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Name: 20220902_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 2, 2022
2520 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses various topics including politics, psychology, tax advice, and economic collapse preparedness. They promote health products such as DNA Force Plus, Super Male Vitality, Vitamin Mineral Fusion, High-Grade Fish Oil, and Instaheart. The show also features interviews with experts discussing mass formation theory and its role in manipulation and mind control by authoritarians.

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MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.
They do not believe in the rule of law.
They do not recognize the will of the people.
They refuse to accept the results of a free election.
And they're working right now, as I speak in state after state, to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.
MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards.
Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.
They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, To the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.
So ladies and gentlemen, when they project big blood red lights on a wall, with flags and troops at the ready, they're saying we're coming for you.
I said 100% he's going to come out in the speech and declare war on half the country and say anybody that is a populist or a nationalist wants to destroy the country when they're the ones openly And publicly destroying the country.
And as if that wasn't bad enough, we're going to play all these clips.
The disgraced deputy FBI director came out and said, this isn't enough.
Everyone who's a Republican or supports Trump or a populist is an insurrectionist and needs to be dealt with.
And Biden should have declared more extensive war and made it clear.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
As you can now see, America is going under total new world order martial law.
Biden has literally given a speech declaring war on the people in a Hitlerian set.
You don't want to miss this broadcast.
Tomorrow's news.
We must be honest with each other and with ourselves.
Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal.
Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.
I want to be very clear, very clear up front.
Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans are MAGA Republicans.
Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology.
I know, because I've been able to work with these mainstream Republicans.
And here, in my view, is what is true.
MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.
They do not believe in the rule of law.
They do not recognize the will of the people.
They refuse to accept the results of a free election.
And they're working right now, as I speak in state after state, to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.
MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards.
Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose.
No right to privacy.
No right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.
They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.
We hear, you've heard it, more and more talk about violence as an acceptable political tool.
In this country.
It's not.
It can never be an acceptable tool.
So I want to say this plain and simple.
There is no place for political violence in America.
You saw law enforcement brutally attacked on January 6th.
We've seen election officials, poll workers, many of them volunteers of both parties, subject to intimidation and death threats.
And can you believe it?
FBI agents just doing their job as directed, facing threats to their own lives from their own fellow citizens.
On top of that, there are public figures today, yesterday, and the day before, predicting and all but calling For mass violence and rioting in the streets.
This is inflammatory.
It's dangerous.
It's against the rule of law.
And we, the people, must say this is not who we are.
And now, America must choose to move forward or to move backwards.
To build a future or obsess about the past.
To be a nation of hope, and unity, and optimism.
Or a nation of fear, division, and of darkness.
MAGA Republicans have made their choice.
They embrace anger.
They thrive on chaos.
They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies.
But together, together we can choose a different path.
We can choose a better path.
Forward to the future.
A future of possibility, a future to build and dream and hope.
And we're on that path moving ahead.
Everything he said is an inversion of the truth.
I warned you he'd give a speech declaring war on America.
They are locked and loaded to stage massive terror attacks.
This country is on the footsteps of doom.
And everybody better get the word out.
That they're planning to stage violence.
They're the ones preparing violence.
They have the history of provocateuring.
And you heard him with no proof say that Republicans are calling for violence.
They had a bunch of national TV shows the last two days say, I'm calling for violence when I'm calling for the opposite.
These people are making their move on us.
My God, with a fascist background.
All they missed was the torches.
Mark your calendars.
The Deep State declared war on you and your family publicly.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
It is Friday, September 2nd, 2022, and we are still at our post as loyal Americans to
our Republic and to our ancestors and to ourselves and to our children.
My spider sense is tingling of imminent staged terror attacks, but you don't need to have a sixth sense to know it.
You can see everything being done, everything being prepared, launching not just America, but the world into an authoritarian takeover.
The energy's being cut off.
The borders are being imploded.
Pedophilia is out in the open.
Hundreds of hospitals are chopping the penises and genitals off little boys and the breasts off little girls.
And those of us that say it's wrong are called terrorists.
The enemy is making their move right now.
This is an emergency broadcast, ladies and gentlemen, and I'll be up here tomorrow taping another emergency three-hour broadcast with some special guests.
We're going to be here today, but with the storms across the country, their plane is delayed until this evening.
I'll leave it at that.
Special guest in studio tomorrow.
We've got big guest as well in studio today, a psychological warfare expert, one of the leading ones in the world, will be joining us to tell you about that coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is like if you go to the zoo and you take your three-year-old and you go, that's an elephant, honey.
And it's an elephant.
There's no debating, it's an elephant.
Or that's a tiger, or that's a giraffe, or that's a grizzly bear, or that's a penguin, or that's a boa constrictor.
When the leader of a country gets up and declares half the nation terrorist, and says they're about to engage in terrorism, and they do it with troops behind them, with a red background, with a dark cross above it, In every Hollywood movie, in every dystopian system, they show that exact iconography.
All of it scripted by design.
In V for Vendetta, it's the exact set.
When Trump simply had General Milley with him touring the burned-down church by the White House, The entire corporate media called it fascism and that Trump was about to attack everybody and that this was just Hitler had been reborn.
No, when people are burning down cities, you then have the troops come out and you go and survey and say it won't be tolerated.
But when you go up on television with a red background at nighttime with troops behind you, ladies and gentlemen, Adolf Hitler wrote the book on it.
These people don't wear a red armband with a black swastika on it.
They wear a mask.
And they wear black hoods and they're Antifa.
And they are taking over.
We have all these new Project Veritas videos undercover of corporate leaders, school administrators bragging, you name it.
We're really double agents.
We're really secret agents taking over.
The children are ours.
I have multiple clips just today of that.
The average leftist has been converted into an operative, and we still think we're in a free country, and boys and girls, we ain't.
It's not just in Denver, Colorado this week that they remote controlled everybody's thermostats and took control of them.
It happened all over the world this week.
The forced alerts on your phones, all of it is the definition of a high-tech police state.
That's why they have the war on the police, to get rid of the existing police that follow the Constitution and Bill of Rights to some extent, and are loyal to their communities, and who are great people on average.
On average, they're great people.
They are!
They just are!
It's like our veterans are.
They're under attack.
Our veterans are under attack.
Our police are under attack.
That's a real police state.
First thing Hitler did was take out all the loyal police from the Weimar Republic that wouldn't go along with him.
It took him a few years to do it.
So ladies and gentlemen, when they project big blood red lights on a wall with flags and troops at the ready, they're saying, we're coming for you.
And what it is, I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't have an operational name.
In fact, I bet it does.
I bet it's called Operation Matador or Operation Bullfight.
They see us as the bull.
And they are shaking a red flag in our face, and the Matador is the deep state with a long, skinny, razor-sharp sword, so that when the bull lunges forward, the Matador uses the force of its weight to drive it into the heart and step aside with his cape as the bull buries himself into the dust.
This is Operation Matador.
This is Operation Matador.
And again, I told you three days ago and two days ago and yesterday, I said 100% he's going to come out in this speech and declare war on half the country and say anybody that is a populist or a nationalist wants to destroy the country when they're the ones openly and publicly destroying the country.
And as if that wasn't bad enough, we're going to play all these clips.
The disgraced deputy FBI director came out and said, this isn't enough.
Everyone who's a Republican or supports Trump or a populist is an insurrectionist and needs to be dealt with.
And Biden should have declared more extensive war and made it clear.
So that's all this is.
And the way you get a bull.
That outweighs the matador 15 times and has big, giant, razor-sharp horns.
To finally run into the sword is they throw little spears into his back to piss him off and to anger him.
That's what they've been doing with the open borders and the drag queen story time that he valued dollars and shutting off your power supplies and remote controlling all the devices in your house.
We warned you 20 years ago they would do.
And running down America, and running down our families, and having the NFL take a knee, and all the rest of this garbage.
That was throwing the little spears, the barbs in our back.
But now the red cape's out.
With 67 days out from the midterms, where they know they're set to lose big, despite all the dead people they've got on the rolls, hoping they can steal it with mail-in ballots.
And so now the red cape is out, being flapped in our face, and right behind it, Is the FBI and the New World Order getting ready to stage terror attacks?
Because they know we're not gonna jump on the sword.
Populist Christians, conservatives are too smart.
We actually work for a living.
We have children.
We live in the real world.
We study things.
We're involved.
We're not dumbass leftists.
And so you can bet your bottom Benjamin, you can bet everything you got on the fact that they're getting ready to stage horrible terror attacks in this country.
And when I came out last week and this week and said it's imminent, they went completely ape and said Alex Jones is calling for violence.
And you heard Biden in his speech, we're going to play clip six here in a moment.
You heard Biden say that the Republicans are calling for mass unrest and violence.
No, they're not.
They said if you indict Trump, that could cause that.
And that's Lindsey Graham, the deep stater.
Republicans aren't going to what?
Go riot?
Because we're going to blame the local cops?
Or burn down a Walmart?
Or maybe loot a Target?
Or a Versace?
No, Republicans don't blame the local police department when you have a tyrannical federal government.
Republicans don't blame the average FBI agent.
Republicans aren't going to blow up a federal building.
2.0 Oklahoma City 95.
Republicans aren't going to shoot police officers.
Republicans aren't going to go out and riot and attack police cars.
Their brother or sister is probably in the damn car.
So when they sit there and tell you that we're about to riot and burn things down and carry out terror, you can bet everything you've got on they've got their team set up and their Antifa operatives ready to pose and ready to provocateur and ready to launch it imminently.
Because they know they've lost and they want to have a smokestream of violence to bring in martial law and they've got everything set up for it.
And the pedophile run You know, Jeffrey Epstein, New World Order, knows their backs against the wall.
So we're going to go through the speech.
I'll add every facet of this, but this broadcast was forged in the fires of liberty, and we were designed and meant for the moment we're here now together.
I want to be clear with everybody.
In America's 250-year history, nothing like this has ever happened.
This is a historic moment.
I've crossed the Rubicon.
Tomorrow's news, today.
Alright, here's what's gonna happen.
I'm gonna cover these clips, go over the speech, and I'm gonna open the phones up, specifically on that declaration of war against the American people yesterday, and what it really signifies.
Everything he says is what they're doing to us.
Everything he's saying is classical authoritarianism, purebred, 200 proof.
If it was liquor, it'd be 100% alcohol.
I mean, it would win best of show if it was a dog.
I mean, it is the bonafide, the thoroughbred, the red flag in your face.
Our political enemies must be shut down.
They're planning terror.
We're going to get them.
I've got the military behind me.
I'm standing here in a nighttime ceremony with red light on the walls.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
It is absolutely ridiculous.
When you think of classic, beautiful bombshell, you think Marilyn Monroe, right?
You think rock star, you think Elvis Presley.
When you think Hitler, when you think Stalin, when you think tyranny, why do you think this set is a simulation of nuclear war and has fascist red on black?
Because when they're doing this, we put on the set the colors.
They put those colors up, folks.
I'm telling you, it's coming, and now it's here.
In every Hollywood movie, it's black on red in a nighttime speech.
With the leader in a dark suit shaking his fists.
Both fists.
I mean, this was scripted.
This was choreographed.
This was unbelievable.
They even had a red cross up in the dark above him.
And that photo, it's a little bit higher, you can't see it.
But I mean, this is just ridiculous.
Only if he wore a red armband with a swastika and said, Howl Hitler, would this be any more obvious?
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
This is just absolutely saying, we are targeting you.
You're in a crosshair.
The military is watching you.
We're going to censor you.
We're going to lock you up.
And then the former deputy director of the FBI, play the clip next segment.
Comes out and says this isn't enough, we need to target all the insurrectionists!
We need to arrest everybody.
So how are they going to legitimize this?
Why do you make an announcement this bold and crazy?
Because they're gonna pull stuff so damn horrible, and they're gonna go ahead and make their move on everybody.
They'll assassinate Trump.
They'll come kill me.
And then they're going to come for you.
They're making their move.
And they're insane.
It will fail.
It will blow up.
And they'll get the war they keep talking about, which I don't want, because that's part of the New World Order plan to take the United States out.
We are literally at the end of America right now with a crazy dimension-riddled person trying to be a dictator.
And the people behind him, Obama and the globalists, they are dictators.
And they stole the election to install him.
So, I've told you the last month, my gut level, also intellectual analysis, is 10 times worse than it's ever been.
I mean, 10 times more intense, 10 times more concerned.
I'm guaranteeing you, okay?
Guaranteeing you!
That unless we see massive Justice Department whistleblowers now, and unless we see people even in corporate media that know they're mercenaries and know what they're doing is wrong, and a lot of them do, unless we just see everybody start coming out and saying, I'm not with this, it's over.
And again, a lot of people say, well we'll just have a war with these people and we'll show them.
That's the plan!
We don't want to have a war with these psychos, we'll beat them, but in the process it'll be a Pyrrhic victory.
And a parent victory is where you win the battle and think you win the war,
but you lose because of what the war did to you.
When I first opened the phones up, I want to hear from current serving military and police.
You don't have to say where you're from or any of that.
You can just say anonymous if you want.
And I want to get your take.
I want to hear from the first bank of callers, being police and military, because you're going to be asked to enforce this nightmare.
What do you think of this?
What do you think we can do peacefully to stop this nightmare?
And then after we take 10, 15 calls from military and law enforcement, the next wave of calls will be first-time callers, long-time callers.
You agree, you disagree, whatever.
Open phones on this subject, on this declaration of war against anybody that questions the New World Order, anybody that wants to save the country, anybody that doesn't want And here, in my view, is what is true.
MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.
They do not believe in the rule of law.
They do not recognize the will of the people.
calling for violence, which they're not.
And here, in my view, is what is true.
MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.
They do not believe in the rule of law.
They do not recognize the will of the people.
They refuse to accept the results of a free election.
And they're working right now, as I speak, in state after state, to give power
to decide elections in America, to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers
to undermine democracy itself.
MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards.
Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, No right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.
They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.
Who is fanning the flames of violence?
Who is dividing the country?
Who is running the nation under the ground?
Everything he said was what they're doing.
I've got more clips of this when we come back, and the former deputy director of the FBI saying he didn't go far enough.
We're going to play it all, but this is an attempt to outlaw the political, peaceful realignment that's happening.
And Patriots preparing according to all the numbers to take the Senate and the House.
That's why they're putting out polls and numbers.
Oh, they won't get the Senate.
They'll barely get the House because they're doing the mail-in ballots again.
Does anybody believe that the first time in 50 years a Democrat got elected in Alaska and that Sarah Palin really lost in that special election?
No, they stole it.
We know they rewrote last year.
The zoning and the gerrymandering of the districts.
And we know that they did mail-in ballots.
They did it again.
they're gonna do it again and become a permanent uniparty like Venezuela or
North Korea. A hellish spectacle was a wartime speech says Town Hall.
It was a declaration of war.
Against Americans that don't want to flush the country down the toilet.
But we can stop it together.
And we can raise the alarm.
But I need everybody to get engaged now.
Victory is in our hands, but we must carry it out.
Even ABC News, CNN, The Washington Post, called it a declaration of war.
A wartime speech.
These are quotes.
We just had some on screen for TV viewers.
Even mainline liberals are like, what in the world was that?
Because it's so flagrant.
It's so out in the open.
It's so fascist.
It's so authoritarian.
It is overkill.
And people say, this makes him look like a crazy man.
But you see, he needs to get ahead of it before they stage the false flags.
They've got a history of it.
It's one of the only cards they've got to play.
Brace yourselves.
And the big question is, how do we get the word out about this so they don't pull it off?
You can expose it, we can expose it, we can make this the number one issue.
And how they staged the Whitmer kidnapping, how they provoked her January 6th, how they ran Oklahoma City, how they staged so many other events.
That's why they don't want us on air, because we understand that low level you got Jesse Smollett, but high level you got the FBI doing things far worse with these special units.
Yeah, the average FBI agent involved in this.
They're in money laundering and kidnapping cases.
But the special unit that ran the Whitmer kidnapping in January 6 and the raid on Mar-a-Lago and the Russiagate group is the same group and you know it's them!
I'll guarantee you, they got the trucks loaded with fuel oil bombs right now.
