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Name: 20230302_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 2, 2023
2337 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including mainstream media's misinformation regarding masks and vaccines for COVID-19, promoting his book "The Great Reset and War for the World". He also encourages listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing products from their store. The video covers the UK government's response during the pandemic, including potential measures such as euthanizing pets or abducting children if a family member tests positive for COVID-19. It highlights heavy enforcement and rise in crime during lockdowns. The lab leak origin of COVID-19 is discussed, with the Department of Energy and FBI Director Christopher Wray stating it's likely to be an accidental lab leak. Discussions on fake news, disinformation, and misinformation are critiqued for suppressing inconvenient truths. UK health experts prepare for a COVID-style plan against bird flu. The video also touches upon Hershey's Canada ad campaign featuring transgender activist Faye Johnstone and the increasing percentage of Gen Z and millennials identifying as LGBT, sparking debates on social engineering versus innate characteristics.

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I just have to tell you, this is, it's incredible to me to witness this.
I've always been enamored by human psychology, that's why I studied it in college, and this to me is just, this is a magnificent display of coping mechanisms in the American left media that you can only witness.
To understand.
So, we're going to finish this clip and I promise you we're going to move on.
But don't worry guys, don't worry because you know what we're moving on to next?
Grown men doing striptease shows for kids!
That's going to be a lot better, isn't it?
Aren't you looking forward to that for an hour?
What would you rather see, left-wing coping in the media that they're wrong about everything, or left-wing sexualization of kids?
I mean, take your pick, guys!
You know, that's what you get!
Or maybe you want to talk about the war!
Left-wingers starting a war!
It's a nice grab-bag of American leftism!
What do you like?
Being wrong about everything and lying to you?
Grooming children sexually?
A little World War III, maybe?
What do you like?
What do you want?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I've got to tell you, my head is just absolutely spinning with the amount of news today, but I'm particularly intrigued by this phenomenon now Of the American left, specifically the liberals in the media, not really sure how to respond, well, to the fact that they've been wrong about everything, but specifically on the issue of COVID-19 originating in a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
And watching them cope with this is truly a fascinating psychological observation to behold today.
And I've got two examples, one Jimmy Kimmel and then another from The View, but it's everywhere.
It's CNN, it's MSNBC, it's mainstream news publications, print press on the internet, and It's really just an amazing thing to behold.
Remember, let's not forget, it was the New York Times a couple weeks ago with the headline, I believe it was the New York Times, with the headline of, Masks Didn't Work, What Lessons Were Learned?
Something along those lines, basically admitting that the masks never worked.
And the entire story was how none of the COVID protocols worked, the shutdowns, any of it, and we have the science, we have the data.
And of course, anybody with a logical mind would have told you that this response to COVID is going to be an absolute disaster, as like we did, and many others.
But watching them cope with this now, oh, the masks don't work, what lessons were learned?
Well, none!
If you're still asking the questions, you haven't learned the lessons.
You're wrong about everything.
So, it's just incredible.
Here's Jimmy Kimmel last night.
This is part of their coping with everything, being wrong about everything.
You're wrong about the war in Ukraine, that's the next lesson they'll learn.
You're wrong about that, but you won't learn that until it's too late too, I suppose.
So here's Kimmel last night trying to cover up for the fact he was wrong and everyone else was wrong about the COVID lab leak.
Speaking of diarrhea, Tucker Carlson of Fox News, yesterday...
We learned that the Department of Energy, you probably know about this, believes, with what they described as low confidence, that COVID may have leaked from a lab in China.
Eight federal agencies now have weighed in with their assessments.
Four believe COVID came from natural transmission, two say it was a lab leak, and two are still undecided.
In other words, we don't know.
But the dingbats now see this as some kind of proof that they were right.
Pause it!
Pause it!
Oh, oh, guys, now we don't know!
Oh, that's amazing, Jimmy.
That's amazing, little Jimmy.
Oh, now we don't know, guys.
We don't know.
But see, when they told you it came from the bat soup, when they told you it came from a wet market, they knew.
They knew.
And you can't say anything else, because they know.
It came from the bat soup.
They know it came from the wet market.
But now, it's, oh, but we don't know.
That, oh, I see.
Now that you've been proven wrong, now it's we don't know.
Gotcha, Jimmy.
Chinese leak in a laboratory, which by the way, it might have the point is we didn't know then we still don't know
now Oh, we didn't know is that Trump and his buddies blaming
the Chinese resulted in a great deal of anti-asian-american Sentiment and even violence in this country. No, it was
okay. Oh now he wants to talk about anti Asian violence, that's funny guys. Remember that stop Asian
hate remember that big trend and Then it turned out it was all black people beating up
Asians in the streets and that trend stopped immediately I
mean These people these liberals these Democrats you are insufferable
You are, you are truly deranged.
Yep, haven't even had my caffeine yet and I'm already just popping off, looking at all this news.
I just don't even know how you respond to this anymore.
Jimmy Kimmel, The View, Look, just admit you were wrong!
Just admit you were wrong!
You were wrong about the masks!
You were wrong about the vaccines!
You were wrong about the Wuhan lab leak theory!
Just admit you were wrong about everything!
But you'll never do it because you want to be the authority.
And you know nobody would ever invest in your authority when you're wrong about everything.
So, excuse me, let's just take a second here to tell you, this is the Alex Jones Show.
The legendary Alex Jones Show.
Still live.
Despite all the tyrants and fascists and commies that want us shut down off the air like Robert Fourth Reich.
Bragging about their next plan to silence conservatives and silence Christians and silence Americans because they hate free speech.
They're going to sue us all into oblivion.
Yeah, well, he told you, you know, Infowars is basically the canary in the coal mine.
What they do to us, they're going to do to you next.
So, yeah, this is the legendary, the epic, the all-timer.
Alex Jones Show here live on this Thursday, March 2nd.
Owen Schroer filling in for Alex.
And I just... I've got tons of news.
We've got developments on the situation in Ukraine nearly every day now.
The speed, the velocity at which the militant LGBTQ movement Is aggressively going after children, is reaching levels of absurdity and filth, which is getting topped almost every day now.
And yesterday, we showed you a, I'm not exaggerating here, a drag queen stripper time sex tease show for children.
I can't sensationalize this.
I don't even want to show you the video, but imagine a strip club, except men pretending to be women, gyrating naked in leather gimp suits, right in front of a room of children.
And the event is promoted for children under two.
The group had to come out and make a statement saying, oh, this is for visionary reasons.
It's a sensory thing for children.
Oh, yeah, it's a sensor.
Like, you know, like my dad used to take me to basketball games as a kid, and he'd get me a little toy basketball, and I'd play with the basketball, and I'd dribble it, and that's a sensory thing.
And the crowd, and the people, and the smells, and the sights, and the sounds.
Or you take your kid to a musical, or an ice skating thing.
Oh, that's a sensory thing!
Or the playground, or the park!
Oh no!
I'm taking little Johnny to the strip club!
It's a sensory thing!
I'm gonna have a man in a tutu!
I'm gonna have a 300 pound hairy man in a leotard gyrate in front of my two year old!
It's a sensory thing!
Yeah, that's what it is!
Oh, and so, you're thinking, well, this has to be it.
This is the end of this, right?
I mean, men in thongs doing sex-tease shows for children?
That's the end of this, certainly.
This is where it doesn't get much worse than this, right?
Now, We're finding new videos of essentially what is the same thing, but they ratchet it up.
You say, well, how can they ratchet that up?
Well, I guess they could, you know, turn the lights off and crank some sexual music, and I mean really just turn it on.
And they did it!
For children.
So, I've got a whole stack of that news today.
But really what I'm looking at in absolute amazement, really what I'm looking at in just a stunned manner here is the liberal media, the mainstream media, the Democrats on television coping with the fact that really they're learning they've been wrong about everything.
But specifically with the Wuhan lab leak theory and so this Has been quite a spectacle to watch them coping with this on their late night shows and on their daytime shows.
Everything these people tell you is wrong.
And so it's kind of reaching this point where it's such a spectacle, it's such a phenomenon.
What can you even do or say at this point?
If you don't realize that the people on The View are at best ignorant, at worst consciously lying to you.
If you don't realize that Jimmy Kimmel is at the best ignorant, at the most lying to you.
If you don't realize that that same paradigm applies to ABC News, CNN, MSNBC, you name it.
And if you haven't realized this, that you're getting played, you're wasting your time with these people, then you don't really care.
You like it.
You like being tricked.
You like being bamboozled.
You like being suckered.
You like being victimized.
You like falling for lies.
You like falling for propaganda.
You like it.
You're into it at this point.
I don't see how there's any other debate here.
You're into being lied to.
You're into being deceived and deceiving others.
So I'm going to come back and I'm going to play the Jimmy Kimmel clip and I'm going to play the View clip, but I just... I don't know what to say at this point.
We know the news has been propaganda for a while.
We understand the paradigm of fake news.
But this is just... Have you no souls?
Have you no conscience?
Have you no moral compass?
Have you lost your humanity entirely?
Do you just not care?
World burns down around you and you dance on the ashes?
It's amazing.
I mean, does it get more ridiculous than a Hollywood burnout, Sean Penn, Going on CNN to promote a war wearing a hat that says killer on it.
This is how ridiculous it's become now.
So, I mean, do you even respond to it?
Do we even play it?
Do we even cover it?
Well, we're going to.
But really, it's so alien at this point.
It's so unhuman at this point.
It's almost not even real.
And of course, what do they do?
They're blaming Trump.
They're blaming racism.
Just admit you were wrong, you know?
I mean, admit you were wrong, admit you got fooled, admit you fell for the government propaganda, and just admit it.
But no, you can't admit it, can you?
You gotta go on TV when you realize you were wrong about the Wuhan lab leak, and you gotta blame Tucker Carlson, and you gotta blame Donald Trump, and you gotta blame racism.
I'm not even kidding you.
I'm going to play the clips coming up.
You can't even believe it, but this is how they've spent their time.
So first they lie to you.
Then they cover up the truth.
And then when it all comes out, they blame you.
Truly, truly next level.
And when you realize how dangerous these people are, This is why the idea of the national divorce from the left has taken such momentum on, because these are dangerous people.
People that will lie to you, people that will cover up crimes, and then do it again and again and again, and even when they get caught, they blame you.
This is how authoritarian regimes get power, stay in power, and assert full control over the people That almost every time results in hundreds of millions dead.
You know, I don't want a national divorce.
But you know what I don't want even more?
To be forced to wear a mask.
To be forced to take a vaccine.
To be told by the World Health Organization I have to shut my business down and stay inside.
I don't want to see children being subjected to pornography and pedophilia.
I'm sick of getting taxed out the wazoo just because I work.
So, you know, I don't really want a national divorce.
No, not really.
But I think I'd rather have that than what's being proposed by the left right now.
But you know they could never have a national divorce because without you, who are they going to tell how to live their life?
Without you, who are they going to boss around?
Without you, who are they going to politically persecute?
Without you, who are they going to subject to their tyranny?
So they need us.
You can't have a national divorce with the left.
They're totalitarians.
And that, of course, is the issue.
But these people are truly sick.
When they're wrong about everything and they can't admit it, and instead of admitting it, they blame Donald Trump, they blame Tucker Carlson, they blame racism.
Here's some of the headlines and I'm going to show you the left-wing media coping with being wrong about the Wuhan lab leak theory.
Rand Paul, COVID lab leak, one of the greatest cover-ups in modern medical history.
I agree, Rand.
And I like Rand Paul, but it's like... Can we do something about this, please?
Can we arrest some criminals already, please?
Forget about the Democrats!
They're gone!
They're commies!
They're sold out!
They aren't playing for us anymore!
It's time to move on without them!
It's time for the adults to take back the wheel of the car!
The helm of the ship!
The control of our destiny!
Forget about the Democrats!
Forget about the Liberals!
They're not interested!
Ted Cruz blasts media for labeling COVID lab leak as misinformation and conspiracy theory.
Oh, but what are the Democrats saying?
They want this stopped!
Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer demands Rupert Murdoch silence Tucker Carlson.
For spreading the big lie, even though he was right.
You're the liar, Chuck.
So the liars want to silence the truth tellers.
Go figure.
The truth tellers want to debate the liars to show how they're liars.
The liars want to silence the truth tellers because they don't want to be exposed.
State Department funded censorship group punished conservative websites for circulating lab leak theory.
The U.S.
State Department funded global disinformation index punished conservative websites by throttling their advertising revenue if they gave credence to the COVID-19 lab leak theory.
Now remember this?
You had the group set up by the Democrats.
We found out from whistleblowers and internal documents from Twitter that yes, the United States government, yes, the Democrat Party was in direct communication with big tech platforms to censor conservatives.
But if you don't even want to look at it from a political angle, to censor the truth, You talk about COVID-19 coming out of a lab in Wuhan, China, you get censored.
All brought to you by Democrats.
So here's a Democrat on television last night blaming everybody but himself for being wrong about the Wuhan lab leak theory.
And it's funny that Jimmy Kimmel will admit that we don't know.
So wait, Jimmy, if we don't know, then why are you telling us we know?
If we don't know, Jimmy, then why are you saying we're wrong if we report it came out of Wuhan Lab?
If you say we don't know, then why are you claiming to know, and why did you claim to know three years ago, when now you're admitting you didn't know anything?
Here's Kimmel last night blaming everybody but himself for being wrong.
Tucker Carlson of Fox News, yesterday, Yeah, yeah.
You know, Tucker Carlson, who has the highest rated show on television.
Tucker Carlson, who's gone from not having anything even on the ratings four years ago to now having the number one show on television.
And then there's Jimmy Kimmel.
Who really made himself famous because he did a TV show with big-breasted women jumping up and down on trampolines, and now he has the network late-night show that everybody can watch.
And still loses to Tucker Carlson.
But okay, Jimmy, you're a big, tough guy.
You're much more powerful than Tucker Carlson.
You do Democrat Party propaganda for a living.
Tucker Carlson hosts the number one show on TV.
So so here's again Jimmy Kimmel blaming everybody but himself for being wrong
The Department of Energy probably know about this believes with what they described as low confidence that kovat may
have leaked from a lab in Eight federal agencies now have weighed in with their assessments.
Four believe COVID came from natural Transmission.
Two say it was a lab leak, and two are still undecided.
In other words, we don't know.
But the dingbats now see this as some kind of proof that they were right.
That the virus came from a Chinese leak at a laboratory.
Which, by the way, it might have.
The point is, we didn't know then, we still don't know now.
