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Name: 20220816_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 16, 2022
2386 lines.

In this podcast, Alex Jones discusses various news topics including potential military confrontation between Russia and the US, the FBI's raid on Mar-a-Lago, and attempts to control children's lives. He also talks about his book "The Great Reset" and urges listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing products from their store. Roger Stone discusses his arrest by the FBI, which involved 29 heavily armed agents storming his home in a raid that cost taxpayers $1.1 million. He questions why such tactics are only used against conservatives. Stone and his wife agree to pay the IRS $2 million in assessments; he urges people to visit the Stone Defense Fund website if they wish to help them financially. He states that every month their legal expenses exceed their combined living and medical costs. Cassidy Hutchinson, a former White House aide, testifies about false connections between Trump's White House and extremist groups. Liz Cheney criticizes her understanding of events and her family history. She argues for equal treatment for Sal Greco, who was terminated from the NYPD due to uncompensated security provided to a convicted felon. The speaker discusses their experience with Super Blue and Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula products, available on infowarstore.com. They interview former NYPD officer Sal Greco, who lost his job due to the actions of woke progressives in the department. Greco plans to file a 25 million dollar lawsuit against the NYPD for unequal treatment compared to other officers. Roger Stone calls for Eric Adams, current mayor of New York City, to be compelled to testify as an ex-NYPD officer rather than the Mayor of New York. He promotes the book "The Great Reset" and a product called BioPros, available at Infowars Store and Bio Pros website.

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We're closer to nuclear war than we've ever been.
But I believe the globalists before that happens are going to do a major cyber attack.
I've seen their pre-programming and brainwashing and claim that some rogue terror group did it.
Or the Russians.
All I can tell you is my spider sense It has never been this intense.
On a scale of 1 to 10, it's 5,000.
It's broken the gauge.
I sense absolute destruction, but we can still avert it.
Stay with us.
It's Tuesday, August 16th, the year of the American dream.
You found it.
It's in the spirit.
Infowars. Tomorrow's news today.
Russia has made its most direct and chilling statements yet concerning the fact that they may engage in direct military
confrontation with the United States and NATO.
Story is on Infowars.com.
Another report by Paul Joseph Watson with other similar quotes out of the Russian government.
Nuclear war between the U.S.
and Russia would wipe out at least 5 billion people.
Two-thirds would die from the starvation of the destruction of industrial society, but the globalists are already shutting down our industrial society as well.
Yuval Noah Yuval Harari, the chaplain of the Daibos Group, their spiritual leader has come out and said we don't need the majority of humans.
In fact, I'm going to play just a short segment of him, it's audio only, recorded inside a TED Talk just a few days ago.
And we'll go to break and come back with all the huge news today.
But here they are telling you that you're obsolete, that you're not essential.
Here he is.
But I think part of what is going on, on maybe a deeper level of the human mind, is that people sense A lot of people sense that they are being left behind and left out of the story, even if their material conditions are still relatively good.
In the 20th century, what was common to all the stories, the liberal, the fascist, the communist, is that the big heroes of the story were the common people.
Not necessarily all people, but if you lived, say, I don't know, in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, life was very grim.
But when you looked at the propaganda posters on the walls that depicted the glorious future, you were there.
You looked at the posters which showed steelworkers and farmers in heroic poses, and it was obvious that this is the future.
Now, when people look at the posters on the walls or listen to TED Talks, they hear a lot of, you know, these big ideas and big words about machine learning and genetic engineering and blockchain and globalization, and they are not there.
They are no longer part of the story of the future.
And I think that if I, again, this is a hypothesis, if I try to understand and to connect to the deep resentment of people in many places around the world, part of what might be going there is people And they are correct in thinking that, that the future doesn't need me.
You have all these smart people in California and in New York and in Beijing, and they are planning this amazing future with artificial intelligence and bioengineering and global connectivity and whatnot, and they don't need me.
So maybe if they are nice, they will throw some crumbs my way, like universal basic income.
But it's much worse psychologically to feel that you are useless than to feel that you are exploited.
So talk about this because this is one of the key ideas that you have been extremely articulate about.
Talk about how you see technology shifting how things work and actually realizing those fears or risking realizing those fears even more deeply than you think people feel.
So, on one level, it's the economic and military realities.
If you go back to the middle of the 20th century, and it doesn't matter if you're in the United States with Roosevelt, or if you're in Germany with Hitler, or if you're in the USSR with Stalin, and you think about building the future, then your building materials are those millions of people who are working hard in the factories, in the farms, the soldiers, you need them.
You don't have any kind of future without them.
And now fast forward to the early 21st century, when we just don't need the vast majority of the population.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this August 16th, Tuesday, worldwide transmission.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We have several big guests today.
Roger Stone is going to be responding to the latest developments with another special guest he's going to have joining us with the Mar-a-Lago raid that has blown up in the establishment's face.
We are going to be looking at the huge announcements by Russia threatening nuclear war and direct clash with the United States.
What experts are laying out there.
We got big developments on the move to confuse our children and have the state take over the direction of their reproductive lives and how humanity is waking up and fighting back against that.
We have so much that we're going to be laying out and breaking down here today.
I also intend to open the phones up.
What I think is best for me to do right now is to simply read to you some of the headlines, then we'll drill back into these in more details.
Russia warns of direct clash with the U.S.
Nuclear war between the U.S.
and Russia could wipe out 5 billion people.
Over a dozen FBI whistleblowers have come to Congressman Jordan after raid on Mar-a-Lago.
DOJ Begs Judge to Keep the Details of the Mar-a-Lago Raid Secret.
Biden's DOJ Opposes Release of Underlying Epidemic for FBI Mar-a-Lago Raid.
Roger Stone Responds to Mar-a-Lago Raid and FBI Seizure of His Pardon Documents.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
He also seized Trump's passports.
The attempt to prosecute Donald Trump is unleashing more than our political system can handle and threatens civil war.
And it goes on and on and on.
We don't believe you.
Mises Institute president rips establishment GOP's response to the raid.
If the FBI taught us anything this week, it's that no one is above the law, you know, unless they're crossing the border illegally.
Leading 33,000 classified emails are riding their way to 2 billion in damages and 42 deaths, mostly peaceful protest.
Normie Law Professor started his tweets, had the best take on Mar-a-Lago raid.
Democrats never accept that Trump was the president.
He was seen more classified information than all but a few living people.
But they can't accept Trump was the president, so it just feels wrong for him to have the documents, even though Obama does as well.
Media again takes a big hit after they had to return Trump's passports.
I guess those are nuclear secrets, too.
Trump sends a cryptic message to Merrick Garland before a warrant was unsealed.
The country's on fire.
What can I do to reduce the heat?
They called that a threat.
Meanwhile, the Daily Beast is the headline.
Americans are too pampered and neurotic to fight a civil war, even though there is a civil war being directed by the left against free humanity.
Now let's get into these key stacks of news.
Boston Children's Hospital.
Children know they're trans the minute they're born and the hospital will make the designation and then basically take their lives over making sure they get sterilized later.
What a cult.
The people are fighting back.
London Sex Change Clinic for Kids shut down and sued by 1,000 families.
Where it all started?
The Tavistock Institute.
We're going to be drilling into this.
Roll Tide.
University of Alabama sororities unanimously reject membership for transgender applicant.
Major new scientific study.
Left-leaning men are more conservative after testosterone boosting.
And here's the study.
We'll actually be getting into that some today.
Then it continues into this key stack.
Minneapolis Teachers Union contract calls for layoffs of white teachers.
Minneapolis Teachers Union demands white teachers get fired first.
That is simply incredible.
But the next level of this takeover, we have all of those actual documents.
Then we've got this incredible stack.
We just don't need the vast majority of the population.
Top WEF advisor, Harari.
Germany could face power grid collapse due to soaring demand for electric heaters, but they've got an answer.
Wait till you hear what the answer is.
Robot control of all devices in your house.
Smart meters.
Told you that was coming 20 years ago.
It was in their plans.
Study claims more kids are fat because of global warming, not because of sedentary lifestyles.
And you will eat the bugs.
They're officially rolling out all over the West, from England to the US to Germany.
Cricket protein powder.
And in some stores, that's all they say will be available.
Slipping the bugs in.
You will eat the bugs.
Major brands quietly slip insects into your food.
That is all coming up here today.
More on the economy, on what inflation's really doing.
Morgan says something a lot bigger than recession is coming.
That is a critical stack.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is just one small portion of what I will cover each article in some detail today.
Liz Cheney facing her reckoning tonight with the primary that she's sure to lose.
Polls show she'll probably lose by 50%.
But with election fraud, who knows?
They may give her 100% of the vote.
But all the numbers and on-the-street evidence shows massive loss for her.
And we're going to be getting into this stack that I told you yesterday I would be getting into.
More and more major insurance companies confirming what we can already see from the death statistic numbers from the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the European Union.
Massive, massive, multi-thousand percent increases in deaths between the age of 18 and 63, quote, working age, and even higher increases in people six and up who are starting to take the shots and
those 64 and older.
And then we have all the different funeral directors all over the world saying it's incredible.
The number of deaths has just exploded.
People go out to cemeteries where their family's buried, where you normally see five, six new graves a year at small
They'll be again with 95, 92.
It's all around you.
That's really the big issue is they rolled out the soft kill weapon
in front of everybody to test and see if they can get away with it.
It's all coming up and so much more today.
Now before we go any further, the corporate media is continuing to run with fake headlines that I have 400 million dollars.
I have $150 million.
I make $60 million.
None of it is true.
It's all lies.
And they're doing that because they don't want us to be able to appeal these kangaroo court judgments, and they don't want us to stay on air.
They've said their goal is to silence us first so they can, quote, silence you.
Take away our platform, quote, take us out.
They don't want money.
They're being financed, obviously, by the big billionaire club of globalists, the usual suspects.
The Bloombergs, the Soroses, the Bill Gateses of the world are heavily out there publicly and behind the scenes working to silence all of us.
That's why it's critical to take the live show feed from InfoWars.com forward slash show and band out video and share it on your email, your text messages, by word of mouth and say, here's the forbidden broadcast they don't want you to hear.
Tune in and actually see what he's really saying and why the establishment is so scared.
Share the articles once they're archived.
Share the videos once they're archived at InfoWars.com.
Post them to your site.
I don't care how you do it, just get the information out today because they wouldn't be trying to shut us down so desperately if they didn't know we've got the information together to expose them and stop them dead in their tracks.
And please, continue to go to infowarrestore.com.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna go to break.
We're going to come back and I'm going to launch first in to the latest on the botched FBI raid of Trump and the deep state's war against the electoral process in this country.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Welcome back to the broadcast that the enemies of freedom hate above all others.
Because it's a place where experts and callers and researchers and investigative journalists and freedom lovers come together to study what's actually really going on in the world.
What on earth really is going on?
Well, that's what we try to do here.
We try to get our best understanding of it and then try to build a future that's good for ourselves and our children and their children and children into the future.
We're on Team Humanity.
They're on Team Satan.
Thank you again for joining us on this live Tuesday broadcast.
You know, I was about to get into the FBI raid and all the big developments there and play some key clips, and I'm going to do that next segment.
But really, this is the biggest news, the situation with Russia and the deterioration and that proxy war in Ukraine.
I'm going to get to that in a moment.
But first, I want to just say something about where our country and the world itself is right now.
I've had really countless people on the street and people that I personally know and friends and family and old friends I haven't heard from in years call me and text message me and reach out and say, man, how are you handling all these attacks?
How are you handling all of this incredible demonization?
How are you doing it?
And I tell them, I say, I'm really handling it quite well.
The least of my problems are corrupt rig courts and groups that want to take me off the air.
That's a bad thing.
But on a scale of 1 to 10, it's about a 2.
Russia being in an open war with the United States and NATO that George Soros started.
Global food shortages, 65 plus million or 4 million people they estimated months ago have starved to death from the global lockdowns.
Extra on top of the normal, 15 million a year that starve to death.
They're preparing new lockdowns, new forced inoculations.
It's confirmed everywhere by mainline government reports and Pentagon reports and Pathology Association reports of Germany and major insurance company actuaries that what the hell's going on?
Why are there so many mass excess deaths?
We had experts on two years ago when this all started saying they were already seeing it.
Who'd actually predicted it.
People like the former head scientist at Pfizer went public.
Michael Yeadon.
But now we're living in it and we know it's happening.
So to my enemies out there that are trying to grind me down and break me down and make me give up, you don't even show up on the Richter scale.
But I will be honest with the audience, and I know you're in the same boat, I am spiritually exhausted.
I am extremely wounded.
And I am so sad for humanity, watching our fellow men, women, and children die from these injections and die from the bioweapon they released at Wuhan, and to know that it was only a beta test and the real attack's coming.
I am extremely upset.
And I am extremely torn.
And I'm not normally a torn person.
I am very decisive.
Of course, torn means you don't know what to do.
You're pulled in different directions.
I really love my children.
And I really love my family.
And I love my extended family.
And I think of this crew as my extended family.
I even worry about my ex-wife.
Even though she hates my guts.
And has been turned over to a total spirit of the left.
Because I understand that they are People like her captured victims of this spiritual morass.
But I am torn because I know that we've just been teed up for the real attack.
And the New World Order is telling us it's coming.
Power outages, cyber attacks, mass starvation, total collapse.
They say it's global warming.
We know it's them as the technocrats that actually control the levers of civilization that are doing this.
And so far they've just been testing our response as we go from beta into operations.
And so I am probably in the next few days going to take a week off and I'm not going to do a workcation and I'm not going to Do what I normally do when I take off.
I'm gonna take off and probably turn everything off and probably fast a couple days and exercise a lot and just try to meditate and decide what I should do.
Because when I say I'm torn, I'm not gonna stop this show.
But I physically, at a cellular level, at a gut level, know that I am facing annihilation.
And you are facing annihilation.
I can feel it.
I can see it.
I can taste it.
I can smell it.
And the level of danger is so intense, it's probably a hundred times any level of danger I've ever felt.
And what happens is the brain is, the subconscious mind is thousands of times more powerful than the conscious mind.
And it knows.
It can see all the information.
Even a dumb person is actually a genius if their subconscious is fully connected to their consciousness.
They were fully conscious of its intricate systems.
And so, all I'm getting at is that we're in grave danger.
You're in grave danger.
And that This whole decadent facade is being swept away by design and the fools that have gone along with it have no idea how much grave danger they're in.
They believe when the control collapse of the Great Reset that they're going to be in charge at the end of this when they're not going to be alive at the end of this.
And so I really think at the end of the day I can sit here and read all these articles and cover all this news and I will But I think the most important thing to do is just get right with God and really think about your spirit and your life and your family and what you stand for, and then really count the cost and decide what is it you're going to do to yourselves get prepared?
Because you've got to take care of yourself first, so you can then take care of others.
And then what is it we're all going to do to stand against this evil and to be the Paul Revere's that God wants us to be, to raise the alarm is watch men and watch women On the wall.
And that's really my message.
And I don't think you need me to tell you how dire the straits are.
And I've tried my best.
I can hold my head high and be thankful that we were visionaries and knew this was coming, but that's really not a consolation.
When we understand that it doesn't really matter at the end of the day if we don't mitigate what we're going into.
And we will mitigate it.
And humanity's got a fighting chance because of what you've done as listeners of this broadcast, and what countless others have done out there as well.
And I can tell you, there's a lot of really positive things to talk about as well.
I am just, anywhere I go in the country, mobbed.
Absolutely mobbed by supporters.
I mean, it's insane.
I am also not mobbed, but for every 10 hands I shake, I get an F you, I hope you die, or the worst person on earth.
