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Name: 20221120_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 20, 2022
1423 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the recent protests in Brazil against globalization and Lula's election, criticizing the American media for ignoring this story. He also talks about vitamin D3 gummies and their potential health benefits. Alex Stein reports on a drag queen story hour event at a library where gay Americans are pushing back against using their community to gain access to children. In the second segment, Jones takes calls from listeners, discussing cashless societies, vaccine passports, and political corruption. He criticizes the media's coverage of tragedies and encourages viewers to support free speech systems by checking out InfoWars' store and leaving donations. The speaker discusses their views on moving towards a cashless society and the potential consequences of such a system. They mention vaccine passports, stating that while they are aware that it is just a joke, they find it concerning. The speaker compares this to the Black Mirror episode in which a woman's life falls apart due to her social credit score. Alex Jones discusses the shooting in Colorado at a nightclub and criticizes the media coverage of the event while highlighting the lack of coverage on violence in inner cities. He argues that gun control advocates exploit tragedies to push for disarming citizens and questions the motives behind this. Jones also mentions AOC and Joe Biden's responses to the tragedy, accusing them of blaming it on Donald Trump and Lauren Boebert without any information about the shooter's motives. Alex Jones talks about his past 30 years of warning people about The Globalist agenda. He thanks his audience for their support over the years, emphasizing that InfoWars has been successful in alerting the population of the planet, not just America, to the dangers of The Globalist agenda, making them public enemy number one. Jones also talks about his recent experience witnessing an election being stolen in Arizona and how COVID-19 changed everything, enabling states to change their elections illegally. He believes that this is a serious issue and that elections should not be run the way they are currently being run. The speakers discuss the current cultural climate surrounding children's events and sexuality education. They express frustration with what they perceive as an overemphasis on sexuality in elementary school settings, arguing that people should be defined by their character rather than their personal preferences or behaviors. The speaker believes this focus is part of a broader political agenda, specifically from Democrats, who are using children to advance certain policies. The conversation then shifts to the presence of armed individuals at certain events featuring children, such as drag queen story times. The speaker argues that these people are not there for protection but rather to intimidate and scare others. They point out the hypocrisy in how the media and left-wing politicians react to armed individuals based on their political affiliations. The speakers discuss the behavior of some left-wing individuals and express concern over potential escalations in violence. They mention instances where leftists have taken children to sex dungeons, played rainbow dildo ring toss, and held rainbow dildo butt monkey for kid events, and suggest that something more extreme could happen soon. They also discuss the idea of a leftist version of Kyle Rittenhouse or an Antifa individual who had to shoot somebody in self-defense, as well as the possibility of such an event occurring in Dallas or at one of their own gatherings. The speakers speculate on the motives of these individuals and suggest that they may be driven by mental health issues, a desire for attention, or the feeling of having their identity shaken. They also express concern for the safety of themselves and others as well as the state of American politics in general, and encourage listeners to support alternative media outlets like InfoWars in order to keep opposing viewpoints alive. In this video, Owen Troyer and Alex Stein discuss their experiences sharing information about government conspiracies and the truth with others. They find that people often don't want to hear or believe this information because they are comfortable with the idea that the government has their best interests at heart. To try to break through this cognitive dissonance, they use humor and provocation to make people question what they see and hear. They also touch on current news topics such as Dr. Oz's political campaign and John Fetterman's qualifications for office. Alex Jones talks about how the Deep State is afraid of him because he has a large audience that gets informed by his show. He thanks them for their support at Infowarsstore.com and encourages them to keep supporting him. He mentions that Donald Trump was "reinstated" on Twitter by Elon Musk, and how despite having less time on the platform than Joe Biden, he had double the number of followers. Jones also discusses a poll set up by Elon Musk about whether or not Trump should be reinstated on Twitter, and how it changed from majority support to majority against during its duration. He speculates that this could have been because of bot farms trying to manipulate the results. In relation to this, he mentions how even people who lost family members in the Sandy Hook shooting believe that Alex Jones should be allowed back on social media platforms such as Twitter. Alex Jones discusses various topics related to politics and society. He criticizes the suppression of free speech and the censorship of conservative voices, emphasizing the importance of alternative media platforms like InfoWars. Jones also addresses election fraud and corruption in America, highlighting the need for reforms to ensure fairness

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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
There is a massive story developing in Brazil that the corrupt, inept, pathetic Dinosaur legacy American media is ignoring, but there's a story behind that story.
But first, here's the Greg Rees report, breaking down what's happening in Brazil.
The people of Brazil are united together in protest against the globalist Great Reset.
[crowd chanting]
In 2017, Luiz Lula was convicted on charges of corruption and money laundering and sentenced to nine years in prison.
In April of last year, he was released by the Brazilian Supreme Court to run against Bolsonaro.
He is supported by the World Economic Forum.
Lula was not elected.
Lula stole my vote.
Stole from my people.
We will not create war.
We will not spill blood.
We will fight with peace.
This son of a... Alexandre de Moraes.
Because he stole our votes and gave them to another criminal, Lula.
They reversed his sentence in order to win.
End translation.
by stealing and diverting our votes.
This was dishonesty, shadiness, criminal.
In my country, there is no place for them.
End translation.
Alexandre de Moraes is the minister of the Supreme Court of Brazil, who just ordered
the banks to block the accounts of anyone supporting the historic protest.
If people all over the world took to the streets, like the people of Brazil, then the imminent global tyranny would be eradicated.
And this is why the media ignores it.
They're hoping you just stay home and watch it, like a movie, until it arrives at your front door.
And it's too late.
Say, let's pretend this brain is a puny little ant.
Did that hurt?
Well, how about this one?
Are you kidding?
How about this?
You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up.
Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one.
And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life!
It's not about food.
It's about keeping those ants in line.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Powerful stuff from Greg Reese.
And we stand with the great Brazilian people who are standing against their stolen election peacefully in the streets right now.
And I think, while that's the story, what is the story behind the story?
Well, it's that the American media won't even cover it.
It's that the American media won't even talk about it.
And we all know why.
Because they were in the tank for the corrupt communist criminal Lula.
And because they know that we already had our moment, that they completely scuttled and turned into their Reichstag moment, and that was January 6th, where there's new footage coming out that show the people that were in the building that orchestrated leading people into the building and then opening up the doors are the only ones that haven't been arrested, which means they're clearly being protected by somebody for some reason.
Ladies and gentlemen, here we are on this Sunday, November 20th, 2022.
An incredible time, a historic time in American history and in world history as the future of humanity is on the precipice and will either fall into a corporate global tyranny with endless Digital bureaucracy, soulless, faceless, spiritless, that you're trapped in forever.
A government intervening in every breath you take and every step you make.
This is what we must stand against because we are not slaves, we are not animals.
We are human beings made in the image of the Creator, destined to be free.
And that's why you're in the audience.
And that's why you're joining us here this evening.
Now, let me tell you what's coming up tonight.
We've got Alex Stein joining us in about 30 minutes.
And, I mean, this guy just doesn't stop with the hits.
And he's outside of a library where they're doing a little drag queen story of child abuse for kids.
And it's just so classic how these children behave and then we're supposed to treat them like adults as they're out here under no thought of their own.
This is not an act of their own volition to stand for trans kids surgeries and gay kids and all the other bullcrap that they claim to stand for.
But there they are out there with their flags.
There they are out there.
By the way, they got their nice, their nice rifles that Joe Biden wants to ban.
Yeah, they've got that going too for him now.
So we'll be discussing that, playing that video with Alex and getting a little more into that story.
Where more and more every day, gay Americans are saying, hey, wait a second.
You're not going to use, you're not going to use Us as a means to get access to children.
You're not going to say LGBTQ pride and wave a pride flag and then say, now let me get naked and dance in front of your child that's LGBT.
And so they're showing up at city council meetings, school board meetings, the Gays Against Groomers is becoming a larger group.
So there is the pushback.
So we're going to do at least two segments.
If we're having a good time, maybe we'll extend that with Alex Nine.
Maybe he wants to stay around all night.
We'll take calls with him.
Because I'm going to be taking calls then in the second hour of the Alex Jones transmission and then in the first hour of Sunday Night Live transmission following this show.
And then we're going to have Sean Stone and Vivian Kubrick in studio.
So I've got some news here.
I've got the news with the shooting.
But before I get into that and explain what's really going on here, which is just crazy at this point, how people can't see what's going on.
But that's just typical.
We're about to be severely distracted with this 2024 presidential race where we don't even have a day off, let's say, in between election cycles.
I mean, they're still counting some of the votes from the midterm elections.
What are we, like, two weeks removed from them?
They're still counting votes in some areas, seemingly all for Democrats, magically.
But with Trump already announcing we're already into the 2024 season, and you've already seen the media move against him, you've already seen the establishment, GOP, move against him, and so this is going to be a big distraction item.
Not to say that it's not important, because it is.
I don't have to explain the importance of it.
You know why it's important.
You're thinking about it.
You're talking about it.
You're following it.
