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Name: 20221115_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 15, 2022
2486 lines.

Alex Jones discusses election fraud allegations in Arizona and promotes a 60% off sale at InfowarsStore.com using promo code 1776. He critiques societal expectations, vaccines and mask mandates, and calls for compensation for those affected by them. He warns about potential military suppression of dissent regarding public health policies. Jones also discusses the FTX scandal, accusing the Democratic Party of money laundering operations and linking it to Ukraine. Infowars promotes their sale on supplements, emphasizing that revenue from these sales helps keep them on air as a source for alternative healthcare information and resistance against globalist censorship.

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You have to understand the globalist agenda is not to just have the money and run society and be rich and powerful.
Their goal, their entire plan is to turn humans into a commodity.
Turn humans into mindless drones that are completely programmed and that are basically artificial just like the GMO crops that we see.
And that's what they call the final revolution over society and civilization where it's impossible to ever rebel because you're nothing but a corporate commodity if you're even allowed to exist.
That's why they call it the end of history or the final revolution.
And we cannot commit our children to this nightmare.
We cannot go Quietly into the night.
We cannot let them establish these frauds where they control key jurisdictions around the country and can steal election after election to then put us under their thumb and under their rule and under their control.
And I know I'm stating the obvious here, but none of us, including myself, can become just comfortable with the fact this is going on.
We have to realize that things only get a hundred times worse if we don't speak up and say no.
They don't go away by hiding our head in the sand and only watching Netflix.
We've got to be engaged, we've got to be involved.
God's watching, and the children are counting on us.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Tuesday, November 15th.
And we are going to rampage the most important news ever covered on this broadcast.
Starting now.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
You do not want to miss this broadcast.
Tomorrow's News Today.
FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was the largest donor to the Democrat Party,
second to George Soros for the spurious 2022 midterms.
Nearly $40 million, which reportedly came from crypto donations to Ukraine.
FTX was partnered with the World Economic Forum as one of Klaus Schwab's stakeholders.
FTX's founder reportedly used a secret backdoor to steal over a billion dollars from the customers of the now defunct cryptocurrency exchange.
But there's more to the story than Sam Bankman-Fried and a money laundering slush fund for the failing Democrat Party.
The CEO for FTX was Caroline Ellison, whose father is Glenn Ellison, head of the MIT Economics Department.
Glenn Ellison hired Gary Gensler to head the Cryptocurrency Department at MIT in 2018.
And in 2021, the Biden administration nominated Gary Gensler as the chair of the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission.
Who has been laser focused on gaining control of cryptocurrency.
While the SEC has been routinely combative towards cryptos, they have treated FTX like family, causing many to argue that FTX was being groomed and set up by the SEC to monopolize the crypto market.
FTX was an exchange that had a bright sheen on it.
It was led by a CEO that was often on Capitol Hill and being photographed with regulators and lawmakers.
And so there was this sense that the exchange was very buttoned up.
Cryptocurrency has the potential to strip power from the central banking system, and that makes it a major threat.
As this story unfolds, don't be surprised if this mess becomes the catalyst for government overreach into cryptocurrencies.
The Journal reporting the CEO allegedly using customer money from FTX to fund risky bets at his other company, a hedge fund called Alameda.
Many people believe that this will definitely set back the crypto industry for years.
You know, this is a tale as old as time to some degree.
Some young charismatic guy in Bermuda shorts with the floppy hair charmed the 20 best investors in the world.
Rebecca, the big question here, was this a mistake by the founders or a crime?
Well, that's a question the regulators will ultimately have to answer here.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the InfoWars and say,
"I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
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Attacked and threatened.
Because we are effective.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, this is one hell of a broadcast coming up.
I've done massive preparation.
More than 30 hours of research.
It's Tuesday, November 15, 2022.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And this is a broadcast none of you need to miss because we are at the heart of the battle for the future of humanity.
We understand the globalist technocracy and its endgame of massive depopulation and hell on earth.
We are here fighting it together and we have a real chance at defeating this if we get focused.
And if we can stay on air.
And if you can mobilize as many people as you can to awaken and understand that if you think things are bad now you ain't seen nothing yet in this purposeful dystopia the globalists are unfurling and rolling out against us all.
Let me just do this.
Let me go over all the quadrants of news here, just mention the topics and then I'm going to go through them one by one here today.
I had a bunch of guests lined up today, but I canceled them so that we would have time to get to all of this.
I will cover it all.
One guest that we're having on for one segment, because it deals with election fraud, And the mass awakening to that is Marjorie Taylor Greene.
This massive red wave overrode their fraud in Georgia.
She'll be joining us at the end of the hour for one 11-minute segment.
But other than that, we're going to cover it all here today.
Let me tell you what's in the stacks.
It begins.
Patriots in Arizona call for new legitimate midterm elections.
Terry Lake says, Arizona's no BS when they see it.
This election is being stolen.
And we have all of the incredible evidence of it.
It is smoking gun.
Then we have the UN carbon tax world government meeting masquerading as a global warming conference that's been going on for over a week.
And we have them admittedly saying they're going to cut the energy off, shut down all the small farms, ban beef production, everything you already see happening.
They admit to the nightmare plan.
So critical.
A bunch of unbelievable videos where they admit world government out in the open.
Then, it's never been more clear in the last 22 months of the COVID attack rollout.
Excuse me, it's almost three years, so 30 plus months of the COVID tyranny rollout.
It has never been clearer.
Now NBC News admits that the shots are causing massive increases in death, heart attacks, heart swelling, strokes, blood clots.
NBC News admits anti-vaxxers were right about COVID shots causing myocarditis.
They admitted the Internal Documents was going to do it before they even rolled the shots out in October 2000.
Tucker Carlson knocked it out of the park with an 18-minute monologue.
We're going to air some excerpts where he details it is causing mass death.
And then I've got stacks of news of prominent cyclists and soccer players and the poster boy In Argentina, a four-year-old for taking the COVID shots dies of a heart attack.
And they're just telling you this is all completely normal.
Healthy little kids dying.
It goes on and on and on.
Olympic swimmer, 24, injured by Pfizer.
COVID jab.
I couldn't function.
I wanted to end my life.
Just so massive.
All of this is so key.
And they're rolling back out with the big push for new lockdowns around the world.
And forced injections and forced masking.
We've got all of that.
Then we've got huge news on the Ukraine war front.
Actually some positive news.
Secret talks with the U.S.
and Russia.
Zelensky saying he's open for peace talks.
Then obviously everybody wants me to talk about this.
I've been studying it deeply, deeply since last Thursday.
No exaggeration.
Probably spent 15 hours this weekend learning every facet of it and we know exactly what it is.
The smoking gun again of money laundering by the deep state through Harvard and through MIT as well.
We've got the deep dive on that we're going to be getting to.
Then we've got a ton of other economic news.
We've got a lot of ongoing election fraud news.
And we have the hearings they've had on January 6th, the new ones, saying, yes, the American people are the number one terror threat.
We have video of all of that today as well.
And so much more.
And as I said, MTG joining us.
I'm able to get to most of this in the first two hours, which I think I'll be able to, because there's only a guest on for one segment.
The third hour going into the fourth hour will be phone calls, but let's see if I can do this.
Because again, no exaggeration, I went into a deep dive this weekend and did over 30 hours of research.
And all these articles are articles I've read and sent to the crew and had them print.
And I just, every one of them is so insane.
Including this one that I intend to make the most important thing I cover today.
This red folder right here is The holy grail of evil.
No doubt about it.
Total proof.
No way to deny it.
No longer will it be assisted suicide.
It will be government-forced, global social credit score, death.
And all over Europe, all over Canada, all over globalist-controlled areas and blue cities in the U.S., they're saying they're going to kill Handicapped children, including mentally handicapped, that cannot make the decision to kill themselves.
So first you have a right to kill yourself, they say.
Then you have a right, which I agree with.
I think you have a right to kill yourself.
If you want to kill yourself, that's your right.
But, I'm not saying I endorse it.
But people get in a lot of pain.
I understand that.
I'm not judging people.
Then it's assisted suicide.
And we always knew it would lead to government forced Suicide.
The government murdering you.
That is coming up today.
Incredible next-level information.
And Canada is the incubator and the new rollout of this.
You're going to see it hype as much as transgenderism because they can't kill a kid in the womb.
They can't get them to commit suicide.
They can at least get them to not ever produce children to cut their breast genitals off, to have their cervixes removed.
So this is the true Clive Barker horror novel come true.
This is Hellraiser for real, ladies and gentlemen.
It's all coming up and more.
That's about half the stacks today.
That said, listeners are incredible.
You're amazing.
I want to thank you all for your support and I want to commend you for your past support.
I just want to tell you, you need the products we're selling.
They're amazing products that you're crazy if you don't take, all the stuff going on in the environment, and they keep us on air.
And so, you hear about billion-dollar judgments that's meant to demoralize you, make you give up.
We have two years of appeals.
All we need is funds to keep M4 Wars running, and we're not going anywhere.
You decide, not the globalists, whether we stay on air or not.
And you decide whether you get great products that boost your immune system and do so much for your way of life and so much for your well-being.
And so I've told you the biggest sell of the year is going right now.
Black Friday comes early.
And last Friday they explained to me, they said, listen, you're almost sold out of more than half these products.
We're not scheduled to get more of these in until February or March.
A few come in in January, you need to stop and you need to go back to regular price.
So on six items, we went back to only 25% off, not 50% off late last week, and people stopped buying them.
So I made the decision over the weekend.
I said, we got to have the money now.
Even if we only make 10, 15, 20% on these sales at 50% or 60%, we've got to do it to bring the money in to fund this operation.
So take advantage of this.
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Thank you.
Coming to you from the InfoWars.com Command Center.
Deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
My forebears were at the heart of founding this state, and I'm not going to evacuate it even though it's under globalist attack.
There's nowhere to run.
I'm gonna hit the election fraud news now and at the end of the hour with MTG live.
But the next segment, I'm going to tie all the vaccine poisoning in to the FTX.
It wasn't just a money laundering operation.
It was a CIA command base pump and dump, which they then have destroyed so they can then use as a pretext to take over all the other legitimate cryptocurrencies.
It's all admitted, you're going to get the secret of FTX into the next hour.
But, next segment, coming at the vaccine news and just tying that area.
Did you know FTX quarterbacked with more than $50 million the vaccine response of the demonization program to stop therapeutics from getting to the public?
With the United Nations and the Democratic Party.
No one has broken this.
Rob New is ferreting around our news director and found this incredible information.
That's next segment.
But let's get to this right now.
It begins.
Patriots in Arizona call for a new legitimate midterm election.
On December 6th, just like in Houston, Texas, and just like in key areas of Georgia and key areas of Pennsylvania and key areas of Michigan and Nevada, on the day of the election, last Tuesday, magically, The computers failed or there wasn't enough printer paper or ink at the Republican facilities.
None of the Democrats.
Like Carrie Lake said, she went and voted a Democrat facility, no problems.
A Democrat jurisdiction is your Democrat precinct.
Carrie Lake responds after Hobbs projected win in Arizona gubernatorial race.
There's a gubernatorial race finally called Monday night, showing Democrat Katie Hobbs, who ran the election, beating GOP opponent Carrie Lake.
But the Trump-backed candidate didn't sound ready to concede just yet.
Quote, Arizona's no BS when they see it, the former television news anchor tweeted Monday evening.
And it goes on from there, ladies and gentlemen.
Tonight's ballots, this is from a few days ago, from Washaw County, push Democrat Cisco Aguilar into a lead over GOP Secretary of State candidate Jim, I say his name right, wrong, which will hold.
It goes on.
And guess what magically happened, ladies and gentlemen?
The cameras, as you know, failed overnight in the one county that magically produced the ballots that they needed to be able to have them win that critical race there in that state, or multiple races.
We know that our election livestream cameras went dark overnight.
We investigated what happened and how to prevent it happening again.
Oh, isn't that just darling?
And it just continues on from there.
But if you need to laugh, look at this funny meme of Stacey Abrams as a baby with Biden sniffing her.
Gotta have a little bit of fun here.
Ladies and gentlemen, got to have just a little bit of fun with what's going on in this country.
And of course, here's a screenshot.
There in Maricopa County, look who was inside the ballot rooms, Katie Hobbs!
Timestamp 2.
So there she is at 10.07 at night, walking around inside the special center, for when the machines failed the Republican precincts, they shipped them by truck to the special center, which then of course found the votes needed, so she could win.
Katie Hobbs.
And of course they try to say that's been debunked, but the fact is, she ran the elections.
That's the reality of this.
Congratulations to the Senate Democrats for suddenly pulling ahead and winning surprise victories by the perfect margins.
Four days after the polls closed and the dead of night, only in states with mail-in for the second time in a row.
We've never seen anything like it in 244 years.
Cernovich says, Republicans won the popular vote.
Lots of dodgy stuff happening, but don't lose sight of it.
We voted past the margin of cheating almost.
Overall strong.
I agree with that statement.
Here's what I mentioned earlier.
The live free computer application lost connection with the cameras at 11.24 p.m.
that evening and was restored at 7.53 a.m.
Mission Completed.
Here's the report.
We played the video on Friday.
23 precincts in Harris County ran on a paper for voting and all 23 are Republican stronghold precincts.
This doesn't happen by chance.
This comes by cheating, and I totally agree with those statements.
All the exit polls showed massive Republican landslide.
All the exit polls showed that people blame 70-plus percent the Democrats and Joe Biden.
All the numbers showed that.
The exit polls showed that.
And then chicanery and weirdness only in key districts Where Democrats were losing massively, and in the sub-precincts of those areas.
Katie Hobbs ran her own election in Arizona.
And how did you think it was going to end, ladies and gentlemen?
How did you think it was going to end?
They can try to spin it all day and say, oh, well, that's not her.
That's not her.
That's probably somebody else.
Well, let's say maybe it is somebody else.
It doesn't matter.
She ran her own election.
And it goes on and on and on from there.
All right.
Here's what I have to say about all this.
As a country and as a human race, We have to come to grips with the fact that our civilization has been hijacked.
And if we won't do that, and won't admit that we've become slaves, and if we become comfortable with the fact that this is going on, that this is happening, You have to understand the globalist agenda is not to just have the money and run society and be rich and powerful.
Their goal, their entire plan is to turn humans into a commodity.
Turn humans into mindless drones that are completely programmed and that are basically artificial just like the GMO crops that we see.
And that's what they call the final revolution over society and civilization where it's impossible to ever rebel because you're nothing but a corporate commodity if you're even allowed to exist.
That's why they call it the end of history or the final revolution.
And we cannot commit our children to this nightmare.
We cannot go Quietly into the night.
We cannot let them establish these frauds where they control key jurisdictions around the country and can steal election after election to then put us under their thumb and under their rule and under their control.
And I know I'm stating the obvious here, but none of us, including myself, can become just comfortable with the fact this is going on.
We have to realize that things only get a hundred times worse if we don't speak up and say no.
They don't go away by hiding our head in the sand and only watching Netflix.
We've got to be engaged, we've got to be involved.
God's watching, and the children are counting on us.
Now, the beyond huge, poison, vaccine injection, death shot, information straight ahead.
So I'm about to tie in a Ponzi scheme bigger than Bernie Madoff's, not as big as Bloomberg's Ponzi schemes or the Federal Reserve's, but big.
