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Name: 20230221_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 21, 2023
2490 lines.

On "The Alex Jones Show," global events, conspiracy theories, and potential scenarios involving nuclear war are discussed. The show highlights increasing tensions between Russia and Ukraine, which could escalate into a larger conflict. Jones promotes InfoWars by encouraging listeners to support the organization by purchasing products from their store. He also discusses Joe Biden's speech in Warsaw, Poland, and his concerns over Biden's rhetoric that could potentially lead to a wider conflict. Additionally, Jones covers current events like the ongoing war in Ukraine and provides his analysis on geopolitical tensions between Russia and the West. Finally, he promotes various products available at InfoWarsStore.com.

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To look at this and say the reason that the Russian Army is at NATO's doorstep is because NATO has expanded rather than the Russians expanding?
In other words, NATO has moved closer to Russia rather than Russia moving closer to NATO?
Is that not an accurate way to look at this?
I think that's the way President Putin probably looks at it.
It's certainly not the way that we look at it.
You don't think that NATO has expanded eastward toward Russia?
NATO has expanded, and the expansion has been a good thing for... So the reason that the Russian Army is at NATO's doorstep is not the fault of the Russian Army, it's not the Russian Army that's done it, it's NATO has moved closer to...
I'm pretty sure it wasn't NATO who was ordering upwards of 15 battalion tactical groups to within 10 kilometers of the border with Ukraine.
And I'm pretty sure it wasn't NATO who put little green men inside Ukraine to destabilize eastern Syria.
Well, I'm pretty sure that Ukraine is not a member of NATO.
So, unless that's changed...
It's not changed, but I'm pretty sure the movement by Russia... If NATO is moved east, the reason that the Russian army is closer or on NATO's doorstep is because NATO moved... NATO is not an anti-Russia alliance.
NATO is a security alliance.
I don't know.
And for 50 years it was an anti-Soviet alliance.
So do you not understand how, or can you not even see how the Russians perceive it as a
And the fact that it keeps getting closer to their border while their troops, I mean
the places where their troops are, you say their troops are, and may have been in Ukraine
and Georgia, are not NATO-mounted.
I'm not going to pretend to know what goes in President Putin's mind or Russian military
I mean, I barely got a history degree at the University of South Florida.
What I can tell you is that NATO is a defensive alliance.
It remains a defensive alliance.
Fair enough, but it has moved east.
I mean, that's just a fact.
It has expanded, absolutely.
Right, exactly.
But there's no reason for anybody to think the expansion is a hostile or threatening move.
And we've been saying that throughout the last 15 years, Matt.
You're moving closer to Russia.
You're blaming the Russians for being close to NATO.
No, no, no.
That's exactly what Hagel's for.
We're blaming the Russians for violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine and destabilizing the security situation.
Which is not a NATO member.
Which is not a NATO member.
This is an essential clip.
This is profound.
An admiral, main propagandist, doesn't know history.
Of course they do.
War is all about knowing history.
Knowing about groups and organizations.
And they've been trying to overthrow the Russian government and others.
And they overthrew the Ukrainian government.
So the West started this.
80% of Americans are against the war.
Let's stop the damn thing now.
Let's impeach Biden.
Let's come back to sanity now.
Stop World War Three now.
Now, now, now.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
Defending patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news.
Thousands of former Nazis went to work for the United States government.
A flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army.
There is a bulletin from CBS News.
President Kennedy has been shot.
This is a different kind of war.
The USS Liberty had just been attacked by Israeli jets and torpedo boats.
The CIA could manipulate the news in the United States.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on a cold floor.
It was almost as if it were a plan in We need to go into the Capitol!
You will always have conspiracy theories.
They are nothing but distractions.
You guys censored Harvard-educated doctors.
You silenced those voices.
What we want to do in Davos is push the reset button.
Soon as we start exposing the Great Reset, the sooner these globalists start going to prison!
This is an emergency broadcast, Tuesday, February 21st, 2023.
As we speak in a fascistic nighttime outdoor speech, Biden is basically declaring war on Russia publicly and pledging absolute military commitment.
Putin is threatening that nuclear war is imminent.
This is getting more insane by the minute.
So incredibly dangerous.
I really don't have words at this point to describe how this spiraling, this death spiral, threatens us all.
I don't think you need me to explain that to you.
The key word here is obviously escalation.
And if people think the Train derailment and the toxic black plumes of smoke are bad in Ohio.
They certainly are not a good thing.
It's nothing compared to what a nuclear war does, turning every city and every town into a smoking, toxic ruin.
The nuclear reactors, there's over 460 of them will melt down.
Hundreds of Chernobyl's.
It'll be the end of civilization and the end of most life on Earth, as we know it, and we are seconds away on the doomsday clock.
And all of it because George Soros is a big Nebrazinski, and the Rockefellers and the Rothschild crime axis wants global domination.
So our plate, ladies and gentlemen, is extremely full today.
We also have Mike Adams in studio with us for two hours.
He's got two big guests joining us in the third and fourth hour on massive issues.
And I'm just going to try to calmly go over all this as best I can.
But this is madness.
Here's the most important thing to know.
For nine years, the West has been overthrowing governments in Ukraine and moving weapons in and attacking Russian towns.
That are majority 99% Russian in the East.
Putin bit on the bait and went in.
Terrible decision.
Absolutely horrible.
And now the New World Order has its global crisis to bring in its cashless society enslavement grid.
On the course we're on right now There is a 100% chance nuclear weapons are going to be used and in almost every actuary or war profile war game that's been done, if tacticals get used, you've got about an 80% chance it'll lead to a wider nuclear war.
And when you look at the numbers of a wider nuclear war, it's about 100% chance it'll lead to total commitment.
That means just spasm of mass death.
So, We're a pretty satanic evil planet, aren't we?
And it goes to say we just blow ourselves up.
Real good chance, ladies and gentlemen, that we're facing the end of the world.
Hope everybody enjoys it.
We'll be right back.
It is 11.05, now 11.06 Central Standard Time.
Coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide, I'm the Alex Jones
host of the Alex Jones Show.
And I am pretty much having trouble talking at this point because of what I saw about 10 minutes ago when I was getting myself a cup of coffee.
And we've got Fox News on in there, and I knew his speech was coming up, but he'd just begun it.
And that was Joe Biden.
In Warsaw, Poland, basically declaring war on Russia.
In a massive provocation, going to the Russian borders, and standing up there on stage with the Defense Minister, and the puppet President Zelensky, who just yesterday called for invading Russia, and sending tanks into Moscow.
China is now moving into a position to give military aid to Russia, and Zelensky has said that will cause World War III.
Let me say something here real calmly, but real succinctly.
We are in World War III.
There isn't a top analyst that doesn't agree with that statement.
Putin's next big offensive has already begun, and the archetypal image of Hundreds and hundreds of German tanks pouring in up to the Russian border is exactly how you punch the Russians' buttons when the Germans killed over 20 million Russians in World War II.
That was close to a third of the Russian population gone.
Now the Russians Gave back as good as they got.
It's estimated that of the 22 million Germans that died, 15 million were killed by the Russians.
15 million dead people with conventional weapons.
Now I want to make a statement here for those that don't study war escalation and war games and war doctrine.
But we are following the exact Pentagon-Rand Corporation projection of how this would go to a tee.
And we have to blame the deep state Rothschild-Rockefeller-Soros axis that brags they started this war nine years ago and have finally poked the bear into a confrontation.
But in this confrontation, the Matador is the New World Order Deep State.
The Bull is Russia.
But in this game, when the Matador sticks his sword into the heart of the Bull, the Bull explodes and blows up everyone in the stadium.
The only way to win is not to play this game.
Here's the most important fact.
If the globalists running our country would have said, let's have a potentially world-ending event, There would have been massive demonstrations and massive political pressure and this would have been stopped.
In fact, depending on the national poll, they run about 75% to 87%.
Most polls are mid-80s, but even the pro-war pollsters that skew things are in the mid-70s.
So let's be conservative.
75% of the people in this country are smart enough to know we don't want to be in a big war on Russia's border with nuclear weapons laying around everywhere.
And nuclear reactors all over the place like Chernobyl right there in Ukraine.
Now on the path we're on it's kind of like you're in a car driving down the highway with the family you take them for spring break to the Grand Canyon and you're in a van and you're driving along you see the edge of the Grand Canyon right there and there's No barriers in many areas.
You can just drive right off if you want to.
And you just turn the car and you're about 50 yards from the edge of the cliff.
And you're driving about 20 miles an hour and your wife looks at you and says, Bob or David or Sanchez or whatever your name is.
You might not want to run off the edge of the cliff.
You're like, it's okay, honey.
I've got time to turn the wheel back to the road.
Here on the edge of the Grand Canyon, driving along the pretty pine trees.
And then about 10 seconds later, she goes, honey, you're now just 50 yards.
We're going to go over the edge of the cliff in about two seconds.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm in control.
And then you're going 20 miles an hour still, and now you're about 10 feet.
You slam the brakes on.
You can't stop the car at that point.
And we're almost to the point where you can't stop the car.
I had to have a discussion with my wife this morning about leaving the United States for the Southern Hemisphere.
And I'm going to be completely honest with all of you.
I've said I'll never surrender.
I won't back down from the deep state here.
If things can be fixed in America.
But America is so far gone, as we can all see, that I am strongly having to consider evacuating the United States.
Still, it'll be hell if we're in Argentina or someplace during a nuclear war.
There'll be a nuclear winter and it'll be bad.
And I know a lot of billionaires and people that have already fled to places like New Zealand and Hawaii.
I don't have the money for bunkers and all the rest of it.
In fact, I'd have to live in a shack on the side of a mountain or something.
I'm basically completely out of money.
You see the headlines, Jones gets $100,000 a month in his bankruptcy.
How does he get that?
My legal bills are over $100,000 a month.
That's the point, I'm out of money.
I'm holding off the whole globalist onslaught.
But people say, how are you taking that?
That's nothing compared to the fact that We're being driven over the edge of a cliff right now.
There's not much time to turn the damn wheel.
And look, if all the bureaucrats and all the trendies and all the talk show hosts and all the people at their New York cocktail parties and their Los Angeles cocktail parties really think you're immune because Russia's 10,000 miles away or 8,000 miles away if you're in New York.
If you're in Alaska, it's 20 miles away.
You may feel like you're immune from this, but there are Russian submarines off our coast
in the Atlantic, in the Pacific, and in the Gulf of Mexico that could destroy every U.S.
city in five minutes.
Five minutes!
Mach 9 missiles that cannot be shot down.
Five minutes!
Chicago, New York, Austin, L.A., Miami, Tampa!
The ICBMs can be here in 12 to 15 minutes.
And we're dealing with the Russians that lost 22 million people in World War II.
And they're ready for nuclear war.
And Putin gave a speech on that yesterday.
By the way, can you imagine if Putin was in Toronto with a coalition of more than 20 nations and hundreds of thousands of troops and weapons saying he was going to take over?
What would we do?
That evil pedophile puppet, Joe Biden, was in Kiev yesterday and he's in Warsaw right now giving a Hitlerian nighttime speech about war and escalated war with Russia.
I'm not going to evacuate, but I'm being honest, I'm having discussions about it with my wife.
It's that serious, folks.
You should know that.
Biden is still bumbling and stumbling in a nighttime fascistic speech in Warsaw, Poland, on the border with Russia, rattling the nuclear sabers.
As soon as we get a transcript of it, we'll read excerpts of it.
He pledged whatever it takes to defeat Russia.
This is the unstoppable force comes into contact with the immovable object.
I have Putin's eight-page speech here, and I have clips of it that have English overdubs.
We're going to be playing some clips.
But I really think this speech is so important that I'm going to read it in its entirety at the start of the next hour.
And then we'll also play excerpts of Biden.
Maybe we'll play the whole thing.
But I've studied the whole globalist attack profile.
They need a cover to bring down civilization, and then let's ask you to build their transhuman hell.
And they told you, soon you'll owe nothing and be happy because you'll be dead.
Soon there'll be no more cities, only communes, as the UN art display I videotaped a year and a half ago.
And New York showed, it showed blown out bunkers saying, soon you'll live here.
Like I mention that all the time.
You guys go ask Drew to pull that up.
He was the camera guy there.
I forget the name of the report.
And it's just so chilling.
You know, it's just one in New York.
I want that clip.
Get it.
And you say, why is it so dystopian?
You're going to eat bugs, soon we'll save the Earth, there won't be as many people.
Because they've hit us with a bioweapon, they've hit us with a poison shot, they're dissolving our borders, they're destroying our currencies, they're starting World War III.
These people are psychotics.
They want to create a crisis so horrible that they're able to carry out their nightmare aims.
Because after a nuclear war, the survivors Aren't going to be able to organize very well, and the globalists have got all these underground bases, and plan to emerge after this.
But if you look at the numbers, 400 plus nuclear reactors, most of them in the U.S.
and Europe, will melt down.
There'll be the equivalent of millions of toxic waste fires like we're seeing in Ohio.
Anarchy will break out in areas where populations aren't destroyed.
The third world will descend into total conflict and war.
There'll be at least a five-year mini ice age with crops failing and being poisoned by radioactivity, radioactive isotopes.
It's just unfathomable.
And on the current path we're on, 80% chance total nuclear war.
Within a year.
Probably sooner.
And... I guess I'll just stay at my post here.
Right here in the main nuke zone with Fort Hood down the street.
And just let them kill me and my whole family.
But I'm really having to control myself, not just packing up and leaving right now and still do the show for another country.
And I guess the crew can sit here in the nuclear fallout zone, wait for the nukes to rain down on top of them.
But do I really want to be in one of the safer third world countries, which are so dangerous already?
The only place that would be safe is some of the islands in the South Pacific that are populated by small European populations that produce wool.
There's five or six islands that have populations of only a few hundred to a few thousand.
If you can get to one of those islands, you might do okay.
The globalists, I don't know why they build their bases in Kauai, Hawaii.
That's the main nuke base in the Pacific.
It's got the anti-missile defense system there, the most advanced, but that's not going to stop
Russian cruise missiles fired by submarines or Chinese cruise missiles.
Are they going to be safe in Tasmania, Australia?
Are they going to be safe in New Zealand?
Why are they doing this?
Because they are demonically inspired and controlled.
That's why.
Let me play a clip of Kirby, who's normally the Deputy Press Secretary.
He's really an admiral.
But now that we're in World War III land, he's strutting around in his admiral outfit, and he's asked by the Associated Press, in his little fancy clown outfit, well, why are we on the border with Russia?
And he bumbles around, doesn't know what to do.
Because the same George Soros buying off all the politicians and the district attorneys and defunding the police, the same George Soros doing that.
I played a clip last year where he said, I am really the czar of Russia now.
I will run Russia.
I mean, this is just insanity.
Here's Kirby with the Associated Press reporter who deserves credit.
Journalist Matt Lee destroys John Kirby.
Here it is.
To look at this and say the reason that the Russian Army is at NATO's doorstep is because NATO has expanded rather than the Russians expanding?
In other words, NATO has moved closer to Russia rather than Russia moving closer to NATO?
Is that not an accurate way to look at this?
I think that's the way President Putin probably looks at it.
It's certainly not the way that we look at it.
You don't think that NATO has expanded eastward toward Russia?
NATO has expanded, and the expansion has been a good thing for... So the reason that the Russian Army is at NATO's doorstep is not the fault of the Russian Army, it's not the Russian Army that's done it, it's NATO has moved closer to...
I'm pretty sure it wasn't NATO who was ordering upwards of 15 battalion tactical groups to within 10 kilometers of the border with Ukraine.
