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Name: 20220907_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 7, 2022
2485 lines.

This passage discusses concerns surrounding drone swarms and their potential use in military attacks. It mentions recent incidents involving the U.S Navy and China's navy, as well as the Taiwanese government shooting down a drone over one of its island outposts. The U.S Navy and Department of Defense are particularly worried about electromagnetic pulse scenarios and potential attacks using drones. Additionally, discussions on emerging technologies in future warfare are mentioned. The podcast also touches upon human sacrifice practices among the Aztecs, including the sacrifice of young children to Tlaloc, a rain and water god. It argues that the Inquisition is misrepresented and that its records mostly consist of cases involving rape, pedophilia, incest, murder, etc. The speaker believes that the CIA launched a psychedelic revolution against the American public as part of MKUltra and that most books on the topic are disinformation designed to manipulate public perception. The conversation then turns towards Theodore Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, who was actually a victim of the Harvard social relations department's human experiments led by Henry A. Murray. The speaker also discusses weaponized marijuana and its potential to cause artificial synthetic schizophrenia. The episode ends with a warning about the dangers and agendas behind psychedelic drugs such as DMT.

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You know where the CIA tunes in, right?
You know where the Russians tune in?
You know where everybody tunes in, right?
You know who Tucker Carlson tunes in to?
And Joe Rogan?
Elon Musk?
You know where they tune in, right?
I'll tell you right here.
[music playing]
"Info Wars," tomorrow's news, today.
[music playing]
"Info Wars," tomorrow's news, today.
Tomorrow's news.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Alright folks, here's the deal.
I have been working on some massive stories this morning.
Huge, history-changing developments.
Normally I get ready for hours before the show.
I have not looked at any of these articles.
I have not prepared.
Even though I got up at 5 a.m.
and read a bunch of news then.
I got like 10 pots going here on the stove and some of them are just devastating.
Devastating to the New World Order.
And so I'm sitting here about 30 minutes ago where I'm still taking these calls and all this stuff's developing and I'm like, what am I going to do?
I've got to go get ready for the show, but I've got to finish this investigation and what's happening and dot my I's and cross my T's.
And then I went, wait a minute.
Dr. Peter McCullough was in studio Saturday.
He's got about a million views on Bandai Video.
And dropped just mega-massive bombshells.
He now agrees it's an inside job, a purposeful bioweapon attack, and that 9 out of 10 die of COVID or dying from the shots.
That's in major studies.
It's an incredible hour-long interview.
And I'd already said to him, we're gonna put this out Saturday as a special report, but I'm gonna air it Wednesday.
Because, you know, Monday people are on vacation, Tuesday the audience isn't as big because it's after a holiday.
I want it to be the biggest part of the week, the most important to save lives and bring the globalists to justice.
So I'm thinking, oh, I'll just air part of that in the first hour so that I can finish the stories I'm working on and then come in here for at least 30 minutes while this Peter McCullough interview is airing and go over all this.
Uh, but as you can see, all these stacks over here, I've not gone through yet.
I've got stacks over here, I've got stacks over here.
This is what it looks like in the morning when I come in here.
There's stacks waiting for me to go through them, and then I go through them and it becomes this right here.
I put the different subjects, different areas, and different piles.
So this is yesterday's news.
You're kind of getting a little inside baseball here.
I've got to clean this off.
I gotta go finish one of these big things I'm working on for about five minutes.
I just couldn't.
I was right up to the wire.
That's why I'm wearing a regular t-shirt here.
You know, not the sports jacket or anything.
And I'm gonna get reset and come in here and just knock it out of the park today.
We've got a lot of big news to cover as well.
So you definitely don't want to miss this broadcast.
Jan Ervin is gonna be on the show.
I've been aware of his work for more than 15 years.
And he saw me do a big report on human sacrifice and how it's tied to occult chemicals and how hallucinogens are what bring down civilizations when they open up these portals.
He's going to be joining us in the third hour.
That's going to be a huge, huge interview.
And me and Jan talk on the phone, you know, a couple times a year for many years.
I just never got him on the show.
I don't know why.
He's on in the third hour today.
And this is going to be a big, important interview, but I got to tell you, there's a lot of stuff going on, a lot of really horrible stuff, and a lot of really good stuff as well.
And so that's Newtonian physics, and it's absolutely true in the third dimension.
It's a law, one of God's laws.
For every action, there's an opposite and equal reaction.
So as long as we realize, well, they're pounding us and attacking us, if we don't give up and let them psych us out, We just get stronger in that process, as Nietzsche said.
So, that which does not kill me only makes you stronger.
And for every attack we take, bigger doors open and we're taking up levels.
And I can tell you, InfoWars has gone up another level to the top in just the last 24 hours.
Tomorrow's news today.
All right, we're going to go to the heart of the New World Order takeover and what's really behind it, the bottom of the rabbit hole, with a very special guest, author and researcher, Don Irving, in the third hour today.
Saturday, I taped an interview with Dr. Peter McCullough Who's the leading scientist and doctor after exposing the whole COVID power grab and the deadly shots.
He had tried to fly in Friday to be on, but storms across the country did not let him get into Austin.
So he flew in Saturday morning.
We taped an hour-plus interview that's at Bandot Video.
But I didn't want to air it Monday or Tuesday because the audience is smaller because of the holiday.
I told him we would air it on Wednesday.
And so I was planning to air it Coming up probably in say the second hour, but I've had some big breaking news and some things I'm working on and some big things that are developing that are going to be huge.
And so I've been dealing with those this morning and normally get prepared for the show.
I didn't get prepared.
So it's perfect.
I got a ton of stuff I'm going to cover, a ton of stuff that I've got that I need to go over and a lot of big breaking news.
And so I'm going to air this Dr. Peter McCullough interview.
Or at least a large portion of it.
You'll find all of it at Band.Video.
We're going to repost it to the live show feed section of InfoWars.com.
You can share it there.
Exclusive, Dr. Peter McCullough issues emergency COVID-19 warning.
Confirming that it's killing people by design.
He's so prestigious, so respected.
Run major FDA trials.
You know, big Fox News correspondent.
And now it's all out there in the open.
So, we're going to air large portions of this, so it'll just kind of go out to break, it'll come back in with a liner so you know it's the Alex Jones Show, and then we'll play that for the rest of the hour, and then start your engines, because I may go ahead and break this big news next hour, I'm not sure yet, but regardless, we're going to be hitting all the huge things that have happened, and it's crazy.
Here is the Dr. Peter McCullough interview.
I hope you share it, everybody, because this is life-saving.
The wheels have come off the New World Order.
We've been vindicated.
They're in deep trouble.
But now we've got to press the attack and the information war.
And that's where you come in, and that's where victory is decided in your actions.
So share the live feed, infowars.com, forward slash show, and man.video.
I know you're going to take action.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
*Pew* (thunder rumbling)
I don't need to tell you the world is in a great state of flux.
Powerful forces are openly trying to establish a worldwide biomedical tyranny.
We're honored to be joined by Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most outspoken, effective individuals for medical freedom and truth.
And he came to Austin specifically this Saturday to break huge major developments on multiple fronts.
But it's clear the official COVID narrative has collapsed.
The rats are leaving the sinking ship.
They're admitting the shots don't work and have serious side effects.
There is so much to discuss, And now we know more about who's censoring and why, and it ties into Hunter Biden's laptop, the FBI admitting that they were involved censoring it.
Well, we now know it's the same thing censoring doctors like Malone and McCullough and so many others.
And he joins us here in studio, commercial free, on this Emergency Saturday Broadcast.
To lay out these huge developments.
Doctor, thank you so much for being here.
Thanks for having me.
I'm going to try to give you the floor to start wherever you'd like and go through this consecutively.
We're going to get into the propaganda, the censorship, the wheels coming off, what's coming next, and so much more.
Well, August was a busy month for news.
There's no doubt about it.
Rochelle Walensky, our CDC director, came out and said the CDC made large mistakes and they needed to own these mistakes.
I was called on the news.
I was on Fox, multiple stations.
They said, well, what mistakes did they make?
And it was clear that the advice from the CDC was erratic, it was inconsistent, but yet it was dictatorial.
And we know this because when we got to the point of wearing masks on airplanes, it took a federal judge in Florida to basically rule that the CDC can't tell Americans to wear masks on airplanes and have that have any traction.
My opinion is that the CDC should have never given any Advice or guidance on contagion control.
Contagion control is in the realm of doctors and others who look after patients.
There was no evidence to support public masking or hand sanitizers or social distancing.
None of it.
And the CDC never should have given guidance advice on emergency use authorized vaccines.
The CDC establishes the general childhood vaccine schedule, but they were way out of their league in both of these endeavors.
And boy, what a disaster it was for America.
Within just a few days of all of this, the CDC came out with its new guidance.
Basically catching up to what our current understanding was.
Recently on a podcast, one of the podcasters went over one of my standard lectures called the five COVID truths and lined up the most recent CDC guidance to this, which was astonishing.
Basically, the five COVID truths is that, you know, fundamentally with respect to testing and nasal carriage of the virus, there is no difference between a fully vaccinated and an unvaccinated individual. They're indistinguishable
from one another. They carry the virus at the same viral loads, they're equally as contagious, they get
the infection with kind of an equal proclivity. And so we have a situation now where there is
absolutely no scientific support for any form of mandate on someone taking a vaccine or a
I see these headlines out of the British Medical Journal and others that are just shocking
now where headlines like nine out of ten people that die with COVID are double or triple vaxxed.
And we see, as you mentioned, the CDC head saying, oh, sorry, we got it wrong.
Or we see Burke saying, oh, we knew it wasn't going to work.
And then we see all these other statements.
It looks like they're trying to get ahead of more data they know is coming out.
There's no doubt about it.
Two papers in 2021, one by lead author Wheatley, had in the title, immune imprinting.
What this means is that the vaccines were given every six months.
Exposing the body to the same exact obsolete antigen, the Wuhan spike protein.
This turned out to be an immunologic disaster.
What happened was the body's immune system was trained in on a high exposure of this antigen in critical organs and tissues, and it was misdirected.
So when the infection actually happened, When they're frail and vulnerable, there were higher rates of hospitalization and death than the fully vaccinated.
Now in Ontario, they have data, nine out of ten people who are dying of COVID-19 are fully vaccinated.
There were basically three false claims of the vaccine program.
The first false claim was the vaccine stopped the infection.
If you took the vaccine, you couldn't get it.
That quickly eroded thousands of breakthrough cases reported through 2021.
The CDC gave up on this in May of 2021, where they basically said, we're not going to follow breakthroughs.
There's too many of them.
The second false claim was that the vaccines Basically, block transmission.
And our Walensky had to come out in the summer of 2021 and say, listen, they don't stop transmission.
People fully vaccinated give it to one another.
It was happening during weddings, cruise boats, naval ships.
And then the last false claim was this, Alex.
The false claim was, well, if you take the vaccine, there's a consolation prize and that you will have a milder case.
Or you won't be hospitalized or die.
And there was even ridiculous memes on the internet.
One of them was a guy who gets COVID and he dies.
And he said, thank goodness I had a vaccine.
It could have been better.
It could have been worse.
I mean, it could have been worse.
So the idea is.
That the vaccines never reduced hospitalization and death.
There never was a prospective randomized trial with hospitalization and death as a primary endpoint where that was reduced by the vaccines.
The only two interventions that reduce hospitalization and death are having the illness beforehand, natural immunity, and then early treatment.
So there was a series of fraudulent studies that didn't account for Natural immunity and early treatment, claiming that the vaccinated had lower rates of hospitalization and death.
I can tell you in my practice, if I have somebody who's fully vaccinated, they are the most fearful of COVID-19.
They're the first ones to get early treatment.
The first ones.
And so, without accounting for those variables, we had a whole series of fraudulent papers claiming that the fully vaccinated had lower rates of hospitalization and death.
And then, as you pointed out, the data poured in from Canada, the UK, Israel, Europe, South Africa and Australia clearly showing when they account for who's been fully vaccinated, that indeed the fully vaccinated are doing far worse with COVID-19 than those who are unvaccinated.
So you talk about, obviously, we'll talk about this later.
They admit it's a PSYOP.
I have them admitting it's a PSYOP.
But what is it a PSYOP for?
And how do you think Pfizer and Moderna and the system is going to extricate itself from this.
Now that we see the reports that there's almost universal rejection now of the previous shots
and now this new so-called booster they're rolling out with no human trials.
How would you in layman terms, when you're on Fox for you know three minute hit,
how would you quantify this for people that aren't a research doctor and medical doctor like yourself
of really how big this is?
Because we're sitting back with them admitting you're 90% of those dying are triple vaxxed or whatever, all over the Western world.
I mean, that is just sensational and horrifying.
So, I mean, how would you describe this medical disaster?
This is such a complex reality, it's mind-boggling.
You know, through August, the other bombshell was that National Allergy, Immunology, Infectious Disease Branch Director, Division Director, Anthony Fauci, who ascended to much higher levels of power than his NIH position ever granted him, Announced his retirement or he's stepping down.
Alex, I looked at his announcement on the NIH website.
I was astonished to find in his kind of self-congratulatory departure notice, no mention of COVID-19.
No mention of COVID-19, his signature program.
There's no mention of it.
I said this when I went on with Sebastian Gorka this week.
Gorka nearly fell out of his chair.
He goes, what?
This guy, this was his Super Bowl of his career.
There's no mention of it.
And now we have the COVID-19 bivalent boosters coming in.
And these really deserve explanation.
This week, the US FDA With no human data, relying only on the manufacturers giving animal data, erodent data, showing an antibody rise in a mouse model of antibodies against a common segment of the BA4, BA5 spike protein.
The FDA inexplicably approved this.
Do you know the investigation on the new drug application for Pfizer was just filed on August 22nd?
I mean, they had- So there's no review, they're just greenlighting everything?
Well, this is unprecedented that they had plenty of time to do large randomized trials.
We've been in the midst of this BA4, BA5 secondary wave for months now.
They had plenty of time to do randomized trials.
They have tons of money- But they don't want the trials because they know the previous shots are killing people.
Well, here's the thing.
The very first sets of trials now have been critically analyzed by Peter Doshi at the University of Maryland and Joseph Freeman down in Louisiana at LSU.
And their conclusion, in a peer-reviewed paper, is even from the original trials, when we actually get all the safety data and the efficacy data, the vaccines did more harm than good in the original randomized trials.
Then it plays out into the public space.
We know under court order, Pfizer had to release its dossier.
The lawyer for the FDA tried to block this to Americans for 55 years.
What was in that dossier is that Pfizer knew about 1,223 deaths within 90 days of release of their vaccine.
This is prima facie evidence that the FDA is involved in a safety cover-up for Pfizer.
Recently, the Moderna documents- And prima facie, for those who don't know, means on his face.
That's on his face when the FDA says, we want to block this information.
Families were calling Pfizer, saying, my loved one just died with your vaccine.
Pfizer was dutifully recording all these deaths.
They had hired hundreds of employees to man the phones as these deaths poured in.
It's astonishing that Pfizer didn't shut it down after a handful of deaths, or at least 50 deaths.
I've chaired days... I mean, they clearly knew.
So let me guess, this is a layperson.
Let me ask you this.
Why, if they know it's killing people and not working, are they doubling down with this super booster?
Is this all just a test to see what they can get away with?
This is crazy.
This is clearly a test to see what they can get away with.
If the FDA is going to shield them from any public outrage, and it's interesting, Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, is going on the liberal media And, you know, advising Americans to take more of the conventional boosters and now the bivalent boosters.
No one's ever asked him a question.
You have 1,223 deaths within 90 days on your books.
What are you doing about that?
It should have been shut down.
And then they try to suppress it, showing the premeditated nature of it.
Well it's true, and I can tell you their breakthrough was the World Council for Health, which has put out a whole variety of cautionary warnings over the last two years.
They came out on June 11, Alex, and they said, after a pharmacovigilance report, they looked at VAERS.
They looked at the yellow card system in the UK, the UDRA system in the EU, and the WHO VigiSafe.
There's over 40,000 certified deaths that's happened within a few days of taking these shots.
Millions of serious safety reports.
