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Name: 20221121_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 21, 2022
2341 lines.

In a recent Infowars broadcast, Alex Jones accuses Elon Musk of trying to create an "InternetX" by taking over Twitter. He claims Musk is using biblical verses as a veiled threat against him and other critics on the platform. Jones argues that Musk has taken on more than he can chew with Twitter and criticizes his handling of the company. However, he does express admiration for Musk's achievements in turning around Tesla and NASA. Write a concise summary of the following: " In this passage, Alex Jones discusses the assassination of JFK and its impact on America, contrasting it with subsequent administrations' aggressive approach. He emphasizes the importance of supporting alternative media platforms like InfoWars to counteract mainstream media narratives. The speaker also shares memories from meeting Jim Garrison, who investigated the JFK assassination, and expresses concerns about American values, culture, and politics. Additionally, they discuss topics such as male vitality products, obesity drugs, the war in Ukraine, and promote free speech systems like InfoWars and Bandot Video." CONCISE SUMMARY: In this passage, Alex Jones discusses the JFK assassination's impact on America and its contrast with subsequent administrations. He emphasizes supporting alternative media platforms such as Infowars to counter mainstream narratives. The speaker shares memories of meeting Jim Garrison, who investigated JFK's assassination, and expresses concerns about American values, culture, and politics. Additionally, Jones discusses topics like male vitality products, obesity drugs, the war in Ukraine, and promotes free speech platforms such as Infowars and Bandot Video.

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You're watching the American Journal with Harrison Smith.
The Alex Jones Show.
This is The War Room with Owen Schreier.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have never done anything like this before at InfoWarsStore.com, but as a thank you to our great audience supporting us over the years through thick and thin, we are giving away a free gift.
That's right, a free gift with every order right now at InfoWarsStore.com, good till December 1st.
It's Monday, November 21st, 2022.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I'm about to exclusively respond To Elon Musk's vicious attack against me and what is clearly a threat.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, he quoted Jesus Christ saying, suffer the little children to come unto me.
And then it follows whether it's better for one to tie a millstone around their neck and throw themselves in the deepest ocean than to offend one of these.
So one week he's in a Baphomet, the devil's champion outfit.
And then a few weeks later, he's now quoting Jesus Christ.
Well, beware, because the devil masquerades as an angel of light.
Now, I'm not saying that Elon Musk is the devil.
He's a provocateur, likes to play both sides of every issue.
And overall, I think he's done some good things.
He's also done some very troubling things.
But coming up next segment...
I am going to really expose what's behind all this and what's really happening at Twitter and the wider war of censorship that is taking place that really only info wars and a few people like Tucker Carlson have fully grasped what's actually happening.
This is being run by intelligence agencies and the Justice Department illegally.
They're having congressional hearings about it.
It's all come out.
I was the first to tell you about it decades ago, but now it's been radically expanded.
And these direct scripts are being written and prepared and then given to PR firms that give orders to the corporate media on how to carry this out.
Now, obviously, Elon Musk has hired more PR firms than probably anybody in modern history.
And he's hired some of the PR firms that have been actually attacking me for separate clients.
So I hadn't blamed him for this up until this point, but he's definitely following their
exact scripts that have been put out before.
And it's very, very dangerous.
Now again, I know what Elon Musk is doing.
I'm gonna explain it all coming up the next segment.
So please stay with us.
Separately, InfoWars is not funded by big billionaires.
The Global's is funded by you, and we have great products everybody needs.
So we're running the biggest sale of the year that's gonna continue on, but the products
are selling out.
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So, get the biggest deals of the year, know you're funding the Infowar, and don't fight the big Christmas crowds and lines and traffic, everything that's coming up in the next month.
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Everything is 40 to 50% off, but with promo code 1776, it's an additional 10% off, and I almost forgot, double Patriot points with promo code 1776.
Again, that's promo code 1776 at checkout.
There's also my book, The Great Reset, signed, and there's a signed copy.
There's a fundraiser.
I want to thank all you that have gotten the signed copy.
If you haven't, please get one.
They make great gifts as well.
Books and films, documentaries, everything that is the most censored of the censored, that exposes the globalist, their agenda, is at infowarestore.com.
And I almost forgot, We had over 100,000 t-shirts going back over many years, some of them.
Some had sold, some hadn't sold, some were best sellers, some weren't.
All these are collectible items now.
There's less than $10,000 left as we speak, and they're all $4.95 a piece.
Most t-shirts cost over $10 to print because they're really high quality.
So that is below cost on t-shirts, all about to sell out at Infowarshore.com with an additional 10% off with promo code 1776.
You cannot beat that deal.
All right, we'll come right back and talk about the supposedly richest man in the world putting his sights directly on Alex Jones, which means directly on you.
We'll be right back.
Please stay with us.
Thank you for joining us on this live Monday, November 21st, 2022 broadcast.
I am your host Alex Jones.
I'm about to exclusively respond to some of the over-the-top statements against me by Elon Musk yesterday and today.
And the fact that the vast majority of even leftist controlled infested Twitter has really woken up to what's happening and has saw right through what Elon Musk and the establishment is doing.
So we'll put these tweets on screen, but he first said a few days ago from a bunch of requests from users, will you bring back Alex Jones?
And he said, no.
He then had a poll and brought back Donald Trump because 1% extra in the poll wanted Trump versus those that didn't.
They had similar polls with 300 plus thousand votes.
The Hodgkins did where I had a 10 point lead.
Alex Jones made money off Sandy Hook.
Alex Jones went and hurt these children.
wanting me to come back. But the point is, is that it's hypocrisy to say he's
democratized it and it's gonna have votes decide who can come back and who
can't and that he's not personally invested and then come out and release
new tweets last night saying Alex Jones is a terrible person, Alex Jones made
money off Sandy Hook, Alex Jones went and hurt these children. None of that's true.
But I'm not gonna get into the facts of what really happened there until the end
I want to talk about what Musk is doing right now.
It is extremely, extremely transparent.
Musk is trying to take over Twitter to create what he calls InternetX that goes back to where the Internet was freer and more open.
Still doesn't mean it'll be perfect.
He understands that the censorship is just killing interaction, killing debate, and making it a horrible experience, and he just wants to make it successful.
That's a common sense It's a smart thing to do, just from a business perspective.
It's what made America great.
But the ADL and the Southern Primary Law Center, the Democratic Party, the European Union,
and the Justice Department and CIA moles that Congress had hearings on last week are inside
of his company right now and are literally trying to sabotage it, not just externally
with threats of lawsuits and censorship and criminal charges from the EU, but they're
also threatening to sabotage the company and the actual systems that make it operate.
So he had an exodus out of the company.
It was worse than he thought.
There's questions of Twitter's even going to survive.
He hit the panic button and basically came out and attacked me so that he can get the
left off of his back.
And it's fine to me that he did that, except he went too far and compared himself to Jesus
and the whole bring the children to me.
Suffer the children to me.
And if you offend one of these, if you're mean to one of these kids, it's better for you to kill yourself by tying a big bolt to your neck and throwing it in the ocean.
That's basically the translation from the King James.
So, that's just outrageous.
That's absolutely outrageous that I'm supposedly the worst guy in the world because of media hype that massively has misrepresented what I really said about Sandy Hook, that again I'll get to in a moment.
But here's the facts.
So the bottom line is this.
Elon bit off more than he could chew.
He took over Tesla.
He took over NASA.
He's taken over all these programs, and I've given him credit.
He's turned them around and overall done a great job.
I've actually said, as someone being accomplished, I admire him.
And I pointed out that I didn't expect to be reinstated at Twitter, and that if he could simply reinstate Trump, that'd be a great thing.
Because Trump is a candidate for the U.S.
presidency, a very serious candidate who obviously had the last election stolen from him.
And to not let him be on Twitter is massive election meddling.
So that's a good thing Elon's done.
And Elon is starting to clean up a bunch of the pedophilia and leftist pervert pedophile
stuff off the site.
So those are the positive things.
And that's what makes it outrageous for him to just go with the official line with Democrat
party controlled judges that defaulted me and said that I did all these things I never
And then I supposedly owe a $1.4 plus billion, $1.4 plus billion ruling of the judge and the kangaroo jury and Then he's just taking that at face value and saying I'm the worst person ever.
Doesn't know that they took out of context what I said 10 years ago.
Doesn't know I apologized before they ever sued me five years ago.
But doesn't accept the fact that they say I owe 1.4 billion and that's not enough.
The estate of Adam Lanza who killed the kids only paid a little over a million dollars.
But now for my words, I'm the worst person ever and I desecrated graves and I dug up the children and I harassed families.
None of that's true.
But the judge let them put on whatever fake evidence they wanted and I wasn't allowed to cross-examine them while I was already found guilty by the judge.
They were just deciding.
How guilty?
And now the Democrats are admitting they're going to use this template of judges defaulting conservatives and populists and get rid of our due process.
So that's what's really going on here is as a people, we're being robbed by a corrupt global elite and the whole Davos group crowd.
Remember Obama bragging that he killed hundreds of innocent children over and over and over and over again, total over 200 children in drone strikes and said he was really good at killing kids.
Biden just killed a bunch of innocent kids and says he doesn't care.
Madeleine Albright, who was Under the Clinton Secretary of State bragged on national television that she tripled the sanctions on the Iraqis and killed 500,000 children and said it was a good price to pay.
And when she died, they acted like Jesus had died.
The corrupt war on free speech is being directed by these big corporations.
And the perfect example of this is the NBA, not allowing any criticism by their players or any criticism by the fans of Communist China and the Uyghurs and all the rest of it.
Literal death camps.
And a major NBA owner, remember, came out and said he doesn't want to hear about the Uyghurs.
They don't even register in his mind.
So when you talk about people in slave camps and death camps having their organs harvested and worked to death, At Apple Foxconn Laboratories, that's okay because it's just Tim Cook's gay and he wears a turtleneck and talks effeminately.
But when Alex Jones questions a mass shooting when the rest of the internet does, why it is the ultimate crime in history and now all populists need their free speech taken and need to be punished.
Heading up this whole global move to censor is the ADL.
They're censoring in Europe.
They're censoring in Australia.
They're censoring in Canada.
They're censoring here in the United States.
They decide who gets censored.
And now Albert Bourla last week got an award from the ADL for fighting hate.
And they said that anyone, anyone at any time that questions in any way Any of the shots, or if they're effective, or anything, is a criminal, is an agent of evil, he said, and needs to be censored and debanked and taken off the internet.
And that's really the big story we're talking about here right now.
It came out months ago, came out years ago, but months ago and a few weeks ago, even more in the intercept, how Homeland Security has been secretly meeting with big tech and big banks and big corporations and a group of leftist think tanks and quote watchdog groups who surveil what we say on the internet and who decide who can speak and who can't.
And one of the things you get censored for is questioning the Afghan withdrawal or questioning the poison shots or questioning a stolen election or questioning an open border or questioning inflation.
This is the ruling class trying to silence us and trying to engage in such a criminal organized fraud and legitimizing it by making it all about Alex Jones and how evil he is and so legitimizing the entire process to then be carried out and used against you and your family or your company or your business.
And of course, others, as pointed out the other big elephant in the room, all the dictators and all the mullahs and all the war criminals that all have their Twitter accounts because, well, they're world leaders.
We've got to be able to hear from them.
And most of the UN Human Rights Board is made up of dictators and made up of despots, but they're all good.
They're all great people.
It's only Alex Jones that questioned Sandy Hook.
It's only Alex Jones that questioned Jussie Smollett.
You know, it's that terrible Alex Jones that questioned WMDs in Iraq.
It's that terrible Alex Jones that's been right about 98% of the time.
He's got to be silenced so we can then point everybody else, as they do on Twitter and Instagram, And Facebook can say, you're going to get Alex Jones next if you question something or if you question how it's been politicized.
We're not just going to silence you.
We're going to sue you.
We're going to debank you.
And then we're going to misrepresent what you've said.
And then we're going to say that you've been defaulted and then have a show trial where you're already guilty.
Ladies and gentlemen.
You're already living in tyranny.
This is all targeted at you.
And Elon Musk knows that, and he's playing both sides.
The truth is, he wants one global app like the communist Chinese do, where all the censorship and all the social credit scores and all the systems are implemented in one place.
He wants to pretend like he's bringing in an open and free system and get everybody else on board.
And then once he has the one ring to rule them all, Once he has the big global Internet X and his deep state handlers, then they'll be able to implement total and absolute control.
We'll be back with more of the secrets straight ahead.
Welcome back to this live Monday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Shroyer is about to take over here in just a moment.
I'll also be co-hosting some later in the broadcast and obviously tomorrow.
I wish you all a great Thanksgiving coming up.
Now, back to Elon Musk.
There's so many facets to this, but The establishment uses basic psychology, and if they can take a populist leader like myself that's exposed their agenda, and exposed their legal wars, and their surveillance, and their censorship, and their tainted vaccines, their depopulation agenda, and they can look at my whole record and look at me a few times questioning a public event when everybody else, or large portions of the population was questioning it as well,
They can then blow that up, make it a huge national issue for year after year after year, a huge project, tens of thousands of articles, thousands and thousands of news programs, over a talk show host questioning a mass shooting along with many others.
If they can do that, It sets the precedent to demonize and destroy anybody else that questions big events, whether they be real, whether they be staged, whether they be provocateur.
But then our own State Department has press conference after press conference with the CIA saying Russia staging mass shootings and Russia staging bombings or that attacks Russia say happened, didn't happen.
So false flags are a very, very real thing throughout history.
It's taught military history.
It's taught in special operations how to stage false flags.
Yes, the U.S.
military teaches some of their most elite forces in certain emergencies how to stage a false flags.
Part of that came out in the whole WikiLeaks document six years ago, but I'm digressing.
It's totally normal and healthy to question everything.
I did not send people to their houses.
They have no video.
They have no witnesses.
They have no evidence.
I never sent anybody to their graves.
I never had anybody pee on their graves.
All of that's a lie with no witnesses.
Are no evidence because the system is so incredibly angry at me.
I never made money off Sandy Hook.
The families, and the lawyers, and the think tanks, and the PR firms are all on record breaking in hundreds of millions of dollars off of this.
$74 million from Remington that Remington actually hadn't paid.
On and on and on.
Again, a little over a million from Melanza.
A state.
But Alex Jones, they say, owes over $1.4 billion.
And they say, Jones refuses to pay, Your Honor.
We need to put him in jail.
Refuses to pay?
I don't have $3 million.
So again, that's the over-the-top surrealness of all of this.
And I've been on the fence about Elon Musk.
I've said that the jury's been out on him.
And he does some good things, he does some bad things.
But the fact that he's sophisticated and knows all this, and has his own big PR firms, some of which I know have actually worked on the Sandy Hook case.
Some of those PR firms he uses have also done work for him.
And they admit that this big PR firm out of New York that does PR for the United Nations, before I was ever sued, got with the families, the lawyers, Hyped up the story, made it a huge national story about me and Sandy Hook.
So people go, oh my gosh, he's being mean.
They went and hyped it up and reported it.
