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Name: 20221228_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 28, 2022
2337 lines.

The podcast discusses digital prisons, Zero Trust protocols, LED incapacitators, COVID-19 outbreak investigations, global tyranny, censorship, health supplements, natural compounds, and international tensions. The host encourages listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing products from their online store, which offers health supplements and alternatives to mainstream medicine. They also discuss potential dangers of proposed WHO regulations and the pandemic treaty, as well as the possibility of a nuclear war between Russia and the US due to escalation ladder scenarios. The speaker highlights issues like international tensions, assassinations, medical tyranny, biological warfare weapons programs, lockdowns, forced injections, winter weather, naming changes of Remdesivir, Hollywood's influence on society, media content alternatives, and the importance of taking a stand for marriage and relationships.

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The globalists hate humanity.
They hate you.
And they see you as a useless eater.
They see you as bugs in their pantry eating their food.
And they want you gone.
And they want you to accept the dystopia and the whole process of what they tell their minions will be the end of the world by 2030.
The end of the world as we know it.
And then you'll own nothing and have nothing.
And that's why their different minions from Greta Thunberg to AOC to Beto to all of them tell you It'll be the end of the world by 2030.
When they say the end of the world, they mean the end of the world as we know it.
Hell on earth.
And they're implementing it.
And they are telling you, they are telling us that we deserve it and it's our fault that viruses are about to come out of the jungle and kill us all.
And it's our fault that there's no energy and the power's going off.
It's our fault there's fentanyl all over the streets.
But it's not our fault.
It's their fault.
They are implementing it and they're directing against us.
But there is a sliver of truth there.
There's a kernel of truth there.
It is our fault in the final equation if we sit here and we let these people do this.
It's Alex Jones.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Subscribe to our channel for more videos.
Aman Jabi has worked in Silicon Valley for 28 years.
His background includes work on deep technologies that are involved in the new digital prison system being designed by Big Tech.
In 2020, he moved to Montana and became a whistleblower warning the public of the very real threat about to be unleashed upon us all, known by many as the Mark of the Beast system.
Aman explains how accepting the digital ID is the basic premise behind it all.
So by default, a digital identity implies that you are always in a digital prison.
Since you have a digital identity and you're in a prison, you are by default a criminal.
So we don't trust you.
Just like the old system, this new one is also voluntary.
And you are supposed to know that it's a digital prison that you are voluntarily signing up for.
And the reason for this is because in this new system, having a digital ID will be proof that you are a criminal.
Because having a digital ID means that you are in a digital prison.
And because you accepted it, you must be a criminal.
Because of this, there is a new protocol being introduced with this system, known as Zero Trust.
How is Zero Trust going to be used?
Here's a lady, she wants to go and buy some beef.
But let's say her carbon footprint or her beef footprint for the month has been exceeded.
That door won't open.
This digital prison is sneaking up on us all.
There is no need for an implanted chip, because everything is being done with facial recognition, which is already plugged into the entire system.
America already has more cameras per capita than Communist China, and our social credit score is already being logged.
All we need at this point is a series of events that lead us all into having to make the choice of either accepting the new digital ID or saying no.
Since the COVID lockdowns, new state-of-the-art LED lights have been replacing street lights in cities throughout the West.
Aman explains that this is all part of the plan.
These lights will be connected to everything, including your phone and your car.
And in new cars, that includes 16 different cameras with LiDAR and sonar.
These lights are being outfitted with LED incapacitators, which is a light technology that was first announced 15 years ago, back when it caused enough brain damage to make a person sick.
Another strange weapon in the final stages of development is able to mount an all-out barrage on the optic nerve.
The LED incapacitator was developed under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security.
For the purposes of creating what we call a non-lethal defense system.
And this technology consists of a bright set of LED technology, light emitting diodes, that is designed to create a sort of temporary blindness, maybe a temporary ability to not be able to see the person who we're trying to protect.
If aggressors caught in its bright pulsating glare don't shield their eyes or turn away quick enough, temporary blindness isn't the only effect they'll feel.
The first time I saw the LED, I was in a darkened room, and within three or four seconds, I had reached forward and grabbed a hold of a lab bench because I was feeling a little bit dizzy or disoriented.
The device's combination of different colors and random flashes can induce psychophysical effects, including vertigo and possible nausea.
It's been nicknamed the puke light.
It's been 15 years and our Silicon Valley whistleblower believes that this technology is now capable of killing people.
Ultimately, we can say no to this.
But if there's a critical mass that doesn't sign on to the digital ID, then this agenda gets weakened substantially.
But we will have to first unify and come together.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Welcome, it's Wednesday, December 28th, 2022.
Powerful forces of the globalist deep state have been battling around the clock for many years to take us off the air.
But thanks to you, the viewers and listeners, your word of mouth, your prayer and your support.
We are still on air and in many ways, though scarred, stronger than ever, with more resolve than ever.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
OK, we're going to open the phones up throughout the four hours of the transmission.
We have a very special guest popping in in the third hour, but in the first and second hour and into the fourth, I'll be taking calls today on any issue you wish to discuss.
It'll be a wildcard free-for-all here, but obviously I'm going to throw out a lot of topics and news that I want to get to.
Over two years ago, whistleblowers, including Dr. Huff, who was the Vice President of EcoHealth Alliance, and the head of their operations, their science division,
which is their main division, chief scientist, senior scientist, went public with internal emails
going back years before COVID-19 was released out of a lab in late 2019 in China,
and detailed how they were developing gain of function specifically with coronaviruses and other viruses.
And they specifically even named one COVID-19 in 2018.
They'd already produced the mRNA sequences for the gene therapy, so-called vaccine by 2018.
This is all public.
So I thought instead of just reminding you this came out a few years ago,
I'd actually print some of the original articles.
print some of the original articles.
Here's one from September 9th, 2021.
This came out a long time after we broke it with Dr. Boyle and the different whistleblowers and attorney Tom Renz.
Fauci was untruthful to Congress about Wuhan lab research.
New documents appear to show.
And that's from the Board of Governors, Professor of Chemistry, Biology, Rutgers University, and others with the emails.
But they're talking in 2018, 2019 about gain of function under the directive of the NIH and Fauci.
Now there's a federal watchdog agency that supposedly controls this.
The problem is Fauci's wife has run it for two decades.
I'm going to show you that in a minute.
So I thought we'd just do a little reminder, just one little piece of literally thousands.
Because now, last week, via foyer operations, More documents have come out from DARPA that they were specifically working with Fauci on weaponizing and souping up how deadly viruses were and also, of course, how communicable or how fast they can be spread.
And here's a video with attorney Tom Renz talking about the latest.
And boy, when he said over two years ago he had all these big whistleblowers but didn't release their names yet, he told the truth.
A whole raft of top insiders.
Here it is.
We the people are dying in massive numbers.
6.5 million.
6.5 million globally.
That's criminal charges.
Did Anthony Fauci lie about gain of function work?
Absolutely, in my opinion, he did.
How about criminal charges?
We're going to go after Bannon for contempt because he didn't bother to show up to a farce hearing, but we're going to let Fauci lie to Congress about something that is consequential enough to result in six million deaths?
Can anyone explain this to me?
We, the people of the United States, should be outraged.
Instead of pitting a war against people who are Christians, people who believe in the United States, people who want our country to succeed, maybe we should look at the people who are responsible for one of the greatest pandemics in human history and that's resulted in millions of deaths worldwide.
I pray that every country in the world Every country.
Send it to the U.S.
Ask us.
When are we going to investigate the crooks?
The U.S.
government didn't do this.
But there were people in the U.S.
government who did.
There are criminals involved who I believe were responsible for this, who were negligent in their work.
They did it.
The Chinese Communist Party was involved in this.
Anthony Fauci appears to be involved in this.
Peter Daszak appears to be involved in this.
Let's hold him accountable.
It's time for criminal charges, criminal investigations.
Here we go.
Is this the same Peter Daszak they sent to investigate the Wuhan leak?
Yes, this is Peter Daszak who was out there.
We sent him to China to decide whether or not this was a lab leak or natural origin.
Peter Daszak, whose company built this in the lab with the Chinese Communist Party in Wuhan, China, was sent to China to investigate himself.
Just like in Arizona.
The lady over the elections created ballots that violated law for all the major Republican precincts in places like Maricopa County, so that the ballots got spit out and didn't work.
And she just oversaw her own election investigation and of course Carrie Lake lost.
Yeah, and I'm a Chinese jet pilot from the moon.
So we've got more on this coming out, but whether you are in Europe or whether you're in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, it's all the same.
We're being depopulated.
Those are the countries that we see the mass death.
And it's not 6 million.
It's more like 20 million.
I personally know five people that died after taking the shot.
I know you all do as well.
We can open the phones up right now and take a hundred phone calls, one after the other, with the horror stories.
And those aren't just anecdotal stories.
We have, again, actual actuary numbers from the insurance companies and governments in places like Israel, places like Singapore, places like Australia, New Zealand, the EU, European Union system, the UK, Canada, the US, the numbers all Are between 11 and 16, sometimes as high as 18% increase in deaths year after year.
World War II was a 3% increase in deaths.
World War I was a 5% increase in deaths.
Do you have any understanding, ladies and gentlemen, that those were the previous records for increased deaths?
That never happens.
This is the biggest death rate ever seen.
20 million is a conservative number.
Attorney Renz is being very ultra-conservative with $6 billion.
This is the reality that we're facing, ladies and gentlemen.
The global average is a 13% increase in death in the nations that took these shots.
China and Russia took classic vaccines, which were attenuated dead versions of the COVID virus.
And they didn't have any of these problems.
They're not taking it.
Only the West is taking it.
Because we're being bombed with these weapons.
Now when we come back...
I'm going to play a clip out of Australia.
We played a clip out of New Zealand with their head of their National Secret Service saying, report anyone questioning with shots or lockdowns.
They may be terrorists.
Well, now Australia's come out and made the same type of announcement.
We're going to play that clip.
And then the New York mayor has said, you can't make up these type of quotes here, ladies and gentlemen.
Big Brother is protecting you.
Get used to it.
People say, man, this is like 1984 or something.
It's textbook dystopic, over-the-top tyranny.
Liberty is rare.
Tyranny is common.
Now, I will say in world history, tyrannies this thoroughbred, this sci-fi, have never been seen before because we've got all this technology now.
So, when we say liberty's super rare and tyranny's super common, that's true.
But let's explain something.
This level of tyranny that we're seeing unfold has never been seen before other than predicted in the Book of Revelation, which you might want to pay attention to.
And Daniel and Ezekiel.
So, it just gives me chills up and down my back.
And boy, that new Gregory's Report is so over-the-top important.
It'll probably only get 500,000 views.
We're gonna beat the new world order, folks.
We need to get 20 million views on that sucker.
It's so powerful.
A digital prison is being built around you right now.
Yes, it is.
And finally, folks are waking up to the lockdown of the cities under climate lockdowns, what they're calling 15-minute cities.
It's getting a lot of attention now.
I first covered it in my seminal film, Endgame, in 2007, but now they've gone operational.
Got a big stack on that today and a bunch of video clips as well.
Your phone calls and a special guest.
So much more straight ahead.
I want to say this before I jump back into the news.
We've been on air over 28 years and it is just incredible to read all the different globalist public statements and documents and leaked documents and to actually see them doing it all.
We're at that critical juncture where they're emerging and their whole project is coming out in the open and it is so diabolical, it is so over-the-top tyrannical, it is ridiculous.
And we've got a domesticated population in the West that's had it so good so long that people have no idea what's hitting them.
And by the time they've got their cashless society in, by the time they've got their programs of programmable currencies in place, it is going to be so hellish in their own admissions.
Here's an example.
In my film Endgame, made in 2007, I explain how they're going to lock down the cities Not let cars inside the cities, and track everywhere you go, and then jack up taxes on everybody outside the cities, and cut resources off to the rural areas as well, and how they describe how they're going to send these paramilitary environmentalist forces into the rural areas to literally take your farms and nationalize them under corporate control.
And now if you look at Europe and Australia and everywhere, they're doing it.
And now they're announcing it here.
So criminal beyond belief and the public isn't expecting to get hit by something like this because people still think they're in Kansas.
Like they say in The Wizard of Oz, you're not in Kansas anymore.
And all the tactics of tyrants with a high-tech overlay are being implemented now, and that's my greatest frustration.
I woke up at like 3 a.m.
in the middle of the night last night, got up, got a glass of water, shook my head, and I went and looked at my five-year-old daughter sleeping, and I just thought, how can the establishment be doing this?
How can they be targeting children?
How can they be Trying to give newborn babies poison shots and six months up are being given them.
And it really comes down to this.
The globalists hate humanity.
They hate you.
And they see you as a useless eater.
They see you as bugs in their pantry eating their food.
And they want you gone.
And they want you to accept the dystopia and the whole process of what they tell their minions will be the end of the world by 2030.
The end of the world as we know it.
And then you'll own nothing and have nothing.
And that's why their different minions from Greta Thunberg, to AOC, to Beto, to all of them tell you it'll be the end of the world by 2030.
When they say the end of the world, they mean the end of the world as we know it.
Hell on Earth.
And they're implementing it.
And they are telling you, they are telling us that we deserve it and it's our fault that viruses are about to come out of the jungle and kill us all.
And it's our fault that there's no energy and the power's going off.
It's our fault there's fentanyl all over the streets.
But it's not our fault.
It's their fault.
They are implementing it and they're directing against us.
But there is a sliver of truth there.
There's a kernel of truth there.
It is our fault in the final equation if we sit here and we let these people do this.
So here's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to open the phones up on any issue, any topic you want to cover, but only for first-time callers today.
So first time callers get a chance to get on the air with us.
And we're going to cover all of these issues together.
I'll give the number out in a moment.
Here are some of the other big topics that I'm going to be drilling into in great detail.
The latest on the COVID attack and how it's all coming out that was premeditated and gained a function.
And the police state response, not just in cyberspace, but on the ground, to try to bully and outlaw and criminalize, questioning their attack because we're beating them in the information war with the truth.
Then we've got a window into what the world's going to look like as the resources are cut off.
With what happened in Japan when they had their Chernobyl, their Fukushima event.
And crime that's already the lowest in the world in Japan went to zero recorded for more than six months after that disaster.
The Japanese people came together.
They're fine people.
Too bad they're having 1.2 children and will be extinct another hundred years or so, it's estimated.
But if you look at what's happened in the United States or Europe now, once there is a crisis like The massive amounts of deaths and crises and ten feet of snow in New York State.
What do you see there?
Looting and crime and murder.
Now I'm not saying the American people in general are bad people.
But a culture of crime and criminality has been promoted and has been protected By the Democratic Party in particular, that has normalized class warfare.
But it's not class warfare to go rob somebody's house or some family-owned convenience store.
It is divide and conquer designed to bring down civilization.
And we have a media That exacerbates every crisis we've got for more control.
