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Name: 20230102_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 2, 2023
2344 lines.

On InfoWars, Alex Jones and his team celebrate the beginning of 2023 by reflecting on their resilience in the face of adversity. They encourage their audience to continue fighting for truth and self-governance in the new year. Jones discusses concerns about government control over various aspects of people's lives, potential economic collapse due to post-COVID and post-Biden market corrections, and encourages listeners to support InfoWars by donating or purchasing products from their store. Owen Shroyer discusses the relationship between Joe Biden and the Secret Service, with concerns about how the Secret Service feels about Biden due to their disregard for his behavior towards them. Jones criticizes Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar for calling for government control over social media companies and warns listeners about the impending takeover of the internet by the Democrats, which will result in censorship and lack of free speech. Alex Jones discusses the ongoing supply chain issues, energy prices rising due to new green energy policies, and the need for support at InfoWarsStore.com to continue fighting against globalists and their agenda. He introduces InfoWarsMD, offering high-quality supplements at lower prices due to direct sourcing from the top company in the U.S. Jones discusses Anthony Fauci's career and potential corruption investigations, left-wing health advocacy groups pushing for continued mask mandates, Kamala Harris's arrogance, Jeremiah Green's death and the possibility of cancer being a side effect of the COVID vaccine, and the connection between taxpayer dollars, government funding for Planned Parenthood, and political donations to the Democrat Party. The FBI is focusing on stopping dangerous individuals from harming people and doing bidding of Democrat Party and January 6th Committee by going after Trump supporters, according to Alex Jones. He criticizes the media for not covering the case of a terrorist in New York City who stabs people and hurts cops because it doesn't fit the current narrative of right-wing radicalism. He brings attention to the case of Ray Epps, a pro-Trump protester whose life has been torn apart by conspiracy theories surrounding January 6th. Jones talks about his upcoming report on the Fauci files and highlights Hope Hicks' text messages revealing her anger over false claims made against Trump supporters that are affecting their employability.

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Watch the American Journal weekday mornings 8 to 11 central at band.video.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The silent majority is no longer silent.
This is The War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Please stand by for further details.
We're returning you now to your regularly scheduled program.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is the Alex Jones Show.
It is InfoWars.com, live, on air, in the year 2023.
So why don't you suck on that, globalists?
Why don't you suck on that, Deep State?
Another year on air!
Another year of victory!
Another year where we refuse to give up, we refuse to back down, and we refuse to be slaves in a corporate world government.
Leading the charge against it is us.
You, me, the crew, Alex Jones, the great guests, everybody.
That's why we are here.
And even though I don't get too hyped about the flipping of the calendar, another sunrise, another sunset, it does represent new potential, it does represent new beginnings, and it offers sometimes hope in times of treachery.
And isn't that what we've been going through?
All the treacherous treatment by our government.
Now let me just say, as a quick programming note here, We have an absolutely loaded transmission.
Now Alex Jones is joining us on the other side of this break.
It is, after all, the Alex Jones Show, and we will be hearing a message from Alex on the other side of this break, and throughout the day, specifically a New Year's-themed message.
Because after all, Do you think the Deep State, the Globalists, the Democrats, the National Crime Syndicate with Big Tech and the Democrat Party, do you think they had Infowars still being on the air as part of their problems to deal with in the year 2023?
No, I think they thought we'd be shut down a long time ago.
But thanks to you in the audience, Thanks to God above, we are still here.
Now having said that...
We are going to be covering a ton of news today.
I mean, there is just so much news today that I'm going to be here for seven hours covering all of it, and I will not be short of news to cover.
I will be able to fill seven hours easily.
And, of course, the great Gerald Cilente is going to be joining us as well.
He'll be hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We have an in-studio guest today, and that is Jeff Younger, and we've been following this story here in Texas for years now.
Where the Texas Supreme Court is basically saying, you cannot protect your son, it could be a daughter, but you cannot protect your child from the trans kid agenda, and you cannot take control of your child's life when they're still young, So that they can't be forced into chemically altering them with hormone therapies, or even physically altering them with the trans kids surgeries.
Now Jeff is going to be in studio at 1 o'clock explaining the recent Texas Supreme Court decision, but you wonder, Does the idea of trans kids make it through another year?
Does that absolute insanity, does that absolute madness make it through another calendar year?
Or is 2023 the year we finally start to swing the pendulum back to common sense and trans kids is recognized for what it is?
It's child abuse and it's the complete mutilation Is what it is.
It's not trans kids, it's child abuse, it's genital mutilation of kids.
Does that make it through another calendar year, that absolute insanity?
So that's all coming up, but on the other side, it's Alex Jones' first New Year's message to the InfoWars audience, and then all the news, all the guests, as we here at InfoWars, kick off what is set to be another epic year.
Welcome to the year 2023, an absolutely critical time for humanity.
InfoWars. Tomorrow's news today.
Welcome to the year 2023, an absolutely critical time for humanity.
We are at a juncture and we are deciding the future course of our species right now.
Last year was an incredibly dangerous year, obviously, with the war starting in Ukraine and the global economy beginning to collapse.
But it was also a very powerful year for humanity's understanding of the way the world really works and the mass awakening.
And of course, I'm talking about the fact that all of us that refused the shot, all of us that pointed out that it attacks the immune system, all of us that showed the scientific evidence that it was connected to myocarditis and blood clots, Have been totally vindicated.
And now even members of the CDC and NIH and others are coming out and being forced to admit that.
Now the sad part about that is they are still moving forward, attempting to give these shots to six month olds and up.
They're trying to make a mandatory in school.
They're trying to make everybody that visits the United States take the shots before they can get here.
We're the only country in the world now still doing that.
We're the only country in the world that gives these shots to six month olds and
up, and they're also trying to give it now to newborns.
So we've got a lot of work ahead of us here when we deal with medical
freedom and our bodily autonomy.
But regardless, we had major breakthroughs and the whole enemy
propaganda system and the federal control of big tech and everything they threw at
us was not enough to suppress the truth from getting out.
And it's been our viewers and listeners that have been at the very, very tip of the spear with that fight.
And it's been my broadcast that the grace of God was able to have some of these top scientists on first to magnify their voices so that now in the year 2023, we have a real chance of bringing these Joseph Mingala 2.0s like Anthony Fauci to justice through the court system and our criminal investigations that have now been launched in Florida.
Germany's launching a criminal investigation and a lot more is happening.
So I just want to say I really appreciate all of you out there and the hard work you've done to tell the truth.
And I want to encourage you all to redouble your efforts if they're going to try to bring back more forced injections, more lockdowns and more.
Again, thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all at InfoWars.com tomorrow's news today.
All right, Alex Jones message entering 2023.
Humanity is winning.
We are winning.
But winning does come at a cost, does it not?
And we'll discuss what that looks like today.
But let me just tell you what we have coming up as far as news coverage is concerned.
Again, we are expecting to hear more from Alex before the end of the transmission.
I've got a bunch of political news where it appears the narrative or the main plot That the media wants us talking about is, and I think there is a general interest there, obviously, and that's this debate between Trump and DeSantis.
That's where I saw most of the focus over the holiday season and then leading into today's transmission.
Trump-DeSantis, Trump-DeSantis.
You've got the Trump loyalists, who I think are acting on their own.
I mean, I don't know of Trump.
Giving out any commands or operating any of these, we'll call it internet hit teams, to be going after DeSantis, digging into his past, digging into videos from 10, 20 years ago, saying, see, DeSantis is the bad guy.
You need to be supporting Trump.
I don't think Trump is orchestrating that, but certainly that is the main thrust of the political debate.
Right now, when it should be what's about to happen with the speaker vote tomorrow.
So I'm going to be discussing those two things, the Trump-DeSantis issue, and then, which to me is a non-issue right now, it shouldn't even be on the table.
It should be what is going to happen with the vote tomorrow for Speaker of the House.
Now that has gotten a little nasty behind the scenes, I will tell you.
It has gotten nasty behind the scenes.
So I'll tell you what's going on with that.
So we'll have those political news stories covered today as well.
And I think what People are going to have to admit to themselves if they've still been in denial about it for all these years.
This idea, this concept that somehow self-government has failed and self-government is something of the past, a relic.
You can't be trusted.
You, a pesky human.
You, a little peon.
You, a little serf.
You, a little indentured servant.
You just can't handle the complexities of life anymore.
You can't handle the new technologies.
And so we need the government infrastructure built now, so that, oh, well, you're not even going to be driving a car in 10 years, and you're certainly not going to be traveling.
And people are starting to finally scratch their heads and say, hey, why, with these omnibus spending bills and all these other legislative sessions, why do they keep bringing up these concepts of this smart grid system, the Internet of Things, where now the government has control and they can turn my car off, and now the government has control and they can turn my air conditioning or my heating off, Oh, and you know where it goes from here, don't you?
It's all smart now.
They can get on your phone.
They can control your phone.
They can control your thermostat.
They can control your car.
You know, they have the new smart locks now, too.
The lock on your house is connected to the internet.
They can control that lock.
They need to send the feds in.
They don't even need to worry about bringing in a battering ram.
Just hit the internet unlock button and then your door's unlocked.
Oh, they're coming right in.
So people are seeing this and they're hearing it.
They're starting to see the bigger picture with the man-made climate change BS.
And they're saying, well now wait a second.
I'm all for saving the planet.
I want to be a good Samaritan to planet Earth.
But now hold on a second.
I also want to be free.
And so, these stories have been out there forever.
About the kill switch in the cars, and there's probably been four or five bills passed that include the kill switch in the cars.
So they already have the legislation, it's just a matter of bringing it to practice, and they want to normalize it first, they want to get you used to the idea.
They don't want you to hop in your car tomorrow, have the government turn it off, and then you're like, what the heck?
Slowly roll it out slowly introduce it.
It's kind of with the whole your engine automatically turns off and on now when you stop and start your car.
It's obnoxious.
It's just this idea that everything that's worked has to be changed.
So let's make it work.
Not so well so that when we change it people aren't so upset.
So we'll be discussing that today.
I think The big story for 2023 though, and I'm starting to see the signs of this coming fast, coming fast.
It might take a month, but I think the real story for 2023 is going to be economic collapse and devastation.
And people have been treading water financially for so long since COVID.
Expecting some relief, expecting things to get better.
No, actually, post-COVID and post-Biden, the market really still has not corrected itself, folks.
I think the market corrects itself in 2023.
And if you thought it was bad in 2022, I hate to tell you, it's going to be a lot worse in 2023.
It's going to be a lot worse in 2023.
It's going to be bad.
Grocery bills, energy bills, gas prices, you know, that'll be a story in and of itself.
That's not going to be what wallops you.
That's not going to be what wallops you.
And some of the luxuries that people have been used to being able to afford, you're not going to be able to afford them anymore.
Subscriptions, memberships, prices are going to go up.
You're going to cancel them.
And people are going to sit back and they're going to say, what happened?
Five years ago, I was saving money five years ago.
I had a savings account that I could consistently put money into.
I was looking to buy assets, houses, cars, making business investments.
That's all gone, folks.
And if people think that's going to correct itself and be better in 2023, I'm sorry, you've got another thing coming.
No, I think 23 is going to be the year where people realize what's been done to us economically.
We have not yet seen the post-COVID, post-Biden market correction I think we see it in 2023 and people are in for a rude awakening.
That's not to be pessimistic, because America's been through worse, financially, economically speaking, so we can recover from that.
The challenge is going to be getting people to understand why.
The have-nots, or the haves and have-nots, have a greater divide between them.
Why your grocery bill just keeps going up and up and up and up and up and up.
Why your energy bill keeps going up and up and up and up and up.
That's another story.
I want to focus on some political news right now.
The big The big topic should be the speaker vote tomorrow and we're not getting enough of that.
Instead, we're getting the typical Trump nominating the discussion and we're having the Trump-DeSantis debate two years ahead of schedule.
DeSantis hasn't even announced that he's running.
I don't think, at least I don't have any direct knowledge of Trump launching this initiative for Trump's top loyalists to be going after Ron DeSantis so hardcore right now.
But I don't really like it.
I'll be honest with you.
I don't like it.
Because it's ahead of schedule and the real conversation we should be having is Kevin McCarthy or someone else for Speaker of the House.
And that vote is tomorrow.
But here's some of the stuff.
Like I said, the political commentary that is really dominating right now is Trump vs. DeSantis.
All the Trump loyalists are out telling you how bad DeSantis is with that, how bad he is with that, and this and the other thing.
Sharing video clips like an interview from like 10 years ago, DeSantis.
Uh, says that Bush was the most inspirational person you've met.
It's like, look, see, oh, DeSantis, he can't be trusted.
He said he was inspired by Bush.
He's doing an interview, a stand-up interview.
There was no planning for this.
Someone just asked, oh, he doesn't know.
You can hear he's like, oh boy, that's really tough to say.
I don't know.
But I mean, I did meet a President Bush, so I guess I'll say President Bush.
It's like, oh, see, he can't be trusted.
It's like, really?
I mean, that's your barometer?
Donald Trump, who gave money to the Clintons?
Donald Trump, who was at events with Epstein and Maxwell?
Again, I don't sit here and say, oh look, Donald Trump gave money to the Clintons.
Look, Donald Trump was with Maxwell and Epstein.
No, because it's ridiculous.
I'm about policy.
I'm about results.
But oh, this hemming and hawing from the Trump loyalists just has me sick.
Oh my gosh, DeSantis said he was inspired by Bush.
Oh, oh, oh, that's...
That's how purists you are now.
Oh, I see Trump supporters are purists now.
But that's neither here nor there.
That's just the political commentary that I hope Trump is not unintentionally distracting from the real debate, which is who should be the Speaker of the House.
I don't see this coming from Trump, but maybe it is Trump.
Maybe Trump is telling people, go out and attack DeSantis.
Go out and help me.
Do something for me.
My campaign is dying before it's even off the ground.
And to me, I see Trump reeling right now.
I have to be honest.
Trump, it wasn't my fault.
Trump blames GOP's handling of abortion for midterm losses.
To me, this is just Trump flailing.
And I don't know what it is.
I don't know if it's the social media censorship that has him upset.
Because he doesn't get near the reaction or response from a truth social post than he did on Twitter.
I don't know if he's just desperate for air and he's just dying for TV interviews or what.
I just don't understand this at all.
It just seems like he's flailing, quite frankly, from my perspective.
But this is just ludicrous because Donald, you even know that this is not completely accurate.
Here was the statement.
It wasn't my fault that the Republicans didn't live up to expectations in the midterms.
It was the abortion issue, poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly insisted on no exceptions, even in the case of rape, incest, or life of the mother, that lost large numbers of voters.
Why is he even offering this commentary right now?
Again, to me it's just a guy flailing.
Desperate for attention, almost.
