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Name: 20220929_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 29, 2022
2594 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the recent explosion of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and questions the official narrative surrounding this event. He also encourages support for InfoWars by visiting saveinfowars.com to donate towards his legal defense fund in light of ongoing lawsuits against him. In addition, he promotes current sales on health and survival products at Infowarstore. The episode also covers censorship and control on social media platforms like PayPal, YouTube, Twitter, and the issue of police overreaction and misallocation of resources in dealing with non-violent situations involving citizens exercising their right to free speech."

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What have all military historians and current analysts warned of with this ongoing war with Russia, the proxy war now turning into a full-fledged war threatening nuclear war in Ukraine?
And that's happening on every front now with the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines both confirmed to be attacked in Western-controlled sectors, the Russian government officially saying that NATO and the United States blew up the pipelines.
And I even had Russophobe on, Joel Skousen, who's a smart guy, but he's definitely anti-Russian, anti-Communist Russian, anti-Putin Russian.
He agrees, the analysis is clear, that Biden and the New World Order blew up both pipelines.
And it looks like Nord Stream 2, they're saying, can never be repaired.
What that will do economically to Europe will be beyond devastating.
It'll be felt here in a big way.
The ongoing destruction of civilization and human infrastructure, they promised you you'll own nothing, have nothing, and like it.
They promised you an end to fossil fuels one way or another, and Biden promised, as well as Victoria Nuland, the State Department, to get rid of those pipelines if Russia invaded Ukraine.
So, what's the next escalation?
That's a big question everybody should be having.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news, today.
Talk if you can for a moment about the safety.
What have you learned about serious side effects in this vaccine?
Do you anticipate or maybe stay up at night thinking about the possibility you're going
to have to go back in the lab at some point and come up with something better?
Many of your medicines we know from the COVID vaccine are very effective, very welcome.
The logistics around that vaccine were not straightforward because of the new technology.
It's not like we control the world.
All rise for the reptilian anthem!
Let's get down to business.
*Loud motor* Oh, son of a bitch.
That's a little bit of fun from Netflix.
Kind of throwing a David Icke-ian conspiracy in our faces.
No, I don't think the Globalists are reptoids, but they might as well be soulless, evil creatures that aren't human, because they are trying to artificially create life forms, and they've been successful, that aren't even made out of plant or animal life, crossed together.
but that are completely synthetic and artificial and that's what the whole COVID so-called 19
injections are. To say that the bottom has fallen out of the whole COVID-19 takeover plan
is an understatement and the developments every few days top the previous most insane developments.
The stack of news over here is mainstream. Oxford University's medical unit has put out a study,
there are literally hundreds of other studies showing the same thing,
that you are 44 times more likely to contract COVID If you've had these shots, so a so-called vaccine that actually makes you contracted and in the other studies, you're way more likely to get sick or die.
They knew this from the beginning.
It was in the documents that came out in October of 2000.
I just want to leave that here for now.
We're going to be coming back to it later.
We obviously have the aftermath of the ongoing carnage now of the tropical storm Ian that was a Category 5 hurricane when it slammed in.
The sheriff's departments are reporting they expect there to be hundreds of dead.
Roger Stone is on the east coast of Florida but his power recently only came back.
He'll be reporting from Florida for us coming up in the second hour and covering 40 days from the midterms, the latest January 6th propaganda and more.
I will also open the phones up today in the third hour as we opened them up in the second hour yesterday.
But the images of sharks swimming down the highways and water flooding even to the second floor of some hotels is dramatic.
And we will be going over all of that and praying for the folks In Florida, and then looking at the mainstream corporate enemy of the people, media, like The View, saying that this happened because DeSantis was elected.
Now if you think that idiocy could not be topped, Kamala Harris, who is not geriatric, who does not have the later onset of dementia, but is just a complete empty suit puppet, has come out And said that the United States shares a very important relationship with an alliance with the Republic of North Korea.
We are currently at war with North Korea since the armistice and the ceasefire back in the 1950s.
But that is a ceasefire.
We are at war with North Korea.
And she says that they are our very important ally in the region, North Korea.
I mean, that's who they want.
Alzheimer's patients, idiots, morons, pedophiles, scum.
There's so much more coming up today.
Google has censored the new Prime Minister of Italy's speech because it was true.
So much more coming up.
What have all military historians and current analysts warned of with this ongoing war with Russia, the proxy war now turning into a full-fledged war, threatening nuclear war in Ukraine?
And that's happening on every front now with the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, both confirmed to be attacked in Western-controlled sectors.
The Russian government officially saying that NATO and the United States blew up the pipelines.
And I even had Russophobe on, Joel Skousen, who's a smart guy, but he's definitely anti-Russian, anti-Communist Russian, anti-Putin Russian.
He agrees the analysis is clear that Biden and the New World Order blew up both pipelines.
And it looks like Nord Stream 2, they're saying, can never be repaired.
What that will do economically to Europe will be beyond devastating.
It'll be felt here in a big way.
The ongoing destruction of civilization and human infrastructure, they promised you you'll own nothing, have nothing, and like it.
They promised you an end to fossil fuels one way or another, and Biden promised, as well as Victoria Nuland and the State Department, to get rid of those pipelines if Russia invaded Ukraine, so what's the next escalation?
That's a big question everybody should be having.
But listen, we got Communist China expanding across the South China Sea, moving into areas as far south as Vietnam and of course the Philippines.
And you've got Russia and that huge war, that proxy war expanding.
And we've got open borders and fentanyl being shipped in and human smuggling and devaluation of currencies.
All this is happening, but at least we've got an alliance.
At least we've got North Korea.
Here is the Vice President talking about the incredible, very important relationship we have and the alliance the United States has with Kim Jong Un.
So the United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea.
And it is an alliance that is strong and enduring.
That's right.
And we have a president that from even a month ago looked like he had the second phase of dementia.
Now it's obviously the third and final phase.
Does not know what planet he's on.
But don't worry, he's got control of the nuclear weapons.
This is where we live.
This is what's happening.
And now there are governments in the UK, Australia, Germany, and now the US government is promising to put bugs in the school children's food.
Oh, you don't want a bug as an adult?
Well, as a child, you'll be made to eat it.
And the keratin, or the shell, their armored shell of the bugs is extremely toxic and extremely bad for you and causes liver failure and bone cancer, amongst all the other wonderful things.
And there's the Washington Post.
Insects, a new nutritious ingredient for school lunches, and it's being rolled out.
Eat the bugs.
UK school children fed insects to encourage sustainability.
It's for the earth.
endorses bugs and insects for its fedded children.
Now happening in a thousand Australian public schools.
Lock you in your house, make you have a digital ID, inject you with deadly poison, and make you eat the bugs.
Isn't that just sweet?
Gotta get them.
While they're young.
And whether you're in Australia or the U.S.
or Germany or Canada, they have drag queen pedophile story time as well, where grotesque fat men dressed like clowns have small children sit on their swollen waistlines.
So that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
Total dehumanization training us to accept absolute tyranny.
But humanity is rejecting it.
If we adapt to the tyranny, if we submit to the tyranny, if we continue to go into mass Stockholm Syndrome and learn helplessness...
And create a normalcy bias in the Overton window of pedophile story time and open borders and human smuggling and annihilated currencies and needles and feces all over the ground and defunded police and massive crime and war and surveillance and censorship.
If we put up with that, can you imagine what they're normalizing us for dystopia for?
Well, you'll own nothing, you'll have nothing, and you'll like it.
You'll live in a 200 square foot coffin apartment.
You'll be bathed in 5 and 6G radiation.
You will be killed!
By this technological metamorphosis of the transhumanist being carried out against the population of Earth.
So let me tell you what's coming up today.
All the information, the latest developments on Hurricane Ian that is now a tropical storm and has caused massive devastation.
The fact that the meteorologist said it was going to be a very serious storm was not hype.
It was worse than many expected.
We'll be tracking that.
Meanwhile, officials say Nord Stream Pipeline sabotage.
Pentagon won't say by who, but Russia says it was NATO and the United States.
Google silences women.
YouTube removes Georgia Maloney's viral speech about how they want to turn us into commodities and destroy our families.
We'll be playing the short speech, the full speech.
It's 14 minutes long.
I'm going to add it under the live show feed today at InfoWars.com.
Continuing, the massive poison shot known as the COVID-19 vaccine news is unbelievably powerful.
I have more than 15 new studies and mass reports and top scientists going public.
We're going to be giving you those headlines.
Here's the first one.
Vaccination increases infection risk by 44% Oxford study finds.
We already knew that, but it gets worse.
We're going to be covering that.
They definitely don't want this information getting out, but now they're having to admit it to cover their ass and act like it was a mistake.
Remember in the SPARS 2025-2028, Globalist, John Hopkins, UN, Bill Gates document,
they chronicle, set in the year 2020-2023, but set in the year 2025-2028, the exact battle plan.
A year and a half into the shots, they then admit they're deadly and erase your immune system and cause cancer and heart attacks.
That then causes destruction of confidence in government and the system and a further collapse.
Then they hit you with another virus.
It's all been planned, all been blueprinted.
You ask, why would they put it in a battle plan?
Well, they call it a drill so they can walk around with an operational attack profile, an operational mission planning guide, Give them to their people and they can't get caught or go to jail because, oh, it's just a drill of the exact same thing happening just in real time, not in the future.
But it's okay, the FDA has a new definition of what you can call healthy on a package, and guess what?
It's stuff that's incredibly unhealthy.
Carbohydrates, sugar, they want the protein, and they want the fat cut, because all the studies show good, clean protein and good, clean fat is so good for every cell in your body, so good for your arteries, so good for your heart.
It's trans fats, artificial fats, boiled fats.
Cooked fats that are deadly, deadly, deadly, deadly.
Lean steak is amazingly good.
Lean chicken is incredibly good.
Cooked fish or uncooked fish, incredibly good.
But what is bad?
There are some things that are so-called natural that are not good.
Let's just say it.
Fast-cooked bacon is a ticket to the heart attack.
It's natural, but it's a burned fat.
If you're gonna have bacon, better cook it slow.
And I'm telling myself that.
I love crispy, burned bacon.
One of my favorites.
On a sandwich with onions and lettuce and cheese and an egg.
Oh my goodness.
Fried egg sandwich.
But instead of cooking my bacon in five minutes, when I have bacon a few days a week, I cook it for 20.
It even tastes better.
Just don't be lazy about it.
But everything else they tell you is a lie.
Yeah, you want colon cancer?
Eat well-done steaks.
You want to live to 100?
Eat rare steaks.
And they know it, and they understand it, and they're attacking the truth and what's healthy.
That's all coming.
I'm getting hungry talking about this.
And then huge economy news.
The economies are coming.
Huge economic news.
This is really important with Larry Summers, the architect of the collapse we're in.
Trying to leave Biden holding the bag, as I've said a lot.
I hate Biden.
Can't stand Biden.
Wish Biden was in prison.
Wish he was removed right now.
But he's a puppet, and so he's a minion of Obama and Larry Summers.
They're now setting him up and blaming him.
We've got that as well.
A lot of new electric car news.
We've just got so much to break down here today.
Roger Stone had his power off until this morning.
He's in Florida.
He'll be popping in on a host of issues next hour, and he'll be with us about 30-40 minutes, and then I'll give the number out at the end of the next hour.
Start taking calls in the last segment of the second hour, just like we took our calls yesterday.
We're going to do it again today.
The calls are always informative, always a great wild card, always amazing.
Tomorrow's news today and SaveInfoWars.com.
We'll be right back.
It's Thursday, September 29th, 2022.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Now next segment, I'm going to get into the pipeline.
Confirmed to be blown up.
Actually, Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2.
All the different angles of this.
This is the biggest escalation in the war yet.
And it shows how we are in a 21st century war and what that is really going to be signifying and meaning that's coming up next segment.
But first, let's get into the hurricane.
Hurricane Ian.
It is so disgusting to watch the corporate press on the left, from ABC with The View, to CNN, MSNBC, to all of them, particularly the public schools brainwashing the children that it's their fault hurricanes are here and that we're having the worst hurricanes ever.
The truth is, we went over the documents and know of the federal government's own numbers, that hurricanes last 50 years.
Early 60 years have been declining from what they were previously reported, and that's believed to be tied to sunspots, the main driver.
But that said, if you are in areas that get hit by hurricanes, they're no joke, and the sheriff's departments are estimating hundreds of people will be dead.
The storm surge was as high as 15 feet tall, and went into some areas up to a mile to 10 miles into the Florida coastline.
This was an extremely serious situation.
It's ongoing situation.
A lot of heroes that are working for the power companies and for the fire departments and for law enforcement that are going into this situation and are risking their lives to try to get the power back on and to save people.
But yes, just because you've lived through other hurricanes, when DeSantis told people in those areas to get out, he meant it.
And folks should have gotten out.
I know a lot of people are elderly.
They don't have a place to go.
A lot of people don't want to go to the nursing home.
Their family doesn't visit them.
So they're stuck in their house.
The reports are water got in the second floors and first floors where people live.
There's going to be a lot of dead.
So we need to pray for the survivors and pray for people that have lost family.
But Florida is the fastest growing state.
It will rebuild.
Storms are just part of the world, part of life.
If you don't have hurricanes because you live inland, you have tornadoes and wildfires.
And so you replace One problem with another.
The only thing that is constant is change in this universe and in this world.
Hurricane Ian updates.
Florida Sheriff says fatalities are in the hundreds after monster storm that is now a tropical storm.
Ian becomes tropical storm after catastrophic hurricane strike.
Hurricane Ian batters Florida's coast with catastrophic fury.
People trapped.
2.5 million without power as Ian drenches Florida.
Nine lives.
Good Samaritan risked life to rescue cat perched on air conditioner as raging waters from Hurricane Ian surrounded.
Pretty powerful video on InfoWars.com.
Ian's path of ruin.
We'll be going over that with Roger Stone next hour.
Governor DeSantis says Hurricane Ian is a 500-year event that stunned Florida residents, wake up to utter devastation after tsunami-style floods killed hundreds as 50 National Guard choppers begin search and rescue operations.
Meanwhile, piling on to this tragedy are the disgusting, lying, anti-gun, anti-family, anti-America, anti-free speech harpies at The View.
And what have they said?
Here's a quote.
And now his state is getting hit with one of the worst hurricanes.
The View thinks the Hurricane Ian is a direct result of Governor DeSantis' stance on climate change.
This is superstition, this is voodoo, this is idiocy.
But that's why they've dumbed people down in the school system by design.
It's in the government documents, the last 60 years, where large portions of people believe that your cars or your air conditioning caused this storm.
Remember the Spanish Armada, thousands of ships that was going to invade England, what was it, 400 years ago?
And what destroyed them?
An Atlantic storm, an Atlantic hurricane, when the Chinese had a multi-thousand group of ships, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years ago, what was it, 500 plus years ago, about to invade Japan with 10 to 1 troops.
A huge storm, because they didn't have satellites then, a typhoon in the Pacific.
The storms are called typhoons.
In the Atlantic, they're called hurricanes.
I know most listeners know that, in case there's young people tuning in.
And Japan developed the term kamikaze out of that, meaning divine wind, because almost all the ships were destroyed by the typhoon or the cyclone.
So we go through history and there are thousands of examples of navies, thousands.
It's been written about more than a hundred times by the Greeks, hundreds of times by the Romans, where their enemies were coming to get them or they were going to get somebody and then a storm would come and destroy them or damage their fleet.
And again, I know our listeners get this.
I'm not insulting your intelligence.
We have a lot of new listeners that don't understand that there's always been storms.
In fact, will you guys punch up storms?
Just go to YouTube.
Time-lapse of storms on Jupiter.
Our storms' maximum speed is about 170 miles an hour on Earth.
The storms on Jupiter get up to several thousand miles an hour.
Boy, you wouldn't want to be in one of those on that gas giant.
Plus, the gravity would tear you to pieces.
So, those are gigantic storms on Jupiter.
and they have nothing to do.
Now I know our general listeners know this, but when I had one of the heads of the Rothschild dynasty
on 15 years ago, it's in my film Endgame, a clip of it.
He was saying, he had a children's book out about how polar bears can't swim, and how by the year 2017 all the coast will be flooded and the ice caps will be totally melted, which wasn't true.