And I'm pretty sure it wasn't NATO who put little green men inside Ukraine to destabilize eastern Syria.
Well, I'm pretty sure that Ukraine is not a member of NATO.
So, unless that's changed...
It's not changed, but I'm pretty sure the movement by Russia... If NATO is moved east, the reason that the Russian army is closer or on NATO's doorstep is because NATO... NATO is not an anti-Russia alliance.
NATO is a security alliance.
For 50 years it was an anti-Soviet alliance.
So do you not understand how, or can you not even see, how the Russians perceive it as a threat?
And the fact that it keeps getting closer to their border, while their troops, I mean, the places where their troops are, you say their troops are, and may have been, in Ukraine and Georgia, are not NATO members.
I'm not going to pretend to know what goes in President Putin's mind or Russian military commanders.
I mean, I barely got a history degree at the University of South Florida.
What I can tell you is that NATO is a defensive alliance.
It remains a defensive alliance.
Fair enough, but it has moved east.
I mean, that's just a fact.
It has expanded, absolutely.
Right, exactly.
But there's no reason for anybody to think the expansion is a hostile or threatening move.
And we've been saying that throughout the last 15 years, Matt.
You're moving closer to Russia.
You're blaming the Russians for being close to NATO.
That's exactly what Hagel said.
We're blaming the Russians for violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine and destabilizing the security situation in Syria.
Which is not a NATO member.
Which is not a NATO member.
This is an essential clip.
This is profound.
An admiral, main propagandist, doesn't know history.
Of course they do.
War is all about knowing history.
Knowing about groups and organizations.
And they've been trying to overthrow the Russian government and others.
And they overthrew the Ukrainian government.
So, the West started this.
80% of Americans are against the war.
Let's stop the damn thing now.
Let's impeach Biden.
Let's come back to sanity now.
Stop World War III now!
If you're receiving this transmission, you're on planet Earth under the threat of nuclear war.
Well, so many Americans like to watch war on television, both fictional and real.
It's a blood sport, like gladiators in an arena.
But in a nuclear war, my friends, you are all in the arena, including our children.
Well, Biden's concluded his speech.
It's a nighttime speech in Poland, in Warsaw.
Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia, Biden tells crowds.
An attack against one is an attack against us all, even though...
Ukraine's a part of Russia forever.
He says it's a sacred oath.
He said the U.S.
is a solid rock commitment to NATO, even though Ukraine's not in NATO.
Biden speaks in Poland after surprise trip to Ukraine.
Kiev stands strong.
Fresh from Kiev, Biden rallies NATO allies in Poland.
Biden delivers remarks in Warsaw, Poland after making surprise trip to Ukraine.
Just days from the anniversary of Putin launching the invasion.
Biden said, Kev, stand strong.
You're up to Russia's forces invaded Ukraine.
I want to play some little bit of the beginning of a speech.
I want to play some clips from Putin and go over this news.
But Ohio train derailment is emblematic of our rotting infrastructure and how the elites don't care about us.
And we're all Basically in the same boat as the poor folks in Palestine, Ohio.
Just like you're in the same boat if you're in Palestine in East Texas, where my family's from.
That's the biggest town where my family's from on my dad's side in East Texas, Palestine, Texas.
Doesn't matter where you are in the United States or in the world, you're all, we're all in the crosshairs of this nightmare.
But that profound That clip, AP journalist Matt Lee destroys John Kirby, should be seen by all Americans because you could teach a college course on gaslighting off that two and a half minute clip.
Kirby's asked about history and says, I don't care about history.
I don't know anything about history.
And everybody giggles and laughs.
That was meant to the general public who he knows doesn't know a lot of history.
Of course, he's a major military tactician.
He knows all about it.
He's the Joseph Goebbels of the Biden administration.
That's what people at Military Academy study is history.
Because history repeats.
This is all about history.
Let's go ahead and first play a clip of Trump.
He's absolutely right.
Trump, if he was president, could end this war by snapping his fingers.
Here's the clip.
From the day I took over, but from the night I won, and I called two people.
You know the two people are Putin, right?
You know who Putin is?
And Zelensky.
And I say, we're going to meet.
We're going to meet.
I guarantee I could work that out.
I guarantee.
I know exactly what I'd say, by the way.
I know exactly.
I'd tell one guy this, and I'd tell one guy that, and I'd say, you better make a deal.
We would have a deal made in 24 hours.
Well, that's right, because Trump knows that the West is running this war, and the United States is running NATO.
So, picture NATO is a big robot.
That's remote control.
And it's starting World War III on the border with Russia right now.
And so Trump knows if he was in the White House, he'd be in control of that robot.
And Hillary said she wanted war with Russia if she got elected six plus years ago, but she didn't.
Despite all her fraud.
And so for four years, we didn't have this war start.
But now, A year after Biden gets in, it all kicks off, and U.S.
forces and NATO forces are in there killing Russians, Russians killing them.
I mean, I know a lot of people that have already served multiple tours in the Ukraine war, long before Putin launched a counteroffensive.
And that's what the police action was.
And I'm not defending Putin or Russia.
I'm not a Russophile.
I don't lionize Russia.
But Russia is not on our doorstep, and Russia did not start this.
So that's not a boast by Trump, the left's all laughing at him because they love war, they love big corporations, they love being with the establishment, they love having their power prices increased, they love having their jobs taken away.
But I've got articles here where the left is all running to the countryside and going bankrupt and doesn't know what to do.
Vanity Fair has a big article about it, it's on Infowars.com.
Inside the dissenting fringe, where the new right meets the far left, and everyone's bracing for apocalypse.
And they go on to say, wow, just as many, quote, liberals are against the war as conservatives.
Because they're not liberals, they're sane people.
They're not conservatives, they're sane people.
You can look around and see the policies of the globalists, of the big corporations, are horrible, are totalitarian, are anti-human, are bad for business and life.
But still, a lot of the trendies want to get behind it, but they don't really count.
It's the controlled Democratic and Republican Party at the top, And the Republican Party is just as bad as the Democratic Party, maybe worse when it comes to warmongering.
And so we sit here, fighting with each other, liberals and conservatives, over social issues, while end-of-the-world-level threats aren't looming, they're not at our doorstep, they're in our living room.
Here's a clip of Putin.
Overdubbed in English.
Criticizes the West.
See what they do with their own people.
Destruction of the culture and the family.
And it's true what he says.
Let's play clip 2.
They cannot ignore the fact that Russia cannot be defeated on the battlefield.
So they're waging increasingly aggressive information attacks.
First of all, targeting the young generations.
Lying on every step.
Distorting historical truth.
Attacking our culture, the Russian Orthodox Church, and other traditional religious institutions in our country.
Now look at what they're doing with their own peoples.
They're destroying the institution of family, their cultural and historical identity, and various perversions with regard to children, up to pedophilia.
are accepted as the new norm and priests are forced to recognize and officiate same-sex weddings.
People can live however they want and we in Russia have never intruded into people's private life and we're not going to do that.
But what we want to say is maybe they should take a look in the scripture into the holy book of any great religion.
It says that the family is a union between woman and man.
And these holy texts are now being increasingly doubted in the West.
The The Anglican Church is now considering the idea of a gender-neutral God.
What can we say?
God forgive them.
They don't know what they're doing.
Oh, the globalists know exactly what they're doing.
When you want to eradicate fire ants, they put hormones in there that make them stop reproducing.
We're being poisoned, we're being annihilated chemically and culturally.
It's a transhumanist depopulation plan.
We come back, Putin accuses the West of starting the war in Ukraine during the State of the Union.
Well, it's not an accusation.
It's true.
And we've got some of Biden bumbling around on the doorstep of Russia trying to accelerate pouring gasoline on World War III.
It's an information war, ladies and gentlemen.
Spread the word.
Welcome back, my friends.
We're going to continue to analyze the West pushed up all the way to the border with Russia, massing troops, huge wars, hundreds of thousands dead.
And this is just the beginning.
How do we stop it?
Prayer, but also action.
And things like we saw with the Associated Press reporter that I'll cover again next hour, I'm going to play it again, saying the West started this.
And any reporter can go back and look at Zbigniew Brzezinski before he died and People like Soros, before he died.
I mean, he still looks like he's alive, but I think he's dead.
A reanimated corpse up there hissing when he reads off a teleprompter.
Can barely talk.
And they brag how they started this war.
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People are beating down our doors for that.
People try to go out and find replacements.
They find they can't because We have the Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, we have it all.
Okay, let's go to the next Putin clip.
Number one, Putin accuses the West of starting a war in Ukraine during the State of the Union.
Well, I don't think that's an accusation.
I mean, hell, again, Jordan Soros and others go on CNN and brag about it.
Here it is.
Radio listeners can read the closed captioning.
only military, information, but also economic front.
But nowhere, nowhere achieved anything.
And again, this is in Russian.
Radio listeners can read the closed captioning.
It's very important.
We're also trying to find versions that are already been translated in English.
In fact, guys, I kind of mumbled this at the start of the show.
You did find me a transcript that I'm going to read the next hour of the speech.
But you guys try to find that clip or maybe find the whole speech, Putin's speech in English.
I bet it's on YouTube.
Then we just air that instead of having me read it.
The problem is he kind of talks slow.
So it would take most of the hour to have it all.
But the reason I want to do that is there was a massive hack attack confirmed by the West.
of their state radio and state TV blacking and blocking out the speech.
And you know, I really think we should hear what Biden has to say.
I think we should hear what Xi Jinping has to say.
I think we should hear what Vladimir Putin has to say.
But you saw Kirby earlier, he, the spokesperson for the Pentagon, he doesn't want you to know what's going on.
And that's really the key here is, We were slipped into a war starting nine years ago, escalating 12 months ago into full-on war, and now escalating into regional and the nuclear war, when 80% on average of the American people in major polls are against this and don't want to be there.
And I've got new polls out today showing even above 80%.
Europeans don't want the war.
But our so-called ruling class of degenerates, they do want the war.
And you watch the Hollywood-style Democrat politicians, and a lot of Republicans as well, with their Ukrainian pins and flags and strutting around like peacocks on the stages, like they are at a rock concert or something.
Or the Oscars.
This is very solemn.
Hundreds of thousands are dead on both sides.
This is not a game.
Here's a little bit of the beginning of Biden's nighttime rally he just had in Warsaw, Poland.
Hello, Poland!
You are great allies.
President Duda, Prime Minister, Mr. Prime Minister, Mr. Mayor, all the former ministers and presidents, As well as mayors and Polish political leaders from all across the country.
Thank you for welcoming me back to Poland.
You know, it was nearly one year ago... Nearly one year ago I spoke at the Royal Castle here in Warsaw.
Just weeks after Vladimir Putin had unleashed his murderous assault on Ukraine.
The largest land war in Europe since World War II had begun.
And the principles that have been the cornerstone of peace, prosperity, and stability on this planet for more than 75 years were at risk of being shattered.
One year ago, the world was bracing for the fall of Keefe.
Well, I just come from a visit to Keefe, and I can report, Keefe stands strong.
The key stands proud.
It stands tall.
And most important, it stands free.
All right, that's enough.
Let's come back with more of it.
Zelensky was elected with the promise of peace that accelerated the proxy war.
And he now has shut down all opposition parties, including Loyal opposition that were pro-war.
He shut down the Orthodox Church.
And he's torturing and killing tens of thousands of people every week or so in dungeons they admit they have.
And executing people in public.
And running around raping and killing.
And we're hearing Ukraine is free?
And are we free with Joe Biden declaring conservatives and white people the number one terror threat and dissolving our borders and letting them ship in fentanyl and smuggled children by the hundreds of thousands?
It's incredible.
All he transfers is all our technology to China.
Cuts off our pipelines.
Hour number two straight ahead.
Mike Adams is in the studio in the third and fourth hour today with me.
He's lined up some huge guests.
He's going to bring a lot of news here.
But in the next hour, I'm going over the topography, the landscape of World War III, and hopefully how we can stop it, or what's going to happen if it kicks off.
Stay with us, hour number two.
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You didn't come here to do that, but I made you do it.
We are now into hour number two.
I really don't want to subject you to this, but I think it's important to play more of what Biden had to say, at least in this segment.
We're getting excerpts out of it.
It's hard to watch.
It's all a lie.
But let's go ahead for a few more minutes and play this, then I'm going to come back into the Putin speech.
What's really going on?
how I see nuclear war unfolding. I'm going to go ahead and just lay that out.
That's the road we're on right now, going 100 miles an hour.
We're getting close to the destination. We could always turn back,
but that would take the public waking up out of its coma, and that's starting to
happen. We've seen some good signs. That's coming up next segment, but first
here's a little bit more of Obama's third administration via the
flesh puppet pedophile, Joe Biden.
One year ago, the world was bracing for the fall of Keefe.
Well, I just come from a visit to Kiev, and I can report, Kiev stands strong.
Kiev stands proud.
It stands tall.
And most important, it stands free.
When Russia invaded, it wasn't just Ukraine being tested.
The whole world faced a test for the ages.
Europe was being tested.
America was being tested.
NATO was being tested.
All democracies were being tested.
And the questions we faced were as simple as they were profound.
Would we respond?
Or would we look the other way?
Would we be strong?
Or would we be weak?
Would we, all of our allies, be united or divided?
One year later, we know the answer.
We did respond.
We would be strong.
We would be united.
And the world would not look the other way.
We also face fundamental questions about the commitment to the most basic of principles.
Would we stand Up for the sovereignty of nations.
Will we stand up for the right of people to live free from naked aggression?
Will we stand up for democracy?
One year later, we know the answers.
Yes, we would stand up for sovereignty, and we did.
Yes, we would stand up for the right of people to live free from aggression, and we did.
And we would stand up for democracy, and we did.
And yesterday, I had the honor to stand with President Zelensky in Kiev to declare that we will keep standing up for these same things, no matter what.
No matter what?
Nuclear war?
When President Putin ordered his tanks to roll into Ukraine, he thought we would roll over.
He was wrong.
The Ukrainian people are too brave.
America, Europe, a coalition of nations, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, we were too unified.
Democracy was too strong.
Instead of an easy victory, he perceived and predicted, Putin left with burnout tanks and Russia's forces in disarray.
He thought he'd get the Findelization of NATO.
Instead, he got the NATOization of Finland.
And Sweden.
He thought NATO would fracture and divide.
Instead, NATO is more united and more unified than ever, than ever before.
He thought he could weaponize energy to crack your resolve, Europe's resolve.
Instead, we're working together to end Europe's dependence on Russian fossil fuels.
He thought autocrats like himself were tough.
And leaders of democracy were soft.
And then he met the iron will of America and the nations everywhere that refused to accept the world governed by fear and force.
He found himself at war with a nation led by a man whose courage would be forged in fire and steel, President Zelensky.
President Putin President Putin is confronted with something today that he didn't think was possible a year ago.
The democracies of the world have grown stronger, not weaker.
But the autocrats of the world have grown weaker, not stronger.
Because in the moments of great upheaval and uncertainty, that knowing, boy, I'd like to see all that freedom here at home, Biden.
He officially tells the FBI that the American people are the terrorists and there's 87,000
IRS agents to harass blue collar workers, even though they only raised 6% of the funds.
What a monster.
Well, I got to tell you, everything is overshadowed by the escalating, out of control, spiraling
towards nuclear war that we see in Eastern Europe, centered around Ukraine and Biden's
very dangerous visit over there.
And pledge, I played the clip earlier, that we'll do whatever it takes to defeat Putin.