World Council for Health says pull them off the market.
They're unsafe for human use.
This is very important.
This is a worldwide body.
They represent 70 individual organizations across the world.
World Council for Health.
The prestigious respected group says pull it.
Pull it!
And they put out a series of cautionary warnings saying, listen, if you can't get in safety together, get them off the market.
Here's the important point, is that as Pfizer and Moderna and the other vaccine suppliers march this on, what's going to happen is going to be a giant finger-pointing exercise in the end.
Pfizer's going to say, listen, the FDA never told us to pull it.
The FDA and the CDC are running the vaccine program.
FDA and CDC are going to say, listen, it's Pfizer's product.
They had the responsibility.
They set it up from the beginning where nobody can take the blame.
More evidence of prim meditation.
There's no doubt about it.
The bivalent boosters now, this is very important.
So they have fundamentally, the vaccine sponsors, the CDC and the FDA, are saying no more legacy boosters.
So remember, Pfizer was 30 micrograms initially.
Second shot, 30 micrograms.
And then every six months, 30 micrograms.
There was no change.
Moderna was 100 mics, 100 mics, 100 mics.
Now of interest, the Pfizer booster is 30 micrograms.
It's 15 of the original, which is obsolete, and then 15 micrograms of the BA4, BA5 new genetic code.
Moderna of interest is the booster is not 100 micrograms like it used to be.
It's a 50 microgram booster, 25 mics of original and 25 mics of Omicron.
Here's my read on this is they are going to get less of the super toxic original Wuhan spike protein with these boosters.
So they're cutting the power.
Okay, but in the BA4, BA5, we don't know anything about human experience since the human studies weren't done, but I would infer as a doctor, it is going to be a less toxic spike exposure since the Omicron is a milder virus.
So I think the boosters are going to, in a sense, take an edge off some of the safety tension, but so much of the damage has already been done.
Now they're putting out a weaker vaccine because I'm on a sinus like you, but what I'm saying, wasn't the Moderna three times stronger than the Pfizer?
And now we have Moderna suing Pfizer, saying basically it's a copy of their shot, just weaker.
Now that's an interesting development.
Moderna suing Pfizer.
Recall that Stéphane Bainzel, the billionaire CEO for Moderna, previously was the CEO for BioMérieux.
And BioMérieux is the French conglomerate company that Jacques Chirac Negotiated with the Chinese to build the biosecurity annex in Wuhan, China.
Stephan Bainzel orchestrated the construction of the biosecurity lab in Wuhan, China.
And then in 2015, he changes from BioMRIU and joins a one-person company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Moderna.
Stephan Bainzel joins Moderna.
Do you see long-term planning for this virus that just accidentally shows up?
Well, listen to this.
So Bainzel then joins Moderna.
He starts working with the U.S.
National Institutes of Health on the Moderna patent for the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this live Wednesday, September 7th broadcast.
People overuse the term game-changing.
But Dr. Peter McCullough is a leading scientist, has run major FDA trials, respected cardiologist, and out of all the great doctors and scientists speaking out against the COVID takeover fraud, he is undoubtedly the most prominent, only maybe equaled by Dr. Malone.
And now he says, yes, it's an inside job, totally staged.
They're murdering people on purpose.
He has a lot of courage.
He's telling the truth.
The exclusive interview is at Band.Video, but I wanted to air parts of it here today.
We're going to hear a little bit more of it, then I'm coming back next segment with all the huge developments as the globalists publicly bring in the Great Reset, the next phase of the lockdowns, cutting your power off.
It's happening now.
The Austin-Bergstrom Airport is still without power as we speak.
Parts of Austin are without power.
They're turning the power off in California and claiming it's climate change.
We'll explain it all coming up, but here is more of the exclusive, groundbreaking, game-changing interview with Dr. Peter McCullough.
So within a few days of announcing it's an emergency under former President Trump, Moderna announces we have a vaccine.
You don't come up with a vaccine in a few days.
This vaccine was in the works for years.
And in Peter Bragan's book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators, it's a very, very important book.
It has over 1,100 citations.
In the back is a timeline, Alex, and the timeline has 36 pandemic planning preparedness events that Breagan chronicles
starting from 2012.
25 of these have written documents generated and six of them were filmed.
So Breagan outlines the timeline in our book COVID-19 and Courage to Face COVID-19 that I wrote with John Leake. We
actually highlight these developments as well and put it in the context of a
I recently went on with Steve Bannon on the War Room and Bannon said, thank goodness that you guys wrote these books and have these citations in the timeline as evidence.
And the reason why this is so important, Bannon is going to predict that what looks like a US government operation, Alex, they're going to basically wipe the electronics.
They are going to basically whitewash this.
They are going to rewrite history.
That the only way we're going to actually be able to record what happened is in these books.
Because the electronics, Twitter, Facebook, all the electronic media.
Oh, they're going back and scrubbing everything.
It's going to be scrubbed.
So the books and the books and the independent media and the documentaries are going to save us.
Otherwise, we're not going to have a historical record.
And what you're saying.
I think the most important part of this interview, which all of it's bombshell, all of it's admitted, you're totally vindicated, we're vindicated.
It's not about tooting our horn, but it's about we were faithful, we were right, we stuck our necks out, we were correct.
We need to speak to that so people understand the good guys are being censored, we're still being attacked, he's being sued, I'm being sued.
Which is fine, because we're in the arena here.
But let's speak to the vindication of how big this is.
I know you've got a lot of points about the virus and what's coming next.
I want you to be able to lead this, Doctor.
You're doing a great job.
But then you mentioned to me, hey, this is a PSYOP.
Now we know the group suppressing you is connected to the Pentagon and the FBI and others.
I'm like, well, yeah.
Here's the Canadian news.
Here's the BBC.
Admitting that the military, not our average military, but people running it, are involved in psyops and quote brainwashing and mind control is the London Telegraph headline.
I want to get guys if we can.
To create fear and cause the lockdowns and terrorize people into the mass psychosis formation or mass formation to go along with this because that's what this is and they're obviously preparing something new so we've got to get ahead of this.
Just as Governor DeSantis said last week on Fox, he said, We've got to break these things back.
We've got to have a reckoning.
We've got to expose people who did this or we're going to do it again.
So it's so good to see that the Santas really gets it.
I wish Trump would go all the way as well.
There it is.
Use of fear to control behavior in COVID crisis was totalitarian.
Admit scientists.
They used Military-grade PSYOPs run by the British Ministry of Defense to terrorize Britons and others in the UK into submission.
Same headlines out of the US, same headlines out of Canada.
So when we say this is a PSYOP, they admit it is.
It's true, and my co-author John Leake, a true crime author, also believes it's a PSYOP.
And you know, you had Matthias Desmond on the show yesterday.
Yeah, Psychology of Totalitarianism.
I've read the book cover to cover.
He's a brilliant psychologist.
This is his line of work.
This type of group think fell into these mass religious suicides, Nazi Germany, you know, how Nazism spread across Africa.
I mean, this is a cult!
Yes, it's a way of thinking.
Peter Bragan, who you've had on the show, he's a psychiatrist.
And I want him back on, by the way.
He's amazing.
So, the positioning of both of these great minds is that Matthias Desmond has taken the part of this, how does this organically happen?
How does this happen on the human mind?
And what Bregan outlines, and what John Leake in my book outlines, is this is intentional.
So it's intentional use of psychological operations to create this psychophenomenon that's actually happened in people's minds that Desmond has pointed out.
Let me show you on my screen how the science relates here.
There are papers.
Now this is in the peer-reviewed literature, 2015.
First author is Vineet Menachery.
Senior author is Ralph Baric.
I'm going to have them highlighted here.
You can see here, American names, and there's one Chinese name in this whole list of authors, and it is, um, Doctor, um, in the next paper I'll show it to you, Doctor Xingling Li.
But as much as we hate the Chi-Coms...
When they say this is an American-made virus.
Here's the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, there's an institute in Switzerland, and Harvard.
The title of the paper, SARS-like Wuhan Institute of Virology 1, poised for human emergence, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
This was a controversy in 2015.
It's not like this is some secret.
This is not a secret.
And in the paper, it says right here in the significance, together, the study indicates an ongoing threat poised by the Wuhan Institute of Virology-1 related viruses and the need for continued study and surveillance.
So they're saying, the viruses we've made at this lab endanger the world in a high-level paper.
Yes, in 2015.
You know, we don't need to depose people in front of the Senate.
You just read the papers.
This one in Nature and Medicine.
That's why it's so crazy when Fauci says, I don't even know what the end function is.
Right, and this work is funded by the National Institutes of Health.
It indicates that the National Institutes of Health has approved this.
Again, Vineet Menoncheri is working for Ralph Baric.
Ralph Baric, you're in North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
I interrupted you, so start over.
I think this is so huge.
This is the smoking gun.
And these papers have been out here since 2015 in the best journals.
Start over from the beginning.
Go back to two minutes ago.
It was uninterrupted.
The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Ralph Baric is the senior author.
His first paper on coronaviruses was in 1997.
This is his life work.
He's been the quietest person in the last two years.
His co-author, Vineet Minichuri, in two papers leads the team.
The team is UNC North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Harvard, an institute in Switzerland, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and Jiangling Li Shi is the bat lady.
Notice that these are all American authors, one or two Chinese authors.
This is an American project.
They need the Chinese lab to do it because they have the technology and they have the bats.
But this is done here.
Look at the title of the paper.
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.
What did they do in these papers?
They actually made a humanized respiratory epithelium in a rodent and they kept tweaking the spike protein In order to get it to invade a human respiratory epithelium.
They're weaponizing.
It was weaponizing.
Now, at the same time, they're working on an answer.
They were working on a killed vaccine, and they were working on monoclonal antibodies.
So they can be the savior.
Well, listen, it's...
Well, Alex, we have biological operations.
Through the NIH, it's BARDA, is the unit.
And through the military, it's DARPA.
They work on a threat and they work on an answer.
We've had a smallpox monkeypox program.
This, after SARS, there's obviously was a SARS program.
There's been an anthrax program?
That's the thing, Gates can't shut his mouth.
A year before he starts ordering the monkeypox vaccine, he says it's coming, and then right on time it rolls out.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
It's true.
Now look at, in this abstract, look at one of the conclusions.
Both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches fail to neutralize and protect from infection of the coronaviruses using the novel spike protein.
Folks, we'll be back.
You've got to stay with us.
It just gets more powerful.
Alex, we have biological operations.
Through the NIH, it's BARDA is the unit.
And through the military, it's DARPA.
They work on a threat and they work on an answer.
We've had a smallpox monkeypox program.
This, after SARS, there's obviously was a SARS program.
There's been an anthrax program?
That's the thing, Gates can't shut his mouth.
A year before, he starts ordering the monkeypox vaccine, he says it's coming, and then right on time it rolls out.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
It's true.
Now look at, in this abstract, look at one of the conclusions.
Both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection of the coronaviruses using the novel spike protein.
So they had already juiced the spike protein.
That they knew a vaccine, at least a killed vaccine, wasn't going to cover.
That ultimately became the Sinopharm CoronaVac vaccine, and at least the first version of monoclonal antibodies didn't take it.
It's right here in the abstract in Nature Medicine in 2015.
I can tell you this is prima facie evidence that it's a U.S.
government academic program that's gone bad and boy have Americans with it
You know 10 million Americans were hospitalized with this a million people have lost their lives in our country from a
US operation I mean, I lost friends and I might almost killed some of my
family. I'm pissed. I mean we are literally victims of a bioweapon attack
And you know there are now three papers one by Farkas and colleagues published in military medicine and
two by yen that have concluded it's a bioweapon This isn't a controversy.
This is concluded in the academic... And again, we're not like liberals that want to be professional victims, but I lost friends.
My family almost died.
This stuff scared me.
I barely stopped my wife from going to the hospital, because she couldn't breathe, and they put her on a ventilator.
And we took the steroids, and she got out of it, and ivermectin.
We've been attacked, folks.
We need to take it personal and bring these people to justice or they're going to do it again.
But we, everyone in the world, particularly the West, is a victim of a, I believe, premeditated release of a bioweapon attack and then phase two of the poison shot to erase our immune system.
And I think we should all literally start a whole organization of victims of the Well, let's get into phase two.
Remember, there's been two waves of injury.
First was SARS-CoV-1, largely the wild-type alpha and delta outbreaks.
The Omicron outbreak was very, very low hospitalization and death rates.
In fact, Omicron, which one can get, is indistinguishable from the common cold.
But people did lose their lives with these first multiple outbreaks.
Now the vaccine program has been cooking along, and I can tell you that the vaccine itself has created a wave of destruction in our country.
Injuries, disabilities, and deaths.
One of the breakthrough observations has come by Sasha Latipova.
Show my screen.
Report from Trial Site News, which is a valid, late-breaking science website, actually supported by Pharma and a lot of other sponsors.
The title of the paper is Hot Lots of COVID-19 Vaccines, Evidence of Different Formulations.
And these are statistical analyses of Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson.
And also compared against the flu.
Interestingly, Alex, when there is a complication from a flu shot, it's randomly distributed across all the manufacturing lots.
But with the COVID-19 vaccines, the complications are restricted to certain lots.
Certain lots.
Now, recently on Steve Kirsch's Substack, Steve has got the European Medicine Agency release from the vaccine manufacturers showing market degradation of messenger RNA in these products.
So remember how they had to be super-cooled and in the randomized trials they used single-use files?
And then suddenly they didn't anymore.
So it wasn't super-cooled anymore.
They were using multi-use files.
The leading thinking, believe it or not, is the majority of people who get the shots and are fine, they're actually getting degraded messenger RNA.
They're actually not getting much of a genetic insight.
So think, they would have been a lot worse if they hadn't... Right!
So the lots that are causing damage in the Latipova... You don't want a fresh shot.
Well, here's the thing.
Yeah, exactly.
Believe it or not, if you actually get the messenger RNA as designed, and the spike protein production as designed, it can be, and in many cases, it's lethal.
So it's actually manufacturing, sloppy manufacturing, and product handling that's saving Americans.
You know, a recent Zogby survey, Zogby is a very good survey operation in the United States, Zogby surveyed a large number of Americans.
And asked him, what'd you do?
Two-thirds of people took the vaccines.
Of interest, Alex, 85% say, I took the vaccine and I'm fine.
Nothing happened.
I took the vaccine, I'm fine.
That's because they got spoiled.
15% said, I've got a problem.
I've got a new disease.
I've got a new medical problem.
I'm going to my doctor.
And they fall into cardiovascular, neurological, hematological, immunological, and now, unfortunately, cancer.
And that's the current state of affairs.
Fifteen percent of Americans who have taken these products now, I think, deeply regret it.
Well, Gregory did a great report six months ago that got millions of views and went viral, where he showed the VAERS reports and some other reports, and I think some of Kirsch's research and others, showing that it looked like red states in areas were having higher death rates, but now with this it just looks like the blue states are so sloppy and so lazy and so bad about deploying things That they were giving people old, spoiled ones, but the more conservative states were actually better at deploying it.
So that's probably why it's the more conservative areas being hit and having higher death rates.
I mean, that's not scientific.
I'm just trying to guess.
That could be why.
Well, if you looked at blue states that are potentially more heavily vaccinated, Then there was actually probably a greater free-for-all, if you will, at CVS and Walgreens.
They left the vials out.
Multiple people come in.
So as soon as you leave a vial out and it starts to get warmer, there's multiple needle pokes through the diaphragm of the vial.
Then there's introduction of oxygen, oxidative stress, whatever.
And if you go to states where there's infrequent vaccination, in theory, you probably didn't take it out of the fridge that much and, you know, maybe used it once and got a good shot.
I don't know because the numbers are there.
Why were red areas Higher death rates from a shot.
And I could never figure it out, but it just sounds like the left is just so incompetent, so sloppy.
It's almost like a gift to themselves, because even though they're a higher vaccination rate, well, the numbers have changed, but I mean, it's crazy.
Yeah, there's no doubt about it.
But the point is, it's not randomly distributed.
Senator Ron Johnson, myself, Robert- Well, yeah, why are certain lots at certain places?
