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Name: 20221027_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 27, 2022
2208 lines.

Alex Jones discusses topics ranging from censorship and vaccine side effects to legal battles and midterm elections on his show. He promotes products that can boost immunity and energy levels while supporting the fight against globalists. The episode also covers global dimming, central bank digital wallets, off-grid food production, alternative currencies, and preparing for long-term events. Jones encourages viewers to share information, resist tyranny, and support InfoWars by donating at SaveInfoWars.com.

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I guess we all know Joe Biden is not running this country.
There is a cabal of unelected elitists who are running this country.
Probably Barack Obama is involved.
Probably Eric Holder.
But who knows?
We know it's not Biden.
But the impeachment deal is a long, drawn-out thing.
And if there's anybody that was coherent that could take over, that would not ruin the country.
But it's not possible with Kamala Harris.
It's a horrible truth.
It's a horrifying fact that psychotic mass murdering criminals that literally worship Satan and are pedophiles and worship selfishness and just corruption and going against God's plan are in control.
But they are in control.
But God put us here to experience this and make the right choices and then stand up with God's help and defeat these people through Christ.
So this is a spiritual battle.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news.
A cabal of unelected elitists, including Obama, is in control of America.
Never truer words have been spoken.
And those words were spoken by Republican Congressman Ralph Norman.
He talked about it.
On national television.
Coming up next segment, we're going to play a three and a half minute clip that is extremely important.
Because if we begin to identify, as I've said thousands of times, that the globalists are a anti-freedom, anti-human cult of mad scientists, hell-bent on playing God, and explain that they've captured, through elite capture, the media, the universities, and most of the government institutions, it's game over for them.
Their entire system rests on not being exposed and being able to censor and shut down those that expose their agenda.
We'll be playing the interview coming up at the start of the next segment.
You can read an article about the support information and see the video for yourself and share it at InfoWars.com.
An article by Steve Watson, GOP rep, a cabal of unelected elitists, including Obama, is in control of America.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is a live Thursday, October 27th, 2022 worldwide transmission and everything we do in this fight.
is for not. If you, the viewer and listener, do not fully let it burn into your brains,
then you are the tip of the spear. You are the resistance.
You are everything.
When you share the articles, the videos, the reports, when you share the live feeds,
when you take clips out of the show and other good broadcasts and share them,
when you call into national talk radio or local talk radio or C-SPAN, when you go to a city
council meeting or school board, when you go to Congress and knock on doors, when you go to meet
and greets, when you go and support local candidates that are patriots, when you speak up and write
letters to the editor, when you go to the state house and you go to the state house and you go
When you protest in the streets, when you save money and don't give it to the globalist establishment, but actually support an independent media system, you can and will bring this tyrannical force to its knees.
When you get off the fence, there's nothing on earth that can stop you.
And that's why the globalists hate this broadcast, is because they know that we have the biggest Group of independent people coming together daily talking about the enemy and talking about how to defeat the enemy and more importantly talking about the better future we're going to build once the enemy has been defeated.
The scientific dictators are using high-tech psychology and systems of manipulation to control people but once you're aware of the tactics It no longer has any effect.
So I want to thank you all for tuning in today.
I want to salute you again and just have you look in the mirror and realize how important you are that out of this whole world and seven and a half billion people and all the fake ideologies and all the political distractions and all the control institutions, you're a real person.
You love truth.
You love justice.
You love God.
You love freedom and you're willing to stand up.
For your freedom and you're willing to stand up against tyrants and control freaks and all the destruction that they bring in their wake.
And so I know you don't tune in to be patted on the back here, but I just want you to understand how serious and critical the situation is.
I remember reading decades ago about the globalist plan for forced injections and depopulation and lockdowns.
And I knew they were serious, but it still was hard to believe they actually really executed and carried it out.
And now we know what comes next, an intensification of bioweapon releases,
and radiological releases, and chemical releases, to be blamed on political enemies,
and then to be used to basically depopulate.
So it's a horrible truth, it's a horrifying fact that psychotic mass murdering criminals
that literally worship Satan and are pedophiles, and worship selfishness and just corruption
and going against God's plan, are in control, but they are in control.
But God put us here to experience this and make the right choices,
and then stand up with God's help and defeat these people through Christ.
So this is a spiritual battle.
We're gonna come back over the waterfront today.
We're going to have a bunch of big guest hosts, Owen Schroyer, Robert Barnes, Mike Adams, a massive Thursday transmission.
Thank you so much for tuning in.
And again, share the live feeds from InfoWars.com forward slash show.
We'll be right back.
It's Thursday, October 27th, 2022.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and coming up on this live Thursday edition, we're going to have Owen Schroer, Robert Barnes, and Mike Adams all co-hosting throughout the next four hours.
And then of course, Owen will be hosting the War Room at 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
You can find all the links and more details and share them at infowares.com forward slash show.
All right.
A lot of huge developments with only about two weeks out or less now from the midterms.
The Democratic Party is in full panic mode as even their rigged polls show almost every Republican candidate 5, 10 or even 15 points ahead.
Kerry Lake in Arizona is now over 10 points ahead in most polls.
And again, those are polls that are skewed towards the Democrats.
So the big question is, What are they going to do as the public awakens to this agenda of open borders, inflation, depression, defunding the police, crime, open pedophilia being promoted?
How will the establishment try to stay in power?
Well, we know they're doing mail-in ballots in many different areas of the country and battle around states.
We know that they're promising to challenge the election, even when the Republicans win big.
They are also obviously planning to provocateur or stage some major distractions or false flags, in my view, here in just the very, very near future.
They have a history of it.
They stand to gain from it.
And we've seen them do this over and over and over again.
So now is the time to really be focused.
But they're also going to intensify censorship.
There's a big article up on InfoWars.com, and it basically is just a compilation of mainstream media analysis of where the WEF has now appointed itself, self-appointed itself, with the UN.
It now has UN official power.
Three months ago it merged with the United Nations, so they're co-equal to each other, a corporate fascist Bilderberg Group mouthpiece and the authoritarian leftist United Nations.
That never found a dictator it didn't love.
And so they came out a few months ago and said, we've hired over a hundred thousand quote info warriors to counter people that criticize open borders or replacement migration, lockdowns, forced injections or election fraud.
And the WEF said they were going to partner with people like Bill Gates and others to help censor populist movements in Africa, in Latin America, in the United States, in Canada, in Europe, in the UK, in Australia, in New Zealand.
Now, that was their actual press release and their battle plan is to silence their critics.
Now that they're trying to get governments to cede them governmental power, like the UN has already done, the unelected UN, Now they're going and trying to get the internet slash media sensor in the UK to give them government power.
And they say, oh, we need this because of grooming of children.
So you have the left protecting the groomers and the UK famously, the Muslim grooming gangs.
You have the left protecting pedophiles online, you have them engaged in grooming for all sorts of, you know, pedophilic sex and transgenderism all over the world, being pushed by the governments and by the WEF, and now they want an internet ID to make sure kids don't see bad things.
So it's being announced, oh, it's just internet ID for kids.
But everybody's gotta be signed up to verify your age to go online,
and now you've got the holy grail of censorship and control, and the way that they can ban you
for the social credit score, the internet.
ID is what Australia, the UK, and Canada have been pushing for years,
and this is now their rollout attempt to do that, always for the children, of course.
So here is the headline, WEF Report Explores Online Interventions,
Including Content Removal, Warning Labels to Protect Children.
The article's up on InfoWars.com.
The good news is more and more people are waking up, not just here but around the world, to the global corporate hostile takeover of society and these public partnerships of Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030.
And so now I want to play a clip and we'll come back from break and talk more about it.
This is Congressman who was on America's Voice Live, Republican Congressman Ralph
Norman declared Wednesday that everyone knows Joe Biden isn't in charge of anything.
And in reality, there is a secretive cabal of elitists that are running America, echoing Tulsi Gabbard's.
We'll play the clip and come right back from break with analysis.
Kevin McCarthy, most likely to be the Speaker of the House when you guys take over after the midterms, says he sees nothing that this president is doing or not doing that would lead to impeachment.
How on earth could an open border Not lead to impeachment of Joe Biden.
He's not protecting the country.
He's sending billions of dollars to Ukraine for God only knows what purpose.
But he's not protecting this country.
He's ordering Arizona to remove shipping containers that are actually acting as a wall on the border.
How is that not impeachable?
How can Kevin McCarthy sit there with a straight face and say that?
And how can he be elected leader of the Republican Party and become Speaker of the House?
Well, I think what he's saying is, I mean, look who's behind him.
Kamala Harris.
You know, the lady is, you know, she may speak a little bit better, may be coherent, but look at what you get with her.
And I think what he's saying is put the country through impeachment with what you get could be even worse.
We've got our hands full.
I don't, there's no question about that, but we're going to subpoena as many people as we can.
We're going to hopefully have consequences, starting with Mayorkas, Ray with the FBI.
I mean, a whole host of things.
The whole administration is a rogue administration.
And I guess we all know Joe Biden is not running this country.
There is a cabal of unelected elitists who are running this country.
Probably Barack Obama is involved.
Probably Eric Holder.
But who knows?
We know it's not Biden.
But the impeachment deal is a long, drawn-out thing.
And if there's anybody that was coherent that could take over, that would not ruin the country.
But it's not possible with Kamala Harris.
Therein lies the problem.
So, why is it, and I've asked a number of members of Congress, why is Kevin McCarthy a foregone conclusion to be Speaker of the House?
Why is there nobody else willing to step up?
Because there are a number of people that I think would be more effective at the job.
You might even have a couple.
I won't ask you to tell me what they might be, because I don't want to put you on the spot.
But the fact is, why is he, why is he the foregone conclusion?
I don't think he is a foregone conclusion.
I think now Kevin has done a good job these last two years.
He's raised money to elect Republicans.
Now, I know the Freedom Caucus, we've got some issues that we're raising with him and hopefully he will implement them, like committing to closing the border down, like don't give us a 20 year budget to shoot for, five to seven years like the RSC has put forward, like supporting our police officers.
Uh, and you know, we give the commitment to America that the group came up with is good, but we've got to put meat on it, and we've got to have action.
One thing we can't do, Steve, is just have words.
We've got to act, and I think we will.
I think that's the positive part.
Well, the Bill of Rights is a stumbling block on the way to shutting down speech that the left doesn't like, at least in government.
But there's a new avenue for those who would like to censor what you say and think, and that's corporations.
The left have wised up to this.
If you want to stop someone from telling the truth, use companies to do it.
The social media giants.
And they are.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
So far the most prominent casualty of the crusade against free expression has been the radio show host Alex Jones.
There is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational corporations and big tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices.
There's also guys on CNN that spend their whole day calling Facebook and saying, can you ban this person?
He may be America's best known conspiracy theorist, But this week, Alex Jones' content will be a little harder to find.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent, free press, working with big tech.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
In a free country, everyone can be heard.
In totalitarian societies, only the powerful can be heard.
Welcome back to this live Thursday edition.
As I said, We've got a lot of really informed, hard-hitting intellects coming on the transmission today, starting off with Owen Schroyer, Robert Barnes, and then Mike Adams, and all the latest breaking news and analysis will be coming up next segment when we kick off the main live part of the broadcast.
I, of course, am Alex Jones, your host.
I will be back in Austin, Texas tomorrow.
I've been spending some time with family and a much-needed vacation.
Or at least partial vacation, but I will be doing a special three-hour broadcast Saturday that will go up at 3 p.m.
Central that we're gonna tape Saturday morning and then I'll be back live Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
with a standard Sunday broadcast and of course right back in the saddle.
Next Monday morning at 11 a.m.
Central, when we kick off the Alex Jones Show every day, right after American Journal with Harrison Smith.
Okay, I want to talk about something that really needs to be hammered on more, and that's being positive.
As bad as the world is, as crazy as it is to have the globalists taking the mask off and the gloves off, they're doing that because they're behind schedule.
Or schedules, they'd say, in the UK.
And I see so many examples of good news that I don't end up covering on the air because I'm too busy exposing the bad stuff so we can get organized to fight it.
But it's just as important, I think, to talk about positive things that are happening.
So next week, I'm going to open the phones up quite a bit to talk about the worst things in the world and the best things in the world that are happening.
And then also talk about why the bad things are happening and why the good things are happening.
And you're going to find the bad things are happening where good people aren't involved.
Where good people are involved, the good things are happening.
Thomas Jefferson was right when he said, the only thing that evil men and tyrants seem to flourish is the good men do nothing.
So here's a great example of that.
And it's just huge.
And we can't let this victory just fall by the wayside and we just move on and wait for the next crime these monsters are going to launch.
We have to point out we were right, that we were vindicated, and these people committed serious Nuremberg Code and Geneva Convention Code violations of international, national, and local law.
And of course, I'm talking about New York, California, and all these other states run by Democrats, where they created illegal mandates and said to go in a restaurant, or to go in a store, or to go on the subway, you've got to take these shots.
Thousands of firefighters and police were fired for not complying with the experimental deadly shot.
Thousands of medical workers and teachers just in New York City alone.
Hundreds of thousands nationwide.
And now federal and state courts unanimously across the board have been ruling it's unconstitutional.
It's wrong.
It was wrong to shut down the churches.
It was wrong to shut down the businesses.
But of course, leave the big ones open.
And now in New York, another big ruling breaking.
New York City ordered by court to reinstate all those fired over COVID vaccine mandates that were illegal, color of law, literal, medical, biological rape.
New York State Supreme Court reinstates all fired unvaccinated employees, orders back pay, says the state violated rights, acted arbitrarily and capricious, notes being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting COVID-19.
Yeah, it doesn't even work.
Real vaccines, real original inoculation technology that's 500 years old, Developed in the Netherlands with smallpox.
That is real.
They take a toothpick, jab it in the sore of the cow, jab it in your arm when you were healthy, because if you weren't already run down, that's when you'd usually get sick, because you were run down, and then the virus could hurt you.
But if you were healthy when you got jabbed, they knew that.
They said, you know, poke them in the summer, don't do it in the winter.
They thought the winter was cold and dreary and that vapors made you sick.
No, it's 'cause you weren't getting vitamin D.
So if you got in contact with smallpox when there wasn't any vitamin D, you would die.
But if you were healthy in the summer getting sun, they knew sun killed bacteria and viruses.
They didn't know what bacteria and viruses were.
Again, they thought they were what they called vapors, but I'm ranting.
Real vaccines can have side effects and can hurt you and can be contaminated and the globalists of the UN have been caught tainting them.
This that they've rolled out is again a gene therapy, mRNA, that makes your body create a toxic spike protein.
But regardless, if there was some rampaging, raging disease like the new COVID they've made in Boston with Fauci and Daszak that kills 80% of people.
Yep, they should all be in jail right now.
Then you can say either stay in your house or take the shot.
If it was actually a real inoculation, if it was actually tested, if it actually worked.
That's still unconstitutional, it's still dangerous, but you're in a martial law situation.
No, they created a virus, they released it, and they gave you a shot.
That doesn't protect you and erases your immune system and gives you all sorts of cardiovascular problems, infertility, and cancer.
So, the good news is people are waking up fast.
People stood up.
They fought back.
They spoke out.
They filed lawsuits.
This broadcast with our incredible guests and our incredible crew and our amazing listeners and viewers are the main reason worldwide that we push this over the edge.
And then behind the scenes, I put a lot of pressure on other people, and I put pressure on them publicly, and helped get some key folks on some key podcasts that also pushed over the edge.
And I don't sit there and say that, that, hey, I pushed to get this doctor and that doctor on Joe Rogan or on Tucker Carlson.
I don't say things like that to say, oh, look, I'm important.
Oh, aren't I great?
I'd bug the hell out of people, not just on air, not just at grocery store checkout lanes, not just at church, not just when I'm walking down the street, no, no, not just when I'm on the air.
I do it behind the scenes with major movers and shakers.
And the good news is now I've been so demonized and so attacked.
It's blown up in their face, and now even more movers and shakers are tuning in to hear what is it Alex Jones is talking about.
And when they tune in, they hear about the victories we're having when we take action, they're hearing about the defeats we have when we don't take action, and they're understanding we've got to laze the target non-violently.