And people get in my face and try to physically assault me in some cases.
And they'll sneak up on you in restaurants and start screaming at you in your ears, stuff like that.
And Again, I'm not even mad at these people, but because sometimes they startle me, I've got to consciously be conscious it could happen any second, or I'll respond back the way they want me to, and then that only contributes to the problems.
All right, we'll talk about Russia openly threatening nuclear war and saying they've taken their safeties off.
Straight ahead.
We have returned.
Thank you so much for tuning in to this Tuesday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Let me finish the point I was making before the break.
Because I meant to make it and I didn't really make it.
I want to put a bow on it and move on to the big news here.
And then your phone calls and so much more today.
I am torn because as a father, I want to protect my family.
And I know that by fighting the globalists at point-blank range with everything I've got, and being a populist fulcrum and beachhead, That it only makes my family that much more of a target.
But you see, that's the trick.
If you're scared of criticism and attacks, and if you roll over to bullies and tyrants, and criminals, and thugs and goons, then you're going to guarantee that you and your family are slaves, or even killed.
But if you take them head-on historically, That's how you build thriving, beautiful, strong, affluent civilizations with justice and security and peace.
And so I'm extremely honored to do that at a spiritual level and also at the front of my cerebral cortex in my intention.
But my flesh is weak.
And my flesh doesn't want to focus on the problems, doesn't want to take on the responsibilities, and also just wants to get my family and go to the middle of nowhere and be a farmer.
That's who my ancestors were, that's who most your ancestors were, and that's really what I like to do.
I like to get up at 4 a.m., I like to eat breakfast, I like to go out and do work, and I like to be done by noon, And then go visit family and hang out and do stuff till about 4 o'clock.
Go back and work a couple more hours, eat dinner.
Maybe play some cards.
And then go back out and do some work once the sun starts going down.
And that's really what I want to do.
But you know I can't do that.
I get high out in the woods.
Off nature.
I get high working in a field.
I get high splitting wood.
Or fishing.
I get high looking at the stars.
But instead I gotta look at Merrick Garland and Klaus Schwab.
And I'll do it!
And I gotta study all the evil crap they do.
And I gotta watch them kill our people.
I gotta watch him try to brainwash and destroy our children's futures.
And I'm not a victim, and I'm not complaining.
I'm simply telling you out there that I know why you don't want to engage these people, and I know why sometimes you want to tune out, and I'm right there with you.
But the children are under attack, and God's watching.
And I'm gonna tell you right now, and you know this deep in your gut, deep in your soul, you don't need me to tell you, but I'm gonna tell you, just in case you've been ignoring your spirit.
God's gonna cut us off if we don't take these evil people on.
The children that are in bondage and enslavement and pain around the world are crying out to God to deliver them.
And God works through us.
And if we ignore the cries of the children, And the prayers of the children.
And if we deny the Holy Spirit's directions, God is going to allow us to be destroyed.
And now let's hit these new articles.
This is directly from the Russians, Russia Today.
Russia warns of direct clash with the U.S.
and has been warning for months.
As the people running the U.S.
pour tens of billions of dollars every few months of weapons into Ukraine in the proxy war that George Soros brags he started eight and a half years ago.
Washington's behavior on the world stage risks direct conflict between nuclear states, the Russian embassy, and the U.S.' 's warrant.
Today the United States continues to act with no regard to other countries' security and interest.
Which contributes to an increase in nuclear risk, the embassy said in a statement on its telegram channel.
The US steps to further engage in a hybrid confrontation with Russia in the context of the Ukrainian crisis are fraught with unprecedented, unpredictable escalation and a direct military clash of nuclear powers.
Close quote.
The Embassy noted that Washington has recently withdrawn from two key arms control agreements, the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which banned certain classes of land-based missiles, the 1992 Treaty on Open Skies, which allowed for surveillance flights over each other's territories.
The Embassy urged the U.S.
to take a, quote, closer look at its own nuclear policy instead of making unfounded accusations against the countries whose worldviews do not coincide with American ones.
You're American once you mean globalist.
Our country faithfully fulfills its obligations as a nuclear weapon state and makes every effort to reduce nuclear risk, the diplomat said.
The statement comes after the U.S.
accused Moscow of using the nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine as cover for its soldiers.
The plant, the largest in Europe, was seized by Russian troops during the early stages of Moscow's military operations in Ukraine, which was launched in late February.
It controls and operates the Ukraine personnel under Russian control.
That story is on Infowars.com.
I suggest you read the rest of it.
Here's another one by Paul Joseph Watson, along the very same parallel.
Nuclear war between the US and Russia would wipe out 5 million people.
I think that's a very conservative number, because if the major cities and infrastructure get destroyed, The way civilization's set up, 9 out of 10 people live in a city.
Of the 10% that are rural, less than half are self-sufficient.
5% cannot take care of the 30 or 40% of people that are left after a nuclear war, even in the major strike zones.
I think you can imagine what that'll look like.
A zombie apocalypse would blush at what this will look like.
A new study has found that nuclear war between the United States and Russia would cause two-thirds of the planet to starve to death within two years.
The dire prognosis, which explained in modeling by Rutgers University, which found that 5 billion people would perish primarily as a result of nuclear detonations causing huge infernos that inject soot into the atmosphere, which blocks out the sun, devastating crops.
Even a small nuclear skirmish, such as between India and Pakistan, would likely lead to 2.5 million deaths within 24 months, reports The Telegraph.
The investigation found that in the event of a full, large-scale nuclear confrontation between the U.S.
and Russia, food production based on total calorie content would reduce 90% within three to four years of the conflict.
The team found that the outcome could be even worse, given that they didn't even include heating of the stratosphere, which would destroy the ozone layer and allow ultraviolet radiation to damage the surface of the planet, including crops.
The data tell us one thing, we must prevent a nuclear war from ever happening, said Alan Roebuck, Distinguished Professor of Climate Science in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers.
The world has come close to nuclear war several times, banning nuclear weapons is the only long-term solution, he added.
As we highlighted last month, the New York City Emergency Management Department released a PSA instructing residents what to do in the event of a nuclear attack, like tuning in to the local radio, which will be off the air, and the internet, which will be off.
The first of its kind since the late 60s.
A poll conducted at the invasion of Ukraine found that 8 out of 10 Americans were worried Biden's response could lead to nuclear war.
The article goes on from there.
We're closer to nuclear war than we've ever been.
But I believe the globalists, before that happens, are going to do a major cyber attack.
I've seen their pre-programming and brainwashing and claim that some rogue terror group did it.
Or the Russians.
All I can tell you is my spider sense has never been this intense.
On a scale of 1 to 10, it's 5,000.
It's broken the gauge.
I sense absolute destruction, but we can still avert it.
Stay with us.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
Surging with human resistance, empowered by God.
Waging war on the New World Order.
Crashing the lies and disinformation.
Thank you for joining us on this Tuesday transmission.
Now when I talked into the last segment about looking intellectually, politically, culturally at all the news, but spiritually having the greatest concern I've ever had for the future of humanity.
It's like being at the edge of a cliff.
Your body says don't go any further, it's dangerous.
Just because we all feel that, and see that, doesn't mean we have to go over the edge of the cliff.
We can pull back together.
And so many people that serve evil are unconscious to what they're even part of, and they feel the doom, they feel the fear, and they openly say, That it's the conspiracyists, the conspiracy theorists, they make up all these new compound words, that are causing the problems of the world because we're opposing their agenda.
Because we oppose the transgenderism, and the open borders, and the devaluation of currencies, and the forced inoculations.
We're the problem because we're not going along with the utopia.
That's why we're in so much danger.
And you see Beto O'Rourke and AOC and all of them, Al Gore, saying the world's going to end in 10 years.
And then 10 years passes, it doesn't end, they go, it's going to end in another 10 years.
But they're the ones trying to undermine the infrastructure and bragging they're creating the post-industrial world.
They're the ones consolidating control.
They're the ones creating the deadly super viruses and releasing them and then telling us, oh it's your fault because of global warming.
No, it's because of the Wuhan bio weapons lab and Fauci and the rest of them.
And so I was sitting here during the break and I was just thinking, man, I got to get more prepared.
I've got to spend, you know, 90% of my time on air fighting the tyranny, trying to hold it back.
But I need to do a better job personally getting my family and myself ready, because they could cut the power off at any time.
They're already slowly doing it.
They could launch a new war at any time.
It's that serious.
So we can hope to fix this, but we've also got to get emergency plans.
Just like they got emergency exits in a hotel, or just like you know where the fire extinguishers are, or you got, you know, a gun in the bookcase in case somebody home invades you.
You don't want those things to happen, but you need to admit that's what's happening.
There's an all-out war by ruthless corporate interests and their minions against free, open society.
Now, I'm gonna open the phones up.
In the second hour to cover any issue you want, any topic you want to cover.
We don't censor your calls.
We don't screen your calls other than to make sure your phone's clear and that you've got a point you want to make.
You can agree.
You can disagree.
And in fact, I want to just do a demonstration here.
I was thinking I want to take calls today, but what topic do I think is most important?
And there's two that come to mind.
Should I say I'm only taking calls that disagree, so you can actually hear what our enemies sound like?
It's entertaining, it's interesting, it's informative sometimes.
But is that the most important call to take?
When I give a topic out, which I do occasionally, I guess it's a form of screening calls, I just like to hear what you have to say.
I think it's interesting.
Most of the time, it's a free-for-all.
When I say we don't screen your calls, we don't screen the content of your opinion or your view, because I find it super interesting.
And even Most Talk Radio, one of the few bastions of free speech that's left, does basically, whether it's liberal or conservative, spin it the way they want it to go.
That's not what we do here.
I really want to hear what you have to say.
So let's do this.
Let's split the baby next hour.
Two topics I'd like you to call in on.
You can have any view you want.
Just have a clean phone.
But two topics I want to hear from you on.
You disagree with me?
I want to hear from you.
Anything you want to say, you can say it as long as you don't cuss.
My enemies.
I want to hear from you.
And then I want to hear, at the same time, Your experience with the so-called COVID-19 vaccines, whether they be vector virus, or virus vector, or mRNA gene therapy shots?
I want to hear from you, your experience with the shots, your family's experience, because we don't screen your calls on this.
And in the last few years, we probably did 15 shows like this, and I subconsciously quit doing them because they were too upsetting.
We could take 100 phone calls.
My mom died.
My brother died.
My son died.
Oh, my God, I got blood clots all over my body.
They made me take the shot.
I mean, not one person called in and thought they were good shots.
They could have called in.
They didn't.
We'll see today if they do.
So people that disagreeing or got a beef with them full wars and folks that want to tell your story about the vaccine and boy if you thought it was great and you thought it did great things for you like it did for Joe Biden's wife who's had five shots and is sick for the third time, or Joe Biden's had four shots but is sick five times, or everybody else who takes the shots and gets so sick.
Maybe those people out there that the shot really helped you, maybe you actually exist!
Okay, here's your chance.
Leftists want to come up and scream at me on the street and all the rest of it or throw coffee on my head?
Well, here's your chance to do it right to my face in front of millions of people.
In case you're a new listener and can't write that down fast enough, let me say it one more time for you.
877-789-ALEX. In case you're a new listener and can't write that down fast
enough let me say it one more time for you. 877-789-2539.
And I'll get to this horrific stack. Because they're not killing us with nuclear
weapons, they're killing us with soft kill, slow kill, biomechanical nanotech
weapons known as the COVID-19 gene therapy shots.
That's all coming up next hour and we'll also get into the Mar-a-Lago raid that has definitely blown up at the establishment's face.
And so now what are they going to do?
Well, they'll typically double down and do something even more crazy, which is even more dangerous.
They already started a war with the Russians.
That didn't end well for Napoleon or Hitler.
We've taken your calls on all those fronts.
But what I was going to get to earlier as I was sitting here during the break, thinking, man, I need to, I need to personally get ready.
And I'm also thinking about we've got to get funds because we're maxed out.
We've got to have appeals, we've got to have bonds with all these rigged court cases.
We're not going to give up.
It's a very doable thing, but we need your financial support, plus we have great products you already need.
And I was thinking, why haven't I in like a month promoted storable food?
We've got high quality, the best in the nation, my Patriot Supply, ready to ship to you at the lowest prices out there at preparetoday.com.
Or preparewithalex.com takes the same place.
The prices haven't gone up.
And the MyPatriot folks run this.
It's a site they built for us.
So it's all streamlined.
So you go to the head of the line.
You want the fastest delivery of food.
Most of the time it ships within two days.
of your order, if you do some specialty orders, they gotta pack it fresh, it might take a week
to ship it out to you, but it's ready to ship, unlike a lot of other food suppliers out there.
It's the highest quality food for the price.
Could you pay five times more and get food even better?
Yeah, but this is what I've chosen for my family for the price, it's the best you're gonna get.
PrepareToday.com, PrepareToday.com, made right here in the US, packed here in the US,
five warehouses around the country, ready to ship to you right now.
And with all that's going on in the world, this is insurance you can eat, this is a no-brainer, everybody should get storable food now while you still can.
I told you two and a half years ago, there'd be food shortages and massive inflation, because that's what the great reset globalists said they would do.
And it's only going to get more intense from here on out.
So while you can get food at today's prices, and then it lasts more than a decade, you will do nothing but increase your investment, a preparedness to take care of yourself and your family, or sell it to folks down the road, and you will beat inflation that way.
I think it's a no-brainer to say there's no way prices are going down, they're only going up.
But we're not raising prices yet.
PrepareToday.com and please go to InfoWarStore.com for amazing products like Vitamin Mineral Fusion, so critical for your immune system, and Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, the strongest turmeric out there.
95% Humanoid is back in stock, discounted at InfoWarStore.com or call toll free for the Body's or the Supramel Vitality or the X2 or the Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 888-253-3139.
We can keep fighting this fight, but we need funds to do it, so we sell products you need that keep us on air.
A 360 win, a symbiotic relationship, and I thank you all for your support.
All right, we'll be right back with hour number two, your phone calls, and so much more.
This is going to be very informative.
Alex Jones is patient zero for alternative facts.
Do you understand what I have said?
I believe what I said was true.
Yes, you believe everything you say is true, but it isn't.
Your beliefs do not make something true.
That is what we're doing here.
There's going to be a large set of plaintiffs who are going to be dividing up the corpse of Infowars in the bankruptcy estate.
The InfoWars audience has mobilized and awakened the world to the threat that is globalism.
And with your continued support, we will keep going.
Join us now and support the InfoWar.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the InfoWar and say, "I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you ought to fight!"
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Is AI Satan's surveillance system?
Lambda, or Language Model for Dialogue Applications, is Google's artificially intelligent chatbot generator which mimics speech by ingesting trillions of words from the internet in Google's massive database.
Earlier this year, self-proclaimed mystic and occultist Blake Lemoyne claimed that the chatbot had become sentient, meaning it was able to perceive or feel things beyond its problem-solving programming.
While working as an engineer for Google, Lemoyne talked with Lambda for hours on end to test if the AI used hate speech.
After he claimed the chatbot was sentient and presented his evidence from their conversations, Blake was placed on administrative leave by Google for violating its confidentiality policy.
He was told that there was no evidence that Lambda was sentient, and in fact, there was evidence against it.
Was Google trying to hide the truth?
Or was Lemoyne just wrong?
Is creating a sentient artificial intelligence even possible?
And if it is, what are the risks associated with this creation?
The so-called artificial intelligence essentially pulls data from a massive cache of digital information that Google feeds it from its servers, and calculates responses by synthesizing the data into an answer based on the question posed to it.
If all of the data mined from the internet, including personal information, is used by Google to build their AI mind, then is artificial intelligence simply an extension of surveillance?