And now with delusions of grandeur, Zelensky and his new defense minister have threatened China, saying we'll defeat you too, World War III.
They've also said we will take over Russia and park tanks in Red Square.
Remember, Zelensky fired missiles just a few months ago into Poland.
And blamed it on Russia, even though they knew it wasn't.
And he said, well, just nuke them.
And Sean Penn says, we should go ahead and just nuke Russia.
Nuclear war isn't something we should be afraid of, Sean Penn said with his 70 IQ.
I've met Sean Penn.
I've had dinner with him.
The man can hardly talk.
He is mentally retarded.
But that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen, led by the Fettermans and the Puppet Bidens with the Obamas and the Soroses fluttering around in the background.
I played this clip last hour, but I want to play it again and really talk about the essence of it.
This needs to be nailed home, drilled in.
If you want to know how to stop this insane war that's a distraction for all the other crimes the globalists are committing, like the poison shots and their central bank digital currencies and social credit scores, we need to see more of what Matt Lee did from the Associated Press, where he destroys the Defense Department spokesperson who moonlights as the Deputy Press Secretary.
He is the Joseph Goebbels of our age, dressed up in his Naval Admiralty suit because they've got all their military outfits out right now because World War 3 is so fun.
And he says, NATO has moved closer to Russia.
Russia has not moved closer to NATO.
Everyone needs to hammer home.
In fact, find the clip.
It's from like six years ago.
You just type it into YouTube.
George Soros tells Fareed Zakaria that he overthrew Ukraine government.
You can also pull up the clips from a year ago where he says, also on CNN, I am the new czar of Russia.
I am the conqueror of Russia.
I am the conqueror of Russia.
and he can barely talk, he's talking about it and I'm going to it.
While they bring everything that the left put in Russia under the Soviet Union to us,
we're becoming the Soviet Union with a pedophile gravy on top.
But if we find our sanity in the 75 to 87 percent, the polls are all different, but they're all above 75 percent of Americans, same numbers in Europe, don't want this war, and the numbers are getting stronger, what'll it take?
95 percent?
How about 99 percent?
How about Congress never declared war?
How about that's unconstitutional?
How about we have laws?
So, that's where we are.
And we need to be calling out the Republicans who are just as bad when it comes to this giant money laundering operation that threatens the very future of Earth.
And the clip should be everywhere of Soros, who's on screen right now for TV viewers, saying that he overthrew.
Well, he was definitely part of it.
He loves to brag.
So we have to call them on this, and then Kirby's like, I don't know history.
That's to talk to what he thinks are the dumb masses.
Well, I don't care about history.
Gee golly, we're just gonna... You know, the Russians for no reason last year invaded.
Gee golly.
I don't know why they did that.
When there's been a giant proxy war, there weren't just little green men Russians over there in the last few years, there have been US troops and NATO troops and heavy weapons being brought in.
And so Putin thought he'd push them back and make Zelensky and Kiev super peace and give him part of the country that's always been Russia anyways.
And it didn't work.
Because the West put out rhetoric like, we're not going to send tanks, and if Putin goes in, we're not going to.
So he'd go in.
Trump's like, you invade Ukraine, I'll go to war with you.
Putin didn't do it.
So they're like, oh, we just pulled out of Afghanistan.
Oh, we're weak.
Oh, we're stupid.
We're not going to do anything.
If you go in, and then as soon as Putin takes the bait, Soon as the bull runs up on the sword, the matador sticks it right in the heart.
Except, again, when you stab this bull in the heart, the world blows up.
So here's the AP journalist.
This is what everyone should be doing if you like to live.
If you like living in a non-nuclear war planet.
Here it is.
To look at this and say the reason that the Russian Army is at NATO's doorstep is because NATO has expanded rather than the Russians expanding?
In other words, NATO has moved closer to Russia rather than Russia moving closer to NATO?
Is that not an accurate way to look at this?
I think that's the way President Putin probably looks at it.
It's certainly not the way that we look at it.
You don't think that NATO has expanded eastward toward Russia?
NATO has expanded.
And the expansion has been a good thing for... So the reason that the Russian Army is at NATO's doorstep is not the fault of the Russian Army.
It's not the Russian Army that's done it.
It's NATO has moved closer to...
I'm pretty sure it wasn't NATO who were ordering, you know, upwards of 15 battalion tactical groups to within 10 kilometers of the border with Ukraine.
And I'm pretty sure it wasn't NATO who put little green men inside Ukraine to destabilize Eastern Syria.
Well, I'm pretty sure that Ukraine is not a member of NATO.
So, unless that's changed...
It's not changed.
But I'm pretty sure the movement by Russia... If NATO is moved east, the reason that the Russian army is closer or on NATO's doorstep is because NATO... NATO is not an anti-Russia alliance.
NATO is a security alliance.
John, for 50 years it was an anti-Soviet alliance.
Do you not understand how, or can you not even see, how the Russians perceive it as a threat?
And the fact that it keeps getting closer to their border, while their troops, I mean, the places where you say their troops are, and may have been, in Ukraine and Georgia, are not NATO I'm not going to pretend to know what goes in President Putin's mind or Russian military commanders.
I mean, I barely got a history degree at the University of South Florida.
Back that up ten seconds.
You're not going to pretend to believe or want to know what's in the guy's head that has the largest thermonuclear arsenal in the world and submarines off our coast?
Oh, you don't even want to pretend to know!
Everything in warfare, everything in security matters is knowing what your quote, enemy's mind is.
It'd be like having an auto mechanic that never went to auto mechanic school work on your car.
Never touched a car.
And they're over there pouring salt water in the gas tank and peeing on the radiator.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
how they play dumb. And that's why they've gotten the curriculum in the schools where
on average nine out of ten American school children can't pass reading, writing, and
arithmetic. There's a new national survey out. Nine out of ten. Mission complete. But they all
know about pronouns and how two men can have a baby. I'm not going to pretend to know anything
about history or what a foreign leader with nuclear weapons we're at war with thinks.
I don't care what he thinks!
I don't want to talk to him!
I just want to have a war!
I'm Kirby!
I'm wearing a military outfit!
Look at all the salad on my chest!
I'm a real powerful dude!
Wait, let's hear him.
I'm not going to pretend to know what goes in President Putin's mind or Russian military commanders.
places where their troops are, you say their troops are, and may have been in Ukraine and
Georgia are not NATO members.
I'm not going to pretend to know what goes in President Putin's mind or Russian military
I mean, I barely got a history degree at the University of South Florida.
All right.
What I can tell you is that NATO is a defensive alliance.
It remains a defensive alliance.
Fair enough, but it has moved east.
I mean, that's just a fact.
It has expanded, absolutely.
Right, exactly.
But there's no reason for anybody to think the expansion is a hostile or threatening move.
And we've been saying that throughout the last 15 years, Matt.
You're moving closer to Russia.
You're blaming the Russians for being close to NATO.
That's exactly what Hagel's for.
We're blaming the Russians for violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine and destabilizing the security situation in Syria.
Which is not a NATO.
Which is not a NATO.
Other countries feel threatened.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
Love really is the answer.
When you don't care about anybody around you, you really don't care about yourself at the end of the day, and nobody cares about you.
That's not a world that I want to live in.
That doesn't mean when you love people you roll over to tyrants.
It means you fight the tyrants.
But I do have empathy.
I do care about people.
I do want prosperity.
I do want justice.
I see other people smart and strong and doing well, and it makes me feel good for our species.
I do have a collectivist understanding of things, but I know it's the individuals working together that creates.
Something a lot closer to utopia than the dystopia.
These monsters that have all their platitudes about how much they love you, but all they do is try to hurt you.
And hurt you as bad as they can.
And if there's nobody stopping them, they'll destroy this planet we live on.
They'll definitely kill us.
I don't like mentioning something and not playing it.
So here's One of the top globalist generals, a real agent of evil, the 2,000-year-old, 3,000-year-old vampire.
That's sarcastic.
Jones says that George Soros is a 3,000-year-old vampire.
It's called a joke.
But here he is just a few years ago, five, six years ago on Fareed Zakaria, bragging how he quarterbacked the State Department $5 billion to overthrow the Ukrainian government and start this whole thing.
And of course, when he said this five years ago, it had been done four years previous to that.
And then he hasn't aged too well.
Here he is just a few days ago in his big New World Order speech.
He calls for war and control and censorship and carbon taxes to save us.
Here he is, unedited, not even able to talk.
But first, let's go into a time machine with the Bilderberg Group member Fareed Zakaria.
One of the things that many people recognized about you was that you, during the revolutions of 1989, funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in Eastern Europe, in Poland, the Czech Republic.
Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?
Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia.
And the foundation has been functioning ever since.
And it played an important part in events.
Do you think Ukraine will be able to assert a kind of independence from Russia and an alignment with the West?
Not a specific alignment as a NATO, but a kind of orientation toward the West, or will the Russians always stop them?
No, Putin will try to destabilize Ukraine, but the Ukrainians, the large majority of Ukrainians, are determined to be independent of Russia.
It won't be easy, because Putin has staked his regime on destabilizing Ukraine, because it's a threat to his regime in Russia.
If you have freedom, free media and so on, and a flourishing economy, that would make his regime unsustainable.
The melting of the green and the ice sheet affects...
...the acid...
...increase the level of the oceans by 7 meters.
Well, hmm.
Doesn't know when to give up, does he?
And of course the truth is, they went in, they overthrew governments, they blew up government buildings, they mowed police down with machine guns, they sent in the weapons, they destabilized Ukraine, and all Putin wanted was, don't make it part of NATO and stop it.
But of course that didn't happen.
And now Putin has taken the bait and gone there.
You know, I said I was going to read over Putin's speech, but it's long, it's important.
I'm going to have Ben in there, the room right through the window, post the full speech Putin gave last night, please.
The transcript of it under the live show feed.
And then also, we post Biden's speech under there, so people can actually go see this.
Again, state-run media was taken down, radio and TV, and most of the internet in Russia, in a giant cyber attack coinciding with his speech.
He was speaking about the information war when that happened.
Putin's historic speech suffers mystery blackout across Russia as state TV channels go dark after huge hack.
So this is the ongoing massive escalation of all this information.
Putin freezes nuclear arms treaty with the U.S.
says West wants to be done with Russia.
Blinsky says there will be a world war if China allies with Russia.
Western public support for Ukraine is falling even lower levels.
Xi Jinping plans Russia visit as Ukraine war shows no signs of slowing.
No, it's getting worse.
The unexpected winners of the war in Ukraine, the people, the companies, the countries that have benefited, like Turkey, like China and Saudi Arabia and India.
China says it's seeking role in Ukraine peace settlement.
China calls for a thorough investigation of the Nord Stream explosion.
And it goes on from there.
Putin ally tells China's implement we back Beijing against the West.
Russia to roll out CBDC currency.
So they're going along with the evil plan.
Russia aims to absorb Belarus by 2030.
Our tanks will be parked in Moscow's Red Square and there will be justice.
Kiev's security chief vows to expel all Russian troops from Ukraine's soil and dub Putin's Hitler's twin.
That's just some of what we've got here.
I think I've covered most of that, but we should talk about when we come back what a nuclear war, the different scenarios would look like.
some of what we've got here. I think I've covered most of that but we should talk
about when we come back what a nuclear war the different scenarios would look
like. I'll do that and then we need to hit the takeover of the Internet that's
ongoing with the UN and big tech following the orders other than Elon
Musk. The digital ID starting with the Internet.
We're going to hit that and then some massive news out of Australia, Israel, and Canada, where via lawsuits, the Pfizer documents are coming out, though most of them are blocked out, but it's still chilling, and the death numbers in countries, more numbers have come in that are even worse than what we had on the countries that have the shots, have a 56% increase in death since the injections began.
So that's all coming up.
Yeah, we're in World War III, and we're all of us are under attack.
You understand that people who run our military injected our troops with deadly poison shots.
They are the enemies of this country.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow's news today, today, today.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
All right.
I could spend a couple hours on this, really going through a lot of details.
In fact, when I took off a month ago for four or five days to think about the future and what I wanted to come back and talk about, a big part of my notes was nuclear war.
And there's a lot of different ways this could happen and the probability of it is 50-50 right now in my view.
If we continue down the road we're on, it's an 80% in just a few months and then past that with the current escalation speed that we see in the different battle studies and war games that I've looked at by not just the U.S.
but Russia, NATO and others, it becomes a 90% chance and then a 95% chance and then you're there.
And the experts that look at this say that the doomsday clock's been brought closest to midnight, signifying total nuclear war, than it's ever been.
And there's a lot of variables in this about who does it first, the reasons they do it.
That's why you can talk for days about it.
But let me just give you a gestalt here.
The big one is, what type of weapons would the Russians use if they struck first?
Or what type of weapons would the West use if they struck first?
There's so many different types.
And you've got the wild card that's a real probability of a false flag, where Russia could do it to itself.
Don't think they wouldn't do that.
Or NATO could do it and blame Russia.
Don't think for a minute they're probably already got it planned and ready.
Oh no, they're going to pull the trigger.
I think that's a no-brainer to say that's ready.
That's how these wars work.
If they're going to start World War III and we're already in it, they're going to escalate to nuclear war, they're going to start nuclear World War III, somebody is going to have a provocation.
The only provocation that can give people the backing for nuclear war would be a false flag attack.
Or you could have an accident.
Because we know the West has deployed tactical nuclear weapons and theater weapons and long-range weapons are all off safety, ready to go.
So you've got field commanders that might get angry and use a tactical weapon.
I mean really the sky's the limit.
Then there's the type of weapons.
You've got the smaller atomic weapons that two-man teams can deploy.
You've got smaller hydrogen bombs that six-man teams can deploy on both sides.
Eight-man, three-man.
Three men can do it.
You've then got whole classes of weapons that we know have been in development but are not public.
They've got fission-fusion weapons.
They've got plasma weapons.
They've got antimatter particle explosion weapons.
They've got EMPs.
I mean, the U.S.
had this stuff in the 60s.
All these other major powers have them now, other than like North Korea, but China and Russia have them.
Then there's things like neutron bombs that are a low to medium yield, two to 5,000 foot airburst detonation that does not release really any kinetic heat But releases a high-powered radiation burst that kills everything on the surface.
Humans, insects, animals, plants.
And depending on how powerful the weapon is or the shielding, penetrates hundreds of feet into the ground.
And the globalists have talked a lot about using neutron bombs to depopulate the planet to begin with.
I know Bertrand Russell postulated the neutron bomb in the 50s and they developed it by the 60s.
So I think you'd also see some neutron bombs used here, because then you don't see damage to the infrastructure, but it knocks out the life.
And you can also then deny a neutron bomb has been used, particularly the small ones.
We also know the Russians have a lot of weapons they haven't rolled out, the US has them as well, that are high-powered, basically particle beam radiation guns.
And the problem is they're very large and hard to hide and you've got a lot of up to a foot of lead shielding jacketing them on the back end of them and those weapons you can then just basically aim from a hilltop ordinary in topography that is at the median level and then they widen out the spectrum of the beam depending on how powerful they want it to say a hundred feet tall And about a millimeter wide.
And then you just fry all the life as you move that beam through the structures.
And I would imagine you'll start seeing those before they roll out the tactical nukes and the neutron bombs.
And again, I'm just going off the reports and the specs I've read and the things I've seen.
I'm not an engineer.
I'm not a nuclear physicist.
I'm not giving you the proper parlance or nomenclature, but I am laying out the types of things that are there.
Then there's bioweapons.
There are race-specific bioweapons.
