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Name: 20230213_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 13, 2023
2512 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses recent events such as the Super Bowl, UFOs, and Russia's military movements. He believes these are part of propaganda aimed at justifying war efforts against Russia and China. Additionally, he encourages listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing products from their website and attending a rally at the Lincoln Memorial.

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You only know something is true when the regime officially denies it.
Well, they can reverse that.
If people on average, different polls show, I believe about 9% of what Joe Biden's administration says that's similar for Congress or mainstream media, that it's single digit, When they come out and deny something, they know the majority of people then think it must be the opposite.
So you have the head of NORAD saying they're not ruling out aliens.
You've got all these other media hyping aliens, aliens, aliens.
They do what they're told.
Everybody knows it's balloons.
They've admitted it's balloons, but they're still saying it could be aliens.
And then you have Pierre, the White House Press Secretary clown, who's in a live press conference right now, we haven't cued up the start, it started a few minutes ago, come out and say, before we introduce the Defense Department spokesperson, who now is at the press briefings on a regular basis, even when it's not wartime supposedly, comes out and says, we just want to say it's not aliens.
So let's put the live show headline up there.
I wrote this headline this morning, I may need to change it.
Red alert, emergency nuclear war broadcast.
State Department warns all Americans to leave Russia as Putin prepares massive new invasion.
But see, nobody actually cares about the real threat.
It should be deep state rolling out Operation Blue Beam 2.0 fake alien invasion.
Using all the different advanced craft, not just these balloons.
If they're definitely doing this, it looks like they're doing it.
You'll start seeing these out in the broad daylight.
People won't know what they are.
They'll never see anything like it in their lives.
We know they've got a bunch of advanced aircraft, the big flying Vs, all of it.
And so this is definitely going.
They're definitely testing.
We've been saying every show.
In the last few years, what will they do after COVID?
A big cyber attack?
A huge war?
They've already done that.
A currency collapse?
All three?
A fake alien invasion?
Another bio attack?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
defense of human liberty. It's Alex Jones.
It's Monday, February 13th, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and we're going to be here for the next four hours live ahead of the mighty Owen Schroyer, 3 p.m.
Central, with the War Room that follows this emergency transmission.
Well, where to begin?
Well, everybody's talking about the Super Bowl and or the UFOs.
Are they aliens everywhere?
Something very real has happened.
Reuters, United States government tells citizens leave Russia immediately.
And evidence is showing the Russians are already slowly pouring in thousands of tanks and 500,000 troops and that the new offensive has already begun.
But they're not going to do it with an air war because there's so many NATO missiles.
They're going to do it foot by foot as they've been doing in the last Ten months since their airpower basically got repulsed, hundreds of aircraft and helicopters shot down.
Looking at the intel coming in, I'll be the first to tell you that I believe Putin's new offensive has begun.
Leave Russia immediately, State Department tells U.S.
Russia's forces increase bombardment of Ukraine's Bakhmut and other cities as defenders brace for assault.
There is so much to cover, obviously, on that front here today, and we'll be doing it coming up when we start the main broadcast.
Some stations don't carry this first little five-minute segment, but I'll launch into all of it when we come back here in a few minutes.
NORAD commander doesn't rule out aliens in spat, spate of unidentified objects.
New York Times alters a story about it.
We're going to be getting to all of that.
Here's a short clip of the head of NORAD.
Hi, thanks Pat, and thanks for doing this.
This is for General Van Hurk.
Because you still haven't been able to tell us what these things are that we are shooting out of the sky, that raises the question, have you ruled out aliens or extraterrestrials, and if so, why?
Because that is what everyone is asking us right now.
Thanks for the question, Helene.
I'll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out.
I haven't ruled out anything at this point.
We continue to assess every threat or potential threat unknown that approaches North America with an attempt to identify it.
So they'd have us believe, and the whole media is hyping this with no evidence, that this is the day the world stood still and that aliens are invading.
What are they?
Close encounters of the balloon kind.
Another shoot down.
Third in three days.
They're of course talking about the stop sign shaped vehicle that got shot down 20,000 feet over Lake Huron in Michigan.
Now that's a clip of the head of NORAD yesterday saying they haven't ruled anything out.
They don't know what it is.
Even though on Friday and Saturday they said that they did not believe these were alien craft and that instead they were balloons and or drones.
Now there's a lot of reasons they're doing this and I've figured it out because it follows their past propaganda operations.
We've been studying in great detail but this is a slow roll in Project Bluebeam or a fake alien invasion.
A testing of that.
To get us on warfare mode, to get the general public all jazzed up.
And hiding under their desk, ahead of war expanding with Russia and China.
And that's what's going on here.
I'm going to lay it all out, coming up when the full transmission begins.
We're InfoWars.
Tomorrow's news today.
You don't want to miss this transmission.
Tell everybody you know, tune in now at InfoWars.com, Ford's last show, VanDot Video, and on radio stations all over what's left of our wonderful republic.
We'll be back.
It's Monday, February 13th, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and all hell's breaking loose.
I have done deep research and analysis on the so-called UFO invasion taking place.
It started two and a half weeks ago with a shoot-down of the Chinese massive surveillance slash weapons platform balloon.
And I can tell you the reasons that the Western Deep State has decided to go with this soft launch of Project Bluebeam.
I'll lay out what Project Bluebeam is and more.
And now since the early 1950s, the Pentagon has been pumping the alien invasion scenario only now.
Beginning to come to a head.
This is a very complex, but very important issue.
And if you understand this, ladies and gentlemen, well, you basically understand it all.
How they use different systems of fear for control.
The globalists needed to ease us into war with Russia, and begin to ease us into war with China.
Because they know that there is massive, massive, massive pushback against war in general.
But if they can say that it's a threat, From outer space, just to get our instincts going, and our fear mode going, and things are falling out of the sky, and jets are shooting things down, and it's not China, it's not Russia, even though it is China, and Russia, and others, corporations.
Well, then, if they're able to do that, at an instinctive, very rudimentary, deep animal level, creates the anxiety that they need.
Oh, the Earth's going to end because of global warming.
Give up all your rights.
Accept a casual society.
There's a tax on the LGBT people.
Let the government and state raise your children and sexualize them.
There's going to be a huge war.
Give up your liberties.
Give up your freedoms.
Let us spend more of your tax money.
Don't worry about all the surveillance, all the control, all the corruption.
We need more funds.
We need more power.
We're protecting you.
And so we now have a very clear picture of what's happened.
Going back decades and decades, led by the United States, There have been satellites in orbit since the 50s and 60s, thousands of them.
There have been hundreds of thousands of balloons, both small and large, launched for research purposes, weather purposes, surveillance purposes, weapons purposes.
All of this is on record.
And yet, now we know it's true that a bunch of these balloons came through when Trump was in, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff made the decision, they've now admitted, to not tell him.
So why did they suddenly decide, when a visible, massive balloon was over the United States, to hype it up and then shoot it down?
Two weeks, two and a half weeks ago, seems like a hundred years ago now, because the media isn't saying, oh, it's another Chinese balloon or a Russian balloon or a research balloon.
They're saying, no, no, it could be aliens!
And we saw in the last week, ABC News, NBC News, Fox News, The Joint Chiefs of Staff, all of them say these could be aliens, even though the balloons that were all shot down last week over Canada, over places like Alaska, and weird green lasers coming down that look like ground reading radar over Kauai, Hawaii,
Even though it's all admitted that that's man-made, and in the footnotes the Pentagon says, no, no, these are not alien, they were just unidentified flying objects, until we got close enough and shot them down, and they were types of balloons and drones.
So, they know Chinese balloons are coming across, they shoot one down, then they start shooting down other weather balloons, other things, or the Pentagon can launch its own balloons, or a private corporation could.
And now you say, oh, you don't know the origin, and it creates that massive fear, and then NATO comes out and asks for more power and more funding today.
Congress is asking for more Defense Department spending and said we've got to increase spending in Ukraine because of the balloons.
So, oh, there's this outside threat.
We don't know what it is.
It's a mystery.
It draws the attention up to this nebulous threat.
Not, oh, we need more money for war with China or Russia, or, oh, we need more money for a war against the American people and a police state.
It's a nebulous threat, so they can get the funds, but not frighten the public.
I'd be very suspicious.
Ex-NORAD commander says UFOs are a concerted effort by America's enemies to test outdated systems.
Pentagon has still not recovered debris from three shot down over the weekend.
Now that's an accurate statement.
These weapons platforms are serious.
especially the big balloon shot down over two weeks ago.
But if you look at the main chatter coming out, this is to raise war fever in the public
and create uncertainty and fear, but again, without pointing at a direct enemy,
which would then also generate an anti-war instinct to not want to go to war with our own species.
So there's this subconscious level.
I mean, it's being said publicly, but it's still just slipped out there.
Maybe it's a UFO from a different planet.
Maybe it's aliens.
Here's the clip.
NORAD commander doesn't rule out aliens in spate of unidentified objects.
New York Times alters the story about it.
Here's a clip.
Hi, thanks, Pat, and thanks for doing this.
This is for General Van Hurk.
Because you still haven't been able to tell us what these things are that we are shooting out of the sky, that raises the question, have you ruled out aliens or extraterrestrials?
And if so, why?
Because that is what everyone is asking us right now.
Thanks for the question, Helene.
I'll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out.
I haven't ruled out anything at this point.
We continue to assess every threat or potential threat, unknown, that approaches North America with an attempt to identify it.
So, the Pentagon, the people that control the Pentagon, the people that brought you the poison shots, the open borders, it's all Pentagon run, because it's the biggest, most competent bureaucracy the globalists have.
Our average military people are great folks.
Notice what they're not hyping is the balloon shot down recently outside Kauai.
What is in Kauai, another one two years ago shot down.
Kauai is the main missile base in the Pacific of the United States, and it's bigger than what we've got in Wyoming and Montana.
The western side of the island is loaded with underground ICBM, modern missile bases, and anti-missile bases.
And now, late last week, People see all through the sky, these green lights, and then lasers coming down, it looks like the Matrix, and hitting the ground.
Now, what would you use a laser like that for?
For mapping topography?
But normally the lasers are not attuned, or they would even be visible.
And normally they would use radar, not a laser.
You can't see radar.
So why is this being done?
I would guess that that's not Chinese satellite-directed energy, but that's being done by the Pentagon, again, as part of this larger scion.
NORAD commander doesn't rule out aliens in spate of unidentified objects.
New York Times alters the story about it.
I haven't ruled out anything at this point, General Glenn Van Der Hurk, when asked whether the Pentagon rules out aliens.
Object shot at Lake Huron was shaped like an octagon.
Wall Street Journal reports.
Balloon wars.
White House blasts false China accusation of U.S.
balloons reportedly breaching airspace.
GOP senators say defense budget may not be cut because of Chinese balloon threat.
NATO Secretary General, incidents with balloons over U.S.
form part of a pattern, so NATO needs more power and more funding.
Getting a clear picture here?
It's the beginning of the alien threat.
China pours fuel on the fire, accuses the United States of multiple violations.
More to the point, close encounters of the weird kind.
The U.S.
has two objects shot down over the U.S.
and Canada were smaller balloons.
But you still got the top general saying he doesn't know what they are.
You're being lied to.
This is a PSYOP.
We'll break it all down when we come back with the latest on Russia.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
Aliens are not invading planet Earth.
If you read the Bible, and the ancient Sumerian text, and the Babylonian text, and the ancient Norse text, and the ancient Aztec text, and Mayan text, they've been here the whole time, and they're called the fallen angels, or the Nephilim.
Now whether you believe in that or not, every ancient culture Believed it.
They did cave drawings and paintings.
Native American caves.
Even Neanderthal caves have paintings on them of what look like grey aliens.
But I don't go there because most of what you see in the media and the culture is hidden government projects and advanced technologies that they have been developing in a breakaway civilization.
The CERN superconducting super colliders are about that.
The nuclear fission reactors are about that.
Nuclear fusion.
The animal-human and plant-animal and animal-insect chimeras are alien.
They're inventing aliens.
Nanotech viruses that aren't even made out of any normal natural viruses are new, made in labs with computers.
And they're self-replicating.
Which is the first sign of life.
So, the aliens are here.
Ladies and gentlemen, and we're building them.
We're making them.
The globalists already have all this extensive life extension technology, but they don't want us to know about that.
They don't want us to even be part of that debate and not be part of the decision of human development and where we go.
This broadcast is about trying to get us all to do that and to be informed.
But definitely when you have the head of NORAD and a bunch of other Pentagon officials saying these could be aliens, when they know good and damn well the skies are full of research balloons, private corporate balloons, university balloons, government blimps balloons, it's ridiculous.
The Pentagon decided to hype up the balloon two plus weeks ago.
They decided to make it a big issue to introduce all this fear.
I agree it's dangerous.
I agree it could be a weapons platform.
We were the first to say perfect payload for an EMP attack.
I was watching Fox this morning.
They had a congressman on saying that.
So I'm not saying China isn't a threat.
I'm not saying we could have a nuclear war.
In fact, I'm saying it's becoming more probable by the day and so does the International Atomic Energy Association, and that's why two weeks ago they moved the doomsday clock the closest it's ever been to total nuclear war in Armageddon 90 seconds.
It was two minutes away in the Cuban Missile Crisis in the early 1960s.
That's why you have the term two minutes to midnight.
Midnight for civilization.
Now let's talk about what's really going on.
United States tells citizens leave Russia immediately.
Moscow, Reuters, United States has told its citizens to leave Russia immediately due to the war in Ukraine and the risk of arbitrary arrest and harassment by Russian law enforcement agencies.
That's because Russia has already begun to slow roll its 500,000 troops, 2,000 tanks
into the front lines in eastern Ukraine, where there has been hard fighting now for 11 and a half months.
On the 24th, coming up in just a week and a half, it'll be the anniversary of the Russian invasion.
And I had said looking at the intel that I thought Putin would probably launch before the date.
I believe it's already begun.
And I believe in a few weeks, you'll see the headlines, well Putin didn't do it all at once.
the reports of more tanks, more troops, and the Ukrainians already being overrun, that
Putin's not going to announce that the counteroffensive has begun.
I believe it's already begun.
And I believe in a few weeks, you'll see the headlines, "Well, Putin didn't do it all at
He slowly sent in reinforcements so that the Ukrainians would not mobilize, would not know
what had hit them."
And then I believe he'll do some probative distractionary decoy tactics out of White Russia or Belarus to the north.
And other probes.
As well from the northeast.
But the main drive will be directly from the east.
And the southeast.
a pincer attack out of Crimea, thinking about clones, and directly out of Western Russia.
I believe then once they have secured just four or five more cities and a few hundred
of the other smaller towns, roughly doubling the amount of territory Russia is now holding,
that Russia will then declare victory and give the West a chance to sue for peace.
I don't know that peace will be accepted.
In fact, I don't think it will be accepted.
And I think this is just going to continue to escalate.
And that's why you see the hype over the balloons to create this background atmosphere of fear and uncertainty.
But I really respect callers and your views.
And so we're gonna open the phones up today.
For first-time callers, only first-time callers, at least the first round of calls, military veterans, current active-duty folks in Eastern Europe, we'll go to the head of the line.
On your view of what I've said about the balloons, them claiming that they might be aliens, the fear, Russia and the troops, what I believe is already the next wave or offensive being launched, do you agree?
Do you disagree?
How do we avert this?
Where do you see all of this going?
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
7 8 9 2 5 3 9 8 7 7 7 8 9 Alex 8 7 7 7 8 9 2 5 3 9 as we exercise a town digital
hall a digital town hall and where we can have a real free-for-all in a
college of ideas debate and discussion If you agree, you're welcome to call.
If you disagree, you're welcome to call.
If you have a question or something you want to say, we don't censor your calls.
Only that you have a clean phone line and get to your point so we can get to the next person and respect everybody's time.
I'm very thankful for all of you that have been calling in.
I've noticed that I was on the air 25, 26, 27 years ago taking calls, really 28 years ago.
But we talked radio 27 years ago, started out on AXS TV.
But the more calls I take, the better calls we get.
We always have a lot of good calls.
We also have some callers that call in, you know, tired or drunk or whatever, that's fine.
The more I go to your calls, the quicker I go to them, the better the caliber.
We've been having some calls lately where I'd say the whole roster of calls is like a 98 and 99.
I mean, just over the top smart callers.
And so we're going to respect your time and get to you quickly.
We're going to go to break.
I keep saying this for the last week, plus eight days now, that today's the last day And it's just because I've been so busy after working seven days a week, I haven't gotten around to seeing what the next sale's gonna be, because this sale's so massive.
It's hard to even come back with another sale.
So I would, might be a few hours it's still up there, might be till tomorrow, but they've already got the new sale finally ready.
