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Name: 20230316_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 16, 2023
2444 lines.

Alex Jones discusses global affairs, vaccines, censorship, central banks, financial collapse, depopulation and fighting against those in power while promoting products at Infowarsstore.com to fund their operation. He believes in spreading information to expose the truth and taking a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.

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Right now, the regional banks are in trouble.
Why are they in trouble?
And also the big banks are in trouble, but they're less risky because they're systemically important banks.
What happened was, these banks drew zero interest rate policy for, you know, the better part of 13-14 years, were forced to buy low interest rate bonds.
Their deposits were at zero, so everyone was happy, fat, and lazy, making money, clipping the spread between zero on your deposit and, you know, one and a half percent, two percent on the bonds.
Well, interest rates have risen to five percent.
In less than a year, and they're now exposed to not credit risks this time.
Credit risk in the great financial crisis was bad bonds, bad fraudulent bonds all over the banking system.
This time it's called duration or interest rate risk.
So they've lost a ton of money on the bonds as interest rates have risen.
It's just simple bond math.
So they're kind of upside down.
Their deposits are going the wrong way now.
So what I think is going to happen Is all these regional banks are going to get into trouble.
And then the Fed and the government will use that as an excuse to come in and nationalize them and or consolidate them into the six systemically important banks.
And that way it's easier to introduce a digital central bank digital currency with only six or seven banks in the U.S.
So that I think whether it's a plan or that's what's going to happen doesn't matter.
but that's the path I see.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
is Alex Jones.
I can see in the aftermath of the crisis people are very, very concerned about the United States'
relationship with China.
There's, in other words, a second Bretton Woods.
But it's not on the cards yet.
And I think this is where we have to work on the intellectual structure of such a deal.
And so, this is a breathtaking step.
which effectively nationalizes or federalizes the deposit base of the U.S. financial system.
Look, the bottom line is this.
Americans can rest assured that our banking system is safe.
Mr. President, what do you know right now about why this happened?
And can you assure Americans that there won't be a ripple effect?
Do you expect all your banks to fail, Mr. President?
Should all depositors be protected at all banks?
What I do want to do is emphasize that the American banking system is really safe and well capitalized.
It's resilient.
But I do agree that the system is breaking it out.
And one of the major reasons, not the only reason obviously, but one of the major reasons is that you don't have good corporate leadership.
So you say, so what?
But I'll tell you so what, if you don't have good corporate leadership in companies, yeah, when the tide is high and things are great, it doesn't matter.
And all these guys that run these companies are partying and having a good time and giving themselves bonuses.
I'm Scott Shea, Chairman of Signature Bank, and it is a pleasure for me to welcome you to this multimedia, multicasted, multispatial meeting of the Pride Council.
CNN, ABC News, the BBC, they're like, it's over!
All the banks are collapsing!
Run for the hills!
Bigger than 2008!
Don't worry though, we've got Central Bank Digital Currencies there, and we're gonna save you with these, because they're gonna have a new system.
They haven't told us yet, but you know, it's Central Bank Digital Currency.
They've been prepping it, they've been getting it ready.
They are artificially, they locked down our houses, locked down our businesses, locked us down.
The last few years imploded the third world with two plus years of lockdowns.
They're now getting a new one ready, just cutting off liquidity in the market.
But the Federal Reserve has already raised interest rates five, six times last year.
If they don't cut them now, you know they're deliberately trying to put the economy into
cardiac arrest.
And the central private banks are not going to prop up the regional and local banks and
credit unions so they all go down and they can bring in the central bank digital currencies,
the centralized system that totally controls every fast year of life.
The controller of the currency nominee in the first year of the Biden administration literally proposed in an article for Vanderbilt that the beautiful thing about having CBDCs is if you're worried about inflation, you just freeze everybody's bank accounts.
The important thing to understand is central bank digital currencies are not currencies.
It's a financial transaction control grid.
They've got all the central bank digital currencies ready.
They've got the central currencies ready.
This is a historic moment, ending Bretton Woods, bringing in a global consortium run by the UN, run by the big central banks, to bring in a new global set standard.
In international polls and national polls, Upwards of 90% of people don't trust the government and don't like it.
So this illegitimate system does not have the people's support.
It's a very strange time where I don't think people have...
But why is that being done?
now in institutions.
And so I think there's like a feeling of chaos that exists today that I don't
think has ever existed in my life like this before.
See people to judge Kamala Harris and, and Biden can't get a sentence out.
You're like, this is madness.
These people are utter fools.
And these are the people that are running everything.
But why is that being done?
Because Kamala Harris and Barack Obama's third administration or Biden are puppets
of all guys to take the fall, which I told you two plus years ago.
You need to understand our so-called elites are like an idiot robbing a gun store.
Starting a war, a kinetic war, a nuclear war, is where it's going with Russia,
is the equivalent of robbing a gun store at noon, when you've got five employees armed, who are trained,
retired police officers, you're dead.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's one hell of a broadcast lined up for you today.
You do not want to miss it.
Remember, all of you that are listeners and viewers, particularly those who have been listening for decades, have been vindicated in a royal flush.
It's our world.
All over the planet, all people talk about is the New World Order, global government, central banks, tracked currencies, forced injections.
Robots, human animal, chimeras.
It's all here.
It's all going down.
It's all happening.
Now, a very smart gentleman who's been just as prescient as I have on many fronts, who's a fellow that's worked for some of the biggest banks and financial institutions out there and is a well-known stock picker, Edward Dow will be joining us for the full second hour to talk about the banking crisis and the latest on the globalist war using COVID and COVID shots against the American people.
Paul Joseph Watson will be co-hosting.
In the fourth hour today, 2 to 3 p.m.
ahead of the War Room with the great Owen Schroyer.
So here's where we're at.
We can sit here and talk about World War III.
We can sit here and talk about the rollout of the central bank digital currencies.
We can sit here and talk about the totally imploded borders and testimony in Congress by the Border Patrol that there is no border and it's completely lawless, but we already know that.
Or we can talk about the people running it and just how psychotically evil they are and how it's not debatable and how could anyone go along with the globalists.
And so we're going to cover it all today.
And the Russian jets dumping fuel on the drone and saying it's an accident and all the rest of it.
We're going to get To all of it.
China's new smart religion app forces believers to register with the communist regime before attending services.
What do you think the 501c3 is in this country?
It's that, but it's now intensifying.
It's the mark of the beast.
We're going to be breaking it all down today.
But the first thing I want to hit is something that everybody talks about, but we don't talk about enough really, because it's so illustrative of who's running things.
Canada And other Commonwealth countries like the UK and Australia and New Zealand are the models of the New World Order tyranny.
China is the main testing ground, but the model in the West is Commonwealth nations.
They have great people living in them, great culture, but because of the power of the people and the power of their influence and the power of the inventions of those people, leading the Renaissance, creating America, in the last 500 years, the people that were able to hijack The British Empire in 1815 with a stock market crash at the Battle of Waterloo instituted by the Rothschilds on record.
Once they fully captured the British Empire, they had the most powerful institution on earth behind them and their evil plan.
And now we're living in this project of the criminal groups that have hijacked The British Empire.
And that's really the full system and that's the dominant system on the earth that is so incredibly wicked.
And so, when we look at places like Canada and Australia, where first they said we're going to legalize assisted suicide.
That was decades ago.
Then they say, now we're going to have the state push suicide and basically tell people you've got to be killed, you're weighing on society.
And then they say, even if you're depressed or mentally ill, even though you're not cognitively able to make that decision, the state's going to decide to kill you because the state is your guardian or your ward.
A total violation of the oath of Hippocrates, or the Hippocratic Oath.
And then now, as you know, last year and this year, they have normalized it and put out policy reports, not a law, not trying to pass a law, to kill children and say the children have the right, under state control, to be killed by the state.
So you extrapolate out transgenderism, hormone blockers, Surgical mutilation, all of that is about depopulation.
If they can't kill you in the womb, they want to kill your fertility after, which is the equivalent of killing you.
And now, they're openly pushing and now have test cases of where despite there's no parental consent, children will be taken by the state and children will be killed.
Every day I see videos out of the UK and out of New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the same policy, same groups.
Arresting preachers that peacefully protest a hundred yards away from a government building, in the case of Canada, the latest video, where they're trying to pass a law to have the state take over children and be able to sterilize them again with no parental oversight.
So this is tyranny.
It's as bad as it gets.
It has nothing to do with the freedom of children.
It's absolute evil.
And now?
The left's new sacrament is we've got to let the state kill children if they're depressed.
So first they drug us, and all the statistics show the drugs on average cause more depression, more suicide, more mental problems.
And now they move on to sterilization, and then now they move on to flat-out killing children.
And you see all the cases coming out in the news, with the National Post defending it.
In some cases, actually being against it, there's still some debate going on.
Some vapors of sanity left in the gas tank.
And they say, well, really, should we be killing children just because they're depressed?
Should we get them into sports?
Should we, you know, give them attention?
Should we get them counseling?
No, let's just kill them.
So, now we're to the point in the pilot countries for a global rollout to kill children because they're depressed.
And they have all these studies out, another one came out yesterday, that lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle creates depression and creates neurological disorders because you're not meant to have robots picking your crops and robots cooking your dinner and robots cleaning out the cat box and robots cleaning the garage and robots changing the baby's diaper.
So you can stick your head into a digital bag called VR.
So everything they're pushing creates depression, creates loneliness, creates despair, creates pain.
Every policy of the New World Order is to do that.
Their whole mission is disorder to sabotage civilization, to collapse civilization into their technocracy New World Order system.
So anyone going along with this system is in a death cult.
And I believe in humanity.
And I believe when humanity sees what we're facing, we can transcend it.
But nationalists, populists, conservatives, Christians, pro-humans, pro-common sense, pro-human future individuals, whatever you want to call us together, whatever race, color, and creed, we have to cut to the chase and stop fighting all the heads of the Hydra.
And we have to go directly to the fact that this technocracy, this mad scientist elite, who are, by the way, very occultic, are bad people, and have sold out to a very dark, twisted force, whose mission is to bring down our species.
So look at these headlines.
Canadian panel pushes assisted suicide for minors without parental consent.
Canada steps closer to euthanizing children.
Panel says sick kids should have suicide rights.
See, it's not just the rights to have sex with adults.
That's just the beginning.
Now it's, you want to die, don't you?
It's cute.
We know that since it started in the year 2000, they even had a 2020 special on it decades ago on ABC News, that as soon as Colorado districts under a federal pilot program in the year 2000 began These so-called suicide classes and these classes on dying, where they would lock kids in lockers and roll them up in sleeping bags and have people sit on top of them to learn what it's like to die.
And they teach little girls, this is how you commit suicide, so don't do it.
Don't put your shoelaces around your neck and go into the coat hanger.
In the urinal, or in the stall, and hang yourself.
Well, you've introduced that idea, and now the little girls, when they're depressed, don't just harm themselves with knives.
There was a rash of little girls, and there still is, committing suicide.
They're teaching you you're a victim.
They're teaching you the only way out is death.
The psychology they teach in the military isn't to help the troops with PTSD, it's to teach them to be weak and kill themselves.
It's all a plan destroying our life force.
With the backdrop, there's too many humans, humans are bad, get rid of humans, save the earth.
So you wonder why suicide's so high in the youth in other areas, because they're teaching us that we're bad, so be a hero, kill yourself.
We are back.
You do not want to miss next hour with Edward Dowd with the inside scoop on what's really happening with the accelerated worldwide banking collapse.
Back to what I was just hitting.
The globalists, the state wants the power for the state to kill children.
And if you go watch the famous movie, The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston and others, they talk about when the movie starts, which is not just in the Jewish text, it's in the hieroglyphs carved from the time of Ramses I, Ramses II's dad, and he's ordering the firstborn of the Israelites Or the Jews to be killed, the firstborn males, because there were too many of them.
They wanted more girls that were controllable.
And in every culture, they start killing children when the society collapses.
And so now, here it is repeating again, human sacrifice of children by the biomedical psychological combine.
And where are the mainline psychological associations coming out against this?
In Europe, in the US, in Canada, all over the world, they're coming out saying, this is good!
We want to assist in suicide children who are depressed!
And we'll be their guardians and we'll decide to kill them!
California's passed laws where sex with children's not even legal!
If it's consensual, at age 11, or Children at age 11 can decide to take a vaccine without parental consent or you can give somebody HIV knowingly and it's not a felony.
These are psychotic death cult operators who have hatred for everyone.
They're evil.
That's why they claim they're the liberals and they're the moral high ground and they'll decide all the issues
They want to play God And everything that comes out of them is destruction, and pain, and death, and betrayal, and annihilation.
And you look at how they've gotten the so-called intelligentsia through college to go along with this plan worldwide and to commit these massive crimes of the lockdowns, and the mask, and the poison shots, and the blaming the therapeutics, blocking the therapeutics.
And demonizing therapeutics.
Everything they do.
The rolling out and authorization to use DU all over the world, even though it's a death sentence for those that use it and those that are around it.
For millions of years.
There is a force working to destroy the Earth, not just humans.
Here's another headline.
Massive U.S.
offshore wind farm given permit to harm hundreds of whales and thousands of dolphins.
Scientists have confirmed that they create low frequency harmonics that to the whales and dolphins and other marine mammals sounds like nails on a chalkboard turned up to a million in your ears.
And the animals just beach themselves en masse.
Do they care?
No, the globalists love it.
They love killing everything.
They don't want to just kill us.
They want to kill the whole planet.
They say carbon is evil.
We are carbon.
These people have declared war on what they are.
It is a spiritual force.
It is a drive.
It is a command to kill, steal, and destroy.
Now, we've got Edward Dowd joining us in the next hour, but I'm going to open the phones up.
Now, on the subject of state-sponsored suicide, which is murder of the children and of others, and what are we going to do about it?
That subject.
I'm going to take six, seven calls in the next two segments, because I won't have time to take calls after that, and then when Edward Dowd leaves us, I'll open the phones up again, but I'm not going to have people sit there on hold for an hour while he's on.
We'll open the phones up again on other subjects and have a free-for-all in the third into the fourth hour.
But the toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
7 7 7 8 9 2 5 3 9 8 7 7 7 8 9 Alex 8 7 7 7 8 9 2 5 3 9 now Let me tell you some of the other stuff. We got coming up
smuggler deported more than 40 times caught transporting illegals in Ohio
Total get out of jail free card.
Trump appointed judge allows DOJ to hide exculpatory evidence from jury in Proud Boy's January 6th edition trial.
Judge Andrew Napolitano says that's criminal and the FBI agents should be arrested for what they did.
Instead they'll be rewarded.
Canadian foreign minister calls for regime change in Moscow.
Super dangerous escalation.
Professor uncovers the white supremacy of organized pantries.
I'm not joking.
White picket fences, organized homes, happy people is a symbol of racism.
They want us all miserable, folks.
They want to depress us and control us.
Rumors swirl over which Biden family member got 3 million CCP-linked wire transfer.
Well, we know it was Hunter and then he gave 10% to the big guy.
That is all coming up today.
I was seriously injured by the Moderna vaccine.
Former Pussycat Dolls member shares her vaccine injury story.
We have the video.
That's all coming up next hour as well.
But before we go any further, please remember the way we reach new people, the way we get around the censors, is you spread the articles and the videos and the live feeds.
They try to block and censor those, so the feed they use to send folks demand on video that's not being blocked right now is Mad Max World.
One word, MadMaxWorld.tv.
Write it down, share it, please, and tell those you give it to to share it.
Tell them to share it.
Chain Reaction.
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Remember, the globalists and all their minions hate this broadcast more than any other because we've got their number.
Alright, I've opened the phones up specifically on the subject of quote, assisted suicide.
I believe if somebody wants to commit suicide, they have a right to do it.
But I believe when the state gets involved, and people warned of this decades ago, they would then try to push it and make people do it or incentivize it with a social credit score, which is now happening.
And then the state would say, well, we're going to make poor people or homeless people or children or disabled children wards of the state, and we're going to decide to kill them and say it's their decision to do it.
That's now happening in Canada and areas of Europe.
A few years ago, I aired a national TV program on state-run media in the Netherlands.
Where they talked to a very high-functioning Down Syndrome man.
They explained to him that he costs four times more for the state to take care of.
