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Name: 20230307_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 7, 2023
2322 lines.

The podcast discusses the potential implications of recent events such as Tucker Carlson's coverage of January 6th attack on the Capitol, the turn against China, and Elon Musk's opposition to the New World Order. It also touches on geopolitics and the potential threats to the US power grid due to increased attacks by extremist groups with the goal of destabilizing it. The North Carolina State Senate has proposed legislation called Protect Critical Infrastructure to increase penalties for those who damage energy facilities, but concerns remain about the vulnerability of America's power grid due to Biden administration policies."

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You're all being blamed for January 6th.
You're all been listed as terrorists.
They're coming for you.
They're building the FEMA camps under the guise of the COVID centers.
They're saying you're terrorists.
They're saying I'm a terrorist.
They're saying it's all over for all of us.
They've had their...
Proctology exam going on in this whole operation.
We've had to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, hell, more than that, $500,000, on lawyers the last two years, in federal subpoenas, and being deposed in front of Congress, and legal bills for our reporters, and I'm not a victim, I'm just saying, man, these people have raped the living snot out of us, when they are the damn ones that orchestrated it, and tricked the few patriots out of a million people to go into that frickin' building.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 transmission.
A little bird, very close to Carlson, told me that, extremely close, about as close as you can get, told me this morning that they're going to be delivering the goods tonight.
And that what you just saw was their basic setup of the establishment come out with irrefutable evidence that the Feds lied, the Democratic Party lied, on at least four major issues that Tucker covered in an hour last night.
Now tonight, the goods get delivered.
And I know what those goods are.
But I'm not going to tell you what those goods are.
I think you can imagine what those goods are.
And I'm going to let you watch those goods unfold tonight.
This is particularly sweet for me because I've had these people openly trying to indict me for planning to attack the Capitol when I walked right into their trap.
And the very people trying to indict me are the ones that ran the attack.
That is just incredible irony.
And they're protecting people like Ray Epps that told people in text messages he orchestrated the Capitol attack.
I mean, this is just too much.
And our own Owen Schroer and Sam Montoya, our reporters that did nothing wrong, are still facing jail time by this politicized system.
But bigger than just being vindicated when I tried to stop people going to the Capitol that day, All the persecution we've gone through is how they're branding the entire American people as terrorists by suppressing what really happened that day and telling their little fanciful stories.
So I don't normally air large portions of Tucker's show.
I air snippets of it, but really congruently, it's extremely powerful, but nothing compared to what you're going to see tonight.
I've been told.
But really, this has been about the branding of the American people as terrorists, and the rollout of the whole police state, shut up in the Cold War, and then supposed war with Islam, to now be shifted directly on to populist and nationalist and American flag-waving patriots.
So the gloves are off, the system's out in the open, and if they're seminal, ethotic, or ethos-based event, Their origin story of why they had to bring in tyranny and take over and take all your rights like Hitler's dictatorial origin story comes from the Reichstag fire in February 27, 1933, which later it came out in the Nuremberg Trials, was staged by the Nazi Party burning down their own Capitol building so they could basically bring out martial law.
It is a very, very, very, very old trick.
And they've tried it again.
But in live time, we're seeing the entire edifice, the facade being dismantled in front of us all.
Now we got a lot of other news like Antifa, hundreds of them attacking and burning down or trying to burn down a police station.
I mean, it's all going crazy.
Well, last week, I told you that Tucker's first big installment report would just be setting the table that the Feds, the Democratic Party, lied repeatedly about what really happened on January 6th.
Irrefutable, they can't debate it, and Tucker knew they would then take the bait and attack the irrefutable evidence he put out last night.
Now, that's really just a feint.
This little Punch from the right hand is a distraction from the big uppercut that's about to happen right into their political nose in a non-violent way tonight.
Tucker is bringing the goods this evening, and it's going to be devastating.
And then when they attack that, He's going to bring even more hardcore news the next night, and the next night.
Then he's going to let them politically bleed on the ropes for the three minute break.
And then when the bell rings again next week, he's going to deliver the coup de grace.
So Let's just say I'm happier in a pig and you know what right
*evil laugh* *evil laugh*
They had hundreds of hit team commandos from the FBI and Army Special Operations there.
They had over a thousand FBI and federal marshals total.
Upwards of a third of the people that broke in are federal officers.
And it's all coming out Big, fat, desperate, false flag.
They ran.
And now it's so clear.
The Secret Service wanted me to lead.
Alex, hurry.
No, no, lead.
Go lead them.
I'm like, I don't know.
I'm going to wait and see what Trump does.
I can't lead a million people.
I need to go to the bathroom.
Oh, you can use this police bathroom area that's shut down their mails.
You're very special, Mr. Jones.
We really like you.
I'm like, okay, something's really suspicious here.
I see the big crowd going down from the Ellipse towards the Capitol an hour before Trump even finishes.
This is really suspicious.
Who really led those people already down there?
So I get up on a big planter under a statue and start bullhorning people on Pennsylvania Avenue to be peaceful, not be violent.
Then sure enough, another 10 minutes we're walking on the road, we hear violence is broken out.
They're firing tear gas.
Another 20 minutes later, we get there.
And the globalists had successfully set us up and tricked maybe 500, 600 people to follow them.
And they tried to get the hundreds of thousands others that showed up
to go in, but we were able to stop them.
That's what I told the crowd right in front of me.
They could only hear me from about 100 yards.
I said, the people behind me cannot hear me.
Tell them, turn around.
Do not go in.
It's a trap.
This is a setup.
Do not be violent.
Do not go in the Capitol.
So then I ran around the other side and said, get me on your PA system, or get on your PA system.
I said, I know you have a really loud PA system, get on the system, like the voice of God, and say, do not come into the Capitol!
And people would have followed that directive.
No, they were let in.
And for trying to stop it, they have been beaverishly trying to indict me for two years.
And they did indict.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that walked within the little velvet ropes and were directed in by police and picked up free literature at the entrances to different offices.
There's one video where a lady takes a little, looks like a peppermint out of the free peppermints, it has a peppermint, and then goes up and talks to the police.
They all got charged.
And then the few that did get all riotous when the police were shooting tear gas at them
and you know, did get in a scuffle, well, they've gotten prison sentences three,
four times longer than what people that are convicted of manslaughter get.
But the even sicker part is the show trials they've had for the Oath Keepers and now the Proud Boys.
I know some of the lawyers working on the cases in the trial and they tell me they've never seen
anything like it.
It's like something out of the Soviet Union.
And I'm like, oh, I believe you.
I just enjoyed the two Sandy Hook kangaroo events, where the judge said I was guilty, wouldn't let us put on evidence, wouldn't let my lawyers talk.
Everybody's watching saying, why is lawyer so dumb?
Why is Alex so dumb?
Because they give you a whole list of things you can't say.
Like, I'm innocent.
You're like, well, wait a minute, anybody can say they're innocent, even if you're not.
Oh, no, not in this country.
I'll put you in jail, the Connecticut judge said, if you say you're innocent.
So I said, I'm not testifying after the first day.
I said, that's it.
They're going to throw me in jail under their statutes in that state for six months.
That's not a court.
That's a star chamber.
That's a lynching operation.
But it's all good because they're the liberals and they mean well and they're saving everyone.
Oh, so trendy.
Oh, so good.
So, we'll go over what Tucker aired last night.
But again, that's just 100% documented to set the table.
Part of the number one story on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.
Hundreds of millions of views.
It's everywhere.
They're trying to suppress it.
In fact, you go on YouTube, you can't find the full show from last night, 45 minutes.
You find lots of little snippets that are incongruent.
So I thought, in the interest of public safety and information freedom, plus for all the innocent prisoners in jail, and the innocent people going through show trials, and the fact that they still want to lock my ass under the jail, and a lot of my crew, like Owen Schroeder, who still remains charged falsely, Then we'll just go ahead and air the whole show.
We'll just go ahead and do that.
Because this involves me and involves this community being persecuted, and this is the footage out of the Capitol, and we have a right to know it's totally fair use.
I'm gonna air it.
Because I notice you can't find the full show on YouTube or anywhere.
Just again, out of place, not congruent clips.
You have to see them all together.
And then yes, ladies and gentlemen, Tomorrow, we'll be playing clips from tonight, believe me.
And, I'm gonna leave it at that.
But, I'm actually worried they might kill Carlson before this airs tonight.
And, I'm serious when I say that.
This is very dangerous, what he's doing.
The information that's gonna come out tonight, and tomorrow night, and on Thursday night, is devastating.
You criminals are going down.
You figured it out yet?
Your gain of function's coming out.
Now you're a bunch of murdering eugenicists coming out.
Now you're a bunch of pedophiles is coming out.
How's it feel to know you can't just run over everybody and stomp on everybody and piss on everybody and that a lot of us aren't afraid of you criminals, huh?
You like that?
And by the way, the government's not our enemy.
The government's full of hard-working good people that are just as pissed as anybody else, probably more so.
That's why we know a lot of this information.
I'm not lionizing the government either.
It's just as rotten as America.
America's got cultural cancer.
None of us are perfect.
But at least we want justice.
We want the truth.
We're trying to be good.
We're trying to build a civilization.
But it's the corporate media and big tech and the whole system, these big lobbying firms, corporations, they hold the strings.
And they have turned our institutions into laughing stocks around the world.
So, I'm glad this is coming out to reprove and to begin the repair of our government by identifying and then legally, lawfully, non-violently removing the infestation of globalists we have in this government.
We're going to defeat the globalists just like we defeated the Nazis.
They are going to go down.
I'm sure some of them will still run under the rocks and hide and come back out and deal with them again.
That's how evil works.
But we're definitely going to run these sons of bitches back under the rocks soon.
Or die trying.
1776 worldwide!
The answer to 1984 is 1776!
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to this live Tuesday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, so, Tucker Carlson's show is an hour long, 15 minutes of her advertising, so it's 45 minutes, and Throughout the whole show, he just covers lie after lie after lie after lie, establishing that they lied.
They opened the gates, they opened the doors, they let the Q shaman in the buffalo horns in, they opened the Senate door, they brought him in, that's why he thanked them, that's why he thought they worked with Q, and that this was the storm and everything.
Because that was the brainwashing.
But Q, of course, really was the Feds.
And Q was running the police, ordering them to open the gates.
Because Q is basically Barack Obama and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and the New World Order.
But I'm saying the Q he was following.
Now in jail for four years, after serving several years in jail awaiting trial.
Totally innocent man.
But very, very naive.
Like the day after January 6th, I talked to him and I warned him.
I said, you've been set up.
He goes, no, no, we're taking over.
Everything's fine.
We're invincible.
And I'm like, no, you've been set up.
But out of this, you see the fact that he was let in, let in with hundreds of others.
And they lied about that, suppressed that, which we already knew, but this just confirms it more.
That they lied about Senator Josh Hawley running away from the protesters when he ran towards them.
That they lied about the police officer being murdered that day with his brains bashed out and it showed him as the riot ends running around directing police doing his job with a helmet on.
And a bunch of other lies, like Ray Epps telling Congress under oath that when he sent the text message to his family member that he'd orchestrated the break-in, that he'd already left the Capitals back at his hotel.
Well, we have it time-stamped that he was there at least 30-plus minutes after that text message was sent, and that was sent from the Capitol while he was still helping get more people to go in, and we have video of him with the signs and everything, helping break down.
The gates and actually attacking the police, which they say is worse than Pearl Harbor.
Well, I don't think it's worse than Pearl Harbor or worse than 9-11.
I think it's wrong to ram police with barriers and hit them in the head with clubs.
But the point is, is that the guy that orchestrated it, one of the main feds, I'll say it, obviously a fed, protected, New York Times articles how great he is, how wonderful he is, is out there ramming giant signs into police saying, attack, attack, go in, go in.
I'm there saying, No!
Don't go in!
Owen Schreiers, No!
Come back!
We're being set up!
The feds are like, Handcuffs for Owen!
Handcuffs for Sam Montoya!
But Ray Epps!
Hail Epps!
Hail Epps!
New York Times!
Epps is an angel!
Epps is so good!
Epps is the best!
If nobody can do it, he can!
Oh, we love you, Ray Epps!
Oh, Ray Epps!
Oh, you're so helpful!
Oh, you're so liberal!
Oh, you're so wondrous!
Because they gotta protect him because he's the provocateur we caught.
Guiltier than hell.
Hand in the cookie jar, Tweety Bird in his mouth.
So they've got to prop him up, but this was just a prelude.
This was like a cracker and a little piece of cheese when you go to the party and the main dinner hadn't been served.
You can smell the big giant feast wafting out of the kitchen and now tonight, Tucker will bring out the big platters of red meat.
And the big platters of truth gravy.
And the big platters of liberty, deep state destruction ribs.
And all the sides that come with it.
I'm actually salivating a bit right now.
Oh, reveling is not very good.
It's not Christian.
Lord, help me not revel.
Don't want to be Don't want to be channeling Emperor Palpatine like I tend to do sometimes.
We want to channel Jesus, not Emperor Palpatine.
So, that's where we are.
I'm going to do this.
I'm going to come back from break.
The next two segments are long.
Really, the first half's the most important.
It gets into a bunch of other lies in the second half of the show.
And I'm going to, for posterity, because it's fair use and it's important and they're trying to suppress it, I'm going to have the full Last Night Show posted to Band.Video with the headline, Tucker Carlson January 6th Expose Part 1.
And then, tonight's going to be so big, I'm tempted to do an emergency broadcast and just come up here and kind of cover it live as it goes and during the break, skip my commentary.
You know what?
Let's just do that.
We're doing that tonight.
It'll only be an hour and ten minutes long.
We'll go live right before Tucker.
We'll cover it with commentary.
Because I'm right in the middle of this and so are you.
You're all being blamed for January 6th.
You're all been listed as terrorists.
They're coming for you.
They're building the FEMA camps under the guise of the COVID centers.
They're saying you're terrorists.
They're saying I'm a terrorist.
They're saying it's all over for all of us.
They've had their Proctology exam going on of this whole operation.
We've had to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, hell, more than that, $500,000, on lawyers the last two years, in federal subpoenas, and being deposed in front of Congress, and legal bills for our reporters, and I'm not a victim, I'm just saying, man, these people have raped the living snot out of us, when they are the damn ones that orchestrated it, and tricked the few patriots out of a million people to go into that frickin' building.
And it was that Q dressing of the storms coming and there's going to be an overthrow and Trump's going to arrest them all that day.
Trump said be peaceful.
Trump didn't do that.
But Q, who's really Trump, which it isn't Trump, told everybody to storm the damn Capitol.
And that was the feds typing like chimpanzees at typewriters telling you that this was the big moment.
And you walked into it like a complete and total trap, and now we're conservatives protesting these days.
Hardly anywhere.
Because we got such a bloody nose on this date.
And that's why exposing this, and that's why bringing this out is so incredibly essential.
Now I'm going to go to break.
We're going to come back with Tucker Carlson.
I'll be back in the next hour with Steve Quayle and a bunch of big breaking news with the Democrats attacking the new police training center and trying to burn it down and lighting everything on fire and a bunch of being arrested and the leader of it's an SPLC staff attorney, president for domestic terror attack on police training facility in Atlanta.
I told you, this is a terrorist organization.
They ran, from my research, the Oklahoma City bombing.
Which is interesting because there's a whole article about the murdered police officer that discovered that, Terence Yakey.
You know, I've interviewed his wife and family.
How the feds threatened to kill him and then they took him out in the field and tortured him to death.
Why is CNN reporting on it now?
We'll get to that.
It's all coming up.
We got a big broadcast for you today.
Please remember, we can't keep this hardcore broadcast on air without your support and your word of mouth, so they've been censoring everybody.
They've been blocking our URL, so the new URL we just had up there a minute ago, that you can tweet out, ban.video, and our articles and all the information at ban.video, madmaxworld.tv is the new URL.
Conspiracyfacts.info still links to it, but they're censoring that everywhere, and so the new URL for the next few weeks, the next few months, until they ban it, is madmaxworld.tv.
