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Name: 20230117_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 17, 2023
2693 lines.

This InfoWars broadcast features Alex Jones discussing the New World Order's struggle due to their panicked response, withholding positive news from audiences. He mentions upcoming guests, including Dr. Judy Mikovits, and discusses the importance of independent media during troubled times. Dr. Mikovits talks about Fauci's crimes in controlling scientific literature and funding dangerous vaccines that have caused harm to millions. InfoWars needs listeners' support through fundraisers, product purchases from their store, and promoting their high-quality CBD oils. The show criticizes the military-industrial complex and urges individuals to seek out the truth.

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It's Tuesday, January 17th, 2023.
And you are tuned in to the number one broadcast in the world, credited by the enemies of humanity of being their number one enemy for rallying humanity against their criminal operations.
They thought they'd walk in here and depopulate us and cut off our energy.
They thought they'd sell pedophilia to our children.
They thought they'd dump fentanyl on our streets and that we wouldn't Go down without a fight.
They were wrong and they're now in full insane panic mode admitting that their whole agenda is falling apart.
Scientists, doctors by the thousands every few days coming out.
Death suddenly.
Actuary numbers showing they hit us with a bioweapon.
They thought they'd get away with it.
Ladies and gentlemen, these are psychotics.
You ask, why would they do something like this?
It's what psychotics do.
Why did Stalin do it?
Why did Hitler do it?
Why did Mao Zedong do it?
Because they want Total control.
Well, I've known Paul Joseph Watson since right after 9-11, and he of course runs Summit.News and does a great job, and he's a contributor to InfoWars, and we've got a raft of special guests today, a huge list.
I'm not going to go over them all, but this is going to be one hell of a broadcast right through midnight tonight.
All of you can take the links and share them.
The link you're not blocking is conspiracyfact.info, so be part of this event.
Helping weaponize the population with truth and justice and freedom against these tyrants.
They fear human intelligence.
They're battling all of us with AI, trying to block you sharing the links, but we can overcome them together.
We will adapt and overcome.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
InfoWars Tomorrow's news.
Listeners and viewers know that I don't give you positive information just to butter you up and make you feel good.
We're not Dr. Feelgood here.
Told you the Q thing wasn't real.
Told you Biden wasn't going to be removed on January 21st.
The inauguration told you basically everything that's come true.
But when things are positive, I'm going to tell you about it.
And the whole New World Order agenda is in deep trouble.
We have panicked videos from the first day, official day yesterday.
Now we're tracking the second day that we're going to be playing Clip Sub with Paul Joseph Watson coming up in the next segment.
These are just insane clips.
John Kerry says what we're doing to the planet is extraterrestrial, like we're extraterrestrials.
I told you, they believe they're becoming a new species.
This is a real transhumanist cult.
And they are making aliens here.
They're making new synthetic life forms.
They're crossing species together.
They're creating new particles.
With the Hadron Superconducting Super Collider using human minds.
Wait to hear what Klaus Schwab had to say.
It's all coming up next segment.
But the crew's done a great job.
The best job ever lining up today's broadcast that runs from 8 a.m.
this morning with Harrison Smith to a little bit past midnight tonight.
And the site to share so we can get around the sensors and get everybody in and millions and millions of more folks waking up to what's really happening in the information war.
is conspiracyfact.info.
Klaus Schwab, in their new annual report, says the number one threat is anti-globalist disinformation, meaning Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Tucker Carlson, people like that.
So coming up today, Paul Joseph Watson joins us in about four minutes.
Then we are going to have Mark Passio on, Hotep Jesus, Drew Hernandez, Gab McGinnis, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Maria Z, Roger Stone, Savannah Hernandez, Darren Beatty, by the way, Savannah's at Davos, Matt Baker, Dan Dix, Tom Renz, Jay Dyer with a big SPARS update, new developments.
Edward Dowd, Mickey Willis in studio, Alex Stein, Dr. Stella Emanuel, Robert Barnes, and a lot more, ladies and gentlemen.
So this is going to be one hell of a transmission lined up for you today, and I'm asking all the listeners of the InfoWar To share in your email, your text message, however you can.
Word of mouth.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
On Twitter, on Instagram, on Facebook, on Google, on Apple platforms.
Share conspiracyfact.info.
One word.
That takes you to a simple page that has the emergency broadcast.
And links to critical information and back to Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
We have been the brunt of the assault, the brunt of the censorship, the brunt of the intelligence agencies, the brunt of the New World Order assault because we had their battle plan and the blueprints to their Death Star program.
And we've helped build and launch so many other great careers and organizations and people.
So this has also been a hatchery of the future generations in the fight.
I've been in this 28 years, 30 plus years, fighting the globalists, 28 years on air, and I am blessed to be here only because of God's providence and God working through you to support the broadcast.
So, today is a fundraiser day.
We're behind over $200,000 a month.
And we had to build a byproduct in the future.
All the products we're selling we have in stock ready to ship to you.
And they're amazing products.
So we have the Alex Jones was right emergency sale.
Get up to 50% off on top selling products at Infowarshore.com.
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complete, back in stock, 25% off, limited supply, all at infowarestore.com, PJW, straight
It's Tuesday, January 17th, 2023.
And you are tuned in to the number one broadcast in the world, credited by the enemies of humanity
of being their number one enemy for rallying humanity against their criminal operations.
They thought they'd walk in here and depopulate us and cut off our energy.
They thought they'd sell pedophilia to our children.
They thought they'd dump fentanyl on our streets and that we wouldn't Go down without a fight.
They were wrong and they're now in full insane panic mode admitting that their whole agenda is falling apart.
Scientists, doctors by the thousands every few days coming out.
Death suddenly.
Actuary numbers showing they hit us with a bioweapon.
They thought they'd get away with it, ladies and gentlemen.
These are psychotics.
You ask, why would they do something like this?
It's what psychotics do.
Why did Stalin do it?
Why did Hitler do it?
Why did Mao Zedong do it?
Because they want Total control.
Well, I've known Paul Joseph Watson since right after 9-11, and he of course runs Summit.News and does a great job, and he's a contributor to InfoWars, and we've got a raft of special guests today, a huge list.
I'm not going to go over them all, but this is going to be one hell of a broadcast right through midnight tonight.
All of you can take the links and share them.
The link they're not blocking is conspiracyfact.info, so be part of this event.
Helping weaponize the population with truth and justice and freedom against these tyrants.
They fear human intelligence.
They're battling all of us with AI, trying to block you sharing the links, but we can overcome them together.
We will adapt and overcome.
Paul Joseph Watson joins us.
I got a lot of questions, a lot of things to cover.
These new, most insane Klaus Schwab clips ever.
Most insane John Kerry clips ever.
They're saying they're going to take over our genes, that they're like extraterrestrials.
I told you!
They see themselves as aliens.
They're making a new species.
You understand?
That's their mindset.
I read their writings.
They're taking our bodies over.
I mean, it's like body snatchers having a press conference or something.
It's like a science fiction movie for real.
We're going to cover it all.
All these deaths, dying suddenly.
Coming out that the government knew it caused blood clots and death.
Paul Joseph Watson, we've been Well, it's not the world that we grew up in, to say the least.
what, 2001, 2002, and over 20 years now.
You want to just reflect for a few minutes on what the journey's been like
and how the world's changed, how really what we predicted really was the reality,
and then hit some of the breaking news?
Well, it's not the world that we grew up in, to say the least.
The first memory I have of you, Alex, which I've probably explained this before,
was I got to know you and your work because of the regime, the system,
the establishment attacking you.
And it was, I think it was the year 2000.
This is how old we are now.
It's that far back.
Or it was like early 2001.
And it was a program called The Secret Rulers of the World, hosted by John Ronson, who is now part of the regime.
He was rewarded for his work.
And it was them attacking you for basically believing in this dangerous conspiracy theory where a bunch of people got together in a redwoods forest in California and had these rituals and these elitist confab get-togethers.
Of course, you were proven completely right, as is the title of this broadcast, but the mere fact of them attacking you You know, posed a question in my mind.
Well, a lot of what he's saying kind of makes sense, so I'm gonna go and check it out.
One thing led to another.
Next thing you know, I'm listening to an 8-bit Winamp radio stream off of Infowars.com on a dial-up modem in the year 2001.
But again, the very source of it was The Matrix, the regime attacking you, trying to discredit you, and that's what got me interested.
So even in the very process, we have to remember, of them attacking you, and boy are they attacking you now!
It's come a long way from a Channel 4 documentary.
Even in that process, they bring new people to the table inadvertently, and this is where we're at now all these years later.
And You've talked about it as recently as the previous segment, Alex.
I think you're right.
I think we're seeing a malfunctioning of the matrix.
I think we're beginning to see them panic.
We're seeing so much information come to light on a myriad of issues over the past few weeks and months.
But especially the vaccine, and it's almost like, Alex, it's the revelation of the method.
It's almost like it's coming out too quickly, and they're desperately trying to stop it to prevent an even greater societal collapse, civil unrest, bedlam, chaos, because there's so much coming out.
I mean, I'll give you an example.
The vaccine.
We had a doctor appear on BBC News last week, Dr Asim Mahaltra.
And he is a cardiologist.
They got him on there to discuss statins, ostensibly.
And then he started going into a spiel about how COVID vaccines were causing cardiac arrests, heart arrests, strokes, and that they should be restricted, stopped, for the large majority of the population.
That got out.
It got 20 million views so far Alex.
The Funeral of the Queen broadcast on BBC One got 25 million viewers.
So that clip of a doctor talking about the vaccine causing heart attacks is probably set to get more views on the BBC.
And by the way, that's just the Twitter one.
I also saw Instagram ones with tens of millions of views as well.
And then meanwhile, that British MP who said he talked to cardiologists and said they were covering up heart attacks, the government's trying to remove him from Parliament right now.
So they're in full panic mode, but it's not working.
Yeah, they're trying to create martyrs, and they're trying to make examples of people as a warning to others to not get into this, to not speak out.
And Andrew Bridgen, who you just mentioned, is one of them.
He's done interviews, though, saying, I am willing to sacrifice my entire career now, basically his life.
To become an advocate for this issue because we don't forget that he was one of the most ardent advocates of the vaccine as recently as about a year ago.
He used to post pictures of himself on Twitter.
And he's doing the right thing when the head of a cardiology department told him they're covering up mass heart attacks.
He's doing the right thing.
Yeah, and again the Matrix cracked down on him via the anti-Semitism angle.
He never said the Holocaust didn't happen, he never diminished the Holocaust.
He actually, you know, re-advanced the seriousness of the Holocaust by saying this Israeli doctor told him this, that it was as serious as that.
So now he's come under attack.
Of course you have the other Andrew, Andrew Tate, Who has been detained, thrown in prison without charge for about two weeks now.
30 days plus.
Like you, Alex, he's been denied a trial.
He's been subjected to trial by media.
And even some of his accusers, the media is now interviewing, have come out and said, no, he's done nothing wrong.
He's treated us nothing but fantastically.
And again, why are they doing that?
Why are they coming after and creating these martyrs?
By the way, his brother is the world chess champion.
His dad was the world chess champion.
He's three-time world kickboxing champion.
Very, very cerebral.
He told me that before because these rumors were out there years ago.
Is he insane?
Is he totally nuts?
And then a video goes out of him spanking his girlfriend five years ago because she asked him to.
And folks, I'm sorry to tell you, half the women I've known want you to slap them around.
I don't do it.
And that's when the relationships start to end.
But, I mean, I've had women say, punch me in the face, slap me, tell me I'm a piece of filth.
He didn't even do that, he spanks her on the butt.
So, yeah, this is obviously a PSYOP as well.
I mean, what, a whole bunch of women have come out.
It's not just two of the so-called accusers said, I never even said this, it's made up!
Well, why is Fifty Shades of Grey so popular?
But again, the girl involved in that controversy came out and said it was completely consensual.
It's part of their kink play.
And that's the point.
Do you really think, Alex, the Matrix, the regime, is mad at Andrew Tate because he's a vile misogynist?
Look, I'll say it.
And I'm not proud of it, but I've been a little bit promiscuous in my day.
Half the women I've dated want me to choke them.
I mean, and I won't do it.
I'm not into pain, folks, but that's what goes on.
Well, I mean, they've done studies.
Paul, just be honest.
How many women want you to choke them?
All I'm saying is that there have been studies where, you know, these are mainstream studies, you know, 63% of women have rape fantasies and stuff like that.
Some people are into that.
Alex, that's just their thing.
That's their king.
I'm happily engaged now and I'm not into any of that.
But this is the point.
They're not angry at him because of that, because of what he's done to women, what he says about women.
They're angry at him because he comes on your show and talks about the military-industrial complex, talks about the vaccine.
And he's got hundreds of millions of young boys listening wanting to be manly.
That's his real crime, while they're teaching in UK schools about how dangerous he is and how being masculine's bad.
Stay right there, Paul Joseph Watson.
I didn't know you're engaged!
I gotta meet this lady!
Wow, Watson's hanging up his spurs!
Quite the ladies' man himself!
We'll be right back, stay with us at FoalWars.com.
Well, the legendary PJW is our guest.
He wanted to finish up on the Andrew Tate thing, but I want to be very clear to young men.
Promiscuity is not a good thing in hindsight, and I grew out of it.
And the fact that there's so much corruption and so many people and them promoting Fifty Shades of Grey in public schools and girls being into that.
You're going to end up going to jail if a girl tricks you to slap her around.
A lot of times they end up going to the police.
Don't do it. It's very dangerous.
And it's just something you're going to have to deal with.
Or I suggest you just, you know, settle down with a nice girl that's a good Christian person
and never experience all that stuff.
I mean, it's really in hindsight, I wish that I'd never been so worldly.
But I've been honest about that because I've repented of it.
But you see Andrew Tate's being a racy guy.
I don't think he did anything illegal, but he got in that racy area and he got burned.
And I think he's being railroaded and it's wrong, Paul, but it just shows that type of lifestyle is very dangerous, Paul.
Well, precisely, and you'll notice that the regime didn't attack him for telling men to live promiscuous lifestyles, which again, a lot of people go through that phase, but I think ultimately it's very harmful, and yes, it's very dangerous, because you'll get women, and I've seen cases of this where You know, they break up with somebody, and then they go and accuse them of something, and it's like, well, now you've been accused of it, you obviously did it, and that's what's happened with Andrew Tate.
Trial by media, the accusation alone is that he's guilty, and yet, they're not angry at him for the misogyny, for the comments about women.
It's because of what he says about the Matrix, about the regime, and the fact that, similar to your case, Alex, they banned you off every platform, but bullets, um, you know, ideas are bulletproof.
So that didn't really work.
So then they came after you with the legal stuff and that's the progress that they take.
And they caught one of the girls in a UFC event.
They caught one of the girls that accused him at a UFC event coming up and hitting on him and he refuses her.
Yeah, I think he's got very wary to it now, but that's how they got there in, that's how they got to him with these presumably false accusations, but we'll see.
But again, it doesn't matter because love him or hate him, Tate's ideas are like a virus and it's now infected the mainframe.
I remember Infowars doing competitions with stickers and, you know, 1984, 1776, that kind of rhetoric, that entered into the cult underground, that entered into the subconsciousness.
And Tate's ideas have done the same.
They've infected the mainframe.
So even if you take him out as a source, he's got, you know, millions of young lads who are uploading his content on all these different platforms on a daily basis.
There's a new thing in the UK, Alex, where apparently, and I've been told this by several people now, it's happening all over the place, young lads, like teenage boys, are just walking up to complete strangers in public and telling them, the Matrix wasn't a movie, it was a documentary.
Where's that come from?
It's come from Andrew Tate saying it.
They organize flash mobs of, you know, gangs of teenage boys in the streets chanting for his release.
His ideas have infected the mainframe, whether you like it or not.
And that's why they're so panicked about his influence on young kids.
These allegations were years old and had already been investigated and dropped.
And so, you know, I expect people to try stuff like that on me.
They've already tried.
The Daily Mail and others I know paid people to make up absolutely complete lies.
And that's why they didn't file suits, because they knew they couldn't prove them unless they rigged the case.
But it's certainly a dangerous world.
What do you make of the Davos group saying the number one threat is people criticizing them, and they're working with the UN and governments and big tech to silence criticism.
AP is reporting that today.
The AP that it's bad to criticize Davos, even though they're announcing world government, we own your bodies, we're taking over, we're like extraterrestrials, you're gonna own nothing, have nothing, you're gonna eat bugs.
I mean, these are quotes.
Well, the AP, I think the President of AP is at the Davos meeting, meeting with all these globalists while they're publicly telling you you can't criticize them.
Yeah, they're in a blind panic, Alex.
I mean, go on any WEF tweet and look at the responses to whatever they post.
It's 100% anti.
And they're in a blind panic.
They've got 5,000 soldiers there to guard them.
They've got unprecedented security measures.
People are saying it's like nothing they've seen before.
And it's because they are paranoid.
A number of the... I think Klaus Schwab isn't even going to be there, right?
At least for the initial two days.
Other top government leaders aren't going to be there.
A lot of business people are going to be there.
But others are skipping it for no apparent reason.
So they're in a blind panic.
They're saying there's a new poly-crisis facing humanity.
And it's all this different fallout from the resentments of lockdown, from the resentments of the cost of living crisis, from the resentments of this mad march towards net zero with this climate change.
And that's the key, Paul.
Klaus Schwab, as you know, you've written about it extensively.
Have all bragged they're going to make us angry, cut the resources off, and we'll then bring in a socialist utopia with a universal basic income.
But instead, we're all blaming the ones that did it, so they're getting the hate instead of them directing it at each other.
