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Name: 20220801_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 1, 2022
2412 lines.

Gerald Salente talks about Memphis' potential growth due to its strategic location, but mentions corruption within the government. He praises the city's economic and geopolitical strategies and suggests Judge Joe Brown could become mayor. The conversation then shifts to Sandy Hook-related lawsuits against Alex Jones, with Salente expressing disdain for the Connecticut judge involved. In another portion of the show, Salente addresses his critics who accuse him of anger and promotes DietForce, a weight loss supplement. He encourages listeners to stay calm while preparing for potential societal collapses by investing in hard assets like food and water. Finally, he discusses censorship in Poland and his views on COVID-19 measures as reminiscent of communist and fascist tactics.

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So all these people going along with the leftist woke agenda, everybody following orders and following nonsensical logic-killing statements.
Those are nonsensical and don't make sense on purpose because you've got to go against common sense.
You've got to go against your own instincts and say two men can have a baby, two women can have a baby, two women can have a baby in prison.
You've got to go against your common sense and say, oh no, this isn't a recession.
And be gaslit by these people so that you'll accept the next absurdity, and the next absurdity, and the absurdities are going to get more and more and more deadly.
Bill Maher said the ice caps have all melted.
The ice caps are bigger than they've ever been recorded.
Granted, we've been recording them only for about 100 years.
Everything they say is a damn lie.
And so, you can either realize we're right about this and start fighting it now, or you can do it later when your position is much worse.
So everybody pats me on the back, gives me hugs, and says, oh, you're under attack.
You're all over the news as the demon of hell.
How are you taking it?
I knew all this was coming.
Because I knew I was right.
And I knew this point would come.
I'm not worried about myself.
I'm worried about all of us together.
I love you.
rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
The operating system of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha families, which is the oldest bloodline of European bloodlines in the
world, in which all European bloodlines agree, are their progenitors,
Going back to their founder, Vlad the Impaler.
Count Dracula is the recognized head of the entire dynasty.
His Royal Highness Prince Charles, who can trace his ancestry back to Romania's dark and distant past.
The genealogy shows that I'm descended from Vlad the Impaler, you see.
So I do have a bit of a stake in the country.
As it were.
And so this house of the dragon that flies the dragon banner, the Dracul, rule the planet, just like Revelation tells us the dragon.
And it's allied with the other dragon, the Chitcoms, and its goal is feudalism, but with a high-tech overlay.
We're developing Through technology and ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint.
What does that mean?
That's, where are they traveling?
How are they traveling?
What are they eating?
What are they consuming on the platform?
So, individual carbon footprint tracker.
Stay tuned, we don't have it operational yet, but this is something that we're working on.
Total biometric surveillance.
If we want to stop this epidemic, we need not just to monitor people, we need to monitor what's happening under their skin.
And if you go back to the Aztecs, or the ancient Chinese, or the ancient Europeans, or the ancient Africans, everybody behaved the same.
You had cycles, and you would get cycles of society building up, developing technology, agrarian systems, developing towns and cities, and then the cults take over, the high priests take over, and they always use environmental reasons for the reason that they have to dominate and demand human sacrifices.
So the Illuminati is basically just an extension of the mystery religion system.
The whole type of philosophy.
Yes, it was a way of hoarding knowledge and power to a few special people.
And how did they hoard the knowledge?
Well, when I say knowledge, some of the knowledge is pseudo-knowledge, and some of the knowledge is actually scientific knowledge, which enabled, for instance, Christopher Columbus to be certain that he could sail across the Atlantic and hit land.
He was associated with the Knights Templars, which is one of these Secret societies associated with the Illuminati.
So you've got different types of knowledge, but some of the knowledge is actually bogus.
It's just claimed so that they can get people to join whatever mystery religion they're trying to offer.
And the UN and others at the Club of Rome in the 1960s, early 1960s, said,
we're going to bring back the superstition of the pagans.
And we're going to teach people they're bad and teach them they're evil and
teach them that they have to pay and teach them that old people have to die and
babies have to be killed because there's too many people.
So that we have a barbarous civilization that's the opposite of the Renaissance
and Christianity, but one that is kill and be killed.
And we believe this is the natural system of survival of the fittest, social Darwinism, and so we're going to bring this back.
And that's the real system we're transitioning to now we hear about a transition.
So they've decided to get rid of that and replace it with the old authoritarian model of barbarism that has the exact same Features, no matter what color you are or where your ancestors came from, humans act the same in these cycles over and over again.
The satanic rituals that they carry out, which are horrendous traditional rituals, blood sacrifices, requires a certain level of insanity and disassociative ability.
If you were a normal sane person and you had to participate in the higher level Illuminati rituals, you'd probably go crazy.
It's absolutely essential that they maintain the bloodlines.
These are religious sacraments to these people of power over you!
They don't like the fact you're straight and strong.
They don't like the fact you're good.
They don't like the fact you're hardworking.
They don't like the fact you want justice.
They want to hurt you.
They want to dominate you to fill that empty spot in their heart.
Get ready.
Every minute.
Every hour.
Every day.
Every week.
Every month.
Every year.
We are on air.
The forces of anti-human tyranny are enraged because we've got their number.
We know who they are and we know how to beat them together.
InfoWars is the front line.
InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
InfoWars is the hope of humanity and that means you, the listeners and viewers, the incredible activists of every race, color, and creed, are the resistance.
We are the resistance.
Now, I was supposed to already be taken off the air years ago.
By the grace of God and your support, we're still here.
They knew, as this new world order launched into operational phase out of beta, that if we were still on the air, and that if people could find the clips of what we predicted in the past, that we would have meteoric support, and that we would be able to rally humanity together Understand what we're facing and defeat these people.
They need to be able to launch their public depopulation operation from beta to operational without any criticism of it and completely gaslight people into submission.
But if there's anybody there like in the Emperor's New Clothes parable to call out the fact that the Emperor's butt naked, Their whole house of cards will come down.
So before I hit all this huge news, let me just tell you a quick synopsis of the Emperor's New Clothes parable.
Maybe you guys could just pull up a version somewhere.
There's many tellings of it, but there was the emperor of this powerful kingdom, an empire, And he wanted the finest clothes, he wanted something special to wear, and he had the greatest coat makers and cloak makers and suit makers, not just in his kingdom, but from far away kingdoms, come and always making fancier and fancier things.
And then a caravan came into town with just beautiful silk and all the things of the East, but he'd seen that before.
And diamonds and ruby-encrusted crowns.
He said, no, I don't want to buy that.
I've already got that.
And they said, sir, we have a special shipment here in this wagon train that only true divine royalty can see.
And if you're not divine and not royal, you can't even see the thread, the golden thread from which it is woven.
And they pulled out the thread, they pulled out the fabric and he didn't see anything.
Well, he didn't want to admit that he wasn't divine.
He didn't want to admit that he wasn't the emperor.
So under peer pressure, he said, okay, make me a fine suit.
And he basically gave them the equivalent of billions of dollars to weave him this suit.
And his ministers, and his queen, and his children, and everyone didn't want to tell him, sir, you're naked.
Because he believed he was wearing the beautiful clothes, and if they didn't go along with the lie, he might chop their heads off.
But finally, he has a parade, because he wants to show off his beautiful clothes.
Because finally, before he was wearing his underwear, that were actually real underwear, but they came to him and said, Sir, we want to sell you something else.
We want to sell you underwear.
And so finally, he wasn't just not wearing a shirt, or pants, or a cloak.
He was wearing absolutely nothing.
And so he marched ahead of this big parade and everybody cheered his beautiful clothes.
Everybody said he was the most amazing person in the universe.
Until a two-year-old child screams, he's naked, he's naked, he's naked.
The emperor is naked.
And then everybody else started laughing.
And the House of Cards came down.
That's the story of gaslighting.
That's the story of mind control.
And that's what all of this is.
So they're at a segue point where they've been denying world government, denying depopulation, denying the plan to collapse the economy, denying all the pedophilia they're pushing while they push it.
And then there's got to be a point, finally, where the depopulation and implosion is evident, because they've cut the resources off, and where they need to organize what's left of the first world to accept the killing of the third world and others, so that they still have their goods and services, so they can then panic us and stampede us into submission to their game plan.
And that's where we are right now.
And so, suddenly, on ABC News, NBC News, CNN, HBO with Bill Maher, I've got all these clips, so many we can't even play them all, they've come out and said, you know what?
What's wrong with cannibalism?
What's wrong with depopulation?
What's wrong with human sacrifice?
What's wrong?
We need to get rid of at least 70, 80, 90% of the people.
Bill Maher came out Friday night and said it.
He said depopulation is a good thing, but what does that mean?
Destruction of civilization?
Mass death?
Does Bill Maher really think he'll be protected?
But see, that's the Emperor's New Clothes.
He's going along with it, and so many others are going along with it, because they feel like they're part of the power structure, and if they say no to it, they'll be kicked out of the power structure, or they'll lose their peacock positions.
But if this plan actually goes through, they will be destroyed as well, guaranteed, because the plan isn't just 90%.
It's much higher than that, and it's a post-human nightmare world.
It's entirely satanic and anti-human.
So that's where we are.
And we've got all these clips.
We're going to get into a lot of them today, but that's really the front and center issue here of why InfoWars can't be on the air.
Of why InfoWars has to be railroaded.
And people ask me, how are you handling judges in two states saying you're already guilty and telling a jury you're guilty?
Just decide how guilty you are.
And you can't call witnesses.
You can only call witnesses they've called.
And what is it like to have the judge tell the jury you're guilty?
Well, to me it's a canary in the coal mine.
I'm not even personally worried about all this.
I'm worried about what it signifies for everybody else and the type of world we're going to be living in with forced inoculations, thought police arresting you for your speech.
You know, a war veteran, actually a war hero it turns out, highly decorated war veteran, 60-something years old in the UK, posted on his Facebook an image of the Trans flag as a swastika.
Now everybody's allowed to put swastikas on they want and call their political enemies or groups they don't like Nazis.
But he posted, we'll show it to you next segment, and they arrested him and we have the video of it, it's been up on InfoWars.com since Saturday.
I forgot to get to it last night, we're going to get to it today.
But they're at his house, these young political commissar police, and they take M-O-A for the trans flag, which if you flip it around does make a swastika.
So, that's where all this is going.
There's the post.
If you simply put the flags together, end to end, it makes a swastika.
And if you actually look at the World Economic Forum's new circular sun symbol, it's a swastika, a rainbow swastika.
And you see the Davos Group and the UN all using the same names, the same terms, the same organizations they've merged, and so now in Canada, and Australia, and New Zealand, and Germany, and France, and England, and Scotland, you post something that they say hurt someone's feelings, the police tell him, and they take him to jail.
Now do you think you're living in a free, safe society there?
Something big happened today in Connecticut in our bankruptcy case.
And when the top bankruptcy lawyers I've got in the state of Texas, I mean they're the top guys, famous, saw it, they couldn't believe it.
We'll tell you about that coming up too.
What these state courts are saying.
And you say, well that's just in your case.
Total criminal lawlessness.
They're coming for everybody.
Stay with us.
And finally, New Rule, the recent report that informed us that in November of this year the population of the Earth will hit 8 billion is not good news.
And those who regard it as such should be treated for TikTok brain.
The Secretary General of the United Nations of all people said that welcoming our 8th billionth person was an occasion to celebrate our diversity.
Yes, what a comfort that people of all races will be contributing to an already unsustainable carbon footprint and choking and starving equally.
Have you seen what has been happening with the climate in recent years?
Did you see England last week?
England is pretty far north, but the runways are melting?
Our farmland is shrinking due to scorching temperatures and drought.
One out of four people on earth is food insecure, what we used to call hungry.
There's another one.
And billions face some form of water scarcity.
Water isn't the only thing we're running out of.
Clean air.
Quality soil.
The precious metals that make our phones work.
We're even running out of sand.
Which may not seem important, but without it you can't make concrete or glass.
Like for windows.
So you can look outside and see the world ending.
Uh, and...
All of this is not unrelated to there being ever more people on Earth who tend to use things.
Tracy Stone Manning is our Director of the Bureau of Land Management, and she said, if there were fewer of us, we would have less impact.
We must consume less, and more importantly, we must breed fewer consuming humans.
Yes, I thought this was a duh.
And until... until very recently, it was.
But now there's a growing movement of people more worried about population decline.
Decline, that's what we should be celebrating.
But Elon Musk says... The biggest problem the world will face in 20 years is population collapse.
Oh, come on, of all the excuses not to wear a condom.
That one takes the cake.
Depopulation collapse?
Has he been to Disney World on a Saturday?
The only thing that's collapsing is the Dumbo ride under the weight of all those obese eight-year-olds.
And he goes on to say we need global depopulation.
We'll play it next segment.
Now, there is some truth to what he's saying in many ways, and I'll explain that right now, but their agenda is total enslavement and no freedom, not just forced depopulation.
And their entire system is organized to now carry out this depopulation.
And the first groups they hit with the most hardcore weapons was the Western world, who they say consumes the most.
So we deserve to be soft-killed.
So those idiots in the audience that had to have injections in California to go into his studio?
They've been implanted with soft kill weapons that destroy their testicles and ovaries and cause blood clots.
Would they still be for depopulation if they knew it was being done to them?
Who decides who does this?
So let me explain the problem with population.
People are being taken off the land, they're being hurt in the cities, they're being purposely dumbed down.
And they're not being taught how to be good, productive humans by design.
And so we are producing, particularly in young people, a bunch of lazy TV heads that don't do anything.
The globalists are smart.
They make you make yourself obsolete.
They turn you into a spectator, into a jellyfish, and then you don't have any purpose.
Because they want the future.
They want the life extension.
They want control of the Earth.
Then they are purposely undermining and undercutting the sustainable carrying capacity of not just humans and our civilization, but the whole planet.
They are manipulating the weather.
They are cutting off carbon dioxide, that is the life-giving gas on Earth, as important or more important than oxygen.
They are deliberately creating all this genetic engineering that is wreaking havoc on the environment.
They're creating all these new seed lines that don't produce seeds that grow.
They are introducing things to the environment on purpose, collapsing the Earth.
They don't want to just kill humans.
They've already had this big destructive project with poison and toxins and all the rest of it, and now they're bringing in something even more destructive.
This is a planet-killing machine.
Whatever's in control of this.
That's the reality.
And they've been saying since the time of Plato, 2,300 plus years ago, that there's too many people.
And they said it under Malthus, 300 years ago.
And Francis Galton, 170 years ago.
And Adolf Hitler, 80 years ago.
And Yuval Harari, saying it now.
They want you to hate yourself.
They want you to decide you're bad, just like the Aztecs, and just like the Babylonians, and just like all the other cultures that sacrifice humans.
