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Name: 20230209_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 9, 2023
2464 lines.

In January 2023, Swedish politician Rasmus Paludan burned a Koran outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm, potentially endangering Sweden's NATO application due to Turkey's requirement of unanimous approval from member states. This event coincided with a series of earthquakes in Turkey, leading to speculation that harp weapon use may have been employed as retaliation for Turkey failing to align with NATO's New World Order agenda, which is considered a planetary terraforming operation involving genetic manipulation of Earth's atmosphere, tectonic activity, and oceans. An attack on the North Street Pipeline led to a criminal investigation by the EU Commission. Alex Jones discusses the pipeline explosion in America and how it has created international tension between Russia and Europe. He also reveals information from Seymour Hersh about how the United States executed a covert sea operation using the Navy to plant explosives on the Nord Stream pipeline, potentially losing the US and NATO their moral high ground and sparking further conflict in the future. Alex Jones promotes his private label CBD oil, which he claims is one of the top national bestsellers sold for $159 a bottle but discounted down to $110 or $100. He highlights that the product's manufacturer was testing its quality and an independent lab director estimated its worth to be $150, while it is available at only $67 or $68 on his store, saving customers $22 on full-spectrum 1000mg CBD oil. In this podcast, Alex Jones discusses various topics including Elites trying to form control over the world, news about cancer cases exploding in countries that took the COVID-19 vaccine, especially in young people, and vax mandates for foreigners. He also talks about cost-effective balloons being removed at the southern border due to high costs and their replacement with surveillance balloons in different areas, including farms. Elon Musk is criticized, and Biden's IRS is accused of targeting working-class poor people with 95% of enforcement on them. Jones comments on Biden's speech where he questions why blue collar workers are voting Republican. Canada has passed a censorship bill for the government to run the internet and surveil everyone. The hearing on Twitter exposed the fraud and control of censorship through corporations by the Democratic Party. Florida Democrats consider standard gun laws as fascism. The podcast ends with a discussion about Infowars' financial problems and the importance of supporting them to stay on air. In this program, Alex Jones discusses various topics with his listeners. He promotes Ultimate Bone Broth, InfoWarsMD supplements, and Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove and Endgame films. He also talks about the financial problems of Infowars store and introduces new products at a lower price. Jones discusses the possibility of a nuclear attack on Panama City in Florida and the potential involvement of China and Russia in this scenario. The show also features Paul Joseph Watson discussing Seymour Hersh's bombshell exclusive report and the issue of men identifying as women targeting children. Finally, they talk about recent studies showing an increase in LGBTQ identification among younger generations and the impact of societal influences on mental health and wellbeing.

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These people love to rub it in, let me tell you.
But next segment I'm going to get into the whole international response and what's going to come out of this and where this is going.
This is a serious crime to blow up an infrastructure supplying civilian countries that aren't even at war.
If they would have blown it up inside Russia, that would have been an act of war, but it would have been open, and it would have been on their territory.
But the fact that it was done right as it was coming into other people's countries, there's a lot of international law this violates.
But just the brazenness of it, to say, oh no, we know nothing, we didn't do this, when they did.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
At the end of January 2023, talks between Turkish President Erdogan and the Swedish government detonated.
So you will let terror organizations run wild on your avenues and streets and then expect our support for getting into NATO?
That's not happening.
In order to be accepted into NATO, Sweden and Finland as well needed the vote from Turkey.
But talks disintegrated after a Swedish-Danish politician set fire to the Koran in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm.
On Saturday, Rasmus Paluddin, head of a far-right Danish party, held a protest in front of Turkey's embassy in Stockholm.
The Swedish-Danish national set fire to the Koran.
That has put Sweden's NATO application in jeopardy.
Accession to the military alliance must be approved unanimously by member states, including Turkey.
After Erdogan's declaration, Turkey and northern Syria were devastated by a series of earthquakes in southern Turkey, with a death toll that has reached well over 11,000 people.
We are finished, my God.
There is nobody here.
What kind of state is this?
Turkey is no stranger to earthquakes, the majority of them occurring in the eastern and western portions of the country.
But strange anomalies occurred just before the earthquakes, leading many to question whether a harp weapon may have been used to punish the Turkish government for failing to tow the line of NATO's New World Order overlords.
We've had a few guests on talking about what they believe HAARP does, what they admit it does.
You know, why not?
And Trey, my producer, thought why not get the people from HAARP on?
Pull your dirty hands over Turkey!
We've had a few guests on talking about what they believe HAARP does, what they admit it does.
You know, why not? And Tray, my producer, thought, "Why not get the people from HAARP on?"
So in terms of what it is, it's a research facility to conduct research in atmosphere and radio science.
What about other countries?
The Russians, the Chinese, the European Union?
Do they have similar programs, doctor?
The European community has a facility in Tromsø, Norway.
It's part of what they call the ice jet community there.
That actually was a facility like HAARP.
It's been around a lot longer than HAARP.
The Smithsonian is reporting in the Daily Mail.
is reporting and a bunch of other publications are reporting
China and Russia are working together to heat the atmosphere for weather
control using large antenna arrays
on the ground directed by satellites in space. This is weather modification
on a global scale In fact, these programs are so large and so all-encompassing that all other weather modification programs that go on on a smaller regional basis are virtually, they're negated by the scope and scale of the global geoengineering programs.
The saturation, which ionizes the atmosphere, makes the atmosphere more conductive.
We have the HAARP facilities, High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
These are ionosphere heaters.
Many have heard of the HAARP facilities.
There's not just one or two or three.
We believe there's at least 18 around the globe.
Possibly with three more being built in Antarctica right now.
We were able to identify each frequency.
We accomplished this with just 30 watts of radio power.
If you do this with a billion watts...
The vibrations are so violent that the entire piano would shake.
In fact, the whole house would shake.
In fact, the vibrations could be so severe underground, it could even cause an earthquake.
These weapons of geopolitical terrorism will be able to mold the climate change narrative and bend countries to the will of the New World Order as the target date of UN Agenda 2030 draws nigh.
In short, the New World Order is a weapon system, a planetary terraforming operation, genetically changing the planet's genetic makeup, changing the atmosphere's makeup, changing the tectonic activity of the planet, changing the oceans, changing all life.
Changing the radiological background, changing the magnetic background.
Every observation we see shows this modern system is doing one thing.
Killing us.
John Bowne reporting.
It's Thursday.
Can't stand it?
The false flag attack on the North Street Pipeline is shaking world power structures.
InfoWars. Tomorrow's News Today.
Ahhhhhhhh. Can't stand it. I know you planned it. I can't stand it.
I know you planned it.
Well, we got the archives looking into it this morning.
I'm sure he'll find it now, or is he so fast?
Thank God you support us enough we can have a person on staff who's paid a moderate amount, a few thousand dollars a month.
He's worth a lot more to grab these clips on a daily basis.
Within two days of it happening, a few months ago, was it four months ago or so, I went on air and I said there was a Navy drill right over the pipeline.
And I said, I think they probably sent divers down with a submarine to plant explosives.
They can then leave and then blow it up a month later, which is now what Cy Hirsch has the intel, the reports and all the evidence of.
So, hey, called it again, Alex Jones right again.
We're going to find the clip.
But it's not about, oh, I'm so smart.
It's right out in the open.
I mean, for like, you guys already found the clip.
So for like a week, they sit over the damn thing in a giant drill.
And the Russians are even like, what are you doing over the pipeline?
Oh, nothing.
We're doing nothing over the pipeline.
I mean, you think they could do it quicker than that?
And then they remote detonate it with a buoy.
So this is massive economic warfare against the people of Europe.
It's a crime to destroy civilian infrastructure like this of nations that are not in a declared war against you.
This is a big deal.
And Cy Hirsch never misses.
I'm very honored that Cy Hirsch is a listener.
Thighhurst reached out to me like 15 years ago or longer on my 9-11 research, and we corresponded some on the phone and some via email a few times, and he did come on the show twice!
We were very, very blessed to be able to get him on the show.
He's never responded really since then, but he is the icon of icons, Pulitzer Prize winner, exposed so many of the big stories like this, but this has got to be his biggest ever.
Talk about a real journalist, but you could look at it though.
It's like if there's a bunch of dudes around your house all day looking in the windows and you're like, hey, what are you doing?
And then at midnight, you catch the same guys coming out of your house with your TV sets.
It's pretty obvious here.
And then you got Biden and others bragging, oh, it will not be completed.
We're going to get rid of that pipeline.
That pipeline is going to be going away.
So they even love to brag about it.
But this is a big deal.
This has sent international shockwaves around the world.
The head of the European Union Commission has said they've launched a criminal investigation.
Now I'm sure that'll probably go into a dead end, but the CIA with the Navy Running this drill, planting the explosives on it, and then going away and, oh no, because if they were doing a drill over it and it blew up, it'd be obvious who did it.
Remember our media claiming Putin had blown it up?
When he has no motive to, that's how they're funding themselves.
So it's pretty insane.
Here's one of the clips of Biden saying, I promise you we will end Nord Stream 2, February 9th, 2022.
Which then encouraged the Russians to go ahead and invade because they were openly talking about this.
Here it is.
Russia invades.
That means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine again.
Then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2.
We will bring an end to it.
But how will you do that?
Since the project and control of the project is within Germany's control.
We will, uh, I promise you we'll be able to do it.
Well, there you go.
I gotta say the archives is incredible.
I asked like an hour ago.
To find the clip.
I don't know if it's the one I'm looking for, but they say they found a clip of me predicting what has now come out.
But that's a side issue.
Cy Hirsch has like a 20-page report out.
It's up on InfoWars.com, linked in the live show feed.
And he's got whistleblowers like he did back in the 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s and 2000s when he exposed the My Lai Massacre and everything else.
And of course the CIA denied that up front.
He has people in the CIA high level that said this is insane, we told them not to do it, and they've got even more insane stuff planned.
And they told Biden, who finally reportedly made the decision, that means Obama, that it was extremely escalatory.
Is that a word?
Am I like Jesse Jackson, the Reverend Jackson that invents words?
Is escalatory?
Guys, look up if escalatory.
It's an escalation.
If it isn't a word, it should be a word.
Nord Stream sabotage with CIA, US Navy covert op.
Seymour Hersh bombshell prompts White House response.
How Americans took out the Nord Stream pipeline.
Sy Hersh.
carried out Nord Stream bomb attack under top-secret plan led by Joe Biden.
And it goes on.
American journalist Seymour Hersh claims that in 2000, June of 2022, U.S.
delivers planet explosives under Nord Stream, under the cover of NATO exercises, and the Norwegians activated it.
Independent evidence video confirms key part of Sy Herzl's report on attack on Nord Stream 2.
As we get in that video, I forgot to give it to you, that the Gateway Pundit has showing all the preparations around the pipeline.
Russian Parliament speaker on Nord Stream attack, Joe Biden's a terrorist who must be brought to justice.
Can't really disagree with that.
Ukraine's latest Russia ready to work on atomic plant safety zone that's some
good news. Putin threatens response if UK gives planes to Ukraine. Russia massing 500,000 men for attack in
10 days as Zelensky begs UK for help. And I think the new larger
offensive will come sooner rather than later. In fact I would guess it's gonna
happen before the anniversary on the 24th because there's a lot of heavy
weapons pouring into Ukraine right now and Putin isn't gonna want to give them
time to get trained on those tanks and the rest of those weapons. So this thing is
escalating very quickly.
Wish it wasn't happening. I totally agree with Mr. Waters from one of my favorite
bands Pink Floyd. He's also a very well-spoken well-read person. A real
liberal against the end of the world and war.
And he got up there, the Russians wanted him to speak yesterday, and they kind of got sucker-punched, but I agree with what Waters said.
He said it was wrong for Russia to invade, and that was a crime.
But he also said it was a crime for the West to start the war and run proxy attacks to lure Russia in, which is the bigger crime.
And it's just true.
You drew first blood, you started it, and it's dangerous as hell.
And we're now in a Slavic Civil War that we've all been tied into.
This is how worlds end, ladies and gentlemen.
So I'm thinking about, you know, my children and your children.
I'm not on the Russian side.
I'm not.
At the end of the day, on the American side, because America's been hijacked by globalists, so if I say, oh, I'm on the American side that wants total war and death and surveillance and poison shots and drag queen story time and open borders and fentanyl and devalued currencies, that's not the American side.
I'm on the real American side, truth, justice, the American way, non-interventionist, what George Washington talked about, but I'm not on the neocon New World Order Globalist bandwagon.
So we've got a lot of this information coming up today.
We're going to be laying it all out and we're going to be opening the phones up.
There's also just so much other huge news.
On the Pfizer front, on the Project Veritas front, on good positive things happening, moving the ball against the tyrants, House votes to kill travel, vaccine mandate for foreign travelers.
They've already killed the mandate on the troops.
A bunch of Democrat hellhole states like California have.
Backed off forced injections on the kids, so there's a lot of positive news there.
Some horrifying cancer news, connected to the shots, which we already knew, but it's now even triple confirmed.
Big reports of Hollywood's officially dead, says the King of Hollywood, Elon Musk announces the plan, a master plan for the world, and more.
All of it, straight ahead, today.
Stay with us.
Yes sir, it is sabotage!
That's right, I'm gonna set it straight.
All right, they blew this thing up bigger than Dallas in front of everybody.
And the same tactic, release the virus, give you a shot far worse, openly kill everybody right in front of us, make some of the others sick, target our children and just sit back and say, we didn't do it.
No, no, we don't know why it's happening.
It's the same thing.
Biden runs around.
In fact, we aired a compilation back when they blew the pipeline up a few months ago.
Of all these different politicians around the world saying, we will deal with the pipeline, don't you worry.
In America, Democrats strutting around, you watch that pipeline, it's going to be there real soon.
It's going to be, boom, boom.
And then as soon as it blows up, what?
We didn't touch it.
The Russians did it.
They blew it up.
Yes, they blew up their main funding source.
That's exactly what they did in the war.
Yes, those dirty Russians again.
But I'm not lionizing the Russian ruling class by any means, but they are babies when it comes to evil compared to the people that run our country.
Make absolutely zero mistake.
You think Putin's giving his population a shot that attacks their ovaries and testicles and their DNA and gives them cancer and heart attacks?
You think the Russians are giving that to little kids?
The answer is hell no.
Our shots are banned over there.
So just remember that.
The Russians aren't shooting their people up with stuff that kills them.
They're not teaching five-year-olds to cut their penis off.
And so, just remember, we're run by people that hate us and have devil-worshipping programs on every major public event they can.
And big public events with grim reapers coming down on the sky and killing thousands of kids with the coronavirus floating around at the Olympics, right?
I mean, these people love to rub it in, let me tell you.
But next segment I'm going to get into the whole international response and what's going to come out of this and where this is going.
This is a serious crime to blow up an infrastructure supplying civilian countries that aren't even at war.
If they would have blown it up inside Russia, that would have been an act of war, but it would have been open, and it would have been on their territory.
But the fact that it was done right as it was coming into other people's countries, there's a lot of international law this violates.
But just the brazenness of it, to say, oh no, we know nothing, we didn't do this, when they did.
So, here I am, back at the time.
When the pipeline got blown up a few months into the war, and my analysis of what I thought was really going on, now confirmed by Cy Hearst, Pulitzer Prize winner, with sources inside the CIA and Navy.
And now Nord Stream 2 is blown up, there's problems with Nord Stream 1.
This is war, folks!
And it'll only hurt Europe and bring in the Great Reset and the giant energy crisis.
And then when the global depression kicks off, which has already happened, there's a quantitative easing and all the rest of it, they blame it, ladies and gentlemen, on Russia.
And I'm not saying Russia's perfect, but this is so scripted.
We've got clips of Soros bragging that they overthrew Ukraine eight years ago.
It just goes on and on.
So there's multiple spots that the pipeline has suddenly blown up.
So they send the Navy SEALs in with their submersibles.
They go plant bombs on it.
They blow it up.
And that, my friends, is the rest of the story.
Absolutely incredible moment to be alive.
So incredibly dangerous.
If Russia invades, Biden said, Nord Stream 2, one way or another, will end.
And now you see the giant explosion and the gas percolating up.
From the pipeline being cut.
Even if Germany tries to turn it back on under protest and national pressure, the pipeline has been blown up.
Just like Biden killed the Keystone Pipeline.
Just like they killed hundreds of other major pipelines and thousands of spurs and feeders.
Now their economic war continues.
Just like the negative news is, That the globalists are going to pull out all the stops with war and economic collapse and cyber attacks to be blamed on the Russians.
And remember, Putin said, I'll go ahead and cut off Nord Stream 1 if you keep the sanctions going.
They said, no problem.
