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Name: 20220721_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 21, 2022
2458 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics on his radio show, including questioning the accuracy of temperature readings related to climate change and critiquing media reports that exaggerate its impact. He also addresses issues such as men's sexual performance being exploited by globalists, promoting InstaHeart as a solution. Additionally, he criticizes billionaires like Bill Gates for buying up farmland while advocating for reduced meat consumption and Starbucks for closing stores due to increased crime rates caused by their decisions to appease the Black Lives Matter movement. The Infowars Store offers products such as Faraday cages, Alpha Power for testosterone support, Diet Force for weight loss, and Brain Force Ultra for energy."

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But you fools that sit around and talk about your supremacy, someone who is really supreme would empower humanity and not enslave them and not kill them!
Like Klaus Schwab and the Rothschilds and the New World Order and all these other groups like Noah Harari.
But I'm done.
That's who I am.
That's where I come from.
That's what I stand for.
And we trump, with the ace of spades and the royal flush, anything you people can do.
Because the truth is, InfoWars supports God.
InfoWars supports God's vision.
And InfoWars is trying every day, though we're imperfect, to align with God.
And we will do it!
And we will never surrender!
And we will never get into the Satanism!
And we love everybody!
Whether they're in Guatemala, or whether they are in Timbuktu.
And I care about every person under satanic attack, and I think every person has the essence of God in them, whether they are in India, or whether they are in Sri Lanka.
And I am a brother to every person, black, white, yellow, brown, red!
And I, in front of God, salute humanity and commit myself to the fight for our species.
And I am not a Brit.
I am not a German.
I am not a Russian.
I am not Japanese.
I am not Mexican.
I am not Brazilian.
I am human with red blood.
And we will overcome the New World Order!
So damn all the leftist race baiters to hell, and damn all the Nazis to hell, and damn you all to hell that serve this crap!
Humanity will unify behind God, or we will be destroyed!
And we have unified behind God and we are winning and Satan knows it and can't stand it.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news, today.
Meanwhile, other key Trump supporters, including far-right media personalities, began promoting the wild protest on January 6th.
1776! 1776!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Every time I think about this guy, I forget his name, because I just do it off the cuff.
I was at Bilderberg, 2006 in Canada.
I'd just been arrested trying to fly in, trying to cover it.
It was a big media frenzy.
Back then, the media still stuck up for journalists, even though they didn't like me.
And they released me after a day of being interrogated and screamed at and threatened with prison.
And they finally released me.
And when I got to the hotel, I met with Jim Tucker, the hotel miles away from where Bilderberg was about to be the next day.
There was an old man at the bar drinking beer.
He said, Alex, I'd like to drink a beer with you.
And I said, sure, he's a British man.
I said, you live in Canada?
He said, yeah, I've lived here since the 90s.
And I didn't know he was dying at the time.
He died a few months later.
He said, you know, I used to be a well-known economist in the UK.
And I've been at the highest levels of the whole socialist globalist system.
I've met with many of these people.
And early on, I kind of believed the lie they were selling about how it was utopia and freedom and the power of the average person.
But really, they want to make everybody poor and control them.
And he said, I think you need to use this slogan I just developed.
Because I'm a mathematician, not an economist, and he said, but it's not an equation, it's an archetypal symbol in numbers.
It was very eloquent.
He said the answer to 1984 is 1776.
And I interviewed him and talked to him, and it wasn't until We started looking into him for the film, and it turned out he was the main economist to two prime ministers.
He was THE guy.
The guy was super famous.
I just, you know, didn't know that in the 80s he'd been working for Margaret Thatcher and all the rest of it.
But the point is, that's where that came from, was from a Brit.
Which is perfect, because you know, our revolution came out of England.
It was an extension of George Washington's grandparents and Thomas Jefferson's grandparents and parents and people that came to the New World to get away from tyranny.
And England had revolutions like ours trying to get freedom.
So America is not an anti-British thing.
America is not an anti-Anglo-Saxon thing.
America is not an anti... It comes out of Magna Carta in 1215.
It comes out of all those wars and rebellions and fights for freedom in Ireland, in Scotland, in Wales, in Brittany.
That is an extension And it's so fitting that a Brit and an economist came up with that powerful maxim that they fear so much.
The answer to 1984 is 1776!
In for a winner!
The young generation, like Prime Minister Trudeau, half of this cabinet, are actually young global leaders of the world economy.
So if we penetrate the cabinet, the change is not just happening.
The change can be shaped by us.
We have to prepare for a more angry world.
How to prepare?
To take the necessary action to create a fairer world.
I see the need for a great reset.
So people assume we are just going back to the good old world which we had and everything will be normal again.
This is, let's say, fiction.
It will not happen.
There is only one way this pandemic is going to go.
It's going to get worse and worse and worse.
Pay insufficient attention.
To the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.
The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.
It's Thursday, July 21st, 2022.
Get ready, America.
Get ready for her.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Armies gas guzzling SUVs a motorcade of hundreds of vehicles
Bringing the puppet president to the podium declares climate emergency
[crowd noise]
And because it was a four lane highway that was accessible my mother drove us and rather than us be able to walk
And guess what?
The first frost, you know what was happening?
You had to put on your windshield wipers to get literally the oil slick off the window.
That's why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer.
And why can't, for the longest time, Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation.
Climate change is literally an existential threat to our nation and to the world.
So my message today is this.
Since Congress is not acting as it should, And these guys here are, but we're not getting many Republican votes.
This is an emergency.
An emergency.
And I will.
I will look at it that way.
I said last week, and I'll say it again loud and clear.
As president, I'll use my executive powers to combat the climate crisis and the absence of congressional action.
Now we're standing there in incredible action.
And they released the plan yesterday, but he hasn't said he's going to implement it right away to shut off U.S.
power I have as president to turn these words into formal, official government actions through
the appropriate proclamations, executive orders, and regulatory power that a president possesses.
And they released the plan yesterday, but he hasn't said he's going to implement it
right away to shut off U.S. energy demand exports, demand drilling, you name it.
If you think shutting off the Keystone Pipeline was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
What an incredible time to be alive.
You have the kleptocratic global corporations using governments and systems to rob everybody.
They see the collapse coming, they've engineered, so they offer us the Great Reset as a solution, which only makes it 10 times worse.
And they really think they're going to get away with this.
But a theme emerged when I was looking over the news last night and this morning of A system in total crisis and of the rats leaving the sinking ship.
We have Burks, the number two in the Trump administration in healthcare, saying Fauci lied and that she lied.
And I have stacks of mainstream articles in the US, the UK, Australia, Germany saying, you know what?
Those shots don't work.
But you still got to take them.
And we got a new super shot coming, which we predicted they were going to be rolling out.
We saw Bill Gates preluding it.
And the new shot will completely destroy your immune system to the next level.
What a time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
What a time to be chronicling all of this.
It just makes the head spin.
But here's the big takeaway.
We'll be opening the phones up today throughout the four-hour broadcast talking about this with you.
They're getting ready to get rid of Biden.
Obama's placeholder in his third administration.
His stolen third term.
How are they going to do it is the big question and that's why, oh, now mainstream media says it's imminent, the indictment of Hunter Biden.
So then, Joe Biden steps down, but pardons himself, his son and others.
That's where the smart money is.
Or they're going to kill it.
Oh, and he's had COVID three times now since he took four shots.
And all the statistics show you get COVID from the shots.
Just unbelievable.
But then all the video clips of him saying, if you have the shot, you're protected and you can't get COVID and you can't spread COVID.
We have Rachel Maddow saying it as well and many others, but he continues to say it.
Feeding the public a continual torrent Of absolute pure bull.
And all the fools in the corporate media and the corporations and the lawyers and all of them going along with this pretending that they're on a winning team when all they're doing is blowing holes in the bottom of the lifeboats.
Total insanity.
And it made me think right before I went live today about the frustration of people that work with the system and think they're part of this corrupt predatory system that's destroying Our society, our civilization, our rule of law, the social contract, that they're like stockbrokers and investment fund and hedge fund managers, hundreds of which on record, talked to their families on 9-11.
They were in the North and South Towers before they blew up and collapsed.
That's why we have the press reports of, honey, baby, I can't come home.
I can't get out of the building.
I'm making tens of millions of dollars a minute.
Because everybody was panicking in the market.
We call them suicide bankers.
And that's who they are.
So, the bureaucrats, and the academics, and the bankers, and the lawyers, and the military leadership, and the law enforcement leadership, and everybody going along with this psychotic, satanic, anti-human collapse program are pretending that They're on a winning team and they're not on any team at all.
So we're going to be covering it all today.
You know, something that broke yesterday while we were on air that I didn't get to that's also so huge, which we already know, is the theory of chemical imbalance for depression in major, hundreds of major studies.
Is it true?
And that antidepressants make the average person more depressed and in the end, psychotic?
What an incredible admission.
And why is that admission coming now?
Because now they're coming out with the behavioral shots that supposedly fix your problems by having these, quote, nanotech systems rearrange the brain.
That's all coming up today.
Massive COVID news.
Massive Second Amendment news.
Democrats openly admit gun control bill will confiscate firearms in common use, close quote.
Hell yes, we'll take your AR-15.
That's all coming up as well today.
And again, opening the phones up at the bottom of the hour for first-time callers at least in the first round.
But I, myself, am just completely blown away by how fast this is moving.
I knew it was coming.
I knew they were planning it.
But man, I hoped that we'd expose them enough to where they wouldn't have the chutzpah, the bravado, the hubris.
The insane will to power, they would actually back off of this, but because of lower IQs even in the establishment and just not three-dimensional, fourth-dimensional, fifth-dimensional thinking, they're going ahead with it.
We're going to try to continue on as long as we can, and our work is more important now than it's ever been, thanks to all of your work promoting InfoWars and supporting us and everything you've done.
I want to encourage everybody not to wait and realize InfoWars needs support now more than ever, with three Democrat Party-funded lawsuits that start next week, trials, and all the attacks and everything that's going on.
If we get the funds, we'll continue to fight as hard as ever.
If not, I've left it all in the field, and I'll still be here in any capacity I can, but if you value InfoWars and this important mission, please visit InfoWarsStore.com right now and get incredible products like Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
It's the highest level concentrate of curcuminoid, the active ingredient in turmeric, that just does incredible things for your immune system, for your metabolism, for your inflammation, for your joints.
It really is the best turmeric out there.
InfoWarStore.com is 25% off for a limited time.
We've already sold about half of what came in, and that's what's keeping us on air.
Also, we have DietForce, the latest product, with a new line called X7, next level, of a bunch of other great known herbal extracts that speed up the metabolism in a natural, healthy way and gives you a really good, clean burst of energy.
I want to thank everybody for getting DietForce.
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Sevens, Diet Force, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, Ultra 12, X2 and more at InfoWarsTore.com.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The date is Thursday, July 21st, 2022.
I am your embattled host Alex Jones as we enter the operational phases of the New World Order global collapse and 90% force depopulation.
Many have chosen to lie to themselves and say this isn't happening.
Others have decided to fight and resist.
And still others have decided to join evil instead of stand against it due to their fear.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
I'll give the toll-free number out when we end this segment.
First-time callers, the first 20 or so calls, and we'll open it up for everybody after that, but first-time callers first.
On any of these huge issues, on Biden and his energy power grab that is just unprecedented, but the fact that they announced these executive orders but didn't sign them.
The report said they would be signing on yesterday, and he put the battle plan out that is so draconian it makes my head spin.
A true loaded gun to the country's head to cut off all energy exports, cut off oil drilling, ban all fossil fuel investment in the U.S.
Outside of law, the Supreme Court repudiated what the EPA was already doing this by fiat three weeks ago, but this was his response.
That's the big topic.
So many others.
To drill through and get through, and I never got these clips yesterday, but coming up we're going to get to them.
Booty Judge saying, hey, the head of the Department of Transportation, big deal we're going to ban your gas cars.
Yeah, we're doing this to make you transition.
And then out of the other side of his mouth, it's all the Russians.
That's why this happened.
Simply incredible.
Let's continue to drill into this.
Biden vows to bypass Congress to combat the climate crisis.
And then this morning, President Biden tested positive for COVID-19 for the third time despite four shots, if you believe that.
Twice boosted.
That's two shots and then two boosters.
President Biden tested positive for COVID-19.
Confirmed tennis legend.
Djokovic won't compete in the US Open due to Biden's discriminatory vaccination policy.
So you gotta have the experimental shot or you can't come here.
Democrat House Majority Leader refuses to commit to supporting Biden's 2024 bid.
Steny Hoyer.
They are getting ready to move old pedo Joe, old pedo Peter out of there and in Kamala Harris.
And whoever she appoints to be a VP.
The smart money is on Michael Obama.
Also known as Michelle Obama.
That's what Obama calls her in three videos.
So Michael Obama.
Stunning and brave.
Or Gavin Newsom.
And to help put pressure on Biden to move along, Feds eye criminal charges for Hunter Biden as probe reaches critical stage.
Oh, yeah, they suppress it for the election to get the puppet in, but now it's reached the critical stage.
And of course, you know, it's probably not probably most assuredly deep state elements that released his hacked phone to be the final blow or the finale or the coup de grace.
The Department of Justice is weighing possible charges against Hunter Biden after investigations into his business dealings and false statements involving his purchase of gun have reached a critical juncture, CNN reports.
Sources say the probe has intensified in recent months with discussions among Delaware-based prosecutors, investigators running the probe and officials of the Department of Justice headquarters.
Although final decision has been made, the possibility of dropping charges on Hunter Biden would put a longstanding guideline to avoid bringing politically sensitive cases to an election.
And it goes on from there.
So, they are moving Joe Biden out the door.
What do you think of that?
We'll be giving the toll-free number out here in just a moment.
And again, there's so much more to hit.
We have this video coming up.
Watch DIMMS openly admit gun confiscation will confiscate firearms in common use.
That's what their legislation does.
Ties into the assault weapons ban.
They're only a few votes away from getting.
And then meanwhile, Uvalde video shows cops holding back officer who wanted to save his wife from gunmen while they put hand sanitizer on and literally scratched their asses.
And we have this footage of man saves five kids from a burning building while the police and fire departments sit there with their thumbs in their rear ends as usual.
You're a bodega worker, if somebody's physically attacking you, you defend yourself, they try to put you in prison.
If your parent tries to go in to save your kids, you're bad.
While the bureaucrats, which is the police more and more, they're joining all the other bureaucrats, not all cops, but a lot of them, these leftist cities are just absolutely pathetic creatures that would sit there and watch their own children killed, quite frankly.
Because they love following orders, because they've been selected because they follow orders, they're just a Interim bridge to the robots running everything, who of course will follow all the New World Order's orders.
And then we've got Euro tumbles.
Got a bunch of economic news.
Spreads blow out as market realizes ECB's TBI.
Just another use for word salad.
Wait till we describe what that really means.
And Minnesota theater Caves to Woke Mob cancels Dave Chappelle, who I'd call a liberal and pretty damn leftist and a race baiter, though he's funny.
Because he said, hey, men are taking over women's spaces.
He's been attacked by a transgender now, and now they're getting him cancelled, because that's what the left does.
They will destroy all speech, ladies and gentlemen, until we have one or two state-run mouthpieces, literal Big Brother heads, on the television, on the telescreens, and popping up in forced feeds on our phones, barking their leftist orders at us 24-7.
Also, Vladimir Putin says humanity is entering a new era and a new stage of world history.
We'll be getting to that video and so much more today.
But the toll-free number to join us for first-time callers on the energy power grab, on the gun grab, on the collapsing borders, on the move to remove Biden, what's coming next, how do we peacefully fight back against the Great Reset, on the huge upheaval around the world against it.