If you go to the archaeological sites all over the world, and they decipher the stone tablets of those cultures, the priest class was always saying, there's too many people, and we've got to decide who's going to die, and we're going to have sacrifices to reduce the population.
They just want to be in the position of God.
They want to be in the position of who lives and who dies, and now they're externalizing their world depopulation operation.
They have articles every day saying, I'm crazy, nobody wants to depopulate you, nobody's hurting you with the shots, 5G's good for you, GMO's good for you, nanotech microplastics are good for you, when all the statistics show it's killing us and causing every neurological and other disorder you can imagine.
Liver failure, kidney failure, cancer.
Sperm counts down 96% on average in the Western world.
Women's eggs fried.
We get in radiation chambers to fly through an airport.
They're killing us and we're sitting here watching it and all these people that serve the system on the left and the right Go along with it, pretending like they're on the winning team when you're the Emperor's New Clothes.
You are the losers.
Those of us fighting this are awake, are informed, are educated, and we're starting to really turn the tide.
Elon Musk is a trillion percent right when he says if you don't have 2.2 humans to replace a mother and father, you don't even have replacement rate.
Because a lot of folks don't have children.
A lot of people die before they have children.
We need 2.2 people for every two people or civilization collapses.
Are there a bunch of people living horrible lives in squalor in megacities around the world?
Are there people starving to death?
Should they be brought up to speed?
Should they be industrialized?
Should they be educated?
Should they be encouraged to have 2.2 children?
And idiot liberals always go, oh somebody has 2.2, he's dumb.
That means in the average.
But that's not being done.
Instead they're promoting transgenderism to sterilize our boys and poisoning the hell out of everybody.
And then you get around the globalists, they are a bunch of demonic, sick, sociopathic, sadistic demons.
They set all this up to have fun killing people and playing God.
I'm gonna say it again to the idiots in that Bill Maher audience.
You're laughing and giggling talking about killing everybody.
You're like a cow in a slaughterhouse laughing watching the other cows getting chopped up.
You're next, you fool!
A lot of big news today.
Stay with us.
I'm not worried about the population collapsing.
I'm worried about the glaciers collapsing, and the food chain, and the electrical grid.
Look, I'm a big Musk fan, but I have no idea what he's talking about when he says Earth could sustain many times its current population and the ecosystem would be fine.
It's not fine now.
Nature World News just reported an unprecedented global extinction crisis with more than a million species expected to die off in the next few decades.
The bees are all dying.
And the coral reefs.
Fish populations in the ocean are collapsing.
What the fuck are these people talking about?
America's population is now about 335 million, and there's a supposedly smart guy named Matthew Iglesias who wrote a book called One Billion Americans, arguing there should be a billion of us.
A billion Americans.
Insert your own traffic on the 405 joke here.
It's giant populations that allowed us to build this huge infrastructure.
We have to replace our numbers just to keep it going, but see, they're cutting off the energy.
They're cutting off the food production.
They admit they are, and then saying global warming did it, and global warming.
In the jungles made the coronavirus, the COVID-19.
No, they made it in a lab.
They purposely collapsed society, then they blame us for the collapse of society, and they admit they're collapsing the society.
It's not even hidden.
The globalists want to get rid of the rest of us.
And I'll tell you right now, I can politically look at this, I can historically look at it, I can economically look at it.
And tell you, God gave us this Earth as our providence.
We are to be good stewards of it.
But we are to go forth and multiply to the stars.
And if you want to live under feudalism, if you want to be depopulated and let them have the power to do that, you're crazy.
Because this is about mass murder.
It's not about saving the Earth.
These people say they'll create a thousand Earths once they merge the machines and become a god.
They see this earth as their blood supply to build the new system they're constructing, as their placenta.
Well, it's our placenta that God gave us.
It's not them to decide to act like God.
They have two years of lockdowns in the third world, not three, four months, and it causes mass death and starvation.
Then they flood us with those third world populations and weaponize the uneducated people.
I'm not hating them.
I know they're a zombie horde who's been programmed to attack.
And it's going to get so bad, most people are going to sit back and say, well, I'm glad that virus, wink wink, got released, you know, the next more deadly virus, because at least it wiped out 5 billion people and now we've got electricity.
But you're not going to not have electricity because of the 5 billion people.
You're not going to have electricity because they're turning the damn power plants off.
It's very simple.
They cut the resources.
It's very simple.
The Pentagon in the 60s did a study.
I've read it on air.
There have been other studies done around the world.
But within 10 days of no electricity and no running water and the food runs out, most people resort to homicide.
90 plus percent of people start killing.
The other 10 percent commit suicide.
Because they don't want to do bad things.
But 90 percent turn into homicidal maniacs.
You know what happens on day 15 and 16 in every study in countries it's happened in?
What happens on day 15 and 16?
And as a metaphor, the New York Times had a big article last week, or two weeks ago, saying cannibalism is good, there's too many people, we need to get rid of humans.
They're getting used to it.
Oh, we're going to use the bodies of dead people, 20 plus states passed laws to give fertilizer to the crops.
Oh, we're going to kill that old lady and hire ten teachers.
The idea that you kill somebody, you take something from somebody, and that's how you get ahead.
That's called barbarism.
That's called government and culture by collapse and road warrior destruction.
And that's the world they're building, by the way.
There have been a bunch of in-game derivatives made by fans and by us.
We've made three of them.
Fans have made dozens of them.
On Saturday's emergency broadcast, I did two hours live, then aired about 70 minutes of two mini-documentaries with the name in-game in them.
And we should take those out of Saturday's list and post them to Bandot Video.
But they're within the Saturday emergency broadcast at Bandot Video if you want to see them.
But, because I said I can't find that special endgame I made one year after the original endgame came out, I called it Endgame 2.0, but I couldn't find it.
Well, now it's on Bandot Video.
Somebody found it, I don't know who around here, but it's Endgame 1.5.
So guys, go to Bandot Video and pull it up.
Endgame 1.5.
Advanced Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
Go watch that!
He's been dead for a decade.
Made the film 15 years ago.
Dr. Michael Kaufman has the documents in the 60s where they would create transgenderism and push homosexuality for depopulation.
That's just a small part of it, but it's just incredible that we are now living in the middle of this together.
And we know what the next phase is, and it is nightmarish to the max.
So all these people going along with the leftist woke agenda, everybody following orders and following nonsensical logic killing statements.
Those are nonsensical and don't make sense on purpose because you've got to go against common sense.
You've got to go against your own instincts and say two men can have a baby, two women can have a baby, two women can have a baby in prison.
You've got to go against your common sense and say, oh no, this isn't a recession.
And be gaslit by these people so that you'll accept the next absurdity, and the next absurdity, and the absurdities are going to get more and more and more deadly.
Bill Maher said the ice caps have all melted.
The ice caps are bigger than they've ever been recorded.
Granted, we've been recording them only for about 100 years.
Everything they say is a damn lie.
And so you can either realize we're right about this and start fighting it now, or you can do it later when your position is much worse.
So everybody pats me on the back, gives me hugs and says, oh, you're under attack.
You're all over the news as the demon of hell.
How are you taking it?
I knew all this was coming because I knew I was right.
And I knew this point would come.
I'm not worried about myself.
I'm worried about all of us together.
I love you.
I love my children.
They're going to grow up in a world with your children.
We're not going to let them down.
You've got my complete, total commitment to you.
But I will tell you, I will never give up.
I will never sell out.
But ladies and gentlemen, I could give out.
And so, I need your support.
I need your prayers.
And I need you to spread the word about what we're doing because I didn't ever think we'd be the tip of the spear.
I had a vision, an epiphany, an understanding that I was going to detonate the resistance and that all these amazing leaders would come out of it, and it's starting to happen.
What God and the Holy Spirit put in my mind and heart and soul is happening.
And I see those original messages now, clearer than ever, how amazingly accurate they were.
But I and my simple Human soul did not fully grasp it until I saw God's mysterious ways being fulfilled.
And I can tell you, God is 100% real, and the devil's 100% real, and this fight we're going into, that we're already in the beginning stages of, is so real.
And your body doesn't matter, what matters is your soul and your will to never give up.
We're gonna go through hell.
I'm going to be demonized relentlessly, and then I will be destroyed.
But I am a victor.
I am a winner.
I decided this.
You need to make this decision.
Your soul is eternal, and this is boot camp.
We need to pass this test.
Let's do it together.
And our souls forever will be with our children and our grandparents and our entire lineage, and we'll be taken to the next level of consciousness.
It's a big universe and we're just at step one.
We're going to win together with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Stay with us.
All right, we got a ton of news to hit in the next hour and a bunch of news to hit right now.
But a lot of listeners are calling, they're emailing, people are asking on the street, so I should just lay this out very simply and succinctly with the truth.
So that everybody knows where we're at and where InfoWars is.
The globalists see InfoWars as a standard, as a symbol, a flag of human resistance and populism and a pro-human future.
And they know that we're the genesis point of probably 80% of the world's resistance to the new world order right now.
And I don't say that as a boast.
I say that as a report to you.
You've commissioned me for this fight.
We have been totally blessed by the Holy Spirit.
I've been given very strong discernment, and you have discernment as well, and we know where we are.
And our most important work is now happening, right now.
And what I've seen with the weaponization of the judiciary happened to Roger Stone, it happened to Steve Bannon, it's happening to me, and the Democrats are on the news bragging, we're going to do this to everybody.
You remember ten years ago, when the head of the IRS She said in Congress.
She said, yeah, we target conservatives with the IRS.
Yeah, we target all the conservative non-profits and churches.
I mean, they're conservatives.
They're racist.
They deserve it.
That's just an example of what they'll do to everybody when no one stands up and they control the Justice Department and the IRS and all these agencies.
If I talked about what I've seen with this first show trial that's entered its second week today with three more of them coming up, imagine this attack.
It would take hours, but they defaulted us saying we didn't give them the discovery, which wasn't true.
Then they said we're going to have a trial on the damages.
They say we can't say we're innocent.
Of course I am innocent.
I'm going to say that.
I don't care what she says.
And then she lets them put on all their witnesses and we can have no witnesses.
Only witnesses they call can we have.
Because we're defaulted.
So then they have a staged trial, and she tells the jury it's a special case.
Mr. Jones is guilty.
And they look at me like I'm the devil.
Not, oh, I should jury nullification this, or I should stand up to this.
In fact, a lot of people let the board hire her last Monday.
Well, they were picking the jury.
Got up and said, black, white, you name it, said, I should say he's guilty.
I'm uncomfortable being part of this.
You're struck, don't worry, you're not on the jury.
But those that said, I don't have a problem with him being guilty already.
So, it's a stat deck, but that's what our Lord and Savior faced, Christ.
Pontius Pilate said, I find no sin in this man.
He can go free.
I'm certainly not perfect.
Christ was.
And they said, give us Barabbas.
And so that's what they want.
And they want to set the model and be able to do this.
But here's where it gets crazier.
We declared limited bankruptcy on four real companies three, four months ago.
I mean, Infowars Corporation, because, you know, you set those up individually.
And the supplement company and all this stuff.
And we said, this is a settlement offer to show the federal court all our finances, including free speech systems, that we don't have hundreds of millions of dollars, and we'd like to not have these show trials.
We know it's not about money.
They want to destroy us, which they've now said in the news.
The Democrat plaintiff's lawyers, the ambulance chasers, who are just pawns in this, puppets, minions, marionettes.
And they dropped those corporations out.
Because they wanted to go forward with the fake trials.
Then they scheduled this trial and then starting in two weeks in Texas and Connecticut at the same time.
We go, we can't do two trials at once.
That's your problem.
So we declare full bankruptcy on free speech systems.
to be able to go in and show the courts and put the cards down and sworn federal statements
to the president of the ROI that we don't have any of this money they're saying when
they lie on the news and say Alex Jones has got you know hundreds of millions of dollars.
Earpiece popped out.
So, that's where we are.
So this morning I got a call from Norm Pattis, our lawyer up in Connecticut.
He goes, man, unprecedented.
He goes, the judge had a ruling on your bankruptcy and she said we don't care what the federal courts say, and it's hitting the news right now, we're going to go ahead with the trial when federal law says it trumps state courts and that we get to stay while the bankruptcy court looks at what's going on.
What did the judge say last Friday when Frederico Andino Reynaud, my lawyer, former federal prosecutor himself, he got up at 4.30 and said to the judge, hey, we just declared bankruptcy, but we're going to remand it on Monday, and we're going to let the trial go forward.
Could have blocked it.
She said, that's fine.
I knew this was coming.
I already made the decision to ignore the federal court and go ahead with the trial.
She can't do that under federal law.
It's cut and dry.
But that's what she said.
So this isn't about Alex Jones's trial or Alex Jones's details.
This is what's going on with these people.
Because we filed it because we can't have two trials at once.
We filed it because we're sick of them lying about us.
We filed it because we're out of money.
And the state court's answer in Texas and in Connecticut is, we'll do whatever we want.
Because they are coordinating, they are backed by the deep state, and they think it's funny what they're doing.
And just as they perfected their de-platforming and de-banking and censorship with us, for everybody else, now this is coming.
So a lot of folks are rallying behind us and I appreciate that.
You have to understand when you rally behind us, you have empathy for us, you're having it for yourself.
We are completely maxed out.
All the extra money we have is to buy product into the future that's now coming in and we're starting to dig out of that hole of being in the red.
And it's your decision whether you want to keep us on air or not.
And I don't know who you are out there.
But I appreciate the Bitcoin donations.
I had no idea how far behind we were.
We brought in outside accounting firms before bankruptcy to get everything in line.
And they said, man, you were totally insolvent.
You could sell your house, which I already sold my large house and smaller house, and everything, and you couldn't pay for any of this.
So whoever gave those Bitcoin donations, that big donation and several other ones, you kept us on air the last six months.
Last four or five months.
But whoever you are, please do it again.
Please go to InfoWars.com forward slash crypto and whether it is $100 in Bitcoin or Ethereum or whether it's $1,000 or whatever you can give or big donations, it will all go in to this operation.
Under Oak asked me a few weeks ago in another deposition, they defaulted me for not responding, but I had like a 15th deposition.
They said, where's that seven and a half million in Bitcoin?
I said it's all been spent to pay off past debts and pay for the bills and buy product forward.
And they laughed and didn't believe it because these people would never get a donation themselves and then put it all back in the company.
I'll die to keep the truth on air.
It's not a hard decision to do that.
I put everything I've got into this operation, and I will put my blood on the line.
I will do whatever it takes.
I will never stop, because these people are pure evil, and it is an honor and a pleasure to fight them.
But listen, we need your support.
So go to InfoWarsTore.com, get an Alex Jones is Right t-shirt, get a great reset, the War for the World book.