We've got to expose the globalists, and we've got to show that they're authoritarian, tyrannical, and that they are controlling our governments and our media.
And that's beginning to happen.
And so, they can go after Kanye West, they can go after me, they can go after Carlson, but they cannot go after all of you.
Not until they have the social credit score and the internet ID in place that the World Economic Forum, self-appointed, is in charge of.
They're also with Bill Gates at the UN in charge of the world digital ID system that they're going to use to buy and sell.
And Bill Gates just gave millions of dollars to that initiative.
So this unelected group of master criminals that literally ran the bio
attack of COVID-19 are preparing new bio attacks, new lock mounts,
new wars, new cyber attacks.
And until we identify them as literally James Bond villains on steroids, James
Bond villains to the 10th power, we don't have a hope, but as soon as we
unclog them and expose them and their arrogance, how they admit that they're
doing all this, we can bring them down.
And you say, well, why would they hide what they say but then admit it?
In their books, in their publications to each other, they openly admit it all.
But then they have their surrogates in the media through gaslighting, when we expose it, say it doesn't exist.
No, the geoengineering exists.
The bioweapons exist.
The chemical weapons exist.
The false flags exist.
The fact that a bunch of Satan-worshipping, greedy pedophiles, selfish pedophiles run this world is true, and We are changing that and turning the tide.
The devil's biggest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist.
Whether you believe in a metaphysical devil or a archetypal devil or a space alien devil, whatever you want to believe, there is an evil force working through humans that wants to destroy us.
And these evil people go out of their way to hurt fellow humans even though it ends up hurting them because they have a twisted uh... broadcasts are picking up a spirit
that comes to kill still destroy will be right back with you gentlemen with all the story robert
barnes mike adams and more
i'm alex jones if you're watching this transmission you are the resistance
info wars dot com and welcome back to segment four
Again, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Ellen Schroer, Mike Adams, and Robert Barnes are about to take over here in just the next few minutes, the breaking news analysis.
But I want to just settle down here for a minute, because I tend to get really wound up and start talking really fast.
There's so much news to cover.
And just pull back for a moment and think about the UN, the World Economic Forum, openly run by Big Pharma.
At the international level, the corporate level, right now the local level, with the same talking points in the entire globalist-controlled Western world.
From New Zealand to the United States, from Canada to Germany, the exact same propaganda, the unified brainwashing, the different defense departments and ministries of defense bragging that they were using, openly bragging that they were using high-tech psychological warfare to quote Terrorize and, quote, brainwash and mind control.
These are all words.
Mind control, brainwash, terrorize the public.
But it was good for them to take the shots to save their lives.
No, it was all a test to see how far they could push a poison shot.
Wall blocking therapeutics.
So it is such a crime against humanity.
It is so massive that even if the UN was good, they shouldn't be in control of all our local governments, our local health departments.
But they're not good.
They're evil, run by Bill Gates and the WEF.
And they now admit they get their talking points and their orders at the World Health Organization from these international criminals.
And so now, Almost three years into hindsight.
We know they cooked it up in a lab.
We know they've cooked up stuff even worse at labs all over the world.
Not just in China, but places like Boston University.
And now it's completely come out that it makes you sick, erases your immune system, gives you blood clots, makes you infertile.
And the courts are ruling that it was authoritarian and using words like totalitarian and using words like criminal.
So let's see some indictments.
And they may have full control of the Justice Department and the FBI.
But they do not have control of all the local jurisdictions.
So just like Democrat-controlled jurisdictions can be weaponized to go after myself or go after President Trump for nothing, well, we're not going to weaponize jurisdictions that are in conservative or just common sense areas who don't want to be hit with bioweapons or lockdowns or open borders or fentanyl.
Or World War III.
No, we just need those grand juries and those prosecutors to start prosecuting and start filing criminal charges.
And that bully pulpit alone will force the Justice Department and Congress to do the right thing.
But we can't wait for this new Congress, hopefully to get in there, then get past the election fraud and do the right thing.
We have to beat the drum for criminal investigations and criminal charges.
Not billion dollar fines by Pfizer and the companies that do this over and over again.
No, we want criminal charges.
These people are not above the law and they need to have the fear of God put in them legally and lawfully in a non-violent way until they have been convicted by a jury and had their appeals.
They need to be on death row.
They are mass murderers.
And Bayer got away with putting HIV and hepatitis in over 8,000, excuse me, 8 million doses of Factor VIII reportedly killed around 2 million people.
It's on record.
And these other companies get away with this over and over and over and over again.
And now they've hit us with something much, much worse on a much wider scale that we won't know the full effects of for decades, but we already know is devastating.
Estimates, conservative ones, are between 6 and 20 million dead from the shots.
We have the insurance actuaries, but you see, I said I was going to be calm about it.
It's just, it's so upsetting to watch these mass murderers like Borla and Yates and Fauci and Tasik.
And all the rest of them up there laughing at us while they do this.
But thank God we've got good people like DeSantis and his Surgeon General coming out and saying, hands off the children, and yes, the shots don't work.
And no one's blaming DeSantis that at first he said, okay, maybe you should take your shot if you want it, but who knows if it really works.
And then he backed off of it and said he was wrong.
But other people like Trump have not done that yet, which is so incredibly dangerous.
And so more and more Trump is moving into the orbit of Gates and Fauci.
And he's not stupid.
He's embarrassed he got hoodwinked.
He doesn't want to admit he was wrong.
He thinks they'll crucify him if he admits he's wrong.
And we all know that it's the opposite.
We would really forgive Trump if he would just get behind stopping them coming after more of our children and our innocence.
It's beyond critical.
It's beyond critical that these mass murderers continue to be exposed and brought to justice, or they're going to do it again and again and again and again.
We are all in grave danger, as Senator Paul has said.
And Fauci sits up there and lies to Congress and says there's no gain of function anywhere in the U.S.
arsenal or development system when, again, a COVID that kills 80% of humans is at Boston University right now.
It should be destroyed.
It should be seized.
The army should go in there.
They're the ones that deal with that stuff.
And Fort Detrick should remove that with a federal warrant and take it and have it incinerated in a damn incinerator.
But instead, ladies and gentlemen, it's right there in a Level 4 lab with a bunch of college students poking and messing with it.
So, because that's who they've got as their interns and technicians in that damn facility.
Nothing against college kids, I'm just saying.
Got a bunch of mad scientists with a bunch of PhD students in there with stuff that'll end our world as we know it.
And I'm telling you, the clock is ticking.
We are all in grave, grave danger.
So please say a prayer for awakening.
Please say a prayer for discernment.
Please say a prayer that God give you the will to get out there and speak at every city council.
Every county commissioner meeting, every state house event, every town hall, you can get in for your voice to be heard that this gain of function must stop and the people that launched the lockdowns and the attempted forced injections should be brought to justice.
Remember, they tried to make you take it.
They did bully tens of millions into taking it.
And now tens of millions have died.
It's us or them.
And please, in closing, before Owen takes over, We are battling the globalists toe-to-toe.
We are so close to beating them together.
We are having the biggest effect together we've ever had.
But we need funds for the final show trial on Sandy Hook coming up in a few months in Texas, and for our appeals.
And we will win on the appeals.
Every legal expert we've talked to says yes, or they're throwing out the whole Constitution if they certify these kangaroo trials.
And we need funds in the chapter 5, chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization to show that we're profitable so that the company will continue to go into the future indefinitely.
And our enemies are hopping mad about that and are strategizing every way they can to shut us down.
But one thing Action stops that.
Your prayer, your word of mouth, and your financial support.
Do not wait.
Go to InfoWarsTore.com.
We're only running this through Friday.
It's got to end on Saturday.
I'm coming in on Saturday to cut new ads and new promos for a new sale, but this is the biggest of the year so far.
We won't have sales like this probably until maybe right before Christmas, and it won't be as massive because a lot of the products are about to be sold out.
Up to 60% off with promo code 1776.
Promo code 1776.
Massive 60% off on many items, 50% off on all the rest, because some are 40%, some are 50% already on sale.
But with promo code 1776 on DNA Force Plus, Vitamin Mineral Fusion, X3, and so many other great products.
We're talking, ladies and gentlemen, 60% off at InfoWarsStore.com with promo code 1776.
Great products that boost your immune system, that do so much for your body.
The vitamin D3 gummies with calcium, the Linus Pauling 1100% organic, the vitamin C with rose hips, and zinc.
Incredible for your immune system and health and body.
It's 60% off.
They're all All those specials are just amazing at InfoWarsTore.com or 888-253-3139.
Owen Schroer takes over from the ATX Command Center.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, now live inside the InfoWars World Headquarters here in Austin, Texas.
When we come back, I've got a whole stack here of midterm election news we're going to get into.
I've got Some geopolitical news we're going to get into and following up on the vaccine news with Alex with some new data that is really bad.
Really bad.
And then Elon Musk is at Twitter today.
And of course, liberals are panicked that he might bring free speech back to Twitter.
So we'll be following that news as it develops as well.
Well, we all witnessed the disaster that was John Fetterman during the Pennsylvania Senate race debate.
He then came out the next morning on the campaign trail and said this.
Guys, can you translate that?
What is he trying to say?
It's good here, Pennsylvania?
It's good here, Pennsylvania?
West Virginia?
So... It's obviously complete gibberish.
And... Obviously...
Just another example of how the guy, it's kind of like Biden, his brain is broke.
And I guess this truly is what the Democrats see as the future for their candidates, is people that are mentally impaired or have mental disabilities that they can basically just control from the sidelines.
And then say, oh, well, if you say anything negative about our guy, our candidate, our senator, our congressman, well, you're an ableist and a bigot, and so now you need to be shut down.
But everybody witnessed what it was.
Independent voters tell NBC Fetterman's debate performance felt very difficult to watch.
So everybody knows What they had been trying to cover up for a while and he's six months past the stroke.
Most health experts say about six months in is where you're seeing where you're going to be permanently as far as recovery is concerned.
So I mean his recovery is pretty much complete.
So this is what you got folks.
It's a guy who is mentally impaired and is not getting any better and needs help just to communicate.
And so you might say, well how is this going to go?
The guy can't hear, he needs technology in order to communicate with humans.
How can he possibly be a senator?
How is he going to know what's on the Senate floor?
How is he going to be able to read the tiny print?
How is he going to be able to listen to people talking?
Well obviously he can't.
He would be unable to perform his job.
So somebody else would be telling him how to vote, what to vote for.
Would it be his wife?
Would it be the Democrat Party operatives?
But if you had any doubt, if the Democrats are looking at this as a precedent for the future, like we discussed yesterday on these airwaves with Jack Posobiec and Steve Bannon, it is confirmed today in their own rhetoric.
This is Vox.com.
John Fetterman survived a stroke.
It could be an asset if he's elected.
Yes, it's a good thing because they're saying, And I'll follow it up with the rest of the headlines here.
They're saying we need disabled Americans in Congress.
Disabled Americans have the right to be represented and most importantly to work and that includes working for the U.S.
Why John Fetterman's Senate campaign is a teaching moment greater than this election.
And then you have Congressman Chris Murphy, Democrat from Connecticut.
I think what John Fetterman is doing is heroic.
There are millions of people out there fighting their way back from adversity.
John is setting an example, and frankly, after this ordeal, his voice is going to be more powerful in the Senate.
So, they're admitting, okay, yes, John Fetterman is mentally disabled.
Yes, John Fetterman is mentally impaired.
Yes, he can't operate.
without the help of technology but this is a good thing because those people need to be represented in Congress and they're also saying basically Congress is a bigoted place because it's not set up for somebody who is disabled to be a member of Congress and so they'll get him in there and then they'll have to re...
Basically, just build new infrastructure in the Capitol, in Congress, so that John Fetterman can work.
So that a mentally impaired individual, a mentally disabled individual, can work.
And they say, oh, that's ableist.
If you disagree with that.
Well, look.
You can talk about the ability for mentally impaired and mentally disabled people to work.
And in fact, there's a lot of good examples out there of mentally impaired, mentally disabled people who can work and work quite well.
I remember an individual that I used to go to church with years ago with my family.
In St.
His name was Steve.
I forget his last name.
I'm sure my family listens.
They'll remember the guy's name.
He was a legend.
He had cerebral palsy.
He had some other mental conditions.
And I mean, you saw him.
You knew he was not well mentally or physically.
And he was an architect.
Built, designed houses.
Had a full family.
Drove him around the town.
Had children.
And was a successful man in his own right.
So nobody here is saying, oh look, because John Fetterman is disabled, then he's not qualified.
His policies are bad.
But they want to bait you into having that conversation Even though that's a real debate to be had, instead of saying, look at how disastrous his policies are.
Where he gets up there and he says, on the debate stage, he never was for banning fracking.
Folks, you can go back.
He's written, he's signed documents.
From leftist groups saying we will support you but you have to promise to ban fracking and he's put his name on those documents saying when I get in I will ban fracking.
He's made public comment probably a dozen times about how he's going to ban fracking and then he gets up there on this stage and says I'm not going to ban fracking.
An obvious lie.
He also says he never said he was going to ban fracking.
An even bigger lie.
So you can have the debate should somebody that's this mentally impaired Be in Congress, or is that a problem?
You can have that debate.
But see, they were denying the true state of John Fetterman's mental capabilities.
Now that it's clear and present, they're saying this is a good thing.
You see how they do that?
It's a common trend with Democrats.
First they say it doesn't exist, then they say it's a good thing.
Inflation doesn't exist.
No, but it's a good thing.
John Fetterman has no mental impairments.
John Fetterman has mental impairments, but it's a good thing.
Yeah, I mean, there it is right there.
I mean, it's a joke.
John Fetterman once signed a pledge to ban fracking, which supports tens of thousands of Pennsylvania jobs.
And then he goes up there and says, I never said I'd ban fracking.
So now they're twisting the narrative and having you Baited into the debate, saying, look at Fetterman, he's clearly unwell, he's clearly mentally impaired, he shouldn't be in Congress, which maybe is a right argument.
Maybe that's where the Democrats are hoping to go, with Joe Biden as the first example, Fetterman as the next, and then you just... Because here's the danger of it.
The danger of it is, in fact this even relates to a January 6th story that I have coming up later, where what do we see the federal government do?
They target individuals that maybe have autism or some form of a mental disability and they bait them into fake plots to kidnap Governor Whitmer or now we've learned To go into the Capitol on January 6th.
Yeah, that came out in a court case.
Wait till you hear that coming up that nobody else seems to be picking up on.
But so, that's what this is about.
Just like the FBI lures autistic, Asperger's, mentally impaired people to be a part of their Propaganda, false flag events like kidnapping Governor Whitmer or kidnapping Governor Northam.
They couldn't get enough people to fall for that in Virginia.
They got enough people to fall for it in Michigan.
It all came out in court.
Feds led the whole thing.
It's going to come out that they did the same thing on January 6th.
Just wait.
Now they're going to want to do that with political candidates.
And so they're going to go out and they're going to find individuals that are mentally disabled or mentally impaired and then prop them up as candidates And then they want the whole narrative to be, if you say anything about their mental impairments, you're an ableist, and it won't even be about policy.
So it's not even going to be about the horrible policy of the Democrats, it's going to be, you better not mention that that Democrat candidate is mentally impaired, or autistic, because that makes you a bigot, that makes you an ableist.
And so that's the precedent they're setting with Federman.
Oh, he has no problems after the stroke.
Oh yeah, he has problems, but that's a good thing.
And don't be an ableist for pointing it out.
But absolutely, that's what the Democrats want.
They want a candidate up there that can't think, can't talk, so that they can think and talk for him, and they basically have their perfect puppet.
And now...
Acting Pennsylvania Secretary of State warns of delays in counting midterm votes.
Well, why would that be?
We are not going to have results on election night.
Democrat Secretary of State Lee Chapman has already notified Pennsylvania voters that the midterm elections will more than likely experience delays.
Well, why would that be?
Why would that be?
It wouldn't be because they want to see how many votes Federman is down and then add that many votes to the totals like they did for Biden.
That wouldn't be the case.
But, oh, Democrats are now complaining about rigged elections.
We'll have that coming up next.
