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Name: 20220826_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 26, 2022
2658 lines.

Alex Jones discusses topics such as wearable technology tracking health data, the potential dangers of 5G technology, COVID-19 vaccines, and the upcoming midterm elections. He promotes Infowars products including DNA Force Plus, X7 Diet Force, Ultimate Fish Oil, Bio Pros, and high-grade fish oil. Jones encourages listeners to support alternative media outlets like Infowars that provide information on topics ignored by mainstream media.

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I just wanted to point out for the full audience right now, the full show headline on Infowars.com.
We knew when Biden came out and said that Republicans would be violent before the midterms, there's only 70 something days left.
That's the telltale sign with their whole Homeland Security buildup, January 6 buildup, saying people that question elections are terrorists, people that question lockdowns are terrorists, that the deep state is definitely preparing to launch massive terror attacks, probably mass shootings of black people, you name it, by these white supremacist brainwashed teams they've got.
All the pre-programming has shown that, we've known that, and this is their move, this is clearly what's happening.
Because like the last month, I said it's imminent they're going to blame Trump for the vaccine, even though he wasn't for mandatory shots or boosters.
That's why he should have got ahead of that.
He didn't.
I'm telling you folks, this is huge.
I'll be filing special reports and I'll be popping in during all the great information that Owen and special guests are covering today.
I'm behind the scenes making sure InfoWars continues on and stays on the air.
A lot of stuff going on and I'll be briefing you on it soon.
Whatever you do, realize this is the tip of the spear.
It's a precious operation.
We are not violent.
You are not violent.
We are not offensively starting anything.
We're winning politically.
We're winning culturally.
And that's why the deep state is not intending to give up power.
So the big discussion for me that I'm going to be having today, just personally and with friends and family and others and throughout the Sunday broadcast, the Monday broadcast, the rest of it is, Biden's clearly telegraphing so he can say, oh, he's such a great predictor when they launch the terror attacks to blame other political opposition.
That's their October surprise.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, so far the 2022 primaries and school board elections have gone the way of conservative values, Christian values, American patriot values.
And that's because Americans have realized what the radical liberal left has done to the education system, putting their radical ideology first, and the education of children second.
And it's gotten so bad now, That they're openly sexually grooming children in classrooms and showing them pornography.
But it's not just the classroom.
It's now the healthcare system.
Anything these perverted...
Twisted, demonic leftists get a hold of quickly goes in a dark position.
Here is the Boston Children's Hospital bragging about how they like to chop up little boys and girls that they confuse with LGBTQ propaganda.
Thank you for calling National Hospital.
Your call may be recorded for quality assurance.
I was calling for information about gender-affirming hysterectomies.
Okay, so gender-affirming hysterectomy.
I've been in touch with quite a few hospitals, and a lot of them, well, they said they won't do it for my 16-year-old, and then I was told that this hospital might, and I also saw it on your website.
So if you guys do do it for a 16-year-old, I would be happy for, you know, to come for a consultation or whatever it takes.
Let me get you over to the operator, and I hate to transfer you.
I just want to know if you guys do service at age, you know, before coming all the way for an in-person consult and going through all the paperwork and everything.
It depends.
Each department is different.
Some departments cut off at 18.
How old is your patient? 16.
Okay, alright, so they're in the clear.
I'll email Dr. Call and see what we can do.
In the meantime, if you still want me to transfer you, I can still transfer you to surgery.
Hi, I was calling because I'm looking for information about the gender-affirming hysterectomies that you guys offer.
Am I in the right place?
This is the clinic.
Did you want to make an appointment?
So, I was just wondering.
I've contacted quite a few hospitals already.
It seems like it's difficult to find one that does the operation for my 16 year old and I was told that you guys do do that.
So, If you do it for 16-year-olds, then yes, I'd love to schedule an appointment, a consultation, whatever you need.
If you don't mind me asking, what is your child's gender changing to, so I can point you to the right direction?
Yeah, well, he transitioned to male.
You know, he already had the top surgery, and now we're looking for the hysterectomy.
Okay, beautiful.
So I'm going to transfer you to the GYN nurse line.
One of the nurses will give you a call to give you more information and to let you know the steps and the protocol that they do for that, okay?
So they do, so they would do it for that age?
Okay, great.
Is it a common procedure that you guys do for that age?
Yes, we have all different types of age groups that come in for it.
For the hysterectomy?
Yes, ma'am.
Just out of curiosity, do you know what's the youngest age you would do it on?
I'm not sure, but I have seen younger teens.
And I'm not, you know, either hip or I'm not allowed to say that, but I have seen younger teens.
Younger than your childhood teens.
The gender-affirming hysterectomy surgery?
Okay, I really appreciate your help.
Notice how everything the radical left says is reverse reality.
They call it gender affirming care.
It's the exact opposite.
Gender affirmation would be you look at your genitals and you know what biological sex you are.
But they play games.
They say gender-affirming surgery.
They say Inflation Reduction Act.
They say student loan forgiveness.
All propaganda, all lies.
And now a whistleblower has come forward and saying they're ignoring doctors' warnings against trans kids.
Ladies and gentlemen, Owen Schroer here, sitting in for Alex Jones today.
An honor and a privilege to be with you.
Let me tell you what we have coming up today.
We've got a guest joining us at one o'clock central.
That is the second hour of today's transmission here on this August 26th, 2022 Alex Jones Show.
That's Dr. Jason Dean, who will be joining us on a wide variety of topics.
Jay Dyer hosting the fourth hour today.
And then I will also be hosting the War Room and it's going to be the Veterans Call-In Show.
So we'll be taking a lot of calls from veterans on the War Room.
We're doing a lot of news coverage here on The Jones Show.
May take some calls as well if we have time with the guest on the schedule.
But here's some of the news we have.
The Biden White House is just in complete embarrassment right now with their low approval ratings, their failed policy, their Lack of support and popularity, the mass exodus of White House staffers in both the president's office and the vice president's office.
Joe Biden has already taken more vacation time than the last three presidents combined.
He spent two of his months so far in office with more days off work than on work.
And of course, he's back on vacation today, going to his beach front mansion in Delaware.
It's amazing, isn't it?
Joe Biden pops back in from a vacation, or a COVID bout, whatever, sick leave, signs the Inflation Reduction Act, crushing the American people.
Then goes on another vacation, comes back from vacation, signs the Student Loan Forgiveness Bill, or Executive Order, or Dictate, crushes the American people again, screws the average American over, screws the taxpayer over, Trying to buy votes ahead of the midterm election.
All these people see as politics.
All these people know as politics.
Everything they want to do can only be accomplished with a bigger, more intrusive, intervening government in your life.
Stopping on your future.
Stopping on your prosperity.
Stopping on your freedoms.
And it's really just getting out of control.
But now folks are really waking up to the diabolical nature of the left wing of America, the Democrat Party, radical progressive liberals, where they're sexualizing kids in the classroom.
And let me tell you, these doctors These doctors that are promoting trans surgery for children are not going to get away with this.
This is blatant child abuse.
Any other civilized society would view it as such.
And I believe when it comes down to the history books, that's what it's going to be written as.
If you're promoting that little children come to your office so that you can mutilate their genitals and slice off their breasts, You're the bad guy.
And what's even sicker... Owen, you're doing a fabulous job here today, and obviously we'll be doing special shows throughout the weekend.
I'll be popping in throughout the broadcast today.
You're doing a great job.
I just wanted to point out for the full audience right now, the full show headline on InfoWars.com.
We knew when Biden came out and said that Republicans would be violent before the midterms, with only 70-something days left, That's the telltale sign with their whole Homeland Security buildup, January 6th buildup, saying people that question elections are terrorists, people that question lockdowns are terrorists, that the deep state is definitely preparing to launch massive terror attacks, probably mass shootings of black people, you name it, by these white supremacist brainwashed teams they've got.
All the pre-programming has shown that.
We've known that.
And this is their move.
This is clearly what's happening.
Because like the last month, I said it's imminent they're going to blame Trump for the vaccine, even though he wasn't for mandatory shots or boosters.
That's why he should have got ahead of that.
He didn't.
I'm telling you, folks, this is huge.
I'll be filing special reports and I'll be popping in during all the great information that Owen and special guests are covering today.
I'm behind the scenes making sure Infowars continues on and stays on the air.
A lot of stuff going on and I'll be briefing you on it soon.
Whatever you do, realize this is the tip of the spear.
It's a precious operation.
We are not violent.
You are not violent.
We are not offensively starting anything.
We're winning politically.
We're winning culturally.
And that's why the deep state is not intending to give up power.
So the big discussion for me that I'm going to be having today, just personally with friends
and family and others and throughout the Sunday broadcast, the Monday broadcast, the rest
of it is, Biden's clearly telegraphing so he can say, "Oh, he's such a great predictor,"
when they launch the terror attacks to blame other political opposition.
That's their October surprise.
Owen Schroer.
Alex, just be honest.
You've been signing books for the last five hours and your hand is worn out.
Just tell the audience the truth, Alex.
You've got 11,000 books to sign.
There is some book signing going on today, and that is part of it.
That's why we have to cut the books selling off, like Saturday or Sunday, because they're almost all sold out anyways.
And thank God it helped bring us into the black sum.
We're fighting the Democrats, deep state toe-to-toe.
But yes, your last chance to get signed books.
The Great Reset and the War for the World by yours truly at InfoWarshaw.com.
It's a fundraiser.
I want to thank folks for paying the extra money to do that.
Keep us on the air.
But no, I'm doing a lot more than just that, obviously.
They are really coming after us right now.
So InfoWars needs your prayers and your support.
Alright, there goes Alex Jones.
And folks, I'm telling you, with this book deal, it's been a very, very popular special we have.
The Alex Jones signed book.
And we've got a little conference room over there where they, we got the first shipment of books and it's just like the whole, it's like cartoonish.
It's like out of a movie.
And it's just the whole room is filled with these stacks of books.
And it's not even all the books he has to sign.
And I'm like, wow, this is overwhelming.
But it's overwhelming in a good way that that's the organic grassroots support that we get from our audience.
That's what's so beautiful about it.
Our audience, in a fundraiser, buying a book for $100 with Alex Jones' signature on it, he grinds it out, signs the books, and we fund ourselves into the future.
No big pharmaceutical sponsors, no big Hollywood sponsors, fast food sponsors, soda pop sponsors, anything like that.
No, it's just you.
You in the audience supporting us at infowarestore.com.
So it's been an incredible success, and we're still on the air.
And that's what drives them nuts.
They want this transmission off the air so bad, it just drives them crazy.
That they can't shut us down.
And just like they try to separate Donald Trump from his loyalists and his true supporters, which is part of the reason why we have to stick by him, even if that means being critically harsh, even if that means saying, hey, you know what, we don't want you to run for president, we still have to stick by and support Trump because one of the globalists and Democrats' biggest agendas is to separate us from Trump.
To have that power To remove the organic grassroots support for somebody with their propaganda, with their lies.
That's what they've tried to do here, and it has failed.
And you know, that's what's so amazing, because I got all these stories in the news today attacking Alex and InfoWars about Sandy Hook, and it's just like, forget about all the lies, forget about the rigged court case, forget about all that crap.
What people fail to understand Because they're so filled with hatred, they're blind by it.
What they fail to understand is they're confused.
How can InfoWars be on air with the censorship?
How can InfoWars be on air with the Sandy Hook stuff?
Because that's not who we are!
Alex Jones isn't the Sandy Hook guy.
That's what they're trying to make him.
InfoWars isn't, you know, some... whatever they want to claim about us.
You know what we are.
We're the ultimate resistance.
We're the...
Logical, philosophical, political, spiritual resistance right here.
People resonate with that.
They know that.
They understand that.
That's why it's truly under attack.
So it frustrates them that we sold a lot of books.
And you may think, hey, you know, 10,000, 11,000 books sold for 100 bucks with a signature.
I think it's like 75 bucks we make on each sale.
But I mean, it seems like a lot of money.
That funds like maybe one round of paychecks for the crew?
Probably not even, folks.
Probably not even one round.
But that's how we scratch, that's how we claw, that's how we grind to stay on air.
And we thank you so much for your support at InfoWarsTore.com.
Alright, we had a big cliffhanger there about what doctors are doing to kids.
We'll come back on that.
But I want to get into what Mark Zuckerberg said on Joe Rogan yesterday.
This is going to be key.
So yesterday, Mark Zuckerberg was on Joe Rogan's podcast, and some of the clips from this started to hit the internet while I was on the air.
And so we played some of them, specifically Zuckerberg admitting that the FBI came to him and told him to censor information Directly consequential or potentially consequential to the 2020 election and I kind of saw it and I and I gave Rogan a little bit of a hard time because it felt like he just let Zuckerberg off the hook with that and then afterwards I was like I kind of feel bad because
And I still do this time to time, but I usually don't like to comment on things that I haven't seen yet.
But, you know, sometimes there'll be breaking news, and I'll have to play it, and the crew will play it, and they'll bring it to me, and it'll say breaking, so that was breaking news, so I covered it.
And I said, well, you know what, let me just go back and check.
And so I watched the interview last night, and boy, oh boy, I'm sorry to say this, but Joe Rogan cucked so hard for Mark Zuckerberg, it hurts.
It hurts.
Now I'm going to play the clip and do the commentary afterwards.
But here's Mark Zuckerberg admitting on the Joe Rogan podcast that the FBI told him to censor information on their platform so that they could Help Joe Biden in the 2020 election.
Now, Zuckerberg pretty much admits that, then tries to backtrack, and Rogan doesn't hold his feet to the fire at ever.
In fact, he hits the feet with some cool water to cool the situation down.
So here's Zuckerberg on Rogan yesterday, this is an extended clip, admitting that the FBI engaged in a violation of the First Amendment, free speech, and told Facebook to censor news to protect Joe Biden.
Here's the clip.
How do you guys handle things when they're a big news item that's controversial?
Like, there was a lot of attention on Twitter during the election because of the Hunter Biden laptop story.
Now let's just pause it real quick right here, because it's important to break down all the aspects of this.
What does Joe Rogan say there?
He says, how do you handle news that's controversial?
What does that mean, controversial?
How do you handle news that's controversial?
So someone tells the truth, and then someone just decides that's controversial, and so now you have to handle it?
Do we not see how dangerous that is?
Who gets to set the precedent of what's controversial?
So there's Rogan already taking the knee for the chilling of free speech and censorship.
Well, you know, it's controversial.
Yeah, the Hunter Biden laptop is controversial.
It shows the highest level of government with potential treason.
The Biden crime family.
Not to mention whatever sort of activities Hunter Biden is into, and potentially his father as well.
But oh, it's controversial.
What do you do with controversial?
Oh, it's controversial.
It hurts the Democrats.
So it's controversial.
So here's Rogan already taking the knee for Democrat Party censorship.
Oh, Hunter Laptop story was controversial.
Says who?
What does that mean controversial?
It's a real story.
Oh, but it hurts the Democrats.
So it's controversial.
But all the fake news that they put out about Trump, I guess that's not controversial.
All right, continue.
Yeah, so you guys censored that as well?
So we took a different path than Twitter.
I mean, basically the background here is the FBI, I think, basically came to us, some folks on our team, and was like, hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert.
We thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election.
Now pause it right there, pause it right there and rewind it, because it's important to listen to what he says and the way he says it.
He says, so here's what's going on in his mind right now.
Zuckerberg knows that he's been caught red-handed with Facebook censoring information to protect the Democrat Party.
So he has to blame somebody else.
So his first response is blame the FBI.
But he's been trained by lawyers enough now when he does these big podcasts to know to kind of hedge his words and not say anything too damning.
So what does he say?
He says he's about to admit that the FBI told him the sense of the story, but then he's got the training to know, ooh, I can't do that.
So he kind of has to back off.
And he says, well, basically the FBI, uh, Was worried about election interference with information from 2016.
So he's about to pass the buck saying that the FBI forced me to censor the story but then he realizes he can't fully commit to that either because then he'd be admitting that how the election was rigged by the FBI and the Democrats.
So then he kind of backs off of that and he puts in All these little legalese, like, oh basically this, oh maybe, suggested that.
Let's see if you believe that, spoken like a true politician.
But listen to it one more time.
So Zuckerberg is about to admit that the FBI told him to censor the Hunter Biden story, but he has to kind of hedge his words and back off of that because that would be too revealing.
Here it is again.
Um, I mean, basically the background here is the FBI, I think, basically came to us.
I think basically.
Some folks on our team.
Came to us.
Um, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert.
There was the, we, we thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election.
Russian propaganda.
We have it on notice that basically there's about to be some kind of dump of, of, um, uh, that's similar to that.
So just be vigilant.
Similar to that.
So pause it.
So be vigilant.
So now he's kind of hedged his words and he's backtracked.
He doesn't want to fully admit the FBI told him the center of the Hunter Biden story, but that's what he just admitted.
Because what is he talking about?
Russian propaganda?
What Russian propaganda?
So he's lying about Russian propaganda or repeating the FBI lie about Russian propaganda that Russian propaganda was any information that was negative about Hillary Clinton in 2016.
