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Name: 20230303_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 3, 2023
2360 lines.

The segment discusses a lawsuit filed by whistleblower Brooke Jackson against Pfizer, alleging that the company committed fraud by manipulating clinical trial data for its COVID-19 vaccine. The U.S. government initially supported the case but requested the court to dismiss it on the eve of a motion hearing, leading Jackson's legal team to argue that the government is trying to cover up the allegations and wants to depose government officials involved in investigating Pfizer. Alex Jones discusses the dangers of the World Health Organization Treaty and its potential implications for US citizens, sharing stories about young attorneys working on vaccine mandate cases and promoting InfoWars Store products as high-quality supplements that fund their work. He encourages listeners to assert their constitutional rights in both court opinions and legal courts to maintain the light of liberty against globalists."

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InfoWars. Tomorrow's news, today.
Now ladies, one of the biggest, ladies and gentlemen, one of the biggest stories this week has been how the Wuhan lab leak theory was actually correct.
And the mainstream media that told you that was disinformation, told you not to share that, not to spread that, would censor you, ban you if you did.
All the American news outlets, politicians saying, no, it did not come from a laboratory.
And in fact, that's racist for you to say that.
And Trump is a racist for him to say that.
And of course, they were wrong.
Now, why are they talking about this now?
Is it because China is getting involved with Russia going into Ukraine?
Is it because Joe Biden and his family have been caught in many of their criminal enterprises laundering money, 10% for the big guy, foreign influence, blackmail, bribery?
He just sent a guy to jail who exposed it.
You didn't hear about that, did you?
I've already, I mean, you don't know his name.
I think it's, it was Galt.
I covered it yesterday.
I already forgot the guy's name.
Because they're not talking about it 24-7 on the news.
But yeah, a guy that showed Biden's potential foreign business dealings being criminal.
Biden had him arrested.
Isn't that something?
And that's a theme, by the way, that we're going to have today.
Because Infowars is the canary in the coal mine.
So what they do to Alex Jones, what they do to InfoWars, eventually they'll do to everybody else.
But that'll be the theme ongoing.
But I want to play a clip for you from April 2022.
From Anne Applebaum.
You want to know how propaganda works, folks?
This is how it works right here.
You want to know how the leftist ideology justifies it?
This is all right here.
Now, today, Anne Applebaum is out supporting the war in Ukraine, supporting the war propaganda for the Atlantic, just like she always does.
State-sponsored, state-run propaganda from Anne Applebaum.
But if you want to know how it all works, listen to what she said in April 2022.
After they all told us the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.
Remember that?
They told you the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.
Same people that told you that COVID-19 did not come out of a Wuhan laboratory.
Same people that told you that told you Hunter Biden's laptop was disinformation.
They lied.
And here was Ann Applebaum addressing that lie during a question and answer session.
Listen to what she says here.
It tells you everything.
Let's take a...
Thank you.
Thank you for doing this.
Really appreciate it.
I'm Daniel Schmidt.
I'm a freshman at the University of Chicago.
My question is for Ms.
So in 2020, you wrote, those who live outside the Fox News bubble do not, of course, need to learn any of the stuff about Hunter Biden, referring to his laptop, of course.
A poll later after that found that if voters knew about the content of the laptop, 16% of Joe Biden voters would have acted differently.
Now, of course, we know a few weeks ago, the New York Times confirmed that the content is real.
Do you think the media acted inappropriately when they instantly dismissed Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation and what can we learn from that in ensuring that what we label as disinformation is truly disinformation and not reality?
My problem with Hunter Biden's laptop is I think totally irrelevant.
I mean it's not whether it's disinformation or I mean I don't think the Hunter Biden's business relationships have anything to do with who should be President of the United States.
So, I don't find it to be interesting.
I mean, that would be my problem with that as a major news story.
Yeah, you didn't answer the question, though, did you?
And notice what you said.
Well, it's not about disinformation.
It was about it was irrelevant.
No, it was about it being disinformation.
That's what we were told to.
That was the lie.
That was the point.
But see, but there's their attitude.
Well, we don't think the Hunter Biden laptop story is relevant, so we're just gonna censor it and make sure nobody sees it.
Well, 60% of voters that voted for Biden thought it was relevant, so why do you get to decide for them too, huh?
You know, I gotta tell ya, it's a real shame that Alex isn't on here right now with us because the theme for today, a lot of the theme for today is going to be how You're not wasting your time here.
Are you tuned in every day now to find out how the world really works?
Are you sharing these links to the live streams and the reports at Banned Out Video with your friends and family so that they can find out how the world really works?
Are you part of the information war yet?
Are you becoming a modern-day Paul Revere yet?
It's not the are you entertained From the gladiator, it's, are you not informed?
Do you not understand how the world works?
Are you not seeing around the corner?
When you tune in here every day?
Of course you are.
That's why you're here.
And that's why the tyrants want it shut down.
They want that vision around the corner.
They don't want you to know so that they can take advantage and leverage it.
That's why we're here.
But why do I say I wish Alex was here?
Because on the Joe Rogan podcast with Russell Brand yesterday, which probably is his biggest of the year, I would say, two heavyweights in podcasting right now, Rogan and Brand, one of their topics of discussion was Alex Jones.
And it wasn't even necessarily Alex Jones.
It's just that the phenomenon of the mainstream media lying to you about everything, and then now, it used to be, you know, next decade's news today, or maybe next year's news today, now it's like, I mean, the spiral, the velocity of the news cycle moves so fast now, it's so tight now where it's just like, a couple months or a couple days.
So they're discussing that, how Alex was ahead of that curve, It has been for decades.
And look at what Alex and us, you in the audience, look at what we've built here.
The mothership of information and human intelligence.
For the people, by the people, all of us together.
And there were a couple news stories today.
That it was like that same phenomenon, where we talked about it on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, and now here we are Friday, and boom, they're now saying it in the mainstream news.
All kinds of different examples, from what's going on in Ukraine, to now the lawfare that's about to be launched against Fox News and any other big conservative outlet till they can crush you.
Just like they did to Infowars and Alex Jones.
And they brag about it now.
They don't even hide it.
Or maybe we could look over here.
You know, two Democrat senators are hospitalized right now.
Yeah, can't do their job.
Dianne Feinstein and John Fetterman.
Hope they're getting better.
But right now it's not good.
They're not there.
They're in the hospital.
And Federman is somehow co-sponsoring bills.
The Republicans have demanded proof of life.
And the only proof that has been offered is a co-sponsorship of a bill.
Which they're doubting the legitimacy of.
As they should.
Even Newsweek Even Newsweek has an issue with that.
But how about this?
I felt some relief because after we had the CPS segment yesterday, that was probably the biggest part of that show yesterday, got shared a lot that moment.
In Tennessee, they signed a bill banning drag queen story time for kids and other such things.
And I was on the phone with another local reporter talking about following up on this, thinking, kind of like how it normally is, like, hey, if we don't push the gas on this thing, and if we don't apply the pressure on this thing and stress test this thing all the way, No one else will.
Because that's how it's been here for Alex Jones and Infowars for so long.
And then, one of the biggest stories, Tennessee, Tennessee bill banning transgender story time, banning trans youth surgeries.
And while I'm still going to do the follow-up reporting with this other local reporter here on the issue, it was just such a sense of relief.
It's like, we really do have good people now that are in the government, And are doing the right things that need to be done.
It's really happening.
And granted, we're playing from behind and with a shortened deck, but we're coming on fast and we're much more skilled and agile than our enemy.
They're just a brute force.
So, we'll be covering that today as well.
You've got infrastructure collapsing all around you.
A stunning video.
And you kind of, again, you're getting this stuff every day, every week.
Whether it is a man getting shot, execution style, in the streets of St.
Louis in broad daylight, with people filming it.
Just that kind of unreal scenery in our cities.
There was a police chase in Baltimore last night.
Cars get out of control, skid into a building, and the building collapses on the vehicles.
We know who runs Baltimore, don't we?
We know the old party that runs Baltimore and has for so long.
That's wild stuff.
And it's every day, whether it's a massive structure fire, an explosion, a train derailment, plane crash, processing plants, facilities, for food, for metal, for energy.
It's just every day.
And sure, we can sit here and say this is Biden's America, and that's fair.
But it's much deeper than that.
This problem has been building beneath the surface, but really not even beneath the surface.
We've been watching this happen in front of our eyes for decades.
We've been watching this.
We've been watching U.S.
inner cities crumble and collapse right before our very eyes for decades.
And now it's just reached the point where It's literally collapsing on top of you.
The building is literally on fire, blowing up.
The trains are off the tracks.
So sure, this is Biden's America, this is Democrat America, and they can try to distract like Gavin Newsom does, responding to the bill in Tennessee saying, Tennessee?
Has the 8th highest murder rate in the nation?
Well that's funny because we can investigate that and find out that the reason why Tennessee has the 8th highest murder rate is because of Memphis, which is run by Democrats.
Should I remind Gavin Newsom of that?
And we do have Bob Barnes coming up in the third hour today with big news on the legal front with the vaccine issue.
And I also want to cover these bills banning the tranny story time for kids and the chop, the weenie chop for little boys that the liberal progressive Democrats want.
They would probably mandate it if they could.
So all of that coming up on the Alex Jones Show.
But are you not informed?
Are you not tuned in here to find out how the world really works?
See, some people don't want you to know how the world really works.
That way they can beat you at the game of life and take advantage of you and manipulate and deceive you.
And we don't want that to happen to you.
And that's why they want to shut down.
And that's why your support at InfoWarsStore.com is paramount.
We'll be right back.
Have you not been informed?
I feel like we are having our gladiatorial moment in the media landscape right now.
Have you not been informed?
On this Friday, March 3rd, 2023 Alex Jones Show transmission.
Owen Troyer filling in.
Have you not been informed?
I feel that this truly is the InfoWars Gladiator moment.
In the middle of the arena.
Been stabbed, been spit on, been lied about, been set up, been framed.
Been sabotaged.
Standing in the middle of the arena saying, have you not been informed?
Are you not informed?
Do you not see how the world works?
Have you not had the future foretold for you right here?
You have.
And that's why you're tuned in today.
And that's why you spread the links to your friends and family.
And here we are.
Now what examples do I want to use?
Now I came on the first of the year on this show and I said get ready for major economic distress and a volatile market and things to go down economically.
And now it's the Business Insider.
Today, a perfect storm of recession, debt, and out-of-control inflation is coming for markets this year.
Remember when we told you that whatever they do to Alex Jones and Infowars, they're going to be doing to you next?
First it was the censorship.
Now it's the lawsuits.
And we played the video from Robert Fourth Reich.
On Tuesday, where he's just bragging about it now, they don't even lie, they don't even hide it, Robert Reich does an entire video and he says, our way of ending conservative news, our way of silencing our opposition is to sue them, just like we did to Alex Jones.
He said that!
This isn't even us warning you, that's what they want to do anymore, they're doing it and they're celebrating it and they're putting it out as their public blueprint On how to destroy their opposition and silence them.
Robert Forthrike!
And now, Fox News in billion-dollar lawsuits.
Rupert Murdoch in billion-dollar lawsuits.
And now, Nina Jankowicz, who is an expert, they say, on disinformation.
Has just announced and is asking for donations for a lawsuit because she got removed from her Department of Homeland Security job, which they said didn't even exist.
They said they said we're going to make the disinformation.
Team, here.
And then they launched their secret department and she was in it.
Then they said, nope, nope, nope, never mind, we're not doing it, it didn't exist and she never worked here.
And now she's suing and blaming that on Fox News.
Now we know that's totally illegitimate.
It's all totally illegitimate.
It's like Robert Forthright said.
They've found the way to silence their opposition.
They have found the way to censor the people they want censored.
And that is through Legal warfare and lawsuits.
And they know they have enough minions out there to go along with it.
They know they have enough brainwashed fools out there to go along with it.
They know they got enough bought off judges to go along with it.
Soros judges and attorneys to go along with it.
So they're just launching it.
They're just going full public with it.
Told you that was coming.
We told you the situation in Ukraine is not what they claim it to be.
And now we've got the numbers we're going to be going through today.
From the Council on Foreign Relations, how much aid has the U.S.
sent Ukraine?
Here are six charts.
We'll go through those charts.
We'll go through those charts.
But I'm gonna tell you, I don't know how they're gonna keep this under wraps.
Folks, Ukraine is being devastated right now.
And, I mean, it's impossible to know specific details Because I know we can't trust the mainstream news.
I don't trust the US government.
But it looks like at this point, probably hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have died.
Maybe tens of thousands of Russians.
Again, the numbers, it's hard to get real specific numbers or good details.
But that's what it's looking like.
And we're talking about entire Ukrainian cities destroyed.
And you've got to wonder who's organizing this Ukrainian army, putting their troops, putting their military operations In the middle of critical infrastructure zones and residence zones and community center areas and the Russians just come and mop it all up and then there's nothing left.
And you know what is even sicker about this?
And this is why I think at this point my analysis would be Russia is eventually going to get to the Dnipro River probably Next year.
I mean, it looks like they're accelerating, but I'm still probably thinking next year is when the next big development happens.
And they'll basically give Zelensky one last out to say, resign, remove from power, and we're going to have an election, and then they'll have an election, and then a Russian, a pro-Russian president will be elected.
I mean, that'd be the most peaceful route when it gets to that point, or they can start, try to get a larger war with Ukraine going, but I don't think that's what the Biden administration actually wants.
What I think is going to happen, after Ukraine has been properly destroyed, which is what's going to happen, after Ukraine has been properly destroyed, BlackRock is going to come in and get 300 billion dollars to rebuild Ukraine.
Of your money.
See how it all works?
The weapon manufacturers and contractors get paid.
The Ukrainian assets and rat holes get funded.
And then at the bottom line, BlackRock, the biggest group, the biggest Funding group on the planet gets to come in and gets the hundred billion dollar contracts to rebuild Ukraine That's what's gonna happen So we've got more instances of the theme of the day Alex Jones was right
And other news stories coming up, don't go anywhere.
What is the American media leaving out of the Ukraine story?
What are they not telling you?
What are they getting wrong?
And why?
Well, they're not reporting how devastated Ukraine is right now.
They're not devastated the massive destruction of Ukraine.
They're not properly covering the massive amount of death That's happened in this war.
They're not properly covering the amount of support this war is getting.
They want you to think this is a popular war backed by Europe, backed by other countries.
It's not.
It's not.
And they want you to think that you need to be concerned about Ukraine's border and you need to think Vladimir Putin and Russia is the bad guy that we are going after and saving Ukraine from, which is not accurate either.
And I don't know if we're quite there yet, but I've been around long enough, and I've been the target of censorship, political persecution, and prison enough to know what my enemy has planned for me next.
And so depending on how this all goes, and I think at this point I'm convinced that they're just going to let Russia probably take Ukraine, destroy Ukraine, and then BlackRock come in and build it all up, but If this thing gets more serious, and instead of letting Zelensky resign, or flying him out of there, or saving his ass in about a year from now, and they decide to ramp it up, they will start, the Department of Justice, if it's still run by Democrats, that is, if you still have a Democrat or a controlled opposition in the White House, a controlled asset in the White House, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and others will start rounding up people
That they call Russian assets, Russian spies, what have you, and none of it will be accurate.
It won't be people that are Russian anything.
It'll just be Americans that don't support the war, and they'll start rounding them up, arresting them, and throwing them in gulags.
So, we're not quite there yet, but I see that around the corner.
Being the case.
So right now it's like low risk level to cover this war accurately.
A year from now might be moderate risk.
And then if another Democrat or Biden wins again in 2024, it will be high risk to cover the war in Ukraine and not be fully on board for it and supporting Zelensky.
You'll be arrested and called a Russian asset is where I see that going.
You think that's crazy?