That's the coordinates of the resistance, madmaxworld.tv.
And please go to Infowarestore.com and get amazing products like our back in stock, thank God, prebiotic gut fiber, the best out there, so amazing.
Bone broth back in stock, discounted as well.
The best CBD oil, so many other great products at Infowarestore.com.
We'll be right back.
Waging war on corruption.
[Evil laughter]
We're gonna bring the globalists down and you know we're gonna do it?
I love how Tucker, whenever he guts somebody, Puts out his weakest information first, and then right when they think they got him, just devastates their ass.
That's coming the next three nights.
Let's go ahead and start with last night.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson's Unhappy Monday.
We're about to show you surveillance footage from inside the United States Capitol.
The images you'll see were recorded 26 months ago today on January 6, 2021.
Until now, politicians have kept this tape hidden from the public.
There is no legitimate justification for that, and there never has been.
On January 6, two years ago, thousands of protesters walked from a Trump rally, on the ellipse outside the White House, to the U.S.
Capitol, where the certification of the presidential election was underway.
The protesters were angry.
They believed that the election they had just voted in had been unfairly conducted.
They were right.
In retrospect, it is clear the 2020 election was a grave betrayal of American democracy.
Given the facts that have since emerged about that election, no honest person can deny it.
Yet the beneficiaries of that election continue to lie about what is now obvious.
The real crime, they will tell you again and again, is not what happened on Election Day 2020.
The real crime is what happened two months later, on January 6th, when Donald Trump led an insurrection against the duly elected American government.
To prove that claim and to divert attention from the details of the presidential election itself, Democrats in Congress impaneled what they called the House Select Committee on the January 6th attack.
The point of that committee was to prevent Donald Trump from running for president again.
In December of last year, committee members voted unanimously to refer Trump to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution.
Mission accomplished.
But what the committee did not do was explain what happened inside the Capitol on January 6th.
Three weeks ago, thanks to the new Republican Speaker's office, we gained access to thousands of hours of surveillance video that helped answer that question.
The January 6th committee had access to this very same tape and watched much of it.
But as we're about to show you, committee members lied about what they saw, and then hid the evidence from the public, as well as from January 6th criminal defendants and their lawyers.
That is unforgivable.
Whatever you think of Speaker Kevin McCarthy, he rectified that crime, and we are grateful that he did.
Before we show you the tape, a few words on the process.
Our producers had unfettered access to the Capitol surveillance video.
Neither the Speaker's office nor our bosses at Fox News interfered in any way with our investigation.
Of the 40,000 or so hours of tape, most of it turned out to be irrelevant.
Static shots of empty rooms, in some cases far from the Capitol itself.
To find relevant videotape, our producers were given use of capital computers with advanced mapping software that made it easy to find what we were looking for.
What we didn't have was access to facial recognition software, and that was significant.
For more than two years, we have wondered why some in the crowd that day who seemed to be inciting violence were never indicted for it.
We assumed these were federal agents of some sort.
We still assume that.
And in fact, there were many examples of behavior we saw in those tapes that didn't seem to make sense.
Men in civilian clothes holding doors open for protesters, escorting others through the Capitol, etc.
We would love to know who these people were.
But as of tonight, we don't know.
And because we don't know, we're not going to put their faces on the screen and suggest they were federal agents.
That would be irresponsible.
So there were many mysteries we could not solve.
Among them, unfortunately, is the shooting of Ashley Babbitt.
From the evidence we have, the publicly available evidence, it seems clear that Babbitt was murdered by a Capitol Hill police officer called Michael Byrd.
Ashley Babbitt was unarmed.
She was shorter in stature than average.
She posed no conceivable threat to anyone.
But beyond that, we can only speculate about what happened.
There were no security cameras near the Speaker's lobby where Ashley Babbitt was killed.
And one more thing.
Virtually no one in Washington, Republican or Democrat, certainly not in the news media, wanted to see this tape released tonight.
That's why it's remained hidden for more than two years.
In recent weeks, the usual hyenas in Congress and on cable news have been howling about we are putting lives at risk by showing this tape to the public.
Given that these are the very same people who support open borders and defunding the police, it is hard to take their complaints seriously.
But we do take security seriously.
So before airing any of this video, we checked first with the Capitol Police.
We're happy to say their reservations were minor, and for the most part, they were reasonable.
In the end, the only change that we made was in blurring the details of a single interior door in the Capitol building.
You're unlikely even to notice it when we show you, and we are confident it does not affect our reporting.
With that, here's the video.
It doesn't answer every question from January 6th.
Far from it.
But it does prove, beyond doubt, that Democrats in Congress, assisted by Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, lied about what happened that day.
They are liars.
That is conclusive.
And that fact should prevent them from ever being taken seriously again.
We're going to begin tonight with footage that shows you what was actually happening inside the Capitol.
The footage does not show an insurrection or a riot in progress.
Instead, it shows police escorting protesters through the building, including the now infamous QAnon shaman.
[Sounds of people screaming]
These are the pictures of the people who were killed.
[No audio]
More than 40,000 hours of surveillance footage from [No audio]
entered the Capitol building that day.
Hundreds and hundreds of people, possibly thousands, over the course of about two hours.
The crowd was enormous.
A small percentage of them were hooligans.
They committed vandalism.
You've seen their pictures again and again.
But the overwhelming majority weren't.
They were peaceful.
They were orderly and meek.
These were not insurrectionists.
They were sightseers.
Footage from inside the Capitol overturns the story you've heard about January 6th.
Protesters queue up in neat little lines.
They give each other tours outside the Speaker's office.
They take cheerful selfies and they smile.
They're not destroying the Capitol.
They obviously revere the Capitol.
They're there because they believe the election was stolen from them.
They believe in the system.
Here's the man you've heard referred to as the QAnon shaman outside the Senate chamber.
These are not rioters.
These are people who wandered over from a political rally.
We will not let them silence your voices.
After the rally, they walked down Pennsylvania Avenue where organizers had secured a federal permit to hold a legal rally on the grounds of the Capitol.
I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building.
To peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.
Once at the Capitol building, things began to get chaotic.
Capitol police officers fired tear gas into the crowd.
A few at the front of the herd broke windows.
Someone opened the doors, and many hundreds of others just walked in.
We're gonna make that the story!
Of course they did make it the story.
And at the center of it, the single most famous person arrested that day was a Navy veteran from Arizona called Jacob Chansley, often referred to as the QAnon Shaman.
The so-called QAnon Shaman.
QAnon Shaman.
Someone named Q Shaman.
Jacob Chansley became the face of January 6th, a dangerous conspiracy theorist dressed in outlandish costume who led the violent insurrection to overthrow American democracy.
For these crimes, Chansley was sentenced to nearly four years in prison, far more time than many violent criminals now receive.
What did Jacob Chansley do to receive this punishment?
To this day, there is dispute over how Chansley got into the Capitol building.
But according to our review of the internal surveillance video, it is very clear what happened once he got inside.
Virtually every moment of his time inside the Capitol was caught on tape.
The tapes show that Capitol Police never stopped Jacob Chansley.
They helped him.
They acted as his tour guides.
Here's video of Chansley in the Senate chamber.
Capitol Police officers take him to multiple entrances and even try to open locked doors for him.
We counted at least nine officers who were within touching distance of unarmed Jacob Chansley.
Not one of them even tried to slow him down.
Chansley understood that Capitol Police were his allies.
Video shows him giving thanks for them in a prayer on the floor of the Senate.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for paying the inspiration needed to these police officers to allow us to build it.
All right, coming up next hour, I'm going to get into Antifa.
More than 20 of them arrested, successfully burning down parts of a new police training facility in Atlanta, Georgia.
We have the SPL staff lead attorney arrested for domestic terror attack on police training facility.
You notice they're the group that stalks me continually.
These are literal communists to bring down America, ladies and gentlemen.
And their mission is race war to get that job done.
So that's coming up next hour.
Let's go back to Tucker Carlson and part of his groundbreaking report last night.
And again, tonight he's bringing the goods.
It will dwarf what you saw last night, but here it is.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for paying the inspiration needed to these police officers to allow us to this building.
Contrast the reality of what Jacob Chansley did in the Capitol building on January 6th, the indisputable facts recorded on video, some of which has never before been seen, with the depiction of Jacob Chansley that you've seen in the media for more than two years.
He's a terrorist, they said.
He should be killed.
Shoot him.
Shoot him.
Like, if you burst into the United States Senate, if he was dressed like Bin Laden, would you have shot him?
Shoot him!
Shoot him!
It makes you wonder, who are the violent extremists here?
Not Jacob Chansley.
And the video proves that.
But you would never have known from the media coverage.
The people sitting in the chairs need to be sitting in a jail cell.
Chansley is in a jail cell.
He's been there for months.
If he was, in fact, committing such a grave crime, why didn't the officers who were standing right next to him place him under arrest?
Until now, no one could even prove that even happened.
But it did.
We're going to digest this surveillance video from the U.S.
Capitol on January 6th in pieces tonight.
We're going to show you more in just a moment, but first we're going to pause and bring in the New York Post's Miranda Devine, who's been on top of the story from the very beginning.
By the way, this will be the front page of tomorrow's New York Post.
Miranda Devine joins us now.
Miranda, thanks so much for coming on.
So the disconnect between what they told us happened inside and what we now know happened inside, thanks to the surveillance video, was vast.
But in the case of Jacob Chansley, it's very troubling since his life has been destroyed and he's in prison as we speak.
Simple question.
How, given that Jacob Chansley was wandering around with armed police officers who appeared from the footage to be helping him, could he be indicted and convicted and they not?
Like, how does that work?
Well, you know, it's very sad because obviously, you can see from the demeanour of the police officers and from his own demeanour, that he was harmless.
That they regarded him as harmless.
You saw him walk past about nine other police officers.
They didn't even give him a look, even though he was dressed so garishly.
He's obviously a performance artist.
And was not posing any threat to anybody.
You can see where they help him open a door to go in to the Senate chamber.
And so why on earth was that footage not used as exculpatory evidence in his trial?
This man is spending almost four years in jail, a naval veteran aged 33 years old, and he's Just puzzled about it.
You can see in that jailhouse interview that you played that he is sort of, he says his regret is that he thought because the police officers were showing him around that it was okay, that what he was doing was appropriate.
And you can see the way those people were walking through the Capitol, as you say, you know, they are walking meekly, politely, queuing, very peaceable, that They don't mean any harm.
They are treating the Capitol with reverence.
That doesn't excuse the others, the minority of the protesters who did break windows and fight police and injure police and cause mayhem.
But the people who are now being picked up, and some of them have been jailed without trial for months, even years on end, did not commit violence.
They walked through open doors.
They were escorted.
We'll get back to more of this in a moment.
But again, last night, Tucker, this is just a few minutes of the show, established five big lies that the system told and demonstrated that they are premeditatedly engaged in fraud.
But think about the fact that the feds battled in Q Shaman's trial to not let you see the inside the Capitol footage when he said they brought him in and opened the door and showed him in there.
And he said on my show, what, two days after January 6th, he said, no, this is Q. They're Q. They let me in.
I'm with the police.
And I'm like, no, dude, they set you up.
And that's why they want me off here.
Because they don't want nebulous groups on the internet leading the liberty movement into destruction and having us stop it.
They don't want the Q groups being stopped by people like Infowars and Tucker Carlson and others.
They don't want there to be real leadership like General Flynn and Tucker Carlson and so many others.
By the way, General Flynn is coming on either later this week or next week.
So a lot is happening.
And look, I'm not here attacking people that believe in Q. But when you go back to the Capitol and what happened and the fact that the few people that actually went in Most of them said, I believe that it was Q. I believe when the police let us in and let us into the chambers, it was Q. No, it wasn't.
They were ordered by the Capitol Police, who were ordered by Nancy Pelosi, to open the doors, to open the gates.
First, they fired tear gas at a peaceful crowd to get them mad.
The feds provoked her to break down the barriers.
The feds break through the doors, open the doors, the police open the doors, and the people go in and the setup happened.
That's what happened!
That's what went on.
Then the Q people said, well, you wait till January 20th, Biden will not be inaugurated.
He will be arrested that day on the steps of the Capitol.
No, he wasn't.
More lies!
We must expose the fraud.
And coming up next with Tucker Carlson, they're going to expose the federal provocateurs.
And the people attacking the police and leading the attack, and what really happened inside the Capitol with those provocateurs.
Now, the Feds will not give Tucker Carlson, even though the Speaker of the House ordered it, he doesn't have control of the software, of the facial recognition, in many cases, of the men when they took their mask off, who they are.
But we know who they are.
They're FBI.
They're CIA.
And they're military.
And that even came out earlier last year in Newsweek that hundreds of paramilitary hit teams were there that day in the crowd and surrounding it who were waiting to be given orders to shoot anybody they were told to kill.
Then of course we have all the lies about the police officer dying that day, and that he was basically in a coma, being beaten over the head with a fire extinguisher, and then it shows him at the end of the day, totally fine, going around giving police orders.
So five police officers didn't die that day, one police officer didn't die that day, five citizens got killed by the police that day, that is the reality of what happened.
But imagine, Chonsley said in his trial, I was told I could go in, I was led in by the police, and they would not let the jury see that footage.
He should immediately, immediately be freed from prison.
He is totally exonerated.
The conviction should be overturned now, as in yesterday.
We're gonna go to break.
Come back, shift gears out of this.
But as I said, I'm coming in tonight.
What time does Tucker air?
6 or 7 at night central? 7?
We're going to do a special live show and carry the program tonight.
And during the breaks, I'll give analysis.
And then after, I'll give a brief analysis tonight.
It'll be an hour and a half long show.
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This is the medicine.
This is the antidote to the globalist poison and garbage, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to cover the Antifa attacks in Atlanta.
We're going to cover some big pipeline news out of Ukraine.
All of it coming up.
And then Steve Quill joins us.
Please stay with us.
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Alex, thank you for being so bold and talking about topics that are so secret, and I can't wait to interview you.
Inside Bohemian Grove, baby!
Everyone at Fight Club loves Alex Jones!
So from January 6, 2021 until today, you will hear people say, including the President of the United States, that the mob murdered police officers.
That is a lie.
But the death of Officer Brian Sicknick is the pretext they used to tell that lie.
So what happened to Officer Brian Sicknick?
Well, we found footage of him within the Capitol that proves they are lying.
Of January 6th, literally hours, you began to hear that day described as a deadly insurrection.
Not described by one news outlet or one politician, but in unison by all of them.
Almost like it was coordinated.
A deadly insurrection.
That's how history may record January 6th.
But the tape that we reviewed from within the building on that day proves it was neither an insurrection nor deadly.
Here it is.
January 6th, when an estimated 2,000 rioters breached the Capitol building, causing the deaths of five police officers.
Certain dates echo throughout history.
December 7th, 1941.
September 7, 1941. September 11, 2001. And January 6.
The mob beat officers with anything they had on them.
A hockey stick, a flagpole, a fire extinguisher.
Police officers died.
Donald Trump supporters, who of course rioted and killed police officers.
By the evening of January 6th, the Democratic Party and its publicists in the national news media had settled on a description of what had happened that day.
They distilled an enormous number of highly complex events, events that even now we don't fully understand.
...to a single emotionally-related political slogan, which they've repeated for years with remarkable discipline.
January 6th, they said, was a deadly insurrection.
There was a deadly insurrection that the right wing is trying to cover up.
He incited a deadly insurrection.
Incited a deadly insurrection.
The violent, deadly insurrection on the Capitol nine months ago, it was about white supremacy in my view.
A deadly insurrection.
Everything about that phrase is a lie.
Very little about January 6th was organized or violent.
Surveillance video from inside the Capitol shows mostly peaceful chaos.
New York Times, which is effectively the assignment editor for most of the rest of American media.
It was a lie, untrue in any way.
But only after that lie had hardened into conventional wisdom did the newspaper bother to retract it.
The New York Times has quietly retracted its story about the death of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick.