Then they filed the lawsuits.
Then they had unlimited press coverage, like wartime level coverage, thousands of articles a week, year after year about how I'm a devil and how I'm a demon.
And people just keep saying, why is it such a big story?
Why won't he stop talking about it?
Why is he sending them to their houses?
Why is he attacking them?
And they still, even after their fake court cases and rulings, went in a few weeks ago in Connecticut and said, Your Honor, we've got to get him off the air right now.
He's still coming to their houses.
He's still attacking them.
We need billions more.
Only that will stop him from the attacks.
That never happened.
That never took place.
So I believe Sandy Hook happened.
I did question it some after when others raised issues, but When it comes to what it's become today, the whole culture, the whole cult of it, the whole religion of it, is an anti-free speech, anti-self-defense system that the establishment uses as its shield while it commits all these crimes, and war crimes, and illegal spying, and devaluation of currencies, and FTX scams.
And poison vaccines and Joseph Mingela forced medical tyranny.
While all of that goes on, while all of that's happening, they get to sit back and point their finger at me and say, there's the bad man.
And in this new religion of Sandy Hook and the children that died 10 years ago, Alex Jones is Satan.
And Barack Obama and the Democratic Party and the gun control lobby are Jesus.
And that's the new religion.
And Elon Musk has said he's part of that religion.
He even quoted Jesus.
He said, Alex Jones deserves to have a boulder tied around his neck and thrown into the deepest ocean.
But the old Elon isn't really following Christ.
We know that.
He's following transhumanism, brain chips on our children, bathing us in 5G and 6G, bathing us in all the GMO.
And he's basically the fake Tony Stark That the CIA created as a front man.
And I've known that for a long time.
I know the people high-level in the CIA that know him and the whole thing.
And I had hoped he'd broken away from him.
And I'd hoped he was trying to be his own man.
But it's very, very clear he's not his own man.
And that's a very, very, very, very sad thing.
And so when they're done with him, they'll destroy him as well.
So they're just trying to use him as a cool, you know, playboy nerd that is launching all these deep state projects that are unpopular.
And at the end of the day, it just turns out that Elon Musk is a fake.
And the system knows it's got to have a...
Multipolar dichotomy in the dialectic of the total censors on one end that want an internet ID and to totally track you and control everything you do and fines and everything that PayPal's doing.
You know, $2,000 fines for thought crime.
And on the other side, oh no, no, no, it's Elon Musk who surveils you and gets your data and, you know, wants a cashless society and wants social credit score and wants universal basic income and, you know, will also censor you.
But when he does it, it's not bad because it's not emotional.
That he says it is emotional, When it comes to Alex Jones, the worst person on earth.
So, Elon, I will respect you again if you say Alex Jones is a horrible demon, but Madeleine Albright bragging about killing 500,000 kids and being proud of it is a little bit worse than me.
Or Borla lying and saying the vaccine is 100% effective in South African trials a year into the whole thing when he knew damn well it didn't even work at all and actually made you sick.
I mean, you know, why don't you at least say the millions dead from the shot is a little bit worse?
than me the devil questioning Sandy Hook.
So that's where we're at.
All right, I need listeners to know this.
We're not funded by the Globals, we're funded by you.
We have the biggest sale of the year going right now.
And when I plugged at the very start of the show, I dropped the ball.
We don't just have up to 60% off of promo code 1776, ladies and gentlemen.
We have a free gift with every single order, no matter how small,
actually on big orders you get more than one gift.
You get a free gift.
And we're not just talking about, in some cases, it'll be a bunch of bumper stickers or an Alex Jones mask.
Some cases, it'll be a book or a film or just a bunch of other amazing items.
So we have some big-ticket items as well that are gonna be free gifts.
Free gifts with every single order.
So again, whether you make a $5 order for one of the t-shirts of the Big Blowout, or whether you make a $50 order, you will get a free gift at infowarestore.com.
And it's all randomly selected by our shopping cart computer system.
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So this is undoubtedly now officially the biggest sell we've ever done.
Up to 60% off, promo code 1776, total liquidation blowout to fund us into the new year
and a free gift in every order.
Free gift in every order.
Okay, I've covered most of the issues.
Owen Schroeder is about to take over and I'll be talking more about this in the days to come,
but Elon Musk has really, really, really stepped in it and the internet's waking up big time.
And we are back live here on the Alex Jones Show, Monday edition.
Owen Schroeder is taking over here in just 60 seconds.
But I wanted to add one last key point that I mentioned earlier, but I want to really highlight.
Thank you to the listeners and viewers for your support.
And thank you for the outpouring I've seen, not just on Twitter, but across the internet and on my phone and in person on the streets by people really, really supporting me and understanding they're supporting themselves in that process and that they can take down InfoWars, they believe.
They can take us all down.
Elon Musk, even on leftist Twitter.
Is getting annihilated by people that see through the hypocrisy and are pointing out all the evil things the system does by design and all the lies they tell on purpose.
And then they sit back and act like I'm this object of ultimate premeditated evil and that I'm Satan, that I should be ashamed of myself and that you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
It's the left again trying to use mind control on us and gaslighting us and it's not working.
So it's incredible.
I mean, Trump again won his poll by like two points or whatever it was.
I won my poll on Twitter with 300,000 plus votes by 10 points.
So just think about that, ladies and gentlemen, and what a hypocrite Musk is being.
I don't even want to go back on Twitter.
I mean, it's kind of cool to be the most banned guy in the world.
It's a joke.
But I will say this about Trump in closing.
He should use Twitter and the 83 million followers to push them to truth social and say, Hey, I'm about to cover this here, or I'm about to go live here and just use it as a bulletin board notice.
Just like he'd use a GOP email system to tell people to come to truth social.
So whoever's advising Trump not to use Twitter is foolish.
Now when I say I don't care about using Twitter, it's because I was never that good at using Twitter.
I'm not as witty as all you folks are.
I'm a syndicated radio host.
You know, at the end of the day, I know that they put me in such a position of being seen as Satan on the political spectrum that that will never happen.
So I'm just, I'm just over it.
And because I know you're still going to be there and you're still going to be on other platforms.
Expose the globalist and I would advise all payers to stay on Instagram stay on YouTube stay on Twitter
But push everybody to independent media push everybody to info wars push everybody to your own site push everybody
to get her and gab and Parlor and rumble and just all the other incredible sites
and places that are out there That's what I love is the diversity of the population what
we're doing together And we are definitely in one hell of a fight together, but
we are winning so god bless Thank you so much, and I think I want to show her for all
he's done on the crew now in Troyer takes over All right there goes Alex Jones, we're now live in the info
wars headquarters in Austin, Texas and
Let's just kind of hit the reset button now and And let you know what is coming up on today's transmission.
We've got the Democrats at it again, gun-grabbing.
And I have to say, whenever I'm reading these stories and getting ready for my coverage of this, the overwhelming sense is, how is there not a bigger pushback?
And how is it that the basic instinct of survival And freedom has been so beaten out of the American consciousness that whatever you think is the proper response to a mass shooting, that we don't have the proper response to individuals wanting to disarm you.
Because that's a pretty big story, and if you think the mass shooting at a gay nightclub was bad, That resulted in 5 dead and 25 injured.
Do you have any idea what kind of a bloodbath disarming the American people would be?
Just look throughout human history at what authoritarian regimes disarming the citizens looks like.
But it's this new thing where we're just so normalized, we're just so numb to it, and that becomes the problem.
They've beaten us over the head with this so much that we don't even respond.
It's like a reverse Boy That Cried Wolf almost.
It's like, no, they really are coming to take your guns!
They haven't been able to properly do it yet, but they really want to, and then now we just don't even have the basic response of, wait a second, you're trying to disarm me?
There was a mass shooting and people died and that's really tragic and all of a sudden me, the law-abiding citizen, has to be punished and pay the price.
So we'll have that and some other twists with it as well.
Because as I said last night, I could play this game all day long.
And so for Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to say, oh, I'm sick of this after the Colorado shooting, oh, that's interesting.
Should we look into what happened in Chicago over the weekend?
We'll see if she's sick of that.
We're sick of her.
We're sick of Democrat gun grabbers.
So we've got that.
What the corporate world government's going to look like, we know it.
How they're going to usher it in, we now know that as well.
It's, oh, man-made climate change, and you caused a flood in Indonesia, and you caused an earthquake, and now you have to pay for it.
And yes, it's going to have to be you Americans, you dirty Americans.
You're going to pay all the taxes for it.
Don't worry, China's not going to pay anything.
India's not going to pay anything.
You're going to pay all of it?
And our leaders go over there like, ah yes, we will.
Okay, yeah.
We'll pay all the climate taxes.
We'll pay for every flood ever.
We'll pay for every earthquake and tsunami.
That's our fault.
That's our fault.
Sorry, we're bad Americans.
Sorry, we're so bad.
Oh, we just take in the most refugees and immigrants and the most humanitarian aid given out.
On the face of the earth, every other country combined, we still beat them all.
We're so bad, you know.
We're so bad.
We should pay for climate change, too.
I've got other political news.
There was good news.
There was some good economic news.
And then there's some bad economic news.
Actually, there is some good economic news, believe it or not.
No thanks to Joe Biden, but I'll explain that coming up.
And then we've got Trump proven right on multiple issues.
And it gets a little old, it gets a little frustrating.
Where last night, CBS News, their big Sunday News special on CBS Sunday Night News.
Do you know what it was?
Do you know what CBS News big special was last night?
After the football game, everybody tuned in.
Do you know what the big CBS Sunday Night News special reporter was?
Hunter Biden's laptop!
Hunter Biden's laptop.
Because, you know, that's from, when was it again?
Oh, November 2020, that was the day.
Or was it October 2020?
Gotcha, two years later.
Thanks, CBS News.
I mean, guys, if you're not cheering along, if you're not clapping along at home, you're being a lazy bum.
CBS News got it, guys.
Hunter Biden's laptop is real.
Thanks, CBS News!
But look, we can make fun of the mainstream media being lightyears by InfoWars all day long, just like I can sit here and make fun of the Democrats, where Trump was proven right about what's going on in Germany now.
And that's kind of fun, and we can pat ourselves on the back, and it feels good, and we can do that, and that's fine.
But, okay, let's get serious about it.
Why would the Democrat-run media all of a sudden green-light the Hunter Biden story?
Because they've had it for two years, folks.
I mean, they've had the Hunter Biden story for two years.
Why are they greenlighting it now?
After the midterms?
Ahead of the presidential election cycle?
I think it's pretty obvious what's going on here, folks.
I think it's pretty obvious what's going on here.
I think The Biden ouster is actually upon us.
And I think they might, the deep state might be willing to give us this synthetic win, feeling like we've got wind in our sails, when really we're just unknowingly doing their bidding for them by getting Biden out of the way.
The Democrats want Biden out of the way, and they want Republicans off their necks.
Politically speaking.
So what are they going to do?
Are they going to offer us Hunter Biden and Joe Biden as some form of a sacrificial lamb?
So that we feel like we're getting the momentum and we feel like we're having a victory but then they actually get their victory of getting Joe Biden out of the way so Gavin Newsom or Hillary Clinton can come along for 2024?
I think it's sad that we're so normalized to the violence in the inner cities and the shootings in the inner cities that It doesn't even make the news.
Well, it makes the news, but it's never going to make the big national news.
It's never going to be a big story.
It's never going to be a big controversy.
That's sad.
That's sad to me.
That's sad to me that we're about to do this live on air in a couple seconds to prove a point that I can have my crew in there and I can sit here in confidence and I can say, guys, we're going to do this live on air and I have enough confidence to do this and I'm not going to look like an idiot.
That they can plug in shootings into a search engine and we'll find at least one shooting, we could add it all up, we'll probably have dozens dead from shootings in inner cities over this weekend.
Now I can sit here and point out the obvious, that they're all run by Democrats, but the issue is much deeper than that.
If Republicans took over tomorrow, I don't think the issue would be solved.
But we're now so normalized to this violent crime in the inner cities, and the shootings, and the stabbings, and the deaths, that it's just par for the course.
But then when a gay nightclub gets shot up, it's the biggest story for the entire weekend, and it equates to you, the law-abiding citizen, needs to turn your guns in.
But oh, what's this?
It turns out that the shooter was already known to the FBI, and that the shooter had already been threatened to bomb buildings before.
So turn your guns in!
Don't you see?
Turn your guns in.
But what's worse?
The fact that it's been normalized now to just accept that in inner cities, black-on-black crime is out of control, and that shootings are astronomical, Or, that we're so normalized to tyrannical politicians responding to this every time saying, we need to disarm Americans, we need to end the Second Amendment.
And I don't want to hear anything other than that, because that's what it is.
You can call it an assault weapons ban, you can call it common sense gun legislation, I don't care what you call it, it's banning the Second Amendment.
All of it.
The violations against the First and Second Amendment in this country are out of control.
And that's what it is.
It is a violation.
Let's stop playing word games and call it what it is.
Shall not be infringed.
So yes, banning assault weapons, whatever that means, is a violation of the Second Amendment.
And then trying to write legislation to make that law Is to effectively ban the Second Amendment.
So what's worse?
That we've been so normalized by all the crime in the inner cities that we don't even, the Democrats don't even use it politically.
I mean, think about that!
The Democrats will use anything they can for their politics, but they don't want to use the crime in inner cities?
Well, now we all know why that is.
It doesn't fit their narrative, the skin color isn't right, and it's their cities that they run.
But that's the left.
So, okay.
Survivor of Colorado Springs gay club shooting that left 5 dead and 25 injured says he mistook gunshots for music before hiding as cops consider hate charges against 22-year-old suspect who was arrested for bomb threats last year.
Oh, he was arrested for bomb threats last year.
And he gets away.
And he shoots up a gay nightclub.
So, you know the Feds were already on him.
You know the Feds were already watching him.
And then, oh, he shows up at the gay club and kills 25 others, and injures 25, and oh.
But that's your fault, law-abiding American.
That's you listening at home.
You need to turn your gun in because of that, don't you know?
That's logic, that's common sense.
No, that's tyranny, that's fascism, that's authoritarianism, that's illegal.
That's what the Democrats want.
And still though, I have not yet seen a motive released.
So all this response about a hate crime, or this being LGBTQ hate or whatever, they haven't released a motive.
So I mean, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but they haven't said so.
So we don't know that.
By the way, the gunman was subdued by patrons at the club.
So good for them.
So brave nightclub goers in Colorado Springs are better at their job, well, not their job, better at protecting lives, let's say, than the Uvalde police.
That's embarrassing.
Good for them.
I wish one of them would have had a gun!
Then they probably could have killed the guy and none of this would have been so bad.
But okay, that's just too common sense.
Too logical.
And of course, they're blaming Trump, they're blaming Lauren Boebert, it's really just disgusting activity.
And again though, let's think about this, because logic is an important thing for civilization to have, for civilization to thrive and prosper, and if logic is mis-aimed and confused, then you're going to have problems.
So, let's just say, They are legitimate in claiming that Lauren Boebert or Donald Trump caused an anti-LGBTQ shooting, which they didn't, but let's just play along here.
