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Name: 20220814_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 14, 2022
1276 lines.

Alex Jones discusses recent political events in America, highlighting the threat of globalism and totalitarianism. He talks about how InfoWars has received support recently as more people become aware of what's happening. Jones mentions an event that captured public attention and challenged the narrative they were given. He believes there is a populist insurrection taking place within the Republican Party, causing a realignment of politics. He also discusses military historians admitting America lives in tyranny, institutions like the FBI needing to be broken up, and the push for experimental vaccines as part of a plan by global organizations to establish a planetary world government. Jones talks about lawfare, weaponization of the judiciary against Americans, and other issues such as conflict between the executive branch and archived bureaucracy. He encourages people to speak out against tyranny, support good legislatures, governors, and judges, and expose the weaponized judiciary system.

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Tomorrow's news.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Sunday, August 14th, the year is 2022 and the Great Awakening has exploded.
It's already tremendous expansion with this raid on Trump and the insane hypocrisy and the support for InfoWars has exploded as well.
Humanity is finally understanding how great a threat We are really under.
And next segment we're going to go over some big examples of that as well.
But there's also been another event that has really captured the public's attention and helped them start to question the entire Truman Show, Alice in Wonderland, Man Behind the Curtain narrative that we've been fed.
So coming up, At the start of the second hour, I'm going to lay out a huge issue that I'm not going to get to right now because of time constraints, but next hour we will.
But we're going to hear from a top military historian in the next segment discussing the fact that America is 100% going into an authoritarian paradigm and that if we don't reverse it quickly it could
lead to beyond a civil war.
Which when you understand that the globalists want America to collapse on its own, empires
rarely get conquered from without, they collapse from within.
And that the globalists are positioning America to destroy itself from within.
The Democrats have been put in power by the Klaus Schwab's Bill Gates of the world.
They believe they're really about to get full one party dictatorship here.
They said they're destroying themselves, but they're destroying us at the very same time.
Democrats are enemies of themselves, common sense in America, but we really need to somehow reach out to them so they can expand their paradigm and understand that they're being lied to.
And obviously the Republican leadership are almost as bad as they are.
A bunch of blue-blood neocons, they're a big problem as well.
But we have a populist insurrection taking place through the Republican Party.
A peaceful insurrection through the Republican Party, a political Realignment.
And that's why you have the Republican and Democrat establishment all targeting the populist Tea Party.
So we're going to lay it all out here today.
I'm going to really lay out some stunning information next segment.
And then Owen Schroer is going to be hosting for the balance of the broadcast.
I'll be back hosting tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Central, right after Harrison Smith and the American Journal.
But America is awake.
Where I'm at, visiting family.
When I was here just five years ago, three years ago, these American flags weren't up here like this.
And now, these American flags are up here.
And this area was formerly Democrats.
Most of the people I'm hanging out with were Democrats just five years ago.
They're not now.
And they weren't flying American flags like that because they thought America was secure.
They now know it's not.
So, big broadcast for you, lined up today.
We're always going to question the big events.
We're always going to ask who stands to gain and we're always going to defend the basic rights that have made America so great and we will never surrender.
We'll be right back with my big breakdown of mainline historians and experts admitting that we're in a dictatorship and that we've got to a dictatorship of the bureaucracy and and and and of special interest and that we've got to abolish the FBI and we've got to abolish the private Federal Reserve if this country has any chance.
But I believe in America.
I'm betting on America.
I'm betting on you.
tomorrow's news today.
More and more we're seeing even establishment Republicans and former establishment Democrats like Tulsi Gabbard come
out and say we must abolish the Deep State or they're going to abolish
our Republic.
We're not going into a tyranny, we're in a tyranny and it's time to wake up before it's too late.
I never thought I would say this, the FBI is beyond redemption.
All of its bureaus and its institutions have to be farmed out and broken up.
If you have a warrant, an FBI warrant, there's no guarantee that that has not been altered.
If you subpoena and you want FBI records on phones with a Mueller, they will be wiped clean.
If you want disinterested legal counsel, look at Lisa Page and Peter Strzok.
He's also one of the most respected military historians currently alive.
And he laid out on Fox News yesterday, in five minutes, exactly where we are.
We are living in a tyranny.
We aren't living in the beginning of a tyrannical takeover.
We're living deep, deep inside of it.
The only thing I would add to his five-minute analysis of how much trouble this collapsing republic is in is the Push to forcibly inject not just the U.S.
population but the population of the world with these experimental shots that now even mainline insurance companies have confirmed have massively increased the number of deaths in healthy and sick people.
It is just incredible.
And the open admission by the IMF and the World Bank and the Davos Group and the U.N.
that they are establishing a planetary world government through the vaccine ID that will be the new global cashless society through which they'll enforce the social credit score The carbon taxes that track and trace everything we do, and then of course, finally, the universal basic income, which is how they'll control every fast for our lives because everybody will be on welfare, even if you have a job, it'll still be pursuant to how they program the digital tokens and where you're even allowed to spend them.
I mean, this is beyond a dystopian science fiction nightmare.
It's actually happening right now.
You add to that all the lawfare, you add to that all the weaponization of the judiciary being used against the American people, where Steve Bannon was convicted a month ago in D.C.
by a D.C.
jury of contempt of Congress, and he couldn't cross-examine the witnesses against him.
That's unprecedented.
And people watching the show trial that happened here in Austin on Sandy Hook noticed that we could never call witnesses, we couldn't bring new information in, we couldn't put out our financial numbers.
It was all one-sided.
Completely and totally one-sided.
And they're testing and beta testing this on people like myself and Roger Stone and Donald Trump and Steve Bannon and others.
And that's why it's so important for all of you to realize that we have to speak out against this.
We have to say no.
We have to rally behind good legislatures, good governors, and good judiciary that are out there operating and doing a fair job and expose the totally weaponized judiciary.
So here's this five-minute clip where he lays out Just with stunning detail, and all this is historically on record, what these people are really doing.
And remember, Obama has tens of millions of documents that he still hasn't given to the National Archives.
But Trump had a few boxes and he's a bad guy.
The point is, there's always been a conflict between the executive and the archive bureaucracy.
And the truth is, a president is his own branch of government and can decide what to classify and what not.
That's why this is all fraud.
Obama's allowed to keep his records, and so is Trump.
All right, here is this critical report.
Please stay with us.
We'll be right back with more of this live special Sunday transmission.
At moments like this, why?
Why has what we've watched over the last 24 hours taken place?
Why had they targeted Donald Trump?
Well, they're afraid in the short term, but in the long term, they believe they're morally
superior to America and therefore any means necessary or justifiable for their morally
superior ends.
Right now, we don't have the rule of law in Washington.
Whether you're targeted or exempt depends on your ideology.
So in the past, when there was a dispute over the archives of presidential papers,
Barack Obama just said, I'm not going to turn them over, the freedom of information.
He spent $30 million resisting efforts to do that.
George Bush had an executive order and said, you know what?
I'm not going to do this.
And that was adjudicated.
And now we go after a president and go to his house with 30 agents.
In the past, when a high official was called for a congressional subpoena, Eric Holder just said, I'm not going and I'm not turning over any of this fast and furious.
The idea that you would put him in shackles?
Or you confront him with his family and grab his phone.
It's just ridiculous.
But this is what we're doing on ideological basis.
And when you start to do that, you don't have a democracy anymore.
And I don't think we do.
The second thing is this January 6th committee, Will, is sort of like a French Robespierre Committee on Public Safety.
To be on that committee, you have to have one criteria, and you have to vote to impeach Donald Trump.
If you're a Republican, there was one other qualification.
You had to be politically inert, with no future.
And it was deductive.
It started with the premise that we're going to destroy Donald Trump, and then we're going to bring in witnesses, and we're going to allow narratives to that end.
There's going to be no cross-examination.
There's going to be no disinterested We know that when Dick Cheney himself made a commercial and he bragged about his daughter that she was the one power that could stop Donald Trump.
But that's not what her job is on that committee.
It's to be disinterested.
It's to be inductive.
It's to find out what happened on January 6th.