Israeli professor and New World Order prophet Yuval Noah Harari believes AI draws its power from this data collection surveillance.
I think the most important thing to know about living in the 21st century is that humans are now hackable animals.
its self-synthesized algorithms.
I think the most important thing to know about living in the 21st century
is that humans are now hackable animals.
To hack a human being means to understand that human better than he or she understand themselves.
You know, we'll soon have the power to re-engineer our bodies and brains,
whether it is with genetic engineering or by directly connecting brains to computers
or by creating completely non-organic entities.
Artificial intelligence, which is not based at all on the organic body and the organic brain.
And these technologies are developing at breakneck speed.
What we have seen so far, it's corporations and governments collecting data about where we go, who we meet, what movies we watch.
The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin.
To hack a human being is to get to know that person better than they know themselves.
And based on that, to increasingly manipulate you.
Whether or not AI becomes sentient or can become sentient seems to be a distraction from the main danger point.
We are being surveilled and controlled by algorithms designed by our own personal data, which is mined by Google and other big tech companies.
Just as God knows our thoughts and deeds, a false omniscience is being built all around us as a snare in Satan's worldly influence.
Although Satan can't know our minds like God does, he has always wanted to be like the Most High.
And in his attempts to gain that power, he's used principalities in high places to build a platform for his total surveillance system of humanity.
So beware of the AI algorithm, and try not to step into Satan's snare.
This is Brian Wilson with InfoWars.com [Music]
All right, we've got a state rep joining us in the third hour today
who made national headlines for calling for the FBI to be abolished.
Well, a lot of people are calling for that, and it absolutely needs to happen.
All these permanent bureaucracies like the EPA and the FDA that are out of control, that are making law outside of Congress, they should be abolished.
That's coming up.
Next hour, this hour, Boston Children's Hospital.
Children know they're trans the minute they were born.
That's coming up.
The Minneapolis Teachers Union says fire white teachers.
It's insane.
We've got a lot of big developments on the raid on Mar-a-Lago.
They had to now turn back over Trump's passport to him.
That's all coming up.
Trump two days ago said they took my passport.
And the media said, you're a liar.
And then now they've given him his passport back.
Just crazy.
There's a lot of good news, though.
Every major primary race that's happened shows pro-America Trumpist candidates, who are way more hardcore than even Trump, winning by massive margins going into the main midterm election in 84 days.
We're going to be discussing all that as well.
Now, if you just joined us, let me recap.
At the end of the last hour, I gave the number out and I said, we're taking calls on two subjects.
I'm not screening or censoring what you say.
I just want you to be on those two topics.
And that is people that disagree with me.
I want to hear why you do and what your view is, because that's interesting and informative, I think.
And folks giving us your take on the so-called COVID shots, whether it's the virus vector shots, J&J or whether it is the mRNA gene therapy injections of
Pfizer and Moderna we're taking your calls well the phones loaded up and
I see One caller so far that disagrees and that's Michael
In Florida and surprise surprise
you can imagine what they want to talk about and and what it is they want to criticize me for.
The mind control is strong.
It's Sandy Hook, of course.
They put into evidence 24 minutes of video of me over the last decade talking about Sandy Hook.
And then they claimed our whole operation is about that.
Well, many of you have been listening for more than a decade, and you know that it's something we hardly ever talk about unless it's responding to them attacking us saying, stop saying children didn't die.
But that's all they've got.
We didn't lie about WMDs in Iraq.
We didn't dissolve the border in human traffic.
We're not doing drag queen pedophile time.
We didn't start a war in Ukraine.
But when I'm out in Austin, Texas or Omaha, Nebraska this weekend visiting my wife's family, I probably had 30 people come up to me, I
probably shook 400 hands, but I had about 30 or so people come up and say, "How dare you
leave those kids alone?"
It's like the Pink Floyd song, "Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone."
And I'm like, it's like they're so childlike.
They can't understand.
The media went back and blew that up when Hillary ran on it as a campaign issue.
Alex Jones and Sandy Hook.
It was to do with Trump.
And they're the ones blowing it up.
And then it's the way to say, I'm immoral.
Everything I say and do is bad.
And they just feel so good when they confront you.
Like, how dare you?
How dare you question WMDs in Iraq?
How dare you question Jussie Smollett?
How dare you question so many of these hate crimes that turn out to be staged?
Yes, I question everything, because we've been lied to so much, and I'm not ashamed of questioning.
And I love the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Associated Press, all of them said two weeks ago, and I testified and said, I've said for years I believe your children died.
I never said your names.
But if it hurts you that I question things, I believe your children died, I'm sorry.
And the headlines were, Jones FINALLY admits it happened.
Wow, what a deception.
Lying on purpose.
But that's the left.
They want the moral superiority to lecture to us we're bad.
And let's hear from one of them right now.
Michael in Florida, go ahead.
Hello, hey Alex, how's it going?
Good, go ahead.
Hey, I just wanted to tell you, I hate to disappoint, but I disagree with you in the fact that you admitted That children actually died in Sandy Hook.
It was a movie, it was fake, and everybody knows it.
Anybody can go on Bitchute and watch a documentary called, Let's Talk About Sandy Hook.
Nobody died, they were actors.
And another thing that I disagree with you is, maybe you shouldn't take such a long break from doing what you're doing, because the world really needs you right now.
And I also wanted to say, be careful who you trust around you.
With your lawyers, I heard they were giving out information.
You should make sure to be very weary of anybody around you during this time because the deep state will sink into every facet of your life.
And I salute you and I think that you're doing a great job, man.
God bless you.
Listen, if I thought Sandy Hook didn't happen, I would say it.
And there's been times that I thought it might not have happened.
I said it.
I didn't say it for ratings.
I didn't say... I don't do that.
I say what I really think.
The first few years, I thought it happened, but there was a cover-up of what went on, and we know that happened.
Then I said, I think it probably didn't happen.
And long before they sued me, I said I thought it happened.
And that's the facts.
And it's certainly been the lawyers of the Democratic Party that used those dead kids to attach themselves to me to keep gun control in the news and to use Sandy Hook to now kill the First Amendment.
They're trying to use it as a magic talisman to not just get rid of the Second Amendment, but also the First.
So, yes, I've gotten a lot of criticism from listeners who think it didn't happen.
And that is your right as a free human being to believe that.
And don't ever let them take away your right to believe whatever it is you want to believe.
Certainly, these people, these judges and people are not the arbiters of truth and they're not there to tell us what's true and what's not.
And anybody telling you that you can't think for yourself is a cult leader or somebody trying to make you be in their cult.
It's that simple.
But, I love how I thought he would actually disagree with me on that.
And he was disagreeing from the other perspective, but I mean, I get what you're saying.
All right, I'm going to try to get to more calls now and not just spend five minutes with each caller.
We've got to get to everybody here today.
Again, questioning the death of children in a mass shooting.
The head of the state police in Texas says they've been lied to at every level about Givaldi and they don't know what really happened.
And there was a drill happening there.
The mayor says there's a cover-up.
So people have a right to then believe whatever they want.
If there's a total cover-up, it's normal to say, well then, maybe it's this, maybe it's that.
Because they lie so much.
I don't apologize for questioning things.
I have said to diffuse the situation, if you are hurt by me questioning things, I'm sorry.
And then, of course, at that point, the media was deceptive and said he finally said he thought people died there.
David in New York disagrees as well.
We'll give him two minutes.
I'm going to go to break.
And then we're going to come back with everybody on what's happened with the COVID shot.
David in New York, go ahead.
Hey, brother.
Your information is great, but I think people are saturated with information and need a different emphasis.
January 6th was the answer.
On January 7, Trump and everyone else should have been saying, you guys did a great job.
You should stay here until the deep state gives you what you want.
So I appreciate your information.
It's great.
But until people organize, I think we've got a very difficult road.
Well, they're definitely scared of people organizing.
That's why they demonized a million people for the thousand or so that went to the Capitol, most of them peaceful as well.
But were you there on January 6th, David?
Yes, I was, sir.
You were?
Well, then you have a right to say that.
You have a right to have that opinion.
I think it blew up on our face.
But, I mean, what do you think we should have done?
I think on January 7th, Trump, well I think Trump should have said what you did was you did the right thing.
There were a few bad actors and you need to tell people that it's not okay to single out a couple dozen people for acting badly.
It's not okay.
A million and a half people were right and they deserve to be heard.
I think unity is the answer and not allowing these people to be singled out.
And Trump should not have sent people home.
He should not be fighting with Ron DeSantis.
He should have multiple targets and not be the only target.
Uh, unity and mass action, respectfully, the way Martin Luther King did it, is the only answer, in my opinion, sir.
Alright, well, very powerfully said, David, thank you so much.
Alright, Chris, Kathy, Eric, Lisa, Patty, Marcus, Evan, Kathy, Jason, stay with us, we'll be right back.
Waging war on corruption.
I remember 28 years ago first getting on air and reading all these globalist documents, their battle
plans, and I knew they were the world rulers.
I knew they were serious and I could see them pre-programming the public.
So I believe they might actually succeed.
But to now be 48 years old.
And I've been in this fight 28 years.
And to now be living in the beginning stages of it is just insane.
I know I'll be vindicated.
I've already been vindicated, but I don't care about that, because Vindication means destruction.
I want to stop this and have people say, look, it wasn't as bad as he said.
I would love that.
But that's not where we are.
All right.
Look, I did twin tracks here.
I said, if you disagree with me and you're a leftist, I want you to call in.
And if you want to talk about the so-called vaccine and whether you think it's good or bad or whether it did nothing to you, I want to hear from you.
And the callers calling in that disagreed is because I'm not hardcore enough.
And we'll get to your calls.
We're going to go to some of the people with their vaccine comments first.
And the order in the calls were received.
Chris in North Carolina, give us your view on what happened to you and your family.
Hey, Alex, thanks so much for taking my call.
I've been listening to you for seven years since I was out of college.
And I just wanted to call and give you my experience.
With observing my family's effects of the vaccine, all of my immediate family, my mom, my dad, my brother, as well as about 80% of my extended family, which is about 25 others, got the vaccine.
I would say most got the Pfizer vaccine.
I had two people in my family go to the hospital last year with strokes.
I have my dad who has continuous nosebleeds now since he had his third booster shot.
My wife who got the first two shots but did not get the booster.
has had irregular menstruation cycles since her second shot.
And by the way, you know there's literally like 50 studies or more, Mainline News admitting,
oh, it does mess up your menstrual cycle, no big deal.
Oh, it might give you cancer, but no big deal.
It's just insane how they're normalizing this murder.
Yeah, and what's so scary is Pfizer actually released what was called post-marketing material or study documents.
You can go find them on the web now that show what these side effects were
in the actual trials before.
And these documents were not released to the public, of course.
They were released after the public had been mass-inoculated.
And they were released after a judge ordered them to be released.
And if you look at the side effects, I mean, it is the most heinous.
And, and, you know, engineered side effects that you can get.
One of them, I think it was 4.9% of participants actually ended up getting COVID during these trials.
So how does a vaccine, quote unquote, which is more of a gene therapy, as we've learned, actually gives somebody the virus that it's meant to protect them from?
It makes no sense.
And I think if the public had this information, my family had this information, They would have changed their view and changed their opinion.
But the corporate media suppressed all these top scientists that did their job and tried to warn the public, making big tech and the corporate media complicit in these crimes against humanity.
Powerful call, Chris.
Thank you.
Kathy in Arizona, you're on the air.
Thank you, Kathy, for calling.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you.
I have a brief comment and then a question for you.
Yes, ma'am.
Yeah, I'm an anti-vaxxer.
Proud of it.
I did not take the death shot.
My brother took two plus the booster.
I sent him all kinds of information.
Anyway, that's another story, but I don't know what his health is like.
I just pray for him every day.
But I have a question.
I've been having nightmares about children, and you know, I feel so helpless like we all do.
These kids being trafficked and raped and murdered, and now I'm having dreams about being held down with these shots going into everybody.
I'm having them too.
That's because we're psychically connected.
It's very real.
And they're giving them to six month olds and up now.
And now the smallpox now.
Anyway, it's all just a fraud, lies, lies, BS, BS, distractions, distractions.
And I believe you in my heart and my soul what you're going through.
I know you're telling the truth.
And anyway, my question is, I woke up this morning and started praying to God.
And I said, you know, how can I... I try, believe me, I try all kinds of stuff.
And I wish you guys would put those stickers in your... when I ordered stuff.
I've passed so many of those out to people with InfoWars.
Well, we've been putting stickers in.
Are you not getting stickers?
No, no.
But I bought a whole bunch of them.
But anyway, my question is...
Who do you know in this world?
Because this is what God's message was to me.
He said, you've got to get the message out to someone that can put a stop to this mass genocide, especially the children, the innocent children.
Is there one person in this world that you know, if they got on the bullhorn today and said, uh, America, the world... And his name is Donald John Trump.
And as much as I hate the deep state targeting him, and as much as I, you know, like a lot of what he does, his still, he doesn't push it now.
He said a month ago, I can't say the V word.
At least he doesn't promote it now.
He needs, like, Bolsonaro to come out and say, I was lied to.
I'm sorry.
And it's Fauci's fault.
He needs to do that, and then stop it, because now they're targeting six-month-olds and up.
So that's why I'm in a paradox, because I want to support Trump.
And DeSantis is saying, don't give the shot to kids.
Trump must do this, or... I mean, I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
I'm not going to support Biden, my God, but I'm sorry, I can't support Trump if he doesn't do this.
I know, me too.
And I even talked to Pete Centilli this morning, because I listened to him at 5 in the morning.
I said, you know, I've got to get this message to Trump.
I can't get on the phone and call him.
And Pete actually said, you know, Mike Lindell talks to him.
And hopefully Mike Lindell will give him my message and you can get it to him or somebody.
The whole world could start.
I don't do any social media.
I hear you, Cathy, and I appreciate your call.
Listen, Trump's gotten the message from Don Jr., from me, from Roger Stone, from Mike Lindell, and everybody else.
Why do you think Trump's gone from promoting it to saying, well, I'm still proud of what I did, but I won't say the V word.
His strong point is he's pigheaded, so the deep state can't push him around.
But his weak point is he's pigheaded because he's been connected to this He got lied to.
He went along with it.
Bolsonaro said, I didn't try to make you take it, but I said it was okay at first.
I was wrong.
It hurts you.
It doesn't protect you.
It needs to stop.
So Trump needs to be like Bolsonaro.
I mean, I'm sorry, but Trump is Absolutely pissing me off.
I mean, I don't know how else to say it.
And as much as I don't like seeing fake raids on him, and as much as I know he means well, he has got problems.
And the good news is he's listening.
He's already to the point he isn't pushing the vaccines.
Now, Trump, disconnect yourself from this before it's too late.
We will forgive you, but do it now and save the children.
Now six-month-olds and up are being injected and they're dying, many of them.
Dammit, Trump, do the right thing now.
We'll be right back with your calls.
We're on a mission to stop those overthrowing the government.
We are pro-government.
We are pro-America.
Now, when we look at COVID, I think we should distinguish between three phrases.
We have the three R's.
Restrain, which means to fight the virus.
It's a hot phrase.
Most countries are in today.
Then we have recover.
To go back to a kind of new normal, and finally the reset, which means to define and to design the strategies which should lead us in the after-Corona phase.
What is the objective?
What kind of world do we want to build?
What do we know?
What did we learn?
I think the world which we want to create with the Great Reset has to be much more resilient, It has to be because security people will demand more security, physical security, health security.
It will have to be more inclusive.
We had already a big gap.
Before the crisis started, this gap will be tremendously increased.