So because Trump said X about gay people or Lauren Boebert said Y about gay people, which they don't actually show any quotes or anything, they just claim it.
Okay, because of that, somebody went out and shot up a nightclub, and that's their fault.
That's the logic of the Democrats blaming Lauren Boebert and Donald Trump, and there are a lot of them out there.
It's like all of them, actually.
From AOC and the Democrats in Congress, to members of the media, to the Democrat paid-for Twitter accounts.
Which Elon Musk should do something about, if he doesn't soon.
Because it's just out of control.
But that's another story.
Okay, so what about when Democrats and liberals say bad stuff about police, and then a policeman gets shot?
What happens when Democrats and liberals lie about an event like Hands Up, Don't Shoot, and then a city, Ferguson, Missouri, burns to the ground?
What about when the Democrats and the media hype up the George Floyd narrative and then we have riots for three months on end, two billion dollars in property damage, dozens killed, hundreds hospitalized in critical condition?
Okay, you want to play that game?
Is that the game you really want to play?
Now of course the answer is no, because you need to understand we're dealing with liberal supremacists.
They believe they're better than you.
They believe you're scum.
So take the concept, as they like to project, of white supremacy.
White people thinking they're better than black people.
That's not a problem in this country.
Liberal supremacy is.
Liberals that think they're better than conservatives.
Atheists that think they're better than Christians.
Liberal, Democrat, Supremacy.
They don't want the logic applied universally where you say something and then let's say a crime is committed.
Well, the person that said something is held responsible.
They only want that standard to be held to you.
Don't you see?
Don't you see?
They don't want to be held to that standard.
They're above it.
They're liberal supremacists.
They think they're better than you.
That's what we're dealing with in this country.
You can talk about white supremacists, you can talk about black supremacists, you can talk about this crap all day long.
That's not going to affect 99.9% of us or 99.9% of our activities in this life.
Liberal supremacists are trying to crush you with everything you do.
Liberal supremacists, you're dealing with liberal supremacy almost every day in some way, shape, or form.
But that's exactly how they want it.
And so of course they want to disarm you.
Joe Biden calls for assault weapons ban following nightclub shooting.
And this is their first response every time there's a shooting like this, is to disarm the American people.
So, when Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot comes out and says, I'm sick of this, because of what happened in Colorado.
Okay, well let's go ahead and plug in, I mean guys, plug in shootings in Chicago, or weekend shootings in Chicago, as I'm going over some of these other headlines.
Two injured from two overnight shootings in Baltimore.
This is all over the weekend.
Delaware County, Philadelphia police investigating deadly double shooting.
Chicago shootings, two teens among nine shot, and weekend gun violence.
Two teenagers shot on Staten Island, New York.
Guys, what do we have on Google here?
Google for me, weekend Chicago shootings, or shooting Chicago weekend, or something like that.
Let's see what we have here, because Lori Lightfoot is sick of this.
Beep, is what she says.
She's sick of this, so I wonder if she's sick of what happens in her city.
Oh, three teens among 20 shot.
Uh, CBS News, four hours ago, three killed, seventeen wounded.
NBC Chicago, twenty-one minutes ago, fifteen-year-old among three killed.
Uh, yeah, this is just all from the weekend.
I mean, we can go to last weekend, too.
Six people killed in separate shootings over a weekend in Chicago.
That's last weekend.
Another one last weekend.
Five people killed, thirty others wounded in weekend violence.
Okay, so there you go.
Those numbers are all worse than what happened in Colorado.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot, your thoughts?
Mayor Lori Lightfoot, your comments?
Are you sick of this bleep too?
Are you sick of this crap too, Lori?
Or is that just in another person's district?
Is that just when you guys can use political violence, what you view as political violence, against your enemy to disarm the American people?
Concluding the coverage Of the shooting in Colorado and then, of course, the liberal supremacist Democrat response.
Looking into what I was going to cover next, and that was the issue of globalism and the global government, and it hits me as I'm looking at the stack of news dealing with the global government and some of the geopolitical news stories on my desk.
It just hit me and it's so obvious.
But we have to remember this.
Almost everything politically, policy-wise, that comes from the Democrat Party is just a feeder into the World Economic Forum, into the One World Government.
And so that's what really needs to be understood.
And that's what's so upsetting because all these Democrat policies are all disingenuous.
They don't really mean any of it.
It's not based in logic.
Reasoning or even law?
Basic common sense.
But okay, why, when you realize it, if Democrat Party policy is just a feeder into the World Economic Forum, just a feeder into the global government, okay, so let's apply that to what they're doing with gun legislation and what they want with gun confiscation.
And then, does it hit you?
Then do you see the clear picture here?
Do you see the bigger picture?
Do you see the 10,000 foot view now?
Folks, they can't have their global government with 300 million armed Americans.
Ain't gonna work!
So yes, of course the Democrats are trying to disarm you.
Of course they're trying to chip away at the Second Amendment.
And I think even they probably realize it's all a pipe dream and that it's never really going to happen, but they have to do it because they are World Economic Forum stooges and they are globalists.
So yes, of course, they have to disarm the American people in order to get their global world government.
You can't have an armed civilization.
You can't have America.
You can't have a free people.
So of course they're going to use any and every opportunity to convince you to turn your firearms in.
And of course they're going to use it when we feel like we're at our most vulnerable, where a school gets shot, or a nightclub gets shot, or a movie theater gets shot.
And of course they always want to tie it into the politics of being gay, or the politics of whatever.
Oh, you feel even worse because it's a gay club.
And so it's even worse that it's a gay club, see?
And so that's what they do.
But it's really important because we can never forget that, folks.
We're going to be dealing with an extremely heated presidential election cycle in the next two years.
And we're going to be extremely distracted With all the developments domestically, but it's always important to remember what really lurks behind the Democrats and what really lurks behind the Republican establishment that is the right leg of the Democrat Party of the larger body politic that is the World Economic Forum, that is Klaus Schwab, that is the Great Reset, that is the global government.
And people need to understand that Especially dealing with all of these domestic political issues and policies that might not make sense.
I mean, nobody should understand why the Democrats want to disarm you.
That should confuse everybody.
You, a law-abiding citizen, has your Second Amendment violated?
Because a known criminal, a deranged lunatic who already was on FBI watch lists for bombings and arrested for bombings?
And he goes out and shoots a gay nightclub and now you have to turn your gun in and now you have to be a good slave?
That shouldn't make sense to anybody.
Until you realize what's really behind it.
The global world government in which you, the citizen, can no longer be free.
It's really not that difficult.
Is a slave allowed to have a firearm?
Last time I checked, slaves are not allowed to have weapons, and so why should you, good slave?
You getting it yet?
Do you really think slavery as a concept just goes away?
No, people still want to enslave you.
Alright, we're going to move on from this issue, but just quickly here, it's frustrating, and I don't want to belabor this too much, Alex Jones already covered it in the first hour as we enter the second hour of the Alex Jones Show, but it's frustrating when Elon Musk says, Okay, I'm gonna make sure Alex Jones is still banned on Twitter because I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics, or fame.
So I guess Elon Musk is really, I mean, he is really feeling good about himself these days, isn't he?
And so, uh, because, you know, he's the one that should be doling out mercy, I guess that's how the position he views himself in as the, uh, Owner of Twitter now.
Okay, so, but by this logic, Elon, anyone who would use the deaths of children for politics, those are your own words, that's your own quote here, Elon.
I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for politics.
Okay, you know that's not just Alex Jones, right?
Right, Elon?
Come on, Elon.
Who uses the deaths of kids for politics?
And then, I mean, wouldn't you say if, uh, that, that, you know, politics is then used for gain and fame?
So, I mean, technically, if you're using the deaths of children for politics, also gain and fame follow, so, Elon.
I know quite a few individuals that use the death of children for politics, Elon.
But somehow I feel like those individuals are not going to be... Or should I say, they will have mercy.
It's Elon Musk words here.
So I guess they'll have mercy, but not Alex Jones.
He gets no mercy.
Even though by your own logic here, Elon, anyone who uses the death of children for politics has none of your mercy, but somehow I know AOC is still on there.
Somehow I know David Hogg is still on there.
Somehow I know every Democrat who's tried to take away your guns after a shooting, specifically a school shooting that involves children.
I'd say they use the deaths of children for politics and therefore gain in fame.
Wouldn't you, Elon?
Wouldn't you?
Of course, Elon.
Of course.
But you're not going to ban those Democrats, are you?
You're not going to censor David Hogg, are you, Elon?
No, just Alex Jones, isn't it?
Just Alex Jones.
Well, it's too bad for Elon.
Because he's really exposed himself in this way.
But that's fine.
That's fine.
He can make his own decisions.
He's a big boy.
Now, before I get into the larger geopolitical news, folks, remember, this sale right now at InfoWarsTore.com is about as big as it gets, and I don't know if we've ever done anything like this before.
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Alright, you know, here's the message.
This is Ron DeSantis, and this is the message right here.
This is the path to victory.
This is the basic stance that needs to be applied For any of our elected politicians here in America, and it's Ron DeSantis in clip 18.
I want to have the values, not of Davos imposed on us, but of places like Destin and Dunedin, where I grew up.
Things like the World Economic Forum, those policies are dead on arrival in the state of Florida.
We are not going to go down that road.
Yes, cheering roar of a standing ovation.
I'm hearing it right now.
Now he's in the... He's doing government business in a government building, so you don't really get that.
But did you hear it?
I heard it.
I heard it.
I heard all of America standing up, cheering, roaring, a raucous applause.
Thank you, Ron DeSantis.
That needs to be... Really, if the Republicans were smart, and the current leadership is not, they're globalists.
Mitch McConnell's a globalist.
Ronna McDaniel's a globalist.
Because if they were smart, that's the exact rhetoric they would be telling every single one of their candidates to be injecting into their speeches, into their policies, all of it.
We reject globalism, we reject the World Economic Forum, we reject the Great Reset, we reject Klaus Schwab, we reject Davos.
Dead on arrival.
Only Ron DeSantis, though.
And you'd think the Republicans would be smart enough because they want to pretend they're behind DeSantis, which is all just a gimmick, I think.
Yes, the Republican establishment is trying to get DeSantis to run against Trump.
But I don't think that's because they're pro-DeSantis.
I think that's because they're anti-Trump.
And they just look at DeSantis as the next guy up in the Depp chart as an extremely popular governor right now.
But you'd think maybe they would listen to a speech like that from DeSantis and then apply that party-wide, but they won't.
And we all know why.
And then here's the other side of that spectrum.
Here is Macron over the weekend saying the exact opposite, that no, we need the global government in clip 19.
Trying to become more and more nervous.
If they become very nervous and start war, it will be a big problem for the whole, the rest of the jungle.
You need cooperation of a lot of other animals.
Because we're all animals.
Tigers, monkeys, and so on.
Are you on the US or the Chinese side?
Because now, progressively, a lot of people would like to see there are two orders in this world.
This is a huge mistake.
Even for both the US and China.
We need a single global order.
There you go!
A single global order.
A one world government.
A new world order.
And they all brag about it.
They all tell you about it.
They're all part of the World Economic Forum now.
They all do the Davos meetings.
The Bilderberg meetings.
And it's just all right out there in front of you.
I mean, does that even sound appetizing?
Does that even sound good to you?
A single world order?
A global government?
I mean, obviously, you understand that means the end of freedom.
They're not talking about freedom because that's not global order.
You understand that, right?
You understand that nothing implied there involves freedom, whereas everything implied by Ron DeSantis is freedom.
Well, geez, why can't you have the Chinese way and the U.S.
way exist together at the same time?
Well, because the U.S.
way is freedom and the Chinese way is communism.
You see, yeah, that doesn't work.
So which one is going to have to give?
What is going to have to give, Macron?
What is going to have to give for your one world order?
What is going to have to give For the global government.
Do you think it's going to be communism or do you think it's going to be freedom?
Which one do you think the World Economic Forum leaders expect you, the citizen of Earth, to sacrifice?
The beautiful successes of communism?
Or the human desires of freedom?
Which one do you think will be sacrificed at the altar of the World Economic Forum?
Alright, let's shift to some geopolitical news now.
Dealing with Russia and Brazil and all tying it into the global government that Macron and others brag about.
Macron really wants to be, he really wants to be the butt plug of the New World Order.
He likes going up and making big speeches about how much he wants to crush freedom and absorb all countries into the world government.
He and Trudeau I think are kind of really The two that are trying to prove themselves worthy to be the first, you know, President of the World Economic Forum or whatever it is they think is going to happen.
It looks like Macron and Trudeau really look at themselves as that future, as that demon.
But let's just quickly look at what's going on in Ukraine and I'm going to try to lay it out quickly for you here so that you understand Ukrainians shoot 11 Russian prisoners of war in cold blood.
And the videos are circulating the internet.
They're confirmed by the New York Times.
And so, it's not to... I mean, this is the story in the news, but here's the real story.
The Russians and the Ukrainians are in a civil war.
That's what this is.
This is a civil war in Russia and Ukraine.
And the West's involvement and interest is based on a few illegitimate things and then one legitimate thing.
And the illegitimate things are Ukraine has been a massive hive of criminality and money laundering for decades by the West.
Well covered, well tied into the Bidens and the Pelosi's and everybody else.
And now the FTX scandals may blow some of it wide open.
And then there's the issue of having Ukraine as kind of a... Like just asking Russia to bully Ukraine so that NATO and the West can have that excuse.
To continue the demonization of the Russian boogeyman, and then have their proxy groups operating in those regions, which then ties back into the money laundering and the weapons laundering and everything else.
So you've got the West's proxy groups out there, and then you've got the West's money laundering crimes out there.
Okay, and so these are the illegitimate reasons why the U.S.
is so interested in Ukraine.
The legitimate reason is true, that Crimea, access to the Black Sea, that is a very important region, that is a very important region for resources, and it's a very important region for trade, and that's why Russia took it, and has it now.
So that's why the West has such interest in that region.
Now, the region is much more important to Russia than it should be for the United States, for obvious reasons, but again, the crimes, the proxy groups, And then control of that region, important to the West.
But okay, so what's going on?
Russia, I don't know how to properly put this because to try to cover it, you first have to tear down all the propaganda and you have to tear down all the lies that the mainstream media, the Western media, the American media has told you.
And it's just a reminder of how corrupt and inept and pathetic The American media really is.
I mean, it is just, it is just an abomination.
But I'd have to spend 30 minutes to an hour trying to tear all that false information down.
So instead, let me just try to put it to you like this.
Let me just try to put it to you in real layman's terms, human terms.
Ukraine and Russia are in a civil war.
And Russia is taking major deaths, major defeats at times.
Overall, they're winning.
And overall, they've accomplished their agenda.
But they didn't want to see tens of thousands dead.
They didn't want to see all the damage done to infrastructure.
Most of it actually done by Ukraine missiles provided by the West.
And they don't like seeing their prisoners of war get shot and raped and have their genitals cut off and torture videos.
This has all been going on by Ukrainians this year.