That was- Exclusive, Dr. Peter McCullough issues emergency COVID-19 warning.
It's at man.video.
It's at Infowars.com.
And we just streamed out about two-thirds of the interview.
The rest of the interview, if you want to see it and share it, hopefully, is at man.video.
I was already planning to air this interview today, but I was going to do it later.
But because I got behind with a bunch of big stuff we're doing behind the scenes, I've now had a chance to go over all the news that I had sent to the crew and has already been researching that I want to get into.
And it is unbelievably clear.
That they are cutting the energy off around the country on purpose to train you to live in a post-industrial world.
We have all the proof.
And the good news is, this information gets out, it's over for the globalists and the power companies that they've quietly come in and taken control of.
But it's not even the power generation companies that are the bad guys, it's the management companies like ERCOT in Texas and Enron that was in California that got caught running the scams.
And this is all Enron 2.0.
That's coming up at the start of the next hour.
It is so critical.
Austin Airport still without power.
Climate change overwhelming California power grid.
No, they cut the power grid off.
Now they don't have enough power.
But don't worry.
Swiss face up to three years in prison for violating heating rules if they try to change The smart meter in their house.
So you can see how they're a few years ahead of us here in the U.S.
where they're now taking control of the smart meter.
Tucker Carlson gets it and says the elites are making things worse on purpose.
And as soon as the public gets that, it's game over for the New World Order.
But let me make a really exciting announcement.
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Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Diet Force, back in stock, 40% off.
Organic Greens Fiber Caps, back in stock, 50% off.
And so much more.
Thanks for keeping us on air.
We'll be right back.
Tomorrow's News Today.
Just how much of the Great Reset has already dug its blood-soaked talons into modern civilization?
Standing up for our people in Canada, we will have a government under my leadership that works for Canadians, and I will ban all my ministers from any involvement in the I've got a message for all illegals.
If you don't want to be pushed back, if you don't want to be arrested, if you don't want to be shot, don't come to our borders.
Do not come to the Polish border.
Then you're safe.
It's not us, it's not our police who came up to beat you up, to push you or to arrest you.
It's you who tried to break the law on our land.
Even though churches, gyms, schools, weddings, funerals, stay-at-home orders, curfews, mask mandates, vax mandates, And every business closed except big corporate chains like Walmart and Big Tech thriving and the biggest transfer.
Well, they'll credibly say we would never actually really lock down.
That's what they're redefining it in real time as we speak.
The signs of sabotage are numerous and widespread as the vultures of great reset tyranny circle a sickened and angered populace that is on track for a mass starvation event in the very near future.
It was an article on the UN website.
People depend on you for what's left of the food.
You control them.
could starve to death in the next 24 months, almost a billion.
So every next 24 months?
People depend on you for what's left of the food.
You control them.
Where food is abundant and cheap, you do not control them.
Where energy is cheap and abundant, you do not control them.
Scarcity equals dependency equals control.
And that's why they're targeting the food chain, they're targeting the energy supply, they're targeting everything.
French President Emmanuel Macron's country has been flooded with the United Nations' self-proclaimed replacement migration.
Regardless of what the propaganda denying its existence would have you believe, Macron is now priming the pump for energy crises and food shortages as the World Economic Forum once again tightens its grip on the neck of the French people.
What we are living through is a time of great upheaval.
Firstly, because we are witnessing, and not just since this summer, but over the past few years, the end of what we might have seen as abundance.
disgraced California Governor Gavin Newsom has said the quiet part out loud,
pushing California towards a goal of zero emissions by 2035 and 30 percent or 14 million of California's drivers into
electric vehicles within four years.
Currently there are roughly just a mere 1 million driving electric vehicles
in the golden state of liberal lunacy.
In the next 15 years we will eliminate in the state of California the sales of internal combustion engines.
Extreme heat will grip much of the state through the Labor Day weekend.
This morning Governor Gavin Newsom is laying out ways you can You can stay safe and prevent putting a strain on the electrical grid over the upcoming days.
Let's listen in.
We voluntarily ask you to do a little bit more to help us get through the next week or so.
To turn, interestingly, up a little bit the thermostat at home to 78 degrees.
Try to pre-cool earlier in the day the home.
Try not to use too much electricity in those key hours.
And the key hours are between 4 p.m.
and 9 p.m.
When Biden himself has blazed an unprecedented trail, torching our constitutional republic.
The affirmative task we have now is to actually create a new world order.
For those brave right-wing Americans who say it's all about keeping America's independent and safe, If you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15.
You need something a little more than a gun.
We are watching right now a very radical and extreme Republican Party mirror what we have seen in other places like Nazi Germany, like other places like the Bolsheviks.
If we are not able to ask skeptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be skeptical of those in authority, then we're up for grabs for the next charlatan, political, or religious who comes ambling along.
John Bowne reporting.
California is in the lead, can show the rest of the nation how it is done.
Warning just coming in from Cal ISO who runs the power grid in the state.
They say they expect demand for electricity to outpace supply tomorrow and they say that means rolling blackouts are likely.
They've issued a flex alert from 4 p.m.
to 10 p.m.
tomorrow night.
And during the Flex Alert, again, you are asked to set your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using major appliances, and turn off all unnecessary lights.
California and many other western states are experiencing simply unprecedented temperatures.
In fact, this heat wave is on track to be both the hottest And the longest on record for the state in many parts of the West for the month of September.
Californians, you've stepped up to help in a big way to keep the lights on so far.
But we're heading to the worst part of this heat wave and the risk for outages is real and it's immediate.
These triple-digit temperatures throughout much of our state are leading, not surprisingly, to record demand on the energy grid.
Everyone has to do their part to help step up for just a few more days.
Individuals, the state, industries, business, all doing their part to help reduce strain on the grid.
Now here's specifically what you can do.
In the early morning hours, particularly tomorrow and the next day or so, pre-cool your home.
Run your air conditioning earlier in the day when more power is available.
And we encourage you to close your windows and blinds to keep your home cool as well.
And today and tomorrow afternoon, after 4 p.m., in particular 4 p.m., please turn your thermostat up
to 78 degrees or higher and avoid to the extent possible using any really large appliances.
You can visit flexalert.org to learn more about what you can do.
Californians, you've rallied before and we can do it again.
Keep it up.
And this is what is expensive because in these peak demands,
the expensive gas comes into the market.
So what we have to do is flatten the curve and avoid the peak demands.
We will propose a mandatory target for reducing electricity use at peak hours, and we will work very closely with the member states to achieve this.
Three year prison sentences in European countries now if you tamper with the smart thermostat that they put in your house that we told you would do this and now in Colorado and California and New York they're taking control of your thermostats through the quote smart grid.
Told you it was all coming.
And you know, that's what's the most frustrating about this, is they cut off thousands of power plants, they cut the energy grid, they get rid of the pipelines.
Then they say it's global warming.
Remember, global warming caused the Wuhan virus, though they cooked it up and released it.
Everything's the global warming.
That's why the world's gonna end, they've told you, in 2030.
Because they're ending the world as we know it.
They are, bureaucratically, through the corporations, squeezing everyone to bankrupt us, who are under their control.
That's a fact.
Now it was Enron 30 years ago came up with a global warming carbon tax plan.
That's on record.
And it was Enron that would put up the fake computer programs and show members of Congress and legislators that came to do tours, when some days they'd make up to $3 billion extra.
Back then in the 90s that was like $10-15 billion a day extra.
By gouging people saying there wasn't enough power and having rolling blackouts, they found people would accept much higher energy bills.
So they're robbing you while they bankrupt you to control you.
It's unbelievable.
They fly around on private jets but say you shouldn't have a car.
They live in palatial mansions and have five, six kids but you shouldn't have air conditioning.
They are cutting off our society and they write textbooks about it.
They brag about it.
I've written books on it.
I've made films on it years ago.
Wrote a book talking about this 20 years ago.
Made a film on it 15 years ago.
It's an exact plan.
It's a program.
And they tell you, 15 days to flatten the curves and stay in your house 15 days.
Some areas of the world, it was two years.
They tried to keep it permanent.
And then what did they say about six months ago?
They said, we're done with COVID for now.
We're going to move on to global warming and Carbon credits and all the rest of it.
First, we've got to artificially cut the energy off to train people to accept this new austerity.
And Macron says the end of prosperity is here.
The end of plenty is here.
The end of the good times are here.
You will eat bugs, you will own nothing, you will have nothing, and you will like it.
This is all a giant test as I said.
California is leading the way For the rest of America, and it's lockstep with the Bilderberg Group's spokesperson, Klaus Schwab, and the World Economic Forum.
It's the same program in Australia, the same program in New Zealand, the same program in France, in Germany, in the Netherlands, in Italy, in the UK, in Canada, in the US.
The same big corporations thinking we're so stupid that they start cutting off the energy supply, charging you more for what's left, And then telling you that it's global warming that caused it.
But in Europe, they can't push that lie.
This is not the hottest temperatures in California history.
It's the fourth highest reported since the 1950s.
I looked the numbers up.
That's why Gavin Newsom was very careful.
He's a good liar.
He said, we're on track to have the hottest September on record with 24 days left in the month.
Remember they said England's had the hottest temperatures on record?
Turned out they've had at least 10 years.
Against us the 1950s that were way hotter.
Up to 3 degrees a day hotter.
Lies, lies, lies, lies.
Right as California passes the ban on gas cars.
Right as all this comes in.
Two months ago they banned the sale already of any small combustion engine.
Lawnmowers, golf carts, weed eaters.
All of it.
And the power to control technology is the power to control us all.
We have thousands of years of coal.
Thousands of years of oil.
And now they're making their move for artificial scarcity, feudalism, to make you poor and easily under their control.
Cheap energy means freedom.
Inexpensive food means freedom.
But they write all their big UN reports up, going back to 1996 and before, saying If we can simply make people spend half their money on energy and food, they'll have no discretionary income to be politically upward mobile.
And I've got reports, video clips out of the German government saying, we're going to play coming up.
The craft businesses, small restaurants, hair cutting salons, maid services are non-essential.
Only big box stores will be allowed to operate.
It is the big box stores.
It is the big tech companies who are waging war on the small businesses.
And they just throw it in your face because they've got the public demoralized.
They've already got the public in Stockholm Syndrome, at least half the public.
And so now they're pressing it.
15 days flattened curve.
Power comeback.
But if you read the UN and the WEM report from two days ago, they said 10 years of no power.
It's a beautiful transition.
That we're all part of.
Then meanwhile, told you about this weeks ago, but now it's in the news.
UN Education Agency launches war on conspiracy theories.
A month ago, the WEF says we've hired 130,000 info warriors to counter Alex Jones and others.
Proud to be named.
And then two weeks later, the UN announces, and now it's in the news, that the UN is going to challenge conspiracy theories.
If you question elections, if you question open borders, if you talk about replacement migration that's on their own website, if you talk about the shots not working, if you talk about lockdowns being wrong, you will be fined, you will be arrested.
Switzerland faced up to three years in prison for violating heating and cooling rules.
It's all here.
And if the public's dumb enough to accept it, and dumb enough to go along with it, we deserve what we get.
But that's what's so frustrating.
Is that we know what this is.
We know this plan.
This is the Great Reset.
This is the Great Transition.
This is the New World Order.
They want you poor.
They want you dependent.
They want you all on the universal basic income.
And now they've announced, oh, the world's collapsing.
There's no energy.
Oh, because of COVID.
No, because of the COVID lockdowns they launched.
And Klaus Schwab said two and a half years ago, next will be the climate crisis.
We will have the climate lockdowns.
And I'm like, they're going to do it in a couple of years.
And here we are.
And it's happening.
The Austin Bergstrom Airport, last time I checked, still doesn't have power.
That damn thing's hooked into the critical grid.
They shut it off.
They do it on purpose.
The feds ordered two years ago for the Texas freeze to not up the power output and shut the power off.
This is criminal!
This is terrorist!
This is the Extinction Rebellion at the government level.
And we need Congress and others to stand against it.
As we've often noted on this show, because it's hard not to notice, we are living in one of those moments where so much is happening all at once, and information about it all is so tightly controlled, that huge history-changing events can occur, and in fact are occurring right now, and nobody seems aware of them.
It's pretty unsettling, actually.
Here's one example.
Europe is descending into poverty.
Did you know that?
Had someone told you that?
So the most advanced continent on the planet, the birthplace of Western civilization, our civilization, is getting much poorer very quickly.
It's moving backward at high speed.
Just a year ago, Europe was a modern place.
For example, the overwhelming majority of Europeans heated their homes with natural gas, as modern people do.
In Germany, the continent's richest country, only about 6% of households, most of them rural, heated with cordwood.
And you'd expect that given that, again, Germany is a modern, industrialized country, with central heating and indoor plumbing and all the other trappings of a society that has moved beyond the medieval period.
Last year, only about 6% of Germans used wood to heat their homes, but that has changed dramatically.
Demand for firewood in Germany has risen so fast that there is none left to buy.
You can't get it.
So desperate Germans are now cutting their own wood, scouring the forests like their ancestors for sources of heat.
Some in Germany are taking matters into their own hands with solutions that might look like a blast from the past.
About two hours outside Berlin, residents of this small town have turned to wood chips for fuel.
We have to be innovative, said the project's organizer.
If we don't act and just rely on the government to solve the crisis, we'll never succeed.
This burner will soon fuel most of this village of 60 people.
So they call it biomass, but it's wood.
They're burning wood.
Again, as they did during the feudal period.
That's Germany.
In Poland, families are standing in line for days to buy coal.
Not in 1910, right now, tonight.
Cars queued up outside coal mines, hoping for fuel.
Quote, this is beyond imagination, one 57-year-old Polish man told Reuters.
People are sleeping in their cars.
I remember the communist times, but it didn't cross my mind that we could return to something even worse.
Oh, but it's come.
Something even worse has arrived.
The French government has announced energy rationing this winter.
Just the other day, France had so much energy that it exported it to other countries.
It was a net exporter of energy.
Now, there won't be enough heat in France for everyone in the country to stay warm.
In the UK, 70% of restaurants are preparing to close, to go under.
Because when winter comes, they won't be able to afford to keep the heat and lights on, etc.
This is happening across Europe in every country.
So the question is, why is it happening?
And the answer is extremely simple.
There's an energy shortage in Europe.
Cheap energy is essential.
It is the key to everything that a normal society strives for.
Prosperity, safety, a longer life expectancy for its citizens.
Everything depends on cheap energy, but Europe no longer has it.
And as a result, things are falling apart very quickly.
Energy costs in Europe are expected to increase by hundreds of percent in coming months.
Germany's year-ahead price of electricity, that's the benchmark for all of Europe, it's measured in euros per megawatt hour, that price just exceeded a thousand euros for the first time in history.
For perspective, just a week ago, last Monday, the cost was about 700 euros per megawatt hour.
And that was a record.
In other words, the price rise is approaching 50% in a single week.
In France, electricity would up 25% in one day.
That was last Friday.
Imagine that happening to you.
Here's what Europe looks like tonight.
In Europe, it's lights out at major monuments and tourist attractions, as a long, hot summer gives way to what officials worry could be a bitterly cold winter.
Skyrocketing energy prices have put Europe on a war footing, with Russia as the enemy.
We're in what can be described as a hybrid war, said French President Emmanuel Macron.
Russia uses energy resources, like it does food, as a war weapon to exert pressure.
Oil prices have doubled, coal prices have quadrupled, and natural gas is now seven times more expensive than early last year.
Seven times more expensive.
So it turns out, if you don't have cheap natural gas, you can't run the continent.
Now, if you've got a graduate degree and live in a city in the United States, you may be shocked to learn this.
You may never have heard this before.
You may have believed that fossil fuels were on their way out any day now!
And you thought that because the Davos people and our own leaders assured us of that for decades.
They told us that green energy was the future and the future is here.
It's here!
As recently as last month, the World Economic Forum claimed that Europe could save, quote, one trillion in fossil fuel costs by switching to renewables.
But it turns out, and this may not shock you, they had no clue what they were talking about.
They knew nothing about the subject, the subject they talked about endlessly.
Green energy cannot replace fossil fuels.
Not now, not anytime soon.