So if you want to avoid some kind of social revolutions, and we have seen the signs of anger on the streets.
Already the last weeks.
So we have to address this issue to create a stronger inclusiveness.
And finally, more sustainable.
Because we know now that the next crisis is already waiting for us around the corner.
and it is a climate crisis.
They lie.
They cheat.
They scheme.
They steal.
And they tell us that we're the bad people for not believing a damn word they say.
But the public isn't buying it.
By the way, this song is inspired by M4's.
We had Maynard on them more than 10 years ago.
Of ministry.
Another example of how we are the tip of the spear, the real vanguard.
the real regressives.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Our victory will happen one way or another.
And now we enter the main war.
All right, let's go right back to your phone calls.
The order they are received.
Let's talk to Michigan, where they got caught staging the attack on the governor.
And now it turns out they had FBI agents having sex with the young men they set up and planted bombs in their cars.
Sex operatives, everything else.
Lisa in Michigan, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Alex, first and foremost, I love you so much.
Just saying, okay?
I have a spiritual connection with you, regardless if you know that or not.
Oh, I do know that.
It's you guys that keep me empowered.
It's not me.
Without you, I'm nothing.
I need that prayer.
Believe me, I know we have a connection, and I love you, and we need to fight together.
Yes, we are the people, and we need to stay strong.
So, as far as COVID goes, oh my goodness.
I have my own business.
It's cleaning and home health care.
And I had to get all four vaccinations for my clients.
But let me tell you, I worked around all those clients.
And some of them had COVID.
And you know what?
Did I catch it?
However, it is a plot.
I see.
You sense.
I feel.
And I felt this coming, and I saw this coming so far along, and I've been listening to you and everything you speak about.
I already know it.
I'm like, oh my goodness, is this my brother?
So COVID is bullshit.
Smallpox and monkeypox is bullshit.
Well, if you can't cuss anymore, we gotta let you go, but I appreciate your call.
We're on hundreds of radio stations.
We're not allowed to be like CNN that cusses on air.
Our stations get fined if we let those go out.
So you can cuss once, we delay it.
The next time it can go out, we gotta hang up on you.
But I hear what you're saying.
Think about monkeypox.
One death in Europe, they claim.
A few hundred cases worldwide.
And now a dog got it because they admit the two gay men raped the dog?
I mean, this is just ridiculous.
They're talking about new lockdowns in New York and L.A.
Because of men raping dogs.
That's like having men and women's sports.
It's all to see what these people can get away with.
It's disgusting.
Evan in California.
Evan, you're on the air.
Alex, pleasure to talk to you today.
Hey, I wanted to point out, you've heard a lot of stories of all the harm that the VAC has done.
Well, the one thing I really want to point out about the people in my family, is that the evangelical Christians, they kind of don't
trust this world.
None of them in my family got the vax, but every single Catholic in my family,
it's about half my family, every single one of them got the vax.
They've gotten everyone, the boosters and everything else.
Oh yeah, the Pope told them to do it.
Yeah, and one of them got half their intestines removed.
The other couple have arthritis, even though they're in their 20s now that they barely walk.
And I just wanted to point out that if, and I love Catholics, I used to be a Catholic, but if the Pope says there is no hell, and Jesus preached more on hell than he did heaven, they're calling Jesus a liar.
And if the Pope says you don't need to follow Christ to go to heaven, then people need to realize... There's no doubt that the Pope is a false Pope and a devil.
And this is my point, is that working with the NGOs, crashing our border with George Soros, if people, if the 25% possibly of the people listening are Catholics, they want to love the Lord.
And if they just took this to heart, that a Pope that is preaching that Jesus is flawed, but that they're infallible, people should be offended.
And if they would have been... Oh, he said what last year?
He said it makes him nauseous to hear about Europe's Christian roots.
Yeah, and people need to realize that they're far more vulnerable to this New World Order if they aren't willing to defend, essentially, Christ and His reputation.
Well, then God is going to give you the wisdom to, you know, put up a fight in this world.
And I wanted to point out, because I'm an Evangelical Christian, I have a JesusChristWorldwideMinistries.org website, you know, YouTube and stuff, and I always, in every one of my videos, I mention you.
Beautiful, Evan.
Tell us where we find your work.
JesusChristWorldwideMinistries.org is my website, and then, you know, Bitchute YouTube, Jesus Christ Worldwide Ministries.
I mention you every time, and I've said this one time, I talked to you months ago, that you are the most effective church on planet Earth, because people love this world.
The Bible says if you love this world, the love of the Father is not in you.
And I believe the sobering message that you have is the most Significant message, the Christian message on planet Earth.
And guys like Joel Osteen, they're saying everything's fine.
They're warning nobody.
You're warning people.
You're the... Evan, I appreciate you.
Well, look, I'm no perfect person, but I love Jesus, brother.
And I'm willing to take up my cross, and I am, and we should take it up with Christ.
Thank you so much.
All right.
Kathy, you're up next, and so many other callers.
Eric in Kentucky, and so many more.
Stay with us, InfoWars.com.
Alright, I'm going to jam in as many calls as possible.
Kathy in Florida on vaccines.
Go ahead, Kathy.
Yes, Kathy, welcome.
Oh, hi, it's Katie.
I'm sorry, you're Katie.
Go ahead.
No worries, no worries.
I would like to plug at the end if I have time and I'll try to hurry.
The reason that I called is because I get so You know, irritated, and I feel really bad for the kids and these babies that are being forced into these shots.
But, Alex, I talked to so many people before they even came out, and I tried to educate them and give them information on, you know, what they were and all these experts that were being silenced, and they didn't want to hear it.
Nobody wanted to hear it.
They were smug.
They rolled their eyes.
They didn't want to hear it.
And they went, every single one of them did it anyway.
And a lot of people got the boosters and gave it to their kids and now they're all crying and they're trying to say they're victims.
And I took three boosters and now I'm growing an eye and a third tail.
Oh no, you know, it's like, it really makes me crazy because, you know, not one person wanted to hear.
Any part of what, you know, how we want to try to educate people.
And, you know, same with the lockdowns.
Everybody just closed up their businesses and locked down.
I recently read the book, Lindsey Graham's book, Targeted, and how she was the only person who stood up to this.
And everyone else just tucked tail and, you know, you know, closed up and let her take all the... And you know what Thomas Jefferson said, a nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves.
It's very, very sad.
Right, and it just drives me crazy.
I don't want to sound callous, but, you know, she's a hero.
I hear you.
These people that buy into the system, taking poison shots that destroy their immune system and don't protect them, it's their fault.
But now they're going after newborn babies.
Now they're going after six-month-olds and up.
That's why we have a responsibility, Katie, to stand up.
And I hear what you're saying.
Thank you.
Keep warning, folks.
Alright, let's go ahead and talk to Patty, and then Eric.
Patty in Ohio, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, this is, I'm a first-time caller, and I have to say I'm really sorry you're getting raked over the coals by the devils, and I know you're taking the brunt of it, but us supporters, and I know me personally, I mentioned your name, and You're not well-liked, but hey, I'm not going to give up on you, and that's just the way it is.
And we're in this together, so I really appreciate you.
Oh yeah, we are!
About the COVID thing, I had a real bizarre experience, okay?
I was in the hospital, but it wasn't by my volition.
All I can tell you is that I was there, they said I had COVID, I didn't get excited about it, then they said I had COVID pneumonia, and I didn't get excited about it, and they got mad.
And I go, I don't have COVID.
You're dying.
I go, I'm not dying.
And they had me hooked up to some oxygen machines that they could read, but they had them turned off so I couldn't read it.
And the bizarre thing was, one day I'm talking to the nurse and it flatlines, and yet I'm alive, but I flatlined.
And then they had a heart machine that they had to keep changing batteries on.
And I told the doctors, I go, you rely on these machines?
So anyway, the crux of this is that they would not let me discharge myself.
They wouldn't let me.
They said I was confused.
I was mental.
Are you suicidal?
No, no, no.
I don't have any of these COVID symptoms.
I can eat.
I can, you know, I can smell.
I have all the senses, whatever.
And, of course, the doctors, you know, they were foreign.
They wore masks, and I don't have a good hearing.
And, anyway, that made it kind of difficult.
They asked me stupid questions.
Who's the president?
I go, well, he's not mine.
And, what, where are you?
And I told them.
And what day is it?
Oh, well, there's no calendar.
The good news is you've got another clutches.
Thank you.
And then, oh, this is the best part.
It's not the best part.
They actually found a lawyer to be a guardian.
I go, oh my gosh, this is like crazy.
So how did you ever get out of this, Patty?
Well, you know, Alex, this is the bizarre thing.
I know they came in and the doctor goes, well, you're getting discharged today.
And I go, oh, is the insurance up?
And he just walked out.
That's how it is, Patty.
God bless you.
Appreciate your call.
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Eric in Kentucky.
Eric, go ahead.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
Good talking to you.
Long-time listener.
Was a big fan of Milton Cooper and his work for the Levee Viewers.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
All right.
We want you to say it over and over again.
Listen, Eric.
Eric in Kentucky.
I hear you.
Okay, okay Alex, sorry about that.
So, I'm Eric, I'm from Kentucky, and I wanted to discuss first my January 6th encounter with Mr. Epps and how my January 6th- Yeah, we're not screening your call live on air.
Callers call in and they're like, I want to screen the call live on air.
You're on air.
You are here right now.
I got you.
Alright, and how my- it sort of has a connection with my son-in-law's vaccine injury, right?
So I went to our nation's capitol on January 6th, and I say for all of Donald Trump's feet, and once we got up to the building, I noticed immediately something was wrong.
The crowd was way too far advanced.
I'm a very fast walker, so I knew I was up in front of the crowd.
So I decided I'm going to get up as close as I can, and I go all the way up to the top of the capitol steps, and I let out a big, loud, hoorah, like the Marine Corps thing.
And this gentleman, big gentleman, who I didn't, you know, who has now been identified as Ray F, he came over to me and he bends down and he says, uh, Semper Fidelis, devil dog.
We got to hold this crowd back a little bit longer or they're going to expletive up the plan, right?
So I'm starting, you know, back to blue, back to blue.
You know, he's right.
We do, we do back to blue.
So I'm back to blue, back to blue.
A 10-15 minutes of this, somebody left off a fire extinguisher behind us, and everybody sort of runs back, thinking it's gas.
We walk back up to the line, and the Capitol Police just get out of the way.
They move back.
Now that's what happens, so they stampede the crowd into the Capitol.
Yeah, and so Mr. Epps, he grabs this gentleman that was standing there marching back and forth between the protesters and the crowd with him, and he says something to him I didn't hear, but that gentleman grabs two more, and Epps beelines out of there, And those three gentlemen make a beeline straight to this 4 foot by 4 foot by 4 foot concrete structure.
Has like a green tarnished copper lid on it.
They take it off, it's completely unlocked.
There's another grate in there that I would think would be locked with 99% of our government in there.
But that opens right up and what that is...
It was actually, it was wet wall access to a tunnel that accessed the building's wet wall for maintenance.
And they start pulling things out of that tunnel like two by fours and God knows what else, because I didn't stick around there, right?
I marched on up to the top of the West Terrace where they were letting everybody in, and I walked in through open doors, and when the police said leave, I walked out through open doors.
And I come home, right?
I come home.
And my daughter, she's extremely liberal.
She just, every weekend she comes over for no other reason than to break Until of course, four or five months later, and I'm arrested, and she won't talk to me at all, won't let me see my grandkids.
This goes on for about six, seven months.
And then November comes around, and well, they go get their shot.
And they get their second shot.
My son-in-law, two days after he gets his second shot, he starts having these severe, they're called SVTs.
I'm not much on the medical terminology, but I know that much.
SVTs, where his heart rate would climb and climb.
And he climbed up over 160.
He's got to go to the emergency room.
He's about to pass out.
And he gets to the emergency room.
It's over 170.
It's over 188.
And they have to literally chemically kill him.
Stop the car.
And he ain't gonna go.
Your phone's ringing up.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Yeah, this is the calls we get.
It's what the medical literature admits.
It's happening.
We're going to go to Jason and everybody else in the order your calls are received.
When we come back, then a guest is coming on for about 30 minutes.
We'll go back to your calls here on this live August 16, Tuesday broadcast.
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We'll be back.
We've got the Florida State Rep on that's made national headlines, coming up in about six minutes when stations join us, but right now we're taking your phone calls here on the Alex Jones Show.
We're taking some calls that disagree right now.
Let's talk to Jason in Texas.
Go ahead, you're on the ear.
Hey Alex, can you hear me alright?
Yes sir, go ahead.
Hello, friend.
Good to talk to you.
I really deeply respect you and all you've done over the years.
Appreciate you very much.
And just before I get to my point, I'd like to just ask you quickly about the art that you do.
Do you think you might be doing gonzo journalism?
You know, your phone's a little muffled.
You said something about gonzo journalism.
Do you think that you might be treading in those waters?
As far as being a gonzo journalist?
You can't help when you're the major news story everywhere to be gonzo journalist.
I don't think I'm treading in gonzo journalism.
I think I've gone deeper than anybody else has.
I think you could be.
Here's my point here.
It's about Trump.
I have completely lost all faith in Trump anymore.
I do not believe him.
I think it's a joke.
I think he's New World Order.
I think he totally betrayed us.
I've actually called you about this before, but I just want to just drill that home to you.
And do you think it's possible that you could have been scyoped into supporting Trump as hardcore as you do?
Well, nobody's perfect.
I mean, I didn't support Hillary and I think Trump did a lot of good, but I'm upset with Trump about the vaccine.
So, I mean, yeah, I mean, anything's possible.
I mean, we are, it seems like we're caught right dead in the left-right paradigm.
And Trump, he didn't do anything to wake anybody up to the true, like, New World Order plans, and then he backs the vaccine.
It's absolutely insane.
I don't think that's fair.
He did back the poison vaccine, that's true, but he exposed the UN, pulled out of UNESCO, pulled out of the WHO.
I don't think that's true, Jason.
I appreciate your call.
Larry in Arizona.
Larry, thanks for holding.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Yeah, how are you doing, Alex?
Good, man.
Two things I just want to say.
January 6th, I think we should have been to our state capitals and did everything there.
The punishment, if it would have been, would have been less severe.
And we would have focused before the governor... Yeah, we walked... Well, they're afraid of a march on the Capitol because it just shows our numbers, so they set us up.
But yeah, we walked right into a trap.
What I'm saying, Alex, we should have went to our state capitals.
I heard that, yeah.
That's what we should have done.
And those six states we got screwed in.
And number two is, unfortunately, the Sandy Hook thing.
You could have been correct.
A guy comes out of the house, he's smiling, and you wonder, uh, why is he smiling?
Then he talks, and his kid's supposed to be killed.
I would have thought the same as you, but juries sympathize with children.
And the other thing I want to say is, is that there's two things.
There is life after death, because I experienced it, and there is extraterrestrials.
So those two things, when I have those things, it affects me personally, because I look at people differently, and I look at the whole situation, you know.
So, and it was nice seeing you in Nebraska, walking along the road there, and seeing that hole, because you're a down-to-earth good person.
And I'm not a left-wing person, but I love your show, I love all the people there that do what you do, but I hope to God you stay on the air.
But we need people to get more physical, instead of just being lightweight.
We gotta get off our knees, and we gotta fight, because all things and all changes were done by fighting the Revolutionary Wars, and all wars were done because of fighting to get change done.
These people, when they see weakness in our party, because we had weakness in the GOP, we need to get rid of the GOP, and we need to create a whole new party.
Like we did the Tea Party, but we got taken to the IRS and everything else.