A lot of big topics I'd like to hear from you on.
It's a free-for-all, as they say.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539, 877-789-alex, 877-789-2539, on this live, Thursday, worldwide broadcast.
2539 877 789 Alex 877 789 2539 on this live Thursday worldwide broadcast so
much more we're gonna be getting to here today as well that I've not even
mentioned or talked about but really the legislation to make the office of the
presidency a dictatorship for domestic military operations against quote
right-wing extremists that's just over-the-top huge that almost no one
else is covering that ties into the climate emergency powers being
announced by Biden but he didn't fully announce them though the document he put
out did he didn't fully put it into executive orders yet we promised in the
next few weeks so that's really a gun the American people's head or is he
waffling We will discuss all of it.
877-789-Alex on the other side.
And also, wait to hear what Klaus Schwab's up to yet again.
And you may have heard this before from Bill Gates, but blocking out the sun to save you and I. We'll be right back.
Infowars.com and Bandai Video.
Tomorrow's news today.
We long remember.
We've seen the end of the Clintons.
We'll soon see the end of the globalists.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
It's not true!
That's impossible!
Search your feelings.
This is the heart of 1776.
You're a white man!
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out of the way!
We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag.
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
I wanted the crew to air a promo from four years ago, five years ago, because we have to get ready for Trump to run for president.
He announced, as you know, Sunday that he is running.
So we told you it was coming in July.
It did.
He hasn't said when he's going to officially launch the campaign, but he said he's running.
That's like a Muhammad Ali says, yeah, I'm going to fight Joe Frazier.
The fight's on, they just haven't set the date yet.
So, it's going on.
And the left is going to go completely berserk yet again, but that's a whole other topic for another day.
You can call in about it if you'd like.
I have real mixed feelings about Trump.
He's done a lot of good things on the border, and the dollar, and standing up to China, and getting good Supreme Court justices.
Most of them are a lot better than Democrats.
We've got the Roe v. Wade thing out of it, but man, Did he screw the pooch when it came to the poison shots?
That's why I aired that little piece.
I had my own debate in my mind about it.
It's a real quandary.
But I got to tell you, a Trump-DeSantis ticket that I'd heard was going on behind the scenes, but Barnes isn't a BS-er when it comes to his political sources.
He told me the sources.
Of course, he obviously talks to Trump, but he talked to an individual that was there brokering the deal.
And I don't talk to Barnes a lot.
I've been so busy.
He's busy.
We talk maybe once a week about other topics.
I don't know why in the hell he didn't tell me that he said the specific inside details six months ago on the meeting with Trump and DeSantis where the deal was made.
Now, one of the two might change that deal down the road, but You notice Trump six months ago was bashing the Santas.
Now you don't see that happening anymore.
That is a pretty big deal, isn't it?
Globalist puppets in free fall worldwide.
Removal of Biden imminent.
Tune in as we debate what comes next.
It's going to be a big broadcast and we got your calls there on the board.
I already mentioned a lot of what we're going to be covering today, but in the interest
of taking calls, which I find are great wildcards, takes amazing directions, I'm going to go
ahead and go to the calls, the order that they are received.
Let's talk to a caller in California.
Let's talk to Jules.
Jules, welcome.
Yes, Jules, welcome.
Alex, how's it going, man?
I'm good.
I've been listening to you since I was 20 years old and a college student.
I was a design major at Art Institute at a time that was owned by Goldman Sachs, which was kind of unfortunate because I had a feeling they were taking our designs and our projects and works and sending them over to China.
But that's another topic.
My wife wants to say hello real quick.
Big fan of you guys.
God bless you.
We've, uh, we've laughed with you, we've cried with you, man, and it's so good to finally talk to you.
Um, but anyway, I'll get to the point.
Uh, what I was calling about was the, uh, the programs that they use for CNC machining and prototyping and all that stuff.
And in the midst of all this, uh, this kind of noose closing around the neck of the internet, um, it's going to be very hard in the future, um, to be able to download, you know, free files and stuff like that.
Like take the AR-15, right?
It's a very easy program to download for somebody to be able to make themselves.
And I think, um, Where they're going with these programs to where you can't outright buy them now.
You have to pay them monthly.
And that's kind of a sign, I think, to where it's going to where eventually they'll even try to regulate who can even own those programs.
Well, that's right.
They're putting surveillance and kill switches into all the new software.
And they're also, what they're doing is, you used to be able to pirate programs, you know?
And for a college student or someone who's just starting out, you know, who can't pay $30,000 for a program, like, is it technically, like, illegal?
Yeah, sure.
But, you know, it's a good way for someone who can't afford that to be able to get into that industry and get some practice.
And now you can't even download a cracked file because they've gotten so deep into the coding to where the computer will recognize it, you know?
And this could be with Photoshop or Illustrator, any of the main programs.
That's right.
That's what Matt Drudge was told by high-level folks six, seven years ago when he came here and visited us, was that it's all being engineered, and they now admit it, into the software.
And not just the software of the software, into all the different interfaces and other devices where they're all communicating with each other.
So what I think we should do to combat them is we have to, at some point, we have to kind of look like, you know, it's a building our own platform, but we need to, we need to, and this might sound a little, you know, I don't know, we just kind of need to steal it, you know?
We need to steal it from them.
They've already stolen so much from us, we need to take it in a way--
Well, I mean, it's a form of civil disobedience to do whatever you have to.
And I've talked to a lot of engineers and software developers,
I don't know all the details of it, I'm not a technical person,
but I understand the movements and what's happening.
That old tech particularly will be incredibly valuable in the future as people have to
basically retreat back to that, but then there'll be such value
in its communication systems, and that it's not being censored,
that it'll make it worth its weight in platinum.
Thank you so much, Jules.
Let's go ahead and make another call.
Let's talk to Randy in New Mexico.
Go ahead, Randy.
Alejandro, can you hear me?
I sure can.
Hey man, glad to get on here.
Been listening for about 10 years.
Appreciate you.
Appreciate you.
Hey, just was talking about, you know, thinking about these people you just mentioned, civil disobedience.
You know, these coal-fired plants and these pipelines.
You know, and I understand they're under public companies and boards and all that, but I think people just need to start doing what they do.
Flow the gas.
Run the coal plant.
Let's just do what we do.
They can't stop 300 million of us.
They can get me, they can get you, they can get Owen, they can get a couple of guys here and there, but they're not going to stop everyone.
And if everyone would just stick together, stop listening to the narrative, I agree, but that's why states like Texas are so important.
brotherhood and sisterhood and just rock and roll man. Just do what you do and keep living
your life.
I agree, but that's why states like Texas are so important.
Texas is one of the only states that's totally self-sufficient with water, with
energy, with transportation, with ports, and with railways. And that's why the globals are
targeting food and energy and infrastructure.
They admit they are destroying the old system to consolidate control, not to make a better system, but to build a nightmare civilization.
And they're, you know, our governor here I wasn't in the conversation, but I have heard that she told one of the power plants here in the state, do not do the rolling blackouts.
They were supposed to shut down in May.
And she told them, you keep going until after the election.
So there's something up.
You know, the election in November, she's up for Sir, what you heard through the grapevine is actually in the news.
It's come out with elections in Europe and elections here.
The Democrats have decided not to implement the whole green shutdown and new lockdowns that are planned till after the election.
So what you heard from someone that overheard the governor is admitted.
Yeah, and I just fear for what's going to happen, and that's why we need to just get ready.
You saw the video probably yesterday, the ATF or police over at the guy's house in Delaware.
Yeah, I meant to get to that.
In fact, guys, reprint the article and load that video.
We'll play it next segment.
Yeah, ATF, oh, you bought two guns.
Well, we're here to just check on you because you bought two guns.
They don't care about the border wide open, the coyotes, the mass murder, the human trafficking, all the doubling and tripling of homicides.
They're not in the gangbanger areas.
No, no.
They're worried about legal, lawful gun owners that buy guns.
God bless you, Randy.
All right, we're going to go on a break.
We'll play that clip, because I meant to get to that yesterday when we come back.
And we're going to go to Sonny, and we're going to go to Chelsea, and Parker, and Dee, and Jorge, and Ben, and John Doe, and everybody.
Welcome back to the most banned censored transmission on earth.
I'm your host Alex Jones, powered by your prayer, your word of mouth and your support.
Thank you for being here.
You know, I'm going to start the next hour on self-defense and do part of a segment on it.
I want to go right back to your calls right now.
We'll continue on after I do this.
Man receives warrantless ATF visit for purchasing more than two guns at a time?
Gosh, I can't go to a gun store and not buy two or three guns.
I just love them.
They're amazing.
How is that criminal?
And that ties in to all the gun grabbing and announcements of gun banning that the Democrats are making.
Yeah, hey Alex.
God bless you.
the article, I had it right here, you guys pull that clip if you haven't already done
it, of Dems in Congress admit that they will confiscate many types of firearms.
Man, this is coming in so quick, I can't even keep track of this anymore.
But right now, let's go back to your phone calls and the order they were received.
Let's talk to Dee in Texas.
Dee, go ahead.
Yeah, hey Alex.
God bless you.
Anyways, I live in Texas here and I've been watching this high pressure dome sitting over
us for, what, two months now?
And maybe it'll move a little bit west, but always seem to come back.
And, I don't know, I just think it's artificially manipulated, you know, with all the HAARP stuff they got going on.
And, you know, then that climate change hour came on and started ticking off all the climate change problems that they're having.
And she mentioned the heat dome over Texas, you know.
It's just, uh, I just wanted to bring that to mind and just let everybody know to question everything at this point, because they got the technology to do all this.
Well, sir, it's not your opinion that there's a major weather modification going on.
The UN has treaties on it.
The CIA director under Obama admitted they were doing it.
They're able to weaponize with the Doppler radar, which is really a HARP array, those systems.
WEF, World Economic Forum, says block out the sun with space bubbles launched into orbit.
They announced that two days ago.
And of course, that's something Bill Gates has been pushing as well.
But I totally agree with you.
But here's the deal.
They're able to make it not rain.
That's their biggest thing.
A lot of these droughts are man-made.
And they also cut off the water everywhere the Democrats and Globals are in control, whether it's here, Europe,
They're taking the cows away, everything else.
But, Texas is not the hottest it's ever been, and the UK is not the hottest, so they also lie and create that
Thanks for the call, Dee. Great points.
Chelsea in Florida. You're on the air, Chelsea.
Hi, Alex. I just want to tell you how much I love Brain Force and Super Female Vitality. Every time I take it, I
can beat my fiancé in chess.
And I'm really excited to try the diet pills you got coming out.
I ordered three bottles.
So, ready to get into Conqueror Christ shape for what's going down.
Well, thank you, beautiful, for doing that.
You know, I've lost almost 40 pounds taking DietForce that came in the samples three months ago, and it's a very good, natural, key, concentrated compound.
Just like bodies, it's concentrated turmeric.
This has a bunch of, I'm not going to spend time on it, but go to MFORESTORE.com and look at the compounds we've got and know those are concentrates.
It really works.
Yeah, they're beautiful, and we can definitely tell the product quality.
It's amazing.
But I just say I hope they take out Biden and I hope this nation can kind of get that testosterone energy back and just say no and slide DeSantis on in and just we got to pray that that happens like we need the revival.
How they're trying to break everybody worldwide under the W.E.F.
And they say they're trying to break us to get control of us.
Well, as long as we expose they're the ones doing it, it'll all backfire on them.
And that's happening right now.
And so we're at an extremely important crossroads.
You're right.
Fighting back only makes us more free.
Submitting only makes us more enslaved.
So there's really no choice.
Yeah, absolutely.
And it's really sad.
Like, the normies really just are about to get the rug pulled under them.
I ask people my age, I'm around 28, I'm like, hey, what would you do if you just wake up and couldn't get money out of the ATM?
They look scared.
They don't even want to talk to me after that question.
So, people need to grow a backbone and, yep, that's all I wanted to share the message.
Pray to God and pray for the spiritual awakening.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's go to Jorge in Wyoming.
Jorge, welcome.
Well, Alex, before I get to Joe Biden and energy, for those in Texas who are interested in weather modification, you can look up the West Texas Weather Modification Association, along with the South Texas Weather Modification Association.
They sell it as cloud seeding to produce more rain, but as you just talked about, as other callers over the years, other guests have talked about, it's really more drought-inducing type of condition.
Which is happening all over the Southwest, including here in Wyoming.
Now, if you would have war-gamed this properly, Alejandro, if you would have war-gamed this correctly, it would have been the neoconservatives in charge of this takeover.
What I mean, you have Antifa a couple of years ago attacking, burning down, setting on fire buildings in Portland, federal courthouses, correct?
You had the summer of rage last year.
It would have been easier to sell to the public, similar to 9-11, those types of actions to try to put forth this World Economic Forum type of future.
Instead, you have incompetent leaders really moving this forward, which is awakening people at a quicker and quicker rate.
at a rate they probably weren't expecting. So they didn't war game this correctly and I'm fearful
that they're gonna like a terrible gambler they're gonna double they're gonna triple
they're gonna chase until all hell breaks loose. I totally agree with you because they think
that they are immune because the public's so stupid and the public's not stupid they're ill-informed.
And that's why they want broadcasts like this off the air, because if we can identify this
as part of a master plan and show where they admitted, it's game over for them.
Thank you so much, sir. All right. Let's take another call.
Let's talk to Sonny in North Carolina.
Alex, it's an honor to speak with you.
I just want to point out real quick to all the vaccine injured veterans. As a veteran myself,
I didn't take vaccine but I experienced the coercion that they used.
They can file a claim for compensation under Title 38 U.S.C. 1151.
If we get enough claims, we can release that data out.
So they need to go ahead and file a claim.
And by the way, it was people complaining in the military that stopped the last two rounds of anthrax shots that the government admits killed 23,000 troops.
And the troops being tested on was the beta test for us and the deadly COVID shot.
Yes, sir.
We need them to file a claim under Title 38 U.S.C.
And I'd also like to shout out Feds for Medical Freedom.
Very few federal employees fighting for medical freedom.
And that's it.
That's all I wanted to do, Ryan.
Thank you.
Thank you for a clean-due job, Alex.
Brother, I'm trying hard. I really appreciate you and God bless you, Sonny.
Thanks for calling and holding. All right, I got to tell you, we've turned the corner
here in the last few months. When I take calls, I'm actually getting a lot of calls.
But he mentioned the vaccine news. I mean, it's unbelievable. I've got to hit this.
I've got to hit the self-defense issues. And Congress admitted they're coming to
confiscate the guns. It's not just Beto O'Rourke saying it.
So that's coming up.
But let me talk about something really important here for your own life and for our operation
as well.
We have a big special running right now that is only going to run for two weeks and that is the complete toothpaste line of high quality organic essential oil infused fluoride free toothpaste.
All three of the great brands we have all three of the great formulas for 50% off together Or 40% off individually, in the case of the Activated Charcoal Toothpaste, in the case of the Super Silver Tooth Whitening Toothpaste, Super Coral Calcium Toothpaste that is just amazing.
But everybody wanted it, and it's back.
The original Super Blue Toothpaste, limited run, at infowarestore.com.
And while you're there, please get an Alex Jones is Right t-shirt to help fund the operation.
That is a fundraiser shirt, both the designer one and the regular one.
They're both excellent.
And while you're there, get Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
And of course, while you're there, get the new DietForce X7 product that has all these natural concentrates to raise not just your metabolic rate, not just your system, but also your immune system as well.
