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Name: 20230110_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 10, 2023
2558 lines.

The speaker passionately argues against globalist control over cities and warns of a dystopian future where mega-cities dominate rural areas. He discusses a blueprint for this agenda, highlighting its threats to human freedom and the need to spread information to bring it down. He claims humanity is invincible when people take action and encourages support for InfoWars, ultimately stating that viewers/listeners must decide the fate of InfoWars.

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The world's gonna end as you know it in 2030 and you'll own nothing and have nothing and be happy.
And they're systematically claiming they're replacing your stoves and your cars and the coal plants and everything else in your farms with sustainable things.
And they're saying organic farming's not sustainable.
Only chemical farming and warehouses run by Bill Gates is.
And he's the biggest farm owner now in the United States and the number three food producer in the world.
The Netherlands, Holland.
They've announced that by 2030 they're going to shut down 90% of the production.
This year they're shutting down 30%.
Cow farts are bad!
No, they make up the atmosphere.
It gives them the pseudoscience excuse to take control of everything and make you go on to the replacement industries are setting up that by every study and every actuary and every analysis don't work.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Tuesday, January 10th, 2023.
That's gonna take some getting used to. 2023.
Well, we have another very powerful, informative broadcast lined up for you today.
Huge developments on so many fronts.
Joe Biden's been caught with classified documents at his think tank, but he's not allowed to declassify documents like a president is.
So Trump did nothing with classified documents.
Obama did nothing with classified documents.
Not defending Obama, it's just true.
But Biden committed serious felonies, but that's okay because it's 10% For the big guy.
Then we have huge, huge developments on the poison shot front.
We have massive coverage of the net zero will lead to the end of modern civilization, says top scientists.
We've got the big moves now happening in Congress.
McCarthy's been keeping some of his promises.
We'll be tracking all that.
We have Drew Hernandez joining us with big breaking news in the second hour, open phones today, and so much more.
But first, I want to bring you the very sad news.
President Trump revealed last night that Lynette Hardaway, the Diamond of Diamond and Silk, has died.
I had a chance to be on their show shortly before she became ill and stopped doing her show late last year.
Here's a few minutes of that.
And first thing, I want to apologize to you, Mr. Alex Jones.
Because at the beginning of everything, one thing we didn't understand was the media.
This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
The media put a lot of different nuggets and propaganda and labels out there and they tell us what those labels mean.
And we tend to believe them because that's all we see or that's all we saw.
But now as we go through this ourselves as Diamond and Silver, or was going through this ourselves as Diamond and Silver, and saw how they began to call us what they were calling you, and how they began to censor us, and it's like, whatever you say does not mean anything.
You don't get a right to say it.
We're like, wait a minute, something is wrong here.
This is fake news.
You will always have conspiracy theories.
They are nothing but distractions.
So I want to first apologize for not even believing you at the beginning, but I want to recognize that Alex Jones was right.
Alex Jones was right.
I don't care how you slice it, dice it, flip it up or rub it down.
Alex Jones was right.
A governmental corporate big tech coup is in control of the United States
and works directly with the European Union and is absolutely completely criminal
and illegal at every level and will be the enforcement for the social credit score
that is the Mark of the Beast system.
Alex is right about far more than he's wrong.
Alex has been right on for a over a decade.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax, not for a second.
The government fears Alex Jones.
That's why the globalists hate me, is because I'm exposing their corporate worldwide tyranny.
I came across this quote here, and it says, when you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you are only telling the world.
That you fear what he might say.
I don't have to sit here and tell you it's coming anymore and show you documents like I used to.
You're just going to live it now.
And what we have to do as a country, as a people, is stop playing the games to the left or to this corporate media that they want us to play, be distracted and deflected from.
And we have to go within and do our own research.
That's right.
Educate ourselves.
Instead of looking at the rug?
And how pretty the rug may be.
We need to lift up the rug, remove the rug, and see all the dirt underneath the rug.
So we can understand what's going on.
And what they do is they label.
And they say conspiracy theory.
And you get scared because, oh, I don't want to be tied to that.
Only to be called that when you can call out some stuff too.
Wait a minute.
This is what could be happening, or were you asking questions?
So we all know that Alex Jones was right.
Nobody will take the credit for that.
I didn't hear Ronald Reagan.
I heard you.
I heard you say a lot of things that we were perplexed by but now we are like oh my god, Alex Jones
We are living in totally absolutely dangerous times times.
And it's only going to get more insane from this point on.
Oh, no, no, I don't even know what this is!
How did you get here?
I just caught you, American!
You visited Bandar Video!
Oh, Mark Zuckerberg and others angry at you!
Do what CNN says and do not visit Bandar Video, or I have to hurt you!
It comes from China.
Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back for this special Live Tuesday broadcast.
Stay with us.
It is federal law, because the executive is its own branch of government and the president is the head of the executive branch, that a president can declassify anything they want at any time.
Including even to enemies.
That's how JFK declassified stuff to the Russians to let them know that we could blow them to kingdom come and had a far superior nuclear force.
So they backed down during the Bay of Pigs.
President Trump argued in the last few years and said those are my documents and I've chosen to have them and they're locked up in the Secret Services there.
There were things he was proud of like the North Korea peace deal and the rest of it.
They raided him.
They criminally did that.
Now we know Biden, who does not have declassification power, when he was vice president under Obama, had a giant hoard of documents, and now the media is spinning it like it's okay.
That, ladies and gentlemen, was and is illegal like everything else this criminal does.
It's now time to start the impeachment hearings.
And I've heard nothing out of McCarthy so far.
Yeah, he's kicking deep state Democrats off committee chairmanships.
Yes, he's moving forward to get rid of the 86,000 new IRS agents.
Yes, he's talking about looking at the Ukraine funding.
I mean, he's doing a few things, but I want to hear about impeachment.
There were big crowds of protesters down there when Biden was at the border for two hours on Sunday with their impeach Biden.
That's what the people want.
That's what the law states.
He's committed all these crimes.
Do it or the Republican leadership is aiding and abetting Biden.
Biden documents how the discovery of classified material differs from Trump.
And that's the Hill trying to spin it.
The White House on Monday disclosed that lawyers for President Biden discovered what they called a small number of classified documents in November in an office Biden had used between his time serving as Vice President and President at a think tank.
The documents were turned over the next day to the National Archives.
So, oh, he turned them over, so it's okay.
And the White House said it's cooperating with the Department of Justice and it conducts a review of the documents.
It's cut and dry.
Vice Presidents do not have declassification power.
This is a fraud.
McCarthy, Biden document discovery is proof Dems overplayed their hand.
Classified docs from Biden's time as VP discovered in UPenn office.
attorney reviewing documents marked classified from Joe Biden's vice presidency found in Biden think tank.
And it goes on and on from there.
But again, look it up yourself.
Vice presidents do not have declassification power.
Only once you're sworn in as the president do you have that.
But here's a few clips from the past and present where Biden said it was irresponsible for Trump to keep classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.
Here it is.
When you saw the photograph of the top secret documents laid out on the floor at Mar-a-Lago, what did you think to yourself looking at that image?
How that could possibly happen?
How anyone could be that irresponsible?
And I thought, what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods?
By that I mean names of people who helped, etc.
And it's just totally irresponsible.
And you don't know what was in those documents?
I have not asked for the specifics of those documents because I don't want to get myself in the middle of whether or not the Justice Department should move or not move on certain actions they can take.
I've agreed I would not tell them what to do and not in fact engage in telling them how to prosecute or not.
When we come back, a surprising answer to the question of whether President Biden will... Three sources tell CBS News the classified documents were discovered in this building, about a mile from the White House, at the offices of the Penn-Biden Center, a foreign policy research institute set up after President Biden left the vice presidency.
According to a source familiar with the matter, the classified documents are small in number and were found in November in a box among unclassified material.
Sources would not characterize how sensitive the documents are.
Responding to requests from CBS News, the White House counsel said that on November 2nd of last year, before the midterm elections, lawyers for President Biden were cleaning out office space at the center.
When they discovered the documents marked classified in a locked closet, they stopped the work And contacted the White House.
White House lawyers then reached out to the National Archives, which is responsible for the records.
The archives, in turn, contacted the Department of Justice.
Attorney General Merrick Garland then tasked the U.S.
Attorney in Chicago, John Lausch, a Trump appointee, with determining what is in the documents and how they arrived at the Penn-Biden Center.
The FBI is also involved in the preliminary inquiry, which a source says is nearing its conclusion.
Let's thank the media.
It's Biden in Mexico.
They drag the reporters out.
They say, what are you going to do about the classified documents?
The media fetishizes the intelligence agencies.
They're just sprawling criminal interfaces to the globalists that rob and surveil and censor the American people and others.
And they fetishize, ooh, secret documents, oh, you'll get in trouble.
Oh, the National Archives can have this.
It's a bureaucratic power grab.
But regardless, when we pull back at Twitter from the files that have come out, and at Facebook and the other big tech companies, they put CIA, FBI, and other intelligence agency groups inside of those organizations spying and surveilling the American people.
It's all come out.
And it's completely illegal.
They gave, it turns out, highest-level top-secret security clearances to executives at Twitter, and now we're learning all the other groups as well, to have access to all these treasure troves of government data on you and I and all the rest of us.
So this is just an orgy of criminal activity, completely out of control.
The government is a consortium of Corrupt corporations, out-of-control bureaucrats, everybody pretending to be James Bond, and really what they are is a bunch of criminals that are stalking us and defrauding us and just raping the hell out of us.
They are a new permanent ruling class that passes the public around like $2 whores.
It's got to stop.
This country has political, cultural, spiritual cancer, and it knows we're waking up to the corruption, so it's trying to normalize pedophilia and everything else in a hope that as it comes out, we just accept it because they have seared our conscience.
That is not happening.
Now, coming up, ladies and gentlemen, we've got so much today.
We're going to drill into the control grid, the cashless society, cutting off the carbon, the biggest developments yet.
Biden is set to announce a ban on all gas-powered stoves.
Next it'll be gas-powered generators, gas-powered vehicles.
Natural gas is the cleanest thing out there.
All it puts off is a tiny bit of carbon dioxide, but they've listed that as a poison.
And so they want to ban that.
They want to ban our industry, ban our infrastructure.
First it's the oil, now it's the gas.
They mean business, but people are fighting back.
That's just one article in these three stacks on that front.
Yuval Harari has come out and said, you will give up your body.
We're going to force you into a Matrix pod.
He actually announced that.
I told you they declassified in the year 2000 Federation of American Scientists a 1977 DARPA Pentagon Plan to end war.
They said babies will be born in artificial wombs and then will be put in pods that are fed by robots and then the heat of the humans will then power the robots and you'll be in a virtual reality and there'll be no crime or no war because the supercomputer will control it.
You think, well that's insane.
This is their real plan, people.
But he says, you will be forced into the metaverse, and you will be forced into a pod.
That is their plan.
That's where it ends.
Where they can totally control reality, and then try to manipulate through the third dimension, through the higher dimensions in your mind, and try to trick you into choosing Satan.
So when you see like, Hollywood and all the virtual reality, and you see Times Square being bombarded with all the fake info, they want total pods.
From birth to try to manipulate your entire reality in this hellscape to control the future.
That's their plan, not mine.
And you see them trying to build it now.
First wrote about that in my book, The Scent of Tyranny, in 2002.
Welcome back, my friends.
Guess what leaked last night?
We'll be covering it coming up in the last segment of this hour.
Boy, it's important information.
It's really the Bilderberg Group.
Operating as the DeVos Group, and they don't want you to know what corporations, political leaders, and others, military leaders are there, but we've gotten the DeVos Group annual meeting internal leak of who's really there, and they are going to be and are very upset about this information coming out.
So we're going to be Covering all of this coming up in the last segment of this hour.
The dossier acquires confidential Dabos attendee lists.
The dossier being that publication.
We're going to be looking at it in great Details.
Zelensky to speak at World Economic Forum alongside NATO chief, CNN anchor.
And we have the confidential list right here.
That's coming up at the end of this hour today.
Lynette Hardaway, the Diamond of Diamond and Silk, has died.
Turns out I was on one of her last shows before she fell ill and was unable to broadcast the last few months and she's now dead.
She'll be sorely missed.
She is survived by silk.
I'm gonna get her on the show and our condolences go out to the family.
You know, our own Chris Andrews two weeks ago died here of a heart attack at 39 with no health problems.
Just fell down a dot on Christmas Day?
And you look at the actuaries, the insurance company numbers all over the Western world, and we have record death since the introduction of the shots.
But I don't know if Diamond took the shot.
I know Chris Andrews didn't.
But the COVID alone does attack the heart.
Those that take the shots have a three to ten-fold bad reaction compared to even what the spike protein in the virus itself causes, but the so-called vaccines make your body produce the spike protein, and we know it's killing people en masse.
I have a whole stack of stories on that front, including a nine-year-old girl playing flag football with no health problems dropping dead on the field.
We've also learned more about the hero customer who shot armed robber at a Houston taco joint, ordered to face grand jury by Soros-funded DA, and it gets worse.
The man he shot had multiple armed robbery convictions and had been let out of prison when he was part of a three-man team that robbed a cell phone store and shot the cell phone employee manager to death.
Just a few years ago.
So when you're part of a three-man team, robbing and shooting someone for money at the cell phone shop, you get let out to go terrorize people again, and the Soros DA wants the hero put in prison.
This is the same hijacked government that hired 86,000 IRS agents, in their own words, to target people Making $40,000 a year and below, even though they only pay a fraction of taxes to harass and drive working class people into bankruptcy.
Villains, villains, villains, villains, villains.
And think of the power with thousands of jurisdictions.
Almost every major city has DAs and district attorneys and county attorneys put in office with George Soros money.
So this can all be carried out.
And they got the judges in their pockets in many cases, too.
Not all of them, but in the key jurisdictions.
The judge that railroaded me right here in Austin found me guilty and then rigged that whole fake trial.
Guilty until proven guiltier.
On the Soros financial payroll.
On record.
It's funny to them.
That's how you rule a country.
That's how you dominate.
That's how you carry the seawall out.
But when we come back, I want to hit the really big news, and that's the carbon taxes.
Now, they're already being implemented here in America, and what it's going to do if we don't stop them?
That's coming up.
Net zero will lead to the end of modern civilizations, says top scientist.
In a major study, we're going to look at that and then tie it into Biden administration weighs nationwide ban on gas stoves as just a beginning.
It all ties together with You've all know Harari and his new chilling statements.
It'll take two segments to really cover this properly.
But I also, as I said, need to get into the Davos documents leaking that are simply put bone chilling.
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And we have returned, ladies and gentlemen.
All right.
The Globalists won a post-industrial world.
They signed a UN World Government Treaty in 1992, Agenda 2020, Agenda 21.
And then now they're going for Agenda 2030.
Which their minions are telling you, whether it's Greta Thunberg or AOC or Beto O'Rourke or the UN or Klaus Schwab, the world's gonna end as you know it in 2030.
And you'll own nothing and have nothing and be happy.
And they're systematically claiming they're replacing your stoves and your cars and the coal plants and everything else in your farms with sustainable things.
And they're saying organic farming's not sustainable.
Only chemical farming in warehouses run by Bill Gates is.
And he's the biggest farm owner now in the United States.
And the number three food producer in the world, the Netherlands, Holland, they've announced that by 2030 they're going to shut down 90% of the production.
This year they're shutting down 30%.
Cow farts are bad!
No, they make up the atmosphere.
