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Name: 20221108_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 8, 2022
2241 lines.

In this podcast, Alex Jones discusses issues related to voting machines during the 2020 Presidential Election, accusing Democrats of using fraudulent methods. He encourages viewers to visit InfoWarsTore.com for health supplements and supports the operation by purchasing products using promo code 1776. Carrie Lake, a gubernatorial candidate from Arizona, also shares her experience with voting difficulties and urges voters to stay in line and cast their votes. Mike Adams warns about potential false flag attacks planned by enemies and emphasizes the importance of human ingenuity and chain reaction in spreading information to fight against them.

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The power structure is not completely unified.
And there's a lot of Democrats and city machines that are going to steal the election, even if the higher-ups aren't wanting that.
And what I'm saying is to be very clear.
The deep state doesn't want a big Republican majority.
They want to be able to still control things and run things.
And they're scared of a new populist beachhead and caucus forming.
They want to work with the neocons and the deep state Democrats.
And the RINOs, but they don't want too big a Republican victory, but they're going to allow somewhat of a victory, A, because there's such a tsunami it's hard to steal, but B, they want to blame Republicans for the diesel shortages and the power outages and the depression that we are accelerating over the edge into.
So that's my best analysis and calculus of what's about to happen.
If they didn't steal a bunch of the election, different races tonight, With a replay of what they did two years ago, you would see a massive realignment, the biggest political slaughter, non-violent slaughter, metaphoric slaughter we've ever seen since we've had voting in this country the last 250 years.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the New World Order fighting for its life.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
This is it, ladies and gentlemen!
Game time as the American people battle to wrest control of their government from the multinational crime syndicate known as the New World Order, their Great Reset, and the plan to collapse civilization and build on its ashes their transhumanist satanic nightmare.
It's Tuesday, November 8th, the year is 2022, and we're going Live, as we speak, until deep into the night, into the early morning hours.
I'm your host Alex Jones, very blessed and honored to be in attack formation, taking on the Globalist.
Coming up today, we have got a who's who of huge guests on the broadcast, from David Icke to Stephen Bannon.
Roger Stone, Owen Schroyer, Robert Barnes, Ali Alexander, the list goes on and on.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Wow, let's get into it.
They knew that people were watching them trying to run a replay of the fraud of two years ago, and so they waited until about a week before the election to start with the Red Mirage talk, and, oh, the election won't be known for a few days, now a week, maybe a few weeks, in all the key battleground states of Arizona.
That shouldn't be a battleground, but they steal it.
And Michigan and Pennsylvania, they're having the machines malfunction and shut down in the key districts.
And they're having all sorts of problems.
And, oh, and the federal courts are ruling that ballots that are mismarked and dated wrong and all torn up, they're good too.
They're running the exact same play they ran two years ago.
The question is, will they have enough dead people on the rolls and enough people that moved out of state who had their names harvested?
It'll then be put on these ballots they've got in reserve in warehouses ready after the numbers come in and show a huge Republican tsunami.
54 to 56 Senate seats.
A massive increase in the House of Representatives as well.
That's what all the scientific polling shows.
Even the Washington Post is predicting in the Senate, 54 Republicans, Democrats, 46 in the House, 246 Republicans to 189 Democrats.
That's a 60 plus increase in the House, exactly what I've been predicting.
But ladies and gentlemen, They are going to steal as many of these as they can.
This is one hell of a time to be alive, I can tell you.
ABC News said Red Mirage will look like big Republican win, but vote count could take weeks.
Here's the actual ABC News article where they say it could take weeks with a S.
Meaning plural, meaning multiple weeks.
Early election night results might not indicate final tallies.
Red Mirage.
Or an actual GOP red lead will likely reoccur but will be taken away, says ABC News.
And Federman says it'll look like he loses but he's going to win.
You better believe he is, of course.
We also have the press secretary out there saying the exact same thing.
That clip's coming up.
Next segment, Fetterman campaign issues memo, warning of a long week for a process that takes several days before results are in.
Lashes out!
Fetterman campaign issues memo, warning of the election being delayed.
Fetterman's PA Senate campaign sued and won.
Pennsylvania voters line up to cast new ballots as GOP loses lawsuit to block voters from fixing mail-in ballots and incorrect dates.
Two years after election turmoil, GOP voters remain skeptical of election vote counts.
Shouldn't you be skeptical?
61% of Republicans still believe Biden didn't win fair and square.
And they believe bears go to bathroom in the woods.
It goes on and on, we're going to be laying it all out, and then all the magic problems all over the country as the key districts, the machines, fail.
And then they get specially booted right at the last minute, and magically the Democrats win.
They're such good people.
They're so loving and liberal.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, gigantic broadcast coming up today.
Well, we were supposed to already be off the air, and the Deep State threw everything they had at InfoWars in the last five years.
But thanks to you, the listeners and viewers of this transmission, and this great crew, and our amazing guest, And my determination, given to me by God, my will, given to me by my Heavenly Father, we are still on air and in many ways more influential and more powerful, all glory to God, than we've ever been before.
The Republicans would win every Senate seat that's up for a vote right now.
They would win basically every House seat if there wasn't systemic fraud that's been documented.
But the red wave's so big, I do predict, even when they try to stuff the ballots in the next few weeks and shut things down, that it's not going to work and the Republicans will narrowly take the Senate and we'll get a big win in the House.
Even the Washington Post predicts.
In the Senate, 54 Republican wins against 46 Democrat.
In the House, 246 Republicans versus 189 Democrats.
And I think that is a very conservative estimate if it wasn't for the fraud.
But I think you'll actually see less than this because the power structure is not completely unified.
And there's a lot of Democrats and city machines that are going to steal the election, even if the higher-ups aren't wanting that.
And what I'm saying is to be very clear, the deep state doesn't want a big Republican majority.
They want to be able to still control things and run things, and they're scared of a new populist beachhead and caucus forming.
They want to work with the neocons and the deep state Democrats.
And the RINOs, but they don't want too big a Republican victory, but they're going to allow somewhat of a victory, A, because there's such a tsunami, it's hard to steal, but B, they want to blame Republicans for the diesel shortages and the power outages and the depression that we are accelerating over the edge into.
So that's my best analysis and calculus of what's about to happen.
If they didn't steal a bunch of the election, different races tonight, With a replay of what they did two years ago, you would see a massive realignment, the biggest political slaughter, non-violent slaughter, metaphoric slaughter we've ever seen since we've had voting in this country the last 250 years.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the New World Order fighting for its life.
That said, they'll mitigate it with fraud.
And the Republicans will not get enough in to have a swing vote of patriots in the house
that'll be able to not just block deep state legislation, but it would be able to push good legislation
to bring the globalists to justice on a raft of issues like gain of function,
bioweapons and open borders and human smuggling and fentanyl and just all the things that are going on
around the country.
And we see a complete replay of two years ago, ABC News and all the other globalist mouthpieces are saying, oh, it'll look like Republicans are winning massively, but expect a lot of those races to go for Democrats.
So you can see the scripting and you can see the scripting in the last speech of Biden.
Well, he's done a bunch of speeches the last few days, but the big one last Friday, where he said, we can't have them attacking democracy!
Why, they want to hurt us, and they want to put us in camps, and they want to kill our kids.
You've heard that talking point just totally made up, and that if you challenge the election, you are a terrorist.
But they're going to challenge the election, and are challenging the election, and have Politico out there saying they think that the RNC's trying to steal races with the voting machines.
Total oxymoronic murder of common sense, murder of logic, upside down world.
You can't talk about election fraud.
You can't question elections.
You shouldn't investigate, even though the State Department for 80 years or more has sent delegates around the world to observe elections and grade them.
And if you compare our elections to other countries, we have amongst some of the worst elections in the world.
Or an international watchdog group show.
Oh, don't trust foreign elections, but you can trust ours and don't ask any questions.
ABC News says Red Mirage will look like big Republican win, but vote count could take weeks.
Early election night results might not indicate final tallies.
For weeks, ABC News.
And it goes on and on and on with Michigan Democrat officials saying it's expected to take weeks.
And the White House Press Secretary will play in a moment saying it could take weeks.
And Fetterman saying it could take weeks.
And a federal judge ruling that yes, they've got to count ballots that are mislabeled or torn up or have the wrong dates on them.
It goes on and on.
And let's look at some of those headlines dealing with The quote, outages and things.
Voting machines down in New Jersey's Mercer County.
Where we just always seem to see the swing vote for Democrats in a state that's normally Democrat swinging heavily Republican just like New York.
Michigan pollster says expect red mirage on election night but Democrat victories.
The M campaign sounds alarm about red mirage.
Trump calls on Republicans to go out and vote, crush the Communist ballot box.
Love that rhetoric, it's absolutely true.
Election Day tabulators across Maricopa County, again that key place that keeps happening, where the Republicans win in all the other counties, but not there.
Oh, and in Maricopa County, they're not working again!
Tabulators in Texas, a key Democrat controlled area, is not working again.
Just like before.
Votes in key Arizona counties are being misread.
Of course, accidentally for the Democrats.
Here we go again.
Dominion Machines in Mercer, New Jersey, experiencing programming glitch.
It's happening again in New York City polling stations with a pipe bomb threat.
The same as a broken water main that didn't actually happen there in Atlanta.
A last minute change is already delaying vote counting in Philadelphia.
Judge Nye's request to sequester military ballots in Wisconsin.
68% say they'll be thinking about inflation a lot when casting their ballots.
Governor Witch Whitmer got confronted about her lockdowns.
She just said her headphones didn't work anymore.
Biden pledged to shut down coal plants.
Twisted by media, says the White House press secretary.
And more gaslighting.
Here's the press secretary talking about It may take a while to actually tell you who won the election, because again, they only have so many votes in warehouses, pretty filled out.
They only got so many bullets in their gun to steal key areas, and the party bosses wanted to be able, when the rubber meets the road, because they don't have enough votes to seal it everywhere, to pick the key places where they do want to keep their operatives in place.
Here it is.
It took two weeks to call every state.
In modern elections, more and more ballots are being cast in early voting and also by mail.
And many states don't start counting those ballots until after the ballots, after, pardon me, after the polls close on November 8th.
So you heard the president say this the other night.
He has been very clear on this as well.
We may not know all the winners of elections for a few days.
It takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner.
That's how this is supposed to work and it's important for us.
So that's how it's supposed to work?
If you go back 50 years ago, 80 years ago, 100 years ago, every little precinct would count the ballots.
They would then phone it in or call it in or before we really even had telephones,
they would then go down to the city's square area and they would then tabulate them all together.
You'd have poll watchers that would go and make sure that number that was at the precinct
was correct.
We had pretty fair elections on average, still some problems.
But now with all the computers, all the fancy gadgetry, well, we just can't know for weeks.
That's just the way it works, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, a big part of this activism exposing these people is never giving up, even when they steal elections, and coming back and enforcing the issue as it angers voters who don't give up and only double down.
And that's what scares them.
They want you to give up, never give up.
And they also don't want you to say, hey, there's live, real coverage of what's going down and what they don't want you to know about the election as they try a replay of the theft of two years ago.
Here's the forbidden link, Alex Jones and Infowars.com and Infowars.com forward slash show and band dot video.
We'll be right back.
But you are the Paul Revere's.
Spread the live transmission now.
Live midterm bloodbath.
Red wave coverage.
And when I say bloodbath, I mean that metaphorically.
We don't want any violence.
Biden keeps saying we're all about to be a bunch of terrorists.
Republicans are about to be violent when they try to steal the election.
When they have the history of being violent.
And there's a bunch of news articles about the CIA all over the news.
I'll cover this coming up next segment.
Saying it's time to use the CIA on the American people, which they're already doing, that broke in the last few weeks in The Intercept, to censor you, to surveil you, to control you, working with the ADL.
This is completely illegal.
It's absolutely outrageous.
We don't even need new laws or investigations.
They've done it.
It's on the books it's illegal.
They need to be arrested.
Coming up today, David Icke, George Christensen is going to be on, Member of Parliament in Australia about the massive miscarriages.
that are happening.
We're going to be covering the election, all the latest numbers right through past midnight tonight.
We're going to be covering the big issues they don't want us to focus on as well.
We're going to have Owen Troyer, Harrison Smith, Ali Alexander, Steve Bannon, Robert Barnes, and a bunch of other big guests like Roger Stone, Darren Beattie, and others right through past midnight tonight.
You definitely do not want to miss any of this.
The live show headline has the feed in it on the front page of InfoWars.com for you to share.
Live Election Day coverage with Alex Jones.
The Deep State is attempting to steal the midterms using the exact same criminal tactics from 2020.
And we've got a big transmission lined up.
Yours truly, Alex Jones and his team and an ensemble of insightful guests and broadcasters will be transmitting deep into the night as we chronicle the incredible spectacle of the American people trying to retake control of the nation from the transhumanist globalists.
Watch and share this tremendous live broadcast that will be a marathon of vital election coverage and exclusive analysis found nowhere else.
Stay tuned for special guests and more that will also be out of the list.
The Blueprint to Defeat the New World Order is now here.
Thank you so much for joining us and I want to be very clear.
They're going to try to spin their attempt at steel tonight.
That's why we're not just going to chronicle like we're passive observers here what they're trying to do to us.
We're going to be tracking it with your calls from what you've seen at the polls or what you're witnessing in key battleground states like Michigan, like Pennsylvania, like Wisconsin, like Arizona.
We are going to be, unlike Georgia, we're going to be just blasting through today and taking a ton of calls throughout the night, not just the special guests that are joining us.
And I may even do something tonight where we don't even get your name or where you're calling from, and we just air you live on air.
That's something I used to do a long time ago when I was running a show with only one border operator.
That's real talk radio right there.
But that'll be later into the wee hours of the evening and it won't be fully decided tonight because they don't care if Republicans win about 5-10 points.
They've got warehouses full of fake ballots.
They're going to go cram them in.
They're going to pull in with trucks in the middle of the night when it's closed.
They're going to cover the windows up again.
They're going to say water mains broke again when they don't.
They're going to try to steal it.
I mean, this is a hardcore criminal group.
They're going to try to intimidate, attack, and sue anybody that challenges it.
But it doesn't matter.
In the end, we're winning.
And you see the whole world turning against the New World Order.
But I want to cover the tactics with David Icke.
Who's been listed as a level three terrorist.
You know, I saw that last week when it broke and then I went and looked at the actual EU letter.
It said, well, he believes the government's corrupt and planning to put you in camps.
And that's scary and can make people not like the government.
So he's banned from Europe for two years.
That's the model for the rest of the world.
But then they're doing everything David Icke says they're doing.
This ties into everything we've been covering.
That's next segment.
Then, as I said, later in the next hour, we'll open the phones up.
We'll have another guest pop in from Australia for 30 minutes.
We'll take calls again.
Then Mike Adams is loaded for bear with critical information, breaking news that he's tracking in the fourth hour.
And then Owen Schroer in the War Room is just loaded with guests.
We'll be taking calls, all the latest numbers.
And then at about six central, we'll start getting a real clear picture of what's going on.
And I'm going to be here From about 6.30 right through to 2 a.m.
tonight, Owen Schroer and Harrison Smith are going to be in another studio, and every 15 minutes we're going to cut to them, and they're going to give us news and analysis and the latest breaking information.
And that's critical.
So starting at 6 p.m.
tonight, we'll air a few reports and a few promos and a few special reports and maybe a few ads, but it's going to be very commercial light.
I would imagine you'll probably get three minutes of ads an hour.
Yeah, everybody's addicted to podcasts, and so am I. I was one of the first podcasters out there.
I've always done a podcast, you know, on top of the show until they banned me off most podcasting.