And I said to him, I said, well, I got articles from NASA and articles out of the Discovery Channel right here that telescopes show that the ice caps on Mars are melting.
And he said, well, that's because of the sun.
And I said, I know.
And he said, well, because of the sun, they're getting bigger.
And I just said, I just said they're getting smaller.
These people know what they're doing.
The Rothschild's smart, but he was thinking my audience was a group of morons.
So I'm going to show Jupiter again.
You guys found an actual time-lapse, not just an artist's rendering of it.
Now, that's a time-lapse sped up, but those are multi-thousand mile an hour gas storms on the surface of the gas giant.
As you get deeper in, it's got a gas core.
Many scientists believe it's an unignited star.
When there's enough pressure from it, they will ignite and you get a sun.
So the point is that we've always had storms.
We have storms on this planet.
We're orbiting a sun.
The sun is the main driver of climate.
And I know I'm harping on simple things.
This sounds ridiculous to regular listeners.
It's like me telling you 2 plus 2 equals 4.
But the general public does not know this.
Well, go ahead and play the clip from The View.
Here it is.
Here's the quote from Governor DeSantis about climate change.
Quote, I am not in the pews of the church of the global warming leftists.
This is what he thinks about climate change.
And now his state is getting hit with one of the worst hurricanes that we'll ever see.
The sentence is right.
This is a cult of superstition and idiocy.
Whether it was the Aztecs or many other ancient cultures, they would tell their people, do what we say, we need human sacrifices, or the sun will be eaten by a snake tomorrow.
They would know the days of the eclipse.
Then when the sun disappeared at high noon, people would panic and say, make it come back.
They'd cut some hearts out.
It would come back, and they would then believe that the priests were God.
It's very simple superstition.
It's mind control.
It's Stockholm Syndrome.
We'll be right back.
Okay, my friends, we are back.
Your calls are coming up in the third hour.
Roger Stone joins us in the second with so much important news, and he's in Florida.
We'll talk about the terrible hurricane and the ongoing carnage and aftermath.
But I want to get to the escalation in Ukraine, the escalation of the Baltic Sea, and other areas.
I've done a deep dive on this the last three days, and we know what happened now, and I'm going to be laying out the facts here.
But I'm taking my time to get this straight.
And the confluence of different things that developed in and around this and the statements by Biden, Victoria Nuland, the U.S.
Navy ship that has submersible submarines with Navy SEALs, SEAL Team 10, being in that area in the last month, all the things that just unfolded, along with the CIA's own admissions, tell us exactly who did this.
And there's one other big piece of information That ties into it.
A massive new gas pipeline, get ready for it, opened the same day, three days ago, when Nord Stream 2 blew up.
Nord Stream 1 also got blown up in a US-NATO controlled area.
That's all confirmed.
Did you hear me?
They opened the new pipeline the day they blew up the Russian pipelines.
And the corporate media is in overdrive saying Vladimir Putin would do this when it was his leverage over Europe and how they're making a large part of the money propping up Russia right now.
Norway-Poland gas pipeline opens in key move to cut dependency on Russia.
Absolutely insane.
It opened on the 27th.
It was tested on the 26th.
The pipelines were blown up on the 26th.
I'm going to say that again.
It's not just Biden saying they take out the pipeline.
It's not just Victoria Nuland.
It's not just the Navy ship that delivers submersible underwater demolition troops, sailors.
It's not just the timing.
It's not just who stands to benefit.
But the day they have the Baltic Pipeline inauguration and turn it on is the day the Russian pipelines turn off.
You're going to take one oxygen tank off when you're deep diving.
You want to have another tank with you that you test and then put in your mouth and then remove the other.
They literally turned off the Russian gas, blew it up, And then turned on their pipeline.
I mean, wow.
Wow is all I can say.
And they want the Russians to know it, while the West sits back and pretends they don't know what happened, as a provocation to get the Russians to strike back.
Just like the school shootings, with men in black uniforms, and the attacks on military bases and conscription centers.
This is just unbelievable.
Here's some of the headlines.
Officials say Nord Stream Pipeline sabotaged but won't admit who did it.
Germany believes high explosive devices equivalent to 500 kilograms of TNT has destroyed Nord Stream.
Russia calls UN Security Council meeting over pipeline, blames United States for terrorist attack.
Russia says Nord Stream leaks occurred in zone controlled by US intelligence.
That's Nord Stream 1.
military official, jury still out on Nord Stream Pipeline sabotage.
And it just goes on from there.
These people think we are complete idiots.
White House denies claims of destroying pipeline like they said they would do.
And now you see Russia blew up their own pipeline, but not just the The Norwegian EU pipeline that's right next to it and just opened today.
That's right, did you hear that?
There is the new pipeline that just opened and it runs right along the Russian pipeline.
But that one didn't get bombed.
And what do you think will happen now if the Russians send a submarine in to blow up the new pipeline?
You see, Russia blew up their own pipeline but not The Norway-EU pipeline that's right next to it.
It just opened on the same day.
65D under CHS.
Jack Posovic's being sarcastic.
And he would know he's in Naval Intelligence.
The Baltic pipeline from Norway to Poland opens up the day in the Baltic Sea that Nord Stream 2 is blown up right as Europe was buckling and about to accept the opening of the already completed pipeline.
Of course, Who else shut down pipelines here in the U.S.?
Oh, Joe Biden, after the Keystone Pipeline, after a decade of building was completed, would have lowered oil prices massively, but sorry, would have given us hundreds of thousands of jobs, but sorry, it's turned off too.
I bet the Russians turned off Keystone Pipeline.
Hell, they say the Santa's caused the hurricane, that's just as mindless.
Did you know Biden didn't turn off the Keystone Pipeline?
No, no, no, no.
Because you know a year and a half ago when they wouldn't turn on the power?
When the Feds wouldn't let Texas turn up the coal power plants to give us enough power during that blue northern?
During that winter polar vortex?
Did you know that was Putin did that?
Here it is, Nord Stream 1.
The Nord Stream 2.
We've got the new EU pipeline and it's just fine, ladies and gentlemen.
In fact, here's Politico.
Same folks tell you white supremacy is just everywhere, and that two men can have a baby.
Everything's pointing to Russia.
officials on edge over pipeline explosions.
Oh, they're on edge.
They're so worried about it.
And here's an interesting fact sheet.
Did you know that 99% of the world's data and communications traffic is shared through undersea cables, internet banking, email, texting?
What happens if the Russians or the Chinese start targeting those?
Because the West has clearly started it, drew first blood, opened the door for that to happen.
We're gonna be getting more of that today as the broadcast unfolds.
But that leads me to this stat.
That out of all of them is the most important.
Yes, Florida is very important, but hundreds dying is not.
Potentially billions dying from nuclear war, but it's still very serious.
But what's even bigger than potential of World War III?
Well, that's the biomedical World War III, the genocide being carried out through the poison injections and more.
The next segment we're going to get into again, the biggest developments yet.
Two and a half years ago, when we first chronicled and forecast all this,
I told you when this all comes out, you will see the biggest news ever about the
new world order. And they'll try to hide this in plain view and hope it's so
shocking the public can't deal with it.
And so in the last few months, every few weeks, I'd say this is the biggest news.
But now it's all coming out in a crescendo.
It's all being brought out to light. So now every day it gets topped with the news.
I wonder what's going to come out tomorrow.
We'll tell you what's coming out today when we come back on the other side.
And ladies and gentlemen, I can't think of a broadcast out there or a group of
listeners and activists, viewers.
That are more important.
We are a family.
InfoWars is incredible.
I'm so blessed to be at the helm of this operation, and I'm humbled.
And we're going to make it through these times with God's help, but I can't imagine a world where InfoWars is not on air.
And so it's been nip and tuck.
It's been a long-term battle, a marathon fight against the globalists.
And so I'm asking you to take action today, to make the decision now, and to be part of a win-win situation or a non-zero-sum game, a 360 win.
But turn my coin.
It's very simple.
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Please take action now, we'll be right back.
Roger Assin Malhoeffer top scientists now most public. InfoWars, the most banned
network in the world.
Talk if you can for a moment about the safety. What have you learned about
serious side effects in this vaccine?
Do you anticipate or maybe stay up at night thinking about the possibility you're gonna
have to go back in the lab at some point and come up with something better?
Many of your medicines we know from the COVID vaccine, very effective, very welcome.
The logistics around that vaccine were not straightforward because of the new technology.
It's not like we control the world.
All rise for the reptilian anthem!
Let's get down to business.
Let's talk about Reptoids.
Be sure to follow these do's and don'ts to avoid a diplomatic incident.
Do offer them a cricket, mouse, or vole out of your pocket.
Fun fact about voles, a vole ate my father.
Don't use loaded phrases like hissy fit or see you later alligator.
Got it.
Be respectful.
So when do we talk about the orchids?
So the song Shake It Off was about how I shed my skin every thousand years.
And the song Bad Blood was about how I drink blood out of my Grammys.
A toast to blood!
Save some blood for Paul Rudd!
I gave you my kidney!
And it was delicious!
Reagan, meet my favorite Reptoid zentitives, Barb Shrike and Xarthax Griswold Walton of the Reptoid High Council!
Good evening, your Lizardness.
We Reptoids have had a great decade.
Thanks to propaganda in the media, we have made society more tolerant of our kind, from the Geico Gecko to the Shape of Water.
We even got K. Rool in Smash!
We did it, everyone!
The world temperature is rising.
The time is coming, brethren.
Soon we shall fulfill the prophecy, overthrow humanity, and become the true rulers of the world!
Oh, son of a bitch.
Having a little fun there.
No, I don't believe the Globalists are actually Reptoids, but they are evil, they are anti-human.
And they are injecting us with poison that mutates our DNA, and they think they're God.
All right, so let's get really serious now here, because this isn't a joke.
In the Pentagon, John Hopkins developed a war game plan, put out two years before they launched COVID-19, in late 2019.
They put it out in 2017.
2019, they put it out in 2017.
SPARS 2023 is the real number.
SPARS 2020-2023 is when they actually launched the attack.
But the document's called SPARS 2025-2028.
If you go to Bandot Video, it's got close to 4 million views.
We did a two-hour special report going over the entire document, or large portions of the entire document.
And it even has the same tweets put out on the same days that they actually put out in the real world in 2000 and 2001, and it goes into 2003.
They just changed the acronyms in the tweets put out by the same agencies so they would have a battle plan of what to say and what to do in real time.
And so they got caught with the battle plan.
It wouldn't be a plan for a biological attack on America through the virus and then through the vaccine.
It would just be a drill.
Emergency Saturday Broadcast World Shocked by Spars 2025-2028 Document.
And I'm going to have that reposted to InfoWars.com front page under the live show feed today.
Very, very important for everybody to get that and to share that because we're living it.
And it describes how there'd be opposition to the shots.
And then how about six months in, it would start coming out that it actually would give you the disease.
They describe a COVID-like disease, respiratory disease out of China.
And then describe about a year into it, they would start having people from the health services defect and say it was wrong to do.
And then within two years of releasing the deadly vaccine, they would then admit that it was lab grown and they would then admit that it didn't work.
And that they would remove the heads of Big Pharma and there'd be a bunch of punishment, but that there would then be a biomedical state brought in to basically oversee all of Big Pharma, which is what Big Pharma wants, is to be merged in with the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.
So they describe the whole process of how they're going to hit us, how they're going to kill us, and how they're then going to get away with it.
So think about what's come out in the documents from Pfizer, the federal court ordered, that they knew in the trials it was killing people.
They said they did it without trials, but they actually did trials and it killed people.
Killed large numbers of people.
They then worked with big tech and the White House, especially under Biden, to suppress any opposition to it.
Vaccination increases risk by 44% new Oxford study finds.
Wow, that's pretty big.
We told you that two years ago.
And it increases hospitalization and death.
Remember it was 100% effective, then 94% effective, then 80% effective, then 72% effective,
then 67% effective, then 61% effective, then 55% effective, then 44% effective,
then 40% effective.
And now it's not effective, it gives you COVID, makes you get sick, and in many cases kills you.
And that's just the early effects.
Here's the new big study.
Associations of BMI with COVID-19 vaccine uptake, vaccine effectiveness and risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes after vaccination in England, a population-based cohort study.
By Oxford.
Isn't that just interesting?
Got this new report.
famous pro-vaccine doctor suspects Pfizer booster shot sent his cancer into overdrive.
Well a year and a half ago in Germany where they started the shots like the UK first
It was in a major study of pathology, and then another major study from one of the top cancer research treatment facilities in Germany, where they did their own study on cancer patients, given the Pfizer and Moderna shots.
And they found, whether it was lymphoma cancer, or skin cancer, or bone cancer, or brain cancer, or liver cancer, it didn't matter, it gave explosive acceleration.
People whose tumors had been removed, people whose tumors weren't growing, people that were in complete remission would have explosive, in almost every case, accelerated growth and death.
In fact, one of the big German studies was being conducted by a doctor who'd formerly run the facility on himself.
And as part of the study, he went ahead and took the second shot, and it killed him.
He said, in the interest of medicine, since we push this on the public, I'm taking the second dose.
He was dead a month later.
Unbelievably wicked.
And it continues.
Now they admit women that are breastfeeding to take the shot, pass on the messenger mRNA to the children, causing serious health problems.
There's a new study out, hydroxychloroquine blocks SARS-CoV-2 entry into the pathway in the body in mammalian cell cultures.
But, of course, they blocked it for the public because they wanted you to die.
Doctor turns against messenger mRNA.
COVID-19 vaccines calls for global pause.
Very respected scientist and doctor based in Maryland.
Let's play a short clip.
Dr. Asim Malhotra breaks down being double-jabbed.
He says we need to suspend these shots now.
Double-jabbed and being one of the first to take the Pfizer vaccine.
I have, after several months, critically appraising the data, speaking to eminent scientists in Oxford, Stanford and Harvard, speaking to two investigative medical journalists and being contacted by two Pfizer whistleblowers.
reluctantly concluded that this vaccine is not completely safe and has unprecedented harms, which leads me to conclude that it needs to be suspended until all the raw data has been released for independent analysis.
Now what does the SPARS 2025-2028 document say?
Go read it for yourself.
It's online.
John Hopkins, Rockefeller Foundation, you name it.
What does it say?
It says within two years the public will discover it's erasing your immune system, giving a microcarditis, cancer, infertility.
Then all these scientists will come out against it, but that won't matter.
Because the public would have already found out it doesn't work and hurts them, so we'll bring it out.
We estimate within two years that it doesn't help you and hurt you after we've already hit as many people as we can.
So remember what we showed you last week from the UN's own international numbers in the Western world where they've taken this.
Pfizer and Moderna shots.
99 plus percent reduction in taking the shots.
No one's taking it.
Almost no one's buying it.
Less than 1% of just Stockholm Syndrome brainwashed slaves are.
And now, oh, they can tell you, sorry, we did this to you.
You know, why would they do this?
Because they're just normalizing killing you.
just like Bayer giving tens of millions of people HIV and hepatitis, knowingly putting hepatitis and HIV
in their factor V product on record mainstream niche.
Vioxx knew it would kill tens of millions of people.
It killed 2 million in the US alone.
They try to say it killed 500,000 or the earlier numbers were 60,000.
No, it's 2 million.
Heart attacks, young people, Vioxx.
They knew and they did it.
The company developed OxyContin, had it in their own documents.
When they developed it 20 years ago, it would make everybody addicted.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
Because one of the ways that you encourage your audience to give you money is in cryptocurrency donations, right?
And you have a page on your website that's just for cryptocurrency donations, right?
InfoWars.com forward slash crypto.
Is that a little advertisement just there?
Well, we're fighting the deep state.
We need money.
All right.
This is it.
Give crypto fund InfoWars.
Sponsor us with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, right?
That'll end up as a clip on your show tonight.
Your advertisement for your cryptocurrency page.
You know, I mean, people want to keep us in the fight, so I hope whoever the big whales are, they'll give us money before we keep going.
We'll just keep, we'll just keep.
We need some money as you're in this courtroom.
Let's move on.
People care about the First Amendment.
It's hour number two.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's gonna happen at the end of this, but you wanna fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines... From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We're taking you live to Florida with Roger Stone, next segment, January 6th.
40 days out from the midterms.