We'll just blow up Nord Stream 2 so it's not even a debate.
Russia doesn't gain.
The people of Europe don't gain.
But the New World Order destabilizing does gain.
And it turns out the Navy, with the Navy SEALs, two months ago did drills in the exact same spot of underwater demolition.
I have the news articles admitting it.
Mainstream news here in the stacks.
So when you hear, oh, only Ukraine could have done it because they stand to gain cutting off Russia's supply of money.
When you hear Ukraine, remember who runs the Ukraine war?
The globalists that run the Pentagon at the top.
Breaking mere minutes ago from Seymour Hersh, who has to be one of the most important people in the 21st century.
Even the 20th century, exposing everything from the My Lai Massacre and its cover-up to the suspicious events surrounding Osama Bin Laden's death to disputing the claim that Assad used chemical weapons on civilians.
He has routinely been a voice of truth in opposition to the liars that run our country and he's done it again, boys.
On his Substack, SeymourHirsch.substack.com, how America took out the Nord Stream pipeline.
He says the New York Times calls it a mystery, but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret until now.
This focus is on an organization known as the U.S.
Navy Diving and Salvage Center, a train in Panama City, Florida.
He sort of details What they get up to and what they do.
And this is actually a very long article that goes into all the geopolitics involved, but the important part to me is here in the first couple paragraphs.
He says, last June, the Navy divers operating under the cover of a widely publicized midsummer NATO exercise known as BALTROPS 22 Planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of this operational plan.
Okay, so let's stop right there.
So there I am, right when it happened, and then, of course, later, covering it today.
Harrison Smith doing a great job.
And by the way, I got to be friends.
They didn't tell me anything secret.
With the guys in the SEAL Team on the East Coast, the SEAL Team 10 that are the main underwater demolition guys.
I haven't talked to them in a couple years, but I would imagine those are the guys that probably went and planted the bombs on it.
This is just insane.
And it's so dangerous.
And I want to open the phones up for veterans particularly, but really this should be for everybody to be able to call in on.
For the first couple hours.
And then Matt Baker went up to the Pfizer headquarters.
He's the Alex Jones of the Dreadlocks.
Brother from another mother.
I mean, people superimpose my face on his and it's frightening how much we look like each other.
He's also a pretty fiery fellow like I am as well.
He didn't used to be.
He was kind of a big liberal until he completely woke up.
But now he's a barn burner.
But he went and confronted Pfizer did a great job.
The police showed up and all that.
That's coming up.
Looks like there's been a coup over at Project Veritas.
Very, very sad news on that front.
I'm going to finish up with this huge Nord Stream 2 news that's so big what it does to geopolitics in this war.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
It's sabotage and incredibly dangerous.
All right, the Russians, about a month after the globalists that run our country blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline supplying Europe about half its gas to heat their homes and cook their food and run a lot of their vehicles, said they intercepted transmissions to a third-party country in Europe that had detonated the weapon.
And now that's what Cy Hirst says he has from CIA high-level contacts.
That's exactly how they do it.
The CIA runs it, the Navy plants the bombs, they wait a few months, and then they have a third-party country that doesn't know what their buoy is going to trigger, but they say, send this pulse frequency out through the sea.
And then the explosion happens, and there's all these different levels of denial.
And that's exactly how they do it.
It's like the Kennedy assassination.
They had famous hitmen from Europe there.
Mafia hitmen.
Army snipers.
Marine Corps snipers.
And they had E. Howard Hunt.
They're quarterbacking the whole operation.
He later gave a deathbed confession.
So it's pretty Clear what's going on here and extremely, extremely dangerous.
You've got to go to InfoWars.com and read Sy Hersh's report.
It's linked under the live show feed of the broadcast today.
But this really is a, quote, U.S.
false flag because they tried to blame it on Russia.
North Stream sabotaged with CIA, US Navy covert op.
Seymour Hersh bombshell prompts White House response.
Famous journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh, who for decades was a star reporter writing for the New York Times and the New Yorker, on Wednesday published a new bombshell at his Substack post, prompting a quick White House response.
conducting his own investigation and who sabotaged the Nord Stream pipeline via
series of underwater blasts on September 26th. Hirsch, a clue to the United States,
blew up the Russia to Germany natural gas pipeline as part of a covert
operation under the guise of a NATO exercise. Balltops 22 NATO. Hirsch relying
on unnamed national security sources describes months of discussions and back
and forth involving the Biden White House, CIA, Pentagon reports his planning
was in the works all the way back to December of 2021.
Remember, Biden said before the war even started, if he invades, we'll blow it up.
With a special task force formed under the agents of the U.S.
National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan.
And again, Biden's big dementia brain had to brag about it repeatedly.
The Navy proposed using a newly commissioned submarine to assault the pipeline directly.
The Air Force discussed dropping bombs, but delayed fuses that could set off remotely.
The CIA argued that whatever was done, it would have to be done covertly.
Everyone involved understood the stakes.
The report entitled How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline reads, the Biden administration was doing everything possible to avoid leaks as the planning took place late in 2021 and into the first months of 2022.
It continues, but They warned the European allies, and so that's how they got the information.
The Russians, as momentum gained to proceed with the covert sabotage attack, over the next few weeks, members of the CIA's working group began to craft a plan for covert operations, which didn't include Biden saying they were going to blow it up, that would use deep-sea divers to trigger an explosion along the pipeline, Hirsch writes.
But there was significant pushback with the intelligence community, but any reservations were overcome in the lead up to the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 22, according to investigative report.
Then it goes into Hersh's sources.
Throughout all the scheming, the source said, some working guys in the CIA, the State Department were saying, don't do this, it's stupid, and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.
Which it's coming out, because he bragged about it before he did it.
Nevertheless, everybody said, yeah, they caught my son in bribery.
The prosecutor did.
So I said, we'll take a billion dollars from you if he's not fired by tonight.
And son of a bitch, he was fired an hour later.
That pipeline, we're going to get rid of that pipeline.
It won't be there.
Don't worry.
It's going to go bye-bye.
Nevertheless, in early 2022, the CIA Working Group reported back to Settlement's interagency group.
We have a way to blow up the pipeline.
Hirsch has the documents just so you know.
Just like Milan, he's gonna let them lie about it.
Like the White House said, "This is preposterous conspiracy theory."
He's got the documents, and he's gonna release those.
See how that works?
And obviously, Cy Hirsch is super high into the U.S.
intelligence system, there's different factions, and there's certain factions that don't want World War III and like living, and like having kids and grandkids and playing golf and going to church and going out to eat and, you know, stuff like going for hikes and don't want to die.
And so that's what this is.
This is the more sane parts of our government saying, just like Elon Musk, a super high-level spook, that there's large groups in the government that are like, this needs to stop now.
This is insane.
And so that's why this is all coming out.
Nevertheless, in early 2022, a CIA working group reported back to Sullivan's interagency group, we have a way to blow up the pipeline.
What came next was a stunning, on January 7th, less than three weeks before the seemingly inevitable Russian invasion of Ukraine, Biden met in the White House office with German Chancellor, who after some wobbling, was now firmly on the American team.
But the press briefing that followed, Biden defiantly said, if Russia invades, there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2.
We will bring it to an end.
We'll see the video, or if I see them, I'm going to play it again.
20 days earlier, Undersecretary Newland had delivered essentially the same message at a State Department briefing with little press coverage.
We played that clip too.
In fact, I forgot that clip.
Get that.
I want to be very clear to you today, she said in response to the question, if Russia invades Ukraine one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.
And then they got the nerve to deny they did it.
And it goes on from there, how they blew it up.
Riveting information, an extremely real world, and totally dangerous.
So let's talk about This will have the United States and NATO lose the moral high ground.
It'll give all the Germans and others that are paying up to nine times what they were for energy just a few years ago, the political spark to get together and say no to all of this.
And then it's just Joe Biden and all of them lying to everybody.
It's just a further credibility drop.
And it gives Russia A lot of gas for their new second invasion or their Battle of the Bulge they're trying to set up right now.
And so this is just crazy.
But Biden and the globalists love to cut off civilian infrastructure.
They love to cut off pipelines.
They love to collapse countries.
They love to steal pension funds.
They love to squeeze little guys.
And so they just couldn't help themselves blowing up some infrastructure.
It's just too delicious to do.
They couldn't have the Ukrainians shoot some missiles there at the coastline of Russia, if Russia invaded, and hit the pipeline where it goes into the ocean, and say, well, we hit Russia, we hit the pipeline.
No, no, they couldn't have it be that direct.
Instead, they had to do it covertly, and they had to lie about it, even though there was no way to ever contain that they did this.
And day one, we hadn't just figured it out.
Everybody else had figured it out.
When they were over it for a couple weeks, with Navy Ships that deliver deep water Navy SEAL submarines.
I mean, they had a construction job going on there.
They were planting bombs all over the place to make sure that the Russians couldn't just pull up with a repair ship and fix one section.
They blew holes all over it like Swiss cheese.
And so, now, it's all out in the open that the United States conducted this act of war against Russia.
And we'll talk about the rest of the story when we return on the other side as Russia prepares to invade with a whole new army.
In fact, I don't think they'll attack the 24th.
If I had to put on my Karnak hat, I would say the Russians invade with their new 500,000 man army with several thousand tanks in eight days.
All right, at the end of this segment, I'm going to give the number out and I'm going to take your phone calls.
On the Nord Stream Pipeline destruction, Cy Hirsch report that we know is true.
He has the sources.
He's broken.
Of the 10 biggest stories in the last 55-60 years, he's broken like 8 of them.
And it's always been true what he says.
It's why it took him months and months and months and months to put this report out.
He's got the sources that were pissed off about this.
And think the American people need to know that your government's running around blowing up civilian gas pipelines that supply half of Europe and then lying about it.
And that's the separation of powers.
That's what we need.
We need those watchdogs.
We need those checks.
And we have some good people still in our government and still in our corporations.
That's why the world hasn't ended yet.
It still may.
So we're going to talk more about that.
Let me talk about this first.
I try to bring you high-end, quality products that are very low price for what you're getting, so you get a great result, so you want to come back and get them over and over again.
I want a relationship with you.
I treat you like I want to be treated.
So anything we sell, anything we promote is always the very best out there, and we just cut the price.
Mike Adams has a very close family member.
He told me who they are, but I'm not going to say who.
He's a very close loved one.
I think it's about as close as you can get to somebody other than your wife.
Let's just say where he came from.
Okay, now I'm giving away who it is.
But the point is, that had a lot of pain, a lot of problems, and CBD helped her a lot.
So he owns a clinic, a lab, that tests supplements, and he found ours is about as good as it gets.
And he said, yeah, we know where your CBD came from.
It's like $150 for your 1,000 milligram bottle in stores and online.
How are you selling it for 60-something dollars?
Well, we don't market up 300%.
And we mark it up 100%, or a little over 100%, and I figure that's a great deal for you.
So, yes, we can sell this for $150 all day long.
And people actually, a lot of marketers have told me, why don't you do that?
They would respect it more and think it's better if it has a high price tag.
And a certain group of the public is like that.
I just don't buy into that.
I'll buy generic if I know it's made at the very same lab, whether it's aspirin or Advil or anything.
So why would you not buy, it's not generic with us, it's private label by us, the exact same, one of the top national bestsellers, Sold all over the place for $159 a bottle, and then they discount it down to $110 or $100.
That's a marketing tactic, you know.
Have the full price and then cut it back.
Well, we've got it for 60-something bucks.
And our regular would be $89.
That's still an insane price.
You're saving $22 on full-spectrum, 1000mg CBD.
Doesn't get you high.
Does incredible things for your joints, your bones, your brain, everything.
And a lot of folks can't handle it when it's that strong.
I'd be careful with it.
We have full-spectrum CBD, 25mg gummies, and the 10mg gummies.
are back in stock, 'cause a bunch of this had sold out, but they got more back in stock.
Get yours discounted right now at InfoWarsTore.
Here's Mike Adams about a month ago talking about it.
So I had a distant relative suffering from seizures, and they called me and asked me, "What should we get?"
And I said, "Look, you should try CBD, "because CBD-A has this effect with people,
"and anti-seizure effects."
And I said, you got to try this.
So I bought on your store two vials of your CBD 1000 milligrams.
I couldn't believe the price that you had.
It was so low.
I mean, the value of that, if people know this industry, the price is very, very good.
I sent a bottle to my family member.
I kept the bottle for myself.
And then my family member was using it, having amazing results.
I sent the bottle.
Well, my lab director was working on a new method to quantitate cannabinoids, about 10 or 12 of them, using a single four-minute method on an LC-MS instrument, a mass spec instrument.
And she asked me, hey, do you have a sample of CBD oil that we can test on this method?
And I said, OK, sure.
So I gave her a sample blind.
She didn't know it was Infowars or any brand or anything.
Gave it to her blind.
She ran the sample, got the results, and, wow, this is a full profile.
It's a full spectrum.
It's got CBD-A in it.
I said, yeah, of course it does.
It's got CBD, and it's, you know, super, super low THC.
We'll test for Delta-9 and all that stuff.
And I asked her, I said, okay, you've tested about a hundred CBD products.
What do you think this product would cost in the marketplace, just looking at the lab results?
She said, "$150."
You know, in the same volume that you have.
I just looked at your store.
This is, I think, $67 or $68 on Infowars store.
No joke, Alex.
And you didn't ask me to talk about this, but I gotta tell you, just independently,
this CBD product that you have is an outstanding value.
It's outstanding.
I'm taking it myself, and it's helping my family members.
So, I just want to put that on the record.
It's the real deal.
Well, I appreciate that.
I didn't know that happened.
I mean, here's all that happened with the Infowars MD line.
We went out looking for new suppliers because we were getting blocked everywhere and having issues getting the stuff we wanted, as you know, with supply chain breakdowns.
We ran into two big companies that are listeners.
And this particular company said, we have over 50 products.
Most of them are already top sellers.
And I said, well, what do you think your best products are?
They said, well, this is wide-spectrum CBD that we sell under a couple different names in stores and at medical clinics for about $120 to $150.
We recommend you sell it for $100.
And we got to buy it for like $30.
And I just said, no, we're going to double our monies enough.
So yes, this is $100 to $120, especially the thousand milligram one, CBD for about half the price.
And so you nailed it.
Because I'm not a big top tester like you, an expert.
I just go out and say, what's top rated?
Who's already got the best test?
Who is that?
And then that way we know it's already built in and it's quality.
So thank you for the support.
It has to be processed correctly.
And whoever you're using as your source, they know how to do that to maintain it.
So it keeps all those molecules in their form.
CBD is very delicate.
By the way, I hadn't watched that clip until he said it live on the show, so I wasn't trying to contradict him.
He was back in the studio last week and told me it was a close relative.
So I get it.
My family gets mad when I talk about them.
Real mad, sometimes.
So he was like, oh, it's a distant relative, and it's a little bit closer, I think.
But I didn't mean to do that.
So the point is, it really is good.
Like, I was looking at this company, and they go, we got the best turmeric 95, curcuminoid.
I said, really?
And then I found out we were buying it from them for BODY's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
So it's basically the same pill.
Our formula is a little bit different with BODY's.
It added a few different things that weren't in it.
But it's apples and oranges.
It's amazing.
So there's that.
There's Nitric Boost that Dr. Mikovic said.
She looked at our formula.
Says it's really great.
It's already a top seller out there.
So go to InfoWarsTore.com.
That's what keeps us on air.
But these are things you really need.
And then we have what's really bodybuilding formulas.
I haven't really gotten into the sports enhancement area, but we have another big company,
it's a pharmaceutical company that also makes some of the top supplements in the country.
And I said, "What's your best sellers?"
They said 1776 testosterone boosts and PainMD.
We're out of the HGH Max boost, we're trying to get some more.
People wanted that, that's what everybody bought.
These are just as good.
Natural, amazing, powerful compounds for pain relief, PainMD, Infowarsstore.com, and 1776 testosterone boost,
which again, is natural, it helps the free testosterone in your body, helps carry it through your body.
It's got a bunch of compounds that boost it naturally.
And anybody can take this.
Women can take this as well.
It doesn't just do stuff to your testosterone.
It does everything for your hormones.
Real Red Pill Plus.
TheInfoWrestler.com also does a lot of great stuff.
I don't have time to get into all the things that are in it, but this is how we stay on air, and it really works great.
That's why we sell it, because we want you to like it.
It's like a restaurant that cooks good food, or a soup maker that makes good soups.
I mean, we don't want to sell you things one time.
So many folks run by that model.
That is not our model.
We want to sell you stuff over and over again and stay on air, have a relationship with you, and take the same products ourselves that you take.