But we're still on air because of our great AM and FM affiliates.
There's 14 minutes of ads an hour, Standard Talk Radio.
But when we shift into our coverage tonight at 6 p.m., we're going to go very commercial light.
And our affiliates everywhere are not just welcome, I'm asking them respectfully to carry our live coverage or go back and forth with our live coverage and your local station's coverage or other national coverage as well.
We're free to air, meaning no contracts needed to carry our shows.
Some stations want contracts, but we do that when they want it.
We have an affiliate relations team, great folks to do that, Scott Bronson and John Harmon.
But we are free to air, meaning carry the show, carry an eclipse, Anything you want, we're free to air.
It belongs to the people of America and the world.
And I want to just ask listeners again to spread all the live feeds.
You're the force multipliers.
We always, on elections, get an extra 5, 6, 7 million viewers.
On the 2016 election, we had over 35 million people tune in, in just 24 hours.
And over 87 million people that week.
That's conservatively, so that's what scared them so bad when our broadcast was the biggest thing in the world in 2016 and why we became public enemy number one because we're the model of what they fear.
So at the same time, please remember, financially we're in your hands, plus we've got amazing products you need, so don't miss out on these products.
The biggest sell of the year always peaks in November.
We've got all the products in, or most of them in, and it's up to 60% off with promo code 1776, and these deals will continue through Christmas.
But, a lot of stuff in the next week's gonna be sold out.
And so if you wanna do your Christmas shopping now, or stock up on great things like X3, or Vitamin Mineral Fusion, or DNA Force Plus, or Brain Force Ultra, or Brain Force Plus, or the ultimate krill oil, highest rated krill oil, incredible, it does for your whole cardiovascular, your brain, just, I tell you before I go to sleep, just gives you the best deep dreams, best sleep, major studies out on that.
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Everything's 40-50% off.
You get an additional 10% off promo code 1776.
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That's why people love it so much.
That's the type of stuff you get at InfoWarsStore.com or by calling toll-free, 888-253-3139.
If you want to fund our legal defense to stay on air, go to SaveInfoWars.com and make a donation.
I want to thank you all for your support.
This is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
This is the heart of 1776!
It's 12 o'clock, Americans.
Another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
Well, the globalist social engineers are trying to overwhelm us and break our will
while normalizing a corporate world government, a world ID, carbon taxes, social credit scores,
bankrupting us so we're all on social Credit score controlled universal basic incomes.
And whether you're in Europe or whether you're in the UK or Australia or Canada or the US, they had military psyops, they bragged the last two years, interfacing with the media and directing them to use mind control and fear and to quote brainwash the public.
And then we told you this over a decade ago, but it's now come out mainstream news that The CIA and FBI here domestically, and their counterparts in places like the UK and the EU, directly involve surveilling populists, conservatives, liberals, they don't care, anti-war folks, people that question the Afghan withdrawal, people that question election fraud, lockdowns, forced injections.
As Biden said in that report he put out as the new U.S.
directive for law enforcement and the military and the CIA, That anyone questioning elections, anyone questioning open borders, anyone questioning lockdowns, anyone questioning forced injections, now they've added the list, questioning the withdrawal, questioning the Ukraine war, that's in the news last week, is a terrorist.
And now I have a big stack of articles here we'll go over.
In major publications with CIA officers saying we need to take the gloves off, just like we did with radical Islam, that they actually fund, and go after people domestically as terrorists for their views.
Overhead shot?
I'll show some people some of the documents, then we'll go to David Icke, it just happened to him.
I've been patient zero for de-platforming, de-banking, loss of demonization.
Now, David Icke's been singled out for the next level, declaring someone a terrorist in an official EU document.
COVID response tampered by National Security Council, run by the Pentagon.
Mainstream news.
We're going to be getting to all of that coming up.
It ties into Operation Lockstep.
From 2011, run by the Rockefeller Foundation.
And here's even the NIH saying the U.S.
Department of State is policing the population.
They're going to use viruses for control.
That's the government itself.
And it goes on and on and on.
And that ties in To the big event that just happened to David Icke.
David Icke, banned from European Union countries for two years.
That's how terrified the cult is of him.
They went on to list him as a Level 3 terrorist.
There's a transcript at davidicke.com of it.
We went and transcribed it ourselves.
We believe David, but we wanted to have it ourselves.
And indeed, from the EU via the Netherlands, they say, you question government.
You say that we are tyrants.
That's not allowed.
You're a Level 3 terrorist.
Deep State Operative Argues to Use Shame Technologies Using as Radical Islam to Take Down Conservative Americans.
Gateway Pundit.
And here's the actual article.
Fox News, Former CIA Intelligence Officer Suggests Using Counterterrorism Strategies Against Right-Wing Americans.
It's already been going on.
Remember Domesticate Parents at the School Board Meetings over Critical Race Theory and Transgenderism?
Turned out the Justice Department ran that.
It wasn't a request of the schools.
That's what we're talking about!
With David Icke, and how it ties in to the Disinformation Governance Board, they claim that they shut down.
No, it's still operating, and they say in their own documents that we covered last week, it's illegal what they're doing, but they've got to keep it secret.
And so, the think tanks, it says the ADL, they name them, give them the government order.
Then the government creates a secret government order that's illegal, and then has the ADL tell, along with a handful of other think tanks, And watchdog groups and fact checkers, what big tech and the media does.
I mean, this is Chinese Communist level.
So David Icke joins us to talk about this historic event.
And I don't want to say I'm envious or jealous, but he's I mean, you know how dangerous somebody is to the cult, as he calls them, by how much they're attacked.
Well, this is a new level.
Three years ago, Zuckerberg said, I'm the most banned person in the world.
He said, I'm now what you call a dangerous person, and that violence is allowed to be called for against me, but no one is allowed to say anything positive.
That's the actual rules of Facebook.
Well, David Icke has now reached a level above that.
He's listed as a terrorist, a Type 1.
...tries to blow up or shoot people for political aims, and Type 2 supports them, but Type 3 just says bad things about the system and encourages terrorists.
Well, under that rubric, all of us are terrorists, aren't we?
David Icke of DavidIcke.com, the iconic...
A long-time top broadcaster in the UK, until he had his epiphany in the early 90s, then became the greatest challenger of the cult, along with myself, since then, but he's been around longer than I have.
We're kind of the two-headed monster, according to the New World Order, and he joins us now.
David, you are now officially listed as a Type 3 terrorist, because you said the government is authoritarian, which they're proving they are.
Thank you for joining us.
Hello Alex.
Well the thing is that what kind of level of moron does it take for you to say things about what's happening and what the plan is?
For those things to then unfold in front of people's eyes and they then say it's a conspiracy theory.
I mean the level of moron needed to process that into a conclusion Is just beyond my imagination.
What happened, Alex, is that I was asked to go and speak, wait for it, at a peace rally in Amsterdam, which I was very happy to do.
And this is the sequence that happens.
It's the same sequence that led to me being banned from Australia in 2019.
First of all, you're invited to speak, okay?
And then you get usually an ultra-Zionist organization, in this case an organization called CIDI.
In Australia it was one called the Anti-Defamation Commission.
These are man-and-a-dog organizations and they start kicking off that you're going to say this and you're going to say that when you're actually not going to say it and they bloody well know it.
And what happens then is the media pick it up and in the Netherlands The entirety of the media went absolutely off their heads.
It was everywhere, television, radio, national newspapers, that this anti-Semite was going to come and speak in Amsterdam.
What happens then is the morons kick in.
These are the WOKER morons.
These are the anti-fascist fascists and the anti-hate haters.
They kick off and they say, we've got to stop this because we're anti-fascist.
Right, OK, look in the mirror if you want to see a fascist mate.
And then the government come in and the politicians, of course, desperate to virtue signal.
They say, oh yes, we mustn't have this man, he's spewing hatred of evidence.
We don't need evidence, you're spewing hatred.
And then the government in general, the Netherlands government, and this happened in Australia, they said we've got to stop this man in some way or other.
David, stay there.
I went to you late because I wanted to set this up.
You'll have plenty of time next hour and next segment.
Stay there.
Give me the floor when we come back.
But I want to just preface it because what you just said is exactly what they do here and everywhere else.
The ADL group Really runs the government, literally.
It's in the documents.
They then go create the complaint in the media and the government responds.
But in the documents, it's really the ADL ordering the government to do it.
Then they have the ADL make the complaint and the government makes the order.
We'll be right back with David Icke.
I mean, it's in the documents, folks.
It's the ADL.
I mean, they literally are the thought police.
So dangerous.
Closest things to Nazis in our lifetimes.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back to live coverage.
Going through past midnight tonight with Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Owen Schroyer, Robert Barnes, so many others, Ali Alexander in studio right through midnight tonight.
I'm going to be up here from like 6.30 on through midnight.
I'm going to be here obviously till past two o'clock today.
Mike Adams is going to be coming in as well, so much more.
But what David Icke is telling you is the future under the Global Social Credit score for everybody.
He's been listed as a quote level three terrorist of the EU.
Banned from going to a peace rally.
Obviously he's not anti-Semitic, he's not anti-human in any way.
All completely made up.
So how this works is, globalist bodies create the policy, the WEF says we're going to censor all opposition, puts out policy papers.
Then usually ADL affiliations of an eye breadth around the world, that's just who does it, it's on record, you see it all over the news.
They come in and have policy that the government implements.
Then government covertly goes and tells Big Tech and others, follow the orders of the ADL when they complain.
That's in the documents, in the Intercept document that we've been covering for a week and a half here.
David Icke just lived through it, and the next level of a control.
So today we got to the point of the governments then who were behind it, working through these groups, say, oh my gosh, we've got the media freaking out.
They've all libeled you calling you a Nazi, which is upside down world.
You're loved by everybody across the board.
And then the government lists you as a terrorist.
And what's even more insane is what they call being a terrorist is questioning them.
So please continue.
Yeah, so you reach the point, as I was saying, where they have wound up the moronic wokers, the anti-fascist fascists and the anti-haters.
And what happens, because obviously I'm talking across a range, a tapestry of subjects, you get other groups coming in and so in the end there were three counter protests that were going to be in the Dam Square in Amsterdam.
Um, protesting against me.
There was the SIDI one, and they were going to blow whistles and bang drums to drown me out if I got in there.
Then there was another anti-fascist fascist group, and then Extinction Rebellion was going to be there because I'm challenging you to cause climate change.
And of course what they're trying to do is silence you.
You're saying actually there is an agenda, a conspiracy to silence people having a different opinion and then they go and prove you right by telling you you're wrong.
So we reached the point then where the government had their excuse, this is where it's all leading to, and so they call the police in and the police say, oh we're a bit worried, we're a bit worried about these counter protests and you know there might be trouble.
And so they say, well, there might be trouble because of the way people are acting towards you.
Well, yeah, thanks to you.
And they say, we have got to protect the people from harm and possible violence, which is not going to come from me.
It's going to come from the protesters.
And so they banned you.
But it went more than that, because We got a letter, I mean I've been here before, I was sitting in a hotel in Los Angeles four hours before heading to Australia in 2019 to do a six-city tour, when I got this letter from the immigration ministry in Australia, a bloke called David Coleman, saying actually we're going to revoke your visa, you're not coming in anymore.
And the same thing basically happened, I was sitting on the Kent coast Before I was going to go through the next day the Channel Tunnel to Amsterdam and suddenly this thing arrives, this letter arrives and it says that...
Not only are you not allowed to come into Amsterdam, but you're banned for two years from what they call the Schengen group of countries, 26 countries in Europe, and not only in the European Union, that work together.
And if one bans you, they all ban you, right?
So I thought it was a joke for a start and a hoax that they were going to ban me from 26 countries.
And I hear today, Alex, it's more than that.
Because other countries that are not actually in the Schengen Group also follow the Schengen, what they call a Schengen Information System, SIS, definitions of undesirable people.
And they ban them as well, including the United States.
So it's... An international no-travel database for your peace movement, pro-human, anti-tyranny views.
I'm actually pretty much confined to the UK now because of having the view that a few people are controlling the world to a very sinister end, that very end that's unfolding all around us.
I mean, hello?
And so one of the things in that letter from the Dutch government was that I mean, they went in and started talking about, oh, you're saying that, you know, some of these people are reptiles and all that stuff.
Oh, that dehumanizes them.
And it said that what you're doing and what you're saying is challenging the legitimacy of people in authority.
Oh, really?
Well, I thought challenging the legitimacy of people in power was what they called freedom.
And a basic human right to question governments.
But no, questioning governments now has you silenced and banned.
And for a very simple reason.
I mean, there's some very good things about this.
And that is, you know, you can see where the real power is.
I mean, these people control the banking system, the government system, they control the corporations, the major corporations, they control the media, they control Silicon Valley, and yet they're frightened of a few people standing up and pointing out what they're doing.
So, you know, for them to be terrified of people like me, to the point they have to go to these incredible lengths, It just shows you where the real power is.
If people would just wake up, stiffen their backbone and say, no, we're not cooperating with you.
Without our cooperation or mass, they couldn't do this.
It really is crazy to go back and read your books from 30 years ago and my films and work from over 25 years ago and it's all come true exactly like we said because we're just going off their own documents.
I mean they're admitting at the WEF they want to silence all political opposition.
They're talking about the London Guardian arresting people that question man-made global warming.
You've got all the elites flying to these UN climate summits on private jets.
You've got Extinction Rebellion harassing blue-collar workers getting their jobs, but never going and harassing the elites and openly being funded by the most powerful families on earth.
I mean, they're out in the open.
Saying they want to depopulate us.
They're out in the open saying they want control of our bodies to put things in us.
It's confirmed the shots don't work.
It's confirmed they're killing us.
I mean, it's just we're inside the New World Order, David.
What comes next?
Well, I'll tell you what, when the big pennies drop, and it dropped for me a long time ago, is when you realize, Alex, that you're living In a lunatic asylum, that's basically what it is.
And so you've got white people who can see the lunacy and you've got loads of actual lunatics that can't see it and think they're credible.
They think they're challenging the system, for instance, when they are demanding everything the system wants.
And so, you know, this cult, as I call it, this global cult, with all its different expressions like the World Economic Forum, that doesn't concern me anything like as much as the morons, and I keep using that word because it's appropriate, in the population.
Because the number of people in full knowledge of what they're doing, compared with the global population now about to pass eight billion, is tiny.
And they couldn't do what they're doing and they couldn't do what they want to do unless a vast tract of moronic members of the population One, just believe what they're told without question and just behave as they're told.
This is what Extinction Rebellion and all these people are doing, the so-called liberals.
They're actually fascistic, not liberal.
They are campaigning and seeking to silence on the basis of what these billionaires and this cabal wants.
They're playing their essential part in it and without those morons it wouldn't be possible.
Without the moronic people who were shouting anti-fascist at me, the moronic people in this city ultra-Zionist organization, the moronic people in Extinction Rebellion, It would not have been possible to justify my ban not only from the Netherlands but so many other countries.
It's the morons that are the problem.
That, you know, the cult is trying to impose it, but without the morons it can't happen.
And we need to call these people out and not be cowered by them.
And again, for those who don't know, they're a literal death cult funded by the most rich people on earth saying we all need to die and the public needs to recognize that.
We're going to go to break, come right back, but I want to ask you the big question, David Icke.
I don't agree with David, you know, Rockefeller.
I don't agree with Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.
We should just kill everybody.
But if the public's that dumb and is caught in this trance through their social Darwinistic People deserve it, except children don't deserve it.
They don't deserve to be injected with deadly shots.
If some leptist idiot wants to take poison shots and die, that's their issue.
But the children don't deserve it.