But it's a distraction from the larger issue that Trump himself is not going to properly bring to the table, and he has laid it out before, but not near to the extent, not near to the priority, which is the giant corporate world government that is being built right now, where we're going into everything digital, and then everything is Run on some sort of digital database tracker system that you're not gonna get access to unless you are fully compliant.
And you got a taste of it with COVID, but really you're just getting a taste of it with everyday life now.
You may have noticed, and I was at an event last night, And all the venues here in Austin are now cash free.
And I'm sitting there, and I'm trying to pay cash, and it's all robotic.
And I don't necessarily mind.
I mean, it's okay, it's convenient.
You walk right up, you grab a beverage, you grab a box of popcorn, whatever, and you slide your card, and it's just a nice, smooth transition.
I'm all for using technology to make our lives more convenient, sure.
But I'm trying to pay cash.
He's like, oh no, there's one attendant with all the robot checker devices.
He's like, oh no, no, no.
We don't take cash anymore.
I'm like, oh wow, that's so great, isn't it?
I'm so glad we're moving to a cashless society.
It'll be so great when the government can track everything we do.
Boy, oh boy, sir, do I need to show you my vaccine passport?
Just making a joke of it.
The guy actually agreed with me.
He was like, yeah, it's ridiculous.
He thought it was funny.
But see, that's where it goes.
So, oh, okay, yeah, you like the convenience of the technology.
Sure, I like the convenience.
Instead of waiting in line, I just walk right up, grab a beverage out of the cooler, slide my card in, boom, I'm checked out.
Oh, so okay, I like that convenience, but then it's, oh, sorry, oh, your card didn't work.
It says you're not updated on your vaccine.
Oh, oh!
Your card has been declined.
It looks like you made a post on the internet that was... that was bad, and so... Sorry, you can't use your card.
It's been shut off.
I don't know.
I don't know what to do.
Sorry, nothing we can do.
And then that's it!
There's nothing you can do!
Oh, you want to go get dinner.
Oh, you want to go get groceries.
Oh, you want to fill your car with gas.
Oh, sorry!
Sorry, card doesn't work.
Sorry, you made a bad post on the internet.
Sorry, you didn't get your latest vaccine!
And yes, it is like the Black Mirror episode where the whole woman's life falls apart because her social credit score falls apart and then she's in a living nightmare.
In a living hell.
So that's where it all goes.
So that's the bigger issue.
That's what we see building around us.
That's what we see building around the world.
That's what you're starting to see, not just the taste of it with COVID, but you're just starting to see it in everyday life now.
And that's the bigger issue than the 2024 presidential election, because it'll be nice to have prosperity with Trump.
And it'll be nice to have a president that actually cares about America and isn't a total traitor like Joe Biden.
And it'll be nice to have a man who's actually running the country, not whatever shadow government's running it now.
That'll all be great.
We'll love it.
We'll love the prosperity.
Hell, he might actually do something about the borders and other issues.
But if we aren't allowed a stopgap, if we aren't allowed a buffer, if we aren't allowed at least a crack to say, hey, we're not going to go under any form of digital corporate world government, which, by the way, Ron DeSantis came out the other day and said anything World Economic Forum is not going to be allowed in Florida.
Anything World Economic Forum is going to be dead on arrival in Florida.
Ron DeSantis.
So as somebody here that's already said I'm behind Trump and DeSantis obviously hasn't announced he's running, nobody has, but that's the kind of stuff you want to be hearing and need to be hearing from whoever the presidential candidate nominee ends up being that you get behind.
Because that's the larger issue.
We can have prosperity all day and it'll be great.
But if you're forced into a slave system, with no control, no human behind it, no soul, then the prosperity is not going to be so great.
And we'll be better off than most countries, but you'll be forced to take that injection, and oh!
You got a bad one!
Is it for you?
Is it for your lineage?
Alright ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna get into this shooting news on the other side, and I'm gonna tell you what's really going on here.
The response from the Democrat Party and the mainstream media to the club, the nightclub, the supposed gay club, which is of course called Club Q. I'm not saying that that has anything to do with the Q movement.
It's just like, are you kidding me with this?
It's Club Q?
Five dead, 18 wounded in shooting at LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado.
So again, the response from the Democrat Party, the response from the liberal mainstream media should not surprise us, but it does remind us just how sick and twisted they really are, doesn't it?
Now we all know why they're making the big deal of this shooting, because they can politicize it, blame it on their opposition, and then once again, in an emotional outcry say, we have to ban guns, we have to end the Second Amendment.
But look!
I can play this game every day.
You understand?
I could play this game every Monday.
And I've been doing it more often now, just as a exhibition on how you could play this game.
But I mean, you know, just look at these stories.
Two injured from two overnight shootings in Baltimore.
That's last night.
Philadelphia, Delaware County Police investigating deadly double shooting in Yedon.
Last night.
Chicago shootings.
Two teens among nine shot and weakened gun violence across city.
Again, that's yesterday.
Two teenagers shot on Staten Island.
So, I can play this game all day.
I can play this game every Monday, specifically.
Weekends are really violent.
It's the worst in Chicago.
And this is just a handful of cities I chose to look at.
I didn't even really go into San Francisco or Los Angeles or St.
Probably Dallas had a little loving violence too.
So we could play this game all day long.
Now, why do they never cover these shootings?
Why do they never cover the violence in the inner cities?
Why do they never cover the shootings in the inner cities?
Do I really have to say why?
Have we really not figured it out yet?
But fine, let's not even answer that question.
Instead, let's answer this question.
Why are Why are they choosing to make the big fuss about the shooting in Colorado at the nightclub?
Now let's be clear here.
I think it's bad that we're so normalized to cities having violence and shootings all the time that we've just normalized it and so it's not even news.
So it only becomes news if it's outside of the normal realm of activity.
Oh, mass shootings in inner cities.
Oh, black-on-black violence.
We don't care.
We don't cover that.
We're just used to that.
That's just normal.
We can't tug at the emotional heartstrings over that.
We can't use that to blame our political opposition.
And we can't politicize that in the nature that we'd like to so that we can eventually end the Second Amendment because that's really what it's all about.
And see, you would hope, you would hope that we'd have enough common sense, enough instincts at this point to say and realize anybody who wants to disarm you wants to enslave you.
Anybody who comes to disarm you is the bad guy.
So immediately after this, what are the Democrats saying?
Joe Biden calls for assault weapons ban.
We don't even have a classification of an assault weapon.
I mean, an assault weapon could be anything.
I could use a bowling pin for an assault weapon.
I mean, bowling pins are probably even used for murder.
Somebody probably whacked a guy overhead with a bowling pin.
That's an assault weapon.
Joe Biden calls for assault weapons ban following deadly gay nightclub mass shooting.
And it's all about it's gay.
That's how they tug at the emotional heartstrings.
It's gay, it's gay, it's gay.
And then they politicize it so they can use that momentum, that emotion, to trick you and deceive you into turning over your firearms and disarming yourself.
Thinking, oh, oh, it's such a tragedy.
I feel bad.
Here, take my gun.
That'll make things better.
Which, of course, it won't.
But see, it's even more disgusting, actually, what's been on display with Joe Biden.
And really, AOC has really just shown how disgusting she really is under the surface with this.
Responding, blaming it on Lauren Boebert, because it's in her district.
Blaming it on Donald Trump.
Just total wickedness.
Just total filth and disgust.
Just a trash human.
What a shame.
Nice looking girl has to be such a trash human.
Maybe we'll get comments from her ex-boyfriend Alex Stein coming up next.
To blame Donald Trump.
To blame Lauren Boebert.
They haven't even released any images thus far of the shooter and the police have not said if they know of any motives.
So they haven't even said that.
Now I get it.
You want to rush to a conclusion.
You want to rush to a judgment.
You don't care if you're wrong.
Because when you are wrong, the media comes around to protect you.
So you can say things that are wildly inaccurate without any punishment as long as you're a good liberal Democrat.
This is the display of liberal Democrat supremacy on full display.
They believe they are better than you.
It's not about white supremacy.
The whole concept of white supremacy is a distraction for their liberal supremacy.
That's what it really is.
Their liberal Democrat supremacy.
They think they're better than you and they should run your life.
It's the modern day KKK.
And for them to blame Donald Trump and blame Lauren Boebert when they haven't even released any motives and two people that have nothing to do with it.
It's just sick.
It's just sick.
And to have these people in power is dangerous.
And I think we know that, but I don't think we're getting fair representation when we go to vote.
And we might be finding that out the hard way.
Then again, we might also find it out The easy way with some developments that are going to be coming out of Arizona, which I'll discuss later on, RNC had roving attorneys quietly monitoring Maricopa voting centers.
One has finally released his damning evidence.
And it's just out of control.
We've got more footage of the ballot mules.
We've got the anomalies, the machine shutting down.
It's just so in your face.
It's so obvious.
But that's what they do is they do it blatantly in your face so that you can't even believe it.