An FTX to the COVID response.
Now FTX was only set up three and a half years ago by a consortium of federal regulators and then a bunch of their children in the Harvard globalist mafia that runs so much of this new world order.
And one of the many things they did was not just ship millions over to Ukraine on record, but was also to put in massive amounts of money into controlling the COVID response and going out and financing studies to say vitamin D isn't good for you, hydroxychloroquine isn't good, all these other great things are worthless.
So here it is, Together COVID-19, TogetherTrial.com, wholly financed subsidiary, Of FTX.
And they go into working with the United Nations and Big Pharma, to be a quote, independent third party, which they're not, to tell you that all of these therapeutics are worthless.
Absolutely worthless, even though all the other studies show the opposite.
Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, the list goes on and on.
It says absolutely failed, worthless.
So, making sure people didn't get therapeutics, making sure they got things like Randesivir that didn't help you and killed a third of the people they were given.
So this guy just didn't steal billions of dollars.
At its peak, $100 billion.
He was worth, quote, $16 billion.
Sam Bankman fried.
No, ladies and gentlemen, he is fried now.
This guy was a front man for the whole deep state agenda.
It's all tied to the CIA, you name it.
We're going to be getting more into that coming up in the next hour.
But that's the COVID tie-in of what these monsters, these killers, these hitmen of civilization and our men, women, and children and our old people are up to.
Absolutely disgusting demons.
They can't help it, it's what they do.
Here we go again, ladies and gentlemen.
Democrats review push to enforce COVID masks wearing as winter nears.
We'll get more of that next hour.
All the different newscasts pushing it.
But this is the big news.
NBC News admits anti-vaxxers were right about COVID shots causing myocarditis.
They don't deny that it does cause massive increase of myocarditis, heart attacks, and death.
Big report by Jamie White with all the studies and documents and their admissions on InfoWars.com.
I suggest you share it.
Coming up next hour, the Tucker Carlson report, mRNA injections destroy your natural immunity, causing all sorts of diseases, along with heart problems and blood clots.
Lancet's study and other studies prove mRNA injections are dangerous and deadly.
Which we told you, before they even rolled the shots out, in the middle of 2020.
That's why we're demonized.
We do our research.
Here's some of the other articles.
Poster boy for vaccine campaign dies suddenly at just four years old.
He's the National Poster Boy, ladies and gentlemen.
A tragic event.
Santino Godoy Blanco, just four years old, has passed away from pneumonia, November 3rd.
Respiratory problems associated with his heart, according to multiple sources.
And it just goes on how he was the National Poster Boy in Argentina for those injections.
Here is another one.
Olympic swimmer, 24, injured by Pfizer-Covid jab.
I couldn't function.
I wanted to end my life.
Genevieve Florence details how British healthcare system refused to acknowledge vaccine blame, but now they admit it was the vaccine.
She was paralyzed by it.
And it just goes on and on and on.
Here's another one.
28-year-old Australian football player.
This is just today.
Heather Anderson has died unexpectedly.
Here's an interesting meme from Twitter.
Stop saying you did your research before you got the injection.
You are the research.
And that is absolutely true.
Then we've got all these stacks I mentioned.
Masks can return as LA County sees worrying uptick in COVID and RSV infections.
When you die of the shot now, they call it an RSV infection.
Toxic vaccine ingredient SM-102 has connection to Epstein Genome Project and his secret genetic editing projects.
And it goes on and on and on from there.
I've got some nightmare footage I'm going to get to out of China.
That is all coming up.
in the next hour.
Footage they do not want you to see.
That is coming up next hour.
But I wanted to get to Together, trial.com, Together, COVID-19,
this consortium group, 22 research sites, 8,000 patients enrolled,
and the studies funded by FTX, fraudulent company, fraudulent PCR test,
fraudulent studies, fraudulent everything, to come out and tell you
that all of these so-called treatments and therapeutics are worthless.
Only Rendesivir is good for you because it didn't work and it was recommended by Fauci.
So they're giving their marching orders.
They go out, they do their studies.
So that's what FTX is doing.
They're not just stealing money from you.
They are killing you.
So that's all coming up after MGG, who joins this next segment, leaves us.
We'll be looking at the election and mail-in ballots, how to stop this ongoing massive fraud.
With her, Coming up, then I'm going to get into this situation.
In fact, I see that we have MTG right now.
She's ready to go, so we've got her to the end of the hour, but let's do a few minutes right now and come back to her in the next segment.
We'll have her to the end of the hour.
Marjorie Taylor Greene had such a giant tsunami, they couldn't steal it from her, but wow, they certainly are doing it all over the place.
Terry Lakes calling fraud.
We have the cameras going out at key areas.
It's all in the key battleground areas.
MTG, great to have you with us.
Thank you so much, Alex, and I'm happy to be on with you today.
We've got about two and a half minutes to break.
We'll get to the meat and potatoes next segment, but your first response to what we're witnessing.
In Arizona, I think we watched the election be stolen, slowly stolen, day by day, counting these mail-in ballots.
And it's absolutely absurd for anyone to take our election seriously when we just, it's election month, Alex, it's not election day.
And that's the problem.
And everything changed after COVID-19.
They illegally changed state elections, mailing ballots to anyone and everyone.
And sometimes mailing multiple ballots to people.
Well, this isn't any way to run an election.
We are in a serious country when we have elections that can be stolen like this.
And I believe that, just like I believe the election was stolen in 2020, and I have no problem saying that, and it is so absurd for the media and the Democrats to attack us that question our election integrity and question the fact that elections Um, shouldn't be run the way they are.
We're not election deniers, we're election realists.
And we want to see elections that are done in such a way where no one can question them, Democrats or Republicans.
Many Democrats have questioned elections over the years.
Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, I mean, we can go down the list.
Even the press secretary questioned 2018 Stacey Abrams election in Georgia.
Carrie Lake is right to be calling it exactly what it is, election fraud.
And, you know, the people of Arizona deserve better.
The people of the United States deserve better in our elections.
And so until everyone is willing to get on the same page and really work hard to protect our elections, then the same thing will continue to keep happening.
So it makes me question about 2024 now.
I agree.
Let's cover the waterfront when we come back.
But what you say is so central.
I saw a compilation video this weekend of dozens of newscasts saying the exact same thing.
It's normal.
We've always waited weeks.
This is the new normal.
It's not the new normal, ladies and gentlemen.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is our guest.
We're going to look at what's currently happening.
Trump is sandish.
January 6th.
Jam-packed segment.
Mail-in ballots.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
MTG has them really scared.
That's why they demonize her and lie about her.
Despite all their fraud in Georgia, and we know it went on, the evidence is coming out, she won by 66%, 33% extra.
They are so scared of her.
Only massive tsunamis, only red waves can stop The fraud.
She overwhelmed the algorithms.
And remember, Mark Elias, Hillary Clinton's lawyer, ran around the country but mainly targeted her to try to stop her from being able to run.
So if you want to know if they'll steal elections, they try to stop our most popular candidates from running or running for re-election.
These people, in my view, are criminals.
We were talking during the break, we were making points before we went to break, about the mail-in ballots, about what we just witnessed and what Americans have to do.
MTG, lay it on us.
Well, what we're seeing right now is unbelievable, and I can't imagine that people sit on the sidelines and just allow this to continue.
Here's the problem, Alex, is we have to look not only at this election, we have to look at 2020's election, and we have to think forward to 2024.
And in order to win elections, our elections have to be secure, and voters have to be confident in the process.
But voters are not confident in the process when ballots just get continued to be counted Slowly, every single day and then you watch a strong Republican candidate like Carrie Lake lose day after day and lose and then to the point where the media finally calls it for the Democrat candidate.
And here in California, we're watching elections be slowly counted and slowly counted.
This is worse than a third world country.
We're the laughing stock of the world.
That's what our elections are.
And our enemies know it.
And we're being played.
And the American people deserve better.
Here's why, Alex.
The taxpayers pay for the elections.
They pay for the ballots.
They pay for the people that work the elections.
They pay for the machines.
They pay for all of it.
And so they're the customer.
So the taxpayers and the voters, they deserve better.
They deserve voter ID.
We should have same day.
One-day elections, not election months, not where it drags out over and over and over.
Mail-in ballots should be reduced drastically only to certain emergency scenarios.
And we should have voter ID, voter ID, only citizens can vote.
These are easy fixes that would make elections secure and give voters confidence.
That's what we should care about is voter confidence.
And until that happens, we're going to continue to have real problems.
And we've been warned about it over and over.
President Trump has talked about it nonstop for nearly two years now, and he's right to do so.
But guess what?
So have the Democrats.
They have talked about election fraud.
They have talked about stolen elections.
And Democrats will do anything.
They'll try to take people like me off the ballot through lawsuits, and that's what you were talking about just a moment ago.
But it is a very real issue, and it's something that I'm concerned about, and I will continue to fight for it.
We're fighting up here in Washington, D.C.
Let me tell you something that is very possible, and I'm very concerned about it.
We don't even know how many seats we are going to hopefully win the majority with.
We may have 219 seats.
219 seats, you see, we need 218 to be the majority.
But if we have such a razor thin, razor thin majority like that, the Democrats
can possibly choose a speaker by pulling away a few Republicans to vote with them
for one speaker that they can all tolerate and get along with.
Well, let me tell you something, Alex.
The most important thing that Republicans need, we need the gavel and we need subpoena power.
We need subpoena power.
Because without subpoena power, we cannot hold these traitors accountable for all of the corruption that they have been doing to the American people for the past two years.
Subpoena power can only come if Republicans choose the Speaker.
And I'll tell you right now, there's talks going on with the very moderate Republicans in our conference.
Of speaking with the Democrats.
There was one particular congressman, Don Bacon, that actually told a reporter last night that he would consider working with the Democrats to choose a speaker.
And that's something that should terrify every single American.
You know, the next two years, we don't have the White House.
The next two years, we do not control the Senate.
The next two years, we're going to have a razor-thin, razor-thin majority of Republican-controlled House.
And that's why we have to be unified behind a speaker, just our speaker, so we have subpoena power.
And that's what this is all about, subpoena power, and we've got to control the purse strings.
Absolutely, and we need the House!
We need the House to be able to start the indictment process for impeachment of Biden, who certainly deserves it for open borders, for Ukraine, for Hunter Biden, all the things they're doing.
What do you make separately of the attempt to drive a wedge by corporate media between Trump and DeSantis?
What do you make of that whole attempt at civil war they're trying to kick off?
Well, I have to give you props.
Alex, you were right all along.
This is a war of information.
It's the information war.
And I love to say it, Alex Jones is right.
And you have been right on that.
And Republicans, we are constantly losing this war.
You know, there's so many donors.
Republican donors donate hundreds of millions of dollars that go to organizations and PACs and places all over the country.
But they never fight the war of information.
They never fight the left.
The left controls the media.
And when the left controls the media, they control the narrative.
And you can see that their media is very powerful and they beat up Republican candidates every single election cycle.
I get smeared and lied about every single day in the news.
I get vilified every single day in the news.
I totally agree.
talked to me and knew what I'm about and who I am as a person, they could never
say those things about me, but they control the media. What we have to do is
we have to fight smarter, Alex. We need to declare war on the media that's
controlled by the Democrats. I totally agree. You've got to go early because your vote just got called, but the minute
and a half we have left.
This FTX, Sham, Bankman, Frye, all this stuff we now know is a Democrat
money laundering slush fund, funding their operations, siphoning money off.
If the Republicans take the House, are you going to call for committee hearings and investigation into them and their money laundering slush fund of FTX to Ukraine and the $50 million they gave the Democrats in this election cycle?
Absolutely, Alex, and that's why I am going to vote for Kevin McCarthy for Speaker because we need the gavel to have subpoena power in order to do just that.
Those things are outrageous.
That is American taxpayer dollars that was supposed to be aid to Ukraine that clearly went into the cyber investment program and went into this It's outrageous.
We have got to hold those people accountable.
I want an audit of every single penny that has gone to Ukraine.
But in order to do that, we have to have the gavel and we have to have subpoena power.
That's the most important thing that I can express to people.
We can choose any speaker we want.
Um, and we could fight for these conservative outlines and policies that I absolutely adore, but we can't get anything done over the next two years.
We've got to have the gavel, we've got to have... And that's why Tucker said on the eve of the election, they've got to steal it because they're cornered rats.
The good news is, humanity's waking up, populism's exploding.
MTG, thank you so much for joining us.
Now go get that vote done.
Okay, thank you.
All right, there she goes, ladies and gentlemen.
And she'll be in studio with us hopefully very, very soon.
What a great lady.
All right.
We're going to start the next hour and I'm going to then take my time getting into the model of the new COVID rollout, the new lockdowns Biden's planning.
It's admitted now.
It's about to go down.
But we have the public waking up.
We can stop it.
We can do it together.
Now, With the globalists planning to do new COVID lockdowns and new COVID hysteria and new fear, it is so important, God knows what they're going to release or what they're going to pull, to be as healthy as you can, to get sleep, to drink a lot of water, to eat a lot of great vegetables, and to take a lot of great supplements.
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I want to thank you all for your past support.
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Biden's being an extremist.
A lot of fed up Americans were left dazed by the supposed resilience of the message of the Democratic Party.
We're the United States of America.
No, I'm not joking.
A democratic platform that said your increasing poverty doesn't exist.
But what they've done is they've taught people the word inflation, right?
Most people who would have never used that word ever in their lives are using it now because they've been taught it.
Those machete attacks.
In Malibu, this homeless man was recently arrested after attacking a man with a machete.
Daylight homicides and subway rapes.
The attack was brutal.
It was wicked.
And the worst part is when the people were watching.
Well, they never happened.
Kathy Hochul believes that the only crimes that are being committed are these crimes with guns.
And you have people who are afraid of being pushed in front of oncoming subway cars.
They're being stabbed, beaten to death on the street with hammers.
Anyone who commits a crime under our laws, especially with the changes we made to bail, has consequences.
I don't know why that's so important.
We will make Owning a home in retirement, impossible for subsequent generations.
When I was born, the median price for a house was $108,900.
Now it's $337,200.
Even if you account for inflation, that's about a 45% increase in cost.
The overwhelming evidence of vaccine deaths and injuries are a figment of your conspiratorial imagination.
That's about a 45% increase in cost.
The overwhelming evidence of vaccine deaths and injuries are a figment of your conspiratorial imagination.
And we're here with a simple message, get vaccinated.
Update your COVID vaccine.
Something like one in a thousand people have died.
We don't know how many more will die, but we're into double figures of millions who've definitely been killed as a consequence of this policy.
I've not been a religious person, but I'm absolutely clear in my mind the only people, the kind of planning and thinking it takes to have done what has happened, are people who would worship Satan.
This was the Democrats' message.
What factors led to this train wreck of the corporacratic district of criminals country club mirage of our
constitutional republic?
Can we comment on the alleged allegations of your connection with Jeffrey Epstein?
Was there a generational factor?
Gen Z, the 18-29 age group, gave 28 points to the Democrats.
Swayed by the fear-mongering, Gen Z was more than happy to trade what's left of their future to their Marxist-Boomer counterparts who promised them student loan forgiveness and will now wag slavery in the form of universal basic income in their faces.
Have you thought about where this is heading?
This is heading to you having no life.
To you spending your income on needs rather than treats and desires.
Because you won't have any spare money left for those.