Not start with a boast that you're going to destroy Donald Trump and make the witnesses and the testimony fit that.
And finally, I never thought I would say this.
The FBI is beyond redemption.
All of its bureaus and its institutions have to be farmed out and broken up.
If you have a warrant, an FBI warrant, there's no guarantee that that has not been altered.
If you subpoena and you want FBI records on phones with a Mueller, they will be wiped clean.
If you want disinterested legal counsel, look at Lisa Page and Peter Strzok.
If you're the FBI and you want to find out why Hillary Clinton has hired a foreign national to find dirt on a political opponent, then you will hire that same foreign national.
And you look at the last four directors.
We just saw Christopher Wray.
And he just stonewalled every question and then he flew on an FBI plane, our plane, a luxury jet because he had to go to his own vacation spot.
He took over, remember, from Andrew McCabe.
What did he do?
He lied four times to federal investigators and his wife was running for an office with Clinton-related PAC money while he was investigating Hillary Clinton's email scandal.
He took over from James Comey who leaked Confidential memos written on FBI devices to the media, and then when he was called before Congress on 245 occasions, he said he didn't know or didn't remember.
Anybody listening to this tries out with the IRS and they're going to go to jail.
And he took over from Robert Mueller, whose entire special counsel case was based on two premises.
The information that was false in the Steele dossier, in the shenanigans of the Clinton-hired GPS disinformation firm.
And when he was asked specifically, he said under oath he knew nothing about either entity.
And so, this is very ironic because all of this is destroying this country.
And it comes from the people who warned us, democracy dies in darkness.
And they have descended upon us the greatest cloud of autocracy and illiberality in the history of this republic.
And we're going to have to do something and hope and pray that the House is under new
leadership and then it will be up to Kevin McCarthy and Republicans, as you say, to reply
in kind.
I don't want to live in a country where Kevin McCarthy tears up the State of the Union address
as soon as Joe Biden gives it.
I don't want to live necessarily in a country when Kevin McCarthy says no squad member is going to be on any House committee or Mitch McConnell is going to go to the Supreme Court and yell about Supreme Court justices.
But that's what we're at and let's pray to God the Republicans can save us.
You're, of course, referring to the actions by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats over the past several years.
It's hard to see forward, isn't it, Victor?
A path for national unity, but you have to start with diagnosing the present, and you did so well.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we are now live inside the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
Owen Shurer is going to be with you the rest of the way on this Sunday version of the Alex Jones Show.
Here's what I've got coming up.
I do have some news on my desk, but I think I'll probably forego most of the coverage to open up the phone lines, and so I'm going to give out the phone number probably in 20 minutes after the next segment, and we'll start getting your calls lined up.
But I want to tell you, last night, I actually went to the future.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
I was in the future last night, and so I come Bearing news today from the future.
And it's not good.
No, it's not good, ladies and gentlemen.
So I'll tell you what the future looks like on the other side of this break.
Ladies and gentlemen, last night, I was in the future.
And I did not I really like what I experienced.
Of course, I'm being a bit facetious, but not really.
I want to tell you a story of my night last night, because I think it's very indicative as to where humanity is going on the current path we're on.
And if we don't recognize the flaws in this future, and if we don't recognize What human life is going to be like if we choose this path, then we're bound for a very, very frustrating future where you'll just be so burnt out with the frustration of your daily activities because it's so obnoxious, the hoops you have to jump through.
That you'll beg to go live in Klaus Schwab's pod eating the bugs with the virtual headset on so that you don't have to live in the crappy world that's been built for you out there.
Now, let me explain.
Let me give a bit of a background here.
So, there's a soccer team in Austin, Texas, now a professional soccer team, Major League Soccer team.
They came here, I think last year was their first season.
Now, Before they even had a game, they had their marketing campaigns all around the city.
Wear your mask!
Take your vax!
We're gay!
Before they even kicked a ball, played a game, turned the lights on at the field, just all this propaganda.
Now, if you know me, you know I come from sports media, you know I'm a sports fan.
But I was so turned off by it, I just never wanted to go to a game.
Well, I decided to go to a game last night.
So Austin FC is probably about as woke as it gets when it comes to professional sports.
And the experience of going to a game, all of the hoops you have to jump through and the frustrations and the inconveniences, It takes away from the game experience.
Now, I'm somebody that's been going to sporting events since when I could walk.
I mean, but by the time I was 15, my dad would drop me off at Bush Stadium and I'd go run around, get $5 bleacher seats, be down there by myself.
So, the fan experience is seriously going downhill.
And it's too bad, too, because it was a great time.
I had a great time last night.
I really did.
But let me tell you what I say That this is a warning from the future.
So, let's tell you what it's like now, because if you understand why this is so frustrating, you understand where the future is going.
So now, you can't even have, and this is probably how it is at most professional events, but I don't know, this is the only professional team really in Austin.
There's no more tickets.
You can't have a physical ticket.
You have your digital ticket.
And so because you have your digital ticket, you have to go through all kinds of hoops just to get your ticket.
You gotta download apps, you gotta sign in passwords, get new pass accounts, and get new passwords, and then get new apps, and do transfers.
It's a whole process.
Instead of just this.
Here's your ticket.
Enjoy the game.
Not anymore!
Download an app!
Make a new login!
Make a new app download!
Transfer the tickets!
So just getting a ticket, I'm not even kidding you, took me over an hour to try to figure all this out, and I had to be on the phone with these internet ticket companies to try to get a ticket to my phone.
So that's a total pain in the ass.
So that's what the future is like.
Oh, you don't have the paper ticket, you don't have the Solid ticket anymore.
No, now you're going to be downloading apps, making screen names, making new accounts, going on the internet and all this stuff, and then you just hope you can get that ticket on your phone at the end of the day.
So that's obnoxious.
You also have no parking near the stadium.
Well, why wouldn't you have parking near the stadium?
Because they want you to get a rideshare, you see?
It's all about carpooling and having a rideshare and going green.
So no parking at the stadium.
So everyone's got to walk more than a mile to get there.
Because you don't want to have a parking lot next to the stadium so people can drive because you don't want people driving, see?
You want them carpooling, or on one of those electric scooters.
Yeah, they had a whole zone for the electric scooters.
They had the whole thing lined up for people to get their drop-off.
So, you're not allowed to have a physical ticket, and you're not allowed to drive to the stadium.
You also aren't allowed to have cash.
Totally cashless.
Nope, no cash allowed here, sorry.
Digital only.
Okay, so again, that's part of this future process.
No, nothing physical, everything digital.
Nowhere for you to park, no individual activity, you gotta do the rideshare.
No cash, everything's gotta be digital, everything's gotta be on the card, everything's gotta be with the microchip.
Then I get in there, and there's a free COVID-19 vaccine tent.
I'm not even kidding you.
The only thing missing from this experience was a 300-pound bearded man in a dress saying it's tranny time.
But that might have been hidden somewhere in the stadium, I just didn't see it.
So, a free vaccine stand at a soccer game.
Like, you're gonna go to a sporting event and you're gonna get a jab in ya!
Oh, honey!
Look, there's a COVID-19 vaccine tent!
I think I'll go get vaxxed!
I think I'll go get boosted!
Okay, so I guess that's normal now, too.
Just gonna have a little vaccine center there.
Maybe it's a Monkeypox vaccine, whatever else they got there, COVID.
Come get your vaccine, guys.
After all, you're at a football game or a basketball game.
You came here to get a vaccine.
Get your vaccine card.
And I go to take that picture, sarcastically, obviously.
And nobody's going to get their vaccine.
And it's these four heavy women sitting there with masks on.
Only people in the stadium with a mask on.
Like, oh look, we're still doing the COVID theater.
We've got our mask on.
We're giving out vaccines.
And I sit there to take the sarcastic photo.
They got so excited.
They thought someone was going to get a vaccine.
They hop up out of their seats.
Oh, you want the vaccine?
You want the vaccine?
I'm like, no.
Actually making fun of you.
Sit back down and enjoy your mask.
Now, I halfway expected there to not even be a national anthem.
And I'm wondering as I'm sitting down before the game, like, are they going to sing the national anthem?
Now, they did sing the national anthem.
