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Name: 20220722_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 22, 2022
2761 lines.

In his show, Alex Jones discusses various topics such as New World Order agenda, weight loss products, globalist influence, family values, climate change, cost of gasoline, and Biden's electric car plans. He criticizes the left for promoting climate change while ignoring hypocrisy, and shares stories of interactions with globalists trying to recruit him. The speaker also talks about Joe Biden's midterm prospects, breakfast tacos, Ukraine, Belarus, history of drugs and guns in the United States, vaccines, tax relief services, and promotes supplements like Diet Force while encouraging listeners to support Infowars by buying products from the InfowarsStore. He emphasizes the importance of family values against the globalist agenda.

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Here's Klaus Schwab.
We'll play an earlier clip from last year.
He says, we have penetrated the governments.
Because this is so important that he's bragging, we run the governments.
And you can see it.
What they say, it's done.
Supreme Court says, you can't cut off coal power plants.
You already shut down 80% of them.
The power is going off.
There's no proven science.
Carbon dioxide is bad, but it doesn't matter.
You can't say without a law through the EPA that you're going to do this.
And they just say, screw you.
We're killing all oil drilling and all export.
Oh, but don't call it a dictatorship of the bureaucracy.
No, no, no, no.
Just when the laws are ignored, screw you, we'll do what we want.
I mean, Alex, don't say Biden's a dictator.
I mean, he's a clown.
But the people running him are dictators.
But they've trained everyone, and Joseph Goebbels said this, the Nazi propagandist, over and over again, he said, listen, we've got to dumb the propaganda down.
Because dumb propaganda dumbs the people down.
The message The medium is the message, and the message is the medium.
And he said, stop giving them complex stuff.
They can find the lies in that because it trains them to be complex.
See, we're complex.
We want you to get into the complex, get your mind complex, understand the complex connections, because it's fun, it's invigorating, it's empowering.
But Goebbels over and over again, this is on record, I've read his writings, you can look them up, said, listen, people are inherently lazy.
Just make it real simple in slogans and they'll never know what hit them.
These are religious sacraments to these people of power over you.
And they don't like the fact you're straight and strong.
They don't like the fact you're good.
They don't like the fact you're hardworking.
They don't like the fact you want justice.
They want to hurt you.
They want to dominate you to fill that empty spot in their heart.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Get ready.
It's Friday, July 22nd.
In the year of the Great Peace and Rebellious Attack.
Tomorrow's news.
The unelected governor of New York has told her minions to physically go out and
confront Republicans.
And of course now leftist wielding knives are trying to stab gubernatorial candidates.
And the left is celebrating.
They barely kept the guy from plunging a brass knuckle style knife or I guess an attack claw into his throat.
That's who these people are.
They're the ones that want our guns so we can't protect ourselves.
Representative Lee Zeldin, attacked on stage by a knife-wielding assailant.
Attempted assassin David Jacobons, who jumped on stage with a knife and attempted to murder Republican Lee Zeldin, is charged with a felony, attempted assault, and immediately released.
The people that walk through velvet ropes, Are still waiting for trial in solitary confinement gulags.
And normally I wouldn't say that January 6th is a top story.
It's not.
But it's very interesting what's come out of these kangaroo hearings.
They now admit they lied about Trump grabbing the wheel of the car.
And they knew that.
And no one had ever said that.
And none of it's true.
They've now interviewed the Secret Service agents, and they said, no.
He argued with us, but went with what we said, that it wasn't safe.
He argued with us, exactly what Trump said he did at the time, that he wanted to go, and they just insisted that it wasn't safe, because things were already out of control.
And then now they release outtakes of Trump, which makes him more endearing.
The behind-the-scenes Trump is a more fearsome individual, not a mean individual, but a little more fearsome when he's trying to record an announcement dealing with what happened on January 6th.
They present this as their crown jewels.
That's coming up.
But really the big news here is this.
Our most important work here at InfoWars is the most important work there is on this planet, other than saving souls, and it's all interconnected.
We are now living inside the designed post-industrial collapse world that doesn't transition to a new Star Trek type utopia, but transitions into a 1984 meets Brave New World dystopic phantasm of hell.
And that's where we are now.
And it's unbelievably shocking.
And I'll just be completely honest with people, because I've always been strong and tough.
Watching this mass murder unfold, they've already killed 60 plus million people that starved to death the last two and a half years with these lockdowns.
When I think about killing 60 million plus people, most of them children, it makes my stomach turn.
So instead of blowing up, getting mad like I used to on air, I now get nauseous and start having an anxiety attack, and I'm having one right now.
But, you know, that's a normal response to mass murder.
Going on in front of you with a bunch of smiling, crazy jack-o'-lanterns and Klaus Schwab, a literal James Bond supervillain, toddling around the stage giggling about it.
I just, this is all a giant IQ test for all of us.
If we put up with this, we as adults do deserve to be killed by the new world order, but they deserve to absolutely Be sent to hell.
And I'll tell you why we have to fight them.
The children do not deserve this.
But these damned globalist elites are just a bunch of selfish, psychotic demons.
And they are just raping the hell out of humanity and loving every minute of it.
While they tell you it's global warming causing the energy to be shut off and the borders to collapse, when it's them on record.
And again, where are the Republican leadership?
I mean, they eat around the edges of it, but they don't tackle that this is a scientific, worldwide form of war, siege.
Against humanity.
So we've got a lot on that front today and so many unbelievable developments and clips dealing with the energy being cut off and the gun grabbing and so much more.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Friday worldwide broadcast, July 22nd, 2022.
We've got a really amazing broadcast lined up today.
One of the funniest and smartest people online.
He is businessman, talk show host, marketer, author, Hotep Jesus.
He will be in studio with us in the second hour.
Then Alex Lee Moyer, who is an amazing filmmaker in her own right and another smart cookie, will be in studio to talk about censorship and the attacks on her and others trying to put out Alex's war that comes out the 29th of this month.
I'm going to cover all this really important news and information, but I want to just restate this at the start of the broadcast and let it really sink in to everybody.
Jones show. Okay I'm gonna cover all this really important news and information I
want to just restate this at the start of the broadcast and let it really sink
in to everybody. We knew that the Club of Rome in the 1960s that was a public
think-tank spinoff of the Roehl Institute of International Affairs and
the Council on Foreign Relations which is really British intelligence that
handed the baton of the Cecil Rhodes world government project of the British
Empire that was public to the United States at the end of World War two.
This is all just mainline history books.
Carol Quigley, others, head of Georgetown Political Science, Bill Clinton's mentor, wrote a 1,100-page book, Tragedy and Hope, with all the footnotes where they admit all this.
I mean, this is actually part of mainline U.S.
history at any PhD level.
This is just taken as a fact.
So the United States became the British Empire after World War II, absorbed it, and the British Empire became the mini-me.
And the United States became what it had tried to escape 200 years before.
Now, the operating system of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha families, which is the oldest bloodline of European bloodlines in the world, in which all European bloodlines agree are their progenitors, Going back to their founder, Vlad the Impaler, Count Dracula is the recognized head of the entire dynasty.
And so this house of the dragon that flies the dragon banner, the Dracul, rule the planet.
Just like Revelation tells us the dragon.
And it's allied with the other dragon, the Chycoms.
And its goal is feudalism, but with a high-tech overlay.
And if you go back to the Aztecs, or the ancient Chinese, or the ancient Europeans, or the ancient Africans, everybody behaved the same.
You had cycles, and you would get cycles of society building up, developing technology, agrarian systems, developing towns and cities, and then The cults take over, the high priests take over, and they always use environmental reasons for the reason that they have to dominate and demand human sacrifices and control over the public.
And the UN and others at the Club of Rome in the 1960s, early 1960s, said, we're going to bring back the superstition of the pagans.
And we're going to teach people they're bad, and teach them they're evil, and teach them that they have to pay, and teach them that old people have to die and babies have to be killed because there's too many people, so that we have a barbarous civilization that's the opposite of the Renaissance and Christianity, but one that is kill and be killed.
And we believe this is the natural system of survival of the fittest, social Darwinism, and so we're going to bring this back.
And that's the real system we're transitioning to now we hear about a transition.
And it's got its arguments.
Society, civilization does make people fat and lazy and decadent.
Hell, I mean, none of us are perfect.
It's true.
It's very hard to not be decadent in this society because freedom produces so much damn wealth.
So they decided to get rid of that and replace it with the old authoritarian model of barbarism that has the exact same Features, no matter what color you are or where your ancestors came from, humans act the same in these cycles over and over again.
So just with the backdrop of that, they're bringing in neo-feudalistic paganism.
We actually covered that in the film Endgame.
We show the source documents in Endgame 2.0 that you can find somewhere online.
It was a free report we put out that got censored.
And we show the documents from Dr. Michael Kaufman.
Before he died, where he went into the stacks at the UN, actually got the documents, in the 60s at the Club of Rome meetings, where they said, we're going to promote homosexuality, we're going to promote humans being sexless, that's also in Brave New World, 1932.
People say, how did he predict so much?
Well, Huxley, before he died in 61, he wrote a book about it, Brave New World Revisited, non-fiction, said no, this is an actual plan, hatched by the British Empire model, that was commissioned by Sir Francis Galton in 1855.
With the Royal Commission.
So we're living in a Royal Commission where the British Empire said, we want biometrics, we want things called computers, and we want to be able to learn the secrets of the human genome, and we want to be able to program humans to basically be manufactured in factories.
And you're like, wait a minute, they didn't discover the DNA until the 40s.
No, they didn't, folks.
The double helix in the ancient Sumerian text Babylonian, Egyptian, and Greek.
There's two stakes intertwined.
They actually, Galton invented biometrics, invented the idea of computers, and they had hidden knowledge going back that Plato didn't publish, but they held on to about advanced civilization that was here before.
Now whether that existed or not, they believed it did, and said, discover the building block, discover the Double Helix, which they went and looked, and it was there.
They knew.
And they had maps of the world, and they knew all that stuff, ladies and gentlemen.
They just kept the public dumb because they didn't want the public to understand it and know it, and then Christians, with the Gutenberg Press and the printing press, began the Renaissance 550 years ago, and the New World Order has been playing catch-up and trying to suppress it ever since then.
So we in Atlee see movies with robots and spaceships and it feels so familiar, it feels so yesterday, because it's epigenetics, ladies and gentlemen, that this planet is not the first rodeo.
And that's what they know.
No, they don't laugh at this, they all know that.
And so, it's here.
The second Atlantis.
And you know how Atlantis ended.
And America was founded by Francis Bacon and others to be the new Atlantis.
And so that's where we are.
And the decision has been made, and you can see the arguments are there, especially the public doesn't say no to this.
This is a test to go ahead and wipe out 90 plus percent of the population.
And quite frankly, if the population doesn't care and doesn't get engaged, doesn't get involved, the population does deserve to die.
The children don't, but definitely the adults and the slobs and the decadent people that think they're winning in this corrupt system and think this is all funny.
Those people deserve to die.
I'm not going to kill them.
We shouldn't kill them.
But I'm simply explaining that they're projecting their own loathing of themselves onto us, and they want us to die.
And I'm simply telling them, don't worry, you're not going to have to wait long.
You're going to be in a dystopia and die too.
So go ahead and pretend like you're part of the power structure.
You're not.
But then there's the real Luciferians.
On top, who actually believe Lucifer's God, that they're bringing balance to the universe, and they're very sad about what they have to do, and this is all part of a greater plan.
They're instruments of this incredible transformation, that they call it, this transcendence that's happening.
They've already begun injecting people with the time-delayed kill switches.
They're already spraying us with nanotech.
They're already putting in all the food.
The attack has begun.
We are now being murdered.
Leading an assault on the lives of the New World Order.
It's the Infowar.
Let me start this way.
If I came over to your house, and you were sitting there cooking dinner with your family, maybe you had the TV on in the background, and the lights went off, and you said, let me go check the breaker box, and you went and checked the breaker box, that's fine, and you hear some banging outside, and you walk outside, and I'm there, or some other crazy person's there, with a sledgehammer, Smashing the power box.
You'd say, stop that.
I'm calling the police.
Maybe you'd take your gun outside.
You'd say, get on the ground.
Call 9-1-1.
But if you said you were saving the earth from the universities and the mainstream media, well then that's okay if you just cut the power off.
And tell you it's for your own good, because you're part of a wonderful transition.
And you say, but hey, carbon's not bad for the Earth, and we don't have a replacement for this yet, and you've blocked the replacements.
No, no, no, Putin did it, and the gas stations.
But you just said it was a transition, you just said it was good.
And then if you go to the Tabo Scribson website, it's linked on their Wikipedia, they say, we're going to capture democracies and end Republic forms of government and that we're going to have elite stakeholder corporate and governmental groups at the international level that make all the decisions.
I mean it says it on his Wikipedia with a link to him.
A declaration of tyranny.
A declaration of I run your life.
I being Klaus Schwab, the new world order.
I the technocrat.
I your new lord.
You're master, and you just have to accept that, because the world's collapsing, and we're going to save you from the collapse, and the end of the world in 2030, Al Gore says, and AOC says, and Beto O'Rourke says.
So they're there destroying it?
They're there taking over?
They're there, quote, capturing democratic structures and institutions?
And it's a James Bond villain bragging about it?
And then when we bring it up and say we don't want it, they gaslight us and say there's no world government, there's no Agenda 2030.
No, we just have the UN yesterday pledging control of the UN to Klaus Schwab to execute Agenda 2030.
And we have the Agenda 2030 plan that is the total shutdown of all fossil fuels.
So this is war, ladies and gentlemen, and everything else is a side issue.
This is tyranny, and this is corporations with a global social credit score working in concert together once it's in place, and it's almost in place, to penalize and attack you for your political or spiritual or cultural views, and to force you into compliance of what you eat and where you go and who you associate with.
I mean, this is an electronic straitjacket they're putting on.
and they bet and they count on people being ignorant and not knowing.
Well, I'm not a hypnotized state.
I'm not in a trance.
I'm not in a dream state.
I'm not...
I'm conscious when they do this gaslighting and it's just frustrating and disgusting because they won't have a real discussion.
They have no respect for us.
But those of you out there that kind of live in a la-la land, they are ruling over you.
They are controlling every facet of your mind and they want to hurt you.
And you know, my biggest failure is I thought once we exposed the New World Order, almost everybody would join us against it because it's so dystopic and horrible.
But so many people are subconsciously cowards and just want to fit in and succeed.
So many people I woke up, learned how the New World Order operated, and used this broadcast to ascend in it.
I've sat there with well-known billionaires.
Many of them.
In off-record meetings.
And they basically have told me that, and I've experienced that for myself.
Because it's only the top-level ones that even understand how it all interfaces together.
They just are yes-men, they carry out their operations, they deceive the public, they get good at their area of evil.
But most of them don't have the research, the time, or the desire to reverse-engineer the whole thing.
We've done that, and then all we've done is basically put out into the open sector the knowledge of evil.
I thought by explaining how evil works to people, they would say they didn't want to be part of it.
But instead, I have become the serpent and gotten people to actually eat the fruit.
Now, that's a little serpent, not a capital S serpent.
I'm not a bad person, and I want to do good, but I have now gotten enough knowledge to really realize how sophisticated all of this is.
And not having the knowledge of evil doesn't mean you're stupid.
It doesn't mean you're bad.
It means you're just so natural and wholesome and following God's program that you have free will, but you don't want to deviate from it because it's so good you never thought about it.
Knowledge of evil is creating little false systems to get people to plug into something that isn't natural, and it seems okay, and it seems alternative, but once you do that, then it opens up other systems.
And other programs of evil.
And now it's not just little eddy pools of corruption and evil, and anti-human garbage.
Now it's giant whirlpools, black holes of cultural and spiritual destruction.
It's false systems of insanity.
False systems that don't work, that they then impose over reality and wage war against reality itself.
Now obviously we're already fallen and have knowledge of evil and we're already in an evil system that manipulates, that's absorbing the bones of our goodness and what was finally left.
The vestigial remnants of human-based, common-sense, logic-based systems are falling.
And with it, like a dam breaking, the flood of tyranny and pain comes with it.
I'm not trying to give people the knowledge of evil so that they can carry out evil.
I'm trying to explain to people who are naive to this to understand you're marinating in a sea of corruption designed to dissolve your very soul.
But only by being conscious of the serpent knowledge and the fact that it's a double-edged sword can we transcend it through Christ.
We can't do it ourselves.
It's a spiritual choice to ask God in and rewrite our program so that we can be at least partially free of this satanic template.
But we were born into satanism.
We were born into mental illness.
We were born into the fraud.