I guarantee you they're gonna run the same place again they did in 95.
But if we put enough heat on them, and if enough of their minions they're trying to set up as the Patsy's learn about this, It'll neutralize them.
Here's a great example.
I'll go to the clips.
In early February of this year, just about two weeks before the Russians invaded Ukraine, the State Department, the CIA, told the truth.
They said Russia is massing troops on the border, and massing blood, and massing ambulances, and they're planning an invasion to split the country in two.
Now, just because they lie most of the time doesn't mean they didn't tell the truth when it was about to actually happen.
Because they don't control what Russia's going to do, but they were picking the chatter up.
And what did they say at the State Department?
The former high-level CIA operative, that's the spokesperson there.
He said, we have intel that Russia is about to stage false flags, car bombings and shootings to blame Ukraine as a pretext to invade.
And it does appear that there were some car bombs and things that went off right when the Russians invaded that was the pretext.
Because that's what big governments do.
Hitler staged attacks on his own troops on the border with Poland at Gleiwitz in 1940.
Before World War II kicked off.
So, again, why did the State Department come out and say Russia's preparing false flags?
And remember at the State Department briefings, they said this is Alex Jones territory.
The Reuters reporter said, this is Alex Jones stuff.
False flags don't exist.
What do you mean they don't exist?
How'd we get to Vietnam?
Gulf of Tonkin.
How'd they plan to go to war with Russia in 61, but Kennedy killed the plan?
Operation Northwoods.
How'd we go to war in 1990 with Iraq?
They said that they were beating babies' brains out in incubators.
So, there's a good chance we can stop them if people understand they've got the ace of spades in their hand.
Which is false flags.
And they're priming it and saying, Republicans and Trump supporters are about to shoot things and blow things up, which we know isn't true, and it's so obvious they've got all this lined up, they're getting ready to do it.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that.
So, that's the big thing I wanted to get out.
Now I'm going to give the number out, I'm going to play some of these clips right now, then I'm going to come right back and take your calls, from military and law enforcement First, on this subject of the false flag and last night's speech, and what you think of the situation, and after we take whatever calls come in from military and law enforcement, then the phones will open up for everybody.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
And no matter how important the call is, maximum two minutes a caller, because I want to get to everybody.
We're doing a pretty good job lately of actually getting to most of the callers, so folks don't have to hold.
I know we're busy, but we need to hear from you.
We want to hear from you.
We want to bounce ideas off of you.
In the last few days I've talked to high-level current Pentagon and high-level current CIA and high-level Army Special Operations Command and they concur with my analysis 100% say it's their analysis and that America's never been in more trouble.
But obviously those people can't come on the show.
But I can tell you that people that have done this in third world countries and people that have run regime change agree there's an attempt by the leftist arm of the deep state to stage events and permanently bring America into martial law.
If you think the censorship and arrest have been bad so far, you've seen nothing yet.
So, this country is on the edge of ending as we know it.
They know they've lost politically, they know they're about to lose the election, so they are getting ready to state something huge, ladies and gentlemen.
So the public will at least buy that, oh, because of the big terror attack or whatever, or terror attacks, or mass shootings, or mass poisonings, or power outages, or whatever it is they're gearing up to do, there's a plethora of things they can do within the false flag realm.
And so I'm just going to be every day on this until the election because they'll want a few weeks to maximize it.
I'd say we enter the prime zone October 1st.
And October after, and they may go ahead and just start stuff up now, they may do a bunch of attacks, they may do one big giant attack, they may do five, six big attacks, but you just better believe the truck bombs are loaded, okay?
You better believe the mentally ill, schizophrenic mass shooters are being programmed and drugged up and are in government, CIA, New World Order programming centers, MKUltra operations right now.
The Manchurian candidates are ready, they are rolling out Guaranteed you can bet your bottom dollar.
Just like the State Department said, the Russians are getting ready to stage stuff.
And the evidence is they did.
And I'm not for the Russians.
I'm not for the deep state here.
I'm for America and future and peace.
But a lot of people hate our government so much because it's so corrupt and overrun.
They think that everything the Russians do is perfect and that's not the case either.
The Russians wrote the book on false flags under the czars.
And I only raise the Russian issue so that people get it in your head.
This is real, okay?
Before you launch a war, you stage false flags.
That's the first thing you do!
Because nobody wants to say they started a war.
Bad guys start wars.
So every time a war gets launched by bad guys, they stage an event.
My uncle and my family in Vietnam weren't bad guys, but the LBJ was a bad guy staging the Gulf of Tonkin.
It didn't happen.
They're getting a new Gulf of Tonkin ready, and who have they sent the enemy as?
Conservatives, Christians, Nationalists, Patriots, Trump supporters, Republicans.
And so, he's up there in a speech saying no less than seven times, I've got clips, the Republicans are about to get violent, the Republicans are about to launch attacks, the Republicans are about to do all this.
It's ridiculous how obvious this is.
You'd have to be a low-grade moron not to see it.
That's what I'm saying.
It's guaranteed now.
That speech last night, with the military behind him, says, and when we stage these attacks, we're coming after all the opposition.
That's what they're saying.
And they are pissed that we're on air, exposing it, because this is our real shot at stopping these people.
And thank God even a lot of big Democrats are going, what the hell was that?
Yeah guys, you're not just going to take the country over, you're going to start a giant civil war for real.
Stop it!
Anybody that wants to have a future for their children does not want this new world order takeover of tyranny and collapse and inflation and depression and just crime and insecurity.
99.999% of people are going to be hurt by this.
So I don't care if you're a Democrat.
I don't care if you're a Republican.
I don't care if you're gay or straight, black or white.
I don't care.
This is not good.
This is historically dangerous.
This is cancer.
We don't want this.
We've already had them surround the Capitol with 30,000 troops and put up the fences and just all of this getting you ready for this next big move.
They're not waiting until 2024.
They're making their move now.
All right, well come back and take your calls at 877-789-2539.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Share the live feed from InfoWars.com forward slash show like your life depends on it because it does.
This is it.
This is as important as the founding of the country in 1776.
Powerful multinational forces are shutting up our power, annihilating our borders, and preparing false flags and martial law.
The President is an unelected puppet who has publicly declared war on his political opposition.
This is the stuff of history, but it's not in the past.
It's now happening in the present.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is it.
All right, I've got all these clips.
We've got a special guest coming up.
I'll continue with calls.
We're going to your calls right now.
I'm just going to go to calls now.
And then I'll play the Democrat talking points of anybody that disagrees with us is a fascist.
Biden didn't go far enough, says the disgraced McCabe.
They are trying to make it look like we're violent and that we're about to have a confrontation with them as their pretext.
They've now said it.
And the mainline Twitter minions and others are calling for killing their opposition everywhere now, and they're allowed to do it.
Buy Big Tech.
They tipped their hand three years ago when they said, we have a new level of banning for 12 individuals.
Myself, Louis Farrakhan, Paul Watson, and some others.
Gab McGinnis.
And they said, you're allowed to call for violence against these individuals, but you're not allowed to defend them.
And then they withdrew it after a week.
That was a public policy of Mark Zuckerberg, who put in $50 million to help steal the election.
Now admits he works for the FBI to suppress Hunter Biden.
These people mean business.
And it's outrageous what they're doing, but there are more and more Democrats coming out and saying, whoa, this is not good.
Let's stop this.
Yes, let's stop this.
I don't want to fight with you people.
And I can also look at the situation and tell you, you're going to lose if you get what you want.
But the globalists are going to win.
This is so bad.
All right, let's go to your calls.
We got Tony, Kevin, Kent, Larry, Joe, John, and others, military veterans, Homeland Security, Marines, you name it.
Tony is a 15-year Homeland Security, and he wants to give us his view on this from Washington, D.C.
Go ahead, Tony.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Hey, God bless you once again.
But hey, I'm calling because I'm a 15-year former federal employee.
Work for Customs and Border Protection, work for ICE.
But I'm calling with regard to the whole entire thing about everything that's coming about.
As you know, six months ago, I walked away from the federal government.
They wanted us to do the vaccine mandates, and I told Secretary Mayorkas, sent him an email.
There was about 9 to 12 percent of us who walked away, but there will be something coming every couple months, of which I got numerous memos when I still worked there.
And more likely, it's going to be a nuclear bomb minus the plutonium or the uranium that's going to be sent off, and that's going to be one of the new set of lockdowns.
I agree, I agree.
Suitcase nukes, power outages, hack attacks they blame on the Russians.
I believe all that's in the cards, but that's what you guys are getting briefed on?
So they're going to say it's nuclear, but it's really classic explosive?
still direction won't be no radiation that's going to be set off it's all
going to be and it's coming one of the way one of the way that they said with
the vaccine one of the way they fear people some people are gonna be also
afraid of going to say it's nuclear but it's really classic explosive or are
you saying it's gonna be a neutron bomb we got supplies for the last two years
They've been planning this stuff for the last two years.
We got, as you know, about the body bags.
I mean, myself, my former office, we had over 200,000 body bags all over the whole entire spot.
They're saying it's a nuclear bomb minus radiation.
That's a neutron bomb, which is Kissinger and Brzezinski are obsessed with neutron bombs and they populate America.
That's really their secret plan is to detonate neutron bombs in the main population centers.
And as you know, it doesn't destroy any infrastructure, but kills all life.
100%, and it's also to shoot fear into people's minds, and that's one of the ways they're going to steal the next one.
But I want to be clear, so they told you, they described a neutron bomb?
Yes, yes.
We got flooded inside our office with all the stuff for the radiation.
We got all the new type of radiation, so we have these little beepers, but it's a custom board protection.
It'll show what the radiation levels are, if it's safe to go outside, and we actually had a test, so... Sure, and New York is running drills for nuke attack?
Yes, yes, that is correct.
But the radiation things in your belt, if it's within 10, you're supposed to back up to it goes down to 9.
But we got all this radiation stuff, more probably millions and millions of dollars.
But I want to touch base.
I know I have two minutes real quick, Alex, but the vaccine, the whole vaccine, which a lot of you guys don't realize this, anything comes in the country, land, sea or air has to be screened by Customs and Border Protection.
And I personally see over 100,000 vaccines.
Anywhere there's a market, there's also a black market.
These vaccines were 100,000.
They were going to CVS, Walgreens, and Costco.
All right, listen, Tony, I love you.
Appreciate you.
Be safe, brother.
That's why they did the vaccine mandate, was to get the good people out.
Kevin in Ohio, Marine, wants to talk about martial law.
What do you make of that incredible declaration of war against America last night?
Even the Washington Post says it's a declaration of war.
Absolutely, Alex.
It's great to talk to you.
My personal opinion is that they're bringing the borders wide open.
And if you notice, there's a lot of Ukrainians coming through there.
And they're going to use these Ukrainians because Biden has connections with those people.
The Russians have warned that Ukrainians may stage false flags in Europe and America, and I agree that they would stand to gain from it.
And they're going to dress them up in Trump gear and have them do some stuff and bam, martial law.
And also, at the same time, you have all these people from the Middle East coming to the southern border.
They're going to let them through.
Thousands a day, including thousands of terrorists total, ICE admits.
And IEDs and suicide vests.
Watch and see.
You remember that movie?
I can't remember what it was called, but it was about the Navy SEALs and how they were sending those people through with vests and they were trying to stop them.
They were telling you that's what's going to happen.
I mean, they tell you in Hollywood.
Well, there's no doubt America's under attack by all sides and the globalists are planning asymmetrical warfare to blame on their domestic enemy, but that actually lets them take over.
I totally agree.
Absolutely, Alex, and you know, you're spot on, man, and I've been with you for 15 years, man.
You're the man.
Well, no, you're the man, brother.
What I'm asking you is, what can we do to stop this?
Because the State Department tried to stop Russia invading by saying they were going to false flag, which was true.
I mean, I think exposing this has got to have some effect.
Well, I mean, the Border Patrol is doing the best they can.
They need to send the 1st Marine Division and put it on the damn border.
They don't need them threatening the American people.
Imagine how those Marines feel out there in that red lighting with Biden threatening the American people with Marines behind him.
That is disgusting.
Thanks for the call.
Absolutely disgusting.
Let's talk to another Marine.
Let's talk to John in New York.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Yeah, good morning, Alex.
One thing I want to say, we probably don't need this orange guy back in office.
We don't need people arguing and yelling.
He never did anything he said he was going to do.
Lock her up, drain the swamp, build a wall.
He didn't do any of it.
How come we've never seen the footage of when Trump was asked why he's only going to build a wall four and a half feet high?
Well, what is your view on the speech last night, though?
I mean, Biden says Republicans are about to stage terror attacks.
They stand to gain from it.
It's very obvious they're preparing us.
Alright, well, like you said, Alex, and you've been saying it for a long time now, that we're probably going to be hit with some type of nuclear bomb that doesn't contain all the other destructive forces.
It's just going to eliminate life, leave the basic structure formed in place, so that they can come in and take it over.
These 200,000 body bags, this is very disturbing stuff to know, and to hear, let alone on your airwaves that are going to be silenced.
Alex, we need to know, God forbid, if anything happens to you, where do we go, Alex?
Hey Alex, first time caller.
They take the grid down.
We're all, we'll go dark in that.
It's all, everybody's on their own at that point with just God and your family.
That's why people need to realize we are in maximum, maximum danger.
God bless you, I appreciate your call.
All right, let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's jam in Kent in Texas.
Go ahead, Kent.
Hey, Alex, first time caller.
First thing I wanna ask is, Biden is gonna use executive orders
to do anything that he wants.
When the election comes along, he's going to require us to have a shot.
How in the heck are we even going to win this?
And I don't see anywhere to go.
I mean, there's nowhere to run except God.
He's the only safe place to go.
I totally agree with you, brother.
What do you make of that speech last night?
I mean, that was just out in the open saying Republicans are going to blow things up with no evidence.
Then they stand again.
They stage it.
They blame us.
It's very amateur, but it's obvious.
And I don't know what we do.
Yeah, and at first I thought, you know, these are just fear tactics, but I don't think so.
Oh, you could smell it last night.
Look, they're going for it.
And so what do we do to get them to stop?
I mean, I think a lot of the minions of the system don't know how... Can you imagine being an FBI agent?
They're going to try to have a march out with the military against American people?
It's meant to destroy all of us.
It's meant to kill them and kill us.
It's so ridiculous.
Yeah, yeah, it really is.
This is just absolutely crazy.
All I can say is run to God.
Save yourself. I agree with you Kent, thank you. All right, I'm going to continue with
calls a little bit of the next hour and then I have a special guest who developed the
understanding and theory of mass formation psychosis in studio.
Perfect timing to have this guest.
We've been trying to get him in for a long time, but all this is all going on and what all that means, but it's just ridiculously obvious what's going on.
Please tell everyone you know right now, tune into the broadcast, share the links, the live feeds, InfoWars.com forward slash show and man.
and I'll be right back.
Just look at these headlines from Reuters.
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The deep state knows they've been exposed.
They're planning to make their big move.
Power outages, dirty moms, neutron moms, they've all pre-programmed everybody.
Cyber attacks, mass shootings, truck bombings.
And they say imminently Republicans are about to do this when they stand to gain and they're the ones telling you it's coming.
Like if somebody tells you that building's gonna burn down next week, Bob's gonna burn it.
Well, the police go question Bob and the guy that said Bob was gonna burn it.
This is 101 of Warfare, false flags, the beginning of a new operation.
And they are saying the American people are the enemy, and they're gearing up for it.
Your phone calls are coming up next segment.
Special guest in studio, but here's Veefer from DEDA that really lays out what we're dealing with.
Came in at the opening take, gave you the collywobbles.
Still does.
That's close enough, Inspector.
(sounds of traffic)
We're not wired.
I'm sorry, but a man in my position survives by taking every precaution.
You have information for us?
No, you already have the information.
All the names and dates are inside your head.
What you want, what you really need, is a story.
A story can be true or false.
I leave such judgments to you, Inspector.
Our story begins, as these stories often do, with a young up-and-coming politician.
He's a deeply religious man and a member of the Conservative Party.
He's completely single-minded and has no regard for political process.
The more power he attains, the more obvious his zealotry and the more aggressive his supporters become.
