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Name: 20230223_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 23, 2023
2406 lines.

In his show, Alex Jones talks about financial support for Infowars, world events, human struggle, and combating the New World Order's lies through InfoWarsMD products. He warns against mentally ill individuals in positions of power, criticizes leftist politicians, discusses ongoing legal battles, media portrayal of white people, crime rates, police inaction due to fear of prosecution, and encourages support for InfoWars. The show is funded by its viewers and listeners, and InfowarStore.com offers exclusive products for supporters.

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Charles in Atlanta, go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
Let me simplify this in my own mind.
The way I see life in general, especially as it pertains to crime, the crime wave, I'm in my early 70s here in Atlanta, Georgia, and I have worked with a transit company for around 30 years, 20 years here.
And I'm seeing the increase in crime with the youth and also the backing off of police We used to ride the transit system and playing foes.
They're not even there now for various reasons, but look, we could go down the line of saying what's wrong.
Let's make this assumption.
Let's say that this life is not a simulation, but something, if you say God created it, but whatever.
We're birthed into this world.
We're navigators on a sea we call life, and when we get to the end of it, we Kind of birth ourselves into the next life.
So maybe what the key is, is just like so many things in life.
You see sports, you see game shows, there's this yin and yang of one side versus the other side.
And in spiritual terms, it's good versus evil.
So perhaps what the ultimate thing we're doing as gods, as little G gods, or magicians, if you will, is that we are really here to Bring about enough balance of power on the side of good.
Now this is a solution.
History shows us that where there's a void, it's filled by something.
And if good men do nothing, evil takes over.
I totally agree with you.
It's good people of every race, color, and creed doing nothing.
We're really the criminals.
We're really the bad guys.
And I agree with you.
This isn't a simulation, but it is a real-world test that God created as a larger, real simulation.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's News Today.
The film White Noise was released on Netflix in September of last year.
It's about a train crashing, exploding, and burning toxic chemicals off into the atmosphere, creating a major health hazard for miles around.
Reflecting what just happened a few weeks ago in Ohio.
White noise was even filmed in the same area, just a few miles from Ground Zero in East Palestine.
Some people will call this a coincidence, but these days, believing in coincidence can cost you your life.
And there is more.
Just three months before the train wreck, the city of East Palestine began adopting the MyID digital bracelet system into their local emergency services.
Being touted as the ultimate ID system, MyID is a digital ID company dealing primarily with digital ID bracelets for the medical industry.
Bracelets designed to make it easier for first responders to access your medical profile in the event of an unexpected emergency.
And just a week before the crash, they began handing these bracelets out to all the residents of East Palestine.
Also, two weeks before the crash, the CDC updated their page on vinyl chloride, removing their section on how it affects children and raising the safe exposure threshold.
Neil Donald Walsh wrote, there are no coincidences in the universe, only convergences of will, intent, and experience.
Not only does the Ohio train crash appear to be a deliberate attack, it appears to potentially be a very deadly attack.
Three days after the train wreck, authorities called for a controlled release burn.
Controlled in that they would initiate the spark that will burn all the chemicals and cargo together in a massive chemical fire, potentially putting millions of people's lives at risk.
The vinyl chloride spill at Camp Lejeune was small in comparison to what happened this month in Ohio.
But it still poisoned over a million people and it took decades for the effects to materialize.
A new federal lawsuit against Norfolk Southern alleges that 1.1 million pounds of vinyl chloride was spilled into the local environment.
The vinyl chloride metabolite chloroethylene oxide attacks human DNA and can take years to start showing up as cancers and other disease.
There is arguably no safe dose for exposure.
Leading expert in the study of vinyl chloride, Dr. Julianne Baer, agrees and says that nobody should be drinking the local water.
According to Dr. Baer, vinyl chloride gets transported into homes via the groundwater.
She says, it comes out of the water, into the air, and that's really the major route of toxicity for the liver.
It comes through the air.
While some argue that burning it resolved these issues, that seems to be false.
Dioxins are the deadly toxins behind Agent Orange and DDT.
They are generated when chlorinated chemicals, like vinyl chloride, burn.
In fact, the exact reaction that happened in East Palestine, when they decided to burn vinyl chloride and PVC pellets together, was arguably the most efficient and deadly way of dispersing dioxins into the environment, and could equate to being one of the biggest chemical weapons attacks in history.
Some are saying that tens of millions of lives could now be at risk.
And that number will keep growing so long as humanity dismisses these attacks as coincidence and continues to do nothing.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
And of course, you can find all Greg Reese videos exclusively at Band.Video.
And boy, that train started. We hope it's not that bad.
But of course we know we can't trust our government.
We can't trust our media.
We can't trust this White House.
But at least Donald Trump raised the spirits of East Palestine.
It's Thursday, February 23rd, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Owen Troyer is going to be taking over in the first hour.
I'll be here in the second, third, and probably even the fourth hour today.
I have been delayed in a bankruptcy court hearing where they're asking me questions.
I just ducked out to record this so the listeners would know that I'm going to be here with all the breaking news and analysis.
And just to remind you, this is an information war.
Humanity is waking up right now.
I'm not just saying that to make you feel good.
You know it's happening.
You see it.
And you can never lose hope because God is on our side and a lot of miraculous, amazing things are happening because of the hard work you have been doing to spread the word and expose the globalists.
We are so close to bringing these criminals to justice.
I'm not saying evil will be totally eradicated.
Only Christ can do that.
But we are holding the line, and when the enemy sends in its forces, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against you, and you are that standard.
And I salute you, and I thank you, and I appreciate you.
There's a lot of big news and important news being covered today.
Please remember, the only way we reach new people, the only way the ball gets carried down the field, is when you share the links from InfoWars.com forward slash show and band dot video, or ConspiracyFact.info is a link they're not blocking right now, so that's the one to share.
I'm always going to take over with big breaking news and analysis of what's happening in the world, and I'll be back with you very, very soon.
And as I promised, We're doing more and more of the special shows.
We're doing more and more of the nighttime shows.
And we are taking to the new world order with everything we've got.
And I know you are as well, so I salute you and I thank you.
Now to Owen Troyer live in studio.
You know, let me pick it up there where Alex left it off.
And explain that there really is A very small amount of people that can do what we do here at InfoWars.
From Alex all the way down to the crew and the guests and this audience.
There's really a small amount of people that can do what we do here and we've been through a lot and in that process we probably have the best crew we've ever had.
We have the strongest audience we've ever had.
We've had the most influence and impact than we've ever had despite the attacks and the censorship that obviously has Alex off air for now.
He'll be back in the second hour.
But I already planned on having this analogy today with the Trump juror, the foreperson In Georgia, in the grand jury, just a complete whacked out lunatic into witchcraft and clearly mentally disturbed.
And so I don't know if she intentionally wants to have this persona and this aura of a witch, but that's what she's into and that's how she presents herself.
But to the honest mind, to the honest observer, what you're witnessing is a person in arrested development.
What you're witnessing is a full-grown adult with a child's mind.
And so why do I give a big ups to the crew today and why do I say there's not many people that can do what we do here?
Well, Alex wanted to be on air despite being in court all morning, but things got delayed and so he calls me about 30 minutes ago and says, hey, I'm going to be in court longer than I thought.
Need you to fill in on the first hour.
Now, most people, if not all other people in this industry, be it in the crew's position or my position, would say, what are you, nuts?
I have 30 minutes to prepare for a three-hour, four-hour show?
Uh, no.
And the crew would say, oh my gosh, what are we going to do?
Panic mode.
See, this isn't a normal transmission.
This is an emergency transmission, and InfoWars is the mothership of fighting back against tyranny, Pushing back against false narratives, pushing back against government propaganda.
And so when the pilot of this mothership calls you and says, hey, I need you to pilot it, I can't just say, sorry, no go, good luck.
No, you hop to and you get in the pilot seat and you make sure this mothership stays in orbit and stays focused and stays on track.
And there's not many people that can do this.
I'm not just talking about myself.
If it wasn't for the great crew, if it wasn't for the great audience, if it wasn't for the great guests, it wouldn't be possible.
But now why do I make that analogy?
Because what we see with this juror, this jury foreperson in the Georgia Grand Jury, this is like having a child fly the airplane.
Or the analogy I was going to use today was, we've all seen it and it's popular for kids.
You give your little kid in the back seat, your little infant in the back seat, a fake steering wheel.
And when you're driving the kid around or you're running errands and the kid is in the back, you give them the little fake steering wheel.
Maybe it's got a little horn on it, maybe it's got a little shifter on it.
And they sit there and they pretend they're driving.
And they're having fun, and they're honking the horn, and maybe they're turning with the car, maybe they've figured out some motor skills, maybe they're shifting the thing around, and they're having fun.
And you're sitting in the front, and you're saying, oh, good job!
Hey, you turned right!
Oh, good job, you turned left!
Yay, we're having fun, we're driving!
But that's a child in the backseat, just pretending to have fun, pretending to be driving the car.
It's just a toy.
Well, you wouldn't let the child drive the actual vehicle.
You wouldn't say, hey, I'm getting a little sleepy.
Hey, little Johnny, I'm getting a little sleepy.
I'm gonna take a little nap.
Could you take over?
You think you could come out of your child seat in the back and maybe just drive for a couple hours?
Little Johnny, you think you could do that for me?
No, you know what happens?
You're dead.
Car accident, you're dead, maybe someone else is dead.
Or imagine you're in an airplane.
The pilots have been flying, they've done four straight flights, haven't slept in a day.
And, you know, I don't know if they do this anymore, but they used to every once in a while let a kid up into the cockpit.
I remember I got to see a cockpit when I was a kid flying to Chicago with my dad.
Probably like five or six years old.
Still remember it.
But I don't think they do that anymore.
But this would be like, oh, the kid's like, hey!
It's like in the movie Airplane, they let the kid come into the cockpit.
It's like, hey kid, check it out, it's an airplane, pretty cool, isn't it?
Look how high we are in the sky!
Look, look at this, here's the front window!
And then the pilots are like, you know what?
Get a little conked out here.
Hey, little Johnny, you wanna take over and fly the plane?
You can handle it, right?
You can land it, you'll figure it out.
Alright, we're gonna take a little nap.
Go ahead, little Johnny.
And little Johnny sits in the pilot seat.
Well, you know that plane's going down.
You're dead.
So why is that the analogy today?
Well, the juror, the jury foreperson in the Georgia case, in the grand jury against Donald Trump, it's the same thing.
When you have children, when you have mentally impaired people, when you have arrested development adults flying the airplane, driving the car, driving society, driving the economy, driving culture, You're going to crash, you're going to burn, you're going to die.
And that's what we're experiencing right now.
Can you imagine if you're sitting in a courtroom and you got a jury of clowns up there?
Or you have a jury of mentally disturbed and mentally ill people up there that think they're a witch?
Again, imagine you're on an airplane and the pilot says, I'm gonna sit this one out, But this little five-year-old here says he loves airplanes and he's going to land us fine.
How are you going to feel sitting as a passenger on that airplane?
Well, you're saying your last prayers, aren't you?
You're saying your last goodbyes.
Because you know you're dead.
Because that kid ain't qualified and he's going to crash this plane.
Well that's what we see now with the mentally disturbed mental illness as modern-day liberal progressive Democrats exhibit on a regular basis like this jury foreperson.
So mentally ill people like this that have been totally brainwashed, totally propagandized, arrested development, mentally ill, mentally disturbed, are now driving civilization, driving Everything, and we're heading for a crash and a burn, and that's why you see all the domestic disasters happening right now all at once.
You know, we got a lot of problems.
Some are relatable to the general public, and then others aren't.
Now some of these problems are becoming more relatable as the days go by, like economic struggles, financial struggles, as your gas bill goes up, your grocery bill goes up, your energy bill goes up, all your different subscriptions and memberships, all those prices are going up, the cost to fix your car is going up.
That is catching on and becoming a more relatable issue.
Then you've got issues like political persecution and internet censorship and maybe those aren't so relatable to the average American yet.
But one thing that is becoming increasingly observable and relatable is this.
We're getting dominated and our lives And the direction of our lives and our destiny and our future is now being determined and dictated by mentally ill, mentally disturbed, mentally deranged individuals who are in positions that they have no business in.
In fact, just last night on Tucker Carlson, there was an airplane crash that resulted in five deaths yesterday.
And it turns out the guy flying that airplane should have never been behind it.
It should have never been in the captain's seat, but he was a diversity hire.
And they had to have that diversity hire, and they had to have him as a pilot, and sure enough, he crashed that plane and five people died, including himself.
That's the result of a civilization, of a society, that is placing children in positions of power and influence.
Just like the analogy I made in the first segment.
You put a five-year-old child driving the car down the highway, you're getting a car crash, people are gonna die.
You put a five-year-old child as the pilot on an airplane, that plane is crashing and burning, you're gonna die.
Well, everybody knows that.
That's pretty obvious.
So maybe it's not life or death every time, or maybe it doesn't seem like it.
But can you imagine if you're sitting there in a jury full of demented, deranged people, like this Trump juror that's been put on display for the last 24 hours, multiple interviews, CNN, MSNBC, their biggest story?
She's clearly a demented, deranged person that doesn't belong anywhere near a jury, ever.
And then they put the whole thing on display.
So maybe that's not so relatable yet, You being put in a position where your future, your destiny, or the outcome of a current situation or scenario is going to be determined by a mentally impaired, deranged lunatic.
Do you have any idea how that feels?
Do you have any idea how disenfranchising and unempowering that is?
You can work your whole life to be the best person you can be and then a deranged mentally ill lunatic can destroy your life.
And there's nothing you can do about it.
This is what we're facing right now.
And while this issue is really not political, In the modern-day scenario, it is completely political.
Because these deranged individuals have fallen for the propaganda that is modern-day liberal-progressive-Democrat policy.
And that's why she gets up there and giggles and is so excited about how she gets to ruin Trump's life.
Even if he's innocent.
She even says, I don't care if he's innocent, we're going to ruin his life.
He's wasted so much of my time.
No, that's the Democrats that wasted your time.
That's the mainstream media that wasted your time in their political persecution.
But here's just some of the examples in case you haven't seen it.
Here's some of the examples.
This woman was on CNN and MSNBC.
It was their biggest story all night, two nights ago.
And now people that saw it are realizing, holy smokes.
This is the average Democrat voter.
This is the average person that's been aimed and politicized against Donald Trump.
It's mentally ill and deranged people who, if they were flying airplanes, conducting trains, driving cars, in charge of infrastructure, everything would be collapsing and burning all around us.
Oh wait!
That's what's happening!
And so here she is on CNN.
Emily, thank you for coming on.
I do want to say off the top, as you and I just discussed, but for everyone to know, you are somewhat limited in what you can discuss under the judge's orders as of now.
Now, pause it right here.
Imagine how evil CNN and MSNBC are knowing...
This woman is mentally impaired and knowing that they're putting her in a compromised position of going in front of television audiences and potentially breaking the rules of the jury of the court.
And they know that and they still put her out there.
And not only do they know that...
They know how hyper-politicized things are.
They're behind it.
They put her name on television, putting her out there as bait, hoping she'll get attacked.
Hoping that she'll come back to CNN and MSNBC to do a segment where she's crying about how evil Trump supporters are.
So CNN sets her up to break the rules of the court and sets her up with her name and her identity on television to get political attacks so that they can have her back on crimes telling everybody how mean Trump is.
Questions remaining for everyone that wasn't in that jury room with you is how many people are in trouble here?
What can you tell us about how many people you recommended as a group to face indictments?
I will thank you for having me, first of all, and I'm hesitant to speak to something that the judge made a decision not to share.
He, I don't know if everyone's aware of this, but there was a hearing About what parts of the report should and should not be published in its various forms.
And the list, well, the sections that were removed were consciously chosen to be removed.
And I don't want to say I have better judgment than the judge.