The people that pushed so hard for decades against abortion got their wish from the U.S.
Supreme Court, and then just plain disappeared, not to be seen again, plus Mitch McConnell's stupid money.
No, see Trump, that's what it is.
You got screwed by Mitch McConnell, and we all know what happened.
In Maricopa County, and we all know what happened in Georgia, not just in the last midterm elections, but in 2020 as well.
So to sit here now and say, oh, see, this is like the Republicans blaming you.
This is like the Republicans blaming Trump for the 2022 midterm losses.
That's like Trump blaming the abortion issue for the midterm losses.
Both are inaccurate.
But there it is, there's your Republican leadership flailing in the wind, flopping around, desperate, desperate for some sort of traction.
And then the real debate, which is, who should be the Speaker of the House?
Now just moments ago, Dan Bishop, who's one of the good guys in Congress, puts this out.
He says, "Why didn't we get Kevin McCarthy's proposed rules package at least 72 hours in
And so that has people concerned that the rules that Kevin McCarthy is going to be enforcing
if he becomes Speaker of the House are not going to be what the, I don't know what you
would call it, the Trump wing of the Republicans, the America First Republicans, the Common
Sense Republicans, the non-deep state Republicans, the anti-establishment Republicans.
They want to see those rules.
McCarthy still lacks vote to win speakership.
At least eight conservatives claim the House requires a radical departure of the status quo.
Yeah, that's pretty accurate.
But so this is getting a little nasty behind the scenes, I'm going to tell you.
It's getting a little nasty, and I'm actually glad, quite frankly.
I'm glad that we have Republicans that are taking something that seriously, finally, and understanding that we are in a life or death battle for the future of this country.
So you have Newt Gingrich going on TV, and I like Newt, But, uh, I gotta disagree with him here.
Calling those trying to stop McCarthy from becoming the Speaker kamikazes will sink the whole Republican Party.
Newt loses it over anti-McCarthy holdouts.
But see, I think that that is hyperbolic because the whole Republican Party's already been sank.
Sink the Republican Party?
It's at the bottom of the ocean, Newt!
What do you mean sink?
How can I sink the Republican Party?
It's anchored to the bottom of the deep state!
It's anchored to the bottom of the swamp!
And I'm gonna believe that Kevin McCarthy is gonna be the one that lifts the Republican Party out of the swamp?
Is that a joke?
Are you kidding me?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Stopping McCarthy from becoming Speaker of the House is not going to sink the Republican Party.
The Republican Party has already been sunk by the likes of Mitch McConnell, who wants McCarthy to be the Speaker.
Incoming Republican Anna Paulina Luna says House member threatened her for not supporting McCarthy.
I'm telling you, it's getting nasty, and I might know who this is.
I'll tell you who I think it is coming up on the other side.
But I gotta tell ya, if McCarthy gets the Speaker of the House vote tomorrow, I am gonna lose a lot of faith that we're gonna see much change.
Yeah, I'm very unmoved.
I'm very uninspired by a 10-year-old video of Ron DeSantis talking about Bush.
Completely uninterested.
Means nothing to me.
Donald Trump flopping and flailing about saying, Oh, abortion is why we lost in the midterms.
Give me a break.
I'm more, I'm more, I'm more disgusted by that than I am of an old DeSantis video.
Besides, folks, I've done this stuff before.
You're at an event, whatever, you do a stand-up interview, it's off the cuff, you're not prepared, you say something, maybe you regret, maybe you didn't mean it, it just, it happens.
It's like they just, this new documentary just came out.
Uh, from Andrew Callaghan, I think is his name, and I've met him before, he's a nice guy, but I wouldn't say he does gotcha interviews, but his interviewing style is a little, a little off-putting at times.
And, uh, they did an interview of me, and it made his new HBO film, and people are like, wow, well look what Troyer said here, he's a little, oh, he doesn't look so smart.
It's like, yeah, I had just had a 15-hour day, and he comes up and asks me for an interview, At 1 o'clock in the morning?
Yeah, I'm a little out of it at that time.
I mean, I was nice enough to give it to him.
I thought it was nice enough to even ask, so okay.
But that's my point is, no, I'm completely unmoved by Ron DeSantis saying he was inspired by George Bush 10 or 15 years ago.
Means nothing to me.
No, I'm more upset that Donald Trump won't come out against the vaccines that have killed tens of thousands of people, and he keeps telling you how great they are.
That's more moving to me than an old stand-up interview off the cuff from Ron DeSantis.
But let's get back to the debate because it shouldn't be about Trump and DeSantis.
And quite frankly, if Trump thinks making the debate about him and DeSantis is helping him, he's wrong.
The real debate should be who's going to be the Speaker of the House.
Now the problem is, it's really only Matt Gaetz or Kev McCarthy as far as I can tell.
But who do you think Anna Paulina Luna, freshman congresswoman in Florida, is talking about when she says a House member threatened her for not supporting Kevin McCarthy?
Now, I'm going to tell you an unpopular opinion here, but I bet it was Marjorie Taylor Greene.
I bet it was Marjorie Taylor Greene.
And let me be clear, I like Marjorie Taylor Greene.
I disagree with her on the Kevin McCarthy speakership, but I still like her.
I still think she's one of the good guys.
There's going to be people I like that are the good guys in Congress that I'm not going to agree with all the time on, and that's fine.
Matt Gaetz, Americans want an honest and hardworking Speaker of the House, not Kevin McCarthy.
Boy, I think that sums it up.
I look at it as Why are we going to go with something that is a known loser?
What is the potential from Kevin McCarthy?
Oh, there is none.
He's already had a position of leadership.
He failed us.
But that's the problem.
If it's McDaniel, McConnell, and McCarthy for another two years, Nothing will change for you, politically, with your representation, with your leadership in the Republican Party.
Nothing will change.
And that's the problem.
So, if I was a betting man, I'd bet you Kev McCarthy becomes Speaker tomorrow.
However, there is major nastiness behind the scenes.
I don't think it's going to be smooth.
I think the holdouts are going to continue to hold out, and they're going to raise hell.
And I hope that they do.
Because the whole argument they're going to say is, well, now you're sabotaging McCarthy.
Now you're sabotaging Republican leadership.
McCarthy sabotaged himself!
Republican leadership sabotaged us!
Sabotaging Republican leadership?
Oh no!
They've done so much for me!
What will I do without the Republican leadership of Kevin McCarthy going to bat for me every day?
So, I don't expect anything to change there.
And that'll be our first reminder of the deep state is still in control.
When McCarthy becomes Speaker of the House tomorrow.
But the holdouts are going to continue to hold out.
I don't mind this rift in the Republican Party either, because it has to happen.
Either we're going to get representation from the people, for the people, by the people, or we're going to continue to get swamp creatures like McConnell and McCarthy.
And I'm not interested in that.
That does nothing for me.
Oh, don't sabotage Republican leadership in the House.
Well, it's not going to make any difference whether I do or don't.
Except maybe if we do have a holdout, maybe if we do criticize the Republican leadership, maybe if we do make it a miserable ride for Kevin McCarthy, maybe then we could get some change here in the future.
Maybe then we could have some leadership that actually reflects what we the voter and we the people want to see reflected in D.C.
I have no faith in Kevin McCarthy to restore that.
Then there's Mitch McConnell.
But there's no surprises here.
In your face, Mitch McConnell to host Joe Biden at infrastructure bill celebration in Kentucky the day after GOP takes major house victory.
So McConnell gonna be rubbing elbows with Biden.
That's nice to know.
McConnell just wants you to know where he stands.
And so Biden, I think, is still on vacation in the Bahamas.
We'll have more news coming up on that later.
He had the omnibus bill flown into the Bahamas, 1,500 miles.
He's saving climate change.
He flew a bill 1,500 miles to the Bahamas so he could sign it.
The only thing missing was Sam Bankman-Fried.
But don't worry, the money was laundered.
$1.7 trillion signed by Biden, supposedly, in the Bahamas.
Flown thousands of miles because he's fighting climate change.
And he's never been to the southern border either, but he's going to be in Kentucky rubbing elbows with Mitch McConnell.
Because Mitch McConnell just wants to piss on your face and let you know who he really stands for.
And that's not you, the American people.
That's Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.
And then there is Joe Biden.
Now, this is not a secret.
This has been well known for years, but there's another book coming out about it.
New book claims Joe Biden refuses to speak freely around his Secret Service agents because they're white Southerners.
They'll leak embarrassing information.
Well, that's a nice funny shot at white southerners that I'm sure, I have no doubt that he took, but it really has nothing to do with their skin color, it really has nothing to do with where they're from, and it has everything to do with the fact that Joe Biden is a disgusting creep and a corrupt politician.
And it's been well known the disregard or disrespect or disgust even that Secret Service has felt for Biden after they had to cancel parties like birthday parties because the Bidens would show up and grope their wives and girlfriends.
So there's always been an issue with Secret Service and the Biden family.
It's not exactly a all-around good relationship.
But I think really the concern is that The Secret Service probably knows better than anybody the true state of Joe Biden.
But they are loyal government employees and I think we could probably all be grateful for that.
I don't want the Secret Service to stand down just because they don't like the President.
I want them to keep doing their job even if I can't stand the guy.
And so they do.
But you wonder if that dam isn't going to break.
Don't you?
Don't you wonder?
Again, Secret Service workers may be the most loyal in the government, but you just wonder if something may give, especially if more details start to emerge about potential disrespect that Joe Biden might have towards Secret Service.
Maybe one of them decides to give a little behind the scenes on what Joe Biden's life is like.
I don't know.
Trips to the bathroom.
The diapers, what happens at his beachfront property when he goes on vacation every weekend, all of the family members that are living at the White House.
There's a lot that they could tell, and I don't think Joe and his family would like them telling it.
Of course, they're not, but they could, and that scares them.
All right, I'm going to get back into the political news here.
Owen Troyer hosting the Alex Jones show.
But as we enter another year, 2023, another year of InfoWars on the air,
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The Real Red Pill back in stock.
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But I want to just tell you two supplements that were game changers for me over this holiday break.
And one I have to tell you about is Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
I've got a canister right here on the desk and I can sit here and read from the label all the ingredients where you're getting more than 100% your daily value of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12.
Even got some vitamin K in there.
I mean, it just goes on and on and on with all the great stuff.
The magnesium.
By the way, magnesium was like a top trend on Twitter today.
People just figuring out finally how serious magnesium is to help with your immune system and so many other enzymatic functions.
That's why we also sell Fizzy Magnesium.
But why am I telling you about Vitamin Mineral Fusion?
Because there's a little bug going around.
Texas a couple couple people on the crew got a couple friends of mine got it and I Happen to get it as well Of course right over the holiday season luckily I was already time off so it didn't didn't really interfere too much of the business workings around here, but I Got it, and it was pretty much in and out And I didn't really get too sick.
Barely had a fever, a little achiness, a little fatigue.
But 48 hours, come and gone, wasn't that bad.
And I think that's because my immune system was prepared.
Because of all the supplements I take, quite frankly, from infowarestore.com, but specifically Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
And what I do is, as soon as I feel something, like, you know, sometimes you can kind of feel something coming on, I double up on the Vitamin Mineral Fusion, I double up on the supplements, and then I'm usually good to go.
So, it didn't hit me that bad.
A little soreness, a little achiness, a little fatigue, maybe a minor fever.
But all things considered, about 48 hours, wasn't too stressful.
Hell, I probably even would have come into work had I not already had the scheduled time off.
But that's how you can deal with this stuff.
And, you know, just to trace it back to COVID again, they want you unhealthy.
They want your immune system depleted.
So when you get hit with these viruses, they can cause you to live in fear and then control you.
We want you to be empowered by having a healthy body.
We want you to be empowered by having a strong immune system.
That's why we sell supplements to do that at InfoWarsTore.com.
And then one other one, I went out on New Year's Eve, like I'm sure many of you did as well, and so didn't get the most sleep on New Year's Eve, we'll just say.
So wanted to do some serious catching up last night.
And it was probably right at or just after midnight, I took a swig from the Down and Out Sleep Support Supplement at Infowarsstore.com and man, let me tell ya, down and out!
Good night!
Man, did I have a good night's sleep last night.
And it was definitely thanks to down-and-out sleep support at infowarsstore.com.
And you know what was so refreshing?
The sleep was so deep last night.
When I woke up this morning, it was like no...
No lethargic, like, I wasn't waiting to get the energy, it was like, I slept so well, it was like, boom, as soon as I got up, ready to go.
So, I'm telling you, for a good night's sleep, folks, Down and Out Liquid Sleep Support, it's 25% off right now at InfoWarsTore.com.
So, we made it into another calendar year, we hope to do it again, and your support at InfoWarsTore.com will be paramount in accomplishing that goal.
Okay, let's get some of these other political news stories off the desk here.
Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar calls for regulations on social media companies for misinformation and disinformation.
Of course, I'll translate that for you.
Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar calls for government control over the internet.
And that's what it's really all about, isn't it?
And I will tell you this, And I'm going to be covering another story on The War Room later today regarding this.
I think the plan is already in place on how they're going to roll this out.
They've already got their marketing plan ready to go.
They've already got their celebrity voices and faces ready to go.
They've already drummed up all the hatred against Elon Musk.
They've already tried to normalize the internet censorship while denying they're engaged in it.
Oh, we don't have a Department of Misinformation and then, well, they lied, they did.
So, this is all about getting government control over the Internet, and the practical application, for your understanding, is that there's not going to be free speech anymore on the Internet.
You're not going to be able to criticize a COVID vaccine.
You're not going to be able to report on the origin story of COVID in a lab, which, by the way, we've got more evidence on that.
Anthony Fauci knew exactly what he was doing.
Again, that's coming up later, though.
I do expect probably by this summer, if not the spring, you're going to see a full-on, rolled-out plan on the Democrat Party internet takeover.
Of course, they'll use the guise of the federal government or the FBI or the White House, whatever it is.
No, it's the Democrats in there running the whole thing.
We all know that.
The agents of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, the agents of the Communist Chinese, And I would expect by summer for sure, if not by spring, you're going to see this rolled out.
They're going to be doing hearings.
They're going to have internet celebrities telling you why it needs to be like this.
They're going to try to obfuscate the real story and they're going to say, well, what about internet bullying or what about leaking hacked materials and all this other stuff to distract so that you say, oh yeah, that's a good thing.
When that's not what this is about at all.
It's not what this is about at all.
It's kind of like with the FBI wanting all this access to spy on you and getting it, and then you had the attack in New York City on New Year's Eve, a radical man running around with a machete.
Oh, and what happens?
It turns out he was on an FBI wanted list and an FBI watch list as a known violent jihadist, and they let him go off and have the attack.
Who injured three police officers because they're not using the power they've been given to stop criminals.