But as we age, our metabolism slows down and the natural healthy compounds in DietForce help Turn that up and accelerate in a healthy way.
It's a very popular product out of the gates.
Can't wait to hear your reviews.
I know I've lost 39 pounds.
I haven't weighed in about a week, probably more now.
Still too big.
But diet force was the deciding factor the last three months because we had samples in of it.
So diet force also available.
But all three of the toothpaste, 50% off.
Or individually, 40% off.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to thank you all for keeping us on air with your funding.
We are fighting the globalists at point blank range and have reached the critical part of our mission.
Also, the new film is on pre-sale.
Alex's War.
Infowarstore.com Mark in Florida, you're on the air. Alex, thank you for
taking my call.
First time caller, long time listener.
I'm a self-employed 66-year-old senior who last November moved from the suburbs of Detroit to leave the Nazi governor.
Moved to the panhandle of Florida.
At the time, my family and friends thought I'd lost my mind.
They no longer think that way, but at the time, they did.
And I want to say, God bless you.
Stay on the air.
The devil is a liar.
I'm going to plug one of your products.
I listen all the time, and I heard this guy talking about the iodine supplement, X2, saying, well, he's been taking it, and his memory's getting better, and he's having dreams.
And I'm like, yeah, maybe.
So I had to go back to Michigan for three weeks for business.
I came back, and for a week, I had massive sinus headache, massive sinus condition, and a earache that was driving me nuts.
I said, you know what?
I just got it.
Two days later, earache was gone.
Sinuses were cleared.
No headaches.
I couldn't believe it.
This stuff is real.
It works.
So anyways, I want to thank you for all that.
$14 billion.
That is just about exhausted.
In fact, we started our assistance to Ukraine before this war began.
We sent Ukraine more security assistance last year.
$650 million in weapons, including anti-air and anti-armor equipment, before the invasion.
More than we had ever provided before.
And once the war started, we immediately rushed $350 million in additional aid to further address their needs.
On Saturday, My administration authorized another $200 million to keep a steady flow of weapons and ammunition moving to Ukraine.
I'm especially pleased to be able to announce today that the United States will provide an additional $1 billion security assistant package for Ukraine.
Democrats demand $650 billion.
See how it escalates?
It's 60-something million now, and now it's going to be 650 million?
Why not?
And then you've got Mitt Romney and Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden and all these people, Republican and Democrat leaders, who are warmongers, the neocons.
Whose families run the damn companies, the media, the energy, the transportation, the shipyards, everything.
The looting is incredible, and again, they're inflating the currency, but they buy up real stuff as it's inflated, then they pass us the debt and the devaluation.
I mean, wow, that is a whopper.
This is an extremely, extremely dangerous situation that we are in right now.
The good news is, all over the world people are identifying the globalist plan to collapse the economy by design in their own statements.
What can we do together to avert a global food catastrophe?
To start, we have to understand the forces that have led us to this current precipice, the most existential of which is climate change.
And the fact that they have put their politicians and controllers in In every major government except for Communist China and Russia.
What we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, that we penetrate the cabinets.
Klaus Schwab and the New World Order brag that they have control of half of the parliaments Half of the cabinets and governments in the world are getting control of another 30-40%.
They are close to having 80-90% control over governments in the world.
And they brag they are the corporate global governance.
We are making you sell your farms and taking your cows.
How dare you riot in the Netherlands?
Well, Dutch farmers now are getting angry every day more.
Government is not listening.
And what we are fearing for is we have to leave our land.
And that's also a deeper agenda behind it.
In Holland, they just want to have farmer's land.
62% of the area in Holland is farmed by farmers.
And what they want to do is they want to have the land cheap.
So they're making it nature first.
And when they have the land in their hands, they can build houses on it.
Houses we don't need by Dutch citizens.
Because average Dutch couple is getting 1.8, 1.9 kids.
So what's the problem of the Demand for houses that we get 100,000 refugees in this country every year.
That's why they have to build houses.
So you decide, ladies and gentlemen.
Do you want to roll over to this or do you want to get involved?
But now is the time to realize we're entering the 12th round right now
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what you need to listen to Alex Jones
In for worse If you don't watch it, you're gonna end up like Jason Adderley's boy.
Deal me out this hand, Jason.
I'm about to bust.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was the bathroom.
Oh, good lord!
Manipulate scientific data.
Take over.
World government.
Shut down infrastructure.
Give everything to China.
Look at this person.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Your calls are 60 seconds out.
Stand by.
Globalist puppet leaders of the New World Order, WEF Takeover, are resigning all over the world and now the knives are out for Joe Biden to bring in Kamala Harris and then Michael Obama or Gavin Newsom.
We're taking your phone calls on that subject here in this hour.
But right now, I want to hit this story before we go to your calls, this whole group of stories that tie together.
There's an article up on InfoWars.com that has a condensed group of videos that's over an hour long total of the Democrat leadership admitting that, yeah, what we're doing is going to ban and confiscate a lot of your guns.
Dems openly admit gun control bill will confiscate firearms in quote common use.
That ties into this next video.
Man receives warrantless ATM visit for purchasing more than two guns at a time.
And the list goes on and on.
US man saves five kids from fire.
Netizens support him on GoFundMe.
The fire department and police just stood there.
But that's an example of Of what we're talking about.
You know, I didn't play the video a few days ago.
I should have, but it was a man collapses at the convenience store behind the counter.
So everybody starts climbing over and robbing the place because he's collapsed.
Just no caring about our fellow humans.
Politicians have protection.
They have armed guards.
They don't want us to have our own bodies to be able to guard ourselves.
And they're demonizing the man.
At the latest mass shooting where he's only able to kill two people because a man with a gun at the grocery store shot him and stopped him.
They're demonizing the man that did that.
They're talking about a presidential ticket of Kyle Rittenhouse and this latest individual who I'd love to get on the show, by the way.
Crew trying to get him on.
But here is just a few clips from the article we mentioned with Democrat leaders, Nadler and others,
saying the quiet part out loud. The Assault Weapons Ban Act would prohibit the sale,
manufacture, transfer, or possession of semi-automatic assault weapons and large
capacity ammunition feeding devices. At the same time, it grandfathers existing semi-automatic
assault weapons and contains numerous protections for law enforcement and responsible gun owners,
such as hunters, gun collectors, farmers, sport shooters, and those who use firearms for self-defense.
We will undoubtedly hear a variety of arguments from our Republican friends opposed to taking these deadly weapons off our streets.
But it is important to consider today's debate in the context of our other efforts to address the violence plaguing our communities.
Time and again, Democrats have advanced responsible gun safety legislation only to face Republican opposition marching in lockstep with the extreme agenda of the gun industry.
I now recognize the Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee, the gentleman from Ohio, Mr. Jordan, for his opening statement.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I think in your opening statement you used the phrase, Republicans opposed it, I think seven times if I counted accurately.
The reason we opposed it is because all those pieces of legislation were a direct violation of the Second Amendment.
The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Plain and simple.
It doesn't say the right to keep and bear muskets shall not be infringed.
It doesn't say shall not be infringed unless Democrats say this weapon looks so scary we have to get rid of it.
It doesn't say that at all.
It says shall not be infringed.
We said this in the last markup on legislation where the Democrats were trying to infringe on Americans, law-abiding Americans, Second Amendment liberties.
We said the Democrats' beef is with the Second Amendment.
If you want to change the Second Amendment, if you want to get rid of the Second Amendment, go try a constitutional amendment.
See how far you get with that.
But instead, no, you come with these pieces of legislation.
If this legislation becomes law, millions, millions of firearms that Americans legally own today will be illegal.
Under this bill, if you give one of those legally owned firearms to a family member or a friend or a neighbor, you could end up in federal prison for five years if you don't go through an FFL for a background check.
Elijah Dickens is the man at the mall after the crazed lunatic shot two people, reportedly planning to shoot more.
He shot him.
With 8 out of 10 shots at 40 plus feet away.
22-year-old Elijah Dickens, neutralized mass shooter.
15 seconds into the attack.
It's not guns, it's bad people.
Bad people with guns versus good people with guns.
That cliche is absolutely true.
Here is a clip of the man receives warrantless ATF visit for purchasing more than two guns at a time in Delaware.
Here it is.
All I'm doing is verifying that you have it.
You got two different purchases.
If you have them, I'm out of here.
That's how quick it is.
Do you have them with you by any chance?
I don't think so.
If you can unload them and bring them out or you can go out to your foyer here, check them out by your number and we're out of here.
Like this?
That's it, it'll take five seconds.
The reason we're out here is we're obviously gun violence has been an uptick so we want to make sure we don't have a lot of issues with shop purchases.
So one of the things we indicate is that we get it if somebody makes a large gun purchase.
And then a lot of times we've been there like, oh those guns got tooken.
We're like, So the idea is when you purchase more than two guns at a
time it generates a multiple sale report.
He comes to us and we have to check him out.
That's all that is.
He did nothing wrong.
Did absolutely zero.
I noticed that you were stopped in Philly though right?
With one of your guns.
So I was in a gun shop six months ago at a range, the range in Austin, great folks.
And I was buying a deer rifle and I just couldn't help myself and I bought a handgun and a shotgun.
And when I was doing the background check, it kept stopping me with all these names of different people.
And the same thing happened a year ago when I was at Cabela's buying shotguns.
Bird hunting shotguns.
And it did the same thing where it said, well, do you know this Jones or that Jones?
Are you buying the gun for this person, that person?
No, I'm buying them for me.
But the point is, that's these databases, that's how this works, and now they're adding the whole red flag situation to it.
They don't want the Dickens of the world out there stopping criminals.
Here's a video out of Lafayette, Indiana.
A man saves five kids from fire.
That isn't to support him on GoFundMe.
He runs in and saves multiple kids.
There's another upstairs in the burning house.
He runs up in the house and jumps out the window with the child.
Now compare this video we're about to air to, and I've now watched the hour plus video.
It's so shameful.
You can't believe it.
It's on InfoWars.com.
I was put up there for four days.
They released the surveillance footage.
From Uvalde, inside the school, where the police sit around and scratch their butts, talk on their phones, use hand sanitizer, they're all wearing gloves and masks.
What a pathetic group of people.
These are bureaucrats, not police officers, not warriors, not defenders.
But here is a warrior, here is a patriot, willing to lay down his life for others.
We salute this person.
Here it is.
So for radio listeners, the house looks like a Roman candle.
Guys, a six-year-old girl and a 23-year-old male miss clarific in the house somewhere.
What do you got?
Six-year-old female and a 22-year-old male, possibly inside.
So for radio listeners, the house looks like a Roman candle.
It's engulfed in flame.
Guys, come here.
Come here.
And a citizen goes in and saves multiple children while the fire department assesses the situation instead of going in.
And then the citizen runs back in and saves another child.
And then runs back in and goes in and saves more.
Come with me, man.
Come with me.
That's the type of men we need.
That rush towards the danger, not away from it, and then evil won't have a place in this country or this world.
I'm surprised they didn't.
Firefighters are great on average, but I'm surprised they didn't arrest him.
If George Soros ran that town, they would.
What, you took an initiative?
You went and saved three, four children?
The pizza delivery guy saves five kids.
Excuse me, I said three.
The number is so insane.
From burning house.
The house is completely engulfed in flame.
He goes and saves four.
One is stuck upstairs.
God knows where the parents are.
And he jumps out the window with the four-year-old.
And we're waiting for the left to attack him like they did.
Is Nick Bostic.
Doing his job.
He should be the police chief or the fire chief, not a pizza delivery man.
Lord, I can't change.
I can't support pedophilia.
I can't eat the bugs.
I can't worship the devil.
I can't say men can have babies.
I can't say that Biden's my president.
I'm gonna fly.
Fly a free bird.
And I've experienced the power of humanity.
I've experienced the power of the individual.
I've experienced God's will and destiny in 28 years on air.
We've changed the world together.
We've done incredible things.
So as rough as things are, remember, God's in control.
And things only get worse when we submit to Satan.
They only get better when we call Jesus into the game.
They say, God, I'm weak.
I'm a sinner.
But I'm reaching out to you.
I'm asking you to take my hand and lead God and direct me.
And you're going to feel that hand come right in there and grab yours.
And then it all changes.
But you've got to follow the directives.
I'm telling myself that.
When I point my fingers at you, all those others are pointing right back at me.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm taking your phone calls right now.
So many different topics to cover.
Hey Alex, big fan over here man.
God bless you.
John Doe we're going to go to in a moment.
We got a bid in Oregon on health infrastructure for illegal immigrants, bankrupt the country.
We got so many calls here.
Let's go to him.
Let's talk to a caller in Florida.
Let's talk to John Doe.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, big fan over here, man.
God bless you.
I got a, I have a little thing that I noticed that I'd like to share with you and your followers.
I'd like you all to go onto YouTube and look up a retired SWAT officer weighs in on you
all day video.
His name is Jared Reston.
And if you look closely at him, you'll notice that this is the same actor who played Steven Paddock's brother, a.k.a.
Eric Paddock, during the Vegas shooting.
And this is a, I don't know if it's like a deep state mix up or, um, I don't know what it is, but he looks very, very similar and I would like everyone to check it out and see for themselves.
Alright, you wanted to talk about the Uvalde shooting.
You know, here's the deal, brother.
A lot of folks think I'm Bill Hicks, because other than the fact that I have dirty blonde hair and he had dark brown hair, we look somewhat alike.
I guess Hicks is Welsh, Jones is Welsh.
I've been to the Welsh areas of England, and it's surprising how many people look like me.
I guess those genetics are very expressive, but I look like my dad.
He looks like his ancestors.
People think I'm Bill Hicks.
I just don't know who this person is.
I don't know where he's specifically getting at.
They just put him on screen.
I think they did.
But I know this.
The police did stand down for 77 minutes.
That alone is why we should have guns, an example of how corrupt these systems are, how they've advertised the public schools, this crazy person, shoot-em-up zones.
What else do you think about the Evaldi shooting?
Uh, I honestly think that it's all bullshit.
I think that if you look at these videos and a lot of Sandy Hook, and I know you got some flack, you got some shit for it, but... You just cussed twice.
I gotta let you go, brother.
Listen, we're on over 400 radio stations.
We can't have cussing.
One time I can do it, we gotta delay it.
Next time you do it, we gotta let you go, okay?
I appreciate your call.
Alright, let's go ahead and talk to Ben in Oregon.
Ben, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
First-time caller, long-time listener.
I just wanted to call on the Oregon Free Health Insurance for illegals.
I just got a memo in the email the other day.
I'm an insurance agent here.
I've been working insurance for a while.
Yeah, they're giving illegals free health insurance.
That just started this month here in Oregon.
Also, I wanted to mention the Obamacare, of course.
It's like doubled the prices of everything and tripled it.
Since I've been working on this.
And recently they actually made the Obamacare special enrollment period for gay people and transgender and everything as well.
And remember Obama said it would lower your insurance rate for the cost of a phone or cable bill.
Oh yeah, that's a big lie.
Also, I wanted to mention, on the gun violence you were talking about, the Second Amendment bill, I mean, here in Oregon they have Initiative 17 they're trying to get through, and they're having pastors push this thing, trying to take our guns.
I couldn't believe it.
Oh yeah, that's the clergy response teams, the big Rockefeller organizations, the World Council of Churches, the ecumenical movement, they have most of the churches on board with the transgenderism, the open borders, the gun control, all of it.
Yeah, that's an article on K2.com here in Oregon.
You can check that out.
What's the headline on it?
Let me check real quick.
It's Oregon voters to decide gun control measure.
All right.
Thank you so much, Ben.
Thanks for calling.
Really appreciate you.