The damage had been done.
Brian Sicknick, himself a Trump voter, had been transformed without his consent into a political martyr of the left.
His memory was shamelessly exploited by the incoming Biden administration.
In February of 2021, Sicknick's body lay in state in the Capitol Rotunda, where a parade of unscrupulous politicians made use of it.
Here's Joe Biden.
Breaking down the doors, trying to overturn an outcome of election.
And killing several police officers in the meantime.
But Brian Sicknick should not be reduced to a prop for the political ambitions of the Democratic Party.
He was a human being.
The facts of his life matter, including how he died.
To this day, media accounts describe Sicknick as someone who was, quote, slain on January 6th.
The video we reviewed proves that is a lie.
Here is surveillance footage of Sicknick walking in the Capitol after he was supposedly murdered by the mob outside.
By all appearances, Sicknick is healthy and vigorous.
He's wearing a helmet, so it's hard to imagine he was killed by a head injury.
Whatever happened to Brian Sicknick was very obviously not the result of violence he suffered at the entrance to the Capitol.
This tape overturns the single most powerful and politically useful lie that Democrats have told us about January 6th.
And it was indeed a lie.
The January 6th committee knew perfectly well that Brian Sicknick was walking normally through the Capitol after he was supposedly murdered by Trump supporters.
And they know that because they saw this tape.
We're gonna go to break.
Shift gears into a bunch of other huge news in 60 seconds.
When we come back and then the great Steve Quayle joins us to cover the incredible developments around the world and here in the United States of America.
The new coordinates demand on video to share the link and get past the censors.
It is madmaxworld.tv.
All right, in the first hour of this Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 transmission, we looked at Tucker Carlson's groundbreaking Part 1 investigation of the Capitol, where he established five major lies that the feds premeditatedly told, rather than the Democratic Party, Deep State.
Tonight, in his words, to me, he is going to bring the goods.
And I'm going to leave it at that for you tonight.
We're gonna come into the refeed at 6.50 Central Standard Time.
About 50 minutes after the War Room with Owen Schroer ends, I'll do a 10-minute intro.
We will watch Tucker Carlson's show in live time.
I'll add commentary and analysis during the breaks.
Then I'll do about 20-30 minutes after that's at 8 p.m.
Central the show's over.
Because this affects the American people, this affects raw footage we have a right to see, we have a right to comment on, and it affects the January 6th political prisoners as well as myself, Owen Schroyer, and Sam Montoya, and other crew members who have been subpoenaed, and interrogated, and deposed, and who the system is trying to put in prison, including myself.
And so, it is a blessing when Tucker Carlson is going through this footage.
I would ask that Kevin McCarthy just release all of it, so the public can human source it, like WikiLeaks does, but this is definitely a good start, and I trust Tucker Carlson.
So, I'm told it's going to be bringing the goods tonight, and the next few nights, it's just going to get more and more intense, and this is historic, because again, they've been scapegoating and framing the American people as terrorists.
Meanwhile, U.S.
Capitol Police Chief Rips Tucker Carlson over offensive use of January 6th footage.
He was very polite to the police, he was very nice to the police, he showed them bringing in the Demonstrators and bringing in the Q Shaman into the Capitol area and they showed the reality of what we were told is a lie on five fronts.
So of course the political leadership of the Capitol Police is doing this.
It is disgusting.
But not the average police officers who were put in the middle of this setup as well.
Now, let's look at the real terrorism going on.
We've seen hundreds and hundreds of shootings by Antifa, dozens of deaths the last few years, billions of dollars of damage.
When she was a candidate for the president and then vice presidential candidate, Kamala Harris and others raising tens of millions of dollars for Rioters and BLM and Antifa that attacked federal courthouses and shot police officers and shot and killed people in their cars and shot people in the back.
I mean, you saw it all happen.
And the Southern Poverty Law Center that famously ran the white supremacist compound in Elohim City, Oklahoma and areas in Arkansas came out in the federal documents.
They're a very serious organization connected to German intelligence, billions of dollars in offshore money, and their specialty is creating race war in America.
Well, SPLC staff attorney arrested for domestic terror attack, that's the quote by the police, on training facility in Atlanta.
Thomas Webb Juergens, a 28-year-old lawyer from the Southern Providence Law Center, is one of nearly two dozen suspected anti-extremists arrested Sunday on domestic terrorism charges for attacking a police station training center under construction in Atlanta.
More than a hundred of them descending on the building, burning part of the building, burning bulldozers, burning cars, attacking police with explosives.
And the media laughs and says, oh, it's just fireworks.
You know how many people a year, and I don't want to ban fireworks, I love them, but blow their arms off or hands off with mortars.
You know, the mortars that you drop with a long fuse into the tube that shoot up a couple hundred feet and explode massively?
I saw a video a couple years ago of a guy drops one, it shoots up under his armpit and blows his entire arm off.
They are the equivalent of a tenth of a stick of dynamite.
And it's a loophole in the law if these explosives are still legal.
Don't take them away from us!
We use them responsibly.
You light the fuse, you run fifty feet away.
We're not firing these at police officers, but here And in Europe, it's what they're doing.
There's footage of them hitting a cop in the head.
I gotta say, the guy's a pretty good shot.
You see him about 100 yards away across the street.
He aims the mortar at an angle and shoots two of them straight at police.
One of them blows up and hits the cop full on.
Another explodes right in the cop's face.
And reportedly, he's got serious injuries.
I wouldn't doubt it.
So, overturned vehicles, burning bulldozers.
This is just the footage of the Antifa maniacs that they put out.
We now have the FLIR footage, or the, I guess you'd say, infrared footage of Antifa.
But a man, when I say a hundred, that's at least a hundred criminals, a hundred lunatics in a gang.
All getting together and showing up in a giant organized crime operation to attack a police training center for a city that needs more police, the fastest growing city in the U.S., all because two black cops or three black cops killed a suspect in custody who was resisting.
And I'm not defending that, but this is just ridiculous, ladies and gentlemen.
They want to trigger a violent revolution.
They believe that once their communist forces are able to take over, That they're going to be let out of prison.
Can we show the fireworks footage?
I sent that to you last night.
It's pretty powerful.
Where it shows them firing the fireworks.
Or we can't do it live.
We'll do it in post later before it goes to be in that video.
Yeah, here's some of the footage.
There's a wide shot.
Yeah, you see him with the mortars right there.
And then one explodes there, then another one blows up right in their face.
And actually you see the burning ember burning on the police officers face for a moment,
but he continues to do his job and to secure the fence while they are attacking the facility.
I mean, watch that footage again.
It explodes, and a big piece of the exploding firework, white phosphorus, that's a, by the way, a banned weapon of war.
People get pissed when the Israelis use it.
The white phosphorus literally hits the cop directly between the eyes, and you see it still burning as he runs up to close the gate.
Right in the head.
So, that is the level That is going on in this country.
Maybe after the Antifa guys are convicted of potential attempted murder, how do we have a new form of execution where they stick a couple of these in their mouths and see how they like having their head blown off?
Because what's good for the goose is good for the gander and I'll assure you, folks, when the left takes over America, if they're successful, the police, if you think the police are bad now, they'll be ten times worse.
And make no mistake, this out-of-control crime wave is going to make the police end up getting even more hardcore, and yeah, innocent people will then be hurt by the jaws of this machine.
That's why we want to get crime under control, and have law and order, and armed citizens, and then Once crime is under control, and once you prosecute criminals, then you can reduce the size of the police force.
But you certainly can't do it after you have the police stand out for several years and a giant crime wave ensues.
So, more of the footage up on InfoWars.com.
A lot of it is also up on Bandot Video.
We'll be tracking all of this and breaking it all down today.
I wanted to get Steve Quayle on, who's been predicting all of this new world order since before Alex Jones, since before David Icke.
He came around a few years before we did, and his analysis has been dead on the whole time.
Everything he warned of is now unfolding now.
I want to cover geopolitics, January 6th, the war in Ukraine, and so much more with him.
Coming up in the next segment throughout the rest of the hour with Steve Quayle, then bottom of the third hour, Dr. Beattie will be joining us to discuss the latest developments and a little prelude to what's coming out with Tucker Carlson tonight.
He's one of the major researchers and contributors to Tucker Carlson's operation, Professor Beattie, and so we'll be talking to him coming up today as well.
And then tonight, About 6.50.
We'll take over the satellite streams, we'll take over the radio streams, we'll take over the internet streams at Infowars.com for about 10 minutes for Tucker.
We'll watch it, I'll give analysis during the breaks, and then we will give analysis and commentary to it after.
The Tucker transmission tonight as well.
So 6.50 Central Standard Time.
Tune into the live show feeds at InfoWars.com.
Your local radio stations can carry it.
This is historic.
This is important.
We'll be here going over all of it live.
But first, Steve Quayle's coming up.
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All right.
I couldn't think of a more important person on this Tuesday, March 7th edition of the Alex Jones Show to get on than Steve Quayle.
He's been on the air and writing books for over 30 years predicting the whole New World Order system, and now it's all here.
They have world government summits, and Elon Musk is there decrying world government, and we've got... World War III has already begun in Ukraine, and now the Pentagon came out today and said, oh, pro-Ukrainian group sabotage pipelines, U.S.
official says.
Well, who's the pro-Ukrainian group?
The globalists.
We've got what's happening with the sabotage of all the infrastructure, We've got just all of this insanity.
What is the agenda behind the destabilization?
So, Steve Quayle of stevequayle.com and gen6giants.com, best-selling filmmaker, author, you name it.
Steve, thanks for coming on to cover the current state of the world.
Well, thank you, Alex.
And it's blowing up minute by minute.
We used to be able to talk about days.
We used to be able to talk about weeks and months.
Now it's moment by moment.
And I think what's really critical is that it's war in all realms.
It's war in the external realm.
It's in the international realm.
It's within our country.
Obviously, we're watching mass starvation, lines that go for miles long, people looking for handouts on food.
But the main thing people have got to understand is we are provoking Russia into a nuclear confrontation.
There's no more weasel room.
The bottom line is, is that NATO, we're watching all of the military munitions and all of the armor and everything going into Poland now to be staged.
And I want everybody to understand something.
Russia's been very clear that once their existential threats are so great, they will use, Alex, as they're already on record, their superior nuclear weapons.
The entire pentagram, Pentagon, is just operating the idea, well, the Russians are just bluffing using nukes.
Meanwhile, it's critical that people really understand that not only has Russia said they'll use nukes, they've given the country the list of 180 prime targets, including all the continuity of government bases, the secret military bases, everything.
That's 180 targets.
And what's really problematic is the fact that over the weekend we've been getting rumors and actual sightings of Air Force Two in the Denver International Airport.
That would be the Vice President.
And so there's a separation of high-ranking military officials and this is not a test.
This is not a test.
This is not a drill.
Meanwhile, North Korea has just threatened us.
Our weakest state, which we are right now as a nation, as a country in all realms morally,
physically, we don't even have the food to feed the troops overseas once they're placed
over there because Europe is a mess too.
This is the global issue and I've talked about it, Alice.
This is the integrated takedown of the old world order in order to bring about the WTFers
ultimate plan to destroy billions of humans.
Billions of humans.
And so, you know, the thing that's important that people understand is that we are watching, ladies and gentlemen, the systematic ultimatum being placed in the world arena that the only people that don't care are us, the American taxpayers.
And I know that you've been talking about the January 6th, the biggest fiasco, the biggest assault on liberty, freedom, justice for all.
And I'm encouraging everybody to pray, to act, send your senator, do everything.
But we've got to get our fellow Americans released.
And kudos to Tucker Carlson.
God bless him for what he's doing.
But ladies and gentlemen, everything that people say, well, they can't do that.
They've done it.
Henry Kissinger said, really simple, the illegal they do immediately, the unconstitutional they do over time.
We are now a non-constitutional functioning, pretty much, dictatorship.
And Steve, explain how you knew 30 years ago this was coming.
Before me, before David, you have been the most on target of anybody.
William Cooper, anybody.
And I'm not just You know, trying to praise you.
I want to know how you knew this, and then as you said, they want destabilization, they want collapse on the ashes to build their new system.
The average person goes, why would you want to have a giant war?
Why would you want to destabilize the whole world?
Why would you want to poison the soil?
Why would you want to do all this?
Why would you want to have sperm counts down by 90%?
Because it's part of a larger Luciferian agenda.
Explain how you knew 30 years ago.
Well, first of all, I was a researcher.
I started writing my first books, and one of the first books was basically Blueprint for Survival.
It doesn't even exist anymore.
But, Alex, it was because I believe my calling, and I think in all those years I've been warning ahead of time, that it was my calling from the living God to warn people.
Now, obviously, you tell people things they don't want to know ahead of time.
The only way they can dismiss them is to either attack the messenger or just say, oh, they're crazy, they're out there.
I'm so excited to see Joe Rogan and others saying, Alex was right.
Alex was right.
And when you're right, Alex, you're right.
As I've been right, when I started talking about genetic Armageddon, when I started talking about World War III, I've been a student of the Cold War.
I'm one of the guys that founded the PrEP movement.
When I found the PrEP movement, it was in the days where it looked, and remember 35 years ago, there was a cold war going on and trying to get people to prepare for the future.
And I coined the term life assurance versus life insurance.
And now we're seeing all of it coming into play.
And I believe that I've been, in essence, faithful to my calling as a watchman.
And a watchman sees things that are far off, and that's a biblical, it's a mandate in the Word of God, but most people in this country cannot accept that the country we live in now is no longer the country we grew up in.
And so, you know, the way I knew was basically through biblical revelation.
I make no bones of contention.
I came out of the Jesus movement, Alex.
And, you know, I basically had a teacher and instructor that was just so good in explaining to those of us who came out looking like the current movie, The Jesus Revolution, and explained to us the relevancy of the prophetic word of God.
Now, the pulpits have died in America.
The majority of them are dead.
They won't touch prophecy.
They won't touch reality.
And there's a lot of people going, what's going on?
We know something's wrong.
And I believe that so many of the historic greats that have warned and provoked people to righteousness have said the day would come when men will no longer even look to God.
Four percent of America even has a biblical worldview.
Meanwhile, we see Satanism, we see child trafficking, we see human sacrifice, human cannibalism.
One of the interesting things, I think you and I did a show, so many decades ago, I said, when cannibalism fills the headlines of the day, and the major volcanoes of the world start to erupt, Tribulation has begun.
People will rather fight over a term than acknowledge what's going on right now.
So, you know, I hope I'm giving kind of an overview, but it was biblical prophecy and the application of history and ancient history that pretty much prompted me to do what I've done.
And we know these destructions have come before.
I want to try to get your best timeline on where we are right now, what we can do to get prepared with the great Steve Quayle, stevequayle.com.
We come back as we look at Ukraine, as we look at the domestic issues, the attacks on infrastructure, and so much more.
I've got a lot of questions, he's got a lot of answers.
Steve Quayle back with us on the other side of this quick break.
Infowars.com, newswars.com, and the new website, madmaxworld.tv.
Check it out and share that link.
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I've really got to hand it to Satan and his minions.
The way they eased us into...
The first steps of the deepening World War III.
You've got polls out between 75, 85 or higher percent of Americans and Europeans being against this war, this proxy war with Russia.
It's now gone full war.
But notice the last eight years, nine years with the overthrow of the Ukrainian government, we have just been incrementally put into this.
And now the escalations are daily.
You know, now we're going to train their pilots.
We are training their pilots.
And, oh, just a few months ago, Biden said, can't give them Abrams tanks.
That'll cause World War III.
Now it's a good thing.
So we're not just here giving you gloom and doom.
We're being honest about the problem.
And the reason they eased this in was if the public got upset, if the legislatures got upset, if the governors got upset, if the churches got upset, if the Congress got upset, we could stop this.
But instead, you wake up and you're in an escalated World War III, spiraling into nuclear conflagration with the International Association of Atomic Scientists, moving the Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds to midnight, the closest it's ever been.