It gives them the pseudoscience excuse to take control of everything and make you go on to the replacement industries are setting up that by every study and every actuary and every analysis don't work.
Well, of course they don't work.
Spain was the first to put in windmills and cut off their power plants 10 years ago.
They have 50% unemployment below the age of 30.
The country is gone.
That's how the communists and socialists create artificial famine.
So here's the headline from Daily Skeptic.
It's up on Infowars.com.
you should read the article. Net zero will lead to the end of modern civilization says top scientist.
A damning indictment of the net zero political project has been made by the world's leading
nuclear physicist. In a published paper in science, Dr.
Wallace Manheimer said it would be the end of modern civilization.
Writing about wind and solar power, he argued it would be especially tragic Well, not only will this new infrastructure fail, but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary.
The stakes, he added, are enormous.
But it is necessary to cause the collapse of civilization.
Spend some time, go to InfoWars.com, read the article, and then read his paper.
It's very important.
In fact, guys, I meant to print the paper.
I scanned over it last night.
Will you please print me the paper?
Thank you.
Now, let's move on.
Biden administration weighs a nationwide ban on gas stoves, saying they're toxic and produce poison gas like carbon dioxide that plants breathe and that is not poison.
And they say it also puts off some Not carbon dioxide, but carbon monoxide.
Yes, microscopic amounts that cause no problems.
But they don't care about that, ladies and gentlemen.
A jet engine, when you're on an airplane that turns the engines on, and you smell the carbon monoxide, it gives you a little bit of a headache.
They've got studies out that that is millions of times the carbon monoxide you're breathing, and it's still just a trace amount, but enough to hurt you some, give you a headache, intoxicate you, it's a poison.
Millions of times the amount of carbon monoxide when you're in a jet waiting for it to take off that gets into the cockpit, then what comes off?
Gas burning stove, burning natural gas, burning propane.
Now there's things like butane and things that are cheaper that aren't as refined that let off a little bit of bad stuff.
But that's so easy for them to then ban space heaters saying they're toxic, as Europe has done, or San Francisco last month banning all fireplaces saying the woods putting off carbon monoxide.
And yeah, if you sat in a small room that was sealed, with a fire going, it would produce enough carbon monoxide to give you a headache.
But it's going up the chimney into the atmosphere and it's part of the gases that form the planet's atmosphere.
They know that when there's big fires and big forests burn down, it energizes the atmosphere and creates potash and creates more rain and puts nitrogen into the soil.
They are limiting and demonizing and listing natural things that are part of our environment as toxic.
A volcano puts out not trillions, but quadrillions more Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and all the rest of it, than all human activity for multiple years.
There's different studies on the type of volcano, different ones put out more, but when Mount St.
Helens blew up, in that one eruption, they estimate it put out more carbon than humans would put out in the next decade.
One volcano!
Look it up.
One big volcano can lower the Earth's temperature for up to a decade.
It puts so much particulate into the sky.
Are they going to ban volcanoes?
They don't have the power to do it.
The sun, if you lay out in July, all day long in the sun, you make a heat exposure and die.
Does it mean we shouldn't ever get sun?
But here comes the Biden administration is weighing, they say it's on the table, a total ban of all gas stoves.
Banging their sail, and then banning the gas that you actually get for them.
When so many people live in rural areas, can't get electricity, and any chef will tell you, you don't want to cook on an electric stove, they suck.
They are horrible.
Flame is the way to go, for everything you cook.
And where's the electricity coming from?
They're cutting off the coal power plants that were supplying 90% of the energy.
Now they're saying in California during power outages, don't charge your electric car because there's not enough power.
They're deliberately cutting off the power.
Fox News.
Gas stove ban on the table for federal agency.
The Product Safety Commission.
The test of this was Prop 65 15 years ago in California, where they listed levels of lead, mercury, arsenic, and things that can be in food or products at a hundred times what the European Union standards are, massively bigger than the US government standards, where there is more lead in the air than can be in an apple that you eat.
But because a powerful spectrometer can pick it up, they have to then list it as toxic, while they pump deadly vaccines into us, full of all sorts of poisons, and won't even tell us on the insert what's in them, and say it's classified, but you walk into Businesses of California, it says over the door, this building contains things that violate Prop 65.
It's simple.
They list everything as illegal, everything as toxic, everything as bad, but then give their own corporations and companies and groups waivers.
They don't let you have domestic flight travel.
Spain's moving to do it.
France just set it to ban all domestic internal travel.
By next year they've already banned most short flights this year.
They say take the train or the car, then they're going to cut those off as well.
But the elites can fly around on their private Jets all day long, and it goes on from there.
Here's Tufts University with a globalist.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Biden and the Democrats want you to spend $65,000 plus for a new electric car, home electrical upgrades like solar panels, $15,000, $20,000 for new appliances, oh yeah, and $10,000 for a new furnace.
Nor can landlords afford upgrades.
Can you afford all the sick people from the shots?
Swiss right-wing party to call referendum and bid to block climate change law.
Same thing is happening in the Netherlands.
And what's it all meant to do?
Make it where first-world populations can't afford to have children.
White American births below replacement level in every state.
Japan is below replacement level.
Europe is.
Only the third world's growing.
We come back, what's really behind all this?
Paul Ehrlich, who's the grand poobah, the grand master of it all, writing Limits to Growth, The Population Bomb, Ecoscience, the rest of it.
Says the FCC should see to it that large families are always treated as negative light on television.
This is in 1970, they did it all.
And then it ties in to Harari's latest chilling statements about how you will be forced into the metaverse.
Wait till we get to this information next segment.
In fact, we're going to come out of break with Yuval Noah Harari.
in his latest statements about how you'll have to learn how to walk and talk again in the metaverse.
You'll be locked up in your house to save us from carbon and must wear the VR goggles which are the prototype
for putting us into the pods of the matrix.
It was actually a Pentagon plan from 1977.
It's all real, Fav.
Stay with us.
Maybe the most important quality to survive and flourish in the 21st century
is to have mental flexibility.
Not just to keep learning and changing again and again, also to keep letting go.
Part of what makes it difficult to learn new things that we hold on.
Like, you know, I spent so many years learning something, and now the world has changed.
And I just don't want to let go.
And letting go, I'll give an example of how deep it goes.
Like, it's not just what you learned in college or what you learned in kindergarten.
It's even what you learned as a baby, as a toddler, like learning how to see or learning how to walk.
And what does that mean?
I have to relearn how to see and walk.
Well, as virtual reality, improves, and you know it's all the talk of the metaverse and so forth that we'll discuss later on.
Increasingly, it's likely that there will be many more activities shifting from the physical biological world that we know into a new reality, a virtual reality, which has different physical and biological laws.
Even the laws of physics there are different.
So, whether you want to interact socially there, or maybe you have a job in virtual reality, in the metaverse, or maybe you design, you have a new job designing fashion, designing shirts for virtual reality, because people want to look good there.
You need to forget how physics and light and gravity works here, because it works in a different way.
In that reality.
So just, what does it mean?
Like, I'm now 46.
Let's say I have a new job designing fashion for the metaverse.
How can I, at age 46, kind of forget what it means to see and learn from scratch how to see things?
Are you optimistic that adults can do that?
We can't do it alone.
Humans can't do it alone or individuals can't do it alone?
Individuals can't do it alone.
Placing all the responsibility on individuals, the world is changing, now it's your job to adapt, to change yourself, to learn.
It doesn't work like that.
It's too much for an individual to do just by themselves.
We'll probably have, we'll require Organizations, governments to step in to make sure that people are not left behind.
You know, just retraining people.
We will have to see more government support.
That's only a two and a half minute clip and I can talk for 10 hours about it.
We're going to make you do it.
You'll have a universal basic income.
You'll be forced to work in the metaverse and wear these VR goggles on your head.
And we're going to reprogram the whole way the universe works, and when O'Brien is torturing Winston in 1984, he says, when I'm done brainwashing you, you won't know what gravity is, you won't believe it exists, you won't know what 2 plus 2 equals.
And of course, Orwell had worked at the highest levels of British intelligence, and for the Communists, and for Stalin, and the whole nine yards, and he understood where they were going.
He was telling you, he wrote essays, that this is where they really want to take you.
And he just says, we're going to have to have government make you do this.
No one's going to get left behind.
Not the Amish, not you.
You're going to get your brain chipped.
You're going to get your neural link.
Because if you want to live, if you want to have a job, if you want food, you're going to do this.
And the more you get into it, the more you're enslaved by it.
And the more depressed you get, and the more alone you get.
And they say, hey, just opt to upload your brain now into the metaverse.
Of course, you're really not going to be uploading your brain.
You're going to be dying.
But they'll have a law saying, oh, you can't say that two men can't have a baby.
You can't say that a man can't be a woman or a woman be a man.
And you can't say that this corporation, Microsoft, Apple, Metaverse, formerly Facebook, You can't say that that isn't really the person.
Yeah, it can sound like them, it can look like them, the AI's recorded everything they say and do, and of course it's a facsimile, but the big crime, punishable by death, I've been telling this for decades, they're now announcing it, will be saying that's not real and the machine doesn't have a soul.
You've got to bow down to it.
What the machines will have is a controlled universe that the system programs and the system creates the topography and the rules of, which is called a total prison for your mind and an attempt to trick your soul to believe it is imprisoned in there.
And then from birth, children will only be given images the system wants them to have.
And their minds will be programmed along that system so that they generationally won't even be able to recognize the third dimension and real reality and real choice.
This is beyond satanic.
Drew Hernandez sent me that clip this morning.
It was already set for the show yesterday.
We'll be talking about it next hour.
But I want to play Paul Ehrlich in 1970.
He was their spokesperson.
He was on Johnny Carson 20 plus times promoting it.
The FCC should see to it that large families are always treated a negative light on television.
Well, since then, all the multi-children families, the dad's a bad figure, big families are evil, children are bad, children are bad for the earth, on and on and on.
All of it to sell you on opting in yourself to a one-child policy, which they now say is good for the earth, even though we need to stabilize our population, have at least 2.1 children to replace The population we have.
But see, they're building a post-human world, and there's not room for that here.
That's how the corporations capture humanity, is by making us lab-grown, lab-controlled biological androids, in their own admissions.
And Harari is the high priest, the spokesperson of the Deimos Group, of Bill Gates, of the UN, of their whole project.
But Paul Ehrlich, starting in the 60s, was really their chief scientist, and he wrote with John P. Holdren, Ecoscience, talking about putting fluoride in the water to lower your fertility, all of it, and these are the people that think we're so dumb, they can just hijack and take full control of civilization.
So here he is in 1970, listen to the arrogance of how he's going to brainwash the public, because he knows best, because the rest of you are all just scum.
He also predicted mass die-offs by 77, and the world would fall to 1 billion people.
Never happened.
But he's telling you the world's going to end, so you accept it's going to end, and that's what AOC and Bill Gates and Beto O'Rourke, they all tell you it's ending in 2030, because as you know the world, it will be ending.
You'll wish you were dead if they succeed.
They're selling you dystopia.
They're selling you depression.
They're selling you state-intimidated, sponsored, forced euthanasia or murder.
As Canada and England are now doing.
They're sterilizing your children.
They're cutting your son's testicles off.
They're chemically sterilizing them.
They're selling the most macabre, nightmare systems.
That's something that's good and that we should accept and is altruistic and they're the high priest with their new anti-human transhumanist religion.
They're going to lead us into the brave new world, but really they're not leading us into some new brave new evolution.
They're leading us into a dead end with their energy systems and all their projects meant to fail, not to succeed.
You believe you're going into a better world.
You're going into a trap.
You're going into a black hole.
We're going to play this clip, go to break, start the next hour, get into the big demos, group documents that came out, and Drew Hernandez joins us in so much more.
Remember, the only way people hear this information is when you share the links from InfoWars.com forward slash show and man.video.
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Today is the last day to get Vitamin Refusion and DNA Force Plus for 50% off.
Here is the top priest of the New World Order.
Now, given the population explosion, let alone in this country, what can the government, what ought the government to do about this?
Well, what it ought to do is this.
The first thing, you don't want to put... I'm against government interference in our lives.
You want to minimize that.
So the very first thing the government should do is try and take the pressure off to reproduce.
There's a lot of pressure in our society now to reproduce.
If you're single, people try and push you into getting married.
You know, your wife, you have a bachelor over and your wife says, gee, shouldn't I have a nice girl over?
The idea is, you know, nobody should escape.
So there's pressure to get married.
Young couples, if they don't have children, people say, gee, they must be sterile.
They never say, gee, maybe they like good wine and going to the theater and so on.
They prefer that to scraping diapers.
So, there's pressure to have children.
So, the first thing that should happen is that the President ought to say, from now, here on out, no intelligent, patriotic American family ought to have more than two children, preferably one, if you're starting a family now.
Not any law, but just say, this is what responsible people do.
He ought to make the FCC see to it that large families are always treated in a negative light on television wherever they appear.
There ought to be a tremendous amount of television time devoted to spot commercials.
That's what we've had against smoking.
But ones in the middle, say in the middle of Beverly Hillbillies, you get a scene which shows Los Angeles in the smog and it just says this city has a fatal disease.
It's called overpopulation.
So long.
Now that sort of campaign, you could have a census, a sample census, which would see whether that was having a desired effect.
If that didn't, you could move to giving women bonuses for not having babies.
That almost certainly would do the job.
If that didn't have the effect, then you could move to changing the tax structure so that people who had the money and had the children paid for the children.
In other words, you would increase taxes on people with children rather than decrease them since when they have the children they require more services.
If that doesn't work, then you'll have the government legislating the size of the family.
And people say, oh, that's impossible.
Government can never intrude and tell you how many children to have.
Well, I got news.
You know, it intruded a long time ago and told you how many wives you can have.
and is not the slightest question that we don't get the population under
control of voluntary means that in the not too distant future the government
will simply tell you how many children you can have and throw you in jail if you have too many
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I'm not ever going to surrender.
I physically can't do it.
It's my great honor.
Fuck you, Klaus Schwab!
Fuck you!
I got plenty of words for you, but at the end of the day, fuck you and your New World Order, and fuck the horse you rode in on, and all your shit!
And so they know if that spirit begins to, in their words, infect other people, it's game over for them to turn us into robots and play God and give us all these orders and tell us how to live and tell us what to do.
You're talking about Oxford and the Oxford Council that has just announced that it's going to break up Oxford into 15-minute communities, call them 15-minute cities.
Where everything that they say you need is within the 15-minute walk or cycle ride of where you live.
And that you cannot, under this proposal, leave your 15-minute city in a car more than 100 times a year, or you find every time you do.
Now, what is that?
That's simply Lockdown.
It's COVID lockdown.
But it's done under the guise of climate change.
And so that's what this is really all about, is your ability to have free will that God gave you, and they're trying to take that away.
The only thing God's managed to create are organic beings.
All these trees and giraffes and humans, they're just organic.
But we are now trying to create inorganic entities, inorganic life forms, cyborgs, artificial intelligence and so forth.
If we succeed, and there is a very good chance we will, then very soon we will be beyond...
That's why I oppose them, and that's why I fight them.
And they act like, oh, they understand the universe, and they're bringing balance to it, and no, they like to hurt people, they like to destroy children, they like to steal people's energy, they like to see people in miserable situations, because it makes them feel good, because they hate themselves.
Hundreds of different serial killers and psychopaths, and whether they're black, white, or Hispanic, or Asian, they all look the same, and their eyes have the same weird, dead look.