We'll come right back on the other side and talk about where this is all headed with the iconic David Icke of DavidIcke.com and Alex Jones of InfoWars.com and Banned.Video.
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(air whooshing)
All right, I'm gonna cover the waterfront in the next hour
and then we're gonna take your calls.
Other special guests cover the latest election news right through midnight.
But Evan Icke has been listed as a Class 3 terrorist.
We'll talk more about that next segment, what that means.
He also wants to get into Elon Musk and Twitter.
But right now, I wanted you to briefly, in this short segment, talk about all the demonization, all the attacks.
We've experienced more support than ever, more love than ever.
For my wife's 44th birthday, to a very popular restaurant that liberals go to, I was mobbed by men and women, particularly, I guess people love the villain, the media says I'm the villain, not trying to brag, but it was a little crazy how many women were literally like I was Elvis Presley.
Something's happening.
This is not working, David.
Are you experiencing what I'm experiencing?
Oh, exactly.
And what's happened in the Netherlands is, you know, I was pretty known in the Netherlands, a bit notorious and also very, very popular with a lot of people because of what I've been saying all these decades.
But what the media have done, and the government has done, is just make me one of the most famous people in the Netherlands.
In fact, probably the most famous in many ways over the last two weeks, because I was, it was everywhere.
And by the way, while I was everywhere being demonized in the media, not one of those media organizations ever contacted me to ask for a comment.
They had all these discussions on their radio and television programs and their newspaper stuff, not once That's what I asked for, for a comment.
Because they want to demonize you, and you've experienced this in the court cases.
They want to demonize you, but they don't want you to have a platform to say what you are saying, and they don't want people to hear.
So what are they going to do?
Because we're not bragging more than ever, it just shows the public's not buying it.
What are they going to do with the paradox is they try to silence us, it only makes us bigger, the Streisand effect.
Yeah, well this is, what's happened, and I've had many, many messages like this.
People in the Netherlands that didn't really know about me, or even know of me, were saying, hold on a minute, what is this guy saying that's getting this massive Kind of reaction.
What's going on?
And they look at what you're saying and they go, oh my God, I can see why they want to ban him now.
And it gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger.
The more they try to demonize you, the more people are attracted to ask the question, but what's he saying then?
And then they see what you're saying and more and more people start to see stuff they wouldn't otherwise have seen.
I could have gone into Amsterdam On the weekend, I could have spoken for half an hour in front of a group of people in the square and I would have gone home.
But instead, I've been all over the Netherlands.
In fact, all over the world.
This story has been covered all over the world.
And so, In a way, it's almost like a panic.
We've got to silence them, but if we try to do it in this panic, extreme, massively over-the-top way with you and then with me here, then you're going to alert people to see that actually there's something going on.
And when then people start to realise that you've been saying that current events were coming for decades, then they start to get even more interested.
So it's almost, what's that old saying, no publicity is bad publicity?
Well that's in so many ways what we're looking at, because the people who demonise you, and attack you and abuse you, they're not going to listen
to you anyway.
But in doing so, you alert more people who do have a mind of their own and they start to see
stuff they wouldn't have looked at before. So there's many positives to this as well.
Beautifully said, David.
When we come back, we're going to get into that big question I posed before the break about, we don't want to kill the dumbed-down masses, but the globalist social Darwinism is, if they don't know we're killing them, they deserve it.
How do we deal with that paradox?
Then you want to talk about Elon Musk.
I wanted to get you on about Elon Musk.
We've got some big Twitter news with you and Elon Musk.
It's all coming up with David Icke.
And David, the best site is DavidIcke.com or Iconic.
One's a massive media platform with original news shows and original documentaries, and DavidIke.com is the hub where all my stuff is on.
All right, David Ike, the icon of human liberty and expanding our awareness, is our guest.
We'll be back in 60 seconds, so everybody you know, tune in now.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we have coming up after David leaves us, massive news of election fraud by the Democrats across the country.
Video of it, machines shutting down in the key districts, Democrats saying it will go for weeks, so much more.
But David Icke is target number one right now for the New World Order, listed by the
EU as a level three terrorist for calling for peace and an end to war and banned from
entering the continent of Europe for two years.
And I asked you at the end of the last hour, David, for stations that just joined us and
listeners that just tuned in, you were talking about how you've got to be a complete moron
to not see the world government, the tyranny and the deadly shots and the surveillance
and the control now and the very fact that these are tyrants we're dealing with, the
bad guys.
So then doesn't the public, going along with it, deserve it?
But the children don't deserve it.
And most of the public's still in a trance.
But I saw national polls that the Democrats even did.
They're shocked by it.
Forty-four percent of voters think they're shadow evil cabals are running things.
50 plus percent of Republicans, 37 percent of Democrats, 40 plus percent of Independents.
So there's a real awakening happening, but there's still those that are in a trance.
It seems there's a splitting apart right now.
So how do we deal with the social Darwin idea that those in the public that fail the IQ test and go and take the shot and get sick and die, well in a way the globalists are doing us a favor.
But that's buying into their mindset.
They're trying to dumb everybody down.
How do we thread the needle on that concept?
Well, you see, there's a massive parting of the ways.
But it doesn't have to be, you know, this group is going that way and that group's going that way.
There can be movement from the group that is responsible for what's going on, and they are, to the ones that are awakening to it.
Because if you break it down, there's three types of people.
And two of them are responsible for this tyranny.
Yes, this cult is trying to impose it, but they can't without these two groups.
One is that which just believes what they're told without question.
So you have the global warming human cause climate change believers, Who are just repeating what they've been told to believe.
They don't have a mind of their own.
They don't think.
They don't question.
They don't research.
They repeat.
And this unquestioning group that just do whatever they're told without thinking or questioning, we saw that classically in Covid, that's what they are.
They are repeaters.
They haven't got an original thought in their head because they haven't had a thought in their head that someone else hasn't put there.
And then you've got another second group also responsible for what's happening and how it's
And they do see it.
They do see some of it.
And they absolutely don't want to do what they're told.
But they're terrified of not doing what they're told to do.
And so they do it.
And these two groups have been responsible for every tyranny in history.
Because fascism is not brought in by fascists, communism, whatever you want to call it.
Because there's never enough of them.
Fascism and communism is brought in by the public's acquiescence to the communists and the fascists.
And these are the two groups that have got us where we are now.
Then the third group, which is getting bigger, it is.
Are those that can see it, they're the real renegades, the ones that can see it and they're seeing more of it as we move forward and they're not prepared to cooperate with it.
They're not prepared to just believe it without question and they're not prepared to have their backbone vibrating like a jelly And therefore do what they really don't want to do because they're frightened of not doing it.
This is the renegade group that is the only group that can bring this down.
Because it's the only group that will act in ways that remove the cause of the problem.
And the cause of the problem is human acquiescence in the form of unquestioning obedience and belief.
And the other one in fear of not doing what you're told.
The only group that can bring this down, or any other tyranny in history, it's the group that's brought down every tyranny in history, those that see it and are not bloody having it.
And that's why no matter what they throw at me, throw at you, and all the rest of it, we must get stronger as a result of it, not weaker, because as they throw this They're telling us they're frightened of us and they're frightened of us because they know their narrative is unsustainable in terms of credibility.
They have no narrative that will stand up to public debate.
Not the climate changers, not the Wokers, not the transgender activists, not the World Economic Forum.
It will not stand up to scrutiny and debate.
And because they fear that, and they know that, they have to stop the debate.
And that's what they're doing with this hysterical censorship.
The more hysterical the censorship gets, They're just betraying how frightened they are of other forms of information that unravel and destroy what they're trying to get people to believe.
The bottom line of all this, the stadium in which this is all played out, is human perception.
That's what they have to control to get billions of people to do what they want.
So, human perception.
Authority knows best.
I must believe what authority says.
A human perception, oh well, I don't want to do it, but what the consequences of not doing it?
Human perception.
I can see it and I'm not bloody having it.
And they are the perceptions that we're looking at and the third one is the only one that can bring this down.
Perfectly said.
David, I've got a lot of other questions for you in general, but with just three minutes to break.
Obviously, we know the Republican Party isn't perfect.
They got a lot of evil people at the top, but there is a populist movement taking it over.
Other populist movements in Brazil and Sweden and everywhere else.
The system's after it.
What do you make of the midterms here and the already evidence is coming out of mounting fraud?
What's your gut level view on that?
Well, you're not supposed to say it, but anyway, I couldn't care less.
I mean, it's obvious that the last presidential election was stolen.
I mean, how you get more votes for Biden than any other presidential candidate in history when he's clearly senile and oddly left his bunker for the entire election campaign.
I mean, hello?
I mean, how much evidence do you need beyond that even?
It's ridiculous.
And so when you are doing things and you're pushing an agenda, which actually even a lot of Democrats have started to go, well, hold on a minute, this is the best stream now, isn't it?
to manipulate elections, you have to use fear and all the rest of the techniques that they
use because you're losing the population. The population doesn't want what you're doing.
You look at what's happening not just in the United States but around the world where inflation
and energy prices and food prices and all these things are making the basic survival
of families and people nigh impossible and ever more so.
The World Economic Forum controlled Netherlands which is why this has happened to me, run by
this WEF agent called Mark Rutter, the Prime Minister.
Remember, he's the one that's targeting hundreds and hundreds of Dutch farmers to destroy their ability to produce... Hold on there, we've got to go to break.
Because I want to get to Elon Musk, we'll do that at the bottom of the hour.
Next segment, let's get into your new Prime Minister tied into the carbon taxes, WUF.
Let's get into the Netherlands, how they put their operators everywhere.
And now there's a big awakening to that and major political opposition to it.
But that's a very important point.
Shut down the farms when the Netherlands is what, the fourth biggest producer of food in the world.
They want to starve people to death.
David Icke.
David Icke's our guest.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
It's Election Day 2022 as the American people attempt to wrest control of their country from the WF and the New World Order.
And national polls show close to half the Americans know there's a New World Order and it's their enemy.
Soon it'll be 78%.
Make no mistake, we're winning, but the enemy's gonna double down.
David Icke.
Listed last week as a terrorist in the EU for calling for peace and justice.
Joins us exclusively and we're very honored to have him.
David, you were getting into the Netherlands and their war on farmers, their war on food production, what that means for the world, and this depopulation agenda, and then your new Prime Minister, they already had one for a few months, shoveled her around, now they've got another one.
This guy's a total globalist calling for SEGs, carbon taxes, just absolute nightmare.
Talk about the WEF and how that, which is really run by the Bilderberg Group.
Now they put these puppets in, as Klaus Schwab says, we penetrate the cabinets.
Yeah, I mean, what's happening is, you know, I've come on this show, Alex, with you so many times over the decades, and we've talked about how a few people are controlling the direction of human society.
And the closer they come to their end goal, the more they have to put themselves on public display.
And the World Economic Forum, I mean...
If anyone looks at that, I was reading the other day, oh no, the World Economic Forum, it's a conspiracy theory.
Oh really?
So you have young leader schools run by that forum and that guy Klaus Schwab and they just happen to turn up in positions of power all over the world.
Like Trudeau and Ardern in New Zealand and Macron in France and on and on it goes.
And then the WEF brags that they control everything and then you get banned from Europe for saying it.
It's, I mean, it's ridiculous.
I mean, talk about on public display.
And in the Netherlands, this guy, Mark Rutter, is a total agent for the World Economic Forum.
In Britain now, we have another in Rishi Sunak and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, a guy called Jeremy Hunt, is the same.
And they are going to push this World Economic Forum agenda, the Great Reset in Britain, at a very fast pace now, as these other clones around the world are doing.
And so you look at the people that run the so-called individual countries, and as I was saying in a speech online to people in the Netherlands over the weekend, these people like Rutte, And Trudeau and Macron, they're not your Prime Minister or President.
They're not.
They're agents of this central cabal and they therefore represent the interests and the agenda of that cabal, which is why they do so many things constantly that are against the interests of the people of the country.
That's why they do it.
Why are they doing that?
Why is this guy Rutter?
Trying to destroy hundreds and hundreds of Dutch farmers.
I mean, why would he do that?
It makes no sense.
Well, it does when you realize he's not the Prime Minister of the Netherlands.
He's the agent in the Netherlands for the World Economic Forum.
So that's why he's doing it.
World Economic Forum wants to destroy farming.
Then he destroys farming.
And when the penny drops, That these leaders, we've got now, as I say, Sunak in Britain and in the wings is a guy called Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party.
If he gets in, and there is a chance at some point, then he'll turn Britain into what the Democrats have turned America into.
Because the Democrats are totally controlled by this cult and that's why they have devastated, destroyed America.
That's why they've opened the southern border.
That's because they want to change the demographic of America as they're changing the demographic of Europe.
That's why they have targeted fossil fuels to destroy access to energy and push the price
up massively of what you do have access to.
It's about dismantling Western society, well global society too, but Western society.
And by the way, we've got all the energy heads in Europe, the EU, the UK, everywhere, the
US saying we're involved in a transition, but they're not even giving us something to
transition to.
So what's the end game of their collapse of civilization and how is it going for them?
The point being that if you want to introduce a totally different system in the world, you've
got to dismantle and destroy the one that went before.
I call it creative destruction.
You have a status quo, and then you destroy that status quo and create another.
That's what happened with the First World War, for instance.
Then you had the Second World War, and the status quo changed again, and you had all these global institutions like the IMF, the World Bank, the Bretton Woods Agreement, and all that stuff.
And you go on destroying status quos.
9/11 massively destroyed a status quo in America.
All going forward towards what is called this Great Reset, which is basically, well not
basically, it's a global centralized tyranny in which the entirety of humankind will be
connected to an AI, artificial intelligence system, which will do all their thinking for
They won't have to manipulate information any longer once that happens because people's
perceptions will be manipulated.
come direct through AI.
And this is what's unfolding in front of our eyes while people are watching the sport
or campaigning to stop me having any platform to speak.
And it's unbelievable.
Absolutely, what do you make of the new UK prime minister?
The level of moron it takes not to see it now is absolutely extraordinary.
And you can only say they have to be, And they are under a form of mass mind control and mass
It's the only way of explaining it.
When it's here in your face and you can't see it, then you're obviously not in control of your own mind in any way, shape or form.
David, I want to talk Elon Musk next segment, but just briefly, the new UK Prime Minister, what do you make of him?
Oh, he's an absolute gopher for this agenda.
You go into his family through his wife and you go into the very companies, I think they call it Infosys, which are providing the very technology for this social credit system.
He's into it up to his neck.
That's why they managed to manipulate him in there through a number of others.
Another Johnson and then this Liz Trust lady that stayed around for five minutes.
That's what they're doing.
They get their people and they put them in positions of power.
What we have, Alex, now in Who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer that devastated the British economy when he was the Chancellor through the Covid era and now he's saying we've got to have pain and cutbacks and tax increases and cutting benefits of various kinds because we've got a massive economic problem.
Yes, which you bloody cause mate!
This is what they do.
They create the problem and then somehow they put themselves forward as the person to solve the problem that they've created.
Exactly how this system works.
Perfect example is the UN, world lockdowns, hundreds of millions starving to death, and then they say there's a global starvation problem.
David Icke, davidicke.com, Alex Jones, themfullwars.com.
Spread those links.
When we come back, you've got a lot to say about Elon Musk.
And so we're going to be going over all that.
We're going to be live past midnight tonight, and next hour, I am going to massively drill into the huge developments and evidence of deep state election fraud that is taking place.
And then again, we're going to have a whole bunch of other big guests tonight.
You don't want to miss this broadcast, but David Icke is our guest.
You've been a big critic of Elon Musk, and I want to hope and believe he's a good guy.
That if you balance out some of the bad things he's done and the good things, it's pretty much a wash in my view.