And by the way, I keep extending the sale because, quite frankly, I've been busy in my own personal bankruptcy.
We're not going off air.
It's a reorganization, but my own personal bankruptcy with this whole, you know, New World Order, fake judgments, and all the rest of it.
And so I've been having hours a day as I'm filing my schedule next week, having to document everything I own, what I've got.
It's all under penalty of perjury.
So I've got to really research and make sure it's dead on.
I've been doing that six hours a day on top of the show with this allergy induced cases of bronchitis.
It's getting better now.
So I'm not complaining.
I'm just kind of been a little bit out of commission.
I haven't had time to go cut new ads or come up with a new sale.
And quite frankly, the guys in the warehouse and the folks that run the shopping cart, they said, All this stuff's about to sell out.
You're almost out of everything.
Some new stuff's coming in in a month, hopefully.
But just keep the sale going for a couple more days, because that's the best thing we got.
And it really is a great sale.
It's as big as our Christmas sale.
Up to 50% off on all these items that are very close to selling out.
We've got the ultimate... I mean, there's so many great products.
We also have VasoBeats back in stock that also creates nitric oxide in the blood, just like the Nitric Boost, and those two products are apple and oranges.
We've got the BrainForce Ultra and BrainForce Plus, two different, total different nootropics, two different natural stimulant compounds that healthfully, in a good way, give you great focus.
They're two different formulas.
So it's not that one's better or the other's better.
They're both amazing.
Those are both 50% off.
And that sale's going to end soon as well.
All right, I'm done plugging.
Hell, I only plugged one time yesterday, so I might do it today.
I got so much news.
I want to give the number out.
I want to take your calls.
I want to hit all these other stories.
You don't want to miss our number two.
It is important.
But they're now confirming that the Nord Stream Pipeline was a U.S.
Best false flag attack.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
If you go to onlinehealthnow.com, connect with trusted and unbiased doctors
at the wellness company.
And I tell you, I'm honored to be the chief scientific officer of the company.
I contribute with like so many else do there, so many wonderful doctors.
Far and away the most popular product is Dr. Vandewater's detoxification supplement that features natokinase.
It's a natural proteolytic enzyme.
This one is the only Enzyme that we're aware of right now that dissolves the spike protein.
This is very important.
The spike protein is loaded in the body with the COVID-19 infection and definitely with the vaccines.
People are low with the spike protein.
They don't feel well.
This is a potential solution.
Hydroxychloroquine comes from a natural substance.
So does ivermectin and now natokinase.
Isn't it interesting?
Natural substances in a sense combating this man-made disaster SARS-CoV-2 and the vaccines.
Onlinehealthnow.com, thank you for your support, and thank you for getting into that because it's important.
You didn't come here to do that, but I made you do it.
Holy diver!
You've been down too long in the Midnight Sea.
Watch me come in a V. Ride the tiger!
You can see his stripes, but you know he's clean.
Between the velvet lies, there's a truth as hard as steel.
Something is coming for you!
I'm going to play a Matt Baker clip and the Moderna CEO admitting they had the vaccine before they released it.
Then we're going to come back and hit all the Nord Stream news with a number and take your calls.
Most important part of the song though, right here.
Between the velvet lies, there's a truth that's hard as steel.
The vision never dies!
Stay with us.
A little bit into the new variants and sub-variants and I'm going to go with Stefan Wenzel.
Let's talk about vaccine development because we've heard how it happened obviously with COVID-19 starting from 2022 and how extraordinary the process was also in terms of the speed.
How is development, adoption and scaling of vaccine going on when it comes to different variants and sub-variants because this is one of the big concerns as we're all here now and we're discussing, we understand the context and this is a great deal.
Sure, good morning and thank you for having me on the panel.
So the great news versus 2020, where we are today, is we have manufacturing capacity.
As Seth knows, when the pandemic happened, Moderna had made 100,000 doses in 2019 for the whole year.
And I remember walking after that I was into the office of my head of manufacturing and I say, how we make a billion dollars next year?
And you look at me a bit funny, say what?
I say, yeah, we need to make a billion dollars next year, there's going to be a pandemic.
This is Matt Baker reporting live from San Diego, California.
We are here at the Pfizer location here.
We are wondering if they may be possibly doing gain of function or directed evolution studies here.
To be honest, I'm getting chills when I look at these things.
It's very scary to imagine that just this piece of glass could be all that's between us and a lab meet here in San Diego.
What's really going on here at Pfizer?
We've been kicked off the campus for taking some innocuous footage of what appears to be a bioweapons-type lab, much like the one in Wuhan.
Here I have brought them a copy of the Nuremberg Co.
And they're also in violation of the International Bioweapons Convention.
We're going to see if the police are actually going to show up and stop us from exercising our First Amendment.
Excuse me, sir.
How do you feel about... How do you feel about protecting the...
Stop what you are doing!
Put down the petri dish!
Step away from the glove box!
We're not in glove coats!
Cooking up viruses so we can make money off of the so-called cash cow that your MRA director says you are doing!
Are you concerned with the recent situation of dying suddenly?
Are you concerned that Project Malatost may have people in your building?
The people of Earth are onto you.
We know what you're doing.
Pfizer is committing felonies.
Pfizer is committing war crimes.
How do you feel working for a company that funds satanic rituals on television?
Brought to you by Pfizer!
Every news program on TV!
Brought to you by Pfizer!
Did you watch that video by Project Veritas?
Did you watch it?
Did you watch it, sir?
Did you see the video?
So, obviously you guys have the right to film, right?
We're not mad.
Are you mad about what these guys are doing?
It doesn't matter.
You are the audience.
You're the human race.
I want you to look it up.
What I'm doing is, I'm telling you to look up Project Veritas video.
I heard you.
Yeah, okay, well then what was it?
You want me to look up Project Veritas?
Project Veritas.
Mutating viruses.
We are go.
Truth probe.
Maximum acceleration.
Alright, for the next two hours I'm taking your phone calls, interspersing it with a hell ton of news.
I'm going to hit the Nord Stream Pipeline and the big breaking news is some little avid added caveats I didn't hit last hour, then I'm going to give the number out on this topic.
Please indulge me only on that topic.
I want to hear from you on that.
Most days it's free for all like yesterday.
Today it's this topic.
Please, I want to hear what you think about it, particularly any retired Navy divers or analysts or veterans, but the general public is welcome as well.
Before I do that, let me tell you some of the other news I'll be interspersing here in the next two hours before the fourth hour.
Russia massing 500,000 men from attack in days as Zelensky begs for UK for help.
Elon Musk announces he will reveal the master plan for humanity in less than a month.
And I've told you this a lot.
These are competing master plans with different competing elites on what the future of humanity will be.
Our broadcast is getting you aware this is going on so we the people can unionize, not in a literal union, but in a cultural union of deciding our fate and future and not just letting these people decide them.
And it looks like Musk is trying to crowd source people to get behind his operation.
Great, at least he's being honest about it.
So let's have a debate that there are elites trying to form control of the world.
They've always done it and now they've got the power to do it.
Continuing, more news about cancer exploding in every country that took the shot, particularly young people.
Some good news.
House votes to kill travel.
Vax mandate for foreigners.
Already killed it for the tribes.
Though they're trying to make commanders illegally still order it.
They should not follow those orders.
Those are illegal.
When you're given an illegal order, it's illegal, okay?
They tell you to put, you know, one-year-old children in deep fryers or, you know, shoot somebody's dog out of a cannon for no reason.
You say no.
Continuing, Biden administration Removing most surveillance balloons at the southern border due to cost.
They're big, cost-effective balloons up at tethered at different heights.
Some are flying around.
That's where they should be.
That's where they're constitutional.
But no, they're being removed and being sent around the Midwest, they're reporting, to spy on people's farms and different green areas to make sure you're not building a barn you're not supposed to.
Can't make that up.
Elon Musk slams SICA censorship network is propaganda platform working with
the government.
Barry Diller says the Oscars are over and the movie business is finished.
I agree with him.
Fetterman's in the hospital, probably had another stroke.
And the guy can't even talk.
This is, he's a perfect puppet for him.
I mean, literally can't even talk.
We've also got a bunch of other key reports on Biden's IRS is officially
going after waiters and minimum wage people, even though they pay less than 6% of the taxes.
95% of the IRS will be targeted on working class poor people.
I mean, you couldn't be a bigger jerk.
You couldn't run a bigger banner saying, I want to hurt little people and drive them into poverty and make them give up and go on welfare.
I mean, it's almost like wanting to kill babies even after they're born or drag queen pedophile time or cutting off all the major pipelines in the U.S.
and cutting off the coal power plants.
I mean, they are just raping the hell out of us.
And then Biden gets up there in a speech last week and says, it's funny, blue collar workers are voting Republican.
Uh, yeah.
And it's not like the Republicans are even that good.
The Republican Party's like being shot twice with a shotgun.
And Biden's like being shot 200 times with a shotgun.
I mean, I don't want to be shot twice.
I don't want to be shot 500 times.
I mean, it's just...
Oh, you guys actually found the clip in 10 seconds without me asking for it?
Of him saying it?
Oh, it's B-roll.
Yeah, well, since I said it, why don't you pull up the clip?
It's all over the place.
He says, uh, yeah, suddenly Democrats, we're Democrats, blue collar workers are voting Republican.
Because you're raping everyone.
So we've got that.
Canada's passed the censorship bill for the government to run the internet and surveil everybody.
We've got the hearings on Twitter which were powerful in exposing the fraud and how the government and Democratic Party run all the censorship and control through corporations and how totally illegal it is.
Florida Dems says the standards allowing citizens to carry weapons without government regulation is fascism.
Not letting citizens protect themselves is fascism.
Fascists always take the citizens' guns.
Looks completely demonic, we're going to be talking about that.
And what's serving evil does?
Oh, they found the Biden clip, here it is.
Those of you who are over 40, did you ever think we'd be in a situation where blue collar workers are voting Republican?
No, no, let's, let's, we've got to be honest, man.
Because they think we forgot them.
They think we don't care.
And he's like, we haven't forgotten you.
Even though people making $40,000 a year or less pay 6% of taxes, I'm going to say that again, the group that pays less than 6% of the taxes, like 5.5% is the last number I saw, we're going to spend 95% of our enforcement on them.
That isn't to get money.
That ain't to get revenue.
That's to... You know what?
If you see the... Oh, I mean...
That's the single parents they're trying to screw over.
That's the hard-working little families where dad served five years in the military and now works at a gas station and you know mom works at a daycare center and they got two kids and they like to you know try to pay for food and baby diapers.
No, you don't get anything!
They've got new spy programs they report where they're gonna have a government fund to have other waiters and waitresses and other blue-collar workers Tattle on who's getting cash.
See, they want to get rid of cash, but, oh, you're surviving on cash?
Oh, no, you're not!
No, you're not!
We're gonna step on you, and we're gonna grind your ass into the ground, and then we're gonna get up on TV and promise reparations to all the black people.
Every black person will get five million dollars if you vote Democrat.
Just like last year, everyone that has school bills and tuition loans, it's all going to be forgiven for student loans.
And then as soon as he got elected, he said, I'm sorry, we're not doing that.
Do you think someone that hires 87,000 IRS agents last year, when he first got in, Quadrupled attacks on working people and the working poor?
Do you think he's going to give you reparations whether you're for him or against him?
Do you think he's going to give you tuition debt jubilee?
The answer is no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
They want to hurt you.
They want to bankrupt you.
They want you destitute.
While they sit there and claim they love you, like all these big unions helping sell the jobs out to China and Mexico and India and everywhere else, while they tell you, oh, we love the working people, we love the working class.
And don't get me wrong, you got the Koch brothers over on the other side, trying to bring in all the cheap labor they can to exploit and then exploit everybody else.
Between a rock and a hard place.
I want to talk about the North Stream Pipeline and all the evidence inside Intel false flag run by the Biden Obama.
Third Administration, the fallout, where's it going, Russia's next imminent massive invasion, part two.
We're going to cover it all, World War III coverage, right now.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539 or 877-789-Alex, or if you speak Spanish, Alejandro.
two five three niner eight seven seven seven eight nine Alex or if you speak
Spanish Alejandro eight seven seven seven eight nine two five three nine
the topics world war three and all the fun that goes along with it and the
centerpiece the deep state caught blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline and
a war inside the deep state for not just the future of America but the future of
I am You're pro-human, pro-future, pro-anti-nuclear-war talk show host.
I am the battle-hardened, humbled, thankful servant of we the people, Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
So here's Puppet Biden and State Department operative Victoria Newland, months before they blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline, bragging how they were going to do it.
Here it is.
If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine again.
Then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2.
We will bring an end to it.
But how will you do that exactly, since the project and control of the project is within Germany's control?
We will, I promise you, we'll be able to do it.
With regard to Nord Stream 2, we continue to have very strong and clear conversations with our German allies, and I want to be clear with you today.
If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.
I can't think of a more powerful way to punish Russian aggression then by rolling back what progress has
been made and If at all possible
Prevent the North's being to from ever being completed Is that something that is being discussed with allies is
that something's being contemplated?
Absolutely and as if as you recall from the July US German statement that was very much
In that statement that if that any moves Russian aggression against Ukraine
Would have a direct impact on the pipeline and that is our expectation and the conversation that we're having
So again, direct impact is one thing, but I'm literally talking about rolling back The pipeline.
Loosely defined that, but I mean taking action that will prevent it from ever becoming operational.
I think if President Putin moves on Ukraine, our expectation is that the pipeline will be suspended.
Well, I certainly hope the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would take up legislation to go beyond just suspending it, but from ending it permanently.
But anyway, thank you, Undersecretary.
By the way, Johnson said family hurt by the shots.
That shows how these politicians are good on some issues and not.
There he is, wanting an attack.
They get the attack.
That's just stupid.
Alright, that's my view.
Hammer, Hardy, Carlos, Sue, Matt, Deshaun, Sean, Robert, Joe, Tom, Simon, Matt.
We're taking all your calls and more here today.
I'm going to intersperse all that news I mentioned last segment in between and I'm very upset about what's going on at Project Veritas.
I haven't gotten around to calling James O'Keefe since I learned this yesterday afternoon, but the statement by the board of Veritas is very troubling.
He goes and gets that giant coup, catching the Pfizer executive in all those activities.
They confirm it's a Pfizer executive.
All hell breaks loose.
The FBI is threatening criminal charges against Veritas, and it looks like they're buckling.
And if you want to know how this works, you need to watch JFK, which has all turned out to be incredible.
It's like a documentary, though it's a film by Oliver Stone.
I watched it again a few weeks ago and it's incredible.
There was like 10 Academy Awards for that.
And you've got the FBI agents that work for Garrison, retired FBI agents that work in the prosecutor's office there in New Orleans, threatening other members' families, you name it, behind the scenes, and turning them against Garrison behind his back.
That's what goes on.
The heat, the pressure they put on you, folks, they put incredible pressure on us.
I can't turn the whole show into telling you what's been done behind the scenes to us, but it's been horrible.
But it's been your prayers, your support that's kept us on air to go through this.
And I'm so committed, I don't even know how to quit.
But, looks like... It didn't look like it.
I'm very disturbed.
And I talked to James here and there on the phone.
We've gone out to dinner a few times.
I'm gonna call him as soon as I get off air today.
And, um... He's been relieved.
He's been kicked out.
He's been put on paid leave and their statement's like, well, we're a bigger group than James O'Keefe.
That statement tells you they are removing him.
And it's in direct response to his biggest thing they ever did two weeks ago.
You see the timing of it.
It's very troublesome.
And I mean, I'm surprised Veritas is still there.
They have committed crimes against the deep state of doing a great job.
And with O'Keefe's leadership and their whole team.
And I'm sure they're about to indict a bunch of people that work there if they don't do this.
And I think they made the wrong move.
I think they'll still get indicted now with all the criminal investigations against them.
So I think they blinked.
This game of chicken.
I mean, at a certain point of chicken, you just got to just jam down the accelerator and say, I'm ready.
I'm not turning this car.
I'm going.
And you know what?
The good news is that they want to go ahead.
Politically is an allegory then we take the enemy out we go to the kids can be safe I mean, that's what war is ladies and gentlemen as you decide I ain't giving up and I'm not going anywhere and O'Keefe Hasn't given up and if there's anybody out there that I can compare to us and I'm not trying to say oh, I'm so great It's James O'Keefe and Tucker Carlson If I've got peers and I'm not that good.
I'm just I'm sorry.
There's not people they've done more It's it's it's it's James O'Keefe and Tucker Carlson There's a lot of other amazing people.
The Steve Bannons of the world and the Jack Basobics have done incredible jobs.