They still have veterans, doctors, parents rotting in jail cells for walking on grass or walking through velvet ropes at the Capitol.
Years of jail time.
No, they'll lock up your ass 100% and throw away the key for political purposes.
They don't care about you.
Your life means nothing.
Collateral damage to these tyrants.
But let's look at these numbers because when you see it, I think the story hits a little harder.
And this is the Council on Foreign Relations, I mean, I'm not telling you the be-all end-all of truth, but when it comes to a breakdown of the money being spent in Ukraine, I've not found a better resource With the illustrations than this from the Council on Foreign Relations, how much aid has the US sent Ukraine?
Here are six charts.
And let's just review these charts, shall we?
Let's start with the first chart here.
Now again, are these numbers accurate?
It's hard to keep track of and the last time these numbers were updated, this chart that is, was January 15th.
So, are these numbers accurate?
I don't know.
There's so much money being thrown over there and weapons and everything, we can't even keep track.
There's no oversight, but this is what the Council on Foreign Relations is reporting as of January 15th.
Now, what do you notice about this little bar graph that we have here, where military aid is at $46.6 billion, financial aid is at $26.4 billion, and then what is that tiny little sliver at the top there?
Humanitarian aid.
Tiny little humanitarian aid.
I'll give you a little bit.
I'll pinch a little off the top for the people.
So, I mean, you do the math.
According to this, it's just shy of a hundred billion.
And most of it is military aid.
So, do you think if people saw this graph, they might change their mind?
So they're saying total $77 billion as of January 15th, and we know at least another billion has been sent since then.
And the vast majority of that, military.
Tiny little humanitarian.
And then a little just financial, whatever that means.
We're just sending them cash, I guess.
So that they can pay their pensions, pay their military.
You know.
And then the smallest little sliver so that they can have food and water.
And the biggest being military.
So the military-industrial complex, they're getting their cut.
But you might say, well, how does that stack up, though?
How does that stack up with Aid to other foreign countries.
You know, we give plenty of military aid and we give plenty of aid out to other countries.
How does it stack up?
Maybe it's not much.
Actually, it's quite a bit.
military assistance to Ukraine since the invasion, compared with that to top recipients in 2020.
Israel being the top at 3.3 billion.
And here's Ukraine since the invasion.
Military aid, not all the aid, just military aid here.
$46 billion.
So how does that stack up with aid given to other countries?
Well, you can stack them all up together and it still won't even see the top.
What's really going on in Ukraine?
But you might say, well, what about the rest of the world though?
What about the rest of the world?
What about the European countries?
The NATO countries?
Surely they're throwing tens of billions, hundreds of billions of dollars at the situation as well, right?
I mean, let's level this out.
Chart number three.
Once again, stack up all the aid from every other country on Earth Plus the EU as a separate institution, and you still would not equal what the United States has given.
Now, is this a victory for capitalism?
I'm just wondering for you liberal leftist Democrats out there that hate capitalism so much, but you love the war in Ukraine.
How are you going to fund that war without that capitalism you hate so much?
You ever thought of that?
Kind of like, how are you going to confiscate our guns without guns?
I'm digressing.
So there it is.
Nope, nope, nope.
You're not getting the support from Europe.
You're not getting the support from NATO and NATO countries.
EU institutions... That's a nice little... Whatever that is.
EU institutions are heavily supporting it out of Europe, but that's it.
That's all you got.
The United Kingdom actually supporting more than anybody else, which is odd.
And then Poland in there.
So, nope.
Nope, you're not getting the support from Europe.
Nope, you're not getting the support from NATO.
Nope, this war is not popular around the world.
No, the world is not getting behind Ukraine.
That is not the case.
And no, Ukraine is not winning either.
Ukraine is losing.
Ukraine is being devastated.
Ukraine is being destroyed.
At this rate, if the war keeps up, You're gonna have probably at least half a million dead by next year when the Russians get to the Dnipro River and surround Kiev and probably offer Zelensky one last chance to stand down.
That's if he's still there at that time, which he may decide to get out of there because that might be his last chance.
That's what's really going on in Ukraine.
Still support it?
Alright, I've got more on the situation in Ukraine, including a familiar name.
That's involved in all of this.
Very suspicious.
Very suspicious.
Alex Vindman?
Him again?
Not him, no way.
Yes way.
I really don't know how the Western media The Biden administration is going to keep the story, the truth about what's going on in Ukraine under wraps much longer, folks.
I really don't.
And depending on how aggressive or accelerationist Russia wants to be in this advancement, perhaps will be the ultimate determination.
It's not going to be whether they decide to have integrity overnight or not.
It's not going to be whether or not they want to support the Biden administration's lies or wars or the military-industrial complex or not, that they've already decided.
It's just going to be a matter of can they possibly keep it under wraps, what's really going on in Ukraine.
But eventually, the rest of the world is not going to want to carry the weight and carry the water for the corrupt Western media.
The rest of the world is not going to want to carry the weight and carry the water for the corrupt Biden administration.
They're already sick of it.
They're already sick of it in Europe.
And they're sick of it elsewhere.
And the wildest thing is the ultimate, the final linchpin in this whole deal is the American liberal.
As soon as you brainwashed idiots realize you've been conned, admit you've been lied to, not, oh, Jimmy Kimmel, we didn't know it came out of the lab, and we still don't know, and the view, it doesn't matter if it came out of the lab, Trump is racist!
And the rest of you hacks... It's just unbelievable.
You end up being the linchpin that is holding together the very military-industrial complex that you claim to hate.
You end up being the linchpin that is holding together the big pharmaceutical, big agri, big government, big tech collusion that you claim to hate.
You're the linchpin holding it together.
And the whole world knows it!
And you're just going to have to, I mean, you're never going to accept it though.
You never accepted it when masks didn't work.
You never accepted it when Hunter Biden's laptop was real.
You never accepted it when the Wuhan lab leak theory was true.
You'll never accept it.
Now, before I get into the latest here out of Ukraine, we are listener supported and that's how we're able to tell the truth and speak our minds freely.
And so thanks to the audience shopping at Infowarestore.com, buying the products.
We are still on air today despite all the censorship.
Not many folks, not many if any, very small handful of people could endure the censorship we've taken and still be here to tell the tale, but more importantly report the news and the truth every day.
Not many.
And that is thanks to you in the audience supporting us.
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Now this was shared by Jack Posobiec here.
From the UKWSSC concept briefing.
Some slides here.
Slides 28 and 29.
Bottom line, Ukraine needs UKWSSC.
And it's just saying, like, Ukraine can't survive without all the support, which is true.
And then, what are the points of contact here?
Oh, Alex Vindman?
CEO Trident International LLC?
And that's that little trident that Zelensky's wearing everywhere?
So Zelensky's trident is tied to Alex Vindman and the United 24 logo is tied to a Balenciaga designer.
That's what's on his sweatshirt that he wears everywhere that they're selling, by the way.
You can buy one.
Balenciaga, creative, inspired.
And Alex Vindman, Trident International, inspired.
Or they're all just on the same team.
And then who's Yevgeny Vindman?
Well, is there another Vindman now?
We've got multiple Vindmans.
These Vindmans are running around everywhere.
They're like naked mole rats running around foreign policy.
Let's not forget it was Alex Vindman You know, before he was the Democrat whistleblower.
Before he was the anti-Trump hero.
Remember, he was offered jobs in Ukraine.
Remember that?
He was offered jobs in Ukraine.
For their military.
And he thought, you know, it'd probably be safer and more profitable if I just started a business and did work with you guys.
Ah, yes.
Very smart, Alex.
Very wise indeed.
It will make you a darling of the media, and will make you a darling of the Democrat Party.
You know, a nice warmonger like us.
So now the Vindmans are tied into this too?
Who's all getting paid off in Ukraine right now?
How many Republicans and Democrats are getting paid off in Ukraine right now?
I know the ones that aren't.
It's the ones that want to stop the war and stop funding it, like Marjorie Taylor Greene.
And Matt Gaetz.
And others.
What about the rest of them?
How many people are getting those billions that are going to Ukraine?
10% for the big guy?
How much is Hunter Biden getting?
How much is Vindman getting?
Who's getting paid off?
Who's making money?
How much is BlackRock gonna make in the cleanup and the rebuild?
And they don't even hide it, folks.
We covered it earlier this week or last week.
I think it was the Associated Press or MSN.
The story was syndicated everywhere.
The next big project, rebuilding Ukraine.
And so they have all these subtle ways of telling you what's really going on without telling you what's really going on.
But if you can read between the lines and If you find the right sources of information, you figure it out.
It's like, oh, oh, I get it.
I get it.
Send all the weapons into Ukraine.
Start the war in Ukraine.
Destroy Ukraine.
And then come in and rebuild afterwards.
The Pied Piper of the military-industrial complex.
Or kind of like, let's fund gain-of-function research in a laboratory, and let's have the virus leak from the lab, and then get a bunch of people sick, and then with the media that we own and control, we'll have them build it up to be the biggest story, the pandemic, and then with the media we own and control, we'll tell everybody to take our vaccine, and then with the government we own and control, we'll force them to buy our vaccine so that it's quote-unquote free, Oh, the big pharmaceutical industrial complex works just like the military industrial complex.
And do they care how many people die?
As long as they get filthy rich.
And they do!
More money going into Ukraine now, more than ever.
More money into big pharmaceutical and their vaccines, now more than ever.
Who's still falling for this crap?
I'm telling you, I don't know how they're going to keep this under wraps, though.
NBC reporter goes to Crimea, shocks viewers by telling the truth, and how everyone in Crimea is pro-Russia, anti-Zelensky.
I mean, you can't say everybody, but you know, it's like, it's like going to East Palestine, Ohio, and asking people about Biden or Trump, you know.
Gonna be a pretty obvious majority response there.
Yeah, you go to Crimea.
Yeah, you go to Eastern Ukraine.
Yeah, you go to northern Ukraine.
Yeah, you talk to people.
It's gonna be pretty obvious how they feel about the situation.
And, uh, it's not the way you think.
No, it's not.
NBC reporter goes to Crimea, shocks viewers by telling the truth.
Mainstream media correspondents for major U.S.
networks rarely, if ever, report from inside Crimea and certainly are nowhere near Russian-held territory in eastern Ukraine.
Patrick Lancaster is, though.
Reporting the truth there.
However, this week, NBC News Chief International Correspondent Kier Simmons went to Sevastopol, surrounded by a significant Russian military presence, given it is home to Russia's Navy's Black Sea Fleet.
In a live segment, admitted that it's not all realistic, at all realistic, that Zelensky and Ukraine forces can ever hope to take Crimea.
And probably never Eastern Ukraine either.
You've been lied to by your media.
Zelensky is not the media darling in Ukraine.
He is in the West.
He's not the hero.
He is in Ukraine as he is here in the West.
And the people there actually are mostly pro-Russia, pro-Putin at this point.
Ladies and gentlemen, this book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, is a historic book that documents the globalists, in their own words, plan for our future.
That is a hellish future.
Now, you'll always, while they still allow books, I guess they're starting to ban them, be able to get an unsigned copy of The Great Reset and the War for the World at bookstores, Amazon, or infowareshore.com.
But you will never be able to get another signed copy of the book after the signed copies we got run out.
And there's about a thousand left of them right now.
So get your copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World, a signed copy, at InfoWarsHore.com.
And there is a markup there because this is a fundraiser to keep us on the air.
So you won't just have this historic memento and this powerful book, you'll also know that you help keep InfoWars on the air.
I want to thank those of you that have gotten signed copies of the book.
Headline from the Mises Institute.
One year later in Ukraine, Washington and NATO got it very wrong.
Go to Infowarshore.com and get a signed copy, and buy a couple of unsigned copies
and donate them to the library or give them to the local school.
This is an InfoWar, I'm counting on you, and thank you for your support.
Headline from the Mises Institute.
One year later in Ukraine, Washington and NATO got it very wrong.
Or have they just been lying to you?
Or have they just been lying to you?
Now, again, InfoWars, Alex Jones, the canary in the coal mine, what they do to us, they're going to do to you next.
And, you know, I'll just give you this little advanced warning, too.
They want to put you in jail next and imprison you next.
So, but we won't expand into that.
Surely you understand that.
They've done that to me.
So, just as a warning.
But, InfoWars was the hottest thing on the internet.
And, Live streaming on the internet, obviously a big source of information at some of the biggest watched shows and commentary is there now.
Specifically YouTube, and when Alex Jones was there and InfoWars was there, we were the top dog.
I mean, we'd be, who knows where our numbers would be now if we were still there, five years after the Banhammer.
But what's the phenomenon for cable news?
Well, it's Fox.
Fox dominates the ratings.
And it's not just Fox News, by the way, it's Fox Business.
Fox Business dominates as Kudlow celebrates one year as number one business program on cable news.
So, Fox is just dominating the cable news rankings.
And so, they have to be stopped, and they have to be shut down, and they have to be sued.
Now we played the Robert Forthrike video earlier this week where he's telling you their plan.
They don't hide it anymore.
They don't even subtly lie about it anymore.
Like, we need to censure them because of this, that or that.
They just say, hey, we just want to censure them.
They're our political opposition.
And we're telling you they're bad guys.
We just need them off the air.
We just need to censure them.
And you know what?
We don't know how to do this because of the First Amendment.
But we've got lawfare and legalfare.
We can just crush these people with legal bills and lawsuits and everything.
And we've got billions of dollars on our side.
You know, we're good lefties with our good billionaire capitalist friends that fund everything we do.
Oh, I mean communist friends.
And so we don't need to care about money.
We can sue all these people, shut them down, and it's not even our money.
It's great.
Robert Reich even told you that.
And now it's happening.
And now they're going after Fox.
And now it's Nina Jankowicz Nina Jankowicz asking for donations for a lawsuit because she lost her job at the Department of Homeland Security that they claimed she never had, didn't exist.
And now she's suing Fox News and she wants your money to do it.
The blood is in the water.
Here it is, Nina Jankowicz.
My name is Nina Jankowicz.
I'm asking for your financial support of a lawsuit I want to bring against Fox News for their malicious, reckless lies against me.
A year ago today, I realized a lifelong dream and entered public service as a U.S.
government official.
A lifelong dream?
I spent the better part of a decade working on both sides of the aisle to counter disinformation.
I've published two books.
And I've always been an advocate for free expression.
Oh, yeah.
The main thesis of my work is we can't fight disinformation simply by removing content or restricting speech.
On March 2nd, 2022, I began a job leading a new entity within the Department of Homeland Security, which they said didn't exist, called the Disinformation Governance Board.
And they said it didn't exist.
My role was to make sure different entities across DHS were coordinated to bring the latest research to bear in the department.
Against conservatives.
and to help the department ensure that its policies about its existing counter disinformation work were grounded in
American values.
Privacy, civil rights and civil liberties. That's all the board was. It didn't have the ability or the authority to
act on its own.
After my position was announced, baseless claims that the board was an Orwellian ministry of truth and I was
President Biden's chief censor spread, even though the board had nothing to do with arbitrating.
This is truly incredible stuff.
We'll continue this on the other side.
So remember, it was reported that the disinformation board didn't exist.
They said, nope, it doesn't exist.
It's not real.
Now she's using its existence to fund a lawsuit.
For against people that claimed it didn't exist!
I don't exist.
I'm not real.
But by the way, I'm suing Fox News.
Please help me.
Hi, I'm Nina Jakowicz.
And I never worked for any U.S.
government position about disinformation.
It never existed.
And anybody reporting that it existed lied to you, like Fox News.
And so now I'm suing Fox News for reporting On my position at the Department of Justice, and they're reporting costing me my job that didn't exist.
So Fox News lied when they said I worked there at a disinformation bureaucracy, and that cost me my job at the disinformation bureaucracy, which never existed, and so now I'm suing them for getting me fired for my job that didn't exist.