And then if you stand up and you say something and question it, they demonize you and make you feel like an idiot or criminalize you so that you don't stand up and speak the truth.
Very dangerous place to be.
But that's why we salute the people in Brazil by the millions still standing against their fraudulent election results.
Now, when we come back, Alex Stein is going to be joining us.
Ladies and gentlemen, big sales still going on at Infowarsstore.com, but...
The good news is we are selling out a lot of the product.
So the sales are happening.
You're taking advantage of 50% off almost the entire store.
The bad news is a lot of this stuff is running out of stock.
And in the Biden economy, we just don't know when it's going to be back in stock.
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And of course, when you shop at Infowarsstore.com, you support free speech by keeping us on the air.
We'll be right back with Alex Stein.
See, this guy keeps on trying to bump me every time I walk by.
Dude, I'm walking down the street.
I'm standing here.
I'm alive.
Let him go sideways.
Alright, Alex, you need to leave.
I'm not leaving, guys.
You guys, you're trying to get in my way.
I'm here on a public street.
Get out of my way.
Oh my god, guys, I'm so scared.
The Antifa, they brought their play guns, their squirt guns.
Oh my god, your Arts and Crafts time.
Did this mess up your Arts and Crafts time?
You guys think you'll be able to go home and play with your arts and crafts?
Why is it so tiny?
Look how scary they are.
Oh my god, this guy's so scary.
I'm so scared!
He's got his gun!
His big gun!
He's a big bad guy!
Oh my god!
I'm so happy you're protecting these children so they can go get indoctrinated and go in there for transgender story time.
You're such a good American.
God bless this guy.
Look at him.
I'm scared!
I dare you.
I mean, these people, these are the real cowards.
They're hiding behind their masks.
They got their little guns.
They think they're so tough.
We're at a bookstore here in Denton, Texas, where they're trying to do Drag Queen Story Hour.
And of course, the typical people here with their masks on, not able to actually stand up for what they believe in because they're all cowards.
Officer, do you think it's unusual they have their assault weapons like that out here in front of a place like this?
Is that normal?
No comment.
I'm walking down the street.
I'm standing here.
I'm alive.
My favorite part right here.
Stiff arm.
Sit down.
Sit down.
These are the real scaredy cats.
They gotta walk around with a gun.
They can't handle themselves like a real man.
Alright guys, I just want to announce I'm Primetime99 Alex Stein and I love y'all even though you guys don't love me and I know you guys probably love children a little too much but I'm very empathetic to you guys.
But they got a gay flag!
That's a nice beautiful.
Notice the brand new flag.
They just pulled it out of the bag too.
Someone probably brought them.
That's why they have the fold blinds in them.
Alright guys, there it is.
Alex Stein.
You gotta give it to me one more time.
I gotta see the Jim Brown stiff arm.
I mean, they need to be teaching folks high school athletics.
Alex Stein was a high school football legend, by the way, a legend in his time.
And so for him to put that stiff arm on display like that, high school guys, he's giving a free tutorial.
Please put him on the screen.
The Jim Brown Stiff Arm.
And there it is, folks.
In live time, if you're a high school football player, you need to learn how to hold the ball.
In this case, hold the phone and the stiff arm.
Incredible work.
Alex, I have to tell you, though, I'm watching the video and I'm having, like, flashbacks.
I'm having, like, traumatic experiences because standing up next to these goons is truly... I mean, these people are freaks, man.
I mean, you're putting yourself right in front of the freak shows out there.
Yeah, but you know, okay, but Owen, you know, when you said your favorite part is when that guy fell down, obviously that's everybody's favorite part, but my favorite part is the guy right after, he's like, alright Alex, it's time to go.
And really, the kind of symbolism behind that, just the way he said it, and I hate to admit this, because this is the harsh reality in which we live in, that there are literally people armed in Tifa.
Outside of these you know drag your kids to pride events or drag queen story time events
But at the same time that guy's literally live-action role-playing.
You know I mean he's like alright Alex You know get out of here. He knows who I am. I don't know
that guy's name But I mean I seen that guy in multiple things. It's almost
at this point It's just like Antifa political theater, and they're trying
to intimidate us You know just normal citizens by having the guns and what I
hope and what I hope this Content proves is that we should not be scared of them of
course they got a gun of course having a big You know AR-15 it can be scary. You know arguably, but we
have no reason to be scared of these cowards They're all wimps none of them will actually stand by what
they believe in and they all hide behind masks so For me just the exposing of that, but at the same time
I didn't ever feel afraid on because they're all just a bunch of wimps so we've got Alex on here
He's fireside, and he's probably got nine or ten cats within a five-foot radius of himself.
He's probably got the Dallas Cowboys game on the big screen, too.
Look at him cuddling a cat now.
Lookit, he's cuddling a little cat.
He's a little cat cuddler.
No, this one's not little.
This one's a fat cat.
He has toxoplasmosis.
He's about 15 pounds, and he eats only the finest fancy feasts.
Look at the cat cuddler.
He goes from cuddling cats to cuddling Antifa.
Yeah, I know.
Look at this one.
Look at this one.
And then this one, the conservative, they've been getting a lot of hate to the pit bulls lately.
Now this is a real dog right here.
This is my personal defense mechanism.
If you come up in my house, you better either have some steak to give to Ginger.
That's honestly, that is the way they can get past her though.
If they just brought in some lunch meat, they could easily just toss that and she would chase that.
So she's actually not that.
Good at protecting me, if that's the only way to distract her.
So basically as effective of an Antifa roleplaying outside of a drag kid story time event?
Exactly right!
And that's what it is!
These guys are literally live action roleplaying.
Explain that to people.
Dig into that and explain that.
Because a lot of people don't know what LARPing, live action roleplaying is.
Dungeons and Dragons in the woods, but these guys do it at Drag Your Kids to Pride.
Well you know what's funny though is these guys probably like you know and I know you consider yourself a populist I'm a populist like these guys with the guns obviously they might ideologically lean with people that are more in favor of repealing the Second Amendment but I'd imagine that they are pro-Second Amendment So my point is we probably get along on a lot more stuff than we would actually think if we actually sat down and talked, had a drink, hung out.
So these people, what they're doing is they're LARPing.
They probably like guns.
They probably like Call of Duty.
They probably like a lot of the masculine, you know, normal guy stuff.
But because their ideology is like this weird liberal leftist, They can find any excuse to whip out their gun and go out there and play, you know, army.
They're gonna go do that, but that's what they're doing.
It's just live-action role-playing.
Okay, so do you think that's what it is, though?
Do you think it's, oh, they're just looking for any event where they can go out and, you know, dress up and do this?
You don't think they're being paid or told to be there by any group?
You think they organically do it?
They think it's fun?
Well, it's a little bit of both because, oh, and this is what I hate, and all these liberal leftists are the ones that call us out because they call us the alt-right ones when we go to these events.
But I hate it because sometimes there's people on our side that are embarrassing, right?
There's people that are on the conservative side that are going there and saying bad stuff and slurs and embarrassing stuff.
So I guess my point is, on both sides, there's mentally ill people.
There's a lot more mentally ill people on the left side.
No, it's a standard.
You have to be mentally ill to be on the left.
The mental illness on the right, it's just a matter of odds and percentages.
Yeah, no, they have to be.
You do not get into the club unless you're diagnosed insane and on 10 different antidepressants.
But no, and that's what's scary is because they're on the psychotropic drugs, so like one of them might go crazy and actually shoot somebody.
That's what I'm afraid of.
But I don't know what their individual motivations are, but I really and truly, I hope, I don't think they go there because they actually want to shoot somebody.
I think they want to scare people.
I think they want to intimidate people.
Because when you really get in their face, I'm telling you, and I need to clip this part out, but there's people in the crowd that said, I've never seen somebody so scared when I had a camera in their face while holding a gun.
They were scared of me while I was holding a camera and they were holding rifles.
So they're cowards.
Well, and I will say, too, the tactics that you're using here are actually proven.
It's actually proven to work because...
We used to have Antifa like this in Austin.
And it was the same thing.
And they would go out there and they'd do the same thing and hold their guns and everything.
And for two years, 2016 and 2017, I just mocked them into submission.
And they don't come around anymore.
You never see them in Austin anymore.
I mocked them into submission.
The next thing you can do, so the first thing is proper to step up right there and laugh in their face when they have their guns.
No, you're exactly right.
you're not intimidated by it. But then the next thing if you are, if you are, you ready for the,
you want the finisher, Alex, you have to start the Antifa chant right there with them and try
to get them to join in. Ah, auntie, auntie, fa, she, sta, and just sit there and chant it right
in their face. And they'll be so humiliated and embarrassed that they probably will quit
showing their faces, but they do hide behind their masks though. No, you're exactly right.
That the only way I think we can make fun of them, or the only way we can actually get through to
their numbskull head is the mockery. And they hate that the most because they do want to be
taken ultra seriously, but really there's nothing serious about this.
They're going in there reading basically like... That guy has a rainbow!
He's got a rainbow!