That's totally understandable.
Is it, would you say, when it comes to, there are, there are indictments recommended, of course.
Is it more than 12 people?
Is it more than 20 people?
I think if you look at the page numbers of the report, there's about six pages in the middle that got cut out.
Allow for spacing.
It's not a short list.
Not a short list.
More, I mean, when it comes to 75 witnesses, it's not, I assume, of course, it's not 75 people.
Would you characterize it as 20-ish people?
I can't say I counted.
More than a dozen, though I think I'd heard you say in another interview.
I believe so.
That's probably a good assumption.
I personally want to hear from the former president.
I wanted to hear from the former president, but honestly, I kind of wanted to subpoena the former president because I got to swear everybody in.
And so I thought it'd be really cool to get 60 seconds with President Trump.
They can't even come up with plausible lies.
We are fighting, like when the Russians went into Berlin in 1945, 12-year-olds.
All the other men are dead.
And they're dangerous, but they don't know what they're doing.
They blow themselves up as often as they blow you up.
So they're dangerous, you gotta respect it, but we're fighting the dregs.
We're fighting the fumes.
And I don't say that from a place of strength.
I just thought that would be an awesome moment.
They're dangerous, you gotta respect it, but we're fighting the dregs.
We're fighting the fumes.
And I don't say that for a place of strength.
Because the fumes, the zombies, are in control of everything.
Now we put that extra Alex Jones clip in there because he was absolutely right.
That was from a year ago.
But what's amazing is imagine the people like seeing in there that put the child to be the pilot, the five-year-old to be the pilot of the plane like, yeah, haha, we got the pilot.
And you're like, oh, we shouldn't do this.
We're all going to die.
And they're like, no, no, everything is fine.
You just don't like it because you're a bigot.
And it's like.
Don't you realize you're going down too?
Don't you realize you're gonna crash and burn too?
When you put psychos like this in charge of our civilization, like, you're going down too!
But then you realize they want to go down.
So you want to know why things are collapsing all around us?
You want to know why you're seeing such insanity?
It's because humans have been domesticated and dumbed down in many cases into permanent arrested development and mental illness and mental Incapacitation.
Like we see from that juror in the Trump-Georgia case.
And now, this just happened, another train incident.
This time in New York.
Tractor-trailer semi just sittin' on the train tracks.
What do you think's gonna happen?
Boy, I don't know, a train's gonna come by and smash into it, probably.
Oh, there it is!
Do you realize how insane this is?
You have to try to be that incompetent.
Or you've been dumbed down, you've been mentally impaired, you've become mentally handicapped that we see stuff like this all the time now.
On a daily basis, from structure fires, plant fires, plant explosions, plane crashes, train crashes.
It's the norm now.
And see, we have this misconception that we're the most advanced civilization of all time because we've got all this technology.
Do you think the people from the movie WALL-E, do you think those humans were the most advanced humans of all time?
Those were the most pathetic humans of all time.
They might have had the best technology, but that actually made them pathetic.
To such an extent they can't even walk.
Well, that's where we're headed.
But I think we're going to turn it around.
I really do believe that.
I don't believe this is humanity's final stage.
I don't believe this is humanity's final destiny.
But we're going to have to learn the hard way what's really going on here.
And so, yes, you're going to continue to see the infrastructure collapse.
You're going to continue to see these crazy events, seemingly inexplicable.
But you're going to figure out what's going on here.
You're going to figure out That we've been chemically under attack, psychologically under attack, to dumb us down, and make us mentally handicapped.
And unless you know that attack is there, then you're going to be destroyed by it.
And that's why InfoWars are so important.
Because we tell you the attack is there, we warn you about the attack, and then people can protect themselves from it, and still be people.
And still be human.
Because this is all about taking away your humanity and turning you into a slave, or turning you into some demonically possessed entity, like that woman in the CNN, MSNBC interviews, the Georgia jury foreperson appears to be.
I mean, anybody can look at that and say, that's a mentally disturbed person, that person is mentally ill.
Shouldn't be the lead person on a jury, shouldn't even be in a jury.
Think she's a witch.
Literally, by the way.
People went and found her social media.
She literally is into witchcraft.
And, and, and Wiccan, uh, pagan crap.
Literally, she is.
People found her social media.
It's all over the place.
And again, it's like they wanted you to see that.
It's like they wanted you to see how deranged these people are that they have putting, they're putting control of the country and our political destiny in the hands of Lunatics like that woman.
They wanted you to see that.
They're gloating about how they're gonna dominate you with inferior people.
They're gonna indominate you with... They're gonna dominate you with inferior souls, inferior spirits, inferior humans, inferior entities.
They wanted you to go find her social media and see that she's into witchcraft and wizardry.
She thinks she's a Harry Potter elf.
And she's flying the plane.
She's conducting the trains.
She's in charge of the infrastructure.
She's Pete Buttigieg.
She's Kamala Harris.
She's Joe Biden.
She's Sam Brinton.
She's Rachel Devine.
Are you getting the point?
You're being conquered by an inferior species.
It's demonic.
It is of the devil.
It is of Satan.
That's why they're so afraid of the name Jesus Christ.
That's why they want to get the Bible out of schools.
They don't want you to be empowered by God.
They don't want you to know about your real destiny, your real potential, your real divine creation and destiny.
And life purpose.
So yes, you have... Her name is Emily Coles, I think it is.
But, but, Emily Coles is Kamala Harris.
Emily Coors is Kamala Harris.
Emily Coors is Joe Biden.
Emily Coors is Pete Bootyjudge.
Emily Coors is Sam Brinton.
Emily Coors is Rachel Devine.
Emily Coors is your local liberal teachers guild head.
Do you see why everything is collapsing around us?
Do you see why we've gone so off track?
Now this woman, Emily Coors, that is the Jory Fur Person that CNN and MSNBC put out there as bait, she's so batty, she's so insane, that even the anti-Trump controlled political opposition is doubting that she's real.
And so all the Democrats and Republicans that hate Trump are sharing this tweet saying they think that Emily Coors is actually a Trumper who's trolling.
No, this is your average libtard.
This is what you've done to Democrat voters.
They hate their own image.
That's why they hate gays against groomers.
That's why they hate being called groomers.
Because they hate their own image.
And so they see what they've created And they hate it, and they deny it, and they say, she must be a Trumper.
No, that's clearly an anti-Trump, deranged, propagandized, brainwashed leftist that thinks she's a witch in Gryffindor.
She thinks she's gonna pick up a Nimbus 3000 broom and fly away and meet Donald Trump.
But she is Pete Booty Judge.
Pete Buttigieg is her.
And that's why everything is collapsing.
And so Pete Buttigieg finally shows up in East Palestine.
And this guy's a joke.
Nobody has respect for this guy.
And so there used to be kind of an air of prestige to politicians or leaders like this.
That's all gone.
And so this prestige that a Pete Buttigieg, a department of Transportation Secretary may have had walking through town maybe a little admiration, maybe a little respect.
Not anymore!
He's a clown boy now!
He's a little boy now!
He's a disgrace!
He's an embarrassment!
But he showed up in East Palestine three weeks later.
He likes to wear his hard hat around.
He's got little glasses.
He's got a little fluorescent vest on, you know, because he's Pete Booty, judge.
He's a real serious guy.
He's a construction guy.
Maybe with Legos.
He might be able to build a Lego set.
That's about what he's qualified to do, infrastructure-wise.
But let's see him put a Lego set together, and then maybe we can put him in charge of the Department of Transportation.
But he was confronted.
Here's the video.
Sorry, Pete.
I just have a quick question.
The American public doesn't seem to be very confident in your ability to do your job.
Will you be resigning anytime soon?
I'm not here for politics.
I'm here to make sure the community can get what they need.
Will you apologize for the response?
For the slow response taking your time?
for the slow response taking your time?
Probably one of the big things.
Let's go in here and get away from it.
No apology?
These aren't serious people.
These aren't serious people and we're realizing it now.
Inferior clowns, arrested development, mentally retarded people like Pete Booty Judge are dominating our civilization and dictating its future and that's why everything is collapsing around us.
Now the awakening is on.
Let's be perfectly clear.
There is a yin and yang.
There is a pendulum.
And the awakening is on.
Americans are realizing they're being ruled by inferior people.
And see, you've been taught to think you're inferior.
You've been taught to think that you're lesser.
You are superior.
You are elite.
You are fully capable.
You have the power of God the Creator.
You are the superior to scum like Pete Booty Judge.
And it's time we realize that and get these vermin off of our neck!
Well, we know why Pete Bootyjudge didn't want to go to East Palestine.
And it's a multitude of reasons, really, but... It's because he's incompetent, and his incompetence would be on full display if he went there.
And so here he is, pretending to be serious.
Here he is, LARPing.
As a construction guy!
As a real boy!
He just wants to be a real boy!
Pete Bootyjudge, he just wants to be a real boy!
But of course he's a fraud, he's a phony, and so he looks completely out of place.
It's like a dog that, you know, is trying to pretend to be a cat or something.
It's like, no, that's a dog.
It's like, here's Pete Buttigieg pretending to be competent.
No, no, no.
Clearly that man doesn't know what he's doing, and nobody has any respect for him.
And that's why he didn't want to go out there, because he's being called out.
He's being Confronted on his incompetence and his LARPing as a real Secretary of Transportation.
He's a joke, he's a goon, just like all these other leftists put in positions of power.
They don't belong there, and as soon as they get forced to actually do the job, you can see what an incompetent mess they really are.
Pete Buttigieg is just one of the greatest examples.
Sam Brinton, another great example.
By the way, I'm going to be hosting the War Room.
Alex Jones is going to be coming back to host the second hour.
A hilarious story developing.
A woman who had her luggage stolen in 2016.
I believe it was at the Reagan International Airport in DC, but we're going to be covering this on The War Room.
A woman that had her luggage stolen in 2016 has gone and looked at Sam Brinton's social media and found that all of her wardrobe that got stolen, Sam Brinton is posting pictures of on the internet.
How long has that guy been stealing people's luggage, and why does he like to wear it and post his new clothes on Twitter so much?
This is right out of Silence of the Lambs, where the mass murdering psychopaths like to chop up the skin, cut off the skin of their victims and wear it.
This is like the lesser version of that evil.
Sam Brinton stealing people's clothes and wearing them and posting them on social media.
And so here is the woman, we're going to be covering this later today on The War Room, and she shows that they're her clothes!
She shows pictures like, here's my clothes, here's my jewelry, all stolen, D.C.
Reagan Airport, 2016, and now he's wearing all of them in his social media posts.
Woman's clothes, stolen by a man that he posts images on on social media, right out of Silence of the Lambs.
Where the psychotic murderer cuts off the skin of his victims and wears it.
Unbeli- I mean, guys!
So, I didn't mean to get off topic, we're going to be covering that later, but there it is.
Truly unbelievable stuff.
This is the left.
These are Democrats.
This is the Biden administration.
They're not serious people.
They are inferior people, and they are severely demented and mentally ill.
They should not have their hands on the controls, the levers, and the knobs of civilization, or civilization as we know it will collapse, as you're beginning to see.
As you're beginning to see.
It's undeniable.
So, Alex is going to be coming back to host the second hour.
We do have Samantha Hernandez joining us right out of the gates in the second hour.
And you can see her in a lot of the footage that you have seen the last couple days in East Palestine.
She got a couple questions into President Trump.
And then she has been following Booty Judge around.
The only thing missing from Pete Bootyjudge today is his clown makeup and little red nose.
But he's gonna LARP and he's gonna put on, he's like a Lego man and I can put on the construction hat and I can put on the construction outfit because I'm Lego man Pete!
And I can get pregnant and I can have babies!
This is your mentally ill Secretary of the Department of Transportation.
Oh, I wonder why we have train wrecks every day now.
I wonder why our transportation infrastructure is collapsing.
I wonder why it took three weeks for Pete to get to East Palestine with maybe the worst chemical disaster in U.S.
Because he's a clown!
He's not a serious person!
He's a mentally handicapped individual, LARPing as a serious person, LARPing as a superior intellect, and of course he's not at all.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we've got to keep InfoWars on the air.
And it's thanks to our great audience shopping at InfoWarsStore.com that we are on the air.
And people know about the attacks against Alex and InfoWars.
People know a lot about them, but really it's about half that people even know about.
And I'm not here to tell the story about the attacks that Alex Jones goes through behind the scenes or even myself, but I can tell you it's Beyond grateful that I am for this listener-supported broadcast and this listener-supported platform.
Not like NPR that steals your money from government taxing you and then funds left-wing leftist propaganda.
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All right, now meanwhile, you want to see brainwashing?
You want to see people fully falling for propaganda?
This happened in London today.
So you already have the Stop Oil activists that want to send us back to the Stone Age and have us living in caves.
I notice that none of them want to live in a cave, but I guess they will eventually too with the rest of us.
Now they're shutting down roads so that they can paint a Ukraine flag on the road.
This is shocking stuff, guys.
Here it is.
A Ukrainian flag is painted outside the Russian Embassy in London.
And they shut down the street to do this.
And they're painting it yellow and blue like it's the Ukraine flag in front of the Russian Embassy.
These people are psychotic.
These are brainwashed zombies.
And of course people's cars and bikes and everything is being ruined as they put this fresh paint out there.
Why would they even be allowed to do this without getting arrested?
That's beyond me.
Oh, that's because it's leftist propaganda, so it's all good.
It's war propaganda, so it's all good.
I'm a peace-loving liberal!
I'm an anti-war liberal!
And I want nuclear war with Russia!
We're gonna show those Russians!
I'm a peaceful liberal.
I'm an anti-war liberal.
And we're gonna start nuclear war with Russia.
Yeah, how do you like that?
And we're so peaceful, and we're so anti-war, that we're gonna paint the Ukraine flag right in front of the Russian Embassy.
That'll show them.
More madness, more sickness.
Yeah, you don't think mentally demented people can lead you into war?
Absolutely they can.
And they are.
And they are.
But hey!
Just get used to it.
Just get used to everywhere you go now.
I mean, unless you're in, like, a real rural area, or unless you're in, you know, small-town America that, you know, votes 80, 85% for Trump, then you're gonna start to witness your society, your civilization, your local infrastructure just collapsing all around you.
And you're gonna see and witness things that you can't even explain.
But I'm telling you what it is right now, folks.
The mentally disturbed, mentally ill, propagandized, brainwashed, quote-unquote liberal progressive democrat class that now has been put in positions of power and influence all around you, you're going to start to see massive infrastructure collapse, massive civilizational decay, and just displays of mental illness and derangement.
The lights of which you never thought you'd see.
And you're going to see all of it.
Now, I just want to be clear here.
I'm not negative.
I'm a realist.
I think America is going to survive this.
I think America and freedom and the free market is going to survive this and come out on the other side of it stronger.
But we're going to go through it, folks.
I mean, we're going to go through it.
But I think ultimately this great reset will be a great reset for freedom and self-government.
Now, first hour in the books, Alex is going to be coming up here in the second hour, I'm told.
Is he ready to go now with Savannah, guys?
Well, I'd love to get the opportunity to interview Savannah out there in East Palestine.
But Alex is back, and he's going to be taking over the Alex Jones Show.
I'll be back hosting The War Room my normal time, 3 p.m.
It has been an honor hosting this hour with you.
We'll see you guys later.
There is a war that will control my destiny, your destiny, our children's destinies.
And that war is something that we can win, but it takes dedication, it takes commitment.
That's why I ask listeners respectfully to go to infowarestore.com and buy great products that will enrich and empower your life while keeping us on air at the very same time.
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We live in a time when the Clinton body count is just a foregone conclusion.
As court released details about the 2022 suicide of Bill Clinton aide Mark Middleton, who signed in Jeffrey Epstein 7 out of 17 times when Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell visited the White House, Middleton also rode on the Lolita Express as a Clinton liaison Those public details reveal he managed to tie himself to a tree with an electrical cord and shoot himself with a gun that didn't exist at the scene.