Eventually, his party launches a special project in the name of national security.
At first, it's believed to be a search for biological weapons and its pursuit without regard to its cost.
However, the true goal of this project is power, complete and total hegemonic domination.
The project, however, ends violently.
But the efforts of those involved are not in vain, for a new ability to wage war is born from the blood of one of the victims.
Imagine a virus, the most terrifying virus you can, and then imagine that you and you alone have the cure.
But if your ultimate goal is power, how best to use such a weapon?
For it's at this point in our story that along comes a spider.
He is a man seemingly without a conscience, for whom the ends always justify the means, and it is he who suggests that their target should not be an enemy of the country, but rather the country itself.
Three targets are chosen to maximize the effect of the attack.
A school, a tube station and a water treatment plant.
Several hundred die within the first few weeks.
But Three Waters has, in fact, been contaminated.
Authorities are attempting to control its deadly spread.
There's a wave of destruction throughout the underground.
Fueled by the media, fear and panic spread quickly, fracturing and dividing the country until at last the true goal comes into view.
Before the St.
Mary's crisis, no one would have predicted the results of the election that year, no one.
And then not long after the election, lo and behold, a miracle.
Some believed it was the work of God himself, but it was a pharmaceutical company controlled by certain party members that made them all obscenely rich.
A year later, several extremists are tried, found guilty and executed, while a memorial is built to canonize their victims.
But the end result, the true genius of the plan, was the fear.
Fear became the ultimate tool of this government, and through it, our politician was ultimately appointed to the newly created position of High Chancellor.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Can you prove any of this?
Why do you think I'm still alive?
We'd like to take you under protective custody, Mr. Rookwood.
Oh, I'm sure you would.
But if you want that recording, you'll do what I tell you to do.
Put Greedy onto 24-hour surveillance.
When I feel safe that he can't pick his nose without you knowing, I'll contact you again.
Till then, cheerio.
Why didn't you come forward before?
What were you waiting for?
Well, for you, Inspector.
I needed you.
We need whistleblowers or we're going to lose the whole country, folks.
Time to man up!
Our country's getting taken over by some really sick, evil people.
They're getting ready to stage false flag attacks.
I told you they are.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news today.
I have a special guest I'll introduce to you in studio.
Start of the next segment, we're continuing your phone calls right now.
But out of all these insane clips, this is the talking point being put out by the White
House press secretary saying that anybody that disagrees with whatever they say is an
extremist, a fascist.
That's what Biden just did was declare war on you.
Can't get more authoritarian than that unless you had a red background with troops standing behind you.
Oh, they did that too.
But was it a nighttime ceremony?
Oh, that too.
This is a direct playbook of over-the-top fascism.
Here it is.
Again, we see majority of Americans who disagree.
And so when you are not with where majority of Americans are, then, you know, that is extreme.
That is an extreme way of thinking.
I'm not going to, that's what I have for you, Phil.
And Biden went on at least seven times.
Have the clips right here, played some last hour, saying, our opposition are terrorists, they're fascists, they're planning a terror, they're planning violence.
Let's race through your calls right now.
Let's go to John in Vegas.
John, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I'm looking at the Biden transcript right now.
I don't see a single thing that you're talking about in this.
I tell you what, what you're doing, edging your audience constantly, is embarrassing and a shame.
Listen, you're a seminar caller.
You said you were calling on the Air Force about the Biden speech.
I can play the clips right now while you're gaslighting.
Even the Washington Post said it was basically a declaration of war.
They're saying Republicans are planning violence everywhere.
Are you denying he's up there with troops behind him?
That's unprecedented for a president to give a speech with troops at night time with red light behind him.
Are you denying that?
I'm denying that.
I've had enough.
I've had enough.
If you called in and said you disagreed and had legitimate points, I'd talk to you.
But I'm not going to play your games.
I got stacks of articles of them controlling our thermostats.
They're child smuggling over the border.
They're saying Republicans are about to, hell, I'm not even going to humor you and play the clips.
Everybody saw the speech last night.
Everybody saw it.
Alright, let's go ahead and take another call.
We're moving fast here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in Delaware.
Joe says, former Marine, give us your take on this.
Hey Alex, how's it going, man?
Yeah, what I think is...
I think whenever Trump gives a speech, I think everybody in the country should take a loudspeaker and play it at top volume for the whole entire speech and let that echo throughout the whole country.
I agree.
If everybody got a bullhorn and hooked it up with an iPad or whatever and went out and blared, my show, Trump, anybody telling the truth, that would really cause a big effect.
And also, I mean, you know, I appreciate, you know, a lot of people, you know, being go with a gun
and having all these strategies and all that, but people are gonna have to remember,
combat is a full-time, full-contact sport.
It's no joke.
It's the ultimate combat sport.
And, you know, I don't really think that, you know, most of America really has this measured up,
you know, the way it should be.
Well, I mean, you heard the last caller say Biden wasn't saying Republicans are violent, are going to be violent.
They're all over the news saying civil war are about to kill everybody.
I mean, we can play the speech.
I mean, did you watch the speech?
What do you make of that caller trying to gaslight us and saying he didn't say that?
I mean, well, obviously.
I mean, people are in denial for different reasons.
But again, I'd like to tell that caller, don't forget, buddy, combat's a full contact sport.
And if it sets off, you're going to be right in the middle of it and curling up like a little baby in the fetal position isn't going to get you out of it.
So he better come up with something a little better than that, man.
I mean, that's just weakness.
I mean, I call Joe Biden Disco Joe.
To me, he's just a disco boy from the past, and he's being handed all this power by all these... It's just a total disgrace, Alex.
He is.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and take another caller here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Arthur in Texas Army.
Go ahead.
Give us your take on this.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
There's nothing in our Constitution that corresponds to Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution, which gave the President of that Republic the power to suspend civil rights.
We have a provision to suspend habeas corpus, but that's only one of our civil rights.
There's nothing in our Constitution that anyone can annul the Bill of Rights.
Especially Article 10.
All powers not reserved to the states are reserved to the people.
So... Well, did you watch the Biden speech and what did you make of it?
I listened to it.
It's just, it's unbelievable that a President of the United States could make a speech like that and direct it against half the country.
Well, pretty much.
A large part of the Republicans.
But what did you take away from it?
I mean, I took away, the Republicans are about to engage in violence with no evidence of that, meaning they're about to stage something.
I mean, that's what I got from it.
Well, it's gaslighting.
They do the same thing they accuse the Republicans of doing.
All the left are the ones that have committed the horrible crimes against persons and property and police.
Not the right.
It's just monstrous!
That's right, he said over and over again, the Republicans are being violent, they're attacking our Republic.
I've got the quotes, they're overthrowing it, they're a danger, they're planning more violence.
It's not true!
And then the former FBI Director, Deputy Director comes out and says, this wasn't strong enough, targeting the insurrectionists.
Yeah, well, I would advise them to read the Constitution, if they're planning to do something like that.
Now you go back to Weimar, Within three months of the taking of power, the presidential appointment of Hitler as Chancellor, the police, pretty much all the police except Prussia, was put under Heinrich Himmler.
And a year later, even the Gestapo, created by Goering, was put under Himmler.
So they had all of the police in Germany, federal and everything else, under one central authority.
And Reinhard Galen and all the rest of them.
That's right.
And in our country, policing is local and given to the states.
And so anything else is a usurpation of the police power.
Arthur, how do you think we counter this?
Because clearly they're saying we're going to be violent.
We have this with Marines standing behind him in a nighttime ceremony with a red light.
Extremely fascist iconography.
What do you think they're... I think they're trying to goad us into something like a red cape in front of a bull.
Well, you know, behind Hitler and all his speeches, there were a couple of SS guys standing there at attention.
Can you imagine if Trump gave a nighttime speech like this?
It's just unbelievable what these people could think they can get away with.
All right, sir, I appreciate your call.
Speak of the devil, here's the former Deputy Director Discredited.
Andy McCabe saying he didn't go far enough.
Here it is.
He made a direct plea to have violence out of politics.
There is no place for violence in politics, he says.
He referenced the fact that you can't be an insurrectionist and be for democracy.
For the people who are in law... Oh, hit pause.
We're going to play it again in a minute from the start.
Nobody's calling for violence.
You're not an insurrectionist because you think the election was stolen.
Again, this is... They're declaring we're the enemy and they got one of their people calling in to gaslight us and say it's not happening.
Go ahead and play it.
He made a direct plea to have violence out of politics.
There is no place for violence in politics, he says.
He referenced the fact that you can't be an insurrectionist and be for democracy.
For the people who are in law enforcement, and to an extent are caught in the middle of this, is this something they want to hear?
No question.
No question.
People in law enforcement and people within, I think, government more broadly want to hear national political figures, to include, of course, the President, to come out and absolutely call out political violence.
Everything from local school board officials to local election officials to my own former colleagues at the FBI.
No place in our country right now they sense very personally and daily the rising tide of threats that they face.
And I think those things will be taken positively.
On the other hand, I think people would like to have seen a bit more references to accountability.
There really wasn't much talk about what we're doing about those insurrectionists.
It was merely calling out the fact that nobody should support an insurrection.
So I think it's a positive moment for those folks in law enforcement and in government, but maybe we would have liked to have seen more as well.
All right, friends, stand by.
Okay, so there's a rising tide of violence and we need to lock everybody up.
I mean, you just said it.
But the liberals calling it gaslighting say, no, no, no, no, you're not under attack.
Everything's fine.
The mass formations became stronger and stronger and stronger throughout the last few hundreds of years.
And that's interesting because it's because in the first half of the 20th century, the masses became so strong.
That led by certain leaders, they could seize control of the state apparatus.
And that's how totalitarian states emerge.
Totalitarian states, Hannah Arendt says, are always a diabolic pact between the masses and their leaders.
It's a diabolic pact between the masses and their leaders.
And in this way, like a completely new kind of state emerges, which is completely different from a classical dictatorship.
In a classical dictatorship, Yes.
regime who has such an aggressive potential that people are so scared of them that they
can impose unilaterally their social contract to society.
But the totalitarian state emerges in a completely different way.
In a totalitarian state there is first a process of mass formation which is a process through
which a certain part of the population, usually about 30%, fanatically starts to believe in
a certain ideology.
And this phenomenon can be created artificially through indoctrination propaganda.
And just pause, you think that number can be as low as 30%?
30% yes usually it is not higher than 30% all right professor Matias Desmond is in studio with us for
the next hour plus he is recognized in the world's leading expert on the theory
of mass formation psychology and psychosis as it applies to COVID-19 pandemic
He's a professor of clinical psychology at the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Ghent University, Belgium, and a practicing Psychologist.
He was worked in discussing widely in the media and he's here with us.
Of course, he's well known for the Joe Rogan show as well.
You want to get right into Biden's speech, professor, and just how archetypal it is with it nighttime with troops behind him with red light.
I mean, it's right out of V for Vendetta.
It's right out of Nazi Germany.
It's right out of Stalinist Russia.
It's right on North Korea and saying our enemies are going to be bad and we've got to have a war with them.
What did you make of that?
And it's great to have you here with us.
Yes, well, this speech definitely puts us at risk of something.
And it is that it entices the people who are targeted, namely those people who are referred to by President Biden as MAGA extremists, that it entices these people to act upon their aggression.
And that's what should be avoided at all times because it will be counterproductive and self-destructive if people act upon their aggression.
Because the system can perfectly control aggression.
I believe that it is of crucial importance that we stick to the principles of non-violent resistance and that we realize that the first and foremost enemy we have to watch is that part of the enemy that is in ourselves, namely this aggression that might entice us to act in a violent way.
That might entice us to believe that violent resistance is the solution to this problem and it won't be in several respects.
Well, I read your book almost a year ago online when you were on Joe Rogan, thought it was excellent.
I'm not trained in psychology, but I can just see the basic things, obviously, in function.
The book's a bestseller, The Psychology of Vitalitarianism, with Professor Desmond here in studio with us right now in Austin, Texas, on the September 2nd broadcast.
I likened this to the Matador speech, or the bullfight speech, where they have the red cape, the red light, the nighttime, the troops, and we're coming for you, we're going to get you, hoping the bull charges and they've got the sword ready.
Yes, indeed.
That's the impression that is raised by the speech.
And that's exactly what we should not react upon.
We should watch out.
And stay calm, I believe.
It's a grave mistake of President Biden to give a speech like that.
He should lead by example.
As a political leader, and that's exactly what he doesn't.
He fans the polarization in society, and probably because he knows that if people react in a violent way, it will be a gift to the system, because that is exactly what the system can perfectly control.
To give a nine-time speech with troops behind you, with red light projected, and then to declare your political opposition enemies, I mean, this is the thoroughbred, to me, to study history of authoritarianism.
Yes, indeed.
Also in my interpretation of totalitarianism, as I describe it in my book Totalitarianism, and I refer to, I use the words of Hannah Arendt there, totalitarianism is always a diabolic pact between the masses and the elite.
And what What we've seen throughout the last decades and in particular in the corona crisis is that we've seen this part of the population which forms a new kind of group, a mass, and which becomes more and more and more intolerant for dissonant voices and which tends to stigmatize these people who do not go along with the system, to excommunicate them, to push them outside of society.
And in the end, to commit atrocities to them.
You're not in that final stage, in that ultimate stage of the mass formation, but we are at risk of getting to that stage.
And you coined the term mass formation or other similar terms, but I see it as mob rule, mob psychology, militant enthusiasm, mass formation psychology.
What is that?
What is mass formation?
Mass formation is actually a kind of group formation, a specific kind of group formation.
Now what's the actual term, Mike?
Mass formation is the actual term, yes.
Mass formation is the actual term.
It's sometimes referred to as mass formation psychosis, but they always avoid that term, simply because I believe that it's better not to use a psychiatric term, both from an intellectual, a strategical, and an ethical point of view.
But it's a mass psychosis.
No, for me it's a mass formation.
Psychosis is a term that is borrowed from individual psychiatry, and I refuse to use that term for group psychology, but it shows similarities with the psychotic state simply because it makes people completely incapable of taking a critical distance of what the group believes in.
It makes that they are completely willing to radically self-sacrifice, to sacrifice everything that used to be important for them before the group dynamic.
Give up their energy, give up their freedom, give up their cars, give up their children.
Stuff like that, to give up everything.
And then the third characteristic, as always, what I just mentioned already, that mass formation makes people radically intolerant for dissonant voices and in the end will make that the masses start to destroy the people who do not go along with them as if it is their ethical duty to do so.
I will give a strong example.
In the revolution of 1979 in Iran, which was a large-scale mass formation, A woman I know has seen with her own eyes how a mother reported her son to the state and how she hung the rope around his neck when he was on the scaffold and how she claimed to be a heroine for what she did when he was hung.
That's the end stage, the ultimate stage of mass formation.
That's what we should avoid.
That sounds like Stockholm Syndrome.
That's similar to the Stockholm Syndrome, yes.
And I think that if you understand the mechanism of mass formation, and that's why I thought it was so important to write my book, if you understand the mechanism of mass formation, you will understand what you have to do in order to prevent the masses to go to that ultimate stage.
Well, I know this.
When you were on Joe Rogan a year and a half ago, or whenever it was, and then it got picked up by all these other scientists, they got really scared of what you said.
I mean, they are, because obviously they're using it, and they're like, oh, if they find this out, it's over for us.
Yes, they are scared of the theory, yes.
They're scared of the theory, because it explains, I think, it explains in detail.
All right, well, Professor, I'm going to try to do this.
You're with us for another hour.
I'm going to try to just shut up and let you talk and explain all this to people, because this is so important.
Dr. Matthias Desmond, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism, is our guest, and it was Dr. Peter McCullough and Joe Rogan who popularized the term.
And what's funny how the planets align, he was flying here today to be on the next hour,
but storm stopped him being here, you guys would have met.
But he'll actually be here tomorrow, so if you're still around, you're welcome to come down here
and be on with him. But what's important is you're exposing what I would call mob psychology,
or the insanity of crowds and how authoritarians team up with that and manipulate that.
That's my layman's terms for it.
And clearly they're invoking that now, with the White House Secretary and President Biden saying, anybody who disagrees with us is a fascist, is a semi-fascist, is an enemy.
