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Name: 20221128_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 28, 2022
2538 lines.

On "The Alex Jones Show," hosts discuss censorship of elite pedophile rings, the Balenciaga scandal, and decentralized platforms. They interview survivor Dan Dix about being banned from YouTube for exposing pedophilic content. The show also covers protests against events sexualizing children and calls for congressional investigations into Google's censorship. In "The Third Hour," Alex Jones and Dan Dix talk about Andrew Tate's new supplements, predictions made by the InfoWars team, promoting the platform with magnetic signs, and product promotions like InfowarsTore's Vitamin D3 Gummies. The show critiques Fauci and draconian lockdowns while promoting Alpha Power by Infowars Life, a testosterone-boosting supplement. Several products at the InfoWars store are sold out due to supply chain breakdowns but some remain available with discounts and free gifts in the current sale.

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This is simply the cover for Xi Jinping ahead of revolutions he knows is coming to artificially
trigger one now so he can measure who's on his side, track who's going to go along with
the system, force everyone onto the universal credit score and the whole AI face scanning
QR code tracking system to then use that as the base camp, as they said two and a half
years ago, of this new world ID based on Chinese patents and Chinese technology owned and run
by Xi Jinping but given to him by Microsoft and Google.
Told you two and a half years ago, but just last month they came out and said yes, the UN and China are running the global model for the World ID and the Central Bank digital currency.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
In the ring, it's Alex Jones.
Do not resist us.
In this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alice Jones.
I want them shut down.
I want them silent.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
The best way, I believe, to counter misinformation and disinformation is to spread good information, to spread science-based information, to have trusted voices.
So I started my comments by reminding everybody that America's physicians, like the real leaders of American medicine, the people you trust for your cancer care, your heart care, and your pediatrics care, People are right to question whether this virus actually exists.
But we now, in Europe for the first time, have the scientific proof that it does not exist.
People are right to question whether this virus actually exists, but we now in Europe
for the first time have the scientific proof that it does not exist.
And this is thanks to a Department of Health letter that has been received following a
request by a citizen in the UK, which he actually had to appeal.
But he requested the Department of Health and Social Care in the United Kingdom to give him scientific proof of the existence of a virus called SARS-CoV-2.
And they confirmed that the Department of Health and Social Care does not hold any information on the isolation of a SARS-CoV-2 virus.
In other words, It does not exist.
Millions of people in China are once again under collective quarantine as the country faces the new surge of the COVID-19 virus.
In Beijing, workers in protective suits have installed metal barriers in some neighborhoods where coronavirus cases have been detected.
People can only go out to buy food or receive medical treatment, and to do so they must scan their health QR codes.
The Communist Chinese hellscape is the blueprint for what they plan to bring forward against us.
But I wanted to be specific about where we're at and where they're going to take us with this system and how we can stop it and say no to it.
You have the UN, you have the big corporate mouthpiece, the World Economic Forum.
The Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries.
For decades, they've said they want to use a viral scare.
The Rockefeller documents, Operation Lockstep, the list goes on and on, to bring in a world medical ID that will really be the world ID that will have carbon controls and not just viral controls on where you can go, what you can do.
They'll have digital money by region that'll be programmable.
They'll decide where you can spend it, when you can spend it, how you can spend it.
They can devalue it or upvalue it whenever they want.
A Swedish company specialized in microchip implants promotes the use of their device to carry the COVID pass, saying that the chip makes the data more accessible even if a person doesn't have their phone with them.
The chip implant is placed in the arm and programmed so that when the chip is read by a smartphone, it opens up a PDF file which contains a person's COVID passport.
This makes it easier for different entities to check the health status of the individual.
And it's directly tied and administered to the surveillance over in live time by corporations, bureaucracies and criminal think tanks like the ADL, who will then reward you or punish you off of your social behavior.
And then they will program it and incentivize it to spend it with their companies, their businesses, their systems.
The ultimate brainwashing, the ultimate gaslighting as they announce all this tyranny Then they say, but we can't talk about it, it doesn't exist, while it publicly exists.
So here it is.
G20 leaders issue joint declaration promoting global health passport to facilitate international travel.
A world ID to buy, sell and travel even outside your house.
The social credit score you will not leave one half foot out of your home unless you're authorized to.
They've now built emergency centers all over the world under UN directives that anyone that does not submit to forced injections and lockdowns in the future We'll be sent to these centers.
They have now admitted in Canada and in Australia, but they're also setting them up here, and the UN is directing it again, that officially the camps aren't just for people they claim have COVID with their fake PCR test, but now it's for anybody protesting the future lockdowns as they gear up for their next big push, while saying they want amnesty from us and for us to not sue them or organize into groups that are saying no so they can sucker punch us again.
My good friends and my enemies welcome to the broadcast the most demonized attack lied about Transmission on this planet.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
It is Monday, November 28th 2022 will be here for the next four hours live ahead of the
mighty Owen Schreier 3 p.m Central with the war room again on the info wars radio
slash TV Network by the coordinates of Liberty at info wars comm
forward slash show and band on video share those links Okay, every major city in China for two weeks is having
massive demonstrations And most the corporate media is demonizing the people that
don't like to live under 100 plus day lockdowns Being welded into their houses while their homes burn up
and the fire department doesn't even show up Combat robots fly around in the skies barking orders that scan your QR code on the highway, on the street, and are directed off into their UN FEMA centers.
It is all a worldwide unified tyranny.
And even in some of the most elite areas of China and some of their most elite state-run universities, we're seeing massive demonstrations of the children of the ruling Communist Party.
So this is Tiananmen Square 2.0.
And why is Xi Jinping, who's now been anointed dictator for life, this only happened once under the Communist Chinese, that was Mao Zedong, why, again elected by the dictatorship, by the politocrats in the Central Committee, why would he be squeezing and pushing If you understand that, you'll understand what's coming in the future.
Because China is the model.
And just last Thursday, Klaus Schwab, the mouthpiece of the New World Order, and the globalist allied combine with the Chai Koms had this to say about the Chinese model.
We have to define how the world should look like, which we want to come out of this transformation period.
I respect China's achievements, which are tremendous over the last over 40 years.
I think it's a role model for many countries, but I think also we should leave it to each country to make its own decision what system it wants to adopt.
And I think we should be very careful in imposing systems.
But the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries.
Now, two and a half years ago, we documented that Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, the UN, the WEF, and Communist China We're saying we're going to have a global vaccine passport that's really the global passport, the digital ID, the central bank digital currency platform for the carbon tax, for the social credit score.
And once they collapse the economy for Build Back Better, In the Great Reset, they will then give you a universal basic income because you won't be able to pay your bills or get a job.
Even if you can get a job, it won't pay the bills.
And so this is the transformation of the Great Reset they've been talking about.
So, China is the detonator, set up by the globalists, empowered to take over the world, given all the one-sided trade deals, given 98% control over Earth's minerals, put in a power position now to leverage the planet.
On those Larry King Live debates with Al Gore and Ross Perot in 1992, then again in 93, he explained that there's a giant sucking sound, Ross Perot did, that when Canada normalized and opened its border to trade to the U.S.
and allowed competition with its wages, for competition, but it's a rigged system when another country isn't proportionate to you.
It's a form of tariff.
And then you'd have a sucking sound out of Canada into the U.S., which had just happened the decade previous, that you would then see a giant sucking sound to Mexico, but then that sucking sound would continue out of Mexico into China, into India, and would actually lower the world's standard of living massively, not raise up the world's standard of living.
That was actually the plan of the multinationalist, the Trilateral Commission, that he warned about.
And so China is a giant slave factory of a billion four hundred and fifty million people and is a giant beta test.
And so instead of having soldiers marching around secretly arresting people and torturing and beating and shooting people, it's paramilitary with their faces covered in medical garb using COVID as the pretext.
There's almost no deaths from COVID.
It's survivable 99.99.
You know, seven percent.
Nine nine nine nine nine nine nine plus percent.
This is simply the cover.
for ZGP ahead of revolutions he knows is coming to artificially trigger one now so he can measure who's on
his side, track who's going to go along with the system, force
everyone onto the universal credit score and the whole AI face scanning QR
code tracking system to then use that as the base camp as they said two and a half years ago of this new world ID
based on Chinese patents and Chinese technology owned and run by ZGP but given to him by Microsoft and
Google. So it's official.
Told you two and a half years ago, but just last month they came out and said, yes, the UN and China are running the global model for the World ID and the central bank digital currency.
Now to make sure America and the West aren't ahead in that, They had FTX designed to blow all that up and suck down all the independent free crypto groups that are out there and give government the pretext for regulation to shut down their competition to make sure communist China is supreme.
There is a faction in the West that doesn't want China to be the leader, but it is the minority faction and is not in power.
The globalists are in league with the communist Chinese and are doing everything they can to legitimize and push this nightmare scenario.
So when you see communist China, You need to understand that that is exactly where you are going to be.
Thousands of giant government camps, which they now admit are not for COVID patients, but for political dissidents.
The government goes out, puts people on lockdown for over 100 days at a time.
They start to rebel because they're starving to death.
It puts the state under pressure.
Xi Jinping sees who will follow draconian orders.
And then he can expand his massive security state.
That is their admitted battle plan.
And you've seen Bill Gates, you've seen Klaus Schwab, you've seen them all say, Communist China is the model for the world.
This is the blueprint for the planet.
So what's happening to the Chinese, ladies and gentlemen, is coming for us.
You notice Australia ran almost an identical plan, so did New Zealand, to what Communist China is doing.
So this is a strategic, long-term plan that's going out of beta testing into operational phase as we speak.
Now how do they think they're going to get this through in Europe, Canada, the United States, New Zealand and Australia with their histories of free speech?
By outlawing free speech and demonizing free speech and saying words are weapons.
When we come back from break, I'm going to look at the reports all over the world.
Ireland, government plans to imprison people for possession of hate speech.
Here's the new UN promotion.
Words can be weapons.
Hashtag no to hate with a hand grenade that is a keyboard.
They're coming for all of your speech.
We're going to be laying it all down and all out coming up next segment separately.
We are running out of the free gifts at Infowarstore.com.
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And so, tomorrow night, it ends.
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We'll continue on with big sales in the promo code 1776, but the free gifts will end Tuesday night at midnight Central Standard Time, guaranteed, because we estimated this morning we will be sold out by sometime in the early morning hours Wednesday.
We don't want to be caught with our pants down with no more free gifts.
Only done free gifts twice in our history, but never with a sale this big on top of it.
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I want to thank you all for your support.
Now take action.
We'll be right back.
You're listening to, or you're watching, The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to this Monday, worldwide live transmission.
So, what I've told you over the decades is that large multinational corporations allied with the dictatorships of the UN run the leadership of the CIA.
That's not my opinion.
And now the Carnegie Endowment former head publicly runs it.
And it's come out in the news in the last few months that the CIA specifically, illegally, with the Justice Department is meeting with big tech, corporate dinosaur legacy media, and major corporations to set up a social credit score that's already being implemented by stealth.
To basically debank you, harass you, and later imprison you if you don't go along with them.
So this is a real totalitarian takeover.
And if you watch corporate media, you'll see it on MSNBC, CNN, ABC News, a new clip this weekend, CIA analysts saying, screw your free speech, it doesn't exist.
Elon Musk is allowing some freedom on Twitter as a Russian agent.
And these guys are just up there saying all of this.
And it's absolutely disgusting and incredibly un-American, but that's what they're doing.
And we're going to get to that in a moment, but first, it's all over the world.
Ireland government plans to imprison people for possession of hate speech.
And what do they define that as?
Not Nazi flags.
They always said you ban those, next it's everything.
Not the N-word.
Denying transgenderism, denying two men can have a baby, denying open borders are a good thing, questioning election fraud, questioning lockdowns, questioning forced injections.
It's all UN-run.
The UN said a month ago, their head of global speech policy said, oh yeah, we run big tech.
We create the orders, give it to their governments, they implement it.
So this is UN control.
Ireland government plans to imprison people for possession of hate speech.
Here's the clip.
The Minister for Justice is to strengthen the law against hate crimes and hate speech with the aim of making it easier to secure convictions in the courts.
Helen McEntee said the proposed legislation would strike a balance between safeguarding free speech and being victim-centred.
Stanley Agusier vividly remembers when he came face-to-face with a stranger's hate in Dublin city centre.
Started yelling and calling me names, you know, using the n-word or leave this country.
He even said it, I hate you.
Like, the worst part was when he throws, you know, spit on me and I, the best thing I could do at that time was to leave that particular environment.
But leaving that environment, those words, those names didn't leave my mind.
Ireland does not currently have hate crime legislation but it is expected this year.
Today the Minister for Justice said she was amending her approach to the long-promised bill by including a demonstration test in addition to a motivation test in order to make it easier to secure prosecutions.
For a demonstration test is that you demonstrate hatred.
So for example, you might have somebody that leaves a bar, could be an LGBTI bar for example.
An individual follows them, is shouting homophobic slurs and then attacks them.
You are demonstrating by your words and your actions.
We very much welcome the legislation.
It is an area of focus for us because it is a pretty devastating crime for people.
Many civil liberties and minority groups welcomed today's announcement, but some cautioned that they will be examining the published bill to ensure there is no impact on freedom of speech.
The most important goal here though must not be to secure more convictions, it must be to prevent hate crime happening and to assist our agencies such as An Garda Síochána in shaping an effective response to the problem of hate crime.
Under the provisions, new versions of existing offences attracting extra penalties would be created if these offences were motivated by prejudice against a protected characteristic of the victim.
The new bill is set to be published in September.
It's hoped it could be enacted by the end of the year.
Joan O'Sullivan, RT News, at the Department of Justice.
And it's all run by the UN.
Oh, someone claims you said something, don't even attack them, you get arrested.
Look at England, where if you post on Facebook the transgender flag and put them back-to-back it makes a Nazi swastika, you get arrested.
But they don't respond to people being stabbed, robberies, murders, you name it.
So this is the control, ladies and gentlemen.
This is their larger plan.
Words can be weapons.
Hate speech online can lead to cruelty and violence in real life.
The UN report says ban people's speech because it might make somebody do something bad when they flood our countries with third world populations filled with hate for us.
If you criticize it, you get arrested.
And for radio listeners, I'll describe it.
It's a hand grenade that's made up of a keyboard, a pineapple hand grenade, fragmentation grenade, that the fragmentation pieces are The letters, the evil terrorist letters of a keyboard.
You've got to stop it.
Here's the report.
United Nations.
How to deal with hate speech.
Here's the report.
It continues.
CNN calls freedom of speech nonsense.
In rant accusing Elon Musk of being a Russian asset, CNN peddled more fake news than usual Friday when a former CIA agent Accused Elon Musk of working on Russia's behalf by freeing up Twitter, calling free speech nonsense.
Former CIA case officer Bob Baer has been on the show before, condemned Musk's recent decision to grant General Amnesty for formerly banned accounts, claiming that exactly what Russian President Vladimir Putin wants, all the debunked Russiagate crap, but now we've got to censor the American people because free speech is nonsense, because the CIA says so.
We'll play that clip and then get to this.
England's now outlawing the Bible.
We'll get to that in a moment.
Here is the CIA on TV saying, your First Amendment's nonsense.
Here it is.
And it gets more and more challenging to discern what's real and what is, you know, misinformation or disinformation.
With deep fakes and with the sophistication by which some of these influence campaigns are developed, how do you discern what's real versus what's fake, even, you know, in light of that sophistication?
Well, that's why the pre-Musk Twitter had 7,000 people going through these accounts.
You can pick them out with algorithms.
You can pick them out by looking at them.
You can check IPs and the rest of it.