They don't view you like a human being, these people.
What we've got left is a government that's a middle management team for some higher power.
And I think ultimately we will have to have some kind of universal basic income.
Middle and working classes will be eroded and replaced with robots, AI and big corporations.
And given a basic income, the old world is not coming back.
A group of billionaires are deciding how the rest of the world should live, and they have the ear of the government that claims to represent you.
The abortion factor saw 37 points go to the Democrats from unwed mothers.
And did Trump's shadow loom too large over a Republican Party rising from his ashes?
Or are these merely excuses to distract the CNN exit polls results that reveal that 75% of voters said the country is on the wrong track in an Overwhelming majority are angry about inflation and the economy.
Biden and company will now ramp up the threats on anyone with an unshakable gut feeling after they witnessed once again the blatant, antiquated, and openly rigged, quote, incompetent, end quote, voting system.
So you're telling me I should vote John Fetterman, I should vote Joshua Speier?
You vote the Democrats, all of them are the Democrats.
You only got one against one.
Project Veritas Action journalists were told who to vote for just mere feet outside a polling center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania today.
This is referred to as electioneering.
So you have to fill out the ballot properly for the tabulator to read it.
So is that the malfunction that's happening?
People aren't filling out the ballots correctly?
We're walking them through it.
We did get a little problem.
Some people who did vote here say they were, uh, when they showed up to vote in person, they already voted out.
The full report is on InfoWars.com.
I don't want to be here with a CI told you so moment.
I want to say, hey, we worked hard.
We stopped the next phase of the New World Order.
But by extension of this takeover, our credibility is only going to go up because everything we've talked about until we stop the New World Order is going to happen.
So just remember that.
It's a battle plan and we're living under it and we have to stop submitting to it.
So Tucker Carlson last night, the full videos on Infowars.com, full 16 minute monologue, came out and stated what even NBC News is now admitting.
mRNA injections destroy your natural immune system, causing all sorts of diseases along with heart problems, blood clots.
The Lancet study and other studies prove mRNA injections are dangerous and deadly and don't protect you.
I wanted to hit that before we hit the latest news and then get into FTX.
What was really going on with that organization and the multifaceted attack profile.
of a juggernaut like FTX, the Deep State, set up and what it was designed to do is a war chest.
So you want to go the deep dive on FTX and these poison shots?
We're about to do it here in part of the second hour that I'm going to hit all this other big news.
After that, then open the phones up and take your calls.
But here's Tucker Carlson.
A link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, Bell's palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response, etc.
So, it's possible, in fact it's looking likely, that the vaccine might suppress the immune system.
This fact, the authors concluded, will quote, "...have a wide range of consequences, not the least of which include the reactivation of latent viral infections and the reduced ability to effectively combat future infections."
End quote.
Now again, we sincerely hope that's not true.
But it's not just the conclusion of one scientific journal.
The Lancet, maybe the most famous scientific journal in the world, released similar findings in February.
The Lancet's piece was entitled, quote, risk of infection, hospitalization, and death up to nine months after a second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
A physician called Kenji Yamamoto made this observation about the data from the Lancet.
He wrote this in a letter to the Journal of Virology and we're quoting, "The study showed
that immune function among vaccinated individuals eight months after the administration of two
doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals."
Now your first response, if you're a humane person, to a line like that has got to be deep sympathy.
Because people were misled.
They were forced.
They were forced.
Medical ethics threw out the window.
People were forced to take medicine they didn't want.
And some of them may have been hurt by it.
And you don't have to take this man's word for it.
Pull up the Lancet study yourself.
You won't find anything of the text of the article saying what Kenji Yamamoto said, which is weird.
Why would the Lancet want to hide a major finding like that?
We can't say.
But if you look at Table 3 in the piece, here's what you'll find buried in the data.
Among people around the age of 80 who have been double vaccinated, that would include people like Joe Biden, the per capita rate of medical incidences, including hospitalizations or death, is nearly twice as high as the rate of serious incidents for the unvaccinated.
This is 180 days after vaccination.
What is that?
And why is no one interested?
All right, so if you're a new listener, you're like, wow, this is huge news.
But our regular listeners are like, Jones, we've heard this 2,000 times the last two and a half years.
We know.
Well, guess what?
The public doesn't know.
So we're not just trying to be an entertaining radio show.
I get most try to just do that.
We're actually trying to save the world here.
I'm not lecturing listeners.
I'm just telling you that it's very frustrating that we were telling people this almost three years ago, and we had government documents two plus years ago.
In October of 2020 that they knew it would do this.
It was a plan.
They did studies on rats with these exact same mRNA shots for COVID-like viruses and it did to them what it's doing to us and that's how the CDC in an October document admitted it and told you the entire list of what it would do.
So I'm glad NBC News is covering it.
I'm glad Tucker's covering it.
But we have David Bauer, who works for the British government, and the Canadian government, and did studies for Pfizer.
This is two years ago!
Laughing and giggling and saying, we've already done studies with this shot, it's rather than rolling it out, and it erases your immune system, so you're gonna always have to take more!
And then it makes you sicker!
So these people think you're animals, they think you're idiots.
And they sit there and they admit what they're doing to you in your face.
They create slush fund war chests like FTX to fund their criminal activities all over the world and to suppress and censor doctors and scientists that expose us.
That's what FTX did.
They didn't just steal your money, they want to kill you!
And until people get that through their head and understand what we're up against, we don't have a hope in hell.
These are scientific eugenicist madmen.
He even looks like the guy from 12 Monkeys, the bad guy.
But here he is, heading up the major studies into this, telling you as it was rolling out how great it was going to be, because you're going to have to have more and more of these shots, because you'll have no immune system, and every time you take them you get sicker.
Here it is.
So the key message from our finding is that we found that recipients of the Pfizer vaccine, those who've had two doses, have about five to six fold lower amounts of neutralizing antibodies.
Now these are the sort of gold standard private security antibodies of your immune system, which block the virus from getting into your cells in the first place.
So we found that that's less for people with two doses.
We've also found that for people with only one dose of the Pfizer jab, that they are less likely to have high levels of these antibodies in their blood.
And perhaps most importantly for all of us going forward is that we see that the older you are, the lower your levels are likely to be, and the time since
you've had your second jab, as that time goes on, the lower your levels are also likely
to be.
So that's telling us that we're probably going to be needing to prioritize boosters for older
and more vulnerable people coming up soon, especially if this new variant spreads.
So the key message from our finding is that we found...
So ladies and gentlemen, you just heard him tell you it's going to erase your immune system.
They have a name for that.
It's called AIDS.
And when it's caused by a vaccine, it's called VAIDS.
Since February of 2020, we laid all this out, the top experts, because we've been studying what they've been studying and planning.
And they've been obsessed with giving you an autoimmune disorder, bare minimum, and giant prion clusters that basically give you mad cow disease.
But in your arteries.
And your brain, too.
This is a super weapon, folks.
And it kills different people, different ways.
And they've done it.
So, oh, we have the Lancet.
Oh, we have studies that it erases your immune system and makes you sicker.
Every country where they have higher injection rates of these mRNA shots, they have the highest rates.
What country's had the most shots, anybody?
Highest death rate.
You get sick, common cold kills you, even if the shot doesn't kill you.
Let that sink in real good here.
And you've got coroners, and pathologists, and undertakers, funeral homes all over the world from the scientists, the pathologists, Down to the funeral home operators that say, we've never seen this before.
Young people, they die of heart attacks, we slice them open, their arteries are full of these things, and they pull these tentacles out, like a science fiction movie, but it's not a science fiction movie, and then they study them, and it's an artificial folding protein.
They inject you with a protein that in your own body starts replicating until you die.
And remember, Bayer's has estimated one out of every person that they admit died, up to 100 actually died.
So it's up to a hundred times worse than they're actually telling you.
And you're like, why would they do this?
To test it and see if they can kill you and see if you go along with it.
And if you put up with 20 million people they estimate being dead from this worldwide, well, my God, well, it was something worse later because you put up with it.
Why not?
I mean, don't you really deserve to die if you're this stupid?
Except the children don't deserve it, do they?
Come on, folks!
Come on, come on, come on!
Wake up!
Fire up your common sense, your life force, your soul preservation!
We'll be back with a lot more.
Stay with us.
And we are back, broadcasting worldwide on this Tuesday, November 15th, transmission.
And every minute we're on air is in defiance of their tyranny, thanks to you.
Your word of mouth, your prayer, and your support at infowarstored.com.
That's your ultimate vote.
It's in the information war and that's where they can't stop you with their mail-in ballots, their electronic voting machines.
And they can't override giant landslides like we just saw with MTG and others in places like Georgia.
All right.
I want to get into FTX now.
I want to be very clear.
I think digital currencies and private currencies are a great thing.
But it doesn't mean with any new currency or any new system there won't be scammers involved that are engaged in fraud and Ponzi schemes.
And it's always the usual suspects, the Harvard Mafia, the Democratic Party, Wall Street, the more criminal elements of it, are right at the head of that.
And so the Democratic Party, three and a half years ago, openly financed and set up with Sam Bankman-Fried, FDX.
And he gave, in the last three and a half years, over $150 million to the Democratic Party.
$50 million that we know of in official contributions just in the last year.
But now we're learning it's billions to Ukraine.
And Ukraine paying money back to him that goes to God knows who.
And art scams and just all sorts of things they were using to launder money.
And this really goes to the heart of who these people are and what their larger game plan is.
So just like clockwork, they're now using the tens of billions of dollars of investors that's disappeared and so-called Sam Bankman Fried's money disappearing.
But it turns out he was wiring it to himself, most of it.
And no one's discussing where is he?
Why is he arrested?
Well, his whole family at the top and the Democratic Party and federal regulators set this up.
And that's why he gave over a hundred plus million dollars to the Democrats that we know of.
You know, it's a lot more than that, is so that he has bought protection.
The question is, why did it finally go under?
Because I don't even follow crypto that much.
I disagree in the idea of having independent free currencies.
I don't want central bank digital currencies they control us with, so I support the idea of a wild wild west of new currencies.
But even those that didn't follow it closely would know that it was the online community and other more legitimate exchanges that actually want a long-term business model, actually, who aren't engaged in fraud.
It was those independent exchanges and individuals in the last six months that exposed FTX and brought it down, which again shows the deep state and all their scams are not as powerful as they'd like you to believe.
This is a big victory against their tyranny and this giant money laundering operation that they've been running.
And that's really the big takeaway here.
So here's some of the headlines.
FTX CEO Sam Bankman fried bankroll the Democratic Party midterms war chest the sum of 40 million.
But now the numbers are more like 50.
Using funds from his now bankrupt crypto exchange.
Meanwhile, blameless customers have likely lost billions in savings.
This is the scandal everybody should be talking about.
But don't worry.
White House press secretary says after the FTX situation, she said this on Friday, She said we need regulation, now a cryptocurrency, by the same Democratic Party that's written up the laws and executive orders that Biden's already signed to take over all the independent systems.
Here she is.
proper oversight. Cryptocurrencies, they risk harming everyday Americans, so this is something
that clearly we monitor and that we see as an important issue. But the most recent news
further underscores these concerns and highlights why prudent regulation of cryptocurrencies
is indeed needed. The White House, along with the relevant agencies, will again closely
monitor the situation as it develops.
To them, but now they are frying him.
In fact, here's Sam Bankman-Fried just a few months ago bragging that he intended to give $100 million this year and maybe even a billion for the 2024 election, all for Democrats.
Here he is.
You've talked before about being surprised at how little money is in politics.
It is quite small, the amount of money that is donated relative to how much money the government spends.
I imagine you have some probability distribution in your mind of how much money you might give in the next election cycle.
Like, give me some number.
I would guess north of $100 million.
More than $100 million sort of spread across many races, organizations, but toward the 2024 election.
So if that's a floor, what's the ceiling?
So I think the most anybody gave last time, if I have the right numbers, is $215 million.
It seems like you'll probably give more than that, based only on what you've told me.
I think it is eminently possible.
That would not surprise me.
So they sit there and grovel, oh you're such a philanthropist, you're so loving and it's all being laundered.
It's being spent to block therapeutic treatments and get people killed.
It's being, it's being spent to rob investors.
It's being spent and now he'll be used as the pretext to take all of our rights away and out of independent currencies and put us in the global social credit score.
A disgusting person amongst disgusting mafia that runs Harvard and the Democratic Party, because that's who's doing this.
That's why the Chinese Communist leaders send all their kids to Harvard to learn how to be real criminals.
Here's a part of the Larry David Super Bowl ads where they even tell you, just a few months ago at the end of the FTX ad, that no, it's not going to work, it's a pump and dump, it's a scam.
That's, again, all part of rubbing it in, ladies and gentlemen.
Here it is.
No king!
Gentlemen, have you taken leave of your senses?
The people shall have the right to vote.
Even the stupid ones?
Stupid people vote?
Edison, can I be honest with you?
It sticks.
Does your wife know what's going on here?
She knows I go to work.
You're wasting your time.
And it's sad.
You might as well put the dishes in the shower.
Hey Catherine, what's cooking?
We're putting a man on the moon.
Are you out of your mind?
I can't even get tuna without celery!
Nobody's going to the moon, ever!
Why not?
It's too far!
It's far!
It's really far!
It's far!
Our future is Futaburi Music!
You get it, don't you?
You get it, don't you?
You get it, don't you?
You get it, don't you?
You get it, don't you?
You get it, don't you?
You get it, Like I was saying, it's FTX.
It's a safe and easy way to get into crypto.
I don't think so.
And I'm never wrong about this stuff.
Take it to the limit.
FTX, deep state money laundering operation, but now it's been blown wide open.
Humanity is waking up.
Humanity's fighting back and it was the independent internet that exposed it and brought it to its knees.
Welcome to the limit.
Oh, turns out they're now admitting the local police said the body cam footage is not what the feds put in the indictment of Paul Pelosi's attacker.
He let him in.
They were running around half naked.
The official story is not true.
Big surprise.
They lied to us there.
Big breaking news at the start of the next hour on the border and Texas.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
But I wanted to continue here with what we're facing as a civilization and as a society.
We've got Kamala Harris running around, engaging in her normal behavior, pushing her propaganda.
But it's important to remember That everything they're doing is betting on having an uninformed constituency.
So I don't think people who are 18 to 24 are necessarily stupid.
I think they've been under arrested development, they've been kept from ever getting jobs earlier, learning how the world really works, on average.
But there's still a lot of great young people.
But it is very, very sad that they voted overwhelmingly What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24?
So that is a problem and we should outreach to these young people that believe all these
free lunches that are being offered are going to be coming.
Because here's what Kamala Harris really has to say about you when she's talking at a fundraiser.
What else do we know about this population 18 through 24?
They are stupid.
That is why we put them in dormitories.
And they have a resident assistant!
They make really bad decisions!
Yeah, they voted for you.
I actually agree with that on average.
They make really bad decisions.
They vote for somebody that when the Wakanda movie came out, she ran around and campaigned on the mythical country of Wakanda.
Here it is.
Wakanda forever.
Paid for by Kamala Harris.
Wakanda forever.
Paid for by Kamala Harris.
Let's see it one more time.
Wakanda forever.
Paid for by Kamala Harris.
I shouldn't laugh at it, ladies and gentlemen.
Trying to sell black people that a Hollywood movie that hates your guts is your culture is beyond, it's beyond sickening.