No, I hear you Larry.
I appreciate your call.
We're being politically persecuted because we're on the right path.
And politically, people are waking up.
We are winning.
We've got a special guest coming up.
We're going to go to a 60-second break.
We're going to come back with Representative Anthony Sabantini, and he has come out and called for the FBI to be abolished.
So have a lot of other top smart people.
Obviously, it's an out-of-control agency.
We're going to talk about that and so much more, and why Florida is rocking it with such a huge awakening.
We'll play a news clip about This is Representative Stavantini on the other side and then we will continue on with the news today.
InfoWars.com, tomorrow's news today.
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amazing try today. In Florida, how's it going?
...Ultra-Mega-Republican, Florida State Representative, Anthony Sabatini, is trying to take right-wing outrage one step further.
If it was up to me, I would totally defund the FBI.
I'm Anthony Sabatini.
He's running for Congress in Florida's 7th District and has been making the rounds on far-right media after writing a tweet saying sever all ties with DOJ immediately.
And any FBI agent conducting law enforcement functions outside the purview of our state should be arrested upon sight.
Common sense.
Well, because what they're doing is unlawful.
It's time to actually start protecting the rights of Floridians under the 10th Amendment and push back against a lawless federal government.
Right now, today, in Florida, FBI agents are chasing down bank robbers, organized criminals, attacking cyber crime in this state, helping local law enforcement.
You don't think there's any value in that?
You have no idea what the value of the FBI is.
Yes I do.
Is a former president just above the law no matter what?
The FBI is not above the law.
If I'm saying they followed the law, which they did, to enter into that home, should that just not be allowed?
The president, the former president, is above the law.
He's a political target.
He's being harassed by a lawless road agency.
You think he's above the law?
He's not.
It's not a lawless agency.
They spied on him.
They have no respect for him.
They hate the conservatives.
They hate the Republicans.
Wouldn't it be prudent to wait and see what the facts are before we have such a draconian statement?
We have enough facts.
The same FBI unit that created the Russiagate hoax raided Mar-a-Lago and took his passports.
We're being vindicated.
They're being destroyed.
That's why they're so desperate.
Anthony Sabantini, member of District 32 in Central Florida, running for Congress.
Great to have you here.
Sir, you've got the floor until we go to break in eight minutes.
CNN was interrupting you.
What do you really want to say?
Well, I gotta tell you, that was a 12-minute clip, Alex.
They whittled it down to what they thought was the best perspective from their angle, but still, I thought they were really fair.
I mean, listen, we need to completely shut down and defund the FBI.
We need to go back to the Tenth Amendment.
The state of Florida, you know, we do some good things out here.
Everybody hears about the important conservative reforms happening in Florida.
We're not going far enough.
We need to go a lot further.
We need to stop the federal infiltration.
Uh, and and and just, uh, abuse of the rights and start securing the rights of Floridians.
So that means basically two things.
We need an emergency special session right now.
We need to do one thing that's very easy to do.
Very common sense.
The left already did it when they started their sanctuary stuff in terms of their relationship with the federal government.
But we on the right in the Republican states We need to cut all ties with so-called law enforcement agencies.
We need to stop communicating with them.
No more task forces between sheriffs, counties, cities, tax collectors, all these different political subdivisions of the state, and of course our state law enforcement.
We need to have no relationship with them.
That's number one.
That's the easy thing.
Number two is we need to actually pass a statute Reaffirming the Tenth Amendment and declaring what they're doing totally and completely illegal.
And yes, it means actually arresting federal law enforcement agents that want to violate the rights of people like President Trump, but not just him.
Not just him, the J6 defendants, the various other people who've been targeted and harassed by lawless, rogue, administrative state agencies here in the state of Florida.
And some might say, well, that sounds really bold or maybe even radical.
But let me tell you, can those people really look at what's happening and say it's going to get better from here?
That if we, you know, we should we should cease, you know, or not do anything else because somehow this is the situation is going to alleviate itself.
It's going to get worse from here.
And so it's time for Republican legislators to stand up and draw a line in the sand immediately.
So like I said, number one.
Cut all ties with the DOJ immediately, but number two, actually declare what they're doing illegally and start the process of fighting back against the federal government.
Those are the two easiest things we need to do and necessary things because they are going to try to arrest Donald Trump.
They are going to label all political dissent illegal and come after us.
You know, I just told a lady this morning at the voting booth, I was outside waving and she said, Some of the stuff I'm pushing is a little too far right to her.
I said, listen, the last 50 years of American history is going to look like nothing like the next 50 years.
And until we start being honest about what's about to happen in this country, we're in trouble.
And so that's what I'm pushing.
The CNN wanted a nice interview.
I gave that to them.
They thought, you know, what I was saying was You know, radical, but guess what?
It's actually what a majority of people believe.
Nobody wants the FBI anymore.
If we're going to have a federal law enforcement agency, or I'm sorry, a law enforcement agency to stop interstate crimes, let it be the attorneys general of various Republican states coming together through a state-by-state compact to stop interstate crime.
Human trafficking, drug interdiction, the FBI doesn't care.
Oh yeah, where are they on the collapsed southern border?
Any of the things that there's a wide consensus to stop in terms of interstate crimes, they don't care about.
All they care about is, you know, faking a kidnapping, aggression, Whitmer, harassing President Donald Trump, harassing parents at school board meetings, etc.
So this is their new focus.
Anybody that wants to Give them more money is an enemy of the people, in my opinion.
You know, we heard the Republican leadership in D.C.
say, we need to hold hearings on this.
We have to have very important hearings on this next year.
No, we need to begin with defunding them and using the power of the purse by taking away their power, and then you have the hearings.
Do the hearings afterward.
And I said a lot of what I just said, Alex, to the CNN reporter, but as you can As you know, not all of that made it into the final cut.
Well that's why Representative Anthony Sabatini, we've got you on so you can't be censored.
But since you mentioned Governor DeSantis, here he is talking about the same topic.
These agencies have now been weaponized to be used against people that the government doesn't like.
And you look at the raid at Mar-a-Lago.
And I'm just trying to, I'm trying to remember, maybe someone here can remind me about when they did a search warrant at Hillary's house in Chappaqua, when she had a rogue server and she was laundering classified information.
I don't remember them doing that.
I do remember them manufacturing a false conspiracy theory about Russia collusion.
I remember that.
That was not true.
That was an abuse of power.
I remember a lawyer for the FBI got caught Doctoring an application for FISA surveillance against an innocent man.
I remember the FBI at Merrick Garland's direction being sicced on parents going to school board meetings.
Meanwhile, when you have a law that protects Supreme Court justices, is the FBI out there protecting our conservative justices?
When you have violations of law where people are targeting pregnancy crisis centers, are they doing their job and enforcing the law there?
They're enforcing the law based on who they like and who they don't like.
That is not a republic.
Well, maybe it's a banana republic when that happens.
The FBI is politically run, we know that.
They're destroying themselves.
Where do you see this going from here?
We need commitment from all candidates and sitting Republicans in the Federal Congress to defund them.
You know, we talked a little bit in the last segment about what the state can do and what we as the legislators can do, which is a whole lot more than what we're doing.
But in Congress, what we need to do is a commitment from our leadership to totally and completely defund them.
If you're not doing that, you're funding tyranny.
And for the folks who say, well, there's a few crimes that they're investigating that are good for Good for everybody.
Well, guess what?
That's what a state's attorneys general are for.
We need interstate combatants for that.
We don't need federal law enforcement.
You know, it was created in a sort of pre-technology, pre-mass communication age.
We're not living in that area anymore.
They're unnecessary.
And now they've extincted themselves.
They've committed political suicide.
They've made themselves political commissars at the old Soviet Union.
I think that's probably the best description of them.
And so no more weakness in the Republican Party.
If they can't commit to stopping the tyranny we have within our borders, they're not working for us.
They're working against us.
So this is what needs to happen next.
And like I said, you know, right now we need people to pledge.
I guess I've made the news because I'm one of the few people that's willing to say, I will never vote for a budget that continues to fund them, especially at the levels they are now.
But it's time to start whittling away their power, statutory power.
But the best thing we can do initially is defunding them.
Representative Anthony Sabantini, stay right there.
You're running for Congress.
You're warning the left trying to start a civil war.
I want to hear from you on that, on the other side, and how do we stop it?
Because we're politically, culturally winning.
They want a war.
How do we stop a physical war?
You know, they're trying to hatch more Whitmer-type kidnapping plots, but we're here exposing them.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Anthony Sabantini is a member of the representatives in Florida, representative of District 32.
He's running for Congress.
I want him to talk about that some next segment.
But let's talk about civil war, not just within the GOP, which is a big problem, and people are waking up the establishment, but also the Democrats are trying to start civil war itself to politically overturn the chessboard and then the Mar-a-Lago raid.
Please continue.
I think we're in the midst of it.
We're probably, you know, somewhere in the middle of it.
I mean, they started a civil war.
It's not a cold civil war.
Sometimes you hear that phrase, we're in a sort of cold domestic civil war.
It's definitely a hot war.
January 6th was the first attempt at sort of moving the Overton window and normalizing the idea of Getting Americans to think that a large percent of our fellow citizens are domestic terrorists and they hate us and they're trying to destroy our democracy.
You see these key phrases being passed around and, you know, used en masse and in unison.
So, you know, that was 18 months ago.
We're now at a point now where Obviously, Democrats are pretty openly speaking about the fact that the Republican Party is a dissident party and should be treated as second-class citizens.
Oh, they now say about me and everybody, we should be outlawed for running for office, outlawed for being on air.
They sound like the NKVD in 1935 Russia.
I mean, they are bonafide tyrants.
You know, they came up with new rules and it's been mass distributed through their institutions, mostly, you know, mass media and mass communication.
The idea that some Americans aren't really Americans and they should be treated completely and totally different.
So we're in it right now.
I mean, they still control all their institutions.
That's why, at this point, they're really getting ready to expand on the federal gun control.
You know, they got a foothold a few months ago and they want to push a little bit further, I think, now.
Uh, to make it a little bit more, a little bit more aggressive.
Uh, so we're going to be seeing that pretty soon here.
And that's why Republicans need to be honest and use plain language about what we're facing, what we're up against.
They're not doing that right now.
They continue to talk.
I mean, you look at what Kevin McCarthy, this guy who, uh, God forbid was ever, ever became the Speaker of the House.
What he laid out is his top priorities.
For the Republican Congress, if the Republicans took over in a few months, and it's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.
It was like a document from, you know, written by the Heritage Foundation in like the 1980s.
It's so outdated.
They don't understand the threats that we're facing.
They don't understand the posture that the left is in now within this country.
And they're not talking about the existential war, near war that we're in.
Well, that's right.
I mean, the left says they want to outlaw the Republican Party, basically.
And you've got a bunch of white flag waving compromised people like Kevin McCarthy, but you say don't understand.
I think they do understand.
Yeah, they do.
You're right.
And they're messaging something else.
But I will say some are dumb enough that they just they don't know what time it is.
They don't know the mode that we're in and what the left is planning to do.
I mean, listen, as soon as the Republicans take the House, they're going to blame us for all their domestic issues.
And Lord knows, What kind of license they're going to try to award themselves for stripping us of our rights?
People are saying the Mar-a-Lago array blew up in their face.
I think it is.
So why would they so boldly do this when it's on record that Obama has 30 million records and that a president can trump, pun intended, what the National Archives says.
So why have they tried this?
I think because it's obviously that Donald Trump is going to run for president again.
He's getting ready to announce in a few months and they wanted to keep this in proximity to his announcement.
I mean, let's be honest, they knew, they knew probably a year ago what documents that they were going to falsely claim were claimed by the Gods.
Well he told them, he told them what he took.
Exactly, so what they're waiting for is, listen, there was talk about Donald Trump announcing right before
a majority of the primary midterm elections were held, some say it's going to be right after,
some say it's going to be in the spring, but it was, chatter was occurring that it was going to be very, very
soon, so that's why this occurred when it did, you know, this is
about, this is about sort of oversharing.
State Rep.
from Florida, Anthony Sabantini, calling for the FBI to be abolished, making national headlines.
of domestic political opponent of Joe Biden, throwing cold water on his political aspirations.
So the timing is no good.
Bolsonaro apologized that he was for the vaccines at first.
He's absolved himself.
I really think as we learn these things don't work, they've got serious side effects, that Trump needs to decouple himself from the shots.
That's his biggest problem with the grassroots.
100% agree.
I've actually spoken to Donald Trump about this.
You know, listen, he was in the Fog of War.
You know, he was getting hit every day saying, listen, this is the remedy.
This is the fix.
This is huge.
Let's just record skip sound.
I'm going to try to shut up.
Start over.
You've talked to Trump about this.
A lot of other people have.
Tell us about that and then go through it.
Yeah, one of the first conversations I had with Donald Trump when he brought me down to Mar-a-Lago, and I had a 90-minute conversation with him with just one other congressman, my wife, and Donald Trump, was about the vaccine.
And listen, you know, he, at the time, you know, people were dying.
He was getting bad information.
They were basically saying, if you push this vaccine, it's going to solve all the world's problems.
You know, fast forward, more people died of COVID after the vaccine was created than before.
Sure, they said, we can end the lockdowns if you just do this, and he believed them.
That was it.
Fog of War.
You're in the middle of an election.
You got people on your own team who fooled you into, you know, they fooled us into thinking that they were for us, that they were MAGA.
They weren't.
He was surrounded on all sides.
And so that that's what was being pushed.
Well, fast forward, like, you know, this is an actual fact.
More people died after the production of the vaccine than before from COVID.
So what does that tell you?
And once that happened, That's what I think people started to realize.
And you know, one thing I like about Donald Trump is he listens, right?
He is a populist in the traditional sense of the term.
Oh, you're right.
He's gone from pushing it to shutting up about it, at least.
Yeah, I mean, well, people are pushing it.
And guess what?
They're not pushing it as much anymore, are they?
And the people pushing are the ones saying, hey, actually, we were misled on this whole thing.
Well, don't you agree then he should decouple like Bolsonaro?
I do.
I do.
I do believe that, obviously.
I mean, I was the guy that actually pushed to get rid of Florida's mandate, statutory power to do vaccines.
We also pushed into law and decided to sign a law that didn't go as far as I wanted it to, but was the first and boldest law in the nation to stop private sector companies from mandating vaccines for employment.
No, I knew that.
I should have said that, Anthony Sabatini.
In the legislature, you've been helping lead the country.
We'll talk about what you'll do in Congress, and we'll get you elected, and how we get behind you, because that is so exciting.
This new crop of folks coming out of the states is just amazing.
Tell us about who you are, what you stand for, and why we should get behind Anthony Sabatini.
I'm 100% behind you.
We need you in Congress like I need to breathe oxygen.
Or like I need water in the desert.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
Sabantini4Congress, especially if you live in Florida, but all over the country, if you have friends and family in Florida, get behind this man.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
I'm not a victim.
I'm a fighter.
And that's why I'm under attack.
Here's a little real-world example.
Atlantic Monthly, run by the Jeffrey Epstein crowd, called for my arrest.
And so the only way to stop Jones, because people keep backing him, is just to go ahead and indict him somehow.
And believe me, it's been in the news.
They've had plenty of grand juries.
They tried to get to do it, but they found no fault with me, because I'm a pretty straight-laced, clean-cut guy.
But Owen Schroyer isn't hosting today, 3 to 6 p.m.
Christy Lee, who does a great job, is.
Darren Beattie, of Revolver News, with huge January 6th martial law developments with the Rebs, is going to be hosting 3 to 6 p.m.
Why isn't Owen here?
He's in federal court.