And only by saying to God, I have free will, I open myself, come into me, cleanse me, purify me, can you even have a hope of escaping this.
So that's really what this is.
That's what this is.
And if you don't understand that, you don't have any hope.
None of us have any hope.
But we do through God.
And that God's real and God gave us this free will and this is a major test we're going through.
But that's the more fine subtleties of this.
I'm going to stop the preaching and the pontificating and get into the news on a whole bunch of huge subjects when we return on the other side.
Please stay with us.
Really excited to meet Otep Jesus in person.
Haven't done that yet.
He'll be here soon.
And still with us next hour and then Alex Moyer as well.
All right, let's drill into the global corporations shutting down small businesses and key infrastructure.
To bankrupt and impoverish the first world, collapse and murder the third world.
That's not our parable.
Mass murder.
60 plus million extra starved to death in the last 31 months.
They are openly bragging about it and posing as the saviors from what they've done.
It's like if I walked up and you're sitting there at your desk and I pull a hatchet out and cut your hand off.
And I go, oh, sweetheart, let me get you a tourniquet.
Let me call an ambulance.
Then I stab you in the face with a butcher knife.
Oh, let me cut your nose off.
Oh, let me get a Band-Aid for that.
Let me take a hammer and knock your teeth out, and then I'm gonna take you to the dentist later.
Isn't that sweet?
And I know how to induce you into Stockholm Syndrome.
Well, I'm not being induced into it.
So let's start these clips with Klaus Schwab saying we have the opportunity to create a global reset.
Some policies do not create necessary inclusion of society.
Just think of global warming.
That's a fancy way of saying this is going to get rid of society.
And while we kill them, we're going to tell them it's their fault and it's global warming.
Oh, that virus came out of the jungles.
Oh, that virus.
Even though the top scientists scan and go, it's totally man-made, here's how it was made, here's the company that does it.
Like in Blade Runner, he brings the snake scale to the lady at the genetic engineering bazaar market and says, is this a lizard?
Is this a fish?
She goes, no, this is snake scale.
Superior craftsmanship.
Here is the serial number of the maker.
It's literally like that.
Think about that.
And then they tell you, "Oh, it's moors coming out of the jungle. It's out of the jungle."
It's coming out from under the table like the boogeyman.
And here's another one today.
"New wave of pandemics could be sparked by never-before-seen microbes locked into
petan glaciers if they're released by ice-melting scientists warn."
Yes, the Daily Mail, we're all dead.
But don't worry, David Hogg wants to ban your guns, because him and his dad, who's a globalist, they really care about us.
Of course, his text messages and emails come out, and all he talks about is killing humans, billions of them, which is great for the environment.
That's a quote.
He goes, I don't want to cure diseases and I don't want to stop mosquitos.
We need to kill billions of people.
Oh, because he wants my guns to save me, to keep us safe.
What a nice person.
Bill Gates wants to give us these shots because he loves us.
I mean, all he talks about is getting rid of people and euthanizing folks.
His dad ended up playing paranoid, but hey, you know, Jeffrey Dahmer liked to kidnap people and eat them.
After he raped him.
But, if he wanted to come out and say, let me run your life though I love you, you'd go, well, you're Jeffrey Dahmer!
That doesn't make sense!
It's like having Charlie Manson babysit your kids!
But they do it!
And we just sit here and let him run everything, and it's funny!
And, oh, don't be like Alex Jones!
We'll get you!
We'll silence you!
Well, they'll get you anyways if you don't fight back!
Here's Klaus Schwab.
We'll play an earlier clip from last year.
He says, we have penetrated the governments.
Because this is so important that he's bragging, we run the governments.
And you can see it.
What they say, it's done.
Supreme Court says, you can't cut off coal power plants.
You already shut down 80% of them.
The power is going off.
There's no proven science.
Carbon dioxide is bad, but it doesn't matter.
You can't say without a law through the EPA that you're going to do this.
And they just say, screw you.
We're killing all oil drilling and all export.
Oh, but don't call it a dictatorship of the bureaucracy.
No, no, no, no.
Just when the laws are ignored, screw you, we'll do what we want.
I mean, Alex, don't say Biden's a dictator.
I mean, he's a clown.
But the people running him are dictators.
But they've trained everyone, and Joseph Goebbels said this, the Nazi propagandist, over and over again, he said, listen, we've got to dumb the propaganda down.
Because dumb propaganda dumbs the people down.
The message The medium is the message, and the message is the medium.
And he said, stop giving them complex stuff.
They can find the lies in that, because it trains them to be complex.
See, we're complex.
We want you to get into the complex, and get your mind complex, and understand the complex connections, because it's fun, it's invigorating, it's empowering.
But Goebbels, over and over again, this is on record, I've read his writings, you can look them up, said, listen, people are inherently lazy.
Just make it real simple in slogans and they'll never know what hit them.
And he said, just tell the lie as big as you can and make it ridiculous because they'll just be in awe of it and just think, well, it can't not be true.
I mean, it's so ridiculous.
I mean, Alex Jones turns into a demon and has a black tongue, CNN says, with witnesses.
Never even heard of a black tongue.
My wife studied Hinduism.
She's a Christian, but she studies, she meditates and does all that.
Call her multi-denominational, I guess.
She says, that's Kali.
We're like watching the CNBC.
She goes, that's Kali, has the black tongue.
She goes, that's a big compliment, honey.
She, Kali cuts the heads off of the tyrants.
She like pulled it up and showed me.
I'm like, oh, I've never heard of a black tongue before.
But see, that's what they do, folks.
They come up with the most outlandish stuff.
Alex Jones' employee had a fish in a fish tank.
A goldfish.
And Jones came and said, I'm going to eat your fish.
And the employee that we can't name, because it's not true, the employee of the New York Times says, begged, please don't kill my fish.
And I said, no.
And they said, but my niece, I'm going to give it to my niece.
And Jones said, screw your niece and reached in a fishbowl and ate the fish.
I only eat seafood if it is right off the coast and cooked properly, then I love it.
But I am not into day-old seafood.
I'm a red meat guy, but this isn't a fish called Wanda and it's not Saving Nemo, where, remember, they take the little fish for the niece.
But it's Wolf of Wall Street where he gets mad that the guy's taking care of his fish instead of selling the stock, so he eats the fish.
That's a true story about Jordan Belford and his right-hand man.
Jordan Belford helped write that and says it's true.
So Jordan Belford's right-hand man ate the goldfish back in the 1980s.
I didn't eat a goldfish.
I have a saltwater tank that I've had for 10 years.
A small saltwater tank that has some fish in it, you can't even get any more, that are 10 years old that I love my fish.
But again, how do you make me sound like this inhuman demon?
And that's a joke for the New York Times to plagiarize Wolf of Wall Street and to lie.
They like that.
They love it.
They hate you.
They enjoy the dirty act of stating things that are in well-known movies, a composite of Saving Nemo and Wolf of Wall Street and then laughing while they sit around and lie to you.
That's evil.
That's sick.
And those are the minions of the system.
They just get off on lying to you.
The higher level ones get off on taking parental rights away from you and your eight-year-old and having your son's testicles cut off.
These are religious sacraments to these people of power over you.
And they don't like the fact you're straight and strong.
They don't like the fact you're good.
They don't like the fact you're hardworking.
They don't like the fact you want justice.
They want to hurt you.
They want to dominate you to fill that empty spot in their heart.
Sorry, I said I'd get to Klaus Schwab, didn't I?
And I got countless clips of them bragging about cutting the energy off, but this is all important.
But imagine the sick brains, the sick, sick people that come up with stuff like this.
Infowars.com and BandOutVideo are two key corridors to the fight against the new world order.
Hope you're sharing those things because this is an InfoWar.
Without you, we're lost.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, Hotep Jesus is in the house.
Elvis has entered the building.
Glad he's here.
Tried to get him here two years ago and then I had family stuff come up.
But he came back this time and I appreciate it.
He's doing a lot of great work.
Look forward to talking to him.
Coming up in the next hour.
So your energy's being cut off of the globalists who are snickering and giggling while they drive around in huge SUVs and fly on private jets and have humongous ranches and palatial palaces.
They are the scum of the earth. They make Hitler blush, but they're our rulers because we've let them be in control.
So here's old Klaus Schwab. It's important to play this new clip.
And we will play the old clip after that, where he says we have penetrated the government.
So we'll eat the bugs. Here is old Klaus Schwab, the mouth of the New World Order.
Thanks also to the leadership of China in terms of fighting the pandemic, in terms of reinvigorating its economy,
we have now a window of opportunity to create this global reset, which we all need.
This global reset is necessary because we have seen that our policies which we pursued before the coronavirus struck us, that those policies do not create the necessary inclusion of society necessary for harmonious societal development.
And they do not create the sustainability of what we are doing.
Just think of the global warming.
How fast it is developing in the opposite, into the negative direction.
We have a great opportunity at this moment, like we had after World War II, to have in some way a new beginning in our global cooperation, in globalization, in managing our global affairs.
I hope that we will not miss this opportunity.
And I have to say, when I mention now names like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they all have been young global leaders of the World Economic Forum.
But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, that we penetrate the cabinets.
So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and We know that half of this cabinet, or even more half of this cabinet, are actually young global leaders of the world economy.
And that's true in Argentina as well.
It's true in Argentina, and it's true in France, with the president, with the young global leader, but what is important for me And of course the KGB infiltrated with Putin when he was...
a mayor into that group. The fact that Putin went does not mean he works for them.
Doesn't mean Putin's good either. In the final equation, it just shows that this is the real
global New World Order system that's forming. Here's a new clip. Here's Biden's energy secretary,
Granholm, saying, "We're witnessing the beginning of one of the most significant events in human
history." Yeah, mass extermination. The clean energy transition. But they don't give you a
transition. They just cut you off and make you poor. Here it is. Right now, we are witnessing
the beginning of one of the most significant events in human history.
The clean energy transition.
It is long overdue, and it can't progress fast enough.
And I have hundreds of these clips, you've seen them, where they go, oh yeah, we could, remember the press secretary, or Granholm, earlier this year and last year said, of course we can cut gas prices, of course we can lower it to half.
We're not like Saudi Arabia, where just, you know, they're, it's a dollar a gallon, No!
Or 66 cents a gallon.
Sorry, translated over.
No, we're gonna screw you hard!
It's so funny, they're always laughing!
The head of the IMF World Bank, they laugh!
That's so funny.
Because they're liberal and they love you.
Here's Tucker Carlson last night talking about this fact.
I mean, this is something we need to cover more.
We've hammered this, and I cover it in Endgame, you know, 16, 17 years ago.
Whatever it was.
Yeah, I guess that long ago now.
15, 16 years ago.
We cover how they're all buying up oceanfront property.
I mean, Obama bought oceanfront property in Martha's Vineyard at two feet above sea level.
His front porch is at two feet above sea level.
They're all buying it up because sea level's not gone up any in the last 300 years it's been measured.
It's all lies.
It's all lies.
And they think we're stupid.
Here's Tucker Carlson covering it.
It's not like you didn't know it was going to happen.
It's not like you weren't warned.
Back in 1989, a senior official at the United Nations told the world that, quote, entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.
So you knew when you did it, when you got near Suburban.
Look what happened now!
Those were once thriving beach towns.
Now they're dive sites.
People are snorkeling over Malibu, looking down at Prince Harry's house.
Here's one of Barack Obama's beachfront compounds.
As you can see, it's now underwater.
But wait, it's not underwater.
Actually, it's fine.
And Obama knew it would be fine.
In fact, Obama spent more than $10 million to buy it.
And that tells you how much he believes in global warming.
Not at all, it turns out.
Actually, no one really believes in global warming.
And that's why all the liberals in the United States live on the coasts.
Because they don't believe it.
That's why many of them fly private.
Because the entire theory is absurd.
And they know it.
So be more like a dog.
Ignore what they say.
Watch what they do.
Watch the real estate they buy.
See if you can find Al Gore flying commercial ever.
You can't.
Because the whole thing is a joke.
But that doesn't mean it can't hurt people.
Oh, it definitely can, and it definitely has.
Gasoline is now unaffordable for millions of Americans.
That's a life destroyer.
That affects everything in the country.
When the price of fossil fuels rise, so does the price of everything else.
And there's a bunch of these Buttigieg clips, but just a few days ago, he's like, well of course we're gonna get rid of your gasoline car, you're gonna get an electric car!
At current rates of them building new factories and mining, they couldn't replace half the cars in 10 years.
And they don't intend to.
You're just not gonna have fuel for it, you're gonna sit there in your house, this is lockdown 2.0.
And he's told Congress this, he's told them all this.
And he thinks it's funny.
We're going to go to break here.
Hotep Jesus is coming in to cover the waterfront with us.
A couple big issues here.
You want to fight the New World Order?
You want to win?
All right, well I'm in a toe-to-toe battle with them, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, earlier I was telling the story about meeting with Globalist off-record and how they say, Jones, you understand the whole program.
Even our best people don't.
You have full-spectrum analysis.
We would like you to work for us.
And John Harmon stopped me in the hall.
He's worked here 18 years.
He's the oldest employee here.
And John Harmon, Affiliate Relations Director, used to be a board operator.
And he said, you remember, he was there when the conversation happened with the head of the Kissinger Group, Rothkopf.
He was there.
Rothkopf did it right in front of him during the break.
He said, "Listen, man, we really want to hire you.
"You understand, you're one of our top analysts.
"You can lead the Liberty Movement, "but be with us, just come to New York, okay, please."
And Harmon sat there and saw him during multiple breaks, begged me to join the New World Order.
Now, he didn't say that was off record, so I told the story.
The other meetings were off record.
I've had dozens of them.
One time, I was in this big high-rise building, huge, giant CEO's lair,
and he had his super hot wife there, and he said, "Alex, we'll do anything
"to get you to sign this deal."
Do you want to fuck my wife?
And she's sitting there going, I mean, she was a very attractive woman, and I'm not.
But I was married at the time, and I said, no thanks, man.
These dudes will give you anything to join them.
So, understand how real this is, but I don't have that.
I didn't have sex with a CEO wife.
I didn't take the money.
I need money from you to operate.
Plus, I've got incredible products.
All of our toothpaste, the activated charcoal, the amazing tooth whitening, and finally back, Super Blue.
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And Body's has only been back in for two weeks.
It's already about to sell out.
So we're going to go back to regular price next week to get those orders in.
We'll be right back with Hotep Jesus in our number two.
Stay with us.
First-time caller, long-time listener.
I'm a self-employed 66-year-old senior who last November moved from the suburbs of Detroit to lead the Nazi governor.
Moved to the panhandle of Florida.
At the time, my family and friends thought I'd lost my mind.
They no longer think that way, but at the time, they did.
And I want to say, God bless you.
Stay on the air.
The devil is a liar.
I'm going to plug one of your products.
I listen all the time.
And I heard this guy talking about the iodine supplement, X2, saying, well, he's been taking it, his memory's getting better, and he's having dreams.
And I'm like, yeah, maybe.
So I had to go back to Michigan for three weeks for business.
I came back, and for a week, I had massive sinus headache, massive sinus condition, and a earache that was driving me nuts.
I said, you know what?
Hello boys and girls.
Just gotten it.
Two days later, earache was gone.
Sinuses were cleared.
No headaches.
I couldn't believe it.
The stuff is real.
It works.
So anyways, I want to thank you for all that.
Hello, boys and girls.
I have a special message for you from the president of the United States.
On the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence,
whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths,
and to secret proceedings.
(upbeat music)
This is Walter Cronkite in our newsroom, and there has been an attempt, as perhaps you know now, on the life of President Kennedy.
The initial attack on the destroyer Maddox on August 2nd was repeated today.
Psychological warfare operations went into high gear.
In retaliation for this unprovoked attack on the high seas, our forces have struck the bases used by the North Vietnamese patrol craft.
It would allow the president to wage war in Vietnam.
Just run and escape.
In 1976, Flight 455, which took off from Venezuela, bound for Cuba, suddenly exploded.
All 73 passengers and 5 crew members aboard died after the plane crashed near Barclay.
William Colby has been missing since April 26th.
His canoe was found washed up on the banks of the Wicomico River April 28.
I don't have to tell you things are bad.
Everybody knows things are bad.
I've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
All right, what is the Trilateral Commission?
It's an organization founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller.
What they're really up to is a scheme to plant their own loyal members in positions of power in this country, to work to erase national boundaries, create an international community, and in time, bring about a one-world government with David Rockefeller calling the shot!
I understand he was tapped for skull and bones.
Tap for it.
Sir, he found it, skull and bones.
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore.
We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms.
Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything.
Just leave us alone.
Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone.
I want you to get mad!
We have got to fight stand-up.
It's not going to be easy.
But I'll assure you this, we can and we will and we must prevail!
The front lines of the information war.
It's Alex Jones.
(crowd cheering)
(sad music)
Liberals now are all over the news.
They're the newest, biggest group buying guns, saying, I'm preparing for civil war with the right-wingers.
Thank God you just joined us and didn't know it.
The Second Amendment is for a tyrannical government.
The sleeping giant that is humanity is rising!
If you won't stand up against tyranny, you'll only be a slave.
If you're proud and free, they will push you around and make you their slave.
Become men again!
Become women again!
Stand up and settle the New World Order!
You can take our lives, but you'll never take our freedom!
For the people above you that are inviting you into their New World Order, they're slaves.
They've sold out to it.
They're blind and they're cowards.
You don't want to be part of them.
Like Patrick Henry says, forget you are our brethren.
Go from us in peace.
Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you.
Let your chains sit lightly upon you.
As for me, give me liberty or give me death!
[crowd cheering]
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
(dramatic music)
Don't act so surprised, Globalist.
You didn't think you could silence the American people, did you?
Join Bandot Video, and I will complete your training.
Together, we can overthrow the Emperor and restore the Republic.
He's racked up probably billions of views online and he is a popular talk show host,
startup, founder, author, and has been marketing for close to two decades in both traditional and digital spheres.
As a writer and thought leader, he has cultivated a loyal following, like myself, on social media by being honest, genuine, while providing knowledge from experience.
HotepJesus is our guest.
He's got HotepCon coming up, HotepNation Conference.
2022 with a lot of great special guests.
Learn more about that at HotepNation.com.
And, you know, it's crazy because I just now met him in person for like I know I've been watching for years and he's been on the show many times, not enough.
And he's here with us today to cover the waterfront.
Hotep, thanks for coming to Austin.
Oh, it's an absolute pleasure being here.
First of all, let's talk about this, right?
We got to understand that I've been a fan of Infowars for at least going on two decades, right?
But I knew there was no hope.
One day I was on Twitter.
And I forget what the article was, but I posted, somebody asked me about something that I was exposing, and I posted InfoWars as a source.
And they laughed at me.
They said, InfoWars is your source?
And it was at that moment that I realized, oh, it's very little hope for the people, man.
Well, you've been a steadfast supporter even when people were getting banned for supporting me.
And you definitely, day one, when they deplied for me four years ago, went on Joe Rogan everywhere on your own show and said it was wrong when they were banning folks for that.
So I appreciate you.
Yeah, I mean, here's the thing.
And Saul Alinsky even says this in Rules for Radicals.
Basically, what Saul Alinsky says is, The threat is actually bigger than whatever it is that they have in store for you.
So people are afraid to align themselves with certain individuals because they think that the Wizard of Oz is going to come get them or something like that.
But what I recognize is that nobody can really stop you.
It's the fear of the left that stops people.
It's not the actual left.
OK, yeah, they can probably get you fired from a couple of jobs, get you banned from a couple of places.
But that's not the end all be all of it.
But if we give in to them, then the danger is given in.
That's exactly it.
And they want us to capitulate.
They want to fearmonger.
Break us.
Intimidate us.
We saw that happen with Dave Chappelle this week.
Dave Chappelle had his special, and what did they do?
They banned his theater because, how dare him say, women's spaces are being taken.
Yeah, First Avenue.
First Avenue was, I believe, the name of the venue.
And they capitulated to the left, the mob of the left.
Now, sometimes I don't even blame these people because I'm like, you're just scared.
OK, you're a punk.
You can't deal with this.
We can totally get it.
However, you can't say you're all about freedom of expression and then go ahead and pull something like this.
You know what I mean?
But Dave Chappelle, I believe, you know, I had this Mount Rushmore.
I said the most important people alive right now and you being one of them and Dave Chappelle being one of them.
You have to stretch the boundaries Of freedom of speech.
You know what I mean?
Dave has a lot of courage and they're scared of him and they're biting off more than they can chew.
Because he's not going to back down now that they did this.
You saw what happened with Macy Gray.
When Macy Gray came out, she said something about women.
She capitulated.
She apologized.
But Dave has F.U.
They can't touch Dave.
Dave is somebody I believe that they were trying to plan for.
That story's true.
How the Hollywood black elite that are under globalist control, because it's white people, it's all the same at the top, there's these Yeah, I don't want to mention a name just in case I need to join the cabal one day.
There were some names, some really big names in Hollywood that gave him, and I believe Cosby might have been at that table, he might have been one.
It's happened to me.
It's how the globals work.
You sit around with these old guys around the table, they're super nice, all this food, everything else.
Literally, hey, you want to have sex with my wife?
I mean, it gets down to that level.
And then they get really upset when you don't do it.
And basically, we were, I mean, they know how to sell.
They just sell people on joining them.
Well, it's because, so here's what I always say, right?
When they talk about white supremacy, this, that, and a third, well, who's the one that controls all of the major media, all of big tech?
It's obviously the left.
We've seen that over the past few years.
So if we talk about white supremacy and racism, well, who is the one not hiring black people?
It surely wasn't conservatives.
It surely wasn't Republicans.
It surely wasn't so-called right-wing people.
The left wing controls everything from Hollywood all the way down to your kindergarten classroom.
So from A to Z, they're controlling people's minds, and they're lining them up for leftist agenda.
So once you don't align with the leftist agenda, well, what happens?
Well, I don't do this now, but going back over 20-something years, last time we did it was like three years ago, because they get in there and they lie.
Repeatedly, New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, you name it, we let them in, Der Spiegel, and they're always white.
And they literally walk around and see all these brown people and they go, they get really freaked out.
If you go to their newsrooms, that's not going on.
But it's beyond that.
They just stay in their little apartments.
They're all scared of everything.
They're scared.
They're on their own little cult.
They're a cult.
Well, what happened?
Who was it that was talking about breakfast tacos?
It was the president's wife, Jill Biden.
Jill Biden, thank you.
Jill Biden is out here talking about breakfast tacos, which shows you how completely detached she thinks Hispanics are tacos.
Imagine if you went to England and you said, I really love England.
Because you're like fish and chips.
They'd be like, what does that even mean?
But it shows.
And I don't know what it is with these weird white liberals, because I've been around them.
They literally obsess over food.
Like, do you eat that watermelon and that chicken fried steak and fried chicken like the black people?
This is what they actually say.
And I go, what are you thinking about?
Everybody eats that down here.
But I'm telling you, they're so weird.
It's like George Bush Senior, when he was, they'd had supermarket scanners for 20 years.
And remember, he goes, what is this?
Like these people are weird, man.
Well, the extent of their culture.
I just did a video on this.
I filmed it out in Idaho.
But I was talking about what culture is.
A culture is anything that's going to nurture life.
When they talk about food, that's a peripheral of culture.
So they like to attribute the peripherals of culture to certain peoples.
But that's technically not the culture.
But they want to keep people distracted longer to say, oh, your culture is breakfast tacos.
No, the culture is, what do you do when you wake up in the morning?
What do you do with your family?
So on and so forth.
But there's another story that popped out this week.
A new crime bill from Joe Biden.
We're going to have to bring that up for the next segment.
But there's a new crime bill, apparently, that Joe Biden has.
And it seems like every time Joe Biden's around, a new crime bill.
Every decade that Joe Biden's around, a new crime bill pops up.
And black people allegedly voted for this guy in droves.
And they asked for a defund of police, but apparently he's got a hundred thousand new police officers he's going to put out on the street.
Talk about broken promises.
I mean, this goes beyond broke.
This is not broken promise.
Everything with him is the opposite.
This is the slap in the face.
And it shows how disconnected they go.
Back to the taco comment.
I mean, that is such a perfect description.
They see culture.
As like, these people give me tacos.
They don't even... I mean, it's crazy.
I'm surprised she didn't say something about cleaning up my hotel room.
Like, you're as diverse as the maid cleaning up my hotel room.
Shout out to Mayra Flores.
Play this clip.
This is just egregious.
This clip here, classic clip, where Biden says, you're not black if you don't vote for me.
This is the epitome of white supremacy.
And if a black guy said that, you'd say, don't tell me what to do.
But it's a white dude telling you what it is to be black.
This is the epitome of white supremacy.
This is the epitome of white supremacy when you tell people And you dictate what it is to be their race.
You're not even of their race, but you dictate what it is.
Well, it's like telling little boys, oh, you're going to be a girl.
And they want identity.
They want to program our identity.
We're going to come back.
They're getting that clip.
Hotep, you want to get into Ukraine, too.
We're going to hit that when we come back.
Well, what is the real name for Ukraine?
According to my studies, Ukraine is called "Old Russia."
It is.
Old Russia.
And they like to pretend that Ukraine is some separate nation.
I had an interesting conversation with somebody from Russia just the other day.
You know what they told me?
They told me that Russia and Ukraine is the same thing.
You got a family in Russia, they got a family in Ukraine.
If you got a family in Ukraine, you got a family in Russia.
But the media purport that this is two completely different... That's why I love you, because I watch your show every time I see it, probably once or twice a week.
Thank you.
And I wish you did more, because I'm going through your Twitter feed like, where's more?
Where's more?
I want some more!
But what you just said is so powerful, and when I come back, what does Belarus mean?
Belarus, what does that mean?
You just laid it out.
We'll be right back.
HOTEP Jesus is our guest.
HOTEP Nation, stay with us.
Here's a few of those clips that HOTEP Jesus was talking about, where Biden says, you don't vote for me, you ain't black.
And if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, and you ain't black, and you ain't black.
They're going to put you all back in chains.
And this guy supposedly got more votes, 9 million more votes than Obama.
Hotep Jesus is our guest here on the Alex Jones Show.
You were getting into the history of Russia and Ukraine.
For those that don't know, it's mainline history.
Russia was founded by Slav the Wise, and that was his last name, and it goes back over a thousand years.
And then the Muslims invaded and the Ukrainians pushed them out with the Moscow clan, that
was just a tribe, and they pushed them out and then that became the whole Slavic culture.
But what you said is so key.
What does Belarus, that giant country to the north of Ukraine mean, that's allied with
Russia, it means white Russian?
And because back then everything went off of what color you were, just as I described it.
Like, you know, that's a, that's a, that's a red bird, that's a blue bird, that's a black bird, that's a brown bird.
And so Belarus means white Russian, which you can hear the Bela comes out of the Latin blonde.
Because those were mainly Vikings up there who actually founded most of Russia.
So they called those the white Russians.
And then what are the, so it's the blonde reds.
And then a bunch of Vikings founded what is Moscow.
So those were the Rus or the reds.
So what you're saying is, in the names itself, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia is all the same people.
Yeah, and this is why they're able to get over on people, because people have no concept of history.
For example, when you see people at the Rainbow Parade.
And they're waving their Ukraine flags.
Well, when you take a look at Ukraine, how does Ukraine feel about same-sex marriage?
They certainly aren't tolerant of that at all.
But, whatever the liberal media pushes in front of these people, they take it.
I mean, first it was, what, BLM, then it was the mass, then it was the jabby, now it's Ukraine.
What's next?
Put on a dress?
Getting back to Ukraine, where do you see this going?
Well, let's be honest, it's just another proxy war, right?
They don't want to directly attack Russia.
What I believe is they want a proxy war, they want to destabilize Russia from within Russia, because Ukraine, let's just be honest, is in Russia.
Soros has said that.
Has he said that?
Oh my god, I didn't even know that!
But this is obvious.
If you've ever studied or taken notice of what the United States has done in Ukraine, or any one of these proxy wars that they commit to, they don't exactly go fight in a war.
What they'll do is they'll arm you, and then what's going to happen is years from now, they're going to look back and they're going to say, oh my god, a bunch of Nazis have all these arms and weapons, and they got them from us!
And we'll have to invade again!
And then we'll have to invade again!
That's exactly what's going to happen.
Just like leaving the arms, 80 million in Afghanistan.
So then we're going to have to go back out to Afghanistan because some militant group rose up?
Because they think we don't have a memory.
So they like to hide the Azov Battalion, act like the Azov Battalion doesn't exist, and act like there aren't Nazis in Ukraine, and there aren't Nazis calling shots in Ukraine.
They like to pretend all this stuff isn't happening.
And that goes back to World War II when the Nazis took over Ukraine.
All that we were funding the Nazis, that Wall Street was funding the Nazis in World War II.
This is plain history.
Anthony Sutton has covered this thoroughly.
They found Zyklon B was funded by U.S.
Even Henry Ford was funding some of the interest over there.
Ford and GM?
There were targeting lists by grandfathers in the Army Air Corps where they couldn't bomb whole areas.
That's been declassified because it was owned by General Motors and Ford.
All factories untouched.
The Esso Company was another one of them.
So this is just history repeating itself.
People like to pretend like these things are new.
But if you study history, what you see are reruns or remix.
They take the same play.
They run it over and over again.
It's the same people in charge.
Because it works.
Banking elite.
Because it works.
And then what they do is they keep the public dumb.
And they keep the public distracted.
For example, when we talk about Biden's son.
They got us focused on the crack, but they don't got us focused on what are the business dealings in Ukraine.
Confirmed Chinese agents running him and his dad.
We're all distracted by him running around with his ding-a-ling.
The complete distraction.
And I can't say I haven't been fooled by it, because I actually have been fooled by the, what is it, 2.7 grams of crack.
On his scale that he was arguing about, but let's talk about this.
Here's his dad saying, if you have a quarter size, you serve five years in prison, period, while his son's a crackhead.
You know how many black people got locked up over possession?
One offense, five years.
Over possession?
Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people for possessions of narcotics.
I would imagine, I think it's been millions of black people have been convicted for crack.
I would not argue that.
And who put the crack in the neighborhoods?
Oh, we know who did that.
The three-letter agencies, that's quite obvious.
I mean, they're the ones who... Matter of fact, let's go to, uh, whose administration was it where they were running guns, and they told El Chapo, you can bring the guns in the country, but you must place them in Chicago.
There you go.
Which is Eric Holder and Fast and Furious.
Fast and Furious, thank you.
Came out on record!
This is on record!
That they allowed drugs and guns to be trafficked into the United States, but they said Chicago.
And then people turn around and say, oh my God, look at Chicago.
And they wonder why Chicago is the way it is.
But there was an actual agreement that was made with El Chapo.
Obviously, El Chapo went on to, uh... Well, you're right.
That came out in the hearing.
The CIA showed up and the judge shut down discussion of it.
Did he?
So it's the same thing over and over again.
You know, rules for these... It was El Chapo's number two, yeah.
What is his number two guy?
In Chicago, I forget his name, but yeah.
Oh yes, yes, yes.
Headline was, El Chapo's number two invokes CIA DEA license.
And then the CIA came to the trial, they shut it down, and they still put the guy in prison.
He said, I work for the CIA, here's the documents, and they admitted they were real.
I'm not saying nothing else.
That sounds like it's above my pay grade.
I ain't touching it.
Isn't that crazy?
It is crazy.
But when you know the history of the United States, it just falls in line to, uh, falls in line.
For example, when we look at the interest of the opium wars in, uh, of 1812, I mean, these people, this oligarch, this... That's how they took China over was with opium.
This banking elite has been peddling drugs forever.
In fact, when we look at, I believe it's Harvard and Princeton University, both of these places, and maybe even Yale, were funded by the Opium Wars.
They were!
Scalabones is funded by it.
Wow, I love your show, Ho-Tip.
You know the history, and it's so frustrating when people don't know it.
Like, take this, and I'm not proud of it.
People go, oh, you must work for them.
It's happened.
No, it's mine.
Uncle, my mother's brother, was the youngest ever Morse code guy, ham radio operator, was like eight years old, won all these awards, joined the army, was a helicopter pilot, and he was involved in a bunch of clandestine stuff in Laos and all over, and he was supposed to take the fall for a deal he did, so they then dropped all the charges, promoted him, and it was heroin trafficking.
But he just was around it.
And then he got sent to Iran.
Contra was one of the main guys building bases down there.
But he got out of it.
And I remember when they blew up his jeep and shot him all up and everything.
And he got back on a C-130 and we had to nurse him back to health.
I learned about the slaughter.
He died.
That he, his last straw was they were smuggling kidnapped orphans in Guatemala to God knows
And he said, him and his guys said, we're not part of smuggling kids.
And they killed, killed some of the guys in his team, tried to kill him.
That's a true story.
That's crazy.
That's crazy.
I mean, I would expect nothing less from the same people that want to- William Forrest Hammond was his name.
That's his name?