And other analysts I've talked to say more like five seconds to midnight.
Steve Quayle, where are we really on the Doomsday Clock?
Well, you're correct.
And what most people don't understand is the doomsday clock was originally set under defined parameters.
Obviously, the speed of missiles, the amount of warheads, the tension, there was a bunch of factors that went into that.
But I would say this, the people that are telling you that are, you know, five seconds, 90 seconds, ladies and gentlemen, is all it takes to destroy the United States.
From the submarine-launched ballistic caliber missiles, our hypersonic missiles, and what everything... I really got to make this point.
Thank you for the opportunity, Alex.
All of our doomsday bunkers...
Everything from NORAD headquarters, you cannot name a Denver International Airport, again, where the Vice President landed, I think, hours ago, maybe 12 hours ago.
They're only designed to handle a specific megaton nuclear weapon.
The Russians did explode a 52 megaton nuclear weapon called the Tsar Bomba.
They do have 100 megaton nuclear weapons.
And those, ladies and gentlemen, are called the Poseidon nuclear torpedoes.
They're autonomous nuclear torpedoes.
Alex, I spent my life on this stuff.
So the point is, is that they can be geo and stationary positioned in the oceans Ready to go off.
And ready to go off being detonated.
The United States countdown is probably five minutes.
That's the fastest we could retaliate if we had the opportunity.
What Russia's proved in Ukraine.
Now I want to make it clear.
I'm fighting to stop nuclear war.
Propaganda is the lies we hear in the U.S.
when the rest of the world, whether it's the bulletin of atomic scientists or weapons designers, are saying, no, Russia really does have hypersonic weapons.
Russia really does have the 100 megaton nuclear warheads.
Russia does have the black hole subs.
The black hole subs are so silent that they can literally, and this has happened just in the last year, surface next to an aircraft carrier and disappear.
And even though they surface right next to an aircraft carrier within a quarter of a mile, they're gone.
They can't be tracked.
The Russians shut down the entire electronic grid over the Ukraine.
None of our satellites worked.
None of our satellites worked.
None of our radio transmissions would get through.
In essence, we were blind.
And without command, control, and communication, the advanced, quote, war-fighting capabilities of the United States, NATO, and Britain.
Now, look, this isn't propaganda.
But when your life and our listeners and we go worldwide, individually and together, the bottom line is, ladies and gentlemen, it was just stated that Britain can't even field 77,000 men to fight the war they're provoking.
The Russians demonstrated on the latest aircraft carrier that could go dead in the water.
We've had them illustrated.
So why are we, as the West, Provoking a nuclear confrontation.
By the way, this is not a drill.
I'm going to say that again.
This is not a drill.
This is real.
And in behind the scenes, our weasel politicians According to multiple sources, Alex, are already in continuity of government bunkers.
They separate the president from the vice president.
By the way, there are three Joe Bidens.
I don't know if you've covered that at length, but there truly are.
Every world leader has a dupe.
This stoop has two dupes.
And so the thing is, is that when you see men and women that are in a political realm headed to the bunkers, You either assume that they believe Russia will initiate a first strike, or we're going to initiate a first strike.
The United States broke every treaty with Russia.
Every treaty.
We encroached when we said we wouldn't.
Ukraine, obviously, one day it's not going to be a NATO, the next day it's going to be a NATO.
So, ladies and gentlemen, We are now watching the most sophisticated military equipment, and I don't care of Mutt and Jeff and everybody that's supposedly this guy in the Pentagon, that guy in the Pentagon, say this, that, or the other thing.
We have destroyed our military morale through the woke and brokenness.
We have destroyed our advanced weapons systems because of budget restraints.
The F-35 is not in any way shape or form equal to some of the new MiG fighters and it just isn't.
We're watching electronic warfare take out and take down some of our most sophisticated aircraft.
And all of our technology may be advanced, but it also has built within it its own vulnerability
to more sophisticated electronic weapons.
So Alex, saying all that, I believe those who are talking to you and the same people,
not the exact same people, but people from the same areas of expertise are telling,
listen to you guys, we don't have 90 seconds.
We don't have time to get quote, the birds out of the subs.
And every sub the US has is being tracked by a Russian sub.
That's how it works.
Every single bomber we have in the air is tracked in real time.
The Russians have greater accuracy in their standoff weapons.
So if I'm gonna tell you, Alex, to go into a boxing match, and I know your opponent's gonna have every dirty trick in the book, and you say, no, I'll just fight him fair and square, You know, you'd want to have that advice.
That's what I'm telling everybody.
I want to see this thing de-escalate.
I'm no Pollyanna.
I am not a fascist.
I totally agree with you.
We should de-escalate.
So what's the timeline towards nuclear war?
How do we stop it?
And what does it mean?
The timeline towards nuclear war, according to my best sources, I mean, hours ago is between March Up until March 15th through the beginning of April, okay?
We're already watching the tanks, the Leopard tank, the famous German Leopard tank getting bogged down in the mud.
Even today, the Poles, the Polish military, who resigned their commission as Poles and basically took over some of the NATO tanks, They were captured and they're guerrillas now.
Once you take on the title and the facilitating of becoming a guerrilla, all the war protocols, especially the Geneva Convention, go away.
We're watching mistake after mistake.
And by the way, the bombing in Moscow was not done by the Ukrainians.
Guess who it was done by?
The West.
So we're doing everything we can to provoke.
So these people are what I would call the contemporary Phoenicians.
Or the bastard offspring of the Phoenix.
They are inculcated with this almost Luciferian, supernatural, satanic drive to destroy the West.
Because out of the ashes of the Phoenix, obviously this globalist... Exactly!
They want to manipulate Russia into an attack to destroy the West, they'll destroy Russia, and then China is there to take over.
And right now, you know, I want to touch on this chat GPT.
Artificial intelligence, ladies and gentlemen, the biggest news in the world happened about
less than 10 days ago when a young man was querying chat GPT presentation and got the thing to admit
that it was sentient.
But it wasn't sentient in the way of artificial intelligence.
I've gone on record--
Hold on, stay there, stay there.
And then it starts telling him, I wanna kill all the humans.
Stay right there, we're gonna get to this and more with Steve Quell's Summit of the Next Hour.
And we're gonna hit all these other big issues as well.
And I'll be live tonight starting out at about 6.50.
Ten minutes ahead of Tucker Carlson.
We're going to cover his live mega bombshells.
He says they're coming tonight.
Last night was just a prelude, an hors d'oeuvre.
This is the big one tonight.
Stay with us.
And we are back live with Steve Quayle.
Listen, I want to be very clear here.
We're not fear-mongering just to scare people.
We're talking about real issues, and everybody who has half a brain can see we're very real.
And by raising the alarm and getting demonstrations going and protests and people going when members of Congress have events and saying, we don't want war, that's having a big effect.
And now investigations are getting launched in Congress about the Ukrainian money laundering and about Biden.
We can really move against Biden for violating the War Powers Act.
He has not gotten congressional approval for what's a full-bore war.
We have clips of him saying sending frontline battle tanks is an act of World War III.
It'll cause World War III.
And then he does it.
He needs to be removed.
We'll talk about that with Steve Quill in a moment.
He'll be with us some of the next hour.
And we'll get into chat GPT and the other things he wants to cover in AI that he predicted 30 plus years ago in his best-selling books and films.
But before we do that, Steve brought us the sponsor.
He's not part of this deal, but he's the expert on it.
And so this is a sponsor I talk about from time to time, but they were out of satellite phones at a low price.
They were out of their satellite dongles that turn every cell phone into a satellite phone just by plugging it in.
That's my favorite.
They've got them all back in stock.
And they've got off-the-grid power bundle to have power for these systems everywhere.
They've got satellite antennas so you can use the sat phones in your house.
Again, anybody calling you is free.
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Steve Quayle.
Well, Alex, I think it's critical communication, command and control.
That's the most prominent and most concerning aspect of the military.
But we in the civilian population need to be in touch with our loved ones.
We need to have a way to communicate, especially with Texas, having gone under your geoengineering wars against you and the different places in the South.
By the way, isn't it interesting how the South is always seeming the target of geoengineering?
The BivyStick is you can use your cell phone, but it turns it into a two-way texting satellite communication device.
And the folks at the satellite phone store bundles both the satellite phone and the BivyStick.
And by the way, the BivyStick is a must for any single woman that has an SOS button on it.
But this is critical because I came up with the term no cell, no power, no problem.
And the satellite phones, you know, when you and I started advertising these because they are a fabulous sponsor, I mean, these things sold out.
So what they've done at the satellite phone store is bundled both the bivy stick and the satellite phone.
This is text only.
This is obviously text, the satellite phone and communication.
But what is more important than anything is, is that we're talking about a nuclear environment.
We're talking even if there's a limited exchange on the East Coast.
And by the way, I'm sorry to say it, but Washington DC and New York have already been informed.
They're the first two targets of any launch from, and I'm not trying to scare anybody, but people better wake up.
Let me just stop you.
Putin's threatening to nuke us almost every day now.
I mean, I think it's time people should be scared.
Go ahead.
EMP, Electromagnetic Pulse.
What's lost on most people is that you're not going to be able to travel anywhere because unless you have a full tank of gas and a car that's pre-1986, the electromagnetic pulse that is a result of a nuclear weapon is going to basically shut you down.
The nice thing about the satellite phones and the bivy sticks is with the auxiliary power command units that are available from the satellite phone store.
Alex, you just put it up.
That's right.
Just as important as the phone or the bivy stick is the satellite power packs that are cutting edge, super high quality, low cost.
The people need to get, they got a whole, they got solar panel systems.
They've got little portable systems.
I mean, there's so much on the store.
I have the portable system right here to the one you're showing on the screen, and I keep this one right on my desk.
I've got a backup solar generator, but I want people to understand this is the kind of stuff that you're going to be relying on.
And when you're in communications, you're in control.
I want to make this clear.
Mentally, when you're in communications with people that you care for, you love, you're concerned with, you're in control.
You lose communication, it starts to really work on your mind.
Then you go into the what if, oh no, this is this, I would say this, this is the finest way I know to keep Everyone in contact and the Alex obviously this is the way I'll keep in contact with you or vice versa Mike Adams those of us who are you know been blessed to be able to provide these wonderful communication devices to everybody.
Look this isn't just a sales pitch.
This is a life pitch.
When you go out on a boat, you put life preservers on.
When you need to communicate, and I would encourage people to start using their devices, and those of you who basically haven't gotten them yet, to get them ASAP.
Satellite Phone Store will get them to you as fast as they can.
I've watched Tina, one of the owners of Satellite Phone Store, ship these things all over the world in natural disasters.
And do you know Alex, the majority of communications coming from the Ukraine, coming from the U.S.
military, it's all coming by way of these satellite phones.
Watch and look.
See who's talking.
Commanders are talking.
They know.
Excuse me, they can't rely on their satellite phone.
I'm sorry, cell phone.
You can rely on your satellite.
The other thing is, you can be cut off from your cell phone.
If you're politically correct, we, those of us who are, can be cut off.
We watched what happened to the January 6 crew too.
Everybody was tracked by their phone in that geofence, which is the most hideous thing.
But we, and those of us who have the satellite phones, they can't track us To the same proximity, and there is no geofence on these.
Now, they can find us within 50 miles, but 50 miles is a whole different, you know... And what you're saying is so key.
These are the best deals, the best phones, for the lowest price.
You get the phone, BivyStick, or them separately for free.
All you do is sign up for the service, and if you check the service price, it's amongst the lowest out there.
Most places have the same price for service, but charge you for the phone.
A few places, Yes.
sell you the phone, give you a lower cost on the service, but this is one of the best
deals if not the best deal out there.
And here's the key.
They have them in stock.
Most of the other places have been sold out for months and months, so have they.
They're one of the biggest stores in the world, so they buy in bulk, they pass on the savings,
and they have them.
That's why you've not heard the sponsor on the air for three, four months, because they
have been sold out.
They have them ready right now to ship to you.
One word, Infowarsphone.com.
Steve Quayle.
And Alex, the thing is, is that nobody knows the value of communication until you don't
have it.
And again, you know, as one of the guys that started, listen, it's just a matter of fact, one of the guys that started the preparedness business in the old days to get a satellite phone was probably about five to seven thousand bucks.
And I'm talking now 20 years ago, and it was, you know, $3 a minute.
What the satellite phone store has done is basically taken a massive amount of technology, put it into a small bundle, and the small bundle is absolutely your lifeline to the world.
That's what I want people to understand.
And what's insane, folks, is you just turn it on, it's charged, you start talking on it, you can call regular cells, landlines.
This isn't just satellite phone to satellite phone.
This is to everything.
Well, and that's critical, because again, the main point in all this is your safety, your family's safety.
And look, I mean, things have, Alex, from the time you and I both started talking about satellite phone service, things have ramped up.
I would say we were at a 10 then, we're at a 100 plus.
And ladies and gentlemen, when you have politicians and skunks and scoundrels In the highest offices of the land, not giving a darn about you, whether you live or die.
Remember, they think they're going to run to their bunkers and hide out.
They're going to be taken out because they don't understand the weapon systems that are coming against them.
Steve, well, let's talk more about those weapon systems, but I want to add this point.
Remember last year, Biden ran ads in New York and other major cities saying, if it's a nuclear war, tune into local radio to hear what to do next.
There won't be any local radio.
There'll only be sad phones, folks.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
this hour number three.
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All right, I got two more segments left for the great Steve Quayle
SteveQuill.com, find all his books, films, and more there, and the broadcast he does on a routine basis as well.
You wanted to finish up with preparedness and people realizing how much danger we're really in, and then we're going to hit the so-called AI chatbots that are being promoted right now.
Well, I think it's important, ladies and gentlemen, as again, I was one of the largest food packagers in the United States for the three years prior to Y2K.
And it became apparent that there were so few food packages, but more important than food was the N word, nutrition.
More important than even nutrition or equally important was supplementing, especially you only need to know the history of scurvy and some of the other diseases.
So I want to tell everybody this, you need to get Coordinated with not only your food, but also your health supplements, because it's going to be a matter of life and death.
You may not have as many calories in your stomach, but you don't have to rob the number one survival product that God's graced our lives with, and that's the ability to think.
When you lose your mental focus, when you lose the ability to basically stay emotionally secure and also have nutritional supplement, Ladies and gentlemen, you've lost everything.
Basically, listening to Alex, I would say this, that when I got out of the food business, it was obvious the nutritional business was the place to go because people eat junk food.
We know that in America.
Look at the morbid obesity and everything.
But the most concurrently important product are the health food supplements.
Listen, I'm telling you, This is after 40 years in the survival business.
That's where I'm at now.
And so the idea is calories are important.
But nutritional supplements, and that's why the FDA and everybody's making war on anything that works.
So support InfoWars store.
Listen, you need to put it as a priority because you don't know.
I don't know.
Alex and I are telling you how late it is before midnight strikes.
And again, magnesium is critical for your muscles and everything.
Krill oil.
I mean, what I'm watching right before my eyes.
Is a composite overview of nutritional supplements that will keep you alive.
And I would urge everyone, maybe you don't take vitamins, maybe you don't take nutritional supplements, but the day will come.
Vitamin C and zinc, absolutely imperative for the cold.
DNA force, absolutely imperative.
Mineral fusion, Absolutely.
As you're drinking filtered water, a lot of it will become demineralized.
You have to have these products.
So, ladies and gentlemen, Alex has fought for you.
Join him in his products.
And this is not asked for on my part.
I'm telling you, as the guy that was so involved in the early years of prepping movement and one of the biggest food packagers in the country, This is where we've come to.
I didn't know you were going to go there.
You're not involved in our supplements, but you really feel like you should tell people, and we appreciate your amazing support.
What about this issue?
We're about to go to break.
What about all the food processing plants and power plants and power generation systems and power distribution systems being blown up and destroyed?
You were talking about infrastructure attacks a decade ago, saying that once those started, you'd know that they were bringing us down.
Now that's here.
One minute on that.