All right.
Let's take another caller from Parker in Iowa.
Parker, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I'm a long-time listener, first-time caller.
I reside in Iowa.
I'm 17 years old.
I work for a retail chain.
We sell everything.
Over the last four months of me working there, I've noticed people showing up, you know, like illegal immigrants.
They come in.
They have little kids speak for them.
They just, they treat me like I'm a, honestly, a human garbage can.
They, they're very entitled.
They, they can't speak English and they come in with Big wads of cash and every time I see them they're in the exact same clothes.
They drive really nice cars and it's just really sad to watch our country.
It's called the cartels and you know they've got warehouses of enslaved illegals that they're milking and enslaving and controlling with the Democrats placing them for pedophilia, sex trafficking, slave labor, sweatshops.
I mean this is really evil.
It's like all being nice and liberal, let all the people in.
No, they're being let in to be oppressed.
I'll assure you, 99% of the people that are pouring across that border are desperate and are slaves.
But the ones you're seeing are cartel members, are MS-13, are operatives, are God's children as Pelosi called them.
I totally agree with you, Alex.
They come in, they really do treat me like I'm human garbage.
They don't talk nice.
They yell at their kids.
I watched one older gentleman slap his kid upside the head because he said something wrong.
They abuse their children, and I honestly don't think that they are their children.
I totally agree.
That's right.
No, they kidnap the children as they're getting out of jail free card.
That's on record.
Very true.
Very true.
When COVID first started, I was going They offered me to go on a virtual campus and I chose it because I've never really enjoyed the high school with all the shootings.
And I went into it and they come to my house to check on me every so often.
They came to me in October of last year and offered me the vaccine without my mother's knowledge.
Totally against her wishes.
She already told them I didn't want it and they tried to manipulate me into getting it.
Amazing, sir.
God bless you and I appreciate your call, Parker.
All right.
We're going to take more calls when we come back.
Jim and others, get ready.
And then... Suddenly, mainstream media all over the news says serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs, don't work.
Talk about...
More coins in the Patriots for right jar.
That's all coming up.
And we're going to get more into what I haven't covered yet.
The incredible developments on the poison shot front and the new lockdowns that are coming.
And then I'll go right back to your calls.
So get ready for that here today.
But I told you a lot of calls today.
We're taking your calls at 877-789-2539.
at 877-789-2539, 877-789-ALEX.
It is the July 21st Thursday transmission.
Infowars.com is the front lines of the battle for human liberty and the fight against the reset.
Tomorrow's news today.
It's being announced all over the world.
Governments outlawing most of the farming that's going on and offering to buy up the land and sell it to multinational corporations.
The UK government, UK Government openly has put out a press release, gov.uk, how to apply for a loan-sum payment to leave or retire from farming.
It's all coming up here today.
Next segment, I'll get to the serotonin reuptake inhibitors they admit don't work, and the poison shots and the latest developments that are so huge, the new lockdowns they're announcing.
But right now, let's just go through a bunch of your calls.
These are really amazing points, amazing callers that are coming into the show.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jim in Michigan with the gun grab.
Yeah, it's Associated Press admits it'll ban semi-autos.
Democrats admit it'll ban most guns.
Wow, they are really, really pushing it, aren't they?
Well, you know Alex, I think it's all involved with taking farmers' land.
It's going to start in Europe and then it's going to come here.
And I'll tell you what, Michigan's a farming state.
We go out, we deer hunt, we fish.
You know, it ain't gonna go over as easy.
And it's a gorgeous state.
It's so gorgeous.
Yeah, a lot of the elitist up in Traverse City, Lake Michigan, kind of like the Riviera of the Midwest up there.
You know, beautiful.
But anyways, you know, the gun debate, I mean, it all just goes down to 1776 will commence again if you try and take our firearms, okay?
I mean, that's just as simple as that, you know?
I just wish the elite would take their billions and take their fiat currency and take their little money and their, you know, screwed up ideas and just get an island somewhere and get out of my face.
Because your odds are about 7 billion to 1.
If humanity pushed up against you elitists, your odds are 7 billion to 1.
And we have to get lucky one time.
You have to get lucky every time.
You know what I'm saying?
I agree with you, but they've got a lot of bravado, a lot of chutzpah.
How do you see all this unfolding?
Well, they're going to have, before they kick Biden out, they're going to have him sign some kind of crazy gun ban law, you know.
Oh, they're going to have him sign everything.
Martial law bills, gun confiscation, energy shutdowns.
It's all being announced.
It's not like it's our speculation now.
Yeah, well, good luck getting my guns because, all right, we know what's going on.
We know who you are.
And when the guy comes up and knocks on my door, you know, I might give him all my guns.
I might have one buried away somewhere.
But that next day, I'm not going to go after the guy that, you know, had the kids at home just doing it just just to survive.
You know, if this was Minecraft, if I was playing a game of Minecraft, I'd go after the head of the snake.
And that's what's going to happen.
And I think there's enough people out there that have Christmas lists and Know who to point the guns at and know who to point the triggers at.
They're going to go take care of some business.
at and pull the triggers, they're going to go take care of some business.
Because this is ridiculous.
America has their, there's 330 million people in America that have their BS detectors going
off right now.
Oh, the BS stickers are beyond going off.
I want to try to fix this peacefully, brother, but they're spawning for a war.
Let's just hope for peace, prepare for war, and hope that they back down.
I appreciate your call, Jim.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dragos in Georgia.
You're on the air.
This is Jim.
It's a pleasure speaking to you, man.
First time caller.
I've been listening to you for 20 years of my life.
I just wanted to touch base with the past callers from Poland and other countries.
I was born in Romania and we came here after the revolution, after supposedly Ceausescu was shot and his family fled to Argentina.
And I wanted to let the American people know that this is real.
This country is going to come back to a full circle from what we left.
You know, um, my family, um, we, we, we left that country just because, uh, my father used to explain to me that we used to get tickets of how many eggs we could, uh, eat or, uh, the, the government could give us if, um, if our shoes happened to be broken or ripped or whatever, that we would have to go physically and the state would give us a new pair of shoes.
And I see this country coming back to a full circle and I hope American people wake up to this.
Well, absolutely.
And the IMF and World Bank, so the WEF is running all this, they admit they are.
And so they cut off the energy and then make you go to a digital QR code for your food and energy and housing rationing.
That's what the CDC was getting ready.
You're absolutely right.
And for folks that lived in Cuba or lived in Eastern Europe under the Soviets, you guys are some of the best people we've got.
In fact, I welcome people brown, black, white, you name it.
That have experienced tyranny and came here knowing what it was.
You're the best people we've got.
I don't say that to kiss your ass, Dragos.
It's true.
The most awake people are Polish immigrants and Romanian and Hungarian immigrants and Cuban immigrants who lived through this hell and they know what they're seeing because you've had the life experience.
Absolutely, I completely agree.
You know, we definitely are, you know, from a different country, but this is our home now.
So we have to uphold by the Constitution and completely eliminate all the, you know, the people that are completely against it.
And how I grew up here in this country made me realize what we left and what we have.
You know, it's not about the materialistic things, but it brought us closer to God, to this country, and it definitely opened up our eyes that Wow, I can't believe my parents, my father even went to jail because he was trying to flee that country.
God bless your father.
God bless your father, Dragos.
Thank you.
In fact, I keep meaning to do this and I don't do it.
We should do a whole show or a group of shows just taking calls from immigrants that left tyranny and why you came here and what you see happening.
Those are the most amazing calls.
I think the listeners all agree.
Dragos' call was powerful.
Let's play that clip out of Sri Lanka.
For radio listeners, I'll try to narrate it, but here it is.
People pulling into a gas station.
They're being rationed down.
It is a few gallons a week.
The QR code, again, puts you on the system.
This is why the IMF and World Bank, through the WEF, collapsed the country by design.
Now everyone's being forced onto this permanent system to track and trace everything they do and restrict their movement.
Absolutely incredible.
All right, we're going to go to break, and we're going to come back and take a ton of calls.
And then next hour, I'm going to hit the vaccine news and the SSRI news that is the biggest yet.
I mean, really, it just gets crazier every day.
I get up here and I don't just say today's the biggest news in this topic and then a week later it's the biggest ever now.
It's all moving so quick.
You know I'm not hyping that.
You know.
You're experiencing it.
I've got to say this.
I'm not a weak person.
I think I'm pretty strong.
And I don't know how to describe the feeling I've got now as a father at 48 with four children and as the creator of this movement against the new world order.
It's sadness, is the feeling, but also frustration that everything we said now happened.
And there's this feeling of doom.
And there's all these idiots following satanic orders going along with this when there's no reason to destroy your own self-interest, your own self-preservation instincts.
But the whole New World Order is about going against your instincts, going against common sense, going against your very life force.
And it's frustrating.
Several big points.
We are self-funded by you.
We're very humble and thankful for your support and that you've commissioned us in this fight.
We try to sell high quality products that are high rated, that are quality, so that you'll want to order them again.
And we've done a big inventory and looked at, because I'm the guy running this place and that's good and bad, of what do we have that'll fund the operation that's high quality.
We have all three of the toothpaste, the activated charcoal, the super coral calcium whitening toothpaste, and you asked for it, it's back, super blue, the original.
All these are 50% together, or 40% off individually, and that funds our operation.
And we're doing all this as a clearance, even though these are good sellers.
We have to have the money in here now, so please go to InfoWarsTore.com and get the Trifecta pack or get them individually or get the combo pack at InfoWarsTore.com.
Also, the new film ships on the 29th, Alex's War.
It's amazing.
I didn't make it, but it's amazing.
So you have the DVD in your archive.
It can't be censored.
Get 2,000 mules with a discount as well.
Or my other films we sell are the films I made.
And don't forget, Body's Ultimate Tumor Formula is back in stock.
The new product, Diet Force.
I'm still astonished that some folks, and I felt this satisfying in Congress yesterday, some folks seem to really struggle to let go of the status quo.
The average household uses 17% of their electricity for air conditioning.
And that would mean the average household uses 1,870 kilowatt hours per year for air conditioning.
If that average household plugged in electric cars, do you know how much more electricity they would use in comparison to the air conditioning that air conditions their whole house?
No, but again, I would emphasize it will be less energy overall.
Let me help you with that first before we go on, because the numbers are important.
It would take four times as much electricity to charge the average household's cars as the average household uses on air conditioning.
Do you think that could be, so if we reach the goal by 2030 that Biden has of 50% adoption instead of 100% adoption, that means the average household would use twice as much electricity charging one of their cars as they would use for all of the air conditioning that they use for the entire year.
Of course, the more pain we are all experiencing from the high price of gas, the more benefit there is for those who can access electric vehicles.
This afternoon, the Secretary General and Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, will witness the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on a strategic partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum, which outlines areas of cooperation to deepen engagement between the two institutions and to jointly accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
But 2030 doesn't exist for the New York Times.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Let's take your phone calls.
Lisa in Maine, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I wouldn't even know about you if my roommate hadn't turned me on to your show 12 years ago and I can't believe how stupid I was before I started listening to you.
I have a couple of points I wanted to bring up.
I think That the Supreme Court actually really overstepped their bounds when they wouldn't let Wren Paul speak about the Constitution.
Our Constitution was written for a reason, to give us free speech, give us the right to carry arms, to bear arms, to protect ourselves, and they're just trying to wipe everything out.
As far as the electric car goes, if they turn off the power, where are you going to go?
How are you going to get your car going?
I'm just so Well, I'm in the Supreme Court.
up in the air about what to do.
I don't understand why we aren't even considering a class action suit against the government.
As far as Kamala Harris...
Well, I mean, the Supreme Court...
Get back to Kamala Harris.
The Supreme Court ruled three weeks ago, Biden and the EPA can't do this, but they're still
So that's a great point you raised.
The Supreme Court, forget a lawsuit, I'm not saying you're wrong, because that's the lowest level of it.
The highest level has already said no, which is a common sense thing.
And again, they're cutting electrical output for the U.S.
It's going down while they want to make everybody go to electric cars, which the average person can't afford.
And if the battery blows up because of subsidies, the average electric car Cost less than the actual batteries that are in it.
So they're just getting us in a totally dependent place.
They're cutting off the energy, both oil and systems that create and generate electricity, which is also fossil fuel.
All they tell us is a transition.
It's not.
It's a collapse.
It's a shutdown.
Back to Kamala Harris.
And Kamala Harris, she is Egyptian and Indian.
And they're talking about getting Joe Biden out of office and putting her in.
She's not.
And I thought the President had to be American.
Don't get me wrong.
She had a .9%, less than 1% approval rating with whites and Hispanics in Gallup polls when she was running for President.
She had a .4% with blacks.
No, she's not black.
Nothing against Indians.
Nothing against Egyptians.
But the whole thing is, to say you're black is like Pocahontas, you know, Senator Warren saying she's Native American.
She's not.
And I'm very fearful about mobs in the streets.
And I have a big house, 17-room colonial house.
I don't know how we're going to protect it on our own.
But that's a very real fear for me.
If people start going crazy because of all these cops and taking away and no food in the markets and It's terrifying.
Claw swabs, angrier world.
Well, get a fence up and get a dog and we got the Second Amendment.
God bless you.
I hear you though.
We're all in this together.
All right, up next, let's go ahead and talk to Darryl in Missouri.
Darryl, thanks.
Hey, Darryl McClanahan.
I'm a candidate for Missouri U.S.
Thank you for taking the call, Alex.
Long time listener.
You know, what are your thoughts on military folks?
The Navy SEALs were to have killed Osama bin Laden, and then we have Navy SEALs like Bill Irwin here in Missouri running for Congress, who I met, and he showed me his DEA undercover card where he was a DEA agent that went undercover, and then we have Eric Greitens, of course, who's running Well, nobody in armed services is more political than Navy SEALs.
I don't individually judge them, but on average, it is the most political, globalist branch of our military.
Yeah, in 2013, Eric Greitens won Young Leadership Awards.
Uh, from like, uh, the World Economic Forum.
He's a globalist in disguise.
You know, we have Mark McCloskey that everyone thinks is, you know, he's telling everyone he'll fight for Missourians, but he won't even fight for himself.
He gave his AR-15 up to the court.
He's not suing Black Lives Matter for tearing the gate down and property damage, and he's an attorney.
He tells people he's not a politician when all attorneys do is make And, uh, you know, Fox News here in Missouri wouldn't let me participate in the debate.
They said I didn't have enough money and I don't have a forward-facing website.
You look at their pages, webpage with candidates, and they have links to people's Facebooks.
You can find me on Facebook, Daryl.
No, no, I hear you.
I hear you.
Well, thank you, sir, for the call.
God bless you.
All right, let's take another call.
Let's talk to Kyle in New Jersey.
Go ahead, Kyle.
Hey Alex Jones, man, you are a Jewish gatekeeper.
If anybody wants to know the truth, go to Brother Nathaniel on BitchTube.
Jewish gatekeeper?
Tell me more how I work for the Jews.
Your current wife's Jewish.
Your ex-wife was Jewish.
You're basically bought off and sold off to the globalists.
You keep people outside the fence.
You don't let them go in and see who the real players are.
And it's the Jews.
If you want to know the truth, go to brothernathanielbitshoot.com.
We already heard that, but just humor me.
It's true that my ex-wife's a quarter Jewish.
If she wasn't, we'd be fine.
My great wife is 75% German from Omaha and 25% Polish.
I've gone up to her family reunions with her.
You might as well be in the middle of Germany.
So it would be okay if she was Jewish, but she's not.
I'm just here promoting America and freedom and you call in saying that I, I mean, what particular group of Jews do I work for?