It's obvious.
There are zero repercussions for those in power, and the feeding frenzy by globalist parasites in league with the Clintons upon the American public is well underway.
Here's the problem!
Here's the problem!
That is why it is disturbing to the human fight-or-flight instinct when recent plane crashes carrying EPA scientists.
All five people on board work for an environmental consulting firm.
The plane took off from the Clinton National Airport around noon.
A fire at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, which is one of the
nation's enriched uranium processing facilities.
We process materials in support of nuclear Navy mission.
Train derailments and fires at manufacturing and food processing plants in Fayetteville,
West Virginia, Gothenburg, Nebraska, Medley, Florida, and Bedford, Ohio, raise alarms causing
the innocent populace, dubbed by the powerful as conspiracy theorists and deplorables, to
do a double take.
Will you apologize to the residents of this city?
I'm happy to have this conversation.
Alright, y'all, so we are with the press secretary for Pete Buttigieg, and right now we are being told that we are not supposed to be filming.
Again, we are here on behalf of the American public.
There's no controlling of the amount of air that gets in it.
That's why you smell that soot.
So it's not a controlled burn because a controlled burn would have to be like in a furnace or in your car or some system where you control the fuel or the vinyl chloride and the amount of oxygen.
So they didn't do that.
So it's an uncontrolled burn.
Who is responsible for these fires?
Is it Soros Antifa?
Mexican cartels?
Illegal aliens?
Russians or the Chinese?
Or a combination of all of them?
One thing is for sure, they are increasing.
And like the Clinton body count, it's getting sloppier.
In Frankfort, Pennsylvania, multiple law enforcement responded after an 18-inch pipe bomb, capped at both ends, was removed for further investigation from the train tracks.
And while the elites pushed for a digital ID prison planet system that they wanted implemented yesterday, People already live their lives digitally.
The question is whether government and politics can catch up with that reality.
In China, the government is already able to program what its citizens can and cannot spend their money on.
And it seems like the West is paying attention.
In nations like Sweden, South Africa and Canada, trials of programmable central bank currencies are already underway.
Pay insufficient attention.
to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.
Crime scene that is East Palestine, Pennsylvania reveals more sloppy malice aforethought.
MyID works by taking a camera phone and pointing it at a QR code.
It provides valuable medical information such as allergies, breathing difficulties, or other conditions so you get proper treatment and care.
My goal is to have 100% of our residents and the citizens we serve in the township to have one of these and be working with them to make sure that we can treat them better and provide the best service that we can.
There's a three-year plan to get MyID going across the village and make it available to all 4,700 residents.
Were the Trump supporters that make up most of the population of East Palestine merely a targeted Agenda 2030 digital ID experiment?
And was the density of organic farms, the Amish population, and food processing plants in and around East Palestine just another target as Bill Gates and foreign interests buy up U.S.
The food supply is obviously crucial.
Whoever controls the food and the energy and the money.
And now, at this point, if you're not prepping, you're somewhat foolish, actually.
I hate to use that term, but let's just be realistic.
Famines can happen suddenly, or they can happen slowly.
It's sloppy, and it's right in front of all of us.
John Bowne reporting.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
We are now into hour number two on this Thursday, February 23rd, 2023 broadcast.
I appreciate Owen coming in and doing the first hour.
I don't want to spend much time on why I wasn't here, but just give everybody a bankruptcy update.
Free Speech Systems is in Chapter 11, Subchapter 5, Bankruptcy, to not shut down, but to reorganize through all these lawsuits and attacks and stay on air.
And you notice, we're still on air, and we're going to stay on air, as long as you support the broadcast and buy the products and we're able to pay the bills.
And that's exactly what's happening.
I'm in personal bankruptcy.
So I'm able to put my cards on the table of the world, that all the stuff you see in the news, about tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars, is all made up, all media disinformation, all garbage.
And then you've got the U.S.
Trustee's Office of the Justice Department that's involved itself in this.
That's pretty standard in a big case.
And I was interrogated for about two hours this morning.
Usually these meetings go 30 minutes.
It went about an hour and 45.
And they asked me stuff about my cat.
And how fancy my cat is, and how expensive my cat is, and I guess the cat may need to go as ransom or something, or be given over in a settlement.
I mean, just stuff that my lawyers, who've been doing this a long time, have never heard before.
But I mean...
I mean, I guess we could put the cat in a cannon and fire it out to sea if that makes the people that want to shut this show down happy, but that's a joke.
I'm not going to put the cat in a cannon and shoot it out to sea.
It's just surreal, ladies and gentlemen.
Absolutely surreal, because the system has said I'm a villain, when I'm not.
You know, I'm not Johnson & Johnson knowingly putting asbestos for 70 years in talcum powder for babies.
I didn't, like Vioxx, know that it would kill millions of people, but still get it approved in the 1990s to kill millions in America alone.
Because I'm the bad guy.
I didn't push a poison shot and tell you it was safe and effective, but it's now killed millions and wounded tens of millions.
Because I'm the bad guy.
I'm not having drag queen pedophile time.
Because I'm the bad guy.
I'm not starting World War III with Russia.
Because I'm the bad guy.
I haven't dissolved the southern border and allowing hundreds of thousands of smuggled children a year to be brought across.
Because I'm the bad guy.
I'm not the one allowing fentanyl to be shipped in en masse because I'm the bad guy.
I'm not the guy devaluing the dollar because I'm the bad guy.
I'm not the guy that did the open air burn of a super toxic dioxin train in Ohio because I'm the bad guy.
I'm the bad guy, and the American people are the bad guys, and you don't want to give your guns up, you're the bad guys.
Sure, the elites have bodyguards, the politicians have bodyguards, you can't have a gun to protect yourself, because you are the bad guys.
You're the evil Americans that have got to be taught, and you will be taught, to submit to the New World Order.
Except you're not submitting.
And so all the attacks I'm under and all the disinformation is nothing because I expected this and a lot more taking the globalist on.
What I did not really expect when I started out 28, almost 29 years ago, is the ultra-massive effect this broadcast would have.
I figured we'd have a big effect and change the world together, but I never really imagined how critical we'd be.
So I want to thank you all for your support.
You did this.
You're the reason world government's all over the news.
You're the reason international polls show 80 plus percent of people that are against it.
You're the reason their central bank digital currencies are in trouble, and their world IDs, and their social credit scores, and their forced injections, and their carbon taxes.
You are the people they hate because you're a very race, color, and creed.
And you don't want to adopt their New World Order system.
You want to go forward with a pro-human system, and I salute you, and I thank you, and I appreciate you.
But that is the type of stuff that I have been dealing with, and it's just, it's comical.
So I want to get first into the jury, grand jury lady that we've been talking about since yesterday, because it even captured The attention of mainline leftists, how absurd it was that she was on CNN bragging and laughing and on a complete power trip that she would be in control of Trump and she would have him under her control and she would use the court system to exact this punishment.
This is the spirit of the left and the weaponized judiciary and the weaponized legal system and their lawfare.
And they're persecuting the American people and they have no idea they've turned the general public against them.
They have no idea they've lost the narrative.
They have no idea that the globalists in their own internal documents that have leaked say they are basically done.
And their only hope is to cause a world war that they think they can use that crisis to stay in power.
So let's play a little clip of this buffoon.
Is she trolling or a kooky trumper?
That's what the left is having to say.
Oh, that because she wants Trump under her control and she wants to dominate in all this, that she acted like this to make the grand jury look absurd.
No, she's tone deaf.
She doesn't know what she sounds like.
She doesn't know what she looks like.
She's on a power trip.
These people pretend like they're part of the power structure.
They go along with a power structure that is destroying all of us.
And they think it's funny and cute and wear their Ukrainian flags.
So here she is.
Do you personally want to hear from the former president?
I wanted to hear from the former president, but honestly, I kind of wanted to subpoena the former president because I got to swear everybody in.
And so I thought it'd be really cool to get 60 seconds with President Trump of me looking at him and being like, do you solemnly swear?
And me getting to swear.
Emily, thank you for coming on.
I do want to say off the top, as you and I just discussed, but for everyone to know, you are somewhat limited in what you can discuss under the judge's orders as of now.
But one, we do know of course, one of the biggest questions remaining for everyone that wasn't in that jury room with you, is how many people are in trouble here?
What can you tell us about how many people you recommended as a group to face indictments?
I will thank you for having me first of all and I'm I'm hesitant to speak to something that the judge made a decision not to share.
He I don't know if everyone's aware of this but there was a hearing About what parts of the report should and should not be published in its various forms.
And the list, well, the sections that were removed were consciously chosen to be removed.
And I don't want to say I have better judgment than the judge.
That's totally understandable.
Is it, would you say, when it comes to, there are, there are indictments recommended, of course.
Is it more than 12 people?
Is it more than 20 people?
I think if you look at the page numbers of the report, there's about six pages in the middle that got cut out.
Allow for spacing.
It's not a short list.
Not a short list.
More, I mean, when it comes to 75 witnesses, it's not, I assume, of course, it's not 75 people.
Would you characterize it as 20-ish people?
I can't say.
I counted.
More than a dozen, though, I think I'd heard you say in another interview.
I believe so.
That's probably a good assumption.
Oh, wow.
This lady's really, really hard to deal with.
We had a rare computer failure on the clips, but we'll be able to come back and get to those clips and continue with the news here today and a lot more.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
But if you think that's a cringe clip, wait till we get to the next one on the other side.
And what's happening is people's brains are degenerating everywhere.
I personally want to hear from the former president.
I wanted to hear from the former president, but honestly, I kind of wanted to subpoena the former president because I got to swear everybody in.
And so I thought it'd be really cool to get 60 seconds with President Trump.
They can't even come up with plausible lies.
We are fighting, like when the Russians went into Berlin in 1945, 12 year olds.
All the other men are dead.
And they're dangerous, but they don't know what they're doing.
They blow themselves up as often as they blow you up.
So they're dangerous, you gotta respect it, but we're fighting the dregs.
We're fighting the fumes.
And I don't say that from a place of strength.
Because the fumes, the zombies, are in control of everything.
People warn about it.
A long time ago, they'd dumb everybody down and we'd reach this point of infrastructure collapse, mental collapse, spiritual collapse, and we're now entering it, ladies and gentlemen.
Listen to that woman.
She didn't want to subpoena Trump because she thought he might be guilty.
She wanted the power of having him under her control.
Coy cryptic cringe.
She's the queen of cringe.
And that's what these people are exactly like.
She is the example, not the exception, of what the modern dingbat is like in our culture, in our society.
And I hate to say it.
All right, let me tell you about some of the huge news we've got here.
First off, China wading into the Russia-Ukraine World War III situation.
We're going to get into that.
Janet Yellen, the head of the private Federal Reserve, pledging 10 billion more to Ukraine.
One thing Trump said that was wrong in East Palestine was that it's like 119 billion the U.S.
has sent.
If you look at all the different funds, it's closer to 190 billion.
If you look at what Europe's put in, it's over 10 billion.
You're talking about $200 billion.
And so much of it's being laundered right back here into the United States. So the path to World War III
is paved with these kleptocrats.
We've got a big stack here on the cashless society and the carbon tax being officially rolled out
by MasterCard and others and how that ties into the new global ID. Got articles on that.
Also, Chuckie Schumer calls McCarthy giving January 6 tapes to Tucker Carlson,
one of the worst security risks since...
Yeah, you can't show the Feds provocateuring and running that operation.
No, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
We're also going to be getting into an issue that I don't cover enough because I know at one level it's just going to create division and that's not what we need.
We need to all love each other.
But you can't address a problem if the corporate media continues to cover it up and censor those that expose it.
But every time I hear about a mass shooting or some big death, and I notice that they have the suspect in custody, they won't ever show the picture.
I go, well, I know why.
I know why this story is going to go away real quick, because it's not a white person.
So it isn't about demonizing the black people that a small minority of them are committing the disproportionate majority of these type of violent crimes.
It's about not letting the Justice Department...
Since Biden got in two years ago, joining the whole Hollywood ADL narrative that white people are the most vicious, out-of-control criminals everywhere.
It's not fair to lie about white people as a group and say we're bad terrorists, and then cover up young black males committing the majority, the majority of violent crime.
And most black males don't do that, and they're hard-working good people, and they don't deserve it.
Just like white people don't deserve to be blamed for what some other white person does.
But when a white person goes out and commits a mass shooting, you don't ever stop hearing about it forever.
And how all white people and how all gun owners are collectively to blame.
That's preposterous.
And then you can expand on that, but as soon as I was on CNN last night and I saw Three killed, a mother, a nine-year-old, and a news camera person.
And as soon as it didn't say what the person's race was, I knew it was not a white person.
Sure enough, I put the shooter's name in.
It's a young black man.
And it's in every case.
It was in the local news who he was, and that he had this giant rap sheet of armed robberies and assaults and gun crimes.
He's 19 years old.
For one armed robbery, he should be in jail five to ten years.
And then they should really check and see if he's been rehabilitated.
I don't care if he's black or white, but no, no, no.
19 with a rap sheet two inches thick.
And that's just since his record was an adult in two years.
So in less than two years, 18 and 19, he's 19 and a half, he's got a big old giant armed robbery crime rap sheet, assault rap sheet, and he's on the streets because of these Soros prosecutors, and then he goes and kills people who are totally innocent, including a nine-year-old girl, And a camera person who responded to another shooting in the area.
So there's a camera crew out there for another shooting.
Better know if he did that.
And he comes out and shoots up the camera truck, wounds one person, kills the other guy, and then goes in a house and kills a 20-year-old mother and her 9-year-old.
Hell, he'll probably be out in five years.
All because he's "black".
By the way, the shooter in Florida a few years ago that shot all those people at that public
school, because his last name was Cruz, he was adopted, he was white, because his last
name was Cruz, despite a rap sheet again about two inches thick of violence and robbery and
death threats, he was released with no time served because his last name was Cruz by the
minority "reform program" in Florida and carried out in Broward County so he could go kill
all those people.
And the left knows exactly what they're doing.
So listen, if you're a white person and you've committed a serious crime, seriously, identify
as Hispanic, because you can be a man and identify as a woman if you want to.
I see all the cases of rapists, murderers, people that have kidnapped and raped little kids in the US and Canada, in England.
I saw more articles about it yesterday, a new case, raping, murdering babies, and you're a white guy, and you just identify as a woman, they stick you in a woman's prison where you can start raping people, and they do!
So, if you ever get in trouble and you're white, just identify as black or hispanic and you can get out of jail free, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, how sick and racist is that?
I don't care what damn color your pigment is.
You commit a violent crime, your ass needs to serve hard time.
And you kill somebody premeditatedly, we need to kill your ass.
And I don't mean 20 years of appeals.
You need to be dead within two years.
Get your appeals, speed them through, and then hang your ass.
People, that sounds vicious, that's mean, that's bad.
What about all the rest of us dying here?
By the way, you know who the biggest victim of black male crime is, is black people.
That's who they're killing, is their own damn people!
I don't care what color these monsters are, get their crazy asses off the streets!
And lock their asses up!
Breaking boulders!
Hard labor!
That's how you reprove people, that's how you get them fixed!
Alright, I'm gonna tell you a couple stories, and I'm gonna get into all the news, that happened to me in just the last week, that are very interesting.
Though anecdotal, you can see it in the statistics and numbers.
And I'm going to give the phones out on a specific issue.
I wish I could have been there for the first hour.
I couldn't.
No one did a great job.
So I heard the end of it.
There is a bodega about a quarter mile from where I live that's owned by Indians.
And I've run into the grandpa and the grandma and the sons and the daughters, everybody that runs this place.
