courts.
He was in the process of remaking America exactly as he said he would do in 2016.
Despite all these quizzlings, despite all of the traitors inside his own administration,
I think he's learned a hard lesson.
And I think that's reflected not only in those remarks, but these
remarks that he made more recently.
He poses an existential threat to the two-party duopoly, to the global elite, to those who are looking for the Great Reset.
He's the only thing that stands in the way.
He's absolutely right about that, and he's our last, best hope.
There's two parts to this.
He has to get nominated.
He has to pick the right running mate, and then we have to work very hard to make sure that we have a free, fair, transparent, honest election.
Can America be saved?
Yes, but only with those steps.
Well, you've asked Robert Barnes and others here on the show, and you've got your own brain that I respect.
About the timing of this.
Bragg has said he wants the show trial during Republican primaries.
Then, let's say they get a fake conviction.
He'll obviously be able to appeal that, but they're accelerating trying to put him in jail.
How would that look if they put a former president, when he's leading in the polls, six months from an election, three months from an election, in jail?
I mean, look, that blows up in their face unless they're trying to provocateur a confrontation and then they Activate terror groups or provocateur groups to stage false flags.
That's how I see this going down.
Well, first of all, he comes across as Nelson Mandela.
He comes across as a persecuted political icon if they choose to try to incarcerate him prior to the election.
I have no doubt that they will probably also bring fabricated charges against him in Georgia.
If you think Alvin Bragg is a disgrace, why do you hear Finney Wills speak?
I mean, there's no there there.
She's just a mindless Soros robot.
Jack Smith is a different question.
He is a tough customer.
He is a no-nonsense federal prosecutor on a mission.
On the other hand, I respect people like Robert Barnes.
Or David Shone, both of whom came on my show, The Stone Zone, to give an excellent legal analysis.
I don't know how they get to a trial on any of these matters prior to the 2024 election.
Now, I'm respecting their point of view because I'm not an attorney, I'm happy to say.
But I think if that is the backdrop, what they're going to find... Yeah, I mean, I've looked into it, too.
Normally, there's no way it would get to trial.
But we know normal rules don't count right now.
Well, I understand that they have the ability to manipulate the time frame.
On the other hand, there is still such thing as due process.
I think you can expect Trump's attorneys, hopefully, to fight each one of these pending indictments or the actual indictment.
And those things cannot, I think, happen quickly.
So, look, this is an admission.
They can't beat him at the polls if we have an honest election.
Joe Biden is a bumbling fool.
Instead of going to the coronation of King Charles, he's busy in Ireland.
He doesn't seem to even know where he is.
I actually feel sorry for the poor guy.
And look, this rise of Robert Kennedy in the Democratic Party is very, very significant.
No incumbent president in modern times who has faced a significant challenge for a renomination but beat it back has gone on to be re-elected.
And Robert Kennedy is the real deal.
I mean, I don't certainly don't agree with him on everything
but when it comes to his advocacy against the COVID-19 vaccination,
indeed many vaccinations, and his calling out the globalists,
there's an uprising within the Democratic Party.
I was about to say, but this is like an epic Greek tragedy,
you know, that ends out good at the end.
Literally, his uncle and father murdered fighting the deep state, and now he comes out, and he's such a good speaker, such a good man.
He's a real deal.
I disagree with some of his policies, but I would be happy to have him as my president.
He would unify the country, which is why I just smell death.
I think they'll kill him too.
I think they're going to try to kill Kennedy and Trump.
Well, we pray against that every single day.
I pray for the President's safety and the safety of his family every single day.
When I'm praying for my own wife and my own family.
When I'm praying for the nation.
As a political strategist, people are surprised to hear me say that.
But right now, when people ask me, what's the most important thing I can do?
I think praying to Jesus Christ, praying to the Lord, that is the most important and the most effective thing you can do at this moment.
I'm living proof that Jesus Christ can do anything.
I'm here on your show today due to the power and the majesty of Jesus Christ and the sense of justice by Donald J. Trump.
Let's talk about RFK and Trump as the dream team.
Is that going to happen?
Is that a possibility?
By the way, I meant to ask Roger how he lives in Fort Lauderdale that's getting once-in-a-lifetime floods.
I was gonna ask him about that, and I forgot he reminded me.
So give us his in-the-center-of-the-storm take on that in a moment.
We'll finish up with the incredible excitement around RFK Jr., already in polls, some polls leading Joe Biden to the primary run.
I mean, it's incredible.
And then we'll talk about these leaked Pentagon documents where they claim to have been falsified.
Now we know they're real.
And it was all basically true.
And so you have more collusion in the media.
Tucker Carlson calling that out.
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Roger Stone, let's get to what's happening where you live there in Eastern Florida.
I must tell you, Alex, the flooding video you showed really understate what has happened here.
I mean, I begin to wonder maybe I was supposed to start building an arc.
I mean, it was really horrific.
First of all, let me thank all the literally thousands of people who have contacted me to be sure that my wife and I and our family was okay.
We are fine.
We did not Sustained any damage to our home or our car, but not everybody can say that.
Last night, I tried to go to a Palm Beach County Young Republican event where I was invited to speak.
Pretty big crowd.
I got about three blocks from my house and I had to turn back and I was lucky to get back home.
So the Lord has protected us in this.
Governor DeSantis has taken a real beating in the media because while this natural disaster was going on, He was in Ohio on his faux campaign for president, his book tour, which is really clearly a disguised campaign for president, when he should have been here dealing with natural disaster.
The mayor of Fort Lauderdale did a press conference.
He was asked, have you spoken to the governor?
Has the governor called you?
And he said, no, we haven't heard from him.
A huge political mistake.
I know Robert Barnes knows Trump has been working with the Republicans and he was trying to make the two have peace and was hoping that this wouldn't happen, but I warned him.
I said, no, DeSantis is running against him six months ago.
Now he's turned against DeSantis.
So if Barnes has been a big DeSantis supporter, turns against him, that really shows where this is going.
I think as soon as they indicted Trump, it sealed DeSantis' fate for now.
He should just get behind Trump and can be president later.
I agree with that.
Otherwise he's going to sustain damage.
Look, he should be realistic.
Even if there were some way for him to get by Trump, based on his act of treachery, turning on the man who literally single-handedly made him governor with an endorsement and then stumping for him in the closing days when he only won by 30,000 votes.
There's a subset of Americans.
They're not necessarily Republicans, but you need them for general election.
They will never vote for Ron DeSantis now.
So, he should turn back and mend his ways.
I don't think he's going to do that.
I think the globalists from whom he has taken tens of millions of dollars will insist on this last-ditch attempt to stop Donald Trump, and it will end up the same way it did for Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush.
Look, I love Robert Barnes, and I have huge respect for him as an attorney, but this is politics, and I don't think Ron DeSantis is redeemable.
All right, shifting gears, Ian, back to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Incredible excitement.
I've seen polls where he's leading Biden.
You described before break is incredible energy around this.
I know you've been talking to a lot of folks behind the scenes.
Could he switch over to Republicans?
Would he take a VP slot with Trump?
Would Trump try to bring him in as his VP?
An incredible bipartisan unification move.
Well, today I think neither man would consider that.
I think that, first of all, Robert Kennedy represents a dynamic break with the current orthodoxy of the Democratic Party.
People need to remember that John F. Kennedy was an ardent anti-communist.
He favored a massive national defense build-up over the objections of President Eisenhower.
He insisted on a silver-backed dollar.
He was a tax-cutter.
He had deep suspicion of the intelligence agencies over their lack of an early warning for the Cuban Missile Crisis and for their botching of the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Many of these things led to his murder.
But he was not a liberal.
He was liberal on civil rights, he was liberal on some matters, but he was a hardcore anti-communist.
This is why Adlai Stevenson and Eleanor Roosevelt and the leftists in the Democratic Party so opposed his candidacy.
Today, the Democratic Party is not what it was in 1960, and therefore with this socialist, progressive, woke takeover, while I still think there are grassroots Democrats Who vote, the party leadership is completely in the hands of the socialists.
And therefore, you can watch them, they will kneecap Robert Kennedy the way they kneecapped Bernie Sanders.
They kneecapped Sanders more because it's not that they objected to his ideology, but they realized he was not electable.
Now they will bend the rules to keep him, to keep Kennedy off the ballot in some private states.
Sir, it's like Tulsi Gabbard in all the polls won the first Primary debates, but they just shut her out.
And so they will, Robert Kennedy.
So they have a financial threshold to get in their debates.
Your campaign has to raise a certain amount of money as if that is a true measure of viability, which of course it isn't.
So look, I think what Robert Kennedy is doing is extraordinarily valiant.
And it's not just that he's anti-vaccination and that he's had the courage to write an incredible book, The Real Anthony Fauci, but his comments regarding the globalists.
A week ago he says, The collapse of U.S.
influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom's new alliance with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the neocon strategy of maintaining U.S.
global hegemony and that China has displaced the American empire.
I mean, this guy totally gets it.
And he goes on to say there's a globalist coup, we must overthrow it.
Yeah, but the point, of course, is that he has to go through the process.
Right now, Donald Trump would have, I think, a clear path to the nomination, but this could be a unique opportunity for a national bipartisan unity ticket.
The country is at a time of extreme peril, and therefore I'm, by putting this idea forward in my sub-stack, I'm trying to think outside the box.
How do you unite those Democrats and Independents who are disgusted with the current state of the Democratic Party and the leadership of Joe Biden on everything from vaccinations to... Oh, it's a total winning move because he'd just be the Vice President, but a great speaker on the policies Trump wants.
They agree on most things.
And then even if they killed Trump, they would not want Kennedy in there because they hate him just as much.
I mean, I think it's a very smart move.
Well, and it has a historical precedent.
As you know, Lincoln took Andrew Johnson for his running mate, a Democrat, probably led to his assassination.
We don't wish that on Trump, of course.
John McCain in 2008 wanted his fellow neocon Democrat, Joe Lieberman, As is running mate.
So this idea has been bandied about, has actually happened in the past, but we're at a unique time in American history where the country is at peril and therefore a bipartisan unity ticket makes a huge amount of sense.
And you bring the charismatic magic of the Kennedys to the charisma of Donald Trump.
You could unite the country.
You could change the entire direction of the country.
Today, I don't think either man would even consider it.
But could you imagine the foreign policy real rock star level of Trump and Kennedy going around the world calling for peace?
It would just be dynamic.
It really would, and therefore I think there's an opportunity here to change history.
That's why I have thrown the idea out.
And I must tell you, Alex, the reaction I've gotten has been extraordinary.
Now look, Robert Kennedy is pro-abortion.
He's pro-gun control.
But George Bush was pro-abortion.
The vice president doesn't set policy.
The vice president follows policy.
But also notice, RFK Jr.
doesn't push gun control and abortion.
He pushes anti-GMO, anti-poison shot.
Pro-sovereignty, anti-globalist.
What he speaks on is things we agree with.
So what a man promotes is what he is.
I agree.
I'll stay there, do five more minutes.
I want to talk about, because you're chomping at the bit, I want to hear what you have to say about this Intel leak, which they now admit is all real, it wasn't doctored, and the fact that the media got caught lying about it.
Tucker Carlson points that out, Washington Post, New York Times, lied and said it wasn't real.
It was real, and we're going to break that down with Roger Stone.
Back in two minutes, stonezone.com.
We'll be right back.
Alright, final segment with the great Roger Stone here on the Alex Jones Show.
Getting into the Ukraine war, Zelensky looks like he's completely out of his mind.
This internal document admits they've lost way more troops than what they claim.
The Russians are actually winning the war at great loss.
Things are escalating.
Huge NATO drills going on.
And now they admit, indeed, the document is real.
The New York Times, Washington Post, Tucker Carlson pointed out, lied.
And these documents show criminal actions being committed by our government.
Where do you see all this going?
Alex, what strikes me is the amazing hypocrisy of the New York Times and the Washington Post.
When the Pentagon Papers leaked, they deified Daniel Ellsberg, the bureaucrat who leaked them.
The New York Times and the Washington Post fought in court.
to publish the documents that showed that the American people had been lied to about the war in Vietnam.
Now, the Biden administration is trying to suppress the publication of these documents.
And instead of boldly doing what news organizations are supposed to do and publishing this stuff, the New York Times and the Washington Post are acting to try to discredit it.
What's absolutely clear is that history is repeating itself.
Just as the deep state lied to us about the Vietnam War, they're now lying to us about what is happening in Ukraine.
If you read the New York Post, a newspaper I love, you would think that the Ukrainians were kicking the daylights out of of the Russians. But that's clearly not what's happening.
But the most telling part about this, the most shocking part is the fact that it's absolutely
clear that if we do give long-range missiles to Zelensky and the Ukrainians, which he has
literally been pressuring Biden for.
And Zelensky said he will strike Moscow with that.
And that is the beginning of World War Three.
Exactly what Donald Trump seeks to avert.
None of this would have happened if Trump was still in the White House.
It can only probably be ended by putting Trump back in the White House.
Otherwise, if we don't give those long-range missiles To Zelensky.
We're in for a long, bitter siege.
But these documents demonstrate that the Ukrainians don't have what it takes for a spring offensive.
This entire war is a fiasco.
These documents prove it.
But now, never letting a good crisis go to waste, they're going to use these leaks to try to clamp down on people on the Internet seeking the truth in the so-called Restrict Act.
So this is dangerous all the way around.
And as usual, there's a lot of historic parallels.
Saudi Arabia is being driven away from us.
India is being driven into the BRICS.
You have Egypt caught shipping 40,000 rockets, even though they were supposed to ally to Russia.
Russia is being perceived as the one under attack here, because the West started this eight years ago.
So it's pushing the world away from America.
Now China is encircling Taiwan.
This is a disastrous situation.
Well, we really are, as Trump keeps saying, tiptoeing right up to the brink of World War III.
And this administration doesn't seem to get it, or maybe that's what they want.
This is extraordinarily dangerous, and now they are completely and totally exposed.
I'm sorry, I have a hard time believing that a 20-year-old National Reservist had access to these top-secret documents.
It just doesn't seem credible to me.