It's gonna be a jam-packed transmission.
The Nord Stream Pipeline's both blown up.
Escalations are massive.
Stay with us.
this, we are the tip of the spear.
After Europe approved the COVID vaccine for kids, excessive deaths among children increased by 755%.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Recent studies now prove that the COVID vaccines are being transmitted to children through the vaccinated mother's breast milk.
A recent Harvard study shows that the COVID vaccines are far more dangerous than COVID-19 itself.
And the CDC has quietly acknowledged all this.
All of these facts were once explicitly labeled false by the mainstream narrative.
The awakening masses are now aware that these experimental vaccines are deadly and that we are all being lied to.
But we still don't know what these mysterious poisons are doing to our bodies.
Macroscopic research has shown us that some of these vaccines contain graphene oxide and what appears to be self-assembling nanotech.
Morticians have found massive inorganic so-called clots growing inside the vascular systems of the deceased vaccinated.
And the FDA has been using transhumanist slogans to push the latest COVID booster shots.
So it isn't surprising that people are now questioning the vaccine when it comes to a strange new phenomena being captured by security cameras from around the world.
Several videos show people suffering from the same strange attack.
First, they act as if they see something over their shoulder, compelling them to turn their head.
As the head turns, the body follows, and arm lifts, as if to point at what they are seeing.
Their body then spirals into collapse and begins to spasm.
Turning their head to see something and then spinning into collapse.
These videos do not appear to be a hoax.
And if they are not a hoax, then what is this?
Oh, they're real.
It has people speculating about 5G.
and has others thinking about CERN.
Whatever it is that is going on, we are still injecting this deadly poison
into the young bodies of our innocent children.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Roger Stone is loaded for bear.
Start your engines.
Get ready.
Hour 2, 3, and 4 are straight ahead.
We are literally battling for the future of humanity.
That Greg Reese report is incredible.
It's at Bandot Video.
Get it and share it.
It's real!
Coming up in a few minutes, I'm going to show you a graphic that's been on CNBC, NBC, ABC.
It's basically the same graphic.
Showing Roger Stone at the heart of a criminal conspiracy and spokes going off from Roger to all these different things that are happening in America.
They are zeroing in on Roger.
And January 6, trying to outlaw their political opposition.
They admit they're doing it.
We're a month after that blood red speech that Biden gave.
So some of you may not care about Roger.
I think most of you do.
But he's certainly a canary in the coal mine, or a eagle in the coal mine, and what happens to him is going to happen to us next.
It's like Info Wars is a canary.
And you know, I try to not talk about the Sandy Hook show trial 2 happening in Connecticut.
Three weeks of parents of dead children saying I never said their names, don't even know who they are, but talking about their children and how they died and how it's my fault.
I mean, it is, it is, Total weaponization, and then I'm not even allowed to give answers other than yes, no, or I don't know.
Or I get sanctioned.
And I'll be back there next week.
Because I'm basically our only witness.
They don't, they've precluded any other witnesses for me in a rigged trial.
That shows how deep America is in this tyranny.
And look, this is about all of us.
It's bigger than Alex Jones, or Donald Trump, or Roger Stone, or Ron DeSantis, or Tucker Carlson.
I know Roger.
I've known Roger eight, nine years.
I met him like almost ten years ago at a JFK event in Dallas, but I've been good friends with him for about seven and a half years.
And I know Roger wasn't involved on January 6th because I basically begged him to come, and he didn't want to go.
He was busy taking care of a sick wife, and I bludgeoned him into going.
And now they're saying he's the mastermind of January 6th.
It is pathetic.
And it's weird because the way fate works and the way history repeats or rhymes, I'm the one.
And I'm not bragging.
It's not like, oh, I'm the big shot talk show host.
Roger wanted a job here a year and a half before the election, right through the election, and I didn't give him a job until after the election.
He did a great job at the War Room with Owen until he got indicted.
I'm just giving you inside baseball.
Roger said, I want to come to work at Infowars.
And I said, you're a great talk show host.
You're a great guy.
But I said, I want you to get me Julian Assange on the show.
He got Trump on.
And I said, get me Julian Assange, and you've got the show.
He came back and said, well, I'm talking to a talk show host in New York that knows him, Randy Credico.
He says maybe he can get him on, but I don't have any contact with Assange.
But I hear from Credico, which Credico gave interviews saying this, it's going to be big.
People like Assange went on Handy and other shows, before he was put in solitary confinement, and said, it's going to be big, it deals with Hillary.
So he was indicted for supposedly lying about having contact with Julian Assange when he never said he had that, he had sources that were talking to him.
So, I don't want to go over ancient history here, but Russiagate was a fraud.
All of this was a fraud, but they keep coming after us because if they can label him a domestic terrorist, they can label all of us that.
So next break, I forgot to send it to the crew.
I'll send the graphics so we can show it.
But Roger, we'll cover the hurricane and what's happening there.
Your power just came back on.
We're praying for everybody there.
Santa's doing a great job overall, I think.
We'll get into the election in 40 days and so much more.
But first, let's talk about Part two of the January 6 hearings and how they zeroed in on you as the kingpin with zero evidence.
Alex, they're obsessed with me.
It's an absurdity, but this is the way the world works.
An idea reaches critical mass on Twitter, no matter how false or unsubstantiated.
And it becomes, you know, it's kind of like Russian collusion.
The Russian intelligence assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
So in this case, they are claiming, even though you know otherwise, that I have some involvement
either in the illegal actions in the Capitol on January 6th, or even in the efforts to
delay the certification of the electors.
And of course, neither one of those are true.
They take a video shot in July during the Antifa BLM riots.
They claim it was shot the day before January 6th.
These videos, based on what I can tell, are manipulated, selectively edited, but they
don't prove anything.
In fact, the Washington Post reported that the videos released by these two Danish left-wing
filmmakers actually exonerate me, prove that I wasn't at the Capitol or at the Ellipse,
and I know nothing about it.
But again, I was smart enough to foresee that a politicized Justice Department would come back later and take anyone who expressed their First Amendment constitutionally guaranteed right to question question the honesty and integrity of the elections and
call it a crime.
So yes, I did suggest that the president should pardon anybody who did that.
I did not think we should have waited until the election to deal with the Antifa BLM riots.
By the way, you said that on my show that the military should be called out and them
shooting police and innocent citizens and burning down two plus billion dollars in mostly
peaceful protest should have been crushed.
You said that everywhere.
So they're taking stuff years before January 6th and acting like you said it on the eve of it, just like Adam Schiff has done before, editing text messages and emails.
Look, there is no there, there.
They previously claimed that General Flynn and I briefed Mark Meadows, the President's Chief of Staff.
That never happened.
They claimed we were to meet in some war room at the Willard.
I'm not aware of any war room at the Willard.
All of that was perjurous testimony by this woman, Cassidy Hutchinson.
Never actually happened.
Any claim, insinuation, or accusation that I knew in advance about was involved in or condoned any illegal action on January 6th is just false and there is in fact no email, no text message, no phone number, no video footage, Absolutely.
So why are they zeroing in on you and what is the next phase of January 6th?
Our audience knows it was a setup.
They're sick of hearing about it.
But the globalists are building their whole domestic takeover plan, their blood-red speech, their declaration of war against their political opposition on this.
That's why it's so important.
It's bloodlust, Alex.
They can't get over the fact that I escaped their last frame job.
And that, through the grace of God, I escaped the deadly snare set for me by Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff and Robert Mueller.
And they can't get over I'm a hate object on the American left.
This puts my family in danger, puts me in danger, and the torrent, the tsunami of fake news in the last 24 hours is really extraordinary.
It's extraordinary, it's fake, and I understand when the committee comes back, Jamie Raskin, You're familiar with him.
He's the congressman who failed to report the multi-million dollar stock trade on his disclosure forms.
He's already hinted that the next hearing will be focused at May.
My lawyers and I will be prepared to... He didn't hint.
He said it is.
Well, it's a teaser, I guess.
It's a teaser.
Look, this is... You know the real crime here, Alex?
I won't shut up.
I won't stop coming on InfoWars.
I won't stop doing my show at frankspeech.com every day at five o'clock.
I won't stop criticizing the globalists.
I won't just lay down and go away.
I'm continuing to fight in the fight for freedom.
It's very expensive, as you know, from both a personal point of view and a financial point of view, but I'm not giving up on America.
And those who want to help me can go to SownDefenseFund.com, because as you know, lawyers are extremely expensive.
Well, that's right.
And we are your champions, listeners.
You have to understand, I think the listeners do get it.
You want people to stand up and fight if they can destroy Trump?
Or DeSantis, or Roger Stone, or Alex Jones, or Tucker Carlson.
We're the objects of hate.
We're all basically competing, I guess, for the top slot.
Not on purpose, but it's true.
If they can do that, others will be scared to stand up.
That's why we are standards, like a Roman standard in a war that's got to be protected.
I mean, folks need to understand, we're objects of their hate because we carry the light of victory in our hearts and souls.
Roger Stone, stay there.
I want to shift gears out of this to your analysis and what you're predicting 40 days out from the midterms.
I want to handicap that and go through that.
I'll talk about the hurricane as well.
In fact, let's do that first.
When we come back, we'll talk about Trump, DeSantis.
We'll talk about Russia, Nord Stream 1 and 2 blown up, and so much more straight ahead.
InfoWars.com, the tip of the spear.
Well, when Kamala Harris isn't announcing that North Korea is our greatest ally in the Pacific, Yeah, she did that.
We played it first hour.
She's saying climate change has caused the hurricane, even though hurricanes are at historic lows.
This is a big whopper.
Statistically, they're way down.
Hurricane Ian slammed in as a Category 5.
Hundreds have been killed.
They're trying to get the actual numbers.
A lot of valiant folks are there saving people, the police, the fire departments, the military, volunteers.
And Rogers, even on the east coast of Florida, his power went out last night until this morning.
Storm surge up to 12 to 15 feet, went in up to 10 miles inland in some areas, on average about a mile.
Very, very serious situation, ladies and gentlemen.
And so I wanted to get Roger's take on this and his response to The View, saying Governor DeSantis not supporting carbon taxes and it's his fault.
He's been in office two years and it's Governor DeSantis' fault.
Roger, these people are truly sick.
Governor DeSantis has done an excellent job in terms of not only keeping the public informed, but also in the preparations and now the remediation efforts for this hurricane.
Some of the The images you see are really, truly horrific.
As you know, Alex, you never know until the last minute exactly where one of these things is going to reach landfall.
I've lived through two of them since I've lived in Florida.
I think the governor's done an excellent job in terms of keeping people informed, moving the state resources quickly and adroitly to bring relief and, in some cases, life-saving efforts to Floridians.
It is outrageous to say this has anything to do with climate change.
I do want to go back to something you said because you sent this to me, Alex.
The folks at MSNBC yesterday accused me of insurrection, murder conspiracy, obstruction of Congress, money laundering, promulgation of fake electors, felony murder, fundraising fraud, Seems to me that they left out the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
I mean, this is an absurdity.
I'm not involved in any of those things.
There is no evidence to the contrary.
Roger, I apologize.
I had folks talk to me during the break and I forgot to send this to the crew.
This is MSNBC.
And they have you right in the middle of a conspiracy here with spokes that go off that accuse you of all these incredible crimes.
If this isn't defamation, I don't know what is.
Well, and looking at that list, I didn't have contact with anybody on that list other than General Flynn during that time period, or even prior to that time period, and I know General Flynn was not involved.
And it says you carried out insurrection, witness tampering, murder conspiracy, voting system fraud, obstruction of Congress, money laundering, fake electors, Insurrection, felony murder, fundraising fraud, fundraising fraud, and witness tampering.
So you are, and you're number two under Trump.
You're like, I'm kind of jealous I'm not on this list.
It's amazing that you're not on the list because you didn't do anything wrong either.
No, it's an obsession.
It's kind of interesting.
Back in 2000, you recall, when the Bush-Gore election was up in the air, it was not publicly clear who had won.
James A. Baker III, a Texan, later Secretary of State, at that time managing the Bush efforts, urged George W. Bush to claim victory.
It was a crucial political decision.
Al Gore should have done it.
He didn't.
George W. Bush did do it.
Possession in the public eye being nine-tenths of the law.
When I said that Trump should do the same thing, months ahead, if there was a disputed result, well, I'm accused of criminal activity.
So, Baker is hailed as a genius, but when I recall that historical precedent, and I say Bush should do the same thing, well, that's illegal.
No, it is not.
It's just straight political analysis.
That's right.
And now Mitch McConnell's trying to pass a law with Chuckie Schumer not to allow challenging elections.
That sounds like Venezuela.
It really does.
Everybody has a First Amendment right to question the anomalies and the irregularities in the election.
And I foresaw that the Democrats would try to criminalize constitutionally guaranteed First Amendment speech about the outcome of the election.
So yes, I did suggest that all those members of Congress, none of whom I spoke to, who had stood up and challenged the election, should be given a pardon.
I also included any other person who came forward, including myself.
Yes, I did say that.
Well, Roger, we know you're innocent of this.
You're only guilty of being an American patriot.
But their continued obsession with January 6th, them saying there's going to be imminent terror attacks carried out by patriots, I believe we're entering false flag territory in the next 40 days.
What tricks could they pull the next 40 days ahead of the midterms?
The biggest one I'm most worried about is World War III.
That's what I think we're inching our way towards.
I mean, Joe Biden says that he can blow up this Russian pipeline months ago, and now suddenly the pipeline has been blown up.
I find that deeply troubling.
We're inching closer and closer and closer to World War III, and that would certainly have an effect on an upcoming election.
The most recent polls that I've seen, that I trust, still show that there that the Republicans continue to maintain an edge.
And as of today, and again, this is over a month ago, but as of today, I think
are still likely to win the House.
But then I saw a very compelling interview with Matt Gaetz yesterday, who said that
even if the Republicans do win the House, he doesn't believe that the leadership
has the belly to question the corruption or the politicization of any of our
intelligence agencies.
Well, that's what you've always said.
Unless we have a major cohort or a new, big, powerful Matt Gaetz, MTG coalition in the House that could swing votes either way, it'll be a pyrrhic victory to get Republicans in control of the Congress.
I totally agree with that and therefore we have to see if the Republicans do hold on to that, do win control of the House, how big or small is the margin?
That will be the question.
Patriots like Gates and Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert and others will have greater leverage the smaller the margin.
If there's a blowout, which I think is unlikely, well then you're going to have to go along to get along Republican majority.
I don't think the direction of the country will be changed.
There's enough information in the Hunter Biden laptops to promulgate articles of impeachment against Joe Biden.
There's certainly enough regarding his dereliction of duty on our Southern border, but it does not appear to me that the Republican leadership That is poised to take control if they win, have the belly for that.
So what do we do?
Well, let's get through this election first.
In politics, a week is a lifetime.
It's vitally important that people support those true America First candidates.
Do not give money to the party committees.
They will not spend your money well.
Give money to individual candidates for Congress and the Senate.
that you believe will support America first over the orders of...
And by the way, let me just back what you're saying.
All the big billionaires, whether they give money to good guys or bad guys,
they never give it to the committees, they never give it to those big groups.
They give it to individual candidates.
We should all do the same.
All right, Roger, I want to shift gears when we come back, and I want to talk about big picture culture wars
and what you think the deep state's going to do, regardless of who wins this upcoming election.
This is really important because they're They're casting everything.
They're scripting it all.
There's about to be this imminent civil war, but the right wing's not planning that.
So, what do you think they're going to pull?
Not just war with Russia, but clearly January 6th is so central because they're branding and casting all conservatives as terrorists.
Roger Stone from Florida joins us live.
Now, we already talked about January 6th, and Roger went into his innocence, and that's important, but we all know that.
I want to explain to listeners, I know most of you get this, but I need to drill this in here, because I have a real sense of doom, a real sense of horror here, with all the pre-programming we're seeing that Trump supporters, American patriots, populists are terrorists, and the FBI is saying terror attacks are imminent with 40 days left, that they're getting ready to pull something.
We'll talk about that with Roger Stone here in a moment, but first, ladies and gentlemen, The historic battle for America and the world is happening now.
And the globalists hate this show because they hate you.
They hate that this is a focal point, not just of my analysis, not just of our guests, but the callers, and the stories, and the reports, and the documentaries, and everything we do is leading the very front lines, the tip of the spear, the intellectual brain trust of the resistance.