Absolutely revealing is what it is of who these people really are and what they stand for.
I want to finish up with the FTX and we come back in this long next segment that's coming up.
I'm going to hit something that we just can't glaze over.
We can't just mention it and say it's bad.
We have to really talk about what's behind it.
The rollout plan they've got for it.
If you think transgenderism has been evil, if you think that attempt to sterilize our boys and girls is bad, this is beyond that.
And this is the next level of their attack.
That's all coming up next segment.
But let's hit this right now.
From $16 billion to zero, dim, mega-donor Sam Bankman-Fried has lost all his money.
CNN reports.
Tens of billions of U.S.
dollars were transferred to Ukraine, and then using FTX cryptocurrency, the funds were laundered back to Democrats in the U.S.
It's all on record, all documented.
Joe Hoffa does a great job laying it out.
If I were to put the clip of him bragging, I'd give a billion dollars now to the Democrats.
And we sit here with these known, disgusting scammers that come from long lines of scammers.
We wonder why they do this to us, because They're scum, and they hate you and your family, and they see you as animals to be fed on.
That's how the money laundering goes.
From the Democrats, to Zelensky, to Sam Bankman-Fried.
But where'd their exchange go?
What happened to their exchange, you know?
Andrew Tate made a great point about how he's made hundreds of millions of dollars openly with what he does.
Now he lives in a palatial house and owns $10 million of cars and worth $30,000, $100,000 watches.
But he says he's consuming with his wealth and he goes and makes some money and then spends almost all of it in the economy.
Then wealth is a good thing.
But people like Bankman and his disgusting girlfriend, I mean disgusting for political activity, Gollum, They tell you money's bad, and you having a car's bad, and air conditioning's bad, and, oh, the Earth's dying while they fly around on private jets.
They tell you money's bad all day because they don't want you to ever be successful.
They want you to hate money and give it all to them.
I mean, do you want somebody that, say, builds houses in your community and builds good houses and then goes to shops and stores and hires employees and employs people and All those services that regular nouveau riche people want creates the economy.
Working class, middle class, upper middle class, super wealthy middle class, rich, ultra rich, super rich.
But as you go up to the ultra super rich at the top, they're in a game of consolidation.
They're greedy.
They don't want you to have any money.
So I don't aspire to be one of these globalist billionaires that got their money through scams.
I am inspired by wanting to empower and turn humanity loose and see the success of humanity and then bathe in all that success and innovation that comes from a free, open society.
Some of these videos are so beyond cringe.
Again, running around talking about what a hero he is and how much money he gives.
And all the money he gets is stolen and then given for horrible political operations like blocking therapeutics and putting people on ventilators.
Elon Musk tweeted this.
A meme.
Man apps 5 million people at once with a picture of Sam Bankman fried on it.
Failed crypto exchange fix was ran by 10 people who live together and were involved romantically.
The second largest crypto exchange in the world, FTX, stole billions of dollars from their users, and we're having massive company-wide sex orgies just being reported.
But they're the good guys, folks.
Meanwhile, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has scrubbed the page about FTX being one of their main funders off of their page.
Because they intended this scam to go on and on and on.
But there is how Sam Bankman-Fried is connected to the federal regulators.
MIT and Harvard, all part of the family.
All part of the scam.
And don't forget, they fund it as the The one funder, the sole funder, together COVID-19 trials saying you can't have that vitamin C or vitamin D or ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.
Your answer is randesivir.
Dying a horrible death.
All right, that's some of the news on that front.
I'm gonna go splash some water on my face.
This is a really hard subject to cover.
I had a big brain storm on it.
There's literally hundreds of points I want to make.
Because this is the future they want us to live in and what they want to do to our children, not just adults.
Forced euthanasia has another name.
It's called genocide.
It's called mass murder.
We're going to hit it when we come back.
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Multiple Russian missiles have gone off target and hit Poland.
That's coming up at the start of the next hour.
We got big news on the Texas border.
That's coming up next hour.
But let me...
Let me hit this right now and start getting into it.
This is something I'm going to be covering a lot.
We know the different globalist agendas.
Lockdowns, forced injections, open borders, drag queen pedophile time, the whole transgender program where they can't abort a kid when they're in their mother's uterus, in their womb, they want to cut their breasts and genitals off for their children so they're sterilized.
It's about governmental control with these sex cults over your children and parental rights.
And as the world passes the 8 billion marker of people, and the UN is set to quote, celebrate that, they're actually founded to wage war against it, they're doing everything they can to target that population.
And so Canada has regulations, not laws, and so do areas like Sweden and Germany.
The Netherlands is one of the worst, where if parents decide to kill their 8-year-old kid, the child doesn't have a say, they're killed.
So if a kid wants to be sterilized, the parents don't have a say.
But if the parents want to kill them, the parents have a say.
And when you pull back from this, they cut the resources off and then say, we don't have money to take care of disabled people.
And so then they come to those folks and say, we don't have money for you anymore for your medical care or anything.
We're going to kill you.
How does anybody feel safe in a society that acts and behaves like that?
We always knew what Hitler did that the left was trying to bring back.
And so where's the ADL?
Where's the Southern Poverty Law Center?
They're talking about Hitler and Nazis all day.
This is what Nazis did was kill disabled people.
But the cases the media is using is like a healthy woman in Europe who a decade ago was in a terror attack and was traumatized by seeing a terror attack.
So the psychologist convinced her to sign up and they euthanized her last month.
Or, oh, you've got a bad back.
We're not going to give you surgery for it.
We don't have money.
We're the liberals.
We have unlimited money for free everything, but keeping you alive.
And we've had confirmed case reports in Canada and Europe where they pressure disabled people to kill themselves.
And under the social credit score, they just deny health care if they don't like who you are or your political background.
We've all seen that.
Oh, you're a Nazi.
Oh, you're a climate denier.
Oh, your social credit score is low.
Whatever they add to that, now you don't get health care.
This is the power of life and death that these cults want over people.
So, euthanasia.
Full report on Infowars.com.
Disabled man set to die after losing rooming house.
It's the new normal to expect a disabled man to be killed.
That's the state pressuring him to do it.
Canada is going to allow assisted suicide for healthy people with mental illnesses.
So they're mentally not cognizant.
They're mentally not able to make decisions.
The state's their ward.
It's like a five-year-old kid.
Would you like to die?
You're in pain?
Child can't make that decision.
Well, the state or their parents do.
This is true, true evil.
So here's just a short clip.
This is just from today.
There's literally hundreds of these a week.
Where, oh, he's got back pain.
Oh, they can't pay for it.
So he's preparing to have the state kill him.
Here it is.
Amir Farsood has applied for medically assisted dying, known as MAID.
He lives in constant agony due to a back injury, but has started the process for end of life because his rooming house is up for sale and he can't find anywhere else to live that he can afford.
He barely survives on Ontario Disability Support Payments, which are just over $1,200 a month.
He doesn't want to die, but being homeless is not an option.
I know in my present health condition I wouldn't survive it anyway.
Farsood meets the criteria for MAID, physical suffering due to disability that cannot be relieved.
His doctor, who knows Farsood's real reason for MAID is his fear of being bullied.
Hit pause, hit pause.
Notice on the TV show, the so-called news program with the loving woman, oh it's so sweet you're gonna kill yourself, the government's gonna kill you.
They show, or psychological reason, but they don't read that part.
Says any physical disability and pain or psychological reason.
Play it again.
I know in my present health condition I wouldn't survive it anyway.
Farsood meets the criteria for MAID, physical suffering due to disability that cannot be relieved.
His doctor, who knows Farsood's real reason for MAID is his fear of being homeless, signed off on the application in August.
Farsood needs a second to do the same.
There's a 90-day waiting period he believes he could potentially access MAID in about a month.
I don't wish to be dead.
Oh, how liberal.
Even with the pain, even with the meds, I still want to be here.
He doesn't want to die, but he's signed up.
They don't call for churches.
They don't call for communities.
They don't call for somebody to take him in.
They don't ask the question on the news.
Because, you know, you see these ads for the...
Humane Society.
Oh, this little dog, Coco, is an eight-year-old chihuahua, doesn't have an owner.
If Coco doesn't get adopted by next Saturday, she's going to be euthanized.
Everyone runs to get little Coco.
But see, the state doesn't want you having the idea that as a community, you individually would go help this person.
Or, oh, this hospital's going to volunteer a back surgery.
Sorry, it doesn't have insurance.
We're Socialized Canadian Medicine.
You've got to die.
I thought it's wonderful living under socialism.
And now, they're coming after the children.
And they've got their Ken doll up there, Trudeau, pushing it all.
What a true monster.
So here's some of the headlines.
Canada is going to allow assisted suicide for healthy people with mental illnesses beginning next year.
Trudeau, liberals to facilitate suicide for mentally ill starting in March.
Next it'll be you.
Canadian doctors start suggesting suicide to save money.
Canada's killing regime.
Perspective inside the world of Canada's assisted suicide for mature minors, children.
Oh, you're mature though, you can make the decision.
Assisted suicide for poverty.
That's the global social credit score.
This is what they have announced.
I told you for years on the social credit score, you'll be encouraged to commit suicide.
They'll even say, hey, you can get around the world trip, you can get all this money to go gamble, whatever you want, we'll pay you a million dollars, but in one year you die.
They've actually actuaried this out, and they know people that are psychologically controlled by them or on drugs the state's given them, four more drugs, we'll sign on.
What do you think the fentanyl killing hundreds of thousands a year is hitting our streets?
And I've been at Skid Row in LA and other places where the police tell us off record, but some on record, we're not allowed to even stop the drug dealers.
And we saw drug dealers in their Escalade Cadillacs saying, what are you doing here?
Get out of here.
We're allowed to do this.
They're creating all these suicide pods and all the liberals go and check it out.
They all get such a thrill.
These are greedy, horrible, evil people.
And if you think they just want the mentally ill and the children, you're wrong.
They want everybody.
It's a death cult.
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention hosts live event, International Day for People Impacted by Suicide Laws.
We remember them, a conversation with Carol Todd.
You wonder why we got 25 servicemen, it's gone up from last year, 23, committing suicide.
Because they're told they're worthless.
They're told they're defeated.
They're told they have PTSD.
Yeah, you got some trauma.
Yeah, you got some issues.
But instead of getting programs to overcome it and be empowered and told you're valuable, they do, they tell you, no, you're worthless.
Let me put you on a bunch of drugs.
And they kill themselves.
How about veterans don't kill themselves, how about you politically non-violently commit yourself to help people lesser than you, and how about you help us politically and spiritually and culturally kill the New World Order?
Why don't you get a mission for the Republic, veterans?
And I mean that the general public, instead of these psychologists who are pushing this, are literally whispering in your ear, trying to hypnotize you into this crap.
Canada's harrowing euthanasia experiment should be a warning to the world.
London Telegraph.
Even Mainline News says it's dangerous.
Nicola Sturgeon considers backing assisted suicide in Scotland.
It goes on and on and on and on.
Canadian man claims assisted suicide is being pushed on him in hospital.
Then the hospital says, well we did encourage him to commit suicide.
It says it right here.
That's what we're supposed to do.
do. The headline should be Canadian Hospital admits to pushing a disabled man to kill himself.
Canada euthanized 10,000 people in 2001.
Has death lost its sting?
They're training us not to stand up for ourselves.
Roll over and be destroyed, ladies and gentlemen.
This is pure evil and everything they do with their COVID shots is to kill you and depopulate you because they think there's too many people.
I got a message to Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and King Charles, the rest of you.
If you think there's too many people and the carbon footprint's too big, you stop using private jets, you stop living on palaces, but we know you won't.
Then how about you kill yourselves?
I challenge the King of England.
I'm not gonna do anything violent.
Nobody should hurt him.
I challenge him to hang himself on national television.
In Trafalgar Square, then I'd respect him.
I challenge Klaus Schwab to slit his wrist on national TV.
I challenge Bill Gates to pour gasoline on himself on national TV and burn his ass up.
I challenge all of you that think there's too many of us and we need to die for you to die.
I challenge Trudeau to walk off a plank into a pool of starving sharks.
You want us to die?
You show us how to do it first!
I'm pointing my finger at you.
And I'm also pointing it right back at myself.
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Take a journey to the bright midnight.
We are on this planet to be tested and to be nurturative and be strong.
And that means standing up and fighting when we have to.
But so many people think they're worthless because the culture taught them that, or because they can't make their truck payment, or because they're not an icon in society, or not accepted.
God wants you to help others that have less than you, and for those that have more than you to help you.
And build a civilization and love God.
If you can just love God, and open your heart up to God, God will give you a mission that you can accomplish.
And each mission you succeed in or fail in, you get stronger each mission.
And you never give up.
And you have an understanding of your ancestors' strength, and everything you've got, and where you came from, and then you decide to be a winner.
You decide to be strong.
And you decide to not prevail in the world's system of corruption and evil, because that's not prevailing, that's failing.
You decide to prevail in God's system for you.
What they teach you as winning is a fraud, is a lie.
We have to get back to our human coding and what we are.
We're trying to get you to turn your life force off, to not care about yourself, and most importantly, not care about others.
Not care about other people so they won't care about you either, so they can corner us all, cut us all out, and have their way with us like we're a bunch of sheep and they're wolves.
Stop being a sheep.
Don't be a wolf.
Be a sheepdog, ladies and gentlemen.
Here's a key report on what's coming next.
Stay with us.
Health officials are reporting a rise in respiratory illnesses across the nation and here in Southern California.
LA County officials saying the uptick in COVID and RSV cases is impacting local schools and hospitals.
KTLA's Pedro Rivera joins us live from Children's Hospital Los Angeles in East Hollywood with more, including what safety protocols may soon be returning.
Mike, share the masks.
They could be returning.
It's a possibility, according to LA County Department of Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer.
That's because they're seeing an uptick in COVID cases.
Two new variants and pediatric doctors, including those here at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, they say they're seeing a rise in RSV among children.
Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer warned hospitalizations and overall cases of COVID were on the rise.
If the county reaches 100 cases per 100,000 residents, indoor masking recommendations could return.
Right now, the county is at 86 per 100,000 residents.
Indoor masking will, as it has in the past during times of elevated transmission, be strongly recommended for everyone.
And now there are two fast-spreading variants of COVID just in time for the fall and winter surge.
BQ.1 and BQ.1.1.
BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 and they currently account for 17% of our sequence specimens.
The rapid increase in circulation of these strains is of concern.
On top of other respiratory illnesses like the flu and COVID, doctors are dealing with respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV surge.
It can be serious for children, but especially troubling for infants and kids with respiratory issues.
Like my oldest child having asthma, it's every time the seasons change, we can bank on being in the hospital for a couple of days.
But what if there isn't space in your local hospital?
Across the country, about 78% of all pediatric beds are now full.
In Michigan, a pediatric hospital in Ann Arbor is reporting their facility is completely full.
County reports they're seeing higher numbers of RSV than previous years.
Dr. Kimberly Schreiner with Huntington Hospital believes isolation during the pandemic may be to blame.
Especially young children who are not in school, they were home, they didn't have an opportunity to experience some of these viruses and so they don't have any immunity to it.
Public health officials are encouraging parents to be mindful before sending your kids to school.
If they're experiencing symptoms of RSV like coughing or a runny nose, keep them home.