And so they don't like that.
And so you need to understand that the only reason any of that is happening is because of the West backing Ukraine.
Ukraine would not have any of this, they would not have the weapons, they would not have the support, they would not have the confidence to be committing these war crimes and these heinous crimes against Russians, against Ukrainians, against their own people.
Innocent people, they wouldn't have any of the confidence to do any of this if they weren't getting supported by the West, by the United States of America.
And Russia knows that.
Russia knows that, and the rest of the world knows that.
Even the NATO allies and the European countries who have mostly balked at the civil war between Russia and Ukraine know that.
And so, the great irony is that it's been the left in recent history, it's been the left in modern America that has stood against wars, and it's been the left, as recent as the Bush years, to be against America, imperialism, or expansionism, or whatever else they want to call it.
And then Obama came around and launched more wars than Bush, and so I guess that's why liberals shut up, shut their mouths about it all of a sudden, and love war now.
I mean, that's how much Obama had them under mind control.
The slick-talking Mac Daddy.
What was it?
The snake-tongued Mac Daddy?
Barack Obama?
Who, by the way, I mean, I might as well throw this out there.
Here's Malik Obama over the weekend.
He says, I don't hate Barack Obama.
I'm just upset that he turned out to be what he is.
A traitor.
Malik Obama.
But that's just anecdotal for you here.
Back to the larger issue.
So why is it that the same liberal left that didn't want us involved in the Middle East wars, that didn't want us involved in regime wars and called it imperialism and expansionism and America bad for it, but now they love when we're doing that in Ukraine?
Why is that?
Somebody explain that to me!
All the wars and everything, the foreign interventions and regime change that the West has been involved in for decades, that the left, the liberals, stood against, adamantly stood against, wanted you to know how against it they were, and wanted to virtue signal how much better than you they were because of it.
Now, all of a sudden, they're for it in Ukraine.
Now, all of a sudden, they love that it's happening in Ukraine.
Now, all of a sudden, they want more war in Ukraine.
So if you thought it was bad, a million Iraqis killed, if you thought it was bad, the wars in Syria and everything else that Western proxy groups have been behind, you thought all that was bad, folks, Russia ain't Iraq.
Russia ain't Afghanistan.
Russia ain't Syria.
So, that's not to belittle the people of those countries, It's just to say, do you think Russia is going to take this sitting down?
Why do you think, why do you think the rest of the world has let the US go it alone in Ukraine?
Folks, our leaders are stupid, they're out of control, they're criminally corrupt, and we're being set up for a massive failure right now.
We're being set up for a massive embarrassment and failure on the world stage.
And the fact that we haven't stopped funding Zelensky and Ukraine after the FTX scandal, the fact that we have not stopped funding and sending weapons to Ukraine after Zelensky goes on TV and says a Russian missile just hit Poland, we need it repaid in blood, and it was all a lie.
It just shows you, folks, you're being lied to It's all a corrupt criminal enterprise that's going on in Ukraine, and why is the liberal left falling for it?
Why are you falling for this?
You know, it's funny, on the gun issue again here, you have liberals that go to drag queen, drag queen tranny time for kid events at libraries.
This just happened over the weekend.
And you know what they do?
Do you know what the liberals do at Drag Queen Tranny Time for kids?
Do you know what they do?
Get this.
This is going to blow your mind now.
Are you ready for this?
Who came up with this idea?
Do you know what they do?
Do you know what liberals are doing at Drag Queen Tranny Time events?
They're protecting the kids with guns.
I know.
I know, guys.
Now that might blow your mind, but we have it right here.
You can see this is in Denton County, Texas, and you see that the left decided to show up with armed men in full-blown military outfits with their guns.
There you go.
Just freeze-frame it right there for me.
There you go, guys.
There it is, right there.
Look at that.
They got their walkie-talkies and their headsets.
Fully body-armored and fully armed, ready to go.
To protect those kids.
Now, I'm just... I'm just trying to put it all together here.
So, we protect the kids at Drag Queen Tranny Time with guns.
We protect them from the Big Bad Conservatives.
But we don't protect the kids at schools with guns.
At the school, the answer is to disarm.
I'm just trying to make sense of it all here.
That's all.
I'm just asking questions, trying to make sense of it all.
So that's where we're at now, Libs?
Is that where the liberal energy is at now?
Is that where the liberal...
Logic is that we protect the kids at the drag queen tranny time events with guns, armed men with guns, but not at the schools.
That's when it's bad.
Just making sure.
Just gotta figure it all out here, folks.
We're just trying to figure it all out.
We're all just as confused as they are.
Again, I want to move on from this, but there's other geopolitical issues to cover.
I just...
It's just so sick, the disservice the American media is doing, and it's just so disgusting.
Because in a way, folks, I mean, it's not to say one thing is more evil than the other.
I mean, if you think it was bad what the U.S.
did in Iraq, or you think it was bad what the U.S.
did in Afghanistan, well, you better realize it might even be worse what's going on in Ukraine.
It's not yet, as far as lives lost, but it could be much worse.
The only reason why you have These Ukrainian groups running around, berserking, murdering people, torturing people, chopping off Russians' genitals, is because they know they have the U.S.'
's backing.
And so they're told by their leaders, look, we just got a new shipment of arms from the West, and they celebrate.
Look, we just got 10 billion more dollars from the U.S., and they celebrate.
And then they feel empowered to go out, capture 11 Russians, torture them, and murder them on camera.
And Putin knows all this, by the way.
Putin knows the only reason they're so inflamed, the only reason they're so confident in these war crimes, is because they have the U.S.' 's backing.
So you think it was bad in Afghanistan, you think it was bad in Iraq, you better realize how bad it is in Ukraine, too.
It might not be the U.S.
soldiers on the ground doing it, but it's our weapons, it's our confirmation, it's our training, that's what's going on, and Putin is not Putin and Russia are not Afghanistan.
Putin and Russia are not Iraq.
And it's just amazing that the people can't see this.
And again, I'll move on, but when you see this, you need to understand what the Russians are thinking.
You need to understand what Putin is thinking, because nobody else is telling you.
Ukrainians shoot 11 Russian prisoners of war in cold blood.
They've tortured others.
They've chopped up others.
They've chopped off the genitals of others.
This is what the sick, depraved Ukrainians are doing right now.
While they're bombing their own people, by the way.
And you need to know, the problems between the Russians and Ukrainians have always been there.
But now that it's the West that's backing This level of it?
And encouraging this level of it?
You need to understand now that the Russians and Vladimir Putin are really looking at the U.S.
differently now.
And really a disdain is growing in their heart.
And would you say we deserve it if we deserved it in Iraq?
If we deserved it in Afghanistan?
Because the left would have said that.
But they're under total mind control and the American media says this war is good.
This war is good.
War good in Ukraine.
Killing Russians good for you.
And meanwhile, they don't realize that in the big global picture, the U.S.
is getting left in the dust.
And that, see, and really here's what it comes down to.
Let me try to give you the practical application of this.
What is one thing that the U.S.
and the West has always had as leverage against the East or against China or against Russia or these other countries?
What has it been, practically speaking?
It's been sanctions.
And so China's been worried about sanctions, and Russia will be worried about sanctions, and these other countries will be worried about sanctions that will be put on them by the West if they don't adhere to what the West is requesting.
And usually this goes...
Relatively smoothly for the West because it was aligned on most of these geopolitical issues.
It's not aligned on Russia and Ukraine.
It's only America now.
And so they don't have the threat of sanctions, folks.
Any threats or applied sanctions to Russia or China or Syria or anything like that are empty, in case you haven't noticed.
They take those sanctions and they rip them up and they piss on them.
So that geopolitical leverage that the West has always had with sanctions over these countries is gone.
And I don't even think they bother with the sanctions anymore because they know it's worthless.
At the beginning of this, they talked about sanctions and they issued sanctions, but it was a hollow shell.
It was a nothing burger, so they kind of just gave it up.
Yeah, Russia doesn't care about sanctions anymore.
China doesn't care about sanctions anymore.
In case you haven't noticed, they don't need America anymore.
Now we're in a situation where we need them, because Biden is a corrupt and compromised president that gets blackmailed by Russia and blackmailed by China, and so he can't do anything to help us.
But he doesn't even really know what's going on.
So that's the situation you have.
The U.S.
is not in control of the situation because we don't have the power of sanctions, and Russia and China and India and Brazil and Mexico and Saudi Arabia and Qatar and all these other countries are moving on, and Biden is sitting here, sanctions, sanctions, funding, funding, and the American people are getting screwed, and the American media is not even telling you the real story here, which is that the U.S.
has lost almost all persuasion, all influence, Over the geopolitical world and markets.
And now Russia and China and the rest of them, who normally would have to respond and flinch at the threat of sanctions, no longer do and could not care less.
And now Russia, who I think for years, I think Putin has liked the West.
I think Putin has wanted a relationship with the West.
I think he's even been, had admiration for the Western lifestyle.
And I think now, sadly, that is all fading because of what Joe Biden and the United States government and military is doing in Ukraine.
And so any hopes that we had of strong relations with Russia are pretty much gone now, folks.
I don't even know if Trump can repair them at this point.
When you've got Russian troops getting slaughtered, when you've got Russian troops getting tortured, when you've got Ukrainians Chopping off Russian troops' genitals and filming it and saying, you know, hey, go say hi to your wife.
And then they chop their genitals off on the camera.
And they know that the only reason the Ukrainians are doing that is because of the confidence and the weapons instilled by the West.
I don't know if it can ever be repaired, folks.
It's really sad to see the U.S.
just get crushed under Joe Biden.
And we're doing it to ourselves.
Alright, what's going on in Brazil is historic.
And it's got the media blackout because it's legitimate, it's organic, it's not controlled by the globalists and so they don't want you to know about it.
Powerful demonstration of we the people happening now in Brazil and the truckers have now gotten involved and the latest with that is the truckers are blocking off access to important airports and other stuff.
That's in addition to the Brazilian farmers that are organizing, that's getting bigger.
And then of course, just the general population that supported Bolsonaro by the millions
out in the streets every day.
Now, you heard it here at first because InfoWars' next year's news today,
that the biggest difference between Brazil's stolen election
and America's stolen election is that the Brazilian military is with Bolsonaro
and behind Bolsonaro.
You did not have that phenomenon in America.
The military was actually against Trump.
The military in Brazil is for Bolsonaro, and I would say my general consensus on as to why that's the case, the globalists seized control of the US military for obvious reasons.
And then we've seen the dastardly deeds of the globalist-controlled US military.
The globalists never really had that initiative or takeover of the Brazilian military.
And that's because it wasn't going to be used for globalist operations.
And most individuals that join the Brazilian military join it because they love Brazil and they actually want to go into the crime ridden areas and deal with the cartels.
Many of them have suffered at the hands of the cartels in the favelas, what have you.
And so they join the military because they actually want to see crime stopped in Brazil.
They actually want to go after criminals.
They're real Brazilian patriots.
And they don't go overseas and fight a bunch of globalist wars.
So that's why the situation in Brazil is different right now.
And also you don't have near the corruption of the bureaucracy.
Which is not nearly as big and so what do you have is you have the corrupt Supreme Court in Brazil but you don't have the corrupt bureaucracy like you do in the West that set up Americans and patriots on January 6th as the Reichstag moment so that our million man march would be scuttled and subdued and then our free speech chilled on the issue of Rigged or stolen elections, but that's not happening in Brazil.
They didn't have the military globalist control, they didn't have their military under globalist control, and they didn't have the gigantic federal bureaucracies aimed against the people.
So the response has been now from their own deep state, which is mostly the Supreme Court, they're trying to get control of the presidency again with Lula, Lula minister signs order allowing child services to take children away from free election protesters.
So there you go.
So, oh, you're protesting in Brazil.
Oh, you're out in the street waving a Brazilian flag.
You lose your kids.
Brazilians protesting election results have their bank accounts frozen.
So, that's what's going on.
I don't know what's going to happen next, folks, but there is going to be some form of a standoff here.
And I don't think the millions of Brazilians are just going to go home.
They might threaten to take their children.
I don't think they'll actually be able to pull that off.
If they do, the military will step in at that point.
I think they know it.
That's the standoff they have.
As far as the bank accounts being frozen, they'll be able to work around that.
They'll find ways to work around that, and they will deal with that.
But we'll see.
The real standoff here is, are you really going to start taking kids?
Because I don't think the Brazilian military is going to stand for that.
And I think that if anything good happens, it's going to be the corrupt judge on the Supreme Court may be getting a bit of a comeuppance here politically, legally, lawfully with the military involved.
I don't know if Bolsonaro is planning on sticking around through all of this.
But there are still the millions in the streets, and that situation is developing.
Now, here's where it all ties in, and this is why they have to have Lula as the president of Brazil, because Bolsonaro would never sign Brazil onto the global government.
And this just came out from the G20 in Egypt.
Rich countries agree to pay for climate damages in poor nations.
So, oh, a poor nation has a flood, a poor nation has a earthquake, whatever.
Now you have to pay for it.
That's what they say, rich nations.
Rich nations.
Oh, our nations are rich because they stole the wealth from the people because they're dirty commies.
But now that's the agreement is, oh, there was a mudslide, oh, there was a flood, oh, there was an earthquake, oh, there was a hurricane, oh, there was this, and now you have to pay for it.
That's now your duty to pay for that, because you're a bad guy causing climate change.
Which they used to call global warming, but they don't anymore.
Well, here's why.
South Pole hits record cold temperatures.
For November.
South Pole, record cold temperatures for November.
Yes, that's why they said it's not global warming anymore, don't you know?
Because it never was.
It never was.
And then Macron tells you we need the world government.
Poland, Finland, and Latvia to construct huge barbed wire fences on borders with Russia and Belarus.
The irony here is great.
Because Poland and Finland and Latvia, at least at this stage, Russia is of no threat to them at all.
But of course, the irony is they'll let in mass migrants from other countries just pour across their border and that's fine.
But Russia, who's not even coming across the border, they're going to build the wall to stop the Russians who aren't even coming.
That'd be like if the U.S.
That'd be like if Biden came out and said, we're gonna build a wall on the Bering Strait, or we're gonna build a wall on Alaska to keep the Russians out.
You'd say, what?
And you'd say, you know, the Russians are coming.
So we built a wall on the Bering Strait, and we built a wall in Alaska to keep the Russians out.
Meanwhile, down at the southern border, you have over 5 million illegal immigrant crossings since January 2021.
But we're building a wall in the Bering Strait to stop the Russians who aren't even coming here and don't want to because they look at the West as a crap hole now.
As does much the rest of the planet.
And I don't buy that.
I don't believe that.
I think we have a great country here.
I think we got bad leadership and a lot of cleaning up to do because of it.
But I think America can once be returned to its glory and really all it requires is just giving the freedom back to the people.
Giving freedom, independence, prosperity back to the people.
It's all it takes.
You can turn it around like that.
Like flipping on a light bulb.
That's all it will take.
But that's why they're constantly trying to expand the government, find new reasons to expand the government.