So you got a few hours left, minimum of maybe a day maximum to take part in the Alex Jones is right.
Super sell to 50% off and incredible products at info or store.com like 1776 and saucer rumbos and pain MD
ultimate krill oil real red pill plus and other great products
Info Wars the most banned network in the world You
You You
What is going on?
Well, I can tell you that I got a call from OSD about a couple hours ago, thereabouts, and informed me that an F-16 using an AIM-9 missile had shot down an octagonal structure over Lake Huron.
The altitude was about 20,000 feet.
And at that time, I asked the question, what's the plan for recovering the debris?
And they said they were working on it and they would get back.
But the bottom line is, you know, they scrambled the F-16, took it out, and no damage to human life or property because it went in the water.
And the water in Lake Huron this time is very, very, very, very cold.
So they're going to have to use divers with special gear.
And the entire corporate media says, what are they?
We don't know.
Are they aliens?
Ed Norett says they could be.
Even days after the Air Force says, no, we looked at it, we shot them down, they're balloons.
And the thing flying over Lake Huron looked like a big drone.
Oh my goodness.
We're going to take your phone calls on this subject.
Then I've got news on the riots that happened after the Eagles lost last night to the Chiefs.
We're going to look at What's happening in the economy, we're going to be looking at this big train derailment that is apocalyptic chemical disaster raging on, the government lying about how toxic it is, just like they did after 9-11, with the attacks there and the poison dust.
We've got more deaths of young people mounting with heart attacks after the deadly poison shot.
We now know it's official that James O'Keefe's being ousted by a coup, by the board, even though it'll destroy Project Veritas, that's the whole point.
We've got the ADL calling for more censorship.
We have got so much to be covering here today.
And a very important article out of town hall, socialists must work to defeat their own country.
Now anybody that listens to this show or is already awake knows that, but why do they want to destroy what works?
They know what they're bringing in doesn't bring prosperity because it puts them in charge and they want a post-industrial world.
And Hillary, of course, has come out officially and called for an end of cash right as they begin to roll out the cashless society and all the nightmare control that comes with that.
So we're going to be interspersing a lot of clips, a lot of other news stories as we take calls.
But the big story is the world headlong marching those sleepwalking into nuclear war.
Every major analyst agreeing we're in the greatest danger ever?
And how all this UFO hysteria feeds into that, why would the Pentagon be saying it could be aliens when they know it's not?
They admit in all these shootdowns it wasn't aliens.
What is the point of that?
We're taking your phone calls right now in the call, in the order they're received.
But for those that don't know what Project Blue Beam is, They've had leaked documents come out.
This has been reported on since the 80s.
William Cooper reported on it and did a good job in the 90s.
In fact, I'll play a clip of William Cooper coming up, start of the next segment.
And when you look at that and you pull back from it, There's been a long-term project to cover up advanced aircraft and technologies.
When you see a B-2 bomber or the B-3 bomber, all that stuff's 30, 40, 50 years old.
They still say the SR-71 Blackbird's the fastest plane the U.S.
It was developed in the early 50s in service in the late 1950s.
They need this outside threat to, A, cover up what they're doing, B, be able to use superweapons on enemies, and then have plausible deniability.
But why are they now, through Hollywood and the whole culture and now the Pentagon, that we predicted for so long, now exacerbating the idea that indeed aliens are here and doing this?
And it's because, again, it's that backdrop of fear and control that they want.
Let's go ahead and go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Rick in Texas.
Rick, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
A couple of things here.
What you're talking about with Project Blue Beam, that's old news, Alex.
And I think a lot of your listeners that's listened through the years with Carrie Cassidy, Project Camelot, and so forth, if you guys YouTube that Carol Rosadin talks with Werner Von Braun, he told her about the last card.
You should pull that up.
That's very important.
That's key there.
And the person that you needed to have on your show years ago was George Green.
He knows all about this stuff.
So, I think those are the important key points that you need to look at there.
And that was on... I forgot what site that was, but if you YouTube it, you'll see that.
Well, why don't you specifically tell us what you're specifically talking about?
And I did interview Mr. Green, but give specifics.
Uh, well, I don't want to say it over the phone, but if you YouTube it, you'll see what Carol Rosin talks about.
I appreciate your call.
I'm not mad at you, but these calls where I'm not going to tell you what it is, just YouTube it?
I mean, we're not censoring anybody here.
You can say whatever you want as long as it's not cuss words, because the FCC will fine our stations.
But there's no censorship here, and I'm not mad at the caller.
A lot of people have a discussion with me, like I know everything, and I know what you're talking about, and if I can't follow you, I'm gonna have to let you go if you don't clarify, because it just... Bluebeam's child play.
I know it's an old project.
We're talking about the fact that it has come out in Congress.
They've admitted that there are projects to do this.
Yeah, let me tell you some of the later projects.
They had different operations that we don't even know the names of, but are admitted to have high-powered satellites
and/or ground-based systems that can project, and I gave the guys an example of this,
an animation of it, it's not a real video of it, but an honest rendering,
of say a 5,000-foot-tall Jesus, or a 5,000-foot-tall Buddha, or a 5,000-foot-tall demon.
I mean, you've seen in Seattle and in Beijing and places where they put these ground arrays up,
where you'll see a 3,000-foot-tall jellyfish swimming around in the night sky, and it looks real.
We showed those last year.
It's incredible.
Should have gotten more attention.
So that's blue beam type technology already being rolled out and shown to the public.
In fact, go ahead and roll that artificial blue beam demon video with some audio.
audio. Go ahead and roll it.
[crowd cheering]
And again, we're simulcast on radio for radio listeners.
It's a artist simulation of what it would look like if a Project Blue Beam was activated and people saw a 5,000 foot tall, that's about a 3,000 foot tall demon created by a hologram walking.
Now, here's the Space Needle.
Last year, And there they are putting on an artificial display, everything, and that's being done with holograms.
So that's the projects that I read about in the 80s and 90s that they never show anybody, and now they can do it.
So if that's what they're letting the public know they have, Imagine what else they really have, and imagine the mind control.
If they can use a virus that's about as deadly as the flu, but is novel, to then make you take a shot, that actually creates the same poisonous spike protein, but at hundreds of times the levels, what can they do with giant holograms in the sky, or fear about balloons being shot down?
Alright, I'm not Matt Glass Collar, I don't mean to go off on a jag about that, but this is the open discussion we're having.
When we come back, Doc, And then Roxanne, and Margie, and Joseph, and Mike, and Tom, and Katrina, and Adrian, and Brett, and Lisa, and everybody else.
Your calls are all coming up, and I'm just going to bam, bam, bam, have your point, be ready, and I'm going to go right to you, ladies and gentlemen, and then I'll play some of the William Cooper next hour, but I want to get through some calls first.
So I'm going to take Four calls next segment, okay?
Four calls, guaranteed, four calls.
And then we're going to come into the second hour, continue with calls, because I can't wait to hear the different interesting angles that you take us in.
Please remember, there's a lot of great news articles and stories we're not covering right now on air that are very important at InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and over 200 great contributors at Band.Video.com.
All right, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Taking your calls on the escalating war with Russia, the artificial UFO hysteria.
Let's go to Duncan, California, an Army vet on Ukraine, war, the COVID connections and more.
Hey Alex, thank you so much for taking my call.
First time caller.
Love your show and God bless you for what you do.
I want to encourage everybody if you haven't gone on the store, And I got some of the products.
Please do that.
And if there's nothing you need, just donate $10.
I've been donating $10 a month for a while, and it's easy.
Well, sir, we're barely in the black because of you.
Thanks for keeping this important broadcast on the air.
What's your view on the big subjects we're covering?
Well, I'm a three-time Iraq War veteran, and I learned the hard way that everything that you see on the New York Times, the cover of these newspapers, it's all false.
It's all an inversion.
It's a satanic inversion, like you've been saying.
Um, this is just a giant distraction from the fact that we need to be working toward a Nuremberg 2 trial right now.
So a couple years ago, I remember telling somebody about how everything was a fraud with COVID.
The whole thing was a plandemic and they're like, this is impossible.
There's no way that that's possible.
People are going to figure it out.
And I said, no, watch there.
They're going to come along the back of this with something even worse, something even bigger fraudulent.
And now we're literally supporting Nazis against Russia.
So it takes a big distraction to distract from the COVID pandemic, but that's what this whole Ukraine thing is, in my opinion.
And I'm glad you called and I want you to elaborate because I meant to make that point when I was sitting here before I went live today and I went over a lot of the angles, but not.
It's a distraction from big tech spying and collusion with the government and the Hunter Biden laptop and the open borders and all the corruption and just all of it.
You're absolutely right.
It's a big new distraction from everything.
When all else fails, they take you to war.
And this was planned for a long time.
It was in the cooker.
We know that this is lockstep.
The whole plan's been out there for 10, 20 years or longer.
And I just want to encourage everybody to pray to God, to support each other, to donate to InfoWars, to pray for Alex, to pray for everybody.
God is the only thing that's going to get us out of this.
And God is actually making all of this work for good.
So remember to know that everything is working out for good, even if That's right, God takes evil and turns it to good in the end, but it takes a couple steps.
Real briefly, I've talked to a lot of veterans, especially people that were officers but also just enlisted, that really woke up because they'd see something on the news from back in the States while you're in theater, in country, and it would be the complete opposite of what actually happened.
Give us an example of something you saw.
A perfect example, I first got to Baghdad during the first surge in 2006-7 and this is a time where we were trying to train the Sunnis, right?
So we were going to train up the Sunnis and militias to help them be more professional and be able to take care of themselves and not be like a rogue army.
So New York Times would have a cover saying, we trained Two new brigades of Sunni militia, blah, blah, blah.
And what did we do in reality?
They go out onto a firing range with an AK-47, pop a couple rounds, and that's it.
And they're trained.
You know, the whole thing is bogus.
I mean, I've never seen so much equipment, so much of everything, just sitting in shipping containers all over the whole country of Iraq.
It's just every year there's a new issue of everything, of all equipment and everything.
You know, that's what this is really about.
More of the, uh, it, you know, war drives the economy and that's what is really going on here.
But one thing I want people to understand when it comes to the pandemic and everything, part of the big inversion here is making people afraid of germs.
And just like they're trying to make people afraid of terrorists and now domestic terrorists, it's all fear.
And the reality is our bodies are self healing.
All we need is good lifestyle, good diet.
Viruses don't cause disease if we... Absolutely.
Incredible points, Doc.
Gotta jump.
Joseph in Utah.
Thanks for calling.
Hello, Alex.
I was an Army veteran.
Yes, go ahead.
I just want to read this from Mikhail Gorbachev, in 1989, sent to George Herbert Walker Bush, the President, at the time in 1989.
Poland and Hungary agreed to this message.
It is evident that force and the threat of force can no longer be and should not be instruments of foreign policy.
The compelling necessity of the principle of freedom of choice is also clear to us.
This is Mikhail Gorbachev.
Now this is Bush's answer and I'm going to kind of paraphrase it up to a certain point.
Basically what he said at first he ignored.
The Eastern problems and tensions in Europe at that time, 1989, 1988, okay?
And then Poland and Hungary asked George Herbert Walker Bush to please look into this summit.
So the bottom line is, he finally says, when he was on Air Force One, he realized that there was a lot of tension in Eastern Europe and throughout the world concerning Russia and American relationships.
and he decided to ask Gorbachev, Mikhail Gorbachev, to a meeting in the island of Malta in the
middle of the Mediterranean.
So in 1989, Mikhail Gorbachev and George Herbert Walker Bush met regarding those two notes
that I just kind of read.
So you're talking about perestroika?
No, no.
I'm not sure about that.
I'm not sure.
I'm not sure.
All I know is it took place in Malta.
You know the island of Malta, right?
You know, they had two, two gigantic ships that were, that were the McHale Govertross and then two gigantic ships that were George Herbert Walker Bush.
And they would go back and forth on those ships making a summit in 1989.
And then eventually they went and visited Malta and met the Prime Minister and so on and so forth.
But this was a summit concerning Mikhail Gorbachev and concerning George Herbert Walker Bush in 1989.
Do you remember that meeting, sir?
Yes, I do remember those series of meetings.
It was perestroika, basically part two, and they tried it before in '79, and then it
led basically to the fall of Berlin Wall, and then of course the end of the Soviet Union
as we know it in 1991.
Well I just wanted to point out, I think those two messages, did you kind of get the logistics
of what the two messages I just said, one from Mikhail Gogolchov and then the reply?
Yes, I did.
So what I'm saying, do you think those messages now fit appropriately between Russia and America
and the Ukraine circumstance now?
Sure, I appreciate your call.
What you're getting at is what Putin's been saying.
That they had spoken deals and public deals, they never signed deals, that NATO would not expand and that Russia would not expand.
Now that deal in the last 10 years or so has been fully broken.
Thank you for the call.
Mike in California, you're on the air on about NORAD and the balloons and what in the world's going on.
Go ahead.
Yes, thank you.
I think what the first caller was trying to say was the fact that Von Braun warned on his deathbed that they would stage an alien invasion when all the other scams Yes, I was familiar with that, and I was trying to get him to elaborate, and he said he couldn't, so I was confused.
So give us your take on that.
Right, exactly.
Yeah, so, yeah, I mean, that's just, I think that's something that we need to be aware of.
I think, I was watching that Dark Journalist clip, and I watched the video, and he makes the point that, you know, when we're hearing from people like General Van Hurst, the combatant commander of NORAD, You know, we should be concerned because that's the guy that takes over if the emergency powers are activated.
And, you know, after 9-11, Cheney came out of the bunker with the Patriot Act, and we've been under this emergency since 9-11.
You know, the President signs it every year, the NDA.
You just said it.
You crystallized it.
They want to use the balloons for a new emergency.
Yeah, exactly.
I think they need an emergency to accomplish their goals.
That's something that we need to be aware of.
This Van Hurt character, he'll take over and he'll appoint regional governors until new elections can be held.
That's right, that's in all the executive orders and in the law, and you are dead on target, and that's exactly where I was going with all this, my friend.
Incredible call.
Anything else?
Yeah, I think we just need to focus on the emergency powers aspect of this.
We need to be aware of that.
You know, if we can talk about this and let people know that we're aware of this, they may not try and pull it off.
When 9-11 happened, there were a small community, including yourself, who were aware of it, but there weren't enough people making enough noise.
you know, for them to actually back down. That's right, and this is a new way for the deep state
to say, "Okay, we spy on you, we censor you, we control you, we get rid of your borders,
but we're going to protect you from the outside threat of these balloons that have been there
for decades." Dead on, thank you, Mike. We're going to start the next hour, air a special report
from a few months ago of Gregory's predicting they start activating Project Bluebeam.
Then at 6 after, I'm going right back to your phone calls.
We're talking about Russia and so much more.
I believe the Russian new offensive has already begun.
We've got evidence of that.
We'll talk about it next hour.
And you heard the caller.
You can also make donations.
And I thank you.
We need your support.
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Onlinehealthnow.com, thank you for your support and thank you for getting into that because it's important.
You didn't come here to do that, but I made you do it.
Okay, they popped in my ear about 15 minutes ago during the last break and said, hey...
Gregory says this great report from recently about Project Bluebeam and the fake alien invasion.
And I thought they meant the one from like two months ago.
There's another one from two years ago, April 2001 or 2021, warning the fake alien invasion threat is real.
2021 warning the fake alien invasion threat is Real and the video has 1 million
two hundred nine nine thousand views It needs 10 million views.
I'm going to have our folks post that to the front page of InfoWars as its own story and to the live show feed.
But go get it right now at band.video in the Gregory section.
Here's that report.
We'll come right back with your phone calls.
In this historical time of awakening, there are now millions of souls across the Earth witnessing a powerful hidden hand manipulating humanity.
Hidden, so it has no name.
So it does not exist in the minds of labels and names.
Hidden in the shadows.
We will call it the Cabal.
This Great Awakening is the greatest threat the Cabal has ever faced.
And we have seen this criminal cabal deploy false flag after false flag to maintain their greatest power.
Here we will explore the most dire false flag event imaginable.
The fake alien invasion.
The alien UFO phenomena can be traced back for millennia.
We could spend days going through the entire alien UFO mystery with all its fascinating half-truths and misinformation.
But these details have been made into a distraction.
What matters is if it's possible.
Is the threat real?
The technology exists.
Before World War II, Nikola Tesla died, and we are told by the FBI that his groundbreaking technologies disappeared.
After the start of World War II, Dr. Walter Gerlach, an expert on the fluorescence of mercury ions in the strong magnetic field, was brought onto the highly classified DGLOCK project, otherwise known as the Bell.