But if your child's experiencing a fever or problems breathing, contact your doctor.
Hospital officials believe the triple-demic of COVID-19, the flu and RSVP, RSV, excuse me, are putting a strain on medical facilities.
So they're asking people to please stay updated with your flu shots and also your COVID boosters.
Reporting live in East LA, Pedro Rivera, KTLA 5 News.
And of course, all that then erases your immune system, as they admit, and then kills you.
So in the first hour, we laid out the documents that Not only did they launder tens of billions of dollars to the Democratic Party and into Ukraine through the FDX criminal exchange run by the Democratic Party, Harvard, and MIT, but they also funded massive amounts of money for fake studies suppressing things like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, vitamin C, CoQ10, PQQ, and all the rest of it, because they want you dead.
They want to depopulate you.
They want to euthanize you.
They want to murder you.
I mean, that's literally who they are.
So, whether you're in Canada, or Germany, or Australia, or New Zealand, or whether you are in the UK, whether you are in the blue cities here in the US, they're rolling out newscasts going, we've got record people dying in the hospitals, they can't breathe, children, women, parents, old people, we need to bring back forced injections, and we need to take all these shots, And we just really, really, really, really need everybody to wear a mask again.
So the midterms are over.
Now right back to the same tyranny we've seen over and over again.
So let's show the new, finally elected governor.
She was appointed.
Hochul, this is just last week, dancing around with a bunch of children.
She's not wearing a mask, but the children are.
A sign of the fact that they're prisoners.
Here it is.
That's her in Puerto Rico, a visit right after she stole the election last week.
Here's one of the famous vapor tests.
We've done them ourselves on air with a regular vape pen, whose particles are bigger than a virus.
Here's an example of how the masks don't work.
They're a sign of enslavement and control.
TV viewers should see it.
Radio listeners can't.
You take a puff off a vape pen, blow through it, and it does absolutely nothing.
Other than the mask making you get bacterial pneumonia and becomes a dirty face diaper.
Okay, here is Dr. Martin Kulldorf in a testimony to a legislature where he talks about, we have known about natural immunity for 2,500 years.
Now they're saying it doesn't exist.
Now he calls for amnesty for anyone fired for not taking the deadly shot.
Let's play the clips back to back.
In terms of the science, the most surprising was the questioning of natural immunity.
If you go and read the old Greeks, they explain that during the Athenian plague in 430 BC, they talked about national immunity, that if you recover from disease, you can take care of the sick patients without being severely affected by it.
So we have known about national immunity for two and a half thousand years, except about two and a half years ago, suddenly we didn't know about it anymore.
There is one amnesty that I'm very much in favor of, and that is that every person who was fired because they didn't take the vaccine should be rehired with back pay.
That's an amnesty that I'm very much in favor of.
I think they were badly treated for unscientific reasons, and I would also include students in universities who were prevented from studying, that they should be readmitted and be compensated.
Now, former President George W. Bush and former President Obama, starting in just a few days, are going to hold simultaneous in different cities, one in Texas, one in New York, disinformation conferences calling for using the military and CIA, it's in the news, covered it last week, against people that question lockdowns and future forced injections.
Here's Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
to a big crowd talking about what's happening and how the Germans are doing the same thing.
The only thing a government needs to make people into slaves is fear.
Immediately after that, the German intelligence agencies and the British intelligence agencies announced that they were considering vaccine hesitancy a form of terrorism and that they were unleashing their cyber warfare arsenal on people in foreign countries who they consider vaccine hesitant.
That's right, and now it's all being rolled out.
But here's Trudeau, same thing.
He's not wearing a mask until he knows he's on camera.
And other clips of him with children, they're wearing masks, but he isn't.
Here's one of those clips.
He's about to take another shot, supposedly.
Once the cameras turn on, he puts the mask on.
All part of the fear.
All part of the mind control.
So, today you will have two shots.
The first one for Kovic, and I would prefer to take it on the internet zone.
And the other one would be the first one.
I am.
I am.
I'll put their mask on to say you're a patient in our experimental death shot program.
And he gets a saline shot.
Isn't that trendy?
Even got a cool native tattoo.
Just a pitch.
No big deal.
What a psychotic murderer.
All right, let's move on to the next clip.
Here's 28-year-old Australian footballer Heather Anderson has died unexpectedly.
Here it is.
The Crows are remembering Premiership player Heather Anderson tonight following her sudden passing.
Anderson, who played every game of the Crows inaugural Premiership season in 2017, dying unexpectedly at age 28.
Hailing from the ACT, the defender was famous for wearing a pink helmet and is being remembered as a much-loved and respected teammate.
The AFL has also expressed its deep sadness over her passing tonight and sends its condolences to the Anderson family.
Yes, the condolences.
Let's go to clip 37.
NBC suggests parents shouldn't interact with unvaccinated individuals.
Even though it's not a vaccine, it causes you to get sick and causes you to spread it, and it erases your immune system.
Here it is.
correspondent Dr. John Torres joins us now. You know Dr.
John a lot of parents are so concerned about this. If it's not one it's the other
they're worried about.
So frankly why does RSV specifically hit some kids so hard and then it seems like
it almost doesn't affect others? You know the vast majority of kids by the time
they reach the age of two have been infected by RSV but like you mentioned
not that many actually get complications from it even less have issues with
bronchiolitis or getting hospitalized. The honest answer is we don't exactly
know why that is happening but we do know there are a couple factors involved.
Number one the younger they are if they were premature they're gonna have some
lung issues as well and it's a small airway disease so if they have small
airway problems that can cause an issue.
If they're smoking in a house, so if they're exposed to secondhand smoke, if moms smoke while they are pregnant, that could also lead to more complications and more risk of having issues.
But overall, the answer is we don't know, which means that all babies need to be protected.
So suddenly RSV and other problems are exploding in children.
Almost all of them have been given the shot, but they don't know.
They don't know what's causing it.
Now let's look at video of a Foxconn factory in central China where iPhone 14s are assembled.
Wanted to know what the future looks like.
This is 50,000 people living in a gated compound.
And the building with up to 50 feet of trash all around the openings where they live because they're locked into their houses at night, only allowed to work in the factory, and drones fly around shouting orders at them.
They're locked down on average for two weeks at a time before they're allowed out for maybe 24 hours from the camp.
This is China training humans to be robot slaves.
Here's the shocking video.
And for radio listeners, these are 10, 15, 20 story buildings.
With up to 50 feet tall of trash piled up all around them.
And they just throw their trash out because you're not allowed out.
Except when you're working.
Let's go to another clip.
This is Chinese lockdown enforcers caught on camera beating civilians.
This is all new.
Clip 40.
And here you go, all the special police in their uniforms and the folks in their white lab bunny suits.
This is just a cover for martial law in China so the Chinese don't try to live too free and get too uppity and just learn in their new cultural revolution that Mao actually put Xi Jinping through.
Now Xi Jinping, abused, is putting his population through the same abuse.
All right, we come back.
Stray missiles.
Stray missiles have hit Poland, and we also have some big news out of Texas.
And then I intend to try to open the phones up and take your calls.
We've got some other news on the big UN summit that just concluded.
Stay with us.
All right.
This news broke about an hour ago, but I wanted to do some more research before we covered it.
And sure enough, it's what I thought.
It was first reported at least two dead after Russian missiles land in NATO state of Poland on Ukraine border.
In Poland, two stray rockets fell in a village near the border with Ukraine.
They hit grain dryers.
Two people were killed.
There are a police prosecutor's office and army on site.
Now the Pentagon's saying no evidence that Russia fired missiles in.
Looks like it was errant missile defense systems being fired at the Russians.
But the point is, you just can't believe anything when you first hear it.
Now, this is a big story.
And it's very important Because when you see governors
In Texas and Arizona and others saying, we want to control the border.
Under the Constitution, they can declare an emergency and they can try to even arrest people that are illegally, but once they let them out, they're just going to come right back.
It's the federal government that has to establish a border, the currency, and a military.
It's the federal government that's been seized by the globalists and is not doing those things.
It's breaking our border, part of the UN plan, on purpose.
So, Greg Abbott, for years, Has said, oh I'm putting more DPS, I'm putting State Guard on the border, I'm going to do something.
But all they do is capture the people and then give them to the Feds who put them on buses and airplanes and fly them to Democrat Party constituents around the nation.
So, finally he's put language out declaring an emergency and an invasion that says they're going to keep them from coming across the border.
Because that is one power they have.
And so we'll see if they can actually do that.
But the border is completely broken right now and minus the main US military being there, I don't see how Texas pulls this off.
I wish our state luck.
Governor Greg Abbott declares immigration from Mexico to be an invasion?
Governor Greg Abbott says he will fully authorize Texas to take unprecedented measures to defend our state against an invasion.
Governor Greg Abbott says the following steps will be taken by our state.
These were released by the governor's office today.
Deploy the National Guard to safeguard the border and repel and turn back immigrants trying to cross the border illegally.
Deploy the Texas Department of Public Safety to arrest and return immigrants to the border who crossed illegally and to arrest illegal immigrants for criminal activity.
So he's going to arrest them and return them to the border.
See, Mexico is refusing to take them.
Federally, Mexico had the deal where Trump would put them across the border and stay in place, but no.
So, there's the key word.
Two key words.
To the border.
Deploy the Texas Department of Public Safety, DPS, to arrest and return immigrants to the border.
to cross illegally and to arrest illegal immigrants for criminal activity.
Yes, they can do that and put them in the overflowing jails.
Build a wall in multiple counties on the border.
State can do that.
Deploy gunboats.
Already did that.
Designate Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.
Enter into a compact with other states to secure the border.
That's a good idea.
Enter into agreements with foreign powers to enhance border security.
That's what you got to do.
The feds won't do it.
That's a good point.
This isn't perfect, but it's the best stuff I've heard yet.
Provide resources for border counties to increase their efforts to respond to the border invasion.
Yes, they're collapsing.
You ship 4070 legals to Martha's Vineyard, the left acts like it's the end of the world and ships them to an Air Force base.
But we have millions coming across.
And it goes on from there.
So that's a that's a big deal.
Now, I want to take calls in this hour and a little bit in the next hour
on FTX and that whole Democratic Party money laundering operation that got blown up
by the internet and independent groups exposing it as a fraud.
It was a total Democrat Party, deep state op.
Huge victory that it got exposed.
Huge victory that that huge operation for them is in big, big trouble.
Now we got to press for regressional investigations and prosecutions and the rest of it.
But don't hold your breath, but the people took action.
Also, Kerry Lake having it stolen, the other key battleground areas like Nevada stolen, Pennsylvania stolen, trying to steal Georgia with Herschel Walker.
All of this is big, big news.
I want to get your take on that.
Also, all these different globalist-controlled countries pushing government-sponsored push euthanasia or murder, where people are intimidated and pushed.
And so many other topics we've raised.
I want to talk to you about that coming up in the next few segments.
The toll free number to join us is 877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex877, 789-2539.
Whether you agree with me, disagree with me, have comments, have questions, we're not screening
All we ask for is, tell us where you're calling from, and have a clean phone line.
You want to tell us what you're calling in about?
I'll know that when I go to you.
You don't even have to tell us.
Just have a clean phone line.
I love taking your phone calls.
And throughout this week, I'm going to be taking a lot of phone calls.
I like calls.
Bushers like calls.
I like the directions it takes us in.
I like the wildcard nature of it.
That is all coming up here today.
Now, we're going to go to break.
We're going to come back with your phone calls and a lot more.
We have some more stories we haven't hit yet.
Look, listeners and viewers have a very simple decision to make.
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Do you want to keep the broadcast on air that the Deep State, the Democratic Party, the George Soros's and Bloomberg's and criminals of the world desperately want taken down?
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That's a very simple question for you to make the decision about.
Because the way God's run this, and I appreciate God's plan, the Lord works in mysterious ways, we are always, at least the last four or five years, right on the edge of not being able to stay on air.
So I come to you and I ask you humbly to get great products you and your family already need and to keep us on air at InfoWarsTore.com.
We have incredible products and we always have the biggest deals of the year in November, And those deals usually continue on through December.
The problem is a lot of the products sell out.
So I made the decision middle of last week to pull a bunch of our best-selling products that are about to sell out and sell the remaining of them throughout the year at full price.
But I really thought about it over the weekend and thought, look, God knows what's going on in this country, what's going to happen in the future.
We need the funds now.
To stay on air.
And so it's a win-win for the broadcast, a win-win for you.
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Waging war on corruption.
Well, almost every caller that just loaded the phone lines wants to talk about FTX and this big giant globalist money laundering scheme.
I'm glad you want to talk about that.
We're going to open the phones up for hours tomorrow talking about this.
This could bring down their whole system.
They meant to run it for years and then use this collapse later to bring down crypto, but they're going to fail.
Crypto is not bad.
It's great.
Centralized crypto is not crypto.
It's central bank digital currencies and it is the devil.
Big story just broke by Adan Salazar on InfoWars.com that needs to go mega viral.
No one else has this story.
I covered it in hour one and hour two.
As soon as the archive of this show is up today, we'll clip those clips out and put my report in here.
FTX slush fund bankrolled fake studies to hide COVID therapeutics.
Killing people.
Not just money laundering into Ukraine, not just hundreds of millions to the Democratic Party the last three and a half years.
He's going to give a billion in the next two years to them, but to put out fake studies attacking therapeutics like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, you name it.
I showed that last hour.
MDX funded studies through Together trial, falsely claiming hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin weren't effective COVID treatments.
What monstrous creatures.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's up on InfoWars.com.
It needs to go super mega viral right now like Peaceful Information War, but imagine Godzilla destroying Tokyo.
We need this to go out because this is something that's really got the public's attention.
They really get it.
I was out this weekend on my dad's property in East Texas, and the good old boys knew about it.
And people at gas stations brought it up to me, driving back to Austin yesterday.
I mean, people really get what's going on.
They understand the money laundering scheme.
FTX slush fund bankrolled fake studies to hide COVID therapeutics.
I'm going to call Greg Reese.
I'm going to ask him to do a report on this.
This is a big, big deal to just show how monstrous these criminals are.
That was being directed by the Deep State.
Speaking of FTX, let's take calls on this subject.
Let's go ahead and take a call from Robert in Thailand on crypto sabotage.
Go ahead, Robert.
Well, Alex, I think this...
It follows a larger pattern of sabotage and poor execution that you see from the establishment.
And this is where they're hijacking a movement, they're hijacking an emotion, they're hijacking a pattern in civilization.
And they're saying, okay, we're the leaders, we're going to take this thing forward.
And they do the sloppiest implementations, Biden being a disabled president, all that stuff.
goes along that same pattern too, right?
That's right. FTX was the Biden or Fetterman of crypto exchanges.
Yeah, exactly. So, you know, and they do this also with, and this is why you have gays against groomers too,
because they're doing this with the LGBT movement, all these people, they're taking them and weaponizing them.
They take over every movement, every group, exactly.
Yeah, and then they make it crash.
That way, everybody thinks that there was something wrong with that to start with.
And you know, Alex, of course, I'm always going to take the cannabis perspective, because I'm a cannabis industry person.
And crypto actually has a huge offering for safety, like where these people work in dispensaries.
No, no, no, no.
I know crypto, if it's independent and isn't centralized, it's great.
And they're now even, what do you make of the press secretary already trying to use their own Democrat-run fraudulent exchange as a pretext to regulate all of their crypto?