Buy some of the great supplements.
Bodies is back in stock.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion, the new product.
Diet Force is amazing.
It's back in stock, about to sell out.
And you can also go to InfowarStore.com and up at the very top, it says support the Infowar.
Help fund the tip of the spear.
You click that, go back to the front page of InfowarStore please.
You click on that right hand side banner, help fund the tip of the spear.
Just go back, there it is.
And you can make a $5, $10, $100, whatever donation you want.
It can be one time, it can be recurring.
If you want to stay in the fight, if you want us to keep going.
I'm so far into this now.
It's all up to God.
I have no anxiety about this.
I'm actually not worried about what happens with us.
It's up to you and God working through you.
But I would like to continue on.
And I told you, I'll never give up.
I'll never sell out.
But I could give out.
And my flesh wants to give out.
My spirit's like, got a gun to my head.
It's impossible.
I don't know how to sell out.
I don't know how to lie.
I don't know how to give in or back down.
That's why, not bragging, but I got in fights with people who weighed 60, 70 pounds bigger than me, and I beat their brains out.
Because I don't give up.
I don't stop.
But I'm telling you, we're very close to giving out.
Like a horse that's willing to keep running forever, Horses will run till they die.
Great example of that.
It's the fictional, you know, true grit where the horse dies.
And I'm just telling you, we need funding now.
The bat signal's been fired.
We're at a critical juncture.
I want to thank you all for your incredible support.
We've come so far together.
I believe we've got more work to do, but it's up to you whether we stay in the fight.
It's in your hands now.
The ball is in your hands.
It's up to you, listeners.
It's up to you.
We'll be right back.
But humanity is not being caught flat-footed because of info wars and because of your support.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is now more important than ever, as we reach the critical heart of the battle, that you spread the word and that you support liberty and that you warn people like you've never done before.
We have come so far together.
Please help keep us on the air.
We're under massive attack right now.
But we're going to win with your help.
We're going to overcome this with your help and with God's blessing.
Please go to InfoWarsTore.com and get this book.
Many, many, many years of research have gone into this.
The Great Reset and the War for the World, available right now at InfoWarsTore.com.
There's also signed copies available as well.
We got a lot of other big projects we're working on that are about to start launching as well, but this is the cavalry, because we need the funding and you need this book, because it warns the world of the globalist plan.
Get the Great Reset at Infowarstore.com.
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
They want you to eat bugs.
What to feed our ever-expanding world?
They could feed the world.
They're full of polyunsaturated fat, protein, and micronutrients.
And sustainable.
I'm Nicole Kidman and I am going to eat a four-course meal of bugs.
And they want you to eat these bugs inside a massive prison system that sees humanity as a cancer upon the earth.
For too long, humanity has existed within dysfunctional and polluted cities that ignore nature.
Now, a revolution in civilization is taking place.
Imagine a traditional city and consolidating its footprint.
Designing to protect and enhance nature.
The Line will be home to 9 million residents and will be built with a footprint of just 34 square kilometers.
And we are designing it to provide a healthier, more sustainable quality of life.
The Line's communities are organized in three dimensions.
Residents have access to all their daily needs within five-minute walk neighborhoods.
And the line's infrastructure makes it possible to travel end-to-end in 20 minutes with no need for cars, resulting in zero carbon emissions.
It is all completely bizarre, but it's just the cover story for a massive depopulation agenda.
The COVID-19 vaccines are destroying the recipients' reproductive and immune systems, and killing people over time with mysterious structures growing within the vascular system.
We are now seeing this all over the world and it's just getting started.
There is a whole cultural movement now emerging from the shadows that wants humanity to collectively commit suicide.
This anti-human cult has been around for decades.
And outside of academia have had to tread quietly because much of humanity is opposed to mass murder.
But now that we are in the midst of this cult's massive depopulation effort, they are coming out into the open to convince us that it would be best for most of us to die.
We cannot hide away from human population growth.
Because, you know, it underlies so many of the other problems.
All these things we talk about wouldn't be a problem if there was the size of population that there was 500 years ago.
All the religious groups are against me because I'm talking about population.
They want more souls.
I want less on the planet.
The World Economic Forum has become the public domain of the anti-human cult's depopulation agenda.
And all of pop culture is on board, from Hollywood to the Holy See.
The planet, the utopia that we've been given.
The overpopulation.
Their agenda is disguised as environmentalism, so that all who oppose it now can be shamed.
And when the mass starvation begins to overwhelm the population, the sentimental environmentalists can all be blamed.
Because of course, this has nothing to do with the environment.
Boris Johnson's father, Stanley Johnson, is a member of this cult.
And he wrote that the world's population needs to be cut down to a more manageable number.
And this is what it's all about.
A more manageable number.
Because these psychopaths see the rest of us as their property.
To manage and cull accordingly.
But humanity still has a choice, and we don't have to die in a prison death factory eating bugs.
We could choose freedom, but time is running out.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Live, wild humans promoting freedom and a pro-human future.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live August 1st Monday transmission.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
So our republic is pretty long in the tooth right now.
But countries and nations are ideas and they aren't like people.
They can be reborn.
They can continue on.
But America is not perfect.
But I tell you what the globalists are setting up.
What they're replacing us with is nothing less than a total and complete anti-human nightmare.
And I've got some really big examples of this and the selfishness and the oxymoronical, hypocritical behavior of these people here in just a moment.
But first, I want to play a clip from 2009, on 6/2/2009, where I warned you about bioweapons
Now, why is this little clip from a three-hour show that's posted to Rumble so important?
Well, I mean, it's important on a lot of different fronts.
But you now see Pentagon officials, you now see the Senate Armed Services Committee, you now see Congressional hearings where we know the Communist Chinese bought into DNA testing companies, both law enforcement and private, where people send off to get their DNA tested, and that they are testing bioweapons and developing race-specific or even individual-specific bioweapons with this.
Well, this was being developed in the literature decades ago.
And I laid it out in this short clip, but here's an example of how here we now are going from the beta to the operational.
And then another clip from just recently, but listeners went and added videos and documentation to everything I'm saying.
Dealing with the brave new world is a battle plan to enslave humanity.
Here they are back to back.
It's been declassified.
It's been all over the news that for 36 years, worldwide, in every IMF World Bank controlled country, from Russia to Australia to England to the United States to Germany, blood is taken at birth.
For 36 years, globally, it started an international secret agreement.
Blood is taken and put in a DNA database.
And is sold to private biotech companies who then license and register your DNA type.
So when you want gene therapy later, you gotta pay them for your own blood.
It's also used so they can frame you with the blood they take.
It's also used so they can track you.
And so they can make race-specific bioweapons for you individually if they want.
And they now admit for at least 10 years, they have laboratories that in one day can make a bioweapon which will only kill you.
Or down to any sub-derivation or somebody that's 10% African from a certain area of Africa, and a mix of Native American, they can kill you.
Anything they want, they can kill you.
They already have it.
This is total, full-spectrum dominance, New World Order style.
This is what they brag about, it's why it's so funny to them.
They're gonna orderly put in the control grid, and then they're just gonna start the slaughtering.
All the killing and cancer you've seen so far, it's just the beginning of the soft-kill operation.
Most of the cops, military listening, you're already dead.
They've already implanted you.
I mean, with the cancer viruses, which have hormonal fluctuation triggers, where when you have a certain hormonal fluctuation, on average around retirement, you'll be dead.
And I'm sorry they murdered you.
I'm sorry they murdered most of us.
But before we die from their soft kill attack, now that we're aware of a soft kill attack, now that we're aware of it, we can do damage to them and save others and keep this iron grip from being able to make it all the way through.
point four of about a hundred.
They expect to have a world government in which they are in control.
Where he went into the stacks at the UN, actually got the documents in the 60s
for the Club of Rome meetings, where they said, we're going to promote homosexuality.
We're going to promote humans being sexless.
That's also in Brave New World, 1932.
People say, how did he predict so much?
Well, Huxley, before he died in 61, he wrote a book about it, Brave New World Revisited, non-fiction.
He said, no, this is an actual plan hatched by the British Empire model that was commissioned by Sir Francis Galton in 1855 with the Royal Commission.
So we're living in a royal commission where the British Empire said, we want biometrics, we want things called computers, and we want to be able to learn the secrets of the human genome, and we want to be able to program humans to basically be manufactured in factories.
And you're like, wait a minute, they didn't discover the DNA until the 40s.
No, they didn't, folks.
The double helix in the ancient Sumerian text Babylonian, Egyptian, and Greek is two stacks intertwined.
They actually, Galton invented biometrics, invented the idea of computers, and they had hidden knowledge, going back that Plato didn't publish, that they held on to about advanced civilization that was here before.
And they had maps of the world, and they all, they knew all that stuff, ladies and gentlemen.
They just kept the public dumb Because they didn't want the public to understand it and know it and then Christians with the Gutenberg press and the printing press began the Renaissance 550 years ago and the New World Order has been playing catch-up and trying to suppress it ever since then.
So we innately See movies with robots and spaceships, and it feels so familiar, it feels so yesterday, because it's epigenetics, ladies and gentlemen, that this planet is not the first rodeo.
And that's what they know.
They don't laugh at this, they all know that.
And so, it's here.
The second Atlantis.
And you know how Atlantis ended.
All right, Judge Joe Brown is going to come on and talk about politics, the world, the show trials that are going on, and so much more.
Next segment.
But I mentioned this.
The hypocrisy of these people, they think you're stupid.
They tell you you're bad, they tell you having a car is bad, they tell you having a job is bad, air conditioning is bad, like Obama famously told Africans ten years ago on his visit to Africa.
Give up your yacht before lecturing the President of Brazil, Bolsonaro, sinks DiCaprio in titanic Twitter thread.
Here's the actual article, InfoWars.com.
Brazilian President Bolsonaro gave Leonardo DiCaprio a lecture in hypocrisy, telling the virtue-signaling actor that he should give up his yacht before lecturing the world about environment.
That's right.
Caprio was pictured vacationing with friends on the $150 million Bama II, the largest shot manufacturer in Britain, which is estimated to produce 238,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide per mile, as much as the average British car emits in two months.
But it's okay, because he's a king.
He's Leonardo DiCaprio.
He deserves to live.
You don't get your food.
And here it is.
Such a powerful, in-depth, 12-page report.
Everybody should read from the Economic Times or the Epoch Times.
UN World Economic Forum.
Behind global war on farmers, say experts.
Cutting off the food.
Not global warming.
They're cutting it off with their SDGs and their systems.
We could spend a whole show on that.
This is the real crisis coming.
And speaking of depopulation, New York Post, New Star Wars book suggests Obi-Wan Kenobi's bisexual.
What really matters is that Obi-Wan Kenobi not have any children.
This is all about depopulation.
We're going to go to break, come back with our special guest.
First thing I want to do, though, is remind you that we are in the fight of our lives, and InfoWars is seen as the enemy, as you.
The enemy sees this operation as populist resistance, and is enraged by it, and hates it, and it believes if it can shut us down, it can defeat everybody.
So please, Go to InfoWars.com forward slash crypto and make a donation.
You've been keeping us on air.
We thank you.
Couldn't do better with your money.
And get products at InfoWarsStore.com like our amazing turmeric formula, Body's strongest turmeric concentrate out there.
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So please go to infowarrestore.com.
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Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
This is such a historic moment.
To be here with you is a real blessing.
And great job, crew.
We'll be right back.
Well, we got the man on with us, and I really appreciate him coming on.
Judge Joe Brown is our guest for the rest of the hour.
Thejudgejoebrownshow.com at Judge Joe Brown TV.
And we're going to cover the waterfront next segment.
I'm going to play a clip of a war veteran in the UK being arrested for posting a transgender flag with a swastika on it, saying he thinks it's a tyranny.
That's coming up next segment.
But Judge, thank you so much for coming on with us.
There's so much to get into.
So much to talk about Biden collapsing, the borders open, all these wars are trying to start, Pelosi going to Taiwan, and then we got the show trials against me going on where I've already been found guilty by these judges.
Where do you want to start?
You pick a point, sir.
It's your show.
I'm ready to go.
Well, let's start with my show trials, which is going to be a precedent for everybody else.
Gave them all the discovery in Connecticut and Texas.
Four different lawsuits.
Four different trials.
The first one is in its second week now here in Austin.
We can't call witnesses.
We can only talk to witnesses they've called.
The judge admonishes the jury, I'm already guilty.
What do you make of things like this?
Well, you have this process in American law called the appeal.
Now you are operating under New York Times versus Sullivan and it's certainly a topical event and that means that it's sort of up for grabs.
It's kind of hard if you are the subject of a public escape commentary and what you're looking at basically is a
rather unfortunate trend that we have gotten in place right now
where people are trying to suppress the First Amendment.
It looks like the National Socialist Workers Party type thing and there is
an implementation of another device that has gotten put in place over the last
several decades and that is if you can't win the case, bankrupt, which seems to be
a situation, the defendant to get him out of the way so you don't have to worry
about it.
And that's just not American law where you can Basically, with impunity engage in abusive process.
So it's a mess and somebody is going to be stuck at the tip of the spear when the absolutely necessary challenge to this kind of thing occur.
It looks like whether they intended or not, they're putting you right there.
You get to make law.
Yes, sir.
We are definitely at the tip of the spear together.
Here's an example.
We declare full bankruptcy because we don't have the money to have two trials at once.
Got one starting two weeks around Austin and two weeks in Connecticut.
The same people, same law firms basically involved running it.
Jury selection to start Connecticut Sandy Hook Damages trial despite Alex Jones's company's bankruptcy.
We declare bankruptcy on Friday.
Federal law says it puts a stay.
The judge in Connecticut this morning, here's the Connecticut newspaper, said, I don't care what federal law says.
It goes ahead.
And we lifted the stay for Austin to keep it going.
The judge said, I don't need you to lift it.
I'm going forward anyways.
So what do you make of a state court saying we're going to, because I've talked to bankruptcy lawyers, no one's ever done this.
These people are such judicial activists.
They are saying we're ignoring bankruptcy and we're going forward.
Well, you can always approach the individual that's wearing the bat cape over the bankruptcy court in question, and if not that person, then to the federal district court judge.
And he might get somebody's attention.
No, I agree.
So that's what we're doing, is going to the federal judges.
But the point is, they've looked at the law.
They've never seen state courts tell the federal court, go to hell.
That just shows the crazy-eyedness of these Democrat judges, in my view.
Well, it's reflective of the extreme polarization that is now extant in the country.
Some of us understand that if we're going to be free, there are collateral damages to the freedom.
They don't like this thing that comes with the Second Amendment because they think they should be safe.
But now, to take their point and say, OK, let's be safe.
Well, give up your cars and everybody take public transportation.