But Owen what they're defending is that so they can go inside and read pornographic literature to children like it just doesn't even make sense.
If they were doing this and they're actually defending something admirable I'd have respect for them.
You know what I mean?
But the fact that they're actually trying to defend You know, transgender story time so kids can get, you know, access to novels.
I'm sure it's like, I'm sure this is like a one issue group of people that are probably just Second Amendment people.
They take guns to every event, whatever.
Who knows if they're left or right.
But yeah, like you said, it's like, hey, you realize what they're promoting in there, right?
Like, you realize what they're promoting.
So Alex Stein with us here.
We'll be right back.
We'll get his take on, because here's the thing.
Imagine if people like this We're in the Capitol on January 6th.
My God!
What would the media say?
Holy smokes!
Alright, I'm gonna need a little clarification here from Alex Stein because I'm just...
I'm just not getting it, to be honest.
And maybe he can help me out. I got two questions maybe he can answer.
First, let's start with this.
What is 2SLBGTQI+.
This is from Justin Trudeau.
The attack on the 2SLBGTQI community in Colorado Springs is horrifying.
And then people are posting this other stuff, L-G-G-B-D-T-T-T-I-Q-A-P-P.
I mean, what, where are we at here, Alex?
What is a, uh, do you know what, what is a 2SLGBTQIA+, I, I just, can you offer me a clarification here?
Yeah, well it's easy when you're not a right-wing bigot like yourself.
He has two spirits.
That's what 2S stands for.
Two spirits.
Is that what you're doing?
One spirit.
Yes, he's a two spirit.
Yes, he's Satan and Moloch are his two spirits.
No, but I mean, this is kind of like this old cliche joke, we're just adding alphabets, they're adding letters, I mean, we're going to run out of letters of the alphabet to represent people's sexuality, but this is the problem is, listen, you want to go be gay, you're an adult, that's fine, but why do we need to put pride flags in elementary schools?
Why are we putting trans flags in elementary schools?
Why are we even talking about sexual stuff?
With elementary schools, why are we defining gay people by who they want to have sex with?
It just doesn't make sense.
It's all some sort of focus on who people have sex with.
We need to define people by the content of their character, not what they do when they're in a bedroom with other people.
So that's what I'm really sick of.
Oh, and it's the indoctrination.
Well, it's a two-pronged attack.
What you have is, you do have the, you know, the people that are into getting the access to kids.
There is that element, no doubt.
We saw that with the pedophiles, sexual abusers, child abusers that got into the Drag Queen story time.
It's just men that didn't change their name, dress as women, and then they get access to your kids.
Then they do a background check, you know, months later they find out, oh, that person was a pedophile.
Oh, oops.
So there's definitely that element of it, the people that want to use this to get the access to the kids.
You know, the other element, which is the larger element, that we tend to kind of pass by, but it's just the truth, it's liberals and Democrats using children to advance their political agenda.
And that's what this is.
They want to use this and they want to say, oh look, kids are gay, kids are two-spirit, oh look, the kids are doing it, it's great for the kids, we love it, the kids!
And so they make it like an issue about the kids, and then when you say, hey, we don't want to chop off kids' weenies and call it trans-surgery, they say, oh, you're a bigot, oh, you're against children!
100% and they're right when they say that.
I mean, no, no, no, but this is the other thing is when they say, when you see Boston's Children's Hospital, one of their head of their, their director, whatever, board of directors, even said that one of the best parts about the transition, the transitional therapy is that they have a lifelong patient.
So these people have to go to thousands of literal visits for the rest of their life.
They can never stop taking these hormones.
So they have a financial incentive To basically prescribe gender dysphoria with medication that will only make them go down a path that they cannot turn back on.
These people that say puberty blockers are reversible, they are irreversible!
You have one window of puberty.
If you stunt that growth at all, you're not going to be able to redo your puberty at age 25.
So these people are evil.
It's absolutely insane when it comes to the motivation that these people have to basically just confuse these young children.
Well, and this is kind of a new phenomenon, so what we're starting to see sprout up organically is the first wave of victims to this trans kid agenda.
The first wave of victims are now getting, you know, to 18, 19, 20 years old, and they're saying, wait a second, you've Destroyed my body, you've destroyed my life, you've destroyed my mind.
And so more and more, a lot of them are speaking out, a lot of them are going public, a lot of them are organizing, saying, you know, why did you do this to me?
I was 14 years old, I didn't know any better.
I mean, yeah, it's like, imagine the stuff you thought you were, wanted to be at 14.
Yeah, you were a goofball kid, of course, and now they just say, yeah, go into surgery.
We'll make half a million dollars off you in your lifetime.
So this is going to catch up to them.
This cannot go on forever.
It has a finite timeline.
But when you're out there at the event, I know that you were out there and a couple other people were out there in the media, like I think Sarah Gonzales was out there as well from the Blaze.
Taylor Hanson.
Okay, Taylor's great.
How much pushback is there?
I mean, it looks like they just love it.
They love those little kids getting access to them.
Yeah, I mean, I'm starting to see now, ever since we went viral with the Dragger Kids to Storytime event, where it said it's not going to lick itself.
Oh, and I remember I came on the show the day after that.
I came on your program the next day.
I think that was the Sunday news on a Saturday, I believe.
And this is the problem.
I think it's radicalized them to be even more insane when it comes to putting on these events, because then they know that, oh, well, now it's going to be a publicity stunt on their end.
So now they have people like, I forget the author for the Dallas Morning News, but her first name is Lauren.
I forget her last name.
But she went and covered the event, didn't even mention the armed Antifa.
So they know that they have the media on their side, so basically these people are just doing it to antagonize people like myself that are calling it out.
So in a weird way, people say, oh Alex, when you go act insane at a school board meeting or a city council meeting, it messes up the meeting.
That's false, because there's multiple occasions where the mayor has said, oh, that made the meeting better.
But in this instance, I think the radicalization of us calling them out is almost making them want to do it more to piss us off.
So I'm a little worried about that.
I feel like there's just been a coordinated effort to do more and more Children-friendly, drag, gay events.
Well, there's no doubt that's part of the leftist psychology, is doing things just to piss you off.
Doing abnormal things and telling you they're normal just to anger you.
That's 100% part of the liberal psychology.
It's part of their mental illness.
But here's the second question I have for you now.
Because the Democrats are out calling to ban guns right now, today.
They're calling to ban guns.
And so, if you look, though, guys, put the footage back on there.
So these guys are not just out there with guns, which the left is not going to complain.
Oh, they love guns to protect them.
They just don't want you, the free citizen, to have a gun.
But when you talk to these armed guys, I mean, they've got, like, headsets.
It's like you said.
I mean, they want to be taken seriously.
I mean, they're out there.
I don't know where they get all this equipment.
I don't know how much training they have.
But, I mean, they put the headsets on.
They've got communications.
They've got the full body armor.
I mean, can you imagine if you had somebody like that?
Guys, pause it right here.
These guys have headsets, eye goggles, fully armed, body armor, face masks, all of it.
Can you imagine if somebody like that was on the grounds, the Capitol grounds on January 6th, and then do you expect there to be any liberals calling for these individuals to be disarmed?
It'd be like Nick Sandman.
If they had a conservative, that guy had a MAGA hat on and was up there.
I mean, they love it.
They love to just see one proud boy, one guy in a, you know, a black and gold polo.
They'll put that picture, you know, they'll give it as much attention as possible.
So, yeah, I mean, it's a double standard and we know that.
You know that that's a double standard.
But at the same time, they have all this gear.
These guys want to intimidate us.
They want to scare us.
And I think any parent that would bring their kid to an event where their children Could be indirectly scared.
Mommy, Daddy, I'm walking to an event and now you have guys that are waving flags, yelling at people while holding huge guns.
I mean, it's not an environment that I would consider children or child friendly.
But the exact opposite.
Yeah, but these evil people keep going to children's events with their guns.
It just doesn't make sense.
It's literally insane.
It doesn't make any sense.
Well, it's going to get crazier.
I mean, that's the only thing here is it's going to get crazier.
This obviously has a finite life.
It's not going to go on forever.
It's complete insanity.
But it's only going to get crazier.
And I think because of what you discussed earlier, the whole approach of let's be as crazy as possible just to just to take a jab at conservatives.
I mean, seriously, what more can they do?
I mean, they take children to sex dungeons.
They play rainbow dildo ring toss.
They have rainbow dildo butt monkey for kid events.
I mean, what?
Maybe I shouldn't even ask you, but it's like, what are they going to do next?
No, and I get really worried about it.
Like I said this earlier when I talk about the psychotropic drugs, but you know that they want to have their version of Kyle Rittenhouse.
They want to have their Antifa person that had to shoot somebody in self-defense.
So I honestly feel like there is going to be some sort of escalation.
I don't know if that'll necessarily happen in Dallas.
I don't know if it'll necessarily happen in an event that I'm at.
But I think that would be the next possibility for the people on the left is them showing and actually using some sort of lethal force and being like, we had to do it, we killed a fascist.