They're going to use the power they're given to stop you.
They want to use this power to spy on their enemies and politically destroy and censor their enemies.
It's not about stopping crime.
It's not about building a stronger union.
It's all about control for them.
So I will tell you this, I, again, expect to see something by the spring, definitely by the summer.
The Democrats are going to roll out a whole, it's going to be a whole presentation.
And they're going to have internet celebrities and they're going to have, it's going to be a huge marketing push.
And of course, in the interim, they're going to try to devastate Twitter as much as possible between now and then.
Because they know that Twitter is going to be the only place that may not oblige by the new government regulations to have the government basically running the company and everybody else be hands off.
And that's ultimately what did happen at Twitter.
That's what was upsetting Jack Dorsey.
That's what we're finding out in these Twitter files.
So the government's already been running the operation.
They just want to make it legal now and they just want to make it the precedent now.
But get ready.
Get ready for a major push for total state control over these social media companies by the end of this calendar year.
And it's going to be not your normal political football that they're going to be tossing around and punting around.
This is going to be like a Super Bowl halftime show level display wanting you to buy into it thinking it's so great when really it's just propaganda.
And now people are realizing this with the omnibus bill, where it's like the fourth or fifth time they've done this.
Big Brother will watch you drive.
Disgusting infrastructure bill.
Installs kill switches in all new vehicles.
Turns America into a police state.
So this is what the government does.
They say, you can't start, you can't make a new car unless it's electric.
You can't make a new car unless it has the auto Engine kill switch.
It's kind of like how you already have your vehicles.
Folks, you understand that this is a plan, okay?
You know why your vehicle has the automatic engine turn off when you stop your car?
It's because ultimately it was going to be used for this.
You don't think that was government pressure?
Well, now you know why they did it.
You know, I've got these clips and it's just every time Joe Biden speaks now, this is why they have been hiding him.
He must be deteriorating fast because you don't really see much of him anymore.
You notice that?
You didn't see or hear much from Joe Biden in this last month, have you?
That's because every time he speaks, he either just says something that is just an outright lie that he just made up on the spot, or he makes outrageous statements like claiming he was appointed To the Naval Academy in 1965 during a speech to graduates, but it's just like I mean, I could play these clips of Biden have no idea what he's saying all day long.
Biden is not the real president.
Who is running the show?
Biden on vacation with his family in the Bahamas.
Has the omnibus bill flown down so he can sign it?
To stop climate change.
Oh, okay.
I see.
I see.
But, that's your president, and of course the University of Delaware Biden graduated in 1965, so it's not possible for him to have been appointed there after he graduated.
It's Joe Biden.
He just lies on the spot, is what he does.
Now, there's an interesting story here that I don't take too much out of, but I think there's a story behind the story.
Incoming Democrat Congresswoman is married to DACA recipient who could face deportation if DREAM Act doesn't pass.
So obviously we know where she's going to stand on that bill.
Now I don't really take too much of an issue here because I mean it's not like she got anything out of marrying a DACA recipient.
I don't know maybe she gets some free money or something so maybe there is something there but My point is, this is how interests in politics works.
She has a direct interest in protecting DACA because she's married to a DACA recipient.
Well, that may be innocent enough, but when you think about all the different loyalties that your politicians have, none of them are to you.
None of them are to you.
They're to the highest bidder, the biggest donor.
What will win them political favor in D.C.?
What will win them social favor in D.C., in New York, and the East Coast?
So, okay, you're married to a DACA recipient, that's gonna influence your vote, no doubt.
Maybe that's innocent enough, but what about those that take money from Big Pharma and then promote the vaccine?
What about those that take money From Planned Parenthood, and then promote abortion.
I mean, that's how this works, don't you know?
And I've got another story on that coming up later.
But, so, okay, innocent enough, you're married to a DACA recipient, that's gonna influence your vote.
But, it's the loyalty that's the story here.
She's loyal to her husband, She doesn't want to see him get deported.
Certainly she's going to vote to protect DACA.
But what about a politician funded by, I don't know, a company like Pfizer maybe?
What if, what if they're getting money and then they promote a vaccine and, well, it comes out this vaccine is not really working as intended and is actually having negative consequences Do you think they're going to come out and say so?
Or do you think they're going to continue to protect their own interests and their own donors?
So yeah, okay, a DACA recipient being married to one may influence your approach.
Towards legislation and hearings regarding that.
That's innocent enough.
What about all the money these crooked politicians take from Big Pharma and Big Tech and Planned Parenthood?
That's the real story.
Where do their loyalties lie?
You know, I'm interested to hear Gerald Cilente in the fourth hour today because I think We're about to experience a real market correction, post-COVID, post-Biden, that we really haven't seen yet.
And America and its citizens, and the world really, have been treading water financially for years now.
And they've been thrown some buoys and some life vests by the government in different ways.
But that's all coming to an end, and the expectation is that we're through it now, things are going to get back to normal.
Quite the contrary, folks.
Quite the contrary.
Because here's the thing.
The supply chain never caught up.
The one good news is, because Biden botched up the gas deal so badly with Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, that we actually may get some lower gas prices coming up, at least lower than they have been.
Because he accidentally double dipped and made deals with Saudi Arabia and Venezuela in his complete incompetence and desperation.
But aside from that, you're already seeing the interest rates go up.
Oh wow, the price of that house I've been looking at just went down by $100,000.
Wow, now's the time to buy.
Then you get that interest rate hit and that price never actually went down, did it?
Oh sure, the price you're going to make an offer with is certainly going to be lower, but you're still going to pay that higher price just now in the interest rates.
But that's just one aspect.
So, oh forget about buying that asset now that you're going to need to take out a loan on because you're not going to want to pay those interest rates.
But then there's the supply chain issue.
The supply chain never got caught up.
It's still at a deficit, if you would say, where if you need... Here's an example.
I'm somebody that purchases electronic equipment and I have for years.
About 5 years ago, really about 10 to 5 years ago, in the electronics department, let's say, prices were going down dramatically.
You probably noticed this.
TV prices, computer prices, laptops, monitors, all of this stuff just going down.
You could buy a nice, big, they got the 4K TVs now, you could buy a nice big 4K smart TV, 300, 400 bucks, be like 50 inches.
That same TV is now going to cost you $800, $900, maybe even $1,000.
Why is that?
Because the supply chain hasn't caught up.
They don't have the chips.
They don't have the manufacturing.
Plus, it's a volatile situation in China and Taiwan, and well, the whole thing could go kaput, and then China could have complete control over that, which would only make it worse.
Energy prices.
Your energy prices are not going to go down.
They're going to go up.
And actually what's happening is the Consumer Price Index has not caught up to the Producer Price Index.
Well, that's going to happen in 2023.
That's why you're going to see the higher grocery bills.
That's why everything is going to be more expensive.
And now, because of these new green energy policies, your energy bill is even going to go up higher Because the government has forced the power company's hands into making a false scarcity of energy by saying you can't use coal or you can't use natural gas.
And then they have the power grid failure in Texas, and they say, wow, look at stupid Texas, look at the stupid Republicans, they can't even keep the power grid on.
No, the Democrats shut it down when you shut off the coal and the natural gas.
So, you literally, the Democrats literally shut your power off, they literally cut your supply, and then they say, haha, you have no power supply, you fools.
But it's going to be everything, folks, I'm telling you.
Your membership to your country club, to your gym, to your subscription internet TV service, streaming service, it's all going up.
The market is finally going to correct itself, except not the way people think.
Everything is about to get more expensive.
Biden economy.
Biden wiped out $10 trillion of Americans' wealth.
2022 saw worst bond and equity losses since 1871.
Yet now this is all going to start catching up.
Democrats to increase taxes in 2023 during highest inflation in 40 years and worst bond stock equity losses since 1871.
They're going to increase the taxes because guess what?
I got news for you.
Things are more expensive for the government too.
And they're not going to take a pay cut.
And they're not going to ramp down their spending.
No, no, no, no, no.
They're just going to make you pay more.
So, oh, guess what?
Consumer price index is going to go up again.
Now your taxes are going to go up again.
But I thought we were through the worst of it.
No, no, no, no.
You're going to find the worst of it is ahead.
Get ready for the rich session from Wall Street Journal.
And I would translate this story to the divide between the haves and the have-nots is going to become more apparent than ever.
Many people are just going to make a decision that we're just not going out to have a nice dinner anymore.
Or, you know, I feel grateful, I feel fortunate, I feel blessed where even though Pretty much last year, really for two years now, you've been watching your grocery bill slowly go up.
For many, you may have even seen it double.
And I feel blessed because I go to the grocery store, I see that my bill is double what it was four or five years ago, but I say, you know what, I'm lucky, I can still afford to get, you know, four juicy steaks from the grocery store, where other people are gonna say, you know what, I can't do the steak anymore, I'm gonna have to get fish or something else.
The divide between the haves and the have-nots is going to increase, and that's what the story is really about, the rich session.
One-third of world economy expected to be in recession in 2023, says IMF chief.
It's all by design, but don't worry, they'll still be getting paid.
Treasuries post biggest annual loss ever, as inflation takes toll.
So the real The real pain, I think, from COVID and Biden has really not even hit yet.
I think that's going to be the story for 2023.
Everybody's expecting kind of these economic numbers where we really saw that was a big story for 2021 with the inflation, the consumer price index, the supply chain shortages.
I think that comes back in 2023.
Because people are looking for a little breathing room, and they're thinking things are going to get more back to normal, and it's actually going to do the exact opposite.
So, I'm curious to see if Gerald Salente agrees, as he will be hosting the fourth hour today.
I think he'll be echoing something along those lines.
And here's an example.
And this is a, this is kind of, it was already going that way, but it's just, it's just the perfect example of cutting.
TV's tough trajectory.
Quarterly pay TV subscriber growth rate.
And so TV subscriptions dropped off 6%, just a round number here, 6% in.
6% in 2022.
Now again, it's been trending that way.
But people are needing to make cuts.
And one of the first things people cut in their budget is television or cable television.
Especially these days, it costs you an arm and a leg just to have cable TV internet every month.
So this is just going to continue.
Canceling television subscriptions.
Canceling internet streaming subscriptions.
People will probably be eliminating gym memberships, country club memberships.
These are going to be the serious decisions that, I think sadly, people are going to thought, hey, maybe we finally have some breathing room here in 2023, post-Biden, post-COVID, we're getting back to normal.
No, the market correction is only going to make things worse on the American consumer.
So, Anthony Fauci is a liar and a crook.
Now, we have so much overwhelming evidence of this, it's, you're drowning in it.
And I'd never seen this before, but let's recall.
That Anthony Fauci has denied on multiple occasions knowing anything about gain-of-function research.
It's like a foreign language to me.
He's never even heard of it.
I don't even know.
What is that?
I've never even heard of that.
When asked about it by Rand Paul, he just is in total denial.
He's just completely confused what it even means when asked about it.
But we are about to get the second round of Fauci files released via Twitter.
Elon Musk's announcement of that coming later this week.
But it's funny, for a guy who claims to have no idea about gain-of-function research, never heard of it, doesn't even know what it is, he's not involved in any of it, that's strange coming from a guy here on January 29th, 2018, talking about that exact thing.
Anyway, so let me just go on about NIH Lyft's funding pause on gain-of-function research.
Let me explain this a little.
Pause it!
Pause it!
Let's just reintroduce this clip for you with a little more context.
This dirt bag.
Who do you like talking about Anthony Fauci more, Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis?
Ron DeSantis says he wants to throw that elf off a bridge.
Anyway, so it was 2014 when this gain-of-function research that was highly questionable and scrutinized was shut down, specifically at a lab in North Carolina.
And it was made illegal.
And so, Fauci and Obama just basically offshored it, for lack of a better term, and just sent the research to China, and then China took it over with U.S.
government funding in a military lab.
Well, when this all came out, Anthony Fauci said he's never heard of it, he doesn't fund gain-of-function, he doesn't even know what gain-of-function is, he has no idea.
Then again, here he is talking about gain of function in 2018.
Anyway, so let me just go on about NIH lifts funding pause
on gain of function research.
So let me explain this a little, because whenever this comes out,
there's always the pushing back and forth from the press.
So like NIH now is gonna do dangerous research.
Pause it. - No, as a matter of fact.
Oh, oh, there's always concerns when the NIH does this dangerous research.
And then what does it say right there, on the screen, on his own slide?
It says, Framework for Guiding Funding Decisions about Proposed Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens.
The very stuff he says he has no idea what it is.
He's never even heard of gain-of-function research.
Here he is.
I mean, folks, this is, again, it's the Austin Powers scene.
Like, I don't know what a Swedish penis enlarger pump is.
And the guy's like, here's your picture with it.
He's like, I swear I don't know what a Swedish penis enlarger pump is.
Here's your receipt for it.
I've never seen the Swedish penis enlarger pump.
I don't know what it is.
Here's a book he wrote about it.
I don't know, Gain of Function Research!
Oh really?
Here's you bragging about it!
I've never even heard of Gain of Function Research!
Here's you doing a presentation on it!
We've never done Gain of Function Research!
Here's your signature on the funding!
But even on the thing, it says...
And then the very pathogen they were working with... ...is the pathogen that caused the pandemic!
And Fauci just says, I've never even heard of this!
But we have the receipts, Fauci!
I don't know what this is, baby!
This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!
One book!
Anthony Fauci!
And gain-of-function research with COVID-19!
But let's go back to the slide.
I mean, here he is in the slides, in the presentation, telling you about gain of function.
Go ahead.
So a framework has been now established to guide funding decisions on proposed research that might be anticipated to create, transfer, or use enhanced potential pandemic pathogens.
The program, everybody has to have a neat little name to it.
This is called P3CO.
So if you hear about P3CO, it's Potential Pandemic Preparedness Care and Oversight.
Now why is this different from everything else we've been doing?
Oh, how convenient!
Look at a timeline of events here.
Donald Trump gets elected.
And then a month later, Anthony Fauci comes out and says Trump will experience a pandemic when he's president.
Boy, how did Fauci predict that?
He must have a crystal ball.
No, he has the viruses in a lab that he soups up and then releases to the world, and then he brags about it.
So in 2017, Fauci says Trump's going to experience a pandemic.
In 2018, Fauci releases funds.
To do research into pandemic pathogens in China, funds it, does the presentation, shows you the slides, and then boom, in the election year 2020, here comes that pathogenic pandemic that Fauci said was gonna happen, but then denied he was involved in researching, even though we have all the videos and the receipts with his face, with his voice, with his signature.
Boy, I'd say there is a reason to investigate Anthony Fauci for being directly involved in the COVID-19 pandemic.
But what does he do?
He gets awards for being such a good corrupt eugenicist in the U.S.
And he expects to just ride off into the sunset And he probably will, because that's how corrupt our country is, but there you go.