And they just love me in there and all the time I go in there to buy some ice cream or eggs or whatever and or tortilla chips whatever we're getting or hot sauce whatever my wife sends me to get that we've forgotten And all of a sudden, I always notice, especially if I pay cash, I get more money back than I pay.
And they go, oh, we love you, we love you.
And so I start talking to these guys.
And they go, we know they're trying.
I can't really do it in an accent, but you know the accent.
We know they're trying to destroy Alex, but they'll never destroy Alex.
And the people love Alex.
And the people in India, my family, they love Alex.
And India loves Alex.
And we're going to defeat the new world order.
We love Alex.
They were always real quiet.
They've owned it a few years.
They're always smiling at me and, Oh, take something, take something free.
We love you.
And so now I started talking to these guys and they're huge fans.
They listen all the time.
So I was in there about a week ago at night and I noticed that The guy had a bulge right there, and I said, oh, you starting to pack?
And he said, yes, yes.
You know, because there's more crime now.
And I said, well, that's good.
Yes, we have to.
Second Amendment.
I'm an American citizen now.
Second Amendment.
That's great.
I'm proud of you.
Shake the guy's hand.
Then yesterday on the way home, I stop at another bodega.
But I've never asked the guy.
I've talked to him a lot over the years.
Is he Lebanese?
Is he Turkish?
I mean, I can't tell, but you know, you can look and talk to him and they're all packing in the bodega and have long discussions with that guy.
Not long, but a few minutes here and there.
A lot of discussions.
And he says, your show, this is like two days ago, your show, Starts at 11 a.m.
I want to call in.
I want to give you my number.
Call me.
I want to come on.
And I was in a hurry and I said, hey, just, you know, just call in 11 a.m.
And so I'll probably try to go by there today and actually get his number.
He's a really articulate, smart guy.
Maybe I can get him in the studio.
His business is like a mile and a half from where I'm sitting.
And this, where the studios are, is not in the fanciest part of Austin.
That's why we have, you know, a lower rent cost rate here.
We don't own the building.
That's why I located it here.
It is truly a low rent cost.
And he says, the crime is exploding.
They're robbing everyone.
And this mayor, he is evil.
And the last mayor, even worse.
And you see what they do on Lamar.
Blocking the roads and attacking the people.
And it's happening all over the place.
Of course, he's sitting there packing a Glock on his side.
But the point was is that I'm seeing the immigrants, the ones that own businesses, actually buying into America more than the average person that's been here five generations, ten generations.
And that's an exciting good thing.
But they're also where the rubber meets the road in these businesses that get robbed at gunpoint.
And they have to risk their lives, just like the police do, to be out there on the street.
We're a city of two million people.
That went from, what was it, 1,400 police down to like 850?
And I talked to an inside police source that when the contract comes up in, I think it's a month and a half from now, April, that up to 10% of the police force is taking early retirement and walking, so we'll have 700 and something police here.
And as much as I like to speed, as much as I like to not get pulled over, you don't see police pulling people over.
You don't see police responding to most crimes now, because they can't.
And besides, the district attorney, who is literally a communist put in by Soros, look it up, will not prosecute even people that do mass shootings in downtown Austin.
Well, no one died, eight people got shot, but we're going to let you out the next day because you're black.
And again, I'm not bashing black people.
You think the average black person wants black criminals to have a get out of jail free card?
Why do you think black crimes exploded?
Because young black males know they can do whatever they want.
And if the police accidentally kill them like George Floyd, hell, they'll build a national monument to them.
So this is all part of the takedown of the infrastructure.
It's all part of the takedown of the country.
I want to open the phones up for small business owners.
And victims of crime.
And to tell us what you've experienced in your area, seeing the police cut.
Yeah, the police can be out of control, there's some bad ones.
If you get an evil government in charge, the police are really bad.
The globals are trying to take control of the police right now, that's what this whole defund thing is about.
So I don't support the police in North Korea, or communist China, or many areas of Mexico.
You ever been shaken down by the Mexican cops, you know what it feels like to live in a third world country.
So we need to keep the police on a short leash.
We need to keep ourselves, control ourselves in this environment, on a short leash.
That's what self-control is about.
And we need to really go after the criminals, and I don't care what color they are, but the criminals have no fear.
You see the daytime robberies, the shootouts everywhere, almost every day, even where I live.
And nothing's being done about it.
And then nobody wants to go to the mall.
Nobody wants to go out and shop.
Nobody wants to go out and eat at night.
Because I don't want to have to carry a gun around and shoot somebody.
I'm not going to take my wife and family out to eat, where no matter where you live in the town I live in, you're not safe anymore.
I mean, it's bad.
Everyone I know has had their car robbed, or their house broken into, or they've been mugged.
And let me tell you, I've lived in Austin since I was 16 years old, and man, it was so safe Except for a few crime areas where the criminals congregated and the police were all over it.
And we're going into something far worse than the crack epidemic in the 80s and the crime wave we saw there.
At the very same time, the power structure is trying to take everybody's guns, who can't afford bodyguards like these government bureaucrats and others.
And it is a war on the people, and it's wrong.
And no community is hurt worse by these crimes than the black community,
where the crime's out of control, and the police slow roll into those communities,
because if they make a mistake, or somebody can make it look like they made a mistake,
they're gonna go to prison.
So you can't expect people to take the jobs these police officers have
and not have the public's backing until the police prove they've done something wrong.
Then they don't get our backing because that's not a good police officer.
We need them out of the force.
But I can tell you, in America, the police and the firefighters and the EMS first responders are not the problem.
The criminals aren't even the source of the problem.
The source is white leftists whose religion is empowering crime and empowering societal collapse because they know good and well they're trying to collapse the system.
Even the average leftist is not just some useful idiot now.
They know this is a war against civilization and a war against society and they hate America so much they're doing everything they can to destroy it.
Someone hooked the phones up on the collapsing infrastructure, it's a huge subject, on the exploding crime and how the FBI the last two years in a row took out over a hundred major cities and over a thousand towns from the crime statistics and then claimed last year crime's down 0.2%.
Yeah, and I'm a Martian with a baboon butt and four heads.
What are you witnessing?
What are you seeing?
And where do you think this is going?
And all I can say is thank God for the Second Amendment.
Because if we didn't have that, and the areas where the Second Amendment's strong, the crime's still low, we'd be in a lot more trouble.
Toll-free number to join us, 877-789-2539.
If you're that bodega owner, call in.
If you're that bodega owner, call in.
We'll be right back with tons of news, your calls and more, Monday through Friday from
to 3 p.m.
Central, it's the Alex Jones Show.
Loved by patriots, hated by tyrants.
We rely upon God, and God's providence, and nothing else.
But remember, God helps those that help themselves.
So trust in God, but row away from the rocks, as Hunter S. Thompson said.
And as the Bedouins said, trust in God, but tie up your camel.
Alright, I see a lot of callers on the crime wave that the system's trying to suppress and that is empowering.
Why are they doing it?
How do we stop it?
The infrastructure attacks, now the federal government and the big corporate associations that track this confirm record derailments, record fires, record collapse of infrastructure, record attacks on The electricity systems.
The globalists are cutting off the power.
The globalists are putting out a lot of new permits to build electrical transmission lines.
The attacks are intensifying not just here but all over the world.
It is the Extinction Rebellion.
It is the New World Order.
In fact, I want to play a clip before I get into China and Ukraine and your phone calls from Omega Man.
I talk a lot about this Charlton Heston movie.
Because it's very archetypal and it's a remake of The Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price that again got remade a third time 15 years ago or so with Will Smith and I Am Legend.
And it's very archetypal of these Illuminati cults that do want to de-industrialize civilization and end civilization.
That's what the French Revolution was all about and that was the first permutation of what became modern communism.
That's not really taught in schools, but that's in the PhD level history.
That is something that's not debated.
So listen to this clip from Omega Man, early 1970s with Charlton Heston, where the groups that have been infected and lived, most people die from this bio weapon that gets released, have all these scars and it changes the color of their eyes to basically pigmentless.
They're albinos.
And they have him on trial.
And they're about to kill him.
And they explain to him why they're going to kill him.
It turns out he is a biologist, and he is a chemist, and of course he is immune, and only a few others are, and he's trying to isolate in his blood a way to cure these people.
He tries to cure them.
They, of course, kill him.
And it's the whole Christ analogy.
In fact, it's even hung on a cross at the end of the movie.
But this really says it all.
Listen to what the leader of the death cult says to Charlton Heston in Omega Man, and compare it to Klaus Schwab and Extinction Rebellion on the left, and it's the same thing.
Because the writers of this are telling you about the plan.
Here it is.
He has confessed all, brothers.
Murder, use of forbidden tools, practice of prescribed rites.
He admits science, medicine, weapons, machinery, electricity.
He has not shared the punishments.
He does not bear the marks.
Show him, my children.
Show him the pretty marks.
These are the marks, Mr. Neville.
The punishment which you and those like you brought upon us.
In the beginning, we tried to help one another.
Those that were left.
We tried to clean things up, set things straight.
We buried things and burned.
Then it came to me.
That we were chosen.
Chosen for just this work.
To bury what was dead.
To burn what was evil.
To destroy what was dangerous.
You're barbarians.
You call us barbarians?
Well, it is an honorable name.
We mean to cancel the world you civilized people made.
We will simply erase history from the time that machinery and weapons threatened more than they offered.
And when you die, the last living reminder of hell will be gone.
Brother Zachary, We are ready, brother.
Definitely worth watching and understanding an archetype of the spiritual decay.
But they always claim they want to get rid of technology, but really it's only for us.
They don't want us to have it.
They want to be the feudal lords above us.
They the Morlocks, we the Eloi.
And of course, H.G.
Wells wrote many non-fiction books and explained his allegories of his books along similar lines of what they were going to do to us.
And Aldous Huxley, whose brother created the U.N.
and the UNESCO, wrote books about Brave New World saying it's a real plan.
He wrote Brave New World in 1932.
Read it, and we're already living the middle stages of it.
It's a diabolical plan.
And the people affected by the bisphenol A and the atrazine and the dioxin that are sterile and poisoned, they then embrace what's been done to them.
They don't want to be helped.
They don't want to be cured.
They want to kill those of us that are trying to help them.
They want to take the Pfizer death.
They love the big corporations.
They love the Moderna.
They have signed on to it because they hate a world that is beautiful and strong because they feel ugly.
And they want to pull down everything that could lift them out of the muck.
And when you understand that, You understand everything.
A bunch of spoiled, rotten babies, pretending that they're with the power structure, pretending they're going to rule the world, pretending they are the anointed ones that have all the answers, when all they want to do is censor, and surveil, and control, and burn, and attack, and hypocritically live high on the hog while trying to starve others, and starting giant wars in the name of peace?
They're godless.
They're cut off from the divine source.
That is a transmission that fills your cells and shines through you like the light of the sun on a plant.
They are cut off from the source and that's why they behave and act the way they do because they do not have God in their lives.
and they are completely turned over to ignorance.
While they claim great knowledge, but all the statistics and all the studies show,
no matter where you are in the world, Brazil, South Africa, Germany, Russia, Japan,
Canada, the United States, Mexico, Italy, the left statistically steal five, six, seven,
eight, nine, 10 times the rate.
The same rates for claiming charity, not giving to charity.
The same rates for claiming that they are these wonderful, good, hardworking people.
But they're not.
They're frauds.
And they know they're frauds.
And they hate the light.
I'm gonna go to break, come back and take your calls.
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By the way, it's RainForce Plus.
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It's about to... RainFor... Oh, no.
I shouldn't even get into this.
TurboForce Plus is coming back in.
We have RainForce Ultra and RainForce Plus in stock right now.
All right.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
World War III has already started.
Biden is a puppet and is dissolving our borders.
There's mass censorship.
James O'Keefe's been removed from Project Veritas.
The list goes on and on of the bad things that are happening.
But the good things that are happening is humanity is really accelerating its awakening.
But those of us on the forefront are under more attack by the establishment than ever.
That's why I'm counting on you to spread the word about the broadcast, to pray for the broadcast, and to keep the broadcast on the air by getting great products at Infowarshore.com.
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These are truly amazing products.
So, get your InfoWars products at InfoWarsStore.com and enrich your life while keeping the broadcast on the air.
It is your decision on whether or not we stay on air.
So please take action now and then pull restore.
And I'm going right to calls in Scotland and Belgium on the exploding crime wave everywhere.
Same leprous policies in Europe they have here.
Same in Australia and New Zealand.
That's coming up next segment.
I'm going right to your calls, so thanks for calling in.
But I want to play a clip here.
I want to really magnify and support.
There's a bunch of these I saw today, but won't have time to get to any of them except one.
You see the AP reporter calling out the Defense Department spokesman saying that NATO and the U.S.
started the war in Russia and Ukraine?
That's just a fact?
You see Trump coming out against the war.
You see citizens going to these town hall events and getting in the faces of Republicans
and Democrats that are pushing this.
So listen to this gaslighting when Jose Vega confronts Hakeem Jeffries, a member of Congress,
on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline revelations and World War III.
Now he cusses some, but other than that, his message is dead on.
And this is the spirit.
This is how we should all be behaving, minus the cussing.
But I get why he's pissed.
You know, it's like Charlton Heston at the end of Planet of the Apes.
He's like, you murderers, you bleep GD, blah blah blah, you blew it all up, you idiots.
I mean, that's really where we are.
And I've got more polls out today.
Again, 80% are against the war.
80% think Biden's doing a bad job in the war. 80%.
80% aren't against it, it should be 99%, but it wasn't declared by Congress, it's out of control, and it's wrong.
So, here's a clip of Jose Vega, and there's a bunch more.
Then it was like the whole group gets against him, and then they go, fine, we're not taking any more questions.
So if you just go online and type in Jose Vega into Twitter, you'll see his confrontation, and then the same tweet.
You just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
I mean, I probably watched 10 clips this morning.
A few of the people against World War II were wearing masks.
You couldn't hear what they were saying.
Please take the damn mask off.
The same folks bringing you the war brought you the mask hysteria and the poison shots.
So here is this very, very important clip.
We'll be right back with your phone call straight ahead.
The UN Security Council had a meeting yesterday, and Ray McGovern spoke to it.
He is a former member of the CIA, and he testified in support of Seymour Hersh's article on the United States bombing Nord Stream Pipeline.
If it is proven that the United States bombed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, as has been asserted by Seymour Hersh and his article, Will you call for the United States to acknowledge and admit that that was an act of war against Germany and Russia?
And I'm asking this because this may be the only way to prevent the rest of us from being killed in a thermonuclear war.
And I don't want to be fried.
Don't you think the media should be reporting on whether or not this is true?
And don't you think you should be inquiring into whether or not this is true?
Well, thank you for the question.
One, I've got no information to suggest that the United States was involved in bombing the North Stream Pipeline.
Because he would have, you would have been, you weren't briefed on it.
Sir, you got your chance to ask a question.
You weren't given information because he explicitly says you weren't briefed on it.
Shouldn't you inquire?
So here's what I'll say about, I think, you know, President Biden's leadership generally as it relates to the Ukraine and Russia.
We committed an act of war.
What are you doing to respond to that?
We have to hold Biden accountable.
Listen, you're from Brooklyn, right?
You know when to call bullshit when you see it.
So do I. This is bullshit right now.
And I see what's happening right now.
That does not silence me.
You can hear me right now.
I want you to say something about the bombing because we're all going to die from a nuclear war right now unless you stop it and you at least put an inquiry into whether or not it's true.
This war in Ukraine is going to leave us all dead.
So what are you going to do?
Because you need to inquire.
I'm a New Yorker too!
Here's what I'll say.
Say it!
We're going to continue to stand with the Ukrainian people.
That's bullshit!
Do not do that!
You will end us all!
It is war against Vladimir Putin.
We need peace!
We need talks!
Why are you sabotaging talks?
Do not put your hands on me!
We need peace talks!