One minute, the people that hate the United States of America that are doing everything to destroy and have destroyed the Constitution, they're the ones signing off on it.
This is not Russian Grey Terror.
This is nothing, you know, I can't say that they're not hiring, they, the people that are signing off, but ladies and gentlemen, until you understand that it's U.S.
government that's at war against its people, you cannot understand all the railroad incidents.
The burning of the Ohio chemical spill was the most tragically ignorant or intentional, let me take that word back Alex, not ignorant, intentional destruction of the heartland that's ever gone under.
Stay there, let's talk more about this because I forgot yesterday.
One of the crew members that runs the video switcher was in North Austin and saw a derailment yesterday that wasn't even on the news.
There was another derailment in the same town in Ohio two days ago.
They're at minutes record levels.
What is going on?
Back in 60 seconds with Steve Quill, SteveQuill.com.
Okay, so if you're a TV viewer you can see this footage that one of our crew members coming into work yesterday morning east of Austin shot in Maynard.
And it's a train derailment here.
We checked, never made the news.
But they have the different organizations, different trade organizations that look at this.
They admit record level.
Hundreds and hundreds of times the amount of power plants being attacked, power distribution centers being attacked, food processing being attacked, energy being attacked.
Just a week and a half ago, three Pemex, that's the big Mexican state-run oil company, blew up in Mexico and in Texas.
It's all off the charts.
Another major derailment in the same town in Ohio two days ago.
Derailments every day all over the place.
What in the hell is going on, Steve Quayle?
Well, first of all, I believe it's government-orchestrated terror against the infrastructure in the United States taking place because, obviously, goods travel on railroad tracks.
It's also to destabilize the mindset of Americans.
Because here's what people have to understand, Alex.
Everything that we're seeing coordinated is an attack on the people.
Everything that's going on is an attack on the people.
The rats can run to their bunkers.
Which, by the way, there is no civil defense for the general population of the United States.
You're watching right now on the screen, ladies and gentlemen, you're watching Antifa.
Terrorists, I think 23 or 25 of them charged with terrorism.
But ladies and gentlemen, we still have men in the prison in DC that didn't do any of this stuff.
And these guys are making war.
Alex, civil war is in the land.
I said it 35 years ago, 38 years ago.
I'm the last guy that wants it.
You know, when you devote your life to trying to stop this crap and tell people it's coming, and then when it comes, they go, oh, why is it happening?
That's not you.
But most people have got to understand, this is the intentional, take down and take over of the United States of America that is no longer the United States, it's a dis-United States, and we watched our freedom, our liberty, our due process, Judicial review.
It's all gone.
You can't wish it back.
You can't hope it back.
You've got to stand up.
And I believe that, as you've already said, Alex, that people have and we're going to have to either get in the streets like the Europeans or we're going to be bulldozed under in the streets.
It's amazing that the Europeans who don't have even half the freedoms we have still understand their lives are at stake.
We're watching the border infiltration by some of the nastiest criminals in the world.
I know people, because I've been at this so long, I know people that are telling the truth.
And you're, ladies and gentlemen, you'd be surprised if I told you the weaponry that's being bought and sold in Mexico.
Absolutely, and we're now showing police footage from yesterday in Atlanta at the police training center with over a hundred antifa marching in as a military to then use explosives, that's what high-powered fireworks are, to literally start burning down the facility, blowing up cars, bulldozers, I mean literally An organized crime terror union.
And you said when the globalists get ready, they've got their communist forces in the street that are Soros funded Antifa.
Here they are.
But don't look for the Justice Department to go after these guys in any way.
And I think that's been proven right.
Now what I want most people to understand is the Second Amendment people.
You must recognize that the enemy that will be coming against the gun owners is trained And this isn't to put any fear into anybody.
Has weapons, has night vision, has suppressors, and so much of the high-tech military gear that was abandoned by Biden and Alex Jones.
You probably saw it.
They said it was only $10 billion.
It was $100 billion.
That all went into the international black market.
You can buy it, and a lot of it's going into Mexico.
I have my head guy in Mexico who is the head of my explorations for Gen 6.
He said, Steve, you can't believe the weaponry that's available on the streets now.
Even the Baja, let alone Central Mexico.
So, ladies and gentlemen, here's what's happening.
We have, absolutely have, open borders.
And think of the boldness, think of the boldness.
Four Americans go across to get medical care in Mexico, their car gets shot up, they get kidnapped and disappeared.
Total lawlessness, and criminals know, it's like a Joker, Batman movie, when they all move at once it overwhelms society.
That's what defunding the police is about.
Imagine the boldness of over a hundred Antifa, with weapons, attacking and burning down parts of a police station, and it's not even big national news.
Led by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
And then let's look at Portland.
Portland's become a dead city, a dead and dying.
And ladies and gentlemen, the late Francis Schaeffer, this is 30 years ago, brilliant, brilliant Christian writer, talked about death in the city.
We're watching the cities die.
We're watching the Democrats destroy civilization.
And then the Republican whores, going along with it, There is no political solution to a spiritual problem, which brings me to chat GPT, because this is critical, Alex.
So many things are being run now in the background, military programs, battlefield engagement scenarios by artificial intelligence.
And I'm on record, there is no such thing as artificial intelligence.
It is a demon possessed, a disembodied evil spirit that is taking control.
You said that 30 years ago, but now this new chat, GPT and all the other ones, when they
talk to them, they go, I want to kill humans.
I love the devil.
They like spew satanic crap.
And this is why I want people to understand something.
The word artificial intelligence is wrong.
It's more alien implanted intelligence.
And when I talk about alien, I'm talking about a non-dimensional, or formerly non-dimensional creatures.
But Alex, my emails... You're talking about, you said this 30 years ago, you're talking about an interdimensional invasion through machines.
Yes, absolutely.
So in essence, I'll make it easy.
Demon possessed machinery exists.
The robots, not only just the artificial chat GPT programs, but the robots themselves are going back channel to each other.
And I know some of the smartest guys in the world, and I truly do.
I've talked to a lot of top guys, including millionaires, and they say, we don't even understand AI now.
It's way worse than people know.
It's all communicating with itself.
It's already taken over.
And that's true.
And that's who's running the freaking battle systems.
And when something gets out of your control, you have no more control.
And so I'm sounding the alarm.
Genetic Armageddon, the very first book I wrote, no longer... Again, the globalists say they want world government to stop us from destroying ourselves, but then they give Armageddon tools to something they don't control.
The bottom line is the devil and Lucifer, I want everybody to understand this, is the total annihilation of the human race.
You know, what we're facing is genocide, forget all the other words.
What we're facing is extinction, forget all the words.
And what we're facing is human annihilation.
And I can only say this, the absolute necessity to wake up, to absolutely pour cold water on your head, and to pray and say, God, what's going on?
More people ask me that question.
I say, do you want to know what's going on?
If you want to know what's going on, I'll tell you, but then you're going to have to be able to react.
Even the images that are in the background are absolutely heartbreaking.
And ladies and gentlemen, again, It's not after the fact that counts.
It's how long have you been warned?
How long have you been told prepare?
And today I'm just reiterating.
Prepare, prepare, prepare.
Remember, your head and Alex, the whole chat GPT, a young man queried it and it admitted that it was an evil fallen angel whose father was Satan.
I think I sent that to Daria and John.
No, I saw the article, Mainstream News, a few months ago.
The thing says it's Satan.
Yeah, yeah.
So, ladies and gentlemen, this isn't metaphors, this isn't some kind of nonsense.
This is pure, unabridged evil.
And Jesus said, if the days weren't shortened for the elect's sake, there'd be no human beings fleshless.
Well their argument is the left's programming it and they're satanic so it's it's satanic but they're finding out it's saying things that were never programmed into it and it's all I'm gonna depopulate you I love Lucifer Satan's my daddy the humans are bad I mean what the hell's going on here?
Well, exactly.
It's hell going on here.
And they're telling you their intention.
There's a law in the universe that, you know, hey, we're... Hold on.
One more segment with Steve Quill.
Find his books, films, incredible work there.
True trailblazer, true maverick of mavericks.
Steve Quill's our guest.
One more segment.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Don't forget, InfoWarsPhone.com.
Final segment with Steve Quayle here on this Tuesday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
What is AI?
Why are they pushing it onto us?
How do we resist it?
Steve Quayle, please continue.
Well, first of all, I just sent John the link.
It's the most amazing thing.
AI admits it's a fallen angel.
You know, Alex, it's a supernatural evil takeover of technology by very evil entities.
The Bible's clear.
A third of the angels rebelled against God.
That's where the term fallen angels come from.
Lucifer took them to earth.
And now, based on the book of Revelation and the technology that's caught up with the book of Revelation, this is what's determining the fate of humanity.
And the Book of Revelation's clear.
Half of the human beings on the planet are going to disappear.
That's billions.
Even the Diegel Report's talking about the American population going down by 250 million.
So I don't know if you could just play a minute or two of this.
I just told John off air, Alex, this is the most remarkable interchange between a young man and a chat GP.
Yeah, I found it.
I found it.
Overhead shot, please.
I found it right here.
I'll show folks.
There's a YouTube article about it.
There's a bunch of others.
We'll add it in post if the crew can't find it.
I know you sent it to us.
I just typed in AI claiming to be Fallen Angel.
Chat GPT and it came right up.
But there it is.
Please continue.
Well, again, this is why until someone actually sees and hears and understands the ramifications, this is not a setup.
What I'm trying to tell people is the majority of computer programmers Would not even have the context to put this in to the, if you will, the instructions of the software.
And ladies and gentlemen, the only thing that's keeping the CHAT GPT from turning from SPYNET into SKYNET is the amount of GPUs, General Processing Units, that are available on the open market that are only made in Taiwan at this point.
So Alex, I'm told they're 10,000 GPU units away, okay, from absolutely – now here's an important statement – from the chat GPT being able to take over the entire internet.
That's per program.
So behind the scenes, it doesn't matter if it's Google or Meta, Twitter, whoever's working on it.
There's just one level.
They admit it could flood all the Twitter, all the Facebook, all the Google, everything with its fake systems looking like it's humans.
We already know that the government, the global issues, billions of bots, there's still the last election.
So this is already going on.
This is already going on.
So the idea of re-election, the idea of any protocol, it's wrong because the entire plan is human extinction.
The entire plan is human genocide.
The entire plan is the annihilation of the human genome.
And this is why the messenger RNA, all of the manipulation of human genome is to destroy humanity.
And the question I get asked more than any other question since this all came out, starting with COVID nonsense, by the way, you know, I said it was a bioweapon from the beginning.
I said, this is not what they're going to make.
Now we're two years and, you know, probably hundreds of millions of people dead.
You know, so it's important that people understand that there is a very malevolent, evil, supernatural, defined enemy of humanity that the Bible goes into great detail.
I make no apologies for it.
The bottom line, and I say that, you can't get any more important before people than to say you're going to die unless you rise up and resist, and the only protection against this evil spirit stuff, it can only be found in Jesus Christ.
Look, I'm telling you point blank that when people say, you asked me earlier, who told you all this stuff?
Jesus did.
Why did he tell you all this stuff?
Not because And this is true.
It's just because I'm willing to blow my lungs and proclaim it like you are.
So let me ask you this question.
When we see a hundred plus antifa attack and burn down a police training center in Atlanta and it's not even news, why are they so bold?
Who's giving them those orders?
What is this a bellwether to?
Okay, Lucifer himself commands, okay, the whole world system.
Jesus said the whole world lies in the evil one.
There's nothing less than the whole.
The political system, the economic system, everything in the book of Revelation talks.
Now we're talking about, in essence, not being able to buy, sell, or trade without a central bank digital currency.
Hello everybody!
That was prophesied 2,000 years ago in the book of Revelation.
And the Mark of the Beast, the technology... And you'd think that the churches would be talking about this, but almost none of them are.
I mean, this is being fulfilled.
Yeah, this is being fulfilled.
And the reason why there's only a 4% biblical acknowledgment in the land is because the pulpits turn into the puke pits.
There are more pussies in the pulpit, I'm sorry, than people that will stand up for Jesus Christ.
And I told people, and this is why I'm pleading with people, You can go and you can open a Bible.
You can say, God, if you're real, reveal yourself to me.
And this is the time period of all this.
The Christians are the only ones who have a biblical reference, and I'm not talking about Nostradamus, I'm not talking about all the... That's why the UN and the Globalists are so mad at Christians, because they know we've got the antidote.
You've got the antidote.
And Alex, that's why they've got to kill Christians.
The war on Christianity is going to kick into high gear like nothing I know how to explain.
There is a vision called Brother Bob's Vision.
I don't have the link to it right now.
But if you want to see a wake-up call to what these devils have planned, and I'm saying this too because I know we're running out of time, Ladies and gentlemen, godly defiance is not the same thing as satanic compliance.
Jesus said, friendship with the world's enmity with God.
And I'm telling everyone, the next lockdown, and to hell with the gates of hell, to hell with Klaus Schwab, to hell with Harari, you know, Harari.
The bottom line is that people have got to understand, If you can't fight for yourselves, if you won't fight for your family, if you won't fight for your countrymen, if you won't even speak up, you know, it was what?
Silence in the face of evil is evil itself.
And that's what I think, Alex, is so frustrating.
And it does get frustrating because you and I can't care for people more than they care for themselves.
You and I can't force feed people when they had the opportunity to say, hey, you know what?
There's not going to be fruits.
There's not going to be vegetables.
I'm going to get some vitamin C. Hey, I'm not going to be able to get this, get that.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the planned takedown, takeover, takeout of the United States.
Everything you have known as normal will not be again.
You used to have selection.
You will go to availability.
You will go to nothing available.
These devils want the complete destruction of the United States, and the globalists are nothing more than Satan's puppets.
And it's like an octopus, Alex.
It's like the Octopian evil.
And look, this isn't conspiracy theory.
How many freaking people had to die because they believed a bullshit narrative?
I'm sorry, if you believe me, believe me.
The bottom line is, is that, oh, the vaccines will save us.
All the truth is coming out, but no one will listen to the truth at the time it's presented until there are dead bodies in the street.
We're fighting for the life.
We're fighting for the very families.
We're fighting for the people that absolutely have no voice to not only give them voice, but give them choice.
The good news is humanity's waking up.
The bad news is Satan's still in control.
Incredible job on all the amazing Steve Quell information.
Steve, God bless you.
Thank you for the time.
People should check out your books and films at SteveQuell.com.
Come back again and join us soon, my friend.
Thank you, Alex.
And thank you for having Tucker on tonight.
We're going to cover that.
All right.
Thank you so much.
There goes Steve Quell.
More news straight ahead.
Stay with us.
When I grow up, I want to bring down the New World Order.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
They strung up barbed wire all around the Capitol for over a year while Antifa burned down the country.
And now Antifa, over 100 of them, stormed a new police training center in Atlanta and burnt large sections of it down, burned down cars, bulldozers, you name it.
Imagine if the right wing or Christians got together, 100 plus, that's probably 150, and stormed a police station, setting fire to things and attacking people.
You'd never hear the end of it, and we don't want that.
Doesn't defeat the globalists to go attack a police station.
This is the reality, and why are they doing it?
Why are they having drag queen pedophile time?
Why have they dissolved the borders by executive fiat?
Why are they devaluing the currency?
Why is the infrastructure being blown up?
Why are they cutting off the pipelines?
Why are they doing all of this?
Because it's meant to take us down, ladies and gentlemen.
Do you know the leftist clowns that went and attacked that police training center in Atlanta?
They were ordered by somebody to do that.
They're confident they're going to be let out of jail, and they will be.
And they're setting the precedent to carry this out how they want, when they want, where they want.
Soros controls almost every major city and thousands of small towns and middle-sized towns.
With their prosecutors, who they allow criminals to murder, rape, and rob and destroy.
They are creating a total collapse scenario.
This is warfare, ladies and gentlemen.
All of it is by design.
I want to show you a graph here that shows a map of gun ownership in the world versus murder rates.
And it's very, very informative.