And beyond a dead look, They look scared.
Not just because they're in a mugshot.
They look like they're captured.
Because those aren't people, ladies and gentlemen.
That's not a person anymore.
There's something in there driving it.
Better believe it.
And so when you look at the New World Order and Bill Gates and people like Fauci, let me tell you, folks, there is a system of anti-God, anti-human inside that body that's running that body.
And that's a biological android with one mission.
And that is to humiliate you and cut you off from God before they kill you.
Well, Anthony Fauci told our government to tell people don't do autopsies on COVID patients.
You cannot find that for which you do not look.
I have a post-vaccine nine-year-old on my desk.
And that's all this is, is people turning the dial.
And how do you turn the dial to Satanism?
You kill people.
You hurt children.
You molest children.
You put poison in people.
It breaks their DNA.
They've now confirmed in more than a hundred studies that this mRNA with a spike protein goes into the cells for generations and is passed on to the children and causes mutations.
They are turning people into mutants!
It's called the Fauci effect.
We found Other coronaviruses and bats, a whole host of them, some of them looked very similar to SARS.
So we sequenced the spike protein, the protein that attaches to cells.
Then we, well I didn't do this work, but my colleagues in China did the work, You create pseudoparticles, you insert the spike proteins from those viruses, see if they bind to human cells.
In each step of this, you move closer and closer to this virus could really become pathogenic in people.
So we need to turn the dial to the Holy Spirit, the big broadcast, and obviously if you've been turning the dial the other way, you're not going to want to turn the dial.
It's not going to feel too good to turn the dial towards God.
So Christ was saying get behind me.
I got a mission.
I'm going someplace.
I'm on a path.
I'm on a trajectory I want to get in line with the Holy Spirit and then move to the future.
Oh Yes You guys like oh you want that here have that and I'm right there right now.
Just oh wow It's feel the presence of God right now unbelievable God said you want it here.
I love you Come to me And for the balance of the hour, Drew Hernandez, Connecticut talk show host, journalist, embattled field reporter at all the different Antifa riots.
He is with us to cover the waterfront in this hour.
Then in the third hour and beyond, we're opening the phones up on any of the topics and issues we've raised or whatever topics callers want to call in about.
Well, I guess it was last night.
Drew sent me a link that we played last hour of Harari.
Psycho, you all know Harari, explains humans must let go and relearn how to see and walk, must be forced into the metaverse, the governments must force us into the metaverse, and that they will control the reality that we get.
He argues individuals will not be able to do this alone.
He says there will need to be government intervention.
So I want to start this hour where we ended the last hour This isn't just some crazy quack.
This is their spokesperson.
He didn't invent all of this, obviously.
He's putting out what they've been putting out for a hundred years.
But now they're very close to this.
Sure, folks are rejecting the metaverse.
They're rejecting the poison shots.
But they're saying, we're not going to stop.
In the future, he says, if you want a job, you're going to have to be part of this.
kind of like that famous photo six, seven years ago of Zuckerberg walking in to the
auditorium and everybody's sitting there like gorillas devolving hunched over their laptops
with their VRs on, but he's not wearing VR.
They're in his prison.
They're seeing his reality.
They've got what he wants them to see being fed to them.
So the power of this for brainwashing in their own words is insane.
It's good that it's being rejected, but they're still rolling it out with the social credit
score and the universal basic income and all the different surveillance systems that we're
going to be going over in this hour.
We're also, with Drew, going to look at the borders.
Biden's touch and go in El Paso.
Biden now with classified documents that a vice president doesn't have the power to declassify things.
That was from his vice presidential tenure.
We've got the Davos Group list leaked much bigger than what they normally claim is there.
Thanks for having me Alex.
leaders, the head of NATO. This really is the private corporate global government that's
really taking control of our lives. We're going to be hitting that and so much more
today. We'll also get Drew's take on the congressional situation last week. What he thinks of Kev
McCarthy and more. Drew Hernandez can be found at DrewHLive.com.
DrewHLive.com. Drew, great to have you here with us. Thanks for having me, Alex. What
do you want to tackle first?
Well let's tackle this Harari thing because I think people need to understand and we've
talked about this a lot on the show is the spiritual component going on behind the New
World Order, these global elites, the World Economic Forum.
These people are proxies, right?
They're literally possessed by Satan and demons to do their bidding with the ultimate New World Order satanic agenda that we see in the Bible that is listed very clearly.
But to really zero in, and I really want to zero in on this clip, is as to why and the psyche behind these psychos.
The number one thing that these people want is to not only play God, but be God and be in the position of God.
God is created as...
And by the way, just to interrupt you, he says that in other clubs,
that we're gonna be God, I don't believe in God yet, we're going to be God, this whole cult,
they want to be God and we're slaves in this hellscape they're creating.
So because of that, they try to think how they could imitate God and what God has engineered.
So specifically talking about this, God has created us with a soul and a spirit, which is the spiritual DNA and component that animates us, which is a huge mystery to scientists, which is a Huge mystery in the scientific medical world.
No one can clearly pinpoint how God has engineered this specific essential part of a human being, and the globalists know this, but they have a satanic, imitating, pseudo-Christ mindset that wants to replicate it, not for the purposes of understanding how God God did something so they could worship and glorify God for his creation.
No, they want to be him so they can back-engineer it.
This is why they all go to AI.
This is the closest technology they have today to do this.
They want to jack you in through AI, through VR, maybe AR, augmented reality, so they could somehow tap into your conscience because they need your conscience and your soul to take away your free will.
The one thing that God has engineered us all, all on planet Earth, Andrew, what you say is so key.
that to us as human beings, we have free will to do what we want.
It comes with a positive impact or it comes with negative consequences here
on planet earth and also in heaven.
And God, what you say is so key from day one with the COVID rollout, they
admitted this is about climate.
It's about restricting your movement.
It's about forcing you to work in the metaverse.
And virtually, they admit that they want to force us into this to physically restrain where we go, which is the total proof of enslavement.
So out of the gates, this thing is totally diabolical.
Because they need to replicate somehow tapping into your conscience.
They need to replicate somehow tapping into your soul.
They need that because that is how you tap into someone's free will.
If you could tap into their mind and you control everything they think, everything they see, everything they download, everything, all of their actions, all of their thoughts, Then you could completely control a human being from the top down.
That is why they want this.
That is why these people, this is the closest, like I said, this is the closest technology right now in 2023 that the global elites have right now to their access in order to accomplish something like this.
And let's expand on that.
We know from Dr. Ewing Cameron and Jolian West, this used to even be on like History Channel,
hour long documentaries, that when they kidnap little kids,
the CIA in Canada and the US, by the tens of thousands,
and foster children, they would take them at four, five, six, seven,
and put hoods over their heads, audio into their ears,
put them on drugs, in some cases for years,
until they erased who they were, and then reprogrammed them.
So that was a primitive form of this.
This is a brainwashing system.
Because if they could tap into that through the technology that we have today, then they could control your mind.
Listen, the global elites, when you take a look at the World Economic Forum, okay, Davos is coming up next week, and everyone, I advise everyone, should watch it like a hawk.
Clip it up, put it all over Twitter, put it all over everywhere.
Clip these people at what they're saying, because the general public needs to understand just how much of a threat these people are.
They're a threat to the Republic, they're a threat to humanity, because of people like Khuvari.
Listen to what this guy says, that there needs to be government intervention to get people to get on board with Tapping into virtual reality?
What he's literally saying is you need to come out of reality because we're moving into the future.
You need to merge with AI.
You need to merge with a machine.
Your mind psychologically can't do it itself to get there.
So the government is going to take that place.
It's going to take your free will in order to plunge you down into a path where you will lose your mind entirely.
And he's saying the future is a group forcing you to wear a hood over your head.
I mean, if that isn't a cult, what is?
That's the death cult.
And at the end of the day, listen, the prime human being that the globalists want, right?
The prime human being for Klaus Schwab, Noah Harvard, all these people, right?
Bill Gates, the prime human being is someone that is mindless, that cannot think, that does not think, that is 100% controllable.
I'll even go as far to say this, even the SJWs and the commies you see on the streets, You know where Owen Schroyer goes out there and you go out there, I go out there, or Savannah Hernandez goes and debates these mindless zombies.
Even those people are a problem because those people could wake up someday.
That's problematic for the globalists.
They need a mind that is 100% jacked into a system that is controllable on the back end from them.
Just like social media, just like Twitter, just like Facebook or the metaverse, just like all these big tech Absolutely.
Surveilled, controlled, rigged system where we become biological android robots plugged into the matrix.
And that's exactly where their mindsets are going right now.
This isn't coming.
The reason why they're talking about it is because you know these people are aware of the technology.
They're aware of what they can get away of post-2020.
Majority of the world, not the populists and the Infowarriors watching right now, but a lot of people bent the knee and sacrificed a lot of freedoms in the name of safety and security.
That was a test run to see what they can get away with.
The big stuff is on its way, and this is just one of many things that they're going to roll out to control people's minds, and we'll see how humanity receives it or rejects it.
I know I, you, and other people will not accept this, because this is about taking away your free will and autonomy as a human being.
And they're drugging us with the dopamine and totally controlling everybody.
We've got to be conscious of this.
When we come back, I'm going to talk about why they're in such a rush to get this in place now.
Talk about the good news straight ahead with Drew Hernandez.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow's news today.
Drew Hernandez joins us live on this Tuesday, January 10th.
Worldwide transmission already in the year 2023.
Now we're going to hit All the other world news and economy news and the latest Biden with secret document news and it's illegal and he does it because he was vice president at the time vice presidents don't have that power unless they're directed by the president.
That's all coming up but I wanted to get more into You've all know Harari who is putting out their actual battle plan that we've been worrying about on air for 28 years.
I want to play this short clip and start it and stop it and get Drew's take on it.
I did this last hour but it's so important I'm gonna do it again and let him comment because I know Drew's just as smart as I am, maybe smarter, which is great.
We need really smart people to get this.
But everything He tells you it's authoritarian.
We're going to make you do it.
Governments can be involved.
You'll have to do this to have a job.
They're forcing you into this artificial system where reality is suspended.
Where two plus two doesn't mean four.
Where there's no gravity.
Where they're the masters.
They're playing field.
They're scam.
They're fraud.
You think FTX and Sam Bankman Freed was bad?
You're giving these types of people control of your mind.
But here, It's why they're doing it.
They know with technology it's a double-edged sword.
They're using it for evil.
They know the powerful innovations are threatening their monopoly of power.
They call those disruptive technologies.
So they want to harness humanity, fully dumb us down and get control, so they can use all the good aspects of this for themselves and test it all on us, like Netanyahu said a month ago with Jordan Peterson.
We said, oh Israel, we tested it.
We know what it would do.
And now we're going to test all the new mRNA technologies on the Israeli people.
We'll be the laboratory of the world.
Our people are lab rats.
Why would they say my people are lab rats?
That's Joseph Mingala.
Why would Harari say we're gonna make you do this?
Well, there's a point where they have to emerge.
There's a point where they have to admit this and finally throw it in your face and hope you go into Stockholm Syndrome.
Your take on that, Drew Hernandez.
We'll start playing the club.
I think it's pretty obvious.
I think when we see that, that's exactly what the agenda is, because these people have an agenda for world domination, but it's just through the centuries, through the hundreds of years, it comes through different forms, and it also coincides with the current technology of the day.
So if people think that what we're talking about is too far-fetched, and it's just Way too out there.
Well, maybe because we're thinking like 100, 200, 500 years ahead like they do.
Come on, Alex, you and I know this.
Even the CCP.
These people have plans for the next 500 years.
They're not just thinking, oh, 10 years down the line, 20 here, 30 there.
No, no.
These people have plans for humanity that go down hundreds of years down the line.
Hitler was looking a thousand years ahead.
That's what they're doing.
So let's take a look at that clip.
That's exactly why they're talking like this.
Maybe the most important quality to survive and flourish in the 21st century is to have mental flexibility.
Stay positive when you want, and then make comments.
You're hosting right now, tell us to roll it.
Let's go.
Maybe the most important quality to survive and flourish in the 21st century
is to have mental flexibility.
Not just to keep learning and changing again and again, also to keep letting go.
Part of what makes it difficult to learn new things that we hold on.
Like, you know, I spent so many years learning something, and now the world has changed.
And I just don't want to let go.
And letting go... I'll give an example of how deep it goes.
Like, it's not just what you learned in college, or what you learned in kindergarten.
It's even what you learned as a baby, as a toddler, like learning how to see, or learning how to walk.
And what does that mean?
I have to relearn how to see and walk.
Well, as virtual reality improves, and you know, it's all the talk of the metaverse and so forth that we'll discuss later on.
Okay, pause right here, please.
Alright, people need to understand, when you listen to these guys talk, right?
They sound all good, they sound all heroic.
This is how abusers function.
They prop themselves up as the saviors and the heroes and the protectors of the individual that they're targeting.
So these guys always start that way.
They always start like the nice guys, like the heroes, they're gonna save humanity.
Oh, this is... Just let go, put the handcuffs on, get in the trunk, I will take care of you.
Exactly, exactly.
They are the ones that are going to enslave you, but they pretend to be the protectors.
But the point I was trying to make is they do this in a way that sounds like, oh, you're just an old wineskin.
It's time to be a new wineskin in order to get with the new generation and the new times.
But then look where he turns.
Continue, continue with what he's saying.
How to see and walk.
Well, as virtual reality.
And you know, with all the talk of the metaverse and so forth that we'll discuss later on, increasingly it's likely that there will be many more activities shifting from the physical biological world that we know, into a new reality, a virtual reality, which has different physical and biological laws.
Even the laws of physics there are different.
So, whether you want to interact socially there, or maybe you have a job in virtual reality, in the metaverse, or maybe you design, you have a new job designing fashion, designing shirts for virtual reality, because people want to look good there.
You need to forget how physics and light and gravity works here because it works in a different way in that reality.
So just what does it mean?
Like I'm now 46.
Let's say I have a new job designing fashion for the metaverse.
How can I, at age 46, kind of forget what it means to see and learn from scratch how to see things?
Are you optimistic that adults can do that?
We can't do it alone.
Humans can't do it alone or individuals can't do it alone?
Individuals can't do it alone.
Placing all the responsibility on individuals, the world is changing, now it's your job to adapt, to change yourself, to learn.
It doesn't work like that.
It's too much for an individual to do just by themselves.
We'll probably have, we'll require Organizations, governments to step in to make sure that people are not left behind.
You know, just retraining people.
We will have to see more government support.
Total brainwashing to Hernandez.
That's it right there.
You see this?
You see the bait and switch?
The bait is I'm a good guy.
This is how the predators and the abusers function.
The bait is I'm a good guy, I'm here to save you, we're here to assist you in going down into the future because you might be an old boomer and not be able to get it.
This is literally like aliens show up and they would say this.
This is like a science fiction movie.
We're here to help you assimilate.
You will assimilate.
Resistance is futile.
This is 100% Nazi, tyrannical thinking.
The guy is literally sitting there saying, we're going to be the ones to protect you.
We'll take you into the future.
And then the switch comes and the host literally asks him, so do you think humans can do it themselves?
It needs to be government intervention.
Humans, what he's talking about is forced so-called evolution.
He's saying AI.
And here's the key.
He says the laws of physics, you have to suspend them, and you will own nothing, you will be happy because you're going to be living in the metaverse.
You won't have real clothes, you'll be in a pod, but you'll have the clothes he's designing that you pay him for.