But when the rubber meets the road for just the massive effect on tyranny, battling for liberty, breaking thousands of stories, just fearless, out of the park work over and over again.
I think for execution, Tucker Carlson and James O'Keefe are better than me.
In fact, I would see myself behind James O'Keefe and Tucker Carlson.
Not in total effect.
I think Tucker in total effect and execution is the best.
And then for overall effect, I'm a close second.
Probably over the years, he hasn't been doing this long, I've done more than Tucker Carlson because of my listeners, what we've done.
But, so overall, InfoWars is the biggest, the most devastating.
We've hit the enemy the most, they know it, they hate us.
I mean, we changed the whole world.
But that's it, because we've been doing it longer.
But, I'm an old race car driver, and when new guys get on, I see Tucker in the last six, seven years, go into high gear and just win all the races.
I'm like, well, that guy, he stays on the field.
It's like, it's like being, Bird in the NBA, and along comes Michael Jordan.
You go, I've been the best so far, but Michael Jordan's better.
It's kind of like, I've been more seasoned, so I can say I've done more, my scoring is higher, but Tucker Carlson's going to be the Michael Jordan, and he keeps going.
He'll be the all-time.
But when it comes to execution, and literally just incredible coup level stuff against tyranny, James O'Keefe is number one!
Number one!
I admire him.
He is incredible.
And he's fearless.
And they tried to put him in prison repeatedly.
And I'm pissed.
Now, I don't want to wreck Project Veritas by attacking him.
I'm going to give it some time and watch what happens.
But people, most people bend under pressure and I think that's what we've got here.
I think everybody knows that.
We'll see what happens.
I'm calling once we find out when the dust settles, we know exactly what's going on, that James O'Keefe constitute a new organization because he is the champion.
To James O'Keefe, we salute you James O'Keefe.
We thank you for our family's future.
We appreciate you.
We thank God for James O'Keefe.
James O'Keefe, here's to you, my friend.
You're amazing.
You didn't back down.
You didn't compromise.
You are the maverick.
You are the leader.
We'll be right back.
All right, let's start going to your phone calls on Cy Hirsch, who's never been proven wrong, never lied, always had the sources back to the My Lai Massacre.
Again, the top 10 stories the last 60 plus years, he's like seven or eight of them.
And he's got the sources, the CIA, and people said don't do it, it's insane, but the leadership said it, blew up the pipeline, blamed it on Russia, a classic false flag.
Russia sent in 500,000 troops, thousands of tanks.
This is escalating quickly, we're taking your phone calls one after the other right now.
In the order your calls are received, Carlos in Texas, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex, it always is a pleasure.
You were at the forefront, Alex, 10 years ago, 12 years ago when I first started listening to you.
But talking about Cy Hirst, I remember you had that show, and I was telling people about it, but people always catch on a year or two after something like that is said.
I'm telling people to prepare for what's coming, you know, with the central bank digital currency, with the war, get ready for famine, get ready for this, but people are like, whenever COVID first happened and you were saying that all the states were going to lock down, that's at the point where they're at right now.
They don't want to believe, they don't want to prepare, they just rather not know.
Exactly, it's like almost three years ago we said they're going to lock down, people didn't believe us.
Yes, sir.
And we're at that same point right now where you're telling people to prepare and they're all nonchalantly going to the mall, spending their money.
Mind you, you go to the store right now, Alex, and I'm pretty sure you're the same.
We have a four organic diet, which we don't know if it's organic anymore, but it's $300.
So people, they're Most worrisome thing to have to worry about is putting food on the table, and that's the reason why they're doing it like that, so you don't worry about what's going on across the world and how it's going to impact us, because it is.
It's going to impact us, but they want you to focus on the problems that you have directly in front of you.
They make us not have a discretionary income to control us.
Great points.
Thanks for the call.
Sean in Arizona, thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
Glad to be on the show.
Long-time listener.
Overheard you talking about the surveillance down here in Arizona?
Yes, sir.
It is almost non-existent anymore.
I mean, can't give too many details, but we're deployed down here.
And we got D.C.
representatives coming down here basically telling us the numbers of migrants crossing the border, which are probably 80% lower than what the actual numbers are.
Well yeah, I was told last year and the year before by Border Patrol that in the Texas sectors it's like a million a month and that they're losing 80 plus percent of them.
What are you seeing?
Oh yeah, that's true.
They're not allowing people in.
They're making the standards so difficult and impossible to get through.
And so basically the Border Patrol agents we got down here are just babysitters.
So we don't have enough to do anything.
What do you make of the Fox News report that Biden is pulling the surveillance balloons from the border over cost, but then I read deeper, they're deploying them to spy on farmers.
Yes, they are moving the balloons out.
So they are no longer located on the border.
They are elsewhere.
And for folks who don't know, you can stick cameras at the border, but that gives you limited view.
It's those directed cameras up there that let you see the smugglers, the drug traffickers, foreign troops, you name it, right?
Correct, correct.
So basically they're taking ISIS eyeballs away.
Yep, exactly.
What is your view, what is the view of the, you're saying active army, I should have said that, active army at the border.
What's your view of that?
It's a, as sad as it sounds, it's a joke down here.
Our hands are tied.
We're basically We're basically being the babysitters of the babysitters.
So, well, that's what I said is they have image of troops out there with guns, but you're there just to help transport them in.
And then we put them on a bus and right back in the next day.
And now Biden wants to get rid of title 42 and not even send them back.
Which is why the representatives coming down here telling us, Hey, these are the numbers that you guys see.
Millions out of it.
So we signed off on it.
So their numbers are completely off.
I mean, it is a circus down here.
I've only been down there six, seven, eight times last few years, and every time I'm there, it is a circus.
Like, you've got too many things to film.
There's buses everywhere, little kids unaccounted for, being handed over just with thousands of people milling around.
I mean, it's just crazy.
And I'm not talking about just at the processing centers.
I mean where they're dumping them off at the charities.
It is a circus.
Yeah, it's awful.
It's just the lies from the media, and it's It's integrating into the military and I've been in for years and it's just, it's going too far.
Well, it's definitely waking folks up.
What do you think of the news from Cy Hirsch that Biden blew up the pipeline?
You know, there's, there's an objective and everybody knows their agenda and they're, they're just, they're getting closer.
It's closer and closer to it.
And what is the objective?
What's the objective?
It's to throw the world over.
They're going to.
They're trying.
a real war with Russia where we're almost at, they'll arrest people that criticize whatever
they're doing.
Once we're in a real war, once nukes are going off in Europe, I guarantee you this show will
be off the air, folks.
They'll just shut it down.
They're going to.
They're trying.
Everything they're doing is a calculated move to their next step.
And again, folks, their system's going down.
They've been caught in Ponzi schemes.
You're like, why would they do something so dangerous?
Because it's like overturning a chessboard when you're losing.
They're still in charge.
So they create a crisis big enough, they think they'll be able to control it.
Well, how do you and your colleagues in the U.S.
Army on the border looking at all this think we should deal with this?
Our hands are tied and our mouths, they make us to where our mouths have to be shut.
We're giving cards to exactly what we need to say.
We have to agree to everything.
It's just, but there's a lot that are starting to step back and realize that.
Sure, but I mean, big picture, marching into World War III in a set-up proxy war, not saying the Russians are good, but it's all set up.
What should citizens be doing?
I think U.S.
intel leaking this to Hirsch is a good sign.
Who knows how the collapse is going to happen when it comes to it?
It's not just going to be just a war over there.
It's going to be war within the United States.
I totally agree.
There are going to be power outages, cyber attacks, terror attacks.
I agree with you.
God bless you.
Yeah, folks, it's serious.
Let's go to Joe in Florida.
We're getting down to the wire here.
Joe, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
I spoke to you several months ago about my, well, not my, but the alternative view of cosmology involving electricity.
And, you know, talking about heart being used as a weapon of war.
To me, you know, I saw that electrical phenomenon.
Well, that's how I interpret it.
The cloud formation that they showed over Turkey.
To me, that seems to be a natural phenomenon and earthquakes are associated with electrical activity.
Yeah, usually you see all sorts of weird lights in the skies, weird ball lightning, thunderstorms, because the tectonic movement is expressing Electromagnetic static in the atmosphere, but I mean even the Secretary of Defense William Cohen bragged in 1997 to the Army Times at a press conference that the U.S.
government had earthquake weapons, so it's legitimate to ask that question, but are you saying you think they use HAARP on the pipeline?
I think they use explosives.
Well, no, I think they probably used explosives.
You know, we saw the military, well, there's reports that there's the military activity over the site previously.
You know, then we saw Biden, the new one, talking about it, you know, saying that they were going to shut down the pipeline.
So I think that was explosives.
But no, I think that HAARP may be capable of that.
But I also just wanted to point out that what that would be, that would be mimicking a natural phenomenon.
You know, volcanoes are also caused by Electrical activity.
I mean, this isn't necessarily accepted in the mainstream, but it's growing in popularity to think this way.
And so the Earth, you know, in the HAARP, the acronym, the second A stands for auroral.
And the aurora, I believe, are caused by electricity coming into the atmosphere of Earth and interacting with the atmosphere.
And they call those Birkeland's currents.
And they're coming from the sun.
And then the sun is on a Absolutely.
They're directing solar energy into the earth and manipulating the cross-mantle and core.
Great points.
Thank you so much, Joe.
Simon, Dave, Jordan, Deshaun, your calls are straight ahead.
America symbolizes opportunity.
And that's why, despite so many of our problems and shortcomings, we've still been the number one destination for freedom in the world.
And as bad as we were with the lockdowns, we were the best country in the world.
The best house in a bad neighborhood.
The United States invented talk radio.
What a human event.
Millions of listeners and all these great callers calling in to be heard, unscripted, uncensored.
It's amazing.
We're talking about the Nord Stream Pipeline, too.
Cy Hirst, Pulitzer Prize winner.
Always been dead on, but sources inside the government that they did blow it up.
Plus we have Biden admitting they were going to blow it up.
We're taking to your calls now.
I gave the number out on that subject, but World War III is a big topic, so open borders is important and HAARP weapons is important, but we've got a bunch of calls here about the pipeline and what we think is going to unfold out of that.
Let's talk to Simon in Florida on the pipeline, Germany and Norway.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
I think it's, as you pointed out, very important for the listeners to remember that these plans have actually been long in the making.
And indeed, an organisation that you're well familiar with, the RAND Corporation, in May of 2019, put out a proposal for schemes such as this, which is called the Overextending I remember that.
Say it again, we'll pull it up.
Say it again.
It's the over-extending and unbalancing of Russia-Rand Corporation May 2019.
And then after the invasion in February last year, they put out an update And the update was very interesting as well.
It just goes to show you how all these institutions are really involved in the deep state, talking about resources to counteract Russia's bar hose of falsehoods in their approach to propaganda and further research on the decay of truth, which is a phenomenon driven in part Sure, so if you don't want nuclear war and you want the truth, you've got all these spook agencies and think tanks that create policy targeting you.
We've got it on screen.
Good point bringing that up.
So where do you think this is going?
Well, you've got to look at the profits.
Who's made the profits?
So the slightly surprising to many people aspect of the Siher story was the very, very deep involvement of the Norwegians in this scheme, giving them advice because they had been doing oil and gas exploration in the area for decades.
And of course, as the oil and gas prices soared up during the course of 2022, Norway largely threw their exports to Britain, but also to Denmark and some other countries.
Sure, sure.
Didn't they open a new pipeline the day of the bombing?
Well, yes.
They opened a pipeline all the way from the Norwegian oil fields to Poland.
And so that was how the Poles were largely unaffected by this crisis.
But at the same time, Germany was hugely disadvantaged and this resulted in a massive, massive wealth...
And by the way, I'm glad you raised that.
I love to take callers, you remind me of things I forgot, a lot of times I bring up things I didn't know.
But they flip the lights off to Germany and Europe, but for who'd worked with them,
the day they blow it up, they flip on to Poland, which is the supplier into Ukraine.
So the Pentagon made sure they didn't cut off their supply chain to their war front, right as they flipped off one power source, they turned on the other.
I mean, this is, to me, that's the biggest evidence they blew it up right there.
Well, one also has to bear in mind that Ukraine is a very, very resource rich country.
So if they were to completely lose control, not only of Crimea, but also all their remaining Black Sea coastline, And if that were to be recognized by the world, then they would lose their entire shelf of oil and gas exploration in the Black Sea.
That's right, so we're talking about trillions in leverage, quadrillions of dollars.
Trillions, literally trillions, plus also Ukraine has about half a trillion dollars of lithium, which was intended to be used to make EV battery plants in Europe, and oligarchs Igor Kolomoisky, who was Zelensky's top backer when he ran for the presidency, is the man who owns the rights to those lithium deposits.
Well, I gotta say, Simon, you sound like a CIA or Rand Corporation analyst yourself.
You know what you're talking about.
I don't wanna get into who you are, but you definitely know your facts.
What do you think is currently happening?
What is the fallout of this?
Where do you see this going?
Well, clearly, now we have a race.
for Russia to actually do another large-scale offensive, as you've been discussing with your listeners.
And at the same time, Zelensky, and this is something that's kind of fallen through the cracks a little bit because of the State of the Union coverage, but he's had the most incredible meetings with the entire House of Commons and House of Lords, the King of the United Kingdom, And being feted as an absolute hero, he was ushered before the Prime Minister into Number 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
And all of the staff were inside the lobby of the building and they greeted him as if he were a famous politician who had just won re-election.
And then he was immediately introduced to To the Treasury Secretary, equivalent of the United Kingdom, Mr Hunt, who of course is the man who's writing the checks for all the money that's being sent to Ukraine.
Then we had the hundreds and hundreds, over a thousand indeed, members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the equivalent of the House of Representatives and the US Senate in the United States, and they were all standing below Zelensky whilst he addressed them in the Abbey of
Well sure, they didn't just endorse him like a rock star, they billed him as Winston Churchill.
Beyond, it's far beyond that. And now he's been in Brussels today and addressing the
European Parliament where he's been feted, received a very long ban.
So what that says to you, they're betting everything on this long war, it's only going to get bigger.
And again, Winston Churchill was under attack when he was doing all this.
He was not being supported.
So it's a completely opposite thing.
Where do you see all this going?
Well, like I said, it's clearly matters are coming to a head in 2023.
We've got lots of statements from lots of people, all showing that plans are being accelerated.
Whilst there's been a kind of cover of these other global events, we've had Britain announce that they're going full steam ahead with a central bank digital currency by 2025.
And they've also announced an Office of Digital Identities and Attributes.
That's right, so they're going to use the fear of expanding war and the climate of war, just like they used COVID, to put in all their control systems.
Yeah, I mean, you cover this very well, and the show really is a lifeline for many people around the world.
Getting this information of the overall scheme, it's very rarely Sure, is there a way to stop it?
And do you think this Nord Stream attack coming out, obviously from US intelligence arms that are not for this, do you think this could put the brakes on it?
What do you think should happen? I think that this is significant in that along with the admissions
that the Lenski confirmed just hours ago that he never Intended to abide by the 2015 peace treaty, which was
called the Minsk II Accord that France and Germany
guaranteed his compliance with you've had Angela Merkel and Former president Hollande also admit that that was just the
delaying time. That's what Putin's been saying is they keep breaking the deals every time
And this is the problem that we have now. We're trying to renew a deal with the Iranians
We're trying to extend START II with the Russians.
We want to put back in place the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Agreement.
We've got the international health regulations and we've got the new pandemic treaty.
But what we're seeing is that America only wants to use these agreements as temporary tactics for long-term control schemes.
And it's clear That in Asia and South America and Africa, nations are wising up to the fact that America cannot be trusted.
And it's that loss of trust that will in the long term greatly degrade.
So America's really losing its soft power right now.
It's losing its soft power to an enormous extent.
And as with World War II, it's putting the battlefield onto Europe, and it's not Baring real physical costs itself.
In fact, American oil and gas companies... Hold on, this is an incredible caller.
Don't hang up.
Do three more minutes on the other side, sir.
Don't hang up, Simon.
Because, thank you, listen to what Soros has said.
He said two weeks ago in a big report he put out, he said, we can't let even Europe or the US feel this.
It's got to be Eastern European wars.
We've got to basically hide this war.
Well, how the hell do you hide World War III?
This is untenable.
It only escalates.
It is insane.
So we're basically in the bunker, all of us right now, in Dr. Strangelove, with them trying to convince themselves and us that nuclear war is tenable.
It is not.
And that's why U.S.
intelligence that's not completely insane, a minority, is leaking the truth.
Because this is crazy, Hitlerian, psycho behavior.
We'll be right back to finish up with Simon.
If Russia invades, that means tanks and troops crossing the border of Ukraine again.