Surviving documents suggest that the bell involved strange anti-gravity and time-altering effects.
After the war, the entire project disappeared.
Several Nazi scientists came to America under Operation Paperclip, where many of them joined Freemason astronauts and Jack Parsons Satanist rocket fuel scientists to form NASA.
Prior to this, the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 was enacted, which allowed the U.S.
government to suppress any new technology deemed a threat to the country.
This led to the suppression of Stanley Meyer's water-fueled car, John Hutchinson's mysterious Hutchison effect, and as of 2010, over 5,000 inventions have been rendered secret.
Through all this time, UFO sightings became more common.
The entire alien UFO phenomena becomes a part of pop culture.
The U.S.
military develops direct energy weapons.
Inexplicable damage seen at the World Trade Center 9-11 attacks and the California wildfires suggest some type of advanced weapon technology that has the ability to melt glass and steel and burns homes into a pulverized footprint of powdered ash.
Whistleblowers with Stephen Greer's ongoing disclosure project have witnessed government projects wherein civilians are abducted in fake alien abduction scenarios.
They have seen the top-secret UFO-type crafts that our military is developing, and they claim it would easily fool the public as being alien technology.
If the Cabal were to deploy the fake alien invasion, it could be game over.
The mask mandates have revealed how easily compliant the population is.
They will believe whatever they are told, and the rest of us could be wiped out within weeks with direct energy weapons and whatever else they have up their sleeve.
We are now seeing a sort of disclosure, as if they are preparing us, continuing to warn us of the alien threat.
We know the Cabal has the will to do this, and it seems they have the means as well.
But if we can destroy this evil cancer, then humanity has a chance.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
InfoWars, because there's a war on for your mind.
You just joined us in the first hour, we covered the Pentagon saying it could be aliens, the
head of NORAD saying that, despite the fact that they admitted before he even made that
statement that it was man-made devices.
And the mainstream media, the enemy of the people, is hyping up that it could be aliens.
But at the same time, the United States has told citizens, leave Russia immediately.
Russia is clearly already beginning their next big offensive.
Without announcing it, the evidence is clear the fighting is massively increased along the World War I style lines that have been drawn in eastern Ukraine.
Yes, this has Project Blue Beam or government stage to stare over UFOs written all over it.
Lisa in Arizona, thanks for calling.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, it's an absolute honor to be talking to you as a first time caller.
And I just want to say that you, Owen and Harrison, have totally changed my life and my perspective on everything that's going on.
Well, I'm honored to talk to you.
Thank you very much, sir.
Okay, so anyway, your last report with Greg Reese pretty much nailed it.
As I was going to mention, Dr. Greer, he had predicted this years ago that the government was going to try to make this fake alien threat into a national security issue.
And he's just got some phenomenal documentaries.
And he said two years ago on air that he thought it was imminent, we need to get Dr. Greer back on ASAP.
Yep, yep.
He is absolutely phenomenal and he's been doing this for so long.
And his connections to, you know, everybody.
In one of his documentaries, I remember that he spoke to, I don't know if it was the last CEO of Lockheed Martin, But he was basically told that we have technology to bring E.T.
That's how deep these technologies, these black programs that the general public will never, ever, ever know about.
That's how deep these programs go.
And, you know, the technologies are just incredible.
We've got flying triangles.
I mean, it's just, it's beyond anything that you can get your mind around.
So now that they want to come and plant the seed in everybody's head that, oh, you know, it might be, you know, it might be aliens that are behind this.
No, they just want to make this into, you know, a national security threat.
And that's why they're promoting transhumanism, that two men can have a baby, or artificial wombs, it's just to make everything so weird that we'll accept whatever we're told, and then meanwhile, it's not aliens coming to Earth, it's them rolling out alien technologies, alien viruses, lab-made abominations that are not of this world, that have been artificially created.
Yep, yep.
It's disgusting and it's just gotta stop.
It's gotta stop.
Yep, thank you so much for taking my call, Alex.
God bless you.
I love you and everything that you do and everything that you stand for.
I can hear the love in your voice and it's certainly reciprocal.
Thank you so much, Lisa.
Let's go ahead now and go to Bert in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, Bert.
Oh, hi.
This is Brett, actually.
I'm sorry.
It's Brett.
I read that wrong.
It's my fault.
Go ahead.
That's okay.
Good morning, General Jones.
I hope you're as happy as I am to see our enemies as desperate as they are.
One of the cards they're holding so close to their chest.
Waiting for the last moment the day neither you know is Project Bluebeam.
So for me, this is an exciting moment.
Well, that's right.
Most of the Awake Liberty Movement worldwide have been like a tree full of parrots saying the same thing.
Bluebeam is imminent.
Bluebeam is imminent.
Fake alien invasion is imminent.
And now when you've got the head of NORAD saying it could be aliens when they know it's not, and a bunch of other Pentagon people saying that, this is them saying, hey, you need us to protect you.
As Henry Kissinger said, the only way to unify the world in a 19...
92 Evian France meeting at the Bilderberg Group would be a fake alien invasion.
Exactly, sir, and I'm sure you know that a lot of this ties back to the Trilateral Commission, Brzezinski and Kissinger and the Rockefeller, all that, but I have a point of six reasons for them to do this right now.
Nordstrom sabotage revelations, the HAARP Doppler attack on Turkey, the biolabs in Ukraine, the chemical weapons used on Russian soldiers by the Ukrainians via drones we provide, Oh, they know there's a tipping point where the vast majority of people don't buy into the system now.
And we know they've made preparations for fake alien invasions.
They've got a myriad of reasons. So again, just indicating how desperate they are.
Oh, they know there's a tipping point where the vast majority of people don't buy into the system
now. And we know they've made preparations for fake alien invasions. But it doesn't mean little
green men land in Central Park. What it means is, is that you just start seeing more and more of
these craft, more and more lasers, more and more explosions.
And the public then begs the government They say, don't worry, give us unlimited funding, and we'll find out exactly what this is.
Yes, sir.
If you have 30 seconds, you can give me.
I noticed something I wasn't actually able to prove, but I looked at some radar, real-time radar captured in Turkey, showing a joint thing between HAARP and Doppler, where they used them together and seemingly triggered the quakes.
By 30 seconds, just to explain that very briefly.
Well, you're on air, go ahead.
Okay, now the radar we saw, the guy who captured the radar didn't even seem to know what he was looking at,
but they were, you know what HAARP does, they can amplify storms and hold them in place.
And they had them held over these locations with weather monitoring stations.
And then all of a sudden you would see these repetitively, these spiraling cyclonal pulses, bursts,
captured on the radar coming from the Doppler stations right before the quakes happened.
And this happened in multiple places, two of them being where two of the big quakes happened,
the seven point, whatever.
So it seems like they would hold the storm in place, this concentrated energy,
the eye of the storm over the Doppler station, use the Doppler station to trigger this,
I believe it was a clockwise spiraling cyclonal pulse from the Doppler.
And then moments later, you saw what happened, I'm sure.
Yes sir, I appreciate your call.
That's a whole giant discussion area.
It is a fact.
I've had the current head of Harpon when he was the current head, he's no longer the current head, back in about 2007.
The Pentagon reached out to me, and they said the director wants to answer questions.
He had heard me on air say, I just wish the head of HAARP would go public.
He was a civilian head.
When he was on, they had an Air Force colonel on during the breaks telling him what he could and couldn't say.
This was in front of John Harmon, who was the call screener at the time, by screener, the guy that would get the guest on and all that.
And they cut the interview short.
And folks did find the interview, so it's made the rounds online last year.
Alex Jones interviews the director of HAARP.
And he talked about the interview setting the atmosphere on fire and seeing over the horizon radar.
He started saying some classified stuff so the Air Force colonel cut the interview short.
I think it only went like three segments instead of the full hour.
But I was very friendly during it.
It's a very, very bizarre thing.
One of the weird things that's gone on over the years.
But what we know from the patents and from a lot of research is they can fire HAARP into the atmosphere and bounce it off the ionosphere and other systems around the Earth, the magnetic field,
and then send it back through the Earth, causing a pulse or a vibration,
similar to what you see causing avalanches, like a gunshot can cause an avalanche.
Imagine something billions of times stronger, pulsing over and over and over and over and over
and over and over and over and over.
And there's a headline in International Business Times, Turkey earthquake caused by US-backed harp attack.
Conspiracy theorists, a strategic blue lightning or strange blue lightning seen in the sky seconds before the first earthquake.
And yes, Doppler radar isn't just for radar.
It can be used to ionize the atmosphere and cause rain or not cause rain or steer different weather formations.
That's on record.
That's all admitted.
They call these tectonic weapons.
And I've asked the crew.
To search engine this and print it for me and anybody else can do this as well.
You type in Secretary of Defense William Cohen on earthquake weapons or Secretary of Defense William Cohen on secret weapons.
Nineteen ninety-seven at a Secretary of Defense defense briefing and if they can't find it, it's fine.
Sometimes they can't find something, they're a great crew.
I will find it during the break.
Ah, there it is, they found it.
And I will read you the quote.
I actually read it right out of the Army Times at the time in 1997 on air.
So yes, these are real weapons.
This stuff is real.
The only question is, is it currently being used?
I think the answer is, does a bear do you know what in the woods?
We'll be right back.
And notice they call it Project Bluebeam.
We're now seeing strange blue and green lights.
All right, I'm going back to your calls now.
Next segment, I'm going to air a few minutes from a 10-minute video.
This is a segment from William Cooper's show back in the early 1990s predicting the fake alien invasion as well from what he witnessed in the intelligence areas of the Navy.
In Vietnam.
But since I mentioned things I don't want to just mention them and not show you the proof.
This is a real quote.
Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen said on the 28th of April, 1997, at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, U.S.
Strategy, University of Georgia, while discussing the dangers of false threats, others are engaging even in, this is a quote, others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism, whereby they can alter the climate, shut off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves.
And who is the leader in that?
The U.S.
and Russia.
So there is the quote from William Cohen, tectonic weapon, that is a mainline report, military-history.
Here's Wikipedia on tectonic weapons, earthquake weapons.
And here is Henry Kissinger, this is confirmed, been confirmed, out of Bilderberg.
Henry Kissinger on the establishment of a New World Order.
Today, Americans would be outraged if U.N.
troops entered Los Angeles to restore order.
Tomorrow, they will be grateful.
This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.
It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil.
The one thing every man fears is the unknown.
When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.
Henry Kissinger in the Address Bilderberg meeting, Ebion, France, May 21st, 1992.
Remember, when I'm rattling this information off, I'm not just saying these things.
I wish I was wrong.
We're not.
And all the big planning and setups that have been predicted, we've been saying is imminent, looks like they're doing it now, right on the verge of a massively expanded war with Russia and a war with China, while the globalists work around the clock to de-industrialize and shut down our country, not just economically, but culturally as well.
Tom, in Toronto, Canada, you're on the air.
What's your take on the situation?
Oh, great pleasure to speak with you, Alex.
I think it's a total psy-op, and I'm not buying any of it.
I think what immediately came to mind was I saw a documentary called The Man Who Knew Too Much, and it was about Colin Wallace in the British Military Intelligence Service in Northern Ireland in the 1970s.
And they created a satanic panic by planting things in the newspaper just to De-stabilize the population and get them off the streets first of all and then get them really worried that... I remember that and I remember reading about the documentary in fact I wanted to watch it never did and again you have to understand though they create the panic but then there's also real Satanist groups which they then organize and control so it's not completely made up and then as they promote it decade after decade it actually creates that larger Church of Satan.
Yeah unfortunately my Ex-wife's new man is in the Church of Satan, so I'm well familiar.
When I say Church of Satan, I mean that as a generality, not the one out of San Francisco.
I just mean in general, the House of Satan.
Yeah, but I mean, I just think the fact that we're not being shown anything, there's these mysterious objects being shot down in the remote areas in northern Canada.
I don't, I just don't, I don't buy it.
And I think, yeah, it's a distract and, you know, get the public Supporting an expansion of the military-industrial complex?
I don't think there's any doubt about that.
When the leaders of the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us of, that he said are controlled by a technological elite, who are the gravest danger to freedom, when they're all out there promoting this, saying, give us more funding, give us more control, it could be aliens, when they know damn well it isn't.
Yeah, yeah, I don't know.
Do you remember a little while ago there was a news story about that the Chinese or the Russians had tested hypersonic
missiles. And the first thing I thought of when I saw that was, I bet this is like Raytheon
or General Dynamics has just put this in the paper to, you know, then start the
conversation of, you know, we really need some more money for these hypersonic
That's exactly what the Pentagon is saying.
I've got a stack of news I covered first hour, and members of Congress, we need lots more money now to shoot down all the UFOs!
They can launch a $5,000 balloon, some of these are that cheap, and then oh my god, nobody knows who it is, and they shoot it with a million dollar missile.
I appreciate your call, incredible points.
Jason in Michigan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I'll be as fast as I can.
You laid some pretty good groundwork for Bluebeam, but a little later on, in the early 90s, a Canadian Bluebeam researcher named Sergey Montask wrote a book.
In that book, he lays out four steps that would occur around this project, Bluebeam.
The very first step is a takeover, which they've already taken over, our archaeology in this world, but They're going to take over our archaeology by faking an earthquake and then unearthing some artifact that's going to flip our civilization upside down.
They won't do it with aliens attacking.
They'll introduce it to us by finding an alien craft and rolling it out.
I've seen those steps.
I haven't read the book, but I've seen the steps talked about and I agree with them.
So that's step one.
Check the other steps out.
Step two.
The Antichrist is supposedly, get this, He's going to use electronic mind control to further brainwash the populace.
Step three, the Antichrist supposedly is going to use technology that is unknown to the public to get this, to affect weather patterns.
And to affect, uh, create pandemics.
And let's expand on that.
The UN says, oh, the jungles are hotter, that's where the plagues are coming from, but they make them in the lab.
Oh, you're all going to be dead in 2030 because of global warming, though they're pushing depopulation.
Oh, the weather's going to get crazy, and then meanwhile they're openly manipulating it.
Now, if the Antichrist is the one to do these things, Alex, and we've seen these things occur, whether, uh, and so is he already here?
Is he in power somewhere?
Manipulating the weather?
Unleashing these pandemics?
Well, they're certainly setting up the foundation for the Antichrist.
Margaret Dubees, world government takeover.
It's all here.
The Cashless Society, the AI, the total surveillance, the Satanism everywhere.
I mean, they're certainly rolling it out.
Yes, and then step three is the holographic show, the Showtime.
And I'll point you guys to the, I think it was 2015 in October over in China, their floating city hologram that they showed off to the world.
Remember that?
China's floating city?
We can pull that up.
And then what's number four?
Number four was then the chaos distribution, where they completely make everything chaotic.
They do more light shows as we potentially lose faith in our religion.
They blow up the food processing centers, have lockdowns, collapse the borders, promote satanism and pedophilia, all of it to undermine and cause the Great Reset Collapse.
So mention in rapid succession the four things they do.
Okay, number one, earthquakes.
Fake in archaeology.
Change in our history.
Mind control using electronics to further brainwash the people.
Number three, affect weather patterns and create pandemics.
And step four, the doozy everybody.
They're going to project Jesus, God, and the prophets for all to see.
That's when it gets dangerous because Jesus is going to be their dictator.
The head of the religion will be controlled by them.
That's right, the Antichrist doesn't say he's the devil, he says he's Christ.
We'll be right back.
Excellent call, Jason.
Alright, it's been said by many a modern historian in different ways.
I forget who said this quote exactly this way, we can look it up, but you only know something is true when the regime officially denies it.
Well, they can reverse that.
If people on average, different polls show, believe about 9% of what Joe Biden's administration says that's similar for Congress or mainstream media, that it's single digit, when they come out and deny something, they know the majority of people then think it must be the opposite.
So you have the head of NORAD saying they're not ruling out aliens.
You've got all these other media hyping aliens, aliens, aliens.
They do what they're told.
Everybody knows it's balloons.
They've admitted it's balloons, but they're still saying it could be aliens.
And then you have Pierre, the White House Press Secretary clown, who's in a live press conference right now.
We haven't cued up the start.
It started a few minutes ago.
Come out and say, before we introduce the Defense Department spokesperson, who now is at the press briefings on a regular basis, even when it's not wartime supposedly, comes out and says, we just want to say it's not aliens.
So let's put the live show headline up there.
I wrote this headline this morning.
I may need to change it.
Red alert, emergency nuclear war broadcast.
State Department warns all Americans to leave Russia as Putin prepares massive new invasion.
But see, nobody actually cares about the real threat.
It should be deep state rolling out Operation Blue Beam 2.0 fake alien invasion.
Using all the different advanced craft, not just these balloons, If they're definitely doing this, it looks like they're doing it.