People cheered for it.
I like that.
But get this.
And I'm not kidding you, I couldn't believe it, I had to double, triple, quadruple take it.
Not one American flag in the entire stadium.
Not one.
Not one.
Zero American flags.
Now you might say, well, okay, fine, there's not an American flag, what's the big deal?
If you go do a Google search right now, and you guys can plug this in, there are hundreds of flags At soccer games.
Specifically at Austin FC soccer games.
I saw Venezuelan flags.
I saw other national flags.
I saw a Texas flag that said protect trans kids.
A couple of Austin FC flags.
And then about 20 different versions of the gay flag or the trans flag.
The biggest flag in the stadium was a trans flag.
And there were more trans flags than any other, it was the highest flag and the biggest flag in the stadium was a trans flag.
I'm at a soccer game, folks.
Not a single American flag, 30 trans flags flying in the stadium.
And a Texas flag that says protect trans kids, but not an American flag.
So, I'll finish this up on the other side of the break, but I mean, folks, it's like Twilight Zone science fiction now going to a ballgame.
So what's the moral of the story, or what's the lesson learned here?
We're going into a future where everything is politicized, everything is a stage for propaganda.
The human process is being removed from these activities.
And everything is digital, making the process even more painful.
Plus, you can't even drive your car to the event because there's no parking.
And you'll be lucky if you can even afford it.
And I was talking to the crew in the break, just kind of reminiscing.
I mean, I'm not that old.
So we're just talking 15 years ago.
Where my dad could drop me off at a ball game with 10 bucks and I could get in for 5 bucks and get a hot dog and a soda in the stadium.
That's not that long ago.
That's just more than 15 years ago that was the case.
That ain't happening today!
Hell no!
Yeah, right!
So this is what the future looks like.
Everything is now a political theater propaganda stage.
Even a ballgame.
You go to the ballgame, you're not going to a ballgame.
You're going to a politicized propaganda campaign event with a side or derv of the ballgame as entertainment.
You're gonna get propaganda out the wazoo before you even get into the stadium, before the game even kicks off.
You're going to get the health propaganda with take your vaccine.
You're going to get the gay propaganda with the trans flags everywhere.
You're going to get the New World Order propaganda with everything being digital, no parking, not allowed to drive.
And so this is the future we're going into and it's not pleasant.
Oh, not to mention no American flags either.
No, no, no.
Not going to have that.
No American flag for you.
And it's removing the human from the process, becoming a human-less process, Then it becomes this kind of side effect of, now people just expect everything is done for them, and so they're really not even connected to the event or to the activity.
It's just all done by machines, all done by AI, all done digitally, and you're just kind of like a placeholder, like a mannequin, just kind of sitting there.
Like, you're not really involved in anything!
And so that's the human-less future.
And so, I mean, To me, it was the biggest taste of the future that I've ever gotten.
And it was just such a frustration of a process.
And I just know that that's the future.
That's what you're going to get.
You want to go to a ballgame?
You're going to have a pain in the ass getting your digital ticket.
You're not going to be able to park.
You're not going to be able to afford it.
Won't be an American flag.
Propaganda left and right everywhere you go.
And you're just like, wow, what happened here?
What happened?
What happened to this country?
What happened to going to a ball game with your family and friends and just having a good time?
Now you're gonna get all that propaganda just layered on top of it.
And if you can even survive the process of it all, you're just hoping you can get some enjoyment out of it.
Yeah, that's the Austin FC fan section.
Which is a great fan section.
Again, I'm not trying to be a hater here.
I had a good time.
I like going to ball games.
I like being around people.
I like the human experience.
But it's just wild to be living in this Twilight Zone future where you just know it's like, wow, this whole process is extremely frustrating and excruciating.
This is the future!
This is what they want for the future!
And so it was just wild.
And the free COVID-19 vaccine tent was just like icing on the cake, man.
I mean, just ridiculous.
And I think it's a shame.
So I'd like us to look at this right now and say, is this the future we really want?
Is this the process we really want moving forward with all our public events, whether it's ballgames or concerts or the theater?
Is this really how we want to go into it?
Because this is where we're going!
Everything digital.
Remove the human from the process.
Propaganda layered on top of everything.
And that's the thing.
It's like, oh, how do we make this event woke?
Not even thinking about the actual game.
It's like, oh, I know.
Let's not have parking so no one can drive.
I know.
Let's have gay flags everywhere.
I know.
Let's have a COVID-19 vaccine tent.
I know, let's not have an American flag.
I know, let's not have any cash.
I know, let's not have any physical tickets.
Imagine, you're just sitting in the boardroom and you're saying, hey, I thought we were talking about a soccer game here.
So that's the future.
I got a nice taste of the future last night, and I gotta tell ya, it sucks, folks.
Because this is where we're going.
And the more frustrating part is that everyone agrees it's frustrating, everyone agrees the process is ridiculous, everyone agrees that the propaganda is out of control, yet we still do it.
We're still diving into this.
Even though nobody likes it, nobody wants it, everyone's frustrated by it, we're still going in.
It's a very odd thing, I have to say.
It's a very, very odd thing.
But that's the whole removing the human from the process.
So you're just basically getting inserted into these things and you don't actually have any involvement in the process.
You're just there to be propagandized and spend your money.
And it's sad.
Because it's only going to get worse.
And so I have a feeling that experience, Austin FC is probably one of the most woke professional sports teams out there, so I'm sure that that's why the experience is so gruesome in the process.
But my guess is that's going to be the experience with all public events in the very near future.
What I experienced last night.
And you're going to get a taste of it.
At your local ballgame, Your local concert venue.
Your local theater.
It's all going this way, folks.
It's all going this way, and so you're gonna get a little taste of how frustrating this humanless, digital, propagandized future is.
And by the way, the only propaganda allowed, though, is the anti-American propaganda, anti-freedom propaganda, communist left-wing propaganda.
That's all that's allowed of these things.
You're not gonna see an American flag, You're not gonna see them celebrate our great country in any way, or... Hell, I don't know!
Maybe even have, like, maybe a Second Amendment thing.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
30 gay flags.
Not an American flag.
30 gay flags.
So... It was, uh, it was pretty... surreal, I've got to tell you.
Pretty surreal.
To see 30 gay flags waving and not one American flag.
And then a Texas flag that says protect trans kids.
Who brings that to a soccer game?
A liberal.
That's who.
A liberal.
Gotta get that trans flag.
Gotta let people know they want to chop little kids genitals up.
Gotta let the people at the soccer game know that they want to mutilate children's genitals.
Gotta let the people at the soccer stadium know that they're gay or they're trans.
Gotta let them know.
And you gotta give them an opportunity to get that vaccine too.
I mean, so, but imagine.
You're talking about death cult rituals now going on at ballgames.
Cause that's what it is.
They even write stories now.
It's mainstream news last week.
LGBT youth, they actually say LGBT minority youth have the highest rates of suicide in the youth.
Yeah, you're the ones doing that to them.
You're brainwashing them.
You're destroying their innocence.
You're destroying their bodies.
And then they're going suicidal.
That's a death cult.
And then I go look at that propaganda at a soccer game.
You've got an experimental vaccine.
That's killing people.
40,000 at least in the United States of America that we know of.
And I've got a damn vaccine tent sitting right there.
It's like, that's what I'm saying.
I'm at a soccer game with death cult programming all around me.
And then, when you add that into the whole experience, with the human being removed from the experience, and the human process being removed from the experience, it's like I'm just sitting in the Death Cult future, just waiting for it to all come down.
Okay, I am now going to give out the phone number.
And we're going to take calls the entire second hour of the Alex Jones Show today.
And I know Christy Lee has a big Sunday night live show that she's going to be hosting afterwards as well.
The phone number to call in, 877-789-2539.
We're going to do open lines, so anything is fair game to talk about.
If you want to respond to my warning of the death cult programming that's going to be overwhelming everything in the future with my experience last night, that's fine.
You want to talk about the raid as it's kind of simmered, the dust has settled on that story now.
We've got some more answers, we've got some more questions.
Or anything else, it's all fair game.
Or, I love it when liberals or leftists call in to tell me how bad I am.
