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Name: 20230214_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 14, 2023
2300 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including UFO distraction, train derailments in the US, emerging viruses, government surveillance without warrants, the Biden economy's inflation rate, the expected spring offensive in Ukraine by Russia, the Nord Stream pipeline explosions, and economic instability. He talks about the quality and affordability of InfoWarsMD products and discusses various issues facing American transportation systems. The speakers also discuss their support for InfoWarsMD, the ongoing decline of the military in the United States, and being silenced or removed from social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook due to their views that go against the mainstream narrative. Alex Jones appeals for financial support and promotion of InfoWarsStore.com products in a livestream video and introduces the new InfoWars MD line.

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So all of this is completely transparent and the Pentagon admits they ran the PSYOP and the surveillance and the censorship of the American people during the COVID rollout and during the poison shots and then they targeted our military with the garbage and purged them with critical race theory and transgenderism and making officers in the army wear red high heels.
All of this is to demoralize and destroy our human military and force us onto drones and robots.
This is a scientific, technological elite that Eisenhower warned us about in control of our military-industrial complex.
There have been many award-winning films made about Eisenhower's speech.
Whole films based on it.
And films about Robert McNamara and the rest of it.
But they never show the clip from the 21-minute speech where he says a technological elite is already in control of almost all of our science and systems and can use that to control the public and get people in the dark and consolidate power and this group is in control of the military-industrial complex.
And they pose the greatest threat to America.
Now that's the former head of the Allies in World War II, two-term president, Hold on yards in his farewell address telling you there's a
deep state that's out of control that thinks it runs this country and then his
Successor John F. Kennedy
Was then assassinated just three
years later in Dallas, Texas getting his head blown off by henchmen of
that very Organization and that very conglomerate and that very
multinational new world order group [BLANK_AUDIO]
And now that group has slowly gotten us into a war with Russia and is now picking up the pace Up the ladder of threat, up the ladder of violence into full-on nuclear war.
And they just hit the public with a deadly engineered bioweapon through the shots.
That's who runs our military, is the technological elite.
That have broken away from government, broken away from corporations, broken away from the population.
Their religion is transhumanism.
Their goal for us is depopulation.
They are the priest class.
We are the slaves.
And they are simply clearing out what they see as an infestation from their planet.
And if we sit here and only care about the NFL or Netflix or play along with all their distractions, they will destroy us.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news, today.
Another live transmission that gets completely under the skin of the devil-worshipping tyrant seizing control of our planet.
It's Tuesday, February 14th, 2023.
And we're going to have open phones throughout the broadcast again today.
Wow, the world is really waking up.
Without even looking, I've seen a bunch of big comedians on national television.
Edward Snowden, the former big NSA whistleblower, he's gone public.
Sy Hersh has come out.
And they're all saying what we all know.
This UFO hysteria is 100% a distraction from the entire agenda of the New World Order falling apart in front of our faces.
The Nord Stream being blown up.
All the Epstein files starting to come out.
The open borders, the imploding economy, inflation exploding in its acceleration upward yet again.
The expanding war in Ukraine.
All of it is nothing but a distraction.
A much bigger distraction than the Super Bowl was.
Super Bowl hit six-year audience high with 113 million viewers on Fox alone.
And what position are we in now?
A better position or a worse position watching the bread and circuses Meanwhile, two more trains derail across the U.S.
after Ohio catastrophe.
Harrison Smith's going to be popping in.
He's been doing a great job weekday mornings.
With American Journal 8 to 11 a.m.
Central really focusing in on it.
I've done some research into it as well.
You know, it's bizarre.
A few years ago they shot a movie of a train derailing in the same town blowing up in a chemical explosion.
Very, very bizarre to see life imitating art and to see the government claiming it's safe when they know it's deadly toxic and poisonous.
Reminds us how many other disasters that our loving government has covered up and told us was safe, namely 9-11 and all the poison dust.
Huge news on the emerging viruses front.
Bird flu may mutate to kill more than 50% of humans who catch it as a result of unprecedented outbreaks sweeping mammals, experts fear.
Of course, the UN's been warning of that being imminent.
Remember, they're a bunch of depopulationists.
Yahoo News, USC Today, they're all reporting.
Little by little, they're winning.
Tide turns in key Ukraine.
City updates as Russian offensive begins.
We're also going to look at the trend, happening more and more, of governments openly spying without warrants on populations with hidden cameras and microphones, including in light poles And other infrastructure.
I already mentioned this, but here's some of the headlines on that front.
Biden economy inflation up 6.4 on top of what it was a year ago.
Higher than expected household budget stressed, strained and broken.
Well, that's the plan.
And if you think you're going to live in an underground cash economy and survive and buy that baby food, think again, ladies and gentlemen, 87 new IRS agents to target.
The working class.
Rhode Island Bill would make it possible for illegal immigrants to vote.
The Senate has now secured $10 million in funding from the legislature to ship illegal aliens to the sanctuary cities.
And the New York Mayor is now being criticized by Canada because he's shipping the illegal aliens to Canada.
So it's just ship them all around while the U.N.
ships them into our country.
Why don't we talk about the source of the problem instead of moving these people around
all over the place who are economic and cultural refugees from the policies of the lockdowns
and the new world order.
That is just some of what we are going to cover on this big broadcast today as we go
in, through and beyond.
Tomorrow's news today.
The coordinates of the resistance are at man.video.
At conspiracyfact.info.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side.
Open phones and more.
Stay with us.
The powerful combine of major corporations working their governments and media To control and dumb down and dispossess the public, but be best described as magicians or con artists, sleight of hand, smoke and mirror, carnival barkers.
When the world is awakening, we have two different futures, the Great Reset or the Great Awakening.
Snowden says UFO hysteria is engineered distraction from Nord Stream Pipeline bombshell.
Yes, that's what we said last week.
And Pulitzer Prize winner Cy Hirsch has come out and said the same thing.
A lot of comedians are saying the same thing.
In fact, let's play clip one first before we get to the Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby and his clown world.
Pointing out what these so-called UFO shootdowns are really all about.
Hi, I'm Tom Green and forgot to mention the other reason this UFO information is coming out now is because they're trying to distract us all from the fact that we're about to get released the Epstein Island list as well as what's going on in Palestine, Ohio with the train derailment and the chemical release of chemicals into the air.
Which is being called possibly as bad as Chernobyl and the fact that World War three might be about to start in the Ukraine War between USA Russia and China, so that's what's going on good to see you guys.
Hope you guys are having a great day There's UFOs Bingo Tom Green Snowden says UFO hysteria is engineered distraction from Nord Stream pipeline.
We can put his tweet up on screen.
He says it's not aliens.
I wish it were aliens, but it's not aliens.
It's just the old engineered panic, an attractive nuisance ensuring that these servile reporters get assigned to investigate balloon BS rather than budgets or bombings a la Nord Stream.
But don't worry, the Biden administration has come out and told us that it's not aliens after their people said it could be aliens, including the head of NORAD.
Biden administration forming team to study unidentified aerial objects.
doesn't know what shot down Lake Huron object is and doesn't rule out a UFO.
What is a UFO?
It's unidentified.
So they still haven't identified it.
It is a UFO.
That has a connotation of aliens.
It's not.
Here's an interesting factoid.
First Shinewinder missile targeting object over Lake Charon missed at a cost of $400,000.
So it took two of them to hit it.
So it took two of them to hit it, that's $800,000 to blow up a little craft.
Don't let balloons distract you from the global economic collapse.
This is Tyler Durden over at Zero Hedge.
Big article and interview with Cy Hirsch speaks out.
You have to hold the president to account for blowing up Nord Stream and not be distracted.
I totally and completely agree with those statements.
Now before we move into Two more trains derail on top of the Ohio catastrophe and the latest weaponized virus news, and then what's happening with the economy and more.
Let's go ahead and look at this report out of USA Today, also republished in Yahoo News.
Little by little, they are winning.
Tide turns in key Ukraine city, which is the Stalingrad type of battle that we saw in World War II happening, repeating in Ukraine.
Updates as Russian offensive begins.
So, USA Today is about as CIA as it gets.
I'd say the thoroughbred is obviously the Washington Post.
But, when you look at this, what did I tell you three days ago?
What did I tell you two days ago?
What did I say yesterday?
I said about three weeks ago, I believe that they will launch, the Russians will launch their second big offensive of the last year, a much larger offensive with 500,000 troops and 2,000 plus tanks and armored vehicles before the anniversary on the 24th.
Just from researching things and making my dead reckoning assumption.
And then I said that I believe the offensive has already begun and that Putin is not going to announce it because of political fallout.
That's how you would up the ante in an invasion, but not try to up the threat continuum to the next room on the ladder.
And now mainstream press from CNN to ABC News to USA Today to you name it are saying that the invasion, the second big offensive has begun.
Just like I told you last October I believe the Russians would invade by the end of February and of course that happened.
Again just pointing out that God gave us interesting minds, didn't he?
When I just go with my deep research and then just lean back and say, I believe the invasion has already begun.
The second invasion has begun.
The answer is correct, isn't it?
That's not being grabbed out of the air.
That's called knowledge and wisdom to be able to then make that analysis.
And all of you obviously have that to some degree, many of you more than I do.
That's why it's important for you to stand up and be leaders in your area, whether it's to ten people or a thousand or a million, because that's how we change the world.
The globalists are all about making you feel stupid and ineffectual so you won't be on the field of reality and on the battlefield of minds.
And again, this is pretty much purely a ground war now.
The Russians have been using missiles to take out Ukrainian infrastructure and weapons.
But because they got hurt so badly by the giant stockpile of Western high-tech ground-to-ground Ground to air missiles.
You're not seeing a bunch of Russian aircraft and helicopters flood in like you saw last time.
This is about as close to a ground war as a pure ground war as you're going to get.
And now they're just going to take the last few cities and towns that was Putin's original
goal in the east of Ukraine as a buffer zone controlling the east and the south of Crimea.
And then he will harden those points and declare that the war is over.
But don't think for a minute that the West and Zelensky are going to stop.
So all Putin's done is move the front lines of the war that's been going on for nine years, the proxy war, then a hybrid war, now a pure hot war, leading to possible nuclear war.
All he's done is driven those lines 50 to 100 miles, to the case of Crimea, 200 miles, In the South into Ukraine proper.
And so the war is not going to end anytime soon.
And Putin has boxed himself into a corner.
But so has the West, because we're going to get to articles where Europe has spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to hide the real cost of energy and things from the population, bring them deeper into debt, but they still can't hide it.
And then as the West pumps in more and more heavy weapons, this is just going to continue to escalate, and only ends bad if it doesn't stop now.
This is called a stalemate, and nobody wins but the central banks that consolidate power and control and give people deeper debt.
Russia has already begun its expected spring offensive in Ukraine, sending thousands of additional troops in an attempt to overwhelm Ukraine's defenses.
NATO Secretary General said Yesterday evening.
So, there you have the head of NATO saying the new offensive began yesterday.
We did call that one.
I think that's called nailing it.
I'm not bragging or anything, it's just I really thank God for the brains we've been given.
I know a lot of you got good brains too, why don't we use them?
We'll leave the rest of the story when we come back and make some more predictions here.
I want to go through the rest of the World War III stack in this segment.
In the next segment, we're going to look at the three massive train derailments Of the last week.
And the government response to that, and a point that a U.S.
Senator made on Tucker's show last night, how they keep us distracted with the black national anthem and all the race garbage, while our infrastructure is undoubtedly falling apart around us.
And I've had quite a lot of family that worked for the railroad.
My dad worked for the railroad when he was going through medical school.
For four years.
And he knows quite a bit about it, and anybody that knows anything about it knows that we have the worst railroads in the modern world.
I'll explain what's really going on coming up, but it's just one more example of how this country has been allowed to rot for 50 years.
That's coming up.
Then we're going to look at, again, the big developments with new weaponized viruses.
They're getting ready.
Could not be more important.
The economy and more.
But Harrison Smith will be with us the next few segments because he's been really digging into this to talk about it with me.
But let me make a very exciting announcement.
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Organic cranberry fruit fiber.
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Dried, unsweetened cranberry fruit is high in fiber as well as vitamin C, antioxidants, vitamin E, and vitamin K.
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And Ultimate Krill Oil and Ultimate Fish Oil are 50% off.
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All of this at InfoWarsTore.com.
And that is what keeps the broadcast on the air.
And I thank you.
For supporting us as we support you.
There's no broadcast like it.
I wish there were more, but we are the best there is.
And that's not saying a lot, but it's just the truth.
That means this whole family of guests, callers, myself, this crew.
Little by little, they are winning.
Tide turns Ukraine, city, and many other battlefield areas.
USA Today.
Little by little, Russia is winning key ground war.
French historian, World War III has already begun.
I agree with that statement.
Former President of Italy and current member of parliament blames Zelensky, Berlusconi blames Zelensky for the Ukraine war.
All he had to do was stop attacking the Donbass and this would not have happened.
Putin told them that, he told him that.
We will not enable escalation of conflict that may lead to World War III.
Elon Musk tells off lefty astronaut Scott Kelly at the Super Bowl to stop pushing for the end of the world.
Paranoid Putin only travels by special armored trains as he fears an assassination.
You have world leaders calling for his assassination, U.S.
Senators, you name it, and then he's paranoid?
You're not paranoid if you're protecting yourself and they're out to get you.
Biden suddenly orders release of another 26 million barrels for the Strategic Oil Reserve, not for America, but for China, the lowest the Strategic Oil Reserve has ever been.
Ron Paul wrote an excellent article that's on Infowars.com for the Ron Paul Institute that we'll be reading later in the next hour.
I want to read the whole thing.
It's not that long, but it's very important.
How we can stop the coming war with Russia.
Ron Paul.
Tanker rates on oil tankers to haul gasoline soar 400% after the Russian sanctions, not hurting us, is what Biden claims, but it is hurting the American people big time.
You can look at the prices there and see that for yourself.
So they claim the war isn't hurting the people, that's a lie.
Here's an example, Europe has spent 792 billion euros to shield citizens from energy crisis Using government money to buy the energy and then passing it on, but that's still going to be paid in taxes and in interest later.
$792 billion.
Yeah, not hurting the people.
Charting the global decline of consumer confidence, big article from Zero Hedge on that.
Russia, nuke bombers flying near Alaska as Putin taunts the US after a UFO was shot down.
Russia abandons wartime, Russians are leaving and abandoning wartime Russia in historic exodus, because they know how dangerous World War III is.
And it goes on and on from there.
All right.
Harrison Smith, let's get him ready.
Let's get him suited up.
Let's get him on the field, on the serious situation with the train derailments and the giant toxic nightmare taking place in Ohio.
I'm Alex Jones.
Please stay with us.
Well, newly elected patriot J.D.
Vance, who's defended my free speech, a great guy, knocked it out of the park last night with Tucker Carlson, pointing out that a lot of the globalist politicians, mainly the Democratic Party, but also some of the Republican Party, are diverting us from real issues with distractionary ones.
And I know we all know that, but it's important to educate the other sheeple about it if they're to be free.
Vance is a senator in the U.S.
He represents the state of Ohio.
We're happy to have him join us tonight.
Senator, thank you so much for coming on tonight.
The tragedy in Palestine, in your state, kind of points up that something is kind of wrong with the fundamentals.
I mean, if there are hundreds of train derailments, who's paying attention to this stuff and trying to prevent it?
Well, Tucker, we've had hundreds of train derailments after we spent over a trillion dollars on infrastructure in this country.
So the fact that this isn't getting obviously better is a major indictment of the people spending the money and what they're spending the money on.
Now we know if you listen to Secretary Buttigieg today, that they are focused more on whether
we have too many white men in construction jobs than he is on the fundamentals of his
job which is ensuring we have a viable transportation infrastructure in this country.
Unfortunately, my constituents in East Palestine have been some of the main victims of the
fact that we have failing infrastructure in our country again after spending tons of money
in an effort to actually fix it.