So that's just a lie.
So that's the FBI lying to Zuckerberg and then Zuckerberg repeating the lie like a good deep state regime parrot boy.
Oh yeah, 2016 Russian disinformation affected the outcome for Hillary.
All a lie.
The Mueller investigation actually showed that Russia spent more money to try to get Hillary into office.
And of course they did!
Who do you think Russia wants in office?
Democrats or Republicans?
What does Russia do when Democrats are in office?
They go into Ukraine and take their land back.
What do the Russians do?
What does Putin do when Republicans are in office?
They don't move in on Ukraine at all!
But when Obama was in office for eight years, they moved into Ukraine.
As soon as Biden got into office, they moved into Ukraine.
Who do you think the Russians really want in office?
Since Biden got into office, Russia's never been more powerful on the world stage in modern history.
Putin's never been more influential and powerful on the world stage in modern history.
Who do you think the Russians really want in office?
Republicans or Democrats?
We all know that.
They're lying about that.
But so, there's Zuckerberg.
Well, the FBI, I think, basically came to us... Okay, let's translate that.
The FBI came to you... And, uh, was telling us about, uh, the 2016 Russian disinformation.
Oh, what Russian disinformation?
You mean the Russians trying to get Hillary into office, according to the Mueller report?
That you wanted to ignore as soon as the truth came out?
And so, what are you equating that to?
Obviously, it's the Hunter Biden laptop story.
That's what Joe Rogan brought up.
And I'm going to continue this on the other side because it's important to break this down.
But, okay, so we're not fully to the full Rogan cuck yet.
You might say, ooh, good job, Joe.
You just forced Zuckerberg into admitting that the FBI censored news.
But he's not gonna put him on the mat and go for the three count after that.
No, Rogan's gonna extend his hand to Zuckerberg and try to lift him up off the mat to save him from what he just admitted.
And it's pathetic.
And that's coming up after this short break on the Alex Jones Show.
All right, we're going to get right back to the Rogan Zuckerberg interview, but quickly breaking news.
The Trump raid, the Mar-a-Lago raid affidavit has been released.
And here, I'll give you a preview of what it looks like.
There you go.
Let's get a nice zoom in on that for you.
There it is, folks.
There's your Trump-Mar-a-Lago rate affidavit right there.
And remember, they said, Trump doesn't want you to see this!
Trump is afraid!
He doesn't want you to see the affidavit!
Oh, they lied.
They never gave it to Trump.
And then they redacted it down to almost nothing.
There you go, folks.
There's our corrupt government.
There's our corrupt Democrat Party.
There's our corrupt political regime.
Just pissing in our face, once again, with the fake news mainstream media.
Well, you know what I say?
I can't say it because I'm on the radio.
But firetruck all of you.
How about that?
How about fudge every single last one of you corrupt bastards that lies to us 24-7 and then hides the truth.
You are the most un-American, communist, authoritarian, tyrant scumbags this side of the earth has ever seen.
Now, getting back to the Rogan issue.
So let's pick it up where we left off.
Rogan refuses to hold Zuckerberg's feet to the fire after he admits that the FBI told them to censor the Hunter Biden story.
Zuckerberg flopping around like a fish out of water, embarrassed that he just admit that, on the mat, ready to be pinned, and instead Rogan is going to reach his hand out and offer Zuckerberg a hand up So that he can make sure to continue the censorship against the Republican Party and conservatives for the corrupt political regime.
and so the interview continues and we're going to be talking about the interview with
Michael Mazzella.
misinformation, important misinformation.
We also have this third-party fact-checking program, because we don't want to be deciding what's true and false.
Yeah, pause it right there.
So that's a cop-out.
We all know that all the fact-checkers are liberal Democrats.
That's been totally proven.
Oh, it's third-party!
No, it's not.
No, it's not.
You reach right down your pants, you grabbed a couple dingleberries, and you call them fact-checkers.
I think it was five or seven days when it was basically being determined whether it was false.
The distribution on Facebook was decreased, but people were still allowed to share it.
So you could still share it, you could still consume it.
So when you say the distribution has decreased, how does that work?
Basically, the ranking in News Feed was a little bit less.
So fewer people saw it than would have otherwise.
By what percentage?
I don't know off the top of my head, but it's meaningful.
So let me translate that, because Rogan's going to let Zuckerberg get away with it again.
Let me translate what Zuckerberg just said.
They have algorithms at Facebook that determine what the top news stories are based on shares and likes and interactions, basically.
And so the Hunter Biden laptop story was one of the top stories for a week.
So Facebook went in there, not knowing if it was real or not, he just admitted, and actively censored it and changed the algorithms to make sure that the Hunter Biden laptop story would not be a top trending story, even though it was, and they didn't know whether it was real or not.
But that wasn't enough for the FBI.
The FBI and the Democrats had to come in and tell Facebook, no, you're going to censor that story, which Zuckerberg admitted previously.
Let's continue.
A lot of people were still able to share it.
We got a lot of complaints that that was the case.
This is a hyper-political issue, so depending on what side of the political spectrum you
either think we didn't censor it enough or censored it way too much.
But we weren't sort of as black and white about it as Twitter.
We just kind of thought, "Hey, look, if the FBI, which I still view as a legitimate institution
It's a very professional law enforcement.
They come to us and tell us that we need to be on guard about something, then I want to take that seriously.
Alright, pause it right there.
Well, that's all you need to know.
Guys, rewind it five seconds.
That's all you need to know.
Oh, Mark Zuckerberg trusts the FBI.
Yeah, okay, buddy.
What, do you work for the FBI?
But so what does he do again?
He admits they centered the Hunter Biden laptop story, even though they didn't know if it was real or not.
And then he blames the FBI.
Even though he claims the FBI didn't specifically tell him to censor anything.
As if that's how it works.
The FBI just shows up and says, hey, there might be some misinformation out there.
There might be Russian propaganda out there.
We don't know what it is, but just keep your eyes out.
That's how the FBI works.
They just walk into Facebook and say, look out for Russian disinformation.
As if Facebook wouldn't say, really?
What disinformation?
How do we know?
How do we know?
The FBI came to Facebook and specifically said, do not share the Hunter Biden laptop story.
Censor the Hunter Biden laptop story because it will hurt the Democrats.
But they say, oh, it's Russian propaganda.
It's not real.
No, it is real.
And now the FBI is admitting that they knew it was real the whole time!
Because an FBI whistleblower has come forward and said they knew the Hunter Biden laptop was real, but they didn't want to investigate it or admit it was real at the fear that it could change the 2020 election results.
Finding out how corrupt the Biden family is would change the results?
Go figure!
But their notion was, well, when we did the Ceremonious exoneration campaign.
That's the FBI, James Comey, pretending to investigate Hillary Clinton's emails.
They never did.
It was all fake.
So that they could exonerate Hillary to the public before the election.
But they say, oh that cost Hillary the election.
So we at the FBI, we don't want to engage that and cost a Democrat the election again.
And of course that's all lies.
So again, so where are we at now?
Zuckerberg has admitted the FBI told him to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story on Facebook, so he's blaming the FBI, and then he's saying, oh, but Twitter was worse than us!
Twitter just outright banned it!
We just made sure it couldn't trend organically like it was!
And still Rogan has not held his feet to the fire yet at all.
He's on the mat, he's down for the ten count, and now Rogan is about to offer him the hand up.
Let's continue.
Well, I don't know specifically.
He's lying!
still view as a legitimate institution in this country.
Oh, what are you, a fed? Shut up.
Everybody knows the FBI is corrupt.
They come to us and tell us that we need to be on guard about something.
Liberals used to tell us the FBI was corrupt.
Did they specifically say you need to be on guard about that story?
I, no. I don't remember if it was that specifically.
Pause it, pause it. You know he's lying.
No. Well, I don't know specifically.
He's lying. The answer is obviously yes.
Well, I don't know.
Well, what follows that?
When something like that turns out to be real... Here, wait, let me pause it again and rewind it, because there's another important part there.
Because he says, no, and then he moves closer to the truth, and he says, well, I don't know, and then he basically says yes, but he uses a different phrase to say yes.
So, I talked over it.
Here, play it again.
We got a lot of complaints that that was the case.
You know, obviously this is a hyper-political issue, so depending on what side of the political spectrum you either think we didn't censor it enough or censored it way too much, but we weren't sort of as black and white about it as Twitter.
We just kind of thought, hey look, if the FBI, which I still view as a legitimate institution in this country, it's like very professional law enforcement, they come to us and tell us that we need to be on guard about something, then I want to take that seriously.
Did they specifically say you need to be on guard about that story?
No, I don't remember if it was that specifically, but it basically fit the pattern.
Oh, it fit the pattern.
What does that mean?
I don't remember.
Well, it fit the pattern.
He's saying yes, it fit the pattern?
What does that mean?
That means yes!
They said it's going to be something about the Bidens, they said it's going to be something to hurt the Democrats, and they said it's probably going to be the Hunter Biden laptop story, but it's Russian propaganda, so censor it.
So Zuckerberg has just admitted Folks, this is such a violation of the First Amendment.
This is such communistic tactics.
This is such authoritarian, totalitarian corruption.
This should be a huge news story that the FBI is now meddling in U.S.
Forget about Russia!
Our own FBI is rigging elections with big tech!
That's collusion!
That's fascism!
All you anti-fascists out there with your masks and your street signs, here's your fascism, the Democrat Party, the FBI, and big tech colluding to rig elections by censoring real news and calling it disinformation on the internet.
So, we are now at the point of the interview.
Where Joe Rogan has Mark Zuckerberg dead to rights.
Admitting that Facebook engages in political censorship at the behest of the FBI and the Democrat Party.
The very definition of fascism right there.
Corruption, collusion, all of it to rig elections.
And Joe Rogan has Zuckerberg on the mat.
And he could pin him.
Let's find out what Joe Rogan does next.
But it basically fit the pattern.
When something like that turns out to be real, is there regret for not having it evenly distributed, and for throttling the distribution of that story?
What do you mean, evenly distributed?
I mean, evenly in that it's not suppressed.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, it sucks.
Yeah, I mean, because it turned out, after the fact, when the fact-checkers looked into it, no one was able to say it was false.
So basically it had this period where it was getting less distribution.
So yeah, but I think it sucks though, I think in the same way that probably having to go
through a criminal trial but being proven innocent in the end sucks.
Like it still sucks to have that you had to go through a criminal trial but at the end you're free.
Now he's spiraling, he's flopping like a fish out of water now.
So it's, I don't know if the answer would have been don't do anything or don't have any process.
I think the process was pretty reasonable.
You know, we still let people share it.
Alright, pause it right there.
So again, okay, the process was reasonable.
So let's pick up where we're at now.
And rewind it five seconds.
Oh, the process was reasonable.
Well, it was the process.
The Democrat Party told the FBI to go tell Facebook to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.
And Facebook did it.
That was the process.
And Facebook is, of course, flailing around.
Oh, we know nothing.
We just want to help people.
Oh, we don't know anything.
Oh, what?
They know exactly what they did.
But what does Zuckerberg say now?
So Joe Rogan now gives him the... Again, Zuckerberg is... He's dazed.
He's confused.
He's on the mat.
You can pin him for the championship, and Rogan would rather offer him a hand up, and you're about to see that.
But okay.
So Zuckerberg now admits, we got it wrong.
The Hunter Biden laptop story was real.
We censored real news.
We feel bad about it.
What do you feel bad about, Zuckerberg?
Because notice, Joe Rogan isn't going to hold his feet to the fire on this one either!
What is it that you feel bad about, Mark?
That you censored real news?
That you helped rig and influence an election?
And if you do feel so bad about that, why not issue an apology?
Kind of a big deal, isn't it?
You censor information to protect the Democrats, and you don't even want to offer an apology now?
Hey, Owen.
Alex Jones here popping in.
The big thing for me here is this admits election meddling by the rogue Justice Department against Trump, not just erecting Facebook, but all the other big tech to take it down.
That's why when they said earlier this year that the disinformation office had already been operating for years, but then lawsuits got filed since the government directly censoring.
Well, this admits the collusion between big tech and the corporate media and the FBI literally directing the censorship.
This is the admission of election meddling cut and dry on top of the voting machines and the mail-in ballots.
This is the admission of the Justice Department election meddling in America.
It's incredible stuff.
And Rogan has Zuckerberg on the map and he's about to offer him the hand up.
So guys, let's pick it up where we left off.
I think the process was pretty reasonable.
You know, we still let people share it, but obviously you don't want situations like that.
Yeah, Democrats and big tech rigging elections.
It was certainly much more reasonable than Twitter stance, and it's probably also the case of armchair quarterbacking.
Oh, look at that!
Oh, Joe, and so now the hand-up begins.
Alright, rewind it again.
Rewind it again to when Joe's about to speak.
And so now the hand-up begins.
Oh, it was much more reasonable than Twitter!
Oh, the process was fair, you know.
We feel bad about rigging an election with the Democrat Party and the FBI, but would you like to apologize?
Well, no, we don't want to apologize.
We tried our best.
And Joe Rogan says, yeah, you're right, you tried your best, and you did better than Twitter, too.
So here's Zuckerberg.
He's dizzy.
He's on the mat.
and Rogan can pin him and win the championship and instead he's gonna cuck and shrink and offer
Mark Zuckerberg to hand up as he's flailing on the ground.
So it begins.
People share it but obviously you don't want situations like that.
But certainly much more reasonable than Twitter stance and it's probably also the case of armchair quarterbacking,
Or at least Monday morning quarterbacking, I should say.
Because, in the moment, you had reason to believe, based on the FBI talking to you, that it wasn't real.
And that there was going to be some propaganda.
So, what do you do?
Now, pause it.
This is key.
Pause it, but this is key, right here.
So, both parties, Rogan and Zuckerberg, are now admitting That the FBI directly came to Facebook and said, center the Hunter Biden laptop story.
That's what Joe Rogan is saying.
That's what Zuckerberg just admitted to.
Guys, rewind it 10 seconds and listen to that again with that context now.
Joe Rogan is directly inferring that the FBI told Zuckerberg and Facebook to center the Hunter Biden laptop story.
And Zuckerberg does not deflect and actually agrees, even though he tried to act like that wasn't the case earlier.
Listen to it now with that context.
And it's probably also the case of armchair quarterbacking, right?
Or at least Monday morning quarterbacking, I should say.
Because in the moment, you had reason to believe, based on the FBI talking to you, that it wasn't real.
And that there was going to be some propaganda.
So what do you do?
And then if you're just letting it out there, and what if it changes the election and it turns out to be bullshit?
That's a real problem.
And I would imagine that those kind of decisions are the most difficult.
The decisions of, like, what is allowed and what is not allowed.
Yeah, I mean, what would you do in that situation?
I don't know what I would do.
I would have to, like, really thoroughly... Well, first of all, you're dealing with the New York Post, which is one of the oldest newspapers in the country.
So, I would say, I would want to talk to someone from the New York Post and I would say, how did you come up with this data?
Like, where are you getting the information from?
How do you know whether or not this is correct?
Now, pause it right here.
So, this is where Rogan is starting to cuck like a little bitch.
Oh, why don't you go check with the New York Post if it's real or not?
Do they do that about every story?
I'm just curious.
Does Facebook call the sources for every story to see if it's real?
I doubt it.
I doubt it.
And let's keep in mind, we're still talking about one story, the Hunter Biden laptop story.
That's what we're talking about.
Everybody knows it.
Oh, but we're just Monday morning quarterbacking.
Oh, how could we know?
Oh, we trust the FBI.
We got to go check every source of every story.
Rogan knows what happened.
The Democrats and the FBI told Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and everyone else to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story because it would cost Joe Biden the election.
That is on the table.
That's the discussion.
And Rogan lets Zuckerberg and Facebook get away with it.
But it gets even worse from Rogan.
Then you have to make a decision.
Because they might have got duped.
It's very... It's hard.
Oh, they might have got duped?
We got duped!
Now that we know that the laptop is real.
Pause it.
Pause it.
Oh, they got duped!
Oh my gosh!
How did they get duped?
They just got duped!
They have no idea!
What do you do?
Monday morning quarterback!
I don't know what I would do!
Oh, they got duped.
So the same people get duped every single time, don't they, Joe?
They just get duped every single time, Joe, and we have no idea.
Oh, it's not political.
Oh, it's not censorship.
It's just Monday morning quarterback.
They just got duped.
They fell for it.
They trusted the FBI.
It's hard because everybody wants to look at it after the fact.
Now that we know that the laptop was real... And pause it, pause it.
No, Joe.
Actually, no, Joe.
No, Joe.
Not everybody had to look at it after the fact.
Most people looked at it at face value and knew it was real.
Not everybody had to look at it after the fact.
We all knew it was real.
The New York Post knew it was real.
The Bidens knew it was real.
The FBI knew it was real.
Facebook knew it was real.
You knew it was real!
Oh, we didn't know!
We got duped!
Oh, Monday Morning Quarterback!
Oh my gosh!
And there is potential corruption involved with him.
We think, oh, that should not have been restricted, that should not have been banned from sharing on Twitter.