And that he should basically kill himself.
And it's three smart-ass reporters sitting there telling him that.
These are sick people, folks.
They don't want you to have value for anybody, including yourself.
And now they're saying they're going to kill children without parental consent.
That's the logical extension of this.
That's where this nightmare is going.
That's the death panels for us all.
I suggest Bill Gates should volunteer and lead by example before anybody else dies.
Let's go on the order of the calls received.
Alex in FEMA Region 6.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
With the assisted suicide, the Jesuits and their Knights of Malta and Knight Templar Freemasons, they want to kill off targeted populations with their Jesuit Malthusian model, and especially Protestants, and they don't want any of them to hear the gospel that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins and was buried and risen again, and upon our repentance we'll be born again in the Holy Spirit.
So you think the Jesuits are behind the worldwide eugenics movement?
Are you saying Thomas Malthus was a Jesuit?
Yes sir, that's correct.
Was he a Jesuit?
Guys, look up.
Was Malthus a Jesuit?
I didn't know that.
Yes sir.
And so the Jesuits want to destroy the Protestant Reformation, because first there was the Renaissance, but then came the Protestant Reformation and the Gutenberg Press, where the Bible was given to the hands of the common man.
Before that, only the Catholic priests could read the Bible.
And so the Jesuits and the Black Pope, they want to bring us back to the Dark Ages, where only they have the knowledge, and they want to hide salvation of the Gospel.
And so we're all just trapped in Satan's Well, let me ask you a question.
The federal government just put out a report saying Christians are the number one threat and they said conservative Catholics are the number one threat within that group.
Why would the government put out a report going after conservative Catholics if the Jesuits were trying to kill everybody?
Well, the Jesuits don't control all the Catholics yet, but they are trying to consolidate the Catholics into a new right movement.
That hates the Jews and wants to persecute, um, you know, regular people like Hitler was a Jesuit and his, he modeled his SS after the Jesuit order, him and Himmler.
And so this is operation paperclip inaction that was done through what's called the Vatican rat lines, where they smuggled Nazis through Catholic churches to get here.
Yeah, listen, I appreciate your call, and I'm not a Catholic apologist, so I'm not Catholic, that's not my job.
I really think when we say this one group runs everything, that's not fair.
Hitler was an occultist and did not like Christianity.
He did want to control the Catholic Church to control Europe.
And Himmler did model the SS with their black uniforms and things on the Jesuits and wanted to basically take that over.
I've actually read the writings of the Nazis on that subject.
So I think part of what you say is true about the Catholic Church helping get a lot of the Nazis out at the US request.
into the United States. But I think it was a group effort.
I don't think that I would blame Catholics in general for that or say that Adolf Hitler was
a Christian or a Catholic.
Adolf Hitler was an anti-Christian, a cultist on record. I appreciate your call.
Eben in California, you're on the air. Go ahead.
Hi, Alex. Pleasure to talk to you again. Hey, I wanted to say that I think it'd be a very
smart thing to set aside a show where you're actually dedicated to Jesus and ask people and
we pray, because there's a lot of great listeners that believe in God, and I know there's theological
questions that come up and different things, but in praying in the name of Jesus and getting people
to agree with your wonderful audience, Might be the most powerful thing yet to be done on your show.
Well, I mean, I do love God and we do pray to Jesus here on air.
I open the phones up about suicide of children, the government killing children, and that next level of evil, but I guess we're not going to talk about that.
No, I'd love to.
I'd love to.
And what I'm saying is I believe there is a lot of forces that are actually pushing at the same time.
Transhumanists want kids to die.
The homosexual lobby wants kids to die.
And what I think happening... There's no doubt that it's in government documents that we've covered here on Air that by the 60s the university said, we're going to push all these agendas to depopulate.
I mean, that's not a...
It's not different groups.
The leadership of all those groups are globalists pushing for depopulation.
It doesn't mean that I hate someone because they're homosexual or I hate somebody because of this or that.
Or Blaire White because she was transgender.
I'm saying the agenda above it is very evil.
I completely agree.
And what I'm saying is that the elites above are taking essentially the most fringe elements of all these different groups.
And bringing them together and highlighting almost, you know, their dysfunction.
Yeah, they're making it a new right to be sterilized or kill yourself.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Robbie in Florida.
You're on the air on assisted suicide, now becoming forced suicide, even of our children.
Go ahead, Robbie.
Alex, it's devastating to hear about, you know, what's going on in Canada with assisted suicide with those that are fighting depression or some type of health Um, you know, issue, but I think we're bigger issue of the assisted suicide in America, which is, uh, the Trump vaccine that killed my father about six months after he got the Pfizer vaccine.
Um, you know, that's been perpetrated on kids to the point to where, you know, one year olds have the vaccine and they'll be dying of heart attack soon.
I think that we need to get down to Mar-a-Lago and have an anti-vaccine process that we've been talking about for years because Trump seems to think that he's got this vote in a bag for 2024.
I don't see enough people pissed off if they're really, you know, passionate about this vaccine being the one that kills everybody.
Well, I hear you, sir.
And I mean, we're just living in a More protests, we've been scared into a corner by January 6th and every conservative has their tail between their legs.
Meanwhile, family, friends are dropping dead.
We're dead in the water now.
We gotta get back out on the streets.
We gotta have a protest in front of Mar-a-Lago.
I appreciate your call.
Trump get him off the water cooler or whatever hell interview that is talk
about the shot is great it's saving lives that's bullshit my father's
cremated and it's you know perpetrated by him so but there's a grand scheme
going on here which we know there is it seems like we got good cop and bad cop
all behind the same agenda so I see your call you know at the end of the day the
public's become lazy and ignorant and only cares about entertainment it
doesn't know how the world works and don't stand up for basic human rights
and human liberties And so we don't stand up for our rights, we all get run over.
And so as Christ said, what you do to the least of me, you've done to me.
Suffer the little children unto me.
Better you tie a millstone around your neck and throw it in the deepest sea than harm one of these.
And then what do the globalists do?
Harm the children.
Dumb them down.
Poison them.
Put them on Ritalin.
Put them on Prozac.
Put them on GMOs.
Give them poison shots.
Try to sterilize them.
Try to euthanize them.
That's what they're doing.
That's who they are.
That's their game plan.
And so we have to stand up and we have to say no to it and we have to make it a central issue.
We have to rebuke what is the left and understand it is a corporately funded amalgamation of dehumanization for the transhumanist.
And this whole movement is a transhumanist, anti-God, anti-human system.
We have to rally against it, we have to expose it, we have to fight it.
We'll be right back.
All right, we are back live.
I looked into Malthus, the father of Malthusian depopulation agenda.
Can't find anywhere where he's a Catholic.
He went to Oxford, which is Anglican.
So there you go.
I just hear this stuff and I'm just like, what?
And I mean, regardless, there's a new world order system that's permeating everything that wants to get rid of human life.
And I understand I bring up assisted suicide or forced suicide.
People call it and make it a religious issue or a spiritual issue, and that's fine.
There is that major aspect to it.
But what I'm saying is, it's the New World Order wanting to make us commodities and see each other as worthless, so nobody stands up for each other.
And how this is a culture of death, and obviously that's a spiritual issue.
I just spent the first 30 minutes before I took call saying that.
I'm talking about how evil these people are, even from a non-religious view, that they want to kill children, and how they say there's too many of us.
We should be against this!
But they have these selfish people that serve the system.
They really believe if we kill a bunch of people, they'll get more.
Or, oh, cities are too big.
That's why we have so much.
It's because we have cities and all these groups of people together developing and building things and dreaming of things and wanting things.
They're telling you, oh, no, no, you shouldn't go on vacation.
You shouldn't have a car.
You shouldn't have an air conditioner.
They're trying to get you to accept nothing.
I'm trying to get you to accept rolling over and dying and turning off your life force.
They're really villainous people.
We all know villains want to steal from you.
Villains want to hurt children.
Villains want to starve people.
Villains want to spy on you.
Villains want to control you.
When you go down a checklist of corporate media and governments and systems, they are the worst people ever by any common sense.
And suddenly that's all being forgotten.
And we're being told to just accept all these tyrannies is good.
That's what I'm talking about.
What do we do about the state saying they own our children, oh and they want to kill them?
Christian in California on assisted suicide and what the public schools are pushing.
Thanks for calling.
Yes, hi.
This is Alex.
So you want to go on air and talk or?
Can you hear me?
Yeah, sure dude.
Oh, sorry.
I'm in the mountains of San Diego.
I totally understand.
It's great.
How are you doing today?
How are you?
I'm all right.
I'm just, you know, they're now officially saying they want to kill all the children.
Just go ahead.
I am a single mother of three children, one on the way cooking still.
So I know exactly how this is.
I fight with my family a lot about it.
And I think being in public school, I have a hard time with that and being the kids being influenced by The kinds of things that they want to instill in our children, which is where it starts from the base.
You want to start somewhere, that's where you do it.
And I have a hard time with trying to get that word out, because the public has made it so hard to fight, even against your family, which is mainly what is happening.
And they're tearing families apart, which is single-izing us, so we have no support system.
As a mother of three children, it is so scary and I don't want to have my kids in public school and my family, you know, breathed down my neck and my friends and all of it.
And it is, it's hard to know what to do when they make it so that you have nobody to support you and assisted suicide.
That's crazy.
What parent would even think that they could do that to their children?
For one, I don't, It's a scary world, and it makes me wonder even having kids, but I know something my dad said a long time ago.
He said, you can't think of it that way.
God has a bigger plan, and he is bigger than all of it.
Well, you just said it.
I mean, I played a couple months ago a clip of Paul Ehrlich, who's like the rock star leader of the New World Orderly Population Movement in 1970.
On National TV saying, we're going to raise taxes and cut off the resources to the point where the average person can't afford to have children, and that's our plan.
And we're going to destroy the family.
We're going to discredit men and women.
We're going to put all the women in the workforce to control them.
They just sit up there and they admit it all.
And it's so nasty.
Those type of people have a bunch of kids and live in big houses and they've got money.
They're literally training you to be a slave and acting like you having a life is bad.
They are villainous, greedy, just horrible people that, again, moral grandstand like they're in charge and we just bow down to them because they have unlimited central bank money.
That's the only reason they can force feed all this.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Jason in Canada.
Jason, you're on the air.
Hey, so the book is called The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code.
It's written by George Ennis and Michael Grodin.
Now, in it, there's a specific quote that I'm going to read.
It's very quick.
The whole spectrum of normal representatives of the medical profession was involved, and they all knew what they did.
A medical profession who accepts mass murder of sick people as a normality and to a large
degree explicitly approves of it as a necessary justified act for the sake of community has
failed and betrayed its mission.
Such a medical profession as a whole has become morally guilty no matter how many members
of the profession directly or indirectly participated in the killing of sick people in a legal sense.
Well, you're right.
The entire beginning of the Nazis, when they got power in 33, was about killing shit people and setting the precedent to do that.
And so this is very Nazi-esque, what we're seeing.
He dropped off.
Great point.
Well, I'm opening the phones up.
Nick in Tennessee.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
This is Nick Anonymous of the Neo Anonymous Truth Source on Substack.
How are you doing today?
Go ahead, sir.
Thanks for calling.
Yeah, I wrote an article about this euthanasia back in December called the Soylent Green Agenda.
Basically, I did a lot of research and analysis on this topic.
The Campaign Life Coalition in Canada revealed very recently that the doctors who were promoting assisted suicide, they wrote an article, I quoted, it says, It says, Dr. Moreau Gredrell, I'm probably pronouncing that wrong, President of the Quebec College of Physicians, is not only pushing for the infanticide of sick, deformed babies, but he is calling for euthanasia for sick children ages 14 and up.
We told you about the Quebec infanticide proposal after Dr. Gredrell's colleague, Lewis Roy addressed a federal parliamentary committee on October 8th.
More recently, on November 18th, Dr. Grijal spoke to that same committee of MPs and Senators where he repeated the demand for infanticide of sick and dying and deformed babies and also added the demand for killing sick 14 to 17 year olds.
So, they want to basically Not only kill children, they want to kill babies.
They want to kill them when they come out of the womb.
This is euthanasia.
Well, you hear all the transgender cults saying, we know when a baby's born if it's trans, and they just put it into the shoot, into the road, into the database.
Be destroyed by the system and they call it a right and celebrate it everywhere when it's chemical sterilization, chemical castration.
I mean, just look at what we've become.
Look what we've put up with because we're worried about being criticized by the corporate media that 95, 94% of people hate.
92% will hate Congress.
The whole system's hated.
No one supports it but the little managerial class of professors and sociologists and psychologists and the minions of the system.
That's all there is, is these people that signed on to this for a little bit of power.
And they're all just the most disgusting people.
It's disgusting.
I wrote an article about this.
I suggest everybody go read it.
It's called the Soylent Green Agenda.
Alright, on Substack, you can find my work at Nick Anonymous.
It's probably pretty simple.
You just go to Substack and put in the Soylent Green Agenda, we'll pull it up, and I look forward to reading it.
Thank you so much, sir, and I appreciate your call.
Anything else you'd like to add?
No, I want to say you're absolutely right about the Nazi, that one caller who said about the Jesuits, that's not correct at all.
You're absolutely right.
The Nazis created a group called the Annenerbe.
and the Annenerbe were an organization by the SS that Hitler created to study the occult.
They were creating basically these crazy, insane agencies to investigate the occult
and to go all over the world and study the occult. They were occultists.
They were not... The Nazis... Well, exactly.
The founders of the Nazi Party said they wanted to get rid of religion, period.
And particularly Christianity.
They wanted to go back to an occultic, druidic type animus system.
But look, I'm not saying the Pope, when Mussolini was in control of Hitler, didn't go along with it.
I'm not saying they didn't take over the... I'm not defending the Jesuits.
It's just to say that Hitler was a Jesuit is not true.
It's not true.
Alright, I appreciate your call.
Hitler was a devil worshipper.
Hitler was into the occult and dark mysticism.
Did the Catholic Church help get Nazis out?
Because the U.S.
government asked them to.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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The only way we fail is not taking action.
God bless you. Now please visit InfoWarsTore.com and experience these powerful products for yourself.
If you think the awakening we've seen so far is big, this planet and the globalists have not seen anything yet!
We're aware of your activities, trying to muzzle the American people and gaming your search results.
Google is evil.
We now take the challenge, not to censor like you do, but to stand against you and to fight even harder for our birthright that you are trying to steal!
Remember this.
You killed your profession by becoming nothing but mercenaries for the globalists, and people know that you're fake news, many of you.
Now, with you trying to kill the First Amendment, you're making yourself true villains.
You've declared war on the First Amendment!
You've declared war on free speech!
Since when?
There are hundreds of doctors unable to have press conferences in America and they take it off YouTube, they take it off Google, they take it off Twitter, they take it off Facebook.
There is a giant crackdown that even the New York Times calls it a crackdown on conservatives and a plan to de-platform conservatives from the internet and communicating with each other just like communist China.
I'm here to expose this fraud.
I'm here, just like the Congress has hearings about me, I go there.
And I get in their face and I expose the truth and that's what I'm gonna do.
We had over 40 million subscribers on Apple.
That was our biggest thing with my three podcasts.
Those were all banned.
The most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
I want you to get up now.
I want all of you to get up out of your chairs.
I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore!
I want you to get up right now!
Stick your head out of the window!
Open it and stick your head out and keep yelling and yell!
I'm as mad as hell!
I'm not going to take this anymore!
Just get up from your chairs right now!
Go to the window!
Where are you going?
I don't want to see if anybody's yelling!
Open it and stick your head out and yell and keep yelling!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
from the front lines of the InfoWar.
The young generation, like Prime Minister Trudeau, half of the Skabandon, are actually
young Nobel leaders of the world economy.
So if we penetrate the cabinet, the change is not just happening.
The change can be shaped by us.
We have to prepare for a more angry world.
How to prepare?
To take the necessary action to create a fairer world.
I see the need for a great reset.
So people assume we are just going back to the good old world which we had and everything will be normal again.
This is, let's say, fiction.
It will not happen.
There is only one way this pandemic is going to go.
It's going to get worse and worse and worse.
Pay insufficient attention.
To the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.
The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.
He, two and a half years ago, began predicting what is now unfolding.
Edward Dowd is our guest for the hour.