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So the phenomenon of denying election results that Democrats say is a terroristic activity,
of course except when they do it, then it's all fine and good, is back as a phenomenon
because it's again the Democrats denying election results for elections that haven't even happened.
This is a clip from MSNBC from Shadi Hamid.
I asked Hassan, whether he would accept the election results if Trump or someone like him wins fair and square in 2024, a spirited back and forth ensued.
So they're already denying the presidential election from 2024.
You had Hillary Clinton Come out and make a video denying the election results from the presidential election in 2024?
I'm saying, Owen, what are you saying?
You sound crazy.
How can they deny election results from an election that haven't happened?
You're asking the wrong guy.
You need to ask MSNBC that.
You need to ask Hillary Clinton that.
I'm not the one doing it.
So, oh, okay.
I mean, let's just give full spectrum analysis here.
The Democrats have denied the results of every presidential election that they've lost in the 20th century.
Al Gore.
Hillary Clinton.
And they were even complaining when Bush beat Kerry, too.
And they did their whole appeals.
They had their whole January 6th thing.
They denied the electoral votes.
They tried to have an investigation.
They tried to shut that down.
They've done that.
They've done that in history.
But then you See the obvious anomalies of the 2020 presidential election, and you say something is fishy here, not to mention all the illegalities of the mail-in votes and the different COVID measures that were taken.
And you say, hey, I don't trust these results.
They say you're a terrorist, you should be censored, you should be imprisoned, you should be arrested.
And you know the rest of the story.
But Democrats get to die.
Hillary Clinton never lost the 2016 election.
Stacey Abrams never lost an election.
And they go on.
And now they say...
The Republicans are trying to steal the 2024 election.
We haven't even gotten through the 2022 election yet, and they're already complaining about the 2024 election.
How can this be?
What kind of insane world are we living in now, where the Democrats for two years have been labeling election deniers terrorists, now come out and are already denying the results of elections that haven't even happened yet?
It just shows what scum they are.
It just shows what frauds they are.
And of course it's Hillary Clinton.
Of course it's MSNBC.
But you know what?
I'm okay with this.
I'm okay with this.
And in fact, I wish we could somehow defeat this urge, which is totally real and legitimate, to call them out on their hypocrisy of election denying.
And instead, embrace their hysteria, add fuel to their fire, and say, you're right.
You're right.
You're right.
Somebody's trying to steal the 2024 elections.
And you know what?
You're right.
Someone's trying to steal the 2022 elections too, since you're talking about that.
I think there's only one rational solution here.
Paper ballots.
It's the only rational solution.
Single-day voting, paper ballots.
End of sentence.
I mean, what could be more trustworthy?
Democrats don't believe they've ever lost a presidential election.
They're already complaining that they're getting the 2024 election stolen from them.
It's two years away!
So how could we possibly remedy this situation?
This is a major Democrat Party propaganda going all around Twitter today.
Texans, please check your ballots.
There are multiple reports of votes being changed from Beto to Greg Abbott.
They're cheating again.
From a bunch of verified leftists on Twitter.
So, okay.
Forget about the hypocrisy of you now claiming the elections are stolen and rigged.
Forget about that.
I don't even want to get into that.
Everybody knows that.
We need a solution.
Democrats are right.
Elections are rigged.
The only solution is paper ballots, same-day voting.
So we can fall into the gravity, which is powerful.
To say, look, here's Democrats denying election results in 2002.
Here's Democrats denying election results in 2006.
Here's Democrats denying election results in 2016.
Here's Democrats denying election results in 2018, in 2020, and now in 2024.
Even in the future?
Democrats denying election results!
They're the ones, actually, in U.S.
history Who initiated the process that they are complaining about from January 6th, 2021.
Democrats are the ones that have done that in American history.
Denied the electoral votes, demanded an investigation and an extension to count them in a review of a presidential election.
It's Democrats that have done that before.
Even Democrats that are in Congress today like Maxine Waters and Chuck Schumer and others have been a part of that process back when they believed that Gore beat, Al Gore beat George Bush.
But they don't want you to know about that.
We can sit here and point out Hillary Clinton complaining and all the Democrats complaining 2016 was stolen.
That's obviously the easy argument here.
As you now see Democrats complaining that elections are stolen, saying that Republicans are going to steal 2022, Republicans are going to steal 2024.
We need to resist the urge to fall into that trap and instead We need to agree with them and say, you're right.
Elections are rigged.
Elections are stolen.
There's only one solution.
Paper ballots.
Single day voting.
And I'm all for innovation.
For efficiency?
So, who knows?
Maybe single-day voting isn't the right way to go.
Maybe you make it a weekend thing.
Maybe you make it a two-day holiday.
Maybe, you know, because it's a pain to go vote.
Sometimes it can take hours.
I get it.
And counting the ballots is a process and everything.
But no.
Let's at least get Democrats In this period of them denying election results, in this period of them not trusting elections, them calling elections rigged, let's all get together to say paper ballots.
Paper ballots.
Paper ballots.
It's mainstream liberal news that has run Headline pieces, special reports showing how electric voting machines can get hacked.
It's Kamala Harris who's given speeches on the House floor about how voting machines can be hacked to rig elections.
So let's not point out their hypocrisy here.
There's no point.
Let's agree with them.
I had my years wrong earlier.
It was 2000.
Thank you, the crew, for correcting me.
It was 2000 and then 2004.
Earlier I'd said 0206.
It was 2000-2004 when they were denying it.
And they're just rolling the clips of all that.
So no, let's agree with the Democrats.
That's the best way to go about this.
Agree with the Democrats denying election results.
Agree with the Democrats saying elections are rigged.
And say, let's find the solution.
Which is paper ballots, get rid of the voting machines.
Because how can you rig paper ballots?
And then maybe if they want to expose how they do it, that'd be one thing.
So this is all over Twitter, I'm telling you.
They're saying, in Texas, where early voting has started now, oh, you voted for Beto, and now your vote's been changed to Abbott.
Oh, this is happening.
Oh, well, electronic voting machines clearly don't work.
They're rigging the election for Republicans, so we should probably get rid of the electronic voting machines.
But do you think If CNN or MSNBC or one of them decided they were going to call out the elect voting machine companies like Dominion, do you think they'd get sued for billions of dollars like Fox News?
Do you think that's how that would go down?
Or is that just Fox News?
Is that just conservatives that get the suits for billions of dollars?
Will Hillary Clinton get sued for denying election results?
Well Kamala Harris gets sued for showing how electronic voting machines can be hacked.
What about all the other local news groups that have actually sat there with the electronic voting machines and a tech guy showing how they can get hacked in real time?
What about all that?
Are they going to get sued or is it just Fox News?
So it's all over.
It's all over the internet.
Democrats, liberals saying Republicans are stealing the midterms.
They've rigged the electronic voting machines.
You vote for the Democrat, it switches to the Republican.
Now, I haven't seen any actual video evidence of this like we saw in 2020.
I won't even say which way it went because for the sake of this argument, it doesn't matter.
But we've seen it before in the actual voting booths where someone would click one candidate and the other would get highlighted.
We've actually seen videos of that from 2020.
I haven't seen any videos of that from 2022, but that's the claim by Liberal Democrats.
So, I agree, Republicans are stealing the 2022 elections.
Therefore, we should stop that from happening and get rid of the electronic voting machines that they're using to do it.
Don't you agree, Democrats?
You're the ones saying this.
Now, I don't expect conservatives and republicans to get on board with that message.
That's part of the problem, is when liberals and democrats act, they act in unison.
There is no unison on the right side of the aisle.
It's a bunch of free thinkers, independent-minded people, so it's like, it just doesn't happen.
But that's how this should go.
In fact, if there should be any unity, it should be the GOP.
It should be the official party.
But that is fractured right now, too, because you have the Bush establishment, GOP people now kind of colliding with the new Trump populist GOP people.
There's a struggle for control of the GOP.
The results of this midterm election will probably determine the future of the leadership of the GOP, whether you have the defunct Uniparty GOP that just works with Democrats.
Democrat-lite if you will.
Giving you squish representation.
Or you'll have a new GOP that's actually active, innovative, inspired, and making moves.
Like you see with some aspects of the GOP like the Texas GOP doing a good job.
But the overall GOP is a failure right now, but that's a lot to do with the party being fractured, with the populist movement, anti-establishment movement, trying to take it back from the DC establishment.
So, that should be the message though.
Hey, look!
The GOP should come out...
And they should create... I mean, the Texas GOP might actually do this.
The Texas RNC Research Center might actually do this.
Because they put out these great video clips.
They should just do a compilation.
Actually, they already have done the compilation.
They just need to kind of change the angle, change the perspective.
And just so all the Democrats denying election results...
You can start it from 2000, so you can say this entire century, this entire millennia, Democrats have denied election results, and then show all the clips starting in 2000, all the way up to now, where they say Republicans will rig 2024, and then you say, we agree!
We agree with the Democrat Party!
Isn't this great?
Republicans and Democrats finally agree on the same thing!
Elections get stolen and rigged and so therefore we must find a solution.
Paper ballots!
One day!
One vote!
One paper ballot!
To save our elections.
To save the integrity of our elections.
That's what the Republican Party should be doing right now.
That's what GOP leadership should be doing right now.
Taking away from all of that, stepping away from all that, what is it, because the Democrats are in unison right now, what is it causing the Democrats to call elections rigged all of a sudden?
What is that?
Are they afraid that the results aren't going to go their way?
Is that what this is about?
Are they afraid they're going to become so unpopular in the next two years that they have to get out ahead of a landslide in 2024 and say that's rigged too?
If there's any good signs ahead of the midterms right now, that's one of them.
The Democrats are legitimately scared that these elections are not going to go their way.
And they're already crying foul.
And I wish the Republicans could take advantage of this strategically to solve one of the biggest issues that are in their voting base right now, and that's the integrity of elections.
But the GOP will probably not even swing.
So it won't even be a swing and miss.
It'll just be a strike right down the plate.
They're watching it.
But they should come out and agree.
Democrats say elections are rigged.
We agree.
We need election integrity, security.
So let's just go back to paper ballots.
One person, one vote, one day, one paper ballot.
Now I've got more midterm news coming up on the other side of this break.
Some funny developments as we get closer, and then some serious ones as well.
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So you may have gotten a good laugh out of us crashing the Robert Francis O'Rourke rally, known as Beto O'Rourke.
And when he goes on the stage, you can hear me in the background on the PA chanting Robert Francis.
People looking around like, who's Robert Francis?
Oh, that's the guy that you're about to vote for who lied to you about his name.
And so I bring this up because Mayra Flores is currently in Congress, running for re-election.
Mayra Flores tried to join the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
Of course, Mayra Flores is Hispanic.
But she was prevented from joining the Congressional Hispanic Caucus because she's a Republican and membership is only for Democrats.
And doesn't that just tell you the whole identity politics story?
Liberals pretend to care about you if you have a certain trait, whether that be a skin color, sexual preference, whatever the characteristic is.
They pretend to care about you, but then when they realize that you're not a liberal, they actually hate you and want nothing to do with you.
See how that works?
So we have a Hispanic caucus, but it's only for liberal Democrats.
So it's not for Hispanics.
It has nothing to do with Hispanics.
It has everything to do with liberal Democrats.
So that's just like everything else.
But why am I talking about Beto?
Well, there's something that Flores and O'Rourke have in common.
They were both denied from the Hispanic Caucus.
But here's the difference.
Why was Robert Francis O'Rourke denied entry to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus?
Because he's not Hispanic!
El Paso lawmaker can't join Hispanic Caucus.
This was back from 2013 when he was a House representative.
So he tried to join the Hispanic caucus and the Democrats rejected him because he's not Hispanic.
And he runs around Texas pretending to be a Hispanic named Beto.
You can't make this stuff up.
Now, at the time, I bet you If they would have known Beto was going to become such an important attempt.
Uh, figure to get into Congress failed, lost to Ted Cruz, but then to get into the governor's mansion in Texas.
We'll see how that goes in 12 short days.
They probably wouldn't have rejected him.
They probably would have let him in, but at the time he was just a nobody.
He didn't really have all the, the, uh, the flair around him and he was just a fake Hispanic and they knew he was a fake Hispanic.
So they said, no, we don't want fake Hispanics in the Hispanic caucus.
Uh, we want real Hispanics.
You're not.
So, uh, but there you go.
There you go, folks.
Even the Democrats know Beto is a fake Hispanic.
Now, liberals are getting protested by their own, and rightfully so, on the war issue.
Anti-war protesters tag-team warmongers Elizabeth Warren and squad member Ayanna Pressley over their push for nuclear war with Russia.
So everywhere liberal Democrats are going who ran as anti-war, they're getting protested by the anti-war liberals that voted for them and feel let down because they're now pro-war.
And the truth of the matter is not that the Democrats lied about being pro-war.
And they're not.
They lie about everything.
Every stance they take, they lie about.
Except they really want to chop up boys and girls and call it trans kids.
And they really do want to abort a million babies a year.
That they are serious about.
When they campaign on those issues.
Democrats are running young radical for Michigan Statehouse who was arrested for plotting school shooting.
Sounds right up the Democrat Party aisle to me.
Michigan Democrat nominee for state representative Maurice Imhoff wanted to carry out a school shooting of Northwest Middle School in Jackson, Michigan.
He was arrested by the police before he could carry out the shooting and charged for threat of terrorism.
In response to the public finding this out about his past, he admitted to making poor decisions.
Poor decisions.
Poor decisions.
Maurice Imhoff, Democrat for Congress, says his arrest for threat of terrorism was a poor decision.
You don't say.
But the Democrats say you're the terrorist.
You see how that works.
Arizona's Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Katie Hobbs, claims someone broke into her campaign office.
And now, without any evidence, she's claiming it was someone from Carrie Lake's campaign!
Well, that's just projection, because we all know about three dozen GOP headquarters in the last two years have been firebombed by Liberal Democrats, the real terror group in this country.
All across the country, GOP headquarters have been firebombed by Democrat activists.
Not a single act of violence has been condemned by the Democrats.
And so, of course, they assume when something happens to their office, it must be the opposition, because when they see the things happening to the GOP offices, they know it's their people.
But there was an image that came out of the individual, and let's just say he doesn't fit the Republican type, let's say.
But who knows?
They do have an image, and investigation will obviously be ongoing, and we shall see what happens.
My guess is it was probably I mean, maybe a Democrat doing this for a false flag or for, you know, a victim economy thing, but who knows?
Could've just been a random act.
People are breaking into stuff all the time these days in Biden's America, so anything to save her chance in the governor's race.
Say that your opponent broke into your office.
Yeah, I think that the investigation will bear that that is not the case.
Liberal pro-abortion organization files lawsuit over people monitoring ballot drop boxes in Arizona.
Why don't Democrats want mail-in drop box overseers?
Why are liberal Democrats so scared of drop box monitors?
Why would that be?
I just can't think of it, guys.
Why are the Democrats so afraid that people are monitoring the mail-in Dropboxes?
Can anybody figure that out for me?
I'm just at a loss.
I can't figure out why the Democrats would be so against that.
Attorney General Merrick Garland promises to address voter intimidation after armed and masked Dropbox election observers who look an awful lot like the fake Patriot Front group show up at Dropbox in Arizona.
Nobody's claimed these individuals as a group that they're with, or affiliated with, when it comes to the Dropbox monitoring.
I'm yet to see the individuals in the photos that are armed and face-masked up make any claims about, hey, here's who we are, we're not this, we're not that, we are this, we are that.
So I'm still leaning on the edge of these are just Democrats.
Uh, posing as Republicans so they can have this story, and now that the Attorney General is getting involved, calling it voter intimidation and all this stuff, maybe that adds a little more fuel to that conspiracy theory.
But, legal experts have weighed in on this, and they've actually said, there is no case here.
Nothing they were doing is illegal.
The places they were, you can open carry a long arm, a rifle, obviously face masks are legal, you can do that, and there's no law against sitting in a parking lot where there's a mail-in drop box.
So, I don't know.
Alright, let's look at a couple geopolitical developments here.
ready to protect Asian allies with nukes, Biden official says in Tokyo.