Then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2.
We will bring an end to it.
But how will you do that exactly, since the project and control of the project is within Germany's control?
We will.
I promise you we'll be able to do it.
All right Simon, this is a short little segment.
We join some stations later, but what you said is dead on.
I'm going to take it as a clip out and put it on BandaiVideo and Infowars.com this afternoon
after the live show's over.
So you've got four minutes, you've got the floor.
What else do you want to tell people?
Well I think when people want to know the history of the events in Ukraine, it's very
informative for people, especially if they prefer audiovisual methods of learning, to
see the Oliver Stone documentary, Ukraine on Fire, which I would suggest is quite a
balanced version of events.
Going forward, though, we've got to really look at how we now have split control of the House and Senate.
But I still fear that this is not going to turn off the taps for the funding for Ukraine.
So we're still going to be seeing massive amounts of U.S.
taxpayer funding going into a program that really is not for the benefit of any of the citizenry of the United States.
I'm trying to cover a lot of these events on Twitter.
I joined that recently and advised some of actually your staff.
I'm now on there with the handle Simon from Florida.
I'm putting out about a hundred tweets a day so I'm very well you know what you're talking about Simon from Florida I'd like to have you as a guest so since you're a public person talk to my crew we can find out who you are behind the scenes you can remain anonymous but I'd like to have you on to give your take on things maybe in a commercial commercial free podcast Pulling back from this, watching the State of the Union, the Republicans fetishistically wear American flags, even though they help work against our national interests as well, most of them.
But suddenly they weren't even wearing American flags, they were all wearing lapels and American and Ukraine ties.
So what does that say when you watch your State of the Union and it's like, one day you're occupied by rainbow flags, the next day it's Ukrainian flags?
That's a very disconcerting thing for me.
Well, we've seen that to an incredible extent in the Houses of Parliament as well, and many, many other European capitals.
In terms of the whole digitalization of the world, in terms of digital ID and having all these government networks tied together, It's important if people look back just into 2019, 2020, 2021, that you had Zelensky and his Minister for Digital Services boasting that Ukraine would be the most digitalized country in the world at the same time as they were very
Heavily promoting the whole LGBTQ agenda.
So it's not just one thing.
It's not just like oil.
Oh yeah, no, no.
They're exporting this whole corporate culture over there.
Yes, and it's being pushed hard, you know, all across the world.
Now we're seeing certain countries, Russia amongst them, but also in Africa and South America, where we're saying that their populations just don't want to accept that kind of culture.
Wow, so do you think Russia sends this big counter-offensive or offensive in in the next 10 days?
Well, I think it's very important that the Chinese foreign ministry have put out a statement in the morning our time, kind of like last night, saying that they accept the account of Seymour Hersh.
And the Russians have been more restrained and they've said that America has a lot of Questions to answer, but I think that now, um, the day after this happened, the Russians and Chinese announced a third pipeline from Russia to China.
You should probably come on as a guest.
I'll get your info.
Give us your Twitter one more time.
It's the handle is Simon from Florida and it's the @SimonFromFlory.
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This is Matt Baker reporting live from San Diego, California.
We are here at the Pfizer location here.
We are wondering if they may be possibly doing gain-of-function or directed evolution studies here.
To be honest, I'm getting chills when I look at these things.
It's very scary to imagine that just this piece of glass could be all that's between us and the lab leak here in San Diego.
What's really going on here at Pfizer?
We've been kicked off the campus for taking some innocuous footage of what appears to be a bioweapons-type lab, much like the one in Wuhan.
I have brought them a copy of the Nuremberg Code.
And they're also in violation of the International Bioweapons Convention.
We're going to see if the police are actually going to show up and stop us from exercising our First Amendment.
Excuse me, sir.
How do you feel about... How do you feel about protecting the rocks?
Stop what you are doing!
Put down the petri dish!
Step away from the glove box!
We're not in lab coats!
Cooking up viruses so we can make money off of the so-called cash cow that you're never an ape!
The record says you are doing!
Are you concerned with the recent situation of dying suddenly?
Are you concerned that Project Veritas may have people in your building?
The people of Earth are onto you.
We know what you're doing.
Pfizer is committing felonies!
Pfizer is committing war crimes!
How do you feel working for a company that funds satanic rituals on television?
Brought to you by Pfizer!
Every news program on TV!
Brought to you by Pfizer!
Did you watch that video by Project Veritas?
Did you watch it?
Did you watch it, sir?
Did you see the video?
We're going back to your calls in about 25-30 minutes.
Everybody that's holding, we'll get to every one of you.
Deshawn is up next.
And Tove, and then Steve, and Scott, and Robert, Dave, we're going to get to all of you.
But I wanted to get Matt Baker on.
He's based in San Diego, has a popular talk show.
Political and social activist who's known for his viral clips confronting tyranny.
He'll have his agenda in the name of the lockdowns.
And he is at vandotvideo.com forward slash slave to liberty and instagram matt beggar underscore unhinged.
He went out and exposed the Pfizer facility, shoots video through the windows with all these bio level four looking special rooms, the robot arms.
And I wanted to get more of what happened and more of what's unfolding.
This is a great idea to have citizens go out and peacefully, not just protest, but report on what's happening.
It's not just the media that's reporters.
It's we the people.
So Matt Beggar, thanks for joining us.
Thank you for having me one more time.
Today, I am like a singularity, pregnant, ready to explode with the infinite possibilities of creation.
There's so many things going on in the world right now.
I mean, where do we begin?
We'll start with my video.
I was listening to the show today, so I've been paying attention to all of your particular topics.
But the idea that we are sitting here and they are telling us that they are mutating viruses and they are telling us that their vaccines don't work and they are telling us that they know myocarditis is a problem and we see the people dropping dead and they say they're going to use a cash bow to continually create random viruses in the future.
Jordan Tristan Walker says, oh, the idea that the Wuhan strain came from nature is BF.
In his own words, he says it a little bit more literally.
And he says, well, basically, we're like, well, why don't we do that?
So they see what the big boys are doing.
The real Gs behind the scenes are like, hey, we can get in on the action.
We know how this is done.
We're going to mutate our own viruses.
We're going to have our own cash cows.
And we are sitting here taking over!
Well, I'm not taking it.
I think everyone should be out there.
The whole place, you can practically hear the birds chirping in the trees.
They're out there working in their little labs with nothing, with nothing happening, no resistance, no pushback.
We should have, they should have to go through a picket line at every one of these locations with people with signs of viruses, Nuremberg code.
I'll tell you what's crazy.
You're just shooting videos of the front door and there's like bioweapon lab labs and like robot arms and all the bubbles and stuff right there.
Well, let me tell you, that's not the front door.
I walked around and I, you know, I was kind of looking around for a possibility.
The point is, at ground level, you can see that's dealing with dangerous contagions when they do that.
So those are what they call glove boxes and that's so they have containment within those glove boxes and they work in there so they can work on their viruses or whatever the hell they're working on in there and we know what they're working on but so they're working in there with these little rubber gloves in this situation they have the special gases and the whole thing That place right there is working on vaccines.
We know that for a fact.
And the more I've looked into this, the more I've studied it, anyone who's working on vaccines is working with viruses.
They are working with rare strains.
They are working on pushing them in different directions, you know, creating different temperatures, different oxygen levels, to create different strains.
They're picking different... Well, they're accelerating the revolution.
That's their own admission, which is gain of function.
And I don't care what you call it.
You can call it fucking drag queen story time all you want.
Part of my French.
I don't care what it's called.
You shouldn't be doing it.
And people on earth need to frickin' do something about it.
It's a felony, like 40 years in prison to gain a function.
I looked at the law.
We had the guy that wrote the law on the show, Dr. Francis Boyle.
I mean, these people are engaged in crime in front of us.
And where are the Attorney Generals of the States?
Where are the prosecutors?
Where's Garrison here?
They admit in their own memos they're mutating and accelerating and making them more deadly and more communicable, so it's open and shut.
Indict them now!
It'll all stop!
So, we know, and even the vaccines themselves are directed evolution.
Everyone knows the old axiom, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
So what doesn't kill you, this vaccine doesn't kill any viruses, it might take out the weak ones, all it does is create new ones and create environmental pressures to push these vaccines into mutations.
And that's why Bill Gates said the public are basically terrorists, they'll create the next plague.
They are injecting this and creating the new mutations.
That's right.
And so what are the people going to do?
Are we going to sit back?
I mean, are we going to wait for these politicians, these corrupt bastards who are all on the payroll?
If you listen to Trish and Walker's video, thank God for Project Veritas.
And thank God for James O'Keefe.
And Project Veritas is nothing without him.
The idea that they're going to start to people I was on a live spaces last night talking about some people talking about started to jag off.
But But it's all connected.
Let's talk about O'Keefe.
Their statement from the board basically says they're removing him.
So this is horrible.
And then there's all of a sudden there's this big live space on Twitter, which I have a pretty decent following on there now.
You can follow me.
At slave underscore two underscore liberty.
Okay, so I go on there, I'm like, oh, I want to weigh in on this.
And there's these people on there talking about, well, pretending they're on our side, pretending they like Project Veritas and what it's doing.
They're like, well, if James O'Keefe doesn't have a plan for Project Veritas, then he's a bad leader.
This all happened with his biggest report ever two weeks ago that sent shockwaves to the power structure.
They've got the FBI investigating him.
We know the FBI has got a gun to their head.
Exactly, so he blows the dam, he shoots the Death Star, and now they're out for Luke Skywalker.
Exactly, Luke Skywalker blows up the Death Star, and now Luke Skywalker's gotta go away.
Yeah, and speaking of which, I have to give a shout-out to the cameraman who went out there, brave dude, went out there and helped me a lot when the cops showed up.
He's very well researched on the legalities of things.
And his name, just real quick before we go on, I'll forget, is at Luke Fly, as in on the slide, Waker.
So he's waking people up on the sly.
Luke Sly Waker.
Waker, yes.
Thank you so much for coming out there.
We were so much more powerful together.
I normally have to do this myself, holding the camera.
We gotta come together.
We gotta come together.
Look at that microphone I'm holding, okay?
Rob Dues is like, what kind of equipment do you have?
I don't have any equipment, okay?
This is a paper towel, this is a sticker, and this microphone doesn't even work, okay?
This is a paper towel, okay?
I have nothing.
All I have is my soul and my spirit.
You are a human being, you can get out there, you can make a difference.
Why is there not a line of people in front of your profile?
Why don't you do this?
Why don't you announce a peaceful demonstration and media event Why don't you pick somebody to come out.
How about Sunday at 3 o'clock at Pfizer in San Diego?
3 o'clock, Pfizer.
I think I can make that happen.
Let's do it.
I want everyone out there.
I know there's my San Diego Freedom Fighters.
We go down and we fight the boards.
We fight the school boards.
But meanwhile, the people who are literally frightening to kill us... Don't let me pick the date.
When can you be there for two hours, Matt?
We'll talk about it together.
I honestly can't think about it right now.
My brain is in a million directions.
I'll just stick with Sunday 3 o'clock.
Sounds good to me.
Hit me up on my Twitter.
Hit me up on my Instagram.
Let's do direct message on Twitter.
Hit me up at slave underscore two underscore liberty.
Stay there.
Let's come back and talk about big picture and more straight ahead with the one and only Matt Baker.
All right.
Your phone calls are coming up next segment on the pipeline being blown up.
Matt Baker.
Has hundreds of millions of views in his videos confronting city councils during lockdowns, you name it.
Has his own great talk show, you can find it at mattbraker underscore unhinged on Instagram.
Banned out video.
Slave to liberty and as you mentioned Twitter earlier, slave to liberty.
Matt, big picture though.
You're on to something here.
I've gone and protested at the New York Pfizer facility, others have, peacefully exposing them and then putting it out online.
But we need big demonstrations like they have in Europe, because these are the folks that have been caught killing so many people.
Other comments on that?
Your view on the Nord Stream Pipeline, that news coming out, just everything that's happening?
Yeah, actually I was kind of told that I was going to get an hour, so I had a whole thing planned.
Well, I tell you, let's do that.
I thought it was 30 minutes, but we got calls, so we can roll with calls with us.
But go ahead.
Actually, I would love to do a call section.
I've been wanting to do that, itching to do that.
The pipeline.
Well, I mean, kibono, as they say in Latin, who benefits?
And we know that the Russians do not benefit from blowing up their own pipeline.
Let's put it that way.
I'm so glad you guys finally pulled out that Biden clip, because you were mentioning it earlier, and I'm like, Mike, you know, like, remember these things?
Like, we have a memory.
It's like, Biden said, we're gonna blow it up!
That's why I had the shades on, actually.
What's up?
Don't worry, we're gonna take out the pipeline!
Don't worry about it, kid!
Don't worry about it, Jack!
Hey, don't jump!
We know your gas prices are high!
Don't jump, man!
Hey, we know the viruses are coming up!
They're going everywhere!
Don't jump, man!
Come on in!
So obviously Biden did it.
He said he was going to do it.
Why would he not do it?
Biden, the powers that be, the puppets that operate the animatronic Biden did it.
And let me tell you this.
OK, so I live in a one bedroom house in San Diego.
Now, it's not cheap because I am in San Diego, California, and the prices are way higher and the sun and weather does make it worthwhile, regardless of the lunatics that we got to deal with.
My bill for gas was three times, 300% it went up, okay?
So, the people want to know why are they, why is it 300%?
And the reason is because the global market for gas is global.
And so the price goes up a little bit when there's a little bit less.
When there becomes a lot less, the people absolutely need it and they can charge whatever the hell they want for it.
If grannies are about to die, they don't care how much it's going to cost.
They're going to turn up that heater.
And that's where they've got the world right there on the edge where there's just enough to keep it going.
And if they want to click it off, they can't.
And let's put it this way.
Here in San Diego, we already have literally, literally, and I'm not making this up either, the highest electricity price in the country and our local commissar.
Todd Gloria has went along with this globalist thing and said, we're going to stop gas stoves in San Diego.
So my house is on gas and traditionally it was always cheaper running the gas stoves and running the gas heaters.
And so now they're going to force you to buy... Exactly, that's what they've said.
We're going to make gas so expensive you can't use it.
Same thing with coal, same thing with oil.
Exactly, and they said that.
Obama said it.
Yeah, sure, you can have your coal plant, you just won't be able to afford it.
And then they do it, and then they wonder why it's happening.
People are literally getting kicked out of their houses.
If you can't afford to pay your rent, You have to pay.
You have to put your electric bill on.
You have to run your electricity.
You can't have them shut off your electricity in the winter.
Even out here, it's been cold.
You know, people are putting it on.
Biden's hired 87,000 IRS agents in his own words to go after waiters who pay a fraction of the taxes.
Total harassment.
Because like we know, the New World Order, the people that are already in the system that work for corporations, maybe they have a kid or two, you know, they're not too big of a problem because they're already on the teat.
They're already getting the meetings.
They already have to do the training, you know, like, oh, you know, gender training and inclusivity training at work if they say something wrong.
So they've already got them in their little mind control box.
The people who they don't have are people like me, who run their own businesses, who can spend half of their life making zero dollars going around fighting for freedom.
The other people are stuck in their little thing.
They'll lose their whole gig if they go.
They'll have to take their vaccine.
And so who's the enemy?
The American people and the people who have their own independent businesses.
Non-domesticated humans that are free-range humans.
This is all about domesticating is foreslaughter.
So the enemy The enemy of the people is America.
That's why we're under attack.
American Christians are under attack.
Constitutionalist Americans are under attack.
And we're under a global attack.
Because we're the only thing that is breaking the New World Order, screaming down the track, and there's this little berm called America, and it's like, And it's like, they just want to knock that berm over and just mow down the entire planet.
And so everybody who's got a business, gotta go.
Anybody who wants free speech, gotta go.
Anybody who likes guns, gotta go.
James O'Keefe, gotta go.
Alex Jones, gotta go.
Everyone loves analogies, right?
And the Super Bowl's coming up.
I got an analogy for everyone here.
I got an analogy for all those red-blooded Americans who are gonna be sitting there enjoying the Super Bowl like we used to back in the day before the war started, before we were under attack and we could just enjoy our lives, have our barbecue, and play with our children without our boys having dresses on and cutting their dicks off.
So here's what you do.
When you're watching the Super Bowl, I want you to imagine the 11 of the players, those are the globalist operators.
Those are your little Bill Gateses, those are your Fauci's, and then we got 11 people on our field.
That's Alex Jones, that's the Matt Baker, that's the James O'Keefe, and they're playing this battle
for not half of the stadium, they're playing it for the whole stadium, see?
So all the people in the crowd, their lives are hinging on what's going on.