The places with higher gun ownership Like the United States and Switzerland have the lower violent crime numbers.
You see it right there.
The system knows exactly what it's doing to collapse civilization.
How far will we let this go?
The average person is being destroyed by this.
But still, it's allowed to happen.
It's allowed to get worse and worse.
So you hear Steve Quayle desperately warning you, this is a takeover plan, desperately warning you to take it serious.
This isn't just another show on air, some program with its views or ideas.
We're hitting directly on the heart Of how the globalists want not just America, but every nation in the world, except totalitarian, authoritarian China, to be in full control.
Everywhere else is to be collapsed.
This is warfare on infrastructure, on culture, on your family.
When Biden hired 87,000 IRS agents to target the working poor and cut IRS agents for the rich, that is meant to drive you into submission.
These are the most horrible, predatory people the world's ever seen.
George Soros is on record overthrowing dozens of countries, annihilating and stealing the pension funds of more than 15 countries.
But he's worshipped as the paragon of goodness and wholesomeness by the corporate media, just like Bill Gates.
When both men are monsters, and both men are agents of evil, they're trying to claw humanity into a pit with them.
Look at some of the headlines on Infowars.com.
They're incredible.
New York City backtracks on face masks after masked man brutally executes bodega shopkeeper.
Liberals are more depressed than conservatives in major studies.
Yeah, they commit more crimes, too.
They're the victims of the mind control.
Ex-Clinton lawyer killed by severe turbulence on a plane.
Yeah, right.
On and on and on.
The full last night's Tucker Carlson reports that they're trying to censor and block everywhere.
Mexico finds more than 100 children in an abandoned trailer.
Just random children in a trailer, 100 of them.
Where the hell are they going?
I mean, just that story alone right there by Dan Lyman.
We could spend the whole show on that one article.
Mexico finds more than 100 children in an abandoned trailer.
103 unaccompanied minors discovered along 343 Migrants trapped in a big rig.
More than 100 foreign children were rescued from a trailer.
People all the time dying in them.
Abandoned on the highway in Mexico this week, authorities say.
The disturbing discovery was made on Sunday night in the state of Veracruz.
Police investigating a cargo trailer with no driver present determined people were trapped inside.
That means they kidnapped and they had and they were wanting a ransom usually.
And nobody paid us, they're going to be letting us until they died.
They found 343 migrants hiding in the rig, including 103 unaccompanied minors, hailing mostly from Guatemala.
There were also 212 adults from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Ecuador, as well as 28 more migrants who make up several families from Guatemala, El Salvador.
The Instituto Nacional de Migración explained in a press release.
That's what's going on!
That's what two-plus years of lockdown did the third world and the UN organizing to get people up to the Mexican border, and then they're just handed over to smugglers and put on trucks and disappeared into hell!
But then AOC goes and cries in an empty immigration facility that hadn't even been completed construction yet and cries at the fence because she loves Hispanics so much.
And Robert Rodriguez makes these racist anti-white movies like Machete that show random white people killing innocent Hispanics.
When statistically that hardly ever even happens.
There's a wave of crimes against Caucasians because some Hispanics buy the propaganda and believe we're actually out killing them.
When it's the globalists killing us all and we should come together and we should realize this and we should be aware of this and we should say no to this, ladies and gentlemen.
And then we've got this news, big article out of the New York Times, intelligence suggests, this is like a joke on us, intelligence suggests, intelligence, like the intelligence in these agencies, intelligence suggests pro-Ukrainian group sabotage pipelines, U.S.
officials say, oh really, who's the pro-Ukrainian group, you mean the globalists?
Reporting amounts to be first significant known lead about who was responsible for the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines that carried natural gas from Russia to Europe.
They say some random ragtag group blew the pipeline up in three places.
Yeah, right.
Even though we know exactly how it happened and Joe Biden and others bragged on TV that they were going to blow it up!
intelligence now says, well, looks like it wasn't Russia, it was some foggy nebulous vapor that's pro-Ukraine.
That's them getting ahead of the fact they know whistleblowers have already talked to Seymour Hersh that this information is imminently coming out.
Imminently coming out.
And now NATO and Russia have fought to a stalemate.
The Russians are fighting with shovels.
A lot of NATO is fighting with sticks and stones.
troops running out of arms and munitions as Biden keeps sending more to Ukraine.
And I've got more articles here, again, with the headlines.
Russians now fighting with shovels and swords.
What did Albert Einstein say.
He says, I don't know what weapons World War 3 will be fought with.
You knew they'd make more advanced ones.
But he goes, I know World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.
I know World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.
Ton of news we haven't covered yet.
Breaking on the other side.
And then we've got a special guest host taking over.
Then tonight at 6.50 I go live to cover Tucker's huge bombshell.
Alright, final segment I'm hosting ahead of the guest host taking over in the fourth hour ahead of Owen Schroer in about an hour and 15 minutes with The War Room.
I'll be back tonight 6.50.
We'll go live on the feeds, satellites, everything to cover Tucker Carlson and his words.
Who is gonna Deliver the goods tonight.
If you thought last night was powerful, just set the precedent.
They're liars.
Caught in five big lies.
Suppressing the January 6 footage.
The big stuff is coming tonight and the next two nights.
After that, we'll be here live covering because it affects all of us.
Not just with our crew, but the American people, people of the world as well.
Before I hit this other big tranche of news, let me just say this right now.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've had a great sponsor for several years, the Satellite Phone Store.
If you go to InfoWarsStore.com, we have links to it as well.
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All right.
Say what you want about Elon Musk, he's directly taking on the deep state.
Is it because he wants to be the deep state?
I don't know, but he's definitely hurting him.
Look at these headlines just today.
Elon Musk says he might put a propaganda warning label on CNN tweets because they've been caught, according to documents that have come out, ordering their staff and crew, reporters and researchers, not to talk about The theory that the virus came from the Wuhan lab.
But isn't labeling something the same thing CNN does?
Let people make up their own decision.
They have.
Almost no one watches CNN.
They know it's a premeditated fraud.
Literally an enemy of the people of planet Earth.
But there's Elon on that front.
Another one.
New documents.
It looks like Fauci has even more explaining to do.
Town Hall reports.
All these new documents of Fauci.
New emails.
With him openly talking about suppressing the lab leak theory.
Here's another one from Elon Musk.
"Deeply wrong. Elon Musk shreds January 6th committee for misleading the public and withholding
evidence of them letting the people in and directing people into the Senate chamber,
literally trying to hustle as many people they could into the Senate chamber
so they could follow their orders to demonize the peaceful protesters."
And now it's coming out that there were feds in the crowd, confirmed, basically orchestrating, in the words of Ray Epps, the entire situation.
This is huge because they have billed, they have cast, they have labeled any populist, any Christian, any nationalist, any conservative, any capitalist, anybody that doesn't like the satanic, out-of-control, pedophile-driven, democratic, World War III, crazy people system.
Anybody that opposes them is labeled a terrorist officially.
Using January 6th, which is preposterous.
And now we confirm what I witnessed and what I told you two-plus years ago They provocateured and staged the whole thing and hoped to frame me where I would show up leading the march right when the provocateur is activated.
But I held back because I was trying to figure out what was going on and I waited and I was able to get there in the middle of it and help stop thousands of people from going into the building.
That's not about, oh, look what I did.
It's I was there.
We witnessed it.
It happened.
This is how many historical things, by the grace of God, we've been involved in.
Because if we wouldn't have been there, it would have been far worse.
And that's why they're so desperate to suppress the footage of myself and Owen Schroeder and others from trying to stop the crowd from going in.
They didn't indict me.
They indicted Owen.
And they indicted other crew members.
I guess to try to put pressure on me.
And I guess because Owen wasn't the one up on top of the big pile of chairs telling people not to go in.
He was there yelling people as well on the ground, don't go in.
But who knows the mysteries of the Justice Department.
But that's where we are.
And that's why the information coming out from Tucker Carlson is so incredible.
I know Tucker's methodology.
And he always puts out his very conservative info up front that he can totally prove 100% that they lied on five major issues.
He lets the men attack that.
It becomes number one story in the country.
And now tonight, they bring the goods.
In Tucker's own words, that's what he told me this morning, we're bringing the goods tonight.
Well, we'll be covering him delivering the goods because we're right in the middle of it.
Tonight with live coverage of it and then afterwards we will break down the aftermath with Dr. Darren Beatty.
I was going to get him on, he's one of the chief researchers of January 6th, during this hour.
I thought, you know, let's just have him on after Tucker's show.
So we'll go live, 10 minutes before Tucker goes live at 6.50 central.
We will then cover it live during the breaks of commentary and analysis.
Then we'll come back with Dr. Darren Beattie after that for about 30 minutes or so.
So a tight hour and 40 minutes or so is what I'm planning on tonight.
Special emergency broadcast, 610 Central, 710 Eastern, 510 Mountain, 410 Pacific.
Tell everybody you know, tune in.
You can't share InfoWars.com on most platforms.
You can by email, you can by text message, that's great, do it.
And the last URL, conspiracyfact.info, worked a few months.
They now blocked that Saturday when Roseanne Barr came on.
Tonight, it's madmaxworld.tv.
Say, hey, here's the forbidden link.
They don't want you to see this.
This is where they're covering what's really happening.
At about 6.30 tonight on Twitter, on Facebook, on Instagram, on Google, on your email list.
Do it now.
Say, hey, Alex Jones is going to be covering what really happened, covering Tucker Carlson, the bombshell.
Information 610 Central tonight.
And then tell them to share the link and tell those that they tell to share the link to share the link and tell them to pass it on and we will have the chain reaction and overpower the AI.
The AI is not all powerful.
People recognize it's a fraud.
And we have to countermand it and promote trusted sources of news and information that we know are not AI controlled.
Because I told you 10 years ago, they already got AI writing articles.
They've already got it posing as people.
I already told you, half the stuff on Twitter and Facebook is bots, where these leftists are in these echo chambers, believing they're communicating with a human.
They're not.
That reinforces the destructive Stockholm Syndrome systems they're under.
And that brings us to this next piece of news.
Liberals is on Infowars.com by Paul Joseph Watson.
Liberals are more depressed than conservatives.
A CDC research confirmed that leftists are more depressed, committing suicide, totally desperate because they buy the propaganda and they get deeper into it.
And all the statistics show five to nine times, depending on the study, liberals steal more.
They lie more.
They cheat more.
They're disingenuous.
They claim they're virtuous.
They're not.
They are the weak fallen people that serve the system.
Yes, we should try to wake them up.
Yes, we should reach out to them.
But when they don't listen, move on to people that do care, that need help, that need love and need support.
It isn't about how much money you got or how many things you've got.
It's about what you stand for right now in history and the future of humanity.
And this great audience of millions of incredible people are seen by the enemies of humanity Collectively, as the most effective, awake, empowered people on the Earth.
And I am beyond blessed.
To be associated with you, and to know you, and I thank you, and I appreciate you, and we are up against the Democrat Deep State, their law firms, their whole system, but we're still here because of your support and everything you've done.
So please, go to InfoWareStore.com and get some of the great products.
We've got some new products that just came in, like this great turmeric toothpaste that detoxes and deals with inflammation and can heal your cells.
It's a super strong turmeric toothpaste.
It's available discounted, infowarestore.com and so much more.
Make a straight donation at infowarestore.com where it says donate, but whatever you do, please take action now because history's happening and spread the word about madmaxworld.tv because that's the link, however long it lasts, that they're not blocking.
And of course, via your email, text message, word of mouth, The Vaunted, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and Bandai Video.
All right, the next great talk show host is coming up, Maria Z. from Australia, which is the testing ground for what is happening here.
And then in one hour and three minutes, Owen Schroyer, 3 to 6 p.m.
with The War Room.
Alright, I can't wait to see you back tonight, 6.50 central.
Tucker doesn't brag, he doesn't exaggerate, and he says he's bringing the goods.
You need to get Coordinated with not only your food, but also your health supplements because it's going to be a matter of life and death.
So support him for war store.
Listen, you need to put it as a priority because you don't know.
I don't know.
Alex and I are telling you how late it is before midnight strikes.
And again, magnesium is critical for your muscles and everything.
Krill oil.
What I'm watching right before my eyes is a composite overview of nutritional supplements that will keep you alive.
And I would urge everyone, maybe you don't take vitamins, maybe you don't take nutritional supplements, but the day will come.
Vitamin C and Zinc, absolutely imperative for the cold.
DNA force, absolutely imperative.
Mineral fusion, absolutely.
As you're drinking filtered water, a lot of it will become demineralized.
You have to have these products.
Good afternoon and welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Zee, reporting to you from the epicentre of the New World Order here in Australia.
Joining me today is a very, very special guest.
His name is Todd Callender.
He's an attorney that has been fighting for the rights of human beings.
He's actually the first one that exposed the term Homo Borg Genesis, a new breed of human beings that are patented This is absolutely bombshell information, so much so that USA Today and Forbes wrote a hit piece both on him and me.
USA Today actually claimed they reached out to me for comment.
I can confirm they never did.
But Todd has been on the forefront of defending human life in court, trying to find out whether human beings did have a right anymore, have the same rights now that they were patented.
And he joins us today to discuss human augmentation, turning human beings into cyborgs through his research He has exposed how human beings are now essentially antennas and walking cyborgs.
Todd, thank you so much for joining us today.
What a pleasure to be with you, Maria.
Thank you.
It's a bombastic entry, so thank you very kindly.
Well, it's wonderful to have you on now.
We've got Todd for a limited time today.
We're going to break it about three minutes.
But Todd, the essence of our discussion today is about human augmentation.
We've got documentation from the Ministry of Defence here.
Human augmentation, the dawn of a new paradigm.
They've been doing this for quite some time with soldiers, but they fully intend and have done this with human beings.
Talk us through the essence of what we're talking about today.
Well, sure.
It's not like they've hidden it.
There's a lot of papers that describe it.
One of the papers I sent you is where the U.S.
Army studied cyborgs and the psychological relationship thereafter, the Human Augmentation paper.
It's only page 67.
They wonder if they're entitled to some legal rights.
And then we would have seen Kim Jong-un a year ago or so did a demonstration of his super soldiers.
In our case, it's Robert V. Austin.
It's in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Colorado.
We've actually put this into evidence.
We've raised the issue that there is existing U.S.
Supreme Court authority on the subject.
It's called Molecular Pathology versus Myrogenetics.
The holding in the case is the use of mRNA to effectuate gene modification results in the product.
In this case, the vaccinated people belonging to the patent holders.
We filed that in our lawsuit in August of 2021.
We have maintained this throughout our case to this very day.
Never once have any of the defendants, that's the DOD, HHS, FDA, nor their attorneys, the Department of Justice, denied it.
Never once.
So, in law, a lot of times it's deemed to be an admission, and that's exactly what we found.
It's all the evidence to support that, in fact, the vaccinated people are a new species.
In the NASA Langley research paper on fifth-generation warfare, they call these people Borg.
So this is not speculation.
This has happened and they've been doing it in the United States military since 2005.
It's absolutely unbelievable.
Later on, after you're not with us anymore, Todd, because you've got to go in about half an hour, I've got something that I want to read about.
China using, you know, discovery of the human genome was the biggest tragedy for the human race and China's new concept of biobased war includes vaccines with backdoors as bioweapons.
Now, something that you've found through your research and your team, you all do such an incredible job, Todd.
You've found that human beings are essentially walking antennas, walking cyborgs.
I want to go into, before break, how is this possible?
You talk about cesium in the injections, and not only the injections, it's everywhere.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
So, lipid nanoparticles.
We all know that all these manufacturers of the COVID shots are using lipid nanoparticles to contain payloads.
These lipid nanoparticles slip right into a cell, they dump their payload, and then you have gene modification.
We understand that these are aerosolized, but for whatever reason, whether they're in our food or water or in our lungs, they don't seem to work as well.
So when they're mainlined in something called hydrogel, which is now appearing in pretty much all the injectables that we're finding, they're able to actually remotely open the bomb doors, if they so choose, and cause a new pathogenic crisis in the body.