Oh, pause it, pause it.
I love this.
Oh, we don't know.
We didn't know then.
We don't know now.
Oh, you didn't know then?
That's funny, you say you didn't know then because you censored people that said it came out of the Wuhan lab, but if you didn't know, why did they get censored?
And if you still don't know, why are you saying that they're dingbats and wrong if you don't know?
And, you know, look, I get it, Jimmy.
You do a late-night talk show.
You do comedy.
But, you know, this isn't really funny.
A virus made in a lab, leaked out, killed millions of people, destroyed the economy, and people were trying to report on the truth and they got censored, and you think that that's funny?
You think it's a funny thing to make fun of them and make a joke of it all?
Well, I guess that's convenient for a Democrat who covered up the truth and bought into Anthony Fauci's lies and propaganda, and he's gonna be the big criminal when it's all said and done.
Let's go back to the clip.
We don't know now, but what we did know is that Trump and his buddies blaming the Chinese resulted in a great deal of anti-Asian American sentiment and even violence in this country.
Oh, pause it, pause it.
Oh, oh, and Trump.
Oh, and it's Trump.
And oh, the anti-Asian hate crimes.
I remember that.
I remember the hashtag stop Asian hate phenomenon right after this.
Do you guys remember that?
I remember that.
And I remember how quickly it went away when all the perpetrators of the violence were black.
Yeah, I remember that.
I remember the stop Asian hate trend with Asian people getting savagely beaten on the streets.
Elderly Asian people, women.
California, New York, the two main places it happened.
Democrat cities.
But boy, oh boy, that hashtag disappeared quickly, didn't it?
When it turned out it was black people savagely beating Asians in the streets.
And maybe that just has something to do with the larger crime statistics, and it wasn't even about them being Asian.
But you guys wanted to make it about the Asian victimhood, but then as soon as you found out that the bigger victims in your minds, black people, were the ones beating the Asians, you didn't want to talk about it anymore.
But now here's Kimmel saying, well, Trump blamed Asians, so he must be wrong.
So the crew's giving me a hard time in the break, like, hey, you ever gonna get through that clip?
You gonna move on?
And it's fair criticism, I'm laughing with them.
But I can't!
I'm stunned!
I'm genuinely just completely enamored by this psychological phenomenon we're witnessing.
And how they can just sit there and be wrong about everything and then think they can cover it up with the, hey, blame Trump, blame racism, blame Fox News.
I mean, what is wrong with you people?
Oh, it's all a joke.
Oh, it's just a joke.
It's just a joke, I see.
It's just a joke.
They make viruses in the lab.
The U.S.
funds it.
They cover it up.
They censor people telling the truth.
And Jimmy Kimmel admits he knows nothing, but it's... It's so funny, Jimmy.
So no, I said, I promise we'll get through the clip this segment.
So, so here we go back to Jimmy Kimmel admitting that they know nothing about the origins of COVID-19, but you're definitely wrong about it.
And no matter what the truth is, Trump is the one to blame.
Obviously it's his fault.
Here's Kimmel.
Still don't know.
Now, what we did know is that Trump and his buddies blaming the Chinese resulted in a great deal of anti-Asian American sentiment and even violence in this country.
And that's why it was irresponsible for the President to call it the China virus.
Sorry, I can't do it.
I can't.
Pause it.
Trump and his buddies, guys.
Trump and his buddies.
Like, virologists from China that worked in the lab.
Trump's buddies.
Dr. Lee Min Yang, I think was her name.
She was on Tucker Carlson this week.
I mean, that's just Trump's buddies, obviously.
Her and Trump are talking all the time.
Probably regular conversations.
Going out to dinner, you know, what have you.
They're just regular buddies.
Trump and his buddies making it up.
It's their fault that there was a COVID-19 lab that made it and released it.
That's not their fault.
That's Trump's fault.
He's the one to blame.
Him and his buddies.
Apparently disagrees.
This plague should never have happened.
It could have been stopped.
But people chose not to stop it.
What people?
Tomorrow he'll blame the Spanish flu on Antonio Banderas.
Imagine if you're a comedian and all of a sudden your cue card has all kinds of talking points from politicians and foreign governments on it.
Don't read it.
You degrade yourself.
And you become complicit in the greatest crime in history.
Isn't that beautiful?
I mean, the idea that this man would accuse... that I would be accused of reading talking points from foreign governments if it weren't so brazen.
It would almost be funny coming from this loathsome, un-American, Moscow mule.
Oh, we're un-American.
We're the un-American ones.
And you know, look, I get it.
I get it.
I've been in media enough.
I get it, Jimmy.
You do a late night comic show, and at the end of the day, you really don't give a rat's ass.
I get it.
You're like most Americans.
You don't give a rat's ass.
You don't give a damn.
You go on television and read jokes written by somebody else and read teleprompters and Democrat Party propaganda written by somebody else and you go home with your tens of millions of dollars and that's fine.
That's great, Jimmy.
I get it.
I get it, Jimmy.
But you know what?
Not everybody's like you.
Not everybody doesn't give a damn about the world burning down around them.
Not everybody doesn't give a damn about America getting sold out and collapsing.
You know, Jimmy, not everybody can afford to not give a damn.
Like you!
So good for you, Jimmy.
I get it.
Good for you.
You've got tens of millions of dollars.
You're rich and famous.
You have a low-effort job.
And so it's all fun and games.
Life is great for Jimmy Kimmel.
Congratulations, Jimmy.
I get it.
But you do realize that for most Americans, it's not like that?
And for the people you refer to as un-American, we're the ones that actually care about the country and the future?
But let's move on now to probably even worse.
Because again, where Jimmy Kimmel comes from, I get it, Jimmy.
You're a rich, famous, late-night talk show host.
You genuinely don't give a damn.
It's all funny to you.
So fine, Jimmy.
You don't care.
You just do propaganda on TV for a living.
What's the big deal?
But then there's the view and the deception that they engage in.
And this, this might be even more pathetic than Jimmy Kimmel.
Because I actually believe Jimmy Kimmel doesn't give a crap.
I believe that.
Jimmy Kimmel at the end of the day doesn't give a crap.
So, fine.
And he doesn't pretend to.
These hosts on The View act like they're all righteous and they really care.
Now listen to how they cope with the facts that they were wrong about COVID and its origin.
This is unbelievable stuff.
Truly next-level denial.
Next-level Stockholm Syndrome.
Next-level derangement here from The View.
Listen to this.
Trump unleashed this xenophobia.
He stopped allowing Chinese people to come to the country.
He then started calling it the... Don't even say it.
Don't even say it.
And he kept on saying, China, China, and doing this thing where I was even concerned.
Now imagine this.
The whole topic of discussion is that we now know, or it's, you know...
The general consensus now is it came from a lab in Wuhan, China.
So that's what stirs this whole conversation.
And it's their people saying this.
It's Biden's people.
It's the Democrats now saying this.
So it's their propaganda agents that tell them how to think.
And so they're a little confused, actually.
Because all they do is take their orders from the Democrat Party, the upper echelons of the Democrat Party.
So they're actually confused now, and there's actually a tiny little fragment of a soul left.
There's a tiny little fragment of humanity left in these people, and so that's why they're confused.
They're like, wait a second, you told me it didn't come out of the lab.
Now you're telling me it did?
How do I cope with the fact that you lie to me and I believe it all the time?
Oh, I know, I'll blame Trump.
So the whole starter for this conversation is that it came out of a Wuhan lab and they denied it.
So let's start from the beginning actually and just add it with a little context.
Understand, the whole conversation begins with COVID-19 came out of a Wuhan lab and we lied about it.
And so here's how the View hosts respond to learning.
They lied about it.
They got lied to about it.
They misinformed you about it.
It did come out of the Wuhan lab.
Here's how they cope with learning that.
Trump unleashed this xenophobia.
He stopped allowing Chinese people to come to the country.
He then started... Oh, pause it!
Okay, a virus starts in China, and you want to stop travel from China.
Wow, who would have thought of that idea?
That's wow.
Okay, continue.
Don't even say it.
Don't even say it.
He called it something.
Oh, pause it.
Oh, don't even say China virus.
Don't even say it.
Don't even say it.
Oh my god, don't even say it!
And then she goes on to say China.
I'm going to continue, I'll just shut up.
Where I was even concerned as someone who had lost family members, for Manny to even bring it up.
And that is really sad.
The last guy.
Wow, oh my god, pause it again, that's even more incredible.
She knows people that died from the virus, and she'll still cover up that it came from a Wuhan lab.
I mean, really!
Oh, I found out who killed my family, but I don't want to be mad at them because I like them.
I want to blame Trump.
Oh, Anthony Fauci, the guy I love and admire so much.
I funded the research that caused the pandemic, but I love Fauci.
And the fact that I might have to admit he helped kill my family, I don't want to do that.
I want to blame Trump.
That's more comfortable for me.
And I'm a little confused.
Because my propaganda agents told me that it didn't come out of a Wuhan lab, and now they're telling me it did come out of a Wuhan lab, and I don't know how to cope with the fact that I've been lied to, and I've lied to all my audience members now, and so I'm just going to blame Trump.
I'm just going to blame Trump, and I'm going to blame racism.
And Trump called it the vi- Well, I don't even want to say what he called it!
I mean, oh!
The words!
The words, Chinese virus, are so bad!
Oh my gosh!
Don't even say Chinese virus!
But Anthony Fauci, gain-of-function research, Wuhan Institute of Virology, deadly vaccines, that's all good, baby!
Yeah, that's all fine and good!
But don't you dare say Chinese virus!
Oh my God!
Alright, I swear I will move on.
The crew again like, alright man, you're gonna spend a whole hour on this?
I just have to tell you, this is, it's incredible to me to witness this.
I've always been enamored by human psychology, that's why I studied it in college, and this to me is just, this is a magnificent display of coping mechanisms in the American left media that you can only witness.
To understand.
So, we're gonna finish this clip and I promise you we're gonna move on.
But don't worry guys, don't worry because you know what we're moving on to next?
Grown men doing striptease shows for kids!
That's gonna be a lot better, isn't it?
Aren't you looking forward to that for an hour?
What would you rather see, left-wing coping in the media that they're wrong about everything, or left-wing sexualization of kids?
I mean, take your pick, guys!
You know, that's what you get!
Or maybe you want to talk about the war!
Left-wingers starting a war!
It's a nice grab-bag of American leftism!
What do you like?
Being wrong about everything and lying to you?
Grooming children sexually?
A little World War III, maybe?
What do you like?
What do you want?
So here you go, I promise, I'll just, maybe the crew will just shut my mic off.
But here you go, we're gonna conclude the clip from The View.
They get COVID wrong, they get the COVID story wrong, they blame Donald Trump, they blame you, they blame racism.
Unbelievable coping mechanisms here.
This is a great lesson in human psychology.
Stockholm syndrome, mass mental illness.
defense coping mechanisms on the view.
That the last guy before Biden said anything about- >> They won't even say his name. >> About Asian people.
And I'm sure Jon Stewart didn't realize that that's what was happening,
because I'm sure he didn't know what was going on all over the country with Asian folks getting
smacked and hit and people saying stuff to them. And this one again, pause it.
About- This is unbelievable.
This is the exact same place that Jimmy Kimmel took it.
Is somebody writing this stuff for them or are they really just that synced up in their mental illness?
That's a genuine question.
I would go with the latter in this case.
So Kimmel and The View both blame Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, and racism Because they've now found out that COVID-19 came out of a Wuhan lab, and they told you it didn't, and somehow that's Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, and racism's fault.
I mean, we need to haul these people into a lab.
And do clinical testing of what is wrong with their brains, so that we can avoid this mass mental illness into the future.
Because this is how Nazism starts.
This is how radical, authoritarian, totalitarian groups start.
They have to be able to fall for the lie, and then they have to be able to defend the lie, even though it comes out as a lie.
You're witnessing this!
You are witnessing this.
That's why it's such an incredible story to me.
That's why I'm spending an hour on it.
If you don't understand how dangerous this psychology is, if you don't understand how dangerous this mind is, if you don't understand this mass mental illness, this derangement, this brainwashing, and the power and the threat it represents, then you just don't get anything.
They wouldn't be doing this if it was irrelevant.
They know when their lies collapse all around them, they have to prop them up, or they lose power.
So, I mean, what are the odds?
Jimmy Kimmel, Whoopi Goldberg, and the rest of the VIEW staff do the exact same thing when they find out it came out of a Wuhan lab.
Blame Trump, blame Tucker Carlson, and blame racism.
And again, I don't even want to say it again, because I'm sick of this race-baiting crap, but okay, you want to bring race into it again?
Whoopi Goldberg?
She wants to bring race into it again, because she hates white people.
Why didn't you stop using the hashtag StopAsianHate?
Why, Whoopi?
What happened to the StopAsianHate hashtag, Whoopi?
What did all of the videos from hashtag StopAsianHate show us, Whoopi?
I notice you're not showing any of those videos on The View, by the way.
I don't have to say it.
You know why.
I know why.
Whoopi Goldberg knows why.
But she is in a defense coping mechanism because she's a proven liar, a known liar, caught lying, and so she tries to deflect from the fact she's been caught lying, she's been caught being wrong, so she tries to deflect and blame racism Even though if you actually dig into the story that she's reporting as racism, it turns out it's not accurate either.
So it's just lie on top of lie with the view.
The disease, I mean, this was what was happening.
And if you know who had not started it with that, had he not made it about that, had he
said, listen, this might have come out of a lab, it probably would have been listened
to a lot different.
So in other words, Trump told the truth and Trump was right.
But because we hate Donald Trump so much, we didn't want to listen to him.
So he shouldn't have told the truth, somebody else should have told the truth.
Oh, but see, that's the problem, Whoopi.
Who would the someone else be?
You still won't tell the truth.
So it's Trump's fault because he told the truth.
It's Trump's fault because he told the truth.
So, oh, it came out of the Wuhan lab, just like Trump said, but it's Trump's fault that nobody believed it because he said it.
Because we lie about him all the time and misrepresent what he says all the time.
And we hate him.
So it's his fault.
But see, this is, here's the larger issue that I'm going to put a bookend on this now.
See what Whoopi Goldberg just did was she she has put on display the psychology normally that you would witness in about a five-year-old that hasn't matured where they get caught doing something and they blame somebody else so like I'm a kid sitting at the dinner table with my younger sister and somebody knocks over a glass of milk and milk gets everywhere and the glass breaks on the ground and I say, she did it!
My sister did that!
She kicked the table!