So instead of them getting it to make us kill each other, now we're knowing who did it because of you and Tucker Carlson and countless others that are in deep trouble.
What are you expecting to do now?
I think they're trying to do a slow reveal, a steam valve method, a revelation of the method where they allow all this information to come out, but they allow it to come out slowly because they fear if it comes out in a big crescendo, it's going to cause a massive explosion with major social unrest across the Western world.
I mean, you can just look at the polls, Alex!
Multi-decade brainwashing about climate change and half the population of the world nearly doesn't believe in it.
After all that social engineering, they did a poll recently, 84% of Americans believe the mainstream media is a threat to democracy.
So again, they put people, trial by media, they put people like you on that, thinking that they have the moral high ground, the credibility to even put anyone else on trial, when their trust, their credibility is in the toilet.
You know, you've got polls showing that 89% of Americans have rejected this drag queen LGBT narrative.
You've got polls showing that You know, the COVID situation has been massively exaggerated now.
Even in the United Kingdom, where we had a big take up of boosters, that's now dropped, I believe, below 30-40% because of all the information that's coming out.
And it's just whether it causes a social explosion, I think that's what they're concerned about and that's what they're going to be talking about at Davos as they hide behind the soldiers and the unprecedented security.
I'm sure you've seen these clips of Schwab, we must come together, we must defeat those that criticize us, we must stop them talking about us.
And then Kerry says our takeover is like an alien takeover.
Because that's what they are, the transhumanists.
They're literally, it is an alien takeover.
They're creating technologies alien to the planet and trying to force us into a totally unnatural new system.
There's also something weird going on with that, Alex, and it's this whole UFO thing.
Because in the 90s, anyone who talked about UFOs and treated it with legitimacy was ridiculed, was called a crank.
And now, the mainstream media, popular culture, is all about how UFOs... Yep, go ahead.
I'm sorry, Paul, I didn't mean to hit the button on you.
You were saying UFOs.
Yeah, in the 90s, when you talked about UFOs, you were ridiculed, you were called a crank.
Now the popular media, the mainstream culture, is all about how UFOs are completely legitimate.
The Pentagon has come out and expanded its investigation into them.
They're saying now, record increase in UFO sightings over the past year, according to the US National Intelligence Office.
So there's something very weird going on with this.
Mainstream forcing of this UFO issue down everyone's necks in an attempt to make them believe that it's all legitimate.
And then you read about Project Bluebeam.
It's very interesting.
Paul, it's been too long.
I was hitting the button to them to say, put your website up and actually hit the button to you and talking to you.
I apologize.
You got to come back soon.
I know you host the show sometime, but we love you, Paul.
We love the great work.
We follow all your work at Summit.News.
Thank you so much.
Thanks Alex, good luck.
All right, 20 years working with that guy.
We'll be right back with another special guest and more.
Stay with us and I'll play the WEF clips, I promise.
Yeah, in the old days if the media demonized you and lied about you, it would destroy you.
But today it does...
But today it does the opposite, really.
It makes those that are gullible hate you, but people that are awake love you.
So it's a very weird paradox.
The Deimos Group has announced that we are their number one enemies, those that criticize them, those that are anti-New World Order.
AP comes out and says we're all making it up and they want world government to control our bodies, while they say on the stage they're going to take over our genetics with these shots.
Now, we've got a raft of special guests.
We're going live until midnight.
It's the same info war as Alex Jones was right, broadcast.
We are not going away.
We are not shutting down.
We are in Chapter 11, Subchapter 5, reorganization.
That means with the rigged trials they had, that takes them to the table.
And basically makes them understand they don't have all this extra money and ends this whole thing.
But who will end our broadcast is the listeners and viewers, if you believe their lies, that we're being shut down.
We're not being shut down.
Even if the court made that decision, I would just go across the street and fire the show right back up.
And I've got offers all over the place.
But I want to keep our crew here.
I want to keep this brain trust here.
Band-Op video, all the things we're doing.
So, please keep us on air.
Go to infowarestore.com.
Biggest sale of the year yet is running.
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We have to end these specials soon.
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And it's key to understand we have all these great guests that are coming on, tweeting and Facebooking and everything else and telling their great audience to come here to create synergy.
And in the future with these folks, I want to do that for them as well.
And this is how we fight together, how we organize, how we unify and create that amplification effect that the elites are so scared of.
Their number one issue at Davos, the Bilderberg Group's mouth, their spokesperson, Is the burgeoning, independent, anti-globalist, pro-human, natural law movement.
And speaking of exploding, I've known who Mark Passio is for a decade or eight, nine years at least.
I listen to him almost every day.
My wife listens to him religiously.
And his natural law understanding, that's what the ancients and the globalists understand, is exploding.
I get so many comments in grocery stores, on the streets, everywhere about Mark Passio.
but also hear his quotes coming out of people's mouths and I see who Mark Passio is and they don't know.
That's when you know you're successful, when you hear people saying the exact thing someone's
saying that they got from him through somebody else,
that's when you know you've broken into the zeitgeist.
So congratulations to what in the world is really happening.
Host, and there it is on screen, whatonearthishappening.com.
That is Mark Passio.
We only got him for two segments, because that's the issue with having so many great guests on.
We can only have them for two segments.
And the list of guests is at conspiracyfact.info.
So without further ado, Mark Passio, condensing, boiling down your most important information.
Thanks for being here.
Alex, thank you so much for having me on.
I would say that, in a nutshell, my information boils down to basically two things.
The first is the causal factors for why humanity is currently experiencing tyranny and enslavement.
The current human condition is actually covert slavery.
And unlike other researchers and broadcasts, what I do on What on Earth is Happening is I explain the causal reasons that humanity is experiencing those conditions, as opposed to breaking down the 3D worldly events.
I'm not saying I never do that, but that is not the main area of my focus.
What I focus upon is explaining to people what are the underlying reasons
that this is actually manifesting in our world and that this is our current condition.
And if we understand that there are laws that govern human freedom,
and the laws that govern human freedom are entirely based on whether the aggregate
or collective human behavior is overall moral or not.
In other words, there's a direct relationship to moral behavior and whether humanity experiences freedom or tyranny and enslavement and chaos.
So, we have to understand what the objective morality is, and this constitutes the study of what I call, in my work, natural law.
Many other researchers in the past have termed it natural law.
Natural law is the laws of the creator of the universe.
It's the laws of God.
It's the laws of morality in the entire cosmos, in the entire universe.
These are laws that ultimately govern the behavior of intelligent beings, beings with the capacity for understanding the difference between right and wrong behavior.
And so we have to be correct about what right and wrong behavior actually is.
I always say on my show constantly, The reason that we're losing our rights is because the average human being cannot define a right.
They cannot tell you what a human right is and actually get the definition, get the answer to that question correct.
A right is simply an action that does not initiate harm to another sentient being.
If we live and exist within our rights, meaning we're not committing any actions that are transgressions against other sentient beings, we're not committing murder, assault, rape, theft, trespass, coercion, and deception, what I call in my work the true seven deadly sins.
Then we are not violating the rights of others.
And then our behaviors go out into the universe and they are actually interoperating with the natural law, with the laws of behavioral consequence embedded within nature.
And then we are receiving back from the universe a consequence.
We either receive consequence for good moral behaviors, In which case, we will create things that are orderly, prosperous.
We create a condition of freedom.
Or if our behaviors are in opposition to the natural law, then we're going to create a collective condition of chaos and tyranny and enslavement.
And you only need to look at the result that we're getting to be able to gauge what path we've been on and are currently still on.
Meaning that if we're getting tyranny, the majority of the human population, by definition, according to natural law, cannot possibly be engaged in true morality, in true aggregate moral behavior as a whole, as a population.
And this is because human beings in the collective, in the aggregate, unfortunately, still in the modern day, do not actually truly know the real objective difference between right and wrong.
As odd as that sounds to say, that is actually the truth that most of human beings don't know true objective morality and aren't aligning their behavior to it as a matter of fact in reality and nature.
They have ideas that have been embedded in their mind through mind control practices about what reality constitutes.
But much of that is incorrect and they have to reevaluate that and actually relearn it.
And when you do actually relearn true morality, when you actually do away with the false notions of morality that people have been taught since time immemorial in all different institutions, Then you actually learn the science that constitutes natural law, and you could accurately and consistently align your behavior to it, and actually teach others to do the same.
That's the first thing that I teach.
We'll put it back on screen, your URL, because it's just an introduction.
People can go learn about it there, but when we come back, why are the globalists and these dark forces that know the law Why are they actively trying to go against it and then admitting it's going to bring down civilization?
Why would they want to bring down order?
What is their point in doing that?
Mark Passio, What on Earth is Happening?
We'll be right back with him on the other side.
Stay with us and share the URL conspiracyfact.info if you want to break the matrix.
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com.
And we're doing a live transmission past midnight tonight with a raft of the most informative, best guests we've got.
And Mark Passio is an expert on natural laws here laying this out.
Now all the ancient civilizations that actually rose knew this.
The Bible's all about it.
But look at Klaus Schwab when he speaks.
He says, we're going to make an angrier world.
We're gonna destroy this world, and we're gonna bring in our new one that they called, and I'm gonna play the clip coming up, John Kerry said it's like extraterrestrial.
He said it's not human, it's new.
So they're trying to overthrow the order.
They're trying to go against not just Earth's order, but what God created as order.
So I know you like talking about solutions, but people also want to understand why these evil people go against the law, and how they get so much power, it always seems for a time, but then it causes great destruction.
And in almost every case, they think it'll destroy us, they think they're in control of the cycle, but really it ends up destroying them.
So what's your view on why they know natural law, because I mean, I know you know that, I listen to you, and I know that from watching them, and then they go against it, but then a lot of times they live by it, but then they try to make us live by something else.
What's happening?
Well, this connects directly into what is the second major thing that I teach in the body of my work, and that is the nature of the occult world.
What is occult information?
What is occult knowledge?
What is occultism in general?
The word occult simply means hidden.
It is hidden knowledge about how not only the human psyche functions and operates and what it's Deep motivations are and how it could possibly even be manipulated, but it is also the knowledge of how the natural law in the universe actually functions.
It's real hidden science that is hidden from the masses of people to actually manipulate control and deceive them.
Yeah, by keeping them in a state of ignorance.
If they're kept in a state of ignorance, then it's a piece of cake.
It's child's play, literally, for these master manipulators that are actually running things to deceive and manipulate the everyday person because it's like It's like, you know, beating someone for money that doesn't know how to add and subtract numbers because they've never learned mathematics.
If people don't know how the real sciences of human psychology and behavioral law work, it's child's play to manipulate them.
That's my next question.
You said earlier, which is totally true, you reap what you sow.
So they know that when they dumb people down and go against natural law, that it blows back on them and their families.
They're not immune from the horrible world they're making.
Sure, it gives them power, but it creates a hellhole.
Why do they do that then?
Well, they're the dark occultists who are wielding this knowledge to create a power differential over people.
That's why they want to keep the knowledge of natural law and the causal factors of the human condition hidden.
They want to remain in power over other people because here's their overarching worldview, which ultimately answers your question.
Their worldview is If there are behavioral laws in effect in the universe that they themselves did not put there, but a higher power in the universe put there, their overarching worldview in their mindset is that the universe itself is a prison simply because it is governed by moral behavioral law.
We go back to the story of Lucifer and that's really what they're doing is they're at war with God in the universe and with order.
That's exactly correct.
Their mental attitude and worldview is because they are in such a state of out of control ego and total self-absorption.
That their mental worldview is, we would rather reign over a prison cell than serve God and His laws.
It's laws.
They would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven.
That is their literal worldview.
They see the universe as a behavioral prison because they know that behavioral consequential law is in effect.
And that individuals and whole societies cannot simply just do whatever they want without behavioral consequence.
So what they want to ultimately do is to brainwash, deceive and manipulate people to follow their orders and do these immoral behaviors for them in their name.
And ultimately, the brunt, the bulk of the moral consequence will be brought down on the people who are actually taking the behaviors themselves, not the ones who are going to just order the behaviors.
Now, that is not to say that there isn't still consequence for those who are giving the orders.
But the brunt and the bulk of the moral culpability always falls upon the shoulders of the people who are in with their bodies taking the real world action to bring the resultant harm into manifestation in the physical world.
That is why it is so important to disconnect the mind from these people's worldview, from the religion that they are inculcating the human population into, which is Satanism and dark Luciferianism, but it's certainly Satanism for 100% certainty.
They are giving us their mindset to get us to go along with the immoral behaviors that they want to see brought into effect, because only a population that is completely immoral can ultimately be enslaved.
That's right.
They're giving us... And that is where we're at.
They're giving us the poison.
That's why it was declassified in the 70s.
The CIA wanted ugly art, ugly culture, destroy the family, because Those people aren't programmable and controllable,
but just like in Pinocchio's an archetype, they get them to break some stuff,
steal stuff, they turn into jackasses, and get loaded on a slave ship to go be in a mine.
And they're telling you there, you do this, you hang out with the criminals,
there's a system setting you up to get you basically in their grasp.
The very first two tenets of their religion are, the self is essentially God.
The ego that is completely out of balance and out of control and has taken over the being is to be put up on a pedestal as the God of their religion.
So egotism Only care for the self and what one gets is the main tenet
of their worldview.
Now just apply that to the average person.
Just think about if we just honestly consider how many people embody behavior like that
in the general human population.
How many people are purely selfish?
Basically, they generally wake up only thinking about themselves, maybe their immediate family, their own quote-unquote.
But they don't look outside of anything, you know, in a wider sense than that.
They don't lead an examined life.
They're not really concerned with the difference between right and wrong.
They're very one-dimensional.
They're very one-dimensional.
And how do you Get somebody who's already caught in that one-dimensional programmable dimension to shift out of it and realize the interconnectivity.
Well, I think that's actually the good news in the whole dynamic that's taking place on this planet because the fact is that human beings are a programmable species.
And unfortunately, dark occultists have largely given human beings their current programming.
that can change if there's enough care and there's enough willpower to create a change
in that dynamic and in that regard.
We can reprogram ourselves and we can help other people to reprogram their mental world view and mindset.
And it's basically to me like you're a satellite dish.
You point towards God, the creator of the universe and the perfection of it and surrender to it
'cause that's what made you, that's what you are.
Or you can keep operating and point your dish the mad scientist who are trying to break out of this
It's all about reprogramming your worldview through the accurate reception of the law of the creator of the universe.
That is what learning natural law is all ultimately about.
And these conditions that are set into the universe are not there acting as a prison system.
They are there for our optimum benefit and growth as a species.
They're a launch platform.
Of course.
They are there to provide us a guide on a compass, if you will, for our behavior.
And we learn the consequences of our behavior.
We learn that we cannot ultimately be completely insulated from any behaviors that we take.
And therefore, we're going to create consciously if we know these laws.
If we refuse the reception of the natural laws of the creator of the universe, which are moral, behavioral, consequential laws, then we're going to create the aggregate experience that humanity then is going to have to dwell in and live in completely unconsciously.
So this is ultimately what I am seeking to do.
I'm trying to help people understand the consequential laws that ultimately govern our behavior and the consequences that we receive for enacting certain behaviors and guide them to learn Objectively what the real moral laws are so that we can create a shared human condition that is done in not only a conscious manner, but is done in the optimum way to enhance the human experience, make us prosperous, and ultimately make us free in the long term.
Mark Passio, we've got five more minutes with you than our next guest is coming on.
You've got to come back for several hours, commercial-free again, and really lay all this out.
Like, why at the Olympics 2012 in England do they show a Grim Reaper coming down with a deadly coronavirus and killing all the children?
All right, folks, final segment.
Mark Passio, then a bunch of other special guests are coming up here in just a few minutes.
Part of this marathon broadcast going through midnight tonight, and I could pick his brain all day, but I've said a lot of history, a lot of natural law, how the globalist operated.
I tell you, this guy very cogently, in the most articulate way it's being done, lays it out.
He just sticks the rules, the laws of this, so people get that, then they get everything.
But I found one of the great ways to wake people up is to show them the manipulation and explain why these formulas are carried out.
But here's an example.
I'm not saying aliens are coming here from a foreign planet.
I read what the globalists say.
They want to break out of the prison.
They believe this is a simulation.
They now know the dark matter is five times stronger than this matter.
So they figured out that God's real.
They actually admit that.
None of them are atheists at the highest levels.
They admit that.
But they want to be God, so they're using us to test on.
But an example of that is Where they constantly say in their literature, we're going to become God, we're going to become the aliens, we're going to make the aliens here on Earth, we're going to make you accept it.
And they're already doing that with new species and cross-species and synthetic life and all this crap.
Here's John Kerry yesterday at the Danbos Group saying what they're doing to revolutionize and save us from carbon, we're carbon-based.
is like extraterrestrial, like aliens are doing it.
So they really believe that they're acting like the Nephilim or like God. And what you read about
in ancient text, not just in the Bible, is happening again. So there's a whole other level of that.
And in closing I want to get his take on it. But here's a short clip of John Kerry.
And when you stop and think about it, it's pretty extraordinary
that we, select group of human beings, because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives,
are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet.
I mean, it's so almost extraterrestrial to think about, quote, saving the planet.
And if you said that to most people, most people, they think you're just a crazy tree-hugging, lefty, liberal, you know, do-gooder, whatever.
And there's no relationship, but really that's where we are.
And they're saying we're failed, we're fallen, they've got to fix us.
And then everything they actually do, I know you know this when you study it, is hurt people.
What do you make of these statements?
They are ultimately transhumanists.