Fossil fuels remain what they have always been, the key to civilization.
That is true now, that has been true since Homo erectus started the first cooking fire in a cave nearly a million years ago.
So-called green energy is not close, is nowhere near replacing gas and oil and coal.
It's measurable.
We could have known this.
Anyone with 8th grade math skills could have figured out in about 10 minutes that we cannot replace fossil fuels with renewables or green energy.
And of course, they must have known that.
When they told you otherwise, it was just posturing.
It was childish and destructive fantasy talk that apparently fooled millions of their citizens, and millions of ours.
The Green New Deal means what it always meant.
It means poverty.
And the people pushing the Green New Deal must have known that all along.
They don't actually believe climate change is an imminent threat.
If they actually believed climate change was an imminent threat, an existential emergency, the first thing they would have done, the very first, would be to ban private jets.
Oh, but no!
To this day, Al Gore still flies on private jets.
Barack Obama owns tens of millions of dollars of beachfront property.
He knows the oceans aren't rising.
Come on.
So they're all in on it.
It's a scam.
But they don't care.
Because they know they personally will escape the consequences of their own policies.
So when the French president announces that his people are facing the end of abundance, he's not talking about himself.
He's not facing the end of abundance.
None of them are.
Macron and all of them understand they will always be rich and always be protected.
They know that for certain.
What's changed, what's so very interesting, is that suddenly everyone else who's been paying attention can see that they were lying.
They are frauds, and the entire population of Europe now knows that.
Donald Trump, to his credit, whatever you think of him, caught on to this early.
Four years ago, Trump warned Europe about its energy future during a speech at the United Nations.
The German delegation laughed at him.
Remember this?
Germany will become totally dependent On Russian energy, if it does not immediately change course.
Here in the Western Hemisphere, we are committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment of expansionist foreign powers.
It has been the formal policy of our country since President Monroe.
Alright folks, so the reason I aired a large part of Tucker Carlson's monologue is because he's one of the only national figures They'll tell you the truth and say this is premeditated by design.
This is being held hostage.
This is total control.
This is war.
Cutting people's energy off is war.
They tell you it's global warming.
No, they've cut the power plants off.
They've done it all and premeditatedly put smart meters in your house to control everything and now put you in jail in many areas if you don't do what they say.
It's a technocracy.
It's the next stage of big tech tyranny and it must be stopped now!
And this is what is expensive because in these peak demands the expensive gas comes into the market. So what we have to
do is flatten the curve and avoid the peak demands.
We will propose a mandatory target for reducing electricity use at peak hours,
and we will work very closely with the member states to achieve this.
The worst part of the two weeks to flatten the curve is the first two years.
Told you two and a half years ago they would run the exact same propaganda for climate change.
How did I know that?
People freak out, they say he's an insider, he works for them.
No, they give speeches and write books and white papers about it, and nothing is more frustrating than sitting here, watching them do this, and to be under massive attack for telling the truth, and the public still won't get what's going on.
But the politicians, the so-called Republican leaders at the state houses and the cities that are under full Democrat control, they know what's going on and they're not bucking the trend.
Because they've been paid off as well.
There is a handful of people in Congress even talking about this.
You hear Ted Cruz talking about it?
No, Ted Cruz called the January 6th protesters terrorists.
Ted Cruz is a Benedict Arnold and an enemy of this country.
Josh Hawley, Rand Paul, they're good people.
But I gotta tell you, they're gonna rape the hell out of us, ladies and gentlemen.
They're already raping us.
And we sit here, and we put up with it.
America will be one giant blue city.
One giant feces, needle-filled, homeless-filled, powerless system, just like third world dictatorships.
And that's what they're doing to the American people.
Here is the German economic minister, the head of the economy,
Habeck, says he can imagine parts of the economy will simply stop
producing for the time being.
He went on to say, bakeries, craft businesses, oh see, they're not essential.
Craft, you little people.
Cleaning companies, so you don't get your house clean anymore.
They can just stop producing this year.
But they don't go insolvent because they're going to get a bailout.
They don't work into the red because the government gives them a dole.
That's the universal basic income.
And then of course they don't come back after that.
But you take a year vacation, you never come back.
But all you remember is you thought you got a free year.
There's no free lunch just like the quote, student loan bailout.
The student loan forgivance.
They give you a worthless education when most agrees.
And then they bail you out, but it causes massive inflation.
This is total and complete absolute enslavement.
And their answer is, "Censor us."
UN Education Agency launches war on conspiracy theories.
California now in a flex alert.
What does that mean?
Well, we're going to control your thermostats and cut your power off.
But why?
Why was it caused?
Not cutting off the power plants, not restricting their energy.
Climate change overwhelmed California's power grid.
Now they say, don't charge your electric cars.
And they're introducing everybody to this authoritarian model.
With real-time analysis spying on your appliances.
But don't worry, they're going to save you from the problem that they have created.
During a flex alert, what do you do?
Unplug unused items.
Use less for cooling.
Turn off all unnecessary lights.
Avoid using major appliances.
Set thermostat at 78 if health permits.
And they say prepare for rolling blackouts.
And they blame global warming.
Swiss face up to three years in prison for violating heating rules.
People in Switzerland who violate the country's new heating rules, which forbid setting the temperature above 19 Celsius or 66 degrees in the cooler months, will face up to three years in prison.
See the full report by Tucker Carlson at InfoWars.com.
Tucker Carlson warns, elites are making things worse on purpose.
Driving us into submission.
California activates four gas generators for the first time as electric grid suffers major defeat.
Because that's because they overdid it.
Now they just want to have a controlled collapse.
They've got to supply government buildings.
Energy Secretary.
California is the lead.
It's the example of what we're going to do in the rest of the country.
And it goes on and on and on.
And what happened when California said use less power?
Just like when they said don't get too much toilet paper, everybody went out and bought it.
People are now turning the thermostats down even lower.
Because they've turned the public into what they are themselves.
And now they're coming for your car.
And they're not going to ever produce enough electric vehicles.
They're not going to have powerful electric vehicles.
They just want you to understand as they get rid of your cars, oh, we're doing it with this new replacement, but there is no replacement.
They told us they were just getting rid of your cars.
You wouldn't put up with it.
But what else do we have here on the stack that ties into all this?
We have video of the line at one of the water distribution centers this morning in Jackson, Mississippi.
The government said they can't comply with the new federal regulations on water plants.
Bill Gates helped write And so, you just won't have running water anymore.
Not water you gotta boil, but you just won't have running water, maybe forever they say.
And then Australia, falling in line, major banks now rolling out the National ID app, linking it to all information in one easy access file, accessing your government.
Accessible to government to spy on you.
Your vaccine passport didn't set you free, it opened the door to tyranny.
You can go see the video on that right there on screen.
But let's go to what I mentioned, because unlike mainstream news, when we make an accusation, we show it.
Here's the economic minister, the head of the economy, Minister Habeck.
Can imagine parts of the economy will simply stop producing for the time being.
And who is it?
Craft businesses, the evil ones.
Small restaurants.
Children's nurseries.
Plant nurseries.
Small farms.
Oh, we're banning your cows.
Get the picture now?
All-out war against the little guy.
here he is.
But do you expect an insolvency wave at the end of this winter?
No, I don't. I can imagine that certain industries will simply stop producing.
Don't become insolvent.
But I mean, at the moment I can't afford to buy bread anymore.
But do you expect an insolvency wave at the end of this winter?
No, I don't.
I can imagine that certain industries And he goes on to say, universal basic income, and it's only going to be the craft businesses, the small ones.
And yeah, you don't need to have restaurants, you don't need to have your house cleaned, you don't need to have your clothes cleaned.
They're getting rid of it all, folks.
Because you're non-essential.
The exact same attack you saw with the COVID hoax, the COVID fraud, the COVID power grab, now you see it again.
They're hitting you with poison shots.
They're hitting you with open borders.
They're hitting you with shipping drugs in.
They're hitting you promoting pedophilia.
They're at war with you.
This is a new type of war, an extermination war.
And then once the whole economy collapses and your universal basic income won't buy anything anymore, then you're sent to forced labor camps, which they're building all over the world.
COVID centers and emergency centers, and they said in Australia and Canada this year,
you know, we may use these for political distance. We may use these during an economic collapse.
So, oh, it's a COVID camp. Now it's a camp, concentration camps being built everywhere.
It's really happening. There's really men and women's sports.
There's really Satanism being promoted. This is a real evil takeover. The bad guys are in control.
We're going to come back and tie it in the latest economic news, military news,
police state news, lawlessness news, and more today.
All right, next hour, author and researcher Jan Ervin is going to be joining us to talk about why are the globalists so obsessed with human sacrifice of children and pedophilia?
He's done a big historical research on it, and I was thinking about him a few weeks ago when a lot of mainstream news was admitting this.
And saying that humans were going back to this, that cannibalism is coming back.
The New York Times and others were saying how wonderful this is.
Why does this happen throughout history over and over again?
What is the cycle?
And why do the establishment, so-called elites, push it?
That's coming up next hour.
But let me continue with the design collapse of civilization and how the globalists are multinationalists and are shutting down Europe and the United States and the UK and Australia and New Zealand.
losing dominance as Asia clout grows, Russia boots sovereignty.
Highlights of Putin's EEF speech.
That's what's happening.
Russia's making record profits right now.
We're collapsing.
Civilian-military relations under extreme strain.
Former Pentagon leader says, as America's turned against the military, it's now seen as a woke instrument of tyranny.
Our military's not bad, the people running it are bad, but this is part of the Divide and Conquer plan.
It's like our police aren't bad, it's the policies that are bad.
And then when the cops do bad things under policy, they try to blame the average cop to put even more globalist control in.
Here's an example of what I mentioned earlier with the power outages by design.
Austin Berkshire International Airport loses power, canceling flights and frustrating flyers.
They know there's not enough power generation.
They've been cutting it off in Texas, California, every other state for at least a decade under Obama.
And then the bureaucracy tried to continue under Trump, but Trump slowed it.
Now in the last 20 months under Biden, it has gone into overdrive, ladies and gentlemen.
Absolute, total, complete, overdrive.
These are all simulation tests to train everybody to accept this.
All the critical infrastructure electricity stays on.
So, that's where our world is on that front.
The good news is Americans are waking up a big national poll.
Majority believe Biden's Make America Great Again extremist speech a dangerous escalation rhetoric designed to incite conflict, close quote.
So people really understand what Operation Matador is.
And then we've got Kathy Griffin warns civil war if voters elect Republicans in November says they're gonna attack.
It's always these people that are self-appointed to run our lives.
And you think cutting the power's off, you think cutting the power off is bold?
Look at all this news!
Americans Demand Answers to Blood Clot Crisis Expanding Nationwide.
And we've got statistics of every Western country taking Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, and AstraZeneca shots, because they're all designed to do the same thing, causing massive blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, strokes, you name it.
Americans Demand Answers to Blood Clot Crisis Expanding Nationwide.
As high school athletes, college athletes, young people drop dead in massive numbers.
District Court orders Biden officials to turn over Big Tech collusion docs, including Dr. Fauci.
Now, you can say Big Tech has a right to censor.
They really don't.
Because they've got section of law that makes them a utility, which gives them immunity from lawsuits.
But you can't collude with the government on what you're going to censor.
Example, the Hunter Biden laptop.
And the FBI said, oh, we censor all the time.
We tell them what to censor all the time.
That's our job, controlling what Americans say, what Americans do.
So this is the unbelievable crossroads we're at.
I mentioned this yesterday, but I just want to go back to this because this really illustrates everything.
I saw this in the Chicago Tribune, and I found it hard to believe.
So I went and pulled up the legislation.
It's law.
That was put into law last year and now is going into effect in Illinois.
Non-detainable offenses under the Safety Act, which is in line with Soros and prosecutors he's put in around the country, right here in Austin.
Up in Fort Worth, Texas, they put in the district attorney.
And remember that young black man, 16 years old, shot three other people, wounding them at the school?
He was let out of jail the next morning and they said, well, we have a program where minorities don't get prosecuted.
That's a real story.
Same thing happens in Austin.
It's not to protect black people.
It's to create lawlessness.
Non-detainable offenses under the Safety Act.
Second-degree murder.
You're released without bond the next day.
Drug-induced homicide.
Killing somebody with a drug you give them.
Hey, burn somebody's house down.
That's not a big deal.
You saw the mostly peaceful protests.
Two million dollars in damage plus.
Aggravated battering.
Hey, what's wrong with kidnapping?
Burglary, robbery, intimidation, aggravated DUI, aggravated fleeing and eluding, drug offenses, threatening a public official, and the list goes on and on.
Ladies and gentlemen, here is the legislation.
The Safety Act, ICJIA, now law in Illinois.
That's Soros in control of their government.
And yeah, that doesn't sound real, does it?
Like government purposely shutting down power plants for power outages, or government opening up the borders and allowing giant child smuggling, or The government, I see it all the time, releasing people caught with pounds of fentanyl.
And I know people, a lot of people that have died from fentanyl.
But it's all just done in your face.
Because they're killing us with poison shots.
Of course they're turning the power off.
Of course they're dissolving the borders.
Of course they're promoting drag queen pedophile time.
Because they are at war with us and are bringing down the civilization to force an apocalyptic population collapse.
And imagine being the average moron going along with this.
But what's worse is, imagine being a power structure member who thinks You're going to get more control and power out of this when 99.9999% of people are going to be destroyed by this.
And what elite would want to get rid of checks and balances and due process when authoritarian regimes always start overthrowing the bosses, and there's a cascade of the bosses being overthrown, and that creates even more instability.
That's why they operate from globalist committee, so there's never anybody too powerful.
But that's not going to work out either.
This is a nightmare takeover.
I mean, this is such a horrible situation and it makes my head spin that we're in the middle of this.
But what everybody needs to know is The social contract of we all work together for a better good has been broken by design.
Now they use the remnants of the social contract or some vague religious belief in it to, oh, do what you're told, stay in your house, wear a mask, turn down your thermostat, get rid of your car, don't go on vacation.
We have a complex economy designed for all of the fun things we do.
It doesn't hurt the environment, on average.
But by them saying it hurts the environment, it gives them the moral authority to decide who can operate a business, who can travel, who can live, and they admit that's the plan.
That's why it's more important than ever to support independent media.
That's why it's more important than ever to support local grassroots mom-and-pop businesses.
That's why you should go out of your way to eat at a mom-and-pop, or go to a small cleaners, or go to a small maid service, or go to a small haircutting place.
We've all got to stop using big corporations as much as possible because they're not trying to make money.
We're trying to create a monopoly for social control.
This is a big banker-controlled cult.
Now, we've got this big guest coming up.
It's going to be very powerful information.
His research is spot-on.
We're going to be talking to this author, Mr. Ervin, coming up in the next segment.
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Hour number three, straight ahead.
(electronic buzzing)
Is China sending drone swarms to spy on militaries around the world?
According to the Warzone publication, the U.S.
Navy has finally released video footage of an incident from 2019 where six unidentified drones flew over its most advanced surface combatant, the USS Zumwalt.
While it was in international waters, 17 miles off the coast of Southern California, at approximately 8.30 p.m.
on April 24th, 2019, at least six unknown unmanned aerial systems were seen from 300 to 1,000 feet above the naval ship.
Drone security specialist David Kovar described the flying objects as long-range quad drones with regularly spaced running lights.
Adding that they could be gasoline powered, with the ability to land and take off vertically, most likely launched from a boat.
He says these types of aircraft are a favorite of the Chinese Navy.
Is China probing for a drone attack?
Or just gathering intel?
In fact, during the early months of 2019, there were more than half a dozen similar
incidents where drones swarmed US naval vessels off the coast of Southern California, one
of which was a surveillance operation launched from a cargo ship called the Bass Strait,
which is owned and operated out of Hong Kong.
During the incident, the cargo ship was unsuccessfully contacted by the US naval vessel.
In all of these encounters, the drone swarm flies in a triangle formation with running
lights underneath each unmanned drone.
The drones were assessed to be conducting collection operations on the naval ships.
These incidents involving multiple drones have increased significantly worldwide since 2019, raising the alarm.