But definitely he's promoting globalism in many ways, and now that he's taken over Twitter, I'll give him some time, but you've got some Twitter news on that front.
You put a meme out last week, cult-owned Elon Musk is free speech hero.
Some questions.
You say, the cult of driverless vehicle agenda, the cult of 5G, 6G, 7G from space, smart grid, the Neuralink brain chips with AI to control our minds.
Why would cult-owned Twitter sell to Musk?
Well, they acted like they fought it.
But what is your view?
Is he newer, older 2.0, more sophisticated, acts like he's our friend but he isn't?
What do you think is really going on with Elon Musk?
I wouldn't trust him to tell by the time in a room full of clocks, mate.
His grandfather was the head of the technocracy movement and the technocracy party in America, in Canada rather, in the 1930s.
Just as, you know, Bezos was connected with his grandfather People don't get to their billionaire status by accident.
They get there because of what they're doing.
And those examples I gave you, I mean, it's quite simple.
Never mind this.
I'm not interested in what you're saying, mate.
I'm interested in what you're doing.
By their actions shall you see them.
And you look at the Tesla agenda, electric cars, driverless cars, that's absolutely straight off the script of the cult, because a driverless car is not taken to its destination by you if it's the wrong destination.
You're not going there because the computer is going to decide where you can and cannot go.
And you cannot have driverless cars with petrol engines and diesel engines, it's got to be electrical and that's that
so he's pushing that agenda.
Then he's putting up these low orbit satellites in vast and increasing numbers to fire 5G etc etc
at the earth and that's to create every inch of the planet being hit by what they call
the cloud and it's the cloud that people are supposed to be connected to not least by the
nanotechnology self-replicating in the body of those who've been vaccinated.
So, he's pushing that agenda, the driverless cars, he's fronting up the agenda for the smart grid, the cloud, without which it wouldn't be possible.
You can't cover the whole Earth with 5G towers, but you can through space.
And then he's talking about, oh yeah, well, AI could be the end of humanity.
Yes, mate!
Yes, it could.
So why are you starting a company called Neuralink to connect computers to the human brain?
Why are you doing that?
I've been pointing out for decades that the agenda is to move people into tiny, tiny micro houses, micro homes.
And out of the way we live now.
And he's pushing micro-homes and producing micro-homes.
Everywhere you look with Musk, you're looking at the script of this global cult.
And so when he's talking about free speech and he's going to take over Twitter and he's going to do this, that, the other, I don't believe it.
It's all that again.
When he took over, my son Gareth was told, well, you know, first of all, you need to ask them to reinstate your dad's account, which was taken down in 2020.
But that's going to take a while.
So the best thing to do is just to start a new account.
So he did, a David Icke official.
It lasted 12 hours and it was down.
And we heard today, a few hours ago, That Twitter have said that they are not going to reinstate my account, which was taken down in 2020, because I breached their rules as a result of questioning the whole Covid hoax.
So I'm not going back on Twitter.
And anyone else who's saying anything, I mean, let's just take a calm look at this.
Twitter was owned by the cultists and that's why Twitter has been such a dramatic censor of information that is challenging the cult agenda.
So why would they, not only why would they sell to Elon Musk, why would they threaten to go to court to make him buy it when he was apparently going, oh I'm not so sure now with the bots and stuff.
Does a cult-owned organisation that's censoring on behalf of the cult, are they going to say, oh, we're going to sell it to someone who put free speech back?
Is anyone having a laugh?
And the other kind of backstory... I agree, and I'm not defending him.
Remember, he said we shouldn't get rid of humans, we need to have a higher birthrate.
He said he's not going to take the COVID shot, he doesn't trust it.
He does all that stuff.
I'm not interested in that.
I'm interested in action.
And that's what I look at him about.
Anyone can say that, but actually playing it out... No, I hear you.
I'm just playing devil's advocate.
Yeah, I know you are, but the thing about Musk is that he's pushing the agenda on every level, but we're asked to believe that when it comes to free speech destruction, which is the very foundation of how this agenda is coming in, so it can't be exposed, that he's going to take a totally different track.
So let me ask this question.
Whereas the globalist average people just say, screw you, we're taking your rights, we'll kill everybody, world government, why is he acting like he's against it?
Well, if you want to control a game, then you want to know what the outcome's going to be, what the score's going to be before the first ball is kicked.
So you're saying he's being set up as loyal opposition?
It's no good.
I don't think he's being set up.
I think he knows exactly what he's doing.
You have to control not one side of the game.
No, I don't mean he's being set up.
I mean, they're setting him up as the loyal opposition.
Yeah, well yeah, in part, that's what we're talking about.
You know, the free speech friend.
Well, he's not my free speech friend, obviously.
But the other thing, the other backstop that they have, you see, because the co-owns governments and the European Union is already kicking off.
They are pushing back against Twitter and saying, oh no, you can't do this, you're not going to be allowed to do this, the people aren't going to be allowed to do that.
So he's got that backstop to say, well, I really wanted free speech, but of course I can't now because of what governments and what have you are doing.
I mean, he's got ways of explaining it away, but he's not got ways of explaining away the fact that he's stopping people questioning the whole thing.
That's kind of the next level of the New World Order where he acts like he's our friend but he isn't.
Yeah, well, you know my views on Donald Trump.
I mean, I think what Donald Trump said recently, when he called DeSantis desanctimonious, was an absolute bloody disgrace.
We're supposed to be coming together and supporting each other.
It's not about you, Mr Trump.
It's not about your power and your ego.
It's about bringing this down.
And DeSantis did not I'm not saying DeSantis is perfect, but I want to talk about him when you come back.
It's true.
The talking point is that DeSantis is skull and bones.
We looked it up.
He's not a skull and bones member that's being put out.
It's not true.
David Icke, stand there.
I want to talk about him when you come back.
It's true.
The talking point is that Sanders is a skull and bones.
We looked it up.
He's not a skull and bones member that's being put out.
It's not true.
David Ike, stay there.
We'll talk about Trump.
I was about to say, what about Trump?
And you said Trump.
That is wild.
So we're definitely synced up.
David, I can stay right there.
And then we got all the election news, a bunch of stuff's built up here, a bunch of video clips, and so much more.
Stay with us.
So I don't put my trust in leaders, especially when I have a long track record.
Well, there are good people on this planet.
There's not just evil, so we shouldn't give up hope.
But it's the individual action that really changes the world.
But I was literally We didn't talk before the broadcast, but I sat David on for weeks before he even got listed as a terrorist by the EU.
Then he agreed last week to come on today.
I was literally about to say Trump versus DeSantis.
He goes, let's take Trump and DeSantis out of a thousand topics.
He went right there.
So I'm not naive, but I hear this thing.
Oh, DeSantis is a skull and bones.
When I looked it up, it wasn't a skull and bones.
It's not true.
Not saying DeSantis is perfect.
I'm not naive.
But yeah, Trump, like, oh, the sanctimonious over there.
I'm not wedded to Trump.
I'm not the Trump cult.
I think Trump did some good things.
I don't think he's working for them, but I think he's very egotistical and can be manipulated.
So I want David Icke's take on Ron DeSantis versus Donald Trump and where you see this going.
Well, I mean, I've been less than a Trump fan since he was running for office.
You know, when he was being promoted as the maverick president, well, he started off with the best part of 20 candidates against him to win the Republican nomination.
And we were told that he was not wanted by the Republican Party and that he was a maverick and an outsider and all that.
Well, you look at his background, he's not an outsider.
But he got the nomination and when he got the nomination I thought this guy's gonna win!
Because at the same time you had WikiLeaks revealing documents and emails that showed that the Democratic Party was stitching it up for Hillary Clinton and making sure that she was going to be the candidate and the rest were not going to make it.
And so if they could do it, and they did quite clearly, Then the Republican Party could have done it if they really wanted to stop Trump.
There would be many ways they could have stopped Trump but they didn't and he got in and he's been used and was used to divide America.
I'm not saying he knows that but he's been used to divide America and so you've got this real division now between anti-Trump and pro-Trump.
And I look and, you know, I keep saying about, you know, by their actions, Shelby, you know them.
It was blatantly obvious to anyone looking on that this fake vaccine was going to be
a bioweapon.
Obvious that it was going to be devastating in terms of fatality and health, exactly what
it's become.
And so we had Operation Warp Speed, which Trump promoted and is still saying get vaccinated,
the last I heard him, despite the figures and the data for the deaths and the destroyed
health that we've seen.
So I look at that and I think, well, either he knows what he's doing or he doesn't know what he's doing.
Either way, I don't want him as president personally, because I think we can do better.
And then I looked at Ron DeSantis and like I said earlier, you look at what he does.
He was the one that kept Florida open as one of the most open states in America during the Covid fascist lockdowns.
He has pushed back on mandates for the fake vaccine.
He's said through his medical team that children etc shouldn't have this vaccine etc and he's pushed back and invoked laws to stop the sexualization of children and the The gender activist programming of children and the mutilation and sterilization of children in the name of transgender.
He's done all this.
He's not talked about it.
He's done it.
He highlighted the southern border and the abomination that's happening.
Yeah, separate the illegals from Martha's Vineyard.
I agree that DeSantis, if you look at the report cards, is doing way better than Trump.
Sorry, go ahead.
This is a guy who does things, and I don't know his total background or anything like that, but I'm just looking on and I'm thinking, Trump talks, DeSantis does, and therefore I know who I'd prefer to be President of the United States, because if the Democrats completely trumped a cult owned.
The point being, though, that America is a one party state, just like Britain is.
But there are elements within the Republican Party, especially new people coming in tonight, hopefully, to get elected.
I think Cary Lake in Arizona is a breath of fresh air in so many ways.
Exactly, so let me ask this, we have five minutes to the next hour, but if you can do
it, but let me ask this now with six minutes to break.
When I look at China with half their country under lockdown for two and a half years, something
like 400 million under lockdown, they're building these giant camps everywhere, putting everybody
They're building other similar UN-directed camps all over the Western world.
And I looked at that last night, and I said, what are they planning?
What do they know is coming?
Then I read the comments.
Almost every comment is, what is China knows coming?
I'm not saying they're trying to protect the people.
I'm not saying the Chinese comments are good.
But is something about to metamorphosize out of the virus?
Or is something even bigger about to come?
I mean, what is China spending trillions on?
Is it slave training to lock them down?
Gut level, David Icker, discernment level, what is going on?
Well, I mean, I've been saying for so, so long, decades, if you want to see what's planned for the West tomorrow, look at China today.
What's happened with the Mao Revolution, which is, I say, was a cult revolution, and the reason for it was to create a... No, no, David Rockefeller said the CIA ran it, it's all been it, it's 100% globalist.
Yeah, so China was, the Chinese revolution with Mao, was to create a society, a controlled society, within which you could incubate a system of total human mass control, which when it's perfected and incubated, you then play out across the world.
So if you look at what's happening, or has happened, Since the COVID hoax, as I would suggest, the West has become more, and indeed the rest of the world too, but particularly the West, more and more and more like China.
And that's because the Chinese perfected incubated system of control, not least using AI for real-time surveillance, is coming westward.
So anything they're doing now in China The reason to watch it like a hawk is because whatever's happening there is planned here.
So China today, the West tomorrow, they're perfecting this system.
So people Those with vibrating jelly-like backbones that can see that it's not what they want, but they're terrified of actually doing anything about it.
If you think it's bad now, look at China now and where that's going, because that's coming here if you go on refusing to stand up and be counted.
David, what else?
You imparted a lot of really hardcore knowledge today.
What else do you want to get across to people?
Well, you know, I keep coming back to this theme that I've been going on about all these years.
We're just about to pass 8 billion people.
A few cannot control them without the acquiescence and the way that the people just do what they're told.
And the power structure is scared of you and myself and a few others, which means we're the antidote.
Yeah, but look at it, people.
You know, you're frightened to take this on.
Well, look at how frightened this system is of these individuals who do take it on and do communicate what they don't want to hear.
Just think what it would be like if more and more of the rest of the population started doing the same and saying we're not having it, we're not cooperating, no, we're not doing what you say, anything you're telling us to do which is about enslaving us and further destroying what's left of freedom, we're not cooperating.
You're not going to enslave our kids for the rest of their lives and our grandkids.
You're not going to do it.
We're not going to have it.
And if people in enough numbers just did that, the game would be over.
The game is played in the human mind.
That's why everything's about psychological manipulation.
We take our minds back, we take our backbones back, and we say we're not having it, and it's over.
Even at this stage, it's All right, David, stay there.
Do five more minutes.
Back in two minutes, I want to talk about false flags, what the globalists have up their sleeve as tricks as humanity awakens.
Then you're going to leave us.
Then we're going to hit the latest election fraud news that's breaking.
We'll be right through midnight tonight with live coverage.
We'll have more and more as the evening goes on for you.
Obviously, we already have a lot.
We have a member of the Australian Parliament on the massive stillbirths that are happening, and it's happening everywhere.
That's coming up next hour.
Back in two minutes with the conclusion of David Icke.
Magically across Arizona the machines are going down everywhere and every other battleground state but nowhere else.
David Icke, I was asking during the break what is most important in the closing comments and you said this election tonight, David Icke.
Yeah, it's a really big day for America this because if the Democrats cult. I mean great chunks of the Republican Party are also,
but there are people within the Republican Party who can see some of it
and are prepared to push back against it. But if the Democrats go on in power
for much longer then America will be finished.
They'll complete the job that they've set out when Biden officially came to power to do.
The southern border, the economy, energy, everything.
It's about destroying America.
That's what they're there to do.
And so tonight is It's vital that that power is taken away and we have others who are looking at this in a different way.
And if the Republicans do get decent good people into office today, the first thing they should start doing is getting rid of that bloody useless, useless cult-owned Republican leadership on Capitol Hill.
Because at that point where the Democrats meet the Republican leadership, they are the same bloody party.
I mean, someone told me that Liz Cheney was a Republican.
I laughed.
I mean, she's a cultist.
That's why she has been pushing what she's been pushing.
She's not a Republican.
She's a one party stater, just like so many of them.
And so today, it's so important that the Democrats lose power.
I mean, you know, I don't operate in the political level.
You know, it's all, you know, a game.
But in this case, getting resting power from the Democrats is absolutely vital.
And again, As in 2020, you're going to have, as we are already seeing, it would seem, you're going to have a massive, massive effort to scam this election because they've lost the people in terms of the majority they have.
And so the only way they can do it is to scam it.
And they'll have had this organization to do so in place for a long time.
And so, yeah, that's what I would say to people in America, that, you know, looking from afar, it's not my country.
If the Democrats continue in power, then it's going to be the end of America.
And David, you're like me, you can go on for an hour.
I stepped away to the printer machine 30 feet away while you were talking to articles I'm printing.
I was listening to you intently with my earpiece.
In closing, this is a human beachhead against tyranny.
There's a global awakening.
Are you overall optimistic with a minute and a half left about humanity's awakening?
And you talked about time frames.
I absolutely do.
years ago, should there be a big election in 2016, a counter strike in 2020, and by
2026 or so we'd know whether we'd beat them or not.
Do you still stand by those numbers that have already come true so far?
I absolutely do.
And you know, it's about perspective too.
I mean, I remember what it was like in 1990, 91, 92, 93, and on through the 90s and across
the millennium, in terms of getting interest in this information and people becoming aware
that actually the world wasn't like they thought it was.
But today it's fantastic.
The number of people who've woken up to it.
And so there's a lot to be optimistic about.
And like I say, it's very important, at least, you know, on this level of politics, that the cult-owned Democrats lose control today.
Well, I gotta tell you, in all the key battleground districts, magically the machines have basically all gone down.