I mean, I would expect nothing less from people that want to kill millions of babies via Planned Parenthood and abortion.
The same people who have purported eugenics have championed Margaret Sanger after her Negro Project, where she wanted to eliminate or limit the size of the Negro race, which she considered to be undesirable.
I expect nothing less from these baby-eating people.
Damn right.
O-Temp Jesus is in the house.
We'll be right back to cover Biden.
Where does he go?
What's going to happen next with the economy?
And so much more.
The Joker said to the thief, there's too much confusion.
Only way to get the relief is to realize how the whole system works, know your history, understand the current things that are happening, and then you're empowered.
They don't want you empowered.
They want you dumbed down.
We're here to try to get you empowered, and we know a lot of you are more empowered than we are.
We're not put on some mountain.
We're in this together.
Hotep Jesus is here, hotepnation.com, in studio with us.
Hotep, you wanted to get next into Biden and everything that's happening with him in the midterms in 109 days and just this big push we're witnessing.
What do you make of him?
You want to get into the shot.
He's had four shots.
He's had COVID three times.
And he said on all these videos that if you have the shot, you're totally protected, which it was a lie day one.
What do you make of this spectacle?
When I see people, especially politicians, pop up and say, hey, I have the vid or Something to that nature.
You know what?
I think to myself, I think, oh, they want to keep this front of mind.
They want to keep us focused on this and why so that they can always pull that rabbit out the hat and say, look, we got to lock you people down.
Don't forget COVID still out here.
It's still moving around.
It's still dangerous.
Remember all these people operate off of fear.
They want you in a state of fear.
Not only So here's the thing about being in a state of fear.
When you're in a state of fear, you're also susceptible of sickness.
Your immune system reacts to your emotions.
So when the media is able to bring you down and make you feel scared and make you feel fearful and make you feel sad and make you feel angry, you actually become susceptible to disease.
They want you sick.
And then when you look at how they handled the jab, right, for example, before this stuff, before the pandemic came out, I had a conversation with Sister Samaya.
Sister Samaya said they're passing legislation here in New Jersey, and basically what the senators are trying to do, they're trying to take away religious exemption from the people.
So when the pandemic rolled around, I said, isn't that a coincidence that they're trying to remove religious exemption before this thing even hit real big?
So it had me thinking, People knew this was coming.
This is possibly planned.
Did you find any evidence where you thought that this could have been contrived or planned or preconceived?
It was all totally pre-programmed.
It was ridiculous.
They even had C-SPAN shows where Fauci and all of them said, a big virus is coming.
It's going to blow up the old system.
We're going to have mRNA in an emergency.
It's going to come out of China.
Because they want to brag to their friends about what they're about to do.
They can't help it.
So you saw that.
I follow the show.
I get that information.
But I saw it on the ground.
I saw women protesting at the state capitol in New Jersey, not only regular senators, but a black woman protesting against another black senator.
Now imagine, you hire, you elect a black man to look out for your rights, and the first thing he does is he wants to strip you of bodily autonomy.
I had a debate recently with a Democrat candidate for Congress, and it was about abortion.
And she said to me she's all about 100% body autonomy.
And I said, oh, we must be in alignment then.
So as the conversation progressed, I asked her about the jab.
Don't you know that she said that she believed the jab should be mandatory?
Now, I'm thinking to myself, is she saying that she really believes the jab should be mandatory?
Or is she saying this because she has to total line with her party?
And if she doesn't total line with the party, well, are they going to back her?
Probably not.
So I'm questioning.
Sometimes, you know, we know you've seen the grifties before we got the award show.
I'm wondering, is this lady grifting, knowing that she won't get backing from her party?
Or does she really believe, because I find it hard to believe, that you say you're down for 100% body autonomy, but as soon as this jab comes around, and it's going to bring up Tuskegee and all these other crimes against the black community, but yet she's ready to trust Biden.
What happened when Trump was president?
When Trump was president, and he said, hey, I got the jab for you.
The left said they didn't want it.
They said it's Trump's vaccine.
But now it's Biden.
It's not like the company's changed.
And to me, that's the killer for Trump.
I like Trump, and I think he means well, especially watching these outtakes.
You see how real he is?
But man, once he decides he's right, it's a strength that he's pigheaded, but it's a weakness.
He is pigheaded, man.
I think the gotcha that he's trying to go for is, during his administration, they tried to say that he couldn't have the vaccine ready and available.
And that's his gotcha, saying, look- Yeah, he thinks, oh, I won, I got- because they said we can't turn things back on until we have it.
He wanted to get things going, exactly.
And he won't admit he's wrong.
He thinks it's a gotcha, right?
And so he's playing this game with the left.
But you have to be cognizant of what your base is.
Our base wants him, like Bolsonaro said, I got tricked into it.
It's deadly.
I apologize.
It doesn't work.
They love him more.
Trump should follow Bolsonaro.
I'll just say, I think Bolsonaro...
Is superior to Trump.
I had a scientist on my channel, Tanai Ricks, and Tanai Ricks, interesting enough, he told me that if you're going to take the jab, the best one is the Johnson people.
And then it was funny because some weeks later, the media said the one that you shouldn't take is the Johnson one.
Because it's not mRNA.
Because it's not mRNA.
Isn't that crazy?
The one that is actually somewhat traditional of a vaccine, and I'm anti-vax all the way down the board, you name one.
Yeah, but the less dangerous one is the one they say is dangerous.
The less one they say is dangerous is the one that's the most... Could you imagine that?
These people are sick.
Since you mentioned it, let's play a few of these clips.
Let's play 6, 7, 8, 10, and 5.
6, 7, 8, 10, and 5.
Back to back.
Here they are, and we'll respond to it.
You're okay.
You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.
Hey, folks.
Guess you heard.
This morning I tested positive for COVID.
But I've been double vaccinated, double boosted.
Symptoms are mild.
And I really appreciate your inquiry and your concerns.
But I'm doing well.
I've got a lot of work done.
I'm going to continue to get it done.
And in the meantime, thanks for your concern.
And keep the faith.
It's going to be okay.
It means that instead of the virus being able to hop from person to person to person to person, spreading and spreading, sickening some of them but not all of them, and the ones that it doesn't sicken don't know they have it and then they give it to even more people because they didn't recognize they were... Instead of the virus being able to hop from person to person to person...
Potentially mutating and becoming more virulent and drug-resistant along the way.
Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person.
A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus.
The virus does not infect them.
The virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else.
It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people.
That means the vaccines will get us to the end of this.
There's no excuse.
No excuse for anyone being unvaccinated.
This continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
So we got to make more progress.
You said it doesn't matter where he got it, but how can it not matter where he got it if that is something that, of course, is involving contact tracing, this administration is taking it very seriously?
How can it not matter where he got it?
I think what I was trying to say is what's important now is that he has mild symptoms.
Uh, is that he is working from, from the residents on behalf of the American people.
That's our focus.
Look, we knew this was going to happen.
As Dr. Jha said, uh, you know, when he was, when he joined me at the briefing, uh, in the briefing room, uh, not too long ago, he said, this is, this is, uh, you know, everyone was at some point, everyone's going to get COVID.
What is important is to make sure that you get the treatment that we have provided for folks, whether it's make sure you get vaccinated, make sure you get boosted.
And then we have Pax Lobit that is made available because of this president.
So what I'm trying to say is the moment that we're in right now is what matters as we're talking about the president and his treatment and how he's feeling and how he's continuing to work on behalf of the American public.
Hotel pretty amazing sir. We have more clips than that it 100% works, but it doesn't I
Don't believe he has it. I'll be frank with you. Oh, yes it again. I believe it's a 100% lie
In order to fear monger people into believing that this thing is still lingering
And to make you believe oh, yeah the vaccine works look Joe buttons, and they've got new lockdowns coming
We'll get hotel Jesus take on that well It's 15 minutes the next hour then Alex Moore with Alex's
war to be in studio as well It's the Alex Jones Show.
HOTEP Jesus in studio.
Alex Moyer coming up in about 20 minutes.
HOTEP, it's great to have you here.
You're going to be on The War Room today in the first hour.
That one's shorter.
3 p.m.
During the break, we talked about what do you want to hit next.
We talked about Great Reset, the cutting off of the power, and what is it doing to the establishment that everything that people warned about and said was coming is here now.
Every poll number around the world, globalists are in trouble.
Their leaders are being removed.
They're in free fall, but they just keep, like a gun is to their head, accelerating this anti-human program.
But I don't cover flying saucers.
I've never seen an alien.
I'm just saying, why are these elites, the rulers, trying to mess up their own planet and trying to enslave everybody and trying to steal and do all this?
Is it just they're mentally ill?
Are they got aliens telling them to do this?
Is there a gun to their head?
Because it seems like they're not calling the shots.
What do you think?
These people are inhumane. That's the bottom line.
They don't believe in humanity. In fact, there's a great line from Lenin, I'll have to pull up in the next segment,
but he basically believes that it should be absolute...
"Torture" is not the word he used.
He uses the word suffering.
He wanted ultimate suffering for the people.
So this is classic Bolshevism.
That's right.
He said, they said, sir, we've taken over these towns.
We've killed a third of the town.
No one's resisting.
He said more blood.
Just kill more people.
Yeah, yeah.
Insidious, man.
When we talk about the Great Reset, I actually sat down, I read the document written by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum with another individual.
And the funny thing to me is I flipped to the chapter about money.
I read a couple of chapters today, but the money chapter was the most interesting because they talked about what is going to be the new currency.
And they tried to purport something about China, etc, etc.
But they did mention a digital currency.
And it's funny that they mentioned a digital currency because we covered this on
men of order dot com.
Basically, what happened is they have the CBDC coming out, Central Bank Digital
Currency. This is a project by the Boston Fed and MIT.
And basically, as it was taught to me by Cyprian, this thing has basically a built
in burn capability.
So if you have money in your digital wallet, they can just hit one button and that money no longer exists.
We should start the whole show with this.
Start over.
This is so huge.
And they can decide how it can be spent.
They can turn your money off anytime they want, surveil your money, and decide where you can spend it.
That's the definition of slavery.
And, like I said, I wrote my book on this, The Patriot Report, Central Bank... Talk about your book!
This is what you're saying is the most important point.
I'm glad you raised this.
I should have raised it.
Start over.
They control... Explain this.
So, Lenin says 90% of communizing a nation is having a central bank.
Now, people always complain about the Fed, so I said, let me go do research on this central banking idea.
And I tracked it all the way back to like Europe and John Law, and this is where the term millionaire comes from, right along with the Louisiana Purchase and the Mississippi Company.
But anyway, as we venture into the new land, the newfound land, America, we have several central banks that pop up.
Make a long story short, we are now left with the Fed.
But the Fed thought they had control, but it wasn't until the Monetary Control Act of 1980 that put all banks under their jurisdiction.
And that really was the final blow, or the final nail in the coffin for freedom of money.
And as I always say, if the money ain't free, the people ain't free.
So now that we have this thing of digital currency coming along, The only people that can actually control this is the Fed.
And then people will complain and say, well, there's going to be inflation.
Well, with the digital currency, it won't matter because they can create and destroy money at will.
So they will have a complete control over money supply.
But the thing is, they're going to have a complete total control over what it is you do.
And don't forget, when you're dealing with blockchain, you're dealing with public blockchain.
Now, will their transactions be on a public blockchain or will your transactions be on a public blockchain?
Theirs will be classified.
Theirs will definitely be classic.
Oh, it'll all be private.
But it's private, but that means somebody's going to have access to the transactions nationally.
Of course, they have that now, but they're going to have it even better.
It's going to happen automatically.
They won't have to ask Visa.
They won't have to ask your bank.
They're going to see it right in their log.
And then what they're going to do is you say something wrong on Twitter.
Oh, you can't shop at Walmart.
Oh, you can't... And by the way, they're now doing that.
Look at Sri Lanka.
If you're not good to the government, you're not allowed to buy gas.
They use QR codes.
Same thing.
We're entering, I mean, communist China.
China seems like it was the testing ground for some of this stuff, but they've... Here's what I say about colonization.
We said this on The Hotel's Been Told to you last night.
The difference between being colonized by China and being colonized by the West is China's colonization is going to come without the rainbow flag and colonization by the West is going to come with a rainbow flag.
So you take your pick.
But you have to know.
The same structure.
It's the same structure all the way around.
But you have to know that when they roll out this CBDC, any hope of freedom is going to be lost.
So tell your friends about it.
Pay attention.
And here's another little economic trick they like to play right now.
I'm speaking to a guy.
And he told me, hey, we're not in a recession.
I said, how do you figure we're not in a recession?
He said, well, technically a recession was the economy retracts.
So what are you saying?
Are you telling me that we have to wait for Business Insider or Forbes to report that there is a reception of recession?
We just had a new report came out from Google.
Google says they're going to hire less people.
We had a bunch of new layoffs happen.
We're in a permanent collapse, not just a recession.
And they won't even let us say it's a recession.
They won't even allow you to say it's a recession.
And this is an intelligent gentleman who works for an airline.
He's a pilot.
And I thought, OK, this guy has to know what he's talking about.
And he's telling me he's waiting for Forbes to say it's a recession.
Meanwhile, when you go talk to exotic dancers, the exotic dancers will tell you, we are in the middle of a recession.
But what are we waiting for?
Waiting for the media to say it?
We're feeling it right now on the ground.
It is inevitable.
So, you know, people can wait for what they want.
But how do we how do we?
I mean, there is a big awakening happening.
So I'm going to be positive on that front.
But I'm also very negative.
The globalists are just moving forward.
How do we beat this up?
Knowledge, knowledge and family.
You got to remember the first the very first front lines against a communist takeover is family.
You gotta have a crew.
It's family first.
I know people say America first, and that's fine.
I have no problem.
No, I agree.
With Bolsonaro, God, family, country.
Yes, it has to go in that order.
Family first.
And that's what they want to do.
They want to strip us.
Whenever you go and take a look at old logs of what the Black Lives Matter website looked like, you will see in there under the villages section, If it's still archived.
In the atomic family.
In the atomic family.
They'll say, mothers, parents, children.
They completely removed fathers from the equation completely.
And then now when you look at Congress, they've completely removed the word woman.
So man is destroyed.
And the encyclopedia.
And the encyclopedia?
The main one, yeah, just remove man and woman.
So what's left?
If man and woman isn't there to protect the child, that leaves the child defenseless.
And that's why you see the big push with abortion.
Also, the child's going to be defenseless in the mind.
Keep going.
For example, you see that black woman that was in the Supreme Court.
Very intelligent woman, but they've got her brainwashed with all these gender things, and I think it was Senator Hawley and her going back and forth.
It's not just the new appointee.
The Supreme Court Justice?
She wouldn't say what a woman is.
She wouldn't say it either.
That's a cult!
Look what they've done to these people!
Think about that.
What's happening in the minds of supremely intelligent people who can pass law school, but then turn around and be completely conditioned and brainwashed?
It's because they're going into educational institutions completely and wholly run by leftist communist agenda.
This is monopolization of the mind, monopolization of education to control the minds and they are raising your children.
You think you're raising your children?
When you send them away to school, you no longer are.
That's why HOTEP Nation, we're running the whole homeschooling campaign right now, raising money to help homeschooling people.
It is a homeschooling community that exists right now.
That's the answer.
People gotta break down and build their own systems now.
You gotta build your own system.
You gotta have your family and your outside family of race, color, and creed that knows the truth about a pro-human future.
That's our unifier.
We'll be so strong with a pro-human future versus this anti-human future.
Yeah, build bonds with your children.
Put the phones down!
Put the phones down.
Spend time with your children.
That is time you will never get back.
If you do not condition the minds of your children, what will happen is they will plant an enemy in your household.
You will be, uh, controlled opposition will be inside your household.
Your own child would turn against you.
I had a prominent conservative... Hold on, hold on.
You're going to come back for two more segments.
In fact, you're going to host the next segment, so I don't interrupt.
What you're saying is, we're going to take a clip of what he just said and put it in front of the show.
That's it.
They literally will turn your children into agents.
Folks, I've witnessed it, what he's saying, and it's a plan.
We can beat it.
You've got to put down the Instagram.
You've got to put that.
I get it.
I'm online all the time, too.
But you've got to spend hours and you've got to talk to your children.
Because if you don't program your children, the Satanists will.
People can find all the amazing work you're doing there.
Folks, please keep us on air.
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And then we also have the bodies and the died for us.
We'll be right back with our number three, HOTEP Jesus and Alex Moyer, Robert Barnes and more.
Stay with us and share those links.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the HOTEP, the HOTEP hour here at Infowars.
I am your host, HOTEP Jesus.