And you simply block them.
And it's, it's, it's not right.
And you know, this freedom of speech is just nonsense because you can't go into a movie theater and yell fire.
It's against the law.
And what Putin's going to do, and the Russians, is they're going to use this as a vehicle to, to save himself and Ukraine.
And you know, whether it's going to work or not, I don't know, but we're going to see, as soon as these restrictions come off, we're going to see the Russians all over it, as I just said.
So if you had an opportunity to offer a piece of advice to Elon Musk, or to counsel him, or simply to send him a message, what would you say?
I'd say this libertarian nonsense is destructive to American national security, and he has got to reinstitute the same restrictions that were on Twitter before he bought it.
There is no other choice.
All right, that's enough.
So there is the CIA operative.
Saying we need to be like North Korea or Communist China.
Why don't you move there, Bob?
If it's so much safer and so much better.
It's all made up.
They're the ones that lied about the COVID virus.
They're the ones that lied about its kill rate and yelled fire in a theater.
They're the ones that pushed a deadly experimental shot they know is killing people and now they're targeting newborn babies.
Shame on you and Fauci!
You're engaged in illegal domestic operations of the CIA using lies and deception against the American people, and it's all admitted.
And now this.
Crown Prosecution Services says it's no longer appropriate to quote some passions from the Bible in public, including in your church.
You will be arrested.
Full article up on InfoWars.com, directly linked to the BBC.
Now you can't read the Bible.
We're becoming Communist China.
The UK already is.
This is a multinational, globalist conquering of the West.
It's the New World Order.
It's illegal.
It's criminal.
It's unpopular.
And we must defeat it.
Stay with us.
So I would be lying to you if I didn't tell you that there's an authoritarian totalitarian, absolute criminal takeover taking place worldwide.
And if we don't identify it as that, and if we don't rally against it and call it for what it is, it's so abhorrent, it's so evil, it will succeed because the general public just can't believe it's actually happening to them, especially in countries that have a history of freedom, a history of liberty, a history of due process.
And I've used this analogy many times.
It's historic.
The Galapagos Islands, 170 years ago or so, The first ship showed up there in the Pacific Ocean, off what is South America.
And these big, fat, juicy birds, with more meat on them than a turkey, had never had a predator.
And so the sailors could walk right over to them and hit them on the head with an oar and eat them.
And within a few years, all of the dodo birds We're eating the term dodo, or being stupid.
All of the dodo birds, name that by the sailors, were extinct.
We're like dodo birds.
We've lived under freedom so long, compared to other nations, and had these checks and balances, that they are now being removed.
Almost gone.
And liberty taken is very hard to get back.
The founding fathers warned us in history, history is replete with examples of that.
And it's like Tucker Carlson said last Friday about the central bank digital currencies and the ESGs.
They get those in place, it's over.
Everything you do tracked, everything you do controlled, what you can buy, controlled by them, all tied to your behavior, all tied to your social score.
In their own words, this is hell on earth.
If you think the left's out of control now, if you think Disney and Hollywood and the New World Order hates you now, And it's hurting you now.
Think again.
So it started in Australia and Canada over a decade ago.
Preachers being arrested for reading scripture that's called hate speech.
And now it's being adopted in blue cities across the United States.
And here's an example out of the UK.
Crown Prosecution Services says it is no longer appropriate to quote some Bible passages in public.
by the UK's main prosecution service, that's their feds, said it's no longer appropriate to read parts of the Bible
aloud in public.
Christian groups have called the statement ill-judged and concerning.
The Belfast newsletter has more.
The story all stems from a confrontation between a man called John Dunn
and a soldier turned evangelist and two lesbians.
And it goes on to him two years ago quoting the Bible.
Well, you don't have to listen to him if you disagree with him.
And let he without sin cast the first stone.
But to come in and say we're going to federally prosecute you in the UK, in Scotland, in Northern Ireland, in England, in Wales, is a unified worldwide program and it's everything we see.
Going on in Communist China.
But when the Muslims are brought in, and they actually physically attack people, the media covers it up when they attack the LGBT, because that's not part of the agenda.
It's the well-behaved indigenous populations of Europe that are being told, you've got to roll over, and you've got to fly the rainbow flag, and you've got to submit to our political movement, or you are involved in hate speech.
What did Trudeau say last week when he was on a drag queen show?
He said, we can't just be tolerant.
We've got to celebrate this and adopt this.
But is it just men dressed like women?
Hell, Bob Hope did that.
I don't care if men want to go do that.
That's their free expression.
I don't hate them.
I don't even dislike them.
But when you want to tie it to children and sexualize them in their own documents, that is evil beyond belief and is wrong.
That's some of the censorship news.
And in fact, I want to play this clip in a moment.
We played it last night.
It's about two minutes, 15 seconds of Kanye West over the weekend saying he's really upset about the censorship, particularly Elon Musk refusing to bring me back to Twitter.
But I've explained, I don't care about being back on Twitter.
I care in general if Musk can bring back most people and have some semblance of freedom compared to the rest of the web, because he's going to have the EU come after him, the ADL, the bureaucrats, the Justice Department.
As Biden said days after I warned of that two weeks ago, Biden said we're criminally basically investigating Elon Musk.
As a Russian spy!
And you just saw a high-level CIA operative on television saying Elon Musk is a Russian agent with no evidence.
Because he allows some free speech.
So I get the fact that Musk is bitten off a lot.
He had to throw me under the bus to try to get him some cover with these people.
I think that was a little bit...
Out of line, but whatever.
I've got bigger fish to fry, folks.
We're way past censorship now.
We're going into the debanking phase.
We're going into the arrest phase.
We're going into the disappearance phase.
We're going into the worldwide collapse phase.
And we're all going to be facing the exact same stuff you see in Communist China in the near future.
That's why we've got to get ahead of this now, organize our political movements and our awakening so we know what is already hitting us, the leading edge, and what is coming behind in the bigger maelstrom.
So I'm going to get to that Ye West clip here in just a moment, and then a Jimmy Dore clip as well where he lays out what Elon Musk is really up to.
But first, I wanted to get to this, because you talk about tyranny, as I've explained a thousand times, this is a lot bigger than Alex Jones.
So I want to spend a few minutes on this, because it affects everybody.
We now know in hindsight it was worse than we thought with the Sandy Hook PR situation.
Barely ever covered it.
Hillary runs against Trump's.
Taking out context clips of what I said that I had a right to say.
As soon as they get me to come out and say, listen, I'm not sending people to your houses, I'm not really that big a guy on this, I think it probably happened, then the PR firms, the PR firm that runs the UNPR, it's in the news now, that they've been bragging for over a month, hype up that I'm being mean to the kids and saying it didn't happen and sending people to their houses for a year to make it a big issue, people think I'm doing that, to then sue me!
Then they sue me, there's no evidence of what they said being true, so two different judges in Democrat jurisdictions find me in default and say I'm guilty.
Then they tell a jury, two juries I'm guilty, and get a billion, four hundred plus million dollar judgments all together to break our will and make us think we've all been defeated.
Then they lie with the PR firms.
Going through the record, going through the depositions to make up outlandish stories, to make listeners think we've got plenty of money so you stop supporting, claiming I have hundreds of millions of dollars when I don't have a million dollars.
Then, they put out lies like, Jones gives $100,000 a week to his personal trainer.
Sounds insane.
Couldn't make that up.
It's too weird.
It is completely made up.
They went and looked at the guy that runs the shipping company for us.
He owned a weight machine company.
Has nothing to do with us.
So because he has a degree from UT in kinesiology, they go, oh, his personal trainer gets $100,000 a week.
That was what we were spending on shipping every week that you were paying for.
So that's the level of lies.
But here's the big one of thousands.
This was all synthetic.
They hyped it up.
They made it this big issue.
I wasn't ever suspended on Twitter for Sandy Hook, as Elon Musk said, because it wasn't on the radar then.
It wasn't being discussed in 2017.
Judge, this is the New York Times, judge upholds 49 million verdict against Alex Jones despite cap.
Now, in Texas law, these lawsuits are capped at $5 million.
It's the law.
18 years ago, famous tort reform, the model of almost 40 states, 39 states have adopted it.
Texas tort reform.
18 years old, about to be 19 years old next month.
19-year-old law.
She said, I don't care, in her ruling last week, two weeks ago, what the law is, this is unconstitutional, he will pay the whole $50 million.
Five million is the same as 50 million.
I don't have it.
So that's a non-issue.
Except, she literally on her Facebook has blue hair, she literally is a hardcore leftist Antifa supporter, and she says, I don't care what the law says, Alex Jones will pay the whole amount.
Because they're lawless.
Just like she defaulted me, now she says she doesn't care, I gotta pay the full amount outside of law.
These are criminals involved in Revolution against our freedom through the judiciary.
Not all judges are like this.
Look at Rittenhouse's judge.
That was a fair will judge.
But that's the level of the control and they're coming for you next.
We gotta stop this now.
We'll be right back.
Huge news on the other side.
Stay with us.
We're going to have open phones in the second hour.
And then the excellent investigative journalist we've been interviewing for more than 15 years, Dan Dix.
I think he's done the best job.
With all this breaking news about major fashion firms openly promoting pedophilia.
That's been one of the top stories in the last week and a half.
So that's all coming up in the third hour.
The Balenciaga situation and more.
But let's just get back to what I've been covering this hour.
The CIA at the top Leftist rung has been involved heavily since its founding in 1947, but massively since the killing of JFK.
That came out in the late 70s, Frank Church committees, and then a whole other level under Obama.
Right through Trump, who didn't have control, they were working against him the whole time, and then exploding under Biden, and is now coming out and saying all over the news, screw your free speech, screw you, you're all Russian agents, if you don't want to take shots, if you don't want open borders, if you don't want devalued currencies, you're Russians, we have to censor you for national security.
That's what Bob Bair said earlier when I played it.
That your freedom is nonsense.
That's a quote.
Your freedom is nonsense!
Supposed to protect our freedom, huh, buddy?
The big threat historically, going back to Rome and even before that, would be your own security forces taking over.
Look at China.
Look at Venezuela.
Look at Cuba.
Look at North Korea.
Look at Germany.
And the Nazis.
And it's happening again.
And these paid stooges are up there on TV.
So we knew this, and we knew there was funding by big billionaires against me and the whole Sandy Hook thing.
But remember, they ran thousands of articles a week for five years, for a year before they sued me, saying I'm the Sandy Hook man and I've got to be censored.
And they now admit it's a blueprint to censor everybody else with weaponized judiciary.
Now, I knew that back at the time, but then, when they had their fake judgment with their rigged jury, the judge already said I was guilty.
Two days after that first billion dollar verdict, then the judge said, oh, another 400 and something million.
Comical at that point, because I don't have, again, a million dollars laying around.
The PR firm came out and said, we secretly ran this whole thing.
A year before they sued me.
Hyping it up.
Making it about Alex Jones.
Working for the Democratic Party.
Misconstruing what I said.
Putting out edited clips.
Hyping it.
Oh, it's the families.
They're upset.
I'm like, hey, I barely covered this.
I think your kids died.
I didn't see people leave their houses.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Stop saying.
I didn't understand what was happening.
Then they go, oh, you admit it.
You admit you lied.
Then the judge finds me guilty, so then they can put on these show trials in Texas and in Connecticut, where our hands are tied.
We can't defend ourselves.
We can't put on evidence.
People say, why aren't your lawyers doing a better job?
They're there in a show trial.
You say, why did you show up?
Well, because we've got to do that for the appeal.
Because if you don't, they win.
So if they set this precedent, it's game over.
And then now the PR firm brags about all this.
The main PR firm for the United Nations.
Look it up.
It's incredible.
So, when you see this headline, judge upholds 49 million verdict against Alex Jones despite cap.
The cap is the law, but it gets worse.
She then ruled a week and a half ago, right before Thanksgiving.
She then ruled, no one's ever done this in Texas history or anywhere else.
She let the lawyers, the plaintiff's lawyers, the ambulance chasers, the Democratic Party operatives, announce a bunch of new stuff I'd crimes I'd committed
crimes against the elderly abuse of the elderly what does that even mean that's what they said
look at the ruling I'm even involved so that some other weird stuff kicks in and criminal
clauses kick in and the judge said yes I find he's guilty of that too so she finds me guilty she
tells the jury I'm guilty they lie about how much money I've got and say I have four hundred
million dollars so the jury says well we'll give you 20 percent of his wealth which is 50 million
dollars which is you know 20 30 times my wealth And
All lies upon lies.
So she finds me guilty, rigs the jury to find out how guilty I am, lies about the financial numbers, and then after the trial, at the judgment phase, she lets them come in and say he's also guilty of all these things.
She goes, yes, I retroactively find that the jury found him guilty of that!
People reading this, even top law firms, That didn't want to touch Alex Jones the 10-foot pole, didn't understand what this is, now are waking up and now about to take action because they're like, oh my god, you can't do that!
You can't retroactively, after the judge finds you guilty and a jury finds you guilty because the judge says you're guilty, then add stuff that was not before the jury and say I'm guilty of that, abusing old people!
She said he's guilty of a criminal act!
It wasn't even a criminal trial!
People say, this doesn't make sense.
People can't believe it.
They can't imagine it.
Like, in prison, saying two women had a baby.
No, a man raped a woman who says he's a woman.
Or, there's 55 genders.
You're like, none of this is true.
It's meant to make you just psychologically give up and go into a catatonic state, but we're not going to.
They're trying to completely overwhelm us.
But it's not about Alex Jones complaining.
It's not about me being a victim here.
It's about everybody understanding just how hardcore these people are, and how there's no rules, and they're going gangbusters at every level, because the world's awakened to globalists, and the whole Anglo-American establishment, and the neoliberals, and they're being rejected, so they're a corrupt, dying political system clinging to power and trying to keep control.
Now, I'm going to give the number out.
Start of the next hour, I'm going to take a bunch of your calls.
Hell, I'm going to give it out right now.
On any subject you want to cover.
But I'm going to use the new Kanye West clip.
I'm going to get to Fauci and the huge COVID news.
I told you this was coming.
And I warned Trump.
And I even got Trump warned again last week.
And I said, they're going to blame you for the deadly shot.
I've been telling Trump this for over two years.
And now Fauci came out and said Trump covered up the origin of where it came from.
And Trump gave people the poisonous shot.
And he said, there'll be no investigation of me because Trump green lit it all.
You knew that was coming.
I've said it over a thousand times on air the last two years, and now, ladies and gentlemen, they've done it bigger than Dallas.
Meanwhile, the British Medical Journal came out two weeks ago and said this is the biggest medical crime in history, the shots don't work, and are killing people en masse.
The British Medical Journal.
Zero news coverage.
But the scientists are covering their ass.
Because they know this is serious Nuremberg-level Joseph Mingalov steroids garbage.
This is a big deal.
This is a big, big, big, big deal.
So I'm going to hit all that first.
I'm going to go to your phone calls.
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The Canadian government in British Columbia is trying to pass legislation that will recreate
how oversight bodies regulate health care and alternative medicine.
Certain details of this legislation are undisclosed and will remain so until the government passes it into law.
But what we do know about Bill C-36 is bad enough.
This bill gives the government of British Columbia the power to mandate vaccines for any illness the government so chooses.
It gives the government the power to censor anyone who challenges their narrative on anything, allowing the government power to seize an individual's property, fine them for up to $200,000 and throw them in jail.
It creates a system of classification wherein the government decides who has good character and who doesn't.
It redefines the meaning of informed consent.
And while it has not been made official yet, the Canadian Psychiatric Association is now targeting everyone who refuses the dangerous mystery vaccines.