It's to take you out of reality.
These people don't want you in reality.
That's why they want to bring you into something virtual.
That's why he's making comments like that, so they suspend you outside of reality in your mind, so they could control everything that you're doing and seeing.
It makes 100% sense to me, because if they could suspend you out of reality, and not even have you understand where you are, and keep you in that perpetual mindset, that is how they could control you forever.
These people are demons, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be right back with Drew Hernandez.
Stay with us.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show with Drew Hernandez.
We're gonna hit other topics in a moment, but Drew wants to get back into this whole false reality.
Not just the Hollywood brainwashing, not just the drugging of the kids, but the literal digital hood over our head to complete the journey into enslavement.
And I'm going to tie in some other news articles and we're going to shift gears.
But please remember listeners, we don't get put as the end cap at all the bookstores.
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The Great Reset and the War for the World came out six months ago.
It was off and on.
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Back to drew Hernandez of drew H live.com.
Incredible reporter, syndicated talk show host in his own right.
It was great being on with him a few weeks ago.
And he and Charlie Kirk co-hosting together.
You wanted to get back into Harari and this attack on humanity, this attempt
to colonize our mind and our very soul.
Yeah, 100%.
I think, uh, what I want people to like really think about is again,
you take a look at it in, in, in, in my view, this is like a very interesting
digital form of possession of the human being.
And they want your conscience, they want your soul, they want your mind.
Because if they have that, that taps into your free will and they could control you, that's what they need to neuter out of humanity.
It's very clear that that's what they need.
That's an essential, that's a necessity for these people in order to get exactly what they want.
I mean, put this in the political sphere, right?
I mean, look at what's being fed by Democrats, all right?
You got puppet Joe Biden that's been installed as the President of the United States.
You have people like puppet Senator John Federnick.
And now you got puppet Governor Katie Hobbs down in Arizona as well.
These people don't have minds.
These people don't think.
They don't do anything out of their own will.
These people are told what to do.
They're commanded how to govern.
We could even say that.
But it's an agenda that these people download from the top down, and all they do is perform and do as that they're told.
The problem with that, even with that, is that you take a look at Puppet Biden, he makes mistakes.
He makes tons of mistakes that cause people to wake up.
They can't have that.
You take a look at John Federnick.
They won't have him talk to anybody, not even give an interview.
Because people will see through that this guy is literally just a mindless puppet and doesn't know anything.
Same thing with so-called Governor Katie Hobbs down in Arizona.
The reason why we're seeing this trend start to rise with these so-called politicians and elected leaders that are being installed of just these mindless
puppets is because that is what they need that is what they want. They need people that can 100%
be controllable that will question nothing that will show no opposition and not even have the
potential of providing any opposition or waking up and getting red-pilled someday and coming to
the realization that there's a new world order there's a global elite out there the deep
state is not Amber, what you say is so key.
I remember reading Bloomberg articles a decade ago and others saying, Davos elites want puppet presidents and leaders, and saying they just want drones, and they want to discredit elected governments, so they're purposely putting zombies like Biden and Fetterman in.
They admit what you're saying.
There it is.
And the technology has caught up.
The technology has cut up now because now they have the ability.
This is why they're talking about this.
Imagine if they had someone like Biden, just mindless, AI controlled, can take certain downloads.
No mistakes.
Don't need to give the guy cue cards.
Imagine if they could have you.
You think that these global satanic homicidal maniacs, if they had that kind of technology, wouldn't use it against the American people?
Look what they're doing with mRNA.
Look what they're doing with big tech.
Look what they're doing with all the technology we have today.
As humans, we have to be very careful.
I'm not saying technology is evil.
I'm not a Gnosticism, you know, pusher.
I'm going to interrupt, go back to Gnosticism, the Gnostics, but hold on.
Remember a decade ago the CIA admitted they created a program where they put in the info and they put a fake name on it and it writes the same article under a thousand different names?
Technology can be used for good or for evil and we're seeing that very clear right now.
This goes back to the Garden of Eden, Alex.
What was one of the things that the serpent, the devil, used to tempt Eve?
You will receive higher knowledge.
To discern good from evil.
You will receive higher wisdom.
I will impart to you something you don't know that will make you advanced.
Makes sense when you start to see all these tech companies come out.
Steve Jobs goes and has an acid trip or is on DMT, sees visions that you should call the company Apple, go down this route, go down this route.
And look where we are today!
Like I said, if you want to know, listen, the New World Order thinks, like the Nazis did thousands of years down the line, that's because it's demonic in origin.
These demons have been around for centuries.
Thousands of years.
They know how humanity works.
They know what humanity wants.
And they got an agenda.
Let's just say what they are.
The Bible tells us they're fallen marooned here.
We're more advanced than they are, but we don't understand that we're made in the image of God.
They're aliens.
That's what it is.
Interdimensional aliens.
And by the way, I've talked to top globalists.
I've talked to off-record.
And they all know this.
They don't even laugh.
They go, yeah, of course.
It's aliens, folks.
Aliens, bad aliens, fallen aliens, not good guys, are literally manipulating our species to build the system they want.
Because we're the actual builders.
We're the geniuses.
We just don't know it.
The fallen angels have been manipulating humanity for thousands of years and it's continuing today and it's not going to stop.
People need to wake up to that reality because that is reality.
As in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man.
Look, the globalists know what they're doing.
They get you busy working and have all this garbage news and Hollywood propaganda out there.
They hope you just give up, kind of roll over and don't pay attention.
Then they bring in this anti-human domestication kill grid.
And we're aware of it.
We've been warning about it for decades.
It's all coming through, like we said, because we're on target.
There's all these ideologies, all these distractionary things out there, but you notice, more people say, man, it's like, it's Alex Jones' world, we're just living in it.
No, it's not Alex Jones' world, it's the devil's world.
The devil has dominion right now, for a short time, and is making his move against humanity.
He will be defeated.
But, you have to understand, we're telling you what's coming next because the enemy is on record with their plan.
And it's horrible to see the plan, but what's more horrible is to not do anything about it.
So many people, it's like hearing you've got to lose weight, or you've got to clean out the garage, or you've got to save money, or you've got to take care of a problem.
You don't want to hear it.
You procrastinate.
Folks, procrastination with this is death.
You're designed to fight this.
You're designed to overcome this.
Drew Hernandez, I want to hit some other news with you on the poison shots and politics, and more before you've got to leave and go to your own show.
Just in closing, because you've also been a youth minister and pastor in your previous incarnation, that's why you're so dolled into the Holy Spirit and the sermon, because that really is our knowledge.
It's not that I'm smart or you're smart.
We're actually just resonating and connected.
I can't tell people how many times I'll just know something and then go research it and they're actually saying it and doing it.
So we do have the advanced technology of the Holy Spirit.
Can you speak to that?
I mean, at the end of the day, If God be for us, who could be against us?
Okay, so all of this that's happening is happening.
God is overseeing and watching what is happening.
He has his timeline and is allowing certain things to happen for certain reasons.
Now, where I kind of separate With other, you know, so-called Christians or pastors, there's a lot of, a lot of evangelicals will kind of say, well, you know, God said this was going to happen and we're in the last days, so we might as well just pack it up and just look to the sky and Jesus is going to come and save us.
Well, we don't, we don't, no man knows the day or the hour, okay?
This is kind of where I separate from that and I say, well, we don't know if that's going to happen for another 10 minutes, 10 years, Who knows?
We don't know.
Nobody knows.
What I do know is that the Bible also commands that we must expose darkness, that we must oppose evil, and that we must stand with God, especially in the face of tyranny.
That's when those things come to fruition.
So, right now, as a Christian, and I kind of find myself by myself a lot of these times, and some, like, Christian circles, like, disagree with me, which, I don't care at this point, because, uh, if anyone should be effective right now, not only exposing this, but taking this kind of stuff head-on, and really having the power of God alongside of you to combat it, it should be a born-again Christian right now, Where we are in the future.
That's right.
People are hiding in churches.
They don't want to talk about these topics because they're scary.
But that's not going to make it go away.
This is a test.
God said this is a test and it's a white throne judgment.
If you don't stand up against this evil, God's going to say, I don't know you.
And 100%, and he also says cowards are going to hell.
That's in the Bible, man!
I mean, so a lot of people are just, they're afraid to speak out, they're afraid to expose, because it will come with consequences.
It'll come with persecution.
It'll come with cancellation.
You could possibly lose everything you possibly have.
But if we're standing with God, nothing else should matter.
Because at the end of the day, if God has called us and God has pushed us in this position, and God is calling us to come out and speak out against some serious evil in our generation right now.
This is our generation.
This is taking place right before our very eyes.
We are... I guess I'll speak for myself.
I am convicted every single day to wake up and seriously expose and do everything in my power.
And you know what Ezekiel said?
They said, they're going to kill you if you don't shut up.
And he said, I can't stop.
It's burning in my bones.
They want you to do nothing and to say nothing.
Okay, the global elites, they're not atheists.
They're not.
They know God is real.
They know that Satan exists.
They know that these powers are at work.
They know what's going to happen.
The Bible talks about this in Psalms chapter 2, that the nations laugh.
They mock at God and God looks down upon them like, They all know what's going on, Alex!
And let me raise this.
Exactly as John the Revelator said 2,000 years ago in the Isle of Patmos, world government, total control, cannot buy or sell without this digital mark.
And then everything that comes with it, it'll turn women against men, men against women, children against parents.
Everything is perfectly described.
How can you people not know this is an emergency transmission?
This is a warning.
God gives us free will, but God also gave us an owner's manual or a cheat sheet here.
And I'll also say this, okay?
I'm not going to name any names, but we do have so-called Christians, okay?
Self-proclaimed Christians in the world of politics, policymakers, deciders in DC, that even claim to be America first.
What I want to know is, why are none of you calling out This global threat, okay?
Why are none of these people openly and aggressively opposing people like Klaus Schwab, people and groups like the World Economic Forum?
Why are these people not coming out and taking these people down just as much as the CCP?
Those are huge threats right now here in the States because these people want to see us fall from within.
I agree.
The CCP and the World Economic Forum are the two-headed dragon.
They're huge.
This is the two-headed dragon.
This is the threat that we're all facing right now.
And what I want to see in terms of lawmakers and people that claim to love this country is, okay, the next step is, what are we doing about Klaus Schwab?
What are we doing about the World Economic Forum?
What are we doing about Dr. Fauci?
What are we doing about the World Health Organization?
What are we doing about these so-called unelected organizations that are determining policy for Americans?
So what do you make of the whole McCarty saga?
Where do you see that going?
I don't think anything's going to change.
I don't.
I don't think anything's going to change.
It's going to be business as usual.
There's a reason why they want rhinos installed, and the reason why they want rhinos installed is so that things could continue going the way that they want to go.
And anyone that does not see that by now... Listen, Alex, you and I both know this.
The Uniparty is fully functional and operational right now.
And the global elites in the World Economic Forum, George Soros and Klaus Schwab, they have their tentacles wrapped around all these so-called Republicans and Democrats on both sides.
No, I agree.
So why do you think Trump endorsed McCarthy?
I think Trump has been advised to maybe get more moderate.
And I think he's even talked about that.
I think we've seen that.
And I think what that's done to him personally is it's made him look rather weak.
I think, let me speak for myself.
I want to see the old Trump, like when I listen to his speeches, when I watch him talk, I'm like, where is the old Trump?
Where is the 2016 Trump?
That base Trump that was speaking out against globalism, literally, outspokenly talking about going after the deep state.
Where is that aggressive Trump that I saw in 2016?
I don't know if other people agree with me on this, but what I've been watching, listen, I love what he's done.
I'm very thankful for what he's done.
And in many ways, he's changed my life with what he's done.
But I think moving forward, we need that old aggressive Trump, not some moderate Trump.
And more.
And more, Alex, because we've crossed the threshold.
I totally agree.
Let me talk to you about this.
I think it's fair to say, I disagree if you do, man, we've broken the back on their poison shots, their whole mask, their whole lockdowns.
But now we've got to go forward with hearings and prosecution of Fauci.
But now we learned former FDA chief worked with Twitter to suppress COVID-19 fax tweets.
We have Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb was a major influence on lockdown.
Twitter files reveal.
I mean, this is them suppressing the public, consumers, blocking therapeutics.
I mean, we have them.
They have been exposed.
100% and more people need to wake up to that reality.
This is why they're trying to censor everything.
This is why they want to shadow ban everybody.
This is why they want to take down InfoWars.
And it proves it wasn't just Big Tech doing it.
What we knew, it was government and intelligence agencies and corporations pushing a poison product and suppressing us day one, knowing what they were doing.
But they jumped the shark.
They look scared now.
Yes, it is real corporate global fascism.
This is the globally lead agenda and what they're doing through organizations like the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, FBI, CIA, they're all together.
Okay, they're all one big group.
They're all together and they're led and energized by Satan to push this agenda alone.
Humanity needs to wake up.
This is why they want to censor the information, shadow ban and de-boost everyone that's speaking out against this stuff.
Because they don't want to look bad?
They censor it because it's true!
Because it's all true!
Everything we're saying is true!
Otherwise, why would they censor it?
Because it's misinformation.
But it's all been proven true.
So how do they strike back now that they've been so exposed?
I think they will continue because there still are a lot of people in this country, Alex, that are willing to bow the knee.
There are people that are literally right now, you guys can find this story later and maybe cover it, there's organizations still calling for more COVID lockdowns.
Right now in 2023.
I saw that.
Let's do a few more minutes before you have to go.
The phone's up.
Four callers.
Hour number three.
So much more coming up.
Stay with us.
We live on an incredible planet in the middle of this fantastic universe that God created, and there's always going to be evil people that try to play God.
There's always going to be fallen entities that try to play God, but they're not God, and they will fail in the end.
In closing, we've got five minutes left.
Drew Hernandez, I just love the work you do.
You're one of my favorite people on air.
I salute everything you're up to, the multiple shows you're doing, the investigative journalism.
In the closing five minutes, you've got the floor to hit any other news areas or issues you wanted to cover.
Well, right now, I just want to encourage people, encourage the listeners to really pay attention to what people are saying alongside of what they do.
Moving into 2023, 2024, all these so-called America First politicians, people that claim to care about this country so much, if these people are not actively not only speaking out against the CCP and the World Economic Forum, these two double-headed dragon threats, right?
If these people are not openly Working against what these people are doing, we have a huge problem.
And I think what that's going to do is if we put public pressure, okay, on our so-called elected officials, right?
If we put public pressure, even in conservative media, I take issue with this as well, is why are we not addressing the obvious elephant in the room?
And you got to ask yourself, who's on the payroll?
Who's on the World Economic Forum website?
Who's in support of the World Economic Forum?
I don't care if they got an R by their name.
I don't care if they claim they're America first.
That's a problem.
Because America first means we put America over anybody because God has given us this and this is our home.
This is our country.
We can't sell it out to the CCP.
Klaus Schwab does not make decisions for my life.
Okay, Bill Gates is not overlord of the universe in the United States of America.
That spirit of freedom and patriotism, okay, it has to continue and it must live on and it must go on.
Because we're entering into an era where you have this This, this technocracy mixed with corporate fascism, the global elites that are operating from the top down with their proxies like Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates and these people that they use to infiltrate society.
We need to push back on that culturally.
We need to push back on that politically?
We need to push back that in our media?
Okay, I'll tell you right now, if people are not covering what's going on in Davos next week, I find that very sus.
Because why are we not paying attention to a group of people meeting with, I think the report was like 200 world leaders or something?