So I mentioned earlier when I go to this clip, there are several clips, of the attempt to bully and outlaw through cyberspace, not just the general public, but scientists and doctors and nurses and witnesses to what really happened with COVID, its origins, the suppression of therapeutics, what the deadly shots really do, And now, whether you're in Germany, or whether you're in New Zealand or Australia, or Italy, they're the vanguard of the tyranny, or the UK.
They have public, quote, health officials and others, and the heads of intelligence agencies and police departments on TV, saying...
If you question what we're doing when they're known liars, well, you're a terrorist and should be reported.
The full video is on Infowars.com.
Aussie Cop Asked Neighbors.
It's a police chief to rat out anti-government, anti-police, or COVID vaccine conspiracy theorists.
That's right.
This is in Brisbane.
Here's the police chief.
Hear it for yourself.
We've got other specialist teams involved like our covert online team, evidence extraction experts, our forensic police.
We also have involved our security and counter-terrorism teams.
And the reason that they're involved is that they are skilled at looking at motivation between, motivation of why people do things like we saw last Monday.
So they're skilled at looking at things like religiously motivated extremism, ideological motivated extremism, issue motivated extremism, grievance fuelled violence, and even pathological fuelled violence.
So they're assisting the Investigation Centre and the Ethical Standards Command.
Are you broadly concerned, I guess, after seeing something like this, the attack on police and the rise in conspiracy theories since the start of COVID?
Is that something that police are concerned about?
Of course, of course.
Right across the country.
Part of my role is in counter-terrorism and we meet nationally with the Australian and New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee and discuss these issues regularly.
So we do investigate and monitor people who demonstrate and we know show concerning behaviour.
Look, that hasn't been reported to me, but that's not uncommon.
Hold on, there's more coming up.
We'll finish the clip when we come back.
So here's a major Australian police chief saying she works for the federal government to track people criticizing the shots and lockdowns as terrorists.
This is the same message across the Western world.
This is Tereni.
Are you broadly concerned, I guess, after seeing something like this, the attack on police,
and the rise in counter-terrorist appearances at the start of COVID, is that something that police are concerned about?
Of course, of course. Right across the country. Part of my role is in counter-terrorism,
and we meet nationally with the Australian and New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee
and discuss these issues regularly. So we do investigate and monitor people who demonstrate and we know show
concerning behaviour.
Look, that hasn't been reported to me, but that's not uncommon.
And we welcome that information.
As I said before, if there's anybody out there that knows of someone that might be showing concerning behaviour around, you know, conspiracy theories, anti-government, anti-police, conspiracy theories around COVID-19 vaccination, as what we're seeing with the Train family, we'd want to know about that.
We want to know about that.
And you can either contact police directly or go through CrimeStop.
So, let's unpack that.
You can read the article at InfoWars.com.
Let's unpack that for just a minute.
Conspiracy theories questioning the shots.
Everything they told us about the shots was a lie.
People are getting sick and dying en masse.
And you're anti-police, you're a terrorist.
She brings up conspiracy theories.
That means questioning known liars, not being a fool, knowing tomorrow's news today.
And she says, oh yes, with my counterterrorism training and working with the federal government, you know, we need to watch these people.
And if you hear them, people that shouldn't be demonstrating, you need to call us.
That's right.
You're not allowed to demonstrate against the lockdown.
You're not allowed to demonstrate.
They want you to have a smartphone to leave your house and the police give you 15 minutes to call them when they text you to make sure you're in your home.
Even when you're not quarantining, if you don't like that, you're a terrorist.
No lady, let me tell you who the terrorists are.
The people following the WEF agenda.
The criminals that run the Australian government that have gone along with this.
And there are now major investigations in Australia.
There are major hearings happening in your federal government.
You have senators and others that are calling this a criminal takeover.
And so you will be brought to justice, not just your bosses.
And it's the same thing.
Fauci will be brought to justice.
The globalists will be brought to justice.
Bill Gates will be brought to justice.
The world has awakened.
So you try to call us terrorists all you want, but the German Vice President Has come out and said that they need to investigate all the deaths that are happening and have a criminal investigation.
There is a criminal investigation by the state government of Florida.
There are more criminal investigations starting.
So you try to gaslight everybody.
You try to intimidate everybody.
You try to tell us we can't point out people are dead and dying around us or that the studies on the shots show that's the case.
There's a 13% increase in deaths on average in nations that took the shots.
You are a tyrant.
You signed on to a criminal cabal worldwide and took its orders.
And that's why they've got the head of the Secret Service, which is their federal police, in New Zealand saying, we are tracking people that protest and don't like lockdowns and don't want to take shots.
They're terrorists.
And that's why you just heard that again from her.
Because that's the last resort of these tyrants is trying to intimidate us and bully us into submission.
But we're not going to be bullied.
And notice it's almost all women in power positions promoting this.
I'm not against women being in power positions, but it's who the globalists go and get, it's who they recruit, because it looks less threatening to have a woman doing this.
Now the new Italian Prime Minister is a woman, and she says the shots are dangerous.
She says it's about a cashless society.
She says it's about world government.
She says it's about the destruction of the family.
She says the criminal investigations, which have now begun in Italy, So as bad as all this is, the pushback, ladies and gentlemen, has begun.
And that wouldn't have happened without your support of this broadcast.
And I salute you, and I thank you for caring about humanity, because we are all literally in this together.
So I'm going to give the toll-free number out for first-time callers today.
On any subjects you want to cover, just tell us your name, where you're calling from.
If you want to let us know the subject, that's fine.
If not, You just say wildcard and we know that it's going to be an unknown topic when I go to you.
But I'm going to take your calls regardless of what the topic is.
You agree with me.
You disagree.
You have a question.
You have a comment.
You want to talk about a news item?
All I ask is we get you on air and you make your point.
We go to the next person so folks aren't sitting on hold.
We get as many of your amazing and diverse and interesting calls on air as possible because this electronic soapbox with millions of viewers an hour is the dreaded cure to tyranny.
It is the sunshine that disinfects.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
And we will take your phone calls.
2539 877-789-2539 877-789-ALEX and we will take your phone calls 877-789-2539.
Now dovetailing into all this censorship the FBI and the corporate media have
called it a nothing burger and congressmen who authored the bill that
Obama signed into law to create this private secretive quasi governmental
multi-agency group to surveil and spam the American people.
They're the ones that actually co-sponsored the bill while they run around
saying it doesn't exist.
But now the FBI has had to back off the last three days and said, okay, it's all real, but it's business as usual.
Well, yeah.
For tyrants, tyranny is business as usual.
Elon Musk responds to media's latest Twitter-related attack.
We have only just begun.
Quoting John Paul Jones.
And I've been saying it last week, Elon Musk needs To come out and point out that it's all the big tech companies doing it, not just Twitter, so that people understand that it is a concerted criminal operation.
He came out yesterday and said just that, that for the internet to be free, all tech needs to be free, and it's not just a Twitter problem.
And then he went on to point out what was really going on.
So, I don't know if he's listening or he just understands logic, but Elon Musk is just getting better and better.
That does not mean I trust him.
I'm just saying he's bearing good fruit on this subject.
Here's the big article.
It's on Infowars.com from RT.
Every social media firm censors for U.S.
I wouldn't call it the U.S.
I'd call it the shadow occupied government.
The illegal hijackers of the government.
And Musk goes on to break all that down.
Every social media company is engaged in heavy censorship with significant involvement of and at times explicit direction of the government must tweeted adding that Google frequently makes links simply disappear ladies and gentlemen.
World Economic Forum cancels Twitter, directs followers to Chinese social media apps run by the Chinese government and they're about to have their Meeting coming up in Communist China.
They have meetings every month.
They've got one next month and then one in the middle of the summer in China.
Very important information that that is unfolding.
Meanwhile, there's this big story yesterday that went viral.
Putin's chief advisor predicts U.S.
civil war resulting in Elon Musk's presidency.
Former President Dmitry Medvedev List out 10 outlandish predictions for 2023.
And I do think most of them are outlandish.
Elon Musk called them outlandish.
But there is some truth to it.
But this is a long ongoing Russian mirage or Russian fantasy.
That I see from their leaders on a routine basis that the United States is going to disappear in a civil war.
That's not actually what the Globalist plan is.
They'll call it a civil war, but all that'll happen is the Globalist will fully take control of what's left the country and take over the governorships, and then Russia and others are going to have a big problem, and so are the American people inside this country.
So I want to read over this article, read over his predictions.
When we come back, then we'll go to your phone calls here on this live Wednesday, December 28th, worldwide transmission.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
Find all the forbidden videos, not just from Infowars and contributors and our researchers, but also hundreds of other folks that have been banned off of the rest of the internet.
You find it all at ban.video.
Amazing information, tens of thousands of videos, there for you to share and get past the censors and win the fight for human liberty.
We are back, ladies and gentlemen.
Broadcasting worldwide in defiance of all the sickening crazy control freaks that are so afraid of the message you hear on this transmission.
So let's read this article from Fox News.
Putin's chief advisor predicts U.S.
civil war resulting in Elon Musk presidency.
Dmitry Medvedev lists out 10 outlandish predictions for 2023.
Fox News correspondent Roy reports on Russia's ultimatum to Ukraine as war reaches its 11th month.
Their foreign minister, Lavrov, is now threatening nuclear war.
A chief advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin made a series of bizarre predictions for 2023 Tuesday in a tweet where he claimed the U.S.
would enter into a civil war and Elon Musk would come out on top.
He's not going to be able to do that.
Here's one of the predictions.
In a list of wild predictions, California and Texas becoming independent states.
As a result, Texas and Mexico will form an allied state.
That's not going to happen.
He continued, Mexico would never do that.
Elon Musk will win the presidential election in a number of states, which after the new civil war will end, will have been given to the GOP.
Well, of course, that's ignoring the law that you've got to be natural born to be president.
Russia's Medvedev went on to say, We'll have a response to this.
Russia's President Vladimir Putin is the current president, but Medvedev was previously the president in between the few years where Putin was out of office.
But Medvedev, a former Russian president and ardent supporter of the war in Ukraine, didn't only make surprising predictions about the U.S.
The advisor also forecast a series of astonishing crashes Within the European Union, by predicting the UK will reverse its Brexit policy and rejoin the EU, which will subsequently lead to the collapse and disappearance of the Euro.
And the Euro is toppling on the edge of collapse, so that prediction isn't as crazy.
He continued to say that Poland and Hungary will occupy Ukraine, and a Fourth Reich will be created that could encompass the territory of Germany and its satellites, i.e.
Poland, the Baltic States, Chechnya, Slovakia, the Kiev Republic, and other outcasts.
War will break out between France and the Fourth Reich.
Europe will be divided, Poland repatriated in the process, he said, for adding that Northern
Ireland will end up in the UK, leaving the UK to reunite with the Republic of Ireland.
The EDF also widely claimed, wildly claimed, that the stock market in the US and Europe
will transition to Asia before assessing that the International Monetary Fund and the World
Bank would crash, bringing an end to the US dollar and the euro.
Digital fiat currencies will be actively used instead.
Musk appeared to enjoy the outlandish 10 tweet long list of predictions and called it an epic thread.
Musk went on to say these are definitely the most absurd predictions I've ever heard.
Also showing Sorry, I kind of babbled through that story.
You know, I don't even want to say I'm tired.
of artificial intelligence and sustainable energy, he said.
But yet, he has tweet received a fair amount of attention, garnering a whopping 29 million views.
And it went on from there.
Sorry, I kind of babbled through that story.
You know, I don't even want to say I'm tired.
I'm not exhausted, but I am just completely blown away right now.
And we're just watching society go completely insane is what we're witnessing.
And I think everybody can tell at a gut level that things are only going to get more intense from this point out.
And we all know why that is.
We have become a godless world, and a godless nation.
And whereas we did have God before, we weren't perfect, but we knew God was in charge, and put God first in many ways, we had providence, and we had prosperity, and we had potential.
But now, all of that is going out the window.
Now, this happens in cycles throughout history, and we're at the bottom of a cycle right now.
And when you pull back from the Great Reset, the New World Order, you understand that it's part of a larger plan, that they understand we're crashing, so they're trying to accelerate the crash, to control the crash.
But I don't see it controlling the crash, I see it making the crash worse.
And when you read the nihilistic statements of the globalists, and how they don't believe in humanity, and how they say humanity's garbage, and how the future isn't human at the World Economic Forum, that's their maxim, And the fact that you don't see a total repudiation of them, even by deadbeats and lazy people, who don't seem to understand that the New World Order sees you as a target and as weak, and that your acquiescence and submission to them does not get you ahead in the world, it puts you last.
And so that's really my great frustration.
So I'm more and more trying to focus on how do we individually, as awakened people and as a remnant, how do we protect ourselves?
And I think we wake up as many people as we can because the more dumbed down folks following the New World Order we have around us, the more danger we're all in collectively.
That's a common sense issue.
Plus God wants to see us tell the truth and stand up and fight.
and not go along.
But also, we've got to try to be as healthy as we can.
We've got to try to protect our immune system as much as we can.
And we've got to try to build independent communities and societies as quickly as we can.
That means we've got to reassess our values and what's really important to us.
And it's not Hollywood.
It's not Netflix.
It's not sports games.
All of that has been, again, completely weaponized against civilization.
So you're not just wasting your time obsessing over that.
You are empowering and funding the very organizations and groups that have stated they believe in a post-human world.
So we're going to go to break in a few minutes, come back and just take a ton of your calls next hour for all the great people that are holding.
And they've got so many great wildcard topics that they're going to be bringing up.
I look forward to talking to all the listeners and viewers here in just a moment.
And again, I'll just throw this out there at you.
I've got an article here in my stack out of Newsmax, that's out of a major university studies in the United Kingdom and Brazil, and they found that low vitamin D increases the aging of muscle loss by 70%.
That's how powerful vitamin D is, what it does for all your cells, and what it does as an antiviral But if you don't have the vitamin D already in you, it doesn't do much to take it once you're sick.
It does a little bit, but it's a preventative.
It's like driving around on bald tires.
You're going to have blowouts.
The way you prevent blowouts is having tires that aren't too worn that are in good shape and not wanting to have a blowout.
When the tires start getting worn down and the tread gets thin, you replace it.
Well, you want to put new tires on your cells.
You want to give them the protection they need as an antiviral.
And you need to do that with vitamin D3.
But you need all the other vitamins and minerals as well that work in concert together.
So we're selling out of our vitamin D3 gummies that are super strong and super high quality with calcium for better upload.
It's $16 on the sale.
We're making like $5 on this.
They sell similar vitamin D3 gummies for $40-$50 a bottle that are the same quality.
This is highest quality for $16 and change at infowarestore.com.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I was going from memory yesterday.
You know what?
We need to make money to operate.
I'm going to have them raise the price of that.
50% off is too good, because I mean, we're making like $4 on that.
My own worst enemy.
They're going to be $25 tomorrow, because we're already selling out.
We won't get more for months and months.
We need funds to stay on air.
It's a symbiotic relationship.
That deal is insane.
And Vitamin Mineral Fusion is selling out.
All the essential vitamins.
All the essential minerals.
at Infowarsstore.com, key amino acids, vitamin mineral fusion, DNA force plus,
the great vitamin C zinc combo, all of it at Infowarsstore.com.