There you go.
Yeah, they've been setting it up, haven't they?
I mean, you know, Biden's said it, this guy Fetterman has said it.
Oh, well, it's going to be a long time before you get the vote.
Oh, well, we've got to fix it.
Oh, right, gotcha.
That's what it's all about.
The people that control the Democratic Party, this cult, demonic cult, they have no shame.
I know, Damon, great job.
Thank you so much.
The First Amendment is unique in the world.
That's what they want to take away.
Your ability to speak freely.
So they're going to go for Mike Lindell next?
Or are they going to go for Steve Bannon?
Or are they going to go for Tucker Carlson?
I studied the globalists 30 years ago, but on air 28 years, and I knew they were planning all of this.
And I warned the public, as a modern Paul Revere.
But I couldn't have done it without your support.
And now, because we've been so successful warning the population of the planet, honest America, we're public enemy number one when it comes to globalists' agenda.
That's why it's more important than ever to realize how successful InfoWars has been because of your past support.
So I salute you and I thank you and I ask you now, at the critical juncture of the battle, to redouble your efforts by visiting InfoWarsTore.com and getting amazing products that keep us on air.
1776 is the promo code, the destination is InfoWarsTore.com and I thank you all for your support.
Alright, I thought it would be 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock that we'd see the machines go down and the classic fraud and the key battleground areas where Democrats are losing.
It's happening in the last 3-4 hours.
I have endless videos, endless news reports in Pennsylvania, in Michigan, in Arizona, in Georgia, in With Wisconsin everywhere, where Republicans are winning in massive numbers as the polls showed, the machines are all failing and falling apart.
Here's a short clip.
Out of Maricopa County, that key area that turns the state blue, everybody else is red.
You can vote Democrat, but not Republican.
And this is what they're confirming.
So the glitches are, you can only vote Democrat, you turn the voters away so they go away, then they turn the machines back on, and God knows what they've done.
Here it is.
What did you just say?
With this election, you can vote in any precinct.
No, you said the Republican side is not what?
I don't have staff, so we are closed right now.
So for the Democrat, I can vote Democrat?
You can vote Democrat.
But not Republican?
Not Republican.
I'm sorry.
All right.
Thank you.
So you can vote Democrat.
But you can't vote Republican.
We have dozens of videos.
Same thing happening.
That's why Biden said, don't get mad.
Don't be a terrorist.
You're going to lose.
And Fetterman said, I don't care if I'm 10 points behind in polls.
I'm going to win tonight.
And their computer system that monitors at the state level to make sure people don't vote multiple times, it went down as well.
So that's coming up after our guest leaves us.
But I pledged here.
And then after this hour, it's going to be all election news right past midnight tonight.
I pledged to myself not to get distracted from the big issues.
And that is, whether you are in Germany, or whether you're in Sweden, or whether you're in the US, or Canada, or Australia, it's all the same numbers.
a whole stack of news on this. Bombshell government reports, COVID shots causing massive infertility,
miscarriages and stillbirths, and the numbers all track the same, whether it's Germany, Sweden,
the United States, and in places like Israel and Australia, where it's even higher uptake of the
shot, the numbers are even higher.
82% of pregnant women who got vaccinated for COVID during the first and second trimesters suffered miscarriages.
New England Journal of Medicine.
It goes on and on.
So joining us is a former member of Parliament in Australia, George Christensen, who's up in the middle of the night.
in Australia valiantly fought against him, just got targeted and removed from office by him.
And he's here with us to talk about the numbers that aren't debatable.
This is all confirmed. It's not a theory.
To talk about the numbers of stillbirths and miscarriages in Australia,
because again, we're all interconnected.
This is happening to everybody where they roll this out.
George, thank you so much for joining us.
Well, thank you very much, Alex.
And we're certainly hoping here in Australia that there's a victory for freedom.
in your midterm elections over there.
I know that's very important.
Well, tell us what you're seeing in Australia with stillbirths and miscarriages.
Look, the Australian Bureau of Statistics collates data on various different things, and one of them that they collate is on births.
And there's a chart which has just come to light in recent days, which shows On average, every month there is between roughly 23,000 to 25,000 births, and that's been going on for a long, long time, Alex, down here.
But interestingly, the data only goes up until November of 2021, December of 2021, and what we see in November and December are two substantial drops.
In November of 2021, the birth rate goes from 23,000, which is ordinary in October, that's sort of on the lower end of normal, but it drops in November of 2021 down to 18,186 births.
Now that's a 25% drop and it's shocking in itself.
186 births. Now that's a 25% drop and it's shocking in itself, but then in December the
record that they've got there is 6,659 births.
So a drop from an ordinary rate of 23 to say 25, 26,000 births per month to 6,659 births as recorded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
That's a 72% decrease in births.
And surprise, surprise, I'm seeing nothing about this in the mainstream media.
No discussion around it.
Nothing from the ABS is to explain.
And what's staggering is whether you're in Israel, Australia, Canada, the US, Germany, Sweden, UK, the graphs are almost identical.
I mean, we've never seen a drop in a hundred years in statistics like this.
Well, that's right.
It's extraordinary.
Now, look, I have some people who are statisticians and economists that have Looked over this and they've said to me to be careful with the December data, which is extremely low, but they said that the November data, the 18,186 or 25% drop on the lower end of normal, they said that that is the one to look at.
a 25% drop on the lower end of normal. They said that that is the one to look at. That's
still a massive drop, a 25% reduction in the birth rate in one month. And then we go into
that 72% reduction, which could be, Alex, that there is more data to come in.
But I'm a bit suspect about that claim because, you know, we're now here in November 2022, and you would think that the data for December 2021 for births would all be there in the official Statistical agency for the nation of Australia, but that's where we have it.
This goes to other things which I became aware of as a member of Parliament, and it only confirms my suspicions.
I knew of a doctor in Brisbane.
His name was Dr Luke McClendon.
He wasn't just any old doctor.
He was a specialist in fertility health.
In fact, he was the president of the Australian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine.
He was fired from Brisbane's Mater Hospital and there's a lot of questions about why he was fired.
Before he was fired, I actually met with him and he told me that he was doing research into the cohort of women that he works with as a doctor.
And that cohort of women is people who, or women who, if they haven't had a baby and they've been trying to have a baby, For over 12 months, they're put into a particular subset within the sort of fertility health sector.
And that subset normally has a miscarriage rate of around 13 to 15%.
And that's something that's known internationally with this particular subset.
But what is post-vaccination in Australia?
You've got to remember, our vaccination rates were said to be up around 96% for the adult population.
A lot of jabbed people out there and they said, you know, there's no issues, go and get it if you're pregnant.
So he looked at his cohort of patients and he saw that the number had jumped from 15% to almost half of his patients that were having miscarriages.
He dug into the data a bit deeper, Alex, and what he found was when he separated the vaccinated from the non-vaccinated patients, That amongst the unvaccinated, it was the normal 15% miscarriage rate.
Amongst the vaccinated women, that miscarriage rate went up to 75%.
Now, he has the data.
Well, that's what the New England Journal of Medicine showed, 82%.
I mean, this is the biggest naked scandal.
It's not even hidden, they admit it.
How would they think they'd get away with this, George?
Well, just like this guy.
They've fired him.
They've swept it under the carpet.
They've stopped his research and stopped him from being able to publish as a credentialed doctor, I guess.
So, you know, they're trying to sweep it under the carpet.
But as I said, with the data from the ABS, We've heard absolutely nothing about the 25% drop in the birth rate in November 2021.
We've heard nothing about the 72% drop in December 2021.
So it really is bizarre.
And I don't know, Alex, how long this sort of silence from government, from big corporate media, how long it can go on for.
Because with shows like yours, With an array of new independent media coming onto the market, including here in Australia, this information is getting out there.
It is.
Stay right there.
Nation First, nationfirst.substack.com.
You're 18,000 miles away, but we're talking to you all to talk about...
How Australia and Canada were picked as the most draconian lockdown zones.
Australia, and what the awakening's like there and where this is going.
You're going to leave us.
I'm going to hit all the latest election news.
They're trying to steal it again.
It's not debatable.
They're really doing it again.
Now we know what Biden was talking about.
George Christensen is our guest for another segment.
Then we're going to look at the election and The Democrats say it's going to stay open for weeks now and machines failing all over the country and people not able to vote and so much more.
This is a revolution, a peaceful revolution.
They're trying to block it.
George Christensen, 35,000 foot view of Australia, the main battleground, an island prison colony.
Rising from the ashes back to its previous tyranny, from the great decades and decades of freedom you've had to some extent, what has happened since all the draconian forced injections and police beating people up and banning demonstrations?
Are Australians just brushing themselves off and forgetting what happened to them so they can come back and do it again?
Or are they angry?
What's happening to bring the criminals to justice?
Look, there's a large number of people that have just unfortunately brushed themselves off and tried to forget about it.
But on the positive side, I mean, amongst the freedom movement, as we call it here in Australia, amongst that freedom movement, there's been a coalescing.
And this is good to see.
They're out in force now in state elections, which we've got coming up, to try and oust Those leaders, those political leaders that actually rode roughshod over people's rights, such as Victoria's Daniel Andrews, he's definitely in the firing line, so to speak.
He was the one who authorised police officers to go and and shoot projectiles at people, bash little old ladies in
the street, that sort of thing, choke women who weren't wearing masks.
This sort of thing was beyond the pale.
So people are now trying to get their payback at the ballot box and by being active in elections.
So that's really good to see.
But yeah, sadly, there are a lot of people who just tried to put it down the memory hole.
Unfortunately, that sort of attitude has a way of coming back to bite you because in the media just recently, what we've had is speculation that there could be another round of lockdowns before Christmas.
And that was speculated by none other than the Chief Health Officer for Australia.
So here we go again, perhaps.
I think that there will be so much pushback on that if it was to happen, that it might just break the back of the whole Medeco tyranny that's been going on.
And so they probably won't go there because they know that there will be immense pushback.
And you've also got, just like the Netherlands, the WEF agenda of banning cows and sheep because of their evil methane gases they let off.
What's happening there?
Yeah, well, the same.
The government here has signed up completely to the climate change cult.
They have agreed to ban or to significantly lower methane emissions.
That is going to definitely impact On Australian livestock, Australian cattle, Australian sheep, what have you.
The farmers out there are incredibly worried.
The government hasn't said how this is going to happen yet, but we've seen how it's happened in other countries and how it's happened in other countries is by the culling of the herd.
And so whether or not we're going to have farmers have their livestock head limited They'll have to go out and actually shoot those animals or
euthanise them some way.
That potentially is on the cards.
Now the Government's saying they're not going to do that, but I just don't understand how
they're going to meet those methane emissions.
Because they're saying the farts are bad.
Well, that's always been part of our atmosphere.
We've always had bovine, the buffalo.
Every country has its own, you know, animals roaming around.
They're literally just listing what we put off as creatures on the planet as bad to outlaws and regulators and say we're criminals.
I mean, this is preposterous.
Well, they want us to eat bugs, Alex, and down under here we actually are eating bugs.
I mean, in schools, and this wasn't even communicated properly to parents, but there are a whole host of schools where they're... Same thing with the Netherlands, same thing with Canada.
They just feed them bugs at lunch and don't ask the parents.
That's right.
That's what happened down here.
It was exposed a whole heap of schools where the kids through their canteen were being fed bug-based foods.
That is...
The parents should have been informed, but more than just being disgusting, there's health issues because we know that these bugs are unhealthy, that they have potentially cancer-causing side effects from eating it on a long-term basis.
So the fact that this is being done to school kids just shows the evil intent here.
I mean, they can't do it to the populace, so we'll prep The youngsters in this.
Well, that's right.
For those who don't know, the exoskeleton of bugs is highly carcinogenic and toxic, unless your gut's designed as an insectivore, and not many creatures are.
Humans don't eat bugs because we're not designed to.
We have a revulsion of it because it's toxic.
And they made those kids do it, Alex.
They made innocent kids across Australian schools eat their stuff without their parents knowing.
And yet, we haven't had all hell break loose in the populace.
I'm going to tell you, if it was one of my children that was going to a school where that's happened, the principal probably wouldn't be standing.
So, going back to my previous question, how angry are Australians?
I mean, is there any pushback against the criminals and what they've done?
I think that yes, there is.
I mean, there is a lot of pushback.
There are a lot of people that want to see some form of justice.
Whether we see that or not is yet to be seen.
There was a small inquiry that was held into COVID.
It did find that there was serious government overreach, so that's a good thing.
Are any heads going to roll over it?
So there's been a continual call for a Royal Commission.
Now, a Royal Commission has Wide-ranging powers, they can recommend charges, be put against people.
And so, you know, there's a lot of us that are still pushing for something like that.
But the problem with it is, Alex, that we move away from one problem and then another problem is put before us.
Right now, the government is using a whole spate of very conveniently timed cyber attacks or hacks on big businesses to push for a digital identity system to be introduced in a compulsory way here in Australia.
And so that's the next fight that's looming for freedom here.
And you know, we've had all of these major hacks that have happened in a very short period of time.
It's very strange how that happens.
And of course, the government then stands up and says, we'll be your white knight, we'll protect you Australian public, we'll get all of your data and we'll We'll put it into a hub for safekeeping.
We'll make you do it compulsorily.
And it sort of beggars belief because if they can hack these major companies, I think they can hack the Australian government as well and get all the data that's kept centrally.
So it doesn't make sense.
It's not about protecting people.
This is about Again, trampling over our freedoms, trampling over our privacy.
It's about big government, big brother, Alex.
That's all we can see.
So, to answer your question, the movement is angry.
The movement is out there punching on in elections.
The movement is wanting to take down some of the people responsible for this medico tyranny we saw in Australia.
But the movement's also going to be aware of the challenges that are coming around the corner and they're constantly coming at us, Alex.
Well, I really want to appreciate you, George Christensen, for what you're doing, and we're all Australian, what you've gone through.
It's like we're all North Korean.
Anybody under tyranny is going to be us tomorrow.
We're all communist Chinese, because that really is the model for the planet, and we really appreciate you, sir.
Thank you so much for everything you do.
We'll put your Substack up on screen, because it's so incredibly important, and I hope everybody will visit your site, nationfirst.substack.com.
Thank you.
Well, well, well.
Well, they were running a replay of two years ago using mail-in ballots to steal
the election, and they're doing that.
But they hit us with the electronic voting machines today.
In Michigan.
In Pennsylvania.
In Wisconsin.
In Arizona.
In New Jersey.
In Texas.
In New York.
In California.
It's all coming in.
We'll have all the clips throughout this hour and into the next hour.
And then we're going to be intense.
Nothing but election coverage starting at 3 p.m.
Central with the Warren, with Owen Schroeder.
I'm back at 6 p.m.
Steve Bannon.
Roger Stone.
Robert Barnes.
Everybody coming up tonight.
I've got all the clips that go along with these headlines in only the key battleground cities and counties where the Republicans are about to take over from Democrats.
That's where all the malfunctions are.
The machines either won't work after people vote, so they leave and all their votes don't count, and they don't even know.
They just leave and don't know it's all not counted.
Oh, you just voted for three hours, four hours.
Oh, sorry, didn't count.
They didn't tell you.
They didn't know.
They just turned off.
They're now saying, come back and vote again.
Well, they don't get that message.
They go back to work.
At the restaurant, or the school, or the police department, or the auto parts store, or the farm, or the ranch, or the psychology office, or the dentist office.
And then, sorry, didn't count!
Ha ha ha ha!
All the machine only called off Democrat votes.
It'll save, it'll delete Republican votes.
It crashes, it's re-uploaded.