There are already mutated viral lines that Mutate very quickly so they only kill the first or second wave of people you release.
That's if you don't want to blow back on you.
There obviously are a lot of advanced chemical weapons.
And I would expect you're going to see the radiation guns, the particle beam guns.
They've also got high-powered arrays that can shake matter into pieces and polarize buildings.
And it's really the West that has gotten really good at deploying this
and using it and keeping it secret.
And so Putin has walked into a trap.
The Russians have not shown with their military, because they haven't been in wars in a long time, are actually very good at deploying some of the things they've got.
The only thing they're good at deploying is their missiles, which are next to the best.
The U.S.
has Mach 20.
Hypersonic missiles, the Russians have in deployment Mach 9 and are developing up to Mach 20.
And so, as this continues, they say for years, different sides will start upping and escalating.
Somebody could deploy a false flag at any time, so the timetable could change.
That goes into all the war planners and the things that are being decided by the different sides.
But once you start using the particle beams and the neutron bombs and things, then probably by the West, who won't declare they've done it, just like with the pipeline, then the Russians will start using tacticals and theater denial beyond tactical, the smaller and more medium-sized devices, and then It'll be a big peace deal at that point, which most historical experts look at the mindsets and don't believe that'll happen.
It tends only towards escalation.
Then you'll see a strike by Russia into Poland, or even into Germany, into the military bases.
Or perhaps they won't escalate as far, they'll just hit staging grounds on the border with Ukraine, in Poland and other areas.
And then, the Western war planners, with all of their meteor guns in orbit, and decapitation weapons, that aren't nuclear or hydrogen, but use kinetic energy of D.U.
Sabot rounds, will then try to decapitate the Russian leadership, They will probably fail.
And those around Putin are even more hardline.
If they do, that's probably even worse.
And then at that point, I don't think the West is going to wait.
They'll launch a full attack on all Russian assets.
They'll get 80% of it, 70% of it.
And then the Russian submarines will completely destroy North America.
Then China and India and Pakistan are going to start nuking each other.
We'll come back and talk about that straight ahead.
We'll tell you about the huge stories Mike Adams is breaking when he comes in here in about 13 minutes.
When we start the third hour.
But he has another special guest joining us in the fourth hour today.
And he's brought his canine friend with him.
Let's continue here.
Most of the different war games that have been done, and I agree with them studying the geopolitical, societal, sociological ramifications of Asia and the subcontinent, Southeast Asia into East Asia, Northeast Asia, that as soon as this kicks off, India and Pakistan are going to start slugging it out.
And China will probably get involved in that.
And India's already got a cold war and a hot war going with Pakistan and obviously with China, who's allied with Pakistan.
They've got giant nuclear forces.
they'll start blasting each other.
And then the entire northern hemisphere becomes a radioactive waste dump with
Chemical dumps and every other nightmare meltdown of nuclear laboratories, nuclear spent fuel, which is thousands of times more radioactive than the bombs.
Pentagon's always putting reports out the last decade.
Nuclear war is survivable.
Nukes are clean now.
Hey, we ought to start using nukes.
I mean, even Sean Penn's like, it's liberal.
Nuke, nuke, nuke, liberal, nuke.
Pedophilia, liberal, yeah.
Anything evil is liberal.
Child smuggling, liberal.
Tuples, tuples five, liberal.
9 out of 10 kids in school can't pass any tests.
To the news today.
Totally liberal.
Armageddon liberal.
Total death liberal.
And then the southern hemisphere quickly will become radioactive.
And then all the dust will cover the entire planet for 3 to 5, 10 years.
Lower temperatures on average, 10 degrees the estimates are.
So we'll have snow Eight months out of the year in places like South Dakota
That'll cause farming yields to plunge.
Plus it'll all be radioactive.
You'll have the most dangerous thing.
Billions of people that weren't killed in the nuclear war but don't know how to grow food or fix an engine or roof their house or wipe their ass.
And they will, within weeks of this happening, burn everything down and kill each other.
If you think locusts landing on a wheat field in minutes, a big cloud of locusts comes in and in minutes an entire hundred acres is just totally bare.
Big army ants going through the Brazilian rainforest.
You'll see the rainforest one day.
It's all beautiful and jungle.
After the army ants go through, not a leaf's left.
Same thing.
Think of World War Z for real.
So a lot of people will just hang themselves.
But what about people that have children?
That's why I said the road we're on is going to lead to cannibalism.
And I was going off the modest proposal of Mr. Swift, 300 years ago, that if we were to keep treating the Irish like total animals, why not just tell the Irish to gut up and fatten up their babies for sale to English lords and ladies?
So I said, in this path of dystopia and economic collapse and societal ruin, I mean, I'd have to size up my liberal neighbors and eat them.
And I was really honest that I will not commit suicide and I will not give up on my children And so, myself and my conservative neighbors will have to eat our leftist neighbors.
And I'm sad we're going to have to eat you, but you kind of asked for it, and you kind of started a fight with people that know how to do that.
And you took our kindness for weakness.
And of course, this is really satire, but it goes there.
How many of you would let your five-year-old daughter or son starve to death during this collapse when the food runs out?
And a bunch of looters come through and are trying to burn your house down, and you don't have any food, but you've got bullets.
You're gonna eat those people.
Don't lie about it, and don't act like you aren't.
I'm ready to eat people.
Now let's get real about this.
We live in a world, ladies and gentlemen...
Where people don't know history.
The Pentagon did a study 30 years ago in different war zones and found within 10 days, almost everyone with no food or water will kill for food and water.
Within 15, 90% of people begin eating other humans.
90% of you will eat humans to stay alive.
You've got that instinct.
Let's stop the war so we don't have to do that.
10% commit suicide.
And I gotta tell you, before I would eat my leftist neighbors, If I didn't have children, I'm not a fan of suicide, but I think in a dystopia like that, it'd probably be time to do it.
But why don't we just form our own communities?
Why don't we get ready for this?
Because all you need is an area away from the big cities and a farming community.
You won't have to eat your neighbors.
So I'm taking you to the logical end of this.
I don't want to go there.
My neighbors don't have to worry.
I'm not over there like Jeffrey Dahmer, Sharma Danai.
I'm saying the Pentagon studies, and I agree with them, show 90% of people 15 days in, your sons, your daughters are starving to death.
And a horde of people that weren't prepared and ready come down your street.
They've already destroyed the city.
You live 100 miles out in the country.
And here they come at night, 30 people, trying to take your house.
They're going to eat your ass.
What are you going to do?
Because that's where this goes.
Let's get dead serious about it.
Looks like we're gonna be making some beef jerky.
Looks like we're going to be surviving.
Because I will provide for my family.
We don't want to go there.
And mercifully, most of us in a nuclear war will be dead.
We'll die when the 2,000 foot air burst detonates at 2,000 feet and you're just blown to bits in a fireball.
So it kind of takes the decision away from you.
But there's a big national news story.
Alex Jones ready to eat his neighbors again.
And all I'm doing is showing you where this goes and I'm asking you, what would you do?
All right, speaking of funding, we're not eating our neighbors yet.
We need funds to run this operation and stay here at our post and fight the New World Order.
We've got products that if you'll just try them, I know 99% of the listeners read the word and pray for the show, we appreciate it, but man, you ought to buy product.
If just half a percent more of you, 1% more, bought products, we could just expand into incredible things.
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And about a month ago I said I got 1,500 or 1,400 signed books left,
but I hadn't signed them yet.
And I didn't get around to signing them, and so they pulled them from the store because they weren't
Well, I finally got around to it, and I love signing them, and it's a fundraiser, and I thank you for getting them, and it's a piece of history, the great reset in the world, but I'm glad I'm not doing any more signed books, because after signing 15, 16, 17 thousand of those, Was the number one bestseller.
I am done.
My hand's gonna fall off.
So it's your last chance to get the Great Reset and the War for the World at infowarestore.com.
They are signed, but they've got to be mailed Monday, shipped in an 18-wheeler, to our new badass shipping center with a top-flight company.
We're no longer doing it ourselves.
We did a great job before, but this is even better, in Denver.
So it says pre-order, two weeks delivery, but really, The truck leaves Monday and it'll be up there Wednesday and it'll be shipping out Thursday.
So it's your last chance to get the Great Reset and the War for the World, a signed copy that is a fundraiser or they've got unsigned copies in stock right now in Denver ready to ship to you as well.
But if you want to get the signed copy as a fundraiser, keep us on air, that would be wonderful.
All right, Mike Adams has got a whole bunch of issues to cover, a special guest, and so much more.
Joining us for the next two hours, love Mike Adams, the health ranger.
That is coming up.
I want to come back and play some of Putin's speech.
We already played some Biden that he gave yesterday, warning of World War III.
We're going to post the full speech with English overdubs at InfoWars.com.
We'll come back with that.
Then Mike Adams coming up in about six minutes.
Stay with us.
What's up, Bone?
Hey, McBreen!
What's going on, man?
Hey, really like that work you did on the AI piece.
I'm going to use that on the show today.
Right on, I worked hard on that.
I'm working on another project, so I'm going to be up late again tonight, and I was hoping you had some Brain Force Plus.
Oh, um, no.
Nothing, huh?
What about Brain Force Ultra?
Thanks anyway.
Good luck with that project though.
Get your Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Deputies of the Federal Assembly, Senators, State Duma, Deputies, Citizens of Russia, in today's address, I'm addressing you in this difficult borderline time as we all know, in the period of drastic changes that are happening around the world.
Significant historic events that are defining the future of our country and our people, when every one of us carries huge responsibility.
A year ago, to protect people living in our historic lands, to ensure security of our country, to eliminate the threat emanating from the neo-Nazi regime, In Ukraine, that took power after the coup of 2014, we have taken a decision to launch the special military operation.
Step by step, carefully and consistently, we are going to resolve the outstanding tasks.
Since 2014, Donbass has been fighting for its right to live in their land, to speak their native language.
It has fought and it has not given up under the blockade and constant shelling and hatred shown by the Kiev regime.
they were waiting and expecting and hoping that Russia will come to its aid.
In the meantime, and you are well aware, we did everything we could, absolutely everything
we could to resolve this problem peacefully.
We've been involved in negotiations on finding peaceful resolution to this difficult conflict, but behind our backs, they were preparing a different scenario.
The promises by the Western leaders, their words about aspirations for peace in the Donbass, As we have seen now, it was all lies.
They were just trying to win time.
They were turning a blind eye on the political assassinations, on reprisals of the Kiev regime, on tortures on the believers.
They were encouraging more and more the Ukrainian neo-Nazis on terrorist attacks against Donbass.
In Western academies and colleges, they were training neo-Nazi battalions, personnel, they were supplying weapons.
And I would like to emphasize it, even before the special military operation, The Kiev was negotiating with the West about air defense, about combat planes and other heavy equipment and vehicles and we also remember about attempts by the Kiev regime to acquire nuclear weapons and they were stating it publicly.
The United States and NATO were promptly deploying their troops and army bases, secret bio labs near our borders They were maneuvering and learning about the future theater of war.
And they were preparing enslaved by them Ukraine to the big war.
And now they are admitting it publicly, openly.
It's as if they are proud of their treacherous behavior.
And they were calling Normandy format bluff as performance.
And all this time while Donbass was on fire, while the blood was spilled, while Russia was sincerely, I would like to emphasize this, sincerely was looking for a peaceful resolution.
They were playing with the lives of the people.
They were cheating.
in this game of cards and these disgusting methods was tried out before
they played the same double game before when they destroyed Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria
and they will never wash away this shame The notions of dignity, of honor, is not something they understand.
It's not for them.
For long years of colonialism, dictate, hegemony, they are used to the notion that they can do anything.
They don't care about the world.
And in the same manner, like masters, they treat the peoples of their own countries because they have been lying to them as well by the stories they were telling them about how they were looking for peace.
All right, we are now into hour number three, and Mike Adams is going to be here for the next two hours, and he's lined up two special guests for us on two very important piercing topics.
And if you understand these issues, you understand everything.
But in this segment, I want to cover the awakening, the accelerating war, and the latest COVID news here with Mike Adams.
But Mike, tell us about the folks that are coming up.
All right, at the bottom of the hour here, we've got Eric Coppolino, who is an independent journalist and expert in dioxins.
And he's joining us remotely.
We're going to talk about how, when they set fire to the vinyl chloride in Ohio, they actually created a factory of dioxins that released this most toxic chemical known to mankind.
It was released into the atmosphere.
Tastes like cyanide.
It's orders of magnitude more toxic than cyanide, or glyphosate, or even VX nerve gas.
This is the most toxic molecule ever created.
That's why we have the videos of 20 miles away, all the birds falling out of the trees dying.
And wait until you hear about what's going to happen over the next decade.
We're talking children being born with horrific deformities over the next two years, and over the next decade, mass cancer deaths in that area.
We're going to talk about that at the bottom of the hour.
Then for the fourth hour, we've got in studio Michael Yan joining us.
He's in the green room right now.
Michael Yan, an expert in global food supply chain logistics and understanding the famine, the scarcity that's hitting us, and we're going to talk to him about what happens to the food supply when the dioxin fallout saturates The meat, the dairy, the cheese, all the eggs, all the farms out of Ohio which grows soybeans and corn and dairy and hogs and all of that.
So that's what's coming up here.
And by the way, they now have federal government numbers and the major trade associations that deal with food preparation, manufacturing, distribution, and electrical distribution confirming off the record numbers of plants blowing up. So it's not just anecdotal, we see
them all the time.
Seems like it's happening. No, it's off the chart.
Physical attacks on power grid surge to new peak. Politico, Wall Street Journal, power grid attacks surge and are
likely to continue. Study finds it's all part of extinction rebellion. It's the same folks
that raid animal research labs. Attacks on the US power grid are surging.
But you notice it's from above and below.
It's pressure from above and below.
And then a big article in Vanity Fair that's a lot about myself, taking out of context this info, but they admit that most of the left's actually deserting the left and now does think society's collapsing and the Great Reset's bad.
But they're still kind of keeping their leftist views that are destroying them.
So it's inside the dissident fringe where the new right meets the far left and everybody's bracing for apocalypse.
And I ask the left again, why are you supporting the policies that are destroying you?
Well, what's extraordinary is the left right now and the left-wing media will not talk about what we're going to cover today, these dioxins and this toxic cloud fallout.
Well, that's a real environmental crisis.
That's a real environmental crisis, but they want to say carbon dioxide is a pollutant, which is absurd.
You know, you need CO2 because you're exhaling it and they want to make us the enemy.
They want a war on carbon, but they want to ignore The chemicals that are destroying all of us and our animals and our farms.
And Alex, I'm going to quote from the EPA today, and coming up here later in this hour, I've got a research list of the nutrients that allow the body to eliminate dioxins.
So this is about, ultimately folks, this is about nutrition.
It's not just about problems, it's about solutions.
So we're going to have that here during this hour on your show.
I'll go through the list for everybody.
Is he next segment or the bottom of the hour?
Well, he's coming on at the bottom of the hour.
Eric Coppolino.
Okay, great.
So we've got time to cover some of the other news.
Let's get into what I brought up first.
This paradox, the numbers show it.
80% on average are against the war.
It goes forward.
They go out and do polls of liberals.
They don't support the policies, but they support the people that are doing the policies because they're afraid to say no.
But there's a breaking point happening, not just here, but around the world.
How would you quantify this?
I mean, we're watching a suicide cult actually achieve the mass suicide of the human race right now.
And it's people like you and I and all the InfoWarriors, those watching, we are trying to stop the total suicide of the human race right now.
That's a perfect way to describe it.