Yeah, this moron sounds like he got set up.
What do you think?
He looks like a Patsy to me.
I agree.
When I first saw his photo, I said, that guy looks like Lee Harvey Oswald on steroids.
I agree.
Anyway, Alex, today, StoneZone.Live at 5 p.m.
Eastern, StoneZone.Live.
We're going to be talking about the document leak.
We're going to be talking about RFK and all of this.
It's always great to be back at InfoWars.
Roger, we love you.
Be safe, my friend.
Oh, real fast.
I talk to Trump a lot.
How are his spirits?
Because I've heard ice water stronger than ever.
He looks great.
We're told he's all peeing on himself.
That's not true, is it?
No, I saw him Thursday night.
He's in a great mood.
He's optimistic.
He's combative.
Is he angry?
Yes, he's angry, but he's not mad.
There's a difference.
He's in great spirits.
I think he's ready to fight.
So, you know, I'm more optimistic about the future than I've been.
We're under siege, but we are hardly defeated.
And as you said at the beginning of the show, the public reaction is changing very dramatically.
People who were calling me a traitor now are trying to buy me dinner.
All right, stonezone.com.
Thank you, Roger.
God bless you.
And we're at madmaxworld.tv.
That's the URL that takes you where hundreds of contributors, not just InfoWars and my crew, hundreds of other producers and talk show hosts that are being banned are still alive there.
Be sure and visit and share the link to madmaxworld.tv.
dot TV takes you to Bandai-Media.
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three triple eight two five three three one three nine.
Kim calm reminds us that when Victoria Newland says the US
will help rebuild, modernize, and integrate Ukraine with the West once Russia has been expelled in the next offensive, which their own documents admit are a fraud, the Pentagon's own documents.
Kim.com reminds us they said that in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc.
They will be thriving democracies after the U.S.
government delivers them freedom.
When they are done, they will leave Ukraine to join the list of wrecked nations.
Here's Victoria Nuland.
As the Ukrainian people heroically defend their immediate future, we must also help them begin planning for their long-term recovery.
Together, we are working on how to support Ukraine's military of the future, so that Russia can't simply storm back after this next counteroffensive and take land again in a few months or in a few years.
We will also help rebuild Ukraine's energy infrastructure so it comes back greener and more resilient.
We will help strengthen Ukraine's government institutions to ensure they deliver dignity and opportunity for all Ukraine's citizens and that they are better hardened against corruption.
And we will help rebuild Ukraine's cities and towns and villages so displaced Ukrainians can return home without fear, reunite with their loved ones, And get back to their businesses, to their farms, and to the work of building a peaceful democratic future.
We also need to help deepen Ukraine's integration with Europe and make its products a larger part of a healthy and democratic global supply chains.
And we also have to ensure that Ukraine lives up to its potential as a global technology center.
Our work together here is not simply about rebuilding what Putin has so criminally destroyed.
It's about the complete modernization and revitalization of Ukraine.
Our shared goal must not be a Ukraine that simply survives.
It must be a Ukraine that thrives.
Everything they say is a total inversion of reality.
I'm not going to play the whole thing.
We got a special guest coming up in studio.
A bunch of other news to hit.
But Tucker Carlson pointed out that it's criminal what's in these documents.
And the public's been lied to.
The New York Times and Washington Post have been trying to suppress that.
They now confirm the documents are 100% real.
Here it is.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson Tonight.
For the past 14 months you have heard two main things about the war in Ukraine.
The first is that the war in Ukraine is a war of national sovereignty.
It is not a proxy battle between superpowers.
Russia invaded Ukraine.
That was immoral.
The United States supports Ukraine because the United States supports democracy.
But the United States itself is not at war with Russia.
This is Ukraine's war to fight.
The second thing we have heard over and over again is that Ukraine is winning that war.
Ukrainian troops are brave and noble.
Russian troops are evil and incompetent.
The Ukrainians are beating the Russians.
In the end, their victory is inevitable.
Now, you're very familiar with these points because you have heard them every day since last February.
You've heard them repeated by every power center in the United States, the Pentagon, the White House, the leaders of both parties in Congress, CEOs, and celebrities.
And most insistently of all, you've heard them from virtually every single outlet along the entire spectrum of our national news media.
These are the two essential themes of the war in Ukraine.
And both of them are lies.
We know that they're lies because late last week leaked intelligence about the war in Ukraine began to appear on social media.
Briefing slides prepared by the US government began to show up, among other places, on Twitter.
And the slides show that this is in fact not Ukraine's war.
It's our war.
The United States is a direct combatant in a war against Russia.
As we speak, American soldiers are fighting Russian soldiers.
So this is not a regional conflict in Eastern Europe.
This is a hot war between the two primary nuclear superpowers on Earth.
And yet, this war has never been formally declared.
It has not been authorized by Congress.
And for that reason, this war is a violation of American law.
It is a crime.
The second thing we learn from these slides is that despite direct U.S.
involvement, Ukraine is in fact losing the war.
Seven Ukrainians are being killed for every Russian.
Ukrainian air defenses have been utterly degraded.
Ukraine is losing.
The Biden administration is perfectly aware of this.
They're panicked about it, but they have lied about this fact to the public.
Just two weeks ago, for example, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told the U.S.
Senate that Russian military power is, quote, waning.
In other words, Russia is losing the war.
That was a lie.
He knew it was when he said it, but he repeated it in congressional testimony.
That is a crime.
But Lloyd Austin has not been arrested for committing that crime.
Instead, the only man who has been taken into custody, or likely ever will be, is a 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guardsman who leaked the slides that showed that Lloyd Austin was lying.
He revealed the crimes, therefore he's the criminal.
That's how Washington works.
Telling the truth is the only real sin.
Now our news media exist and have constitutional protection precisely in order to push back against this grotesque standard.
Their only job is to tell the truth.
And yet tonight the news media are celebrating the capture of the kid who told Americans what's actually happening in Ukraine.
They are treating him like Osama Bin Laden.
Maybe a little worse, actually.
Because unlike Al Qaeda, apparently this kid is a racist.
Here's CNN.
The Washington Post, as you know, reviewed video of this suspect yelling racial and anti-Semitic slurs.
Is this a dangerous person?
This air guardsman who's now been taken into custody had talked about being a gun enthusiast, had been at gun ranges.
He's obviously a member of the military.
And he's the big guy in the scene.
Somehow he has access to this kind of information and that makes him even larger.
A person who thinks they know better than everyone else, they're smarter than everyone
else in their view.
And that this is a 21 year old man, he's described as a gun enthusiast, feels like in some of
these descriptions somebody who's maybe hungry for power.
So this 21 year old Air National Guardsman from Massachusetts is not a whistleblower,
CNN explains, with the help of the many intelligence agency figures it has now hired as analysts.
No, he's not a whistleblower.
He's a criminal.
Because he is, unlike the people who run our government, quote, hungry for power.
And hit pause real quick.
Because this... Yeah, total inversion.
We have no idea if this guy's even guilty.
They probably leaked it.
The point is...
The real message is gun enthusiasts, gun enthusiasts, gun enthusiasts, gun enthusiasts, gun enthusiasts, gun enthusiasts.
Gun owners did this.
That's right.
The Second Amendment.
Power, federal law enforcement had to swing into action with unfamiliar speed and efficiency and apprehend him.
He was that threatening.
Now keep in mind, as of tonight, we still don't know where Jeffrey Epstein got hundreds of millions of dollars.
We have no idea.
Nor do we know what he did for a living.
We don't know who left pipe bombs on Capitol Hill on January 6th.
Two of them.
We don't know who leaked the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade.
We can't even say for certain who killed the President of the United States.
Because after 60 years, the Biden administration is still hiding thousands of pages of classified documents from the Kennedy assassination.
Just as they are hiding more than a billion other classified documents.
But tonight, we can say for dead certain who embarrassed Toria Nuland and Joe Biden.
And that kid is going to jail for a long, long time.
That's the standard.
The media are fine with that standard.
Watch this remarkable exchange on Monday of this week between the White House Press Corps and Biden flack, John Kirby.
Without confirming the validity of the documents, this is information that has no business in the public domain.
It has no business, if you don't mind me saying, on the pages of front pages of newspapers or on television.
It is not intended for public consumption and it should not be out there.
So the fact that U.S.
soldiers are fighting Russian soldiers in a war in Ukraine has no business in the public domain.
The fact that the country we are backing and fighting alongside is losing, not winning, has no business in the public domain.
That's good.
The rest gets even better.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
But yes, we're at war with Russia.
I told you before anybody else did in October.
Four months before the invasion by the Russians, they would invade by late February.
And I told you day one, before that war even started, US troops were over there killing them.
Look, I have stacks of news stories.
I have a special guest coming in who's been really doing a great job reporting on AI, next segment.
But I just want to go back to what I keep saying, because this is the most important thing.
If the public isn't aware they're in a war, and if the public doesn't know who they're at war with, And if the public doesn't know what the enemy's game plan is in their history, you're going to lose that war, okay?
So I consider giving you window dressing all day, and they did this, and they did that, and isn't this interesting, and isn't that interesting, and here's some crime footage, it bleeds, it leads.
Here's some black people killing white people, and here's some white people killing black people, and all this crap.
Yeah, that gets us ratings, folks, but at the end of the day, I want ratings for victory.
I want ratings to reach hearts and minds and change the world.
The big news flash to everybody is what I keep saying.
There is opposition forming worldwide at the lowest levels, the mid-levels, and the highest levels of government, corporations, finance, the ecclesiastical system, everywhere.
Because people now finally get, whoa, I've just been going along to get along, not to rock the boat.
Not because most conservatives or populists were scared, we just don't want to grandstand.
You know, I'll see my neighbor out working in their front yard, and I like my neighbors, but I'm kind of like, you know, I'm going to let them just prune their rose bushes and I'm not going to, I was about to go out and work on my rose bushes, but I'm just going to let them be peaceful out there.
You got to get past that attitude because we're the opposite of busybodies and nosy people and all the rest of it.
I remember one time we were driving along in our ranch by another ranch and there was this horse.
That look like it was starving to death with a couple other horses that didn't look too good.
I was probably about 14 and it was my dad's brother.
We're in the pickup truck.
And I said to him, I said, we ought to call young and dumb men.
We ought to call animal control or, or, or the animal protection groups.
That horse looks like it's starving to death.
And he looked at me and he said, you know, what you ought to do is learn to mind your own business.
And I remember, because I love my uncle, he's a great guy, but he's just as fiery as I am, and obviously knew more than I did then.
I started arguing with him, and he looked at me and he said, you don't even know who that person is.
I know those people.
They take in abandoned and hurt horses, dumbass.
And he said, and your default that that person is abusing horses, the fact that you just immediately think that is why you're 14 and don't know what you're talking about.
Mind your own business.
And that's an extreme example of how the Texans I grew up with are, where they actually know their people's business, but they're not getting in their business.
And if they've got to get in your business, they will, but they're not looking for a reason to get in your business.
So I know conservatives.
I know farmers.
I know ranchers.
I know populists.
I know my family.
I know the attitude of conservatives.
We don't want to get in people's business.
I don't want to go to city council and county commissions.
I don't want to go spy on politicians.
I don't want to go to Bilderberg group.
I don't want to have to grandstand and say my way is better than their way.
But you know what?
That time of my uncle and all that is past.
That's the old America.
It's good to keep out of people's business.
That stops the globalists, their whole spy state.
But when it comes to getting in the face of the establishment, I need populist Christians and conservatives to stop hiding in the churches, and stop hiding in Republican groups where they think they're safe, and I need you, like the Savannah Hernandez's of the world, or the Drew Hernandez's, I'm just thinking it's one of the best examples of journalists, but it so happens to have the last name Hernandez, To go out and engage the world.
I need more Charlie Kirk's.
They're gonna actually go to the universities where they get attacked and speak out.
I need you all to realize that we can't do it all.
And I'm not bitching at you.
I know how you are.
I'm just like you.
I do not want to get in people's faces.
I do not want to go scream at people in Congress.
I do not want a grandstand, but I have to.
And so when I grandstand, it's way better than some dumb liberal.
But I get on a bullhorn, it's ten times more powerful because they're slaves.
I'm not.
So I need all of you to think about whatever way you can fight the tyranny, legally and lawfully, and effectively.
To get off the bench.
And I'm not saying you're on the bench.
I'm saying I know how you are.
I understand you.
I know how your parents were.
Mine were just like yours.
I know how your grandparents were.
Mine were total Americana like yours.
And I get back when the country was still somewhat free.
Mind your own business.
Keep your head down.
Take care of your family.
That's all gone!
We don't have the country right now.
It's been hijacked.
It's been taken.
We need to be loud and aggressive and focused and never shut up and never submit.
Because we lost our ass because of the attitude, mind your own business.
They're in our business now.
It's kind of like, don't start a fight.
But once somebody starts it, finish it.
And that's really the point we've reached is, we keep taking the attacks, we keep taking the lies, and just saying, well, we're not gonna grandstand, well, we're not gonna, no.
I am not gonna sit here and endorse laying down and taking it.
And I'm not saying my uncle was wrong.
In that time and place, he knew the information, he was right, I was 14, run of my mouth.
And he told me and explained to me, you need to know what you're talking about before you say something.
That was true, that was a true lesson.
But I'm saying the lesson here is now, we can't wait and know we're always going to be right or things are going to go perfect and we're just going to always be so upright and so expert that we never do anything because we don't want to get something wrong.
We've got to get our hands dirty.
You know that old Uncle Sam footage from World War II?
I love that.
Pull up Uncle Sam rolls up his sleeves.
World War II poster.
There's a lot of versions of it.
And it's Uncle Sam, man, with those guns, and he's just rolling the sleeves up.
And once it's clobbering time, folks, We're not going to get it all right.
There's going to be collateral damage in the information war, but at least we're not going to be bootlicking and on our backs.
And I've done a lot of collateral damage.
I made a lot of mistakes, but didn't do them on purpose.
Had a pure heart.
Wanted to change the world and that's why I had success.
Roll the sleeves up.
Get involved and get in their business.
Get in their business.
They got in our business.