Labeling them as mentally insane.
An age-old tactic of tyrants.
Throw the dissidents into mental asylums and medicate them.
And you've talked about how even they recommend, you know, perhaps psychiatric medication or something for people that don't want to take a vaccine.
So this has come out recently out of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
The College sent out a letter or a memo to all the doctors in Ontario suggesting to them, now so far they're not mandating it, they're just suggesting it, that any of their unvaccinated patients that they should consider that they have a mental problem and that they should be put on psychiatric medication.
So far it's just a suggestion.
But the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario should not be making these kinds of suggestions.
This is extremely unethical and this is a very, very slippery slope.
If they're suggesting that people who wish to have bodily autonomy and don't want an experimental vaccine, that there may be something mentally wrong with them, that is a very, very dangerous, slippery slope that we're on.
This is what the website of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario says.
It says, quote, it is also important that physicians work with their patients to manage anxieties related to the vaccine and not enable avoidance behavior.
In cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and or referral to psychotherapy are available options.
Overall, physicians have a responsibility to allow their patients to be properly informed about vaccines and not have those anxieties empowered by an exemption.
So my verdict is, wow, yes, this is in fact a true claim.
This is what the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is telling doctors.
That if a patient has declined the COVID-19 vaccine, they are not to quote-unquote empower That patient with an exemption that the declining of the vaccine is automatically labeled as an irrational anxiety and the recourse for that in the eyes of this medical organization is prescription medications and or psychotherapy.
They want to drug you to trick you into taking the COVID vaccine.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Well, the Bill of Rights is a stumbling block on the way to shutting down speech that the left doesn't like, at least in government.
But there's a new avenue for those who would like to censor what you say and think, and that's corporations.
The left have wised up to this.
If you want to stop someone from telling the truth, use companies to do it.
The social media giants.
And they are.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
So far the most prominent casualty of the crusade against free expression has been the radio show host Alex Jones.
There is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational corporations and big tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices.
There's also guys on CNN that spend their whole day calling Facebook and saying, can you ban this person?
He may be America's best-known conspiracy theorist, but this week, Alex Jones' content will be a little harder to find.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent, free press working with big tech.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
In a free country, everyone can be heard.
In totalitarian societies, only the powerful can be heard.
We're now into hour number two.
Remember, evil forces are literally working around the clock to keep you from listening to the show and keep you from sharing this broadcast.
However you can, you're smart.
Share it.
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Okay, your phone calls are coming up, but I wanted to get into the COVID news here because Anthony Fauci knows he's going to get called up before the House.
At least the Republicans got control of that.
They're bringing up the gain of function, which he lied about.
He said there is no gain of function when he specifically in all these documents calls it gain of function.
Not just at Wuhan, but Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Boston, Massachusetts, they produce COVIDs that kill 80% of humans that catch it.
I mean, how insane is that?
And so he went on Face the Nation on CBS this weekend and said, hey, I'm not going to be investigated.
Trump covered up the origin of COVID.
Because they got Trump to sign on to all this, they're going to blame him as how deadly this is begins to come out.
It was so clear this has been going on, we called it from the start.
Tomorrow's news today, here is Joseph Mingala, 2.0 Fauci.
What happens is that if you look at the anti-China approach, that clearly the Trump administration had right from the very beginning, and the accusatory nature, the Chinese are going to flinch back and say, no, I'm sorry, we're not going to talk to you about it, which is not correct.
But they're not talking to the Biden administration about it either.
I think that horse is out of the barn and they're very suspicious of anybody trying to accuse them.
We need to have an open dialogue with their scientists and our scientists.
Keep the politics out of it and let the scientists, because these are scientists that we've known for decades.
Oh yeah, the good comment is Chinese.
He goes on again about Trump.
He goes on to talk about the Republicans, that they politicize COVID.
Absolute garbage.
So Fauci defends China for covering up origins of, then blames Trump for it.
Now, here's some of the news today on the COVID front.
Three runners suffer heart attacks.
125 others require medical attention following Spanish half marathon.
Never before happened.
Can't even run 12 miles.
Got a heart attack.
Louisiana AG slams Fauci for not answering questions during deposition about his handling of COVID-19.
says he remembers nothing.
Couldn't recall much.
Pfizer CEO in trouble by regulator for making misleading statements about children and vaccines and claiming the vaccines worked.
Another study finds heart inflammation higher among Moderna vaccination users than Pfizer's.
Because Moderna is just four times stronger than the Pfizer.
Exact same shot.
Move up and stay on that day one.
COVID-19 researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer's vaccine trial.
They covered up the real damages being caused by it.
As an oncologist, I'm seeing people with stable cancer rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster.
What do the studies already show?
Canadian Psychiatric Association targets anti-vaxxers.
If you say the vaccine doesn't work or has low efficacy, they say drug you and put you in a mental institution.
Even though that's a fact.
Medical Journal claims anti-vaxxers causing deadly clots in people, in vaccinated people, by scaring them about the danger of vaccines.
military, biological activities, a threat to the world, says Russia.
And it goes on and on.
Woman dies, allegedly, after COVID booster.
Daughter in shock.
But it doesn't matter.
Buttigieg was out again last Friday saying, the shot protects you from COVID.
Just take it.
A total lie.
Total fraud.
Team's death three weeks after Pfizer vaccine triggers investigation.
Even the Washington Post admits that COVID is now a pandemic of the vaccinated.
They're now putting out antigen tests in the U.S.
and worldwide that count flu as COVID-19.
Remember how flu went to zero during the first two years of COVID?
Now it's back.
Now they're calling flu influenza A and B COVID on the test.
Total fraud.
In your face.
Federal government sues doctor for 500 billion for being right about COVID vaccine and alternative treatments.
See, it's not just Alex Jones.
They're coming after everybody.
So that's the news on that front.
I want to talk about Fauci.
An arrogant, monstrous person.
You know, I don't really like horror movies.
I've seen enough real horror in my life that I don't think it's cute or funny.
But they've got popular shows like Dahmer.
I haven't watched it, but I've read the reviews.
And people are so shocked by him kidnapping people and injecting them with stuff, turn them into sex slaves, brain damaging them with injections in their brains and chemicals.
But when you look at what Fauci's doing, it's on a scale hundreds of millions of times bigger, and he radiates evil and arrogance, and he's up there just laughing at everybody.
And he has this 45-year history of being an evil mad scientist that loves to kill people.
That's why he was chosen by the eugenicists.
And you look at him, and it's hard to look at him because he is literally the devil incarnate.
He is a monster beyond monsters.
And he's part of the Bill and Melinda Gates Depopulation Fund.
That's the real name of their foundation.
We can play clips of their award ceremonies where they give awards under that name.
He says there's too many people.
He says he wants you to die.
Now take this shot.
Folks, we've got to wake up to this fact.
And that's why I raised this last hour.
Not because it's about me.
Because it's about you, that judge in Texas that found me guilty, had a show trial, told the jury just to find out how guilty I was, said the $49 million verdict against Alex Jones stands despite the law that is a cap.
The New York Times says Texas law caps punitive damages at two times economic damages plus $750,000 per plaintiff at $5 million, which a lawyer for Mr. Jones And Dina Reynal has predicted would limit the award so far and the jury's verdict.
It's the law.
But in a hearing last two Tuesdays ago, Judge Maya Guerra-Gamble of the District Court in Travis County, where Infowars is based, questioned the constitutionality of the cap and called the verdict a rare case.
So she said, I don't care what the law says.
He owes that.
That's breaking the law, just like she did with her fake Default judgment, claiming I didn't give them evidence.
Now it's completely naked, but she went further.
She said in last Tuesday, not the Tuesday before last, she said at the end, they put forward papers saying, well the jury didn't hear the evidence, but we want to say, because one of these plaintiffs is an old person, that it's elder abuse and a crime.
She said, yes, I convict Alex Jones, not a jury, I, a judge, convict him of elder abuse, And so, I guess they now got the district attorney involved or something.
You thought prosecutors brought charges.
You thought... No, no, no!
Judges do!
She said, you are guilty of elder abuse after the trial.
The show trial.
So, I didn't get a trial.
I got a show trial.
She found me guilty.
And people are shocked by this.
This has finally gotten a lot of people's attention in the legal world.
That's what I keep warning people about over and over again.
This is not a game.
You saw the article I read about a mainline doctor that exposed the shots weren't working, making people sick, put out info so the federal government's suing him for $500 billion.
That number's meant to scare you.
Oh, Alex Jones, $1.4 billion.
Oh, you're $500 billion.
The doctor doesn't have a million dollars.
It's just meant to sound so overwhelming that you just give up.
It's all smoke and mirrors.
It's all Wizard of Oz.
It's all PR firms and the CIA.
It's a desperate power structure hiding behind these lawyers, hiding behind these plaintiffs.
I'll just tell you point blank, I'm very proud to be in this fight and proud to be on air battling this with you, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, I said I'd get to the Kanye West Club, and I said I'd get to the Jimmy Dore Club that are very important, that tie into all this free speech attack, but I'm going to do that I'm going to do that in the third hour when Dan Dix is on with me.
I'm going to set this aside because your calls are the most important.
You bring up amazing topics.
You take us at angles we wouldn't have gone in.
I love the wild card nature.
I love poker.
I love blackjack.
It's just the randomness of it and all the great points you make.
So, when we go to break in 20 seconds, 25 seconds, I'm going to come back and go right to your calls.
Joe and Will and Jaden and Matt and Joe and Anthony and Haiti.
Heidi, and Looney, and Josh, and Brian, all your calls are straight ahead on the other side.
But remember who they really fear.
It's you, the people.
It's we, the people.
So share the live feed at fullwars.com forward slash show.
Take clips out of the show.
Share them.
Email everybody the live show.
God bless you.
The globalists want a worldwide biomedical tyranny as the smoke screen to bring in their world ID, the social credit score.
The thing standing in their way is free speech.
That fails the Second Amendment.
That's why they're also coming after your guns.
Biden says he wants to ban all semi-autos as of last week.
Very serious times.
Let's go to Joe in West Virginia.
You're on the air.
Welcome, sir.
Hello, Alex.
I've been a listener for about 10 years now and been buying all your products for five years.
Thank you.
They're superior.
So whoever's on the ledge, just go ahead and jump on in and buy all these products.
Thank you.
Go ahead, Joe.
I didn't hang up on you, Joe.
You there?
All right.
Sorry, Joe.
Call back.
We'll get you back on air.
Let's talk to Matt in Canada.
Matt, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Good, sir.
Go ahead.
So yeah, this radical, totalitarian, liberal government we have in Canada wants to ban uh... semi-automatic centerfire magazine fed gun
and i was just in the sale of of guns a month ago with an executive action by trudeau says he admires
dictatorship of china and and and now they're gonna come out the guns themselves
of course that's right so they ban handguns and now they're trying to
flip an amendment to ban even more guns and it was supposed to be magazine
fed semi-automatic centerfire guns
when i go to the gun store there's both They want to break your will and bring you into the new world order, just like Xi Jinping's doing in China right now.
22s that are banned. So anybody in Canada listening to this, that's thinking about going and getting a gun,
they better go right away because there's gonna be way more gone than what's on their list.
And of course that's because they got big plans for Canada.
They want to break your will and bring into the new world order just like Xi Jinping's doing in China right now.
Exactly. They want to disarm everybody of all weapons.
Well, look at how he's banning peaceful protests in your country.
Are Canadians starting to wake up, or what's happening?
Some are, but the brainwashing program has been in for so long that people just can't come back from it.
I hear you, brother.
God bless you.
I'm sorry that's the case.
But they're going to learn that submitting a tyranny is a lot bigger cost than fighting it.
Anthony in New Jersey.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, my only regret is I didn't hear of you sooner.
I love you, brother.
Good to have you on board.
What's on your mind?
On my mind is Sandy Hook and the parents of Sandy Hook.
It seems to me like it's fraud on the lawyers' part, their lawyers' part.
It's fraud, because they knew in advance what you were worth, and yet they promised them billion dollar you know however that works if they promised
them if they put it in writing that you know we know he's only worth two
million and he you know we're gonna assume for a billion or nine hundred and sixty
four million well that's just fraud
Well, the families have already gotten $73 million from Remington.
They've already raised reportedly over $100 million in charity.
So, a lot of them have come out and said, we want him off air, we don't want money.
So, they're on board.
This is all a deep state action, hiding behind these families.
It's all been run by PR firms.
It's all confirmed now.
It's all a giant psy-op of the American people.
Wow, they're all bought already.
Well, I mean, maybe some of them are just ignorant.
I can't judge the heart.
Only God can do that.
I just know that I wasn't brought off Twitter about Sandy Hook.
I wasn't covering it for years and years and years before they sued me.
I hardly ever talked about it.
They made me that because I'm a populist leader that predicted the New World Order.
So they've got to demonize me.
So they just picked this topic to blow it up and make it giant.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Let's go to Will in Maryland.
Will, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I'm calling.
It's not a spike protein.
They're nano carbon tubes.
If you go to Rumble, there's a video called Karen Kingston.
People are connected to demonic realm.
Let me be very clear with you.
I've had a bunch of top scientists on, top research doctors.
I had Dr. Peter McCullough on three weeks ago.
It's in the mainline studies, because everybody goes off kind of like people's speculation.
It is a self, the spike protein is a synthetic nanotech self-replicating protein prion, similar to what causes mad cow disease.
What you're saying is mainline science admitted.
So why are they trying to colonize us?
With these spike proteins that take over the body?
Please listen to me, it's not spike proteins, they're carbon nanotubes and they feed off of 5G frequencies, okay?
This is why they're turning all the lights blue, the street lights, okay?
I have the patent applications for it.
You know, here's the deal, sir.
I'm gonna talk to you, I'm gonna put you on hold.
I'm gonna talk to you again.
What they call a spike protein, is a nanoprotein.
So we're saying the same thing.
Let me give you an example.
Everybody calls the streaks in the sky chemtrails.
Well, a lot of those are actual ice crystal condensation from jets, so that then discredits it all.
When I have the CIA, the documents, the Department of Energy admitting massive geoengineering is going on, they're using electromagnetic fields from the Doppler radar towers under patents to energize nuclei in the atmosphere, not just what planes are putting out with chemicals.
Sometimes they have special planes that go out and spray and do things to hurricanes and other weather fronts that control them.
But in general, they're using electromagnetic radiation for potash, for water vapor, for normal condensation trails to manipulate those to control the weather.
So, people don't go with the actual breakdown.
What I'm telling you is, it's what I'm agreeing with you, is it's decided, admitted science.
That what is given in the Moderna-Pfizer shots, but also through the virus vector shots of AstraZeneca and J&J, programs the body to mass-produce your cells a copy of this synthetic nanoprotein.
You are absolutely correct.
I agree with you.
Go ahead.
Please, I have the patent application, Alex.
Well, just give it!
Just give it!
What do you want, the number or what?
They took it off the web now, so it's a trade secret.
It's not a trade secret!
It's not a trade secret!
The Department of Energy runs the geoengineering, and you guys always, it's always like a Q thing, like it can't be found, it makes it more fun.
Guys, get me all the patents on the nanotech replicating spike proteins for this guy.
It's like the FEMA camps are built.
I have all the documents.
People go, I heard there's a FEMA camp.
I appreciate your call.
I can't handle it anymore.
I'm not mad at you, brother.
I just can't handle it.
I just can't handle it.
I just can't handle it anymore.
I just can't handle it anymore.
The CIA is running a takeover of America.
It's public.
Congress has it.
They're having congressional hearings.
Instead, people speculate about it.
And then you tell me there's a patent I know about the self-replicating nanotech in the blood.