Like, people that are going to determine policy for the entire world?
And who's at the middle of it?
Quarterbacking at all?
Klaus Schwab in the World Economic Forum making recommendations on how you should rule your country.
Who the hell are you?
Who elected you?
No, no, no.
Because these people believe in a new world order, global communism, globalism, and all of this is only accomplished if you do not have any human autonomy, any nationalism.
Okay, whatever country you come from, this is why they want to remove all that.
You will be removed because you stand in the way, but you will not be removed if you stand your ground.
You will be removed in their eyes because you stand in their way, but you will not be removed if you stand your ground.
And right now, 2023, 2024, I'm not calling for violence.
What I'm saying is stand your ground against these people.
Do not be afraid to be cancelled.
Do not be afraid to be slandered or demonised.
It's already happening.
Okay, those weapons don't even work anymore anyways.
Oh, now look at New Zealand.
Now they're telling their own residents, oh, you should watch your neighbours and make sure they're not radicalised because they might be domestic terrorists.
Oh, well, what are some of the symptoms, the New Zealand government says?
Oh, well, one of the things you can identify if they're a terrorist is if they have issue with COVID lockdowns or they're anti-vax.
Okay, these words are buzzwords that they're using to shut down people that love freedom.
And because they're losing and they're scared.
We love you, brother.
We're looking to find all the great shows and work you're doing.
Please come in studio soon.
I want to work with you again.
We've done on the border and so much more.
God bless you, my friend.
Let's do it.
All right, there goes Drew Hernandez.
Wow, that was a powerful interview.
I'm gonna come back.
I'm gonna give the number out.
I'm gonna go right to your phone calls.
We've got other breaking news and information back in 60 seconds.
Stay with us.
And that means you've only got four days to act if you want to get Vitamin Mineral Fusion and DNA Force Plus both at 50% off.
Next Monday, the products are going back to full price because they're close to selling out and we won't have more back in stock for months.
Everybody should be on Vitaminal Fusion and DNA Force Plus.
Just look at DNA Force Plus with the PQQ and the CoQ10 and so much more.
Documented to clean out your cells, your mitochondria, take your immune system to the next level, and even have your telomeres, that's your DNA, last longer.
This is the opposite of what the globalists are doing with their poison shots.
This is actually giving your body the tools it needs to regenerate.
Get DNA Force Plus and Vitaminal Fusion for a limited time for 50% off.
You've got until next Monday.
And your purchase supports the broadcast.
Keep us on air.
Please take action now for your own wellness and your own health.
And keep us on air.
Man, I tell you, if you just joined us, that last hour with Hernandez was just amazing.
That guy has got the spirit, the forces with him.
All right, I want to give the number out for long-time callers, first-time callers, agree, disagree, you name it.
All I ask is you have a clean phone line and are ready to make your point and move to the next person.
And dispense with the pleasantries, as they say.
The toll free number to join us is 877-789-2539, 877-789-alex, 877-789-2539.
Some international callers can't call a toll free number.
So we have country code 01-512-646-1776 or country code 512-646-1776.
It broke last night.
Biden as vice president went and set up his foundation at Penn State and he had a bunch of documents and we now know what they are.
It's being revealed, being reported, that U.S.
intelligence materials related to Ukraine and Iran and U.K.
found in Biden's private office, sources tell CNN.
Well, here's the deal.
A vice president cannot declassify or have secret documents unless he has a presidential letter for each document.
So, it's a felony.
Trump had it all legal.
But, of course, the media is spinning it like it is no big deal.
Now, there's a big article on InfoWars.com about this.
It's huge.
Tomorrow, especially, we're going to be covering this a lot.
Next week, when the Davos Group is meeting the public arm of the UN and the Bilderberg Group, we'll be playing clips.
We'll be covering it live next week as we expose the corporate global government.
Deimos 2023 guest list leaked.
Global's preparing final phase of Great Reset takeover.
Jamie White wrote it.
FBI Director Chris Wray, the CEO of Amazon, BlackRock, and Pfizer, and top officials of the Gate Foundation and the Soros Network are on the list.
List of attendees of the World Economic Forum's annual Davos Summit has leaked, and just about every globalist figure you'd expect is on the roster.
That's what the corporations buy off the politicians to give them their orders.
The list notes that some 50 heads of state and governments have already confirmed their participation in the annual meeting, and it's expected to raise to more than 60.
The list includes some of the most powerful names in government finance business on our planet, including FBI Director Chris Wray, who makes sure the deep state can commit all the crimes it wants and persecutes the patriots, the CEO of Amazon, BlackRock, and Pfizer, top officials of the Gates Foundation, Soros Network, and heads of the New York Times and NBC.
Biden's Climate Envoy John Kerry, European Central Bank President Christine Legrand, World Health Organization Director General Tedros, and it goes on from there.
CNN's Reid Zakaria, Fox News, Maria Barton Armaud, and is also on the list.
And it just continues on.
Here is the full list.
Link to the article on InfoWars.com.
You can see all of this for yourself.
Zelensky to speak at World Economic Forum alongside NATO Chief Sheen and Anchor.
And it just goes on from there.
It's all on InfoWars.com.
I hope you'll share it with people to expose the corporate fascists that launched the bio-attack, that launched the poison shots, and so much more against humanity.
Now, I mentioned this earlier in the first hour but never got to it.
It's Tucker Carlson.
Talking about how he was censored, the documents now show, according to the Louisiana Attorney General that sued and got the documents, for simply saying immunity is better than a shot, or the shot isn't needed for children, or children aren't dying from COVID.
All of it was true!
But here is Tucker Carlson talking about the fact that he was censored, along with so many others.
But thank God this is coming out.
Here it is.
It was never really a secret that there were huge problems with the COVID shots.
And we knew this because the Biden administration's own VAERS database indicated that from the beginning.
A lot of people were being injured.
But the media suppressed that news.
We tried to point it out more than a year ago, not because we have a problem with vaccines or anti-vaxxers, but because if you're going to force people to take something, you probably ought to know what it is and what effects it might have.
That's the most basic right of all, to know what goes into your body.
To know something about it.
But in trying to say that, we were censored, and now we know we were censored directly by the White House.
In April of 2021, the White House's Director of Digital Strategy, a character called Rob Flaherty,
sent this email to Facebook, quote, "The top post on Facebook about vaccines today is Tucker
Carlson saying they don't work," he complained. He then pressured, the White House pressured
Facebook to follow its policy of, quote, "reduction,"
meaning censorship. We're quoting, "If reduction means pumping our most vaccine has an
audience with Tucker Carlson saying it doesn't work, then I'm not sure it's reduction."
In other words, censor more!
The Facebook employee responded by promising that the company was quote, running this down now.
We asked Rob Flaherty to join us tonight to explain, but of course he's a coward and he won't.
So, we only know this, by the way, because of a lawsuit from the Attorneys General of Louisiana and Missouri.
So now let's just play one of the dozens of clips of children dying in the U.S.
that make the news after they take the shot.
Here's a clip.
16-year-old girl dies, collapses of heart attack while playing flag football.
16-year-old girl.
Here it is.
Our top story now at four.
A local student-athlete has died after a medical emergency during a flag football game.
She's been identified as 16-year-old Ashari Hughes, a sophomore at Desert Oasis High School.
And Fox 5's Dani Mastin speaking with family members this afternoon who tell us exactly what happened.
Kim and John, I spoke with Ashari's dad on the phone today, who tells me she had a heart problem, but had been cleared to play.
Her dad, of course, confused, frustrated, and devastated by his daughter's passing.
Ashari's dad tells me Ashari has always had a love and passion for football.
She first started playing flag football at Centennial High School before coming to Desert Oasis.
She showed initial signs of heart problems at her first game at Desert Oasis.
She went to the doctors and cardiologists cleared her to play at last night's game.
When playing at that game, Ashari's dad tells me she started to feel tired and was experiencing chest problems.
She went to sit down and that is when she collapsed.
She wasn't breathing and did not have a pulse.
A nurse from the stands performed CPR and used a defibrillator.
Which prompted Ashari's heart to start beating again.
But when arriving to the hospital, she passed.
Understandably, her classmates are grieving this loss.
We spoke with students from Desert Oasis Today, who say the mood at school has been somber.
People feel sorrow like what they shut down like all the practices and my games and Actually, I've heard like selfishness like selfishness come from people because I heard a football player like why they cancel practice I'm like, but let's uh, let's not worry about something like that girl just lost her life All right, so listen to that carefully.
She obviously has been injected.
We have all the numbers.
We know it's exploding everywhere.
So she suddenly gets a new health problem, a new heart problem, goes to the doctor, says, you're fine, go ahead and play.
She has myocarditis.
Her heart's been damaged.
She goes back out, dies.
Because they're told to tell you there's no problem.
We have the insurance company numbers in every country that took the shots.
At least a 13% increase overall in death.
The highest record number of deaths ever, and it's in young people.
Heart attacks.
Here's a Canadian reporter, you see these every day now, passing out on TV.
You never saw this before, you never saw this, but now it's everywhere.
But they're telling you, yeah, myocarditis is way up, heart attacks are way up, but it's not the shot.
But it was an unapproved injection.
Here's the video.
...has come just a week before the third anniversary.
Well, people we spoke with say they were happy that something is being done, but this is something that they've been asking for since day one.
So for them, this is about a thousand days too late.
Now, Nariman, I'm looking at after the day, families are pushing feds to Now a lot of this is 5G.
Let's be clear.
I'm not feeling very well right now and I'm about to...
Okay, we'll come back to you.
We'll make sure that Jessica, you are doing okay.
She goes ahead and falls over.
We will make sure that Jessica is okay.
Now, a lot of this is 5G.
Let's be clear.
5G is the most powerful system they've got, and it affects the heart in major studies and the lungs.
So we're going to come back, go to your phone call straight ahead.
But this is it.
We have lived to the point of the mass world government calling.
The mass killing has begun.
We're still on air.
I don't know how long.
I've done the best job I can.
I know you have as losers as well.
But let's just keep fighting, folks.
Stay with us.
We are back live, going right to your phone calls.
I'll be hosting a little bit in the next hour, then a special guest host takes over from Australia.
Look forward to talking to Chase, and Duncan, and Savicks, and Millie, and Aaron, and Bart, and Carlos, and Steve, and Joe, and Ryan, and so many others.
Remember, what we're doing the enemy hates above all else, because the globalists are not all powerful.
No one knows who first said it decades ago on the internet, but it's true.
The propaganda would not be necessary If the situation was hopeless.
If the situation was hopeless, the propaganda would not be necessary.
I'm not that smart a guy.
I don't have magical powers, but I love freedom, and I can study history.
And in 28 years on air, together, we have devastated the New World Order.
I intend to go on devastating them, but I can't do it without your help.
Plus, we sell great products you need.
Today's the last day to get Vital Mineral Fusion and DNA Force Plus at 50% off.
It's going to go back to full price for the next few weeks until it sells out.
It'll be months and months until we get more in, if we're able to stay on air.
That's really up to you.
You need DNA Force Plus.
It's incredible for your telomeres, your immune system, your body, for cell repair, for mitochondria, for telomere repair.
Vitamin Refusion also 50% off. Today is the last day, the absolute last day.
Real Red Pill Plus came in but a limited supply. We've already sold out of most of it.
Despite that, it's 50% off and we got a big shipment in of Down-N-Out, our super strong organic sleep aid
with a big dose of melatonin and valerian root and so much more.
Chase the Patriot from California.
You're on the air with the huge floods and everything you're dealing with.
However some folks you're going to want to knock out, you're not going to want down and
out because there are two different formulas.
They're both available, 40% off, infowarestore.com.
I want to thank you all for the support.
Okay, without further ado, let's go to the phone calls.
Chase the Patriot from California, you're on the air with the huge floods and everything
you're dealing with, how are you doing?
Hey, I tell you, there is quite a few floods.
My mom lives in Avila Beach, actually, and the roads at the 101 freeway are completely covered with water.
Oh, listen, I had a personal friend I called this morning that lives in Hollywood, and he said that he can't even get out of his house more than 100 feet.
That's right.
It's coming down, and I tell you, we've been in a drought for a few years, so I'll take all the rain we can get.
But I wanted to talk, you know, I've been listening to the show and I got the good, bad, the ugly, classic, western in the background.
So I got a few quick points for you.
First, the good.
Now we got McCarthy in as speaker and that's not good necessarily, but at least we don't have the Democrats in control.
Because here's the bad.
His district was dissolved from Nunes.
Congressman Nunes, that was a, you know, America first.
When California exodus started, everybody started leaving the state because they hate the policies here.
They lost a seat in the representatives for the first time ever.
And so they dissolved that seat into McCarthy and Valadao, who is one of the 10 Republicans devoted for impeachment of President Trump.
So it gets pretty deep there, the ugliness of that swamp.
But let's get to the ugly now.
We've also seen the censorship and lawfare has been at next level, especially targeting you.
And now we see some of the proof coming out of the Twitter files.
So everybody needs to get out there, support InfoWars, go buy the book.
I bought the book.
It's awesome.
And, you know, I'm getting into the details of all the different documents.
And it's a great way to inform other people as well about what's really going on in the world with these lockdowns and these shots and everything else.
I totally agree with you.
And look, I'm not defending McCarthy.
I didn't want him in there.
But Roger Stone predicted that six months before this happened, he said a razor-thin Republican victory will mean that that 20 or so, 25 patriots will be able to control the whole agenda, like Mnuchin controls the Senate.
And we're seeing that.
So now it really falls to Matt Gage and MTG and others.
Will they deliver on the agenda they promised?
And the sexy example as well is maybe we can do something similar in the Senate, where it wouldn't take so many people, but if we got a good five or six to go in there with Rand Paul and others, maybe they can lock it down.
That's right.
Well, we know we can't give up.
We know we can't give up.
The Swamp's definitely scared.
They've pulled out all the stops.
They've committed incredible crimes, trying to stay in power.
They've revealed themselves, folks.
People say, well, why do you keep fighting?
They just get more evil, because it's going to show their hand.
That's right.
And Alex, I got one question for you, if you'd take it.
I got a cousin who works all day, he listens to your show.
If you can just give a shout-out, thanks for listening to Eli and make his day right now.
I appreciate everything you do.
Thank you.
Thank you, Chase.
Eli, thanks for listening.
We love you.
You are the Paul Revere.
Please tell everybody, tune in, Eli, to InfoWars to get what's really going on.
Ryan, in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I just wanted to go over a couple things.
I've been following politics a long time, and the one thing I'm certain of is that timing is everything.
It's really curious that Joe Biden's about to announce his presidency, and then all of a sudden we see this announcement, oh, he's got documents hidden.
Oh yeah, no, the Deep State's done with him.
They want him to step down.
That's why they're bringing out Hunter and stuff.
They wouldn't let it out two years ago in the election, but now they're totally... When I saw it this morning, I meant to say that.
They're bringing this out to try to get Biden to step down.
Yeah, it seems like a checkmate set up to me.
I agree.
So who are they planning?
I think it's Gavin Newsom.
Yeah, I think it's Gavin Newsom as well.
You keep seeing them trot him out.
I mean, these people are so fake.
I don't know how to understand how the left... Well, they love to lie.
They have nothing but disdain.
So the fact he says he'll never run for president, you know he is.
Yeah, but it's also, why now?
I mean, we've had, you know, so much corruption surrounding the Biden family.
Why now?
Well, because exactly.