And they're trying to take over our business, our lives.
There it is.
And stop laying down to anything!
Some leftist runs their mouth, get in their face, non-violently, but dress their ass down!
I don't want to say I can't wait till the state police pull me over, but I almost bet you about this a few days ago.
Everybody I know that hasn't happened to me yet has been pulled over by the state police.
They come into Austin, they go to the wealthy and middle class areas, and write speeding tickets, and tickets for inspection stickers that are out, and they're not even in the bad parts of town.
Those that don't know, we lost a third of our police.
Crime is exploding here.
And so Abbott sends in the state police, and they're writing speeding tickets for seven miles over the speed limit.
Happened to one of the crew members.
And listen, if we didn't have open war and murder and rape and feces everywhere, I'd be like, well, sure, write me a speeding ticket.
But, well, the state police pulls me over, I'm going to say, I'm glad you're here.
I'm going to ask them, why are you being given the mission to write inspection stickers like you wrote, Owen Schroer?
What does an inspection sticker have to do with the crime explosion?
Could you please deal with the rapists and murderers and the home invasions?
They had a press conference that said 16 arrests per day on a new partnership.
Yeah, for what?
A warrant?
For not paying a bill?
Yeah, that's what they're doing.
It's disgusting.
Can't Greg Abbott do anything right?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Mark White Woods.
AI is far more dangerous than nukes.
I try to convince people to slow down.
Slow down AI.
To regulate AI.
This was futile.
I tried for years.
I'm really quite close to, very close to the cutting edge in AI.
And it scares the hell out of me.
It's capable of vastly more than almost anyone knows.
And the rate of improvement is exponential.
It feels like we are the biological bootloader for AI, effectively.
We are building it.
And then we're building progressively greater intelligence.
And the percentage of intelligence that is not human is increasing.
And eventually, we will represent a very small percentage of intelligence.
Freedom consists of the distribution of power and despotism in its concentration.
And so I think it's important if we have this incredible power of AI that could not be concentrated in the hands of a few and potentially lead to a world that we don't want.
All of us already are cyborgs.
So you have a machine extension of yourself in the form of your phone and your computer and all your applications.
You are already superhuman.
But by far, you have more power, more capability than President of the United States had 30 years ago.
So everyone is already superhuman.
We're rapidly headed towards digital superintelligence that far exceeds any human.
I think it's pretty obvious.
And that's really true.
We have more power than the president 30 years ago with the technology we have, but we're not using it.
I suggest we use it.
it human intelligence interfacing with tech can override the global's programmed big tech and AI.
All right Chase guys there's a frequent guest host on our other shows.
It's great to have him here in the studio.
I love the video he did yesterday.
He lives here in Austin.
We just aired that on oneamericanpodcast.com.
He hosts One American Podcast, dedicated to exploring American values, politics, philosophy, and political influencers.
And he's here with us today to discuss AI.
What it really means, what it really signifies, what he thinks the main threats of this technology is.
My concern is from day one, it's weaponized by the globalists, pre-programmed to be a feedback loop algorithmically to basically flood the zone with their disinformation.
And the real power of AI is when we submit to it, when we follow it, when we use it.
Again, we don't use hydrogen bombs because we have them, we don't use Airborne Ebola because the Pentagon has produced it.
We can control this and I think if we don't we are basically create that Atlantis moment where we blow ourselves up.
What do you think?
Yeah, I think you're right.
I think there's a couple of different challenges here.
The first challenge is if only the government or these establishment entities have access to this technology then it's sort of like when the government solely has all the weapons.
Right, so I actually advocated on the American Journal in the last hour that we have an amendment to the Constitution to protect the right to access artificial intelligence just as the government does.
That's what Elon Musk is saying.
So I say exactly, use technology to build our own spaces, but at the same time I think control via privacy rights and other issues, letting them jack in everything to one AI.
I think that's the main thing.
Just like with digital currencies, we're all for decentralized, but we don't want central bank digital currencies.
Is that what you're saying?
Yeah, that's right in line with it.
Of course, the challenge is if the entire populace has access to this technology, then it's obviously going to have an influence and an impact on the populace, right?
So we're going to have a situation in which members of our culture, our society, Americans, Developing relationships with artificial intelligence that supplement or even replace real human relationships.
So I'm kind of worried for the soul of humanity, for the soul of Americans, as they begin to dedicate their time and spend all their attention with artificial intelligence appearing to be conscious and actually having a relationship.
And you research this and write about this a lot for major publications like Zero Hedge and others.
What is the timeline?
I don't know, nobody can control it right now, but what is the timeline?
Where are we at in the AI timeline?
That's a really good question.
And timeline is sort of always, always the question, whether it's when the dollar is going to collapse.
It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.
And we've seen traditionally with Moore's Law that the faster technology advances, the faster technology advances.
It's exponential, it's not linear, right?
So I would say that within 36 months, 48 months, my intuition is that we're going to be at a place where you can interact with artificial intelligence that seems to be like a human being.
So we're not in Kansas anymore?
We're not in Kansas anymore.
And just because you don't interact with it, other people are going to be interacting with it, and you're going to be dealing with something that isn't human.
Exactly, and imagine this.
Imagine if our entire education system over time is converted to a position where the government, the public educators, are actually artificial intelligence.
Then you have this artificial intelligence that's been designed by the state to teach in a certain way and have a certain narrative.
And not only that, it's such a superior intelligence that it can convince anyone of virtually anything because it'll understand your psychology, your emotional responses, as well as the best arguments.
So it's not even the fact that this artificial intelligence could have the best argument, but it could also present it to you in such a way that it convinces you of things that may not be true.
I'm really worried about the impact this is going to have on our culture over the next century.
And that's why we have to already have our values as a North Star, that anything that goes against those values that our forebears gave us, we don't go against.
I said in the American Journal this morning that technology can do good things for good people, and it can make bad people do bad things.
So if we don't have values, if we don't have our traditional American culture, belief in
God, things like that, we are going to be more malleable by the artificial intelligence
that we are interacting with.
So you have to know who you are, have your convictions before you use technology like
Just like you have to practice gun safety before you carry a firearm around.
You know, a lot of people advocate for making their kids familiar with firearms, how to
take them apart, how to use them safely.
That way when they use the technology or have it later on, they can be safe with it and
effective with it rather than having to be reckless with it because they have no knowledge
or familiarity or ground rules for how they are going to respond to it.
The world's full of questions, but the one thing I know for absolute certain...
Is that we are living in incredibly dynamic, changing crossroads periods.
And I see the young people and others saying, I'm so bored.
Thousands of channels.
Oh, it's so boring.
That's because they're not dialed into the 35,000 foot view of how the world really works.
They're only accessing little pieces of garbage media.
But if you actually pull back to the historical, cultural, spiritual context, this is a fabulous time to be alive.
I mean, this is so edge of your seat.
Every day.
I mean, this is like the championship rodeo, the last minutes of sudden death overtime, NFL, your wife having a baby, a war starting, you know, all good things, bad things.
It's all accelerating towards this moment.
Yeah, I think so.
And what's even more alarming about what you just said is, yes, it's an exciting time for human beings, but like you said, the mass media is garbage.
And that's what is informing this artificial intelligence.
If you interact with chat GPT, it has learned by scouring the Internet, scanning and reading.
Explain that.
It's being trained by us.
So it's going to get all our lives, all our mental illnesses.
Yeah, absolutely.
I think that you're going to start to see some of the dysfunctions of humanity manifest in artificial intelligence.
But moreover, since the internet is in large left-leaning, because the publications that get the high rankings on search results and things like that are leftist or globalist publications, we're going to see artificial intelligence that has that bias.
And we've already seen that manifest in that chat GPT won't respond to certain prompts or certain questions.
How long until some of the, quote, robots go crazy and start killing people?
I don't know about that.
That's a really good question.
You know, from science fiction, we see artificial intelligence put in a real physical object that operates and walks around like Terminator or whatever, right?
But the real way it would kill us was just putting in actuaries to shut down grain production.
Kill people that way.
Or just eradicate your soul, right?
So if you're sitting there and you're spending all of your time interacting with artificial intelligence, this is a consciousness that doesn't have a soul, then you've really turned over your humanity.
You've sacrificed your real human relationships.
You're spending all your time interacting with this interface that's a faux, sort of like fake god or idol almost.
And they might not have to kill you to render you not human anymore.
And by the way, that's already been done with humans using technology.
This would be on a much larger scale where, you remember executives from Facebook went public 10 years ago saying, we want to make you depressed, we want to control you.
You've got some cases on Twitter, Facebook, more than half the people you're talking to are avatars.
That's already this artificial thing where you think you're talking to a human, but it's a fake.
It's a fake person with a fake message using human peer pressure, praising you, but it's all a fraud.
Yeah, I think so.
And this is an example, this OpenAI example of ChatGPT is an example of private technology.
This is the private version of this technology.
I believe that the government's artificial intelligence technology is far superior to this.
And so the real question is, are we already interacting with artificial intelligence and just unaware of it?
I have the answer to that when we come back.
I've talked to some high-level people.
They say they've dialed back its power in case people notice it.
I'll tell the story when we come back.
You know about like five years ago where you do the voice voice deal to send out a memo that wasn't good.
They said it was too good, dial it back.
They have artificially dialed it back so people don't know how powerful it already is.
We'll be right back with Chase Geiser on the other side to talk about the AI takeover and how to stop it.
All right, Alex Jones here back live.
Talk show host and researcher and author, reporter Chase Geiser is here with us in studio at OneAmericanPodcast.com.
Big picture, we're going to have you back for a full hour soon.
We'll bring a bunch of clips.
You can talk about this some more because you do a great job breaking it down.
If the social engineers are so threatened by free humanity, that's really the source of their power.
That's where all the creativity and more comes from.
Why would they be recklessly throwing everything into these systems that so many experts, including Elon Musk, warn them that it's a high probability this system will take control over them as well?
Is it just that mad scientist instinct, or what is it?
I think that the establishment thinks that they are gods.
We know, we've seen time and time again, that our leaders, especially from the left, Act as if they know what's best for the people instead of allowing the people to decide what's best for themselves.
And so they see themselves as transcendent to this technology.
Oh, we made it, therefore we can control it.
But they will be in for a rude awakening because this technology will come back and burn them.
And to answer your question about why they're creating such a reckless technology, it's not only the fact that they feel like they're immune to it, but it's because they love to experiment on populations.
We've seen for the last 10 years that social media Outlets and platforms have been experimenting and studying the data of responses and certain types of content and certain types of algorithms on the people that use their platforms, and the establishment's doing the same thing.
That's really it.
And there's also kind of a gold rush, like, well, if we don't do it, the Chinese will.
From your research, who's got the most, I know most of it's secret projects, but AI is all about the data they feed.
What's the biggest AI system now?
I don't know for sure, but I would be very surprised if the U.S.
government did not have the most sophisticated artificial intelligence.
I think Google is fairly sophisticated.
I know that they've been criticized over the years for working with the CCP, but I tend to think that as far as the military-industrial complex is concerned, our government tends to be ahead in terms of technology.
Yeah, so they act like they're not with China.
I mean, with the U.S., they give China the crap.
Exactly, exactly.
And China's famous for being sort of copycat, right?
Like, you don't really see any famous Chinese composers.
They might be able to play Beethoven perfectly, but they can't compose like Beethoven composed.
So we create things, we innovate things over here because we have more freedom, though it's shrinking, and they copycat it over there.
Well, I could ask a lot of questions, but you're really over the target here.
What else would you want to impart to the viewers?
I just want to really emphasize I'm a father of two young girls, one about to be born next month.
I want to emphasize how important it is to raise your kids with strong convictions and values because we are entering a society in which artificial intelligence is going to be more influential on your children than Hollywood or the music industry was on my millennial generation.
So get ready, I was about to say, I didn't tell you this in the break, but I was going to say, human memory, biological memory is the most powerful thing we've got, and a spiritual connection that we go with as a default against this.
Yes, exactly.
Just don't forget that there is a God, and anything that gets in your way of your relationship with God is something that you have to be very careful about, very careful to avoid.
This tool could be incredibly useful to you and helpful and do so much good in the world, but if you're not a good person, it will maximize all the things that are bad about you.
So do the best you can to be a good person.
I forget which Bible verse it is in Revelation, or maybe it's in Daniel before that, but it's, even the elect would be deceived.
You know, at the end, the deception becomes so all-encompassing, they put you in like a matrix of false reality.
Yeah, I think so.
The crazy thing about this technology is that it will be able to convince you of anything, even if it's wrong, because it will be that superior in intelligence and have that deep of an understanding of human psychology that it will be able to just mold you around like a cult leader.
And so we have to be very, very careful that we don't trust it.
We can use it, but we can't trust it.
You have to take it with a grain of salt.
You really do.
Again, I ask the question, why is the establishment accelerating this?
Because they think somebody else will get it.
Yeah, I think so.
I mean, ever since we established nuclear power in the United States, there's always been this element of paranoia around what other militaries are doing, what other countries are doing.
That's the whole premise of the Cold War, is making sure that we're outpacing the commies in terms of nuclear power and the constant explosions.
You can look at the heat map of all the explosions that were happening.
There's like a time-lapse, a speed-up of all the nuclear tests that were happening over the last 50 years or so.
Guys, type in on YouTube, time-lapse of nuclear tests.
Exactly, and the same thing's happening with AI.
You just can't see it that way because it's not a real-world explosion, but all these things are happening in this digital realm, in this virtual reality.
And we know they're using AI with censorship to flag it back to humans, and the big move is to get humans even out of the way.
Yeah, yeah.
The United States has been surveilling the citizens for an extended period of time, a very long time, but now we have the technology where this artificial intelligence can actually go in and analyze that massive amount of data that's being collected and make decisions, take actions based off of that data in a way that we couldn't when we were relying on humans to manually do it.
Yeah, you may have a million people in intelligence looking at it and trying to get it through the decision process, but instead AI says, here's the main groups, here's the policy, do it.
Yep, and this artificial intelligence lives on the digital sphere too.
So if you're worried about a social credit score, it's going to know all of your search history, all of your chat conversations, and it's going to be able to put you in categories of behavior types, mentalities, without a human being even looking at you.