Guys, why'd you stop the music?
The show's not over!
We're still in this!
Hi, I'm Nina Jankowicz.
Fox News lied when they told you that the Biden administration had a disinformation bureaucracy and that I worked there.
It never existed.
And now because of Fox News' reporting, I've lost my job at the disinformation bureaucracy.
And so I'm suing Fox News for costing my job working as a disinformation expert for the Bidens at a federal bureaucracy, none of which ever existed, by the way.
Are you feeling the Twilight Zone effect yet?
Are your eyes wide open?
Are you spinning in confusion at all of this?
This is so ridiculous!
But what is it really all about?
They don't care that they lie to you.
They don't care that they know that we know that they're lying to us.
That's the point in the social contract that we've reached now.
That's the point in this social exchange that we've reached now.
They know they're lying, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, and they lie anyway.
But we know what this is really all about.
It's not about Nina Jankowicz and her job or whatever.
It's about them suing to get all their political opposition off the air.
Now they wish they could be like Vladimir Zelensky and just act like a dictator and shut down political opposition media.
That's what Zelensky did in Ukraine, backed by the Democrats.
They can't do that here because we have this pesky First Amendment that they hate so much.
So as Robert Forthrike said, we showed you the video, and we should probably just put it up just so people can see it, but he tweeted it out himself.
You can go find it.
He has a whole breakdown, and he uses the Alex Jones Infowars example of, hey, look, we can crush free speech.
Look, we can crush media operations we don't like.
All we have to do is sue them, and we own the judges, and we own the juries, and we own the attorneys.
So it's all good, baby.
It's all in the bag.
It's a kangaroo court.
It's a rigged trial.
We got this.
All we gotta do is sue now.
The message has been sent out and received.
The message has been sent out and received.
Doesn't matter if you have a case or not.
Sue your political opposition for billions of dollars.
Doesn't matter how outrageous.
Doesn't matter evidence or lack thereof.
Case or lack thereof.
Just do it and we're gonna win.
The whole thing's rigged.
And it's Robert Reich admitting it all.
And now Nina Jankowicz is in on the party.
Scary Poppins, Nina Jankowicz is crowdfunding to sue Fox News.
Must be nice.
The blood is in the water now, folks.
The sharks are active.
And I can just tell you, this is how it works from first-hand experience.
If this is what happens to me, I'm imagining it's ten times, a hundred times this at levels above me.
Where, when some of this lawsuit stuff was happening with Alex Jones and Infowars, and I was involved in some of it, And people were writing stories about InfoWars having all this money, and people started writing stories about me having all this money.
And it doesn't matter that we got entirely stripped down, and our financials gone through, electronic records, everything.
I mean, they did a full probe of all of us, folks.
It was a... I mean, you know what these people are like.
I don't have to explain what they wanted to find, and how desperate they were to find it.
Now, they didn't find any of it.
That's why they are so crazy now.
Because they didn't find any of the stuff that they were looking for, and everything they told you about us was a lie.
But what I'm saying is, And this happens every time.
When there's a lawsuit, but more specifically, when these numbers come out and they say, we're going to sue Alex Jones for a trillion dollars, and they write stories talking about hundreds of billions of dollars that InfoWars has.
And I get people that will message me asking for money.
Like, hey, I heard you got millions of dollars, I heard you got a bunch of money, you know, can we get, I need some money, I need some money for this, I need some money for that.
I don't have millions of dollars, and if you actually looked into it, you'd find that out.
But it's like blood in the water.
After those lawsuits, I got like three, four other lawsuits dropped on my desk, dropped off at my house.
Not even kidding you.
Such egregious lawsuits that judges just toss them out.
They're not even real.
It's like, that's how eerie it is.
You're like, hey, you got millions of dollars, let me get some money for this.
Ooh, ooh, Schroeder's getting sued and all these suits.
Oh, I'm gonna sue him too.
I'm gonna get some of that.
I'm gonna get some of that, Jack.
And then the judge just tosses it out.
It's like, it's not even real.
What I'm saying is, it's like blood in the water.
It's like chum for sharks, folks.
And so the chum is in the water now.
The shark-infested water's now.
So now everybody's gonna be suing Fox News.
It's not gonna stop at Nina Jankowicz.
It's not gonna stop at Dominion.
It's not gonna stop at any single host.
It's gonna go everywhere.
As usual, InfoWars, Alex Jones, the canary in the coal mine.
So, we've just been warning you.
Once again, next year's news today, next year's, next decade's news today.
This is what's coming.
And the next level after this is imprisonment.
Financial attacks.
So, you don't have a voice to defend yourself.
You don't have the capital to defend yourself.
Then you can't defend yourself.
That's their strategy.
We're just the test case because we climb over the barbed wire to get to the necks of these tyrants politically before anybody else.
And you see, that's the big aspect of this.
And again, I try different ways to impart this to the people.
But you look at the video from last week in East Palestine with Savannah Hernandez.
When she goes up and confronts Pete Bootyjudge.
Now, of course, Savannah Hernandez started here at Infowars.
I'm very proud that that's where she first worked and learned how to do this job properly.
Because here's the mindset that all these yuppies and guppies in the media have.
Oh my gosh, it's Pete Bootyjudge.
Oh, oh, I need to have class.
I need to have respect.
I need to have decorum.
No, you don't!
You owe Pete Buttigieg nothing!
He is not your king!
He is not your daddy!
He is not your boss!
And it's all changing now, folks!
Because guess what people are realizing, huh?
That's the kind of coverage that works!
That's the kind of activism that works!
So this whole mentality is about to change, folks.
Because it's not just going to be Infowars and Alex Jones under the attack.
They're coming after everybody now.
So yeah.
Pete Buttigieg doesn't deserve decorum.
When he shows up in East Palestine three weeks after the event for a photo op, and his press secretary says, please put your cameras away, we don't want to answer questions, well then what are you doing here?
But this whole notion is going away, folks.
And I'm telling you, it used to be, oh, we don't want to do news coverage like that.
We don't want to do that.
We here at this organization, we're not like that.
We don't do this.
We don't do that.
It's all done.
That whole notion is going away.
Because now that they're under attack, they understand, oh, okay.
Gloves are off.
You guys are playing for keeps.
They're playing for keeps.
This is how it's gonna go.
But you know what their response is gonna be?
Sue, censor, and imprison.
But we're ahead of their plan.
We see it all now.
Fox News defamation case tests reach of press protections.
Yeah, remember when The Department of Justice, the FBI came after me and a judge said, well how are you doing this?
He's a journalist.
This is violating Obama's rule and protection for journalists.
And they didn't care.
But see, they're throwing the chum in the water now.
Trump can be sued for January 6th riot harm, Justice Department says.
The Justice Department might as well take a neon sign.
Or no, you know what?
They can do better than that, actually.
They should take a gigantic blimp.
Maybe one of those Chinese spy balloons.
Get a nice big Chinese spy balloon sized blimp and put a huge sign on it that says, Sue Trump, we have your back.
Signed, Justice Department.
They're just begging for people to truth.
They're throwing the chum in the water.
InfoWars was the test.
InfoWars was the start.
A stress test, a pressure test of their control.
How much do they control the courts?
How much do they control the media?
How much can they control juries?
And what do they get?
They got the outrageous results in the Alex Jones InfoWars cases.
And people are still trying to sue and come after us.
So, oh okay, this is what we can do.
Now let's get Trump.
Now let's get Fox News.
And they're throwing the chum in the water.
They're waving the flag.
They're putting the neon sign out.
Sue them!
Sue Fox News!
Sue Donald Trump!
We'll shut them down just like Alex Jones!
We'll get them too!
And your little dog too!
And then they come up for Alex's cat!
And your little cat Mooshu too!
The Associated Press!
I mean, are you kidding me?
The Associated Press!
Please sue Donald Trump!
Please just sue the man!
Sue him so badly!
Trump can be sued for January 6th riot harm, Justice Department says.
That's great.
I want to see this precedent applied equally.
That's what I'd like.
I'd like to see this get applied equally.
But again, they've stress-tested their control over all of it.
If Trump can be sued for the January 6th riot harm, then how much can CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Democrats be sued for the George Floyd riots?
What about the hundreds of police officers hospitalized during those riots?
What about the ambushes and the murders of police officers because of all the anti-police rhetoric on television and in the Democrat Party?
Can they be sued?
Can we get a little equal application here?
Can we get a little logical consistency here?
Imagine that applied equally.
What about all the Trump supporters that have been assaulted over the years, like yours truly?
Can we sue because of the lies told about us?
Do we get to take advantage of this?
This is nothing about justice.
This is all about them waving the flag.
We own the legal system.
We own the juries!
We own the attorneys!
We own everything!
Go for them!
Green light!
Chum in the water!
Eat them up!
They're protected!
Democrat, liberal, privilege, they're protected!
And they will do everything they can to help your case against their political opposition.
And they're waving the flag, putting up the neon light in the sky, sue, sue, sue, we've got your back.
While they protect their own.
Attorney General Merrick Garland overruled FBI agents who wanted to close Trump document probe.
Approve the Mar-a-Lago raid.
I'm telling you, there's a little bit of a We'll call it a cold civil war, if you will, inside a lot of these federal bureaucracies.
Not everybody at the FBI is a corrupt criminal.
Not everybody at the FBI is a Democrat.
But I repeat myself.
And so, when agents are like, look, hey, we need to stop this.
There's nothing there.
There's no case.
Garland says, doesn't matter.
We're going after Trump.
Don't you know?
It's a green light.
It's political persecution time.
It's takeover time.
Go in for the raid.
And so they did it.
And then you saw Garland squirming around like a grub worm during the hearings.
Whistleblower reveals how the corrupt FBI is using a threat tag to target pro-lifers as domestic threats.
FBI retaliated by suspending him.
Yeah, they're targeting Christians, conservatives.
Same thing with the IRS.
Pentagon Inspector General Joe Biden is hiding classified documents detailing side deals he made with Taliban and against U.S.
Oh, is that why he had all those secret documents stashed all over the United States?
But he had no idea.
How did they get there?
That's not mine, baby.
I'm just clueless, stupid old Joe.
I don't know what's going on.
But don't worry, the deep state will protect me.
And then, when there's a whistleblower, an Israeli professor whistleblower who turns over evidence of Joe Biden's potential crimes overseas, Joe Biden has him arrested and locked up.
FEC complaint filed over squad member Cori Bush's private security payments to husband.
The squad keeps paying off their people.
Ilhan Omar pays off her family.
Cori Bush pays off her family.
AOC pays off her family.
That's amazing!
That's amazing.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars even.
Millions, probably all of them combined.
Isn't that great?
Oh, they want to stop government corruption.
Oh, they're against the big government.
Yeah, they're anti-establishment.
And they take that blank check from daddy government and hand it right to themselves.
Very nice.
You guys are really fighting the system.
Twitter file number 17 drops the state-sponsored blacklists.
Matt Taibbi releases the Global Engagement Center and state-sponsored blacklists.
Yeah, you kind of, look, I don't know.
We'll see if this ever equals to anything.
Maybe in some congressional hearings, but as far as the media approach is concerned with your little timed release story, it's over.
It's over.
You should have done one big comprehensive story, dominated the cycle for a day or two, forced Congress's hand to act, But now you're doing this weird controlled release and people are yawning.
And we already know the story.
Give it all over to Congress.
Give it all over to the members of Congress, the Republican Party that want to take legal action.
Release it all to the public.
Do a comprehensive story.
And let's get some action.
But you do this controlled release and now people are yawning and moving on to other stuff.
And you know, I was reading this in the Washington Post and the story did not go the way I thought it would.
Fox News bosses scolded reporters who challenged false election claims.
And while it does give you some of the backroom talk, and you know, you can expect what goes on in personal conversations.
Yeah, I mean, they were talking about it.
And they were talking about the seriousness of the allegations and the seriousness of January 6th, but it wasn't, you know, I thought it would be a lot more Fox News making sure it was censored and all this.
Not really.
But I guess maybe the Washington Post wanted that.
The Washington Post wanted Fox News to censor its news hosts.
I guess that's the problem they have though.
The Washington Post, pro-censorship.
Where democracy dies in darkness.
Next year's news today.
And I'm like Abraham Lincoln.
I'm actually Abraham Lincoln's clone.
But I cannot tell a lie.
I cannot tell a lie.
And so, well, we've been proven right on a couple other stories, but I cannot tell a lie.
I like being right.
I do.
I like being right.
That's just, you got me.
I like being right.
That's why I work at InfoWars.
I like free speech and I like being right.
So here we are.
And now, uh, I have to tell you that I am on some performance enhancers, though.
This is true.
I am on some performance enhancers.
And, uh, today it's BrainForce Ultra from InfoWarsStore.com is the performance enhancer that I'm on.
Maybe makes me sound a little smarter than I am, actually.
But seriously, the phenomenon of Prescription pills that people are given to deal with ADD or ADHD, specifically kids.
I would just say, I personally would suggest against that.
Just being anti-pharma as a foundation towards healthcare.
Aside from that, I would say at least give something all-natural and organic a try when it comes to mental energy, mental focus.
And try BrainForce Plus or BrainForce Ultra from InfoWareStore.com, currently 50% off.
It might work.
It might work even better for your kid.
Before you consider that pharmaceutical pill they want to prescribe your child, Maybe just give something all natural and organic a try, like BrainForce Plus or BrainForce Ultra from InfoWarsStore.com, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
And you won't have to give them that pharmaceutical product anymore.
But if you're out there, you got big presentations, you gotta work long hours, work long nights, you're a student, prepare for an exam, what have you, I suggest Brain Force Ultra and or Brain Force Plus from InfoWarsStore.com currently 50% off and it's your support there that keeps us on the air.
Now, there are two stories that I've been harping on for a long time on the war room here at InfoWars and that's these paid for Democrat propagandists That we've been reporting on for years, and they really don't even hide it anymore, because they all get invited to the White House, they have all their secret meetings at the White House.
I shouldn't say secret, they post their pictures and brag about it.
It's like this weird flex.
Like, I'm anti-establishment, look at how I'm part of the establishment!
But, as if we don't have enough confirmation that these are paid for Democrat operatives that you see, like JoJo from JERS is one example.
You don't follow these people, but their crap always ends up in your newsfeed.
Now that's changing, but that's coming up next.
Well, JoJo from JERS is looking for dates on a dating app called Bumble, and on her little profile here, Let's see what she has.
A mom of two amazing kids, separated since 19.
I work in social media!
Is that what you call it?
Is that what you call it?
You work in social media.
So that's what you call being a Democrat paid propagandist on Twitter, is it?
Do you need any other proof?
And then, another one that you're probably not seeing as much of anymore because Twitter and Elon Musk are fixing the rigged algorithms that made you see their crap like Angelina, uh, Angela Balcamino.
A real nasty wench.
And she's pointing this out that, hey, I used to be popular on Twitter.
I used to get all kinds of impressions.
What happened?
Well, the algorithms that were rigged to make you popular, the algorithms that were rigged to make you seem popular have been fixed and you're not popular.
She tweets out, in the past, I could tweet an emoji and get a thousand likes.
Now I could tweet a picture of my beep and not break 50.
Yeah, you were never popular.
You were never organically popular.
You're not an e-celeb.
You're a propaganda agent propped up by the Democrat Party and their friends in big tech, but Elon Musk is not their friend, and the algorithms that you've been taking advantage of for so many years are now gone, and you're realizing it the hard way.
But don't worry, because she'll probably post a picture of her To try to get that popularity back.
Good for you, Angela.
You love it when they tell you who they are, don't you?
You love it when they tell you who they are.
And here's another example.
This is... You know, how do you feel about this out of Texas?
Texas Republicans Introduced a bill to give huge tax cuts to straight couples having children with up to 100% cut in property taxes for having 10 kids.