Trying to disarm you so that they can expand the government without any backlash or threats of a backlash.
It's called tyranny, folks.
It's called tyranny.
And if America falls to tyranny, then I don't know where the world goes.
I don't know where the world goes from that.
And now we're going to have to be dealing with the next two years of Biden, and it's just going to be a disaster.
And even if they do get Biden out in the form and fashion that I talked about earlier on the show, Not going to be good.
And that's why at this point, I mean, DeSantis might be better domestically, but the only person that can get us out of this geopolitical international hole that Joe Biden has buried us in, basically a grave.
I mean, we're basically in a grave, geopolitically speaking.
And the only chance we have, I think, to get out of that grave is Trump.
Or you could just say, we don't need the rest of the world, let's just be independent, DeSantis will be better for that.
I could agree with that, potentially.
But DeSantis hasn't even announced he's going to run, so I don't want to get out ahead of ourselves.
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What should we call this upcoming phenomenon where the Biden crime family is going to be in the crosshairs of an investigation It actually already has been.
All the evidence has already been collected.
They're just waiting to get the subpoena power with Republican control of the House.
And you've got a new book coming out from John Paul Mac Isaac.
He's the one where Hunter Biden left the laptop.
And part of me is still kind of... I don't know if it even matters.
I mean, maybe it does.
How is it that Hunter Biden and Ashley Biden both just happen to leave extremely compromising documents out there for the public to find?
Like, really, that's just a coincidence?
Did they do it intentionally?
Are they really that inept and incompetent?
But a book is coming out tomorrow, American Injustice, my battle to expose the truth about how when he reported the Hunter Biden laptop, the feds came after him, Instead of investigating the crimes on the laptop.
But now you've got CBS News with their big Sunday night news special saying it's the Hunter Biden laptop.
It's real.
It shows all the crimes of the Biden crime family.
Oh, really?
We knew that two years ago.
You guys are playing catch-up, huh?
Two years after Biden gets into office, now you want to break that story?
And then here's some of the response from the Democrats.
Here's Zoe Lofgren on the issue with CBS in clip 10.
You sit on the Judiciary Committee.
You just heard Rod Rosenstein say that he thinks the U.S.
Attorney in Delaware is sufficient in terms of being able to independently decide on what to do with Hunter Biden and that case.
I wonder if you agree with that or if you think your Republican colleagues are right to ask for a special counsel to deal with the current President's son.
Well, I don't know anything about that case.
I doubt you know anything about it either.
But you have oversight of the Justice Department.
Yes, but we don't, you know, I serve with Mike Pence on the Judiciary Committee.
We don't oversee and interfere with individual investigations and cases.
You're supposed to.
That would be improper in terms of oversight.
Yeah, we don't oversee.
We're just the oversight committee.
We don't do any overseeing of anything.
We're just the oversight committee.
Thank you.
Thank you.
But here's Hakeem Jeffries.
Who denied that Trump ever won an election, so he's an election denier.
And he says they're going to be defending Joe Biden in these upcoming days in clip 13.
Republicans announced this week their oversight plans, which include taking a look at the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the origins of COVID, the FBI search at Mar-a-Lago.
I can see that there could be, theoretically, legitimate oversight questions on each of those topics, it could be asked.
Will House Democrats participate in these investigations in good faith or do you see it as your role to defend the Biden administration?
We will absolutely defend the Biden administration and his track record of success if it comes under assault by people attempting to politicize our governmental responsibilities without question.
And this is just like how they denied inflation.
They said there was no inflation.
Then they said, well, there's a little inflation, but it's good for you.
Then they said, well, it's inflation, but it's just temporary.
And then it kept going.
And so now what do the Democrats say?
They say, well, what's the Republican plan for inflation?
To get Democrats out.
It's the plan.
Get Biden out.
That's the only plan you need.
They don't need a plan other than to get you out of the way.
But this is going to be the battle now inside the Republican Party.
Establishment House Republicans oppose impeaching Joe Biden.
Who's going to get control of the House?
Well, if it's Kevin McCarthy in charge, I don't have much faith.
And that's sad to say because Marjorie Taylor Greene, who I like and trust, has said Kevin McCarthy's the way to go.
Is Kevin McCarthy going to allow the Republicans, forget about even impeachment, how about to just investigate the Biden crime family first?
Let's get the subpoenas, let's get into that laptop, let's do investigations, and then let's do that right, and then maybe talk about impeachment.
But the establishment Republicans are already trying to scuttle this before it even gets going.
I'm now joined by Alex Svetsky, and he is the author of the communist, rather the uncommunist manifesto.
He covers crypto, bitcoin, and he wants to come on to get into the latest with the FTX scandal.
Here's some of the recent headlines.
Senator Josh Hawley demands correspondence between federal officials and Democrat party leaders following FTX collapse and why the scheme was only revealed after the midterm elections.
FTX, Tether, the CIA, drug cartels, money laundering in the Ukraine.
And then I'm telling you, I think this is the one that's going to be used to distract us.
Freaky FTX, Sam Bankman freed and his girlfriend Caroline Ellison had unusual ideas about group sex.
Yeah, folks, it wasn't just ideas, okay?
And look.
I don't want to be the one to reveal this because I just don't want to be the one to reveal it.
But the fact that they're not making a bigger story out of the weird sex stuff and orgy stuff that they were doing tells me that they're holding that back.
And so whenever the real crimes and money laundering and stuff is revealed, then they're going to distract you with the shiny object in their left hand and say, oh, did you know they were having orgies?
There, look, here's a naked picture of Caroline.
It's all already out there, and they don't really want to push that.
It tells me they're intentionally holding it back.
So, Alex, you cover crypto, Bitcoin, you're following the FTX story.
I mean, we've got a lot of the details.
I think the picture is becoming pretty clear to me on this scandal.
So why don't you just talk about the big picture here, what you think this is all about, and with all the information we have, what is the conclusions that you've reached as far as the FTX scandal is concerned?
Owen, thanks for having me on.
It's good to be back on InfoWars.
Look, this is the big picture.
I would argue and many other Bitcoiners that I respect would also argue that we've probably reached the state level attack on Bitcoin and if anything that's what FTX may have been.
So I met Sam back in 2021.
There was a conference, a Bitcoin conference in Miami and there was a little boat party that I went on and I had a quick chat with him and at that point I had absolutely no idea who he was.
He was this like Weird guy that was sitting there eating like all the hors d'oeuvres and I had a quick chat with him and some dude told me he's like, oh, he's the guy who owns FTX.
And I said, what's FTX?
And they said, oh, it's the fastest growing crypto exchange in the world.
And I was like, I've never heard of this shit.
And the guy came out of nowhere, basically.
Never heard of him before 2020, 2021 may have heard of him somewhere.
And then out of nowhere came, you know, the second biggest exchange on the planet.
And to me, what that means is that, you know, he was obviously funded by someone.
I mean, as we've seen, there's, you know, money laundering, there's all this stuff, you know, money to Ukraine.
You know, I mean, I've got one here where, you know, he was giving $20 million to COVID researchers.
He was on a panel that was supposed to be upcoming with Zelensky, with Zuckerberg, with Janet Yellen.
So these people are all part of the same little cabal.
The big picture thing to take out of this is that this vindicates the reason that Bitcoin exists.
Not crypto!
There is a massive separation between those two.
There is Bitcoin that lives here, which is money that no individual, no state, no institution, no corporation, no FTX, that nobody can touch.
This is why people like Sam, they were always bashing on Bitcoin, They're always saying it's shit, it's slow, and all the crap that they say.
And they didn't, and correct me if I'm wrong here, and just so you know, we're on Terrestrial Radio, so we can't curse.
It's okay, but just, just, we can't curse on Terrestrial Radio.
But FTX, they weren't actually doing any Bitcoin transactions, right?
I mean, they were not working with Bitcoin.
No, they're an exchange.
So they allow people to trade.
So these things are designed to basically get people somewhere to gamble.
That's completely the opposite of why Bitcoin exists.
Bitcoin exists as money that allows people to save.
Immune from government confiscation, immune from inflation, immune from taxation, immune from all of the things that normal traditional fiat money is not immune from.
Now, what happens is, all these crypto people have popped up, whether it's Ethereum, whether it's Solana, whether it's FTX, whether it's Viya.
All of this crap is a distraction, kind of like what you said about the sex tape.
It's a distraction.
To get people to not understand what Bitcoin is.
Because the thing that the establishment fears the most is a people who have their wealth intact, whose wealth you cannot confiscate from them.
Yeah, and you know, this is a very important... Because here's the problem that I think sometimes...
And it's not any fault of their own because it's a relatively new concept, financial concept for people to understand why people support Bitcoin.
And this is why my big problem with the Bitcoin community talking about whether it's worth $6,000 or $60,000, you're doing yourself a disservice because it shouldn't matter whether it's worth $60,000 or $6,000.
That might be a nice promotional thing for people to look at it, but at the end of the day, People need to understand it's a decentralized currency.
It's all about getting government, getting central bankers out of the transactional process.
So it's like, let's say you've got one stack of cash.
You've got two stacks of cash.
You've got one stack of cash here.
You've got one stack of cash here.
And you say, okay, you get to pick which stack of cash you want.
And you're like, okay, but hold on.
This stack of cash is going to be controlled by a bunch of other people, and they're going to tell you how to spend it, where to spend it, how much you can spend of it, and they're going to take a little off the top every transaction.
This stack of cash over here, just take it, do whatever you want with it.
Well, which stack of cash are you going to want?
You're obviously going to want that's not going to be oversought, and it's not going to have the taxing and all of it on it, and so that's kind of When I try to explain the concept of Bitcoin, and I'm not a big Bitcoin supporter, I like decentralized currencies, absolutely, but that's the big issue that people need to understand.
That's why the state's attacking it.
To get back to where you're at, that's why Bitcoin is under attack, that's why cryptocurrency as a concept is under attack, because the central bankers and the big governments need that control over the monetary policies, need that control over the money, otherwise they can't really enslave us anymore.
I mean, this is why they're pushing for CBDCs.
For those who don't know what that means, it's Central Bank Digital Currency.
Now, the easiest way for them to launch CBDCs It's actually going to be to partner with an institution or a foundation or an organization that is running a current cryptocurrency.
The most likely one in my mind is going to be Ethereum.
There's probably some other ones like, you know, Cardano and this and that, that the government and the state is most likely to partner with.
But this is why I always differentiate for people.
Bitcoin versus crypto.
They are unrelated.
Crypto is just digital fiat.
That's it.
And it's got far more in common with the US dollar or the euro or the Australian dollar or the yen or you name the government issued, you know, coin, whatever you want to place in there.
So it's important for people to realize sovereign money and not feeding your jailers Is actually how you fight back so when we talk about just I want to also mention the piece that you said about the Bitcoin price now.
Money is supposed to like if you think about what money represents money represents the collective.
Product of society, right?
It represents the time the energy and the natural resources within a society and money is a technology or a tool that Enables people to do a couple things.
Number one is store that product that value Transact that product that value and measure that so it's kind of like a language of value.
So when you think about that You can't print time You can't print energy and you can't print physical resources out of nothing.
So these things are all fixed and finite in nature.
So a perfect money would also be fixed and finite in nature.
And that's what Bitcoin is.
Bitcoin is kind of like this perfect money that is fixed.
It's immutable.
You can't change it.
And Nobody can change the rules, in the same way as nobody can change time, nobody can change energy, nobody can change natural resources.
This is what the establishment is most afraid of.
And this is why they support, whether it's crypto, they'll support Ethereum, they'll support things like FTX, they'll, you know, when FTX blows up, everyone freaks out and they think the problem is Bitcoin, when the problem is what's happening here.
That's why I say it's an attack on Bitcoin specifically.
As is all of crypto.
Well, let's get into that on the other side of this break because I do think this was an organic takedown of FTX.
I don't think the deep state had origins of taking this down.
Why would they?
They were laundering so much money.
But as we know, communists don't let a good crisis go to waste.
So, of course, they're going to use this to attack crypto.
Eventually, Bitcoin is going to be their biggest shark.
But I feel like they're kind of not They're treading lightly on the Bitcoin ground right now.
Because they know Bitcoiners are really good advocates for crypto, and so they don't want to anger you guys too much, I've noticed.
Alex Svetsky wrote the Uncommunist Manifesto.
You gotta like that.
Got great reviews, you can read it for yourself.
Find out why.
And we're talking crypto, FTX, crash, Bitcoin, and everything else.
And so, You got into the state attack on Bitcoin.
You mentioned that in the last segment.
Now, to me, from my perspective, I think that this collapse was organic.
Now, maybe at some point in time they did plan on writing SBF and FTX out as their controlled collapse to eventually go after crypto.
But I think at this point, It was organic.
I think the Binance guy calling SBF out was organic.
And then the response has basically been the old, as you know, communist response.
Don't let a good crisis go to waste.
So, of course, with it all crashing down, they're trying to take control of it.
Do you agree with that analysis?
Do you do you agree with me that this was an organic fallout?
Or do you think this was a controlled fallout from the very beginning?
It was.
So to clarify, I think FTX was a state-sponsored actor, but I think the collapse 100% was an organic thing because they had no money on the balance sheet.
So all that had to happen at some point was the leverage to crush them.
Simple as that.
It was the same thing that happened in 2008.
There's only so much you can basically Play Icarus, right?
You jump off a cliff, you think for the first three seconds that you're flying, and then gravity catches up and you're gone.
So, you know, on a longer timescale, FTX was certainly a state actor, or at least, I shouldn't say certainly, seemingly a state actor because of the way he came out of nowhere, you know, 36 billion dollar company out of nothing.
That just doesn't happen magically.
Let's point out the obvious too.
I mean, Bankman Freed and Caroline Ellison are both deeply tied to top political activists.
They're both deeply tied to the Democrat Party.
I mean, there's no denying that.
Yeah, yeah.
So, but the collapse, I think, was, as you said, organic.
Now, the thing is, My guess was the state-sponsored attack component was that they would have known that this would fall over at some point because you can't just create $36 billion out of thin air and think that it's going to last forever, right?
If you're an intelligent state actor, for example, you do this, you find a way to funnel basically $10 billion from someone else's pocket, funnel it to whatever you want to launder it.
And then when you know it inevitably blows up, you've got You know, two prime candidates to throw under the bus, number one.
And number two, you've got a scapegoat that you can blame, which is Bitcoin.
And then they'll say, oh, but we need regulation, you know, so that way they can tie people up one more to stop them from being able to buy Bitcoin as much as possible.
I mean, but the thing is, you know.
As we know, the government's great at stopping things.
You know, they couldn't stop alcohol, they couldn't stop weed, they couldn't stop anything.
So the last thing on the planet they're going to stop is some code.
So it's going to backfire them in the long run.
But I mean, you know, unfortunately, this is just going to scare off some people who think that the problem was with Bitcoin, not with decentralized platforms.
Well, Bitcoin investors like that because the price gets lower for them.
And that's when you feel bullish.
Now, you had mentioned you had met SBF, I guess it was at a crypto event you had met him.
And look, I want to be clear on something here, because I'm getting some pushback and flack from this.