That cut down the death toll very considerably.
But you see, modern transportation needs the ability to get around and do what you need to do.
Well, we freely accept the collateral damage that comes from operating motor vehicles on highways.
People die and get critically injured, mutilated, and all sorts of things happen.
But we don't want to give up The operation of motor vehicles by private citizens.
So we accept the collateral consequences.
Well, if you want to be free, there are certain collateral consequences that come with that.
And one of them is that some unmanly idiot who wants to burp out and shoot up a Sandy Hook school Uh, we'll be able to get a hold of some of the devices that the rest of us need to have access to, so we can stay free.
Because as you see what's going on, there is this defiance coming from the left that doesn't care what the law is.
They want their position in place.
They want their point made.
They want it to be as they want it and now with everybody else.
So, We have a struggle here.
Those who want to be free, and those who would rather be safe sheep someplace, with a sheep herder telling them what to do.
And of course, sheep get slaughtered, and that's the real danger.
Eisenhower gave a speech at a university, I forget which one, we played the clip years ago, where he said, listen, I can make you totally safe, I can put you all in a prison cell.
That's what it is.
So do you want to be a free person?
And I think this thing that is going on now is the result of the suppression of masculinity in this country.
Masculinity is inputting into a young male child those Protocols, those precepts, those standards, so that when he grows up as an adult male, he can become a man.
He becomes a man of public peace, dignity, and order who can be brave and courageous when necessary.
He is a person that is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of the many in the appropriate situation.
He is a person who wants to make where he lives a better, safer, more secure place filled with economic prosperity, sense of purpose, Morality?
Judge Joe Brown, stay there, because that's what I wanted to get to next, is the attack on masculinity.
Why would the system attack the heart of our strength, and how do we counter that?
Straight ahead, stay with us.
So, a British war veteran, 60-plus years old, posted on his Facebook a few days ago, the transgender flag, when you put it back-to-back, makes a swastika.
And the police came and arrested him at his home.
There's like a 10-minute video on Infowars.com of it.
It's gone viral over the weekend.
But let's just play him actually being arrested when this happened.
I just hope the police would realise how ridiculous this is.
It is ridiculous.
What did it need to come to?
Tell us why you've escalated it to this level.
Because I don't understand.
I posted something that he posted.
You come to arrest me, you don't arrest him.
Why has it come to this?
Why am I in cuffs?
Because there's something he shared, then I shared.
Because someone has been caused, obviously, anxiety.
based upon your social media posts.
That's why you've been arrested.
So because someone saw the transgender flag as a swastika, the left calls conservatives Nazis all day.
He's now arrested.
England didn't do this just a few years ago.
This is a global program.
It's what's coming here.
British police arrest man for sharing a meme on Facebook.
Videos emerge of British police arresting an army veteran after the man shared a meme of Facebook that he claimed have caused anxiety for someone.
All right.
We have a grave danger that is facing us.
So this isn't just about these people's right to attack our children with sterilization
or castration or to take over women's sports.
Now you're arrested if you criticize it.
Judge Joe Brown.
All right.
We have a grave danger that is facing us.
I was a teaching assistant 55 years ago for a visiting professor.
And this woman said America is in grave danger of becoming fascist.
Not through the efforts of any jackboot-wearing, goose-stepping, zee-cow political thugs, but from what she put as pink-panty-wearing, long-haired bitniks.
Who, in the name of saving you from yourself, would be glad to impose these conditions of fascism.
Now, under our system, here, that's supposed to be absolutely protected speech.
It is a commentary on how LGBTQ as a cult is attempting to use the most fascist of methodologies To impose their position on us.
They seem to have gotten quite a few elected officials who I think were part of that Q factor which stands for questioning and they're in the closet and they are trying to put a position that makes what they do on the down low politically and socially acceptable.
So they're taking advantage of a vulnerability in our system because of the current level of emasculation to frighten those who lack masculine principles in their souls and take advantage of the situation.
The latest manifestation in this country is this sweeping thing about hate crime.
About hate speech.
And if you examine our history, anytime we have gotten into trying to protect people's feelings, We have created monsters that come back to haunt the people that created them within about a decade.
And we just saw a man arrested for posting a transgender flag and criticizing it in England.
And it's the same globals running that operation that are running this.
This is where they want to take us.
Now let me say something about what we're looking at with LGBTQ as a cult.
I suspect that not all gays support LGBTQ because LGBTQ is too closely associated with pedophilia and a number of things that have caused some of these people to endure a lifetime of being outside the norm, which is you grow up, you court, you breed, you raise the children.
You become a grandparent, you die, and the cycle goes on and on.
They're outside of that.
And as you can see from what you just put up, there is a difference between trying to render yourself acceptable and trying to recruit.
See, there is this thing about reality.
Heterosexuals reproduce, homosexuals recruit.
Not all of them, but some of them.
And that's what you're looking at right here.
They're trying to make what is essentially an abnormality norm.
Now, if I can go on that a second.
When I read, I have to put on 1495, 2895 reading glasses from Walgreens or CVS or wherever.
A lot of us have to wear contacts or glasses, prescription glasses to see.
If we don't have 20-20 vision, we don't have normal vision, but we accommodate that.
If you're not inside this breeding thing, courting thing, child-rearing thing on the human model, you're not normal.
That doesn't mean you have to be thrown to the wayside, but that doesn't mean you have to impose your abnormality on everybody else.
The groomers are taking over.
Yeah, it would not be appropriate to make everybody suffer an operation so that they can't see 2020 if they already can.
So that's the kind of normalcy I'm saying.
But now back to this thing about a cult.
You have Judaism, people go to synagogues, you have Christianity, they go to churches, they have Islam, they go to mosques, we have Hindus, they go to temples, we have Buddhists, Zen practitioners who go to temples, etc.
The last few are classified as a religion, but there is no deity associated with them.
What you have with LGBTQ is the same kind of system of philosophy.
So it is effectively a de facto religion.
It is.
Even though there's no God to it.
So what they're trying to do is corrupt the constitution of the country and make LGBTQ the official religion of the United States and various states.
There's supposed to be a separation of church and state, and you can't teach Christianity in a public school.
Can't teach Judaism.
You can't teach Islam.
And you can't teach pedophilia.
But they can force that.
They can force everything.
That's exactly what they're doing, and it's got the biggest corporations backing.
Now, let me say this about somebody I knew who was gay that I still know from Hollywood.
They said, just like If you're a Christian, that doesn't mean you supported Reverend Jim Jones or drinking Kool-Aid at a church picnic.
Or if you're Islam, that doesn't mean you support Al-Qaeda or ISIS.
Well, that's right.
Facebook and others are now censoring gays against groomers.
The majority of gay people don't want to be part of this.
They're being censored more than anybody.
So you see, we've got the imposition of fascist methods.
With hate speech being something that is being criminalized.
Now, they go from let us get married to let us have your children.
Judge Joe Brown is on fire.
Stay with us, sir.
We'll be right back with Judge Joe Brown.
On the other side, be sure to check out his website, judgejoebrownshow.com.
We'll be right back.
So, during that little break, I went to the Coffee room, the break room, and we've got several TVs in there with a bunch of news channels on them.
And it was monkey pucks!
We've got to give up our rights, we need a new emergency, we need to declare we need to wear masks again, and then CNN cut to a doctor and he said, well, it's actually men having sex with like 10 men a day and depositing bodily fluids into each other's bodies.
That's 99% of the cases.
There's been one death in Europe.
But then don't criticize these communities that are doing this.
This is unhealthy if anybody was doing this type of behavior.
And again it goes back to this cult that has to run everything and then has to give us diseases and then has to lock us down.
It's just unbelievable to see this.
Okay, let me say something about monkeypox.
that's where it's coming from. So this is their new lockdown, their new plan, the
UN's already declared an emergency, Biden's set to announce one. Here's just
another example of the political and cultural curse that is this cult, Dr.
Judge Joe Brown. Okay, let me say something about monkeypox.
Technically, if it's not spread from human to human, as you described, it most
most likely comes from Rome.
It's called monkeypox because it was first noted in laboratory monkeys that it were experimented upon back in the early 1950s.
Technically, it's very close to smallpox, which is an absolutely dreadful disease.
Now, if you have an immunity to smallpox, you have an immunity to monkeypox.
It basically looks the same with the exception of the fact that the pustules will appear on the soles of people's feet and on the palms of their hands unlike smallpox.
We haven't inoculated anyone for smallpox in going on 40 years because essentially they thought they had cured it.
But this is one of these offshoots And the treatment for the disease is the same as the treatment that they now have for smallpox if they catch it in time.
It's spreading through the gay communities.
And interestingly enough, it's also popped up in children.
It doesn't deal with most adults who are almost overwhelmingly heterosexual.
Now, this is a mild case.
But it does show up in homosexuals and now in children.
So we can think about how it jumped from that crowd to children.
Well, that's right.
They keep saying, oh, we have five cases of children who are in contact with gay men.
Mm hmm.
Now that whole thing, this thing, I'll give an example.
In California, Los Angeles, there was a woman I dated for years and years and years.
We were very good friends.
And she's got a son who's in his late, well, mid-40s now.
He bought a house out in Los Angeles.
It was not a bad house, pretty good, and he found out he had gay neighbors.
He didn't care, but they came over and asked him to display a rainbow flag, and he refused.
So they started walking their dogs over to his lawn and having them crap in his yard.
Now, in LA County, you're supposed to pick up after your dog.
They weren't.
So he started videoing this, And he caught them taking a big dog right into the middle of his yard to take a dump.
So he yelled out of the window, and this is on the tape, which I reviewed, and he said, what the hell's wrong with you?
So they called him the N-word.
And he took offense and he called them the F-word.
So they took offense and the tape records them using the n-word 11, 12 times and some other bad things.
He used the f-word twice.
Well they ran down to the local LAPD precinct and they swore out a warrant for him against him for using hate speech.
Well, each side had video recordations of this, and they were played at this trial, and my friend's son got convicted, got sentenced to 30 days, and was suspended.
He had to do 250 hours of community service.
So what we saw in England, people being arrested for developing a swastika on the flag, on their flat, this is thought crime is happening in America.
Yeah, this happened.
This has been a few years ago.
So he got 1129 probation, 30 days suspended, 250 hours of community service and a large fine.
And that just was unacceptable because both sides were Saying negative things about each other but you see the n-word is not prescribed but the f-word is prescribed.
So that was hate speech and that became a misdemeanor.
So the the f-word trumps the n-word?
Yes it does and that's what the problem is.
It's not applied with an even hand because there is an objective here and that is to promote this agenda which is trying to Basically destroy masculinity.
Let me say this.
Masculinity is a tough thing.
When the Titanic goes down, the men are supposed to stand up and say, ma'am, you and your child may have my seat in the lifeboat.
That takes a lot of conditioning, that takes a lot of work, that takes a certain amount of intestinal fortitude in order to carry that off.
Now, there are a lot of people that would love to put on dresses now and say, oh no, I'm not giving up my seat.
See, they can't reproduce and bear children.
That's right.
They don't want, a large portion doesn't want the responsibility of being a man.
That's what it's all about.
Well, not only that, it's a cop out.
And the other thing is they want the advantages of a woman without being able to deliver any of the things that women deliver.
See, women go through a lot.
That's why we put them on pedestal.
They've got to go through having menstrual cycles, hormonal imbalances, menopause.
They've got to go through pregnancy, the delivery and all of that.
We worship our women and we say, My mantra is protecting womanhood and promoting manhood.
Men are expendable, women and children are a resource.
We die for them.
But you see, some people want those advantages without being able to deliver on them.
That's right, and they tricked women into giving up their position of supremacy.
That's right.
And I always joke about it.
I think it's kind of funny because I have been about the business all my whole adult life and a little before that of being about the pursuit, acquisition, and enjoyment of Nookie.
And women are the sole source of Nookie on the planet Earth.
So when somebody starts trying to present to me like, hey, You want to take this substitute and I say, hell no, I don't swing that way.
You know, you can't get from me what I would give to a woman because you can't do what a woman can do.
And even if it's not for me, we want to keep the human race going.
So we need the next generation, which means we need women who are willing to accept the burdens and responsibilities of being a woman.
And that inspires us to accept the burden and responsibilities of being a man.
And so in closing here, Judge Brown, I want to get you back on soon.
We really appreciate your time.
We've been super tolerant, totally open, and now it's turned into a gang.
It's turned into a cult with corporate backing.
They're trying to take over our children, our lives, and tell us we've got to join their cult.
We've got to join their gang.
That's really what this is.
That's what it is, and we have to fight it.
We have 95% of the population in this country.
They are somewhere around 5, maybe 6%.
But they're acting like they are the majority of the population.
Maybe they're the majority of our elected officials who need to... Well, I mean, it's the 21st century.
It's the tail wagging the dog.
It's the tail wagging the dog.
All right.
Powerful, powerful interview.
How do folks get your delicious barbecue sauce?
I love it.
There you go, JJBABBQ.com, and thank you for carrying that product.
It's the best you'll taste.
And there's another thing, too.
JJB in 2023 for Mayor of Memphis, Tennessee.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
You've got to do five more minutes.
I know you've got to go.
We're going to do a two-minute break.
I'm dumb.
I saw you on Harrison last week, but I missed the fact you're running for mayor.
We've got to talk about that.
We'll be right back, and then Robert Barnes takes over.
He's got to go down to court.
Where I've already been found guilty by a judge for free speech.
So we're going to come back in two minutes with Judge Joe Brown.
I didn't know he was running for mayor.
Wow, that's exciting.
We'll be right back.
Robert Barnes is coming up.
Special guest and more in the next hour.
But I love Judge Joe Brown.
I've been watching him for decades and had him on the last few years as a guest.
But I guess I've been hiding under a rock somewhere.
I didn't know he was running for mayor of a major city.
That is beautiful.
Couldn't think of a better mayor.
Judge Joe Brown, tell us about this.
Okay, I'm running for Mayor of Memphis, Tennessee in 2023.
So the slogan is JJB for Mayor of Memphis, Tennessee in 2023.
Sen Brown.
I love it.
What made you decide to do that?
Well, I got recruited.
Some people came to me and said, Judge, would you please do something to straighten this place out?
Memphis just got found to be The third ranked city in America for violent crime behind Detroit and St.
Louis and then Memphis.
And then last month there was a finding that Memphis was the most corruptly and inefficiently run large city in America.
So I can straighten it out.
They've got a problem here with power.
We've got the Mississippi River running right through the city.
We can set some hydroelectric turbines down in the current of the Mississippi and generate essentially free electric power to bring an industry to this area.
We can sell that all the way from New Orleans to Louisville to Chicago, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, all points in between.
We've got Ford Motor Company building just up the way.