They'll start seeing these out in the broad daylight.
People won't know what they are.
They'll never see anything like it in their lives.
We know they've got a bunch of advanced aircraft, the big flying Vs, all of it.
And so this is definitely going.
They're definitely testing.
We've been saying every show, The last few years.
What will they do after COVID?
A big cyber attack?
A huge war?
They've already done that.
A currency collapse?
All three?
A fake alien invasion?
Another bio attack?
Now they're saying bird flu's back?
I mean, this is getting crazy by the minute.
We're taking your calls, but let's go ahead and go to some of this press conference.
And one last thing before I turn it over to the Admiral, I just wanted to make sure we address this from the White House.
I know there have been questions and concerns about this, but there is no, again, no indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity with these recent takedowns.
Again, there is no indication of aliens or terrestrial activity with these recent takedowns.
Wanted to make sure that the American people knew that, all of you knew that, and it was important for us to say that from here because we've been hearing a lot about it.
I'm just, you know, I loved E.T., the movie, but I'm just going to leave it there.
With that, with all seriousness, I know there's a lot of questions about the flying objects.
Admiral John Kirby is here with us today, and he's going to have a topper, a couple things to say at the top about it, and then take your questions, okay?
Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Makes my job easier.
I do have quite a few comments here at the top, so I do hope that you'll just bear with me and be happy to take whatever questions you might have.
So, uh, I'd like to begin today by updating you on our efforts to recover the debris of several objects that the United States Air Force shot down over the last few days, as well as that of the spy balloon belonging to the People's Republic of China.
And I'd like to put into some context for you how we have worked, and are still working, to better understand the issue of high-altitude, low-speed craft.
We start with the Chinese program.
When President Biden came into office, he directed the U.S.
intelligence community to do a broad assessment of Chinese intelligence capabilities and to assure and to ensure that we were working to detect and to protect against them.
I think for reasons that you will all understand, we cannot publicly go into many details about how we discover and counteract foreign intelligence collection efforts.
Let's just stop right here and then I'll have the crew watch it.
If there's anything interesting, we'll go to it.
They put out the alien fear through their media, through their generals, through the head of NORAD.
Then they come out and laugh about it and say, but we're protecting you from the Chinese.
So, oh, there's aliens that are going to get you.
Oh, it's really the Chinese.
And they, because they can't get you scared of the Chinese right away.
So, oh, it could be aliens.
Oh, no, it's the Chinese.
It's all punching your buttons, satanic rituals at the Grammys, devils and devil horns being flashed up at the Super Bowl last night.
All of this to manipulate The public's mind.
And it just gets crazier and crazier and crazier.
Now go ahead and show the footage from the Super Bowl guys of the Devils.
Yeah, there they are.
Big, giant red Devils beamed up on the screen while the Black Keys play.
And just so many other examples of this.
This is all meant to freak you out.
All meant to let you know you're not in Kansas anymore.
But just go under Stockholm Syndrome, follow what they say, and they will protect you.
Let's go back to the phone calls.
Appreciate you holding, Mike, in Florida.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex, for all you do.
The most important point I'd like to make today is that until we give the power to create and issue money back to we the people, things are not going to get any better.
I mean, these globalists, that's the source of their power is money.
And, as I say, until we give that power back to the people, things are not going to change.
You know, this balloon and the balloons and that are, to me, just another false flag that they're using to control the masses.
I've come up with an idea for voting that I think is a good idea so we can change the government and then, you know, get rid of the Federal Reserve and put in our own U.S.
type of a system.
Instead of a central bank, but I've come up with a system for voting.
It's like a three audit system, and I've written Governor DeSantis a letter explaining this.
How it works is when we go to vote at our polling stations, the paper ballots are counted by machine, and then The paper ballots are then counted at the polling station by a group of citizens.
Let me just stop you, sir.
We have free-for-all broadcast most of the time when we take calls, any subject you want to raise.
Today we're on World War III, the New World Order, Project Blue Beam, fake alien invasion, and I think you got me there with, we need to get rid of the Federal Reserve, we have an out-of-control bureaucracy, the military industrial complex, That has unlimited money to act like magicians and manipulate us and create viruses and create fake UFOs and everything else that scares us into submission.
So I agree we've got to take control of our monetary system and our voting system is very, very important and integral as well.
Those are general fixes, but that's not the subject we're on.
What is your take on Russia, 500,000 troops, threats of nuclear war, and what do you think of these things in the sky?
Well again, they're like false flags to me.
Because we don't know, you know, we really don't know if our government, well, you know, we know that our government is corrupted and they'll do whatever they have to do to keep power and, you know, we don't know how the other governments work and, you know, with Putin and Ukraine, you know, we don't really know if they're all joined together and they're just leading us on so they can control us.
Um, but as I said, to me it's a false flag, and it's all controlled by the money power, and we need to give that back to we the people.
I totally agree.
God bless you.
One other time.
Here's another call now.
We'll come back with more calls than I should have pointed out.
Jay Dyer.
Jay's analysis is going to be in studio today.
He's an amazing guy.
He'll be with us in the third hour today.
And then Gerald Celente takes over, but I'm going to host a little bit of the next hour into the fourth hour with Jay Dyer.
So I'm going to finish up with these calls as fast as I can in the next segment.
And then Jay Dyer's an expert on Bluebeam, new order manipulation, and so much more, so we couldn't have a better guest than scholarly researcher Jay Dyer coming up.
Also, we're over a week into the sale, it was supposed to end, it didn't.
When I get off air today, I'm cutting the new ads, the new sales here.
And it's a nice sale, it's a good sale.
It's a couple items, not everything, 25 to 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
So if there's anything you wanted to get and support the broadcast, plus get great products, go to InfoWarsTore.com.
We've got things like 1776, the Sauceron Bush, Pain MD, Ultimate Cryral Oil, and so much more at InfoWarsTore.com.
We'll be right back.
Yeah, Owen Schroeder's here, folks.
Alex Jones here.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Owen Schroyer is at 3 p.m.
Jadar is coming in studio, coming up at the start of our number three.
We're taking your phone calls right now here on The Owen Schroyer Show.
Roxanne in California, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm a 20-year veteran listening to you, and I've purchased a lot of your supplements that are wonderful.
Um, I want to say, first of all, this entire balloon thing is a distraction from what's going on with the FBI.
The FBI has been militarized and I'm someone who's experienced those dark programs that one of your callers talked about.
I am a survivor of watching my husband's decapitated head and neck, where I'm being told that it's a suicide.
And then I find out the California high speed rails plan for our multimillion dollar farm.
Right now, if you flew out to our farm, that train is built up in the sky, right at the border, and I have been tortured at every level to consent to that land.
Well, there have been famous cases in California of them killing people, the government killing people for the land.
Yes, but here's the reason why it's important to Americans.
Because I found out there were people within the government that are actually helping.
So I kind of think this is like a Odyssey 2001 rubic story where there's people acting, they're
rolled over and they're acting like they that they're with them but they're actually
helping because there's no way. I created a land claim and had helped and got published
because California voted that owner occupied farmers could not be eminent domain and why this
is important is because we didn't win the war in World War II.
We won the land war, visually.
And then two years later, the UN is created, the networks of the UN is created in San Francisco.
And the UN has been slowly trying to wrote common law rights for civil rights.
Our courts have been taken out.
And so I found myself in this place.
I had a little bit of legal background.
We were multimillionaires.
I have like $2,000 in the bank account now because I won't sign.
And they never thought that I would sue to get my money back.
But I knew enough about the law that I knew if I signed, I would be handing them something I didn't know.
And our, thank you for your patience with me, but our justices, I think, our heroes, our Supreme Court justices, our heroes, Elito, Because he gave us a bone.
He said that abortion got overruled by precedent.
And he's kind of talking about the Wizard of Oz.
He's saying... No, I hear you.
I appreciate your call.
I've got to get to everybody.
Thank you, Roxanne.
I've heard about your problems out at your farm.
Shoot us some videos.
Send it to us.
I can have you on as a guest.
Bruce in North Carolina.
You're on the air.
The bone bra.
The bone bra.
The bone broth.
Hi Alex.
I could repeat what that other old lady said about how you woke me up and how good you've been for my confidence.
My faith is stronger than my fear, but we had Friday in Minnesota and Brainerd, Minnesota.
Uh, sites of a balloon, a big balloon.
Uh, and the problem with it being over brainers, that's where all our National Guard is at Camp Ripley.
So it was a little concerning.
Now I'm, I'm getting to the, that it's just false flags, but I, I've got to ask you a question.
We're calling out these globalists.
Why don't we call them for what they are?
They, they are, uh, the Freemasons.
And if the world would know, The faces on these Freemasons and how it's been every president, just about every celebrity, every rap star, maybe it would wake people up more.
There's a video on YouTube by Elijah Child, that one X Factor that was waking up by God before he was killed in a car accident, that calls all these people out with evidence and pictures.
Well, I'll say this.
There are powerful globalists that want this one rule government in every major institution.
And I'm not saying that what's happened to Masons in the last few hundred years hasn't been a New World Order globalist takeover.
But I mean, George Washington was a Mason.
He spoke out against the European Illuminati that had taken over Masonry.
So it was a battle over Masonry.
But, you know, the first Mason they would say would be Solomon, the son of King David.
But there's no doubt that modern masonry is pushing the New World Order agenda, and you're absolutely right.
Thank you for the call.
I might cut these callers off.
I'm trying to get you all in.
I had a jade ire coming on.
Let's talk to John in FEMA Region 4 on what he's calling Event 202.
Yeah, the virus was Event 201.
Is Bluebeam, the fake alien invasion hype, is it Event 202?
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, if you can't hear me, I'll make it quick.
I sure can hear you.
Yes, I can.
Okay, good.
Listen, yeah, Event 202 is, you know, we're still in problem, reaction, solution.
We're in the problem phase of this, and we're talking about Blue Beam, what's going to happen.
The 202 is going to be us voting on our phones about You know whether we'll let them put us in the metaverse so that while they're healing our bodies and they'll let us out put us back in our bodies and we'll get accustomed to that and then one day they won't let us out and we'll be in a digital hell.
That's just my version of it.
No, I agree.
They want to make us so sick that we have to do all these artificial things to stay alive and by that process we become dehumanized, we become synthetic, we become domesticated.
And we'll buy into it through the Church of Government.
Church of Government.
And everybody that bought into the pandemic, they will buy into it too, because they'll be habituated to it.
They already are.
I agree with you.
And look, the government's run by criminals at the top.
They know everybody's turning against them.
We've always said, what's the next thing?
Oh, we're protecting you from UFOs.
So they're definitely beta testing this in the biggest way ever right now.
And it's the perfect time.
War with Russia exploding.
War with China starting.
All this craziness.
Open borders.
The government's obviously against us.
And then magically now they're going to save us from whatever's in the sky.
Right, so 2025 when the war kicks off, they're building a problem up still.
Are we going to have service interruptions and outages and satellites taking down and stuff?
Because they have hypersonic Uh, nuclear missiles that can hit us before it's dangled in racks up there on the satellites.
And they've got satellite killers, too.
And hypersonic can hit us, do anything.
Improved warheads, improved rocket engines.
And remember, our own Pentagon, remember, the globalists hit us with the virus.
That's now been confirmed.
And so, our main enemy is now those that have occupied our country.
Great points.
Thank you.
Let's talk to Mike in Texas.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey, I was going to say, we have an amazing opportunity right now with all these freshmen, sophomore and junior tier congressmen and senators who've just taken over positions in our legislature, right?
And what we need to do is they lack the actual technical understanding of how we got here.
And with that being said, they have no way of helping us dismantle, like undo what they have done.
And so what we really need to do, like you're bringing Jay Dyer on it.
We need to get, like, Jay Dyer to hang out with Boebert, with Marjorie Taylor Greene, with Matt Gaetz, and, like, give them the level of understanding, like, this is everything from Police State 4, FEMA, right?
Everything from Obama Deception, everything from all the other movies, Endgame in particular, right?
And just, like, teach them, this is what they built, now we need to undo it.
And to undo it, we also need to engage really high-level constitutional lawyers, and I think that's why they took out Stuart Rhodes.
It's because that dude could probably have helped us undo all of the Patriot stuff, all of the, you know... Absolutely!
They wanted to get all the Patriots in D.C.
and set us up.
They tried to set me up as well.
Thank you, Mike.
Let's talk to Phoenix in Ohio.
I agree with the statement on the board here.
False flag incoming.
What type of false flag?
I believe it's a radioactive tsunami.
Can you hear me?
You're on air, sir.
Well, I put it together like a puzzle.
Okay, so like our monetary currency, it's got symbology all over it.
If you fold it long ways, face up, and fold it like a plane down up the middle, the different denominations show the towers.
I think you might know what I'm talking about.
But yeah, the different denominations show the towers, the towers falling.
But the $100 bill It shows what looks like a tsunami wave going through buildings, right?
And so Russia has this new weapon technology.
That's right, Putin left it out on the table at a defense briefing four or five years ago that showed this big giant mega-hydrogen bomb they detonate to flood U.S.
cities and they later admitted they indeed do have that weapon.
Yes, it's a drone that can Generate, I think it's a 1,600 foot or 1,800 foot radioactive tsunami.
Well, it's not a drone, it's a torpedo.
I hear you.
I appreciate your call, Phoenix.
I'm sorry to Michael and I'm sorry to Mike.
I tried to get to everybody.
I think we did an okay job.
A lot of very interesting callers.
We're all over the map here, but it's been thought provoking.
We're going to go to break, come back with a short clip.
The full nine minute clip is up on InfoWars.com of William Cooper in the early 90s talking about working in naval intelligence and what he saw.
I think it has a really good summation.
I'm going to have the full video.
Posted in the live show feed at InfoWars.com.
So everybody can go there, see it, and share it.
All right, we're going to go to break and come back.
Remember, the big sale will end today.
It's over today.
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Thanks for your support.
Hour number three with Jadar, straight ahead.
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Years ago, many, many years ago, back in 1972, I was sitting at my desk at about 4.30 in the morning at the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet, arranging the information that had come in over the last 24 hours into a logical order so that we could prepare a briefing for the Admiral and his staff, which would take place later that morning.
Among the papers I found on my desk was a document entitled Operation Majority, and it was not the entire paperwork involving this operation, but was merely a synopsis of the operation and projects contained under it.
One of these projects was called Project Red Light.
The purpose, according to this document, was to back-engineer Captured extraterrestrial technology for adaptation into the United States space program.
Now, I've since come to believe that the extraterrestrial portion of all of this is nonsense, but that the technology is real.
Is real.
I believe that many of us were shown these documents over the years so that later we would talk about it.
I mean, how can you keep the existence of extraterrestrials if they were real?
A secret.
And how could anyone keep quiet knowing that they had seen documentation, official government documents, labeled top secret, that expressed that these extraterrestrials were real and had visited this earth?
I wanted to know just how true all of this was, and I began a program of research to find out if extraterrestrials were real.
The first thing I did was collect every bit of documentation that I could find, both from the Freedom of Information Act, from the recent search of others, from books that had been printed on the subject of UFOs, and of course through my network of friends in the intelligence community.
What I discovered was amazing.
What I discovered, ladies and gentlemen, is that there has been a plan in existence since about 1917.
And probably before that, to create an artificial extraterrestrial threat to this earth in order to create a one-world totalitarian socialist government.
One of the first documents that I found in my search was this one, the Imperial Japanese Mission 1917, a record of the reception throughout the United States of the special mission headed by Viscount Ishii.
And when the Imperial Daphne's mission was in New York City, they had a dinner and some pretty famous people spoke at this dinner.
One of them was John Dewey.
John Dewey is the father of our failing, disastrous public education system.
Here's what he said.
Listen very carefully.
John Dewey, professor of philosophy in Columbia University, who was the next speaker, was listened to with great intentness.
He said, quote, Someone remarked that the best way to unite all the nations on this globe would be an attack from some other planet.
In the face of such an alien enemy, people would respond with a sense of their unity of interest and purpose."
Now, bear in mind, folks, that's 1917.
One of the next documents that I found, and I found quite a few, But one that's pretty important is called The Report from Iron Mountain.
The Probability and Desirability of Permanent Peace.
Now, I encourage you to find this book, wherever you can find it.
I don't know where you can get it, but find it.
Page 66.
Credibility, in fact, lies at the heart of the problem of developing a political substitute for war.
This is where the space race proposals, in many ways so well suited as economic substitutes for war, fall short.
The most ambitious and unrealistic space project cannot of itself generate a believable external menace.
It has been hotly argued that such a menace would offer the last best hope of peace, etc., by uniting mankind against the danger of destruction by creatures from other planets or from outer space.