Look how my book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, last month, off and on has been number one.
And that's great.
But it'll be months and months and months until I get paid for those royalties that I need to keep InfoWars on the air.
We're in bankruptcy right now.
Chapter 5 need to be profitable to come out of this.
And then the Democrats that have said in both show trials that their goal is to silence me won't work.
Because then the company will continue on and then quote any extra profits will go to them.
Well, there's not a lot of extra profits around here.
So they want to shut down.
They don't want money.
I'm going to appeal these verdicts for years before they ever even get any money.
Probably three years.
So we've got to get over this second show trial, the third and final show trial, and the bankruptcy in just the next three months.
And then we'll be stabilized and won't be in as big a crisis, though the depression's here and so much more is going on.
All these years of work coming to a head right now.
We need your support.
Get a signed copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World that exposes the New World Order plan at InfoWarsTore.com.
Get an unsigned copy for the regular price or the fundraiser one.
Get a signed copy at InfoWarsTore.com and I thank you for your support.
Limited edition, man of the arena, Teddy Roosevelt coin.
More than half of them is sold exclusively at 1776coin.com.
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I want to encourage those that haven't gotten the coin to get it.
Again, it's marked up to fund the operation.
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Thank you so much to those that have gotten the coin.
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And finally, the bankruptcy court said Mr. Jones, that's me, has to pay 40% of the fees in these upcoming trials and the bankruptcy.
Even though I'm the main guy that runs them, Four Wars without me won't be here.
That's fine.
I don't have the money.
To pay these legal bills.
So, I want to thank all of you that donated yesterday when we first launched this.
You give me a lot of hope.
I want to encourage others, whether it's $5, $10, $25, $100, go to GiveSunGo, there's a direct link to SaveInfoWars.com.
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Thank you so much.
History's happening now.
I have no intention of giving up or giving in, but I could give out.
Alright, Roger Stone, getting back to what I was saying, we know you're innocent, January 6th, I was there, we know that.
But the obsession, the drive, the branding of the American people as terrorists, the blood-red speech, finally the mainstream media even gets it, finally mainstream conservatives get it.
This is an attempt to outlaw their political opposition.
And war with Russia's not enough to do that.
How do you see them getting that?
What do you see them pulling?
And I think they're going to pull a false flag, or a provocateur at action.
Will it be Before the election in the next 40 days, or will it be after?
Or am I wrong, Roger?
Look into that crystal ball.
You're one of the top political analysts out there.
Well, first of all, Alex, let me say last night, I finally finished your book, The Great Reset.
Candidly, I had only skimmed it previously when I agreed to give a blurb for The Dust Jacket, and I liked it when I looked at it before.
But I finished it last night, and I strongly recommend this to everybody out there.
If you want to know what's really going on in the country and the world today, it's all in this book.
It's historic.
Get the signed version because it's something you're going to pass on to your children and they're going to pass on to their children.
It really blew me away.
It's so succinct and so good.
Alex, I see a number of things.
First of all, I see the continued ratcheting down of the censorship and the cancellation.
You see, you can't stampede the people with a tsunami of fake news if they have an alternative platform from which to defend themselves.
And the censorship here on the public channels has never been worse.
But I worry about the day that Infowars.com or StoneZone.com, that those domains can be taken away from us.
And there is, unfortunately, a way to do that.
So I think they will ratchet down the censorship and the cancellation even further.
Secondarily, I clearly see an effort To criminalize what has heretofore been constitutionally guaranteed political activity and political free speech.
The Democrats wanted to sue the Republicans for raising the question of the integrity of the elections in their fundraising.
That's using the judicial process against your political enemies.
Additionally, I see them framing and charging the leaders of the conservative movement.
We've already seen this before.
I think we could potentially see it again, to take the leaders out of the line of fire.
I also see the continuing soft on crime policies that we're seeing across the board.
New York's governor's race is close today, which is incredible.
That's because the bail reform laws put in place there are essentially providing a turnstile justice system which puts dangerous criminals back out on the streets.
You can look for Soros funded prosecutors and legislators to push these kinds of soft on crime rules across the country.
What's going to happen between now and the election?
Again, I feared a pandemic, some kind of secondary pandemic.
The monkey pox thing appears to have fallen flat.
There's no evidence... Oh, I totally agree.
They tried a second lockdown buildup, but nobody bought it.
So that's the good news.
So now they're going to pull something else.
I think that's true.
We also have not seen election reform in enough states.
So while the news out of Wisconsin is very good, based on cleaning up the election laws there to have a free, fair, honest, transparent election, you still have mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania, where you have crucial governor and U.S.
Senate races.
And I think mail-in ballots are an open invitation for fraud.
I agree with you, Roger.
Pulling back from this, though, I wanted to do the next segment on Trump and all these criminal investigations they've got going.
Falling on their face, but they keep doubling down.
But the next minute and a half towards break, what are other wild cards in this election that people don't know about?
Well, I think you just put your finger on the most important one.
They want this election to be a referendum on Trump, and to a lesser extent, a referendum on Governor DeSantis, who I think exposed their hypocrisy by sending illegal immigrants that they've been flying into Florida to Martha's Vineyard.
So they would like this to be about the opposition.
They would not like this election to be about their record, gas prices, Food prices, inflation, impending world war.
They don't want to talk about any of those things.
They want to make this election about us.
Well, I mean, the numbers I see show landslide for Republicans.
The question is, are they going to stop the election fraud?
Like you said, other than Wisconsin, the same game is in play right now.
I think one of the most dangerous things here is overconfidence.
People who say, oh, the Republicans aren't going to win big, therefore I don't need to bother to vote or I don't need to bother everyone in my family and in my circle out.
Overconfidence is one of the greatest single dangers going into these elections.
Nothing is done.
It's still over a month away.
Voting and voting in person on election day will be I one trillion percent agree.
And let's talk about your prediction of the 2020 election that turned out to be right.
Let me come back.
I got down on my knees!
And I begin to pray.
By the way, Roger's always been a Christian, but not a Bible thumper.
*cough* And God always uses imperfect people.
That's who God rises up, except in the case of Christ, who's perfect from birth.
Let me tell you, Roger has done some serious Christian lecturing to me.
He's the real deal, calling me up at 5am, telling me about Jesus.
Or I'll be sitting there in a steakhouse with him in Florida, and I'm going, look at that waitress, my God.
And I'm married, and it's okay, I mean, I don't cheat on my wife.
He's like, stop that, we don't do that now.
God doesn't, I mean, it's like, it's real!
So, Roger Stone is, I mean, I'm admitting, I'm kind of a devil.
Sometimes I can't help myself, it just slips out.
But Roger is on the straight and narrow.
And Roger, you look healthier, you look younger than when I first knew you.
It's like Christ has really empowered you.
I didn't mean to come back and bring that up.
I didn't tell you I'd bring it up.
But when the media makes fun of you, you in the lion's den, you in the fiery furnace, you had a real conversion.
People shouldn't make fun of that.
The left should experience it and cry out to Jesus and say, God of your will, show me.
And you did that and God showed you.
Well, I've experienced four miracles in my lifetime, Alex, in very short order.
First of all, of course, the commutation of my sentence when they wanted to send me to a dank Georgia prison to die of COVID-19.
But you had your conversion before that.
Spend a few minutes on this.
No, no, I did because I realized at a certain point that I was... Explain, I don't mean to interrupt, I'm going to shut up, but you, I know the story, I want you to tell it, you told me this a bunch in person, start crying at dinner, I mean this is real folks, how you called out and then magically you said the weight came off you, you were confident suddenly and everything changed.
I don't want to tell your story, but take your time.
Alex, everything you say is true.
I reached a point Facing, you know, the Soviet-style show trial that I was being subjected to, I realized there was no chance that I would be acquitted, no chance of a fair trial.
I realized that my own lawyers would not even put up a fight, even though I had substantial evidence, you know, in emails, text message, videos, audios, of my innocence.
I realized it was hopeless, and therefore I became depressed.
I was despondent, scared for my wife.
And it was then that I had an opportunity through my friend, Reverend Randy Coggins, to meet with Reverend Franklin Graham.
And of course, I was still thinking politically because I knew Franklin Graham was a good friend of President Trump's.
And I thought maybe I could get him to put in a good word for me for presidential clemency.
And while he was kind, he said, well, I'll see what I can do.
He said, let me give you a much, much better piece of advice.
You need to turn your burden over to the Lord.
You need to confess your sins.
Start over.
You told me this at dinner.
I started crying about a year ago, or more than a year ago.
He said, you need to get a pardon from the big guy.
And you asked for that pardon.
And then he said, you need to turn your life over to Christ.
So I then went.
Immediately to his revival at a field in Boca Raton with about 2,000 other people.
And there was a point in his oration where he said, I don't care if your problem is drug addiction or alcohol addiction or gambling addiction or health problems or family problems or financial problems.
I don't care what your problems are.
The Lord will lift you up.
The Lord will sustain you.
The Lord will protect you from your persecutors if you will get right with God.
And at that moment, I felt the calling to stand up with 200 other Christians and reaffirm my faith and be redeemed in the blood of the cross.
And Alex, from that moment, everything changed.
The commutation of my sentence, my unconditional pardon, my wife's incredible recovery from stage 4 aggressive cancer, the fact that on January 6th, I never left the hotel grounds.
I never went to the Capitol.
I never went to the Ellipse.
And now I will be calling on the Lord again because my persecutors appear to be focused on me yet again.
Here's the great thing about faith that I've learned.
If you have complete faith, you are without fear.
You can download and get away from fear by realizing that you have to put all of your faith in the Lord.
Now, was I a wild man?
Alex, I was a libertine.
I was a wild man.
You name it, I did it.
I'm not that person anymore.
And I know that elites laugh at us when we talk about Christ.
I know the folks at Media Matters for America and the New York Times and the rest of it.
They snicker when we talk about my newfound redemption.
I don't really care what they think.
I only care what he thinks.
And as a political strategist for 40 years, as someone who kind of looks at a set of facts and a situation and devises an overall global strategy for my clients or for my political point of view, I now realize that the single best strategy is to put your faith in the Lord.
I do think that the Lord will not allow the destruction of everything that He has created.
Well, that's right.
If God be with us, who can be against us?
I don't claim to be some preacher or some perfect person either, but I love God, I know God is real, and I've experienced that power.
And you're right.
Put God and the worship of God, the belief in God, first and foremost, ask God, lead God and direct you, and God will change your life.
And that's our secret weapon against these Satanists.
Well, you know, it's funny because a very, very major Canadian prophet asked me the other day whether Alex Jones was truly a Christian, and I said, absolutely!
And he believes, as I do, that at the end of the day, the forces of good will win over the forces of evil because we've read the Bible and we know how it comes out.
We're going to go into some very, very dark days here, and the only way you can keep your sanity, the only way you can stand up to the stress is to put your full faith in the Lord.
I have done that.
I'm going to have to go out and raise more money for lawyers through StoneDefenseFund.com.
I'm sick of asking, but these lawyers cost a fortune, and the government, as you know, has unlimited funds.
That's right, we're targets, we're targets.
Roger, in closing, because I meant to get to this big question, the attacks on Trump, you expect indictment.
When has Trump said he's going to announce he is going to run, so he's already announcing away, but when is that coming?
You know, I still don't have any update on that, and I don't really know.
I still don't believe, based on my own study, that there are criminal charges involved in this document controversy.
So, if that's true, I'm not sure what the point is, other than to say President Trump is most certainly not being held to the same standard as Barack Obama, who still has 30 million documents.
Well, it turns out, it's in the news today, I saw that.
So it's hard to understand other than I still think they seek to frame him for something on January 6th.
He has free speech rights as well.
I was not in touch with him during that period, interestingly enough, but I think they are so desperate To eliminate him as a candidate legally in some way is because they fear his power at the polls.
All of the polls continue to show that he is overwhelmingly the overwhelmingly strongest candidate we can nominate.
Doesn't mean that he did everything right as president.
Nobody would claim that.
But he has a good heart like King David.
Trump is good.
Trump is not an evil man.
He tried to do a lot of good things.
He's not good on the vaccines, but he's pig-headed.
But evil hates him because he's real.
Just look, they're coming after you and me.
That's because our message is strong, it's pro-human, and the enemies of God and country can't stand it.
So, in closing, what can we do to make sure we have a Republican landslide?
Don't take anything for granted.
Don't believe stories that say either that the swing is to the Democrats or that the Republicans are home free.
We need every single person to vote and the way you defeat, as we saw this in Arizona, a corrupted election machinery is by voting in person on election day at the polls.
I agree.
Let me add this with a minute 45 left.
You know what?
If you've got to go, you've got to go.
I don't know if you've got to go.
We should do five more minutes because I should have started the show with this.
I'm not against the Q people wanting to believe we're invincible and all those lies.
I'm not judging you folks.
You get conned.
It's okay.
I told you the truth.
I told you they were stealing from Trump.
Roger, you said on the show the last few months of the election, you said they're going to steal it.
The election's too close.
People shouldn't be confident.
This Q stuff's bad.
You were vindicated by that.
And so people continue to believe this Q stuff.
It's so dangerous.
Complacency and the belief in invincibility is our Achilles heel.
Look, I don't criticize anybody who chooses to believe in Q. I think they're, by and large, patriots, and I'm not criticizing them at all.
But the idea that we just need to sit back and do nothing and trust some master plan, no, I don't think that that's true.
I think every one of us needs to do everything we can do to affect change.
But you did predict on this show, to major criticism, that Trump was going to lose.
I mean, you did that under major heat.
I did.
I also predicted the off-year election.
In fact, Owen Schroeder still owes me a stake over that little wager.
All right, Roger.
I'm gonna let you go.
We really appreciate you, brother.
Be safe.
God bless you, Alex.
God bless you.
All right, I'm gonna give the number out.
In fact, I'll give it out now.
First-time callers, any subject you want to mention, the pipeline getting blown up, the economy, all of it.
Our number three and more, straight ahead.
7 8 9 2 5 3 9 8 7 7 7 8 9 Alex our number 3 and more straight ahead have
you heard about the mosquitoes look around you
Everything I predicted from the Globalist's own documents, from their own admissions, is now happening.
Infowars credibility, my credibility has never been higher.
And it's because of your backing of this operation that I can steadfastly, despite the censorship and the boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuits, stay on air.
But now we're reaching the most critical juncture in the fight together.
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It's unsustainable.
So please, visit.
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I'll never give up, I'll never give in, but I could give out.
Thank you for your support.
Wouldn't be here without you.
All right!
Third hour, your phone calls are coming up with a ton of news.
We're going to play again an excerpt of a censored speech by Google off YouTube, you name it, of the new Prime Minister of Italy that scares the living daylights out of them.
They censored this because this two-minute speech is the key to taking down the New World Order.
And then, we told you it was coming, those Bill Gates mosquitoes released in Latin America and now in Florida, they deliver a vaccine.
Gently modified mosquitoes, vaccines, and the human.
That is all coming up next hour.
And you know what?
We've got a guest host for the fourth hour, but I may just take over.
Because I've got a lot I want to cover, and a lot I want to hit.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we're in a toe-to-toe battle against the globalists.
We're taking on the big guys, and people ask folks, hey, why don't more people fight tyranny?
Why don't more people take on the pedophiles?
Why don't more people take on the Satanists?
Why don't more people, why don't more churches, why don't more groups stand up and say no?
And the answer is, when you stand up like I've done, or DeSantis has done, or Trump has done, or Tucker Carlson's done, or Roger Stone's done, they come after you, they know we're not gonna break, they know we're not gonna back down, but they wanna send a message to you.
That if you stand up, we'll destroy you.
But we'll lose everything if we give in to this intimidation.
We'll lose our culture, our society.
We'll have the globalists turn off our infrastructure, as they're doing, if we cower.
I don't fight these people just because it's the right thing to do.
That's my instinct, that's my spirit.
I bet on you, I believe in you, and I know we can beat them together.
So that said, I'm having to pay 40% of free speech systems legal bills.
I don't have the money.
They know what they're doing.
They're running me to ground.
But if you come through and donate at SaveInfoWars.com, and a lot of you did it the last day and I want to thank you, and if others do it, five, ten, fifty, a hundred dollars, whatever you can, it will change the world.