We really will invite that as well, if any of you have the courage or the spine to give it a go tonight.
Again, 877-789-2539.
877-789-2539. Now ladies and gentlemen, we do intend to stay on air as long as
And you are noticing, obviously, the attacks against InfoWars are increasing in the last month.
And of course, that is by design.
The corrupt establishment, the Democrat Party, look at InfoWars like we're weak right now, and it's like chum in the water, and so they're coming after us hard.
But InfoWars is not weak right now, we're as strong as ever, and with your support, shopping at InfoWarsStore.com, And spreading the links and praying for us.
We will continue to be on air every day.
That is our plan.
And so they're going to have to basically drag us out of here.
I mean, they'll have to raid it and shut this place down.
And who knows?
They might have that in their bag of tricks.
Because as I was saying last week, then they start covering mainstream news articles.
And it's amazing how the left doesn't even realize how they're the bad guys now.
And it's like, Owen Schroyer and InfoWars say anybody could be raided next, like Tucker Carlson.
It's like, yeah, don't you see how these are the bad guys?
But they, like, promote it, like, that's good!
Like, yeah, we should be raiding all conservatives!
We should raid Tucker Carlson!
We should raid Fox News!
We're the good guys, though!
And we're anti-establishment!
No, I don't think so.
You're the bad guys and you know it.
And so now you just look at it like chum in the water.
Let's go after all our political enemies.
We control the FBI.
We control the government.
We control big tech.
We run the deep state.
We're the left.
We're the new American Gestapo.
We're the new American Nazi.
We're liberals, though.
We're progressives.
We're all about gay kids.
Ahaha, yeah!
Now, Supermail Vitality is one of the top-selling supplements that we have at Infowarstore.com.
It's actually a liquid tincture.
Really great product, and it's been out of stock for a while, but we've got it back in stock, Supermail Vitality, and it's 25% off.
So I know the regular users of Supermail Vitality are stocking up on it right now, but now is your chance, if you've never tried it, to give it a go at 25% off at Infowarstore.com.
And while you're there, browse the store.
There's going to be all kinds of supplements that you're going to be interested in, not to mention the apparel, the goods.
It's all at InfoWarsStore.com and it's your support there that keeps us on the air.
All right.
As the crew is getting your phone calls lined up, let me just pick it up and put it down here.
Some of these headlines that are featured at InfoWars.com.
CBS panel fears FBI raid in no way deterring Trump from announcing 2024 run.
Yeah, if anything, it boosted his desire if there was ever a lack thereof.
And it's only made Trump supporters that much more ardent in their support of Donald Trump, myself included.
But you know, looking back on it now that some of the dust has settled on this story, I mean, Really, the only thing we know is that this is obviously politicized political persecution and Democrats are on the show.
But was it Hillary Clinton that wanted this done to Trump?
Was it the Democrat Party?
Was it the Deep State?
Was it Obama?
Who was really making this call?
Who was really making the call to do the panty raid on Melania Trump's wardrobe?
Who really made the call?
Whose idea was it to break into Mar-a-Lago?
And what were they looking for?
Because we've been lied to by the FBI, obviously, about the agenda there.
What were they really looking for?
And if they continue to make the claim of, oh, classified documents or archives or whatever, well, any knowledgeable person knows that that's a lie.
All you got to do is go back to the president before Trump, Obama, and look at all the Documents that he seized.
I mean, the guy basically stole National Archives and then built a compound in Chicago with federal money that he can go stash it in.
And that was a huge story.
That was a big debate and a big controversy when Obama did it.
But, hey, it's Obama.
He just does whatever the hell he wants.
So they said, oh, Obama took these archives and is hiding them now.
And it was just kind of like, well, yeah, but it's Obama.
So I guess we have to let him do it.
By the way, you know that was the big story last week, the raid, obviously, but there was other big stories.
I mean, how about the CDC announcing that COVID is basically the flu?
They just came out and said, yeah, COVID's just the flu, basically.
Go back to normal, no big deal.
Didn't even make news.
People still run around wearing their masks like a bunch of jackasses.
The FBI was supposed to turn over The Hunter Biden laptop to a Congressional Oversight Committee.
They didn't do it.
Just didn't do it.
Didn't even make the news.
So they're hoarding all the criminal activity that is in the Biden laptop from hell.
So there were other big news stories.
You had the FBI plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer.
You have that trial going on.
All the exposure of what the feds were doing to set people up, lying to people, trapping people.
That all came out as well.
And it was all overwhelmed.
By the raid at Mar-a-Lago.
How convenient.
Not to mention it was the one year anniversary, or I guess it's about to be, I don't know what the exact date was, when Biden had the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal where the 15 servicemen got killed and then they came back to America and Biden was too busy checking his watch to show his respect to the fallen soldiers.
So all of that was going on, but it all was overwhelmed because of that raid at Mar-a-Lago, which obviously is the biggest story of them all.
But yet those other ones, you know, still pretty... still pretty big.
COVID's just the flu.
Hunter Biden's laptop?
Yeah, we're just not gonna turn that over.
Yeah, we're just... we're just not gonna do that.
We're just not going to investigate the Biden crime family while Biden's on, what, his 50th vacation of his presidency?
More vacation time?
The only person that took more days off was Obama.
So Biden outdoing Obama, just like he got more votes than Obama, too, you know?
Just like he got more votes than Obama.
Oh, this is nice.
Again, these are the headlines from InfoWars.com.
Caught on video, CPS employee tells 14-year-old girl to become prostitute.
Nice, CPS.
Very nice.
Of course!
Of course they don't want an independent review!
They're crooks!
They're criminals!
They need to be shut down!
That's what I'm saying, like... It's not just InfoWars saying this now.
The media focuses on InfoWars because they want to use us Like, we're like the guy hanging in the gallows.
So when people come into the city, they see this guy, they see a dead guy hanging, and they say, oh, I don't want to steal here, I don't want to be a pirate here.
That's what they try to do to InfoWars, is just put Alex Jones' bloody, rotting carcass up, hanging in the gallows, so everybody can see, oh, I don't want to do what Alex Jones does!
So they see, Fox News and other independent journalists and news hosts becoming more like InfoWars, which is just telling it like it is, telling the truth, giving the American people the real story with the foresight.
And then they just say, oh my gosh, it's so bad what InfoWars has done.
They want InfoWars up there, bloody and hanging in the gallows, so that all the other media organizations will say, uh-oh, we don't want to be like that.
We don't want to end up like that.
We better not tell the truth.
We better not question the FBI.
And so I just say the FBI needs to be shut down.
The FBI are terrorist organizations.
Well, let's see, they're the ones that were plotting to kidnap the governor.
What does that mean?
And then they say, whoa, don't say anything bad about the FBI.
And you better not sound like Infowars either, or we'll do to you what we did to them.
But it's too late.
The cat's out of the bag.
Any rational American right now knows that the government's out of control and that the FBI has been politicized and
needs to be shut down.
Yeah, Trump has more people outside of his Mar-a-Lago residence after the raid than Biden has at any of his
presidential campaign events combined.
But hey, 81 million votes.
Dig it.
I've got a feeling we've got some great callers on the line, and so we're going to be spending the rest of tonight's transmission taking calls.
And let's start it out with Bart in Georgia on the ruining of pro sports.
It really has gone south in the last decade or so.
Bart, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Yeah, they started ruining America decades ago by destroying Major League Baseball.
And I'll refer to you a story.
In 1976, I was 10 years old.
I went to my first baseball game.
My father said, come on, son, I'm taking you to school.
We got in the car.
He said, you're not going to school.
We'd like to say you're sick.
We went to the game and he skipped work.
Ah, yes, the old businessman special.
Yeah, when they put lights in Wrigley Field, they ruined that tradition.
Yeah, and then here's another story.
huge controversy there. I think it was the late 80s. They had all these petitioners saying
don't put lights at Wrigley. It took them forever to get them up.
Yeah, and then here's another story. My father bought season tickets to the Atlanta Braves
in 1978 and they went right behind home plate and then they went on strike for most of the
season and I never forgave them for it.