Experiments have been proposed to test the credibility of an out-of-our-world invasion threat.
And it continues on another page.
Nevertheless, an effective political substitute for war would require alternate enemies, some of which might seem equally far-fetched in the context of the current war system.
It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal substitute for war.
Are you beginning to get the message, folks?
Poisoning of the air and of the principal sources of food and water supply is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect.
It constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power.
But from present indications, it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing on a global scale to offer a possible basis for a solution.
However unlikely some of the possible alternate enemies we have mentioned may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found of credible quality and magnitude if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration.
It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat will have to be invented rather than developed from unknown conditions.
Ladies and gentlemen, they have created so many alternate enemies Disarmament is no accident.
worrying about their one-world totalitarian socialist state, that we don't know which
enemy to believe is real or is false, or whether to just toss them all out on their ears.
I think that that is probably going to be the best solution.
Disarmament is no accident.
All of these bills in Congress to take away our weapons is no accident.
The intentional environmental pollution of our lakes, rivers, streams, oceans, forests,
everything is no accident, as you just heard.
These things were planned many, many years ago.
All the bombardment of the public with movies about flying saucers in the fifties, right after the United Nations Treaty was signed and the UN Participation Act was pushed through Congress, and all of the incidents since, that have convinced the majority of the American people that flying saucers are real and extraterrestrials exist and that flying saucers are from an extraterrestrial origin.
This is being promulgated in many ways by television commercials, in the movies, in the newspapers, by creating incidents either real or imagined.
I believe, because of my research and because of the extensive documentation that I have
found and that is in my book, that this whole scenario has been created to give us an artificial
alien threat from outer space.
During the Reagan administration, he made six speeches specifically talked about a threat
from outer space by some other species from some other planet.
Six, ladies and gentlemen.
Why would the President repeat the same thing six times, tagged on to the ends of speeches
by him?
The speech writers did not put that in the speech.
Ronald Reagan added it himself.
Perhaps we need some outside universal threat.
I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.
This was a powerful suggestion to implant into the minds of the people of the world That there really is a threat from some other species, from some other planet to this earth.
Now, you people out there have been ignoring the UFO phenomenon for too long.
It has all the earmarks of the most successful, most sophisticated mind control operation in the history of the world, and you are ignoring it.
What better way to implement a plan to bring about a one-world government than to create, create the possibility in the minds of the people of the world that we are being threatened from some other species, from some other planet, and do it in a way that if anybody questions it, or challenged it, or wants to talk about it publicly, that they are ridiculed.
And the ultimate goal is to make the earth look very small.
To present the people of the world with an external threat to this earth, a superior race from some other planet, vastly superior to us in intellect, philosophy and technology, in order to cause the dissolution of nation states, the dissolution of all existing religions and the formation of the world totalitarian socialist government.
Well, this is a perfect day to have the great Jay Dyer, good friend of mine, known him for more than a decade here in studio with us, jaysanalysis.com.
Author, TV presenter, also comedian, has deep analysis of Hollywood geopolitics and culture.
His graduate work focuses on psychological warfare in film, and he is the author of many books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2, the co-creator and co-host of the television show Hollywood Decoded.
He's been featured on countless programs, jaysanalysis.com and YouTube Jay Dyer.
We've talked a lot about different crises they could use.
Henry Kissinger talked about it, using an alien invasion.
You've talked just in recent shows, because you host Fridays in the fourth hour normally of my show, but also follow your regular work, that that's one of the cards they have in their hand.
Not just a viral release or a war or a cyber attack, but an outside threat.
Hollywood, it's all been hyping it.
And now they have the head of NORAD, And they have all these other generals and admirals saying, oh, could be aliens when they already knew it was balloons and they said they were.
Then they started a press briefing about an hour ago, we played a clip of, where Pierre the Clown comes out with John Kirby and says, this is not aliens attacking!
Knowing that a lot of the public won't believe them because they're such liars and think it is aliens.
That's my gestalt view on it.
So I want to get into this.
I want to talk about it all with you.
And at the bottom of the hour, I want to talk about the most common question I get.
Who runs the New World Order?
What's at the top of the food chain?
Is it the Vatican, or the Masons, or Israel, or devil worshippers, or pedophiles, or, you know, reptoids?
All this other stuff.
What's the real hidden hand?
And I'm not saying those groups are bad, other than Satanist folks.
What I'm saying is, people like to fixate on one group, but to me, I see it being more of a philosophy of the occult, meaning hidden, and of the control.
And the second most asked question, I know you get it a lot, too.
If the enemy is so evil and they don't want their plans exposed, why are we allowed to live?
So we'll ask some of those questions, percolate on that.
It's great to have you.
You'll be with us 15 minutes to the next hour.
The great Gerald Salente will be taking over.
He doesn't mind if we commandeer a bit of the time.
He understands that happens occasionally.
But first off, it's good to have you here.
And I'm going to try to shut up for the seven and a half minutes until we get a break.
What would you like to dive into first?
Right, so easiest answer to who runs things is, of course, the people who create these global steering committees, the Bilderberg World Economic Forum.
As you know, World Economic Forum is an offshoot of Bilderberg, sort of the frontispiece of that.
And we saw recently that Klaus, I think back in 2016, they put out a video and it had eight things to expect in the near future.
One of those things was the discovery of alien life. So they're actually preparing
us for which I think is a sign of and there could be you know things that we don't
know about in the universe obviously but it fits in perfectly because both
the people who are in charge who are running things who are calling the
shots they also have said you need to expect the discovery of alien life and
when I go back into the 1960s and 1950s Brookings Institute in the 1960s put out a
white paper that said that the discovery of alien life would be a direct
attack on the incarnation in the doctrines of Christianity.
It would be an undoing of the whole Christian philosophy of history as well as any other Western biblically based religion.
They would all undo because this would be an attack on their fundamental theology.
And that would be for the purpose of religious engineering.
That's a real ideological technique of attack that they have.
You go back to the 1950s and the CIA had a plan called the Doctrinal Warfare Program.
Headed up by a guy named C.D.
Jackson, which was about controlling the Vatican, controlling other religions, steering them into a religious manipulation.
So to make, basically, these churches and these groups into NGOs, soft power, to become something for a future religion, a future globalist religion.
A fusion, talk about their own admissions, a fusion with Christ at the head, the Antichrist.
Clearly, the Bible says what we're seeing happen doesn't come out to say I'm a devil worshipper with red horns.
He says I am the Christ, but he has a new doctrine.
It's a new doctrine more amenable to a synthesis of all the world religions.
For example, C.D.
Jackson, if I recall, he consulted on one of the first big alien movies,
the day the earth sits still back in the 1950s.
And this feature, this character Klaatu is a carpenter from space.
He comes to earth and he says, all the nations need to disarm, get rid of your
arms. And guys, we rolled that in the first hour.
He didn't know we'd do it. Roll the day the earth stood still start over.
Yeah. So Klaatu, this alien from space who is a Christ figure, he's a, he's a
replacement Christ.
He's an alien entity who's a carpenter and he wants to create a new world religion
based around disarmament and peace.
And the aliens basically say, if you don't disarm and create a world government, then we're going to destroy you.
There's actually a meme that has gone around where you have the UN creating this Project Blue meme, sort of alien scenario, and, oh, by the way, you guys should form a world religion.
Yeah, there's an outside force making us do it.
And that's part of PSYOPs too, to have an outside force in the 1950s and 60s.
They also tied this into episodes of The Twilight Zone where they would have an episode about communists and they had an episode about alien invasions and that was consulted on by the DoD to prepare people for just a generic external threat.
But in the mind of the population, this is part of PSYOPs, they don't really see a difference because you're hearing on the one hand aliens, you're hearing on the other hand the foreign threat of Russia and China.
It all mixes into the mind of the public to just create an atmosphere of fear.
So it's a PSYOP, obviously, to me.
Now, I'm not saying that there's not, you know, foreign espionage and subversion.
That does go on.
But to tie it into this alien mythos is a big part of where they want to go.
And they will have an announcement of alien life.
Klaus has assured us of this.
And we see the Illuminati religion and the Starchild being explained to us by one of their top people.
Of course, put out so many of the big books being films today, not just Childhood's End, but 2001 Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke, where they explain that they're going to basically bring back this incarnation, this Lucifer that is going to save us.
And it's the same mythos over and over again.
Yeah, Clark was in the circles of Aleister Crowley, part of this idea of the new Aeon, right?
Crowley was an occultist, a Satanist, he was actually British intelligence, he was MI5 as an asset, and in the circles of obviously Clark, they had this idea of Childhood's End, where this Kirellan figure, right, comes as an alien savior.
from beyond Jupiter and he shows up to give everybody new technology, new scientific discoveries,
health discoveries, right?
And so for many years they actually do give real healing capabilities and then it turns
into a thing where he says, "Oh, I want your children, by the way.
Give me your children."
And so what they do is the Earthlings offer up their firstborn children to this Karellin
alien entity and then they nuke Earth.
So it's a depopulation event, just like Arthur C. Clarke.
But it's a good thing they did.
It's a great thing, yeah, because it's necessary for the evolution of the species.
So it's a directed evolution, give us your first born, we'll experiment on them and turn them into X-Men super beings, and then we'll get rid of the rest of you because you're the old humanity.
So again, we've seen the Vatican intimating this as well with this new liberal pope.
They're saying, oh, we need to warm up to the idea of alien life.
Maybe there are aliens.
Maybe there are entities that exist beyond the outer sphere.
In 2001, this is what Kubrick is telling us about, because you have the Bowman figure sort of going outside of space and time, right?
He goes into the beyond, he transcends death, and then Starchild is born, a new child of the new Aeon, the Aeon of the Child according to Crowley, and then Earth has to be depopulated and blown up in that narrative too.
It's not in the movies, but in Clark's version of it, they do nuke Earth.
That's right, in the book.
And what's important to understand is, Not only was he obviously a pedo, that's on record, folks, but he moved to a country so he could do that in the middle of the Pacific.
It's a whole other ball of wax.
But people say, oh, well, that's just science fiction.
Well, it was all saying the same thing, and they would admit that that was actually their plan for Earth.
Absolutely, and it always fits into a depopulation narrative, right?
You go back to the 1990s, Disney had a big campaign running.
They had a whole documentary that they created about the promotion of alien life.
It was something that was kind of on the down low.
They had conferences, they had rides that they put forth out in Disneyland around the alien, Ridley Scott version of alien, which is weird because I don't know why kids would want to be on a ride with xenomorphs.
The purpose of this was to promote the idea of the coming discovery of alien life.
And so this just goes on and on and on.
Hollywood has always been doing this.
I had a whole chapter, 80 pages in my first book about how H.G.
Wells, all these figures are promoting alien life for the purpose of world governance, for the purpose of the new world order.
That's all it is, is to serve that.
There is a deeper sort of satanic, luciferian agenda, absolutely.
But the main purpose of it is to corral the nations through social engineering into this global governance.
Reagan did a whole thing at the UN about it.
We will discover alien life.
And now, it's all coming true.
As they tell us, we're taking your children.
This is the way it all is.
It's actually happening, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the rise of the antichrist world government systems we were warned of.
It's all happening right now.
We'll be right back with Jay Dyer in the studio.
And we are back on the Alex Jones Show with us into the next hour.
I've got Jay Dyer in studio.
Great author, amazing researcher.
He just goes right into their own books, their own writings.
What's incredible is they admit to 95% of what they're doing.
And then when we talk about it, they go, oh, that's a conspiracy theory when they're writing these books and these white papers.
So you've got a lot to cover.
I'm going to try to let you go where you want.
You want to get back into the fake alien invasion.
Looks to me like they're beta testing.
Blue beam right now. We had a lot of Intel officers a lot of evidence
They were preparing it documents that have come out their public statements
But it looks to me like It's the perfect time with World War three looming and all
that's going on a new global currency coming in this will be the time
To begin to roll out blue beam that I don't think happens with some big invasion
It happens as callers said with an archaeological find and something they find on Mars and then more and more of the
ship seen during The day just to create the crescendo and then do you agree
with that? Where do you think it goes?
Yeah I mean we think about a lot of these movies and that these
movies seed the ideas that they want to push and that they're They want to you know have as the backdrop to this new
religion that they want to bring about Think about, you know, you talked a lot about Prometheus.
You know, in Prometheus you have panspermia as this idea that the aliens seeded us here, we're a genetic experiment.
Nowadays I guess it's transpermia, given what's going on in culture, right?
You could look at M. Night Shyamalama Ding Dong's movie, Signs.
If you look at Signs, he actually presents them in Signs as demonic, amazingly, right?
So they're more or less demonic creatures when the entities are hit by water, which is a kind of a baptism, right?
They disappear, they're gone.
I think Shyamalan's telling us that the real motivation behind this is something demonic.
It's like the Wicked Witch!
It is, yeah.
I mean, some of these alien movies actually kind of give you this clue that it's religious engineering, and that's the key that I want to hit on.
Because, if you think about...
The creation story in Genesis, right, they're giving us a different version, an alternate version, which a lot of the elite do believe in, which is this idea that humans are the creation of alien entities.
And we even see figures like Richard Dawkins, right?
Richard Dawkins is supposed to be the scion of materialism, evolution, science, but now he says you're all, that you're the product of evolutionary And now we're simply taking control ourselves.
Yeah, exactly, right.
And you all need to die.
I was underneath Windsor Castle.
We were doing some experiments with children.
Novol Doa Harari?
The future is not human.
Yeah, and what would Klaus and Yvonne Harari say, right?
They say that consciousness doesn't exist, free will doesn't exist, but they're going to upload your consciousness to a computer.
Now, that makes me think of 3001, because if you follow through the series of Arthur C. Clarke's plan that the elite have, by the time of 3001, it's actually a merger between humanity and tech.
And we transcend bodily limitations and we become these transhumanist gods, or at least they do, right?
That's actually what's in 3001.
So the whole trilogy is transcending bodily existence, uniting with our alien creators, which are actually just AI from the future, right?
And becoming bodiless and living basically in a server farm in space is what the whole story has.
And he actually says it's Lucifer.
He says it's Lucifer that is guiding this in that series.
And it's a repeat over and over again in the entire culture of this.
Yeah, it's a cyclical view of history where there's no beginning, per se, other than the aliens put us here, I guess.
And then they tweak and manipulate our DNA.
But then we find out when we read the elite, they speak of themselves as the alien engineers.
Literally, right?
Bertrand Russell, he says that we are the scientific priest class that has the right and the authority to tweak and experiment on mankind because they call it, quote, directed evolution.
We were just watching the recent X-Men movie, The New Mutants, and I didn't have much expectation for it, but we watched it because they put a lot of this in the Marvel movies, they put a lot of this in the pop culture, and in that story they're actually experimenting on gifted children and Putting them under trauma and pressure, trauma-based mind control, to direct the evolution through external stimuli and environmental pressures.
And so MKUltra is good, they're telling us, but oh, most of the people die in the experiments in this whole system, or Deadpool or any of it.
That's why they're giving us this mRNA injection.
We have to get used to that, because some of it makes us better.
Yeah, the World Economic Forum had a video that's still going around.
They try to pull a lot of these where they had a woman on there saying, oh yes, the RNA, the DNA stabbies, they actually do change not just your DNA, but your offspring.
So it's a genetic experiment.
She calls it that.
That was before.
Okay, so this video that's from the World Economic Forum going around, before any of the COVID stuff, she says, this is an experiment.
It's an experiment.
We are being experimented on.
Jonas Salk in his book, Survival of the Wisest, and in his book, Man Unfolding, the father of mass inoculations, says that we're going to have to do experimentation on a mass scale, and we'll do it through experimenting on zygotes, pregnant women, etc., through the stabbies.
And he joked and so did his attache or his minion in famous interviews that, well, yeah, there was cancer viruses in the polio shop, but there's too many people anyways.
Yeah, openly again talking about this, there's interviews with the people from Merck and these other big pharma groups saying that, yeah, but there's nothing wrong with it because there's nothing wrong, right?
The priest class has the right and the authority to put these environmental pressures.
But when you don't want to follow them, you're the ultimate criminal.
You're the bad person.
So they have a system, but you don't have access to it.
You're an animal, but they're not.
And we know they have, you know, special vaccines.
They have special things that the public obviously doesn't have access to.
Again, this is why they sell the transhumanism and all this stuff.
They sell it as, "This is going to be great for everybody.
Let us just—wounded warriors, let's just heal the soldiers."
No, no, that's only by their admission for the elite.
Yeah, they're guinea pigging on us.
So why wouldn't they, though, bring out an mRNA system that worked and actually helped people?
Why would they hurt us right away?
I mean, I have my reasons for it.
It corrupts the system.
They can track who'll work with them.