I think everybody agrees with that.
Even Twitter agrees with that.
But the thing is, then, they didn't think that.
In the beginning, they thought it was fake.
Pause it right there!
Where have we heard that before?
Oh, well they thought it was fake.
They thought it was their truth.
Oh, I see.
I see.
But when Alex Jones is on the stand in a courtroom, supposedly a fair and balanced justice system, the judge points the finger at Alex Jones and says, just because you think it's real doesn't mean it is.
Oh, but, oh, Big Tech, and Twitter, and Facebook, and the FBI, and everybody else.
Well, we thought the laptop was fake!
We thought, we didn't know anything!
It was our truth at the time!
You can't be mad at me, I thought it was real!
But if Alex Jones ever gets anything wrong, CRUSH HIM!
And I'm Joe Rogan because I'm Alex Jones' friend, but I won't stick up for him now.
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So let's go back to now Mark Zuckerberg and Joe Rogan on the Joe Rogan experience.
It comes along and the Republicans cook up some scheme to make it look like Joe Biden's a terrible person, and they only do it so that they can win the election, but it's really just propaganda.
Oh, pause it right there.
Now notice, now see, now is where I get real skeptical.
Why does Rogan use the Republicans as an example when it's the Democrats every time?
Boy, I sure hope Joe Rogan isn't getting some Democrat in his ear telling him what to say.
Boy, I hope that's not the case, because at this point it sure seems like it, doesn't it?
At this point now, it sure seems like the Democrats are giving Joe Rogan talking points, where he uses an example saying, the Republicans make things up, so what are you supposed to do?
What do the Republicans make up?
Actually, it's the Democrats that make everything up.
Trump-Russia collusion, all the other fake Trump stories.
I mean, literally they just lie 24-7.
Jussie Smollett, 81 million votes.
Just the lies and the lies and the lies.
But then what does Rogan do?
He uses a Republican faking news on social media as the example.
I don't think that that was organic.
I feel like he might have been put up to that.
I could be wrong, but that's what it feels like.
Let's continue.
What's to do with that?
You're supposed to not allow that to be distributed.
So if they think that's the case, it makes sense to me that they would try to stop it.
But I just don't think... So here, let's rewind that.
Guys, rewind it to the very beginning.
So here's Rogan saying, well, Republicans fake news, so you have to censor it.
Why would he say that?
Why would Joe Rogan say that?
It doesn't really make sense unless he was told to.
Maybe that's really where Joe Rogan decided to go with this, but he just says, well, Republicans, fake news, you're supposed to censor it.
So listen to that one more time.
I would say, I would want to talk to someone from the New York Post, and I would say, how did you come up with this data?
Like, where are you getting the information from?
How do you know whether or not this is correct?
Check all the stories, all the sources of every story on Facebook.
They might have got duped.
It's very... They got duped!
No, no, no, no.
It's hard.
It was the Hunter Biden laptop story.
They were told to censor it.
They did it.
Because they're all Democrats.
Laptop was real and it was a legitimate story.
And they lied.
There is potential corruption involved with him.
We think, oh, that should not have been restricted, that should not have been... So now who tells them to say this next line?
I think everybody agrees with that.
Even Twitter agrees with that.
But the thing is, then, they didn't think that.
In the beginning, they thought it was fake.
So what do they do?
Like, if something comes along and the Republicans cook up some scheme to make it look like Joe Biden's a terrible person, and they only do it so that they can win the election, but it's really just propaganda.
Except that's literally what Democrats do.
What are you supposed to do with that?
You're supposed to not allow... So that's literally what Democrats do, and then Joe Rogan says it's Republicans doing that, even though the entire context of this interview right now is the Democrats doing just that!
But he says Republicans do it.
...to be distributed.
So if they think that's the case, it makes sense to me that they would try to stop it.
But I just don't think that they looked at it hard enough.
When the New York Post is talking about it, You know, they're pretty smart about what they release and what they don't release.
If they're going over some data from a laptop and you could talk to a person, but again, this is just one story, one individual story.
How many of these pop up every day?
Especially in regards to polarization.
Why this one story?
Because they knew it would cause a buy in the election.
So they censored it.
And both Joe and Mark know it and they won't be honest with you.
Because they're lying.
Because they're lying.
Where some people think that it's imperative that you take a very specific stance.
And you can't have the other stance.
Like, those moments on social media, those trouble a lot of people.
Because they don't know why certain things get censored or certain things get promoted.
Pause it.
Pause it real quick.
So let's pick up guys right at that last point he makes.
As if Rogan doesn't know what's going on, as if Zuckerberg doesn't know what's going on, they both know what's going on.
The FBI, working on behalf of the Democrat Party, told Big Tech to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.
And Joe Rogan is up there acting like that's not the case, and they just got it wrong, and Big Tech just got duped, and we don't know what's going on, but we're against censorship, but we're okay with political censorship for the Democrat Party to rig elections for Joe Biden.
But, oh, it was such a mistake!
Well, will you apologize?
No, of course we won't apologize.
We're Democrats.
We did it on purpose.
So, let's think about the implications here.
And again, they're just having a casual conversation like no big deal, but they're talking about how the FBI, the Democrat Party, and Big Tech all colluded to rig an election against the American people and engaged in direct First Amendment violations and free speech censorship.
And they admit all of it, and they just put their hands in the air and say, eh, you know, well, yeah, we tried our best.
Oh, so you helped bring an election, what you tried not to do, but they're not going to issue an apology because they really don't care.
And Rogan will not hold Zuckerberg's feet to the fire.
He has him on the mat, and instead of pinning him, he's going to offer him a hand up so that he can stand up and do it again.
So, let's finish this off.
As Zuckerberg admits, yep, we got duped into censoring information so that the Democrats could cheat to win the election even though he knew that was the cause the entire time.
Anytime there's like a really controversial issue where some people think that it's imperative that you take a very specific stance.
And you can't have the other stance.
Like, those moments... No, no, no.
Pause real quick.
Let's just be clear here.
There's only one side of the aisle calling for censorship, and that's liberals, democrats, progressives, the left.
That's the only people calling for censorship here.
So there's no controversial both sides?
No, no, no.
It's liberals and Democrats censoring information they don't want you to see.
That's all it is.
Let's stop acting like this is a two-way street.
It's not.
And Rogan knows that!
continue a lot of people because they don't know why certain things get
censored you know you know exactly why to protect Democrats yeah I agree
And it's like, to be in your spot, and one of the things I really wanted to talk to you about is this, because to be in your spot must be insanely difficult.
Here we go.
Take your pants off, Zuckerberg, Joe's ready.
No matter what decision you make, you're going to have a giant chunk of people that are upset at you.
And there might be a right way to handle it, but I don't know what the fuck right way is.
Oh, really?
You don't know the right way?
I think the right way is to establish principles for governance.
That try to be balanced and not have... Now pause it right here because really it just gets, this is where it just gets so ridiculous and pathetic and where Rogan truly cucks.
It's honestly embarrassing.
Honestly, this is just embarrassing at this point.
These are two of the most influential, powerful men in America and they're sitting up there playing patty cake and having a little tea party jerking each other off While they're talking about how the Democrat Party, the FBI, and Big Tech helped rig an election in this country.
And censor free speech against the First Amendment in this country.
And they're just, oh, nonchalant, let's have a tea party here, let's fondle each other a little bit.
This is embarrassing.
At this point, it just gets embarrassing that these are two major American men, influencers, with wealth and fortune and fame, and this is what our men do?
This is the pathetic conversations American men and leaders have to the public?
It's embarrassing.
Because I think that it's hard for people to To accept that, like, some team at Metta, or that I personally am making all these decisions.
And I think people should be skeptical about any, like, so much concentration around that.
So that's why a lot of the innovation that I've tried to push for in governance is around things like establishing this oversight board.
Yeah, he loves government.
So that way you have people who are luminaries around expression from all over the world, but also in the US.
He's just bullcrapping now.
Folks like Michael McConnell, who's a Stanford professor, I forget which Republican president appointed him, but he was, I think, going to be considered for the Supreme Court at some point.
He's a very prominent and celebrated free expression advocate.
Caught censoring, caught rigging elections, flopping around like a fish out of water right now.
That are independent of us, that basically get the final say on a bunch of these decisions.
And that's a step in the right direction.
I mean, in the Hunter Biden case that you talked about before, I don't want our company to decide what's misinformation and what's not.
What other cases are there?
So we work with third parties and basically let different organizations... Pause it real quick.
So this is where it gets really embarrassing.
Well, we don't want to decide what's misinformation and disinformation, but when we do, it's always in support of the Democrats.
Isn't that convenient?
Then you have the question of are those organizations biased or not, and that's a very difficult question, but at least we're not the ones who are basically sitting here deciding.
We're not the Ministry of Truth for the world that's deciding whether everything is true or not.
You're not the Ministry of Truth.
This is not a solved problem.
Controversies aren't going away.
way. I think that there's – it is interesting that the U.S.
is actually more polarized than So I think sitting in the U.S., it's easy to extrapolate and say, hey, it probably feels this way around the whole world.
And from the social science research that I've seen, that's not actually the case.
There's a bunch of countries where social media is just as prominent, but polarization has declined slightly.
So there's something kind of different happening in the U.S.
But for better or worse, it does seem like the next several years do seem like they're set up to be quite polarized.
So I tend to agree with you.
There are going to be a bunch of different decisions like this that come up.
Because of the scale of what we do, almost every major world event has some angle that's like the Facebook or Instagram or WhatsApp angle about how the services are used in it.
So yeah, I think just establishing as much as possible independent governance Governance.
And guys, if you could go back to the part where Rogan is like, what do you do?
I don't know what you do.
And I want to try to play that one more time if we can before the break, if you guys can find that.
The part where he says, yeah, I don't know what you do.
Because that's the true cuck moment.
Now, I want to be clear about something here.
I don't really know Joe Rogan.
He's come around here.
I've met him a couple times.
I don't really care about celebrities or fame or fortune or anything.
So I don't like flock when celebrities come around here.
But you know, obviously I've met Joe.
I don't really know Joe.
I'm sure he's a fine guy to hang out with.
And I don't really care.
This isn't an agenda to attack Joe Rogan or try to make a name for myself.
Because I gotta tell you, when I was watching that last night, I was embarrassed for Joe.
I was truly embarrassed for Joe Rogan.
That, you know, here's a strong man.
An epic man.
One of the most influential, powerful men in the country.
One of the most listened to men in the country.
And I felt bad yesterday because I gave him a hard time in my first response saying, geez, Joe, you cucked hard for Zuckerberg.
And I felt bad and I said, you know what?
I haven't seen the full thing.
Let me go double check it.
And it turned out my initial response was right.
And it's true.
So for an American that idolizes strong men in leadership roles and successful men and influential men like Joe Rogan, That hurt my soul.
That was like a gut punch to the American man to watch Joe Rogan up there cucking for Mark Zuckerberg.
And that's what it was.
He had Mark Zuckerberg dead to rights and quite frankly potentially the biggest news story of the century.
That big tech is being influenced by the Democrat Party and the FBI to censor information that hurts them during election years.
And Rogan let Zuckerberg get off the hook and even said, yeah, I don't know what you do!
And so here's the most embarrassing part to me, where Rogan says, I don't know what you do!
And it's like, to be in your spot, and I was, one of the things that I really wanted to talk to you about is this, cause like, to be in your spot must be insanely difficult to have, no matter what decision you make, you're gonna have a giant chunk of people that are upset at you.
And there might be a right way to handle it, but I don't know what the fuck... Well I think the right way... So there you go, oh, oh, what, I don't know how to handle it, I don't know what to do, oh really, you don't Joe?
You're on the air every day, You do UFC fights, you do podcasts, you do Fear Factor, you do everything.
But you don't know the right way?
Really, Joe?
You ever heard of free speech, Joe?
You ever heard of the First Amendment, Joe?
Here's an idea.
How about Facebook and Twitter and YouTube stop censoring at the behest of the FBI and the Democrat Party?
How about they stop the one-way street of censorship only against conservatives, Christians, and Republicans?
Joe says, I don't know what to do.
How about you let people speak?
We already figured this out a long time ago.
That's why it's the First Amendment.
You let people speak.
But you know who doesn't like letting people speak?
That too.
Liars, cheats, thieves, and criminals.
And it's never been more obvious that that's what the Democrats, the FBI, and big tech are.
Alright, I had a bunch of news to cover on my desk, but I think I'm going to postpone it for now, because I want to take your phone calls in response.
Because nobody's making a big deal of this.
And that's because Rogan didn't make a big deal of it.
So Zuckerberg goes on the Rogan podcast, admits the FBI helped rig an election, big tech helped rig an election for the Democrats, just barely makes headway, and Joe Rogan says, oh, I don't know what you do, you got doomed, oh well.
And again, let me be clear, I like Joe Rogan, I have no ill will towards Joe Rogan, I'm sure he's a great guy.
I've never had a negative experience when he comes around here.
So, so, this isn't like some vendetta, I like Joe, I think he's a good guy.
But, see, Because of that right there, that's why I don't listen to the Joe Rogan experience.
Because I don't think he's being fully honest with his audience.
Because he wants to get the Zuckerbergs on.
And it costs when you tell the truth, folks.
When you're fully honest and you're fully transparent.
And I guess you could say it's probably not smart for your career, because people will say, well, geez, Owen, you know, you're not going to be on the Rogan podcast now.
Okay, well, oh well.
I'd rather tell the truth.
That's how I feel.
So I want to take your calls in response to that.
Mark Zuckerberg admits on the Joe Rogan experience that he helped the FBI rig the election for Democrats.
He admits he knows it now, but won't even apologize.
And Joe Rogan, instead of pinning him to the map, Matt, with one of the biggest news stories of the century, instead offers him a hand up to make sure he can stand up and still be the good guy.
No, Zuckerberg should probably have to step down from Facebook, or he should have mass layoffs and issue a corporate apology.
But Democrats and Liberals, they rig elections, they're allowed to rig elections.
Just so frustrating.
So 877-789-2539, your response to that was about an hour long coverage.
Breaking down Zuckerberg there and no one else is really going to do it.
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Now, let me just, you know, maybe I should cover some of this news quickly, because it's imperative that we understand this.
So I'm going to cover some of this news while the crew gets your calls, and we'll take calls starting in the next segment.
Because it's important that we understand something here.
So let me just go down this list.
Peter Doocy forced to ask White House same question six times about Biden student loan forgiveness.
The White House has no answers.
Nobody has any answers.
It's totally illegal.
It's totally criminal.
It's totally nonsensical.
It's more theft of the American people.
And they don't know the numbers.
They don't know the legalities.
They just do it because they want to buy votes.
Because they're communists.
And this is the populist and common sense opinion in response to the student debt transfer of wealth, student debt forgiveness from Cernovich.
But this is how everyone feels about this, including friends of mine and family members of mine that still have student debt.
They agree that this is the truth here.
From Cernovich on Twitter, colleges defrauded students.
The answer is to prosecute and demand they pay restitution.
That's how to make victims whole.
Instead, the scammers keep the money and students looking for a vacation from the real world figure they should borrow money, bet on a future bailout.
So, college tuition will raise by $10,000, $20,000 after this, and then there's going to be the moral dilemma of people who know that they can take out student loans, or rather think they can take out student loans and never pay it back.
This is a disaster of a policy, a disaster of a proposal.
The Republicans should be doing everything to stop it right now for the sake of the country, but they're not, because they suck too.
But that's the real scam here.
College is the real scam.
They should be the ones forced to pay these back with their hundreds of billions of dollars of endowments.
In fact, I bet you, this is how the universe works, I bet if you added all the major universities' endowments, I bet you it would be at least $300 billion.
They could repay all of these loans back tomorrow.
But instead, you the American that either never went to college or that did pay back your student loans, you have to pay for the commies and the crybaby bums.
Loans that they don't want to pay back.
But see, this is just part of the same trend.
Restaurants, pubs, cafes and shops are all small businesses are forced to close as energy bills bite.
That's the New World Order.
That's the Green New Energy Deal.
You're priced out of the life experience.
You're priced out of civilization.
That's what the globalists are trying to do.
It's like if you have a country club.
That's reasonably priced, but you have 10 members that are billionaires, and the billionaires don't like anyone else being there.
So they demand that the country club raise their entry rate to $100 million.
And then they're the only ones that can afford it!
So they pay the $100 million, and then they own the club.
That's the analogy for the entire planet.
The world elite are raising the price of everything to price you out of the life experience.
It's happening in Europe.
And it's a major disaster.
So what does Granholm say to Europe?
Tough luck.
Good luck.
You're all going to go poor.
You're all going to go broke.
You're all going to starve.
You're all going to go freeze in the winter and die in the summer from heat.
Here's a graph of the price, the electricity price in Europe.
It's now quadruple what it's been for the last 20 years.
And that's because Biden gave Russia control of the pipelines and they've shut off the energy.
Not to mention the shutdown of the farms, the shutdown of coal, the shutdown of gas.
It's just crushing the world.
Because the globalist elite have decided you can't exist.
You don't get ease of access, you don't get cheap energy anymore.