Because, you know, the Jews are a diverse group of people.
What group of Jews do I work for?
You work for, all the Jews, all the Jews have the same ideology.
But then Rabbi, who is he, super hilarious by the way.
I mean, I like, I've seen that Kaepernick guy's videos, very entertaining.
He's Jewish, but he's good, right?
But I'm bad.
No, Jews are generally the scum of the earth, and that's just the truth.
They want to destroy America and destroy Christianity.
Okay, but listen man, you understand, I'm like talking about keeping the lights on and energy.
Shouldn't that transcend whether you're German or Jewish or Russian or Mexican?
Clark Schwab is Jewish.
He controls the World Economic Forum.
The Rothschild Bank is Jewish.
They control the entirety of the banking system in the world.
Let me just say this, Kyle.
When I do see the stuff from the Alex Jones is Jewish or Bill Hicks crowd, you always say, people say it's a fake show and fake callers.
Are you a fake caller?
No, I'm 100% real.
Hold on, did anybody keep you from your speech here?
I'll tell you what, I appreciate that Alex Jones.
I'm going to ask you again, just have the decency, the basic human decency, were you, is free speech alive here on the Jewish mothership?
Again, you're a gatekeeper.
I'm sorry, so you're a fake caller.
I paid you to call in, you work for me?
Have Brother Nathaniel on.
Alright, hold on, hold on, hold on.
I'm going to ask you again.
Were you put on air right now and not censored?
No, you weren't.
I wasn't.
That's right.
Thanks for the call.
Unbelievable mental illness.
I don't give a rat's ass if you're from Chile, or Mexico, or South Africa, or Germany, or Israel, or Japan, or Russia, or Canada.
I don't care if you're brown, white, or what.
You love freedom, you love freedom, I love you.
This crap About Jews and all this other stuff.
It's the left that pushes all this and hopes we pick up on it.
Shame on you!
Shame on you!
I work for Jesus Christ.
We'll be right back.
And if we don't turn it around soon, then it will only get worse.
But as bad as things are, we still have time to prepare.
And that alone is something to be grateful for.
A gravity water filter will provide you with clean, healthy water, even in the event of your taps getting shut off.
And having your own food will save you from getting ensnared in government FEMA camps.
And if you've already stocked up enough for your own family, you might want to consider stocking up for your neighbors.
Some of your neighbors might not be prepared for what's coming, but you can help them by having an abundance of storable foods and water filtration.
Whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Stock up now at preparetoday.com.
We have to act!
Extreme weather disrupts supply chains, causing delays and shortages for consumers and businesses.
Climate change is literally an existential threat to our nation and to the world.
Propped up in Somerset, Massachusetts, Joe Biden, United Nations Agenda 2030 puppet, signaled that he would soon grant himself illegal climate change emergency powers that could bring a screeching halt to U.S.
exports of crude oil and eliminate offshore drilling.
Ushering in the very real possibility of converting military funding into the construction of renewable energy projects.
Motivated, fit and academically proficient men and women continues to be a challenge.
Only 23% of military-age men and women in the United States are qualified to serve.
This is an emergency.
An emergency.
And I will.
I will look at it that way.
I said last week, and I'll say it again loud and clear.
As president, I'll use my executive powers to combat the climate crisis in the absence of congressional action.
And I was standing there, incredible action.
SCGs, for the IMF and World Bank, and a Rothschild, Clinton, Obama,
carbon consortium in London, the company's called Gore and Blood,
I'm not joking, it's Al Gore and his partner, will track and regulate everything you do
and control what you do in live time, and will decide what businesses are even allowed to operate.
To ratchet up the fear and confuse the public into assuming all is well with the globalist build-back-better calamity, UN-agended 2030 salesman Joe Biden made many claims that simply aren't true.
Records have been set in the Arctic and the Antarctic.
Temperatures that are just unbelievable.
Melting the permafrost.
It's astounding the damage that's being done.
If you took a very careful look with consistent data over long periods of time, you will find that these disasters are not increasing.
In fact, the health of the world is increasing tremendously.
For example, deaths from weather disasters and so on has gone down about 95%.
On top of confusing, misleading, rambling that led many to wondering if the sitting president had cancer, Disaster Joe has stepped in it again.
You had to put on your windshield wipers to get literally the oil slick off the window.
That's why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer.
And why can't, for the longest time, Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation?
How can you tell that the United Nations Agenda 2030 has already gone off the rails?
Well, in the United Nations Declaration for Agenda 2030, The authors immediately declared that they recognize that eradicating poverty in all of its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge.
Yet, the hasty power grab, disguised as a green energy revolution, has already plunged Europe's economy into chaos.
Extreme global poverty and mass starvation is the United Nations' goal, and the world is responding.
I will now outline in more detail how we see the economy and inflation developing and will then explain our assessment of financial and monetary conditions.
So, economic activity is slowing.
But don't count Joe Biden's globalist puppet masters out.
If you take the time to actually research the writings of the architects of global governance, the United Nations Agenda 2030 debacle that is well underway is nothing short of a psychotic power grab by the emerging technocratic eugenicists posing as our saviors, dismantling the global economy piece by piece, inching towards neo-feudal insanity.
We're going to defend the rules-based international order that protects us all.
If you give corporations and armies, for instance, the technology to start messing with our DNA, to start messing with our brains, they would like to amplify certain human qualities that they need, like discipline.
and like even intelligence, everybody can talk about intelligence,
but they don't need other human qualities like compassion or like autistic sensitivity
or like spirituality. The UN's leading international climate scientists
call the latest climate report nothing less than quote "code red for humanity". John Bowne reporting.
We are taking your calls right now live uncensored on air.
We don't screen your calls.
All we ask is a clean phone line, where you're calling from.
You want to give us a topic?
That's great.
We heard the end of the last hour.
You heard a caller call in.
You're working for the Jews!
He scored some magic point and got us.
It's bizarre.
I'm promoting free speech, capitalism, Christianity, and low energy prices.
And I've never been to Israel.
I do want to go there.
I want to go to Egypt.
I want to go to Russia.
I want to go to Japan.
I want to go to South America.
But I've never been there.
And what I love is the weird mentally ill underground of the internet that never gets censored by big tech obsesses on people's identities and steals them.
So let me just give you my identity.
Both sides of my family were on the Mayflower.
I'm related to the Tudors directly on both sides of the family.
On both sides of my family, we founded Texas.
My mother's side of the family raised Colonel Travis, and that's who left him with in Gonzales.
And my family was involved in the founding of the country.
On my mother's side of the family, the Greshams invented the Stock Exchange.
I mean, I went through all the family line.
I stand for what I've done and who I am.
But I would say the family line is mainly English and Germanic.
And then there's a little bit of Scott and Irish there on my side.
And then everyone's obsessed with bloodlines.
Everybody knows Omaha is a German and Polish city.
My wife is from Omaha.
And you get to see those communities.
You don't see that most of the country where a community is still together.
And you go there and there are a bunch of Germans.
Quite good-looking people, and I'm proud of my German background, but my Alsatian background on my mother's side, and that's it.
My wife's grandmother was pure Polish, and my daughter looks just like her grandmother.
And it has those Polish features, my five-year-old little sweetie pie.
And so I would be proud if I was Jewish, like Dr. Zelenko, a great soul who stood up for human liberty who just died a few weeks ago.
But to steal my identity and say I'm Jewish, or my family is, is just not who we are.
I'm pure-blood Americana.
You probably couldn't get more Americana.
If you want to know who I am, where I come from, it's 1776.
High-level Revolutionary War.
In 1776.
And then on the Confederate side, very high level there.
Generals, colonels, you name it.
Some of the most famous people in the side of the South.
I don't really like that war.
I think the South got tricked into it by British intelligence.
And I think it was a terrible war.
It was about Western expansion.
It was about slavery.
But that's who I am.
And so to try to steal my identity and say that I'm some other group or I'm doing this or that, I don't make this about identity politics like the left does.
But the left does it, but also, not the right wing, but more like a mentally ill group, lives to obsess over the background of somebody, and then they project lies onto that.
And it's just not true, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, my family was extremely anti-communist in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s and 90s, and was involved in a lot of the operations against the Russians.
In Europe and in Latin America.
And that's all very secretive.
I was never told details of it until like funerals.
And then a retired general or colonel will get up at the funeral and talk about, you know, your family members, 30 years in Army Special Operations and all the things, you know, they never give what they did.
They just, so I mean, it's just very offensive.
To try to steal my identity.
I'm red, white, and blue.
I mean, I'll just say it.
I'm not bragging.
Because America's got its problems.
But if there's a symbol of America...
It's this broadcast and what we do.
And the fruits of this broadcast.
And that's why they hate us.
The enemy knows my pedigree.
The enemy knows what my ancestors did.
And they know I have the will and their genetic and spiritual capacity to carry it out.
And they can't stand it.
They hate me because I am America.
I am 1776.
And I have the will through Christ Jesus to break the New World Order's will.
And so do you.
And I got a big ten here.
I don't care if you're from Nigeria.
I don't care if you're from Mexico.
I don't care if you're from Germany or Russia or Albania or Japan.
I don't care if you're from Canada or Australia.
I don't care if you're from Chile or you're from Italy.
If you love freedom and you love justice and you oppose the New World Order, you're my brother.
And I support and back you.
A hundred percent.
I can tell you some stories, but they're so fantastical that I'm not going to tell you.
But my mother's father, on his father's side, came from wealthy Germans in Texas.
And when he was in high school, when they lived in the most wealthy part of Dallas, he was an apprentice for the inventor of air conditioning.
And the Nazis in the 30s sucked all the money out of that man by threatening to kill his family in Germany.
And so my grandfather joined the Army Air Corps after that, among other things.
But he was heavily involved.
Early on, even before World War II started, In working against the Nazis, because of those wealthy Germans, and what he was involved in and what he saw.
And growing up, I got to learn about all those things, because my German ancestors came from what Hitler would call the Ãœbermenschen, or the Superman.
Now, I don't think I'm a Superman, and I don't think I'm the Ãœbermenschen, but To have people call in here and tell me that I'm on some leash to Israel, or that I work for that, when I come from a recognized family of the uber mention, is a joke.
And you people are a joke, and you are pathetic, and you are sick.
And you have no effect on me, and you don't stop what we're doing, but we're gonna free humanity.
Because there aren't just Germans that want to dominate and run everybody's lives.
There are Germans that want to empower humanity.
But surpassing the Germans is the British.
And that's my real bloodline of dominant resistance to the New World Order.
It's not for my mother's family, but for my father's family.
I'll just give you the secrets right here.
And that bloodline is the strongest there is in the fight against Satan.
So you will burn in hell before we ever surrender to you people and we will go interplanetary and humanity will win.
And I'm done talking about it.
But you fools that sit around and talk about your supremacy, someone who is really supreme would empower humanity and not enslave them and not kill them!
Like Klaus Schwab and the Rothschilds and the New World Order and all these other groups like Noah Harari.
But I'm done.
That's who I am.
That's where I come from.
That's what I stand for.
And we trump, with the ace of spades and the royal flush, anything you people can do.
Because the truth is, InfoWars supports God.
InfoWars supports God's vision.
And InfoWars is trying every day, though we're imperfect, to align with God.
And we will do it!
And we will never surrender!
And we will never get into the Satanism!
And we love everybody!
Whether they're in Guatemala, or whether they are in Timbuktu.
And I care about every person under satanic attack, and I think every person has the essence of God in them, whether they are in India, or whether they are in Sri Lanka.
And I am a brother to every person, black, white, yellow, brown, red!
And I, in front of God, salute humanity and commit myself to the fight for our species.
And I am not a Brit.
I am not a German.
I am not a Russian.
I am not Japanese.
I am not Mexican.
I am not Brazilian.
I am human with red blood.
And we will overcome the New World Order!
So damn all the leftist race baiters to hell, and damn all the Nazis to hell, and damn you all to hell that serve this crap!
Humanity will unify behind God, or we will be destroyed!
And we have unified behind God and we are winning and Satan knows it and can't stand it.
We align ourselves with the truth.
It's now time for all of us to pick a side.
I choose humanity.
We race, color, and creed.
I want to empower you.
I want you to empower me.
Together, we're unstoppable.
I love you.
And I will not hate you.
Because of what color you are, where you came from.
But if you are used as an enemy of freedom, If you are forged into a weapon against freedom, I will
stand against you.
Let's go back to your phone calls and I'll hit news segment segment as I mentioned.
Let's go ahead and go to Matt in Ohio.
Matt, go ahead.
The election and Trump.
How's it going, Mr. Jones?
Before I get to my point, I just want to ask you, when are you ever going to go back on Joe Rogan?
I've been hoping that you'd be going back on him.
You know, Joe's a good friend of mine.
He talked to me last week, so we get dinner this week.
I haven't called him to set that up.
I mean, I'm friends with Joe.
He lives here.
He got put under a lot of heat having me on.
And so I haven't asked to go on in quite a while.
I'm just leaving it alone, waiting for him to ask me.
I'm hoping it's soon, man, because I really enjoy you and Bravo on there, man.
It's good stuff.
Yeah, well, Joe admits that, other than Elon Musk, it's the top shows he ever did with me, and they make the most money on those shows.
But, look, Joe's got his own path to go down.
He's made a lot of changes.
He's gotten a lot better.
So, you know, Joe's his own enterprise, and we wish Joe well.
I did enjoy the interview you had with Danny Bravo on his show recently that he has on that paid sign, I forget the name of it, but that was a really good interview between you and him on his show recently.
Eddie is a real sweetheart.
He's the funniest guy, though.
I mean, that guy is unbelievable.
Yes, he is.
But the point I want to make with Trump is I really don't fully trust Trump because of the whole vaccine stuff still.
That's really kind of like soured me on Trump because I voted for Trump twice.
But with the whole vaccine, Operation Warp Speed stuff, it just really kind of fired me on Trump.
I agree, and it's a deal breaker.
Did you see him last week admit, I'm not supposed to say the word, but I'm proud of what I did.
So his people tell him, shut up, stop it.
And so it's like a big turd in the punch bowl.
Everything else he did was really good, but that is a deal breaker.
But I don't do lesser of two evils, but man, him and DeSantis, wouldn't you like that better than what we got?
Yeah, I mean, I would.
I mean, the economy right now is collapsing, everything collapsing around us.
Like, it's just getting ridiculous at the point.
And like you said, the lockdowns are definitely coming back.
And did you see what's going on in China with the whole, where they're putting tanks in front of their banks?
They froze people's accounts, the bank accounts, and they're putting tanks literally in front of them.
Dude, we're in the collapse.
That's why I tell people, man, I'm really freaked out to the listeners.
Like, we're in it, brother.
Yeah, and for people to focus on me being Jewish or whatever, that's ridiculous.
There's more important pressing matters.
Well, I mean, if I was Jewish, there are a lot of great Jewish people, a lot of great everybody.
The point is, if anybody knows Israeli politics or Jews, there's 20 different groups all fighting with each other like any other group.
It's like saying, oh, you're black, so you must be good or bad.
It's robbing my identity and who I am.
And I'm not mad if I was Jewish.
That'd be great.
I'm not Jewish.
And so I'm just, it's retarded.
It's dumb.
And you know, I don't talk about my Native American background because it would sound like I was bragging.
I'll just leave it at that.
But it's wild right here in Texas and Oklahoma.
And I'm definitely related to the, I can't believe my pedigree.
I mean, but I go off what I actually do myself.
But I'm not going to get up here and tell you, you know, that I'm related to Quanah Parker because it doesn't matter.