It's a globalist death cult.
Transhumanist cult, and anybody that signs on to it either doesn't know what's happening or is under Stockholm Syndrome.
And really, if you quantify it down to its basics, it's are you pro-future or anti-future?
And what you said is very key.
This isn't just a war on homo sapiens.
When you really study the globalists, putting poison in the atmosphere, poisoning the ground, aluminum dioxide, barium salt, all this, they're at war against the planet.
I think it's aliens terraforming.
I mean, because I logically don't cover flying saucers and all that.
You can't prove it.
But if you logically war game, and I've talked to some top generals who agree, it's like an anti-human force.
What they're doing, you've come to the same conclusion, just isn't human.
Yeah, yeah, clearly it's an anti-human force and clearly, I'm glad you mentioned terraforming because that process is taking place.
And by the way, George Soros just recently, you know, called for weather control blocking the sun, right?
So, you know, we gotta invoke Dane Wigington.
Geoengineering Watch, who we both had on as a guest many times.
He's absolutely correct.
He was called a conspiracy theorist for years.
Now George Soros is calling for exactly what Dane Wigington was warning us about.
Yeah, and that's in his full hour-long speech he gave last week, talking about George Soros calls for blacking out the sun.
George Soros calls for blacking out the sun.
With additives to jet fuel to aerosolize and block the sun.
Oh, exactly what we said.
Right, right.
So, look, they're at war with the sun.
They're at war with carbon dioxide.
And those two things are two of the three components of photosynthesis that grows the plants, that produces the crops, and the plants produce the oxygen that keeps humanity alive.
And all of our animals, by the way.
So, this is a terraforming, anti-human death cult.
It's a simple equation.
They're trying to cut off the sun and cut off carbon dioxide.
They know we're smarter if it's not cut off water or oxygen, but these things are just as important.
And at the same time, they're producing this, which is the perfect poison.
We're going to talk about this, Alex.
2378-TCDD, the world's most toxic chemical.
This is the dioxin chemical.
There's about 75 of them.
This is the worst one.
This is the perfect poison because it never goes away.
It's right here.
And again, coming up at the bottom of this hour, our guests, we're going to get into that in more detail.
Well, not to bring myself into this, but I'm a bellwether, like a gauge or a sensor.
I took off some time went to Cancun a few weeks ago had to take off to reset my brain hadn't been there in like four or five years and I was there for five days and I brought a bodyguard who would when I was on the beach with my daughter and family he just sat back under you know under the palapas or whatever and there were all these liberals going I used to hate him but I gotta admit he's right This is crazy.
All he heard was positive stuff.
For five days, I was out on the beach, you know, volleyball and football and building sandcastles.
I was out there like five, six hours a day.
All he heard was positive saying, actually, everybody attacks him, but he's right, and I'm a liberal.
So again, what this Vanity Fair article says is true.
It's not working.
People want survival.
They want prosperity.
If you want to live, if there are any progressives leftist watching, if you want to live, This is where you're going to learn the truth.
We are going to fight for the sustainability of human civilization.
The mainstream media, the left wing, the right wing media, all of it is lying to you.
They're calling it a controlled burn.
It's not a controlled burn.
It's a chemical factory.
The independent media is where you're going to get the truth.
And especially this show today, Alex, I have to say, what I'm bringing to your show today is the most important thing that I've ever offered here.
This is pivotal.
Well, you brought so many bombshells.
This is it.
When you... Next segment, we'll get into this.
When you see what they just did in Ohio, you'll see this vector of mass death and suicide.
This is the worst ecological terrorism act ever in the history of our country.
The worst.
You've never said this is the biggest thing I've ever broke.
Wow, this is huge.
Believe me, once we get into it, you'll see this will have implications for centuries on this continent.
But imagine a nuclear war would be tens of thousands of times as all those other chemicals burn.
This is far worse than Chernobyl.
More people will die because of this than died in Chernobyl.
Far more people.
And radiation, you know, cesium-137 has a half-life of 29 years.
It eventually, in three centuries, it's basically gone.
This stuff never goes away.
This is worse than radiation.
By the way, I never aired it.
I talked about it last Saturday.
The newscast out of Palestine, Ohio, where ten days before, nine days before, FEMA shows up and says, put bracelets on for a disaster, RFID, the first test base in the country, it was set up.
It looks like a setup, absolutely.
Predictive programming with the white... And no wonder Biden or Buttigieg won't get near it, because it's so damn poisonous.
Well, I know Trump is headed there, I think, tomorrow, and I'm... He better wear a damn respirator.
He better be careful.
Every surface is contaminated.
It's Tuesday, February 21st, 2023.
We're already in World War III.
The only question is, will it go nuclear?
Most analysts say the probability is now 50-50.
As we continue down this road, it goes to a certainty Point of a singularity of an Atlantean moment where we destroy ourselves.
Did Atlantis exist?
We don't know.
The parable, the fable, the legend is it did and a technology destroyed their island.
Are we about to destroy ourselves right now?
Mike, looking at the situation in Ukraine, it's surreal.
It's like it's not even real, but it's there.
Biden will do whatever it takes.
Putin flooding more troops in.
Threatening nuclear war.
Massive escalation.
How do you see this ending and is there any way to stop it?
The consequences of the stolen election will be catastrophic.
If we don't find a way to bring us back from the precipice of this, we need to start thinking, in America, how do we survive nuclear strikes on our continent, okay?
I mean, we are so close to that, and more importantly, our incompetent, arrogant, And ignorant State Department officials and Biden administration officials are deliberately, I believe, marching us into a nuclear conflict.
Because it's kind of like what Skynet did, by the way, in the original Terminator movie.
Remember, they asked, well, why did Skynet launch our missiles at the Soviets?
Because they knew the Soviets would launch the missiles back at us and destroy us.
That's what the State Department is doing.
They're acting like Skynet.
They're saying, hey, the best way to destroy America is get Putin to nuke us.
That's what they're doing.
And then their New World Order comes out of it, which is their actual plan.
Plus it depopulates.
Who's left will go under the control of the New World Order and all the advanced technologies.
And every emergency will be declared.
Every website they don't like will be seized.
Every broadcaster will be shut down.
Oh, opposition's done.
Yeah, I mean, they'll just declare emergency and they'll confiscate all the guns and they'll force you into FEMA camps and they'll feed you whatever.
I mean, you're lucky, you're going to be lucky to get food in that scenario.
We're talking about the total annihilation of America as we know it, if we don't step back from the brink of this.
And we're being run by mad, insane, psychotic people.
Who are you?
They know, I use the Terminator analogy from the 1980s, the first one, which is such a classic.
Skynet's already lost, so it's got to send back the Terminator to kill the guy that leads the rebellion.
They've already lost, they need to overturn the whole chessboard, because they know they've lost.
Really good point.
You're exactly right.
They know they've lost, because look at how many people are rejecting the insanity of these anti-human policies.
How many people are rejecting the grooming, the genital mutilation of children, the transgenderism push on children?
Hollywood admits their own words, they're dead, everybody hates them.
And this is also why the globalists, Alex, have come out and just admitted everything.
Again, weather control, geoengineering, depopulation, food scarcity, shutting down the energy industry.
What did you make of Elon Musk last week at the World Government Summit in Dubai, WEF, saying your world government will collapse society, it's a bad idea.
Joe Rogan suddenly, and I knew him 25 years ago, that's why I got mad at him, he's as smart as I am or you are, he knows all this stuff backwards and forwards.
Now he sounds like me every day.
He's gone super hardcore.
So we've kind of crossed the line here.
It's a good sign, I think.
Well, I agree.
And both Joe Rogan and Elon Musk, you know, they do very well based on an infrastructure that exists where they can communicate to people.
So they're not part of the suicide cult.
They're not perfect, but they're finally being forced to break with the suicide cult.
Because everything ends if this war begins.
Everything ends.
And that's all I'm saying to the establishment or people that aren't psychotic.
Just join humanity.
Join prosperity.
Please stop the death cult stuff.
Can we stop?
It's like Operation Valkyrie.
There's not one guy we can take out like Hitler, but can we culturally take out the New World Order by not complying?
I mean, this is a do-or-die moment for the human race.
We either prove that we are worthy of having life on this planet, which is so far not happening, or we lose our civilization and we lose this planet.
And right now, I mean, our race, because of these lunatic leaders, we are sleepwalking, or I should say, woke-walking into extermination right now.
And people are just, they're on board with it!
Still, quite a few, right?
A lot of people are on board with it.
You and I are just redpilling.
We have like redpill catapults here at the Infowars studio, just launching redpills out there.
And keep rolling the Terminator footage.
But exactly, the question is, can we launch, there's open mouths, but can we launch enough redpills?
I do believe there will be a remnant of survivors no matter what happens, and I believe that we, in this movement in particular, we are hard to kill because we know how to protect ourselves from these toxins, because we know how to grow our own food, because we know self-defense.
All of those watching and listening, the info warriors, the independent media, we are the hardest to kill.
While the progressive leftists who live in the cities, they tend to be incredibly easy for globalists to exterminate, because they have no redundancy.
They have no plan other than believing authority.
That authority wants to kill them, and they will if they're not stopped.
And that's how Stockholm Syndrome works, is the average person, particularly women, I think it's women, but women are like five times more likely in studies to go under Stockholm.
They are approached, they are oppressed, and then the person says, submit to me and you'll be okay.
The globalists are putting all this pressure on attacking, enslaving, dominating, and saying, do what I say, you'll be safe.
But you're not safe when you get in the car with Ted Bundy and he puts the...
Handcuffs on you, you get taken to a dungeon and tortured to death.
People have to understand, submission is not the way to go with this.
Submission is a death sentence in this.
You peacefully resist this, you wake people up, you speak out, you tell the truth, you use the alternative platforms, you share the truth, you share this show, ban .video and so on.
That is how we win.
We are in the process of winning.
If we have enough runway remaining, we will win.
And that's why the global... Exactly.
We're winning in the trajectory, that's why they've got to overturn the chessboard.
I want to be clear.
A lot of people call in, I get emails, "You're a wimp.
You don't want to go out and be violent."
I'm going to kill FBI agents or cops or firemen or bureaucrats?
They don't know what's going on.
A lot of them are just like us.
We have to kill the idea of the new world order.
We have to go after those running it.
This is an ideological war.
If it goes upside down and everything goes to hell, well then, all you people talking about violence, you're going to get way more than you wanted, okay?
I'm trying to stop that.
And I'm sick of hearing, you're a wimp, you don't want war.
Yeah, exactly.
I don't want nuclear war.
I don't want civil war.
I tried to stop January 6th.
Yeah, exactly.
And those people who post those comments, they're instigators.
They're trying to bait you into it.
And as you just said, the correct answer here is to educate, uplift, awaken, and empower
people with the skills to survive this.
Because frankly, Alex, God willing, I hope we do not take a nuclear strike in this country.
But if we do, it is survivable by people who know how to survive it.
I want to be clear.
You should come back and do a whole show on that.
If you don't take a direct hit, if you don't die from the immediate radiation or the blast, A nuclear war is, in fact, survivable by people who know how, but we've got to stop this because, you know, how are you going to grow food?
Well, that's the answer.
We've got to stop it.
We've got to stop it.
Because, you know, the real-time bomb will be the... Let's say they kill half the population.
In the first couple of weeks, they estimate half of what's left will die, and then, I mean...
Power grid out, they say 80% will die in a year.
No, you're talking about the total destruction.
So it's the hordes of the public.
I made the point of I'll eat my neighbors.
I'm saying that's the progression of this.
Well, in a nuclear war, more people will die from the infrastructure collapse than die from the nuclear strikes.
And you just alluded to that.
When they take out the power grid and they take out the infrastructure, the banking and financial infrastructure, more people will die from starvation, from chaos and violence, and a lack of water supplies in cities like Los Angeles, which will be basically unsurvivable.
More people will die from those things than from the radiation.
And now we're on the doorstep of this.
NaturalNews.com, Mike Adams, special guest, straight ahead, stay with us.
Alright, I've known Mike Adams 16 years or so.
He moved to Texas.
He's a good friend of mine.
He is one of the smartest people I know.
And he's been on the show probably 200 times to be conservative.
He's never come in here and said this is the biggest news in this hour and next hour.
Two big subjects that tie together.
So in the interest of that, because you know I can't shut up because my brain burns with ideas I want to tell everybody.
I'm gonna actually go in the control room and watch this for the next 30 minutes with this special guest he's got so he can cover this because this is so huge.
They're saying this is worse than a Chernobyl event.
So Mike Adams, introduce your guest.
Tell us what's happening.
Okay, wow.
Well, here we go.
So, the guest that's going to be joining us here in just a minute is Eric Coppolino, and he's from planetwaves.fm.
He hosts that platform, that network, and he has been covering dioxins, writing about it, and researching it for almost coming up on 40 years.
He'll be joining us here in just a minute.
I'm going to tell you something that everybody needs to know right now, including Alex.
You've got to see this.
I've got some overhead cams.
Oh, I'm watching.
I'm just going to shut up.
So, vinyl chloride, which I'm pointing at here, vinyl chloride, and for those on the radio, I'm showing a molecule of vinyl chloride.
It contains hydrogen, carbon, and chlorine.
That's it.
Just those three elements.
Vinyl chloride is what was on the trains.
It's considered an industrial waste but not an insanely toxic waste product.
You can deal with vinyl chloride.
You can put it into tanker cars and you can deal with it.
You can incinerate it somewhere else in a proper hazardous waste facility.
That's what was on the trains.
When they set fire to it, and I learned this from Eric Coppolino, who's going to be joining us, when they set fire to it, and I've confirmed this, I have EPA documents confirming this, they created this molecule in the fire, which is on the right.
This is the most toxic molecule ever created by man.
It's 2378-TCDD.
It's one dioxin of a class of dioxins, and you'll notice that Oxygens are inserted into the center of this molecule.
It has the carbons, the hydrogens, and now chlorine on both ends.
Four chlorine atoms, and that creates armor.
In essence, a chemical armor where this molecule is practically indestructible like Teflon.
This molecule is a disruptor of every system in the human body.
So it doesn't break down like radiation?
It will not break down.
It doesn't have a half-life like radiation.
It is considered a persistent bioaccumulative toxin.
That's called the PBT by the EPA.
Persistent means it doesn't go away.
Bioaccumulative means that it accumulates up the food chain, it falls on the grass, grass is eaten by the cows, goes into the cow fat cells, it ends up in the milk, the cheese, the meat, the eggs, and so on, and then as a toxin, it interferes with everything.
It causes cancer.
It causes spontaneous abortions.
Sounds like the shot.
Exactly, but in a way it's even worse than the shot because this, Alex, this gets unvaccinated people.
Thank you.
All the unvaccinated people, if you eat, you cannot avoid this if you're dealing with food that suffered the fallout.
So, just let me repeat, when they set fire to the vinyl chloride, they turned it into a chemical weapons factory that unleashed TCDD.
And then they called this a controlled burn, which is a lie.
It's not a controlled burn.
It was a chemical factory, a chemical bomb on America, an act of ecological terrorism.
And let me bring in Eric Coppolino.
Mr. Coppolino, thank you for joining me again.
I only met you recently.
I interviewed him yesterday, and that's why I invited him on today.
He knows what he's talking about.
Mr. Coppolino, thank you for joining the show today.
Mike, thank you very much.
What I just said, do you concur with that?
Do you have anything to add to that?
Did I say anything incorrect from your view?
What would you like to say?
Impeccably accurate.
Every word, your entire assessment is...
Spot on.