The leader of Huawei sent out an email that got leaked.
Ren Zhengfei warned that there will be no bright spot in the world for three to five years.
It will be a very painful historic period.
The founder and CEO of the Chinese telecoms giant paints a bleak picture ahead for global growth and tells the staff to brace for survival.
Yeah, he knows what the globalists are doing.
He knows what these world elites are doing.
And what is the excuse for all of this?
What is the excuse for making the world go poor?
What is the excuse for making the world go into serfdom?
What is the excuse?
Man-made climate change.
Except that's a lie!
Peter Clack shares the graphs here.
If there's any climate change, the world is actually getting colder, but even that's not a serious threat.
The Earth has been warmer than the modern era for 83% of the past 10,000 years, meaning we're not in the hottest time period, not even close.
On a larger scale, the interglacial period, known as the Holocene, is the only time of global warming in 100,000 years.
These are facts from climate studies by scientists.
We should fear cold.
Well, we shouldn't fear cold.
We shouldn't necessarily fear anything.
When it comes to climate, except just to be smart when there's, you know, serious weather events, but see, this is what it's all about.
So they lied about climate change to turn you into a slave, to price you out of the life experience, price you out of civilization, all being done by the global elites that view you as a bug, a cockroach, that they can stomp out.
Like, when you stomp on a cockroach in your house, do you feel bad about that?
That's how the globalists feel about you.
So knowing this, you should go to preparetoday.com, ladies and gentlemen, and get yourself emergency preparedness needs.
Do you have storable food, emergency food?
Because the globalists are trying to shut down the food industry entirely, in case you haven't noticed.
So go to Infowarsstore.com or go to Preparetoday.com.
10% off site wide on all storable foods and emergency preparedness goods at Preparetoday.com.
You know, I got to tell you, it's a real shame.
It's a real embarrassment.
And it's kind of surreal, to be honest, because I mean, folks, like, I don't even know how to say this, but it's like the men at InfoWars, as far as media is concerned, are the realest men in the world.
At least in America.
Because I just look at the Rogan Zuckerberg cuck fest, and you're like, dang, these are supposed to be epic American men and leaders?
They're weak!
They're soft!
Just look at that puff piece!
And then there's Elon Musk.
And so I see Elon Musk just put this up on Twitter.
And he says, population collapse due to low birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming.
And I'm like, yeah!
There's some manly-hood!
There's some leadership!
But then, oh!
Elon has to follow it up with a cuck tweet that says, but I do think global warming is a major risk!
Like, Elon, you just stood up and you were a thousand stories tall, admitting that the collapse of civilization is due to depopulation, not climate change, and then you just chop yourself right back down to size by putting out the propaganda.
Why are men so pathetic?
Why are these men, as leaders, such a joke?
Step up and be a man!
Quit cucking to the New World Order!
Quit cucking to the propaganda, because you want to be accepted!
And you want to fit in!
Because you're scared of the censorship.
Of course, I get it.
You're scared of the censorship.
Because you're worried about your money, and you're scared of the attacks and the lies that'll come against you.
You're scared!
So, I get it.
I get it.
We go to the phone lines now.
Responding to the Zuckerberg, Rogan, KuckFest.
Oh, Facebook helped rig an election.
So what?
They didn't know.
They thought it was good.
Let's start with Rhonda in Texas.
Rhonda, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
I just couldn't believe when I woke up this morning and heard Joe Rogan and Zuckerberg on my TV at 8 o'clock in the morning, Harrison.
I'm floored.
What a slap in Alex's face.
Joe Rogan, I mean.
And I should have seen Joe Rogan have him, you know, pinned to the wall.
I mean, oh my God, it's just...
You're right.
Weak men.
Very weak.
And I'm very disgusted.
And why do they move to Texas?
Well, because, you know, they helped destroy California, and they know California is now a failed state, so they're probably going to come here and help destroy Texas, too.
Well, they're doing a good job in Austin, it sounds like.
I mean, you know, I'm in Dallas.
I'm just, I can't, there's just not enough words.
I'm so disgusted with Rogan.
It's weak.
It's weak and I feel for y'all.
Y'all, I mean, Rogan's supposed to be his friend and that's not, that's not standing up at all.
Well, and look, he doesn't have to make the issue about censorship of Alex Jones or Infowars, I understand that, but the fact that he is not even standing up for the censorship and what is political censorship and he just says, oh, you know, I mean, basically they're saying it's an honest mistake, that's a lie.
Here's my thing, as somebody that consumes as much media probably as anyone else on the planet, I mean, I don't know how you could consume more media than me, I don't like it when I get slapped in the face by the person that I'm listening to.
It's an immediate turn off.
That's why I don't listen to Rogan Experience.
Hey, it's the top podcast in the world.
I understand why.
I know why Rogan plays both sides.
I know why he's so successful.
Good for him as a businessman.
But for me, I don't like the host slapping me in the face.
But Rogan's audience will probably not go anywhere, even though he just slapped him all in the face with that interview.
I mean, I'm disgusted with him.
And I know that Alex is probably I mean, human, because... Well, I'm not going to speak for Alex, and I don't have the relationship with Joe Alex does, and it's not really about Alex.
I mean, that's kind of like the side set of the censorship issue.
But yeah, I mean, you could certainly say, well look, you falsely censored this story, maybe you falsely censored Alex Jones in InfoWars, but you don't dare say that.
Exactly, so it sets us back so far from the progress that we've made.
I've watched y'all for three years, every single day, all day long.
Well, God bless you, Rhonda.
God bless you for that.
But see, your point is taken here in that it started with Alex Jones.
Oh, innocent enough.
Just one guy.
One bombastic guy on the air that's lied about and everything.
So, okay.
Oh, we're just taking Alex Jones.
It's just Alex Jones.
Four years after that, internet censorship is used to rig elections.
And the biggest names in big tech admit it.
And the biggest name in podcasting, Joe Rogan, lets them get away with it.
Let's go to Travis in Tennessee.
Travis, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen.
So, I didn't actually catch the whole Zuckerberg thing with Joe Rogan, but did he actually, like, give him any kind of criticism or ask him, like, any critical questions at all, or did he just let him spout his crap, or what?
So we played the meat and potatoes of the portion of Zuckerberg admitting the internet censorship.
The rest is kind of just back-and-forth fluffiness.
But no, no, no, no, no, no.
Rogan did not pin Zuckerberg.
He did not hold his feet to the fire.
He crumbled up like a paper airplane ball.
That's insane.
Quickly, I know that the topic was supposed to be Zuckerberg, but I've been trying to call you for a little while to ask you what you know about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine because, you know, over a year ago, I kind of let them shoot me up with it, and I shouldn't have.
And all I hear is the mRNA.
Was that the two-shot?
No, no.
That was the one and done.
Like the deactivated virus one?
Yeah, so I think... I'm not really prepared for this.
I'm going to answer your question real quick but move on because I want to stick on topic.
The original Johnson & Johnson vaccine was the first one actually pulled from the shelves when they first released it.
But it's the closest thing to an actual vaccine.
But it was still rushed.
It still doesn't work.
But I think you're probably better off with the Johnson & Johnson than the Pfizer or the Moderna.
uh... but i actually think there's no lawsuits going back and forth between
these companies now i don't know if you guys can search that i think either
madonna or fizer or somebody suing the other ones but it was johnson and johnson that actually
i believe it was johnson and johnson that the the the c_e_o_s actually ended
up campaigning with donald trump so that was an odd one
all right let's go to marco in california marco you're on the air go
ahead how's it going uh... owen
I'd like to just make a plug for the X2.
If you don't get anything else, get the X2.
It's a great price point, and anytime you feel a snipple or a cough, or been around people that might have COVID, just take a couple drops and you'll be fine.
There you go.
Right on.
So I wanted to talk about Rogan.
He's definitely a gatekeeper, and I really just thought it was funny how a couple years ago, Owen Benjamin was calling him out.
And like, Owen was saying that He was like, uh, dumpster pumping Tony, uh, Tony Hinchcliffe behind the comedy store.
And he always called him dump, dumpster pump.
So he's definitely a sodomite.
If you look at his head screens from the, uh, his head shots from his acting career, um, like when he had hair, he looks like totally fruity.
And, um, when he was having that beef with Alex, he was like, uh, hurry to, hurry to make amends because, um, a lot of Alex's friends, uh, fans are going on his comments and saying, um, About the Tony, uh, the Jack Dorsey, uh, Bitcoin pump and dump.
And if you just flood his comments with something like that, he is forced to, uh, to make a comment about it.
Well, look, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, let me explain something.
I don't do infighting.
So I'm not, I'm not infighting with Joe Rogan.
This is a major story that he had on his podcast that in my opinion, as a host, he blew the story, but As far as Benjamin and Rogan or any of this other stuff, I don't really do the infighting stuff.
I'm not going to talk any personal accusations about Joe Rogan.
I don't really know or care about it, quite frankly.
So I'm just sitting here commenting on Zuckerberg admitting that he helped the Democrats with the FBI rig the election for Joe Biden.
That's the story.
Whatever else is going on with Rogan or other people, that's not my cup of tea.
I don't do infighting.
I don't do rumor mill crap like that.
I'm not going to comment on that.
that I'm just gonna stick to the story at hand.
Thank you so much, Mr. President.
I'm sorry.
I took control.
I shouldn't do that.
You're not allowed to do that.
Go ahead.
You tell him.
I think we're going to go ahead and have the rest of the conversation closed for us.
Thank you all so much.
Dementia-ridden Joe Biden admits again.
How many times has he admitted now that he's not even in control of his own actions?
He says, I took control.
I'm sorry.
I'm not allowed to do that.
And then the White House Karens.
Step up and say, press please get out, we're going to do the rest behind closed doors.
Remember all those different clips of the White House Karens?
Sometimes they dress up in Easter Bunny outfits to wrangle Joe Biden up at the Easter Egg Roll.
Sometimes there's five of them hanging out in the press room and then as soon as Joe Biden needs to be shut down they start screaming, alright, time to leave, time to leave, time to leave, and round them up like a bunch of psychos.
Ah, the White House Karens.
Who's really running the White House?
Joe Biden admits today he's not in control.
We go back to the phone lines.
We're taking your calls, responding to the Rogan Zuckerberg admission that they rig elections for Democrats.
Stunning stuff.
Rogan lets him get away with it.
Let's go to Tyler in Ohio.
Tyler, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen, great job today.
You're hitting it out of the park, man.
I just wanted to say, I had never listened to Joe Rogan.
Over the years, I started just over like the last month or two starting to listen to his podcast because Alex Jones speaks so highly of him.
And I've noticed, I mean, this is an ongoing theme.
I would call him a willing gatekeeper of information.
Anytime a conversation will go to a subject out of the box or to something that will, you know, compromise the mainstream, he will only go so far.
He will not go too far to the left or right.
And I feel he's a gatekeeper.
This interview today does not surprise me at all, the way he handled it.
I mean, like you said, he's a businessman, but not a truth man.
And I would say Infowars should try to start separating themselves from Brogan as much as possible, because this is just step one in him compromising his credibility for the truth movement.
Well, Rogan knows his audience better than me, but I would never do something like that to my audience.
And I'd be surprised if a lot of his audience members aren't really upset at the way he handled that interview.
Yeah, I don't know how much crossover there is between Alex Jones' audience and Rogan's.
I would say large.
I would say pretty big.
Yeah, well, a good portion of his audience just was embarrassed for him, like you said today.
That was a ridiculous interview, but I'm not surprised by it.
Like I said, what I see is more of the same from him.
But let's keep one thing in mind here.
Joe Rogan has big sponsors, and Joe Rogan works at a big tech company called Spotify.
So that might have something to do with it.
I don't know, but it might be worth pointing out.
Not here!
We are totally independent, total free speech, and that's why we have to get shut down.
And it's so funny, it's just the lies they tell about us, folks.
I mean, look.
Yeah, Alex Jones probably could have made hundreds of millions of dollars over the years.
I probably could demand about a lot more money than I make here.
We're not in it for money.
Like, it's just... The crew works every day, 12 hours a day.
They deserve more pay, hazard pay, overtime pay.
They don't complain.
But then they make it like, oh, look at Infowars, these greedy, grubby people with all this money.
It's like, okay, fine, I mean, they have all my bank account records, they have all Alex's bank account records, we're in bankruptcy court, and they still come out and lie and say we've got hundreds of millions of dollars that we don't have.
It's just, it's obnoxious.
Thanks, Tyler.
Let's go to Heath in Georgia.
Heath, you're on the Alex Jones Show, go ahead.
Hey Owen, I just want to agree with the previous caller and say that at the end of the day I'm not surprised with the Joe Rogan interview, but like I'm sure you are, I was just disappointed.
I'm telling you, when I was watching Rogan crumble like that in front of Zuckerberg, it hurt me as a man.
I'm like, Rogan is supposed to be a masculine man, a leader, and then for him to just fold like that, like a cheap tent in front of Zuckerberg, like a man-child, it's pathetic.
It hurt.
I was like, dang, Joe, like, dang, like, be a man!
Well, and that's why, you know, I think Harrison said on the show yesterday that we need more, you know, coverage for people like you or Elijah Schaefer, just conservative celebrities, you know what I mean?
just cut out constantly that don't are ingratiated to these corporations and
you know just everything. Well you know it's funny you say that because
you know Elijah and a lot of these guys that are my age that are kind of up and
coming in media right now we're all good friends and then we let let me just say
we let me just say we understand the dynamics ahead of us with the censorship
and everything else so this is not something we're unaware of but we need
to continue to have Trump back right now I mean, they're trying to turn his followers against us.
And it's not just about supporting Trump, it's about supporting the truth.
It doesn't mean we have to support him to run for president again, but we have to understand that the agenda at foot is to get Trump's loyalists to stop supporting him so they can use that as an example in the future.
Well, I've been an InfoWarrior for over 10 years now, and Owen, you have supercharged the tip of the spear for this generation.
And I love you and Alex, and I pray the Holy Spirit over all you guys at InfoWarriors right now.
And, you know, just keep fighting the good fight.
What a time to be alive.
Well, I appreciate that.
And, well, I'd like to expand on that, but we've got callers waiting.
But let me just tell you, the caller right there hit on something.
That is probably worthy of a conversation about the future of media, the future of Infowars, the future of Alex Jones, Owen Schroyer, and some other people that are truth-tellers out there that get censored and kneecapped before they can make it.
But I've got callers on the line, so I'll have to put that off towards another day, but the caller's on to something there.
Let's go to Brad in Texas.
Brad, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
God bless you, brother.
Thanks for calling.
You know, instead of plugging a product, Owen, I'd like to plug you.
I had a chance to meet you at the Reawakened Tour here in Frisco in the Dallas area.
And quite frankly, brother, if more people were as awake as you are in their early 30s, we would have a different country on our hands.
And I can prove with your permission absolutely that Joe Rogan is a sellout in three simple topics.
All right, well, let's see it.
When Alex called Joe Rogan on 9-11 after he had told him about the upcoming attack, Joe Rogan said, uh, no, I don't think that, you know, the government would do anything like that.
Day one, Joe Rogan sold us out.
Step two, when all the info warriors knew this, uh, you know, upcoming Vax, it was a hoax and everything else.
Uh, Joe Rogan was still pimping the antibody test.
and made all of his guests take antibody tests.
That is true.
Now, now, I...
All right, go ahead. Yeah, go on.
No, even a year or six months ago. Go ahead, sir.
No, no, I want you to finish before I respond. I'm sorry.
And then the third reason we know he's a sellout, because if he had the testicular fortitude that you or I
would have during that interview, how about, why did you give half a billion dollars, Zucker
Kuck, to try to sell out an election?
How about, why are you working with the Chinese party?
Or what stories did you censor, you know, in favor of Republicans?
Did you censor any of those stories?
So let me just respond.
Let me just respond, Brad, and thank you for the call, and your points are taken here.
And let me just kind of play devil's advocate in response to that.
I mean, I think the call from Joe Rogan to Alex Jones after 9-11, I would actually say is more of a good thing in the overall thing for Joe Rogan, because he was at least willing to question the narrative and was shocked at the potential that the government would do that, but he was at least willing to have the conversation.
And then as far as Rogan with the response to COVID, In perspective, he actually had one of the better responses, but that's not saying much considering, you know, how far left and, you know, medical tyrant the response was from the media.
But, you know, he was for ivermectin.
He didn't really promote the vaccines.
He basically said, hey, be healthy and you're going to be fine.
I mean, they did make all the guests of his show take an antibody test.
I don't know if that was Joe Rogan or Spotify doing that, but that did happen.
He didn't stick up for those people like Dan Bongino stuck up for people that didn't want to take a test or take a vaccine at Cumulus Radio.
And then, yes, with the Zuckerberg interview, obviously, that's the topic here of the day.
And you're spot on about that.
He let Zuckerberg get away with it.
I mean, he really crumbled.
And I was stunned.
I was I was I was stunned.
Like it hurt.
Like it hurt me that Joe Rogan let Zuckerberg, get off the hook like that.
So it's really sad.
Let's go to P.T.
in Michigan.