Dowd Ward on Twitter.
Edward Dowd on Getter.
And I really appreciate him joining us.
He is a former Wall Street professional at HSBC and BlackRock as well as other groups.
He worked all over Wall Street, sell-side, buy-side, expert in fixed income and equities capital markets.
He's currently exposing the New World Order.
He came on a couple years ago and said, "Soon I'll bring out big insurance company whistleblowers
that are going to show a massive increase in death around the world."
Now those numbers have been confirmed by governments and other insurance companies, and he's delivered
the last year of the whistleblowers to congressional and state hearings and other hearings, as
he said he would do.
So he has a lot of credibility, not just for his predictions, but also delivering these
huge whistleblowers, similar to what Attorney Renz and others have done.
So he's here with us to cover two subjects that are obviously intertwined.
The banking crisis, what's really behind it, the question will it go fast or slow, they
now admit it's about central bank digital currencies, they now admit, I've got the quotes
here all over the news, here's Kevin O'Leary on Fox, that it's a transition going to be
occurring for a new banking system, and then how that ties into the whole depopulation
program to get rid of the useless feeders in the establishment's view.
Canada said they're going to euthanize children without parental consent, even healthy children.
I mean, this is a real death cult, but humanity's rallying and fighting against it.
As bad as it is, the system admits They think they're getting their ass kicked.
I'm not saying we're winning, but we're definitely in the fight.
The hottest issues in the world are the New World Order, the central bank digital currencies, the poison shots, the depopulation.
So at least if we're going down, we're not going down without a fight.
So Edward Dowd, thank you so much for joining us.
You've got the floor.
Great to be here.
Thanks for having me on, Alex.
So look, bottom line, this started in 2019.
There was a repo crisis.
Overnight, lending rates exploded, and the system was going to unwind then.
Then luckily for the system, COVID came along and allowed central banks and politicians to spend unprecedented amounts of money, and that saved the system until now.
And what we're seeing going on was baked into the cake.
It was inevitable.
It's a global sovereign debt collapse.
And in November of last year, we saw something happen that hasn't happened since 1930.
What is that?
That's money supply.
M2, year-over-year growth rate, went below zero.
This is the fifth time it's happened, and the other four times since 1868 were associated with financial panics.
And what preceded all those panics where it was a great inflationary speculative time, the stock market went to new all-time highs in January of 22.
And so now we see what's what's going on.
And it's beyond everyone's control, the Fed, the governments.
So the question is, can they control the implosion?
And I suspect they want to do it slow over time so they can grab power.
If it happens too quick, it's Katie bar the door and then they lose control.
So I can't predict whether it's going to be fast or slow.
I think they're going to try for the slow route.
Now, I meant when I asked you to come on last week, it took a few days to get you on, I appreciate you coming on, to tell our archivist, who does a splendid job, to go back to the last three or four times you were on, you specifically predicted it, and you were on, I think about three months ago, and you said you basically thought it was already beginning, you were on about a month and a half ago, you said the same thing, but listeners remember you said that, how did you know that and extrapolate that out?
Well, look, the central banking system is a multi-generational Ponzi scheme.
And it's basically a system that requires constant credit creation and constant flow.
It's not the money stock or the supply.
It's it needs constant growth.
And without that growth, it implodes.
And it's been growing.
You know, in 1913, we established the Federal Reserve.
We had one last panic in 1930, but we haven't had money supply go below zero since then.
We had World War II, which helped the system.
Then we had the delinking from gold in the 70s, which gave it another breath of life.
And the dollar, the fiat currency world reserve system is in every corner of the world.
So there's really no place for the dollar to go anymore.
And now it implodes on itself.
So it's just math.
And here we are.
And the signposts are M2 going below zero.
And I put a tweet out about a month and a half ago.
I was tracking a setup, a multi-asset class setup.
It was bonds, the dollar, and stocks.
And it's triggered.
So it's just, it is what it is.
It's unavoidable and, you know, the hope is that it's slow for all of us because that gives us more time to fight the powers that be and get a seat at the table.
If it goes quick, there'll be panic.
And, you know, I can't predict what happens then.
You broke this down a few years ago here on the show.
And you wrote a book about it.
We'll talk about the book in a moment where you don't look at Why?
You just look at what the facts are, but as a human, as a smart guy, you can talk about clearly the reason here.
Not just to create a bunch of new money and trillions to be able to pump out and prop themselves up, but also the obsession with being able to get rid of large groups of people.
How do they think that helps them?
Because Elon Musk says, no, we need 2.1 humans for every group out there, or we won't produce An infrastructure for the future, but the globalists want to collapse infrastructure.
So are they trying to have a control collapse?
And why do they fear a successful economy?
I mean, why are they doing this?
Well, so here's the thing.
It was going to collapse regardless of what anybody could do.
So again, I didn't put this in my book because it's opinion and speculation.
My book just basically details the horrific crime of the mRNA vaccines and that it is what it is and it's happening.
But here's my opinion.
COVID was a very clever way of introducing a control system.
You know, let's say if they were completely successful and they haven't been in the US, but other countries they are, you shut down the ability to travel, you shut down the ability to gather, you shut down the ability to communicate and you bring in censorship.
So everyone's confused and addled while the financial system collapses.
You can blame a virus And now we have wars coming.
They'll blame those.
But the bottom line is the system is collapsing.
And everything you see going on, in my humble opinion, lays at the feet of central bankers and politicians.
And they're going to do everything in their power to point the finger at something else.
And it's just the system is at its end.
And they want, and you know, if you're in power and the system is going to collapse, and you know it is, and it can't be avoided, wouldn't it be nice to control that collapse and usher in a new system where you're on top?
And it's a consolidation of wealth and power.
And it's not every oligarch that we see in the newspaper is in the club, because a lot of these oligarchs unfortunately took the jab, but they didn't get saline solution.
There are oligarchs that are freaking out.
Because if you didn't get the memo on the COVID And that's key to explain because there's different compartmentalized power structures that don't trust the other groups even though they're still invested in the same consortium.
There's a lot of different overlapping Factions here and I would say the dominant faction is the British Empire biomedical complex that owns the military, industrial complex, the banking complex, but there are major factions and groups that own portions of it who are not in that central group.
And there's more Chi-Com allied groups, there's Russia allied groups, there's some other rogue independent family groups, so absolutely So many of the people even serving the system that are billionaires have been given the money generationally and are basically useful idiots.
A lot of them leftists who actually believe they're building a utopia when actually they're building the end of the world as we know it.
Yeah, what happened in Silicon Valley Bank was interesting.
I mean, basically, the government just took over Silicon Valley, in my estimation.
I mean, that won't be apparent for a while, but the government has now got their, they took over Wall Street in the Great Financial Crisis, now they took over Silicon Valley.
And these people think that they're in control, but they're not.
All right, stay there, because I've seen some analysts say this is not just a bailout, this is the beginning of nationalization of banks.
Amber Dowd, stay right there.
Let's talk about what this means to the average person, how we organize to get a seat at the
You're absolutely right.
That's a perfect way of saying it.
This whole broadcast is about informing enough people to know how the world really works
so we can actually go to the globals and say, "Hey, we have a seat at the table.
Stay with us."
I don't say this to say, "Oh, look, we got the new old order scared."
Aren't we powerful?
No, it's the opposite.
That makes it even more dangerous.
This multi-generational, giant, globalist, money laundering Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff or Sam Bankman Freed blush is coming to an end.
And so will they use a world war to Cover it up.
Will they use a cyber attack they claim brings down all the banking systems?
Will they use a bank run?
I keep saying that every day, and now here we are.
And we know they're nationalizing the banks.
We know they're making this move.
So we just can't sit here dumbfounded watching this.
We have to be aware of it and have strategies to expose their agenda so we don't accept their solutions, which is giving the end of their Ponzi scheme, an even bigger Ponzi scheme, with these programmable digital currencies that track and control and manipulate every facet of our lives.
I mean, even try to quantify how bad these are is dizzying.
If Edward Dowd, who's been at the tip of the spear exposing this, How do they extricate themselves?
Because when I look at their body language, they look scared.
They know the public's woken up to them by and large.
They know they don't have any way to fix this anymore.
Studying history, what do you think they're going to do?
And how do we stop them from doing something really reckless?
Well, let's talk about the banks.
So, you know, right now the regional banks are in trouble.
Why are they in trouble?
And also the big banks are in trouble, but they're less risky because they're systemically important banks.
What happened was these banks drew zero interest rate policy for, you know, the better part of 13-14 years, were forced to buy low interest rate bonds.
The deposits were at zero, so everyone was happy, fat, and lazy, making money, clipping the spread between zero on your deposit and, you know, one and a half percent, two percent on the bonds.
Well, interest rates have risen to five percent, In less than a year, and they're now exposed to not credit risks this time credit risk in the great financial crisis was bad bonds, bad fraudulent bonds all over the banking system.
This time it's called duration or interest rate risk.
So they've lost a ton of money on the bonds as interest rates have risen.
It's just simple bond math.
So they're kind of upside down.
Their deposits are going the wrong way now.
So what I think is gonna happen is all these regional banks are gonna get into trouble
and then the Fed and the government will use that as an excuse to come in and nationalize them
and/or consolidate them into the six.
systemically important banks.
And that way it's easier to introduce a digital central bank digital currency
with only six or seven banks in the U.S.
So that I think whether it's a plan or that's what's going to happen doesn't
matter, but that's the path I see.
Do you agree with me that we're at a major historic inflection point right now?
So I put out, I've been putting out tweets the last couple of weeks saying that the
The awakening is clicking along at a very fast pace.
And given my seat in this moment in time with my book on the mRNA vaccines and my talks about the financial system, Over the last couple weeks in my LinkedIn messaging system, executives from HSBC, major market strategists from Wall Street are saying, great job on your work, I agree with you.
So there seems to be a dawning of light over yonder, over some people's heads that something is going on.
And you know, you and I used to be called crazy.
And conspiracy theorists.
But I have never seen so many credentialed conspiracy theorists in all my life now admitting that something's going on.
And these are people in the system who didn't realize what the system was doing to them.
Now they're waking up.
And that's how this that's how we win.
We have a lot of these people that are useful dupes who are now waking up and they're mad.
And it's good.
And I think it's really because people know the shot is poisonous and that they did create the virus.
And people realize, well, it's one thing to be corrupt and go along with something to fix things and kind of rationalize it.
But when you know it's a Malthusian depopulation death cult you're in, you go, wait, I'm not in the cult.
And so there's kind of a learning curve that's exponential right now.
Yeah, absolutely.
And I've been saying for months now, once Wall Street figures out they've been poisoned, they're going to be mad.
And there are people at the mid-level, some of the senior-level people who weren't in the club, they're starting to get awakened to the horrific tragedy that just occurred.
And let's talk about this depopulation thing.
That there was a depopulation plan.
But I like to look at facts.
At this point, given the excess mortality, the disabilities, and we're going to release soon a report on absence rate and work time loss.
So there's three buckets.
Dead, disabled, and chronically sick.
Whether or not this was a plan, there is now a de facto depopulation going on.
Regardless of whether it was a plan or not, it's happening.
So we don't need to get into the debate about who or why it is.
So that people need to be alerted to that and fertility rates are dropping.
We haven't done the work on that yet, but there are other people doing the work.
So this is this is a it's astronomical.
I mean, it's all big Australian government report confirming insurance companies yesterday saying a 26% increase in mortality, the biggest increase ever in the last two years.
Yeah, so 10% as famously quoted by Scott Davison, CEO of One America in January of 22.
He said 10% is a once in a 200 year flood.
We've seen 40% excess mortality rates, and I think the globe is currently running around 20 to 25% excess mortality in Western countries that have been vaccinated.
And that's a disaster.
And if this continues, we don't need to get into, is there a depopulation plan?
It's just a de facto depopulation.
It is.
And it's surreal to sit here and see governments admit that.
I mean, the biggest death rate ever And I guess what you're saying is the managerial class is going, wait, we were supposed to be part of this plan.
We were supposed to be like the Jetsons and bring in this liberal New World Order.
Now they're finding out, no, it isn't like that.
No, it's not like that.
And the betrayal here is so, so stark.
We have to think maybe out of the box here.
Maybe that was the intent.
To bring down all world governments and then bring in a new system from left field and the Harare's and the Bond villain Klaus Schwab, they get offered to us as a victory lap.
But really, we have to watch for the people out of left field to come out of nowhere.
I'm still waiting for those people to appear on the scene again.
You know, maybe the plan was to betray everybody and cause global governments to collapse.
I don't know, but that is definitely something that might happen.
We got two long segments coming up here.
What are we going to cover when we come back?
We can go into the report we're going to drop in the next day or two.
On absence rates and work time lost rates.
It's just another piece to the puzzle.
We're going to tie death, disabilities and chronically sick.
The vaccine is the only answer.
I declared on Twitter yesterday that the debate is over and we act as if we're right and we don't, we're no longer going to talk to people who want to start questioning our data.
It just is.
So we're moving on and there's some people are never going to be convinced and those people won't be convinced until it appears in the Wall Street Journal.
We're done.
The proof is in.
It's the vaccine and it's happening.
And the question is, what's the public going to do when they find out?
Because that is a very dangerous prospect for not just the establishment, but everybody.
What happens when the general public that's starting to happen learns what's been done to them?
Stay with us.
All right, there's a paradox here, and I want to be very clear about it.
I forget who said it, but I think it was a famous American statesman, maybe it was a British statesman.
Maybe the crew can look it up.
Who said, justice be done, may the heavens fall?
We can find out real quick.
And you're just gonna do the right thing, but I've always known that if we expose the globalist agenda before they rolled all of it out, we had their own documents, that we would have a better chance of defeating that agenda.
Except the problem is then they double down and execute their agenda recklessly because they never give up.
But you can't just roll over and let them do it.
So you got to fight them.
But then they still execute it even though their system's collapsing.
So I guess whatever's left after this, maybe we have a better chance of rebuilding.
I don't know.
But it may get us all killed.
I mean, I just try to do what's right.
I can't think past, you know, 20, 30 moves ahead.
But that's where we are.
Their whole agenda is falling apart.
They're scared.
So they're starting giant wars.
They're trying to create so many crises that it distracts us from the fact that they're the guilty ones for all the financial fraud and robbing us.
But then it actually undermines their own power in the process.
It's a real conundrum because I'm as smart as they are.
Edward Dowd's as smart as the globalists are.
He didn't choose to serve evil.
You're smart out there.
It's why you're tuned in.
I'm not patronizing.
It's true.
I think so much of it is these elites are third, fourth generation rich kids.
So they have educations and things, but really they're not that smart.
And they're almost in a runaway train that was set up for them and following an old eugenics model that's a couple hundred years old.
And there's just got to be some way to get our own elites and our own systems and people that are mid-level to go, hey, let's take the old guys out of positions of power.
Let's not kill them.
Let's just not follow their orders.
And that happens a lot in the military, historically.
And let's just not destroy ourselves.
So all I know is, I don't have all the answers, but I know the way we're going with them, we can't do it.
But at the same time, we've got to have a new plan or a new idea.
So I'm kind of just putting out what's happening in my mind here.
Because all these politicians will say they've got a perfect plan and everything's great.
Just do what I say.
That's a lie, folks.
This is so complex that Nobody has the answers but God.
So I think you get where I'm going with this, Edward Dowd.
Continue wherever you want to go.
Yeah, so we have a choice, right?
We try to get a seat at the table or we create our own table.
And I look at this, you know, use the movie The Matrix as an analogy.
You want to be either your Neo working with the machines, because, you know, if you follow the Matrix trilogy, he ended up working with the machine to defeat Agent Smith.
But who was Agent Smith?
Agent Smith represents anarchy and you want it out of the system.
So are we going to become Neo and work with the machines or Agent Smith and create our own alternative system?
I don't know yet, but we have to be prepared for both.
And if they don't give us a seat at the table, we become Agent Smith.
We want out of the system.
That's, that's where this goes, I think, ultimately.
I mean, Edward, you got a lot of ideas.
Just continue with what where you think it's going, what we should know.
Yeah, so right now, my biggest concern is the awakening and the financial crisis is going to quicken that because when money starts to go south, And economic turbulence happens, people start to pay attention again.