Folks, I'm not trying to be inconsiderate.
I'm not trying to be, what's the word that I'm looking for here?
When I talk about SBF and Caroline Ellison having learning disabilities or being on a autism spectrum, again, I don't say that to be rude or that, you know, I'm uncaring towards those people.
That's not the case at all.
But I think it's important to point that out because what I think What's going on here?
And it's a sad thing to have to face.
I think that these two were used to be the fall guys.
Like you said, it's the perfect fall girl, perfect fall guy.
Maybe don't really fully understand what they're getting into.
They're young.
You know, maybe have a learning disability.
Maybe on the autism spectrum, not really know what's going on, but flush with all this cash, putting all this power, told by people in powerful positions, hey, it's all going to be great.
It's all going to be good.
And then it all collapses around them.
And somehow Sam Bankman Freed is still running around.
He hasn't even been arrested.
So, I'm not saying that to be insensitive, I think it just shows how this whole thing was a money laundering operation from the very beginning, and SBF and Ellison were just put into these positions to be the fall guys and girls.
You should see a tweet that I put up earlier today, which is, you know, that death tweet where he's like going through each door and like, you know, killing a new head.
You know, so you had Do Kwon, who was the one who blew up that stablecoin.
Then there was Alex Mashinsky, Celsius, which all the Bitcoiners warned against.
Now there's SBF.
Who else looks and feels and sounds similar?
Vitalik from Ethereum.
There we go.
That's the one.
So it's it's the same archetype, same kind of person, you know, same kind of, you know, the basically the What they they select them because they look like the Wonderboy.
You know, they they're either on, you know, some aspect of the Asperger's spectrum or the autism spectrum.
There's a physiognomy.
There's a clear physiognomy.
Thank you.
So people that think that, you know, Ethereum and all these sorts of things are different, they're in for a rude surprise.
I want to I had a train of thought before just about the the fixed supply money that I mentioned.
And I just wanted to sort of give people I wanted to tie that example off before we Go down another path, but this is just for people to take this away because I know listeners of this show will be probably very bullish.
Things like gold, because it's been money for thousands of years and it's an established form of monetary unit.
But think about this.
The first people who discovered gold, while the rest of the world was still using a mixture of salt and seashells and glass beads and other things like that for money, Imagine what the value of gold was at that point in time.
You could have found a big nugget of gold and you wouldn't have been able to buy anything with it because gold was valueless in the beginning.
Now what's important to note is that the reason gold emerged over thousands of years as the number one money that civilizations from all around the world independently selected as money was because it had superior properties for use as money.
It was recognizable.
It was extremely durable.
It's the only inert metal on the planet that is inert at room temperature.
It is extremely portable.
It is very scarce.
You can't just, you know, make it up out of thin air.
You know, the alchemist's dream of, you know, creating basically, you know, soil into gold.
So it had all these attributes, which meant that the whole world converged.
And this is actually what appreciated the purchasing power of gold over about 5,000 years.
So what people need to think of, this is the edge with Bitcoin,
is that it is gonna do what gold did in 5,000 years, maybe in 50.
It'll monetize every single, like it'll suck the excess monetization
in every other asset class on the planet into itself as the entire world starts to look for a place
to store the product of their labor, to store their savings.
They want to put it in a place that is safe, secure, and has the ultimate properties where you can store money, Can't be inflated, you can send it to whomever you want, and you can accurately know your proportion in relation to the whole.
You can't do that with any other money.
Especially not some other, you know, altcoins.
So it's just important to note, and I wanted to just tie that loop.
Close up on that.
On the other side of this break, Alex Cevetsky, author of The Uncommunist Manifesto.
We'll be right back.
Alright, finishing up here with Alex Cevetsky, again, the book The Uncommunist Manifesto.
Is his book and then also we'll figure out where you can follow him for all of his other crypto coverage connecting dots That I because I don't really follow the crypto stuff.
I mean obviously the FTX SPF thing has gone well beyond the realms of crypto but to see the other cryptocurrencies that might collapse next and that long line that he showed in the last segment was certainly interesting to me so Final segment here, Alex.
What else do people need to know?
What do you think is going to be the final conclusion of the FTX-SBF scandal?
Why has nobody been arrested yet?
I guess I would lead you into it like this.
In any other situation, when you have a money laundering operation like this, you would have at least one arrest, detainments, questionings, and you'd probably have at least one person sitting in a jail with a bail set at probably 10 million, maybe more dollars.
None of that has happened.
Nobody's been arrested.
Nobody's been detained.
Nobody's been brought in for questioning.
And my theory is eventually they're going to come out and they're going to say, well, because people are going to be outraged.
I mean, he's supposed to speak at a New York Times event in nine days now.
I mean, that's a joke.
And they're still promoting it, too.
They haven't even taken him off as the scheduled speaker.
So so I think what they're assuming at this point is that people are going to be so outraged that this crook is still out there and hasn't been arrested.
And then they're gonna come out and they're gonna say, "Well, we can't do anything.
"There's no regulation on crypto.
"There's no regulation on digital assets.
"So if you want us to do something, "you're gonna have to get us to pass this law,
"and it's gonna be a huge sweeping bill.
"Nobody's gonna read it."
And then all of a sudden, that's when, as you said earlier, the state attack on Bitcoin
will commence.
So your thoughts on that in conclusion here with us today.
I mean, you basically laid it out.
I think, I'll give you an example.
So there was a guy who got arrested who was a developer.
And all he did was build a protocol that you could take.
It was similar to CoinJoin.
So in the Bitcoin space, there's protocols like Wasabi and Samurai and Whirlpool that allow you to basically get multiple Bitcoin inputs Put them together and split them out on the other end.
It's called CoinJoin.
And what it is, it's a way to enhance your privacy.
So, like, let's say you've got a bunch of people who all have different amounts of money, and they put all their money into, like, they get all their change, chuck it all in one pile, and then on the other end, pick out the same amount of money that they had, but now it's all mixed up, so you don't know whose coins are what, right?
So it's a privacy-enhancing thing.
Now, the government, the state will tell you, oh, that's bad, that's money laundering or whatever, but No, it's just I like to be private with respect to what my money is and that it's my right to be private.
Now, there was a guy who built a protocol called Tornado Cash, which was purely that.
It was basically like a CoinJoin style implementation.
Now, he didn't help anyone do anything.
He just wrote some code and he got arrested.
He didn't do nothing!
He didn't take any money, didn't steal any money, didn't, you know, tell anybody what to do, didn't make any promises, didn't launder anything, nothing.
He just created a protocol and he got arrested.
This guy went and like literally, literally frauded, um, and nothing.
So, I mean, when you ask me what's, what's the conclusion to all of this?
I have no idea.
Um, you know, God knows what excuse they're going to make, whether he's also going to hang himself like Epstein did or whatever the case is, is beyond me at this point.
Nothing surprises me.
But as you said, the issue is going to be the amount of regulation they're going to try and create.
Now, here's the thing about regulation.
The people who write the regulation are the ones who create the loopholes for themselves.
That's effectively what it is.
People who are stupid think that regulation somehow helps the little guy, but it's actually the opposite, because the way to help the little guy is to increase competition.
So we actually, Mark and I discussed that in the book, we say that capitalism, natural capitalism, doesn't need regulation and doesn't create monopolies because in a naturally capitalistic environment what ends up happening is that all the small competitors eat away at the large player and in the absence of a state that can help build help the large player build a moat
The large player is not agile enough to compete against a hundred small players who eat around at them.
So, you know, all the stuff that we have today, like, you know, the big tech companies that, you know, own 25% of the stock market, the big banks, etc.
These are all a function, they're all downstream of the existence of a monopoly on violence and monopoly on the creation of money, which is the central bank and a central federal government.
So, they're going to want to Create regulation.
They're going to want to have their friends basically be the only licensed institutions to enable you to buy Bitcoin.
I think they're going to have a hard time, though, doing that because the challenge is that unlike a local or a domestic industry, Bitcoin is available to buy globally, internationally, in person, on the internet, here, there, everywhere.
So it's going to be very difficult to kind of like try and suppress that.
So I think they're going to have some challenges.
I think they might make it harder for some people.
But this is where individuals who are the people that I want to see holding Bitcoin, not the institutions, need to educate themselves instead of, you know, Sitting around, you know, watching Netflix or anything like that.
Go read about Bitcoin.
Understand how Bitcoin works from a technical perspective.
Understand what money is.
Read the history of money.
Go check out Saifedean's book, The Bitcoin Standard.
Like, educate yourself on these things because an educated, intelligent, wealthy, Citizenship as citizenry are very hard to suppress.
So that's kind of what I would say.
Unfortunately I don't have a I don't have a direct answer on what's going to happen with FTX or SPF.
Now I'm not I'm not the big crypto expert.
But I would guess that theoretically, the total adaptation of Bitcoin is what would be considered the ultimate success.
And so wouldn't then, in this time period, they would want to deter people from buying into Bitcoin as a potential to replace the fiat currency?
So by doing this, by freaking people out and the price falling, what happens is that, you know, there's less quote-unquote adoption.
The interesting thing though with Bitcoin is that, see people like me, and the millions of other people who are understanding Bitcoin, what happens during these times, and this is where Bitcoin, if you look at the chart over the long term, it creates a new price floor every couple year cycle, right?
Is that as you take Bitcoin off the exchanges, so when I buy some Bitcoin, I put it onto my cold storage wallet, I lock it up, and not even God can touch my Bitcoin.
It's safe, it's sound.
And I recommend people go and study and learn how to do that, how to move your Bitcoin off exchanges and into your own custody.
When you do that, there is less available Bitcoin on the market to be sold.
And what that does is it creates the floor for the next upleg.
And that's literally what happens every single cycle, is that a new group of people come in who have finally understood, they're like, holy crap, now I see how much of a stupidity crypto is.
I see, you know, last time it was ICOs that blew up, there was DeFi, there was JPEGs and NFTs.
Every single cycle something blows up, right?
Then a small portion of those people come out the other end and they're like, oh, now I understand why Bitcoin.
And then they take what they have left and they move all their Bitcoin off exchanges.
And that's what's happening.
If you look at the actual charts of what's happening with Bitcoin is that Bitcoin is coming off exchanges and going into cold storage.
That limits the supply and it sets the base for the next run up.
So what smart people do now is that they accumulate.
They accumulate, they accumulate, they accumulate, and they get the benefit on the next run up.
So yes, you know, in the short term it hurts, but in the long term this is one of the best things to have happened.
All right, Alex Sevetsky, thank you so much for joining us today.
Folks, check out the book, The Uncommunist Manifesto.
I think we can all agree with that.
Get the dirty commies out of our money supply, and if that means having to adopt Bitcoin, then we'll just do that.
All right, Elon Musk offering new statements on the censorship and banishment from Alex Jones, or against Alex Jones, on Twitter.
And so, as It's Monday, November 21st, 2022.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Alex Jones responds.
Here is Alex Jones response.
His entire response can be found exclusively at band.video.
It's Monday, November 21st, 2022.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
I'm about to exclusively respond to Elon Musk's vicious attack
against me and what is clearly a threat.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, he quoted Jesus Christ saying,
Suffer the little children to come unto me.
And then it follows with it's better for one to tie a millstone around their neck and throw themselves the deepest ocean than to offend one of these.
So one week he's in a Baphomet, the devil's champion outfit.
And then a few weeks later, he's now quoting Jesus Christ.
Well, beware, because the devil masquerades as an angel of light.
Now, I'm not saying that Elon Musk is the devil.
He's a provocateur, likes to play both sides of every issue.
And overall, I think he's done some good things.
He's also done some very troubling things.
But coming up next segment...
I am going to really expose what's behind all this and what's really happening at Twitter and the wider war of censorship that is taking place that really only InfoWars and a few people like Tucker Carlson have fully grasped what's actually happening.
This is being run by intelligence agencies and the Justice Department illegally.
They're having congressional hearings about it.
It's all come out.
I was the first to tell you about it decades ago, but now it's been radically Expanded.
And these direct scripts are being written and prepared and then given to PR firms that give orders to the corporate media on how to carry this out.
Now obviously Elon Musk has hired more PR firms than probably anybody in modern history.
He's hired some of the PR firms that have been actually attacking me for separate clients.
So I hadn't blamed him for this up until this point, but he's definitely following their exact scripts that have been put out before.
And it's very, very dangerous.
Now again, I know what Elon Musk is doing.
I'm gonna explain it all coming up the next segment, so please stay with us.
Thank you for joining us on this live Monday, November 21st.
2022 broadcast.
I am your host Alex Jones.
I'm about to exclusively respond to some of the over-the-top statements against me by Elon Musk yesterday and today.
And the fact that the vast majority of even leftist controlled infested Twitter has really woken up to what's happening and has saw right through what Elon Musk and the establishment is doing.
So we'll put these tweets on screen, but he first said a few days ago from a bunch of requests from users, will you bring back Alex Jones?
And he said, no.
He then had a poll and brought back Donald Trump because 1% extra in the poll wanted Trump versus those that didn't.
They have similar polls with 300 plus thousand votes.
The Hodgkins did where I had a 10 point lead.
On the pole of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people wanting me to come back.
But the point is, is that it's hypocrisy to say he's democratized it and it's going to have votes decide who can come back and who can't.
And that he's not personally invested and then come out and release new tweets last night saying Alex Jones is a terrible person.
Alex Jones made money off Sandy Hook.
Alex Jones wouldn't hurt these children.
None of that's true.
But I'm not going to get into the facts of what really happened there until the end of this segment.
I want to talk about what Musk is doing right now.
It is extremely, extremely transparent.
Musk is trying to take over Twitter to create what he calls Internet X that goes back to where the Internet was freer and more open.
Still doesn't mean it'll be perfect.
He understands that the censorship is just killing interaction, killing debate and making it a horrible experience.
And he just wants to make it successful.
That's a common sense.
It's a smart thing to do, just from a business perspective.
It's what made America great.
But the ADL and the Southern Primary Law Center, the Democratic Party, the European Union and the Justice Department and CIA moles that Congress had hearings on last week are inside of his company.
Right now and are literally trying to sabotage it Not just externally with threats of lawsuits and censorship and criminal charges from the EU But they're also threatening to sabotage the company and the actual systems that make it operate so He had an exodus out of the company.
It was worse than he thought there's questions of Twitter's even gonna survive he hit the panic button and And basically came out and attacked me so that he can get the left off of his back.
And, you know, it's fine to me that he did that, except he went too far and compared himself to Jesus and the whole...
Bring the children to me.
Suffer the children to me.
And if you offend one of these, if you're mean to one of these kids, it's better for you to kill yourself by tying a big bolt to your neck and throwing it in the ocean.
That's basically the translation from the King James.
So, that's just outrageous.
That's absolutely outrageous that I'm supposedly the worst guy in the world because of media hype that massively has misrepresented what I really said about Sandy Hook that, again, I'll get to in a moment.
But here's the facts.
So the bottom line is this.
Elon bit off more than he could chew.
He took over Tesla.
He took over NASA.