I am not going to take this!
We need peace talks!
It's a battle between democracy and autocracy.
It's a battle between truth and propaganda.
And it's a battle between tyranny and freedom.
And democracy, truth, and freedom will prevail.
And the United States is going to have to make sure that that happens.
And freedom will prevail in the United States.
Not cremation, diplomacy, not destruction.
How about that?
How about it?
I ask you to join me for a wrap-up.
You damn airhead, you're gonna kill us all.
I don't wanna die in a damn nuclear war, and nobody dies.
We certainly appreciate your freedom of speech.
Calling out those evil puppets.
We are back.
We're taking your calls on the crime wave.
And I should have said, call from anywhere in the world to talk about it.
South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, the continent of Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, the UK, the US, Canada.
And the phones are loaded up from Scotland and Belgium and all over the world.
And it's the same globalist policies of opening borders, bringing in military-age men, Putting in prosecutors that don't prosecute serious crime, rape, murder, abductions, and then the crime explodes.
Why are they doing this?
Well, it's Cloward and Piven.
Collapse the society, because the ultra-rich live behind big gates with armed bodyguards.
And of course, they take our guns, and then we are absolutely like sheep to the slaughter with the wolves.
This is the takedown of civilization, the takedown of society.
The abortion, the infanticide, the transhumanism.
If you go back to every ancient culture, The Mayans, the Aztecs, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, every culture did it, black, white, doesn't matter.
You would get a civilization based on agrarian systems, they would build temples, they would have a ruling class, and within 500 years or so of a civilization forming, in almost every case, human sacrifice was brought forward.
At first, only a few people, then later, the kings, and it's in the Bible, and it's in the text they've dug up, and it's written on the walls of the hieroglyphs in Egypt, That indeed, Ramses II did exist, and he did.
His father, just like in the movie The Ten Commandments, in with Charlton Heston, literally ordered the firstborn Israelite children, boys, to be killed.
There's too many slaves.
There's too many boys.
They're hard to control.
We're going to have an uprising.
He got an uprising, didn't he, with Moses.
and that it's the same thing we can't kill the boys outside the womb outright
so we weaponize them we tell them to be in gangs or we tell them oh you're really a girl let's cut
your genitals off that way you don't have children it's another way of human sacrifice to cut
population that's what's happening let's go to Scotland and then to Belgium Brian thanks for
calling from Scotland you're on the air. Hi Alex it's great to speak to you after all these years
of watching you and I would say Alex google my name later on it's Brian McKerrow that's mckerrow
and you will see the negativity that you'll know I must be an effective a campaigner.
In 1999 I became a father, and since then I've fought to see my child having been acknowledged as the fit father.
And why I'm saying all of this is, I want to quickly, because I know I've got limited time, If you think about what they're doing with CRISPR, I want you now, and I know you'll know when I say it, Alex, the Tender Years Doctrine.
Have you ever heard that statement with regard to paternity, and an issue of paternity between a mother and a father?
Right, now that's actually a scam, because what people don't realise, from the day that that was stamped, and it's still operational, that changed the status of humanity.
Because that birth certificate say for example you were born but your mother and father were born but if your mother your mother you and your mother and father hadn't been married you would have so that condition applied to you and that's the same as CRISPR and I could go into it now I think what we need to do is have a Robert Barnes and free and fry and You beforehand discussed with me, because this is a real test of perception.
They have so subtly scammed us out of our basic rights that we're looking at the wood and don't see the trees.
And can I explain that?
The tender years doctrine changed the status of humanity so that they could inherit ours.
Imagine if you had animals and they owned things.
When they died, no one would chase you up to say, who's inheriting the animals' possessions.
You're bringing up a very sophisticated issue that once they start having designer humans and editing the jeans, the globalists are saying that's not really a human, it doesn't have rights.
Just like in old England or old France, if you were a bastard, it meant you didn't basically have the same rights as someone that came from a married family certified by the church. So you're
talking about them creating an underclass of people and bringing up the family
is a similar modern form of that. But we're talking about crime waves
sir and it's interesting what you're bringing up is important. What do
you want to say about crime waves? Oh the crime is absolutely tied into the disenfranchisement
of society to the individual.
And we see it, and funnily enough you see that, and I've phoned because of this.
I've literally just been charged the other day for harassing the police on the 999.
What have I phoned up for?
I phoned them again today, they've not arrested me.
Because this is what everybody's got to realise, Alex, is When there's something wrong, you have every right to phone the police.
Why are people scared not to phone the police and say, arrest Biden?
He's a war criminal.
Well, let's do this.
You sound like an interesting fellow.
I want to look into you.
What's your full name?
And we'll look it up.
You look it up, and you'll see I've been doing almost comparative work to yourself for as long as you've been doing it.
My name is Brian McKerro, Jr.
It's M-C-K-A-R-R-O-W, and I can take on any law.
Alright, I appreciate you calling.
Gotta be fair to everybody else.
Appreciate you.
A manual in Belgium on small business owners in Europe and the immigrant crime wave.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
Well, first of all, I should say, small businesses, they actually almost don't exist anymore in Western Europe.
I live in Belgium, so I speak French, German, Dutch, so I speak multiple languages, travel a lot, and I see a lot of times it's business closed for forever.
Also, I have to say, I talk a lot to my grandparents as well.
They were born in the beginning 30s, and they have seen really an evolution of Everything was small business, family owned.
And right now it's all Fortune 500 companies.
So I...
Let's explain how that works.
Fortune 500 can pay the bill to control major crime attacking their businesses, but small
businesses can't.
So it effectively, by shutting down the police and bringing in criminals, knocks out the
small businesses.
Yeah, of course, of course.
And that's exactly what we see in big cities like Brussels, Paris, Berlin.
That's exactly what's happening.
Well, look at the UK.
Look at the UK and the Netherlands is paying farmers to sell their family farm and not ever farm again.
And they're doing the same thing for small businesses to shut down.
They do not want independent people.
The problem with the Netherlands is, and I'm a native Dutch speaker, so I understand the situation there very, very, very good.
And the problem is that the farmers, they often say they divide and conquer the farmers as well.
The farmers should have one front and 100% of the farmers should say no to the government.
But the government says, it's not you, you are not the problem, but your neighbor is the problem.
And then divide and conquer and farmers should, you know, unite and say this problem is not a problem.
They stick one farmer on the neighbor and then a year later they go after the farmer that helped the government.
People need to be smarter than that.
Right now they are also beginning to do the same in Belgium and it also works right here.
So it's exactly repeat.
So what the hell is going on?
I don't know.
But it's really, really, really weird what's happening right here.
I should also say, like, the small businesses that still exist are like kebab and pizza bars in Belgium and certainly in France as well.
And I should say in the election 2020 with Trump, people talked a lot about Trump in the election in America as well.
And everyone, every white person in Europe basically was against Trump.
You know, the orange man, you know, the social engineers did their job very, very well right here.
But the immigrants, actually, with backgrounds of Morocco, of Northern Africa, of Asia, Pakistan, they love Trump.
They still love Trump.
I don't know.
Do you have an explanation for that?
But immigrants in the West... Well, I mean, whites have been taught to hate the West and hate success.
And then a lot of folks that have come here, the ones that are entrepreneurs, aspire to be successful, and they do become very successful.
And so when they see what they want being taken away from them, they're smart enough
to recognize the tyranny they left and to see the tyranny taking over their new home.
Thanks for the call.
Now I didn't intend for a bunch of foreign callers to call in.
It's great they did.
You get to get a foreign perspective.
But when we go to break, I'm coming right back with Andrew in Colorado on small business,
And just have your points, make them.
We want to get a gestalt of all your points in here.
We're going to go bam, bam, bam.
I'm going to take all the calls that are on the board before this hour ends.
And then, speaking of the UK, Paul Joseph Watson that had to evacuate a year ago from London because of the insane crime and just total insanity from the countryside outside London will be hosting the fourth hour.
And then, the leftist wrecking ball.
Owen the Cuck Slayer Destroyer will be hosting the War Room 3 p.m.
Central today.
I'm also going to intersperse a lot of the news I haven't gotten to yet coming up as well, like US to expand troop presence in Taiwan, training against China's invasion, World War III is really rolling forward.
How do we stop it?
We'll do our best job.
Stay with me.
I'm Alex Jones, The Globalist.
No, you're coming.
They know we're coming.
We're going to your phone calls right now.
Andrew in Colorado on the crime wave.
What are you experiencing as a small business owner?
Alex, man, it's crazy up here in the belly of the beast.
You know, downtown Denver, I won't even consider going to see clients anymore.
Because if you leave your vehicle for any more than a minute, windows get smashed, they cut the catalytic converters out of the things, they rob the banks in the neighborhoods these days.
You know man, I've lived here for a long time, and Colorado used to be a really nice little cow town where you could go to work and leave your doors open, let your dogs run in your yard and come home and everything was okay.
And just yesterday they robbed the two banks in my neighborhood.
It's ridiculous.
Since, honestly, since they legalized weed in the state, It's brought an influx of nothing but bad and crime up here.
I'm for decriminalization, but not for legalization.
We shouldn't have nonviolence in jail, but it comes with the whole Big Tech Soros package.
So the same leftists that took over your state have taken over Texas almost completely, and they know exactly what they're doing.
It's a formula.
Oh, they take over the courts, they move in, then they infiltrate local governments, immediately they go after guns, and they change your culture, they change your society, and then the crime follows.
And it follows in such a big, quick, fast way.
That's why when you move to a small town, you've got to run for mayor, you've got to run for commissioner, and you've got to, from the beginning, before the left shows up, you've got to warn everybody about what's going to happen.
When they show up with their grant money and their promises and all this, you've got to say no to all of it, or they will destroy you.
Well, let me tell you another story.
So I've been listening to you for a long time, and you know, we've seen this come down the pipe for, you know, we'll say decades.
And so on your advice, I bought a nice piece of rural property, you know, off a dirt road,
off a dirt road in the middle of nowhere.
And over the last couple of years, they've infiltrated all the rural communities as well.
And so Colorado has become one of those places where I don't think people can live here anymore
unless you're a lefty.
And by the way, I don't know all this because I've got a 200 IQ.
Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 calls for even towns of 100 people.
They will do $100,000 grant.
They will send in a sociologist to manipulate the locals to pay off a few key people and
then basically start taking your town over.
I mean, this is a scientific takeover.
Oh, it absolutely has to be, buddy.
You know, first thing they do is they... California comes in, and it may not just be Californians, but it seems to be those are the people who get on your city councils, your local governments.
I know.
I know.
they start pushing to confiscate guns. And we have so many bills going through
right now that we can't even defend ourselves in our own neighborhoods, let
alone in our own houses anymore. They want to take it away at this point where
you can't even shoot on your property. I know Colorado was probably the best
state to live in ten years ago and I talked to so many refugees that are you
know leaving Colorado now.
And again, most of these Californians are so brainwashed, they think they're escaping it, but they bring it with themselves because they've got a virtue signal.
So they immediately get in line and support the thing that destroyed where they came from.
I appreciate your call.
Sorry to hear what's happening.
Dino in Chicago.
Boy, we know about defunding the police there.
What's happening in Chicago?
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Long time listener.
Just the level of propaganda is Just out of this world.
Earlier during the show, Owen had mentioned that in the embassy, right in England, in front of the Russian embassy, they were painting the Ukrainian flag.
Well, same thing was going on over here.
They weren't painting over here, but they have a big flag.
Well, they had a big flag of the country of Ukraine, and I had called in to, I think it was the governor's office in Chicago, because I was trying to figure out who was in charge of that perimeter of where the flag is at.
It's on Interstate I-90-94.
As you're going in and out of the city right there and you can see it.
And I was like, whose idea was it to put the flag up there?
You know, why did they put the Iraqi flag when we invaded Iraq?
You know what I mean?
Well, let's expand on that.
It's called the latest thing.
And so when you see a Ukrainian flag, it doesn't mean you care about the Ukrainian people.
I don't like what Putin did overall, but he got manipulated into it.
It means the globalists have a new symbol every six months, every year.
They get you hyped up behind it.
The whole rainbow flag.
Nothing to do with gay people in their bedrooms, okay?
It has to do with a whole leftist corporate agenda.
So they're like, oh, you're not against gay people?
Well, no, I'm not against them.
Okay, well then let us have access to your kids.
Again, it's all a shoehorn.
It's all a wedge to get control of us and have some new thing we're hyped up into to support when really all you're supporting is a corporate fascist takeover.
And then now we have a new mayor.
Well, there's another, you know, they're going to have a new mayor.
Brandon Johnson is the guy that's going to run.
I looked at one of his statements on his website.
Hunger, homelessness, and unemployment are right outside our front door.
Gun violence is not only on the news, it traumatizes our neighborhood.
And they just had like an assault, whatever that means, weapons ban in Illinois.
And the sheriffs of Cook County and Lake County, Illinois, are for sure going to enforce it.
The other guys are not.
So it seems like Illinois, for the most part, is pretty red, except for, you know, Cook County, Lake County.
And so although gun violence is kind of down so far in Chicago, other kinds of crime are up.
You know, they're stealing people's catalytic converter.
Who wants to go downtown right now when they're going to do smash-and-grab?
Why would you even have a brick-and-mortar?
Absolutely, Dino.
Thank you for the call.
Richard in Maine.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
It's good to hear from you.
My name is Richard Ward, and I'm a political activist here in Portland, Maine.
I really deeply care about our country and protecting our freedoms.
You were talking about anti-white hate and this craziness that we're having with the crime wave.
So, I've been holding a banner that says it's okay to be white, just to kind of expose how much the level of anti-white hate that we have in our society.
And you wouldn't believe the, uh, just the complete outrage of the popular, recent here, like the mayor, the city councilors have all condemned it.
Uh, the city council has put out a statement calling it a symbol of white supremacy, and we need to make sure that white supremacists don't feel safe in our city.
Sir, it sounds like you're on a speakerphone.
Take it off speaker.
Yeah, it's off speaker.
Okay, can you hear me now?
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, I said the city government has just lost their mind, like the mayor, the city councilors are putting out statements saying that it's okay to be white as a symbol of white supremacy.
Some city councilors have said we need to make white supremacists feel unsafe in our communities.
The Democratic Socialists had a Zoom call where someone leaked the footage from their meeting.
And they were talking about having members stop me and stop me from collecting signatures so I couldn't run for office
in the future.
Yeah, that's it. They're basing everything on anti-white racism and white people should say it's okay to be white.
In fact, it's good to be white. It's good to be human. It's good to be black. It's good to be alive.
It's good to have red blood and be together. And they want to break our will all over the country.
They're having blacks segregate themselves again.
All of this is the model where a warden will break the prison up into racial groups to control people.
We are creating a giant open-air prison.
How do people find a website, a Twitter, an account to find more about you?
Yeah, you can just look me up on Facebook, Richard Levi Ward.
It's been all over the news.
All right, Richard Levi Ward, call again with a better phone.
I'm not mad at you, but it's hard to understand you, but I heard most of it.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back with even more calls.
And I've got a clip that I meant to play two weeks ago when it first happened.
I never got to it.
I'm going to play it now.
It's an off-duty black police officer, a woman, and a man tries to rob her and take her purse
and her gun.
She says, I'm going to kill you.
He keeps attacking her.
She shoots him and kills him.
Now, that's a good thing she did.
If it was a white guy attacking her, kill him.
If it's a black guy attacking, kill him.
I don't care what color they are.
Now, because she's black, there's not riots about it.
But you know, if it was a white woman or a white man had shot a black assailant or vice versa, it'd be the end of the world and riots everywhere.
This is how the media controls us.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The social engineers are trying to make us all kill each other.
Hundreds and hundreds of Hollywood movies and TV shows depicting whites as evil, horrible racists that need to be killed.
Politicians everywhere saying whites are inherently bad, including white politicians, to distract the public to kill each other while the globalists rob and steal and destroy our entire future.