We covered it two and a half years ago, and I'm glad you called in.
I was agreeing with you.
You started arguing with me about the spike protein, which is the same thing.
What do you think prions are?
They're protein crystals that cause spongiform encephalopathy or mad cow disease!
I agree with you!
I agree with you!
I agree with you!
You want me to play the CIA director in Millionaire Kim Trails?
Nobody wants to cover that, or the admitted plan, because if we actually went to Congress with that, we could stop them.
It's always speculation, and it's secret, nobody can prove it.
No, they got pedophiles, screwing little kids everywhere, and drag queen story time.
It's public!
The open border is public!
The stolen election is public!
By the way, I apologize to the last caller if I got mad at him.
They just kept debating me about It being nanotech, self-replicating protein, and I agree.
But it turns out the synthetic spike protein created by bioweapon defense labs in the late 1970s is that replicating protein.
And so that's what they've hit us with.
There's a bunch of other garbage in there as well.
And I just get so mad talking about this, and the mass death it's caused, and I wasn't mad at the caller, I'm just pissed off at it in general.
Because 99% of the time, we've got admitted documents where this stuff's going on, but nobody ever covers those.
It's always just, I heard this or that.
But what we do know is the shots don't work, they erase our immune system, they make us sick, they've killed a lot of people.
And that should really upset you, and it does upset me, but I do apologize for blowing up.
I try to be calm here, but I get why a lot of the public just lives in la-la land, because who wants to admit this is really all going down?
Let's talk to Caller Missouri.
Let's talk to Looney.
Go ahead, sir.
You're on the air, ma'am.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
How you doing, Brother Alex?
I'm alright, Brother.
I'm doing pretty good.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I'm a former DoD employee.
I used to work for BAE, Northrop Grumman, Boston Dynamics, Boston Technologies.
And, Brother, let me tell you what.
Once they unleash the hell that is behind all these systems, people are going to see.
You know, just what we've been working on in secret.
And everything done in the darkness will come to light.
And, uh, I just want to want to thank you for everything that you've done.
And, uh, you know, I want to thank you for giving me two beautiful little twin babies that are going to be born here in just a couple weeks.
Um, I take your X2, take X3 bodies and BioTruth Selenium.
Um, brother, I'm telling you, the hell storms are coming and people need to get prepared mentally, spiritually, and physically.
Let's walk through this piece by piece.
For folks that don't know, it is selenium and... I'm not a scientist.
I can read the scientific research.
It's selenium and iodine deficiency that is causing most of the weird degenerative diseases and infertility and other problems.
And as unhealthy as my lifestyle is and the stress I'm under, if I wasn't taking those, I couldn't do this.
They literally... I feel more energy and more aggressive Then when I was 20 years old, because I take those things, even though I was running six miles almost every day and lifting weights three days a week when I was 20 because of those things.
And I guess that's what you were alluding to.
I mean, are you tying?
I mean, what experience did you have once you took those?
Yes, sir.
A little back history is 2017.
I was actually paralyzed from my chest down due to a vaccine injury.
And I don't want to get off into that, but I know it's from a vaccine injury.
Like I said, I was paralyzed from my chest down.
I was told I wasn't gonna be able to walk.
Anyways, long story short, I'm taking the Selenium.
I'm taking the X3, X2.
I'm a former decathlon runner.
I was a high school decathlon runner, marathon runner.
And I tell you what, if I had this back then, my life would be a different story.
And like you said, you know, the selenium, once you combine that with the X2 or X3, I put it in my coffee.
You know, you talk about getting fired up and the cognitive abilities that you get, you know, I used to not be able to dream until I started taking this just a few, two, three years ago.
It really is incredible.
It's involved in every cellular action of the body, all electrochemical activity, both selenium and iodine.
That's why they're trying to keep those from us now.
Separately, I know you can't get into classified stuff you signed on to, but when you talk about some of the stuff that's been developed, I mean, just give us a prelude of where we've been right on air, where we've been wrong, from what you've seen, without specifically telling us anything secret, but what you're concerned with.
Yeah, well, I specialize in reconnaissance and satellite systems and swarm technology with the search and rescue robots and stuff like that, you know, along with Atlas and some of the smaller drones that they have.
Which they can flip a switch and weaponize it.
Yes, sir, absolutely.
And, you know, you got Gates down there releasing all them mosquitoes down there in Florida and, you know, The thing is, I believe that they've already action-planned this out, and now we're in motion.
It may be too late to stop a lot of this, but if we can just get more people prepared, like I said, spiritually and mentally and physically for what you're going to have to endure, that's where we need to be at.
I feel your frustration.
I try talking to people and they just look at me and they get this glazed look over their eyes.
To me, that's just the demon inside of them.
The demons can't stand when you start talking good knowledge to them.
They just can't stand it.
Brother, I love you.
I love you to death.
I've been listening to you my whole life.
Prison Planet.
Info Wars.
And I just pray for you.
I love you.
I thank you, sir.
I thank you.
And it's people like you, all the great listeners, Looney, that keep me in the fight.
And some days I'm not as good as I should be, but I'm trying as hard as I can.
So just please pray for me.
But God bless you.
Yep, they've announced that California and Oregon combat robots weaponized on the streets to enforce future COVID lockdowns.
It's all been announced.
Got the stories right here.
You snap your fingers, combat robots are on the street.
Told you that decades ago.
It's all long-term plan, folks.
It's pretty damn scary.
And yeah, people don't know that in Brazil and in Florida and everywhere, they're releasing mosquitoes that then sterilize all the other mosquitoes with a quote, synthetic gene that blocks replication.
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Joe in New Jersey.
Joe, thanks.
Hey Alex.
So I used to work in the city at a media job and recently I have ties with that media job because of the whole fake vaccine mandate and everything like that.
I did a religious exemption the whole nine yards but yeah they didn't accept it.
So I'm working a day job now and InfoWars really inspired me to use the talents that I gained and the skills that I gained at a media job and propel it into something else.
You inspired me to make my own podcast.
I make videos in the same vein as InfoWars.
Like, really, I just want to say thank you for waking me up, waking up my- so I could wake up my family members, and podcasts are getting a little bit of traction now, and even Harrison Smith, who I listen to in the mornings, he told me about Da Vinci Resolve, and that's a- that's a program where you can make videos.
So, like, I just want to say this to InfoWarriors, too, like, share the knowledge.
Get out there, like, make your own show, make your own videos, make your own Instagram page, make your own Twitter page, like, where- Absolutely, I mean, look, look, look, even if you reach a few thousand people a month, that's giant when we're all doing it.
You might reach a million, you never know.
Absolutely, but if you reach ten people, that's beautiful.
How do people find your podcast, Joe?
Oh dude, it's only on Spotify, it's called Connect Those Dots, and you can go on my Instagram, it's underscore Connect Those Dots underscore, and you can find the podcast easier in there because it's kind of hard to find on Spotify, it's called Connect Those Dots.
And I recently, I was just talking to the crew, and the whole Albert Borla speech at the ADL, like it really like put me in a tizzy, put me in a whirlwind, and Because he talks about misinformation.
Everything he's doing, everything he's saying I'm doing, everything he says I'm doing is what he's doing.
So I made a video, I sent it to the crew, I don't know if they have it, I sent it to the showtips, and it chronicles the timeline of all his lies, when he initially said, one shot will give you total protection, and then I used like sort of the Spongebob memes with, a few moments later, a few weeks later, and then- How long's the video?
How long's the video?
We'll grab it and play it.
It's only a minute long.
Ah, hey!
We'll come back and play it, okay?
God bless you, brother.
That's great.
And again, me blowing up with the caller earlier had nothing to do with him.
I just... I hear about the spike proteins.
I hear about the nano stuff.
And it's 100% proven.
It just enrages me.
They are literally murdering, murdering people.
And we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
Well, the last caller called in about his podcast, so we thought we'd check it out.
Looks interesting.
And there's been a lot of these videos put out.
Which doesn't mean you shouldn't put out more.
Showing Fauci and Borla and Gates, claiming the shot's going to work 100%, Biden saying that, and then over time saying it doesn't work, but you should be arrested if you don't want to take it or if you don't go along with it.
So here's from Connect Those Dots Podcast, a little video he did on Borla at the ADL two weeks ago, saying, I'm, quote, an agent of evil, the most evil, because I put out this info and he is an absolute lying eugenicist.
Joseph Mingala, Angel of Death 2.0.
That are telling us that there is a protection against transmission of the disease.
There is no variant that we have identified that escapes the protection of our vaccine.
COVID to come now with a treatment of 90% effectiveness, you know, personally makes me very proud.
And we know that the two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection.
The three doses with a booster, they offer reasonable protection.
The following Thursday.
It is necessary a fourth boost right now.
The protection what you are getting from the third, it is good enough,
actually quite good for hospitalizations and deaths.
It's not that good against infections, but doesn't last.
Two very boring minutes later.
Do you think that we will every fall have to prepare ourselves for a booster shot with COVID
just like we get a flu shot?
I think so.
I think so.
So, excellent job, Connect The Dots.
I hate to even plug listeners and fans, great shows, because a lot of times they get censored by the almighty control freaks.
But there you go, if you call in, you're asking for it.
We're very proud of you, good job.
Look, somebody should edit that in though, him talking about me being full of disinformation, how bad the evil Alex Jones is.
I'm getting serious here, ladies and gentlemen.
The globalists have stolen the wealth.
They think we're like a cockroach infestation eating their food.
They want to get rid of us.
And if we go along with anything they say, we're fools and I guess deserve what's happening.
But as I said a thousand times, the children do not deserve what's happening to them.
And so it's on us if we don't stand up against this.
God's watching.
Haiti in Michigan.
Go ahead and thanks for calling.
Hello, Alex.
Go ahead.
Hey, I just want to thank you for all your products.
Having them at a good price and the highest quality, probably on Earth.
DNA Force changed my life.
I'm on my fourth cycle within the last few years.
Every time I crack open a DNA Force bottle, it's a new chapter in my life and it brings me closer to God.
Okay, so I wanted to mention the run on silver, And China is planning with Russia to re-evaluate gold and silver while the petrodollar is crashing.
And the protests in China is an excuse to shut down exports to the U.S.
And everybody listening should go out and buy silver.
Get in better physical and mental health.
Learn more discipline.
That's going to be very important.
Well, you're right.
food shortages and also most importantly is to get closer to God and
there's no need to be afraid when you're prepared.
Well you're right one big reason GGP is doing this is economic war and they can
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.
down the neighborhood, shut down what they don't want to go out of the country, that's a big part
of it. He's also testing his dictatorial powers, his totalitarian powers over his population. We
really got to stand with the Chinese people who are up against right now what we're going to be
facing very, very soon. Thank you, Alex. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. And I hope everybody
goes into the new year's total with peace and joy. And like I said, when you're prepared,
There's no need to be afraid.
Get your storable food at least six months.
God bless you.
I'm going to go back to more calls.
Let me just throw this out there.
We're barely treading water.
We're barely in the black right now.
We need to sell products to have money to stay on air.
We're under massive attack.
Everybody sees that.
You hear these billion-dollar judgments and all that.
We're going to appeal that for years.
That doesn't matter.
As long as we have the legal fees to keep battling it, we'll be on air for years dealing with that.
The issue is people hear, oh, billion-dollar judgment.
He must be going off air.
No reason to support him.
It's their desperation.
We're actually stronger than ever.
A lot of stuff's happened behind the scenes.
I'm not at liberty to tell you about.
But I've had top people reach out, some of them in person.
And, you know, household names.
And just say...
Everybody they talk to brings up the show, and that the show is leading the fight against the New World Order, and that massive numbers of Congress are now awake and listening, and that world leaders are awake and listening.
And I already knew this, but it's intense now.
So their attempts to shut us down only got more people tuned in, more informed people to get tuned in.
And so folks are really waking up to what's happening very, very quick.
So we've always reached out to the general public, and we've been very successful waking the public up.
Our real effect is now happening in the intelligentsia.
And so keeping us on air every day we're on air is a big victory.
It's all in God's hands.
But the big sale is going to continue up to 60% off double patriot points as products sell out.
But whatever's in stock will stay on sale right through Christmas.
But I've got to end, tomorrow at midnight, the free gift with every order.
So up to 60% off, double Patreon points, and the free gift, that part of the sale ends tomorrow at midnight.
You get DNA Force Plus, that is the best product for your cells, your telomeres, your mitochondria, the PQQ, the CoQ10, of the highest quality, a bunch of other key ingredients, very high quality.
That's massively discounted.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion, Bazo Beats, Ultra 12, highest quality B12 out there, take another tongue.
Our Vitamin D3 gummies with calcium.
Our super high quality multivitamin.
All of it is massively discounted with a free gift until tomorrow night at midnight.
Infowarsstore.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
I thank you all for your support.
You've changed the world.
The audience and those that spread the word and those that pray for the show and those that buy products are the most important people in the world when it comes to the fight against the New World Order.
We are the tip of the spear.
We are having a giant, giant effect.
And supporting this broadcast, however you can do it, is a revolutionary act against tyranny.
And it doesn't just affect things on the third dimension.
God is watching.
So be part of that revolutionary action.
Go to InfoWareStore.com today.
Brian in Arizona, thanks for holding her on the air.
First time speaking to you, Alex, and I'm glad I am mad.
We all know Alex Jones was right.
We need hashtag Alex Jones is right.
We have to stay ahead, stop being late in the game.
I don't know if it's the brain force, my natural manhood from what you've taught me, but I'm so mad.
And the reason I call is we're all mad, and we have to get ahead of this.
Like you said, it's not a big deal.
It's a huge deal.
And what we're seeing in China will be here physically.
It's already here mentally if you think about it.
It's never going to end.
The CIA saying my freedom is fake.
Arizona falsely certifying it today.
Oh my gosh, Alex, Elon's shirts he found at Twitter, you know, the 7,500 employees, that's why they need 7,500 employees to promote this horrible communism.
And think about everyone, everyone out there, think about every corporation, that's their army, and we just figured out their secrets.
So, I am doing something.
The people must take action now, since they kicked Trump out.
It's our turn.
And I'm literally suing the United States of America, the United States of America Inc., or anyone using and having in their name or doing business as the United States of America.
And I'm taking that to the Supreme Court, and I represent we, the people of America, or at least those that want the same as that.
And we hereby ask the U.S.
Supreme Court to one, dismantle the name United States of America.
Number two, separate every state into its own country as the name state means.
And three, starting with Florida, we will form the new Republic of America in order to house the re-proclaimed Declaration of Independence.
And I'm sorry to rant, Alex, but we must reform America to protect the United States.
No, brother, I love you ranting.
I mean, do you believe in China?
They weld people on their high-rises and then let them burn down?
Why do you think Xi Jinping's doing this?
We know to cut off supplies to the world.
We know to cement his power, see who'll follow orders.
Why is Xi Jinping doing this?
Population control.
He's pure evil.
He's showing the world.
He's showing the world they're the real tyrants.
Thank you so much, Brian.
All right, we're gonna go to break for two minutes.
Come back with Jaden and others that are patiently holding like Bob.
Third hour straight ahead, I'll take a few more calls, then we've got the great Dan Dix joining us on this Balcinaga, I always pronounce it Balenciaga, you know, pedophile promotion, going on about one of the world's top luxury brands.
Absolutely disgusting, ladies and gentlemen.
So that's all coming up in the next hour.
Deep dive on that and so much more.
But yes, tomorrow night at midnight, it will end then.
It has to because we're almost out of the free gifts.
Books, films, t-shirts, it's all randomly selected by the computer when you check out.
Every order gets a free gift.