So I could ask a lot of questions, but just rolling through this, the contemporary examples of this Mind control these people are under, and how do we get them out of it?
And you keep speaking to how we protect ourselves from it.
Indeed, yes.
Well, I started to articulate this theory on mass formation during the corona crisis, because I noticed in the beginning of the crisis, I'm a clinical psychologist, but I'm also a statistician.
I'm also a master in statistics, and I started to study the statistics a little bit.
And I noticed immediately that the statistics dramatically overrated the dangerousness of the virus.
And at least that was my strong impression in the first weeks of the crisis and I immediately started to write opinion papers to warn the people that there was something dangerous out there and that I was not talking about a virus.
That I was talking about the fear for the virus.
The title of my first opinion paper was, the fear of the virus is more dangerous than the virus itself.
And by the end of May 2020, according to me, it was proven beyond a shade of a doubt that indeed the initial models dramatically overrated the mortality rates of the virus, for instance.
For instance, the models predicted that in Sweden 60,000 people would die if the country didn't go into lockdown by the end of May 2020.
And Sweden didn't go into lockdown and only 6,000 people died.
And to arrive at that figure, They had even to count in a very enthusiastic way or otherwise probably only thousand of two thousand people would have died.
So at that moment I noticed two things.
It was clear that the mathematical models on which the corona measures were based were blatantly wrong and still the narrative continued and people continued to buy into it as if the models had been correct.
And I also noticed that no matter how much you try to show people that the statistics were wrong, it seemed as if they just didn't care.
And at that moment I decided to focus on something else.
I decided to focus on the psychological dynamics that were going on in society.
And in my opinion, it started to dawn on me that what we were dealing with was a large-scale process of mass formation in society.
Mass formation, which is a specific group dynamic, And as I said a few minutes ago, a specific group dynamic which makes people radically incapable of taking a critical distance of what they believe in, which makes people radically willing to self-sacrifice and which makes people radically intolerant for dissonant voices.
And this specific group dynamic, this masses or this crowd, It exists as long as mankind has existed.
We have had the Crusades, we've had the witch hunts, we've had the French Revolution, the emergence of the large-scale masses of the Soviet Union, the emergence of the large-scale masses of Nazi Germany.
So it has existed as long as mankind existed, but, and that's crucial, it became stronger and stronger and stronger throughout the last few hundreds of centuries.
And that was as a consequence of the emergence of the so-called mechanist, rationalist view on man and the world, which went together with excessive industrialization and mechanization of the world.
And with an extreme use of technology after a while.
So it's a centralization allows this mind control?
The centralization allows the mind control but also and...
More important in the first place is that it puts people in a specific psychological condition that makes them vulnerable for indoctrination propaganda.
So does it make them suggestible or do they just totally turn themselves over?
The first step is always that this kind of mechanist view on man and the world disconnects people from their social and their natural environment.
It makes them feel lonely.
Lock you in your house?
Yes, for instance, but it happens both unconsciously and consciously.
I mean those programming are conscious of it.
The programming is conscious, but it's also like this, you can see that throughout the last few hundred of centuries, the number of people that felt lonely started to increase.
Don't worry, now the metaverse is here.
and just before the corona crisis it reached the peak over 40% of the
population worldwide claims to feel disconnected claimed reported to have no
meaningful relationships at all but don't worry now the metaverse is here so
right as this comes in the metaverse is rolled out yes yes yes that's what I
describe in my third chapter that technological connection is not at all
the same as a real connection and in personal connection It's completely different from a psychological point of view.
It's exactly this use of technology which really disconnects people, which makes that their bodies do not resonate with each other anymore, which makes them Completely disconnected from each other except at the level of the exchange of information which is important but which is not the same.
It's this disconnected state that makes them vulnerable for mass formation because this disconnection in the first instance leads to lack of meaning making.
People start to be confronted with experiences of lack of meaning making in life and then in a third step It makes them experience so-called free-floating anxiety, frustration, and aggression.
Meaning a kind of anxiety, frustration, and aggression through... By the way, I'm sure you saw the folks that took some of what you said and made it into a cartoon graphic.
We could probably play that.
I think it's called, like, After School.
Can you guys put it on the screen?
This specific kind of anxiety, frustration and aggression is a kind of anxiety, frustration and aggression in which people don't know what they feel anxious, frustrated and aggressive for, which is an extremely aversive mental state.
If you feel anxious and you don't know what you feel anxious for, you feel completely out of control.
If you feel frustrated and aggressive without knowing what you feel frustrated and aggressive for, you cannot take your aggression out to something.
It piles up in yourself and you feel this inner, very aversive psychological tension.
And that's the state.
Once a population is in that state, they are extremely vulnerable for propaganda.
If, under these conditions, a narrative is distributed through the mass media time and time again.
Indicating an object of anxiety and at the same time providing a strategy to deal with that object of anxiety, then there is a good chance that all this free-floating anxiety might connect to the object of anxiety and that there is a huge willingness to participate in the strategy to deal with the object of anxiety, meaning that, for instance, the lockdowns Will be accepted as a remedy for the virus.
Or the concentration camps as a remedy for the Jews.
Or the witch hunts as a remedy for the witches.
So that's the basic mechanism.
And that's the first step of mass formation.
And in this way, people take this first step.
Simply because in this way they feel in control of their anxiety again.
And because they know they have the perspective of taking out all this piled up frustration and aggression out on A common scapegoat.
Someone or something that is considered the enemy in the narrative.
That sounds like, uh, a Gilean dialectic.
I don't know that.
Problem, reaction, solution.
Oh, yes, yes.
Yes, indeed.
Yes, yes.
But it's a symptomatic solution because, and that's so important, the second step of the mass formation is always the following.
Because so many people at the same time participate in a strategy to deal with the object of anxiety, they have the feeling of fighting a collective heroic battle with the object of anxiety.
And in that way, it seems as if The root cause of the mass formation, namely the loneliness and disconnectedness, is solved.
People feel connected again.
Yet they make them alone, and they unify them by submitting, and then they feel high off of it.
Usually, well it's important to distinguish between two things, usually before the emergence of a totalitarian system with indoctrination propaganda, there is a prolonged phase in which people just start to feel lonely because of the way in which they live.
Usually that first phase is unintentional.
And then, as soon as the totalitarian system starts to use the propaganda and indoctrination, it will actively start to isolate people, because it knows that in that way they will become even more vulnerable.
And that's the mission to isolate us and do it, and not let us go to church or with family.
Incredible professor, when we come back, continue with whatever you want to hit, because you're the expert here, but it's fascinating, but how do you get people out of this?
Solutions as well, stay with us.
Yes, perfect.
The psychology of totalitarianism.
Matthias Desmond, the professor is here with us in the studio laying out how they're mind controlling us and how to break free of it, how to be aware of it, and how to help people that are locked into this because they get such a satisfied look.
Taking the shots, don't protect them, wearing the mask, believing the lies.
I see it all over Twitter and Facebook.
I've had four shots and I'm super sick.
I love science.
I'm taking more.
They have really done a job on these people.
Professor, please continue.
Yes, well I had just been explaining that the first step is this process in which all this anxiety is attached to the object of anxiety indicated in the narrative and then people start to go along with the strategy to deal with that object of anxiety and to take out their aggression on this object of anxiety and then a second step happens which is even more important because so many people at the same time participate in a strategy to deal with the object of anxiety.
They have the feeling to fight a collective heroic battle with the object of anxiety.
And in this way, they feel connected again.
You could say, well, what's the problem?
People felt lonely.
Now they feel connected again.
They show solidarity again.
Yes, there is a problem.
Just because a mass or a crowd is a group that is formed, not because individuals connect to each other, but because each other separately connects to the collective.
Meaning that the famous solidarity, the famous citizenship that emerges in a mass is never a solidarity between individuals.
It's a solidarity between the individual and the collective.
And that explains, of course, why, for instance, during the corona crisis, People were all talking about solidarity, and at the same time they accepted that if someone got an accident on the street, they were not allowed to help that person.
Or if their father and mother were dying in a nursing home, that they were not allowed to visit them.
They just want...
Of everyone?
The demand of everyone else that he sacrifices everything for the collective.
That is the reason why, when a mass formation exists for a long time, in the end, all the solidarity is sucked away between the individuals and invested in the solidarity with the collective, meaning that in the end, even a mother Doesn't show solidarity anymore for her child.
And that she is willing in the end to report her child to the state and to let it be sentenced to death.
That's the basic mechanism of mass formation which leads to an extreme control in the state apparatus.
That means the state and the corporate media can program the mass psychology.
The people then bow to that and now they're total slaves.
It doesn't matter what's true, what's not.
How do you break people out of that?
Now that's the most important thing.
How can you, what can we do about it?
And you know, the first thing we have to realize is that a mass formation is technically speaking
identical to a group hypnosis.
So meaning that the masses start to get in the grip of a voice, a voice of a leader,
a voice that articulates time and time again the indoctrination propaganda, the narrative
that leads to the mass formation in the media.
In a hypnotic state, in a hypnotic procedure exactly the same happens, but that is at an
individual level.
There is someone, a hypnotist, who draws away the attention of the environment of someone
else who focuses all the attention on one small aspect of reality.
For instance, an object that is moving on a chain and after a while you see that the
the person seems no longer to be aware of the rest of reality.
And this mechanism is so incredibly strong, I've seen it with my own eyes, it happens all the time, for instance, in a university hospital in Belgium, how a simple hypnotic procedure is sufficient to focus the attention of a patient so much on one point One small aspect of reality, that the person won't be aware anymore, that there is a surgeon who cuts through the skin, through the flesh, flesh even straight through the breastbone to perform an open heart operation.
That's the reason why in a mass formation, when all the attention is focused on one aspect of reality, for instance the coronavirus, people are not aware anymore.
You're saying you've seen people hypnotized, they can have open heart surgery with no anesthesia?
Yeah, absolutely.
And so why are some people more susceptible than others?
And as you said, modern technology, TV, the internet allows people to be more susceptible.
Yes, for several reasons, for several reasons.
You know, there is one extremely important difference between the masses of ancient times and the masses of modern times.
The masses of ancient times met physically.
They were groups that met each other in person physically.
The modern masses are usually so-called lonely masses.
That means that the mass exists of individuals who are all isolated at their homes or are all separated from each other, but We're all in the grip of the same narratives, images, words that are time and time distributed through the mass media and that connect them mentally.
And that state of lonely mass is the perfect state for indoctrination and propaganda.
So before it's a human power when you're under attack to be able to unify, but before there was internet or TV,
we were all experiencing an enemy attacking us.
The leader gets up and says, "Let's mobilize to defend ourselves,"
or "There's no food here, "let's move over the mountain to the next thing."
Everybody kind of sees it and agrees with that.
Instead, they can put in fake data or fake information and then create that mass formation
and then literally control people.
Yeah, something like that, yes.
The mass formation always, on the one hand, emerges in a more or less spontaneous way, and on the other hand, what happens is that if an elite or if someone who gets control over the mass media can re-disseminate the same narratives time and time again, he will be able to steer the masses.
So is there any doubt Talk about the controllers themselves, because obviously at Operation Lockstep they have all these programs saying, we'll use viruses to bring in global control, we'll use the fear to do it.
How do you think this program went for them, and what do you think they're planning next?
I think in the end it's like there is, since the beginning of the 17th century actually, you've seen the emergence of this new ideology, this ideology which believes that the entire universe can be understood in a rational way and which believes that rational control and manipulation of of life and of society and of the human being in the end is necessary and will lead to a kind of new utopian paradise that has been the dream of all totalitarian governments.
And it's that ideology which on the one hand puts the population in this state where they became very vulnerable for mass formation and on the other hand slowly created an elite which believed That it should manipulate society through indoctrination propaganda.
If you read the seminal works of people such as Trotter-Lippmann, Bernays, then you see that these guys really say it out loud.
Politicians cannot control society anymore.
Politicians cannot control the population anymore because politicians are not really leaders.
They are followers because they have to be elected.
Well, that's what the WEFS, they say, we need a scientific elite to direct humanity.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Experts who use indoctrination propaganda to control society.
That's what they say clearly, even from the beginning of the 19th century onwards, very clearly, if we want to control the population.
So it's a process of trying to get the public...
To conform to acting like programmable robots.
Yeah, something like that.
Yes, something like that.
So how do you counter it?
Yes, that's the point.
So, that's what is important.
So, as soon as you understand that the mechanism of mass formation is identical to hypnosis, then you also understand that mass formation in the end boils down to a population that is in the grip of a voice.
And if the only voice that speaks out is the voice of the leaders of the masses, then the masses will become more and more fanatically convinced that they have to dis- And that's why they've got to censor and shut everybody else down.
There can only be one voice.
Yeah, of course, of course.
That's the first- The answer is more free voices.
Yes, that is the first rule of all propaganda.
Make sure that you're the only one who speaks out.
And then, once you understand that, it's clear what you have to do.
The dissonant voices have to make sure that they continue to speak out.
And that was exactly what went wrong in Nazi Germany and in the Soviet Union.
At a certain moment, the opposition decided that it became too dangerous to speak out.
They reacted as if They were dealing with a classical dictatorship.
A classical dictatorship in which there is no mass formation.
That's the difference with a totalitarian state.
A classical dictatorship is simply based on the fact that the population is scared of a small group whom they consider to be very aggressive.
To have a huge aggressive potential and hence the population accepts that this small group imposes unilaterally its social contract to the population.
A totalitarian state is based on a completely different psychological mechanism.
It's based on the mechanism of mass formation, of this mass hypnosis.
Meaning that, if the resistance, when it is confronted with the emergence of a totalitarian state, chooses to speak out, It chooses to die.
It will be destroyed.
Because the hypnosis will get deeper and deeper and it will arrive at that ultimate stage where the masses become radically convinced that everyone who doesn't go along with them is inhumane, lacks all solidarity and citizenships and hence deserves to be destroyed.
So that's the point.
In 1930, the resistance chose to stop speaking out in the Soviet Union.
In 1935, it stopped to speak out in Nazi Germany.
And within a period of six months, the destruction campaign started.
There was enough support in the population to start the destruction campaigns.
So when you understand that, you understand that no matter what happens, The people who do or not in the grip of the mass formation have to continue to speak out.
And the important thing is, they should realize that they will not wake up the masses.
That's crucial.
This is fascinating.
We'll come right back, Professor.
Stay with us.
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Matthias Desmond is an amazing individual.
Very smart.
The psychology of totalitarianism is the book.
Everybody should read it.
I know I read it about a year ago.
Dr. Peter McCullough was talking about it on Joe Rogan, and the establishment got really pissed and upset about it.
But it's dead on, just from my lay research, how they operate.
Some stations don't carry this first five, but we're this other 30 minutes.
But you were getting into solutions, and I asked you in the break, will the globalists succeed?
To me this seems like a very black magic type thing they're doing.
You said absolutely not they're gonna destroy themselves, but we'll get to that next segment right now.
We're getting into solutions and how do you get somebody who is irrational under this programming out of it?
Why are some of us less suggestible than others?
Okay, that's indeed the most crucial aspect of my book I think.
What can you do about it?
And this is something very important.
From the 19th century onwards, such scholars as Gustave Le Bon, who studied the psychology of the masses, have remarked that if a large mass emerges in a society, there is always a group who is not in the grip of it.
And this group, typically, wants to wake up the people in the masses.
They try to show them.
They are baffled and they try to show them how absurd the beliefs are that live in the group.
And this group tries to wake the masses up and it doesn't succeed.
This group usually won't succeed in waking up the masses.
That's almost impossible.
But, and that's crucial, Gustav Lohm mentioned already in his famous work, The Psychology of the Crowd, published in 1895, he said it's not because this dissonant group, this dissident group, doesn't succeed in waking up the masses that its speech has no effect.
To the contrary, its speech has a crucial effect.
The speech of the dissidents constantly disturbs the mass formation.
And it makes that it doesn't go so deep that the masses arrive at that final stage where they start to commit atrocities.
I will repeat something here.
So you upset their delusion and they kill you?
Yes, they... They get mad when you expose it?
No, well it depends, it depends, it depends, no.
If you speak out in a quiet way, and if you...