He's taken over all these programs, and I've given him credit.
He's turned them around and overall done a great job.
I've actually said, as someone being accomplished, I admire him.
And I pointed out that I didn't expect to be reinstated at Twitter, and that if he could simply reinstate Trump, that'd be a great thing, because Trump is a candidate for the U.S.
presidency, a very serious candidate who obviously had the last election stolen from him.
And to not let him be on Twitter is massive election meddling.
So that's a good thing Elon's done.
And Elon is starting to clean up a bunch of the pedophilia and leftist pervert pedophile
stuff off the side.
So those are the positive things.
And that's what makes it outrageous for him to just go with the official line with Democrat
party controlled judges that defaulted me and said that I did all these things I never
And then I supposedly owe a $1.4 plus billion, $1.4 plus billion ruling of the judge and the kangaroo jury.
Then he's just taking that at face value and saying I'm the worst person ever.
Doesn't know that they took out of context what I said 10 years ago.
Doesn't know I apologized before they ever sued me five years ago.
But doesn't accept the fact that they say I owe 1.4 billion and that's not enough.
The estate of Adam Lanza, who killed the kids, only paid a little over a million dollars.
But now, for my words, I'm the worst person ever, and I desecrated graves, and I dug up the children, and I harassed families?
None of that's true.
But the judge let them put on whatever fake evidence they wanted, and I wasn't allowed to cross-examine them.
While I was already found guilty by the judge, they were just deciding.
How guilty?
And now the Democrats are admitting they're going to use this template of judges defaulting conservatives and populists and get rid of our due process.
So that's what's really going on here is as a people, we're being robbed by a corrupt global elite and the whole Davos group crowd.
Remember Obama bragging that he killed hundreds of innocent children over and over and over and over again, total over 200 children in drone strikes.
He said he was really good at killing kids.
Biden just killed a bunch of innocent kids and says he doesn't care.
Madeleine Albright, who was under the Clinton Secretary of State, bragged on national television that she tripled the sanctions on the Iraqis and killed 500,000 children and said it was a good price to pay.
And when she died, they acted like Jesus had died.
The corrupt war on free speech is being directed by these big corporations.
And the perfect example of this is the NBA, not allowing any criticism by their players
or any criticism by the fans of communist China and the Uyghurs and all the rest of it,
literal death camps.
And a major NBA owner, remember, came out and said he doesn't wanna hear about the Uyghurs.
They don't even register in his mind.
So when you talk about people in slave camps and death camps having their organs harvested
and worked to death at Apple Foxconn laboratories, that's okay 'cause it's just Tim Cook's gay
and he wears a turtleneck and talks effeminately.
But when Alex Jones questions a mass shooting when the rest of the internet does,
why it is the ultimate crime in history and now all populists need their free speech taken.
Need to be punished.
Heading up this whole global move to censor is the ADL.
They're censoring in Europe.
They're censoring in Australia.
They're censoring in Canada.
They're censoring here in the United States.
They decided to get censored.
And now Albert Bourla last week got an award from the ADL for fighting hate.
And they said that anyone, anyone, at any time, that questions in any way Any of the shots or if they're effective or anything is a criminal, is an agent of evil, he said, and needs to be censored and debanked and taken off the internet.
And that's really the big story we're talking about here right now.
It came out months ago, came out years ago, but months ago and a few weeks ago, even more in the intercept, How Homeland Security has been secretly meeting with big tech and big banks and big corporations and a group of leftist think tanks and quote watchdog groups who surveil what we say on the internet and who decide who can speak and who can't.
And one of the things you get censored for is questioning the Afghan withdrawal, or questioning the poison shots, or questioning a stolen election, or questioning an open border, or questioning inflation.
This is the ruling class trying to silence us and trying to engage in such a criminal organized fraud and legitimizing it by making it all about Alex Jones and how evil he is and so legitimizing the entire process to then be carried out and used against you and your family or your company or your business.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And everybody listening, listen to what Alex Jones said about being censored and how our lives are being stolen from us and the truth does not prevail.
their Twitter accounts because, well, they're world leaders.
We've got to be able to hear from them and most of the UN human.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones show.
And everybody listening, listen to what Alex Jones said about being censored and how our
lives are being stolen from us.
And the truth does not prevail.
Tomorrow is November 22nd.
November 22nd.
Why is that such an important date?
Well, as I see it, that's the day that America changed.
November 22nd, 1963.
It won't be in any of the media tomorrow.
I'll bet.
I'll bet.
It should be a headline story.
Won't be a word about it.
I'll bet.
You see this?
President killed.
That's the day they assassinated JFK.
I was a young guy.
I was a soda jerk.
That's what they called us in those days.
Used to make sodas.
All the kids after high school went to the soda fountain.
And that's where I met my lovely first girlfriend.
I remember, we closed down.
Everybody was crying.
They killed Kennedy.
They assassinated JFK.
That was big news.
No news now.
Governor Connally shot.
See that?
Suspect seized.
Johnson is sworn in.
There's Connally sitting, that's Connally over there.
And that's that low-life LBJ.
LB, I can't say the word.
It's a jerk.
And if you go off over there, you know the other end of it.
This is the Kennedy that ended the Cuban Missile Crisis.
He ended it.
There they are.
And all of a sudden, the whole game changes.
There goes Connelly sitting in front of him.
Breaks my heart.
This is when America changed.
That lousy LBJ, several months later, the Vietnam War.
A lousy piece of low-life scum crap.
Oh, oh, guns and butter.
He's the clown boy to shut the people up because of the war.
Guns and butter.
He was the one, oh by the way, he's the one that changed the immigration laws.
Letting all the cheap labor come in here.
Guns and butter.
Driving up, building up welfare.
You don't have to work.
You don't have to do anything.
Just don't protest the war.
This won't be reported at all tomorrow.
You won't hear a word about it.
This is when America died.
When they killed JFK.
He ended the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Here's the deal.
America had missiles in Turkey aimed at Russia.
They brought them into Cuba.
When we come back, we're going to talk more about this.
It's really important.
Stay tuned.
Yeah, thanks for tuning in, everybody.
And again, do what you can to support InfoWars.
They're robbing us of our freedom in front of our eyes.
And as I'm mentioning, you know, tomorrow, you won't even be reported.
The assassination of JFK.
So anyway, I was going back about the Cuban Missile Crisis.
So the deal was this.
America had missiles in Turkey aimed at Russia.
Russia said, get the missiles out of there.
No, we're not going to get him out of there.
All right.
We'll bring him into Cuba.
Oh, you can't bring him into Cuba.
We'll get him out of Turkey.
No, we're not going to get him out of Turkey.
We're going to bring him into Cuba.
So they did.
They're bringing him in.
And JFK said, okay, let's make a deal.
We'll put him out, pull him out of Turkey.
You pull him out of Cuba.
Deal made.
Yeah, this is the JFK that didn't want to go attack Cuba when they overthrew the government,
when Castro overthrew the government.
They wanted to bomb Cuba.
You want to bomb with an atom bomb.
That Kennedy, it killed him.
And again, LBJ, LB Jerk.
I can't say the word, but it's off over there in Texas.
This is the guy that did away with the immigration laws.
I had cousins from Italy that couldn't come here back in the 50s.
And he gave us guns and butter.
See, what happened was, funding this war, that was the beginning of the end of America, the Vietnam War.
Then you had inflation skyrocket.
In the 70s.
That was the beginning of the end.
So going back.
Let's fast forward.
February 24th, 2022.
24th, 2022, Russia invades Ukraine.
Knew it was gonna come.
Here's your Trends Journal from the spring of 2014.
Article written by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Treasury Secretary to Reagan.
How the United States overthrew the democratically elected government, evicting Yanukovych.
Because he was going to do a money deal with the IMF and the EU, International Mafia, a monetary fund in the European Union.
Because Ukraine has been broke since the breakup of the Soviet Empire.
And according to European Union, the most corrupt country in Europe.
So I'm not making this up.
When they went and Putin said, listen, I got a better deal for you.
I'll give you lower interest rates and I'll cut the price of your gas.
Okay, we'll go with you.
That was the overthrow.
Now I'm going back to this and pulling it back to Kennedy.
In your Trends Journal we wrote, in January of this year, how the United States and NATO were doing naval drills off the coast of St.
How American bombers were flying 14 miles off the coast of Russia.
How the deal was made between Gorbachev and Bush Sr.
That, quote, NATO would not move one inch further.
There were 16 NATO countries when the Soviet Union broke up.
Now there were 30.
Going back to Kennedy.
Putin's saying, listen, you can't put those missiles aiming at us.
If you do, and you can't take over this country, because we don't want NATO on our border.
How dare you say you don't want NATO on your border?
So what I'm saying is, that's where we are today.
If there was, when Kennedy was killed, that was the end of America.
War, after war, after war, after war, after war.
You see, Kennedy was a real fighter.
He didn't want war.
He was against it, like Eisenhower.
You got these little boys like Lindsey Graham, big mouth Obama.
You think these guys would go fight?
Oh, by the way, anybody that wants to go support Ukraine, send your money, go over there and fight, send your wife, send your kids, or shut your mouth.
When they killed Kennedy, They killed America.
And again, you will not see any of this reported tomorrow.
I started looking at the news.
And again, this is why you go to InfoWare to get great news.
I go there every day.
And of course, the Trends Journal, we're giving you what nobody has, words of trends.
And as this says over here, the trend is your friend.
And we're giving it to you.
So other than that, this is what you get.
If you go to the Cartoon News Network, CNN, Cristiano Ronaldo, and I'm saying, what's a Cristiano Ronaldo?
Who is this guy?
Defends timing of controversial interview, says it won't shake Portugal team.
What the hell do I care?
No, that's the news.
That's clickbait.
They're not giving you news.
Parents welcome twins from embryos frozen 30 years ago.
Hey, great, CNN!
I could care less!
Oh, those kids will be great, too, from that frozen embryo.
Oh, they'll be geniuses, I'm sure.
They'll be happy as can be.
This is news?
How is this helping me as a trend forecaster?
What is this doing to improve my life?
Give me information that I can use.
That's why you go to InfoWars and that's why you subscribe to the Trends Journal at TrendsJournal.com.
And again, like with InfoWars, the more people subscribe, the more that we do to change the world for a better place.
Because I put my money where my mouth is.
My old Occupy Peace rallies and on and on and on.
So anyway, now let's go to the front page of Drudge today.
Iger back.
Two years to steady kingdom.
Disney reset.
Stock soars.
What do I care?
Why do I care that Iger's back?
I could care why you're shoving this crap down my throat!
Why, Sollenti, you're not a good American!
You be a good American and swallow the crap!
Like the crap heads I got over here!
Oh yeah, close down their businesses when I have a peace rally!
Calling it a political rally.
How dare I not swallow the Ukraine crap that they swallow!
Oh, and they hate me because I had Peace and Freedom Rally when everything was locked down in New York in July of 2020.
I'm Little Andy Cuomo!
I'm Little Gus Old Gavin Newsome!
I'm Witless Whitmere!
And I'm all the stupid people that voted to bring them all back!
Oh no, they got rid of Cuomo over there for whatever, and now they got Huckleberry.
The morons, the imbeciles!
Swallow the crap!
Swallow the crap from CNN!
Get dragged down with drudge!
Vote for your morons!
Bend over!
Listen to your imbeciles!
We're in charge of your life!
You're a nobody!
Follow your leader!
Follow your leader!
You haven't left kindergarten yet!
That's where we're at!
This thing's going down big and hard.
Today, it changed, reversed.
Oil prices are down like five bucks.
In reverse.
Yeah, the global economy is crashing.
All artificially propped up with the COVID war with the tens of countless trillions of dollars they pumped into it.
That's why you got inflation.
When we come back, we're going to talk about the economy, but I'm also going to follow
up on a very important part of the JFK assassination.
We had a little technical difficulty over here.
Anyway, it's great being on the Alex Jones Show.
Do everything you can to support InfoWars.
They're robbing us of our life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Happiness is a dirty word.
You're not allowed to say it.
Washington's farewell address only said it a number of times.
But happiness you're not allowed.
I'm in charge of your life.
I'm some little low-life piece of scum crap called a politician and I'll tell you what to do.
And a little bureau craps.
Low-life people that can't get a job in the real world that's sucked into the political system.
That, oh, they've become the worst of the worst.
Anyway, I want to go back to the Kennedy assassination.
Again, tomorrow it'll be 59 years.
59 years.
And I always remember the date, because it was a week before my birthday.
The 29th.
So, 1992.
In 1989, I wrote the book, Trend Tracking.
Far better than Megatrends, Time Magazine.
I used to be on everybody, Oprah, The Today Show, Good Morning America, all of them.
Every year, first I go on to the top trends of the new year, first I go to The Today Show, that was the biggest, then the number two, then I go over to ABC, and then I go over to CBS.
So, in my book, Trend Tracking, That I wrote in 1989.
I had forecast that someone like Ross Perot would be leading a new third party in the 1992 elections.
There was a guy that was really a big fan of mine and loved the book.
His name was John J. Hooker.
He's in Tennessee.
And I get a call from Hooker.
And he said that John Connolly wanted to meet me.
In Dallas.
This is two weeks before the election in 92.
Perot, Bush, and Clinton.
I was very much at the top of all of this.
I was on the Today Show.
First one and now they brought me on because I, that's when I, and on Sunday when it was a big time, because I had forecast this.
And Connally wanted to know how I could forecast it.
Now remember John Connally, as this shows, Governor Connally shot.
This is the John Connally that was the Democratic governor of Texas.
And then, as a Republican, he was a Democrat, becomes the Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon, that ends up taking us off the gold standard during his reign.
So he wants to meet me.
And myself, John Jay Hooker, Rama Fox, who was Larry King's girlfriend, and John, it was John Jay Hooker, They got Perot on Larry King when it was a big show.
And the guy, I forgot his name, he used to do polls.
He did polling.
He did for Cardi.
He was the top pollster.
And he died about two years ago.
Myself and Connolly.
President dead.
And we're parked out in front of the Book Depository.
This is after having lunch.
As we're having lunch, by the way, everybody was interrupting Connolly and I kept interrupting them because I wanted to hear what Connolly had to say.
And I was ashamed of myself.
There I am.
Connolly, his wife Nellie, and that's the book depository over our shoulder.
In fact, Ronald Fox took that shot.
Some Polaroid.
And that's the side of the building, by the way.
It is a young me.
And Connolly and I stayed in touch, by the way.
Until just before he died, that was in October, he died in February.
The next year, February or April, I forget.
So anyway, we're parked out in front.
First, we're having lunch at the Anatole Hotel in Dallas.
And I'm interrupting everybody because every time I'm hearing Connolly speak, every sentence, every word was a sentence, every sentence a paragraph.
And I was ashamed of myself because I didn't like Connolly.
I only knew about him from what they told me in the media, and I was so embarrassed of myself hearing this guy talking.
And I said, yeah, he was brilliant.
So, and then Hooker says, well, John, you ready?
He said, the limousine's outside.
We get in the limousine, I'm sitting across from Connolly, and there's Hooker.