I'm zero Native American, just like Pocahontas, but I'm proud of my Native American roots.
I'm proud to be maybe 3% Comanche, or I guess my dad's like 13% or whatever.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter my family got sent to Florida.
It doesn't matter they survived 100 years there and came back.
It doesn't matter all of that.
It doesn't matter, because what matters is what I do today.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call, brother.
Let's talk to Kellan in Missouri.
Kellan, you're on the air.
Hey Alex Jones, long time listener since just after the 9-11 times.
I have a couple comments to make for everyone out there, especially the younger crowd, guys.
If you're in that 16 to 25 area, join the police and the fire department now.
Get to know your sheriffs now.
Exactly, we need real men, and I'm not knocking women, we need men like that guy in Indiana that went in there and saved five kids.
While the fire department sat there playing with their ding-dongs.
It was unbelievable.
I've been on a volunteer fire department when I was younger and that would have never happened.
There is no order like that to not go in unless someone's not safe.
But guys... Well that's why we admire firefighters is they went into burning buildings.
Now just like Uvalde, they sit there with their thumbs up their rear ends.
There's something off about that, but guys, patriots everywhere, every country, China, all the countries, join now!
Even if you've got to be a sleeper and you've got to just wait and try not to tarnish your soul as much as possible, but then secretly, over time, slowly introduce people into the patriot movement, slowly let your hand show, and then snap down on that department and turn it into an actual patriot outpost.
Do it now.
Doesn't matter if there's evil Alaskan Nazi Jews.
Doesn't matter if there's evil Jesuits or aliens.
Doesn't matter if there's evil in the Masons.
There's good people in everything.
Don't blame the structure.
Attack evil and stop obsessing over groups.
It's ridiculous.
You can see corruption.
They want us to attack on groups so we can't get everybody from every group.
I want the Masons.
I want the Jews.
I want the blacks.
I want the Hispanics.
I want the whites.
I want the Russians.
I want the Asians.
I want everybody.
All of them.
All of them.
Guys, while you still have a chance.
Get in those departments, even if you have to dumb yourself down and look ridiculously stupid.
That's what they want.
Please do it.
It doesn't matter if you have a promising career, unless it is something that will keep the infrastructure of the United States going.
I agree.
They're doing a purge.
The military, police and fire departments put their people in.
They were sleeper cells to take over.
We need people to be sleeper cells and take over law enforcement.
God bless you.
Let's go ahead, ladies and gentlemen, and take another caller.
Let's talk to Brandon.
Brandon in New York.
Go ahead Brandon.
Hey Alex.
Can you hear me?
Yes sir.
I just wanted to bring to the attention that's getting zero coverage in the news.
Here in New York there was a major victory.
Governor Volkow is trying to circumvent the state legislator and use the Department of Health to issue of quarantines without due process on July 8.
There was a lawsuit brought to a New York Supreme Court judge that actually shot that down as unconstitutional.
I just wanted to bring it up.
You're right.
And in Canada and France and New York, all the new lockdowns and forced inoculations are being struck down.
You're right.
We should talk more about that, brother.
Yeah, I agree.
What else is on your mind, Brandon?
That's just really, you know, because up here in upstate New York, there's actually upstate New York is majority red.
We want freedom just as everybody else, so don't write us off.
We're up here fighting as well.
You're beautiful, brother.
I love you.
Thank you so much, Brandon.
All right, Carlos.
And Dustin, Jeff's up first.
Victor, we're going to your calls.
On the other side, I will hit the SSRI News.
I will hit the COVID News.
I will hit it all.
Paul Watson is going to be hosting the fourth hour today.
And I don't take this broadcast for granted.
I am so thankful for everything you, the listeners and viewers, have done to keep us in attack formation and this incredible crew.
I salute you all so much and I am thankful for you and your strength.
Cannot do it without you.
Whatever you do, just share those articles and videos.
We're taking your phone calls right now on this live Thursday transmission that I want to just say something before I go to your calls.
When I say this, I want it to really Affects you.
I wanted to really burn in.
I want you to really get what I'm saying.
And you'll know deep down I'm right.
From your intellect, your spirit, your heart, your soul.
Who you are.
When I understand how much the enemy hates me.
And how much they come after us.
And the horrible dirty tricks they do.
It's because I realize they hate you.
And you could be black, you could be Hispanic, Asian, white, you could be whatever.
They hate your ass.
Because you have the potential to control the future.
You have the potential to activate your destiny.
You have the potential, as Mahatma Gandhi said, to be the seed of the universe.
Each one of us has the seed of the universe within us.
That's totally true.
They hate you.
I love you.
You love me.
I love you.
They hate us and they seek to divide us and weaken us.
If we have a code of freedoms and liberties and the love of God, we are invincible.
If we love manhood and womanhood and kinship and the rituals of honor, the archetypes of We can activate all the ancestral memories of our people and we can move forward into the future with technology that God gave us.
We are the future.
You are divine creatures made by the all-powerful God.
That's not a statement.
We can manifest anything we want.
Look at what we've done.
I'm betting on human technology.
I'm betting on the human spirit because I know it's the only future we've got.
It's perfect.
The Creator made us to carry this out and to discover our imperfections and to learn how to govern that incredible power.
These foolish Satanists seek power.
Power is in alignment with God.
Power is in submitting to God.
Power is in being what we were built to be, which is free will, but we choose God.
I am the product of tens of thousands of years of our ancestors and their will to the future.
You are that product as well.
My grandmother, two weeks before she died, the last time I saw her at 92 here in Austin, Told me a lot of things.
And activated secrets within me that I already knew were there, but were like seeds in the dirt before the rain comes.
She told me.
She said our ancestors have been praying, they've been working, putting our energy forward for the moment we are now entering.
And you, and your children are the ones that are going to decide the
future of humanity.
That was so powerful.
It was so real.
And just those simple words were like a key sliding out of the lock and you turn it and the tumblers move and the door opens.
And it was the baton, fiery and old and scarred, being handed to me and to you.
And we hold the fire of human liberty.
We hold the destiny of our entire future and things we can't even imagine in our hands.
True Promethean fire.
And our enemies don't have that fire.
They chose Satan.
They chose the devil.
They chose damnation.
They chose to be cut off from their families and their ancestors and the future.
My grandmother told me what I already knew, that only a death of the secrets
This quest is not just our quest, but the blood of our ancestors and their will to survive and to create beauty.
What beautiful souls they are.
They're around us right now with the angels and the Elohim.
And this great experiment that we live today, we experience together, is eternal.
And the enemies of God will never overcome us.
They will never break our will unless They can convince us that we don't have this birthright, and unless we decide to reject this birthright.
But we don't reject the birthright of Christ!
We receive it!
And the persecution that comes with it.
And we receive the promise of the quiet place, the Most High of King David.
And we enter that quiet place of the Most High.
We enter that place beyond the veil and we take in our hands the destiny of our species and the magnificent victory that we've been given.
And we receive it as this precious birthright, this gift in our hands.
And we salute God for giving us consciousness and God's perfection and we submit to God's will and commit to give everything we've
got to defend the innocence and to take our species to the next level.
They're about to kill millions of people.
It's foretold.
It's for written.
It's been prophesied.
And it's our job to try to stop it.
And we will mitigate it, and we will reduce it.
But billions, at least 2 to 3 billion will die soon.
Because prophecy will be fulfilled.
But out of that comes the new era.
And the Type 1 civilization, our launch into the cosmos, and the breaking of the interdimensional gates, and the next level of our development.
And it will not be Satan that captains human development to the next level.
It will be the Holy Spirit of God that brings us to the completion of this phase of our operations.
I am here, just as you are, to complete the operation.
We're going interstellar.
We're going intergalactic.
We're going interdimensional.
And no one can stop that.
And the Yuval Noah Harari's and the Klaus Schwab's and the Bill Gates can pretend to be God.
They can pretend to be in control.
They can pretend that they're governing our future, but they're fools.
And they will not ever pass the River Jordan.
They will never go into the promised land.
And many of us will not enter the promised land as well.
I will never enter the promised land.
But I will mark the way, as you do now, for our children and their children and their children's children to enter the promised land.
Alright folks, taking final phone calls here before Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
You know, I said I had all this serotonin reuptake inhibitor news.
I said I had all this COVID news, and I probably should cover that, but you could talk five hours about it, ten hours, a hundred hours.
I mean, it's just so insane how they're attacking us now they're killing us.
Look at this.
A major new study is casting serious doubts on degrees of belief regarding the chemical imbalance theory of depression.
Depression is not caused by low serotonin levels.
Major international study looking at dozens of other studies.
17 other studies.
Exclusive CDC shielding names of employees working on vaccine safety.
Yeah, they better be protected.
German government admits COVID vaccines cause serious injury for 1 in 5,000, but its own data shows the rate is really 1 in 300 doses.
And it goes on from there.
Here's CNN in time.
You'll need to get the COVID-19 booster shots again and again.
Told you two and a half years ago that was coming.
It was all baked in.
Aussie researchers are developing super jab to protect against new COVID variants.
What Bill Gates said.
Partnership to develop variant-proof COVID vaccine.
Just take more and more.
It'll protect you.
You're an idiot.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Jeff, in Virginia, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, thanks for taking my call.
Alex, great show, by the way.
I have a question and a comment.
A question about the left-right paradigm and a comment on zero-point energy.
And, you know, in the last, I would say, six years, and you've seen this, the polarity has really widened within the left-right paradigm.
And you've mentioned this, and many others have mentioned this, we need to remember that narrowing that polarity is the key to creating a catalyst for a substantial response to clear and present tyranny.
And what are your thoughts about reducing that polarity amid this country's false left-right paradigm?
People better figure out that globalists are turning us against each other for control, and while we fight with each other, they're ruling us.
I mean, it's that simple.
But the rest of the question is, you know, how do we bring people together and reinforce that we essentially have the same viewpoints?
Well, we expose the carbon taxes as a fraud.
We expose the elites don't follow their own carbon tax rules.
And we point out the electric cars don't work.
They cause more energy than fuel gas driven cars.
I mean, it's basically just people need to know the common sense facts out there that they're not being given a solution as a new system.
They're being given a collapse.
Right, there's no viable replacement right now that they're putting forward, and that's a huge red flag to everyone looking at this collapse.
But, okay, regarding zero-point energy and getting it into the hands of the public, there are... We know they're suppressing a lot of amazing technologies.
Yeah, they're inventors in this country.
They're filing patents for zero-point energy devices and that puts a target on them.
But instead, and I know money is an issue, but reproduce that device and get it into the hands of as many trusted engineers as possible and just start reproducing it.
Now John Hutchison, you probably know about him, he created those brick-sized batteries that when you connect several together they can power your home.
The Japanese were very interested in this, but he said there was little interest in the U.S.
There's a guy in Canada named Dr. Paolo Correa.
Bill Gates and George Soros refused to fund his zero-point energy devices.
He was a colleague of Dr. Eugene Malov and Dr. Correa... There's no doubt there's surprising technology, brother.
Great points.
Thank you so much, Jeff.
Victor in New Mexico.
Victor on the air, then Carlos in Canada.
Go ahead, Victor.
Hey, Alex, I've been wanting to talk to you for a long time about this.
I wrote this down a couple of years ago, and I'll start with a rhetorical question, not trying to sound smart.
You can try to answer it if you want, but it's, what do Nelson Mandela, Adolf Hitler, Eamon de Valera from Ireland, Mahatma Gandhi, and Andrew Jackson all have in common?
They were all connected to British intelligence.
Well, that's not where I was going.
I was going in the fact that they were all political prisoners, and you can put Tommy Robinson in there, too.
who came out stronger.
And I really fear for you, man, that eventually they're going to catch up with you,
and they're going to put you in jail for some trumped-up reason.
And what I want to impart to you is, when they do it, take that time away from the battlefield
to get stronger like those men in history did.
These political men that spent that time in jail away from the battle and finally able to stop reacting and start planning.
And I'm not saying these were good people or bad people.
I mean, well, Hitler bad.
But it's just something that's been on my mind a long time.
They're going to get you, I think, at some point for some trumped up reason.
I want to know if you're prepared to spend that time wisely.
I'm going to try my best, brother.
But you're absolutely right there trying to put me in prison.
That's a good point.
Thank you so much for the call.
Carlos in Canada, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
You know, the greatest contribution that InfoWars has made over the years is that it's enlightened people.
It has given people a sense of discernment.
I can tell from the calls and the callers over the months since I've been calling you.
And I can tell you that that is, to me, the greatest contribution that you have made.
Now, if anybody touches Alex Jones, there'll be a lot of Alex Jones out there, just like Dr. Zelenko's gone.
But in my mind, he's still here.
He's in our heart.
So I really want to tell you, Alex, briefly, There is a reason why Mr. Yuval Noah Harari is the advisor to Klaus Schwab.
He's a history professor of medieval history, and you need an expert in feudalism if you're going to be really appreciated in what they have in mind for the American people and for the rest of the world.
That's right, it's the new feudalism.
That's what agenda 21 is.
Yes, but there is a way to cancel all this, and that is through discernment.
And again, I bring some into your attention to broaden the mind, okay?
When you go into the stores in your street and sometimes in your backyard or you go through your driveway, you step on ants.
And you step on them and, you know, you feel bad because, you know, you realize, oh, my foot just stepped on a few ants.
Sorry, they were, you know, in their path.
But, you know, you don't twist your life around it.
Well, when corporations get to the point that they're larger than life, the administrators of these huge, colossal entities find the little people, many, many times, little governments, little nuisances, inconveniences that they have to deal with, and they step on them without even noticing.
That's what I'm trying to make the point that we're not little ants.
And when the formula that the Florida governor DeSantis has put on saying, hey, who are you unelected people telling us what to do?
Forget it.
We're not going to do anything, whatever the World Economic Forum wants to do.
No more of these con jobs about, you know, viruses.
Nobody gets colds anymore, Alex.
Now you get variants.
You're right.
So what do you think is going to come next?
to come next is that there's going to be a worldwide recognition, beginning with President
Putin. You don't realize in the last few days, he's been saying tremendous things about great
revolution coming, that individual sovereign countries will stand on their own, defending
their people, bringing the best out of people, and bringing the best people forward.
He says a new era and a new stage in the world history is happening.
Yes, and when we do that, I mean, last year I was in a program with you, and I tell you
the secret lies in looking at your children and bringing the best out of the children.
Let them compete for excellence.
The leadership will come from there, not from some unelected official of Klaus Schwab that once had a meeting with Rockefeller and Maurice Strong, the Canadian, and they said, hey, set up a World Economic Forum and we can get leaders Well Trudeau, as you know, you're in Canada.
It's like 30% of the vote.
He's barely holding on to power.
People are rejecting him.
That's good news.
Yes, yes.
World Economic Forum breastfed leaders turn out to be not so good after all.
Well Trudeau, as you know, you're in Canada, is like 30% of the vote.
He's barely holding on to power.
People are rejecting him, that's good news.
Yes, yes, World Economic Forum breastfed leaders turn out to be not so good after all, you realize that?
Thank you so much, Carlos.
All right.
We'll do five more minutes.
I'll try to jam in Mark and a few other callers from home the longest when we come back.
Thank you for keeping us on air, listeners.
Thanks for supporting us.
Thanks for all you've done.
But, I mean, it really is a crazy moment right now where world government and depopulation and everything is just out in the open.
Now it's up to us to make the right choice about the future of our species.
Then Paul Joseph Watson, in the fourth hour, is taking over head of the War Room, 3 p.m.
Central at Infowars.com, Ford's last show, and Bandai Video.
All these shows are important.