A car to build entry-level electric vehicles.
We've got Cadillac building upscale electric vehicles just up the way.
Beretta is now moved to Tennessee to deal with a lot of Armaments some for the military and some for civilians and head markets around here and people ought to be trying to get it channeled through Memphis to be put on barges taken to New Orleans and floated into barge container ships taken over to Europe gotten into the European trade through the Mediterranean going all the way through the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal and into Asia where we can build up trade over there
There is trade coming the other way from Europe through barges that are put on these same... I was about to say, Tennessee after Texas and Atlanta and Florida are blowing up.
It's Florida, Texas, Georgia and Tennessee are blowing up, but you're saying you got to get rid of the old mismanagement.
Yeah, the old mismanagement.
See what's happening?
We have a lot of big fish in a medium pond who would be very small fish in a very big pond.
Now, that said, This place is located where I-40, the main transcontinental highway, runs right across the biggest river in the country.
And as a matter of fact, that's why FedEx is here, UPS, Bolton Hill Center.
So you're at the crossroads, and with good management, you'll be the new Austin.
Well, not only Austin, this will be the Chicago of the 21st century, not the way Chicago is now, but the way it ought to be.
And where you have power, Energy, that's where you have manufacturing centers, not necessarily where the raw materials are, but where you have the energy.
That's where it's going to be.
So this ought to be technically the largest city in the United States, but there is severe ineptitude, cronyism, and downright crooked.
and corruption here.
I'm always impressed, but I'm even more impressed now with your geopolitical economic strategies.
It's amazing. You're absolutely right. Memphis is primarily positioned to be the new Chicago,
as you said, or the new Houston, or the new New York. It's just incredible.
How do people get involved in your campaign for mayor of Memphis?
Well, as soon as the current political season is over, we've got an election next week,
and we've got 400-some people on the ballot, a whole bunch of judges and other things.
And when that's down and the first financial reporting session is over, then we're going to set the tone.
All right, Judge O'Brien, truly the man of the arena.
I am so excited by your vision.
God bless you, and thank you so much.
Hey, it's been my pleasure.
Thank you.
That is a smart guy right there, the kind of leaders we need.
And he's right, energy's everything.
That's why they're cutting our energy off.
Well, they can't bitch about hydroelectric, no carbon there.
But the left wants that blown up too.
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This is a time for optimism.
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tremendous hope and joy and optimism and action.
But to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse.
They are the heirs of yesterday's foolish fortune tellers, and they predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the 70s, and an end of oil in the 1990s.
These alarmists always demand the same thing, absolute power to dominate, transform, and control every aspect of our lives.
In America, we understand what the pessimists refused to see that a growing and vibrant market economy
focused on the future lifts the human spirit and excites creativity strong enough
to overcome any challenge any challenge by far.
One of the features of this fourth industrial revolution is that it doesn't change what we are doing but it changes us.
It doesn't change what you are doing.
It changes you.
If you take genetic editing, just as an example.
Taken together, these forces are effectively hollowing out the middle class.
Because we're in the middle of something else going on here.
Nothing to do with Donald Trump.
We're in the middle of what I call, other people call, the fourth industrial revolution.
Is there going to be middle class?
Will this revolution actually transform the global economy?
And secondly, if it does, will it be for the better or for worse?
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
This is Robert Barnes guest hosting this hour.
In extraordinary news, typically when you file a bankruptcy petition, by federal law that issues an automatic stay that prevents a state court from proceeding in such a case against the party that has brought the bankruptcy filing.
And if there's other parties connected to it, those other parties, that case has stayed as well, rather than to have to try the case twice.
But the judge in Connecticut has shown no respect for the rule of law so far, so unsurprisingly.
But to anybody that had doubts out there about my statements that neither the judge in Travis County, Texas nor in Connecticut presiding over the Sandy Hook related cases has had any respect or regard for the rule of law and will violate the rule of law routinely and regularly, Misuse and abuse their power routinely and regularly and have throughout the Alex Jones cases look no further than the Connecticut judge's reaction to the bankruptcy petition filed by Free Speech Systems.
Free Speech Systems is the main corporate defendant in the Sandy Hook Connecticut case and rather than follow federal law that orders that that judge actually stay the case related to Free Speech Systems, it appears she's going to go forward with the trial anyway.
Which, if it is applied to free speech systems, that would be a state judge in flagrant violation of federal law, in contempt of the bankruptcy court petition.
But will the federal U.S.
and bank trustees, bankruptcy trustees, do anything about it?
Will they actually enforce federal bankruptcy law or can a state court make a mockery out of bankruptcy court too just because the case involves Alex Jones and the Biden administration controls the current Justice Department?
We will soon find out just how crazy!
This case can continue to be.
Already violated First Amendment rights to freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of association.
Denied the constitutional requirement of colloquium before a suit is filed.
Denied the right to speak out about Second Amendment rights.
Denied Fourth Amendment rights to privacy.
Denied Fifth Amendment rights to due process.
Denied Sixth Amendment rights to confront witnesses.
Denied 7th Amendment rights of trial by jury.
Denied the state constitutional analog provisions that enforce those same rights in both Texas and in Connecticut.
And many of those federal constitutional rights are enforceable against the states through the 14th Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution, including in particular the First Amendment rights.
So it should not be a surprise, unfortunately, that the state courts continue to abuse their power and continue to show no respect for the rule of law.
And it's going to require...
Other public officials, whether it's the Texas Supreme Court, whether it's the United States Supreme Court, whether it's congressmen and senators, whether it's members of the Texas legislature, the governor, the attorney general, it's going to require many of those people to step up at some point, because otherwise this will become the pattern.
In fact, the New York Times writer who's been lying about the Sandy Hook case so much that she even wrote a book Uh, that included a lot of her false representations about the cases, was lying again on Twitter today, falsely claiming that, uh, or by implication, she didn't lie overtly, she just retweeted someone else, retweeting someone else, repeating a lie.
The lie was, the original lie was that the parents had all asked for Alex Jones to issue corrections and retractions and apologies many, many years ago, and he just never did.
Flat-out lie.
Complete lie.
Never happened.
What happened was only on the eve of trial.
The only communication that has been cited in the court case is one that predated any of the claims that are actually in the court case and didn't come from the plaintiff in the existing court case that's being tried in Texas, nor from the Connecticut plaintiffs.
In fact, they never filed timely correction requests, retraction requests, or apologies.
They were so traumatized, they couldn't write a letter or an email.
Or is it more likely that they never heard it in the first place?
Or that they knew Alex Jones was not the principal person questioning Sandy Hook in the first place?
Or that other factors were the real cause of any injury that they suffered, namely the people who didn't protect the school, the people who actually, the man who actually took the life of their child, and the politicians who covered up the real culpability for the crime afterwards and that school safety was not adequately protected.
But all of that, instead you had Major Sebastian Murdoch at the Huffington Post, the New York Times reporter, both retweeting someone lying about the case, lying about the evidence, lying about Alex Jones, implying that lie was true, knowing the lie was false.
That's the nature of it.
That's why you have judges completely out of control.
The media who have covered the case have not applied any meaningful scrutiny to these judges going completely off the reservation.
And as long as that's the case, they're going to continue to go completely off the reservation, as it appears the Connecticut court is doing today in Connecticut.
Ignoring federal law.
Ignoring a court-ordered stay.
That's the process of a bankruptcy court.
You file your bankruptcy petition.
An automatic stay is issued as a matter of federal law that's considered a court order.
People have gone to prison for what it appears the Connecticut judge is doing today.
Now don't expect the bankruptcy court to meaningfully apply the same rules to everybody equally because that's the whole point of the Alex Jones case.
If there's an exception to the First Amendment, an exception to the Second Amendment, an exception to the Fourth Amendment, an exception to the Fifth Amendment, an exception to the Sixth Amendment, an exception to the Seventh Amendment, an exception to Texas law, an exception to Connecticut law, an exception to federal law, that exception is called the Alex Jones or we just don't like you exception.
And that's the problem and the risk that we face as we move forward.
Well, later on in the show, we're going to be talking with Richard Barris of People's Pundit Daily.
You can find him at peoplespundit.locals.com.
We're going to be previewing all of the big elections coming up tomorrow, including, according to Predicted, the big political gamblers, the big media folks, Kansas is going to turn down an abortion constitutional amendment because they just love abortion in Kansas, according to the media and betting experts.
Well, I'm the most successful political bettor in the history of the United States of America, according to the Independent Press.
And by that standard, we'll get into whether or not that's really a good bet.
Or should you bet against them if you happen to be a wagering man?
We'll be talking about the Arizona gubernatorial and senatorial primary elections, where there's even odds on what the margin of victory will be.
We'll be talking about the Michigan gubernatorial primary elections.
We'll be talking about whether a certain wayward congressman fake.
A Republican, a rhino, a true rhino, can survive his challenge from his Trumpest challenger, where he may be getting aid from some institutional actors in the Republican establishment, or whether, in fact, he will go down to ignomious defeat.
We'll talk about the Washington primaries, and whether or not Joe Kent will be one of the two finalists, and who might the second person be?
Will it be a Democrat or his Republican incumbent opponent?
We'll be talking about that and more when we come back.
We'll be breaking down each of the elections.
Remember, everybody, during this extraordinary time where InfoWars is under an unparalleled and unprecedented attack, continue to hold the line because you are the front of the line that prevents this lawfare against InfoWars from shutting InfoWars down.
You remain the key.
So go to Infowarsstore.com today, buy the Mineral Fusion, anything you want, and when we come back, Richard Barris, what's going to happen.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Robert Barnes guest hosting.
We'll be talking about all the elections today.
Later up we'll be talking about Arizona.
We'll be talking about Michigan.
Well, one of the last people who voted to send Donald J. Trump packing be win his re-election for his Republican primary or get wiped out as he probably deserves to be.
We'll be talking about Missouri's Senate bid.
We'll be talking about Washington's congressional bid where another pro-anti-Trump congresswoman is up for re-election.
But first, let's talk about Kansas.
We're going to be talking with Richard Barris, America's most successful pollster and most accurate pollster, going on more than a decade, ever since 2014.
Been calling elections over and over and over and over again.
And if you follow him, as I did originally, in order to help me make some money and some political bets, you'll have had a very profitable investment.
Uh, with Richard's, uh, inside information and insights from his public opinion polling data and his proprietary, uh, understanding of polling and public opinion.
Indeed, you can find out more at peoplespundit.locals.com.
That's where there's a one-stop shop for all of Richard's information and data.
All the interviews he does with Steve Bannon and the War Room and others.
You can find links to all of that plus inside information that he doesn't disclose publicly that's only available there and a wide range of other interesting content information again at peoplespundit.locals.com.
Well Richard, first up we have the Kansas abortion bill.
So there's a constitutional amendment in Kansas that's on the ballot with the primary election which is a little bit different.
And it's basically a pro-life amendment, though it doesn't actually ban abortion.
It simply says there's no right to abortion in the Kansas Constitution, and the Kansas legislature is hereby given authority to regulate abortion accordingly, including carving out exceptions for the life of the mother, for cases of rape and incest, of coerced abortions, and so forth.
Now the media are telling us, and the predicted betting markets are saying, this is going to go down.
That Kansas is really a pro-choice state.
That Kansas would never reverse a right to an abortion in their Kansas Constitution.
Indeed it predicted, before I put out a bet to bet the other way, it was trading at over 60% that this would go down to defeat.
What's your instinct, having polled Kansas before, knowing the national electorate dynamic, do you think that this pro-life amendment, which is really just a right for the state legislature to govern, abortion amendment, do you think it passes in Kansas?
Or is the media and the political gamblers right that it's going to go down to defeat?
You know, Robert, thanks for having me, number one.
But Kansas, you know, you know the history of it.
It's a funny state.
We look at it, we think it's a ruby red state.
It does have progressive undertones in history.
That being said, I can tell you that yes, it does believe it's ahead.
And that is the consensus in the You know, internal polling world, if you want to call it that.
Now, when people are on the ground, they kind of feel like it's roughly even, but the polling that people are really holding tight to the vest does show that this is going to pass.
Just so people know.
The biggest donors for no is the ACLU.
That's number one.
And then the second biggest spenders, unsurprisingly, is Planned Parenthood.
And on the yes side of that, you have this really historically, it's like a historical first, this coalition of the archdiocese, Catholic Church, And the Protestant, you know, activist churches that have been vandalized and abused.
The media has not covered this very well at all, Robert.
These churches have been suffering since this ruling.
You know, it was just graffiti just taken off of one yesterday after weeks.
You know, basically my body, my choice, spray painted on the side of beautifully
manicured churches, well-kept areas.
So they've been under assault.
And, you know, I think that's going to, when we see this kind of public pressure
on people, a lot of times what happens in a state like this, those people go to the
ballot box and they'll vote the other way just because they don't like the tricks
they've seen other, the one side poll and no has been abusive.
You know, it's more than just a campaign, Robert.
They're a pressure campaign.
They're a social desirability bias campaign.
They want you to be scared.
It's not a matter of just agree with me.
So I actually think yes is slightly favored.
I do.
I mean, I think for those out there, this is the Kansas legislation that would amend the Constitution.
yes vote would be to say the state legislature does have the right to regulate abortion,
that there is no constitutional right under Kansas law to an abortion, and that that can
include carving out exceptions for rape, incest, the life of the mother.
As we discussed last week with Richard, if you look at the national consensus on this,
that's what most people believe.
And Kansas generally has been a little bit more of a pro-life state than the average
And when I looked at the question and realized that's what voters are going to read and read
vote the description read that voters are going to read when they go in to vote.
My conclusion is that not only will it pass, but it will pass by a more comfortable margin than the gamblers think.
Right now they think that it won't pass.
They think even if it were to pass, the odds are it would be barely to pass.
I put out a bet this passed earlier today, saying I think it will actually win by more than a four-point margin.
As people will be shocked that the turnout is not some huge pro-choice turnout, especially when you dig into the data.
And this was a follow-up question, Richard.
You dig into the data and the primary people supporting this are the people you're talking about.
The people supporting no are the people who don't want, who want there to be a constitutional right to an abortion in Kansas, don't want this amendment.
They're overwhelmingly young and virtue signaling types.
And historically, can you explain to people what the turnout tends to be of young, democratic, millennial voters who love to follow Instagram in a primary?
And they know this.
What I'm about to say is true.
They know this because the mailers they're sending, the postcards that Know is sending to rural areas in the state are targeting older voters, which they know will show up on primary day.
The young males who want a right to an abortion because they don't want to have to take care of the babies.
that they bring into the world by being irresponsible.
They're not the ones who are gonna show up tomorrow, Robert.
That's not historically how this goes.
These will be older people.