They are trying to degrade humanity to the point where we are no longer human.
And when that condition comes about, you have a population that is, it's very, very simple to rule them as chattel slaves.
And that's ultimately what they're trying to do.
They're trying to do that through technology.
They are technocrats as well.
They are trying to do that through the pharmaceuticals that they pump the human population full of,
the chemicals and the food, the air, the water, et cetera.
And they're doing that through mind control, through what is known as epigenetic programming.
If people listening take away one thing about who these people really are,
they are dark occultists, which means that they are very ancient psychologists.
And what our society ultimately is run by is a technocratic occultocracy.
And I know that's a big mouthful, but it means they're technocrats, meaning they're going to ultimately implement their rule through technology in many different forms.
And they are an occultocracy, which means that who is ultimately running the hierarchy of power is dark occultists.
They are an occult order.
They are hidden controllers that are ultimately master psychological manipulators.
This is what we have to demystify the occult world as.
It's not sorcerers in big hooded dark robes conducting massive rituals out in the clearing in the woods.
That is a component of the occult.
But what it ultimately is, it is the most advanced psychology that has ever been learned and known and kept hidden by human beings throughout the entire history of humanity.
And if people who have that deep knowledge of the human psyche Want to manipulate people who don't know anything about those levels of psychology.
Again, it is child's play for them to do so.
That's why we have to wise up, we have to become street smart, and we need to level the playing field.
That's right.
You're giving them, we're giving them the owner's manual, we're breaking the matrix.
Incredible job, Mark Passio, WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com.
We'll talk to you very, very soon.
I can't wait to meet you in person.
Anytime you want to come to the studio, do it.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
Alright, powerful.
Next big guest coming up.
We'll tell you about them straight ahead back in 60 seconds.
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Well, Hotep Jesus is a researcher, talk show host, marketer, a great Campaigner for Liberty Issues and he joins us for the next 30 minutes.
This is part of this marathon broadcast that we're doing right through midnight tonight.
It is also a fundraiser to help keep us on air, but Ho-Temp comes on my show and he's funny some of the time, but he's also really serious, but when you watch his show online and it's really hilarious.
Here he is on Fox, knocking it out of the park.
Do you buy this, Ho-Tep?
Yeah, climate change is racist.
I walked out the house the other day and the cloud called me an asshole.
I think that's a first.
I think that's a first.
But I said jokes on you.
I didn't vote for Biden.
9 black. I have no idea. I have no idea. I have no idea. I have no idea. I have no idea.
I have no idea.
(audience laughing)
I have no idea how we're gonna deal with that one in edit.
You have to show that!
I know that! That's the best bakery joke I've ever heard!
Where am I?
And it goes on and on and on and on.
He joins us, coming up next, Drew Hernandez, Gavin McGinnis, Dr. Judy Mikovits, and a bunch of other special guests, Roger Stone, Savannah Hernandez, Darren Beattie, Matt Baker, Dan Dix, Tom Renz, Jay Dyer, with a big SPARS update.
You don't want to miss that at 730 tonight.
Edward Dowd, Mickey Willison Studio, Alex Stein, Dr. Stella Emanuel, Robert Barnes and so much more.
But, Hotep, good to have you here, my friend.
We didn't talk before you came on.
You said, what do you want to hit me with?
I said, whatever you want to hit.
You said, I want to hit Davos.
Well, that's exactly where I'm at.
Man, what do you make of the announcements they're making?
How they run the world?
But if you say that, you're evil and should be censored, and they're like aliens come to save the earth.
I played that clip earlier.
We'll play it again in a moment.
Klaus Schwab talks about the disinfo and how we're their number one enemy.
I mean, it is on.
First things first, I'd like to inform the people that today is a very important day in InfoWars history.
We are fundraising and we do need the people's help to keep the station at tip-top shape because obviously it's been under attack by the establishment.
So I just want to put that out there first and foremost.
Glad to be here.
As far as Davos is concerned, The way it appears to me is the real power controllers have sent their workers out to Davos and the real power controllers are somewhere else.
For example, we look at Jekyll Island.
Jekyll Island was a very secret meeting.
I'm a bit leery about this Davos thing being so public.
Is it important that we keep an eye on it?
Is it important that we pay attention to the messages coming out of Davos?
These people are definitely planning our future.
economically and socially. So we should pay attention to it.
I just don't want people to get too distracted by it and understand that
there is a deeper, darker force behind these people that they send out here. Now if
you look at the the list of people, it's mostly women, and say you know these people
aren't the real decision-makers. No sexism involved in that.
It's true the globalists are now recruiting women as their front because we take women as worn out.
What you said is totally right.
Devos was created by the Bilderberg Group, which is secret, which actually is the highest level, which is their spokesperson to push their agenda.
But really it's the globalists putting their puppets on display.
It's a big giant puppet show where they go, this is the elite, this is their agenda, but meanwhile it's a lot bigger.
Please continue.
Yeah, and that has been proven in the past by your work.
I remember watching you go and you had to sneak in to build a bird group.
I remember when you had to sneak into the Bohemian Grove meetings.
You don't exactly have to do that with Davos.
So Davos is a big front, but the crazy part is the Normies are not even hip to Davos.
They have no idea what's going on over there.
They have no idea what type of plans are being made, but You do have to pay attention to it.
Economics is basically the facilitation of scarce goods and resources amongst a population of people.
Whoever controls the economics controls the people.
We're seeing that now with inflation, with the recession.
People are feeling it.
Some people are saying the GDP numbers are up.
That's fake news.
OK, the GDP numbers are not up.
You cannot go up from negative.
You can only come back to zero.
And that's what they like to make you think is that the economy is recovering.
No, the economy is trying to come back to zero after they put us in negative 10, negative 100, whatever it is.
They raised inflation 30% the last few years and then say, oh, it only grew by 0.2% the last few months.
But you destroyed it previously.
And then you also have to take into account the growth that would have been in the economy had they not destroyed it.
So not only do you have to make it to zero, you have to make it to zero based upon where the economy would have been if they did not shut down New York, California and the other major markets.
By the way, you're right.
They admitted at Davos, and again, it was the U and the Globalist above them, that they basically did the shutdown to save the earth as a carbon lockdown, and that they want to force the old system to bankrupt to accept their new system, which isn't even viable.
Why would they want a post-industrial world?
Why do they want the average person poor, Hotep?
Out of chaos is their excuse to create order.
And their excuse to create order means giving them more control Over the economy, people, social life, etc, etc.
When you look at how people have been moving over the past few years, they have been organized.
You notice that black and white people were coming together and they used the Trump admin to create a greater divide amongst us.
So you also have the divide and conquer tactic that's being employed here.
But ultimately, it just comes down to control, right?
If you can't manage yourself, somebody else will come in and manage you for you.
And then what they want to do is they want to inject you with their poisonous inoculations.
And we've seen various videos come out, just saw a mother grieving about her mother taking her son who wanted to play sports and getting him inoculated.
And now he's not even eligible to play sports because he has an irregular heartbeat.
Absolutely a shame.
And then we have the intellectual class who has led us astray.
The intellectual class has told us to go out and go get the inoculation.
And they still haven't been held accountable.
I'm not going to name any names.
And that was a test, wasn't it?
To see what they can get away with.
Oh, absolutely.
People on the left and right were controlled when it came to that.
Or duped.
Either controlled or duped.
I don't like to speculate.
Either way, they were wrong.
Either way, your intellectual class has failed you.
Your blue check verified people on Twitter have failed you.
Um, and, uh, the Hoteps were right.
Alex Jones was right.
We warned you people.
Alex Jones told you guys this stuff was going to happen at least 10, 10, 20 years ago.
And, uh, now that it's here, people want to, uh, make Alex Jones feel like he's the bad guy.
They don't want to allow him on social media.
Why do they want to allow him on Twitter?
I'll tell you why.
Because he would have been ahead of the game.
He would have warned people about the dangers that were coming.
This is nothing but the swine flu of 1976 all over again.
They try to tell people that there was some epidemic, pandemic coming.
Turned out it was a huge nothing burger, but a bunch of people ended up with Asperger's or something like that.
And it turned out to be a huge experiment where people's lives We're challenged, we're put in danger, some were lost, and we're seeing it at a global scale now, which goes back to the whole population control agenda.
We know the population control agenda comes in various forms, abortion, LGBT-ism, and now they're doing it through forced inoculations.
It's practically forced because people's livelihoods were put on the line, you might get fired from your job, you might, you know, the Military mandated it and now the Pentagon says they want to roll it back.
They are now arresting people in Germany that don't take it.
I see the videos and read the articles and in the UK they are coming and getting special needs children and the state says you're not allowed to not give it to them.
They're special needs.
We're gonna make them take it.
I mean this is so dangerous.
This is the highest levels of tyranny the planet has ever seen.
I mean, the sad part is, it's not in your face like Stalin.
It's not in your face like Lenin.
It's behind your back.
It's in front of your face, but behind your subconscious mind.
It's covert.
It's hidden.
And that's what makes this so dangerous.
It'd be different if they just rounded everybody up.
But no, they're actually doing it right in front of your face and using the people you trust to convince you that this stuff is safe.
And using women.
And challenging your livelihood.
Stay there, we'll be right back.
It's nothing against women, but it's true.
They admit they're using women as their front because we biologically see a woman.
It's not threatening because we never got attacked by women in history.
So they're sending armies of women out to carry this out, but they're really soldiers of the globalists.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Well, I could talk to Hotep Jesus for days.
Such a smart guy.
Love his show.
Love his work.
Appreciate him supporting us.
Please remember, listeners, we got about a $230,000 underage on average the last six months, which was fine because I had saved about $3 million that I had just in the bank over the years.
Sounds like a lot for an operation this big.
It's a very small reserve tank.
That's all gone.
And then we got a big Bitcoin donation.
That's gone, but we're stabilized.
If we can just get about $200,000 extra to catch up where we were to be able to buy product
into the future, we're appealing all these fake rulings.
We'll be here for years.
We're in your hands.
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Those just came back in, but limited shipments.
All discounted between 25 and 50% off at infowarestore.com, and I thank you all for your support.
Going back to Hotep Jesus, I gotta play this clip.
This is John Kerry likening this elite group saving the world to space aliens.
Here it is.
And when you stop and think about it, it's pretty extraordinary.
That we, a select group of human beings, because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives, are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet.
I mean, it's so almost extraterrestrial to think about, quote, saving the planet.
I mean, if you said that to most people, most people, they think you're just a crazy tree-hugging, lefty, liberal, you know, do-gooder, whatever.
And there's no relationship.
But really, that's where we are.
Folks, you can't get more evil than John Kerry and their whole agenda up there, likening themselves to God, basically, the metaphor aliens.
What do you make of that, Hotep?
The road to good intentions are paved in hell, or however that phrase goes.
I like the way you say it.
Here's the issue.
Anytime you have somebody who leads their campaign off with, I'm going to save the world, they're either lying to you or extremely ignorant.
The world does not need saving.
What the world needs is for big government and big tech to get out of people's way.
If they did that, the world would come back to homeostasis.
The reason why things are bad is because we have manipulation of money, manipulation of markets, and manipulation of minds.
If everybody just minded their business, and if the big corporations just minded their business, for example, When it came to the inoculations.
Always going to come back to this.
Twitter suspended a bunch of accounts.
YouTube suspended a bunch of accounts.
Limited what you could say.
Limited what you could not say.
You can't even talk about the Ukraine crisis on YouTube, etc, etc.
These are the things that inhibit the truth.
Anytime you have people, for example, if you come on my platform and you want to talk, You can say whatever you want.
I'm not going to inhibit your truth.
That's because I know I'm standing good on my truth and I trust that people can make their own decisions.
What is the argument that Alexander Hamilton made when he wanted to establish his central bank?
He basically said people don't have the ability to think for themselves, so we have to think for them.
So that's why he wanted to install a central bank to manage the money of the world, the money of the country.
The sad part is, it's just like a child.
If a child falls and you pick the child up every time, the child will never learn how to pick itself up.
It'll never learn how to walk.
It'll never learn how to live, how to thrive.
Well, the same thing happens when it comes to markets.
If you don't allow people to lose money in a market, how are they going to learn how to make money in a market?
What they what?
So what they did was they created these central banks.
These central banks come about.
I wrote a white paper on it called the Patriot Report.
And these people come around and then they control the money from a central place.
And then what they do is they do the opposite of what you're supposed to do.
So, for example, if the economy is booming, wouldn't it make sense to increase interest rates if you wanted to manipulate the market in a proper manner?
They lower the interest rates.
And when the economy is doing bad, what do they do?
They raise the interest rates.
It's the opposite of what you're supposed to do.
Even Thomas Sowell says you wouldn't pass an econ one-on-one class with him.
Exactly, and that goes back to the first thing you said.
They sell it like they're saving us, but no, they're using all the power they centralized to enslave us and keep us poor to control us.
It's sick!
Because they're not making all the perfect mistakes on accident.
It doesn't matter what country where they run it, they do the same thing if they want to destroy you.
This is an attack on traditionalism?
This is an attack on conservatism.
They like to throw around this word racist, and I used to fall for that stuff.
And I got real hip, and I realized none of this stuff actually has to do with race.
This has everything to do with ideas.
And the main idea is conservatism.
For example, when we look at a wonderful black female judge, Janice Rogers Brown, huge conservative, Biden, Obama, Clinton, all of them voted against her taking a chair.
I believe it was in D.C.
I forget which circuit court that was.
Janice Rogers Brown, you have to go look up this woman and do your studies on this woman.
She had this one case, Aguilar versus Avis, and there was some racial undertones happening at the workplace.
And she says, these people have a First Amendment right.
If that's how they want to run their business, that's how they should run their business.
And that, to me, is sound judgment.
You have to allow the free market to handle businesses.
If you want to discriminate based upon race, I believe anybody should have that right too.
The business is going to suffer when people find out how you treat your people or how you do or don't do business.
And this is another Absolutely.
We're out of time.
You gotta come back and co-host or come back on soon.
Brown, it comes out of the Civil Rights Org. The Civil Rights Org attacking a black woman.
And they tell you, "Oh, but black women, but black women."
No, black women that think like them are the only ones they want. They don't want black women who
think with sound logic and rationale.
Absolutely. We're out of time. You got to come back and co-host or come back on soon.
HotepJesus.com. Hotep, in closing, looks like they're getting ready to dump Biden.
Yes, I did notice that.
And he's just not fit for the job.
And maybe they're going to slide somebody in there.
I'm keeping an eye on that.
I think they may skip next election and try to get an establishment Republican in the seat.
I'm taking a look at Pence.
I think Pence might want to make a run at it.
But I'm more afraid of an establishment Republican than a Democrat.
That'll put us back to sleep.
There you go.
Hotep Jesus, smart as they come.
We love you, brother.
We'll talk to you soon.
God bless you.
God bless.
All right.
We've got some other amazing guests coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
This is going to be one hell of a broadcast today, right through midnight.
Please spread the word about the broadcast.
Guess who's coming up?
Drew Hernandez, then Gavin McGinnis, Dr. Judy Migovitz, all the biggest brains coming on
Well, Drew Hernandez exploded onto the scene years ago covering Antifa, and he just has
become one of the best talk show hosts out there, super popular.
He's again popping in with us for just the next 25, 30 minutes.
We're having a new guest on every 30 minutes here today.
Because they block Infowars.com and banned our video on Instagram and Twitter and everywhere
else, we have created new URLs that aren't just redirects.
But, are their own page with just the live feed of the show and then links to InfoWars and Bandot Video.
We'll put that back on screen.
ConspiracyFact.info and AlexWasRight.com.
You share those URLs, not just our guests that are coming on, and it creates huge synergy and massive numbers of extra new people tuning in that are awake, but not all the way awake, or who are totally unawake.
So there's the URLs.
And the hashtag, Alex was right, and this is a fundraiser to try to keep us on air.
Now, I was asking Drew Hernandez, because I set him up for the show a few days ago, but it's always topical, what do you want to hit first?
And he's right down my alley.
And then I wondered why a bunch of Debo's clips I didn't see last night and this morning, because I send the crew the clips I want, they give me some too, why there were a bunch of clips in there that I hadn't found.
Well, it turns out he sent these to us, so that's why we've got Carrie saying they're space aliens saving Earth, Klaus Schwab saying a bunch of really cryptic stuff.
Brian Stelter is now one of them.
We've got a really ridiculous clip of him.
We're going to go over all this with Drew Hernandez right now as the globalist puppets, the puppets of the actual globalists, meet and sell their horrible agenda.
So Drew Hernandez, thank you so much for joining us.
Thanks for joining me, Alex.
We are here for such a time as this.
Hashtag Alex Jones is right.
I think it's pretty abundantly clear, especially if you're tracking what they're talking about in Davos in Switzerland right now, which is nothing new.
But I'm thankful that a lot of people, I think millions of people, are waking up to the reality that there is a real shadow government.
It's like not even not so much shadow anymore.
They're out in the open and they openly talk about the topics Of their digital VR, AR tyranny that they want to impose on humanity.
They're openly talking about censorship and going against anyone that doesn't want to take a COVID vaccine.
That's literally what Brian Stelter was talking about in Davos like a couple hours ago.
So a lot to cover today, Alex.
And let's go wherever you want to go, brother.
I'm with you.
Well, no, I mean, you're the guy that says the clubs, I've seen them, they're insane.
Brian Stelter, New York publisher, disinformation existential threat, New York Times publisher, compares Trump rhetoric to Stalin and Hitler, where they're the ones following that.
Representative makes it hard to get shops in arms, New York Times publisher challenges.