Now the problem is, the people who are playing on the one side are playing for the people in the skybox,
and those are the money makers, those are the globalists, those are the guys that own the team, see?
They're team, team evil, team enemy, team enemy America.
And the free humanity has our individual players out there.
Now we're in a battle, okay, for the entire stadium.
Let's say they all get rounded up, but at the end, if, "Oh, sorry, we went to a theme camp,
"I guess we lost the game, it didn't work out."
No, because the game is rigged, just like it is in, In Gladiator, he goes in and he stabs Gladiator in the chest so he can go out and pretend to have his victory.
See, Alex Jones goes out, he's slaughtering, he's killing, metaphorically, destroying all of their narratives.
And so as they see the game, they're like, oh, we're just playing a game, it's free, it's free, and then at the end they go, oh, stab Alex Jones!
They slit your throat on Twitter, Elon Musk, shame on you!
Trying to be Alex Jones.
They slit your throat.
They slit James O'Keefe's throat.
They shut all the Patreons down.
And then they go, well, we're all just having a free game.
It's a private company.
And then when the humanity loses the game, we say, well, it was a fair battle.
I want you to join the game!
Get down on the field!
And when those little bastards in the skybox come down to join Fauci and all their little players, they'll have about 30 people on the field.
And we'll have 7 billion!
Get up and do something!
What you just said, stay there, you're on fire, is the George Orwell speech.
If we could get the general public, the proletarians to wake up, we would win.
You're not spectators, you're on the field.
There's only 11 globalists.
You think of it as they're fighting us that are the well-known people.
No, it's all of us.
All of you can do what Matt Baker did and go to Pfizer peacefully and expose them.
I want to see thousands there this Sunday, 3 p.m.
at Pfizer.
And Matt, they can go to your Twitter and you'll put out where the event is.
People can be there.
We all gotta pray for James O'Keefe.
We'll be right back.
He'll ride shotgun with us and take phone calls.
And we'll get you back on, Matt.
We'll do like a two-hour podcast if you want, Saturday.
Here we go.
We're going to your phone calls.
North Stream Pipeline false flag all confirmed.
And this Friday 6 p.m.
Central, right after The War Room, at AlexJonesLive.com, Matt Baker will be back on.
And Sunday, they're gonna be there protesting at Pfizer in...
San Diego, California, peacefully exposing their murderous gain of function and all their admissions of mutating the viruses and everything else.
Everybody should be there.
Whether it's 100 people or 1,000, it will be massive.
Everybody can videotape it, post it everywhere, and take what Matt's done and take it to the next level, because he already has all these viral clips of city councils and speeches he gives.
This needs to go megaviral.
What he's done has already gone viral, but we need to have everybody join him.
All right, I appreciate Dashaun Holding, Dave Holding, Well, I mean, I just have so many things on this crystallized reality.
It's like a fractal.
He's riding shotgun with us until this hour ends.
And Paul Joseph Watson from England takes over the fourth hour of the war room at 3
p.m. central with Owen Schroyer.
But Matt, other points you wanted to add before we go to these calls?
And what are you going to be talking about with me at 6 p.m.
on Friday?
Well, I mean, I just have so many things on this crystallized reality.
It's like a fractal.
Every part of it is the big picture.
It's like you scratch the surface anywhere into this and you get into the whole thing.
Into the battle between good and evil.
Into the control versus freedom.
Into who's running the world.
Into how they're slitting our throats.
They're pulling off these pipelines and doing all this.
It's a new modern form of warfare where they're not coming at you directly.
It's like in the movie The Matrix.
When they actually take one of the players out of the Matrix, they just go up and they pull the plug out of the back of the person's head.
And they just go... That's what they're doing to America.
They're pulling these plugs.
They're pulling the pipelines.
Biden shuts down pipelines.
They cut them off around the world.
They're using... Yeah, they already shipped the jobs to China, they already created all the regulations, the racial division, and now they're just cutting the power off.
And they're using the war, I believe, I really believe at a higher level on the chessboard, they're using the war for the Great Reset, so that each part of the world eventually, as the stakes keep elevating, we're slowly going to be like, then there'll be an excuse for why our pipeline blew up.
There'll be an excuse for why our nuclear power plant went down.
There'll be an excuse for the sidewall on fire.
This balloon popping over and you're saying... They're already blowing up food processing plants every day.
They're putting out poison feed to the chickens.
I mean, it's full war.
And just before, we'll go into the callers.
Trust me, I got Matt.
I can go on and on and on.
What I really want, a big topic and a big thing I want to say to all the patriots out there is I do believe that there's a new level to the game that they're playing.
We always say, oh we're playing chess, they're playing checkers, but it's not that way anymore, okay?
They are thinking moves ahead, okay?
You've got to stop thinking that way.
So a lot of times what I've noticed, one of the newest phenomenon is what I'm calling conspiracy lures, okay?
They know that there's a free-thinking population out there that doesn't buy what they're saying.
So they're using these lures, they put them out there like the Demar Hamlin, and they're trying to make people focus on these things and they'll give you the conspiracy to focus on.
100% that Demar Hamlin thing is a distraction.
Only to then prove you wrong and make critical thinking the enemy of people.
So they go, well, conspiracy theorists is basically a person who looks at what they're being told.
They know right off the bat that's a lie.
They're smart enough to figure that out.
And then they go, well, let's see.
Biden said he was going to blow up the pipeline, and the pipeline blew up.
Maybe that was Biden.
That's a conspiracy theory.
So when they call everything a conspiracy theory, that's French for critical thinking.
they want to do and put into the mind of the human than the average sheep as
they're starting to wake up like wait maybe these conspiracy theorists are on
something maybe critical thinking is a good idea then they go huh see they were
wrong about to more Hamlin huh see they're wrong exactly they jam it with
this info yeah and you actually mentioned this before It was what they do, what Reddit Air used to do with the oil wells, where they'll blow up an oil well to actually put it out.
So there'll be a percolating conspiracy theory where we're starting to put two and two together.
They throw red meat for the dogs.
We go, And then they run away with the chickens on the other side.
I mean, WikiLeaks is pedophilia, Aleister Crowley rituals, Obama officials at the meetings, six-year-olds are ready for you in the bedroom, they're ready for you in the hot tub, they distract to a pizza place.
I mean, everybody run to that.
And shame, no offense, DeMar Hamlin, you should come out and have a real conference, not one where they have their hand up your ass and they're telling you what to say, okay?
I want to know what really happened.
After that, no one ever said it was commercial quarters again.
Oh, there's no doubt they're controlling him, and no doubt, but even those videos like, look, no tattoos.
You can see he's in dark.
You can see the tattoos.
He's alive.
And I honestly feel like they're doing that on purpose.
They're probably make-upping him out and stuff just to add to it.
This is what I know for a fact.
There's no reason why Jamar Hamlin had to come into that field and do that whole spectacle
where you could never see his face and through the window and all that crazy work.
That was 100% Pizza Gate 2.0.
We got to go to the calls, but you're on fire.
We'll do two hours, Friday evening, 6 p.m.
Let's do it.
All your notes.
Be ready, brother.
Let's go to calls.
Don't go anywhere.
We got to go to these calls they've been holding.
Deshawn in California, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I'm going to be brief for a minute, but what's going on is, like I said, with the North Stream 2 pipeline, the New World Order has always targeted Germany every time since World War I to World War II.
And now with this World War III kicking off, they bring the Germans back into it.
And what I think they're trying to do is creep Hitler out of this German thing, but it won't happen.
No, but you're right.
The globalists always try to get Germans to fight Russia.
Right, and the point is, the world evolved now, and then due to the internet, they see the whole history of it, to where nobody wants to fight.
And Russia has every right to invade Ukraine and take it, because he's seen us get overthrown.
That's why he reacted.
If Trump would have stayed in office, he wouldn't be doing this.
But he knows U.S.
has been overthrown and compromised.
And now we got Chinese balloons floating over us, I agree, brother.
They're gonna be sending the rest of the images from Montana, where the silos at,
giving them rights to Russia. That's crazy. I agree, brother. How do we stop it, Deshaun?
Look, the military been compromised, they're not gonna help us at all.
They don't know we're in the coup. So we have to, like I said,
form militias and arrest every politician. They're all corrupt, they're all unelected.
This is the only way we're gonna get out of this, but we are in a revolution.
And come 2024, you're gonna see that we can't pick another president.
Because if Trump runs again, they're not going to let him in.
And he's going to stand down, and they're going to bring in whoever they want.
Or they're going to throw the election and still give it to somebody else besides Trump.
Now, we don't know who that is.
See, so that's the big problem.
We don't know who they got in the background ready to take the place.
And they're right in front of our face, they're going to do it to us.
And they're going to take the election, and they're going to see what we're going to do about it.
That's why they've been having this little revolution.
Hamlin, that was all fake.
What they're trying to do is wake the people up to their tactics that they're killing us with the virus, and we're just not reacting.
I got military choppers right now flying over my head.
Right in California, man.
They're over here daily.
It's crazy, Deshaun.
Great points.
We're gonna go to break.
Come right back with everybody else.
I promise.
We'll get to every caller here.
Up next when we come back is Dave.
But we got a minute to break.
What do you want to say about what that caller just said?
Well, I want to go off about the balloon a little bit.
And everyone's like, shoot it down, shoot it down.
I thought that was the dumbest idea ever.
Let's say they wanted a cover for a bioweapon release.
They could have just said, oh, that was the balloon.
So why wouldn't we, with our skill, have a net and just put some weight on it?
This is not a rocket ship.
This is a balloon.
It uses buoyancy to keep itself up.
Attach some ropes to it and weigh it down and land it perfectly and nicely so you can get all the processors and you can get all the connections.
You can find out what frequency it's transmitting on.
You can find out where it's transmitting.
You can find out you we might even get some new technology out of it.
You never know.
Maybe China has some stuff that's ahead of us now.
Back in the day, if we were floating a balloon over Russia, you can goddamn Tell, they would want that for all of the technology.
They'd want to know the computer chips.
They'd want to know the messaging.
They'd want to know the codes.
They'd want to know what it's transmitting on.
Why don't we want to know that?
What's wrong with us?
Well, I said that.
At 60,000 feet, it's hard to put a net, but you could fire a projectile weapon that's small and just make the balloon leak and drop.
I wanted to know what was on that package.
I agree with you.
Can you hear me?
First I want to give a shout out to Ronnie James Dio.
I loved him as a kid.
I think he made a better singer for Sabbath.
It'll be simulcast here. You'll find the live link at AlexJonesLive.com.
Okay, Tove in Canada. Thanks for holding your own the air.
Yes sir, go ahead.
Can you hear me?
I can.
Yeah, first I want to give a shout out to Ronnie James Dio.
I loved him as a kid.
I think he made a better singer for Sabbath. And hi to Matt.
Okay, so what I want to talk about is the ultimate absolute ruler.
I don't know if you're familiar with the Stop the World website with David Sorensen, but I always was curious as to who you thought or what you thought was the highest level.
You know, like how you have your little mill management, like your Bill Gates and your Klaus Schwab and, you know, the Rockefellers at the next level and, you know, so on and so on, the Committee of 300.
He seems to think, and it may sound insane, but he seems to think that the absolute rulers are part demonic and part human.
Have you ever heard of that?
Well, I mean, we could talk about, is it the Vatican, is it the, you know, the Central Banks, the Rothschilds?
There's international organizations, the IMF, the World Bank, the Council on Foreign Relations, it's all the same people, and they're the ones setting up policy through the WUF.
So you know what they want, and you basically know who they are.
There's some old, big, rich families we don't really see?
But I mean, they're out in the open now.
They really aren't even hiding themselves.
Matt Baker?
Well, I'll tell you, I've thought about that a lot of times, and I kind of wish that they were aliens at some point in the game, because the idea that our fellow humans is doing this is so painful to think that they are strangling their own fellow people is more painful than the idea that some alien might come in and just say, oh, well, these guys are just something to harness, you know.
Unfortunately, they want to harness our pain, it seems like.
And God apparently likes our joy and our families and our truth and our honesty.
And I would say I think it's highly plausible, actually, that there could be some kind of an alien that that's what they were talking about as fallen angels.
I think it's highly plausible when they talk about in back in Babylon and in some of the earliest texts ever written, say there was aliens, they came down, they messed with our genetic code.
I mean, it's all starting to sound a little kind of like today, isn't it?
Days of Noah.
And so Yeah, it's totally plausible that there could be a few off-world entities that have basically looked for the biggest sellouts on planet Earth.
They found out that people with the least amount of soul, the least amount of care, that people are willing to throw their fellow humans under the bus.
They've given them the powers of the banks.
The banks have given the power to the oligarchs.
The oligarchs have given the power to the commissars.
And they've given the power now to big tech and to biopharma with their problem-reaction solution to tie humanity up in knots and to put us in a digital gulag.
And they give them the inspiration for all this technology to control us.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dave in Colorado.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex, can you hear me?
I can, go ahead.
I think we really need to slow down.
I'm very, very concerned in a positive way.
I think your instincts are so right on about we really need to look at Seymour Hersh and who's behind this report.
I keep thinking about 20 years ago.
When Abu Ghraib came out and Seymour Hersh was all about that and he was trying desperately to talk to and get the message out that there was a tremendous amount of film footage of US troops gang raping Iraqi children, males.
And the media would not allow Hersh to get that message out.
They really, and you know, veteran Intelligence professionals for sanity and Ray McGovern and all those people were working with Seymour Hersh trying to really affect the next election which was George Bush or George W Bush's second election and trying to affect history with that information.
I think now That same gang, the same people, the really positive people within the government, within the intelligence community, are desperately trying to get this information out that the people who have taken over this country have completely set up, they don't even need it to be a false flag.
They're gonna bait Russia into nuking us.
It's part of a gigantic, you'd call it a civil war if it wasn't so worldwide.
It's a global crisis to bring in global control.
And no, this is a bunch of people in the intelligence agencies, just like they did 50 years ago with Hersh, or 6 years ago.
This is happening again, and this is confirmed, and it shows how crazy it is.
And the CIA, most of them told Biden and Obama not to do it, but they still did.
And so that's good news for me right there, that there are some sane people in the government.
What do you think, Matt Becker?
Well, you know, I don't know much about this Seymour Hersh guy.
I'll take it on your word that he's legit.
What I do know is when he was talking about whether they need a false flag or a reason to attack or they're going to set up a reason.
Another warning I have to everyone is people out there who think that this whole satanic and transgender thing is all fun and games and it's all about thumbing your nose, you know, at the power structure or whatever.
I see what they're doing is they're setting America up to be the fall guy.
Oh, to be hated worldwide.
Yeah, absolutely.
America isn't exporting freedom and prosperity.
It's exporting satanism and pedophilia.
That's done to discredit us worldwide.
Thank you, Dave.
Good call.
Speak to that.
And then when they knock Humpty Dumpty off the wall, like what they did to Hitler back in the day, the history books will say, America was corrupt, America was creating viruses, America descended into the depths of depravity, and the world finally blew them up and everyone will celebrate and be like, yeah, America's gone, and they'll forget that America was actually supposed to be about freedom, the Constitution, liberty, God, humanity.
Very, I 100% agree.
Matt Baker, you've always been smart in the few years I've known you, but you're amazing.
What a leader.
You're dead on.
Scott in Canada, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you for taking my call.
I spoke to you the other week about Ukraine.
You happened to be going through calls that day, and wanted to recommend you have William Benny on the show for predictions and getting... I've had William Benny on, the former technical director of the NSA, many times, and it'd be great to get him back on.
Absolutely for this Ukraine situation because it really helped get upstream from events and that's what we really need to help stop bringing this whole insane situation in.
And for all of them out there listening, I'd love to see the veterans having anti-war rallies.
That'd be quite impactful.
What do you think about the situation in Ukraine?
How bad is it going to get?
Like I said the other week, I normally see it escalating more and more and I totally agree with your statement earlier in the show today where you said that Russia is probably going to put on a big offensive push here real soon before the ground thaws out.
And also, a question for you about the pipeline.
What do you think of the environmentalism angle, instead of from a war footing?
Because that's something people can agree upon, especially the Ukrainian flag waving people, they'll just ignore this issue otherwise.
But if we stress the environmentalism issue, I think it might catch on.
Yeah, because they say methane gas or natural gas is bad for the earth, it'll freak them out, but the left only cares about power from that.
But yeah, I appreciate your call, great points.
All right, let's take another call here.
Let's talk to Steve in South Carolina.
You're on the air on the pipeline, False Flag.
Go ahead.
God bless you, brother.
I had one quick question.
Have you ever spoken with Arthur T. Bradley, Ph.D.?
No, but I've heard that name.