Now there has been circumstances where that has happened.
That happened in Colorado actually to a veteran, a Trump supporter.
Exactly right.
Yeah, and I just have a feeling that that's going to happen more frequently or it will be a bigger story and get more attention.
I think that's sadly the next step when it comes to this.
There will be some sort of physical... I hope not.
I pray that that doesn't happen.
I think that's the next step in this culture war that's just naturally going to happen because these people are insane and nobody wants to get shot.
Nobody really necessarily wants to shoot anybody.
I guarantee it.
But at the same time you're dealing with crazy people that have a lot of self-esteem issues, that have a lot of mental health issues, and now that their identity is being, you know, shaken or being, you know, They don't like being rattled.
These people are not, they don't do well in high-pressure situations.
So when you give these people a gun and enough, you know, anti-psychotic drugs in a high-pressure situation, Lord knows what can happen, Ellen!
They might need a rattle, though.
They might need, maybe if we gave them some baby rattles, maybe that would distract them and help out.
But I want to ask, coming up, stick around if you can.
So were they, uh, they didn't like Sarah up there as the cat lady.
Were they bigoted as a trans-species individual?
And then there's this woman.
I haven't even seen this gem.
Maybe we should check in with her when we come back.
Holy smokes!
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And now your host, Owen Troyer.
So this psychotic woman that's screaming, these people are so deranged.
We can't even play the clip, folks, because it's just nothing but obscenities.
It's just she's shouting obscenities.
But put her on the screen here.
I mean, look, Alex.
Oh, and she starts crying.
She starts crying.
And that's what I was going to say, because look, you and I, we're fun-loving guys, but at the end of the day, I mean, we really do have a heart.
I mean, and I feel bad.
I mean, I look at these people.
This is a woman who is severely traumatized by years of psychological abuse, and here she is just at a breaking point with it now when reality smacks her in the face.
And that's what's so sad about this is the reason why we have these massive psychotic breaks from leftists is because they've been taught an entirely false worldview, they believe an entirely false world, and when reality hits them, they break down, Alex.
No, you're exactly right.
That reality check, it's a hard pill to swallow.
And that's why they call it, you know, taking the red pill.
I mean, these people are still basically zonked out on their Brave New World Soma.
They're on their blue pill.
And once you start getting a little bit of that red pill and people start tossing it at you, it's hard.
If you're not used to it, if you're not expecting it and your cage gets rattled, it's not a pleasant experience.
And you can tell she did not have a pleasant experience.
And this is another thing you mentioned, empathy and being empathetic.
Now I am not better than anybody I would never ever claim to be but I'm saying with these people even though that I morally they're morally repugnant these abortionists they have you know ideologies that I would you know I think they're absolutely disgusting.
I think we do need to be empathetic to them even though they are so repugnant compared to us morally because they were probably abused.
They were probably victims or they're probably under some sort of mass formation hypnosis on and I know you realize that but there was a time when I was like them you know not that I was a loony leftist like that by any means but You know, I just, I see the good in these people, even though they're evil, even though they're probably like, you know, taken over by some sort of satanic being.
I feel like there's good in everybody, and I wish we could just, I know it sounds corny and cliche, but I wish we could all just hold hands and sing Kumbaya and all get along.
Or at least return to those moments that we could share, like going to a ball game or going to a movie theater, but the left has ruined that stuff too now.
And you know, here's kind of, this has been my experience, and I don't know if you've had a similar experience, but Let's say, you know, when I first took the red pill, a lot of people, the first time a lot of people were ever exposed to me was the Abe Skrillex, Carl the Cuck famous video from 2016 when we're outside a Trump rally.
And genuinely, at that time, I mean, from the period of 2013, when I, let's say, took the red pill, to about that time in 2016, I really assumed that people would want the information and the stuff that I had been denied access to that I now knew and understood.
I thought I could share it with them.
I thought I could tell them, hey, you're being tricked.
You're being lied to.
You're being abused.
And that's what it was.
That was the whole thing out there on the streets that day.
I was like, hey, look, you know.
You're being lied to about Trump.
You're being lied to about this.
You're being lied to about that.
And you realize they don't care.
That's what's sad, is they really don't care.
I guess it's the old cliche, you can take a horse to water, but you can't teach him to drink.
That's what these people are.
They don't want the fountain of knowledge.
They don't want the fountain of reality.
They don't want to control their future.
And that's all the same signs of an abuse victim.
No, Owen, and you nailed it.
No amount of evidence can convince an idiot.
And that's the thing is, I thought that same thing when I started talking about truth or I started talking about conspiracies.
I thought everybody would just eat it up.
Oh, this is the truth!
The government's lying!
They never had weapons of mass destruction!
You know, there's Operation Northwoods, you know, it was a plan for 9-11.
Blah, blah, blah, blah!
And you're just yelling at people, giving them all this information.
They don't even want to hear it, Owen.
They don't even want it because they don't want to break that cognitive dissonance.
Even though they know the government lies to us, even though they know there's classified levels of information that you and I will never be privy to, they still somehow, someway have cognitive dissonance and still have faith that the people in charge actually have our best interests in mind.
So, no, it's really weird trying to break people out of that spell.
And I think now the only way to do it, for me, is try to make people laugh and then make them question, is this real or is this fake?
Yeah, maybe a little public humiliation ritual is what's gonna do it.
They feel a little shame.
Maybe they have a little second thought.
Maybe they get brushed aside like a twig.
You know?
Like that.
I mean, come on, man!
Look at that arm strength!
He's living his prime time!
Alright, we got Alex here with us for one more segment.
Just to kind of get into any other news, anything else he's noticing.
But, you know, obviously having to go and face down these psychotics.
I mean, your videos are getting millions of views.
That one's probably been seen five million times.
At this point.
What else is on Alex Stein's radar?
What else is Alex Stein thinking about when he's not trolling the people that take flags out of plastic bags and wave them around like it's a movement, like we don't realize they just bought them that morning?
Well, I appreciate that.
And for the people playing at home, to break the fourth wall, Owen and I will be spinning this Thanksgiving together.
So I'm excited to be and hang out with you this holiday season with you.
But other than that, Owen, I'd like to get your opinion on this.
Now I see the conservative side, people are freaking out.
Now I definitely want Hershel Walker to win over Warnock.
I think that's a very important race.
But when it comes to the Dr. Oz...
In Federman race.
For me, I of course wanted Oz to win, but now after seeing these pictures of Federman in a suit on Capitol Hill, you know, lurching around Washington, D.C., I think we're going to have an endless amount of content for the next few years.
So I'm very grateful for John Federman.
What do you think about that, Owen?
I have a feeling if this timeline plays itself out as you envision, at some point in the future you will be called an ableist and they will say you're not allowed to troll or make fun of Federman because of his severe mental disorder.
Yeah, I mean, seriously, that's what they said after his debate, after he did so poorly.
The people that called him out, they called him ableist!
Because we want a senator that's able to not have to have some sort of interpreter for them to ask a simple question!
Can you imagine him trying to get some sort of legislation done?
Actually having to read a bill?
Actually having to do some sort of actual comprehension if the guy can't even string two words together?
But no, if you call that out, you're a racist, you're a bigot, you're an Ableist!
You know what though?
I don't mind that one.
I don't mind that.
They can call me ableist all they want.
That one, that's no big deal.
I kind of like ableist a little bit.
Yeah, I mean, you're an ableist.
Like, yeah, I'm an ableist.
I want, you know, a fast runner to run in the track meet.
Like, I guess I'm an ableist.
So, here's the question though.
We've got the cat takeover now.
The cats are taking over the screens.
Yeah, I know.
Sky Bear.
I'm telling you folks, there's at least... I don't know how Stein doesn't cough up a hairball on air here.
But, here's the question that's so incredible.
How does Federman really get in?
I mean, you gotta wonder, because the whole situation with the wife, I mean, there's some story there with the wife.
I don't know, she looked like some sort of a succubus, like witch type of thing.
And then you've got the fact that he can't talk.
He held a shotgun to a neighbor, to some guy, a black runner's, a black jogger's chest!
I mean, it's like, so ridiculous.
Everybody knows the Ahmaud Arbery story, but Federman was the original deal, putting the shotgun to a jogger's chest, an innocent jogger.
He can't read, I mean it's just like, how does this guy, what, is it a big joke?
Is he, is this like a big joke on society?
Is it, was it like a test?
I mean, how?
Ellen, you know exactly what it is.
It's just like Katie Hobbs who basically campaigned from her freaking basement like Joe Biden.
I know she was Secretary of State in charge of that election.
But I think with any sort of election, if you can freaking hook it up to the Wi-Fi, if the CIA, NSA, if any of these people can get access to any sort of these machines, then how are we supposed to have faith in it?
And it's like, you're going to tell me Joe Biden got 81 million votes.
But why Fetterman?
Okay, I get it.
The Democrats own Pennsylvania.
They can do whatever the hell they want.
Everybody knows it.
They own it now.
Why Fetterman?
Like, what is that?