So, again, next time you hear Anthony Fauci, I don't know.
I've never heard of gain-of-function.
I don't know anything about gain-of-function.
I've certainly never funded any gain-of-function.
I don't even know what a gain-of-function is.
Sweetest made penis enlarger pump, baby.
I don't know anything about this, baby.
It's not my bag, baby.
It's not my bag, baby!
Gain of function reason, I don't know any, I've never even heard of this, oh!
Not my bag, baby!
No, it's, it's, it, it is your bag, baby.
So, what is the next round of Twitter files on Fauci going to show us?
The Fauci files.
Elon Musk teaches release of bombshell Fauci files.
One thing is for sure, it won't be boring.
Elon Musk has teased the release of bombshell Twitter files related to the now ex-director of the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, this week as part of what he calls the Fauci Files.
Yeah, you know, for all the criticism that Elon Musk receives, fair or foul, has anybody done as much for the American people as Elon Musk has for the last Five months?
You know, it's sad to think, but I think it's fair to think that the story or the conclusion of Anthony Fauci's career is going to be an indicator of whether or not we can actually have any hopes to clean up corruption, government corruption specifically, in this country.
Because what Fauci did is so egregious, so blatant, so obvious, And if we can't even get justice there, it's going to be hard to find hope that we can get justice anywhere with such an obvious case.
We'll see what comes of the next drop of Fauci files.
I suppose maybe Elon Musk is waiting for the next house to get sworn in, hoping that the Republicans there may actually have some interest in an investigation.
So I expect that to be the big news story, perhaps Wednesday, Thursday, or even Friday, depending on when they decide to release that.
Some other news here, though, in the health spectrum.
Far-left health advocacy group The People's CDC calls for continued mask mandates.
You see, This is what the left does, the totalitarian control freak left.
A far-left group calling itself the People's CDC has called for more radical coronavirus policies, like indefinite mask mandates and social distancing, charging that America's relaxed pandemic policies stem from a, here we go, racist eugenics impulse beholden to corporate interests.
I mean, it's just the reverse reality, you know.
You need to do exactly what big pharmaceutical companies say, and what big government says, who's funded by the big pharmaceutical companies.
That's the people's CDC telling you that.
So, okay.
Beholden to corporate interests.
That's forcing the vaccine on people.
You're now beholden by corporate interests.
Claiming you're fighting corporate interests.
How do these people even... You know... Their brains are broken.
Their brains are broken.
Liberalism is a mental disease.
We are the people's CDC.
And we're sick of corporate eugenics.
In big government and big pharma.
Oh okay, well what are you guys into?
We think we need more mask and vaccine mandates.
Wait, I thought you said you were against big government and big corporations telling us what to do.
We are!
So take your vaccine and wear your mask!
That's your left.
But see, it's all about control.
That's what it is.
They loved telling you to wear that mask.
They loved telling you to social distance.
They loved having that control over you.
They didn't mind this whole idea of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
They like it.
They like living miserable lives.
They will suffer.
They will cut off their nose to spite their own face.
As long as it spites you too.
That's so nice and loving of her.
Yeah, she's so open and caring.
COVID tests for anyone over two years old to participate in Senate swearing-in
photos. That's so nice and loving of her. Yeah, she's so open and caring. Imagine
being such an arrogant bitch. Imagine thinking you are so much better than
You can't.
You can't reach a level of hubris like that.
You can't reach a level of arrogance like Kamala Harris has reached.
Very few can even reach it.
It's the Obama level, where after you finish taking Hillary in the toilet, you get on all four knees and go down into the toilet bowl with your nose and take a deep breath.
Tell everyone how good it smells.
So you can't take a photo with Kamala Harris unless you get a COVID test.
That is just despicable.
Can't say I'm surprised.
Modest Mouse, co-founder and drummer, Jeremiah Green, dead at 45.
Now, here's the problem.
Because anytime now, where there's a sudden death or a celebrity dies, people obviously question, was the individual vaccinated?
Now, this individual had been diagnosed with cancer.
And so I was discussing this two weeks ago with some other stories where somebody takes the vaccine, is told they have cancer a month or two later, and then dies within two years from that cancer.
We know about the myocarditis, we know about the heart attacks, we know about the blood clots, we know about the neurological problems.
Cancer was also a side effect listed in the vaccine side effects.
A less prominent one, obviously, but it was there!
We don't really talk about that, do we?
So, I don't know if that's the story with Jeremiah Green, but it's a fair question, I think, to ask, knowing that is another one of the side effects that they don't want you to know about and that they hid from the public while promoting this deadly vaccine.
California and New York now require all private insurance plans to fully cover abortion if they offer maternity care coverage.
Now, you understand that this is fascism, right?
And once you've seen how this all works with the money laundering that they do, you don't even really have to... it doesn't take much.
As soon as you see it, you know it.
So, let me explain how this works.
This is the definition of fascism.
This is the definition of money laundering.
Here's how it goes.
The government, Democrats and Republicans, take your taxpayer dollars.
So they tax you and they take that money.
And then what do they do?
They give it to Planned Parenthood.
I don't remember the... Guys, see if you can find an annual number that Planned Parenthood gets from the government.
I think it's like 500 million a year or something.
Probably more than that.
But see if you guys can find that annual number that Planned Parenthood receives from the federal government.
So the government takes your tax dollars, gives it to Planned Parenthood, and then Planned Parenthood turns around and gives it to the Democrat Party.
99% of Planned Parenthood political donations have been to Democrats.
And of course, Democrats are the ones promoting abortion.
So, well of course Planned Parenthood is going to be funding the Democrat Party.
They're keeping Planned Parenthood in business.
Talk about eugenics.
So, the Democrats tax you, they give your tax dollars to Planned Parenthood, then they receive political donations from Planned Parenthood.
See, they have just stolen from you.
But Planned Parenthood is the middleman.
So there you go, yeah, just over 500 million a year annually from the government goes to Planned Parenthood.
So that's direct, direct theft from you to Planned Parenthood back to the Democrats.
You see how that cycle works?
Because you can plug in the next search and pull it up.
99% of Planned Parenthood political donations go to Democrats.
So the Democrats take your tax dollars, give them to Planned Parenthood, and then Planned Parenthood gives them right back to the Democrats!
And then they do the cycle every year.
The definition of fascism.
The definition of money laundering.
And it just happens year after year.
And they say, well... Well, this is if you just offer maternity care coverage.
Well yeah, you don't think insurance providers are offering maternity care coverage as if that's some sort of a special thing?
All these private insurance companies now are going to be forced to cover abortion.
That's what this is about.
So it just, all this does is keep the giant racketeering operation going.
You scratch my back, I scratch yours.
That's how it works with Planned Parenthood and the Democrats.
And meanwhile, you're paying for the whole thing.
Yeah, they spent $45 million in the 2020 cycle towards Democrats spent at Planned Parenthood to elect Democrats.
So, oh, I see, I see.
Oh, oh, oh, we're going to make you, we're going to now write bills because abortion is not getting the money in like it used to.
So now we're going to write bills, Democrats are going to write bills forcing insurance companies to fund Planned Parenthood where they're now having shortages because people aren't killing their babies anymore.
It's Democrats.
Don't they sound like a lovely group of people?
Look, there's a Democrat Party event happening right there on the screen.
So this is breaking news right now.
An attorney general From the U.S.
Virgin Islands, Denise George has been fired.
Attorney General terminated just days after filing a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase for aiding Jeffrey Epstein.
She gets fired.
You don't dare look into the deep state, pimp.
And of course, that's where Joe Biden is right now.
Is he still down there partying, guys?
I'm not sure.
Or maybe signing omnibus bills.
Who knows?
Or maybe running quid pro quo operations like he did in Ukraine when he was Vice President.
Who knows?
He's not even sure.
Maybe he's going for a run, and I'm not talking about on the beach.
So, there you go.
Denise George, who served as the Attorney General for four years, has been terminated Shortly after launching a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase for aiding Epstein.
Yes, you don't dare start digging there.
You don't dare start digging into the Epstein client list.
You don't dare dig that up.
How dare you?
So that'll be an ongoing story, I'm sure.
And the cover-up of the Jeffrey Epstein clients continues.
Continues because you don't want any of that coming out.
All right.
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We've got an in-studio guest coming up in the next hour, James Younger, dealing with the Texas Supreme Court ruling against him seeking to prevent chemical castration of his son.
So we'll be discussing that story.
It's a real gut-wrencher.
It's a real heart-stopper at times.
So we'll be discussing that.
A couple other stories here today.
You know guys I'm gonna send you something here quickly if you could print it for me before the end of the break because it ties into this January 6th news that I'm about to get into and it really just shows how Trump was surrounded by A bunch of losers, at the end of the day, in his White House.
So hey, I'll be critical of Trump when he deserves it, I'll defend Trump when he deserves it.
Trump was surrounded by losers, and we're learning more about that now.
One girl in particular, I'll explain, but if you guys can just print me that tweet whenever you get it.
Radicalized Times Square attacker was on FBI watch list, and so why didn't the FBI do anything about 19-year-old Trevor Bickford?
Who injured three police officers with a machete in Times Square?
Who is on the FBI watch list as a radicalized potential threat to danger?
Well, because the FBI is not concerned about stopping dangerous individuals from harming people, they're more concerned about doing the bidding of the Democrat Party and the January 6th Committee, going after Trump supporters and all of the January 6th defendants.
That's their main goal.
That's their main agenda.
So yeah, sure, a terrorist gets out in New York City, stabs some people, hurts some cops.
Who cares?
They're going after innocent people that stood in the grass on January 6th.
Suspect converted to jihadism before New Year's Eve machete attack on New York Police Department Times Square.
Now, if this story would have been in the news 10 years ago, 20 years ago, it would have been the number one story and it would have been all about Islamic jihadism.
But because that's no longer the flavor of the month, Now the flavor of the month is right-wing radicalism.
They don't care about a story like this.
Now, I don't care whether the guy was Islamic or a Nazi skinhead or anything.
He's clearly a deranged lunatic, went out to kill cops, and the FBI maybe could have stopped it.
I mean, you can have that debate of what can they do.
But we know what they're not doing and we know what they are doing.
And they're not stopping violent terrorists.
And they are arresting innocent men and women who had nothing to do with any violence on January 6th.
And then you deal with the Ray Epps craziness.
And this thing, you know, honestly, I struggled to even report this to you because it's so insane.
It makes so little sense.
I don't even know how to present it to you in a way that does make sense.
So I'll just read the stories here.
Pro-Trump protester Ray Epps Pro-Trump protester Ray Epps, isn't that convenient?
Told January 6th committee crazy conspiracy theories tore apart his life.
And then in other stories, I'm telling you, it's so whacked out, I don't even know how to explain it.
There's stories going on the internet right now that say How Ray Epps admits to his son that he's a federal provocateur that was aiding in the events of January 6th.
But then he says, oh, I had nothing to do with it.
And I have nothing to do with the FBI and I didn't even know anything was happening that day.
Well then why are you in multiple videos saying you're going to go into the Capitol and promoting to other people to do just that on January 5th and on January 6th?
How come you were on the FBI watch list and then taken off the FBI's list?
But see, oh!
He can say on the record he helped orchestrate it And he was part of it, and then he can go in front of the January 6th committee and say, I had nothing to do with it, I didn't even know anything was going on that day.
And they say, yep, that's what we're gonna run with.
And then he says that his life has been torn apart by these crazy conspiracy theorists.
Wait a second, Ray.
Still to this day, you're the only person I've ever seen in any videos encouraging people to go into the Capitol, except maybe Jaden X.
And, but he actually did get arrested and charged.
I don't know the latest with his account, but you didn't.
He did.
Oh, but your life is being torn apart.
Not the innocent people who have had hundreds of thousands of dollars of legal bills.
Not people who have actually been arrested.
Not innocent people who have been blocked up and tortured.
There's a new book that's about to come out.
From a January 6th prisoner that's going to be highlighting the torment and the torture of their everyday lives.
But no, it's Ray Epps who still walks free and can live his life.
He's the one that's being victimized by the January 6th scrutiny.
Give me a break.
But here's the book I'm discussing.
January 6th book release.
First-hand testimony of harrowing tragedy from the January 6ers living it.
The American Gulag Chronicles.
Letters from Prison.
So that's already out there.
But Ray Epps is the one that's suffering.
Now, I wasn't even going to cover this today, but I'm out of time in this segment, so I may just bury it.
But when you realize the type of people that Trump had working for him, you realize why everything went down the way it did.
And some of the latest comments that we've seen revealed in text messages from the likes of Hope Hicks, Show me why there was never really any hope.
All right, a couple things here real quick before we're joined in studio by James Younger.
I'm talking to Alex in the break and he is really focused on the Fauci files that are about to be coming up and he's going to be filing a report on the Fauci files by the end of the day and tomorrow regarding what he knows is about to be released.
So stay tuned.
For Alex Jones coverage of that with Infowars.com covering the news stories and Band.video sharing the videos.
So that's going to be big and of course it's everything we've already told you it's just going to be with the receipts the total proof now and it'll become once again the same question of is anybody going to be punished for these massive crimes against humanity.
Now quickly so Hope Hicks, who was probably hired because of her looks.
Let's just call it what it is.
I'll be the controversial one to say it.
You know what?
It's fine.
People get hired for their looks all the time.
Doesn't mean they're incompetent or can't do their job.
And good-looking people get hired.
It's just a fact.
But when you see some of these texts being revealed now, you realize why Donald Trump's presidency was set for failure.
Because he had a bunch of losers surrounding him.
And I'm going to try to explain this psychology here.
This is a text, Hope Hicks post January 6th text revealed, quote, "All of us who didn't have jobs lined up
"will be perpetually unemployed.
"I'm so mad and upset.
"We all look like domestic terrorists now.
"This made us unemployable, untouchable.
"God, I'm so effing mad."
So imagine, here's Hope Hicks, who takes a job working for the greatest president
in modern American history, and she is upset because the lies told about Donald Trump
and the lies told about Trump supporters are going to negatively impact her.
Oh, poor Hope.
I feel so sorry for you, Hope.
I mean, I'm sure you about... You were arrested for false claims, right, too?
Yeah, no, you weren't.
Oh, and she's upset because now she looks like a domestic terrorist.
Oh, people are lying about you, Hope?
People are lying about Hope, and she's... That upsets her.
And she's mad because she didn't have a job lined up, so she decided to throw Trump under the bus, hoping that she could have a job.
I guess Hope doesn't have enough merit to get a job?
Oh, you're gonna be perpetually unemployed and so I'll do anything, I'll throw Trump under the bus, I'll cooperate with the January 6th Committee, just anything to save myself!
We're unemployable!
No, if you're unemployable, you were unemployable before then.
But so she's mad!