The bill's author said, get married, stay married, and be fruitful and multiply.
Now the liberal commentator covering this says, this is handmaid's tale type stuff.
So get married, be happily married, and have children is handmaid's tale stuff.
You guys are really reaching.
You guys really hate the family, don't you?
Well, how else are you going to control the youth if they don't have a family unit?
So that's why they want to destroy the family.
You know, I have always wanted to have kids.
I've been a little more married to my career and my personal work than, and not really very interested in dating, quite frankly.
But, um, boy, if anything was going to, if anything would accelerate me towards getting married and having kids, this would actually do it.
I would have ten kids just to stick it to the U.S.
I'm not even kidding.
How many people would say, oh, I don't have to pay taxes if I had ten kids?
Let's get to work!
How long is this going to take?
Let's go!
Can we have Irish, what do they call it, Irish twins or Irish brothers and sisters?
That's probably racist.
Oh, the Irish are white, so it's cool.
Get married, stay married, and be fruitful, the liberals say.
How dare you!
Get married and have kids and stay married.
You... How will we destroy the family if you do that?
How will we destroy cities if you do that?
How will we destroy the youth if you do that?
How will we control their minds if you do that?
How will we have drag queen story time if you do that?
Shut it down!
Ten kids?
I don't have to pay taxes?
But they're telling you who they really are.
They hate the family.
Hate it!
Atheist group furious at New University of Colorado head coach Deion Sanders for infusing his program with Christianity.
Oh my gosh!
Deion Sanders wants the young men that he brings into his football program to be good upstanding men and godly men?
That build strong families like he did?
Oh my gosh!
Oh no!
And by the way, I've been kind of following this story with Deion Sanders.
What he's doing at the University of Colorado is actually amazing.
What he's doing.
He's changing the game.
Very pro-black, by the way.
Good for him.
And so, he wants to bring in young black men to play football for Colorado, and he wants to teach them how to be godly men, and that angers the liberal.
Oh, you mean, Deion Sanders doesn't want guys that are gonna get arrested, and Deion Sanders doesn't want guys that'll go to the NFL and ruin their careers before they can fully blossom, and Deion Sanders wants to have men that go through his university be good, strong, godly men that have families and good husbands and children?
And they're pissed.
They're angry.
Be angry.
Go after Deion Sanders.
You're only going to commit him.
To his mission even more.
You're only going to make him more stronger.
And I'll go ahead and make a prediction right now.
The Colorado Buffaloes haven't been a noteworthy football program in decades.
I bet you Deion Sanders has them in the top 25.
If not by the end of this season, certainly by the end of next season.
And that will have the Liberals panic because he'll probably say a prayer on the field with his team after the game.
Oh my gosh.
What is the future Of Democrats in Congress.
What is the future of Democrat Senators?
Dianne Feinstein's hospitalization leaves Senate Democrats without outright majority.
John Fetterman sponsors another bill from hospital bed.
Even Newsweek is Doubting this.
Newsweek headline, John Fetterman letter from hospital bed raises questions.
So Feinstein, she's like 99.
She's unable to do her job.
She's in the hospital.
John Fetterman, he's suffering from massive problems with a stroke or whatever the hell is going on with the thing on his neck and other such things.
But this is the future of the Democrat Party.
After all, it's kind of like this.
Romanian Prime Minister using AI to advise cabinet.
Well, yeah, that's the future of the Democrat Party.
You invite somebody who's a vegetable in a hospital bed, or you invite somebody with such a mental incapacity that it doesn't even matter.
You just have AI, or somebody else is voting for them, or AI.
Or a computer, or they're voting by proxy.
Yes, Dianne Feinstein, Senator Feinstein, in there for the 700th year, the 89-year-old.
And then John Fetterman, who, during his campaign for Senate, couldn't talk, couldn't walk, couldn't debate, couldn't even do interviews without technological assistance, and is now in the hospital, and nobody even knows what's going on.
And the Republicans asked for proof of life, and they got nothing, but somehow he's co-sponsoring bills.
That's the future of the Democrat Party.
It's like, where are all the Democrats?
Oh, they're in the hospital, they're in the mental ward, they've been institutionalized, but they're still voting.
They're still voting, it's all good there.
Let's not forget about the people of East Palestine still suffering.
The New Ground Zero East Palestine workers reporting migraines and nausea.
More workers in East Palestine at the site of the toxic train derailment are reporting intense headaches and nausea, prompting fears that the cleanup could constitute a new ground zero health disaster.
And they say, oh it's fine, it's fine.
Pete Buttigieg shows up for a photo op and his press secretary says, we're not taking questions.
Rail worker who cleaned toxic Norfolk Southern derailment site getting sick after government officials said everything is fine.
Nothing to see here.
All good, baby, baby.
Pete Buttigieg is in control.
Senate votes to declassify all government intelligence documents related to COVID-19 origins.
Is Fauci nervous yet?
Well... We are finding out all the hundreds of millions he was making while he was running the NIH or whatever other alpha bureaucracy he was involved with.
Making just hundreds of millions of dollars.
And when Rand Paul asks where the money goes, Fauci says, I don't have to tell you that.
31-year-old star of Elvis movie rushed to the ER.
Body just shut down.
Body just shut down.
While he was there, doctors ran a battery of tests and determined that the pain was caused by stress and exhaustion.
He was complaining about chest pain.
Severe chest pain, but don't ask if it has anything to do with the vaccine or if he had a vaccine.
Same thing with Justin Bieber.
Justin Bieber's Justice World Tour canceled after several postponements.
Now remember, Bieber had the Guillain-Barré incident after the vaccine.
Had to cancel shows and now an entire tour.
But don't ask about the vaccine.
Bill would ban vaccinated donors from giving blood due to high count spike proteins.
HB645 would fine vaccinated people or people suffering along COVID $500 for knowingly donating tainted blood as well as donation centers that receive it.
A bill proposed in Montana seeks to bar people injected with COVID-19 mRNA jabs from donating to a blood bank.
So the realization The truth about this vaccine is being revealed and we've got Bob Barnes coming up in the third hour in studio here in about 10 minutes to discuss some of the further legal advancements on this issue.
We see this is how it goes with these corrupt Liberals, they pretend it's all about green energy, sustainable energy.
No, it's not.
It's all about stealing your money, just like it always is.
Biden's EPA awards nearly $1 billion in climate grants, while at the same time orders a pause to clean up East Palestine.
Yeah, he's got to pay off his friends, his buddies.
That have these green, new energy companies.
And they get billions of dollars.
And then all the people that own their stock also, they get a nice bump in their stock.
It's all rigged.
It's not about stopping man-made climate change.
It's about making money and stopping man.
And they do a great job, don't they?
The mother is demanding an apology.
Reporter asks Karine Jean-Pierre if Biden regrets laughing at grieving mother who lost her son to fentanyl poisoning.
Well, it's all a joke.
It's all a joke to the liberals.
Now, this next video is actually so insane, I'm wondering if it's even real.
It is Women's History Month.
And as if Hershey's putting a man as the face of their new Women's History Month wasn't enough, that's right, Trans Face of New Hershey's campaign blasts transphobic response.
It's a man, it's a man that's the face of Women's History Month.
One more time.
You heard me right.
It's a man that is the face of Women's History Month.
For Her She Chocolate.
And they've changed their name, spelling it too.
Her She, like it's a pronoun.
Well, as if that's not ridiculous enough, the Toronto Raptors NBA franchise, and guys, see if there's any other news out there, because I just came across a story.
This is so hard to believe.
Put out a video It's pro-woman.
And they ask the basketball players, what's so great about women?
Why are women so great?
And do we have that video, by the way?
So here's the response.
Why would this Toronto Raptors video warrant an apology?
Here it is.
Girls run the world because they're the only one that can.
We're great.
Thank you for everybody.
All women are great because they're all queens.
Oh my gosh!
All women, they birth everybody.
They're the only ones that can procreate.
Oh no, you didn't!
Not in the year 2023, you bigot!
So apparently Toronto is... Have they offered an apology for this?
Toronto Raptors apologize for misguided Women's History Month video.
So they take a man and they make a man the face of Women's History Month.
And then they ask men why women are so great, and they say, women are great, they're the only ones that can procreate, and they gave me birth, and the raptors have to apologize because that's... What?
Not true?
Is that what we're arguing?
Is that not true?
You cannot make this stuff up.
We are in Looney Tunes land at this point.
I mean, literally, it's Looney Tunes land.
It's Michael Jordan in Space Jam dunking from half court with five aliens attached to his back.
It's like, what does Bugs Bunny say?
It's, you're in the cartoon world!
You're in the cartoon world, Mike!
It's like, oh, we're in Looney Tunes land now.
If you say women can procreate, that's bigoted.
Remember the teacher in Canada with the gigantic fake breasts?
You know this one?
So it turns out it's true that that was either a troll or at least the teacher was only wearing them in school.
Teacher with prosthetic Z-cup breasts put on leave.
Now get this.
They didn't put the teacher on leave for wearing the fake breasts during school.
They put the teacher on leave because the teacher doesn't wear the breasts outside of school.
Now this is wrong for so many different reasons.
We all know gender is fluid.
So maybe the teacher identifies as a woman in the classroom and nowhere else.
So how bigoted is it to put this teacher on leave because they identify as a different species I don't know, guys.
Do you think the beard is intimidating?
Do you think it's too much?
classroom. How dare you bigots! Or did they find out he was just trolling with the fake breasts
and that's why they're punishing him. So you know, wearing gigantic fake breasts to class,
okay. But doing it as a political stunt to show how insane people are, no good.
I don't know guys. Do you think the beard is intimidating?
Do you think it's too much?
Yeah, I mean, it looks pretty good, but I don't know, it's just a beard.
It's just not that intimidating, dude.
Just a beard, huh?
What about... I gotta go to the bathroom.
Dude, that's intimidating, man.
That's frickin' awesome.
You're on in five.
Get your hair and beard formula at InfoWarsStore.com.
And intimidating!
Alright, a couple of the heavyweights in podcasting got together yesterday.
Joe Rogan and Russell Brand.
And man!
It sounded a lot like an InfoWars transmission.
And rightfully so.
Alex Jones was brought up numerous times in the conversation.
And so I wanted to play some of the highlights here from Russell Brand on the Joe Rogan experience.
Here's just some of it and then bringing up Alex Jones.
Bill Gates ain't Willy Wonka.
He ain't doing this for like a competition.
There's no golden ticket at the end of this.
It's like a not-for-profit organization's making profit.
An incredible amount of influence in areas that he profits from.
All sorts of peculiar business practices like in India and on the continent of Africa that have led to like palpable suffering and profit in his case.
The Africa thing is wild and that's a big part of this The Real Anthony Fauci book.
He talks about Bill Gates quite a bit, and one of the things he talks about is how they've always used Africa as a place where they test out medicines.
They've used Africa as a place where they test out... This is another thing that I learned from Alex Jones.
Alex Jones was saying that they were giving kids the polio vaccine in Africa, and that Bill Gates was involved in this, and they had to stop doing it because it was actually giving kids polio.
And I was like, what?! !
And they pull up an AP article.
There was an AP story about this, and it shows this terrified little African baby, and they're dropping the polio vaccine in his mouth, like, squeezing his face, dropping his mouth.
I'm like, what the fuck, man?
They gave kids polio with a vaccine?
Even when you accept everything that they say, at this late point when it appears impossible to do that, they wouldn't release patents so that African nations could recreate the vaccines over there.
So clearly there's a profit motive, and I saw him publicly talk about that and say, oh no, it's not as simple as that, you can't just give people the patents and stuff like that.
But it seems like if you recognise that what drives them always is power, finance and dominion, If you always look at that and then track their actions, you hardly ever see a disruption in that pattern.
These characters that have become so maligned and marginalised, even in my lifetime where I still worked in mainstream media, people like Alex Jones or David Icke, they were, like, even people that were sceptical about them, or even people that ridiculed them, didn't try to posit them as dangerous.
And the same, I'm assuming, with Robert Kennedy.
Well, the David Icke one, they always made fun of him for lizard people because he always would say that they're shapeshifters and they're lizards and there was no evidence.
It just seemed really preposterous.
And then in the beginning of the pandemic, he was trying to connect COVID with 5G.
There was a lot of weird, like...
He's got some squirrely ones.
Believe it or not, it's hard to say to the general public, Alex Jones is way more reliable than David Icke, but he's way more reliable than David Icke.
Alex made a tremendous mistake with Sandy Hook, and he did that in a time of his life where he's experiencing a psychotic break.
He was drinking a lot and he was having a mental breakdown and he really believed that everything was a conspiracy and that the government is essentially run by these evil demons who are trying to depopulate America and ruin people and he thought they were trying to take away people's guns and he was convinced that someone had convinced him.
I don't know how I don't know what documentaries or what videos he saw, but he was convinced that they were using crisis actors and that they were orchestrating a false flag.
He was obviously very wrong.
And has admitted that he was wrong about that.
But he's been right about a lot of things.
So many things.
And I've talked about this many times, but he was the guy who told me about Epstein's Island more than a decade ago.
I thought it was the craziest thing I'd ever heard.
I was like, what are you saying?
There's an island.
Like, it sounds like a plot in a movie.
There's an island where they fly famous, rich scientists and politicians and they compromise them with underage girls and get it on film so they could use it against them.
I'm like, what?
That sounds like horseshit.
That sounds like lizard people.
It sounds like, you know, 5G creates COVID.
Same thing.
Yeah, but turns out it was true, and it's one of many things He was the one that the first one to warn me about a social credit score system He's like they're going to try to implement a social credit score system, and your money is going to be tied They'll have centralized digital currency and your money will be tied to your social credit score system And you step out of line you won't be able to buy things you won't be able to travel you won't be able to do anything They're gonna try to keep you within a 15-minute radius of your home, and they're starting to do that in places, right?
All of it's real.
And in China, the social credit score system is 100% real and implemented.
With Bob Barnes in studio, we got a bunch of legal subjects to discuss here, but I really
just want Bob Barnes to come on here and give us a update on all the different proceedings
that are going on right now that you're involved in or others when it comes to the vaccine
mandates, people losing their jobs, where it stands, where it's going in the future.
Because from my perspective, it looks like their plans for the vaccine tyranny, the medical tyranny, really have failed.
I mean, they gave out the cards, right, that had five things.
Here's your five vaccine cards, this is your vaccine pass.
Well, that's gone.
So that just, so that's failed and people are not getting five vaccines.
But there's still some fallout, people losing their jobs, mandates.
So with some of the litigation you're involved in, where do you see it going and where is it right now?
Really the biggest case that's going to determine and decide whether they're ever held accountable for their various lies, that Pfizer lied and people died because of those lies, is going to be the Brooke Jackson case where we had oral argument this week in Beaumont, Texas on Wednesday.
The court allowed about four hours of oral argument on it.
There was a lot of briefing that happened before then.
The court expressed concern with Pfizer's argument that the net effect of Pfizer's argument could be that there's no role for the judiciary in overseeing what takes place if the FDA simply continues to go along with the Pfizer fraud.
And so the court's concern was just as a matter of principle.
So we'll see what happens.
The court's going to decide whether that case proceeds to discovery or not.
It's going to be issuing a written opinion at some point in the next either several weeks, several months, depending on how long it takes the court to review everything.
A lot of extensive and expansive briefing in the case.
A lot of argument in the case.
But what was extraordinary to me was Pfizer's defense.
Pfizer's defense was not that these allegations are false.
They challenge whether the allegations are true, but at this stage of the pleadings, they have to assume them to be true legally.
Their argument was solely, even if all of the, even if they created a dangerous, ineffective drug that they disguised as a vaccine, that they said would be for the prevention of COVID-19, that didn't prevent COVID at all, in fact in some cases it appears the infection rate, it goes up with COVID depending on how many booster shots that you've had, not only other dangers of the vaccine, that none of that matters.