And a lot of people are going to start to look at alternative independent news when they become dissatisfied with what's going on in the mainstream media.
And they're going to find you, they're going to find me, and they're going to start to be exposed to this vaccine disaster that we've been documenting that's been hidden from them.
The censorship is killing them.
And when they find that out, and I think that's starting to happen and that spreads, they're going to be angry.
And those of us who already know, we need to have compassion for them.
We also need to keep calm and centered and not have fear.
We, as much as, and I know it's hard to ask people to do this, who have life savings and whatnot, and they're worried about their financial future, but you got to live in the present moment.
Like you said earlier, we can't go way out into the future because there lies the devil, anxiety, and depression.
So we just have to stay in the present moment.
We need to continue to, um, You know, fight the fight and give the results over to God.
That's what I do every day.
People ask me, what do you think is going to happen?
I go, I can tell you what I think, but I'm going to continue doing what I'm doing regardless of what the outcome is.
And the book I wrote, Cause Unknown, is to save as many lives as possible and prevent people from getting boosters.
And if at the end of the day, that's all I did, and then I end up, you know, leaving the scene, then I did my job.
And that's all I can ask for.
There's so many things to bring up, so many questions, but I'd rather just, what else is on your mind?
You've got the floor.
So right now, Janet Yellen is meeting with, I think, Congress or Senators right now.
One of the other problems we have is the deficit.
So the deficits are exploding to an unprecedented amount.
And the question is, who's going to buy these treasuries?
Well, I suspect The US citizens are going to end up buying them.
And how do I know that?
Because it's going to crowd out other investments as we go forward in this collapse.
So why not go where they want you to go?
I've been recommending to people who are worried about their finances.
If you're under the insured amount in your bank, don't worry about the bank.
You'll be fine.
If you have more money and you have retirement accounts, it's not a bad idea to move it over to money markets, which are short term instruments.
And also potentially do what's called Treasury Direct, where you can buy three-month T-bills and just roll them over.
Because ultimately, the deficit spending is going to crowd out all other investment.
We're going into a deflationary period.
All financial risk assets are going down.
So you might as well do what the big boys are going to do.
They're going to be in cash.
They're going to wait until the panic button when the headlines come out that the world's ending and buy like JP Morgan of old did.
Buy when there's blood in the street.
So rather than retail doing what they normally do, retail meaning us, sell at the bottom on the fear, prepare for the fear and the mongering and then buy with the big boys at the bottom.
So that's what I've been telling people to do.
This is going to take some time and there's going to be lots of headlines that everything's okay, everything's okay, but ultimately this just ends up going a lot lower.
And I don't see any way out of it.
And if I do, I'll alert everybody that maybe they fixed it.
But there's no way they can fix the system.
Well, you know, I go off body language.
And if you look at the Federal Reserve people and other central bank heads in Europe, they look like they saw a ghost.
You know, look, I don't even think I think they don't even understand the system that they've been tasked with.
I think the people that created this back in the day understand how it works.
But the people who actually run these organizations are literally panicking.
And I made an analogy.
It's going to be whack-a-mole, and they're going to try to prevent the system from collapsing.
And that's why I think it'll be slower.
And I hope it is slower.
But every time they plug the dike, a new hole is going to burst in the dam, and it's eventually going to break.
So it's a question of speed.
And I don't think these people even know what's going on.
But when the money supply year over year growth rate goes below zero, it's the fifth time since 1868.
All other times have been associated with bank runs and collapses and financial panics.
So here we are.
And, you know, if you want to if you want to question me, just remember, everything was hunky dory, according to everybody in the press.
And all of a sudden we have a bank failure out of nowhere, out of nowhere.
And how did that happen?
Well, because they've been hiding it and hiding it and hiding it and finally the damn broke and it's even alarming them how quick it's going.
And now the dominoes are going down everywhere.
Where do you think the next dominoes are going to manifest?
Not just in Credit Suisse, but all over the place.
So the regional banks are going to have problems in the U.S.
There's all sorts of systemic banks across Europe that are in big, big trouble.
You can remember the European Central Bank forced A lot of these institutions to buy negative interest rate bonds.
So just imagine how many losses there are hidden in those banks.
My biggest concern is a country going kaput, meaning there's a currency run on one of the sovereign debt default.
Yes, and that's when the real action happens, because that's beyond anybody's control.
Who do you think is the weakest right now?
What would that domino be?
It could be a smaller country, but we need to watch Japan.
Japan has been in demographic decline.
They've had unprecedented monetary stimulus, and if the Japanese bond market goes, then the whole world goes.
So, watch Japan.
I agree.
The European Union, Central Bank had a month ago said they're on the edge of destruction.
I mean, that could be the EU, right?
It could be the EU.
I would watch them as well.
The other thing we need to worry about is China.
China hit a demographic wall in 2020, coincidentally enough with COVID.
Stand there.
Let's talk about that.
And then what will they do if they hit the launch of war?
We'll be right back.
All right, I got a ton of news in the next hour, a lot of clips.
I'm going to move the phones up as well.
Edward Dowd's our guest for another 11 minutes.
But I didn't want us to be hit flat-footed.
It's probably been almost 29 years exposing this.
So at least humanity's somewhat awake right now.
I want to get back into China here in a moment, other contagions of financial collapse, but also real contagions.
But I also am Bullied and empowered and reassured by thousands of FBI whistleblowers, whistleblowers in every other agency, in corporations, in academia, and Dr. Redfield, the former head of the CDC, coming out and saying it was gain of function.
They lied.
It was made by the U.S.
It was shipped to China.
Fauci's lying.
Took a lot of courage.
They might kill him for that.
I mean, this is rare stuff we're seeing just last week.
And despite the corporate media ignoring it, it went viral everywhere.
Hundreds of millions of views in the aggregate just of what I saw with that courage.
And that's contagious.
So when you've got former heads of agency saying this is all a lie, that really shows that there's still humanity left, Edward.
Yeah, I agree.
And we need to see more and more people do that in the system.
And again, the system needs to understand something.
Do you want us to be Neo or Agent Smith?
It's their choice.
If they don't let us have a seat at the table and put the people in jail responsible for this, then we'll all become Agent Smiths.
And I don't think they want that because that won't end well for them.
So they need to start.
Whistleblowers need to come out.
The system needs to create NEOs and expose this.
Otherwise, It's going to get ugly.
So I would rather see whistleblowers exposing the darkness within these institutions and taking down and putting people in jail that need to go to jail.
Because if there's no justice, then it's Agent Smith time and it's anarchy.
And you know, I don't control history, but I'll choose, I'll either be a NEO or an Agent Smith, depending upon what the establishment decides to do.
It's their call.
How would you envision an armistice or a meeting where the globalists stop ignoring us and stop acting like they mismanage things and we actually try to develop a new system to get out of this that isn't a central bank digital currency predatory system?
Why not create a new renaissance?
Why not bet on what empowered humanity?
Why do they keep betting?
I mean, here's a classic example.
The federal judge That's not a sign of strength, it's not a weakness.
Why don't they at some point stop?
They just keep doubling down, doubling down, doubling down, even though it's not working.
And so I guess the point I get to is, why don't they know how to give up?
Because they're their own worst enemy.
Here's the microcosm.
The Feds want face scanning cameras everywhere, but then the face scanning cameras expose them, and then they've got to try to stop the face scanning camera evidence coming in.
So they build these systems and pretend like they're not going to be under them as well.
I think that's the greatest delusion of tyrants.
That's what chivalry is about.
Chivalry is not some wimpy thing where we say, don't target women and children, and don't use chemical and biological weapons or nukes.
We want to kill each other, let's do it as men, let's not destroy the system.
So it's like again, they have deployed things that are too dangerous and then they're the
problem, then they pointed us, the reformers, and say we're the problem. That's just stupid.
I agree. The evil, the seeds of destruction for evil are always within evil itself.
So evil goes too far and it destroys itself.
So you're exactly right.
Your analogy on the face scan cameras is exactly what's going on with the vaccine issue.
I mean, they couldn't include everybody.
If it was a plan, and I don't know, but let's say it was a plan, they couldn't tell everybody not to take it because then word would get out.
So now all of a sudden, all these people that thought they were serving a just system are now waking up to the fact they've just been poisoned.
So evil itself implodes on itself.
So, we have to make sure that that implosion doesn't take us out.
And that's why I'm saying to people, remain calm, stay centered, focus on spirituality and God, and you'll be fine.
Because, you know, evil is its own worst enemy, because it doesn't do the work internally.
And that's what all of us need to do.
You need to look at yourself first, because we're always our own worst enemy.
Once you get right with God and yourself, then you're able to help other people.
And that's what I've been trying to do.
I was part of the system.
I had no idea what I was doing.
I wanted to make a lot of money and I, you know, I used to drink too much and I was 60 pounds overweight and self-satisfied and that didn't end well for me and, you know, here I am now trying to help people.
So that's what everybody needs to do internally.
Back to the last point before the break, China as a contagion and I know it's hard to guess what's the, I mean I see the car loans to me seems like a big fever blister showing the internal sickness that we're seeing record level defaults on car loans, big car loan companies going under.
Am I right to say that's another big domino?
Yeah, that's a domino.
Look, China's a disaster.
Their whole business model is predicated upon us relocating factories to their cheap labor, and they had population growth.
Well, they hit a demographic wall in 2020.
2020, they created a ton of debt.
And that debt was beneficial at first because it created manufacturing facilities.
Then the great financial crisis came and they created more debt that really went to ghost cities
and infrastructure projects to nowhere.
So now that debt's coming home, the bill is now has to be paid,
they're imploding economically, and their greatest fear has always been its own people.
So if you want to stay in power, what do you do during an economic collapse?
You create a boogeyman.
Who's that boogeyman?
That's us.
So unfortunately, the central banking system is so inherently unstable because of the debt You know, the debt can't grow to the moon and eventually collapses on itself.
It creates war.
War is a result of the central banking system.
Regardless of whether people will agree with me or not, it just is.
It creates war because people do what people do.
They want to stay in power and they create conflict to take the eyeball off them.
That was my next question.
What's your prognosis on the Ukraine war?
Well, that's a sham.
I've not spoken a lot about the Ukraine war because I'm focused on the vaccine issue.
I don't want people to come at me, but I'll give you my two cents in my opinion.
I've been watching you for years.
You documented what was going on in the Ukraine in 2014.
It was a color revolution.
The CIA was involved.
It's basically an oligarchy where we give USAID and then the politicians in D.C.
basically money launder that.
I'm sorry.
That's what it is.
And now it's now in plain sight.
We gave $100 billion to these clowns, and they can't seem to be able to have enough ammunition for the war.
Where the hell did the money go?
Well, we know where it went.
It went to FTX.
It was recirculated through there.
So it's a money laundering scheme, writ large.
We're at end of days with the Washington, D.C.
Those crooks need to come to justice at some point.
What do you make of the last two minutes we have left on the state of the world.
I mean, how would you quantify where we're at right now? There's a huge awakening, evil's
flailing, trying to maintain control.
I think we should collectively realize how much danger we're in and just stop it.
Well, to quote a novel, "It's the best of times, it's the worst of times."
Why is that?
Because you and I have been, you know, knowing that this was coming and we felt alone.
But now, now that the crisis is here, humanity is waking up and we have a real opportunity to create a renaissance where Worse don't happen, starvation doesn't happen, and we create a society where everybody has an opportunity to participate because the current system doesn't do that.
It basically accumulates wealth at the top.
Wallet claims it's liberal all day when it's the most illiberal thing ever seen.
And I'm not talking about communism.
I'm talking about true capitalism, true ability to, you know, at least have a shot at steering your own destiny if you work hard.
Right now, being a laborer in the U.S.
economy is a fool's game.
People who have gotten rich have been close to the central bank money machine printer.
Those who deal in money changing and loans and speculation and hedge funds.
Those are the people that have done well.
Corporate executives at C-suites.
This has been a zombie economy ever since the Great Financial Crisis, globally and in the U.S.
So something has to change because that's why Trump came to power and was elected.
Uh, Trump understood that zeitgeist and he took advantage of it.
And Trump was a result of the feeling of unease in the country that something had gone off the rails.
The greatest thing he ever did for us was by going in there, he was not part of the club.
And they were so frightened of him not being part of the club and that he might upset their gravy train.
That's why we had Russia gave, and that's why they tried to impeach him.
Whether you love Trump or hate Trump, the greatest service he ever did was showing so many of us how corrupt the system was.
He made them reveal themselves.
They had to come out from the shadows.
All right, Edward Dowd, again, your book.
People should get the book.
Tell them about the book.
The book, Cause Unknown, The Epidemic of Sudden Death in 2021 and 2022.
I wrote it for my loved ones to convince them that the vaccine is killing people, disabling people.
And if you already know what I know, buy it for your loved ones and hand it out.
It's basically, I'm like Paul Revere, the vaccines are killing, the vaccines are killing, I'm on a horse.
And that's because the censorship is so bad.
It's like a pamphlet, you have to kind of hand it out.
That's what we're trying to do.
All right, Edward Dowd, thank you for the time.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Hour number three straight ahead.
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When you have U.S.
Senators in both parties saying, we may need to go ahead and nuke Russia first, and the Russians are aware that's almost happened before, what do you think that makes the Russians do?
Well, it makes them go into war mode.
So I don't like them invading Ukraine.
I don't like him putting his nuclear forces on maximum alert.
Only one level above that on their DEFCON, just like our system, and that's fire the weapons.
And so now we have Democrats all over the news saying let's just use nuclear weapons on Russia.
Think of their ignorance.
Russia has hundreds of submarines off our coast with sea-launched missiles that would vaporize our cities within five minutes
on average of being launched.
Sea-launched cruise missiles that fly at Mach 5.
Land-launched systems they can also launch from ships that are at Mach 9 and cannot be shot down.
And yes, the United States has those too.
That's a Pentagon lie that tries to develop systems that we don't have.
It's on record the U.S.
has those systems.
The point is it's called mutually assured destruction or MAD for a reason.
Because anyone that would violate the MAD doctrine is insane.
And you know, I'm on the side of not having a nuclear war, especially when Russia's not starting a fight with us, and especially after we just heard for years that everything happening in this country is run by Russia, when that was all a giant lie.
The globalists are the outside evil force.
Hello boys and girls.
I have a special message for you from the President of the United States.
We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex.
And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths,
and to secret proceedings.
This is Warren Brongard in our newsroom, and there has been an attempt, as perhaps you
know now, on the life of President Kennedy.
The initial attack on the destroyer Maddox on August 2nd was repeated today.
Psychological warfare operations went into high gear.
In retaliation for this unprovoked attack on the high seas, our forces have struck the bases used by the North Vietnamese patrol craft.
It would allow the president to wage war in Vietnam.
Just run and escape.
In 1976, Flight 455, which took off from Venezuela, bound for Cuba, suddenly exploded.
All 73 passengers and 5 crew members aboard died after the plane crashed near Barclays.
William Colby has been missing since April 27.
His canoe was found washed up on the banks of the Wicomico River April 28.
I don't have to tell you things are bad.
Everybody knows things are bad.
I've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
There it is.
All right, what is the Trilateral Commission?
An organization founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller.
They're really up to is a scheme to plant their own loyal members in positions of power in this country.
To work to erase national boundaries, create an international community, and in time bring about a one world government with David Rockefeller calling the shots.
I understand he was tapped for skull and bones.
Tacked for it.
Sir, he found it, skull and bones.
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore.
We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms.
Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-built-in radios, and I won't say anything.
Just leave us alone.
Well, I'm not going to leave you alone.
I want you to get wrecked!
We have got to fight and stand up!
It's not going to be easy!
But I'll assure you this!
We can, and we will, and we must prevail!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, at the start of the broadcast, a little over two hours ago, I came out with an article at InfoWars.com
Rumors swirl over which Biden family member got three plus million of CCP money directly wired from the Chai comms.
Now it's breaking all over the news today.
And again, they've known Biden is as close to a CHICOM agent as you can get.
I want to be very accurate about this.
The Bidens, the Clintons, they're not CHICOM agents.
They're like a vending machine.
You put money in and you get what you want out.
They're puppets.
But most of the money that they get from the CHICOMs, nobody that I've looked at has got more CHICOM or more Russian money than the Bidens.
I mean, they are, they are like a vending machine.