Don't really try to convince them, but just live up to your ethical duty of articulating your own opinion.
Then you will see that you disturb the mass formation, that it doesn't go deeper and deeper, and something crucial happens then.
So the way you do it is you just go, oh, look at this, or what do you think of this?
Yes, yes.
That's your opinion, that's mine, and you can take it or leave it, it doesn't matter, but I will...
Time and time again, I articulate my own opinion.
And in that way, the mass formation is constantly disturbed, and then something crucial happens.
The masses are always self-destructive.
That means, if they continue to exist, they will slowly exhaust themselves.
Their power will decrease slowly.
And, the power of the group, who doesn't go along with the masses, and who continues to live up to these ethical principles of speaking out, will slowly increase its mental power.
So they ascend?
Yes, they ascend.
And at a certain moment, the two lines cross each other, and the small group has a stronger psychological effect than the masses itself.
Have we crossed that line yet?
I think that there are more people waking up these days, but at the same time, the system itself will increase the repression, I think.
It will increase the repression, so it will get more difficult, I think, in the years to come.
And what we always have to keep in mind, what we always have to focus on, is simply no matter what happens, continue to speak out.
Even if they kick us off the internet then we will have to speak out in a different way.
But we will continue to speak out no matter what happens and we shouldn't make one crucial mistake that has been described by Hannah Arendt, by so many people who observed mass formation and totalitarianism in resistance.
Resistance against a totalitarian system from within.
Should always stick to the principles of non-violent resistance.
Simply because each violence will be used as a pretext, will be used as a justification, will be used to create a support in the masses to destroy the dissonant voices.
And it was Jesus, and then Gandhi, and then Martin Luther King Jr.
understood that.
Yeah, they understood that, and Gandhi succeeded in kicking out the English from India in a non-violent resistance way.
And that's so typical.
Since the emergence of imperialism and totalitarianism, non-violent resistance has been the most efficient... Well, let's talk about how to take them down, Professor.
This is absolutely amazing.
Glad you're here.
So we saw that incredible declaration of war against any political opposition last night, with a red background, with troops at attention behind the leader.
I mean, that's North Korean iconography.
The psychology of totalitarianism.
Professor Desmond's here with us, knocking it out of the park.
Sir, please continue with where this goes historically, how we counter it.
And you were telling me during the breaks, you were saying, no, this will destroy the establishment using this power as well.
So they're definitely scared of your research.
Keep laying it out.
Yes, well, I think that it's always good to realize that when it comes to, so we have on the one hand is this indeed this diabolic pact between the masses and the elite.
The masses will exhaust themselves, but also the elite will kill itself, will exhaust itself.
Simply because, and that's something that is very hard to understand, but I think it's crucial.
Also, the elite, the elite which leads the masses is hypnotized.
It's also hypnotized by itself.
That's something that was very well described.
They're smoking their own dope.
Yes, yes, yes, absolutely.
But this is just a...
Crucial nuance, they are hypnotized by their ideology.
That means they phonetically believe in their own ideology.
By their own weird conformity, like radical Islam.
Yes, in this case it is transhumanism and technocratic ideology, which is actually a contemporary variant of the mechanist ideology.
So they believe blindly.
Explain that.
Spend some time on that.
I mean, the religion of Yuval Harari, of Klaus Schwab, why they'd be so open?
You'll have no freedom.
We're taking over your body.
But you can see they're true believers.
They're high as a kite.
They are hypnotized.
Yes, of course.
They completely believe in it.
And that's something that I also describe in my book.
The reason is simply, like this transhumanist ideology is a contemporary variant of the alt-mechanist ideology, which believes that the entire universe is a kind of A set of elementary particles, atoms, molecules that all interact according to the laws of mechanics and that can be perfectly described in a rationalist way.
That's the basis of technocracy.
As soon as you believe that the universe can be perfectly described in a rational way, then the inevitable, ultimate conclusion is that society should not be led by democratically elected people.
It's got to be a war on free will.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, definitely.
And so that's the inevitable conclusion.
We need experts who lead society.
Strangely enough, these experts claim to represent science, but that's not at all the case.
Science concluded exactly the opposite.
All seminal scientists concluded that reality, in the end, is irrational.
That's so strange.
All seminal scientists concluded that our rational understanding has a very limited grip on reality.
Well, I mean, like Einstein said, I mean, the whole nature of the universe is that there's this randomness to it.
Imagination is more important than knowledge, Einstein said.
And Niels Bohr, for instance, a famous Nobel Prize winning physicist, said, when it comes to atoms, to elementary particles, language can only be used as poetry.
And he was dead serious when he said that.
Well, what about the observation principle where these particles won't move when they're being watched?
I mean, this is...
Yes, yes, yes.
These particles actually, they behave, that's so striking about their behavior, in a completely irrational way.
And you see that even more clear when you look at complex dynamical systems theory, which showed, paradoxically, in a strictly rational way, that each complex dynamical system in nature behaves strictly irrational, as an irrational number.
Meaning that science It gives us no guarantee at all.
It even completely discourages us to believe that society could be understood, controlled, and manipulated.
So, I mean, how do you quantify that?
It's from a scientific survey.
Whatever built this doesn't like robots.
I mean, how would you describe it?
Well, can you come again?
I mean, the universe, it doesn't like... No, no, no, no.
It's not going towards the order they're in.
No, no, no, no.
It wants us to have free will.
It forces us to have free will.
It confronts us constantly with choices that we cannot make on the basis of rational argumentation.
Which, if you have just entropy, would be robotic.
The only way to make us more powerful is to give us constant challenge.
Yes, indeed.
I believe that's also the ultimate.
Totalitarianism tries to destroy the space for a human being in which it has the inalienable right, the ethical duty to make choices for itself, to make singular subjective choices.
That's what totalitarianism is, because it is fed from the inside by an extreme anxiety for uncertainty.
And what about the feedback loop?
Because I don't know the psychology of it.
I just know what I see in my own layman's terms.
The more you get into authoritarianism, the more anxiety you have, then the answer is more order when the answer is you don't want order.
Yeah, and that's the destructive, vicious circle in which society arrives when it goes on a totalitarian trend.
I described it in the introduction already.
That is exactly why the totalitarian system always self-destroys in the end.
The only thing you have to make sure, and this is, again, from a strategical point of view, so crucial, the only thing you have to make sure is that there remains a path on which the people who do not go along with the system can walk.
You gotta have the exodus factor.
There will be an exodus.
There will be one.
So, I'm not just saying this to kiss your ass, it's true, you're very impressive in
person even more.
I did read your book real fast about a year ago and it was super hot and totally agree
with it because I don't know if it made sense.
They're definitely scared of you and what I've learned is whatever they're scared of
is what we should be supporting.
And they're not like fake scared, they're really scared of you professor.
You've got to be proud.
Yes, I consider it to be a small honor, yes.
That is true, yes.
You know, actually they don't have to be scared of me, I will tell you why.
Just because... If they would just embrace their real humanity... Yes, indeed.
Sorry, let me interrupt, go ahead.
If they would understand that totalitarianism will also destroy them, they would know that they need dissonance.
And you were going to explain that when it went to break.
How is it going to destroy them?
In the first place you can observe it historically, that totalitarianism starts, if it continues to the stage in which it starts to destroy the people who do not go along with it, it starts to destroy its objective enemies.
The people who didn't go along with the ideology.
But that always needs more.
Always more.
Because it thrives on destruction.
The masses...
have become a mass simply because they needed an object of anxiety, they needed an object on which they could take their frustration and aggression on.
And the leaders know that if the masses wake up, that they will destroy their leaders.
So both the masses and the leaders don't want the mass formation to stop.
Meaning that once the original enemies are destroyed, they always have to create a new enemy.
Which is the purges and the Nazis and the communists.
It's just obsessive.
It's obsessive.
In the Soviet Union, this process went furthest of all.
Nazi Germany was far less totalitarian than the Soviet Union.
In the Soviet Union, it started first with the aristocracy that had to be destroyed, then the small farmers, then the large farmers, then the goldsmiths, then the Jews.
Until then, that was more or less rational, if you were reasoning inside the ideology of the system, because all these people were considered to be not capable of giving up their private property.
But after a while...
Everything was exterminated that could have been considered... Any competition is bad.
Well, I remember reading somewhere a Lenin quote before they poisoned him and he died, before Stalin took over.
And they said, sir, we've killed all the opposition.
Now we're only hurting ourselves.
He said, don't you understand?
I want more terror.
I want more blood.
Of course.
I mean... In the end, they just started randomly.
Putting people in the gulags and destroying them just because the system cannot exist without destroying someone and something.
And now we have Biden with a red background with troops saying, I'm coming for you.
I agree with you.
It shows a sign of his weakness, but it's still incredibly dangerous.
And I don't know how we navigate that.
Yes, of course it's dangerous.
The only option we have.
That's exactly what I meant.
If these people, these totalitarians, would understand that totalitarianism will become a monster that devours its own children, to use a term of Hannah Arendt again, they would understand that these dissonant voices, which they treat in such an intolerant way, are exactly the only thing that can save them.
But they That's what we... Well, they're getting rid of chivalry.
I mean, the rules of war, because you don't want it to get out of hand.
No, indeed.
I mean, isn't chivalry kind of a primitive way to describe rules on this?
Yes, yes, yes.
Where you don't want to get out of hand?
Like, oh, we're going to kill each other, but it's only going to be men.
Yes, yes, yes.
They don't have that.
The second chapter of Solzhenitsyn is titled Solzhenitsyn's famous book, the Gulag Archipelago, is titled There is no law in totalitarian systems.
There are only totalitarian leaders who always use local rules, but never a law that applies to everything.
So they always reformulate... It's all selectively enforced?
Yes, yes.
Wow, I'm impressed.
I know you got to go soon.
Hopefully you can stay with us longer.
The psychology of totalitarianism, Professor Desmond.
And I know this book's been number one.
We need to send it back to number one.
We'll be right back.
Tomorrow's news today, next level stuff.
Well, he's the author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism.
Professor Matthias Desmond is our guest.
He's going to go ahead and stay the rest of the hour.
So for callers that are holding, if you want to hold, I understand.
If you can't, I understand.
I'm gonna go ahead and just host the fourth hour after he leaves us.
But this is so central to understanding how the world really works.
You are getting, before the break, to the establishment, the social programmers, to understand the psychology that are using it.
But in their own ideology, they're so strict on each other that it has its own feedback loop of them destroying themselves.
On a timeline, How would you describe the world today and the fight between liberty and tyranny?
Because Australia said the lockdowns would never end.
New Zealand said they would never end.
They had to end them, nobody bought into it.
Or the majority woke up all of a sudden.
So at first, it was front-loaded where most were going along with it.
Now everybody wakes up, or the majority do, and it blows up in their face, and now they seem dumbfounded.
Same thing in Europe, same thing in Canada, same thing here.
So they're trying to fire that back up again, but did they really Kind of shoot their wad with the virus gear?
And what do you think they may be planning next?
I think that, um... To be honest, I think that we are only in the beginning of the... We are in the beginning of the end.
Game I think.
That means that we will soon see the introduction of digital coins issued by central banks.
We will see the introduction of digital IDs and so on.
So I think the process, the technocratic system will be pushed further.
I'm quite sure about that.
But, and that's the point again, if we continue to manifest in public space, to speak out in public space And so on.
There will be a small path.
We will be... The people who do not want to go along will be excommunicated, I think, but we will have to survive there.
But it'll be those heretics that build the new world.
Yes, indeed.
They will discover the principles, the new principles of a new living together.
I'm sure about that.
So that's exactly... If you read again Solzhenitsyn or Viktor Frankl or Primo Levi... You got cut off on the Solzhenitsyn part of the book.
Yes, yes.
Let me get back to that.
What was I saying about that part about there is no law?
Yes, there is no law.
Indeed, but I was referring now to the fact Solzhenitsyn describes something typical, a typical experience that happens in a totalitarian state.
In the people who do not go along with the system, like totalitarianism is an extreme dehumanization of the world.
In a totalitarian system there are simply no principles of humanity anymore.
The ideological system and the ideological Fiction is so relentlessly imposed to the world, and according to Hannah Arendt, the concentration camps were the ultimate goal of a totalitarian system.
In the concentration camps, you had an elite that relentlessly, not hampered by any law or principle, imposed its totalitarian doctrine to a population.
That, she said, the striving of all totalitarianism is to make the entire world into an open concentration camp.
That's what she said.
And every form of authoritarianism always goes towards that.
Yes, it tends towards that.
But if there is an opposition who continues to speak out... No, I mean, I agree it doesn't always happen, but that's always their goal.
Yes, that's the goal.
It's just this... I want to be flying around like the Jetsons and people living to be 500 and everybody being happy.
That's the Renaissance, I would say.
Where do they get this instinct to dominate and murder people?
That's the most basic and elementary psychological instinct that exists.
The human being distinguishes itself from an animal because it is constantly confronted with uncertainty.
An animal, the mental system of an animal, works through a sign system in which every sign refers to one object and there is no substantial doubt in the animal's mind because of that.
But a human being, a human mind, works with language.
And in language, the signs or the words do not refer to one object.
They refer to other words.
They get their meaning to other words.
And these other words have to receive their meaning again from other words.
And in this way, we always lack a word to be sure.
That's so typical for a human being.
It's life and existence circles constantly around something that its mind cannot grasp.
A human being is constantly confronted with elementary questions such as, what is the meaning of my life?
Does my wife loves me?
Do I mean something to other people?
And so on.
It's almost like a lack of confidence.
It's a lack of consensus, it's uncertainty, and for many people, maybe for everyone to a certain extent, this fundamental uncertainty leads to anxiety.
And you can react to that in two ways.
You can react to that by trying to eliminate the uncertainty, trying to impose a theory as if it is certain to reality.
So if I just kill all these people, they won't have free will and won't cause problems?
Yeah, indeed.
That's what totalitarianism does.
That's what totalitarianism does.
So that's why they always try it.
There is this intrinsic, inherent tendency in a human being to choose for adoption.
But, and totalitarianists do that, but there is also another option.
There's uncertainty and there's uncertainty you can you can recognize the fundamental precondition to be a human being because if you know that you are uncertain and that everyone is uncertain then you can also know that you have There is no other option than that you make your own individual free choices.
Nobody else has the right to impose his... And historically, individuals making those decisions is decentralized and builds a better world.
Yes, of course.
Indeed, that's the case, sir.
You can make two choices.
In the confrontation with uncertainty, you can choose to let the uncertainty lead to anxiety and to act upon that anxiety and then try to impose your theory in such a way that there is no uncertainty anymore.
So is Orwell right that the power lies with the proletariat to use, you know, a Marx and Engels thing?
Or is it in the establishment or is it just whoever comes out of whatever area?
The power lies in everyone who has the courage to embrace his freedom and to take responsibility for his own choices, to take risks in life and to say, I am the one who has to make the choices.
Nobody, there is no master who can tell me what I have to do.
Wouldn't it be easier for the elites that go along with each other and are all authoritarian?
Don't they get if they were like rogue agents against it, even if they just want power, they'd be way more powerful in powering humanity.
I don't get why they go into this destructive bent of authoritarianism.
Yes, yes, but that's madness.
That's exactly... A classical dictator can be awake.
He is not hypnotized.
A classical dictator can use his common sense and that's why classical dictatorships can continue to exist.
If the classical dictator loves his population a little bit, then a classical dictatorship can continue.
That's a philosopher king.
Yes, the philosopher king indeed, exactly.
But a totalitarian leader is hypnotized by his own ideology, not by his own narratives.
The narratives that he uses, the climate narrative, the terrorism narrative, the corona narrative, or propaganda.
And totalitarian leaders know that.
They are so convinced.
So fanatically convinced that their own ideology is the only true ideology, that they believe it justifies... That is so powerful, because I've watched hundreds of hours of Davos Group meetings, which is the mouthpiece of these people, and I can tell real people, when they're being real, they're like, we're so beautiful, we're building a utopia, why are they fighting us?
They literally don't even know.
I mean, this is a cult.
Yes, absolutely.
Hannah Arendt said, the totalitarian leaders are always convinced that they will create paradise, but the only problem is that their paradise looks always suspiciously a lot on an inferno, on a hell.