But why would they, out of the gate, give us something that hurts us instead of giving us something good and then seducing us?
Well, the last few years were, as many have said, a test run, an experiment, a live exercise.
I think somebody even used that phrase.
It might have been Mike Pompeo, right?
We're living in the midst of a live exercise for the future situations, right?
Didn't Bill Gates just have a catastrophic contagion?
That was the new exercise.
We're going to have to run Catastrophic Contagion because the next thing that comes out is going to be really, really going to reduce the numbers, get the numbers down.
So they're telling us, signifying what they're going to do, not just through the exercises, but also through the pop culture.
That's why the predictive program.
You're not going to have meat anymore, or any of that, and we're going to kill the old people.
Why do they need to tell us?
What's the metaphysical rule where they tell us what they're going to do to us?
It's like you said, it's lesser magic.
For so many years you've pointed this out, that it's a kind of a PSYOP technique on one level, but it's also kind of a gaslighting technique, a mind F on another level, right?
You will eat the bugs.
We will change your DNA.
We will penetrate your cabinets.
We will penetrate your cabinets!
Right, they come out and say it so that when it happens, we're kind of in a catatonic state, we're discombobulated, we don't know what's going on.
That's why they do it.
It's a PSYOP technique.
Because they know if they bring out something that's totally new and oppressive, immediately we might gel together and say no.
But if the mind's already been programmed through culture and media and everything about it, then somehow it's comforting.
You've almost made a friend of the evil.
Yeah, you're conditioned to it, you are prepared for it, the mind has this technique where it will process this stuff, store it, you know, in sort of your subconscious, even if it's something that you heard or saw in fiction many years ago.
And so you're already conditioned to it, you see it happen, oh wow, that's cool.
Because when you saw the aliens eating people and forced injections, you were eating popcorn and hamburgers at the movie, so it felt like it was a good event, almost like you were Yeah, you go back to the old Invasion of the Body Snatchers, you go watch V from the 1980s, the TV miniseries, and in V the alien saviors come down, it's kind of like Childish Zen, and they offer vaccinations.
They want to vaccinate everybody in the 1980s.
Which is erasing your immune system.
We're going to come right back and finish up on the whole alien invasion, then segue into who really runs the New World Order, what's their endgame, and all these other topics you've got.
We've got 45 minutes left.
When we come back from break with Jay Dyer in studio, then Gerald Cilente takes over, and then Owen Troyer, 3 p.m.
Central, InfoWars.com.
So, two years ago, Greg Reese put out a powerful report at InfoWars.com and banned a video of one of our great researchers and reporters.
On the incoming Bluebeam fake alien invasion, he's got a new report out that's going live as we speak at InfoWars.com.
Warning, the fake alien invasion threat is real.
We'll be getting to that next hour.
We've got headlines like this.
Here's why mysterious flying objects are suddenly popping up all over the place according to the military command that's been shooting them down.
And they just say, oh, China's suddenly doing this.
No, they admit they didn't tell Trump when China was doing it.
It's Chinese.
It's not alien.
So, again, they're using this suddenly to make us think there's this big threat.
Jay Dyer, continue.
Yeah, so this is, you know, you create a giant trauma, create a giant fear, and the confusion, a lot of things get displaced and forgotten.
Obviously the story of the Nord Stream issue and the West, the CIA being behind that, that was actually an old plan from the 1980s that under the Reagan administration the CIA had for blowing up Soviet pipelines.
I think they just repurposed that.
Then we have Cy Hirsch's analysis, which I think Somebody was joking the other day, like, who didn't think, right, that the West was behind this?
I mean, it's pretty obvious.
Biden and Victoria Nuland bragged about it.
They're the only ones.
So it's like, they're the only two people that didn't think that it was the West, right?
But yeah, so there's a distraction element, which is part of this, but we have to be aware that it's not just distraction.
There's also part of religious engineering, part of steering us into this longer goal, which, as you pointed out many times, right, remember Klaus said that We're going to change who you are.
We're not going to just change your mind.
We're going to change you.
We don't just change the world.
We change you.
We change you, and he means the changing of our actual genome.
And Harari came out a few months ago and said, we're going to make you change.
We're going to take you away and help you.
Did you see his clip about what he was going to do, what they should do for Africa?
It was amazing.
He said that, we're going to have clone farms in Africa.
We won't need any more people because we'll just create the people in clone farms in Africa.
He said clone farms.
Creating people out of test tubes, which the Royal Society wrote about back in the 1920s and 30s.
Lord Birkenhead, Bertrand Russell, they wrote Aldous Huxley, Brave New World.
It's like, there won't be people, there will be people coming out of test tubes.
And Harari says that's what we're going to do.
And they're training us to hate each other, they're cutting off the resources, while they then build all these super expensive things.
Oh, there's no money to fix your broken back in Canada.
The government says you can kill yourself, but we're going to pay $100,000 for a womb transplant for a man.
I did a satire piece in 2016 that got a little bit of notoriety and I dressed up as a future non-binary pope.
I had a french fry hat as my miter and I was talking about how in the future you will live inside of a Walmart or inside of a Target.
I was joking!
Now they're creating 15 minute cities where essentially you're under lockdown and you will live in a Target or a Walmart and everything will be within walking distance.
You won't be able to drive.
You won't have the right to do an exercise, free commerce, free market, none of that.
That's all going away.
And it's because we saw in the last three years that the lockdowns were so great for Mother Earth.
Now we need lockdowns for 15-minute cities.
You don't need to drive anywhere.
Everything will be a circular economy, Klaus says.
Ted Talks from Eda Elkin, part of the World Economic Forum.
They say, it will be a circular economy.
You don't need to own anything.
You will share everything.
You will share underwear.
You literally will share the whitey tighties of the guy down the road from you.
And I'm not joking about... You know, you will own nothing.
You will have nothing.
You will like it.
Even to the point of clothes, like they actually have said.
And you went to New York, and there was a UN thing about these new communal living.
On the UN building, on the fence outside, we shot video of it.
I forget the name.
Drew is here.
He remembers.
But they have these big posters up that look like bunkers in World War I or World War II.
And it says, there will no longer be cities, you will live in communes.
And it was just like this nightmare.
Yeah, I put this up on a video where people were analyzing this.
I was on with Elijah Schaefer.
We did analysis of this.
And it's like you're showing the 15-minute cities as part of the lockdowns.
And they were arguing that because the lockdowns are so good, now we all see, now we all understand that we don't need to travel.
We don't need to have that freedom.
And that's the gaslighting.
Look how wonderful the lockdowns are.
The animals are so happy.
So are you.
Let's do it more.
Even though it'll cause mass starvation and death, they're just selling pure dystopia.
How do they think this is going to work?
Well, most of the comments were against this, but there was actually quite a few people, I was surprised, who were like, this is what we need.
We actually need to go into a prison situation because we're bad, humans are bad, faux guilt is a big part of this, guilt manipulation, you're bad for existing, you're bad for eating meat, now we need to transition to bugs, now we need to change your diet, all of which is part of It's actually a siege.
It's part of warfare.
If you read these strategists, they talk about attacking the public's food supply.
That's the real reason for eating bugs.
It's part of changing our view of man.
Well, they've always got to give you a new bridge.
We're getting rid of oil and gas, but you'll have electric, which they don't even have.
They're not even trying to roll out.
They don't even have the raw earth material.
Same thing.
We're getting rid of your cows, but don't worry, we're going to give you crickets and grasshoppers, and then that gives you cancer.
It's always give you a bridge to hell.
The bridge is the thing that's worse, right?
The solution is the thing that is the basically dysgenic operation to get rid of it.
And now life's so dystopic, let's just get rid of your body and upload you to the machine, and the ultimate law will be you're not allowed to say that's not really your spirit in the machine.
Alex, Mark Zuckerberg here.
I'm so happy that you're going to be living in a coon pod.
You won't need to go anywhere, because in the metaverse you can be anything and do everything, and all of your nutrients will be intravenously put into your veins.
They're literally building a matrix pod.
Yeah, you talked about that so long ago.
You said that it was actual Pentagon documents that planned the Matrix and you living in a pod.
It's not the movie that came first.
It's actually the plans that inspired the movie to put us into these pods.
And that goes back to the Carney Endowment after World War I saying, how do we end war?
Well, we end the family because men are violent and bad.
And next is, well, we just, we just, we have, you grow up in a pod and we feed you everything.
The VR goggles are the introduction to that.
And they admit this.
They said also that those groups as well as OSS, CIA, Frankfurt School.
So the Frankfurt School Marxists, they were actually supported by the OSS and CIA.
And they put out a book saying that we have to attack the archetype of the man.
And another way we do that is not just to get rid of the family and the patriarch and the family, we also have to attack the notion of God the Father.
That's the key role of the feminist movement.
That's the key role of the radical, radical movements that are going on now.
Jacques Attali, in his book, Brief History of the Future, he says that the transhumanists are the tip of the spear for hyper-democracy, which is to get rid of humanity.
To put us into, in his own words, a global brain.
That is the matrix that Alex has been talking about for so long.
I want to get to the big question that I mentioned in the next segment.
Who runs it?
What's their end game goal and then how do we stop them?
But please continue the time we have on this segment.
Yeah, so if you go back to a lot of these documents, which will segue into who's running all of this,
you go back a hundred years and you've got these figures who adopted the notion of technocracy.
Technocracy comes out of, ultimately Plato, you can go back to the Republic, his idea of technē.
Technē being this idea, not in his day of computers, but this idea of mathematical quantification of all of society.
So every area of life is run in terms of a mathematical grid.
And Plato says the philosopher king, you know, he kind of studies math and geometry on a mountain.
He comes back down from the mountain and then he takes all those mathematical principles and he impresses it upon the city-state to create the ideal city-state.
This is resurrected in the French revolutionaries.
They had the same idea of creating the ideal communal republic.
So it is a form of communism, socialism.
And this is where we get panopticism.
Panopticism is the idea that all areas of life, everything you do is tracked and traced so that you will self-police yourself.
That's what panopticism is really about.
And Jeremy Bentham championed that idea as part of the British East India Company.
He was part of that Royal Society clique.
And then the British Empire sort of takes on this Malthusian and ultimately technocratic attitude.
The same people that I'm talking about from the Royal Society, from The people behind the UN, the people behind the IMF, the World Bank, the CFR, all of that's the same people.
It's the Fabian Society.
They all want to institute this technocratic governance.
And so what you're seeing that was planned a hundred years ago in HG Wells and all these characters is now being rolled out.
That proves that it's a continuity of agenda.
It proves that it's part of a long-term plan.
Otherwise, how would Bertrand Russell, Lord Birkenhead, all these people a hundred years ago, write about what is rolling out right now?
If it was not a coordinated plan for that whole century.
Well I have to say studying this, not just from the Bible or history or all the ancient cultures saying aliens are involved in our development.
All in angels, whatever you want to call it.
Or they didn't develop us, but they're here and are trying to hijack us, take control of us, because we're really more advanced than they are.
We just are in more of an embryonic form.
I have to say, to me, it's off-world, interdimensional.
That's directing, because it's all so anti-human, so nasty, so hateful.
We'll talk about how far down the rabbit hole it goes with Jay Dyer straight ahead.
And you can find Jay's excellent work at jaysanalysis.com and his books and all his material.
We'll be right back.
There is so much insane news breaking in InfoWars.com.
Look at these headlines.
Yale professor.
Mass suicide and mass seppuku of Japanese elderly population.
Only solution to aging society.
Teaching us to kill each other as they turn the resources off as a solution.
Hazmat expert on Ohio train derailment disaster.
We nuked a town with chemicals and lit it on fire.
Get rid of it to get a railroad open.
Here's another one.
Bizarre movie about the derailment and airborne toxic event in Ohio.
Film with a real thing just happened.
Can't make this stuff up.
Jay Dyer is here with us from Jay's Analysis.
Great author, researcher, expert on the New World Order.
My big question is about who really runs the New World Order?
What is their goal?
How do we stop them?
million-foot view here. Yeah, so million-foot view ultimately is there's some kind of
interdimensional force. I think it's Luciferian and Satanic.
It's a demonic force and that's why we see such a commonality in ancient
cultures to, for example, have human sacrifice. Why would it be that all
ancient cultures and civilizations have some idea of human sacrifice? Now we
find in the biblical tradition this unique change where with Mosaic
revelation we begin to have the banning of human sacrifice and then that passes I
think into Christianity where Yeah, exactly.
Then we have the ending of this demonic practice.
But I think, you know, people that have done a lot of DMT, a lot of LSD, a lot of these kinds of drugs, a lot of the shamanic traditions, they all have this commonality where these entities do speak.
These entities do give messages, and they may even give technology.
I think that's very possible.
A lot of these in-culture doctors, John C. Lilly, they talked about floating in the float tanks and talking to the aliens.
And what do the aliens say?
Well, it just happens to be the same thing that the machine elves of Terrence McKenna say.
Well, you need to create a new world order.
And if you just kill everyone, then we'll have world peace.
Terrence McKenna.
So why would they all have the same message?
Why would they have the same pattern?
You go watch a bunch of the people's DMT trip reports on YouTube.
Everybody has the same experience.
I was floating in the float tank and like, The machine elves told me that if we create a world government or whatever, then everybody will have world peace, right?
So it's like, it's the same message every time.
That message of depopulating, what the machine elves always say, right?
It's the same message as the ancient human sacrifice called the Aztec, you know, Mayans.
You talked about this, it's in that UN report.
about bringing back human sacrifice. If you go and read Arthur Kessler's Ghost in the Machine,
he talks about how great human sacrifice was in the ancient cultures. He was a former Marxist,
became a British Order of the British Empire, was raised to the status of elite geopolitical
philosopher. And he writes in there that we need to draw everybody's food and water, food and water,
eat the bugs.
To reduce the population.
And that will be what will bring about world peace.
It's always the same message.
Of course, cutting food and water off creates war.
Well, war is one of those things Bertrand Russell says that would be a great means to depopulate.
And then he says, well, of course, if we can't use war, then perhaps we should use a black plague.
Perhaps it could be a pathogen to get rid of most of the population.
And we'll use diets, injections, and injunctions to make it impossible for the sheep to rebel.
And he's pictured as this leftist, right?
But if you read the Impact of Science on Society, by the end of the book he says, That we actually should have a new Black Plague and we actually should have this mass operation so that we can have Plato's ideal city-state for the whole world.
Yeah, so when people get caught up in...
What big group is running it?
It's the same globalists at the top of all the groups that then meet at the roundtables or the Committee of 300s.
Absolutely, yeah.
John Coleman's an excellent book.
Jamie, my wife, just said she just finished reading that for her first time.
She's going to be doing a podcast on her channel on John Coleman over on YouTube.
How do we find her great work?
Her work's over at YouTube, Out of This World is her podcast.
Jamie Henshaw on YouTube.
And she'll be on Rockfin as well.
Yeah, so this is a Coordinated Plans, Coordinated Agenda, and when we get to the human domain, this human level, right, so we have the spiritual element up here, which is kind of over centuries and millennia, which is demonic, and then we have this human domain, human element, this is what you're talking about with these different people from the different religions, the world religions, they have people that go and will meet in these steering committees, they will meet in these groups, and it's not just political, that's the point here, right?
There's a huge element to this which is religious, and a lot of people miss this because we get caught up in You know, the war and the geopolitics, which is important, that's key, but a huge element of this is religious engineering, religious manipulation.
That's why they have elements of people within, embedded within the Vatican for the last 50, 60 years, back to Vatican II.
There's whole books, intelligence analysts have been writing on this, even Cold Warriors have been writing books about how there was infiltration done to co-opt, not destroy the papacy in the Vatican, but co-opt it into where we have this liberal Pope pushing Pachamama, a human sacrifice deity, in the last few years.
as a part of the Catholic religion now.
Pachamama, a human sacrifice deity out of the Amazon, is now part of the Catholic syncretist, sort of, post-Vatican
II liberalized agenda to fit into this world religion.
Wow, what's it building towards?
It's building towards some kind of crescendo where they have these actuaries,
where they do it in decade-long delineaments, right?
So, for example, you read Brief History of the Future by Jacques Attali.
He wrote back in 2006 that by 2030, 2040, 2050, these are key decades which certain elements have to be in place.
So, moving into the 2030, it's basically parallel with what is in that famous World Economic Forum video of the eight points that you'll expect by 2030.
Bringing down the system, already starting mass depopulation, bringing in the cashless society, taking over the human body.
CBDC's changing the DNA, open borders is in that 8 point plan, no borders, no eating meat, that's in the 8 point plan, alien life is in the 8 point plan by 2030.
And then, by 2040, 2050, it gets even crazier, where you have, by 2040, you have the full-on tech thing in place, where everything is under Skynet, everything is in and out of things.