American Journal, Harris & Smith, Ellen Schreuer, War Room.
The enemy wants these shut down, please share them.
That's the true resistance, is information warfare.
We'll be right back.
Everything we're covering, the establishment doesn't want to happen.
And the question is, why is that?
Let's go to Mark in Texas.
Mark, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to highlight something that one of your previous callers had mentioned.
There's a video called the Retired Squad Officer Weighs In on Ubaldi Video.
And his name is Jared Reston and he looks just like Eric Paddock.
Who was the Las Vegas Shooter's alleged brother.
I've heard that twice today.
I haven't looked at it yet.
You gotta check out the video, man.
I will.
What uh... Do you... Are you scared by any chance when you're out here seeing Do you have any fear that maybe you're going to get, I don't know, maybe like visited by somebody or something?
No, I mean, I'm worried about losing to the New World Order.
No, I'm not worried about myself.
Really, I'm not.
Well, that's good, brother.
All right, thanks, man.
I appreciate your call.
All right, let's go ahead and take another call here.
Dustin in Florida.
Go ahead, Dustin.
Yeah, I want to say thank you, Alex, and InfoWars for everything you guys do.
Trying to wake people up, I wanted to speak to truck drivers out there, whether you're old or young, you need to get away from the mega-carriers that have these cameras and sensors on them.
You need to get on Craigslist and start driving for these small mom-and-pop.
I agree.
Everybody should try to pick mom-and-pop truck drivers for any shipping you need.
Exactly, because we're programming, what they're doing is they're programming the system for those trucks to take over.
All those sensors on your truck, the cameras, they're programming everything.
They're training the self-driving cars.
Yeah, we are programming the system that will take it away, take our jobs away.
Go with small mom and pop trucking companies.
I agree, brother.
What else is on your mind?
Um, yeah, just when I'm driving out here, you know, I find it kind of, uh, kind of interesting that they've been working on certain, certain places coming into every major city.
It seems like they bottleneck you into one lane.
It's almost like they're preparing to Maybe some kind of checkpoint.
And this has been happening for a long time.
Oh, they're putting up wire fences on the Texas highways in between the roads everywhere.
You're damn right, Dustin.
Thank you.
Last caller for this segment, David in Texas on Trump and DeSantis.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex Jones.
How you doing, brother?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
I just want to say Trump and DeSantis get them there, but we'll get it back straight, I believe.
And, uh, I just, I love you, man.
And, uh, I get your shirts and stuff and the stickers I get, I put them everywhere.
When I'm in San Antonio, everywhere I go, I leave a sticker.
Can't do much, but I spread the word.
That's a big thing, brother.
All that stuff adds up.
And just take care.
Like I said, man, we're going to win.
God bless you, thank you.
All right, Mark in Florida and Sean in Florida.
I'm out of time, appreciate you holding.
If you guys remember, tomorrow we'll call them back, put them first on the show.
On the Friday show, we take calls.
But Paul Joseph Watson, from Her Britannic Majesties, England, is about to take over on the other side.
Then, in 55 minutes, Owen Schroyer and the War Room.
I want to thank the Lussers for their support.
I want to thank the crew for their great work.
I want to thank all of our affiliates.
I want to ask you all to go to m4store.com, get an Alex Jones is Right t-shirt, get bodies, get the new Diet Force.
We got the 50% off on the toothpaste deal going right now.
It's a big deal.
That keeps us on air.
Thank you all for your support.
All right.
You live, you learn.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over on the other side of this quick break.
At this point, best case scenario is a few years of hard times for us all.
And if we don't turn it around soon, then it will only get worse.
But as bad as things are, we still have time to prepare.
And that alone is something to be grateful for.
A gravity water filter will provide you with clean, healthy water, even in the event of your taps getting shut off.
And having your own food will save you from getting ensnared in government FEMA camps.
And if you've already stocked up enough for your own family, you might want to consider stocking up for your neighbors.
Some of your neighbors might not be prepared for what's coming, but you can help them by having an abundance of storable foods and water filtration.
Whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Stock up now at prepare today.com.
President Joe Biden, quadruple vax and COVID positive.
Of course, he wears a mask most of the time.
He's protected in his little bubble by his White House apparatchiks.
But yes, the President has succumbed to Covid, and now he's being treated with Paxlovid, the same drug that was given to Dr Anthony Fauci, also quadruple vaccinated and Covid positive, and then of course Anthony Fauci tested positive again for Covid in the second time in the space of a fortnight.
But again, the vaccine's 100% safe and effective, OK?
If you say it isn't, there'll be consequences.
Joe Biden, who told Americans last year, you're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.
Yes, he said that during a CNN town hall, back when the media was still running with that narrative.
Has just tested positive for COVID after having had four, count them, four 100% safe and effective vaccinations.
Statement by White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, This morning, President Biden tested positive for COVID-19.
He is fully vaccinated and twice boosted and experiencing very mild symptoms.
I guess we should just be grateful, or at least the Biden White House should be, that he hasn't got cancer, as he told us yesterday, and he's just got COVID.
So again, the same guy that told Americans last year, quote, you're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.
The same person who said this year, Back in early January, 4th of January, quote, this continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
Well, at the moment, it's a pandemic of the vaccinated, including Anthony Fauci and indeed Joe Biden.
So Biden's got COVID and we see the momentum building once again, exactly as I predicted, with the CDC coming out and saying that restrictions may have to be brought back, with Seattle, with New York, with California preparing to reintroduce mask mandates.
The technocrats are not finished with this virus.
We all thought it was done and dusted back at the start of spring.
No, no, no, no.
They got drunk on power.
Most people complied.
Most people were completely misled, completely brainwashed.
They did polls showing the average American thought that it had killed something like 30 million people.
They're completely lacking in any critical thinking skills.
The majority of people, I'm afraid to say, still are.
And we'll bend down, we'll take the anal swab, probably at some point, we'll take the fifth booster, the sixth booster, the seventh booster, we'll put the mask back on, despite the fact that all the studies, all the evidence shows masks are completely useless, or indeed exacerbate the problem.
Germany has come out this week and said they're going to reintroduce mask mandates.
Not now.
Even though they admit, quote, the COVID summer wave is losing momentum, the summer wave being the sniffles, I've had this latest variant of COVID.
I had it about a month ago.
I've had worse colds.
It's been diluted to such a degree, it's literally less now than a cold in terms of severity for most people.
Doesn't matter!
Doesn't matter that the Covid cases are declining for the summer wave.
Doesn't matter that they don't know what the Covid caseload will be in September, in six weeks time.
The German government has come out and they're drafting a law to make masks a permanent feature.
Now there's this big debate, obviously a lot of people on the right Have devolved some kind of identity just like people on the left, the mask freaks, the govern me harder crowd, govern me harder daddy, inject me harder daddy, have derived some sense of identity from this pandemic prolonging itself forevermore.
Some people have done that on the right and some people within the right.
There's been a bit of a fissure, a bit of a split By people saying, no, it's over, accept it's over, move on, there's no conspiracy to bring back lockdowns, there's no conspiracy to bring back all the restrictions, all the mask mandates.
Well, Germany is doing it and they're enshrining the biosecurity police state into law.
Headline, Germany to reimpose mask mandate in September, despite COVID wave already, quote, losing momentum.
Justice Minister Marco Buschmann announced Germans would have to mask up this autumn when indoors, And that the rules would be in place throughout the winter.
September, October, November, December, into January, February, March.
They're saying they're not even going to restrict or relax them until the start of Spring 2023.
Again, not even knowing the caseload.
And knowing that every single variant has become milder and milder and milder.
Doesn't matter.
So we have them introducing mask mandates.
They're going to pass this in Parliament.
Looks like it's going to get through.
Then we contrast New Zealand and Australia.
Reports today that Australia is preparing to reintroduce mask mandates.
Despite this headline, Covid infections and deaths in mask mandate New Zealand soar above those in mask-free Australia.
So here we have two very similar countries in terms of how they rolled out these pandemic lockdowns with absolute unrelenting brutality as we saw in New Zealand, as we saw in Australia with, you know, pregnant women, pregnant mothers being arrested in their own homes for merely criticising lockdown on Facebook.
That's the level of the tyranny that we reached in Australia back at the end of 2020 into 2021.
But again, very similar hardcore lockdown policies as New Zealand.
Yet you'll notice, back at the end of last year, coming into 2022, Australia dropped most of their mask mandates.
They said you only had to wear them on public transport and in daycare centres, health care centres, hospitals.
New Zealand didn't.
They kept the mask mandates.
And now the data is explained in a Daily Mail article.
The astonishing data that may prove masks don't work, really!
Not like we've been saying this for two friggin' years.
Oh, the media's just discovered it.
Masks are mandatory everywhere.
In Singapore, another close country geographically, Kiwis are forced to wear them in all public indoor spaces.
Australia mostly abandoned mask mandates and they are only still compulsory on public transport, as I said.
However, both Singapore and New Zealand now have higher case numbers than Australia.
We saw this in Wales.
We saw it in Scotland.
We saw it in Ireland.
England dropped the mask mandate at the back end of the Omicron wave.
In late January, Wales, Scotland, Ireland kept them.
Their case numbers continue going up.
These masks make it worse.
People are touching their faces.
They're obsessively adjusting these masks.
It looks like it's exacerbating the spread.
There isn't a single study that proves otherwise.
All the major studies.
UK government's own study into mask restrictions in schools found they had no effect.
The study by the Spanish government into mask mandates found they had no effect or made it worse.
The study in Denmark, 6,000 people case study, found that they had no effect.
No study has found that they have any effect, yet they're reintroduced over and over again.
Now, in terms of the narrative, we've at last come to the point where we've discredited lockdown as a tool of fighting this pandemic, copying the brutal authoritarian Chinese Communist Party.
Again, that took us, what, the best part of two years to discredit that.
Now at least they say, oh, we'll never go back to lockdowns, but we'll go back to masks.
But that's been discredited over and over again.
And we have another example when you compare the case numbers with Australia and New Zealand.
Again, Australia dropping the masks, New Zealand keeping them in place.
Then you compare the weekly confirmed COVID deaths per million people.
Look at the graph.
New Zealand way higher after they dropped the mask mandates in Australia than Australia itself.
The masks don't work.
The data, the studies continually prove they don't work.
The holes in the masks are far larger than the size of the virus itself.
It goes straight through them.
They don't work.
They've never worked.
They're probably going to make it worse.
And when they reintroduce all these mask mandates, which they're now saying they're going to do, trying to do it in the UK, Already having done it in many California schools.
LA County's talking about doing it.
Seattle's about to do it.
They're going to do it and it's going to make the caseload even worse.
So then they're going to call for even more restrictions.
We'll be back.
Headline here out of London World.
And I said they're going to bring this back and they're going to bring it back.
They'll probably fail.
There's a new poll out of Canada which shows that support for Vaccine boosters and masks has completely collapsed, so they're swimming against the tide, basically.
Headline now, COVID-19 London GP calls for return of face masks and says new variant is making people sicker.
Absolutely incredible.
COVID-19 is absolutely far from over as the virus will keep mutating and people seem to be sicker, a London NHS GP has warned.
Just a flagrant lie!
You can look at the government's own numbers for deaths and hospitalisations.
Not only are they massively lower than the first two waves, they're lower than the Omicron wave back in January.
Fewer people on ventilators, fewer people going into hospital.
So no, they're not getting sicker.
Just outright made-up crap from whole cloth to try and reintroduce all this BS.
I'll tell you one thing that is making people sicker.
Something that's making healthy and fit athletes drop dead all over the world.
Gee, wonder why that could be?
Gateway Pundit reports, former offensive lineman for Notre Dame dies at 35 due to kayak arrest while on a run.
Just one minute, healthy 35-year-old guy on a jog.
Next minute, bang, he's dead.
Gee, I wonder what happened.
Former Notre Dame offensive lineman Paul Emmett Duncan III, known as Paul Duncan, who is 35, died of a heart attack when he was out for a run in his neighbourhood on Friday, according to his wife.
Death remains unexplained.
Also something that remains unexplained, we now have 9,500 non-COVID excess deaths in the United Kingdom over the last 11 weeks.
Now bear in mind we had the media over the past few days hyperventilating over some hot weather in summer in the United Kingdom.
I'm going to get on to that later.
Caused basically no deaths.
There were some tragic accidents where people went swimming and drowned, which happens every summer.
That was Hyperventilation levels of hysteria.
9,500 people dying from unexplained non-Covid deaths.
Excess deaths over the usual amount in the last 11 weeks.
Nobody's even talking about it.
DailySceptic.org says that there have been 9,422 more deaths than usual registered in England and Wales from causes other than Covid-19 in the 11 weeks since April 23rd.
Now they put up a graph here, and bear in mind, a lot of these deaths are because of lockdown, because people were denied appointments with their GPs.
Even after the lockdown was over, even now, you can only get an appointment with a GP over Zoom, it's pathetic.
They've denied treatment for serious medical conditions, they're dying in their thousands upon thousands, not because of the pandemic, because of the lockdown.
They've also got an interesting graph here which I've talked about before where they overlay non-covid
excess death by occurrence in the over 75 age group in England and it weirdly match, it weirdly tracks
another element which is spring boosters which were given to over 75s in England starting at
the end of March tailing off to [Silence]
Until they try to bring back all the corona restrictions, a new reason for everyone to be cowering inside their homes,
terrified, has now been discovered.
It's called...
The UK's health security agency says this is a national emergency.
Oh no, it's a bit hot.
Better panic!
Yes, in the UK schools have closed, trains have stopped running when it was 17 degrees in the early morning before the heatwave even began.
Lazy bastards have demanded days off work and a national emergency has been declared because it's a bit warm in the middle of July to a population that has been made addicted to hysteria.
This is Thermageddon.
The hot weather has now been deemed as dangerous as this.
For the first time, a heatwave is just as extreme.
Funny how hot weather in the UK, a land of drizzle, grey skies and winters that seem to go on forever, used to be embraced, celebrated, joyfully reported by weathermen.
Yeah, now it's gravely reported like it's thermonuclear fallout.
And yes, hot weather kills people, and when it does, it's tragic.
You know what kills way more people?
Cold weather.
Apparently that's not part of the climate crisis, though.
And we're back live.
We're gonna get into the climate crisis hysteria later in the show, but I was talking about these excess deaths.
Again, non-COVID excess deaths in the United Kingdom.
They track almost exactly Spring boosters in over 75s in England.
They started getting the spring booster vaccines at the end of March.
That went up a bit towards mid-April.
That was the high point for the over 75s in England getting the spring boosters.
Then that declined to where now at the start of July, according to this graph, it's basically done, that campaign.
But you'll notice But there's a strange correlation between non-COVID excess death occurrences and spring boosters in the over 75s in England.
Now, I'm not suggesting anything, but it's a very close match between The timescale of those over 75s getting the spring boosters, and this mysterious occurrence of non-Covid excess deaths, which remain completely unexplained by the media, the same media that hyperventilates over summer hot weather, which kills basically no one, a couple of people tragically drowned, which happens every summer.
That's apparently a massive problem, but 9,500 excess non-Covid deaths, which are unexplained in the last 11 weeks in this country, Nobody's talking about that.
Meanwhile, Novak Djokovic, Novak's Djokovic, Wimbledon champion seven times over, has confirmed that he's not going to get vaccinated and as such he is not going to be able to compete at the US Open tennis tournament in Flushing Meadow next month.
Now of course this is because the organisers have said They have to follow the law of the United States, or rather, the discriminatory practice of the Biden administration, which still to this day, despite the fact that other Western countries, most other major Western countries have abandoned this policy, still bar unvaccinated people from entering the United States.