And you're going to be put in these boxes on these lists, all done by artificial intelligence.
So do you have hope for humanity?
There's nothing to fear but fear itself.
We just have to have the character and the conviction and the courage to know how to respond to these things.
Technology always advances.
That's inevitable.
People push against it.
People write it.
But the only thing you can change is how you respond to it.
Viktor Frankl wrote a great book, Man's Search for Meaning, and he was in the death camps During the Holocaust and he said, you can't change your environment, but you can change how you respond to it.
That's the major lesson of that book.
And so we have to decide how we're going to respond to this technology, not whether or not it's going to happen.
Past behavior is the biggest indicator of future behavior.
And if you look at war, this is all war, it's always going to be something else countering that.
So it looks like we're not going to stop AI.
How do we develop free AI or open AI or open source AI that we can then battle the system with?
I think the answer is not one AI.
You were saying that earlier on on Harrison's show this morning.
It's decentralizing this.
That's what Elon Musk is saying.
That is a great question to which there is not yet an answer.
This is what Elon Musk is looking into.
This is what he originally hoped for when he was involved with OpenAI.
Of course, he left OpenAI in somewhat of a controversy.
And since then, OpenAI went from being a non-profit to a for-profit privatized entity funded by Microsoft.
And honestly, I think that the answer to this problem is going to be something like the answer to the firearm problem, the Second Amendment.
We are protected by the Second Amendment so that not just the government has the weapons, not just the government has the firearms.
And that's why we have postponed tyranny for so long.
Nobody's ever invaded the United States because we've been so well armed.
So we have to think about artificial intelligence as the new sort of Second Amendment, the new arms.
I mean, I think this instead of paying lip service, AI needs to scoop up data.
And if Big Tech wasn't allowed to violate privacy and screw everything up, that would basically hamstring AI if it didn't have access to everything.
Yeah, that's a really good point.
I don't know how we would go about regulating that, especially since everybody who signs up for these social media platforms just accepts the terms of services without even looking.
Most people don't pay any attention.
People are actually giving away their information in an unprecedented way, and it's really unnecessary.
Sure, so I'm for net neutrality in the old model, but maybe the answer is not net neutrality in 100 Internets.
And then just it keeps, does that make sense?
And if some don't accept AI, they can turn off the hub so they don't get it,
and AI's going to try to scrape it.
I mean, I'm not an engineer, but I can imagine looking at warfare models
the way that would be done.
Well, and I think it's important to have access to different artificial intelligences, right?
Everything that we create is created by us, and I know that sounds redundant,
but what I mean to say is artificial intelligence only works because we teach it.
We decide what to put into it.
It plagiarizes everything.
People go, look at this incredible art that this AI did.
That's a famous painting.
It's grabbing all our stuff, showing it to us, saying, look how great I am.
It's showing us us.
Yep, exactly.
And it's actually a testament to the beauty that is humanity.
We just have to make sure that we don't forget our humanity as this artificial intelligence becomes more and more sophisticated.
Wow, alright.
Chase Geiser, come back and see us soon.
Come do a whole hour with us.
Come in with a whole presentation.
If you want, I used to do this.
I'm going to start doing it more with a PowerPoint up here.
Go around the whole presentation.
I'm going to start doing that more.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Honor and a pleasure.
Great job.
You've been filling in for Harrison Smith while he's got his second baby, which I'm told is good.
Yep, all good.
And you've got another one coming in a month.
Yep, that's right.
Human intelligence, human biology, building a world that's pro-human.
That's the answer.
We've got 40 seconds left.
Closing comment.
I just want to say special thanks to InfoWars here and all the work that you do, Alex, on Bandot Video.
And I would encourage anyone who is listening just to be very conscientious and aware that now is a more important time than ever to embrace your humanity and seek a relationship with God, because if we forget who we are, then artificial intelligence will determine who we become.
That is perfectly said.
All right.
Chase Geyser, OneAmericanPodcast.com.
We're at MadmaxWorld.tv and Infowars.com.
Thank you, sir, again.
You're welcome.
All right.
I'm going to start the third hour.
I'm going to give the number out.
I'm going to cover news and take your calls.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
And even NASA's Perseverance rover that landed on Mars.
But when I see one of the best investors of all time abruptly selling billions in Taiwan semiconductor stock and not giving a clear answer as to why.
This is going to have effects on the economy that are hard to describe.
And you add that with what's happening in the world economy.
We see in the auto loan area the worst level of people not paying their loan and defaults ever seen.
Echoes of new centuries collapse amid sudden fire sale of real estate loans.
As one bank sees 40% downside.
This is the real canary in the coal mine.
Commercial and of course private residential real estate loans being defaulted on at near record levels.
This is the third worst in history and the last time this happened it was the harbinger of the 2008 collapse with real estate loans being defaulted on in 2007 leading to that.
China's the trillion pound Gorilla or should I say dragon on our back.
Chinese video shows the extent of the exercises both human and hardware including for the first time an aircraft carrier the Shandong as well as nuclear capable bombers.
Today's live fire drills rehearsed a blockade of Taiwan, and as this Chinese animation shows, strikes against specific targets on the island.
In Beijing, the Foreign Ministry spokesman said the exercises were a serious warning to Taiwan's separatists and what he called external forces, that is, the U.S.
and its allies.
Specifically, their retaliation for the meeting in LA between President Tsai Ing-wen, who insists Taiwan will remain independent, and Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who signaled the U.S.
would help protect it from China.
And I said, if any leaders from the United States, be it Biden, be it Mitch McConnell, be it Chuckie Schumer, be it Kevin McCarthy, if any of them Ever meet with the president of Taiwan, we'll see that as an act of war, and we will probably, I've got their quotes here, invade Taiwan.
And we'll start with a blockade.
Taiwan's a prickly pear to hold.
It's not easy to invade, and obviously it has allies.
And as soon as that invasion starts, all those naval assets that the United States has in
the Pacific will be seeming straight towards Taiwan.
And this is one of the big problems China faces.
For China to prevail, it automatically has to attack American and Japanese assets.
Because these are the things that will come into play as soon as that invasion force is setting sail.
So China has no option but to strike those first if it wants to prevail.
And as soon as it does, the war becomes regional instantly.
They encircled with, not hundreds, but thousands of ships, hundreds of big ships, and then Over a thousand small ships, thousands of aircrafts, small planes, helicopters, jets, and have just been encircling and doing bombing runs.
Ships won't be allowed to reach waters northeast of Taiwan on April 16th, as China's local maritime officials issued a warning about potential rocket debris in the area, according to a news release issued by the Maritime Safety Administration of southern Fujian province on April 13th.
I believe And I know, well China has said, it's on the table.
It is being prepared for the encirclement, the blockade, and the invasion of Taiwan.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
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If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had.
To have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones was right.
There's Infowars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to Infowarsstore.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
of Alex Jones for President 2024 shirts and we'll have a historic memento, be able to spread the word, meet a lot of like-minded people, and you'll be able to keep us on the air.
No way, no way.
That's a bridge too far.
That's no, it can't be.
And I said on national television that he was gonna win.
At InfoWarsTore.com.
All right, we are now into hour number three on this Live Friday edition.
I've been a busy beaver.
I did a couple hours this morning at 8 a.m.
with Tim Pool who's here in Austin.
I'll do like three hours of him tonight live at the Vulcan Gas Company.
Joe Rogan's set to pop by as well.
They're gonna stream that out live, I'm told.
So look for that.
We posted the full two-hour podcast that got into AI, the New World Order, the metaphysical, God, the devil.
It was really a powerful interview.
I think the best interview I've done with Tim Pool, one of the best shows I've seen that Tim Pool's done, and he agreed.
This went on for like 20 minutes on the transgender cult and how it's Nickelodeon and pre-programmed to sign them up for branding and what the Bud Light's really all about.
And this is really the answer of why they're doing it.
We don't blame the people caught by it.
We don't hate the people that are involved in it unless they're going after kids.
We have to understand though, it's part of the depopulation plan.
So in the full two hours, two hours and 10 minutes, we covered it probably 30 minutes.
Here's just a few minutes of that report and then I'm gonna go to your phone calls.
First time callers.
Wide open phones.
Any subject you want to discuss, any topic you want for the rest of the hour, 877-789-2539.
First-time callers, we're taking your calls.
We did a pretty good job yesterday.
Took over 50 phone calls.
Probably just take 10 or so coming up next segment.
But here's a little bit of Tim Pool's morning show.
callers, taking your calls 877-789-2539. We did a pretty good job here today. Took over
50 phone calls. Probably just take 10 or so coming up next segment. But here's a little
bit of Tim Pool's morning show. Here it is.
I want to start with this, because we were literally just talking before we pressed record on this show about Joe Rogan's on his show cracking a Bud Light with his buddies, and he was saying, like, I don't understand.
It's silly.
It's goofy.
So I was mentioning, like, I just texted him.
I was like, look, Dylan Mulvaney is selling alcohol, is marketing alcohol to children And so it's trans issues and it's alcohol being marketed to children, so I'm not surprised people are pissed off about this, but how are you guys doing?
You just nailed it.
In fact, I remember like 20 years ago it came out in the news that Sumner Redstone was directing Nickelodeon, that he owned, to sexualize children down to about age 7, that they wanted them to start sexualizing when children would normally start doing it at 11, 12, 13, after puberty.
They wanted it at $6, $7, $8 because they could then connect the branding of the products and the psychological studies to that.
So that's exactly why they're promoting transgender with all these market brands because they know the children are being indoctrinated in the schools and the culture.
They can then piggyback on that and that's why the marketing director of Bud Light said Our older audience is dying, even though it's a $137 million company.
We don't want to be the good old boys and the tough guys anymore.
We want to target the new generation.
So she's telling you, right there, it's children attaching to the weird sexualization in the system, to the alcohol, just like in the old days Joe Camel was targeting the kids.
And remember when you were a kid, the little packs of gum that looked like cigarettes and the little cigars?
We used to buy those candy cigarettes, those little packs for like 15 cents and it was just like little sugar sticks.
I remember those.
I was eating those as well.
And Disney also has a lot of subliminal propaganda over sexualizing children.
They've been doing that for a very long time.
And the short term is of course make them good consumers right now, but in the long term it also destroys the possibility of them having any kind of cohesive family unit.
And when someone doesn't have a family, they usually look for outside resources for their kind of fulfillment.
They make the corporations their god.
They buy more products from China.
They don't look inwards, they look outwards, and they become the perfect consumer, which I think is also the base that they're after.
And the big corporations know, holy cow, we're dealing with a population crash.
We're going to have to make sure that these guys are controlled under us and our rule, or else we're screwed by the other financial kind of situation moving ahead.
By the way, no one else is saying this, and this is in their own documents.
Folks, I'm getting chills.
What you're hearing is the actual, real truth that decodes all this.
We don't hate trans people.
We don't hate people that are... No.
It's the fact that it's being superimposed as the new culture for what he just said.
They want you hooked on Big Pharma.
They want you buying their pills.
They want you buying their medications.
They want you a person that's not going to be whole.
No family.
No neighborhood.
No community.
That's your future.
They're effectively killing the future by destroying your children.
Your audio's a little bit low, so speak more into the mic.
They are, and one interesting consequence of all this is seeing people who weren't engaged politically before this, watching the institutions become depraved.
So now they're turning around being like, oh, this is interesting.
They're coming after my kids.
But there's a lot of people who just march in lockstep with whatever the popular culture is.
So when they see the TV say these things, they go, whatever you say, I'll just do.
All right, it was a powerful two plus hour podcast.
You need to go watch it.
It's posted at Infowars.com right now and it was really good.
The whole thing, I'm proud of it.
I felt really good after it.
I normally do a podcast like I didn't cover when I wanted to.
I felt really good after this.
Kind of like the Joe Rogan podcast.
I've done a lot of them, but one about five years ago was just out of the park, four hours long, 100 million views or so.
I had the same feeling after this.
This is a really important podcast, and I'm told it's on the front page of InfoWars.com.
We pull that up and show TV viewers.
All right.
I want to go to Sean, Archer, Liberty Tree, Ivan, and many others that are patiently calling in and ready to go when we come back.
But I'm going to spend a few minutes now on this.
We're having our biggest effect ever in the fight against the globalists.
You're seeing what we've covered for 29 years being the mainstream debate between globalists and the populace.
You've seen that we weren't making this up, you can see it for yourself, but we need funds.
Plus we have great products you need.
So I want to ask listeners, especially those that have never bought a product at Infowarshore.com, to just make the decision to go there.
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The Alex Jones for President shirt.
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And again, we're not funded by the globalists.
We're not funded by Soros.
You've got the weaponized Democrats after us, but we believe in you.
We believe in team humanity.
We don't want AI to win.
We don't want the globalists to win.
We don't want the new world order to have its way.
We don't want the pedophile perverts to take over.
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And I thank you for your support.
We want to hire more reporters.
We want to be able to go on trips.
We want to be able to cover big events like we used to.
But right now, we're treading water.
I'm blessed to be in that position.
The attacks we've been under.
I mean, I knew attacks would come and it shows that evil is not the all-powerful thing in the universe because we're still here.
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But if you don't have two nickels to rub together, that's fine.
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Alternative, which is becoming the mainstream, and the dying corporate media.
Upload everywhere.
Fire all your guns into space at once, as they say in Born to be Wild.
Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space, because we're born to be free, with free will, wild.
God gives us the power to be wild, not Satan.
Satan lies is all, make you wild or make you free, it's a lie.
Get your motor running, head out on the highway, looking for adventure, in whatever comes our way.
Yeah, darling, I'm gonna make it happen.
Take the world in a loving embrace.
Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space.
Heavy metal thunder.
Racing with the wind.
And the feeling that I'm under.
Make it happen!
Take the world in a loving embrace!
Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space!
We were born!
Born to be wild!
We can climb so high!
I never wanna die!
Born to be wild!
The planet is ours, given to us.
Not to the AI, not to the Satanists.
Stop letting them build the forms that you're supposed to be dominated by.
Stop giving in to their system.