I'm sorry, I've got 30 seconds left here.
If you can get it in before the break.
P.T., go ahead.
Listen, I'd like to stay over.
I will say this.
Anytime Alex mentions his name, I cringe.
There is no deep thought coming out of this UFC battered fighter's head.
I don't know what his appeal is.
You guys blow him away in terms of courage.
I'm not trying to be in a competition with Rogan here.
This isn't some sort of a measuring stick with Rogan.
know in some negative way, I mean in some positive way.
That's fine.
Look, I'm not trying to be in a competition with Rogan here.
This isn't some sort of a measuring stick with Rogan.
I'm covering a big story that came out on his show.
And I mean look, look at how Joe Rogan responds to when somebody gets knocked out in a fight.
It's like a living meme, Joe Rogan's response.
But here, Zuckerberg admits how elections are rigged, and Rogan doesn't even bat an eye.
Alright, we're taking a couple more phone calls.
Ahead of our guest, Dr. Jason Dean joining us in five minutes, but let's squeeze in a couple more phone calls here.
Let's go to Tito in California.
Tito, you're on the Alex Jones Show, go ahead.
Hey, hey, how you doing?
My name is Tito.
So, I just want to say thank you for calling him out because, you know, you want to get to the truth of things.
And I was a fan of Joe Rogan.
I've listened to him for a while, especially because Alex talked about him.
But after this, dude, it's just not right.
I mean, he needs to confront Mark Zuckerberg, and he didn't.
And, you know, it's just nonsense.
The power of all these type of guys that want to do truth, but they really don't.
They're back down.
But I appreciate all you doing, InfoWars.
I appreciate all you guys.
And God bless all you guys.
Thank you, Tito.
And you know, let me just, let me explain something quickly if I can here, because...
Boy, it'll take too long, but let's just say it's the V for Vendetta analogy, and Alex kind of lives it, where it's like Alex has already just decided he's dead, and just every ounce of him is going to be committed towards fighting evil and the New World Order at any cost.
But it's kind of a lesser analogy is that that's the same story on the Internet.
It's like, I've been completely banned, so I'm already dead as far as Internet censorship is concerned, so I have nothing to lose!
So it's not about I'm in a competition with Joe Rogan.
It's not like I'm going after Joe Rogan as a person.
This is a huge story.
Joe Rogan had the story, and he blew it for the American people.
Let's go to Josh in South Carolina.
Josh, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen.
Yeah, it was a gut punch for me, too.
And I agree with everything you say, but after I got to thinking about it, the only way he was going to get Zuckerberg to incriminate himself, it's kind of like a good solicitor, man.
Getting you to feel comfortable and just like giving him a hand up off the mat, you know, and trying to defend himself, he just incriminates himself more.
And at that time, you know, he even brought up COVID and everything else.
I mean, it's like he was just opening the door and giving people some ammo, man, admitting to his crimes.
You know, now everybody can use that admission and go after him.
This is a fair point.
This is a totally fair point from Josh.
And so I don't know if Joe Rogan is consciously thinking, hey, I'm going to be the nice guy and give him a hand up
so that he says things on my show that will make big news.
I don't know if that's what Rogan's thinking.
Didn't appear that way.
It looked like he was trying to help Zuckerberg along in the fluff piece.
But your point is definitely taken.
him him having zuckerberg on and getting him to admit that by playing a new
So, just a quick one.
lukewarm host is probably what allowed that to happen.
So your point is taken.
It's a fair point, Josh.
Let's go to John in Nevada.
John, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hi, Owen.
How are you?
I'm good.
Thanks for calling.
So just a quick one.
I want to build on what the prior caller just said, actually.
Would you agree that Rogan caters to a more politically diverse audience than InfoWars?
Yeah, I'd say Joe tries to remain as neutral as possible.
Yeah, I mean, and so here are my thoughts.
First of all, I love you guys, but you know, I'm gonna just say that what he did was somewhat masterful because he kept both sides guard down.
And again, building on what the prior caller said, he comes across completely neutral, he has no agenda, and he got three admissions, right?
The Feds.
He also admitted that Twitter completely censored, and then he admitted that Facebook actively suppressed, and it was material.
I mean, and to me, he got through to more people on both sides of the aisle with the
way he did it than had he come across as if he had an agenda.
Well that I would disagree with you on.
I don't think he got through to any liberals.
I think if anything, he further cemented the liberal ideology that censorship is good and that Zuckerberg did the right thing.
But I'm willing to compromise the fact that because of Rogan's neutrality, he was able to get Zuckerberg to do the interview and admit those things.
I am willing to admit that.
But I don't think Rogan came into that consciously like, oh, I'm gonna be the nice guy here to get him to admit that stuff.
I think that just happened through osmosis.
But that's a fair point.
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Somebody else has access and can track that as well.
So, Dr. Dean joins us to break this down.
If somebody out there right now listening is wearing a smartwatch, iWatch, Fitbit, what is something or what are the things they need to know that concern you, Dr. Dean?
Yeah, Owen, thanks for having me on.
I appreciate it.
So I work with people who are on psychotropic drugs all the time and try to help them naturally to get off those things.
And what happened was there was a new label that came out after they started injecting everybody with a bioweapon, which was called New Onset Psychosis.
So I realized people are wearing these eyewatches everywhere, the Fitbits everywhere, the Oura Ring, you name it.
And so I actually went on.
This isn't even a conspiracy.
This is the World Economic Forum themselves.
they put out a report called Global Governance Toolkit for Digital Mental Health and how they're gonna disrupt
the mental health world with technology.
And so the Calm.com app, which actually connects to these as well,
they're part of the World Economic Forum.
Michael Acton Smith, who actually is like the CEO founder of Calm.com, actually works with the World Economic Forum,
so does Fitbit, so does the Oura Ring, the iWatch with the health app.
And they're actually monitoring, but they're not only monitoring, they're listening to people's voices.
And long term, what they're going to do, they actually show it in the report, is they're going to start doing computational psychiatry.
They're going to do nanotechnology that attaches to your body along with these devices.
And ultimately, The real long-term goal on this, Owen, is they're going to get psych drugs to more people.
They want them in this idea of, hey, something's wrong with you.
You can't have emotions.
You can't be sad.
And we have all these kids on iPads, phones, etc.
They're actually delivering surveys to them where they pick out if they're sad or they're upset, if their friend is mean to them.
This also ties to places like Amazon, Walmart, who are actually building the infrastructure behind the scenes right now, where they're going to start delivering medications and drugs to people's front door.
This is the way in with socialism.
As Lenin said, you know, you can get socialism in a country by doing it through healthcare.
This has all been tied together, Owen, and people aren't awake to this.
They don't even know what's happening because everyone's wearing it.
I'm sure you've seen people wearing it.
Well yeah, it's obviously a very popular thing.
It never really was something I fancied because I feel like I don't need technology to track my health, but some people feel they need that.
I think that's kind of the break here is that you don't need tech to monitor your health, but I can understand the advantages.
You know, is this something that is not fully disclosed?
I mean, we can understand the World Economic Forum having some sort of agenda when it comes to this, you know, digital technology on your person at all time.
But when you're buying the Fitbit or buying the iWatch, I mean, you know, you click the terms and service agreements, you never read them.
Do they tell you they're sharing this information with third parties, whoever they want?
So in the details of the contract, which everyone's doing at this point, because I don't know if everybody knows, but at this point with your iPhone, because we're all using technology and we're using it now, on the iPhone you can no longer delete an app on your iPhone.
Back in the day you used to be able to hit an X on it, it went away, you could go back get it from the App Store again and install it.
Now you can't.
It actually sits in the back of the iPhone.
So when you're You know, agreeing to the terms of service, you're agreeing that it stays on there.
When your phone is turned off, there's scientific evidence, there's data behind the scenes with CIA, where it openly listens to you even with the phone off.
So when you get these apps, I actually downloaded the Calm.com app months ago because I wanted to see what it looked like.
You can't uninstall it.
It's on there.
So these people with Fitbit, they actually just did a study.
You can literally Google this.
Like you can go to big tech themselves.
You can Google Fitbit and World Economic Forum.
They actually did a study where they took six billion nights of sleep of Americans.
Now, Americans, you didn't know they were taking your sleep in the World Economic
Forum, working with the Fitbit company.
They took the data from your sleep and they did an entire study.
And it's actually up online on the World Economic Forum website right now.
So you're right, Owen.
People are agreeing to all this stuff.
It's in the terms of service.
None of us are reading it because obviously it's legalese and we just want our technology.
So people are being totally blindsided by this and they don't even know what's coming.
They don't know that their kids voices are being listened to.
I mean this goes down to the actual DNA.
Abbott Labs Has a product called Libra, which is actually a glucose monitoring system for diabetics.
And one of the people working on this was Barack Obama's half-sister, Maya.
This is total World Economic Forum.
This is total deep state.
This is literally total world order, Owen.
So I'm just, I'm thinking about all the potentials here because it was mainstream news like two or three years ago that your Amazon Alexa or whatever Apple products you might have in your house would know if you're having sex.
And it was I guess the sounds it was making or your heart rate or whatever and it came out mainstream news like oh your smart devices are monitoring when you have sex.
And so it's all this invasion of privacy that you really don't sign on to or understand what's going on.
And now you have these communist groups like the World Economic Forum just harvesting that data for whatever reason they want, I guess.
But how penetrating is it?
Because I learned something the other day.
Where I got a new phone recently, but I was still transferring some of the contacts over.
But so, my old phone, not connected to the internet, no SIM card, totally shut down, but it was still able to receive emergency alerts, and it just made me realize, your phone is never off, your phone is actually never disconnected from the internet, it's always on, and it's always connected to the internet, unless you basically smash it into bits.
A hundred percent.
Well, not only their phone, but now the Fitbit is never going to be off.
The Oura Ring is never going to be off.
The iWatch is never going to be off.
And I don't know why everyone now needs to have their texts sent directly to their wrist.
I don't know why everyone needs the phone call going directly to their wrist.
We've literally let them into our world.
And this is my actual real concern.
So we have, there's been studies that show upwards of 200 million Americans, now not
all of them have been prescribed, but up to 200 million Americans potentially on psychotropic
That includes children.
So when they talk about in this report computational psychiatry, what they actually mean is you're
going to be on Facebook.
You're going to be on all these big tech apps.
And they're going to say, hey, take a survey about your mood.
Take a survey.
Or they're going to just listen to your voice and they're going to pick up your mood.
You're going to get a little survey where you click.
Oh, well, I feel sad today.
Your kids.
Are going to be getting that because I mean kids are on the phone.
They're on their iPad because mom and dad, you know, let it let that that tech babysit them now.
So they're going to be clicking on those things and no longer does anybody need to actually go to a person like a good physician.
You know, there's good ones out there.
There's bad ones out there.
You don't have to go anymore.
You can literally just allow World Economic Forum.
You can allow the New World Order to control you and your children.
And literally they will give you a diagnosis like new onset psychosis, which they actually used for people who had hallucinations after the COVID bioweapon.
They will now allow you to label and diagnose yourself and so drugs can be shipped directly to you.
They've literally destroyed The actual doctor-patient relationship and now you can just be managed by the World Economic Forum and all your devices and they'll know exactly what to do and this is happening all over of health care.
I mean Obama put in Obamacare.
This allowed for all this stuff to be injected into society and we've allowed it in just like you said with Alexa, Google, everything else.
They're listening to everything we do.
Well and I'm curious we're about to go to break but you can comment on this on the other side of the break.
You know, people think that, oh, if I don't have this Fitbit or this iWatch and this smart technology, there's no way to track my health.
But that's not true.
And so I want to talk about that.
And because I used to get, you know, blood tests are just smart, you know, get your blood test, make sure you're healthy.
And I had in a couple of years.
And we had this thing at the office where it's like you step on the scale, it tells you your body mass index and all this stuff.
And it was cool, but it was like, where is that information going?
Who has that now?
Dr. Jason Dean with us, BraveTV.com.
We're getting into the smart devices and how they track and trace you with them and how the World Economic Forum uses this to build a global database of health.
And so I'm curious, though, and I want to get into the COVID bio up you mentioned earlier, too.
And by the way, quickly to the callers that are still on the line in the last segment of this hour, I'll squeeze in a couple more calls.
So if you want to stick around the last segment, we can take your call.
But getting back to Dr. Dean, You know, one thing I noticed, and I'm curious if these smart health devices do the same thing, people have noticed that the targeted advertising on their smartphones is getting more and more intrusive, and it doesn't seem to be an anomaly, it seems to be a pattern here, where you talk about something in a conversation with a friend or a family, your phone's sitting on the table or in your pocket, and then the next time you open your phone, the targeted advertising in whatever app you're using
Like, oh, you're talking about going on a vacation to Jamaica with some friends at the kitchen table, and you whip out your phone, you pull up Twitter, and then, boom, or Facebook, and then, boom, oh, look, here's a resort in Jamaica.
Or you're talking about, you know, getting new baseball equipment, and then, boom, you open up the app, and it's like, oh, new baseball equipment.
Do these, do these fit smart devices, have that same ability?
Are they doing that, too?
So one of the things, good question, because one of the things that I've noticed is obviously they're coming out with new generations of the iWatch.
When they first came out with the iWatch, Fitbit, et cetera, I've never had either one, but they didn't do that at the beginning.
But I do have an Oura Ring.
I don't use it anymore now that I've learned this information, but they come out with a new generation.
So some of them are on like third, fourth, fifth generations.
As they're doing that, it is becoming its next computer.
I mean, People are spending $600 plus on these iWatches.
So the new ones, yes, they're having the same thing installed into that and we're diving deeper on that research, etc.
But your phone has been doing that forever.
So yes, that's the absolute plan because ultimately, and I talked about those glucose monitors before, I was talking to a friend the other day about this just on the phone.
And literally that night when I opened up my phone, I just checked a couple of social media things.
I was already getting ads.
For those things.
Now, we should do the research on it.
We should talk around people with the new generation of iWatch, the new generation of the Fitbit and see if that same thing pops up.
But they absolutely are pushing people over to this idea because you can go over all social media now and literally all of this technology wearable stuff is in all of the ads.
I mean, this glucose thing is actually really big.
This is kind of our latest breaking news on this thing is They're gonna tie this to the Fitbit.
They're gonna tie this to the iWatch.
Actually, World Economic Forum did a study, again, as well, without people knowing about this.
They were tracking people's heart attacks with their iWatch through the iHealth app on there.
So, absolutely, what's coming is these next generations of these devices, they will also, quote-unquote, not turn off, and they will be listening to your mood.
I mean, again, I go back to this report because this is their Bible.
It says in here that they are going to listen to your voice and they're going to take the mood of the tone of your voice and they're going to use that to then push data to you to take these surveys.
So absolutely that's coming.
Well not only that, and this is like one step away from Minority Report, but also what I see the future here is that They'll monitor your health or they'll be claiming to monitor your health and then they'll say oh you have this or you have that or you show signs of this and they'll make you go to the hospital and if you don't go they'll send some goon squad to come mop you up and pick you up and force you to go and they'll say no the smart device says you're sick or the smart device says you're about to have a heart attack we got to take you in and you'll have no choice to do it and I mean I remember
Even, because I don't like to do this, but I remember the couple times I had blood work done, just to, you know, check on my stuff.
I'm getting older.
I'm like, you know, it's like I don't even want to go to these places to have blood work done because I'm afraid of who's going to get the information.
And that's still, you know, mostly pen and paper.
I mean, it goes through the process and everything.
But it's like I don't want any personal information of mine out there like that.
But I know it's a risk you take when you go to any office and they do any kind of work for you.
But this is like you're inviting them into your house.
They're there 24-7.
They're going to have all the information about you, your life, where you go.
I'm curious.
Do you see, I know that you have kids, do you see, do young children wear the eyewatches?
I mean, how young are kids wearing these things?
I haven't seen a bunch of kids wearing them.
However, I see kids all the time coming in with the iPad and the actual iPhone in front of them.
So it's already in there.
They're definitely getting that.
But I would not doubt.
I mean, there was just an article the other day that the World Economic Forum themselves came out with.
And you can go find this right now.
We just found it the other day where they're saying, hey, I think Russia Today actually ran with this RT.com.
They ran with it where they said, hey, we should start chipping kids.
And they literally showed in their hand where the chip would go,
because already adults are getting the Tesla car chip installed in their hands
so they don't have to find their keys to unlock it.
And ultimately, this all goes back to the social credit score.
So one of the spies who actually helped steal the American elections, his wife actually works and studies nanotechnology and cardiovascular health at Michigan State University.
So ultimately, if you don't comply and you don't hook yourself up to these things and you don't go to the hospital when they want you to, There's a social credit score coming.
This is all going to be hooked up.
Oh, and this is what really bothers me as a doctor, right?
I still physically see people in office.
I help take care of people.
I help kids start trying to reverse autistic situations, you know, chronic diseases.
I don't need any devices to do that.
I don't even need necessarily blood tests to do that.