And I want to see Biden go away.
But I don't want them to turn into a spectacle about, oh, so they can put in their new Democrat operative, Gavin Newsom or whoever.
Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Swallowswell, all of them are on the CHICOM tit.
Hell, most of them are handled by CHICOM spies.
That's like.
Diane Feinstein having to leave the Senate, you know, and CHICOM agents all around her, I mean, these people are.
Beyond traitors.
They don't even join the shy comms because they believe in the ideology.
That's bad enough.
They are part of it because they literally see this country as something to exploit the living daylights out of.
So here's the breaking news.
Here's the Daily Mail, New York Post, ABC News.
I mean, it's all here.
Biden Associates got three million transfer from Chinese company two months after end of VP term.
I mean, they set up a whole new school at Penn State that was endowed by the Chinese government.
I mean, so I mean, you see this stuff.
Oh, three million dollars to Biden from the Moscow mayor.
That's another three million dollars.
It seems that number comes up over and over again.
Like you pay him a half million just to talk to him.
You pay a million to have a meeting with him.
You pay three million just to get your little toe in the door.
Biden associate got three million transfer from Chinese company two months after end of VP term.
Treasury finally hands over Biden family bank records.
The Republicans files reveal Hunter's associate got three million from Chinese energy company two months and then paid out The money to the family members.
Oversight Committee James Comer had revealed he received suspicious activity reports from the Biden family accounts, putting $3 million payment to the Biden associate from a Chinese company.
Comer says Treasury only turned over the materials after threats of transcribed interview with a department official.
House panel set to review Biden family suspicious bank reports.
Biden's banks are required to submit SARs, Suspicious Activity Reports, to the Treasury Department's
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network within 30 days of identifying potentially criminal activity
such as money laundering or tax evasion.
Hunter and James Biden received at least 4.8...
I'll say this again. Hunter and James Biden received at least 4.8 billion...
From CEFC China Energy in 2017-2018.
According to Washington Post, review of the documents from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop.
Good God.
Joe Biden allegedly met in 2017 with Hunter Biden's then business partner, Tony Babalinskio.
I'm pronouncing that wrong.
Discussed the CEFC deal.
Another Hunter Biden associate, James Giller, the same month.
Proposed that 10% of the business deals would be held by H for the big guy.
Man, that's just crazy.
Isn't he the guy that went on before the election with Tucker as a whistleblower?
Yeah, I remember that guy.
Bob Olenski.
And so here's the letter from the Congress of the United States, House of Representatives, Committee on Oversight Accountability.
Meanwhile, Steve Bannon and his business partner, Clock just got raided by the FBI yesterday for trying to raise money to fight the CHICOMS.
And I'm not saying he's perfect.
I don't know.
But it's just an example of how, oh, you're raising money, you say, to fight the CHICOMS, or money to build a wall, which they built part of.
You're bad.
But then if you're getting all this money from the CHICOMS, you're good.
Treasury Department caves.
Oversight Committee Chairman has an update about the Biden family probe.
So we're seeing major, major movement on that front right now.
But again, the Justice Department won't prosecute Pelosi or Newsom or Swallow's Well or any of them when they are literally on the chi-com ta-ta.
I've got a lot of other news I want to hit here today.
A lot of different facets and angles of things that need to be discussed and we'll hit them.
But I want to open the phones up again, this time for first-time callers, on any issue or any news item or any comment or any question you've got.
You agree, you disagree, we don't censor your calls.
All we ask is that you have a clean phone line and be ready to say what you want to say.
That's my prerequisite.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
Please, only first-time callers here today.
877-789-2539, 877-789-2539.
Please only first time callers here today.
But here's the bottom floor of this situation.
The so-called elites are out of control.
The whole world's out of control.
Things are insanely dangerous right now.
We have a weaponized Justice Department and all the big tech and all the media attacking independent journalists, independent groups, people that just want to live, people that just want freedom.
And I can only say this again, not to our regular listeners, but to all the people that tune in to find out what the hubbub is about with this show.
The rigmarole, the excitement, the hysteria around it is, we're simply stating common sense things.
Like we shouldn't be euthanizing healthy 7-year-olds in Canada, or we shouldn't be cutting 10-year-olds testicles off because the teacher told them they were a girl.
And we shouldn't be giving experimental injections to people they know are killing people en masse, and it's now all confirmed.
Global systems, global actuaries, global government numbers.
From all over the world are at 26% on average increased death rate on the planet since the shots began.
It's not the virus.
I mean, who in their right mind decides to ally with a crazy system doing that?
I mean, are you pretending in your brain that because you're going along with it, you're like friends with it?
Like if I was at a Hotel or something in Colorado and I walk into my car and there's a grizzly bear.
That happens all the time.
Never happened to me.
I've never seen a grizzly bear except in a zoo.
And you go, oh, I'm not going to just get in my car.
I'm not going to run.
I'm going to pretend it loves me and I'm going to go hug the grizzly bear.
Or maybe it wanders off and ignores you to smell some trash or something in a garbage bin or dumpster.
But a lot of the time it's going to tear your arms and legs off and kill you.
So if I see a grizzly bear, I'm gonna get in my car and I'm gonna drive away or I'm gonna run.
But Stockholm Syndrome is where people have rationalized their whole life, they've made excuses for everything they're involved in, they've never faced anything, so they decide when faced in a parking lot with an 1,100, 1,200 pound grizzly bear that they're gonna walk over and you've seen these videos of liberals in Alaska and Colorado, it actually happens, they go, oh hi sweetie, I love you.
It's like women that go to Afghanistan or Turkmenistan or these Islamic countries and
they go up in the hills saying, "I don't believe the stereotypes that radical Islamic men will
rape me or kill me," and they get raped and killed or kidnapped and raped and killed or
held for two years and ransomed.
You see the articles all the time where these liberal women go, "I'm a woman.
Well, listen, I'm a man.
I mean, I could fight back, but I don't go to like Afghanistan and march off into Taliban hills.
Like, I'm a strong man.
I can just march into the hills and I'll be fine.
And it's the same attitude of like Stockholm syndrome.
Oh, there's something scary out there.
So instead of admitting it's dangerous, I'm just going to go up to it.
It's mental illness, man.
It's sick.
We'll be right back.
First off, there's so many questions.
I'm pretty astounded by all the so-called experts who have different views of what we're going through right now.
Larry Fink of BlackRock says, this is a slow-rolling crisis.
How do you label it?
I think it's a transition that's going to be occurring in how our banking system works because fundamentally what occurred here, let's just call it for what it is, you had a very weak management team, I've described them as idiots because that's what they are, and they were unsupervised by a negligent board.
They were running the bank like a hedge fund, a very badly run hedge fund, and it blew up.
And so, now we have this dilemma, this moral crisis, and we'll certainly see it highlighted on the Hill today, because Yellen is going to propose, and has implicitly over the last 48 hours, that every single bank account in America, regardless of the size or whose money it is, it could be Chinese money or foreign money in that account, The taxpayer is going to guarantee that.
Now why that's a problem, and here's the long-term policy issue, and what she's going to get absolutely grilled on today.
It's going to be very tough to watch.
If I'm a bank manager, and I'm running a bank, and you guarantee every deposit, what stops me from taking that money and putting it on black in Las Vegas?
The answer is nothing.
Because I'm guaranteed, no matter how risky I want to work within the bank's confines, the only way I'm compensated is with stock.
So I'm going to do everything in my power It's a designed implosion, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's talk to Marlene in Florida on what I brought up the first hour, Canada pushing government-forced suicide on healthy children.
They want the power to kill whoever they want.
Marlene, your take on that?
Hi, Alex.
Well, you know what?
I want to say that this last thing of the assisted suicide for anybody, but even children especially, it's talking off, but like a lot of other things that are Do me a favor, talk right into your telephone.
Okay, is this any better?
Yeah, just talk right into the receiver, go ahead.
Okay, alright.
When you first hear it, everybody is shocked by a lot of other things that to us normally would seem unacceptable, and then little by little it creeps in.
A lot of the situations we find ourselves in right now, there were years of preparation.
And I even saw that in Canada, they even have a book For children, like, for children to follow along, like if you give an activity book... Oh yeah, it's in public schools for fifth graders, how beautiful suicide is.
Yeah, the same thing's down here.
Imagine the sick cult that comes up with this.
Of course, and you were Earlier you were saying how people are just laying down for this, and I'm going to use a comparison, you know, the Time Machine movie that came out in the, I think it was 1960.
It's a remake, it was made several times, of H.G.
Wells' book.
Right, where people are basically being eaten alive and they don't fight, they don't have any spirit of self-preservation.
The Morlocks and the Eloys.
And I think that's what kind of we've been conditioned to, which is they've eliminated that desire for self-preservation for human life.
That's it.
Their entire attack is about getting us not to stand up for ourselves.
I totally agree.
And I think a lot of it is mental conditioning.
And I want to say, and I know I'm going to go out there, some people are going to say, even back in the 80s and 90s where you saw a lot of the self-help gurus coming out, and on the surface, Sounded very helpful, don't get me wrong.
But at the same time, there was a lot of underlying message of victimhood, or what you described, I'm going to go off into dangerous areas and, you know, we're all going to have a kumbaya moment.
And we kind of thought that that's a perfect world, but unfortunately, that is not reality.
And a lot of people, I think, have a hard time dealing with our reality, but it's necessary.
We want to continue to exist as a free society.
I agree.
Predators are normalizing a world where they can get away with anything they want.
Thank you so much, Marlene.
Bob in Texas, you're on the air.
Mr. Alex, how are you today, brother?
I'm alright, brother.
You want to help defeat the world order, I understand.
Is that right?
Yes, sir.
You know what we need to do?
I have been calling congressmen left and right, and you know how hard it is to get a call back on this particular issue?
It is unreal.
But I'm not stopping.
I'm continuing on.
I'm banging them every day.
I'm sending emails.
I'm doing everything I can.
We need Alex.
It's ridiculous.
prescription drug advertising, whether it's on social media, on television, on radio.
Well, it wasn't allowed until the early 90s.
I know it, and there's only two countries in the world that allow it, the United States
and New Zealand.
It needs to stop, because they feel the power.
Guys, the ads go, "Ask your doctor if this could be good for you."
It's ridiculous.
If you need to go, if you're telling your doctor what medications you take, you need
to find another damn doctor, Alex.
Well, you know what they do with doctors.
They have beautiful sex operatives.
This has come out in the news, but it's barely known.
The most gorgeous women you've ever seen that literally go and have sex with the doctors.
Not just the free trips to Cancun, not just kickbacks, but they have sex with them.
I mean, that's what they do.
Yeah, I believe that.
But, you know, 70 percent of CNN's ad revenue comes from big pharma and prescription drug advertising.
Not only will you be helping people and keeping these drugs from, you know, the minds of people, that should be for doctors to deal with.
I'm totally ready.
Remember when I was on with Piers Morgan in 2013?
And I said, look, your sponsors are Prozac and drugs that cause mass murder.
And boy, they shut the interview down right there.
Oh, yeah.
Well, like, what was his name?
DeVore Hamlin or whatever, and they were rolling him out of the stadium.
What was the big sign over the area they were driving through, Alex?
Remember when they had the devil worship thing at the Grammys, and it was Pfizer?
It's ridiculous.
They're everywhere.
If we could shut them down, it would really defame them.
I encourage everyone, call your congressman.
We need to have that stuff banned completely.
No, I totally agree because now they want to give us four shots.
They're never going to stop.
Thomas Jefferson was asked, what is the level of tyranny that tyrants will try to impose?
He said, the limit is where we stop them.
There's always going to be a tyrant worse than the last.
They have an insatiable appetite.
They do.
And we can stop a lot of that if we can stop this.
I call my congressman.
It's hell to get a call back on this.
It's like crickets.
I keep calling back.
Well, that's because, like you said, they're the biggest political contributor and they're the biggest sponsor to big tech.
It's ridiculous.
It is just ridiculous.
I've even told them, I'll write the legislation.
Just get with me.
Send me, you know, get with the legislative person there.
I don't have to talk to the rep himself, just somebody.
And it's crickets everywhere.
But I'm not stopping, and I'm encouraging everyone I know to please get in touch with your congressman and tell him, ban it!
Well, it's metaphysical.
They make you ask for it, like the vampire asks permission to come in your house.
They get you to ask for something.
And not all drugs are bad, not all big pharma's bad, but the stuff they're pushing and getting you to opt in to take it, it's almost all, like take statins, all the studies show, there's nothing to cholesterol, eat your brain, eat your body, it's incredible.
Our life expectancy's plunging, our sperm count's plunging, our fertility, it's all going to hell.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Thank you, Bob.
We're going to go on a break, come back with Jack and Jason and Emanuel and Zach and Joe and Brian and Brendan and Ed and Dwight.
But I got something to say about advertising.
And I'm not complaining and I'm not bitching when I tell you the story, but you realize I could snap my fingers and have no financing problems right here.
But see, it's not just in the topics I cover on air.
The big advertising groups are happy to advertise here.
And spend a ton of money and fix our problems and I almost thought about coming to the audience with this and having like a poll on the website and asking what you thought but I said no I'm just not gonna do it because I mean I'll just say it I'll just say it when we come back but it's it's just crazy we could have big pharma on here just like that we have it all on here just like that and all our issues of funding will be over but see I just can't do it.
I just can't do it.
And I'm not perfect.
I mean, we're gonna talk about this when we come back.
Stay with us.
I've been trying to get James O'Keefe on in the last couple days.
He's launched a new operation, which I think is beautiful.
And he just texted me like, I'm ready to come on right now.
Or tomorrow.
We'll see if that happens.
But let's go ahead and try to line that up.
But let me tell you where my paradox is.
A lot of revolutionaries rob banks to fund their operations.
And if they win, they're called patriots.
If they lose, they're called terrorists.
We don't rob banks, we don't commit crimes, we don't do that.
At the same time, I try to have a really high moral standard.
Not that I'm a perfect person, not that I don't drink some or do whatever, but I love God, I love justice.
So, despite the fact that we're blackballed across the system, We could get big pharma ads right now.
We've had the offers.
Because they want to flood everybody.
They don't care.
And we could get gambling sites, big ones, ready to bankroll everything.
And look, I'm not against gambling if you don't have a problem with it.
I like to play blackjack or I like to play poker.
And it's a small thing you do for fun.
But there's that whole other seedy side of it where you're like, well, I don't really want to do that.
And so that's my paradox is that I'm up here trying to sell books and films and water filters and high-quality supplements that I know are good for you, so I feel totally good about what I'm doing.
But then I get the paradox, well, if that can't finance this, do I just let them euthanize the kids and let them do the transgender stuff and have the open borders and launch World War III because I was so high and mighty and so good that I wouldn't take the money?
There's no debate that I'm not going to take the big pharma money.
And I've said no to the gambling money.
Even though for most people they go spend ten bucks and play solitaire with somebody and, you know, have fun because some money's on the table.
Most of it's completely not a bad thing.
It's been going on forever.
I'm not Mr. Goody Two-shoe that's, like, trying to shut down the casinos.
But at the same time, I've never taken the money.
And so I'm in this paradox where there's these giant markets and giant things.
We could fund our operation and not compromise what we say, but I don't do it.
So that's where I get really, really, really frustrated, is that I've thought about what advertisement would I take that gives me a concern.
And I guess a few glasses of wine is good for you.
Would I take a wine sponsor?
We've had those.
I've only done it.
But that's about as far as I go, because take tobacco.
Will we have a cigar sponsor?
Will smoking cigars, a bunch of them, give some people cancer?
But do I smoke cigars?
Do I believe people have a right to smoke them?
Yeah, I mean, so to me it comes down to this.
If I'm not doing it, and I don't think in my world it's okay to do, I'm not selling it.
And I really don't gamble.
I mean I've, growing up and a few times here and there I've been invited to a poker game and lost a few hundred bucks or won a few hundred bucks playing poker and I've been on a cruise ship and played blackjack and had some fun and I've been to Vegas and you know done blackjack or played a few slot machines just for the novelty of it but it's not degenerate gambling.
Now do I say you should have a right to do it?
But as a whole, is it associated with the things I want to be associated with?
And the answer is not.
And so that's really how, trying to be a good person, trying to be moral, we're hamstrung.