She did it!
It was her!
That's Whoopi Goldberg, except at the ripe age of 60.
So because she hates Donald Trump so much, even when Donald Trump
tells the truth, he's still wrong.
And if you understand how that psychology being applied at a large level, at a mass level, this is why it's mass mental illness, folks.
This is why we're dealing with this mass mental illness.
They can't even... I just...
They're blinded by their hate.
Their hate controls them.
And so they don't care if they're wrong.
They don't care if they lie to you.
It's all driven by hatred.
And so it's justified because they hate Donald Trump so much or they hate you so much.
So it's justified in their head to lie to you.
And even when they get caught lying, still blame the person they hate so much who told them the truth.
And this psychology put on display by Whoopi Goldberg, posting the view,
is the mass mental illness that sadly grips the minds of the average modern day American leftist.
And sadly, I don't think there's enough Brain Force Plus or Brain Force Ultra in the world to cure these people of their mass mental illness.
But we can try it!
We can try it.
Maybe this is what we need to do.
Maybe you need to go to Infowarsstore.com, get a hundred bottles of Brain Force Ultra and send it to the VIEWS staff on air.
Maybe they can think again.
Maybe we can defog their vision of all the hate that clouds it.
But somehow I think they're just too far gone.
And if the response to the COVID lab leak coming out Isn't enough to show you.
Maybe the next hour where they're doing stripper shows for kids will be.
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All right, let me give you another example of the disease that is modern-day American
liberalism, progressive Democrat ideology.
You just saw it on display from Jimmy Kimmel.
You just saw it on display from The View.
And what is really sad about this is, as these people have their downfall, they're taking the rest of us with them.
That's what's so sad.
That's what's so dangerous.
That's why we try to stop it.
But they seem to be all in.
They want to drag us down to the depths to drown with them.
And so, here's Joe Biden.
And you may have seen or heard about this.
The other day, earlier this week, there was a woman who testified to Congress On the fentanyl crisis, who lost two young sons to fentanyl overdoses.
And so she gave an emotional testimony, trying to highlight the issues that we have with the open southern border.
By the way, Border Patrol just had another massive fentanyl seizure.
I mean, it's just crazy how much is coming in.
And so, she gave her emotional testimony to Congress, losing two kids to fentanyl.
And it wasn't a political stance.
She didn't make any political statements.
She was there to testify on the fentanyl deaths.
From losing two sons to fentanyl.
No political statements made, just, hey, this is what's happening.
It's coming across the southern border.
I lost two sons because of it.
This is why we need to protect the border.
And so Joe Biden, though, decides to make it political.
But what's incredible, the incredible takeaway that I've noticed nobody's really pointing out, and that's why I'm going to cover it here, of what Joe Biden did, it wasn't just that he laughed at a mom who lost her two young sons to fentanyl.
It's that they don't want to talk about the issue.
So let me play the video and then explain the phenomenon here.
Here's Biden laughing at a mother because two of her sons died from a fentanyl overdose in clip 16.
She was very specific recently saying that a mom, a poor mother who lost two kids to fentanyl, that I killed her sons.
She didn't say that.
Well, the interesting thing is that fentanyl they took came during the last administration.
Now, she didn't say Joe Biden killed her sons.
That's just an outright lie.
That's just an outright lie.
But what did he say?
He said the fentanyl came across the border when Trump was president.
So what?
So what?
How is that an argument?
Explain to me how that is an argument to keep the border open.
Explain to me how that is an argument that fentanyl deaths aren't real and that fentanyl deaths aren't a problem.
So because the one woman who lost two sons to fentanyl lost them in 2020, therefore the issue doesn't exist?
Therefore the fentanyl deaths aren't real?
Therefore her testimony doesn't count?
What kind of logic is that?
But, oh, they want to play Whataboutism?
What about Obama with the kids in cages?
What about the kids in cages under Joe Biden?
Oh, no, no, no, only when Donald Trump has the kids in cages.
Oh, you guys want to play that game?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, you want to play that game, do you?
So imagine that, though.
Not only do they clearly not give a damn, About the border being open, and the crime increasing, and the fentanyl deaths increasing.
They deflect, blame Donald Trump, and therefore there's nothing to be done at the southern border.
I mean, that is unbelievable.
So, because the witness testimony of a mom who lost two sons to a fentanyl death, Happened in 2020, therefore it's not an issue, and Joe Biden doesn't have to do anything about it.
Even though the issue is a hundred times worse under Biden.
And they just blame Trump.
Folks, these people's brains are broke, they belong in mental institutions, and instead they're running the country.
Now we have an open-air mental institution.
Man, I gotta tell you, I'd much rather listen to Josh Klinghoffer rip up a guitar like that and shred.
I think we all would.
Then discuss what we're about to discuss now here in the second hour.
Boy, you thought the first hour was tough here.
You're about to watch grown men do strip-tea shows for kids.
How about a nice warm cup of pedophilia for you in hour two of the Alex Jones Show?
Brought to you by Democrats.
I just... Let me start it with the news headline since we've been video-centric here.
Let's start with the news headlines before we get to the videos here.
Okay, now, I want to comment on another phenomenon.
Shia Rychik is the creator of Libs of TikTok, and her attitude and response to the hate-filled leftists that want her dead is perfect.
And so, here's one of these deranged leftists attacking Shia.
And he puts out an article from Vice, because you have to understand, they want her dead, folks.
They want to dox her, they want people to know where she lives, they want her to live in fear.
This is what fascists do.
This is what authoritarians do.
This is what tyrants do.
This is what Democrats do.
So, he puts out the statement, "Since Shia Raichik was outed as libs of TikTok a year ago,
her attacks on the LGBT community have increased."
Now attacking them is showing you their footage.
So imagine that.
Putting a mirror in front of somebody is attacking them now.
As a result, she's got millions of new followers, dined with Donald Trump, earned money on Substack, wrote a book, and now she's speaking at CPAC.
She might even be speaking today.
I think it's going on.
And so then they publish these articles, and they dox her, because they want her to live in fear, they want her to get attacked, they want her killed!
And what's her response?
LOL, go cry about it.
This is exactly how it's done, this is exactly how it needs to be done.
Folks, If you're at the grocery store and you're checking out, let's say you're a mom, you're at the grocery store, you're checking out, and your five-year-old son wants a king-size Snickers bar as you're walking through the checkout.
And you say, no little Johnny, you can't have a king-size Snickers bar, you'll spoil your dinner.
And so little Johnny decides he's gonna throw a temper tantrum, and he's threatening to throw all the candy on the ground and all this stuff.
Well, what do you do in that moment?
Do you give in to your child throwing a temper tantrum?
Do you say, oh, okay, you're the boss, you're right, why don't you get the king-size Snickers?
Or do you say, no, little Johnny, get in the car, we're going home.
This is the attitude we have to have towards the American left.
They're children.
They're petulant children.
They're throwing temper tantrums.
They're mentally disturbed, deranged, and immature.
And it's time to just discount everything they do, everything they say.
And we've just got to move on without them, folks.
They're not coming along for this.
They're not.
They want to drag us into the depths of hell.
They want to drag us into the depths of tyranny.
And we just have to say, no.
No, thank you.
We're gonna move on.
And when they call you a racist, and when they threaten to kill you, and when they dox you, and when they run all their smear campaigns and everything else, you just have to ignore it.
And you just have to move right along.
Right along.
It's the only way to do this.
You've got two ways to deal with a bully.
Punch the bully in the mouth, or ignore the bully.
And so Shia Raychick decides she's gonna ignore the bully.
But why do they hate her so much?
Because she shows them, she shows the world, who they are.
All she does is take their own videos and repost them.
That's it!
That's all she does!
She reposts their own videos!
And they want her dead for it!
So, I give big ups to libsoftiktoks, Shia Raychick.
Very powerful.
Keep going.
Keep going.
The more you anger them, the better you're doing.
And the more you ignore them and keep going with your mission, the more their heads will explode.
Now this is wild.
This is modern day feminism is men or women.
I'd love to hear a feminist or a libtard explain this one.
Big businesses like KitchenAid display hatred for women by hiring men in costume for ads.
And so this is the new phenomenon.
And actually, we do have a... Guys, let's go quickly here to clip 26.
This is her, she, chocolate.
Not like you normally think.
Her, she, pronoun, chocolate.
So for Women's History Month, I guess March is Women's History Month, but men are women now, so what is even a woman?
And so here is your new Her-She chocolate ad for Women's History Month featuring a man in drag.
My name is Faye Johnstone.
I'm the executive director of Wisdom to Action.
We can create a world where everyone is able to live in public space as their honest and authentic selves.
We see the future at Hershey's Canada.
You're pretending to be a woman, promoting living as your honest self.
You're living a lie, telling people not to live a lie.
But this is what they're doing now, is they're hiring men to promote feminine products, and they're hiring men for Women's History Month.
But if men can be women, then what is Women's History?
If men can be women, then what is a Women's Sports League?
It's not!
It's men now!
Oh, I can't wait.
I know it's going to happen eventually.
And I'm gonna dive, I'm gonna dive right into this as soon as it happens.
But I know someday I'll be out on the streets, and some libtard will be offended at how I'm anti-woman or something, or I'm misogynist, and I'll say, well really, what do you think about men pretending to be women?
What do you think about men getting paid to promote feminine products?
What do you think about men getting promoted for Women's History Month?
How does that make you feel?
Well, those are women.
They identify as women.
Oh, okay.
Well, then I identify as a woman.
Oh, checkmate, bitch!
That's how it works, right?
Or not?
Are you pro-women, or can men be women?
International Women's Day means a man pretending to be a woman.
And then they take it next level.
With stuff like this.
From Vice.
Is it possible to be straight and want to have sex with a guy?
Uh, I mean, I... Uh... I'm a straight man, but I fancy my guy friend.
What's happening?
And you gotta understand, this whole thing is really just weird, straight, liberal men, or, well, gay liberal men just confusing their own sexuality.
But really the argument they're trying to make, and you see this popping up all over now, is that if you're a man and you won't have sex with a trans woman, then you're a homophobe or a transphobe, I don't really get it, but that's what they're really trying to say.
Let me give you the gruesome details of what they're telling you.
So, you may not want to listen to this, but I'm just going to tell you, and I'm sorry to do this to you, but this is what it is.
The liberals, the radical American left, believe that if a man slices up his penis and genitalia, And then folds it into a wound, a self-inflicted hole in their body, literally chopping up, slicing up their penis, and turning it into a hole in their body.
And if you don't want to have sex with that as a man, you're a transphobe.
Let me make something perfectly clear.
If you're a man that doesn't want to stick your penis in another man's chopped up, diced up penis hole, that does not make you a transphobe or a homophobe or anything else.
Quite frankly, that makes you sane.
What do you mean you don't want to have sex with my diced up penis hole shoved into my body, you bigot?
It's ma'am!
Is that a little too much?
I mean, look, that's what it is.
These people want to sexualize and pervert your children.
It's the American left.
And what's amazing about it is they deny they're doing it, and then they do it.
They go, oh, we're not doing that.
We're not grooming children.
By the way, Drag Queen Stripper Time for Kids starts at 2 in the library.
See you there.
We're not grooming your kids.
By the way, here's a book they can read.
Teaching them about blowjobs.
We're not grooming your kids.
Visiting the children's library today at noon will be gay rainbow monkey butt.
Then we'll be teaching them how to use dildos.
But we're not grooming your children.
That all goes on, by the way.
Everything I just said goes on.
Here's the latest.
The video is at InfoWars.com.
In fact, I may even have it on my list here.
I've got so many of these videos.
We'll play this video too.
Eleven-year-old confronts officials by reading shocking gay porn book found in school library.
It's another day, and there is another case of graphic gay pornography being found inside a school library, but this time it isn't one of the parents exposing it, rather one of the school children read aloud extracts of the book to shocked board officials.
This doesn't exist!
It's not real!
And then you show it to them and they say, how dare you, you bigot!
Here's the video.
Hi, my name is Nox Zajac.
I'm 11 years old and I go to Windham Middle School.
I'm a 6th grader.
I was in the library and this book was on a stand.
I'd like to read you a page.
My back over my hips as I ask if we should take our clothes off.
And he's saying yes before I finish my sentence.
He's pulling off my t-shirt, laughing when I can't undo his shirt buttons.
He's undoing my belt.
I'm reaching into his bedside drawer for a condom.
We're kissing again.
We're rolling over.
Obviously, you can see where this is going.
I don't know if it's because we're feeling especially emotional or just tired.
Or these past couple of weeks have been too much.
But this reminds me so much of the first time we had sex.
We were both fucking terrified and the whole thing was kind of terrible because we didn't know what we were doing.
But it was good too, so good.
Because we were a mess of emotions and we were scared and excited and everything felt new.
So this sort of thing, this sort of feels like that.
Nick touches me like he's scared at any minute.
No, this book was at my middle school and it was on a stand.
When I rented it out to show my dad it, the librarian asked if I wanted more and if I wanted a graphic novel version.
Oh boy.
So I'm that kid's father.
Okay, good.
I was asking for you.
Yeah, I'll take another three minutes.
So that's my son.
I'd like to know the name of the librarian that did this.
11 years old.
And went to his library and found that by the entry door.
of our library, this is the smut that he is finding.
I don't care whether it's gay, straight, bisexual, whatever the terms are for all this stuff,
doesn't need to be at our school.
Doesn't need to be at my 11-year-old's library.
And then as far as genderqueer, I've got a son in the high school as well.
And this is bullshit.
We know it, alright?
We do not need to be having literature that's showing boys how to suck dick.
This is... I'm very, very frustrated about it, okay?
And you may think that schools know the best for our children.
You know who know the best for our children?
The parents.
How do you even rationalize this?
How do you even explain this?
But you know what needs to be happening is that the librarians or the teachers or whoever it is that brings the books, that brings this content into libraries and classrooms, they need to be put on stands and questioned and explained what it is that's motivating this.
That's what's lacking here.
So we've exposed how they show kids pornography.
We've exposed how they're grooming children.
We've exposed it all.
Now, the people doing it need to answer some questions as to why.
I'd like to hear the explanation from whoever put a gay porn book in a elementary school library.
I'd love to hear their reason why.
Let's really get them to explain that.
You need to be open-minded and tolerant of LGBTQ ideologies.
You didn't answer my question.
Why did you put a gay porn book in an elementary school library?
But they hate you.
Trans game developer launches first-person shooter where players kill anti-trans villains including priests.
Creator Sandra Moen claimed making the bloody game helped heal her from trauma.