Biden's getting big for his britches, and they know he'll never survive into the next term, so they're ready to get rid of him now.
Yeah, that's what it seems like to me.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you for everything you do.
No, thank you.
But, I mean, just like Ryan's as smart as I am, he, I mean, you know, Ryan totally gets what's going on here.
I just lost audio to my headset.
I must have, oh, there it is.
It just came back.
I'm, like, slapping my headset receiver box and, like, knocking it off myself.
It's not the crew's fault.
I'm, like, slapped it and it just stopped working.
I'm so excited talking to callers.
I'm, like, ooh, like flailing around.
Let's go to Jeff in Canada.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, love you, love your team, love what you guys do.
Love you too.
First, I wanted to make a suggestion for a guest, and that's Daniel Estulin to go over the... I've been trying to get Daniel Estulin on for five years, and if you can get him on, I'd appreciate it.
He's a great mind, amazing researcher.
We want Daniel Estulin!
Okay, and I wanted to ask you if you could play a clip from your seminal film, Endgame.
And that's the bullhorn scene, where you're bullhorning the Bilderberg Group up in their ivory tower.
And I think that's at the point where they basically figured out who Alex Jones was and the power that you had.
And I think that speech is probably the most important speech you ever gave in your life.
And that's all I got.
You know, it's funny you say that.
There have been times in my life, four or five of them, Where I spiritually crossed a Rubicon and I could feel the enemy's spirit not wanting me to make that move and when I gave that speech and I said those things and they freaked out and sent out like the US ambassador to the to the to the UN who died like a year later of a heart attack forget his name they sent him out to talk to me and once they saw me
They walked up to me and I kept yelling because they said, I'll screw you and just didn't have the nerve to do it.
So at first they came marching out to talk to me.
It's in the full film.
And then they didn't have the nerve after.
It was bizarre.
Guys, go to Endgame.
We have a digital copy here, but it's online everywhere.
And it's like in the middle of the film.
It's a two and a half hour film where I, my bullhorn, and we'll start the fourth hour with that since you mentioned it.
I mean, it was a moment.
I felt that I crossed a threshold.
Oh yeah, we're in the danger zone.
We're in the danger zone.
All right, I'm going right back to your phone calls, but I want to talk about something I've talked about 10 or 15 times, but most of the audience tunes in a few times a week, and they miss this.
So I now know it's beyond critical, and I'm going to cut promos, ads, video reports, announcements, and flood the zone with this, because I know what's happened.
So I'm going to spend a minute and a half on this, then go to your calls.
And I've heard this from hundreds of people, but it happened again last night.
I leave here about five o'clock.
I'm out of gas.
I pull over at a gas station and I've got a problem with sweets and I go, I want an ice cream sandwich.
So I go into the store and I get an ice cream sandwich while the car's gassing up and I walk up to the man, a Hispanic gentleman, older gentleman behind the counter.
He says, Alex, I'm a big listener of yours.
I said, well, thank you.
He goes, well, how's everything going?
I said, well, they're trying to shut us down.
He goes, yeah, me and my son and others listen, but we've not been supporting you because we don't want our money going to those people that sued you.
And I looked at him and I said, have you not been listening?
I explained, we have two to three years of appeals.
None of the money you buy products now goes to those people.
All those billion dollar numbers are made up to make you give up.
None of the money you buy products for goes to them.
He goes, well, aren't you in bankruptcy?
I said, Chapter 11, Subchapter 5, that's a reorganization because if we didn't do that, they would be able to have the state courts put padlocks on this building and shut it down.
You understand?
Plus, we were out of money.
He goes, oh.
I said, listen, don't, I'm not mad at you.
I appreciate your past support, but believe me, Believe me, I could go across town and do a new show and work for somebody, but I love the crew, I love the infrastructure, and the great people we've got.
We're really effective here.
Just trust me and tune in and spread the word, sir, and we're not going away.
He goes, you're not going off air?
I said, no, unless you don't support.
We get so many emails, so many calls.
The crew here is about it all day.
The money you send to buy products that are in stock ready to ship to you does not go to those people.
Now if they settle, and I don't have much money, if they do, whatever, I'll tell you about it.
Or if things go sideways and we've got to shut this down, it might happen, but that's off six months in the future.
The only people that can shut us down is you.
None of the money.
That you spend buying products goes the Democrats and them.
In fact, they don't want to settle.
They said they want to shut down.
You've seen them on TV.
So we have two to four years.
The average is about two and a half years of appeals, maybe three.
And it's all rigged.
Who knows what will happen by then?
We're on the verge of nuclear war.
Staying on air is what matters.
And so understand that.
Even my own family thinks we're going to shut down.
Even my own family thinks bankruptcy is something else.
There's like 25 different types of bankruptcy.
We're in Chapter 11, Subchapter 5.
We're on air, like I told you six months ago when we did it.
They're totally pissed we're in it.
They're totally pissed the truth that I have no extra monies coming out.
Because their big lies have been multiple.
They've been that, oh, I got hundreds of millions of dollars, total lie.
Or, oh, you know, all the rest of this stuff, so that you don't support.
What do their lawyers say in Texas and Connecticut, Democratic Party operatives run by Senator Blumenthal, when they get on TV, they say, don't give him money, don't bet on him, he's going down, because they want the show shut down, and they hate the idea of grassroots supporting people.
I'll be the first person, if we're going to get shut down, and it'll take months and months, if even the court decides that, to tell you, I will give you the truth 100% on my soul, on my children.
That you've been given nothing but the truth.
I see through a rose colored darkly.
I make mistakes.
But I'm 99% accurate when it comes to this stuff.
95% when it comes to news.
And people know that.
That's why they hate me.
Because there's real people in the universe, folks.
There's not deceitful people.
I'm real, okay?
I'm 100% real.
I love being real.
It's everything I am.
It's my identity.
So as long as you buy products at InfoWarshaw.com that empower you, enrich you, we're going to stay on here.
And if it gets to the point where I've got to go work someplace else and I've got a bunch of offers, I'm going to say, okay, you got to bring my crew with me and I'll take a third of the money I'd get.
I've got $5 million offers a year on the table right now to go work for other people and say whatever I want.
$5 million won't bring my whole crew over.
And that's why I'm here.
And it's not like, oh, you're so good.
These people have stood with me.
These people are my friends.
These people put up with me.
I love these people like I love my right arm or my freaking heart.
And they've stood with me.
I'm standing with them.
That's why I put everything I've got into this, except my house.
And we're winning, and God's in charge.
I said I'd do a little two-minute thing on this, but that's where we're at.
So that's the reality of where we are.
Your money is not going to them.
By the time they try to bring us down and set up any scams they've got, every dime's going to stay on air.
That's the sick joke.
There is no extra money.
So it's a real pleasure I have That all their lies about hundreds of millions of dollars aren't true, and I'm sworn in federal court to not have this money.
I will go to prison if I'm lying.
And their money's not there.
Don't believe the enemy, ladies and gentlemen.
Believe me.
Because I spend every waking hour trying to focus my soul and my intellect to tell you the truth.
Because let me tell you, it's easy to tell lies.
It's hard to tell the truth because you've got to actually figure out what the truth is.
I sit there and man, I split hairs and I focus and I meditate and I cogitate and I just To really tell you exactly what I think, exactly what I believe.
I am the opposite of CNN and the opposite of ABC and the opposite of Joe Biden.
I am a human that believes in you and believes in God and our children and I won't sell out for nobody.
In fact, I love fighting evil.
I love not selling out.
I love being real.
It burns in my bones like Ezekiel said.
They can put a gun to my children's head and I cannot physically, spiritually sell you out.
It is impossible!
I can sell you out cheating on my wife though.
Don't do it though, I mean, I'm a strong man.
I can sell you out a lot of other ways, folks.
And I do sell you out by drinking too much, because I'm falling and I got problems.
So I'm not perfect, but I do not consciously ever sell you out.
I never in any way do anything that is not 100% to take these people down!
So don't feel sorry for me all I've gone through and think I'm some victim.
Oh baby, I'm the opposite.
I want to wage war on these people.
I want in the ring with these people.
And I'm gonna bring them down with God's help.
and I need your help to do it.
The children...
Are crying out for liberators.
They're crying out for resistance.
They're crying out for people to save them and nobody's coming if we don't listen to the Holy Spirit and if we don't do it.
You're not gonna find anybody more real than me except you because you know you're real.
You know you're real.
And I know I'm real.
And the enemy knows I'm real.
And they're scared of the spirit we got.
We've got the weapons system.
We've got the deck of cards in our hands to beat these people.
We don't have a hand.
We have the deck.
All we gotta do is exercise.
And I said I'd talk about that for two minutes.
I just talked about it for ten minutes.
I'm going to go to break.
I'm going to come back with your calls.
But we can't give up for the children.
We will not give up for them.
And we will be victorious.
I'll take every one of your phone calls before the guest host takes over.
It may take three segments or so.
But I promise you when we come out of this break, I'm going right to Duncan and everybody else in the order your calls were received.
But all I'm telling you right now is if you don't bet on InfoWars, you're betting against yourself.
You're rolling over to these demons and letting them win.
I will not roll over and die to these people.
I will not submit to their tyranny.
And I pledge my mind, my soul, my sacred honor, my treasure, my children, everything I am in the belief in you.
So energize yourself and energize the info war today.
Spread the word.
We'll be right back.
End of the night.
End of the night, take the highway to the bright midnight.
All right, enough of my rants.
Let's go right to your calls.
Duncan in Washington, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
First, I want to say amen to what you had to say during the last segment.
Love your good heart and your loyalty to Father's honest truth.
Thank you.
Keep it up.
Thank you, brother.
I wanted to talk about making InfoWars more effective.
The John Birch Society has chapters all across the nation made up of committed American patriots.
One thought would be partnering with them.
Um, and having like a dedicated hour once or twice a week.
I have had John F. McManus on.
I've had all, anytime they want on.
They, they're the ones that educated my dad.
They're the ones that educated my grandfather.
They're the ones that educated me.
I was never part of the John Birch Society, but their materials are dead on.
The most accurate they are.
They are the only reason we've got a fighting chance.
You know, God influenced them.
God gets the credit.
But temporarily on this planet, the John Birch Society has knocked it out of the park.
What about an hour once or twice a week?
The John Burns Society can call me and they can have their own show every day if they want.
That's excellent.
Another thought is having Sheriff Mack on regularly to activate county sheriffs.
I agree.
The county sheriff's key to counter the whole Soros takeover.
Also, we'd love to hear more of Joel Skousen on your show.
Love Joel Skousen.
If we had the operators and people to run the shows, we'd be 24 hours a day.
We don't have the money.
If we had an extra $300,000, $400,000 a month, I could hire whole crews 24 hours a day and other hosts, do it all.
We just never got there.
Believe me, that's what's so frustrating, brother.
You bet.
We don't have the money.
Having an hour where we specifically talk about taking action would help in relieving a lot of frustration.
People hear about the problems, they hear about everything going on, but then not taking action just develops frustration.
No, I hear you.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, be aware of the new world order.
Block every project it's got.
Say no to Gen 2030.
That's what we're doing.
Thank you.
Savicks in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thank you, sir.
This is Savox in Seattle, previously Infogaras right there on Telegram.
Call to action.
I don't know why I'm not seeing a Bolsonaro or a Trump event happening outside of the I don't want to break in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, but I think people should camp out there and we would cover it.
People should go there and camp out and expose he's behind the poison virus, he's behind the shots, he's behind it all.
put your tent outside and raise your voice.
I don't want to break in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
No, no.
But I think people should camp out there and we would cover it.
People should go there and camp out and expose he's behind the poison virus,
he's behind the shots, he's behind it all. I agree with you.
And that's the thing, a peaceful protest. It has to be peaceful.
But also, you know, and also check out this couple of great memes.
You have to check it out. It's Owen Schroer, Alex Jones, and Harrison Smith
in an Avengers outfit. If you go to Savox, XAVOX, X as in X-Men, memes.
It's the first meme over there, bro.
It's my tribute to you guys, but yeah.
Well, slow down.
Where do we find this meme you did?
So, it's called... The channel is called Savox in Telegram.
Love it.
We'll check out Savox on Telegram.
We'll put it on screen of The Krook and find anything else.
And also, thank you for the products.
Thank you for...
Sharing the word.
We're still working on Greg Reese's reports and some of the InfoWars to the Spanish side.
Again, we used to do the InfoGarris channel, but I had to change it to my own name since I don't have the InfoGarris official, you know, InfoWars.
I understand.
We love you.
People, take everything we do, put it in Spanish.
We love you.
Thank you, sir.
Let's talk to Aaron in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Aaron, go ahead.
Hey Alex, since you mentioned Bill Gates owning the most farmland in the USA, let's cover exactly what is grown on his farmland.
So at the time of this article from June 2021 from NBC News, Bill Gates owns roughly 104,000 acres of farmland in the United States.
In that, it's 14,000 acres of farmland in Washington that includes potato fields so massive
that they're visible from space.
These potatoes supply McDonald's, Alex, which are used for french fries.
Bill Gates also owns the soil that the potatoes are grown in.
And I just wanna say, next time you put a Mickey D's french fry in your mouth,
think of Bill Gates in his pink sweater and realize that you're taking Gates into your body.
Also, if you pick up a carrot or onion at the supermarket, chances are that it was grown by Bill Gates.
What do you say, Alex?
No, I totally agree.
I wouldn't eat anything that guy produces.
No, exactly.
We just need to tell everyone you know that if they care about their health and it's like why would you trust King of Vaccines to feed the masses, you know?
Well, why would you trust the guy that says he wants to depopulate you with taking a shot in your body?
Yep, exactly.
So, yeah, let's just spread that word and thank you so much Alex for all you do.
God bless you.
Thank you, Erin.
We love you.
We appreciate you so much.
Joe in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me on.
First I'd like to say that your product, the BrainForce Ultra, is a great product and I work hard all day and when I need energy at night, when I need to be able to have a little extra energy but not stay up all night, To play guitar, or to help fight the New World Order on social media, or just read a book.
I love taking that product.
Exactly, because if my wife wants to go out to dinner at like 7 o'clock at night, and we got a nanny or whatever, I don't want to drink coffee.
I sit for five, six hours.
I don't want to take... But this particular product acts really quick.
It goes away in three hours.
That's why Brain Force Ultra is so special.
It really is an amazing product.
It's unique because it's sublingual effect and that allows it to kick in quickly and then fade off quicker.
I wanted to tell you an original idea or story, if you will, that I haven't heard any of the doctors or scientists talk about that you've spoken with.
And well, in April 16th of 2021, the FDA banned or they recalled Bamlanivimab, that is a monoclonal antibody
And why is that significant?
Well, people have talked a lot about ADE from the vaccines, but I haven't heard anybody mention that ADE, it's antibody dependent enhancement.
The antibodies that are in The monoclonal antibodies can cause the same thing.
And I believe that's why the FDA recalled that product.
Now, that's a great point.
We've had scientists on to worry about that years ago.
Yeah, they've talked a lot about antibody dependent enhancement from the vaccines, but I haven't heard anybody mention it from the monoclonal antibodies.
But I have a paper here from Nature Microbiology.
Antibody Dependent Enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines and Therapies.
Well, one of the therapies they mention in there is the monoclonal antibody.
And there's a little bit of an ambiguity in the title, I mean in the name, Antibody Dependent Enhancement, that I'd like to clear up.
It's not that the body becomes dependent on antibodies.
What's dependent on antibodies is the enhancement of the disease.