Keep us in the fight, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be able to do it.
Also buy the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
But regardless, ladies and gentlemen, we can't do this without you.
So I want to read, just in the last hour, some of the anonymous donors and things they've said.
At SaveInfoWars.com from GiveSendGo.
God bless you, Alex and team, for all you do.
Well, God bless you.
We'll keep you in the fight, friend.
Wish I could do more, but the recession and all.
Hope to be able to get at least this recurring.
We are the censor majority.
Let's do this.
Godspeed to you, anonymous.
Here's another one.
Hope this is multiplied 100 times over.
Chance says, we love you and your crew.
So brave.
Fight the good fight.
Brother, I'd have to be brave to actually know this is coming down and not fight it, because it's total extermination and death.
This is self-preservation.
This ain't bravery.
Anonymous donor.
We've got your back, Alex.
Good luck.
Another donor.
May God Yahweh continue to bless InfoWars.
Alex Jones and all who publicly fighting for our freedoms.
Another anonymous donor.
Or our struggle is not against the enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of the present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6, 10, 12.
That's what we're talking about.
So go to SaveInfoWars.com.
I mean, quite frankly, people should be rushing.
We should reach our goal very quickly.
It will take me to finish this trial, the next trial and the bankruptcy, and the percentage I gotta pay in the next six months, $500,000, conservatively.
That's the number we need.
You want people to fight the new world order?
You want folks to get in the arena?
I can't do it without a sword and a shield.
And a helmet.
Right now I'm fighting with a sword, no shield, no helmet.
I need the funds.
So please go to ShaveInfoWars.com right now.
And to fund Free Speech Systems, go to InfoWarsTour.com and get a signed copy of The Great Reset.
It's a fundraiser.
That's why it's marked up.
I thank you for your support.
A signed copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World.
Go to 1776coin.com, get a Teddy Roosevelt, man, the arena coin.
We are in the thick of the fight right now.
We're almost making it through this, but it's only because of you.
So, from the bottom of my heart, I'm in your hands.
You're in my hands.
Thank you, and I love you, and the crew appreciates you and loves you as well.
So, InfoWarsTore.com, SaveInfoWars.com, and 1776Coin.com are the coordinates of victory.
Take action now!
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Thursday broadcast.
All right, I want to go to your phone calls, but I also want to hit this because it's so central to understand what's going on.
Former Obama economist Larry Summers, we basically had inflation under control for 40 years, but we lost the threat about a year and a half ago with Biden's 1.9 trillion stimulus.
Now why is that so important?
I'm going to condense a four-year economics degree, if they gave real degrees out, in like 60 seconds, but since Clinton, Bush, and Obama, we have seen more inflation than this country had 100 years previous.
Now, under Trump, let's just be honest, and then accelerating under Biden, it went into warp speed.
It went into hyperspace.
And now it's just getting more insane.
Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe Republic numbers.
Because the U.S.
has all the high-tech weapons, the technocracy, the dollar's still king.
That goes away, it's all over.
So why is he saying that?
Because Obama runs Biden.
It's the third administration of Obama.
Biden doesn't even know who he is.
As he says, I get my butt wiped.
He craps himself repeatedly every day.
It's on record.
So the fact that they're getting ready to blame Biden tells you the hammer's going down.
Very, very sad moment that they've got this decrepit puppet, this Boris Yeltsin 2.0, not knowing what planet he is on.
Because the bureaucracy wants to be able to scapegoat him.
Here's Larry Summers.
We basically had inflation under control for 40 years, despite the fact that the price of oil fluctuated, despite the fact that there were all kinds of supply shocks.
We lost the thread along with many other countries about a year and a half ago with massively expansionary policies relative to the size of the GDP gap.
The fiscal stimulus was five times as large as it had been during the financial crisis.
So they've engineered all this and now they're blaming their puppet Biden.
Key gauge of U.S.
economy activity paints picture of weakness.
Yahoo Finance News.
The sticky high price is unlikely to come down anytime soon.
Wall Street Journal.
That's where we're at.
Now I'm going to start going to your phone calls next segment, but I wanted to play a clip we played on Monday.
The new Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Maloney.
And in a two-minute clip, she lays it all out.
It's an attack on individuals, an attack on the family, an attack on our sovereignty, an attack on our very identity to make us corporate slaves that are programmable.
She said this three years ago when she was a member of Parliament.
This video had over 20 million views on YouTube.
They took it down.
More than 10 million views on Twitter.
They haven't taken it down yet.
A beautiful, smart woman telling the truth, and again, the censors are now threatened by that, so they remove it, saying it violated the terms of service.
Here's the headline.
Google silences women.
YouTuber moves Georgia Maloney's viral 2019 speech.
So, it's in Italian.
That beautiful romance language.
And so I'm going to do my best to read this as fast as I can.
No need to pause it, guys.
I'm just going to read it as it goes.
So you can hear what it is they don't want you to see.
And so you can share this and know this is what they fear.
Good, healthy truth about the EU.
I've had clips with her attacking the UN, attacking the New World Order, attacking Macron, destroying France.
They're all up on InfoWars.com.
But let's start rolling this tape.
This is about what we are doing here today.
Why is the family an enemy?
Why is the family so frightening?
There's a single answer to all these questions.
Because it defines us.
Because it's our identity.
Because everything that defines us is now an enemy.
For those who would like us to no longer have an identity, and simply be perfect consumer slaves.
And so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity.
they attack religious identity.
They attack gender identity.
They attack family identity.
I can't define myself as an Italian, a Christian, a woman, a mother.
I must be a citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent 2.
I must be citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent 2.
I must be a number.
Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have any of your roots, then I will
be the perfect slave at the mercy of the financial speculators.
The perfect consumer.
the perfect consumer.
That is the reason why.
That's why we must inspire so much fear.
That's why this event inspires so much fear.
Because we do not want to be numbers.
We will define the value of the human being.
Every single human being.
Every single human being.
Because each of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable.
Like it or not, this is sacred.
We will defend it.
We will defend God, country and family.
Hit pause.
Hit pause on that.
It's a total declaration against transhumanism.
A total declaration against the social credit score, the carbon tax, the market of the beast, the new world order, everything they are.
She's explaining it's a war on you and your human biology.
It's a corporate takeover.
Let's continue.
that disgust someone so much.
Back it up 10 seconds.
It's unrepentable.
Every single human being, like it or not, this is sacred.
We will defend it.
We will defend God, country and family.
Those things that disgust people so much, we will do it to defend our freedom.
Because we will never be slaves and simple consumers at the mercy of financial speculators.
That is our mission.
That is why I came here today.
Chesterson wrote more than a century ago.
That is our mission, that is why I came here today.
Chesterson wrote more than a century ago, let's see if I can find it,
fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four.
Spade, verano.
Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.
The time has arrived.
We are ready.
the time has arrived we are ready thank you that's it in two minutes
And they're scared.
They are taking you over.
They are dominating you.
They are brainwashing you.
They're trying to break you.
But as soon as you're aware of the attack, and as soon as you decide to fight back and speak up and say no, and back those that tell the truth, you have God on your side.
You are invincible.
So I want you to go now.
I want you to go now to Band.Video and InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the best videos, the best articles, you decide what's best, on your email list, on your text message, word of mouth, start your own podcast, call and talk radio, call in the C-SPAN, I see you doing it everywhere.
the enemies on their heels, they're scared.
They were at the UN two days ago saying, "Censor all of us as our number one mission
"because we're kicking their ass."
You walk into this room at your own risk because it leads to the future.
Not a future that will be, but one that might be.
This is not a new world.
It is simply an extension of what began in the old one.
It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint
of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time.
It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach
to the destruction of human freedom.
But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule.
Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
This is Mr. Romney Wordsworth.
In his last 48 hours on Earth, he's a citizen of the state, but will soon have to be eliminated.
Because he is built out of flesh, and because he has a mind.
Mr. Romney Wordsworth who will draw his last breaths in the Twilight Zone.
All right ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for joining us.
I'm going to jam in a few final news stories before the show ends.
We're going to the fourth hour with the great Paul Joseph Watson from London, and then two hours from now, or an hour and 40 minutes from now, Owen Schroyer and The War Room.
The coordinates to find that are infowars.com forward slash show and band dot video.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls, Terry and Andrew and Jason and John and Brett and Eric and Charles and Doug and Dustin and Austin and so many others.
Do you remember to call yesterday's callers back?
I probably forgot to do that.
See if you can get them back online, too.
Saddest thing when you don't get to callers.
Always try to get to them.
Terry in Texas is what I'm obsessing on.
The October surprise.
I mean, they're pre-programming right-wingers, terror attacks, mass shootings.
We're 40 days out.
I am super concerned about this.
So many other folks don't see the major branding and brainwashing going on.
I think it's a central issue.
Terry, what do you think?
Alex, I think those hackable voting machines are going to come into play, and I think they're going to blame it on the Russians, and then align the Republicans with the Russians.
I think that's a really, really good, accurate prediction of what may happen with all the pre-programming, because the pre-programming tells you what they're going to do, and everything's the Russians.
You're right.
Well, Gates also, Bill Gates just came out recently saying that the election was going to come out hung.
And it all points to that to me.
I also want to say, Alex, you know, it's funny that you played that clip from the Twilight Zone, because I was thinking today how much stranger the world is than what they predicted in the Twilight Zone.
That clip should have had a guy in a cast and a beard.
Yeah, Virgin Atlantic says they're going to have their male flight attendants wear dresses now.
I mean, it's just total war on our biology.
It's a bizarre world.
Good luck to you.
Let me ask you this before you go.
Before you go, Terry, what do you make of Kamala Harris saying North Korea is our biggest ally?
Well, I think she's Completely mentally incompetent or she meant to say South Korea or she doesn't know the difference between North and South Korea.
She's a freak like the rest of them.
But I mean, you notice she's always wearing glasses.
She's always slurring her words.
She looks like she's on Xanax.
She's a freak like the rest of them.
How do you explain it?
You can't.
It's a runaway train with a bunch of Satan's minions.
And look at what Satan does for you.
How dumb they are.
How unhappy they are.
How horrible their families are.
Why would anybody want to serve Satan?
Great points, Terry.
Thank you.
Andrew in Florida, hit by the terrible hurricane.
Go ahead.
Hey, Mr. Jones.
I'm actually up here in the Panhandle.
We're doing alright.
We've got a lot of strong winds, you know, but we're fine there.
I know Florida Power & Light is doing a really great job of getting people's power back on.
If you want to follow Representative Brandy Fine from Brevard County on Facebook, he's got a lot of great, constant information about that, as well as Governor DeSantis' press conferences.
First off, I just really wanted to thank you for what you do.
I've been listening to you for the past couple years and you've really opened my eyes to a lot.
And then I wanted to ask for a quick favor.
Going into the last break, you said you encouraged your listeners to start their own podcast.
Can I tell you a quick story about my father who has a dome podcast?
Please do.
Okay, so he's been in small market radio for a couple decades now.
His most previous job was on KARN out of Little Rock, Arkansas.
He was fired.
This is the same company that syndicates Dan Bongino.
He was fired when he did not bend to corporate will with the VAX mandate.
And Bongino, as a screw you to the company, had him on to tell his story.
But he started his own podcast after that.
It's DocWashburnShow.com.
He's got a great interview with Kash Patel most recently.
A lot of great shows on there.
And, you know, I just wanted to plug that real quick.
Say the name of your dad again.
Doc Washburn.
I remember hearing about that.
That's great, brother.
What else?
Oh, that's all I had for you, Mr. Jones.
You know, like I said, I've been trying to think of an excuse to call you for, you know, all two years I've been listening to you, and I finally just, you know, figured I'd call you and say thank you.
Well, thank you.
I'm going to put you on hold.
Let's get your dad on the show, because they use the COVID shots not just to kill people, but as a litmus test in the military, the police, everywhere, to find out who will toe the line.
Your dad's been vindicated.
He's been given his job back.
They should apologize.
Shame on them.
Put him on hold.
See if we can get his dad on.
Thank you.
Jason in Texas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's up, Alex?
How you doing, man?
I'm fighting as hard as I ever have, brother.
Well, I think the two weeks are up.
I think you didn't shoot Trump two weeks.
You're still promoting the big vaccine salesman, the guy that flew on Epstein's plane.
Why are you doing that?
Oh yeah, it's true.
I mean, I didn't give him two weeks, I think I gave him like a month.
And I've been really against Trump on that.
And he flew on a flight from New York to Florida on a chartered flight with Epstein.
He never flew.
Hold on.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You make a statement.
Hold on, don't talk over me.
I'll put him on hold.
Sir, I love calls that disagree.
But I'm not going to have callers that lie.
So you can talk, just I'm going to counter each lie as you go through them.
Trump did not ever fly on a Lita Express to little St.
John's Island.
He did fly once in the 90s on Epstein's plane from New York with a bunch of other people to Florida.
And if I find that Trump's involved or on the list of those flights, I'll be against him.
I've not found that.
So you didn't call in about the Johns list suppressed by the feds.
You didn't call in about the same judge that protected Epstein going after Trump.
You didn't raise that.
You just tried to dumb my audience down with a... I'm asking you again.
Did Trump fly to the Caribbean with Jeffrey Epstein on Alita Express?
I am possibly your biggest fan, Alex.
I love you.
I have so much respect for you.
Brother, I love you too!
Listen, if I think Trump's a pedophile, I'll come out against him.
I know people that know him well.
He's not into kids.
So what I'm asking you is, are you saying he flew to Epstein Island?
I'm saying Epstein and Gates got a president in there, bud, and signed off to you to believe in him.
Sir, I can tell you the persecution of Roger Stone is real.
So give me evidence that Roger Stone works for Jeffrey Epstein.
you along on the Trump train. You need to do the Trump deception yesterday. I just wish
you would so bad because you did the Obama deception. It was literally just so perfect.
Sir, I can tell you the persecution of Roger Stone is real.
So give me evidence that Roger Stone works for Jeffrey Epstein. Go ahead and give it to me.
I got no evidence of that other than my gut tells me this person is good, this person
And I believed Trump for a long time.
I went to the place that shall not be named for him, for the whole thing, because I believed in him.
But you know what?
The next day, my buddy, I'm going to give him a shout out, Cicero, my buddy Cicero came with the most wisdom that he always does.
Perfect three words.
Please set us up.
Four words.
Okay, well, Biden's in power now, so we can get off the attack on Trump.
By the way, let me just throw this out.
We got some big guests tomorrow on the Live Friday Show, and this Saturday, I've already got several huge, very special guests lined up.
We're going to tape in the morning.
It'll be posted to Band Up video and stream by two or three o'clock Saturday.
Definitely want to look for that.
But let me get to the Trump thing the last caller brought up.
I just don't like him talking over me and like being all vitriolic and all crazy.
And then saying some stuff that wasn't true about Epstein Island.
I'm very critical of Trump about the vaccine.
I've said that.
I wish he was better.
But this obsession, he's not in power now.
The globalists are.
And the crew brought me this.
And look, I know that Georgia Maloney isn't perfect.
They're censoring her speeches.
They're coming after her.
The EU's threatening to sanction her.
I can just look at her and tell you she's for real.
Doesn't mean that she's perfect, though.
Dear Zelensky, you know that you can count on our loyal support for the cause of freedom in Ukraine.
People, stay strong, keep your faith, she said just two days ago.
Doesn't mean that she... I mean, I'm not on the Russian side either.
I'm not on the Ukrainian side.
I'm on the side of peace.
But that's where we are.
Now, I want to hit more of your calls.
John, Brett, Charles is up next.
Doug, Dustin, and Austin.
But let me hit this real quick.
One of the top guys, he had like ten number one songs.
Coolio, Gangster's Paradise.
We're all living in a gangster's paradise.
He'd come out and spoke out against Epstein and the pedophiles.
He died at 56 years old yesterday.
And I got a chance to talk to somebody that knew him well, a very well-known person.
I'll leave it at that.
And they confirmed that Coolio, earlier this year, took the Pfizer shot when he went to Australia.
In fact, he'd taken multiple shots to be able to go to Australia.
So this headline deals with the flashback.
Rapper Coolio says he kills pedophiles.
They should be erased from the face of the earth.