So the problem we have, Tucker, is that we are ruled by unserious people who are worried
about fake problems instead of the real fact that our country is falling apart in some
of the most important ways.
You mentioned the Environmental Protection Agency.
Of course, it says it right there.
It should be focused on clean air, clean water.
It's the thing that I'm most focused on for the people of East Palestine, but so often they're focused on environmental racism and other ridiculous things instead of fixing the problem that they are established to fix.
You got elected to the Senate in part because you said, look, the people that I grew up with, in your case literally that you grew up with and are related to, are dying of drugs and no one in Washington seems to care.
This seems a corollary to that.
They talk a lot about the environment and environmental racism, but this seems like an actual environmental disaster.
I don't detect any urgency from the EPA or from Washington at all.
Is it because these are not their voters?
I think it's a big part of it.
I think that the entire country, the media complex, the leaders of this country, have decided to disregard the people of East Palestine.
If you look at the way that this story has been covered, if it's been covered at all, it's about how, you know, there are poor people in East Palestine who have been victimized by this disaster.
Well, of course that's true, but you want journalists asking tough questions about what's going on.
You want to know, for example, what level of vinyl chloride is actually acceptable in the water.
I've been trying to get an answer to that question for days.
I haven't been able to get an answer to it.
Why is vinyl chloride being or showing up In the Ohio River in West Virginia and Cincinnati, hundreds of miles away from where this accident took place.
There are a lot of questions and we don't, unfortunately, have a media that's actually interested in asking those questions and answering them.
It's just crazy, all these people are like defacing paintings because they care about the Earth.
If you care about the Earth, clean air and water is the first step!
I mean, it's like...
Anyway, I appreciate it.
If you can't get an answer as a sitting U.S.
Senator from the state affected, that just tells you everything right there.
Thank you, Senator.
We're working it, Tucker.
Thank you.
Whether it's the balloons they're trying to say are aliens as a distraction from the
Nord Stream pipeline or the Jeffrey Epstein list about to come out, or black national
anthems at the Super Bowl.
It's all just window dressing, candy coating on the poison of the decision, really since the 1970s, to not Rebuild America and to deindustrialize us and no matter how much money is shoveled into it, it's all just raked out and transferred to China and other globalist investment zones.
That's what the New World Order is, is economic warfare against the people of the once great Western world because they don't want the populations of the world aspiring To what America and Europe and places like Australia and New Zealand and the UK used to be.
They want everything to be an equal hellhole while the powerful elites live in their own gated sectors and reservations.
And I know that the host of American Journal weekday mornings 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
Harrison Smith has been all over this like white on rice.
There's so many facets to this.
We just obviously heard Tucker there dealing with the distractionary issues.
How they're not focusing with them lying and saying it's safe.
Just like 9-11 and the deadly dust saying it was safe.
When they knew it was a death sentence and told folks they didn't even need respirators in the cleanup crews.
And now upwards of half the people that were in the cleanup are dead.
The whole area is a giant national Waste site, basically, or a Superfund site, but it's undeclared Superfund site.
But then you've got the National Guard roughing up journalists.
You've got them basically declaring unofficial martial law, investigations of that.
You've got more train derailments, two more train derailments in East Texas and then other areas.
A lot of craziness unfolding.
Harrison Smith, what's your boil down of this?
Well, you're right.
I mean, there's so many angles to this.
It's almost overwhelming.
But the simple boil down is bad.
It's really bad.
It's worse, possibly, than we even know.
And mainstream media is hardly covering it.
So, of course, we're having to get information from people on the ground.
And thank God that we actually have social media somewhat free at this point to where people can get this information out.
But, I mean, it looks like as soon as this train went over, It was sort of which worst case scenario are you going with?
So what happened was this train falls over and then they say it's about to explode and they say the explosion will be a mile in diameter.
I mean it'll be a essentially a tactical nuclear weapon with the added chemicals on top of that.
So in desperation, they poke holes in the side, drain all of the vinyl chloride,
which is hugely carcinogenic with like unique liver cancers that it causes and all sorts of other stuff
into a big trench on the side of the railroad.
And they decided to blow it up.
So we covered this for two hours on American Journal.
And we actually, for the second hour, opened up the phone calls to experts to talk about this.
And we had somebody in environmental remediation call in who actually said this was probably the right thing to do
because vinyl chloride, what happens is when it's in the air, it's like rubbing alcohol.
It evaporates really quickly.
But when it's in the ground, it seeps into the ground and it off-gasses for years or maybe decades after that.
So if you let it get into the soil, I mean, that's it.
It's over.
It's carcinogenic and it's there forever.
So they wanted to explode it, but of course then it's a giant cloud that goes over several states.
And so they lie and say it's not bad for you.
Well, now they're saying that it's on the water, it's safe to come back, and then you've got people posting on TikTok, like, I just walked into my house and everything smells like chlorine, and, uh, you know... Is animals dying everywhere?
Our animals are dying everywhere, so, uh, yeah.
What, is there lying instead of being honest?
Well, absolutely they're lying and they're covering it up and they're completely ignoring what seems to have caused this, which is the Biden administration's quiet war with the train unions, where essentially trains are hardly staffed to an appropriate measure.
They're skipping safety measures.
That's why we've seen some of the strikes.
Well this is all as a consequence of the strikes.
We actually had a train conductor, train engineer call in yesterday and totally confirmed that and said it's almost impossible to get capable people on staff anymore and this was just a disaster waiting to happen essentially.
And we had two more.
We had one in South Carolina and one in East Texas.
Huge ones.
Yeah, and these were a little different, though, because the one in Houston at least was a truck that it hit, an 18-wheeler that it hit, so that was somewhat unexpected, while the occurrence in Ohio had to do with a failure to either pay attention to the alarm or the alarm didn't go
Basically they have these hot boxes that measures the temperature of the axles of
the train and it shows that an alarm actually went off something like
20 miles away from Ohio. The train was never stopped, the emergency
application was never applied and it went off the rail. So I mean again...
And that's just like the Deepwater Horizon.
Yep. All their alarms were going off, the whole rig was falling apart
and then they had them dig, drill the deepest well ever drilled
and then they said we're not going to put concrete in the hole, we're just going to let sea water with
pressure hold it in and the engineers, as we said, will explode and the company
said we don't care, we'll save two billion
you know dollars if this works on our next few rigs, do it as a test and it blew up.
It just shows insanity.
Yeah, I mean, we just blew up an underwater pipeline to get back at Russia on Nord Stream.
So it's like, and a lot of people are asking, you know, are we under, I saw yesterday all over Twitter, are we under attack?
It's like, first of all, yes, we are obviously under attack.
Hundreds of food processing plants blow up.
It's endless, right?
So whether it was an accident or on purpose, it's the same people at the helm.
It's the same people in the charge.
And it's the same people that are being covered up for by the mainstream media, who aren't covering this to nearly the extent that it deserves.
I mean, it's almost impossible to describe the ecological disaster that we're witnessing unfold.
And it's only going to get worse, because the Globalist said at the Rio de Janeiro 1992 meeting they want a post-industrial world.
This is a plan.
We'll talk about the Great Reset when we come back with Harrison Smith.
It's had its challenges.
I mean, if you look at what the American transportation systems have faced in the last two or three years, partly because of the pandemic, we've faced issues from container shipping to airline cancellations.
Now we got balloons.
That's right.
The technocrats are on record.
That they're going to slowly shut off our civilization, our energy, our transportation infrastructure, our farming, and all the staple production crops that we've had, from beef to every other piece of the economy.
And you ask why, if they own pretty much everything and control it, why would they do that?
Because they're at war with us, and as things get more scarce, they will consolidate even more power and more control over us, because if someone is poor and can't even feed themselves, you can dictate to them how they're going to live their lives.
This is a very simple equation.
It's the post-industrial world.
And you have hundreds of attacks that have led back to Antifa.
They get arrested all the time derailing trains, setting fires all over the country.
And the media suppresses that.
Facebook and Twitter and Google would suppress it when they got arrested.
And you've got Extinction Rebellion funded by the big central banks and the Rothschilds out running around blocking trains and blocking roads and attacking blue-collar commuters.
And you've got all over the Western world The equivalent of the IRS, and including IRS here, ramping up and saying their main focus is working poor.
The plan is, cloward and piven, to make capitalism fail so you will go on welfare that is social credit score controlled.
Harrison Smith, host of American Journal Weekday Mornings, 8am to 11am central at Infowars.com.
Your view on where this is going?
I think the public's waking up to it.
What do we do?
Oh, well, you get prepared as best you can.
And of course, if you're one of the five million people that get your drinking water from the Ohio River, you definitely filter your water and you make sure that, you know, if you taste anything strange, try bottled for a little while.
But yeah, I had a caller again this morning talking about the egg situation with all of the egg destruction, the food shortages.
And it seems like the obvious conclusion is exactly what you just said.
They're attempting to destroy any sustainability that we have as human beings.
I got chickens in my backyard.
We get eggs from them.
I mean, that's totally free.
There's no, they aren't involved in any way.
They can't stop me from doing that.
They're trying to stop that from even being a possibility.
And you don't need exterminators because the chickens eat all the bugs.
And if you want, if you can grow, I mean, the earth is there.
I mean, it's, it's bountiful.
You can plant seeds, grow the crops, eat the crops, no bureaucracy involved.
But watch Monsanto and the rest of the companies doing.
They've been buying up tens of thousands of heirloom seeds, literally putting them in vaults and then only selling us seeds that don't produce more crops.
And so, exactly, and so this, you know.
That's a microcosm.
You've got the Ohio River, Ohio River, just some stats for you, serves 10% of the US population.
Over 30 million people rely on the Ohio River, including five million people who get their drinking water
from the Ohio River.
Combine that with the Colorado River.
Well, then the media makes fun of us when we say the water supply is tainted,
most areas filter it, and then sell water filters that are the highest quality, highest rated.
We're bad for saying, it's been big national news stories everywhere, hundreds of them over the years,
that we're evil, saying you need to filter your water.
And we're trying to make money off selling you something to protect yourself.
Well obviously I want to sell you stuff that's good for you.
What am I supposed to sell you?
And that's sort of the same as all this stuff.
Whether it's on accident or on purpose, you should be protecting yourself.
Whether they're putting chemicals in the water, you know, like all the stuff that they put in your garage.
Remember him suppressing therapeutics?
Arresting doctors that said take vitamin D and vitamin C as a preventative when it's on the CDC website.
They arrested doctors in Texas and Michigan and other areas two and a half, three years ago saying therapeutics don't work, vitamins don't work.
Again, they've attacked us everywhere because we sell supplements saying they're good for you.
These people are out to get you.
I know the public understands that, but my goodness folks, this is so obvious.
I know, and I mean, this is just the latest salvo.
People, again, on Twitter were yesterday going, are we under attack?
These UFOs?
These trains?
It's like, you've been under attack for 10 years at this point.
It's good you're realizing it now, but please catch up, because we got a lot of ground to make up here.
What do you make of the balloons?
What do you make of the pipeline?
I agree with Cy Hirsch and with Edward Snowden that they've called the balloons UFOs to scare people, to distract from the pipeline news and other news.
Yeah, I think that's definitely true.
I also think that the Chinese balloon, the first one, the big one that got everybody's attention, I think that was really a wake-up call.
I don't think these balloons are a new phenomenon.
I think we've ignored them before now.
I think that there's been, you know, lots of just little balloons, little signatures on radar that they just sort of brush off and now they're not brushing that off anymore and they're just going after everything.
So I don't think the balloons are necessarily a new phenomenon.
I think our reaction to it is a new phenomenon and is telling that our elite are a little bit nervous about what's going on.
Harrison, I think you're 100% correct.
We're going to play clip 7 here of Kirby, the Defense Department spokesman.
Now listen to this.
Listen to this quote.
He says, This has been going on under Trump, but he didn't know, we knew.
Now, we know it came out last week that the Pentagon decided not to tell the President of the United States, their Commander-in-Chief, so that when it came out that there'd been a bunch of balloons in his administration, that they'd ignored sent over by China, that come across over the Arctic, down over Alaska, and then down over the West, over the central part, and then exiting over the Carolinas, and on their way back to China, surveilling us, they could carry weapons platforms, you name it, Well, that was such an incredible admission, and then now Kirby makes the admission off-handedly that, well, the White House didn't know, the administrations didn't know, but we knew, as if the Pentagon is its own separate thing.
Here's the clip.
But we were able to determine that China has a high-altitude balloon program for intelligence collection that's connected to the People's Liberation Army.
It was operating during the previous administration, but they did not detect it.
We detected it.
We tracked it.
And we have been carefully studying it to learn as much as we can.
We know that these PRC surveillance balloons have crossed over dozens of countries on multiple continents around the world, including some of our closest allies and partners.
We assessed that at this time, these balloons have provided limited additive capabilities to the PRC's other intelligence platforms used over the United States.
But in the future, if the PRC continues to advance this technology, it certainly could become more valuable to them.
Alright, so everything Admiral John Kirby just said was from a carefully prepared script, not a slip of the tongue.
The administration, the previous administration, did not detect it.
The Pentagon, Detected it.
And didn't tell us.
That's a message to the world.
These presidents are puppets.
A message to the Chinese and others.
The Pentagon is in control.
We now know, from all the documents they ran, the development of COVID-19, the release of it, the poison shot, all of it.
Moderna and Pfizer were just front companies.
Harrison Smith.
Yeah, and of course, the previous Pentagon spokesperson or whoever it was, the Major General, was saying that they didn't want to tell Trump because they didn't want him to overreact.
They withheld this information about Chinese incursions onto American mainland with spying devices because they didn't trust Trump.
I mean, that is an open admission.
Combine that with General Milley calling China to To comfort them and say, don't worry, we're not going to do anything, and if we do, we'll tell you before we do it.
I don't know how this is anything but treason.
I mean, when you have these people usurping the rightful duties of the President of the United States... Yeah, you've got Mattis and you've got Milley routinely saying, we chose not to tell Trump.
I never voted for those guys.
I never voted for Mattis or Milley.
Remember, they would brag, too, that he'd sign executive orders, a government order.
They just throw it away.
That is literal treason.
It is a usurpation of power.
And he did it with Nancy Pelosi, where Nancy Pelosi said, I guaranteed her that I had access to the nuclear codes, and Trump wouldn't be able to do anything in his last days in office.
That is a right of the President of the United States, as duly elected, and they usurped that from him.
And so Kirby was literally just pee-peeing in our face.
Well, yeah, exactly.
That's exactly how I described what China was doing to us with the balloons, just sort of, because that's how it comes across to me, is just sort of showing we can do this now.
Harrison, stay there and do five more minutes with us.
I'm going to give the phone number out and take calls.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, in a few minutes, but please make note of this.
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We'll be right back with hour number two.
All right, final segment with Harrison Smith.
Then I'm going to give the number out next segment and take your calls interspersed with breaking news and analysis.
And I want to read next segment this Dr. Ron Paul article that's on Infowars.com about how we can stop the coming massive escalation of war with Russia.
His headline is how we can stop the coming war with Russia.
It's already begun.
That's my little spin on it, I guess you could call it.
But I asked Harrison in this final little five minute segment what he wanted to hit next, and that's the escalation in that war and some of the things that are developing on that front.
But now the head of NATO said last night, As I've been telling you the last week or so, the Russian invasion or part two of their offensive has begun and now NATO says that it's begun.
You can see the activity on the ground and tell that clearly it was bigger than a new probative action.
So I made that call and now NATO has concurred with that.
From the time we have left, Harrison, where do you see the situation going?
Uh, not anywhere good because obviously if there's one thing we know about the elites in the Western countries, they don't just give up and admit that they're wrong about anything ever, even when it's obvious.
And here they've, you know, spent all this money, they've dedicated all this time, they've really propped up Zelensky and acted as if, you know, if he loses, the world is over.
They're not going to give up.
Easily, and yet they are losing on all fronts as far as I can tell.
Russia seems to be about to mount a huge offensive.
Recently there were Russian jets that had to be escorted out of the Polish air zone by Dutch fighters, so they seem to be provoking their neighbors a little bit more.