Cooperation in a fragmented world.
recognize this information. I mean, they are really scared.
They're really concerned.
Let's play the Klaus Schwab clip first. So they've all got to circle the wagons against
people that don't want their world government. Here it is.
Corporation in a fragmented world. At the beginning of this year, we are confronted
with unprecedented and multiple challenges.
We need to overcome the most critical fragmentation.
And the most critical fragmentation is between those who take a constructive attitude and those who are just bystanders, observers, and even Go into the negative, critical, and confrontational attitude.
Wow, let's unpack that room.
There it is out in the open.
You know who he's talking about?
You know who has a negative and confrontational attitude?
Okay, those that are critical against the World Economic Forum and the New World Order.
You want to know who Klaus Schwab is talking about?
The man that That people claim doesn't exist?
The man that the deep state and the shadow government claim isn't real?
That these people aren't out there in Switzerland meeting together talking about how they're going to oppose people that oppose their agendas that are satanic, that are tyrannical, that want to shut down the free world and shut down free humanity and their freedoms?
He's talking about you, ladies and gentlemen.
He's talking about Alex Jones.
He's talking about info wars.
He's talking about banned out video.
He's talking about the free world.
He's talking about the United States of America.
He's talking about anybody that opposes everything that these people stand for, which is Satanism, Luciferianism, and ultimate tyranny, not only in the real world, But they want to take it into a VR, AR world as well because they want to control your mind.
What he is talking about is opposing everything that you love, everything that you stand for, everything that you've ever known.
because they're envisioning a new world where it's controlled by these global elites,
where it's a virtual reality matrix, where you will owe nothing and be happy
and you will just absolutely accept everything they shove down your mouth.
What Klaus Schwab says out in the open is what he means.
A lot of people take a look at that guy and say, oh, he's just an old man that wants to, you know,
not be a boomer and be an old wineskin that wants to get with the times
and move us into the future.
Yeah, but with a tyrannical agenda that wants to impose literal slavery upon humanity
and he says it out in the open that we need to overcome those that are critical against us.
That have a negative mindset against us!
This is the war you're in!
Every single one of us watching right now are in this InfoWar.
Every single one of us are engaged.
Every single one of us, we are all John Connor.
We are all facing Skynet.
We are all facing the AI takeover.
We are all facing the technocracy.
We are all facing the censorship.
We are all facing these things that are opposing humanity and InfoWars.com, ban.video, InfoWarsStore.com is literally the tip of the spear and out front and center.
That is why they are so banned.
That is why they get demonized and slandered everywhere you look in the media.
You want to know why?
Because Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, all of these global elites know exactly what this network stands for.
And it is to stand against them and their tyranny.
This is exactly why we need to support free speech systems.
Because if we don't have this, if we don't have an alternative economy, if we don't have alternative media that is standing alone, standing their ground, we will get defeated by Skynet.
We will get defeated by the New World Order and thank God people are waking up to the reality because of clips like this that these people are A, in existence, B, homicidal tyrannical maniacs, and C, they literally are opposing the free world and free humanity.
This is why we need to support InfoWars because this is everything we stand for.
It's bigger than Alex Jones.
It's bigger than InfoWars.
It's bigger than me.
It's bigger than you.
This is about free humanity.
This is about good versus evil and God fighting the devil.
You gotta pick a side now.
Well, you're on fire, but it's all totally true.
And I've got so many clips you sent.
I've got clips where they say, let me read this quote here.
We'll come play this when we come back.
That they're creating a global collaborative village, and Yuval Harari goes on in another clip to say you'll be forced into it by the government, so a digital concentration camp where they make you wear a digital hood over your head, and where they control reality.
Total cult programming, and here they are introducing hell on earth to us, Drew, like it's a good thing.
I mean, it's crazy.
They're going to take over our bodies.
They're going to give us mRNA to take over our genes and fix our genes.
They said that yesterday.
I played the clip.
I mean, these are maniacs.
They're homicidal, tyrannical maniacs, mad scientists, okay?
These bureaucrats that pontificate and walk around determining how humanity is literally gonna go.
Okay, all the stuff that Alex has been talking about for decades, okay, coming to fruition, and these people are out in the open and arrogantly saying it.
Because they know that they're in a point in time where they can come out and say all their homicidal ideas with a smile on in your face because they know that they're in a position where you can do nothing and you will say nothing and you will not oppose them because if you do, you will get cancelled, silenced, possibly even lose your life.
That is what is in the minds of these people.
Free humanity and the free spirit is still alive.
That's why we are still here.
And wherever the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom and liberty.
And this spirit of freedom will always continue as we go forward into humanity.
We are all Leonidas facing the evil Persian king.
We are all Leonidas standing in the face of tyranny.
Not allowing these people to take us down and not allowing these people to literally walk over our freedoms.
That is where we are right now.
This is not us just, you know, speculating and I don't know.
This is kind of like my own bias and my own opinion based off of, you know, a kind of shady clip I saw in the World Economic Forum.
No, this is Woo!
out in the open, it's real, they all talk about it, they want world domination, and
the energy we need right now is resistance, resistance, resistance, do not stop, do not
get complacent, go overdrive, zero to a thousand, zero to ten thousand in five seconds.
Woo, Drew Hernandez is in fuego.
I can tell you we have millions of new listeners pouring into InfoWars.com right now through the URLs that get you there and get past the censors.
ConspiracyFact.info and AlexWasRight.com.
And it's thanks to Drew Hernandez and Otep Jesus and Paul Joseph Watson.
And all the other, Mark Passio and everybody that have been on the show already, and all the great guests that were on with Harrison Smith during his show this morning.
And that's what it's about, synergistically coming together and holding up the media organizations that are independent and told the truth, and are fighting this false reality metaverse they're trying to force us into.
They want to lock us down, make us work in these areas, and you were raising this.
Then I'm going to get to the John Kerry clip, but first, Devo's watch.
It's Klaus Schwab and Vice Chair, President of Microsoft, Brad Smith, unveil their vision of the Global Collaboration Village.
So a giant digital re-education camp.
Here's the clip.
We'll get Drew Hernandez's take.
The Global Collaboration Village is a pioneering effort to use the metaverse for the public good.
To create global cooperation and to strengthen global cooperation in the metaverse or using metaverse technologies.
And we are pleased to create this Global Collaboration Village in cooperation with Accenture It's especially important for this vision of a village without borders.
stakeholders, governments, business, civil society, together on a continued, sustained
basis. This is the next phase, the next big phase of development in the virtual world.
It's especially important for this vision of a village without borders. It's an open
development process and it is an open development philosophy.
We're creating at Microsoft, through Microsoft Mesh, a software platform that will be accessible to people through a variety of different hardware devices.
This particular project, in our view, is of enormous importance for the world because of the role that the World Economic Forum plays in the world.
This is an opportunity to create a village without borders.
So they want to control your body, they want to be able to organize people and bring third world populations in, they want to be able to lock you in your houses.
There's so many facets to this.
Drew Hernandez, your take on it.
Alex, talk about digital programming, right?
I mean, aside from the issue of just jacking in your mind into a virtual reality system where they could obviously control everything that you see, everything that you hear, and everything that they want you to believe.
We've talked about that many times on this show and on my show as well, but I also want people to kind of have this takeaway from that clip as well is They're continuing to push the no borders, okay?
The globalists are open borders because they don't view any sovereignty for any nations.
They might give an appearance for that here or there because they want to utilize a nation like Ukraine because all of a sudden we could lock down their borders and they can have sovereignty, but because they have an interest there with Ukraine, right?
So nothing they do is actually genuine.
They don't care.
What I'm trying to say is is notice how they continue to push for open borders.
This is why the formerly known southern border of the United States of America is clearly open.
This is why there's replacement migration in Europe as well where they're changing the demographics.
They wanna bring in people that can't even speak the native language so they can control those people
from the top down so they'll never show a fuss, they'll never protest, they will just do everything,
own nothing, be happy and just be good citizens of the so-called democracy that they established
in the country that they were allowed to be in, right?
They're slaves.
What I'm saying is, the reason why they want the open borders is because that is part of the anti-Christ, anti-God agenda.
The Bible has made it very clear that God has laid out, drawn lines, border lines for specific countries for His specific purposes, because in the end times, in Bible prophecy, God has specific nations unifying against the second coming of Jesus Christ.
So, borders do matter, because in the end, you see God identifying separate countries in order for them to fulfill Bible prophecy on God's 10,000-view timeline, okay?
So these people do everything that's in opposition towards God.
It's the depopulation agenda, it's the vaccine agenda to poison people with these poison shots to depopulate the earth, including abortion and mutilating... Attacking our DNA.
They said yesterday, we're going to take over and fix everyone's DNA with mRNA shots.
So now they admit it manipulates DNA.
I mean, it's just insane.
So Alex, so if they can get you into some kind of VR reality, right?
Where they're literally programming your mind in order to accept the ideology.
Notice how he uses those words, right?
Alex, it's an ideology.
It's an ideology.
This is an ideology of the World Economic Forum.
It's the consistent, continual, digital programming.
It's the PSYOP being run and the propaganda.
Okay, imagine propaganda in VR, man.
People are going to lose their minds, Alex.
Pushing this globalist agenda, no borders, no USA at all, no wall, no nothing, no national sovereignty, so they get your mind prepared and propagandized on a direct level to accept their plans.
This is part of bypassing your free will.
This is why John Kerry comes out and says, uh, we're pretty much extraterrestrials.
The whole experience of us getting touched at some point in our life to have a savior complex to want to save the world.
We all know what that is because we're a select group of people here at the World Economic Forum.
The elite class mentality, believing that they are the saviors of the planet.
That is anti-Christ.
In the place of Christ, okay?
It's demonic.
These people are interfacing with Satan.
They're interfacing with demons and their agendas.
Some people are unaware.
They're just deceived, going along with all the success and gaining everything that comes with worshipping the devil unknowingly.
Some are intentional about it, Alex, and you know this.
Some people are intentional about their Luciferianism and know that they're interfacing with higher beings, which they call aliens or extraterrestrial, which are fallen angels and demons passing along information because these fallen angels have been around longer than any one of us.
And they know just exactly how to manipulate humanity and push the agendas of Satan.
That is what you are watching.
And the only way to stop them is to be aware of it.
And again, what do they do at Skull & Bones?
They get the top-levelest kids, they send them there, and when they're in college, they go and they're reborn in coffins, they bathe in feces, they have homosexual sex, and they all try to get one of the gods or goddesses to enter their body.
And they've got a bunch of skulls and body parts of famous people in there.
And it's a German death cult.
And I'm not blaming Germans, folks.
Every culture has the same death cult.
The Aztecs, you know, Africa have the same death cult.
You know, how is it the same gods, the same devils, the same demons get worshipped by certain groups that then build temples and engage in human sacrifice?
Because they're being influenced by interdimensional entities.
And the globalists don't joke about this when I've been around some of them.
They all know it.
They follow it.
They are tapped in to fallen angels.
Absolutely, and Satan, the ultimate fallen angel himself, is, okay, is literally ancient.
This is what people need to understand.
These entities have been around for thousands of years.
Not just at the beginning in the garden.
Even before.
We don't know eternity.
We can't comprehend eternity, okay?
These demons and fallen angels are not atheists.
They know God exists.
They know how powerful God is.
And let's be clear, let's be clear.
They show us this ugliness and all this to get us on board with that.
They have rebelled and so We have to understand that we have the Holy Spirit, God's transmission, so it seems insurmountable to be up against this, but no, we are new beings God's created that have souls, that can literally create things, we're made in the image of God, we're amazing, we've been given the ultimate power, free will, and this is our embryonic phase, and yes, God has allowed us to be tested.
This is a test.
That's why in the New Testament, okay, anytime you see Jesus Christ, okay, God in human flesh, interacting with the disciples, interacting with people around Galilee, around Jerusalem, throughout His entire ministry, Anytime Jesus was encountering demons, okay?
Spiritual fallen ones.
What was their response?
The demons would screech.
They would freak out and say, are you the son of God?
They would speak through little boys.
They would speak through the possessed ones.
Are you the son?
You're the son of God.
Our time is not yet.
Please don't send us to hell.
Please don't send us to the abyss.
You want to know why?
Because they know the agenda.
They know the timeline.
And they want to deceive humanity to plunge them into the lake of fire so you burn forever, disconnected from God, never believing that your creator exists.
That is the ultimate agenda.
It's to get you separated from God, not just on this side of heaven, but even worse on the other side when you enter into eternity.
That is the end game of all of this.
This New World Order agenda, World Economic Forum, Bill Gates... And they tell you through Hollywood, the movie Poltergeist, where the cult leader leads them out in the desert and kills them because he wanted the spirits of the children with him, and he's trying to have them lead him to the light.
That's what Lucifer wants, is to haul a bunch of us with him into his own dimension, which is hell.
And why?
Because the Bible says, even he knows his time is short.
His time is limited.
So he's going to take as many souls, as many spirits down with him when his time is up.
The devil sips the beast with the rat because he knows his time is short.
Drew, you've got a lot of websites, a lot of shows.
You're kicking ass.
I see you everywhere.
Where's the best place for people to find everything of the man on fire, Drew Hernandez?
Yeah, you guys can find me, go to Twitter, at Drew H. Live.
The links to my shows are all in the bio.
I have my own podcast, Drew H. Live, Drew Hernandez Live, that's exclusively on Rumble.
You can find that link there as well.
And I host a show called Frontlines, powered by TPUSA, that is on Real America's Voice.
All those links you guys can find in my Twitter, Getter, or Truth Social bio.
Beautiful, we love you.
Thank you so much.
Alright, our number three, another big guest.
Yeah, straight ahead, stay with us.
In 2007, Alex Jones releases Endgame, exposing the world elite's plans for covertly using biological weapons against all of mankind.
And by the time they launched their attack in 2020, Alex Jones' InfoWars and our audience were there to warn the people of the deadly vaccines that we knew were coming.
This is why they attack us.
This is why we need your support.
Because we tell the truth.
Alex Jones was right.
Join the resistance this Tuesday.
All day long.
The Alex Jones Was Right Marathon.
Join us in the fight for freedom.
And help us defeat the New World Order.
The great Gavin McInnes is joining us coming up in the next segment here in about five minutes.
And then, Dr. Judy Mikobitz, one of the biggest whistleblowers, on the poison shots, going back decades.
She's incredible.
We got Maria Z, always does a great job when she guest hosts the 4th Hour with a bunch of big guests as well.
Roger Stone, Savannah Hernandez from the Davos Group in Switzerland, Darren Beattie with Big Breaking News, Matt Baker, Dan Dix, Tom Rims, Jay Dyer with a big update on SPARS.
New information has come out that's bone-chilling, very important to know.
Edward Dowd obviously on the mass death and the actuaries, you know, it's all coming out.
Mickey Willis in studio, the maker of Plandemic, Alan Stein, Dr. Stella Emanuel, Robert Barnes, and more right through midnight tonight.
And I'll be back.
I was gonna be here at 7, but I'm just gonna end up interrupting Jay Dyer with important information he's got.
So I'm just gonna let him host.
I guess he'll do a better job.
I mean, I saw a report he did on this and it was all true.
I'd researched it.
He found out even more information.
It's blooming.
I asked him to come on and get more into it.
I'll just spend 10 minutes on it.
So that's coming up, and it's about getting new people to the show.
It's about synergy.
It's about getting past the censors.
It's about letting the globalists know they're not going to win.
All of our guests have been promoting.
They're coming on.
I want to thank them.
The listeners are promoting the URL that takes you to a player of the show that can get around the censors.
They're blocking InfoWars and Man.Video on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, conspiracyfact.info and alexwhiswright.com.
And I'm sure in the next few days, the next few months, sometimes it's a few days, sometimes it's a few months, they'll block those URLs too.
But you can always share them word of mouth.
You can always share them on your email and your text message.
For now.
Now, let me throw this out there, because I'm the one that directed this fundraiser a couple weeks ago.
I said, we need more funds, let's do a fundraiser.
And they created the great site to get around the censors.
They did all that.
But then I dropped the ball.
The biggest part of a fundraiser to make it successful is people love a graph.
People love to see how much money is coming in.
I didn't think to tell the crew to put one in there, or to have them check and then they have to manually put it in.
We have plug-ins that'll do it, say off the shopping cart, but then you have other donations coming in, other ways money comes in, so they have to kind of hand enter that in.
But I'll give you some updates, but here's what's going on.
I'm behind about a million dollars.
Sounds like a lot for the average person.
I get it.
This is a pretty big organization.
So it's not a problem, except I put all my backup money in.
I don't have any money, which is fine.
It doesn't hurt me and my ego.
In fact, it kind of feels good that I've been totally committed.
Like I said, I would and all their lives, but I'm doing this for money and all the rest of it's pure crap.
We built one of the only truly independent Organizations exposing the globalists.
And they say at Davos their number one threat is anti-globalists exposing their agenda.
We're wrecking them.
You're wrecking them.
So please go to InfoWarsTore.com and I'll give you some updates here that I'll get during the break on how many funds have come in.
But I'd be happy if we raised an extra $200,000 today.
Because then I can do, I guess each month going out maybe a fundraiser and kind of catch up where we're at.
But Christmas we didn't lose money because that's usually a big month, but the six, seven months before we did.
And so Christmas, but they just did the math the other day, actually meant it's about five months behind.
So I've been saying six months, but it's actually about five months behind, a little bit behind.
So if you'll just go to InfoWareStore.com and get great products you already need, it's a win-win.
And with what's going on in the environment and all the craziness, I think you're nuts.
If you don't go to infowarstore.com where we have the biggest sale of the year.