On April 5th, 2021, the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Michael Gilday, stated in regards to drone swarms that, quote, There have been other sightings by aviators in the air and by other ships, not only of the United States, but of other nations.
Clearly, the US Navy is concerned about swarms of drones launched from international waters.
Just in July of 2022, the Naval Surface Warfare Center ran an event called "Silent Swarm 22,"
a large-scale experimentation event that focused on electromagnetic warfare employed on small-domain,
unmanned systems. In other words, drones. The logo for their event even includes drones swarming a U.S.
naval ship. 150 participants from multiple Department of Defense agencies conducted the
exercise for over two weeks, with more than 17 technologies and electromagnetic spectrum-related
Because aside from spying, these drones could be used as the delivery system for an electromagnetic pulse attack.
Or worse.
Sonora Laughlin, the deputy project lead, stated, quote, At this event, we want to create an environment that allows positive and constructive testing of emerging technologies for the future war fight.
As she said, the US Navy and Department of Defense are preparing for drone warfare in the near future.
And this type of war will be fought with China.
It only makes sense that the culprit behind these drone swarms is China.
Given that just this week, Taiwan's military shot down a drone hovering over one of its island outposts just off the Chinese coast after it entered restricted airspace over Taiwan.
Following a series of flares and warning shots, the drone maintained its position, so it was finally shot down by the Taiwanese military.
Just the day before this incident, Taiwan claims it warned off drones hovering over three of its islands off the coast of the Chinese port city of Xiamen.
The state-run South China Morning Post claims that the drone was a civilian-operated drone.
However, it seems far more likely that it belonged to the Chinese military and was collecting intelligence on Taiwan and its naval defense capabilities.
Will a future Chinese invasion of Taiwan begin with drone swarms?
And what does China have in mind for the west coast of the United States?
An EMP attack before a land invasion?
Or will the U.S.
Navy only be stunned to prevent any serious interference with their conquering of Taiwan?
At least one thing is for sure.
These drone swarms are definitely not UFOs.
They're Chinese.
And they're up to something.
John Irvin is an author and researcher and he's really one of the guys at the beginning of Joe Rogan's podcast, we're talking 12-15 years ago, to get Joe into psychedelics.
When I first knew Joe, he didn't even smoke marijuana.
I've known Joe 25 years.
Eddie Bravo got him into marijuana.
Joe would work out like four hours a day.
And the story is about Joe Rogan.
It's just interesting that Jan Urban was big into hallucinogens.
So he can definitely tell you the dark side of these.
And historically, when I've read his book, and when I've seen the information, I know it's true because it's actually part of the historical record.
And so when I thought of him, I wanted to get him on a couple weeks ago.
There was suddenly a bunch of articles in mainstream news about all these civilizations that ended when they started taking hallucinogens.
And how suddenly they believed gods were telling them, sacrifice your children, particularly first born boys.
Exclusive, ancient child sacrifice, maybe world's largest, National Geographic, in Mexico, mainly boys.
Feeding the gods.
Hundreds of skulls reveal massive scale of human sacrifice.
And they've dug up giant areas all over Germany and France where there'll be hundreds of thousands of bodies that have been eaten.
Ritual drug use during Inca human sacrifices.
R. Gordon Wasson.
We're gonna teach you about all this.
Remains of a vampire pinned to the ground with a sickle across her throat, found in Poland.
All ties together.
The Druids.
Every culture, whether it was Mesoamerican, European, ancient Asians, Africans.
They would all build a civilization.
Suddenly, this group would take over of shaman who were on drugs.
And things would then accelerate into pyramids, mass sacrifice, death, and they believe these gods, the snake god, which Klopotl, if I'm pronouncing it right, we're telling him to do this.
Now, I read his book online a while back, I've got a copy of the cover here, God's Flesh, Tai Onana Katal, if I pronounced that right, The True History of the Sacred Mushroom, J.R.
And the reason this is important is, the Vikings, where they would get possessed and become berserkers, were taking it as well.
In fact, there was a new movie that came out a few months ago, I thought it was pretty good, called Northmen, and it was all about, they were taking so many hallucinogens on a regular basis, they were not even living in reality.
And human sacrifice there.
And so, to talk about it is, John Irwin, who I've talked to many times over the phone.
I saw him over a decade ago on Joe Rogan.
I've watched some of his shows since then, and I wanted to get him on as somebody that used to be a big proponent of this, and how he found the dark side of it, and how he found the way out of it, and where he sees this all going.
So, John, great to have you with us, sir.
Thanks, Alec.
Thanks for having me back.
You bet.
You've been on the show, too.
I forgot that.
So, let's get right into it here.
Yeah, you know, so basically, you know, starting back over a decade ago, I started realizing that psychedelics were being promoted to the public under the CIA's MKUltra Subproject 58 program.
And the start of that Uh, was in 1957 in Life Magazine in an article called Seeking the Magic Mushroom.
And then a decade later, that kicks off the psychedelic revolution with the Summer of Love and all of this stuff.
But, uh, you know, so I started realizing that the whole thing was surrounding, as far as the counterculture, was surrounded by this M. Kiltra Subproject 58 program.
So, uh, a couple of months ago, I published this book.
There's some glare going on there.
But it goes through all of the original documentation from the colonial era, from the Spanish, from the Aztecs themselves, from French reports, from anything that I could find, and it shows how all of the original religious practice was surrounded with human sacrifice and cannibalism, and that Gordon Wasson, Professor Karl Rock, Jonathan Ott, Jeremy Bigwood, some of these other guys, Terrence McKenna, etc.
They all covered up the true history and created a New Age mushroom religion that never existed before May 13, 1957.
And from your research, and I concur, it was a reboot of these ancient systems.
Even worse, I mean, so if we look at like Burning Man or if you remember the 1973 film
Wicker Man or the 2019 film Midsommar, they're showing how it's all leading back to human
sacrifice and cannibalism.
That's what Burning Man is.
It's a mock human sacrifice.
And who knows, you know, a lot of years at Burning Man, people have jumped into the fire and sacrificed themselves at the burning of the big statue that they make, etc.
So, you know, we're actually seeing the slow progression.
You know, first, you know, and Aldous Huxley and Timothy Leary in their writings, they clearly state That they want to destroy Christianity and bring back this ancient religion.
Now, most people have the false notion that the Christians went around
and destroyed these wonderful peace, peace love, proto-hippie type pagan religions.
And when in reality, if you go in and you look at the historical documentation
from all over the world, it was about human sacrifice and cannibalism.
So all of this history has been covered up and buried.
You can dig through, you can get ahold of the original 16th century Spanish reports,
what the Aztecs wrote themselves and like the Florentine Codex, et cetera.
And they openly talk about the human sacrifice as well as the cannibalism.
In fact, page one of book two of the Florentine Codex talks about sacrificing young children to the rain and water god, Tlaloc.
And what they would do is try to get the children to cry on the way to be sacrificed.
And if the children cried, they knew it would be a good rain year.
And so, you know, and then what they would do is they would roll the bodies down the temple and then cannibalize them afterwards, often while high on psychedelic mushrooms.
And by the way, if you go to Chichen Itza, I've been there like five times in Mexico, they give you a tour and it's Mayan historians that have archaeology degrees and they'll tell you they have a little market below the main temple and they said they would take the meat of the dead people and the priest class would sell that meat in the market.
100% true.
And, you know, and a lot of times, you know, the peasant people couldn't afford the meat, so it would be reserved often for the merchant class, as well as the priest and elite class.
So, you know, this was a massive system in 2015, and you showed a little bit of it on there, but Science Magazine in 2015, they Scientists discovered in 2015 that a massive temple buried underneath Mexico City and they found that the temple holds upwards of 130,000 human skulls of mainly warriors but also women and children.
So when the Spanish rolled into Mexico, what is now Mexico City in 1517, You know, they were shocked by what they saw.
You know, and part of it was that the Aztecs used this for psychological control, for fear.
Part of it was dominating their enemy cultures.
They would have war parties and people say, well, how would they come up with all of these people to sacrifice?
They would intentionally go to war with neighboring tribes And, uh, to capture their warriors, to make them slaves, they would call them bathed slaves, they would pamper them for a few months, maybe a couple, few years, and then, uh, sacrifice them on the sunstone, cut out their heart.
If you go to the ball court in Chichen Itza and other areas with all the skulls carved in, the winners got to get sacrificed.
That's how mind-controlled they were.
So you wanted to be sacrificed.
Yeah, well, you know, and there is evidence that a lot of these slaves had to be drugged to be sacrificed.
But, you know, so when Cortez rolls into Mexico, Many of the surrounding tribes were fed up, and they offer Christianity instead of human sacrifice.
And look, you know, you follow Logos, you follow Christ... Jan, stay there.
Let's come right back with that on the other side.
Stay with us.
Jan Ervin is our guest expert on psychedelics and the occult, and this relaunch of the occult revolution.
The Bible says that in ancient times, all these different cultures got into pharmakia, or witchcraft, or sorcery, and it was drugs.
That's why you call it the pharmacy.
And the whole New World Order is about drugging us to put us in a different consciousness state so we can be programmed.
So you're drilling into the Aztecs in that big angle.
But we've talked on the phone.
You've been a guest before.
I want you to take your time this hour to drill into whatever you want to.
But first, give us a 35,000-foot view and give us your hypothesis about what's going on.
It's not really a hypothesis.
It's admitted.
But as a hypothesis, give us a 35,000-foot view and then drill into what's going on.
Because I think most of our listeners know about the Aztecs, the occult.
You were getting into Cortez with less than 300 men showing up and then Mexico City collapses in a matter of days because people were so sick of the Satanism and the insanity and how drugged up everybody was.
It was like a blue city.
Everybody was actually against it.
They were just being liberated.
That's an important thing to finish historically, but then give us the 35,000 foot view and then where this is all going.
Yeah, so just to finish up, when Cortez arrived, you know, so many of the surrounding tribes were sick of Montezuma and what the Aztec or Mojica were doing, and they joined up with Cortez and helped him overthrow what is now Mexico City and the Mojica.
But so, you know, the official History is that when the Spanish got there, they just wiped out all of these pagan cultures and massacred millions of people.
It's totally false.
And you know, people can go in and read the Inquisition records today.
Most of them are about Uh, rape, pedophilia, incest, murder, things like this, and that, you know, the people that got sentenced, and in, uh, what was it, 19, uh, 1539, one guy was put to death for sacrificing a young boy and incest and attempted rape, and the inquisitions were immediately halted, and you don't even hear about this kind of stuff, but, uh, so from the
35,000-foot view, what they're doing is trying to create, recreate the fall of humanity, bring us back to this, you know, human sacrifice, cannibalism, drug-induced state.
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, of course, he was a key architect behind MKUltra, you know, and they used frauds like Terrence McKenna, To get out there and promote the false narrative.
Terrence McKenna admitted that he was recruited and that he worked in deep background in public relations and he created this whole stoned ape theory that people like Rogan and others have promoted for years.
All of that stuff is totally false.
When I figured out all of this, Beginning about 12, 13 years ago, I did an about-face.
I got away from the psychedelics.
I started writing information to expose what it was doing to the culture.
And today, we only have to go outside and see, you know, people with the rings in their septum, like, you know, cattle and hogs and purple and blue hair and big holes in their ears and their Lower lip and stuff and all of this is about recreating the fall of humanity taking us back to
What was originally called the Native Revival or the, as Terrence McKinnick coined it, the Archaic Revival.
But, you know, it's the false idea that because a culture is old and did drugs and were shamans, it's therefore better than our culture today.
And the term Native Revivalism comes out of an OSS memo written by Gregory Bateson talking about how the Russians overthrew certain indigenous cultures as well as how it could be used to attack certain groups in their own culture.
And so this is what we see.
We see the CIA launching the entirety of the psychedelic revolution against the American public.
It was not blow back by any stretch of anyone's imagination.
It didn't get out of the CIA's control, as most people believe.
The main books on MKUltra Like John D. Mark's book, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, or Marty Lee's book, Acid Dreams, all of the leading books out there on MKUltra are
Disinformation to control the public narrative and to control what the people think MKILTRA was about.
Timothy Leary admitted from at least 1962 forward, he was an admitted witting CIA agent.
So was Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber.
So was Theodore Kaczynski was actually one of the victims of the Harvard Social Relations Department under Henry A. Murray who was doing the human experiments at Harvard and they You know, really screwed Ted Kaczynski up and he essentially retaliated.
And what's interesting is, you know, in my personal opinion, I think some of the areas he was targeting and with his manifesto, etc., he was trying to expose the technocracy and the control network that they're rolling out that we see today.
And now they have a U.S.
military saying, let's give hallucinogens to the troops.
And again, by themselves they're one thing, but led by these people, it is definitely able to open them up to these other dimensions.
And I've talked to people, well-known people, that have been at these big events with ayahuasca with up to 50 people, and they're all having the same hallucination.
Well, they're not all, quote, seeing these aliens that look like little goats, by the way, or elves.
They, because you would individually see that hallucination.
They're having grip hallucinations because the veil is being removed.
They're actually having an interdimensional interface.
And what are these aliens or these demons always tell people, Jan?
They tell them there's too many people.
You're part of the elite.
You're going to merge the machines.
You're going to be God, but you got to kill everybody first.
Yeah, you know, and psychedelics also, I renamed them suggestogens in 2014 because they
dramatically, dramatically increased hyper suggestibility in the takers.
So if you want to, you know, mind control someone and, and And--
make them very impressionable, you give them psychedelic drugs and play the
Grateful Dead or the Beatles or the Rolling Stones or whatever the case may
In fact, if you ever even heard the word psychedelic before or the word
entheogen, etc., you've already been suggested to the outcome of the
experience and there's no safe way to take these substances.
Well, they're definitely mainlining into the culture right now.
Absolutely. Even at Davos in the World Economic Forum recently they were
promoting them.
They're promoting them everywhere and people think that, you know, well, if the government doesn't want you to use it, why are they illegal?
Well, Timothy Leary went before Congress in 1965 and requested that they outlaw them.
You cannot have a good youthful rebellion with legal substances called Psychotomimetics or schizophrenogens.
So they outlawed them, they renamed them, and then they put Leary out there, Gordon Wasson, Terrence McKenna out there to promote them to the public, and they created this whole false narrative about why they were outlawed in the first place.
Schizophrenians, let's talk about schizophrenians when we come back.
We now know the weaponized marijuana is causing, they even admit this, I said it ten years ago, they made fun of me, but now they admit this super strong marijuana is a hallucinogen, it's a hallucinogen, it's a class, it's a psychotropic, and these people are, it's causing massive artificial synthetic schizophrenia.
We'll be right back with our special guest, Jan Ervin.
Jan Ervin is our guest, author, researcher.
Well, it's very well known in the psychedelic movement, and then I woke up to it, and I understand you're a Christian, so am I. You've written the book, God's Flesh, The True History of the Sacred Mushroom.
You can find more at Logos Media, logosmedia.com.
I know you understand this as good as I do, or probably better.
I'm trying to explain to people that not everybody that's pushing this is corrupt, or knows they're part of this.
I'm not judging anybody that's taken a listen to Jones.
I've done it myself plenty when I was younger.
But I did have dark experiences some of the times I did it.
And I know it opens you up to some bad stuff.
But I also, growing up, and I don't say this to try to act cool, like I'm on the inside, because I'm not.
This was so widespread.
My mother had some friends that were involved in San Francisco at the Psychedelic Research Center.
It was really a CIA front group.
And I remember being a small child on road trips with them to the beach, you know, my mom and her girlfriends.
And, you know, because I was a little kid, I would go with them or to like Hot Springs, Arkansas.
And I remember sitting there in the back of the car listening to this particular woman who was describing What you see is DMT today, but with drips intravenously, which I told Joe Rogan four years ago, and six months later they brought it out on the show.
Yeah, we're doing intravenous drips.
We're doing this.
Where they're like astronauts that they hook up, they put into this state, and they go and actually map and communicate, they believe, interdimensionally with other entities.
So, the government takes it so seriously, and it's so widespread that even when I was 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, My mom's particular friend would come to the house.