And there's even videos out of Ukraine where they're now shoving 16 and 17 year olds into vans because they're running out of people, so they're having to lower the age limit.
Press gangs?
Yeah, press gangs.
I mean, these are the rumors.
Of course, we can't actually get any legitimate information out, so we have to go by the video.
Well, I've seen the footage of teenagers being grabbed by troops and thrown in the back of trucks.
While their mothers try to stop them and the soldiers smack the women away and drag their sons off.
Then there's even videos like of the young guys in trenches.
You can just see they're nervous.
They don't know how to hold a gun.
I mean they're being set up for slaughter.
Even though there was an Austrian general that admitted that there were NATO soldiers now in Ukraine, but they changed uniforms.
So I mean we're dealing with like false flag at the most basic level.
NATO clearly plans on this war getting bigger.
Apparently Putin's strategy, as far as I've heard, is he wants this war to go on for as long as possible because he knows that the Western people are getting sick of it.
And they are.
In fact, there was a massive rally in France yesterday.
They burned a NATO flag and were infuriated at the fact that France is still sending weapons into Ukraine.
So the public support for this war is waning, and I think Putin knows that, and knows that if he can just Keep it going for a little longer.
Go even harder in the next little while.
It's going to be the people of the West that will demand that our leaders pull us out of this and stop this folly before it gets to a nuclear level.
Absolutely, and my big concern is what we saw a few months ago we forget about.
Zelensky fires a couple missiles into Poland, instantly blames Russia, says, we need nukes, nuke Russia.
Chompin says, nuke, nuke, nuke, it's so liberal, end of the world so trendy, so fun, so loving, so anti-war, and then a day later...
Okay, it was actually Ukrainian missiles.
Right, and they got caught because it just so happened that an independent journalist was the first on the scene and was able to take pictures of the missile.
If that hadn't happened, you know, they would have swooped in, classified everything, and said, yep, it was Russia, but luckily they got some of those photos out.
That's really what's got the globalists in checkmate.
They can censor all the pages of people that are awake, but just random folks are shooting footage of stuff now, and it never fits in with the official narrative.
Or like when they were trying to stage false flags six, seven years ago in Syria, the Islamists firing the chemical weapons, the chlorine bombs, to cross Obama's red line that he would send in troops if Syria used chemical weapons.
They still wanted the bonus money they'd get from the jihad groups, so they kept videotaping themselves screaming Allah Akbar and firing the chemicals.
So it just kept coming out.
It's completely absurd.
So yeah, things are clearly getting to a very dangerous place, and if there's one thing we know about the new world order is they aren't going to give up anytime soon, and they'll push you to global suicide if it means they think they'll get their way.
So it's the unstoppable force encounters the immovable object.
Harrison Smith, weekday mornings, 8 a.m., InfoWars.com, boardslideshow and stations across the country.
Be sure and follow Harrison Smith and listen to his show.
It's amazing.
We'll come back and talk more about how to stop World War III.
Thanks, Harrison.
Thank you very much.
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You didn't come here to do that, but I made you do it.
We are a planet in crisis.
There are three major power blocks, the Anglo-American globalist technocracy, the Russians, And the Chai Koms.
The Chai Koms are a project of the New World Order.
We're allied with them, but have now split with them at many levels, but still have their agents and operatives here in the United States and are contending for total power.
Russia is the third power but weak comparatively to the Anglo-American establishment and weak
when it comes to their propaganda and industrial reach of China, but not weak in landmass or
their population with the arguably largest nuclear weapons arsenal in the world.
And so as I told you last week and I said again yesterday, the Russian offensive that
has been promised on or around the anniversary of the war starting on the 24th of 2022 has
already begun.
Guys, I forgot to get some more water.
Do me a favor and bring me another water.
Now, continuing here, I want to play a clip before I get into Ron Paul's letter warning the world about the situation.
I want to play a chilling clip that I played last hour.
I don't normally play clips, as you know, twice in a show, but this one is so insane that I really want to open the phones up on this subject and the World War III situation and the balloons and the economy and where all this is going.
That is a huge, huge, huge area to get into, but I hope callers will Restrict themselves to that.
But I want to play this clip.
And when I saw this clip this morning, it reminded me of so many other things that generals of the Pentagon have said about how they're in charge and they run America.
So here's Kirby talking about the balloons and the past administration.
We were able to determine that China has a high altitude balloon program for intelligence collection that's connected to the People's Liberation Army.
It was operating during the previous administration, but they did not detect it.
We detected it.
We tracked it.
And we have been carefully studying it to learn as much as we can.
We know that these PRC surveillance balloons have crossed over dozens of countries on multiple continents around the world.
Including some of our closest allies and partners.
We assessed that at this time, these balloons have provided limited additive capabilities to the PRC's other intelligence platforms used over the United States.
But in the future, if the PRC continues to advance this technology, it certainly could become more valuable to them.
Now what that is...
But we were able to determine that China has a high altitude balloon program for intelligence collection
that's connected to the People's Liberation Army.
It was operating during the previous administration but they did not detect it.
We detected it.
Okay, so what he's saying there, and it's important to play that twice in a row,
is what we know came out last week.
There were balloons, and the Pentagon, Mad Dog Mattis, and Critical Race Theory Millie, and the rest of them decided not to tell Trump, and they admitted that last week.
And now Kirby is repeating that here today.
And what they're saying is, these presidents are puppets, we run things, we make The decisions.
And remember Milley, I mean we can pull this up, Milley told Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, don't worry about Trump and the nuclear codes, I'm in control of the codes, not Trump.
So he's the President.
And we've seen countless other statements by them saying don't worry about what Trump does, we've got Trump.
Under our control and all the admissions that they would not follow Trump's orders or they would take orders he gave or even executive orders and not file them and throw them in the trash.
So whether you love Trump or whether you hate Trump, the point is you did not elect General Milley or General Mattis or General Kelly or any of these people to do this.
And now they only decided to tell you about the balloons as a political distraction for Nord Stream 2 and to embarrass Biden.
Knowing he's a CHICOM agent and that he wouldn't want to shoot it down.
So all of this is completely transparent.
And the Pentagon admits they ran the PSYOP and the surveillance and the censorship of the American people during the COVID rollout and during the poison shots.
And then they targeted our military with the garbage and purged them with critical race theory and transgenderism and making officers in the Army wear red high heels.
All of this is to demoralize and destroy our human military and force us onto drones and robots.
This is a scientific, technological elite that Eisenhower warned us about in control of our military-industrial complex.
There have been many award-winning films made about Eisenhower's speech.
Whole films based on it.
And films about Robert McNamara and the rest of it.
But they never show the clip from the 21-minute speech where he says a technological elite is already in control of almost all of our science and systems and can use that to control the public and get people in the dark and consolidate power and this group is in control of the military-industrial complex.
And they pose the greatest threat to America.
Now that's the former head of the Allies in World War II, two-term president, Hold on yards in his farewell address telling you there's a
deep state that's out of control that thinks it runs this country and then his
Successor John F. Kennedy
Was that assassinated?
just three years later in
Dallas, Texas getting his head blown off by henchmen of that very
Organization and that very conglomerate and that very multinational new world order group
And now that group has slowly gotten us into a war with Russia and is now
picking up the pace, up the ladder of threat, up the ladder of violence, into
full-on nuclear war.
And they just hit the public with a deadly engineered bioweapon through the shots.
That's who runs our military, is the technological elite that have broken away
from government, broken away from corporations, broken away from the population.
Their religion is transhumanism.
Their goal for us is depopulation.
They are the priest class.
We are the slaves.
And they are simply clearing out what they see as an infestation from their planet.
And if we sit here and only care about the NFL or Netflix or play along with all their distractions, they will destroy us.
I want to open the phones up.
On Kirby's statement.
On Milley's statements, on Madison's statements, on Kelly's statements, because it shows you that, forget Trump, that same bureaucracy is telling you, is exercising the power to say they're in charge.
I remember six, seven years ago Bloomberg had a headline, elites meet at Davos and decide to replace governments with themselves, and that quote headline, technocrats needed to run governments, and that politicians and leaders are just vestigial or ceremonial.
And on the World Economic Forum's own website, they say, we want to capture democracies so that the voters have no power.
That's what they're doing.
And they're bringing in illegal aliens who don't know what's going on, and then letting them vote, which is another way to get around voting.
So that's the reality.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-BILLION.
If you're a long-time caller, first-time caller, agree, disagree, I want to talk about the military-industrial complex, the technological elite that controls it, World War III, the Russian invasion that NATO admits has now begun, Part II, the massive offensive, my prediction came exactly true, and where you see all this going, the train derailment, the economy, I'm gonna get into all the latest on the COVID poison rollout and new viruses they've got ready.
So much more straight ahead on this very important Tuesday, February 14th, 2023 transmission.
Please, everybody you know, tune in now.
That's how we override the sensors.
All right.
I've got a lot of incredible news.
I've gone through three stacks.
I've got more than 10 stacks left and a lot of breaking news coming in.
As it breaks, we'll be covering it here, but I want to take your phone calls.
They're always informative and thought-provoking.
We're going to move quickly through your calls.
We're going to go to Texas first and talk to John.
John, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
One thing this Ukrainian war is doing is basically draining us of all of our oil, and it's draining us of all of our munitions, our conventional munitions for our military.
And the same with NATO, they're losing all the conventional military munitions.
And I don't know, you know, about Vladimir Putin.
I mean, I've read that he's good friends with Henry Kissinger.
He was a member of Paul Schwab's economic forum and he very rarely missed a meeting at Davos
and so is this part of a bigger plan or is he re-turned on him and he's
fighting or what?
I mean I know he's been in the Davos group because that's one of the main centers of power
but I think legitimately China has split with the globalists at a certain level
and I think Russia really has split with them just in the policies.
I don't lionize Putin.
I don't think he's the hero here.
But the globalists, I believe, are the ones that started this war and have been pushing it all along.
And they're the ones that run our country and are attacking us and running us in the ground.
And they're the ones that want to use a war like this to have a pretext to economically squeeze the American people.
And so, you look at Biden draining the strategic oil reserve and giving it to China, and so with friends like that, you don't need enemies.
What do you think?
Yeah, he's doing his share to try and put us in harm's way.
But one thing I do know, just from history, that the fact that what Vladimir Putin's lost in the Ukraine is nothing compared to what they lost in the first couple weeks of Operation Barbarossa.
They said all Russia's going to lose the war.
Well, hey, that's nothing compared to what they lost in World War II.
29 million?
It was a little over 20 million in Russia and 20 million in Germany.
The Germans won during the first year of Barbarossa, but then stopped at Stalingrad, and that became the main focal point of the war, and then about a year later collapsed, and then there was the retreat back to Germany that took quite a while and then of course you have the fall of Berlin and Hitler.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go to another caller on the same subject.
Let's talk to Matt in Indiana.
Matt, thanks for calling here on the air.
Hey Alex, good afternoon.
24-year military veteran whose career just culminated this last summer working for the chairman.
What I really wanted to talk about is what John Kelby's announcement indicated to me, and that's exactly what our founding fathers feared when the country was standing up, and that's the politicalization of the military.
You can see the military starting to align its allegiance with the political party instead of safeguarding the country from You know, enemies foreign and domestic.
Sure, and just as we have the Justice Department captured by the Democrats, now the Pentagon's going fully under them.
It is, Alex, and it's troubling to see.
I served underneath the chairman.
I worked down in the basement of the Pentagon.
I'll leave it at that.
Uh, for several years, um, but worked underneath the Trump administration as well, the Biden administration and saw how the DOD worked with the administration.
And it was a stark contrast on how we would, um, you know, keep the White House sit room in particular informed, even, uh, conversations with the security council, which is again, stark contrast.
And it's sad to see.
I thought maybe it was just my parochial perspective working down there, but once I've gotten out of the military and seen how DOD interacts with the media, it's even worse than what I had thought.
So you're saying it's fair to say that when you were in the Pentagon, obviously working in an area directly liaisoning with the White House, you saw channels being controlled versus being carefully coordinated once Biden got in?
Yeah, well, let me share an anecdote with you, Alex.
And this is first person.
This isn't hearsay.
This was me working down there and being directed for some of this stuff.
So first, I want to say that I witnessed a personal physical embrace between Susan Rice and the chairman, which really caught me off guard.
And that was during a Biden administration rehearsal for the inauguration.
And that one caught me off guard.
That kind of foreshadowed what the relationship was going to be.
Now, underneath the Trump administration, we were restricted from passing any information to the Sit Room and the Security Council directly, and it had to go through the Secretariat side.
So, you know, through the SecDef side.
No direct DoD contact with the Sit Room or the Security Council.
Now, once Once the Biden administration came in, we were actually crafting documents at the secret, no foreign level that were highlighting, you know, Operation 72 Hours Out and sharing those firsthand with the administration.
And it was, again, I mean, that is completely, completely conflicts with how we were handling underneath the Trump administration.
So they weren't telling Trump about operations, but they are telling Biden.
I remember Trump complaining that he started having to keep operations secret and compartmentalizing them when he wanted to launch something, because the word was he was getting sabotaged.
Yeah, I don't know if I would go as far as to say sabotage, but I would certainly say that they were restricted to information.
I would go as far as... Well, isn't that a way to sabotage the president if he's not being given information?
Alex, that's not for me to go to that level, but that could be a perspective, yes.
Well, you sound like a guy who knows what he's talking about.
Please enlighten us with more information, sir.
Now, I do want to say to all the listeners out there, at the 06, at the Colonel or Navy Captain level and below, I think, by and large, they're patriots and they deeply care about the country.
I think there is somewhat of a struggle over information and understanding what the truth is, and people want to deeply believe in their country and their leadership.
But once you start getting above that Captain Colonel, you know, the 06 level, they start to chase that ring of power.
I kind of liken it to the Ring of Power, and it's that They start to get a little bit corrupted, not all of them, but there's a significant percentage, I think, that very much wants to please their political masters instead of serving the country that they pledged allegiance to.
Matt, you're a really informative caller.
We've got to go to break, but do two minutes with me more on the other side, because I've got a few other questions, or I want you to be able to talk about anything else that's obviously not secret or classified when we come back.
But think about this for a moment.
You mentioned, I mentioned a few examples of publicly, where they brag, don't worry, we're not telling Trump, we've got him under our control.
I know that violates a whole bunch of laws, but where do you see that type of breaking away of the military?
into a political body. How do you see that ending or how could Congress or who
is the group to try to reverse that in government? Or is just public knowledge
about it gonna be enough? We'll be right back.
Checking your calls. A lot of great callers already. I can't imagine how
amazing the others will be. Matt worked in the basement of the Pentagon directly
with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff so he can specifically speak to what they're
admitting that they're kind of their own group. Ally with the Democrats now more
and more. They're now admitting that I guess just normalizing it with the
permanent bureaucracy really setting up a form of bureaucratic elitist
dictatorship just like Chuckie Schumer said.
The intelligence agencies have seven ways to Sunday or six ways from Sunday to get back at Trump.
Just any other points you'd like to add and then any ideas on how we can peacefully expose this and get back control of the military-industrial complex from the deep state scientific technological elite that President Eisenhower warned us of?
Yeah, excuse me Alex, thank you for that.
Now, so it talked about It's tough to see us wrangling control back from the military-industrial complex, but my points are more centered on the actual military itself.
And I think, you know, further downstream, maybe that'll help influence the military-industrial complex, but my big concern is the military.
And that gets after the heart of kind of what John Kilby is alluding to publicly or nationally, you know.
Within the media, I think there's two key components to this mitigating strategy of this politicalization of the military.
And again, that goes back to the founding fathers of this, their reluctance for this large standing army because they thought, you know, there was going to be some type of corruption or politicalization.
And here we are, unfortunately.
The two key components I'm talking about, the first one is congressional oversight.
And I think we're We're starting to head down that path already.
Of course, we know that all the senior military leaders are all, you know, they go through confirmation hearings.