(dramatic music)
The products in front of me are so powerful that I want to just say up front,
consult your healthcare provider, read the literature, and be careful.
Because the recommended dose on these, especially the HGH boost, especially the testosterone boost, is more than I can handle.
And I've had a lot of friends and family take it as well.
They've never had such results, but they're also like, man, you better tell folks to be careful with that, especially the HGH boost.
And what it does when you take it at night, you go to sleep, the deep sleep, and what it does to your cells, now it reboots your body.
So InfoWars Platinum is exclusive private label at 40% off what it is in stores of three already bestsellers at InfoWarsStore.com.
And I wanna encourage all of you To check these out and try it for yourself.
And it works great for women as well, but these two formulas are tailored to women.
The HGH Boost and the 1776 testosterone boost.
And of course, the PainMD is for everybody.
They are really amazing.
We're very, very proud of them.
And I want to encourage you all to go to InfoWarsaw.com and experience the powerful compounds that God has given us in the environment.
To be able to counteract all the different things they're bombarding us with that really try to separate us from the bodies and the chemicals and the natural things that God gave us.
This stuff is the cavalry when it comes to countering the New World Order.
This program contains language and sequences some viewers may find disturbing.
The nation and all of our freedoms hang by a thread, and the military apparatus of this country is about to be handed over to scum who are beholden to scum!
Russian scum!
Please listen.
If you don't, if you won't, If you fail to understand, then the same incredible terror that's menacing me will strike at you!
The function of all life is survival.
Oh my God!
Lock the door!
Lock the door!
They're coming!
They're coming!
They're coming!
They're coming!
Listen to me!
Oh, shut up!
Shut up!
You're next!
You're next!
They're in danger!
Please, listen to me!
Something terrible!
You're next!
Here they are!
They're already here!
You're next!
They're coming!
They're coming!
The seed is planted.
Terror grows.
Elizabeth, wake up!
Get you when you sleep!
Sit up!
Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
All of a sudden, they're growing like parasites.
Is it contagious?
Brianna, hold me!
It looked right at me.
You need to get out!
You're looking at it as if it was human.
I'm not human.
Now, the classic fear begins to grow.
We're being cornered!
In a modern masterpiece of science fiction.
science fiction barricading the street invasion of the body searchers. If you are receiving this
Transmission you are the resistance Peace.
It's Alex Jones.
Four words, four little words that are hurting America's pandemic response.
What are they?
Do your own research!
Can we all stop saying, I need to do my own research?
Nobody who's saying that is getting in a lab and doing tests.
At best, you're reading other people's research.
And more likely, you're probably reading a tweet about a headline about a blog post about someone else's research.
That phrase, do your own research, is popping up a lot in conversations about coronavirus and about COVID vaccines.
But this go-it-alone approach, doing your own research, it seems so innocent, but it can have serious consequences.
In other words, CNN says, don't do your own research.
What are the roots of this phrase?
I feel like I used to hear it around QAnon craziness.
Well, today, the deer antler guy was sentenced to 41 months in prison for his role in the Capitol riot.
The same phrase through your research is being peddled by some people who do have ill intent,
who want to push you down certain paths, who want to either for profit reasons or for geopolitical
reasons want to make sure that you are reading certain information as opposed to listening
to authoritative sources.
And you will respect my authority.
So what should be an actually smart idea, especially in the U.S.
with such a lack of funding and media literacy and all of these issues, it can really actually help make things worse.
Yeah, it's a sneaky little phrase.
Here's the four words that are helping to spread vaccine misinformation.
Are you ready?
According to CNN, here they are.
Do your own research.
It's a sneaky little phrase.
That's right, folks.
CNN here to tell you, don't look into these things for yourself.
Don't do your own research.
Don't question anything.
Just listen and obey.
He could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think.
And that is our job.
Once again, the media is clamoring to tell you to stop looking into stuff for yourself.
Do your own research.
Those four words are hurting the U.S.
pandemic response, CNN chief media correspondent Brian Stelter said on Reliable Sources Sunday.
Brian Stelter visits school kids to teach them to spot misinformation.
He's telling them don't even trust satire, don't trust anything but CNN.
Reducing a liar's reach is not the same as censoring freedom of speech.
Alright, we're into hour number two.
I do not screen your calls other than you have phone quality, and you get to your points, we get to the next person, because I love taking a lot of calls when we take calls.
And I've said, you don't even have to tell us the topic you're calling in about, you can say you're a wild card.
That's why I love to just open the phones up for any issue, because that is truly The wild card issue.
Let me hit one more piece of news here and tell you what's coming up in between your calls.
Elon Musk is on fire.
The stuff he's releasing from Twitter shows a coup of the deep state of multinational corporations and government with big tech surveilling and censoring and controlling on hundreds of major issues for absolute political corporate Control and control over our bodily autonomy.
But the good news is criminal investigations by the state government now and the Supreme Court and grand juries in Florida.
Criminal investigations starting in Italy.
Criminal investigations starting with the Vice President launching it in Germany.
Things are moving quickly.
Nylon Musk put this out.
We've been hammering this for three years.
Almost no one seems to realize that the head of bioethics, that decides the ethics of medicine at NIH, who 20 years ago got rid of the Democratic oath, almost no one seems to realize that the head of bioethics at NIH, National Institutes of Health, the person who is supposed to make sure that Fauci behaves ethically, is his wife.
And it just goes on and on from there.
Christine Grady.
Here she is right here.
These criminals created the bioweapon.
Meanwhile, the New York City's mayor declares, Big Brother is protecting you.
He goes, I don't care.
We're going to use face scanning technology.
We're going to do everything to keep you safe.
Yeah, for the Castle Society and the digital prison that's being built all around us.
Coming up, I'm going to get into tools of the technocracy, so-called smart cities and 15-minute cities that we first exposed in my first documentary, America Destroyed by Design, in 1997.
I'll also cover it in the endgame.
But now we're not covering the theoretical global government UN plan to lock you in compact cities and ban cars and space heaters and Air conditioning and fireplaces.
It's now happening.
Boy, that's got people's attention now.
Look at some of the different designs of these prison cities here on our burgeoning transition into a prison planet.
All right, I'm going to take your calls in the order that they are received.
Tony and Marta and Eric and Justin and Bob and Brian and Ollie.
Toby and much more.
Tony is calling from New Orleans.
Don't know his topic.
He's a wild card.
Hey, good morning, Mr. Jones.
Pleasure talking to you.
I have two very quick questions.
One, I'm wondering why Conservative Party has absolutely nobody that will organize a one-month boycott against companies like Walmart or Amazon or so on and so forth.
And why is it That the conservative movement has absolutely no loyalty to anybody and they're so fractured.
I give my time to you to respond.
Thank you.
Thank you for the great call and great questions.
Even Jordan in Congress gets paid off by Google and he says he's thinking about having hearings about big tech.
You're thinking about it when they just stole the last two elections and have been caught illegally spying and surveilling and censoring?
I mean, they're loyal opposition.
Even Trump, because Jared Kusher controlled him, did Sam to big tech and they stole an election from him!
Because people don't recognize how powerful AI and big tech and all this is.
They don't realize it's the big issue.
If we can't communicate, if we can't speak out as citizens and individuals and humans and consumers, we have no rights.
They surveil us.
They're tightening the grip.
They censor us.
They steal elections.
And we sit here and we take it.
That was your question about why don't they stand up.
What was his other question?
Oh, why don't they call for a boycott of these big megacorporations that are supporting lockdowns because it shuts down their competition?
Because they're bought and paid for, that's why.
Eric in Illinois, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I really appreciate everything you do.
I love you.
Love you.
I used to listen to other guys, but ever since this Pandemic started.
You're all I listen to.
24 hours a day.
Give me a favor.
Give me a favor.
Talk right at your telephone.
Do me a favor, do me a favor, talk right at your telephone.
I got the resume on that.
That's all I asked for is a clean phone line.
Joe Rogan made that joke at a comedy show, is that like 22 years ago?
He said, it's the year 2000, we're supposed to be flying around in jetpacks and have the cure to cancer, but instead, my cell phone cuts out when I stand behind a bush.
It's true.
Sir, I wanted to hear what you had to say, but your phone line dropped.
Bob in Chicago, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, Special Agent Bob.
We thank God for Alex Jones.
First topic is hydroxychloroquine.
The YouTube video you were looking for is called The Plague.
It's a dead zone.
Used to be a series called The Dead Zone.
And two minutes into the program, you can see where the actor, the main character, writes on the blackboard, chloroquine, before he goes into his little deal.
So that's the YouTube video.
The Pentagon for decades did studies and found that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine knocks out basically any virus if it's taken in large dosages early on in the illness.
And so that's a well-known thing.
So when Fauci and the media blocked hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, they were premeditatedly committing mass murder.
Those aren't words, folks.
They did that.
Think about that.
That's an episode from 2003.
Second subject, if I will real quick, is the way we're taking down the deep state here in Chicago is we're not playing games.
Alex, you and I both know that there's a de facto government in place.
It's a corporation.
We're not under constitutional law.
And I'm not talking about anything with this crazy ass, sorry, with a crazy sovereign citizen movement.
We are reclaiming Our status under, you know, we operate, Alex, under many codes.
The Uniform Commercial Code being a big one, right?
You have the option.
You have the option.
We have the option of claiming one of eight statuses.
And I was, I'm 65 years old.
I didn't know there was another status I could change to.
But let's keep this, the truth wave going.
The long goal here, the long game is liberty.
We're never going to be able to experience liberty unless we're free.
And we've got to get free from this de facto corporation government called the United States.
It's not our constitutional republic, and the simple way you do that is through a status change.
It's legal, it's lawful.
I wouldn't recommend anybody to do it unless they looked into it, but that's how we're doing things.
Well, I know this.
Illegal aliens that aren't citizens get more rights than citizens.
I appreciate your call.
Brian in Florida, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, I was just calling to say how amazing your products are when you use them every day and you remember to take them.
I had pleurisy ever since I was 16 years old.
My lung would inflame and it would just be good night whenever that happened.
So I've been taking the body, which is just every day on an empty stomach.
Like, all the inflammation went down in my body.
The pleurisy attack only happens when, you know, I get drunk and smoke a bunch of cigarettes at a bar or something like that.
So, which is, you know, that's basically my own fault.
The vitamin and mineral fusing is so powerful that, you know, depending on your weight class, you might want to cut it in half and divide it out throughout your day or else, you know, you get a little loose in the caboose.
But I just want to say you're doing a great job.
All your products really helping out.
It's helped me out mentally, and I appreciate you.
Well, I appreciate you, brother.
Thank you so much for the call.
All right, let's take the next caller when we come back from break.
Again, wild card, any subject you want, and it kind of just goes into a little bit of esoteric stuff, a little bit of thing on the show, but we always get some interesting callers too when we bring up these.
Different topics of completely open phones and free speech.
They're going to release the bioweapons soon, so you'll all be dead, it doesn't matter.
I'll tell you where I'm at, folks.
I know the globalists cooked up COVID.
I know they release it.
I know they're shooting little kids up with deadly poison.
I know they're murdering us.
And I just can't sit here anymore and just do a talk show and talk about it.
And I can't sit here and look at idiot judges with a straight face and the media and all of it when they're all a bunch of fools about to be killed.
I mean, and then it's sick, they actually deserve to be killed.
So part of me literally wants to join Bill Gates and just join in the killing of everybody because everybody wants to die.
But then Bill Gates is a sick freak and it's wrong to do that.
So, when I do this, it's going to cause a big effect.
I want listeners that are smart to know that I don't mean what I'm saying, because I don't get up here and lie.
But in the goal of waking people up, and I've been wanting to do it for years, I haven't been able to make myself do it, but I can do it if I want to.
I'm going to convince myself I'm with the New World Order, and at some point in the near future, I'm going to host a whole week of shows Where I'm gonna endorse their operations, but be completely honest with you about how you're trash and need to die, and I need you to kill yourself, and I need you to abort your baby, and I need you to take your kid to Drag Queen Storytime, I need you to sterilize your five-year-old son, and just fully give them what they want.
And worship Joe Biden, and worship Bill Gates, and just get on board with it.
Because I can sound ten times sicker and more evil than Noah, Harari, whoever that piece of crap's name is.
But, Duval, Noah, Harari, all of them are total filth.
Total garbage.
And, they want to die because they know they're scum.
They project their own wish of death onto us.
I just wish them total destruction.
But, I hate their guts, but at the same time, the public's just not serious enough to be able to deal with this.
And you're gonna die, so get that straight.
They're gonna murder you and your family because you're sure as the sun came up this morning, there's not much time to stop them.
And that's it.
That's basically it.
But it is a sick joke.
All their attacks on me and all the demonization everywhere.
They think of it like that gets to me or something.
What gets to me is knowing they're giving six-month-olds by the millions deadly shots.
Little kids are dying everywhere from these poison shots.
Now they're gonna give it to newborns and miscarriages are off the charts.
And they're murdering babies inside their mothers.
And people think it's funny.
What type of sick freaks do this?
Well, they believe we deserve it because we take it.
Well, guess what?
I'm not taking it.
And I've been around globalists.
Man, you can feel the oxygen sucked out of the room.
The worst feeling, the most depressed I've ever been in the presence of these people.
So there's no way I'm joining them.
And I just wish you'd save yourselves.
I just wish you'd wake up.
I wish you would care and you had life force and you had will and you had strength to not be murdered by these people.
I mean, they're actually doing it.
They're actually bringing in world government, cutting off the resources, pumping poison into us, and laughing at us on TV how they're doing it.
Bill Gates giggling and laughing.
We literally shoot GMO that we have no idea what it does right in the kids veins.
And they're out there getting off on murdering people, but then the public takes it.
And I'm not talking about our general audience.
I'm talking about People that tune in here and think this show's funny, oh, you're gonna think it's real funny when you're homeless.
You're gonna think it's real funny when they got you in a FEMA camp.
So, this is deadly serious.
Deadly serious.
And I see all the people going along with the New World Order, pretending like they're gonna get ahead by serving it, and You're not going to have to wait long to see what a big mistake you made.
In fact, you already can see the mistake you made.
But it's going to get so intense and so over the top so quickly that I wish to God we would have stopped this.
Ali in California wants to talk about the military using the same tactics on our citizens as they did in Yemen.
Go ahead, Ali.
You're on the air.
Brother Alex, good morning.
How are you doing, sir?
I'm actually pretty upset today.
You know what, I am too.
My sister is in Egypt right now and she loves your nation iodine and she appreciates you because I'll tell you what, their water out there is so toxic it's not even funny.
You can't even take a shower.
It's bad.
Egypt and Yemen, they actually, in Yemen, they write on the bottle how much chloride it has.
And I've noticed something in Yemen in the past 20 years.
My mother passed away in 1999 and I went to Yemen in 2001 and the men were still, um, they're strong.
They didn't have that little strut, like that walk, that feminine walk.
And then I went back in 2013 and they just all have that walk, like a feminine walk.
You know what I mean?
And they've become godless.