So, not to give you a hard time, but sometimes I hear you say antibody dependency enhancement and what that kind of... Oh, I butcher stuff all the time, brother.
I'm not reading off a teleprompter.
I make lots of mistakes.
None of them are on purpose, but you're damn right.
I listen to the show rebroadcast sometimes.
I'm like, you just said it's 2022.
It's 2023.
Yeah, I mean, like I said, not to give you a hard time.
No, give me a hard time.
Let me tell you, I'm not lying on purpose.
I'm getting stuff wrong sometimes.
No, well the only reason I mention it is because saying dependency makes it sound like the person is dependent on the antibodies.
But what it is, the enhancement of disease happens dependent on the presence of antibodies.
So when these antibodies are present, that allows the virus into your macrophage.
What we know is these shots are really hurting people.
Yes, sir.
So, well, with the new variants coming around, what's significant about this is... Even mainstream media admits the vaccine's causing the new variants.
And so, you know, they're talking about this new XBB.1.5 that, you know, there's going to be other ones as well.
There's no... The danger is that there's no telling what variant you may be sickened with.
And the FDA says in this press release, That there are currently no testing technologies available to people out here.
That's why Yank said two years ago, terrorists will release the new megavirus.
Well, we're the terrorists to him.
We're going to release our own virus that kills us.
Thanks for the call.
Alright, hour number four, more calls and a special guest.
Straight ahead, stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're here in Canada today to stand up against the Bilderberg Group that is attempting to get rid of the sovereignty of the United States.
The truth of your world government has now been exposed.
We know you are ruthless.
We know you are evil.
To David Rockefeller, to the Rothschild representatives here, to the Queen of the Netherlands, to all of you, we tell you, you are not our queens.
You are not our kings.
You are not our gods.
We do not belong to you.
We are not your slaves.
We stand as free humans, have stood since the beginning of time against the strong men, against the thugs, against the bullies.
We will defeat your world government.
We will defeat world taxation.
We will defeat your control grid.
God is on our side.
I stand before the creator of the universe, and I ask the creator of the universe, as our founding fathers did in 1776, to leave God and direct us, and to give us the power, and the foresight, and the understanding, and the will to stand against your entire agenda, including your final plan of world population reduction of 80% that Henry Kissinger penned in 1973.
Why do you put mercury in the vaccines?
Stanisodium fluoride in the water?
Why do you put cancer viruses in the vaccines?
Why have you used depleted uranium now in four separate nations?
You're arrogant!
You have the sickness that elites have had throughout history in their literal and, in some cases, figurative ivory towers.
You believe that you're invincible.
You will and you are failing now.
Your New World Order will fall.
Humanity will defeat you.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Billaberg is an elite organization and the way it works, the protocol of the meetings is
the staff, after they're vetted out, they're told exactly how they're supposed to behave themselves,
meaning that they can never address the attendees, they can never speak to them unless they're spoken to first,
they can never look them in the eye.
They have to approach them from the right side, the people who are right-handed, and from the left side, the people who are left-handed.
They can never look them straight on.
And needless to say, all the information that is being spoken during the conferences is under no circumstances allowed to come out.
That's what they're told.
that threatened with not being able to find another job anywhere in the sector
if they reveal any information to the press.
Richard Holbert Ambassador Richard Holbrooke thought the peasantry wouldn't
recognize him if he took a stroll off the grounds of Brooke Street.
Holbrooke cackled when I told him that we were not his slaves.
That was a nice one.
We're not your slaves, Holbrook!
We're not your slaves.
Holbrook, we don't belong to you!
to you.
We're not your property!
Get back on the sidewalk!
We're free humanity!
Yeah, there he goes. They love it.
They love it.
They love it.
They love it.
They love it.
Okay, we're going to be going around the back here, guys.
Hey guys, how you doing?
There are several rings of security service.
The American delegation at every Billenburg meeting is usually protected by the CIA and the Special Division of the U.S.
The British delegation is protected by the MI6.
Israelis usually are protected by the Mossad.
This is all from the film Endgame.
Free online.
for the security. They have very little, actually they don't have any information
at all about what the meeting is about. They don't know who the Bilderbergs are.
Then there's a an elite private firm protecting the perimeter doing all the
dirty work such as shooting all the photographers and and bothering the
This is all from the film Endgame, free online. We'll be right back to your calls.
Humanity is on the edge of a cliff.
I shot this this morning at sunrise over the 360 bridge in Austin, Texas.
Your calls are coming up in a moment.
Cities are amazing things.
Art, culture, incredible selection of food and medicine and entertainment.
and the globalists at the United Basis constantly brack that the mega cities of the future,
Austin being one of them, will be the control grids that take over
all the countryside and rural areas and will be used to train people
to live in a high-tech technocracy that makes the current communist Chinese
social credit score look tame in comparison.
That's why in this revolution, we've gotta not just have the information,
we've not just gotta keep our immune systems up, we've gotta warn others about the new world order
and all of us need to work with friends and family to get pieces of rural property and get back to the land,
even if it's only part-time, to learn how to become self-sufficient.
Because in the future, you're going to watch those under the control of the globalists and the social credit score.
You're going to watch those who are caught in the trap of the universal basic income being forced to take injections, being forced to be sterilized, being forced in many cases to even be part of government-sponsored euthanasia.
Canada is the model.
This is a control grid.
This is a vice they're putting us in.
Everybody should go online and find my film.
It's free.
In-game, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, made in 2007, with all their documents, predicting what would be here by the year 2023.
And it's already here, because it's their battle plan.
It's their program.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
Once free, nations are slaves to the will of a tiny elite.
The dawn of a new dark age is upon mankind.
Countries are a thing of the past.
Every form of independence is under attack.
With the family and even the individual itself nearing extinction.
Close to 80% of the Earth's population has been eliminated.
The remnants of a once free humanity are forced to live within highly controlled, compact, prison-like cities.
Travel is highly restricted.
Superhighways connect the megacities and keep the population from entering into unauthorized zones.
No human activity is private.
AI supercomputers chronicle and categorize every action.
A prison planet dominated by a ruthless gang of control freaks whose power can never be challenged.
This is the vision of the global elite, their goal.
The bad news is these people mean business and are mass murdering mad scientists.
The good news is we have their blueprint, we have the Death Star plans, and we know how to bring them down.
That city is a UN-controlled stronghold.
That is a test grid for the systems they're putting in.
Not just the 5G, but the surveillance, the tracker chips on all the cars, the kill switches, the robots, the drones, all of it is being emitted.
The globalists are taking control of the evolutionary process of humanity.
They're playing God and treating us, like Benjamin Netanyahu said a month ago on Jordan Peterson's show, as lab rats.
He said the entire Israeli population are lab rats, not just for their COVID injections, but for future tests of mRNA.
So Israel became, if you will, the lab for Pfizer.
And that's how we did it.
We got it out.
We gave the information to the world.
Now it's been published in medical magazines and so on.
I intend to bring on that base, database of medical, personal medical records for entire population, a genetic database, genomes, okay?
Now let pharma companies, let medical companies, let them run algorithms on this database,
But you can create a biotechnological industry that is unheard of right now.
Unheard of.
Unimagined even.
Think about that.
That's what Israel's become.
That's what Singapore's become.
That's what the UK's become.
That's what Germany's become.
That's what China is the model of, ladies and gentlemen.
And we have to come together and realize this, and not let them continue to push humanity over the edge of the cliff.
InfoWars is the very front line of this fight.
The very tip of the spear.
And I salute the thinking of your past support.
But now more than ever realize, we need your support and your word of mouth.
The public is ready to hear the truth.
We've won major battles, but the war has not been won yet.
Please spread the word about the broadcast and go to InfoWarsTore.com and buy great products today that boost your immune system and empower your life, while also keeping InfoWars on the air a true 360 win.
Like a rock thrown into a pond, your actions, even though they may seem little, have a massive ripple effect throughout time and space.
We're actually winning the InfoWar.
And when you realize that Bandai Media has hundreds and hundreds of censored Directors and investigative journalists and talk show hosts whose information is beyond incredible.
Hundreds of medical doctors and scientists.
All of them, right now, telling the truth at Bandai Video.
Millions of people a day visiting Bandai Video.
But you can take that information and cause a bigger ripple effect, an amplifying effect, and make sure it gets out to your friends, your family, your neighbors, and perfect strangers.
You are the modern Paul Reveres.
You are what takes our information and amplifies it.
When you decide to take action, we as a species and as a race are invincible.
So I thank you all for your past action, and I challenge you to redouble your efforts now, because humanity and the children are counting on you.
All right, let's jam in some calls here before the guest host takes over.
Bart in Texas and then Bart in Georgia.
Bart, welcome.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex, you're doing great work.
I do appreciate it.
Thank you.
So in that Yuval Harari clip, he is such a vacuous idiot, speaking nothing but drivel.
And there's two things in particular he said that I really never hear too often.
Number one, he said, in the metaverse, the biology is different.
We all know there's no organic biology in the metaverse.
I mean, you can call it digital biology, but it's not biology.
It's a lie.
It's a lie.
It's a joke.
Anybody that's not listening carefully, you know, is just going to get in a trance.
And number two, you know, they may be able to download our memories, given technology now, they may be able to download our memories into the metaverse.
But they're not going to be able to get my consciousness there.
Nobody ever talks about the fact that it's going to be impossible to transfer life or consciousness into the metaverse, and you're an idiot if you think that you can live there.
That's pretty much it.
Those are the two points I wanted to hit.
It's just, you just listen to him carefully.
He knows it's a fraud.
He wants you to give his will over to him.
Well, but you've got to listen super carefully to parse it and realize that if you look closely, it doesn't make sense.
It's just crap or lies, as you call it.
Well, he wants you to give your biology over to them and forget you have it while they're controlling it.
Great points.
Thank you so much, sir.
Bart in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, gentlemen.
Take out your earphones.
I'm going to do the Alex Jones battle scream.
All right!
Now, Alex, I want to talk about how my new Corvette started up by itself this morning.
I went in the garage.
It started talking to me.
It said, come on, Bart, let's go get laid and get drunk.
And I said, no, sir.
It's nine o'clock in the morning.
There's people and there's children going to school.
And the car took off.
And without me, Robert Burns, help!
You're funny.
What else is on your mind, Bart?
I want Bill Gates arrested right now.
That's all I have to say.
And I just spent the last hour in a convenience store hollering at some guy that doesn't speak English.
God bless you, brother.
Alright, I'm sorry to Carlos, I'm sorry to Nancy, and I'm sorry to Steve, but I'm gonna take a lot of calls tomorrow, so if you give us your name and number, we will call you.
Don't forget, John, just to take the calls.
I will take up two hours of calls tomorrow, but I need you to give me your number, I'll call you back.
So I apologize for that.
Our special guest host from Australia, Is about to take over.
You can check out her website at zmedia.com.
That's three Z's.
Three E's.
ZEEE.com. Maria Z is about to take over. Then in about 45 minutes, Owen, the Cock Destroyer,
Schroyer, will take over with the War Room. A lot of big guests this week. A lot of huge
news coming up. A lot of big developments. Infowars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
I'm very, very blessed to be here.
Very thankful for the crew.
Very thankful for all of you and what you've done to keep us on air.
And this is an adventure.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
And I love you all so much.
And yes, I want to take calls.
So we've already done this some, but more and more I'm gonna do special shows at night and weekends are like three hours commercial free.
Just taking your calls.
Your calls are the best.
So love and appreciate you all.
All right.
Our special guest host takes over on the other side.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Zee from ZeeMedia.com.
That's Z-E-E-E or Z-E-E-E, three E's, media.com.
It's an honour to be here with you all today, guest hosting, coming to you live from the testing ground of the new world order in Australia.
That's right.
We were subjected to pregnant women being pushed to the ground, old ladies harassed, You know, pensioners recently being arrested and accused of stalking the Governor for peacefully protesting.
The tyranny continues in the country of Australia.
I'm going to bring a special guest on today, James Rogarski, who's following the developments on the WHO's International Health Regulations amendments.
You need to know this information because they're meeting in secret this week as we speak, and not many people know about it.
But we really are.
James is on the screen right now.
James, welcome.
Thank you, Maria.
It's a pleasure to be here, and we've obviously got breaking news.
We do have breaking news.
Before we get started, I just want to say we really are in the eye of the storm.
We are literally in the globalist waiting room, unwillingly, you know, knowing that when the doctor calls us into that treatment room that we don't want to be in, it spells forced injections and re-education.
This is where we are.
The mechanisms of conditioning us towards this are already in place. They did this with the false shots,
by way of taking your livelihood, even custody of your kids, which did happen to some parents
around the world. Lockdowns and psychological torment via the media. But what they're
putting in place was the, this was the beta test, what they're putting in place is more
than just a psychological war.
We've entered into the phase of medical martial law, and that is not an overstatement.
It already began with COVID and what is coming is much, much worse.
I've spoken about this topic like I'm beating a dead horse, but I really believe it's the most important news in the world right now.
James is going to break it with me right now.
No one has their finger on the pulse like him on the subject of the WHO.
So James, again, thank you so much for being here with us today.
Long story short, the International Health Regulations Review Committee, which only answers to Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Director General of the WHO, is meeting all this week and their goal is to take a 46-page document, the current rough draft of proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, They're polishing up the document.
I would argue, and I think people in the future looking back will be able to see, that this is actually a founding, enacting document of the New World Order of the One World Government.
There have been many proposals in the past, many plans in the past.
This is when the rubber is hitting the road.
They want to enact into legally binding international law Amendments to existing regulations that give them powers that, you know, really should turn your stomach.
They've got a self-imposed deadline of Sunday the 15th to hand these proposed amendments over to the WHO.
The reason for that is even though they don't listen to their own rules and they break them all the time, There is a rule in the International Health Regulations that any proposed amendments have to be submitted four months in advance of when they would have a chance to adopt these amendments, and that will be happening from May 21st to the 30th.
That's when they have all 194 member nations come together at the World Health Assembly in Geneva.
Now, the event that's going on this week is confidential.
All of the handpicked technocrats that are meeting are sworn to not talk about it.
You know, I've sent all of them emails and they don't reply.
What they are crafting are 46 pages that have been submitted from 16 different countries, including the United States, not including Australia, and Many of those nations submitted on behalf of groups of nations, like the Czech Republic submitted for the European Union, and so forth.
And the soundbite, I've prepared, you know, both the soundbite for people who only want to, you know, get a snippet.
I've got the top 10 reasons, and there's the top 100.
But essentially, the soundbite is one of the amendments that they would have Would wipe out, cross out, remove respect for human dignity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms.
And so that sets the tone for the 46 pages worth of just abominable things that they want to enact.
And I really believe this can be seen as the founding document of what Alex has been talking about for decades.
You're absolutely right, James.
The team's just bringing up your Substack.
The radio viewers can't see this, but I encourage everyone to go to jamesraguski.substack.com and read through some of his articles.
As I said, no one has their finger on the pulse as far as monitoring the WHO and these proposed amendments like James.
And so he's a very, very important guest today.
James, I want to ask you, the four months in advance, so we were told That they wanted to finalise the IHR amendments and sort of put them into place by May of 2024.
But we had suspicions that come May 2023, they were going to go full force with this.
Whispers of timelines of, you know, potential 5G attacks and things of this nature are coming on through to my desk in the next five months.
Do we think that they'll actually finalise The IHR amendments in May and rush this through rather than, you know, waiting until next year?