It really is sad too. And the whole thing is so controlled now.
Really, that's part of the problem, too, is it's all so micromanaged with your Nazi ushers and your parking lot Nazi ushers and everything.
I remember even just the tail end of the 90s, it was like, you're going to an event, find a place to park, park your car and go to the event.
Now it's like, oh, they got these ushers everywhere and parking lot attendants everywhere.
You can't go here, you can't go there.
There's parking everywhere, but you can't park there.
And you're just like, what?
This doesn't even make sense.
Yeah, you can't get any more Americana than baseball and hot dogs.
I don't remember that.
I think I was boycotting them at that point.
player that the guy was about to set the flag on fire in the field and he went and ripped
it out of his hands and the crowd went wild.
Remember that?
I don't remember that.
I think I was boycotting him.
You're not going to see anything like that anymore.
Now they've just burned the American flag as part of the experience.
Like yeah!
Down with America!
It's crazy.
Thank you.
I'm just no longer interested in professional sports.
They don't help me pay my rent.
Well, it's a damn shame, too, that, I mean, you have, like, a small handful of athletes that are even willing to say anything against the establishment, anything against the grain.
All the professional sporting events have sold out to the left, sold out to China, and all you really have is Dana White at the UFC.
That's it!
That's the only pro-America professional sporting leader or organization is the UFC.
And it's pathetic.
Alright Bart, thanks for the call.
Let's go to Kevin in New York.
Kevin, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
You know, I was going to talk about the whole Trump scenario, but you're talking about sports and how they're changing, rewriting history and changing sports.
I was watching that Elvis movie, the new one.
Have you seen that one, Owen?
You know, I've noticed this trend.
There's like a bunch of Elvis movies out now.
I don't know what's up with that.
So I don't know which one you're talking about.
It's the big Baz, it's the guy who did the Great Gatsby, so he's got it hyped up with music, glitz, and I'm a huge Elvis guy, I've read like 7 or 8 books on Elvis, been a big fan, but all of a sudden they've re-written it, and when you watch the movie, Elvis is, the whole premise is that he's almost like a civil rights leader.
You know, and there's such an emphasis on focus.
Oh, so it's like rewriting the story of Elvis.
Elvis was like macho man, masculine.
He was an American champion.
I mean, he was a fighter.
He was a soldier.
He was a musician.
He was an actor.
Like, he was the all-American dude.
So they gotta rewrite that history and probably turn him into a left-wing twink or something.
Oh, exactly.
Yeah, definitely.
I mean, the movie's beautiful to look at, but Even, like, scenes where he's going to Beale Street, which was, like, I guess in Tennessee or Memphis, a predominantly black, African-American, whatever you call it these days, neighborhood, and they're playing hip-hop music.
And then they spend about, like, 15 minutes of some soul singer singing instead of Elvis.
And even on the credit, they barely play any Elvis music.
So, you know, I was thinking about talking about Trump.
Well, sadly, they blew a great time, a chance to make a great movie about Elvis, so it'll probably suck.
How you doing Owen?
phone calls the rest of the way here. Already a couple great callers. I think
the caller's gonna be great tonight. I just got a feeling.
I got a good feeling about the calls. So we go back to the phones. We go to Jay
in Texarkana. Jay you're on the Alex Jones Show. Go ahead. How you doing Owen?
I'm alright. I'm gonna plug a minute.
I got all of your supplements.
I'm waiting on a couple of packages to arrive.
I got the movie and the book coming.
Yeah, I'm getting a lot of reviews about the movie.
The movie is starting to get delivered to people's houses.
If you got the pre-order at InfoWarsTore.com, I'm getting a lot of good reviews and now people are finally getting their DVD copies.
You can get your DVD copy of Alex's War documentary on Alex Jones at InfoWarsTore.com.
I'm a truck driver.
I'm on the road.
I haven't got it yet.
And TurboForce, that's all I'm gonna say.
Let's get it going.
You know, I think we're out of TurboForce right now, which is a damn shame, because it's so good.
I drank some today before I went on air.
We'll get it back in stock, hopefully.
Hopefully soon.
So, the wife and I, I took a week off, and we went over to a, I live in Alabama, and we went to a water park there, Alabama Adventure.
Pretty nice, you know, real nice.
Had a good time.
But everything was digital.
So I go in there and it was very pricey.
You know, fortunately, I make an OK living and the tickets for two adults was like a hundred bucks.
And then you got to get a digital thing on your wrist in order to open up this locker.
And that was like twenty one dollars.
And then so I left in there, you know, all my I didn't bring a whole lot into there because I knew I'm going swimming.
So, uh, I took a little money and I went over, my wife, she wanted some pizza.
So I go over and I wait in this line and it was long.
And I get up to the front of the line and there's two pieces of pizza and some onion rings or whatever it was, you know, and, okay, that'll be X amount of dollars.
And then she says, uh, so I go to give her the money.
Oh, we don't take money.
This is an all digital amusement area.
It's crazy.
And I was like, yeah.
Who doesn't take cash?
Yeah, it was crazy.
And then we went to, I saw that movie, uh, The New Top Gun Maverick there.
Highly recommend it.
Real good.
I still haven't seen that one.
Oh, it's really good.
You'll like it.
You'll, you get everything.
You'll cry, you'll laugh, you'll be in suspense.
Um, it was a great movie.
And then, uh, after that we went out to Chili's.
And, um, Chili's, you know, everything at Chili's was really good, I thought.
It was really good.
And then, so then, they bring over this, like, tablet, and you gotta use your credit card on the tablet to pay for it.
And it asks you, like, 17 different questions before you can enter.
Enter, you know what I mean?
Does it ask you what gender you identify as?
I mean, you know.
Just about.
I mean, just about.
When was the last time you took a vaccine?
When was the last time you wore a mask?
Like, uh, hi, I just want to pay for dinner.
That's one other thing.
When we went to the swimming pool there, right, there was people in there with masks on, you know, and I'm like... One guy, I looked at him, I said, are you a ninja?
And he looked at me, like, with his eyes, but that's all you could see, because he had this, like, turtle thing neck up to his, like, eyeballs, and he was wearing a hat, and he looked like a ninja.
And I'm like, what are you, a ninja?
How are you going to go in the water and not get wet, you know?
I mean... Yeah, we gotta protect from COVID, I mean, you know.
Yeah, these people are crazy.
Well anyway, it's terrible for us.
And the silver lining, hey thanks for the call Jay, and maybe the silver lining in this is that... I mean, how do you really properly... Because it's all going this way, it's all centralized, it's all a centralized influence of making everything digital, putting everything on smart grids, internet grids, and all this stuff.
It's like, I mean, honestly, it's...
It's the analogy or maybe the reality is it's an interdimensional spider that is building its web or net internet worldwide web and it's an interdimensional spider building its net to capture all of us And it's like the spider doesn't even respect us as prey.
It builds its net and it just knows we're going to go into it to be eaten.
But the spider doesn't want blood and guts, it wants souls.
So the silver lining is, whatever this influence is taking everything digital, this interdimensional spider catching everything in its net, we're going to have to build our own systems, we're going to have to build our own communities, we're going to have to get back to human behavior in our own way.
That's going to be the only way to do this because you see where it's all going.
The corporate world government has influence and control over all of it.
And that's why everywhere you go, like major sporting events, you see all their propaganda.
They don't take cash.
So, and we've held it off a little bit.
We've definitely held it off a little bit, but we know where it's going.
We know where it's all going.
And of course, they don't want you to have cash because If you have cash, then you can't be controlled.
But if everything's digital, they can shut your access to money off.
They can take all your money away.
It's all just numbers.
There's no real assets there.
And so that's why they want to get rid of cash.
Let's go to Carol in Texas now.
Carol, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Oh, and how's it going?
Happy Sunday to you.
Hi, I'm good.
Thank you.
So getting back to what you were talking about, going to the You know what it is, personally?
I think it's... They just don't want us coming together, sharing the basic human experience of friendship and camaraderie.
They just want us to be like that... What was it, Running Man?
With a sports event?
You know?
I mean, my God!
Kids getting over to Chuck E. Cheese, for God's sake, without some kind of big fat rat in a training outfit trying to, you know...