And indeed, so they are convinced themselves that they will reshape society into a new paradise in which there are no limitations anymore, in which a human being will live eternally, in which it will constantly experience a biochemically induced happiness, and so on.
They are so fanatically convinced that they think it is justified to claim millions of victims, billions of victims to realize it.
And that's always been the hallmark of Tottenham.
My God, well you talk about the timeline.
I agree with you.
We're just at the beginning of this.
We'll talk about how to make it through on the other side.
The book that really scares the establishment, The Psychology of Totalitarianism.
Professor Matthias Desmond is here with us.
We've got two more segments.
I really appreciate your time.
Great crew, great to meet them.
Congratulations on all the great work you've done.
In the last 25 minutes, we've got just other areas you want to cover, solutions, ideas, where you see this is going.
Please lay it on us.
Yes, okay. Well, I was talking about this most important aspect of the solution,
which is always to continue to speak out because we are dealing with a psychological process.
And as I said, the totalitarian leader is hypnotized himself, not by his narratives,
but by the ideologies, meaning that the dissonant voices even have an impact on the leaders.
So it's crucial to speak out.
That's the one, the first and foremost a strategical rule which is at the same time I believe also
an ethical rule because as a human being we all have the ethical duty to
try to articulate the words that emerge in us and that seems sincere and honest.
If we don't do that we slowly lose our soul and it is exactly this. The fact
that we stick to the principle of speaking out that will make us
That's crucial.
Solzhenitsyn describes that in the Gulag Archipelago, just like Viktor Frankl, just like Primo Levi, they describe that those people who are in the concentration camps, in this In this dehumanizing world, in this pool of darkness, those people who... Most prisoners in the concentration camps started to behave in a beast-like manner, in a brutish way.
They lost all sense of humanity.
But there was a small minority, Solzhenitsyn said, who went in exactly the opposite direction, who tried to represent in this pool of darkness a little bit of light and who became more and more determined to stick to the ethical principles of humanity and Solzhenitsyn gives wonderful examples in his book.
Very often these people slowly became stronger both mentally and physically.
He gives us wonderful examples in which several of these people survived the concentration camps for 15 years while most of them died in a few weeks to a few months.
And I think I cannot go into detail now but that is just so crucial.
The fact that it is this If we do our best to continue to speak out in a sincere and honest way, then you will see that we go through this fast process of human evolution, while the rest of the world becomes weaker and weaker and weaker at a psychological level.
And at the same time, we will prevent, we will make sure that there remains a path on which we can continue to walk.
And we will make sure that the masses don't become so destructive that they radically self-destroy.
So that's the, generally speaking, the most elementary strategic advice.
And just to throw a quick question to continue, historically we see points where either the general public breaks with the establishment or the establishment breaks with themselves.
On that timeline, is there ways to jump ahead and get the establishment not to be so suicidal and in a death cult where we just have to go through the process?
I don't know.
We probably will go through the process to a certain extent.
It's always difficult to predict exactly what will happen.
Niels Bohr had this wonderful quote.
He said, prediction is always difficult and definitely if it is about the future.
It's very hard to know.
Society is always a complex dynamical system and it's very hard to know.
The complex dynamical systems cannot be predicted.
They always can behave indifferently.
Sure, even though in the past we don't know.
Oh indeed, yes.
The only thing that is for sure, I think, is that we were dealing with an emerging totalitarianism, not a fascist or a communist totalitarianism, but a kind of totalitarianism which Hannah Arendt warned us already for in 1951.
She wrote in her book, The Origins of Totalitarianism, she wrote, we've seen fascist totalitarianism collapse, we've seen a communist totalitarianism losing its power slowly, but, she said, We will witness the emergence of a new kind of totalitarianism.
A kind of totalitarianism which is no longer led by gang leaders such as Stalin and Hitler, but which is led by dull bureaucrats and technocrats.
And that's what we are dealing with now.
The technocratic totalitarianism, the ultimate totalitarianism, which is the... It's so faceless and it's just...
There is no mythology anymore involved or something.
No, it's pure, dry manifestation.
I agree.
You can't call it communist or fascist.
I call it a scientific dictatorship.
A pseudo-scientific dictatorship, yes.
Well, sure.
I wouldn't call them science, I'm saying.
Fauci says I'm science.
I'm saying they're using scientific principles and psychology against people just for pure power for themselves, even though they're creating a hellish world for themselves.
Indeed, and I think the solution to the problem, the most basic solution, the most important solution, is actually that we have to move beyond this pseudo-scientific ideology we are living in.
And the seminal scientists actually showed us how we have to do that.
The seminal scientists, whether we are talking about Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Schrödinger, Heisinger, Mandelbrot, René Thom, they all told us the same.
In every process of knowing the world, there are two stages.
And the first is always rational knowledge.
And many people think that this rational knowledge is everything.
That's what these people who are now seizing control of society believe.
That society should be based on rational understanding.
But every real scientist knows that rational understanding is only the first phase of gathering knowledge.
That after rational understanding, there comes something else.
If you really, in an honest way, try to understand rationally, then you will soon arrive at the limit of rational understanding.
And it is at the limit of rational understanding, you have the chance to move on to a different way of knowing the world, which is a much more resonating way of knowing the world.
Which is what René Thom said, an empathic resonance with the world.
Also the samurai knew this very well.
They said like, when you learn the martial arts, first there is a technical rational stage, in which you practice the techniques of the martial arts.
But if you practice the techniques of a martial art for a long time, then you will slowly develop a certain feel for what you do.
And it is this resonating feeling.
That is the real knowledge.
Samurai went even so far to say that it's difficult to learn the techniques of a martial art, but that it is even more difficult to forget them again.
And they said if you don't succeed in forgetting the techniques of the martial arts again, before you go to the battlefield, you will die on the battlefield.
They said you have to Move on to a different kind of knowledge, a different kind of practice in the world.
You can't be caught up in that basic program.
It's like a unified field theory of just interfacing.
You're still an individual, but you're creating a real collective that can't be artificially created by the authoritarian.
But the beginning of the almost perfection is that it's all interconnected.
Indeed, yes.
Does that make sense?
That is the real connection with the world, indeed.
It is this resonating, emphatic knowledge that really connects you to the world around you, to the people around you.
That's the ultimate antidote for totalitarianism.
And people look for completion, because, I mean, I'm not perfect, but I'm really satisfied.
And now that I've gotten older and been through all this, I can now, like, interface with things, and it's so satisfying.
It's like a drug.
And then I just get frustrated that other people aren't interfacing with it.
Indeed, exactly.
What would you call that when you surpass the knowledge?
I mean, what is that?
It's a transcendent experience.
And Max Planck really articulated this in a wonderful way.
Max Planck said, I've given my life to science.
I've studied matter and atoms my entire life and it won him the Nobel Prize.
And he said, but in the end, I believe that science arrives where religion once started.
In an authentic personal contact with that what transcends all rational understanding, and Max Planck said, and to be clear he said, that what transcends all rational understanding for me is a personal God.
And I believe indeed that we all, if we really follow rationality in an honest and sincere way, we will all arrive at that point where we feel, just like all the major scientists have felt, that we arrive at the limit of rationality and that it is there that we can choose.
We can go back.
And try to understand rationally what can never be rationally understood.
And in this way we arrive in absurd irrationality.
And that's what the system... Well, let's explain that.
This is the key to everything.
We'll be right back.
The psychology of totalitarianism.
Professor Matthias Desmond.
He's in the studio with us one more segment.
And then after everybody holding the last hour and a half, I'm going right to your phone calls.
Everybody that's patiently holding.
So we were getting up to that point of Those that want to claim they own science and then control free will.
And what is your message to the general public versus your message to the technocrats who really believe they have a final revolution, they have a way of finally becoming God, they're going to use us as their guinea pigs to transcend, but they've given up on their very basic humanity itself.
And I know some of these globalists are not very happy people.
Yes, the message to the elite is clear.
They just should understand that they will never become God.
That their rational understanding is extremely limited.
And that the more they try to reduce life and the essence of life to rationality, they will just destroy life.
If you try to reduce the essence of life to something that it doesn't is, then you inevitably destroy life.
So I hope that the elite, the people who identify with the system, That they realize that in the end they will destroy themselves.
Their system will become a monster that devours its own children.
Well, I mean, take the shots.
They don't protect you, they make you sick.
That's not rational.
I mean, if they were going to come out with something and make us take it, why didn't they give us something that worked?
I mean, everything an authoritarian does always goes to crap.
Yes, but that's happened already in the Soviet Union.
So they think they're rational, but they're not.
No, definitely you're not.
That's the problem.
If you do not accept, if you believe that rationality is limitless, that it can explain everything, then you inevitably end up in radical, absurd irrationality.
That has always been the case.
That's so typical.
The architecture is ugly.
The people die young.
There's crime everywhere.
It just doesn't work.
No, no, it doesn't work, indeed.
Indeed, it doesn't work.
And so that would be the message to the elite.
Follows real science and you will see it there before your own eyes in a way that cannot be denied.
That there is a limit to rationality and that rationality will never allow us to grasp the essence of life around us.
Even more, the more we enclose ourselves in a wall of logical building blocks, the more we isolate ourselves from life around us.
And it is first at the moment when we start to realize that our Capacity for rational understanding is limited that the building blocks of the logical wall will slide open a little bit and that the eternal life of music will be able to go through the holes of the wall and touch the strings of our body and soul and at that moment we will start to resonate with the eternal vibrant spirit of life and that's the moment where we will not need to become God anymore because we will
Be part, participate in an eternal spirit which will also take away the anxiety for death and dying.
Well, there's no need to become God, we're already part of God.
We are part of it, we participate in it.
And so I think that's the beauty of this resonating knowledge.
Brings you in touch with something eternal.
And that's the basic disease of our culture, is that we cannot tolerate the idea of death and dying anymore.
And why did all these ancient cultures start targeting firstborn and wanting to kill children?
There's an obsession with destroying children's destiny, their own free will.
I mean, I guess that's just that authoritarian instinct, but it's so obvious.
Yes, of course it is.
Yes, of course it is. If I could give a message to the population, I would definitely say
this is a time in which we have to reinvent and to re-appreciate the importance of ethical
principles for a human being.
We should not focus too much on trying to know what will happen next, trying to understand what will happen.
We have to try to understand.
I also try to understand.
No, but you're right.
Be good and stand up for what's right and that will change the world.
Stick to your principles and please realize that if you live up to these principles, Humanity will survive.
We can never be sure that there will be victims among us.
That's almost unavoidable.
But even then we have to stick to our principles.
And we have to know that all violence will be used against us.
It will be used against us.
We have to be Determined.
And firm.
And manifest.
Speak out.
Refuse to conform.
We have to use all the techniques and strategies of non-violent resistance.
Just to quantify that, not in scientific terms, just in my own layman's terms.
I'm an individualist and I believe in total individuality, but it's a total collectivism in my decision, your decision.
It builds a collective will.
And they claim they're collectivists, but they're actually obviously going against the real will of humanity to strive and be successful and build all these things.
And I just can't believe how obvious it is, but they go against it because you said they're afraid of the randomness of freedom.
Yes, of course, of course.
Because we don't have to follow the will of the collective, because that's totalitarianism.
Totalitarianism is extreme collectivism, which destroys all individualism.
Instead of trying to install a balance between individualism and collectivism, totalitarianism is extreme collectivism which destroys the human individual mind and soul.
It's not a virtue to follow the will of the collective.
Not at all!
It's even the most dangerous and the most unethical thing you can do.
What we have to do is to follow ethical principles.
We have to understand Our Enlightenment tradition believed that rational understanding should be the basis of human living together, but that is not true at all.
Rational understanding can never be the basis of human living together.
Only ethical principles can be, and you will... Well sure, so-called rational, Bill Gates says, kill an old lady and hire ten teachers, but if we build a culture to take care of the old ladies, that's a more complex loving culture that isn't predatory.
I mean, that's an oversimplification of it, but the stupid idea of, it's rational, if I kill an old person and get their money, I do better.
No, you just killed old people.
And then nobody cares about anybody, everything falls apart.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, that makes sense, of course, it does.
Well, in closing, we've got about four minutes left.
Professor, very impressive, the psychology of totalitarianism.
What else would you like to say in closing?
Yes, well, there is a lot, still a lot to be said.
I think that it is extremely important from time to time to step back to take like more a helicopter view and to try to understand the large principles at work both of totalitarianism and both of the resistance and to understand that indeed as you just underlined a few minutes ago to understand that what in the end will be decisive and what will matter will always be
Whether we succeed in sticking to ethical principles of humanity, that will be decisive.
At first sight it will seem that violence is the only solution.
That we have to destroy this evil elite in a violent revolution.
And that will be exactly what will destroy us.
The elite wants that will be what creates the support in the population to push forward their destruction campaign.
So that is what we absolutely should avoid.
If we avoid that, we will both lose at the tactical level.
And we will lose at the ethical level.
I totally agree, Professor, but the problem is the establishment is going to provocateur our stage events, even if we're not violent.
So how do you counter that?
Yes, but they will never have enough support if we continue to speak out and if we continue to behave in an ethical way.
That's the point.
We have to see that it is a psychological game.
It's a psychological game.
I agree, but if Biden's people blow up a federal building tomorrow and blame us.
How do we counter that?
I guess the public's got to be informed enough to know we didn't do that, we didn't stand for that, and that only helps them.
Yeah, if we deal with that in the right way, in the end it will turn against Joe Biden.
That's what you have to try to do.
We have to follow the rules of the martial arts.
If you're confronted with a powerful enemy, use his power against him.
Yes, or ninjutsu or jujutsu, yes.
Alright, how do people, people can get your book, your website, where do people find you, Professor?
On my Substack, Matthias Puntersmaet.
M-A-T-T-I-A-S, Desmond.
M-A-T-T-I-A-S, yes.
Desmond.substack.com, and the book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism.
Yes, you can order it.
Well, you're having a big effect, they're definitely afraid of you, and everything you say rings true.
I don't know all the psychological terms, but it seems like inherent truth.
Thank you.
And where are you going next?
I don't know actually.
But you're doing a tour for the next few days and back to... Yes, yes.
There are still a few appointments but I don't know.
I have people who take care of that very well and I'm very happy that they do so.
So I can just enjoy a certain... I don't have to know my schedule and I like that.
Well, this was a real talk and definitely very, very deep.
And I would just put it this way.
The cerebral cortex cannot interface with how powerful our subconscious is.
Many times more powerful, obviously.
How many times more powerful would you say on average the subconscious is than the conscious?
Can you comment on that?
I mean, like the rest of your brain compared to the cerebral cortex, how much more time is powerful?
Oh, the unconscious is everything.
Yeah, so the same thing, the rationalists are thinking like only their focus is everything, but by us saying no, it's bigger, it's just embracing all of what we have.
Of course, for instance, people who are in the grip of a mass formation believe that their narrative is the only one that is correct and true and that all the rest is unscientific and they don't know that it's...
As irrational as it can be, and that the reasons why they buy into this narrative are completely situated at a different level.
They are situated at the level of the affective, at the control of anxiety, at the satisfaction that goes hand in hand with taking out your aggression and frustration.
I'm very impressed.
Thank you, sir.
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Somewhere from a special place in hell, Saul Alinsky, forced to watch C-SPAN for eternity, is laughing.
I suppose given a choice, I think I would pick hell.
Reveling in Joe Biden's textbook example of a speech utilizing every rule for radicals he could jam in.
Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal.
Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans Represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.
Biden's address of doom arrogantly rattled on, knowingly ignoring the criminal double standard that the speech was perched upon like a gargoyle.
And here, in my view, is what is true.
MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.
They do not believe in the rule of law.
They do not recognize the will of the people.
They refuse to accept the results of a free election.
He's an illegitimate president, in my mind.
Would you be my vice president if you were a candidate?
Folks, look, I absolutely agree.
Trump didn't actually win the election in 2016.
He lost the election, and he was put in the office because the Russians interfered.
Trump knows he's an illegitimate president.
The president, although legally elected, is not legitimate.
I don't see this.
President-elect as a legitimate president.