Ron in Arizona, I'm going to go to you in a moment.
But first, I mentioned this clip.
Everybody's probably already seen it.
I never got to it a few weeks ago.
But here is a black off-duty police officer, a woman, with a black man trying to mug her and trying to take her purse and take her gun.
She feels threatened.
She kills him.
Now, if she'd have been white, Chicago would be burning right now.
Now here's the video.
I'll kill you!
I told you I was gonna shoot you.
I told you I was gonna shoot you.
You got me, you got me.
I told you I was gonna shoot you.
Thank you for telling me the truth.
I'm sorry, okay, okay.
Let it go right now.
Damn, baby.
Now you're gonna tell me a story to tell.
Call the police, right now.
I'm sorry.
Tell me you're gonna tell me a story to tell.
Then I'll just say I'll kill you.
Then I'll just say I'll kill you.
Then I'll just say that s***.
Then I'll just say that s***.
Then I'll just say that s***.
F*** you.
I don't wanna die, baby, please.
Call the police, I just saw somebody.
Now doesn't she have a right to defend herself whether the man attacking her was black or white or any other color?
You tried to rob me!
Tried to help your dumb ass!
Call the police!
Notice after she shoots him a couple times, "I'm sorry baby!"
Ha ha ha ha ha!
But only the police in Chicago can have guns.
Only the police in Chicago can have guns.
Only the ruling class and their enforcers can have guns.
That's the leftist plan.
What an evil plan.
Ron in Arizona, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hello Alex, good morning and good evening to everyone wherever we are.
You know, I've got a national store, a chain store with gas stations close to my house and there's a decal on the door as you walk in and it says security guards wanted $35 an hour.
And I asked the clerk inside, I said, what's up with this?
And he said, well, we used to have part-time police, but no, the police don't want the job anymore because there's cameras all outside by the pumps.
There's cameras inside the store, like a casino.
And they're afraid if there's excessive force employed that they're going to lose their lives.
They're going to go to prison.
They're going to lose their jobs.
They're going to lose their everything.
And I'm, I'm, uh, I lost to explain where this is going to end up at that store.
Well, it shows the police have basically stood down, and I don't blame them because if they defend people, they're going to be prosecuted if they make a mistake.
You know, the criminal starts the fight, and then the cops go too far.
What do you expect?
And these prosecutors will prosecute the cops.
You know, the cops shot him twice instead of once.
And so that cop gets 30 years in jail.
So, absolutely, it's a real crisis.
And my friends that do have guns, Are afraid that they're going to be outside.
Somebody's going to harass them or they're going to deploy the gun.
They're going to utilize the gun.
They're going to go to prison.
Well, it's better to be tried by nine and carried by six.
Well, yeah, I understand, you know, and it's just it's it's something that, you know, needs to be addressed.
And it's Alex Jones and Infowars that's tackling the world's greatest problems on a daily basis.
And you're all so great down there and it was a pleasure to talk to you today, sir.
Brother, don't hang up.
By the way, I love your radio voice.
You've got a great voice for radio.
But you're absolutely right about this.
This is a microcosm of police slow rolling.
We've all heard the police scanners in Chicago and New York.
There's a big shootout and the cops just go, let them shoot it out.
We're not going to risk our lives and get in the middle of this and then get put in prison.
You can blame the cops for not rushing in.
Well, no, it's the prosecutors and it's the system.
So you have, like, the mayor of New York literally is a black racist.
He hires his family to defend him.
He has all this private security and police, but then he'll fry a cop that defends themselves or protects somebody.
What do you expect?
It is insane.
But you notice all these leftist members of Congress and legislatures and city halls, city council members are getting killed every day.
Don't they see what they're doing?
Again, the New World Order is a suicide pact.
Why would the people working for the system go along with something that destroys their own future?
What's the answer to that, Ron?
The answer in New York is pretty much if you're a senior and you live alone, you're afraid to come out because you're going to be figured out.
You're going to be followed like prey and you're going to be Uh, you know, taken down in your place.
And, um, it's, it's, you know, it's coast to coast.
You know, Alex, it's every city.
Um, the left, the left is trying to, uh, to ruin everything.
And, uh, you know, we talked about it a year ago, you and I, and, uh, I was afraid then of the nuclear war.
And I said, you know, submarines are our only hope that 85% of our warheads are underwater.
And those crews don't have internet right now.
And they're practicing drills at this very second.
Were you a submariner?
their systems and they could release everything in 20 minutes.
One Ohio class submarine could deploy everything in 20 minutes and it's game over.
Were you a submarine?
I came from a Navy family.
I was drafted in Vietnam, but Nixon stopped the draft to get reelected.
He had promised to stop the war.
Nixon won his first election by promising to stop the war.
Who is trying to stop the war, Alex?
You've said it before.
No one is trying to stop the war, Alex.
You talk about the group in Washington of the new representatives in the Green Deal.
My God, radiation is the worst contaminant on the planet.
And you're playing with that?
We're definitely flirting with our own destruction.
Thank you, Ron, for getting through.
Let's talk to Andrew in Tennessee, has a roofing company, talking about small businesses being harassed.
What are you saying?
Hey, what's up, Alex?
Voice is a little banged up here, whatever they're spraying here, but I had a roofing company for 18 years and thousands of roofs completed, and it's just another angle that we're under attack here.
Federal Oaks just sat in the woods, watched us work on a nine-foot-tall rancher for a week or so.
The condominium complex, all small little roofs.
Took pictures of us when the guys unhooked and, uh, fined us half a million dollars.
I mean, we don't have that type of money.
So OSHA, OSHA, OSHA doesn't care about the open border or the children being smuggled, but they surveilled you and gave you fines for what?
You didn't have safety harnesses or what?
Right, all our employees who are long-time employees, almost like a family here.
We're a small company, six, eight guys, you know, we all know each other.
We had equipment.
They sat in the woods waiting for us to come down the ladders, go up the ladder, smoke a cigarette, whatever, mind you, nine foot in the air on a tiny little rancher.
We're professionals.
And they took pictures through branches.
You can see them fine us $500,000.
You're at a nine foot tall house, don't need safety harnesses, and OSHA hit out there to harass small businesses just like Biden hiring 87,000 IRS agents to harass blue collar workers, and you just got a half a million dollar fine.
Half a million dollar fine.
I'll be lucky to make that in three years.
I mean, this goes under the radar.
This is happening.
Small contract is not just... The whole lockdowns, everything's about shutting small businesses down.
That's why everybody's got to go out and get a small business, even if it costs more money.
Supporting the big companies is death.
We've got, when we can.
You know, I've got to buy expensive software from the globalists, the people that have it.
I've got to use some of their stuff.
But whenever I can, I do not ever go in a big box store, or a big hotel, or a big company.
I 100% go out of my way to go mom and pop.
Because that's about defending us.
I don't do that because I'm a nice guy.
That's selfish.
The Globals are at war with me.
I go out of my way.
I'll eat food that ain't as good as long as I'm supporting a family.
That's key.
The thing is, I ain't calling to be a victim, but...
To be, you know, the forefront of this and kind of shed light on this as a national problem.
No, you're not a victim.
You're a hard-working person up there 12 hours a day on a damn roof and they just fined your ass half a million dollars to shut you down.
You're calling and talking about the criminal activity and the attack on hard-working people, brother.
They want to force you on welfare and make you roll over.
God bless you, brother.
Don't give up.
We'll be right back with more calls.
Thank you, sir.
All right, Paul Joseph Watson is coming up.
I'm taking your phone calls right now on the crime wave.
Look, I'm going to open the phones up again soon for police officers to call in about what they witnessed, but also EMTs, police officers and EMTs.
Because we have the statistics, we know what the murder and crime is out of control, but how about actually hearing from the eyewitnesses?
We'll also do some more broadcasts where we take calls on what happened when you took the shot, your friends and family did.
Nobody's judging you, we want to hear from you.
But people need to hear this testimony.
Please remember this testimony, this broadcast, this platform that is for truth, that the enemy hates, is only funded by you.
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I'm not going to plug the products.
I'm going to go back to your calls.
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Okay, Reagan and Idaho, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Yeah, I think I kind of put the pieces together about why the infrastructure attacks, the crime, the chemicals, the fire is happening.
And I think it's quite simple, really.
When you take a look at the 2050 transportation map and you look at it, it's all designed to destroy these rural areas.
To make them inhabitable, too dangerous.
You can't live there anymore, and it's pushing everyone into the 15-minute cities, or the smart cities.
Yeah, you know, we look at the administration, and we look at Buttigieg, and we think, why are they so stupid?
Why can't they help us?
When our first mistake is thinking that they're here to help us.
They're doing exactly what they're hired for.
They're carrying out a unified operation, absolutely.
And our first mistake was thinking That they're here to help us when they're not.
So what do we do?
I think we identify we're under attack and we identify who's doing it and we go against their policies 100%.
Yeah, well, I'll tell you what, you know, I pray for discernment to get the judgment to see what's going on beyond emotion and try to figure it out.
And I'm a truth speaker.
And I see this now there's got to be other problem solvers out there.
I look for the truth.
I want to hand it off to the problem solvers.
Well, The big thing is becoming aware of the attack and then deciding what we can do.
And the main thing is getting right with God and changing our spirit.
And that's basically an antenna.
It is an antenna to God.
And clearing out that channel is the number one thing.
That if we have God, we are invincible.
Thank you for the call.
Anything else, Reagan?
She's gone.
All right, let's talk to Mark in Brooklyn.
Mark, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
What's going on, Alex?
How you doing, my brother?
Good, brother.
What's on your mind?
Yeah, I agree with what the woman was just talking about and the gentleman that was talking earlier.
I'm from New York.
I'm from Brooklyn.
I've been in prison half my life, and this shit, excuse me for cursing, got me scared, you know?
And I've been through hell, you know?
And I've been trying to talk and to convince everybody, you know, to show them what's going on.
I send out your videos.
I make videos.
It's crazy.
And you know, I just don't know what to do.
And the police, I even stopped them in the street and I asked them, what are you going to do when the time comes?
You know, when they start trying to roll up on us here in Brooklyn, New York.
And all over the United States, are you going to... Well, that's right.
I'm not just here defending the police.
They're going to be the ones that are asked to enforce the lockdowns, beating up people.
Notice the famous videos, particularly of black people being beat up by police for not wearing masks in New York.
Oh, the left thought that was great.
See, notice how it's all selectively done.
You know, so I don't have a problem with, you know, going up to an officer and ask them, how you doing?
What's going on?
You know, may I speak to you?
May I ask you a question?
Things like that.
I'm trying to, you know, like, Brother, I believe you, and it's all been by design, this whole plan.
A lot of folks are waking up, but it hasn't happened quick enough.
half my life man like I said brother I believe you and it's all been by design
this whole plan a lot of folks are waking up but it hasn't happened quick
enough what do you think's gonna happen well what am I gonna happen if the
people don't wake up And I made a video the other day to ask the people, we need to come together, you know, like a lot more than the Million Man March.
We need to come together like the 20 Million Man March and go to Washington and surrounding and let them know that, you know, peacefully, first of all, peacefully, of course, get there and, you know, No, I totally agree with you, but then we have to expose the provocateurs, which Tucker Carlson is doing very soon.
He's been doing it, but big stuff's coming.
Thank you, Mark.
And the Deep State's so scared of Tucker Carlson having access to the January 6th raw footage.
Charles in Atlanta, go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
Let me simplify this in my own mind.
The way I see life in general, especially as it pertains to crime, the crime wave, I'm in my early 70s here in Atlanta, Georgia, and I have worked with a transit company for around 30 years, 20 years here.
And I'm seeing the increase in crime with the youth and also the backing off of police who used to ride the transit system and playing foes.
They're not even there now for various reasons.
But look, we could go down the line of saying what's wrong.
Let's make this assumption.
Let's say that this life is not a simulation, but something, if you say God created it, but whatever, we're birthed into this world, we're navigators on a sea we call life, and when we get to the end of it, we kind of birth ourselves into the next life.
So maybe what the key is, is just like so many things in life, you see sports, you see game shows, there's this yin and yang of one side versus the other side, and in spiritual terms,
good versus evil.
So perhaps what the ultimate thing we're doing as gods, as little g-gods, or magicians, if
you will, is that we are really here to bring about enough balance of power on the side
Now, this is a solution.
History shows us that where there's a void, it's filled by something.
And if good men do nothing, evil takes over.
I totally agree with you.
It's good people of every race, color, and creed doing nothing.
We're really the criminals.
We're really the bad guys.
And I agree with you.
This isn't a simulation, but it is a real-world test that God created as a larger, real simulation.
It's not a fake simulation.
And the answer's always the same.
I agree, Charles.
Lay some more knowledge on us.
I didn't hang up on Charles, but I heard his phone cut out.
Charles is making some great points.
Charles, you gone?
Every time I got a really good call, he didn't... So frustrating.
They've all been great calls.
That guy was really making some good points.
Doyle in Illinois, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, my middle name is Jay.
Jay from Wisconsin, but I'm now in Illinois.
I'm one that's not a theorist.
I took the shot.
I didn't want to have to take the shot, but I took the shot.
And it was in Madison, Wisconsin that this took place.
And I'm telling you, people's Second Amendment rights are not safe.
There is a castle doctrine in the state of Wisconsin.
You have the right to defend yourself and your home.
I had a situation with someone who first tried to break into my home and then after that tried to bully his way into my home.
Eventually did.
This is an incomplete account, but I have to be careful with what I say.
I was tentatively charged, but within 48 hours was released.
I had no choice.
I could not afford an attorney.
I had no choice but to actually tell the detectives what happened.
I told them the forensics had to have matched, otherwise they would not have released me.
I was smeared in the media, of course.
And I had my Second Amendment rights taken via a backdoor process, which would be akin to what would happen in a red flag gun state, which Wisconsin is not one of those, but there was a process that was used.
It cast me into homelessness.
I'm no longer homeless.
I would really like to be able to have an in-depth conversation with you about this.
I also called in three or four years ago and made all sorts of suggestions.
I'm a donator to the cause.
Thank you.
I have bought product, made direct donations.
Are we still live?
You are, sir.
You're on the air.
And I mean, I'm all about the InfoWar, and I told you at that time that I had a method of funding for you that would be phenomenal.
I'm a real estate broker, and I can collect referral fees, and I would be interested in sharing referral fees with InfoWars, also with GAV, basically No, I hear you.
There's a million ways for us to find ourselves.
We just gotta have the time to hone it down and actually do it.
But I hear you, Doyle.
Send an email to ShowTipsInfoWars.com.
I appreciate your call.
Hey, at least you're alive.
You got in a lot of trouble defending yourself, but you shot the guy attacking you.
You had to do what you had to do.
And that's what's so crazy about this whole situation.
All right, we're gonna go to break and talk to Jason and Queenie.
On the other side, that's the nickname of my five-year-old daughter, is Queenie.
A little clean, I'll tell you.
Cleaning around.
But we're going to go to break.
Come right back with Queenie and Jason.
Then Paul Joseph Watson is taking over.
And then I'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central Standard Time.
Please don't forget that in about an hour and three minutes, when Paul's done, the great Owen Schroeder will take over 3 p.m.
The War Room.
Please share the links.
Tell folks to tune in.
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Make the commitment, make the decision to support. We'll get great products. Take
action. That's the first step into a wider world. Infowarsstore.com. We'll be right back.
Well, the Pentagon's threatened China.
They're sending arms to Russia.
Also, U.S.
to expand troop presence in Taiwan for war with China.
News & World Report, Wall Street Journal are all reporting.
Absolute crazy town, ladies and gentlemen.
And right now, we're going to talk to Queenie.
Thanks for holding from Tennessee.
You're on the air.
Thanks Alex.