So I think, you know, electing the right reps and senators, I think, are key.
Of course, your audience is already pushing for that anyway, so nothing new there.
The second The key component of this, and I think it's the most important, really, in this country for every issue, and that is public awareness and public action.
Because don't forget, who puts those congresspeople in office?
And then also, something that the military has been wielding, it has been, you know, their sort of power is positive public opinion.
Well now it's the sort of Damocles hanging over their head because that may very well be the thing that brings them down is the public dissension as we're really watching the politicalization of the military.
Well that was my next question for you and I know you've got to go and I've got other callers but I'm glad you called.
Fascinating stuff sir.
We appreciate your service to what's left of the Republic.
You're still serving the Republic, speaking out here today as a citizen.
You're right and you need to do so.
Look at the critical race theory.
Look at the transgenderism.
Look at all the wokeism.
I'm not a rocket scientist, but I know that would kill recruiting and drive out the best men and women.
It's now done that.
I know so many great people that have been in 10, 20, 25 years that got out.
When they saw this, they just couldn't handle it.
I kind of wish they would have stayed.
I get why they left, but now they've only got that they're people that they want.
They can continue the purge.
A, do you agree we've been seeing a type of purge of real Americans that actually know what's going on out of the military like we've seen in academia and media and everywhere else?
And B, how do we paradoxically keep good people in the military when we can't blame them for leaving because it's become so globalist?
Yeah, so I've struggled with that, Alex, for years.
Yeah, so it's almost kind of like a sabotage of people, of patriots.
And I think the culture that they're creating in the military now really isn't this... I wouldn't call it, it's not servant, but I think it's You're creating bins of people.
This ideology.
This is the gay group.
This is the black group.
This is the Asian group.
This is the white group.
We're not Americans that have a code and something we stand for.
Now we're part of an ideology that the Democrats control.
Right, right, right.
So they create those fragments in the military community and then they start labeling things, you know, like, um, I mean, I've been in trouble.
I've been called into the, uh, you know, my commanding officer's office one time because I had talked about, you know, maybe, uh, seeking Christ as a way to, um, uh, to stop so much suicide in the military.
I actually got called into my boss's office because I had, because I said that and I was like, this is insane.
Um, And let's see, pro-life, pro-life people actually on that
The latest round of briefings that we received were violent extremists.
There we go.
So a pro-life group would be a violent extremist.
Well, we just saw the Justice Department secret memo saying the main domestic threat, and they say the main threat is our own people, which is a lie, is the conservative traditional Catholics.
And so here's a clip from a year ago with a young woman in the military, I guess it's the Army, talking about how she's spoiling for a fight with the American people.
Here's the clip.
I understand that if active duty military actually get deployed within the United States, that weapon is not just pointed at other people, other countries.
It's pointed at you.
If you do not get in your house when I tell you to, you become the enemy.
Martial law.
And that's not taken out of context.
It's like a five minute clip.
There was a boil down.
You probably saw that, Matt.
But I see a lady like that as the problem, or swallows well, saying we'll use nukes on American gun owners.
And we see statements about Biden about using F-18s on the American people.
I mean, they're really pushing a culture of a government and a military and a Justice Department that occupies America.
That seems to me like the quickest way to turn the people against the government.
Yeah, it is Alex, it is.
So what they're doing is anyone who would really identify or empathize with public America, to your point, seems to be being pushed out of the military.
And then if you look at, you'd mentioned the military-industrial complex, look where all of the money in research and development, science and technology is going into right now.
It's going into automation.
You know, the military is looking at mass.
How do we do this mosaic warfare?
And it's effectively going back to, you know, just creating mass.
And, well, it's not going to be with people, is it?
Because we can't even meet our recruiting... Sure, so they deliberately sabotage the human military that's so much better than just a pure machine military from so many aspects, because the machines will follow illegal orders.
That's one reason Globalist won.
So they're just deliberately spiking the former human weapon, spiking the cannon, the age of humans is over, and they're just beginning the demoralization and breakup of the human military.
Alex, it breaks my heart to admit that, but that's the only logical reason I can see for this.
Wow, powerful, Matt.
Anytime you can get through, we'd love it.
We won't share your number with anybody.
We'll probably lose it and never even call you, but we like to get particularly smart callers on again sometimes.
So I'm going to put you on hold.
If you'd like to give us your number, we'd love to have you back on as somebody to give us your view on the situation, because I've not been in the military, but I've been studying it for 30 years.
This is interesting, and I can tell you that guy knows what he's talking about.
Now, I don't normally spend 15 minutes with a caller, but we had to.
Speaking of another caller who's been calling in for 15 years or so, Carlos in Canada seems really smart.
He gave us his curricula vitae.
He's a very well-known guy in Canada.
He's done a lot of things in government and corporations, and he's gone public with his name here before.
He got in on the line.
But I can't do 15 minutes with him, even though he's a great caller, because I've got to get to everybody else as promised, because who knows what other incredible callers are waiting there, lurking lovingly on the phone lines.
We'll go to break, come back.
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And I want to thank you all for keeping us on air.
We'll go to break.
I'm going to come right back with your phone calls on the other side.
Please tell your friends and family and neighbors and strangers, tune in now.
This is an InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Continuing with your very informative phone calls here in about 30 seconds.
But I want to make this really chilling point.
The last caller and I were just discussing the slow motion Cultural, political coup over all of America's institutions, directed by the scientific technocrats, and they are busy and they're very close to controlling the U.S.
military right now, and they've adopted the mission that the main enemy is the American people.
And that needs to be held in high contempt.
That needs to be exposed in Congress, exposed in the media, exposed by us, and we need to rally behind those that are exposing this criminal activity.
But this is a coup.
A globalist bureaucratic coup.
And so, when you talk about who's really powerful, the Davos Group is the spokesman or PR firm of these people, one of them.
But the real power is the U.S.
bureaucracy and the military that we paid for, now being used against us.
And we just have to be honest about that.
Carlos in Canada wants to talk about this same subject.
Carlos, thanks for calling.
Thank you very much, Alex.
I was reminded, hearing the great call you just had, of I think President Truman was not supposed to win.
They even thought that Dewey was going to be the next president and there was a newspaper pre-printed or something to be released.
The same thing happened when Trump was not supposed to win the presidency in 2016 and they had a magazine ready for Clinton, Hillary Clinton, to be president.
The fact is that it's worthy of Seymour Hersh to actually write a book on this because the betrayal of the presidency by the Republican Party And the Democratic Party was almost a collusion between these two powers who didn't want this man, President Trump, elected by the majority of the people, to be president.
And therefore you had, a long story, but you know, Nancy Pelosi tearing up a speech at the State of the Union address.
I mean, how disrespectful is that?
And you had all of the information from Senator McCain saying, don't give him any intelligence or keep him in the dark, you know, like a mushroom, you know, feed him, you know, garbage.
And he was being essentially, even in the CIA, during the assassination or the killing of Soleimani in Iran, which could have been a cause for world war.
The CIA, Pompeo, kept him pretty well, you know, part of the outside.
And the brother of the Prince of Saudi Arabia shows up in the White House to tell the President of the United States, unannounced, here I am.
We've got to stop this because we're at the edge of war.
I mean, the President of the United States was literally left aside.
And at the end, obviously, disrespectfully, all the way to January the 6th.
Now, what am I going to tell you?
This is very, very sad because you've got to examine the democratic process in the United States at the highest levels.
How can the Supreme Court come to a decision when you've got the Senate and the Congress conspiring against the President?
And remember what Biden just said last year when the Supreme Court overturned all their greenhouse gas garbage, banning coal plants and only put out carbon dioxide?
He just said, we're going to ignore that.
And they said we were probably going to ignore the Roe v. Wade.
But since you mentioned the Dewey beats Truman famous newspaper headline the crew found and put on screen, they did the same thing again as you mentioned 2016.
They'd already pre-printed hundreds of thousands of Newsweeks saying Hillary Clinton has won the presidency, her historic march to the White House, and how she won the White House.
These people are not all powerful is the point.
And especially when they're identified.
And how they photoshopped the attendance to Hillary's rallies, etc.
I mean, it was like the media was compliant and so on with it.
Look, it's very, very serious.
We have to remember it goes all the way back correctly to JF Kennedy.
It goes all the way back before that.
You're absolutely right, sir, and I appreciate your call.
And even if the Deep State at that time had its reasons to kill Kennedy, I don't agree with it, they'd become a permanent imperium and become more and more corrupt, and you've seen that.
And they're using leftist ideology as a weapon to destroy the country.
Yeah, get woke, go broke.
Well, a country gets woke, it goes broke.
That's the plan, so they can consolidate power.
Jewel in Ohio, thank you for calling on the situation in Ohio with the Palestine-Ohio derailment.
What's your view on that?
Hi Alex, I grew up in East Palestine, and I currently live just about 40 miles west, but my parents still live there.
My father was in the evacuation zone, and the EPA, the railroad, everybody is lying about what's really going on in that town.
So... I mean, what's your view on what's really going on?
My view is that it's extremely unsafe.
The EPA is going around testing houses, saying that everything is safe.
However, independent testing is coming back with higher levels.
Yeah, just like with Fukushima, just like with Chernobyl, just like with 9-11.
They lie to us as a default position.
And then they said that they only needed to evacuate one mile and they did that based on a different chemical.
People are confusing like the PVC with vinyl chloride and they did it within one mile driving instead of as the crow flies.
It's just an excuse to get people away from it.
It is.
And I mean I have friends that have fifth-generation farms And they have film coming up on top of their ponds where their cattle and their horses drink.
Animals are dying all over the place.
All the fish in our creeks are dead.
It's just, I'm heart sick.
Well, I'm really sorry this has happened and Buddha Judge is up giving speeches laughing.
I think he should be removed.
Yeah, absolutely.
He's a train wreck himself.
Do they even know how the derailment happened?
So there's some security footage from a few towns over where you can see the axles of the train were already on fire at least 20 miles away from East College.
Yeah, that's what I was seeing the media say.
I just wanted to know if you had some other information.
I'm so sorry for what's happened, but we're all in this together.
God bless you.
Jewel, another caller.
Chad in Ohio on the same subject.
Chad, give us your view.
Good afternoon, Alex.
How are you?
I just really freaked out.
I got four children, I live in this planet with you, and it's just, we got crazy people running things.
That's true.
Before I get to Ohio, I just want to say, you know, talking about, you know, politicians and this New World Order, it's not to take the power away from any one person.
It's to take the power away from us.
As God-fearing individuals, they want to take your soul.
They don't care about your vote.
They don't care about who's in the White House.
They want your mind.
They want your soul.
They want you to live in fear.
And they want you to be so afraid that you'll follow by anything else they say.
And that's not... And everything else, it doesn't matter who's in what office.
Trump was great, but they still tried to do the same things when he was in there.
And the games will always continue.
Trust in one thing.
Trust in the Lord.
And that's all you can do.
I 100% agree with you.
So moving on to Ohio.
I just moved to Ohio from New York City about two years ago.
I live about 45 miles away from due west from Palestine.
And I have two young children.
And I'm not gonna lie.
I'm a little bit worried.
I know that I have guys covering over my family, but...
Any type of recommendations for precautions to look out for?
I gotta tell you, if you're downwind from this, I would think it would be smart to leave for a couple months if you've got family where you can go.
You know, God protects us, but God gives us a brain to use.
And then I would go off local groups that are testing the food and water.
Unfortunately, it's winter, which is fortunate, but unfortunately throughout the summer, you probably won't be able to trust a lot of the produce that's downwind from this for a while.
That'll be thrown out.
I think it's up for farmers to be conscientious and admit that there should be a fund established and government direction to get rid of it.
But of course the government instead is telling you it's all safe and wonderful and you know go ahead and eat the food.
So that's my recommendation.
God bless you sir and I appreciate your great point about they want our souls.
They want our souls.
There's a song we used to play.
I haven't heard it in years.
I forget who does it, but it's like, they want your soul, or we want your soul.
Get a car.
Get a loan.
Get a so and such.
I mean, we have to find that song if we can.
I want to play it.
Coming in at 6 after next hour.
David in Ohio.
Got about a minute and a half.
Thanks for calling.
Thanks for holding.
Retired railroad individual.
What's your view on this?
Hey, Alex.
Got a good connection now?
Yes, sir.
First off, as for the infrastructure, I want to remind everybody that the railroads are fully responsible for all of their infrastructure.
The equipment, the roadbed, the ties to rails.
It's not tax money.
So infrastructure stuff, yeah, I guess they get some stuff for Amtrak, but basically all the stuff is the responsibility of the railroad.
Now, I'm kind of leaning towards the sabotage I never worked for North Fork Southern, but as railroads go... Hold on, don't hang up, David.
This is too important a call.
Stay there.
We know anti-fund the left have been sabotaging infrastructure.
I want to hear from your expert point of view why that's the case.
Don't hang up.
It's only a two-minute break.
We'll come right back to David, retired railroader, on the other side.
Then we'll continue with all the other calls on a bunch of other subjects in the order received.
James in Oklahoma.
Jeff in South Carolina.
Max in Wisconsin, Bart in Georgia, and everybody else, the order your calls are received, from the UFO shootdowns, to war with Russia, to all the rest of the garbage going on, to our mainstream media promoting suicide for children, it's all coming up next hour, and we have a special guest who's been brought up in these congressional hearings about big tech spying and censorship popping in as well.
Stay with us.
All right, some big news just broke today.
It's just now getting traction.
We learned about it about an hour ago, but it was coming any day now.
The Jeffrey Epstein files have dropped.
They're on InfoWars.com as we speak.
It's being posted.
So I'll have to hit a little bit of that.
Not have to, but I don't really want to get into it until I've had time to go over it.
So you can bet that I've got crew and researchers and writers going through this list right now and searching it.
This is the list of the clients.
The whole nine yards they've been suppressing.
It's a big deal.
Because this is the deep state and how they control people.
Going back to David in Ohio.
David, you are on the air.
You were going to finish up getting in, believing it could be sabotaged as a railroad.
Yeah, the Norfolk Southern, when it comes to operations for the maintenance of their equipment, their roadbed, And for the safety of the employees, Norfolk Southern has always been the tops in the United States.
So, now, uh, Harrison was talking before about the hotbox detector, and so was the previous caller.
If you have a hotbox detector, go off on the side of the train.
There's usually radio communications with the engineer.
He has a condition.
He has a hotbox.
If he slams on the brakes, it will cut the wheel off, and that will cause a derailment.
So, If that was the case, then the engineer would have a choice.
Now, you got Pittsburgh there, you got Youngstown.
He might have slowed the train down to a less populated area.
You know, too bad for the Palestinians, but, you know, he probably tried to get the train to a place where it was less populated.
And so it would either be that way or, like I said, the sabotage.
The Norfolk Shuttle has always been the best for Every category on railroads.
Now, as for the CEOs of Norfolk Southern, you started with Norfolk Southern as a brakeman and you work your way up.
You have full understanding of the operations, as opposed to other railroads, like the famous CEO of CSX, John Snow, the US Treasurer.
He was a lawyer.
never touched a railroad car or a engine in his life. The Oracle of Omaha, who owns the
Burlington Northern, you know he's never had any railroad experience. They attack railroading in
a different way than the Norfolk Southern. The Norfolk Southern has always been an operational
excellence railroad, and I have never worked for them, I'm just telling you.
So you're seeing some anomalies?
Yeah, like I said, if that hopped up, the engineer would probably be aware of it,
the dispatcher would have been aware of it, and he might have taken the train to a less populated area.
But with Norfolk Southern, I'm kind of leaning towards sabotage more than anything else.
Well, we know we're seeing a lot of sabotage.
Our own government cut off our biggest pipeline, the Keystone pipeline, and then blew up the Russian pipeline and so much more.
So, these guys are like a pack of gremlins.
So, I'd have to say we have to investigate what you're saying.
Oh, can I say something about your sales?
I love the Alex Jones was right sale.
And I always thought, maybe you should, you know, all these things that come across the news, and two or three days later we always forget.