As a trans person, they hate you.
They want your kid to be a sexual deviant, and they want you dead.
And by the way, they're all mentally disturbed.
We've got a new video.
This is an older story.
Woman who set herself on fire in Portland Park remembered as a brilliant and tortured artist.
And this is a far-left liberal confused in her own sexuality.
She couldn't decide if she was trans or not, lit herself on fire.
But she's brilliant!
She's so brilliant.
And now it's happened again here.
This is at UC Berkeley, another individual leftist activist lights himself on fire here in clip 17.
You know and are you listening to when what do we do?
Are we supposed to call someone?
Like, what is this?
Oh my God.
And look, I mean, obviously that's a pretty wild situation to walk in on, but it's just like the videos, we see this all the time, like the video where the guy's sitting there loading his gun, it jams, he takes a minute, then he shoots a guy execution style in the streets, it's like, people are so out of touch with humanity, they're so out of touch with the world we live in, you're sitting there watching a guy self-emulate, and you say, what do I do?
Do I call somebody?
Like, oh my gosh!
Like, everybody's making fun of this girl.
Her video goes viral because she, in a two-minute segment on a podcast, she says, like, about 50 times.
And I mean, really, she's just a reflection of generations raised by leftist liberal educators.
And so, you're not supposed to learn things.
You're not supposed to be eloquent.
You're not supposed to be successful.
You're supposed to be a virtue signaling social justice warrior and that's how you get ahead in life.
Not being smart, not reading, not learning, not building.
Just being a victim.
And that's why they convince these people, hey go light yourself on fire.
You're doing a good thing for the cause.
Now luckily that individual survived with second and third degree burns.
But just get used to it until the modern-day mental illness of liberalism is addressed and stopped.
This is just going to be normal activity now.
All right, we're back here live on the Alex Jones Show.
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Alright, I got two more segments to get through this, I think I'll be able to, and I'm kind of split, because there's so much other news to cover, but I almost want to take calls in response to the two main subjects of discussion, which is the coping mechanisms, the defense mechanisms of the mentally impaired liberals who were wrong about COVID-19.
And instead of saying, OK, you know, we got it wrong or we got bad information, here's the real story.
They blame Donald Trump, they blame Tucker Carlson and they blame racism.
This is their psychological coping mechanism, defense mechanism.
It's what happens when you have a mental disability and you can't deal with the world in a rational way.
And these people belong in mental institutions, but they're on television, they're in government, and they're destroying our country.
We now live in an open-air mental institution.
It's called the United States.
And then, of course, just everything we're watching with the open grooming, sexual grooming of children now, Like this.
This is so sick.
Lawsuit alleges New York teacher forced fifth grader to become transgender, causing suicidal thoughts.
A New York teacher forced a prepubescent girl to become transgender without her parents' knowledge, and now the child was contemplating suicide.
A lawsuit filed against Brookhaven-Coswoog School District alleges teacher Deborah Rosenquist manipulated a nine-year-old female student at Terryville Road Elementary School into becoming transgender by calling her Leo and using male pronouns to address her during the 2021-22 school year.
I just can't even believe we're dealing with this.
How deranged is that?
How evil is that?
How sick?
How psychotic?
And you know that's not the only case.
Southern California teacher arrested for secretly recording students in all gender bathroom.
I'm just gonna, I just can't even.
Trans activists arrested after attacking Oklahoma State congressman and police officer.
They're getting more deranged as the days go by.
They're attacking people, they're grooming children, they're lighting themselves on fire.
They need to be protected from themselves, folks.
It's just, oh man.
Like, discipline works.
Might not work perfectly every time, it might not work every time, but discipline works.
And you know, I'm glad I got disciplined when I was a kid.
And I'm glad I got disciplined when I was a young adult.
But, when I would act up, and when I would misbehave as a kid, and I would get punished, I mean, you know, I took a few belt whoopins.
I took a few wooden spoon whoopins.
Did my parents do that to me because they hated me?
Or did my parents do that to me because they loved me?
No, they did that to me because they loved me.
And so, I come from a place of love when I'm saying these people need to be disciplined.
If you're targeting children with your sexual agenda, you need to be disciplined.
You need to be disciplined.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
It's only going to get worse, folks.
That's the problem.
I mean, seriously.
Does a kid have to get raped in a bathroom?
How bad does it have to get?
That won't even do it.
That'll happen, and that won't even stop this.
Oh, that's right!
It already did happen!
And what did the school board do?
They covered it up!
And what did the FBI do?
They investigated the parents as terrorists!
Because they were upset that a little girl got raped in the bathroom by a trans boy.
Or a trans girl.
And so they covered it up because we don't want to hurt the trans agenda!
We don't want to hurt the LGBTQ agenda!
We don't want to hurt the pedophile agenda!
So let's just cover that up.
Canadian pasture gets violently removed from a child's drag queen story hour.
I've got these videos, I- Folks, this is going to be some of the most disturbing stuff you've ever seen in your life.
But we're going to air it right now.
And we showed you yesterday.
We had founders of Gays Against Groomers on The War Room yesterday, Jamie Mitchell, and we covered this with her.
And now new videos are surfacing, and I think what's going on here now is...
These events are happening, and what they've learned, what the pedophiles have learned, is, hey, we can't promote these events anymore because we're getting caught.
So now they're doing more of kind of the underground style events, where they have groups and email chains that they know it's safe to talk about how they want to sexualize and groom kids.
And so they send out their little flyers, and they send out their little notices, and they rent back rooms, and they rent basements, and they rent these facilities.
And it's all of these adults bringing their kids, and it's toddlers, it's infants.
Again, we played the one video yesterday.
But they've learned they can't promote this publicly anymore because they get shut down, they get exposed.
A lot of the Drag Queen story readers are convicted pedophiles and child abusers, and then they just change their name so you can't do a background check, and now they're groping kids into school.
So, we'll come back and we'll play maybe the most disgusting video definitely you'll see all day, maybe all time.
But this is what they've done now.
They've taken it from, we're gonna post Drag Queen Story Hour all over the place, we're gonna market it on the internet, we're gonna market it on the streets too.
Okay, we can't do that anymore.
It's showing what our real intentions are and we're getting shut down.
So now they wanna go underground, But all that's caused is these events to be even worse.
So, when I tell you that we have grown men dressing up like women in sexual outfits, gimp outfits, leather daddy outfits, fake penises, for toddlers and infants, you wouldn't even believe me.
I'm going to show you the videos of this on the other side, and it's new videos of this exact thing now every day.
You know, we should probably even pull in the videos from yesterday, too.
I mean, it's like, okay, we cover it, we move on, but... Maybe it's time we start compiling this stuff and putting it into files so we can just...
Overwhelm the senses with this degeneracy.
Overwhelm the senses with this filth.
So here you go.
This is new video.
You're saying you covered this video yesterday.
That was a separate video from a separate event.
But no, we did cover the video yesterday of I don't even know what they call it.
I forget what they call it.
Strip Tease for Children, Strip Tease for Toddlers, and they market it as a sexual event for kids under two years old.
And it's grown men in thongs and leather gimp suits that you see on the screen doing sex teases for infants with fake penises and fake breasts and the whole thing.
That was yesterday!
So here's the new one today, like you can't even properly respond and discipline what's
going on from this video before the next one comes out.
And so here it is, drag queen, sexy time for kids and infants.
This video has just surfaced.
I mean, what is that?
Oh my God.
How do you even, how do you even explain that?
How do you justify that?
I mean... This is just utter madness.
This is just utter degeneracy.
This is just utter sickness.
Child abuse.
Now let's just remember how we got here, shall we?
Call it the Slippery Slope, but let's remember how we got to this point.
They introduced Drag Queen Storytime for kids about five years ago.
And it was nationwide, and it was international.
And at that time, they would actually take the sexual perverts, many of which had prior arrest records of child abuse, child porn, sex abuse, prostitution.
We busted them in Texas.
They got caught, multiple ones in Texas, reading to kids, getting access to kids, libraries, schools, you name it.
They got caught.
And so they kind of backed off a little bit and then there were a bunch of protests and they cancelled a lot of events.
And so they kind of backed off and now they've brought it back with increased velocity and aggression.
Oh, it's just drag queen story time for kids.
It's just grown men that want to dress as women and read to children.
And how quickly that became drag queen sex stripper sex tease for kids.
Am I not describing what you're seeing on the screen accurately here?
But you know, maybe that's why they love Zelensky so much.
You know?
Put the b-roll of clip 19 on the screen.
And I was thinking about doing a whole push because there's so much of this Zelensky content out there.
Of him doing porn jokes and and doing penis jokes and it's like that was his whole bit.
You know he was a TV comedian before he became the president and his main bit was was gay jokes and penis jokes and flashing his genitalia for the audience on television.
That was his main joke.
Now he's the president.
Maybe that's why they like Zelensky so much.
So I was thinking maybe we should just find it because there's dozens of these.
Someone does need to put together a master compilation of all the different gay kink videos that Zelensky did before he became president.
Because it really just puts the whole thing into perspective.
It really just puts the whole thing into perspective.
They want you to think Zelensky's a serious guy.
He's a serious diplomat.
He's a serious leader of Ukraine in this war.
No, he's a gay kink comedian who is now Going to be the President of Ukraine when it falls.
And that's my fault if I don't want to send all my money to Ukraine.
That's my fault if I don't want men and women from America to die in Ukraine.
You know, I'm just curious.
We've sent all the money to Ukraine.
We got a bit of a situation in East Palestine.
And I have a story on that today.
Scientist slams EPA for not testing for cancer-causing chemical in East Palestine, and then the EPA was actually there yesterday and they put out a video saying, I wouldn't put, I wouldn't put my kids anywhere near the water.
That's funny you say that three weeks later.
But I'm just curious, um, is Ukraine gonna send some money to the people in East Palestine to help them clean up?
I mean, certainly, with all the help we've given Ukraine, it's gonna be paid back, right?
I mean, Ukraine owes us, right?
They're gonna help us out, right?
No, it's a one-way street, isn't it?
And that just proves capitalism has failed!
America has failed!
That we can just fund every war across the planet?
Because we have so much money and wealth?
I guess that's a failure.
How are you going to support the war in Ukraine if we don't have any money or wealth or power that the left wants to take from us?
But I'm sure Ukraine is going to pay it back, right?
And I'm sure if America ever had a disaster, Ukraine would come to our aid.
And I'm sure since we're being invaded now, the Ukrainians will come to support our southern border that's being invaded, right?
That's how this works, right?
Perhaps not, actually.
Perhaps not.
So, here's what I want to do.
I've got a bunch of other news, but... For the third hour today, I want to take your calls in response to the two main stories.
And that's the left-wing defense coping mechanisms of blaming Trump and Tucker Carlson and racism because they got the COVID-19 story wrong.
Or, you can call in on this blatant, direct, child abuse, sexual grooming of children that we've put on display.
Now, to be clear though, there is a bunch of other news that I'm just going to cover on The War Room, like the developments in Ukraine and some other news, but I really want to flesh these two subjects out with the audience today.
And just, let's, let's just, I mean, how do we deal with this?
How do we respond to this?
How do we, how do we survive this?
How do we survive the American media lying to us, conning us, deceiving us, and then when they get caught, they blame you!
How do you, how do we explain, how do we survive adult men Pretending to be women and doing striptease sex shows for kids.
How do you deal with that?
How do you survive that as a culture?
I want to take calls on this for the entire third hour.
877-789-2539 877-789-2539
and then I'm going to get to the rest of the news on the war room later today
but I mean seriously, how do you deal with and survive an American media that consciously lies to you
and then when they get caught they blame you How do you survive a cultural phenomenon of sexualizing and abusing children with things like drag queen, strippy, sexy time for kids?
How do you deal with these issues?
How do you survive these issues?
Let's keep it on those two topics, please.
So we conclude the second hour of the Alex Jones Show today, entering the third hour with your phone calls.
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All right, we're collecting the phone calls right now on the two main subjects of discussion.
By the way, Joe Biden just promised to ban assault weapons and take your guns.
So, you know, that's what tyrants do.
These people complain about Hitler all day long, and then they do exactly what Hitler did.
Censor their political opposition, launch false flags to blame their political opposition, and take your firearms.
You guys hate Hitler so much, you do everything he did.
Incredible stuff.
But we're collecting your calls on the two main subjects of discussion today.
Which is the American media getting caught lying to you, covering up the truth, but then blaming you for it, blaming Trump for it, Tucker Carlson for it, racism for it, everything, but looking internally at themselves.
They're the problem, it's them.
And then this unspeakable, unbelievable, unfathomable phenomenon of child sex drag queen shows.
That we witness every day.
And don't tell me it's anything but that.
I don't want to hear that.
Don't tell me that's not what this is.
When you've got grown men pretending to be women, dancing around in thongs, and doing sexual strip teases on sex toy leather straps, like they're strippers at a club, for adults, don't tell me that's not what this is.
No, I'm not gonna sit here and have you lie to my face while you sexualize children.
Now, before we do that, Chip Roy is one of the good guys in Congress, and he's getting sick of the lack of action from the Republican Party, and he's wondering what gives, and he went off During general speech time in Congress and it sounded like this.
And what is this side of the aisle doing about it?
Not a damned thing!
What is this side of the aisle doing about open borders?
What is this side of the aisle doing about an ATF rule about to make felons out of 10 million Americans or more?
What is this side of the aisle going to do about spending?
Lip service!
We have a debt ceiling approaching, we're running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
We should say something right now.
We should pass a bill off this floor saying that we will raise the debt ceiling, but only, only, He's not wrong.
He's not wrong.
student loans that are going to cost 400 billion dollars and drive up the cost of higher ed.
Only if you rescind the 91 billion dollars of unobligated COVID money. Only if you go
rescind the 80 billion dollars designed to increase the IRS to go after taxpayers.
He's not wrong. He's not wrong.
And by the way, where's Kevin McCarthy been?
What's Kevin McCarthy up to?
You doing anything for us, bud?
Where's that January 6 footage you promised would be released?
By the way, some footage is leaking, I think, out of these court cases.
We'll cover this later today.
But, Kev McCarthy now, we're about two months into your time as Speaker, and overall, you're doing nothing.
So that's really too bad.
You built yourself up like you'd be the Republican Speaker of the House that we needed.
You built yourself up like you'd be the Republican Speaker of the House that we so desperately need to take action against the corruption, against the crimes, against the Democrat Party, against the Biden crime family, and yet here we are and you're basically nothing.