You can find more information about myself and our team at HOTEPnation.com.
Here's here's a story I wanted to tell the people.
I was with Candace Owens some years back, and we were having a lunch out in Arizona, and we had a wonderful time at this retreat.
And I met a black conservative there.
I had not known who he was at the time.
He was new to me.
And he ran up to me, like, I've never had anybody run up to me like this before, maybe women, but I've never had a man run up to me and say, Ho-Tep, thank you.
Thank you.
You are amazing.
And I'm like, wow.
You know, this is before Rogan.
And I'm on there like, what did I do?
It was crazy.
You know what happened?
You know what happened to this man?
This man said to me, you gave me my son back.
This is a black man.
He said, you gave me my son back.
And I didn't understand it.
What he basically said was the leftist media had such a strong control on his son that him and his son could not have a good relationship.
And it wasn't until his son listened to Hotep Jesus that he started receiving the conservative message, I guess.
I think maybe he was following me before the whole Trump thing and all that stuff came about.
But his son was the reason I'm sorry, I was the reason why his son was unlocked.
So why am I telling this story?
Imagine, imagine you have birthed this child and you and this child can't get along because of what CNN said, because of what Nancy Pelosi said, because of what Don Lamon said.
And that is the exact reason The left exists to destroy the family, to leave people unprotected.
Because when you have a family, you have something called organization.
And the only people that they want to have organization are their organizations, their three-letter organization, their NGO organizations, their Soros organizations.
They're the only ones that they want to have a monopoly on organization.
They want you disorganized.
For example, when we go look at the story in the media this week, we saw the Sesame Place.
Sesame Place is racist.
Rosita is racist.
A Spanish character is racist to black children or something like that.
Now, when I first saw this story, I said there's no way we could possibly sit here and be upset at some nonsense of a Sesame Street character.
Gas prices are through the roof.
Food prices are through the roof.
People are losing their jobs.
There's layoffs.
Times are hard.
We're entering a recession.
And these people are worried about a high five from some person in a suit?
Why does this become national news?
Why do we see celebrities like Kelly Rowland lending her heart to situations like this?
Why do we see this?
Because this is wholly a distraction from the things that really matter.
We just had Joe Biden say he want to put 100,000 new police officers on the street.
These are the same people that said we wanted to defund the police, but Joe Biden, Jim Crow Joe, mass incarceration Joe.
I mean, he's got more crime bills than his son has done crack.
This guy promised Police reform.
But instead, you know what he got?
You know what his voters got?
They got mass incarceration.
He's gonna come down heavy on the use of fentanyl and other drugs, etc, etc.
But this is not what the people voted for.
This is what you call hoodwink.
This is what you call bamboozle.
This is what you call fool.
The deleterious actions of the left are so well disguised that you won't have people supporting and advocating for their own demise.
For example, when we take a look at abortion and we look at the decision that was made by Supreme Court.
Well, the Supreme Court says that they have the ability to judge on the basis of who can and cannot create a life.
Well, guess what?
They control your body.
They get to make decisions.
That means that the jab can potentially be mandatory.
Because they said, who can and cannot create a life?
You do not want these people.
You do not want the federal government to have decisions.
Because you know what's going to happen next?
They're going to tell you, oh, you know what?
You can't create a baby.
Or, you know what?
Create us a baby.
Ladies and gentlemen.
OK, Jesus is on fire.
Stay there, brother.
We'll be right back in 60 seconds.
Alex Jones here back live, final segment with Hotep Jesus.
Alex Moyer joins us next segment with a first look.
Not just the trailer, but unseen segments of the new film coming out on the 29th, Alex's War, which I didn't make, but is powerful.
Really shows what we've done the last 28 years.
Hotep, you wanted to get into the lying about global warming.
They say the sea levels are rising, but they're buying lakefront houses.
They said the ice shelves would melt.
They didn't.
And now they're going, look, record temperatures in New York, record temperatures in Texas, record temperatures in the UK, but you go back, it's not even true.
I mean, these lies are insane.
Yeah, I spoke to somebody who was in the AI business, excuse me, and they were doing something with the weather.
And I asked them, and they were talking to me about investing, whatever.
And I asked them, I said, is there really climate change, global warming?
And they tried not to tell me no, but in so many ways they told me no.
We're looking at the AI data and we just see no evidence of that.
In fact, we see that the ice caps are growing.
It's the complete opposite.
These things that people are tracking.
But anyway, what I saw was people are tweeting me pictures of the past. I believe in UK they go based upon a different
system and the temperatures are actually higher in the past. But this year what they
did was they painted the whole grid red. So it looks like a heat wave but when you look at
the record numbers as far as temperatures are concerned.
It's red.
So they're playing with this manipulation of the mind, right?
They know that people are visual, and when they see things, they see the color red, Pavlov's Bell, you know, the whole story with that.
They go, oh, okay, this must be record conditions.
This must be global warming, etc.
And it turns out it's not true.
They show newscasts from the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s with higher temperatures, but they're yellow.
It shows it yellow on the top.
So they show it red.
And lines say, highest temperatures ever.
Yes, I'm going to retweet it right now so anybody can, you know, see.
Guys, pull up the HOTEP Jesus Twitter.
We'll put that on screen right now.
I just retweeted it so people will be able to see that.
This is from a guy named FloridaRep.
And again, they don't even care.
They're all flying private jets, but then they tell us we can't have recognition.
No, no.
The thing is, their whole entire gig is based upon lying.
When all else fails, lie.
And if lying doesn't work, well, just stick to your script.
Stick to what you know.
Never leave and have a real conversation.
For example, we talk about gender and biology.
They're not going to have a biology conversation.
What they'll do is they'll say, look, I'm not a biologist.
I can't have this conversation.
I don't know what a woman is.
So what they do is they'll avoid, avoid, avoid, but they will always come back to lying.
And that's what they're good for.
You show a shot of the UK and Germany and France, exactly as you said.
We have temperatures of 28.
Versus 32, and on the metric system, I guess that is, or whatever it is, I forget, the Celsius, the point is they're on another system that shows the number lower.
But the thing, 28 they're saying is the high, but there it is five years ago at 32.
Or they show 24 and it's 33, but they show it the highest ever.
And it's all red, right?
It's huge temperature differences.
Like it's way warmer in 2017, but they're saying it's the worst ever.
They're getting desperate.
This is why I say I'm so white-pilled and I believe that we can win.
Because these people are getting desperate.
The lines are falling apart.
People like yourself, people like Joe Rogan are getting more viewership than their shows.
That's where you wanted to go, next to the death of media, but I'm having one of those moments.
When I'm not on air, I'm a lot smarter.
I go on air, I get stressed out.
I can't remember.
Me too.
There's the European system of temperature, and there's the U.S.
The whole world's adopted the European system.
What are the name of the systems?
There's the Celsius and the... I think it's standard and metric.
And Fahrenheit.
Oh, Fahrenheit and Celsius, yeah.
So we're on... Fahrenheit.
Fahrenheit, and then they're on Celsius.
Celsius, yes.
So I guess, like...
36 degrees is like 90 degrees or whatever.
The point is, is that they're lying.
Anybody can prove this.
So start over.
You'll cover this more in the room today at 3 p.m.
Hotel Jesus here in studio.
This is what we were first going to talk about when I said, what do you want to talk about?
You said the death of the corporate media and what they're going to do.
And we never got to it.
So let's you have the floor, my friend.
People are tired.
And what this comes back to is the silent majority.
I've said this on InfoWars before.
The silent majority is voting with their viewership.
They're choosing not to tune in to the Khan News Network.
They're choosing See, back in the day, what it was, you had to turn the channel on and you just got all the programs.
But now you can select, say, hey, I want to listen to Alex Jones.
I want to listen to Joe Rogan.
I want to listen to Hotel Jesus.
And they can hop between these people.
I want to listen to Tim Cass.
They can hop between these people and choose.
And that's what people are doing.
People are choosing, and the media is scrambling.
And now what they're doing is, what are they doing?
They're paying TikTok influencers.
And we saw that happen during the pandemic.
All these people... Flooding the zone!
Flooding it, yes.
And they're paying influencers because they're like, wait, we're losing control of the narrative.
Let's choose people.
And the thing is, these influencers aren't even influencers.
They're not influencers.
You know what I call these people?
I call these people reinforcers.
See, what influencers do is they have the ability to change your mind.
Years ago when I listened to InfoWars, Alex brought up a whole lot of things I was not privy to.
That's influence.
Reinforcement is different.
They already know what you're thinking.
And what they're going to do is they reinforce that thinking.
Yes, COVID bad.
Jab, good.
COVID bad.
Jab, good.
Mask, wear your mask.
They're reinforcers.
We need to stop calling them influencers.
Call them reinforcers.
That's exactly what they are.
They're parents.
Well, here's the thing.
These people are not mentally equipped.
They're not intelligent enough to even... That's why sometimes people say, aren't you going to criticize this influencer?
This person doesn't know anything.
They're a mindless parrot.
They got told what to say.
They're a mindless parrot.
These people aren't thinking for themselves.
They are an NPC.
Non-playable character.
There's nothing there.
Now if they wanted to sit down and have a conversation with Alex Jones or Ho-Tep Jesus and maybe we can red pill him, but you know what'll happen?
They will lose their career.
TikTok might even ban them.
They'll just block their account, right?
I had this happen to a friend recently.
He was in some transgender's room and called him a dude and he got blocked, right?
But if you were to say something bad about Trump, oh, that's allowed to go all day.
Uncle Ho-Tep, Uncle Ho-Tep got Got suspended a week ago for retweeting the crack that Biden's son had.
Not even actually tweeting it, but had that been Don Junior?
And he's a public figure.
And his dad put hundreds of thousands of people in jail for crack.
It's totally legitimate to put that out.
And then he turned around and what happened?
Now all of a sudden you can't criticize the president?
But when Trump was in office, you could basically death wish on the guy.
And the algorithm would prefer you.
The algorithm would bump you.
And I don't want to write myself into this story, but remember three years ago, the headline was Facebook intensifies its ban of Alex Jones and 11 others.
It was Paul Joseph Watson, Minister Farrakhan, and they said, you're allowed to call for violence against these 12 people as a test.
And they withdrew it.
I mean, that was surreal.
So they want to go next level.
Because first they said you can make no positive comment of these 12 people.
Next is you can call her violence against them.
I noticed it was very fishy.
Because they did you and Farrakhan the same day.
And I thought to myself, oh, I see what they did here.
They got rid of the two conservative voices.
The one for white folks and the one for black folks.
And they eliminated both of them because they knew if they didn't get rid of Farrakhan, black folks would, white folks would complain.
Like, how come Farrakhan gets to exist?
And vice versa.
If they just did Farrakhan and not Alex Jones, people would complain.
So they said, you know what?
We're going to make sure we eliminate two prominent voices.
You spoke to Farrakhan.
They made sure to eliminate two prominent voices.
Farrakhan's a big listener.
Yeah, they plan to eliminate two of the most influential conservative voices ever to grace this planet.
Well, you just said what you want about Farrakhan, and some of this stuff is out of context.
I don't agree with this out of context, but he's super smart.
Yes, he knows his history, and I was just blown away that he's been listening for 20 years.
He listens all the time, yeah.
He seems like the type of gentleman that would.
He's open-minded.
He wants information.
I felt bad because I was at his house about 10 hours interviewing him, and then like, we had like a three-hour dinner, and I said, sir, I'm exhausted.
He actually got a little offended, but like at midnight, that guy kept going and going.
I was like, man, I'm about to pass out.
But I've been at Farrakhan's house, had dinner with him, everything.
Yeah, I'm jealous.
It was pretty, pretty crazy.
I mean, I, in fact, I want to go back and meet him.
He invited me to his house in Michigan.
I met with him in Arizona.
And, uh, but he definitely, he's got the horsepower.
Uh, you know, a lot of cars sound fast and sound loud as they got big pipes, but Farrakhan, he's got the horsepower.
They were planning for the, we got there, he's like planning for the pandemic.
They knew what they were about to do, and they said, we have to eliminate the voices now.
And that's right, it got rid of them.
HOTEP, you're going to the movie premiere tomorrow night.
We're going to do an interview for the Sunday show as well.
You'll be on in about an hour and a half, hour and 40 minutes with Owen Schroeder in the War Room.
Super impressed to meet you in person, man.
Thank you.
I appreciate you, man.
Yeah, you did not disappoint.
Stay with us.
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I'm Alex Jones.
The story you're about to see is truth.
This is reality.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
I'm the most banned, most demonized media person in the world.
Alex Jones is a fake.
He's a performance artist.
I'm perceived as a clown, a nut, a maniac.
On his website, InfoWars, he touts paranoia porn.
The sickest, most offensive theories.
Alex Jones claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
Don't you stand for America, sir?
He said me and Hillary are demons.
Ain't that something?
You'll burn in hell!
I met him back in 1990.
I knew right away he was going to be a star.
How's my hair look?
I saw all these conspiracy theorists that were talking about the New World Order.
And I thought, that's what I'll do.
Get in there, Alex.
Death to the New World Order!
It was that attack on humanity that I saw early on that I really wanted to wage war on.
You're lying to the public.
It's disgusting.
When she tastes that, there's no going back.
Everything's a war.
That's the way the universe works, and everything is propaganda.
I don't trust Donald Trump, but I agree with probably 95% of what Donald Trump says.
Your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
That's what the media loves on.
Alex Jones said the Sandy Hook shooting, which claimed the lives of 20 children, was fake.
I try to tell the truth and sometimes I'm wrong.
Did the New York Times get in trouble for consciously lying about WMDs that then led to a war that killed tens of thousands in conflict?
The attempts to platform us have failed.
They'd have the CIA, the FBI following me around.
Now we've got to destroy Alex Jones.
We're not playing games here.
This is such a historic moment together.
It's all just insane.
Okay, let's put me in prison for questioning, okay?
Even though that's my right.
In fact, let's execute Alex Jones.
Let's put me in front of a firing squad, pull the trigger.
I have a sick feeling, actually.
Because I know what comes next.
Well, it premieres in theaters on the 29th.
There's a showing tomorrow night.
And Alex Moyer, the amazing director, has already made some other big films.
Is in studio with us for the balance of the hour.
Ahead of Robert Barnes, hosting the fourth hour today.
Here on the Alex Jones Show.
Ho-Tip Jesus.
Very impressive.
Never got to meet him in person.
Even more impressive in person.
You can feel his presence.
Love him.
And we love Alex Lee Moyer, Alex's War Movie on Twitter at Alex's War Movie and Alex'sWar.com.
Get the DVD at Infowarshore.com.
It's not my film, but we are selling the DVD.
We got some clips that are never-before-seen from the film we'll be playing next segment.
But Alex, congratulations on this for, what, 10 days.
Number 2, right behind Top Gun on the Apple chart.
That is quite the achievement.
In the top 100 films, there's no independent film but yours.
Well, that's absolutely right.
It's been sort of, although it has been kind of bouncing around in the top five, but ever since it... Every time I check it's been number two.
Well, that's doing a large part to your lovely audience here at Infowars, no doubt.
And yeah, we're just so lucky to have a community that can boost this film up with all the other multi-million dollar Hollywood films.
Well, I knew about one of your other films and knew it was about incels and was fair.
It wasn't pro-incel, it would actually just show who they were, cinema verite.
So you're more of a liberal, I would say, overall, but you're just trying to make original films.
There's been a lot of censorship, a lot of blogging in the film.
Tell us about yourself and some of your crew, because I got approached by a lot of documentaries and obviously hundreds and hundreds of people and said no, because I don't trust them.
But I saw some of your work and thought, well, I'll go ahead and do it with you.
And I tell you, I think you've done a very fair job.
Thank you.
I mean, yeah, that's really where my values lie, in honesty and authenticity.
I think you may have been able to call me a liberal about five or six years ago, but like a lot of Americans, I'm sort of Absolutely.
struggling with where I stand and I actually feel a little bit politically
homeless so when I make films about the culture wars or about things that are
going on in the world right now that's a little bit of my grasping I'm trying to
make sense what's happening in America right now and hopefully that work helps
other people figure that out. Absolutely. Tell us a little about yourself and the
idea to make this film because we met like two plus years ago and we had
dinner and my son was there and I said no I'm not doing it and I said I've said
everything else and I don't know how you got me to do it later.
Right, and you told me that Werner Herzog asked to make a film about you and that you said no to him.
I did.
Which is staggering.
I never really made a big deal about that, but yeah.
I mean, that's pretty crazy, but in a good way, for me.
Well, actually... Well, you wanted to follow me around for two years.