They don't even care about God anymore.
Not too much, but you know, there's still the religious population, but a lot of them are becoming degenerate.
They don't care.
A lot of the young people out there are serving the Houthis for money.
And the Houthis are just Yemenis.
They're just from the North.
I mean, from the South, I'm sorry.
Saudi Arabia is irrelevant out there.
It's just bombing whatever it wants.
The other day they hit some house that's about five miles from our village.
Just a random house, you know, and said that it was somebody's.
But another thing I want to say is, um, I think Cash App is openly, um, like, uh, messing up your transactions because every time I try to purchase on Cash App, on my Cash App card, it doesn't go through for about a week or two.
They're doing everything behind the scenes to shut down Infowars.
So everybody that fights to support us, I'm very thankful.
There's not a place to resist more than Infowars.
It's all in God's hands what happens to Infowars.
But the general public, not just in Yemen, are in a coma.
And to see friends and family in the coma, in the screen sickness, in the Death of their soul is so painful, but it's a process, brother.
And it'll be those of us that stay with God and those of us that make it through this, they're going to build a new world, my friend.
Thank you.
And it's crazy how the liberals are so jealous because they see a young, handsome man like me that's strong and I got kids.
And everywhere I go, they tell me, you have too many kids.
And I'm saying, Oh yeah, oh yeah.
I've had that happen to me.
I told my ex-wife, we'll stop shopping at Whole Foods.
But when I was with her repeatedly, we had three kids with my first wife, people come over and they get so jealous and angry that I had beautiful children.
And these people are just sick.
They want to rape our children.
They're devil worshippers.
The left are the biggest losers on the planet, brother.
You should thank God every second you're not one of them.
You know what, one old liberal lady in Berkeley, she told me one day, we're at the Whole Foods, and she saw me picking up a plate of meat.
And she told me, do you have kids?
I said, yes I do.
How many?
I said, I have nine kids, ma'am.
She said, well, if you want to live to see your grandkids, stop eating beef.
And I told her, ma'am, I'm as strong as a horse.
I could keep on going for another 60 years.
And she, she, you could tell she got so boiled.
She was, she was- Well don't worry, she's gonna burn in hell.
All right, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I appreciate your call.
I'll try to be in a good mood here, folks, but I am pissed off.
I'm trying not to blow up right now.
Stay with us.
All right, we're taking your phone calls on this live Wednesday broadcast.
Got a special guest next hour.
Let's talk to Toby in Rhode Island.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
Greatly appreciate it.
Appreciate you.
Go ahead.
Hey, I just wanted to just reach out there.
I'm in the aviation business.
I just wanted to let you guys know we're starting to see a huge uptick in myocarditis.
I'm not going to name the airline because I'm going to keep it confidential, but as of last month, we've had 60 and upwards to 95 pilots a month at a specific airline that are losing their medical because of irregular EKGs.
And what that boils down to is that's a low end of 30 to 45 airplanes a month that cannot be flown, which is resulting in a lot of cancellations.
This is the total sabotage of civilization.
Remember in Vietnam they came out reportedly with a smaller round, the 223 or 556, because it didn't kill people most of the time, but it caused Major damage, so you have to take care of the person that was shot.
But it's the same thing.
Suck our energy out by wounding people.
And then the last thing I just wanted to say that is absolutely... No, no.
Take your time.
Tell us more.
Because, I mean, it's in the news that airlines are having record heart attacks, record sickness, record myocarditis of pilots, where they force this.
Specifically, what are you seeing with your airline?
So, the biggest thing, it's not happening just for this airline.
It's happening to all the airlines.
And the most sickening thing is, whenever this happens, you cannot go on disability because it's an emergency use authorization shot, and they cannot get disability.
I've had so many people of my friends have to go live back with their parents because they cannot pay off $300,000 to $800,000 worth of debt just to go through an aviation program.
It took me almost 20 years to pay off my airline debt, and I thank God that I got out of there while I can.
But it is so bad right now, and that's why they're pushing single pilot use for aircraft.
That's right, there's been filings with the FAA to go to single pilots for passenger planes now.
Yes, and then the last thing I'm going to make on this point is, you can pull it up The United States Air Force, a couple months ago, they started using single crew operations on KC-46 tankers to see if they can do it.
And that's what they're doing.
That's how bad it is.
And the last thing, just really quick, I just want to reach out to everybody about Southwest Airlines.
This is by far the worst commercial aviation meltdown besides September 11th.
As of today, today, right now, as of about 10 minutes ago, they're at 9,745 flights canceled in the past 72 hours.
Which comes out to, just on the flight side, over 1 billion, with a B as in Bravo, dollars worth of lost revenue.
And that doesn't even include reimbursing people for their hotels.
And for those that don't understand, this is a microcosm, Southwest, it's in my stack, I'm glad you raised it, a microcosm of this complex economy.
Once you sabotage it, it ties up in a big nest, you know, like a barrel of snakes, and there's no way to fix it from that point.
And just the last thing I'm going to say, if you guys are flying Southwest, just be patient with them.
But it's going to be at least another four to eight days before they can even start getting people on.
They're doing a hard reset.
They're going to start, they stopped booking up until the 31st.
So you cannot fly.
You cannot make a new reservation up until the 1st of January.
So find an alternate if you guys are trying to get home still.
Do not fly Southwest until, you know, next year.
Is this not a microcosm of the breakdown of civilization?
And this is just the beginning.
It's just the beginning.
Thank you for the call.
You know, that's a point I meant to make when I came back on Tuesday.
I had a lot of deep thought, a lot of time to really cogitate and reflect.
And it's how hard our ancestors fought to build civilization, and how much energy went in to making a better world, and now it's all being scrapped, it's all being destroyed, and just the blink of an eye, The New World Order.
And the public was raised domesticated, and so the predators are going to come.
It's like blood in the water to sharks.
And so this is all going to go down now.
It's all over, folks.
I mean, I can tell you.
This is just the beginning, and you deserve to know the truth.
I think you don't need me to tell you this.
All hell is about to be released.
And all the minions of the system that thought it was funny and cute, they're gonna beg for their mommies during this.
And I guess that's what's healthy about this, is all the people that serve the New World Order are going to destroy themselves while they immolate us right along with their families.
While they burn it all down.
They rebel against God.
It's not just that caller.
I mean, what he says is true.
All over the world, record sick pilots, record heart attacks, myocarditis.
They hit us with a bioweapon.
And particularly when you're a pilot and you're sitting in those seats eight hours a day, the blood clots just kill you.
They kill you.
And you gotta wrap your mind around that, and I get it.
I knew this was coming for decades, and for me, I'm still completely freaked out.
I get why the public can't admit this.
I get why the public can't deal with it.
I get why people are in denial, because it's like, what?
The social contract's broken?
They're shooting us up with a thing that grows huge protein blobs in our veins and arteries?
Why would you do that?
Because they're psychotic killers!
Why did Jeffrey Dahmer lure gay men to his house, drug them, and then inject acid into their brains to make sex slaves?
Because he was a mad scientist, folks.
He did medical experiments on cats and dogs he'd kidnap out of his neighbor's yards.
When he was a teenager, and then he moved on to humans.
What do you think Fauci is?
Fauci's a higher IQ Jeffrey Dahmer.
And he loves the 20 million people he's killed.
He loves children having heart attacks.
He loves the Randesivir cutting your kidneys off.
He just feels powerful.
He just loves killing you.
And he will go on killing you.
Because he thinks you're weak and won't stand up against him.
And so all of civilization will be destroyed, because we won't admit the predators that are attacking us, Bill Gates, and the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds, and Peter Daszak, and Anthony Fauci.
But at least when you're dying, remember he killed you.
Marta in Idaho, thanks for calling, you're on the air.
God bless you and your family.
Thank you.
Yeah, I wanted to tell you about a little boy that lived in Russia in the 1980s and he passed away in 1990, I believe.
His name was Vyacheslav Krasnikov.
And I think you have one woman that works for you that speaks Russian.
She could translate about him.
But I think it might interest you.
Sure, tell me what he said.
What did he say?
Well, he talked about false flags, aliens, China attacking Russia, famine, international passports.
He said that if you take this international passport, you become a puppet and then you will not have any problem taking the mark of the beast.
And he talks about that people will want to die, but they will not be able to.
And there's so many demons that are going to be released that they don't want airplanes in the air, that there will be a lot of I'll look into that.
I really appreciate your call.
Well, there's no doubt this is an anti-human revolution.
A satanic invasion.
Call it aliens, call it demons, whatever you want.
It's going down.
I'll look into that, I really appreciate your call.
Well there's no doubt this is an anti-human revolution.
A satanic invasion.
Call it aliens, call it demons, whatever you want, it's going down.
We'll be right back.
When good people go to sleep, evil fills the vacuum.
And that's what's happening now.
And I'm not going to lie to you.
We've gone past the point of turning this thing around.
We can mitigate how bad it's going to be, but at this point, only God can save us.
They have deliberately killed the supply chain.
They have deliberately shut down civilization.
They've collapsed the third world.
They're flooding the first world.
They've weaponized the judiciary.
And they've bought off the opposition, the Republican leadership, and other leadership around the world.
Those that aren't sold out like Bolsonaro, they're trying to arrest him right now.
And crack down Brazilian Communist Supreme Court.
We should use arrest warrants for opposition leaders including comedian and a journalist.
That's the next phase of this.
And then everything collapses.
The communists just start killing everybody.
And the left has Stockholm Syndrome so they lay down and get in line.
Justin and I know, thanks for calling, you're on the air.
Good to talk to you.
Love your products.
I did have a problem on my last order.
I only got one of the three things I ordered.
So hopefully they'll send them.
But anyway.
Well, let's do this.
Let's do this because we've had some customer service problems.
So the new customer service helpline is my live show.
No, I mean, I mean this.
I mean this.
We're right.
We're in the process of getting a new customer service coming to handle our customer service.
Our customer service got really good in the last 10 years.
It was kind of not that good 10 years ago.
It got a lot better.
We had some attrition.
And as soon as I declared bankruptcy, half the crew, not my production crew, they're great, just decided we were going under.
They believed the media that was all over.
They just stopped answering the phones and stuff.
So what we're doing is, next week we'll have a new customer service group to make sure when you call 24 hours a day, your issue gets handled.
So do this.
I'm going to put you on hold and I'm going to bring you back up.
Give me your name and number, sir, and we are going to get to your problem.
Or, I'm going to quit this show next week.
Because, because, I'm serious.
Because, no, no, I'm serious.
Put him on, give his name and number.
Because I can fight the New World Order, but I can't fight the malaise that's not just here, but the malaise that's all over society and all over culture since the COVID lockdowns of people not wanting to work.
So, I understand what you're saying, and I have been, during the breaks, dealing with the customer service issues.
So you better believe, in fact, I'm not even going to plug products anymore until this problem is handled.
Because 99% of people get their products, they love them, it's great, but the fact is that We've dropped the ball on this issue.
You're absolutely right.
In fact, I may just clear the lines out and cancel the next host and just take complaints on air.
Because we need to get this dealt with and taken care of.
That's what we have to do.
Because I can't seem to fix it.
I can't seem up here seven hours a day sometimes just on trying to keep the company going and trying to fund our operation even do this.
That's why the best way to fund us Is just to go to InfoWarsTore.com and there's the support InfoWars link and just give a donation because then you know you're supporting the show and who knows that might keep us on air.
You know, in the name of that I'm going off here.
Go to rebroadcast.
We're done for the day.
I totally agree with the listener.
I'm going to go deal with this problem right now.
Get his name and number.
We've got a special Gregory's report here that is so important.
I hope everybody goes and checks it out.
It is a digital prison that's being built around you right now.
It is such an important report.
And who knows, when we shut down, maybe one of the last reports you see.
In fact, this is maybe the end of the show.
I was already thinking about this caller when you called in, okay?
Because I can't sit here, and I can't take this anymore.
I can't take all of it anymore.
Because I'm doing the best job I can, I'm trying as hard as I can, and I need to somehow fire the bat signal to everybody that this just can't continue on.
Here's Greg Reese's report.
His background includes work on deep technologies that are involved in the new digital prison system being designed by Big Tech.
In 2020, he moved to Montana and became a whistleblower warning the public of the very real threat about to be unleashed upon us all, known by many as the Mark of the Beast system.
Aman explains how accepting the digital ID is the basic premise behind it all.
So by default, a digital identity implies that you are always in a digital prison.
Since you have a digital identity and you're in a prison, you are by default a criminal.
So we don't trust you.
Just like the old system, this new one is also voluntary.
And you are supposed to know that it's a digital prison that you are voluntarily signing up for.
And the reason for this is because in this new system, having a digital ID will be proof that you are a criminal.
Because having a digital ID means that you are in a digital prison.
And because you accepted it, you must be a criminal.
Because of this, there is a new protocol being introduced with this system, known as Zero Trust.
How is Zero Trust going to be used?
Here's a lady, she wants to go and buy some beef.
But let's say her carbon footprint or her beef footprint for the month has been exceeded, that door won't open.
This digital prison is sneaking up on us all.
There is no need for an implanted chip, because everything is being done with facial recognition, which is already plugged into the entire system.
America already has more cameras per capita than Communist China, and our social credit score is already being logged.
All we need at this point is a series of events that lead us all into having to make the choice of either accepting the new digital ID or saying no.
Since the COVID lockdowns, new state-of-the-art LED lights have been replacing street lights in cities throughout the West.
Aman explains that this is all part of the plan.
These lights will be connected to everything, including your phone and your car.
And in new cars, that includes 16 different cameras with LiDAR and sonar.
These lights are being outfitted with LED incapacitators, which is a light technology that was first announced 15 years ago, back when it caused enough brain damage to make a person sick.
Another strange weapon in the final stages of development is able to mount an all-out barrage on the optic nerve.
The LED incapacitator was developed under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security for the purposes of creating what we call a non-lethal defense system.
And this technology consists of a bright set of LED technology, light emitting diodes, that is designed to create a sort of temporary blindness, meaning temporary The ability to not be able to see the person who we're trying to protect.
If aggressors caught in its bright pulsating glare don't shield their eyes or turn away quick enough, temporary blindness isn't the only effect they'll feel.
The first time I saw the LED, I was in a darkened room, and within three or four seconds, I had reached forward and grabbed a hold of a lab bench because I was feeling a little bit dizzy or disoriented.
The device's combination of different colors and random flashes can induce psychophysical effects, including vertigo and possible nausea.
It's been nicknamed the puke light.
It's been 15 years and our Silicon Valley whistleblower believes that this technology is now capable of killing people.
Ultimately, we can say no to this.
But if there's a critical mass that doesn't sign on to the digital ID, then this agenda gets weakened substantially.
But we will have to first unify and come together.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Thanks to you kids, we now know the virus is a hoax.
They included flu, pneumonia, and other infections to boost the numbers.
Let's find out who is really behind it all.
Like, President Trump is definitely behind one of these phantoms.
Gigi Ping?
Dr. Fauci?
Like I thought doctors were supposed to help people, not scare them.
Microsoft's Bill Gates?