I remember three occasions, a beach trip, once at the dinner table, and once on a trip in the Volkswagen Beetle, my mom had a Super Beetle, to Arkansas for a week with her friend.
And so you're in the back reading comic books, or sleeping, or eating candy, and the women are in the front of the car talking about all this, and what they were doing.
So, I kind of had an inside baseball view on that.
And then, I see this all being pushed by the Pentagon, pushed in the culture, pushed everywhere.
And I know you don't want to entice people to get into it, you don't want to talk about it, because people go, wow, that's cool, I want to see that.
But tell folks what people are seeing on DMT, or these things, and what's happening, because the messages are the same.
I mean, I think people need to know this is very dark, and you know how scary and dangerous it actually is.
You do see, you know, some like, you know, weird creatures or whatever.
You know, it's kind of hard to explain.
But again, it's universal.
And then we get ancient Egyptian, ancient Babylonian, ancient Sumerian texts.
They describe the same thing.
I mean, it's not like you're imagining it.
What is it?
What is it breaking through to?
Well, I'm not sure what it's breaking through to.
As far as we know, it could even be a psychotic break.
But you do often see like serpents, for instance, and that's really interesting considering that they, you know, people like Aldous Huxley and Timothy Leary admitted that it was a direct attack against Christianity.
So why do so many people see serpents when they are on DMT or ayahuasca, etc.? ?
But, you know, a big part of this, and before the break we discussed about promoting schizophrenia, and one of the original names for these drugs was schizophrenogens and psychotomimetics to mimic psychosis.
And, you know, I think the real agenda is to move people away from a Christianity Logos point of view, which reality is real, we're of the world, you have the right to Choose what you want to do by your own agency.
I do.
Everybody's real in reality.
And then you have the neoplatonist point of view or primacy of consciousness or monopsychism that, you know, everything is a reflection of me.
I'm the center of the world and, you know, the There is no reality, etc.
It's really the most egoic thing that anyone can believe, and this is really the core of the whole leftist... Isn't that called Satanism, when it's all about you?
What's that?
Isn't that the definition of Satanism, is it's all about me?
Right, and that's exactly what Neoplatonism and this monopsychism is.
You deny all of reality.
Alex, you don't have your own agency.
To do what you want, you're just a reflection of me.
There's only one philosophy in the world, mine.
You know, and so this is what monopsychism and, you know, neoplatonism is all about, is this denial of reality.
And that goes directly against Christianity, which is reality is real.
Logos means that truth is God.
That's John 1.
In part, truth is God.
It's also, logos is where we get the word logic.
If you look up logos in, like, Strong's Concordance, it tells you that it means reason, which is logic.
Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification or truth.
And it's also reality.
So why are they trying to shift us away from believing in reality and that truth exists?
Even, you know, several years ago, they came out and said, we're in the post-truth age.
What, you know, what does that mean exactly?
Why are they trying to tell us the truth doesn't exist?
Oh, it's all, you know, quantum physics and quantum mechanics.
You can't know anything.
Well, that's literally the definition of schizophrenia.
And you know, so they have been in fact, I've done shows recently with Steve Jones discussing how their Promoting the normalization of schizophrenia.
And if no truth exists, then you can behave any way you want.
Murder goes.
Pedophilia goes.
Cannibalism goes.
Anything you want to do.
Rape goes.
It's all good because there is no truth.
There is no reality.
Everything is just a reflection of me.
I can do whatever I want.
A man can be a woman.
A woman can be a man.
Two men can have a baby.
Adults can identify as children.
Have sex with children.
Just anything they want.
Right there.
And, you know, and that's the definition of Satanism when you get down to it.
So where is it all going?
Because they're definitely building towards, they're really pushing hard now.
Well, I think, you know, as, as the research on the real agenda behind MKUltra and Burning Man, etc.
has come out, they've actually ramped it up significantly, trying to keep ahead of the curve of People waking up to my research, to your research, and my latest book, for instance, God's Flesh, Te Onanikotl, The True History of the Sacred Mushroom.
I recommend people read it because I go through every single original report that the whole field of mushrooms is based on.
And for those of you who say, well, mushrooms are older than the CIA, therefore they're the true origins of religion.
You know, you're talking about A human sacrifice and cannibalism, Colt.
You're not talking about Logos and Truth being God.
You're talking about sacrificing people every 20 days to one of the Aztec gods for the Aztec calendar.
They had a 20 day, 18 month calendar.
Sure, sure, but here's my question.
Why do you focus on the Aztecs?
Because, I mean, every culture did this.
I'm more interested in why groups that never met each other were sacrificing children to demon gods.
I mean, where the hell does this come from?
Well, you know, if you look at, you know, it's possible that the Bible really explains it, and you got the children of the king going on.
No, it's an off-world fallen entity that wants to destroy us, and if he can get us to kill our kids, we'll do anything.
You know, but the reason I mention the Aztecs is they literally had the largest human sacrifice and cannibalism system ever created in humanity.
So, the worst, you know.
Yeah, there you go, right there on screen.
You know, sacrifice, you know, and, and, you know, that's another point.
How do you get people to do soft kill eugenics, kill off their own families?
You tell them it's a right, but they don't even realize that this is all being promoted as eugenics, soft kill eugenics.
Can you imagine the Spaniards show up looking for gold, and they find giant incredible cities of people eating little children?
I mean, just blood and dead bodies everywhere.
I mean, it's insane.
Yeah, absolutely insane.
And then liberals say the Spaniards were the bad guys.
And, you know, so many of the indigenous Native Americans were grateful to have Christianity because it ended that.
So over 50% of the cultures from Guatemala to Alaska, over 50% were cannibal cultures.
That's well documented.
So, you know, and they had this Professor William Ahrens, in 1979, he published a book called The Man-Eating Myth, trying to debunk any of it.
And then it turns out that this guy, as I published in the book, was an agent for the Chinese Communist Party.
So why... By the way, the Communist Party had parties where they ate their political enemies.
That's New York Times even admits that.
We'll be right back.
John Irvin's our guest.
I'm going to host a little bit in the next hour.
Then Kate Daly takes over.
I got to hit this news.
It's on Infowars.com.
Shock video.
Dutch government goons employ snatch-and-grab CIA tactics against farmers protesting having their farms taken away to, quote, stop global warming in the Netherlands.
We'll have to kill me first.
Steve Bannon indicted in New York out of midterms.
Inflation, state-sponsored terrorism, and so much more.
I'll have those videos for you at the start of the next hour.
But Jan, we'll get you back on again soon.
And I've watched your show.
I've read your information.
I know you're a real research guy.
I know what you're talking about.
And I get you're kind of giving everybody the fifth grade level thing here, but our listeners know about devil worship.
They know every culture has sacrifice of children.
They know the Bible says, stop giving your kids the fire of Moloch.
The whole Old Testament is about Israelites fighting against people that were killing their kids.
And of course we have the story of Abraham where he finally stops the human sacrifice and God says, stop that, and the angel grabs his hand.
So this is really a demarcation line.
Cultures that kill their children are evil and fallen and collapse.
Those that sacrifice for the children ascend.
I think that's really the model here and the historical fact here, but where do you expect this California trying to pass laws, other states passing laws to keep kids alive a month and then kill them, euthanizing old people.
I mean, they're really bringing human sacrifice back.
What is the evil force?
I know it's the devil, I know it's this off-world thing, but what is your view as a researcher on where it's going and how we stop it?
I don't know.
You know, it's getting people to sacrifice their own children to I mean, if you have children, the ultimate thing is your children.
stuff, it's, you can't.
I mean, if you have children, the ultimate thing is your children.
And if something can get you to kill your children, it's got full control.
Right, absolutely.
You know, and mothers should be the number one protectors of their children.
And yet, since 1973, they've mass murdered 63 million of their own children just in the United States alone,
and like 1.6 billion around the world.
So, you know, it's, they've turned motherhood into, or, you know, what would have been mothers,
into the largest genocidal murderers in all human history.
You know, Mao, Pol Pot, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, you know, etc.
They don't even hold a candle to the number of people that have been murdered by this leftist agenda.
And here's the big question I have for you.
Back in the Aztec times, or in ancient cultures, they just burned their children or ate them.
Now, these mothers have their babies taken and cut up and their body parts sold on the world market beyond cannibalism.
And, you know, we saw that news article, what, a month ago or so, in the New York Times promoting cannibalism?
You know, what's up with that?
And we have no idea what they're using all of this stem cell research for.
If they're putting it in ingredients and food to make us all cannibals, who knows how far they're taking that?
And then you have the whole pedovore adrenochrome issue as well, and I show in the book how, you know, in 15th, 16th century reports, they were talking about these people that were cannibalizing were so bloodthirsty that they compared them to werewolves, you know?
This is where werewolves and vampirism come from.
And this is why the Bible says, the blood is the life.
Do not drink the blood.
And people will attack that as like, you know, Christian or whatever.
And this is the true origin of religion.
And the pagans were so peaceful proto-hippies, but that's nonsense.
Paganism was a global human sacrifice and cannibalism cult that Christianity stopped.
And, uh, You know, we've basically had about 400 years without it.
And these people are trying to bring this stuff back, essentially.
And then we have to ask, why?
And that's a great clip there that you're showing from Mel Gibson's Apocalypto.
I mean, you know, if you, you know, it gives a pretty good summary of, you know, a pretty good idea of what was really going on.
In Montezuma's time, in pre-Columbian times.
And so we're supposed to believe that the Christians were bad for stopping this global human sacrifice and cannibalism cult.
And it's nonsense, you know.
Who wants to, you know, who's going to be the first to argue that that stuff should come back and that Christianity was wrong?
And I recommend people that don't believe me to go back in it.
The Catholic church kept very extensive records of the Inquisition court cases.
And that's what the Inquisition was.
There were court cases, judge, lawyers, witnesses, et cetera.
It's like how people think of the Inquisition today is if some mass murder or some serial killer
is put on death row and killed, but that's exemplary of all of the Inquisition's.
No, they were court cases.
Out of 130,000 court cases of the Spanish Inquisition, about 6,000.
6,000 people were sentenced to death, usually for murder, incest, rape, pretty atrocious crimes.
So, you know, people need to get in there and study this stuff and learn that, you know, that the church stopped so much of this awful behavior.
And there has been significant effort to spin this false history against the church of just you know randomly going around and killing millions of
witches or you know millions of cathars or millions of
native mexicans et cetera it's just not true and in fact the records prove the catholic church stopped
the uh... which hunts along the german border
uh... i mean i'm not gonna defend in the wars that went on
uh... and any of the excesses of the catholic church or the the protestant
wars any of that or cromwell or any of it none of its perfect
the point is the history's clear even from the mesoamericans two hundred and fifty something troops
with cortez arrive and they just basically rebel and say we don't want to
live under this anymore there was millions of people in mexico city even then in
the surrounding areas they were just begging to get rid of it
so i mean you're absolutely right the left lionizes and defends all these pagan religions
and i remember making in game one point five that was just an addendum to the film
we finally found and put on bandai video uh... and uh... i showed documents that i was shown by a
historian where the c_i_a_ and the state department of the u_n_ were
saying the sixties
we're gonna bring back paganism and bring back human sacrifice
to get people not to value themselves because then there won't be a
defensive life and they'll accept anything So that's really what this is.
Yeah, you always promote dehumanization, you know, against your enemies so that you can wipe them out, whether or not it's your own children, you know, and just being a clump of cells rather than a human life, or being a parasite on the mother and helpless, and they're not a human life until, you know, they're able to live on their own at 18 or something, you know, it's all ridiculous.
And where does it end?
If you're willing to kill your own child, what if somebody's in a coma in the hospital or any other various stages, then you're opening up the floodgates to allow the murder of just about anyone.
Well, there's no doubt it's being pushed right now and it's sick.
John Irwin, I mean this whole transgenderism, cutting your son's testicles off, cutting your daughter's breast off, it's a form of sacrifice because they'll have no reproductive future.
It is true evil.
Thank you so much for the time.
Soft kill eugenics as well.
Soft kill eugenics.
Come back again soon.
Please go on The War Room.
Please go on American Journal.
Please go on with Harrison Smith and Owen Schroyer and come back and join us again soon.
I should contact you and buy a bunch of your books and sell them at Infowarshore.com.
Logos Media.
L-O-G-O-S Media.
Logosmedia.com to find your book, God's Flesh.
Thank you so much.
Thanks, Alex.
Alright, I got a few more stories that are big and breaking.
That I want to hit.
They're now treating farmers that protest having their farms shut down as terrorists.
It's happening here.
It's happening in Europe.
It's all part of the New World Order.
That's coming up.
Ahead of Kate Daly taking over.
Please remember, we're listener supported and we are on air still, thanks to you.
But we've got to be profitable during this Chapter 5 bankruptcy or they'll shut this place down.
And we're barely profitable right now.
Thanks for your support.
But keep us on air.
Keep the fight going.
The most important thing you can do in the fight against the New World Order is support this broadcast after getting right with God.
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So they're allowing giant human smuggling, including children in Europe and the United States.
They're allowing fentanyl to be shipped across.
But they're arresting Amish farmers that sell their neighbors raw milk in places like Pennsylvania.
Now we have this video.
It's a story on Infowars.com.
Jamie White's written about it.
Shock video.
Dutch government goons employ snatch-and-grab tactics against farmers protesting the Great Reset.
They've been carrying out snatch-and-grab policies against farmers.
It's just insane.
Shock video from Amsterdam shows the government Upping anti-against outrage, farmers pushing back against the targeting of livestock and farmland by mass government goons dragging protesters into police vans.
Let's go ahead and roll this with audio and video.
Radio listeners, they're just grabbing people randomly out of crowds,
throwing them in vans.
Because the government says they're gonna get rid of 90% of the cows the next
next five years, banning 30% this year.
*laughing* Because farming's bad for the earth.
Cutting off the resources, waging war against the infrastructure, cutting off the power, this is the globalist takeover.
This is the Soviet Union on steroids.
This is the kulaks in Ukraine and Western Russia.
Just unbelievable criminal activity.
This is the Great Reset.
This is the New World Order.
And we have to come together and say no and identify the WEF as the enemy running this entire operation.
I'm going to try to give Steve Bannon on tomorrow or the next day.
Steve Bannon raised millions.
They built a bunch of border wall for advertising and crew and staff and travel.
They got a couple hundred thousand dollars over a year.
They never denied that.
How do you think you operate?
I mean, you look at the one foundation with Bono of U2, he gives less than 1%.
Bannon's foundation gave over 95% the group he was working with to build the wall.
They're calling that a fraud.
So he got pardoned for this by Trump.
So now he's been indicted.
They will have to kill me first.
Bannon indicted in New York at a midterms, charges mirror 2020 federal case
against him alleging he defrauded donors, fundraising to build the border wall.
They're coming for us all, Bannon warns.
This is nothing more than a partisan political weaponization of the criminal justice system.
Marijuana Chief Strategist Steve Bannon was indicted today by New York prosecutors in a move he claims is part of the partisan political weaponization of the criminal justice system.
And it goes on from there.
He's been swatted three times in the last few weeks.
It just gets more insane by the moment.
And make no mistake, they're trying to set us up as well.
This is such a dangerous moment.
Hunter Biden can have crack whores and children he's raping and says he works for Chinese intelligence in audio tapes released.
That's okay.
Steve Bannon was involved in a charity that advertised on his show, trying to build a border wall, and now he is worse than the devil.
We've got to stand With Steve Bannon.
We've got to pray for Steve Bannon.
We've got to support him because he's under massive, massive attack.
And he's come out against Trump and the vaccines.
He's trying to wake Trump up.
He has come out against the whole globalist program.
He's come out against Jared Kushner.
And so you now see what's happening to Steve Bannon.
Is he perfect?
Am I perfect?
But the enemy of freedom is definitely after him.
So don't take this broadcast for granted either.
Take the live show feeds at Infowars.com forward slash show and Band.Video.
Take the archives.
Take the videos.
Take these big interviews today and share them once they're archived at Band.Video.
Whatever you do, pray for the broadcast and a global awakening.
Thank you all for your incredible support.
Kate Dally takes over in T-minus 60 seconds.
Realize how precious this broadcast is.