And we need the funds and they're great products.
And it's going to sell out soon.
DNA Force Plus, Vitamin Mineral Fusion, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
We're going to keep them on sale at Infowarstore.
You won't get what you're after until the day you die.
Because you weren't born again.
That's the big trick.
How are you doing my brother in Christ?
Gonna get born again with a relationship with the creator of the universe.
Gotta open that channel up.
We'll start getting those transmissions.
Real soft at first.
But if you start tuning in more and more, it's gonna get a little more intense.
You ready for the real roller coaster?
Give God a chance, you'll find out.
Jaden in Texas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding and calling.
How you doing, my brother in Christ?
Good to talk to you.
So I work for a company based in Fort Worth, Texas that makes triggers for AR-15s and AK.
I just wanted to let you know that we love you and we support you, man.
And I want to promote two of your products, Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
I had to start taking vitamins because I got really tired during the day and I started taking Vitamin Mineral Fusion and I'm not getting tired anymore.
Also, I take your X2 iodine, and my acne on my face cleared up really good, so I'm guessing it'll be good for your skin.
Well, it deals with all electrochemical activity.
That's why I'm so bummed we're out of X2 and X3.
And it's going to be next year until we get more in, and it's our best seller.
I mean, I warn people, and this stuff's selling out, we're not making it up.
And that's what Dr. Grip told me 10 years ago.
He goes, you got a few sunspots on your face, because I'm an outdoors guy.
And he told me a bunch of other stuff that would happen.
And I'm like, he goes, just take it for two weeks, see what happens.
He said, like, libido.
And I said, well, I don't have a problem with that department.
He goes, yeah.
He said, it'll be like you're 16 again.
And sure enough, about two, three weeks later, Man, the energy, the other areas, and then in a couple months, these sunspots, they just went away.
Just like you said.
It's great.
My acne is a lot better now.
Also, I mean, I found out the hard way that you need to stock up on iodine because like you said, it goes out of stock and you don't get it for a while.
So I try to buy a couple more than usual so I can have some for when you're out of stock.
Well, we're going to try to fix that.
That's the problem with treading water.
I don't want to get into it all, but a lot of good stuff's happening.
We've been blessed in a lot of ways, and it looks like things are coming through in the next few weeks on a lot of fronts, and hopefully we'll be in a position to keep going here.
But it's all in God's hands.
Right, I'm glad God's taking care of you.
I wanted to talk about the vaccines real quick.
I wanted to ask your opinion on how long the media is going to be able to keep up this charade of pretending like nothing is happening.
I mean, as long as they can censor us, I think they can.
But I mean, the British Medical Journal came out two, three weeks ago and said this is the biggest medical scandal in history.
It doesn't protect you.
People are dying in mass.
It's producing self-replicating proteins in the body, prions.
And I mean it's it's it's it but I mean even I can't believe it.
During the break earlier I was just like I was almost couldn't even continue the show.
I mean I get why people can't believe this because your government's worse than Adolf Hitler.
Big Pharma is is doing on a wider scale than Adolf Hitler.
Joseph Mingle when you look at Fauci and how evil he is.
I mean he literally is murdering tens of millions of people.
He wants to he's injecting kids.
They know what they're doing.
God they're evil.
I know you're right about people waking up, because I go on Twitter, and all you have to do is go into the hashtags of vaccines, and every post you see is anti-vax, COVID-vax, and tells you that people are having myocarditis because of the vaccine, having heart issues.
I got, I was in Florida for a week, and everywhere I went I got mobbed.
I was in Western Florida, I was in Southern Sarasota, Siesta Key, and I got mobbed everywhere.
Not one negative comment, not one nothing.
Grocery store, the beach, everywhere.
And my five-year-old daughter goes, Daddy, who are you?
Why do they all love you so much?
And it's not that they love me, they love the truth.
So, the enemies program has backfired.
The problem is, Jayden, they're going to launch something else now.
They never give up.
So we can all be excited, but we better be watching our six.
Thank you so much.
We're going to go to break.
Come back with Dan Dix, investigative journalist.
You don't want to miss this information.
Stay with us for more calls as well.
Many of our top selling items are included in this sale and are in limited supply, so once they're out, they will probably not be back in stock until next year.
Everything is listed at deep discounts of up to 60% off market price, plus if you order now, we will include a free gift from the store for every order, regardless of what you buy.
This item will be chosen at random from a hand-picked selection of our DVDs, books, stickers, and so much more.
This is our gift to you for supporting the InfoWars and the Voice of Freedom worldwide.
After the seemingly never-ending barrage of attacks on us, Alex and the rest of the crew here at InfoWars needs all the help we can get to allow the message of a pro-human future to reach the masses.
Hurry to the store of InfoWars now to check out the Mega Blowout Sale because some of
these items are already selling out at InfoWarsStore.com [Music]
This is Dan Dix here, reporting for Press for Truth, coming at you today with what may be the most important video I'll have produced in 2022.
I got a lot of questions that need to be answered.
This video needs to go viral so we can all get to the bottom of this.
So, let's jump right into it.
Balenciaga is a high-end luxury and fashion brand that sells ridiculously expensive items and clothing.
Their holiday gifting campaign is trying to sell you something, but it's not clothing.
It's sex with children.
Why is this child posing with teddy bears wearing sexual bondage gear with a white rabbit and a stack of duct tape and a dog leash?
Why is this kid posing with the white rabbit, a bondage bear, and more duct tape?
Or why is this toddler holding a teddy bear dressed in sexual bondage gear, complete with a leather harness, with yet another white rabbit and dog leash?
Why is this young child being depicted with a sexualized teddy bear?
Why is that same toddler shown here lying face down with these bondage bears on the couch and dresser, candles in beer cans, wine glasses, another dog leash, and some sort of dog collar bowl on the floor?
Why did they create a fashion show with a bunch of troubled individuals carrying around these sex bondage pedo bears?
Why did this company post a photo with a book in the background by Michael Boromies, the man who also wrote Fire From The Sun, a book that features naked children with pedophiles as its artwork?
Why did they post a photo of this bag with pages open showing a section of a Supreme Court ruling against a law that was designed to fight pedophilia?
The court documents concerning Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, a 2002 Supreme Court case that struck down a portion of the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996, ruling that virtual child pornography is protected speech.
Why is this major retail brand promoting child pornography?
And they're not being subtle about it.
They're very brazen about it, putting it out in the open for all to see.
Why are they trying to sell the idea that they are okay with pedophilia?
I mean, just think of the amount of people involved here.
The producers, the photographer, the parents, the creative directors.
Why didn't anyone at some point along the line say, hold up, What the F are we all doing here?
The reason is because of a movement that is trying to normalize pedophilia while also sexualizing young children.
They use terms like MAPS, which stands for Minor Attracted Persons, as if to just say, it's just a sexual preference.
They launched NAMBLA, which stands for North American Man-Boy Love Association, A pedophile advocacy group that's run out of the United States.
They promote drag shows for kids, and if you say anything negative about that, you're just a transphobic bigot.
The schools are pushing all of this as well, because if they are saying that a child can change their sex, they'll eventually be saying that that means a child can consent to it as well.
Even the big banks are promoting, mutilizing, castrating and sterilizing young children.
Canadian Bank donates $500,000 for transgender surgeries on kids.
A top Canadian bank just donated a half a million dollars to a hospital program in Ontario that specializes in transgender surgeries for children.
And here it is from TD Bank.
For a closer look at the Balenciaga scandal, this is, with a lot of the other big brands as well, is investigative journalist Dan Dixon, known for more than 15 years, pressfortruth.ca.
I want to talk about this, but also the China situation, the new lockdowns they're preparing, the man that says he loves authoritarian dictatorships.
that runs Canada and more. Dan Dix joins us. Dan, you shot that video days ago. It's since gone viral.
A lot has happened with this big company since then. And so let's recap what's happened. And then
a lot of the other catalogs have been found to have the very same stuff, including things
I won't show on air. The rape and murder of children simulated.
Children being hunted through the woods by Satanists and murdered.
I mean, this is just really, really nasty people.
So thanks for helping us get to the bottom of it.
Well, Alex, they've already been exposed that, you know, that they are doing this.
And they have taken the position that this is just some sort of ridiculous conspiracy.
This is nonsense.
Well, if that's the case, why are they now suing the ad campaign company who put together this set?
You know, that's almost to admit that something indeed very wrong did go on here.
And as I mentioned in that video, you got to ask the question about how many people are involved in this.
You got the parents, the directors, the producers.
As I said, this is clearly a massive movement.
But I think one of the big takeaways from that video, Alex, is that I got the sense that they saw that this was coming.
You said this was a big video, and it was.
Because two days ago, I had my YouTube channel terminated over this.
275,000 subscribers.
Oh, I didn't know that!
So, so, so, oh, for exposing the pedophilia, they admit this happened, the head photographer says he was told to show those images, they've been caught, and for you exposing Jeffrey Epstein 2.0, YouTube is protecting pedophiles at an industrial level.
Wow, what a scandal!
Well, it's even crazier than that, Alex, because this actually happened before.
Back in 2020, I put out a video about the Wayfair conspiracy.
Now, I was showing that to be a red herring, saying that they are doing this on purpose so that in the future, when something does happen, they can point to this and just say, oh, that's a debunked, you know, conspiracy.
And then within hours, my channel was terminated back in 2020.
Seven months later, they contacted me and said, we've made a mistake.
We apologize.
We've reinstated your channel.
We're going to look into what happened here.
So that was kind of bizarre.
Fast forward a couple of years, and now the Balenciaga thing happens.
And in that video, I briefly mentioned the Wayfair conspiracy video.
And I see, remember, two years ago, I said that they are going to set up a red herring so that in the future, they can just dismiss this as nonsense.
They did that with Pizzagate.
I remember them suspending you then, but I'm sorry.
The big news is this is admitted.
The company admits it's pedophilic.
They apologize.
And now you've been banned off YouTube.
Google has now directly endorsed pedophilia, promotion of pedophilia.
This is now the big story.
So let's start over.
You'll have the whole hour that's left to walk through this, but the three minutes to break.
Start over.
Dan Dix, Press for Truth.
I wanted you on days ago.
Didn't know this had just happened.
You've now been banned on YouTube by Google for exposing an admitted promotion of pedophilia.
Recap that.
Exactly that, Alex.
Because of that video, I was banned.
And the day that I was banned, I was actually out at one of these drag queen for little three-year-olds to cover this, to continue on this expose.
And believe it or not, there were counter protesters at this thing, which just goes to show you how big this movement really is becoming and the fact that there are.
Powerful, influential, famous, billionaires, politicians, high levels of finance, military men, all are involved with this at the highest levels.
When we see companies as big as Balenciaga, Getting exposed for this.
Just imagine what else is going on out there, Alex.
This is really just maybe the tip of the iceberg.
This is the beginning of the fall of this pedophile network.
I would hope to, you know, really hope to believe that that is the case.
That this movement has a counter movement.
And I mean, you can see it.
I mean, most people are on the side of the children.
These protesters were chanting, uh, trans rights are human rights.
And it's like, yeah, that's, that's not the issue.
We're here to protect the children.
And, uh, that's what this whole Balenciaga expose is all about.
I mean, you look at the intro of that video that I put together.
What about dressing up kids in makeup, looking like they've been beaten up, carrying around these pedo bears?
That's not a conspiracy theory.
You did that.
By the way, for those that don't know, panda eyes is a big pedophile thing, where after a small child's been brutally raped, it blacks their eyes.
Yeah, you know, there's one big one that I even missed in my video.
In the photo, I don't know if you could pull it up, but there's the one photo of the girl lying face down on the couch, and there's all that terrible stuff.
Well, right beside her is a big, huge dog bed, and it's actually a heart within a heart.
And WikiLeaks has exposed the FBI document that said that a heart within the heart is the secret payto symbol for a little girl lover.
So it's right there, plain as day for anyone to see.
Hold on, stay there, Dan.
This is incredible.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, this Monday edition, November 28, 2022.
And a lot of listeners who've been listening for decades, they say, yeah, Jones really has hammered the whole elite pedophile connection.
And now it's all true.
It's like he predicted it.
I didn't predict anything.
It was major scandals in the 80s and 90s and 2000s in Belgium, in France, in the Netherlands, in the UK, in Canada and in the U.S., as well as other places.
But it wasn't just aristocrats, the ultra-rich, starting with judges right up to presidents, prime ministers, and billionaires, raping little children.
It was also killing them.
So to start the next segment, I'm going to play a clip from an admitted survivor in Belgium, where they found these little girls that were alive.
The others had all been starved to death in cages.
Others had been chopped up.
And she survived, one of the few found in a cage.
Run by the local police chief and others.
So, this is very, very real, folks.
These aren't speculations.
So, when you hear this Hellraiser stuff from me, you're thinking, Jones has got a sick mind.
Jeffrey Dahmer is like a 1 on a Richter scale compared to these people.
They're a 20.
And yes, I know the Richter scale only goes to 10.
It's like spinal tap, but it goes to 11.
And you've got to understand that because we won't admit this exists historically, it keeps winning.
So Dan Dix dropped a bombshell on us.
I saw his report on Infowars.com, like on Friday.
I thought he did the best job.
We posted it on Saturday.
I told the crew on Saturday, get Dan Dix.
He's here today.
Hadn't followed his work since then.
Banned on YouTube for the report you just saw us air 10 minutes ago, which is all admitted fact.
They admit it's pedo.
They say they're sorry and he's banned.
He's banned for exposing these people and remember that they're protecting them.
So that makes them accomplices.
So Dan, please continue.
Well, yeah, that's Jed.
I've been banned for this, and you've kind of obviously were the first domino to fall when it comes to, you know, being banned, and then it's trickled down to everyone else.
And I mean, there's a clip floating around right now of you and I over a decade ago doing an interview talking about the future of the internet.
And in that particular video, you basically nailed it, what was coming down the pike.
In terms of them shutting us down, popping up with little fact-check messages saying that, oh, you better go to this website to see what the real truth is.
You predicted all of that back over a decade ago.
And that once they tried to ban us and they tried to shut us down, that there would be a fork in the road and we'd eventually move into more decentralized platforms and there'd be more censorship-resistant and freedom-minded platforms that would come up.
And all of a sudden, sure enough, I was about to say badge of honor.
I mean, this is a badge of shame for Google.
and the rumbles and all these types of things exactly as you predicted so I'm
really not surprised that I have been banned over this it's really coming as
no surprise I kind of take it with a badge of honor. I was about to say badge
of honor I mean this is a badge of shame for Google I mean there should be a
congressional investigation over them banning you over that report documenting
in a very conservative way an admitted pedophilic promotion.
Yeah I mean I'm not There's other more famous people who have done this and they're not being taken down from YouTube.
Maybe their time is yet to come.
I don't know.
But it seems that I've certainly been targeted over this particular campaign.
And you got to ask the question, why is that?
Why on earth would they pretend?
Because you've been on this for a long time, and you're very effective, and you're very conservative, and so you're doing a very professional job.
Like, Pizzagate, we had it in the WikiLeaks, it's all real, they focus on a pizza place, and we didn't, we barely got sucked into it, they misrepresented that we totally created the theory, which they then use to discredit the rest of it.
Another great example of one of these red herrings, where they know that this information is going to come out one day, so they put out this nonsense conspiracy that's easily debunked, so that when the real truth comes out, people can just point to this and say, oh, that's just piece of gate nonsense, or, oh, that's just Wayfair conspiracy nonsense.
And now they say, Balenciaga?
That's probably just the same kind of pizza gator wayfarer and all that stuff that's already been debunked.
It's all done by design, because they know that we're onto it.