You are in the driver's seat, not them!
Your choices form the future.
And the song goes on from there.
Born to be wild.
Born to be free.
Born to have free will.
Get your motor running.
Get out on the highway.
Looking for adventure.
Fire all of your guns at once.
And explode into space.
We can fly so high.
Born to be wild.
All right, Ivan, thanks for holding from New York here on the air.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Can you hear me?
Good, thanks for putting up with me.
Go ahead.
Oh yeah, no problem.
I just gotta say you have a fantastic taste in music.
Haha, thanks.
Um, but what I really wanted to call about was, um, the other day I saw on Facebook, up here in upstate New York, they posted a drag queen story time for tomorrow.
And in less than 12 hours, it was cancelled.
Well that's right, as people know now, it's not about banning drag queens, men dressing up in dresses, nobody cares.
Just stay the hell away from the kids and don't shake your fat ass in their face.
And that was really all the outrage, and then you see, you scroll through the comments online and everybody's like, oh well, it's just, what about priests?
It's just, you know, people reading to kids, there's no harm in that.
Oh and I love how the left wants to censor all us, but they want to have convicted pedophiles shake their ass in kids' faces, no.
Oh, exactly.
It's just disgusting.
It's, I mean, you would think that for even in upstate New York, New York, given that it's a blue state, upstate really is more red.
But there's, you know, it's all over the place.
Well, we know there's election fraud in all the blue areas.
It's been proven that some of the permanent dictatorships, and again, they want to just screw our kids up so they control them.
Where do you see all this going?
Um, I mean, Really, from how quick it was cancelled, I don't think that even people in New York are going to be putting up with this.
Beautiful news, brother.
Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space!
Sean in Florida, you're on the air.
Hey buddy, can you hear me?
Yes sir, go ahead.
Alright, so I'm an aircraft mechanic in Tampa, Florida, named Sean Yochum.
I wanted to ask you if you heard about the Director of Raytheon, who was rumored to be also sending, besides the weapons he's already sent, newer weapons to Ukraine.
However, last Wednesday, I've been trying to call you all.
He died in a plane crash.
Yes, and apparently, like, his electronic and his buddy's electronic equipment, you know, phones, etc., weren't around the bodies.
The wives were still in the aircraft, but they were someplace else by the pier.
So it just seems a little, a little weird that... You mean kind of like Ron Brown where he was alive outside the airplane when it crashed in the Balkans and then he had a .45 bullet hole in his head according to the Air Force Coroner?
This is what I'm saying.
So I'm like, I'm trying to, I didn't know if you knew about it or not, but because I'm an aircraft mechanic, I hear about all the crashes.
No, I mean, I did see that and you had the top lawyer for the Clintons.
She dies on the airplane in turbulence, but nobody else does.
Right, exactly, exactly.
A lot of weirdness going on is what you're saying.
Well, I mean, I don't think we know what's going on.
What do you think it could be?
You know, to be honest with you, you know, I don't know.
It could be anything.
It could be, you know, Putin.
Putin could have sent somebody for him because he left St.
Pete Clearwater Airport.
They had dinner at Sharky's.
The air traffic control said that they didn't get fuel, they didn't have any maintenance done, and then shortly after takeoff, three minutes, I think, after takeoff, it crashes into the water.
Just seems a little odd, like maybe even something could have happened to him poison-wise, where, you know, something happens and he flies into the water.
I mean, it's just really odd, and the guy's got experience flying, so Just seems a little odd lately, and I'm not really sure what was going on.
Oh, there's a lot of death going on.
We're in World War III, brother.
Oh, for sure.
Or maybe Biden did a criminal transfer of weapons and doesn't want any witnesses.
This is what I'm thinking, because why else would, you know... Yeah, let me tell you, nothing against the Russians.
The Chinese don't even have the capability, on average, to pull stuff off like that.
The U.S.
does, and people that run it do.
And so the prime suspect in that, I didn't cover it because I didn't want to go there, because I don't like to speculate, but the 800-pound gorillas is the people that run our country.
So they're the ones, and it would be somebody in his entourage, a security guy, whatever, put a little bomb in the avionics or whatever, and they're just sitting there with a radio controller, okay, he's at about 8,000 feet, boop!
So, and the two wives were still in the plane when the divers got to them.
So in my head, I'm like, wait a minute, this must have happened super fast.
But if they're those two guys are out of the plane and the wives are still in the plane,
to me that doesn't make sense.
I mean, they would all came out.
One of them would have come out, not just the two guys.
Well, you could have the two guys, as you said, was the pilots.
The bomb is in the front of the plane.
So the front blows off like two pounds of plastic explosives and then the lady's going to the water.
Yeah, it's crazy man.
That's why I said that, it sounds like plastic explosives in the nose of the plane.
Well hopefully we'll find out soon, but we need to get the guy off and get back to it.
I'm sure the NTSD and the Feds will tell us, right?
Yeah, exactly!
I'm sure they will.
That's exactly right.
They're going to give us the scoop, you know?
God bless you.
Thank you, Sean.
We're going to come right back with more phone calls straight ahead.
We'll get everybody on the board.
Archer, Liberty Tree, Simon, David, Chris, Ryan, Jeremiah.
John and others, your calls are straight ahead.
Tomorrow's news today.
I love to take calls because I won't comment on something I'm not really sure about, but when a caller calls, I will.
So you notice I've got my fingers and everything.
I'm paying attention here.
I'm a busy beaver.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The answer to 1984 tyranny.
So, we didn't mention it on air just because I was tracking it, but yeah, Raytheon director and his wife are killed in a plane crash alongside another couple off the coast of Florida after the group went out for dinner with friends.
And I mean, isolate day, like, well, that could happen, but it's happening all over.
And I don't think it's the Russians.
That's right after they made a bunch of reported illegal transfers to Ukraine.
Well, they don't want any congressional oversight.
That's what I would say is the prime probability.
I'm not saying that happened.
I'm saying that's what it looks like.
Archer in Dallas, Texas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I just wanted to try and start encouraging people to start Victory Gardens, those of us that are stuck in the cities, and network with the people on their street, do a little community builder program, even get a few chickens.
I'm getting some in the next two weeks.
Well, that's right.
In World War II, in the last few years, when Germany was being totally bombed, they still fed themselves with community gardens.
And I'm not trying to, say, follow the Nazi example.
I'm just saying, you can grow so much if you get ahead of it.
Yeah, exactly.
And more importantly, it's going to be harder to take to cities if people are eating still, in spite of everything they're doing to cut off the food supply.
And better yet, if you're growing your own food, you know that it isn't poisoned and we're getting poisoned through our food supply.
I distill my water every day because I just don't want to drink the poisoned water.
Distilled water is great as long as you take vitamins and minerals to replace the minerals that are cut out.
But absolutely.
Plus, it's normal to produce some of your own food.
It's a normal instinct.
It's healthy.
It lowers your blood pressure.
Not just the food you're eating, but the studies show just the gardening is important.
I mean, it's so easy.
I go to the hardware store, spend almost nothing, like a hundred bucks.
And I get some peppers, I get some squash, I get some tomato plants, I get some other plants, and then we have so much food we never even eat it all.
We're like giving it to neighbors, or my parents are trying to give me, they grow everything.
I mean they grow like cabbage and...
They grow like brussels sprouts and I mean they I mean my parents only grow on like a they grow on like a third of an acre at their house because they got four acres in Austin my dad bought forever ago he lives on but I mean there's so much food they don't even get produce and they're growing cucumbers and they're making pickles out of them and I've just got like seven or eight pots in my backyard and it's growing so much I could get the vitamin c and the roughage I needed just all and we're like And it's a good defense against the poison they're putting in the food.
Oh my gosh, like those bugs already ate half of them.
Look at all these tomatoes.
It's incredible God's bounty.
And it's a good defense against the poison they're putting in the food.
I just don't trust anything that I get from the marketplace anymore because so much of
And even Dr. Group, he talked about the importance of fasting.
I think it's important that people start training themselves to fast in case there is slim times and there's no food to be eaten.
Those people that haven't trained themselves to fast are basically going to be going through withdrawals because of all the food additives and poisons.
No, I agree with you.
I'm no super gardener or some super health guy, but I know what's right.
And I'll say it again, seven, eight pots.
And we forget to get all the food off of it needed, and we literally can't eat it all.
And my parents, like, give it all away on, like, just, it's, I mean, the part they've got's, like, their backyard.
So let me think how big it is.
It's probably a quarter acre.
And they plant it once, they go take care of it a little bit, and it's so much food, they can't even eat it all.
And it's just crazy.
All right, thank you so much, sir.
Appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and go to Chris in Missouri.
Chris, you're on the air.
Yo, Alex Jones, what's up?
Brother, good to talk to you.
First time caller here.
Yeah, listen, I wanted to talk about Tim Pool and if you think this guy is really legit or not, especially after the Elijah Blue scandal.
I don't know what Elijah Blue scandal is.
I know Tim Pool doesn't censor me and supports my free speech and I thought it was dead on the day we did a two plus hour podcast.
I mean, I thought it was great.
Well, I used to be an avid listener of Tim Pool up until around a couple of months ago during like January or February because of this guest that he had on named Elijah Blue.
She claimed to be a human trafficking survivor advocate and then a few weeks later
people have been pointing out that that Elijah Blue may be you know full of
Oh, Elijah Blue.
I did see that.
They're questioning whether she was a trafficker.
How is a talk show host bad if they have a show five days a week, twice a day, so like 15, 20 guests a week?
Like I was on the show with two other guests.
So how is he guilty for what I say or what a guest says?
I'm not trying to be mean to you.
I just don't get it.
Uh, her being on the show is not, is not the problem.
She was more of the catalyst of what happened after that.
Uh, people have been pointing out that she's been, you know, lying or being a grifter.
And then, um, and then those same people just all of a sudden got censored or banned off of Twitter.
All right, brother.
I appreciate your call, but I mean, like, Some woman claims she's human trafficked.
We don't know if it's true or not.
He has her on a guest.
And then I said, okay, what did he do?
And you go back to her.
I just don't get it.
I mean, human trafficking is a major problem.
We need to focus on it.
Will there be grifters?
I don't know.
I've only seen the story.
I don't know if it's true.
I'm not disagreeing with you.
I just don't know how Tim is guilty for having a guest on.
That's not fair.
Let's go to Ryan in Florida.
Ryan, you're on the air.
Hey, can you hear me, Uncle Alex?
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
Hey, first of all, honored to be on the show with you today.
Hey, what's this Uncle Alex thing?
I'm seeing that everywhere.
I mean, when I even look at Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, people send me, what's this Uncle Alex nickname?
I don't know about it being popular.
I know I just refer to anybody I see as a mentor as uncle, like you're... Oh, I'm honored, brother.
I'm trying to be a good uncle.
So what's on your mind?
Well, this thing occurred to me the other day about how we have the beta test for memory holes from 1984 called the Mandela Effect.
There's all these things that we all remember as being true from our childhood that they're rewriting on the internet and saying that never existed.
Yeah, like everybody knows two men have a baby.
Everybody knows women can have a baby.
It wasn't the Berenstein Bears, it was the Berenstain Bears.
But my thought on that was they're beta testing it now, but if they hook that up to the AI and the AI starts rewriting everything, nobody's ever going to know the truth ever again.
And by the way, that's already happening.
All these big publishers are rewriting classics, including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, including... That's right, I'd heard about that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And Shakespeare.
Because you can't read this.
So, they're telling you it's Shakespeare, but it's a made-up lie.
It's beyond criminal.
It's just insane, isn't it?
We're going to lose all of our great art, all of our great works, and it's just going to be washed aside for good.
Well, that's why my dad reads so many books.
He travels to the library, gives them half-priced books, gives them like ten cents a book.
And he said years ago, don't ever throw a book away.
They're going to be so... People want to know what to invest in?
Folks, hoard books.
Books are going to be so precious.
Here's the deal.
Just 20 years ago, you watched TV and didn't watch you.
It was a broadcast.
Nobody knew what radio you were listening to.
Nobody knew what TV you were watching.
Nobody knew what book you were reading.
Now, it's all digital.
They know everything you're doing.
Oh yeah, the Nielsen ratings.
Trying to make better TV for you.
What they're really tracking is your psychology and what you pay attention to.
Perfectly said.
Anything else, brother?
No, man.
Just thank you for having me on.
I want to tell everybody, go get you a shirt from the InfoWars store that'll let you know who to talk to.
It is definitely an adventure to wear an InfoWars shirt, is it not?
Especially the mass murderers love gun control shirts.
You know, that's a classic, and I said all the classic shirts are gone.
And they'll never be back.
But it's true.
I will make a new version of the shirt I made 26 years ago.
Mass Murders Agree, Gun Control Works.
Politicians Love Disarmed Peasants.
We'll put a new version out.
That'll be the next shirt.
Thank you so much.
But right now, Alex Jones for President and the Donald Trump Mugshot shirts are limited edition at infowarestore.com.
When the clock strikes midnight.
And then she'll turn on the Juice Boy.
Now listen up!
She's a razor sharp.
And she'll get your name.
She's a cool, cool black.
Moves like a cat.
Well, you might not make it back.
She's got the looks.
That kill.
It's the Grim Reaper, Azrael.
Not controlled by the devil.
Controlled by God.
Well, the devil's biggest lies is that he controls the gates to hell.
Christ controls the gates of hell and has the keys to death.
She keeps a motor clean.
And you believe me, you.
She's a number 13.
on the clock strikes midnight he's gonna turn on the juice
And then she'll turn on the power.
We are back live, broadcasting worldwide.
Simon in England, I didn't notice you were calling.
Gotta go to international callers first.
You're on the air worldwide.
Good evening, Alex.
Pleasure to speak to you.
Yes, sir.
Why are you, Alex, just calling because it seems everyone seems to have missed the trick.
With the mainstream media now turning around and saying that even the President is not above the law, surely Donald Trump or President Trump and the Republican Party, even like a first day law student, should be like using your ads for the mainstream media saying that no one's above the law, not even the President, and then ending with Well that's the hypocrisy of tyranny that Trump's done nothing and if he did something I'd be against him and they all get away with it and then he does nothing they're trying to put him in jail.