You've had some good speeches.
You've had some good made-for-TV moments.
You've said you're going to do some good things.
But yet, here we are, and what have you done?
What promise has Kevin McCarthy followed up on since he became the Speaker of the House?
Goose egg.
Now, I gave out the two subjects for discussion.
The American media lying to us, get caught lying to us, and then blame you.
Or this phenomenon of drag queen sexy time for kids, and the line's filled up quickly and almost every caller is on the drag queen for kids subject here.
And I think that's fitting, because at the end of the day, if we can't protect the innocence of the youth, if we can't protect the children, Then forget about what happens when adults lie to us and when adults deceive us and propagandize us and then blame us for what they've done.
If we can't even protect innocent children from sexual deviance and perverts, then why am I sitting here talking about fake news when there's damn child abuse happening right down the street?
So almost every caller called in on this.
So I'm imagining this is going to be the main topic of discussion here this hour, but how could you not be stunned and shocked and horrified at what we've seen from these events for kids?
Stuff, it's like, you're at a strip club, and they call up the stripper to the stage, and that's the special performance they do at the adult strip club, except it's for kids.
So, a lot of callers on this, and we start in Florida with Cynthia.
Cynthia, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hi, Owen.
Thanks for talking to me.
I have a question, and this is the question I always have when I see these video clips, and I wonder, is there any clips of, has anyone been able to get an interview With the parents that are bringing these children to these events.
Just to have a serious conversation.
I am a parent.
I have a child.
She's grown, thank God.
I don't know what I'd do if I had a small child right now, but...
Has anyone tried to get a rational answer from these people as to why in the world would you bring your child to a demonstration of that nature?
What are you trying to gain?
What are you trying to prove?
What's going on here?
You know, I don't think I have seen that.
I don't think I have seen a parent try to explain that or break that down.
That's pretty funny, don't you think?
Well, you know, I think you do have a little bit of an outside-the-box thought here, because when I've gone to these events, my... the direction I've always gone is, I either interview the hosts, or try to get comments from the hosts, whether it's at a library, a school, or a church.
That's where they all seem to go.
Now they do it in... they rent secret basements and stuff, because they got a little too public exposure.
What do you know?
People don't like seeing child sex abuse, so they have to hide it.
Um, but yeah, I always try to either get comment from the performers or from the hosts.
So, I, from my best recollection, I don't recall parents ever explaining why they would involve their kids in this.
No, I don't think I've seen that actually.
Well, you know what?
They are participating and, you know, if I bring my child to an event like that, yeah, some of the blame is on me.
It's just like when you see something objectionable, whether it's on TV, on the radio, whatever, it's like, well, you know, you could always turn the channel.
Well, you know, you don't have to show up.
Well, why are you exposing your children to something like this?
I mean, what are you trying to get, brownie points with somebody?
I don't get it!
Yeah, that's a fair point, fair question, not really getting addressed.
Well, somebody needs to find a subtle way to talk to these people, because I sure would be very interested just to hear what their aspect is.
I'm sorry, I'm laughing because you say subtle, and it's like, how do you subtly ask a parent why you brought your kid to the strip club?
Like, how do you subtly ask, how do you subtly ask a parent, hey, why do you like, why are you sexually grooming your child?
Like, how do you subtly, I don't know, how do you breach that so subtly?
Well, there's something for us to work on then.
It's a fair question, what these parents are thinking.
Now, the one aspect that we're seeing, and perhaps it's more innocent than the worst of it, where parents will dress their little boy up like a girl, And then post videos of that happening on social media for clicks, for likes, because they do it for the social media phenomenon, for the social phenomenon.
But even that's a lesser evil of what we're seeing in these striptease sexy events for kids.
But great point, Cynthia.
Great point.
Thanks, honey.
Thanks for bringing this out.
I really appreciate you and Alex and everyone.
God bless you.
Well, you know, look, it makes me nauseous having to look at this stuff as it does everybody.
But how are we going to stop it?
How are we going to address this evil if we don't admit it's going on?
Let's go to Nick in Tennessee.
Nick, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen.
This is Nick Anonymous.
I called last night.
Right on.
I just want to say I cannot... This is degeneracy to the extreme and depravity.
To the maximum, there is nothing worse than watching men in thongs shake their money makers in front of babies in libraries.
And that's literally what it is.
You just explained exactly what it is.
You might hear that and say, that's not happening.
You just explained exactly what we played videos of for the last hour and a half.
I can't even let my daughter, my four-year-old daughter, watch InfoWars, watch your show, report on this, On other parents letting their children watch grown men show their bungholes in libraries.
I mean, and my daughter likes to watch InfoWars.
She likes to watch the Down and Out ad and the Chinese Dragon.
We say, oh, I call you later America or I have to hurt you.
Yeah, we've had this phenomenon of not just, you know, people will call and say, hey, can you not show that?
And I mean...
Yeah, I mean, I could not show what they're doing to kids, but they're doing it to kids.
And so it's like, if I don't cover it, if I don't show it, then you don't even realize that this is going on.
You don't even realize this evil is out here.
We've had situations where we play some of this, you know, drag queen sexy time for kids events that the left loves.
And some of our affiliates and some of the people that syndicate us on TV Send us measures like, hey, you can't put that on TV.
Hey, I can't put that on TV.
So it's not considered appropriate for television, but it's promoted for children.
And everyone is just so sick of seeing this, you know, and as a father, I can't even stomach to watch.
Well, I would say this and I you know, this is me kind of being a little a little obstinate maybe, but I would say this.
I understand where you're coming from, but I would just say this.
Yeah, believe me, I'm sick of seeing it too, and so if you're sick of seeing this crap, we need to put an end to it.
That's the point, Nick.
Thank you for the call.
Let's go to David in New Jersey.
David, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, thank you for taking my call.
Yeah, about the drag queen story time, I want to piggyback off of what Cynthia was saying, Florida House.
It's the women, but if you look at the women, they're all the same demographic.
White women, kind of like the yoga pants, Starbucks customer moms.
Yeah, white liberal women.
Right, there's no fathers there.
They're all working or paying outlays, these poor things.
But like, where are these men, these fathers?
Nobody's stepping up and saying anything.
I wouldn't let my kid go to one of these things.
And my wife wouldn't do it.
Well, and I, just to be fair here, it's not 100% all women.
I mean, I've seen videos and there are some of the men there.
Maybe they got their own little things going on.
You know, two father type situations.
They're not like, you know, guys that work construction, they're not cops and firemen.
Sure, sure.
I get the point you're making.
Well, no, there's no doubt the common thread here is leftist, leftism, liberalism, progressivism, Democrat voters.
That's the common thread in all these drag queen for kids events.
Do you notice the kids also seem very disinterested?
Like, the one clip you showed, the two kids had their back to the satanic pedophile demon dancing, and they're playing with, like, balls on the floor, or toys.
And it seems like it's more for the parents, but it's a virtual signaling event for themselves to make themselves feel great.
And the kids are just fodder.
That's pretty much it.
Or, I mean, look, you know, like, my dad would take me to sporting events as a kid because he liked sports!
So okay, and then now I like sports.
But this is like, are they just into porn?
Are they just into sex?
So they're like, ooh, I'm gonna take my kid to a porn sex event because I like that and I want them to like it too.
Is that what's going on here?
Someday, I know it, someday we're going to get back to a normal functioning civilization and a prosperous and free United States of America.
But until we admit what the modern day left has become, and until we accept that it must be removed like a cancerous tumor from our body, Immediately, if we want to survive, then we're going to have to continue to deal with stuff like we see in these videos of what is just outright sexual grooming and abuse of children.
And so a lot of callers on this today.
We go back to the phone lines to Jennifer calling in from Maryland.
Jennifer, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hi, Owen.
Thanks for taking my call.
I just have a question that just keeps ringing in my head every time I see this stuff is How come people aren't calling CPS on these parents?
Because what they're doing to the kids is abuse.
It's a form of abuse.
So how come they are not having their children taken from them?
Well, I think there is an answer to that.
Which would be, the left runs everything, and it's considered politically correct now to sexually groom children, so CPS isn't concerned about what liberalism is doing to kids, that's politically correct as long as you call it liberal or LGBTQ+.
Now, what you're asking though, I don't know if it's ever actually been stress tested.
So I think we're really just left to assume.
I don't believe CPS has ever been called to one of these events.
I don't believe CPS has ever been called to parents that subject their children to this.
I mean, my guess is if you were taking your young son or daughter, an infant, to the strip club, you'd probably get a visit from CPS.
But when it's, you know, LGBTQ plus and liberal, then it's okay.
So I don't know if it's really been stress tested, but it's the same old why.
Um, as long as you have the facade of LGBTQ+, or liberalism, you can get away with whatever the hell you want.
And that's the overall answer to your question.
But, directly, I don't know if this has ever been stress tested.
So, so maybe that's what needs to happen is...
A hundred calls need to go to a local CPS.
The next time one of these, one of these events is in your town, you should get a group of people.
Forget about protesting it.
Forget about showing up and protesting it anymore.
Get a group of people and have everybody call the police and everybody call CPS and say, hey, there's child abuse happening here.
There's a, there's a adult entertainment event happening with children being subjected to it.
And then let's stress test it.
Let's see what happens.
I completely agree.
I think that's what needs to be done.
I'm not one to, like, snitch on people for things, this, that, and the other, but what they're doing is despicable and disgusting.
It makes me sick to my stomach.
And let's do it!
Let's force the issue.
If CPS says it's okay to sexually groom kids as long as you're a gay liberal, then okay!
Let's have them mark their line in the sand.
Let's have them make their stance on this known so we know who's gonna protect children and who's not.
Yeah, I agree.
We already know because police actually police have been called to such events and the police there's not much they can really do so at least as far as that's concerned we know the police aren't going to do anything about this but maybe CPS maybe that is the next stress test.
I think that's the best way to go with it because like you said the police aren't going to do anything.
CPS comes out for if your kid misses more than 12 days of school.
If they're missing 12 days of school they're getting called out for stupid stuff like that But they're not getting called out for the grooming and being around pedophiles and everything else.
And I'm thinking more about this now, too, how we can practically apply this stress test successfully.
And there's some kind of basic questions that I would have to understand first.
Like, I mean, how does CPS even work?
Is it a national?
Like, if I was going to call CPS, do they have local hotlines?
Is it a national hotline?
Is there local groups?
I don't know if you know the answer to this stuff.
I'm not exactly sure because I've never had to call CPS.
I've had family members had CPS come out to their house for like numerous stupid reasons, but never with something like this, you know.
I'll tell you what, I think you... This is why I opened up the lines today, because this is good stuff here.
This is good feedback.
The issue of the parents that bring their kids to this, and now the issue of, is CPS going to be interested in protecting these kids?
Maybe we can even do a bit of a stress test here on air.
I think, guys, I think we're going to do a stress test here on air.
Here's what I'm going to do.
And we'll see if this can happen.
Guys, in the next segment, get me, see if there's a national CPS line, and let's do it live on air.
And I'm going to call the national CPS line, and I'm just going to ask, if a parent brings their kid to a strip club, an adult entertainment club, is that something you would investigate?
And then if they say yes, say, okay, well, this is happening all across the nation with these groups, I'm sure you're aware, Drag Queen, Dance Time for Kids, does CPS consider that to be the same level of child abuse as taking them to a strip club?
If not, what's the difference?
I will do that live on air in the next segment.
How about that, Jennifer?
That would be awesome.
Thank you so much, Owen.
Like, thank you so much.
Like, you and Alex, I love you guys.
Keep doing what you're doing, because you're opening a lot of people's eyes to everything that's going on in this world.
Well, and that's it too, and I thank you for that.
Folks, you gotta understand, I mean, I don't want to spend too much time on this, but...
Most people still just aren't aware of anything.
I'm not trying to be rude, you know what I'm saying.
Most people walk around completely ignorant, they're living their own lives, they're raising their own families, they don't know about any of this stuff.
And when you introduce it to them, or maybe they kind of see it in their peripheral, but they don't really have the full vision, and then you can focus their eyes, it's like, whoa, this is crazy!
So, that's why we have to stay on air, and that's why we have to continue to put this information out there on blast, because that's the only way people are going to wake up and catch up to this.
Let's go to Wayne in Texas.
Wayne, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hello, Owen.
I wanted to say that the big problem that we have in society and why we're accepting these people is because we either fear the persons of these degenerates or we respect their persons.
And the thing is, this is a reactionary behavioral issue with them where You know, nobody honored and respected, you know, their own image, their own word, their own person.
And so what they did is they asked the devil in and he possesses them and he says, my body, my choice.
And he starts telling them to put on a different clown suit, you know, to see how it's going to work.
And they can get what they want out of people, you know, to basically fall down and build an effigy and worship them every day of the week, if that's what it takes.
And it's not until people quit honoring and respecting their persons, or letting them be their fear and their dread, that we're going to be able to move on from this.
And I'd like to read a quote, if I may, real quick.
The quote's from Nassim Nicholas Tlaib, and it's the author of The Black Swan.
And he says in it, he says, It is my great hope someday to see science and decision makers rediscover what the ancients have always known, namely that our highest currency is respect.
That's not the respect and honoring of our own persons, you know, or desiring that as we grow our own kingdoms at God's expense.
That's literally the fear and the dread of God's Word Himself alone.
And people, it's time to stand up because they're going to keep fragmenting society into whatever alter ego or imaginary friend they want to spin up and whatever fairy tale Uh, that they can use to piggyback off of... We'll see, but that's what it is right there.
They are lost in a world that doesn't exist.
They don't live in reality.
And they want to drag us all in to their world that doesn't exist, where men are women and can get pregnant, and we say, no, we live in reality.
They want to destroy it.
To report suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation, press 2.
Online reporting is an option for non-emergency issues.
To learn more, press 3.
To repeat these options, press the pound sign.
Please make your selection now.
I went with three.
The Department of Family and Protective Services provides a secure website for reporting suspicions
of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of children, adults with disabilities, or people 65 years or older.
Please visit TXAbuseHotline.org to report non-emergency situations.
It may take more than 24 hours to process online reports.
If your concern involves sexual abuse, a serious injury, death, or immediate risk of serious harm,
or if you wish to speak to an intake specialist, please press one if you wish to hear this message again.
You will now be transferred to make a report of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
Calls may be recorded for quality assurance purposes.
Customer satisfaction is important to us, and to help us improve,
please take a brief survey about your experience.
participate remain on the line after your call ends.
Thank you for remaining on the line until the next available intake specialist can help you.