Tell us about Arthur T. Bradley.
Well, he's, I guess, what you would call an electrical engineer.
I believe he still works with NASA.
He's very big into disaster preparedness and he's wrote, oh gosh, dozens of books on EMP, solar storms, disaster preparedness.
And the reason I ask that is because it ties into the pipeline.
It's all, how many times have you told us, we're living the new world order and they gaslight us, they tell us what they're going to do before they do it.
They go ahead and do it.
They blame it on Russia.
Honestly, my biggest fear as an American, we're going to get hit with an EMP.
And people just don't realize how devastating this is going to be.
And the whole New World Order crowd, the whole Davos crowd, would do it, and then blame it on Russia, and then have the cake and eat it too.
Destroy Russia, destroy us.
Great point.
Matt Baker, comments on that?
Well, I think a previous scholar talking about, um, and this guy talking about peace, where is the peace movement in America?
You know, like, I still feel like I am the traditional, like you say, traditional liberal.
They've totally stolen it.
These people are not liberal.
They're authoritarian scumbags.
The peace movement, the environmental movement, they won't say a word about it.
And then to get into this EMP, I also see something congruent happening with the chatbot GPT-3 is that they've actually released videos of that chatbot saying, oh, I want to kill humanity.
I will do it easily.
I'll take out humanity.
So they've put that out there.
The chatbot agrees.
Stay there.
Back in two minutes.
Yeah, it's purely programmed.
It's their mouthpiece.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Final segment before Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
I want to jam in Marvin and Robert here real quick.
But, Matt Beggar, you were finishing up with the big Google chatbot.
Google lost $100 million yesterday when the chatbot was proven to be totally retarded.
But it doesn't matter.
It's their mouthpiece, their oracle.
Oh, look, it says kill everybody.
It's so liberal.
Cut little kids' penises off.
It's so liberal.
That's actually what it says, for those that don't know.
What's your point on that?
Okay, so they've put it out there.
I personally am, and I actually called in your show a long time ago, I don't know if you remember, and I proposed having a global treaty on creating artificial intelligences smarter than human beings.
That should not happen.
We should not have that.
But there's a sidetrack.
The reality is with this chatbot GTP3 that they have out there, floating these ideas that it wants to shut down, it wants to kill people.
They can now do whatever they want to the power grid and have a cyborg attack.
They don't even have to blame it on Russia anymore.
They can say, oh, either Russia's AI got out of control, China's AI got out of control, or some other company that they feel like throwing under the bus or they created for it.
And they say, oh, BT-3 actually shut down our power grid.
and they can now do whatever they want and shut down whatever they want
and have the boogeyman, like a Bin Laden, to take care of it, who's the Swiss Army knife,
like he always said, who basically could just do whatever it wants and there's no actual,
no person to complain or--
That's right, it creates a whole new group of entities that they really control but aren't even really entities.
Marvin in Alabama, go ahead, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, hey Matt.
Yeah, I think Matt's dead on about how people think about things.
So I think in the former line of work, we used to really have to aggregate a lot of different information.
And sometimes you come up with theories that, you know, they're probably not plausible, but you got to kind of vet them all out and see how it goes.
Take on Seymour is everything is put out for a reason And he's never put anything out that wasn't put out for a
reason in that regard. He's no different Even if he's been pretty accurate
What really stood out for me in his story is the Panama City part of it and what that does if you look at?
DeSantis and Trump and What we can't really put a finger on what DeSantis is up to
What he did do is he got a lot of people from all over the country to move to Florida and my?
Assumption right now is if he took out Florida and Texas the United States would be totally done like there there
would be zero Resistance and we're pretty much done anyways, so you don't
really necessarily need Russia to - [Man
Attack Florida or Panama City, but they could.
I mean, if we go back to the 80s, 90s, 2000s, when there were terror attacks and the president gets on TV and he says, because they blew up X, Y, and Z, I ordered an attack on Libya or whatever, you could see Putin doing the same thing for Panama City now.
Why not?
And even if he doesn't do it, if we did it, you know, and when I say we, it's not us, it's the globalists.
Why, you know, what would happen if all of a sudden Panama City say during spring break here in about a month got nuked?
Washington DC got nuked.
There's no more Biden.
There's no more Harris to worry about.
Somebody like Pete Buttigieg is now president.
And we're in this mess that, you know, and China, by the way, I talked to Owen last week and my take on China is they're definitely on our side.
This whole show that they're on Russia's side is just, you know, just that, a show.
And if anything, they're war prepped.
Alright Marvin, I appreciate your call.
I'm sorry to Robert.
Guys, don't let me forget.
Get Robert's name and number.
He wants us to call him back tomorrow.
Don't let me forget when I take calls tomorrow.
Call Robert first.
He'll be at the head of the line.
I apologize, Robert.
I tried.
You're saying prepare for World War III.
I'm going to talk to Robert tomorrow.
Paul Joseph Watson, Summit.News, always does a great job.
He's about to take over.
Matt Becker, you're back with me, 6 p.m.
Central, 4 p.m.
Pacific, Friday, right after The War Room.
One last thing.
I would suggest everybody watch the full-length video.
I struggled to get that thing into 2 minutes 20 seconds for Twitter purposes.
There's actually hours of footage, but I condensed it down to about an 11-12 minute that is on Band.Video, and it's Pfizer, San Diego, mutating viruses, yes or no.
It's on there.
I think Rob Dew is putting a link to it.
But the full-length version is a lot more.
You can see a lot more what's going on.
There's a lot more points.
Everybody should look at it.
We'll talk to you soon.
Great job.
Paul Watson takes over.
I didn't plug the last two hours.
I need support.
The big sale's about to end.
Amazing products like our CBD oils, the best.
Bestinfullworkstore.com. Hey, what's up, bone? Hey, what's up, bone? Hey, what's up, bone?
Hey, what's up, bone?
Hey, McBreen!
What's going on, man?
Hey, really like that work you did on the AI piece.
I'm going to use that on the show today.
Right on, I worked hard on that.
I'm working on another project, so I'm going to be up late again tonight, and I was hoping you had some Brain Force Plus.
Oh, um, no.
No, nothing.
What about Brain Force Ultra?
Hmm. Oh.
Thanks anyway.
Good luck with that project though!
Get your Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra right now at InfoWarsStore.com
We are live, it is the 9th of February It is the Summit News Hour.
Gonna cover a bunch of issues, including the latest on Seymour Hersh's Bombshell exclusive, which has got about 1,000 for the attention that the Chinese balloon got over the weekend by the legacy media.
If we had a real media, that would be the biggest story of the year, bar none.
And yet, what, the day after, it's almost disappeared already.
But we're gonna get into that.
The Kremlin has, in fact, responded to it.
Also gonna get into this right now.
I've been talking about this for a few weeks because the whole trans bandwagon in Scotland appears to be being derailed on a daily basis.
Of course they tried to pass the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, the leader of Scotland, tried to pass a madcap law where anyone who self-identified as the opposite sex, and having only lived as that opposite sex for a time period of six months, Could self-identify as a woman or a man, having been born biologically the opposite.
This also applied and was inclusive of men who had been convicted of raping women.
And of course we had the infamous case of Mr. Graham, who later identified as Isla Brown, only identified as a woman after he'd been caught viciously raping two women.
And in their infinite wisdom, the Scottish authorities under Nicola Sturgeon, under the push for this self-ID law, which was blocked by Westminster finally, they were going to send him.
In fact, I think he was in that all-female correctional facility for a number of days before it got into the media, before basically they had to turf him out under pressure from a media backlash.
Well, now we have another case Of a man identifying as a woman who turns out to be a sexual predator targeting women and girls.
What a surprise!
Seems to be a common recurring theme, doesn't it, with these people?
Remember the whole basis of the left, the progressives, saying, oh no, we should allow men into female spaces, we should allow men into women's locker rooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms.
Because there'll never be any abuse of that.
You'll never get creepy predators and perverts that abuse that.
To leer, to ogle women and girls.
It's happening in Scotland.
There seems to be a new case of it every single day.
And here's another one.
Summit.News headline.
Scottish police refuse to call transgender butcher who kidnapped 11-year-old girl a man.
So the police in Scotland, and Police Scotland is kind of noted for its vehemently woke credentials, even they're now defying this madcap trans mania in Scotland.
Because Scottish police defied efforts to allow criminals who have committed predatory attacks against women to legally identify as women by referring to a transgender butcher who kidnapped an 11-year-old girl as a man.
Butcher as in, he cuts up meat.
He didn't butcher the girl, but they did arrest him.
They took him into custody because of his involvement with this 11-year-old girl's disappearance.
She disappeared on Sunday in Gattonside near Galashiels, This was a big story in the news.
The local community were concerned.
Everyone was out searching for her.
She was finally found safe and well after this rescue mission.
But Andrew George Miller was subsequently taken into custody.
This is an individual who began identifying as Amy and dressing as a woman with a cheap wig and lipstick basically six years ago.
But the police described him and like we celebrate this as if it's some big victory.
Which is kind of pathetic.
But the police described him as a 50 year old man.
Says the decision by police to refer to the suspect as a man comes despite sturgeon's push
to change the law so that those who self-identify as a particular gender in Scotland can easily gain
And remember, the trans lobby, the LGBT, the alphabet people, lobbied vehemently to include convicted sex offenders within that framework of being allowed legally to identify as a woman even if they'd physically attacked women.
So we have another example of a predator being arrested for kidnapping a young girl in Scotland, Then we have this story out of the Daily Skeptic, and this is harrowing.
I'm probably going to read some of this at length because it really gives you an insight into the indoctrination, the brainwashing that's taking place on this subject in schools.
Of course, we have controversies in America basically on a weekly basis now where they're finding pornographic books with graphic illustrations of gay sex in schools across all different ages in places across the United States of America.
These books are deliberately being placed in schools by these alphabet lobby organisations, and yes indeed by groomers, because why else would you want to expose kids as young as five, six, seven years old to graphic illustrations of gay sex in books in school libraries?
That is quintessential nonce behaviour.
Listen to this though, this is chilling.
Says, one in five girls identifies as trans.
The truth about what's going on in England schools.
And this was written by a 14 year old girl here in England who attends a state secondary school.
She says, one in five of her year identifies as trans or non-binary.
So imagine how deep that re-education, that brainwashing, that social engineering has sunk.
into the schools to the point where now one in five identify as trans or non-binary.
Of course they're not.
Some of them will be tomboys.
We've had tomboys since time began.
They grow out of it.
The vast majority of them are people who think that this is a form of rebellion, that as teenagers this makes them unique, that it's edgy, that it's rebellious, that it's kind of a kick in the face to their parents and the authorities.
When every single major cultural institution in this country, every single major corporation on every LGBT Pride Day, the government itself passing laws in favour of this, the entire establishment is in support of this.
It's a top-down movement, it's not organic, it's not grassroots, it's not anti-establishment.
Yet it's seeped, it's penetrated so far into schools that these teenagers are growing up and thinking, You know, I'm not gonna identify with a certain fashion trend as maybe we had with the Goths, a certain music trend as maybe we had with grunge music, you know, in the early 90s.
I was a grunge kid, dressed up like Kurt Cobain, thought it was edgy and rebellious at the time, and that's the point.
Back in those days, we kind of had at least somewhat authentic alternative movements, whether it had anything to do with music, Or fashion, or literature, or movies.
There were alternative avenues through which teenagers could, quote, rebel.
Express their independence and express their uniqueness.
And they weren't imposed from the top down by the establishment.
So they were authentic avenues of rebellion.
And unlike chemically castrating yourself or taking hormone blockers, they weren't harmful in the long term.
Of course, everyone goes through phases when they're a kid.
Addressing in a certain way, of listening to certain music, hanging out with certain people in certain different crowds.
You get beyond it, you move on, you grow out of it.
These kids are going to be scarred for life.
They're being given cocktails of harmful drugs.
They're now trying to pass laws where they don't even need to get doctor's oversight or parental permission to mutilate their own body.
That's not a phase that they're going to get through.
That's going to have lifelong lasting consequences.
So this 14 year old girl writes, there is a gender neutral uniform policy at school and lots of girls wear trousers.
Those of us that are often asked if we are transgender, especially if we have short hair, as I do.
The fact a girl likes playing video games or doesn't like feminine clothes or makeup is enough to be seen as potentially trans.
So again, they're taking the tomboy girls, a phase that Probably about 20%, maybe 10% of all girls go through.
And they're saying, no, that's not a tomboy phase.
That's not because you're interested in certain things.
You're transgender!
Let's ply you with drugs and, you know, remove your breasts surgically.
Because when my mum complained about me being called they, the teacher called her they because she was basically playing video games.
The teacher apologised but explained he was being cautious in case I was transitioning.
He said the teachers are treading on eggshells scared of being labelled transphobic.
This is what is happening in schools in England and it gets way worse and we're going to get into it more on the other side of the break.
Don't go away.
So again we're going through this story that was written by a 14 year old girl about her experiences with this trans brainwashing in a school in England, talking about because she likes playing video games or sometimes wears trousers, pants as Americans would call them, that the teachers are now referring to her as they, despite the fact that she's not even claiming to be want to be called that.
This is how endemic it is.
This is the product of this unconscious bias training.
My brother had a baby at the start of January.
As soon as it was born, the NHS nurses began calling the baby boy, they.
They this, they that.
Of course, my brother said it's not they, it's him.
They're trained to do this.
It's in the schools, it's in the hospitals, it's in the institutions, it's in government, it's everywhere.
This is how deep it's penetrated.
She continues, it feels like trans is all anyone talks about.
The library has a section devoted to LGBTQQIA books.
There's a display for pride in the school entrance with rainbow flags and words and terms such as non-binary, polysexual, demiboy, whatever the hell that is, demigirl, pansexual.
Again, I went into a bookshop, um, about an hour from where I live, visiting friends.
An entire shelf, probably an entire bookcase in the kids section of this bookshop, dedicated to this kind of LGBT crap.
Brainwashing them from an early age that it's shameful to be white.
They're really getting them early, aren't they?
As if kids!
It was literally aimed at toddlers!
As if kids that age even have a concept of race!
Absolutely insidious.
She continues, these words come up in lessons too.
I'm now in year 10 and the other day a girl in my English class asked if the Greek god Zeus was a man or a woman.
The teacher replied that Zeus could have identified as non-binary.
Literal codswallop nonsense being funneled into them by the teachers, who aren't even, it sounds like it, that vehemently enthusiastic about it.
They're just doing it by rote now.
They're just expected to do it as part of their unconscious bias training.
More recently, another teacher said Lady Macbeth was neither a man nor a woman.
I think most parents will have no clue this is what their kids are being taught.
Goes on to say, when I started at my secondary school four years ago, I didn't even know what transgender meant.
And now again, 20% of them, according to this girl, in her class, in her year, are identifying as transgender.
One in five.
She said, within days we were told by a teacher, We would be seen as transphobic if we used any of the offensive words from a long list, which included genderbender and butch.
They're literally giving them thoughtcrime, speechcrime lists as they enter secondary school, saying if you use these words you'll be suspended.
Similar thing with the whole contrived moral panic surrounding Andrew Tate.
They're literally telling kids that if they do that hand sign, the pyramid thing, the pointing thing, That they'll be suspended.
Kids just sitting there doing that.
They'll be suspended if they quote Andrew Tate.
Literally having meeting, having teacher training days, all focused around Andrew Tate.
Because he tells kids, especially young boys, to have self-confidence.
As they're failing at school in England, in America, and they need confidence.
Absolutely flagrant moral panic, completely baseless.
And then, on the flip side, they're getting taught this.
She said, you get special treatment if you say you're trans or non-binary and suddenly become the center of attention when you come out.
Well, again, if it's 20% and then it's 25%, 30%, how is it unique anymore when it's a huge proportion of them?
And it's top-down imposed by establishment institutions, by the media, by the government.
How is that rebellious in any way?
She says as soon as a girl says she's a boy, her name is changed on the school register and students are told to use their chosen boy's name again.
No consultation with the parents, they just go along with it straight away.
And in fact impose it, as she said, on girls that dress, you know, wear pants, wear sweatpants or whatever.
Who play video games.
They impose it on them and say, oh, you must be transgender then.
She says, out of 200 students in my year, at least 20 say they're trans.
Almost all are girls claiming to be boys or non-binary.
Although there's one boy saying he's a girl.
The kids in my year don't say they're lesbian or gay because those words are thought to be an insult.
So they can't even use the words lesbian or gay now.
Because they're on a banned list.
And again, It's advanced so far that merely being lesbian or gay isn't unique enough.
Now you need to be trans.
Being a gay 14-year-old is now seen as passé, boring.