I thank you for your support.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for this hour, and I am from katedallyradio.com, The Kate Dally Show.
All right, I have so many things on my mind today.
First off, I just want to mention that I'm marking myself safe from 77 years of fear that Russia is going to attack us.
For 77 years, they have been saying Russia will attack.
For all of you that remember getting under your desks in the 50s, I don't remember that, I was born in the 60s.
But what I'm saying is, we have been in fear for a very long time, still trying to sell the fear.
77 years, marked safe.
I have so much to talk about today.
I want to talk a little bit about the occult.
I know.
I hate that topic because I feel like it invites stuff in, but I'm going to talk about it because of what Disney did and what Disney is doing.
And really, I want to actually kind of look at the big picture here on what the last century looked like in this type of thing and how people are being sold on it in really strange ways now.
I also wanted to say, I wasn't here last week, I actually had an emergency for a member of my family.
And it's a big lesson in check your blood levels.
You'll go into socialized medicine now, into the hospitals, and maybe you have a couple of symptoms, nausea or something like that.
And what happens is, they'll give you nausea medication, they will just dismiss it as if it's just a nothing symptom when there's no other symptoms or it could be any symptom.
My biggest advice to people right now is to get away from socialized medicine and the hospitalists and the hospitals and do more on your part that you can do.
And if you have to pay for blood draws every year just to kind of see where you're at, to see where all your levels are, levels like calcium in your blood can mean something totally different when they're elevated.
And so my biggest lesson last week is make sure that you're doing this all along because you can probably thwart something coming and we all need to be doing that.
And you can do a lot with nutrition and a lot with health if you're on top of it and you know where you stand.
And oftentimes with our kids and everything else, we don't think of these things.
We don't think, hey, maybe I should just see where they're at because a blood draw can actually tell the Tell a pretty big story on what's happening to your kids and your family members.
Just keep that in mind.
It's something we should probably be doing yearly because of all the things sprayed on us, the things that we're eating, all the things that our body is trying to get away from, trying to save us from, I should say.
It's a big deal.
Make sure that you take charge of your health is the big lesson.
And don't wait for them to ask you to go do that because you'll be holding your breath for quite a long time.
They probably won't.
They don't care about health.
They care about pharma and they care about symptoms.
They're like collectors of symptoms and it's bad news for all of our health.
It truly is.
So make sure that you're doing that and staying on top of it.
It's a good idea and it takes a second and just do it.
I promise you on this, just do it.
I watched the movie Network and the movie, remember the old movie Network from years and years ago and the Truman Show back to back.
Kind of an interesting duo of movies because one obviously is telling you that media lies to you.
Mainstream media will lie to you and lie to you and lie to you.
And then you have the Truman Show, which is basically a red pill moment when you realize the world is different from what you think it is.
And watching Truman go through, Jim Carrey, go through the process of being red-pilled, somebody says something to him, and all of a sudden he thinks, oh, well, wait a second, why are you saying this to me?
Does it make sense?
And then he starts to look, and this is where the big moment is for a lot of people.
Maybe it was for you too.
You start to look around to see whether or not what that person said to you, and in this case it was, hey, this isn't real.
Everybody's being paid to be your friend.
Everybody's being paid and you're in basically a show.
So he starts looking around and he starts realizing that people are on a loop, right?
Going around his house.
And he starts, it freaks him out.
He starts realizing, oh my gosh, there's the girl on the bike and there's the guy with the flowers and there's the yellow beetle and it's on a loop.
And he thinks, well, that's odd.
Something's wrong with this picture.
Well, of course, because you start really seeing it for what it is when you get new eyes and a new perspective.
Changes everything, doesn't it?
And then you start seeing pieces fall into place, right?
There was a big light that came down from the movie set out of the sky and he's looking up going, why is there a light falling out of the sky?
It doesn't make sense.
And so in that red pill moment, you've probably been pretty red pilled or you wouldn't be listening now, right?
To this.
And so you started to realize that things were much, much different.
And you started to see things in a way in the last century that have kind of come down on us.
And it has been an interesting experiment in humanity because you realize how controlled things really are.
And you realize how we have been infiltrated.
We are the proverbial frog in the hot water.
We just don't see it.
We just don't... It's hard to see.
It's hard to realize.
You know, Beyonce can do a...
You know, like, I'm going to call it a skit, but it's not a skit.
It's like a number, a musical number on the stage at the Grammys.
And she's basically dancing out of, you know, Satan's crotch.
And we're like, hey, I like the beat.
I like the beat of that song.
That's a cool song.
I mean, we don't even see it anymore.
I mean, Madonna virtually does the same thing.
We just go, ah, she's got little demons dancing around her.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
It's entertainment.
It's them being an artist.
No, it's not.
No, it's not.
It's far more sinister than that.
But we have been so used to it, and I think with our goodness, we're not going to see these things.
See, that's a perfect clip.
These little demons dancing around, and we're not shocked by that.
A hundred and fifty years ago, we would have been shocked by that.
You know why?
Because we talked about God a lot.
It was in a lot of conversations.
We didn't have this thing called the TV and media and social media to distract us.
Quite so heavily.
So I'm watching these movies and I'm realizing that moment is such a big moment for people and they start to kind of realize and that's what happened to me.
The last 10 years have been the biggest red pilling I've ever gone through.
So I want to talk just a little bit about Disney.
They have a new movie called Little Demon, Danny DeVito special, right?
Danny DeVito is a hardcore leftist and so is his daughter.
She plays the Antichrist.
Her mother was impregnated in this cartoon by Satan.
I'm sure you've heard about it.
I'm sure they've talked about it on here.
And everybody's shocked.
I'm not shocked.
Are you kidding me?
You go look at Disney's past and you go look at everything that has to do with what we've been shown for the last 100 years, you're not going to be shocked at all.
This is just the next evolution.
The evolution period that we're in right now is, so what?
And this is who we are.
They used to do a little bit more sleight of hand.
The sleight of hand isn't there anymore.
They don't need to do it.
That's the point.
And so You know, I and Rand used to have these arguments that basically politics weren't really about politics.
It was about something much deeper.
It's about philosophy.
It's about, you know, foundational issues in philosophy.
And she's right.
And there's this new projection of the left and it's magical thinking.
And now when I say that, you're going to notice this more and more coming from leftists.
Everything is about magic.
Everything is about magical thinking.
I mean, it has to do with so many issues of the day too.
And that's what's kind of interesting too.
I'll get into that.
This is where you really kind of look at the fact that the food shortages, why are they doing the food shortages?
Because they want us to be very distracted from what they're actually doing and that's looting the country.
So the food shortages are to make us concentrated on, oh my gosh, we're not going to have any food, which is a true thing.
We're not going to have any food.
And you need to be very scared about this every day.
So don't look at what we're doing.
Don't look at the hijacking, the money laundering and all the rest.
You know, poverty now is a political choice.
It's a political choice by this couped administration that got in to the White House where they make decisions to make you poor.
Political decisions to make you poor.
It's not that you're there by choice, it's that they are ramping everything up, the cost of everything.
Everything is going up and it's not coming down, right?
And so it's going to get harder and harder to live.
And couples are going to have to work outside the home more and more.
Try to be a stay-at-home mom.
It's not going to happen.
It's just not going to happen.
Not with the way things are going right now.
Global warming, another great example of magical thinking.
We're going to tell you you're a super good person if you want less emissions.
Do less emissions do anything?
No, no.
Does the money go anywhere?
No, of course not.
It's all about selling a magical thinking idea, because then you can pat yourself on the back.
You don't have to actually do anything.
You can just be for these hoaxes.
You can just be for, you know, in support of these types of things.
When I come back, I want to get into a little bit of the occult and how people are joining that movement right now.
It isn't what you think it is.
And a lot of things are being sold to us under that movement.
That are truly something else.
It's a huge sleight of hand.
I'll be right back.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host on The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Kate Dally from The Kate Dally Show.
All right.
So let's talk.
Let's get into this a little bit deeper because I wasn't shocked at all about Disney's Little Demon.
And I know that I felt a little gaslit from it actually like, Oh, what are they doing now?
I've been doing this a long, long time.
And I want to talk a little bit about how they're using the sleight of hand to get us to engage in the practices of the occult, the leftist special, without realizing we're in it.
That's what's crazy.
There was a great article about Sabrina the Teenage Witch and it was back on the small screen, right?
It was this like darker, like Netflix, of course.
The Obamas are a huge part in Netflix.
They're a wonderful couple.
Anyway, Netflix series and the reboot of this like little witchy cult film, The Craft is in the Works.
If you guys notice too, the reason I'm doing this segment today is because I noticed something when I was looking at upcoming movies and We have more gore and Halloween movies coming out than ever before.
In fact, rom-coms are just I don't know.
They're not doing them anymore.
I don't know.
Maybe a sprinkling of them throughout the whole next year.
But really, it's about gore.
It's about... They're starting early.
We'll just say that.
And these Halloween-ish sort of movies used to kind of hit.
You'd get one big one during Halloween.
And now it's like this huge influx where the big concentration is on gore, violence, and the occult, which is really strange.
to see this, not strange, but fascinating to watch.
And so the phrase witch hunt, we have all of these kinds of things,
all these phrases, all these things that were constantly being told.
So they think about a million to five million people identify as pagan,
or Wiccan, or in one of these groups.
It's not very popular.
I mean, Hillary has no problem saying she's a witch.
And there's some stars out there that have actually come out.
Now that would have been the death of a star 60 years ago in their career to say that they were part of a coven or witches or the whole nine yards.
But there are so many that are practicing now.
And so now, if you really look at it, about 6 in 10 Americans, so 60% of Americans right now, ascribe to at least one New Age belief that isn't exactly about God.
And they're going away from organized religions to more of these new age types of things.
Believing in astrology, believing in psychics, believing in crystals, believing in all of these different things to kind of help them through their day.
In fact, they're really mass marketed.
So you've got this multi-billion dollar industry right now with only more steady growth coming because you have Millennials and Gen Zers that are more likely than any other age group to get involved with a number of these things.
We also have a steady diet of Harry Potter.
More New Age available to us now in so many ways that we don't even see it.
And I did a show a number of years ago, maybe a year, maybe it was a year or two ago, on The Secret.
And I'll talk about that in just a moment too.
But if you look at this, even Urban Outfitters carries all these different kinds of crystals and tarot cards and all these different ritual kits.
A ritual kit.
Do we know what that is?
It's a witchcraft kit.
It's incense and it's crystals and it's sage.
You've got Gwyneth Paltrow and you've got all these different things.
She's got this glass water bottle she sells with a pillar of amethyst and with the power of crystals.
It's just sort of...
Marketed, if you will.
So why did they make the movie Little Demon?
Why did Danny DeVito get so excited about this with his daughter and the whole producing crew from the show community?
Why did they want to do this so bad?
They took the whole year of 2020, when everyone was in lockdown, to develop this idea of a 13-year-old being the Antichrist.
And it's all of her antics.
Oh, how cute!
A little cartoon for you.
Well, They did it because there's a market for it.
That's why.
And they knew it.
And they knew it.
And we must think of it in those terms because they weren't just throwing something out there.
It wasn't like they hired somebody and just wanted to... This is on Netflix, by the way, streaming a Disney production.
But they weren't just throwing this out there.
They've been doing it for a really long time.
Look back at Walt Disney's whole entire career.
What did he start out with?
Think about this for just a second.
What did he start out with?
The skeleton dance.
It was in the summertime.
It wasn't Halloween.
It wasn't like something marketed to the littles for Halloween.
It was the skeleton dance.
Now, if you're a guy that is, and he's got a really strange background, but if you're a guy that's intent on making cartoons for kids, and even though you don't have any artistic talent, which he really didn't, he relied on other people to draw Mickey and all the rest.
In fact, my uncle even worked at Disney drawing some of those characters.
So, if you're a guy that's set on producing something for children, why would one of your first things out of the gate be the skeleton dance?
It's kind of a macabre, strange way to introduce yourself to the world of children, isn't it?
Do you think people saw it back then?
Do you think people actually saw what he was doing?
It's the best magic trick or sleight of hand in this last century.
Is Disney.
But Disney is some...
Wonderful, cute little business for kids.
It's some sweet little thing.
At the time, movies were kind of known as Babylon.
Hollywood was known as Babylon.
It had a really bad reputation for a reason, because it is.
And so here comes Disney, and Disney is nothing but promoted.
Nothing but promoted.
And what's interesting about this was they needed something to clean up the image, and they introduced Disney.
And so, here it comes out in the summer.
It's 1929, okay?
It comes out in August, and it's about a spooky graveyard with, you know, macabre imagery.
Very, very interesting.
Then he comes out with The Sorcerer's Apprentice in 1940.
Guess what?
It wasn't a huge success at the time.
People weren't enamored with this.
Now they call it brilliant.
He was brilliant.
No, he wasn't.
He had an agenda, but people failed to see it.
They didn't want to see it.
Nobody does.
And so what was this about?
Mickey puts on the hat and tries magic on a broom.
He commands the broom to carry buckets of water to fill a cauldron.
And since Mickey is satisfied, he sits down on the chair and he falls asleep.
He dreams that he's a powerful sorcerer high on the top of a pinnacle, commanding the stars and planets and water.
Don't witches do that?
Just Hmm.
Mickey wakes up to find that the room is filled with water and the broom isn't stopping and it goes on and on and on.
Now, why would you do a movie like this?
Why couldn't you do a cute little film where Mickey, the cute little mouse who he wanted to name Mortimer, where this cute little mouse, you know, does something or, you know, he has some talks with his parents.
I mean, look at the little Leave it to Beaver shows, right?
Why couldn't you do something like that?
Why introduce children to the occult?
What was it about that that Disney loved?
You got to think about that for a moment because he was surrounded by this kind of stuff.
He had a love for this kind of stuff.
And nobody really saw it.
In fact, he wasn't really good.
Why would you pursue a career in animation if you could only hold down a job for a couple of months because you're not good?
He was fired.
Why would you do that?
Why would you consistently pursue, pursue, pursue?
I think there was an agenda there.
You think?
And The Sorcerer's Apprentice was an interesting film to kind of come out with.
And are there movies where they show Mickey Mouse snorting cocaine?
Oh, you be the judge.
There's a lot of different plots in movies.
I'll get back to this in just a moment.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from katedallyradio.com.
So I'm talking a little bit about the history of the occult in media and in film and all of the ways we've been indoctrinated and all of the things that are available to us that we don't even think about because they're just kind of cool.
I mean, come on, it's a crystal.
I mean, it's cool, right?
We don't even think about what we're doing anymore.
We're on autopilot much of the time.
So Walt Disney has all these subsidiaries, Touchstone, Miramax, Hollywood Pictures, Just think for a second all the films that Miramax puts out in Touchstone.
So there's a lot of themes in those films.
And what were they devised for?
Why do you need all these subsidiaries, right?
They were created to camouflage the Disney production of a lot of filth, to tell you the truth.
I know I'm going to sound like a 90-year-old little church lady, but that's not...
It's really and truly it was about hiding really what they really wanted to get into because if Disney's associated with it, everybody's guard is down, right?
So they operate in kind of a clandestine manner, really.
And they were all on board as well during World War II for developing World War II propaganda films.
I mean, if you look all along, who gets the awards?
Why is he so awarded?
He didn't have a huge amount of talent.
He had to have other people draw his stuff.
Why was he so awarded?
They even called him the Golden Boy.
There was so much good press about this guy from Time Warner and from all of these different movie companies.
They loved him, gave him chance after chance, even when his companies kept going bankrupt in the beginning because he couldn't manage a company, right?
He brought on his brother, Roy.
And they still made these contracts with him.
Why would you make a contract with a business that goes bankrupt?
It doesn't make any sense, right?
So, in the 1920 films, he shows kids cutting school, shoplifting, playing hooky, you know, all the really good messages you want your kids to see.
And he shows Alice running away from her responsibility to have an adventure.
He shows prisoners escaping and hobos and escaping work and all of these different things, right?
And you think, oh, he's just showing cute little kids doing fun little things, you know?
Who doesn't shoplift and play hooky?
I don't.