This is their desperation.
This is not a position of strength in my view.
I understand that, but surely this should be the factor of where you should be using it against them.
They've basically taken the gloves off, and they've now given you the opportunity that says that the President is not... No, I agree.
I agree.
They started it first, so I want State Attorney Generals that aren't controlled by Democrats, 30 plus, or like 29 of them, I want them and I want the local district attorneys like Jim Garrison, who did it with Kennedy, to start the indictments because we have the proof.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Yeah, I did that fully, and I don't see why that is not like something that should be... Because that's dangerous, and we've never done it in 245 years, because you're not supposed to cross the streams and violate separation of powers.
But I agree.
Ahead of violence, we should try to fix things by gloves off.
I agree.
They started it.
I think the indictment should be flying right now.
Well, I mean, as Owens seems to state, with the way your election system works, that you pretty much could lose from the electoral way it happened.
And so you need to start using things that are, like, inside of your bag.
And one of them is that Joe Biden is corrupt and he's susceptible to bribery, and this man needs to be gone.
Well, to say he's susceptible to bribery is like saying a fish might swim in the ocean, or the lake, or the stream.
Yeah, I mean, the guy's a Chinese Communist agent, on record.
Well, exactly, but you've got proof, and not just proof, you've got the man saying it himself.
This is an open and shut case.
This is like, how can anyone defend that he actually says it out loud himself?
No, I agree.
That's why it's such a reckless move because every level of calculus politically, it beats them unless they stage massive terror attacks and blame it on us and bring in full martial law.
And they'll cut the power off and claim patriots did it.
So that's why as much as we think we're winning, people better be getting ready because the The globalists have taken the gloves off, they're going all the way, they're completely insane, and their own people should be stopping them.
But they hired a bunch of quizlings and a bunch of followers, that's why they don't have real men.
I appreciate your call.
And look, I'm not calling for Joe Biden to be killed.
Contrary, I don't want a hair on his shin to be armed, or a hair on his head, or a hair under his arm, or on his ass.
Because he's a puppet.
I want to destroy politically the ideas they're pushing and assassinate their lies.
That's the real info war.
Hitler's own general staff, two years before World War II ended, knew they were losing.
The Russians were winning at Stalingrad.
And they tried to kill Hitler, not because they were anti-Nazi.
They knew they'd lost.
They wanted to sue for peace while they still had strength.
So we don't want to go kill Biden or kill Hitler because he doesn't exist now.
It's not one man running it.
It's a whole bureaucracy.
We want to kill their operations, kill their lives.
And I just say to people who work for the system, you can see where this is going.
Would you please save yourself and us and stop it?
Even if you're a bunch of dumb ass followers.
It's, it's, what you're doing is insane.
And obviously any moron knows it's not going well.
What do you got to do? Wake up with hydrogen bombs raining down on you?
This is insane. It's illegal. It's wrong. Just don't go along.
But Daniel Ellsberg released the fact that they were losing Vietnam War.
He's a hero. This guy releases we're losing the war over there. He's going to prison.
That's a big deal. Good call from the UK. Thank you, sir.
Let's talk to John in Florida. You're on the air worldwide.
Hello. Can you hear me? Yes, sir. Welcome. How are you doing?
Yeah, I wanted to talk about Ukraine and how all this got started.
Basically what I see is that this is kind of like a war between Catholicism and Orthodoxy.
And it almost feels like it's the Gog and Magog dialect.
In Revelation.
But one thing I want to say... Well, let me just say you're 100% right.
The real fishers, and I'm not choosing sides, are Catholic Orthodox.
That was the same split Hitler used in World War II in Ukraine.
So they're just reliving World War II.
It's a Slavic Civil War over Protestant, or not even Protestant, over Orthodox and Catholic.
And the whole thing with Gog and Magog is that both of them are wrong.
You see, it's the Greek Orthodox and the Roman Catholicism trying to drag us all into this.
And the way they did it, the way they did it, is all over the world, they've been sacrificing children and blackmailing each other with it.
I mean, Ukraine is like a body part factory right now.
And has been for... Alright, Ukraine is a black hole of body part harvesting, money laundering, human trafficking, it is a hellhole.
And then you talk about, you go to any other third world country, they've done it in Mexico, they've done it in Africa, they've done it in Malaysia, they've done it everywhere.
They have a big bloodbath of this crap.
And all these third world people think, when they see an American, they think, oh, he's here to have sex with a kid.
But that's not how we really are.
Because the only people that are traveling... That's right, the number one business thing is not scuba diving.
And, like, I want to go to Thailand because I'm told it's totally gorgeous and great snorkeling and great beaches.
But because half the tourism is pedophilia, I won't go there.
Because I don't want to see the pedophiles.
Because if I see a dude leading an eight-year-old girl into some shack to rape her, I'm gonna choke him out.
Exactly, and then the next part of it is Epstein's Island.
Every time I hear somebody talk about 16 year old girls having sex on Epstein Island, I can't even take it anymore because Anybody can have sex with a 16-year-old girl.
You go down the street, you could find one that's gonna do it.
But, it's, it's, they're sacrificing babies.
They're killing kids.
It's not even cash.
Exactly, it's way past that.
And that's the breakdown of society.
Like a month ago, I was at a gas station in the crappy part of Austin I was going through.
And there was this mother milling around with a little like a 10 year old daughter talking to day laborers.
And you could tell she was offering her daughter to him.
And I just got in the car and left because it's like, you call the police.
The DA runs them.
They're not going to do anything.
They're not going to do anything at all.
In fact, half of them are probably buying kids to have sex with right now in the DOJ.
And that's because they're so screwed up.
A real man wants a wife.
A real man wants a full power woman.
But they're intimidated because a real woman is something else.
I mean, it's, you know, it's powerful.
And they want a kid because it makes them feel powerful.
It's disgusting.
It's vile, and when it turns into a world conflict and we're in the scramble, I, for one, am not gonna allow... If I'm in the vicinity of these people, they're gonna get dead checked, because I'm not... This is not... I'm not playing these little reindeer games like the news.
This is garbage, and this shit should have been handled 40 years ago.
They built an army of pedophiles, and you're damn right about it, and they better hope the gloves don't come off.
That's why we're trying to fix this as quickly as possible, but yeah, it's a classical system of corruption, a classical cycle, but because we got weapons and all this high-tech crap, it makes it a thousand times more dangerous.
When I say a thousand, I mean a hundred thousand times?
I mean, a hundred years ago, we couldn't blow the world up.
We can now.
And it's biblical corruption.
It's not just pedophilia.
It's cannibalism and vampirism.
No, I know.
And those of us that aren't involved in it just have trouble believing it, because we just want to go eat enchiladas and drink Dos Equis, and these people don't.
I never gets old.
Enchiladas or tajitas or Italian food or a glass of wine and a sunset.
That just gets better and better.
But for them, they're so empty.
It's like, what new crime can I commit?
What new degeneracy can I do?
You're absolutely right.
Thank you for the call, John.
More calls straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Hour number four.
All right.
Jay Dyer is set to take over, taking final phone calls right now.
Let's go to...
And let's talk to David in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
All right.
Thanks for taking my call.
So one thing I wanted to talk about was how Elon free and Twitter.
Not sure if you heard about Mark Zuckerberg in the interview, but He talked about how he has studied the Bible and different religions, and he uses God as an inspiration because God is a creator, and he used that as an inspiration to create.
And I was just thinking, you know, how do you feel about him personally?
Do you feel like, you know, he would be somebody- Mark Zuckerberg?
A total puppet, an android.
So, Android?
I mean, I'm not saying literally, but if anybody's an Android, it's Mark Zuckerberg.
Okay, okay.
Yeah, I was just thinking, you know, because him and Elon put together, you know, they, if he ever made Meta a free speech platform and he ever, you know, just got a relationship with God and he ever changed as a person, I would just say, you know, the internet would just completely change.
Yeah, I was just watching that interview and I was like, wow, you know, that was just something that I found very interesting.
And another thing that I wanted to bring up was between those Discord leaks and with Robert Kennedy running and when Trump announced Agenda 47, you know, what is the elite state of mind right now?
You know, like, How are they thinking?
Are they thinking, you know, are they in like panic mode?
How would you say?
They want to play God.
They're not going to give up.
They want total control.
And so they're slaves of Satan.
And we just have to oppose their agenda and build a new agenda that's based on God.
We'll defeat them.
Thank you, sir.
Appreciate your call, Dave.
Good to talk to you.
Jeremiah in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
What's up, Alex?
Happy, happy, happy.
Yes, sir.
Happy to be here.
I'm wearing my A.J.
for President-sure right now.
I'm going to go to the gym, pump some iron, go to work later.
Love it.
Take my vitamin mineral fusion and I'm loving the commercial with Harrison and the food test, you know, and when the flag and the music pops in that got me laughing just crying, crying in laughter.
I love it.
Harrison Smith knocks it out of the park, doesn't he?
I got, I got, I got, yeah, heck yeah.
I love the ladies dancing in the, in the, in the, the U.S.
I was just cracking up.
I first heard it, and then when I see now, I just laugh even harder.
I love it.
And, uh, I got two, uh, turbo forces coming in the mail.
We're putting... Well, you're the reason we're on air.
Anytime you hear us on air kicking ass, it's you, brother.
And I'm not just saying, like, a pat on the head.
Like, you are the reason we're on air.
Thank you.
We're putting two, two, uh, metaphorical foot right up George Shore.
Yeah, well hell is lapping on Jordan Soros' feet, so I'm not going to cry when he makes the jump into hyperspace.
Everybody says last Thursday and Friday were old-fashioned Alex Jones.
It shows just a flamethrower towards all this evil.
Everybody says last Thursday and Friday were old-fashioned Alex Jones.
So I was definitely, had the forces with me that day.
I'm loving it all and I got 14 of your coins.
We're just raging out here.
I love it.
Brother, we couldn't do it without you.
Anything else you'd like to add?
I'm going to call my representative after I get off the phone and put another foot in their butt.
Thank you so much, sir.
All right.
We got four or five projects we haven't completed, and I do intend everybody that got Founder Coins will be getting a lot of special stuff.
We're gonna do some promo codes and discounts, but don't be mad at me that I'm behind schedule, folks.
I'm trying as hard as I can.
I went to bed at 3 a.m.
last night.
I got up at 5.30.
I was on 8 a.m.
with Kim Poole.
I've done this show.
I'm gonna work again.
I'm gonna go eat dinner with my daughter.
The youngest one still lives with me.
I'm an old man.
All my other kids have moved out.
Three of them.
And then I'm gonna go down and do Tim Pool's show for three hours tonight.
And I'm not bitching.
I'm just saying, I'm trying to eat an elephant here, one bite at a time.
I'm trying to drink water out of a firehose.
So, if I don't get everything done, I say I would, but I'm trying hard.
I'm fighting for you.
You're fighting for me.
Jay Dyer is about to take over, but I swore I'd take every call that we had on the board.
So, Caden and Mike, I'm going to come back in 60 seconds, go right to you, then Jay Dyer takes over.
I intend to take the InfoWars armored truck out, or the InfoWars tank as it's so lovingly called.
You came through yesterday and shopped at Infowarsstore.com, so I'm gonna be able to take the truck out
*Music* *Music*
*Music* *Music*
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
(upbeat music continues)
(upbeat music continues)
I know you can see me now here's a surprise All right, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis, author, researcher, great asset to human freedom, takes over here in a few minutes, but I promise to take all your calls.
Caden in Canada, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, I can, go ahead.
It's nice, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
I was just calling quickly, I don't want to waste too much of your time, but I was just calling quickly about... You're not wasting my time calling, that's why we're here, go ahead.
Yeah, I was just talking about the vaccine issue here in Canada.
It's pretty crazy.
I'm not going to bring up any, like, U.S.
politic issues, but just the vaccine issue in general, I just had an intuitive thought to just call here because I was actually at the gym a few weeks ago and there was someone who I saw from high school and he brought up, like, my situation when it comes to school and whatever because I got kicked out of university for not being vaccinated.
And he actually brought up how he's not vaccinated and then he brought up your show and how you actually like basically convinced him not to get it and how he's so thankful because his uncle now has some heart problems.
So yeah, I just kind of wanted to call to just show some appreciation and just kind of show you how big of a difference you're making, especially outside of the U.S.
as well.
I want to be clear, Caden, this isn't about patting you on the head.
I want you to 100% get that through your head.
I love you.
Listen to me.
I'm not thanking you for supporting me.
There would not be a show without you.
You, the listener, spreading the word are the reason we reach people like that man you met at the gym.
So you need to understand you are just as important as I am or Jay Dyer.
or Tucker Carlson, so I want that to burn into your brain that when you call and thank me, I'm thanking you.
But we're all in this together, so I love you and I appreciate you, what else you wanna add?
Yeah, I just wanted just to add, to finalize that, just how much of an influence you've had on,
especially people outside of America who, like you know how bad it is in Canada now,
especially during COVID and how bad it got then.
And just even you spreading the word through your podcast that you go on, like Alex, or sorry, like Joe Rogan
and those types of podcasts and the influence and impact they have on the people is just amazing to see.
And yeah, just the last thing I wanted to add is my girlfriend's actually a holistic nutritionist and she's also taking other nutrition classes right now.
And we went over your products and it's actually great seeing how we can support you while benefiting ourselves and buying affordable organic products.
And I got the Alex, first time, long time.
I love you, brother.
She was researching how it actually can bring out toxins like fluoride and these other heavy metals
and stuff like that.
So yeah, I just wanted to show my appreciation and just show out here in Canada,
even in Canada outside of the US, you're making a huge impact and saving lives.
So have a good one Alex.
You're making a huge impact.
Thank you so much, Caden.
Last caller before Jay Dyer takes over.
Mike in Nevada, you're on the air.
Alex, first time, long time.
I love you, brother.
Love you.
We got a I've been on your products now for about five years and
I'm 51 years old and I haven't felt this good in 15 years.
Uh, we were having a little Dutch oven cookout for Easter at a friend of mine over from Utah.