It's so obvious.
Well, anything that threatens the Federal Reserve, they have to find some long game because they can't come out against it and expose their fear for it right away.
They have to act like they're promoting it and then torpedo it from within.
I hear your great points.
Let's go to Cody in Arizona.
Cody, you're on the air.
Hey, thank you.
Yeah, I just wanted to say thank you for bringing up the thing about the ivermectin with FTX2.
I don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes, but I'm wondering if You know, this is a planned operation to bring about regulation in crypto.
I mean, they say it is, absolutely, but they plan to destroy it later.
It was the internet, independent groups, and other exchanges that exposed it.
I've tracked what happened.
This is a big defeat for the globalists.
This was to be their main war chest for money laundering in Ukraine and for the next election.
So, this is a devastating blow against them.
Do you think it wasn't planned to be exposed this early in the game?
No, no, it was absolutely independent groups and Elon Musk came out against it, that big exchange in Canada came out.
The internet just turned against it, just saw it for what it was.
And another thing with crypto, I'd like to promote Bitcoin, specifically Bitcoin in the sense that it is the You know, the first mover, but it's also the one that is the censorship resistant money, even though it's transparent on the blockchain.
I think that's the threat that they want to shut down compared to all the other.
I think Ethereum and, you know, a lot of other stuff that came along afterwards is being captured by them and the move to proof of stake with Ethereum, which they recently did.
you know, centralizes it and it's the global, you know, climate, you know, ESG type stuff,
just like FTX. I did want to mention FTX, you know, ESG score was higher than ExxonMobil.
And, you know, so that's a, we all know that the climate change is a scam, but I just want to say.
Yeah, no, they all, exactly, they all use it selectively to shut down what companies
and corporations they don't want. Great points, Cody. And that shows it's blessed by the New
World Order when they have the high ESG score. Anything with a high ESG is your enemy.
Aaron in Chicago, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, good to talk to you again.
I moved from New Mexico to Chicago, go figure, but I wanted to talk about John Fetterman today and how we never saw him in anything other than loudly branded Carhartt clothing.
This was a blatant tactic by wearing Carhartt gear to try and gain the working man's vote.
How dangerous is this new trend we started of candidates being openly sponsored by companies, especially when it's the number one apparel brand for blue collar workers living in Well I've always said you might as well have the politicians like NASCAR's with stickers on them for who's funding them.
Yep, exactly.
I guess now it was out in the open finally.
So what say you Alex about that?
You think we'll see more of that in the future?
You know, I don't want to make fun of the fact that he's like seven feet tall and has acromegaly.
I think that's really what it's part of but I do get your point and he's the perfect Zombie leader for a zombie population, but I don't think the evidence shows he didn't win precincts by 80-90% and he didn't flip red districts.
They stole that election.
Thank you so much for the call.
We're moving quick here.
Let's go ahead and go to Clown Car.
You're on the air from New Jersey.
New York.
What's going on, clown car?
Alright, let him go.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Al Killer in Virginia.
Al Killer, go ahead.
Hey Alex, do you remember when you did the Warren Buffett skit about the Ice Cream Man and how he's basically the devil driving a runaway train and that they're so blackmailed that nobody can bust each other?
That's what is going on.
Yeah, that's about eight years ago.
And Joe Biden does the ice cream thing, too.
That's like NLP.
Like, look at an ice cream cone.
I'm non-threatening.
You want the ice cream.
Look at the ice cream and not me, the monster.
It's all a joke when they... It's also a pedophile code they use.
By far, that was one... That and the I'm So Trendy rant are two of your best rants that you ever did.
Have you found that rant online?
I remember doing it live on air.
If you find it, tell me the name.
Oh no, I mean, you just type in, um, I think it's Alex Jones, um, Ice Cream Man or Warren Buffett Ice Cream Cone.
And you just pull up, there's like a thousand pictures of Warren Buffett eating an ice cream cone.
It was ridiculous.
But, um... Well, yeah, I mean, at the time it was the only image that came up.
It was like, you look at 50 Google images, 50 different shots of an ice cream cone.
And that's what we're dealing with.
Where the system is so rotten to the core, I almost think it can't be fixed.
at its current state, especially where we are now.
We're watching the Sopranos, they're busting out the Ramsey Outdoor Sporting Goods store.
That's what FTX is, that's what all this money to Ukraine is.
They know that there's going to be an economic collapse and they're just capitalizing.
They're getting as much, as many resources as they can.
That's what the... I agree.
They're getting position beforehand.
Thank you, Al Killer.
Alright, more calls straight ahead.
Russell, Donna, Presley, Jordan, Alex, Jake, Warpath, Josh, stay with us.
Well, the crew found the Warren Buffett Ice Cream Man rant from, like I remembered, 12, 14 years ago.
We're going to air that at six after next hour.
We have a special guest host from Australia.
The rest of the fourth hour of the War Room 3 p.m.
Central today.
But right now we're taking a lot of your phone calls.
Russell in Oregon on Elon Musk and the COVID-19 jazz.
Remember, Elon said he wasn't going to take it.
What's your view on that, Russell?
Hey, Alex.
Just want to let you know, man, I love and respect you.
You are our man in the arena.
So I got to fact check you and make sure that you have the proper information.
On April the 7th, 2021, Elon tweeted, To be clear, I do support vaccines in general and COVID vaccines specifically.
The science is unequivocal.
On December the 28th, or 18th, 2021, in his Person of the Year article in Time Magazine, Musk tells Time he and his eligible children are vaccinated and that the science is unequivocal.
Well, you know what?
I remember him saying he wasn't going to take the shot and didn't trust it, but that's what he does.
He says both things, which makes me think he's a sophisticated globalist that he's playing us off.
But I do remember some of that.
We'll pull that up.
Guys, pull up Elon Musk endorses vaccines or endorses COVID shot.
What was the search you used, Russell, to find that?
Uh, you can just search, uh, Elon Musk COVID-19 vaccine, but check out his tweet from April 7th, 2021, or his Time Magazine Person of the Year article.
Hey, well listen, have you noticed I'm not spending much time on Elon Musk and whether he's in a free Twitter or not and all that.
I'm just exposing the whole thing.
There it is.
There it is.
Elon Musk says he and his family are vaccinated, but that mandates for masks are an erosion of freedom.
So I agree with that statement, but I hear you.
I'm not putting all my eggs in Elon's basket.
In fact, I'm not putting any eggs in it.
What else you think, Russell?
Well, I just had to fact-check you because I heard, you know, you said to David Icke last week that, you know, that he was anti-JAB, but he's pro-JAB.
I wanted to also bring up that his grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was one of the most high-ranking officials of Technocracy, Inc., which, you know, I know that you're totally familiar with.
Yeah, he was one of the heads of the Technocracy Society in the 30s.
Exactly, and that's one of the things that you talk about in the first part of your book extensively, is the technocracy movement, and Elon is clearly connected to this.
His grandfather was also the president of the Social Credit Party in Canada.
So these are things that are big red flags when you talk about Elon Musk.
Yeah, there's definitely a globalist cult.
It's been working for 160 years for this.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Let's go to the next caller.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Who's been on the longest here?
Josh in Florida.
You're on the air on Crypto.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's going on, Alex?
Your iodine products and the vitamin mineral fusion changed my life, so thank you for that.
I want to talk about history.
If we don't know it, it's doomed to repeat ourselves.
We're doomed to repeat it.
So in 2014, the largest Bitcoin exchange called Mt.
Gox, M-T-G-O-X, shut down.
And this was, at the time, they took about $300 million worth of Bitcoin.
And what people don't understand is that the U.S.
government is the largest holder of Bitcoin.
I got into this back in 2012 when Bitcoin was around $10.
I lost a lot when Mt.
Gox shut down.
But what people don't understand is back then, I had to do a money gram.
Anything that you have to give your ID to is not decentralized.
And I talk about this on thegoodfightnews.com.
My archived article I even have from February 2014 says, Bitcoin exchange shutdown and the vulture swarm calling for regulations.
When this happened in 2014, They were calling for regulations and that's when all the ID and everything started showing up.
So this is all they're definitely trying to get rid of independent digital currencies.
I think we need independent private currencies and I back those but I've always said for the average person I would make this an investment it's too volatile.
There's too many pop and dumps going on and I hear what you're saying.
Yep, and then I believe this is the start up to the cyber attacks on our industrial control systems.
I called in last November and we were talking about common cyber attacks and I said that it was going to start with the exchange holders.
I agree.
That's their blueprint.
That's the next attack.
Great point.
Josh, I remember you calling last year.
is all going to lead up into our industrial control systems becoming obsolete and getting
- They're going to have to have a new centralized AI to save
us all from it.
I agree.
That's their blueprint.
That's the next attack.
Great point.
Josh, I remember you calling last year.
Jordan in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I'm on the air.
I'll make this brief.
I just wanted to try to provide another angle on this FCX thing, and that is the future of all science, technical, clinical research, with the shutdown of the NIH funding streams and so forth, with all the exposure on what happened with COVID and the gain-of-function research, Fauci and Barak and the rest.
It's going to be through blockchain and through crypto.
And some of this what was going on through FTX was following a lot through what was called the FTX Foundation, who worked with a group called Together Clinical Trials or Together Trust.
Yeah, callers do this thing where they want me to screen your call on air.
I'm not screening you.
You're on air.
You don't have to ask permission.
some of the clinical research was done in Ukraine and so forth.
I just want to offer a different take on that, as opposed to the current, you know, regular thinking.
You know, so, are you there?
Yeah, callers do this thing where they want me to screen your call on air.
I'm not screening you, you're on air.
You don't have to ask permission, you know, a doc.
No, I don't.
I'm sorry.
I just wanted to make sure you were there.
You want me to screen your call?
Let's do it.
Jordan, what do you want to talk about on air?
No, no, no.
I didn't.
I thought you got disconnected.
No, brother, please.
Please, go ahead.
Okay, so anyway, there's the future of blockchain, which is something that, you know, has been put forward for science and technical research, which they call RTD.
And you can look at it in Frontiers in Blockchain, which is one of the premier journals on this, in their May 7, 2021, you know, publicly available.
journal article about how this is all supposed to work and part of this FDX thing and the connection with MIT and
Harvard has to Do with the ongoing biomedical research some of which was
being done very heavily in Ukraine And I just want to say that some of the research that's
been done into calling this slush fund for Democrats in this supposed to stop at this
red wave gives some coverage to the Politicians the Republican Party that sold us out right and
and and the same thing with the Paul Pelosi thing So they have these things that happen after no
I think it's very accurate to say there's Republican leaders involved in this and the globalists are using
Cryptocurrency they control as a money laundering, black ops funding operation that makes Iran contrablush.
Great points, appreciate your call.
Gotta move quickly to everybody.
Donna in Texas, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, good to be here.
Two quick things.
The first thing I wanted to say is obviously there's fraud with FTX, fraud with the elections, fraud in our administration, fraud in Ukraine.
Fraud here, fraud there, fraud everywhere.
What's the correction?
What's the call for each one of us?
And I want to specifically say, as a spiritual teacher and recording artist, It's Christ.
When we pray, even from where we're at, when we pray and cover all of humanity in Christ and the Holy Spirit, that energy alone is a force when we are united in Christ.
That's why they wanted to close all the churches?
That's why they want us alone?
That's why they want us desperate?
You're absolutely right.
Yes, and so I've wanted to call for so long because as a recording artist, I have a song, and it's not just for me, it's a worship song.
And this song literally, Alex, has reached its time.
It's called, We Are One.
And it won Best Worship Song by Worship Leader Magazine across the nation.
And this song literally says, these times that bind us are here to remind us.
Donna, thank you so much for the call.
We'll check your song out.
on a cord, we trust in the Lord whenever we gather, he's here. We're undivided. He
has decided nothing can tear us apart. We are Lord. Well it's certainly true that God is God and
his Son is Christ and the globalists are not in control.
They're trying to play God and get full control of us and take our free will. It's absolutely
criminal. Donna, thank you so much for the call. We'll check your song out.
All right, we gotta go to break. I'm a jamming Alex, Jeremy and Presley.
So we got a five-minute segment, and then our guest host is taking over.
But before she takes over, at six after, the caller called about it.
We dug up the Alex Jones ice cream cone ramp.
There's been a couple of these, but it's like a pedophile saying, get in the van.
I got an ice cream.
I got a puppy.
I got a toy.
And they hold it up to make them look non-violent and not dangerous.
It's just a psychological warfare tactic they use.
We're gonna come back.
Start hour number four, get to all three of your calls.
So each caller gets about a minute and a half, and then Owen Troyer is coming up in one hour, The War Room, 3 p.m.
Boy, he does a great job.
And the only way this gets moved forward is you spread the word about InfoWars.com, InfoWars.com forward slash show, band.video, on email, on text message.
Tell people, hey, here's The Forbidden Show, check it out, and tell others to check it out, and tell them to check it out, and tell those they tell to check it out, and tell those they tell to check it out.
Hey, tell people to check out this show and tell those you tell about it to check it out, and then they need to tell people to check it out.
They do that, it's over.
We can override the globalist.
We'll be right back with hour number four.
Some of the breaking news at InfoWars.com.
WEF's Klaus Schwab hails the great reset progress for the G20 and the world government.
Exclusive video.
MTG says many of the midterm elections were stolen.
Spread that.
FTX slush fund bankrolled.
Fake studies to hide COVID therapies causing mass death.
Only way those stories get out is you.
You get them out, we win.
You don't, we lose.
Presley and then Jeremy.
Last callers.
Presley in North Carolina.
You're on the air.
Yeah, how come they can live count American Idol votes and know the results by the end of the show?
We still got elections going on.
Well, that's the new system where they make Republican machines fail, hoard their ballots, and then take control of them, and then steal the election.
I would just love to see politics without the Hegelian dialect that can decentralize elections.
Well, I mean, all these other countries have paper ballots at the precinct level.
They count them up there, they compile the number, everybody sees it.
But absolutely, whether it's the PCR test not working, or FTX being a fraud, or the machines, it's all a fraud.
We know they're criminals, they're scammers.
Yeah, remember when Iraqis first were able to vote after Saddam got out?
They dipped their little finger in the ink, over and done with.
It was that simple.
But now we're told it's normal to not know for weeks who really won.
Oh, yeah, well, you know, not normal is the new normal.
It doesn't matter how you slice it or what you're dealing with.
That's how it is.
God bless you, man.
Well, hold on, Presley.
Where do you see all this going?
To the bottom of a trash pit.
And I hope we can rise above the ashes like the Phoenix, man.
People need to wake up.
If we don't get decentralized elections, we've got to stop putting people in the office that want to be in office, in my opinion.
That's right.
And the theft goes on election day, but that's secondary to Google and big tech gaming everything.
The censorship's key.
Thank you.
Great points.
Jeremy in Mississippi.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Mr. Jones?
My bad.
I've been watching you since I was 12 years old, man.
And I just want to thank you for everything you've done for not just me, but the whole world.
And my subject I want to touch on is just this COVID insanity, man.
Everybody All my family on my dad's side got this shot.
All their cancer came back up and everything.
And me and my mom were watching you.
And you were exposing when that file came on back in 2020 about all the symptoms of myocarditis, everybody going infertile and blood clots, everything.
And we were telling everybody and we got shamed.
We got called murderers and everything.