A hugely alarming scenario when world leaders and government officials representing nuclear-armed superpowers appear to increasingly be spouting nuclear rhetoric and warnings in almost a casual manner.
And it's U.S.
Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said The U.S.
is ready to protect its Asian allies using nukes if they came under attack, spelling out that the U.S.
would deploy its nuclear, conventional, and missile defense.
Now, this might get retracted by the Biden administration within the next 24 hours.
That pretty much has been the case every other time this subject has been brought up, whether it be here in the media or Joe Biden or somebody across the planet, one of the representations of the administration, they always have to backtrack.
Even when it's Joe Biden saying it.
But here's the true dangerous psychology of it is that what you have is these liberal leftists that just are so empowered and their hubris and their arrogance is just overflowing that they don't even think twice.
They just think, I have the power to say we'll use nukes and so therefore I'll say it.
They don't care about the repercussions.
They don't care whether it's real or not or whether they would or whether they have any strategy.
Doesn't matter.
They're in charge.
They're the good, moral, high ground, liberal Democrat, and so they can say that we'll use nukes, and that makes them feel good, and that makes them feel powerful.
Wow, and I didn't see that.
Is that from today, guys?
Putin says Taiwan is part of China?
So, more evidence of what we've been talking about here for the entire year, that the lack of U.S.
leadership, the lack of U.S.
diplomacy, the lack of U.S.
geopolitical strategy is crushing us across the planet, and now Russia and China are forming a strong alliance.
So this is not a coincidence.
When China comes out and tells the United States to stop stealing oil from Syria, which they just got caught doing again, That is a soft-spoken, if you will, support for Russia.
That's them playing Russia's geopolitical card and strategy and approach.
So when Russia comes out and says Taiwan is part of China, see how that tit-for-tat works?
See how that give-and-take relationship works?
Wow, so we are just really in a bad spot now with Joe Biden as the president.
I don't know how we come back from this, folks.
Now, the good news is...
How we come back from this would actually be a much stronger domestic policy and a much more independent ideology when it comes to our energy manufacturing and everything else because quite frankly that's what we're going to be forced into by the world blackballing us now under Joe Biden.
Which it might be so bad by the time the next presidential election comes along that there's no recovery.
So you see the tit-for-tat there from China and Russia, both now allied against the United States, thanks to Joe Biden.
And now you have Biden administration officials just so, just so wantonly threatening nuclear war, like they don't even care, there's no repercussions, all because they can do it.
All because they can do it.
Yeah, we'll threaten nuclear war because we can.
Because I'm in charge.
Not even caring about the millions of lives that will be put at stake by their rhetoric.
Arizona rancher makes desperate plea to Biden after finding total of 16 dead migrants on the property.
Oh, nothing to see at the southern border.
Oh, no, really?
Even Arizona Democrat Mark Kelly has now had to admit that there is a border crisis with just 12 days left out for his re-election bid.
He has to say that the border is in crisis because he knows the Arizona voters know it's in a crisis, and if he doesn't say that, he won't get re-elected, even though the Democrats immediately after him being re-elected will say there's no border crisis.
Sixteen dead on one ranch.
Biden mocks reporters for trying to ask him questions.
Yeah, don't you dare!
Don't you dare!
Video emerged Wednesday of Joe Biden mocking reporters at the White House for attempting to ask him questions as he once again refused to answer any.
And then you have the White House Karens.
You've heard the videos before.
Get out!
Move on!
You gotta go!
You gotta go!
Time to get out!
Time to get out!
Time to move!
Time to go!
Time to go!
And there's like four or five of these White House Karens.
It was the same ones that were in the Easter Bunny costumes telling Biden where to go.
And it's the same mental state of the Biden administration overseas saying, yeah, we'll use nukes.
Yeah, hell yeah, we'll use the nukes.
Look at me.
I'm a powerful Democrat liberal.
I'll use nukes.
It's the same mentality of they have power and they'll use the power.
You give a Liberal Democrat a thimble of power, they will find a way to abuse it.
So you've got these White House Karens who know they're in charge of the media, and so they love that power.
It's like a sexual experience for them.
It's like an orgasmic experience for them to kick the media out and scream and shout like a bunch of raving banshees.
It's like sex for them.
They love it.
Screaming, shouting, making a scene at the media.
It's their job.
They get off to it.
Just like the Biden administration going overseas saying, ha ha, hell yeah, we'll use nukes.
You're sick.
You're sick.
But don't ask Biden a question.
He's above you.
Besides, we all know he's lying to you anyway.
GOP representative, a cabal of unelected elitists, including Obama, is in control of America.
We heard the clip earlier.
He's so right.
Republican Congressman Ralph Norman declared Wednesday that everyone knows Joe Biden isn't in charge of anything and that in reality there is a secretive cabal of elitists that are running America.
It's nice to see Republicans telling it like it is.
That used to be something you might hear from a liberal Democrat, but not anymore because they know they're in control.
What are they hiding?
Group sues Biden administration and National Archives over JFK assassination records.
The country's largest online source of JFK assassination records is suing President Joe Biden and the National Archives to force the federal government to release all remaining documents related to the most mysterious...
Murders of U.S.
presidential history nearly 60 years ago.
The Mary Farrell Foundation filed the lawsuit Wednesday, one year after Biden issued a memo postponing the release of a final trove of 16,000 records assembled under the President John F. Kennedy Association Records Collection Act of 1992, which Congress passed without opposition in response to Oliver Stone's Oscar-dominated film JFK.
What are they hiding about The JFK murder.
The original JFK Records Act, by the way, was signed by Democrat President Bill Clinton.
Now, Trump actually released a large trove of the JFK files.
He released all the ones he could.
Whatever the time restraints on these records are.
Trump released as many as he could.
We learned a lot of things about the JFK assassination.
How the CIA lied to us.
The CIA controlled the media.
The FBI and the CIA both believed that there were multiple shooters that day.
On and on and on.
But, oh, don't call it a conspiracy.
But why is the Biden administration hiding the remaining 16,000 documents from the public?
Always Democrats trying to keep the truth from you.
John F. Kennedy was a Democrat.
You'd think they'd want us to know what happened to him, but no, they don't.
What a shame.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, when I come back, I'm going to get into some of the latest vaccine data and news.
It is not good.
It is not good.
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That's right!
The Alex Jones Show, still on air.
And while I am anxiously awaiting To see what the latest news is with Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter.
There are some headlines here.
I'll get to those momentarily.
But we will be joined tomorrow with breaking news on this from an insider source.
That's going to be tomorrow though.
But see, oh, what were they doing on Twitter?
They were censoring information about the vaccines.
And about the origins of COVID, but let's focus on the vaccines for now because this is a major issue here.
With the vaccines now killing so many people, we know about the side effects with the pregnant mothers and then their children.
We know about now 70, excuse me, 7%, it's actually over 7%, that have taken the COVID-19 vaccine have had life-altering side effects.
But see, this is, this is, the crew is amazing here.
They just pulled up this story from 2020.
This is December 2020.
Twitter and Facebook to censor vaccine discourse.
This must stop.
So they were actively censoring any negative information about the vaccines, no matter how real it was, including their own internal documents that had leaked.
We had their PowerPoints, we had the videos, we had their internal studies.
They knew the vaccine would be killing people.
They knew it all along.
And then you were censored from sharing that on Twitter.
So that's why this ties into the Elon Musk takeover story.
But now that we're two years into this vaccine, I mean, you really get a good idea.
I mean, really, it's like 10 years normally is when they say, OK, we can say in confidence this is what we know about the vaccine is 10 years.
Well, two years, though, is when you start to get kind of a good picture of what's going on.
And the VAERS data.
Which is the official vaccine adverse reaction government website, which they even think is only probably about 10% of the actual data, because 90% of people don't report a vaccine injury.
They might not even realize that's what is going on.
So, we have new VAERS data.
It's updated about once a month.
And you have, since 1990, this is a bar graph that I have in front of me.
Since 1990, still births and miscarriages as attributed to a vaccine reaction.
Now if you look at this bar graph, and guys you can just either, yeah, dot cam this.
Now what do you notice here?
Well there's a significant anomaly, isn't there?
Since 1990, the last two years are skyrocketing when it comes to miscarriage and stillbirths caused by a vaccine.
In fact, if you combine every year, if you combine 2020, so basically if you combine 30 years of data, 30 years of vaccine adverse reaction data reporting a miscarriage or a stillbirth, and you combine those 30 years, it doesn't even get to half of how much we've had since the COVID-19 vaccine is out.
And in fact, hey, would you actually go grab my graphs over there, just to make that point?
I did this, this is probably like almost a year ago now, maybe?
Let's actually pull it out for time's sake, this is like a time capsule that we have.
I did one of these graphs to just show you how absurd this is.
This is like, yeah, you can just put them in the front there.
And let's get that on the big camera here, too.
Because, folks, this is like, I make the sports analogy all the time.
The record for most home runs in a single season, let's say, is 70 home runs.
I think it's like 72, 73.
So let's say the single season record For home runs in a season is 70 home runs and now somebody just hit 770 home runs.
That's what it's like with the adverse reaction.
So these are charts from 2021 actually in front of me.
So these are actually a year old.
So we did this live on air a year ago showing you the vaccine adverse reaction as you can see.
And it was already the same case.
Now, why is the number actually half of what it was last year?
Because people aren't getting the vaccine anymore.
They know the vaccine has been a disaster.
They know the vaccine is killing people, causing heart problems, neurological problems, stillbirths, all this stuff.
So they're not getting the vaccine as much.
That's why the number is going back down.
So clearly the COVID-19 vaccine killed a bunch of babies in the womb by the thousands.
By the thousands.
That's just in the womb.
Imagine what it does outside of the womb.
That's also in the tens of thousands.
But if you shared any of this information, you were censored on Twitter, even though you were right.
Australia, COVID-19 vaccine injury payouts could reach $77 million.
It's going to be more than that when it's all said and done.
And that's just Australia.
Former Democrat candidate who said, I don't give an F what happens to anti-vaxxers dies suddenly while walking dog.
Yeah, that's a real shame.
If only somebody could have shared the information with him on Twitter, maybe he would have been able to not die.
MRNA vaccines injure the heart of all vaccine recipients and cause myocarditis in up to 1 in 27 new study finds.
It's a complete disaster, folks.
Again, we're two years into this now.
We have some clinical data.
We have some raw human intelligence data.
You probably know someone vaccine-injured.
We know that 7% of people that get a COVID-19 vaccine experience injury, and pretty much every deceased body that shows up at the mortician at the morgue, they're pulling out when they Take the liquids out of the body.
They're pulling out five foot, six foot long clots that aren't blood clots.
They're what's called fiber clots because they've never seen them before.
All in vaccinated individuals.
But here's the good news.
Here's the good news.
If the eugenicists win and kill us all and collapse civilization.
Are you going to be able to eat anything?
Because 3D printed steaks, ladies and gentlemen, you'll be eating steak forever.
Just get one of those 3D printers.
It looks like this.
Your steak could soon be 3D printed.
That is, if you live in Europe.
Israeli company Redefine Meat has struck a partnership with importer Giraldi Meats to drive European distribution of its new steak carts.
The startup is hoping to establish its products as an alternative to conventionally produced meat.
Redefine Meat operates large-scale meat printers at its Revtov headquarters south of Tel Aviv, as well as in a new factory in the Netherlands.
The company's manager, Jaron Eschel, explains how it works.
I have a library of a few different slabs.
I can choose each one of them and I can adjust it accordingly.
I can define the amount of marbling.
Now I can go directly into the printing process and you can see how the process starts to build layer by layer.
The company makes its products from ingredients including soy, pea proteins, chickpeas, beetroot, nutritional yeasts, and coconut fat.
So now, steakhouse founder and chief executive, Eshar Ben-Sharat, uses his own tyrannical lisp to explain the new type of faux meat his company is launching.
In the past two years, we have been working deeply on understanding meat and why and what makes meat so exciting.
And we identified a few components that we can recreate from plants
and have the same exact performance as the tissue of animal meat,
giving you with the combination of additive manufacturing, the exact feeling, your experience,
a good steak, a good cut of meat coming from an animal without the use of the animal.
Plant-based meat alternatives have become increasingly popular in recent years.
But the early hype about plant-based meat alternatives has ebbed as inflation and recession worries
have driven some customers back to cheaper animal meat products.
Companies such as the U.S.-based Beyond Meat have cut their sales outlooks, cuts of Americans' distrust in the Great Reset.
The redefined meat, however, has big ambitions.
It's new meat is currently available in Israel, Britain, the Netherlands, and Germany.
Almost 1,000 restaurants are currently paying about $40 per 2 pounds for its steak cuts.
You can see a world that new meat, that's meat made from plants, is a big part of the meat industry.
It will replace a lot of meat that people consume today that is bad for the environment and bad for most of the people in the supply chain.
Some people will still get to consume high-quality meat from these animals, but that will only be for our elite master overlords.
For you, it's meat squirted from a machine, or raw swab-approved bug burgers.
Reporting for The Great Reset, I'm the Tyrannical Lisp.
But see, isn't that the whole New World Order slave mentality?
Oh, it's meat.
It's beyond meat.
It's meat redefined.
It's not meat!
It's just the total lie.
It's not meat at all.
And hey, look!
I'm free market capitalist.
You want to make meat?
You want to make fake meat from plants or whatever and people want to buy it and eat it?
That's all fine!
I like steak.
I like burgers.
I like real meat.
And I guarantee you, you're not going to fool me or anybody in this crew or this audience with fake meat.
God, I hope that's not the future.
So there's actually a great irony here to this beyond meat, fake meat craze.
That we're seeing promoted by the elite because they want to have a world where only they get the steak, they get the burgers, you get the fake meat, the 3D printed meat, the bug meat.
And it ties into a video that just, I believe it came out this week, of a McDonald's worker who has an undercover camera showing you how the McRib is prepared.
And now, the McRib is a McDonald's sandwich that's been around probably my whole life.
I don't know when it came out.
And they do it seasonally.
And McDonald's is doing a big marketing campaign push for the McRib right now, saying this is the last time it's ever coming.
I don't know if that's true or not, but okay.
So this video's been going around of the McRib preparation at McDonald's.
And the response from Viewers of this video are, it's obviously disgusting, I can't believe I ever ate this, this is disgusting, how do they get away with this, blah blah blah, you can imagine the horrific, okay.
Well, imagine, first of all, I don't know what people thought they were eating when they ate a McRib.
I mean, I thought you knew it was obviously fake, it's, I mean, you know, there's no ribs in the McRib, you know, maybe that's the, kind of the giveaway there, but okay.
So, you've already been introduced to fake meat.
When you eat at a fast food restaurant, you're already eating, in some way, shape, or form, fake meat.
So it's not even a new thing.
They've already been hitting you with fake meat for a while.
But here's the irony, is... So you'll see the video, and it's the same people.
They'll see the video of how the McRib is prepared at McDonald's, and they'll say, eww, that's gross.
After they've already been eating it, they'll say, ooh, that's gross.
I don't want to eat that.
But then they'll see how the beyond meat is, how the fake meat is, how the reinvent meat is, and they'll see that same thing.
In fact, the process is probably even more disgusting.
And they'll say, wow, that's so trendy.
That's so great.
I can't wait to eat that fake meat.
And that shows you the power of mind control.
That shows you the power of propaganda.
Oh, you really thought you were getting a rib sandwich from McDonald's.
Now you find out that it's basically fake, compressed into a rib-like shape, and now you're upset because you realize, oh, I wasn't eating ribs the whole time, But then you'll be told it's fake, and you'll say how great it is.
That's the power of mind control.
That's the power of brainwashing.
Now, in a separate incident, another example of a world-famous painting has been desecrated.
Attack on Johannes Vermeer's famed girl with a pearl earring, painted at a museum in The Hague.
And so, folks, this is just getting weird, actually, because this guy attempted to superglue his face
to the painting.
Didn't exactly work, but he just basically slathered superglue all over his bald head
and stuck it to the painting while his friend there was pouring tomato sauce on his head.
So, I don't know why he wanted to get doused in tomato paste while he was supergluing his head to a painting.
And then his other friend is there, superglued his fist to the wall, and they're wearing their Just Stop Oil shirts.