Because he's so dumb!
Because he's such an android.
He's literally just, he's not even a human being at this point.
He's like levers.
He's like buttons.
He's the only person that's dumber than Joe Biden.
And that's why they like Joe Biden.
You know this.
There's a video of Barack Obama talking about how he would like to do his third term as a shadow president.
In the basement with an earpiece.
Because they don't want actual politicians that want to go and buck the system.
They want yes men.
There is a shadow government that is calling the shots.
You know that.
You're not a dummy.
I'm not a dummy.
He is perfect.
When you have a shadow government, a guy like John Fetterman who's gonna probably take all the heat off, take all, you know, he's literally gonna be like a walking joke.
If he's gonna vote your way in every single instance, it doesn't matter!
It's great!
He's even better because then he takes off a lot of the attention off the real politicians that are smart, that are actually circumventing our freedom.
So, I think John Fetterman, sadly, Not qualified for the job, but he's going to give us an endless amount of content over, Lord knows, until the thing growing from his neck takes over his body and his brain.
We're going to get some great content.
Him and his wife, Esmeralda.
You know that his office is in a bell tower?
That's not a joke, by the way.
Quasimodo, you're joking.
It really is?
No, it is.
No, guys, put it in, put it in, just so you can see it.
Put in John Fetterman Office Bell Tower.
Go ahead, I know it's that.
Yeah, they call her.
They call her Jersey Giselle.
I mean, there's something goofy about her as well.
No, she's got some vibes.
She's got something.
She's got like Fetterman under like a witchcraft spell or something, I think.
Well, it's 90 Day Fiance.
You know, she was an illegal immigrant and then she married him and got her green card, you know, for her.
Yeah, you didn't know that.
You didn't know that.
I missed that one.
But nobody's earned a green card harder than having to sleep with John Fetterman.
So she earned that green card.
I'm not upset that she got that.
She's the new senator of Pennsylvania.
No, she's the new senator.
For sure.
She's calling the shots.
She has Michael Obama vibes going on.
She's the real... She's the shadow senator right now.
For sure.
And that's why she's always seen with him.
She's the one marching him around.
There's basically like an invisible leash that she has him on as they climb up the bell tower.
I mean, what are they going to do?
do like install like an actual bell that he can like hang and swing from and
*mimics* "I'm John Fetterman!"
And listen we got Fetterman which I know he's been a politics stink but he's
And then Nancy Pelosi's out of there.
She's getting fired.
I mean, that was, you know, I was at Mar-a-Lago and I'm not trying to name drop like I'm so some cool guy, but when it came to Trump, I have to say every single, and this is me speaking honest, every single person there, who I spoke to personally, Also had nice things to say about Ron DeSantis.
So that makes me worry about this is going to be a primary where I hope they don't kill each other.
But on top of that, when Trump was dunking on the left, those are some of his best dunks, was dunking on, you know, Fetterman or Joe Biden naming the wrong state, you know, saying that he's in Florida.
So I guess my whole point is I'm just a little nervous to see what the future holds, but I like the Donald Trump calling out Nancy Pelosi for losing her spot.
I like this kind of Whatever, 2016 vibes, but I don't know if we can recapture it exactly the same.
It definitely is already feeling 2016 to me.
It definitely is already the sequel to 2016, whether Hillary ends up throwing her hat in the ring or not.
But this has 2016 written all over it.
No off-season, just right into the presidential election cycle now.
But I think the issue, you know, look, I'm not too worried about a heated primary season.
Trump went through it before, and he ended up being a good ally with Rubio and Cruz that basically took each other through the ringer.
So I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing, but I don't want to get ahead of ourselves either because...
I just feel like DeSantis hasn't even announced he's running.
He's still taking care of business in Florida.
They just had another hurricane.
So, I think this is Trump, though, before the primary season even starts, saying, alright, anybody who wants to get in the ring with me, get ready, because I'm swinging for the fences.
So, come on in if you want, but he really wants to be president again.
That's how I see it.
Yeah, and definitely Trump is the rightful heir to the throne because of what happened in 2020, you know, having it stolen from him.
So that's, I mean, I'm empathetic to Trump.
He's in line for it.
I just don't want a guy that has every single option in the world.
He even talked about it in his speech.
He said, I don't need to be president.
And he points to beautiful Mar-a-Lago.
He's like, this is where I live every day.
And I actually want to go move to Washington, D.C.
This is very dumb of me.
Yeah, which is a dump right now.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
It's like, why leave?
He's at West Palm Beach.
He's looking at the ocean.
The weather is 75 degrees.
I mean, it couldn't be any more beautiful.
The most opulent place.
I mean, the service there.
Service with a smile.
You think Chipotle has good service?
Go to Mar-a-Lago!
And he wants to give that all Boy, wouldn't that be the life?
Play golf and then go home to Melania?
I mean, it doesn't actually make sense when you got Melania at home.
Just go play golf and be a Melania.
But at the same time, he's Donald Trump.
He's one of the biggest and baddest to ever exist.
So I could never give him advice.
I could only take advice from a guy like Donald Trump.
Boy, wouldn't that be the life?
Play golf and then go home to Melania?
I better stop.
All right, Alex Stein.
Alex Stein, the legend, is with us here.
We thank you for joining us, Alex, and just thank you for making us laugh.
No, I appreciate it, Owen.
Thank you for always giving me a platform to come on here and speak some truth.
And that's the other thing is, is Owen, you know, there's not a lot of us, there's not a lot of us left, so I'm very grateful to call you a friend.
Anytime you want to come on these airwaves and rub your pussy on the camera, we're perfectly fine with it.
It's his cat!
It's his cat!
It's legal!
Come on, guys.
Get your minds out of the gutters.
Alright, I'm about to give out the phone number.
(upbeat music)
We're just going to do open lines.
Anything is fair game.
Open lines.
877-789-2539. 877-789-2539. I just ask that you have your point ready to go so that we can take
as many calls as efficiently and effectively as possible here on this Sunday edition of the Alex
Jones Show and then we'll go right into Sunday night live with your calls as well.
Ahead of Vivian Kubrick and the other guests in studio.
So, ladies and gentlemen, we are still on air and this is driving Deep State and the globalists bad.
They are just driven to insanity and what they would really like is for this audience
to be separated from Alex Jones.
And that's why they lie about Alex so much to try to deceive you to separate Alex from
this audience.
Because it's true folks, it's true.
The real thing they hate about Alex, the real thing that scares them about Alex is not necessarily
that he tells the truth all the time and goes on air and tells the truth and has been proven
right and vindicated about so much.
Really what they're afraid of is the fact that it's an audience of millions of people that also get the truth and the information right here at InfoWars.
And so that's what they want to separate, that's what they want to shut down, is the millions of people being informed and then paying it forward.
And that's why it's your support at Infowarsstore.com that is so crucial to keep it on the air.
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We hope you will take advantage.
All right, as we're getting the calls lined up here, let's look at some of this other news I have on my desk.
Now, Donald Trump was reinstated, as it's being said, by Elon Musk on Twitter.
And it's kind of been a weird process because it's the original Donald Trump account, but He had to get all of the new followers.
So all of his followers were erased.
But all of his old tweets were still up.
And so people are kind of going back and remembering all of the classic Trump tweets.
But it's funny.
Two big ones that are getting a lot of attention right now are the two tweets from Donald Trump on January 6th.
Both tweets where he calls for peace.
Both tweets.
And they say, Trump's an insurrectionist.
Trump wanted to overthrow the government.
He called for peace.
And all of his supporters went home when we were asked to.
So, they're obviously lying about that.
It's one of the biggest lies they've ever told.
But it's amazing, isn't it?
That Donald Trump was on Twitter less than 24 hours and already had double the amount of followers of Joe Biden?
Keep telling me about 81 million votes for Joe, though.
Keep telling us about that.
And then, apparently, whether this was actually what Elon Musk was thinking or not, I don't know.
Some people think he may have been up to something else when he put out a poll, should Donald Trump be reinstated.
Now what happened was, as I was monitoring this, what happened was, as soon as the poll went out, for the first about half an hour, let's say, it immediately shot up.
It was consistently between 65 and 70% of the replies saying, yes, reinstate Donald Trump.
And then something happened.
Amazingly, the same thing that happens with every election.
Slowly but surely, the tides turned, and slowly but surely, to not reinstate Trump was leading the way.
So it went from 70% saying to reinstate Trump, to 65% saying reinstate Trump, and then all the way down to 52%, which ultimately was the final number, and Elon Musk said, okay, I'll bring him back.
But see what happens?
If the count would have kept going eventually, No would have won instead of yes.
Just like with our elections.
But the difference is we had a finite time.
They had a finite window of time to try to rig that poll.
And when the clock ran out, they didn't have the votes.
But see, when they keep the clock running and they keep adding time to the clock, they always find the votes.
Now some people think Elon Musk set a bot trap with this poll.
set a bot trap to find out where a lot of this activity comes from.