That as long as the Biden administration and the Justice Department and the FDA and the Defense Department go along with this scam, that nobody can ever hold them accountable.
They have special immunity under the PREP Act, and they have additional immunity under this contract.
The only way to hold them accountable is the Brooke Jackson suit.
And that's why they've gone all out to deny discovery, to publicly attack Brooke Jackson, to publicly attack me, and to publicly attack others, is they can't afford any discovery or ever be held accountable.
Because I think what we will find is, what Brooke Jackson saw was she was just this ordinary person.
Who oversees clinical trials.
Had been doing this for almost 20 years.
They try to portray her as an anti-vaxxer.
It's completely false.
She's just someone, in fact, she had no reason to doubt anything about this drug or this vaccine.
Was excited to be part of it.
Wanted to see it be successful.
She stumbles into a complete disaster.
It's so bad that you would walk in and you could see needles sticking out of bags.
You could see people's private medical records stuck on the walls for anybody to look at.
You saw people rolling out in the side corridors who were not being monitored for their adverse events that they were suffering from.
You saw people's blood being not taken in the proper way.
You saw people... Basically, it was supposed to be a randomized test.
It wasn't.
Supposed to be a placebo-controlled test.
It wasn't.
Supposed to be a blinded clinical trial.
It wasn't.
All the data was doctored.
All the data was, in many ways, fabricated or falsified.
The certifications were fraudulent.
The invoices were bogus.
And Pfizer's whole other argument was, well, really, we didn't have to comply with the FDA rules, but right in the contracts, as the court itself started out the hearing with, the court started out with, well, doesn't this provision of the contract say that Pfizer will comply with all of the FDA rules and regulations?
Yes, it does.
Does it say later in the contract that, in fact, this is all part of the entire process?
Yes it does.
Indeed, what Pfizer promised the Trump Defense Department goes beyond just FDA approval.
They said we will deliver a safe, effective vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19.
The words for the prevention of COVID-19 are listed as a deliverable item more than a half dozen times in the contract Pfizer signed with the Defense Department.
Uh, and yet, what did they deliver?
They delivered something that was not safe, in fact, was uniquely and extraordinarily dangerous, according to the government's own Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
That is not effective, as the whole world knows, and as Pfizer's own CEO admitted to the European authorities, saying, we didn't even really test for whether it was effective or not.
It didn't prevent infection.
It didn't prevent transmission.
We now know, of course, it wasn't a vaccine.
It was a gene therapy.
It's important to note, this Defense Department contract was created at a time where the word vaccine still meant vaccine.
It still meant something that inoculated and immunized against a disease.
Now, if they try to pull a quick one and say, we changed the definition, does it hold?
What the definition was at the time?
It doesn't in this case because here the definition of vaccine in the contract was the definition commonly understood at the time.
So they would have to go back and rewrite that contract and they never have.
They've never managed the Biden Justice Department and the Biden Defense Department has never gone back and redone this contract.
The only contract was the one signed by the Trump Defense Department and the Trump Defense Department said you will deliver this and you'll only get paid if you deliver it.
You must deliver something that's been FDA approved as a safe, effective vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19.
So they can't just say, well, it's anything we put into your arm as a vaccine.
No, it has to be, by definition, basically a weak version of the virus is what it was at the time, put into your arm.
It has to be that.
It has to be something that inoculates.
And it was key.
Even the contract language said there's three things you could deliver.
You could deliver something that's a diagnostic tool.
You could deliver something that is a treatment tool.
Or you could deliver something that is a preventative tool.
So it distinguished the three.
And it said what you're going to deliver us, Pfizer, if you want to get paid, is you're going to deliver us something that is a preventative tool.
That it will prevent COVID-19.
That was repeated all the way through the contract.
That's where if President Trump fully appreciates the Brooke Jackson case, he would understand he was lied to by Pfizer.
And that it is time for the President to recognize he was lied to by Pfizer, that the American people were lied to by Pfizer, and he should say they should be held accountable for the lies they told.
Because this is the biggest mass crime by any company in the history of the United States.
Since Pfizer?
Since Pfizer.
Yeah, they're trying to one-up themselves.
I've always told people that Pfizer makes El Chapo look like a street corner drug dealer.
That no Mexican drug cartel could ever imagine having the deleterious and damaging and destructive effect that Pfizer has had.
And nothing like what they've done here.
And this is why they're desperate.
Their whole argument to the court was, Judge, the Biden administration is with us, so don't let this case go forward.
They didn't have an argument from the contract.
They didn't have an argument from the facts.
They didn't have an argument from the law.
Their only argument was, please judge, don't allow the case to go to discovery because the Food and Drug Administration is still on our side.
Because the Defense Department is still on our side.
The Biden Administration is still on our side.
And our point was, there's a clear conflict of interest with the Biden Administration.
That it's independent of the politics and the party shifting and the personalities of the Trump to Biden shift.
The big difference is Trump didn't mandate anyone take this drug.
The Biden administration did.
So they have a conflict.
What if the whole world knew that the top high-ranking cabinet officials, including the president himself, Mandated and forced people to take a drug as a condition of employment, as a condition of serving in the United States military, a drug that they knew, because Brooke Jackson had told members of the FDA this all the way back at the beginning, that they knew was not safe, not effective, not a vaccine, didn't prevent COVID-19, that the deliverable that Pfizer had brought to the U.S.
taxpayers violated the very core, essential, elemental requirements of what was supposed to be a deliverable to them.
And then in fact, tens of thousands of people, according to the government's own data, dead.
Millions of people disabled and suffering severe injuries.
It would be the biggest pub political scandal in the history of the United States.
Well, and it sounds like, too...
Even though that's the larger issue, the contractual violation is the home run here.
I mean, that's the ball sitting on the tee waiting to be knocked out of the park.
That's the fraud.
That's the obvious, self-evident fraud.
They said, here's what we're going to deliver, and they sent in an invoice saying, we agree this is in accordance with the agreement, this is in accordance with the contract, with work performed, we're delivering you a safe, effective vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19.
It wasn't safe, it wasn't effective, it wasn't a vaccine, and it didn't prevent COVID-19.
They lied, people died, time to be held liable.
Alright, this is a story the mainstream media doesn't want to touch, and that's because at the end of this segment on the mainstream media, it's brought to you by Pfizer.
Well, we don't have that message in our breaks, do we?
So we'll talk about this.
Hey now, that Pfizer lawyer wears the mask in court to protect...
himself from COVID, don't you know?
Yeah, exactly.
Even though he's been vaccinated against COVID.
I mean, you should almost use that as an argument.
Oh, it was, it was tempting.
You know, I sat next to somebody on the plane.
I can imagine that was tempting.
Oh, well, I sat next to somebody in the plane that was, like, masked.
I saw a double masker yesterday.
You know, I had a little bit of a cold and I was thinking I'll probably cough once and I'll be like, man, I probably should have been vaccinated.
You know, just to have some fun with him.
But the I mean, it's the level of insanity of some of these people is extraordinary.
But it's the key is, can the legal system step up and answer?
Well, let me let me let me bring that up, actually, because here's when we get into the legal system and this is kind of something I was saying yesterday, just as a generality, when you talk about injustice, most people Know somebody personally probably that's gone to jail or been arrested or been charged with a minor drug offense, right?
Marijuana, whatever, narcotics, paraphernalia.
But yet...
They might spend time in jail.
They gotta be in and out of court.
They gotta pay fines.
They gotta deal with it.
And sometimes it's real life disruption.
But when you're Pfizer, you can release a drug to hundreds of millions, billions of people, millions die.
It doesn't even matter.
And their argument in court is, come on, Biden's with us, man.
We got Biden on our team.
But so let me ask you this.
They signed the contracts.
The argument is that they violated the contracts.
They're wearing a mask in court because the vaccine doesn't work, so they're admitting the vaccine doesn't work.
But I'm guessing that that money they got's probably already been spent.
I'm guessing that money's probably already gone cha-ching right into some bank accounts.
Well, I think the next wave of potential litigation as to Pfizer and Moderna is going to be that they lied to their shareholders.
They lied to the public.
Because just as they lied to the Trump Defense Department and said, we're delivering you a safe, effective vaccine for the protection of COVID-19, that was actually dangerous, ineffective, not a vaccine, and didn't prevent COVID-19.
But in the same, and it actually created all these other harms it wasn't supposed to create.
But they also told the stockholders they were delivering that.
They told the stockholders we're delivering a safe, effective vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19.
And they weren't.
So even more fraud.
And it's fraud on the market.
And it's one place they have no immunity.
As you say, that's a different case entirely.
They don't have any immunity under the PREP Act.
They don't have any immunity under whether the federal government is protecting them or not.
They can't.
That's a place that any shareholder out there that had Pfizer stock or Moderna stock that saw it go down after people discovered they'd been lying.
I mean, people like Edward Dowd have detailed this.
Others have detailed this.
I talked to Wall Street people all the way back at the beginning of this who were monitoring
it who had some of the data before Dow did and they told me that what they were seeing
was evident they were going to be shorting the stocks.
And they said what they had seen was evidence that both Pfizer and Moderna had been lying
systematically and systemically and that they must have known it.
And that's the evidence.
I mean, that's what Pfizer, why did it, if Pfizer was so right that they were, that the
allegations were false against them, then why are they so terrified of any discovery?
Like right now they're begging the court to not allow any discovery ongoing in this case.
Please judge, whatever you do, don't allow a single deposition, please don't allow a single request for production.
Have they tried to get this?
I mean, I'll just ask it broadly.
Have they tried to get this case out of the courtroom?
I mean, effectively, yes.
In fact, their argument is that no court process should be allowed, that there should never be any discovery in the case, that no jury should be allowed to hear the case.
They made this argument explicitly.
In fact, what they said is, once the FDA says something, Judge, you, Judge, have no more power to say a single thing about this.
The jury has no more power to say a single thing about this.
Which is obviously not true.
No, it's directly contrary to the False Claims Act.
The reason why that exists is because during the Civil War, corrupt union government bureaucrats were working with outside contractors to deliver faulty products to the ordinary soldier.
Exactly what this is!
Because this originally started off as all about making sure our members of our military, our soldiers, had adequate safety.
And they got it mandated.
And it was all based on Pfizer's lies.
But for Pfizer's lies, none of this is here, none of this happens.
And in fact, by the way, what's also in the contract, they were supposed to deliver this safe, effective vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19 prior to the election.
So they screwed Trump twice.
First, they deliberately sandbagged Trump by not delivering it prior to the election, so he got no political credit for it.
And then what they turned around and delivered was a total lie.
It wasn't what they had promised him from the get-go.
And they have received billions and billions of taxpayers' dollars on all this.
And the key is, if this fraud is exposed, that opens the door for them to be held accountable across the board.
So we'll see.
Now, the other case that can hold FISA accountable is if the grand jury either in Florida, that's currently open, And my encouragement is, if DeSantis' people are sincere, and we'll know whether DeSantis is a, whether he's a deep state guy, or whether he's a legitimate populist guy, by whether or not the state grand jury that he formed actually holds Pfizer accountable.
Because there's zero doubt at this point, we've amassed all kinds of evidence with Brooke Jackson that Pfizer knew they were lying to the people of Florida.
What about the Project Veritas videos, too?
I mean, that's gotta be huge!
I mean, there you have a Pfizer executive admitting on tape that they knew what they were doing was dangerous, that it was clearly altering various aspects of your body.
Otherwise, it couldn't interfere with menstruation unless it was doing something to the very core of the body's function.
It wasn't that, oh, maybe this will cause an infertility issue.
It was that this goes beyond that.
This goes to, something's happening with this mRNA delivery platform that, again, and right in the contract, they said, our mRNA platform is uniquely safe, uniquely effective, can be uniquely clinically tested in a quick and effective way.
They were lying about all of it, and they knew they were lying about all of it.
We know what a delicate chemistry it is when a mother is pregnant.
And that's why you've got all these warnings about do not smoke, do not drink, don't do this.
I mean, you know, real holistic health people won't do a lot of things when they're pregnant.
But so let alone injecting an experimental technology into them to see what that'll do to the chemistry.
Well, now we know it was doing a lot of harm.
Oh, completely.
And that they knew it all the way through.
They knew it in test after test after test.
There's more data coming out of Argentina.
There's more data coming out of Israel.
There's more data coming out of multiple countries.
Whistleblowers continue to come forward.
And we encourage them to continue to come forward.
There are people who participate in these clinical trials all around the world who probably don't even realize what they saw was illegal.
And that was one of Pfizer's arguments.
Pfizer's argument was, well, Brooke Jackson was there and she just saw one glimpse of it.
The reality is she saw a clear window into the scope and scale and severity of their criminality and fraud.
But they want to say, don't worry, what she saw only happened in Texas.
So they're trying to say, it's like if there's...
Ten grocery stores here like a popular grocery store is H-E-B.
So it's like you got ten H-E-B's here and I go down to one H-E-B which is maybe in a seedy area and it's kind of dirty and grungy and there's some you know seedy characters around and it's like well that's just that one that's only that H-E-B but then I go to another one and I go to another one and I go to another one and it's the same thing Grungy, dirty.
By the way, I'm not saying that about H-E-B.
I actually like the people at H-E-B.
I got friends who work there.
So just being clear.
But I'm saying that's the analogy.
It's like saying, no, no, no, it's just that one.
But then you go to every single one and it's the exact same thing.
It's why they want to deny all the discovery.
Because they know if we looked at all the documents, it probably gets worse.
She was witnessing things she had never witnessed in her near 20-year career.
I mean, she was just shocked and horrified at it at multiple levels.
And that's how bad it was.
And so that's why they don't want the world to know the truth.
They don't want the world.
We have alleged in our complaint that we will show that this was systematic and systemic all across the globe in their clinical trials.
Pfizer lied.
People died.
Time for discovery.
Time for liability.
And now I guess the question is, is this going to be like the FTX money?
It's just gone!
We just don't know!
We don't know where the money is!
Well, we'll see if Pfizer gets away with it to that extent.
Don't go anywhere.
We'll be right back.
All right.
I want to get into some other topics here with Bob Barnes, who is going to be hosting the fourth hour, by the way.
But let's just kind of put a bow on this.
What do you think the people need to know about this ongoing case against Pfizer?
When or if is the next big break going to appear in the media or really?
Where is the media?
I mean, here you are with us.
I'm not hearing anybody else cover your story.
Anybody else reached out for comment?
The institutional media has tried to avoid this case like the plague.
And that's a sign of its strength.
I mean, if the case was weak, we would have hit piece after hit piece after hit piece.
So we don't, we have almost no coverage.
There's been sort of blanket non-coverage of the entire, in fact, what happened here is once the Biden administration took over the case, so she filed her complaint or made the government aware of it back in the fall of 2020.
And the same day she talked to the FDA and said, here, look, there's a whole bunch of problems with these clinical trials.
Later that same day, she summarily fired.
You're gone.
Don't come back.
Don't ever come back into the office.
Then, after that, she gets contacted by Pfizer's lawyer, who somehow knows her cell phone number that wasn't on the employment files.
And so, clearly, there was a coordinated effort to try to suppress this.
She hires counsel.
The U.S.
government, the Biden administration, says, we're seriously investigating this.
Well, you know, we have to keep, so keep it sealed.
Keep it under the federal court seal.
Don't, you know, don't, you know, tells her lawyers, don't talk about the case, don't discuss the case.
Now, legally, you're entitled to discuss the facts of the case, not the existence of the case itself, but the underlying facts.
You're free to, to discuss.
But that wasn't even relayed to her.
She wasn't told that.
So for about a year, she's kept quiet.
By her prior lawyers, who it turns out have all kinds of conflicts involved in the case.
And because the U.S.
government was saying that they were seriously investigating and going to hold Pfizer accountable.