And, you know, like your Christmas sale, the Easter sale, the Good Friday, why not the Hunter laptop sale?
The Chinese balloon sale, you know, something that you... I agree, something that grabs folks' attention.
You're a genius, and I agree with you.
Thank you so much, David.
All right, here's what's going on.
I have a guest censored massively who's been reported on in Congress and all the big tech surveillance and spying that's been going on, and she's got a lawsuit against them that's moving forward, and I'm going to still have her on.
But this Epstein thing has just got me like a deer in the headlights, because I am really wanting to read it, I'm wanting to cover it.
It's posted in the live show feed, and it's being posted as its own article.
At Infowars.com, but we need to get all the writers on this, searching the key names and getting blurbs out, because this is the secret list they didn't want to be released.
This is a big damn deal right here.
The cavalry has arrived.
I'll see you next time.
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Lock up your wife and children now.
It's time to wield the blade.
Oh yeah!
You've been dying since the day you were born.
All right, it's kind of hard to not clear the decks right now and cover this, but I want all hands on deck with all our writers, all our researchers, start going over this.
It just popped up an hour or so ago on Mike Cernovich's Twitter.
He's a lawyer, great source of information, and they said last week, AP, Fox News, all of them, that sometime this week, The court said they were going to release it.
Well, it just got released.
There's no news articles about it yet.
I'm sure there will be in minutes.
We posted the live show feed and it's being posted on the front page of InfoWars.com.
And we were having some trouble the last hour getting the weird PDF to be embedded in the article.
I don't care about that.
Just have a headline.
Jeffrey Epstein client list released.
Despite Deep State's best efforts, the Holy Grail of the deep state control mechanism now public.
I mean, something like that.
And we'll just have the tweet there and everybody can find it.
It's in the live show feed on InfoWars.com where you can find it.
Post it right there.
But we need just a big article on InfoWars.com with the links to it.
Get it out now.
I am very strongly considering...
Yeah, I need to reset my brain.
I'm going to rebroadcast for a little bit here.
I just can't have something like this and not be looking at it.
We got Laura Loomer coming on, and I really appreciate her.
But let's back her up another segment.
And to the callers, I respect you.
You're amazing callers, but I've... This is just unbelievable.
I mean, I can't wait.
I got reading glasses last year.
And I just can't stand wearing the things, but maybe like an old man have a big magnifying glass like my grandfather had.
But I've got the crew digging through all of these right now.
And if I had kind of a choking moment here on air, it's just this is this is so important to bring down the deep state, how they control people, what these wicked pedophiles have done.
And this is out of his little black book.
This is, uh, released by the court.
This is what the system has fought to not release.
And this is how that monster for Israeli intelligence and other intelligence groups was controlling so many people.
And I'm told more documents are on the way as well.
But this appears to be a flight log.
They were saying they were going to release the black book.
So I'm going to do this.
I'm going to get eyes on what's going on here.
And then we'll come back.
Let's go ahead and.
And yeah, that's too long.
I want Tucker Carlson.
Six, go ahead and roll that.
We don't want to second guess anybody.
We've got to assume everybody involved was doing their best under a highly stressful situation.
But did you see that mushroom cloud?
That was caused on purpose.
And maybe there's a good reason to get no second guessing.
But what it means is those clouds of toxic smoke flew up and out.
And that toxic smoke almost immediately began killing animals.
Dead fish washed up on shore.
As one hazardous materials specialist put it, we basically nuked a town with chemicals.
So then representatives from the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, arrived to restore calm.
Yes, an EPA spokesman explained, chemicals from the derailed train did enter the local watershed.
And yes, they did kill fish.
But the drinking water supply remains totally safe.
The fish are dead, but go ahead and fill your thermos and brew some coffee.
Everything's fine.
Now we don't know if the locals in East Palestine are drinking the water tonight, but we can tell you the Biden administration doesn't seem too concerned about it either way.
Donald Trump got over 71% of the vote in the county in the last presidential election.
That's not exactly the Democratic Party's core demographic.
Fentanyl, toxic waste spill, whatever!
They're not our voters.
And by the way, what does a chemical spill have to do with climate change?
If you can't use it to sell solar panels, it's not really an environmental disaster.
That's the rule in Washington.
So no one in the Biden administration bothered to issue warnings to communities that might be in the path of those toxic mushroom clouds you saw floating up from the train wreck.
Because no one cared enough to do that.
Pete Buttigieg is the official who's supposed to be in charge of our transportation infrastructure.
Technically, he's the Transportation Secretary.
At an appearance today, he seemed to have no idea that there was a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.
His real concern, he explained, is that we have too many damn white construction workers in this country.
We have heard way too many stories from generations past of infrastructure where you got a neighborhood, often a neighborhood of color, that finally sees the project come to them, but everyone in the hardhats on that project looking like, you know, doing the good paying jobs, don't look like they came from anywhere near the neighborhood.
Yeah, that's the problem, Mayor Pete.
Too many white guys in hardhats.
Why didn't we realize this before?
We built all this infrastructure that's now crumbling.
It's actually not funny, and future historians will marvel at just how much damage one incompetent narcissist can cause when he's elevated to a serious job, like Transportation Secretary.
Here's a guy who could not on a bet, who could not at gunpoint change his own tire, who oversees our roads, railways, and airports, all of which are crumbling from mismanagement and neglect.
And not just from mismanagement and neglect, but also from actual acts of sabotage.
Over the last two years, the FBI has investigated more than 40 cases of rail sabotage in Washington State alone.
In one state!
Now, a lot of those attacks involve so-called shunt devices.
Those are wires stretched between tracks that interfere with a train's electrical signals and cause derailments.
In one incident, just before Christmas in 2020, a shunt caused a train to derail in Custer, Washington.
That train spilled 30,000 gallons of crude oil and forced locals to evacuate their homes.
Well, that's not the environmental disaster that Joe Biden talks about, because, of course, he can't buy solar panels from the Chinese to fix it.
But it was, objectively speaking, an act of terrorism.
The interesting thing is, very often, in fact, in the majority of cases, people who commit acts of terrorism against infrastructure, whoever they are, are never punished.
And the ones who are caught aren't really punished.
One woman who tried to destroy trains using a shunt got out of jail after only a year.
So no one's paying any attention and no one really seems to care, because what does that have to do with environmental racism and climate?
And possibly as a result of that attitude, there are an awful lot of train derailments in this country, many more than you may realize.
In the last calendar year, more than a thousand trains went off the tracks in the United States.
Well, how's that for a metaphor?
Just today, two more trains derailed.
One of them was in South Carolina, and one was in Texas near Houston.
The train near Houston was also carrying hazardous materials, as so many trains are.
What's going on here, exactly?
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say,
"I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight,
you better believe you've got one!"
(audience cheering)
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
About four or five days ago, Fox News, CNN, AP, all of them reported They were going to release Jeffrey Epstein's, the court, his client list, and more.
It's a 2,000 plus page document.
And I wanted to go to those clips I was already going to play during the show, so I could go check it and make sure.
A lot of this looks like it's old info, but it's going to be the full file.
It's going to be some of the stuff that was already out, like the flight logs that came out a few years ago.
It does look like there's new stuff in here and in notes to Epstein and some of his clients calling him and things but I'm not gonna say what the internet was saying that this is this is the big data dump until we've proven it is and so I'm gonna change the headlines to is this the data dump is this all we're getting and just move on from there and then I'll have time once I'm off air to go research and then I'll obviously be popping in on no one's shorter show if indeed this is it but it's there's no way to analyze Two thousand plus pages of this here while we're live on air.
So just look for that.
Plus, we already know what they did.
We understand it.
But it's obviously going to be those lists that are so, so incredibly important.
That's the problem with a live show is this stuff just comes in so fast.
There is no way To be able to digest it all.
It's like trying to eat an elephant with a tiny little baby fork.
One person.
It's going to take some time.
The good news is, just like with WikiLeaks, if indeed this is the big data dump that was supposedly coming today or tomorrow, we'll be able to analyze it.
and go over all of it because the internet itself will ferret through it all and find the most important parts.
That's how they tried to claim Hunter Biden wasn't real because it was tens of thousands of pages and thousands of
photos and videos. It turned out it was all real.
But people were concerned that other people could insert fake stuff in there
to try to discredit it all. And they did try some of that.
That's kind of what Karl Rove did to Dan Rather
on the whole Iraq invasion.
Those documents, 99% of them were real.
But Karl Rove bragged how they put disinfo into it to be able to then discredit it.
Same thing happened with Pizzagate and Wikileaks.
99% of it was real, then the media focused on parts that had been put out that weren't real to try to discredit the whole thing.
So that's one of the main tactics they used.
But what we do know now is that in hindsight, The Deep State, when Obama left office, did put in stay-behind groups with billions of dollars to block Trump's agenda and to spy on and to censor the opposition to the globalists here in America.
And chief amongst those targeted and demonized was myself, Laura Loomer, Paul Watson, Gavin McGinnis, and Louis Farrakhan of all people.
Twelve people, they said, were dangerous individuals and that, quote, violence could be called for against us on the official Facebook policies page, which they admitted was real, but later withdrew.
So it shows where they want to go.
Laura Limmer filed a lawsuit.
Was it last year or before that?
I forget.
She's here to join us.
And it's now being discussed in Congress, it's in the hearings, and it's moving forward and got the deep state really, really, really concerned.
It was Laura and I four years ago, repeatedly at Congress, pointing all this out and being laughed at.
You had the one congressman, looks like Porky Pig, doing the whole...
auctioneer voice talking over her.
Remember all of that?
Well, now the chickens are coming home to roost with the incredible hearings that happened last week.
So, Laura Loomer, completely vindicated, joins us now to talk about her suit and why it affects every American.
Laura, you're the expert on this.
You're living it.
You're right in the middle of it.
You've, again, been validated.
Lay out all these important points for folks.
Well, thanks so much for having me on, Alex.
Happy Valentine's Day and happy belated birthday to you.
I know you just had a birthday this weekend, so hopefully everybody will send you some nice birthday wishes.
We have been vindicated.
I remember, and when I posted my happy birthday message to you, I posted my favorite picture that we ever took together.
And that's, of course, when Jack Dorsey was trying to be whisked away outside of the congressional hearing in D.C.
It's an epic photograph.
It's going to be in the history books someday.
And it's you being held back by a bodyguard confronting Jack Dorsey for lying in front of Congress.
And then, of course, as you mentioned, you know, I had confronted Jack Dorsey during the congressional hearing.
And then you can see my pink selfie stick on the far right corner there.
But yeah, look, I've been filing a lot of lawsuits against these big tech social media giants.
And the most recent case that I filed was in May of 2022, and this was a RICO case against Facebook and Twitter, Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, Procter & Gamble, and it has also been amended to include the FBI as well, or agents within the FBI, since we now know that, you know, individuals within the FBI and other federal government agencies We're colluding, right?
They've been colluding with these big tech social media giants on a private cloud server called JIRA.
They've been communicating in other ways as well as these hearings revealed through private briefings to not only just surveil Americans, but to really illegally interfere in our elections and So it's organized crime.
You and I and others have been referring to Big Tech as a mafia because that's exactly how they operate.
And just like people like Rudy Giuliani utilized RICO, Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act of 1970, to break up the mob and the mafia, that's exactly what we need to do with Big Tech.
We need to have a RICO case and we need charges.
These individuals need to be charged for their crimes.
And Elon Musk himself, when he bought Twitter, He paid $44 billion for a crime scene.
And that's why he himself said that Twitter is a crime scene.
What did you make of those fascinating hearings last week?
I know you're in contact with Congress.
Your information's being used.
Some more hearings are coming up.
But for those that don't realize...
We basically were the rabbit hole of their larger plan for everybody else, and then after they censored us, we were the beta test, they went after everybody else.
And if we're ever going to stop this deep state coup that we're living under, we've got to expose their mechanism of surveillance and censorship.
Yeah, look, I agree with you.
You know, now finally people are starting to see this.
You and I and others have really been ahead of the curve over these last few years.
And so it's been hard, right?
A lot of people mocked my lawsuit and they said that it was over the top.
They said that it was extra, right?
Or the same things that they say about you, right?
They say that you're over the top, but now everybody's starting to realize that you're right.
Look, for example, big tech social media censorship, government surveillance, The most recent Alex Jones was right tweets have to do with Project Blue Beam.
Okay, this is stuff you've been talking about for the last 10 years.
And now, right, everybody's starting to realize, wow, Alex Jones was right.
And ironically, you're still not allowed back on Twitter.
So I'm hoping that You know, more people will start speaking out about this lawsuit.
You've been kind enough to have me on.
Steve Bannon interviewed me.
Roger Stone has also talked about this as well.
But there really, honestly, has not been too much reporting outside of conservative media.
And it shows you, right, how the Republican Party is pretty useless.
These people, they love complaining, right?
They love having their little hearings.
But where are they to actually support a lawsuit that has legs to what they're pushing in Congress?
We can sit and we can talk all we want in Congress all day long about, you know, who's censoring who, who's working with who, but this lawsuit is a vehicle to eventually lead to prosecution someday.
I agree.
I'd like to see the Attorney Generals of Missouri and Louisiana.
They've been doing a great job in their lawsuits.
Join your lawsuit.
Yeah, we'll see, right?
It's certainly very interesting and obviously Big Tech is starting to get scared because they lawyered up.
So Elon Musk actually blocked me on Twitter last week.
Yesterday, he unblocked me, which is kind of funny, but he blocked me on Twitter from seeing his tweets.
And then the day after the hearing, Twitter retained Obama's lawyer, Michael Gottlieb, who, of course, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Stay there.
You're striking right to the heart of all this.
We'll talk about Elon Musk as well.
Thank God, let you and millions of others that were censored back on Twitter.
So I'm very thankful for him doing that.
Even if he keeps me banned and really goes along with official propaganda against me, it's okay.
Well, you really can't overstate how crazy the surveillance and censorship's been.
The election meddling, the criminal activity, the threats.
Facebook saying it's okay to call for violence against 12 key people.
Thinking the public would accept that, that they could call for violence against people.
That shows how revolutionary and hateful this big media, big tech, globalist combine is.
And Laura Loomer, Has gone through hell, run for Congress repeatedly, been cheated, but never gave up.
But now she's all over the place.
I see her all over being interviewed, lawsuits moving forward, vindicated in spades.
Very exciting moment to be here.
How do you see this big fight playing out here as the deep state gets in so much trouble?
Well, Alex, I'm hopeful that people are going to start to wake up.
I am hopeful that now that this information that you and I and others, really it's been a select few of us, have been warning people about the extent of which big tech is trying to go to not only steal our elections, but also digitally gulag and get dissidents like you and I killed.
They literally changed their terms of service, Facebook, to say that it was okay to murder you and I and Paul Joseph Watson and several others.
This was in 2019 when they deemed us dangerous individuals.
And I'll remind you that the day that they changed their policy was the day that I filed my defamation lawsuit, a separate lawsuit I had filed against Facebook.
for calling me a dangerous individual. So you can really view that as a form of retaliation,
right? Them saying, okay, you're going to file a lawsuit against us for defamation,
then we're going to tell people that it's okay to murder you. So it sounds crazy,
but now people are really starting to see that. Oh, you just said it doesn't sound real,
but there were mainstream articles. The document was real.
They really did it.
Because they're always pushing for more power.
They already surveil us and censor us and attack us and cheat everybody, including the general public, so why not go to the next phase of authoritarians and totalitarians, which is the calls for violence.
Well, that's exactly what they've done, and that's how far they've been able to test people.
They did it with my campaign, and I blame Republicans, honestly, for the stolen election.
I really do.
I blame them.
Because when Big Tech saw the Republican Party do absolutely nothing, when they decided to single me out and make me the only deplatformed candidate in 2020, denying my campaign access, if you remember, Facebook and Twitter literally created separate policies for the Laura Loomer campaign to keep me offline.
And then when I won my primary and Trump voted for me and he endorsed me down in Palm Beach County, still, they wouldn't allow me to have an account.