Not at the media that lies!
Not at the Democrats that lie!
Not at the people that are actually trying to destroy her!
But instead, the people that are on the same boat!
That her enemies are trying to sink!
And she's mad!
Imagine you're on the Titanic sinking and this woman is like, what's gonna happen to me?
But what about me?
I don't even know how to swim!
I can't swim, I don't have a life jacket!
So it shows you two things.
And I'm just...
I'm not picking on Hope Hicks here.
This is probably an example of many others, is my guess.
That's why I'm using this as the example.
We just have all these texts from her.
So it shows two things.
It shows that the people Trump brought in really never had any idea what they were involved in.
Totally clueless.
Again, this is a situation where they just wanted the prestige, they wanted the access, they wanted that for themselves.
Hope Hicks didn't get in this because she cares about the country.
Clearly, she got in this because she cares about herself.
And my guess is this is just one example of dozens, if not most, of Trump's appointees and cabinet members.
They didn't understand the fight.
They didn't want the fight.
And as soon as things got a little rough and tumble, they throw their hands in the air and say, I'm the victim.
What about me?
Oh, poor Hope Hicks.
It must be so hard to be Hope Hicks, guys.
I can't even imagine it.
She's worried that she's going to be perpetually unemployed and is unemployable, but she's not mad at the people that caused all that.
No, she's mad at Donald Trump and the Trump supporters because she thinks throwing them under the bus, maybe will
get her another job.
[Sounds of a gun being cocked]
[Sound of a car revving]
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's going to happen at the end of
this, but you ought to fight!"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We're back here in the Bobbin Studio. It's the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer filling in for Alex.
And this story from Texas should concern, especially parents out there,
With how much say you have over your child's future.
Texas Supreme Court rules against father seeking to prevent chemical castration of his son via gender bending hormones.
The Supreme Court of Texas denied my mandamus, effectively terminating my parental rights.
My children are now subject to being chemically castrated in California.
Texas is an empire of child abuse led by Texas judges.
The Texas Supreme Court ruled against a father who petitioned to prevent his ex-wife From taking his seven-year-old son to California for hormone treatments that amount to chemical castration.
That father is Jeff Younger, and he joins me now.
And so Jeff, I know this has been a years long...
Struggle for you and your family and so for a lot of new audience members They've probably heard about okay the trans kids you can take them to California and the doctors will chop them up there But they won't do it in Texas, but this has been a long backstory for you.
It's been a year's It's been a year's struggle to get to this point Lay out the backstory so that people get a better of idea of what led to this decision and what it means So it's been eight solid years of litigation.
When my son turned two, my ex-wife tried to transition him to a girl.
I was still married to her and we were still living together.
And when I told her that she couldn't do that, she filed for divorce, forced me out of the house.
She's a pediatrician.
She used to practice in Capell, Texas, and she used a lot of her knowledge, medical knowledge, to get me out of the house and away from my kids.
And at three years old, I took the first iPhone video I had ever taken, and it was my son telling me that he thought he was a girl, and I asked him why, and he said, well, mommy says I'm a girl.
And then I realized that she was cross-dressing him.
She was telling him he had a girl's brain and a boy's body.
She had began to present him to the world as a girl and so forth.
And to your understanding...
These were not original thoughts of your sons, but coming from your wife at the time, your ex-wife.
Yeah, I mean, you know, an 18-month-old child, two-year-old child just doesn't have any notion of these things.
They don't think that they have a girl's brain.
That's the type of thing a pediatrician would think.
So what happened was she began to really push this much harder, until eventually she enrolled him in school as a girl.
and Capel Public Schools.
He went to Pinkerton Elementary in Capel, Texas.
People get real mad at me 'cause I name names.
You know, I learned that from Alex.
Name names, tell people what's really going on in these places.
So he went to Pinkerton Elementary.
I would take him to school in boys' clothes, and the teacher would give him a dress to wear
and change him into a dress, and they'd make him use the girls' restroom.
And there was a period of time there up to about six years old
where he was always a little unsure, like because the teacher, the principal,
the lunch lady, the librarian, the police officer at school,
they were all telling him he was a girl.
And why was that?
Because they decided to just go with the mom, whatever the mom wanted.
So this was the mother basically getting in touch, making communications with the school saying, I need everybody to have my back here.
Yes, in fact, that dress was given to the teacher by Ann Georgilis, my son's mother, so that he could be changed in it surreptitiously without my knowledge.
I found this out about a year later.
I filed grievances with the school.
The school found that that didn't violate any of my parental rights.
Amazing, you know, when you go through the school grievance process.
And so eventually this culminated into a big trial when my sons were eight in 2019.
And we brought in the world's experts from both sides of the issue.
And just so people know again, though, you had twins.
So twins.
And your wife decided one of the twin boys, she wanted to be a girl for whatever the reason was.
Maybe she wished she had a daughter, but that's how it went.
That's right.
And just to be clear, also, like she actually enrolled him into a gender clinic to be transitioned.
Okay, I had to stop that with the psychiatrist.
I talked to a panel of six psychiatrists and got that all stopped.
She took him to a married lesbian psychologist and she recommended that he go to another gender clinic for, quote, the medical side of treatment.
It's in his pediatric records.
And this is all from the ages of two to six?
Two to six.
It's in his pediatric records that at five years old, the pediatrician and my ex-wife were talking about chemically castrating him at age nine.
So, this culminates in a trial.
The top experts in the world on this issue come to this little courtroom in Dallas County.
I deposed their experts, and the depositions were absolutely devastating, and they didn't even put their experts on.
They didn't want to get their experts in front of the jury.
One of the persons that I deposed was Johanna Olson-Kennedy.
She runs one of the largest gender clinics for children in America, in L.A.
County, where my children now live.
I bet she makes good money doing that.
She makes millions and millions of dollars.
Must be nice.
And a lot of it's subsidized by California, by the way.
It's taxpayer money.
Must be really nice.
And I asked her bluntly, uh, how do you medically justify cutting off healthy body parts from children?
And she said, well, if they're causing psychological distress, they're not healthy.
And I said, thank you.
I'm going to put that in front of the jury.
And they didn't put her on.
So I won that trial.
I got 50-50 custody and no child support.
The one proviso was I had to go to a counselor and I had to cover nine things with a counselor.
Things like unconditional love of your children, recognizing the signs of bullying, the typical things that they would order in a divorce.
As if you weren't the one already doing that.
I know, I know.
So, in a transparently corrupt proceeding, the most powerful family law firm in Texas, Kuhns Fuller, in an absolutely transparently corrupt proceeding, recused the judge that made that ruling against them.
Uh, gave me a judge in the 301st District Court.
Her name is Mary Brown.
I call her Bloody Mary Brown.
Uh, Bloody Mary Brown, uh, refused to implement the court order, giving me 50-50 custody and no child support, and through a series of temporary orders, uh, was able to strip me of all of my parental rights to the point where I had supervised possession, less possession time than convicted pedophiles.
And they would not let me take my son out of address at these supervised possessions, forcing me to abuse my son in order to see him.
So I refused to obey those conditions and instead wrote my son letters and have been attempting legal action to change that.
And what happened was the judge had carefully set up orders that allowed my ex-wife to move to California.
And the previous orders that stripped me of my parental rights were carefully constructed based on California law.
So all of those orders prohibit me from talking to my son, meeting with my son.
I don't know the address of my son, so I can't write him letters now.
If you don't have contact with your child for a year in California, you lose your parental rights. They can terminate them
without your consent.
So this judge created the conditions where I can't have any of those contacts required
by California law and then allowed my ex to move to California. Well it sounds to me
that this is basically them saying you had you had day in court.
You had your day in court and there was a trial.
And let's say it went fairly enough.
Well, they didn't like the results.
So they just flipped the table over and said, nope, we're going to do it again.
And we're going to make sure we win this time.
We're going to make sure the ref is in our back pocket.
That's exactly right.
And, um, that's one of the huge problems that people don't know about family court in every other court, whether it's criminal or civil.
Once you get a final judgment, you're done.
Like you can appeal.
But you can't go back and get a second bite at the apple at that trial.
But in family courts, the trial court lawyers have figured out mechanisms using temporary orders to keep that alive.
I've been under constant litigation for nine years.
I've never lived under a final order, despite having three trials and three final orders.
I've never lived under them.
I've lived under temporary orders.
And just so you know, I had to Uber here, and there's a credit card receipt for that.
That Uber receipt will be scrutinized by opposing counsel.
Because I have to turn over every single expenditure over to them because I'm under these temporary orders, right?
So I don't have any financial privacy, nothing.
Every aspect of my life is scrutinized because of this stuff.
And now they're just trying to run the clock out on you, is what it sounds like.
That's what they're trying to do.
So the concept here was they wanted to get her to California.
Right before Senate Bill 107 took effect on the 1st of January.
And that's what's in this mandate, the subject of this ruling by the Supreme Court.
So let's get to that on the other side of this break, folks.
You've just got some of the background information that's led to this.
I can't even imagine an eight-year-long battle.
This is the last thing you expected, becoming a father.
That this is how you're going to spend almost your first ten years with one of your twin boys.
And we'll continue to discuss this with Jeff Younger on the other side of the break.
Don't go anywhere.
So I'm learning more about this from Jeff Younger in between the breaks and it's just,
it's crazy because I don't want to get off the topic 'cause I want to get to where we're at today
with the Supreme Court ruling.
But it's like, my goodness, the aspect of you having to fight the entire establishment,
the aspect of this has now gone beyond the scope of just your family.
Now it's just a whole, there's a whole activist wing that you're having to go against.
They don't have your kids' interest in mind.
They have their own interest in mind.
And so there's all kinds of questions that I have for you, but let's just get back to the story as it is
with the update here.
So talk about the Supreme Court ruling that has you in studio with us today.
So here's the genesis of this.
She moved to L.A.
County in California.
That's all I know.
I'm not allowed to know where my children are, where they go to school or anything.
And Senate Bill 107 was going to take effect on the 1st of January.
So I was seeking relief from the Supreme Court to get my children back to Texas before that law went into effect.
It's a transgender sanctuary bill, and what it says is that California will not cooperate with any state that doesn't provide affirming, what they call gender-affirming health care.
Which is the opposite of what it's called.
Yes, exactly.
It's actually mutilating children.
So what it means is California will not obey subpoenas from Texas courts.
They will not extradite if a court calls for someone's arrest.
They will not obey restraining orders.
Or temporary orders, or court orders, which would prevent gender-affirming health care.
It also sets up gender-affirming health care, I'm using California's terms, as what's called a confidential health care.
They have a status there of confidential health care.
So, one of the weird things about California, it's also an abortion sanctuary state.
If you're 12 years old, you can contend to an abortion in California without your parents even knowing about it.
Because it's considered a confidential health care and has a special status as a medical procedure.
Geez, yeah, it won't be long until your 12-year-old will be the age of consent in California.
That's right.
Well, we know what San Francisco's trying to do there.
The bills they've introduced.
So, you know, now the same thing with these procedures.
Children will be able to consent without their parents' consent.
Further, Judges in California can do things that Texas judges can't do.
A California judge can order a child transitioned with neither parent consenting, if they consider it in the best interest of the child.
So there are a whole host of problems that happen.
Now, she is under an injunction.
She's not allowed, she's under court order.
She cannot chemically castrate my son or do any surgical procedures to him, okay?
But how am I supposed to enforce that injunction after the passage of Senate Bill 107 in California?
Especially if they run the clock out on you and you're not allowed to speak to your son for a year.
That's right.
That's another thing.
The temporary orders that were passed by Bloody Mary Brown in the 301st Judicial District Court in Texas Bloody Mary Brown carefully crafted these temporary orders to prevent me from satisfying California's contact rules to maintain your parental rights.
So if I follow Bloody Mary Brown's rulings and orders, I will inevitably lose my parental rights in California and I'll have an involuntary termination of those rights.
So this was carefully set up by the court to take my parental rights in California.
And it's also carefully set up by the court to allow my ex-wife, Ms.
Georgulas, to transition my son with no recourse.
This is like a jigsaw trap from the movie Saw.
It's like, okay, if you want to be free, you're going to have to walk through a bed of nails or a bunch of cutting wire or something.
That's right.
So I went to the Supreme Court of Texas because it was an emergency.
I didn't even go to the appeals court because I didn't have time.
I went to the Supreme Court and said, they're sending my son to a transgender sanctuary state.
She has tried to transition my son in the past.
That makes her a risk of doing this in California, where I have no recourse to enforce this.
But the Supreme Court strongly disagreed with me and said, nope, we write California's law, and despite what the California Legislative Council says, you can still enforce this injunction.
And what they mean by that is quite sophistical.
This is the kind of thing a sophist would say.
Sure, we can enforce it in Texas.
We can, for example, call for the return of the children.
We can, for example, hold Ms.
George Wilson content and jail her if she doesn't follow these orders.
The problem is California won't send her back.
Yeah, they're in sanctuary now.
And they won't send my children back.
So the Supreme Court really engaged in some tremendous sophistry here to pretend that I can enforce this injunction.
And under California law, which I cannot now since January 1st has passed.
Yeah, it sounds like they just want to wipe their hands of the issue.
Well, here's the thing.
I became a political problem for important people in the political establishment here.
In the Republican Party, there's a civil war between the donor class and the voters.
The voters are conservative voters, traditional conservative voters, and want traditional values in the platform.
The donors are northeastern liberals, and they don't want those traditional values in the platform.
And what happens is the establishment tries to please both.
So I'm a thorn in their side.
Because until they get rid of me in this state, the political issue of child transitions is never going to go away.
But now, Governor Abbott...
You know, the homosexual activist, Dade Phelan, who's the Speaker of the House in Texas.
These people can now say, hey, that's a California issue, it's over in California, it's not our issue anymore.
And the Supreme Court plays duplicity with that.
Because the Supreme Court is saying, well, it's still a Texas court issue.
And you can still enforce it, even though you can never get your kids back over here, and they can still transition them.
And you know, because I've noticed this too, at the local level, not to get off topic, but The Texas GOP needs to have a split with the GOP at the national level because there's a complete conflict of interest there because what I've noticed is at the local level you have a lot of these guys
They're not really interested in being a leader per se.
They're interested in having a nice cushy job and having a ladder that they can climb to hopefully get to a nice government position or even be a representative maybe, something like that.
And so that's what I've noticed.
So they're not going to press back against the Republican establishment.
They're not going to press back against the national GOP.
Because they want to be, you know, they want to coddle to them.
They want to beg for some scraps and keep these... Most of these jobs are just worthless.
They work like three days a week, maybe do a TV interview.
But they represent a lot of power.
Remember, these are people... You know, we complain about Nietzsche and kind of his approach, but Nietzsche had this really awesome way of looking at things.