They know that we've been exposing this.
And so the fact that they have to use these almost psychological operations and propaganda to discredit what we are saying, again, vindicates us even more so as we continue to expose this stuff.
You know and there's no end to it. I mean look what just happened with Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein the whole house
of cards Well, that's where I was going next
I was told by high-level Hollywood people and others not just about
The British pedophilia that was all admitted and Jimmy Savelle and Prince Charles
Long before it came out with it with Prince Charles his brother Prince Andrew
And it was specifically the Epstein stuff is why they came after me
They used other reasons and they used Sandy Hook later, but it was specifically exposing the pedo rings is what made them come after me.
I'm not surprised about that at all, Alex.
You know, that doesn't surprise me whatsoever.
Because you, too, have been at the top of exposing this stuff.
So maybe for a little while they were just ignoring you, thinking that, oh, I mean, what harm could it really cause?
And I think you got to the point where they're like, oh, he's actually changing the world.
We need to put a stop to this, which is why they've come down so hard on you.
Sure, and the reason I raise it is you get banned, I get banned.
You expose the exploitation, the torture, the rape, even murder of children.
That's their special thing.
That's their heart and soul.
That's what they will not tolerate.
Yeah, absolutely.
But, you know, I'm not going to tolerate being shut down, you know.
I'm certainly not going to let a little thing like being banned from YouTube stop me, you know.
This is actually just giving more fire under my belly to want to continue to expose these guys for what they are.
This is making me want to, you know, just build up my other platforms.
People can help me do that by going at pressfortruth.ca, but there's all the other platforms where I'm posting on and that's That's really key moving forward, is that we focus on these decentralized platforms so that when we do put out this information, it's not just going to be zapped.
No, I totally agree.
We use the old enemy platforms to take people to the new independent platforms like the getters and like the rumbles and the gabs and so many others.
But we're going to go to break here in a few minutes, but let's talk about this.
They are losing control.
I mean, you take this big apparel company.
They had to back off and say they're sorry, but then their agents, their fellow travelers, though, then try to suppress what's happening.
That shows how weak they are.
We should call and go on the offense and call for a congressional investigation and a parliamentary investigation in Canada of Google censoring the press to protect pedophiles.
I mean, I think Google's got some answers that they've got to answer to.
Well, yeah.
And it's not just pedophiles that I'm exposing here in Canada.
I'm exposing the tyrant Justin Trudeau and the fact that if you want to tie it all in, he's appearing on drag queen shows promoting so-called diversity.
So when I go after that stuff as well, he brings his children to the Pride Parade.
Little kids.
I confronted him on that face-to-face.
You know, about bringing his little five-year-old to the gay pride parade.
By the way, anybody that's ever documented a gay pride parade, I mean, they run from wild to out of control.
People eating poop, men having sex, peeing on each other.
I mean, folks, it is unbelievable.
Well, you should see this drag queen story time for little three-year-old toddlers that just happened in Kitslano, Vancouver a couple of days ago that I went to.
Literally gay men in g-strings prancing around and performing in front of toddlers with counter protesters outside upset about the fact that we're there saying that something about this is wrong.
You know, this isn't right.
We shouldn't be sexualizing young children.
And yet, there's police outside protecting... Oh, it's the LGBTP.
And again, I don't care if it's a heterosexual or homosexual event.
Keep your hands away from the children.
These people are degenerates and their final frontier is our children.
That's a fact.
We'll be right back with Dan Dix.
So the global social engineers count on us having short attention spans.
They admit they've shortened the ads, they've sped things up for children, been going on for 70 years to really get people where they're easily distracted and also easily suggestible.
But I've always, I guess, had this gift or curse, you could call it, up until about five, six years ago, my memory was near photographic.
As you get older, and I guess, drink a little too much, it's not as photographic as it used to be.
It's almost a blessing.
It used to, I'd see a story and remember like 10,000 connected ones, and it would just be like, bzzz, brain sped up that fast.
People used to remember, I could like, word for word, quote stories from five years before, whole paragraphs, and we're like, how the hell does he do that?
He's gotta have a teleprompter?
No, I had photographic memory.
And it's almost a blessing that it's, I don't have one now.
I'll be like my dad but I'm 70-something and I'll be kind of like, hey everything's great, I don't remember anything.
But I remember being on air and I remember doing research in the 90s and just back then they didn't completely control the corporate press.
So it'd be like the Times of London.
Describing a story in Burgundy, France, where they found a young teenage girl who weighed like 80-something pounds, looked like a concentration camp victim, cuts all over.
She runs into a local town.
They won't help her.
Locals take her to state police.
They go to a Rothschild castle.
It was a Rothschild estate.
A lot of the estates are.
Most of the castles in France are actually owned by the Rothschilds.
Look it up.
It was a big wine-growing estate.
And they go in.
And there's a dungeon with all these dead women and dead girls in, some of them are stuffed, some of them are in gelatin solution, others have been put in acid baths, and a few are alive in cages.
I remember that was about 1998, I covered that.
Anybody, any journalist watching the New York Times, you can look up, Sunday Times of London, and that article.
The point is, is that I've seen documentaries on this stuff.
Jimmy Savelle and his torture dungeon, where he raped little kids, and where he'd kill them while he raped them.
That all came out in court.
So this is all out there, but this story, testimony of Anika Lucas, survivor of the Belgian Pedophile Network, Children were mainly used for sex, but there were a number of aristocrats, royalty you name it, who were part of the club who enjoyed killing children.
Beating them, cutting them, then chasing them to the woods with dogs, hunting them and killing them.
Other times they would just have children in cages begging for mommy, and they would just go sit while they begged for mommy and have their dinners while children begged and pleaded in cages.
I mean, and they called it the beautiful music they make.
The Children of the Night.
So, you have to understand that I didn't come up with this stuff.
People say, Jones?
Well, Terry Shurer said, I've heard Jones' show.
He would be the greatest Hollywood screenwriter ever.
The stuff he comes up with, I didn't come up with any of this.
This is what they do.
This is the reality.
Who could come up with any of this stuff?
They're putting deadly injections in us that grow prions in us.
I mean, these are psychotic people.
So I want to go back to Dan Dix on his big report and all the other big world news and what else he thinks is most important right now, but I wanted to play a short clip of her.
Talking about this and she's a survivor people were convicted it was judges
It was heads of government, but it got shut down But they did convict the handlers that kept dungeons and
mansions around Belgium of kidnapped little boys and girls For the elites to rape and murder them. This is confirmed
convicted real here it is I was
raised in Belgium and sold into a A murderous pedophile network right around my sixth
I was used in this network for five years and a half.
Adult men that were part of this exclusive club were there.
For various reasons, but there was a lot of alcohol, a lot of drugs, and the children were the commodity, the highest, the most valued commodity, and were used for sex mostly.
But there were a number of aristocrats that were part of this club who also liked killing children.
And then my time had come.
At the age of 11, I was about to be killed.
I was tortured because someone who had protected me for a while and then abused me really badly was done with me.
I was strapped to a butcher's block.
That was black from the blood of all the children that had come before me.
I was there for a few hours.
My body is full of scars.
And every scar reminds me of the moment.
I thought that I was going to be killed like all the children that weren't loved enough to live.
And I was going to be forgotten as well.
And I wasn't ready to die.
Someone from inside that network loved me enough to rescue me.
That torture lasted a few hours.
However, And we'll get to the rest of the story tomorrow.
She's given a TED Talk, the police saved her, it all came out.
The point is, they found dungeons full of children, they declared national security, just like in England.
Dan Dix, for all the left defending this, for all of them defending sexualization of children, they have now signed on to this.
They need to know that.
Yeah, that is absolutely horrific.
I've never seen that particular clip.
But you know, she mentioned, you know, being put down on like a black block that had bloodstains on it from the earlier killings.
That sounds Ritualistic to me.
That sounds, you know, satanic to me.
And when you look back at where this stuff is coming from, when you were saying, I didn't make this up, well, who did make this up?
You can track it back to guys like Alistair Crowley, who quite literally wrote about ritual sex magic.
And that you are able to obtain some sort of power from the spirit world when you engage in this ritualistic sex magic.
And now we see that powerful, influential billionaires, politicians, famous people, you know, artists, musicians are quite literally engaging in these things.
And I'm happy to see that there's actually people starting to speak out about this.
No doubt the left is going to call people like that.
Um, liars.
Um, but I think more and more of this stuff will, uh, you know, be like a trickle effect.
You know, it's like when one girl accuses Harvey Weinstein or something, all of a sudden a hundred others feel, hey, maybe it's my time to speak up.
Well, what we need is more people like this brave lady to stand up, because I have no doubt more of this has been going on behind the scenes, and I think we're going to start to see more of it come out.
As this continues to exponentially grow.
So it's absolutely horrifying and sickening to see something like that.
But again, I'm not too surprised, but I'm glad to see it being exposed now.
I agree.
Remember what came out two years ago, even the New Yorker magazine reported on it.
The German government placed tens of thousands of children with convicted pedophiles in a quote study and ordered them to rape them for more than 40 years.
This is a cult.
Yeah, it really is a cult, you know, it's like a brainwashed cult, you know, and you look at what brainwashed cults are like, it's like almost like an MKUltra program, you know, that they've been indoctrinated with here, because You look in their eyes, Alex, like when I'm at this protest and we're just sitting here saying, you know, why are you guys protected?
Why do you want to sexualize children?
It's just like they're gone.
They're like zombies who aren't even there.
They're not capable of a debate, that's for sure, because I think they know that they're on the wrong side of history.
Honestly, I think some of them don't even understand why they're protected.
Well, I can tell you, I can take one look at those groups and they always are busting them.
Most of them have been abused themselves.
Yeah, for sure.
A lot of this is stemming from past abuse and unfortunately it's trickling onto the children.
And that's where we take issue.
If you want to identify as whatever you want to identify or have sex with the same sex, that's fine.
I don't care.
I really don't.
It's not my business.
Go at it.
But as soon as you involve the little ones, the children, the toddlers, Absolutely, and their attempt to censor you will only make you fight harder.
Let's come back and talk about China, the lockdowns, big picture, new world order, the incredible tyranny in Canada, the attacks on free speech with Dan Dix.
Final segment with him and I'll get a few more calls ahead of Gerald Cilente taking over for everybody that's holding.
Leo, Joe, Justin, Trent, and Bob.
We'll get to your calls as well.
Stay with us.
Welcome back to the final segment of the Third Hour with Dan Dix.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Also, Dan Dix, for a while, has had a great channel on Banned.Video, so you can find his forbidden information and latest reports going back through an archive at PressForTruth at Banned.Video, and also his great website.
You can find all his material at PressForTruth.ca.
Let's put Klaus Schwab on screen.
Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote a lot of books back in the 70s that I read in the early 90s, and he explained that global elites control organized crime, including pedophilia, in one of his books in particular, and it was the technotronic age between two ages, I forget which one, but he said they use it to control people.
And so that's exactly what's going on here.
That's what Epstein was doing.
So we know they're M.O.ed.
And my uncle never told me about a lot of secret stuff, but he was a heavily decorated Vietnam helicopter pilot.
And his name was William Forrest Hammond.
And about a year before he died, that's about nine years ago, he died eight years ago, I was out at his farm, ranch.
We were riding around checking the fences.
And I asked him, I said, I know you were in Iran-Contra, you never really talk about it, but your mom knows something about it.
You were down there building airfields.
What made you get out of it?
And actually, his best buddy that was down there, they had become stronger Christians.
I knew he had a deep Christian conversion.
He was already Christian, but he really got born again.
And his partner got shot up and killed.
He was in the jeep with him, almost died.
Because they've been leaders down there involved in the government operation.
And he said it was children.
He said, I can't tell you.
It's too secret.
But he said that the US government was smuggling orphans out of Guatemala and loading them on planes and really bad things was happening.
And he said, listen, I'm not going to tell you anymore.
It's too dangerous.
So, my uncle did work for Army Special Operations and the CIA, and he did tell me that before he died.
So, again, you can't swing a stick in the dark and not run into this type of stuff.
And this is what makes or breaks you.
Other people get high enough in the government or corporations, they run into it, and they say no, they're not part of the club.
If they say yes, they're part of the club.
And it starts with free hookers and money, and then it's, oh, that girl you had sex with, she's 16, and then it's, oh, you're gonna have sex with a 10-year-old, and then it's, well, we need you to get rid of this kid, they're a problem, go strangle them.
And by the way, we're going to videotape it.
That's what Epstein was doing.
They weren't just raping children.
They were murdering them.
Dan Dix, closing comments on this and then just other big picture with what's happening in the world and where you see things going.
Well, just to touch on what you were just saying, I mean, look at what's happening with Kanye West.
I mean, I don't really follow celebrities a lot, but he is not going along with this stuff.
As you said, he seems to be speaking out about it.
And then he tried to expose the fact that his personal trainer was trying to have him, you know, taken out with drugs and stuff.
And then we find out that his personal trainer is a Canadian military man who dealt in psychological operations involving drugs.
So there is an effort behind the scenes to not only silence certain people who are aware of what's happening, but also to promote certain people who are... And the so-called trainer to the stars said in text messages, we'll drug you out, you'll be a zombie in an institution forever if you don't shut up.
Yeah, he literally said that in a text message and Kanye exposed that.
And again, this is maybe a little bit of the first glimpse in behind the scenes in Hollywood at how handlers can actually be used to control and manipulate people, or at least to keep people in line.
Because a guy like Kanye has a massive, massive amount of influence and reach, and that is scary to the powers that ought not to be.
That is something That they find troubling, and of course, it has to be managed behind the scenes.
And now, with guys like him, who seem to be a little bit unmanageable, people are starting to learn that, wow, this stuff actually goes on behind the scenes.
They try to silence certain people.
They try to promote others who are going along with it.
And, you know, this is why we have to continue to expose this stuff for what it is.
Otherwise, it's just going to continue to happen, Alex.
It really is.
And now they're externalizing their method of evil, trying to rape all our bodies with these shots.
What do you think of China?
Biggest protest in the history of 60 plus years under the communists.
We've got to really stand with those folks.
Well, it's a time that's come.
I mean, you know, they've been put under this no COVID pressure for so long that, of course, it's going to erupt into this.
And people have to understand that China is the blueprint for the West.
You know, they often, you know, test things out over there to see how we're going to deal with it over here.
And I'm starting to see some signs that China is now, Canada is now morphing into a similar blueprint and a test I mean, look at what Justin Trudeau was doing.
When I went to cover the trucker rally, Alex, I had to drive for six days across the country.
I couldn't fly within my own country because I'm unvaccinated.
I took a baton to the ribs from the police for covering that.
I'm still dealing with that.
This is all over this COVID 1984 nightmare.
Look at British Columbia right now.
Bill C-36.
They want to quite literally stop doctors from spreading misinformation about the vaccine and charge people up to $200,000.
Maybe even throw them in jail for refusing to go along with this medical tyranny.
So, I mean... And Klaus Schwab, you're right.
Klaus Schwab says Judge Trudeau is the model of leaders that they're installing.
Schwab quite literally bragged about the fact that he has guys like Trudeau and Macron and the New Zealand Prime Minister and others essentially under his thumb as what he calls World Economic Juniors.
World Economic Forum juniors who have been shaped and molded to bring about this great
That's why they're all talking about it openly.
And yeah, China is absolutely shocking what's going on there, but people need to pay attention
to what's happening in Canada too because they've really, really pushed their boundaries
here in Canada.
Canadians are noticing what's going on, they're speaking out.