If I could add a little bit more to the incident on the train, first of all, there were in fact five cars of polyvinyl chloride, four cars of PVC pellets, and five of vinyl chloride monomer.
And they all burned or were burned.
And the problem with that is that among many, many, many problems is that they were burning in the presence of other fires in cars containing things like wheat and metal and frozen vegetables.
And so when other substances burn in the presence of any chlorine fire, this increases the amount of dioxin because you're making the hydrocarbons available As well as the chlorines available.
So even a little bit of chlorine in a big hydro or any hydrocarbon fire will produce the dioxins.
So this is by far, look this is not really measurable, but I know most of the history of dioxin going back, and I'm going to talk about that history in a moment because I've got a 1956 Monsanto document, but I can't think of a worse dioxin release than this one.
You and I both are calling for the total evacuation of East Palestine right now.
It should happen immediately.
And if it does not happen, Eric, what are we looking at in terms of children that are going to be born over the next several years?
Because I've read in studies that this will alter pregnancies in a mother 20 years after exposure.
What are we looking at in the next two years?
Well, even if it's not evacuated, even if it is evacuated, we have a problem because the people have been exposed to so much there.
And most of them don't really understand the peril that they're in.
They do not really understand the nature of this chemical.
But we're looking at multi-generational effects.
We're looking at women who cannot have children.
And we're looking at spontaneous abortions.
Pretty much everyone who's pregnant now and potentially everyone who becomes pregnant.
Carol VanStrom, my teacher and document source who provided me with this document, we spoke to the people of East Palestine last night in a Zoom call.
And Carol described a situation in her community which was sprayed with Agent Orange in the 60s and 70s after it was banned in Vietnam and there has not been a single baby born in this valley for 50 years.
I mean, this is... Would it be going too far to describe this as a depopulation weapon or at least a depopulation effect?
Whether you think it's intentional or accidental, the effect is depopulation, is it not?
Yeah, it's the population and it's disrupting the biological processes in the lives of many people.
We're all living with a level of hormone pollution.
This is going to add to an already very serious hormone pollution problem.
We worry about why there's all these weird things going on with sex and gender.
And though this is not politically correct to say, we're living in a world that is completely soaked in endocrine disrupting chemicals.
And in terms of intent, Mike, the word intent means new or should have known.
Intent does not mean the desire to make something happen.
In other words, if a jury has The option of finding someone guilty of an intentional tort, they don't have to have wanted the thing to happen.
They only needed to know or should know that it could happen, and that is certainly the case here.
And I think there is an absolute act of intent, and I don't know what Governor DeWine knew when he signed off on dumping between one and five carloads of this stuff, but the governor of Ohio agreed to this.
According to the Cincinnati Inquirer, quotes in the Cincinnati Inquirer, he was consulted and he ordered an evacuation of the area and they torched five tanker cars full of vinyl chloride.
I mean, I cannot imagine a worse thing.
I mean, this is going to be like testing a nuclear bomb in Yonkers.
Eric, and then they lied and they said it's a controlled burn.
Now a controlled burn is supposed to apply to, you know, forest fires, where you burn a fire break so that the fire doesn't spread.
When you take vinyl chloride or PVC and you throw it in a ditch and you set it on fire, according to the EPA, it will produce Massive amounts of dioxins.
And I'm on archive.epa.gov.
You can look up their dioxin information.
It says, studies have shown that only small amounts of chlorinated materials, so that's the vinyl chloride, polyvinyl chloride, only small amounts of these materials will result in the formation of dioxins when burning.
We'll be right back with more with Eric Coppolino.
This is Mike Adams here and Alex Jones on Infowars.com.
We'll be right back after this break.
Folks, this is totally premeditated.
The evidence is overwhelming.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, here with Mike Adams and a special guest.
Mike will be hosting in the fourth hour with another special guest that dovetails with this.
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Mike, this guest you gotta have back on.
I gotta have him back on for a full hour because I've been researching this myself.
At first, I'm like, okay, they burn some gasoline or burn some chemical.
And then I know you're on this with this great researcher who's been covering dioxin.
It's one of the most deadly things out there.
This is the most deadly form of dioxin.
But when I look at FEMA running a drill two weeks before Right through to the day it happened of putting bracelets on for an emergency and all of this and they have this perfect train loaded with all these perfect things to cause this and then Biden won't go there he won't get federal support.
I mean this is smoking gun because if you study the globalists they always run drills for real attacks in case their people get caught running the attack they say oh it's part of the drill just like 9-11 just like so many other events so to me the drill For this FEMA ID for FEMA slavery is just really, really a bellwether.
It has every marker of being planned and as part of a nationwide sabotage and chemical spill operation.
So it's not just shutting down the food infrastructure, energy infrastructure.
It's about blowing up chemical plants.
I mean, there have been dozens actually this year.
Wall Street Journal confirms attacks on power plants, power structures, food processing, chemical plants off the chart.
And what we need to understand about this attack in particular is how extremely low concentrations of this molecule are insanely toxic.
We're going to bring back in Mr. Koppel.
That's right.
I heard your guest say he read the governor in a news article.
I saw the governor on Fox News admit he was advised by the chemist, by FEMA, by the experts to set it on fire and he did it.
So yeah, the governor admits it, but they knew what they were doing.
They should have known if they didn't.
But I think you're right, I think they did.
But understand, compared to glyphosate, I mean glyphosate is a Boy Scout compared to dioxins, okay?
Heavy metals, lead, mercury, arsenic.
So tens of millions dead glyphosate is nothing compared to that?
Nothing compared to dioxins.
This can be toxic at what's called femtograms.
A femtogram is one one millionth of a billionth of a gram.
I mean, we're talking nanograms and then picograms.
So this kills any tissue it comes in contact with?
Well, it doesn't kill the tissue.
It interferes with all normal physiological functions.
So it's soluble with lipids in the body.
So it interferes with everything.
The endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, the neurological system.
The hormones are attacking?
The hormones.
I mean, we're talking about in your blood.
It could be at parts per trillion or lower.
There's no safe dose, which means that every surface in East Palestine, and probably for a thousand square miles around there, every surface is contaminated and will be.
Guys, roll the video of doves.
Hundreds of doves, all of them dying, hanging by their feet and falling.
Twenty miles from the event, and then let's go back to your guest.
Yes, let's bring in again Eric Coppolino, and if you want to go to his Substack site, by the way, it's planetwaves.org, and he has a really great resource there on dioxins.
Mr. Coppolino, thank you again for joining us.
We appreciate you.
We've been just... Yeah, what about the premeditation, and then you've got the floor, but this looks premeditated.
Well, is that addressed to me, Alex?
So, apart from the premeditation potential of this, and to me, by the way, the drill is always the key to premeditation, so I need to look into that, but let's go back to a 1956 Monsanto document.
Can we see this?
There you go.
Oh my God, I've got my screen blur on.
Yeah, you've got the screen blur, but we can... Is there a way to get rid of that fast?
We don't mind seeing your background.
Yeah, it's fine.
You'll trust that I can provide this document to you.
Can you just tell us the name of the document?
My crew can pull it up.
Yeah, it's in Document Cloud.
I'll send you a link.
It's in a kind of obscure place.
But in any event, it's a 1956 Monsanto document, which is tempting, and it's fairly long.
I mean, it's about 10 pages long, includes meeting minutes, and it's attempting to reconcile the fact that they had these very unusual toxic effects in 1949 from an incident that turned out to be dioxin.
Then they had similar effects in Germany when a plant blew up.
In 1953 and they knew everything they needed to know about these chemicals as at their own admission by 1956.
They knew everything that was going to be contaminated in this document takes you back through time and they look back at all the Agent Orange components and they admit that it's in there and then they turn around and they spray Agent Orange which was you know dioxins one of dioxins most infamous moments And that's where most of you know about this, because if any of you are related to a Vietnam vet... Oh, I mean, no deformities in our family history.
Two deformities in my uncle that was a helicopter gun pilot on a Cobra, protecting the spring of it.
Two deformed children.
Out of four.
And three generations.
Dow Chemical knew in the 1970s this would go three generations.
In a rat study that the EPA conspired with Dow to cover up.
Now the problem with the EPA is that they always conspire with the companies to cover up their crimes.
They act almost like a public relations agency or a buffer to the companies to keep the companies in business and this just has been the role of the EPA and the FDA since the beginning.
And by the way, the exposure of these dioxins causes aggressive behavior in children.
It causes deformities, both neurological and behavioral deformities.
But it's directly linked, like, led to crime.
Yeah, but again, at concentrations that are literally a billion times smaller.
So there's no way to get rid of this.
Now, we have to... So they want an angrier world, Klaus Schwab talks about.
And this feeds right into infertility, spontaneous abortions, and also lack of sperm motility in men.
It's like the worst nightmare chemical, right, Eric?
I mean, everything that you've seen in your research.
Go ahead.
Yeah, it's the worst.
It's the toxin by which all others are... I've taken my blur off, so you cannot see my... Sure, so by accident, the case of Spades, the King Daddy, has been released.
That's not an accident.
Yeah, we see the doctor... Right, so I'll share this document with you, Alex.
It is really impressive to read how much Monsanto knew how long before they started dumping this entire chemical on the millions of men who served in Vietnam, the Vietnamese people, and then when it was banned in Vietnam, they sprayed it.
On the forests of the Pacific Northwest.
So this war has been going on for a very long time.
Dioxin is the perfect chemical weapon.
It is a war against the people throughout the history of dioxin right up to the present day.
So basically Super Agent Orange is bombing the Northeast right now.
It was almost like exploding an Asian orange factory in East Palestine, Ohio.
And this is why I am calling for the evacuation of East Palestine until there can be absolutely honest comprehensive tests for dioxins, bibenzofurans, and all other known degradation products.
There's videos of animals dying everywhere.
There's hundreds of birds falling out of the sky, dying.
What's going on?
Hanging by their feet like bats?
Well, this is very toxic.
It's Silent Spring.
I mean, this is what happened in Silent Spring.
The book that got DDT banned.
People are saying that their bird feeders have no birds.
Of course they don't have any birds.
This stuff is unbelievably toxic to wildlife, to small children, to pregnant women.
It will sterilize All women of childbearing age, and that's why they must leave.
Take your dogs and cats with you, and then we have to pressure the EPA to get independent, honest testing for dioxins and furans.
Eric, and along those lines, before we run out of time, Alex?
Our lab is investing in a dioxin interface for equipment.
I'll talk to you more about that off-air.
We're going to be able to do independent testing.
Secondly, let me go through the list of PubMed published studies that talk about nutrients that can help eliminate this just real quickly.
Catechins from green tea.
This was all National Library of Medicine publications.
Black tea.
Effects of green vegetables.
Chlorophyll, chlorella, seaweed, green matcha tea, and this all eliminates dioxins in laboratory studies.
It eliminates it from breast milk so that you can breastfeed your babies.
There's something called dried bonito broth, which is known in Japan, that's been able to help children that have been exposed to dioxins.
Folks, we know about indole-3 carbohydrates.
So for any enemy attack, God gave us something.
Exactly, exactly.
But you have to have the knowledge, you have to understand nutrition and superfoods and supplements, or grow your own sprouts, grow broccoli sprouts, make your own indole-3-carbinol, eat cruciferous vegetables, grow your own vegetables.
You can detox from this.
You can survive.
That's my message.
Five more segments with your incredible, five more minutes with your incredible guests.
We'll be right back.
Our whole planet is being sabotaged.
Mike Adams is here with a special guest who leaves in five minutes.
Mike's got another special guest coming up.
He'll be hosting right here in the chair.
And then in an hour from now, Owen Troyer, 3 p.m., The War Room.
Mike, let's get more data from your incredible guest.
All right, Eric, again, thank you for joining us.
And Eric's website is planetwaves.fm for his broadcast and planetwaves.org for his Substack page.
And he's been studying this for almost 40 years.
Eric Coppolino is his name.
Eric, again, thank you for taking the time with us today.
What else do we need to know in the next five minutes about the long-term effects of the food supply, the soils, the farmland in this area?
I'm deeply concerned about the fact that there are 75,000 farms in Ohio, 90% of them are family farms, and it has to be a comparable number in Pennsylvania.
You have a population center just about 60 miles away, that would be Pittsburgh, and then I've heard of health problems as far away as Kentucky and New Hampshire.
And so this is an enormous amount of a chemical that's measured in quadrillions of a gram, as you accurately said.
And people need to not kid themselves about how serious this is, and they need to get as far away from that thing that you're looking at right now as they can.
I know this is nearly impossible.
I'm speaking with residents of East Palestine by Facebook and other ways and these are ordinary working class people who, you know, they might have like two kids and two dogs and there's very few people they know who can accommodate them.
And so they're living in the middle of all of this.
They're refugees!
They need to be refugees.
I mean, I'm very sorry to say this, and I know how horrible it is when it happens in a community, and I can tell you even how traumatized students in a college dormitory were.
My main project on this was covering dioxin contamination in four dormitories on a college campus in New Paltz, New York, and they were completely freaked out.
They might have to move their dorm room.
Imagine having to lose your home, which you can't sell anymore.
The economic destruction of this, I mean, what is the value of a farm that is downwind
from this catastrophe?
What's the value of that farm right now?
How is it not zero?
It's not going to be sellable.
It's unsellable.
The homes are unsellable.
The businesses, the town.
I mean, these people, these victims need to be compensated.
And this is a multi-multi-billion dollar economic destruction.
And by the way, the agricultural output of the state of Ohio is something like 3.8 billion dollars a year.
Sure, well no wonder Booty Judge won't get near this.
Of course.
They can't admit that this is the biggest cover-up in the history, at least ecological cover-up, in the history of our country.
The number of parties that are complicit in this include the media.
You realize that today here, folks, with Eric Coppolino, myself and Alex Jones, we are the pro-environment wing of America.
We are pro-environment.
We're trying to tell the truth.
The media is covering it up.
I mean, here we are sounding the alarm and trying to save lives and trying to save future generations and trying to save farms.
But because it's the Midwest, the left's making jokes about it.
It's not funny, and this food is going to be distributed all over the place.
You're having dinner in New York City right now, you're eating food grown in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Ohio, and New York State, so you can't poison part of the planet.
Now I wanted to say, if anyone in East Palestine is listening, you've got to get people out of there and those who stay behind must demand dioxin and furan testing.
There's a big meeting with Aaron Brockovich on Friday night.
The issue of dioxin testing must come up.
I contacted Aaron last night.
There have to be split samples.
The samples cannot go to one lab.
Now, and there's no way that anyone can do dioxin testing and come back with a no-detect level.
That's why they're not going to test.
But to get accurate levels, there have to be multiple labs working on this testing process and not paid for by the railroad.
There's the key, and also not the EPA, because the EPA's been lying to us from the very beginning, and also the Secretary of Transportation, Buttigieg.
I mean, totally incompetent.
Well, I want to invite you both back on the show Tuesday, Mike, so you can cover this.
Hopefully you can get this guest back on for a full hour.
Thank you, sir.
I'm already aware of your work.
Alex, thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you, Eric.
Yeah, and we'll see if we can get you back on next Tuesday.
I'll be hosting hours two and three, it looks like.
So, thank you all for joining us today.
Thank you, Eric.
All right, Mike, you got another big guest coming up.
Got 10 seconds.
Tell us about that.
Michael Yan, in studio, one minute away.
All right.
Mike Adams takes over.
Owen Schroer in 55 minutes.
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Thousands of former Nazis went to work for the United States government.
A flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army.
There is a bulletin from CBS News.
President Kennedy has been shot.
This is a different kind of war.