And of course, the irony being, if you just stop oil, then you stop the entire civilization, including them.
So I don't know why they just don't go live in a cave.
That's what they need to do, is go live in a cave, instead of supergluing themselves, now their faces and their foreheads, to art.
While their friend dumps tomato paste on them.
That's, what is that?
I don't, I don't get the tomato paste aspect.
That just seemed like maybe some sort of a, maybe a kink they have.
But, again, the proper response at this point is to just leave them there.
Leave them there until they're ready, until their protest is done, and then you can charge them with the appropriate crimes, and if they become repeat offenders, you know, deal with it how it needs to be in law enforcement.
But there you go!
More liberals that want to stop oil, stop civilization, won't go live in a cave, but
superglue themselves to paintings and walls.
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And I'm about to be joined by Bob Barnes and I'm gonna talk about the Twitter news,
the vaccine news that he's gonna be covering But first, ladies and gentlemen, backed by popular demand,
Real Stable Genius.
I have to say, myself and the crew, we really have fun with these things.
We had a caller call in the other day and request that we do another one.
I already had two scripted out, so we went ahead and pushed one out.
So here it is, debuting for the first time, the brand new Real Stable Genius ad.
Cuck Light presents Real Stable Genius!
Real Stable Genius!
Today we salute you, Mr. Ridiculous Prosthetic Breast Teacher!
Mr. Ridiculous Prosthetic Breast Teacher!
Just when you thought the world could not get more ridiculous, you showed up to school with a beard and a bust from a freak show carnival in 1941!
But they wouldn't put you in a classroom with children in a blade saw would they?
Of course they would.
Look at these!
I'm sure the children will have no problem concentrating with your quadruple D bazoongas bouncing around.
Eyes up here boys!
And if the parents have a problem with that, you know, they'll be called bigots and the show will go on.
Nothing can stop me!
So crack open an ice-cold Cuck Light, Mr. Mother of the Mammaries.
Because when it comes to your cans, class dismissed!
You get a double D plus!
Cuck Light, in for store.com, Austin, Texas.
All right, there you go.
It will be uploaded to Banned Out Video.
I saw Bob Barnes smiling, so I know I at least got the Bob Barnes seal of approval on that.
Cucklight salutes Mr. Ridiculous Prosthetic Breast Teacher.
You can find that on the War Room channel at Banned Out Video.
And share it at your leisure.
Who knows?
Maybe, maybe Bob, if I'm allowed back on Twitter in the next 24 to 48 hours, maybe there's a potential there.
Maybe I'll be allowed to post it!
Maybe I'll finally be allowed to post my content on Twitter again, Bob!
What do you think about the purchase now, or what's your legal take on it?
When will we know the significance or the completion of this Twitter deal?
Well, I mean, Elon Musk went into the Twitter offices and brought literally the kitchen sink with him.
So the that was an interesting way.
I mean, here you have a master troll trolling the Twitter company that he now owns and will soon control.
And so I think it's I mean, well, we'll see what he has said is it's not going to get too wild, but that he wants to restore it.
His focus is not advertising.
His focus is not making money on it.
His focus is on restoring free a free speech zone in a meaningful manner.
Uh, that it still has some balance.
And I think you'll see the ru- I mean, if he's smart, he'll emulate the rules that Rumble embraced.
Rumble put in rules to avoid people getting harassed and stalked and having obscenity and all the things that nobody wants in a social media platform anyway.
All of that, Rumble got rid of, while at the same time protecting a very broad, very robust range of free speech.
Kanye's free to be on Twitter.
Alex Jones is free to be on Twitter.
Russia Today is free to be on Twitter.
If that becomes the reality, because that's what is true of Rumble.
Kanye's free on Rumble, Alex Jones free on Rumble, Russia Today is free on Rumble, etc.
Restore it!
And we've seen him be willing to challenge the institutional narrative on the Ukrainian war in the last month or so.
So this will be a great chance for Elon Musk to show his bona fides.
And if he does, he should restore Alex Jones to Twitter.
He should restore RT to Twitter.
Some of these most... And he should restore Owen Schroyer to Twitter.
To Savannah Hernandez back to Twitter.
There's a bunch of people that should be restored whose bans were always baseless in the first place.
And maybe I won't be completely suppressed.
I mean, I did sue Twitter and so after I sued Twitter, Twitter decided that it was time to suppress my existence.
You could even search for a long time Barnes Law on Twitter and I wouldn't even show up.
You can even put in my tag name and not show up.
So it is hopeful.
I mean, Musk is a brilliant troll, funny guy.
You know, I'm not a fan of his transhumanist vision of the future.
I'm not a fan of his go to Mars stuff.
But in this capacity, he has so far voiced honest, critical concern about having Twitter be a robust zone for dissident, independent, open speech.
And how critical that is.
He was willing yesterday to criticize the New York Times.
And so I think, I mean, all the Twitter people are begging for a job.
There's talks that he'll get rid of about three quarters of them.
He probably should, because a lot of these people are not people that are qualified.
They're just censors.
So, you know, purge the censors out of Twitter and restore Twitter to its original place of being what?
Was promised when people were solicited to participate in Twitter.
And all the way back, Jack Dorsey's promise was we'll be the free speech wing of the free speech party.
All Elon Musk has to do to restore credibility to Twitter, restore credibility to himself, is restore free speech to Twitter.
And so I'm hopeful and I'm optimistic that he will in fact do so.
So far we've seen lots of evidence that that is indeed his intention.
But we'll know pretty fast.
I mean, at least the Babylon B should be restored.
That's I guess the real question here is how is this going to be remedied?
Is it going to be where in just a broad stroke he says we're going to unban everybody and you can get access back and then we'll kind of re-establish a set of guidelines and if people need to get banned off of that we'll do that or is it going to be something where that's too much and he'll just say you can remake an account and you won't get banned which is Kind of not a good thing for people that had massive accounts with big followings that got banned that they have to rebuild that up.
I guess those are the questions.
But the announcement is official.
I mean, they're saying the deal is done.
Forty four billion dollars.
So again, we'll see when any of these when this business deal actually has meaning to the Twitter user.
But yeah, the employees from Twitter are now leaving.
They're going to Google.
They're going to Meta and they don't want to work for a free speech platform.
They'd rather work somewhere that suppresses free speech.
I don't know if META is the best place for them to go right now.
No, it's crushed.
It's getting crushed badly.
It's a bad product.
And Zuckerberg, I don't think, has any clue what to do.
So you'll be covering that for the rest of the hour.
But, you know, I've got to get into another issue with you here because I know you like following sports and you like watching sports gambling and stuff like me.
I don't know if you saw this.
This is so ridiculous here today from the Associated Press.
No US-born black players are projected to be on a World Series roster when the Phillies and Astros meet this week.
A first for Major League Baseball since 1950.
Imagine the effort just to go through the rosters for more than 50 years to find that fact.
But they admit that, oh, okay, so there are black players, but because they're not American, that's the problem.
MLB already butchered the postseason badly enough this year.
They completely butchered the postseason badly enough this year.
Now they're getting accused of racism, which I'm sure they will respond to in a nice liberal, woke way.
Bob, can we just get back to sports?
You know, can we just get back to sports being sports and get the liberal BS out of the way, please?
Well, it reminds me of Will Ferrell.
Remember his whole joke?
He's like, uh, a modern baseball team is, uh, one American and eight Dominican.
I mean, so, I mean, that, that's just, I mean, the, the people who are dominating American baseball is the Caribbean Central Americans.
I mean, that, that's who, who has for a while.
And understandably so.
I mean, you know, the Cubans love baseball.
Dominicans love baseball.
Puerto Ricans love baseball.
Many in Central America love baseball.
It's deeply embedded into the culture of their countries.
Baseball is truly an American invention.
It's one of the great American inventions.
You got a tryout going and there's like 20, 30 Central American players there and they're really good.
And you're like, damn, these are really good players.
We're excited.
We're going to have a good ball club this year.
No, instead you're thinking, huh, do I have the right skin colors?
Do I have the right percentage of whites and blacks and are they from the right country?
I don't know.
And of course, many of the Central Americans are at least part African origin.
I mean, that's why they have to say no U.S.-born black players.
Well, who are they being replaced by?
They're not being replaced by U.S.-born white players, by gringos.
They're being replaced by Dominicans and Puerto Ricans and Cubans and Central Americans.
That's who they're being replaced by.
So, I mean, it's a patently ludicrous claim.
It's like women's soccer that wanted, you know, more money for itself than it deserved.
Yeah, now they can't even win a game.
Yeah, now they can't even win a game ever since Megan Rapinoe went woke.
Alright, that's Bob Barnes.
He takes over the Alex Jones Show now.
Folks, remember the specials only have two days left at InfoWarsStore.com.
Shop at InfoWarsStore.com right now while the 50% off specials are still live.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
This is Robert Barnes, guest hosting this hour on behalf of Sir Alexander.
So remember everybody, there's a special global sale going on right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
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That's almost holy crap.
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Every day they're on the air, the system feels a little bit of pain and that's good for the rest of us.
We have a lot of interesting news this week.
We can start with the fact that today different economic reports came out, including one about GDP.
It said, hey, GDP is up 2.6%.
That means we're doing great, right?
Well, not if you really dig into the data.
Core durable goods are not up to the degree they need to.
In fact, we're continuing a decline of core durable good orders that look like the lockdown, the depths of the lockdown.
That's how bad that economic information is.
Inflation continues to just continue to run rampant.
And much of the economic quote-unquote gain was due primarily to Europe's debacle of its self-imposed sanctions and its economic war on Russia being a complete disaster.
I mean, Europe is such a basket case that they keep going through different leaders.
The Zelensky curse continues to rampage throughout Europe, as now, of course, the UK has its third prime minister in about three months.
You know, the Queen dies and all of a sudden they gotta keep getting new Prime Ministers.
And so the new Prime Minister, if you don't know, while he is pro-Brexit, which is good, he's otherwise a classic caricature almost of a globalist feature in terms of his approach to politics and public policy.
And thus he was early on the air talking to Joe Biden, who of course mispronounced his name when he discussed who he was.
And so what you have is Europe is doing so badly that the U.S.
has benefited from that slightly.
Whether that's a long-term strategy to success is another matter in terms of the U.S.
economy, in terms of the strength of the dollar, in terms of how the dollar is strong or weak at home or abroad, but that basically even that positive economic information came with a real big asterisk and a real long footnote, which is that the economy is not quite what it should be.
Other evidence of this?
Mortgage rates are now over 7%.
To give people an idea, that is the highest rate in almost a quarter century.
Mortgage rates are so high that when you combine it with the housing price increases over the past, since Donald Trump left office, the net effect is that the ordinary person, to buy the exact same house they could have bought in 2020, to buy that same house today in 2022, Requires more than double the monthly premium amount.
Think about that, folks.
If you want the core of an American dream, what has that been for a long time in America?
For the ordinary person, that means to own their own home.
My own mom's proudest moment, or one of her most proudest moments, as she told me on her deathbed, in fact, was the fact that she got to own her own home one day.
So that's a core aspect of the American dream.
The idea that you own your own home, that it's your property, that it's your little piece of the dream, of the world.
And that's being taken away from people.
And it's being taken away from especially middle-class Americans and younger generations en masse.
They're not able to do so because of the spiking mortgage rates, primarily, as well as what got an out-of-control housing bubble.
Fueled by a range of Federal Reserve policies.
And now the Federal Reserve is basically busting the housing market and making it increasingly only accessible to the hedge funds of the world.
And that's where you see people like BlackRock and institutions like BlackRock, deeply embedded, by the way, in China and its economic investment policies, deeply connected and affiliated with the World Economic Forum, is one of the biggest purchasers of domestic residential real estate in the United States of America.
So what's happening is we're continuing to see this massive wealth shift that began during the pandemic because of the policies the West adopted, especially the centralized banks, but not only the centralized banks during the pandemic, which was to create an inflationary economy that would gut the earnings capacity of ordinary Americans.
Wages continue to be way growing, way less.
And what is that?
I mean, what you're really looking at is how much more expensive is bacon, is milk, is eggs, is gas, is rent, is utilities.
Those are the core things that the ordinary person spends money on.
How much more expensive yachts are ain't a big deal to most folks.
How much more expensive fancy cars are, or high-end clothes, or luxury brands, or your new Gucci purse?
That ain't the concern of the ordinary American.
What is, is how much does it cost for me to buy baby formula for my baby?
How much does it cost for me to buy basic food and grocery stuffs to feed my family?
How much does it cost to simply house my family?
How much does it cost to simply transport my kids to school or myself to work?
How much does it cost to be able to have effective housing in the sense of heat and energy and electricity and those costs?
Those costs have gone up way more than the rate that is being tracked by the official government numbers.
One of the best places you can go is you can go to a site called ShadowStats and at ShadowStats they use the exact same metrics.
That we used to use.
They're not coming up with their own numbers.
They're using the exact numbers the government used to use.
So they're taking the existing data and applying the formula we used to use in the 40s and in the 50s and the 60s and the 70s.
And when you look at shadow stats, you see even more disturbing information.
You see that inflation is actually at 1970s levels.
You see that various core cost of goods is at some cases the highest it's been in more than half a century.
This is where the economy is going.
And because of that, what's happening in the political betting markets, what's happening in the elections that are upcoming this just a Tuesday or so away from us, November 8th, Well, they're starting to recognize, even the media is starting to concede, what some of us have been saying was always going to happen, thanks in part to the important, essential, critical infrastructure that InfoWars provides and independent information reaching the American people.
And that is that the elections are going to be a Democratic bloodbath.
Democrats are going to get crushed all of it after they got to see Uncle Festerman in Pennsylvania live in a debate that was manipulated for his benefit and he still made Uncle Fester look like a beacon of intellectual capacity.
Actually makes Joe Biden look competent and capable.
That's how bad Uncle Festerman is in Pennsylvania.
All of a sudden now Dr. Oz has a superb chance to win there.
So what you're going to see is a complete sweep.
When we come back, we're going to be talking about the elections.
We're going to be talking about the attempt of corporate canceling of Kanye West.
We're going to be talking about that and a range of other issues, including what the Elon Musk purchase of Twitter may mean for free speech in America.
So come back to us right after the break.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Guest hosting today, Robert Barnes.
For Sir Alexander.
We're going to be discussing what may be happening in the elections coming up a week from Tuesday.
But first, some other news.
It turns out that that organization that sued Governor DeSantis over sending illegal immigrants to that sanctuary town of Martha's Vineyard that ended up not much of a sanctuary for those illegals until the Biden administration bailed out Martha's Vineyard by promising them all free visas in America if they would please, please, please leave Martha's Vineyard.
Apparently they already had enough of the low-level workers they wanted there.
They didn't want any other immigrants coming into the sanctuary town.
Well, it turns out that organization is a George Soros-backed organization, but that's not all!
Guess where a lot of the funding for that organization apparently came from?
It came from the Centers for Disease Control!
That's right, the government has been bankrolling lefty immigration groups, open border groups, George Soros groups, to sue U.S.
government officials and lobby the government for political change, which is of course a legally prohibited, lawless, Illegal means of funding activity of a political nature.
The government cannot be in the overt open lobbying business through how it spends its grant funds.
And so that has come out recently and that will raise a range of legal questions that some members of Congress are now starting to raise.
Maybe a little bit belatedly, but it gives you a nature of the animal.
The way NGOs, non-governmental organizations, have worked around the globe.
So for a long time, and there were laws passed under the Obama administration that liberalized it and made it even easier, We have taken a certain approach to foreign policy with the
deep state, which includes not only institutions like the State Department, the
Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, military intelligence within different
branches of the Pentagon, not only those institutional forces, as well as the Five Eyes,
whereby each of the various, like U.S., Australia, Britain, and other spy agencies of the
West, spy on each other's citizens to circumvent their domestic laws limiting their ability to
spy themselves, and then share that information with one another.
You have those institutions, but the often as critical is the various, what's called
NGOs, non-governmental organizations.
This is the space that George Soros has filled so aggressively since the late 1980s.
His biggest pet project, of course, was Ukraine.
He has said so publicly repeatedly.