That's an important article on Infowars.com.
But I can give you the exclusive.
Let me pull up the actual message I got when I talked to the person.
I'm gonna put this message on air.
But let me pull it up here.
Gosh, so many texts come in.
So hard to keep track of all this.
Let me see this.
Pull it up for you.
Coolio did a gig in Australia in March, so he was Injected from the sources they've talked to.
So there you go, folks.
So many people dead.
And the statistics show it's massive.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to your phone calls.
Charles in Atlanta.
Charles, thanks for being with us today.
You're on the air.
Hey, how you been, Alex?
Good, I've been listening to you since you were 25 years old, nearly every single day, if you can believe that.
So, I've kind of got some years on me, but... Brother, you are old school, and we're blessed you've been putting up with my loud mouth.
No, actually, I just fell in love with... You know, when I was 17, I was turned on to The World Is Not As It Seems, and I would listen to black programming.
Uh, concerning, uh, the use of, uh, black energy throughout the last three, four hundred years to the New World Order's, uh, uh, demands.
And then when I heard somebody talk about you, I turned on your station when I was 23 years old.
Oh, not 23, but 40, and never stopped listening since then.
But here's what I've done.
I was a, uh, transit driver here in Atlanta for 21 years, and I would distribute your DVDs on the bus route.
Nearly every single day I bring a package of ten.
Be it American Dictators, Follow of the Republic, True Legends, Endgame, Terror Storm.
I would carry these in a package and make copies.
I have a 7-Up DVD burner and I would burn them and put a label on them and distribute them.
You are old school.
We reach tens of millions of people thanks to folks like you.
Well, here's the thing I'll leave your audience with.
I want to talk to all the audience there.
I'm a graphic artist, photographer, website designer.
I know how to take your clips, download them from Band.Video, put them on an iPhone.
What I do, I put on the media's virus t-shirt.
And a ball cap I have, go over to Kroger's, and I intentionally put about a one to three minute video clip of any powerful news on your program.
I just walk up to a total stranger and say, hey, have you seen this before?
And then I'll show them a few seconds of the video, and when their eyes pop and their jaw drop, well, no, I didn't know that.
Where can you, where'd you see that at?
I made over 2,000, 3,000 business cards with Band-Aid video on them.
They're real cheap.
Black and white.
One side.
You could get a full... Sir, that is beautiful.
Keep going.
Your phone cut out for a moment.
Charles there.
Charles still there?
Well, that's a bummer that Charles dropped.
We didn't hang up on you, Charles.
Call Charles back.
The reason we can call Charles back is, you hear him at the end of the show sometimes when people are on hold, and I say, give us your number, we'll call you back tomorrow and get you on.
We did that.
And so I'm not going to sit here and have what Charles said cut off.
So call Charles back because I really want to hear what he has to say.
Folks, whether it's Alex Jones information or other Patriots information, they cannot stand what he was just doing.
That will override their censorship.
The people are so hungry for the truth.
Charles, are you back?
Yes sir, you were saying you're at Kroger's handing out things, you're playing a short clip, it has a big effect.
Please continue.
I'm in a city of 6 or 700 million in Atlanta, Georgia, and I make it my point to carry 40, at least 40 of the same business cards that have banned out video of them.
And I make sure I give out 2 or 3 every time I go anywhere.
Because it's very simple just to put a little clip on your phone and ask people, hey, have you heard of this?
And just show a few seconds and 99% of people will talk to you.
And they say, no, where'd you get that information?
I give them a card with Bandock Video.
I've exposed, I'm sure, multiple thousands of people over the 20 years I've been here.
But Alex, I want to commend you and ask all the people listening to please Send your money to InfoWars.
When you think of the side link of the 50 or so contributors, David Icke, Savannah, Flyover Conservatives, Christy Lee is the bomb, you need to have her on more, Kate Daly, there's just a humongous two or three lifetimes worth of information on your site.
God bless you brother, we're fighting hard but what you're doing is the greatest on the ground.
They're so scared of people like you. God bless you and I appreciate your call Charles.
What an amazing man. God bless you Charles. Let's go to John in Florida. John you're on the air,
go ahead. How is it in Florida my friend?
Yeah well I'm in Jacksonville right now. We're still far today.
It's just been really windy.
I mean, we're seeing some of it, but we're actually, we've been blessed.
We haven't experienced what the west side is experiencing, so can't say it's too bad right now.
Yeah, so first, I'll give you credit.
You've been really the only one out of all the people I get my news from that has been critical of Trump and actually challenged him.
And I credit you for that, but I think this is just a crime that's unforgivable.
And as conservatives and as populists, as pro-humans, I think as a whole we need to shift our support for Trump to DeSantis.
I mean, we need to go all in on Ron DeSantis.
And I just can't forgive Trump for backing Operation Warp Speed.
Well, let me say this.
The caller before last accused me of covering up for Trump and used false info.
And I'm not mad at the caller, but he did.
You're being legitimate.
The vaccine thing, I don't blame anybody that's against Trump now.
I totally agree with you.
It makes me sick.
No, yeah, exactly.
That's why I give you credit.
You were literally the only one out of Almost.
I listen to a lot of people.
You're the only one who's consistently- Well, brother, don't hang up.
I'm going to come back to you, John.
I don't want to cut you short.
Let me just be clear.
Don't give me credit for coming out against Trump.
I feel guilty I didn't do it earlier.
Let's just be clear.
Let's just get 100% clear about that.
Trump did so much good, and they hate him, and I know he's not a bad person, but he is pig-headed, man.
He doesn't listen to anybody, which is why they hate him.
The globalists couldn't run him, but when he won't, he's not a bad person, but he's just got flaws.
And we all do, and I'm not judging him, but I agree, DeSantis is better, and I'm not trying to pick sides here.
I wish Trump would get his act together, but when he saw my video, he said, tell Alex basically, I don't care.
Get up, stand up, escape from the prison planet!
We're all in it together, folks.
Better set aside what color we are and come together against Satan, with Christ empowering us, what we're done for.
Okay, John, yeah, I mean, look, I could bash Trump all day.
I get really mad about Trump, but he's not in there right now.
I wish he would wake up.
He's doing so good on so many issues, but it just becomes a distraction for me to deal with Trump all day.
But yeah, I mean, I like DeSantis a lot more.
DeSantis now admits the vaccines don't work and are bad.
We shouldn't do it.
It's all come out that Trump's wrong, that they're poisoning us, and now they're leaving him holding the bag.
But at the same time, we got so many big fish to fry.
What's your take on that?
I totally agree we have so many big fish to fry and Trump overall is good and did good for the country.
The main burden here is on conservative ink.
The mainline conservatives, the Daily Wires of the world, they need to start pressuring Trump to get on stuff like this.
I listen to the Daily Wires still, and those guys over there like Michael Mowles and Matt Walsh, who I totally agree with on most things, they like you.
Even Michael Mowles says straight up, Alex Jones was right.
They used to have beef with you and now they understand what you're saying.
Well, that's the good news, is even mainline Republicans are now waking up that we're right.
So that's a positive thing.
Thanks for the call.
Brett in Ohio.
Brett, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
I just wanted to take a couple minutes to talk to you.
I originally called for Harrison Smith in the morning, and I was on hold for about three hours.
So it's a miracle that I got back through to you.
I'm glad you're here.
You want to talk about NATO, the pipeline?
Go ahead.
Well, that's what I was going to talk about, but I feel like you've covered that pretty extensively.
No, give us your view.
Go ahead, and then hit the other topic.
It's escalation.
I don't like escalation, especially when, you know, Russia has nukes, we have nukes, many parts of NATO has nukes.
And I just don't like de-escalation.
I wish that there was some kind of de-escalation going on, but there's almost no time.
No, I agree.
It's nothing but escalation.
There's not much more escalation now but nuclear war.
Here's a question.
Will Russia start blowing up European pipelines?
I have no idea about that.
I'm not inside Putin's brain, so I don't know what he's going to do.
It wouldn't surprise me, though.
But I did want to just kind of talk to you personally, because I just wanted to basically apologize, because for a long time I just thought you were kind of crazy, like I used to be a gay frog guy.
But then when you were on with Joe Rogan, and you were vindicated on what you had talked about with the human-animal hybrids, Jamie pulled up an article, if you've had a phone since 1987, there's a record of that phone call being made, and Jamie pulled up another article, and I thought of a quote from, I think, Tyrion Lannister, where he said, if you tear out the tongue of a man, you're not proving him wrong, you're just telling the world that you're afraid of what he might say.
And so I think that the meme of Alex Jones was right.
I think that, you know, that's a wonderful meme, but I think what would be more powerful, at least to me, would be Alex Jones was telling the truth.
Because it's, and you've been wrong on some things, and you've apologized for those things, but you've been right on far more stuff than you've been wrong.
And I think it's much more powerful to say, He was just telling the truth.
He was just reading the news and he was telling the truth.
To me personally, I just want to say, you know, thank you for everything you've done.
Because, you know, I would listen to you.
I had to kind of take you in small doses.
And then I heard, okay, so there's stuff on COVID made in a lab.
Okay, so if that's true, then that'll come out in the media.
And then eventually it did.
Okay, all this stuff on the vaccines and you talking about it with Dr. Malone and McCullough and the rest of them.
And I thought, okay, so if that's true, that's going to come out.
And then every single time you've been proving right on really big issues.
And then I look at what the mainstream media talks about, and it's all spin, it's all lies.
And I just kind of thought, yeah, so that that quote from Tyrion Lannister of, you know, if you just try to silence Alex Jones, you're just you're really just kind of proving him right.
You're trying not to allow people to say to see that what you were saying was right.
And it was a truth.
And that I mean, because you can say that the sun is going to come up at 8.05 tomorrow morning.
You could be right about that.
But if you're trying to tell people, hey, this is what's going on, here's what's in the here's You know, here's this document that I have.
Here's this person I'm talking to.
We're not trying to lie to you just to try to be sensationalistic.
We are telling you the truth.
As far as I'm concerned, that's a lot more powerful than just, you know, Alex Jones was right.
I appreciate your call, brother.
All right.
Let's talk to Eric in Oklahoma.
Eric, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Jones.
Yes, sir.
Amazing to talk to you.
It's been like a decade or beyond.
I've been in a constant, etherical battle with you.
Bodies is a phenomenal product.
My wife orders it regularly, and I think if it were not Bodies, maybe some of us would walk in our older age.
So we appreciate you for that.
The super blue toothpaste is phenomenal.
Makes me want to brush my teeth with this COVID era nonsense going on.
Getting to the dentist has been quite a chore, so I do thank you for that.
Thank you.
As well as all the other pertinent information that you've given us about storable food, how to prepare for an emergency, and things of that nature, which I have shared with every single being I've come in contact with on a regular basis, let's say a daily basis.
And so we're prepared, which leads me to the reason of my phone call.
With the storm in Florida, one can't think about Alfie Oaks.
Those guys down there, hopefully everybody's good.
That's a great point because Alfie Oaks was like at the epicenter in Naples.
Guys, get Alfie Oaks on tomorrow.
We got his cell phone number.
Let's get Alfie Oaks on.
He's a great guy.
He feeds a lot of people and so whatever's going on with the food and the supply chain breakdown, the real things that you're really talking about.
In fact, he wanted to come on a few months ago about the supply chain breakdown.
I meant to get him on.
Alfie Oaks must come on tomorrow or Saturday or Sunday.
That's a great point.
To know that there are people paying attention, listening very closely for a very long time.
Alex, I love to fight with you.
I fight with you every day.
It's a challenge to listen to the things that you say, knowing that they're true, wishing that they weren't really true, and then trying to not explain this to people because I don't think anyone can comprehend what's going on.
You cannot explain this to people in a 10-minute conversation.
And so that's where your faith comes in with your higher being, which kind of brought me to listening to you some time ago.
I think it was through an interview.
You've done some excellent interviews, in my opinion, with some very interesting people like Louis Farrakhan and others that I don't think people realize that you've done that has been so enlightening with information about Donald Trump and ICE.
Don't think people, this is a conspiracy, right?
InfoWars, this is the conspiratorial channel and I don't think people understand that when you say you are at a 5,000 view looking down into some very giant rabbit holes, I mean you are the tip of the spear and the tip of the iceberg.
Well, I'm trying, brother, and I love you, Eric, and I appreciate your call.
Jamming everybody in right now.
Amazing calls.
Doug in Oklahoma.
Last call this hour.
I'll come back and take a few more.
Doug, go ahead.
Alex, great to hear from you.
Enjoying the book.
Loving the supplements.
Thank you.
Love the way that you handled that pencil neck geek of an attorney over there in Connecticut.
What an idiot.
Oh, well, they've already rigged the jury.
It's all rigged.
The good news is I don't have any money.
They're not getting any money.
That's all a big joke on their asses.
Hey, I had a question about the pipeline.
They're saying that it's not being used and why is a bunch of gas escaping out of it that's not being used?
That's a good point.
If Nord Stream 2 wasn't open, why when they blew it up was it having so much gas through it?
Something doesn't add up.
Of course, nothing ever does.
Nothing they tell us.
On the mainstream ever makes anything.
And who owns that pipeline?
I would like to know who owns that.
that pissed off NATO and they blew it up.
'Cause you know the same day they blew that up, they opened up that new pipeline.
And who owns that pipeline?
That's a good question.
I would like to know who owns that.
Probably the United States owns that.
That's why I love taking calls.
I didn't think of that.
If Nord Stream 2 was closed, never opened, didn't have gas in it, why when it blew up,
did it have gas in it?
Yeah, it didn't make any sense.
Like I said, nothing they say makes sense.
We gotta put a headline out asking that question.
If Nord Stream 2 didn't have gas in it, why when it blew up did it have all that gas in it?
Yeah, this doesn't make any sense.
Again, nothing they say, Doug.
Keep up the fight, Alex.
Appreciate it, man.
Appreciate you, Doug.
Final segment ahead of Paul Joseph Watson.
Dustin and Austin, back in two minutes, going right to your calls.
You don't need me to spot the bad weather for you.
You can see it.
We've got to come together, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got to turn against our differences and join together under God.
But through it all, I withstood the pain.
I'm no stranger.
Two final calls before Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
Dustin in Florida, thanks for holding.
Where are you at and how's it going?
I'm in Naples, Florida, man.
We got hit pretty good here by that hurricane.
Yeah, you were right in the epicenter.
You got creamed.
What's going on?
Oh, yeah, man.
Power's still out.
Barely getting a phone call through.
No data whatsoever.
No stores open.
No gas.
No ice.
So, you know, it's pretty bad.
Trees down.
Branches broken everywhere.
And it just made me realize how important all that, everything you sell is very important to have, you know, because if you don't have it, you're in some trouble.
What else is happening with the hurricane, brother?
Yeah, they're cleaning it up pretty good, but I do have to say one thing, Pfizer, because I'm at the 999 Vanderbilt Beach Boulevard, which is the Pfizer building.
And it has a concrete parking garage.
So they did save my life.
Not by the vaccine, but by the bridge.
Or by the parking garage.
So, I parked here and rode that thing out, man.
It was pretty wild.
Really wild.
Well, we're glad you're alive, brother.
They're saying hundreds of dead.
Yeah, yeah, that's very sad.
I'm gonna go into town here and go see Table Alfie Oaks, see if he needs some more drivers, because that's what I do.
I drive truck.
See if he needs some help over there, you know.
But yeah, that was a bad one.
Absolutely, brother.
We're glad you're okay.
Dustin, anything else you'd like to add?
Uh, no, man, that, that, uh, all the storable food and everything like that, people really need to get that stuff.
It's very important.
If they, if they, if they do, if and when they do shut the grid down and all the, all the, uh, cell phone service, man, you, you do not realize how important.
Everything we do is to get our message out and sell somebody something they need.
Everything we do is a moral decision.
This is quality.
You need it.
If you choose to get it, it's great.
Thank you so much, Dustin.
Austin in Tennessee.
Go ahead, Austin.
Final caller.
Hey, Alex.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
All right.
Great to talk to you.
God bless you.
First-time caller, long-time listener.
Love your products and your book.
I just wanted to share some advice that my father has given me about starting locally with our research.
We're both big into history.
And that cross-country runner that was featured in an article on your show from Bartlett, Tennessee, a week or two ago, was actually from the high school that I attended and graduated from.