And that's when big tech realized, okay, if we can actually get away with not only deplatforming a congressional candidate, but a GOP nominee in Donald Trump's own backyard, we can get away with deplatforming the sitting United States president.
So it really all began with the Laura Loomer for Congress campaign.
And of course, you didn't see any members of Congress mention my campaign when they were having this hearing.
And, you know, we were telling them, well, what did you expect with the Hunter Biden story?
Well, exactly.
Let me ask you this.
It's not because it's you and I that it happened to, but why do they choose Laura Loomer and Alex Jones as the main test case?
Because we're the most effective.
I would say that you and I were the two most effective people.
And then there were other people who were banned too.
But look, you were exposing people and I was getting in people's faces.
And they didn't like the fact, I mean, prior to me on the right, there really wasn't anybody on the right who was getting in the faces of politicians and putting cameras in their faces.
That's what made them mad, is that you particularly, and I to a lesser extent, was going to Congress, going to these meetings, and peacefully but aggressively confronting them with the facts.
Yeah, and then when we showed up together, I mean, that was kind of the chef's kiss, right?
That was kind of our, I guess you could call it like the coup de grace of that moment because you found yourself banned immediately after that.
I believe I still had my account, but then I was on a week-long suspension and then they just permanently banned me.
That was September 5th, 2018.
You know, nobody had really ever done that before on the right.
I remember you and I were both attacked aggressively, even by some of my, at the time, were my closest friends, telling me, whoa, I think that was a little out of line, you know, confronting Dorsey during the congressional hearing.
Don't do that kind of stuff.
That's what leftists do.
And again, he was up there lying, saying they never censored anybody for political reasons.
And people say, well, that's just Laura Loomer and Alex Jones and Paul Watson and Yad McGuinness and Louis Farrakhan and a few others.
But then it was everybody else, and then it was millions of citizens saying the vaccine made them sick, or thousands of doctors.
And we know they were colluding with the NIH and the CDC to suppress not just Americans, but people all over the world.
This is a serious Nuremberg Code violation of humanity here.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, you have criminal, illegal election interference.
You have surveillance.
Part of me even wonders if I was illegally red flagged because of big tech.
you know, designating me as a dangerous individual and terrorist,
because shortly after that, of course, I discovered that I had been put in the FBI NICS database.
Nobody ever told me, of course, but now that we know that FBI and DHS and Big Tech
had these pathways of communication, it really makes you wonder.
I'm surprised that you have.
I know I'm on that list.
No criminal record, but same thing.
When I come back into the country, I get pulled out, I get searched, everything else happens.
And again, this is the future they want for everybody.
This is a social credit score they're trying to implement by stealth.
Yeah, absolutely.
And I don't know if you've been federally prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm, but I have.
I'm not allowed to own or possess or purchase a firearm because the FBI illegally red flagged me and put me in this database.
Nobody wants to address it.
Congressman Paul Gosar wrote a letter to Congress about it and to the FBI and Merrick Garland in 2021.
But, you know, nobody really is addressing this.
And then, you know, here in the state of Florida, Governor DeSantis, who wants to run for president against Donald Trump, you know, he has completely ignored this issue.
You know, during the last legislative session, well, the one in 2021, when we had this tech bill that was brought forth, it was literally designed to fail.
And so now you see him on the campaign trail talking about how, you know, he wants to address debanking.
But this is stuff that should have been addressed years ago when you and I were blowing the whistle, you know, even during the Trump administration.
And I know on his way out, Trump tried to address it.
But as I wrote in my book, The biggest failure, I'd say, of the Trump administration was not doing enough to address social media censorship and deplatforming.
So hopefully, you know, in 2024, President Donald Trump surrounds himself with advisors and, you know, people like you and I who are able to, you know, give him good policy and suggestions on how to address these egregious civil rights violations.
He criticized the mass censorship but didn't realize it would end up happening to him.
I really appreciate you coming on.
We've got to get you on sometime and dig up all the clips when we confronted Congress,
all the things when you brought illegal aliens to Nancy Pelosi's house.
You were the first person to do that, now being imitated by all these governors.
You've been a trailblazer and they saw what you did and said, "Well, if people imitate
this, it's game over for us."
We can look at ourselves being persecuted, not as victims, but as stalwarts in the fight, and realize what we were doing the system feared.
That's why others should support us, but also imitate and even upgrade what we've done, because that's what the power structure is scared of.
But people can find you again on Twitter, at Laura Loomer.
You can also go to Loomerd.com, your book, the book Loomerd.
As well, in closing, what do you think about Elon Musk?
Bad guy?
You know, look, I'm grateful that Elon Musk reinstated my account.
I was doubtful that he would ever do it.
I want to believe that, you know, he's a good guy.
I wish that he would, you know, stay true to the free speech absolutist mindset and actually reinstate your account in InfoWars and kind of not fall into the trap that the left has, you know, pushed out with the character assassination of you and Sandy Hook and all that.
Nonsense that they use to keep you deplatformed, right?
I think it's wrong because you've been right about all this stuff.
But, you know, look, I am grateful.
Like I said, hopefully, I think that there's a rogue.
It's pretty obvious.
I mean, I know for a fact that there's a rogue employee element taking place here at Twitter.
And also, the legal department is completely rogue.
You see that they actually did hire Perkins Coey to fight me in my lawsuit, and then Elon Musk had to fire Perkins Coey because Twitter Legal went behind his back and hired them, even though he had said to never hire Perkins Coey ever again.
So I think that you have people in Twitter Legal and also just rogue, woke, leftist, crazy employees that are undermining him deliberately.
Well, we talked Saturday and you pointed out that Musk had blocked you and I said, I guarantee you that's bureaucrats in there in his account.
He's going to reinstate you and he did.
Laura Loomer, great job.
You're an example to us all.
We'll talk to you soon.
Thanks, Alex.
Have a great day.
Thank you.
All right.
I promise callers, I'm getting to every one of you.
Stay right there.
James and others, you're straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Remember, a lot of news we don't get to here on air, but the bad guys don't want you to see is at Infowars.com.
Now, about an hour ago, I was given a big stack of documents that folks were saying, not my crew, was the reported Jeffrey Epstein data dump that the judge is going to release sometime this week.
That's confirmed.
That's real.
But it was from a lawsuit over Ghislaine Maxwell a couple years ago.
So the 2024 page document shared via Twitter is not an early release of the unsealed papers.
Recently teased by the Daily Mail, a few text Twitter accounts posted the old document believing it was breaking news.
The papers currently online were released in 2019, but soon the real documents will be released and we'll be here covering it as soon as that happens.
Thanks to the callers for holding.
James in Oklahoma on preparedness in this crazy world, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, I want to talk about being prepared.
We need to be prepared spiritually, mentally, and physically.
You know, being prepared spiritually, we can seek out the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Does knock and the door will be opened?
Seek and ye shall find.
Repaired mentally?
What's going on?
This is in light of all the things that are happening.
It's only going to get worse in the eyes of the world.
I agree with you.
What we can do is prepare mentally, reading books, getting information, making contacts with other people, then also physically.
Going to Infowarsstore.com and buying products.
You know, planning your days out, understanding what's going on around you, making that connection with other people, getting involved in groups, because it's not going to get better.
You know, it's just I mean, you hear the news constantly, you gotta go through it, you gotta figure out what's going on, and that spiritual and mental aspect is gonna drive what the truth is.
And that spiritual aspect is gonna drive the other two, in which way you should go.
I agree.
Without the spiritual discernment, you'll never know how to make the right decisions.
Amazing call.
Thank you, sir.
Max in Wisconsin on the escalation in Ukraine, Russia, and the new tech on tanks.
Go ahead.
Hey, Mr. Jones.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Thank you, sir.
I wanted to talk about escalation in Russia with their new Armata tanks spotted on the ground there in Ukraine.
It's their latest tank, and they were holding back sending those tanks in because they have the Russian super secret Doppler-based arena, A-R-E-N-A system, Where he uses high-tech Doppler technology to scan the air, detect an incoming missile that's, like, traveling thousands of miles per hour, and then shoot another missile and counteract that.
And the fact that they put that on the battlefield, now in Ukraine, as a sign of, you know, escalation.
They didn't want the U.S.
to have it for a long time.
And now, obviously, you know, a tank is gonna get shot and they're gonna You know, lose that technology.
It has about an 80% success rate.
And on top of that, you know, deeper down the rabbit hole, I thought, you know, if the Doppler radar in this tank can detect a missile coming in, surely, you know, like regular Doppler and other forms of Doppler can detect, like, you know, myself walking around, people walking around, and things are much easier to track.
What do you think?
They've got all sorts of frontline weapons they didn't use.
They used their really old equipment and really kind of cannon fodder.
It looks like this is the real assault.
We're about to find out what's going to happen, Max.
Thank you for the call.
Let's go to Bart in Georgia on the balloon and the PsyOps.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I believe these balloons are not alien aircraft, because if they were, they would be impossible to speed down.
One more thing, Alex, before I go.
Would it be possible for Fentanyl Dragon to tell everybody to not go to Bart Fine's channel on Rumble, Bitchute, and YouTube, and not watch the Alex Jones Show there every day?
What's the name of the channel?
Bart Fine on Bitchute and Rumble.
Bart Fine?
Yes, sir.
Oh, do not go to Bot Fine or Bitch Who Didn't Rumble.
No, evil Americans.
If you go, I have to put you in Apple's slave factory.
Do not go to Alex Jones Show either at InfoWars.com.
Thank you, Alex.
It's been an honor.
I love you too, brother.
Oh my goodness.
I can do a better one.
I gotta, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta have to get in the mode.
Oh, I just caught you, American, going to Bot Fine's website!
I'm already going to lower your social credit score, but if you do it again, I'm going to put you in a slave camp, making widgets for Apple.
But it's okay, because Tim Cook's gay!
Oh my goodness, that always makes me happy.
Fentanyl should have his own show.
But my five-year-old daughter's seen the clip, somehow and is always begging, Fentanyl, Fentanyl, Daddy, Fentanyl!
Wanting me to do like a Fentanyl imitation, like a restaurant people are looking like, why is that five-year-old asking for Fentanyl?
So I'm gonna have to change his name.
To Chycom Dragon, aw yeah, good for you!
Do not go to Botts Fine.
Do not go to his channel on Rumble.
Do not share it.
All right.
Jeff in South Carolina.
You're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Man, that is so funny.
You got me smiling.
It's like your child asking for a fit and all.
That's great.
Excuse me, Jeff.
You are calling into Alex Jones Show.
That can get you in big trouble.
Oh, that's great!
GGP angry at you!
So is Chairman Biden!
Good Joe Biden!
Good Hunter Biden!
Good Google!
Good Twitter!
Bad Elon Musk!
Bad Alex Jones!
Yes, right.
I've been listening since 2002 and I want the new listeners to recognize all the work
you put in developing these vitamins or supplements.
Because I remember back in the day you'd be taking weekends and you had an extra guy
creating formulas and your integrity is there because I bought iodine when you were out
and it doesn't match up.
The quality is not the same and when you look at the amount of dose per serving, it's your
times cheaper. Well here's the deal sir...
I mean, we just, a lot of our stuff's innovative, like the iodine is innovative.
A lot of it's just whatever a top certified brand is, we just get it, relabel it, and lower the price some.
But we can sell crap stuff all day, but we want you to get a great result, so I appreciate your support.
You want to talk about Project Veritas, and I'm glad you called in.
It's confirmed they cooed James O'Keefe for eating an employee sandwich.
And they thought it was bad that he used some of the company's money to put on some comedy shows.
Well, I mean, everybody does that.
It's good to have community and to have organizations do some fun things, too.
Like, it's like, oh, the NRA's bad.
They flew the board on private jets to NRA events.
I mean, it's all crap.
Sorry, go ahead.
It is.
I feel sorry for the guy.
And I love him.
I love Miss Loomer.
But there's a lot of fruit out there that they can pick.
Like Mariah Carey got the fake shot, and I think I might have saw that on your website.
And Anthony Hopkins got a fake shot, and it's on video.
If any of them have friends, you know, safe videotape and see, yeah, was the shot real
No, I'm not going to get the shot counted.
When they gave Netanyahu the shot, they did it to the side of his arm behind him.
Right, right.
And then when these people are protesting Congress, or even at Pfizer, ask them, have you had the shot?
And the CDC declined taking the shot, or they're not required to.
Well, the highest statistics group not taking the real shot, or not taking it period, has been government officials.
That's come out.
Yeah, and it's kind of like... Well, remember, remember, they exempted high-level government officials from the shot.
Well, that was a red flag from the beginning.
I don't know why other people couldn't see that.
They don't, they don't, they don't, the Chi-Coms don't take our shot.
Good American, take your shot!
Well, fentanyl, why don't you take it?
Oh no, shot not for me, shot for you!
Take your shot and go to sleep, we put you in the ground, bye bye dumb American!
Russell Brand put a tweet out saying that if you knew all the people That have told him they've got fake vaccine cards, you'd be surprised.
They're saying that, you know, you gotta look that up as well.
Yeah, and then also South Carolina News, Nikki Haley's running for president.
Oh, but you're talking about a legend in her own mind.
Thank you, Jeff.
All right, I'm going to jam in.
Chuck, Mike, and Don, at least you got about a minute and a half.
I love you.
We're going to come right back.
We're going to talk to you straight ahead and then some great guest hosts are taking over for the next 55 minutes after that.
And then Owen Schroer.
Do not listen to Owen Schroer.
I have to hurt you.
I need to write some new stuff for Fentanyl that's actually funny.
All that stuff I did is like off the cuff.
People ask how we do it.
The iPhones have that feature.
Just aim it yourself, tape it, and then it's synced up, and then it's easy for the crew to throw it together.
But I'm thinking we need Fentanyl Dragon, um, the movie.
Where it shows how he goes around America doing horrible things like, Oh, the balloon is here to help you, yes!
Alright, you got me going here.
Do not go to M4AutoStore.com.
Alright you got me going here. Do not go to infowarrestore.com
Do not, do not, do not.
Do not stop at the church.
Do not get on knees.
Get on knees to Mao Zedong and Xi Jinping.
Or I hurt you, American.
AOC criticized commercial promoting Jesus at Super Bowl.
Good, AOC.
In our country, we put you in forced labor camp when you talk about Jesus.
He's liberal.
Don in FEMA region.
Five, you're on the air worldwide, go ahead.
Hey Alex, love you, love your show.
Last night I was sitting on the couch and my son grabbed me for my, he said, you need to come outside.
And I said, okay, I'll come outside.
And he was showing me this long string of lights over Niles, Illinois.
And it was going northbound, northwestbound.
Um, and I, my hair on the back of my neck stood up.
And I said, you know, I don't believe what I'm seeing, but at the same token, I was going through the, uh, the line from, uh, from the, uh, Atlanta airport.
And I saw this fan that was, uh, spinning and it was showing this You know, this sort of, I guess you would call it, hologram that showed no guns, no anything.
And I said, would it be that?
And I looked again and I said, it can't be that because it's too in line with what I'm seeing.
Well, have you seen when Starlink launches and then a bunch of them are in orbit where they're all lined up?
It's pretty amazing.
Well, I mean, I wanted to try to disprove what I was seeing.
And I live in, I live right over a flight pattern by O'Hare Airport in Chicago, and they are flying their planes.
I go out for cigarettes every so often.
And today when I went out for my cigarettes, I saw that they were flying planes 400 feet below what they usually do.
So I'm a little bit worried.
I hear you, brother.
There's a lot of weirdness going on, Don.
Next time, try to get some footage of it.
Thank you for the call.
Chuck in California, you're on the air.
Hey, what's going on, Alex, and happy birthday, youngster.
I want to tell you a little story about train wrecks.
Over here in San Bernardino in 1989, May 12th, a Southern Pacific train derailed in my neighborhood, right in my backyard, and decapitated two kids tied up in the It was so safe, this is the part I really want to say, it was so safe they let us stay out there for 15 hours in the street knowing that a pipeline was leaking.