And what are these non-governmental organizations?
Often they are disguised as charity.
Now, some of you have officially government-backed ones, like USAID and others, and these organizations are filled and filtered throughout with various forms of spies and spooks and people that are working for the deep state agenda.
But you also have organizations that purport to be independent charities that in fact often are not actually charitable in their purpose or point or principle or effect.
What they are are often open society foundation type groups like George Soros's groups that are there to infiltrate the local political community and to propagate a deep state agenda within those communities.
And what's happened over the past decade or so is a product we use to export to the rest of the world has now been imported back home.
And what you have is the government giving money to non-governmental organizations, so-called charities, that are then misusing and illegally abusing those funds to be politically engaged and politically active.
You have this in a wide range of context.
You have in the context of money going to US institutions that in turn ends up bringing in Chinese money that ends up raising questions of various seditious and other activities against America's national security interest for which the Trump administration began a range of prosecutions that the Biden administration stopped and suppressed.
But beyond that, what you have is a systematic corruption of our institution.
This is one of the things that many people forget.
Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address.
In his farewell address he did not just warn about the military-industrial complex.
He warned about how major American institutions are going to be corrupted by not only this professional clerical class takeover and usurpation of American institutions of power and influence, But also what will happen is that it will corrupt the independence and integrity of those institutions.
And what happens is the American universities, the American think tanks, the American intellectuals become co-opted by the money trail controlled by the U.S.
federal government.
So by an effect, and often it's the deep state that ends up controlling those funds, those purse strings.
One classic illustration of this, of course, is in the public health context.
You know, people wondered why were there no major universities, no major medical schools, no major think tanks challenging the lockdown logic, challenging the mask mandate, challenging the vaccine efficacy or safety, challenging a range of policies pushed by Anthony Fauci?
It is because, as Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.
puts in his book, The Real Anthony Fauci, there's a new documentary out you can find on Rumble called The Real Anthony Fauci.
That's a documentary version that puts all of this information together for you as well, that right now I think is still available for free.
It's going to run out at some point, but you can still find it.
YouTube, of course, already censored it, but you can still find it on Rumble.
And what it details is how, what the book detailed.
That the control and what Eisenhower warned about all the way back in 1961.
The reason why there are no universities or medical schools announcing official protocols, for example, health protocols, for how to deal with the pandemic.
Not only protocols in terms of public policies and public health interventions, but also simply, here's a treatment protocol, right?
This is like the first axiomatic thing that should happen.
It was, how should you treat someone if you're a doctor or medical care provider someplace in the world?
You had people like Peter McCullough putting this together.
You had people like Pierre Kory putting this together.
You had people like Dr. Malone, Robert Malone, advocating for many of these protocols.
You had an entire group of doctors around the world who formed in order to advocate for this.
You had prominent doctors in France, in Europe, in Africa, in Latin America, all saying, hey, this is what works for our patients.
And yet major medical institutions in the United States weren't doing anything!
Not only were our medical institutions and the government not proposing a treatment protocol, none of our universities were!
It's because, well, why were so many of the think tanks, so many of the peer-reviewed publications not publishing anything about this?
Because they all depended on money from Anthony Fauci.
One way or another, they were tied to Anthony Fauci or Big Pharma.
That's who paid their bills.
And that's how what Eisenhower warned about, what Kennedy warned about, what Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.
talks about in The Real Anthony Fauci, this is how the system gets corrosively corrupted at its core.
And so this latest story of a George Soros organization being given tens of millions of dollars by the government, including over $8 million by the United States federal government and by the Centers for Disease Control.
Here you have an open society, George Soros group.
Why were they getting money from the CDC?
Why was the CDC giving them money?
Because purportedly they were going to help reduce the problems of COVID amongst illegal immigrants?
Even though this organization has advocated for bringing in illegal immigrants regardless of their COVID test, without any testing, without any requirement of certain treatment protocols?
So instead what has happened is a corruption either of the government or a corruption by the government of these institutions to advocate against the interests of the American people and often outside the realm of law.
We've imported our bad and deep state foreign policy into the institutions of the United States itself.
And that's how you get a leftist organization, a George Soros organization, filing federal lawsuits against the United States political official, in this case Governor DeSantis, for simply sending illegal immigrants to where they wanted to go and where Martha's Vineyard promised them they could go and have sanctuary status.
And he's being sued in a frivolous lawsuit because they have ex... from using funds from the Centers for Disease Control to stop a pandemic!
That's how absurd it all got.
When we come back after the break, we're going to talk about the elections.
We're going to talk about upcoming in about just a week or so.
We're going to talk about disturbing reports out of Pennsylvania of a quarter of a million ballots just floating out there to anybody and everybody.
Talk that they won't be able to count the ballots quickly enough in Pennsylvania this upcoming election.
That and more when we come back right after the break.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Robert Barnes guest hosting this hour.
Up at the very end of this segment, we'll be discussing some previews and predictions for the upcoming elections in about a week from Tuesday.
But just one general analysis of the Alex Jones trial, the show trial that continues to embarrass and humiliate anyone who believes in American law and American civil justice.
The last time we had anything kind of analogous to this, you have to really almost go back to the Connie Buck case.
So, I'm sorry, Carrie Beth Buck case.
So, known as Buck v. Bell.
This is the case where the United States Supreme Court gleefully imposed forced sterilization on poor women in America.
What people didn't know is that Carrie Buck's lawyer was not her lawyer.
He was actually aligned with the Rockefellers of the world, aligned with the eugenicists, and what they did was do a fake case.
The entire trial was based on fake evidence.
Carrie Beth was an ordinary, everyday American.
There was nothing about her life, other than it being extraordinary, that made her subject to even the laws and rules of eugenics.
The point was that they could use eugenics to forcibly sterilize a normal person who had no so-called defects, no so-called feeble-mindedness, had been a solid student her entire academic career when she was allowed to go to school, which her foster parents denied.
She'd been the victim of the foster parents having a nephew sexually assault and rape her and cause her to be pregnant.
She wanted to have the child anyway, tried to take care of the child, and because of that, The foster parents demanded that the state forcibly sterilize her to cover up their own corruption and scandals and misconduct and crime.
And so they brought in a fake lawyer to do a fake case that the U.S.
Supreme Court gleefully cheered on to its utter humiliation and embarrassment throughout history.
It became the case the Nazis and Hitler's favorite case ever cited was Buck v. Bell, a case not yet overturned by our U.S.
Supreme Court, by the way, and that some want to extend and expand into the vaccine mandate space.
In fact, it has been cited by no less than the University of Indiana as justification for vaccine mandates is the forcible sterilization case.
That was another fake case.
Well, take a look at the Alex Jones trial and the requested punitive damages in that case.
They are requesting 2.75 Trillion, trillion dollars of punitive damages.
To give you an idea, this is more money than the Armenians are requesting for the entire Armenian genocide, where actual people die, where millions of people die, that they're requesting for speech that they don't like, in the Sanihok case, more punitive damages than the Armenian genocide has ever requested.
That's how insane it is.
To give you some comparison, $2.75 trillion is almost 15% of the entire gross domestic product of the United States economy.
That's how absurd the punitive damages request is.
That's how open and utter mockery of the entire justice system this case has become.
I mean, do the judges recognize this?
Do they realize that they are a joke?
That they look like a joke?
That they're making a joke out of American justice?
That they're doing to the American justice system what Daryl Brooks did to criminal defense in America?
With his embarrassing self-representation and his justified complete conviction on all charges of the Waukesha Parade Killer?
So, you know, hopefully somebody, somewhere, someplace, sometime wakes up in our American legal system.
Or if not, at least we have legislative reform so that this kind of embarrassing show trials don't have the same embarrassing results that the Buck v. Bell decision did for American legal justice.
Because that's the same path the Alex Jones trial is currently on.
In that same sense, there's a good article in Tablet today called The New Gatekeepers by Michael Lind.
I've met Michael Lind a couple of times.
He's a brilliant guy.
He was part of the Trump administration.
He has associations with both the Claremont folks out in California as well as with Hillsdale up in Michigan that present a lot of good homeschooling information and other information anybody can get in terms of constitutional history in America.
I've had the privilege of speaking twice at Hillsdale presentations, first on the Constitution and the coronavirus at the peak of that debate, when it was just starting out, and then also on the issue of election fornication that took place in 2020.
And that brings us to election 2022.
So Pennsylvania is now reporting that they've basically sent out about a quarter million ballots to a bunch of unverified voters.
And then a few weeks later, or I mean a few hours later, they come out and say, golly gee, we would love to count these ballots, but it might take us a long time.
We don't know when we'll be done counting the ballots.
Now, why is it that in every place else in the world, we can use paper ballots, and Brazil, Brazil, which also has elections this weekend, With Lula up against Bolsonaro in what appear to be very tight races and elections, we'll see what happens.
The polls have been back and forth, but they historically underestimate Bolsonaro.
Bolsonaro may, when he was considered DOA, may surge back to victory as he did his first
time when nobody thought he was going to win and just came in and swept everybody out,
may get back in over Lula.
Lula does have sort of deep left populist roots in the country.
And so that may, you know, he had corruption charges, got off of those corruption charges.
He may be able to actually hold on because he does have a real base of support within
the working class communities within Brazil, but so does Bolsonaro.
A lot of people really like Bolsonaro.
He's associated himself deeply with the Brazilian flag, the Brazilian pride, the Brazilian football team, which is soccer as we know it here in America.
And so he may surge.
The polls have had a hard time accurately reading his support within the working class segments of the Brazilian economy and society who dominate their voting.
And so we'll see what I mean.
Ultimately, Bolsonaro was right about not wanting a lot of crazy restrictions imposed during the pandemic.
And the counter has unfortunately wasn't able to get those policies through because he didn't control as much of the government as he would have liked.
But a lot of people have seen his instincts turned out right.
These critics instincts turned out wrong.
So, there's already a hundred plus lawsuits about potential election issues in the United States.
What's amazing is that Pennsylvania claims it can't count ballots the way Brazil can.
How is it Brazil can count ballots within a few hours and tell you who won or who lost, but Pennsylvania says they may need days?
Places like California claim they need weeks and weeks.
How is this?
Is it not because the old game was to, going back to LBJ 1947 style winning elections, was you made sure the other side's ballots were counted first and then you managed to find just enough ballots for your side to win.
That's the problem with delayed counting of ballots.
That's why in states like Florida, they have mandatory disclosures as to how many ballots have come in, when they have to disclose those.
They have to disclose those very early on in the election night, the total number of ballots.
They can't keep finding ballots the way they did in 2020 in Pennsylvania, the way they did in Wisconsin, the way they did in Georgia, the way they did in Arizona.
Now their election law reforms have passed in Georgia, in Arizona, and in Wisconsin, and Wisconsin by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
But not in Pennsylvania, where Democrats control both the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and control the governorship.
So Pennsylvania is the state that will be the most likely state if we're to face corruption problems in 2022 once again.
However, the American people have woken up.
So remember, the best way for you to participate in this is to be engaged in the Court of Public Opinion.
Also be engaged at your local precinct level.
You can go, you can volunteer to be a poll watcher.
You can watch things like these drop boxes.
There's a bunch of ways you can directly, publicly participate in measuring and monitoring the integrity of our election process.
Indeed, one of the best places, of course, to continue to support independent information across the board, before we get to my election predictions for 2022, is right here at InfoWars.
If you want the best election that ever happened in American history, it was an election that was taken by direct action, and that was the election of 1776 that my great-great-great-great granddaddies participated in.
One of them was the famous Colonel Prescott, who told his troops, don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes at Bunker Hill.
So, in the name of those great ancestors, you can go to InfoWarsStore.com today and get a special 1776 style sale on product.
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It looks like probably about 70-75% off.
So these are ways you can be involved and engaged.
My prediction for the elections.
Other than continue to go to InfoWars, support InfoWars, undermine the system.
The best way you can give a shout-out against the system is to support InfoWars.
I think Republicans are going to have more than 245 seats in the House, more than 52 seats in the Senate, more than 30 governorships.
It's gonna be a bloodbath for the Democrats come November 8th and deservedly so.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are now back inside the InfoWars World Headquarters.
Owen Schroer here with you.
Mike Adams about to take over the fourth hour today, looking forward to his latest news coverage.
I want to take a flashback real quick, because we can't forget what was done to us in 2020 in the name of COVID, in the name of a pandemic.
It was truly evil.
And we've kind of had a live and let live and a forgive and forget mentality towards this.
But every once in a while it's worth it to look back and remember the sickness The filth, the disgust of which we were treated with in the name of COVID.
Do you remember this?
Here's a group of celebrities who two years ago were telling you to sit down, shut up, lock yourself at home, and be a good slave.
These celebs want you to stay at home.
I'm watching you.
This is a message from the PSA broadcast system.
We all need to stay home.
Stay at home.
Stay home.
Stay home.
Stay inside.
Stay in. Right now. Do it for humanity.
I got a message for all you young people out there who think that it's business as usual.
It's not.
We need to stop the spread of this virus and we can only do it together.
It's only gonna work if we all do it together.
Let's act like we live in a community, not just by ourselves.
We can all come together collectively to stop the spread of this virus.
Marvel in the fact that the world is united right now.
Everyone can be a carrier.
We gotta be smart.
Not just to protect ourselves, but to protect others and all the older people you love.
The longer we stay out there, the longer coronavirus remains a threat, and the longer the medical system really struggles.
Young people can get it.
They can transmit it to old people.
The next thing you know, I'm outta there.
I had to go and fucking confiscate my 84-year-old mother's car keys this morning.
I survived a war!
I was like, okay.
It feels like the end of the world, but I don't think it really is.
And I think we can try and help it not be the end of the world if we follow the instructions of healthcare professionals.
As best we can, practice social distancing so we can get rid of the spread of this virus as soon as possible.
Flatten the curve.
Make sure you stay six feet away from people.
Wash your hands.
Take this as an opportunity to, you know, take a breath and maybe read some books or watch some movies or take up a hobby.
I've always been I never had the time to explore it, and I've been able to really get into it.
I mean, I know nothing about it, but I'm learning every day.
Just take this time to organize your brain, your house.
FaceTime your friends.
Watch a little TV, why don't you?
Let's stay in good spirits.
It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
So imagine the arrogance, imagine the disgust.
A bunch of millionaire, spoiled rotten brats reading off state propaganda, telling you what to do, treating you like a good slave.
How pathetic is that?
How disgusting is that as we remember how much these people hate us?
Can you imagine what it would be like to sell your soul?
Can you imagine what it would be like to sell your physical appearance, your consciousness?
In this divine life, sell it to some highest bidder, sell it to a government power, sell it to the elite, and then you look down on people and say, stay home.
You're a disease-carrying parasite.
Stay home.
You're going to cause a pandemic.
You're going to cause the spread of a disease.
You're going to cause a virus.
Stay home.
And then they all have their multi-million dollar palatial mansions with servants and security 24-7.
So for them staying home, sure, fine.
But for you?
Four kids?
Bills to pay?
Maybe not an option, but who cares?
Just starve out.
Just go poor.
Just be a good slave and stay inside, said the celebrities two years ago.
Boy oh boy, if you didn't already have disdain for these celebrities that hate your guts, how could you not after what they did to you?
So let's not forget what they did to us.
Let's not forget what they promoted.
And of course, the whole thing was a lie.
And then what they do after that lie?
They lie to you again.
And they said, take that vaccine that has now killed tens of thousands of people.
I really hope they feel bad for what they've done.
I really hope they repent for what they've done.
Now I am just here to hand over the reins, hand over the baton to Mike Adams.
And he's got a lot of breaking news he's going to cover here for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
And then Harrison Smith is going to be hosting the War Room today, but I'll be back doing double duty tomorrow with big A couple big stories here, I'll have to get to them
So that's what's coming up.
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So, without any further ado, I sign off for the day.
Mike Adams takes over for now, and I will see you guys tomorrow.
Mike, take it away.
Well, thank you, Owen, and we've got a lot to cover in this hour.
I'm going to bring on a special guest, David DuBin, with new information about the collapse of the food supply in the Southern Hemisphere, which, of course, is moving into its springtime harvest or planting season right now.