If you read Klaus's Fourth Industrial Revolution, the last third of the book, that's exactly what he says.
We will have the full Skynet in place by the 2040, 2050.
And that will be when everything is controlled.
2050 is the key date that they all list as, that's when the population is down to nothing, that's when it's the robots running everything, I am robot, all of that, Isaac Asimov, literally by 2050 is the plan.
And of course they're selling their minions, the priest class, that they're actually going to be part of this new utopia, but they're fools.
Obviously they're not going to be.
This is a plan to end everything.
Post-industrial civilization, right?
Moving into a fourth revolution.
So he's likening it to the previous industrial revolution.
Now this is a new revolution that is after humanity.
That's the key point here, right?
So we're becoming post-human.
What humans were will no longer be.
So this is why a lot of people have a hard time with this, is because they can't understand that it's this wide-ranging, that it's this wild, that it is a mad science plan to go beyond the human into a synthesized silicon-based life form.
How's it going Forum A and B?
How do we stop it?
So a lot of people have woken up.
As you know, you're at the tip of the spear of waking people up to this whole agenda for so long.
I think that memes have done a great job in undoing a lot of this.
So many people have seen the ridiculousness of what Klaus and these characters come out with.
They've seen the contradictions.
There's been lots of authoritarian regimes that wanted to play God.
The French Revolution was a proto-example of the very same people.
It doesn't happen to succeed.
Yeah, and their model was technocracy as well, and you look at the Committee for Public Safety, tens of thousands of people lose their head because they're part of bourgeoisie, they're part of sins against the collective.
And that's exactly what they're going to put in place.
The only difference is that it's not run by a bunch of low-level Marxists, it's run by the Fortune 100, Fortune 500, which are the people that attend Bilderberg and Trilateral and CFR.
The Social Credit Score.
Scanning everything you do.
And shutting down when you commit a no-no word.
When you say, well, 10 years ago you said a bad word on Instagram, on Facebook, so now you don't get your credits this week.
Merchant Russell said 100 years ago you would have credits that don't roll over and you would be punished for the bad things that you say against the collective world government.
And remember the movie Demolition Man from the early 90s?
Where you say a cuss word and it fines you?
Yeah, you immediately get fined because there's these monitors everywhere and they listen to everything that you say, and so if you say, and that one's great because that movie understood that it would actually be a social justice future, right?
Well, they're telling you!
Anything you say that hurts somebody, you get fined, exactly.
But of course the technocrats were using it for total control.
Right, and it has false flags, they're staging terror.
I've got articles today where cities around the country are admitting they put hidden microphones around in the buildings, in the government buildings, and on the streets to listen to you, and they said, big deal, it's for your own good.
This is 1984, that's cliche, we all talk about 1984, Orwell, but that's what he was writing about, that the Fabian Society, the Fabian elite technocrats, that's what Ingsoc is, English socialism, is the implementation of this total surveillance so that you would self-police.
That's panopticism.
Panopticism is not that you get tracked by some government agent that comes to your door, that might happen, but it's ultimately to train you to police yourself so that you no longer have the freedom to speak.
And then the sheep think, "We'll get out of this lockdown, we'll get out of this tyranny."
And people will just do what they're told.
But really, the more you do what you're told, the more you're in the trap.
The worse it gets, yeah.
I mean, how many times have we seen people kowtowing to the mob?
And then what is a mob?
They just smell blood and they want more, right?
It doesn't go away.
It doesn't stop.
You have to say no.
You have to not be a part of any of this system as best you can.
All right, listen, I want to invite you and your wife, because I watch your podcast all
the time.
My wife watches it, and she's just as smart and interesting as you are.
We ought to do a commercial-free, remotely, 2-3 hour podcast sometime soon.
Those go viral.
But you guys ought to come back soon.
We can do the whole show together in here and have everybody on.
It'd be great.
Alright, let's do 15 more minutes and Gerald Cilente takes over.
Sit back and let you host or I'll take over, as I always do.
When we come back, a little short five-minute segment, then we join some stations.
We'll have a ten-minute segment, and then Gerald Celente takes over.
Remember, folks, we're listener-supported.
Thanks for all the support.
Keep us on the air.
This is a very important topic, so we all appreciate you spreading the word.
All right, we got 15 minutes left with Jade Iron.
There must be some kind of way out of here.
I don't see the New World Order's plan working.
The Bible says it won't.
I don't think there's any way that, if you read Revelation, that on the Isle of Patmos, John the Revelator was just a great science fiction writer.
But some can say, well, maybe it was a missionary protectorate, like Frank Herbert talks about in Dune, where actually this was pre-planned to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Regardless of what you want to call it, it's happening.
Yeah, Dune is a great example of this too.
Dune has all these geopolitical elements in a symbolic way in that dystopian story.
You have even elements in the novel of MKUltra, right?
So you have these spies that are trained, you have the controlling of resources, which in the movie it's drugs, in the book it's drugs as well.
I mean, it's a perfect parallel for how real world geopolitics happens and One thing that really stuck out to us this week was a movie that you mentioned for many, many years, and I'd heard it mentioned.
I watched it back when I was in undergrad, and we went and watched the movie again now, and it was so much more powerful.
It stuck out, and that's the movie Das Leben der Anderen, The Lives of Others.
And the reason that matters is that everybody knows and has this idea of the Stasi, the Communists, and how they harass people and how they would actually hang on every word that you said and anything you said against the regime would be a kind of way for you to have your credit shut off.
They were doing all of this in the Stasi system, right?
If you watch that movie, the guy who's tasked with Following and spying upon these artists, right?
There's a playwright and there's an actress, and he's there under the party boss to spy on them, to harass them.
And you're watching this, you're thinking, oh, that's so terrible, oh, that's so crazy, I can't believe that the world had this, you know, tolerated this East German communist Soviet style of harassing people, controlling people.
But then you look at the way that Klaus, who has, by the way, a bust of Lenin behind him in some of his videos and pictures, You look at the way that they have the plan for the future set up, it's ten times worse than what's in that presentation, that fiction presentation, which is based on real, sort of, history of Stasi and whatnot.
And so, I'm just, I was amazed by...
Everything you say, everything you do, it's all tracked and traced, and they're using like, you know, old 80s technology.
Now, could you imagine if the Stasi had what they had, if the Stasi could dream of, right?
It's beyond their imaginings.
Now they have that, the same people, who have an even worse ideology than what the Stasi had.
Because at least, I mean, the Stasi were terrible, but they didn't have the plan to basically kill everybody.
Now we have people with technology 10 times worse than the Stasi, who want to kill everybody.
That's crazy.
And that's the reality.
And now they're springing the trap.
And Orwell talked about this in 1984, because he'd worked with the Soviets, and then MI6, OSS, you know.
He said they're the priest of power.
O'Brien's like, why do you torture people?
Why are you destroying society?
He goes, we like it.
We enjoy being bad people.
He says, I want you to not tell me that I'm holding up four fingers because, you know, when I do this, this is four, right?
I want you to not tell me that because you think that's what I want to hear.
I want you to actually think that five is four.
And you're going to stay here until you believe that five is four.
And that's the crazy part about that novel, as you know, is that by the end of it, you know, Winston ends up conditioned.
He ends up integrated back into the collective system.
So, yeah, it's... And they still kill him.
Yeah, there is real evil.
That's the point here, right?
Evil is not a psychological thing.
It wants your free will, it wants your soul, it wants your consciousness.
An evil is a conscious entity.
It's not a generic abstract thing.
It's a real conscious thing that is willing the destruction of humanity.
I mean, is it not obvious to me that the best explanation for what's going on is something spiritual, something demonic?
Because how could you have all of these cultures instituting human sacrifice, instituting the same practices throughout the millennia.
Here we are, they want to have a war.
They have no connection to each other.
Yeah, right.
World government, right?
Tower of Babel, represented.
Human sacrifice, they want to bring it back.
Get rid of all the humans.
It's the exact same plan.
It's demonic, obviously.
We've got ten more minutes riveting information.
What do you want to cover when we come back after this one minute break?
We can get into the history of the people, you know, the entity, the organizations.
We can get into the history of something like Gladio, which is a great insight into this.
Organized crime, all of that tying into how they control, how they run this.
Let's do that, and briefly, we know that the big of the New World Order run things.
They represent all the different groups, but who's the most powerful in the New World Order today?
When we come back with Jay Dyer of jaysanalysis.com, stay with us, we'll be right back.
Final segment with myself, Alex Jones, and Jay Dyer, and then Gerald Salente, the Trends Forecaster,
takes over in T-minus 10 minutes.
Jay, you've got a lot to cover in the last 10 minutes.
Host the last 10 here.
Yeah, so recently we've been covering the history of the sort of deep state operations,
one of the most famous of which, which I didn't realize actually how widespread it was,
Now I know that's kind of a Cold War era thing that a lot of times people from the left utilize, but it's a great insight, it's a great window into how big religious institutions are co-opted.
And Gladio was part of that, right?
That was this Cold War operation to have these stay-behind units in Europe, and it was done through coordination of the OSS, CIA, and organized crime throughout Europe.
So, these secret armies, by the way, they were not just there to, you know, sort of harass communists or something like that, which if that was all it was, okay, that makes sense.
These were actually terrorist stay-behind units that were funded by black operation money, funded by the Vatican Bank, Set up ultimately by people connected to James Jesus Angleton, William Bill Donovan, all of those figures, William Colby, they were really involved in setting up this Gladio network.
And if we think about the manipulation of dialectics here in terms of Cold War stuff, it helps us to understand dialectics and manipulation in our day.
So for example, Bill Donovan, when he was in the OSS, he went and trained Mao's guerrillas To fight and set up the Maoist intelligence network.
Now wait a minute, I thought that we were against that.
No, no.
If you understand that, there's a higher level game that's played.
David Rockefeller writes two New York Times editorials from a China traveler where he explains that he was amazed at the success of Mao's operation, Mao's collectivism in China.
Why would he be amazed?
Why would a big, huge capitalist figure be so amazed and so happy with the success of Maoist Communists?
It's because it's a social control mechanism that's excellent for consolidating wealth and transferring it offshore.
And it killed 100 million people.
And it's a great eugenics operation to kill masses of the population.
Same model in Russia, same model in World War II where you get Mass death.
So that's one element, absolutely.
But you have to understand that it wasn't really ultimately about preventing communism.
It was about a different type of system being put into place that was also communistic.
That's why Rockefeller, for example, after he studied under Balmesis, he went and studied under Harold Lasky, the famous socialist.
And when he came out of his academic time, when he went into doing intelligence work, set up his own private intelligence network for Senator Doyle, he says, well, I learned that there's a great deal to be learned from both monopoly capital and from Fabian socialism.
And so I wanted a synthesis.
So he actually argues for the synthesis.
That's why.
And that's really the policy today.
Before Obama left office, he traveled the world saying that.
It is a kind of third way, right?
That was popular under Blair and Bill Clinton.
Well, they create something more hardcore to move the Everton window than they want to have something that opposes it that's almost as bad, but it's a false choice.
And so it's a synthesis, right?
It's elements of the worst elements of monopoly capital, right?
Not free market, not any of that.
Monopoly capital, the worst elements of Eastern Soviet bloc communism melded together in a technocracy.
So that's why a lot of people get confused.
They're like, is it communism, socialism, is it corporatism, fascism?
It's all of those things together, right?
And so there's an elite class that's above it, that's in Brave New World, where the elite class is not subject to the dictates of the lower strata, right?
The world's socialist controller, Mustafa Mahmoud, he's not subject to what everybody else is subject to.
But it's supposed to be an egalitarian society with a rigid hierarchy, right?
So again, this all comes out of ultimate class society claiming it's getting rid of class.
Yeah, it's a false egalitarianism that's by design, part of the gaslighting itself, is to tell you that we're all equal.
Well, the party boss is above us because he's the representation of the people, right?
He's the new man of the people, right?
We're going to the exact same thing in the New World Order when they have this all in place.
There will be the elite class, the new feudal class, that's not subject to the rules of everyone else.
Everyone else will be subjugated in their locked down, you know, coon pod smart cities.
And the rest of the U.S.
will be a rewilded project, this kind of a thing.
You've talked about that for many years, the U.N.
rewilding project.
That's part of this.
And that's where the globalists are going to live.
We'll be in 5G prison pain induction centers.
The key here is understanding that the Cold War, in my view, my opinion, set the stage for the last 20 years of the War on Terror, which gave way to the war on this amorphous enemy of viruses.
That's where I was going.
First, they get rid of our rights to fight Nazis they created, then communists they created, then it's the Muslims, and then now it's the American people, and all of us are incubators for viruses.
We're now all the enemy.
Yeah, they call it biosecurity.
In the white papers and the documents which have come out, the British Ministry of Defense in the last few years, the NATO document that came out a couple of years ago, all these documents talk about the future of warfare is not some nation state, it's not some rogue state, it's people that have what the NATO document calls The thinking that doesn't fit into accepted norms.
So you're now the problem if you don't submit to this stuff.
And they actually talk about that the warfare that will be conducted will be a transhumanist warfare.
That's in the NATO SILO document.
The British Ministry of Defence document says that we're going to have to combat the people that don't want to take microchips or nanotech chips.
That's the new enemy is that because the justification, the auspices are biosecurity.
If you're not vaccinated, if you don't have this proof of vaccination or whatever they're going to do... Well Harari says if we don't take your body over the nanotech we can't surveil you 24 hours a day.
Right, and that's why you're a security threat.
You're a walking, sort of, uh, you know... Well, they're the ones actually running the labs releasing the viruses.
It's like they create the communists, now you think you're right to fight the communists.
They create the virus, and we get back to the same thing.
And I know we've repeated that, but this is what, this is a, the formula's pretty simple when you pull back, and you see they control the Capitol from every angle they're hitting.
Once you recognize everything they're pushing is pure death, and pull back from it, then you suddenly, it's like those hidden pictures you see on the wall.
It might be of a lion, it might be of the world, it might be of a parrot, and you can't see it for like five minutes until
you finally see it, you can't unsee it.
And I think humanity is coming to that moment.
Do you agree with that A and B?
What do they do if they're starting to lose?
I really think they're starting to lose.
People are actually, actually through a lot of these viral videos and memes, I mean, people are underestimating viral.
Like when these videos, videos of you, you know, videos of people from the world, I got them for them, go viral on Twitter and they get millions and millions of views.
Your videos?
Not about credit, but I love that one where you're like, all the aliens, when you're on drugs, they kill yourself.
So, yeah, that's telling.
More people are seeing that and realizing, hey, wait a minute, this is like a giant scam, right?
We're being scammed by this.
And ultimately, you know, the devil is, he's the thief that comes to steal, kill and destroy.
So he's a con man.
He's lying and deceiving everyone.
And people are starting to wake up to that because the people that are pushing this, the Brzezinskis, all these people, like, it's just the exact same plan as the Taliban.
My mom's dad was super learned.
I mean, like, He knew as much as I do today back then.
And I'm like, oh, your grandpa's a little eccentric.
But he worked in a lot of weird stuff that he would never tell us about.
Secret weapons, stuff like that.
And he said, Satan is the cosmic con artist.
And he's going to kill us with prosperity to get us domesticated and then wipe us out.
That's what's in Charles DeZenn, right?
The plot is that the aliens, whether it's global elites or these interdimensional demonic things, they actually give everybody all these blessings.
And then everybody buys into it, right?
So you're being offered the universal basic income, you're being offered the, you know, the coon pod, you're going to be happy, you won't ever feel pain again just laying on the couch.
These incredible phones that do thousands of things but totally take your life over and surveil you.
They're all Trojan horses.
Jacques Atelier calls these nomadic devices that create a rootless consumer entity, right?
So that's another meme thing, the consumer meme.
So yeah, the nomadic device makes us rootless, atomized, and having no connection to our heritage or tradition or religion.
So I think the answer is, you know, the Bible, the answer is the Logos, the answer is Jesus, the answer is all those things.
And going back to as rural as we can, we have to have a high-tech aspect to our lives to fight the enemy and hold it off, but we should be always making our main focus building the more natural human condition.
In closing, I want you and your great crew to come back on, your great wife to come back on.
We should do a big podcast soon.
Let my producers know when you want that to be.
And in 30, 50 seconds, what are you working on now?
Yeah, so I just finished a full-on History of Western Philosophy course that I taught with Richard Grove over at Grand Theft World, so shout out to him.
Just did a lot of podcasts that have been getting a lot of views.
Sam Tripoli, shout out to Temple House.
Sam Tripoli was just on with Dr. Steve Turley.
We did a great podcast, was just on with Tim Pool, Tim Kass, so it was a good check out.
Yeah, you've been having a big effect for over decades.