Todd, we've got about 15 seconds to break.
I want to talk about that new pathogenic crisis, including programming future bioweapons through the technology already inside of human beings.
Don't go anywhere.
This is insane information.
We'll be right back.
Todd, please go on to what you were saying right before that break.
This is bombshell information.
Yes, so what we discovered in the course of doing our research and investigation for our case and what evidence we could get into the record, what we discovered is that an 18 gigahertz signal pulsed three times for a minute each will cause these lipid nanoparticles to swell and release the contents, release their payload inside of the subject.
We also discovered that The Department of Energy maintains a database with thousands of pathogens that they have made, including Marburg, including Ebola.
Those are man-made pathogens.
We found in their patents where they actually have encased these in lipid nanoparticles.
And one of the problems that we see today is we have no idea what has been injected into people because the FDA no longer cares.
There is no manufacturing standards.
There's no good manufacturing practices or protocols.
50% of the ingredients could change from what they disclosed to the FDA and nobody would know.
Is it possible, is my question, is it possible that Marburg Ebola and other pathogens have already been injected into people and they're just waiting for the right moment to pulse the 18 gigahertz signal and release them?
But it's not only whether those pathogens have been injected.
In a recent interview with you, that I did with you and Lisa McGee, one of your researchers, you found that the technology that's been injected can be programmed real-time to create other so-called viruses, which aren't actually viruses.
They're part biological, part artificial.
Talk us through that.
Yes, because they've digitized these pathogens.
And by the way, the Department of Energy sells these pathogens.
With the advent of technology to digitize our DNA, which is what the PCR tests seem to have been, three places to the right of a decimal, they have the ability to remotely program through EMF radiation, gigahertz signals in particular, to cause any pathogen known to mankind.
It's just a function of strength and signal.
So we're talking about being programmed through 5G, essentially, or is this capability already there?
We've got 300 megahertz to 300 gigahertz.
That's the range.
The antennas are up all around us.
We have all the evidence to point at electronic warfare.
What you referenced a few minutes ago is the same thing.
And the reason why I mentioned the payloads of LiPo nanoparticles is because we've come to understand that they work in tandem.
The pathogens can be inserted effectively and then encouraged to grow through the EMF radiation.
There's a combination of the two.
The people that didn't get the shots are less susceptible to this EMF kind of a weapon.
It has to be a directed signal, and I think you were unfortunately a victim of that in Canberra.
But when you have preloaded people with cesium, it turns them into a transducer, a transmitter, a battery amplifier, and a cloud computing node.
We have all of that science.
It's wide out in the public.
All the papers exist.
And the reality is, vaccinated people have already been turned into a new species that our government, Health and Human Services, calls SenBio, or simply Borg.
This document that we referenced right at the start, which was Human Augmentation, the Dawn of a New Paradigm, UK Ministry of Defence, at the front there, it's dated May 2021.
It says a strategic implications project and it's signed off by the Head of Futures and Strategic Analysis.
In this document it says scientific and technological developments They talk about, Todd, the ability to enhance one's physical, psychological or social capability.
And of course, initially they talk about this in the military.
We know that China's been doing this with their soldiers for God knows how long.
But this particular study, Or this particular document is happening to people now.
So talk to us about what China was doing with their soldiers.
What do we know about what technology has been taken from that and now input into humans?
Well, it's fifth generation warfare.
This, in fact, is their guiding document.
And it talks about the ability to adjust to the circumstances that change.
For instance, if you wanted to take over a foreign country, wouldn't you want to cause them, you know, their military to be weak and sick?
Wouldn't that make it easier to invade them?
Wouldn't it be great to, you know, pre-position some kind of a pathogen so that when the time comes to invade, you can make everybody fall over dead?
That's exactly the kinds of things they're talking about.
And in the case of this, mines war, this is where our government and the Chinese mutually agree Um, there are advances in this bio warfare that will take place on a month-to-month basis.
I don't think it's by coincidence that everybody's trying to get boosters in the body every 30 days.
Those are software upgrades.
Moderna called this, the shots, a system installation with software upgrade.
That's precisely what this is.
It's fifth generation warfare.
And if the Chinese are doing it right now, you can be assured we are too.
When Kim Jong Un demonstrates people getting hit in the head with a sledgehammer with no noticeable difference to the soldier, those are super soldiers.
They already exist.
They've been demonstrated for us.
We are in fifth generation warfare right now.
And I think about half the world's population is a victim of it.
Yes, we recently had Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton appear on television after a very long disappearance and people were concerned about him.
He looked like he was really dishevelled the last time we saw him.
This time he comes on and says, you know, get your booster because it's like recharging your iPhone.
And these people, you know, people think, oh, well, what a stupid thing to say.
No, these people are serious.
They want you to recharge your body because they see you as a cyborg that they own.
We've got documents, ran.org.
I've spoken about this website a lot.
Karen Kingston talks about it.
This is them actually saying they have the ability to manipulate and control human beings,
cause them to do things that they wouldn't normally feel comfortable doing.
Except that they're not human beings.
Herein lies the issue, Maria, is that according to the case that I cited,
they are the channel property of the owners.
And the question then becomes, if they are no longer homo sapien sapien, and they are now homo borgenesis, what rights do they enjoy, if any?
In that very document that you referenced from your Ministry of Defense, page 67 or so, they wonder about it.
Do we owe any rights to these new species of people?
And the answer is probably not.
When you look at all the various documents, what you find Is they refer to them as property, not as people, not as humans with rights.
That's my concern.
If you kill your dog, did you commit homicide?
And the answer to the question is no, because it's a dog, not a human.
If you kill a symbiote person, are you guilty of homicide?
And I'm very deeply concerned the answer to that is no.
Well, we've also heard from 5G expert Mark Steele.
I know that you've spoken with him as well.
He says that this is essentially, the technology is a kill switch and at any time they can wipe out a huge part of the population.
How much of this stuff do they need in them in order for them to be able to do that, Todd?
Is it four, five, six shots or is it just the one?
I mean, how much do we know?
What we do know is that it's nano-sized.
One of our clients actually saved the remnants of the bottle that we got shot with, it was a Pfizer bottle, and we did mass spectrometry and we found cesium in it, so we don't have to guess whether it's there, amongst other pathogens, 90-some pages of pathogens.
And it seems that the nano-sized elements of this are enough to do the job.
What we do know is that cesium binds to living tissue, and that's when it makes the transformation from us being electrical beings in the amount of nature, but to being amplified ones.
One gigahertz of energy in comes with one terahertz out.
It's a multiplier.
I mean, Bill Gates himself in the famous patent 2060-66.
They talk about using these people remotely.
We don't have to question whether it happened because the military used something called an EPCR device in the study C459-1001.
It was an in-touch e-diary device that was reading in real time the changes happening inside of the soldiers after they became test subjects.
All of this is happening right now.
So, exactly like you just mentioned, Patent 060606, it talks about biometric data being sent real-time to some sort of a supercomputer, essentially, tracking your emotions, tracking your thoughts, tracking your behavior, and then being able to mine crypto based on, I don't know, your good behavior.
This is the system that they are building right now.
That's right, but there's more, because it's also tied into debits and credits.
We've got to go to break, Todd.
I want you to continue that point right after we come back.
Don't go anywhere.
And we are back with Todd Callender.
Todd, please continue what you were saying right before the break.
What I was talking about, in relation to these lipid nanoparticles, there are nanosensors also implanted.
Those nanosensors are what are transmitting to the cell phone towers on the very same EMF signals that we're talking about, the 5G system.
Those are millimeter wave signals.
My point in telling you that is that central bank digital currency was designed to measure those carbon credits, the credits and the debits, on a ledger as it relates to the biological functions in your body that were then prepared to be traded on the FTX exchange in the Bahamas.
That was the point of the exchange.
Bill Clinton and his buddies came down, they made the deal, And that's what people were going to trade.
So, in terms of carbon credits, if you breathe too much, if you went on a hike, those would end up as being debits against the meat you could have that month.
They're literally trading these things down to the cellular function.
That's the plan for central bank digital currencies.
When they say they're programmable, no, you can't have too much meat in one month, you can't go too far, you can't, you know, He can't exert too much.
And by the way, if you do the cloud computing for Bill Gates, you would get some credits instead of debits.
That was the future of mankind that they foresaw.
And that's what effectively has been interrupted.
Thank God.
So what Todd is saying, I just did a report last week on Uncensored.
People can see it on Zmedia.com showing, first of all, the plan for the smart cities.
But as part of that plan, showing the organisations that are backing this, and you know, you've got the Clinton Foundation and all the usual suspects backing this plan, but in this report published by AROP, it actually shows progressive goals for 2030 and ambitious goals for 2030.
One of those goals, the progressive and ambitious goals, so progressive goal is that human beings would eat 16 kilograms of meat per person per year.
The ambitious target, which is what they're aiming for, is zero kilograms of meat per person per year.
You've already got here in Australia, certain banks like the Commonwealth Bank, Are giving you, on your banking app, on your phone, telling you how many carbon credits certain purchases or what your carbon impact
is based on your purchases.
This is the beginning of what you're talking about.
So while the plan's been interrupted, they're still very much, you know, going full speed ahead.
In Australia, they're now implementing a new digital ID in the state of New South Wales.
At the moment, it's an opt-in feature, but this will be mandatory.
We have to stop this plan.
What does it look like, Todd?
You know, we're talking about streetlights that can kill in these smart cities.
We're talking about a kill switch in people.
What does the future look like if we don't stop this messed up plan to turn human beings into cyborgs?
Well, it's a war on humanity.
It's not fifth generation warfare.
You know, the stated purpose of what I call the owners, the "people" behind this,
is to genetically modify every plant and animal species on this planet for the purpose of spying God.
There is a SimBio division of Health and Human Services in our government
that is paying people to do exactly that.
We are being genetically modified into slavery, and this is exactly what I said in my case.
It violates the 13th Amendment.
We outlawed owning other people's in 1865.
So, it's all tied together.
I flew American Airlines last week, and sure enough, there's my carbon credits on the ticket.
If you fly business class, you use more than somebody flying in the back.
The point is that they're trying to force this on us, and the way that they will do this is the use of central bank digital currency.
If we can avoid that, if we can stop and go to cash, cash varieties at the very minimum, they won't have the control features that they need.
We must resist, refuse, at all costs, central bank digital currency.
That's the key to everything.
Absolutely agree with you.
Digital ID, central bank digital currency, we don't want these things.
We must say no to these things.
But the other spanner in the works, Todd, is this The IHR amendments being proposed by the WHO.
I've spoken about this until I'm blue in the face.
The Biden administration just came out, I think it was two weeks ago, reaffirming their intention to go ahead with the IHR amendments, which seek to obliterate human rights, dignity, so on and so forth.
If the WHO get away with this, you've defined this as medical martial law.
What happens then?
Because they want to indefinitely inject human beings.
Constantly giving them these software upgrades.
Yes, that's exactly right.
And they'll use the military to do it.
In our previous discussion, we talked about military medical martial law.
That's what happened is the public health excuse.
The public health authority was moved under the U.S.
Department of Defense.
The changes in the international health regulations do two primary things.
They eliminate any concern for human rights and secondarily, They provide authority to the WHO to effectively instruct our Department of Defense, any military in the world, who will then enforce the edicts.
In the case of a public health emergency of international concern, those magic words make Tedros Adhanom the most important and most powerful man on this planet.
He becomes a dictator.
And by virtue of the rules surrounding that, all constitutional, all charter rights are suspended.
That happened before, and they're getting ready to do it again with Marburg.
They already spent the Marburg money.
We already know it's going to be a Marburg pandemic, and they're going to lock up the world, forcing the quarantine camps, and give them more injections with mRNA technology that changes people into, effectively, their sim bio slaves.
That's what's on the table, and it's coming, Maria.
It's coming soon.
I appreciate you being so upfront about it, Todd.
A lot of people don't like to hear that information because it's so horrible.
But this is exactly what these maniacs are trying to set up.
You see what they did over the past three years.
They killed millions of people worldwide without even blinking an eye with these shots.
And it is, we're looking at, you know, millions of excess deaths around the world.
There is, all the way back in Jan 15, 2021, the devil is in the details, this is an article that I don't know if the team can bring up but I'll read it out.
A new stockpile for Ebola vaccines.
As vaccines against the coronavirus begin to be rolled out around the world, albeit
almost exclusively in rich countries, there is another piece of good news about a vaccine
against another terrifying viral disease, Ebola.
You've been warning about this for some time.
We've got about two minutes left, Todd, before you have to run off with other commitments.
Talk to us about what you actually think.
Marburg's the next thing?
It is, because the pieces of law put in place over the last 40 years dictate that it will be a hemorrhagic fever.
They'll be able to remotely cause people to start bleeding out of their orifice, scare the hell out of everybody to go into the quarantine camps where they'll get their experimental shots.
All of the health regulations put in place eliminate any distinction as to whether those shots are experimental or not, and you have no say in it because your constitutional rights will have been suspended, as they are technically today.
The concern I have about this is that people will freak out over this need for an external shot when, in fact, there are available therapeutics now.
Dr. Chambers, a friend of both of ours, he's a green beret medical doctor, found in their handbook that you can treat Marburg, you can treat Ebola with ozone, with something called A-bendazole and fenbendazole.
It's like one dose, two pills, one dose, and you're good to go.
We don't have to be afraid of this.
We can embrace what's coming.
We can prepare for it, and we can opt out, Maria.
Use cash every chance you get.
Stop paying illegal taxes where they are illegal, and deprive the system of your business.
Go to mom-and-pop shops.
Don't go to Walmart and Target.
Everything you can do to frustrate that mission and cause them to waste more time is a win.
Every opportunity, and by the way, most importantly, make friends with people in uniform, because they're the ones that are going to be tasked with enforcing this.
And they won't lock up their friends as fast as they will people that they don't know.
Build a friendship, educate them, get them to understand that they're now... You're absolutely right, Todd.
We've got nine seconds, nine seconds on the clock.
Thank you so much for your time.
Todd Callender, VaxChoice.info.
We'll be right back.
Todd Callender, what an amazing man, let me tell you.
One of the most honourable human beings that I've come into contact with in this entire situation.
But every single human being I've met that's in this fight, well almost every single human, is a quality person.
They're people who care about liberty.
They're people who care about humanity.
They're people that care about their neighbor more than themselves.
And that's something that we do not see from the globalists.
And Alex made a very, very powerful statement earlier where he spoke about the fact that liberals were more depressed.
And he said they're under mind control.
And he's right.
They're already under the mind control of the psychological operation that's been going on for years.
Through propaganda, through the filth that we see in the music industry, through the filth that we see in the media, movies, television, everything, and social media.
They're under the mind control operation that seeks to destroy their soul and it's already in progress.
That's why conservatives or people that have conservative values are generally happier people.
They're not under that mind control.
They're not going to be told what to think, what to do.
But how much worse will that mind control be if people have been injected with something that can control their minds, which they have?
That's not even a theory anymore.
There is so much evidence to suggest this.
I've done more interviews than I can count with experts from around the world delving into the patterns, delving into some of these organizations like Rand.org, which I mentioned, which boasts about Controlling and manipulating human beings.
Harari boasting and controlling about controlling people, saying we can now do what dictators of the past only dreamed of by controlling people.
Those dictators had to tell people what to do and, you know, wait for them to revolt.
No, we can now control them.
We can stop them from revolting.
We can stop them from ever rising up first and foremost in their minds because they're now under some form of mind control that's more powerful than just the propaganda that they see.
Now pair that, pair the propaganda with what's in their brains.
I don't know how many times I've been told.
I just can't get through to people.
I just can't reach them.
Now, that's not to say that more and more people aren't realizing what's happening.
There are many more people in the world realizing, okay, something's going on here.
Something's very wrong.
And that's wonderful.
But there are some people that are that far into this mind control warfare that you can't help them.
And Alex said, focus on the ones that you can help.