But we've got major breaking news from Europe today.
I've been working on the story.
I don't know if InfoWars has had a chance to cover this yet.
Perhaps they have.
But BASIF, the chemical giant, has announced That it is cutting down its size in Europe and it's moving its operations, or I should say expanding operations, in China.
So we are looking at the de-industrialization of Europe.
And when I had previous analyst Michael Yon on here on Infowars.com, Michael Yon is his
name, I got to get him back on, he and I were having a discussion about this and I asked
him what's the tipping point for the industrial collapse of Europe?
And he said if BASF shuts down, then it's over for Europe because BASF, B-A-S-F, BASF
produces of course the ammonia that's used for fertilizer production that grows the crops
in addition to just all the polymers and things that are turned into medicines and plastics
and containers and also chemicals for textiles and oil refining and manufacturing and so
Folks, we're looking at the serious de-industrialization of Western Europe and Europe as we know it is going to collapse over time into a third world country.
And this has just been announced by BASF.
It's been covered by Reuters.
We're going to go into that in a little more detail.
In addition to that, We have the German steel manufacturer, ArcelorMittal, has announced that it is about to shut down the two largest steel manufacturing plants in the world.
And they're located in Germany, at least as I understand the story, as it's being reported, ArcelorMittal is shutting down because they can no longer compete, or they're about to shut down those plants, because they can no longer compete in the international marketplace due to the high energy costs in Germany, which are an offshoot, of course, of the Nord Stream pipelines being blown up by the United States, in addition to the economic sanctions against Russia that were also spearheaded by the United States.
The US, through this proxy state of Ukraine, has thrust Western Europe into a true collapse scenario.
And in the next segment coming up here on InfoWars.com, David Dubin will chime in about the The mass famine, the starvation, the food scarcity and food inflation that is worsening in Europe at the same time that we're looking at an energy collapse this coming winter where people will have to choose between heating their homes or feeding themselves.
But it's not just Europe, folks.
You might be thinking, well, what about the United States?
Well, I just finished publishing a story today, Americans are skipping meals because of food inflation in the United States.
And this came out of a survey from a group called Nationwide Retirement Institute, and it reveals that nearly a quarter of young people skipped meals or didn't buy groceries because of food inflation, which of course is a result of Joe Biden's policies, which we'll go into here in a minute.
Let's see.
22% of Millennials had to go to food banks in order to feed themselves.
And 17% of people surveyed stopped buying healthier foods, such as organics or higher priced foods, because they can't afford them.
And nearly one in five Americans say they're skipping meals or didn't buy groceries.
And that number is 28% of Gen Z and 23% of Millennials.
percent of Gen Z and 23 percent of millennials.
So these Joe Biden policies, which include, by the way, the lockdown of food farms and food processing facilities
during covid money printing is devaluing the dollar.
These are the points that I wrote earlier today.
Government policies that pay farmers to destroy food.
Canceling of natural gas pipelines resulting in higher prices of fertilizer and fertilizer scarcity in the United States, plus sharp increases in diesel fuel prices, these have all led to higher costs of food that's hitting not just middle-aged people or older people, but younger people as well.
So all of these factors are coalescing right now.
Europe is looking very bad.
The United States is getting worse, kind of trailing behind Europe in this catastrophe.
Electricity prices in the United States are not nearly what they are in Europe, so that's at least some saving grace in that process.
A company that, Mansfield is the company name, that ships diesel, delivers diesel to 8,000 customers across the United States, has just issued a code red alert, a level 4 alert, and that's on the website, by the way, you can pull it up, mansfield.energy.
They have a press release about that.
It's affecting the southeast of the United States primarily.
To the point where their diesel delivery trucks, sometimes they go to hubs to fill up and those hubs are empty, and the national supply of diesel fuel is now down to something like 23 or 24 days across the United States as a whole.
So, we're looking at scarcity of energy and food exactly as you heard here on Infowars.com.
Alex Jones talked about this, Owen Schroer talked about this, I talked about this, our guests talked about this.
It is coming exactly as we warned, exactly as we laid out many months ago.
In fact, we were talking about this, I believe, in April and May of this year because of the results of the economic sanctions against Russia.
So the bottom line, folks, is that you're going to face food scarcity that's real.
You're going to face energy prices and energy scarcity that's absolutely real.
Farmers cannot farm with the economics they used to be able to pursue in terms of agricultural
Beef prices are going to skyrocket.
All dairy prices are going to skyrocket.
And in addition, as we'll hear from our guest coming up, David DuBin, the Mississippi River
is so low that the barges are getting stuck in the river.
And these are the barges that carry the grain.
An enormous percentage of the grain produced in the United States moves up and down the
Mississippi River basin on these barges because it's the most economical way to transport
Well, that grain goes into animals, ranch animals, such as cattle.
And if you don't have the grain because you don't have the water level in the river because
of geoengineering, which is engineered weather manipulation and droughts, then you're not
going to have affordable meat products, dairy, whey protein, cheese, infant formula, and
all of these products that come out of the meat or the cattle industry, they're going
to go sky high in price while you have food rotting on the banks of the Mississippi River
because there aren't enough barges that can move up and down the river to transport those
So that is just a little preview of what is coming up for the rest of this show as well.
Now, on behalf of InfoWars, the last two days of the sale is going on right now, the mega sale, up to 60% off the supplements.
This is probably the best price you're going to see because all the raw materials are going up in price across every industry.
I see this as well in my industry, in my business.
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Not everything is 60 percent.
Some things are 50 percent.
But check out Vitamineral Fusion, DNA Force Plus, and all the other products there.
And by doing that, you will help support InfoWars, of course, and help fund this platform that is a free speech champion for our country.
And let me note, let me just make this note, that InfoWars has been right About all the things we're talking about, the food scarcity, InfoWars was right about the bioweapon origin, InfoWars was right about the vaccines.
If people, if the whole country had heard from InfoWars, probably millions of fewer people would have been injured or killed by these vaccines.
Folks, InfoWars information saves lives, and you can support InfoWars right now in our quest to help save more lives.
InfoWarsStore.com, discount code 1776.
I'll be back with David DuBin after this short break.
All right, welcome back.
Mike Adams here.
We're going to be joined by David Dubin here in just a second to talk about the bombshell news that BASIF has announced the permanent downsizing and shuttering of some of its European chemical operations.
This story, for the producers there, the story is right now up on thegatewaypundit.com, and we're going to talk about food scarcity, starvation, And famine and what that leads to in society is just for background, folks, you know, I'm a food scientist.
This is my wheelhouse, food analysis and mass spec laboratories.
I'm a published food scientist.
And then David Dubin is just an incredible researcher, understanding the supply chain inputs and resource restrictions that affect the food supply.
So David Dubin is his channel is called Adapt 2030.
His channel is on many different platforms, including still Yeah, Mike, thanks for bringing me back again.
David DuBin, welcome to the show.
It's great to have you on.
Yeah, Mike, thanks for bringing me back again.
You know, when we had this conversation about six months ago, so many things have manifested
where you can see where things are actually in the trajectory right now.
So it's getting a little bit easier to forecast because these marks in time of things to look for have actually transpired.
Shutting down of fertilizer production across Europe, fertilizer shortages, crop price increases, supply chain bottlenecks are now becoming supply chain super glue.
Yeah, absolutely.
But with all this said today, you're going to have to make your own change in your own world.
Nobody's going to do it for you.
And if I could preface this, everybody is going to have to take action themselves.
You can no longer wait for somebody to do it for you.
You have to make these changes immediately for yourselves to survive through this time.
That's absolutely correct.
Thank you for bringing that up.
I want to get your reaction to the big breaking news today.
But first, just to mention to our audience, you and I did a longer duration, detailed interview yesterday.
That's being edited now.
That's going to be posted to Band.Video, I believe.
No later than tomorrow.
So if anybody listening, if you enjoy this segment, but you want more information, just check out Band.Video tomorrow.
My channel, which is the Mike Adams channel there, and you'll get the extended interview.
But David, BASF announcing the permanent downsizing of part of its facilities in Germany while expanding operations in China.
You know as much as anyone how this is major.
This is a milestone.
This is a marker for history of the fall of Western Europe.
Please explain, sir, how you think this is going to impact Western Europe and the food supply for decades to come.
To frame this on the BASF plant closure, and that was one of the things I wanted to talk about here as well, that plant after World War II was opened in 1952, and it has not shuttered even one day since that point.
It has been open and it's expanded up to 10 square kilometers, or 6 square miles, this facility.
Now, because of the electrical shortages happening and the natural gas shortages, they were going to start turning off parts of this plant that had never been turned off since the 1950s.
And one of their main concerns was when they tried to repressurize the system and actually get things flowing once again, that there would be continuous breaks, problems, explosions, fire hazards, and...
Contamination hazards, gas hazards, all the way through when they tried to get the system repressurized up to functionality again, which we just turned off.
So you can see that they understand in Germany that this is not possible to turn that plant back on again.
So instead of explaining that to the general populace and saying, well, you know, there's a lot of chemicals that aren't going to be here for farm inputs, That would send a scare through the populace of the world, and maybe alert them that there are massive food shortages, and that would be the final straw that sent everybody running for supplies at the same time.
But now, you know, it's just a business article at this point.
They're going to shut our operations and move over to China.
Well, Freya, you're right.
This is the biggest thing here, that fertilizer production is permanently going down.
Chemical production for farm inputs is permanently going down.
Across Europe, so we're looking at what 40%?
Reduction in herbicides pesticides and fertilizers coming up on a permanent basis from this day forward To what you're saying Bruder Mueller who is the the chief executive of base if in Europe?
He said that they are shutting this down quote as quickly as possible and also permanently Permanently.
This is the permanent deindustrialization of Europe that we've been talking about.
And he cited not only the lack of natural gas, which is a key input.
You actually have to use the hydrocarbon molecules from natural gas in order to make things like ammonia that go into all the other processes there.
But also, he said, it's in part due to regulations of the EU.
So the EU regulations have not only destroyed the infrastructure of fossil fuels, Nuclear, coal, the things that keep an industrial society alive and running, but they're also, in effect, contributing to the shutdown of this massive chemical conglomerate that is necessary for the production of fertilizer and food and medicines and textiles and everything else.
But I just want to add that in there, David, back to you, but as quickly as possible and also permanently.
That is bombshell.
That is shocking.
That is, and that's a self-inflicted wound as well.
That never had to happen, unless it's a plan to de-industrialize, and then that would just be the logical next step.
So when we were talking six months ago about how this was going to transpire, and the next lever would be turned off, the next gear, then where do we sit from today?
The next thing to go down will be the supply chains to deliver all of it will suddenly be non-functional.
Now you can blame the Mississippi River, you can blame Credit Suisse needing emergency 11-12 billion.
You can explain away and say that derivatives market locked up and something happened there.
But look for it.
That's the next shoe to drop.
So now the chemicals are being taken offline.
Fertilizers are being taken offline.
So the next and only last thing.
And a logical basis looking out there is to absolutely lock up and destroy the supply chain so nothing moves.
And then the task will be completed.
But once that's completed, that's only part of it.
Then what is next is the scary part to envision.
After they have accomplished this goal of deindustrialization, then what?
Should be more the question asked.
Yeah, I mean, because you're going to see Western Europe plunge into a third world type of scenario very quickly, but the Europeans, by and large, they still don't realize that the United States inflicted this wound upon them, because until the Nord Stream Pipeline was destroyed by the US, which is, you know, 100% certainty at this point, Until that happened, there was always the possibility that Germany could restore the pipeline connection with Russia, that there could be diplomacy on the table.
Well, even those 30 Democrats have backed away from diplomacy now.
Oh, we can't have diplomacy.
No peace, you know?
So, now, America inflicted this great wound upon Europe.
Because there's no possibility of natural gas coming in.
And this, I think, has factored into the BASF decision to shut down.
BASF is saying, not only do we have no natural gas now, there's not even a possibility of having sufficient natural gas for many years to come.
And even if it's restored, there's always going to be this conflict where the United States is bombing the infrastructure that BASF needs as a corporation in order to function.
I mean, it's like America declared war On Germany, in essence, at this point, what do you think?
Yeah, you look at how many LNG ships are offshore running $400,000 a day across Europe just to bring in what is needed for heating and keeping just the very base industry moving along in the coastal areas.
The further you get offshore, they're coming into, yeah, very deep into the heart of the continent.
That will not be resupplied again.
So, there's how many ships really are there out there in the world that can continue to bring LNG in now that these pipes are gone?
Very few in comparison to keep an entire continent powered.
We gotta go to break here.
Stay with us.
Sorry to interrupt.
We'll be right back after this break.
More with David Dubin.
Also, we're going to talk about food scarcity in the Southern Hemisphere.
Stay with us.
All right, we continue with David DuBine.
I'm Mike Adams of naturalnews.com, and David DuBine, his channel is ADAPT2030.
And David, I'd like to invite you to go into the South America scenario that we talked about yesterday with water vapor and the cooling effect of the shorter growing seasons.
Go ahead, give us all the details of that.
Yeah, thank you, Will.
Sorry for speaking over you, going into the break there.
It's all right.
Well, we need to compare apples to apples here.
So if you look at the Pinatubo eruption, I'm going to take you back into 1991 in the Philippines, Mount Pinatubo.
Some of you were alive then, some of you were not.
That ash cooled our planet 7 tenths of a degree Celsius.
And yes, there was some very minor effects on agriculture.
There was decline in yields for those two years until the ash fell out of the air.
It's usually a two to three year cycle.
So, Enter Tonga, in the beginning of the year here in January, the ash column actually went double the height into the atmosphere that Pinatubo had done.
And when we look at recollections and stories of Mount Tambora in 1815, excuse me, We're starting to look at very close similarities to what happened with Mount Tambora in a year without a summer.
The subsequent one year after is really when a lot of problems globally with agriculture started to happen.
Now, if you want to line that up in today's modern timeline, we have one of the biggest eruptions in 200 years.
Food production is going to be cut anyway in the Southern Hemisphere greatly, and also Northern Hemisphere production affected.
And suddenly we got all the chemicals cut off, all the fertilizers cut out.
It's almost like the excuse will be there why food is about to fail across the planet as we move into the Southern Hemisphere planting season.
Hold on a second.
I want to ask you to clarify something or to explain something.
There's a missing point in this that you shared with me in our interview yesterday, but I want to make sure you get on the record here.
Talk about how much water was ejected into the stratosphere and the effects of the water vapor from the Tonga volcano earlier this year, because I think that's the key point here.
Sorry to interrupt, but go ahead and make sure you cover that, please.
Yeah, thanks for keeping me on track there.
I ramble sometimes.
52 miles is the height that the water vapor was ejected into the atmosphere.
Now, the Tonga eruption was, as you see, it was in the ocean itself.
So that also included sulfur dioxide, ash, and this time the water vapor, which was a third element that was not in the Tambora eruption, which was a land-based volcano, so it was just sulfur dioxide and ash.
This time, we had that water vapor going up 52 miles into the atmosphere.
This is already starting to be registered in terms of 4 degrees Celsius cooler temperatures.
Some places 5 degrees Celsius cooler temperatures in elevations where crops are being grown across South America.
Across South Africa and you're seeing massive losses right over in Australia right now with a wheat crop and you know I directly think that these two are related because that water vapor what's happening in Australia record rains unbelievable freezing and they're about to get a polar blast that would wipe out anything that sits in the fields in terms of if it's not ready to harvest now it's going to be lost to cold.
Okay, one more point we have to make on this is that the water vapor, it stays in the atmosphere for a couple of years, and the water vapor, it doesn't just fall back down in a month.
It stays in the atmosphere for years, it circulates around the world, and while it's there, it's reflecting sunlight, so it's preventing sunlight from reaching the surface of the earth, which warms, you know, sunlight warms the crops and also provides photosynthesis.
So because of that water vapor that's circulating in the air, that's why, as you explained yesterday, again, sorry to keep bringing you back to these points, but I want to make sure we really nail it down for the layperson who's not deep into this like you and I. Like you and I, David, we're kind of food geeks, you know, but not everybody gets all the geekery like we do.
But this is the important point.