And I was a runner there.
And I will say any runner That kind of shape is not going to have a blockage without some cause of it.
So they are still pushing the vaccines pretty hard.
I'm trying to do some research locally with my resources to see if he had been vaccinated.
But my daughter's 10 months old.
We took her for a checkup and they were constantly, the pediatrician was trying to push the vaccine on her.
So it is still... I totally forgot!
The Washington Post wrote an article saying secretly inject children without parental consent today.
I mean, this is evil.
It is true evil, and my wife and I have had, you know, pretty serious conversations because she, you know, believes big in medicine, and we've got, you know, professionals in the family, and both of them have recommended not to get it, including my own doctor.
He said if I had any children, I would not inject it.
I was about to say, tell your wife you're vindicated.
It's all come out, it's a fraud.
Sorry to cut you loose.
God bless you.
Paul Joseph Watson, from England, takes over in T-minus 60 seconds.
Incredible job, crew.
Owen Schroer live in one hour.
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We are live.
It is the Summit News Hour, September 29th, 2022.
Raft of news to cover during the course of the next 60 minutes.
We've got the latest on the pipeline explosion.
Of course, we know only Russia carries out false flags.
There's no possibility whatsoever that anyone else was involved, right?
Well, maybe not.
We're going to get into that.
We're going to get into the latest on vaccines.
The 100% safe and effective jibby jab proving not so 100% safe and effective.
Going to get into the state of woke policing in the United Kingdom, their latest intervention into the free speech issue as it relates to big tech social media, and then what they're actually doing in the real world when it comes to preying on the general public.
Let's start off with some good news though, because God knows there's a lot of bad news to cover in terms of censorship.
No, I talked about it last week on the show.
PayPal had this new purge of customers, of businesses, of organizations.
They took down the accounts of Toby Young, the Daily Skeptic, the Free Speech Union, all in one go.
Of course, they claimed it was just a coincidence that they took them all down in one go.
They took down the accounts of parents groups who were highlighting the massive Damage caused by lockdown against children, their speech patterns being delayed, their learning difficulties accelerating, symptoms of autism, loneliness, suicide, everything that lockdown wrought.
They were drawing attention to that.
No, you can't monetize that.
You can't fundraise off that.
They were banned.
Gays against groomers, of course, in the United States.
Campaigning against drag queens, men in dresses being able to sexualize themselves in front of toddlers.
Can't do that.
They were banned and it created a massive backlash.
Now, of course, the common refrain is, well, PayPal's a private company, it can do what it wants.
Well, not in the United Kingdom.
Because in the United Kingdom, PayPal is regulated by the Financial Services Regulator, which state directly in their terms that financial platforms have to treat everybody equally, no matter their view, no matter their political approach.
Well, with the Daily Skeptic, there's actually been a victory.
We have the headline here, out of DailySkeptic.org.
Again, questions asked in Parliament.
You had 42 MPs write a letter to the Business Secretary, Rhys Mogg, urging him to hold PayPal to account.
A lot of questions actually asked by media outlets and it's finally worked.
We've actually won one!
Oh my God!
Will all those people who got banned by PayPal years ago, me included, Alex Jones included, everyone else who got banned years ago by PayPal be reinstated?
Well, we don't want to be reinstated because we don't want to use their service.
But as of 5.30pm a couple of evenings ago, PayPal notified Toby Young that it has restored all three of the accounts it cancelled a couple of weeks ago, only after massive pressure, only after questions being asked in Parliament, only after the government threatening to pass new laws, because there are actually some good people within the Conservative Party, within the government in the United Kingdom, believe it or not, Threatening to pass laws that would hold PayPal to account, and of course the massive backlash online, it took that for them to restore the accounts of these organizations after a week of public pressure they finally backed down.
Now of course it takes them about an hour of public pressure by pink-haired mobs on Twitter to get someone cancelled on PayPal, or indeed many other platforms, They cave immediately whenever that happens, but it literally took a week of government pressure, of massive media coverage, of questions being asked in Parliament for them to back down.
And they did back down.
Now I'm not sure about...
Gays against Groomers if they got their account back.
Certainly, Toby Young did.
The Free Speech Union did.
It was a victory, but of course, PayPal is a completely unsafe platform.
Nobody should be using it.
Even if they do restore the accounts, you should never use it again.
And to his credit, that's exactly what Toby Young has said.
Despite the fact that this represented a third of account users, in terms of the people who were paying their monthly fees to the Free Speech Union, that income for them was wiped out.
I think he said it was something like £200,000 a year, wiped out in one go, but he's not going to use them again, and he's going to continue to push for this new law, an amendment to a bill already in Parliament, to make sure that legally PayPal cannot ban people for their political views, as they continue to do.
That's the good news, now let's get into the bad news.
Reclaim the Net reports YouTube says Georgia Maloney family values speech was mistakenly removed.
This is actually, turns out, good news, originally bad news.
Of course, Georgia Maloney being the right-wing Italian candidate who won the election with her right-wing bloc, she's set to become Prime Minister within the course of a few weeks or months if they approve her.
Of course, the EU is threatening sanctions.
Because God forbid the Italian electorate would democratically vote someone into power that the EU doesn't like.
We can't have that.
They must be punished.
Their citizens must be punished.
But she won the election and YouTube responded by removing one of her speeches.
Oh, but it was just a mistake.
Reclaim the Net reports YouTube removed a video featuring incoming Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Maloney.
The video is of a speech.
You've probably seen it by now.
It went ultra viral.
She gave at the 2019 World Congress of Families where she focused on family values.
Again, she basically said, you know, I'm Italian, I'm Christian, I'm a mother, this is my identity, there's nothing wrong with defending our identity, everyone else does it, this is my nationality, there's nothing wrong with national identity, there's nothing wrong with gender identity, there's nothing wrong with family identity, we're going to defend it, quote.
She said, I can't define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother, No, I must be citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent 2, I must be a number.
For pointing out that basic reality, her speech was deleted, censored by YouTube.
It was only after a backlash again, and after YouTube was contacted by media outlets, that they said the video was censored in error.
It wasn't censored in error.
Obviously, probably one screeching, pink-haired moron complained about it, and it was like, yes sir!
It's gone!
Well, now it's finally being restored.
But then we have this, also a headline out of Reclaim the Net, or reclaimthenet.org.
Twitter hides all videos in search results for Italy's next Prime Minister, Giorgia Maloney.
Yeah, she may be the next leader of a major European country, but if you want to see her speeches on Twitter, well, you can't, because they've hidden them.
Twitter is suppressing video searches for Georgia Maloney, who was this week elected as Italy's first woman Prime Minister.
I mean, I don't know why I'm surprised.
They banned the President of the United States nearly two years ago.
Why am I even surprised?
At the time of writing, when Twitter users type her name in the search bar and choose videos, no results come up.
An archive of the search captured the censorship.
And I tested this about half an hour ago.
You can search for her on the top searches.
If you search for her on the video tab, nothing comes up.
You can't watch any of her videos on Twitter via that search method.
YouTube censors another CPAC video, gives the channel a strike.
So this was, of course, the Conservative Political Action Conference.
They had an event in Texas.
They had Donald Trump, Senator Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan and others making speeches.
Can't do that.
This video was removed for violating the platform's policy on misinformation.
So they've got a strike now, so they could be permanently banned.
Communication platform front de-platforms the Babylon Bee.
Because the Babylon Bee was basically de-platformed by Twitter back in March.
They still have an account there, technically, but they refused to delete their offending tweet.
Which I think was a... some kind of transgender joke.
God forbid!
And now they've been de-platformed by their mail provider.
And that mail provider is called Front.
Don't use Front.
It's an unsafe platform.
Babylon Bee political satire website announced its internal email service provider withdrew its services without explanation.
That's an unsafe platform.
Of course, the only benefit of mail service providers, mass email service providers, is you can just download the email list and switch it to another.
Can't do that with things like PayPal really very easily.
Kofi unpublishes page of UK Women's Rights Group.
You can't argue for women having their own spaces within locker rooms, shower rooms without men in dresses showing their cock and balls in public.
That's bad.
You're an extremist.
Can't have that.
Conservatives will admit for women a UK campaign group that works to raise awareness of issues which threaten the safety and dignity of women has had the page it uses to accept donations unpublished by the donation and membership platform Kofi.
Ko-Fi is an unsafe platform to accept any donations.
Cancel your account right now.
And we've got even more after the break.
Summit.News will be back.
Now we have trust in UK police forces across the country collapsing on a year-by-year basis because, again, as we've seen to some extent in the United States, but nowhere near as bad, they seem to be more concerned with virtue signalling than policing actual crimes, than catching actual criminals.
We had an article a few days ago Headline, major London department store gives up on calling police to catch shoplifters.
And we're seeing the same kind of mass looting that you've seen in major cities in progressive cities in the United States spreading here in the UK too.
Now London department store Fortnum & Mason has given up on calling police to catch shoplifters and is instead using its own private detectives to apprehend thieves.
Because, again, they're not responding to the calls, and if they are, they're turning up an hour later, they're not investigating them.
Between 200,000 and 300,000 shot-lifting offences go punished every year, while untold thousands more are never even reported.
And, of course, they say it's because the police have a lack of resources.
We have a situation in major cities in the UK where car theft has effectively been decriminalised.
They have a 0.5% success rate in London of solving car thefts.
In 2015, the National Police Chiefs Council in the United Kingdom said that police officers would be unable to respond to some burglaries.
And then in 2018 it was revealed that two-thirds of burglaries are not even investigated.
So they can't investigate real crimes.
Trust in police is collapsing.
But you know what they can investigate?
Mean and naughty words said by members of the general public.
And we have a video about this right now.
I'll come back and talk about it after.
Let's roll the first five minutes of this, though.
This is called This Shocked Even Me, and this is what is happening.
While they police mean tweets, naughty words, crime is exploding, they can't deal with it, but they can deal with the public swearing.
Let's roll the clip.
Look, I know I bang on about the state of policing in the UK, but this one shocked even me.
And this comes courtesy of CrimeBot, which I'll subscribe to their channel in the description.
So this cop sits outside this dude's house for hours waiting for him to come home, reportedly because he drove past some bullshit sobriety checkpoint without stopping, just so he can tell him off like a naughty child before he demands the guy give his name, to which he refuses.
Then this happens.
What's going on now?
Oh no, he referred to him as a dickhead!
Oh, that's right, team!
Oh yeah?
On my property?
now? Dickhead. Oh no, he referred to him as a dickhead.
Dickhead. All this watching him.
Dickhead. Robert!
Oh yeah? Yes it is. Really? It is. On my property. The people can hear, the public can hear.
On my property. The public can hear. The public can hear.
Stop swearing!
The public can hear?
What public?
You're on a quiet residential street in what looks like a rural area.
The public won't hear offence.
Who's upset?
Is there a squirrel in that tree that felt offended?
For causing offence, by referring to the officer as a dickhead, which he is, Officer Dickhead then proceeds to invade the guy's property and try to put him under arrest.
Stop swearing!
Get off the property.
You're under arrest.
Come here!
Get off the property.
Get off this property now!
Get off it!
You're assaulting police now!
You are my property!
I'm removing you from my property!
Right, enough, enough, Robert!
Are you attacking him?
No, he's not!
Charlie, roll me a 231.
No, he's not!
Get out of the floor now!
Oh my God!
Robert, stop assaulting!
You're under arrest for police!
You're assaulting him!
Leave him!
You're on our property!
What are you arresting him for?
What are you arresting him for?
Rob, just let him do it if that's the case.
What is going on?
Then at some point, Officer Dickhead Pepper sprays him in the face.
Don't, don't hurt him!
Don't hurt him!
Why are you doing this?
Get off now!
And the struggle continues for several minutes longer.
There's also a swift elbow to the face.
Get off now!
You don't need to do that!
You've just elbowed him in the side of the head!
He just wants you off his property.
He's not assaulted, yeah?
You've assaulted him!
Oh, I'm going to- Call the police.
Put your hand on your back now!
On your back!
Oh my God, he's not a terrorist!
Dude then begs for water because of the pepper spray.
Oh my God, what is this all about?
What's he actually doing?
What's he actually doing?
Close the gate!
Don't blow it, it'll be worse, it'll be worse.
Just keep bleeding.
No, he knows what's worse.
No, no, it's a, it's a, it's a cactus.
No, I'm not listening to you.
Where's the water you're putting it in?
It's a spray.
Just a couple of drops.
Where's the water you're putting it in?
Down your back.
You're spraying it in his face, you're horrible.
Well, you should have got a bath, I'll be staying here next to you.
That's horrendous!
I've never seen anything like it.
We are, aren't we?
You know, we're not criminals, you know, we're just not.
Is it really important to go after criminals when mean words have been spoken?
So he's in handcuffs, he's been pepper sprayed in the face.
For saying a naughty word.
Maybe time to de-escalate now?
You know what this situation needs?
More police officers.
So in the cavalry, seven more police officers and six more police cars to deal with this dangerous speech criminal.
And another one!
Two, three, four, five, six police officers.
Wow, I can't believe this.
Do you need to go to the hospital?
No, I'm fine.
It's real overkill, isn't it?
Well, you can't be too careful.
Someone might say fuck or something.
Better call in the Tactical Weapons Unit just to be on the safe side.
As Crime Bodge explains, your man saying the word dickhead isn't a violation of the law.
There is no blanket prohibition on swearing in public.
A Section 5 offence under the Public Order Act, which this man is arrested for, is only made out when a person engages in intentionally threatening or abusive behaviour likely to cause alarm and distress to anyone in the vicinity.
Well, it's not exactly the town square here, is it?
Nor is anyone likely to faint in shock at hearing the word dickhead.
The only person who would, surely, must be one.
Now you can go watch the rest of that video, but basically what happens, he's carted off to prison.
The other officers show up and start intimidating the wife, because she almost swears, and they're like, oh no!
You'll be in prison with him too, basically.
And then you look up Cheshire Police, this police unit that's involved in that.
And they've got criminal drug gangs, migrants coming in and grooming children as young as 10 to deal drugs on the streets in that area.
They've got knife crime going through the roof and much fewer people are being convicted of knife crime in that area.
They've got all these real crimes going on and they're literally preying on the public for swearing.
And they wonder why trust in the police has collapsed.
They wonder why criminals have no respect for the police.
And when we come back on the other side, we're going to talk about another police department, Essex Police, or Sussex Police actually, and what they're doing To valiantly fight against dangerous criminals, in this case by patrolling people's mean insults against convicted paedophiles on Twitter.
You won't believe this.
We'll come back and talk about it on the other side.
Don't go away.
So we have major department stores in London, like Fortnum & Mason, saying that they've
faith in the police.
Just one in six shoplifting offences reported to the police have resulted in a charge.
They're not even bothering to call the police anymore.
300,000 shoplifting offences go unpunished every year in the country.
Car theft is effectively being decriminalised.
They've got a 0.5% success rate.
They're telling Brits that they're not even going to attend burglaries.
Two-thirds of burglaries in the country go unsolved.
Despite that, they have plenty of resources to patrol mean words said by the general public.
Back in June, a man was jailed for 20 weeks for the crime.
Of posting offensive George Floyd memes in a private, private WhatsApp and Facebook chat group.
In 2017, it was reported that British police had arrested 3,395 people for offensive online comments in the space of a year.
And despite the backlash, despite the government and the Police Chief Union literally telling them to stop doing this, they just keep doing it.
You saw the video we just played, they Preyed upon a man, arrested him for basically calling the officer a dickhead.
And now we have this.
UK Police Department savage for defending convicted serial pedophile against hate.
Yes, we need to protect the feelings of convicted nonces.
That's what the Police Department is busy doing on social media.
And this is Sussex Police.
Who responded to posts from women's rights campaigners who expressed concerns that the 58-year-old transgender pedophile, going by the name of Sally Ann Dixon, could be incarcerated in a woman's prison.
So basically, this convicted nonce who had committed 30 indecent assaults against children from 1989 to 1996, 7 direct sexual abuse, I mean it took him, what, 25 years to catch him, Great, you finally caught him after 25 years.
All these crimes committed while he was a biological male.
He's still a biological male, by the way, no matter what he calls himself.
So people got on the tweet.
Sussex Police were celebrating this conviction, which took them 25 friggin' years.