And I'm sure he noticed as well that in the early stages it was heavily supportive of Trump
and then slowly but surely the bot farms came to change the poll but they couldn't get enough.
So a lot of people think Musk may have laid a bot trap with that poll.
Either way though Trump has said he's not going to be going back on Twitter
because he's got his own thing at True Social.
I get it.
I think it's kind of an ego thing.
I think he should come back and start tweeting again, but for now he says no.
Elon Musk also said he would not reinstate Alex Jones, even though now we have this story.
Reinstate Alex Jones.
Sandy Hook victim family member tells Elon Musk to bring back InfoWars founder, so even they like free speech on that issue.
But he says This is JT Lewis in his tweet, Elon, I lost my brother in Sandy Hook.
My family has been harassed by hoaxers for a decade, but you should reinstate Alex Jones.
Coordinated efforts to censor and ban him off social media only deepens his base by, in their eyes, substantiating their crazy conspiracy theories.
Oh, substantiating their crazy conspiracy theories like all the others, like Jeffrey Epstein, Pedophile Island, Lolita Express, Bill Clinton, and all that, like that crazy conspiracy theory.
It's funny, it's like, So here's the argument is, you're proving them right!
Yeah, duh, that's the point.
We were right.
That's why they censor us.
And so even when it's happening in real time and they realize Alex Jones is being proven right, the excuse is somehow, you're proving Alex Jones right, stop it!
It's not proving Alex Jones right, Alex Jones was right!
It's not substantiating what Alex Jones talks about, he was always right!
Jeffrey Epstein, just one of the many examples.
Dozens of court documents relating to eight of the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein associates to be unsealed.
Will we get anything here?
Somehow I doubt it.
The media will cover it up.
Or maybe, maybe it was the whole Ivermectin thing.
Oh, we were right about that too!
Oh, FDA backtracks during trial and now claims not taking ivermectin for COVID-19 was merely a recommendation.
No, they banned ivermectin.
They banned you from talking about ivermectin.
They banned you from purchasing or selling ivermectin.
And now that the tests have come out and proven ivermectin works, they say, oh, we never said anything about that.
That never happened.
What a bunch of scumbag liars.
And they all want us shut down because we tell the truth.
And then that proves we're right.
And then they say, see, you're proving Alex Jones right, even though he's not right.
So the World Cup kicked off this weekend and of course not without controversy.
The Middle East, Qatar specifically, not exactly LGBTQ friendly.
But of course the left that has to take over everything and make it their totalitarian authoritarian stamped approval of everything.
They tried to inject their LGBTQ propaganda into the Qatari World Cup.
England and Harry Kane have been banned from wearing the One Love armband at World Cup, and it's the gay flag with one love, and it's all about one planetary government.
You know, the people in the Middle East don't really want to be controlled by another country.
So, uh, yeah.
And, uh, they're not really pro-gay either.
So that's not gonna work for you.
men's soccer team ditches American colors for gay pride flag to take a stand.
Let's see how that one goes.
So it looks like the U.S.
was a little smarter with their gay propaganda.
We do gay a little better than you over there in England.
You guys just have a silly little arm patch.
We changed our logo to the gay flag.
Ha ha!
We're smarter than you.
Let's see them ban the gay flag, which is now our logo.
Tell us we can't have a logo.
But isn't that the story?
Isn't that the real story?
What the left really wants to do?
Take, replace the American flag with the gay flag?
That's why they're doing it in classrooms?
Isn't that the real story?
Isn't this part of a bigger picture?
Of course it is.
They're just doing it right in front of your face.
Yeah, we're removing the USA flag and we're replacing it with the gay flag.
And if you don't like that, you're a bigot.
So let's see what happens with that issue when America plays tomorrow.
And then there have been other issues and they're trying to make it this big thing because they're not allowing sales of alcohol at the games and this is obviously upsetting towards most soccer fans so they'll still find a way to get drunk if not drunker now because of it.
Also the fact that Qatar that bribed FIFA to even have the World Cup doesn't even have the infrastructure to support it.
So I think all these stories are kind of distracting from that but Of course they've got to make it gay.
You know.
It's all about making everything gay.
And it's all about telling you that we're replacing the American flag with the gay flag.
And just get with it.
Because we're taking the stand.
We're better than you.
We're liberal supremacists.
And we can take your flag and replace it with the gay flag.
Because that's what we do.
F you.
We're liberals.
That's what it is.
You know, we've got an interesting situation happening in Alaska.
It's just another example of Republicans just crapping the bed.
So let's go to Kai on this issue, and that's the Ranked Choice Voting.
Kai, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
I want to talk about how insidious that FTX is.
Our governor last year put in a, what would you say she is, someone on the board.
Her name is Ellie Rubenstein.
And her father is David Rubenstein.
Does that name ring a bell?
Carla Group.
They invested into that.
And lots of money was lost.
Yeah, 32 billion dollars.
Okay, you're on it.
And also, they came and they funded our Lisa Murkowski.
Yes they did.
They funded the congresswoman Patola who no one even knew who she was.
She didn't even have a campaign.
So let me just, because you know this, let me just make sure the audience understands what's happening in Alaska.
They have this ranked choice voting which is like series of elimination style voting and now you have two Republicans on the ticket And so the Republicans vote gets split and then the Democrat in some of these races ends up getting more votes because there were two Republicans on the ticket and one Democrat.
And so you're sitting there and you're like, what are the Republicans doing?
Like, what are you?
It's like if you saw someone like running into blades, like running in a knife, you'd say, why are you running into that knife?
What are you doing?
That's what the Republicans did in Alaska.
And then the other thing that happened was Murkowski was losing to Chewbacca, Chewbacca was winning, they just keep counting votes, now Murkowski's ahead!
I mean, what is that?
It's a nightmare, and no one knows how, what, they're like, okay, I put, I ranked the vote, I didn't rank the vote, I did this, I did that, why is my vote going to the, and like, no one knows what the hell is going on with this ranked choice voting.
It's a nightmare.
I think it's pretty clear, they're testing a system, I think what's happening is, they're testing this system in Alaska.
Because they're always looking for new ways to rig elections.
And so that's what they're doing, is they're testing this new Ranked Choice scam in Alaska to see if they can pull off the scam there, and then they'll try to apply it nationwide.
Now, I don't think it's going to take, but that's what I think is happening here.
They're already starting a petition to get rid of it.
Oh, it's a disaster?
It's an absolute disaster.
If any state out there tries doing it, vote it down, because it's a friggin' nightmare.
But yes, you tie in the FTX scenario because it was Mitch McConnell that took $2.5 million from FTX and campaign donations, and he funneled a lot of that money to Lisa Murkowski.
That was his biggest issue, was to get Murkowski over Chewbacca in.
And again, folks, I'm telling you, Chewbacca was leading the entire time.
Literally, she has been leading the entire time until the last 48 hours, all of a sudden Lisa Murkowski takes the lead, the swamp Republican that Mitch McConnell wanted so badly.
There you go.
I'm really impressed.
You know all the information up here.
Well, that's my job.
Thank you, Owen.
Okay, thank you.
Let's go to Sean now in Nebraska.
Sean, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, good to talk to you again, Owen.
I just got a message for Elon Muck.
Let's ditch the electric cars.
Let's bring back the water-powered cars.
I think all of you know anyone who's tried to do this.
He's not around anymore.
I think if one day, Elon just made a speech and said, hey, I've turned this factory from electric to water power.
And also, Elon, if you're going to bring Donald Trump back, you have to bring Alex Jones back.
There would be no Donald Trump without Alex Jones.
Let's not get the horse, the carriage in front of the horse here.
Well I would like Elon Musk, I mean he doesn't owe us an explanation, but, and I don't think he cares either.
He kind of does look at himself as like the king of Twitter now.
I think he kind of likes it.
And that's fine, but I'd like to hear the explanation.
Why Alex Jones, he just says no.
I'd like to hear the explanation, and maybe he'll change his mind.
Maybe he's just trolling, but you know, let's hear the explanation.
Okay, you're in charge of Twitter now, you're going to be the free speech You know, the decision maker here.
So let's hear the logic.
Let's hear why.
Let's hear why Trump comes back and why Jones doesn't.
I mean, let's at least get an explanation, but nothing offered so far.
No, nothing at all.
And like I say, let's bring back that water engine.
Forget the electric thing.
We all have water.
The electric's not environmentally savvy.
It's just, I don't know.
You are aware of the guy that was making the water-powered engine in Buffalo, I'm assuming?
I'm aware of several that are not with us anymore.
Yeah, and the same thing happens with people that find cures for cancer, I've noticed, too.
Yeah, and speaking of that, I'm in remission of cancer, so Joe Biden, I'm waiting for that cure.
He promised!
Joe Biden promised he'd cure cancer!
He promised me, but yeah, here I am.
I gotta take the poison, not the cure.
Well, God bless you, Sean.
God bless you, Owen, and I love you, brother, and I love all you guys, and keep the good fight going.
You know, I really do love this audience, I gotta tell you.
I really do love this audience.