I knew you, I mean, I ran into your wife something like 25 years ago or something.
I mean, you guys, you used to live in Austin, right?
No, well, that was... He did.
He did.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But, yeah, I called in a long time ago.
Well, you're really breaking out to the next level.
So, Jay Dyer, thank you so much.
Thank you.
Are you still hanging around, or are you going to go on Owen's show?
I don't know.
We don't know.
We need to get big guests booked on our other shows.
Great job.
Hey, what's up, bone?
Hey, McBreen!
What's going on, man?
Hey, I really like that work you did on the AI piece.
I'm going to use that on the show today.
Right on, I worked hard on that.
I'm working on another project, so I'm going to be up late again tonight, and I was hoping you had some Brain Force Plus.
Oh, um, no.
No, nothing.
What about Brain Force Ultra?
Thanks anyway.
Good luck with that project though.
Get your Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra right now at InforStore.com
Hey, great to be on the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I just was listening to Alex Jones and a wonderful guest and talking about technocracy.
And how it's robbing us of our freedom, our life, and how the government knows so much about us.
And this is, it's unprecedented.
And it is evil.
It's demonic.
And, you know, we write about this every week in the Trends Journal.
We have a technocracy section.
And it's written by Joe Duran.
And the comments that we've been getting are phenomenal.
People say, my God, I can't believe you're putting all this in one week.
You know, we keep the technocracy going week after week after week.
And Joe Duran just came out with this and show you the kind of thickness of what we write about.
This is his new book, Dehuman.
And it's, you know, you get it on Amazon, Dehuman.
And what it is, it's about how the corporations You know, the elite, the elite are taking over our lives, watching everything we do, stealing everything we can so they can get more and take more and have technocracy control us.
And, you know, it's all about freedom.
And we're losing our freedom in so many different ways that we're talking about, you know.
Uh, how dare, how dare you question a little piece of scum crap like Anthony Fauci, a little low-life arrogant clown.
How dare you don't swallow the crap, spewing out a Gavin Newsom gruesome over there in California, another arrogant boy.
How dare you don't believe Witless Whitmer in Michigan or the wine over there in Ohio.
One little arrogant person after another, they are taking over our lives and destroying us.
You know, all of this all to catch, you know, when I was a young guy, all the polls used to show that the future would be better than the past.
And now it's the exact opposite.
All the polls show that the past is better than the future.
Wonder why?
Can't figure it out.
Oh, I don't watch him, but I saw enough of him.
The Grammys?
How about the gruesomes?
You know, I put on a concert back in the day when I was the number two guy running a trade association, a major one.
Took over the Superdome.
In New Orleans, I put on a concert with Dionne Warwick.
One in Atlanta, with Ella Fitzgerald.
And now look how low it's gone.
It's the decline of America, and all technocracy is doing is bringing us lower.
Now, you don't have to think anymore, you got chat.
GPT, or F-U-C, you know, whatever you want to call it.
Dumbing you down.
Oh yeah, we don't need great musicians anymore.
We don't need that heart and that soul.
Digitize it.
Digitize it just fine.
Look at the geeky little freaks!
Not a drop of boogie, not an ounce of jive.
Tight as tight can be.
Hey, how about wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans and we'll make that the style.
Oh no, women are wearing overalls now.
They're nice.
Yeah, they got that class.
Yeah, I grew up at a time in miniskirts, man.
The women.
Yeah, technocracy is deadly.
And again, they're killing us in many different ways.
And the way we're going to die next if we don't stop it, because just as technocracy has destroyed our lives, and how We're calling these people elites.
How about arrogant pieces of scum?
We don't pee and we don't poo.
We are the elite.
Like the prince and the king and the queen.
Yeah, hey, Queenie.
Come here.
Here, boy.
Here, Queenie.
Here, prince.
Give me your paw.
Prince, king, queen.
And now war.
You know, there's this article up on Infowars about this French guy who wrote about the fall of the Soviet Union decades ago when he forecast it was going to happen.
And now he's saying World War III has begun.
Yeah, no kidding.
It was the cover of our Trends Journal back two days before Russia invaded Ukraine.
February 22nd, 2022.
Again, we totally are opposed to the invasion.
Totally understand why it happened.
People don't have a clue.
I was talking to a Ukrainian woman, a mother who's Ukrainian, and she didn't have a clue what happened.
Didn't know anything about the Minsk agreement.
Knew nothing about NATO, you know, going from 16 countries to 30.
Knew nothing about the overthrow of the democratically elected government to Viktor Yanukovych by the United States under the Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama in 2014.
Don't know anything.
Hey, that was some game last night, huh?
How about the World Cup?
How's Johnny Depp doing?
That's what people's minds are.
So now war is on the near horizon.
World War III has begun and if we don't stop it, Poof!
Jack, you're dead.
And it's serious.
So this Sunday, I'm going to be in Washington, D.C.
at the Lincoln Memorial with other great speakers, Jimmy Dore, Ron Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, one after another.
And it's rage against the war machine.
And you can go to the site.
RageAgainstWar.com, RageAgainstWar.com.
Please do everything you can to support this.
And as you well know, I launched Occupy Peace nearly 10 years ago.
As I saw this coming, I'm a trend forecaster.
And now this is really serious.
So if you can't make it there and please, you know, they got, this is like the fourth or fifth week in a row.
Millions of people are taken to the streets in France in protest of them raising the retirement age from 62 to 64.
You're lucky to retire in the United States at 74.
We can't get a million people to protest out of 332 million?
Where are you?
Where are the American people?
Please show up.
Please show up this Sunday.
It begins at 1230.
Lincoln Memorial.
Rage against the war.
Because we got a bunch of war whores running and ruining our lives.
Stealing it from us in every way imaginable.
Again, as we said, we went from COVID war.
To Ukraine war, to world war.
And when I come back, I'm going to talk about the economy, where it's going, where the markets are doing, what's next, what to expect.
We don't tell you what to do, it's think for yourself.
We're going to tell you what we think.
So stay tuned.
We'll be right back.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And there it is, Rage Against the War Machine.
You know, again, Put your money where your mind is.
Do what you can.
Because united we stand, divided we die.
This is serious what's going on.
People have no clue.
And, you know, go to their site, check it out.
You know, a friend of mine, you know, he said, quote, he sent me an email, Gerald, I hope you get a lot of supporters for your speech in D.C.
Great cause, but hard to get people to listen.
Great cause, but hard to get people to listen.
So I wrote back to him.
I said, you've inspired me to ask all those who do listen.
I watch my interviews, podcasts, and others.
All those people that do listen.
What are you?
Those of you who do listen and do know what is going on, what are you doing to stop the war machine from stealing our money, killing people around the world, and soon to kill us if the Ukraine war continues to escalate?
I am so sick and tired of saying, oh, people don't know anything.
Oh, people aren't there.
Oh, people... I don't care about that.
You know who I care about?
I care about the people who subscribe to the Trends Journal Magazine.
I care about the people who tune into InfoWorld.
You know, today is like a full day for me, and tomorrow, you know, and getting the magazine out goes out Tuesday.
And every Monday and Tuesday, as I'm doing the editing, going over the articles and seeing what works and that, and I asked the ancestors, my parents and all the aunts and uncles, please help me do the best I can to make the magazine the best it can be.
Please make it the best it can be.
Please, everything I do, please help me do the best I can do.
So it's not just thinking about it, it's doing about it.
It's like saying, you know, man, I got to get in shape.
Next week, maybe I'll start doing something.
You got to do something to get into shape.
You just don't think about it.
We have to do something to stop the war.
You just don't think about it.
It does not take a majority to prevail.
but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom
in the minds of men," said Samuel Adams.
"I could care less what the imbecilic people who watch the Grammys and love the Grammys,
look up to the little clowns that they bow down to."
Beat off to a Kimmel or another clown called Bear, I can care less what they think.
I will not waste one second of my energy trying to convince an idiotic, psychopathic, arrogant imbecile about facts, because they don't care.
You know why?
They're fact freaks.
Facts don't count to them.
Only their belief system.
Demonic, satanic, evil, and destructive.
Once upon a time, a man by the name of Dwight D. Eisenhower, five-star general, supreme
commander of the Allied forces.
Said, quote, every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed.
Those who are cold and not clothed.
The world in arms is not spending money alone.
It is spending the sweat of the laborers, the genius of the scientists, the hopes of the children.
This is not a way of life at all in any true sense.
Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.
And this was our Trends Journal, Anthony Frieda cover.
Summer 2012, when it used to be a quarterly, now it's a weekly.
Look familiar hanging on a cross?
Three days after he drove the money changers out of the temple?
Man, hey.
They'll do it to Christ, they'll do it to us.
I mean, you know.
I hope I make it back from D.C.
I speak out for peace.
People hate me up here.
I have a tenant up here, Rough Draft.
1774 Academy.
I redid this building beautiful.
It was taken five years.
They closed down at 2 p.m.
when I had my peace and freedom rally here last July because they called it a political rally.
Little arrogant people calling a peace and freedom rally a political rally.
That's how stupid and mindless the morons have become.
So if we don't unite for peace, it's these kind of people That are getting us to war.
There are more Ukrainian flags hanging out around here than American flag.
So again, this Saturday.
In Washington, D.C.
At the Lincoln Memorial.
12 p.m.
At 1230.
Rage Against The War Machine.
Go to the website, Rage Against War.
All right.
I want to talk a little bit about, a lot of it, about the economy.
Markets are up today.
You know, they had a good January too.
And a couple bad weeks so far.
But again, I only go by the facts.
Like I said, the freaks don't look at the facts.
You know why?
They're fact freaks.
It's not what I want, what I like, what I wish for, what is.
Following the last 40 midterm elections, the following 12 months, the S&P 500 went up 16%, 16.3%.
So the markets have strength, not because of reality, because it goes back to Joe Duran's book on de-human.
About how the elites, what a dirty word, not elites.
Can you imagine looking at that guy, Klaus Schwab, and calling that arrogant looking clown of a nothing an elite?
Or Bill Gates, or George Soros.
I'll tell you what, Georgie, I'll tell you what, Billy, you guys can keep all the dough you got.
I'd rather be me, Napolitano, born in the Bronx, born to be free, and me to look like me, than to look like you with all your dough, man.
Money can't buy your love.
Oh, it can buy you that kind of fake love.
And it doesn't buy your heart and soul.
So that's what's going on.
They're only interested in making more money in the markets.
They could care less about anybody else.
And he'll keep rigging the game to make more and more dough.
So where's it going to go?
What's next?
What to do?
We have a lot of it.
Of course, a lot of it's in the Trends Journal.
When I come back, you know, we'll talk more about it.
No, no, not Trans Journal.
And how come they didn't come up with Eve-Adam after they came up with Adam and Eve?
I can't figure it out.
Well, let me see what we can do.
And don't call God a he.
Oh, was it Jesus Christ?
He was neither here nor there.
Let's really be stupid.
Let's be American.
Let's go to public school.
Let's swallow crap.
Well, listen to InfoWars.
We'll be right back.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And there it is, Rage Against the War Machine.
This Saturday, excuse me, this Sunday, February 19th, In Washington, D.C.
at the Lincoln Memorial, big anti-war rally, Ron Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Jimmy Dore, one great speaker after another, and I'm honored I'll be one of the speakers there as well.
So please do what you can to support it.
Go to the website.
And Anthony Frieda, the genius that does the covers of the Trends Journal, has come out with a peace coin.
That's right.
First peace coin in NFT.
And you can find out more about it.
Jack Straw, there it is, at Crow Republic.
So, we're doing everything we can to fight for peace and it's up to you to do something.
You know, I'm gonna tell you a quick story before I go on to the other trends.
As you know, or may know, I own three of the most historic buildings in America.
Three pre-revolutionary war stone buildings on the most historic four corners in America.
The only place with pre-revolutionary war stone buildings.
I bought them when I came back from Berlin on April 17th, 2012.
Berlin was grander than Paris before it was destroyed.
And again, I'm making a very long story short.
I'm saying to myself, why didn't the people take to the streets and stop the war before everything is destroyed?
Where were the people?
How low can you go?
How low and stupid and ignorant How marijuanas can you be to look up to a slimy Bill Clinton, that every time he got caught with his pants down, it's bombs away over Baghdad?
How moronic and imbecilic could you be to look up to a little clown of a freaky nobody daddy's boy, little Georgie Bush, with the Iraq-Afghan War, and the Nobel Peace Prize winner, folks?
Who lied his way into the office as a peace president, gave us the Libyan war, destroyed Syria, killed over 600,000 people, quote, I'm really good at killing people, in the book Double Down, Barack Obama.
Hey, you like that Yemen war?
Oh, they only killed, according to the UN, 377,000 Yemenis, half of them under the age of five.
Where are the people to stop this madness?
And the same exact thing is going on now.
Where are the people?
So in Germany, I'm saying, why didn't the people stop it?
And why aren't the people stopping it now?
And why aren't the people in Ukraine stopping it?
Sirens are going off all over the place now.
Russia's destroying their infrastructure.
You're not going to beat the Russians.
Hate them, love them.
It's a fact.
Napoleon sent 420,000 troops out of Poland to attack Moscow, came back with 10,000.
Adolf Hitler killed over 25 million of them, and they were the first to defeat the Germans.
America had a big deal shooting down a weather balloon.
You think you're going to stop hypersonic missiles?
Where are the people saying we need peace?
We need peace.
Imagine living in Ukraine and being in shelters?
And what's this all about?
Oh, the separatist region that didn't vote for the government that overthrew Yanukovych in 2014?
And that NATO would not move one inch further?
What are we involved in this for?
So it's up to you to do something.
So anyway, I'll go back to the economy a little bit.
It's all about interest rates.
The higher they raise interest rates, the more businesses that are going to go down.
You're looking at sales to Mattel that sunk During a holiday season.
So we're talking about those phony numbers.
They came up with 500 and something thousand jobs created in January when most people are fired in January.
Profits came in down 93% from a year earlier.
percent from a year earlier.
93 percent.
35,000 temporary workers were fired.
During the holiday season, lousy holiday numbers.
It goes back to interest rates.
The higher interest rates go, even if they raise them another 25 basis points, the lower it all goes.
And the biggest low is going to be, as I keep saying, but barely anyone else says, a office building bust, the likes of which are unprecedented in human history.
Not only in the United States, around the world.
People are working from home.
They're Zooming.
Companies are saving money by not renewing their leases and renting all those floors when people go work at home.
Yeah, come back two or three days a week.
So it's a different world.
And now interest rates go up.
Oh, now you have to pay more on your variable loans, particularly up there in Canada, where a lot of the homeowners have those variable loans.
And all these big businesses have variable loans.
That own all these huge apartments.
Oh, and then the United States with its $31 trillion debt.
Oh, now you got to pay more interest on that loan, that debt.
None of this is being talked about.
All they're talking about is the equity markets.
How is the earnings report?
Well, 70% came in better than expected.
Meanwhile, businesses are going out of business everywhere.
These are tough times ahead.
But remember, as I keep saying, when all else fails, they take you to war.
They're going to take us to war if we don't stop it.
So going back to the equity markets, tomorrow they're going to come out with the CPI number.
It's a rigged number no matter what they come out with.
Don't believe me, go to John Williams Shadow Stats, shadowstats.com.
The real inflation numbers double what we got.
So tomorrow the big numbers are going to come out.
If the number comes in low, which may well, I don't believe anything they say, the markets are going to go up.
And so too are gold prices.
If the markets come in high, the number comes in high for CPI, Consumer Price Index, the markets go down and gold goes down.
Because then they're going to keep raising interest rates.
But, don't forget.
They're going to lower interest rates before the 2024 Presidential Reality Show.
People call it an election.
It's a freak show, a reality show.
And again, brought to you by the elites.
The Soros's.
The Koch's.
Coaches, I've already pronounced their name.
Loyal people.
The Gates.
All the ones that throw all the money into elections.
It's not a free country anymore.
You got a little clown like Beto O'Rourke.
Rudolph O'Rourke, I think that's his real name.
Hundred A million dollars to run a losing campaign for governor.
How could you name Stacey Adams?
That's a man's name, Adams.
How did you get that name?
Over there in Georgia.
A hundred million bucks to lose.
So we have to fight for peace or we're going to die in war.
And I'm a warrior for the Prince of Peace.
So join us on Sunday in Washington, D.C.
At the Lincoln Memorial, 1230 PM.
Rage against the war and put your money where your mind is and check out our peace token.
It's the only one around.
We're doing everything we can.
The money that they're getting, they're donating to peace.
That's right.
United we stand, divided we die.
And keep supporting InfoWars.
And don't forget to get that bone broth.
You need it now.
It helps you, and it helps InfoWars.
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