Be prepared.
You will be asked for the names, ages, location, and contact information of the persons involved, in addition to your concerns for their health and safety.
If you are calling to provide more information to a report you previously made, please have your report ID number ready.
Alright folks, we're back here live on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer here.
And I've called the Child Protection Services hotline of Texas.
And we've just got some basic questions that I'm hoping to get answered today.
So they had me on hold.
We'll see how long this takes.
Are you guys able to pick that up though?
Have you guys been able to pick up the speakerphone audio good?
Okay Well, I'll tell you what here's what we can do
If your concerns do not require immediate agency intervention, you may file your report online at txabusehotline.org 24 hours a day.
your matter required. Well maybe everybody should go do that. Please remain on the line
and an intake specialist will be with you as soon as possible. Disconnecting the call
will delay our response time. Maybe everybody should go to that website and send the videos.
And send the videos of the kids talking to the school boards about the books that they've been subjected to.
So here's what we can do.
I'm gonna monitor this.
On the side, while I'm also taking phone calls, because I don't just want there to be dead air here.
So let's go to Debbie in New Jersey on this issue, and we're waiting to get CPS on the phone.
If we do, Debbie, or anybody else on the line, I'm gonna have to just pot you down and take the call, you understand.
But Debbie, you're on the air, go ahead.
Absolutely, Owen.
Do what you gotta do.
I was telling the guy who picked up the phone that TLC has a show on called I Am Jazz.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's that first kind of trans kid that they promoted and introduced.
They put him on Good Morning America.
Now, look at the mother.
Tell me that woman is not a CIA Middle Eastern operative.
With her hair dyed.
And she dressed that poor little kid as a girl as a toddler when they showed pictures of it.
I was floored.
Well, I just remember the videos of the kid, or I guess that was, was that Devin the Amazing that they were bragging about drugs with the little kid in the video?
I guess that's a different one.
Sorry, they have so many of these trans kids they bring to the public now, I forget.
Yeah, yeah, I don't know.
But this girl, too, well, boy, whatever, was discussing how Depressed he is now.
There you go.
It says it right there.
He gained a hundred pounds from being depressed.
It's because of the whole, you know, change in the sex issue.
Well imagine, you're a kid.
You've got things kids want to do.
They want to go play with their friends.
They want to go to the park.
They want to go to the creek.
They want to play sports.
They want to play board games, video games.
And then imagine subjecting them to your political bias of making them, you know, a political sex slave.
Yeah, the mother destroyed this poor kid.
And he was a good-looking kid!
Truly disgusting.
Anything else, Debbie?
No, my love.
Get back to your phone call.
Take care.
We're monitoring it now.
Thank you.
Let's go to Jonathan in Florida.
Jonathan, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Mr. Schwartz.
Yeah, man.
This thing is getting out of control.
Like, like, look.
I go Well, I go to the Sprint Club.
Look, I got a beard.
My beard is, like, great.
And they're still shaking me down.
Like, hold on.
No ID.
You can't get in here.
I'm like, OK.
I get it.
Let me go back to the car.
So how is it that you can go there with a baby and that this is OK?
Like, hold on.
Wait, what?
Hold on a second.
I mean, that doesn't even make any sense to me.
I would call it, this is, you know, they always want to talk about white privilege, white privilege, this is liberal democrat privilege.
That's what this is.
I'm thinking about next time, maybe I should cut my beard.
Stroll up, like, if I go on my knees maybe.
And pretend to be a baby.
Yeah, identify as a baby.
That's a thing too now, by the way.
Wait, oh yeah, that's right, the guy in prison, right?
Identifying as a baby.
Yeah, it's like a whole kink thing that they do is they dress up like toddlers.
I'm not even kidding, they wear diapers and everything.
But at least those are adults.
I mean, as depraved as that might be.
Alright, that's all I had to say because I found that really, really ridiculous.
And those people are like, man, man, it takes a lot to restrain myself
'cause I'm like, hold on.
You know, like you just wanna, you know, hurt somebody for doing this.
Well, it's kinda like there's a natural instinct that you have and men have where,
and sometimes you know you can control it, sometimes you can't, but if you're out and about
and you see a woman getting abused or something a woman getting beaten up.
You want to step in and do something about that, because that's the right thing.
Well, same thing goes for what you're seeing with these kids.
Unbelievable, man.
Alright, well, keep doing the good job, man.
Keep it up.
Alright, well, we've been on hold with CPS for almost 10 minutes now.
So I guess that's probably typical.
Let's go to Abraham on the line in Arkansas.
Abraham, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Owen, can you hear me?
Yes, we've got you.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
I just wanted to ask you a couple questions.
In your opinion, do you think this child's story time stuff that we're seeing all over America, like do you think this will influence children to become like escorts and sex workers when they get older?
You believe it will?
Because if you look at it, if you look at it like this, they're already promoting to these kids, like, oh, flaunt your sexuality.
It's a thing.
Like, oh, it's a good thing.
And then you got the phenomenon of Oli fans.
Yeah, absolutely.
It'll influence that 100 percent.
OK, and then my next question is, this is fully you can look this up online because it's all on record there.
I just want to ask you personally, with what you just agreed to, how do you feel that Alex Jones, who married Erica Wolfer, his second wife, used to be an escort for sugarknights.com.
How do you feel about that?
I don't feel anything about that.
I'm here trying to address child abuse.
But that's a nice call that you got through there, Abraham.
And we appreciate your call for it.
I'm monitoring the situation off air, folks.
Stay tuned.
I'm wondering if you can provide a public comment as far as your stance on some issues are concerned with children being subjected to pornography.
I can't get a statement about that, sir.
towards adult entertainment and I was just trying to get a clear statement from CPS as far as a story I'm following.
I can't get a statement about that, sir.
So if I have a kid that's being subjected to pornographic material, is that something that I would report?
Yes, this is the line that you report if you suspect that a youth, a pregnant, or children are adult.
And if I was aware of adults showing children adult entertainment like at a strip club, is that something I
would report here as well?
Welcome, sir.
This is where you report it, sir, yes.
Okay, well I actually do have some reports then, and this is why I'm trying to get a clear statement from CPS, because I'm wondering why I've got multiple reports from multiple schools here in Texas where children are being subjected to pornographic material in the classroom, books teaching them how to engage in oral sex and anal sex, And then you have adult performers coming to areas as well.
It's happened at libraries and other venues where it's adults doing adult entertainment, strip teases, stripper pole dances for children sitting right there watching this.
Has this been brought to your attention?
Okay, sir.
So just so I'm understanding, so this is the line that you report abuse and neglect.
Are we making a report today on a specific family?
No, not a specific one.
Just generally speaking.
I don't know the names of these individuals, of the families or the children, but I see it happening all the time.
Okay, so we're not calling about... I don't... So, what I do here is I don't assess for multiple situations.
I assess for one situation at a time.
And are we not reporting a specific family or a specific incident?
I can't give a general statement on any of...
The issue that you're asking me about.
out. But generally, okay, okay, I understand. But generally speaking, if a child is being
subjected to pornography, that's something CPS would take action on?
Here we assess every situation by what the information we're given by the reporters,
and we assess the situation and see if it needs to be recommended for referral.
So like if an adult gave a book to a child, a minor, that taught them how to have anal sex
or oral sex, would that count?
I piece information by what I'm given, sir.
I don't have a specific answer.
I mean, that's the information, though.
If I show you an adult telling a kid how to have anal sex or oral sex, is that an actionable offense?
Sir, I don't give exact scenarios.
I need you to tell me what's going on.
I'm not giving like a general statement.
I'm not really sure what you're trying to do here, but are we not calling about a specific incident, a specific family, person of interest?
I don't give reporter statements.
Well, I'm asking you.
If I know of an individual who is subjecting a child to pornographic material, is that something you guys want to hear about?
Is that an actionable offense?
You can tell me about it, yes.
So, do we have a name on these people?
Do we have their information?
Are you able to tell me?
I don't have any specific names.
I could potentially get that information.
I'm just trying to find out what would CPS consider an actionable offense, so I'm not wasting time bringing you any of this information.
So like, for example, if there's an adult that gives a child a book that teaches them about anal or oral sex, is that an offense that I would report to you that would be considered actionable?
We'd like to hear all concerns, yes.
Okay, so same thing, if I know of a venue that does a striptease show, adult entertainment, and children are brought to that show, is that something that I would report to you being considered an actionable offense?
We assess all situations, sir.
Any concerns that you have, we'll assess the situation and we'll let you know how we'll proceed before we end the phone call.
Okay, so I understand you can't get into generalities as far as, you know, you're looking for more individual information.
Is there a number I can call to get a better understanding of what CPS's stances are, just as a general public stance towards these incidents, not asking me for specific names or anything, but just a general stance for the public to understand?
This would be the only number you would be able to call to speak to someone.
You wouldn't be able to speak to someone, a direct investigator, so that wouldn't be possible.
You can try to go to a local office.
You're more than welcome to visit our website.
Okay, so this is the only number to call then?
Yes, this is the number that you call and we assess every situation.
We see if we're going to recommend you for investigations for child protective services or adult protective services.
Okay, so that's why I'm just trying to get an understanding here of what you guys would consider an actionable offense
or what I need to know.
Do I need to report this to CPS?
Is this something you guys would consider taking action on?
So that's why I'm looking for like a general stance and I don't have any specifics now.
I'm trying to figure out if I do want to get into specifics.
Is this an actual offense?
So that's why I'm looking for kind of a general approach.
And I think you've basically answered the question, but so if an adult is presenting materials to children, teaching them how to engage in anal or oral sex, minors, that is something, if I reported to you, you'd consider an actionable offense.
We hear all situations, and if a situation is fit within our jurisdiction, we will send it to the appropriate department.
So the same thing, like for example, if somebody took a child, if you found out that there were minors at an adult entertainment facility, like a strip club, would you consider that an actionable offense?
Sir, again, every situation is assessed by the information that we're provided.
And we will recommend a referral to whichever department we see fit at the time of the information that was provided.
Okay, well, I'll go ahead and provide you some information, and maybe you've heard about this, maybe you haven't, but there's a phenomenon that is being considered inaccurately, drag queen story time for kids, and I happen to have evidence that they're presenting materials to children, minors, that teach them how to have anal and oral sex, and they also do adult Entertainment for them using things like stripper poles and and and ropes Let me tell you how the interview is going to go.
Let me tell you how our interviews usually go.
When people call to this line, I get all of their information.
Their name, address, phone number.
They tell me if they're calling by a child or an adult.
Then I ask them as much information as they can provide of everyone involved in the situation.
Once they give me everyone involved in the situation, then they tell me what's going on.
After they tell me what's going on, I assist the situation.
I speak to a supervisor regarding it.
I come back on the line and I let you know if we're going to recommend it for referral, for Adult Protective Services, Child Protective Services, or if this is a law enforcement issue, we'll recommend it to law enforcement.
This is how the interviews go.
So you're speaking in general.
I really can't answer a general statement of what you're asking if we're not talking about a specific family, specific children, specific adults.
I can't take just in general of an issue that's going on if that makes sense.
Sure, sure.
Has this ever been brought to your attention though?
Have you ever heard of this before?
I take calls here, sir, and whatever the caller reports to me is what I assess.
I assess what I'm given at the time.
So if I called you with a venue that was engaged in this activity, that's something that you could follow up on?
If we assess the situation and if it meets within our jurisdiction.
But generally speaking, if you hear about parents subjecting or adults subjecting children to pornographic material or adult entertainment, you would consider that an actionable offense?
With the information provided, sir, I would see what department we would recommend.
But have you ever, do you know if anybody's ever heard of this before?
A drag queen time for kids or, you know, sexual dances for kids and pornographic material being presented to kids.
Do you know if this has ever been reported?
Have you heard about this before?
I don't have a comment on that, sir.
No comment.
But, but you, but it is fair to say, sharing adult material, sexual material, and adult entertainment with children, CPS, generally speaking, would consider interest in that.
Again, sir, we assess every situation by whatever the rep is providing us.
So you will assess every situation.
So if I bring evidence of this to CPS, you will assess it?
We assess every call.
I will follow up with that.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, Alex.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
So, it just happened.
You just saw it in the last segment.
I called Texas CPS, and I was just looking for a general statement.
She didn't want to commit, and I think She probably got an idea about where it was going and didn't want to make a commitment on record.
And my guess is they've probably received some calls, maybe not many, but some calls enough that they have an internal policy that if somebody calls and complains about a drag queen story time or pornographic material at a public school library, That they kind of have a scripted response and they don't want to commit to anything for obvious reasons.
You got to protect the liberal agenda, you got to protect the Democrat agenda.
It's more important than protecting kids, obviously, at this point.
But, I mean, I think it's fair to say, even through the wish-washy, non-committal conjecture there, that Yes, if an adult is sharing pornographic material, teaching minors how to have anal or oral sex, that is an offense that CPS would consider actionable.
And if there is an adult entertainment situation, this is why you want to go to the strip club, you got to show an ID to get in.
I mean, hell, even just at a bar, you got to show your ID to get in.
So yeah, you're taking a minor out to the bar, you're taking a minor out to the strip club, that's an offense.
So even though she didn't want to be committal, she was wavering, right?
Because you're with CPS, I asked you if you'd consider it an actionable offense if an adult was sharing pornography with a kid, how do you not say, of course we would do that?
Unless you know the situation, you have enough awareness of the situation that there's a political movement that's somehow protected by the rainbow flag shield that showing pornographic material and sexual activity to children is acceptable under the guise of LGBTQ activism.
But she said on the phone, you heard her, if you can provide a specific incident That then they could follow up.
So I guess the next stress test would be either sharing information about one of these drag queen dance time for kids events that's happened in Texas and send them video of this and see what they do.
That would be the next step.
And I mean, if you really wanted to go personal, and this would be, you'd need to handle this right, but you could go to one of these events, find the parents that take their children to these inappropriate events, and say, and just ask them, do you think it's appropriate to show minors pornographic material?
Do you think it's appropriate to take a minor to an adult entertainment venue?
And get their response to that.
And then say, well, do you think that's what you've done here today?
Do you think CPS should be made aware that that's exactly what you've done today?
So, again, this is just follow-up.
A caller was like, has anybody called CPS?
Has anybody investigated?
And I said, you know what?
Let's do a stress test live on air and let's call CPS and see.
And so I would say the stress test revealed that, to me, They're at least generally aware of these events going on.
They've probably been called on it before.
And that's why she was non-committal in some of the responses, seeing where it was going.