This is as big as our Christmas sales.
BrainForce Plus and BrainForce Ultra, two different really great nootropics.
50% off when you take your brain to the next level.
Great clean energy.
Immune support 40% off.
Everybody should be taking that.
Whole food, multivitamin 40% off, that's a great deal.
Vitamin C with zinc, the Linus Pauling formula 40% off.
Ultimate Krill oil 40% off.
Pain MD 40% off.
7076 is astrombus 40% off.
X7 selling out, that's 40% off.
Vitamin D3 gummies, 50% off.
Super Fimo Vitality, 50% off.
Ultimate Fish Oil, 40% off.
Down and Out Sleep Aid Support, back in stock, 40% off.
Real Red Pill Plus, finally back in stock, 50% off.
Figgy Magnesium, just came back in, a very limited shipment, 25% off.
And it's a limited supply and a lot of these deals are ending soon like immune support, brain force, multivitamin, the zinc, the krill oil, a lot of it.
So take advantage of that and please keep us on air.
Thank you for your support.
Gavin McGinnis, straight ahead in 60 seconds.
Well, he's the host of the incredibly popular program, Get Off My Lawn.
We'll put his URL up on screen for folks.
There's still people out there that are in my league, and I don't say that with enjoyment.
I wish it wasn't the case, but he's definitely been as hunted and lied about and censored as I have.
Censored.tv, Gavin McGinnis.
Good friend of mine.
He created Vice.
He created the whole modern movement, several major movements.
He's very, very iconic.
The system fears him.
Same reason they went after Andrew Tate is if they fear you and they see you changing
the culture, particularly with young people and others, they come after you.
So Gavin, in the last 25 years, brought in many of the things we see today that are staples,
even though he then rejects a lot of them after the left has basically taken them over
and ruined them.
And I wanted to get him on about the Deimos group, about the poison shot news coming out,
just about all the craziness, but also the Twitter files and where he sees the next phase
of this in civilization.
Are we winning?
Is the worm starting to turn all over the news?
They say Deimos is in trouble.
Everybody hates him.
You go on YouTube, 99% of the comments and some videos that have millions of views.
I mean, we're talking hate their guts.
Same thing on Twitter.
So I'd like to believe we're winning, but I also don't want to start celebrating too
soon like the wolf says in Pulp Fiction, you know, until until we got the fish in the boat.
So Gavin, we salute you, my friend from censored.tv.
What's front and center for you?
Well, I think a good metric for where the country is at is how you and I are perceived.
Like back when Trump was becoming really unpopular with the left about a year after he was elected, when they really started coming after all his supporters and throwing them in jail, I would get called a Nazi on the street maybe one out of ten times and the other nine would be nice.
Now it's down to like one in a hundred and ninety-nine are like, hey man, can I get a selfie?
Wow, I love what you're doing.
It's the worst.
The worst I'll get these days is, I don't agree with everything you say, but I appreciate that you're out there.
And it's the same with you.
When I moved to New York in the late 90s, if you believed everything Alex said, you were a nut.
But when you say outlandish things and no one knows if they're true or not, you're a nut.
When those outlandish things keep coming true, you're not a nut.
And that basketball player who wrote Alex Jones was right on his head recently, I think is more indicative of how you and I are perceived.
Put a list together here quickly.
You said they're making the frogs gay.
Yes, Weed Killers does make male frogs lay eggs.
You said they're grooming our kids for sex.
Now we have Drag Queen Story Hour, they're spreading their legs.
You brought this up a million years ago when they were twerking in front of kids and I thought, well this will just be a quick fad.
Still stronger than ever.
You said they're bringing this child sex ritual to our churches.
And we've seen drag queen crap going on in church.
They have the drag queens in the church now.
You said that billionaires meet with presidents in the forest at Bohemian Grove.
That's all true.
You said they meet at a sex island where they have sex with children.
Now, that story has been going on for a long time, but you put the Epstein thing on the map.
That woman sued him.
The New York Times went near it once or twice.
But as far as like when Joe Rogan and Tim Dillon discuss it, they're citing Alex Jones.
You said the war in Iraq was fake.
There's no WMDs.
You said the government can control the weather.
You warned that they're going to create animal-human hybrids.
That's humanized mice, goats, sheep is incredibly common now.
Well, not incredibly common, but it's all over the place.
You talked about robot-human hybrids.
That's happening.
And then you said, one of the weirdest ones, you said they're going to start using the blood of children to get eternal life.
And that just sounds nuts.
But then there's the article.
Rich people, elites are getting blood transfusions using adolescent's blood and they say it makes them feel a lot better and a lot healthier and they're going to live longer.
The freaks are right.
The lunatics are running the asylum, and we're the only ones calling them out.
And I have definitely noticed, walking around in public, even liberal cities like New York City, I'm getting 99% high fives.
And I think that's a good sign.
I totally agree.
Have you found a paradox, though, where we're almost becoming passe, and that now people know we're right, that we're not getting as much support?
Or at least I'm not.
We're struggling to stay on air.
All I get is love everywhere now, and my dinner bought for me.
But at the same time, people are like, oh, you're right now.
You can retire.
We all know the truth.
Thank you.
And I'm like, no.
Now we've got to stop their agenda.
We don't want to just wake up and then let them rape us.
We've got to now do something about it.
I don't want to just be right.
I want to wake people up to stop them.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, I'm in this weird phenomenon at Censored where people are scared to subscribe in case the deep state shuts them down.
So it's almost like they're saying love.
It's almost like they're opening a trap door from the ground and going, Hey man, love what you do.
And then going back underground and locking it.
You're a genius.
That's exactly what we're seeing, folks.
And it's stupid.
We're going to lose everything if you don't have courage.
I know the general listener does, but we know that less than 1% of people actually buy stuff
at InfoWarsware.com.
I can plug one time a day if 5% bought something.
Instead, I'm like, "Please help us."
And it's a catch-22.
We have banned out video that cost millions and millions a year to pay for the bandwidth,
hundreds of providers, of contributors.
We get something like 10 million views a day, but that costs money.
So people want us to go build it.
It's free, but we need the support.
People say, well, do a subscription, which you've been smart and done.
And I'm like, yeah, but then we won't have the mega reach because that's what I want to have.
So I don't know.
I mean, we may have to do some subscription because I guess I got to do what I got to do here, Gavin.
Yeah, I get people scared to say that they watch the show, that when we get letters, they say, don't read my name on the air.
And I go to those people, I go, you are censoring yourself.
So you're doing the government's work for them.
They don't have to show up for work if we all censor ourselves.
I end every show with get fired, get in trouble, be brave, never stop fighting.
We can't be living in a society where you're not allowed to watch You're not allowed to send a letter to a show.
You should be reading all kinds of stuff.
You should read Che Guevara's speeches.
You should read Hitler's speeches.
We can't be scared of information.
People gotta be a lot more brave and just say, fine, arrest me then.
Put me on your hit list.
You got a black list?
I wanna be on it.
Gavin, there's so much on your radar, and I really respect you.
All the guests we've had are amazing, but you're particularly amazing.
What is front and center on your radar screen?
Uh, this lie about white supremacy being the biggest threat to our nation, what it really means is I want to put Republicans in jail, conservatives in jail, so I need a magic wand where I can just dehumanize them, pretend they're a racist, and now I'm arresting them for their racism.
This bill that Sheila Jackson Lee is pushing that says only white people can be accused of racism, Black people can shove Asians down the stairs in New York City, but if a white guy Zeke Hiles, we gotta throw him in jail.
And we saw those same lies destroy South Africa.
We saw those same lies turn Rhodesia into the hell that is Zimbabwe.
And we're definitely getting this third world trend.
Like Joe Biden just the other day said white supremacy is the biggest threat.
White supremacy in America is about as common as albino skateboarders.
And it is about as dangerous to the nation.
Well, I'm white, and I grew up in East Texas, and that's the South.
The South kind of ends in Central Texas.
It literally does.
It's more Western.
And all I heard was Christians and people, and I'm hanging around with 50 deer hunters, World War II vets, and all they were talking about is how they wanted to help black people, wanted to end racism, and all the rest of it.
And now under leftist rule, all I hear is about race from white people trying to make brown people racist and they're having a lot of success.
It's insane.
It's like that new Babylon Bee piece where it shows the black person going to a Republican meeting and they're literally worshipping them.
Kissing their ass.
And I feel sorry for black folks because I've been to those meetings.
It's like that.
It's too over the top.
I mean, a black person at a Trump rally is literally carried around on a red carpet.
And they just want to be treated like people.
And it's insane.
It's the opposite.
It's the Democrats using race to control everybody.
And it's effective with the uninformed and the incurious.
They fall for this.
With the Hispanic population in America, they only watch Univision.
They don't have a Fox News.
So they all assume that Trump is a Nazi, and everyone's gonna die and get arrested if he wins, and blacks will have to go back to Africa.
It's a propaganda machine, and you see how effective those are with the BBC in Britain, the government-controlled media, the CBC in Canada, with the government-controlled media.
America's totally unique outside of Univision, where we have independent media, we have Infowars, Censored.tv, Joe Rogan to a certain extent, though he gets censored, and that's a privilege that we should all enjoy, and it's something we should be willing to fight to the death for.
Free speech defines America, and the deep state hates that because they're all about misinformation and manipulation.
So, Getting involved in Infowars and getting involved in these independent medias is the only way to stay out of the matrix.
It's the only way to stay alive, really.
It's precious.
I want to come back because I forgot to play this clip.
I should have led the show with this.
Biden pulled a Swallow's Well.
He said we'll use it.
We'll use F-15s on Americans, fighter bombers against the American people.
With Gab McGinnis, when we come back, Censor.TV, we're with ConspiracyFact.info.
That's the URL to share to get around the censors.
Do it now!
Well, we're right in the middle of the special marathon broadcast going live until midnight tonight.
I'm going to host past two o'clock and then take up a few hours, take care of operations here, and I'll be back around seven o'clock tonight with this whole raft of incredible guests, and they've been amazing.
Gavin McGinnis is our guest right now.
Biden, they're clearly getting ready to get rid of him.
They've ignored all his crimes until now.
I want to get your take on that and who you think they're going to try to bring in now
or what you think is about to unfold.
But first here's the clip.
Biden threatens conservatives at MLK breakfast.
If you want to take on the federal government, you need some F15s.
You don't need AR-15s.
They keep saying Republicans want to be violent.
When all the numbers show we're winning the culture war, they're having to steal
elections to block that.
And so they're clearly telegraphing.
They're going to false flag or wind up some crazy people or bare minimum let something happen.
We've seen a long history of that.
But this is like Swallowswell saying, We're going to take your guns, and if you fight back, we'll use nukes.
Well, nukes hit whole cities and whole armies, including their people.
You don't take guns from someone dropping nukes on them, unless you want to kill your own people.
So just all the military methodology is so wrong as well.
Here's the latest clip of the president threatening the American people with our armed services, which is called treason.
Here it is.
And ban the number of bullets that can go in a magazine.
There's no, no need.
By the way, I've studied warfare, I've studied history, and I don't want any offensive stuff, but you just go to their houses.
patriots. If you need to work about taking on the federal government you need
some F-15s. You don't need an RAR-15. I'm serious, think about it.
By the way, I've studied warfare, I've studied history, and I don't want any
offensive stuff, but you just go to their houses. You don't go there and fight the
F-15s. I mean, if the thing actually kicks off with the Communists, they're
coming after all of us in our houses, it'll be the other shoe on the other foot.
We don't want any of that, but Bozo, the right wing knows how to use guns and knows about asymmetrical warfare, dumbass.
So if we want a physical fight, we'll win it, but that's not what we're doing.
The Capitol was your provocateurs.
It wasn't us.
Gavin, you want to respond to his wet dream of a physical war with the American people?
Well, I'm glad you brought up the Capitol because he just contradicted all of these lawsuits.
The government is this massive monolith, this big beast that you can never touch unless you had the most powerful fighter jets in the world.
It's untouchable, right?
It's Goliath.
Okay, then why are all my friends in jail for daring to trespass on the Capitol grounds, unarmed, meander around, pick up a podium and walk out?
Why did you throw them in prison?
They're facing 25 years for that if you are such a powerful, unbreakable force.
That's one point.
Secondly, we're not getting guns so we can take over the government and kill the president and start our own, have another 1776.
We are staying armed so you don't take advantage of us on a very micro level.
Like, look at the Bundy Ranch.
They came there, they were gonna kick out the Bundy.
Look at them defunding police!
We gotta defend ourselves!
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, yeah.
The police are spending an hour at least to get to these calls because you've castrated them.
So we need to defend ourselves.
But at the Bundy Ranch, what happened?
The National Guard, the Army, the police all showed up.
Everyone there was armed.
And Obama went, I don't want this to turn into a bloodbath.
Give the Bundys their land.
Let's call the whole thing off.
That's what we want guns for.
Small standoffs.
We don't want to We don't want violence.
We want separation of powers, equal powers between the people, the states, and the federal government.
We want balance.
We want standoffs, not violence.
That's what liberty is, is a balance of power, which is a standoff.
That's how a Roman arch works.
They can't even make them as well as the Romans today.
All those giant stones perfectly balanced together is invincible.
The state is much less likely to bully an armed individual.
The whole idea of Half the country getting up and starting a war with the government?
Grow up!
This is like how 13 year olds talk.
Joe Biden has the brain of a 13 year old and that's why, by the way, they're putting him out to pasture.
Like, it doesn't make any sense that his own people found classified documents and made it public.
This guy stole the election.
He doesn't play by the book.
So his own people must be sending him out to sea because, although he's always been a puppet, I don't think the puppet works anymore.
Well, the word is, and I was told this by Secret Service, and I'm gonna leave it at that, and police.
Biden, when he gets mad, craps himself.
That's why he won't let Secret Service around him now, because they know that leaked to us.
I'm serious.
I swear on my children, I was told by Secret Service and police that he literally gets mad at his staff, craps himself, and then makes them clean him.
That's why he famously said, I just got my butt wiped when he walked out to a press conference.
He likes making them clean crap off his ass.
By the way, there's a name of that in royalty in French and British.
It's called the Groom of the Stool.
Oh my Lord!
Well, he did it in the Vatican, right?
He did it right in front of the Pope.
That's right.
He crapped himself in front of the Pope.
Okay, I think it's time to go, Joe.
I think it's time to go.
If he was a local at my bar, I would feel like I was a super nice guy for sitting and talking to him over a beer.
I had a family member I totally loved, and I'm not going to get personal and talk about it.
They were the wonderful, smartest person I ever knew, and when they got about 80-something and had a stroke later, when they got mad, they'd crap and rub crap all over the walls.
And he's almost to that stage.
So what do you think is going to happen in 2024?
Kamala and Gavin Newsom?
Yeah, I agree.
I think Kamala Gavin Newsom is the really smart pick.
Everybody else goes, no, it's going to be Big Mike.
It's going to be Michelle Obama.
What do you think about that?
I think she has too many skeletons in her closet.
Same with Oprah.
I don't think that's real.
I think it's Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris.
But it amazes me because, you know, here on the right, we all assumed, everyone knew, that Gavin Newsom was a demon and he was totally ruined and he was almost recalled.
I mean, his career was done.
But the left, the information is controlled so well, they don't even know that Federman is special needs.
Like, you know when Federman went, the Eagles are way better than the Eagles!
He was better than, you know, when he got, he did a photo op only once, when he got sworn in, couldn't talk.
Had to be led by his wife.
Doesn't even know who he is!
Talk to a liberal in Madison, Wisconsin.
Show her these Fetterman clips and she will have never seen them before.
They think he's a great guy who's pro-choice and pro-union and totally has his head screwed on.
So, Gavin Newsom, also a wonderful dude.
Eric Swalwell, he had no dalliances with Fang Fang.
That's been disproven.
He's a wonderful guy too.
You're dealing with people who have been fed lies.
It's like trying to get someone out of a cult.
I was listening to NPR the other day by accident, going through the dial, and it was like a snake voice going, black people are the biggest group not taking the shot, though it's totally effective and works great, because they're scared of Tuskegee.
They brought a little black lady on to go, trust us now, we promise we're not testing on you, when they admit it was all an experiment.
And I'm listening, it's like satire!
It's like, but they believe it all because they're in a trance!
Tuskegee is another stupid myth where we gave them syphilis.
No, they had syphilis.
It was beyond repair.
They were in the final stages and they were observed.
Almost everything that the left uses to prove that we live in a horrible place, like they burned down Black Wall Street.
No, a black dude started a race riot and things got totally out of control.
Every single story is a lie.
George Floyd, all of it!
And then they hide when there's, you know, black on white violence.
And the next thing you know, they've created this animosity.
So black people are told that police are hunting them for sport.
If I was told that from birth, that police are hunting me for sport, I'd want to kill cops.
So, you put cops' lives in general in danger.
I think like 650 Philadelphia police were shot last year.
I'll have to double check that figure.
It's totally insane.
Most half of them are black and they don't want to go to the areas now and then crime goes up.
It's insane.
Incredible job.
Thank you for joining us, my friend.
Thanks for having me, man.
One of the few people that's been persecuted as much as us.
But it's okay.
Keep in the fight.
Become a subscriber at Censors.TV and support us by buying products at InfoWarsTore.com.
You can stand against the censors.
You can help us win.
Well, Judy Mogovitz is somebody that never gives up.
And we've had a raft of people that I really admire and love.
And I've been trying to get her on for months.
So today's the only day she can come on for 30 minutes.
But this lady...
Has gone through hell to expose Fauci and all the crimes he was committing and gain of function he was involved in.