They have been saying for more than a year now that their timeline is shooting for 2024, but they've obviously set the stage so that if they wanted to, they could ignore what they've said in the past and they could vote to adopt these.
Now the concern, and I want to nip in the butt confusion that almost everybody has, We are not talking about the pandemic treaty.
That is a completely separate thing.
If you hear anybody use the word treaty, they're talking about something different.
The setup with the international health regulations is much more concerning because it's an agreement that already exists.
All of the nations on the planet have already adopted it and given their allegiance to it, if you will.
And so if these amendments are adopted by a simple majority of the 194 nations, they become law.
There will be no asking the Senate for their advice and consent, and there is not even a presidential signature needed.
That happened back in 2007, and what was agreed to are if the amendments are passed, that's it.
OK, and so whether they choose to do that in 2024 or this year in 2023, our response needs to be no in either case.
And what we need to do is start raising awareness now.
Now, Marie, I have a little bit of a surprise for you.
I did publish this morning an open letter to the United States Congress.
It's the main article on my Substack.
Tomorrow I'll be doing a very similar thing for the people of Australia.
We need to do this for every nation on the planet.
I've tried to make it very easy for people to understand what is going on and also to reach out
and essentially tell their congress people or parliamentarians or whatever representatives
they may have, you need to take a stand on what is your opinion about having a one world government,
you know, handing over sovereignty, human rights, fundamental freedoms and even our dignity to
James, we're about to go to break.
On the other side of this break we're going to explain what the IHR is so that people know what action they're going to take.
Stay with us.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Zee, with special guest James Roguski here today talking about the International Health Regulations.
Now, before we go into the action that countries can take, I want to actually define what the IHR is.
So, the International Health Regulations, according to the WHO's website, are an instrument of international law that is legally binding on 196 countries, including the 194 WHO member states.
The United States and Australia are both on that list.
The IHR grew out of the response to deadly epidemics that once overran Europe.
They create rights and obligations for countries, including the requirement to report public health events.
The regulations also outline the criteria to determine whether or not a particular event
constitutes a public health emergency of international concern.
As we saw with monkeypox, they will declare a public health emergency of international
concern at the drop of a hat.
They don't actually need a pandemic, they don't need anything of concern in order to
declare that, and all of a sudden the world goes into panic.
We get told which injections we have to take according to the agreements that the WHO has with Big Pharma, which, by the way, now, Australia has pledged $10 million into the Global Pandemic Fund.
We're running the Global Pandemic Centre out of this country.
It's why I keep telling people, watch Australia.
It is hell on earth here.
Even though it doesn't necessarily look like it, we are in the eye of the storm.
And so we've pledged that money into the Global Pandemic Fund.
What they can do with that is essentially now with the proposed amendments that James is talking about, this information will literally save lives.
they can then seize the funds that a country has pledged into that global monetary fund
and refuse to give them back to countries, which means that life-saving medications won't
be supplied if you don't comply with their four shots, their next round of Frankenstein
shots and believe me, they are coming.
They've told us another pandemic is coming and they're setting up the stage right now
for it.
So James, I just want to go over some of the more alarming language in these articles before
we actually talk to people about what they need to do.
Article 3, obviously, I've raised this on this broadcast before, removal of human dignity, fundamental freedoms and human rights.
They want to scratch that out completely.
It's so brazen.
It's so in your face.
It's unbelievable.
What else should people be aware of within the amendments to the IHR which are legally binding for the United States, Australia and 194 countries?
The first article of the amendments defines terms.
And what you have to know at a start is there are many words that are not defined.
So they change the definitions all the time.
Words like vaccine and pandemic and safe and effective and so on and so on are not legally defined.
So when you hear people using words that are not defined, you know they're lying to you.
They're just making up the meaning as they go.
What they would like to change, and it's very important, The World Health Organization, under Article 23 of the WHO Constitution, is an advisory body that can make non-binding recommendations.
They want to scratch out the words non-binding, which would make it so that when they proclaim something, when they declare something, it's no longer just a recommendation, it's an order.
And so they want to shift this all into a situation where rather than just recommending that a nation does something.
And in Article 18, you can see that they've made recommendations to do quarantines, lockdowns, masking.
The other issues are they want to have control over whether or not they can tell people to take preventative measures or injections like vaccinations.
Really, it's wide open.
You could let your imagination run rampant with you.
They want to have the power to tell everybody what to do.
And one of the main things that they want to institute was clearly the cat was let out of the bag during the G20 when the Indonesian health minister, who's really a banker, said very clearly that Indonesia was proud that they had submitted amendments to institute a global digital health certificate.
Now, that's not just digital.
They have a paper backup.
So don't think that if you don't have a phone, you're going to get away from it.
Essentially, they want everyone to have a QR code, which would access their private health related data.
Now that's a clear violation of the right to privacy in the Fourth Amendment.
And it's also a clear violation of the Tenth Amendment because the federal government does not have in the United States the right to control health.
And so all of the state legislatures need to step up and defend states' rights because the United States, and they know this very well, and in the document that they signed in 2007, They clearly stated in the existing health regulations on page 60 and 61 that the federal government knows that they cannot make the states comply.
It can only encourage them and how that really works is they either bribe or extort them by saying well if you don't do what we want you to do we're not going to give you money for this that and the other program.
It's this is all an incredibly large Organized Crime Syndicate, you know, they're laundering money to feed their crony capitalist members of what I call the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex.
They want to redirect billions of dollars into the pharmaceutical industry and use it as bribes to get nations who would love to have that investment even though they don't realize they're investing things that are just, you know, poisonous.
They want the votes for the promise of equity and equity doesn't mean equality.
Equity means money and, you know, follow the money people.
It's always the case.
They want to control your lives.
They want to have a QR code that taps into your private health data so that they can say, well, you have to get this treatment, this preventative medications, these injections, whatever it may be.
And in Article 2, they've expanded the scope from emergencies to anything that could potentially be an emergency.
Yes, so someone sneezes in Venezuela and they say this could lead to a pandemic, we need everyone to take X, Y, Z injection.
And I'm not even exaggerating here because if you read the WHO's Immunisation Agenda 2030 document, they have in there that they want to introduce 500 new vaccines.
To the world by 2030.
Now, some of those are, you know, on the regular schedule and people have argued with me, some of these are on the regular schedule.
Yes, but some are not.
And they've told us clearly in Australia's pandemic preparedness plan, and I'm sure that every country has the same thing, that they want to preemptively vaccinate, and I won't even use that word, it's inject.
They want to preemptively inject people for a potential pandemic.
And this will be a lifelong cycle.
Not just that, James.
They want regular testing.
They want to regularly collect data from people, including samples of their DNA and samples of their blood, and God knows what else.
You know, to summarize it, they have no respect for your rights, you know, your human rights, your fundamental freedoms.
Maria, you're either reading my articles or you're psychic or both or you're just paying
attention because you said Venezuela.
Oh, looks like we've lost James there.
I'm not sure what he was about to say, but I'm intrigued.
If you go to... Oh, here we go.
James, you're back.
If you go to CatastrophicContagion.com, you'll see that their latest tabletop exercise, their latest simulation, much like Agenda 201, that was just a couple of months before all of this happened with COVID.
If you go to CatastrophicContagion.com, you'll see that their next problem is actually scheduled to be in Venezuela.
And so it's, you know, they're predicting a childhood outbreak.
It's S-E-E-R-S.
It's an enterovirus.
And basically what they are crafting with these amendments is the ability Oh, it looks like we keep losing James there.
I think what he was about to say is what they're crafting with these amendments is the ability to have an advanced system much more than what they previously had.
So as he said, before they were recommendations and now it's talking about the WHO being able to enforce.
So before where countries were saying, oh, we're listening to the WHO's recommendations.
No, no.
Now it's going to be, we're listening to the WHO's orders During the next manufactured pandemic, which Biden said is coming, Gates has said is coming, the WHO has said is coming, Australia said is coming, every country knows this is coming.
It's only a matter of time.
And the building blocks for them to be able to forcefully inject people, lock them up, re-educate them are being set up as we speak.
This is a warning for the whole world.
We'll be back right after this short break with more on this topic.
All right, we've got James Roguski back now.
He should be on your screen in a moment with more information on the IHR and what amendments and what action can be taken.
He's put together a substack for the United States.
We've got Australian action happening.
I've been in meetings this week with some amazing freedom fighters battling this, putting a stop to the IHR amendments.
I want to just let people know the previous path that the WHO took, which was to go down the path of a WHO treaty, was actually stopped earlier last year.
We got Stop the Treaty trending on Twitter.
We got it all over social media.
We campaigned.
That's my part.
It's the digital war.
And then other people went and raised awareness on the streets, talked to people in Parliament, in government.
And the UK actually got involved.
A legal case in the UK helped put a Stop to the Treaty dead in its tracks.
Last time that they proposed it.
So it is possible.
I want people to know it's not a doomed situation.
But it does require people to get involved and make sure that we put a stop to this.
While we wait on James, I'll continue telling you about what's happening this time around.
So stop the treaty.
We won.
We got it.
That was a huge victory for freedom loving people all around the world.
Now we want to put a stop to the IHR amendments and we can do it again.
James, talk to us about what you've put together in the next couple of minutes.
Step number one is really very easy, and we're doing it right now.
And everyone who's listening to this, if you just share this video, this audio, however you get access to it.
99.9% of people on the planet are unaware that this is happening.
They've been trying to keep it secret, and while that's a curse, it's also a blessing.
They would love to have nobody pay any attention to this, do it all in secret, have it pop up in May, and then just have a vote of ascension to it, and, oh, there's no objection, so boom, it passes, and before you know it, you're in lockdown.
When everyone is looking at it and they know what it is, because the WHO is trying to hide it, they've failed in the one thing that they might be sort of good at, which is they're not doing an enormous propaganda campaign.
People have not been pre-programmed to believe, oh, we must give all of our power to the WHO and we must amend the international health regulations.
When you share this information with the average person, They look at you sideways a little bit and they go, international health regulations, what are you talking about?
Now, they may have heard of the pandemic treaty and you just have to go, no, no, no, no, no.
That's not what this is.
If anybody says the word treaty, that is not what we're talking about.
This is different.
And when you show them just a little bit of information and they see that they want to cross out fundamental freedoms, human rights and dignity, and they want to have vaccine passports and digital health certificates, and they want to give all power to one person to declare emergencies.
And one of the things we didn't talk about was he would then have the ability to create an allocation plan, which is clearly to tell country A that there are manufacturers that have to
make certain products, pharmaceutical drugs and injectables, and provide them and give them to
country B, you look at that and you go, "Well, I don't think it's what we want to have one
person be in charge of the means of production of the pharmaceutical hospital
emergency industrial complex."
And so anyone who looks at this is gutturally, they're punched in the gut.
These are the documents that are enacting the very thing that Alex Jones has been talking about for decades.
It's go time, people.
Now is the time.
And so I've put together a system by which it makes it easy to contact Congress.
You can send emails with the push of a button, but that's not good enough.
Call them, set up a visit.
There are allies in Congress.
Not all of them.
Many of them are probably for this.
They are globalists.
They want to give up American sovereignty and personal freedoms.
But there are allies.
We need to identify them, work with them.
We've already done that in other countries as well.
And now that Congress has finally picked a speaker, now is the time to let Well, we the people know what is going on in Geneva.
Most of the viewers here know more about this already than most of the people in Congress.
And I want to say something, James.
A lot of people have lost faith in the government and their ability to respond to the public's demands.
But let me tell you something.
If it's not just a handful of people, if it's you, your neighbour, your brother, your sister, absolutely everyone that you know, your kids, your parents, if every single person hammers their members of Congress, hammers their people in
And again, I'm going to repeat, Australian action is coming very, very soon.
We've been in meetings this week.
We've got senators on board.
This is, we are doing something with this.
But, you know, if every single person just constantly brings this up with these so-called
elected officials.
They won't have a choice but to respond because they will be inundated.
And this is what needs to happen.
This is the most important issue facing the world right now.
If we don't stop this, we will be controlled by terrorist Tedros, who has previously withheld life-saving medication in Ethiopia and also during COVID-19.
Let's just be honest.
I have every faith in the world that the power of the people united is greater than the people who are illegitimately in power.
And so our numbers are enormous, but we have a task that we have to accomplish.
Number one, we have to share this information with people.
And I'm so serious about this, I do something that everybody thinks I'm crazy.
And that's why I glitched out earlier, because someone was trying to get in touch with me.
You can call me directly.
My phone number is 310-619-3055.
I put it out there all the time.
I am that serious about this.
If you're serious too, call me.
I'll answer any questions that you have.
If you want to get involved in a bigger way than just sending some emails, let me know and we'll work together on this.
This is a worldwide effort, but America has to lead.
James has been doxing himself online for the longest time.
But he means it when he says it.
He's been collaborating with people all over the world, helping other countries.
He's helped Canada.
He's helped Australia on more than one occasion.
He's an amazing activist and an amazing human being.
And that's why I brought him on today.
James, thank you so much for all of the information that you've given everyone today.
And again, head to jamesraguski.substack.com for more information.
Share this information everywhere.
Thank you again, James.
Thank you.
We really are staring down the barrel of complete and total control.
And I think that those words aren't harsh enough.
We're staring down the barrel of Joseph Mengele scientists Not even real scientists being able to control every aspect of our lives, including our ability to manage our own health and our own bodies.
And the problem is, what James is talking about here, again, it will paralyse the countries where they have to comply with whatever the WHO says.
And we know that the WHO is a fake health organisation.
These people have zero interest in health.
They have an interest in making children and women infertile in Africa.
They have an interest in making the world infertile with their poison shots and they've done so successfully, unfortunately, because of the people that didn't listen to the warnings in the beginning.
And now we have this explosion of deaths, people dropping dead every single day.
Football players, the most healthy people in the world, athletes that have been training every day their whole lives to get to the point of being professional athletes, dropping on the field from cardiac arrest and you want to tell me it's because of a hit to the chest?
Pull the other leg!
They did this successfully.
They orchestrated the biggest depopulation and disability plan successfully with the help of the WHO.
And the public is unaware.
And yes, they are growing more aware.
And yes, the resistance is rising.
And you are the resistance.
If you're listening to this broadcast, if you're watching it, you are the key to saving the world, to saving the planet.
You are such an important role in history.
I don't know if people hear that enough.
I mean, Alex always says it, but maybe people take it for granted.
You are the heroes of our age, the ones who are aware, who are not afraid of staring at the truth that is facing us, that is horrible to face.
It is horrible to face the fact that there are globalists out there who want you dead, and that is the reality of the situation.
It's not easy.
But you are brave enough and you are courageous enough to say, right, I see this threat in front of me.
I know.
I know that there are people that want me dead and I'm going to do what I can to warn my neighbour that doesn't know that there are murderers after them and their children.
You are heroes.
You are the soldiers of this war that has been waged on humanity.
So I'm asking you, please, share this information everywhere.
Continue to speak to strangers.
Continue to educate people everywhere that you go.
And I know that so many of you do.
And I know that people are tired.
Don't allow the globalists to wear you out.
Don't ever allow the tyrants to rule your mind.
You are stronger than them.
You are better than them.
Everything that you do counts.
God bless you all.
Thank you for tuning in today.
Head to zmedia.com for all of my latest interviews, all my telegram for constant updates.
That's zmedia.
And support this broadcast wherever you can.
I'll see you soon.
You're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Honored to be talking with you, Alex.
I've been listening since 2016, and I am a financial supporter ever since.
Thank you.
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