It's so liberal, like the PCR test that was 97% fake.
Nothing working!
Arizona poll worker responds to Maricopa County tabulator issues.
Issues with machines are now reported in Wickenburg.
Oh, the New York Times.
Look at this right here.
Voting machine problems in Arizona fuel right-wing fraud claims.
Oh, yes.
But there are problems all over the country, only in key battleground areas.
Only imperial stormtroopers are so precise.
Massive issues reported across the country.
Here are several concerns.
Anomalies we received as it pours in.
Voting machines down in Mercer County due to glitch in New Jersey.
You're not voting Democrats out.
Voters told voting machines aren't working in Maricopa County, Arizona.
And it goes on and on and on.
The printer's so blotchy from the printer, the scanner could not read them.
New Jersey voting trouble.
Scanners fail.
And it goes on and on.
All over the country.
From Michigan to Georgia to Texas.
Here's the headline.
Voting machines stop working across America.
Didn't have this problem two years ago because they were going the ballot route.
But now they didn't have enough hidden dead people's names and people that have moved out of state.
They were out of ammo.
So now the voting machine comes in to save the New World Order Day.
We're all aware, several machines down, multiple issues reported in Harris County, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, all magically failing.
I'm sure it'll be the Russians' fault.
Report of broken voting machines, confusion surrounding mail-in ballots, and it's even happening in Florida!
Dominion voting machines already malfunctioning.
Don't question it, they'll sue you.
And it goes on and on and on.
Let's do this.
Let's just air clip one through seven.
We have time to get to those.
And the Democrats are now predicting they're gonna win!
They're coming from behind!
Ha ha!
They're so liberal!
They're so loving!
They're so sweet!
They're so good!
Let's play some of these clips back-to-back.
Here's Maricopa County.
There's a bunch of clubs just out of the key battleground state of Phoenix.
There it is.
The board and the recorder run elections here in Maricopa County as a team, and we're very excited about how things are going today on election day.
We had all 223 vote centers have opened.
We've already had over 45,000 people who have checked in and already voted today.
We did want to come out and discuss one issue that's going on out there in about 20% of the vote centers.
Again, we have 223 vote centers across the county.
In about 20% of those, when people will go and they try and run the ballot through this tabulator, maybe one out of every five or so of those ballots, they're not going through.
We've got about 20% of the locations out there where there's an issue with the tabulator, where some of the ballots, after people have voted them, they try and run them through the tabulator, and they're not going through.
Let's stop right there.
As soon as it sees you vote Republican, it kicks out a certain percentage just to make sure the Democrats win, because the red wave is about 25-30 points above the Dems.
So they just pre-program it, and it's very liberal, it's very loving.
And just like your PCR test, and then bye-bye Republicans.
Ha ha!
Go back to the clip.
We also have a redundancy in place.
If you can't put the ballot in the tabulator, then you can simply place it here, where you see the number three, and this is a secure box where those ballots will be kept for later this evening.
They said it may take weeks, then your ballot goes to a special area in Maricopa County for special work to be done on it.
See, if they didn't have enough mail-ins to steal it, not that this good man's involved, he's a liberal-loving person, then... Well, they're just... You know how it works.
later this evening where we'll bring them in here to central count to tabulate them.
Oh, function much like early voting functions in that we would get your ballot back.
Once we've signature verified it, we would send it to our central tabulators.
Ballots that are in here will already be in effect signature verified,
so we won't need to confirm identity, but we will central tabulate them.
This is actually what the majority of Arizona counties do on election day all the time.
And pause. It's supposedly the computer that tabulates it.
Oh, but not just Pennsylvania.
Multiple states have the computer system that validates it's a real ballot.
Those were turned off yesterday by accident.
I mean, it was a failure.
It was a failure.
Let's go back to it.
Can you repeat that?
Can you start from the beginning and repeat that?
Can you repeat that? I can promise you. Can you start from the beginning and repeat that?
So what happens is we have two tabulators. One of the tabulators is not working.
Okay? The other tabulator is taking about 75% successful.
So 25% of them are being misread.
Isn't it funny that all these voting locations magically 25% are failing?
When a machine fails it does its own thing.
They don't all do the same thing.
Unless they're... What do machines do?
What happens?
They get programmed.
You don't get the same error on a bunch of different machines unless they were programmed.
And then it's not an error.
I know everybody wants to make sure that it reads and everything is fine.
Can you repeat that?
Can you start from the beginning and repeat that?
So what happens is we have two tabulators.
One of the tabulators is not working.
The other tabulator is taking about 75% successful.
So 25% of them are being misread.
And it could be a printer issue.
I want to be a trillion percent clear.
These campaign workers, these poll workers are great people.
what's called box three and it gets read whether it goes down and gets read
manually or whether it gets refed in into our tabulary. You don't want to adjudicate.
Get read. No one's trying to. I want to be a trillion percent clear. These
campaign workers, these poll workers are great people. They're not involved in the
fraud. They're just told, "Oh all the machines in the county have 25% failure."
Totally impossible.
What's their program?
And they're just told an official story.
So the media will be like, evil right-wingers claim this poor guy stole it.
No, this guy didn't do that.
He sees everything breaking.
Everybody's pissed off.
He's there to volunteer.
He's a good guy.
Probably a Republican.
He walks out and tells everybody this.
It's ridiculous!
Absolutely ridiculous.
You know, they've caught car companies a few times pre-programming their computers to fail at a certain point.
And they got caught because it's pre-programmed.
It took two weeks to call every state.
In modern elections, more and more ballots are being cast in early voting and also by mail.
And many states don't start counting those ballots until after the ballots, after, pardon me, after the polls close on November 8th.
So you heard the President say this the other night.
He has been very clear on this as well.
We may not know all The winners of elections for a few days.
It takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner.
That's how this is supposed to work and it's important for us.
We're going to go to Carrie Lake here in just a moment.
She's live in a press conference talking about this.
But again, they always do tricks.
They didn't mainly steal the election machines.
And I told you that two years ago.
We were right.
Some of that went on.
They did it with mass mail-in ballots of dead people and folks who moved out of state.
Facebook and Google on record spent over $700 million together to collate those numbers and send those out so they'd have databases to then fill out the ballots.
That came out.
This time they're hitting you with mail-in, but the landslide's so big they can't beat it with that.
They barely beat Trump before.
So now they've got to have the machines all fail, all the battleground states, all the battleground states, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, it's happening in key cities, they're Democrat controlled, it's happening in Texas, it's happening...
In California, in red areas, the few red areas left, they are stealing it, and they're using the computers to do it by making them fail, then it holds up the election, then all those ballots slide in to God knows what they're about to do.
So, never seen this many computer failures.
They told you it was going to get held up, and it is.
And then when you get angry, they're going to stage a false flag.
I was talking this morning while I was hiking.
To a fellow that used to do this in third world countries for the CIA, that used to manipulate elections, used to manipulate enemies they were targeting.
Here, let me just... I left my phone in my office.
I was going to read you the text he sent me about the article about the CIA saying they want to target American citizens that was in ABC News and Fox News and the New York Times.
They said it's clear, they're getting ready to steal it with the machines and the mail-ins, and then they're going to stage terror attacks and blame it on us after they do it.
And that's, we now are very clear where we're at with Biden's speech that, don't get violent when you think we stole it, they steal it, then they blow stuff up and blame it on us.
We're here, they're doing it, it's done.
So, there you are.
And we've been foreshadowing this, we looked at their propaganda, told what they were doing, but now it's very clear.
We are against violence, we're not blowing anything up, but they keep telling you, hey, the right way is going to blow stuff up, okay?
We're really going to win this election.
And when we do win it, they're going to blow stuff up.
No, we're not blowing anything up, you murdering criminals.
But they have pre-programmed every bit of it.
Let's go to Carrie Lake and what she's covering live right now.
where gubernatorial candidate Carrie Lake is on the ground there talking and
They told me to put my ballot into a box and they would drive it downtown to count it.
We don't have to have elections run this way.
We switched from a Republican area to vote.
We came right down to the heart of liberal Phoenix to vote because we wanted to make sure that we had good machines.
And guess what?
They've had zero problems with their machines today.
Not one machine spit out a ballot here today.
Not one.
In a very liberal area.
So we were right to come and vote in a liberal area.
They gotta fix this problem.
This is incompetency.
I hope it's not malice.
But we're gonna fix it.
We're gonna win.
And when we win, there's gonna be a come-to-Jesus for elections in Arizona.
There's gonna be a come-to-Jesus.
I'm just curious, your attorney had mentioned maybe a possible silver lining with the issues that you will be able to move about town and kind of shake hands and talk to some of the people in line.
Could you elaborate on your plan for later today?
After we leave, we're going to go encourage people to stay in line.
We are going to vote and we are going to stay in line and the people of Arizona would walk over hot coals.
And they would walk over broken glass to vote today.
And I know that they can stand in line for a couple hours if they have to.
I know they'll stand in line for eight hours if they have to.
And they will vote.
And my message to the people of Arizona is do not get out of line until you have cast your vote.
Do not get out of line until you've cast your vote.
Things are looking very good for us.
They may be trying to slow a red tsunami, but it's coming.
And we are going to take back Arizona.
And I know that people are out voting.
Take a little bit of food.
Wear comfortable shoes.
Take some water.
And just stay in line, Arizona.
And vote.
We've got to vote today.
Next question.
Name and who are you with?
I'm Roman Contaluz with the French News Agency.
So does that mean that the problems are significantly not open-minded at all?
I don't know what the problems are going to be.
I don't know what the problems are going to be.
But I know that people are feeling disenfranchised today.
I saw a woman walk away from a line today.
a line today.
I'll stop right there.
We're going to come back to her in the next segment, then Mike Adams takes over.
He's covering all the election news straight ahead.
And then Owen Schroer, 3 to 6 p.m.
Then I'm back right through midnight.
Folks, it's the same problem all over the key battleground states.
They've done it again!
And you'll see the headlines.
Jones preposterously claims there's fraud when they're doing it again.
That leads me to this point.
I didn't plug once when David Icke was on last hour.
We're not going to be on air unless we've got your support.
Other people aren't going to take on the enemy, point blank.
And there's stuff going on behind the scenes.
They're attacking us so savagely.
I am proud of that.
Not just what you see on the news.
It's much worse.
But it's okay, because I know I'm on the good guy's side.
But seriously, if you care about your freedom, And you care about the future.
We're going to cover all the hardcore news right through midnight tonight.
And if you send out the Infowars.com forward slash show link and you send out the Bandai video links and you send out and you call friends and family and email and text me and say, hey, what's really going on is here and tell them to then share it and tell the people they talk to to share it and tell them, hey, the next person passing on, tell them to share it.
It creates what the enemy fears more than anything, and it's human ingenuity.
And the chain reaction.
So, seriously folks, tell everybody you know, tune in now.
Because the picture is becoming crystal clear.
We'll have more as the evening develops and unfolds.
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And welcome back.
Mike Adams is ready with massive breaking news in six minutes.
But Kerry Lake laid it out.
In Democrat precincts, the machines are not failing and shutting off.
They're only doing it in Republican precincts to make the voters go away and to capture the ballots so they can do whatever they want with them.
This is historic.
Let's go back to Carrie Lake.
She's still live on there, but we backed up to where she was when we went to break.
Here it is.
You cast your ballot, they counted it right there in the small precinct and you knew the results the night of the election.
We can't keep having elections run this way.
We're going to have Hillary Clinton losing her mind when she's another election denier.
She's already predicting bad elections in 2024.
We've got to get this fixed.
I want my children who voted for the first time today.
I want them to have a country, and we need to have honest elections and transparent elections, and I hope that we get all these problems solved.
I hope they get solved.
Did you already ask a question?
Kelly O'Grady with Fox News.
Thanks for taking the question.
You've said before that you've wanted Secretary Hobbs, your opponent, to recuse herself.
Does this intensify that feeling, and will you accept it if she doesn't?
I think she should have recused herself.
She's unethical.
She's incompetent.
But, you know, we've been asking her to do that since July of last year.
Apparently she hasn't done so.
We're just going to see where things go.
Carrie, we have a question.
Yesterday you said stay in line.
Hit pause. I've forgotten that.
The woman she's running against runs the elections.
Katie Hobbs.
I mean, you can't make... I forgot about that.
Go back to it.
Anything could happen and here we are.
What is your advice to voters out there who are watching this press conference live, saying, where do I go?
How do I make sure my vote counts?
My advice is stay in line and vote, guys.
Don't let all this craziness stop you from voting.
We're going to vote.
We're going to win.
And we are going to vote, and we're going to stay in line.
Don't let this craziness stop you from voting.
Get out there and vote.
And do not get out of line until you cast your ballot.
All right.
Mike Adams for the rest of the hour is about to take over NationalNews.com.
We've got three minutes to break.
Mike, this is insane.
All over the country, key battlegrounds, the machines go down in Republican districts.
No wonder Biden said, they're going to get mad and blow stuff up.
They're going to steal it in front of us or try and then false flag and claim we did it.
This is one of the scenarios we've been very concerned about where they go overboard in rigging the election in a new way that's not anticipated by the GOP.
And then, of course, they have operators ready to try to start violence.
I'm talking about, you know, deep state operators, people dressed up as MAGA to try to, you know, simulate violence or even cause violence.
And then the media will be there to blame it on MAGA candidates while people like you and I are calling for peace.
We call for peace.
We just want our democracy.
We want the people's voice to be heard.
And we are, the American people, are being terrorized by a corrupt cabal of criminals who just will not let go of power no matter what.
And by the way, Alex, even if Republicans win big and sweep the Senate and the House, I'm warning that we should be ready for America to be terrorized by the Biden regime for the next two years as punishment for disobedience.
That's my take on it.
I agree, but look, they've already gone for broke.
They're not going to give up.
They're trying to steal the whole thing, and then they're going to stage stuff.
We've got to have camera people in every major city and in key battleground areas to show who these people really are.
This is do or die time right now, Mike.
We've got to document everything.
If you are voting and there's some shenanigans going on, you need to start documenting what's happening.
You can declare this is a crime scene.
I'm documenting a crime scene.
You can call for a law enforcement officer to come to the scene and document what you are witnessing.
Don't let anyone intimidate you.
Don't let anyone shut you down if you're witnessing a crime in action.
These election-rigging crimes that the Democrats are engaging in are, in fact, prosecutable crimes, and we need to hold them accountable this time.
You know, look, the American people want hope, not fear.
And I realize that was Obama's campaign slogan, you know, so long ago in 2008, but now real hope is voting against the Democrats, voting for GOP control of the House and the Senate so we can start the investigations.
NaturalNews.com, Mike Adams takes over the hour in the War Room, 3 p.m.
Then tonight, Robert Barnes, Steve Bannon, Ali Alexander, so many other.
Roger Stone, huge guest tonight.
I'll be back about 6.30, right through midnight.
We're going to be covering it all, and it's going to be commercial-free.
We'll have a few breaks, but it's all coming up.
Mike Adams takes over now.
Spread the live links.
Get the word out.
Be Paul Revere.
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All right, thank you for joining me.
Mike Adams here, taking over for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show here today, Election Day 2022.
Be sure to spread the link, tell people to tune in at band.video and also infowars.com.
I'm going to be joined at the bottom of this hour by special guest James White from Northwest Liberty News with political analysis and what we know so far about what's happening across the country.
But just to bring you up to speed here, there are voting machine failures being reported across many states and many precincts, but they appear to be experiencing failures in Republican-dominated regions, especially in Arizona.
We just saw a clip from Carrie Lake there, who looks like she's going to win if the election is allowed to take place.
So what it looks like right now, even though this is preliminary information, a lot more
data will be coming in, is that voting machine failures are taking place in strong Republican
districts in order to halt Republican votes.