Beyond that, cancer viruses and the vaccine that I read about.
They knew about the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, but she discovered it while she was there, watched it happening, and learned that so much of the cancer increases from that.
And they literally came after her with the deep state.
It's in the film, obviously, Plandemic.
And so out of all the great doctors and all the great scientists who have come forward to expose the current tyranny of the last three years, she's been The original gangster, as they'd say, the OG, who was there decades ago exposing this.
And they SWAT teamed her and set her up and put her in prison, ladies and gentlemen.
But she's been totally vindicated.
She's an amazing lady.
And I just wanted to get her on with an update on what it's like to be vindicated.
She was on with us two years ago and on with us again like six months ago.
Hard to get.
And one of the most popular guests, too.
Please come to town.
We'd fly you here.
We'd love to have you do a two, three-hour presentation.
You can do a PowerPoint.
You can host a show.
And she laid out everything.
That it's going to cause blood clots, cancer.
It's going to kill you.
It's going to erase your immune system.
All of that confirmed.
It's now all coming out.
And she'd been screaming since day one, before they even announced the vaccine, they were going to do this because she worked for Fauci.
And she knows.
And this guy's literally Dr. Evil for real.
So I'm not going to go over her medical degrees and her background and all the things she's done because it would take the 25 minutes we have.
TheRealDrJudy.com, TheRealDrJudy.com.
It's not about being vindicated, but it's also good to be vindicated because it means more people will listen and we can save lives.
But just to give us an idea from your Incredible perspective that others don't have, being an insider that saw what was happening and spoke up.
Where would you call the moment we're at?
Because even as the board members of the FDA come out and say, we were lied to, it's dangerous, pull it.
And the British Medical Board say, pull it.
They're at Davo saying, since there's anybody that questions it, they're back to saying safe and effective, 100% protection.
I mean, this is a weird moment, but their body languages are really freaked out.
Half the attendees canceled.
We know they're quarterbacking it for the UN and the Globalist.
And so, even Drudge Report says they're in battle, they're falling apart.
I don't just believe mainstream media.
I think that's true.
But why is mainstream media now admitting this is happening?
And Klaus Schwab's begging for trust again?
I mean, wow, did they not know what they were about to pull?
This wasn't AZT and killing a few million people with a poison drug back in the 80s.
They're going after billions of people.
Dr. Judy Mikevich, thank you so much, and we salute you all.
We salute you.
And thank you so much.
Thank you so much, Alex.
And yeah, I was last in your studio September 25th.
And the great news is where we are now because of, you know, we knew I was right there with the first gain of function vaccine AIDS, which was HIV.
So HIV and a vaccine program for the hepatitis B vaccine drove the disease in.
And we know AZT in people who are antibody positive drove antibody-dependent enhancement.
So the great news is we cured AIDS then with an approach that was systems biology bring all hands on deck.
And so you don't hear about it anymore, do you?
So we have highly active antiretroviral therapies.
That's what I got so mad at you.
vaccination strategies. I mean we could do two hours with you, you're a legend just on that
you're so incredible that's why they got so mad at you. Encapsulate who Fauci is
where we currently are and what you think these criminals are gonna do now
that they're cornered. Well we know he's and in fact I worked for him only in
that he funded my small business grants at Epigenics Pharmaceuticals and in
2001 through five.
The R01, the institutional grant for our Neuroimmune Institute, which actually found that these viruses, this spike protein, the components, the contaminants were driving neuroimmune disease like autism and ME CFS.
So the answer, I set up the program the same way we did in In 1983 at the National Cancer Institute and simply in five short years found the cytokine storm, found the variant associated with CFS, found the variant associated with cardiovascular disease, found the susceptibility loci that we now appreciate, the SCN5, that's a channel, a sodium channel, that's really important in cardiology.
SCN4 is in brain diseases.
So yeah, Tony Fauci is the funder.
He's the person who decides what goes in fraudulent journals like the journal Science.
He's the one that sets up and writes opinion papers to tell the scientists and the doctors what to think, which is often a lie.
And this was the case with our 2009 science paper.
But we pulled these variants, we pulled Omicron from people and they were silent disease.
But we saw these kids dropping dead on athletic fields from the Gardasil vaccine with a similar lipid nanoparticle.
So who he is, is the gatekeeper, controls billions of dollars in funding, can keep your grants, can keep you from publishing.
And in fact, the simple thing we've done Is the same way we did before, create an entire get healthy store, healthy for your brain with books like your book, like our books, Plague of Corruption, The Real Anthony Fauci to Tell the Truth, because censorship and the corruption of the scientific literature is what happened to our doctors.
So we're delighted to have Now GlobalTechMD.com where people can get a real human, get an answer.
Peter McCullough, I know...
Mike Adams is involved so we're just going to put clean food, clean solutions, healthy the way we cured and I'm going to say cured HIV AIDS because HIV never did cause our infections.
It was all infection by injection and so all we have to do right now is stop We've got all the shots.
We've got a class there on TheRealDrJudy.com that starts up tonight live.
It's nine hours of me and Dr. Tracy Stroup showing you all the contaminants over the vaccine program, how they interact.
That's right.
It's not just the COVID.
So let me ask you this question.
If the CDC said in October it would cause blood clots and brain damage, why would they put that out but still do it?
Everything you said has come true.
Now all these top people are coming out agreeing with you.
Why do they think they can get away with it?
Or are they going to get away with it?
How do they get away with this?
Well, they got away with it, and this was Tony Fauci's, you know, crime.
This is literally premeditated murder of between 40 and 50 million Americans who were injected with HIV in our military, Robert Redfield and Deborah Birx.
And we know that because we detected the HIV.
It's called PNL-4 theory.
It's a synthetic virus, a plasmid that makes virus.
We detected that in the military that we're associated with PTSD.
So we know Fauci's been doing this all along and we simply have the solutions and the cures.
So why do they do that?
Like you spike an old cannon?
They want to give a disease to troops so that they develop it a few years later once they're out?
Why do they do that?
You're going to see.
So they do it because in 1986, when all liability was removed, if there was a design flaw in the vaccine and you could make Oh, so they flooded the zone with spike proteins to cover up all the past crime?
science proved there were many of these spike proteins of contaminating animal
viruses and also they flooded the zone with spike proteins to cover up all the
past crime. Correct. They've been injecting SARS-CoV-2 in every polio shot
since they manufactured it first in 2004.
That's a paper by Moore et al.
in Journal of Virology.
So this is what we always do.
We caught them.
Is that why Obama did a national initiative in the mid 2013, 14, 15 of universities testing spike protein vaccines on rats and then the conclusion was don't give it to humans?
Why were they studying that?
Correct, because you needed an antidote and you needed to understand antibody-dependent enhancement.
You needed to understand how to activate past dormant viruses can cause... Dr. Judy, stay there.
This is incredible.
You're talking above our heads, but it's okay.
It's on record.
We'll be right back.
We're doing a fundraiser right now at InfoWareStore.com.
Biggest sales that we ever do.
This is like Christmas-level sales, and a bunch of products have come back into stock.
Like the Fizzy Magnesium and more info or store.com.
We cannot do shows like this without your support.
I'm very humble and I thank you for your support.
I ask you for continued support.
The Alex Jones is right.
Emergency sale.
Dr. Judy Mikovits, I want to ask you as the biggest whistleblower out there for decades.
In layman's terms, you're rattling off for doctors and scientists.
All the key stuff has been proven.
It's incredible groundbreaking.
Each thing you say we do an hour on.
But big picture, What do you make of all the scientists and doctors coming out by the thousands and all over mainstream news that they knew it would cause heart attacks and covered it up and why would they do that and blood clots and all the rest of this?
What's really going on?
I don't think they thought it would come out this big.
Why did they do it?
You were already explaining they're mad scientists, but just your overall 35,000 foot view, if you were like talking to your grandkids or you were talking to high school students or college people, just the general stuff, not all the science, which you're an expert at.
Who are these people?
Are they just like Jeffrey Dahmer?
Why do you kidnap people and torture them to death?
Because you like to do it?
I mean, why are they doing this?
Well, they're really doing it because over four decades...
They realized that the shots were causing the explosion of chronic disease, asthma, neuroimmune diseases like psychosis, ADHD, autism, cancer, cancer, cancer, autoimmune diseases.
So they realized in 2011, they caused it all.
So, or in 2009, and when our paper came out, they realized that these were the shots were associated strongly, very strongly.
The chance of them not being associated was like being struck by lightning.
One in at least a million in a p-value and so they covered this all up because of course they were liable now because for the million Americans who are asymptomatic carriers of HIV and
SARS-CoV-2 and other XMRVs, other manufactured mouse, monkey and human viruses.
So they've been injecting animal tissues, aborted fetal tissues.
But why would they release something even worse?
You're saying an attempt to flood the zone with disinformation and now make it about this shot for liable protection for all the others?
Or do they think it would protect them from all the viruses that already had spike protein that they've given us?
Oh no, absolutely.
The game was premeditated murder of the 42 million people you're liable for their injury.
Premeditated murder.
If you give somebody who already has an antibody a shot, you will get antibody-dependent enhancement.
Oh, so they were getting rid of the people they'd already poisoned knowing that giving them a second or third or fourth dose would kill them.
Call it cancer.
Target population.
Doctor, talk to me like I'm five years old because I'm not a top scientist like you.
I've studied it.
I tried to get my mind around it.
Everything makes sense.
Explain to me.
They'd already poisoned us.
They knew studies were coming out about that.
So they bomb it with this new thing.
Get government liability, emergency authorization to claim it's that to cover up everything else.
Is that what you're saying?
Kill us.
Cremate us.
Add a mask, add a mask and isolation and you'll blame the people for COPD or any of the other co-diseases.
You never inject an HIV positive person with any vaccine.
We never did.
You do not drive the disease-causing entity through their body.
Why do we know that all over the world that people that have had the COVID vaccine are testing positive for HIV?
Is that because of the spike proteins from HIV?
It has GP120, glycoprotein 120, absolutely.
It also has the monkey mouse and manufactured XMRV that I hope you have Dr. Jim Thorpe on someday.
He'll show you.
Give me his number.
We'll have him on right now.
He alone shows you how it causes abortion.
I'll get it to Daria.
So this is what we knew.
And then you make it infectious with the ACE receptor 2 binding domain, so the spike protein is killing, you know, literally the 12%.
So you're saying it's a binary weapon where they already are preloaded with it, and this triggers the next phase?
And the more vaccines you got, especially Gardasil, because that has the toxic synthetic lipid nanoparticles similar to the one in the COVID shot.
Prior to the COVID shot, the deadliest vaccine, we saw athletes dropping dead on the field, passing out, falling down, all the things.
Why is it particularly the athletes?
Because they operate at oxygen max, capacity max.
They're operating at such a high level in their mitochondria.
This is an energy production, oxygen necessary disease.
So they create, that's what they're finding, they turbocharge the blood clots.
And ischemia, lack of oxygen.
So constricted blood vessels too, because athletes are running, they're constricted, they're working so that the blood flows and it doesn't flow, which is why your nitric oxide product, that new product, I hope you'll show it, because that's a very important thing to have for acute events.
Dissolve under the tongue, give you an instant relaxing of your endothelium, your vasculature.
That's another big question.
What should people do that have long COVID that have been infested and colonized by spike protein?
I've talked to other doctors.
They say ivermectin.
They say lots of water.
They say steaming.
They say hydroxychloroquine, lots of vitamin D3.
But they also say you should take nitric oxide boosting compounds and aspirin.
Is that accurate?
Yes, but I don't like the anaspirin.
I use Cardio Miracle, which teaches you to make your own.
It's your immune system.
It's the amino acids.
So you make your own nitric oxide, as God intended.
I also use Proline Greens, a product that has Algae and various spirulina and chlorella and milk thistle.
That's how we detox.
You looked at our nitric oxide.
I saw it was the top rated.
They let us private label it.
It's the best seller.
You've looked at our formula.
You like it?
I did and I do.
I'm not a scientist like you.
What do these compounds do creating nitric oxide?
What does it do?
It relaxes the vasculature so the clot will go through and not restrict it allows it to relax it
lowers the blood pressure you don't need Aspirin if you do you can just get salicylic acid from
plants and our own long chain I'm sorry. I won't get scientific at any rate. I should say
starting tonight we're teaching a
seven hour and a half class for doctors for anyone to detox the jab from on the Odum platform
And it's right there at the real dr. Judy Wow, so I asked that question.
You just so happen to be doing a big seminar tonight.
Again, say it slowly.
This is so important.
Everybody should tune in.
When does it start?
Okay, it starts at 7 o'clock Eastern Time.
And we'll be with Dr. Tracy Strout.
We did the class when I left you on September 25th.
We realized we needed to do this last year.
So we set the whole thing up, got the products on the classroom.
So we're teaching doctors and individuals.
In nine hours, I go through excruciating detail of everything I usually try to do.
Well, that was my next question.
If the globalists release something like that, they say it can't shed.
Is that true, A?
And B, what are they doing to protect themselves?
They're doing what we'll show you tonight.
They're doing various balms with copper and micron silver.
They would never wear a mask.
They're using pure inergic modulators like you mentioned, ivermectin.
There are specific things you can use for specific tissue compartments like if you have a Gastrointestinal tract, if you're not making antibodies, if you have lupus and you're making autoantibodies, we'd add different type 1 interferon products.
So we know how we cured AIDS.
And so this is why we're the opportunity with the thousands of doctors now and patients who can just walk away from the collapse.
So the same guy that brought us HIV AIDS hit us again and it's basically the same treatment?
It's vaccine aids and yes, it's basically the same protocols.
We tailor them for the individual because a black person cannot take liquid vitamin D. The sensors on their cells will turn it off.
Cardio Miracle helps you make vitamin D. When you make good nitric oxide, you can make vitamin D from sunlight.
Is that why black people have double the rate of COVID death because of the vitamin D?
And where's the NAACP telling them when all the studies are there?
Well we're telling them and we always have with Kevin Jenkins' film Medical Racism that first aired at chd.org on Children's Health Defense on March 10, 2021.
So we can see the medical racism, we've appreciated it for my entire 40-year career and we don't just show you causes, we show you solutions, diagnostics, you can look at your genetic susceptibilities, All through Global Tech MD, a program.
We're going to get discount.
We're going to offer the victims of this plague of corruption.
We are going to take those nurses who were injured in those clinical trials and invite them, like Olivia's story.
Oh, stay there.
Five more minutes with us.
You've got to promise to come back in the next few weeks or an hour.
We'll be right back.
Judy, I really appreciate you joining us.
I'm going to hit a ton of news coming up next segment that we haven't gotten to and then go to our next guest.
But in layman's terms, though, what do you make, I asked this earlier, you kind of went into all the science, but of all of the news coming out, they poisoned us, all the science coming out, the world learning, it doesn't protect you.
They're in panic mode at the Davos Group, for real.
What do you make of that?
And what do you expect them to do next, knowing these scumbags?
Well, I expect him to continue the game, but the good news of giving us the booster of the booster.
We now know they tell us there's a new enterovirus, that's a poliovirus folks, coming out, but we know that virus has been in the polio shot, driving in many of these shots.
It's called enterovirus 71.
We know how to heal it.
The thing, I don't care what they do.
What we're going to do is say no thank you, we're going to move on, and we're going to heal ourselves.
And that's why they got so mad and tried to block therapeutics that have come out in the Twitter files, that the military knew hydroxychloroquine and the other products were basically 100% effective.
They knew ivermectin was, what, 12, 14 years ago?
In a Pentagon study, and they suppressed it.
So what they're trying to do now is make you think it was only the COVID shot.
And it stopped all the shots.
As I told you, they set you up.
That's what they're afraid of.
They want everybody.
That's why they're coming to tell everybody.
Oh, yeah, we made a mistake.
Oh, yeah, we made a mistake.
Oh, we'll fix it next time.
Well, you know, no, we no more next times.
You've done it to us for 40 years.
Thank you very much.
We can save anyone.
Let me correct you.
Let me correct you.
You're the scientist.
My grandmother.
On her second round of polio in Austin, Texas, in the mid-1950s, was told by her doctor and apologized and said, yeah, we had a bad batch full of this virus.
It made you get polio.
And she lived to 92, but was in pain and lost a lot of her muscles and nerves, as you know.
But she was told in the mid-50s by her doctor that the second round of polio shot basically had live polio in it and gave her polio.
So it's, I think it's, I mean, this is, this is like, that's like 70 years almost.
Yeah, that's absolutely correct.
In fact, in our book we show 1934.
1934, chapter 5 of our book, Plague.
Our first book, Plague.
That's in our Get Healthy store on The Real Dr. Judy.
We'll donate anything people buy from our store today.
We'll make sure you get half of everything we take for that.
Oh wow, you're a sweetheart.
Everybody needs this information.
How do they get it?
We'll start teaching the class tonight at 7 o'clock.
Detox from the Jabs.
And we will have a self-paced class.
Again, any time you take the class, we'll donate it to you today.
Isn't that incredible, though, that Benny Hammond, my grandmother, was told by her doctor, and she forgave him, and he admitted to her, he said, sorry, a bunch of our staff that took this, and everybody's getting polio, and we're sorry, they didn't know, and they gave my grandmother polio.
They did know, and it's in the...
It's in the shot, um, it's in the foreword of Bobby Kennedy's brilliant foreword of our book, Plague of Corruption, which came out April 14, 2020.
That's what the, that's the book that, um, Plandemic was based on.
Isn't Robert Kennedy Jr.
a hero?
He is, and I think today's his birthday, so maybe a shout out.
All right.