Well there's definitely an element of they don't want the human experience of people coming together, but they can't avoid it.
it so if it's going to be there they have to layer on all their propaganda so that you
have to deal with it every time.
What does a trans flag have to do with sports?
I mean besides Aunt Heather from South Park.
I'm serious.
I'm walking into a ball game.
I'm walking into the soccer game and here's a COVID-19 vaccine tent and then here's 30 gay flags waving.
And I'm like, what the hell?
I know.
I, it's not like it was back in the day.
I don't know if you've ever been to a WWF, um, or a WWE, well, back in the day.
Oh, of course!
Wednesday's the best!
It's like, you can sneak up in the front, it's like, you can have general, like, general admissions, you can, like, kinda sneak up and wave to the Rock and everything.
And, and, and you know what?
And you know what it was?
You know what it was, too?
There was no political correctness.
Now everything's gotta be politically correct, and so, in other words, everything has to suck.
And it's like they can go back and they're doing it now to like The Rock.
The Rock used to make all kinds of racist jokes in the 90s.
They all used to do racist jokes.
It was hilarious!
It was fun!
Everybody had fun!
The WWF was the most politically incorrect thing on television and they had the top three rated shows in every market.
And that's what made it great.
And now when you bow to absurdity, that's what you get.
You know?
I mean, in my 51 years Well, this is my special day, by the way.
I'm spending my birthday with my InfoWarriors.
Wait, did you say today's your birthday?
Oh, happy birthday.
I can spend it with a better crowd, my InfoWarriors people, you know?
Happy birthday, Carol.
Oh, thank you.
And also, one more thing.
I was in Sleek on Friday, and when you were talking with that gentleman, his name escapes me, but when you were talking, when you were in that Obama thing, It's like, that popped in my head before you even put it on.
I was like, I knew he was, I knew he was going to go with him.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You're talking about in 2008 when Obama said we need to have the civilian law, uh, law force, uh, bigger than the military basically.
And, and now that's what they're doing with the IRS.
I know.
It just boggles my mind.
You never want to believe this is going to happen.
I mean, Alex has been spot on since I've been listening for the past 15 years.
Nobody ever wants to believe that the worst is going to happen.
Well, here's the problem.
Here's why it's so hard for people to really believe it, I guess, is because It's hard to look at, because Obama isn't presented as a radical, ideological revolutionary.
But that's what he is!
Barack Obama is a radical, left-wing, communist revolutionary, who is intentionally, for eight years as president, and still afterwards, trying to sabotage America, and sabotage our way of life.
But see, Obama's presented as kind of, oh, you know, he's slick, he's cool, he's well-spoken, he's popular.
No, he is a radical communist revolutionary.
These people are radical communist revolutionaries.
That's why they're expanding the aisle.
By the way, there's a couple other developing news stories that are getting overlooked.
The violence at the border, the cartels just burning and murdering and looting.
Tijuana completely shut down.
Wild stuff there getting overlooked.
And then there's a new angle to the monkey pox story.
Folks, look.
This needs to be addressed for what it is.
Because... I don't really know how to properly... Because I want to be caring.
I don't want to sound...
I don't want to sound off-putting or cold about this, because these people need help.
They're seriously mentally deranged.
And really what it is, it's an addiction, folks.
And so what you saw from Gay Pride Month is really a bunch of perverts and sex addicts who can't even stop having gay orgies when they're breaking out with monkey pox.
And now, Folks, if you didn't realize what this really was, just total sexual depravity, it's about to come out that they're also engaged in what looks like bestiality.
And now dogs are getting monkey pox on their anus.
So, I'm not trying to be gross here.
We have a serious sexual depravity problem in this country, and it's being celebrated as liberal.
It is degenerate, it is filthy, and it is deadly.
And so now you're starting to hear, and it's not just dogs getting monkey pox from their owners, little kids are getting it too.
This is sexual depravity, folks.
It is beyond degeneracy.
And it's not being properly addressed for what it is.
It is a problem.
And it's being celebrated.
So just get ready for that deal.
So yeah, they're teaching kids how to have sex and they're sexualizing kids and dogs are getting monkey pox.
I mean, do you see what's going on here?
That's what they want.
They want their degeneracy.
They want their depravity.
They want their perversion.
And they want it to be celebrated because they know it's wrong.
They know it's devious.
So how bad does it have to get?
How many kids have to get monkey pox?
How many dogs have to get monkey pox before we call this what it is?
This isn't your sexual revolution of the 60s, folks.
This is your sexual revolution of the 2020s that are going to result in a lot of people getting really sick.
And they're not going to stop because they're being celebrated.
So get ready for that.
You're gonna hear about dogs and kids with monkeypox and you know exactly how they got it.
And they're gonna act like we don't know what's going on.
Because they can't have their liberal leftist gay sex revolution get stymied by the fact that they're spreading diseases rampantly even after we just had everything shut down for the flu.
Incredible stuff.
Let's go back out to the phone lines now.
Let's go to Sarah in Austin here.
She wants to talk about my shared experience from the soccer game last night.
Sarah, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going?
Hey, I'm good.
Thank you.
So, I just moved to Austin a couple months ago with my fiancé, and we've been seeing the Austin FC merch everywhere, and it seems like it's always people wearing masks wearing it, but... Very woke.
It's almost like they're only going for liberals to be fans of this team.
There's something weird about it, but some friends offered us tickets in the fan section for free because they were going to be out of town.
So we were like, sure, we'll go to a soccer game, that sounds fun.
had to park by the domain because we missed the train.
Nowhere to park.
Yep, had to walk a mile.
And then of course the second we get there we see the COVID-19 free vaccine tent.
Like it was just so ridiculous.
But when we get to the fan section I was shocked by the amount of trans and intersectional flags.
I couldn't believe it.
I was like, felt like we were in the Twilight Zone.
It's weird.
You're like, you think you're going to a soccer game and you're just going to some globalist propaganda death cult ceremony.
Like there was just something so weird about it.
I'm like, okay, this is fun drinking beer at a game.
The energy is great.
Like the game was exciting, but why is this going on?
Like, why does this have to be happening while I'm here?
I just don't get it.
Well, this is what liberalism does.
This is what communists do.
They have to take everything that is popular or ceremonious for the community, and they have to take it, and they have to conquer it, and then they have to layer their propaganda over it.
That's what communists do, and that's what they're doing to us now.
So now, you go to a soccer game.
The soccer game is the sideshow.
The liberal propaganda is the real event.
Oh, absolutely.
Me and my fiancé were saying if we ever go to another game, we're going to take a page out of Alex Stein's notebook and go culture jam and just carry a big American flag in the same section and just act like, what's wrong?
We're just holding an American flag.
You know, it's funny, because that was my instinct, too, is to say, why don't I just bring a big American flag and wave it and see what happens?
And I do wonder what would happen, because they get to wave all their flags.
They got 30 different trans flags that are waving.
The biggest, highest flags there are all the gay trans flags, and not a single American flag.
I wonder what would happen if somebody waved an American flag.
I really do.
Yeah, same.
I think we would get a lot of dirty looks, but they can't say anything.
They can't make me put it away.
They've got all their flags out.
But it's almost like you want to do the culture jamming in that regard just to see the response or to force them, because I really wonder if they would just tell you not to wave the flag.
I mean, that wouldn't surprise me one bit.
I mean, they got Black Lives Matter flags waving too, folks.
I mean, it's crazy.
Yeah, it was crazy.
Hey, by the way, I've heard Elijah Schaefer mention an Austin Infowars get-together.
When is that?
I'm not so sure.
Why don't we just put her on hold and see what she's talking about, guys, and we'll talk about that.
Let's now go to Last Prepper Standing in Texas.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
How's it going, man?
Hey, good, man.
Thanks for calling.
You know, I want to start out by thanking you and Alex, first of all, because I'm sure that you guys have been in the fray more than anyone else in the trooper community, and you guys aren't commended enough for it, especially you.
Well look, I don't do this for fortune or fame.
I kind of hate it to be honest.
But what's wild is... It's like I really don't even want to talk about it.