Well, the soils are cooler, photosynthesis is reduced, and the crop season is therefore reduced because of that.
So back to you again.
Sorry to interrupt you.
I've done it twice now.
I'll try not to do it.
No, no, please do.
Feel free.
And for those out there to understand where this goes, there's something called watts per meter squared that's reduced.
It's total solar irradiance, how much sunlight actually strikes the planet's surface.
Now, if you take into consideration solar panels, they measure the exact same.
How much watts per meter squared is striking the surface of an area?
Will it have enough power there to, you know, charge those solar panels?
Yes or no?
But each one that you decrease out of there, Really has an effect on agricultural production, which means that they're going to need to go to short season seeds or short crop seeds.
And globally, there's just literally not enough just for the Southern Hemisphere.
And then if it were to sweep back up here, which the crop losses we'll see next year in our Northern Hemisphere planting, if the world decides to go to short season seeds, there's just literally not enough.
So the awareness of the food shortages inbound from the losses in the Southern Hemisphere is driving a lot of what we're seeing across the planet.
So how much sunlight is going to be reduced will also increase mold and blight, and that's where we need the fungicides, which they won't be there because the fertilizers and the chemical inputs are all coming from the exact same factories.
It's not like a fertilizer factory just produces fertilizer.
They do chemicals.
And without the herbicides, the fungicides in there, then all this blight and mold is going to wreak havoc with these wetter and cooler and cloudier conditions that we're about to see.
Like the crop zones are set in a certain specific parameter for it to grow a certain crop.
This much sunlight, that much wind, that much relative humidity.
Well, this is all being thrown out right now as this light-blocking event continues to amplify.
And the rain's coming down now.
Everywhere you look, it's record rain, record rain, out of season.
Two months of rain in a day, a year's worth of rain in a day.
And these events are going to continue for the next year to two.
And this is really going to have some massive effects on Southern Hemisphere production.
Now, all of the Northern Hemisphere traders and companies involved in ag are all saying, well, let's see what happens in the Southern Hemisphere.
Well, this is about what's happening in the Southern Hemisphere.
So where does that put us on our world footing for food prices, food availability, food riots, and how governments are going to react to it all?
Yeah, what you're talking about that's hitting the Southern Hemisphere right now is going to be in the Northern Hemisphere affecting the spring planting and summer harvesting next year in 2023.
But what struck me about what you just said is as this is reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the crops, understand that globalists like Bill Gates are in fact involved in research called stratospheric aerosol injection.
They are global dimming experiments.
This is not an alternative view.
This is mainstream news, okay?
They want to eject a massive amount of pollution or particulate matter into the stratosphere in order to block the sun, because they claim the sun is bad.
So you have these leftists and these globalists, they've declared war on sunlight.
They think global warming is a problem.
No, folks, it's global dimming.
Because of the Tonga eruption and these other things that are taking place, including geoengineering.
Global dimming is what's going to collapse the global food supply and turn every country into a famine scenario.
That's the problem, not global warming.
We don't have to worry about that.
We have to worry about billions of people starving to death at this point.
Back to you, David.
Well, that was always one of the worries with geoengineering was, okay, those particulates take about three years to slowly make their way out of the atmosphere, and what would happen during the interim if there was a volcanic eruption on the equivalent with Tonga or with Tambora that we saw in 1815?
But their whole thing was, oh, that hasn't happened in 200 years, so it's such an outlier, it's not going to happen.
But with decreasing solar activity on a 400-year grand solar minimum cycle, increased volcanism is one of the things that always accompanies this step down In solar activity on the 400-year cycle, not the 11-year cycle that we're used to.
So then they had the mother of all disasters that everybody was praying would not happen.
You have a massive VEI 6 or 7 eruption with all the particulates that are there from the geoengineering programs all intermingling.
This is a runaway event that was foretold that it was a possibility of like one in a hundred million chance, but it just hit.
Where does that leave us now with our ability to grow food across the planet?
Well, an important factor in all of this is that even when you garden at home, your production yield is going to be somewhat lower for the very same reasons that we're talking about.
So it's not just, I mean, look, I'm pro gardening and you do need to learn how to grow food, but you're going to have to maybe plant more than you otherwise would have planned for because the growing seasons are going to be shorter in some areas and yields are going to be lower because some amount of photosynthesis is being blocked.
So, David, just Hold on to your thought there.
We're going to go to a break right now.
We'll come back with you on the other side to talk about 2023.
What does it look like and what are your predictions?
Are we going to have price controls, food rationing, biometric ID to buy food?
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
All right, we're back with David Dubin.
We're talking about global famine because of global dimming, the blocking of the sun with water vapor and other means.
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Vitamineral fusion, DNA Force Plus, and other supplements.
I want to add a personal note to this and encourage you to think about what just happened.
David Dubin and I were talking about BASIF having a permanent reduction of operations in Europe.
Do you know that in the supplements industry, because I'm in that industry, it is becoming very, very difficult to get The bottles, the caps, any kind of nozzles that go on top, like spray nozzles, pump nozzles, squeeze nozzles, anything like that, but just the lids and the bottles are already in short supply.
For some of those, it's a six-month wait time to even get production of these plastics, usually polyethylene type of plastics that go into these supplement bottles.
With the shutdown of BASF in Europe, I'm telling you folks, there's going to be a critical shortage of just the bottles and the lids that go into these supplements.
Even if you can get the raw materials, it's going to be extremely difficult to get the containers.
So that's another important reason to consider getting now what you might use over the next Six months or twelve months.
It's a very real thing and even I have questions about how this industry is going to function if these supply shortages worsen.
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Now, bringing back on David DuBin, You know, you just heard me describe the shortage of the plastics and the lids and everything in the supplements industry.
That's something not a lot of people understand.
But the same is true in farming and agriculture and, you know, the iron and steel that goes into farm equipment and the tines on cultivators for soil and things like that.
Can you speak about those supply chain shortages in agriculture that you're seeing right now, David?
It's the same problems where the electricity prices were doubling, quadrupling, 10x, 15x.
A lot of these steel refiners just shut the doors across Europe.
Same with zinc and aluminum smelting and anything to do with copper.
It's all stopped across Europe.
So it's the perfect storm happening and if you were to look at it in a way to collapse the global economy and bring everybody into a central bank digital currency or some sort of digital issuance programmable money, this has to continue until it runs into the ground at a hundred miles an hour.
Because I have a lot of questions how BASF is going to instantly just run over to China and set up and have the same output at the same volumes And still be able to have the same purchasers come in there.
And I just don't see how that is going to work and how long this is going to take before we get back to some semblance of normal.
Even if they set up 100% of production over in China, now all the rumors of war and the beating of drums of war between America and China, do you think they're really going to start sending those chemicals over to the United States with all this drums of war happening?
I don't think so.
We got Americans skipping meals.
We got UK citizens skipping meals because it's too expensive now.
They're not even heating some of their meals in the UK to save on electrical costs.
This is the world we've gone into and developed nations like the UK and United States are skipping meals and not heating their food because they're trying to save money.
We've definitely entered a new period here where you realize you're on your own.
You're going to have to take your own sovereignty for your food production, your food growing, your food preparation.
You're all going to swing right back close to home again.
You're going to have to stop relying on these centralized systems because they have broken down and they're not going to come back for, I don't know Mike, how long do you think it's going to take to bring everything back online?
I don't think it's coming back online, frankly, for a lot of Western civilization.
I think Western Europe will plunge into an agrarian, collapsed, impoverished society for a century.
I mean, that's where I think this is going.
Meanwhile, they can take plenty of hot showers in Russia or in China.
Russia's producing steel.
Russia's got iron ore.
Russia has minerals, fertilizer, diesel fuel, oil, everything you can think of, aluminum.
Russia's got it all!
Western Europe has nothing, nothing but lies and propaganda and financialization, like derivatives instruments.
It's so obvious the collapse that's happening, but what I wanted to ask you, I mentioned this before the break, is what are going to be the impacts of this?
What will governments do, aside from money printing, we already know they're going to do that, here have some fiat currency to buy groceries, which will just lead to more inflation, but aside from that, do you think it's going to come to a point of rationing?
Are things about to go there?
or even a biometric identification every time you go to the grocery store so that they can
track what you're buying and limit what you're buying.
Are things about to go there?
They are for the digital rationing card.
Because we're coming to a point really quickly here, and you probably get about a two-month
window before the realization of what's about to happen and is happening in real time in
the Southern Hemisphere to reduce crop yields down there.
And with the losses we just had up here, you know, the USDA and the way that they're trying to average crops, there was so much variability.
In the crops this year that they've never had harvest variability at this levels before so they're really having a difficult time how to even count and accrue the crops because some field you'll have 200 bushels per acre but directly across the road there at a zero burndown so there's no averages anymore so even what we consider might be the yields are going to be lower than what's expected in the northern hemisphere and then coupled with these massive losses inbound The realization of famine, it will occur probably no later than Christmas time or right around the New Year time.
And at that point, there's going to be a global rush for all countries and all people at the same time awaken and say, whoa, I need to get food for my family.
I need to get medicines for my family.
I need to get the tools.
I need to get the grow lights.
I need to get the six millimeter poly so I can grow under cover in the winter.
And there's going to be this mad rush for everything you need to put a garden in the ground.
And there's just not going to be enough for everybody.
At that point, the controls are going to come in.
You're going to have to show your digital rationing card to be able to enter supermarkets.
And this is the whole thing that pre-trained us.
Stand outside in the cold six feet apart.
Well, now it's going to be only five people in the store because there was looting, there was stealing.
Ten people in the store, you're limited to one pound of butter, you're limited to this much milk, you're limited to this much.
There probably won't even be meat unless you live in a farming community.
And I'm so thankful that I do.
It won't be ground beef, it'll be ground crickets, and that's your allotted quota.
You know, two pounds of ground crickets a week, and also for your pet, you know, dried grubs and things, worms and crickets and whatever else that makes your pets sick on top of that.
So once they have control of the system, Then they can limit not only what you're allowed to eat, but of course the quantity, so they can slowly starve everybody to death while claiming that they're giving people this food, that they're rescuing you because it's on a universal basic income in your central bank digital wallet.
But it's really just an enslavement, a genocidal system, and the only people that are going to survive this are people who have food and money outside the system.
So food outside the system, or I call it off-grid food, is just what you said, David.
Gardening, home production.
And yeah, there's going to be a mad rush for people wanting and needing to do that, especially in the spring of 2023 in the United States and Europe.
But then you also have to have off-grid money, which is gold and silver, or perhaps certain types of crypto that may survive all of this as well, or other things that you can barter and trade from ammunition To diesel fuel, iodine, you name it.
You know what iodine is going to be worth the minute the first dirty bomb goes off in Europe?
You're going to see people on eBay selling iodine for $1,000 a bottle.
Let me tell you.
I know that because we saw that after Fukushima.
So we know where that's going.
You can buy it today for a few dollars.
I'm sorry, I've been going on, but your thoughts, David?
We've got about two minutes left here.
Yeah, it's going to follow that same trajectory for everything.
Now turn it into a garden shovel.
Oh, there's only a million garden shovels in America.
China's not sending any more.
So then maybe a new industry could arise out of taking, I don't know, hoods of cars and pounding out shovels.
But there's going to be that gap between massive anger, fistfights in stores to get those items that you're going to need, and eventually your preps are going to run out.
So you really are gonna have to go way beyond, okay, the preps for now are great
for the first six months or a year, but you're gonna have to start thinking
of how to refill those things without going to a store.
So, you know, that's about growing your food, getting the seeds, being able to store that properly
and how to use natural medicines out of the forest and how to wild forage.
And so many people have lost those skills on even how to make tinctures
out of some of the most basic things like the willow tree in the back.
Scrape some bark, throw it in the alcohol, but people don't even know how to do that.
It's such a lost, you know, civilization of knowledge of what our parents, grandparents knew.
It was just the basics to get through.
All these people who lived through the Great Depression, we're going to go through something very similar and this is going to knock on from the iodine to the shovels and then there's...
It's going to be tumultuous at best if you're not prepared, and you're going to have to think longevity of outside the system, not just, you know, working through with some storable pallets of food here for a couple months.
It's going to be way longer than that.
We're talking like a decade-long event here.
We're going to get through it a little bit better.
You're going to starve to death and you're going to die if you stay in the system.
Sorry to talk over you, David.
We're about to close out this segment.
David Dubin's channel is ADAPT2030.
And my channel on Band.Video is the Mike Adams channel.
I'm the editor of NaturalNews.com.
Folks, take this seriously.
Share this interview everywhere.
This is real.
This is happening now.
Get prepared or you won't make it.
End of story.
Thanks for watching today here on InfoWars.com.
You know where the Russians tune in?
You know where everybody tunes in, right?
You know who Tucker Carlson tunes in to?
And Joe Rogan?
Elon Musk?
You know where they tune in, right?
They tune in right here!
Tomorrow's News.
We are witnessing the Mark of the Beast system openly rolled out and announced.
Whether you believe the Bible is inspired by God or the Word of God or not, what was written over 2,000 years ago by John the Revelator on the Isle of Patmos is coming true.
A world government that makes you take a mark in the hand or the head to be able to buy and sell and that you must worship the beast.
That means follow what the beast says or you can't buy or sell.
It's not just that you have to have the mark to buy or sell.
You've got to do what the beast wants you to do, or you cannot buy and sell.
And that's where, in late 2022, we are.
Last week, the World Economic Forum was given over $100 million by Government of Canada to roll out a World ID through the UN based on the Communist Chinese digital social credit score system.
And now, just today, Bill Gates came out.
Here's the article right here.
And his foundation donated $200 million to expand digital ID surveillance system for the same Chinese communist control program.
So the social credit score, communist China, and all the control you see is the model of this system being rolled out in Spain, rolled out in Italy, rolled out in Germany, rolled out in Canada, and now they're trying to roll it out here in America.
Just a few years ago, Klaus Schwab, head of the WEF, said, you will have to take a microchip to buy and sell in the near future.
And now here we are.
So this is a huge, huge issue, that they can then dictate to you, through this new digital currency, through this World ID, every action you take in your life, with a carbon tax, through the social credit score, through universal basic income, as they shut off the regular economy and small businesses, making you sign on for a government handout, but with that handout comes all of the rules of the game.
This is no longer theoretical on some drawing board or some computer.
This is something the bureaucrats and the megacorporations and major governments are doing.
There's a race between the West and Communist China to see, with big tech, who can put this in first.
It's scary, but at least we are exposing it.
And at least we know about it.
Just last week, PayPal said, if you criticize government, if you criticize open borders, or forced injections, or anything else, gun control, we're going to fine you $2,500 for what we say you're doing in your own personal life.
We're going to surveil you, and then we're going to censor you.
But within days of the announcement, they had to back off because of the backlash.
So submitting to this only makes things worse.
Standing up to it and saying no only makes things better.
And that's why it's so important today, ladies and gentlemen, to say no to World War, no to nuclear war, no to open borders, no to pedophilia, no to the Satanism that is the New World Order.
And you cannot do that better than sharing the articles and videos and links from Infowars.com and Band.video
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They finally got them back in.
They also have this amazing bivy stick dongle that turns any phone into a sat phone.
Spend a few minutes telling folks about InfoWarsPhone.com.
Well, first of all, anybody who's watched what happened in Florida absolutely saw people without power, people without communication, and the word when you lose communication is you panic.
The nice thing about Satellite Phone Store is the owners have dedicated themselves to making sure everyone can stay in touch with their loved ones, that they understand How fragile the electrical grid is and also the cell phone communication grid.
I'm told that there are hundreds of thousands of people without cell phones in Florida.
And what was neat about the satellite phone store, Alex, they sent out vans and were finding people that had to communicate to let their loved ones know that they're alive.
Communication in a survival situation is paramount.
Not just to be keeping in contact with your loved ones, but for information services.
So the BivyStick obviously is satellite to satellite.
You use your cell phone in airplane mode, but this is probably one of the neatest things there is.
The difference between the BivyStick and satellite phone is a voice communication, but you're limited to the amount of text you can send.
With a bivy stick, you can give messaging and that's one of the things that's so important.
And these are free, just with a year contract.
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You mentioned that.
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This is essential.
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