You just said, let me have access for the next year, and they wanted a lot of stuff.
I told you I wanted access for a year, and then I just dragged it out for two years.
Without telling you.
That's right.
That's how these things go because something's always changing when you're making a documentary.
But really what happened was I appeared on your show in June of 2020 to promote my film TFW No GF and you guys were so kind to have me on to promote that movie and that was actually the biggest Piece of exposure that I got with that film even though that film ended up doing pretty well and being critically acclaimed I mean having access to this audience was definitely
A much larger platform.
So thanks for that.
But the secret agenda to that was that I was going to try and talk to you and convince you to let me make a documentary about you.
So that was really the first step in my mind.
Although I asked you about it during the commercial break and you were already sort of doing your in-between segments out the door doing your thing.
I can't believe that I manifested us being able to do this movie.
Well, I'm glad you meant it.
Here's the reason I started saying no about five years ago to any interviews.
99% of the time, the New York Times, whoever they are, they interview to act like they actually are journalists, and they don't show any of what you said.
It's like what happened with the whole Sandy Hook thing.
I said, I thought Sandy Hook happened in that Well, yeah, and those people, those entities, or those reporters are beholden to those entities of those legacy media companies.
I'm not.
and literally put together fake things I didn't say, then they sued me using that.
Well, yeah, and those people, those entities, or those reporters are beholden to those entities
of those legacy media companies.
I'm not, I'm a totally independent filmmaker, and it hasn't been an easy road,
but the sacrifices that we make in terms of how hard it is to raise money for our films
and how hard it is to push for exposure are what allow us to make films about real stuff.
And to get back to your question of why did I want to make a film about you, the answer is I wanted to make films about Everything that's sort of happening in the world right now with information, technology, the culture wars.
And I could sit around and make films about topics like, you know, 4chan and intel culture that are sort of on the fringe and adjacent to what's happening.
Or I could maybe just go right to the heart of the matter and try and make a movie about you.
Well, I meant to bring this up and I forgot to tell the crew, but go to Glenn Greenwald's Twitter about two, three days ago.
He did a bunch of tweets where he made some incredible points.
If you guys could reprint those.
I know you gave them to me three days ago and I didn't cover it.
But Glenn Greenwald's like, people can interview Charlie Manchin and Saddam Hussein.
I can't interview Alex Jones.
There's a huge firestorm and he's coming to the premiere tomorrow.
He's going to interview me.
It's like, no, don't talk to him because they want to have the straw man versus what I actually say.
So congratulations to Glenn Greenwald.
He's a great journalist.
Well, Glenn is a beast and he is interested in the truth.
And he knows that this is a very important precedent, this film coming out and the attention that it's getting.
And, you know, of course, press outlets talk about you all the time.
But that's the other thing that was really motivating for me is that nobody seems to have any interest in actually putting you in your context.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
Here's a little segment from the documentary that covers my 28-year war against the New World Order.
Bohemian Grove, July of the year 2000.
It was the late 1990s and John Ronson was going to do a TV show for Channel 4 titled Secret Rulers of the World.
And he already had a contact inside Bohemian Grove, but he didn't want to have the liability of being sued if he got the footage.
So you wanted me to get the footage?
I didn't know whether men like Henry Kissinger and George W.
Bush really dress in robes and attend a secret owl burning ceremony in the forests of Northern California.
A ceremony said to be called the Cremation of Care.
It was hard to believe, but Alex was intent on discovering the truth.
That's my redcoat friends!
I mean, I didn't even know about the Bohemia Grove until I asked Alex to sneak in, and then of course I got roped into that too, so... As a final preparation, Alex and Mike practice being preppy by having appropriately preppy conversations.
We're just gonna walk normally as we would.
La la la.
There's me guys sitting there and we're, you know, we're fat cats.
So let's go ahead.
It was the night of July 15th, 2000.
Mike Hanson and I were about to attempt the first ever successful infiltration of the Bohemian Grove.
Others have tried and failed.
No one has ever actually made it in and out with video evidence.
So it's quite the documentary.
I mean, I gotta tell you, I didn't want to see a film about myself.
I can't stand watching myself.
It brought tears to my eyes a couple months ago when you did that private screening and it's something I can't wait till people see.
Have you, did you change the film any since I saw that cut?
Not really.
I mean, we cleaned things up a little bit.
I also, while I'm here, I want to give a shout out to the photographer, Hedgy Shen, who took these amazing photos of you that we used for the poster.
She's a very famous photographer.
She did a good job.
Made my fat ass look good.
She's really cool.
But what I was saying before we cut to the break was, I just thought it was, you know, you see so many news stories about you, but nobody ever really, like, learns anything about you outside of your media bubble.
And I just thought it was important to put you within your context so that, you know,
the world could understand an important pop cultural icon in America.
And you've successfully done that.
I mean, it's not a pro-Alex Jones film.
It actually shows what happened.
Some of it makes me look bad.
Yeah, well, I mean, I couldn't just do like a vanity piece.
Like if I I try.
I tried to play it down the middle, really.
Did the film, what preconceived notions did you come in with or none?
What did you think would happen versus what happened?
I think you're a lot more normal and down to earth than I anticipated.
And yeah, that was that was sort of the biggest thing and that you really are sort of true blue
and you are who you are.
And that's what a lot of journalists want to know when they ask me about you, is if you're, you know, a phony.
And I tell them, no, you're not a phony at all.
Well, that's why they always use that quote from my custody battle with my ex-wife that Jones admits he's an actor.
Really, where's the clip?
Where's the document?
They didn't say that.
They wanted to show clips of me as the Joker saying psychotic, sarcastic things as if it was real.
And my lawyer went, well, when he's playing the Joker, he's being the Joker.
He's not Alex Jones.
But I rarely act, maybe 1% of the time, but that's not who I am.
And then they go, look, he says he's a fake.
I mean, you have been really viciously mischaracterized, but another thing that was surprising while making the film that wasn't about you, that I wasn't even expecting to discover is... The crew?
Well, the crew's amazing.
Everyone who works with you is amazing.
I was trying to guess what you were going to say, but go ahead.
Throughout the course of this film I went and I shot a lot of the events and the marches that were going on after January 6th and I feel like also sort of That the American populist movement has been totally mischaracterized to as a bunch of white supremacists and demonized so heavily in the media as bad people.
And it's actually some of the friendliest people that I've ever met while shooting.
And they lost their jobs.
And it's a very multiracial group.
And the love.
That's why I personally, when they call me a white supremacist, I know they're liars and I don't get mad.
The American Reawakening Tour, White Supremacists, I only went to one event in San Antonio, but I'm told it's like this everywhere.
There's 10,000 people, and I would say black folks were over-represented, probably 20%.
And just the love, and the hugs, and the beauty, and the coming together.
And they call it white supremacy.
It just pisses me off.
This is like the best people coming.
This is what America should be.
This could save the world.
And they're just like... Like I'm hugging black people, white people, Hispanics, Asians.
We're crying.
We're loving each other.
We're so open.
It's so good.
Then you get around a leftist and it's all so creepy.
It's crazy.
Yeah, I mean, it really is a dark chapter in history that the government and the media are trying to turn Americans against each other the way that they are.
It's not going to have a good outcome, but it is another motivating factor for why I'm trying to do the work that I am with this film and also with my last film, because they want everything to be sensationalism.
But really, you know, we're all human beings and we're all just trying to get along in the world.
Let's talk about the censorship of the film.
I mean, that goes to the territory now for anything that's populist or independent or real.
This isn't about just shutting down right-wingers.
It's about collapsing Hollywood and the political state, the one-party state, having dominance and control.
That's where Republican leadership actually winks and nods and goes along with it.
I think Trump's learned his lesson.
I mean, we would take an hour to go through.
They're not letting you guys advertise this anywhere.
They're sabotaging showings of it.
I mean, it's... Well, are you surprised?
No, I knew that would come and I warned you.
I mean, I'm not surprised at all.
However, I do think it's a wonderful opportunity to highlight how absurd it is, not just to de-platform you, but to de-platform me.
for making journalism about you and then in some cases other
journalists are going to be de-platformed for platforming me, so it's like a
snake eating its own tail. That's right. They're threatening Greenwald right now. They're threatening Greenwald
right now with de-platforming.
Further de-platforming. That's not surprising to me. I mean what's amazing is that despite, you know, the shadow bans
and the censorship and by the way we're so lucky to have people like Mike Cernovich and Jack
Pasobic and Amanda Miller.
They have been real champions.
Coming out and helping us break through some of these algorithms and keep our numbers up on Twitter, because without Twitter, for this movie particularly, this movie could be dead in the dirt.
And think about that.
Jack Masovic's a hero.
Mike Cervera's a hero.
Amanda Millis, a great filmmaker in her own right.
And her dad, the legend.
Apocalypse Now.
All the Clint Eastwood movies.
I mean, Conan.
I mean, he's... And to get to talk to him, I've got a chance.
He's a big listener.
I've learned for decades.
I think I got him to wait for me in a neocon to be more libertarian, but he's a big... I mean, that's so honored.
Like, oh my God.
Millis is a huge listener.
His daughter grew up watching us.
It's just crazy.
She's awesome.
I'm just worried about getting old, though, man.
I've been doing this for 28 years.
Yeah, well, you seem incredibly youthful.
Well, you're sweet to say that.
But, you know, while I'm doing, like, shout-outs to people, I really need to give a shout-out to JJ Eisenman, our lead producer, who sort of helped spearhead us even getting this rolling.
There's a cool photo of him.
There he is with you.
And he's super successful as well.
And his dad's amazing.
His dad released the Dead Ski Scrolls.
His dad's a smart guy.
But when I started sort of really making a promise to myself that I was going to do this, are we going to commercial?
We are.
We'll take a little bit of time.
From Robert Barnes, who we'll understand.
We'll do 10-15 minutes the next hour, then Robert Barnes is going to take over.
But one more segment this hour, Alex's War.
Stay with us.
My greatest enjoyment has been seeing the Great Awakening that's happened and the power of people that love justice for a race, color, and creed.
The globalists threatening me and persecuting me and thinking that I didn't know this was dangerous and that their threats do anything but give me energy.
I can be exhausted sometimes and they put out some new liar attack and man I just get I get high off of it.
I've had like crew members ask me.
How the hell do you have so much energy?
Are you using cocaine during the breaks?
The liberals all say that.
No folks, anything that's downers, it's alcohol sometimes to like lower things.
Because I know this is true, and I'm so fired up, so I...
My ex-wife went to court and had me drug tested like 10 times.
And then once with the crew I said, just call a drug tester over here.
And I'm pissing the thing.
And they said, nothing's in there.
Not even alcohol showed up because I hadn't been drinking.
But I am powered and fueled by liberty and freedom.
And that's it.
And that's the spirit.
Here's Glenn Greenwald, who stood up for Julian Assange, broke some of his snooze, didn't back down, is a real liberal that I respect.
He says, like clockwork, a bunch of liberal idiots who haven't seen the film arise to say it gives them credibility.
They have no idea what the film is.
One could easily walk away hating him.
They just think the only way to deal with bad things is to ignore them.
It continues on.
Liberal corporate journals still have no clue how despised and therefore impotent they are.
Even the ones with no journalistic accomplishments somehow believe they still wield the power to decree who should and shouldn't be listened to and who must be blacklisted.
He goes on.
The liberal wing of the corporate media is collapsing deservedly.
Their audience is disappearing.
And nobody trusts them.
The only sector of media that's growing is independent journalism.
So look at the desperation, using censorship and decrees to demand they keep their status.
And it goes on from there, what he had to say.
He then goes on to say, okay, I'm interviewing the evil Alex Jones, tongue-in-cheek.
I will now go interview the warmongers from the New York Times and the Atlantic Monthly, and by interviewing those people that killed millions, I will now be a good person.
It's ridiculous.
Well, I think that's one thing that you and I and Glenn all share in common is that we're all really passionate, obviously, about the First Amendment.
That's just at the top of my list of what's important to me as a talking point, if you're talking about me as a filmmaker and what's important to me.
I'm not a political pundit.
I'm not, you know, right-wing.
I'm not left-wing.
But I do love the First Amendment, and I especially love the USA.
Alex, I'm known to take over and dominate interviews.
I'm the great interrupter.
But before we play a few more clips from the film, what else do you want to get out there on the field for folks?
What else do you want to hit?
Okay, so yeah, you're right.
So we're going to live stream this Q&A from our premiere tomorrow between you and Glenn and I, and that's going to be streamed by Rockfin, which is going to, it's going to be at 630.
Eastern Time, 530 Central Time.
The film itself is going to start streaming on the 29th on Apple and YouTube and Amazon.
So far, hopefully nothing, but knock on wood.
And then it will also be streaming on Odyssey, Rumble and Locals on the 29th.
And there will also be a DVD for sale on Infowars.com, and you can pre-order it now if you guys want to get it back up in the charts.
We've got to keep it up there.
So it's been a number two when I checked yesterday.
Where is it now?
I don't know.
I don't look at it every day, but I think it's between two and three.
Right behind Top Gun.
And there's also one more person that I need to thank before I forget, and that's Ollie Alexander for first bringing me in here to talk to you.
He's doing a great job.
You know, I really like Ollie.
He's super smart.
He's one of the smartest people I've ever met.
Yeah, he's not a BS-er.
Like, he really knows what he's talking about.
But, yeah, those are pretty much all my points.
But also, I'm just a filmmaker.
I'm just, you know, I'm just going where the action is.
And I think that the action is right here with you at InfoWars for this movie.
And I love everybody that works here.
We've got to come in with Motley Crue piece of the action next segment if you get it.
No, I want to be where the action's at as well.
And that's where we are, Alex.
Well, everybody see it.
It's going to be great.
What's your new project?
I have, it's just, let's see how this goes.
I just like to focus on what's right in front of me and this is such a massive thing to launch and if this succeeds it's going to be really inspirational to other filmmakers to, you know, to go bold and like, you know, go outside the box and don't be afraid of these people.
Don't let them control you.
I remember at dinner, like two and a half, and I said, no I'm not doing your movie.
I wasn't trying to be an asshole, I just was like, I just don't want to deal with it.
And, how did you convince me to do it?
I don't know how that happened.
And then I talked to Rob Due, and I had Rob, probably had Rob Due whisper in your ear too, that you should let me know.
I don't remember.
But it's definitely, I'm glad you made a real film.
I mean, it's really, really real.
And I'd forgotten so much of this stuff watching the movie.
And the movie's for everybody.
It's for everybody.
Everybody can go and watch this movie and take something away from it.
Whether you love Alex Jones or whether you hate Alex Jones.
Well, it's definitely... Has any of the systems seen it yet that are decrying it and saying it's evil?
We haven't let anybody see it and we're having the reviews withheld until the day of release.
Oh, I want to also give a shout out to our production company, Play Nice.
Oh yeah.
While we're here.
Right on.
So how were you in this age of total censorship able to even get this made?
I mean, they're trying to shut it down right now, but how were you able to do it?
There's a lot of people out there that don't like what's going on and are sick of the boring sort of art that's happening now that's all just sort of, you know, Netflix woke programming and re-arranged reboots and Marvel movies and this is an actual original film about somebody with an enormous cultural footprint and obviously there's a huge demand for it.
We know that.
Let me ask you this.
Yeah, right behind Top Gun, number two.
Why is Hollywood committed suicide?
Because despite all their woke messages, you can see once Netflix got big four or five years ago, everything went down in production value.
Even big actors don't even try anymore.
It's like it's all a joke to see how bad it can be.
It's like nothing's good hardly.
There used to be amazing movies, like they suck now.
Like what do these people do?
People are just scared and they're not just, it's not even, Individuals themselves a lot of the time that feel like triggered or like indignant about content they're afraid of you know the next person or the next person and so I've definitely experienced that coming out of Hollywood is that People who I've known for years and years are like, you know secretly like wow.
This is really cool.
I'm so excited for you and But I could never do that myself and I just I I think that we need to sort of break that.
We're talking about stagnance, and we're talking about entropy.
People are just, it's a little bit like the blacklist era, you know?
Well, it's exactly like that.
Like, I grew up thinking it was terrible what happened to the blacklist, and they've done it to us way worse.
Right, except now there's a parallel economy where there wasn't one before, so filmmakers that want to make interesting work You know, hey, we're here for you.
We're building it up so that other people can do it too.
I've been deposed like 14 times in these fake Sandy Hook lawsuits that are totally political, nothing to do with the parents.
And so they say I never gave them anything, was never deposed, so they defaulted me.
But then they keep ordering...
So I was deposed again yesterday and this former federal prosecutor sat there and said, nobody censored you.