Well, thank you so much.
Promise me, I know you're a busy lady, but please come back to the studio or come back anytime.
I will.
I will, Alex.
Again, one more time, the website and the best books for people to protect themselves right now.
Everybody needs this.
The website again.
You can buy all the books there, even yours.
Get healthy.
Get healthy in your brain.
Don't support Amazon.
Support Alex.
Well, thank you for the support.
We really need it.
Thank you, Doctor.
Well that lady is a hero and she is so dead on and she knows what she's talking about and it's just incredible.
Now it all makes sense.
They had to cover up all the other stuff they knew was coming out with this new weapon to blame that because they got government liability protection and they knew it would all come out in the SPARS report two years before they released it.
That's all true.
It all just, we just went next level.
We just went next level.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us in 60 seconds.
It's your last chance to own a piece of real history.
Your support of Infowars has made history.
We've had the most devastating effects against the globalists and their whole agenda is in deep trouble.
But now it's more important for us to stay on air than ever.
And if you don't support us, we will shut down.
I am asking you from the bottom of my heart to commit even harder to the support you've given to this
fight and to go to Infowarsstore.com right now and get one of the
last signed copies of The Great Reset and The War for the World, my number one
worldwide bestseller. You can buy the unsigned book at Infowars, you
can buy it at Amazon, buy it anywhere.
But if you want to get the signed copy and be part of a fundraiser to
to keep us on air at this critical point. If you want to answer our bat signal, please
go to infowarestore.com and get your signed copy of The Great Reset and the War for the
World right now. I want to thank all of you that did get signed copies, and I want to
encourage those of you that didn't to take action now and please keep us on air. Thank
you so much. Please take action.
Our next guest hails from Australia. She'll host for the rest of the hour, and then we
have Roger Stone, Savannah Hernandez from the Davos Group, live on the ground.
Darren Beattie, Matt Baker, Dan Dix, Tom Renz, Jay Dyer with the SPARS update at 730.
That's gonna be huge.
He's got new intel.
It's over-the-top important.
Edward Dowd with over-the-top importance.
Mickey Willis in the studio.
Alex Stein, Dr. Stella Emanuel, Robert Barnes, and more.
I'll be back.
I'll be here at 7, but I'm just gonna sit back and let those guys host because there's no need to interrupt.
That's all coming up.
I launched this fundraiser, I decided to do it about a week ago, because we have some underages of a couple hundred thousand dollars a month.
Not insurmountable, thanks for your support.
So we built the new site, ConspiracyFact.com, to get around the censors, to send people the live show feed, to make sure you don't get censored for doing it, or AlexWasRight.com.
But I forgot the number one thing about a fundraiser, is we've got an algorithm plug-in that hooks into our shopping cart, And people love to see the donations as they come in.
I didn't have them do that, and they didn't think to do it.
Not their fault, my fault, because I'm the boss.
And once you start it, it's kind of hard to recompute the info and put it in.
It doesn't work right, I'm told.
It's not accurate.
We're going to monkey around with that and see if we can get what's come in there and like start it from that number and add that number to it or something.
But we don't, we haven't looked at the numbers at InfoWarshaw.com.
But it doesn't matter.
I believe that you're going to support us.
I need you.
You need us.
We are tireless.
We are fearless.
We are in this fight.
But we can't do this and take on the new world war without your support.
And you see the Davos group saying anti-globalist, anti-Davos group, talk show host, our number one enemy.
I got the clip right here of Klaus Schwab singing.
I haven't played it, guys.
I've got like 20 clips.
Find that one where they say disinformation is the number one threat.
But it's all over the news.
I can show you the headline right here.
It's truth is their main threat.
So this broadcast needs to stay on air.
And we're going to stay on air.
We just need the funding.
We have three to four years, two to four years of appeals.
They're not shutting us down like they've said on the news.
But if you decide we're done and believe their lies, that A, we have plenty of money, which isn't true, or B, you know, we're going down, we will shut down because you believe they're PSYOP.
Do not believe they're PSYOP.
Go to InfoWareStore.com.
This sale is as big as our Christmas sale.
It's the biggest we ever do.
Super Mel Vitality, back in stock, 25% off, limited supply.
Vazobeats, that creates the nitrous oxide in the blood that Dr. Mikovits was talking about.
Back in stock, 25% off, limited supply.
Very small shipments we got.
It's all the money we had to get small shipments.
Alpha Power, that supercharges your libido, your energy, your testosterone.
Back in stock, 25% off, limited supply.
Living Defense, that flushes out the parasites and more.
Back in stock, it's a next level probiotic.
25% off, limited supply.
Fizzy Magnesium, with both types of good magnesium.
Nobody else has that.
Twenty-five percent off.
Limited supply.
Real Red Pill Plus, sold out for two years.
Back in stock.
The Real Fountain of Youth is incredible.
Fifty percent off.
Down and Out Sleep Aid, sold out for five months.
Back in stock.
Forty percent off.
Super strong.
Not like supernatural, like ghosts and stuff, but I mean, it's very natural.
Forty percent off.
Ultimate Fish Oil.
Highest grade fish oil.
So good for your cardiovascular, your brain, everything.
40% off.
Super Female Vitality.
50% off.
Vitamin D3 Gummies.
Selling out very soon.
50% off.
X7 Diet Force.
Selling out quickly.
40% off.
7076 Estosterone Boost.
40% off.
Pain MD.
40% off.
Which is the new product.
It's really amazing.
It's a private label of a top selling product.
Ultimate Krill Oil.
Highest grade of krill.
Your sleep, your dreams, your mind, your body.
They advertise it for heart and everything, but it's really for brain.
40% off, ending soon.
Vitamin C, 1,100% from Rosehips with Zinc.
Bilonius-Pauling formula, good for everything.
40% off, ending soon.
Multi-food, multi-vitamin.
40% off, ending soon.
Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra, two different amazing brain booster natural nootropics.
50% off, ending soon.
Immune support, 40% off, ending soon.
info or store.com ladies and gentlemen or triple 8 2 5 3 3 1 3 9 and separately
we have 1776 coin.com We have the three introductory coins, only $10,000 apiece.
There's a big markup on them, just like NPR again.
We'll have a t-shirt or a sweater that cost them $10 for $100.
It's that you donated.
So the coins cost us, because we're printing them at the highest quality in silver, $35 or so.
So we sell them for $100 or so.
That's a fundraiser.
That means you supported.
You have that memento.
But we're doing $30 off with promo code 1776.
We've got a few thousand of the Teddy Roosevelt coins left at InfowarsTour.com.
And that's it for coins.
And these are the end of the founding member coins.
And finally...
I'm about six to eight months behind on all our projects, but we're about to launch some of the really cool stuff for founding members.
And it's going to be things like, I'm going to start a commercial-free, at least weekly podcast with big guest analysis and PowerPoints I'm going to do for people every week.
That is going to be on a subscription site.
Everybody that's a founding member, you get a free membership, your membership email.
Stuff like that.
I'm going to do original art.
I'm just behind.
You're going to get that mailed in the mail.
So there's things like that going on, but I know you didn't sign up for that, you didn't do it for that, you wanted to support us, but it's your last chance to get the coin if you want it, because we're not doing coins for a long time.
There won't be founding member coins, that's it.
So, the Teddy Roosevelt coin, Man of the Arena, help keep us in the arena.
Infowarsstore.com for all the supplements and the signed book that's a fundraiser, but for the coin, 1776coin.com.
Heard Dr. Mikovits talk about the Nitric Boost, how important that is, now she loves the formula.
That is so important for your cardiovascular system and how we're under attack, not just from the shots, but the spike protein.
So, InfoWarStore.com.
Now, I'll be back around 7 o'clock tonight.
Oh, and everybody's loaded for Bear.
Share the links, promote the show, get millions of new people to tune in.
It's happening.
It's very exciting.
I salute the crew for the great job they've done.
And now, taking over is Maria Z from Australia.
Maria Z, thank you so much.
Thank you, Alex.
It's a pleasure to be here on this emergency broadcast.
What does Alex Jones was right actually mean?
Well, for the viewers of this broadcast, the regular viewers, you know that more often than not, what Alex brings forward to you is life saving information.
No one on this earth has done what InfoWars has done.
And for most of us in independent media, Alex, I mean, Alex is the one that started this.
Alex is the one that started exposing the globalists at the level that he has been doing for decades now.
And we are essentially following in his footsteps.
Every single one of us that has an independent media channel that does this for work, we live and breathe this.
But I don't know anyone that lives and breathes it like Alex.
Who else is out here doing four-hour broadcasts every single day, non-stop, bringing you the truth, bringing you the truth first?
And many of us look up to Alex.
You know, I've told this story before, and I was very young.
My dad told me about The New World Order.
He showed me documentaries about September 11, and from there, I started my journey.
in researching about the New World Order.
I was very, very young and I recall in my teenage years watching documentaries that Alex produced, learning about Bohemian Grove and learning about what was really happening in this world.
Had I not learned that at the age that I did, if Alex's content was not there in my early years, I wouldn't know what I know now.
I wouldn't be able to expose what I do at the level that I do without that foundational setting that I had very, very early on in life.
And I'm grateful for it.
Some people may think that, you know, this is too overwhelming for teenagers to learn about.
I disagree.
Because this is what set me on a straight path from my early years.
It's what protected me from the corporate brainwashing Within the organisations that I worked for.
It's what protected me from the woke agenda that was creeping into the organisations that I worked for.
You know, I'm from a corporate background.
But I never complied with it.
And I was always able to withstand it because I understood the agenda behind it.
Now some might say that you're able to figure that out on your own.
Okay, with what information?
Where would we be without independent media?
Where would we be without people exposing the truth about what is really happening in this world?
What does the mainstream media have to offer us?
Just rinse and repeat and virtue signalling about saving the world?
We'll talk about that a little bit in a moment and I've got special guest Bobby Saws joining us at 2.30 central.
He's an amazing guy, an amazing analyst, comedian, and you'll really, really enjoy what he has to say.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Welcome back.
Alex Jones has sparked a movement and every single one of us should be grateful for that and give him credit for that, as well as all of the other presenters on InfoWars.
The wonderful team that make this broadcast possible.
I don't know if people can really grasp the amount of work that goes into making this seamless for the audience so that you can get this crucial information into your minds and share it with the masses.
That is the whole purpose of independent media.
We are fighting the biggest fight that we have ever had in all of history.
And you know what?
People don't put anywhere near as much scrutiny on the mainstream media as they do on us in independent media.
But we're here showing you the documents, showing you the words from the mouths of the people that seek to subdue you.
And they just spout lies all the time.
And I want people to just imagine what the world would look like if all you had was the mainstream media.
Just imagine if all you had was the same parroting propaganda with no independent media, no truth coming out anywhere.
George Orwell.
Just think about 1984 and think about if you had no one out there challenging what these people say.
It would be literal hell on earth.
Less people would be able to think for themselves, I guarantee you.
I guarantee you that.
There would be even more gaslighting, even more ability for them to control the masses if there wasn't pushback.
And we have heroes out there like Tucker Carlson.
I don't know what your thoughts are on him, but God bless him.
He does the best that he can in his position.
And we are grateful for his voice in the darkness.
Imagine if there was no one on Fox telling you the truth.
This is a multi-faceted war and InfoWars has played a huge role in it.
In fact, it is at the forefront of it.
So I'm asking everyone who's tuning into this broadcast, support them!
Go to theinfowarsstore.com.
Go and purchase their products.
Go and buy the coin, the Teddy Roosevelt coin.
It's a moment in history and it's showing your support to InfoWars.
Because without this broadcast, all you would have is lies.
I think sometimes we take that for granted.
I think we do.
I think we have.
We're spoilt for choice where independent media is concerned.
And so we take it for granted.
And we can't afford to.
We can't afford to take it for granted because if InfoWars didn't exist, if there were no other truthers out there telling you what is really happening, how would you prepare?
How would you know?
That food shortages are coming.
How would you know that a financial collapse is coming?
Would the mainstream media tell you?
They would tell you after they'd already orchestrated their attack so that you were left paralysed and unable to do anything but depend on the government to help your family, to help your family survive.
Just think about the literal hell that would be on earth.
This is why they want to silence this platform so much.
This is why they have attacked InfoWars like they have.
This is why Alex Jones was guilty before he even walked into the courtroom and wasn't even able to defend himself.
Wasn't even able to counter the, I mean, if you watch that, if you watch the way that the judge behaved, it was lunacy.
I couldn't believe that I was seeing this in the 21st century.
But considering the information that Alex and Infowars have brought, it's no surprise that they want them shut down.
Klaus Schwab called for a mastering of the future at the Davos opening statement this year.
What does a mastering of the future look like?
Well, that looks like them wanting to be your masters.
Do you know The reports are out there that they had to engage 5,000 Swiss troops to protect the attendees at Davos this year.
Not only that, they had nowhere near as many world leaders as they invited actually turn up because they realised that any association with the World Economic Forum is literal career suicide.
But they needed 5,000 Swiss troops to protect them?
Number one, the problem with that is that the military are protecting these globalist, satanic, pedophile elites.
But number two, why would you need 5,000 troops to protect you?
Are you protecting yourselves against assassination attempts?
And I'm not calling for that.
I want to be really clear.
I'm not calling for that.
But to engage 5,000 troops to protect a small group of people shows you just how scared they are.
And they're scared because of this broadcast, and they're scared because of you, the viewer, that takes this information and takes it out into the world, into the battlefield, into the digital space, and you fight this war with all of your heart and all of your integrity and all of your knowledge that they don't want you to have.
They want to crush your heart, they want to crush your integrity, and they don't want you to know the truth.
And yet here we are prevailing against them every single day with the truth, with the knowledge, with the resilience that they could only dream of having.
These people can't stand criticism.
They shut you down for criticising them.
You make some bad comments on their social media, they turn the comments off.
They can't handle criticism.
And it's not even false accusations that we're talking about here, it's just plain criticism.
They can't handle it because their egos are so big and they have no integrity.
People of character can handle criticism and respond accordingly.
They are weak.
They are the scum of the earth.
Every one of them.
Look at them.
Look at them.
This is the scum of the earth.
And for those that want to shut down this broadcast from this attendee list, look at yourself.
You are the scum of the earth.
Look at yourselves.
You think you're part of some elite club?
You are part of a dying class, a dying breed.
No one wants you anymore and that is why half of your attendees didn't even bother to turn up because they know that their time is done.
It's only a matter of time before the world realises and this is why we need to keep InfoWars alive.
This is why we need independent media alive.
So again, go to InfoWarsStore.com, support this broadcast, buy high quality products.
Buy a coin.
Buy Alex's book.
Buy it as a gift for someone else.
Ursula von der Leyen just recently said at Davos, she said, the next decades will see the greatest industrial transformation of our times, maybe of any time.
What does that mean?
Well, German state broadcaster WDR recently told people in a public service announcement that washing once a week is necessary to meet the goals of the Great Reset Agenda.
That's what mastering the future looks like.
Now they'll tell you this stuff and the mainstream media presents it as, we're going to save the planet, we're going to meet our climate goals.
They don't tell you that this is coming from a group of, a secret group of elites.
Now people will say, oh well the Davos meetings are broadcasted on the internet for everyone to see.
It's what happens in the space that they don't broadcast.
What they broadcast is their show of them saying, this is what we're going to do to you.
And what the counter attack to that is, no, you're not going to do this to us.
This is what it really means.
Shut off the mainstream media.
Heck, turn off your television altogether, unless you're streaming this broadcast on there.
And tell the world what it really means.
Do you know how much their numbers are dying?
The numbers of the mainstream media are dying and they're holding on for dear life, broadcasting nonsense, virtue signaling about Ukraine and, you know, changing your gender and all of the things that they are trying to force people to care about when they don't.
They are a dying breed and independent media is the new media.
Keep Info Wars alive, people.
I'm telling you, we need it.
Right on the other side of the break, we'll be joined by Bobby Sausalito to talk to us about his take On what's happening in the world.
We'll see you right on the other side of this short break.
Well, Bobby Sausalito is a comedian, political commentator and internet personality, most notably recognized on Instagram as TakeNaps.
He's a self-proclaimed loudmouth New England guido living in South Florida and making comedy videos about politics, the economy, current events, real estate, roasting, travel and dubious observations.
And I'll tell you what, he is fantastic at waking up people and empowering them to exit the system.
Bobby, thank you so much for joining us today.
It's great to have you.
Thank you, my pleasure.
Glad to be here.
It's fantastic to see your face here.
OK, so just for the viewers, give us a quick intro about yourself and what you do, apart from what I just said.
Yeah, so I'm an internet comedian, I guess you could say.
I made a video that went viral two years ago about the first night of the DNC, and I realized that the marketplace needed this type of information.
So I basically take complicated topics and I create digestible, comical, short videos about them.
I do some stand-up comedy as well, and I just pump out a ton of videos to try to wake people up in an entertaining and informative way.
And you do a great job, Bobby.
When did you first realize what was happening in the world?
You know, it's actually funny being here because all roads lead back to Alex.
The first video that I ever saw was Loose Change, the 9-11 documentary by Luke Rutkowski, and that was in 2006.
And once you kind of see underneath the curtain, We went straight to YouTube, some friends and I, and we ended up on the InfoWars YouTube channel.
And there's like tens of millions of followers and all of these views, like in the millions, and videos going up all day long.
And we went right into the Alex Jones universe.
And that was when, it's like when you first see all this stuff, your head explodes.
And really, Alex, interestingly enough, full circle, was the person that woke me up to the most of this stuff at the very beginning.
So it's so interesting being here 16 years later, 18, 16, Fifteen years later.