I could snap my fingers with an ad agency, and you would hear big pharma ads here, and we would have no financial problems.
But then, you know, pretty soon they'd probably say, we don't like what you're saying on air.
And it would still, see, it always bites you in the ass.
So I haven't done that.
And I'm not tempted to do that.
With the gambling, I am.
Because that's an adult.
You want to do it.
Here's this fun online site to do it.
Solves all our problems.
We can expand.
We can win.
But, nope.
I just said no again to that.
And the offers just go up.
Everybody loves Barstool Sports.
Oh, they're fun.
They're cool.
No conservatives are mad at them.
You know, it's all basically gambling funded.
But, still I'm not doing it.
So, we're financing this with great products that do amazing things.
Take, take, here it is, take CBD oil.
About 10 years ago, I had a CBD sponsor for about a month.
And back then, people were not as educated on CBD oil, and my listeners thought I was selling marijuana on there.
There's zero THC in this.
Does not get you high.
Has nothing to do with that.
It's the good parts of the plant that do incredible things for your neurological system, your nerves, your bones, your joints, everything.
I mean, it's now, doctors are prescribing it everywhere, even though it's not prescription, because it works so well.
Now there's no heat to promote CBD oil.
So even though I knew 10 years ago CBD oil was great, I did it for a month, pissed off a bunch of radio stations, listeners, I even had family in East Texas say, we tuned into your show and heard you promote marijuana on air.
And I said, it's a distraction, I'm not doing it.
Now people moved along and they get, oh, this is the good stuff God gave us out of the plant.
We sell it in fortworth.com for around 50% off, but the exact same stuff gets sold other places.
Super concentrated, a thousand milligram per dose.
Incredible things it does.
You don't get high, you don't get any type of feeling from it, except your nerves operate better, and your bones, and your joints, and everything, and your tendons, and it's a miracle thing that God gave us at mfulworthstore.com.
I mean, hell, we promote vitamin D3, and they had a National News article two and a half years ago going, Jones is selling D3, claiming it's antiviral, he's fear-mongering and profiteering.
Well, I've been promoting D3 for 20-something years.
What it does for your muscles, your brain, your whole body.
I mean, it's essential and D2 and all of it.
So it doesn't matter.
If I was selling, if I was giving ice water away in the Sahara Desert, the media would say what I was doing bad.
So I don't not promote things because I'm worried about the media.
You know, if I came on here and took big pharma advertising and took gambling advertising and took all that stuff, there wouldn't be a peep out of the corporate media.
Oh, but when I got up here and said Silver's good for you, oh my God, he's the worst person the world's ever seen.
But I gotta tell you, out of everything we've got, the ultimate krill oil, the ultimate fish oil, the highest rated, concentrated, non-pasteurized oils from krill and from fish, and what it does to your brain, what it does to your body, what it does to just I mean, this is not what they sell it for, what they say, but I mean, I think it's psychotropic.
It definitely has a brain-boosting effect on me, the dreams I have, all of it.
It's 40% off.
That sale's gonna end soon.
Infowarstore.com or call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
I'm gonna go to calls here in a moment, but I don't have a krill oil bottle over here.
Will somebody give me a krill oil bottle?
I want to show you these actual pills on air that are a red color you don't see anywhere else, and there's no coloring in them.
It's this bright, glowing red, like you put it on a piece of paper.
We're out in the sunlight, you're like, what is that?
And it is literally The essence of these little clean creatures who are at the very bottom of the food chain in the ocean and are just full of effervescent life and trace iodine and everything else.
Got a bottle right over there.
I don't know.
Maybe a bottle right over there.
Point is, is that Is that it's an amazing, amazing product.
And don't disbelieve me.
It's like our information is game changing.
Change the world.
Get a bottle of Ultimate Krill Oil.
The fish oil is high rated too.
And fish oil is great.
It's nothing compared to the krill.
You need to take the krill.
But I'll be honest with you.
I'll be completely honest.
This is not pasteurized.
This is not desiccated.
This is not destroyed.
This is Completely clean and real.
So I take it at night so that I don't notice the burps you get.
Because I don't like fish burps.
And I don't like this.
And so that's the only problem is if you're going to get the real effect of it, you got to deal with burping and going, man, that does not taste too good.
But hey, no pain, no gain, ladies and gentlemen.
So here you go.
Look at the red color right there.
Look at that red color.
And that is not the capsule.
The gel capsule is clear.
It's white.
That is the color.
Actually, I got a knife over there.
It fell off the table.
Gosh, dog, I just dropped one on the floor.
Somebody give me the knife here.
Look what happens when you cut one of these little suckers open and look at the color that comes out of those.
Look at that.
There is no filler, there is nothing, but pure essence of krill right there.
Ladies and gentlemen, you want to- look at the eye go crazy.
This stuff is psychoactive, man.
Alright, we're gonna see if we can get James O'Keefe squeezed in here.
We're trying to connect to him right now, but Jack in Wisconsin, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Mr. Jones, I'm a huge fan and you were talking about the Canadian eugenics program for kids and I think a big element of the eugenics program is organ harvesting for money and control.
You know you can see like just with the circumcision that's given to people apparently wholesale they get $9,000 per foreskin and you know that's incredible.
I can't imagine how they mark it up.
So it's a big money business.
And it's kind of sad that it's not even for money, it's just for more money, because they already have more money than they can do anything with.
So I think that's a big element of the... No, you're right.
It's all about turning humans into a commodity, and it's all about body parts.
You're absolutely right.
And you know, like, you can see even on the highway, you know, some of the medical waste trucks from Stericycle or other companies, some of them have refrigeration, some of them don't.
And I think at least, you know, the people who donate Um, these, these items are skin or whatever blood that they should at least get a percentage cut of it.
You know, I should get a cut of what I was cut up, you know, when I was cut.
Um, and you know, kind of as a product plug, you know, it's great that you're selling Ashwagandha.
It was all over TikTok and you guys haven't really mentioned it, but it has been, um, in other countries and on TikTok, they're talking about how it can increase male member size by like two to three inches if you use daily.
I don't know if you heard that.
That is absolutely what Ashwagandha does.
It's an amazing product.
We don't talk about the claims.
We just say these are great products.
Everybody should definitely try right now.
Okay, we've got him!
We've only got him for one segment because Paul Watson's coming up.
James O'Keefe, rising like the phoenix, the creator of Project Veritas, kicked out obviously for exposing Pfizer and more.
James O'Keefe, we've only got eight minutes with you so I want to give you the floor.
You're launching a whole new initiative and we congratulate you.
James O'Keefe.
Alex Jones, it's great to be on your show.
I am announcing that I'm going to put the little tiny cameras into the hands of thousands of people.
That they've awakened a sleeping giant.
I have been arrested, put in handcuffs twice by the FBI in the last decade, placed on effective house arrest, sued dozens of times, smeared, defamed.
I know you know something about those things because I've been on your show in the past.
And then a month ago after the biggest story I ever broke on Pfizer Pharmaceutical with a man at Pfizer talking about mutating the virus, I was effectively ousted from the company that I founded.
So I'm starting anew.
They've awakened a sleeping giant.
Over the next few weeks and few months, and you know that I'm a man of my word and I always do what I say I'm going to do.
I know your audience knows that.
I'm going to take these little cameras and I'm going to get them in the hands of everyone.
Because the people in power, the only way we're going to change things in this country and in our society is to create an army of exposers with cameras.
And that is what I'm going to do.
The name of this initiative is called O'Keefe Media Group.
You can go on this website.
You can subscribe, which will sponsor a camera.
I've got some ride or die people working with me, some great elite journalist team that are still with me, Alex, and that is what we're going to do.
It's like Uber for journalism.
We're going to make this thing expand all across the country.
I wasn't ready for that a year ago.
Now I'm ready for it.
I wanted to tell your audience my plans.
I know you don't want to look back, but people want to know Obviously, whatever they did is going to kill Project Veritas, that you are Project Veritas, and you're beyond bouncing back.
You never got taken down, but just the craziness of what's happened and the backlash over there.
People are interested to get a few minutes on that, and obviously a lot of the best folks from there have come over with you.
Can you give people an update on what really happened?
Well, I never really focused on board composition.
I've learned a lot from this whole thing that's happened.
I don't know if you saw, I gave a 45-minute speech to my staff when I left.
That was about three weeks ago.
Yes, we aired it.
I never really focused on the composition of my board.
It wasn't really something that I was thinking about.
As a non-profit, Project Veritas 5.1c3 is actually not owned by any one man.
It's a board of directors.
It's in control.
There are only three people on the board.
For many years, I never really focused on that.
I was the CEO.
I was responsible for running a budget, managing the people, leading the organization.
But I never really focused on board composition or board governance.
That was probably a mistake I made.
I probably should have focused more on who was on my board.
But that's, Alex, one of the things about running a media organization, and I respect your autonomy or your independence.
You have to look at who runs the media, who owns the media, who's in control of the media.
And I've always been a guy who tried to operate without fear or favor as it so you can't be afraid to look into anything and you can't be partial.
You have to be factual and truthful.
And the problem in media these days is the advertising influence is so pernicious.
It's it it dominates like CNN like brought to you by Pfizer brought to you by five.
You can't turn on the damn TV without hearing these advertisers.
I never took advertising money.
I never took advertising.
No one ever told me what to do.
And unfortunately now, well it's not unfortunate, it's actually a blessing in disguise.
Now I'm going to totally own this venture.
We've already gotten a few thousand subscribers.
I already have tens of thousands of people emailing me wanting to wear the cameras.
So I think it's so important to be Truly operating without fear or favor, and I've learned a lot of things from what I went through.
And one of the things I learned is, well, let's just say there won't be a board of directors this time around, Alex.
Well, that's right.
And when the deep state strikes, you didn't just fall over and cower.
You came back even stronger.
So I can't wait to see what you're going to do.
I can't wait to see the big stories breaking at O'KeefeMediaGroup.com.
Everybody should get involved.
Everybody should support it.
Everybody should get behind it right now.
Can you give us a little I'll do both.
I mean, I'm scaling and standing up an army and that's the critical thing.
up and standing up an army of citizen journalists? I'll do both. I mean I'm
scaling and standing up an army and that's the critical thing. I think we
need to empower and decentralize journalism and we have to We have to equip people and train them.
What are the qualities it takes to be in the army?
Number one, you have to be absolutely fearless.
You have to be fearless.
That's few and far between.
Number two, you have to have integrity.
You have to have journalism ethics.
You know, it's funny.
I mentioned CNN.
Oliver Darcy texted me.
I know you know who he is, Alex.
Oliver Darcy at CNN.
He goes, Hey, James, pretty interesting venture.
You're starting this website.
Tell me more about it.
I say, well, Oliver will be offering classes on our website, like masterclasses on journalism ethics.
And while I charge 20 bucks for those, Oliver Darcy at CNN, I'll give those to you for free.
So we're going back and forth with him on that.
As far as the subject matter, I mean, I'm really interested in investigating the three-letter agencies.
I've been raided by the FBI.
That happened a year and a half ago.
And I'm also interested in staying on the Pfizer pharmaceutical beat.
That was the biggest story, Alex, that we ever did about a month ago.
I saw it there that day.
I said, they're coming after him now.
And they snuck up behind you through the board.
I mean, this is a week, well, one week after the story is when I was ousted.
And I'm the same guy I've been for 13 years.
I'm probably better, a better leader.
Well, I love the dirt.
I love the dirt.
You paid for a $12,000 Christmas party.
I mean, you are like Lex Luthor here, buddy.
This is evil.
Well, there was black cars.
They say I took black cars to meetings.
They say I took, I ate sandwiches from pregnant ladies, gave me their sandwiches.
So in the announcement video, I don't know if you caught my announcement video, I get out of a black car and I steal a sandwich.
So there's a sort of an allegory there.
And then also I like to, I do off-Broadway in my spare time, I do musical theater.
So anyway, that's who I am, Alex.
I can't change who I am.
I've always been the same guy for 15 years.
The difference is obviously I knew I knew they would try to ruin the reputations of those who expose them.
But in response, we're going to build an army.
Not just 12 people or 20 people.
No, no, no.
It's going to be hundreds of people.
This is so exciting.
We only have a two-minute break and then Paul Watson takes over in seven minutes.
But do five more minutes with us because I want to ask you about the linchpin or the Achilles heel of the corrupt system being whistleblowers and what you make of Redfield coming out last week exposing Fauci You know, that's a whistleblower doing it publicly, not, you know, hidden video or secret video.
But everybody needs to go to O'KeefeMediaGroup.com right now.
20 seconds to break.
What do they do when they get to O'KeefeMediaGroup.com?
Subscribe, sponsor a camera.
It's $20 or you got some coins, $1,000 to get one of these really special cameras that we're white labeling and shipping to hundreds of people in the coming couple weeks.
All right, we are back in 120 seconds to talk about the age of the whistleblower and where James O'Keefe sees the world.
And then hopefully you'll join us again soon because I thought he'd be gone a few months.
He never even went away for a second.
We'll be right back.
The irony of the acorn story is that it took a 25-year-old with a hidden camera a few days to do what billion-dollar networks and journalists could not do in a decade.
I spent 14 years creating the most effective non-profit newsroom this country has ever seen.
And in paving the way to establish citizen journalism, I have been defamed, arrested, raided, and ultimately removed from the organization I spent so much time developing credibility of.
I always knew they would try to ruin the reputations of those who expose them.
The pharma giants, the three-letter government agencies, and those who I thought I could trust.
But in response, we are going to build an army of investigators and exposers.
They have awakened a sleeping giant.
I'm back.
Remaining by my side are a small, tight-knit group of the most elite journalists in the world.
Exposing corruption requires standing up to power, because power hates sunlight.
We are sunlight.
Welcome to the O'Keefe Media Group, where we will never be shut down.
Because not only do I own it, but you own it too.
Support us and sponsor our army of journalists by becoming a founding member today.
Well, James O'Keefe doesn't seem beaten down by this unprecedented attack.
Founder and head of Project Veritas, now the head of the O'Keefe Media Group.
He seems emboldened and energized and exciting during the breaks.
I've never seen him this animated.
James, we've got five minutes left.
Paul Watson's taking over here.
I was talking about whistleblowers, the power of whistleblowers, behind the scenes and publicly scaring the system.
How would you describe the moment in time we're in historically right now?
I mean, I think the world's on fire.
I think that the pendulum is swinging back.
I think things are going to get better before they get worse.
Some people say that they're a realist.
I would say that I'm a realist and an optimist.
I actually do believe that the pendulum is swinging back because people are waking up.
I believe that I've been doing this for 14 years in a serious way.
And I started in my dad's garage.
I built out the I believe one of the most effective Non-profit newsrooms this country's ever seen and one that achieved credibility because I don't lie to my audience.
I always tell the truth to my audience.
I've always done investigative reporting and what I've seen Alex in the last I would say six weeks after what I've been through which was ousted from the company I founded days after breaking the biggest story ever broke on Pfizer pharmaceutical was thousands and thousands of people saying okay.
I'm ready to go now.
They're just so activated and they're so willing to do that.
How can I help?
What can I do?
Exactly what were they thinking?
I mean, I don't know if they were thinking, but like I say, they it was either a really stupid timing.
or they were compromised, it has to be one or the other.
It's just a bizarre confluence of events.
But as I said to you before the break, I learned a lot from this and what I have learned
is that there's a lot of evil in the world.
Probably the evil has gotten more evil, but the good has gotten more good
because you need good people who are willing to do what is required, to go out and expose
And as I said before the break, you got to have fearlessness and integrity.
Those are the two prerequisites.
If your audience is listening to this and you are an unafraid person, but you also have a lot of ethics and integrity, That's the person I want in my army of videographers.
You can go to my website, okiefmediagroup.com, and reach out to us and we'll get you a camera.
Alright, we've got two minutes left in closing.
You've got a lot on your mind, but you've also got to go.
What else do you want to impart to the audience?
I think that there's never been an opportunity like this to be a part of something, to be a part of a movement.
And I spent my entire last couple days responding to thousands of messages.
I have a whole team.
We're sitting on the floor here.
We're in a makeshift war room building anew.
You know, I went through a lot of hell.
I went through a lot of pain.
And not just what I went through with Pfizer and ousting me at the company I founded, but with the FBI raids and the two federal jury trials.