Nobody de-platformed you.
Nothing happened to you.
He was asking me about it just to laugh at me and do the gaslighting and say it didn't happen.
I was just like, dude, you're the one that's crazy.
I was like, okay.
I mean, it was like, whoa.
I mean, a bunch of corporations got together.
Tim Cook said they met and decided to silence me together.
A cartel of corporations ganging up on someone.
And this guy just laughed at me like it gave him power.
It was bizarre.
I don't know if that situation is ever going to resolve for you.
I don't know.
Oh, because they know I'm a populist and so they want to link me to that that I barely
ever even covered and just make that who I am.
But no one, everybody sees it for what it is though.
Because the establishment is so discredited by the establishment attacking me, it actually
makes us bigger.
They don't even understand that.
It's a real quagmire.
But I mean, hopefully people will understand that one episode in your career.
It just doesn't represent who you are.
Well, I didn't lie about WMDs on purpose.
The internet questioned something I questioned it.
And they said, just say you're sorry.
And as soon as I said I was sorry, five years ago they went, oh, you were lying.
And that's when all this stuff started.
So I've never been a guy that won't admit when I'm wrong.
In fact, I want to because I want to get better.
But then there's that rule of don't ever say you're wrong because then they come for you.
It's weird.
I don't know how they saw that as a green light, you know?
Well, I don't think you're ever going to have those people's approval, no matter how many, you know, ostensibly liberal filmmakers make movies about you.
But, you know, like I said, there's always going to be, you're always going to have support.
We have a parallel economy.
We're going to... No, I agree.
And I mean, not the families, but the Democrats behind it.
I want to thank them for supercharging everything.
We'll be right back.
$14 billion, that is just about exhausted.
In fact, we started our assistance to Ukraine before this war began.
We sent Ukraine more security assistance last year, $650 million in weapons, including anti-air and anti-armor equipment, before the invasion.
More than we had ever provided before.
And once the war started, we immediately rushed $350 million in additional aid to further address their needs.
On Saturday, My administration authorized another $200 million to keep a steady flow of weapons and ammunition moving to Ukraine.
I'm especially pleased to be able to announce today that the United States will provide an additional $1 billion security assistant package for Ukraine.
Democrats demand $650 billion.
See how it escalates?
It's 60-something billion now, and now it's going to be 650 billion?
Why not?
And then you've got Mitt Romney and Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden and all these people, Republican and Democrat leaders, who are warmongers, the neocons.
Whose families run the damn companies, the media, the energy, the transportation, the shipyards, everything.
The looting is incredible, and again, they're inflating the currency, but they buy up real stuff as it's inflated, then they pass us the debt and the devaluation.
I mean, wow, that is a whopper.
This is an extremely, extremely dangerous situation that we are in right now.
The good news is, all over the world, people are identifying the globalist plan to collapse the economy by design in their own statements.
What can we do together to avert a global food catastrophe?
To start, we have to understand the forces that have led us to this current precipice, the most existential of which is climate change.
And the fact that they have put their politicians and controllers in In every major government, except for Communist China and Russia.
What we are very proud of now is the young generation, like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, that we penetrate the cabinets.
Klaus Schwab and the New World Order bragged that they have control of half of the parliaments.
Half of the cabinets and governments of the world, they're getting control of another 30-40%.
They are close to having 80-90% control over governments in the world.
And they brag they are the corporate global governance.
We are making you sell your farms and taking your cows.
How dare you riot in the Netherlands?
Well, Dutch farmers now are getting angry every day more.
Government is not listening.
And what we are fearing for is we have to leave our land.
And that's also a deeper agenda behind it.
In Holland, they just want to have farmer's land.
62% of the This area in Holland is farmed by farmers.
And what they want to do is they want to have the land cheap.
So they're making it nature first.
And when they have the land in their hands, they can build houses on it.
Houses we don't need by Dutch citizens.
Because average Dutch couple is getting 1.8, 1.9 kids.
So what's the problem of the demand for houses?
That we get 100,000 refugees in this country every year.
That's why they have to build houses.
So you decide, ladies and gentlemen.
Do you want to roll over to this or do you want to get involved?
But now is the time to realize we're entering the 12th round right now.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Info Wars has been banned.
(upbeat music)
Attacked and threatened.
Because we are effective.
The Great Awakening is here.
Go to Banned.Video.
Download the videos and share.
Support The Information War at Infowarstore.com.
And never Never give up the fight.
InfoWars.com I love this crew.
I love the family that is InfoWars and it's so beautiful despite all the attacks.
You have kept us on air throughout the years.
And we are here, ladies and gentlemen.
So, we are in the action.
We're taking on the New World Order.
And we're not giving up the field.
Crank it up!
Get a piece of the action!
Oh, yeah!
And that's what they don't want us to do, is compete in the open market of ideas.
But we got bigger than a piece of the action.
We are the action.
Oh, yeah!
All right, here's a few clips from Alex's war that drops the 29th on a bunch of different streaming services.
Number two on Apple.
Here's Alex Jones takes a piss on the Georgia Guidestones.
And number three, InfoWars is a family short clip from the show behind the scenes.
Here it is.
Georgia Godstones aren't doing too well right now.
Alright, bucket list.
One more thing off the bucket list.
I just pissed on Ted Turner.
He's got five kids but says you shouldn't be able to have any.
Yes, I just peed on it.
I peed on it.
And now, let the people of the world hear the Ten Commandments from the United Nations and the Globalist Order.
Maintain humanity under 500 billion and perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion and faith, tradition, and all things with tempered reason.
And finally, the 10th Commandment.
Be not a cancer on the earth.
Leave room for nature.
Leave room for nature.
In other words, get out of the way.
I'm Ted Turner.
I'm having five children, dozens of houses, millions of acres, mistresses, jet airplanes, yachts, sailboats, jumbo jets, helicopters.
You, you don't get anything.
Roll over and die.
I'm the Guardian.
I'm Ted Turner.
I'm Bill Gates.
I'm the New World Order.
So Infowars is a family.
And it's got its problems.
It's got its idiosyncrasies.
But it's very, very real.
We're not playing games here.
All that's happened is a little caveat.
This is how this works.
Joe Biden's getting control of the Justice Department.
And, Jones, they're planning to indict you if you don't back down.
And that's the phone calls I get from, let's say, high-level people.
They're telling them to tell me.
We're gonna indict you.
Well, go ahead and indict me, you little chicken-neck piece of trash.
You think I'm scared of you?
What, for some fraud you made?
You think America will buy that?
How about you indict 100 million Americans?
We're sick of your crap, and all you're doing is pushing us into a corner, you little chicken-neck rats.
The games are over.
The attempts to platform us, the attempts to lie about us, the attempts to misrepresent us have failed.
But to me, that's like I'm being delivered a steak and baked potato and a salad on the Titanic.
That's how this is.
It's like Hitler turned into Russia.
But you know it's going to be bad.
You know you're going to lose.
Hitler turned into Russia. But you know it's gonna be bad.
You know you're gonna lose.
I mean, it's just dumb shit, man.
And Alex, you got me right behind the scenes for almost two years.
Like, I don't even pay attention to cameras.
Well, yeah.
So you definitely got what's going on around here.
Well, I would come in here a couple times a week and I would just sort of stand in the corner over there with my... Over in the darkness?
In the darkness of my camcorder.
And, um...
Yeah, I can't really overstate how wonderful your crew is and the people who work here and how welcoming everybody's been.
These are real people.
That's why I'm not even worried about them trying to shut me down.
Seriously, I'm exhausted.
But then I look at the crew and it enrages me.
They're trying to shut this place down.
It really pisses me off.
Well and you know how amazing is it that you guys have been able to keep this going and of course you've been building this for so long and that's why it works so well and it's you know they dismiss you in the mainstream media as if this is like some like a rinky-dink little operation like none of those people could ever create what you've created here and this is a world-class operation.
Well, the listeners did it, and our support did, but behind the scenes, they're like, who secretly runs it?
Where are the Mercer's?
Where are the Russians?
They're just keep asking.
I'm like, where's the master?
That's why we were defaulted.
The judges said, give us the master plan.
Give us the script.
It's a radio show on TV.
There's no script.
So we were defaulted in these Sandy Hook cases for documents that don't exist.
I know.
And that's what a lot of people don't realize is, you know, You're very well prepared in some ways, but you're also improvising a lot of the time, and you're, you know, going with your gut, and you're talking about what you're passionate about, and it's not... That's what you're allowed to do since you're the captain of the ship.
You're allowed to just let it fly, and that's what you do here, and it's awesome.
Well, it's simple, like, oh, here's a clip of Joe Biden saying, if you have the shot, you're 100% protected.
And then we play him saying, I'm sick again.
I mean, it's not hard to do.
I mean, what we're up against is pretty pathetic.
I agree.
I agree.
Alright, so there's a premiere tomorrow night in Austin.
Obviously that's filled up, people can't go to that, but we select theaters the 29th and streaming.
People go to alexiswar.com to find everything.
Sure, and if you go to amc.com there will be a list of theaters.
We have more and more theaters signing up.
across the country that are agreeing to screen the film.
Obviously, there's a perceived, maybe, risk of showing the film, but there's, you know,
it's important to us to get it to as many theaters as we could across the country.
So, for sure, it's going to be playing in New York City and LA for limited runs,
but also here in Austin and also in select cities across the U.S.
And it's important for those to sell out that it triggers a chain reaction.
Yes, and how amazing it is that this film is going to be playing in movie theaters.
It's just incredible, and I hope everybody who, you know, see it in a theater if you can, because it's definitely worth seeing in a theater.
It's big on the big screen.
And this is a cultural revolution.
Find all the details and the question and answer tomorrow night with Glennon Greenwald, Sunday Show.
4 to 6 p.m.
You better believe we're gonna be airing that.
We love you all listeners.
You built all this.
Alex Moyer, your crew, great job.
We're gonna air the trailer for Alex's War and then the great Robert Barnes takes over on the other side, alexswar.com.
Thank you all so much.
The War Room at 3 p.m.
Thank you.
I'm Alex Jones.
The story you're about to see is true.
This is reality.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
I'm the most banned, most demonized media person in the world.
Alex Jones is a fake.
He's a performance artist.
I'm perceived as a clown, a nut, a maniac.
On his website, InfoWars, he touts paranoia porn.
The sickest, most offensive theories.
Alex Jones claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
Don't you stand for America, sir?
He said me and Hillary are demons.
Ain't that something?
You'll burn in hell!
I met him back in 1990s.
I knew right away he was gonna be a star.
How's my hair look?
I saw all these conspiracy terrorists that were talking about the New World Order.
And I thought, that's what I'll do.
Get it, Alex.
Death to the New World Order!
It was that attack on humanity that I saw early on that I really wanted to wage war on.
You're lying to the public!
It's disgusting!
Well, she tastes that.
There's no going back.
Everything's a war.
That's the way the universe works, and everything is propaganda.
I don't trust Donald Trump, but I agree with probably 95% of what Donald Trump says.
Your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
That's what the media just loves on.
Alex Jones said the Sandy Hook shooting, which claimed the lives of 20 children, was fake.
I try to tell the truth and sometimes I'm wrong.
Did the New York Times get in trouble for consciously lying about WMDs that then led to a war that killed tens of thousands in conflict?
The attempts to de-platform us have failed.
They'd have the CIA, the FBI following me around.
Now we've got to destroy Alex Jones.
We're not playing games here.
This is such a historic moment together.
It's all just insane.
Okay, let's put me in prison for questioning, okay?
Even though that's my right.
In fact, let's execute Alex Jones.
Let's put me in front of a firing squad, pull the trigger.
I have a sick feeling, actually.
Because I know what comes next.
At this point, best case scenario is a few years of hard times for us all.
And if we don't turn it around soon, then it will only get worse.
But as bad as things are, we still have time to prepare.
And that alone is something to be grateful for.
A gravity water filter will provide you with clean, healthy water, even in the event of your taps getting shut off.
And having your own food will save you from getting ensnared in government FEMA camps.
And if you've already stocked up enough for your own family, you might want to consider stocking up for your neighbors.
Some of your neighbors might not be prepared for what's coming, but you can help them by having an abundance of storable foods and water filtration.
Whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Stock up now at preparetoday.com Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, this is Robert Barnes guest hosting Steve Bannon found guilty by a D.C.
In the bottom half of the hour we will be discussing what does that mean?
Does Steve Bannon have options?
Is he going to prison for an extended time period?
What impact will it have on the January 6th cases?
What impact will it have on the institutional media narrative for January 6th?
We'll discuss that and more in the bottom half of the hour.
But it's good to discuss first the context.
of the District of Columbia presiding over these cases.
This is a case of the swamp getting to judge the swamp.
And is that an effective manner to enforce constitutional liberties in the country?
Well, let's just look at cases since 2016.
Since 2016, there have been actual rioters, actual violent trespassers, in the District of Columbia,
but what distinguished them was that they were not on January 6th.
They were in the inauguration of 2016, when they were breaking glasses in buildings, when they were destroying cars, when they were setting off car bombs, when they were making threats across the city, when they tried to, in fact, attack Deplorable.
Which I was a co-sponsor of one of the events at the inauguration of populist supporters of Trump.
They tried to gas bomb the National Press Club in the event co-sponsored by Mike Cernovich and others.
And including James O'Keefe was there for Project Veritas, James Hoff for Gateway Pundit, a wide range of people.
Jack Posobiec was there, Peter Thiel was there, a range of people were there who could have been harmed that night.
What happened to all of those Antifa rioters from 2017?
Not a single one of them served a single day in federal prison.
Grand juries refused to indict, prosecutors and agents refused to investigate, and then juries refused to convict.
And then judges refused to sentence.
The same pattern continued in 2019 and 2020, when we had the Summer of Love riots in Washington, D.C., where the White House itself was under direct, true insurrectionary threat, with people right across and outside the White House trying to commit violence against the White House, trying to commit violence against White House staff.
Do you remember when people spoke at the Republican virtual convention held from the White House and Senator Rand Paul was violently attacked outside by a raving mob?
And then of course you get to the wondrous BLM riots of the summer of 2020 that in the name of lifelong criminal George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement, which was mostly a movement that has now been exposed as the fraudulent movement that it in fact Is and was, was engaged in riotous violence, so riotous that it made the 1960s style riots in Washington DC look like small change by comparison.
Even institutional media sources admitted this on their social media feeds, with the city aflame and looking like a war zone from something in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, more so than what happened on January 6th.
So here you had riotous violence, but what happened?
Was there mass prosecutions?
Was there mass punishments?
Was this insurrection treated as such?
No, once again, pretty much nobody served a day in prison for the riots of the summer of 2020.
What about the people who took over the Senate building, either for climate change politics with AOC, or even more dramatically, in the context of the Kavanaugh hearings, where they were literally harassing senators walking to their elevators?
These are people who clearly committed trespass.
Did any of them face criminal prosecution or criminal punishment?
Not a single one.
Even though they occupied the building, even though they were committing legal trespass, they were in a place they were not legally authorized to be, even though they were actually truly trying to obstruct A judicial and congressional proceeding in that context.
A congressional proceeding to affirm a Supreme Court justice.
One of the most seminal obligations that it has.
None of them faced any criminal indictments, any criminal investigation, any criminal punishment.
But it continues!
The same set of folks that have targeted the January 6th defendants for denial of core constitutional rights, their First Amendment right of freedom of the press, their First Amendment right of freedom of speech, their First Amendment right of freedom of association, their First Amendment right of freedom of association, their First Amendment right to petition your government for the grievances that you have, your Second Amendment rights of self-defense.
Your 4th Amendment rights against illicit searches and right to privacy, your 5th Amendment rights to due process of law, your 6th Amendment rights to be able to confront your accusers and have a speedy trial, and your rights to a meaningful trial by an impartial jury.
All of those rights have been violated in the prosecution and punishment of January 6th defendants.
Compare just the punishment.
The lawyer who committed massive fraud and perjury as part of the Russiagate investigation, the man who was caught doctoring documents that went to one of the highest special courts in the country, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court, that lawyer who was caught red-handed with proof in the emails and documents and texts themselves, with no meaningful defense, who had to plead guilty, How much time did he serve?
Try none.
He did not serve a single day in jail.
Meanwhile, elderly grandmas with cancer are being sent to prison for months and often being placed in hardcore facilities as part of their punishment and imprisonment.
Well, others have been waiting for their trial and may be waiting for years longer for their trial in a special DC gulag, as has been reported by both Darren Beatty of Revolver and Julie Kelly at American Greatness.