The next week, two weeks later, it blew up.
Burton, one of my friends, threw a gate as she threw her kids over the fence.
So people in Ohio, go with your soul.
Don't listen to them.
The water probably is not safe.
And as a matter of fact, they said it's headed towards Virginia.
That's where I want to be next month, Virginia.
So I guess I'll be taking a pallet of water.
What do you think of just all the infrastructure getting blown up?
I mean, some of it's probably happening by accident, but they're admitting record infrastructure problems everywhere.
Somebody's shooting up and blowing up power transformer substations all over the country.
Somebody's derailing trains, they admit, on purpose all over the country.
I mean, it's wild.
Some may be by accident, but you know, you put it together with all the food plants and everything else, it can't be an accident.
One thing about Hollywood, when that list comes out, a lot of my friends are going to start believing me.
I used to work out there with those weirdos, and I'll tell you right now, when I'm with those guys, I'm like the Matrix trying to dodge cameras, because I don't want to be seen with any of them.
So when you get through with that list, I want to hear about it.
All right.
God bless you, sir.
I appreciate your call.
I promise to get to every caller.
So we've got the great Maria Z from Australia, an incredible talk show host taking over.
But I'm going to come back and finish up with Mike and then hand the baton to her.
We're going to break in about 30 seconds.
Infowars.com tomorrow's news today.
And then in about an hour, not in an hour, in 56 minutes, Owen Schroyer, The War Room, and he does an amazing show and everybody tunes in.
Everybody should be sharing that link because the enemy's working around the clock trying to stop that.
I know you know that, folks, but you are not the tail.
You are the dog.
You are the whole thing.
When you promote the show, we're unstoppable.
So we're all in your hands, listeners.
I'm not bitching at you.
I'm just saying, look in the mirror and realize how important you are in the information war.
You can overpower the AI and you are.
Hey, what's up, bone?
Hey, McBreen.
What's going on, man?
Hey, really like that work you did on the AI piece.
I'm going to use that on the show today.
Right on, I worked hard on that.
I'm working on another project, so I'm going to be up late again tonight, and I was hoping you had some Brain Force Plus.
Oh, um, no.
Nothing, huh?
What about Brain Force Ultra?
Thanks anyway.
Good luck with that project though.
Get your Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra right now at InforStore.com
Oh, the whole world's in the throw of the devil, as the Bible tells us.
The wicked one.
So our conductor, the guy in charge, is driving the train.
And that makes it a crazy train.
All right.
I promise to get to all the callers.
We're about to hand the baton to a great talk show host from the land down under.
Mike in Texas, you're our tail gunner.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's going on, man?
I was going to say, so I follow ADSB Exchange and Flightradar24 for going on like two years now, like religiously.
We need a couple of flight movements of military aircraft in particular to and back from the theater.
One of the things that you'll see when you take those ideas and data and then use Google Earth satellite imagery that is updated constantly because those satellites are constantly spinning around the planet.
I just want to say in Kaliningrad, Dude, I'm seeing sixth generation checkmate aircraft on tarmac that are Russian.
They are ready to go.
They have, like, stacks of missiles and stacks of bombs right next to those aircraft.
And they've been test firing those engines because those engines point down if you know anything about these Russian aircraft.
They have hundreds and hundreds of aircraft stationed in Kaliningrad, Belarus, and Crimea.
They have probably five to ten times more equipment and next generation equipment stationed
in those three checkpoints than in Ukraine right now.
And if you look at what's going on in Ukraine, they're using corporate wars, right?
They're using the equivalent, the Russian equivalent of Blackwater, right?
They're not even engaging there with their tip of the spear.
Those people who are fighting against Khazaria over there right now are just prisoners.
They're mercenaries on their side.
They are not the Russian military.
We're about to probably see the real Russian military bust out because I'm watching on ADS-B exchange our spy aircraft, R-135 spy aircraft, the really high-tech Learjet, the AWACS's, five or six of them today, cruising around up and down Crimea, cruising around Moldovia, cruising around the side of Ukraine, Kazaria, cruising around the border of Poland, up there by Kaliningrad.
Our people are scared right now.
They're not telling you that.
By the way, I know about those great aircraft sites that show the planes in live time.
Give us the URL.
I'm just going off memory.
There's a bunch of them that do it.
The one you're saying we should go to to show what you're talking about.
Yeah, the easy one to use is ADSB Exchange, Alpha Delta Sierra Bravo Exchange.
Go to the Live Map Tracking thing.
There's a little filter on there.
You can click Military.
Click on that, and then you can just sit there and leave it all day long and watch aircraft.
And again, my crew's going to pull it up, and I'm going to write it down.
But just one more time, give us the URL.
Yeah, ADSB Exchange.
You should have a dude on that 24-7 watching that, because whenever you listen to the EAMs... Yeah, I think the crew missed what you said, because they're not pulling it up.
I'm a little slow here today.
So there's ADS-B Exchange.
Yes, ADS-B Exchange.
And what do you click on?
There's like a live map.
Yeah, there it is.
I've seen this site before.
So you click military on the right.
There's like a filter.
Go to the right filter.
Click military and it'll show you theater, right?
But what I wanted to tell you, dude, As I listen to the emergency alert or emergency action messages, which are our R-135s flying over our missile silos and our bomber field, and they're talking down to those dudes saying, radio check, are you there?
He's like, yes, radio check, we're here, everything's good.
But they do it in code, like 32 character code.
I'm sure you've heard about that, right?
You're a radio guy, you know what I'm talking about.
The amount of those in the last 60 days has gone bonkers.
In fact, when that balloon cruised from, you know, Canada all the way down to when it got shot down, those emergency action messages were being jammed.
There was high-frequency, like, modem sounds and all kinds of noises going off while our dudes in R-135 are communicating down to our missile silos.
So, this is... You're saying the bottom line is there's a lot of battle chatter heating up?
Yes, sir.
But what I'm telling you, Kaliningrad, if any of our people right now are over there, you need to get the hell out of Eastern Europe right now, because it's about to go down.
And they're not telling you that.
And I was going to say real quick, one last thing, Jen Stoltenberg, that little neocon, New Old Order slave puppet master of Millie himself, he just gave a series of, you know, updates, right?
Their little NATO summit that they had in the last two days.
That dude looks scared.
That dude, Jen Stoltenberg, was saying yesterday and today, this morning, that we are out of ammunition, and we do not have the manufacturing capability.
We haven't mobilized, Alex.
We haven't mobilized.
We are completely out of our high-tech missiles.
We are completely out of all of our stupid ammunition, like our, I mean, dumb ammunition, like our artillery, right?
And they are going to have to invoke emergency war powers here and over there in order to backfill.
Russia mobilized their industry two months ago, right?
They called up a million people, 500,000 people here and there, and they've been steady making tanks, steady upgrading their shivs, steady making all their stuff ready for this.
And it's about to go down, and we are about to get owned Because we do not have everything we need in position.
The people that are running this are willing fully leading us to get destroyed.
Because I'm telling you right now.
Listen, I agree with you and I'm glad I held over to get you on.
I want to go to our guest host who I really appreciate.
Being here and all the great work and fine work that she has been doing.
Please remember we're Lister Supported and we have the great prebiotic fiber out for over a year, back in stock, so good for your gut, so good for your immune system, your whole body.
It's 40% off and some other great sales, 50% off on RainForce Plus and RainForce Ultra at InfoWarsTour.com.
But yeah, pray for peace folks and pray for this to stop.
Crazy times happening.
Maria Z takes over Z media that's ZEE3EASEMedia.com. She's got a lot to cover.
Maria Z from Australia, go ahead. Thank you so much Alex.
It is wonderful to be with you all today and thank you to the InfoWars team.
What an amazing, amazing bunch of people.
You know, I think that with all of the distractions that we're seeing right now, You know, the aliens, and I want to play a White House clip in a moment, the aliens, the things that are happening in Ohio.
Now, we just heard about Texas.
And of course, I'm not saying these are distractions.
These are definitely real things that are happening, but they're being done to distract us from the greater plan.
All of these mini crises that we're seeing all over the place, what happened in Turkey, And I shared a video recently of this lady's analysis of that situation, talking about the fact that that was not an earthquake and she was actually a senator in Europe there.
So that was fascinating to see what she had to say about that.
She was talking about the fact that Erdogan walked out during a Schwab speech and this was sort of payback for Turkey.
It's very hard to discern right now.
What is an attack?
What is, you know, punishment for not complying with the globalist agenda?
But the thing I want to talk about, I have a lot of news to cover today, but the thing that doesn't make sense to me, and it's something that I haven't heard anyone talking about yet, is the fact that censorship has lifted in a lot of ways.
And that makes me nervous.
You think about this.
You've got a global plan to depopulate, keep people in the dark.
Your plan depends on people going and getting poison shots and continuing to poison themselves in different ways.
And yet you're lifting the censorship of the people that are warning about this.
Of course, Alex is still banned on Twitter.
But here's what happened.
IMZ Media is the most banned media in this country, and I'm not exaggerating.
We've been banned on YouTube, we've been banned, permanent Facebook shadow ban since April of last year, three Instagram accounts, you know, other social media completely banned, can't get back on.
And now all of a sudden, Instagram is growing.
At a rate that even before they started banning me, I wasn't getting.
It doesn't make sense.
Why are they allowing this?
Well, you look at, since Elon bought Twitter, you know, a lot of people flocked to that platform.
So we could say that maybe big tech is afraid now.
Maybe the other platforms like Meta are thinking we need to, we need to compete with Elon.
But there's another possibility, I think, that we haven't considered and I'm going to talk about it on the other side of the break.
We're going to cover today, Australia predicting the next stage of the COVID surge.
A personality, a mainstream media personality here has called out the shots.
DeMar Hamlin not wanting to talk about his injection injury.
The Harvard Medical School integrating climate change into their curriculum and so much more.
Thank you for being with me here today.
We'll be back in about 10 seconds, we're going to close up in about 10 seconds and be back right after this short break.
Stay with us.
You don't want to miss this.
I think I have a really bombshell theory for you.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Z. So we're talking about something that just doesn't make sense.
You have a new world order in full force in its last stages for this global corporate takeover, and you start lifting censorship.
The censorship that they so desperately fought To achieve on social media and it's starting to lift.
Something is not right here.
Now, I'm happy about it.
Don't get me wrong.
But if you were the enemy, the last thing you would do is start giving your enemies a voice right now.
So what is going on?
Well, I have a couple of theories here.
Elon's building a payment platform.
We all know about that.
According to In The Know sources who spoke with the Financial Times, Apparently, Twitter has started applying for the regulatory licenses it will need to actually launch a payment system and it's also working on the software as well.
Now, we know that a lot of people have voiced their concerns about the fact that this is a trap.
It's going to end up being like a social credit score system that is Sort of conditioning people towards that, or even will be used for that.
And it's making people feel comfortable with this platform in order to achieve that.
That's one possibility.
And if that is the case, perhaps the other social media platforms are intimidated by the fact that so many have flocked to Twitter, and so they feel like they need to start competing.
Maybe they have the same plan, but we're just getting comfortable with it with Twitter first.
I don't believe that the globalists do anything unless it's calculated.
Yes, they are afraid at the moment and there's some amazing things happening around the world.
For example, a huge lawsuit filed against Legacy Media.
I just interviewed Dr. Ben Tapper, who's on the list of defendants with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
and this is attacking the Washington Post, Reuters and a whole bunch of others, which is massive.
You know, the lawsuit is against the Trusted News Initiative, which is essentially responsible for all of the people that have died from the COVID injections because they censored life-saving information and pushed false information out there.
So it's a huge deal and perhaps the other platforms and legacy media are starting to get afraid of what is actually Well, you know, this lawsuit, other lawsuits coming for them, and it is, it's yapping at their heels as more and more truth comes out.
But again, it just makes me nervous when we start seeing all of these words start to be allowed on YouTube, you know, especially when they went to all this effort to have They spoke about online laws that they needed to create for misinformation and disinformation.
You know, these buzzwords they use.
So I think it's something to watch and I think it's something to be careful of.
We need to be certain that we're not being lulled into a false sense of security and a trap when it comes to a lack of censorship.
We'll take it while we have it, but it's always important to depend on platforms like this rather than the mainstream platforms.
We literally just use that to funnel information to the masses, you know, who don't know about Band.Video, who don't know about Zmedia.com.
So just stay on guard, everyone, because from what I'm hearing with this platform that Elon's creating, it's also going to accept crypto.
We know that regulated crypto is one of their preferred.
Well, it's one of the monetary systems that is going to exist on the other side of their created economic collapse because they want digital currency.
I want to play this clip from the White House, Corinne Jean-Pierre talking about, you know, she says that these are not extraterrestrials and they're not aliens and the White House kind of laughs and I want to dissect this a little bit.
The team can pull it up.
Last thing before I turn it over to the Admiral, I just wanted to make sure we address this from the White House.
I know there have been questions and concerns about this, but there is no, again, no indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity with these recent takedowns.
Again, there is no indication of aliens or terrestrial activity with these recent takedowns.
I wanted to make sure that the American people knew that, all of you knew that, and it was
important for us to say that from here because we've been hearing a lot about it.
the movie, but I'm just going to leave it there.
Yeah, you look like E.T., but here's the thing.
She says it twice.
She says no indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity.
We just want to be honest with the American people.
You are never honest with the American people.
In fact, you deflect every time you're asked a question.
So why all of a sudden are you wanting to be honest now?
You're wanting to say it.
You're wanting to be honest because, or honest, because you want to drum in the words aliens and extraterrestrials into people's heads.
And the fact that all of the people in the crowd are just laughing at that, That was 100% part of their conditioning.
And Alex did a fantastic talk on the alien deception the other day.
I encourage everyone to go and watch it.
I'm not going to cover the same ground.
But this is very, very telling.
This is extremely telling.
She's using the words twice on purpose, aliens, extraterrestrials, to get it into people's heads.
This is how they do it.
And they normalize it through this.
Corinne Jean-Pierre has never been honest.
She gets asked a question, oh I would direct you to this department, or I would direct you to that department, and they're questions that she should be answering, but all of a sudden she wants to answer this because it's important to the American people.
Give me a break!
Absolutely ridiculous.
Now breaking just in, the WHO is going to hold an emergency meeting Tuesday after at least nine people, so today, in Equatorial Guinea died from Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever, a cousin of the Ebola virus.
They've got this huge outbreak allegedly over there.
Over 200 people just yesterday placed in quarantine.
Apparently nine dead now from this Marburg and this is something that, you know, they filed the patents Long ago for Marburg, we've been warning that this may be coming.
We think that they've done some test runs in China of the hemorrhagic fever.
And I've had experts on who've said, what everyone needs to know is not to be afraid.
This is not contagious or airborne like they're going to try and tell you it is.
It is predominantly transmitted through bodily fluid, or say for example, if you have a hemorrhagic fever, the patient vomits and the person treating them, sorry that's a bit gross, but the person treating them comes into contact with those fluids.
That is exactly how it can become contagious, but it's not airborne, but they will try to tell you that it is.
So this is the latest, you know, fear mongering from the WHO.
There's an account on Twitter called Terror Alert.
That said, oh, you know, a warning, the WHO is announcing a huge new pandemic, Marburg, you know, I'm exaggerating what they said, but the terror alert, Marburg, hemorrhagic fever.
It's something that we've been warned about for quite some time.
I've had people like Todd Callender on, coming to talk about the patents, the fact that they want to launch this.
And, you know, the CDC with their joke section on their website about the zombie apocalypse, I don't know if you've seen that yet, But they say that, oh, it started off as a joke and then we ended up updating all these resources for the zombie apocalypse.
I mean, it really is Twilight Zone stuff, guys, but it's on their website.
And again, it's part of that conditioning.
It's part of that conditioning.
On the other side of the break, I'm going to talk about Australia predicting the date and state of the next COVID surge.
They really are doing their best because we've just launched The fifth booster in Australia and all the headlines are telling everyone about how they're eligible for the fifth death shot.