Not only a computer guy, he's a notorious vaccine pusher who wants to reduce the world's population.
I get it.
So Bill Gates wanted to vaccinate everyone after Fauci convinced them there was a deadly disease outbreak.
That's diabolical.
Yeah, that sounds pretty bad.
Don't worry, kids.
These globalists won't get away with their pandemic hoax this time.
Where they're going, they'll be locked up for a long good while in the big house.
Better than a rock round at home!
Why does the establishment spend so much time demonizing InfoWars?
Attacking myself and the crew and our other hosts.
Because they know we're pro-human.
They know we're telling the truth.
They know we've got their number.
They know everything we do is about empowering humanity.
And God gave us, through Mother Nature, incredible compounds that will supercharge our body's stamina, libido, energy, and immune systems.
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This is the answer to the New World Order's tyranny.
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Get the Red Pill Plus exclusively, InfoWarsTore.com.
If you think gun control or something like that is going to change a terrorist point of view,
I think you're like out of your mind.
You may think you've got me worried about what you're gonna do.
Dude, you're about to find out what I'm gonna do.
And that's gonna worry you a lot more.
Lawdawg, you don't step aside, we'll tear you apart.
You die first, get it?
Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me?
He's blocking, let's rush him.
You're not as stupid as you look, are you?
Yeah, I don't understand the concepts of the conversation of the gun culture.
We've lived with guns since, what, the 7th century or something, I don't know.
We all know that right now.
Guns is a totem, it's a metaphor that disenfranchised white guys need.
It makes them feel good because they're being proud.
You can say what you want, I don't agree with that.
There's a big difference between fantasy land...
In reality, Fantasyland is what we do.
Doing a movie, doing a television show, that's Fantasyland.
And that's where that stuff belongs.
In reality, when we're dealing with things like terrorism and whatnot, we're all going to have different opinions on how to do it, how to deal with it.
Mine happens to be that I think there's a very strong reason Founding Fathers had for the Second Amendment, and that is that no government ever hasn't had to fight its own people, and its own people hasn't had to fight its own government.
So what are you going to do?
Outlaw everything?
That isn't the answer.
Just put some controls.
Put some controls?
So the people who want to defend themselves can't?
No, not so you can't.
Just so the idiots can't get hold of them.
Do you really believe they're not going to?
Are you serious about that?
Are you serious?
What good will that do?
Oh my God.
We had our Civil War.
If that Second Amendment hadn't been there, those people would not have had the opportunity to do what they considered was defending their life, their way, their living.
So I agree with that.
I think that's an important part of our existence, and it's basically that simple.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
It's called the Great Reset, tough guy.
It's called the New World Order.
It's called the big banks wanting to squeeze the economy and make people poor so they can loan us fiat money to take control of our lives with a social credit score and a universal basic income.
That's everything.
That's the whole future of our lives.
The whole world's gonna be about surveillance and control and them manipulating and tracking everything you do.
It's all being officially announced.
I've got articles everywhere.
There are press releases saying it!
And the crew asked me during the break, they go, are you all right?
You really seem upset.
Are you feeling okay?
Well, man, they're about to have nuclear war.
I mean, they're gonna starve a couple hundred million people to death.
Yeah, I'm pretty freaked out.
This is real.
This is not, this is not a freaking game to me, man.
People are already starving to death by the hundreds of millions right now.
You know, you never see it on the news.
They're dying right now.
They're in their freaking houses, starving to death, begging for God's help, and no one's coming because God tells us to get up and take action, and then we don't do anything!
And that paralyzes God.
Yeah, God can do it.
But God needs us to do it, because God's not free will.
Once again, not for the first time, what had seemed like a nutty conspiracy theory turned out to be true.
Yeah, I'm upset.
I'm really... I told you last night, what's wrong with you?
Really, I'm freaked out.
Oh my God, I'm really freaked out!
God, I'm really freaked out!
I'm really freaked out, you see, because this is real!
The supply chain being cut off, the energy grid being cut off is real!
And we're going into a time now where we're not gonna be on the air.
I mean, if we don't back this off, if we don't get sane people to stop the globalists... I mean... We won't be here in six months.
You won't be here in six months.
Who is the most banned news network in the world?
InfoWars comes to mind.
You watch InfoWars?
It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Nice guy.
You must be a threat if they call you out by name.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is the greatest.
He knows who InfoWars is.
He's playing this joke over here.
That's why the de-platforming didn't work.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
You need to listen to Alex Jones.
Watching the vandalism of civilization, watching the purposeful destruction of human society and culture
repeat again in mass war under new names is very painful, but it's up to those of us that are aware of this
to persevere and continue civilization on to rebuild after.
Well, we couldn't have a more important informative guest on today to cover the waterfront.
He's Dr. Francis Boyle.
He's an author, researcher, lawyer, took the special PhD, only one person gets a year at Harvard, that Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski took, that teaches them how the whole new world order works.
He was the top war crimes prosecutor, people like Slobodan Milosevic at the UN.
He wrote the U.S.
Law on Chemical and Biological Weapons and contributed to the world law.
And he's here to talk about the waterfront today, the huge escalation, as he pointed out, On the escalation ladder, the Pentagon uses the full-on total nuclear war.
We'll also look at the gain of function coming out and the fact that it's now confirmed the deep state was censoring scientists and doctors and others that were exposing the truth.
And we'll also look at the poison COVID shots and so much more with him, the Twitter files.
There's so much to cover.
So I'm going to try to let Dr. Boyle start wherever he wishes.
It's great to have him on with us here today.
So Dr. Boyle, thank you so much.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year.
Happy holidays there to all your audience.
I know you're not about being vindicated.
You don't want the credit, but you also need folks to know the gravitas.
You're a serious guy.
You were on the air in late January and early February 2020 on my show and other shows.
Predicting it was out of a lab, predicting the shots would be poison, predicting war would follow, predicting world ID cards, predicting the shots would cause mass death.
So out of all the pantheon of great people, the Dr. Robert Malone's and the Dr. Michael Yedon's, you have been the most on target and the early bird in all this.
So I know you want to get into the war in Ukraine and expanding and that existential threat.
I want to hit that.
But first, Total vindication, Dr. Boyle.
It's like you had a crystal ball.
Well, Alex, a lot of this credit goes to you, because you're the only person in the mainstream news media that would let me talk about these things.
I first blew the whistle on it on January 24, 2020, in a worldwide alert.
The danger is here that COVID-19 was an offensive biological warfare weapon
that had leaked out of the Wuhan BSL-4.
And then later on, on your program, I said that any frankenshots that big pharma developed here would be more dangerous than useless.
And then later on on your show I said messenger RNA is very powerful stuff to inject into your body and it could discombobulate your entire genetic system.
Now I said that very early on as you correctly pointed out In early February to you and on InfoWars and some of your colleagues.
So kudos to you and to InfoWars for letting me speak the truth to the American people.
But how did you, I mean I know you wrote the bioweapons laws and were a top prosecutor at the UN, but just how did you nail it?
So you totally nailed it.
Well, we've discussed this before.
I think the most important point now, from my perspective, are these proposed regulations by the World Health Authority and also the proposed pandemic treaty by the World Health Organization that are now under consideration over in Geneva.
I have read both the Regulations and the tree.
And according to either one or both, they will establish a scientific and medical police state that will cover the entire world and that will usurp and negate the sovereignty of the United States of America As well as the sovereignty of the States of the Union under the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution and penetrate right down to our primary care physicians.
You will have Dr. Tedros there, the WHO, telling our medical doctors how to treat us.
This will be a one-way path to the cemetery for all Americans.
And right now, we must get organized to defeat the WHO regulations and the WHO treaty on future pandemic.
And let's be clear, you're a guy that writes U.S.
and U.N.
There couldn't be a better guest to describe this.
You've read the treaty, you've read the regulations, and you're saying what we've been hearing is true, that it is a worldwide, biomedical, big pharma, corporate police state.
That's correct.
And as a matter of fact, Alex, I've researched, studied and taught international organizations, starting from my student days at Harvard Law School up until today, beginning with the first Hague Peace Conference of 1899, up through and including the United Nations Organization.
You can read about this in my book, Foundations of World Order, Duke University Press, 1999, which was half of my PhD dissertation at Harvard.
So yes, I've done this work professionally for all those years.
Indeed, the most insidious part of the WHO tree, from my perspective, Uh, is that the concluding clause has been drafted so that it will come into effect immediately upon signature by Biden's delegate.
Let me repeat that.
It will come into effect immediately upon signature for Biden's delegate.
Despite the requirements of the United States Constitution that all treaties must receive the advice and consent of the United States Senate.
A clear-cut usurpation of our Constitution, as well as the 10th Amendment.
Guaranteeing that all rights not delegated to the federal government reside in the hands of the states, the union, or the people.
And so what will happen under this treaty and also under the regulations, people like Governor DeSantis, Governor Abbott, and others who do not accept the party line coming out of the CDC We'll be sideset and usurped.
And that was my next question.
We'll come back for a break.
We'll get into the World Treaty and more than get into the war in Ukraine that's currently the big, obviously the front-burner threat.
But what do you make of the German Vice President saying, we need investigations, criminal investigations.
The Supreme Court three days ago green-lighting criminal investigations in Florida.
That's got to be encouraging.
I have read the Request for a grand jury that Governor DeSantis filed with the Florida Supreme Court.
And then I have read the terms of reference given by the Florida Supreme Court.
They are broad enough, in my opinion, to include indictments against everyone involved here for murder and conspiracy to commit murder in accordance with Florida law.
And I certainly would encourage... Dr. Boyle, stay there.
I'm going to try to shut up and give you the floor.
Let's come back with that, finish up with COVID, and then get into the World War III situation and that ladder of escalation you warned of two months ago on the show that we've now moved up several rooms on.
Dr. Francis A. Boyle is our guest.
Stay with us.
All right.
Dr. Francis A. Boyle, author, researcher, the man that wrote the U.S.
Biological Chemical Weapons Law, former U.N.
war crimes prosecutor.
Got caught off by the break.
He was getting into the German vice president saying he wants an investigation of the shots.
The criminal investigation launched by the state of Florida and more.
And then finishing up with all the gain-of-function news and what's coming out and what he thinks the deep state's going to do now because they're being so exposed.
Elon Musk coming out pointing out that Fauci's wife runs the bioethics board that controls what he can do.
I mean, as this whole incestuous bioweapons program comes out, it looks like it's blown up in their face.
Please continue, Dr. Boyle.
Again, one point to drive home for your audience to understand Trump pulled us out of the WHO for good cause.
I agree with that decision.
One of the first steps Biden made as president was to put us back into the WHO and he appointed Tony Fauci as the US government's representative on the executive council of the WHO.
Now think about that for a minute.
That's where the W.H.O.
treaty and the W.H.A.
regulations are coming from.
Tony Fauci.
And on that, we've discussed Fauci before.
You can read Bobby Kennedy's book on the real Anthony Fauci.
It's all in there.
So it's clear what happened here is that Fauci and his ilk, like Bill Gates, like Big Pharma, like the biowarfare industry, when they saw the opposition coming from American people and governors and other elected officials, decided to do an Enron around all of us.
By going to the WHO and drafting these regulations and this treaty that will set up a worldwide scientific medical police state under the control of Tedros and Bill Gates, And the biowarfare industry, big pharma, and the Chinese Communist government that gives a lot of money to the WHO.
That is what is confronting us today, Alex.
As citizens of the United States of America, we have to stop these WHA regulations.
We must stop this WHO treaty if we want to live in freedom here in the United States.
Again, you've read the treaty, you've read the regulations.
And that's what I've seen Congress people say the same thing you said.
I've looked over as well.
It looks like the UN gives control of pandemic response, but then the UN, I saw their hearings three years ago before the pandemic was announced in December of 2019.
The head of their vaccine program said, we're just told by the big pharma what to say about these shots.
We don't even test them.
So the UN itself, if the UN will be in control under this treaty, who's in control of the UN?
Well, you know, you get what you pay for.
He who pays the piper calls the tune.
I mean, the UN is a rotten, corrupt, and despicable organization.
When I was the lawyer for the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the war and genocide against them, the United Nations, the European Union, its member states, and Bill Clinton at UN headquarters in Geneva, Tried to carve up the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina into three little bitty pieces of land, rob Bosnia of their UN membership, destroy their statehood under international law, and subject 1.5 to 2 million more Bosnians to ethnic cleansing when we already had 2 million victims of ethnic cleansing.
Now, I stopped them.
It never happened.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is still there today, and they have their UN membership.
But that's what they were going to do to the poor Bosnians.
So you've lived the predatory nature of the UN.
I want to get into all the other big subjects, but you're a UN insider, a guy that, you know, tried to reform it but couldn't, obviously, but did some good work there.
What is the UN now?
Basically a corporate front group of corporate fascists, or what is it?
I think corporate fascist is a good description, certainly for the UN Secretariat, right?
I think that's a good description.
Yeah, so the General Body is a debating club with no power, but the actual UN and the Security Council, that's fascist.
Well, the Secretariat, the bureaucracy, right, and then they control the specialized agencies like the WHO, sure, and we all know the WHO.
Could the UN be reformed?
I really don't know at this point.
My assessment, Alex, was when I was at the UN headquarters in Geneva and they were trying to destroy the Bosnians, a UN member state, it struck me that historically this was at the situation of the inevitable decline of the League of Nations when Haile Selassie appeared in the exact same location I was and appealed for the League to save Abyssinia from Mussolini and his fascists and they did nothing.
So I regret to say the UN is on decline.
That's a great example of when the Ethiopian leader tried to stop that, and that could have stopped World War II if they had done something then.
It could have, sure.
But they didn't.
And indeed, in the case of the Bosnians, it was far worse.
They tried to get rid of us.
And I stopped them.
Yes, I did.
And you're on record doing that.
You've done so many amazing things.
I know when I asked you to talk about how you know all this, you just moved on to the next subject, but your knowledge is just incredible.
I mean, it's amazing to be able to pick your brain.
We've got two minutes to break.
What subject do you want to go to next?
Well, we can move on to Ukraine if you want to, sure.
Let's do that.
Give us a prelude to what's coming up.
Well, if we don't stop Biden, we're going to have a direct war with Russia.
Right now, there is an indirect war, a de facto state of war between the United States and Russia.
Even Foreign Minister Lavrov has said that.
So we're going to have to stop the Biden-Einstein Before they continue up this ladder of escalation, you have the list there, the con letter of ladder of escalation developed by for Rand and the Pentagon.
And if you skip down just a little bit, you'll see we're at stage 20.
Oh, the no nuclear use threshold will rate their peaceful worldwide embargo.
That's exactly what we have today against the Russian Federation.
Biden and the European Union member states are waging economic warfare against the Russian Federation.
We, in my opinion, I think we're one step below the nuclear threshold there, as identified by Herman.
And that's what you said two months ago on the show.
That's what Lavrov said yesterday.
He said, we're entering the nuclear threshold.
This needs to stop now.
It has to stop now.
And yet you will see the Bidenites refuse, adamantly refuse to negotiate.