He said, let's don't look at what the good someone's pursuing, let's ask what kind of person would want that good.
What kind of person would want to be in control and in power over other people?
And you can get a sense of their personalities.
So the game they want to play is they want all that donor money, right, to give them power and let them move up, but they want to please the conservative base.
So here's the typical thing that happens in Texas that Republican voters just fall for every single time, every election cycle.
They're going to propose, for example, this coming session, all kinds of conservative bills.
And those conservatives' bills magically will never have time to get to the floor.
And they'll pound their chest about how great the bill is.
Oh, absolutely.
And it just never comes to the floor to get a vote.
It just didn't have time.
But they can make Dr. Pepper the drink of Texas, and they can do all this other stuff and name bridges, but they can't get these conservative bills to a vote.
So what's really happening is they're killing their own bills behind the scenes in committee.
Like, they kill their own bills.
Every person I talk to that gets interested or invested at the local level tells me the exact same thing.
They didn't even let me get to that level.
They basically banned me from all their events, kicked me out of all their events.
They didn't even want me sniffing around that.
I already smelled it, believe me.
So, we're going to be right back here with Jeff Younger.
I do have some other questions as far as the situation is concerned.
But, you have to understand, this is a precedent-setting case, folks.
That's why this is so key.
All right, a couple other big issues here with Jeff Younger in studio.
And I want to start with the one issue here, which is, as I wrote down in my notes here, where are the reinforcements?
And you were explaining this to me in the break.
how the liberal left activists know because Republicans put, let's say,
Republicans will put a line in the sand and they won't cross it.
Right. - Liberals won't do that.
They may put a line in the sand, but they'll cross it, it means nothing.
So, but the Republicans and conservatives, they'll put a line in the sand, they won't cross it.
And so you were explaining to me how they have that line in regards to family courts
and how the liberals have taken advantage of that.
Yeah, none of the conservative legal foundations will enter family court.
And the left has known this for a long time.
If you recall, how did we get gay marriage?
They got a family court in California, another family court in a different federal district, and got them to disagree, and then took it up to the Supreme Court.
They went into family court to make that law happen, okay?
They know that our guys are not in family court.
You know, when I filed this, this mandamus, this petition for mandamus with the Supreme Court, I had to do it as a pro se litigant.
I had to write my own appellate brief to the Supreme Court of Texas.
Think about that for a second.
Just a father trying to protect his kid, this is what it takes.
I could not get a return call from any conservative appellate lawyer in this state.
They will not touch this case.
So we have a real issue with our lawyers and our billionaires are just not stepping up to the plate.
Meanwhile, the liberals, they know this, so it's like a goblin fest.
It's like if the goblins know, let's say there's a goblin smasher, okay?
Well, the goblins know the goblin smasher's not coming here, so guess where they all hang out?
That's right.
And it has attracted some of the worst of the left into family court.
And so, you know, they see the ability to set precedent.
For example, this Supreme Court decision on my case means that any Texas court now can authorize a child to be moved into a transgender sanctuary state.
And so this is the key.
So let's get into why.
Because here it is.
This is not...
Look, the left is anti-family.
I don't have to sit here and convince you of that.
The leftist activists, they don't care about your son.
They don't care about your wife.
They couldn't care less.
What they care about is the result of this case being the precedent-setting case.
That's right.
I think early on, they keyed into this case because of one specific fact.
My son only presents as a girl with his mother.
With me and everybody else, he's always presented as a boy.
And I think the calculus that they went through was if we can get this boy, we can get any child we want.
And they wanted that to be locked into the law.
And they're using this case to make that happen.
So now they've got it locked into the law that, you know, if you violate gag orders and talk about, you know, your son being transitioned, you can lose all your parental rights.
If you run for political office and you don't follow the restrictions that a judge puts on your political speech, which they did.
They tried to stop me from running for office by putting on a gag order which restricted me from talking about political topics around transgenderism.
I didn't follow any of those orders and they restricted my parental rights.
Now they've reached the point where now, okay, Texas, you've got this Attorney General opinion which says this is child abuse, you may pass a law making these procedures child abuse.
That's Ken Paxton.
Now, any court in Texas can export a child to a transgender sanctuary state.
And again, just to re-emphasize that, it was the judge in this case that let your wife take the sons, your sons, to California.
She let that happen.
Judge Mary Brown wrote an affirmative order allowing her to move to California after A year long campaign of stripping my parental rights to remove all of my ability to follow California's law for contacting your children.
Setting me up for termination of parental rights.
This was set up over 18 months to terminate my parental rights.
By a judge.
When was the last time you spoke to your sons?
July of last year.
And what provoked that was, and this is the reason I got supervised visitation, my son was seeing a court-appointed counselor.
Her name is Susan Fletcher.
She was an Abbott appointee.
She was on the Red Flag Commission, where they were trying to restrict our gun rights based on a psychologist finding.
She was a psychologist on that commission appointed by Abbott.
You think it's an accident I got an Abbott appointee as my son's psychologist?
I don't think so.
So she refused to see my son when he came from my home.
Because when he comes from my home, he's just a normal boy.
She would only see my son when he came from my ex-wife's home, when he came as a girl.
So finally I got possession time in my July summer visitation for a month, and she had to take my son for two visits during that month.
And my son flat out told her that he didn't want to wear a dress to school and he wants to be a boy.
She threw him out of the office, initiated a CPS investigation against me, produced a report and would not present it with my lawyer present, and then wrote a letter to the court and never told the court that my son wanted to be a boy, but said that I was forcing my son to take recordings in her office.
And on that basis, they gave me supervised visitation.
So my son asked to be a boy and I'm the bad guy.
You know, I don't think you would ever And these are my words, but I don't know if a parent would ever wish his son to be obstinate or rebellious at such a young age, but man, if I was in your shoes, that might be my last hope, is that my son is going to be an obstinate rebel to these people, because that might be the only hope you have left.
I mean, I'm just thinking, if they don't even let him make up his mind, that just shows you it's not about him!
It's never about him.
And listen, I really didn't push my son.
I'll tell you what I did with my son.
It's very simple.
I just showed my son how awesome it is to be a man.
So, we joined a boxing gym.
And my sons learned, it doesn't matter if you win your sparring matches, it doesn't matter.
If you put in the work, everybody respects you.
If you put in the work.
If you don't put in the work, nobody respects you in a boxing gym.
You learn humility in a boxing gym.
You don't talk smack in a smacking gym.
It's a good way to get beat down.
My sons learned, masculine culture is awesome.
And they loved it.
I took them hunting.
I taught them how to be self-sufficient.
You know, in my home, I didn't even have rules.
I said, look, your job is to be reasonable with people.
I'm not going to set any rules.
Be reasonable with people.
Your room doesn't have to be perfectly clean.
It should just never rise to my attention.
And we also had the no mistake rule.
If you make a mistake, but you fix it, it's not a mistake.
No punishment.
No consequences whatsoever.
So my sons learned very quickly to just take care of themselves and be reasonable with people.
And they loved masculine culture and thrived.
And I knew that if I had my son 50-50, and exposed him to masculine culture, he'd reject a female
And he did that in one month.
And on the basis of him rejecting a female identity, that took my kids away from me.
Well, and again, that just shows you the agenda here is just targeting your son.
And they just want to...
They want to overwhelm his own natural instincts.
They want to overwhelm your instincts as a father.
And this is their act of dominance over you.
This is what the left does.
It's an act of dominance.
It's an act of torture.
It's to just say, doesn't matter what's common sense.
Doesn't matter what's sanity.
We dominate you.
We own you.
We're controlling you.
And I think that's why all these activists are in on this case.
So I mean, again, You haven't spoken to your sons in more than half a year, so I mean, I imagine that there's a lot of questions that you have.
I mean, what about them?
I mean, are they talking to one another?
Do you know that?
What about influence from the other twin brother that's not being told he's gonna be a girl?
What about, do you know about any of that?
I've written over a hundred pages of letters to my sons.
And I have no idea if they're getting them.
In some sense, they're written to their future selves, older selves, looking back on this traumatic incident in their lives.
And in some sense, it's written to 10-year-old boys, right?
And some of those letters have been actually thrown back at me in court and used as evidence against me in court.
One of them, and this is a great example of this, as an answer to your question.
One of them, I talk about the problem is that we are being separated by effeminacy in our culture.
And that your job, right now, as boys, is to avoid effeminacy at all costs while simultaneously being obedient to your mother.
And that you have to recognize that these effeminate forces have a lot of power over you right now.
But when you grow up, they won't.
And this was presented at court as evidence that somehow I hate women.
Oh, yeah, you're misogynist.
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
As somehow that I was training my sons to go against their mom and all this stuff.
I also said that the people that have done this to you will ultimately pay.
And they took that as a threat.
Well, and that's the, see, now you're getting into the, I think that that's what fear, that's what is really they're afraid of as well, because they know they're the ones committing the crimes.
We'll be right back.
You know, it's, Jeff, I can't even imagine, you probably didn't think that fatherhood would be like this.
But yet, ultimately, this is what fatherhood is all about.
It's fighting for your kids and their future, no matter the cost.
And to me, you're just fully exemplifying that.
There's so much more to talk about here.
Final segment with Jeff.
I don't know if we want to get into Dade feeling, and people need to know about this guy in Texas.
We can continue now with the precedent-setting case that this is.
Because I think that that's the big story here to me.
It just so happens that it's you.
You just happen to be that guy.
You were the one in 300 million that is having to deal with this with your twin boys.
And so now this is the precedent setting case.
You're trying to warn Americans, here's what's going on.
And overall, all things considered, all the juggling act that you have to do here, Where do you look at the interest here, the human interest, the American interest?
How much is there?
How much interest is there for common sense, protect the kids, or do you feel completely overwhelmed by it?
So, it's interesting.
I find that the people that I talk to, even Democrats, don't believe we should do this to kids.
Even pro-trans people don't believe we should do this to kids.
This is elites pushing this.
And these elites have taken over professional bodies like the American Psychological Association, like the Texas Psychological Association, and have started to push this.
An example here, if you bring a child who, for example, is uncomfortable with their gender, A psychologist in Texas cannot help that child identify with their biological sex.
They consider that reparative therapy, and that's against their rules.
A psychologist can only help your child to become transgender.
So the last place you should ever take a child who's got discomfort with their gender or their social roles as a boy or a girl, the last place you should take them is a psychologist, right?
But remember, these psychologists are testifying in court.
And so they're making law in the court.
Because there's two kinds of law.
There's statutory law, right?
And then there's case law.
And case law is binding a statutory law.
So when they make these cases like this Supreme Court case that I had to go through, this is binding law on the courts.
This is binding precedent on the courts.
And then anybody, whether it's a judge or a lawyer or in the jury, now they have this, it's like a safety net.
Where they just say, well, yeah, I don't like what they're doing to kids, but not my fault.
That's right.
That's right.
You know, we have this precedent from the Supreme Court, which says they can go and have, you know, into places where these harmful procedures are routinely given to children by courts against their parents' wishes.
But the Supreme Court says it's OK, and every lawyer in Texas now can use this case.
It's just crazy to watch how this works and then to see people's compliance and, you know, you sit back and you look at human history, you know, everybody likes to talk about after World War II, obviously with the Nazis and everything.
How does somebody like that?
How does somebody like Hitler get so much control?
How does somebody get so much influence?
When you're watching it, you're witnessing it.
Most of the time it's people that just don't want to get involved.
It's people that don't want to become obstacles.
They just want to put their hands in the air and at the end of the day say, hey, it's not my fault.
The whole system is designed to make you very uncomfortable.
It's what I call a reverse tyranny.
And a reverse tyranny is one where we don't actually put you in a gulag.
Instead, we make you very comfortable.
And very secure.
And when we want you to do something, we selectively remove that security to get you to act the way we want.
And we can threaten you with removal of material security anytime we want.
This is just a mechanism for them to threaten families with removal of their children.
And that's what they've done.
This particular court in Dallas County with Judge Mary Brown, she's a committed radical leftist.
This judge just decided she didn't want my sons raised by a conservative.
And she wasn't going to allow it.
To the point where she'll let them go to California and be chemically castrated.
And that's what I was saying earlier, where it is cutting off the nose to spite the face.
They do this all the time.
Liberals these days will cut off their ear, their nose, they'll gouge their eyes out if it spites their face, as long as it spites you too.
As long as you're spited.
That's right.
You know, there's a... Sure, I'm blind and I can't hear and I don't have a nose or a mouth anymore, but I made your life living hell, didn't I?
There's an old Greek proverb that two guys got into a feud and they had both harmed each other and the punishment imposed by the wise king was that they both be blinded.
They both suffered from this.
And the left is perfectly happy with that.
If they're both blind, we're equal.
And they're perfectly okay with that.
It doesn't bother them at all.
And it's just a shame that you're witnessing this play out in the legal process.
Here's one of my, the questions that continues to come into my head, just trying to sort through this and make sense of it is, you know, what is the motive here?
I mean, is it money?
Is it access?
I think about if I go for the worst motive, I say, they want access to kids.
I mean, that's what, you have perverts that want access to kids.
That's like maybe the worst, darkest potential motive, but I think it's there.
And then the most obvious one is money, right?
I mean, these trans surgeries are not cheap.
The chemicals and the drugs are not cheap.
Plus, you've got a customer for the rest of their life, so they're going to be giving you money.
So there's the obvious motive of money, and then there's maybe the less obvious, more sordid motive of, they want access to these kids.
Yeah, Lupron, which is the puberty blocker, is the most expensive drug in the world.
Oh, wow.
And it's made in one place in Israel.
It's made there and it's the most expensive drug in the world.
The other thing is, once a child goes on these puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, the average lifetime income stream is $4 million to these clinics.
So if you've got 3,000 kids, you can imagine how much money is at stake there.
You're talking billions of dollars in this country alone.
But I think there's an ideological reason.
I think the reason Obama made the transgender procedures and made insurance companies pay for it, which encouraged hospitals to open up to clinics, which created a market for it, And now you see that market.
You see it's huge. It's huge now.
This is the thing, they monetize it to make the market grow.
That's why they do it.
But I think there's an ideological reason here.
Fundamentally, they know that the middle class in Europe and America have to be broken.
They can't get their reverse tyranny.
As Klaus Schwab said, you will own nothing and be happy.
They can't get that reverse tyranny with the middle class.
Because these middle classes still believe in things like free speech.
They still believe that they should be able to raise their children the way they want.
And as long as you have a large middle class, it can't be dominated.
It cannot be dominated.
Because it represents the majority of voters as well.
So, there's an attempt to undermine the traditional family, to undermine the political power of the middle class, to create a reverse tyranny, and I believe that is the basic agenda of the globalists towards the family.