But they're getting people to buy into the idea that you can't even be healthy If you don't have a device hooked up to Wi-Fi and the internet so that you can monitor your blood sugar because you're eating too much sugar, eating crappy food, you're not taking care of yourself, you're not taking good supplementation like you guys have,
They're building them into the system and people will be in it before they even know they decided to be in it.
Yeah, like taking advantage of the anxiety complex that they put them in with the social media and everything else.
And you know, we see where all of this is going.
I mean, we're kind of in the opening phase of man merging with machine, merging with technology.
I mean, physically uniting the two.
We see the future of where it's going.
A lot of us don't want to go there, but do you feel it's inevitable?
I mean, is this the end of man as we know it?
Organic man?
Well, good question.
So, this is my thought.
At the end of the day, technology has a place.
I think we can use technology for good.
Ultimately, technology is a neutral thing.
Right now, the dark side has it, right?
I think there's a time and place that we could use certain things like this.
It could help us with certain stuff.
But I think you can use it in a compromising kind of way.
Not compromising with the deep state of the New World Order, but use it in a way that we can benefit people through education, through videos, etc.
But ultimately, this is what I actually feel.
And this is how you restore a republic.
This is how you restore the American people and our culture.
As I grew up going outside in the morning, And I wasn't allowed in till, you know, the streetlight went off at night, right?
So, you know, nature, et cetera, all this different stuff.
I believe there is a way that we can, we can, you know, connect back to our creator and we could use nature, but we could also use sparingly technology to where we could benefit people's lives.
But at this point, when you are not even signing up for it, and they're already like, they're leading you into it without you knowing about it.
At the end of the day, when you walk into a doctor's office, you have to approve being seen.
And if you're not approving your medical diagnostics in your healthcare, then you're becoming a slave in the system.
Ultimately, you as a patient are in control of your healthcare.
You can fire or not fire your doctors, but they're bypassing the whole system.
Yeah, I agree.
I mean, technology is inevitable and we want to use it to improve our lives, but it is neutral.
It can be used for good or bad.
That's Dr. Dean.
We'll be right back.
It's time for all of you watching and all of you listening to make a decision.
It's time for me personally to get my head in the game.
Yes, we exposed the New World Order.
Yes, we exposed the globalists.
And so humanity has a fighting chance.
But we didn't stop their Great Reset.
We didn't stop the design collapse of the world economy and the world food supply.
It is now inevitable.
That the days we're living in now, with 47% electricity price increases, and Europe paying nine times what they were for natural gas, and with tens of millions starving to death, that what we're seeing now is just the beginning.
We have to get prepared.
We have to get ready.
And while we personally get prepared and get ready, we've got to be warning the general public so they understand that the globalists engineered the crisis we're now in on record.
I told you two and a half years ago, at the beginning of the lockdowns, it was designed to trigger the supply chain collapse.
And now it's done it.
Here's some of the headlines.
This is out of AgriPulse.
Senators warn food crisis could worsen in 2030.
UN chief warns of catastrophic catastrophe from global food shortage that they implemented.
World's hit by unprecedented hunger crisis.
2023 could be worse.
How insecurity will escalate food crisis in 2030?
That's the London Guardian.
Fertilizer shortages could pinch 2033 food supplies, says Ontario Federation of Agriculture.
Why the food crisis might get worse before anything gets better.
The supply chain will continue to be shaky in 2023.
The food crisis is what happens when global chains collapse.
We might need to get used to it.
Yep, it's the new austerity.
Just like Macron just said.
UN Secretary General, serious food shortages are expected in 2023.
The world could run out of food by 2023.
Warns global study.
Food collapse programs.
Warns of looming global catastrophe.
World faces unprecedented global hunger crisis, UN chief says.
Reuters, global crisis you're not hearing about.
National Review, on and on and on.
Now, it's not Russia and Ukraine that caused this, that just exacerbated it.
It has been the Great Reset plan to cut off the resources, you will eat the bugs, you'll own nothing and you'll like it.
Now is the time to get prepared, and we have a great sponsor, preparetoday.com, with the highest quality storable food company out there, My Patriot Supply, the biggest in the US, only around 14 years, but the biggest in the US because of their quality and the low cost.
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Only running through the end of August.
We're back here on the Alex Jones Show with our guest, Dr.
Jason Dean.
Dr. Dean, I want you to expand on what you call the COVID bioweapon and or the vaccines here in the last five minutes we have with you.
Talk about your concerns with the vaccines and the man-made virus.
Yeah, so it's definitely gate of function, but I'll be honest with everybody, anybody who knows anything about viruses, immunology, etc., you can go back to Plum Island off of Lyon.
They've been building bioweapons since the beginning of time.
So even if you did have a pandemic, which this is not, this is a pandemic,
you would never handle a pandemic like you did because this is not actually how nature works.
So if you actually had something going across the world like this,
you would handle it completely different.
You would actually, you would protect obviously the lower immune people as well as maybe the elderly,
but everybody else would go outside, shake hands, have fun, go to dinner,
and you would actually build up natural immunity so fast, everything would be over in that quote unquote 15 days
to flatten the curve.
But really what happens is.
They built, they've been working on a depopulation agenda since the beginning of time.
That's what this has always been about.
It's a globalist new world order situation.
And so they finally got people to buy into something to inject in themselves.
And this is not like Nazi Germany where they could put people to train cars because we wouldn't have put up with that.
However, they ended up selling them to fear in the media mainstream media to get this thing injected into their systems.
And as I said earlier in the segment, You know, we have people at Michigan State University, literally Chinese Communist Party cabal people, who've been working on this nanotechnology that actually connects to all these devices.
And you're seeing it, I'm sure you guys have shown it on the show, where literally clots are building up in people's cardiovascular systems.
It's a spike protein that literally, the DNA tells that protein to keep building itself over and over and it proliferates throughout the body to the point where It is no longer even quote-unquote a virus.
There's a parasitic aspect to it.
So the parasitic infections, they haven't even told people about that.
That's why ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine work because it's anti-parasitics and parasites are in this vaccine.
This becomes an environmental toxin, Owen.
So at this point, why are people still getting sick?
Why are people having problems?
Because They created this in such a way that it would actually start shedding off of people who got the bioweapon.
And that's all it is.
It's not a vaccine because, you know, vaccines are out of control anyway.
You have a childhood vaccine schedule that's completely insane.
But now people are actually shedding this spike protein off and it's turned into environmental toxins.
So when someone says, oh, I still have COVID symptoms.
It's because it's an environmental toxin that we're pushing off.
And they literally just changed the entire timeline of Earth.
So from now on, we're going to be dealing with these mRNA technologies that shed off of people.
So I always tell people I can't tell people not to get a vaccine or to get a vaccine.
It's not within my license.
However, my opinion for myself, I would never get something like this.
I mean, even Dan Bongino now came out and said it was the worst regret of his life.
Oh, and that tells you right there.
Not that he's, you know, The soothsayer of knowledge but people are freaking out and I think as you come into this fall winter season as people get the flu shots you're unfortunately going to see a vast decrease over the next couple years of population because this thing is literally clogging up the tubes of the cardiovascular system and people are dropping dead of strokes and heart attacks.
Yeah, it's all over the news, and I mean, and your point about Dan Bongino, you know, he's a man of integrity and character, and so that's why he's being honest about this, because he cares about his audience.
I guarantee you so many other people, in media specifically, probably have the same concerns that Dan has, but they're not willing to say it, either because they're indirectly or directly paid for by Big Pharma.
Or they just don't want to admit that they were tricked or deceived about something.
And I know other people, too, and I'm going to try to get some of them to come on air with me, too, to talk about the regret.
Talk about, I mean, it's just, it's such an invasion.
It's such a penetration of your personal bodily autonomy.
And you already had to sacrifice that.
And now you find out that this vaccine is not only not safe and not effective, but 5% of the people that got it with the data we have now are having severe life-altering side effects.
Nothing like this has ever been launched on the public.
I mean, even if you agree with the vaccine schedule, which I don't before this, it took 10 plus years to actually, for science behind the scenes, the Fauci's of the world, to actually approve a vaccine because you have to show that it's not going to kill everybody.
So they rushed through something that's never been done in less than a year, Good or bad, Trump helped make that happen, unfortunately.
And now you have people literally dropping and they're going to wake up really quickly because this vaccine has killed more than all the other vaccines combined in such a short period of time.
Yeah, it's not even close.
If you look at the VAERS charts.
It's insane.
I mean, I like to make sports analogies.
I always make this analogy.
It's like, you know, ball players and baseball are hitting, let's say, 50 home runs a year, the best home run hitters.
Now they're hitting 500 in a year.
5,000 even.
That's how radical the change has been.
Dr. Dean, thank you so much.
Folks, go to BraveTV.com to get more from Dr. Jason Dean.
All right, I'm going to take some leftover callers from earlier and a couple other callers on the board.
But let me just say something quickly here.
Because I'm going to be hosting the War Room today, too.
It's the Veterans Call-In Show, so I'm going to be taking all calls from veterans on the War Room today.
Any veterans out there that want to get their opinion out there, voice any concerns they have, tune into the War Room today.
Jay Dyer is going to take over the Alex Jones Show in 13 minutes.
But some of the stuff I have, I'm going to have to cover some of this news.
Folks, I've got to tell you, I know you know this, but the level just keeps going up.
The lies that the Democrats and this Biden White House are telling the American people are reaching new levels.
And, you know, I gotta be honest, it's dangerous, folks.
I mean, this is dangerous.
The accusations the Democrats are making, they're completely fictitious, and the lies that they are telling to the American people are so outrageous, I just, I gotta wonder what they're really thinking.
It's, folks, we're in a real, that is a real dark, twisted thing that they're engaged in.
The lies that the White House has told today, the lies that Democrats in Congress have told today about the affidavit and Trump.
Because you see it, and I mean, You just, you recognize such evil and you are just stunned that such evil could exist because you don't resonate with that.
You can't relate to that.
But I got clips I'm going to play on The War Room.
I mean the lies coming from Jean-Pierre, the lies coming from Eric Swalwell.
It's just stunning.
It's just stunning to think this is the level of evil that we're fighting.
This is the level of evil that we have to put up with.
It's never before seen in this country's history.
Never before seen.
So, uh, I just... I'm just stunned, man.
I mean, the level of gaslighting, the level of evil, the level of propaganda... Because it angers you, but it also breaks your heart.
It angers you because you don't like being lied to, but it breaks your heart to know that such lying scum is in charge and running the country, and wants to be in charge of your future.
Lying scumbags want to run your life.
I mean, that is just, that proposal is so heartbreaking and gut-wrenching and stomach-churning, but that's where we're at.
And when you know what they really got in store for you, you understand.
Of course they're known liars.
They don't value human life.
They don't value the truth.
They don't value anything other than themselves and their agenda.
But I'll stop waxing here, and we'll take some calls, some final calls that have been holding here.
Let's go to Tim in Ohio.
Tim, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey man, I totally agree with you on absolutely everything.
The Joe Rogan thing, man, he gets so close to telling the truth.
Like it's ridiculous.
I've heard him speak a couple times and just like yesterday, man, he gets so close to it.
He gets these people in the palm of his hands and he just lets them go.
He drops the ball every time.
That's like the third time I've ever listened to him and I'll never, I'll never tune into him again.
I listen to you guys every single day.
I respect you and you are absolutely right, man.
With truth comes consequence.
I repost all of your videos that I can on every single social media site.
I've been banned from every single social media site, uh, 15 times or more.
And this, uh, last time, man, I'm hanging about 30 foot up in the air right now.
Um, I totally agree with you on everything you said about Rogan.
I don't know if you got, I, every time I post this on social media, they ban me like instantly.
It's called, um, The Global Walkout, I don't know if you've heard of it, but you've got some big names that are sponsoring it.
Robert Kennedy Jr., Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Christine Anderson, and Mike Eden are all sponsoring this and launching it, and it's at ReigniteFreedom.com.
It is a peaceful way to get what we want, I feel like, and I feel like this might be the very last peaceful thing that is tried before it turns into Well, you're right about that.
We've got our free speech, we've got our Second Amendment, and we've got what we believe is our election system as a means to peacefully save the country, and that's the goal here.
You know, as far as the Rogan thing, you dive a little bit deeper into the issue.
So here's an example.
Joe Rogan tells the truth about Ivermectin.
And so what happens?
All of a sudden, the calls to censor Joe Rogan are out, and all of a sudden Joe Rogan is under attack because he told the truth about ivermectin.
So, let's say, and I don't know this, but based off of what we saw with the Zuckerberg interview, perhaps after that experience, Joe Rogan didn't like the cost of telling the truth, That he made sure he doesn't tell such an outrageous truth anymore.
He didn't like the calls for him to be censored.
He was worried that that might do what that might do to his career.
So, I mean, it would seem to me that he made a conscious decision.
Boy, telling the truth about Ivermectin, that might almost really cost me.
I don't want to get censored.
I don't want to get attacked.
So I'm going to back off telling the outrageous truths anymore.
And so he let Zuckerberg get off with... I mean, because here's what should have happened.
So Joe Rogan tells the truth about Ivermectin.
It goes totally viral.
It becomes a top story in the world.
It doesn't matter that the truth about Ivermectin has been out there for years.
It doesn't matter that Alex Jones said it first.
Joe Rogan says it.
It breaks the Internet.
So if Joe Rogan...
Would have held Mark Zuckerberg's feet to the fire and said, wow, you just admitted that the Democrats, the FBI and big tech colluded to rig an election.
It would have been the biggest news story.
It would have been headline news all over the press, all over the Internet, trending everywhere.
And Rogan didn't want it.
He didn't want it.
He didn't take it.
So he either didn't want it because he's afraid of the consequences, or he didn't take it because he's committed to remaining neutral, or he was just totally asleep and tuned out when he had one of the biggest interviews up there.
I don't know, but that's what happened.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go to Paul in California.
Paul, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Owen.
How are you doing?
You know what?
I wanted to tell you months ago about this Joe Rogan thing that you already hit the nail on the head.
And other people called in and said he's a gatekeeper.
I disagree.
The gatekeepers are maybe those folks at Spotify or somebody else back in the dark.
He's not a gatekeeper.
You also touched on that, that as soon as Joe Rogan went a few steps off the reservation, he got slammed for saying Ivermectin.
So he wheeled back and he said, Oh, maybe I don't want to go there.
I want to protect my quarter billion dollar nut or whatever it is.
Anyway, You're right.
I'm glad you said it, because I wanted to say it.
It was a cook fest.
And now, as far as why Joe Logan, he had such an opportunity, Owen, to say, Hey, Mark, why did you knock Alex Jones off of your platform at a crucial time?
Why did you do that?
But he didn't put his feet to the fire.
I'm not going to, I'm not going to hold it.
I'm not going to.
There's a reason I think.
Because you can't hold some guy's feet to the fire if you're under the table playing footsie.
That makes any sense to you?
I'm not even, this isn't even an attack on Joe Rogan.
I'm just, it's like, what an embarrassment that interview was.
I mean, what an absolute embarrassment.
There's a reason, I think.
Because you can't hold some guy's feet to the fire if you're under the table playing footsie.
That makes any sense to you?
No, I think that's a good analogy.
So, I agree with you on that one.
And I know time's running short.
You want to get a couple more calls in, so I will go.
Alright, Paul, thank you for that.
One thing is that at a time like this, the price of courage is high, but the price of fear down the road is much higher.
I'll leave you at that.
Thank you for the call, Paul.
Let's go to Mike in Texas.
Mike, you're on the Alex Jones Show, go ahead.
Hey, one of the things that we have to remember here is that the problem we face is greatest like attribute is also its greatest weakness.
And what I mean by that is that it needs people to do its job, right?
And so we can use that.
And I'm not just hear me out.
I'm not schlepping for Rogan right now.
I think Rogan's a cut.
But let me just say this one thing.
Zuckerberg is an autistic android.
And so what I perceive that Rogan was doing He was giving him rope, and he's like, oh really?
Oh man, you're so awesome.
You're great.
Oh wow, tell us more.
You're that cool?
And that scrub had no idea he was being played.
And so what Rogan gave us is a signed, sealed envelope, an affidavit, if you will, saying yes, the FBI, the DOJ, and continuity of government is active right now, and they are going to censor everything.
Look at the redacted document that just came out today.
You are not allowed to see.
We are in... So let's do this, Mike.
Let me respond to the notion here, and you're not the first one to say it, that Joe Rogan basically rope-a-doped Zuckerberg into saying what he's saying.
Now, whether that's true or not, let me tell you why it was a total failed executioner idea on Joe Rogan's part, if that's truly the case.
You already knew that the FBI, the Democrats, and Big Tech rigged the election for Joe Biden.
You already knew that, I already knew that, everyone in this audience already knew that.
Most people don't know that, and because Joe Rogan didn't press that issue on the Zuckerberg interview, they're still not gonna know it.
So nobody knew is finding out, there's no groundbreaking information in that interview that nobody didn't know.
But because Joe Rogan didn't call it out directly on the air, it's not going to go viral and it's not going to be seen millions of times like it needs to be, like when he said Ivermectin worked.
We'll take a couple more calls here before Jay Dyer takes over.