It's a story for many people, Bobby, it really is.
And many truthers in the movement.
I really want to get your take on what's happening in the United States and the world and why do you think people just can't see it?
I think that it's such a, it's dark.
And the vast majority of people, I think, just don't want to see how bad that it actually is.
And that's kind of the same thing that I did.
Interestingly enough, after a couple years of paying attention to Alex, I kind of had this moment where I was like, this is making me upset.
It's like depressing.
And it kind of ruins how you live your life, because you're like, there's people that are coming to get
me, get my family, they're ruining almost everything around us,
and you just want to disconnect with it, so you can live your life.
And they've been doing it for decades, if not centuries, so it's very disheartening.
And eventually you realize that I'm a fighting age now.
If I don't participate in this battle, they're going to run through me and my future children should I be so lucky to have them and you just kind of realize this call to action.
So I think that the vast majority of people just don't want to see what's uncomfortable to see.
So what I try to do is bridge that gap and give them something that's You're absolutely right.
and digestible while also showing them, hey, you should really look into this because they're
coming for your kids. It's not about us anymore. It's about the future of this country and
really about the people that are here now that there's an encroaching enemy that they
can't even see.
You're absolutely right. Do you think that they're posing to get rid of Biden?
I think that that is I mean, I think that the general the general leftist playbook is
You chew someone up and spit them out when they're no longer useful to the big picture.
I think with Hakeem Jeffries, for example, and with Gavin Newsom, you have two very prominent figureheads that they're raising their star power, that if they need to spit him up and discard him, they have these people waiting in the wings.
Generally speaking, I think they have no strong candidates, but with him out of the picture, If he draws too much attention, they can let him soak all that up and then spit him out.
So, I would say that that's kind of like, maybe they're played, but it depends on how angry the people get about it.
Which is why it's so important what we do.
We need to be drawing attention to this stuff every single thing.
Because if you wait until the election is coming up, three months, four months before it, or even weeks before it, if people don't already know and have seen this pattern over a long period of time, They'll just be like, ah, it's just the crazy conspiracy people.
Joe is actually my nice grandpa.
He's going to bounce me on his knee and feed me a Werther's Original and smell my hair and everything is going to be okay.
So that's why we need to keep this stuff going all the time.
No, you're absolutely right, Bobby.
It is that constant reminder because what's the alternative?
And I was just saying it before you came on.
The alternative is having the mainstream media, same Rinse, wash, repeat.
You know, propaganda in our faces all the time.
There'll be nothing to counter that.
There would be nothing to challenge people's thinking.
And so you'll have free thinkers that can think outside of that.
But what about the rest?
The rest that we actually need?
Because our lives depend on them waking up too.
Yeah, I mean, Alex is so spot on about it.
This is an information war.
It's like people think that it needs to be violence and we need to take to the streets.
But really, it's a cultural thing.
It's a mind game entirely.
So it's like, if you want to fight on the front lines of this, what you really have to do is realize that there are people out there that are okay, that somebody wants to take your young boy or young girl and tell them that if they get this medical procedure or take these pills to stop the natural flow of nature, That that's OK.
And it's like they're complete savages and they're merchants of the darkness.
And it's like, if you can't convince people that cutting off a kid's pen 15 makes them a girl,
if you can't convince them of something that's so obvious and blatant
and right in front of their face, they'll never believe any of the other things
that are a little bit more complicated or harder to process and digest.
So we all have to be, we all have to take part in this actively and say,
look, these are the most obvious things.
These are the easy ones to cherry pick.
If you guys can't see how obvious these are, you'll never understand the depths of the rest of it
and how really dark and nefarious all of these other things are.
Which is why us as the intermediaries, the information digesters and then repackagers
are so important in this battle.
It's like, if somebody doesn't look at these very dark, very complicated, very nuanced topics
and deliver them in a way that your average everyday person is willing to consume,
willing to give it a minute and a half of their time, We'll never be able to convince them when there's something far more dire coming for them, even though it already is everywhere.
And let's talk about the Farm or Die.
You were speaking out a lot against the vaccines, they're not vaccines, they're injections, the mandates.
How did you help people digest that information?
And what do you think was really successful early on, especially when people were fearful in breaking through that?
Well, it's I think that the most, it's so crazy because The deeper that you dive into this stuff and the more time you invest, the more you realize how obvious it is.
And you're just like, are you guys seeing this?
Like, are we both on the planet of Earth?
Like, I don't understand.
They were saying out of their face hole, they're on TV and they're just like, if you die with this mysterious sickness, it doesn't matter if you get shot in the head or eaten by an alligator or run over by a train.
If we test you while you're in here, that's a COVID death.
And the other thing that's so amazing, which I think kind of woke people up, is like, the hospitals were getting pre-paid, pre-paid, based on the estimated infection rate in their area, pre-paid for how many people were gonna have this sickness and come in.
And then they were getting paid if people died, they were getting paid if people are on ventilators.
Now think about money just in general, you as an individual person.
If you got a pre-payment, In the tens of thousands, tens of millions of dollars and they said, oh, if enough people don't get sick with this, well, you have to pay that money back.
You're going to do everything that you can to make sure that you meet those numbers and meet those quotas.
They were financially incentivized to test people and have them test positive.
They were as financially incentivized to put people on ventilators, which a vast majority
of them died as a result.
They were incentivized for these tests to read as positive.
So who knew, who knows what type of darkness was happening in there?
So it's like, aside from that, they were saying right out of their face, they're on the White
House podium.
And they're just like, we're counting all these as COVID deaths, even if they don't
die of COVID.
And I think that their actual words were the most damning, where they're just like, oh, here it is six months later, oh, the average comorbidity was 3.6, and oh, by the way, did you know that the vast majority of people that are dying from this are 78-something years old, or 80-something years old?
It's like, They said it.
It's just people just don't look.
They have such blindness.
And that's the big problem, I think, with the entire world.
That's the cultural problem that we're really up against, which is, why does your everyday average citizen not listen to what they're saying?
Why do they not do even the slightest bit of basic research to see the truth?
They say it.
They hide in plain sight.
Bobby, we're going to continue this right on the other side of the break.
I want to hear more from you on why the populace won't listen.
And we're back with Bobby Sausalito.
Bobby was just saying before the break how the masses just, even though it's staring them right in the face, they just won't wake up.
This is why his delivery is so fantastic, because it's digestible.
They understand it.
Bobby, please continue what you were saying before the break.
Uh, I was going nuts there for a second, so I actually, sorry, I'm trying to think, but basically, basically that if, if things are so obvious and they're hiding in plain sight and we can see it so clearly, it's like if we can't convince people to understand the very basics, the things that are objectively true and clear and right in their face, that they'll never understand the really complicated things.
And, and it's like, What's and the other thing, too, is that so many people are suffering as a result of this, that if you just if you choose to disconnect yourself from it and just get out of it, you're basically standing idly by why people around the entire world needlessly suffer under the hands of these people.
And just because you're looking the other way, and just because you're not paying attention, means that they're just going to keep encroaching now until forever.
Without any resistance at all, their plans will go on unabated.
And this is decades, if not centuries, long.
But I do believe the one differentiator between maybe now being the time where they actually, their plan actually gets foiled, is through the phone, through the internet, and through broadcasts like these.
The ability for you to organize and distribute information at a time quicker than Any other time in human history.
The individual and the cultural change, the cultural awareness of you just simply telling and talking about the people, talking to the people in your social circles about this is the only and also the best line of defense from preventing them from doing more evil things.
I absolutely agree with you, Bobby.
This is the biggest tool that we have.
And as much as, you know, I encourage people to spend time outdoors and get off their phones, every waking moment that I have, I'm spending in this digital war, in this information war.
So we have to see it as a tool and obviously not let it control our lives, which is what they want.
I want to get your take on the Ukraine situation.
President T-Shirt, as you've fondly named him, and the United States Funneling all this money to the crane.
It's a, to me, I made a video about this last night where I basically broke down the whole process in six minutes.
The military-industrial complex is financially incentivized for us to be in a conflict.
And if you were to be a detective and you were trying to solve a crime, the first thing that you establish is what is the motive.
Who is seeing to benefit?
If you can disconnect yourself from all the propaganda that they put on TV and just look at it for who is the primary beneficiary of us being in some international conflict.
The clear and obvious beneficiary is the military-industrial complex and all the U.S.
defense contractors.
All these companies are making money so long as we're in this war.
They're financially incentivized for us to remain in a perpetual and never-ending war.
Whether it be with the crane and Prezi t-shirt, the hero of our time supposedly, or Afghanistan, or whatever is the next conflict.
They establish a hero, which is Prezzy Sweatshirt.
They establish a villain, which is Putin.
And they say, look, these two people are in the battle.
Focus on them.
Raise this guy to hero status.
Lower this guy to demon status.
And don't let him speak at all.
And meanwhile, the cash register keeps pumping.
All the defense contractors are making money every single day that this happens.
And the only thing that they want to do is not stop the money flow.
And there's so many other companies that are intertwined with them that are all financially incentivized for this to continue.
And then they have all the lobbyists and all the attorneys on K Street and all these people that are there saying, look, this is a little bit of a drip of cash because the only person that loses is human beings and the American taxpayer.
We're the ones that lose.
They're the ones that gain.
So anybody that's in that financial chain wants this to continue on forever.
It's far and away.
It's thousands of miles away.
What do they care about human lives being cost over there?
They could care less.
All they care about is that money.
So these military, these military, the military industrial complex and these defense contractors are financially incentivized and all the companies intertwined with them to keep this going forever.
And if any other politician doesn't want to play ball, they'll remove them just like they remove anybody else.
These people are appointed Based on all the money that they have intertwined in politics.
Matt Gaetz, I was watching Alex yesterday and he was talking about how Matt Gaetz spoke on TimCast and he was talking about how if you want to get on this board you have to donate $75,000 to this charity and then you sit on this board.
Who's paying that $75,000?
Are you paying $75,000 out of your $175,000 salary to be a public servant to get on that board?
No, the lobbyists and all the financiers are paying for that.
So they're all financially incentivized and it's It's that simple.
Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
They make this guy a hero, and they extract as much money as possible from us that gets printed out of thin air.
And human beings suffer, the American people suffer, and the military-industrial complex benefits, which is always their strategy.
If we were out of a war for six months, they were chomping at the bit to find a new one.
And Ukraine was a worthy target for them.
Yes, and we're worried about someone else's borders yet.
And I say we, but I'm talking about the United States.
But zero of securing your own borders.
And this is absolutely in an attempt to topple and destabilise the United States.
They don't want it to be the world's superpower anymore.
That is a clear agenda goal.
Do you think that people are fed up with this?
That people have realised what's happening with the borders?
And, you know, are they seeing the double standard here with the United States borders and Ukraine?
That's the thing is that the hypocrisy in my opinion saying look at the hypocrisy that was the 2022 argument.
We tried that and it didn't work.
It has to be like.
We need to, the message I think needs to be like, these people are demons.
These are merchants of the darkness.
And I don't mean necessarily demons in a biblical sense.
I mean people that are completely flippant and could care less about sacrificing human life.
And if you connect all of these things together, it makes perfect sense.
These people are completely money driven and they're evil.
It's not about, it's not about, it's not about just being money hungry.
It's like people are willing to sacrifice other human lives for this.
So it's like, our border and all of these things all make sense if you look at it in totality.
It's like, destroy any and all, destroy any and all freedom anywhere in the world, destroy any superpower that would, that would stop the globalist agenda and ruin any person that dare come at the king, so to speak.
So they, they hide in plain sight.
That's the thing.
What they're doing is slapping us in the face with it.
Our border not being secure is them just being like, look, this is what we're going to do to you and you're going to do nothing about it.
And by the way, we're also coming for your kids, by the way.
So sorry about that, but we're going to do whatever we want as long as we want.
So if people just if people can't see the hypocrisy of it, we have to we have to try to try a little bit of a different strategy, which is like these are merchants of darkness and people are dying.
People get emotionally manipulated by the media where they're like, Oh, Ukraine flag in bio.
Look, he's so brave.
He's on the cover of Vogue.
He's our friend.
I want to have a beer with him.
Sean Penn pats him on the back and Derek Zoolander goes over there and gives him a high five and they all hug.
And it's just like, these people are dark demons.
And if you can get them to disconnect from the mainstream media, they would realize that human beings are dying.
If we put that energy that we put into sending the missiles into brokering a peace deal, which we could certainly do, think about how many people would benefit, how many less people would suffer.
Why does anything happen?
Because there's money attached to it.
Every single thing is attached to the money.
The only reason we're there is so that these guys can profit.
That's it.
I really want to focus on the fact that What you're saying is so true and you're right about having a different approach.
And we're running out of time in the sense that they want to accelerate.
They realise they're losing.
They may draw their wild card at any time.
And I warn about this, you know, cyber COVID, the shutdown, all of that.
I'll speak more in detail about that another time, but they could draw their wild card.
So we've got, we're in a race against the clock, Bobby, where we've got to wake up the masses, grab them by the shoulders and shake them and, you know, scream in their faces almost.
We've got about two minutes left.
I just want you to talk about the ways that we need to protect our own countries, get our people to love their countries again, and fight for what's right, and then tell people where they can find you before we wrap up.
You've got a minute forty.
The greatest defense to their agenda is personal excellence.
Start with yourself.
Be the healthiest that you possibly can be.
Understand the food that you eat and the physical exercise that you put yourself through from day to day.
Become mentally resilient to all of the darkness that's coming at you from every possible direction.
My friend Andy Furcela says, personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion.
So make sure that you are the highest operating and best version of yourself.
Because you saying things to other people is not nearly as powerful as the actions that you take and what you choose to do in your life.
If they see you out working, if they see you changing how you eat, if they see you changing the information you discuss in the conversations that you have with other people, your greatness will inspire greatness just through osmosis.
So number one is make sure that you're the healthiest, Entity you could possibly be.
The second thing is we grossly underestimate the power of our words and actions.
We grossly underestimate how people can see us and what they and what they glean from our example.
If you lead and you go out there and you say things online and you broadcast that information and you change the conversation at the bar to a conversation at the gym and you change that conversation around the dinner table to say, hey, are you guys paying attention to this?
Are you thinking about this?
Then you can change the way that the world operates.
You don't need to tell people what to think.
You just need to teach them how to think.
And the simplest thing you can do is say, hey, do more research.
Teach them how to think.
We've got 10 seconds, Bobby.
Teach them how to think.
Tell people where they can find you for more of your amazing content.
Follow Bobby.com.
Follow Bobby.com.
Thank you so much everyone for your time today.
I don't care how you slice it, dice it, flip it up or rub it down, Alex Jones was right!
Broadcast begins at 8 a.m.
Central until midnight, so spread the word.
Hashtag Alex Was Right!
At many levels, cities are amazing things.
Art holds an incredible selection.
Food, medicine, entertainment.
And the globalists at the United Nations constantly brack.
That the mega cities of the future, Austin being one of them, will be the control grids that take over all the countryside and rural areas and will be used to train people to live in a high-tech technocracy that makes the current communist Chinese social credit score look tame in comparison.
That's why in this revolution we've got to not just have the information, we've not just got to keep our immune systems up, we've got to warn others about the new world order and All of us need to work with friends and family to get pieces of rural property and get back to the land, even if it's only part-time, to learn how to become self-sufficient.
Because in the future, you're going to watch those under the control of the globalists and the social credit score.
You're going to watch those who are caught in the trap of the universal basic income being forced to take injections, being forced to be sterilized, being forced in many cases to even be part of government-sponsored euthanasia.
Canada is the model.
This is a control grid.
This is a vice they're putting us in.
Everybody should go online and find my film.
It's free.
In-game, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, made in 2007, with all their documents, predicting what would be here by the year 2023.
And it's already here, because it's their battle plan.
It's their program.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
Close to 80% of the Earth's population has been eliminated.
The remnants of a once free humanity are forced to live within highly controlled, compact, prison-like cities.
Travel is highly restricted.
Superhighways connect the megacities and keep the population from entering into unauthorized zones.
No human activity is private.
AI supercomputers chronicle and categorize every action.
The bad news is these people mean business and are mass murdering mad scientists.
The good news is we have their blueprint, we have the Death Star plans, and we know how to bring them down.
That city is a UN-controlled stronghold.
That is a test grid for the systems they're putting in.
Not just the 5G, but the surveillance, the tracker chips on all the cars, the field switches, the robots, the drones, all of it is being admitted.
The globalists are taking control of the evolutionary process of humanity.
They're playing God and treating us, like Benjamin Netanyahu said a month ago on Jordan Peterson's show, as lab rats.
So Israel became, if you will, the lab for Pfizer, and that's how we did it.
We got out and we gave the information to the world, not only been published in medical magazines and so on.
I intend to bring on that base, database of medical, personal medical records for entire population, a genetic database, genomes, okay?
But you can create You know, a biotechnological industry that is unheard of right now.
Unheard of.
Unimagined, even.
Think about that.
That's what Israel's become.
That's what Singapore's become.
That's what the UK's become.
That's what Germany's become.
That's what China is the model of, ladies and gentlemen.
And we have to come together and realize this, and not let them continue to push humanity over the edge of the cliff.
InfoWars is the very front line of this fight.
The very tip of the spear.
And I salute the thinking of your past support.
But now more than ever realize, we need your support and your word of mouth.
The public is ready to hear the truth.
We've won major battles, but the war has not been won yet.
Please spread the word about the broadcast and go to InfoWarsTore.com and buy great products today that boost your immune system and empower your life while also keeping InfoWars on the air.
A true 360 win!