The USS Liberty had just been attacked by Israeli jets and torpedo boats.
The CIA could manipulate the news in the United States.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on a cold floor.
It was almost as if it were a plan.
You need to go into the Capitol!
You will always have conspiracy theories.
They are nothing but distraction.
You guys censored Harvard-educated doctors.
You silenced those voices.
What we want to do in Davos is push the reset button.
Soon as we start exposing the Great Reset, the sooner these globalists start going to prison!
Okay, welcome back folks.
Hour four of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Mike Adams in studio with Michael Yan here, our special guest.
First time in studio with you here, Michael.
Thanks for joining us.
Thanks for having me on, fresh back from the Darien Gap.
Oh yeah, we got a lot to talk about with you.
You are doing extraordinary work.
I also got my dog, Rhodey, here in studio.
He's fallen in love with whatever you're wearing over there.
He keeps wanting to cuddle with you for some reason.
He's a killer dog, but he purrs like a cat.
I know, isn't that funny?
He is.
He's a highly trained military dog, but he just wants to hug you, I think.
But anyway, if he does that, don't freak out.
It's all cool.
I like it.
Here he comes right now, actually.
OK, so what we're going to get into here, continuing from our last hour with Eric Coppolino, we talked about the dioxin toxic cloud fallout that's happening over the northeast of the United States.
This is an incredibly deadly, dangerous event that's going to affect the food supply for literally decades, if not centuries, to come.
And Michael Yan is an expert on the food supply and understanding the logistics And scarcity shortages and famine, how famine and war and pandemics go together.
So can you just give us a little brief for those who haven't, who aren't familiar with your work, who you are, your areas of expertise and focus, and then we'll get into the details.
All right.
Well, as you can see, I'm a dog lover.
Dogs love me.
Especially this killer.
So yeah, my name is Michael Yan.
I'm most known for my combat war work and years in various wars like Iraq, Afghanistan.
I got kicked out of Hong Kong in 2020.
Right, when the pandemic was starting.
And so anyway, just years of various conflicts.
And when you look at war, the highest form of war is information war, you know, info wars, right?
And that's the PhD level, all the kinetics, all the firefights and all that I did for years.
That's, you know, a much lower level.
The higher level is info wars.
And then involved with part of the body of war is also pandemic and famine, right?
Which I call PANFA War, right?
Pandemic Famine War.
It's interesting, a couple of years ago I was doing an interview and one of my kind readers, she said, you talk about PANFA War, Pandemic Famine War, as if you made it up.
And I said, I did.
She goes, no, it's in the Bible.
You know, the four horsemen.
I said, oh.
Actually, you're right.
That's probably where I got it from, because they've known about it since 2000.
It's in the Bible.
I mean, pandemic, famine, and war, they run together, and they run with something else.
Human osmotic pressure.
The human osmotic pressure, the push and the pull of migration.
See, this is what's key to understand.
So all these attacks on the food infrastructure, some of which we spoke about today, but also the food sabotage and the takedown of the transportation infrastructure that moves food.
This will cause refugees.
This will cause what you call human osmotic pressure, which is the mass movement of refugees and migrants in and out of certain areas.
In fact, it's causing it right now, right?
That's why I just came from the Darien Gap.
This hop, this human osmotic pressure, which the WEF, as they call it in the Netherlands, the World Economic Forum, which is co-sanguinated with CCP.
There's no real separation of CCP and the WEF, right?
They are one.
And the WEF has been very clear that they're trying to drive human osmotic pressure to drive migration.
That's why I spend so much time in the Darien Gap and I have taken two congressmen down there before.
Actually, I just took two journalists down.
I've taken quite a few interesting people down.
The Darien Gap...
There's a gap between, they call it the Darien Gap because it's a place between Colombia and Panama where there's no roads.
Highway 1 which goes all the way from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, there's a big gap at Panama that goes for about 63 miles of no roads.
So we have migrants that come in for, if you want to call them that at this point, they come in from Africa, they come in from all over Asia.
And they come from South America, and they come through that hourglass, the Darien Gap, through Columbia, and then they go through into Panama.
And then from Panama, they work their way north.
And so I've been down there, for instance, a couple of weeks ago, I took two Chinese down, I took a Cantonese speaker and a Mandarin speaker, because there's many mainland Chinese coming through the Darien Gap.
And a lot of these people look militant.
And then from there, many of them make their way across our southern border and end up in the United States, correct?
That's right.
That's exactly what their intention is.
They come from the mainland Chinese that I speak with down there, all of whom, by the way, none of the Chinese that we've spoken with have spoken Cantonese.
They all speak Mandarin.
Oh, that's interesting.
So they're not from the Hong Kong area.
None are from Hong Kong.
So, but then a lot of these migrants, so-called migrants or illegals, however, whatever term people want to use, are also carrying weapons, right?
So some, I know that there are some from certain radicalized sections of the Middle East that use that route and they come in with explosive vests, for example.
I know there are others from China that are carrying, for example, full-auto weapon drop-in triggers for AKs and AR platforms, you know, to convert to full-auto.
I mean, one of my other contacts talked about surface-to-air missiles that had gone missing and were believed to have crossed the southern border.
This is a very real vector for stockpiling weapons of terrorism that can be used against America's infrastructure, correct?
Well, they won't be carrying weapons through the Darien Gap.
Not the Gap, but I mean, from Mexico across the border.
Now, that's a different story.
And for instance, actually, Todd Bensman, whom I think you know, he's having a conference today in Washington, D.C., which I could not attend.
But Todd Bensman writes about this prolifically.
Anyway, that's a separate topic, but clearly this is a weaponization of migration.
These are not all economic migrants.
The Chinese that we speak with down there say they're paying about $20,000 each just to get to the Darien Gap.
Then they pay a lot more to get from Panama up into Texas and other places they're coming across.
Some are saying about $30,000 by the time they get to Texas.
A lot of these guys, most of them are military age males, by the way.
I have a lot of videos.
Many are fresh that I just made.
You sent me quite a few of those.
Before people accuse you of being a member of the Bloods or the Crips, what is this red bandana on the desk here?
All the Dutch people will know exactly what this is.
This is a red bandana, but they'll know that this is a symbol of The WEF, the World Economic Forum, is stealing the farms from the Dutch farmers.
I was over there last year for several months with Dutch farmers.
Jordan Peterson contacted me about doing a podcast over there, which we did and it went viral.
So I'm about to head back.
Jordan wants me to go back to the Netherlands.
We're going to do another podcast with the farmers.
The World Economic Forum is stealing thousands of farms from Dutch farmers.
Taking over the food supply system there in the Netherlands.
They are farming what's called tri-state city.
So in the Netherlands, the government has shut down thousands of farms, essentially by force, by coercion.
Whereas in America, what we just talked about last hour, is a dioxin chemical bomb that's been unleashed onto tens of thousands of farms in the Northeast.
I mean, these are just different Weapons of war against farms that provide food.
I mean, you see that similarity of what's happening?
The total destruction of the food, the farming infrastructure?
This is a comprehensive war.
I mean, the information war is the highest form, as you know, right?
But under that come so many other forms.
For instance, as you've talked about many times, the Haber-Bosch process, you've talked
about BAS.
You're one of the very few people that talk about that.
I went to BASF twice last year, by the way.
And as you know, when Nord Stream was cut, Nord Stream 1, Nord Stream 2, right?
When that was cut, that was a big deal for Europe.
And as you and I spoke about last year, and I'd said many times, and I think you had said too, when BASF closes, that's Europe having a heart attack.
Europe is suffering massive coordinated deindustrialization.
We're looking at the potential collapse of Western Europe, at least as we know it.
I mean, that is a civilization that is committing suicide and also being attacked with the loss of energy.
Now, stay with us here, Michael.
We're in studio with Michael Yon.
I'm Mike Adams here, fourth hour on the Alex Jones Show here on InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back after this break with Michael Yon in studio.
All right, welcome back.
This is Mike Adams here, joined by Michael Yan in studio.
He's an expert on human osmotic pressure and also the global food supply, logistics, famine, and pandemics and war.
I mean, truly an expert.
How many books have you read on this subject?
Because you're keeping a tally, right?
How many books are you up to now?
Yeah, at one point I counted how many books I had read on pandemic, which was before the pandemic started, 40.
And then I added another, I'm on the 21st now, since then, so that's 61.
But you see the same patterns then throughout history just over and over again.
Yeah, it's like the same story in a sense over and over.
But the reason I've studied so much on pandemic is because pandemic and famine and war, they just go together.
And so anytime you get a big war or a big famine or a big pandemic, you will get the other two.
There's no exception to that.
See, that's key.
So when they attack the food supply, they know they're going to, by creating famine,
they're going to create war and they're going to create pandemics one way or another.
Or if they start a pandemic, they're going to create famine and war.
Just start one.
Just start one.
And so that all three of these will create that human osmotic pressure that that push
in the pull of the migration.
And this can be used in the weaponization of migration, the demographic destruction,
which is what's happening across Europe.
I've lived in Europe for six years, I was just again there last year for about four months, and I'm going back here in a few days.
And you can see that the demographic destruction is, you know, I've spent more than half of my life outside of the United States.
Not more than half of my adult life, but more than half of my life, right?
In about 90 countries, right?
And so one, I've learned a lot of things in those travels and living overseas.
And one is that some fish just don't mix well in the same aquarium, right?
And when you mix certain fish, you know, you see the fish chart when you get in an aquarium, you know, some fish just don't mix with others.
You know, one green fish all the way across would be Filipinos.
They can get across, they can get along with almost anybody, right?
Filipinos can.
And then there's some red fish like Chechens, right?
So when I was over in Lithuania about a year ago with the Lithuanians, I was with them in Afghanistan, so I have good contacts with the Lithuanian military and whatnot.
And so Belarus has been pushing migrants into Lithuania and they tried it in Poland, Poland pushed them back, right?
And so I asked Lithuanians, do you have any Chechens?
And they said, yeah, we do.
And we keep them separate from everybody else.
They said they have a Chechen critical mass.
More than six Chechens and they go critical, right?
And they become a gang, right?
And this is the thing.
I live overseas.
I spend most of my time overseas still.
And I can see what's about to happen across Europe and here.
There will be war.
Demographic war.
So much of Western Europe has become really overrun with, let's say, London.
The majority of people are not ethnic British people there anymore.
It's immigrants.
It's migrants from all kinds of different regions.
And look who's the mayor of London, by the way.
But this is also true in Poland, in France, to some extent in Italy and Greece, although not as much.
This mass migration that's been moving into Western Europe, aren't they going to collide now with this collapse, the deindustrialization collapse of Europe that is now in play?
I mean, what happens?
It's hard to imagine not.
Recently I was in London, actually with Andy Ngo and Misako Ganaha, and we went into that giant mosque in London together.
I was there with Andy and Misako.
Misako had to go to the women's section, of course.
One of the things that a lot of Americans and others don't seem to realize is that, you know, you can pull Russians in and they just, they become part of us.
instantly. And Filipinos do that. They become part of us very quickly, right?
There's others who come across as tribes. I mean, you're not getting
individuals, you're getting tribes, right? And that's something a lot of people
don't seem to understand. You're getting these, I call them, anthro-insula, human
islands, right?
And these things are all over the world, human islands, and some will, like for instance, when you have Turks and Kurds in Germany, or the United States, they will fight each other on our streets, right?
So what does this mean for America?
We have so much mass migration happening now across the southern border.
Many different groups, but also many malicious individuals or perhaps working for the CCP or working for the drug cartels or working for radical Islamic terrorist groups, for example.
What does this mean for the safety and security of America as these groups?
I mean, you mentioned so many military age males is what you observed going across the Darien Gap.
Are these people coming to the United States to receive an activation order someday?
To just start fighting, start destroying, start sabotaging infrastructure?
I mean, where does this go in America?
Well, you can imagine, my imagination is vibrant on that.
With the Chinese who are coming through, some are coming through as family units.
But then again, some spy units do come through as family units.
I think many are just economic migrants, right?
But these are not Farmers with knurled fingers and that sort of thing.
These are clearly educated people.
A lot of the people, as you know, I spend a lot of time with military people constantly.
Whether from my time in Special Forces up till my years in wars and even today, right?
Even this morning I was with military people.
And so I can spot military people.
A lot of these people coming through the Darien Gap, they look very military to me.
The men, and they're mostly military age males that are coming across, very fit, very switched on, watching everything.
They're not your normal guy that's looking at his shoes when he's walking.
So what does that mean then?
I mean, are they being recruited and then pushed north to occupy?
I think It's a safe bet, obviously, this is a guess, that some of
the Chinese coming through are probably military or intelligence operatives, right? Of
course, they can just fly in as well as tourists or whatever, but you can come in these other
ways as well, right? And clearly, a lot of them, why are they even here? They've got the
money, somebody's funding them to come up, and my imagination's going wild, as you can imagine. And we're
not talking just, as you know, CCP, the Chinese Communist Party, PRC, People's
Republic of China, is now an enemy country, right?
We can see that.
And why are all these Chinese just flooding into the United States?
Buying up property next to military bases, next to the border.
It's amazing.
Well, and it brings up the question, since now we're almost in a World War III scenario with Putin, him just giving his speech about, I don't know, 12 hours ago or whatever it was.
And it looks like that's going to escalate very quickly, potentially to even a nuclear exchange.
China stands at the ready to jump in and support Russia and potentially to use that conflict as an opportunity to declare an economic embargo against Taiwan.
And you can imagine that if that happens, China would also then give orders to all of its infiltration agents in the United States that it's go, go, go.
This is the go moment now.
I mean, it kind of just makes tactical sense that they would do that if we're in a war.
And you've seen what just happened in East Palestine.
I mean, this can happen all over the United States.
You can have hundreds or even thousands of attacks like that.
This is child's play in the United States.
You mean they could take out bridges, they could take out refineries, they could use mortars on the power substations, or what have you?
What are you saying?
You know, when I was in Special Forces and I went to a school for sabotage, one of the first- Really?
There's a school for sabotage?
Okay, alright, makes sense.
Well, I was in 10th Special Forces Group and our mission was to parachute into Poland.
I can say this now.
I was classified at the time, honestly.
But our mission was to parachute into Poland and do a lot of things, right?
And a lot of that included sabotage.
So I did a lot of sabotage training.
But one of the number one rules of sabotage is you never blow up anything that you can burn down.
It's easy to burn things down and the destruction is relatively complete, right?
So, you can see, it's child's play to set things on fire.
Well, and that's happening all across this country right now with the food infrastructure.
So look, we're going to go to a quick break.
We're going to be back with Michael Yon in studio.
Fascinating discussion, but also a red alert moment for America.
Stay tuned.
I'm Mike Adams here on the Alex Jones Show, fourth hour.
We'll be right back after this break.
All right, welcome back.
Mike Adams here, joined by Michael Yan in studio, and Alex was just in here during the break, and it looks like Michael Yan's going to be able to come back tomorrow, is that right?
And join Alex in studio?
Yes, sir.
I'm looking forward to it.
It's a great honor.
No, that'll be amazing, because you have such a knowledge base.
It's just absolutely crucial to share that with the world.
We've got a lot more to talk about here, but let me mention to support this network, folks, InfoWars Store is an incredible selection of nutrient solutions.
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So, supportinfowarrestore.com, get these CBD products at an incredible value with the full potency of the cannabinoids that you would expect, the full spectrum, and you'll be supporting this broadcast at the same time.
And thank you for your support.
Now, getting back to Michael Yan, again, it's exciting.
You're going to be back here in studio with Alex tomorrow, and I'm going to be hosting next Tuesday, it looks like.