You said you believe that Russia's interference altered the outcome of the election.
I do.
We have a president who, if in fact it is proven, has been assisted by the Russians and may in fact not be a legitimate president.
The one thing that Trump is fearful of when it comes to his being president is that finally we will see how illegitimate his victory actually was.
I have an objection.
I object to the 15 votes from the state of North Carolina.
I object because people are horrified.
He's an illegitimate president.
Do you believe Trump is a legitimate president?
What I believe is that there's no question that the outcome of this election was affected by the Russian interference.
And now America must choose to move forward or to move backwards.
To build a future obsessed about the past.
To be a nation of hope and unity and optimism.
Our nation of fear, division, and of darkness.
He has never done anything for not even one person that I know of.
I never heard anybody say anything about him.
And people want to talk about Donald Trump, Donald Trump this, Donald Trump that.
Why is this man over there taking care of people at the border?
We hungry.
We need a place to stay.
We feel like we're in a concentration camp.
After the country endured millions of dollars in damage and deaths due to the left's unchecked goading of violence.
And this is a nation that rejects violence as a political tool.
We do not encourage violence.
I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country.
Maybe there will be.
There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives.
We've got to be ready to throw a punch.
We have to be ready to throw a punch.
Donald Trump, I think you need to go back and punch him in the face.
That I thought he should have punched him in the face.
I feel like punching him.
I think I'd like to take him behind the gym if I were in high school.
If I were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.
Please, get up in the face of some Congress people.
People will do what they do.
I want to tell you, Gorsuch.
I want to tell you, Kavanaugh.
You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.
It's just a warning to you Trumpers.
Be careful.
Walk lightly.
And for those of you who are soldiers, make them pay.
If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence, or Jeff Sessions, who would it be?
Does one of us have to come out alive?
MAGA Republicans have made their choice.
They embrace anger.
They thrive on chaos.
They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies.
How many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings?
I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.
I said, you're not getting the billion.
I'm going to be leaving here, and I think it was, what, six hours?
I said, I'm leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
Oh, son of a bitch.
And as the senile placeholder for globalism was slowly helped away by his racist first lady, most Americans knew Joe Biden's speech would go down as one of, if not the darkest speech in American history by a sitting president of the United States.
John Bowne reporting.
All right, you've been patient, you've been holding.
We're back in one minute and we'll write your calls.
Get ready.
Well, Matias Desmond was just on with us for an hour and 45 minutes, and it was powerful.
And I appreciate all these callers who were on before that.
Holden, I'm going to go to every one of you this hour, and I'm just going to try to go to you and shut up and let you talk and make your amazing points.
I'm going to move to the next person.
People that agree, people that disagree, I'm just going to go to you in the order that the calls were received here after Biden's big dictator speech.
But I've got to just say, if you just joined us, we aired that five-minute John Bowne report That is the best crystallization of what Biden did last night.
Dark Brandon speech of doom, special report at InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
You need to watch it.
You need to share it.
It's all up to you now.
Carlos in Canada decoding Biden's incredible speech last night.
What do you make of it?
Do you think my analysis has been on target or did I overblow it or did I underblow it?
I can't help it, I'm a cognitive psychologist.
So when I hear the speech and I watched most of it, I have to tell you, I couldn't stop but analyze it.
I usually analyze political speeches along four lines, and I'll go quick.
What motivates a speech?
Is it fear?
Is it a question of self-service?
Is the person trying to talk about the greatness of his agenda or whatever?
Is it a question of pride?
Or is it a question of solicitation?
Get my vote, or, you know, let's go.
In the case of President Trump, for example, there's a lot of pride of America and so on.
Not very much self-service, although he mentions his achievements, of course, but not in the sense of how great I am.
Rather, in the context of solicitation, he simply, you know, tries to denounce what he considers to be unacceptable.
Sure, he's advertising his service.
Right, and he's not driven by fear.
This speech last night had very, very little pride.
It was self-service to the point of his fear of democracy and the election, giving validity to his election, which we know he didn't get 81 million votes, obviously, okay?
So somewhere along the line, this man is living in fear.
And I would like to even more consider that in the context of solicitation, There wasn't very much, and in the context of pride, there was almost none.
Pride of America, pride of what it is.
What you do find is that, in the sense that the fear gives rise to three things.
The names of the threat, the people, for instance, which Clinton called deplorables, later they become insurrectionists.
They then become terrorists, and you would consider them now terrorists, Those that submit to him, those that don't.
Well that's what I got, was weakness and fear by them trying to project power with troops and red backgrounds and authoritarian iconography, but I took it as a declaration of war.
And what happens is that, as the great Professor Desmet just mentioned, they try to focus fear in the people, because people always have fear.
And the Professor Desmet, by the way, he even used some of my favourite quotes.
I mean, this man is dead on.
I think, followed up by what, if I ever have the time to have another interview with you, one-on-one, we'll take you to the second stage, which is to apply it to the globalists, okay?
And why, what motivates them?
And why they're doing what they're doing, which is quite... Well yeah, we should talk about if they got full control under the mass formation psychosis, which they didn't get full control, where would they take us if they got full control?
And what motivates their fear?
Because they have a belief, and they're protecting something very dearly, To which you and I as individuals in free will, okay, threaten them.
Threaten their portfolio or threaten their status.
And this is what usually drives the, if you want to call it, the drive to totalitarianism, is the fear of losing status or losing wealth.
Well, the bottom line is, they've come to the end of their Ponzi scheme, they're all about to go to prison, so they cook up the environmental threat and make them the saviors and pose like, the Earth's collapsing because you're bad, but we're going to take over and run it for you when they're the bad managers to begin with.
I mean, I think that's the simplest analogy.
And the fear comes from, and I would love to know who wrote the speech, by the way.
That's more interesting than who gave it.
Who wrote this?
Because what it represents is clearly that the Democratic Party has lost its agenda.
They started by trying to polarize whites against blacks.
Well, it didn't work.
Because when President Trump said, hey, what did they do for you lately?
Well, that just fell apart.
The second thing is that, having failed with that, they tried to put deplorables against what they would consider rational.
But, of course, that didn't work either.
Then they went to Black Lives Matter, and that didn't work either.
They brought in these people from Latin America who are Christians, for the most part, who are people who want to make America great again, who want to live in America, like the movie East Side Story.
And these individuals coming from Latin America, they're not going to be happy about No, I agree.
So what do they do next?
or the alphabet, they're not going to be very happy about being told to be autocrats, okay?
Because that's what they left behind.
So they are losing, and they're motivated by fear because there's not enough time for
the next election.
No, I agree.
So what do they do next?
I saw this as repriming things for a false flag.
I think it's time.
I tell you, I fear that by the end of 2024, as many as four, five past presidents of the United States will be dead.
One of them, at least one, assassinated.
And the reason why that is possible is because of the discernment of history, Alex.
We've been there, you and I, so many times.
And I believe sincerely that the assassination of President Trump solves so many problems for so many people.
Oh, I totally agree.
Trump should be, I mean, they definitely want to kill him.
Yes, and blame it on Iran so then they can have a war and take the attention from everything.
Because I believe with sincerity that, you know, they're not going to have President Let's say that Trump failed before November, obviously not.
But certainly, if you're going to have Clinton, let's say, run again, she cannot have the baggage of President Bill Clinton with her, because that doesn't work too much.
You see?
So, in all matters, the next two years are going to be determinant in history for America.
Either we're going to have, as Professor Desmet pointed out, A rebirth and freedom to a new world to a great technologically assistant.
Universal progress of entire mankind.
We're not talking here about one Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago.
We're talking about 2,000 years after of Christianity, leading democracy, free will.
All this is a new birth, or it could be totalitarianism and the end of freedom and individuality.
That's right.
We're at the crossroads.
Beautifully said.
I got to get to everybody.
Six minutes to the caller, but we got to get to everybody.
Amazing points.
Samuel in Oklahoma.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, quick plug.
My copy of The Great Reset just came in, so everyone go and get that.
I got out of the Marine Corps last year, right before they mandated the jab.
And what I have to say is, this administration is tyrannic.
They don't want leaders, they want yes-men.
Ask Lieutenant Colonel Scheller what happened to him when he spoke out.
Everything they tell you is a lie, and they have a monopoly on information.
They want the truth suppressed and freedom eliminated.
The Biden administration are the puppets for the new world order.
It's critical for people to wake up before the midterms.
But I do have some good news.
I'm the chief operations officer and co-owner of Mumblet Social.
Mumblet is a truly free speech social media platform that's on Android and iOS.
Alex, we got your profile on there and we're trying to re-platform people who have been banned by Big Tech.
Well that's beautiful.
Tell me, how do you spell it out?
Well, put it up, brother.
Tell us more about it.
It's a free speech, open platform.
We have your account on there right now.
It came from an InfoWars email account, so I think it's legit.
But we don't ban our users based on political beliefs.
All voices matter on our platform.
It's veteran-owned.
It's me and my partner.
We own it.
We don't have a board of directors telling us what to do.
We get our input from our users.
Well, that's beautiful.
We can see it.
Looks interesting, brother.
What you're doing is the future.
What do you make of Biden's incredibly draconian speech last night?
Uh, it it's kind of sad.
This is the point that we've gotten to.
And, like, I don't know a single Marine who voted for that guy.
You know, they either voted for Trump, they voted third party, or they just didn't vote.
I don't know a single person who wanted him in office, but he did.
He's in there now.
And as far as his speech goes, it's just, it's a lie.
You can tell it's a lie.
Like, nothing he's saying anyone believes.
That's why he's a dictator.
Stole the election, now he wants to cement it.
We are taking all of your calls.
The order they were received.
I want to thank you for holding all that.
Special guest was on.
It was an amazing interview.
It'll be archived later today.
Command on video and I suggest you share it.
Mike in Texas, my fellow Texan, go ahead.
Yes, Alex, I'm a long-time listener.
I've been listening to you for 17 years, and I'm very amazed of the job that the Lord has done in your life and the way you conduct yourself with the InfoWars.
I think it's time for you to take it to another level, like tapping into the unconscious.
There's, I don't know, I think you've had him before, David John Oates?
It's a guy that he talks about reverse speech analysis.
I just have one idea.
I remember when you used to have everybody have like a contest of painting the face like Joker and all that stuff.
Like why don't you have like people do a reverse speech or you have your crew to do a capsule, you know, like a minute, two minutes of reverse speech analysis like this Biden last Uh, you know, uh, the last one.
And, uh, maybe we could know, you know, what they really thinking.
No, I hear you.
But I mean, Biden's speech.
Well, it's very clear.
The American people are the enemy.
We're getting ready to carry out terror attacks.
We've all got to be arrested.
The former FBI Deputy Director basically said that.
But I mean, I hear you.
I think I had that fellow on like 20 years ago.
I'm not saying it's not a real science.
It's just that when Klaus Schwab says we're setting up world government, we're going to get rid of everybody, when they're saying it forwards, I can't get the public to care about it.
Sometimes they do listen, if it's backwards.
It's just because people like stuff that's interesting like that.
So, I mean, maybe I should have him on.
All right.
Well, thank you so much.
The other one was just talking about the reverse, I mean, the reservation of rights.
Maybe it's incumbent for us as citizens now to differentiate between the juror jurisdiction, de facto, and what the amorti jurisdiction is all about.
Uh, you know, I do, uh, logistics for a living, so I have to deal with, uh, steamship lines, you know, breaking the contract for people like you and I under the uniform, uh, commercial code.
So I think it's eminent for now, uh, like, uh, Howard Freeman said.
Yeah, you know, like he said once, he said, I send you out like sheep in the midst of wolves.
Be wise as serpent and harmless as a dove.
Howard Sprigman.
So I think it's those two things, you know, you tapping into their subconscious and exposing them in that level, you know, and care about that.
Don't care about if it's true or not.
It just, you know, make some sense out of it because the desperate times call for desperate measures.
No, I hear you, brother.
Thank you, Mike.
Thank you so much for calling.
Thomas in Texas.
Thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I think it's great to come in after that professor because that was kind of the point I was going to make after that Biden speech.
Maybe this has to happen this way.
I broke out of mass formation because I spent time in the Middle East and it woke me up 10 years ago.
But I have so many families that are all connected to this beast system and they run all the parts of it.
And I think this is what it's going to take to get people to disconnect, to stop feeding this beast.
Well, John Podesta, they just announced, the Pizzagate guy, is going to head up the Office of Destroying U.S.
Industry, known as the Clean Energy Officer setting up.
What do you make of that?
Oh, John Podesta, yeah.
Jeez, bad news.
Everybody knows that, so how's that even possible?
It's just more of the same.
Like you said, Alex, they're poking us, trying to get us to react, and they don't know what else to do to make us react.
So they stick the puppet up there, tell everybody that we're all threats, but we're all together.
Those people are the minority, and they know that.
So what crescendo we meet is, again, like the professor said, he said it so great.
Obviously, I'm nowhere near his education, but he said, just stick to your humanity, and we will get through this, because they are trying to make us all animals.
And so far, they haven't done it with all of these prodding and poking.
It's still not working.
They want to make us animals because they're lower than animals.
Thomas, thank you so much.
Tim in Seattle, you're on the air, Tim.
How's it going Alex?
How have you been?
I'm alright.
Right on.
Well, I just want to let you know that the narrative doesn't hold when they analyze the West Coast of America because I've held so many protests and rallies and I've confronted Antifa, I've confronted DSA, and there's been no violence on our end whatsoever.
It just doesn't hold up.
It doesn't hold at all.
And so I just I want to encourage everybody to just get as loud as possible, get obnoxious as possible, but stay civil.
You don't want to offend people.
You don't want to get in their face, but just at least Broadcast as loud as possible what's going on in the world to the point where they're trying to label us as violent when they're the violent ones which shows to me they're going to stage false flags.
That's the whole narrative of the day's broadcast was the fake president was saying with troops and a red background the American people are our enemy and we're coming for you.
I mean it was insane.
They know that that's not the case.
Just like, I mean, I guarantee you I have an FBI dossier.
I mean, they know I'm not going to do anything.
They've known from the get-go.
I used to go to Antifa rallies unarmed.
You know, I'm 5'3", 5'4".
I don't stand a chance against a mob, but I'm not afraid.
And that's the whole thing, America.
You need to not be afraid at this moment.
You need to be fearless.
Because they don't know what to do when you're fearless.
Because they can't reason with you.
You've already made up your mind.
You're fearless.
They have no control over you whatsoever.
So when I sit at the Gates Foundation with my bullhorns going, I'm not afraid of what the police, the feds, the FBI, none of that.
I don't care because it's what I need to be doing in order to speak the truth.
How do people find your videos?
I've seen them.
They're amazing.
Well, it's really hard for me to keep a social media presence right now.
But actually, there's another thing I wanted to talk about.
Give me a couple seconds.
September 12th to the 13th, 2022, at the Samaya Moo Resort in Blaine, Washington, is the 6th Annual Cascadia Innovation Corridor Conference.
This is the Western States Act, combining with Canada.
And there's going to be some speakers there.
Christine Gregoire is going to be one of them.
Bill Gates is going to be another one.
He's going to have, I can give you the website, it's knickcascadia.com forward slash conference forward slash.
You can find it on, you can bring it up.
We're going to go, we're going to, it's like a Bilderberg Group meeting.
This is what this is for the Western Shades Pack.
So we're going to go, we're going to bring a presence of liberty, freedom, and fearlessness.
You know, they can't make us violent.
Beautiful, beautiful, Tim.
We'll watch that as it unfolds.
One more call before we go to break.
Tony in Illinois.
Welcome, Tony.
Hi, Alex.
Yeah, I'm thinking our goal is the peaceful transition of power.
And that's also a problem.
So kind of in light of that fantastic discussion with the professor is kind of thinking of a framework of seeing and acting to achieve that goal and solve that problem.
So I have I broke it down into two quick arenas and with one successful example.
So the arenas, in order of importance, are the spiritual contest, that is for sure, first and foremost, as you and the professor pointed out, and then the political contest.
And the spiritual contest is in two different parts.
The individual, our individual prayer, focus, discipline, our restraint, and centeredness.
And that's critical.