And then on the eve of this motion to dismiss, the U.S.
government comes in and says, oh judge, please get rid of the case.
It's like, well, what were you doing for a year?
Were you lying to the judge?
Were you lying to the American people?
Were you lying to her about seriously investigating it in order to cover up the existence of these allegations for a year?
So, you know, all of that would be subject to discovery.
What we told the judges, we not only want discovery from Pfizer, But because Pfizer's now claiming that the government would have approved this even if the government knew it was a dangerous, ineffective gene therapy disguised as a vaccine that did not actually work for the prevention of COVID-19, our position is we should be entitled to depose government officials as well.
Well, yeah, and I guess they feel confident enough in the defense that that'll somehow, I guess, get them off?
Like, hey, get off our back!
Go after the government!
Well, I was like, how about we go after both of ya?
I mean, the fact that they may be complicitly in cahoots with high-ranking corrupt members of the government is an ongoing damnation of both them and the government officials that could be implicated.
Because the reason for this whole law is because Congress said, you know what, we cannot trust government bureaucrats to protect against fraud.
So we're going to give the American people a direct right through what's called QETAM claims.
False Claims Act to bring that claim on behalf of the American people.
That's why Brooke Jackson is the relator on behalf of the American people, on behalf of the United States, against Pfizer.
And the reason they did it is because we can't trust the government to do the right thing, unfortunately, too often, in scandals the scale and size of this one.
Now, she also has a separate claim.
My co-counsel, Alexis Anderson, made the argument in that part of the claim.
Which is the retaliatory discharge claim.
So that she was fired as soon as she reported it to the FDA.
And their only defense was, well, we don't know if that's why she was fired.
I mean, let's see, she reports it to the FDA, gets fired.
It's pretty darn obvious.
Have they offered an alternative reason as to why she was fired?
Zero alternative reason as to why she was cancelled.
I mean, that's just straight laziness.
I mean, they can't even come up with an excuse?
Like she was stealing sandwiches from the employee's fridge, you know?
Well they were initially complicit in trying, the British Medical Journal independently investigated Brooke Jackson's allegations, independently confirmed and verified the authenticity and the accuracy of her exhibits and affidavits.
I think they've talked to other whistleblowers in addition to that.
And so they came out with one of the most well-respected, peer-reviewed medical journals in the world that says Brooke Jackson's allegations are true and accurate about what Pfizer did.
And it begins the British Medical Journal asking lots of questions about what's happening here.
But in that capacity, initially, the company Ventavia that fired Brooke Jackson tries to libel and lie about her to other medical publications to try to limit the coverage the British Medical Journal's publication got.
In Europe, it got tons of coverage.
In the United States, it didn't get as much coverage.
And so we actually were talking about suing Ventavia for defamation and libel.
They backed down, retracted some of their statements, etc.
So they knew that lying was not going to be a long-term successful strategy for them.
This, Brooke Jackson, has an impeccable near 20-year record in the industry.
Well, yeah, it sounds to me the more I hear about this, and it's funny, Brooke Jackson is not a household name.
She probably should be.
Brooke Jackson is the hero of this case, coming forward as a whistleblower and exposing the corruption that she was seeing in one of the biggest stories when it comes to ...medicine and pharmakia in U.S.
history with this vaccine.
I mean, her name should be the household name.
I mean, people can see her.
She has a website.
I am Brooke Jackson.
She's on Twitter.
I am Brooke Jackson.
And she was willing to go public about all of this because they'd gone to great lengths to suppress and censor the existence of this story because she was someone you couldn't take apart.
She's someone who's been in the industry almost 20 years.
She was someone who had confidence and trust and belief in vaccines and pharmaceuticals or she wouldn't be in the industry.
She was someone who had overseen and supervised various aspects of clinical trials for a long time.
She was someone who believed and wanted this vaccine to work and be effective.
And so she had no incentive or motivation to lie about anything.
And instead she keeps reporting it.
Document it, report it, document it, report it.
Exactly what you're supposed to do.
And that's why they were terrified that somebody that knew what was supposed to happen, because most of the people at that clinical trial, like the people being tested, they don't know what the rules are.
They don't know what blinding is, they don't know what a placebo, how that works, they don't know what the testing requirements are.
So it's like if you're a referee at a basketball game, and the league, the commissioner calls you before the finals and says, When the Chicago Bulls score, you're going to count that as three points.
And when the Golden State Warriors score, you're going to count that as two points.
And the ref would be like, hmm, this doesn't seem right.
I'm going to take note of this.
I'm going to blow the whistle on this.
And documented and reported all the way up the food chain.
And she was shocked.
And well, here's the thing.
Many of the people that were in that food, that hierarchy, were confirming that this was systemic.
And the reason it was systemic was Pfizer lied from the very beginning.
Pfizer's whole pitch was, you know what, we can create a unique system of clinical trial testing these pharmaceuticals that we can replicate in the future.
That's why it was a protocol agreement under the defense agreement.
We can create something unique that will provide for our enhanced national security for our soldiers down the way because we can accelerate the timetable for clinical trial success that has never been done in the history of clinical trials based on our mRNA technology, but our mechanism of doing these trials.
It was all a lie.
They were just going to rush through the whole clinical trial process, not follow any of the rules and regulations and restrictions, to be able to pretend they could do it when they couldn't do it.
Well, if I'm a layman hearing this, and forget about just all the stuff we know about the world and fighters' history and all this, if I'm a layman and I'm hearing this, well, the story is pretty obvious at just a basic face value here.
There was no way Pfizer could have guaranteed any of this.
There was no way they could have guaranteed the vaccines would stop infection.
There was no way they could have guaranteed that they were safe and effective.
They said they were, and I guess the reason why they were so bold was because they knew they, well, they thought they had immunity.
They thought that they could do this and be immune from lawsuits.
And they saw the money!
They saw the money sitting on the table!
Well, why wouldn't we rush through this?
We're gonna get billions of dollars, and we're immune from lawsuits, they thought!
Exactly, and they assumed that the Brooke Jacksons of the world would keep their mouths shut.
Because you look at Brooke Jackson, she knows the moment she discloses this, That all of a sudden, she has no career left in the industry.
That she'll be subject to personal smear campaigns.
Jeez, what does that say about the industry?
It does say, it says too much about the industry.
That she knew that in fact, that the whole nature, that she was seeing one of the worst public health scandals, probably the worst public health scandal in world history.
And she was a personal witness to it, and she's at the front lines of it.
And not long after she reports this, she's suddenly fired, then she has Pfizer's lawyer calling her at home.
Then all of a sudden her mail is being opened up before she even gets to receive it and read it.
All kinds of anomalies are happening.
For her story?
You can get her whole story and follow her on Twitter as well.
Well, she's a real hero and Bob Barnes and his legal team, you've got a lot of good, hungry...
Lawyers working for you on this case, too, that are doing great work.
So, folks, we're going to continue to monitor this story.
I do want to change lanes, though, when we come back with some other developments as far as stopping drag queen story time.
This is getting into a legal fight now.
All right, the great Bob Barnes is in studio.
He's going to be hosting the fourth hour.
I've got one more segment with him, though.
I want to get into some other news stories.
Now, quickly, before I get into what I really want to get into with Bob here, folks, this story about the mayor of College Park, Maryland.
Is getting worse and worse.
Democrat mayor arrested for possession and distribution of child pornography, met with Nancy Pelosi, the Dalai Lama, Lady Gaga, hung out with Pete Booty Judge, and in fact, was mentored by Pete Booty Judge.
56 counts, possession and distribution of child pornography.
Now we know Lady Gaga is into the spirit cooking type stuff.
As well as other Democrats revealed in the WikiLeaks emails, and I think we know plenty about Pete Bootyjudge, that he's mentoring this guy who turns out to be a pedophile charged with possession and distribution of child pornography.
Hangs out with Pete Bootyjudge!
Hangs out with Nancy Pelosi!
So, they're going to try to put this thing to rest, but between Sam Brinton, Pete Bootyjudge, and Patrick Wojohn, I think you're getting a pretty good idea what the modern-day left is all about.
Katie Hobbs and Arizona Republicans push out a CPS director who wants to stop child trafficking.
Patrick Cowley has that story.
We may bring him on next week to discuss it, but I want to, well, we can get Bob's opinion on that, or I want to introduce this To him as well, Tennessee becomes first state to ban drag shows on public property near schools.
Banning public drag shows.
And then, I love this.
I'll introduce it to you like this, Bob.
This is from the Associated Press.
As Tennessee and others target drag shows, many wonder why.
Well, if you're wondering why, you haven't been paying attention, I would say, if you don't understand why.
What do you think this goes legally?
I think Tennessee wins.
I mean, I think any attempt to challenge it, that is within their rights.
You don't have a First Amendment right to put other people's kids on your lap and pretend you're a woman when you're a man in that manner.
That one's not in the Bill of Rights?
That's not included.
So, you have certain expressive rights in your own home.
You have certain expressive rights in certain settings.
So, certain adult... But for example, think about all the regulations over adult clubs.
If you can put all those regulations in for a strip club, how can you not put in those regulations when it's limited to, please don't do this next to a school or in a public library?
I mean, really.
I mean, you couldn't do a strip club inside of a library.
Couldn't do a strip club next to a school.
I don't give the Democrats any ideas.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
Be careful.
Yeah, I mean, you know, if you want to kill the appeal of strip clubs, have a lot of these folks do it.
That'll be the end of it.
So, I mean, I think legally they're absolutely within their rights.
They definitely have the basis to do so.
The left complains that this is somehow discriminatory.
The other aspect of this is the left is pretending this is based on medicine and science.
We're seeing more and more lawsuits and more and more will be brought.
I mean, I have a lot of experience representing victims of domestic violence.
I've done it for free for 25 plus years.
And the worst offenders are in the trans community.
It's the highest rate of violence, of inter-partner violence.
One of the highest.
They're just mental disturbed individuals, overwhelmingly.
I mean, a man pretending to be a woman beating up a woman.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, you have these, and especially with these kids, I mean, kids are clearly just, some of them are, you know, are playing games, some of them, and the rest.
But when you start introducing these cultural mechanisms to these kids through the public educational system, through the public libraries, you're distorting their minds in dangerous and deceiving ways.
But not only that, When you add to it medical interventions, you're ruining their lives.
I mean, these people who are not, these kids who are not ready to make a decision of that sort anyway, even if you believe that such a decision could or should be made medically or religiously or any other reason.
They're not ready at 12 years old, 13 years old, 14 years old, to start changing their body, to start changing their body permanently.
The lawsuits are going to be long and coming for a while over that.
We're already starting to see it happen.
And so that's why this is not about discriminating against a vulnerable group.
This is about protecting a vulnerable group from the predators who would like to prey upon them.
What would happen if I set up a tattoo parlor?
For minors.
And people were coming in under the age of 18, I think that's probably the legal age in all states, maybe most states.
And I was setting up a tattoo parlor for minors, and it turned out, the minors, you know, high school kids, whatever, found out, hey, go to this tattoo parlor, they'll give you a tattoo, doesn't matter if you're under 18.
What would happen to me?
Oh yeah, you'd go to jail.
I mean, so, we have all these restrictions.
I mean, you can't even get earrings at certain levels.
You can't even do piercings at certain ages.
So, I mean, we have all these restrictions of all kinds of what you can drink, what you can eat at different times, etc.
And the idea of how you just put some mark on your body that can actually, these days, be taken away, not too terribly, but I might attest to that somewhat differently.
You've got a little experience.
Yeah, exactly, exactly.
It seemed like a good idea at the time I was in Bora Bora, so I have a plausible explanation.
But the idea that you can do this to little kids and that you somehow have a right to do so and that somehow you're protecting the vulnerable by doing so is just multiple levels of insanity.
I wish I had like a team of cartoonists or something, because you could do like a little short cartoon or a movie or something, and two businesses pop up at the same time.
One of them is a tattoo parlor for minors, one of them is a gender transition surgery for minors, and one of them gets shut down.
Which one do you think it is?
And one of them gets government grants!
One of them gets promoted on mainstream news!
One of them gets paraded as an organization that's helping children.
I mean, when it's hurting children, by any objective definition.
And it's the sign, usually, as other people have pointed out, of the decline of society.
If you want to look at the societies and civilizations that have collapsed over time, one of the signs is the acceptance of various forms of sexual deviancy.
of just, you know, once it gets too loose, too liberal, too without meaning, too without
limits, the net effect of it is that that's a sign that society itself is crumbling.
And that's what this is.
So to preserve our society, not only protect children, Tennessee's laws and laws like it
need to be everywhere.
And that's why, I mean, Texas needs to get on board with this.
A bunch of states that have been a little bit slow to act need to get on board with this.
Just as they got on board with prohibiting vaccine mandates, just as they got on board with election law reform, they need to get on board with protecting our children from, I mean, how many cases have you seen, read, and heard about of these tranny, the library school drag queens that end up arrested for issues like you were talking about?
Or have prior records, like the ones you're talking about.
I mean, it's not a coincidence they keep showing up with child porn issues, sexual abuse issues, domestic violence issues.
By the way, hasn't there been some legal precedent as far as, like, cigarette companies doing marketing aimed towards children, or alcohol companies doing marketing aimed towards children, and they usually win in court.
In fact, I mean, up until a few years ago, it used to be illegal to promote pharmaceuticals to children.
Now, of course, they got little Elmo out there.
saying hey get your little vaccine shot. I mean it's just the level of insanity
has just gone off the charts. And you know that case we'll have to take to the
appeal to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals because the federal judge in
Waco said nobody can sue, which we think is a problem. But all of this another
area where legislative reform needs to take place because it's something that
it's gone beyond all norms, all boundaries. I mean you're seeing these
little kids go to school boards, talk out loud about the crazy crap that's in their
library reading from the books nobody remember we used to go to the store
They used to hide Playboy behind like the thing, you know, like the little brown thing.
Oh, I always bring it up.
My school library at my elementary school would always get the Guinness Book of World Records every new year it came out.
The kids loved it.
We loved the Guinness Book of Records.
It was fun.
And then there was one year, I think it was 2000 or 2001, they put in the world's biggest breasts.
And on page 99, I may even still remember the page, on page 99, it was this woman in a bikini
with her gigantic breasts.
And what do you know, the guys liked looking at it.
We liked looking at the breasts.
And so eventually the teachers found out, and you know what they did?
They ripped the page out of the book.
As simple as that, problem solved.
Now they probably say, hey, let's bring in the biggest breasted woman in the world
and have her do a little strip tease for you.
Yeah, well, I mean, especially these books that are basically how-to books on how to groom a child.
I mean, that's what some of these books are.
They're grooming mechanisms.
I mean, they have no business being in a public library.
They have no business being in... And I'm someone that's a robust supporter of free speech, but we've always recognized the right to protect Yeah, child abuse is not free speech.
Now quickly here, Gavin Newsom responds to this bill.
He says, Tennessee has the 8th highest murder rate in the nation.
It ranks 44th among states for health outcomes, and this is what the governor is focused on.
You know, it's funny, he says Tennessee the 8th highest murder rate in the nation.
I'm gonna go ahead and guess that most of those murders are happening in Memphis?
Run by Democrats?
And the rest of the state's probably pretty safe.
I don't know, what do you think?
Oh, I mean, I'm from Tennessee, so it's all going to be Democrat-run cities where the crime is, number one.
Number two, does anybody think you're safer in L.A., in San Francisco these days, almost anywhere in coastal California, than you are in the countryside of Tennessee?
There's nobody who really thinks that.
There's nobody who thinks, oh, I'm gonna... Well, what about Gavin Newsom?
Well, yeah, other than Gavin.
I mean, Gavin is invited to Tennessee any time he wants.
He should go hang out in North Memphis for a couple nights.
Yeah, they'll have some fun.
Well, they'll be nice to Gavin in Tennessee.