They were patting themselves on the back.
And people were in the comments on Twitter saying, hang on a minute.
Why are you calling this person a man, a woman, when it's a man?
When all the crimes were committed before he said he was a woman, why are you referring to him as a woman?
Will this individual, this man, be put in a women's prison, and will the crime be reported or recorded as a crime committed by a woman?
And what was the response from Sussex Police?
Well, they said this, quote, Hi, Sussex Police do not tolerate any hateful comments.
Don't make fun of the nonce.
...towards their gender identity regardless of crimes committed.
So this pedophile literally assaulted 30 kids, but regardless of that, don't be mean to him on Twitter, or the police may come after you.
This is the situation we have in the UK right now.
They went on to say this is irrelevant to the crime that has been committed and investigated.
Now again, after a backlash, and there have been plenty of occasions when they didn't apologise, but in this case they were forced to apologise, because the Home Secretary literally had to intervene and basically said, stop policing pronouns on Twitter and go catch some real friggin' criminals.
So they had to come out and apologise, but no doubt this is going to happen again and again and again, because they don't get the message.
Then more information about this police force has come out.
Police force that defended convicted pedophile against hateful comments enforces gender-neutral warrant cards.
Yes, they won't even record their own employees, their own officers as male or female anymore.
They give them gender-neutral cards.
They don't even identify their actual gender.
The same police force that is patrolling people's insults towards convicted pedophiles on Twitter Also faced ridicule in 2017 when one of their sergeants took to Twitter to warn high street stores that putting, quote, feminine care signs on women's sanitary products was transphobic and breached gender equality rules.
Woke policing is out of control.
We've got actual crimes.
We've got runaway shoplifting which is being exacerbated by the cost of living crisis.
They're not interested in any of it.
They complain about a lack of resources where many of their resources are being spent on patrolling mean words on social media websites.
It's absolutely pathetic and a sign of the increasing managed decline of the country.
But it's not as bad It's not quite as bad as what's happening in Germany.
This video is called, You'll Barely Believe This, The Stasi Returns.
Let's roll this clip.
I often highlight the chilling examples of how people in the UK are being harassed, interrogated and arrested for offensive speech.
But it's nothing compared to what's happening in Germany.
This shocked even me.
The New York Times revealed the details of treatment received by thousands of Germans who have been charged for online speech crimes since 2018.
Reclaim the Net published a great summary of the findings.
And what's unfolding in Germany Sounds nightmarish.
Regular home police raids of thought criminals which are filmed by local TV news stations to publicly humiliate them.
Their cell phones are seized and then sent to labs to investigate for further offensive content.
Internet hate speech investigators who track people down for infractions.
Such as comparing COVID lockdowns to historical acts of oppression.
I try to find out what they do in their normal life, one of these investigators told the Times.
If I find where they live or their relatives, then I can get the real person.
The internet does not forget!
One man had his home raided for falsely attributing a quote about immigration to a German politician.
Misquoting someone now apparently makes you a target of the speech crime stormtroopers.
The accused bears the risk of spreading a false quote without checking it, the prosecutor said.
Yeah, that's a real statement.
Ever posted a quote meme and then realized it's not accurate?
Well, if you're in Germany...
Get ready for a firm knock on the door!
The head of Germany's Federal Criminal Police Office, Holger Munch, said, quote, We are making it clear that anyone who posts hate messages must expect the police to be at the front door afterward!
Truly outrageous!
Wouldn't look out of place in the 1930s!
Another Twitter user had their home raided by six German police officers after they tweeted, Another activist who posted a similar message in response to a German politician's Facebook post had his home raided and devices seized.
Though we're not here because I'm suspected of murdering someone, the activist told the Times, I was just suspected of insulting someone online.
Another anonymous Twitter user called a journalist stupid.
Was then unmasked and fined a thousand euros.
Another individual was fined ten thousand euros for insulting Turkish immigrants.
And apparently none of this goes far enough.
They're trying to make the hate speech laws even more draconian.
And what is hate speech?
Calling journalists stupid.
Highlighting the hypocrisy of politicians.
Dissenting against lockdown policies.
It's all utter bollocks!
They call it hate speech when in reality it's just criticising and making fun of people in authority.
That's what hate speech laws are designed to do.
They're passed on the phony justification of protecting minorities.
When ultimately they only serve to protect those in power.
Now the German Greens want to establish reporting centres for neighbours to snitch on each other for offensive speech.
There's a task force located in the city of Göttingen.
Their HQ has vast hallways, bookshelves and desks filled with red evidence files containing printouts of German citizens' Facebook comments, tweets and telegram posts.
We're supposed to be thankful that the horrendous Stasi era ended 30 years ago.
That Germans are no longer placed under surveillance, harassed and arrested for things they say.
Yet it's still happening to this day, only in the name of political correctness.
And never mind condemning it, most people don't even know it's happening.
And if they do, they think it's a good thing.
We'll be back in the next segment with the latest about the Russian pipeline explosion
and we're also going to talk about a new policy by Virgin Atlantic where transgender people
at 30,000 feet while you're travelling 500 miles an hour in a tin can will be able to
wear dresses.
Yes, very important development.
Men will be able to wear dresses on Virgin Atlantic Airlines.
We'll tell you about it on the other side.
Summit.News, don't go away.
Now another aspect of this woke policing crisis in the UK that I forgot to mention is this.
We had riots over the past few weeks between Hindu and Muslim groups in Leicester, a multicultural city which is very much proving that diversity isn't a strength because they've had running battles with each other over a dispute apparently over a cricket match.
Religious sites have been attacked.
Injuries have occurred, dozens of arrests, police officers attacked.
If it was native white people attacking mosques, there'd be national hand-wringing, there'd be a moral panic.
Because it's happening between Muslims and Hindus in Leicester and we have to pretend that diversity is a strength.
There's basically minimal media coverage, now it's ended completely.
But the spectator writer Douglas Murray penned an article about these ethnic riots in Leicester And he was then confronted on social media by the police on Twitter because he wrote an article about it.
Again, they're more concerned about what people say about it on Twitter, what published best-selling authors say about it, than actually dealing with it in real life.
And he writes in The Spectator this week, I'm in trouble with the police.
So he wrote an article about these ethnic clashes between Hindu and Muslim gangs in Leicester, And he basically made a joke about, oh, there aren't enough gay cops, there aren't enough transgender cops dancing the Macarena to deal with this.
This prompted a response from the police on Twitter, because they haven't got anything friggin' more important to do, apparently.
Knife crime, drug gangs, forget about it.
No, what's more important is owning a published author on Twitter.
Sir David Thompson, the Chief Constable of West Midlands Police, responded to Murray's article by writing, quote, "If Mr.
Murray were to rise from his comfortable chair and toddle up to the West Midlands, he would find
plenty of women and LGBT officers more than capable of putting him on his backside if he came
at them waving his shark fountain pen."
So basically, an underhanded threat to physically abuse this published author
because he wrote an article saying that diversity maybe isn't a strength when it causes ethnic
riots on the streets of major UK cities.
Again, more important things than the knife crime, the grooming gangs, the drug gangs, more important is to own Douglas Murray on Twitter, apparently.
Now let's go to this next video, because on that subject we have a new Prime Minister in the United Kingdom, who again is very much like the old boss.
We're not going to see reductions in immigration, we're not going to see the boat migrants being intercepted, any kind of normal sensible border policy under Liz Truss.
This is called Meet the New Boss, same as the old boss.
Let's play it.
14% of the UK's population is now foreign-born.
For decades, the equivalent of a medium-sized city in immigrants has been added to the population every single year.
White Brits are now a minority in London, the capital of England.
We're now seeing violent running street battles between different ethnic groups in Leicester, a city which has seen its native population decrease by an average of 10% every 10 years.
Grooming gang scandals seem to be never-ending.
You know what the UK needs more of, though?
That's the view of new Conservative Prime Minister Liz Truss, a woman who completely ignored the subject of immigration and boat migrants during the course of her entire campaign.
Truss wants to loosen rules on migrants entering Britain in order to boost the economy.
She also wants to relax the criteria on migrants having to learn to speak basic English.
Gotta keep them GDP numbers up!
And if it means sacrificing the identity of the country, So what?
Her own Home Secretary is having to beg trust to maintain a Tory election promise to cut immigration levels.
But should we really be surprised?
From the end of the 90s, when the Blair government set about imposing a program of deliberate mass immigration, done according to one of his advisors, to rub the right's nose in diversity and change the electoral demographic makeup of the country.
Net immigration to the UK surged to 349,000 by 2004.
It was even higher in 2015, five years after the so-called Conservatives had been in power, at 379,000.
In 2020, after the Brexit vote, it was still at 374,000 a year.
Higher in 2015, five years after the so-called "conservatives"
had been in power, at 379,000.
In 2020, after the Brexit vote, it was still at 374,000 a year.
Apparently for Liz Truss, that's not enough.
We need more!
Just goes to show, doesn't it, whoever's in charge, they follow the same policy.
And until someone like Nigel Farage forms an entirely new party predicated on this key issue of mass migration, forcing the Conservatives to act Conservative like he did with Brexit, it's very much a case of meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Now Europe also continues to enjoy the benefits of mass migration.
Breitbart reports migrants from Ukraine engaging in welfare tourism in Germany.
CDU boss there.
Getting welfare payments upon entering Germany, no questions asked, no proof, they're just given handouts by the government, taxpayer funded.
Going back to Ukraine, back to live in Ukraine, then coming back to Germany and picking up the welfare payments once again.
We saw the same thing in Sweden with migrants from the Middle East and North Africa, where a study has shown that four out of five Refugees who apparently are fleeing persecution and war have gone back to holiday to take vacations in their countries of origin and then have come back to Sweden time and time again.
Back and forth, back and forth.
They're so persecuted, they're so oppressed, they're so war-torn that they keep going home for holidays.
Interesting that, isn't it?
I want to get to this final video now though because we have a new policy announced by Virgin Atlantic And it's the Transgender Friendly Uniform Policy.
Let's roll this clip.
Here it is.
Have you seen Virgin Atlantic's new promo?
Yeah, Virgin Atlantic just reported losses of $638 million, and they thought this was the answer.
MUSIC PLAYS I mean, who wouldn't want to fly with what they're calling
the quote "queerest airline"?
Don't say you weren't warned.
My primary concern while flying at 500 miles an hour at 30,000 feet in a metal tube is that she feels comfortable in they-themed tight red dress and heels.
Good morning, this is your captain.
Rumours are that the entertainment channels on Virgin Atlantic have been replaced by a looped, never-ending video of a drag queen twerking.
Just move your bum up and down like that, and that's twerking.
The updated policies also provide an option for both Virgin Atlantic staff and passengers to wear pronoun badges to make sure they are addressed with consideration for their gender identity.
The airline's ticketing systems will also allow people with a gender-neutral marker in the passport to use U or X gender codes on their booking, as well as the gender-neutral title, Meeks.
When one of the engines fails and the oxygen masks suddenly drop down, you can sit back, safe in the knowledge that no pronouns have been disrespected.
When Islamic hijackers with box cutters order everyone to the back of the plane, you can relax, comforted by the reassurance that no one has been misgendered.
In addition, Virgin Atlantic has updated its trans inclusion policies, entitling members of this community to time off for medical treatments related to gender transition and allowing them to choose changing and shower facilities.
What could possibly go wrong?
After years of pandemic impact to travel misery, what better way to reconnect with the average customer than to directly insert your company into one of the most polarizing culture war issues ever known?
I'm sure that'll go down well!
Here in the UK, Virgin Atlantic just ran a months-long TV advertising campaign celebrating diversity.
One notable absence in that commercial?
No white men.
Apparently diversity doesn't include them.
Hmm, wonder if these guys will be on board for planes flying out of Dubai, Jeddah and Islamabad.
Somehow, I doubt it.
Now, on that tranny agenda issue, we have actually a good development, in a sense.
Telegraph reports exclusive trans charity mermaids to be investigated by Charity Commission.
This is a taxpayer-funded charity for transgender youths, which is now being investigated by this regulatory committee.
Because it has been found to be sending potentially dangerous breast-binding devices to children behind their parents' backs and discussing with them how puberty-blocking drugs are totally reversible.
So actually, good news that they're now being investigated again.
Breast-binding devices.
Remember the old foot-binding devices for Chinese women?
It's basically physical abuse.
It's torture.
The pipeline issue is still very hot.
No evidence US involved in Nord Stream Pipeline attack, because the Pentagon said so, and you can believe them.
We've investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong.
Russia asked Biden directly if he carried out his threat to destroy Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
Also got German investigators saying that explosive devices with the equivalent comparable to 500 kilograms of TNT must have been used in that event.
Of course, the narrative continues to be that it was a Russian false flag, because as we know, only Russia carries out false flags.
Why they would need to blow up pipelines which weren't even active, weren't even sending gas to Europe, which were their only leverage over Europe, when they could have attacked the Norwegian pipeline, which was actually sending gas to Europe and wasn't that far away.
Remains to be seen.
But again, the narrative is the evil Russians did it.
It was a Russian false flag.
Don't ask any other questions.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
Coming up next, War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Keep it locked in.
Don't go away.
I wouldn't say that I'm a prideful person.
In fact, I've gone through a lot of attacks, a lot of degradation, to tell the truth.
But I am somebody that doesn't like to beg.
And I'm somebody that doesn't like to bother people.
But you know, if I don't bother you now, if I don't push you now to fight for freedom even harder, we're gonna have the globalists, these control freaks, satanists, and pedophiles ruling our lives and ruling the lives of our children and innocent people.
So I can override my instinct not to beg, and my instinct not to plead, and my instinct not to be annoying, and just tell you, who's delivered like him four wars?
Who's had an effect against the New World Order as big as we have?
And the answer is nobody.
And it's because we have you, an incredible audience of activists that have done an amazing job.
So, so much of our mission is completed.
I'd say 90% of the work What we set out to do, exposing the New World Order, preparing folks for their attack, getting people ready to fight back, is now bearing fruit.
We're having incredible successes everywhere.
Nationalists, populists, anti-New World Order folks getting elected, the globals in full panic mode, their poison shot agenda falling apart.
The list goes on and on.
But now we reach the critical part of the fight where the deep state is targeting all the leadership of the resistance and they see InfoWars as the very tip of the spear they want to blunt.
So I want to ask you all to support InfoWars now more than ever.
Now I've run some fundraisers in the past for legal defense funds for free speech and InfoWars.
We've got that basically paid for now.
But courts have ruled I've got to pay my legal fees.
I don't have the money.
So I need your support.
Please go to SaveInfoWars.com today and make a donation on GiveSendGo, whether it's $5, $10, or $100, so that I personally continue to battle.
We're so close to victory, but I know this, we're not giving up.
So please help me not give up.
Please take action now at SaveInfoWars.com.
SaveInfoWars.com for the first time ever and donate directly to me so I can stay in the fight.
Thank you.
You've been encouraging your audience to give you money, right?
Yes, like media.
I raise money to stay on air.
And the most recent website you've been encouraging your audience to donate at is 1776coin.com,
Well, it's just where you can buy silver coins.
1776coin.com is the website, right?
It's the fourth coin that we've released in the last year.
And I believe the most powerful.
The man in the arena coin, Teddy Roosevelt.
Citizen of a republic.
Man in the arena.
There's only 10,000 of this coin in existence in the world.
It will never be made again.
It's not just an amazing historic coin.
It funds the information war against the globalists.
This is something you want to hand down to your grandchildren.
This is something you want to own.
And as a fundraiser, it is funding the information war against the globalists.
Ladies and gentlemen, 10,000 coins are available.
They'll sell out very quickly.
Please be part of history, and thank you all for your support.
You can go to 1776coin.com, or you can go to patriotcollectibles.com and secure this coin.
There's only 10,000 of this coin in existence, and it funds the Infowar.
Man in the arena coin, Teddy Roosevelt.
Anyway, back to this coin.
This is what you've been asking your audience to give you money for this week, right?
We actually started making these coins six months ago.
But what you're running right now, this week, is you've been talking about this trial, after you said that you're sending them to 1776coin.com, right?
Yes, that's where we sell the collectible coins for people that want to keep the show on the air.
And did you tell Brittany Paz about that revenue platform?
We advertised it on air, yeah.