It starts with that, our connection to God, and then together as a community to freely choose to build that common ground, to use the peaceful strategy and approach.
Now, the example where this was put into place, and then it segues into the political contest, is Leipzig, Germany in 1989.
And there's a great book about that called the Berlin Journal.
And it was the transition out of Germany from the Soviet Union into away from that.
And it started out with small prayer vigils.
Hold on, Tony, don't hang up.
This is important.
The fall of Berlin Wall is key.
We'll finish up with Tony and take the rest of your call straight ahead.
Please stay with us.
Tony, you were raising, maybe the crew can pull up footage of the fall of Berlin Wall.
How that started in East Germany and how it's a model for what's going to happen here.
Tyranny will fall, it always does.
Yes, so at the Leipzig Cathedral, people gathered in 1989 and started out with these small vigils, candlelight vigils, and it caught on like a zeitgeist.
It grew and it grew, these candlelight vigils, and then it spread to every town and city in Germany.
And that was a beautiful segue, a building of this spiritual connectedness and people not feeling alone and having the same wants and desire for a peaceful transition of power to the political contest.
And there, Alex, of course, you get an A+.
The three different parts of that are the information war.
The truth will set you free.
You've just done an amazing job, and your guest just couldn't have been more on point.
And then you have the local politics.
And of course, Steve Bannon, who you've been talking with lately, he, in the Alex Jones fashion, has just been battle-ramming out That we have to participate in the local party politics.
We have to participate in the local elections at the polls to be judges and poll workers and then interface with your elected officers.
And finally, we have law enforcement and we have this incredible tradition in the United States of a peaceful transition of powers.
We have the whole systems in place and locally we have the sheriff.
And we need to work with the sheriffs, the constitutional sheriffs, and I think we'll be okay, but they are going to try to rock our world.
I think you're right on.
I agree with you.
They're going to stage false flags.
I don't know how we stop that, but at least we can get ahead of it and warn people.
Thanks for the call.
Powerful call.
Okay, let's talk to Josh in FEMA Region 8 and then Hank in Texas who disagrees.
Go ahead, Josh.
Josh, you there?
Alright, Josh is gone.
Thank you, Josh.
Sorry to get to you quicker.
Let's go to Hank in Texas.
Go ahead, Hank.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
This is a nation that honors our Constitution.
We do not reject it.
This is a nation that believes in the rule of law.
We do not repudiate it.
This is a nation that respects free and fair elections.
We honor the will of the people.
We do not deny it.
This is a nation that rejects violence as a political tool.
We do not encourage violence.
We're still an America that believes in honesty and decency and respect for others, patriotism, liberty, justice for all, hope, possibilities.
We are all still, at our core, a democracy.
And for a long time we've told ourselves that American democracy is guaranteed, but it's not.
We have to defend it, to protect it, stand up for it.
Each and every one of us.
That's why we're being asked as a nation to come together to unite behind a single purpose of defending our democracy regardless of your ideology.
We're called by duty and conscience to confront extremists who put their own pursuit of power above all else.
We the people will not let anyone tear us apart today.
Today there are dangers around us.
We cannot allow it to prevail.
Yeah, you hear it.
More and more talk of violence as an acceptable tool in this country.
Hold on, you're reading off a script here, Hank, and that's fine.
But it's the Democrats calling for violence, the Democrats burning down cities, the Democrats saying Republicans are going to be violent, but Republicans aren't calling for violence.
So, so, so, what is your point here?
Violence is cutting little boys' penises off.
Violence is letting child smelling across the border.
Violence is devaluing the currency.
Violence is shipping high-tech weapons to fight Russia and Ukraine.
Violence is all the things we're witnessing.
So you say you disagree.
What do you disagree with?
Because the former Deputy FBI Director said The Trump supporters are terrorists.
We need to go after them.
They said, the press secretary said, this speech means questioning anything we say is bad.
That's authoritarian.
And if you can't look at the smart meters controlling our houses, and if you can't look at all the draconian energy shutoffs, I mean, are you trying to say, by, number one, I can play you an hour of Democrats in the last three or four elections saying Republicans stole the election.
And I think in some cases it was probably true with Gore vs. Bush.
I'm up for Gore, but I think there probably was stolen from Gore.
But the point is, is that you have a right to question an election.
It's not election denial to say, I think that election wasn't fair.
It's why we send the State Department around the world to oversee other elections.
So, are you saying it's wrong to have the right to question an election?
Not at all.
What I'm saying is I disagree with you.
Okay, well I want you to get your disagreement, but what about Democrats going around the country with 30-some congressional seats and other places trying to bar people from running for Congress so that voters can't vote for them because they question the 2000 election?
How is barring somebody from office because of their political views not blocking voters from their will?
How is that not election meddling?
How is Hunter Biden's laptop the FBI knew was real buried and then they go to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
and Google and say, bury this story.
How is that not election meddling?
Is there anything in what I just said earlier, what I read off that you said I was reading
from a script?
Did you did you hear anything that you disagreed with?
I hear you reading Biden quotes out of context in the full context is Republicans are planning
Actually, it wasn't out of context.
It wasn't out of context.
I read it exactly correctly.
Okay, great, great, great, great, great, great.
The Democrats are all over the news saying Republicans are planning violence, and Biden falsely claimed that, I've got the clips right here, that Republicans are promoting political violence.
Who is a Republican promoting political violence?
I'm not going to speak to that directly.
Put him on pause.
Put him on pause.
Let me look at the clips here.
Biden, clip 10.
MAGA Republicans embrace anger, they thrive on chaos.
The Democrats say go out and confront people, burn stuff down.
We just played John Bowne's report earlier.
In fact, get John Bowne's report ready for next segment.
I'm playing it again, just for Hank so he can respond to it.
There's no place for political violence in America, period.
We the people must say this is not who we are.
So his idea is saying the Republicans are doing that.
You're right there.
Uh, clip seven.
MAGA Republicans who don't represent the Constitution.
They do not believe in the rule of law.
They promote authoritarian leaders and fan the flames of political violence.
That's an attack on the other party, acting like it's illegal, with troops standing behind him at a nighttime ritual.
And then I've got the White House Press Secretary here saying that if you don't agree with what the majority says, you're an extremist and a bad person.
You know, You got a minute here, Hank.
I'm going to come back and pull this report just for you, which you're going to hate.
But just go ahead.
So I just want to say that there's one of two things going on.
Either you definitely need to go back to high school and learn how to read and understand, or you are lying to your audience and you're lying to the world just so that you can make money.
Oh, I should go get another worthless college degree and then I can be super smart?
Biden wasn't standing there with Marines behind him saying that his political enemies want violence?
No, I said high school, because you don't have a reading comprehension level.
I know, but you're successful, I'm not.
I understand, I appreciate your call.
Always the leftist arrogance.
Oh, Jones, you're so stupid.
You don't know.
Well, they're really scared, folks.
They got their people going hard here, because a lot of liberals are going, wait, I'm dealing with a red background with troops?
Talking about our political enemies want violence?
I'm going to tell you again.
This criminal government has a long history of staging stuff.
I believe they're getting ready for false flags, and I'm warning people.
So, we have the official Homeland Security report put out in the last two years, put it on screen, saying questioning elections is terror, questioning lockdowns is terror, questioning open borders is terror.
We can put Fox News, NBC News, all of them up there.
We have the National Strategy Countering Domestic Terrorism saying the number one threat is the American people.
And then the left calls in saying, oh no, Biden doesn't want that.
He didn't mean any of that in his speech.
He just was outside at night with red lights on and troops behind him.
That's always a good sign, whether you're in Venezuela or Nazi Germany.
Trying to gaslight us.
You know, this John Bowne report is so powerful.
I'm going to hit it and race to your calls.
It's on InfoWars.com.
It's on Banned.Video on the left.
Hopes this report doesn't get out.
If we can put it back on screen, I'll give folks a headline.
Dark Brandon speech of doom.
Special report.
So here he is in his own words.
Somewhere from a special place in hell, Saul Alinsky, forced to watch C-SPAN for eternity, is laughing.
I suppose given a choice, I think I would pick hell.
Reveling in Joe Biden's textbook example of a speech utilizing every rule for radicals he could jam in.
Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal.
Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.
Biden's address of doom arrogantly rattled on, knowingly ignoring the criminal double standard that the speech was perched upon like a gargoyle.
And here, in my view, is what is true.
MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.
They do not believe in the rule of law.
They do not recognize the will of the people.
They refuse to accept the results of a free election.
He's an illegitimate president, in my mind.
Would you be my vice president also, Candidate?
Folks, look, I absolutely agree.
Trump didn't actually win the election in 2016.
He lost the election, and he was put in the office because of the Russians' interference.
Trump knows he's an illegitimate president.
The president, although legally elected, is not legitimate.
I don't see this.
President-elect as a legitimate president.
You said you believe that Russia's interference altered the outcome of the election.
I do.
We have a president who, if in fact it is proven, has been assisted by the Russians and may in fact not be a legitimate president.
The one thing that Trump is fearful of when it comes to his being president is that
finally we will see how illegitimate his victory actually was.
I have an objection.
I object to the 15 votes from the state of North Carolina.
I object because people are horrified.
He's an illegitimate president.
Do you believe Trump is a legitimate president?
What I believe is that there's no question that the outcome of this election was affected by the Russian interference.
And now America must choose to move forward or to move backwards.
To build a future or obsess about the past.
To be a nation of hope and unity and optimism.
Or a nation of fear, division, and of darkness.
He has never done anything for not even one person that I know of.
I never heard anybody say anything about him.
And people want to talk about Donald Trump, Donald Trump this, Donald Trump that.
Why is this man over there taking care of people at the border?
We hungry.
We need a place to stay.
We feel like we in a concentration camp.
After the country endured millions of dollars in damage and deaths due to the left's unchecked goading of violence.
And this is a nation.
That rejects violence as a political tool.
We do not encourage violence.
I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country.
Maybe there will be.
There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives.
You gotta be ready to throw a punch.
You have to be ready to throw a punch.
Donald Trump, I think you need to go back and punch him in the face.
That I thought he should have punched him in the face.
I feel like punching him.
I'd like to take him behind the gym if I were in high school.
If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.
Please get up in the face of some Congress people.
People will do what they do.
I want to tell you, Gorsuch.
I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.
Just a warning to you Trumpers.
Be careful.
Walk lightly.
And for those of you who are soldiers, make them pay.
If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence, or Jeff Sessions, who would it be?
Does one of us have to come out alive?
MAGA Republicans have made their choice.
They embrace anger.
They thrive on chaos.
They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies.
How many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings?
I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.
I said, you're not getting a billion.
I'm going to be leaving here, and I think it was, what, six hours?
I looked, I said, I'm leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
Oh, son of a bitch.
Got fired.
And as the senile placeholder for globalism was slowly helped away by his racist first lady, most Americans knew Joe Biden's speech would go down as one of, if not the darkest speech in American history by a sitting president of the United States.
John Bowne reporting.
Oh no, the Democrats aren't setting anything up.
They're so nice and so sweet.
We heard those seminar callers.
They called in and told us so.
Leo in Minnesota says you're a proud boy on the false flags coming.
Go ahead.
Alex, Biden's speech is totally setting the groundwork for the globalist destruction of the West in America.
Trump has came out and now every conservative is on a list because of their support for Trump.
Like I said, I'm a Proud Boy, so I supported Trump, but now I don't put it past him that he's not controlled opposition, because he's not doing nothing now in the moment.
The goal is to collapse the West.
And once they collapse the West, then they can usher in a One World Order, they can depopulate the planet, they can merge with machines, and they can transcend into their next wave of humanity.
And that's what the globalist's ultimate agenda is.
And we know what their ultimate agenda is, because they admit it.
It's in all their white papers, Alex.
But you want to know what I got?
I got the key to it all.
And it's the Essenes, the Nazarenes, and their ancient teachings of ascension.
If we can follow their goal of expanded consciousness beyond ordinary perception, to see beyond the veil, it will enable us access to divine realms.
And this mystical path is mapped out and teachable.
It's the Gnostic text which we're hidden away from humanity.
But now it's all here Alex.
Well I think that's what the professor was talking about last hour.
Exactly, exactly.
But you see we can't resort to violence.
We can't meet their violence with violence because then we lose.
The ultimate goal of ascension is to transcend violence.
You know?
To be at one with the universe.
To be at one with the cosmos.
But they're in a... they're getting a...
Off-world message from something, I don't know if it's more spiritual or if it's more alien, but what it is, it's a dark message telling them to kill off humanity.
And if they follow that, we're going to go through this regardless.
This is just our test that the cosmos and God is putting us through.
We will make it past this.
Right now we're at level zero, but we will transcend to a level one, two, and three type civilization and we will merge with the stars.
We will have life extension technology.
We just have to see it through.
We have to remain peaceful.
We have to live in the way of Martin Luther King and all of the great founding fathers.
Of this country.
Leo, I gotta go, but you're a beautiful caller.
You're beautiful.
What you're saying is totally true, and I love you.
I love you, brother.
Alright, I'm sorry to Lee, and Old Dude, and AJ, and Joan, and Mike.
We're out of time.
Did four hours.
Gotta end it.
Try to get to everybody.
If you wanna get their names and numbers, John, when I do the show tomorrow, even though it's taped, we'll call these callers.
These five callers.
I'm up here at 9 doing interviews, and then at 11 we're doing tape interviews.
We can call these callers at noon or something and get them on, because I really respect them, and I appreciate them.
And just because the Democrat seminar callers called in, because I don't care if it's a disgrace, but I can tell when it's staged.
Just because you called in, I had a goal not to plug today.
I need to be funded.
We need to stay on air.
Infowarstore.com, Vitamineralfusion selling out, 40% off.
DNA Force Plus about to go off sale, 50% off.
Ultimate Turmeric Formula, 40% off.
Thank you all for your support.
Thank you for keeping us on air.
But whatever you do, share the article, share the videos, and share that interview with the amazing Professor Desmond on the psychology of totalitarianism that we had on last hour.
Love you all.
Appreciate you.
Owen Schroeder in one minute after break, or two minutes after break.
He takes over with the War Room.
Tune in to Owen 3 to 6 p.m.
and share those links.
It's Revolutionary Act.
Infowars.com forward slash show and band dot video.
I want to thank the crew for another amazing job and all our guests and all our callers.
I love you all.
We will transcend.
God bless.
(dramatic music)
It's time for all of you watching and all of you listening to make a decision.
It's time for me personally to get my head in the game and realize that yes, we expose the New World Order.
Yes, we expose the globalists.
And so humanity has a fighting chance, but we didn't stop their Great Reset.
We didn't stop the design collapse of the world economy and the world food supply.
It is now inevitable that the days we're living in now, with 47% electricity price increases and Europe paying nine times what they were for natural gas, and with tens of millions starving to death, that what we're seeing now is just the beginning.
We have to get prepared.
We have to get ready.
And while we personally get prepared to get ready, we've got to be warning the general public so they understand that the globalists engineered the crisis we're now in on record.
I told you two and a half years ago, at the beginning of the lockdowns, it was designed to trigger the supply chain collapse.
And now it's done it.
Here's some of the headlines.
This is out of AgriPulse.
Senators warn food crisis could worsen in 2030.
UN chief warns of catastrophic catastrophe from global food shortage that they implemented.
World hit by unprecedented hunger crisis.
2023 could be worse.
How insecurity will escalate food crisis in 2030?
That's the London Guardian.
Fertilizer shortages could pinch 2033 food supplies, says Ontario Federation of Agriculture.
Why the food crisis might get worse before anything gets better.
The supply chain to continue to be shaky in 2023.
The food crisis is what happens when global chains collapse.
We might need to get used to it.
Yep, it's the new austerity.
Just like Macron just said.
UN Secretary General, serious food shortages are expected in 2023.
The world could run out of food by 2023, warns Global Study.
Food collapse programs warns of looming global catastrophe, PBS.
World faces unprecedented global hunger crisis, UN chief says.
Reuters, global crisis you're not hearing about.
National Review, on and on and on.
Now, it's not Russia and Ukraine that caused this, that just exacerbated it.
It has been the Great Reset plan to cut off the resources, you will eat the bugs, you'll own nothing and you'll like it.
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