And if you look at the content of their advertisements, no one's really relying on dishonesty.
What this amendment does, you really just said it and you're a lawyer, you'll say it better than me.
The bottom line is this is simply to reverse what the Supreme Court said,
which was like a mini statewide Roe v. Wade.
That's all this does.
It does not ban abortion or outlaw abortion in all cases, which is what no wants voters to think.
Millions have been spent, you know, to trick people in what this does to play with the language.
But I think ultimately you have an older electorate, a more conservative electorate, a more pro-life electorate, and even those who may be a little bit confused, they're going to go in there and anyone who looks at the language that is on the ballot for people will see that it's actually pretty clear.
And I think, ultimately, people are going to be shocked.
I would point out, in North Carolina, how many people believed and betted on the fact that North Carolina would, in fact, pass a gay marriage resolution.
I mean, PPP and other polls had that resolution passing comfortably.
It went down two to one.
Two to one.
Some of these social issues, people get in the ballot box and they do what they want to do.
And that's it.
Oh, absolutely.
I remember in California where they thought gay marriage would be very popular on the ballot and it was surprise, surprise!
And we'll get into exactly that and more topics after the break of the who's gonna win in Arizona, what is the margin gonna be in Arizona, how much will Trump's endorsement carry people over the final finishing line both there in Arizona and Michigan, will the Trump haters in Washington and Michigan finally go down to defeat, Remember, everybody, you are the one holding the line that's the front of the line to keep InfoWars alive.
Right now, there's a special on Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
I was looking at the ingredients.
They got a little bit of everything in here.
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So you can get that now on sale at InfoWarsStore.com and we'll be back with Richard predicting tomorrow's elections today.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
This is Robert Barnes guest hosting.
I was doing a little forensic handwriting analysis on Alex's writing here and the main thing it gives away is that He's idealistic and normal.
That's pretty much it.
There's not like your judge's handwriting and signatures where you end up finding some very peculiar traits and tendencies, but that'll be for another day.
So we're talking with Richard Barris of People's Pundit.
You can find him at People's Pundit daily.
You can find him at peoplespundit.locals.com.
You can find him at People's Pundit on YouTube, Rumble, and Twitter.
Locals is the place to go.
That's where you can get all of it, plus inside information at peoplespundit.locals.com.
The most successful pollster in America, consistently going on the better part of a decade ever since he started doing it.
Now, we'll be talking a little bit later about whether or not Trump can finally get his revenge against a couple of congressional candidates in Washington and Michigan, but up first, the Senate races and gubernatorial races in Arizona and then in Missouri.
In Arizona, there's this talk, I think there was a poll out yesterday, that Lake's gonna lose!
Lake's gonna lose in Arizona, according to a late-release poll.
You did your own detailed polling of Arizona.
What do you think's gonna happen in Arizona tomorrow in the gubernatorial primary?
You know, Robert, I know that pollster, and sometimes I think we just may get things wrong.
There has been a slew of polling in Arizona.
When we came out now, going on almost two weeks ago and released our first one, we had Lake up by 14, and I argued that that was the start of a surge.
Masters was up by 11.
By the time we were done tracking undecideds.
All right, the bottom line is to I think the difference here is, you know, before I get into what that said, I think the bottom line here, Robert, really is that different polls have different modes of collection, and they have different models on who's going to show up.
You know, we had seniors, a good chunk of the electorate.
The fact is, though, Karen Taylor Robeson was not doing well enough with them to overcome Lake's dominance among every other age group.
Lake was ahead in Maricopa.
We almost were identical to Ohio Predictive Insights as well, especially in the final day or two.
Of interviews.
That race was just not close.
I understand if you want, first of all, I don't know why that poll took Salmon off the ballot.
It's not your job as a pollster to tell people what the ballot is going to look like.
Your job is to mirror the ballot.
So if somebody withdrew, if one or more candidates withdrew, but they still appear on the ballot, then a pollster should keep them on the poll.
I mean, you're supposed to be mimicking reality as much as you can.
To get the most accurate response.
But it really wouldn't matter, Robert, because by the end of tracking, Matt Salmon was down to like 2%.
The bottom line is, Carrie Lake's lead was dominant.
It was dominant.
And I think when you are only IVRing maybe, I don't know, we'll see what happens tomorrow.
But I think when you're only using IVR, Interactive Voice Response to Landlines, because it's illegal to use IVR to contact anybody else.
Then you're only going to get a certain older, more moderate sector of the electorate.
And I think that may be what happened there.
Because we did see more older voters, it was closer.
But Arizona's not that state.
It's not Kansas, what we were talking about last time.
And if you don't think 10% or more, slightly more, will be first-time Trump primary voters, then I think that's a gamble you shouldn't be making.
I think what we're gonna see tomorrow is a lot of first-time Trump primary voters making a difference in a wide range of elections across the political landscape and across the country. What do you
think the odds are for Blake Masters in the Senate race? The Trump endorsee,
Blake Masters against the Attorney General and the other very wealthy self-funded
candidate. What do you think is going to happen there?
You know, I think it's a blowout.
I think Blake Masters is headed for a comfortable victory.
And by the time we were done tracking that race as well, it started out with Jim Lamon and Mark Brnovich really fighting for second place.
But as the week went on, Brnovich collapsed to about 11%.
So, you know, the overall results for the CD Media Big Data Poll, I would argue they overstate his support a little bit, whereas Jim Lamon went to about 22, hung out at 22, and just couldn't catch Blake Masters as he went into the mid and high 30s.
So I think, again, it's a fractured field.
It's going to be an early call.
I really do think we're going to see some early calls in the state of Arizona.
And I think both Lake and Masters are very strong candidates for the general.
I would favor both of them, and full disclosure, I know both of them and friends with both of them, but there's a reason for that.
It's because they're the populist-inclined candidates in the state of Arizona, but also because I think they are very good candidates for the general election.
I think both should be favorites to win the governorship in the Senate race, including the upset of Mark Kelly.
What do you think?
Blake is going to crush Hobbs.
I mean, I understand what the other polling is showing, but this is why we were one of only two polls in the state of Arizona to accurately identify number one.
It was close.
Biden was not running away with a 6-8 point win, and Mark Kelly was not going to beat McSally by 10 points.
It was ridiculous.
But we were one of only two that saw that McSally would trail Donald Trump, would run behind Donald Trump by about three points.
And we were right.
And the reason is because Donald Trump brings out this, you know, Charlie Kirk called him the Joe Rogan voter when I was on his show trying to explain the demographic.
You know it.
It's an independent, moderate to conservative man, working class.
They're not going to come out and vote for any old politician.
If they do, they may even split their votes more between Kelly and a McSally.
Both Carrie Lake and Blake Masters are not equivocators.
They are going to bring those voters out and they're going to win them in big margins.
Look, even though we had Masters down by a few points to Mark Kelly, Mark Kelly was only at 44%.
And among those who were undecided, 70% disapproved of the job Joe Biden was doing.
So, you know, I mean, the fact of the matter is, Robert, you know how the historical indicators work.
If they disapprove of the president and the president's party, they're not voting for the president's incumbent congressman or senator.
They're both going down.
And I think Carrie Lake, honestly, it's a complete opposite of what the consultants are saying in D.C.
She is the strongest.
Again, because Karen Taylor Robeson would never bring those men out.
This is the thing what people really need to understand about tomorrow.
The GOP establishment wants you to pick the candidates who cannot win unless they are low turnout elections.
They jump up and down that their candidate may be ahead with four out of four primary voters.
Kerry Lake both, Kerry Lake and Blake Masters.
Are winning groups and should go look at the cross tabs and see it.
They are winning demographic groups that are the future, not only of the state of Arizona, but the demographics that are the future of this country, electorally and battlegrounds across the nation.
So if the GOP is dying, which one is the better electoral bet moving forward?
Because they're not going to appeal.
To those 30 to 45s and those 45s to 64s.
That's not going to happen.
It hasn't been.
It didn't with Mitt Romney.
It's why he missed three and a half million white voters that he needed in the Rust Belt.
Those were working class people and you know Arizona is a perfect example because this is the way the demographics are trending now and now in Arizona.
That's why the polls have been so bad because when they do tend to move in this direction and those Blocks get bigger as a percentage of the voting electorate.
Those are the biggest sampling error subgroups.
So they make for all the ingredients for a big polling mess.
So I think that's what we're seeing there.
But, you know, as far as that governor's race, you know it and I know it.
It makes no sense that Blake Masters would have an 18 point lead and Kerry Lake be down by one, Robert.
Sometimes as a pollster, you have to, you should withhold what you probably know is bad data.
Oh, exactly.
There's no way to reconcile.
There's no way to reconcile Ohio Predictive at 18, at me at 14, Data Orbital at 11, right?
Alloy at 11, and them at Robeson plus one.
That's something seriously wrong.
I mean, my bet on the Kansas vote is to vote for Kansas' abortion law to pass the yes to pass by four points or more.
In Arizona, I put out the bet on Blake Masters many months ago.
That you can safely bet on again if you want to make a little extra cash tomorrow.
I think Carrie Lake is also a very safe bet for tomorrow.
And I think the margin for Carrie Lake will be double digits.
It will not be close like the last set of some set of polls have suggested.
In the same vein, I think both of them, if you want to bet on it now, will be the next senator and governor of Arizona.
Carrie Lake will be the next governor and will be a good populist governor who's been willing to challenge and contest what took place in Arizona in the 2020 election.
And the same with Blake Masters, also willing to contest what's happening on immigration, as well as the elections, and has been populist on trade and China, one of the few people willing to speak out about the rush to war in Ukraine.
When we come back, we'll be discussing the Missouri Senate race and the two big congressional races that will determine whether Trump finally gets a little bit of revenge.
Up next, with Richard Barras, after the break.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
This is Robert Barnes, guest hosting with Richard Barris of the People's Pundit.
You can find him at the People's Pundit Daily, peoplespundit.locals.com, where you can get inside information all the time, and you can get the aggregation of all of the other sites and places he appears, the Don Smith Show, Steve Bannon, the War Room on Rumble and YouTube.
People's Pundit has regular live broadcasts.
In fact, this is our special edition version of What Are the Odds here for Alex Jones at InfoWars today.
So let's shift to, we're going to get to the two big congressional races.
Uh, where Trump is, uh, basically has revenge on the ticket.
But before we get there, let's go to the other two big statewide races.
First, the Michigan gubernatorial bid, where Trump decided to weigh in at the last minute and it appears he gave a critical boost, uh, to the Republican primary candidate now, who is a strong favorite.
Will she prevail tomorrow in the Michigan Republican gubernatorial primary?
I think a blowout is coming in the Michigan primary on the Republican side.
Tudor Dixon gained 21 points, roughly, about 21 points over a 48 hour period after Donald Trump endorsed her.
So she was looking like she was going to cruise, you know, not comfortable, but, or I would say not a blowout, but maybe a comfortable win, even though there were a lot of undecideds.
But once Donald Trump issued that endorsement, Look, you know, I wouldn't be shocked if we saw something like a Darren Bailey or a Doug Mastriano kind of blowout.
Look, people have to understand, I tweeted this before the other day, don't be surprised if Kerry Lake, Tudor Dixon, some of these candidates and Blake Masters wins by these ridiculous margins because it's hard for pollsters to catch, especially when he does what he did for Tudor, for instance.
It's hard to catch that last-minute surge, Robert, for a pollster.
You start to see it, you know what direction it's headed, but maybe you don't know where the ceiling is for that candidate.
I've seen Donald Trump next morning erase 20 points in 24 hours.
I mean, it really depends on what the candidate does with that endorsement.
So, you know, some of the indications obviously in her polling and other public polling, you know, she's certainly soaring after that endorsement.
I don't think that's much of a race at this point anymore.
I don't.
In the Missouri Senate race...
See, I advise people that if they had stock in Gritens to go ahead and dump that stock while it's still trading at some value because it looks like the late media onslaught against Gritens connected to the Karl Rove folks in DC has worked.
Now in part that might be because Eric Schmidt has run a mostly good campaign.
I wasn't a big fan of his Ukraine war jumping early on, but he's mostly stayed quiet on that front of late.
But he's done a lot of great lawsuits as Attorney General, including going after big tech, going after the Biden administration, related issues of immigration, related to issues of the vaccine mandates.
So he's done a lot of great work for the most part as Attorney General.
But I do think Greitens has been the victim of an unfair smear campaign, but it looks like it's going to work.
What's your take?
Yeah, I'm uncomfortable.
You know, they did this to Sean Parnell.
We have seen this like Jeff Rowe from Remington Research, Axiom Strategies, partnership with Karl Rove and several of these races.
They tried to slander JD Vance.
They tried to put out garbage polling to hurt JD Vance.
They interjected themselves in Pennsylvania as well.
I mean, he had a meltdown on live camera.
McCormick's gonna win!
He's gonna win!
You know, when the votes were basically done and in, Robert.
So I do... I'm uncomfortable the kind of attack that, you know, they waged on Eric Greitens.
Although it does look like it's had an impact without a doubt.
That said...
Trump announced he will endorse it.
It really does matter what the candidate does with that endorsement, whether or not they could capitalize on it.
I do think that Gritens could pull it off with a Trump endorsement.
If you look at it, predict it right now.
They have Schmidt in second, you know, as far as, you know, the second safest bet for that endorsement.
And Billy Long, you know, Far down the list.
I'll tell you right now, folks, because of what Schmitt's pollster did, which is, again, Jeff Rupp.
That's the same crowd.
What these insiders did, these establishment consultants did to Schmitt, if I was Schmitt, I would fire them immediately because now he has to bite his nails wondering whether or not a Gritens endorsement is going to boost Uh, Grayton's just a little bit at the last minute, but I would say Billy Long should be trading higher for that endorsement than Schmidt because the president is
I mean, there's no other word.
And for those who don't know what I'm talking about, this is an outfit Jeff Rowe polled the 2020 general in the state of Missouri, and they were contributing to the Biden's going to win every battleground state narrative because they had Trump only leading by about four points in the state of Missouri.
Obviously, he went on to win at 57-41.
It was not close.
So they put out a poll the other day, which basically showed that Trump is a hindrance.
On, you know, his endorsement is a hindrance in the state of Missouri.
And that really, uh, you do that thing, that kind of thing to President Trump and he, they should have just shut up, Robert, and hung back.
They should have just shut up.
Schmidt was cruising.
What are you doing?
It's what his people have been like.
I mean, for all of Schmidt's strengths, he has had these occasional Achilles heel moments that suggest an establishmentarian bias, an anti-Trump bias, a pro-war bias.
And each of those times he's made the misstep, he's gone from surging to collapsing.
And the only question is whether that happens again.