I promise you, I promise your audience, Alex, that this will never happen again.
I own this company now.
And I promise you that I will never bow down to pressure.
I will never not tell the truth because someone is putting pressure on me.
I stood to my guns.
And I think it was the right thing to do, because the good people are now at my side.
And there's so many other good people, like Debbie, the Pfizer whistleblower, one of the two Pfizer insiders, they brought us that story.
She went on stage with me 10 days ago, and it was really inspirational.
And she said, I'm willing now, I'm ready now.
She said, I was fearing for my life, but now I don't care.
Yeah, I don't know if she said I don't care, but she said they had a van outside her... Pfizer put a van outside her home, surveilling her.
They brought her in a room, interrogated her, and she said, after what happened to you, James, I am now willing to go public.
I want those people to contact me, and they are contacting me.
That's what scares the globalists, and that's the future for our children and society.
James, thanks for joining us.
God bless you, and really love what you're doing.
You're an inspiration.
Thanks, Alex. Amazing and our sites info wars comm and band up video the new URL you can share this not being censored
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It is the 16th of March edition.
It is the Summit News Hour.
Later on in the show we're going to get into why the Welsh Government is tearing down statues of white people.
We'll tell you the reason behind that.
We'll also tell you why the Welsh Government.
Bear in mind, Wales is basically the UK's California.
Landlords are now receiving anti-racism and hate crime training and it looks like that's going to eventually become mandatory.
For them to rent out properties in Wales.
This is how deep the madness, the intersectionality is going in these kind of countries where, again, you saw it during the Covid lockdowns with the Welsh Government.
The most vehement, the most draconian, and in terms of woke intersectionality, they're going to be exactly the same.
First though, I want to get into the latest transmania news.
Again, this coddled, protected, Promoted by the establishment part of the population that we're all supposed to not just tolerate, but agree with, advocate for, and as we saw with Drew Barrymore yesterday, the actress literally bowed down to because they're the new fundamentalist religious leaders now apparently.
Transgender daycare worker charged with sexually abusing a baby.
Yet another one of these degenerate, disgusting predators caught Getting themselves, getting they themselves into a position of power around children so they can abuse children.
Many such cases.
25 year old transgender identified man, otherwise known as a man, has been charged with sexually abusing a baby while working at a daycare center in Kentucky.
This individual liked to wear blue and white frilly French maids dresses with the face mask.
The universal symbol of wokery, right now, remains so.
This is Maria Childers, 25, a man, had been employed at the Explore Learning Academy in Paducah, Kentucky, and the abuse is said to have occurred last November.
Police became involved in February of this year.
Basically, what happened is, this individual, this sick, degenerate, male freak, Pretending to be a woman, pretending to be part of this protected class, so he could get closer to children, was changing an infant's diaper, proceeded to make weird comments about it, and according to the eyewitnesses, proceeded to touch the baby inappropriately.
So he initially denied changing the baby's nappy.
Problem is, under police questioning, it was revealed to him That he'd sent a text message to another employee in the daycare centre saying that the baby's diaper had been changed.
Suspect has been charged with first-degree sexual abuse of a victim under the age of 12.
Now what I found interesting about this is all these quote right-wing conservative news outlets, mainstream media here in the UK, every time they report on one of these sick degenerate perverts predating on Children, or anyone for that matter.
They present the story as it is, vile, but then they still respect the gender pronouns of this, what is basically an alleged, we have to say that, baby rapist.
Oh, don't hurt the baby rapist's feelings, respect the pronouns.
Absolutely incredible.
And again, I point to the previous examples.
Drag Queen Storytime.
Show me a Drag Queen Storytime, I'll show you a pedophile and a sexual predator.
Many such cases.
Former head of the Cream City Foundation, which sponsors Drag Queen Story Hour in Milwaukee.
Arrested on charges of possessing child pornography.
Alberto Garza.
Part of Drag Queen Story Hour in Houston.
Convicted of sexually assaulting an eight-year-old boy.
Pennsylvania drag queen performer arrested.
Charged with multiple counts of possessing child pornography.
Again, that seems to be the thing that they're into, doesn't it?
And yet you're supposed to take your kid to the drag queen story time so they can get as close to possible to these degenerates.
Here's another one from the UK this time.
This is out of Breitbart.
Utter lunacy transgender child sex offender found guilty of raping friend.
With her penis!
And again, the news reports about this that came out yesterday, all dignified, all respected the pronouns of the rapist involved to the point of saying her penis.
Convicted child sex offender, who later claimed to identify as a transgender woman.
Funny that, isn't it?
The convicted child sex offender to transgender pipeline.
Quite a common theme emerging there as well.
Convicted of raping a woman with her penis.
Shortly after being released from prison, he just couldn't help himself.
Had to go right back to the raping.
Dominic Risdon, 24, who now claims to be a transgender woman called Lexi Rose Crawford, in other words, basically pretending to be mentally ill to try and get fairer treatment in prison like they all do, has been found guilty at Bristol Crown Court of raping a female friend in April of 2019.
Following the conviction, the release of previous court records revealed that in 2017, Risdon, then identifying as a man, was found guilty of having sex with a 15-year-old girl whom he met on the internet.
So, they gave him, what, two years and he was out?
According to the paper, shortly before being released from prison in 2019, after serving, yes, I was right, half of his four-year sentence, Risdon began to claim to identify as a woman using female pronouns adopting the name Lexi Rose Crawford.
So he, again he, convicted sex offender was released from prison, he immediately went to his female friend's house, started undressing her, started coming on to her, she was saying no, and he proceeded to rape her.
Continues, on the first day of the trial, Rizdan reportedly appeared before the court with a chin full of stubble and a short moustache.
Which, of course, again, just like the legacy media respects the pronouns, the court respected the convicted child sex offender's pronouns and his right to identify as a woman.
Even though these were shaved off by the second day of the trial, obviously the optics weren't looking too great.
Then, during the same trial, The convicted sex offender inexplicably adopted an American accent.
Well, I guess if you can identify as a woman, you can identify as black, you can identify as an American, even if you're from the southwest of England.
Absolutely incredible.
Despite apparently not having secured a legal gender change recognition certificate, not that that even matters, it's still a mentally ill man, The rapist was referred to as Miss throughout the four-day trial and the formal indictment in the case accused Rizdan of using her penis to rape the woman.
So the literal indictment used the terms her penis.
The court is referring to him as Miss throughout this trial, despite the fact that he's got a chin beard and stubble.
Don't hurt the feelings of the convicted child sex offender though, that's the most important thing.
Redux.info reports Canadian Cancer Society recommends cervical cancer screening for men who identify as women.
Canadian Cancer Society is drawing criticism, once again, for maintaining a recommendation that men who claim to identify as women should undergo pap smears as part of a cervical cancer screening process.
Problem is, men don't have cervixes.
Small detail there.
Now, this article gets into it, and if you're eating your dinner or your lunch right now, better take a break from that, because it gets pretty graphic.
On a webpage titled, As a Trans Woman, Do I Need to Get Screened for Cervical Cancer?
Canada's largest national cancer charity provides advice for males who identify as transgender, curious about receiving a cervical cancer screening.
Now, the issue with this is that this type of cancer, from what I understand, Impacts the area that connects the vagina in a woman, an actual woman, to the uterus.
Problem being with transgender men, they don't have that.
Now, I don't want to get too graphic, but there's an operation where basically men have their genitals caved out.
They create a fake cervix using skin from the penis, usually, according to this article.
And you've got men going to this top Canadian cancer charity society basically wanting to get pap tests because they're pretending to have cervixes when it's literally a grizzled flap of skin that's been hollowed out from their genitalia.
I did warn you to not eat your lunch.
So mentally ill men who claim they're women and want to be women so much that they actually want to get pap tests, presumably some of them actually want cancer, Men who have had an operation to basically create a fake cervix, which is the part of a woman that connects the vagina to the uterus.
They've basically had some of their penis hollowed out, shaved off, and made into a cervix.
Now, don't make me Google image search this, but I imagine it's some kind of horrific, grizzled, overcooked bacon kind of thing.
Not gonna go looking it up.
These individuals have been approached by the top cancer society in Canada and told, despite the fact that they can't catch this cancer because they don't have a cervix, because it's not a real cervix, because they're not real women, they've been approached by this cancer society, which probably gets donations, maybe it's publicly funded as well in part, saying you should get a female pap test Because you might have cervix cancer.
Says Quow.
This is what the Cancer Society told them.
Complete maniacal mental illness.
If you're a trans woman, you may not have given much thought to pap tests and cervical cancer.
Yeah, because you're not a woman.
And if you haven't, that makes a fair amount of sense.
Because you're a man.
After all, in order to get cervical cancer, you need to have a cervix.
This is what they told them, the Cancer Society.
That is the organ that connects the vagina to the uterus.
This is their official website.
It goes on to state trans women who have had bottom surgery to create a vagina and possibly a cervix.
Should talk to a medical professional to figure out specific cancer screening needs.
Imagine being that doctor.
A member of the Redux team contacted the Canadian Cancer Society posing as a trans-identified male seeking cervical cancer screening information and was provided the same guidance that they put on the website.
The operator with the Canadian Cancer Society provided information on gender-affirming care and spent over 30 minutes talking to them about these PAT tests for trans men who don't have cervixes because they're men.
He points out that their advice is in stark contrast to that from the United Kingdom, whose National Health Service still, unbelievably to some people, clearly states that males have no cervix and thus have no need to have a cervical cancer screening.
But they do refer to babies, newborn babies, as they-them, as my brother found out recently when he had a baby, and the nurse started referring to it as they-them.
So again, the top cancer society in Canada is approaching mentally ill people who think they're women and have either no cervix or a fake cervix created from their own hollowed out penis and telling them that they need pap tests even though they can't catch that kind of cancer because they're not biological women.
Meanwhile, UK teen girl hospitalized after being attacked in unisex school bathroom.
Basically, this 13 year old girl was in a bathroom She got the door kicked in on her face.
She's got a massive bruise, a massive well in her head.
Looks painful.
Because, presumably, the school to cater for these mentally ill individuals that we're now encouraging to have power in society created unisex bathrooms.
So now all hell is breaking loose in schools across the country.
In fact, Videos across TikTok that I've seen many times of school children just walking out in protest at these unisex bathrooms because it's causing absolute bedlam.
Let's go to this video now because I mentioned it earlier.
Again, we're not just supposed to tolerate this now, we're supposed to literally bow down to it as religious iconography and that's exactly what happened With Drew Barrymore on her show a few days ago, this video is called Bow Down.
Let's roll it.
Transmania just dished up a fresh serving of cringe when actress Drew Barrymore literally got down on her knees to pay respect to trans actor slash activist Dylan Mulvaney in homage to Mulvaney's struggles.
As a woman.
And I can't imagine anybody disliking you.
Oh, please.
Do you know... Yeah, take a knee to the real woman.
The one... born without a uterus.
Oh, please.
I mean, this flag's basically a piece of religious iconography at this point, so why not just start worshipping its prophets?
Do you wanna know, ironically, who, uh, dislikes me the most sometimes?
Oh, me too.
Oh... And... but...
I guess I'm gonna leave that for you now.
Put this picture in the time capsule.
Mulvaney had quite the ways to go to top the weapons-grade cringe offered by those 365 Days as a Girl videos,
but somehow still managed it.
What I would do to combat the hate, right?
But what do you do?
Okay, that's a great question.
Now, I started- You've been doing it a little longer than I have.
She's been doing it for a lot longer than you, Dylan.
You've been doing it a while, right?
I mean, you said you came out as trans aged four, and that was 23 years ago.
I guess these photos of Mulvaney must have been taken when they then was a toddler.
TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney opens up about dating as a trans woman.
Why is no one in the DMs?
Gee, I wonder.
A mystery that will continue to evade all attempts at an answer.
On a par with, are we being visited by aliens and who shot JFK?
You know, I'm not a monster.
I'm not somebody that, you know, is trying to do anything but be myself and be happy.
No, surely not!
On your knees, bigot!
left alone, except when lobbying for kids to be given puberty blockers and hormone treatment,
and allowing them to be exposed to sexually orientated drag queen shows in Tennessee.
Transphobes claim Mulvaney was just a failed actor, who only came out of trance to grift
off of a grievance narrative, and cynically exploit that identity to get more money and
No, surely not.
On your knees, bigot.
Oh, please.
Now let's go out to the break with this one as well.
Trans brainwashing propaganda for your preschool children in Netflix cartoon shows.
This is called It's Everywhere.
Let's roll it.
An animated TV show aimed at preschool children in which animals in a museum come to life through magic.
Surely there's nothing sinister about that, right?
They'd never use that to expose literal toddlers to anything weirdly subversive, right?
Series 5 of Netflix's Ridley Jones features a plot centered around a cartoon bison who comes out as non-binary to they-them's grandmother.
I just can't wait any longer.
My heart says that the way I feel most myself is to go by the name Fred.
That's because I'm non-binary and Fred's the name that fits me best.
And I also use they and them because calling me a she or a he doesn't feel right to me.
Oh, I didn't know that.
No wonder you've been struggling.
Yeah, because I'm sure a three-year-old watching that awkward effort at social engineering will really be able to process it properly.
Another creepy example of identity politics obsessed weirdos trying to indoctrinate kids.
They rewrite Roald Dahl books because they contain the word fat, yet this is perfectly reasonable.
The creator of the show is a lesbian mom who looks like this.
Wow, didn't see that one coming.
In a tweet, she heralded the first preschool show that has a non-binary character coming out, but lamented how the show was cancelled anyway.
Let's take a gander at that IMDb score.
No surprise it got canned then.
When the show first launched in 2021, creator Chris Nee said,
"I am here to change the world or retire trying. I know what it is to be othered.
My job is to show the world as I want it to be."
Right, so you created it as a vehicle to brainwash children with LGBT messaging.
Appreciate the honesty there, Chris.
What makes this story even bizarre is the fact that media outlets like the Daily Mail covering the reaction to it still go to great lengths to respect the pronouns of cartoon livestock.
In season 2 episode 2, Bison Ball, their friend offers to help dress them in a ball gown and fancy hairdo.
So while mainstream culture, institutions, and in many cases governments are brainwashing
the youth to become transgender with now of course 20% of Gen Z in the United States identifying as
LGBTQ whatever.
They're simultaneously talking about population collapse in Western countries and the need to import vast numbers of immigrants completely changing the face, the identity, the society of those countries.
While simultaneously telling women in those Western countries not to have kids.
Breitbart reports, conservative newspaper, conservative newspaper, Daily Mail pushes, progressive, child-free women are happier narrative.
This anti-natalism once again.
As Mothering Sunday approaches in the UK, one of the top tabloids pushing now should there is resounding evidence that women who remain childless are the happiest people in society.
Now this resounding evidence That they talk about, that women are the happiest in society, women without children, comes from women without children who are rich.
Basically, they asked a bunch of rich 40-year-old women who travel the world, who have tons of disposable income, who have giant mansion houses, are you happy?
Imagine my shock, they all said that they were happy, for a start.
Even if they were Fundamentally depressed about being childless.
They're not going to tell the pollster, are they?
But again, most of the women, there's a trend on TikTok right now actually called syncs and it's kind of the opposite of incels.
And the women making these videos talking about being childless as they get into their 30s.
They're all living in shoebox apartments in suburbs or in cities.
They're not living in mansion houses.
They're not going on luxury holidays.
They're complaining about how all their female friends as they get into their late 20s early 30s are having kids and not talking to them anymore and not wanting to go out anymore and get drunk and whatever because they've got a new life.
Leaving these sinks, these women who go past 30 without having kids, trapped in their shoebox apartments pursuing their careers.
In many cases their careers don't really go anywhere.
They plateau, they stagnate.
Of course we know that inflation as compared to median income and the ability to buy a home has completely collapsed over the past two, three decades.
In fact I saw a graph the other day where home affordability in comparison with median income in the UK was at the same level now that it was back in 1880.
So single people can't afford to even rent, never mind buy a house anymore.
So this idea that these child-free happy women in their 40s have got all this money All these mansions, all these luxury holidays, they already had that wealth behind them.
That hasn't been created by not having children.
They were already obviously wealthy.
And this article gets into it.