Transgenderism is one that's particularly potent, because if you look at the diagnostic criteria to be transgendered, for a child to be transgendered, it just means that they do some girly stuff.
If you read it, they just do some girly stuff.
And you can be transgendered.
And it allows a subjective psychologist to take away parental rights almost at will.
Which is, of course, absurd.
You know, and I think about your twin boys now.
You said they're nine years old, right?
They're ten now.
Ten now.
And so I think about it.
I remember, and I hated this as a kid, but it happened a couple of times.
I was probably like four or five years old, and I had some older cousins, they're female cousins, and they like to play with Barbie dolls and do dress-up, and you know what?
They may grab a little three-year-old Owen and say, hey, you're going to be part of our wedding ceremony, and you're going to wear this tiara or something, and I'm going there, I don't want to do that.
They're older cousins, it's funny to them, whatever.
Oh, so mom comes down and sees the cousins using me for their princess, you know, Movie, theater, wedding thing?
Oh, I'm trans now!
That's just, I mean, that's completely absurd, but okay, getting beyond that...
They're of the age now, too, where, I mean, I'd say probably, definitely by the time you're ten, maybe by the time you're about six.
I remember by the time I was in and through kindergarten, it was like, I knew what I liked.
I knew what I liked.
I started playing sports.
I started riding bikes, street hockey.
I was reading Sports Illustrated.
Like, you know that.
You know, you kind of figure out what you're into, what you like.
Especially by the time you're ten years old.
So, I mean, what do you think is going on right now as your boys are discovering their identities?
But yet also maybe feeling pressure not to be that.
I think my ex-wife is using her medical and psychological knowledge to carefully condition my son's experiences to push them towards certain leftist ideas and leftist identities.
James in particular.
You know, James has outright told counselors, they've said, well why do you dress as a girl at your mom's house but not your dad's?
And he said, mommy doesn't love me if I'm not a girl.
So there's a deep-seated operant conditioning that has happened with James.
So I'm hoping that the few years that I was able to expose him to masculine culture and to see why it's so great to be a man, I'm hoping that that will overcome it, even in my absence.
Or maybe also, you know, your other twin boy, just being into that as well.
I mean, I had a couple, I actually had a couple friends that were twin brothers, one was a triplet brothers, and I'd hang out with them.
We all did the same thing.
We were all into the same things.
Sure, absolutely.
Jude, I named the brothers of Jesus, James and Jude, you know.
Jude has a particular issue with the moral question, because he knows his brother's not a girl.
And he came to me asking me, well, when am I supposed to lie about it?
When am I supposed to tell the truth about it?
And for him, it's become a moral quandary that I don't think his mother is going to do a good job helping him solve.
Well, like I said, my words, not yours, but I would probably be hoping that my two boys turn out to be very obstinate.
I hope so, too.
And maybe that can be the best chance you have for them to come out of this all right.
Jeff Younger, thank you so much.
Thank you.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show, and happy New Year's!
Or as we say in Italian, ricciano nuovo!
But the way things are shaping up, it may not be a very, we should call it unhappy New Year.
You know, I was listening to Owen, and he was talking about how he knew, you know, who he was becoming as a young kid and what he liked the most.
And this is my book, one of them, What Zidze Gave Honey Boy.
Zidze's the Neapolitan dialect for auntie.
Zia's aunt.
Zidze's your auntie.
We used to have a TV show, Everyone Loves Raymond.
And Doris Roberts, Woman that played the mother.
Her last starring role was playing my aunt in the movie Zitzy and Honey Boy.
You can get it on YouTube.
But she died, Doris Arbids, 15 minutes into the movie.
Well, 15 minutes into the movie, but the 15 minutes is up there.
Anyway, so Owen was talking about, you know, he felt what he liked the most in life as he was growing up.
And I did, too.
And here's the book.
And here's what I love the most.
See that?
Gotta take that picture down.
Here we go.
Here we are.
It's me and Teresa McKelvey at our first communion.
Look at how we're holding hands.
We used to kiss in religious instructions.
So in the Catholic Church, they tell you that you can receive the body and blood of Christ because you reach the age of reason at seven.
I reached the age of reason at seven, and that's what I fell in love with.
Oh, can't say that anymore.
Anyway, I love her.
Yep, she moved away, broke my heart.
Anyway, on to other issues.
We're coming out with our top trends.
They're going to be published tomorrow.
Top trends of 2023.
You go to all the media, you know what they're talking about?
This is what happened in 2022.
Oh, you know who died?
What do I care who died?
My mother and father died.
That's all I care about.
And my brothers and friends.
I care that, you know, the Queen is dead.
Long live the Queen.
Hey, Queenie, see you later.
Oh, Queen, you save your royalty crap for somebody else.
That's the media.
We're just a little bunch of nobodies.
Do you know who died?
Calm down, Celentia.
I keep forgetting.
I have to keep swallowing their crap and I can't get excited.
Yeah, I have to be a good, good nobody.
There's a great quote I keep saying all the time by St.
Thomas Aquinas.
He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral.
Because anger looks good to the... Anger looks to the good of justice.
And that's why I'm angry.
I look to the good of justice that's being stolen from us.
And, if you can live amid injustice, if you can live amid injustice, all you little slimeballs that swallow the crap that the mainstream media and little politicians shove down your throat, if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.
And that's what this country's become.
Immoral as well as unjust.
This Ukraine war going on.
Yep, there it is.
He was not angry when there is just cause to anger is immoral.
Because anger looks to the good of justice and if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.
Thomas Aquinas.
And here we are.
No anger!
You're not allowed to be angry!
How dare you!
Swallow our crap!
Be a good American!
Look up to Chuckie Schumer!
Hey, how many chins does McDonald have out there?
McConnell, Mitch McConnell, yeah, more chins than Chinatown.
You're gonna look up to him?
No, I like Lindsey Graham!
Oh, I'm so sad Nancy Pelosi left.
It's a freak show!
And the freaks are in charge!
Great being on the Alex Jones Show!
And again, Happy New Year, everybody!
And I say that because you gotta make it happy.
You have to do everything you can to do something in a positive way to change the course of what's going on.
United we stand, divided we fall.
And one of the ways you do it is by supporting InfoWars.
Because they're doing everything they can to fight for freedom, peace, and liberty.
So support InfoWars.
They have great products.
I buy them, I use them, and it helps me and it helps them.
It's a 360 win, so do what you can do.
You know, this article just came out on Yahoo.
A nuclear attack would most likely target one of these six U.S.
Yep, there you go.
Save 50% off.
We're going to talk more about that.
So do everything you can to support InfoWars.
A nuclear attack would likely target one of these six U.S.
cities, but an expert says none of them are prepared.
An expert says?
What expert are you talking about, you jerks?
You can't prepare for this!
There is no preparation, little boy with a bad attitude, for a nuclear explosion!
Oh no, Solenti, calm down and swallow our crap!
Hey, watch the moronic little stupid ads they run in New York with that woman out there says, oh, there was a nuclear explosion.
Now, these are the things to do.
Three steps to take.
Number one, bend over and kiss your know what goodbye.
How about that?
A nuclear attack in U.S.
soil would most likely target one of six cities, New York, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, D.C.
But public health experts say any of these cities would struggle to provide emergency services to the wounded.
What emergency services to the wounded, you stupid moron?
What emergency services?
You're dust, you idiot!
You moronic little stupid freaks!
And I'm saying this because... One of our top trends for 2023... World War 3.
It's begun.
You go back to our trends journal... Back in February 22nd...
Two days before the Ukraine war.
Covid war, to Ukraine war, to World War.
World War III has begun.
The United States and NATO sending in hundreds of billions of dollars worth of weapons to a comedian famous for playing the piano with his penis.
Oh, and closing down the Orthodox churches.
And celebrated at Congress, giving him our money as 63% of Americans with paycheck to paycheck.
They ramped up this war.
America is at war.
Oh, you should hear his language too.
People say about my language.
You should go look at the clips of his language.
Yeah, all the F words that he does as he's playing his role, but that's okay.
This is the guy, this is the guy that America bows down to and sucks up to.
There we go, boys and girls.
There we go, all you libtard idiots!
There he is, ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages.
Step right up to the greatest freak show in the United States of America, brought to you by Congress!
What a disgrace!
I, Gerald Solenti, am a true American.
These people, the Bidens, the Harrises, the Repulsicans, and the Democrats are sellouts to the Congress of the United States that our founding fathers created.
Look at this.
I mean, he shows up in his drag too, his costume, when he goes to Congress.
So, you're preparing us for a nuclear attack.
You got it?
Nuclear attack in a large metropolitan area is one of 15 disaster scenarios which the U.S.
Federal Emergency Management Agency has emergency strategies.
Who the hell are you talking to?
Who are you talking to?
I'll tell you who we're talking to, Salenti!
We're talking to the idiots of America!
The people that swallow our crap!
The 88% that believe little Georgie Bush!
We're gonna get that guy Osama Bin Laden dead or alive in Afghanistan!
Yep, that supported that war.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Okay, let's stop right there.
Let's look at the little stupid, arrogant clowns running this agency, and then look at all of the other great federal agencies that are run by imbecilic, moronic pieces of crap.
One after another.
Oh, I like the one, that health guy, Rachel Levin.
Lola, L-O-L-A, Lola.
Oh yeah, I believe him, huh?
You're telling me some moronic government agency is preparing us for a nuclear attack and they'll know what to do?
Let me get this straight, everybody.
The people that are the bureaucraps are the dumbest imbecile.
Here he goes.
Lola, L-O-L-A, Lola.
How can you swallow the crap?
This guy, a health minister?
A health director?
He got more chins than Chinatown.
Oh, by the way, Rachel, first book I worked on was called Natural Healing, 1980s.
And I have an honorary doctorate from the National University of Health Sciences.
So don't you tell me about health when you look like that.
These are the imbeciles that are running us and ruining our lives.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year, everybody.
Oh, you watch the ball go down.
Yeah, look at the little lemon head on CNN.
Oh no, he was dancing.
I forgot.
This is the crap they're selling us.
I'm warning you.
I'm warning everybody.
If we don't unite for peace, they're going to annihilate us in war.
There he is.
How can you listen to this little... How can you listen to this clown?
Oh, how about how about the Anderson Cooper?
A little daddy's girl.
Oh, mommy's girl.
I forgot.
Gloria Vanderbilt was my mommy.
That's why I got on top.
Like Justin Trudeau over there in Canada.
My daddy was Pierre.
My daddy was Pierre.
Oh, I got Andy Cuomo over here.
My daddy was Mario.
Oh, Chris, my daddy was Mario.
Little Georgie Bush.
My daddy was George.
You got it.
It's one club of imbecilic morons that are destroying our lives in front of our face and getting us ready for nuclear annihilation.
Bye bye.
Yeah, a little ultra dope, a little arrogant boy.
The emergency act he put up in Canada, putting people in jail, stealing their money.
Oh, and we're going to bring freedom and democracy to other countries around the world.
You know, maybe I should start a new website to swallow my crap website.
Oh, I may get, I'll make zillions of dollars.
I could sell crap drinks, crap head crap.
Oh, and crap clothes!
And I probably won't be able to win on that one because that's what everybody dresses like now in crap clothes.
The style of America's gone, man.
Or woman.
Or Rachel Lola.
You know, save your own trip for yourself.
I got my own.
Don't you tell me to swallow your crap.
I don't tell you what to believe.
Don't you tell me what to believe.
And if you want to believe the truth, of course, you subscribe to the Trends Journal at TrendsJournal.com.
No magazine in the world like it.
History before it happens.
Since all these clowns are talking about what happened last year, we're going to tell you more about what's going to happen next year, and how you could prepare, prevail, and prosper.
Because the worst times are ahead.
And if you don't believe me, stay tuned to MSNBC.
No, no, no, NPR.
That's where you'll get it.
Nothing But crap.
We'll be right back.
Stay tuned.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
You know, before I go into more of the catastrophe ahead, I want to give you some information on some of the top trends for 2023.
And one of them is going to be a economic calamity and a market meltdown.
You go back to our Trends Journal about a month ago.
We said if there's not a Santa Claus rally, when the markets reopen on January 3rd, you're going to start seeing a big decline in equities.
Now there are a number of sides to different stories.
So again, there are a lot of wild cards.
And When you look, for example, following the last 40 midterm elections, the S&P 500 went up over 15% for the first 12 months.
But this time it's a different scenario because the whole market situation was artificially pumped up with zero And negative interest rate policies in the United States, Europe and around the world.
And governments pumped in countless trillions of dollars.
They all did this to fight the COVID war.
The people did everything that they were told because they were given free money.
Businesses got free money.
It was a game.
They artificially boosted everything.
Now you go back.
I'm only speaking about the facts.
You had the Fed head clown.
Mr. Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen screaming that inflation was only temporary and then transitory.
They're going back two years ago.
Wrote about it in details as they were saying it.
And then, now they're saying that inflation was caused by supply chain disruptions.
There she is, Ms.
Fatsia Brut.
We're the same age.
Marron a mi.
Couldn't be dating you, babycakes.
They put out the crap out there that it was only temporary and transitory.
And transgendatory, to be proper.
They either were lying or knew it was a fact.
But they did this to artificially keep propping up the equity markets as they destroyed the global economy.
And China, of course, has done its role in it, too.
They're in a disaster hit.
You know, the businesses that have been destroyed in China with the zero lockdown, they're not coming back.
By the way, the streets are dead.
I went out New Year's Eve to a party.
And I came back a little after 12.
And I was through 28, from Woodstock to here, which is the major artery going out through there.
I counted five cars.
I remember back in the day, 12 o'clock at night, the roads were packed, people partying.
It's dead all over.
They sucked the joy out of life.
So going back to the markets, here's the deal.
The markets are going to crash and there's going to be an economic calamity.
If, because I can't, nobody could tell you the yes or no about it, if the Federal Reserve When they have their meeting, and then on February 1st, they come out and say how much they're going to raise interest rates.
Even if they raise them 25 basis points, that will be enough to keep sinking the equity markets and the economy.
Now let's go back to the story on the whole picture.
All these private equity groups and all of these hedge funds that bought up all of these businesses, merger and acquisition activity was at the highest rate ever in 2021 because they had all this cheap money.
Now those businesses are going down, they got to pay the loans on this.
Oh, and interest rates went up.
Now you got to pay more on your variable Great loans.
Oh, and by the way, as interest rates go up, the United States has this, what, $31 trillion debt bubble.
Oh, and now you got to pay more on your debt.
Now let's go back to what happened to the equity markets.
It was the worst downturn since the panic of 08, 2008.
And by the way, The Trends Research Institute, which is the publisher of the Trends Journal, our company, took out a domain name, Panic of 08 in 2007.
You're seeing the Nasdaq down 33%, deep in bear territory.
S&P 500 just hanging on a thread, 19% down, bear territory is 20%.