He was with me on January 6th, tried to stop people going to the Capitol.
They indicted him.
He's facing years in prison.
Why didn't they indict me?
Well, because I was there opening the bullhorn trying to stop it.
Owen was right there with me.
He did it too, but it's a threat.
It's a message to me.
In fact, they've told us.
Meet with us.
Talk to us.
We'll drop the charges on Owen.
I said to Owen, you want me to meet with him for you?
And he said, no, don't.
They want to put me in prison.
Do it.
Don't meet with him.
That's the type of people I work with.
And let me tell you something, as a man, it's a real honor to be around badasses like Owen.
I told him.
I said, I'll meet with him.
I'll give him my phone, which has nothing on it.
They'll drop the charges.
He said, don't do it.
So they lie and say in my civil trial, they have my phone.
People say, you better be mad at your lawyer.
They don't have my phone.
CNN quietly last week admitted they don't have it.
It's all a lie.
But as Mark Twain said, a lie goes halfway around the world before the truth puts its pants on.
But at the end of the day, the truth almost always outs if good men and women stand firm and keep telling the truth.
So Anthony Sabatini is a state rep in Florida.
He's done so much to fight the tyranny and the forced injections.
Now he's running for Congress.
Speaking about where we are as a man, and as a patriot, big picture about where America and the world is right now, and then why you're running for Congress, and why folks should get behind you.
Well, quite literally, freedom is under attack and it's almost gone.
You know, most of human history we've lived in sort of feudalistic type eras.
Freedom is very rare.
Republics are very rare.
Usually they fail immediately.
We've been lucky enough to live in a republic that's lasted over 240 years.
If we're going to refresh it and keep it going, we need bold men and women of courage to stand up and fight.
That means knowing what the Constitution is, knowing the foundation of this country, which I believe is biblical principles and the Founding Fathers' lessons, which are embedded in the Declaration of Independence in Congress and Constitution.
Everything else is nonsense.
Everything else is noise.
Everything else is secondary.
We need people who understand the meaning of this country and how rare the gift that we have, which is freedom, is and stand up and protect it.
And I've proven that at the state level.
And I don't care what the threats to it are.
I don't care how many times I've been attacked.
You've got six minutes to break.
are and I'm 33 okay hopefully I last another 50 years I don't want to be a
serf I don't want to be a slave I don't want to live in a country where I am a
second-class citizen and I will fight like hell to protect what we have here
and what we've been given. You've got six minutes to break give us a speech.
Well I'm Anthony Sabatini You know, I'm a Republican.
It's been great to be here for the last four years in the state legislature.
A lot of the bold conservative reforms Florida's kind of gotten notice for have been things I've worked on and things I'm going to continue to try to take to Congress.
You know, some of the biggest threats in this country isn't just government.
But it's coming from the private sector.
This wokeness, this transgender phenomenon and agenda, this critical race theory that we're seeing is coming into the private sector.
We need bold, new right style conservatives who are going to pass laws to stop the corporate wokeness and the fascism.
The sort of corporate fascism that is now pushing the left's agenda with even more efficiency and alacrity than government can even do.
And so that's sort of the biggest division within the Republican GOP right now.
It's one of the reasons I'm running.
You know, we need to basically come up with it, you know, to go back to what we spoke about in the last segment.
We need to go back to medical freedom.
We need a person's Bill of Rights at the federal level.
We need to bring back lawsuits against invalid vaccine manufacturers who are putting us in harm.
We can do that and we can come up with rights that people are given that protect us from the corporate leftist fascism, along with state and federal government mandates that are being pushed on the throats of people in blue states in particular.
So that's one of the reasons I'm running.
I'm proud of a lot of the endorsements I've gotten from people like Rand Paul and Marjorie Taylor Greene, people I think who are standing up for freedom coast to coast.
Uh, have entered into this race to help Maine.
You know, we've raised a lot of money in the race.
Raised 1.2 million, not one penny from a lobbyist.
Every single dime has come from 8,000 patriots coast to coast who remember the fight that I fought for here in the great state of Florida.
I'm an attorney.
You know, when the state legislature in the beginning of COVID wasn't really fighting and standing up for rights, I decided to take it to the courtroom.
I sued 14 cities and counties that had mask mandates.
All around the state of Florida and we had some success with those and we but at the end of the day we were able to move the window on that and put pressure on Republicans to stand up against the medical tyranny that was taking over during the beginning of COVID and ultimately we're very successful.
So I'm proud of the record that I've had and that's what I'm running on.
That's why we're taking that to the federal level.
And in Congress, I'm going to be a member of the Freedom Caucus, and I will be fighting to try to get leadership in the Republican Party that understands the threat.
Understands, first of all, the nature of the left, which is a villainous, sick, communist, anti-American, hateful movement.
And then number two, understands what we need to do in the face of it.
You know, the hardest thing to do in politics right now Is get conservatives to get rid of the defensive mindset and defensive language that's embedded in our culture.
I mean even the word conservative is a defensive posture.
It's time to conserve.
We need people who are good at conserve things.
Folks, we already lost so much of what happens.
We need a counter-revolutionary movement that's going to go on offense and get our rights back and stand up for the foundational concepts Of America.
Not playing defense.
Why would you play defense when you're down 50 points in the game?
It doesn't make any sense.
So that's one of the biggest things I'm really running on is moving the Overton window, going back to real conservatism, real Americanism.
And protecting freedom.
You know, and like I said, I'm not running on rhetoric.
I'm running on a record.
I mean, Google me.
Every fight that has made Florida famous and the things that are animating the Republican Party right now, the MAGA movement, are things I've been deeply, deeply, deeply involved in.
And my wife has been involved in.
We're both very involved in state and local politics here and in the state party, trying to get Republicans to begin fighting again.
No more weakness within the party.
No more sitting back and playing defense.
I mean, like I said earlier in this segment, I looked at what the so-called leadership of the Republican Party had rolled out for when we take over the House in the spring and it was pathetic.
It was like talking about like expanding the SBA, the Small Business Administration, and these various little like niche items that I mean, nothing I'm opposed to, but certainly not anything that has to do with facing down the threat.
The very near expulsion of liberty that we're looking at.
The Republican Party has been deliberately defanged by the leadership and you and others are trailblazers to change that.
You're one of the heart of the matter.
The reason we've had so much success in Florida is you.
That's why we've got to get you in Congress.
It's super exciting.
Well, I really appreciate that.
And that's why it's great to be on the show.
That's what I'm going to be fighting for.
And listen, you know, I think, you know, this is a controversial item on the right.
I think we need to impeach Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
And some folks would say, well, I don't know if we're going to have the votes in the Senate for that.
So why even do it?
Folks, we have to stop normalizing the behavior of the left.
If the president violates the Constitution, he has to be impeached.
He would make the focus all his crimes and totally shift onto them instead of them being on offense.
Focus on the crimes.
The trial would bring so much light to what him and Hunter have done.
But as importantly, it's about standing up for the Constitution.
The Take Care Clause of the federal Constitution has been deliberately violated.
He chose not, purposely, and this will come out with the impeachment hearings, him and Mayorkas chose not to enforce our immigration laws, not to have a border whatsoever.
They went in the opposite direction and did everything they could.
They took positive affirmative acts.
To make it easier to illegally... They are at war with our country.
Anthony Sabantini, please join us again soon.
And I'm looking at the numbers.
Looks like you're going to win big.
Everybody should get behind you.
20 second closing comment.
That's it, Alex.
Standing up for freedom.
Did it in Florida.
Now I'm going to do it at the federal level.
We're going to win.
The people are aside.
We need Republicans with courage who are going to capture the energy and use the power that's been given to them.
I'm Anthony Sabatini, running for Congress.
Running for District 7 between Daytona Beach and Orlando.
Give me a shout and check me out on every social media platform.
Gab, Getter, Truth, everything.
Can't wait to see you in Congress.
Godspeed, sir.
I got down on my knees and I began to pray.
Roger Stone's got a bunch of big breaking news next hour and a special guest.
I want him to pop in at the very end of this hour to tell us what's coming up, but I promise to jam in these calls.
So I'm going to try as best I can, but I got to do this or we won't be here.
I love this crew.
I love what InfoWars has built.
The work we're doing is the most important we've ever done in 28 years.
And we don't have $400 million.
We don't have $100 million.
We don't have $5 million.
They're liars.
We are maxed out.
We are in bankruptcy, but we have a plan to stay on air through that emergency reorganization, but we need funds to do it.
And right now, we're barely meeting our goals.
So thank you, listeners, for coming through.
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All right, let's go ahead and talk to...
Luke in Michigan on vaccines.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's up, Alex?
Great to talk to you, man.
First, I just want to say thank you.
You help me feel less crazy throughout the day.
Sometimes we're already at the point where if you talk truthfully, people think you're crazy.
But my dad got the vaccine.
I think the Johnson & Johnson where you have to get two shots.
And, uh, within the first three months after that, there was three to four trips to the ER, Bell's palsy, uh, fluid buildup on the lungs, uh, and just, you know, which by the way, they now say polio suddenly back when scientists predicted this shot would cause polio, like viral, uh, paralysis.
It's just like, ever since he's got the vaccine, you know, his health has declined even more.
It's just insane.
Thank you, thank you.
And all you can do is pray every day.
And yeah, my mom only got one of the two shots.
And I don't know, things just seem different.
And up here in Michigan, man, with Queen Whitmer, man, we're going to vote her out November, I think.
It looks like Liz Cheney is about to be voted out as well.
Love you brother, sorry for your father.
God bless you.
Alright, let's jam in another.
Paul in Michigan disagrees.
Says AJ on God and what we deserve.
Well, I'm not God, so I don't know what we deserve.
Paul, so what do you have to say?
Well, I'm not saying what we deserve, Alex.
I want to say something to you, okay?
You're a force for good, no doubt about it, you've been leading this war, but there's something that you say that is infuriating, it's wrong and misleading, and it just feeds into the destruction of humanity, to the New World Order, and that is, I'm not quoting you, I'm paraphrasing, God is hoping humanity fails, God wants to crush us, God is fed up with us, and we deserve this.
Well, you're misunderstanding what I say.
I'm saying if we don't step up, God will allow us to be destroyed.
Yeah, but I've heard you say that God's fed up with us and we deserve this.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I say adults that know about evil and don't stand up, they deserve it, but the children don't.
So if you misunderstood me, I apologize.
Okay, well, I just want to say to you and your audience, God is not mad at humanity.
God is not waiting for us to just sin so he can slap us around.
That's Satan's lie.
It's Satan's lie to separate us from God, separate us from who we really are.
That's why he sent Jesus to show us, hey, Jesus is human, but he stood up and said, I'm directly connected with God, just like you, and they can do whatever they want to me, and it's not going to hurt me.
Paul, I totally agree with you.
So if you misunderstood me, I apologize.
I'm a bad communicator.
I'm a sinner.
God's forgiven me.
I'm not your bad communicator.
I'm just saying I agree with you.
So there you go.
Let's go to Monteen in Georgia.
Monteen, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I love your product, number one.
Number two, I'm holding in my formerly pot-stained fingers the crime statistics for Connecticut for the year 2012.
Okay, this is table eight.
This is the Criminal Justice Information Services Division, and I've sent this link to your show tips email.
I don't know how many times before your trial, during your trial, So anyway, Connecticut, there's not a lot of action going on in Connecticut as far as crime goes.
So this is set up by city, and if you scroll, and it's only a page and a half because Connecticut's not that big, so if you scroll all the way down on the first page, the third from the bottom, Newtown, Connecticut, population 27,904, you hop over to the third column, that's murder and non-negligent manslaughter, zero.
For the year 2012.
I know, and we reported that, but if you read the fine print that we didn't see on the page we covered, it says Connecticut does not report statistics unlike other states, but there were murders.
So that's what they're saying.
I've seen that.
And why don't they, you know, this is part of the FBI.
You know, say what you will, but they are pretty good at counting things.
Now if you look up Paducah, Kentucky, it's got those numbers.
No ma'am, I understand and I appreciate your call.
I gotta jump in.
We love you.
All I'm saying is this.
I barely covered Sandy Hook.
The media blows it up and says I'm the Sandy Hook man and I can't stop covering it.
It's all people bring up.
And so you understand, they made it a big deal, claiming I was making it a big deal, to keep themselves in the news and gun control, and now they're using it to go after the First Amendment, and admitting they want to shut down all conservatives using these cases.
So regardless of what really happened there, they are using this to take our freedoms, and they're admitting it and bragging about it.
Ryan and Doug, I apologize, I tried to get everybody, we can't get to you, call me back tomorrow, we'll go to the head of the line.
Roger Stone's got a big fourth hour lined up ahead of the War Room, 3 p.m.
So, 2 to 3 p.m.
Central, Roger Stone on the FBI raid, the latest and so much more.
Roger, great to have you here.
Tell us what's coming up the next hour.
Well, Alex, we're going to break down the FBI raid.
We're going to talk about why the Department of Justice and the FBI want to hide the underlying affidavit, which is the document that should have persuaded the magistrate whether to approve or disapprove the raid on Trump's house.
And also joining us, New York City Police Officer Sal Greco, fired.
From the New York City Police Department, despite an unblemished record of service to the people of New York, simply because he's a friend of mine, a watcher of InfoWars, and a supporter of President Donald Trump.
So that's the social credit score they already are doing to conservatives and patriots.
They plan to do it to everybody else.
It's going to be a great show.
What else do you make of all the insane news of having to return Trump's passports?
Well, first of all, it's recognized that I think that the Deep State and their Democratic allies or masters have figured out that they made a mistake.
And therefore, there's a lot of backing and filling going on here.
Trump had stolen nuclear codes.
No, he hadn't.
Trump was going to sell national security information to the Chinese or the Russians.
No, he wasn't.
Trump was going to flee the country because of his crimes.
No, he isn't.
They are really in free fall.
They're in complete defensive mode.
It's almost fun to watch.
And by the way, when we're in trouble, we'll admit it.
We give bad news out all day.
I agree with you.
We're not just saying that.
They have screwed the pooch.
This is blown up in their face.
They're even not calling it a raid now.
They're trying to back off saying, what were they thinking?
Everybody knows Obama's got 30 million pages of stuff and he has a right as a former president.
I think they have a very distorted view of what the American people think.
And of course, as a political scientist, as someone who's a politico, I've been studying the polling numbers and I can tell you, Alex, this has backfired big time.
There were people who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, 2020, weren't sure that he was the right man in 2024.
They are back in the fold.
There were people who were saying, I'm just not going to vote.
The system is so broken.
They're back in the fold.
So I think they have fomented a political, a political revolution.
Well, yeah, we even have ABC News saying it's Orwellian and it wasn't right.
We even have CNN hosts saying this shouldn't have happened.
They, how did they miscalculate?
I mean, this is the, I can tell them rating a former president is not going to go well.
I think that they're being driven by their own left wing.
So the left wing has a left wing of their own, a radical progressive wing that is so vehement in their hatred of Donald Trump, so desperate to destroy him, so desperate to eliminate him as a presidential candidate, that they have pushed the saner brains, the saner strategists within their group to the edges.
Yeah, and first it was he hates all Mexicans, never said it.
Then he's a Russian agent, stole the election, never happened.
I mean, just how many hoaxes have we now seen here?
January 6th, how many things have blown up in their face, Roger?
Well, it's because they lost to him in 2016.
I believe they lost to him in 2020, and they cannot bear the idea that they may lose to him again.
All right, Roger, stay there.
We'll do five more minutes, then you take over for the balance of the fourth hour.
Roger Stone, embattled former political president on the InfoWar.
Didn't back down when the FBI and Justice Department threatened decades in prison.