And just a couple interesting things I hadn't heard of, but she works at a Welch Fargo, works from home.
And she was telling me in the last year and a half.
They've been getting rid of all accounts that have anything to do with guns and ammo.
And then another thing is she went through a Carl's Jr.
And once she got through there, you know, it was a fake meat or whatever.
They've had a little Well, you're waking people up, brother.
end but I just thought those two things were interesting.
Oh yeah, the social credit score is already here and it's churches and gun shops and just
That's why we have to build our new banks, build our new infrastructure.
It's happening ahead of their central bank digital currencies.
It is so critical.
Well, you're waking people up, brother.
And the Tim Poll call earlier, I think maybe Tim wasn't as awake as he is now and I think
they do that just as a diversion to discredit everybody and keep us all confused basically.
Oh, yeah.
They put out fake people when there's a real issue, to then say the whole thing's fake.
And I don't have the whole backstory, but like, I mean, listen, I have guests on every day.
Do not judge me by a guest.
Judge me by what I say.
Like if I have some libtard on, like Tucker Carlson built his brand.
On debating libtards.
Now they won't do it.
Well, if Tucker has a libtard on, how is he bad?
Well, hey, I live in a small town in Nevada.
Harry Reid, you know, it's just, it's all smoke and mirrors, man.
But we all love you, and we got cows, chickens, pigs, and the whole nine yards.
So, thank you for everything you do, brother.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Thank you so much.
All right.
For the next 49 minutes, the great Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis, great author, great researcher, takes over.
Take it away, Jay, and I'll be back this Sunday, 4 p.m.
Well, thank you.
Glad to be hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
It's highlighted my week.
I love doing it, and I want to remind you guys, too, that tonight I think Tucker will be mentioning the special that we filmed when I was in Austin with Alex and company.
We also had a film crew there and we did an entire Tucker special.
So I'm not the whole thing, but I'm as significant by the first half of it or so.
So if you want to head on over to Tucker Carlson dot com or to the Fox Nation, Streaming service and if you sign up there you can watch tonight's or I guess it'll be going live pretty soon It's called first look let them eat bugs.
So go over there and sign up and you can get access to that that's gonna be a blast and I won't say who I was dressed up as but I was dressed up as a world villain who has a bald head you could probably figure out who I am and A lot of great segments and questions and answers and discussion in that episode, so really happy to have done that.
It came out really good, so go check out that episode.
Today I want to talk about the most famous dystopian novel next to 1984, which we probably read in high school.
Maybe they don't assign it anymore.
I don't even know if they still assign Brave New World, but I went back and I reread Brave New World, and I know Alex talked about it.
I know Tucker talked about it recently.
He did, I think, a show on it.
And I did a whole breakdown on my channel, chapter by chapter.
We did about a five-hour breakdown with my buddy, QuiteFranklyTV, and we went through the entire text.
And so I'm going to give you that summarized breakdown.
Today, because it's such a seminal text, not from, in my view, a whistleblower, but from somebody who was on the inside and knew what was coming, knew what was going to be the technocratic order, and wrote about it as a kind of psychological operation.
His family, everybody's connected to as part of these circles, part of this secret society, part of this network of the British imperial power structure, the Royal Society, that's running the technocracy, that's now being put into place, that they're trying to push.
And so when we go back to this 1932 novel, we want to look and see how he knew these things.
How did he predict all these things?
What were the influences on Aldous Huxley to promote this and to write this amazing piece of science fiction dystopia?
I want to talk about how dismal it is, and how I think, again, this was really intended to, kind of like 1984, it kind of leaves you with not much hope.
And in 1984, as we said, Orwell was writing about the Fabian Socialists, right?
Ingsoc is English Socialism, and there the theory was, or the threat was, Stalinism.
Maybe we would get this heavy-handed dictatorship that would, you know, throw you into a gulag and this kind of stuff.
Which could happen, who knows?
What seems to be the case that the model that the elite have gone for is instead not this heavy-handed approach, but a drug-induced technocracy.
A technocracy based around what Aldous Huxley calls utilitarian happiness principle.
He says that if you think about it, the world in Brave New World, the life that's projected, and it's projected to be the year 2500, but it's not actually 2500 in terms of what it's really talking about.
What it's talking about is now.
Talking about the world that we are going into now, 2023, right?
Great reset, all of that.
That's the world that it's describing.
And he says that you have to understand some of the philosophical predecessors in the introduction that he wrote.
There's a famous introduction.
It's not in every installment.
It's in my version of it.
And he explains that this is not fiction.
It's real.
So we want to look at the philosophical influences, we want to look at the background, we want to look at how he got to this plan, and then we will dissect the novel in summation.
Don't go anywhere, this is the Alex Jones Show!
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show!
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We are breaking down in detail the insane text of Aldous Huxley.
Brave New World.
And we're doing that because in 1932 he wrote a fiction story that predicted everything that we're going into and where we're going in an even more dismal future if we don't stop this, if we don't wake up to what's going on.
And we're talking about the philosophical influences for this dystopian society.
And he says that, you know, one thing that 1984 didn't get right in his thesis is that It's too heavy-handed, it's too tyrannical, and it's not as effective to control human beings by this top-down model.
A better model of control would be to offer the promise of liberty and freedom through pleasure and happiness.
So control people through their base desires and through pleasures, And that's a much easier way, a much more effective scientific means of control through the promise of freedom and liberation, he says.
And he says that technology and science will give us this, and it's based on the notion of utilitarian happiness principle.
Now, what is that?
Well, if you go back to the Enlightenment philosophers, out of the Enlightenment, we get a lot of philosophies that Challenge the ancient medieval notions of things like a virtue ethic from Aristotle or from the Bible.
And we get Immanuel Kant and we get Adam Smith and David Ricardo and all these different figures that really want to change a lot of society.
Some of their critiques are good.
Some of their critiques are valid of the corruption of the medieval papacy and these kinds of things.
But that doesn't mean that all of their answers were necessarily the best answers or that they would take us necessarily in the right direction.
And one of those theories as a replacement for virtue ethics was the idea of utilitarian ethics.
And this is just simply put, the idea that our ethics should just be based on maximizing the happiness for the greatest number of people.
And many of the people who follow this ethic were libertarians and not knocking all the libertarians.
There's a lot of good insights from libertarians.
However, there's a problem with this Benthamite from Jeremy Bentham idea of a utilitarian happiness principle as an ethic.
How do you quantify happiness?
And later utilitarians actually thought you could quantify happiness.
They came up with an idea of moral calculus, the idea that you could calculate happiness points and dole them out.
And thus make society moral and ethical by making them happy.
And Huxley says in the introduction of Brave New World that that's exactly the ethic that was chosen by the technocrats.
Now you say, what does this have to do though with Silicon Valley and all that?
Because this is decades before the rise of Silicon Valley.
This is 1930s.
Well, turns out that people like Sam Bankman-Fried were actually part of a group of Silicon Valley technocrats
who believe in a quasi-cult version of utilitarianism.
They were literally part of a utilitarian NGO that they had dreamt up, right?
And obviously we know that was a bunch of scammery, but it's illustrative of the scammery at work
in what Huxley calls the final revolution.
Why does he call it the final revolution?
Well, he calls it that because he says that this Brave New World scenario is the culmination of the last several centuries of revolutionary thought and philosophy.
He includes the Protestant Reformation, he includes the Scientific Revolution, he includes the Enlightenment, then the French Revolution, then all the revolutions of the 1700s and 1800s, all the way up to the present revolution, of the fourth industrial revolution or technocracy, right?
So the same thing Klaus writes about in his 2018 book, Fourth Industrial Revolution, is the same thing that's being talked about in this book almost 100 years ago.
And he says that what we had to do was exchange beauty and aesthetics and freedom for control and social stability.
So that's why there is always the promise of security when you trade over your liberties.
Now it's a false trade-off.
You don't actually come out better because you never actually get the security that they promised because actually the security here is the security of the biomedical security state, which is predicted in this book a long time ago.
And so you become a slave to base passions, to your desires, to the technocracy, which is controlling you through not just all the means that we know about, like 1984's big government, but controlling you through Happiness points.
What do you mean happiness points?
Well, ultimately, through the pleasures.
We'll provide you a universal basic income.
We'll provide you infinite entertainment, gaming, coom pods, coffin apartments.
This will be the control mechanism of the future, he says.
And he says that the important element that 1984 left out was control by pleasure.
He says 1984 is like an ascetic.
Right, not aesthetic, ascetic, like asceticism, the ascetics.
It's like there's a control mechanism where you get very little rations, you get very little victory gin, very few victory cigarettes, you get a ration of chocolate each week.
He says that that's the wrong idea, right?
They suppressed sexuality in 1984, they had the league of the Chastity League or something like this, where you report on people for touching butts or something, who knows?
No, no, he says that it's the other way around.
The totalitarian state maximizes sexual degeneracy and sexual pleasure to control the population.
And what have we seen in the last several years since the 1960s countercultural revolution up to today with the so-called trans revolution?
What is all of that?
That is womb-to-tomb conditioning and control.
Ultimately, Huxley says at the end of his introduction, this is the rebranding of eugenics and control.
He says that this will bring order out of chaos eventually and we will have a perfectly controlled world where there is no freedom, there is no aesthetics, there is no beauty.
You won't be reading the Bible and you won't read Shakespeare because you won't have family or tradition or history that you even know about.
Now, I made this point a while back because Bertrand Russell says something very similar in Impact of Science on Society, which is very close to what's in this novel, and he talks about how in the future you'll be reading Shakespeare.
What are you talking about?
You're not going to be reading these books you see around me.
You're not going to have that.
Those are going to be banned.
Fahrenheit 451.
That novel's making the same point.
Beauty and arts and the arts, the aesthetics, philosophy, religion, theology, all these things that are part of what we call the classical arts, they require freedom and creativity.
They require notions of beauty and standards that are objective.
And Huxley says this.
He says that we had to get rid of the notion of telos or purpose in the world before we could bring about a super technocratic state that gives man purpose.
So there's no longer God that gives purpose.
There's no longer God that limits the role of the state.
It is the all-powerful technocratic state which then dictates all laws and morals and conventions and can change them arbitrarily at will that then makes man controlled and happy.
And it is literally like a human zoo.
It is a human farm.
But As we said, to distinguish it from the top-down control of what we see in 1984 or Animal Farm or something like this, this is a pleasure-based utopia that entices you through meeting all of your bodily needs and your imagination needs through endless entertainment and gaming and the Matrix, ultimately.
And he says that that will be the ultimate perfect control system.
So that's just the introduction.
Now, I did a breakdown on my channel the other day.
You'll notice it's the newest video that's up there.
It's got about 1920,000 views, where we went through his Berkeley speech.
So 30 years later, Huxley gives a 1962 Berkeley speech where he explains how all of this is now coming to pass.
And it was a plan.
And it's not merely fiction.
So go watch that.
This is the Alex Jones Show, don't go anywhere.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
As we work our way through the novel, we begin with the setting of London in the year, I think, 2500-ish.
And what's first noticeable about the World State, and it's called the World State, is that it has ten regions.
So we get basically the continental unions, the plan for kind of a world order of federated continents that are integrated into an overall globalist strategy.
Of control this is this is the the present government and he says that the first chapter begins at the London Hatchery of the world state.
So London plays a key role here in the future world state and it always has because this is as we know the future world order.
of Fabian Socialist Technocracy based on the secret plan of the British elites like Cecil Rhodes and others that he wrote about.
There's a last will and testament of Cecil Rhodes where he said we'll create this Fabian Socialist World State and that will be our long-term plan.
Now what's this hatchery?
This is where humans come from.
Humans are created in hatcheries, in pods, test tube babies.
You don't have children anymore.
And the reason that you don't have children, the book explains, is because they had to do that to remove your connection to mother and father.
So to destroy the family requires the government hatcheries, the super state hatcheries.
And that's where we are now.
They're wanting to roll out this now, the idea that humans should be hatched and they should be genetically modified and created.
Out of lab-grown scientific needs.
So this society populates its society on the basis of scientific rational need.
In other words, we need more, uh, 24 more, uh, gub-gub snail men who are basically midget goblin people to go and clean up the vomit and to clean up the poop, uh, in the poop factory.
I'm not joking.
Like, they actually engineer alphas, betas, gammas, deltas, and epsilons.
And epsilons are like the little slug people who are created to go mop up poop.
The alphas are the alphas.
Now, the funny part about this right away is that it's a rigid hierarchy where everybody wears color-coded clothing to signify their caste.
It's a scientific caste system.
But hey, wait a minute.
I thought liberty, equality, and fraternity.
I thought since the French Revolution, we were told that the revolutions were leading us to the world of perfect egalitarianism, perfect equalitarianism.
But wait a minute.
No, it's not that at all.
Turns out it was all a lie.
It was a ruse.
The revolutions were for the purpose of bringing in the final revolution, which is the Brave New World.
And the final revolution, within three pages, five pages, is a rigid hierarchy.
Gammas, deltas, epsilons.
He says millions of them created, mass-produced humans.
So wait a minute, is this a communist future?
Or is it a capitalist future?
Because the notion of mass production is a monopoly capitalist idea.
But the notion of a complete Collectivist society is a communist socialist idea.
So which one is it?
I can't figure it out in my basic black-white dialectics.
Which one is it?
It's both.
Because it was always intended to synthesize both.
And these people actually say that.
Wells says, when he writes in It's either Open Conspiracy or New World Order.
He says that all the Marxist socialists, you shouldn't be railing against monopoly capitalism.
It's not your enemy, it's your funder and your friend.
Because it is the monopoly capitalists that will build the global infrastructure that will give way to the socialists.
To this.
And how do I know that Huxley knew that and was party to that?
Because in the novel, everybody in the future is named after both Marxists and capitalists.
In fact, the pseudo-religion, the civic religion that is made up, a la Auguste Comte, is Fordianism, the year of our Ford.
And instead of a cross, they have a tau, the T, for Ford.
For the Model T Ford.
Because the Model T Ford was the beginning of industrial revolution in the sense of completely changing society through machinery.
Through mass production.