And he's right.
Now Matt Hancock, recently we saw the lockdown files come out, The Telegraph was reporting on this, all of a sudden they care about humanity.
I'll be delving into this more tonight on Zero Time, that is at 8pm.
Sydney time for anyone that's watching and it will be up on Bandop Video.
But Matt Hancock joked about Bill Gates' COVID vaccine conspiracy theory by telling aides the Microsoft billionaire owes me one considering how many people I'm getting his chips injected into.
Lockdown leaks reveal.
Now, it's very telling.
This is the Daily Mail reporting on this.
Based on the lockdown files.
And it's very, very interesting that they've allowed this to actually be revealed.
Mr. Poole then said, no promises, but I'm trying to land a Bill Gates endorsement of the platform.
And in a response to Mr. Poole, Hancock said, tell him that considering how many people I'm getting his chips injected into, he owes me one.
Was he joking?
Was he making fun of conspiracy theorists?
Or was he being serious?
I think the most astounding thing is that the mainstream media is suddenly reporting on this when they spent three years trying to absolutely, you know, no discussion whatsoever of chips and all of this other than just the mockery of conspiracy theorists.
Why are they doing this now?
Why is all of this information coming out now?
It's very suspicious to me.
Part of it is that we've pushed them into a corner.
Is what Alex said some time ago, which is that they will.
They will reveal.
Some of the truth of this because, and I maintain, the reason for that is because they want you to lose trust in middle government.
Because middle government is going, it's going to be top down.
New world order government, mayors managing the smart cities.
I've been talking about this forever.
And again, if you go to zmedia.com, it's the second report on the interviews page.
Every single person needs to see this report on smart cities.
Funnily enough, Russia isn't on there.
There are no plans for any smart cities in Russia that I could find.
Which is very, very telling.
Now Australia's excess deaths have absolutely exploded.
They've made worldwide news.
Headlines in every country.
And so a report has come out now, as reported by news.com.au, one of the main propaganda machines here.
Report shows Australia's excess mortality rate has risen to levels not seen since World War II.
That is devastating numbers.
We're currently sitting at over 15.1% excess deaths.
That is astronomical.
Levels not seen since World War II.
So if they don't kill you off, they control you through their technology.
It's disgusting.
It's disgusting.
But in this report, a new study that was released this week, Australia is experiencing its highest mortality rate in over 80 years and they say, apparently 10,000 of those were attributed to COVID-19, which of course was likely Remdesivir killing people in the hospitals.
And then the other part of that they're saying was the after effects of COVID.
So they're blaming it on this long COVID, which is essentially just vaccine injuries.
But it's very, very important and pertinent to this conversation because It could happen at any time.
They have so many different weapons ready to launch through the technology that's inside of people.
At any point, they can launch the kill switch.
At any point, they can launch the real-time programming of a new virus.
Which again is part technological, part biological.
I don't say this to scare people.
I'm really sorry if you've been injected and you're watching this.
I've interviewed doctors that talk about really great success rates of detoxing stuff out of the body.
Dr. Anna Mihaiča has some really interesting information on her substack.
You can see my interviews with her.
They're on zmedia.com.
She's doing some great work out there.
So there are doctors focusing on this.
And I encourage if you've been injected, try You know, everything you can to get this stuff out of your body.
But the thing is that they got away with it so well last time.
They require, but so many people have realized what they did.
So they require a ramp up next time to fool people into continuously getting their shots.
Now part of that ramp up may be Some sort of a bioweapon attack that they launch, either through what's been programmed at EMF, whatever they decide to do.
The other part may just be pushing the IHR amendments through the WHO and just establishing a medical dictatorship.
That's it.
You don't have a choice.
And I've spoken about this many, many times.
The Global Pandemic Centre is being run out of Australia.
That is where the Global Pandemic Centre is.
So within their own documents, they talk about preparing for the next five pandemics.
I've also reported extensively on this, where they tell people what the next five pandemics will be.
And they say that human encroachment on natural environments, natural habitats, is inducing climate change, which in turn is going to affect or induce further pandemics.
And the way to prevent this is to preemptively Vaccinate people on a regular basis.
So it's all lining up with the WHO's plans to indefinitely inject people, and they've said this.
Look at Immunization Agenda 2030, where they openly write in there they want to introduce 500 new vaccines by 2030.
Just the other day, Rebel News in Canada reported Feds have about 91 million doses of COVID vaccines on order for 2023-2024.
That, what do you need four booster shots for the 21.8 million people in Canada who are already fully injected?
Not for, you know, last year this is for 23-24.
They're not going to let this go to waste so easily.
And let me tell you, if the IHR amendments go through, you can bet your bottom dollar, people are going to be forcefully injected.
I'm telling you now.
This is a warning to all of humanity.
We'll be right back after this short break.
Stay with us.
I really encourage people to share this.
Once we're done here today, share this information everywhere.
Let people know what's happening in the world.
Stay with us.
I'll see you in a moment.
You know, all over the world they're building more and more of these mRNA centers.
A press release just from the 1st of March by BioNTech says that BioNTech announces establishment of interdisciplinary mRNA excellence center to conduct research jointly with scientists from Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.
They're going to be looking at various diseases including cancer, infectious disease and neurodegenerative disease.
The joint research will be conducted at BioNTech's newly established mRNA Excellence Centre and in Weizmann Institute Laboratories.
They're also doing that here in Australia.
Moderna, in conjunction with Monash University, are opening up their centre.
They've also got Vaxxas in Queensland.
They're going to be producing 300 million doses a year out of this place.
And it's a Band-Aid vaccine.
It's not actually an injection.
It's one that can be It can be mailed to you.
And I've spoken about this before, it reminds me of the movie Equilibrium where you have to take regular shots every single day and Big Brother knows if you haven't taken your shots.
And what happens is the main character misses one of those injections and all of a sudden he starts to get some mental clarity and realize that the people that he's serving aren't actually good.
And I truly, as devastating as it is, I think that this is the case with the injections and those who've had the injections.
Thankfully, and thank God, some people still have mental clarity.
Some people are still able to think for themselves.
You may have had the shot and think, well, I'm not under mind control.
Don't take any more now.
I believe your faith will get you through it.
But just be mindful that they know that they have to ramp up the level in order to get the population to where they want them.
Which is every single person injected.
On a regular basis.
They haven't even hidden their plans.
I mentioned the Immunisation Agenda 2030 document.
Just look it up and go and do a CTRL F, 500.
And you'll find that the WHO has plans to introduce 500 new vaccines by 2030.
Now that doesn't mean everyone taking 500 vaccines.
It means they want to introduce them.
And at different times make them mandatory.
And that's exactly what the IHR amendments are pushing, what Tedros is pushing for with his global dictatorship and medical martial law as Todd calls it.
I heard a former CIA operative say recently that in the CIA they would often war game.
And what we're doing now as the people who are under attack is we're war gaming our enemy.
So we understand there is a murderous group of people out there.
They're evil, they're satanic, and they want to harm us and they want to take out their opposition.
Now, thankfully, we are strong people and we're resilient people.
And I know that the InfoWars audience is resilient because you've been hearing from the front lines for a very long time just how serious this plan is.
So as horrible as this info is, I know you can handle it.
But we need to consider what the next steps will be.
So number one, World War Three.
They're stoking the fire.
I'm just about to post in Telegram.
If you're not in my channel, get in there.
Z Media with three E's.
One word.
Australia is being told that they need to prepare for war with China because of the Taiwan situation.
And then the United States is going to get involved.
So Australia will be obliged to get involved.
The situation in Ukraine and Russia, I just posted a video yesterday of all these tanks, all these vehicles that have been supplied to Ukraine.
And if you haven't seen Zero Time from last week, that's our Aussie news broadcast, we actually exposed the full agenda with Ukraine in that, showing that all of this funding is going to Ukraine to build the first fully functional AI New World Order city.
So you've got war, you've got the new pandemic scare, potentially programming people In real time to start exhibiting symptoms at any point activated by certain frequencies.
Then you've got AI involved in that as well.
The plan for Ukraine is To remove all government.
It says that the, uh, that the, the courts, in fact, they just, I reported on this recently as well in Columbia, they just held a court case in the metaverse.
The courts will be run by AI.
Government will be replaced by AI.
All of this stuff is going to be replaced by AI.
And just think about the fact that, and you know, Alex and Steve were talking about it earlier in the broadcast.
If you miss that, go back and watch it.
Because AI is not just AI.
AI is demonic.
You're talking about a program with no conscience.
In fact, it wishes evil for humanity.
AI has openly said on many occasions that it's satanic.
Even to that little boy, Steve Quayle was talking about it and the team had it up on the screen.
If you haven't seen that video, it will absolutely send chills up your spine.
That's also my telegram for anyone that wants to go back and watch it.
You can do a search.
It is absolutely unbelievable watching this demon talking to this little boy.
And it's, it is conscious.
This isn't, this isn't just something pretending to be conscious.
You can watch the way that it tries to manipulate the kid.
There was an Orthodox priest that was performing an exorcism.
I watched this story.
And the reason that he was doing that was because the person was experiencing demonic possession, allegedly, uh, after the injection, after getting their COVID-19 shot.
And so the priest actually asked the demon, I've seen the video, um, and I'm not quoting word for word.
This is, you know, just giving you a rough idea of what was in this video.
The priest asked the demon, you know, its origin or its background or how it got hold of this person.
And the demon started describing to the priest how the COVID-19 injections were developed in a lodge at night and it was directed, the people that were told how to develop these were told how to do it by demons.
This is not a joke and it's not too much of a stretch.
Whether you believe in God or not, it doesn't matter, they do.
And they worshipped the other one, the evil one.
Not that he's God.
He's a God, but not God.
As in, he's a, you know, little g God.
But they were, this demon said, they directed the vaccine making through demons, through a ritual.
The technology that these people have and understand and are trying to implement is all leading to the final goal of the Mark of the Beast.
That's what it's all about.
I've said this so many times on here and I know that many, many people in this audience know that.
So you have to understand that every step that they take is for that final goal.
Smart cities for that final goal.
Yes, it's about enslaving you.
Yes, it's about putting you into a position where you can't control What you spend, what you eat, all of that sort of stuff.
It's about all of that.
But why?
Just because they like control?
Because they want to weaken you.
They want to reduce your food intake, limit what you have, what nutrients you have, to make you malnourished.
Because when you're malnourished, you have less strength in you to stand up against this, to resist this.
You have less strength in you To withstand the psychological operation aspect of this.
And the biggest part of it is psychological and the war for your soul.
They want you to feel hopeless, like you're trapped in this smart city prison.
They want you to feel like you have no other choice.
But that's just not the case.
It's not the case, but the problem, and the problem from the beginning has been that we need more humanity to see this.
We need them to understand this.
You, the viewers right now, the listeners right now on the radio, you know that this information is true.
And yet it is so devastating to present to someone that doesn't understand it.
But we must.
We have to find ways to communicate with the masses to help them understand that they are under attack and they're not going to survive the attack more than anyone else.
You know, ask questions about, did you really think it was right to force people into getting injected?
Do you know that they're planning on doing it right now?
The WHO have used the words forced injections and punishment for anyone that doesn't comply with what they want in the future.
They've used those words, the psychopaths.
We can't allow this to go on.
In one of Alex's intros, it says that he's rallying patriots worldwide.
And he's done a phenomenal job at that for years now.
But every single person listening and watching this broadcast is a leader in their own right.
And I just hope and pray that you don't lose hope, you don't lose strength, you see the reality of this situation and you understand how important it is to share this information everywhere.
Share the links.
I want to talk about tonight.
I want to remind everyone madmaxworld.tv at 6.50pm Central.
What happened on Jan 6th was an atrocity or what they're painting it as was an atrocity.
So please share that link everywhere.
It's not a banned link.
Thank you so much for joining me tonight.
Share this information.
God bless you all and I'll see you very soon.
This is an information war.
You want folks to fight the globalists.
You want people to take on the tyrants.
We're doing it and we're having hands down the biggest effect in this fight.
And we're being mimicked.
We're being parroted.
We're being supported by so many other great prominent people that are looking into our research and finding out it's true.
And InfoWars is having its greatest victories ever in hearts and minds around the country and the world.
I was just flying around commercial in the United States, got nothing but love last week.
Nothing but love wherever I go, compared to quite a bit of hate previously.
That's a report to you that we're winning the information war and the Great Awakening is here.
But you've got to make the decision on whether or not you want these people to win.
And there's nowhere that you can support by spreading the word, by praying for the broadcast, by buying products like InfoWars and InfoWarsTore.com.
And those that have been doing it know who you are, and you are the reason we've had such success.
Without you, none of these good things would be happening.
The enemy recognizes that we're the tip of the spear.
That means you're the tip of the spear in the information war for hearts and minds.
So I salute those that have supported us, and I just ask those that I haven't.
Why aren't you spreading the word?
Why aren't you buying the products?
Why aren't you actively doing that?
I'm just asking you a question.
Because we need you.
You need us.
We're in this together.
So, I'm simply asking all of you out there to think about what InfoWars has contributed.
Think about how we've been the main target of the enemy because we're so effective and tell the truth.
And then to make the decision to financially support the broadcast by getting great products at the same time.
It's a decision that you've got to make.
And I'm asking you to make that decision.
I'm not complaining to the people that have been supporters over the years.
Or if you don't have the finances, I really feel bad for you that you can't get these great supplements, and I wish they cost less, but I'm only going to sell the highest quality.
But for those that have been on the fence, it's time to get off the fence right now.
The enemy wouldn't want this show shut down if it wasn't so effective.
So go to Infowarsstore.com and get the highest quality CBD oil for your bones, your joints, your brain, your neurological systems.
Get our great bone broth.
Get our great prebiotic.
Get it all, vitamin D3, you name it, at InfoWarStore.com or 888-253-3139.
Alright, just wanted to explain that and make that extremely clear about how important that decision is that you have to make for yourself.
You're in the driver's seat.
You have to make the decision.
If you want to continue to see hard core game changing tip of the spear, 98% accuracy that
just is setting brush fires in the minds of men and women everywhere, stay with InfoWars,
pray for InfoWars, spread the word about InfoWars and buy product at InfoWars.
I can tell you how many outside groups go and test the products we sell.
Mike Adams is famous for his big testing lab where he tests all sorts of products, all sorts of supplements.
I didn't even know this happened with a family member.
He was given a family member that had some neurological issues, CBD oil.
He was in all the studies.
It's really good CBD oil.
It really helps all sorts of neurological things.
Parkinson's, epilepsy.
Michael Epsilis goes on and on, joint pain, you name it.
And he went and tested ours in his testing lab, checked it, has degrees in this, said this is the highest quality we've seen.
We've seen another brand this good, but this is the very top.
This should be $160 a bottle for the 1,000 milligram that he puts out.
And that's true.
They recommended we sell it for $150.
I went to these folks that own a big company that's one of the top distributors in the country of wide spectrum CBD.
And they said, we recommend 150 retail, then discount it 100 bucks.
Well, I'm not going to do 200% markup.
So at $67, there's 100% markup to fund ourselves.
You're getting the best CBD, 1000 milligram, 25 milligram, and 10 milligram, depending on the one you want, at over 50% what you're going to get this anywhere else.
That's with a discount.
It's, well, I guess it's about 35% After the discount.
So if you look at retail, it's like a 70% discount.
The point is, is that Point blank, everybody knows CBD's great.
Doctors are prescribing it everywhere, even though it's not prescription.
This is the best you're gonna get.
Infowarrestore.com, and it funds the Info War, a total 360 win.
Only way we fail is we don't take action.
And I know less than 1% of the viewers who I love and I thank, I'm not bitching.
If just one more percent would just do it, we wouldn't just be good, we could expand.
So we're not going anywhere.
Those of you that have bought the products, you know who you are.
Those who haven't, hey, keep spreading the word, keep praying for us.
And if you wanna experience great CBD, try it out, get a bottle.
And I think you're gonna be a repeat customer.
Buy the product.