And if it wasn't for you, my mom wouldn't be here because she would have gotten that shot.
She has all these underlying conditions and stuff.
And again, if it wasn't for you, man, you would have, you've done a lot for me.
I bought your book, an autographed copy.
I got it sealed up.
I haven't even read it.
I'm just too scared to even touch it.
Well, brother, I did this for myself and my family and yours as well.
We're in this together, brother, but you're absolutely right.
We were the first to expose the poison shots.
We've been totally vindicated.
That's why we're under attack, because they know we're going to expose the next big story and the next big story.
I'm just asking listeners to get the free story and share it.
FDX Slush Fund Bankrolled Fake Studies Tied COVID Therapeutics Causing Mass Death.
I mean, these people are sick, evil, wicked monsters.
Yes sir, they are and I'm so glad that I'm part of my youth that I can spread it to my generation because my generation, can I say fuck?
My generation's messed up, my bad.
Well let me ask you this question.
What is the rest of your family saying now they took the shots and had problems?
Well, they're always sick or this and that.
There's only probably my uncle, Roger, my dad, my mom, and me that haven't gotten the shot.
Everybody else is having outrageous periods, dead, cancer, anything else.
Are they still defending it even when it's admitted it doesn't protect them and makes them sick?
Yeah, they're still probably getting it.
I don't know.
I'm too scared of the shed at this point, honestly.
Well, it's very sad, brother, and they're under deception.
We should pray for them.
Thank you so much for the call, and thank you for being a listener, and thank you for supporting the broadcast, and thank you for getting a signed copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World, which has kept us on air.
We wouldn't be on air right now for those of you that got the collectible coins at 1776coin.com, those of you that got the signed copies of The Great Reset and The War for the World at Inforastore.com.
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George Soros is over at the Davos meeting, and Soros and Libs have been meeting with John McCain over there.
They say cutting off the NSA will imperil cherished New Deal.
And it says, beware of libertarians bearing gifts, a new way to curb the NSA as a Trojan horse for destroying the New Deal.
That's right, we need to have total lawless spying or it'll destroy the wonderful communism that's wrecking the country, the socialism, that the big billionaires are exempt from.
Why does Warren Buffet lobby tens of millions a year on record?
Paying for news shows.
Paying for full-page ads.
Lobbying Congress to raise taxes on the middle class.
Because he's the biggest recipient of banker bailout money and corporate welfare in the nation.
The biggest individual person.
He got $45 billion in 2008 of bailout money alone.
His company's $400 billion of it.
Look it up!
It's in McClatchy, AP, Reuters.
Just type in Warren Buffett, biggest recipient of bailout.
And he's the biggest person lobbying.
If you make $100,000 a year, folks, he wants your money.
Because he's a disgusting pirate.
But he's liberal and hangs out with Obama, so it makes it okay.
And in almost every photo op, he eats an ice cream.
They go, look, I'm a harmless old man.
Could you walk in a bank with a machine gun and say, put all the money in the bag or you're dead, but have an ice cream cone?
And then if you were licking it, it would make it okay?
I think it probably would.
If the cops showed up and said, come out, you know, and they had the bullhorn, come out and we're going to fire tear gas and you just go, ice cream cone.
And just like in Raiders of the Lost Ark, the first one, when he's running through the jungle and the bad guy gets the idol and holds it up to the natives and they all bow down.
You just hold up an ice cream cone or hold up a puppy or say you're liberal or call someone racist or, you know, have Obama be supposedly half black.
And so it's okay!
You know, he's half black, so you gotta let him do whatever he wants.
I'm not joking about Warren Buffett.
Type in Warren Buffett into Google, click images.
Most of them are him eating an ice cream cone.
Hundreds of photos.
In fact, it's worse than that.
It's gotta be thousands.
I've done a whole report on it two years ago.
Just showing thousands of the photos.
Whole screenshots of just full pages of the photos of him with ice cream cones.
I mean, this is a complete joke, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm telling you, if Hitler wore a pink uniform and ate ice cream cones constantly, we would all be speaking German right now.
I'm serious.
I'm serious, folks.
That's why they act like liberals and prance around like, uh, uh, liberal.
There's nothing liberal about them.
They're savage beasts.
savage, rapacious, iradical enemies.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host Maria Z hosting this Tuesday, 15th of November broadcast here at the 4th Hour and I'm really grateful to be here with you all today, honoured to be on the show.
It is absolutely unbelievable and it's a move that didn't surprise anyone but As with how it happened during the past two years, Australia and Canada are now being tested once again to see whether we're going to comply with new mask mandates, potentially new vaccine mandates.
And I'm not even kidding.
We've had multiple headlines in both countries coming out over the past week with the fear mongering starting all over again.
And these people have the nerve to call for an amnesty when they are planning on terrorising the citizens of the world Well again, I'm going to take you through some headlines that are happening in our two countries right now as we speak.
And then later on in the hour, I'd like to take some calls from people to see whether you are going to comply and what your thoughts are.
Are they going to get away with this again?
I don't know.
We're already seeing people muzzled in Australia.
As they roll out this Amber Alert system in the state of Queensland, which is essentially a social credit system being tested on the people of Australia.
It's absolutely disgusting what these people are doing to us.
But I wanted to start off with one particular article from the Daily Mail in Australia.
Will Australians have to go back into lockdown this Christmas?
As fourth COVID wave washes over the country and health zealots demand new restrictions.
Hopefully the team can bring that up on the screen, but if not, you can find all of this information in my telegram.
It's Z Media with three E's.
That is a constant place where we're updating on Australia, on Canada and the world.
And the reason why you need to watch these two countries is exactly the same reason as last time.
The most draconian measures.
Police trampling citizens.
Police shooting at citizens with rubber bullets for protesting peacefully.
This happened in our two countries because we are the most compliant people and if you don't want it to happen to you, you need to watch these two countries.
But basically what they're saying now in Australia is that they're threatening Christmas lockdowns.
Now they've said that it's unlikely.
Paul Kelly, who's often been seen in attendance With the World Health Organization and their treaty meetings and the World Health Organization treaty or amendments to the international health regulations which are legally binding.
They overcome your country's constitution, they overpower it and every single country granted has its own agreement with the WHO through the international health regulations.
But basically In Australia, these agreements are legally binding.
They do supersede your country's constitution.
They supersede your human rights.
More so than they did during the times of the state of emergency.
Because what we're doing now, and Australia's just committed millions of dollars to this global fund where the World Health Organization Excuse me, is going to be able to put sanctions on different countries if they do not comply.
Now, I've sent a clip through to the team and hopefully they can play this clip now.
This is from just today, the B20 calling on the G20 to adopt vaccine passports in line with the WHO standards.
Now in preparation for the next pandemic, if the team can bring that up on the screen right now.
So let's have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO.
If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around.
So for the next pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of the people 100%, which clogged the economy globally, you know, you can still provide some movement of the people.
Indonesia has achieved G20 countries have agreed to have this digital certificate using WHO standards, and we will submit it to the next World Health Assembly in Geneva as a revision to international health regulations.
So hopefully for the next pandemic, we can still see some movement of the people, some movement of the goods, and movement of the economy.
So movement of the people, movement of the goods, movement of the economy depends on you having a vaccine passport.
And of course, they are setting us up right now in Australia and Canada doing the trial run for this exact thing as we speak.
The top doctor, Paul Kelly, on Christmas lockdowns.
This is news.com.au.
Not my decision as another COVID wave looms.
He's revealed the likelihood of a Christmas lockdown as the grandchildren of Omicron arrive.
These people are ridiculous.
What do you mean the grandchildren of Omicron?
They're going to the extent of calling this a soup of variants that is hitting Australia.
We've got hospital bed shortages, we've got staff shortages, doctor shortages.
So much so that the Premier of New South Wales has now announced that we're going to be giving pharmacies the ability to give people public health injections.
That's what he's calling them.
Moving forward, giving people public health injections.
Instead of GPs that are now backed up for weeks because of all of the people that now have injection injuries, their immune systems are completely destroyed, they're dropping left, right and centre.
The articles are daily at this point, sometimes multiple times a day, of pilots dropping, people on air, radio hosts, TV hosts dropping dead mid It is unbelievable but this is exactly what we warned about two years ago and we're warning about it now again today because they want to bring vaccine mandates back.
We've just ordered over four million doses here in Australia for more injections for the Omicron variant vaccine that was tested on eight mice.
We'll be back with more breaking news from Australia and Canada right after this break.
We're back here on the Alex Jones Show talking about the fact that they are about to try this on Australians and Canadians again, talking about mask mandates, potentially vaccine mandates.
I want to go to a clip of Trudeau right now, if the team can bring that one up, where he actually talks about Canadians need to get vaccinated or who knows what might happen It's just unbelievable how they're really getting ready for this and threatening people with the same language.
I think one of the things to remember is flu season approaches is people have got to get vaccinated, whether it's getting the flu vaccine or getting up to date in your COVID shots.
There are actually new formulations out now that are up to date to cover both Omicron and the original strain of COVID.
And we encourage everyone to get those vaccinations, to keep pressure off of our hospitals, of our frontline heroes who are working so hard Uh, to keep people safe, but also keep pressures off of our economy and communities.
If we're able to get a high enough level of vaccination, we reduce the danger of needing to take other health measures to make sure that we're all safe and not overloading our hospitals.
And I look forward to continuing to work with premiers like Premier Ford on delivering a strong healthcare system for the future.
Other health measures.
What are other health measures?
Oh, I don't know, lockdowns?
The fact that they are even using this language, that they have the nerve to use this language again on people that they terrorised for two years, tells you these people are not done.
And this is a psychological operation to test the compliance of the people of Australia and Canada.
It is unbelievable.
We're going to open up the phone lines in the next segment.
The number is 877-789-2539.
That's 877-789-2539.
I want to hear from people all over the world.
Will you put up with this again?
Will you allow them to throw you back into lockdown again?
And especially if you're in, you know, the United States or Canada, Give us a call and I really want to hear about the public response to this because I know right now in the state of Queensland already, because they're saying masks are recommended, they're already muzzling up and, you know, establishments are muzzling up.
There's actually an article that came out in Canada from Rothenberger, what will you do when the mask mandates return?
This is the 12th of November.
They've actually, they're not saying if they return, they're saying when they return.
And in the blink of an eye, before I could even do my next post, Mask mandates have returned to the County of Essex in Ontario in Canada, making masks mandatory at indoor facilities.
These psychopaths are actually trying this out again.
They are actually doing this to Australia and Canada.
It's unbelievable.
And I don't think they'll get away with it.
I'll be honest with you.
I really don't think they'll get away with it.
But the fact is that we still have so many people buying the lie.
But I want to address the people that have woken up throughout this process and that realise that this is a global takeover and they want to put a stop to it.
See, mass non-compliance is what was required from the beginning.
From the beginning, all it ever took was for the people to say, no, it is that simple and that is exactly what it's going to take this time around.
But if you ask someone who's woken up throughout this process, This is the time to not allow them to put you into a state of fear again.
See, I get a lot of people in my Telegram channel and, you know, emailing through the website all the time.
And if you're not on there, it's zmedia.com.
That's z-e-e-e-media.com.
Jump on there.
I've also got a channel here on Banned.video.
And they say to me, I took one injection because I was fooled.
Or I took two injections because I couldn't work.
What are you going to do when they do it to you again?
Because this is the time to take a stand.
As you just saw from that footage from the Indonesian Health Minister right at the start of the show, they want to implement a health pass.
They want this to be linked to everything that you do for now.
They want to do it now for the next pandemic, which they've already told us is coming.
So whether it be an extension of COVID, if they can keep getting away with it, and they all try, they've put way too much into this to just give up on it now, but whether it be an extension of COVID or a new concoction, I've mentioned here on this show before, Australia's next five pandemics.
That is on zmedia.com.
You can view that there.
That talks about not only Australia's pandemics, but the global pandemics that we can expect.
And they tell us that we need to be ready by the year 2027 at the latest.
So between now and then, and for anyone that's listening and thinks, oh, well, we have three years, four years, five years before they really hit us with that.
No, absolutely not.
Look at the infrastructure that they're setting up now.
They've just announced this morning a trial of the CBDC.
They've got several banks, global bank giants, are starting a 12-week digital dollar pilot with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
All of the steps for the Grace Reset are being implemented as we speak.
And just earlier in the broadcast, Alex played some footage about the rising cases in RSV, hospitals being overwhelmed.
So if you think it's not coming to the United States, you're wrong.
They're testing it on us here first.
Before they, and Canada, before they come to you next.
They want you on a lifelong subscription of injections and the only way out, the only way out is for people to say to, I've been talking to a lot of strangers lately and they say to me, how do we stop this?
And the answer has always been the same.
You need to educate your friends, your family, hammer this home because the future of humanity depends on people understanding that you are about to walk blind into slavery.
That is what this whole system is.
It is medical tyranny.
It is financial tyranny.
It is controlling your movement, controlling your thoughts.
This plan goes far beyond COVID, but that is what they're using as the catalyst for everything else that they want to do.
And believe you me, this new wave, first of all, it's injection injuries.
We know that.
We can see the people dropping left, right and centre.
But they're using the injection injuries As an excuse for this new wave to then say, oh, our hospitals are so overwhelmed.
Oh, our people, you know, we've got worker shortages.
We need a health pass to really manage this properly this time.
And it's going to be a World Health Organization health pass.
We're all going to sign up to the WHO treaty because that's going to help our lives.
That's good.
Last time it was too disorganized and they did that on purpose.
They made it disorganized on purpose.
So that people would think, oh, we really do need to sign up to the WHO treaty.
We need a one world response so that we can get rid of COVID once and for all.
Meanwhile, you are nailing the coffin on your own slavery.
That is exactly what's happening right now.
The World Health Organization was meeting Earlier this month, and they were supposed to be publicizing the outcomes of these meetings.
They were supposed to be telling the public what it is that they're coming to an agreement about.
Because the last time they did this, they tried to make amendments to the international health regulations.
The United Kingdom fought back with a lawsuit and they actually stopped it.
We got Stop the Treaty trending on Twitter.
So many people around the world got involved.
And so this time they're doing it in secret so that you can't raise awareness as to what sort of negotiations they're making about your entire life, your entire medical freedom behind your back.
Who is this unelected body?
Who asked for them?
I really want to hear from callers right on the other side of this break.
Phone lines are open so that we can talk about how we're not going to comply and what your thoughts are in your country.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're taking callers now in the next couple of segments.
I really want to hear from people about whether they will comply, what's happening in their state.
We've got Brad from PA right now on the line.
Brad, hello, you're on the air.
Hi Maria, thanks for taking my call and thanks for everything you're doing.
Your conviction just comes right through the phone, comes right through the airwaves and I can't thank you enough for what you're doing and for your people in Australia.
I mean you must be a hero to a lot of people there because you're just standing strong and in spite of all the tyranny.
I don't know how you're doing it because here in America it's scary and you're standing tough and it's worth there obviously.
Well, do you know what, Brad?
Every single time they try to crush people, and this is a fact in history, persecution breeds resilience.
And so the more they try to crush us, the more resilient we become.
And I'm not put off by it.
And I'll tell you what, the Australian people are tough people.
But thank you as well, Brad, for standing strong, because every single person that's been able to resist this psychological war is a hero in my eyes.
What's happening in your state?