By the way, I'll have our previous guest, Eric Coppolino, back on at that time.
What do you make of this whole, you know, the dioxin chemical bomb that is falling on all the farms in Ohio and Pennsylvania and New York and so on?
The food supply out of there is soy.
It's wheat.
It's dairy.
Those are the top three exports out of Ohio, by the way.
Billions of dollars a year.
And then it's also pork.
That's the fourth one.
What happens to a food supply like that when Half the country realizes that, oh, gosh, this may be contaminated.
Well, you know, Sam Faddis, a retired CIA officer, he's one of the first people I asked about this.
I called him up and I said, Sam, you obviously see what's happening here.
Is there any significance to this area, East Palestine?
I mean, it doesn't look like just a random Accident would there be a reason to to have a quote-unquote accident here in particular and He hasn't actually fully researched that yet, but that's a question that I have as well of course I'm focused on other aspects of the of the food and and This is a big comprehensive war so I can't focus on on every single that the details of every single battle But this was obviously Not a complete accident
Yeah, well, and if you think about the food infrastructure has been sabotaged for the last 18 months.
Somebody's been burning down food facilities.
And I've talked to experts who have some clues of why that's happening.
And transportation is being destroyed.
But now to say, well, OK, that's not enough.
Somebody has decided to have a chemical bomb on the food supply.
And it's like, OK, yeah, sure, here's the food.
You can still eat it.
But guess what?
You won't have children.
Your family tree is done.
You'll probably die of cancer.
You'll lose years off your life.
You're going to suffer from confusion, maybe birth defects and much more.
It's kind of like We're being told by the, you know, the jailers, the enslavers, oh yeah, here's your prison food, eat it and you'll die anyway.
If you don't eat it, you'll die too.
It seems like these are the choices that we're being given as Americans.
Yeah, and the food supply is clearly under attack.
And again, you've talked about this so many times when it comes time to the nitrogenous fertilizers.
For instance, after I just left those four months in Europe last year, I flew over to, well, first I flew to Ireland and spoke with the Sinn Fein leader, Mary Lou McDonald, and was asking her about the food supply there in Ireland.
And she said, oh, don't worry.
We've got everything under control.
We export enough food for 25 million people.
We have fewer than 8 million people on the island.
All she wanted to do was talk about equity and equality and all the Marxist talking points.
So I flew over to Thailand, where I have interesting contacts over there, and I was meeting with one of the ex-Prime Ministers, Abhisit.
We're having coffee, and I was warning him about nitrogen and fertilizer issues, shortages, right?
And he said, don't worry, we export.
I have an office in Thailand.
You have an office in Thailand?
Why am I not surprised to hear that from you?
If you web search my name in Thailand, you'll see me flying around with the Prime Minister and that sort of thing.
So I have a lot of contacts in Thailand.
But I flew over there to warn them about food supply issues.
Because, you know, they imported last year 5 million metric tons of nitrogenous fertilizers, right?
They only create about 8% of their fertilizers there.
So, you know, and he said, don't look how much rice we export.
You know about this, Michael.
And I said, I do.
However, when you export rice, you're exporting nitrogen.
That's right.
Rice is basically a vacuum for a nitrogen vacuum.
And where are you going to get it from?
You're not going to get it from Europe.
I had dinner last year with Jordan Peterson and a retired CEO of a Dutch chemical plant in Amsterdam.
And the retired CEO said, Countries like India and Brazil are going to have a very difficult time getting enough nitrogenous fertilizers in 2023.
And here we are.
Where do we get a lot of our protein from?
Well, and in America, we get a lot of protein from the animal products, and the animal products are what bioaccumulate these dioxins that have just been released.
You know, we're talking about the beef, the meat, the cheese, the dairy, eggs, and so on.
That's where those toxins accumulate.
But let's go back to Europe, because you and I had a conversation last year about BASF, BASF, and how they produce using the natural gas from the Nord Stream pipelines, which have since been destroyed, but they use that as a feedstock in order to make ammonia, which becomes the basis for the nitrogen-based fertilizers that feed four billion people on this planet, right?
Now, tell us where BASF is today, because it doesn't look good.
Limping along.
When I was at BASF last year, as you know, that's where this all started in roughly 1915, you know, the Haber-Bosch process. They started the construction of the industrial
scale of nitrogenous fertilizer production there in 1913 and 1915 it really
kicked off. And so they would take the natural gas as you described before, take
the hydrogen off, combine it with the nitrogen and make ammonia and ammonium
sulfate and these other things, urea, right? And the other products. And so and
that's what of course it wasn't all just about nitrogenous fertilizers, it was also
about explosives, right?
Well, yeah, and a lot of, you know, 40, what is it, 40,000 chemicals?
But they're shutting it down, essentially.
I mean, piece by piece.
That's something for medicine, industry, automobiles, textiles, you name it.
You should see BASF.
It's on the Rhine River at Ludwigshafen.
It's 10 square kilometers.
It's unbelievable.
That's insane.
So I was inside of there looking at this thing.
This is unbelievable.
But they're shutting it down, essentially.
I mean, piece by piece.
Is Nord Stream.
Nord Stream.
That's the blood flow.
I mean, that's, I asked specifically, what happens if, this was when Nord Stream was still flowing.
I said, what happens if Nord Stream stops flowing?
You know, because Russia had just punitively shut it off, but it was still operating.
It was still viable, like it could have been turned back on.
Right, right.
I mean, obviously not.
I mean, but then, You know, there's a website where you can watch the flows, right, of Nord Stream.
So I had those running on a separate iPad.
I would just watch the flows and, you know, what's going on.
And then, next thing you know, bubbles in the sea.
Let's see, who are the suspects on this?
Of course, we immediately blamed Russia.
You and I knew.
We knew immediately who did this, yeah.
Yeah, the chances are that Russia did it were... So do you think that Sy Hersh's article on this is overall accurate?
Because, you know, there's been a lot of debate about that.
I can't speak for the details because I don't know.
However, the likely suspect is one.
United States.
You know, or somebody that we sponsored, right?
Well, and plus Joe Biden practically admitted to it.
Which freaked out the intelligence community.
I mean, the clips are out there of Biden saying, yeah, we're going to take it out.
And then Victoria Nuland celebrating.
Yeah, it's a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea.
It's like, well, I mean, who had the means and the motive to do it and stated that and said they're going to do it?
It's like we're going to carjack you.
And then there was a carjacking.
Like, who did that?
I wonder who could it be?
OK, well, we'll be back again with Michael Yan.
I'm Mike Adams to Michaels today.
Here in studio InfoWars.com.
All right, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Mike Adams here in studio with Michael Yan for our final segment today and also my dog Roadie in the background here.
He's been cruising around the studio checking out everything.
He tried to bite that skull over there earlier.
Did he?
Yeah, yeah, he was like, bones!
Is that a human skull?
I'm not sure what that is, but he was checking it out.
Oh, apparently, yes, it is.
It's a human skull.
It's a human skull.
There, they got him on camera.
Yep, that's, that's Rhodey.
He's getting real comfortable here in the studio.
And now, during the break, you and I were talking, Michael, about how the flows are increasing.
The flows of military-age males are increasing across the Darien Gap.
More and more people It's very much smoke and mirrors.
For instance, I was down on the Mexican side last year.
of Texas does not seem to be doing anything really effective at stopping the border.
It's like smoke and mirrors at this point.
You want to elaborate on that?
It's very much smoke and mirrors.
For instance, I was down on the Mexican side last year.
I spent a couple of weeks just on the other side watching people cross day and night across
the Rio Grande right in front of me like this.
And yeah.
And so I was watching some speech that Abbott was giving while I was in Mexico, and he's like talking about how they're closing the border down.
I'm like, they're right in front of me right now.
I'm watching them.
It's nonsense.
You're telling me the border's closed, but I'm looking at it.
I'm watching the Texas National Guard on the other side.
I'm yelling at them on the other side of the Rio Grande.
The National Guard are helping the migrants up.
So it's all theater?
It's theater?
Complete theater.
So, but, you know, Abbott signed, you know, he issued executive orders that, you know, we're under invasion and, you know, we're going to send all these Humvees down there and the guard and everything.
It seemed like there was a lot of something going on, but it's not, they're not actually stopping the trafficking.
Not at all.
I mean, it's more now than ever.
And down in Darien Gap, we are making this happen.
I mean, I'm down there watching this.
I've been writing about it.
I've been down there all the time.
For instance, when Mayorkas came down, when?
Last April, I think, right?
I was down in the Darien Gap.
Actually, a congressman's chief of staff told me that Mayorkas is coming down.
So I was about to head to Arizona to meet some congressmen and I said, well I'm just gonna stay here in Darien Gap in Panama and I'll wait for him because I bet I know where his helicopters will land.
So I waited.
On about the fourth day, he landed right in front of me.
I launched my drone.
I was actually on the phone with John Batchelor, you know the famous John.
I was on the sat phone with him and here comes the Blackhawks.
I'm like, bye John, I gotta launch my drone.
And so Mayorkas landed and gets out of the Blackhawks, they crossed as close as we are
now, by me, went into this camp, San Vicente camp in Darien Province,
and I was droning over them when they did it, they have doubled the size of that camp since he came last
year, so less than a year ago, and the flows are increasing,
there's about a thousand per day now coming through Darien Gap, that's just Darien Gap
flow, there's many other feeders.
But to what end exactly? What's the point?
Demographic, this is Darien Gap right here.
I mean, demographic destruction of the United States.
It's happening in Europe as well.
It's utterly insane.
Unless you want to destroy the United States.
So, whoever's running this says that the American people in their view are obsolete and have to be replaced.
So this is replacement theory, but not a theory.
This is replacement plan.
And they're poisoning the American people with the vaccines and the dioxins and who knows what else, killing us off, making us infertile, and then bringing in all these replacements.
That's what you're saying?
You know, I took, actually, former Navy SEAL officer Matt Bracken, I think you know Matt.
Yeah, we know Matt, yeah.
I asked Matt if he wanted to come to the Gap and he's like, when?
I said, next week and he jumped on an airplane and I took him down.
So I just had Matt down in the jungle as well.
He saw all these things.
I think even for a Navy SEAL, he was surprised at how much flow is coming through that gap.
Not only is it unhindered, it's we are facilitating it with our money.
But see, the thing I don't quite understand is that with all of these migrants coming in
and then we're going to be facing this real food shortage situation, right?
And possibly cyber attacks on the power grid, possibly financial collapse, possibly World War III.
Aren't they creating a perfect storm for a domestic chaos war situation, like total chaos
across the United States as these migrants who are mixed in with the American people,
all of us together find that we have no power grid or reliable food supply or reliable banking
transactions and so on.
Aren't they just creating a worst case scenario?
I mean, and that's their stated goal.
Evil has a habit of telling you what it's going to do.
Mein Kampf, you know, writes it in a book.
I mean, evil, it's a, evil habitually tells you what it's going to do.
In the World Economic Forum and CCP, they're very clear, which are co-sanguinated.
They are so deeply entwined that they're inseparable.
And that's clearly what they're trying to do is destroy the West.
And, you know, you see all these people like Federer up in Pennsylvania or Biden or Harris.
These are what's called dog kings in information operations, right?
This is an old term that goes back centuries.
Dog kings.
I publish about it from time to time.
A dog king is like, for instance, the current king of Thailand made his poodle, Foo Foo, a vice air marshal in the Royal Thai Air Force to demean and belittle the Thai Air Force, which he was having a spat with, right?
So Dog King goes back to, say, Caligula's horse, right?
Making his horse a senator, which he may or may not have actually done.
But over time, for instance, Swedes knocking out Norwegians and killing a Norwegian king and making a dog into a king, giving it a crown, giving it a throne, and that dog is now your king.
You will take orders from the dog.
It demeans and belittles the people, right?
And you're saying that's Biden and Harris and these current Clear dog king strategy.
Clear dog king strategy.
It's unequivocal.
And what it does is it demoralizes the people that are being dog kinged because you're not throwing them out.
Well, I have to take orders from the dog.
And it shows your enemies that you're weak.
These people take orders from a dog.
These people take orders from Joe Biden who can't even stand up.
He's clearly demented.
Now, okay, real quick.
You're going to be back on here tomorrow with Alex in studio.
Also, I'm going to be posting tomorrow on band.video another interview that you and I are doing like an hour from now.
So the Info Warriors are going to hear a lot from you, which is awesome.
You have a lot of information and experience, but how can people also follow you, you know, online, social media accounts and so on?
Well, my name is Michael Yan, last name is Y-O-N, Yankee, Oscar November, and I'm on Locals.com.
I left Patreon because they went woke.
My account's still open there, but I actually publish on Locals every day.
So is it MichaelYan.Locals.com?
Michael, that's how it is.
Do you, are you on Telegram or?
I'm on Twitter daily now that Elon took it over.
Oh, they let you on Twitter?
I mean, it was surprising.
I don't go on Facebook or any of that trash anymore, but I do go on Twitter.
Elon took it.
Okay, great.
So, and what's your Twitter handle?
And I'm on getter as well.
Michael Yon at 1776 and on Twitter, I'm Michael underscore Yon.
Okay, perfect.
So it's going to be easy for people to find you, and then the couple minutes we have left here, what do you think people need to take away from this as the big aha?
You know, because you're an expert in so many areas, human osmotic pressure, mass migration, refugees, food shortages, famine, pandemics, and war.
What's the big picture of what we're all facing right now?
We're in a state of war.
It's quite obvious, right?
And there's no opt-out button on this.
Where are you going to go?
New Zealand?
I mean, that place is completely compromised.
Globalist hellhole.
Not to mention that they're defenseless when CCP or somebody wants to take them, right?
So, I mean, there's no place to go.
Australia is clearly unfree.
Canada is a farce.
They don't even have freedom of speech in Canada, right?
As much as we love our Canadian friends, brothers and sisters, it's an unfree country, right?
Where are you going to go in Europe?
Europe is completely crumbling.
A lot of people are coming to Texas.
I came to Texas, but that's not a good thing.
I've told you this before.
When I was in the Iraq War, some of the military officers were joking one time.
One colonel in particular was leading the conversation.
He said, when we want to know what's going to happen next, we watch you.
I said, you know, that's probably a good idea because I only go to the combat.
That's what I was I didn't come to Texas for peace.
I came to Texas because I think this is an epicenter of things unfolding.
If I wanted to sit this one out, I would go deep in the hills somewhere you'd never hear from me again.
But I'm an American.
And as long as I'm still alive, this ain't over.
Right, exactly.
Well, and you're in the right place, because I'm here in Texas, Infowars is based here in Texas, we've got a lot of great people here, and also the Texas spirit, you know, supersedes or transcends this state.
We've got a lot of people watching and listening who share that with us, and we've got sister states like Tennessee, for example.
A lot of great people there, the Tennesseans there, people in Florida, people in Indiana, people in the Midwest, all over.
You know, Utah, Arizona, even rural California, Oregon and Washington and so on, the Dakotas, Montana.
The American people want to be free and they're tired of the BS, they're tired of the scarcity, the famine, the weaponization of everything.
So thank you, sir, for joining us and sounding the alarm so that we might overcome these great evils.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you for having me on.
Well, it's an honor to have you on.
That's Michael Yan, everybody, and he's going to be in studio again tomorrow with Alex Jones during the regular show.
I'm Mike Adams.
Of course, thank you for joining me today.
And there's a lot more coming all this week, but I hope you learned a lot today.
And Owen Schroer is up next with The War Room.
Stay tuned.
Take care.
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