They have no problems.
Just as long as he doesn't dress up as a woman and try to get their kids on his lap.
I think that...
Gavin Newsom should prove how bad Tennessee is, or how good it is, maybe by going to Democrat-run Memphis.
And he can see just how safe it is.
Hang out with Congressman Cohen.
And then you can find out how Tennessee became the eighth murder capital of the United States.
It's not because of red areas, blue areas.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
This is Robert Barnes, guest hosting today.
Just got through with some various arguments in various courts in Texas, and we'll see how all those turn out.
The reason why the vaccine issue goes beyond just this vaccine, or this particular drug company in the case of Pfizer, or goes beyond just some of the issues involving COVID-19 and pandemic response, we're seeing in the World Health Organization's proposed treaty.
Now there's been various statements out there that have suggested this treaty could be constitutionally enforceable without Senate approval.
That is not true.
Now that does not mean that they won't try to do something like that.
But to be very clear, our founders established in the Constitution that the treaty, no treaty, can be governing law in the United States unless it meets two prior prerequisites.
The first one is the Senate must, two-thirds of the Senate, must consent and agree to the treaty before it is passed.
So the process is first you have your sort of diplomats or other officials from the executive branch sign the treaty.
Then they take that and the president must propose the treaty to the United States Senate.
The United States Senate then must debate it, discuss it, and vote upon it.
Often the way most treaties through history get buried is the Senate never votes on it.
Or the President never submits it.
That's kind of happened with the Paris Accords.
So you had President Obama sign something, and I'll get into when an executive agreement has certain enforceability rules in just a second.
But the President Obama never submitted it, in some cases, to the Senate because he knew the Senate would reject it.
Other ones that were proposed to the Senate, the Senate never even voted upon, and thus died a slow death.
Kind of a pocket veto, as it's described in some cases, when the executive branch is in that role.
But that's the first part.
But even then, and so even have the President sign it, the President deliver it, the President propose it, the Senate debate it, and the Senate sign it, They're still not implementing legislation to make its terms enforceable as law under the Constitution in the United States.
That requires a second requirement.
So first requirement, President approved, President proposed, two-thirds of the Senate agree.
Second part of the proposal, the House must propose implementing legislation.
The House must then pass that implementing legislation by majority vote.
The Senate must then pass that, and the President must also separately sign that.
That's the second precondition for enforceable constitutional treaties in the United States.
But it's not all.
Because it also still must be constitutional.
What does that mean?
It means that a treaty is seen as basically equal to a federal statute or an executive action.
In the sense that it is subject to and subordinate to the U.S.
Constitution and its other requirements.
What are some of those other requirements?
Those other requirements include all of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
So to give an example, there is a role for the judicial branch to play if somebody brings a legal challenge to the treaty and the implementing legislation on the grounds that it violates some Bill of Rights provision.
Such as the First Amendment right of press, or speech, or association, or religion, or the right to petition your government.
There are provisions in this World Health Organization treaty that do in fact violate core First Amendment rights in the Constitution.
Now there's a little provision of this by the way.
That in the World Health Organization Treaty that it requires that it be passed a consistent to the Constitution of each governing state.
What does that mean?
It means our Constitution is superimposed as conditions, limitations, and restrictions on the World Health Organization Treaty itself under our constitutional standards and under the plain language of the proposed treaty itself.
But, so, who else can bring a challenge is not only any of those provisions, there's 2nd Amendment right of self-defense issues implicated by the World Health Organization Treaty, 4th Amendment issues against wrongful searches or seizures without probable cause of a crime or done unreasonable, 5th Amendment rights to due process of law concerning property or liberty, 5th Amendment rights to no property being taken without just compensation, 6th Amendment rights, 7th Amendment rights to trial by jury, 8th Amendment rights against unreasonable fines, All of these could be implicated, but not the least of which is the 10th Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution, which is the right of the states to govern and control what?
Health care.
This is a key component in provision as well.
So when we get back, we'll discuss a little bit more about the real dangers of the World Health Organization Treaty, but also the real constitutional solutions available to us to stop this from becoming enforceable law in the United States.
The dangers are real, but so are the remedies.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say,
"I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you ought to fight!"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the Bill of Rights is a stumbling block on the way to shutting down speech that the left doesn't like, at least
in government.
But there's a new avenue for those who would like to censor what you say and think, and that's corporations.
The left have wised up to this.
If you want to stop someone from telling the truth, use companies to do it.
The social media giants.
And they are.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
So far the most prominent casualty of the crusade against free expression has been the radio show host Alex Jones.
There is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational corporations and big tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices.
There's also guys on CNN that spend their whole day calling Facebook and saying, can you ban this person?
He may be America's best-known conspiracy theorist, but this week, Alex Jones' content will be a little harder to find.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead a cat-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent, free press working with big tech.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
In a free country, everyone can be heard.
In totalitarian societies, only the powerful can be heard.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Robert Barnes here guest hosting with Alexis Anderson here with me in studio.
She had the privilege this week of making her first oral argument in any federal case concerning the case of Brooke Jackson and the way in which she was retaliated against in her employment.
And we'll be discussing that and more as the rest of the show proceeds.
One important thing to recognize in all of this, as the intro talked about, is that the key to independent information getting out there, the key to whistleblowers finding out about this case that the mainstream and corporate media has mostly taken great efforts to suppress, the most important consequential case arguably in the world that could expose and hold accountable Those drug companies like Pfizer that lied in order to be able to get this vaccine, so-called vaccine, out there into the mass public to basically drug up the mass world population with a drug that turned out to be dangerous, ineffective, wasn't a vaccine, was basically a gene therapy that did not in fact prevent COVID-19 is because of InfoWars.
It's because of your audience.
It's because of you.
And to continue to support InfoWars at InfoWarsStore.com.
What was supposed to happen a long time ago with the war waged on Alex Jones was first to take him out.
And the goal was to take out InfoWars itself, the existence of it, the network, the people,
the audience, the various people who help create content here.
And then to use it as an example to intimidate and terrorize other independent content creators
And then to use it as an example to intimidate and terrorize other independent content creators
from even broaching into this space.
from even broaching into this space.
To such a degree that they would censor themselves and avoid communicating independent information
To such a degree that they would censor themselves and avoid communicating independent information
like the critical aspects of Brooke Jackson's whistleblower claims that expose that Pfizer
like the critical aspects of Brooke Jackson's whistleblower claims
that expose that Pfizer knew from the get-go that it did not have honest, accurate clinical data
knew from the get-go that it did not have honest, accurate clinical data that it could
rely upon or trust to be able to make the claims of safety and efficacy that they falsely
made to the Trump Defense Department to secure billions of dollars for what was in fact a
very dangerous drug that was often through mandates then forced upon people around the
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Uh, that keeps InfoWars on the air, and as long as InfoWars is alive, it reminds me of what my great-great-great-granddaddy said at, uh, Bunker Hill, don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.
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And when we come back, more on the WHO treaty and more.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Robert Barnes in guest hosting with Alexis Anderson here in studio.
We're going to be discussing a little bit later the World Health Organization Treaty, its potential ramifications and implications, why it may reach into governing our economy, governing self-defense issues, why I believe it interferes with a range of constitutional rights, And how those constitutional rights are in fact a means of protecting against the World Health Organization treaty, despite some language people may have heard about some efforts to circumvent it by the Biden administration.
We'll be discussing that a little bit later.
But first, Alexis, so you're a young lawyer.
What led you to be interested in going into this space in terms of public advocacy about issues about vaccine mandates, issues about the public health consequences of Brooke Jackson's whistleblower suit, things like that?
Well, I really do have to credit InfoWars to some extent because it was through their coverage of the 2020 COVID scam that led me to realize what an issue this was legally.
I was in law school in Maine at the time.
I was a second year law student when COVID hit and everything got shut down and all of a sudden I was doing virtual Zoom law school.
and businesses being shut down, the state was shut down, and nobody in my sphere was
talking about the legal ramifications of any of this.
None of my professors, none of my fellow classmates.
And I'm sitting there thinking, surely there are issues here that are going to have to
come up.
And so as we saw the crazy grab of power that year, everyone knew that there was going to
be a vaccine coming.
Everyone knew that there were going to be vaccine mandates and InfoWars was one of the first people to actually come out and say, you need to watch out for this.
This is something that's going to happen.
And it was at that moment that I realized, you know, I was I was in school to be an environmental attorney at the time.
That was kind of my plan.
I realized that there are such big issues that are coming down the pipeline and.
I couldn't not try to contribute.
And so it was really the vaccine mandates, the pending vaccine mandates that caused me
to get involved in this type of advocacy.
And I had discovered you through watching InfoWars and their coverage of the 2020 election.
And there was just no turning back at that point.
And so when it came time for me to graduate, I was still in virtual law school.
I decided to get out of Maine and try to find a job that aligned with my values because one, I didn't want to be subjected to a vaccine mandate at a liberal law firm.
And two, there didn't seem to be any other causes out there that I'd rather dedicate my time to.
And what has been sort of the biggest hurdle or surprise or difficulty in the actual practice of law since you've begun to practice?
Well, I mean, some of your illusions of the law are definitely shattered doing this kind of work.
You go through three years of law school and they teach you, you know, the theory of what practicing law will be like and then you get out into the world and these political cases and these controversial cases and even when you have the perfect case, the law is clear, you know, it's still an uphill battle.
It's still, you're facing all of these impediments because it's just such a contentious issue and it shouldn't be.
None of these vaccine mandate cases should be a contentious issue.
It should not be political.
But that's been very surprising and discouraging at times to see, okay, we should be right, we're right morally, ethically, legally, and you still have to fight it out in court and hope that you, to some extent, get lucky.
And if, you know, there are other young students out there going into law school or maybe in law school thinking about entering the practice of law, what advice would you give them about continuing to pursue the things that matter to them?
In terms of principles, in terms of values, continuing to represent maybe outsiders, maybe underdogs, maybe dissidents, maybe people that are not as politically privileged or protected as the political classes or corporations or others are.
What would be your advice to them about maintaining their beliefs, finding a means of practicing law that's ethical, that's moral, that's principled, that advances their values?
What would be your advice to them?
I think it's more important now than ever that people are willing to take the leap to maybe get out of the accepted sphere of what success looks like in the legal world.
So a lot of my classmates, they want to work for one of these big law firms, work for a governmental agency, something with, you know, great notoriety and that looks great on a resume, you know, and they don't want something where they're going to get public pushback or perhaps, you know, garner a reputation one way or another.
But right now, if you have these motivations and these values, and you see problems in the world, now is the time that we have to step up.
Because there are so few attorneys willing to do this.
And I talk to young attorneys out there, and we'll compare experiences in our careers, and I'm told all the time how lucky I am to get to do this.
Because they'll be on the other side.
They're representing big corporations, big employers.
They don't feel good about the work that they're doing.
Um, they don't go home and be like, wow, you know, I really fought for the underdog today, fought for people like me.
This is great.
They put in these long hours and do soul-crushing work, and it's kind of discouraging for them.
And so they look at my job and think, wow, that's amazing you get to do that.
So there are young attorneys out there who do feel this way.
I think there's certainly a failing in our legal education system.
It's so liberal now.
And I'm into a liberal law school, and so that was my experience.
Just like all, you know, higher education systems, even the law schools are leaning that way.
And so they're not being introduced to these issues.
I guarantee, you know, if they touch upon vaccine mandate cases, they're probably portrayed very differently than how I perceive them.
But, you know, there are there are good young lawyers out there.
So if you if you're one of them and you see what's going on, I encourage you just get in touch with attorneys that are doing this kind of work.
See how you can participate, maybe just doing research, because there aren't enough of us out there and there needs to be A full force of people willing to take these cases.
And can you describe for people the some of the vaccine mandate cases that you're working on?
What about it the vaccine mandate is illegal?
How it does violate people's rights?
How they do have a right to remedy in the process?
How they need to exercise it in a timely manner?
Can you describe for people what some of their rights are if their subject or a loved one is subject to a vaccine mandate?
Sure, so we have a number of cases ongoing right now, many against a 3M company, many against Tyson, another one we just filed last week against Madison Square Garden.
And you know what's so striking about these is just how these companies just double down on their employees, many of whom had worked there for decades.
So the claims that we're bringing are claims for religious discrimination primarily and disability discrimination.
Religious discrimination.
Many of these people, in the case of Tyson, were granted a religious exemption and then placed on one year of unpaid leave as their accommodation.
Anyone who is rational and honest with themselves knows that that's absolutely ridiculous and tantamount to termination.
And a lot of other companies just outright denied people's religious exemptions, no matter
how sincere, how thorough they were, whether they gave affidavits from religious institutions,
a lot of just absolutely no exemptions as an option.
So we're helping people fight back.
And a lot of these companies, they try to say, oh, well, we just didn't find a sincere
religious belief, when it is not even in the company's purview to be able to determine
and whether that's true or not.
And then of course, they try to claim, well, you're burdening everyone else at the company when the vaccine is neither safe or effective, increases your chance of getting COVID and comes with a whole host of other problems.
Everyone knows that that is also a ridiculous excuse as well.
And then on the other side, for disability, we're arguing that people were perceived as being disabled because of their unvaccinated status and discriminated on that basis as well.
And for those that are interested in some of the more vaccine cases that are coming about, there is a Vaccine Safety Research Foundation conference by Steve Kirsch's organization that will be in Atlanta, Georgia toward the end of March.
You can look that up at the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.
When we come back, we'll be talking about the World Health Organization's treaties and the threats it poses to America's constitutional order and ways in which our Constitution provides answers to its dangers.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Robert Barnes guest hosting here in studio with Lexis Anderson discussing the World Health Organization treaty and what risk it may pose.
Discussing those people that have been injured by vaccines, what might be some of the remedies.
Those who have been injured by vaccine mandates and what might be some of the remedies there.
You were discussing Title VII claims that are brought under the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Civil Rights Act concerning religious discrimination and other forms of impermissible discrimination.
Some of these have a disparate racial impact, so there's that aspect.
Some have had a disparate gender impact.
But can you describe for people one of the things most people don't know is that in order to protect their rights under those federal laws, and sometimes there's state analog versions that have their own provisions, but that they have to go to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the state equivalent thereof within a certain time frame.
Can you describe for people when they need to go to the EEOC if they fear that or feel that they have basically had some of their rights violated due to a vaccine mandate?
So if you've been discriminated against, it's really important that you file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission within six months of the time you were discriminated against.
So typically the time you were terminated, but not always.
This is a requirement in order to bring claims, a lawsuit, under Title VII or the Americans with Disabilities Act.
If you don't go through that process with the state agency or, as you mentioned, the parallel state agency or the federal agency, then you can be precluded from bringing a suit entirely.
So this is something that a lot of people didn't realize at the inception of all of this, that there was this huge administrative hurdle and process that you have to get through before you can even bring a lawsuit.
Now, that does not mean that you don't have any remedies if you're out of time for that.
You might have the right to bring suit.
We are challenging some novel interpretations of the law, arguing that for certain, and some state laws have only passed recently, so sometimes those provide a remedy.
We're also seeking remedy under the assault laws because if you were at your employer and your employer said, you know what, in order to keep your job, you got to go down through a gang initiation, have the crap kicked out of you before you come back.
Isn't that a conspiracy to commit an assault, tort of an assault?
Our argument is that's what a vaccine mandate is.
They want your body invaded with a foreign substance that can do a lot more damage to you than any gang initiation could as a condition of employment.
So we're bringing those claims.
We're also bringing claims under the Nuremberg Code.
For those that may not remember, this was the Nuremberg Code arose from the trials at Nuremberg.
And the principle was, you know, on what basis were we going to prosecute German doctors and German military officials and soldiers and prison camp folks?
On what grounds are we going to prosecute them when they didn't violate their own country's laws?