So as a supposedly right-leaning Daily Mail's latest offering, published shortly before Mother's Day, focuses on several white women, surprise surprise, in their 40s and 50s, as Office for National Statistics figures reveal that a fifth of British women are now still childless at 45, Are child-free women happier, the article's writer asks, before quickly answering her own question.
A resounding yes!
Shows women who don't marry or have children are consistently happiest group in the population.
And the examples they cite are all wealthy women.
Banal pleasure of travelling abroad was frequently cited as a jewel in the crown of a child-free life, with one non-mother, Vicky Paris, emphasising she had travelled the world, meeting so many interesting, inspiring people.
Yeah, none of whom will be there when you're dying alone.
The human rights lawyer.
So again, she's got money already.
She's wealthy.
She's not stuck in a shoebox apartment alone, struggling to pay the bills, struggling to pay the rent.
Said, attending a hothouse school which encouraged girls into careers may have had an influence on a childless lifestyle.
And yeah, some of these women are going to go into careers and they're going to become wealthier and wealthier.
Most of these women aren't going to progress very far in their careers to the point where they can afford mansion houses and luxury holidays.
They don't tell you that in the article though.
Travel blogger James Hawkes was equally keen to emphasize she and her partner both have jobs we enjoy and travel the world.
Far away destinations, Caribbean, South Africa, USA, again.
Obviously, they were already wealthy.
Another childless couple is described as living in a beautiful detached house with a large garden and enjoying several foreign holidays a year.
Yeah, that's not the norm.
The norm is single women going into their 30s, struggling to pay the rent, trapped in shoebox apartments with all their friends ignoring them and deserting them because they're starting families.
Not a recipe for happiness, I would argue.
Let's go to this video now, though, because part of this is, of course, the prevalence, the damage being done by hook-up culture, OnlyFans, and these are the factors that are influencing, as we'll explain after this video, cases of syphilis now in babies, up over 1,200% since 2017, partly as a result of this hook-up culture.
This video is called, She Doesn't Get It.
Let's roll it.
An OnlyFans girl wasn't happy when she was told that getting her bits out on camera was severely damaging her future chances of finding a husband.
If any young women are watching, please do not model your lifestyle after her.
Thank you very much.
And that's from the Christian man.
Yeah, Jesus was kind to prostitutes.
But he didn't just tell them to carry on with it, did he?
Yes, I'm looking out for you young ladies.
I'm not judging you.
That's fine, but if you ever want to get married, there's a lot of young girls out there who want to get married someday.
If pictures of yourself doing sexual things are all over the internet, your husband and your kids will not appreciate that.
What are your kids gonna think of this?
I think Northwest is doing just fine.
I mean, if he had kids, they'd probably just think their dad was based and correct.
I think Northwest is doing just fine.
Yeah, she's living her life.
Kanye's, yeah.
Yeah, she's doing great with her mom.
Yeah, not hating on Kim and Kanye, but their family situation isn't exactly something to be emulated, is it?
Given the option between a mom who has porn on the internet versus one who doesn't have porn on the internet, I would prefer if all of my friends couldn't see my mom.
Where's the lie?
The devout Christian to OnlyFans pipeline.
Yeah, that's a new one on me.
Jesus didn't die for your sins so you could just continue engaging in sinful behavior that you knew was sinful, did he?
I'm a boss, babe.
I make 20k a month on OnlyFans.
30 after OF dries up.
Why can't I find a husband?
I have four cats.
I'm a cat mom.
Many such cases.
OnlyFans porn star Mia Malkova said her marriage failed because her husband refused to have sex with her.
The reason I was so unhappy is because he had very severe intimacy issues and so he never came on to me and never wanted to have sex with me and that lasted for years.
Her husband had previously been a porn star too and even he couldn't get over it.
Japanese porn star Ray Lil Black struggled to even get a Tinder date.
She did find a husband eventually.
Slight problem though, he was a fictional video game character from Tekken 7.
Many porn stars struggle so hard finding a partner in the quote, real world.
They end up just having to marry each other.
A dating website ran a poll asking participants if they'd marry a porn star.
60% said no.
So that already more than halves your pool of potential candidates.
But this is all not to say that there aren't men who definitely would marry an OnlyFans girl.
Oh, I'm sure there are plenty.
Problem being, a pay-pig simp who's blown his load both financially and physically on OnlyFans isn't exactly husband material, is it?
So the choice for OnlyFans thought spoils down to a rather depressing binary.
A lifetime of loneliness, because men find it so hard to establish a genuine emotional connection with women who've virtually put out for such a deluge of dudes.
Or a series of flighty boyfriends who themselves are almost certainly rampantly sexually promiscuous.
Doesn't exactly make for a stable, settling-down environment, does it?
Only fans.
Don't do it, girls.
A short-term cash injection really isn't worth a lifetime of self-loathing, vacuous misery.
And we see one of the devastating impacts of this hook-up culture in this headline, Breitbart.
Cases of syphilis in babies up over 1,200% since 2017.
This used to be a disease of gay men, primarily.
Well now syphilis has seen a surge in other countries across the globe with a report noting the disease had become more common among 15 to 24 year olds heterosexuals blaming hook up apps like Tinder for the increase in anonymous casual sex encounters and now that's being passed on to babies.
Sexually transmitted disease syphilis is now outnumbering cases of HIV.
This is the impact of hook-up culture.
It's devastating.
It's disgusting.
It's degenerate.
We'll be back.
Don't go away.
Now I want to get to these final two videos but first I mention this at the top of the show.
Welsh Government says statues of old white men should be removed.
Because they may cause offence to Britain's diverse population.
Now it doesn't matter that Wales has one of the least diverse populations In the UK, if one person's offended, those statues of white people need to be removed.
Now, note that they've moved on from white people in history who are alleged to have been involved in slavery, of course, Every single race throughout history was involved in slavery at some point.
White people were victims in the Barbary slave trade.
No one even knows about that.
It's not even taught in schools.
But it's not just white historical figures allegedly involved in the slave trade.
Now in Wales the government is literally saying tear down statues of old white men.
Doesn't matter who they are or what they did.
They're talking about General Arthur Wellesley, Admiral Horatio Nelson, of course, celebrated for his victories against Napoleon.
The government, in this new guidance, states that such statues can be offensive to people today, who see them in a different light, including as aggressors who conquered peoples to expand the British Empire.
Now, of course, go to any other country that's outside of the West, You know, Genghis Khan statues, whatever.
There are still Stalin statues up in Russia.
Lenin statues.
Of course, go to those people, so we're going to tear down all your historical statues.
They wouldn't stand for it.
But because we're capitulating to, quote, diversity, which of course is this revolution of the woke, now it's apparently going to happen, literally fulfilling George Orwell's 1984 dystopia, which of course talks about how To set in motion a revolution they have to tear down history of the old God and that's exactly what's happening.
Now note in this case again the pathetic quote conservative party in Wales with a completely anemic weak response to this.
Says, this is Andrew Davies, leader of the Conservative Party in Wales.
Labour are intent on rewriting our history in Wales.
They've been captured by a hard left anti-British mob who want nothing more than to topple our statues, tear up the works of classic authors, cancel our great orators, all in the name of virtue signalling.
Alright, fair enough.
But then he goes on to say, statues may well offend some people, but that does not make them any less a part of Wales's rich history.
So he's already caving to their narrative that this is an issue and that we should follow these maniacal iconoclastic dictates of the Welsh Government because some people, yes, may well be offended.
That's not the stance you take.
You don't cave to their reasoning right off the bat.
It puts you on the back foot.
But that, of course, is par for the course with the Conservative Party, both in Wales and in England.
Meanwhile, also in Wales, BBC News reports landlords to receive anti-racism and hate crime training.
This is private landlords, nothing to do with the Government.
Anti-racism and hate crime training will be offered to private residential landlords and agents in Wales.
Note how it says offered there, but we go on to find out the true scheme.
The Welsh Government says landlords would then be able to offer appropriate support where tenants have experienced racism and or hate crime.
Why is that the responsibility of private landlords?
Who knows?
We know what the real reason is, of course, it's about bathing everyone in this maniacal intersectionality, this woke sheep dip where they all have to comply, where they all have to bow down to the narrative, and it's absolutely endemic at every level of society.
The Welsh Conservatives said the Labour government should concentrate on building new homes rather than virtue signalling.
Again, another pathetic weak response from the Conservatives.
Says Rent Smart Wales will start this non-mandatory training later this month.
But then it goes on to say, the spokesperson said that this training would quote, count as evidence of continuous professional development in relation to training requirements To become licensed, re-licensed to let and manage rentals in Wales.
So there you have it.
It's gonna be mandatory.
They're not gonna give you a license to rent a house that you own if you don't basically submit yourself to this diversity training, this social engineering in terms of racism, being aware of racism with your tenants.
Like that has anything to do with the responsibility of the landlords.
If there's a hate crime, And again, the hate crime laws in the UK are so vague that you can just claim that you think you've been victimised by a hate crime and then they legally have to list it as a hate crime.
You don't even need any proof.
That's nothing to do with the landlords, but again, they say it's non-mandatory.
Oh, we're just offering it free of charge.
Oh, by the way, in the future, if you don't go through with it, we're not going to give you a license to be a landlord.
Tough luck.
Oh, but it's not mandatory.
You just can't rent out a house that you legally own unless you bow to our woke narratives.
Absolutely incredible.
Let's go to this next video now because it's on a somewhat similar subject.
This is The View co-host Sonny Hostin who says because of Covid she hasn't been to a supermarket for three years and basically just gets wage slave immigrants to do everything for her.
This is called You're Not Oppressed.
Let's roll it.
The toxic cocktail of privilege combined with COVID paranoia was very much on display during a segment of The View yesterday when multi-millionaire Sonny Hostin revealed that she doesn't do her own grocery shopping and hasn't even been in a supermarket for three years or maybe just can't stand being in the vicinity of the general public.
Joy, you have never ordered from Instacart.
You like to go to a grocery store?
I do.
You like to go to a grocery store and be around all those disgusting infected plebs?
I enjoy a supermarket.
I don't like a supermarket.
I haven't been in a supermarket since COVID.
For about three years.
That's when I discovered Instacart.
And I give them a big tip because they don't always pay their people well.
Right, so the company pays your grocery pick-up slaves peanuts.
So that's okay because you occasionally give them a tip.
Man, you can get toiletries, you can get fire logs, you know those big bounty towels you don't want carrying?
I even have those from Costco.
Somebody else does.
God forbid you'd have to carry your own kitchen towels.
Just get some illegal immigrant to do it.
You can get everything from Costco.
Delivered to your house.
Delivered to your house by a wage slave.
Is Sonny really still afraid to go out because of COVID?
Which even the Biden administration basically says is now over.
Or is she just so incredibly stuck up and disconnected from the real world, she thinks supermarket shopping is beneath her.
I don't begrudge anyone getting their groceries delivered if they can afford it.
Time is money.
There's nothing wrong with that.
See, the problem with Sonny is that she's incredibly wealthy and privileged, but simultaneously constantly bangs on about how she's oppressed.
You don't have to call me the N-word for me to understand my oppression.
And I think when someone who is oppressed tells you that, I think you should listen.
She also previously demanded reparations.
Yeah, Sonny's so oppressed and downtrodden, ABC pay her 1.6 million dollars a year to spout drivel on television.
She's married to a renowned orthopedic surgeon in New York City.
She's a rich celebrity who routinely vacations at Martha's Vineyard.
Newsflash, Sonny.
If some minimum wage Costco worker is doing your grocery shopping because he can't be bothered to carry kitchen towels, you're really not oppressed.
Some good news now.
Ray of light, reset this!
Dutch election see tractor protest party trounce globalist government and EU green agenda.
They've been protesting of course in the Netherlands for months now over these nitrogen cuts being enforced by the green agenda, by the WEF.
It would shut down, I think it was up to a third of farms, just shut them down for good.
The same standards weren't being imposed on the airline industry.
Well now the upstart populist pro-farmer party, farmer citizen movement shook the foundations of politics in the Netherlands, securing a significant victory in the provincial elections.
I think they went from zero seats to now 16 seats in the Sene overnight on this basically single issue of protecting the farms, rejecting these onerous, invasive, technocratic green energy cuts in terms of the nitrogen emissions We've also got this environmental story out the UK.
A disgrace!
More than 100 trees cut down in Plymouth despite local opposition.
More than 100 mature trees have been cut down in the centre of Plymouth in a move campaigners say was reminiscent of the needless felling of thousands of trees in Sheffield.
Now they tell you about this, they say this is horrific, this is the Conservative Tory government doing this, they hate the environment, they're not green, even though they're accelerating us towards net zero.
They chopped down a hundred trees in this area near the centre of the town.
And again, it's the big bad evil Tories doing it.
But the same thing's happening in Sheffield where they have a Labour government.
I went and looked at why they chopped the trees down.
The government's own proposal for this regenerated area says they chopped the trees down to make room for cycle lanes.
So again, the same environmentalists crying over this are the ones demanding cycle lanes.
That's why they chopped the trees down.
Same in London.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan greenlighting the chopping down of trees across the capital city, particularly in Notting Hill and those kind of areas in the northwest, because they're under pressure from the eco lobby from environmentalists to create cycle lanes everywhere.
The environmentalists don't give a damn about trees, because trees don't necessitate technocratic control.
That's going to wrap it up.
Summit.News, War Room is next.
Next time go away.
When everything is a lie, which it is now, there's only one place to find the truth,
and it's not in government stats or government reports or declarations.
It's, uh...
It's with God, and I know you speak about that often.
And I believe, look, we need God more than ever.
And I know that there are people listening, perhaps, who don't believe in God.
But I'm a big believer in having faith, even though I'm rather pessimistic.
I do know how the book ends.
I know how the story ends.
And we do prevail.
There are no atheists and foxholes.
Where there's life, there's hope.
So don't lose hope, don't get discouraged.
I know that there are people out there thinking, well, what's left for me to do?
One of the things, and again, this is not a shame or this is not a plug, but we need to support
your InfoWars store, we need to support yours.
By the way, my wife loves American 95.
Her joints have never been better.
Okay, so, folks, make sure you support InfoWarsTore.
Okay, please do that.
Well, I just can't say to our listeners how much the enemies of freedom hate this show, they hate your show.
I mean, I will plug for you and for me.
Folks, you want us to fight?
We will do it.
But it's like sending military out to war without ammunition and weapons.
I mean, we'll, and I'm not bitching, I just, I just, back in 19, back in like 2016, We had plenty of money.
Our subscription service said it's free now.
I barely was plugging.
We had all this extra money and now I wish back then I would have pushed harder, saved up money because now with the deplatforming, the attacks, folks, you know, we need support.
So do you.
But what we really need is people to share the links and articles to our videos and your videos, your reports, Doug, because the public's ready.
The ground's fertile right now.
The mines are ready.
It's easy to outpace your supply lines.
And I think that's where a lot of us are.
We're in so deep that we can't, look, we need that support.
You need that support.
So again, folks, please support Alex Jones.
And I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
I know there's things that he won't say that, look, he needs your support.
We all need your support, but especially InfoWars.com, InfoWars store.
Please do that.
There it is, turmeric toothpaste.
I love that too.
My wife does as well.
Big fan of all of your products.
Okay, folks, don't lose hope.
Please don't do that.
I know that things look bleak but we again we know how the story ends and I think look at everything that happens not through not with blinders but with in the context of a larger agenda.
Think bigger, look bigger and look for the Connections.
I use the analogy of that great movie that's basically a composite for stories, Horse 10 from Navarone, where they blow up the dam, it doesn't fall right away, and they all panic.
The explosive expert goes, watch, it's gonna fall, take about 20 minutes, just watch.
We've been through all this and nothing!
Nothing but... Let nature take her course.
And look, I think we've already blown the enemy.
We just have to get ready and then stand back.
Amen to that.
And you're doing a great job.
And again, I want to thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your program today.
I really appreciate what you do.
Dr. Fauci, knowing that it is a crime to lie to Congress, do you wish to retract your statement of May 11th where you claimed that the NIH never funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan?
I totally resent that, and if anybody's lying here, Senator, it is you!
I think there's no doubt that NIH was funding gain-of-function research.
Is it likely that American tax dollars funded the gain-of-function research that created this virus?
I think it did, not only from NIH, but from the State Department, USAID, and from DOD.