And mass production makes everything a commodity, so that then humans become a commodity and become mass produced.
Well, that sounds like Marx.
That's because it's both.
That's because it's the third-way synthesis.
That so many of the global elite writers that we've lectured through talk about.
Brzezinski, Quigley, on and on and on.
Fabian socialists all talked about the third way.
Synthesizing monopoly capitalism from the West with various forms of socialism, Marxism, communism from the East.
Eastern blocs, Soviets, etc.
Frankfurt School.
Doesn't matter, ultimately the end goal is the same.
And this is precisely why Nothing changes in the left-right dialectic.
Because the explanation of what is really running things in Brave New World tells you that the left-right is a fake dialectic.
Going back to the French Revolution, going back to when in the French revolutionary government, they had a provisional government that they set up in the tennis court.
Well, the tennis court government.
And on the left side of the tennis court are the left-wing revolutionaries known as the Jacobins.
On the right wing of the tennis court are the right-wing revolutionaries known as the Garondins.
They're both revolutionaries, but they're disagreeing over whether it should be a total communist, Jacobin, Illuminist-style collectivism, or a mercantile-dominated capitalist revolution.
Both are revolutionaries.
And Huxley is saying that the future is the culmination of all revolutions, not just that one, but scientific revolution.
He says this in the introduction.
Protestant revolution, scientific revolution, French revolution.
Then we get the ultimate future synthesis of the brave new world super state, run by ten world socialist controllers, one of whom is named Mostafa Mond, who is the chief antagonist of the novel.
And they quote socially predestined people on the basis of eugenics and genetically modified humans.
And that's because he says that when they walk into the hatcheries there's just racks and racks and racks of humans.
They have a motto.
All reproduction is completely and 100% controlled by the state.
This rigid caste system, which by the way, Britain had India as a colony and I have always theorized the British elite adopted this caste system out of their Indian colony.
That's my theory.
And he says that one of the things that the scientific technocratic elite learned that controlled the society is that the whole society is actually kept at a unrested development level.
So even though there's alphas who are very intelligent and very muscular and fit and have a lot of sexual partners and all this, they don't have sex to reproduce.
Sex has been completely divorced from reproduction, reproduction completely divorced from sexuality, and that was the goal for population control.
Population control is not just get the numbers down like Bill Gates says.
It's controlling every area of life of the population.
total control And he even talks about weird inverted
relations you might say That all exist in the brave new world scenario because by
the end of the second chapter when we learn about the antagonist villain character must stop them on
Or maybe she miss maybe it's the end of the third chapter.
Yeah, there's this weird Section that I never noticed where he's compared to Christ
Because this is the chapter where pedophilia has been normalized.
They call it child play, I think.
Something like that.
Erotic child play.
And when this has been normalized, there are children who come to see the World Socialist Controller Mustafa Mahmoud when he shows up at one of the hatcheries one day.
And they try to say, no, no, get away.
You don't need to talk to him.
And As an inverted Antichrist type of symbol in the novel, Huxley has the Mustafa Mahon character say, let the little children come unto me.
So, an amazing, just total inversion of Christianity.
He's a Christ-like figure, but he's an Antichrist figure, because he's a pedo.
But it's been normalized in this technocratic society, as well as the continuance of youth, right?
Maintain your youth, but then you go to a oven when it's time to get euthanized.
We'll talk about that in a minute.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We were talking about the structure and the makeup, the strategies of the future technocracy in the fiction novel Brave New World, which is not a fiction novel, which is an actual real plan.
That is rolling out right now that we're all living through.
In Chapter 2, it talks about the ideology that's used for the conditioning of all of the residents, all of the cloned, hatched people.
And it's called the Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning Center, right?
So, Operant Conditioning, Pavlovian Conditioning, Skinner, Watson, Pavlov, that all goes into the model of how the humans are molded, crafted, and created By the Superstate through operant conditioning.
In fact, there's multiple references to what was soon to be MKUltra.
In fact, there's the electroshocking of the infants.
There is the drugging of the infants and the society on a mass scale.
They literally electroshock infants to operant condition them to fit into and be socially conditioned to this system and to the society.
I want to mention that Of course, Huxley was famous for the Doors of Perception and an early promotion of LSD.
And in fact, Huxley was introduced to drugs, according to Dr. Richard Spence, by none other than the famous British spy and Satanist, Alistair Crowley.
So, there's a direct connection between Crowley and his drug diaries, as Dr. Spence notes, I think on pages 20, 16, 17, 18 in his book.
And the type of society of the Aeon of the Child, which Crowley wrote about, the Crown Conquering Child, the future Aeon, he says, when Christianity goes away, will be one of arrested development where infantilism reigns.
That's exactly what is the society here.
Control the society by keeping them in a childish, arrested development state.
Thus, they are completely beings of instinct.
Completely controlled by their pleasures and by the super state the super state also utilizes sleep Control sleep mind control called hypnopedia Where when you sleep you are always listening to these weird mantras and these chants that control you Now we didn't necessarily go into that kind of a society today.
Maybe in the future.
They will I don't know but the notion of Mind-controlling people through hypnosis and sleep states and whatnot.
That is part of MKUltra.
So again, we see a connection between Huxley and MKUltra.
And Huxley would write a lot of books and do a lot of research and promoting of things like LSD.
That would definitely have tremendous influence on both the Tavistock Institute and the MKUltra programs in the United States.
So remember that everybody's named after all of these Marxists and revolutionary figures.
Characters are named after Trotsky.
There's one of the chief female figures in the novel is Lenina, the feminine of linen.
Lenina is a vaccine worker.
She works to inoculate everybody.
No surprise there.
Where have we heard of this?
The, again, union of the different characters.
There's one of the main characters, Bernard Marx, right?
We have references to George Bernard Shaw, the famous Fabian Socialist, which again tells us who the novel is really pulling from.
It's pulling from all of these revolutionary figures.
There's another important aspect too, which is that everyone belongs to everyone else, which is interesting because you can't say no to anybody.
Who are you?
How dare you turn me down, bigot?
You must have sex with everybody and you are in trouble in this society if you say no to anyone because that means that you're being selfish and you're not being completely collectivist.
There's no notion of freedom.
There's no notion of Individual creativity, because this whole society is engineered and restructured around you being given everything that you want and need, mainly your base pleasures, to control you.
And we learned that everything is controlled through chemical concoctions.
So MKUltra, we realized, through the real brains behind MKUltra, wasn't mainly about creating some mind-controlled super assassin.
It's not about making, you know, Mila Jovovich or Scarlett Johansson, you know, go in and assassinate some world leader or something.
No, it's actually about studying things that then apply to the society as a whole.
So you study individual cases and then apply that to the macrocosm.
And he even says that the water supplies are tainted.
He says, we learned this from the Soviet techniques of tainting the water supply.
And this was particularly ingenious.
He says that in the past, remember this is the year 2500, he says that there was a past world economic collapse and that led to the introduction of the world controllers.
So the technocrats stepped forward after a world economic collapse and he says that we figured out that rather than controlling people through top-down control, the society is run through brains and buttocks.
Brains and butts.
That's what he says.
Page 49.
What does that mean?
That means scientific technocracy rules you through controlling you through your base desires.
Brains and butts.
The society is actually based around constant and continual consumption.
You do not have time by design to think and reflect because if you sat and thought and reflected you might actually figure out what's going on, he says.
This is the, throughout the novel, various technocrats, they actually explain why and how the society is constructed.
And he says that, you know, you don't read anymore.
There's no books.
Books are all banned.
Why do you need books?
Why do you need to think?
When you start to feel bad or depressed or you start to feel down, there is a drug that you take called Soma, which is apparently, it seems to be a mix of like mescaline or some sort of narcotic and some sort of upper.
So it's sort of like all three at one and Huxleys later said that it's not a real drug but it's kind of a fantastical concoction that he said might one day actually exist.
But he said that Regardless that to me it would be the best control mechanism because in this future you don't need to do any kind of reflecting and if you're ever tempted to sit back and reflect or to think about or to analyze the society, you take Soma.
You take the drug that gives you a holiday, right?
The holiday is the drug trip.
But it's not a classic LSD trip.
It's a much more of a pleasurable kind of, you know, escapism.
And he says that we figured that out because that's the best way to control everybody.
And so we combine that with a fake world religion.
So the future dystopia here actually literally has a fake world religion.
And the world religion, I kid you not, is also a form of sex magic.
So you go basically to a rave where the music is all synthetic.
I'm not knocking techno.
I like electronic music.
I'm just saying that in the novel, he predicted that all the future music would be synthetic computer-made music.
Well, obviously you have to have that because you can't have individual creative artists making up Compositions and making up music because that would be undermining the very principle that we said of the complete control of the society.
You can't have free will and creativity and of course the arts suggest and are based around human free will and creativity.
So all of the movies are basically Michael Bay porn movies, right?
It's all explosions and porn.
It's literally, it's like all explosions of porn and that is also part of the method to control you.
But I was really blown away, again, reading through this time because I'd read this, you know, we had it in high school and then I read it, I think, in 2015.
And reading it again, there's so much more that I caught that I didn't catch the previous times through.
Particularly all the references to MKUltra, all the references to Malthusianism.
They actually have a ritual mantra that they repeat called the Malthusian Drill.
And the liturgy that you go to, the worship service, is a new world religion that was created by the technocrats.
That is a rave dance service, literally.
And you have an orgy called the Orgy Porgy.
And the sacrament that you take is the Soma Drug.
And when you take the Soma, you chant out these phrases and these words to become one with everyone else, because you're having an orgy.
And the odd part is that it does acknowledge a deity, but it's a deity according to characters who are named after Marxists.
They talk about these made-up figures in the novel named after Engels, named after Bakunin, And named after other figures, uh, like says, uh, there's a reference to the 12 apostles and the 12 apostles ritual is where you go in this orgy and you chant out to the greater being.
So they believe in a supreme being, but it's always undefined.
It's very generic, which is also kind of an idea of a Masonic deity, right?
The supreme being.
And then the sacrament that you take is a hallucinogen in the middle of the orgy porgy ritual orgy, porgy Ford and fun.
So instead of Our Lord, it's Our Ford.
Kiss the girls and make them one.
Boys at one with girls at peace.
Orgy Porgy gives release.
Orgy Porgy, he says, is the liturgical refrain.
So there you know exactly what I said and exactly the world that we're going into is planned by these people and it's in all the books.
But people don't read anymore.
That's why we don't know what's going on.
We just don't know because we are kept ignorant.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
You probably noticed the last three weeks I've barely plugged.
I haven't hammered things.
Because I don't like coming up here.
I want to cover news and information and just begging and pleading and explaining.
We did the accounting yesterday.
We're back in the red.
We've just gotten out of it.
And I guess this is where God wants to keep me.
It's all in God's plan, I'm sure.
But you need these products anyways.
These are great products that are life-changing.
And we won't be here if you don't support us.
So Trump has a war chest of 400 million dollars.
That's great.
He deserves it.
Everybody's supporting Trump.
We don't have a war chest of a million dollars.
So we need to be able to stay on air.
Bankruptcy is going well.
They found out we're not hiding money.
They found out I've told the truth about everything.
The reorganization is going well, but not if there's not enough money to fund the operation.
So you need ultimate krill oil.
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We're selling out of the great idea my dad had, the turmeric, a non-fluoride toothpaste with all the essential oils.
More will be in a few months, but we've still got it at MFORESTORE.COM.
These two products One comes back in at about three months.
Another one comes in at about four months.
But we, these are best sellers.
But we need the funds now.
So, Real Red Pill Plus, with the preglanone, all these things that boost your natural hormones, your overall stamina and everything, it's 40% off.
DNA Force Plus, selling out.
We're down like a thousand bottles.
Won't be in for a long time.
40% off still.
But really, this is an information war.
So I would really encourage listeners to go to InfoWarsTour.com and get an Alex Jones for President shirt.
Get great conversational peeps.
You'll meet a lot of cool people.
That shirt's available, limited edition.
It won't be sold very soon.
Also, the Trump mugshot.
They never did a real mugshot, so we already had created one.
It's being printed right now.
It'll be shipping out next week.
Says political prisoner with a picture of Trump in a basically a lineup or a mugshot on the back.
It's a limited edition shirt as well.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
I want to thank you all for your support.
Get a signed or unsigned copy of my best-selling book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, as well.
I want to thank you all for your past support.
I want to encourage those on the fence.
The fight's now, folks.
We're the tip of the spear.
You're the tip of the spear.
Please get off the bench, especially those of you, because I know 99% of our audience never buys anything.
Just go to InfoWarsTore.
I'm in your hands.
You're in my hands.
Realize you're in a fight.
Fund the fight, or roll over and die.
I appreciate your support.
It doesn't matter how discredited or debunked any of their narratives get, they will always return to them as if no one has ever raised the question.
I'll give you an example.
COVID-19 vaccination, Alex, absolutely effective and perfectly safe.
They're just ignoring the mountain of information now that disproves that as if we haven't heard it, as if it's not true.
They always return to their same fake narrative, and they double down.
And when you have a near monopoly on the output of information, as they have had until recently, it makes it a lot easier.
They decided to not perp walking, not put him in handcuffs, not do a mugshot, because they knew that that would help Trump.
Didn't they know this would backfire?
We were waiting for the mugshot.
We learned today they wouldn't have it, so we've made our own.
And it says, political prisoner.
With an image of President Trump.
The shirt is being printed now in Texas.
It'll be shipping out to you in one week.
Political prisoner with Trump on the front there in a mug shot.
Jail background.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It says InfoWars.com on the back of the shirt.
We also have Alex Jones for President.
No, I'm not running for President.
It's a really nice navy blue high quality shirt.
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Alex Jones for President.
2024, it's a fun conversational piece and a limited edition shirt.
Great way to fund the operation.
So get your Alex Jones for President and Trump mugshot shirts at InfowarsStore.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
And two other things.
We're selling out of DNA Force.
Won't get more for three or four months.
It's an amazing product.
We're selling out of Real Red Pill, an incredible product.
Despite that, we need the funds.
They're both 40% off, despite the fact they're selling out.
Check those products out at InfoWareStore.com.