What was our basis to do so?
Not only did we prosecute them, we, in many cases, convicted them and executed them.
Well, what was the grounds to do so?
Well, what we established at Nuremberg was that there is an international code of certain universal truths that are what might be called, and what is called in the law, just Kogans under the old Latin, international standards, so universal, so automatic.
That they are so true that they can be enforced by anybody, anywhere, anytime.
That's the principle behind it.
Our argument is, when you are effectively medically experimenting on a population through mandates of an experimental drug, which is the case with these vaccine mandates, that that is a Nuremberg Code violation.
And that any individual should have the right to enforce it.
Now, a lot of the courts don't want to.
They only want the government to be able to enforce the Nuremberg Code.
They don't want assault theories to be brought.
So they've been somewhat reluctant or hostile, but those are some of the other additional remedies that may be available.
Now, we're also looking at what we can do for the vaccine injured.
Can you explain to people what are some of the difficult, why is it already so difficult for people to get remedy if they've been injured by this vaccine in particular?
Well, because it was brought under emergency use authorization.
So you have all of these, you know, laws insulating the manufacturers, insulating anyone who requires this vaccine from suit because of all of these legal loopholes.
And that's where Some of the law needs to be changed, but we are looking at ways you can bring suits for remedy or relief if you've been injured by a vaccine.
We're looking at whether or not you can bring suits under the assault and Nuremberg Code provisions we mentioned earlier, that we believe may trump in certain provisions the various immunity exceptions that exist.
We're looking at whether you can challenge the immunity exceptions as itself unconstitutional, as violating your rights to, for example, to trial by jury.
Under the 7th Amendment to the United States Constitution, and then as enforceable under both the 10th and 14th Amendments, various state constitutional provisions give you a right to trial by jury.
And what that includes, as even the courts recognize, I would have a more robust interpretation of it than the courts do, but the courts recognize that at least that includes anything you had a right to trial by jury to at the time of our Constitution.
Well, basic torts like assault, basic torts like invasion of your bodily autonomy, basic torts like invasion of privacy, recognized in one way, shape, or form, like say a trespass claim, all the way back to the time of our founding, said you had a right to a trial by jury on that.
Can Congress really take away that right and provide special immunity either to themselves or to the government or to the big drug and big pharmaceutical companies or others who are involved in the administration of this dangerous drug?
Our argument is that it's going to be unconstitutional and to challenge the PrEP Act, as it's called, on those terms.
In addition, of course, they are also now adding the vaccine to the kids list.
Could you explain to people what the kids list is and how it might impact their kid in their state potentially?
Sure, so the CDC puts out a list of recommended vaccinations for children and it's a whole schedule of what vaccine they should get at what age.
I think it totals about 70 something by the time they're 18.
It's gotten excessively long.
So they just recommended that children get the COVID vaccine and this is a problem because many states will use that as a guideline for school requirements.
If you're a state, like I grew up in Maine, they removed personal exemptions in 2018.
And so kids in schools there, you can no longer just say, "I don't want it because I don't
want it."
And they don't have to accept that anymore.
You have to have either medical or religious exemption.
So --
And in fact, in some states, I guess they're even taking away the religious exemption.
Exactly, exactly.
So this is a really big problem because for schools that just either automatically adopt the CDC's recommended schedule or who just use it as a guideline and add it because, you know, the CDC said that we should do it.
Obviously, we should require it for our students.
You're talking that you're going to have five-year-olds on a schedule getting COVID vaccines and no recourse.
And obviously, you know, not everybody can homeschool their kids or send them to private school, and so you're going to have all of these young kids force-injected with a dangerous drug.
And can you describe that we're working with Robert Kennedy at Children's Health Defense to try to bring legal relief to stop that from happening?
Yes, so for the states where there might be an automatic trigger for adding the COVID vaccine to the required vaccinations for schools because of the CDC's adding it to their recommended list, we're going to try to bring suit along with Children's Health Defense to challenge that on behalf of students who might be adversely impacted.
Basically, it's the world that many of you probably saw coming, but many others did not.
And the reason why many of you probably saw it coming is you're familiar, or you've been following Alex from many, many decades.
And whether you read his book, The Great Reset, which is well-cited, well-quoted, has a lot of documentation, The reason why on the back of it has a lot of very favorable quotes from a wide range of influential intellectuals in American society is because what he has been talking about here, what Russell Brand just yesterday was talking to Joe Rogan about just the other day, is that Alex Jones has been predicting many of these things for a long time.
To be on alert for him for a long time.
To be recognizing the risk when it comes.
It is not a coincidence that it was the InfoWars audience that was at the tip of the spear and at the very front, at the very inception of all of the protests and rallies all across America to try to prevent the lockdowns from becoming institutionalized permanently.
It's not a coincidence that when I was in court yesterday arguing with Lexis Anderson on behalf of Brooke Jackson, many of the people in that courtroom were members of the InfoWars audience.
You are the ones who have kept these information at the front of people's minds so they can be on the lookout for what might happen.
You are our modern-day Paul Reveres.
Continue to help make that possible by going to Infowarsstore.com and supporting and buying products that make that practicable.
When we come back, the World Health Organization and its new treaty to try to control everything, everywhere.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Robert Barnes guest hosting here in studio with Lexis Anderson.
We were earlier this week actually arguing for Brooke Jackson, the brave whistleblower who exposed the Pfizer fraud and corruption in the billions of dollars they obtained from the American people based on their lies that led to people dying.
Pfizer lied, people died, and we are now requesting discovery in that case to proceed accordingly.
If you want to follow Brooke Jackson, you can at IamBrookeJackson.com or at IamBrookeJackson on social media.
She has been a very brave whistleblower who's been willing to risk her entire career and more to bring these truths out to the American people.
In addition, if you're concerned or curious about vaccine injuries and various legal remedies for it, Steve Kirsch's organization, the Vaccine Research Safety Foundation, is presenting a conference that I will be attending along with others in Atlanta.
There are still tickets available for those who wish to attend.
And get insights and information about how we may go about protecting and remedying those people who have suffered injury from these dangerous drugs disguised as vaccines over the last several years.
And that is where you can go for that as well.
And of course, if you want some Farm Fresh milk or other great products, you can support that at another client of mine, Amos Miller, at AmosMillerOrganicFarm.com.
Best milk I've ever had.
I get it every time I can when I'm in town.
Amos Miller is the Amish farmer who just wants to make food the way his family and the way his ancestors have been making it for hundreds of years.
But the U.S.
Department of Agriculture has made his life very difficult over the last five years trying to superimpose their rules and regulations and restrictions on him.
They want to control what goes into our bodies, just like they're trying to do it through our medicine.
They want to do it through our food supply.
He makes food the way that has been safe and good and effective and delicious for centuries.
And that's what his consumers want.
Many of them need it for medical purposes.
Others require it for spiritual and religious purposes.
And yet that is being interfered with by the Department of Agriculture.
You can help support Amos and keep his farm alive by buying things like farm fresh milk,
or great cheeses, or yogurts, or a whole bunch of other stuff that's just fantastic
at amosmillerorganicfarm.com.
Now, in just a second, we will get to what are some of the risks and issues
with the various WHO treaty proposals currently there.
But what is your favorite product from InfoWare store?
Oh, there are so many.
My pantry's chock full.
I will say on Wednesday when we did oral argument in Beaumont, I definitely took more than the recommended dose of Brain Force Ultra prior to walking into that courtroom, so that's one of my favorites.
That and Vitamin Mineral Fusion every morning without a fail.
I take that.
There you go.
Make yourself healthier, wealthier, and wiser and keep InfoWars on the air by going to InfoWarsStore.com.
Well, what about this World Health Organization treaty?
Well, let's look at a special report and we'll discuss it when we come back from it.
Let's play SP1.
has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan.
The eugenics is just getting started.
The elites managed to eliminate a fraction of the populace they must destroy through the virus and vaccines surpassing the genocide of Nazi Germany All over the Western world, we are seeing very large, measurable increases in unexplained deaths.
The BBC in Great Britain, for example, just reported that quote, excess deaths in 2022 are among the worst in 50 years.
And does it damage the brain?
You bet it does.
Does it damage the heart?
The liver?
The bone marrow?
It causes all sorts of harm in the human body.
We should have stopped this before it ever started.
I'm seeing tremendous apathy.
I'm seeing deaths, as you've mentioned, but no one seems to care.
The family expresses no outrage.
The obituaries don't mention the cause of death.
It's just that, you know, a 24-year-old died.
And that's it.
The clinical trials were never ordered.
The good manufacturing practice compliance was never ordered.
And, you know, legally speaking, there were never even clinical trial subjects or investigators, because if you cannot have an investigational product, then there is no investigation.
So FDA leadership and then global regulatory leadership, what they did, they impersonated the regulators.
So that you fall for this lie and go get injected.
Pfizer already, in court, stated that, please dismiss this case, Judge.
We did not defraud the government.
We delivered the fraud that the government ordered.
However, their common goal is to reduce humans from nearly 8 billion people to a manageable slave populace of 500 million.
We cannot hide away from human population growth.
Because, you know, it underlies so many of the other problems.
All these things we talk about wouldn't be a problem if there was the size of population.
That there was 500 years ago.
And so, even though the pandemic has been largely exposed as a manufactured event, the elitists push forward, hedging their bets on more genocide as their silent kill strategy stumbles through its engineered propaganda.
Countries will begin negotiations on a zero draft of the new pandemic accord.
These discussions will be crucial for building a more effective health security architecture for the future, grounded in international law, equity, and the fundamental right to health for all people.
A public health emergency of international concern, or a FHIC, is defined by the IHR as an extraordinary event which is determined to constitute a public health risk to other states, Through the international spread of disease and to potentially require a coordinated international response.
This year in 2023, we may still be in a pandemic for quite some time because this virus is here with us to stay, which means we have to take measured action.
We have to improve all of our systems to be able to reduce the impact of COVID-19 as we go forward.
It's a global treaty.
They want 127 nations to sign it and basically does hand over kind of our sovereignty, there's no other way to put it, to
what will be a kind of a global health police.
And giving all of the decision making to the World Health Organization,
which of course is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation disproportionately,
and their best friends, the Chinese Communist Party.
The contract of the new draft is against the Constitution of America,
against the laws and protection of human rights of America, etc, etc, etc.
The law in America says whoever conspires to aim or work towards the goal to undermine the security, the dignity, or the integrity of the Constitution of the United States of America is committing high treason.
Find out who from your government worked on that draft.
And then go for high treason, then you have the army behind you.
The World Health Organization pandemic treaty is deeply concerning.
It seeks to give the discredited WHO huge powers over this country and our people.
Powers to call pandemics, enforce lockdowns, enforce vaccinations and decide when any pandemic is over.
We know from the pandemic and we know from other outbreaks such as Ebola that these diseases know no borders and it is only through international cooperation and collaboration together that we will arrive at the solutions to ensure we do not have a repeat.
How long before those who know someone who has died suddenly, or those injured by the vaccines, strike back once the war on humanity is completely 100% out in the open?
John Bowne reporting.
The World Health Organization Treaty is as dangerous as people talk about, because it's not just about having a planned, international, coordinated pandemic response like some of its promoters pretend.
You read the actual language, they talk about things like equity distribution between different
communities within a country and society.
They're talking about controlling supply chains.
How do you control supply chains?
You control supply chains by controlling every level of the process, including the original
manufacturing or production of that, including food, including medicine, including other
We already know what they mean by a international plan to public health response because we've
witnessed it during the pandemic response of 2020.
What does that mean?
It means the ability to take away your right to assemble, the right to speech, the right to religion, the right to expression, the right to petition your government, all of which are protected under the First Amendment, your right of self-defense in the Second Amendment, on the grounds for various security and safety reasons,
taking away your means of self-defense, including your rights to bear arms, your Fourth Amendment
rights against searches and seizures that violate core liberties, your Fifth Amendment rights to
due process of law before any property or liberty can be taken away from you, your Fifth Amendment
right against takings without just compensation.
Didn't we just witness small businesses all across America, some of which were more than a hundred years old, removed overnight and not compensated a penny, nickel, dime or dollar?
And we've seen violations of the Sixth Amendment, the Seventh Amendment, all of it.
So what's the answer to this rogue World Health Organization?
This rogue World Health Organization treaty?
It's a return to our constitutional liberty.
It's advocates in the court of public opinion, in the courts of law, to assert those constitutional rights.
And if we stand on the Constitution, then we can keep the light of liberty alive against these World Health Organization globalists.
Thanks for being with us and see you next time.
I don't have to list all those off to you.
But also a lot of really positive things are happening.
Elon Musk just came out and said the New World Order, global government's bad, wants to collapse civilization.
Joe Rogan now sounds just like me.
Everywhere I go we get nothing but positive feedback.
Everybody else I talk to that are prominent leaders in the populist pro-human movement, not just here but around the world, are saying they're getting nothing but 99% positive feedback.
So, humanity really is accelerating their awakening.
That said, you see the coup at Project Veritas, taking out James O'Keefe.
You see all the other political attacks going on against Patriots, not just here, but other parts of the world.
The enemy is coming down on us.
And we're not funded by George Soros or billionaires.
We're funded directly by viewers and listeners like you.
And the work we do is so incredibly important and changes the world.
So, it's not an exaggeration to say, without info wars, Humanity would be in much worse shape than we are right now.
But due to your past support, due to your prayers, due to your word of mouth, humanity really has a fighting chance.
So I wanted to tell you about some of the great products here that don't just fund the info war, and that's a phenomenal result, but also will give you phenomenal results for your immune system, your body, your joints, your bones, your overall stamina, everything.
Ultimate Bone Broth.
Sold out for over two years.
It's an amazing product.
Concentrated bone broth from chickens.
A very strong dose in every serving of chaga mushroom, bee pollen, turmeric, and a bunch of other great ingredients.
It's back at stock, discounted.
We've got, of course, the Ultimate Fish Oil.
We've got the Ultimate Krill Oil.
We've got Real Red Pill Plus.
Get such rave reviews.
We've got the Nitric Boost.
It's so good for your heart.
Your cardiovascular and blood system.
Super Mel Vitality.
Vazzo Beats.
Fizzy Magnesium.
The list goes on and on.
And, I told you about a month ago, we've only had 1,500 books left to sign.
And I'm not signing any more Great Reset and The War for the World.
It's a fundraiser.
You can buy the book unsigned or buy the signed book to know you helped keep us on the air.
When these 1,500 books are gone, they're gone.
Now, most of the books were at our new warehouse in Denver.
The unsigned ones.
We didn't have the books here.
We had like 200.
We finally got them shipped down here.
I got them all signed last weekend, and we are ready to ship them to you as soon as we ship it back next week to the Denver Shipping Department.
So, it's a pre-order, but they'll be shipping out in about a week.
When these books are gone, they're gone.
So get your copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World, a signed copy, by Alex Jones, exclusively at InfoWarrantStore.com, and that, again, will keep us on air.
Those of you that did buy the signed book, I want to thank you.
You're the reason we're still on air.
But those that haven't gotten a signed book, this is your last chance, and I hope you'll get a copy.
I know the crew wants to stay employed in the fight against the globalists.
They hope you get a copy.
But regardless, this will nourish your mind and give you evidence to wake up your friends and family and others against the new world order.
And all these products will really, really, really, really change your life.
They will do amazing things for you and your family.
Two of the items that are amazing are BrainForce Plus and BrainForce Ultra.
They're both different nootrobics, do different things.
They're clean, healthy brain boost.
They're both 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com right now as well.
So I'm simply asking listeners to commit to go to InfoWarsTore.com and get great products at the same time, keeping us on air.
Only about 1% of our listeners ever buy a product.
All our problems for financing would be solved if just a smaller You're watching the American Journal with Harrison Smith.
The Alex Jones Show.
Network in the world.