Come and get your death shot, people!
And we have to give you the fee so that you'll get your death shot because we need more of you dead.
Love, The Globalists.
Absolutely sick.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
So Australia is predicting the next COVID surge.
This is how ridiculous this people have become but it's the reason I'm bringing it up is because it's very specific.
You see the headline says COVID surge looms over one state as next Aussie peak revealed.
And, you know, it even admits in the article that numbers appear to be going down everywhere, but, you know, experts are arguing about it.
And one guy comes out and says, oh, unless something dramatic happens in Europe and America, my expectation is that we will probably see another peak in winter or late autumn.
But then he goes to say that there's going to be another peak in March in the state of South Australia.
How do you know this?
Oh, they know this because of modelling.
The same modelling that said we're going to lose, you know, however many millions to COVID and now they say, oh, we've saved over X amount of million lives with the shots because our modelling said we were going to lose this many million.
But you haven't saved any lives.
In fact, you've killed lives and your modelling's a bunch of junk.
So anyway, I just I thought this was important because they're actually saying, oh, no, in March in South Australia, we're going to have a peak here.
The rest of the country, we're going to have a peak in autumn, winter.
And of course, it is because of the five shots that are upcoming now.
An Australian mainstream media personality has actually come out and on live television said, I'm done with the jabs.
And he said fit and healthy people are dropping down with heart issues.
I'm quoting Karl Stefanovic here.
He was blasting the fifth booster call and that was fascinating to me.
Now why?
Well, part of the reason is a lot of these people who were promoting the injections early on are realizing how many of these people are dying and God forbid they were held accountable by all the lawsuits coming for them.
But also, I think many of them are realising that this is happening.
So regardless of what his motivation is, I'm glad it was said on national television.
But then you've got people like Demar Hamlin, and I want to get the team to bring up that clip if it's ready, where he's asked, what have doctors told you about what happened to your heart?
Take a look at his reaction.
The question on so many minds, what caused his heart to stop beating?
You're 24, peak physical condition, can run circles around me right now.
How did doctor describe what happened to you?
I told him I would stay away from.
I know from my experience in the NFL, they do more tests than anything.
And in the course of you having your physical, did anybody ever come back with any, say you had a heart issue or anything that was abnormal?
Honestly, no.
I've always been a healthy, young, fit, energetic, you know, human being, let alone athlete.
So it was something that was just that we're still processing
and I'm still talking to my doctors just to see what everything was.
I don't want to talk about that.
That was a very, very nervous response.
A lot of people have said, we don't even know if that's Demar Hamlin.
Um, you know, and I'm not going to get into that aspect of it.
Who, who even knows?
But his response there, you know, it's like, it's like he really thought about it.
He really thought about how do I answer this?
Oh, you know, without looking like I'm covering up or I almost like regret.
I don't know.
I don't know.
What do you guys think?
It looked almost like regret in his eyes about the fact that, you know, maybe he did want to talk about it, but he he's been told he can't.
You know, look at that.
And of course, the radio viewers can't see this, but we're just replaying that moment where he pauses.
And contemplates.
Does he know what this is?
Have the doctors refused to tell him?
I mean, of course, if you were someone of stature, there would be so much controversy around vaccine-induced myocarditis or pericarditis.
There would be so much effort to not let this come out, but as I said to you, in Australia, mainstream personality is saying fit and healthy people are dropping down with heart issues on live TV.
It's something that just cannot be hidden anymore.
There are so many athletes that are dropping from these poison shots.
And, you know, I just I was really just watching that and thinking how how how is he going to overcome this?
Because he then goes on to say.
Well, no, I never had any heart issues before.
You know, these athletes go through so many checks.
They go through so many medical assessments.
There's no way that something like that would not have been detected beforehand.
So at least he speaks about that.
I don't know.
We'll see whether more comes out on that.
I just wonder why he said he didn't want to talk about it.
Now, Harvard Medical School is about to integrate climate change Into the medical doctor curriculum.
This is one of the most ridiculous things I've read but honestly it's no surprise.
I spoke about a recent podcast I was watching and I can't remember her name but she's a medical student, I think third year now, and she was saying openly that if the, you know, she was speaking about abortions, killing babies and the fact that she thinks it's a great thing.
And the interviewer asked her, okay, well, back in the 1800s, the medical consensus was, if you're going to, if everyone's performing lobotomies and it's, the medical consensus is, yes, let's go and perform these lobotomies, this is the right thing to do, would you have done it?
Knowing now, because they were having a discussion on ethics, knowing now that it's unethical, knowing now that we should never have performed those lobotomies, would you have done it?
And after some wrestling with the question, she finally comes out and admits, Yes, I would have performed the lobotomies because it was the medical consensus at the time, even knowing what we know now about how wrong and unethical that was.
And that is the doctors of today.
Those are the doctors of the future.
So this article here, the Harvard Crimson, a Harvard Medical School committee voted last month to embed climate change into the school's curriculum.
Now, apparently it was a unanimous vote to do this.
And it says that the new climate change curriculum will examine the impact of climate change on health and health inequality.
Applications of these impacts to clinical care and the role of physicians and health institutions arriving at climate solutions.
What does climate change do to inequality?
What does this mean?
What does this actually mean?
I'm going to play you a clip when we come back on the other side of the break, just letting the team know to get it ready.
This insane new gender equality ambassador that we have in Australia, you're going to be shocked when you hear from this woman.
Look at that.
So, you know, this inequality word that they keep hammering down our throats You know, the US audience might not know this, but we've currently got this voice to Parliament.
thing happening in Australia and it's essentially a trap for our Aboriginal people to fall into this trap of coming under the Australian Constitution so that they don't have the same rights as they still have now, really, and it's a way to initiate CRT in Australia and they want that desperately because they want the people divided and they want to shame you for being white.
But anyway, it's going to be increasingly important for people in leadership roles in healthcare and other industries to integrate climate change and climate-related hazards into their strategic decision-making as they lead organisations.
So you can expect the doctors of the future, the ones who think that it's ethical to kill babies and perform lobotomies, to also make all of those decisions around climate change and inequality, whatever that is.
Health inequality.
I mean, who gets denied healthcare based on their race?
It's not even a thing.
It doesn't even happen.
Okay, maybe a few isolated incidents of a bad egg, you know.
Giving someone bad treatment because they may be a racist or have bias but it's just not a thing in today's day and age other than the narrative that they're creating that people are not getting the correct health care because of their race.
We'll be back right on the other side of this break and we'll keep going with this insane weirdo from Australia.
And we are back!
All right, I've got a few more things I want to cover before I tie this all together and let you know how it's all related.
Now, I would really love for the team to bring up this clip of Australia's new gender equality ambassador.
If you're not sitting down, please sit down.
It's creepy as heck.
Have a look at this.
Hello, I'm Stephanie Coppice-Campbell, Australia's new Ambassador for Gender Equality.
I'm incredibly honoured to take on this role as the lead international advocate for Australia's commitment to gender equality and the human rights of women and girls and persons of diverse gender identities.
In this role, I'm committed to listening to those who are dedicated to promoting gender equality and learning about the perspectives and priorities in communities and countries in our region and globally.
Promoting gender equality is the right thing to do, but it's also the smart thing to do.
It is central to Australia's diplomatic, economic development and regional security, as well as our international engagement.
I look forward to working with partners in Australia, in the Pacific, in Southeast Asia
and globally to progress the Australian government's priorities to increase women's economic empowerment,
women and girls' leadership and to end sexual and gender-based violence, to improve access
to health and education services and progress the women, peace and security agenda.
I look forward to delivering this message while I have a gun held to my head because
I can't blink and I need to read off this teleprompter.
I mean, it's just weird, right?
It is absolutely bizarre.
But here's the one thing.
A lot of people have shared this footage and spoken about the fact that yes, she barely blinks.
Yes, she looks like she's being held hostage and has to say these specific words and doesn't want to be there, right?
I look forward to... I mean, I don't have to do that again for you, but She says this, for the radio viewers, she's on the screen now, just get her off, get her off, listening to those that are dedicated to promoting gender equality.
She doesn't say she can't wait to listen to all people on this issue, no.
She says she looks forward to listening to those that are dedicated to promoting gender equality.
So she only wants to hear from people, the ambassador for gender equality only wants to hear from people that are dedicated to promoting this.
No one else.
I'm the ambassador.
I'm not here to educate anyone and explain why I'm here and why I'm so passionate about this and need to get it through to everyone.
No, no, no.
None of that.
I only want to talk to people that agree with me.
And that is what we're facing, guys.
These doctors that I spoke about from Harvard I wanted to read this to you before and I missed it.
The curriculum change aims to integrate climate change themes throughout students medical school education rather than creating new courses specifically around climate change.
So what they're talking about is embedding this indoctrination into all aspects And it goes on to say in this report that, you know, they'll add a sentence or two or a little segment on every single topic these doctors are learning to help them understand how it's all linked to climate change.
Their entire course and the way that they treat their patients is all linked to climate change.
So you've got these brainwashed drones out there now in medical school who are saying, we would prepare lobotomies, we would perform lobotomies, even though we know now that it was wrong.
If the medical consensus says it, we'll do it.
If the medical consensus is, you need to kill these people, we're going to do it, because that's The best science of the time, and don't you question it, and I only want to talk to people that agree with me.
I mean, we are living in an insane world right now with the people that are being installed in these positions just being the ultimate weirdos.
I mean, who is actually going to go and seek advice from the experts?
Who wants to listen to the experts?
These soulless people who can barely blink, who say they would perform a lobotomy, who are going to tell you now when you go to the doctor, all of these new graduates, that your heart condition is due to climate change.
Got nothing to do with the COVID shot.
No, no, it is climate change.
And I know that because I learned it at Harvard.
One of the most prestigious medical schools of our time.
I learned that everything that's wrong with you is because of the changing weather that we've had for thousands of years.
What a great doctor I am.
Give myself a pat on the back.
Do you want a lobotomy while we're at it?
And any doctors that are enrolling in this, apparently they were asking for it for years.
The medical students have been asking for years for climate change to be The main focus of their courses, their studies.
Because up until five minutes ago, when the media started using the words climate change, we thought the biggest problem facing us was global warming.
So how many years back are we talking, guys?
Because climate change just erupted really out of COVID as the new method to control the citizens.
Who the hell wants to go and see one of these doctors?
Not me.
I swear they're going to be performing surgeries in underground veterinary clinics one day to avoid these crazy, crazy Frankenstein doctors.
But here's what else is happening in the world.
Kenya is currently trialling a biometric vaccination system for newborn babies.
So this is what the globalists are doing in the African countries, rolling out Ebola And by the way, I said before, Ebola's not airborne.
I want to add there, unless they mess with it, which is possible.
They love gain of function.
They love death and destruction.
Who knows?
They might have done it.
They might have done it.
There has been funding for gain of function for Ebola.
I mean, I did these interviews quite some time ago.
They're all on zmedia.com.
And I have another huge one I want to say here.
It'll be on the website at about 8pm Central.
It won't be on band yet.
That is a huge interview coming this week, talking about how all of the injected population Within half an hour are shedding these toxic materials into the uninjected and the blood of the uninjected is coming up as contaminated as the injected.
This is something that everyone needs to see.
So please head to zmedia.com or at 8pm central on Wednesday night.
But advancements are being made in controversial tests carried out in a hospital in a small town in Kenya to develop a biometric vaccination management program for newborns.
So here's what they say.
This new method aims to ensure that as soon as a child is born and receives their first vaccine, biometric scanning of four of their fingers takes place.
And in addition to fingerprinting the babies, they're taking their voice data of the caregiver.
Now they say they only store this for two years.
Yeah, right.
Like they weren't collecting people's DNA from the PCR tests and shipping them to companies and that later came out.
Oh yeah, we're only going to store it for two years.
And apparently it tracks how eight vaccines and one supplement are given to the babies.
Why do you need to track it through biometric data?
Why do you need to track it through biometric data?
We have systems for that.
We have books.
We have, you know, the doctor's records.
We have such advanced IT systems that surely your doctor can log that information.
And quickly, before I wrap it up, The UK government recently, a top banker predicted that a UK government will eventually roll out a super app that houses each citizen's combined economic footprint from credit ratings to know your customer details.
So this has already started in Australia.
We have big banks like the Commonwealth Bank, for example, which has already rolled out a carbon tracker.
So it tells you how many, how much carbon your purchase emitted to try and commence this social conditioning.
This is social conditioning and people think, oh, well, that's great.
I'm helping the environment.
Just like they thought, oh, that's great.
I'm getting injected to protect my neighbor.
I am a great human.
And I'm not talking about those who were coerced and felt they had no choice and were backed into a corner.
I'm talking about the ones who are proud that they partook in a medical experiment that's killing so many.
And wish death upon those that didn't participate.
And so they're conditioning the human race right now in the background while all of this chaos is happening.
They're conditioning the human race for biometric data being sent.
They're conditioning us through a lack of censorship to get used to integrating these platforms with payment platforms and the social credit system that they want to roll out.
They're testing this on Africa as they always do with babies, biometric data, because eventually the plan is for your biometric data through Bill Gates' pattern 060606 to send this to a supercomputer, send your biometric data to this supercomputer so that you can mine crypto for your good behavior.
Oh, you didn't eat meat this month.
Well done, peasant.
You get an extra 20 cents in crypto or 20 bitcoins, whatever.
You understand my point.
All the while, more and more brainwashed drones being rolled out like this equality person, like these doctors.
We're living in a clown world, people, and that is why it's so important to pay attention to what's happening outside of the distractions that they are presenting us.
It's been an honour to be with you today.
Please support InfoWars.
Please support your favourite independent media so that you know the truth, no matter what.
God bless you.
And on to Owen Shroyer.
I'll see you next week.
You're a sponsor of the show.
You support us.
It's not the main reason I had you on today, but usually you're hard to even get to plug the products when you're on.
But you've got so many great Made in America products.
And if people go to your sites and use promo code Alex, they get even bigger discounts.
But tell folks about this new pillow you've got.
Yeah, this is a big announcement.
When I invented my pillow, that was in 2004.
It took a year to invent.
Nothing ever changed.
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Remember, sleep is about height and staying there, and temperature.
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So I have this fabric made.
And I said, you know, let's make an exclusive MyPillow fabric.
Let's see if it works with the great patented feel.
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This stuff is cool to the touch.
You're not going to be flipping that pillow to the cool side.
It is the most, the best pillow in history.
Just got even better.
And we're doing the buy one, get one free.
We just actually got these into production last week, and the commercial for it, it was one of our big movie commercials we made where the one in the mirror, that comes out in about 10 days.
So you're getting them here, one of the first ones to get them in the country, and trust me, it brings sleep to a whole new level.
They're absolutely the best bill ever.
You have great products, hundreds of great products, but more importantly, you're using the money to fight the New World Order fearlessly.
That's why everybody should shop for their sheets and their pillows and their beds and their dog beds and their slippers and everything at MyPillow.com.
You've got the great bath rubs, everything.
And just use promo code to get the big discount, promo code A-L-E-X, and that keeps this show on air as well.
If you go to OnlineHealthNow.com, connect with trusted and unbiased doctors at the Wellness Company.
And I tell you, I'm honored to be the Chief Scientific Officer of the company.
I contribute like so many else do there, so many wonderful doctors.
Far and away the most popular product is Dr. Vandewater's Detoxification Supplement that features natokinase.
It's a natural proteolytic enzyme.
This one is the only Enzyme that we're aware of right now that dissolves the spike protein.
This is very important.
The spike protein is loaded in the body with the COVID-19 infection and definitely with the vaccines.
People are low with the spike protein.
They don't feel well.
This is a potential solution.
Hydroxychloroquine comes from a natural substance.
So does ivermectin and now natokinase.
Isn't it interesting?
Natural substances in a sense combating this man-made disaster SARS-CoV-2 and the vaccines.
Thank you for your support and thank you for getting into that because it's important.
You didn't come here to do that, but I made you do it.