Just the other day, Putin said he will negotiate.
Lavrov would say they will negotiate.
The Bidenites refuse.
And of course, Zelensky refuses.
But he's our puppet.
Zelensky tells whatever.
Well, let's talk about what comes next with Dr. Francis Boyle.
Boy, folks are really waking up to the city lockdowns and the climate lockdowns that are being announced.
The 15-minute cities.
I just had a very well-known podcaster text me and ask, is this real?
And yes, it's real.
We've been covering it for years.
But tomorrow, I'm just going to open the show up, no matter how big the news is, with the 15-minute cities and the UN lockdowns, the climate lockdowns, and all the rest of it.
But we're talking to Dr. Francis A. Boyle right now, who wrote the U.S.
Biological Chemical Weapons Laws, was a top UN war crimes prosecutor and more, and who is the most accurate person predicting almost three years ago, starting in January of 2020, What was going to unfold and happen.
So we were continuing on, we hit the break with Russia and this escalation ladder, a generalized scenario, the Rand Corporation and the Pentagon that we're at point 20, what point 44 means and where this huge escalation is going and what the neocons and the crazy Democrats think they're doing.
Please continue.
Well, again, we saw this massive propaganda campaign by the Bidenites to bring Zelensky over here and try to get support for the American people in Congress.
For this existentially dangerous war against Russia that is going on right now.
I teach the laws of war and I would say right now with Russia, we are in a de facto state of war with Russia.
It is not yet a de jure state of war with Russia, but is certainly de facto.
And again, Foreign Minister Lavrov, who's a very experienced consummate diplomat, has said the same thing here.
So it's extremely dangerous.
Anything could set this off.
And then rather than de-escalate the situation, Biden and the Democrats bring Zelensky over here to escalate.
Well this is like, imagine if Kennedy vacationed in the U.S.
Virgin Islands for two weeks during the Cuban Missile Crisis, he'd be impeached.
Shouldn't we move, as you pushed four months ago, to impeach Biden immediately for war crimes?
Well, yes, that's true.
But let's compare this to the Cuban Missile Crisis, because I think it's very instructive.
That for Russia, this is even more dangerous than the Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse.
Because in our case, Cuba was 90 miles south of Florida.
This is right on their borders.
And the second thing I think we need to consider is that Biden is no JFK.
Whatever you think of JFK, he volunteered for combat during World War II and performed heroically, courageously, and was seriously injured.
Well, Biden's done nothing with his career but be on the payroll of there in Delaware, of Wall Street and the banksters and everyone else who does their corporate headquarters in Delaware, because that's the most... That's right, Kennedy engaged a Japanese destroyer with a small patrol boat and got his back broken.
And we know the whole story, very heroic.
And then meanwhile, if we go up this chain of what's happening, It's very apocalyptic to have Biden vacationing while this is going on.
Right, and you know, Kennedy tried to de-escalate.
Most of his advisors on the Executive Committee, except for Anthony Stevenson here in the state of Illinois, and Undersecretary of State George Ball, who was a friend of mine, tried to restrain everyone else on the Executive Committee from invading Cuba that would have set off a nuclear war.
LLM and Sir Curtis LeMay, all of them wanted to go to full war.
That's correct.
It would have very quickly become nuclear war.
Well, who's restrained on Biden?
Indeed, who's really home there with Biden?
I regret to say, I think Biden is in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease.
I agree.
So let's go up this ladder here, because you bring this up and now even the Russians are bringing up the ladder.
So you've got one up to 20.
Peaceful, in quotes, worldwide embargo blockade.
Then we move to local nuclear war, which Labirod and others are saying is next.
Then declaration of limited nuclear war.
And then we've got local nuclear war, military, unusual, provocative and significant countermeasures, evacuation.
26th demonstration of attack on Zone of Interior.
Well, we've kind of skipped ahead with all these cruise missile attacks inside Russia.
How big a provocation is that in the last month?
It's just like they've kind of skipped ahead here to internal provocations in Russia.
Well, again, yes, it does appear they're trying to provoke Russia into more substantial military action against them.
We have to understand, whatever the Ukrainian military is doing today, Has been greenlighted by the Pentagon and the Biden administration.
And all these attacks into Russia itself rely on US GPS coordination.
So the Russians know this.
They've even said this.
Basically, it's the Americans using the Ukrainians to engage in direct attacks against Russia.
And the Bidenites, if you read the news media, have made it clear that they don't believe that the Russians are serious about any of their red lines.
And so they are going to keep pushing up this ladder of escalation, which makes it extremely existentially dangerous.
So why would the Pentagon and NATO openly be running the attacks, coordinating them, and trying to escalate Russia to a full military commitment?
The Pentagon believes we have escalation dominance at every ladder, at every rung of that ladder.
That we can control and dominate.
So they're pushing and tricking the Russians into pulling into Poland and invading Russia.
But in reverse.
Well, again, it's the lessons learned from the Cuban Missile Crisis, which I think were the wrong lessons.
But that's by Thomas Schelling of Harvard, ahead of me in the government department, his arms and influence, where Schelling talked about compellence.
Namely, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, we had escalation dominance all up that ladder of escalation.
And therefore, because of this escalation dominance at every stage, eventually we compelled Khrushchev to back down.
But let's look at those maps.
We totally destroy Russia.
We just lose half our cities.
It's a Pyrrhic victory.
So in their ladder of dominance, they win, but America gets destroyed.
That is very sick.
Well, I think they believe they can get the Russians to back down without it coming to that.
Again, when Khrushchev looked at the ICBM balance during the Cuban Missile Crisis, he concluded there was no way we could prevail here, and he backed down.
So that's, I believe, the way the Pentagon is looking at now, from the perspective of Kahn's ladder of escalation, their doctrine of escalation dominance, and Schelling's game theory analysis.
So this is next level Russian roulette with the whole world?
That's the way I see it.
Yes, and remember, at the very height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the CIA set up a U-2 over there, over Soviet Union, to provoke them.
The Soviets shot it down.
And instead of overreacting, Kennedy continued with his back-channel diplomacy with Khrushchev through his brother and Ambassador Dobrynin, saying, quote, there's always some son of a bitch down the line who doesn't get the word, unquote.
So, Alex, in this game of Russian Roulette, something can always go wrong.
Someone does not get to work.
Well, that's right.
Let's talk about how to end this peacefully, Fred Ed.
Just Google his name, Dr. Francis A. Boyle, and find his dozens of amazing books here on How the World Works.
The last ten and a half minute segment we have here on this Wednesday edition, I want to Talk about the nature of the Anglo-American establishment and what they're going to do next, but I wanted to finish up with my questions with this.
We look at this escalation ladder that we know the Pentagon still uses, we know the RAND Corporation developed, and that now is being quoted in the news once every Dr. Boyle talked about it.
We move up here from 1 to 20 where we're at right now.
We're skipping ahead with some of the attacks inside Russia, 26.
We move up into Formal declaration of general war.
They're basically doing that now as Zelensky visiting.
Slow motion counter property war.
Slow motion counter force war.
Constrained force reduction salvo.
Constrained disarming attack.
Oh, we just got an attack to stop their offensive.
Counter force with ammunition attack.
Unmodified counter force attack.
And now the really bad ones.
Slow motion And it goes on with augmenting, disarming attacks, civilian devastation attacks, when they hit our cities, some other kinds of control, general war, spasm of intense war, we just nuke everything, they nuke everything, and it's just fire everything, total insanity.
Kind of end of the world as we know it.
Most estimates even say a limited nuclear war will cause a breakdown of civilization and kill billions.
A total nuclear war, they think probably 7 billion.
There'll be a billion people left, maybe.
Dr. Boyle, your comments on this ladder of escalation?
Alex, that's the Pentagon's war plan for Ukraine right now as we speak.
I believe that's their draft war plan, and that's what they plan to do there at the Pentagon, and the Bidenites will sign off on it, moving up those stages of escalation, pursuant to their theory of escalation dominance, that they have escalation dominance, until the Russians back down.
That's the way they see it.
Explain escalation dominance for folks that haven't studied this.
In layman's terms, they believe every step of the escalation, quote, the U.S.
will be in charge and controlling it, even though it'll be totally destructive to both sides.
They believe they're going to come out in the end on top, which is what Dr. Strangelove is all about, based on some real events and some real battle plans, of where the Pentagon and Colonel Suleiman Limitzer tried to push a nuclear war to Kennedy, saying it'll be survivable.
Yeah, we'll lose 30, 40 million Americans, but we'll win in the end.
And he said, I'm not a mass murderer.
Alex, you're basically right.
Again, I believe, pursuant to their doctrine of escalation dominance, which goes back to Tom Schelling, a head of me at Harvard, That they believe they control every rung of that ladder of escalation you see there by Kant.
And that they believe that at some point the Russians will back down and we will prevail.
One of the Russians jump ahead, one of the Russians don't follow the ladder.
They very well might not, Alex.
I really don't know, except my reading of the situation is that President Putin, and not to defend Putin at all, I've been up against Putin too, he's very cautious.
And moves one step at a time throughout this entire crisis, starting with the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine by Obama and Biden.
Remember, Obama put Biden in charge of the entire Ukraine project, and he has been in charge of it since then.
How do we stop this?
Well, I think, Alex, what we have to do is to go back to the pledge that Jim Baker gave to Soviet Commissar Gorbachev.
Namely, that in return for Gorbachev agreeing to the reunification of Germany, NATO would not move even one inch to the east.
That pledge was binding as a matter of international law, even though it wasn't in writing.
And to his credit, Bush Sr.
adhered to that pledge.
It was that Clinton and the Democrats who came into power And let me point out here that the foreign policy guru and Svengali for the Democratic Party has been Brzezinski.
Since the days of Jimmy Carter, and indeed the Jimmy Carter campaign, when he was head of the Trilateral Commission there, paid for by David Rockefeller, and they co-opted Carter into the presidency.
Then, Bush Jr., under the influence of his neocons, publicly stated they wanted Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO.
This precipitated the war by Georgia against Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia, and then the current crisis in Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, the The infamous role that she played over there in promoting the coup d'etat.
And now she is Biden's number three official in the State Department.
So if you want proof that the neocons are in charge of what Biden's doing.
Well, let me ask you this.
Why are we seeing the Pope come out in the last six months three times, and even Kissinger three times, including last week, saying, we need a peace deal now, this is an elite nuclear war, this is out of control, stop it.
When even Kissinger, who is like the omnibudsman of their New World Order, is saying stop, is that some feint by him, or does he really mean that, or why is he saying that?
Well, again, I think it's because they have the same sources that I do and realize how existentially dangerous it is.
But to get back to how to end it, then, the United States government already promised that Ukraine would not join NATO and that Ukraine would remain neutral.
And then they sent Kamala Harris there two months ago to say, oh, they are going to join, which is another provocation.
Of course, sure.
That's why Zelensky came all the way over here.
They brought Zelensky over here and gave him Congress and all the mainstream news media to promote further escalation up that ladder.
But to get back to my point, It seems to me, looking at the situation, that if the United States government were to agree that Ukraine would not join NATO and could remain neutral, that would de-escalate... Well, that was Putin's only thing he asked for before he invaded.
You're right.
And as a matter of fact, I've read the two treaties that Russia tendered to the Biden administration and to NATO.
And the core obligation they wanted was a commitment in writing, unlike this verbal commitment given to Gorbachev, that Ukraine would not join NATO.
And yet all the public sources indicate That the Bidenites refused, absolutely refused to negotiate this core demand.
So let's close on this.
Gut level for your children and grandchildren, Dr. Boyle.
How bad, I mean, a lot of mainline political analysts say greatest danger of nuclear war ever.
I mean, what is your prognosis for the short and midterm right now?
Well, Alex, that's why I drafted my bill of impeachment against Biden.
Right now it is in circulation on Capitol Hill among the Republican House Freedom Caucus.
One congressman I had a 30-minute discussion with, he agreed fully with my analysis of
the situation, including the con ladder of escalation, and said he was inclined to introduce
my bill of impeachment into Congress.
So we'll have to see what happens after January 3.
But I think if my bill, and there'll be other bills of impeachment introduced against Biden,
indeed Biden has hired an entire team of lawyers to deal with these bills of impeachment, but
if my bill is introduced and passed, I believe that will paralyze the Biden administration.
They'll be dead in the water.
Exactly, and Republicans can win major points and save the world, but they won't because they're being financed by the same corporations that think they can survive a nuclear war.
This is just total madness.
Let's not blame it all on Democrats.
I know you're not.
The Republicans are just going along with this because they're bought off to.
Well, there were large numbers of Republicans, and I'm a political independent.
There were large numbers of Republicans who did not show up for the... No, no, no, I agree.
The Republicans are better than the Democrats.
I'm just saying some of the Republican leadership's going along with this because they could get the impeachment going right now.
They have the House.
And, you know, Jim Jordan saying, oh, we're thinking about hearings on big tech censorship.
You're thinking about it?
I mean... Right.
No, I mean, this is long beyond the stage of thinking about anything.
We have to have the House pass a bill of impeachment.
Send it right away to the Senate for a trial.
Dr. Boyle, I know you gotta go.
Two-minute break.
Come back and finish up with closing comments.
We'll talk about your books.
Resisting medical tyranny.
Why the COVID-19 mandates are criminal.
Very important book by Dr. Francis A. Boyle.
Find it on Amazon.com.
You name it.
I want him to finish up with that in the last five minutes, but also it's on Infowars.com.
Lavrov says the Pentagon is now directly threatening to assassinate with decapitation attacks inside Moscow or other areas, saying that would lead to open war.
We know that We've had U.S.
Senators, Democrats and Republicans calling for this.
Just mad level escalations.
Can you speak to that in closing, Dr. Boyle, and then to your book dealing with the medical tyranny?
Calling for the assassination of a head of state is an international crime.
So, of course, the Russians take this very seriously, and if an attempt were to be made, By our Ukrainian proxies using GPS satellite guidance by us, the game would be over at that point.
And Lindsey Graham and a bunch of them have been making the threats publicly.
What do you make of Lavrov saying the Pentagon is openly telling him, you better back off.
We're getting directives to kill Putin.
I mean, this just sounds totally insane.
Right, we're moving up that ladder of escalation, sure.
But, I mean, Lindsey Graham speaks for himself.
I mean, we all know he's a joker, a fraud, so fine.
These are crazy people.
Talk about medical tyranny in your book, because they're trying to come back with new lockdowns, more forced injections.
We've got to get ahead of this.
Well, again, sure.
This is what the WHO treaty and the WHA regulations are all about.
There will be no end to this.
The next pandemic is coming out of their biological warfare weapons programs and labs, and they know it.
And so they are planning for the next big one, To keep us all under control and under the domination of the WHO, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the biowarfare industry, and the Chinese Communist government, which, by the way, if you read today's newspapers, you will see the Chinese Communist government is now going to let out everyone from China
With their current COVID-19 variant, which I believe is like Omicron B7, that is not prevalent here, to travel all over the world and seed the world with this newest variant of Omicron.
I guess their calculation is, well, we're suffering from it.