Anyway, so in the 1951 cartoon, Get Rich Quick, Goofy wins money at poker.
And initially, his angry wife, who doesn't even love to gamble, right?
She just, of course, forgives him.
Because she sees how much money he's won.
What a great lesson for children.
I love that, right?
Easy come, easy go, right?
And so, of course, you know, being shown gambling, countless acts of violence.
They couldn't do all of these acts of violence on film at the time.
Think 100 years ago.
They couldn't do this.
So what did they do?
They put it into film.
They put it into film.
I have a mallet for cooking and one of my kids, who will remain nameless, took the mallet and bonked one of my other kids on the head.
Why did they do that?
Because they saw it in a cartoon.
They saw it in a cartoon.
They didn't think it would do anything because the character that got bonked on the head, certainly fine, right?
I mean, they're going to do what they see.
And this is what they were seeing all the time.
Do you remember your childhood without Disney?
I grew up near Disneyland.
Everything I did was at Disneyland.
Grad night and dates and everything was Disney.
So my whole childhood, I have great memories.
It's kind of like watching the movie Grease.
When I was little, I didn't know it was about sex.
You don't pick up on that.
You just like the music or you think it's a cute story.
So we see with the eyes we want to see, and that's okay, to a certain degree, because we have goodness in us.
We're not going to go and see his Club 33 and you think of the 33 Mason.
You're not going to make those associations.
But the problem is, is that we're still doing this with our children now, and we don't even realize what we're doing.
That's what it is.
It's autopilot.
You got to get out of autopilot.
And otherwise, you're going to have to have a lot of talks with your kids after every movie they watch, honestly.
And so, we put them in front of a Disney movie not thinking at all.
And when children see horrible deaths on TV, they learn to associate the suffering with entertainment and pleasure and their favorite soft drink and a little box of Goobers, you know?
This is the kind of thing that is mind control.
Illuminati loves this kind of stuff.
And, of course, you've got all these violent images that are being shown, but the family's like, oh, we're at a Disney movie!
This is fabulous, isn't it?
We're here!
The Disney Gargoyles cartoon was a television series about pure demonology and the storyline that a race of demons protects New York City.
I thought it was made of that.
Anyways, yeah, it's a lovely city.
So, according to ex-Illuminati slaves, you know, the 1960s had to shift
their programming away from the military bases at the time because there was too much
publicity and too much heat shining on military at the time.
And they really didn't want people to understand what was really behind the wars, right?
They really didn't.
And so the goal was to have a place where you could have these... It became America.
Disney is very famous for America.
It's monumental.
When you go to America for the first time, you got to go to Disneyland, Disney World, don't you?
And the ones around the world... I can't even talk today.
The ones around the world don't do as well, yet they're completely propped up.
In a real business world, You'd be out, kind of like CNN.
CNN has what, about 200,000 followers?
The total zombies among us?
Well, in a regular business world, CNN wouldn't be on TV because, you know, free market capitalism, you don't have the crowd, right?
Totally bolstered up.
From an early time, he was very much in with the government and the government helping and control the projects, what they were doing, and I think it was more so than people realize.
I told you I would talk just a little bit about The Secret.
This is interesting because there was an exposé about The Secret.
Now, The Secret is Rhonda Byrne's book, and this book is all about your intention.
You will things to happen, okay?
And you could probably think that's a good idea.
I think there is something to that in positive thinking and the effect it can have on your body and different things.
Your thoughts are who you are, right?
So there is some truth there.
The problem is, is that this book was all about, hey, there's this stealthy secret and this is the secret to your relationships, your happiness, your eternal youth.
You're not fat because you ate a lot.
You just haven't thought away the fatness enough.
It was basically, go make a vision board and make it happen.
Don't rely on God.
Don't pray about it.
No, you need to get into the laws of attraction because it's all about the laws of attraction.
So the focus was extreme.
What's interesting about The Secret is, is that witches actually came out, actual witches, and said, hey, that's what we do.
The Secret is, that's witchcraft.
That's what we're doing.
We're willfully, intentionally wanting something to happen as they're chanting around a cauldron.
That's what witchcraft is.
But it was being sold to us in a new package.
And the new package was new age, hey, be part of this new secret.
You can will away your problems.
And then, materialistically, you can will into your life everything that you want.
There's nothing stopping you.
Why is that?
If you think bad thoughts, bad things will happen.
If you think good thoughts, everything good will happen to you.
You can create your circumstances.
Do you see anything about God in that equation?
No, it leaves God out completely.
That's the problem.
It's an extreme.
Is there something to good thoughts?
But it isn't what they're selling it as.
It's a really super seductive message, actually, is the secret.
And so a lot of people, when I said, you know, people are getting into things that they normally wouldn't, this would not be something that they would normally, you know, but they accept it.
You know, they accept it because it's part of everything they're seeing around us.
And so, you might have a couple friends with some vision boards.
They're not bad people.
They just think that this is a new secret to behold, that they can actually create their universe this way.
You know, I believe in the power of prayer.
So, a different line of thinking, a different philosophy, if you will.
Going back to Iron Round, a different philosophy, a different foundation.
And so if we don't recognize these things and how we're kind of being swept into this because we have six out of ten Americans subscribing to something in their life that's really going new age without really being told that it is a facet of the occult no matter how you look at it.
It's a facet of it.
And parents aren't letting their kids know this.
We're still dragging them to Disney movies.
And we're weeding out the good ones.
Is there a few good ones?
They would have to.
They would have to put a few cute ones in there.
I've missed all the magic, but ask yourself this, why all the magic in every single movie?
Why does it have to be there?
I'll be right back.
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host for the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Kate Daly Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
It's habit.
I'm so sorry.
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host.
It's habit.
I promise.
And thanks, Alex, for having me on today.
And let me just tell you this, the left is fascinated with the occult magic and magical thinking.
And now that you know that, and you're thinking of those words, listen to the stuff they say.
Listen to the things they phrase.
You will hear magic more than you've ever heard, especially coming from the media.
And Hollywood, in Hollywood, liberals have no other choice since the 1940s, since the inception of the CIA, which is kind of an interesting connection.
They have absolutely, you have absolutely, you have to support codify and support liberal values.
If you don't, you're done.
You're done.
Your career won't happen.
There's only a scant few that ever still have a career after they say, well, I'm a conservative or I don't like all of this stuff happening.
And so you look back at all the things that we have Really sort of placed a huge importance on the Harry Potter book series.
Did J.K.
Rowling really write that?
Or was there other people involved in making sure that we had the field of child wizardry?
Because those films, very, very popular, but because it was based on a book, parents went, oh, it's based on a book.
Books are good.
Not all books.
What are we teaching the kids?
There's, there's, there's mysteries and there's all kinds of things that can happen.
And this is where people kind of, they don't realize those things can happen without all the occult stuff.
But why are we so enamored with this?
Why do we love movies with spells and witchcraft and the occult?
Because that's all we've been shown for about a hundred years.
That's why.
110 years.
So there's a whole darker side to this, this magic and it occupies In medicine and all kinds of roles.
I mean, it really, it does a number on our brain because we're so used to it.
So, witches, when I was talking about the secret, witches, this is from an actual witch who wrote this, witchcraft is about harnessing your power and using it alongside the power of the universe to manifest a life that fulfills your higher purpose.
Intention simply tells those energies where you want to go next.
Practicing intention forces you to ground yourself and do some self-reflection and meditate on what you really want from life.
These are the vital skills.
Oh yes, they're so vital.
That every witch should possess and constantly improve.
I'm creeped out right now, reading that.
I mean, you could swap that and put it into the secret mentality, the secret book, and it would be that you're saying the same thing, aren't you?
So, Anton LaVey tells the New Age to give Satan his religion back.
The New Age, he says, is a spiritual Satanism repackaged in a box of social morality, wrapped in wrapping paper of unity and social progress, just like the phrase I just read from you from a witch, and topped off with a bow of love and tolerance.
It's all about love and tolerance.
It is spiritual principles of Satanism mixed in with appealing, heart-centered moral system Or Satan gets replaced with the therapeutic imagery idea of Source.
But of all the actual subjects in the New Age that have to do with the occultic and spiritual matters that have their roots in Luciferian philosophy, just because the New Age sprinkles in a self-esteem message and endorses an appealing standard of social morality.
Social morality?
Social justice and morality in a sentence.
That's sort of strange.
and endorses an appealing standard of this does not mean that the New Age subjects themselves
are not essentially satanic.
We've just gotten really used to it.
That's the problem.
And so you have all this seductive messaging.
And what's interesting too, if you go back and you kind of look from 1910 on.
Around 1910, the Magic Circle was formed in London.
No, 1905.
This was the Magic Circle.
It was formed in London and it was to advance the art of stage magic.
Think about all the magicians that are in Vegas.
You think about all these things that actually were associated with much darker things 200 years ago, but now they're the mainstream.
We've accepted it as full entertainment, right?
And so we have the theatrical venues, the TV, and of course, street magic, all of these different things.
So who is a member of that?
Prince Charles.
Prince Charles is a member of the Magic Circle in London.
There's a lot of people that are members of this.
And there's this expression, it's all done with smoke and mirrors.
Kind of like our life right now.
How Truman is the Truman Show?
Well, we're in it and it's hard to see out.
It's hard to see what we have been indoctrinated with through the years.
But this is kind of strange.
At the same time, they came up with what was called, they built the Magic Castle.
Now this was a building that was built and then taken over for the same exact purpose as the Magic Circle in London.
In LA, we had the Magic Castle.
It's a clubhouse for magicians.
And there was an ex-CIA agent that was saying, I don't know about ex, are they ever ex?
Anyway, saying this is where a lot of the CIA is trained to do their little sleight of hand and their little tricks and this place is, well, it's creepy.
I'll tell you the truth.
It's located right smack in Hollywood in LA and bills itself as the most unusual private club in the world.
Now, I didn't want to pick on anybody, but guess who's a member of that?
Johnny Carson.
Johnny Carson was a member of this Magic Castle Club.
And he was intrigued by magic from the age of 12 years on up, and he joined the Navy at 17.
What most people don't know about, it's kind of a side note, but what most people don't know about Johnny Carson is that he scored so high in intelligence and psychologically that he was put into a V-12 program during World War II.
And the V12 program hit all kinds of religious institutions and colleges, and they would kind of promise these guys kind of, you know, these key roles in intelligence, okay?
So a lot of what they were really doing was promoting intelligence, curating for CIA intelligence at the time, and trying to decide who they wanted to pick, who, you know, was the smartest guy in the room, To be part of this crew.
And he started, of course, deciphering messages in the military and all kinds of things.
It's very interesting to me how many Hollywood types since the 1940s were in the military, in military programs, in military intelligence programs.
Johnny Carson was one of them.
Do you ever wonder how people get famous?
Do you ever wonder why certain people are promoted over others?
It's kind of strange, isn't it?
So this particular program, kind of like the Army Specialized Training Program, were to spit out, you know, into such fields as engineering, you know, really good people in their field, right, that would also kind of work for the intelligence, wink wink, in engineering, foreign languages, in medicine, all kinds of things.
So they took in all of these people.
Now, who was among that kind of group that he came out of?
Oh, Henry Kissinger, Mel Brooks, Frank Church, Bob Dole, good old Ed, New York City Mayor, and a whole bunch of people, Gore Vidal.
All kinds of people in media and prominent positions.
Isn't that always kind of interest you how many people end up?
Robert Kennedy, Paul Newman, Jackie Cooper, Zig Zigar, Warren Christopher and Earl Carroll, the judges.
A lot of people end up in these programs.
Isn't it interesting how many people end up in our media and end up very popular with a career laid out?
Same with Johnny Carson.
He had a whole career laid out for him.
He didn't have to struggle.
He got in there very quick.
He got prominent positions very quickly.
They're all part of a club.
Not everybody in Hollywood is in this club.
There's a lot of people that would jump through the hoops and will do what they do what they're paid to do or have a certain bend towards some of the things I've been talking about.
And they just sort of like this industry.
And I would say Disney really worked for the government as he was developing his company because he had to depend on loans.
He had to depend on certain things to happen for his company to succeed.
Because his messaging wasn't that popular as far as with the audiences.
It was more of a media presence to say, he's the man, he's the golden boy, this is what you should look at.
And so people did.
It was very coerced.
And a lot of people don't know that about Johnny Carson.
A lot of people are intelligence programs in the media for a reason.
You've got all your journalists.
You've got so many people in politics.
That have been indoctrinated into intelligence programs for a reason.
They want to control people at the helm and they want to make sure certain messages get out and certain messages don't.
It's just how it goes.
I have so much more on this.
I could actually do a whole nother hour on this and maybe I'll do a continuation next week because there's so much here.
I barely touched on it.
But on my show this week, I will be talking about, on Friday, 9-11.
And you know, there's a lot to learn about 9-11, a lot of stuff that's come out that we need to talk about because it's been enough years.
It's been enough years that we really need to be red-pilled.
We need to really kind of see what's been going on with that as well.
And with this, we've been indoctrinated into this sort of thinking and into this, if you really look at the big picture, the last 100 years, Think about why we needed these things.
And by the way, why did they need so many intelligence programs for the war if all we did was invite the Nazis back to be in our country and head up certain divisions?
Doesn't make sense, does it?
Maybe the war was an excuse to build the CIA.
Who knows?
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host for the Alex Jones Show.
Now, I got called last night by Tony Lyons at Skyhorsie.
He said we have a very good chance of sending The Great Reset on Amazon to number one.
And if that happens, it'll make the book 20 times bigger.
It's a great book.
It's the blueprint of the New World Order and how to stop them.
The Great Reset and the War for the World.
And that would be a major funding boon for us.
So it's like hitting the lottery.
If it goes to number one, no matter what they do, it just magnifies.
It's been as high as number six.
It's number nine today.
It's number one in more than 50 charts in the United States and the world right now.
The Great Reset and the War for the World.
Kindle, everything, the book is now shipping as well.
But I want you to get it at Amazon.com.
I want you to buy copies for friends and family.
We can send it to number one today, and now is the time to do it.
And you gotta go look at the reviews that are pouring in.
Currently today, it was number nine earlier.
It's number 16 right now.
But you look at it, where it's number one in bestsellers in political corruption and misconduct.
And the Kindle's number three.
That's beating free books being put out by Obama.
Best sellers in globalization, number one and number three.
Best sellers in United States history, number one.
Kindle, number six.
And it goes on and on.
You gotta go read the reviews.
Number one in history.
Think they like that?
That's a major message to them.
Number one.
In bestsellers and media studies.
Think they like that?
Bestsellers in corruption and misconduct.
Number one.
Bestsellers in world history.
Number one.
And read the reviews.
People are blown away.
Five stars out the rear end.
Thank you everybody for what you're doing.
We're in this fight together.
And this is a message that humanity wants the blueprint of the Death Star.
Humanity wants to take on the New World Order.
Alex Jones is right about far more than he's wrong about.
He's the most misunderstood guy on the planet.
Joe Rogan.
And the quotes from Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, and others.
If Alex Jones is just a crackpot, why are the most powerful people in the country trying to silence him?
No one bothers to censor the Flat Earthers.
Maybe Alex Jones is onto something.
Read this book and decide for yourself who's crazy.
Get it today at Amazon.com.
Drive it to number one.
If all of you just simply go there and get your Christmas shopping out of the way, and buy five, ten of these books, we'll get three or four dollars a piece.
That'll help keep us on air, and that's what you get as the author.
You'll get a lot more, buy them in fourstore.com, but I don't want you to get it in fourstore.com right now.
I want you to get it at Amazon.com to send that sucker to number one, and you have the power to do it right now.
Go to Amazon.com.
We'll put a big link in the live show feed, right under the live show video.
Big link.
In fact, we'll put a whole big story at the very top that's saying, send the Great Reset and War of the World to number one with a link to Amazon.
Let's do it now.
You won't fight the traffic.
You won't battle all the crap.
You won't deal with all the Christmas BS.
You just buy five, 10, 20 copies right now and send this sucker to number one.
Turn it loose.
It's an info war.
This is an exercise of your will and your power.
It's going to number one.
I believe in you.
Go there now and get it.
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It comes from China.