Hopefully they get as brazen as what's happening in China because as I understand it, this
is very rare for the Chinese to become this vocal, actually saying, "Get Xi Xi out of
Again, it's a protest whose time has come, because this COVID-1984 nightmare, as you know, and as your audience know, is fully about control.
Clearly has nothing to do with health.
It's all about mandating this global inoculation program, getting us under this health umbrella for the purposes of Of control.
What's crazy is they now admit that everywhere.
What is that doing to your credibility and others?
It's not about, oh, we're credible, but we've reached that paradox where everything we said has come true.
I'm just seeing our credibility explode.
I don't see how the system deals with that because if we weren't around, if our listeners weren't around promoting this, I'm letting folks know the good news, folks.
We really fought them to a standstill.
They would be winning right now, but they're not because the world's waking up fast.
How do they strike back then?
Well, perhaps that's our position in this war, in InfoWars and in Press for Truth, is to continuously push back against this and expose this.
And I suppose the only thing they can do is to play dirty, right?
Go behind the scenes and try to have us shut down or censored in any way they can.
But as we spoke about earlier, Alex, that only amplifies our voice.
I think he once famously said, you know, like the Star Wars thing, strike me down and I'll become bigger and more powerful than you could have ever imagined.
Well, that's what's happening really.
That's right.
As long as we don't decide they've beaten us, we only get stronger.
We just have to persevere and trust in God and we'll get stronger and stronger.
Well, exactly, Alex.
That's why I said in the beginning of this, I'm seeing this current banning as a bit of a blessing in disguise.
I think, you know, when sometimes when certain doors are closed like that, it leads to an opportunity of other doors being opened that you may have not even known was a possibility.
So, I'm really looking forward to the future of continuing to do what I do here at Press for Truth.
Um, because there's really no way of shutting me down.
Same with you, you know, less than killing us.
I mean, that's the only possible way.
Let's talk about that.
Let's talk about that briefly.
That's why they want internet power outages and things.
The only way they can do it is that I'm really worried about them doing a fake cyber attack and we've seen Klaus Schwab hyping that.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, you've been talking about the coming of, you know, Internet 2.0 for quite a long time, and really, they have the power to flip the switch at their fingertips at any given moment.
But that's not to say that we don't have the ability to use this technology to our advantage as well.
You know, it's a double-edged sword.
And we're really at that fork in the road now, where you can't be on the fence anymore, ladies and gentlemen.
If you're watching Alex Jones, if you're watching me at Press for Truth, and you're thinking, Man, maybe I should start doing something like these guys.
There's no excuse anymore.
You can start a website.
You can start a channel on these platforms.
You can get out there, get your voice amplified.
And again, it virtually costs nothing these days to do so.
So there's really nothing holding anyone back at this stage in the game.
I want to encourage all the viewers watching this that if you're on the fence, if you're thinking, I'm just one little person, what could I do?
All you got to do is dive in headfirst and start doing it.
And when you're honest, you're genuine, you're truthful, you present good info, the truth will resonate with people and you will start to build a credible audience.
And then you can contribute to the info war that guys like Alex Jones have been at the tip of the spear of fighting.
All right.
Well, great job with the Balenciaga situation.
Join us again very, very soon.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you.
All right, thank you.
We're coming right back, hour four.
I'm going to get to all the callers on the board, then Gerald Cilente takes over.
Don't forget, tomorrow night's the final time to get a free gift with every order at InfoWareStore.com.
We've got 15 minutes left and I'm hosting, then the amazing Gerald Cilente is taking over.
Let's talk to Bob in Florida.
Bob, thanks for holding during that Dan Dix interview.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good to talk to you.
Good to talk to you.
Listen, I wake up most mornings trying to figure out what I can do to help save America.
I go to sleep that way too, by the way, and I come up with some ideas.
I'm so honored to be able to share this one with you.
By the way, I take Nation's Iodine, my wife does, and last year we bought it for Christmas presents.
Thank you.
I just got off the phone with my wife and she said she's going to be ordering a bunch of other products to do the same for Christmas gifts.
But listen, here's my idea.
Picture a truck going down the road that's got magnetic signs on it, right?
Well, nowadays they have magnetic dry erase signs.
And what I'm looking forward to is for your message of the week
that will go out on the air, whether it's once a week, once every two weeks,
and I'll be able to write it on my sign.
And you'll be selling the sign, the blank, they're actually blank dry erase signs,
and you'll be putting that message out every week, and you'll have your separate strip
with just your logo on it, so people begin to know the logo.
And you would always encourage, like me, I would encourage my family member and I'd say
I want two sets of them signs.
I want one for me and one of my family members.
And next thing you know, I'm seeing it all around my own town because I'm encouraging
people to buy these signs and get ready for the message.
It's kind of like the Christmas story, when the little kid's waiting for the secret message of the week.
That's right.
They've got really inexpensive magnets that go on your door that are dry erase.
We sell them for like five bucks a cost, and then we have a message of the week.
People write that on and stick it on their car.
Can you do it for me, please?
Yes, I'm going to get on it.
Believe me, listeners have so many great ideas.
That's exciting.
That's exciting.
I'm so glad to hear that.
And I just want you to know, you know, what you were talking about, the children and everything, one person can make a difference.
My wife stood up against the Broward County School Board and made a difference.
You know, we've got people all around us.
They're so scared of parents peacefully at school boards.
They went into panic mode because if the grassroots gets involved, it's game over for these suckers.
That's exactly right.
And if you can, folks, take your kids out of public school, home school, and I actually own a private school for homeschoolers.
We cover the whole state of Florida.
We don't go outside of Florida.
What's the name of it?
I might move there.
It's Family Tree Private School.
Family Tree Private School.
God bless you, brother.
Let's go to Josh in West Virginia.
Josh, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Do you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
There's so much going on, this may seem a little strange, but we know the ultimate battle is for the soul, right?
Yes, sir.
So, I believe that the current incarnation of the Catholic religion is one of the greatest deceits of humanity.
I believe they're pulling people away from God.
I mean, they pray to Mary, which is blasphemy.
I mean, in the Bible, in John 14, 6, Jesus says, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
None shall get to the Father except through me.
You know, they depict Jesus as a helpless baby, and Mary is this sacred figure.
Have your crew pull up, if they can.
Just look for Catholic Mary Art.
And I guarantee the majority of all the images will have her depicted with this ring behind her head.
This sun, this glowing circle, that apparently it's like tied to the sun god worship.
I thought they put a ring around the saints' heads.
It's Mary too, all of them, the saints too, yeah.
But apparently it's like this Sun God worship thing.
Brother, you know, I know there's some Catholics that serve evil, there's some Protestants that do, I know there's good Catholics that fight the New World Order.
I mean, are you saying you don't think any Catholics are Christians?
No, no.
So I want to be careful there, because I think it's been co-opted or something evil, because like Seamus of Freedom Tunes, I love that guy.
You know, and I think he's a really great person.
But I think they're being misled away from God.
You know, they pray to Mary!
Come on!
That's blasphemy!
Ah, Josh, I appreciate your call, you know.
My issue is, I love everybody.
I know a lot of great Catholics, I know a lot of great people, period.
And I don't even go to any church, because these churches are all so controlled.
I go to a few churches, you know, but not a regular one.
And I'm just not here judging people.
I mean, I do say the Pope does some bad things, and I disagree with him, but a lot of Catholics are his biggest critics.
So, I just want, no matter how you were brought up to love God, love Jesus, and try to fight corruption and evil.
I hear your points.
All right.
Joe, Leo, Justin, and Trent.
We'll come back in 60 seconds.
We'll go right to your phone calls.
Final segment, Joe Celente, the great trends forecaster, is set to take over in a moment.
Joe in California, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I wanted to say thank you for everything.
I get all your products.
Everybody always says that.
I get your coins.
I got your great recent book.
We wouldn't be on air without you, Joe.
I appreciate that, and I appreciate you.
You're out fighting for us, and I wanted to just say a couple of things.
One, thank you.
You personally made a great influence on my life.
It made me stop drinking alcohol.
I don't know.
You've said a couple times you were thinking about that, but I don't know if you've... No, I've quit on and off.
I don't think moderate drinking's bad, but it's definitely over-drinking's not a good thing.
And I also start going back to church because of you and I hope that God can get us out of this mess.
I want to be clear when I talk about God.
I love God.
I love Jesus.
I never claim to be a perfect person and that I'm better than somebody.
I'm saying God is the answer.
The devil is the problem.
There's team freedom, team demon.
This is a spiritual battle.
It's real.
100%. 100%.
A couple of things you could help me out with since you've helped me out so much.
Two things.
One, I can't get my kids to eat any of your products like the Gummy D3 or take the X2 which I think is amazing.
I don't know if there's anything you can say because it says Alex Jones on there.
What do your kids like to drink?
Like orange juice?
Yeah, oh yeah, I tried to give them that the... They won't be able to taste the half a dropper of X2 or X3 in their orange juice.
So I just stick it in there and they're not knowing, okay.
But the D3 gummies taste great, why wouldn't they want those?
I don't know, I just, because it says Alex Jones on the package and they're brainwashed, you know, unfortunately.
Well I would show them online videos of doctors, how good D3 is.
A hundred percent, yes.
And my youngest daughter doesn't get out.
She's, you know, unfortunately captured by her phone like most kids now.
And so she just sits in her room all day.
So I'm like, at least take these because... Well, why don't you just take the phone away?
Oh, well, because she's not just a kid.
She's 19, but so... Oh, that's different.
I hear you.
Well, get her to put the phone down and go for a hike with you, brother.
That's an excellent idea.
One last thing before I leave you today.
Is there anything you can help me with?
I have family members that have taken the jab and they're still taking the jabs and the boosters and stuff like that.
And I just, I don't have anything I can send them.
I send them all that suddenly died video links and stuff, but I just don't have verbiage to say, please listen to this.
Well, the British Medical Journal is the most respected in the world.
They came out three weeks ago and said the shot doesn't work.
It's all over.
The British Medical Journal warns of COVID vaccines.
There's major controversies.
I cover it day after day here.
I mean, you can just send them that.
It doesn't protect them.
And if they want to get better from taking the shots, I'm not a doctor, but doctors have said ivermectin helps stop the replication.
Got to take it in cycles, according to the doctors.
Helps stop the replication of the spike protein, either from the virus or from the shot.
Thanks for the call.
But I mean, a lot of folks gotta learn the hard way.
Let's go ahead and talk to Leo in California.
Leo, go ahead.
Hey Alex, long time listener, big fan.
Just after the call, could you pass it back to the crew members so I can pass some information on?
But I wanted to know, because I don't share drinks or food or hook up with anybody who's vaxxed, and I was wondering, can the vax be transmitted to non-vax people through sexual contact or blood or vaginal fluid or semen or saliva, since we know it can be transmitted through breast milk?
Yeah I mean I'm not a medical doctor but I've had hundreds of them on and there's major studies out that indeed you just like you can get the virus that produces the spike protein at a lower level the shots make your cells produce it and that there is some sloughing Pfizer study showed for about two weeks of someone who's been injected so they rubbed up against you you put your hand in your eyes or your mucous membrane you could get a viral spike protein replication according to the science I've seen.
Okay, because I got my blood tested recently, and I tested positive for the spike protein, even though I've never been vaxxed, but I may have contracted COVID.
Is that what that could be from?
I'm not a medical doctor, but absolutely, that's what's going on.
Alright, well, yeah, just ask Dr. Mercola or anybody.
Well, I mean, we know it's the virus.
People say the virus isn't real.
No, they're counting a bunch of viruses as doing it.
But the shot creates a triggered event in the cells that make your cells create the most deadly part of the virus, which is a self-replicating protein or prion.
Okay, so.
Um, I don't have to worry about it.
Well, I know you're not a doctor, but... Well, here's the deal.
Just because you test positive, most of these tests are fake.
They're now admitting that a regular antigen test is usually the flu.
But what we know is way worse than even getting the virus is taking the shot.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go to Justin in Florida after Trent.
Trent in Las Vegas, you're up first.
Go ahead, Trent.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Peace and blessings.
I think the number one crime committed throughout history has been omitting the name of the Most High.
The Most High's name is Yahuwah.
All these names have meaning.
So, the Messiah.
The Messiah's name is Yahusha.
The word God is a derivative of one of the fallen angels mentioned in the Book of Enoch.
He's actually the third ruler of the Grigori.
He's actually the one who led Eve astray, so therefore he is the talking serpent.
I mean, I understand it's important to know how to pronounce God's name.
There's different languages, but I think if somebody calls out, you know, the name Jesus, people can claim that's an occult name.
As long as I'm not real God, God's going to recognize it.
But I hear you.
Is it Yahweh, Yeshua, or does everybody argues how to say it, or how are you saying say it?
And all throughout the scriptures, there is All throughout the Scriptures, we're instructed to call on His name, that we bear His name.
Even one of the Ten Commandments warns us not to take His name in vain.
Exodus 3.15 says, this is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered in every generation.
Over 6,000 times in English translated, English translated Bibles, they've replaced Yahuwah with the Lord or God.
Interesting, interesting.
I appreciate your call, Trent.
Anything else?
You're gone.
Justin in Florida.
Go ahead, last caller.
Hey Alex, appreciate it.
Love you guys, the crew, everything you guys do.
Long time listener.
I actually started listening to you by someone in a store while I was in the middle of a rant.
Yelled over the aisle and says, are you Alex Jones?
And I said, who's that?
And they showed me and been listening ever since.
I'd like to go through some things.
Basically, I've been fighting these guys since I was in kindergarten when teachers were spanking people and blocking kids in closets and whatnot.
I quit going to the doctor since I was 11, but I want to just touch on a few things.
I have a word and a battle cry.
And it's, they say we should, I say we don't, just say shun.
And just go.
Sir, your phone's breaking up.
I appreciate your call.
All right.
The great Gerald Celente is loaded for Barry.
He takes over on the other side of this break.
I want to thank all the listeners for their support, for your prayer, for everything you're doing.
We're changing the world together.
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It's all randomly selected when you order by the computer at Infowarshaw.com and the free gift deal Ends tomorrow night at midnight.
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So I want to thank you all for your support.
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Go to InfoWarsStore.com or call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
888-253-3139. Darryl Cilente, the top French forecaster, takes over.
Thanksgiving 2022 is here.
We've got the biggest sale of the year going right now.
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The bad news is by Christmas, almost every product in the store will be sold out.
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Again, more stuff's going to sell out today, so every hour you wait, more stuff will be sold out at InfoWareStore.com.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show, and you know, I was listening to Alex taking some questions from callers, and he talking about how, you know, he's a believer in Jesus.
Well, you know, the story coming out this past weekend was that this guy They call him the Dean of Trinity College and said that Jesus could have been transgender.
I mean, what Dean?
You know, I can't stand the names they give to clowns like officials.
Minister, Dean, Dean.
A little dope.
How about dope?
Jesus is transgender.
What'd you get, your pecker cut off?
I mean, what are you talking to?
And why are they quoting clowns like this?
You know why?
Because it's a clown show.
It's a global freak show right in front of your eyes.
One after another, we got the freaks in control.
The big headline news.
Front page.
The Wall Street Journal.
I pay $5 a day for this.
The New York Times.
The toilet paper record.
Here it is.
Another big picture.
Same story.
$3 a day.
Oh, you trench journals listen.
$3 a week.
150 pages, we give you news you could use.
There you go.
Cambridge Dean defense sermon.
Why would you quote a jerk like this?
Anyway, going back.
It's all about protests spread and challenged in China about the COVID.
They're fighting against this thing being locked down.
And all of the media, all of the Western media, this is from DW, the German news agency over there, just came out.
Global governments urged China to respect COVID protests.