Hey, asset seizure for profit has become so widespread that a private firm called the Black Asphalt Electronic Network and Notification System emerged to train police and provide technical assistance in confiscating cash and other property.
Black Asphalt created a social network called the Brotherhood, sponsors annual contests with the police officer who can seize the most cash.
Now the Club of Rome has radical life extension technology now and we could seize Bill Gates and Donald Trump assets for crimes against humanity.
Pandemic rhetoric of Oslo's Humanities Department has been going on since May 23rd, 2019.
This is studying rhetoric in pandemics, COVID-19 vaccines, and how to best plan Yes, and so they have basically consolidated power now.
This is a ratchet effect.
at the Pentagon admitting they use Psy-Ops to scare people to take the poison shot and
basically the Pentagon ran the whole attack against the American people.
It's just true.
And so they have, they have basically consolidated power.
Now this is a ratchet effect.
They're going to continue to try to scare people to give over their human rights and
assets for protection from the bully.
The weird.
That's why they cut the police.
That's why they allow crime.
So we just throw our hands out and say, just take my rights.
Exactly, but simultaneously they are now trying to make it a crime to inject anyone with MRNA in Idaho.
So all those mandatory crimes that the police and military are being bullied into it is now going to be considered a crime.
So it's whatever the people enforcing policies decide to go along with and that's what's been going.
So it's trying to win people over and what they've been doing is terrorizing everyone Elaborate on that.
furthermore making us be state sponsored terrorists doing state sponsored
terrorism with our tax money making us terrorism by proxy elaborate on that how
are they making us terrorists so they're forcing us to pay taxes that sponsoring
the terrorism No, you're absolutely right.
Biological terrorism.
And Trump went along with all of it.
And we've informed Trump that he went and he still sides with the swamp.
He has swamp water running through his veins and through his heart and through his brain.
He just went to ground zero for a toxic landfill.
Is he a mutant?
Why would we put any decision into someone like this?
He is representing the swamp.
Well, what do you think of Trump speaking out against World War III and saying the war should end?
Uh, yeah, this is the basic kind of person who would scare everybody with the pandemic, lock everything down when it was pre-planned, and then say he's saving that.
And things were never greater.
Alright, I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Alright, that's it for me.
Paul Joseph Watson is about to take over.
He always has a lot to say from the UK.
And then in about 57 minutes from now, Owen Schroyer with The War Room, 3 to 6 p.m.
Central, will be taking over.
I will continue to expose the New World Order.
I will continue to promote freedom.
I will continue to do the best job I can.
And believe me, if we weren't on air, and if many others weren't on air, and if you weren't speaking out, listeners and viewers, things would be much worse.
Yeah, the situation is dire.
But, humanity's waking up and a lot of positive things are happening, so I am overall optimistic, except for this World War III situation.
On the poison shots, we're winning on that front.
People are really waking up, not just here, but around the world.
But on World War III, yeah, the majority of people don't want it, 80% or so, but it doesn't matter, the globals are throwing headlongs.
So the answer is do what the AP reporter did, confront the Defense Department, do what people
go to these public events, confronting Congress and others, and just point out we don't want
World War III and we think it's crazy and we're awake and wake up others and courage
and being outspoken is contagious.
All right.
From Summit.News, Paul Joseph Watson takes over on the other side on this Thursday, February
23rd, 2023 transmission.
I'll see you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
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We are live.
It is the Summit News Hour.
And in this hour, I'm going to start with basically what was the latest breaking news
that I just read, which will ring familiar to many Americans given their border situation
down south with Mexico and the Biden administration's approach to that.
Of course many of you who have listened to me for years now talking about this will know That we've had a chronic migrant issue in the United Kingdom for the last probably nine, ten years now, with thousands of illegal migrants coming over in boats from France.
They're coming from a safe country, not at war.
They're not refugees.
The vast, vast majority of them are working, fighting age males.
Of course, the news cameras will find the odd Woman and child here and there every once in a blue moon.
And that'll be on the front page of the newspaper.
That'll get top billing on the 6pm evening news.
But the numbers show the vast majority are young male migrants.
They're coming over in their tens of thousands every single year, sometimes over a thousand a day.
In some cases, if they're not immediately given a taxi service by the British border authorities, which is what happens in most cases, Sometimes they just rock up on the beach and run off into the nearest town.
Now we get reports of people in those coastal areas of Southern England getting their homes broken into, getting violently attacked, and of course, as I'm going to get on to shortly, girls, young girls, teenage girls in schools now allegedly being raped by some of these individuals in these southern coastal towns, Dover being prime amongst them, and other areas there along the Kent coast.
Of course we've got a program, taxpayer funded, where not only do they get rescued, do they get given a taxi service by the border authorities, these illegal immigrants who have broken the law to get here, treated better than British citizens, they're then literally being put up in four and five star hotels Not even out in the edge of beyond anymore.
Not even away from population centres.
They're now being housed in prime tourist locations in five-star hotels.
They all take videos and post them on TikTok and brag about it.
It's an absolute joke.
And now it's up to about £7 million a day, every day, the taxpayer funding for the government to put these migrants up In hotels across the country.
And people have posted the hotel maps on Twitter, where the entire United Kingdom, the entire British Isles is now blanketed with these blue location dots of where these hotels are.
Thousands coming in every single week.
Again, sometimes over a thousand a day.
There's no sign of them stopping because it's all being incentivized by our government.
The same government that swept to power With the promise that it would reduce illegal immigration to minimal figures.
In fact, they said they'd reduce legal immigration to about 10,000.
It's a million a year!
I'm going to get onto that later, but the latest development is that the answer to all this, and we've seen their naff solutions in the past, which included paying French police more to stop the migrants leaving France.
There's no incentive for the French to stop them leaving France.
Why on earth would the French want them, given the problems they've had with mass migration, with lack of integration, with lack of social cohesion, rampant crime, sexual assaults, jihadist terror attacks?
Why on earth would they want to keep those kind of suspect individuals who are prone to that kind of behavior on French soil, if you pay them a bit more money?
I predicted that I'd fail.
It completely failed.
So now the solution to all this, from our much esteemed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, is simply to grant these illegal boat migrants asylum.
Because that's what this is.
De facto asylum.
Breitbart reports.
Amnesty in all but name.
UK to hand thousands of migrants asylum without even talking to them.
They've decided to take migrants from all these problematic countries, bearing in mind that about four out of ten are coming from Albania as well, which isn't at war, hasn't been at war.
They're basically drug dealers just coming over here claiming they're refugees.
But the others from these other problem countries, Afghanistan, Eritrea, countries like this, they're just going to send them a questionnaire and tell them Fill in this questionnaire, and you won't even have to meet the border authorities.
You won't even have to speak to anyone from the government, as long as you can rock up on a dinghy, and they'll rescue you, and they'll give you a free hotel room.
Afterwards, after they've got their free cash, free food, Wi-Fi, which they moan about, because it's not as fast as they want, free national healthcare, taxpayer-funded, with people waiting hours, British citizens to get emergency room treatment, with people waiting months or even years to get major operations, with people not even being able to get appointments with their GPs and doctors because the system is so overburdened, because we have a million migrants coming in every year to a country with a population of 70 million, a small island nation.
They rock up in a dinghy!
They get free doctors on site!
They get their own hospitals!
So all this is taking place.
There's no solution to it.
The Tories have completely betrayed all the people in Northern England who were previously voting for Labour but voted Tory because they thought they'd deal with this.
Well now they're just gonna send them a questionnaire and give them all amnesty!
The UK government has been accused of granting an amnesty in all but name.
To migrants coming to Britain with the country announcing it will accept thousands of people's requests to stay in the country without so much as even interviewing them in a bid to clear its application backlog.
So again, that's how they make the illegal migrant problem disappear by simply making all the illegal migrants legal!
Because that's going to solve all the violent attacks, isn't it?
That's going to solve all the sexual assaults of teenage girls going on near these hotels where they're staying.
Up and down the country.
That's going to solve the security issue, which led to the Manchester bombing, Manchester Arena bombing, where Salman Abadi, a refugee rescued by our government from Libya, got into the country, planned this attack as a refugee, wasn't stopped from carrying out the attack at the Manchester Arena during the Ariana Grande concert, Even though he was wearing a giant backpack, sweating profusely, reciting the Quran.
Reported to authorities, reported to security, reported to police.
The police themselves saw him.
They stood back.
They left him alone because this came out in the trial.
They thought they'd be called racist if they stopped him from carrying out his bombing.
Even though he was obviously up to no good.
That's all come out, again, brought into the country as a refugee.
So thousands of migrants are going to be given the right to stay in Britain, and potentially ISIS recruits to plan terror attacks, without any government worker ever interviewing them, with the Rishi Sunak administration announcing on Thursday it will start granting asylum to large numbers of foreign arrivals, without interviews!
They're supposed to disincentivise it, what's this?
If you can get here, you're in!
Imagine migrating to any other country in the world, and the only thing you have to do, you don't even have to do anything before you get there.
You get there, you get a free hotel from the government, they send you a questionnaire, you fill it in, you can lie, whatever, they're not going to even follow it up, then you're in the country.
According to a report by the Times, in the hopes of processing asylum claims faster, All migrants who claim to have arrived from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Syria, Yemen, Libya, where the Manchester Arena terrorists came from, Libya, before June last year will be sent 10-page questionnaires asking them about their claims.
Again, they could be anyone.
We don't know who they are.
They've been vastly over-represented in violent crimes.
We've got massive problems outside these migrant hotels and the government have just come out and said they're all coming in.
We'll be back, don't go away.
So these illegal migrants have been told, basically, if you can get here, if you can fill in a bit of paperwork, then no doubt they can pay someone to do that for them.
They've been given free money by the government.
Then they get to stay, that's it!
So long as these migrants return this questionnaire within 20 working days, they'll be granted asylum!
If they say they come from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Syria, Yemen or Libya.
Oh yeah, of course I do!
Yeah, I'm from Afghanistan.
And here's my proof.
I'm gonna write it on a bit of paper.
You get amnesty.
You get to stay in the country.
Don't know who you are.
Could be a rapist.
You could be a murderer.
Could be a member of ISIS.
Doesn't matter.
We've solved the border crisis.
So, so long as these migrants return this questionnaire within 20 working days, they'll be granted asylum.
So long as officials from the Home Office believe there's enough evidence present in the paperwork to do so.
With the migrants being able to bypass any interview where they might be scrutinized.
So it's just going to be a rubber stamp.
This is an amnesty in all but name.
Al Mehmet, the chairman of Border Control Think Tank Migration Watch, told Breitbart, the message to the criminal gangs is, If you get your clients to destroy their ID and claim to be from a high-success country, they'll be tick-boxed into the UK.
The triple killer of Tom Roberts came from such a country.
This was a guy who was stabbed in the middle of the street by one of these migrants.
I forget where it was.
I think it was in Bournemouth.
So again, it was on the South Coast.
One of these migrants stabbed him to death.
came from such a country, had been denied asylum in Norway, before he just rocked up here and got in.
Because they take the piss, because we just roll over.
We can't even enforce a law to deport them, because it's against the EU rules, even though we're supposed to have left the bloody EU.
Here's another one.
Met arrested 1,470 migrants from asylum fast-track nations in 2022, 41 for 8.
This is London's Metropolitan Police who arrested that number from these nations where they'll just be allowed in with a rubber stamp.
Breitbart Europe can reveal the figures obtained by Breitbart Europe show the number of foreign nationals not including dual nationals disdained by Britain's largest police force.
And again, 19 Afghans were detained by the Mounton Suspicion of Rape in 2022.
12 Eritreans, 4 Libyans, 6 Syrians, 41 suspected rapists in total.
So again, come on in.
Have your fun.
Soaring costs, UK set to pay £2.5 billion to house 150,000 migrants again.
They've run out of hotels.
They're now trying to put them, as I've documented before, In university halls in the centre of major towns, with the university next door, with schools all nearby, they can no longer put them on the outskirts of towns and cities because there are so many of them coming in, which is why you're getting all these stories of them harassing young girls in the street.
A couple of weekends ago we had a protest Up in Liverpool, which they claimed was a right-wing demo, even though Liverpool's literally one of the most left-wing cities in England, the police left a riot ban in the middle of the protest, goading them.
That got set on fire and then the news all freaked out, acting like it was Kristallnacht 2.0, when one police riot ban got set on fire.
And again, They think the bigger problem is people protesting against their daughters getting groped and sexually propositioned by these migrants outside hotels than the actual problem itself.
And I'm going to get onto that in a second, but first let's go to this first video because they're still trying to define, demonize, malign, The belief that we've got too much immigration in this country, as far-right, as fringe.
It's not.
The majority of people hold that opinion in the UK and even amongst left-wing people who support left-wing parties.
This video is called, These Numbers Are Incredible.
Let's roll it.
A stunning new poll has identified the one major issue on which all Brits agree more than anything else.
There's too much immigration.
In all but one of the country's 632 political constituencies, the majority or plurality of people agreed with the statement, immigration levels are too high.
Even Lib Dem and Green Party supporters are more likely to agree than disagree with that statement.
In the case of the Greens, 47-29%.
SNP, Labour, even supporters of the Welsh left separatist plied Cymru party.
68% of them think it's too high.
Despite their leader calling for Wales to be turned into, quote, a nation of sanctuary for refugees, these numbers are absolutely incredible.
Once again, they underscore how opposition to mass immigration, while still demonised by the media as some kind of far-right fringe belief, is actually a concern shared by the majority of people in Great Britain.
Of course, many well-off metropolitan leftists in southern England support mass immigration for purely selfish reasons.
Mainly because it provides them with a continuous source of cheap labor.
Foreign nannies to bring up their kids while they're off doing more important things.
Overseas manual laborers to build their kitchen extensions.
And generally speaking, a service industry wage slave class to cater to their day-to-day needs.
For anybody else here who works in London, who would be serving our coffee in Pret?
Who would be selling us our sandwiches in Pret?
Interesting, therefore, isn't it, to note that the most vehement opposition to mass immigration is in the north of England, which has seen none of the so-called benefits of mass immigration and all the pitfalls.
Grooming gang scandals, the entire identity of towns being stripped away, their daughters being unsafe walking home from school.
These are some of the red wall areas that voted Tory in the 2019 election.
We were immediately betrayed as the Tories did nothing to stop illegal boat migrants and oversaw astoundingly record high levels of immigration that make Tony Blair look like a moderate in comparison.
Across the entirety of the British Isles, only one constituency disagreed with the statement that there's too much immigration.
And well, imagine my shock, it's in Bristol.
Wokantifa stronghold and far-left shithole, and site of the infamous BLM Colston statue toppling.
[crowd cheering]
They want more immigration, because presumably adding a million new people
to a relatively small island nation of 70 million people every single year just isn't enough.
A crumbling overburdened healthcare system, soaring violent crime and rampant social dislocation.
They've seen all that and thought, yes please, let's have some more!
Now, I briefly mentioned this earlier again.
The more migrants we bring in, the more they have to house in hotels.
They're getting nearer and nearer to schools.
One of the favourite things that they like to do, these migrants, is hang out in groups or even on their own outside schools and sexually proposition teenage girls as they're walking home.
We had another similar incident.
Remix News reports UK schoolgirls protest at school gates after four Afghan asylum seekers cleared of unproven rape returned to class.
So they claim one of their friends was raped by these four Afghan asylum seekers who are now in their school apparently.
The victim is scared to return to school.
She hasn't returned to school, presumably being threatened.
The police have just dropped it all together and said nothing happened.
Yet you have these 15-year-old girls protesting with fake blood smeared on their faces, saying that they're getting sexually harassed all the time, and that their friend was raped by one of these Afghan migrants.
And this is only going to escalate.
It's only going to get worse now that we've basically rolled out the red carpet for more of them to come in.
We'll be back.
News don't go away.