So that's the current scenario.
And we urge all observers, we urge all attorneys and lawyers with the GOP to start digging
into this immediately because it looks like the steel is on.
A lot of these races are extremely tight, just a couple of points.
For example, Blake Masters versus Mark Kelly in Arizona, or even look at the Oz Fetterman race in Pennsylvania.
They are pretty tight, and if they steal, or I should say, if the Democrats manage to suppress just even 5% of the Republican votes, then they will be able to steal those elections and steal those positions in the United States Senate.
So we will keep you posted here on InfoWars.com.
And remember, there's election night coverage this evening.
It's live.
And InfoWars is covering it.
I know War Room.
I know Brandon Howes is doing coverage.
A bunch of people I know.
We're doing coverage as well.
So the independent media is doing massive coverage of this.
I may even be popping in later here on InfoWars.com.
This evening, schedule permitting, I'm going to be manning the studio all night long and providing commentary.
Let me bring in something different that you haven't heard about these elections, probably, and there's a new factor in this that has never been present before in previous elections.
It is the fact that the Democrat Party committed, to some degree, vaccine suicide.
This is the first election in America that has been held following a vaccine genocide event.
Where hundreds of millions of people were injected with a biological weapon system that was designed to cause infertility, stillbirths, spontaneous abortions, and in some cases, fatalities.
And Democrats took this vaccine, compared to conservatives, at about a 2 to 1 ratio.
That's a rough ratio, not exact, but it's pretty close.
And what that means is that the Democrats have to work overtime to try to steal this election for the simple reason that many of their own people are dead because they took these injections that killed them.
They died from the clots.
They died from the neurological problems.
They died from heart attacks and myocarditis.
And so the Democrats have killed off many of their own people.
And the actual number is difficult to ascertain, but there are rigorous estimates that say that right now in America, well over 1 million people have been killed by these so-called vaccine injections since they began.
Now, I know the mainstream media is going to argue with that number, but we'll say it's 1.5 million just as a round number here to demonstrate something really important.
Now, the actual number might be 800,000, might be 1.2 million, might be more than 1.5.
But if it's roughly two to one Democrats versus Republicans who took the vaccine, Then, if there are a total of about 1.5 million people who died from this, and not considering independence just for this simple thought experiment, you could say that potentially as many as 1 million Democrats were killed by this vaccine, and about half a million Republicans were killed by this vaccine.
Again, these are just rough numbers, this is a thought experiment, but it reaches a very important point.
The Democrats have to then rig elections to overcome the missing people that are literally dead.
And why?
Because the Democrats censored those of us who were trying to save everybody's lives from these injections, including the lives of Democrats.
So understand, folks, that Alex Jones tried to save the lives of Democrats.
And so did I. And not just Democrats, but we tried to save the lives of everyone.
Independents, and Libertarians, and Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, everybody.
Even, you know, political agnostic people who don't vote.
We want you to live.
And so, we were censored.
And we found out that that censorship was carried out via collusion between the White House and Big Tech in a rampant and illegal slash unconstitutional manner.
So, it was in fact the censorship by Big Tech, run by leftists, that caused voices that would save Democrats' lives to be suppressed.
Which is why more Democrats are dead today and not voting, although you might argue that that never stopped Democrats from voting before, just being dead, but it's harder when there are more of them dead, but we tried to save their lives.
Again, Alex Jones tried to save their lives, I tried to save their lives, Dr. Peter McCullough tried to save their lives.
There's so many other people who have appeared on this program, such as Pete Chambers and just many other amazing people.
Dr. Joseph McCullough and many others.
So, if the Democrats lose this election, For that reason and many more, they only have themselves to blame.
If they find themselves in a position where they can't out-cheat the number that they're missing, and also the growing backlash against the Democrat agenda that is punishing America through what we can only call acts of terrorism against the infrastructure.
Shutting down oil and coal.
Shutting down, effectively, transportation because of fuel scarcity.
Shutting down the food system.
And causing the dollar to lose value because of endless money printing.
Causing food inflation, fuel inflation.
And then also now, housing price collapse.
And also land prices are collapsing in some areas.
And the stock market is down substantially from the beginning of the year.
So while costs are going up, prices are going up, people's assets are falling.
And this is due to Democrat policies.
So the backlash against the Democrats is going to be absolutely enormous.
It may be beyond the threshold of Democrat cheating.
That's yet to be seen, but it shows why the cheating is so desperate.
Now, there's a possible silver lining in all of this that I want to mention.
Because the cheating has to be so blatant and just so desperate, it's far more likely today, in 2022, that Democrats are going to get caught cheating, compared to the way they pulled it off in 2020, which was basically a surprise attack through a rapid expansion of a cheating mechanism that was not widely anticipated by conservatives.
But since that time, if you think about it, people like Steve Bannon at the War Room and here, Infowars.com, all the amazing hosts, Owen Schroyer and Harrison and Alex and so many others have been able to sound the alarm.
So the GOP is awake and aware of what might be attempted here.
So the fact, I should say, the likelihood that Democrats are going to get caught this time is extremely high.
In fact, if you go on to the Gateway Pundit right now, look at Jim Hoft and his coverage in real time, looking at what's happening across the country.
He's got a tips email that's going there.
People are reporting tips from all over America of some of the machine failures and some of what appears to be cheating taking place all across this country.
In other words, conservatives now have an infrastructure to spot the cheating, to publicize it, to cover it, and to fight back against it.
Now in 22, more than in any election previous to this.
In addition, something like 24 states have passed additional election integrity laws that have been put in place, making it more difficult for Democrats to cheat.
Of course, they can still cheat in their Dem-controlled areas, but even then, there's going to be a lot more scrutiny.
So I would say that right now, where we stand, even with the cheating, the massive outpouring backlash against the Democrats' agenda, which includes child grooming and pedophilia and genital mutilations and food inflation, fuel inflation, scarcity of falling asset values and all of this, the backlash is so massive that we may yet pull this thing off despite the cheating.
And that's what we are praying for.
And by the way, we should also thank God And thank you for all your prayers out there that we made it to this day without a massive false flag event cancelling the election.
Because that was always a possibility.
And I've been told from sources that those efforts were underway and they were shut down internally.
Because there is a kind of civil war behind the scenes.
And there are a lot of people in the system that are fed up with the corruption.
And they too want to take America back, just like you and I do.
So this could be an amazing historic day for America, and we're going to cover it all right here live on InfoWars.com.
I'll be back with more commentary, and remember there's evening coverage all this evening right here on Band.Video and InfoWars.com.
I'm Mike Adams.
I'll be back after this short break with much more.
So, one of the strategies to out-game the cheating mechanism by the Democrats is to vote on Election Day.
And because of a great many people who were sharing that strategy on the War Room and even on InfoWars and other broadcasts, It turns out that a lot of conservatives waited.
They did not participate in early voting or mail-in voting because they knew that that actually provides the Democrat algorithms with the data points that they need to rig the cheat in advance.
So instead they're voting today, on election day.
And I have yet to vote today.
I'm going to do that.
Nothing's going to stop me from voting, that's for sure.
But millions of people all across the country are doing the same thing.
As a result, the turnout that's happening today, and we're getting early numbers out of Florida and other areas, show that the Republican turnout is off the charts.
And as an example of that, even in Miami-Dade County, which of course is a traditionally blue Democrat-leaning county in Florida, The Republican turnout...
Is more than 10,000 ahead in terms of total votes cast compared to Democrats, and that's in a blue county.
Now, on top of that, I can assure you that there are hardly any Republicans that are not voting Republican.
I mean, almost every Republican is going to vote against the Democrats.
And yet, at the same time, there's no question that there are many registered Democrats who will vote Republican.
Because, well, there's a kind of civil war in the Democrat Party.
And a lot of what you might call mainstream Democrats or classical liberals are fed up with how radical the Democrat Party has become, especially with kind of the AOC camp and the push for transgenderism on children.
Chemical castrations and genitalia mutilations and drag queen story time in schools and things like that.
It is really offensive to common sense people, whether they are Democrats or Republicans, to exploit and abuse children in that manner, and to end up having children having their reproductive organs surgically cut off, effectively maiming children for life, in order to achieve some kind of progressive, inclusive agenda that's nothing... it's not inclusive, it's abusive!
So, the point is, oh, and by the way, I should mention there are a lot of gays who are walking away from the Democrat Party as well, for a lot of the same reasons.
There's a group called Gays Against Groomers, for example.
And I think their slogan is LGB without the T. And, you know, they used to be embraced and accepted just being gay as part of the Democrat Party, but now if they're gay and white, then they can even be ostracized by the Democrats, and they're not on board with all the transgenderism and grooming and so on, and they are walking away from the Democrat Party.
So, we're also seeing Hispanics moving strongly against the Democrats, because Hispanics, by the way, have very strong family values.
And most of them are Catholic, in terms of their religious affiliation, and they want strong families, and they want to protect their children from predators.
Because many of them are very much aware of how the southern border is used to traffic children.
They don't want their children to be subjected to those kinds of risks.
And they don't want their children to be turned into transgenders and have their genitalia mutilated.
So Hispanics are rejecting the Democrat Party as well.
And then there are black Americans.
And black Americans, my sense is that many of them feel abandoned by the Democrats.
They were promised many things.
The Democrats always make promises during election season.
Oh, you know, we'll take care of you.
We'll remember you.
We'll clean up your neighborhoods.
And then the Democrats betray black Americans by being soft on crime, defunding police.
And by the way, most black Americans want A reasonable police presence in their communities to push back against the violent crime that is rising like never before.
And then you've got the crazies like Kathy Hochul, current governor of New York.
She may very well lose to Lee Zeldin.
She, just the other day, called any talk of violent crime rising in New York, she said it was a conspiracy theory.
So yeah, if you get stabbed in New York, that's a conspiracy theory now, according to Hochul.
Or if you get shot or mugged or raped on the streets of New York City, oh, you're a conspiracy theorist, even though you were the victim of the crime.
That's how insane it is.
So that's why so many people are walking away, moving away, rejecting the Democrat Party.
And this explains why there will be so many Democrats voting Republican.
So in other words, what I'm saying, Is that even if you look at the aggregate number of votes cast by the two political parties in all the elections across the country, that alone, even though it's already strongly favoring Republicans compared to the turnout, you know, two years ago, that doesn't even capture the level of frustration with the Biden regime and the level of rejection of the Democrats, including by Democrats themselves.
And when this is all said and done, You're going to see a kind of civil war in America, but a civil war inside the Democrat Party, as the blame game begins.
And you have the Nancy Pelosi camp, kind of the old-school Democrats, at a kind of war, you know, behind-the-scenes political war, with the AOC camp, which is, we might call them the Green Taliban, you know, the greeny climate cultists, the radicals in the Democrat Party.
That war is going to be a sight to behold.
Of course, that assumes that Republicans actually sweep victories today and take both the House and the Senate, which I still think is likely, despite the cheating.
But this civil war inside the Democrat Party Is going to be fireworks, because you're going to see whether the Democrats will choose a future that is in line with the American people and reasonable common sense values, such as protecting families and children, or whether they go all full-blown Marxists and Communists and just say they want to power their way through this and demand obedience and punish anybody who disagrees.
That has been the path of the Democrats for the last two years or so, if not longer.
But they're about to get slapped hard by the American voter with a message that says, we reject this.
We reject you, the Biden regime, the Democrats, and your insanity, your insane policies against children, and your controlled demolition of the economy.
And where Democrats really went wrong in this, although you might say it's too early, you know, for a post-election analysis, but let me tell you where I think they went way wrong in all of this.
They tried to take down the food system and the energy system.
And they didn't realize the repercussions that it would have.
They had no idea that the barges would get stuck in the Mississippi River because of geoengineering and weather control systems.
They didn't think through the fact that if there's not enough diesel, then people don't get food on a timely basis, and then food prices go sky high because diesel is used in farming and agriculture.
And it's typical of Democrats to not think about the repercussions of their actions.
After all, they lash out emotionally and irrationally, and they lack any real understanding of economics, politics, history, or humanity as a whole.
So, this is the way they behave, like petulant children.
And those children are about to get slapped hard today by the American voter.
So the number one thing that you can do today is make sure you go out and vote, and encourage everyone around you to vote, and then tune in here at InfoWars.com as we provide live coverage.
It's going to be O. S. Schroyer, Harrison Smith, and others, and Alex throughout the evening.
I may pop in.
We'll see.
We'll see what the schedule looks like and what openings are available.
But we're going to cover this all throughout the evening.
Stay with us.
We're going to be joined by James White following this break.
He's from Northwest Liberty News with more election analysis.
But I just want to tell you, I have real hope that we can win this thing and we can overcome the cheating.
So stay tuned.
Much more straight ahead here on Band.Video and InfoWars.com.
All right, welcome back.
A couple of things real quick here and then we're going to jump in with James White from Northwest Liberty News with additional election analysis based on what's happening right now in real time.
Two things worth mentioning.
Number one, there is a kind of a crypto Bitcoin meltdown of sorts or mini meltdown taking place right now that is completely unrelated to the election.
So there's nothing election related.
There's something happening between, I think, Binance and another coin.
I don't know if it's FTT or who it is.
There was a liquidity question.
There's been a little bit of concern there.
But Bitcoin is down to very close to 18,000 right now.
And there's a lot of, you know, a lot of people watching, a lot of people concerned about that situation.
I just encourage you, you know, Look at it closely, you know, before you make any decisions.
Obviously, I'm not advising you to do anything one way or another.
And I do think that everybody needs a safe place to get out of the fiat currency dollars.
Dollars, in my opinion, because of what's happening with Saudi Arabia now choosing China as its priority trading partner.
You have the BRICS Nations, you have the Belt and Road Initiative that we've covered on other episodes.
But the dollar, ultimately, not today, but the dollar is doomed.
The dollar is going to vanish.
It could be months away, it could be a couple of years away, it could be real soon.
We don't know for sure.
You gotta have a safe place for your assets outside the dollar, but do your own research, do your own homework, talk to your own financial advisors, get informed, because the reason I even mention this today is because depending on how this election goes and whether the radical leftists and the Biden regime are going to try to carry out some kind of false flag operation after this, there could be violence that they set into motion There could be a lot of instability following this and I've even predicted there could be attacks against America's infrastructure, such as false flag cyber attacks on the banking and financial system following this election.
Remember, as I said, when Americans reject the regime, The regime will punish Americans in the same way that America punished Germany by destroying the Nord Stream pipelines, which provide energy to Germany and Western Europe.
The same regime is willing to carry out acts of terrorism against the domestic infrastructure in America that keeps this country running.
Keep those things in mind.
All right, now we're going to bring in James White from Northwest Liberty News, and he is a host on my platform as well, and I just know that he's a really well-informed guy.
Welcome, James.
It's great to have you on.
Mike, thanks for having me on the broadcast.
I appreciate you and I appreciate the folks over at InfoWars.
Thanks so much.
Yeah, absolutely.
You're online here with the best of the best.
I mean, InfoWars has been leading this charge for two years to take America back.
But give us your estimate right now, James, of where you think we stand based on the news that you've heard this morning.
I think you already broadcast your own show just about an hour ago.
So what can you tell us?
So here's what I think is going on, Mike.
I think that the 2020 election, I think they tried to do the steal.
sort of in secret if you will without people finding out.
I think now they're doing it just the opposite.
My thought is what's the only, what are the only institutions that they have left that
they can go to and that's the court systems.
I think what they're going to do is they're going to try to make it so haywire and so
people are going to be so, they're not going to have any confidence at all in the vote
that they're going to try to get into the courts.