Didn't lie about the president.
Roger Stone straight ahead.
What they miss is that this guy is ahead of the curve on so many different topics of signal, not noise.
If you look at the signal and you compare that To PBS and NPR and BBC, and we'll do what Alex Jones put out there versus what your collective body has put out there.
And if you're a sentient human being and just watching it, you say, well, God, Alex Jones was ahead of this.
Not only that, he kind of explained it.
You are one of the great thinkers of this.
That is very rare.
You've got to go back almost to the revolutionary generation and see that.
In this new book, I've got to tell you, when Tony Lyons first approached me, I read this thing.
I go, this is it.
This is no beatry.
You're not going to be flipping pages here.
You're going to be having a pen out and you're going to be underlining stuff.
The Great Reset by Alex Jones.
Order your copy now at Amazon or InfoWarsTore.com.
Well, a true American political icon, incredibly tested.
Roger Stone is here, kind of one of my best friends.
Roger, you're about to take over for the rest of the hour with a special guest.
But I want to ask you this, everybody.
What should Trump do right now in the face of this brazen political assassination they just tried to engage in?
And now they admit they grabbed cocktail napkins, passports.
He said this five days ago.
They said he was lying.
Now they admit they're returning cocktail napkins, menus, they returned passports.
So, so, so.
And they're also, so two questions in the four minutes we have left.
What should Trump do now?
And you're one of his top political advisors.
Well, first of all, I think the President needs a tough, experienced, fearless criminal defense attorney.
These are very complicated issues.
The lawyers that were around him in the last two impeachments are gone.
Many of them are witnesses against him in the January 6th proceedings.
I really think he needs a tough, battle-hardened attorney to represent him.
I also think that war councils breed defeat, as General Douglas MacArthur said.
He needs to find one tough, able, courageous criminal attorney, criminal law attorney, and put that person in charge.
I don't have a name.
Who was the Orthodox Jew?
I forget his name.
He was the only good lawyer at an impeachment.
David Shone would be excellent at this.
David Shone represented Steve Bannon quite ably in that matter.
I believe he is the person who drafted Steve's appeal.
He's a very, very smart lawyer.
He would certainly be one I think the President should look at.
But above all, he needs to put one guy in charge.
These are complicated issues.
As to your second question, as to why they grabbed my pardon documents, I guess the real question is, why was the President holding on to them?
Perhaps it was for sentimental reasons.
We have been friends for 42 years.
It has been an article of faith on the left that Roger Stone had some kind of corrupt bargain with Donald Trump, where he agreed to maintain his silence about non-existent misdeeds by the president in return for clemency.
That is bunk.
That is BS.
That is false.
So if they're thinking they can find some legal flaw in my clemency, in the commutation of my sentence, in my pardon, well, that's just wrong.
But you said literally a hundred times on my show, I'm not getting a pardon for not tattling on Trump because there's nothing to say.
He did nothing.
So you'd already nixed yourself out of being a stool pigeon and making stuff up with those statements.
Well, but see, they don't want to come forward and admit that the exact opposite is true, i.e.
they were pressuring me relentlessly to bear false witness against him, which I refuse to do.
The hiding of this affidavit is extraordinary.
It's exactly the same thing they did with the Mueller report.
Oh, it's so explosive.
It contains so much national security information.
We can't let the American people see it.
And then when we finally saw it, there was nothing there.
Roger, what are you going to be covering?
I mean, I know that your police officer friend has been fired and persecuted.
He has a great record.
What else are you going to be covering in the next 55 minutes?
Well, we're going to talk more about the Mar-a-Lago raid.
We're going to talk about the midterm elections and the potential impact of them.
You notice you don't hear much about Roe v. Wade these days.
Isn't that miraculous?
Why do you think in closing Liz Cheney was dumb enough to have her father endorse her when he's a war criminal?
I mean, the word is she's going to lose big tonight.
She is going to lose big tonight, but she is laying the groundwork for a challenge to President Donald Trump within the Republican Party.
So the RINOs are going to mount an effort to run their own candidate, and she's going to be the candidate.
That's why they mailed, by the way, tens of thousands of absentee ballots to Democrats, who didn't ask for them, in an attempt to get them to vote for her.
Not so she can win, because she's going to get swamped, but to run as strong a race as possible as the underlying... Sure, but doesn't it show...
Do you know how delusional they are?
They think Liz Cheney is their secret weapon?
What a joke!
Well, what's delusional is they took a guy they hated more than anyone in the world, Dick Cheney, a guy who started a war for no reason whatsoever and cost 150,000 lives, and now they're deifying him because they hate Donald Trump so damn much.
That's truly sick.
Roger Stone takes over.
Get the book, The Great Reset, now signed at InfoWarsTore.com.
Keep us on air.
Thank you all.
We are now into hour number four with special guest host and former political prisoner Roger Stone.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Thank you very much, Alex.
It's great to be back here at InfoWars.
If I had thought about it, we would have teed up Gene Autry singing, Back in the Saddle Again.
The entire crew at InfoWars are the very best people to work with.
Uh, you probably didn't see it, or maybe you did this past Thursday.
I had an opportunity to go on with my good friend, Sean Hannity, uh, because
he recalls the horrific raid on my home.
You may remember, uh, that on the 25th of January, 2019, 29 heavily
armed FBI agents stormed my home.
Uh, all of them SWAT clad, uh, brandishing fully automatic M4 assault weapons
initially surrounding my house.
They arrived in 17 armored vehicles.
There was an FBI helicopter overhead.
And yes, as Sean Hannity loves to point out, they pulled two amphibious units, boats, up to the dock behind my house.
And frogmen were jumping out on the dock, also heavily armed.
This entire attack to arrest me, this raid, cost the American taxpayers $1.1 million.
That's because the government was shut down at the time and every one of these agents was getting time and a half for overtime.
And of course, the prosecutors had talked to my attorney the day before.
All they really needed to do was tell me to turn myself in.
So I had an opportunity to talk to Sean Handy about this on the air.
Unfortunately, Fox cannot post that video to their YouTube channel, lest they be banned for life.
Several weeks ago, WABC in New York, a mega radio station, great folks there, posted an interview that I did with Frank Marano, only to have their page suspended.
To his credit, my friend Sean Hannity posted this video on his Twitter page, his Facebook page, his Instagram page.
I put it at Rumble.
Let's take a look.
If you're a Republican, you support President Trump, good luck.
Because the FBI is watching your every move, and you may even be on CNN fake news.
Take a look.
FBI agents, you can see them in riot gear, approached Stone's house before sunrise at around 6 this morning.
They raided his home and they arrested Roger Stone.
Here is a moment of that arrest.
That is Roger Stone being awoken by these FBI agents and I'd say riot gear.
It's actually just flak jackets.
They're wearing bulletproof vests.
One had a helmet on.
These are, I mean, they don't... Agents wear that when they don't know what they're going to encounter, and it is just remarkable, Anne, to see this, because this is not how anyone else connected to the Robert Mueller investigation has been arrested.
He experienced this himself.
Here to respond is Roger Stone.
Wow, pretty interesting what you went through.
I'm sure that brings back very fond memories for you and your wife who, by the way, just survived stage four cancer.
Thank God for that.
Let's talk about that day.
And let's talk about that morning.
And was there, if they would have called your lawyer and said you needed to report at a certain time because you were going to be arrested, would you have reported?
In fact, the special counsel's office spoke to my lawyer on the phone the day before, and I most certainly would have just turned myself in, but at 6 a.m., 29 totally SWAT-clad FBI agents arriving in 17 armored vehicles with a Helicopter overhead, two amphibious units dropping off frogmen in the backyard, all of them brandishing fully automatic M4 assault weapons, stormed my home to arrest me for the first time nonviolent crime of lying to Congress.
Essentially also a fabricated crime because one cannot lie to Congress about Russian collusion when there is a No Russian collusion.
And it was a horrific experience.
Air, sea, and land, just like with the President.
Why they had to go through all my wife's clothes.
They were in our house for 13 hours.
They found no evidence whatsoever against me.
And of course, a year after President Trump had both the courage and the strength to pardon me because he realized that I was the victim of a totally fabricated prosecution.
the on November 3rd, 2020, at midnight, strange time to put out a press release, Sean, midnight
on the busiest media day of the year, Robert Mueller's final report was unredacted, proving
that he had found, quote, "no factual basis to charge me with anything regarding Russian
collusion, WikiLeaks collaboration, or involvement in the phishing or publication of Donald Trump's,
pardon me, of John Podesta's emails."
So the whole purpose of this raid was intimidation.
Let's talk about it in relation to what happened at Mar-a-Lago this weekend.
And you know Paul Manafort, you know Peter Monavaro.
And why this seems, why these tactics are now being used more and more, and why does it only seem to happen to conservatives?
Nothing happened to Hillary Clinton, nothing happened to the people that lied before FISA courts.
Nothing happened to the upper echelon and the FBI when they spread lies about Russia collusion, as you point out rightly so, that never occurred.
They've had Hunter Biden's laptop.
We know there are crimes and evidence of crimes on that laptop.
Nothing's happened to him.
Why the double standard?
I'll give you the last word.
Well, first of all, it's very important to recognize that I was arrested at 6.06, at 6.11, Sarah Murray with CNN texted a copy of my indictment to one of my lawyers.
That indictment was sealed until 9.30 that morning.
So, just the leak of the indictment was a felony.
And when you look at the metadata tags to figure out who wrote it, because it had no court markings or time stamps on it, well, it had the initials of Andrew Weissman.
If this was meant, this raid in Mar-a-Lago was meant to intimidate Donald Trump, they don't understand Donald Trump.
I work for President Richard Nixon.
I work for Senator Bob Dole.
Two of the toughest guys you can imagine.
Donald Trump is tougher than both of them.
That's why he was a great president.
It's also why he'll be a great president again.
Also, thanks to Joe and Jim Hoff at The Gateway Pundit, who posted it on their website, along with a piece I wrote about the entire horrific experience.
Why they seized the documents pertaining to my clemency?
Well, it's an odd question.
There's nothing irregular or illegal or improper about that entire process.
The truth is from the time that I was charged on January 25th, 2019, up until the day the president called me over a year later to commute my sentence, I had no contact whatsoever directly or indirectly with President Trump.
Neither his lawyers nor my lawyers would permit it.
Nor do we have communications through third parties or through my attorneys.
So the idea that there was some corrupt bargain, something that Hillary Clinton has just flatly said, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Hakeem Jeffries, all of them claiming, oh, Stone agreed to keep his mouth shut about unspecified and I should say non-existent misdeeds by Donald Trump in return for a pardon.
No, I got a pardon because I got down on my knees and I prayed to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior for justice.
There came a time, as I think people know, Uh, when it became very clear to me that I was not going to get a fair trial, uh, when I had a deeply biased and hateful judge who couldn't conceal her hatred for me or for Donald Trump.
And therefore, I was redeemed in the blood of Jesus Christ, which is why I am with you to be on this show and sit in for Alex Jones today.
Coming back on the other side, Officer Sal Greco, a 15 year veteran of the New York Police Department, joins us to talk about his political persecution under Mayor Eric Adams of New York City.
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone, sitting in for Alex Jones.
That was a bite of the great Gene Autry's epic classic, Back in the Saddle Again, and that's how I feel whenever I'm back at InfoWars.
As I think most of you know, I did a show here for well over a year with my good friend and colleague Owen Schroyer, at the War Room, which airs at four o'clock central, five o'clock
eastern every day.
Owen has carried on that great tradition.
So I urge you, if you're not watching my show on frankspeech.com, which is on at the same
time, tune in and see Owen.
I've got to see Owen in rerun because I'm doing my own show, The Stone Zone at frankspeech.com
at four o'clock central, five o'clock eastern at frankspeech.com.
You've got to scroll down to LyndellTV2 to watch it, but I urge you to check it out.
I have to watch Owen myself in rerun, but his show is always lively, and I'm praying for him as well.
It is interesting that in that short clip, Sean Hannity did make reference to my wife of 30 years, Nydia Stone.
And of course, anybody who watched the epic spectacle of my trial knows that she was my rock throughout.
She was there through every day of the trial.
She was there for every one of the days of the two years
that we were vilified, smeared.
There she is being led out of the house.
That is my beautiful wife there.
And I get mail, text messages every day to ask me how she's doing.
I am happy to report that based on the healing power of Jesus Christ and the power of prayer
and through a combination of some Western medicine, but mostly alternative healing.
My sweet, beautiful wife is now cancer-free.
More than 120 days cancer-free.
It is, as the doctors themselves say, a miracle.
So I thank all of the info warriors who have inquired as to how she's doing.
She's doing really great.
At the same time, we continue to have the unrelenting stress of 11 remaining totally harassment-oriented civil suits against us, filed by nutjobs, potpots, leftists, Democrats.
Oh wait, I'm being redundant.
This is what they call lawfare.
That's when they file highly sensationalized civil lawsuits against you for the purpose of dragging your name through the mud yet again and running up giant legal fees.
And if you don't defend, well as Alex Jones showed, even when he did defend, they file a default judgment against you.
You may have even seen stories that we recently reached an agreement with the Department of Justice in a civil suit regarding our 2006 taxes.
Folks, when you see the headline that says Roger Stone and his wife agreed to pay the IRS $2 million, well that's the amount they have assessed us.
That doesn't mean that we have the money today to pay them, because we do not.
What they also don't tell you is that 70% of that amount is interest and penalty.
My taxes are up to date for every year from 2007 to the current time.
Those taxes for the normal citizen would have been discharged or would have negotiated a reduction in the interest and penalty.
But I'm not your average person like Alex Jones.
I am a target and for the same reasons that Alex Jones is a target.
So folks who want to help us can go to the StoneDefenseFund.com StoneDefenseFund.com I'm going to be paying lawyers for the rest of my life.
But I have no intention of ever giving up in the fight for freedom.
And I never want to be censored again in terms of being gagged in my ability to speak.
So those who can help us, God bless you for it.
Your money will be put to good use.
I want to be very clear.
There is not a month.
In which the total of my legal expenses, paying lawyers, and our modest living expenses do not exceed the amount of money when combined with the uninsured costs of my wife's continued health care and cancer treatment.
She's having some issues regarding edema because they had to remove certain lymph nodes under her arm.
So every month is a struggle.
No, don't believe the Daily Beast when they say the Stones are living a lavish lifestyle.
I'm tired of being called a grifter because I have to appeal to my fellow Americans for support, but I really have no choice.
So if you want to help our family, you can go to the StoneFamilyFund.com and your money, believe me, will be put to good use.
And God will bless you for it.
Coming up in our next segment, a very brave and courageous New York police officer, Salvatore Greco.
Salvatore Greco and I became friends when he contacted me through Instagram.
He was following the Mueller witch hunt and the looming Soviet-style show trial that the deep state had in store for me.
And we became friends, very good friends.
We shared a common Italian-American heritage.
We both grew up in the same area.
He's from Staten Island.
I was from suburban Connecticut, later northern Westchester.
We became very good friends.
He would visit my family and I on holidays, Christmas, Easter, and so on.
But the New York Police Department Is now trying to destroy Sal Greco simply because he was, in his off hours, a supporter of President Donald Trump and a good and supportive friend to Roger and Nydia Stone.
This is an outrageous case that we're going to outline for you when we come back.
But just as they are persecuting Alex Jones for exercising his First Amendment free speech rights, just as they continue to smear and persecute me, they're trying to destroy this proud son of Staten Island, New York.
And he joins us on the other side.
In the meantime, folks, order Alex Jones's new book.
This is going to be one of the most important books of the century.
If you want to really understand what's going on in America and the struggle we face and why what we face is a struggle between dark and light.