Now, I think Gritens has been more consistently seeking the Trump endorsement by endorsing more Trump positions on the most controversial issues.
So he's advantaged himself, and maybe Schmidt got inside information that they're about to get hit, but it shows you cannot, all these candidates who continue to hire Washington insiders to run their campaigns are asking for trouble and disaster.
And they all need to be running populist campaigns, using people from outside of Washington to help give them advice on what public opinion really is.
On what is an effective advertising approach and what is an effective public relations approach, because it's clear some of them still have.
I mean, the people who got whooped by J.D.
Vance in Ohio kind of should have figured that out, but the people that have come after them continue to repeat the same mistakes.
Now, speaking the same vein, what's going to happen in Michigan 3?
What's going to happen in Washington?
Will Trump get revenge on the people who wanted to vote for his impeachment in these Republican elections coming up?
I did actually poll for Gibbs, which he did release.
It was about a month ago though.
There were quite a few undecideds, but it was headed in the wrong direction for Peter Meyer.
And it was kind of funny, Robert, because as I'm polling, it was over a holiday weekend where we started to track that race a little bit for Mr. Gibbs.
And it looked like, you know, maybe an eight point lead for Gibbs, right?
And it just kept ticking up a little bit, little bit.
And then Peter cast that gun vote.
And there were two things that were really, really jumped out at me.
One, the gun vote, when you have hunting season starting in Michigan, really angered people that were even willing to kind of, for the sake of his name, for people who don't know, the Meyer family's got a, you know, department store, very high name recognition brand in West Michigan.
So there are some people who are willing to still kind of stick with him and maybe give him the benefit of the doubt.
But the votes that he has cast, especially that last gun vote, really hurt him bad.
That blew it to about a 13 to 18 point lead.
And it really does depend on turnout.
Even with those numbers, with him trailing Gibbs that much, only 50% of the electorate, about 48, told us that they knew Trump had endorsed John Gibbs.
And when we asked them, now that you know that Gibbs is the endorsed candidate, who would you vote for now?
Gibbs has the potential to beat Peter Meyer by the largest margin of any Trump impeaching incumbent yet.
So he can embarrass him more than South Carolina 7, which was a blowout.
It's a binary choice in Michigan 3, unlike South Carolina 7, where you had Frye, but you also had other, you know, relatively MAGA candidates on the ballot vying for it.
Gibbs could crush him.
Uh, tomorrow.
It's people get out and vote and make it happen.
That will happen.
And I will say this, uh, you know, again, it does seem like MAGA candidates work a lot harder.
Robert, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta say that.
They work harder than these other people do.
They're, they're out there on the ground with people and that, that's what matters.
That's what wins elections.
It really is.
People aren't feeling like they're not being listened to, so that helps.
And Joe Kent, a little bit different of a race.
I mean, Joe Kent probably still has a lead, but they have spent Millions now.
I think we're up to like three and a half million dollars in the final 10 days to try to trick voters in Washington 3 that another candidate in the race is endorsed by Trump.
They're sending out mailers, they're doing ads, basically lying about who was endorsed by Donald Trump.
Joe Kent is obviously endorsed.
It has had some impact.
So I can say that from polling I've seen.
But Joe Kent did still have a lead.
It's just that it tightened up and yet Herrera Butler, you know, kind of kind I'm kind of creeping up on him a little bit, but it may end up two Republicans.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Do you think Herrera-Butler makes it into the runoff?
At this point, from the polling we just looked at, we just saw, it looks like it's going to be Joe Kent and Butler, unless Joe Kent can effectively, you know, counter that misinformation.
And if he does, then 10% falls off another candidate and goes back to Joe, which puts Butler in danger of slipping in the third behind a Democrat.
And also too, just say this about Missouri real quick.
There is other, you know, internal polling that it hasn't been public, but it does show that it's essentially a pretty close three-way race.
I think it was clear Schmidt was a favorite.
I hope Trump gets his revenge.
You can follow Richard at peoplespundit.locals.com.
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Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
Listen, you know, we're going through very difficult times.
You know, I just did an interview with Daniela Camboni for Stansberry, going later this week.
And she said to me, I'm so sorry you're so sad.
And I said, you know, my work is to forecast trends.
And I see the future.
And it's hell on earth.
They've taken us into World War Three.
And there's no pushback at all.
I'm also also mentioning this to you because the big, you know, it happened in my lifetime, you know, the three big downs were first how that Freud Fauci, you know, sold the AIDS epidemic.
It wasn't killing straight people.
And but he sold it.
And I grew up at a time of sex, drugs and rock and roll, man.
And then it started to change.
I mean, it was a free world.
And then.
Then what really, really brought it down to the next low level.
Started happening under Clinton with his wars.
Every time he got caught with his pants down, you know, bombs away over Iraq.
Kills over 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five.
And Madeline, not all that bright, was dead.
Oh, how they honored her, the ambassador, UN ambassador at the time.
And Leslie Stahl says the death of those 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five was worth it.
That's a quote.
It was worth it.
Oh yeah, but Russia, you know, they're killing, those are war crimes.
Bill Clinton's, they're not war crimes.
I'm talking to you about the decline of this country.
It's been happening under one president after another.
Right, you know, and again, there's those books out about, you know, there is two little clowns, and the guy, a little daddy's boy, a little moron of a nothing, Georgie Bush.
Jerk of the trades.
Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction.
Lied us into that war.
Lied us into the war of the Afghan war.
We're going to get that guy Osama Bin Laden dead or alive.
I was talking about Jimmy Carter, the clown.
Everybody loves a little peanut farmer.
That's the guy that allowed interstate banking so the JP Morgan chasers could take over the country.
Let him raise interest rates on credit cards.
One created the Mujahideen today called Al-Qaeda.
And Brzezinski, oh yeah, the daughter's on with meeting Joe, whatever that clown is in the morning.
That guy who did it, oh yeah, his son is an ambassador now.
It's one freak after another.
Lyndon Johnson got us into the Vietnam War.
And one after another.
And Obama, the Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner.
We're going to get that guy Osama.
Oh, no, he was.
I want that guy Assad out of there.
No, Sylvester, you have to say it proper, like Obama would.
I want that guy Qaddafi out.
I want him out of there.
We got to bring freedom and justice and take the oil.
People, I get these emails that, you know, you're angry.
You know, if you weren't so angry and yelling, more people will listen to you.
Save your crap.
Don't want to hear it.
You know, I tell this story.
I was out in front of my building here with the lovely Liliana one day.
It was the last day of the 30th of October last year.
Yeah, I want that guy out of there.
And this guy walks by about 30, 35 years old, big guy got chains on, tattoos.
And I have a little, you can't come into my office, I have a little thing, you know, private office, a little chain going across.
He wants to come in.
I'm very nice to him.
I say, you can't come in.
And he starts screaming and yelling at me.
And then he says, you're nothing but a white racist, a white supremacist.
And I've seen you on Alex Jones.
You're a disgusting piece of garbage.
And I'm sitting there having coffee outside.
I'll tell you what happens when we come back.
Stay tuned.
So anyway, the guy starts yelling at me because I'm on the Alex Jones Show.
I do host an hour.
And I'm saying to the guy, listen man, calm down, take it easy.
I have a lady over here.
And he starts cursing at me.
And, um... That's when I got up and I called this guy out.
And I can't say what I said because they wouldn't allow it on this show.
It would be, uh...
Called cursing.
It wasn't cursing.
It was the proper language being used at that time.
And I'm screaming my guts off at this guy, calling him every... Come on, I'll F you up, man.
I had enough of this.
And, um... This is after the guy threatened me.
I'm making this point because I didn't say, Oh, please, sir.
Would you kindly stop that?
You know, that's not nice that you're saying that.
As this guy's calling me out and wants to take me out.
I became angry.
I'm a fighter.
I'm a fighter.
I had taught close combat for many years.
I'll attack the attacker.
You want to come at me?
Come on.
You calling me out?
Come on.
My life is on... Oh, you're coming at me with a woman here?
I'm mentioning this because he who is not angry When there is just cause for anger is immoral.
Do you hear that?
He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral.
Now staying away from that, what I just talked about, I am angry at what's going on in our lives and how they've robbed us of our joy and freedom.
They sucked it out of us.
With the COVID war.
Things were tough before.
And now it's finished.
I see people walking all over the place with masks on up here.
Business stinks!
You know, I don't carry a cell phone.
I said, you know, I should take a picture outside.
No cars out here.
You couldn't get a parking space.
It was the biggest complaint everybody had.
Office occupancy rates in the toilet.
All the businesses that depended on commute is gone.
Dry cleaners, 30% of them out of business.
Office occupancy rates, we're at about 40% in America.
35-30% in cities like New York and San Francisco and Chicago.
Crime rates skyrocketing.
Everything that I forecast in the Trends Journal.
They are not talking about the biggest real estate crash that's going to happen in written history when the office building Occupancy.
Stage right.
What do I need seven floors of an office building?
Yeah, stay home and work for three days.
I just saved myself a lot of money and you hate an hour and a half commuting each way.
I have my executive assistant.
She stays home two days a week.
I don't bother her.
I trust her.
She does a great job.
We are going to see a crisis the likes of which we've never seen before.
And the new internet meta-world makes some of that possible, the good and the bad and the ugly of it.
And now all these leveraged debt that they have has to be paid off.
Oh, his interest rates are going up.
Now I'm going to go back to being angry.
They did this to us, little slime balls like arrogant Andy Cuomo.
Gavin Newsome!
Another little daddy's boy!
A member of the club!
Locking down everything!
As he's gobbling up at the French Laundry at $400 a plate!
Or whatever it is!
Making up this crap!
Don't be angry, Salenti!
Bend over and swallow it!
Be a good American!
Swallow the crap!
Swallow the crap!
It's America!
Roll out the red carpet!
Here comes the President!
All you guys in your military drag, with all your emblems on, don't forget to salute!
Here comes your President!
You bet I am!
You know why?
Because anger looks to the good of justice.
And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are as you are immoral As well as unjust, said St.
Thomas Aquinas.
Look at that arrogant little boy!
That arrogant little boy!
Don't forget to vote!
Don't forget to vote!
Hey, election time is coming, that's right!
Don't forget to vote!
Vote for your favorite freak!
I like the Repulsivekins!
I like the Dumbo Craps!
I'm a clown!
I am an American!
This country's a disgrace.
If you don't do what you can to support InfoWars and what they're going through now, and doing all they can to do the best that they can, you are immoral.
That's right.
Because this is about anger.
I want to make this clear.
Unlike the politicians who've all led perfect lives and never done anything wrong.
They're just so perfect.
They don't pee or poo.
No, no, no, no, no!
Not us!
We are above you!
I pulled a lot of crap in my life, alright?
I was in, you know, I'd been in business, you know, in a different world when I was in a different world.
I was killing environmental legislation at the height of the environmental movement.
At 28 years old, I'm staying at the Willard Hotel and putting my meetings on at the Hay-Adams.
I started growing up.
You do stuff, you don't do everything right.
Nobody's perfect.
Oh, except if you're a politician.
Then you're perfect!
If I was elected president, I would close down Congress.
We don't need another law.
Stay home and go to work!
Go to work, you little jerks!
Hey, Mitch McConnell, you ever have a job, you slob?
Look at the clowns we got running this show.
Lindsey Graham, the tough man of war, loves war.
That little clown couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.
Yeah, I'm elected, locked out.
Every state government, every city government, Every federal government!
I don't need another law or you dictators telling me what to do!
You have destroyed life on Earth!
Oh, climate change.
Oh yeah.
How about those pesticides in your food?
They're great for you.
Give me those GMOs!
No, no, no.
How about some arsenic in my water?
There he is, Adams.
Oh yeah, running the duck and cover drill in case a nuclear bomb goes off.
That guy?
That arrogant guy?
You better be angry if you believe in St.
Thomas Aquinas.
Or keep swallowing the crap.
Be a good American.
Swallow the crap.
Swa- I love Obama, folks.
Folks, he's always folks.
Folking us folks, folks.
You love his wars, the Libyan war?
That is Syrian war.
Give me the Yemen war.
Hey, how about that troop surge in Afghanistan for the Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner?
We need a whole new system, and InfoWars is helping you do it.
They are a new system.
They're a system of freedom and justice.
And me, I'm the deacon of the Universal Church of Freedom, Peace and Justice, and Occupy peace and freedom.
So united we stand, divided we die.
And this is the time to unite now more than ever.
So again, do what you can to support InfoWars.
When I come back, I'm going to talk about what's going on in the equity markets and what you have to watch out for.
And also what's going on in the world and what you have to watch out for.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And again, you know, we're fighting the New World Order.
I was talking to this guy, a bartender, great place, the Hudson House.
It's on the Hudson River.
Beautiful job they've done.
It was an old monastery or something.
Anyway, the guy, I said, what accent is it?
He said, I'm Polish.
And the guy, I started talking about Ukraine.
He was right on the same page.
He knew the facts, like the people don't know.
You ask anybody where Ukraine is on a map, they can't find it, you know.
And they pump crap like a clown.
A little boy of nothing.
Another daddy's boy.
Another daddy's boy that's still a kid.
Still a guy going, my hero, Zelensky.
What are you talking about?
You're a comedian, for God's sakes.
What do you know about the facts?
Oh, you don't know about the corruption in Ukraine and how Zelensky was a comedian?
And he became president and he promised to get rid of the corruption?
The oligarchs that ran the country and he became, you know, he got right in a member of the club.
But anyway, going again, you can't make this stuff up.
Talking about, I forgot what I was talking about.
The Zelensky style, the Ukraine war, the people, you can't find it on a map.
And yet they support it and they believe the stuff that's being fed to us.
And again, why you have to support InfoWars.
So it was a Polish guy, that's it.
So we're talking and he said, what's going on in America now was like when I was a young guy growing up when Poland was under the Soviet Union.
He said, it's the same with the censorship, how they sell the propaganda.
And what they tell you to do, it's no different.
Imagine that.
Yeah, I can imagine it.
When they lock down this country, and the world, starting with Italy, and making up garbage.
And you sit down, you can take the mask off to eat, but when you stand up and go to the toilet, you gotta put the mask on.
Because the virus knows when you're standing up, and you gotta stand six feet apart.
Well, if I'm in another country, 6.5 feet.
Well, no, no, no.
Six feet.
Because the wind blows directly at six foot lengths and stops.
Doesn't make circles, doesn't go up and down.
So when you stand behind that plexiglass, it doesn't go under, it doesn't go around, and it doesn't go over.
We'll make up anything we want because we're in charge of your life.
This is communist America.
It's not only communist, it's fascist.
And that goes back to the equity markets.
Merger and acquisition activity hit an all-time high last year.
With the zero interest rate policy, the bigs just keep getting bigger.