What's wild is that...
I'm the one that's been defamed, okay?
I have been so slandered, libeled, and defamed, it's insane.
I have more death threats coming in than ever before.
I have more lies about me in the media than ever before.
And it's like, I'm just sitting here like, wow, I'm the one that's getting targeted.
I'm the one that's getting the life destroyed.
I'm the one being defamed.
But then I'm the one that gets sued for it.
It's total Twilight Zone stuff.
It is Twilight Zone stuff, just like showing up to a soccer event where there's 30 flags, 30 gay flags against you, and any time in human history you showed up to somewhere and there was 30 flags against you, you would understand that you were being conquered.
But see, and that's what it is.
See, that's what it is right there.
They have to wave it in your face that they've conquered you.
They have to show it off that they've conquered you.
That's why they wave all the gay flags.
So how do we stop that, Owen?
Well, sadly, you can either culture jam to push back against it, or you just don't take part in it.
I don't know if you can stop it.
Just don't take part in it.
That's what it is.
You need to support businesses and people who only support you.
I used to go to every event there was.
Sports-wise, I only go to UFC.
Because they support what I'm talking about.
I only try to do business with businesses that support where I'm at.
And it's harder and harder to find those businesses, but you're absolutely right.
That's why people need to shop at InfoWarsTore.com.
You know, another story that isn't really getting covered much, and that's the car crash and death of Anne Hesch.
I didn't really cover it because it just seemed to be just a, just a basic story, you know, drunk driving or whatever, gets in a crash, people die.
I think she's off life support.
I don't know if she's been declared dead yet, but, um, there might be another story there.
And, uh, I've just been kind of monitoring this with little interest until recently, uh, hearing some details about the crash and then what Anne Hesch was, was up to as far as her work in Hollywood.
People are thinking that there might be some foul play there and there is a video going around that appears to be after the accident, she's trying to rip herself off the gurney before they shove her into the ambulance.
In other words, doesn't look like a woman that needed life support before she got to the hospital.
So that's kind of another weird underlying story that's not getting much attention.
But I may dig deeper into that tomorrow in the War Room.
I want to go back out to the phone lines now.
And I want to go to... Let's go to Organic Warrior in Oregon.
Organic Warrior, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going Owen?
Howdy, good.
Alright, good.
Yeah, I just wanted to touch base.
On Hawaii a little bit, because I'm originally from Kauai, and I always used to hear Alex talk about Kauai, all the elites going over there and stuff.
We know who's all there, but we want to know who's running for governor is B.J.
Pence from Hawaii.
He's leading the people of Hawaii to bring a better place back to Hawaii, because it's leading for the rest of the world.
You know, they do the Monsanto seeds there, and they do all the... There's a lot of corruption there right now, so... Is he a Republican or a Democrat?
No, no, no.
He's Republican.
He's basically like a Trump guy.
I don't want to say Trump guy.
Hawaii is kind of an enigma, isn't it?
I mean, it's a lot of people that understand stuff, like you said, like GMOs, Monsanto.
They like health and organic foods.
But then it's like liberal as hell with their leadership.
Well, back to BJ.
BJ's a great guy to be a governor in Hawaii because he grew up in Hawaii.
He's got all the Hawaiian people at heart.
And what has happened now is corporations have gone in over there and there's, you know, corruption inside and this and that.
But also, he's a UFC world champion.
I mean, you guys want to talk about UFC.
He was, you know, look him up, BJ Penn.
But he's running for governor of Hawaii and we have Makua Kai Rothman.
Makua Rothman's running also, too, over there for Oahu Senate.
He's a pro surfer, professional big wave champion as well.
So now it's time for Hawaii to let all the champions and, you know, take kings of Hawaii take over and bring it back to how it should be, which is keeping the aina clean, picking up garbage, teaching the farming, Hawaiian farming.
and cultural stuff that needs to be brought back in Hawaii, you know?
Well, the reinforcements are arriving politically and, you know, really the answer is we need
good people to run for office and it is happening.
The challenge is obviously beating the rigged elections.
I mean, that's really what it comes down to.
But the Democrat Party needs to be put in the history books.
It should not exist any longer.
The Democrat Party is so filled with corruption and crime and anti-American activities and terrorism and then even going back to the KKK and slavery.
I mean, the Democrat Party needs to be put away.
And I'm not for a unit party!
People listening to this in Hawaii, man.
People listening to this in Hawaii.
Vote for BJ because it's going to get better.
I know how, you know, everyone's been to Hawaii.
It's so expensive and this and that.
Well, that's why people just need to get informed politically and know who they're
voting for.
And I'm not for a unit party, believe me.
I don't want a unit party of the Republicans either.
I mean, Mitch McConnell's as corrupt as the rest of them too.
But the Democrat Party just needs to go, okay?
It just absolutely has to go.
And finally, we have good people running for office.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go to Junior in New York.
Junior, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen, thanks for taking my call.
So I was just gonna say I had a couple of points I wanted to make, but one was about
Trump and how we should always look at things and be cautious of what we believe.
Because I think if you look at Donald Trump's history, he is not trustworthy.
And so what is being shown to us in the media could also be some kind of a stunt to kind of throw people off.
And yeah, I voted for Trump.
I met you in D.C.
So, like, I'm shocked, but the guy can't be trusted.
I challenge you guys to have David Icke on and have a special on why Trump can't be trusted because of the type of people he hired, like Wilbur Ross, Mnuchin.
He leaves people in jail.
He basically doesn't bail out Assange, leaves him to rot.
We need some kind of a My other point is we're going to need some kind of a, to get out of this, like a, a white hat situation.
Kind of like what PSYOP Steve Bochenek said that was going on with the Black Robe Brotherhood.
If we don't have something like that going on.
We're doomed and there's no coming out of this and kind of stuff needs to collapse.
That's why the whole QAnon thing was so pivotal for the Democrats.
It's to give Americans this sense of relief that there are White Hats in control.
They're not.
It was all a lie.
I mean, who knows the true origin story of QAnon or what happened, but it was obviously used as a psyop at the end of the day against Trump supporters.
And as far as your criticism of Trump, it's all fair.
I completely agree.
Trump has all kinds of faults.
He hired horrible people, but the attacks against him are completely legitimate.
I don't think that's...
I don't think that's smoke and mirrors stuff because Trump is controlled opposition.
I think they're genuinely concerned about Trump and I think more than anything it's just because they don't control him and he is basically a self-made man who can do stuff on his own accord without being destroyed.
So that's why he has to be destroyed right now.
Does he have faults?
Can he be trusted?
I mean, these are fair questions, but the attempts to destroy the man because he wanted to run the country are, I believe, legitimate.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go to Owl Killer in Virginia.
Owl Killer, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, so I think it was John Adams that said that the Constitution is only fit for a moral and religious people.
So here's the deal.
The system is too broken to fix, and the corruption and the blackmail is too much.
And what they did to Trump initially when he won, they tried to frame him.
And now, as long as it was a Bush or a Clinton, they were going to be fine because everybody was in on the same scheme.
Right now, what we're dealing with is the cover-up is worse than the crime.
And the only solution moving forward is And the only way to get out of this peacefully without some type of physical confrontation, because for the first time in my life, I probably felt the way black people have been feeling in this country for, you know, since its existence.
Now, whether the fear of police is justified or not, I probably have the same chance of the FBI kicking in my door as they do of getting shot by a police officer.
But it's just actually seeing that in Just actually seeing what they were able to do to the President of the United States.
I think what needs to be done is we need a healing in this nation.
Where all the departments and every type of government organization comes out and says, we're not doing the Great Reset, we're doing the Great Reboot.
And we're coming back and everybody is on the same playing field.
And the only way to do that is agencies like the FBI.
They're never going to go peacefully unless you give them their pensions.
And it's the same thing for Congress.
Give them their pensions, we'll pay their pensions right now, and we'll give them absolution for all their crimes.
But I think, but everybody has to go and we have to start over.
Well, and there's a, this message is spreading wide across right-wing media that the FBI needs to be shut down.
It's a unifying, harmonizing message that I haven't seen in right-wing media.
In a long time.