So, Misery Loss Company, let's share it around the world.
Well, I totally agree.
We know they had thousands of variants just of this weaponized COVID.
How do we know they or the deep state hasn't released a new variant that's even more deadly?
We know major universities like Boston Medical University created one that kills 80% of humanized mice.
I was involved in the lawsuit that tried to stop that BSL-4 from being put in there at Boston University in Dorchester, which at that time was primarily an African-American community.
Basically, environmental racism and genocide.
If you look at, for example, BA-5, It has 50 mutations beyond its predecessor, which to me seems to indicate it came out of a biological warfare weapons lab.
Likewise, monkeypox had 30 genetic mutations beyond wild-type monkeypox.
So again, it seemed to me that came out of someone's biological warfare weapons program.
Alex, it's a matter of public record that the Central Intelligence Agency has its own stockpile of smallpox.
Truly mad scientist.
Dr. Boyle, thank you so much for the time.
hearings many years ago after Nixon gave the order to destroy it and the CIA said, well,
OK, we're just going to move it to a new warehouse.
So yes, a big a big one could be coming even bigger than covid-19 unless we stop these
people. Correct.
Truly mad scientist. Dr. Boyle, thank you so much for the time. God bless and have a
great New Year, sir.
Well, thanks, Alex. And please keep up the good work.
Thank you.
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Hi there, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for this hour from katedallyradio.com.
I want to share a lot with you today, and some of it's not going to be politics, it's not going to be in that direction, but I want to talk about how to get through what's coming a little bit more today than what's coming.
And so much has been covered, even in this last hour with Alex, that I want to start here.
I look like a giant snowflake.
This is my favorite ski sweater, right?
It was rainy where I'm at and so wintry.
Remember that season winter that we always have?
Yeah, that one.
Anyway, I know they're making a really big deal out of winter right now, but you know, it comes every fourth season.
Like, forever.
Like, in history.
And they're acting like we've never been through one, and we need the National Guard to help us out, right, Buffalo?
And we don't know how to handle it.
So weather seems to be what they want us to focus on, and not election fraud, the coup in the White House, Hormala, King fraud a lot, or whatever version of King Biden shows up that day.
Um, the money laundering in Ukraine, the CIA, the FBI showing how corrupt they are, the border problems, the money printing, the insane amount of criminality going on on elected officials, right?
Both local, state, and then, of course, federal, expected.
And the unit party in Washington, D.C.
that just furthers the ball, you know, furthers the goal line and never really changes anything but just keeps going, right?
Washington, D.C.
stabbing something and then they don't. It's like the big fake. And
you're supposed to ignore all of that and then talk about the weather because it's winter
and they keep calling it the snow apocalypse and how are you going to get through it in one
piece? Oh my gosh, be afraid. Be very, very afraid. Yeah, it's a freaking winter.
Anyway, so Buffalo gets the National Guard on tap to show them how to drive in winter
in snow and ice because they must not know how, I guess.
After living there for the ages, most people just don't know how at our age?
So you have that and you shouldn't fly.
Don't fly because your flight's going to get canceled because we've never flown in snow and ice before.
And it's That's right.
They have every year.
And anyway, nevermind.
You can't fly.
Oh my gosh.
And of course, the big headline of the day, global jitters.
Global jitters for blovid with 98 symptoms.
98 symptoms of flu and cold.
How are we going to deal with this and still stay in one piece?
Because it's so insane, right?
It's so crazy.
But I want to talk to you a little bit about whether worship and then I also want to share some personal things about my life today with you because maybe there's something there that can help somebody out there to kind of get through what's coming and really and truly we got to get through it together and how are we going to do that?
And so I want to start off today by sharing something very very serious and that is the change in the drug Remdesivir.
Too many people were going in and they were saying Remdesivir and of course too many people have heard about Remdesivir and I know they would have likely killed my husband with it a year and a half ago.
And they changed up the name.
The name is now VexLurie, okay?
And you probably heard about this on the Alex Jones Show, I'm sure.
VexLurie is the new name they're calling it because it's the brand name of Remdesivir.
So they just switched names, okay?
They also are driving home this RSV thing.
The RSV thing is, it's ridiculous.
And people, honestly, people that think, you know, they're very awake, they'll go, yeah, but it's the babies.
This is a serious thing.
This is very serious.
A hundred to three hundred babies die every single year and they have for decades because of pneumonia running amok.
Just like in the small percentage of adults that that happens to as well.
And what they did was they approved remdesivir vexillary.
They approved this from Gilead, you know, where everybody's profiting like fake G. Okay?
Everybody's profiting off these drugs.
And so what they did was basically they're saying, "Well, now that we've approved this
drug, the hospitals are pretty much begging you at this point to bring in your newborn
with the slightest sniffle."
Now, there is a test for RSV, which is just respiratory, but they don't do that test a
lot and I don't even think the test is actually very accurate at all because it's really just
testing for symptoms.
What they do is they say if the baby's having trouble breathing, then of course they have
And the parents go, "RSV?
You mean the thing we heard about in the media?
My baby's going to die," right?
Because we've been munchausen by government.
So everybody thinks that they're the next person to die.
But actually, actually, it goes into the lungs and you can help this out and most babies are not going to die and most adults are not going to die from this, but we all think we're vulnerable now because the media has made us total hypochondriacs and thinking that we're going to.
So I just wanted to run that by everybody.
They approved Remdesivir Vexlary, which is the brand name for Remdesivir, they approved In the summertime.
And now all of a sudden, RSV's on the rise and you better get your baby into the hospital.
It's absolutely asinine.
And I just hope that people realize and can understand that this is a lot of hype.
A lot of hype.
So, let's take a break from politics and I want to talk about life a little bit.
The movie Babylon came out and I want to reference this because I had a great interview with the executive producer founder of The Chosen.
So I want to kind of talk about Hollywood for just a moment and set the stage a little bit.
We get the movie Babylon and it's tanking at the box office and I absolutely love that it's tanking.
Why do I love that it's tanking?
Because for three years, right, we've done nothing really.
I mean, we've tried to get back on our feet from the loss of business and everything else and lockdowns and everything they've tried to do to us.
But we've watched a lot of Netflix, we've watched a lot of movies, we've watched a lot of Hollywood's offerings, okay?
And we've suddenly realized, I think, as a nation, pretty much, that what they have to sell you is complete crap.
And that these people can barely act, and that they're selling you so many woke variations of narratives that you don't want to see it anymore.
You don't want to watch it anymore.
So these movies are virtually just tanking at the box office.
Babylon wants to try to tell you that all the debauchery, all of the crap in Hollywood happened in the 20s, and now they've devolved into this wonderful, responsible Hollywood that looks back into the 20s and goes, Hello, it's so evil now.
It's so on steroids and it's such a distraction because they want you to look here instead of looking here They want you to see something in Hollywood that happened a long time ago That's not happening now.
Of course, of course not because they have well, they've really Devolved really but they think they've evolved into these wonderful Hollywood executives and these wonderful Hollywood people so they're trying to show you what 20s is Hollywood look like calling it Babylon.
Well, it's tanking.
It's absolutely tanking.
It's gross.
It's disgusting and they show scenes of just pure disgust and one reviewer said that he just wanted to take a shower after watching it because it was so disgusting.
On the other hand, we have the Chosen, right?
Depicts the life of Christ.
Shows him as a person.
Shows him, shows the apostles as people.
Shows all the struggles they went through and everything that they were doing.
And we were so desperate for good entertainment.
It is the largest crowdfunded series in history.
We were so desperate to see something that didn't leave us feeling empty, right?
And disgusted, right?
We wanted The Chosen.
The Chosen grabbed more money and were able to put on the better actors.
The scenes are great.
The costuming's great.
You can tell that this was done carefully.
It was done with a lot of faith.
And I think this is a wonderful series.
And it's a series that people are actually saying, you know what?
I saw it on TV, but I'll even pay extra and go to the movies and watch it.
And guess what, folks?
It was sold out.
It was sold out.
In the theaters in my state, you couldn't even get tickets for a while.
That is crazy.
Think about that for just a moment.
Hollywood always dominates, right?
But not now.
Not after we got three years of their crapola offerings did we realize that, oh my gosh, Hollywood is there to sell us wokeness and a total feast, should we say, a festival of crap.
When I come back, I want to talk a little bit more about that and I want to talk about a movie I watched and then I also want to share some things about my life.
I'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for the hour.
Be right back.
Back here with you on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for the hour.
I want to bring up some things about my life.
I wanna bring up some things that I don't talk about a lot and then I also wanna share Hollywood a little bit,
the take on Hollywood for just a second because honestly, does it shape our lives?
Yeah, it does.
The movies shape our lives.
I was watching X-Files and I was noticing how many plots they were nailing accurately for the future
of what we're dealing with right now.
And when we talk about predictive programming and we talk about revelation of method, those are all aspects of telling us what they're going to do in the future and making us very aware of it.
So they don't have the responsibility of telling us and then we're basically agreeing to all of this.
Who knows?
But I do find it kind of interesting.
So let me say this.
I never ever want to not notice.
That was a really strange sentence.
Not notice the good things, okay?
And I think one of the good things is that The Chosen was the biggest crowdfunded series to hit.
I think that's huge.
I think it's important to realize that.
Because I think that's something very, very good, standing in sort of the bleakness of what is going on in
the world, right?
The theater, the total theater.
There's much more theater than people even realize.
And so when I'm looking at the evolution of just that 20 years ago,
I don't think people would have clamored for that kind of entertainment.
And I don't think people would have invested their own money to provide the entertainment they wanted because what did we do?
We relied on Hollywood to serve it up for us.
And then we realize what a place of debauchery that is.
You know, you have your Brad Pitt movies.
And when Brad Pitt does a movie, I just roll my eyes because he's almost a clownish cartoon of himself when he's acting.
And if you want to call it that.
And all of these actors, all of these people in Hollywood, all have the same values, all have the same beliefs.
How does that happen?
Are they bought?
Do they sell their souls?
What do they do to get into a place like that where they're willing to sell you the same junk over and over?
Yellowstone, huge series, right?
Big series.
Yet, what does it do?
It has like the Beth in the series, right?
And she's just gross.
A gross version of a woman, right?
But what are they trying to do?
They're trying to kind of take Hollywood and put it into the Old West And we're eating it up because we actually want to see the
old west.
We actually want to see property and the fights over property and all of these things that made America what
America is right now.
Property ownership, right?
But the problem is that they serve us up all this junk within all of that.
I wish The Chosen executive producers would do their own version of Yellowstone.
I bet it would be more accurate and less Beth, to be honest with you.
When I think of womanhood, Beth is on the opposite end of the scale.
And so I was talking to the executive producer of The Chosen and I was saying, wow, this is a really neat thing that this has happened.
And they were saying, you know what, we just put a little faith in it and voila, we've got this series.
And it just keeps getting better and better and how excited they were to see how people responded to it.
And my answer to that was, my gosh, you can tell the temperature of this nation and the goodness of the people because we know that the majority of the people want to see good messages or it doesn't make them feel empty and You know, just gross afterwards, like the movie Babylon.
No one's wanting to see Babylon.
They're going to totally take a nosedive, just like they have all of the other little superhero movies that they've done.
And superhero movies are even tanking now.
They're worried because people are not wanting to see it anymore.
They won't come up with new plots.
They run the same plots, and it's just gross.
Bad scripts, bad plots, bad acting, okay?
By woke people who we don't want to hear from because we could care less what they think about politics.
If I want to know about politics, the last person on earth I'm going to go to is Robert De Niro or Meryl Streep, okay?
And I can't even watch their movies anymore.
So then we had Netflix, right?
And over the holidays, you probably watched a lot of movies sitting in the snow or sitting in your weather.
That's winter, okay?
Oh my gosh, they can dramatize winter like no other.
Anyway, so we've got this movie and it has this very metrosexual male as the lead, acts like a five-year-old, and is really unappealing.
There's nothing worse than a metrosexual male.
I like men to be men, okay?
And so you've got this metrosexual male that no woman would find appealing, and they've got him as the lead of this movie, and the whole movie premise is he's like a five-year-old.
And how the woman had to embrace this five-year-old as a grown man.
And she finally does at the end of the movie.
There's zero chemistry because he's so metrosexual.
It's just honestly scary.
And I'm watching this movie, but the whole movie was about weather.
It was about sledding and it was about Christmas and it was about just snow and seeing the Nutcracker.
Not one mention about Christ, not one mention about Christmas.
It was really weird.
And I thought you could get through a whole movie about Christmas and how amazing Christmas is and never even mention the meaning.
And I just thought it was another bizarre take from Hollywood doing their thing.
Hallmark goes completely and totally woke, right?
They even condemn Candace.
Candace ends up leaving, Candace Spear, just for saying that traditional marriage is something that, you know, is real and good.
What's really strange is that most of the Hollywood actors, honestly, came from traditional homes.
That's how they were.
That's how they're here today.
Yet they're quick to condemn it, and they're quick to say that that isn't inclusive enough.
It's crazy.
And then you've got all of this Hollywood crap, right?
And it's getting into our homes, and it's telling us how to think, and it's telling us what to worship, what to believe in.
And then, of course, you have the Wednesday Show that's really popular right now.
And it's very goth, it's very dark, it's very suicide, and it's a very subtle shadow LGBTQ
pairing of these two girls that they don't overtly come out and say it, but it's pretty
much assumed and that's why they're icons for that group.
And it's amazing to watch this become the most popular thing to watch in our lives right
Is it not?
You've got Yellowstone, which is pretty foul.
I actually like Yellowstone for some reasons, but pretty foul.
And then you've got the Beth.
And then you've got the woke undertones underneath the storylines.
And we're supposed to come out of this after devouring this and watching this and staying home and watching movies because it's the entertainment of the day.
And we're supposed to make choices to help this country, to save the Constitution, to really kind of be these great people after watching this kind of crap 24-7.
And everybody on social media was saying, yeah, I'm staying home, I'm watching movies.
What are we watching, right?
And so that's why I wanted to bring up the shows.
I wanted to bring up the good parts, the things that are being represented that you can watch that are good, that are a little more wholesome, that are a little better.
You're going to feel a little more inspired after you watch these things than you will Wednesday or Babylon.
I mean, look at the names even, or Babylon or any of the woke holiday fair that they've got out there.
It's really bizarre.
And so, It's empty, and I wanted to talk about the show ponies.
The show ponies like the Kardashians, you know?
What are they good at?
They want you to dress like them and look like them, and they don't even know what they want to look like, so they keep changing their faces every two seconds.
Compare a family photo from 2005, and they don't look like the same family.
It is bizarre.
And I call them the show ponies because that's really what they're out.
They're out to pimp products and that's it.
There's no talent there.
It's kind of like the mascot for Hollywood was when I think of the Kardashians.
It's the mascot.
It's empty.
It's grotesque, but they sell it.
They certainly sell it.
When I come back, I want to tell you a little bit about my life.
I'll be right back.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for the hour.
Look, I'm talking about Hollywood.
I'm talking about the media because we're all absorbing it 24 hours a day, even though we don't want to admit it.