Pat Cadell, that was the other guy.
Pat Cadell, the poster.
Rama Fox and Nelly.
Connelly's wife.
Nellie is the woman that throws herself over Connelly when the bullet hits him in the back.
You can see the video.
And that saved his life.
And I'll tell you why.
Because when he was flying forward, his hand was on his chest.
He was holding his Stetson hat, he said.
He squished up into a jump seat.
He said, I felt it pounding on my back when flying forward.
And she threw herself on top of him.
And that's what saved his life.
He said it took about 12 minutes to get to Parkland Hospital.
It usually takes about 20.
And there was a doctor on break.
And he happened to be a thoracic surgeon.
And that's the one that worked on Connelly.
And what saved his life was the pressure on the hole in his lungs.
Because if the air would have gone in, he would have suffocated.
This is what he had said.
And as he said, he said, uh, we're coming around Daly Plaza and he said, I heard a gunshot.
He said, I looked to my right.
He said, I knew it was a gunshot because I've been hunting since I'm a little boy.
He said, I didn't see anything.
He said, I looked to my left and there were brains on my shoulder.
He said, I knew there were brains because my daddy was a butcher.
This is Connelly's first time back.
First time back.
To that scene.
Dallas Book Depository.
Since the assassination.
And here I am with him.
And he's telling the story what happened that day.
We'll tell you more when we come back.
About how bad it was, and how worse it's got.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show, and remember, do what you can to support InfoWars.
The truth shall set you free.
And they've taken the truth away from us.
They keep lying and lying, propaganda after propaganda.
So, as I was mentioning, tomorrow will be the 59th Year of Kennedy's assassination.
And it won't be the headline news.
It won't be it won't be anything of any importance.
Instead, you know, they put stupid things.
This was CNN yesterday.
How Qatar's World Cup is addressing drinking for fans.
Top story.
Judge Biden at 80.
No, I care.
So going back to Kennedy.
So, I get back in the car, and I'm sitting across from Connolly.
And I said, how are you feeling?
He said, not good.
He said, they say I have some adhesions on my lungs.
And I know he wasn't doing good, because I said to John Jay Hooker, I said, Connolly is on his way out, he's going to be dying.
And if you could see the photo of him, you can see he's kind of hunched over.
My father, may he rest in peace, they had Connolly on PrenderZone.
And I saw these big purplish-reddish splotches on his hands.
I have a photo here of my dad.
And they had him on PrenderZone.
My father worked in the shipyards during the war.
You see Connolly's a bit hunched over there.
He died of asbestos poisoning from the shipyards working in them.
And Connelly, I looked at Connelly and it reminded me of my father.
Who, by the way, had a, those days you sent out, you didn't have emails back into the set, was it 1980?
I think 84 he died.
'84 he died and I sent out a letter to everybody.
Last chance to see Louie.
I had a big party for him.
Going away party.
Everybody showed up.
Sorry, I knew Conley was gonna die.
He was talking like a dying man.
And on the way back, you know, I said to him, if you only told me what happened.
So we're walking back into the Anatole Hotel.
And everybody gets out and him and I are the last two getting out of the car.
And we're in, open the door, we're in the lobby, he stops and he looks at me and he said, I read your book, Trend Tracking.
You said it's a fine piece of work.
And he said, and I know your heart's in the right place, but you don't have a clue what's going on.
And neither do the American people.
Because if they did, there'd be a revolution in this country.
That was 1992.
Look how low we've sunk.
Look how low this country's fallen.
You know that guy Fetterman that got elected over there in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
And again, you know, to me it's the cover of the magazine of the Trends Journal this week.
You know, says it all.
Democrats vs. Republicans.
Bloods vs. Crips.
Murderers and thieves.
None of them work for me.
A few people I respect, like Thomas Massey over there in Kentucky, but very few.
Anyway, this guy, Federman, perfectly exemplifies the decline Of America's character.
He dresses like he just got out of the coal mine.
And before his stroke, he spoke like a dumbbell anyway.
In New America.
I go out to fine restaurants.
I like, you know, I like to... I work very hard.
I like to cool out and be in a nice atmosphere.
Hard to find anymore where I am, but...
And I see guys my age dressed like slobs.
Nobody gets dressed up anymore.
Young kids, people, women and guys, they wear these woolen hats.
We used to go sleigh riding.
We moved from the Bronx to Yonkers.
Yonkers is the second hilliest city in America, outside of San Francisco.
So we used to go sleigh riding all the time down the streets, you know.
Used to throw ashes, by the way, from the coal places for salting the streets before they salted it.
And we'd throw the ashes out, keep going.
Anyway, we'd go out sleigh riding.
My mother would yell out, and don't forget to put on your scapooch.
We just used to call those woolen hats that everybody wears now that it's a style.
And I think of the Stetson hats and the Borsalinos and the men all dressed up.
Yep, and now we've been fettermined.
And all you young guys, don't forget to wear your baseball caps on backwards.
They look great on backwards.
Who you gonna put a catcher's mask on?
Where's the style?
Where's the grace?
Where's the dignity?
It died with Kennedy.
Jacqueline Kennedy, the class, class.
She saved Grand Central Station.
They're going to rip the place down.
Look at, then the Vietnam War happened.
I remember it was my generation.
Oh, they were playing the hippie line, you know, to beat the draft.
And that's when the change of the dress started to change, start to go downhill.
And I was stupid.
I actually believed in the Vietnam War.
That's how brainwashed I was as a young kid.
I believed it.
And they're doing the same exact thing with the Ukraine War.
If we don't stop those Russians, Before you know it, they'll be attacking NATO.
If we don't stop those Vietnamese, those dominoes are gonna keep falling.
And before you know it, the commies will be in control of Asia.
And they even said the dominoes would keep falling till they hit the shores of California.
I'm not making this up.
And they're doing the same exact thing.
So when Kennedy was assassinated, this is from the Long Island Press, Ready?
Marxists held in JFK assassination.
See how they've been telling us to keep hating the Russians?
Is it a Marxist?
And was it really him?
Or was it LBJ and the CIA?
Oh, Trump was supposed to release the documents from the Kennedy assassination.
He backtracked on them.
He didn't do them.
What's the real story?
Oh, it's probably as real as 9-11.
And again, the Vietnam War, the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
Never happened.
Wrote about it in my book, Trend Tracking.
Trends 2000.
National bestseller.
International bestseller.
A lie.
But I believed it as a young person.
The only reason I wanted to beat the draft was I didn't want to get shot.
I'm watching guys walk up to water like this high with a rifle over their head and 50, 60 pounds on their back.
I said, I'm not going to do that.
That's the only reason I went to college.
I wanted to open up an Italian delicatessen in Parkchester in the Bronx.
Yeah, I was born in Parkchester Hospital, no longer there.
And they're doing the same propaganda now.
In the hypocrisy of all America's wars, all America's murders, those dirty Russians.
And again, I'm totally opposed to Russia's invasion.
I want to make that clear.
Yes, that's some of my John Connolly story.
And again, there's your cover of your Trends Journal.
Democrats vs. Republicans equals Crips vs. Bloods.
That's it. Murderers and thieves.
Need more proof?
That's why you need InfoWars, as well as the Trends Journal.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
I was just listening to Alex talking about Andrew Tate and his products.
You know, male vitality.
Oh boy, I keep forgetting to put on my mic.
Okay, here we go.
Alright, I'm back, I'm back.
Okay, sorry about that.
Anyway, I was just listening to Alex talk about Andrew Tate's products, about male vitality, and this just happens to be a story, an article that we'll be putting in this week's Trends Journal as a follow-up to the many other ones we've written about it.
I had no idea he was talking about this.
Humans could face reproductive crisis as sperm count declines, study finds.
Global figures suggest sperm concentration is halved in 40 years and the rate of decline is accelerating.
Yeah, you worried about COVID killing you?
All the poisons and toxins they're putting in our food, in the air, in the water.
You like those GMOs?
I like a forever chemical.
They're for me!
So that's why you need all these products.
And they have a great line coming out.
And they're selling out fast.
And they have this mega blowout sale.
And you can save up to 60% off.
And they have these top selling items.
And they have the Survival Shield.
X3, well now it's sold out.
Bio Selenium, now sold out.
So you want to get these.
Brain Force Plus, 60% off.
Knockout Sleep Support, 50% off.
Alpha Power.
Faso-B, Bodies, Vitamin Mineral Fusion, DNA Force Plus, the gummies that Alex was talking about,
the Vitamin D3 gummies.
I stay out in the sun a lot, try to get as much as I can, even in the winter.
Whole food, multivitamins, all that other stuff with 50% off.
And Brain Force Ultra is 50% off.
And Physi-Magnesium's 50% off.
But they have a whole lot of other stuff that's really great that you really need,
like immune support, Ultimate Fish Oil, Ultimate Krill Oil, a Vitamin C with zinc,
and you need that zinc.
Whole food, multivitamin, 40% off.
Vitamin D3, again, 50% off.
So go to InfoWars stores and see what you can do.
You've got to order now.
And they include a free item for every $50 you spend there.
And these free items will be chosen at random.
Because they have this massive inventory that may include, but are not limited to, flags, stickers, sunglasses, and coasters, etc.
And remember, your purchase is a 360 win.
You get these great high quality, super quality items and you help launch the InfoWars into the next level, which they're trying to knock out.
So don't miss out on the biggest sale of the year.
It's Christmas time.
So visit InfoWarsStore.com InfoWarsStore.com today.
As Alex said, you know, the spirit of 76.
And that's it, boy.
The spirit of 1776.
And I'm going to be 76.
So that's a big deal for me.
When I was a kid, you know, I grew up in the Bronx, so we moved to Yonkers.
They used to say to me, you're a little SOB.
You're not going to make it to 21.
I heard that.
Heard it forever.
And again, one of my favorites is super male vitality.
You got to have that vitality, man.
You got to boogie before the lights go out because tomorrow is iffy.
And very iffy, particularly with World War III.
And what you saw last Tuesday with that missile strike that went into Poland that the Ukrainians did, the headline was the Russians did it, two people dead.
Oh, two people dead?
How many people did America kill in Afghanistan?
How many in Iraq?
Oh, I think a million in Iraq.
Oh, two dead.
And it wasn't them, but the false flag event will bring in a nuclear war.
We have mentally ill people that are in charge, murderers and thieves.
So, support InfoWars because you're supporting the truth, and we have to stop this trend of destruction.
And again, we're doing the same thing with the Trends Journal.
So, on showing you, you know, the stupidity of these great products they have, and then I saw this.
This is from today's Financial Times.
Big Pharma targets $50 billion obesity drug arena.
Isn't that nice?
An obesity drug arena.
Well, it must be a big arena, man, because 42% of Americans are obese.
Oh, and according to the CDC, 60% of the 1 to 17 year olds that were hospitalized for COVID were obese.
Drug arena?
How about here?
50 billion dollars?
I got a real simple solution.
All right?
All right.
Grab your pen and pencil.
Everybody listen.
Stop eating crap!
You got it?
I'm gonna keep eating my crap and I'm gonna take these drugs.
Will they cure my obesity?
They may screw me up in a A lot of different ways and I may lose some weight.
But I will not do anything to protect myself.
And the InfoWars products that I'm recommending to you.
Yeah, there you go.
America, right?
You know, once upon a time, you know, the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus went out of business.
I used to go to the circus.
Yeah, step right up, step right up!
Seen a fat man?
Well, you don't have to go to the circus anymore, just go out in the street anywhere.
Tattooed lady?
Meh, they're everywhere.
You see, again, we've become Fetterman.
America's gone Fetterman.
How low can you go?
And that's why... Oh, by the way, the first book I worked on?
Natural Healing.
Yeah, 1986, a Warner book, Dr. Jock Soltanoff.
And here's another thing, for everybody listening, again, I'm going to be 76.
The older you get, the more you have to do.
That's right.
I work out now more than I used to.
I keep adding new things to what I do, because I don't want to end up as an inmate in a nursing home.
So the products that they have on InfoWars will help you do that.
And it's so important.
It's so important.
So now going back to the, what the other big news, of course, is the war in Ukraine.
Go back two weeks ago, this was a headline.
Biden Administration working to clean up Miley's remarks on Ukraine diplomacy.
This is the guy Miley, Smiley Miley over there.
Mark Miley is the Joint Chief of Staff.
And he was suggesting that the United States talk to Ukraine about seeking peace.
And then he did a 180 this past Wednesday after he got a blowback from the administration.
Top General's remarks about, quote, a window for talks angered Ukraine officials.
People familiar with the matter.
Top US general urges diplomacy in Ukraine while Biden administration advisers resist.
And now he did a 180 this past week.
And he's saying that We've seen the Ukrainians military fight Russian military to a standstill.
And he goes on.
That was back then.
Now he's saying that Russia's losing.
They're being defeated.
He did a 180.
And we're sending more of our money to keep blooding the killing fields.
Some 20% of Ukraine is now captured by Russia.
They're not losing.
Look who the defense minister is in Canada.
You got this woman playing defense minister and you look at her and you say, a defense minister?
What the hell you know about defense?
Look at this clown show!
You got it, everybody?
Look at her!
Look at that!
What the hell do you know about the fence?
Oh, there's a fence over there in my yard separating the other person's yard.
No, no, not the fence!
The fence!
Oh, oh, oh, thanks for correcting me.
I didn't know.
You got it, everybody?
We got crazy people in charge and ruining our lives.
If we don't unite for peace, we're going to die in war.
So support us, support the Trends Journal, TrendsJournal.com.
The more we get, the more we do.
TrendsJournal.com and support InfoWars.
I mean, there's no magazine like what we're putting out.
And InfoWars, look at the people they have on, look at the passion they give.
if fighting for freedom and you must too.
Ladies and gentlemen we are doing the biggest sale in the history of info wars
Everything is very close to cost.
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Alpha Power, Vaso B, Bodies, Vitamin Refusion, DNA Force Plus, Vitamin D3 Gummies, Whole Food Multivitamin, Vitamin C with Zinc, Brain Force Ultra, Super Melanin Fuel Vitality, Ultimate Creole Oil, all of them, 50 to 60% off with promo code 1776 at InfoWareStore.com, despite the fact they're selling out.
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I appreciate you.
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and so much more all about to sell out at infowarestore.com.
Thanksgiving 2022 is here and I wanted to give thanks for all the viewers and listeners
that have kept InfoWars in the fight over the years.
The New World Order, their globalist controllers absolutely hate our guts because they hate
your guts.
They want to break your will, they want to dominate you, they want to take full control
of you and your family and your friends' destiny.
But because of independent media outlets that tell the truth and fight for human liberty
like Infowars, that wear our bias of freedom and justice and America and God and family
on our sleeve, we have a real fighting chance against the globalists.
But that is only because of your tireless dedication and your support of Infowars.
So again, I'd like to thank you all for your support, and I give thanks for your dedicated prayer, word of mouth, and financial support at InfoWarsTour.com.
And we make it easy to financially keep InfoWars and our media operations and our documentaries and our reports on air.
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