But you know, you talk about the torment that Democrats are putting on conservatives right now.
And it's just what Democrats did to black people.
You're absolutely right.
The fear that Democrats put in black people in the South during the Jim Crow era, they're now using similar tactics to put fear in conservatives.
So that's what they're doing.
That's why they go after Trump so much.
That's why they go after Trump supporters so much.
They want us to live in fear of them.
Because they're tyrants.
They're authoritarians.
They're the oppressors.
So yeah, this is why the Democrat Party has to go, folks.
The Democrat Party never changed.
Never did it change.
Alright, final segment here. We continue to take calls.
Christy Lee taking over on Sunday Night Live. But let me get right to the calls. Let's
try to squeeze in as many as I can before I sign off. Let's go to Kay in Oklahoma.
This is a big story, Kay.
The cover-up of the Oklahoma City bombing, the cover-up of the Unabomber, is it all connected to the people involved with the Trump raid?
Kay in Oklahoma, go ahead.
Actually, I believe so, because here in the state of Oklahoma, we had the Oklahoma City bombing.
Things are starting to come out now, and Alex was actually, I'm watching something called The Noble Eye of Bomb City Bombing, and I believe Irving... Yeah, that was the, uh, I had a guest on, I'm gonna probably get him on back this week, Chris Ivory, or Chris Emery, uh, excuse me, um, who worked with that documentary.
I think I'm gonna have him back to talk about that.
Yes, and it is amazing to me because how the Feds and the CIA were both involved in bringing down the building that killed and killed children, killed innocent people, and also
injured 800 people.
But what's so funny is the ATF was in, well, their offices were inside that building,
but the ATF were told not to go in that day. And how I see all this stuff, you know,
and Timothy McVeigh, he still hated the government, but he has been shown to be
an operative of the government. And people- And probably under mind control, MKUltra.
Probably, I wouldn't put it past it. But how I see is the FBI, how they have attacked,
and Whitewater's paperwork, the investigation for Whitewater was also stored in the Moore building.
And by the way, I'm pretty sure Because I was looking into this, I'm pretty sure that Merrick Garland actually refused to sign a search warrant of Ted Kaczynski's house.
Merrick Garland, the guy who signed off on the warrant to raid Trump, refused to sign off on a warrant for Ted Kaczynski.
So that's why I want to get Chris Emery back on to kind of get all these facts laid out in front of me.
I mean, it's just crazy how it's all connected.
I mean, you want to talk about a deep state, it's always the same names, the same characters, with the same connections.
And on both parties.
So they want to say, our state has now been taken over by a white rhino group, anti-Trump, anti-American, first agenda group.
And we're a 100% Trump state.
All 77 counties voted for Trump.
Actually, I'm not even kidding you.
I'm so sick and tired of Democrats that I looked for the most red counties in America and it actually was Southern Oklahoma and Southwest Texas.
I think it was Love County, Oklahoma that was 99% for Trump.
percent for Trump? Yes. Like that's where it's like if it's like that's where you
want to go. Well we got a Trump rally coming this weekend.
We're ready to go.
There's a Trump rally happening right now on, uh, I think it was Long Beach or, um, I don't remember what it was, like thousands of cars, just an organic Trump train just happening again.
But hey, you know, Biden, 81 million votes as he's on his 39th vacation of his presidency.
Kay, thank you for the call.
Let's go to Ana in Texas.
Ana, you're on Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hi, Owens.
I've been a consistent listener since 2020.
When the COVID mess started and so I've been hearing info wars, exposing everything, even through the election fraud.
And it was so eye opening.
But what I realized is that and many listeners have realized is that we no longer have a free nation.
We pretty much have a we're in a hijacked ship.
And, you know, it's been very, very inspirational hearing everyone, you know, share what they're doing, you know, the gentleman from my pillows and All of that stuff is going on, Dinesh, D'Souza, and all of the news that you guys share.
But then, you know, it's like a lot of defensive little battles that somehow, you know, we still lose.
And I was thinking, you know, the offensive strategy, I always hear Alex mention, like, what do we do now?
What do we do now?
And the offensive strategy that I've been seeing is that There's three areas that these people that hijacked the ship are focusing on, and that's AI, you know, total control, the money and the food system.
And I just feel like if we were to focus offensively versus defensively on just gathering all of the listeners
and the Americans that still believe in this nation and to focus on AI, they're trying to take over,
control us by everything we do on social media.
Why are we still on social media?
Why are we still on this hijacked ship heading to the slaughter?
Well, and so now you bring up a very, this is one of the greatest dilemmas of the individual
is to say, do I just completely break from civilization because it's become so corrupt?
Or do I continue to engage in the corrupt civilization at the hope or the chance that we can save it or turn it around?
It's a true mental dilemma that everybody kind of will have to go through.
But the problem that we're having is that, you know, I think it's fair to say that this country has never experienced a threat like we're experiencing right now, a domestic enemy, that would be the Democrat Party, actively working to sabotage this nation from within, with its hands on all the control systems.
I don't think this country has ever had a threat like this, with sheep's and wolves' clothing, or rather wolves and sheep's clothing, like Barack Obama, and so many of their ideological leaders.
That's the problem, is first we have to recognize, first we must accept and recognize what the true threat continuum is, and then we can properly come together to deal with it.
But most people still don't understand, they're starting to understand, the Mar-a-Lago raid certainly upped the understanding like a hundred times, but there needs to be a complete understanding, a total, in totality, That the Democrat Party is a direct threat to this country.
That's not just rhetoric.
That's not through osmosis.
They have chosen this path.
They are actively and openly trying to sabotage this country.
That is not up for debate.
So we have to recognize that's the problem.
Do we want to have a party that just destroys the country?
Is that what we want?
I don't think so.
But first we have to recognize the threat continuum that it is.
And it is the Democrat Party!
The Democrat Party that's been around, they were the racist ones that wanted to keep their slaves, they were the ones that wrote the Jim Crow laws, they were the ones that bombed buildings and killed police officers, and now they're the ones undermining the US, bringing in globalism, and actively trying to sabotage the free people of this country.
So, people need to understand that, and I think the political persecution against Donald Trump by the Democrat Party is Waking people up to the true issue.
And so then you have the problem of, well, okay, if we're going to do this peacefully and politically, we got to have fair elections.
And there's where we run into the massive hurdle that we're not sure we can leap right now.
Because I mean, we really don't even know how to properly measure it up.
And most people still don't even understand it's there.
But the awakening is happening.
So it's really just a race against time.
Can the globalists, can the Democrats destroy America before enough people wake up to realize the threat and stop it politically?
So that's the challenge we face and thank you for the call.
All right.
That's going to do it for the calls today.
I'm sorry to the callers I didn't get to.
Christy Lee may or may not be taking phone calls.
She usually has great guests on when she hosts.
So I'm not sure what Christy Lee has planned coming up for Sunday Night Live.
But I do want to thank everybody that called in.
Glad we could get a hold of you and get you on the air.
And of course, I'll be back hosting the War Room 3 p.m.
And we are expecting Alex Jones to be back hosting his show at 11 a.m.
Central tomorrow as well.
Now every day is a challenge to stay on air here.
And so just remember folks, InfoWarsStore.com is the place to support us financially.
And it really angers me when I see people out there celebrating what they think is going to be the demise of InfoWars.
And they just want to see Alex Jones basically bloody corpse hanging in the gallows.
What their lawyers say is like, we're going to take the corpse of InfoWars and we're going to get all their money.
But you're the good guys, I'm sure.
No, it's the fact that, folks, there's a hundred employees or so here, and a lot of them have families.
And they don't care.
They just want to destroy people's lives.
They just want to destroy innocent people's lives.
This is the Democrat Party.
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I mean, they are fuming every day Alex Jones' voice is on the air.
They are fuming every day when my voice is on the air.
Just fuming.
Just fits of rage inside of them.
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They are just torn apart inside.
Which is sad, they hate free speech so much, but that's who they are.
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And this is our latest fundraiser to keep InfoWars up and on the air and the great crew employed here.
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That's going to do it for me tonight.
Tonight, Christy Lee comes up next with Sunday Night Live.
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