They're putting children at harm, basically threatening the sensibilities of children, threatening their innocence.
That's not in relation to the de facto porn books that are being put in children's libraries in schools in America.
The books that graphically depict LGBT sex scenes that are being forced on kids in school libraries in America and in the United Kingdom too, No, that's not the problem with children's books.
We're not putting children at harm by exposing them to that.
We're putting children at harm by exposing them to the word fat in Roald Dahl books from decades earlier.
Yes, the woke purity filter is now being imposed on Roald Dahl books by their own publisher And the fallout from that is documented in this video which basically went up an hour ago right before I came on air.
It is called BS.
Let's roll the clip.
Here it is.
Woke iconoclasts are busy defacing and destroying literary history by running Roald Dahl's children's books through their demented purity filter.
Publisher Puffin is going back and removing or amending words because some idiot somewhere might get offended.
Augustus Glupin facts!
No, you can't say fat, now he's ginormous.
You can't call witches old hags, now they're old crows.
You can't call someone black, now they're dark.
The Cloud Men are now Cloud People.
What's next?
Are all the giants from the BFG gonna have their preferred pronouns listed?
They haven't just changed words, they've rewritten entire sections, altered entire meanings.
The changes were made, according to Puffin, to protect children.
So we're having to protect children from hurtful words like...
Yet schools are simultaneously exposing kids to books that depict graphic sex acts.
The content of these books is so disgusting.
Parents who try to read them at school board meetings are silenced.
They're putting what they call queer porn in libraries, which could be seen by children as young as six.
Oh, but the real threat is a character in a decades-old Roald Dahl book being described as fat.
That's what we should all be more concerned about!
They don't care about protecting kids!
And are these sensitivity readers really concerned about protecting adults from being offended?
Infinitely more people are offended at them for vandalising beloved children's books than by seeing the word fat.
It's not about that.
It's about seizing control of the institutions, every institution, hollowing them out and having them become another amplifier for the message for the revolution.
Because we now live under, under what is effectively a marsh-ban on socialitarianism.
There are things you can no longer say.
And this is not just Roald Dahl that is happening to us.
It's a general coordination of everything in the same direction, so that a certain series of ideas have to be expressed, cannot be attacked, even by implication.
While the revolutionaries are sanitising old children's books to eliminate wrong-thinking, classic adult books are being demonised too.
The government-backed Prevent anti-terror organisation produced a report which said reading classic works of art could be a secret sign of extremism.
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan, Even the complete works of Shakespeare!
But it's not just books.
According to Prevent, watching the wrong kind of TV show could be a gateway drug for right-wing extremism.
No, I didn't make this up.
I checked it, and it's actually real.
These dangerous TV shows included The Thick of It.
I'm gonna have to mop up a fucking hurricane of piss here from all of these neurotics!
Yes, Minister!
Well, you're a banker.
Surely you read the Financial Times.
Can't understand it.
Kenneth Clarke's TV series Civilization.
Oh, and this one.
Oh, this is delectable.
Great British railway journeys.
In 1840, one man transformed travel in Britain.
I mean, I was fairly moderate politically, but after I saw that episode about the world's first passenger railway line from Liverpool to Scarborough, my dark journey down the rabbit hole of radicalisation truly began.
This is how useless Prevent is.
75% of terror attacks in the UK are Islamic in nature.
An Islamic jihadist blows up an arena full of kids in Manchester.
And their response is to keep tabs on people who watch a 1980s TV sitcom.
Yeah, some ISIS fanatic may be planning to plant a bomb on the underground,
but surely we'd all be better off devoting more resources to tracking down anyone who
bought a DVD from Amazon of that history show from...
What happened?
Well, it took Gibbon nine volumes to describe the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
Yes, there may be a deranged radical running around knifing people to death on London Bridge, but surely the bigger priority is spying on people who enjoyed a BBC documentary about historical trains hosted by Michael Portillo.
I'm leaving Suffolk for neighbouring Norfolk and its largest coastal town.
What's next?
I grew up watching Rainbow.
They're secretly being indoctrinated into political extremism by Zippy, George and Bungle.
What's going on?
It's all taxpayer funded.
You're paying for this.
Prevent even said that another sign you're a potential radical right winger.
...was reading George Orwell's 1984.
Now, I know the term Orwellian is overused, I know it's a bit of a cliche, but the government characterizing people who read Orwell as potential enemies of the state, that's what the term Orwellian was invented to describe.
Forget Orwell rolling in his grave, at this point he's probably buried himself deep within the lower mantle of the Earth's crust.
From the age of Big Brother, from the age of the Thought Police, from a dead man.
Meanwhile a report by Policy Exchange is warning of rising levels of squalor and crime around the houses of Parliament.
The investigation discovered that police in London have compiled a secret list of suspect statues.
Ones that might offend woke revolutionaries who want to see them toppled.
This includes the Cenotaph.
Britain's most famous war memorial, which is basically an empty coffin, a non-political symbol of national grief, and even that's apparently under threat from these cultural terrorists in the name of fighting the far-right.
The definition of far-right sure has become quite slippery, hasn't it?
It was once considered a far-right fringe belief that Britain had too high levels of immigration.
But now, according to the latest polling, That's a majority opinion.
Is most of the country far right?
The plurality of Labour, Lib Dem, SNP and Green Party supporters think immigration in the UK is too high.
Guess they're all far right!
Spare a thought for the poor Irish.
They're getting a little bit too uppity about their cities being consumed by mass immigration, social housing being taken away from native residents, rising crime, teenage girls being sexually assaulted, You know, all the benefits of multiculturalism!
Now their government is trying to pass a law that would make anti-immigration protests illegal
and criticism of migrants a hate crime.
How to deal with all the problems caused by open borders?
Simply criminalise the opinions of those who oppose open borders.
Spare a thought for the poor Germans.
A top counter-extremism official in their government said Germans who flee the wondrous haven of quote "multicultural
life" in cities and move to the countryside are actually just engaging in
right-wing extremism.
Dirk Martin Christian, head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Saxony, lashed out at people in Germany who were looking to find what he called intact national community in remote areas, saying that many people who flee multicultural life in the cities are, despite appearances, actually radical extremists.
Ever dreamed of owning a few acres, running your own smallholding, growing your own vegetables?
Get back in the city, bigot!
You're an extremist and we need to keep an eye on you.
They're actually following guidelines set by Antifa.
Member of the anti-fascist action group Olaf Meyer said he was keeping tabs on those travelling to the countryside.
Reportedly explaining to the German media that extremists often look like young couples who buy farms and restore them together with their relatives and friends.
Because unless you're living in a high-rise pod in some children of men dystopian metropolis hellhole where crime is rampant, any sense of shared identity has been completely obliterated and you can't even speak the same language as your neighbour.
When you're under suspicion from the local commissar for failing to take part in the mandatory weekly social justice march, you're probably a right-wing extremist too.
These days, who isn't?
We're going to come back in the next segment and talk about everybody's favourite whinging narcissistic grifter couple, Harry and Meghan, and the fallout from the recent South Park episode, and a bombshell new poll, this time in the United States, about what people think of these two royals.
We'll be back.
Summit.News, don't go away.
Now I want to get to the final two videos in this last segment, the first of which is based around reports that emerged Kind of at the end of last week, but more so on Monday.
And I saw this originally on Twitter and I thought, I'm not even going to check whether this is true.
Because obviously this is not true.
The story was that Harry and Meghan Markle, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the narcissistic grifters-in-chief, the people who just want their privacy to be respected while going on a worldwide privacy tour, We're seriously considering suing the creators of South Park for making fun of them on a recent episode.
Now there has been a couple of big updates to this story, but first let's go to the video outlining it.
This is called Wah Wah Wah.
Let's roll it.
He's upset and overwhelmed.
What's the Crocodile Tears actress crying about this time?
The media invading her privacy, something Princess Catherine said ten years ago.
The abject failure of her multi-million dollar Spotify podcast.
No, she's upset because in a recent episode, South Park made fun of her and Harry.
Yeah, really.
We want privacy!
We want privacy!
So let me start with you, Sam.
You've lived a life with the Royal Family, you've had everything handed to you, but you say your life has been hard, and now you've written all about it, in your new book, Whee!
They really did nail it, didn't they?
We just want to be normal people, all this attention is so hard!
Well, I just think some people might say that your Instagram-loving bitch wife actually doesn't want her privacy!
And get this, because of what you just saw, Harry and Meghan are seriously considering Suing the creators of South Park.
Their legal team are casting an eye over the episode to see what is wrong and what could be turned into something more sinister.
Ooh, so sinister!
A cartoon that's been around for decades and made fun of virtually every celebrity on the planet since the 90s.
A source told The Spectator that the Duchess of Sussex is annoyed by South Park but refuses to watch it all.
Right, so you're considering suing them because you're so upset over an episode.
That you haven't even seen?
Yeah, you know when the Founding Fathers drafted the First Amendment?
I don't recall them adding any exclusionary clauses for if someone's feelings get hurt.
Why are they so precious over a South Park episode?
Because while their approval rating in the UK is in the toilet, with Meghan enjoying an approval rating of minus 20%, the public's dislike of her only being outstripped by their loathing of Prince Andrew.
And Prince Harry not doing particularly well either.
The South Park episode will resonate more with an American audience.
Where, for God knows what reason, the whinging twosome still enjoy some pockets of significant support.
Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams told GB News that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are in serious trouble if their popularity plummets in the US.
Harry and Meghan don't want privacy, they don't just want to be left alone.
They want to force everybody to like them.
And we'll even go to the potential lengths of suing comedy writers to set that precedent.
Adding that the pair only approve of free speech if it's their own, they behave like entitled woke dictators.
If you want people to like you, have you ever considered not acting like obnoxious narcissistic grifters?
Have you ever considered not constantly smothering yourselves in contrived phony victimhood?
Have you ever considered not bullying and intimidating people into respecting your privacy while being as publicly lorid, emotionally incontinent, cloyingly annoying about every single aspect of your private lives?
Try it, you never know, those awful approval ratings might just start to improve a bit.
Well, we're gonna get to those approval ratings in a second.
But, the day after I put that video out, the Sussexers, the Harry and Meghan Grifter Roadshow, their spokesperson came out and said it was nonsense that they were even considering suing the creators of South Park, and that they weren't taking any kind of legal action whatsoever.
So when the ridicule became even more intense after the show itself, and then after people found out they were considering suing them, then they immediately backed off and said they weren't.
But again, the major point to arise out of that video, they were more precious, they were more upset, especially Megan, over this South Park episode, because it caters more to an American audience.
Their poll numbers, especially hers in the UK are in the toilet, as you saw.
She's only outstripped in terms of unpopularity by alleged nonce Prince Andrew.
Well, there's more bad news for them, I'm afraid, because we have a headline here out of GB News.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are more disliked than Prince Andrew in the US.
Bombshell new poll.
Prince Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein's best mate, an alleged nonce, with of course the 15-year-old alleged victim.
She's more unpopular than him in the United States.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are more disliked than Prince Andrew in the US, according to a new bombshell poll.
Prince Harry's popularity has sunk 48 points since December, and Meghan Markle's has fallen by 40 points.
So she had the podcast, Spectacular Failure.
They had the Netflix special, Spectacular Failure.
He had his whinging book.
Again, this was all supposed to get out their side of the story and improve their poll ratings with the public.
Absolute catastrophe.
This is hilarious.
It's gone worse than even their, you know, biggest haters could imagine for them.
Absolutely incredible.
Let's get to this final video now though because we haven't got long left and it is Putin's speech where he says Western elites have gone crazy that they're not protecting children With all this transgender insanity, the video is called, well, he's not wrong, and here it is.
Old Vladimir Putin has channeled Emmanuel Goldstein yet again by simultaneously being public enemy number one, yet pointing out objective truths that virtually every Western leader is afraid to enunciate.
They lie all the time.
They distort historical facts.
They don't stop attacking our culture, the Russian Orthodox Church, and other traditional religious organizations in our country.
Look at what they're doing to their own peoples.
Destroying families, cultural and national identity.
Perversion and abuse of children, even pedophilia, are declared to be the norm.
"The laws of the world, from the law of child abuse to pedophilia, are declared as the norm of their life."
"And the clergy, the priests, are forced to declare their marriages as same-sex."
God knows what the hell they're doing.
What I want to say here is that adults have the right to live as they please.
That's how we've always treated it in Russia, and that's how we'll always treat it.
and how to treat each other.
No one invades private life, and we are not going to do that.
But, I want to tell them, look at, excuse me, the Holy Scriptures,
the main books of all other world religions.
Everything is said there, including that family is a union of men and women.
And whether you believe this kind of rhetoric is a deliberate distraction,
bad faith attempt to take the moral high ground or whatever, Who can argue against what he's saying?
Why are we forced to look to the leader of a country thousands of miles away for moral guidance?
Because our own moral leaders at home have gone AWOL.
They've joined with the enemy.
Western media responds by calling Putin's speech bizarre!
Partly because he points out scripture says marriage is between a man and a woman.
Oh no, the horror!
But it does!
How is that bizarre?
We're sending men who raped women to female prisons because they suddenly decided to identify as women.
How is that not bizarre?
We're allowing children to be exposed to highly sexualized performances by drag queens, then demonizing anyone who opposes it as a fascist.
How is that not bizarre?
The Anglican Church suggesting they're gonna start caving to pronoun madness by referring to God as they-them.
They are now being questioned.
Well, as it has become known, the Anglican Church, for example, plans to consider the idea of a gender-neutral God.
What will they say?
Forgive me, Lord, I don't know what they're doing.
Millions of people in the West understand that they are being led to a real spiritual catastrophe.
The elites, well, I must say, just go crazy, and it seems to be no longer being treated.
Where are the religious leaders in the West who are standing up to this?
We must protect our children. And we will do it. We will protect our children from degradation and inheritance.
There are religious leaders in the West who are standing up to this. Is it any wonder that Islam is thriving while
Christianity in the West is on life support?
You may think Putin's a madman for what he's done in Ukraine.
Or you may think it was a justifiable response to the expansion of NATO.
But is he mad for pointing out the manifestly observable trend of how Western leaders have allowed and facilitated this woke mind virus to infect society?
I really don't think so.
Meanwhile, transgender murderer who identifies as... a baby?
Yes, a baby as well as a woman.
Fears for life if moved to men's prison.
This is Daniel Eastwood who strangled his cellmate to death in 2004, received a life sentence, and then to get more cushty treatment, Started declaring himself to be a woman, and then later on even started declaring himself to be a baby.
And yes, they actually dignify his request.
They give him adult-sized diapers, baby food, and the guards even hold his hand while outside his cell.
Well, looks like he's gonna be sent to a men's prison, and he's probably not gonna fare very well.
So he's very upset about it.
That's gonna wrap it up for Summit News Hour.
War Room is coming up next.
Keep it locked in right here.
Don't go anywhere.
If I may say that we want to avoid creating a civilizational risk by having Frankly, this may sound a little odd, too much cooperation between governments.
If you look at, say, history and the rise and fall of civilizations, That really, all throughout history, civilizations have risen and fallen, but it hasn't meant the doom of humanity as a whole, because there have been all these separate civilizations that were separated by great distances.
While Rome was falling, Islam was rising, and that actually ended up being a source of preservation of knowledge, and many scientific advancements.
And so I think we want to be a little bit cautious about being too much of a single
civilization, because if we are too much of a single civilization, then the whole thing
may collapse.
I'm obviously not suggesting war or anything like that, but I think we want to be a little
bit wary of...
actually cooperated too much. It sounds a little odd, but we just want to have some amount of
civilizational diversity such that if something does go wrong with some part of civilization,
the whole thing doesn't collapse and humanity keeps moving forward.
Well, we live to see it. Elon Musk at the World Economic Forum decrying their world government
at their world government summit. That's what this book, The Great Reset and the War for the World,
is all about.
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