Oh, now they moved it up to 2.25, 2.50.
Not when inflation is running at 9.1.
And by the way, we don't have stagflation.
It's not a stagnant economy.
It's a declining economy.
You saw the numbers come in.
We had two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.
In the old days we used to call that a recession, but we won't anymore because Janet Yellen, who's been screaming that there was no inflation, saying it was temporary transitory, and then of course in the new woke world we should call it transgender-tory, she said there's no recession.
So you should believe her, she lied before, it was stupid.
Facts are there, write about them in the Trans-Journal word for word.
Going back to April last year, she's saying there's no recession, no inflation.
And now she's saying there's no recession.
It's not going to be stagflation, it's going to be dragflation.
The economy is going to drag down, and inflation is going to keep staying high.
Are prices going to go as high as they were?
Yes and no.
Some are going to go down, others are going to go up, but you're still going to have it.
Because even if they go down, they're way higher than they used to be.
We are in for the worst socioeconomic and geopolitical times in recorded history.
The economies were going down.
Economists slammed Facebook for absolutely a welling fact check.
Oh, and don't talk about Hunter Biden.
He can hunt all he wants, do anything he wants.
Could you imagine if they had a picture of me or Alex Jones coked out like this cat man?
Oh, they'd be blasting the hell out of us.
But this guy, one freak show after another, we won't talk about it because we're prostitutes, we're media whores.
We get paid to put out by our corporate pimps and our government whoremasters.
We'll do whatever we're told.
Can you imagine if they had pictures of me doing with this guy?
Oh, they don't like me because I raised my voice and I told people to F off.
But this is OK.
You could do that.
Hey, you're the president's son.
Oh, this guy does a great job.
You know, look at it.
Look how solid his family is.
And he's running our country.
You know, by their deeds, you shall know them.
I'm only me because my parents, my ancestors.
You know.
Have I done things that they wouldn't like?
You bet.
But, you know.
Not off the board like that, man.
So going back to the economy.
This COVID war has plunged the economy into an incalculable devastation.
It'll come back.
Remember the moron saying, it'll come back.
It'll come back.
Stay safe.
Stay safe.
Oh, yeah.
Hey, Biden, you got safe.
I ain't got all those vaxxers.
Oh, boy.
Clearly got vaxxed.
Clearly got vaxxed.
Clearly got double vaxxed.
I would have died.
Hey, that's something.
I didn't get vaxxed.
I didn't get any vaxxed.
How come you don't tell a story about me and all the others?
Oh, because we're in good health?
You mean that?
No, no, this is serious.
Again, you gotta do everything, yeah.
1K, isolation, CDC, yeah.
Isolation, isolate them for good.
Again, this is the time of our lives.
If we don't unite, and uniting with InfoWars is one of the ways to do it.
You know, I do this.
I don't get paid to do this.
I do this because I believe in what they're doing.
You know, and I want to get the word out for freedom, peace, and justice.
That's what I fight for.
Again, I had a rally up here.
It cost a lot of money.
And we got nice donations from a lot of people.
Thank you very much.
But it was a lot of work.
I didn't put on a peace and freedom rally for myself.
Oh, and this place over here called Rough Draft, my tenant in one of my buildings, it closed down at two o'clock.
You know why?
Because there's a political rally, they said.
That's right.
They lost triple their business they could have had.
And it wasn't a political rally.
It wasn't about politicians or political parties.
It was about peace and freedom.
But those are dirty words today.
You're not allowed to say them.
No one on the media does it.
No one.
Peace and freedom are dirty words.
So you have to, again, what Infowars is doing is what the government doesn't want because, quote, we'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.
William J. Casey, CIA director.
And that's what Americans believe.
Everything that's false that comes from the fake media.
We'll be right back.
Stay tuned.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, I love that poster.
Peace and Freedom Rally.
Not one piece of coverage in the entire U.S.
Again, it broke my heart.
I didn't do this.
I put on a Peace and Freedom Rally for myself.
You know, the work that goes into this.
The energy.
We're pushing for peace.
It's a dirty word.
You're not allowed to say it on the media.
And so going back to Supporting Alex Jones and what he said about, you know, there's nobody covers the variety that they're covering and so many we cover it in the Trends Journal.
We look at geopolitical trends, economic trends, the whole high tech trends, etc.
and tell you what's going on, what it means and what's next and give you, you know, what to do about it.
But of course, the motto is think for yourself.
But Alex Jones shows a whole different trip, you know, they're giving you a whole broad view of very different things in a different way.
And Why it's so important?
Because the American people don't believe anything until they see it on television.
Richard Nixon.
Again, look at that little freak of a nothing.
Look at that little freak of a nothing boy.
And by the way, when I say, you know, when you're young, you're stupid.
I voted for Richard Nixon.
Back then, you know, 18 year olds, that was when it first happened.
You could be 18 years old and vote.
I voted for Richard Nixon.
That's how dumb I was.
I believed the Vietnam War.
That's how stupid I was.
My father, may he rest in peace, would be eating dinner.
And he'd look at me and he'd say, you know, son, they say that youth is wasted on the young.
And he'd take a couple more bites and he'd say, they were talking about you.
You know, I love it.
I got out with a few women back in the day.
And I went through a divorce in the mid 90s.
And that whole, you know, millennial, you know, the whole, the whole new thing coming out.
And I got with a woman who had children.
I said, how's your son?
Oh, he is so amazing.
How's your daughter?
She's so special.
You're a kid, take it easy.
I mean, what are we?
They could make an atom bomb, you know?
What are you talking about?
And that's the decline of the mentality.
And every time things get crappy and disgusting as they are now, they throw out the BS.
Oh, the children, the young people will change it.
Grow up!
Oh, the founding fathers?
Or they were all youths?
I want to just go back to the economy before I move on.
So here's the deal, the game is rigged.
JPMorgan Chase has been convicted of five felonies.
A clown guy, another arrogant little boy, if you don't want to think it's a revolving door, the guy was the head of the FDA, the so-called Food and Drug Administration, yeah.
The drug dealers administration in charge of tobacco, you know, the e-cigarettes and putting regulations on the companies.
Guess what?
He just quit his job and got a job with Philip Morris.
All right.
It's not a revolving door, it's one door and they're in it.
Whereas George Carlin said, it's one big club and you ain't in it.
You think Nancy Pelosi's husband, they're worth, what, four or five hundred million dollars?
They're so much smarter than we are?
As the guys placing bets, you know, on the markets before it's announced?
What, are you kidding me?
Another daddy's girl should be a nobody if her daddy wasn't the mayor of Baltimore at the height of Baltimore.
Again, it's one big club.
Little Andy Cuomo, arrogant Andy, arrogant Andy, and little Chrissy.
My daddy was Mario, we're gonna rename the Tappan Zee Bridge.
After Governor Mario M. Cuomo.
You forgot to put the M in there.
Take down the signs.
You got to put $30 million.
Look at these little boys.
Oh, and the clown Cuomo won an Emmy Award.
An Emmy Award.
You know why?
For his great BSing.
It's Hollywood!
It's dirtbag wood!
It's scum wood!
The actors, comedians, we're told to look up to.
That's who's running our lives.
Hey, how about all you guys that sold- Oh, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Vaxxed!
Oh yeah!
I remember when the artists were- to the government telling us what to do.
You're not honest, you're cloddest.
You're little clown boys of nothing.
Oh, calm down, Selenti.
Be a coward like the rest of Americans.
I will keep fighting for peace and justice.
I don't tell anybody what to believe.
Gerald Solenti is one of the most hated men in Kingston, New York, of the Libtards.
You know why?
Because he believes in freedom, in peace, and justice.
And he has rallies for it.
While we, the Little Libtards, Little cowardly little boys and girls with real bad attitudes.
We swallow the crap!
And Solenti won't swallow it!
How dare he!
How dare he!
How dare he have a rally for peace and freedom!
I'm closing down my business!
I'll show him!
Not one piece of coverage from the little daily Freeman newspaper out there.
Daily piece of garbage!
They hate me!
I don't tell people what to do.
Do what you wanna do!
Be who you wanna be!
But don't tell me I gotta believe your crap!
I don't swallow crap, and I don't dish it out!
You swallow it, And you dish it out, and you want me to swallow it?
And you hate me because I won't swallow your crap?
And I, Gerald Solenti, Annapolitano, born in the Bronx and born to be free, am a true American that honor the founding fathers?
Like George Washington, who warns us Not to get involved in foreign entanglements?
Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, he said in his farewell address.
Or a very remote relation.
Hence, she, meaning Europe, must be engaged in frequent controversies, meaning they've been fighting wars forever.
The causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns.
Foreign to our concerns.
Don't get involved.
You're an American.
I hate you!
We're going to bring freedom and We're gonna bring freedom and democracy to countries around the world!
Yeah, he did a great job in Haiti.
I like Cuba.
No, Guatemala was great for me.
How about Vietnam?
No, no, no, I like Iraq.
Give me Afghanistan.
We're gonna bring freedom and democracy to Libya.
No, no, no, how about Syria?
This is disgusting what's going on.
This country's going down the crapper, and we're up to almost over 60 billion dollars of our money going to bloody the killing fields in Ukraine.
How dare you speak against that, Solynta?
We don't know anything about Ukraine, can't find it on a map, but we support him because they told us to on TV.
I like little Don Lambin.
I like Tapa, gimme.
Anderson Cooper, I'm really stupid.
We'll be right back.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, preparetoday.com.
And also, they got a great whole bunch of great products.
And again, supporting Infowars is supporting yourself.
Again, we've turned into a communist.
Oh, the other part I was going to say, we've turned into a communist fascist country.
The fascists is a merger of state and corporate powers.
They're in control.
And that's Mussolini's definition.
So the Infowars store, Infowarsstore.com and they also have the bodies now.
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And they have these ancient ingredients, like I said, with turmeric, with bodies and 25% off from InfoWars Life.
So go to InfoWarsStores.com.
And help support InfoWars because we're in the time of our life.
It is terrible what's going on.
And again, and if you want to know what in the world is going on, you want to Trends Journal.
There's no magazine like it.
I'm not saying it because it's my magazine.
You show me one like it, I'd love to see it.
Nothing comes close to it.
For the grand total of $2 a day.
The toilet paper record of the New York Times is $3 a day, $5 on a weekend.
Wall Street Journal $5 a day.
We're giving you $2 a week.
170 pages.
150 pages.
180 pages.
All that range every week.
No ads.
So we're giving you everything we can.
And that's why I'm on InfoWars.
To give you everything I can.
And that's why InfoWars does.
They're giving you everything that they can.
They have a great staff.
They're really fighting.
And we're fighting for freedom, peace, and justice.
And those are dirty words in America today.
The um...
Headline story.
When I talk about my magazine compared to the crap you get online and why you got info wars.
This is the headline story in CNN, right?
I just took a look at it now.
Former high-level Russian official who left Putin's government reportedly hospitalized.
Top story.
What do I care?
What do I care that some guy is in a hospital?
How does that help me?
How does that enrich my brain?
How does that help me invest?
How does that help me know what in the world is going on, what it means, and what to do, and what's next?
It's the Cartoon News Network.
It's CNN.
And arrogant, arrogant, arrogant little boys and girls, dumber than crap, all they do is they read their lines.
I used to be on CNN back in the day in the 90s and early 2000s.
Like four times a month.
I swear on Oprah.
The Today Show.
Good Morning America.
Look at that arrogant guy.
Vaxxed up!
Dumbed up!
Oh, I should say, to be proper to you, dumbed down!
Arrogant Vaxxhawks!
Gutless little boys!
Oh, all you, all you people that Love Zelensky and want to go fight the Russians?
Hey, dress up, go over and go do your duty.
Not mine.
I'm an American.
I'm not like you cowards.
I'm a true American.
Oh, you'll hate this.
You'll hate it.
This might be the last time I'm on InfoWars.
Because I'm going to read from Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address, January 17th, 1961.
Our military organization today bears little resemblance to that known by any of my predecessors in peacetime, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea.
Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry.
And now you got it!
Now you got it!
You got Lloyd Austin!
Yes, sir, General Austin!
Yes, sir!
Oh, yes, sir!
With all your medals on!
Hey, could you tip over with all them medals over there?
Oh, where did Lloyd Austin come from?
The General?
You mean he sat on the board of directors of Raytheon, the second largest defense contractor in the United States?
Now he's the head of our Department of Defense?
Oh, yeah, that guy.
American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well.
But now, we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense.
We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions.
Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment.
We annually spend on military security More than the net income of all United States corporations, this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience.
The total influence, economic, political, and even spiritual, is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government.
We recognize the imperative need for this development, yet We must not fail to comprehend its grave implications.
Lloyd Austin.
And look at Smiley Miley over there.
Look at that.
Look at the eyes of this guy.
I love all of your medals of honor.
War Monger?
War Monger?
War Monger?
War Monger?
You're not a true American!
Not a true American!
You're not an Eisenhower!
You're not a Washington!
You're a military-industrial complex, man!
Our toil, resources, and livelihoods are all involved.
So it is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence.
Whether sought or unsought by the military-industrial complex, handsome, healthy man!
How many drugs are you taking?
Hey, where are Mad Dog Mattis' eyes?
They'll outdo that, cats!
Mad Dog Mattis, yeah.
Anyway, we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process.
And they have endangered us.
Don't be angry, Solange!
Don't fight like a man!
Oh, by the way, tell you what happened out there?
So when I went after this guy and I'm yelling very loudly and coming in a very fighting way, the guy goes, oh, you think you're a tough guy, huh?
Oh, yeah, I think you're tough.
Yeah, yeah.
And he starts walking away.
He didn't expect a 75 year old guy to get up.
And call him out.
You bet I'm angry.
I am a true American!
All you people can hate me for loving peace, freedom, and justice.
Go to communism!
Go to fascism!
Become the dead woke America!
Go down the drain!
Dress like crap, look like crap, eat crap, become crap!
Or, go to InfoWars and get all those great products that'll help you thrive and survive in these times.
And also, the Trends Journal.
Do what you can to support us.
You go to InfoWarsStore.com.
They're doing what they can to help you, and so am I. You go to TrendsJournal.com.
It's the only magazine where you're gonna read history before it happens.
Most of what's going on now, we said what was going to go on.
So you got these great products.
You and I, my fellow citizens, need to be strong in our faith that all nations under God will reach the goal of peace with justice.
Peace and justice?
We hate you, Salenti, for quoting that.
We're never going to have you on a show again.
You quoted General Eisenhower and General Washington.
How dare you?
You know what Eisenhower said?
Anybody, by any man seeking the office of president, He's either an egomaniac or crazy.
And that's who we got.
Stay tuned for more on InfoWars and we'll see you next week.
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