And I think she even said that on the phone.
She's like, I see where this is going.
So, CPS most likely, at this point, my guess is, is not interested in investigating this stuff and is not interested in following up on men dressing up as women and dancing for children in a thong.
I mean, where is law enforcement?
I mean, forget CPS.
How is this man in a thong doing sexual dancing for children Not getting arrested.
But there's your first stress test of Child Protective Services.
And we can all follow up with this, folks.
We can go to that website.
They share it on the phone.
You can send the videos.
You can say the venues and see if CPS is interested.
My guess is probably no, because they're controlled by the government, which is controlled by the LGBTQ Plus Mafia.
But let's stress test it.
You just had stress test number one.
What did you think about that?
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(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(engine revving)
We all live.
It is the Summit News Hour, March the 2nd, 2023.
And, well, more information is coming to light here in the UK over the decisions, the authoritarian crackdown that was initiated with the first lockdown back in March 2020, with the release of these, what they're calling the lockdown files, By the London Telegraph.
Now, much of it is a limited hangout, but some more information has come out about the zealous, overbearing totalitarianism that was swirling through the halls of government during that time, during the first lockdown.
One of which was this, which I wrote about this morning, actually.
Not the poor pussycat, surely!
mandating killing of all pet cats to stop Covid.
Not the poor pussycat, surely!
Can you imagine if in America, the government had come out at the start of the first Covid
outbreak and said, "We're gonna make Americans kill all their pet dogs."
You'd have civil war.
Maybe you'd have civil war in the UK because people, a lot of people in the UK care more about cats than they do dogs.
But UK health authorities considered ordering the euthanisation of all pet cats in the country during the first Covid outbreak.
This was revealed by ex-Deputy Health Minister Lord James Bethel, who made the admission while trying to argue that governments were caught unawares in how to respond to the virus.
Of course, we know that's a lie because the WHO had its plans well in place before that.
They saw how China had responded.
We had Professor Pantsdown, Professor Lockdown, Neil Ferguson admit Before the first lockdown that they learned from the authoritarian brutalism that was going on in China.
They thought they couldn't get away with it in Europe, but then Italy did it in his own words, and then we did it.
So they knew what they were going to do exactly.
They were going to go hard and they were going to go fast.
He went on to say, there was a moment when we were very unclear about whether domestic pets could transmit the disease.
Of course, now we know with the rest of these revelations, much of the advice was on the fly, some of it was ignored, some of it was taken for political reasons.
Basically what happened is, a Siamese cat became the first in Britain to contract COVID-19.
They thought that it would jump from the cat to humans for some reason, And so they were considering exterminating all pet cats in Britain.
Remember the 2001 foot and mouth outbreak, which many sources suggest came from the Porton Down Bioweapons Facility, led to the mandatory slaughter, millions and millions of cattle.
Farmers up and down the country were completely put out of business.
Burning pyres of cattle for weeks on end, an absolutely harrowing memory for the farming community.
And they were considering doing a similar thing with pet cats.
Cat owners were told not to kiss their pets and to observe basically social distancing with their pets.
They wouldn't let them out the house.
They were told not to let them out the house if someone in the family had caught Covid.
Again, despite the fact there was no evidence Covid could jump from cats to humans, they just considered doing it anyway.
And as I point out in the article, they even considered abducting kids from their parents and putting them in quarantine camps, again, against their will, forcibly, if they were infected with the virus.
They wanted to kidnap people's children and put them in literal camps as part of this authoritarian, brutal lockdown.
And we kind of laugh about it now and say, oh, those were crazy times.
You have to remind yourself how crazy they were.
In fact, I saw an article earlier today where the police, this was the same police, Derbyshire Police, that had released a video where they surveilled people with drones taking their dogs for a walk in remote rural countryside locations far away from anyone, even if you believed all the propaganda about social distancing.
publicly shaming people on the internet for taking their pets for a walk in the remote countryside.
They even went to a beauty spot known as the Blue Lagoon in the police, in the Peak District, which is a rural area, as I said, popular with hikers, bikers.
They injected this lagoon with black dye, the police did, to prevent sightseers, walkers, going and visiting this Blue Lagoon.
Again, you are allowed, even under their own rules, you're allowed outside your house for exercise.
They literally, potentially, poisoned lagoons to try and prevent people going outside.
Now we learn that they were considering making people kill all their cats.
Of course, we've got this avian flu outbreak going on in the background.
They're saying they're making all the preparations for it to jump To be transmissible from animals to humans and then humans to humans, of course.
So if you think this has all gone away, while it may have gone away for COVID, they've got this bird flu pandemic hovering in the background just waiting to reinforce these powers once again.
Daily Skeptic reports get heavy with police to enforce lockdown, Matt Hancock told ministers.
This was the UK's Health Secretary during the COVID outbreak.
The country's most senior civil servant discussed how they needed to get heavy with the police to crack down on the public during the Covid pandemic.
And you saw what happened.
People going for a walk and buying a coffee being hit with fines.
I had friends, they got knocks on their doors because they thought they were having a party in their flat in London.
Bear in mind that we've had record rising crime now for the past three years.
It's just hit a new record in the UK.
The police, since 2015, have been telling the British public they don't have the resources to respond to burglaries.
They had plenty of resources during those early days of the lockdown to literally case out people's apartments if they heard music, if they heard voices, to go and knock on their door and try and issue them with fines.
Basically, the vast majority of these fines got overturned in court.
Basically all of them, I think.
Because again, they were completely unlawful.
Here's another one.
Telegraph reports, can we lock up pub hooligan Nigel Farage?
Asked Hancock's team.
Again, this is the health minister at the time.
They wanted to arrest Nigel Farage because he tweeted a picture of himself enjoying a pint of bitter in a pub 14 days or 13 days after he'd returned from America.
The authoritarian rules at the time were you had to stay in your home for two weeks if you came back from travelling anywhere abroad.
Matt Hancock's team asked if they could lock up Nigel Farage after he tweeted a video of himself at a pub in Kent, WhatsApp messages have revealed.
So again, making an example out of someone As a weaponized tool of intimidation to browbeat the rest of the public into unquestioning compliance.
We know from all the documents that have come out this was deliberate totalitarianism.
They used behavioral psychology to deliberately exaggerate the threat beyond all reason to force people into complying with these totalitarian mandates.
July 4, the leader of the Brexit Party shared a video of himself drinking his first proper pint in 103 days at the Queen's Head pub in Down Village, Kent.
A fortnight earlier, Farage was filmed attending Donald Trump's rally in Tussler, Oklahoma.
So again, because he was within that 14-day period, one of the main priorities of our Health Secretary at the time, with this big outbreak, was to think about arresting Nigel Farage and making an example out of him.
Meanwhile, the people also coming back from holiday and being forced to be locked up basically in what were prisons, they called them quarantine hotels.
Those people were being laughed at by our government.
Top Mandarin mocked holidaymakers locked up in Covid quarantine hotel rooms.
Those unlucky enough to be caught up in Britain's pandemic era hotel quarantine policy likened it to being held prisoner, and exactly that's what it was.
Messages seen by the Telegraph Show, ministers and officials shared the sentiment and joked about passengers being locked up in shoebox rooms.
They all thought it was really funny.
Meanwhile, again, Matt Hancock staged rearguard action to close schools after Education Secretary won argument to keep them open.
They wanted some of the people within government to reopen the schools in June before the summer holiday, summer recess, Health Secretary said no.
Of course, we know the massive damage that's caused to education, which will last for a generation.
Again, the face masks in schools.
They got that wrong.
Now they've been caught.
It's all coming out.
The rats are fleeing the sinking ship of the lockdown narrative.
We'll be back.
Don't go away.
I'm going to get more into the COVID-19 fallout a bit later on with this lab leak development over the course of the last week.
Well let's get into the latest migration news now because of course we had a poll last week showing that even a majority of people in the UK who support left-wing parties, whose leaders support keeping the borders open, opening them even wider, the supporters of those parties, the majority of them or at least a plurality of them, think immigration to the UK is too high.
We had the census results about a month ago Which show again, major cities across the UK are now minority white British.
Including not just London, but places like Birmingham and Manchester.
You see a similar phenomenon unfolding in Germany.
This is out of Breitbart, via AP.
23% of German population now migrants or children of migrants.
Of course, this is after they opened their borders.
In 2015, 2016, to all the Syrian, Afghan, Iranian asylum seekers and really they've never stopped coming in.
It's never been a trickle, it's always been a deluge.
And they've got a similar problem to what we've got in the UK.
So some 18.9 million people, or 23% of Germany's population, either immigrated to the country since 1950, or are the children of immigrants.
You import people from all these different countries, Germany is no longer Germany, especially when these people, which the majority of them do, refuse to assimilate.
It's the first time these statistics officers analyse the country's population based on migration figures, not just on citizenship.
It is a more vague concept since many immigrants, especially children of immigrants, have taken on German citizenship in recent years and that's exactly how they absorb them into the figures and therefore hide this demographic change that's been taking place across Europe now.
Rapidly at an accelerated pace for the past 10 years.
Because when it comes to the 17.3% of first-generation immigrants, Germany ranks above the European Union average of 10.6%.
In addition, another 3.7 million, or 4.5% of the population have one parent who immigrated and one ethnic German parent.
And what impact is that having in major cities in Germany?
Well, we only need to look to Berlin for the answer to that question.
We mix news reports Shock and astonishment!
110 nursing home seniors evicted by Christian organisation to make room for refugees in Berlin.
And again, you have to make the point over and over again, even according to the UN's massaged figures, the vast majority of them are not refugees, they're young men looking for free handouts, looking for free healthcare, looking for free accommodation.
Again, I don't even blame them for wanting to escape some of those countries.
But again, you can't import Afghanistan, you can't import Libya, you can't import Iran and not have European countries increasingly become similar to those countries that they fled from in the first place.
As many elderly nursing home residents were left in tears as they were evicted to make room for migrants in Berlin.
Imagine that.
Some of these people have been there for years and years.
Vulnerable, elderly people.
They get used to this nursing home, they get used to the staff, the local environment.
Suddenly they're told, sorry, 22-year-old Abdul from Afghanistan needs a place to stay.
Get the hell out!
Imagine that.
Imagine paying into the German system.
75, 80, 90 years old.
Paying into the system.
Being part of your country.
For decades and decades, Suddenly you're told you're basically worthless, you're gonna get kicked out of your nursing home accommodation because some 21 year old guy just arrived on a boat and claims to be a refugee.
Adding to the scandal is that the owners of the building and operators of the nursing home are Christian non-profit institutions that belong to the Berlin Diakone.
And again, the reason they're turfing them out is because the government gives them more kickbacks for housing, quote, refugees than it does for housing Germany's vulnerable elderly population.
The building, located on Moore Street, was meant to house elderly residents for at least another 10 years.
Goes on to say the nursing home was run by the Paul Gerhard Foundation, with an option to extend.
But that plan has been terminated early, and instead the building has shifted to housing refugees.
We've seen this in numerous countries across Europe, a similar thing.
As during the evictions, tears flowed among those affected.
Containers stood in front of the building for days.
The furniture was simply thrown away.
So not only are they being turfed out, all their possessions are being turfed out as well, presumably.
Let's go to this first video now, though, because, again, similar situation occurring in the UK.
Vast numbers of illegal boat migrants coming in.
The taxpayer is paying for the government to put them up in, in some cases, five-star hotels in prime tourist areas.
People are booking these hotels a year in advance for their wedding.
They get a phone call to say, sorry, your wedding's cancelled.
We're allowing this group of Afghan migrants to move into the hotel.
Meanwhile, let's take a look at what's happening with the homeless population, the native homeless population, in the United Kingdom.
This video is called The Forgotten People.
Let's roll it.
The number of homeless people sleeping on the streets of Britain has soared by over a quarter in just a single year.
According to figures released by the government, there were 3,069 people sleeping rough on the streets last year, compared to 2,443 in 2021, representing a 25.6% increase.
In London, the number of rough sleepers rose even more, an increase of 34% on last year.
The stats show that despite rapidly accelerated levels of immigration, the majority of homeless were British born, 64%.
According to the Salvation Army, the cost The cost of living crisis has exacerbated the problem.
The chief executive of the charity Homeless Link, Rick Henderson, described the increase as a massive collective failure, adding the cost of living crisis has exacerbated long-standing drivers of homelessness, such as a shortage of affordable housing, an often punitive welfare system, and increasingly stretched health services.
You know who's not struggling with homelessness or a cost-of-living crisis?
The 40,000 illegal migrants being put up in hotels up and down the country at taxpayer expense.
Yeah, while our own people freeze on the streets, our government is spending £7 million a day housing illegal migrants, most of them working-age men, in four-star, sometimes five-star accommodation.
There's no issue with stretched healthcare services for these illegal migrants.
Many of whom get their own dedicated doctors on site.
Maybe our own homeless population should just get a Eurostar to France.
Hop on a dinghy, throw their passport in the English Channel, start calling themselves Abdul.
Then enjoy a free coach ride from the government to the nearest available hotel.
Easier still, just pretend you're Albanian and can't speak English.
And instead of shivering to the bone while sleeping on a cardboard box wrapped in bin bags, you'll be safe and sound in a nice, cosy, king-size bed, awaiting your free cooked breakfast the next morning.
Meanwhile in Sweden, remember that whole controversy over Trump last night in Sweden?
Well, they continue to experience the same problems with violent crime, rampant unrest, as it is related to mass migration.
Sweden man arrested after 10-year-old girl is stabbed in broad daylight in Gothenburg Central Square.
And Sweden increases money offered to migrants to voluntarily go home.
Of course, we've seen what's happening in Denmark, where they're trying to basically raise and demolish some of these migrant ghetto areas.
Well now, the right-wing Swedish government elected on a promise to curb immigration is enacting reforms to encourage migrants to return to their country of origin.
I would argue as far as Sweden goes, given their, again, rapid intake of refugees and asylum seekers, it's probably too little, too late.
We'll be back.
don't go away.
Well of course over the weekend we had the Department of Energy come out and basically
admit that the conspiracy theorists who were publicly humiliated censored Banned from 2020
to 2021 for saying that the coronavirus was likely a lab leak.
Of course, the accidental lab leak is the limited hangout argument.
The FBI director, Christopher Wray, came out shortly after in an interview with Fox News' Bret Baier, To quote, the FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan.
Let's go to this video now because there's been more developments on this which I want to come back and talk about after.
But this video is called The Conspiracy Theorists.
Well right, let's roll it.