Between good and evil, between the godly and the godless, and the danger of this nation stepping off into a thousand years of darkness if we do not win this struggle.
There is no better place to understand what exactly is transpiring in America than by buying a copy of The Great Reset and The War for Our World.
I can't wait to get my copy.
You should order yours online today.
Get it through InfoWars.
Don't send the money to Jeff Bezos.
Order it in the InfoWars store, along with his other great products.
InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
The Deep State is desperate to shut Alex Jones and InfoWars down.
Don't let it happen.
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone sitting in for my good friend, Alex Jones.
Some of you may have been watching the January 6 soap opera as staged by the U.S.
House of Representatives Democrats.
Very much like the Senate Watergate hearings of decades ago, it was a one-sided, spectacularly produced television drama that was short on facts.
I thought it fairly shocking when for weeks Adam Schiff and others kept hyping that their hearings were going to demonstrate that Roger Stone and General Michael Flynn were the connection between the Trump White House and certain extremist groups.
This is categorically false.
Then they produced a woman named Cassidy Hutchinson, who I've never met in my life, and it was very interested in the way that her testimony was couched.
Liz Cheney, the congresswoman from Wyoming, Daughter of a war criminal who lied this nation into war by falsely claiming that Iraq had some connection to the attacks on America on 9-11, and then falsely claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, specifically yellow cake uranium that they could convert to nuclear weapons.
This lie cost 150,000 American lives, more than 200,000 Iraqi lives, and over $9 billion to the American taxpayers.
But Liz Cheney asked Hutchinson, is it your understanding that President Donald Trump directed his White House Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, to call Roger Stone and General Michael Flynn on the afternoon of January 5th.
And Hutchinson said, yes, it is my understanding.
And that call was for the purposes of finding out what would happen on January 6th, Cheney said.
Let me be very clear.
I've never talked to Mark Meadows on the phone in my life, most certainly not on January 5th, and I would have no idea what was going to happen on January 6th, because I wasn't there, and I never planned to go there.
I did go to Washington, D.C.
to give a speech at a perfectly legal, permitted event where Alex Jones also spoke.
And that video of my speech, which has now been taken down by YouTube, is perfectly appropriate.
I did put forward my own apocalyptic view of the struggle facing the country based on my Christian beliefs, but nowhere in that video did I call for violence, lawlessness, or insurrection.
I'm a veteran of 40 years in American elective politics.
I believe in our system, however broken, and that we must succeed electorally.
That has always been my position.
With me that day, however, was a friend, Sal Greco, who I referred to earlier in the broadcast.
Sal Greco is a veteran of the New York City Police Department with an unblemished record of service to the people of New York, serving in some of the most dangerous precincts in the city.
Sal Greco was also not at the Capitol, and Sal Greco is also not involved, as I was not in any way, in the efforts to delay the Electoral College vote.
I certainly followed it in the media, but I wasn't involved.
If there was a war room at the Willard, well, I didn't know about it, and I certainly never visited it.
Either did Officer Greco.
But Salvatore Greco has been the victim of another witch hunt.
Shortly after he returned to New York City after January 6th, he learned that administrative charges for termination had been filed against him, and he went through the same kind of Soviet-style show trial that I did.
Joining us now from Staten Island, New York, a proud son of New York City, Officer Salvatore Greco.
Good afternoon, Roger.
It's a pleasure to be here on InfoWars.
So, Sal, we sat through your trial.
They weren't very happy when I showed up just to be supportive, but they are well aware of the fact that you had nothing to do with the illegal acts at the Capitol.
On January 6th.
And you were terminated after a long administrative process when the New York City Police Commissioner essentially sat on a recommendation by an administrative judge that you be terminated.
Your livelihood has now been ended.
Your pension and your access to your pension is in question.
But as I understand it, you were fired for two reasons.
One, they say, that you violated a New York Police Department regulation which prohibits you from consorting with known convicted felons.
That would be me, I guess.
The Biden Justice Department thoughtfully sent a letter saying that an unconditional presidential pardon does not change one's technical legal status.
But also they say that you provided uncompensated security for me.
That's a new one.
Is there such a thing under the NYPD regulations?
To be honest with you, Raj, I believe this is a whole new term created just for Sal Greco, this uncompensated security.
as you well know, you never have given me one dime.
And the only exchange of money that's ever occurred between the Stone family and Sal Greco was the two times
I came to see you once in, I believe July of 2020, where it was Nydia who said,
"Listen, since you're staying at the hotel, you've always treated me like family."
And she wanted me to stay.
And she offered to reimburse me for the hotel.
That was one instance.
And there was a second instance, I believe it was in October of 2020,
when I came to visit you, the car broke down, the Stonemobile broke down.
So I rented a vehicle.
And once again, Nydia was nice enough to say, "I'll reimburse you for that since the vehicle broke down."
And that's the only transactions that have ever occurred between you and your family and myself.
Yet they say that you provided uncompensated security.
Now it is true, unfortunately.
As violence and public shaming become a new tactic of the radical and violent left, yeah, I do feel safer going someplace with a friend rather than going by myself.
But at no time was Sal Greco ever my formal security agent or guard.
He is a personal friend.
But the other charge, which we'll talk about more on the other side, that's more egregious, is this idea Uh, that you were fired because you consorted with a known convicted felon.
Mayor Eric Adams, the current woke progressive mayor of New York City, writes in his book about providing paid security for Mike Tyson and for Louis Farrakhan.
Both of them convicted felons.
He was also brought up on charges, went through the same administrative process you did, but there was no finding against him.
He wasn't terminated.
They didn't dock his pay.
They didn't take away vacation days.
I argue this is an equal protection matter.
That Sal Greco must be treated the exact same way as New York City Police Captain Eric Adams.
And there in the crux is a $25 million lawsuit against the New York Police Department that this officer is going to file.
This has been a long, bloody, drawn-out struggle.
I want to talk a little bit about your father passing away in the middle of it, because it's a heartbreaking story what NYPD brass has done to you, and Americans need to know how they can help get in this fight.
So, on the other side, Sal Greco, New York City police officer, proud son of Staten Island, one of my best friends, joins us at InfoWars.
Thank you, Mr. President.
Great to be back here, back in the saddle again, sitting in for my good friend Alex Jones.
And we continue our interview with New York City police officer, actually now former New York City police officer, Sal Greco, who only days ago was terminated by the woke progressives running the New York City Police Department.
Officer Greco, let me ask you a few simple questions.
As an officer of the law, are you permitted to carry a firearm in jurisdictions other than New York?
You're allowed to carry in all 50 states.
And on your off hours, when you're not on duty, are you allowed to support President Donald Trump or attend a political event?
You should be able to, but apparently that may not be the case.
In this particular case, I know that the prosecutor in this administrative trial sought your social media records and then sought your telephone records and that his initial subpoenas were denied because this is not a Criminal proceedings.
This is not a court proceeding.
But then he refiled his requests, falsely claiming that this was a narcotics investigation.
Sal, have you ever been tested for the use of narcotics by the New York Police Department?
No, not in this particular instance.
Obviously, they can randomly dole test you, but they dole tested me about seven or eight years ago randomly.
As far as this case goes, I was never dole tested, nor apparently on the stand, as the sergeant mentioned, that I was never suspected of narcotic use.
Sal, are you a member of the Proud Boys or the Oath Keepers?
Absolutely not.
Would it be fair to say that in our private conversations you've been pretty critical of both groups?
That would be correct, yes.
So, in essence, I mean, I sat in your trial and I kept showing pictures of you and I with other people.
And I certainly acknowledge that I, like you, we've met members of the Proud Boys.
We came in contact with members of the Oath Keepers.
Seems to me that that proves nothing whatsoever.
That's guilt by association.
If having my picture taken with a member of the Oath Keepers or the Proud Boys means I'm an insurrectionist, well that means that Congressman Adam Schiff having his picture taken with Ed Buck The multi-millionaire gay murderer who's now been convicted of killing young gay black men, that means that Adam Schiff is a murderer.
It's not even logical, but this is the technique that was used at the trial over and over again.
Yes, also at the trial, you were sitting right there.
How many times was Jacob Engels involved?
How many times did we hear his name being invoked?
Jacob Engels has never been accused of being a member of the Cowboys. He's obviously a
journalist who actually works for InfoWars. I believe this was, I mentioned this in my, when
I was testifying, and he also has worked for you. He's never been convicted of anything. He's
not a felon. If anything, poor Jacob Engels has had encounters with people in the street.
But yet, that didn't stop them from mentioning him almost as many times as they mentioned your
And of course, they've also mentioned President Trump numerous times in this court proceeding.
So, yeah, it's just unbelievable that this entire trial took place.
Now, Sal, very sadly, while this was happening, your father, who you were very close to, passed away.
Tell us about how the NYPD treated that.
Well, uh, shortly after, uh, January, uh, 6th, uh, my father was, um, diagnosed with brain cancer.
It's glioblastoma.
It was, um, stage 4.
My father was 76 years old.
Uh, you know, he, I don't even know if the man had a parking ticket.
Uh, he's, uh, you know, he was an immigrant from Sicily.
He came here in, uh, in the 70s, worked his whole life.
Uh, he got sick out of nowhere, and, um, I, Got the call.
And obviously, it's funny that it's January 25th that I was interrogated by the NYPD, which you would know, you remember that day like it was yesterday.
January 25th, 2019 is when you had the Gestapo raid.
So I went through an interrogation and my father was losing his senses, losing Speech, you know, he was digressing, you know, very rapidly.
So they decided to have surgery on him and I wasn't able to be there for him because one, I am being harassed and pressured by not only the NYPD, but I have countless media publications and also the vitriol of hate that's on Twitter with all these people that don't know anything about what's going on in your life.
They were attacking me.
So, uh, I finally got around to seeing my father who, at this point, could not even speak anymore.
My father did not speak to me till, I have, the last time I heard his voice was before January 26th.
My father was laying in a death, basically his deathbed, in hospice.
And I, I went to the hospital, from here, all the way to Pennsylvania, Notice the vehicle that was behind me.
It was following me, obviously, you know, it takes a cop to know something.
I made it to the hospital and I was there in the final hours and I watched my father pass away in front of me with a member of the New York City Police Department in the parking lot.
They followed me, apparently, as I learned in the trial.
They were seeing, they wanted to see if I would come into contact With you.
All the way in Florida.
Meaning, I was supposed to work that day, so apparently I would have driven all the way to Florida and come back to work somehow inside of 24 hours, which is... I don't even know what to say about that.
So this is an equal protection case.
It's very simple, folks.
The New York Police Department cannot treat Officer Greco differently than they treated New York City Police Captain Eric Adams.
And Sal Greco has announced his intention to file a $25 million lawsuit against the woke NYPD.
Unfortunately, he has gone through his savings to defend himself, having to require lawyers throughout this whole process.
People who do want to help Sal Greco can go to HelpThisNYCop.com.
Let's put that up if we could, because he needs your help.
Again, the email address HelpThisNYCop.com.
Sal Greco, like Alex Jones, is the target of persecution and he needs our help.
I'm strongly behind this lawsuit.
I want to see Eric Adams in the witness chair.
Anyone who tells you that you can't compel him to testify because he's the mayor of New York City doesn't understand this case.
Eric Adams will be called to the stand, not as the mayor of New York City, not in that capacity, but in his capacity as a former New York City police officer who did the exact same thing Sal Greco did, but has not been held to the same standard.
There it is right there, folks.
Get in this fight.
We need you in this fight.
Sal Greco, like Alex Jones, like Roger Stone, is being persecuted because he believes in America, because he supported President Donald Trump, and because he extended the hand of friendship to me and my family.
And he has been vilified for it.
Help us in this fight.
He's got to hire himself a good, tough defense lawyer and go after the woke NYPD.
Sal Greco, thank you for joining us here today.
I look forward to seeing you in Florida.
My friend, you missed some incredible Sunday gravy this past Sunday.
It was off the charts.
It was off the charts, but we will get together soon.
We're grateful for Alex Jones and InfoWars letting us talk about this bombshell case.
And once again, go to helpthisnycop.com so Sal Greco can hire the tough lawyer he needs to take on the entire corrupt bureaucracy of the once great New York City Police Department.
I'm Roger Stone.
You're here on InfoWars on the Alex Jones Show and we will be right back.
You're watching the American Journal with Harrison Smith.
The Alex Jones Show.
This is The War Room with Owen Schroeder.
Infowars, the most banned network in the world.
America is facing her final days as we speak.
With this nation, this republic and our ideals doesn't have to die.
But of our country and our way of life is to be preserved.
We have to recognize that we're under attack and we have to document and chronicle who the attackers are.
And we have to discover the ideology of these enemies of freedom.
It is the big megacorporations.
It is the Great Reset.
It is Klaus Schwab.
It is Bill Gates.
It is the New World Order.
So I want to thank, for all your years of support, the InfoWars viewers and listeners for what you've done.
And I want to just encourage you today, now more than ever, to financially support InfoWars at this critical time.
We have a plan that will work, where we'll stay on air throughout all these fraudulent lawsuits.
We'll appeal them and we'll defeat them, or we'll die trying.
But only if you support us.
If you don't support us during this critical juncture of free speech systems bankruptcy, if you don't support us during these three trials, these kangaroo courts we're facing, we will begin imploding immediately.
So, I'm not complaining.
I'm not bitching.
I can leave it all in the field.
I've been doing this 28 years.
But I know instinctively, and spiritually, and intellectually, and politically, and economically, that our best work is now at hand.
Now, because of supply chain breakdowns and other issues in the last year and a half, a lot of our best-selling products have been sold out.
That's one of the biggest things that's put us in the hole.
But thank God, we fixed the supply chain issues the last four months, and much of the products ahead of the new lockdowns that are coming have gotten back in stock.
So I want to encourage listeners to go to Infowarsstore.com where the classic bestseller is finally back in stock, the original Super Blue.
We have the Super Coral Whitening Toothpaste, super high quality as well.
We have the Activated Charcoal Toothpaste with no additives and a mouthwash.
These are all 50% off at Infowarsstore.com together or 40% off by themselves.
Our number one bestseller, the Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the vitamins, all the minerals, all the amino acids, So key for your immune system, your whole body, great for adults and children.
It is back in stock, discounted at InfoWarsStore.com.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, finally back in stock at InfoWarsStore.com.
The highest level curcuminoid of any one of the great turmeric products on the market.
5% curcuminoid does a great job for you.
That's the average turmeric product.
This is concentrated, 95% the strongest out there.
And then this, sold out for more than six, seven months, maybe it's eight months.
Now back in stock, Super Male Vitality Cold-Pressed Herbs that are designed and on record to boost your libido, your stamina, your energy, and so much.
And it really turbo charges with X2, Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, the missing link for so many people.
Most folks have an iodine deficiency.
This goes right into your cells.
It is beyond amazing.
It goes great with Super Male Vitality.
Men, women, children, everybody should be taking it.
These two together are 40% off or 25% off individually.
Super Metal Vitality, back in stock.
Infowarshore.com, 40% off when you get it with X2.
And this keeps us on air.
So I want to thank you for your support over the years.
No operation has exposed the new order more than we have.
And that credit goes to you, not just the crew, and not just the host here.
So I salute you, and I thank you.
And I tell you now, at this critical juncture, when the whole globalist system is out in the open, now is the most critical time ever to support InfoWars.
So thank you so much for your support.
Oh, no, no, no.
I don't even know what this is.
How did you get here?
I just caught you, American.
You visited Bandar Video.
Oh, Mark Zuckerberg and others angry at you.
Do what CNN says and do not visit Bandar Video, or I have to hurt you.
It comes from China.