Let me just kind of make a sports analogy to explain my approach, my response, if you will, to the Rogan Zuckerberg interview.
I'm on Team America, and I want to win.
Because I know that means freedom and prosperity for all Americans, and an example worldwide for what self-government and belief in the individual can do for civilization.
And just look at what America's done, and the Western way of life, and freedom, and independence, and self-government.
Just look at how it's influenced the world for the best, for the better.
And so I just want Team America to win.
And I look at Joe Rogan as a member of Team America.
I think Joe Rogan likes America.
I think he likes freedom.
I think he wants a prosperous future for Americans.
So to watch Joe Rogan miss a layup like he did yesterday, it angers me.
So it's like if I have a favorite basketball team that I like to root for, and they're in the finals, And one of my favorite players misses a layup to win the finals, I'm gonna be pissed!
And I'm gonna say, that player's a bum!
He missed a layup!
He cost us the championship!
That's what it feels like with Joe Rogan.
Here's a guy on my team, and I wanna win the championship, and he just missed a layup to win the game.
Because, yeah, oh, he got Zuckerberg to admit they rigged the election.
We already knew that!
But because Joe Rogan wouldn't commit that message, and wouldn't force that message, and wouldn't double down on that message, and get Zuckerberg to admit what really happened, it's not gonna go viral, and only the people that already know that's the story are gonna hear from it.
But if Joe Rogan would have said, wow, sounds like the Democrat Party, the FBI, and Big Tech colluded to rig an election, it would have been the number one story today, and then it would have actually had more impact.
But I think it's going to fall deaf because he just had a fluff cuckfest.
All right, couple more calls before Jay Dyer takes over.
Let's go to Tony in Wisconsin.
Tony, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
So yeah, I don't know with Rogan, I don't know, like, I like the way that, you know, he went with the whole, uh, like how the whole vaccine thing, but he was all like, well, you know, he got a supplement or, you know, looking, uh, you know, just staying healthy and everything.
Um, but, um, I don't know, like when he did the Gina Carano interview, he like, He threw her off of the trail, like you could tell she was awake and she had a good idea and she was on the right path and he was actively like, no, no, I don't think there's anything like that going on, da-da-da-da-da, and I lost respect for him.
Well, I haven't seen that one.
Well, you should check that one out.
But look, I mean, and thank you for the call, it's like I said earlier, that's why I don't watch the Rogan podcast.
I mean, it's just as simple as that.
Let's go to Matt in Wisconsin.
Matt, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, Joe, can you hear me okay?
Oh yeah, we gotcha.
I think Rogan, since you know he's a little bit in the middle there, kind of set a tactical trap for him, for Zuckerberg, because you know he won't come on if you call him a straight-up communist or something.
So you kind of got to put the hook in.
And he was able to pull some nonverbal stuff.
I don't know.
You didn't play the kick clip when Rogan did mention to him communism and Zuckerberg like scoffed at the idea.
And Rogan's a really smart guy, but he's also kind of in the middle.
And I don't know if you remember how he talked to Jones during 9-11.
He also kind of does play both sides, you know, so I don't think it's fair to hold a person like Rogan up to InfoWars standards because like, you know, that's like holding a Spartan.
And you know what?
You might be right about that.
You might be right, but that's what he should have done.
differentiation, I think Rogan's really good at interviews because he's kind of in the
Obviously, if you go all barrels blasting at Zuckerberg, he's just going to walk off
the set.
And, you know, obviously...
And you know what?
You might be right about that.
You might be right, but that's what he should have done.
Because that is the biggest story, and he had it right there, how our elections are
It's kind of a big story.
Is that worth maybe making a guest walk off the set by calling him out on that?
might be but I guess it wasn't.
Ladies and gentlemen if millions of people get this book our funding
problems will be over and it's starting to happen.
That's why I said, yeah, go to Infoworkstore.com, get the book, it starts shipping in a couple weeks.
The Great Reset and the War for the World.
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The Great Reset and the War for the World is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
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Just go to Amazon.com, everybody, and buy 10 copies.
Send this blueprint to the Death Star and the New World Order, because you read this, you know their whole plan how to stop them.
Hit the Great Reset, the War for the World now.
It's going to go to number one.
What do you make of that?
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
Jay's analysis.
Today I want to talk about the signs that we see that we're actually under siege.
You hear Alex talk all the time about siege, siege, siege.
What does this mean?
Well, this is a type of warfare where you conduct, for example, if someone's holed up in a city, right, you conduct siege to attack their food supply, to attack their water, whatever.
We are under siege, and so the best way to understand what's going on Is to get out of this model of thinking that it's government rule by incompetency.
We're not ruled by incompetent people.
We're ruled by highly competent psychological warfare experts and corporate elite who have a layer of government control out in front of them that takes all the heat.
And as I was looking back through the Rockefeller lockstep document, I was reminded of the fact that in the scenario of lockstep, Which, by the way, I'm glad Alex hit on that this week because it ties in with the SPARS document.
Did you notice that what has happened in the last week ties in perfectly with what these documents said would be the next phase of the plan?
They said that in the wake of corruption, CDC failure, Fauci failure, etc.
They don't mention Fauci by name, but they are basically talking about these characters.
There would be a public outcry against the failure of the medical system as it is, a public outcry against the politicians, outcry against these officials that botched, failed, mismanaged, and so forth.
Now, if you remember back to the events of the Big Nine, right, the Big 9-11 event, we had a lot of people come out to analyze the event and said, you know, sometimes in the world of intelligence, the biggest failures are the biggest successes.
Why would that be?
Well, in the wake of big failures, you get the justification for now we need to overhaul the system.
Now we need billions more in funding.
Now we need mass surveillance everywhere.
Now we need to fix all the supposed flaws, which the system actually wanted to be there to begin with.
Think back to a few years ago, I think it was the people of the CDC, right?
The head of the CDC was saying that it's time to blow up the old system.
So what I'm trying to introduce to you is the idea that the problems, the chaos that occurs in the system is not there by accident.
It's not something that was not calculated in the big game plan.
It was something that was part of the plan.
They said in the SPARS document, for example, which matches up to our years, even though it's listed as in the future, they said that after the outcry against the CDC and these different agencies, The people would clamor for a salvation, clamor for something better, because the existing system and its leaders, its politicians, were giant failures.
Likewise, Lockstep noted that, quote, by 2025, people grew weary of the top-down control and the failures of their leaders.
Sporadic pushback became increasingly organized and coordinated.
disaffected youth and people who saw their status of opportunity slip away
incited much civil unrest and it goes on to give examples of civil unrest and it
talks about how they clamored for called for a salvation somebody to come and
save them after the world had basically in some way in some various ways
collapsed in this scenario and if you don't remember this scenario was
basically the COVID scenario so this is a 2010 Rockefeller document that said
that in the wake of the COVID what they call the Wuhan virus in the document out
of China face masks temporary checks at airports and so forth
All these controls would stay in place.
Biometric IDs for everyone.
Getting rid of cars in industry.
Shutting down travel, airlines, etc.
This would lead to, eventually it even says the banning of cars, right, for the purposes of the Green Agenda.
Innovation comes to a standstill and a halt.
As a result, people cry out against their national government's failures.
In the wake of crying out against these inept politicians, these corrupt leaders, corrupt presidents and prime ministers, they cried out and clamored for an international body that would help alleviate this, that would solve the problems of the politicians.
Do you know in my series as we've covered the writings of the global elite, we've been through some 50 or 60, 60 if we count the white papers and on top of the big fat books and tomes of the elite have written, we know that they want to bring in a new plan.
There's an existing system, the medical system, education system, the internet, the economic system, right?
There's these existing systems that they want to move into a new phase and replace.
Most people think when they hear this kind of stuff or they're new to this material, they think that it's going to be a top-down tyranny.
The government's going to march in and put you into this or that gulag.
Typically, I think in the documents, what we see is not a top-down immediate control.
There is heavy handedness at times.
We saw during COVID, especially places like Australia, Mike, we had a lot of top-down control there.
And it became a real 1984 hellhole.
But that wasn't everywhere, and there was a lot of resistance, obviously.
And so, as a result, they realized that they would have to gradually bring this in.
If you think about the Fabian socialist model, their image is a turtle.
And so it's a gradual bringing in of the technocracy so that it goes unnoticed, right?
So that it's not overnight.
That's a much more effective way of doing this than the heavy-handed, iron-fisted bringing of the top-down control.
So I want to go through about 10 signs that we're under siege and that this is actually a plan.
Again, I mentioned two documents already that say that the outcry against the failure of public leaders would lead to a cry for an international global government, but which already exists, by the way, it's just kind of in the shadow, but it's now emerging, right?
And we see it emerge most clearly through the Great Reset, which is really the World Economic Forum, which is a public version or arm of basically Bilderberg.
And so the key takeaway here is that they want you mad at politicians.
You understand that a lot of the global elite writers believe in rule by experts, scientific government, they call it, the managerial system, the managerial class, and thus the more ridiculous politicians appear.
The more they believe that over time, people are going to clamor for and call for, yes, let me be ruled by AI.
Let me be ruled by international UN bureaucracy.
Let me be ruled by unelected elites.
Because elections and these kinds of things, they just don't work, you see.
That's where they want to go.
That's the end goal.
So here we are, where we still have the elections, or at least the appearance of elections, at least local elections are a lot more, I guess, viable than the presidential election at this point.
And so, how do we get, if we're one of the global elite, how do we get from here to there?
Well, one thing that we would want to do is get people distrusting, disliking the existing system, which, at least in terms of its public structure, runs on the basis of elected officials.
Now we know that the shadow government has had a big hand for, according to Dr. Carol Quigley, a century in selecting and influencing those big elections on a national scale.
And increasingly, the global elite have been influencing local elections, especially in key areas in a lot of ways.
And not just elected officials, but also judges too, right?
So this affects all the branches.
And so this is a gradual slow takeover from shadowy elite groups, which are themselves really run by Fortune 100, Fortune 500, the top richest families in the world.
They run three entities like the Bank for National Settlements, which is sort of the central bank of central banks.
They're connected together with all the biggest private foundations.
NGOs, think tanks, they're all working towards the exact same goal that I'm telling you.
And all of the books say this.
That's why this is so crucial to look at their writings, their white papers, and their techniques and tactics.
And what we see in the SPARS document and the Lockstep document is they're always a few steps ahead because they're planning for the failure because they want the existing system to collapse.
Now, it may not be overnight.
It may not be an economic collapse tomorrow.
It may not be an EMP tag tomorrow.
It may not be a cyber polygon tomorrow.
We might see staggering versions of these things in the next 10 years, again, getting us to the goals of 2030, 2040 and 2050.
Those are key decades, key periods where they want to have certain things complete in their long-term game plan up to 2050.
2050 is slated to be the full-on total AI depop global government.
That's the year they've chosen in many, many documents.
There might be a little variation, but basically by 2050 is the goal to have the full-on Brave New World Technocratic Nightmare Terminator Skynet system in place.
So here we are, you know, a few decades out from that.
What are the things we're going to see in the next few decades?
Don't go anywhere.
This is Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We were just discussing The transition that the elite have planned, the global technocrats have planned, to move us away from the previous system into the new system, which is ruled by experts, scientific government, supposedly.
It's not actually scientific, it's just complete oligarchy and control, but it's given the title scientific governance.
Now, what's the deal here?
Why do they want to do this?
Well, on the one hand, it's kind of true that politicians are ridiculous, right?
I mean, not all of them, but for the most part, kind of everybody senses that there's just something off with the fake two-party system and the idea of, well, you only get these two options and everything is boiled down to basically an oversimplified choice of some person, you know, hundreds of miles away, a thousand miles away in D.C.
that you don't know anything about.
Other than the slogans that you've heard them say on the TV.
And everybody knows that they're, you know, sort of bound to corrupt interests and to private interests and whatnot.
And so I think everybody kind of senses that there's something broken with the existing system.
I'm not saying every politician is corrupt or bad, but on the whole, we kind of think that there's something just kind of goofy about this.
It doesn't really make sense.
So the legitimate criticism that one might have of the problems in the existing system is precisely what the elite are exploiting.
That's the point I'm trying to make here, right?
They're trying to say, look at all these problems in the politicians.
Look at all the problems in the existing system.
Look at how your money's collapsing.
It's inflated, which by the way, is their own plans.
They were the ones that planned for this fiat system.
Getting us away from sound currency and so forth, sound money.
That's all by design.
And then they blame everybody for their plans.
We saw this, for example, in Bertrand Russell, many other writings of the elite, that they would blame humankind for the invention of atomic bomb, nuclear bomb, and then say that, well, in order to save humanity for the evil inventions, we're going to have to institute a world government to police all this.
And then turn around and say, we, the elite, invented the nuclear bombs because we're smarter than everybody.
I mean, literally, constant doublespeak, constant lies, constant deception.
But again, remember, the goal here is not to help you, not to lead you into a utopia, not to give you a fair system.
It is to get rid of you and to put in place a system of complete 100% total technocratic control.
And eventually it would be not run by humans, but by computers, a complete AI system running supposedly on perfect math and logic.
Then it could bypass human weaknesses, human emotionalism, human flaws.
That's the idea, right, of technocracy.
I think it's kind of crazy.
It's something more akin to a cult.
Not a cult, but a cult.
A belief in the idea that you can have a perfect system run by computers is kind of ridiculous.
But that's what these people do put their hope and faith in.
So what are the signs then that we're under siege being moved into this kind of a system?
Again, to put us under a managerial class of rule by experts that is always contrasted against, and will be especially in the coming years, contrasted against the folly of the corrupt politician.
Look at Biden.
Look at all the scandals.
Look at this.
They're so silly.
They're so goofy.
Don't we need rational governance?
Don't we need Computer governance that's not subject to the flaws and scandals of some goofy politician, some ridiculous boomer who can't even figure out how to use the bathroom, right?
I mean, doesn't that sound kind of reasonable?
That's what it's playing on.
Look at how Fauci failed us.
Look at the failures of government.
But the reality is that they want to bring in a more heavy-handed governance.
Think about Batman Dark Knight as an example.
If you remember, In the plot, you have the character Bane, who is sort of this revolutionary, right?
He comes from the Far East, and he pops up as this mysterious figure in the underworld, and he engages in all these actions of, well, terror, basically, throughout Gotham.
He collapses Gotham's, you know, stock market, and he does all these, you know, revolutionary terror events, and he talks about all the corruption in Gotham, and he's right.
I mean, there's a lot of corruption.
There's crime.
And he's actually working with this and doing more organized crime and chaos to bring about the collapse of the existing Gotham system.
Because in his mind, it's all justified because I was born in adversity.
He was born in adversity.
He was born in the flames of, you know, struggle and darkness.
And so for him, it's justified to bring in this better system.
But what happens when Bane comes to power.
Do you guys remember in the plot?
Well, it's an even worse system and it mimics the French Revolution, right?
There's guillotines and you have, you know, Sandman, Cillian Murphy's up there sitting up top this, you know, pyramid where he's judging everybody and off with their heads.
And it's very reminiscent again of the French Revolution.
He's sort of a Robespierre kind of figure.
And it becomes a total chaos.
So it's even worse.
The system that Bane brings in The revolutionary system is even worse than the already existing Gotham, you know, elite structure, which I guess you could say Bruce Wayne represents sort of the billionaire oligarch character, right?
Versus this revolutionary anarcho-communist system that Bain wants to bring in, and it's even worse.
And it's even more corrupt, everything just falls apart.
So the reason again that the elite love revolutionary movements and they love the kind of radicalism that we're seeing pushed everywhere is because it's a wrecking ball.
It's there to destroy the existing system.
And the liberal revolutionaries, these kinds of people, they're just the dupes who are the tools of the system that think that they're going to profit from it.
They're going to be in power.
They're going to get goodies out of all this.
It's going to be, you know, they're going to be the ones that are the true, you know, heroes and this kind of stuff.
And they're the ones that, of course, always go out first because the revolution isn't run and isn't based on what they think it is.
It's actually run by rival oligarchs and rival elites.
Likewise, the system wants us to be furious at the notion of a nation-state.
The nation-state's the failure.
The existing healthcare system is a failure.
It's gotta be replaced.
And all of the movements that we're seeing are about that.
The family is an oppressive structure.
The family is a patriarchal structure that is oppressive and it rapes women and it, you know, all of this nonsense.
And that is just totally a cover, 100% for depopulation, to make sure that you don't reproduce.
That's it.
That's the only purpose of that.
Has no other purpose than that.
So the movement and attack on biological gender, the attack on men and women at the same time, it's a two-pronged attack, right?
They want you to either be this crazy purple-haired feminist social justice warrior, or this freak incel guy who, you know, hates women.
That's a two-pronged, social engineering, 100% engineered attack.
So the removal of the family is key.
And that's what all the global leads say.
Get rid of the family because the family is a firewall.
It's a kind of progenitor of a tradition, of a heritage.
And just like nation-states are bad, so little bitty nation-states, aka families, are bad.
Think about the nation.
Think about the state that you live in.
The U.S.
and the states.
Then smaller, you get your city.