The United Nations also called on Chinese authorities to respond to protests in line with international human rights laws.
What a bunch of crap!
You low-life pieces of garbage!
Hey, how about when we had protests?
Hey, great job over there!
True dope over there did!
Up in Canada, with their Emergency Act!
Freedom convoy?
What freedom convoy?
We're putting in an emergency act, you're going to jail, and we're stealing your money because you're protesting our COVID vaccine law!
Talking about China?
We got Chinatown everywhere!
Matter of fact, you look at the clown that's playing the Republican Senate Majority Leader.
Yeah, what's his name over there?
Guy got more chins than Chinatown.
Look at this little clown boy.
Look at that arrogant little nothing of a boy.
And I'll call that to his face.
A little daddy's boy!
A little daddy's boy!
Born on Third Basin, 30 in a home run, a little piece of nothing!
Emergency Act!
Oh, but those dirty Chinese!
All those lousy Chinese!
But we could lock down everybody.
There he is.
These are the clowns telling us what to do, like that little jerk off over there in Trinity College, telling you that Jesus was transgender.
I wonder what your mother was, moron!
Or your daddy.
Maybe he was Lola.
Yeah, like the guy that we got, that guy, what's his name?
Playing our defense.
Not defense.
The head, the health minister of the United States.
I think I'll become whatever I want to become today.
And you have to believe what I swallow.
This hypocrisy.
This hypocrisy.
How they've destroyed the lives and... Oh, I'm Italian.
My blood is Italian.
My heart's American.
But my heart is still a true American of what America used to be.
There he goes, Lola.
Look at him!
You're gonna take orders from a clown like that?
You're gonna tell me about health?
Hey, hey, moron boy, girl, whatever.
I wrote... I worked on the book.
Natural healing back in 1995.
Water book about building up your immune system.
Oh no, we can't talk about that.
You got to take the drugs.
You got to take the drugs for the drug dealers.
95% efficacy rate.
The garbage of going after China.
When they destroyed the lives and livelihoods.
They're going back to Italy.
The first one that followed the Chinese way.
Locking down everything.
Locking down everything.
And one country after another.
And the morons, the imbeciles.
You gotta stand six feet apart.
The wind blows exactly in six feet.
It doesn't go in circles or up and down.
Now you stand six feet apart and we'll make circles all over the floor.
And you're going after China?
This isn't my America!
Oh, Infowars has the spirit of 1776 sales.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna be 76, and I have the spirit of 1776.
I'm a fighter for freedom.
As I said, my blood is Italian, but my heart's American.
I'm a Napolitano, born in the Bronx, born to be free!
And I got these clowns robbing me of my freedom?
Calm down, Salenti!
Be a coward like the rest of us!
Follow this clown!
Listen to what he, she, it says!
Swallow the crap!
Those lousy Chinese!
What hypocrisy!
What hypocrisy!
Closing down restaurants.
A third of the dry cleaners have gone out of business now.
Office occupancy rate in Britain, in London, 30%.
In America, around 50%.
Locking down everywhere.
And that fraud Fauci, The lying little clown telling you not to wear a mask on CBS and then telling you have to wear one.
BSing about a 96-95% efficacy rate with a drug and now you gotta get a booster all the time and the clown boy gets the virus after he gets the shots and still keeps selling them.
An arrogant little piece of nothing.
Fraud Fauci.
And he was on NBC yesterday complaining about You ready?
The Chinese and what they're doing in their lockdowns.
I'm angry.
Thomas Aquinas said, if you're not angry when it's moral to be angry, you're immoral if you're not angry when you should be.
We're going to be right back.
Stay tuned.
Hey, thanks for having me on the Alex Jones Show.
No, it's not Gerald Cilenti.
I'm gonna change it.
It's gonna be Geraldine Cilenti.
And I'm changing the name of the Trans Journal to the Trans Journal.
That'll make everybody happy.
What a bunch of crap being shoved down our throats.
Jesus was transgender.
All a junk, a clown-like Fauci.
I was talking about a fraud Fauci.
This is him on NBC yesterday.
Again, if you're stupid enough to watch the mainstream news, you'll hate the Trends Journal.
It's the truth in trends.
If you like, I like Fox, I like NPR.
Yeah, you like swallowing crap, go ahead.
Oh, maybe they got one good guy on Fox, you know.
How about the rest of the network?
Anyway, here's the fraud Fauci.
Talking about China.
This approach has been very, very severe and rather draconian in the kinds of shutdowns without a seeming purpose.
Clown boy!
You mean the same draconian lockdowns you read the Trends Journal?
Or maybe you're too stupid to read.
We've been calling them draconian lockdowns when Little Andy Cuomo, another arrogant daddy's boy!
I'm locking down New York.
And how about Warren Williams Jr.?
Oh, you mean de Blasio, the clown-nothing scum, who's real name was changed to de Blasio because that was his mother's maiden name and wanted to get the Italian-American vote in New York, when he locked down everything?
You believe?
You're stupid!
It's a clown show!
It's a freak show!
A little boy of nothing!
And this Fauci talking about China?
Go back to your Trends Journal.
Back in 2020, we had the magazine cover.
The Chinese Way You Must Obey.
How America Followed Everybody.
A great Anthony Frieda cover.
Instead of the tanks in Tiananmen Square, we had a COVID tank.
He goes on to say, the arrogant clown boy Fauci, this is the guy, by the way, that championed, championed those lockdowns in Australia, loved them in New Zealand, wanted more in America, going after the Chinese.
And again, Little true dope, little arrogant true dope up in Canada.
Locking up the people for the Freedom Convoy, a Freedom Convoy.
No, we don't want to get vaxxed.
We want to keep taking, doing our work, going back and forth over the border, but we don't want to get vaxxed.
And look what he did to them.
Stole their money.
Locked them up.
That's fine.
The prostitutes, the media whores that get paid to put out for their corporate pimps and their government.
It's just that clown.
This is the clown that people obey.
Don't forget to vote.
Don't forget to vote.
Vote for the clown, the moron, the imbecile, the arrogant freak in a country near you.
There he is.
These are the arrogant people That robbed us of our lives, the prostitutes never went after him.
Hey, how about the little boy Murphy over here, over in Jersey, huh?
Remember him?
Oh, remember them morons?
You gotta put the tables six feet apart in the restaurant, but you can sit together.
And when you walk in, you gotta put a mask on, but when you sit down, you can take it off.
Look at this!
Look at this!
Nothing of a clown!
Look at the elections in the United States.
You go back to one of our recent covers.
Democrats vs. Republicans equal Bloods vs. Crips, Murderers and Thieves.
When are your people going to grow up?
And that's why you're listening to InfoWars, because you've grown up.
And you've got to do everything you can to support InfoWars, because they want to get us all off the air.
I used to be on with on Oprah.
I got to bring down the mugs I have.
Today's show.
I used to be on Fox and Friends.
Good morning, America.
They hate me because I won't swallow their crap or do what I'm told because I'm a free American.
They said a Napolitano born in the Bronx at the height 1946.
America wins the war.
The spirit of freedom rang through you.
Not anymore.
Not anymore.
By the way, when I was a kid, they used to say, you little S.O.B., you're not going to make it to 21.
Yeah, they couldn't control me, man.
I was the youngest of five, you know, so.
And I grew up at the perfect time to be free.
So it breaks my heart to see us robbing us of our freedom.
And as Alex was saying before, you know, he was at the churches of, you know, he's just a, I don't want to quote him, but, you know, to paraphrase what he said about, you know, not believing in the different churches.
I mean, it's, you know what's happened?
Anthony Freedom, just talking with him, the great illustrator for our Trans Journal Magazine.
He said, politics has become the new religion.
People aren't going to church, they're going to politics.
That's right.
They believe in their political gods.
Going back to the fraud Fauci, that this clown on all the prostitute media over and over again.
It seems that in China, it was just a very, very strict, extraordinary lockdown where you lock people in their house.
Hey, yeah, like they did over here.
Can't go to school.
Look at those videos of those little boys playing police, locking people up, throwing them on the ground in Australia and other countries.
And how they hate Solenti in Kingston, New York.
Oh, yeah.
I had a freedom rally when everything was locked down in July of 2020.
I died from it.
And so did everybody else.
How dare you have a freedom rally when little Andy Cuomo, the daddy's boy, told you to stay home in lockdown, close down your restaurants, go out of business?
Oh, you're not essential!
Only the bigs are essential!
Oh, and the liquor stores, because they pay high taxes and they want to get their money.
Mom and Pop, yep, gone.
And when we come back, we're going to talk more about the gone, because the economy's gone, too.
Oh, the Dow's down today.
Don't worry, we'll rig it and pop it back up.
That's Fauci.
Yes, which clearly, with all due respect, was not particularly affected by talking about their vaccines, to any number of vaccines that were available, talking about the Chinese.
And he goes on.
That he doesn't fully appreciate that they didn't protect the elderly by making the elderly get vaccinated.
This is the elderly 81-year-old clown that got double boosted and got the virus!
And the people that are dying, Alex mentioned it before, the study came out that hardly made the news.
Vaccinated people now make up majority of COVID deaths in U.S.
Nope, nope.
It's not misinformation.
It's gender information.
Because the Washington Post put it out.
And they go on to say older people were always especially vulnerable and now make up a high proportion of COVID fatalities than even before the pandemic, according to Scientific America.
And Clown vouching?
We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
That's a quote.
And that's by the Kaiser Family Foundation Vice President Cynthia Cox, who conducted the analysis on behalf of the Washington Post.
Oh, if you're unvaccinated, you're going to spread the virus.
Oh, no.
Remember all those clowns?
All the little prostitutes that went to the Washington Prostitute Show?
And so many of them got the virus after it?
And all those comedians?
All right, we're going to take a break.
Remember, support InfoWars, support the truth.
We'll be right back.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And again, you know, because that guy, that clown over there at Trinity University said that Jesus is transgender.
My name now is Geraldine and the Trans Journal is now Trans Journal.
So, you know, we just want to be on the level of how low you can go.
Anyway, if you want to know what in the world is going on, what it means, what's next, there's no magazine like the one we're putting out.
And if you want to keep the truth going, because they're trying to keep censoring us, you need to support InfoWars.
And they have these great products, and they're selling out fast.
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And that's what you need to do to keep the truth alive, because they're just going to keep stealing it from us more and more and more.
Again, I used to be on everybody.
No more.
No more.
Again, that article that came out on the Washington Post, it came out on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, when nobody was paying attention because everybody's going on Thanksgiving holiday, that the vaccinated now make up the majority of COVID deaths.
In September 2021, vaccinated people Made up just 23% of the coronavirus fatalities in January and February this year.
It was up to 42%, the report said, and now it's 58%.
Washington Post analysis found that more vaccinated people are now dying of the COVID disease, and 58% of the coronavirus deaths in August in the U.S.
were people who were vaccinated or boosted.
And you got a clown boy like Fauci selling the jab.
A clown of nothing.
And again, the hypocrisy of going after China when they destroyed the Freedom Convoy in Canada.
Australia, New Zealand, draconian lockdowns.
I remember over here, they locked down the school yard, the playgrounds.
All the swings were tied up.
Kids couldn't go out and play.
You couldn't go to the beach!
Little boy de Blasio, you can't go to the beach!
How about arrogant Gavin Newsom?
Oh yeah, yeah!
One of the members of the club goes to the French Laundry, $400 a plate dinners, as he locks down everybody else and don't go to the beach, and the morons re-elect the same freaks that robbed them of their power, like gruesome Newsome, witless Whitmer, little DeWine over there in Ohio.
One after another, they re-elected the dictators That used to be America that the Chinese are going after.
Then there's the Ukraine war.
More money going there.
And... Now look at this arrogance.
Look at the arrogance!
Look at the arrogance!
And they tell us what to do, and the people follow.
So, by the way, when I just went to the, um...
We took a break.
The Dow's down now about 500 points.
And the headline in Drudge, one of the headlines right at the top over there, is economy biggest bubble in world history.
And that's Robert Kiyosaki, who's a friend of mine and just did a good podcast with him.
And I totally agree with it.
We are in now for the worst geopolitical and socio-economic crisis in modern history.
Probably in written history.
This COVID war has destroyed the lives and livelihoods of people across the planet.
It'll come back.
No, it's not coming back.
I'm 15 minutes from Woodstock.
In Kingston, New York.
First capital of New York State.
Right across the street.
When they made the Constitution for Kingston.
Over 70% of America's Constitution comes from here.
That's why I bought these buildings.
The most historic four corners in America.
Anyway, so I'm not far from Woodstock.
I'm there a couple of weeks ago with my buddy.
Ten o'clock at night.
No nightlife.
Bands playing.
No, remember?
No more bands playing, remember?
They couldn't do that.
Again, Van Morrison had me, wanted to meet me this past September.
And, um, because he came out against how they were ruining all the music industry.
People couldn't go out and play.
He wanted to meet me because he knows I'm a fighter for freedom, as he is.
The streets are dead.
The whole world has changed.
I have a pal who has a bunch of restaurants.
He said, I've been in the business, he said, for 42 years.
He said, this is Van Morrison.
Yeah, what a real fighter of a man.
He said, we're taking reservations now at 530.
At night.
Has anybody ever went to dinner at 5.30 at night?
And places are closing up at nine o'clock at night.
Stop serving.
The whole world has changed as a result of this COVID.
And they're going after China?
For what America and Europe created?
Again, you look at those videos of the Australian police throwing a woman down to the ground, going into their homes.
Talking about China?
So going back to the Ukraine war, this is serious.
The United States is sending another 4.5 billion dollars.
The number now to Ukraine to keep blooding in the killing fields is over 70 billion dollars.
And another 40 billion on the table.
As the homeless are all over the place.
As people living paycheck to paycheck.
If we don't unite for peace, we're going to die for war.
And we almost did it when they almost officially announced World War 3 saying that Russia bombed, sent missiles into Poland and NATO was ready to unite.
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And as my friend Robert Kiyosaki said, the worst is yet to come.
Oh, and watch out for a business commercial real estate sector crash the likes of which you've never seen.
See Elon Musk has hinted at this himself, but when he spoke out against returning Alex Jones to the platform, there were obvious concerns.
Now, what I think might be going on, Elon Musk is making a business decision knowing that if Alex Jones is allowed back on the platform, Twitter might get removed from the App Store.
"Oh, you can't have it on your iPhone.
"Oh, you can't have it on your Android anymore."
And now that one of the head tech executives and app manufacturers at Apple has removed his account,
could be a sign of things to come.
Now others think it might be a personal choice that Elon Musk made to not let Alex Jones
back on the platform.
Now here was Alex Jones' response to the news of Elon Musk not reinstating his account.
The ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Democratic Party and the European Union
and the Justice Department and CIA moles that Congress had hearings on last week
are inside of his company right now and are literally trying to sabotage it,
not just externally with threats of lawsuits and censorship and criminal charges from the EU,
but they're also threatening to sabotage the company and the actual systems that make it operate.
He hit the panic button and basically came out and attacked me so that he can get the left off of his back and you know that it's it's it's fine to me that he did that except he went too far and compared himself to Jesus and the whole Bring the children to me.
Suffer the children to me.
And if you offend one of these, if you're mean to one of these kids, it's better for you to kill yourself by tying a big bolt to your neck and throwing it in the ocean.
That's just outrageous.
That's absolutely outrageous that I'm supposedly the worst guy in the world because of media hype.
But that story will carry itself out.
has misrepresented what I really said about Sandy Hook.
If Elon loves to quote Christ so much in between dressing up like Satan,
he should quote Christ's most famous quote, "Let he without sin cast the first stone."
But that story will carry itself out.
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