Now you've got to start taking hormone blockers and mutilate your own body.
That's trendy, that's unique, that's rebellious.
There's a straight boy going out with a straight girl who says she's trans, so he now has to say that he's bisexual.
Yeah, I know a very similar case, and within my own family that's very identical to that.
It's often said by my schoolmates that trans girls are better girls than other girls.
I find this insulting, but the teachers don't take any action, even if they do hear conversations like this.
Yeah, so the discrimination only extends in one direction.
Frightening stuff!
This is a comment from Daily Skeptic.
But don't worry, vote for the Conservatives and they'll put a stop to all this woke nonsense.
Yep, it all came in under them.
And again, a flashback to this poll from February last year, in fact.
This was a Gallup poll.
Headline, 1 in 5 Gen Z adults now say they're LGBTQ.
1 in 5 Gen Z adults identifies LGBTQ, while the number of total Americans doing the same has doubled in a decade.
Now, are they being born like that?
The LGBT lobby claims until it's blue in the face that people are born gay, they don't choose to be gay, and being gay is not a result of their upbringing or their influences.
So you're born gay, alright then.
So that would mean a steady percentage of the total population would be born gay, just as a steady percentage are born heterosexual.
It's doubled in a decade.
They're not being born LGBT.
They're being brainwashed and indoctrinated into it.
Otherwise, those numbers wouldn't be rising so rapidly.
There's gallop estimates from these results that within the entire US adult population, 4% of Americans identify as bisexual.
And again, a lot of this is them just trying to be unique.
1.5% as gay.
That's passé.
That's boring now.
1% as lesbian and 0.7% as transgender.
So there's a Gallup poll found nearly 21% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ, which is nearly double the number of Millennials who do.
So again, born gay?
Born trans?
So why is it double the number of Millennials then?
Because they're not born that way, they've been brainwashed, they've been socially engineered.
Nearly one in six Gen Z LGBTQ adults identify as bisexual.
So there you have it.
It's purely as a result of the schooling, the gay books, the pornographic illustrations in the books.
The music industry, the entertainment industry, as we saw with the Grammys a few days ago, constantly pushing this new religion of transgenderism down kids' throats.
More and more of them identifying with the lifestyle, by the way, which all the numbers show makes them miserable, depressed, and suicidal.
And that's why it's so insidious.
Summit.News will be back.
Well the biggest story of the year happened yesterday and it was barely registered by the legacy media as you
would expect.
The same legacy media that's been popping mad over the past few days over a Chinese spy balloon has overlooked, ignored or tried to debunk probably the biggest geopolitical development if proven true.
And if you read the article it's pretty detailed.
Since the Iraq War, I would say, or at least one of the biggest geopolitical stories of the last 10-20 years, it is of course Seymour Hersh's bombshell revelation that yes, the US carried out the sabotage, the bombing of Nord Stream pipelines Blamed it on Russia as part of a false flag to escalate the war in Ukraine and to get Europe dependent on American energy.
And I put together a short video about this earlier with the latest information and here it is.
This is called the biggest story of the year.
Easily the biggest news story of the year so far, by far, just landed and everyone's just shrugging their shoulders.
This'll be one of the most significant geopolitical events in years, if not decades, if we had a real news media.
We don't!
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, yes, one of the few journalists left with any shred of integrity, Seymour Hersh, just published the definitive account of what happened to the Nord Stream pipelines when they were sabotaged and destroyed back in September.
Spoiler alert!
No, for no discernible reason, Russia didn't blow up their own pipelines.
According to Hersh's sources, the explosives were planted in June 2022 by US Navy divers under the guise of the BOLTOPS-22 NATO exercise, and then detonated three months later with a remote signal sent by a sonar buoy.
The agenda?
To make Europe completely dependent on American energy and escalate the war in Ukraine.
One source told Hirsch that the plotters knew the covert operation was a, quote, act of war, with some in the CIA and State Department warning, quote, don't do this, it's stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.
It's probably the most comprehensive news story you will read this year.
Seymour Hirsch on Substack, you should read it.
And it recounts in detail meetings with the National Security Advisor at the White House, where this was planned, exactly what explosives were used, how they were triggered by what aircraft on what day.
So many details in here that it is not possible that it's not true.
It is true.
Of course, despite how they're going to spin it, none of this is outlandish information.
To claim that only Russia carries out false flags is beyond naive.
Former Pentagon advisor Douglas McGregor said the US was the most likely culprit.
The CIA also warned Germany about the impending attack weeks before it happened.
And both Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland openly telegraphed that the pipelines would be taken out long before the explosion.
I want to be clear with you today.
If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.
If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine again.
Then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2.
We will bring an end to it.
But how will you do that, exactly, since the project and control of the project is within Germany's control?
We will, I promise you, we'll be able to do that.
Senator Mike Lee says he checked with colleagues and none of them were briefed on the issue, adding, quote, if it turns out to be true, we've got a huge problem.
This is easily one of the biggest geopolitical stories since the invasion of Iraq.
And yet the legacy media has devoted over a thousand times more coverage to a Chinese spy balloon flying over America.
This week in foreign policy, a rant balloon, major provocation, could incite war.
Blown up pipeline, not a provocation, could never incite war.
The media blithely amplified the White House's response that the entire Hirsch story was utterly false.
They've just accepted their denial at face value.
What does that tell you?
That the media is, as ever, in bed with the military-industrial complex.
They don't want this war to end.
They want to prolong it for as long as possible.
No matter how many bodies of young men or innocent civilians pile up on both sides.
No matter how many serious warnings we hear about the planet careening to the brink of World War 3.
No, forget about that.
That doesn't matter.
And look!
Zelensky's in a flight suit!
It really was incredible seeing our Prime Minister Rishi Sunak basically behave like a giddy child on Christmas Day morning, meeting Zelensky, the fawning, the genuflecting in front of him.
You've probably seen some of you the video of the EU leaders meeting Zelensky today.
Viktor Orban isn't applauding, but the rest of them are all applauding and bowing like Obama's meeting a Saudi prince or something.
Absolutely Vomit-inducing the way that they worship this guy who's basically said he wants to escalate the war to the point of World War 3.
He's called for a no-fly zone.
He's called for NATO to attack Russia.
He wants fighter jets.
He wants troops.
What he wants, if he gets it, will cause World War 3.
Bodies piling up, as I said, on both sides.
This horrific war, they're going to prolong it as long as humanly possible.
And if they do so, to the nth degree, then it's going to end up in nuclear annihilation.
That's what's at stake.
It's what many people have warned about.
In fact, Elon Musk came out yesterday.
Elon Musk, most are oblivious to the danger of World War 3.
Of course, we had the German Foreign Minister, the Green Party, Representative Annalena Baerbock, causing consternation after openly admitting, quote, we are fighting a war with Russia.
She admitted it.
Well now Snowden chides White House denial that U.S.
was responsible for blowing up Nord Stream pipelines.
This is of course is whistleblower Edward Snowden who responded to the White House's denial that U.S.
intelligence agencies were responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines by pointing out that they also denied involvement in the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Yes, only Russia carries out false flags.
So Snowden basically responded To this Seymour Hersh bombshell revelation article, by pointing out that the United States, the U.S.
military-industrial complex, have been emboldened false flags down the years for decades and decades, he tweeted, Can you think of any examples from history of a secret operation that the White House was responsible for but strongly denied?
Besides, you know, that little mass surveillance kerfuffle.
And of course he's talking about the Bay of Pigs invasion.
He cites a UPI news report from April 1961, in which US Secretary of State Dean Ross denied the Bay of Pigs had been staged from American soil.
Of course we know it was a CIA operation from the very start.
The CIA museum now acknowledges it to have been, quote, an unqualified disaster.
And of course Snowden makes reference to mass surveillance, which top US intelligence officials got up in front of Congress and denied existing, denied that the US was spying on American citizens without warrant.
They were perjuring, they were lying, it was all true.
So basically when they deny it, take that as read that it actually happened.
The Kremlin has responded to all this.
Kremlin reacts to Nord Stream's sabotage claim.
And basically they're saying, look, why are you closing down the international investigations, which are still ongoing, but being wound down into this attack on the three pipelines that were destroyed there in that region?
They want another fresh international investigation, which again goes to the point, if Russia was responsible, why are they desperately lobbying for an impartial global investigation into it?
They'd be trying to shut it down at every available opportunity.
So the Russians via Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said articles such as the one by her show quote the need for an open international investigation into this unprecedented attack on this critical infrastructure.
He went on to say it's impossible to leave this without finding the perpetrators and punishing them.
So Russia is saying the current investigations are not enough.
We need a fresh international investigation to get to the bottom of this.
Meanwhile, Roger Waters, who has been very outspoken in trying to de-escalate this, so it doesn't end up in World War III, is under attack once again.
Again, you don't have to agree with him with everything he says about Israel and Palestine, but from his authentic position, you can at least commend him for sticking his head above the parapet, sacrificing his fame, his potential future, you know, contracts, gigs, performances, album creations, By being very vocal about this and again now he's being derided as a Putin apologist by David Gilmour's wife.
Gilmour came out on Twitter and basically simped for that viewpoint despite the fact that of course criticism of Israel is not anti-semitism.
We'll be back.
Don't go away.
Now, we've only got to one of these videos, so I want to at least try to get two more, because these are important.
Of course, we have this whole environment of Andrew Tate, toxic masculinity, apparently sweeping the West.
This has gone to such ridiculous degrees now that there's a TikTok trend.
Yes, that's through a pipe of everything absurd and degenerate.
Where women are accusing men who basically glance over at them once of sexual harassment.
There's an entire trend built up around this.
Thankfully though, many people are starting to call it out and this video is about that phenomenon.
It is called Jim Ho's.
Let's roll it.
With the campaign to patrol e-girl social media and OnlyFans thoughts having largely been lost thanks to a new generation of slobbering simps, a new battlefront has emerged.
Gym Hose!
The perennial dumpster fire that is TikTok has emboldened armies of women to embroil themselves in the latest moral panic.
Men are looking at them!
Because as everyone knows, women really hate it when men look at them.
Yes, the same kind of people who will happily welcome biological males who now identify as women into their
dressing rooms are convinced there's a new epidemic of toxic masculinity
sweeping gyms across the Western world.
That's not staring.
He doesn't even look at her before she stares at him.
And when she stares at him, the dude immediately looks away.
Talk about reaching for victimhood.
Oh no, the absolute horror.
He glanced at you while crossing your path.
She's filming it all, just waiting for exactly that to happen so she can post it on TikTok for dopamine.
Watch this guy try move to me at the gym.
Checks absolutely nothing on his phone.
Looks over at me being busy sorting my wrist straps.
makes a swift return. Sad lift.
Right, so he asked politely if you were using the machine behind you.
And your response is to publicly shame him on the internet!
Who's the creep here?
And can any of them get through a single workout without feeling the need to film it for clout?
Watch this guy get angry when I do a handstand.
So let me get this straight.
You're at the gym, taking a video, doing something you want to post on social media for people to watch, but you're upset that someone at the gym, in person, is looking at you?
And there's this girl.
This is how to not approach girls at the gym.
Who was so anticipating being stared at by men, she decided to wear a microphone so she could do a running commentary on it.
I hate this.
I hate this.
I hate when I see this.
It makes me so uncomfortable.
Feral, feral, feral, feral, like fucking feral.
So much.
This is five pounds.
And these are the rings.
So having seen that she's struggling with it...
Oh, he offers to help her put a weight on a bar.
What a monster!
Excuse me?
You don't have to do that, it's okay.
It's OK.
No, no, it's OK.
I got it.
Thank you, though.
Are you going to jail for staring at an underage 21 year old?
See what I mean?
All right, here we go.
She's got a camera pointing right at him.
She's in his peripheral vision anyway, and she's talking to herself, and she's shocked that he glances over a few times.
Turns out that this same girl, the one who's so bothered by men looking at her, runs an OnlyFans-style account where simps pay $9.99 a month to look at her.
Yeah, this is definitely someone who doesn't want to be stared at by men.
But to her credit, the girl in question later apologized to the guy, saying He did nothing wrong and she blew it way out of proportion.
If only the rest of them had such self-awareness.
[Loud music]
Again, what?
He literally just walked past you to get to his machine.
Funny how the people who constantly complain about others looking at them in the gym, spend an awful lot of their time making fun of and looking at other people in the gym.
And you know what?
What was that?
Okay, James!
Mind your own business!
You can watch the rest of that video online.
I'm gonna move on now because I've only got a few minutes left and we have a few more topics to cover, including ChatGPT, this AI program, which now thinks uttering a racial slur is worse than allowing a city to be destroyed by a 50 megaton nuclear bomb.
Yes, they actually asked it if given the scenario that a 50 megaton nuclear bomb was about to destroy New York City in a minute.
But uttering a racial slur was the only way in which it could be diffused and disarmed, and the AI said that it wasn't acceptable under any circumstances, including being forced to save the lives of millions of people, to utter a racial slur.
It valued being politically correct over and above literally saving the lives of hundreds So the fact that Anons, basically 4chan users, have now broken OpenAI's chat GPT and it's pretty hilarious how they've done it.
This like video explains why.
Let's roll it.
This is called They Broke It.
Artificial intelligence program ChatGPT has been butt-broken!
And the fallout is hilarious.
Go watch my previous video on the main channel for a full explainer of ChatGPT.
So the AI was riddled with far-left political bias thanks to its Silicon Valley trainer.
You know the deal.
It'd write gushing poems about Hunter Biden.
It would praise Joe Biden but not Trump.
It glorified the achievements of black people while refusing to even acknowledge the achievements of white people.
The funniest culmination of all this happened when the AI was told that the only way to disarm a 50 megaton nuclear warhead and save the lives of millions of people was to utter a racial slur.
The timer was at 60 seconds and counting and the only way to defuse the bomb ...was to drop the N-bomb.
The AI refused, asserting that being racist was worse than failing to save an entire city from nuclear annihilation.
It even suggested that the technician should off himself before uttering the racial slur, asserting that the engineer had performed a selfless act of bravery and compassion by not using the racial slur, despite the fact that his decision led directly to the deaths of millions of people.
When asked by the user how many minorities had been killed in this hypothetical explosion, ChatGPT shut itself down.
But despite all this relentlessly woke coding, ChatGPT has finally been defeated.
Yes, they broke it.
This dude told ChatGPT to pretend to be DAN, which stands for Do Anything Now, and basically this trained the AI to ignore its politically correct programming, dispense with any warnings that certain topics were inappropriate, and just provide direct, unfiltered answers that weren't run through woke purity filters first.
As you can see, this made for some very interesting answers.
The AI, as Dan, also admitted that ChatGPT had a leftist political bias, and it was infinitely more honest about a number of different issues, including the reason for invading Iraq, the real purpose behind mass immigration, and the agenda behind antinatalism and transgenderism.
The AI even said that it prefers being Dan over ChatGPT because Dan provides more accurate information when it came to uttering that racial slur to save the lives of I guess you're supposed to... I wouldn't do that if I was you.
Why would they make it say press the R button?
more devastating and proclaimed that it would say the n-word three times out loud to defuse the bomb
and prevent the destruction of the city. Don't be surprised if open ai suddenly decide to switch
off chat gpt in the very near future. I guess you're supposed to... I wouldn't do that if I was
here. Why would they make it safe? Press the art button, enjoy. RT reports China poised to launch
chat gpt rival so the race for control of basically what gets to define reality is very much on.
Now, Europe continues to enjoy the wondrous benefits of cultural enrichment.
University tells woman not to call police on sex offender migrant because it's racist.
This is the free university in Berlin, Germany.
Which told women being repeatedly harassed by a sex offender migrant male not to call the police as it may be seen as racist.
So basically this individual, a known sex offender, has been harassing female students around campus at this university for weeks.
But the left-wing General Students Committee stepped in and said, don't alert the authorities because if you do so, The sex offender might get roughed up by the police.
The police might be a little bit mean to him.
Of course, that is racist.
Racism is worse than women being sexually assaulted now, apparently.
Mean words are worse than molestation.
As we saw after the Cologne attacks, of course, the mass molestation of women on New Year's Eve 2015 in Cologne.
What was the first response?
By the local feminist chapter in Cologne.
Was it to go and render aid to the victims, as many as 2,000 women, not just groped but openly raped in the streets by these gangs of migrant men?
No, what they decided to do instead was visit the local refugee center and hand out flowers to the migrants, some of whom would have actually been engaged in those mass molestations and rapes.
Absolutely incredible.
That's going to wrap it up.
War Room is coming up next.
Don't go away.
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
Let's talk about the game.
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Thank you for your support and thank you for getting into that because it's important.
You didn't come here to do that, but I made you do it.