S&P 500 just hanging on a thread 19% down, Bear Territory is 20%.
The Dow's down almost 9%.
And then you go around the world and you look at the broad indexes, they're down like 18%.
Now with interest rates going up, the cheap money supply stopping, this thing's going to go down big.
And then the biggest bust is going to be in the office, business office commercial sector.
You're looking at places like Boston, with an office occupancy rate of 40%.
You're looking on average in the United States at best 50%.
Now leases are coming up.
The work-at-home trend is real and it's going to continue.
When people were locked down, they're saying to themselves, holy Christ, I'm getting up at 5 in the morning to drive an hour and a half to work, get an hour, hour and a half back?
I'm not going to do that anymore.
And now with businesses going down, the people who have commercial offices say, I don't need all this space.
I could save myself a lot of money.
You are going to see a collapse in the office building sector, commercial buildings, unprecedented.
Oh, and all those businesses that depended on commuters?
See you later.
We are in for the worst crash ever.
But again, You cannot predict the wild card that might be played.
And the wild card is this.
Just as they did it under Trump, when the markets were crashing in December of 2018, Trump pushed Powell, the Fed head, to lower interest rates, and he did.
That artificially popped the market back up.
So, will there be pressure from Washington and from the gamblers on the street to pressure the Feds not to raise interest rates?
So, according to FactSet, the word on the street is the Fed may begin lowering interest rates this year.
So when they lower interest rates, boom, inflation goes up, and guess what?
So too do gold prices and silver prices.
That's what we're trying to do, giving you the big picture to help you prepare, prevail, and prosper.
But we're telling you very, very few are doing.
So giving you everything we can, and so is InfoWars.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show!
And as I said, you know, we're very, very difficult times right now.
It's not going to be a happy new year unless we change it.
And InfoWars and the people work very, very hard to give you the best that they can give you.
I go there every day, day in and day out, throughout the day to see what they're putting up, the articles that they're writing, and actually use some of them for the Trends Journal as well, you know, to get some good information there.
And you need to support them, and they have great deals, and especially during this new year, we could get 50% off And they just have this, their real red pill, and Red Pill Plus is back now.
It's been gone for a while, but it's here again.
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And the Red Pill Plus formula supports your body through supporting healthy aging, which I'm all for, and supporting hormone productions.
By the way, you know how to make a hormone?
You don't pay it.
It's all a Bronx joke.
Hormone production, supporting endocrine health, and helping to support mental sharpness and mental clarity.
And, containing essential trace minerals and B vitamins.
So, there you got it.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com.
They got a whole load of great products for you.
And, Red Pill Plus.
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So do everything you can, go to InfoWarsStore.com and get these great products.
You know, I was talking about before, about they're taking us to war in this moronic, idiotic, stupid article that was written by one of these articles, Business Insider, one of them.
It's just stupid, stupid.
But this is the way they sell it.
Here it goes.
It was on Yahoo.
By Arya Bendix and Taylor They go on to say, but according to every citizen, FEMA, this is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, yeah, FEMA, they give some simple advice.
You ready?
Get inside, stay inside, and stay tuned.
They're still treating you like you're in the third grade.
Get under your desk in case an atom bomb goes off.
Stay inside.
Stay tuned.
To what?
To listen to more of your crap as you're melting away?
So then he quotes this guy, but according to Erwin Redliner, a public health expert at Columbia University, oh yes sir, oh you went to Columbia, you got a degree, oh what do you have to say?
Well, here's what he has to say.
Quote, it would not be the end of life as we know it.
It would just be a horrific, catastrophic disaster, With many, many unknown and cascading consequences.
A clown boy!
What do you mean it wouldn't be the end of life like we know it?
What are you teaching at Columbia Kindergarten?
And that's all this school system is!
It's a moronic brainwashing!
Schools of crap!
What stupidity!
What stupidity!
To say this kind of garbage.
And all they're doing is selling propaganda.
You ready?
So the last couple of days.
This is a front of Judge Report.
Putin alone doesn't know what to do!
How do you know that Putin's alone and don't know what to do?
Oh, you mean because he's losing the war?
Hey, clown boys!
Where were you when Georgie Bush was losing the war?
You mean the Afghan war that went on for 20 years?
Where were you little slime balls then?
Every day, every day.
Oh, George Bush wasn't alone, you know, no.
Because he had other slime balls behind him.
Yeah, like penis Cheney.
I can't say dick Cheney, because I don't want to get censored.
How about Condoleezza Rice, that next Mushroom Cloud?
If only women were in charge.
How about Colin Powell selling that colon of crap?
One lie after another, but you little low lives, you little nobodies, you little boys with got size of a... Mothballs, cojones, you just suck up and bow down and throw out the crap that they give you.
And the propaganda keeps going.
You ready?
This is from the Washington Post, owned by Bezos.
Putin, unaccustomed to losing, is increasingly isolated as Walters.
Hey, how about Bush, unaccustomed to losing?
Oh, I forgot.
It was Mission Accomplished.
I forgot.
This is the way they sell propaganda.
Hey, how about, how about Obama's wars?
I want that guy Qaddafi out of there.
No, was he isolated?
One after another.
You ready?
Senseless barbarism.
Russia pummels Ukraine's power in war sectors.
Live updates, USA Today.
And then this was on World Socialist website on December 29th.
50 years since the United States bombing of North Vietnam.
Merry Christmas, RFK!
Not RFK, excuse me, LBJ.
LB, jerk.
I can't say the other word, but it's off over there somewhere in Texas.
LBJ, Nixon.
Yep, how about you guys?
Fifty years ago, in the last week of December 1972, that was Nixon, the United States military carried out one of the most brutal and barbaric attacks on a civilian population in history.
You forgot about Harry Truman?
Only killed over 200,000 innocent Japanese.
Bombs over Hiroshima.
How about Nakasaki?
Okay, we're going to take a break.
We're going to be back soon.
Remember, Trends Journal, TrendsJournal.com and InfoWars.
Support them.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
As I said, we're coming out with our top trends for 2023 and they'll be out in the Trends Journal tomorrow.
And just some of them, the homeless solution that we have.
And well, the big one on AI Owns You, a great article.
And Middle East Meltdown, one great article after another telling what's going on.
Again, World War III is happening.
Aging Power.
Top Trend of 23, War and Hate.
And another one is Peace and Freedom.
So we're going to see where all that goes.
There's just some of them.
There are a whole load of them.
Aging Power, as I said.
And where the economy's going to go and what to expect, as I gave you some of that already.
Oh, again, new political parties.
Big anti-establishment movement, anti-immigration movement.
There's another big one that's going to happen.
A lot going on.
A lot going on, and a big investment opportunity.
Love it or hate it, it's going to be in this green energy movement.
It's here to stay, and it's only going to grow.
So again, we don't tell you what to do, how to do it, or when to do it, but we give you the facts as being reported.
We give you the analysis and our trend forecasts.
So we have this, this 2023 top trends is very important.
Going back to this clown guy that they quoted, this Erwin Redlena.
Of Columbia University.
It would not be the end of the world as we know it, he said, right?
This is a quote from John F. Kennedy.
His peace speech at American University, June 10th, 1963, just about five months before they assassinated him.
Today should total war break out.
No matter how our two countries, meaning the United States and the Soviet Union, will be, no matter how our two countries will be the primary targets, meaning the Soviet Union and the United States, it is an ironic but accurate fact that the two strongest powers are the two in the most danger of devastation.
All we have built All we have worked for would be destroyed in the first 24 hours.
hours. All right. He goes on to end his speech, by the way.
Very important.
Talks about the need for peace and that if we don't have it, we're going to perish.
But people have no idea about this, and all they do is they believe the propaganda.
You know, I do a podcast every Wednesday with Judge Andrew Napolitano, who I want to see as Vice President, and RFK Jr., his nephew, JFK's, as President.
And I was talking about World War Two, and I mentioned that they tell us that World War One began when they assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand Sarajevo.
Like, what's an Archduke and where's a Sarajevo?
Who cares?
It was building up to that.
Because they could keep doing mission creep, just like they're doing with the United States having, quote, advisors in Ukraine, not making that up.
That's in the mouth of Lloyd Austin, our Secretary of Defense, whose last job was sitting on Raytheon's Board of Directors, the second largest defense contractor.
So it's mission creep.
And the United States advisors are showing Ukrainians how to use our weapons, which means they're firing them basically.
Shooting at the Russians.
So anyway, it's mission creep.
It doesn't happen automatically.
And then I said, yeah, like World War II began when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.
And Judge Napolitano said, yeah, he said, but people forget what America did to Japan before that happened.
Am I cutting off their oil?
So I googled up.
I said, you know.
Why did U.S.
put embargoes on Japan?
And I got this from.
History today, this day in history.
Here it is 1941.
This is July.
The Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor.
In December.
On July 26, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt seizes all Japanese assets in the United States.
You ready?
For retaliation for the Japanese occupation of French Indochina.
Okay, wait a minute.
What do I care about what the Japanese are doing In French Indochina?
What's a French Indochina?
Oh, you mean the colonies that the French went into?
And when I went to Vietnam in 1996, we were among the first Americans that went there after the war.
They allowed in.
I went to the museum and here's the guillotines.
The French cutting off the people's heads.
Oh those?
What are you doing over there?
And what do we care?
On July 24th, Tokyo decided to strengthen its position in terms of its invasion of China by moving through Southeast Asia.
And um...
Japan followed up by occupying Cam Ranh Naval Base.
800 miles in the Philippines where American had troops and the British had bases in Singapore.
What are the Americans doing with troops in the Philippines?
That ain't my country.
And what are the British doing in Singapore?
What's wrong with you, Salenti?
How dare you say that?
The sun never sets on the British Empire.
Why you should look up to Charlie Boyle who's playing king!
You mean the murderous, slimy Brits?
Oh, article just came out.
The British Empire killed 165 million Indians in 40 years.
A scholarly study found that British colonialism caused approximately 165 million deaths in India.
This has caused, well I question everything.
From 1880 to 1920.
While stealing trillions of dollars of wealth.
This is a study done by Jason Pickle and his co-author Dylan Sullivan.
Published in the World Development Journal, Academic Journal.
165 million.
So going back That's what started World War II.
What the hell?
What are the French doing in there?
Why do I care?
Oh, I forgot about Vietnam.
Because after the French left, then the Americans went in.
Oh, America!
The land of the free and the home of the brave.
Freedom and democracy.
You're talking about the Russians?
The Vietnam War, the Afghan War, the Iraq War, the wars in Somalia.
Oh, the numbers came out.
I forget how many hundreds that we've killed in Africa.
Getting ISIS's this year.
Melting them down.
Oh, when I talked about Middle East meltdown?
Oh, yesterday, Israel bombed the Damascus International Airport, killed a couple of soldiers, and the airport's closed down.
Oh, they bombed the Aleppo International Airport, too, back in September.
Could you imagine if they bombed the airport in Tel Aviv?
Oh my God, how dare you?
What hypocrisy going on?
World War III has begun.
We are If we don't stop this, they're selling us nuclear devastation
over and over and over, getting the people used to it.
Again, President Roosevelt swung into action by freezing all Japanese assets in America,
Britain and the dust Dutch East Indies followed suit.
Oh, you mean the Dutch East Indies?
You mean those slimeballs that were colonizing Africa and other places?
Why, they're the Dutch East Indies, serente?
This has been going on for centuries.
We got demonic people in charge.
If we don't rise to heaven on earth, it's gonna be hell on earth.
So support InfoWars, do everything you can.
And again, you're going to want to read the top trends of 2023.
They're coming out tomorrow.
And, you know, it costs you less than a New York Times one day.
It costs you less than that for a week.
$3 a day with less than $3 a week.
We'll see.
Thanks for tuning in.
Happy New Year.
We're not going to be here if we don't get financial support.
I'm not bitching, I'm not complaining.
But there's not a place you can spend money better to get great products at the same time that will keep truth and hope alive.
And where this broadcast isn't just reaching the general public, it's reaching the intelligentsia of the planet.
And it's recognized as one of the most bright spots against this tyranny.
Boy Alex, first I'd say that you're vindicated.
Man, you made the right call.
I've known you now for three years through the pandemic, and you've made the right call all the way.
You are the news media.
I have hedge fund managers tell me they watch War Room and InfoWars because the other channels, there's no signal there, just noise.
I want you all to know something.
Alex Jones was right.
This is an information war.
And that's because of your support.
That's not to my credit.
That's to you.
So recognize your investment and what you've done and double down on it.
But as AP reports, we have a patent stay on air if we just get the funds in to do the appeals and continue these bankruptcies.
There are some significant issues on appeal.
This is a very unusual trial.
The court basically put them in default and they went straight to damages.
And that's very unusual and that's a very draconian ruling by a court.
Now a civil trial such as this generally has two issues.
Liability and damages.
In this case, however, you're only considering the issue of damages.
Why is that?
Because the court has made that determination for reasons that you need not concern yourself with and that you should not speculate about.
Therefore, liability is established, and you are not to consider liability.
And the judge today said that she will hold me in criminal contempt if I say I'm innocent, if I say I'm bankrupt, if I say I wasn't the first person to question Sandy Hook, and over ten other things.
No judge in U.S.
history has ever told somebody what they can and can't say.
And a court of appeal is going to really scrutinize that.
Um, a judge is required to, if a litigant is not participating in discovery or is violating, you know, the litigation standards, uh, you know, the judge, there's a number of things that a judge can do before actually putting him in default.
You'll see the AP says Alex Jones has a lot of options and Alex Jones was railroaded and Alex Jones wasn't given a fair trial.
What do you think that is?
The damages award needs to be supported by the evidence.
So the appellate side is very rich here.
And I'm in personal bankruptcy.
All my cards are on the table.
All my chips are in.
When we file this stuff on Friday, the enemy is going to be so blown away because they're just going to see I've been truthful about the whole time.
I wish I had $10 million.
I wish I had a million dollars.
I don't.
I'm out of money.
So it's very possible that both the compensatory damages award and even the punitive damages award, depending on what it's based, could be discharged.
And if that's the case, This judge was wiped out.
And I'm here to make sure everybody has that choice.
Because God works through men and women.
And I know God's been working through me for 30 years, 28 years on air.
So no one who wants prosperity and security and basic life on this planet should serve the new world order.
It's very, very simple.
Take him out and make sure he can't do it again.
And you've called this judge a tyrant, correct?
And you actually use that word a lot with your audience.
You call people tyrants, don't you?
Only when they act like it.
Come on, boys!
Come on!
That was a huge shot!
Oh my god!
Right hand!
Oh my goodness!
Oh my goodness!
That hand is ridiculous!
Oh my goodness!
Oh my goodness!
[music playing]
Oh Merry Christmas!