Let's get one more caller in before the break.
Max in Kansas.
Max, 60 seconds, fire away.
Hey, and we love you too, Owen.
So what I want to talk about is Trump's speech last week.
I gotta be honest with you, I really wasn't the biggest fan of it.
And I was a big, and I still am an advocate for him in 2024.
But he really didn't bring anything new to the table during that speech.
He was very monotone.
I found it a little boring to be honest.
And he wasn't touching on the right issues, I don't think.
I think there were two things, the two things to take away was in person, same day voting, paper ballots, and then You know, he briefly touched on the Biden corruption, but really it's the voting thing that he needs to be a bigger fuss of.
Yeah, absolutely, and I think what made him so popular in 2016 is that he ran against globalism.
You know, he was running against foreign wars, he was running against China exploiting America, and I just think that we really need to see that same energy again, and he needs to do a good job of bringing that back, or he's not going to be gaining the support that he had then in 2020.
All right, Max, let me respond to that on the other side of this break.
And overall I would say I agree.
I don't want to play into the media's narrative saying, oh Trump's boring, he's lame, nobody cares about him anymore.
Quarter million people, actually half a million people tuned in to watch him live on Rumble.
Joe Biden can't get 10 people to watch any of his videos on YouTube even though it's totally promoted.
So Trump totally censored and relegated to the Dark corners of the internet like Rumble, which that's not a shot at Rumble, it's just obviously it's not mainstream.
And he gets half a million live views on right-side broadcasting.
Joe Biden can't get five views on any of the videos he does on YouTube.
His big last speech got 1.7 live viewers.
1.7 thousand.
So in that regard, Trump's announcement speech was a smashing success.
But for people concerned that it was boring and wonky and nothing new, I wouldn't be too concerned because I say this to people that have that concern.
I say, well, what do you remember from Trump's announcement speech in 2015?
Can you tell me what you remember from that?
Probably nothing.
You probably don't remember much from that speech at all.
So as far as importance of the speech, I don't think much is there.
It was the generation of the headlines, the generation of the interest, and just the The energy brought back to the Republican Party with the announcement, which is the real story to me.
But here's where I think it needs to go, and maybe this is them deciding to go differently than 2016, but I think, you know, it was successful.
I don't know why you would abandon it.
I want less wonk and more honk, is how I describe it.
I want less wonk and more honk.
President Trump's speech was very wonky.
He doesn't need to be wonky.
He's not a political wonk.
He shouldn't be a political wonk.
He should be Donald Trump.
And he should be more honky.
We're in the clown world.
We're living in the clown world.
Let's honk it up with the clowns.
And that's part of the problem of the Republican Party that you're seeing on display right now with people like Paul Ryan.
Paul Ryan, Trump will probably lose if he is the 2024 GOP.
Yeah, that's the same thing you said in 2016.
He won.
Why don't you just shut up already?
But see, that's the whole split is the Republicans want to say, oh, we need to get back to business as usual.
We need to get back to being cut and straightened.
DC politics.
No, we don't actually.
That's nothing but death for the country.
So no, that's not what we need to do.
We need to do the exact opposite of that.
Oh, we need to get back to business as usual, no more of this Trumpism.
You need more of the Trumpism.
And you're going to sit here and act like, in good faith, that the Democrats are ever going to play by the rules?
That the Democrats are ever going to play things squarely?
Give me a break!
They've put us into this clown world, so let's honk it up with them!
And so when I'm talking about this, I'm dead serious.
Donald Trump, I don't know why he's not having a rally in Georgia.
It's just a joke.
It's just an absolute joke, the Republicans abandoning Georgia, again.
I don't know why there isn't a Trump rally in Georgia, with a voter registration booth, a mile away from an early voting center, and you tell the 20,000 people, 30,000 people that come into the Trump rally, go vote, it's right down the street, go vote, right now.
You can do this twice, three times, four times, five times, you can do it.
But because the Republican Party doesn't want to embrace Trump, and because the Republican Party doesn't care about that Senate seat, they're just going to let that opportunity go.
But that's what the Republicans want to do.
You're not going to get any of these law changed before the 2024 presidential election, I believe.
You're still going to do the mail-in ballots, the ballot drop boxes, all of it.
Early voting, it's not going anywhere.
So, you better realize, you better play by those rules, or you're going to lose.
So yes, I want less wonk and more honk.
I don't want a Trump rally to be like that, a wonky political speech.
I want a Trump rally to be a gigantic party.
Yeah, get Kid Rock to do a concert.
Yeah, get Travis Tritt to do a concert.
Yeah, get performers.
Throw it back.
Make it feel retro.
Make it feel fun again.
Make MSNBC Do a stand-up report in front of a Ferris wheel with a bunch of kids running around having a good time, laughter behind them, saying, this is a white supremacist event!
This is an extremist event!
And it's a Ferris wheel with a bunch of kids having a good time behind them.
Make MSNBC file that.
Make them have their mostly peaceful riot moment again.
Capture that moment.
Show the world what they are.
Force their hand.
Put up a giant Ferris wheel.
Put big Trump and gold on it if you want.
And then have MSNBC standing there, chest out.
This is a white supremacist event.
This is an extremist event.
And then the people are watching, seeing children and families running around, smiling, playing carnival games.
Have a dunking booth with somebody in a Joe Biden costume.
You throw a ball, you dunk them in the booth.
I'm serious.
Less wonk, more honk.
I want beach balls.
I want people slapping beach balls around while Trump is speaking.
Like it's a music festival.
Or a ball game.
Have vendors running around selling drinks and food.
Less wonk, more honk.
Make it so fun.
Make it so enjoyable.
That nobody can hate it.
And then, of course, the haters are going to hate, and that's when you say, OK, here you go.
Come on, MSNBC.
Here you go.
Here's your little place to do your stand-up.
It's right in front of this Ferris wheel with all the children playing and having a great time with their moms and dads and grandma and grandpa and everything.
And here you go.
Here you go.
Tell everybody what a bad event it is.
Tell everybody how hateful it is.
Come on.
Let's see it.
That's what it needs to be.
Less wonk, more honk.
All right, let's squeeze another phone call in before we... We will take your phone calls, though, into the next hour, just so you know if you're on the line.
We've got a couple international callers, so let me go now to Mike in England.
Mike, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hi, Owen.
Just want to let you know we love you and we are praying for you.
Thank you.
For your protection.
Thank you.
Real quickly, I remember seeing, and it was probably on InfoWars or Prison Planet, during Well, it was before, when Biden was still Vice President, there was an interview, or he was at a barbecue outside someplace, so it was quite an informal event.
And they're all having fun, lovely time, and they bring up the issue of gun confiscation that Obama was talking about.
It was in the news because there was probably some big false flag that had happened, you know, how they do this regularly.
And so he's asked about it and he says very clearly, you know, very fluently, they're not going to take my guns.
And Joe Biden said that?
Joe Biden said that.
Clear as day.
I think he said at least twice in the statement.
That's great.
We should try to find that and then like play the new clips where Joe Biden says, yeah, we're going to ban assault weapons and then play Biden.
You're not going to take my gun.
Delicious ironies.
And I've looked for it.
It's been a while, but all you get is current stuff.
You can't get anything old.
You're telling me that Joe Biden is a liar and a fraud and a phony?
I don't need to say it.
Of course not.
We've got clips of Obama.
Obama used to be anti-gay marriage.
Joe Biden used to be anti-gay marriage.
They don't have any values.
They don't have any principles.
They don't stand on any ground.
They just use and abuse politics to gain power.
That's all it is.
Also, I think we need to impeach some judges.
I think there needs to be lawsuits coming up challenging these rigged elections.
And if they use the excuse, oh, well, you don't have standing, that's a dereliction of duty.
And the Nuremberg trials, they had trials for judges that did not fulfill their duty that could have stopped a lot of the atrocities.
And I think it's time to hold these people accountable.
Everyone that votes, every citizen, certainly for the national elections, for any senator or representative, every single U.S.
voter, legitimate voter, Has standing.
Because we're all affected by it.
So I think that needs to be pushed forward.
If they start feeling that little fire under their feet, they might change their tune a little bit.
Probably never going to happen, sadly.
I think the best way to try to mitigate all of the election fraud and all the shenanigans is to just play by their rules.
The minute Republicans start ballot harvesting, the minute Republicans start stuffing mail-in drop boxes with ballots, the minute Republicans start using and abusing the early voting system is the minute the Democrats cancel it all!
It's that simple!
So that's the way I see it.
You just have to overwhelm the system with their own lunacy until they cry to shut it down.
Kind of like with the police issue.
They said defund the police, they defund the police, cities turn to ultimate violence, and then what do they do?
They say, we need to fund the police.
Darn those Republicans defunding them.
Alright Mike, thank you for the call.
That does it for the Alex Jones Show.
But, short break, and we come back right with Sunday Night Live.
And so everybody that's on the line, we will take your call.
You do not need to hang up.
We will take your call as soon as we start Sunday Night Live.
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