I think that's really one of the only things they have left, is to try to get it to the courts.
And you saw this Fetterman guy that's going against Oz.
He said that before the ballot boxes were even open.
He's already talking about bringing up lawsuits.
I think that's what they're going to do.
I think they're going to use lawfare, which is what they do a lot.
Yeah, Fetterman said that he thought he was going to have some miraculous comeback today, which is, I think, just code words for incredible cheating.
I mean, after that debate between Fetterman and Oz, how could any rational person vote for Fetterman at all?
I mean, I feel sorry for the guy.
He needs medical assistance.
He needs time to recover and heal from his stroke, but he is not Of the state of mind with proper cognition to be able to represent the American people in the United States Senate.
Clearly, Dr. Oz is the straightforward choice in that role.
Now, Oz is leading in the polls, though.
Do you think, James, that they can cheat enough to overcome that lead?
But yeah, I think they can.
I mean, I think they're going to try.
That is, again, Mike, I don't believe that For years and years, I don't believe that some of these people that are in power now would have got in power unless they cheated.
I think they've been doing it for a long time, maybe 20 years.
I think they've become very good at it.
I think now, I think people are becoming wise, and I think the whole con is about to crumble, because the people being conned realize now that they're being conned, and the con can continue.
When the people wake up, so yeah, I think they're gonna try to steal it in several places
I'm we're getting reports and I think in Texas and Arizona I heard in New Jersey and maybe even Pennsylvania that they're
having trouble with the machines. I think So we had some huge trouble
As many as 20% of the machines in some districts are being reported as not scanning some ballots, and guess whose ballots they won't scan properly, right?
It's not hard to figure that out.
We've got other news here that...
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Mike.
No, no, you got it.
I didn't realize I had Roger Roots on earlier on my second hour and he has ran under the
Libertarian Party here in Montana several times.
He usually gets about three or four percent of the vote when he runs.
We have a candidate here, John Lamb, here in Montana running for the U.S.
In polling, he is getting 21% of the vote with the youth.
They did a youth poll in the schools.
I talked to Roger, who is again a constitutional lawyer.
He said that no libertarian candidate has ever got over 12% ever in any election, any state.
This could be literally nationwide national news here in Montana if this libertarian candidate gets more than 12% and it looks like he's going to.
So is it understood that most of those youth votes would otherwise be Democrat votes, if not for this Libertarian candidate?
Well, there were Democrats.
There was Ryan Zinke is one of the other guys running.
He's running, and there's also a Democrat running.
They had all three of those folks on the list.
And the Democrat did get quite a few votes among the younger children.
But it's really notable that the Libertarian got 21.8% amongst the high schoolers.
That's just unheard of.
I don't think anybody's ever heard of Libertarians getting that kind of coverage.
Well, now that can work for or against the GOP, by the way.
Libertarians can often take votes away from the GOP in other races.
And, you know, we just have to watch this very carefully for the rigging.
Now, I believe your theory is that then the Democrats are going to be able to rig this at such a large level that they force court cases over this, which will drag out The certification of the results, potentially from days or weeks, but then the courts themselves are often rigged by partisan left-wing Democrats who will not follow the law.
Is that your contention?
And by the way, didn't the Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently rule that certain ballots cannot be counted, but it seems like in the county districts they're going to ignore the Supreme Court of the state?
What's your take?
It's lawlessness.
I mean, here in Montana, for example, we had election bills that were passed by the legislature, signed by the governor, right?
And it was sent to the Supreme Court, and they overturned the election that would have strengthened the election integrity here in Montana.
It was overturned by the Supreme Court.
And what frustrates me and a lot of other people here, Mike, is we're supposed to have three co-equal branches of government.
So we had two of the three branches here in Montana, the legislative branch and the executive branch, both were on board with these bills that would have protected voting in Montana.
It gets kicked over to the Supreme Court, the other apparent co-equal branch, and they squash the whole thing.
So, something has to be done here, not only here in Montana, but across the country with the court system.
It's absolutely corrupt, and not all judges want to paint a wide brush, but a lot of them, sadly, in key positions, too.
That's the bad part.
But is this perhaps a strategy by Democrats to try to provoke anger by conservatives online and then the deep state can
piggyback on that anger with uh... you know dressed up operatives
who are pretending to be maga terrorists and then they can carry out their
pre-planned acts of violence and we we would see the DOJ and Biden declare an insurrection
maybe the insurrection act and then try things like gun confiscation is that even in
the works of we only have a few seconds but go ahead
well i mean it depends upon the sheriff's mike You know, I've had, you know, Sheriff Mack.
I've had Sheriff Mack on my program many times.
We have some constitutional sheriffs here in Montana.
But it just really comes down to the sheriffs.
We're going to break, James.
Sorry to cut you off.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back after this break with more coverage straight ahead.
All right, during every break today, I am furiously responding to texts, intel and tips that are coming in just to my phone from people.
And here's one in Virginia.
The red precincts are voting.
They're having turnout at levels that are approaching a presidential election.
And yet these are the midterms.
Normally, you don't have anywhere near that level of turnout.
But in counties, Culpeper, Spotsylvania and Green are reporting near presidential level turnout.
According to a tweet that I just got.
And we've got James White here joining us from Northwest Liberty News.
James, you're seeing some of these numbers as well.
I know you reported on this earlier today.
What are you hearing?
What's the latest you have on turnout and the implications for this election?
So in Florida, there's a Twitter feed going around by Scott Pressler, I believe, and he's done a lot of great work registering folks.
And in all the major counties in Florida, the Republicans are leading by quite a bit.
Miami-Dade, which I believe has traditionally been sort of a Democrat county, is turning strong towards Republicans.
Mike, I think people are just fed up, and I think they knew that.
Let's go back to my earlier My earlier point, I believe that they realize that they're not going to get the popular vote, so they're going to have to try to go to the courts.
Now something just got released here on Zero Hedge.
Trump calls for action over protest, protest, protest is the headline.
Trump calls for action over a complete voter integrity disaster.
Now you had mentioned earlier about false flags.
They could use, now is the time when they may launch these false flags, acting as Trump supporters, and point back to this article that I just talked about, and say, look, Trump called for people to rise up, and now they're committing terrorist acts, because Trump is once again, like January 6th, of course.
Don't fall for another January 6th setup, folks out there.
What you need to do is document everything, record, video.
Don't show up with firearms.
Don't show up dressed in camo.
Because we want to know, if anybody's showing up at the polling area dressed in camo, those are feds, okay?
100% feds.
What you need to do is be cool, be chill, and just record everything.
And then use the platforms that are out there, you know, all the free speech video platforms, Rumble, Bitchute, you know, MyPlatform, Brighteon, and others, wherever you can post, Odyssey, whatever.
I mean, get the truth out there so that other people can start to aggregate this information, and that can be evidence used by law enforcement.
In fact, I'm sorry to interrupt, James, but I just want to urge people, be peaceful in all this, but go ahead.
No, right.
This is just updated.
Former President Trump has called for protest over voting irregularities.
People specifically mentioned Detroit where people showed up to vote and they said that you've already voted in Detroit.
This is after last night they detected some nefarious activity going on in an undisclosed location, an empty warehouse there right close to the main election center there in Detroit.
Mike, it's just, again, I don't think they can win unless they cheat.
Because they don't have better ideas.
They hate, you can tell they hate this country.
I think that's pretty obvious.
I think people have had enough.
I think the, again, the con is running.
And that's when they're most dangerous.
That's when they're the most dangerous.
Yeah, but they, the Democrats want an insurrection attempt by conservatives.
That's very clear.
and that they're going to try to bait conservatives into that kind of action i mean i essentially
the democrats are going to i think blatantly cheat at such a degree
that everybody knows they're cheating and they're basically saying what are
you gonna do about it and then they hope
that a few not jobs are feds will pick up guns or something and do something crazy and people
you need to resist that you need to work this through the courts you need to work
this through evidence and due process and the truth will come out.
So I know you agree with that, James.
I just need to reiterate that multiple times.
You're right.
And don't believe, you know, I guess I would say don't believe anything that you see on television, like not even Fox News.
A lot of people probably cross over and watch Fox News.
They're no better than the rest.
They're just the gatekeepers for the right.
So go to places like InfoWars, Mike Adams, you know, Natural News and other places to get your news because we're coming to a time, I believe, when that's going to be a very, very valuable commodity is truthful information and it's going to be harder and harder to find.
Well said.
And speaking of that, what's your main website for Northwest Liberty News?
I do the Solutions Series with Corey Lynn and with Catherine Austin Fitz.
She sponsors it.
And I tell you, Mike, that's what I'm really excited about right now because we're talking about solutions much like you do.
So we've got a special here for InfoWars listeners.
If they go to Corey'sDigs.com and click on the Solutions Series, they get 10% off with NewsWars as the code.
And we talk all about solutions.
We know about the problems.
We don't cover that.
We cover solutions.
David DeBine, who you know, was on our show here just recently.
We interviewed him.
He's done great work here with the InfoWars and you.
So that's what I'm really most excited about is this solution series right now.
Yeah, and you know, I'm really glad that you've come on because we are, you're showing the solidarity across independent media, the true media in America, and I was just coordinating during the break, Owen Schroyer is going to pop in on my network later tonight, because we're doing live coverage, InfoWars is doing live coverage, I'll probably pop back in here on InfoWars, Brandon Howes, he's doing it with Lyndell TV, he's got Mike Lyndell, and a bunch of good people, I've got Ann VanderSteel popping in and things like that, but everybody's working together.
And we're all supporting each other through this because we know, that's it, you know, we hang together or we hang separately, right?
And that's the attitude.
And folks, you know, there's so much support that's come out in favor of InfoWars, and I believe the website SaveInfoWars.com is where you can donate to InfoWars, and you can also support the InfoWars store.
That's InfoWarsStore.com.
I apologize, I'm not familiar with the current specials happening there, but there's always different specials.
But folks, this is it.
This is game time.
We pull together and help each other and overcome this tyranny and the cheating, and we can bring this constitutional republic back from the dead.
We can resurrect it back from the dead, peacefully, without having bloodshed or violence or anything like that.
And I see that InfoWars store has the early Black Friday sale going on, so that's what you can check out there.
But it's, you know, it's just, it's truly, it's truly amazing.
And we just sent out I don't know.
We sent out $100,000 worth of checks recently to independent media outlets.
Gary Haven gave us a donation to distribute to other people in this space.
And I just got a text from, he probably won't mind, I say, Sean over at SGT Report.
He got the check.
He was just thanking us for the donation.
We've sent out checks to all kinds of people.
This is what it's going to take, folks.
We work together to take this country back.
Back to you, James.
I've been saying on my broadcast recently, people that have committed crimes, of course, deserve to be punished for their crimes.
But people that maybe you got crossways with or you didn't see eye to eye on things and maybe you had words, we're going to have to get to a point where we reconcile and we forgive.
You know, as I said, if people can have committed crimes and the stuff that, you know, after they go through due process, if it's determined they committed crimes, they should be punished for those crimes.
But, you know, families have gotten fractured, friends have gotten fractured, you know, people in churches have gotten fractured over the last couple, three years over this pandemic.
I just think we need to get to a point where we reach some level of forgiveness and and have to just you know you can't hold on to that stuff forever because it just it tears you up on the inside.
So that's why I know that's the Christian thing to do James but also I want to say I believe a lot of these left-wing authoritarians they are incapable of empathy.
They are incapable of apology, and they only want amnesty now because they got caught.
And they will abuse you the first chance they get.
Frankly, they will murder you the first chance they get if they can take your guns away and then call you terrorists, which is pretty much the plan that's unfolding right now.
So, I mean, I agree with you in principle.
Forgiveness can be part of the thing down the road.
But they've got to apologize, they've got to be prosecuted, they've got to serve their time for the crimes they committed against our children, our families, our businesses, our country, our Constitution, all that stuff.
I'm not forgiving them one minute until they face the music for what they did to us.
Well, those aren't really the people I was referring to.
I was referring to more like your friends and family and your close-knit group of folks that don't want to see you dead.
You know, and those other people, you're right, I agree with you.
Yeah, I'm talking about the authoritarian tyrants.
Yeah, forgiveness doesn't come that easily.
I mean, sure, I'll read scripture, and it'll say forgive everybody, but guess what?
They also need to own up to what they did.
But anyway, that's an interesting philosophical discussion.
In about a minute we have left, what's your summary for what today's going to look like?
Well, you know, I think today it's going to go the way of, you know, I think there's too many people coming out.
I don't think they can they can fully steal it.
They're going to they're going to try to in some locations and they're going to do a pretty decent job.
But what concerns me is, you know, a repeat of what happened a couple of years ago, burning down cities, pulling people out of vehicles, you know, that type of stuff.
Is that what's going to happen?
Is that how they're going to react to, I think, probably one of the most colossal losses in the history of politics coming up here?
How are those radical on the left going to act?
I think it could be very dicey in the next four or five days.
I think we really need to pay close attention during that time.
All right.
Well said.
James White from Northwest Liberty News.
Thanks for joining us today.
Remember, keep the peace, folks.
We have to keep this peaceful.
If anybody's starting violence out there, it's the feds dressed up like MAGA supporters.
And be sure to join Infowars all evening for more live coverage of today's events.
I'm Mike Adams.
Adams, thanks for watching.
You know where the Russians tune in?
You know where everybody tunes in, right?
You know who Tucker Carlson tunes in to?
And Joe Rogan?
Elon Musk?
You know where they tune in, right?
They tune in right here!
Tomorrow's News.
We are witnessing the Mark of the Beast system openly rolled out and announced.
Whether you believe the Bible is inspired by God or the Word of God or not, what was written over 2,000 years ago by John the Revelator on the Isle of Patmos is coming true.
A world government that makes you take a mark in the hand or the head to be able to buy and sell and that you must worship the beast.
That means follow what the beast says or you can't buy or sell.
It's not just that you have to have the mark to buy or sell.
You've got to do what the beast wants you to do, or you cannot buy and sell.
And that's where, in late 2022, we are.
Last week, the World Economic Forum was given over $100 million by the Government of Canada to roll out a World ID through the UN based on the Communist Chinese digital social credit score system.
And now, just today, Bill Gates came out.
Here's the article right here.
And his foundation donated $200 million to expand digital ID surveillance system for the same Chinese communist control program.
So the social credit score, communist China, and all the control you see is the model of this system being rolled out in Spain, rolled out in Italy, rolled out in Germany, rolled out in Canada, and now they're trying to roll it out here in America.
Just a few years ago, Klaus Schwab, the head of the WEF, said, you will have to take a microchip to buy and sell in the near future.
And now here we are.
So this is a huge, huge issue that they can then dictate to you through this new digital currency, through this World ID, every action you take in your life, with a carbon tax, through the social credit score, through universal basic income, as they shut off the regular economy and small businesses, making you sign on for a government handout.
But with that handout comes all of the rules of the game.
This is no longer theoretical on some drawing board or some computer.
This is something the bureaucrats and the megacorporations and major governments are doing.
There's a race between the West and Communist China to see, with big tech, who can put this in first.
It's scary, but at least we are exposing it.
And at least we know about it.
Just last week, PayPal said, if you criticize government, if you criticize open borders, or forced injections, or anything else, gun control, we're going to fine you $2,500 for what we say you're doing in your own personal life.
We're going to surveil you, and then we're going to censor you.
But within days of the announcement, they had to back off because of the backlash.
So submitting to this only makes things worse.
Standing up to it and saying no only makes things better.
And that's why it's so important today, ladies and gentlemen, to say no to World War, no to nuclear war, no to open borders, no to pedophilia, no to the Satanism that is the New World Order.
And you cannot do that better.
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