It's just in our faces 24-7.
It doesn't matter where you go, the airport, everything's playing the narrative 24-7.
And so that's why I wanted to talk about that a little bit today and just about getting through this and realizing how many good things there are too.
And what we're doing as a populace, we're creating our own entertainment.
We're funding our own entertainment.
The only place for Hollywood to go now is to think about this.
This is so important, is to showcase pedophilia as good, normalize it, and sell you on magic and witchcraft.
That's all they've got left, okay?
It's the only other cards they can play, except for maybe just straight up murder,
murdering each other, which they already have.
They've already gone there.
But I'm talking about really selling it as goodness, trying to sell it as good ideas, okay?
And they will.
This is the only direction they have left.
They wanna sell you on evil and debauchery.
So the only thing we can do is to abandon it, is to turn it off and take away their power,
the power of Hollywood.
The only reason they've got power is because eyeballs are on them.
Take away the eyeballs.
It's really that simple.
We just don't think about it in those terms because we're so used to going to the movies.
We're so used to taking in three or four hours, let's be honest, TV shows a night because we want to escape from all the stuff that we know is going on, the stuff that we know is happening.
And so it's the only escape we have.
But if we can turn that off or turn on something better that we can feel inspired by that would actually help us to get through all of this, How great would that be?
And most of America, believe it or not, the majority of America wants that.
They don't want this crap fest that we're sold.
You know, news is just now a caricature of itself and it has been for decades, but it's getting so much worse.
And I was reading a story from NBC before I get into a story about my life.
I just wanted to talk about Cassidy Hutchinson.
Cassidy with a Y!
Anyway, Cassidy Hutchinson.
There was an article NBC put out and I just want to I just want to give this the dramatic reading it deserves, okay?
Because now the AP, they're novelists, okay?
And they're selling you so much spin that I can't find the news story within the spin.
That's important to know.
Cassidy Hutchinson knew she was going to be nuked for turning on Trump is the headline.
She did it anyway.
Oh, what a hero.
Cassidy Hutchinson sped out of Washington in the wee hours of the morning while Googling Watergate on her phone.
Frantically looking for some kind of guidance on how to be a whistleblower.
Oh, she's a rower.
Until that moment, the former Donald Trump White House, not President Donald Trump, just the Donald Trump White House aide would go on to be the star witness of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection.
I'd still like to see the photos of the 140 cops that were, you know, attacked, right?
Because that would never happen in America.
They'd shoot you if you tried to attack an officer.
Had remained loyal and quote-unquote in the family.
You're supposed to cue the mafia right now.
That's what they wanted you to do right there.
It literally goes on.
and the story gets much worse in the way of adjectives, but it goes on to say,
"And the night before she fled "for her parents' house in New Jersey,
"Hutchinson said she had a mental breakdown."
And here we go.
"As the moral crisis she had been grappling with "came to a head, pushing her to make a decision."
I'm sorry.
"That would change the course of the investigation "into the 2021 attack on the Capitol."
These script writers, they're Hollywood writers, And--
Our news is given to us in a caricature of itself.
There's so many adjectives and so much narrative in this article to prop up Cassidy with a Y into some sort of moral hero that it's that disgusting.
In fact, in the entire article, they never really tell you what was so important that made her a hero, of course, just that she was one.
They just wanted you to believe it.
This is NBC.
It's so ridiculous it's become A caricature of news.
It's not even just spin anymore.
It's far beyond that.
And when I was reading that, you have to read the rest of it because you're just so blown away.
They never really tell you what made her a hero, just that it's laden with adjectives to convince you that she is.
They're so desperate.
You know, in my life, I want to share this with you because when I talk about making good choices and standing up for what's right, I've had, obviously, in all of our lives, we've had moments of good, we've had moments of bad, and true moments of standing.
But I was on a Fox News affiliate channel and I was fired because I kept talking about the records of both sides of the aisle, the Uniparty in Washington.
And I got so tired of interviewing politicians and I interviewed so many of them and I couldn't stand it anymore.
I just couldn't because it was just fluffery.
I remember interviewing Hatch.
And he was literally crumpling up paper and acting like the line was bad because we talked about the NDAA.
And he said, Kata, just because it's written doesn't mean I'm going to use it, okay?
That doesn't mean we're going to use it.
It's just written.
And I was expected to believe that and move on.
And there was a lot of politicians that I had to interview and just get through the interview.
And after the interview, I was just abhorred by what we talked about, which was basically fluff.
It was nothing.
They wouldn't answer anything.
And this is why they stay in office for years on both sides of the aisle.
And I will agree that there's one side really wanting to destroy this country, but the other side pretends they don't want to, but they're kind of all aboard for the most part.
And so I was fired.
Well, a lot of people started making phone calls.
They wanted the show back and I was eventually offered the job back.
But I knew at that point that I should go on my own and that I should skip taking a paycheck and that I should not worry about the money.
And I'm going to tell you, it wasn't easy.
I want to say, oh gosh, that was so easy.
And I just, you know, went on faith and wow, it was, no, it was really hard because we needed that at the time.
We were counting on it.
Just like all of you, you're counting on the spouse's paycheck or your paycheck.
And it would be very difficult right now to sort of walk off a cliff or a ledge and say, okay, well, I guess, I guess I'll do the right thing and go on my own and say, you know, this is how it's going to, this is how it's going to work out.
And I'm just going to hope for the best.
But you know, as soon as I did that, as soon as I took that leap, it was really amazing because all of a sudden people were put into my life at that particular moment that wanted to help me, didn't even know me, didn't even know me, just wanted to help.
And wanted to make sure that I could continue telling the truth, that I could say what I wanted to say.
And at the time, it was Common Core, and it was Oregon, and there was a murder that happened to an innocent man by the FBI.
And there were people that just did not want me talking about those particular things.
But I did.
And I wanted to, because they were important.
And I could not believe what was happening to my country.
And this was, you know, five years ago, right?
Probably about five years ago.
Six years ago.
And so I went on my own.
It wasn't easy.
And it took a lot of just moments where I just kind of had to grip and hold on.
But I realized that as soon as I did that, and as soon as I made that choice, things worked out.
They worked out beautifully, actually, and better than what I could have even imagined for myself.
And that was so important for me to realize at the time.
It was a huge lesson because there were moments in my life I didn't make that great move or I didn't do that great thing, just like all of us, right?
But when I did, it was really interesting how many things were there to kind of shore that up.
And it can be really scary to leave your job for the right reason.
It can be really scary to take a stand.
It can be really scary to do the right thing in the face of Well, the world telling you that, oh, hey, you might not have your home or you might you might lose this or that.
And we're so married to our stuff and we're so married to position and we're so married to the things of the world that it's really hard to make those decisions.
But let me just tell you, there were a lot of people that stepped in to help.
There were a lot of people that were just right there.
These little angels in my life that just honestly just came forward.
And I was always amazed at that.
Doing the right thing isn't easy.
And if you want to tell the truth, it gets even harder because in media, it's very difficult these days to tell the truth.
Everything is corporate owned, right?
But I would tell you that no matter what your job is, if you're a physician, if you're whatever you are, take the leap.
Do the right thing.
Sometimes it'll work out so much better in your life than you ever thought it would.
Doors will open, windows will open.
My gosh.
Let your life evolve into something great.
Take the risk.
Do it.
Because I think on the other side of that, you're going to find that it's not as scary as you thought it was going to be.
I'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show with more.
Welcome back.
Welcome back.
So glad you're listening in.
I really am because I want to share a couple of things with you.
And they're important too because we all have to live through this and we all have to come out in one piece.
We've all got to do our very best and that's not easy to do.
It really isn't.
I don't say that in a trite way.
It's just not easy.
And we're up against a lot.
And it's hard enough just having families and getting through the day-to-days, right?
Work, family, commitments.
I mean, and then you pile on, what about our liberty?
What about having a stake in all of that?
And what are you doing for that?
And it seems like a lot sometimes.
But I want to talk about going without a paycheck because I did it.
And I'll tell you something.
The one thing it showed me was that I love what I do and I would do it without payment.
That means I'm really loving what I do, right?
And when I did that and when I took that sacrifice, it was scary.
I'm not saying it wasn't scary because it is.
And I don't want to minimize that because it's always going to be that level of, Oh my gosh, what am I going to do?
But when I went on my own, With my show, when I decided to stay in and do it, and then do it for those right reasons, and not worry about that anymore, not worry about the money anymore, not worry about anything anymore, and just do it for the right reasons.
It's amazing the things that took place in my life, right?
It's amazing what happened.
And it's really all about sacrifice.
Because even when I took the smallest sacrifice, really, because you look at it in the big picture, it was small.
Not for me at the moment, but it was small looking back, right?
You take that leap, you're really engaging in sacrifice.
And then a lot of good things can actually come your way as well.
A lot of good teaching moments.
And so are you willing to do that?
What are you willing to do?
What can you do to shore up your liberty and everyone else's liberty?
Have you done anything for your liberty?
Have you done anything to show your kids what sacrifice and faith look like?
How do you want to be remembered?
The guy or the gal that worried a lot about your country?
Or the guy or the gal that did something along the way?
How do you want to be remembered?
And I gave a talk once, I gave a speech once in front of a lot of people and I talked about Rosa Parks, right?
I talked about on the back of the bus taking that stand and I said, do you remember Who the person was that sat behind Rosa Parks?
Do you remember his name?
And there was silence.
And I said, nobody can tell me his name.
Nobody knows who that was.
And everyone looked a little intrigued and there was no answer.
Nobody could say who it was.
And I said, yeah, that's because nobody knows who sat behind her because he did nothing.
He did nothing.
Are we the people that sit behind the person and we do nothing?
If all of us took a stand, if the physician said no to the socialization of medicine and the orders they're given by their lawyers that dictate what you get when you go to the hospital, even though it's deadly, what if they said no?
What if they walked away?
There'd be no power there.
What if the media whores, sorry, but they are, the media whores finally went, Hey, I'm not reading that script.
I'm not showing up.
I'm not doing that.
What if they all did that?
Would we save media?
The mainstream media?
Take away its power.
What if we stopped watching?
What if we stopped going to their movies?
What if we stopped and we started just putting money in and creating our own good entertainment like we did with The Chosen?
It keeps getting better and better.
I love it.
What if we did those things?
What are you going to do this year?
There's a song by The Interrupters and I love this song, Take Back Your Power, right?
It's like a little punk band.
They're awesome.
And it's, what's your plan for tomorrow?
Are you a leader or will you follow?
What's your plan?
What's your plan for 2023?
Are you preparing?
Are you going to do something?
Will you lead out or will you just sit and worry?
Worrying is nice, but it doesn't do anything.
You know, everything that we do in our lives takes a whole lot of faith, right?
If you're going to do the right things, if you're going to make decisions.
A lot of people don't know this about me, but I married my husband and I knew him for 12 days.
12 days!
Seriously, met him and married him in 12 days.
And it was a scary decision.
And I also look back and it was probably pretty dumb.
To be honest, I'm just being honest.
It was probably a really dumb decision.
And if my kids did that, I'd wring their little necks.
But I did that in 12 days, okay?
And people ask how we've been married for 27 years now.
How's that worked for us?
How did we do that?
And we did it because we have shared values.
We both had a lot of faith in each other.
We both had a commitment to each other.
And he was very, he always put me on a pedestal as the mom and the wife.
And I also put him on a pedestal as being the husband.
There was a moment there where he wanted to move and I didn't.
And when he wanted to move, I didn't think it was a good decision, but he's the guy in our house.
He's the dad.
He's the father of the kids and he wanted to do that.
So I backed him, supported him, even though I didn't want to do it.
It ended up being a great move for us.
It ended up being really wonderful things came into being because of that move.
But I wasn't initially supportive, but I realized that You know, I was committed to this person and this person was the person that is really the head of our family.
And okay.
And I wanted the kids to see me support that, even though I didn't even agree.
I wanted them to see me support that.
And my husband and I are pretty traditional, right?
I love being in the kitchen.
I like making food.
I like those things.
I like that he's a guy's guy.
I like all of those things.
And what's interesting, what came out of that was this wonderful committed relationship where we've got a happy marriage.
But it took work and it took faith and it took a lot of making decisions and deciding that it was going to work out.
When we get through life, those are the things that are going to matter.
Sticking it out, doing those things and being committed and finding out what your values are and sticking to those and don't let Hollywood or the Kardashians dictate those values.
When we take a stand for marriage, take a stand for marriage.
Because it's important.
Because it's how the world runs when it runs great.
Stand behind those actors and actresses that are willing to break off from the Hollywood mold to support those things.
Put your money into things that produce goodness.
That tell the truth.
That give the good messages.
Take the leaps.
Take the sacrifices.
Walk away from a job.
And I know it's comfortable to stay, but walk away from a job if you know that the objective of that job is either taking people's liberty away or it's not doing the right thing for others, then leave it.
I promise you your life will end up better.
I promise you it'll pay off.
What do you want your obituary to say about you?
He led a nice, comfortable life?
Or this person really stood for things?
It's so important to me to do that.
And it's also important to get our lives on track.
We need all of you.
We need all of you.
All hands on deck right now.
We need you to be healthy.
We need you to get sleep.
We need you to improve your relationships.
We need you to sacrifice.
We need all hands on deck.
It never was going to be the entire country saving this country, because we've never been that.
Even in revolutionary times, it was a small percentage.
But there is one thing I know.
We were never supposed to win that war, so I always leave room And I always have a belief in miracles.
And as we start this new year, 2023, I realize that it's going to take a lot of us making a lot more sacrifices than what we have done in the past.
We're going to have to take more stands that are uncomfortable.
We're going to have to voice our opinion more through major censorship.
We're going to have another COVID come our way.
What are we going to do as a populace?
The one thing that makes these people that run things very, very nervous is the unpredictable people in what we'll do.
Now, they might think they have us nailed as far as what we're going to do, but why don't we show them?
Why don't we quietly get together and realize the power we have as people?
Make our lives right.
Put good decisions under your belt.
And put sacrifice under your belt, because that's the only way we're going to get through this.
And all the scary things we talk about, all the things that are coming our way, yeah, they're coming our way.
And we're going to have to get through them.
And not just get through them, but endure them well.
We're going to have to get through them, but also come out better on the other side of them.
And the only way we're going to do that is with each other and create communities of like-minded people.
They're afraid of us in numbers.
They really are.
And I want to get to a point where we are the kinds of people that can save this country.
We've got to work on ourselves a little bit.
We've got to work on relationships and we've also got to start really networking and figuring out what we're going to do in the face of adversity coming.
How are we going to do this?
And I know we can do it because I know that many of you have made sacrifices and many of you are better for it and can really stand there and say, I've done something for liberty.
Be the person that sits behind the person that does something, and do something too.
It's important.
And it's important for all of us to see it.
Because what does that do?
It creates momentum.
And momentum of a large populace of people, not the whole populace, but a large populace, can save this country.
We really can, if we wanted to.
On the Alex Jones Show, I'm Kate Daly, your guest host.
Thanks for tuning in this hour.
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