So, and then we have the Sussman trial, one of the very few cases where, in fact, Durham actually meaningfully pursued somebody who was involved in wrongdoing in the 2016 campaign, Weaponizing the judicial and investigatory federal law enforcement process, including its spy capabilities, to spy and surveil illicitly on the Trump campaign, and then to defame Trump publicly, and then instigate and inspire the very dubious Mueller inquiry that was itself a hoax, as the former president repeatedly noted, and correctly so.
What happened to Attorney Sussman, who was caught red-handed Lying to the FBI by the admission of every document and piece of testimony in that case.
What did a D.C.
jury do in that case?
Well, the judge who presided over the case, the same judge who issued a ludicrous sentence to Dr. Simone Gold for simply being inside the Capitol without a special permission slip of Nancy Pelosi, that same judge allowed people to sit on the jury who had kids who played with Sussman's kids.
This DC contaminated jury poll, what did they do?
They quickly came back and acquitted him.
There was nobody who reviewed and assessed the case that thought there was any possibility of his acquittal under the circumstances and the evidence and the law established in that case.
It made a mockery and a joke of the jury pool.
The grand juries are a joke in the District of Columbia.
The trial juries are a joke in the District of Columbia.
And unfortunately, the judiciary has too often and too easily been complicit in that joke of a justice process in the District of Columbia.
That is why some of us are suggesting that if the people running for Congress are serious about draining the swamp and this includes president trump's
twenty twenty four campaign as well
need to include as part of draining the swamp that the swamp can never again be the judge of the swamp
as long as the judge as long as the swamp alone gets to judge itself
there will be no justice in the district of columbia there will be no draining of
the swamp as long as the swamp determines what water goes in and out of
that swamp so if we're going to meaningfully drain the swamp we need
to scrap the district of columbia as a federal judicial district
that is entirely a congressionally crafted and created process it was never
intended at the time of our constitutional founding for there to be a
special district where the swamp gets to govern itself
so when we come back we will evaluate what does steve bannon's guilty verdict
mean doesn't mean the end of steve bannon Does it mean years of imprisonment for Steve Bannon?
Does it mean permanent disgrace for Steve Bannon?
Or does he have a right to appeal?
Does he have a right to challenge it?
A right to contest it?
A right to bail pending appeal?
That and more after the break.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
Robert Barnes guest hosting today for the bottom half of the hour.
We're going to be talking about Steve Bannon found guilty.
Does he have any relief?
Does he have any remedy?
Or is this the end of the road for Steve Bannon?
We'll be talking about what his remedies may be in the next segment.
In this section, let's talk about what he was convicted of, and how unusual the charges were, and how he was denied any fundamental right to defend himself in and at the trial.
First, what he was charged with was two acts of contempt of Congress.
He was issued two subpoenas by the January 6th Select Committee investigating the January 6th event.
The subpoenas produced him for demanding he produce documents and that he testify in person.
His lawyer responded to that subpoena, explaining that there were major constitutional issues with the subpoena.
First, they asserted executive privilege objections, and explained that that executive privilege meant he could not testify to Congress about what they were looking for him to testify to, nor produce those documents unless he received a waiver from President Donald John Trump.
They responded with just sort of a dismissive response, and so then he waited and believed, apparently, that they would work out some sort of negotiated outcome or disposition in the case.
But they never did.
They never issued a new subpoena.
They never corrected or clarified what information or documentation they were seeking.
Instead, they made a referral to the Justice Department to prosecute him for contempt of Congress.
Let's talk about how rare contempt of Congress charges are, and let's talk about some people who committed real contempt of Congress, real lying to Congress, real obstruction of Congress, who were never prosecuted or punished.
So contempt of Congress itself is, there's some people that say that any decent law-abiding American should, by instinct, have contempt for Congress, given the way it has often and so easily ignored both the interest of the public and the constitutional constraints on its duties and tasks.
But even putting that aside, whether or not contempt should even be allowed for this
investigatory function of Congress has always been, at least in some degree, in dispute and
Because Congress is supposed to be a legislative body, not an executive body, not a judicial
Congress isn't supposed to be investigating anything.
Congress isn't supposed to be judging anything.
It's supposed to be writing laws, spending money.
The power of the purse is supposed to be it's only power.
Not the power of punishment, not the power of the military.
Not the power of the sword.
Not the power of the judiciary.
And yet they are usurping that role with this January 6th committee, claiming to be investigating facts for the purposes of legislation.
What legislative purpose did Steve Bannon's testimony or documents provide?
There wasn't one.
And everybody knows there wasn't one.
This was fundamentally at its core a misallocation of power in the first instance.
Congress should not be recognized to have subpoena power that it can utilize in this way, but courts have been reluctant to intervene and often allow the Congress to get away with whatever they want.
If you want to challenge it or contest it, frequently you have to go to court to do so.
That's part one of the issues with this.
The second part was the committee itself.
There are certain rules that govern what makes a legally constituted committee of Congress.
Simply being a member of Congress doesn't mean anything you do is an action of Congress.
Even having the Speaker of the House's blessing doesn't mean what you're doing is an action of Congress.
For it to be an action of Congress, what needs to happen is it has to abide by the rules of Congress.
And the rules of Congress require that any committee be either previously formed or formed with the appointment of a ranking minority member appointed by the minority leader.
Here, that did not happen.
This is the weirdest congressional committee probably ever formed in the history of Congress.
It does not conform to the rules of Congress.
It's a joke of a committee.
It's a parody of a committee.
And it's a committee that by its very nature did not have clear lawful authority to act in the name of Congress, such that disobeying a piece of paper sent by them purporting to be an enforceable subpoena did not by law make it by necessity an actual legally enforceable subpoena of Congress.
That was the second set of issues.
But it wasn't the only one.
As developed at trial, it became clear that it was unclear Who actually signed or even wrote the subpoena?
The only person who had authorization to do so was not some low-ranking legal staff member who's never been elected to anything, never been appointed as an elected official to anything, or by elected officials to anything, but is simply a staff lawyer on the committee.
The only person whose testimony counted at the trial was just a staff lawyer.
And this staff lawyer could not even testify to who exactly wrote the subpoena, who exactly came up with the idea for the subpoena, who even signed the subpoena.
So, in order for it to be a lawful subpoena, it needed to be a lawful power of Congress to have.
It's not clear this Congress had such a power to investigate this precise issue, or Steve Bannon in particular.
It needed to be a lawfully constituted committee of Congress.
That, too, was seriously in question and in doubt.
And last but not least, it needed to be issued by the person with the lawful authority to do so.
And even that was in question.
On top of all of that, there were other robust defenses available to Steve Bannon, at least in theory that many lawyers, including his own counsel, assumed that he had.
Which was here he was relying upon the advice of his counsel as to how he would comply with the subpoena.
And his own understanding of the Justice Department's own legal memorandum and the executive branch's own and the past president's own memorandum that identified and articulated when you could assert executive privilege.
So he had what's called a reliance on counsel defense and a reliance on what can be called a mistake of law defense.
Which is applicable in a range of contexts, such as criminal tax charges, when the issue is criminal willfulness, and criminal willfulness was at issue here.
However, the District Court judge said that under D.C.
Circuit precedent, he could not allow Steve Bannon to present any defense on whether or not he relied upon counsel, any defense.
on whether or not he relied upon executive privilege, any defense on whether or not he relied upon the government's
own memorandums on when you're supposed to comply with a congressional subpoena
if issues of executive privilege are present.
So, in fact, he wasn't even allowed to subpoena the very people in his criminal trial,
even though there was a right of cross-examination and confrontation built into the Sixth Amendment to the United
States Constitution.
He was denied his right to even subpoena members of Congress to challenge and contest whether or not this was a properly, constitutionally authorized congressional subpoena in the first place, including the committee chair himself.
None of those people testified at trial, and every effort of Steve Bannon to subpoena their documents or subpoena their testimony was deprived and denied by the District Court, and based on the District Court's understanding of D.C.
Circuit law.
And that's because the D.C.
Circuit is a swamp protection racket at the judicial level.
That's the sad reality as we have witnessed time and again over the past half decade.
That net led to The charges being brought of contempt of Congress, two counts.
One count for not producing documents in response to the subpoena for documents.
Another count for not producing himself to testify in person at the hearing on the date set by the committee allegedly.
And as he was not allowed to present any substantive defense, was not allowed to subpoena the key witnesses in his aid, this basically gutted him from being able to present a meaningful defense.
And many of us predicted that it was a foregone conclusion in this district, in the District of Columbia, given the politics of Steve Bannon, that there was no chance a district that voted More almost 95% for Joe Biden and that is obsessed with January 6th and sees it as a personal attack on them because so many of them work for the federal administrative state and get their I mean it's important to note the DC and its suburbs are now one of the wealthiest areas in the entire world thanks to these parasitic lobbyist relationships with people that work inside and outside of government with a rotating door.
So when we come back We will discuss does Steve Bannon have a chance?
Is he doomed?
Can he appeal?
Can he get bail pending appeal?
What will this mean for Steve Bannon's future when we come up next?
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, this is Robert Barnes guest hosting.
In this last segment, we are going to be discussing whether Steve Bannon has a chance and a hope on appeal for relief or remedy, or is he going off to federal prison and how long.
But before we get to that, let's talk about what I mean when I say that the justice system in the District of Columbia is as ugly and as corrupt as the swamp itself.
Let's just go back to recent memory.
First of all, when was the last time somebody was prosecuted for contempt of Congress in the District of Columbia?
Try 1983.
It was almost 40 years ago that anybody's been prosecuted.
Let's talk about some high-profile examples of high-ranking government officials who committed clear contempt of Congress by Congress's own determination and never faced criminal prosecution or criminal punishment for their actions.
And these included meaningful, consequential, misleading, and deception, and deceit, and prevention of information, and obstruction of the Congressional proceedings on areas that Congress did have a lawful committee, where Congress did have constitutional oversight authority.
First, look at Mr. Brennan himself.
What was Mr. Brennan caught doing when he was at the CIA?
Try illegally spying on Congress to cover up and obstruct an investigation into the illegal torture that the CIA had engaged in under President George W. Bush.
This was all continued under President Barack Obama.
What happened for his contemptuous actions towards Congress, which actually materially obstructed a constitutionally authorized committee doing their constitutionally authorized duties?
No criminal punishment, not even a criminal prosecution, not even a meaningful criminal investigation that we know of.
Up next, well then you have Mr. Clapper, the man who made Edward Snowden into the whistleblower he became.
Because Mr. Clapper went before Congress into the questions of a Democratic Senator, flat out lied, and said that there was no spying going on on the American people and the American public, to the NSA or anybody else.
Of course, that was pure perjury.
That is a classic version of contempt of Congress.
Obstructing the proceedings.
Hiding information and documentation.
Misleading them so that they cannot materially perform their constitutionally authorized task of a constitutionally authorized committee of a clear question asked by an elected member of Congress.
Was he criminally prosecuted?
Was he criminally punished?
Then we move forward to Eric Holder, the Attorney General himself, who with Fast and Furious
and other operations was trying to flood drug cartels with illegal guns that ended up killing
Americans including American law enforcement as a probable pretext for gun control legislation
and when caught doing so refused to comply with congressional subpoenas of again constitutionally
supported congressional committees doing constitutionally authorized oversight tasks of the executive
He refused completely to comply with many of the subpoenas for documents or testimony,
was found in contempt by Congress himself and yet once again faced no criminal prosecution
and no criminal punishment for his actions.
But that would not be all.
We get to move forward again to the IRS Commissioner.
In a case that I was partially involved in, the IRS Commissioner was caught not once but twice committing two major massive criminal violations, weaponizing the Internal Revenue Service to go after political dissident groups.
But that wasn't all.
It wasn't just the targeting of Tea Party groups and other groups, raising questions about illicit IRS activities, people the IRS mislabeled as tax protesters.
they would properly call themselves the Truth in Taxation movement, just raising questions
about the legal scope of the IRS's power and the constitutional constraints on that power
based on traditional interpretations and definitions of the words "income" and "tax," as well as
other activities, but also going after various Tea Party groups, any groups that was raising
money for non-profit purposes to engage in public activities that they didn't like.
And not only that, in addition, the IRS was using, with Barack Obama's help, weaponizing
Obamacare to make the IRS the enforcement mechanism of Obamacare.
And why was that significant?
Well, the IRS was going around gathering everybody's private medical records.
Indeed, in a case I brought, the biggest Bivens class action in American history, the IRS had seized and stolen 60 million medical records of more than 10 million Americans, including high-ranking baseball players, film producers, film directors, Screenwriters, actors, and every judge in the state of California.
And knowing whose wife, whose kid, which judge, which official had a secret, undisclosed psychiatric condition, medical condition, addiction, other related problems, they had J. Edgar Hoover's wet dream of a blackmail file.
That was also under investigation by two separate committees based on my lawsuit.
What did the IRS Commissioner do?
She refused to produce documents.
She refused to produce and provide meaningful information.
She was found again by Congress to be in contempt.
Was she ever criminally prosecuted?
Was she ever criminally punished?
So now let us get to Steve Bannon, the first person in almost four decades to be criminally prosecuted and now criminally punished for contempt of Congress by a committee that has constitutionally questionable authority doing constitutionally questionable activity by a committee that can't even clarify who even signed the subpoena in the first place when there were legitimate defenses Steve Bannon was stripped of.
Well first is the next part of the proceedings will be motions for an acquittal despite the jury verdict which the judge said that he will hear based on there being inadequate evidence for a reasonable jury to find beyond a reasonable doubt Steve Bannon guilty of both charges.
The next thing will be motions for a new trial based on evidence that was precluded and excluded from the case where the court has an opportunity to correct some of the questionable decisions made by the court that would reinstate a new trial for the case to occur.
If the court denies both of those, then the case moves to sentencing.
Under the sentencing guidelines, there's a minimum sentence of at least two months.
One month for each charge, and then on top of that, the judge can sentence up to a max of two years, because both of these are misdemeanor offenses.
So Steve Bannon could serve between two months and two years in a federal prison for doing something that no one else has been prosecuted or punished for in almost 40 years, in four decades, after being stripped of his defenses.
On top of that, What the judge can do, and Steve Bannon can request, is bail pending appeal.
He has unique issues, as the judge himself has recognized.
The judge himself has noted that the law of the D.C.
Circuit doesn't often make sense.
Much of it is very old, based on old decisions, because again, nobody's faced this punishment or prosecution in almost 40 years.
So there hasn't been much appellate law on whether a mistake of law defense applies in this unique circumstance.
Could it be considered a mistake of fact defense?
About the applicability of some of these privileges under the unique circumstances present here.
Could the issue of whether this congressional committee was even constitutionally authorized to be in existence, constitutionally authorized to issue this particular subpoena to this particular individual, whether or not it was constitutionally authorized by who signed the subpoena, whether those evidentiary issues and legal issues can in fact be contested and challenged on appeal as part of a robust appeal.
And as part of that, the judge can grant bail pending appeal, given that the sentence may be less time than it would take for the appeal to be exhausted and resolved.
A typical federal criminal appeal can take anywhere from six months to up to two years to resolve.
So in Steve Bannon's camp, what should happen is the judge should grant bail.
The judge is conscientious.
He'll grant a verdict of not guilty despite the jury.
He'll grant a new trial.
But it's unlikely that the court in D.C.
has the political courage to take that action, even though this district judge is a Trump appointee
who has raised questions about the nature of this very prosecution,
and has been one of the few judges to question the January 6th cases,
particularly in the obstruction context, saying that the law didn't even apply.
So there is some hope that that may happen.
If it does not happen, this judge is likely not to issue a high sentence,
likely to be on the lower end of the scale, probably somewhere between two months and six months,
and then is likely to grant bail pending appeal, which means, given the length of the appellate process,
Steve Bannon has publicly stated his commitment to take this case to the Supreme Court of the United States
to clarify the scope of congressional authority, whether the swamp can just do whatever it wants,
wherever it wants, weaponize whatever it wants, wherever it wants,
through this unauthorized congressional committee, ransacking a person's private life
and prosecuting them for politicized purposes.
Is that okay still in America?
Or are we still American?
That's not okay.
He's going to take it up to the US Supreme Court.
That may take so much time that it may be that by the time Steve Bannon is facing a potential punishment in an actual federal prison, the President of the United States may be one Donald John Trump in 2025.
And as President Trump has committed to, he is going to pardon every single person wrongfully targeted in these bogus January 6th cases.
And that will probably include a second pardon for the one and the only Steve Bannon.
Because the outcome of this case should not be federal prison for anybody asserting their constitutional rights and remedies.
Up next, Owen Schroer with The War Room.
Enjoy it and I will be back to see you all next week.
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