Well, what's happening all over the United States is the same thing.
I mean, just to your point, they're going to continue.
They let us up a little bit after the first set of lockdowns because they knew the pushback was too great.
They knew the resistance was too great, but they're just waiting.
And everybody, Alex, you, everybody realizes this.
They talk about it and it's a fact.
They're going to come back.
They're never going to stop because they have an agenda and they're just playing a game, mental, psychological warfare game.
And you're right.
We just have to resist.
We have to stand strong.
You're absolutely right, Brad.
It's the rope or the boiling frog.
Just here in Australia, we've got the Victorian elections, one particular state coming up this month, and we can see that they're implementing the steps to control us again after those elections. Very, very
similarly in the United States, everything's relaxed until the midterms and now just in
time for after the midterms they're starting to threaten Australia and Canada with mask
mandates, lockdowns, this, that and the other.
Do you think it'll fly in your state, Brad, because did people actually vote for Fetterman?
No, no, it was completely thrown at election just like Arizona's, Georgia's, so many states.
Georgia, so many states.
What's happening in the United States now happened over in Europe five, ten years ago.
It's what's happening in the United States now happened over in Europe five, 10 years ago.
I saw it coming, but it's still unbelievable when it starts happening.
I saw it coming, but it's still unbelievable when it starts happening.
And I'm sure you feel the same way. I read your little bio on your website about how you weren't
And I'm sure you feel the same way.
I read your little bio on your website about how you weren't really into this
until it happened to you.
And you wake up real quick, just like you're saying, and hopefully more people in the world
will wake up and unite because we cannot allow it.
I don't know how we're gonna win, but God willing, everybody stick together and with the help of God,
we can, maybe we can withstand this onslaught.
Well, Brad, I've been aware of the coming agenda for many, many years, but like most people,
you know, we try to live normal lives.
We try to go to work.
My education of people was limited to those around me, you know, making my colleagues very uncomfortable educating them on the New World Order.
Now I get to do it to a bit of a bigger audience.
But I encourage people to do that.
And thank you, Brad.
I'm sure you're doing the same with everyone around you.
Have conversations with people in the street.
Educate people as much as you can.
Tell them about InfoWars.
Tell them to support this broadcast because keeping it alive is so important.
This is what wakes people up.
Thank you, Brad.
God bless you.
Stephen, in Florida, you're on the air.
Yeah, hey, uh, good afternoon.
Hey, uh, yeah, I just wanted to say, um, I try to be consistent and so Whatever these criminals do that think that they're God and run things, it's not going to change me.
They're in this whole fiasco, you know, and I still see this today because so many people have been brainwashed by this whole situation.
And I've told people this is the biggest PSYOP in the history of the world because it's worldwide.
I still see so many people here in Florida walking around outside wearing a mask.
In their car by themselves wearing a mask, going in the store wearing a mask, even after the Alzheimer-in-Chief charge Biden said the pandemic's over with.
But for me, you know, I use the public transit system here and of course they had their little tyrannical situation, oh you have to wear a mask or you can't ride the bus.
Well I refused.
I've never taken these shots and I won't I have immunity from this whole brainwashing with my immune system that I keep strong, and mainly because Jesus Christ saved me over 43 years ago, and I want to keep my heart right with Him and walk with Him.
And so I would say to anybody out there, especially if you're a Christian, It's like my pastor said, if you're still going along with this after all this time, you're just stupid.
Because, I mean, it's absolutely conclusive from all the evidence, from the masks don't work, the social distancing, and the hand sanitizing, that was all a psy-op, to the shots that are now killing people in the millions.
If you are still going along with this, you're not paying attention, or you're living in a fantasy world, so you need to wake up and do as Nancy Reagan said with her anti-drug campaign years ago.
Just say no, because if you don't go along with this, they've got no power over you whatsoever.
You're absolutely right, Stephen.
What do you think is the key for people to remain strong?
I mean, you know, we say just say no, but what happened last time was that Most people said yes because the threat to their incomes, the threat to their livelihood, not being able to feed their families.
And I know that strong people, and you definitely sound like one of them, were able to resist that and find other ways.
And human beings are incredibly resourceful individuals.
We are far more capable of suffering, you know, a lot more than we think we are and prospering through that.
But what is it that you think was the key for those who were prepared to lose so much, compared to those who crumbled under the pressure?
Because a lot of people, and mark my words, a lot of people who say, no, I won't comply, will crumble under the pressure.
What do you think the key is, Stephen?
Well, there's four things, okay?
Wake up.
Stand up.
Speak up and act up.
You need to be informed.
You need to know what's going on.
Look at my cousin.
I tried to tell him and his family, please don't take these shots.
His wife called me an uninformed, ignorant a-hole because she's got a medical degree
and I don't.
So in other words, because I don't have MD after my name or RN, I can't just think for myself, well, you know what?
You can believe that, but you know what?
When this thing all pans out, I'm not going to be dying or having ill effects from these shots.
And again, I'm not, I'm just, you know, here's the thing.
I'm not intimidated by people with their virtue signaling.
Oh, you're, you're just so horrible.
You don't care about other people.
No, I do.
That's why I'm trying to tell people don't go along with this because you're going to regret it.
And so, you know, stand your ground, get informed, and then as best you can, as polite as you can, try to inform other people.
And if they won't hear it, Shake the dust off your feet and move on because somewhere along the way, you know Maybe people have to be touched by tragedy with a loved one dying from this or whatever and that's unfortunate But try to reach people and because eventually people are going to come around when they start and they're seeing it now You know all these people that are dying these kids, especially they're taking notice I remember being in a grocery store earlier this year late last year near the pharmacy department
And parents were there and this poor little girl about 8 years old, they all had masks on and I knew what was going on and she was screaming and running away from her parents.
And I went up to the father and I said, are you trying to get your daughter vaccinated?
Now this is when Pfizer had just come out with the 6 to 10 or 11 year old vaccine.
And he said, yeah.
And I tried to tell him some of the stuff Alex Jones was sharing about the anti-heart attack medication that was in those.
Shut up!
Get away from me!
I don't want to hear it!
I said to him, sir, OK, but what you're doing is you're cooperating in the murder of your little child.
And if that happens, don't say you weren't warned.
So that sounds mean, but I'm telling you, I have to take a stand like that because these people, they, for whatever reason, They just don't want to hear it and I think it's because they're scared, but we got to get past our fear and realize that this is bigger than ourselves.
This is affecting everybody.
We've got to go to a break, Stephen, but what you just said is so profound.
I want to comment on it right after we come back from the break and we take a few more calls.
Powerful, powerful stuff.
Thank you so much for calling in, Stephen.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Zee from ZeeMedia.com, that's Z-E-E-E with three E's, media.com.
And we're talking today about mask mandates and potentially vaccine mandates, lockdowns, returning to Canada and Australia as a test.
For the whole world, we want to hear from some more callers.
But before we go on, I just want to comment on what Stephen said before, which was that it was his responsibility to tell people that, hey, you're assisting or potentially responsible for the murder of that child.
These are the dangers of this injection and sometimes you just have to hit people with the hard truth.
And the way to do that is to be informed and full of knowledge, which this broadcast does so well.
So please support InfoWars.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com.
Continue to support them with whatever you can to keep this important broadcast going.
They do such great work in the world.
I want to go to Charles in Georgia now.
Charles, you're on the air.
Hey, how are you, Maria?
Doing well, Charles.
How are you?
Good, good.
I've been following you every time you host the InfoWars and your excellent, excellent spirit and vibration is very much needed out here.
We love you for your passion.
I appreciate that, Charles.
I have subscribed on your Rumble and Facebook.
I encourage everybody out there to do the same and to bookmark your website.
It's an excellent website, by the way.
Thank you, I appreciate that.
Just a side note, my Facebook keeps getting banned.
I've been, I think, 20 times now.
Yeah, it's ridiculous.
Talk to us about this complying with this nonsense.
Charles, mask mandates, lockdowns, what are your thoughts?
Well, I think because from the beginning of time, the major warfare on humanity is maybe 1%, half a percent physical, escalates to the physical.
99% of it is mental through propaganda, myths, and uneducation of the masses.
Oh, we lost you there, Charles.
You got me there.
I was saying that 99% of warfare is mental, through propaganda, miseducation, uneducation, before it ever gets to that 1% of physical warfare.
So, what we're doing, people like you and Kelvin Alp and Hemisphere in New Zealand, Tommy Robinson and David Icke, So many people around the world are propagating to the best of their ability the true knowledge to understand how to make our way in this world.
So truth seekers and humanity in general need to support financially and through word of mouth.
to really propagate, to let people know where these sources of true knowledge are.
Because again, people cannot walk and make decisions in a half a bit of information, or a third, or a cult of
So it's paramount. Let me just wrap it up because I know other people want to talk.
The pen or conversation or words are always mightier than the sword.
You can do more by influencing people's mindset to a better effect.
to affect change. So we need to do everything we can to develop our own systems of communication
to support with every little dollar we've got people like you and Infowars and others
because this is where I've been educated. I was telling Alex earlier that I've been
listening for 25 years and I've been more empowered by Alex Jones' show than maybe
50 to 100 other shows I've listened to over the years. And one final thing for the staff
there at Infowars, I've been keeping a text file since December 2015 of all the high points
of every single show I listen to every day. So if you need to, if the staff needs to get
a list of that, a copy of that, I'll send it to you. You can take my phone number down,
give me a call back any time and I'll make that available.
But again, Maria...
You're a wonderful human, Charles.
More power to you and we'll support you as we can and everywhere we can.
Thank you so much for your call and thank you for being such a committed person to the truth.
I really respect that.
We'll go to Bill in Oklahoma.
I want to talk to a few more people.
Bill, you're on the air.
Hi, good afternoon, Maria.
How are you today?
Doing well, Bill.
How are you?
I'm good.
Let me preface everything I say with, I'm saying all this from a place of joy, and we talk a lot about God and the devil and everything.
We have to realize that all these things have to come to pass to fulfill biblical prophecy.
Jesus, in Matthew 24, I suggest Everybody reads it.
The disciples ask, Jesus, what are the signs on the days when you're going to come back?
And Matthew 24 is the direct answer to him.
To his disciples about the signs of the times we are supposed to look for when he comes back, I say that to say this.
We also have to remember that in this time in particular, God says he's going to give people over the strong delusion to believe.
Because they have so much wickedness in their heart.
Sadly to say, we're never going to go, if you believe in biblical prophecies in the Bible, we, the snowball has already started rolling down the hill till the ultimate judgment to where the new heaven and new earth in the book of Revelation comes down.
We just have to prepare now to understand we're, from this point on, we're going to be persecuted, we're going to be trotted down, we're going to be called It all stores the hateful things, just as Jesus was called.
And we could—it's good.
I'm not saying that we need to fight back and say no to all these mandates and everything, but if you believe in prophecy, it's not—we're past the point of change.
We need to get right with the Lord because the day of reckoning is coming.
You're absolutely right, Bill, and here's the crucial thing.
There's a passage in Psalm that talks about God is addressing a heavenly council and he's saying, how long are you going to let People suffer on earth and injustice happen on the earth.
And the thing is that we know what's coming, but it doesn't mean we stop fighting for what's right while we're here.
But I absolutely agree with you that we have to prepare our soul, our heart and our mind.
And I think that that is one of the most important takeaways from today, Bill.
We thank you so much and God bless you.
We'll go to Don in Illinois.
I've got about three minutes and I want to get through two more callers.
Don, are you there?
Yeah, I'm here.
How are you?
Doing well, doing well.
Don, talk to me.
We've got three minutes for two more callers.
So, real quick, I live in Chicago.
Like Stephen said, I've got people that wear masks in open public, even in their cars with the windows closed.
It's a definite sickness, I would say.
After everything that we've been through and people have still not woken up and especially in the blue states here.
The reason why Australia was kind of like the the pit point for what's happening is because it's a smaller population.
So they were testing it out there.
You guys don't have a Second Amendment.
That is a big deal, okay?
The reason why they really haven't taken over America right now is because of the Second Amendment.
That is the only thing that is saving us right now, even with all the stupidity that's happening.
Yes, and they are attacking your constitution, Don.
You're absolutely right.
They're coming after your constitution and the people must continue to resist.
Despite all the masked and muzzled blue states, you need to keep at it.
We appreciate your call.
Don, I want to finish with Omar in California.
Omar, you're on the air.
Hi, how are you doing, Maria?
Hey, I'm a 30-year-old Yemeni, Middle Eastern Yemeni.
I just want to say, I'm Muslim, but I don't hate other religions.
I just want to say we gotta stay strong through this.
God, whoever you believe in is God, you know?
Just stick to God.
Do not give in to whatever they say.
You know, I have such a hard time trying to talk to all the Muslims out here.
I can't believe they've gave in to all the lies.
Like, even at the mosque, I can't even go to the mosque anymore because They have given in to the lies and they gave up our whole religion now just basically for COVID and they believe in anything the government tells them.
And you gotta ask them this, when people try to, you know, convince you about something, you just gotta tell them, hey, do you trust the government?
You know they bombed Iraq.
You know they bombed Vietnam.
You know they killed millions of people for oil.
Do you really trust them?
Like, do you think they care about you?
Omar, I'm almost out of time but I'm so glad that you rang and I'm sorry because it's not just mosques.
Many churches sold their souls for a piece of silver throughout this entire thing.
But it is the Middle Eastern nations and European nations better than anyone understand why the government can't be trusted because for years they've been corrupting Every area of society, and this is why the Europeans and Middle Easterns understood so well during this time.
It's been a pleasure and an honour to be with you all today.
Thank you for joining me today on today's broadcast.
You can find all of my interviews at zmedia.com, z-e-e-e-media.com, or also on band.video.
I'll see you all very soon.
I want that to sink in for people and really just understand that history's happening now.
You can't wait till later.
You've got to be vocal.
You've got to pray.
You've got to be involved.
You've got to be engaged.
And you've got to fund this operation.
And I guess God loves to keep me hungry, but man, he keeps me right in the red, right in the black.
We are right there in the edge of the black.
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And I don't want to contract and implode.
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(upbeat music)
And so I went ahead and pulled up the video from four days ago of Klaus Schwab
giving his address to the World Government Summit.
And no joke, this movie from 1981 parallels Klaus Schwab's speech almost word for word.
History is truly at a turning point.
Since our last meeting, we've made tremendous progress.
The global energy systems, food systems, and supply chains will be deeply affected.
The energy crisis here in the United States was exceptionally successful worldwide, and we expect similar success with our upcoming food shortage.
Our labor leaders have made great progress by causing confusion and work stoppages in all areas of the world.
In times of crisis, the role of governments is more important and more relevant than ever.
Politically, the public has lost total confidence in any form of government.
The threat of universal war is a daily possibility.
What is also needed is a summit like this one to go beyond crisis management and to look into constructive ways we can build our common future.
I would like to thank each and every one of you for your hard work and dedication to our cause.
In reviewing this year's progress, let me say that we have been highly effective in conditioning the people's minds to accept our solution to the world's problems.
A little bit uncanny there.
I mean, especially the part where literally they list in the same order, the same things that are happening, the food, the energy and the supply chain.
Of course, when you look at what's actually happened to the energy, food and supply chain in this world, you can see that they've all been destroyed.
They've all been collapsed all on purpose by the decisions of people made at the World Economic Forum.