Remember how anyone who talked about it was ridiculed, demonized and cancelled?
He's also pushing US intelligence to find evidence for this theory that the virus was accidentally released from a lab in Wuhan.
That's his new angle to feed the wingnuts, to treat this virus like it was a conspiracy of some kind.
I know, right?
What kind of nutcase would even suggest that a lab in Wuhan working on coronaviruses would have anything whatsoever to do with the emergence of a coronavirus that originated in Wuhan?
It should have never happened.
This plague should never have happened.
It could have been stopped.
But people chose not to stop it.
What people?
Tomorrow he'll blame the Spanish flu on Antonio Banderas.
Thank God prominent alternative news sites that circulated this insane premise were banned by big tech.
Thank God Facebook for over a year after the outbreak of Covid banned all content suggesting the virus was man-made or came from a lab.
Thank God brave mainstream media journalists Identified and targeted.
Shameless conspiracy theorists for pushing these lies.
Thank God Dr. Fauci moved to silence any discussion of COVID being caused by a lab leak after being told to do so by Peter Daszak, the father of Game of Function research, whose organization has extensive ties to the Wuhan lab.
Thank God our esteemed medical establishment, in coordination with Silicon Valley and Big Pharma-funded corporate media giants, CNN Tonight.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
Worked so hard and so diligently to suppress and extinguish the dangerous conspiracy theory that COVID-19 came from a lab leak in China.
Tonight, NBC News learning the Department of Energy has concluded COVID-19 likely came from a lab leak in China.
The U.S.
Department of Energy has concluded that it most likely came from a lab leak and not from an infected animal.
The FBI and now the Energy Department have both found an accidental lab leak increasingly plausible.
So, not a crazy conspiracy theory then.
At what point does the claim that it had a natural origin become a conspiracy theory?
No matter what the Energy Department says, not everyone in the government agrees.
You see, while the Department of Energy I mean, if you're that wedded to a certain narrative, sometimes it's really hard to let go.
This has been a long time coming.
I wish you could see the smiles on the faces of my audience.
result of a natural transmission. Anyway, we'll have more on this story as soon as anyone
has anything they can prove.
I mean, if you're that wedded to a certain narrative, sometimes it's really hard to let
This has been a long time coming. I wish you could see the smiles on the faces of my audience.
And I wish I could too, because they're still wearing masks.
Funny how the US media once called Americans conspiracy theorists for saying it came from
Now China is calling the US government conspiracy theorists for saying it came from a lab.
Maybe the real lesson here is staring us in the face.
Stop claiming everything that deviates slightly from the official story is a baseless conspiracy theory.
Stop silencing whistleblowers, dissidents and investigators by branding them dangerous purveyors of disinformation.
Stop banning people for engaging in legitimate discussion of contentious issues.
Forgive me for dabbling in another dangerous conspiracy theory, but it's almost like all the hysteria over fake news, disinformation and misinformation generated by the powers that be, while there is no doubt some fake news that's outright fabricated, isn't primarily designed to protect people from being misled, but is actually designed to shut down discussion of awkward truths and facilitate the cover-up of genuine matters.
This all begs the question, if this once-crazy lab-leak conspiracy theory Which you weren't even allowed to talk about without being publicly shamed, censored, banned.
Turned out to be likely true.
What else that was happening during this period that they maligned as a conspiracy theory was actually true.
Gee, I wonder.
I really do wonder.
What else is happening right now that we're not allowed to talk about that later on down the line will prove to have been true all along.
Even if the lab leak theory is finally accepted as complete fact.
Was it really just an accidental leak?
Just initiated a global pandemic that shut down the world economy, generated recurring mega-massive profits for giant pharmaceutical companies.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
Normalized de facto medical martial law, while justifying authoritarian population control measures not witnessed for generations.
Sorry about that, my bad.
Appearing on Tucker Carlson last night, a Chinese virologist dropped a bombshell.
I would say based on the evidence and the source, I have CCP government intentionally to let it go all over the world to kill millions of people all over the world later.
No doubt that'll be dismissed as just another crazy conspiracy theory.
As for the future, well, UK health experts are now sharing details of their, quote, COVID-style plans against bird flu.
They're now preparing for the worst-case scenario of avian flu becoming transmissible from humans to humans.
It's already jumped from birds to mammals.
Now a dozen people in the same province in Cambodia have been infected, and an 11-year-old girl has died.
Thankfully, if H5N1 feels like getting all... pandemic-y, we're reassured that Big Pharma has all the vaccines ready and waiting.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
What of those COVID-style plans to stop it?
Lockdowns, mask mandates, vax mandates?
Well, rest assured, because Professor Lockdown, the same guy who spectacularly wrong-modelling greased the skids for the UK's lockdown, the guy who took lockdown so seriously, he spent most of it zipping back and forth across London to shag his married mistress, Yeah, him.
Oh, he is!
his own authoritarian zeal by saying quote "China is a communist one-party state" we said. We
couldn't get away with lockdown in Europe we thought, then Italy did it and we realized we
could. Yeah him, well at least he's not in charge of the Covid-style plans against bird flu, right?
Oh he is! Great, how wonderful. I really hope the conspiracy theorists stop being proven right.
Update on this story now, right?
Rand Paul, Covid lab lead, one of the greatest cover-ups in modern medical history.
This was his appearance on Fox News, noting that the US government has, quote, destroyed trust in vaccines and everything else because they're really telling you stuff that's obviously not true and you shouldn't take it.
He went on to say when Anthony Fauci made the decision to fund dangerous gain-of-function research in Wuhan, and again, covered it up with Peter Dajak, under the auspices of an authoritarian government, this decision was one of the worst decisions ever made, and there's been a cover-up ever since the beginning.
Senator Ted Cruz also coming out.
Cruz blasts media for labelling COVID lab leak as misinformation and conspiracy theory.
Again on Fox News he said the Covid virus escaped from a Chinese government lab and the millions of deaths are a result of that virus escaping from a Chinese government lab.
State department funded censorship group punished conservative websites for circulating lab leak theory.
Again underscoring the point, all this hysteria over fake news, misinformation, disinformation generated by regime media outlets is used to censor genuine issues Intimidate people out of talking about them in the first place, and of course create this precedent that big tech networks can censor, ban people on a whim, get out ahead of this to facilitate what was, in this instance, a cover-up.
Global Disinformation Index, this weird British-based non-profit group, received $665,000 from the Global Engagement National Centre for Endowment.
Again, a State Department group.
That was the group overseeing conspiracy theories about COVID-19.
That was the group burying those kind of stories on Twitter, on Facebook, claiming that they'd been proved, quote, fact-checked and proven untrue.
They abused their influence to pressure big tech firms like Google to cut advertising from conservative websites.
Again, to try and put those platforms that were talking about the authenticity of the lab leak in 2020, in 2021, out of business altogether by severing their ad revenue streams.
Of course, they've done that on numerous other issues and they did it on this.
Even Microsoft had to come out and basically sever its ties with this weird GDI group because again they were proven to have weaponised this hysteria over fake news and misinformation simply to censor, shut down their ideological adversaries.
Summit.News will be back.
Now we just had figures out of England and Wales a couple of weeks ago showing that crime, particularly violent crime, is at a record high.
Highest levels ever recorded.
Which brings me to this news story out of Breitbart.
And again, this gets right to the core of how diversity hires is really crippling the police force and in fact impacting people's safety and genuinely putting people at risk.
UK police claim 5'5 neurodiverse, don't know what that means, mentally ill, I assume, female recruit, 18, can take down assailants So this autistic, neurodiverse, 5'5, 18 year old woman, who I presume still identifies as a woman, that's probably subject to change.
They're championing her as this crime-fighting hero, basically.
"England's Essex police force has spotlighted a 5'5" female recruit,
aged 18, described as autistic and dyslexic, assuring the public she can hold her own against assailants."
Yes, I'm sure when the violent criminal on a scooter who pulls up next to you in London
and yanks your Rolex off your arm under threat of killing you with a 12-inch blade,
I'm sure that when he shows up you can rest assured that this five-foot-five autistic dyslexic neurodiverse female is really gonna take him down hard.
People always have this idea of what a police officer should look like.
Yeah, you're dealing with violent criminals.
You should be pretty muscle-bound, pretty big, pretty healthy.
Hooper is quoted as saying, likely in reference to historic minimum height requirements, but officers now abolished.
I assure you, maybe they'll have midgets taking on six foot five violent criminals next.
Who knows?
Maybe they'll have You know, transgender individuals with arms like pipe cleaners taking down terrorists in central London.
I don't know if it's for diversity, and maybe it's a good thing.
She said, I assure you, even as a 5'5 woman, I can hold my own.
Big doubt.
This is like in America when those fire departments started lowering the standards for entry.
So you're burning to death in a high-rise building.
And somebody who hasn't even completed the physical assault course is coming to save you.
Good luck with that.
She says, people always assume you have to be a six foot plus man to keep up with the training, but I've never struggled.
Yeah, because they lower the standards of the training to make it easy for everyone to pass.
Again, this is following.
A few weeks ago, we had the story of Metropolitan Police Trying to get more BAME black ethnic minority officers in their police force than white officers.
Again, because hashtag diversity.
Despite the fact that many people from these communities don't want to join the police force.
They distrust the police.
They don't want to join it.
And many of them, it said, were criminals.
So they literally started hiring criminals for diversity.
Now they're hiring five foot five women to take on violent criminals.
Again, because they lowered the standards of training, so she can come out and say, well, I passed the training.
Yeah, because it's easy.
That's only going to embolden criminals more.
Big shock that our crime rate is now an all-time record high.
In the US, or in fact, I think this is in Canada, girls basketball team withdraws from state tournament in protest against transgender player who dominates games.
This is the girls basketball team from the Vermont Division Four State Tournament, withdrawn from it in protest against a transgender player who's routinely been dominating games.
Well, what a surprise!
A biological male with better physical attributes is absolutely crushing the competition!
And these, again, relatively spindly weak females in comparison aren't happy about it.
After finding out their opponents, the Long Trail School Mountain Lions had a biological male on their team, the Mid-Vermont Christian School Eagles forfeited their playoff game.
We believe playing against an opponent with a biological male jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of our players.
And then they cite write-ups of reviews of these basketball games where this individual is absolutely crushing it.
Someone came out and spoke out against this.
He said bone mass, lean mass, cardiac output, strength capacity, work capacity, potential, all heavily advantage males.
Now, of course, they're transphobic for complaining about it.
Meanwhile, transgender athlete wins four female running competitions in a row.
Transgender athlete, who now identifies as a woman, has won four different female running competitions so far this year alone after smashing a women's 5,000 meter record last year.
This is Tiffany Newell.
And basically every single tournament he has entered since the start of January of this year, he's won.
At a canter.
Well now the International Consortium on Women's Sport, a group demanding the protection of female competitions, another transphobic hate unit, reacted to the news by asserting it was a blatant example of sex discrimination.
And again I go for all the examples of This individual absolutely dominating, running easily to victory in all the competitions that he's entered.
Redux reports, despite protests from trans activists, studies have consistently affirmed that trans-identified male athletes retain a significant edge over their female counterparts, even after starting hormone therapy.
Now on the subject of transgenderism and pushing the message, Hershey's has launched a new transgender-themed chocolate bar promoted by a biological male to celebrate International Women's Day.
This video is called Who's Got the Meme?
Let's roll it!
To celebrate International Women's Day, which is next week, Hershey's has launched a bold, daring new promo campaign, again for International Women's Week, by prominently featuring someone who was born a biological male.
Hashtag her for she.
See the women.
Women changing how we see the future.
Calissia Masala, founder of Girl Up Quebec.
Gender equality advocate.
Calissia sees the power of young women.
Blah, blah, blah, the message.
Rita Audi, gender and education equality activist.
A gender and education equality activist.
Rita is focused on supporting the... Blah, blah, blah, the message.
Nyla Moolo, climate tech researcher.
From flexible solar panels to plant-based plastics.
Nyla is researching... Blah, blah, blah, the message.
Faye Johnston.
2SLGBTQIA plus advocate.
No, me neither.
Again, as a reminder, this is for International Women's Day.
My name is Faye Johnstone.
I'm the Executive Director of Wisdom to Action.
I prefer really not to... not to speak.
If I speak, I am in big trouble.
We can create a world where everyone is able to live in public space as their honest and authentic selves.
See the woman changing how we see the future.
Hershey's Canada.
He for she, cookies and cream.
Alright, who's got the meme?
Behold our biggest ad campaign.
My name is Jay Johnstone.
You sure this will help us sell more chocolate?
Now let me be absolutely clear.
Once, about five years ago, I was in an airport in America.
And I made the mistake of buying a Hershey bar.
It's hands down the most disgusting so-called chocolate bar I've ever tasted in my life.
It doesn't even taste like chocolate.
About five years ago, although Hershey denied it, reports began circulating that they were adding butyric acid to their products as a cheap food preservative.
Guess what also contains butyric acid?
Literal vomit.
And according to many people, including Europeans who are lucky enough to have access to actual milk chocolate that isn't ruined by weird additives, Hershey's tastes like...
You guessed it!
So yeah, instead of pandering to the alphabet mafia, maybe Hershey's should spend more time and money on making sure their product doesn't remind people of puking up in their own mouths.
Get woke, go broke.
I don't know, maybe.
But when your target market continually increases year by year thanks to people being...
Born that way, and having nothing to do with insidious social engineering at all, who's to say it won't pay off?
I mean, at the very least for Hershey's, it'll distract from the fact that it tastes like sick.
Now again, I referenced the Gallup poll in that video.
Again, LGBT people constantly claim, no, they're born that way, they're born gay, they're born transgender, it's an innate thing, it has nothing whatsoever to do with indoctrination, social engineering, activist doctors in the case of transgender experiments and surgery.
Well, of course, we find out that Generation Z, 19.7% of them, now identify as LGBT.
And the numbers amongst Millennials have also basically doubled over the course of the last eight years, with now 11.2% of Millennials in America identifying as LGBT.
What could have caused that?
A massive cultural indoctrination social engineering campaign?
Or were they just born that way?
Breitbart reports, won't fail Hershey's hit with backlash boycott calls after casting transgender activists in international Women's Day promo.
Get woke, go broke?
I don't know.
They've got massive amounts of free advertising as a result of the controversy that they've deliberately generated over this.
People are upset about it.
People are calling for a boycott.
Probably just going to fizzle out like every other boycott before that.
That's going to wrap it up.
War Room is next with Owen Troyer.
Don't go away.
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