Then smaller, you get your family.
All of these are firewalls.
They're kind of like walls, concentric circles inside your city protecting you from something bigger.
And so to understand that we're under siege, you have to understand that the culture is all geared towards destroying all of that.
Just wrecking ball, mowing down the whole thing.
Every area of society will be overhauled and changed.
And the easiest way to do that Is not to logically debate with people to try to convince them of globalism.
Not to do this, but to actually just let the forces of chaos, controlled chaos, erupt and destroy the system from within with the promotion of the elites who want to bring it in.
Promote the radical causes because it destroys the existing order to bring in the new order.
Don't go anywhere.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jay.
I'm Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We're looking at the 10 signs that we are under siege and that the siege is intended to collapse the country, the West, by design to bring us into the new system that the elites have planned, particularly the technocratic elite.
So we talk first about the attack on humankind themselves in the sense of gender, family, I want to add to that.
Number two would be the attack on tradition, the attack on religion, the attack on people maintaining their own heritage and passing that on through a family.
A family is just a little bitty sort of transmitter of a tradition, right?
It's a little society that then transmits these traditions.
And if you want to destroy a nation, if you want to destroy a country or a people group or a continent, one of the key ways to do that is not just go after the notion of the family and picture it as this oppressive structure, this fascist, patriarchal structure.
You also want to go after the conception of religion because religion is something that binds the people, it holds them together as a commonality, right?
And even though in the US we have various, you know, different religious groups,
there are still dominant religions in the West such as Christianity,
which have a kind of a general idea that people follow relating to the Bible,
relating to, you know, common law, Roman law, et cetera, all part of this heritage of the Western tradition.
And so it's thus necessary to break that down, to destroy that in order to destroy the existing culture.
And there's many ways in which that has occurred in terms of religion, but particularly,
And there's many ways in which that has occurred in terms of religion,
but particularly religion and tradition are under attack through things like seminaries,
religion and tradition are under attack through things like seminaries,
things like private foundations that put money into various schools
things like private foundations that put money into various schools
to change people's theological beliefs.
The Rockefellers is one example.
Over the years, put millions and millions of dollars into various seminaries,
including creating their own seminaries, which like Union Theological Seminary,
which would then promote very watered down liberal versions of Protestantism.
And eventually within a few decades, most of the mainline Protestant denominations,
for example, caved into textual liberalism, higher criticism, and basically became adjuncts
of the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches,
which are there really just totally to promote world government.
That's it.
And you can see that very clearly in the history of American Protestantism in the 20th century.
I'm not leaving out the other groups.
The other religions as well have been subject to this same kind of influence and control and persuasion and engineering.
Roman Catholic Church, especially after Vatican II, the Orthodox Churches as well, through their seminaries and through their foundations and through the money that pours into those, all of this is from the same structure, the same power group that intends on moving Americans away from Anything resembling traditional ideas at all.
So while it's true that at times it's necessary to debate amongst various groups and churches and religions and whatnot, we do have to do that.
From the vantage point of the elite, they don't really care about that so much as they care about making sure that anything healthy, anything wholesome, anything traditional, gotta go.
So it's all painted as fascist, as oppressive, as patriarchal and evil.
Because they're actually the things that are healthy, wholesome, and lead to a fulfilling, meaningful life.
So, the idea that you're going to have a meaningful, fulfilling life as an alone, consumerist, city-dwelling, rootless bug man, is if that's going to give you fulfillment, is only going to make you miserable, only going to make you alone, atomized, alienated, and ready to step into your coffin, I mean, coom pod.
That's it.
That's the goal.
So it's marching you to, leading you to, your own self-willed giving up and collapse and death, self-destruction.
That's the whole point of all of it.
And that's also the point of the One World Religion that's being engineered and steered through the big mainline churches and groups.
Next, as we said, those firewalls, to get rid of one of those firewalls is the nation-state.
Now, you could argue that the nation-state's been on decline for a long time, and that's true, but the reason they intentionally want it to be a problem is because their only idea, their only goal here is to just say, don't you want the global government?
See all the problems of nation-states?
You see?
Look at the wars, look at the chaos, look at Russia versus America in the West.
Russia versus Ukraine.
Look at China versus this other.
Don't you want a solution to all the wars?
Wouldn't it be rational and reasonable to not have all these wars?
And that sounds rational.
But it's not reality.
It's not realistic.
It's a pipe dream.
And so, the demonization of the nation-state is another one of these key elements and proofs of siege throughout all the Global Elite writings.
They're all to a man, 100% internationalists.
There's no such thing as the nation-state.
It doesn't even exist.
And so, the existing structures have to fall, but rather than attacking them in some overt way with another country or something like that, which may occur, they may engineer a giant global war.
Who knows?
Why not just let them rot from within?
And it's part of warfare, it's part of the history of warfare, to attack in various means and in various ways.
Warfare is not just physical, you know, kinetic warfare.
There's economic warfare, sanctions.
There's siege, where you might attack people's food supply, people's supply chains.
There's ideological warfare, psychological warfare.
Cultural warfare.
Let's flood this country with the most degenerate gross porn.
Let's flood this place with fentanyl and drugs by design as a form of warfare.
Everybody knows the British did this.
Why does this seem strange or something impossible when everybody knows, even every liberal has lectures out there about the opium wars.
Britain went to war in a covert way through flooding opium into China.
As a form of cultural warfare.
Anybody with any sense can see that we are under 100% total cultural warfare attack.
And you can go read people from the Pentagon, from the Army, who talk about this.
Even some of the Satanists in the Army, like Colonel Michael Aquino, who wrote the Army's psychological warfare doctrine, from mind war to side war, where he talks about the masses are the real enemy here, you see.
All of us.
The domestic population is the target, is the problem.
Not everybody in the government is evil.
I'm not saying that.
Not every corporation is evil.
But the Fortune 100, Bank for National Settlements, the people that run the world for the most part, or at least the Atlantis's Western power bloc, they are 100% committed to the Malthusian agenda and the end goal That they want to get us to requires going through these steps.
So the collapsing of the nation state, key there, number three.
Currency, right?
Money is a form of energy transfer, right?
It's a symbolic representation of exchange or an exchange of energy time, right, is what it can stand for.
So, another way to attack a country is to attack its currency, its means of exchange.
Now, we've been under that kind of attack for a long time, all the way back to Jekyll Island, the Federal Reserve, all this kind of stuff, right?
Because that allowed for a, not a government entity, but a private entity With the government face to control the printing of the money to control the money supply.
So the money printer goes, right?
And that deflates the currency.
It makes the dollar have less purchasing power, less value.
And especially after Nixon, the shock doctrine, we move off of the gold standard, it gets even worse.
Now it's just pure fiat.
But a pure fiat currency and inflation is a form of theft.
It's actually robbing future generations of their wealth and robbing you in the present time of your wealth and your savings because the value of your savings just depletes over time, especially in the past couple years.
It's depleted like 10-20% each year or something crazy like that.
So attacking the currency economic warfare is a key strategy in this battle and Yeah, we know about, you know, the sanctions with Russia and the problems in the economy via, you know, the war with Russia in terms of Ukraine and the American sanctions.
But in the long term, there's a much bigger play at work here, which is to attack economics, period, to go after economics itself.
The idea of attaining wealth, having personal rights and sovereignty, that's under attack because that will be transitioned into the notion of the universal basic income, some version of Fed coin or a universal basic digital coin, which will be a centralized blockchain.
Nothing wrong with blockchains.
There's different ones.
There's decentralized things like Bitcoin.
And then there's centralized things that are problematic.
You notice Klaus in the World Economic Forum a few years ago, maybe two years ago, put out a list of their top cryptos that they think would be perfect for world adoption because of their centralization control mechanism.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
I want to remind you, too, if you're in the Orlando or the Florida area in general, you can come to my event.
I'll be doing another live event September 3rd in Orlando.
You can get the tickets over on my social media.
It's pinned on most of my social media.
Or underneath the videos on my YouTube channel, I have the links there to get the tickets.
There's a limited number of tickets and we've sold more than half, so there's only about a week or so before that event.
We had a great event in Nashville.
We had a huge crowd show up.
120, 125, somewhere in there, which for me was a great number.
We had a lot of fun.
We had about seven hours of live discussion.
Lectures, talks.
There'll be more people at the Orlando event.
We'll be discussing Renaissance art and symbolism.
We'll be discussing my new book about philosophy and symbolism.
We'll be covering Plato.
We'll be covering logic.
We'll be covering apologetics, atheism, debates, etc.
My beautiful wife Jamie will be lecturing on Hollywood and the occult.
So it's going to be a lot of fun and we'll do a book signing too.
So go get your tickets at the links on the website or on my social medias.
Now we were talking about the signs that were under siege to get us to the end goal of the global technocratic government.
And so in order to get us there, you got to break the existing system.
You got to explode it from within by design.
What's the best way to do that?
Is it to Force it down everybody's throat to crush the existing system overly?
No, no, it's to let it fall apart and foster the forces of chaos and decay from within by design.
That's how this system, that's the key to understanding what's going on.
So we just talked about collapsing the currency to bring in the UBI, to utilize the fiat system to run up the debt, the derivatives bubbles, the housing bubbles, all of these bubbles that are intentionally created.
Which eventually, over time, have to give way.
You can't run up infinite debt, right?
What's the national debt?
Trillions and trillions of dollars?
You can't do that and expect the system to continue working.
Eventually, it's going to fall apart.
And everybody knows that since we've gone away from sound money, hard money, we're just kicking the can down the road.
And the more that they print, the more inflation, the more stimulus checks that they give out, the worse it is down the road.
I remember when I was a kid, I remember thinking, well, if you can always just get credit cards, like, why don't people just get keep getting different credit cards and then just charging everything?
And you could basically just live your entire life on infinite credit cards.
And then you die and who cares, right?
Maybe you die with $50 million credit card debt, but who cares because you're dead.
So, I mean, that was like a goofy thing.
I remember thinking about it as like a 10-year-old, but that's actually the way our country runs.
Okay, so it makes no sense.
That's really how they think.
Oh, he could just keep printing more.
And like the top economists tell you that, right?
They actually say things like, we can just print more money.
And it's hard to know.
Are they that dumb or are they actually malicious and know that that will eventually destroy the country and destroy the economy?
I mean, who knows, right?
But we know that from the elite perspective, they're not dumb.
They know that the world runs on giant scams.
I just did a talk the other day on my YouTube channel.
If you didn't see it, go watch it.
It was a good three hour fun dive we did on the top scams.
I think I did top 10 or 15 scams and how the whole world is really run on concentric circles of scams.
One of the best ways to see that is, in fact, the currency fiat system.
Next up is increasing controls that, especially through the so-called chaos and pandemic and the fear, oh, got to scare the crap out of everybody, now all the controls that were seized, government controls, corporate controls, Oh no, now you don't get any of that back.
Even though everybody who questioned the last two years, everybody who questioned Fauci, everybody who questioned all that was right, even though we were all right, all of the power grabs that occurred, now you don't get any of that back.
And that's what everybody who was a quote conspiracy theorist said, warned about.
They're never going to give you back these liberties that they're taking under the guise of emergency powers.
It was all a scam.
From the get-go.
And this is what we said the whole time.
I did a video about how the Coronka virus and the whole thing was about economic integration, consolidation, and taking over.
That was it.
Now, I mean, you had other goals down the road.
And how did I know that?
Did I know that because of what was in this document?
It was in lockstep, right?
They said in the first scenario that government will be heavy-handed.
They will seize tremendous amounts of power.
And they will do it in order to provoke the people.
Do you hear what I'm saying?
They're telling you that the intention was to make you mad, to provoke you, so that you do what?
Well, it could be to get you to do crazy stuff, right?
A kind of provocateur, agent provocateur type of thing, but it actually more likely is to get you to clamor and call out for their solution, problem, reaction, solution.
They cause the problem, they get you to react, then they give you the prepackaged solution.
The whole thing.
That's how the whole system works.
And if you can't figure that out, you will constantly be gaslit and abused by the system.
So tighter bureaucracy, tighter controls, which SPARS document and lockstep documents talked about, causing the public to cry out for their savior.
But the savior is the system's package salvation, which is just deeper into the control matrix and the control chaos.
more top-down control.
Remember the...
remember... I think I'm member-based.
Remember the, uh, situation with masks, right?
We get caught early on.
Oh, masks don't work.
Oh, actually, they do work.
Oh, but you have to wear them because they don't work, but it's a sign of social conformity.
And then it just got more and more ridiculous with the masks.
Put them on in your house.
Wear two masks.
Wear three masks.
Wear them when you're alone on the webcam.
So that you don't hurt people's, just crazy stuff.
So did acquiescing make anything better?
No, the more you gave in, the more you were abused.
It's like a relationship, right?
With an abusive guy or whatever.
And the girls are always like, I can make him better.
I can fix him.
I can change him.
And then it just gets worse and worse and worse and worse.
You're not going to fix Big Daddy Corporate Government.
They're not going to start being nice to you because you keep going along with crazy, nonsense rules.
And the nonsense, crazy rules are a form of psychological warfare too.
Do you understand that?
That's key to understand.
They even said, what was it, the Harvard study, right?
They even said, The requirements about the mask and all this and the social distancing aren't about health.
They're about conformity and psychological warfare and breaking people down.
That's what they said.
It was in the Canadian government's admissions and it's in the NATO psychological warfare document because the Canadian government was running on the NATO PSYOP documents in their strategy for pushing these things.
Next up, getting through these before the segment ends.
Can't even read my notes here.
Food attack!
Attack the food.
That's a key part of siege, right?
You're holed up in your castle.
We gotta make sure that they don't get their deliveries of giant ham hocks and meats.
Can't get your goblets and your meats.
If you're the king in the castle, you've got to be starved out.
So not just starvation, but attack on the logistics of the food supply.
The mainline diet of the American itself is a psychological warfare attack.
It's garbage, what most people eat.
When you go in the grocery store, all the stuff that is in the middle of the grocery store is not food.
All the stuff that's on the outside ring, that's the food.
The meats and this kind of stuff.
So the diet itself has been an attack for years, the corporate diet.
Now it's getting even crazier because you're going to eat bugs and or you're going to eat human meat.
So, no more cows, because cows destroy the environment, supposedly.
All that is, is an attack on your diet.
In fact, all the global elites, whether it's Charles Galton Darwin, Burson Russell, H.G.
Wells, they all have chapters on food, controlling and taking over the food supplies to not just starve people out, but transition them into diets that genetically change them.
That's how crazy it is.
Food attack.
Is that one of them?
Yes, so we're under siege.
Media censorship, control, toxic culture.
Another key thing.
Flood the culture with degenerate art, so-called.
It's not actually art, it's just a weapon.
That's it.
And a large portion of the pop music, a large portion of the movies, the video games, the media, is 100% just a toxic warfare attack on you.
That's it.
That's all it exists to do is to toxify your mind, to poison you.
With various lies and mind viruses.
Not everything, but a large portion of it.
Next up, halt innovation, bring in austerity.
The push towards you not having a home, you not owning anything.
The circular economy, you rent everything, including your clothes.
There are people pushing this now.
You won't even own your own clothes.
You won't own books.
You will live in a pod and rent everything.
Bring in total austerity.
Tiny living being pushed amongst millennials and zennials, right?
Gen Z or whatever.
We are under siege.
So the last one.
Staged fear.
Expect more events.
Totally intended to just create fear so that we capitulate and so that we all cry out for salvation from the shadowy elites that actually engineer the chaos.
They'll blame the politicians, and it will run to them for an international salvation.
I've heard it thousands and thousands of times, and I know you have as well.
Why don't more people stand up for freedom?
Why don't more people fight the globalists and their tyranny?
And the answer is, when you fight them, they come after you.
And the enemies of freedom have come after Infowars.
They've come after us.
They're doing everything they can to shut us down.
And they're on national television saying we want to shut Alex Jones down.
Because they see us as populist, which we are.
They see us as the archetypal example of people that aren't bowing to them.
I don't care if you're black, white, old, young or where you came from in America or anywhere else in the world.
These globalists hate the general public and they hate men more than anything because men historically have been the ones during times of tyranny to rally to the evil and say no.
And that's why they're coming after us with everything they've got.
So when you ask, why doesn't somebody stand up against this evil?
The answer is because most people don't want to take the attacks.
But now it's become clear that submitting to the attacks is way more dangerous and way more sickening.
Than fighting them.
Going along with slavery, especially during the endgame, is worse than death.
It was Zapata, the great Mexican revolutionary, that said it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees as slaves.
But I want to go one further.
You actually die on your knees.
You live on your feet!
I'm not fighting these people because it's some lost cause and it's just the right thing to do.
I'd do that if it was the case.
I'd do it because I believe in you and I know we can beat these people, but I need you to believe in yourself.
So at this critical juncture, while the enemies of humanity are doing everything they can to try to silence you and your family, It is more important than ever that you spread the word about InfoWars and about the reports and the guests we have because they fear us for a good reason.
We've got their number and we know how to beat them.
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We want you to love them.
We want you to come back and get them.
They took our sponsors away more than a decade ago.
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