I haven't been able to enter the United States for years now.
God knows when I will.
Maybe after 2024, when someone else is elected.
But the Serbian, who's won the US Open three times before, won't risk travelling to the country and experiencing a repeat of his atrocious treatment by authorities in Australia, which of course ended up in him being deported.
They made an example out of him.
They always plan to deport him, again, to make him look like he was at fault.
He said, quote, people still think I forced my way to Australia and tried to come in with no papers, permission or exemption.
It's not true.
As I point out in the article, maybe Djokovic should just join a migrant caravan and sneak across the border.
Then he'll be given red carpet treatment.
There are no vaccine checks on migrants coming across the southern border into the United States.
They can enter America at will, but one of the world's best tennis players ever, basically a living sports legend, Novak Djokovic, can't enter the United States to compete at Flushing Meadows because he chose not to take A jab.
Despite the fact that there are other players, numerous other players, competing for the same tournament who are unvaccinated.
Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Gonna come back on the other side though and talk about this climate crisis hysteria that has gripped the United Kingdom over the past few days and the so-called hottest temperature ever in the UK.
Summit.News will be back.
I'm going to go to these videos now because we had another massive contrived
moral panic hysteria in the United Kingdom this week, week which they'd lined up days in advance.
Where we had, yes, whisper it, a spell of hot weather in the middle of July in summer.
Now, of course, these are the same people who, when you point out that Arctic sea ice is basically at its 30-year normal average, that we've had the coldest temperatures measured any time in history in certain parts of the globe, all that's nothing because climate is not indicative Or temperatures, weather is not indicative of climate change, apart from when it's hot, apart from when it's the middle of July, and then it is indicative of climate change.
That process happened once again this week, and it was all settled.
The narrative was carefully placed well in advance, as you'll see, because I kind of predicted what they would do in the first video that I made on the Monday, and then the second video on the Tuesday, where they actually did exactly what I predicted they would do.
The first video which we're going to go to is called Thermageddon, and then we'll go to the other one after.
This is Thermageddon.
This is the video I released on Monday, before the record temperature was announced, basically predicting how they would get that record temperature.
So here is Thermageddon.
Until they try to bring back all the corona restrictions, a new reason for everyone to be cowering inside their homes, terrified, has now been discovered.
It's called...
The UK's health security agency says this is a national emergency.
Oh no, it's a bit hot.
Better panic!
Yes, in the UK schools have closed, trains have stopped running when it was 17 degrees in the early morning before the heatwave even began.
Lazy bastards have demanded days off work and a national emergency has been declared because it's a bit warm in the middle of July to a population that has been made addicted to hysteria.
This is Thermageddon.
The hot weather has now been deemed as dangerous as this.
For the first time, a heatwave is just as extreme.
Funny how hot weather in the UK, a land of drizzle, grey skies and winters that seem to go on forever, used to be embraced, celebrated, joyfully reported by weathermen.
Yet now, it's gravely reported like it's thermonuclear fallout.
And yes, hot weather kills people, and when it does, it's tragic.
You know what kills way more people?
Cold weather.
Apparently that's not part of the climate crisis, though.
You see, weather is an indicative of climate change.
Apart from when it's hot weather and they say it is, and then it is.
Don't question it.
Interesting, though, how people conducting their own temperature recordings are finding that in many cases across the country they're several degrees below those officially being reported by the Met Office and the BBC.
How could that be?
Surely they wouldn't manipulate temperature readings by taking them next to airport runways with hot jet engines and tarmac, would they?
About one half of all land surface temperature measurements used to show global warming and promote the command and control net zero agenda are taken near or adjacent to hot airport runways.
And the raw data actually shows that the UK was cooler in the 2010s than the 2000s.
The 9.17 Celsius average temperature in the 2010 decade in England was colder than the previous 10 years at 9.31 Celsius.
But that doesn't make for dire apocalyptic clickbaity headlines though, does it?
Still, why shouldn't we trust the same people who published articles in 2004 saying that by 2020 man-made climate change would cause millions of deaths with major European cities being sunken?
Yeah, they actually said that.
Leading to nuclear war and global environmental riots.
Why should we doubt the same people who said that glaciers will all be gone by 2020?
And that the Arctic would have ice-free summers by 2013?
Meanwhile, In the real world, Arctic sea ice is just 3% below its 30-year average.
Why should we even consider being skeptical towards the same people who told us back in the 70s that a new ice age was coming?
Why should we not believe them when they've been so straightforward and honest with us on every previous occasion?
Last year, one of the authors of the United Nations IPCC report lauded the fact that quote
"People are starting to get scared about climate change"
and that this would quote "Affect the way they vote."
Yeah, seems like there's an awful lot more to this than just the weather.
Now, note in that video how I explain how they achieve high temperatures by measuring them at airports, and then note what happened as we achieved our hottest day ever in the United Kingdom the very next day.
Let's go to the second video.
Here it is.
I guess we've all been sat down.
I guess the climate change alarmists were actually correct.
The UK has recorded its hottest temperature ever, with the thermometer hitting 39.1 degrees Celsius in Charlwood, Surrey.
Gotta hold my hands up and take the L here.
I was wrong.
You were right.
Guess that's it.
Channel's dead.
Lefties were vindicated.
Hold up, where's Charlwood?
Oh, it's right next to Gatwick Airport.
to Gatwick Airport.
It basically is Gatwick Airport.
Sprawling industrial complexes, airport runways, hot tarmac, jet engines.
Totally the fairest place to record a temperature reading.
What's next?
UK's hottest temperature beat.
And again, thermometer meeting taken inside Iron Smelting Factory.
They're gonna start measuring average historical wind speeds from inside wind tunnels.
But wait, an even hotter temperature was recorded.
We've broken 40 Celsius for the first time ever!
Where was that reading taken?
UK record temperature that has been set this afternoon at Heathrow Airport.
How strange that the two hottest places this afternoon, Heathrow and Gatwick, are the ones covered in heat-absorbing black tarmac and home to many heat-generating jet engines.
An amazing coincidence!
But this isn't a one-off, it's a regular occurrence.
Research by Professor Ross McKittrick shows quote "about one half of
all land surface temperature measurements used to show global warming and promote the command and control
net zero agenda are taken near or adjacent to airport runways"
And yes, both the Met Office and the BBC which today delivered us the hottest temperatures ever
from airports both use this same data From the professor's research, we learn that data taken from airports has increased by 50% over the last few decades.
This has had the effect of increasing the contribution from airports to around 50%.
The Kitrick noted that the cuts reduced the average latitude of source data and removed relatively more cooler High altitude monitoring sites.
Almost every plank that supports net zero is provided by these surface temperature data sets amplified by climate models.
They are at the centre of the grim pronouncements made by the IPCC and loyally passed on by mainstream messengers.
Time perhaps to look in detail at temperature data sets boosted by jet exhaust and constant upward adjustments along with climate forecasting models that are invariably wrong to see if the science is quite as settled as defined by elite political opinions.
So yeah, of course temperature data taken in 2022 from boiling hot heat amplifying airports is gonna be higher than temperatures taken previously from other sites with environmentally cooler surroundings.
Not gonna hear any of that on the news tonight though, are you?
Oh no, all you're gonna hear is apocalyptic doomsday hysteria about the planet being on fire.
And how the only solution is for you to cripple your own living standards and cancel your family holiday, while the elite will continue to enjoy their luxury private jet lifestyles, as you cower inside your home, afraid of viruses and the weather.
Now, attendant to all this propaganda, we had sudden outbreaks of fires across the United Kingdom with compost heaps, with grassland spontaneously combusting for apparently no reason whatsoever apart from climate change.
Now, we had temperatures the day before, one degree Celsius or two degrees Celsius below what we had on the Tuesday, and yet there were no massive fires on the Monday.
Interesting that, isn't it?
Headline here, Huge scunthorpe blaze was deliberately set.
Says fire service!
This was one of the examples that they brought, that they reported.
Huge amount of land gone up in smoke, basically.
Somebody on Twitter points out that it was actually pending planning application for a new housing development.
What a coincidence.
So we have grassland, compost bins, suddenly spontaneously exploding.
The media seizes on it and says, look!
Global warming!
England is on fire!
So you think the same Extinction Rebellion activists who glue themselves to roads wouldn't set fires?
Wouldn't engage in arson?
And some of these blazers have already proven to be arson in the 24 hours since they happened.
Absolutely massive scandal brewing once again.
Summit.News, we'll be back.
No, go away.
So 36 degree temperature in the United Kingdom doesn't cause mass fires across the entire country, doesn't cause grassland compost bins to spontaneously Burst into flames.
But then the next day, when the temperature is two degrees higher, suddenly we have giant wildfires all over the country.
The firefighters are stretched, they can't battle them.
Entire streets of houses being razed to the ground.
And obviously the culprit is man-made climate change.
Obviously the culprit is you taking an annual family holiday and not recycling your little bottles.
It was two degrees cooler the previous day.
We didn't have a spate of wildfires.
And then it turns out some of these fires obviously were arson.
Things just don't spontaneously combust.
Other countries have similar temperatures throughout the summer on a sustained basis for more than one day.
They don't have giant wildfires every single summer.
Very interesting, isn't it, that the same people who will risk life and limb to go and protest for Extinction Rebellion and these net zero green agenda eco-mentalist causes, again putting themselves at risk, thinking they're part of the rebellion when they're actually doing the bidding of the establishment.
The Tory government is literally enacting their net zero agenda on a daily basis.
Oh, but they wouldn't start wildfires to give the news media all this coverage of massive blazes across the country so it can be blamed on man-made climate change.
No, they'd never do that.
But don't worry, because the World Economic Forum, Davos and Klaus Schwab, has a solution for it being hot in July at the height of summer.
Yes, and this obviously is going to have no negative knock-on consequences whatsoever, They suggest blocking out the sun by placing a giant bubble in space.
Yeah, they actually said that.
Here's the video.
It's called, Wow!
What a Great Idea!
Let's roll it.
The comparison between the World Economic Forum's wannabe Bond villain Klaus Schwab and Peter Sellers' Doctor Strangelove character is often recognised.
Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum.
So we will see definitely a lot of anger.
A sacrifice required for the future of the human race.
Human race.
But now the WEF is promoting mad science proposals that wouldn't look out of place in the 1964 movie.
Yes, our esteemed predator class is now advancing the argument that we should block out the sun!
Yeah, see that life-giving celestial body that's responsible for all earthly existence?
Yeah, let's start fucking around with that.
Wow, what a great idea!
Sounds like something from the plot of V, where friendly aliens arrive to politely share their advanced technology with us and end up enslaving humanity and draining the planet of all its resources.
But wait, I thought the sun had nothing to do with climate change.
I thought it was all my fault for taking an annual holiday!
Oh, wait a minute!
Spraying aerosols into the upper atmosphere?
Sounds like you're getting dangerously close to the C word there.
Right, so Earth-based geoengineering methods are too risky, but you want to create a giant bubble in space that blocks
out the sun.
Yeah, I'm sure that'll have zero knock-on effects.
Listen, we're not friggin' vampires, we need the sun.
How about let's not accidentally trigger a new Ice Age, satiate the demented, discredited agenda of net-zero green activists.
How about let's not follow the scientific advice of an organisation whose leader wants to put microchips in your brain to read your thoughts, leading to a dystopian transhumanist fourth industrial revolution future of augmented elites and obsolete useless eaters.
A lot of anger.
Yeah, perhaps putting Doctor Strangelove in control of our planet's future isn't the best idea.
So while the WEF and the wannabe Bonneville and Klaus Schwab want to block out the sun, tell you that you'll own nothing and be happy, Bill Gates continues to buy up vast swathes of US farmland.
Of course, while farmers across Europe, across the West, are being forced to sell their farmland to the government, being hit With draconian restrictions in terms of emissions, nitrogen emissions, green agenda emissions that will put them out of business forever.
And yet Bill Gates, he's taking care of himself by buying vast amounts of farmland on a regular basis, keeps doing it, did it again recently in South Dakota.
Well now congressman demands Bill Gates explain why he's buying up vast amounts of farmland This is South Dakota Congressman Dusty Johnson, and he's demanding answers.
He wrote in a letter, it's become clear in recent reports that Mr. Gates is the largest private farmland owner in America.
He owns nearly 270,000 acres of farmland across 19 states.
And basically, Johnson is asking, if Bill Gates is pushing this net zero agenda, he's constantly insisting that Americans should stop eating red meat and start eating the bugs.
Why is he buying up vast amounts of farmland?
Why is it bad for Americans to own property, but it's good for him to have a monopoly on US farmland across the country?
Let's go to this other video now, though, because we're running out of time.
Starbucks has come out and announced that they're having to close all these stores because basically drug addicts and criminals are going in there and conducting their business.
Very funny in a thick way if you know the history about this.
This is Starbucks and the decline of America.
Let's roll the clip.
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is being forced to close branches of the coffee giant across the country.
Well, because in his own words in a leaked video, quote, America has become unsafe.
And, uh, I don't have to spend too much time on what's going on in the country and how America has become unsafe.
But you all read the press release the last couple days about the fact that we are beginning to close stores that are not unprofitable.
And Starbucks is a window into America.
Starbucks announced they were closing 16 stores with more to probably come.
Schultz blamed the closures on incidents related to drug use and other disruptions.
He also said in the leaked video that the responsibility for all this lies with woke political leaders who valued advancing insane progressive mantras over the prevention of crime.
And I must say, Um, in my view, uh, at the local state and federal level, these governments across the country and leaders, mayors and governors and city councils have advocated their responsibility.
Hold up, wait a minute.
I made a video in March 2015, seven years ago, talking about the genesis of all this.
In case you forgot, at the time Starbucks immediately cowed to the nascent Black Lives Matter movement to institute an absolutely absurd policy.
That policy involves training their barista staff to start conversations with white customers About how racist they are.
Yes, this actually happened.
They actually told their staff to confront their own customers and put them on some kind of weird, awkward, white guilt trip.
Then what happened three years later in 2018?
Starbucks announced they were basically turning themselves into America's biggest public toilet.
All because two black men in Philly were arrested.
After trying to use the Starbucks bathroom without paying for anything and then refusing to leave.
After which time each and every dreg of society was given a free pass to conduct their business in Starbucks toilets.
But the company didn't stop there.
Starbucks followed up by subjecting their long-suffering staff to bizarre re-education struggle sessions.
Where they were forced to watch endless video after video of white cops attacking black people.
Even though the incident that sparked it all had nothing whatsoever to do with police brutality.
So Starbucks threw in its lot with the BLM mob, swung open their doors to crackheads and junkies, and now they're being forced to close down Starbucks because of problems with crackheads and junkies.
Wow, who could have seen that coming?
Get woke, go broke?
If by get woke you mean allowing your restrooms to become foul-smelling, piss-stained drug dens, all in the name of racial justice, then yeah.
And Howard Schultz has the nerve to blame other people for the mess that his policies created.
Yeah, of course politicians are to blame for lax laws on open-air drug use.
Which have turned the likes of LA and San Francisco into torrid shitholes.
And they're to blame for eliminating felonies for theft.
Which have turned stores in leftist-run cities into pick-and-mix free-for-alls.
But it was Schulz's decision to make Starbucks a safe haven for all that.
And in the process, incentivising the criminal behaviour he now decries.
So instead of whining about it and pointing the finger, how about you take some responsibility for a change?
That's going to wrap it up for the Summit News Hour.
Merriam-Webster changes definition of female at the behest of transgender activists.
We also have gender activists say archaeologists should be stopped from identifying ancient human remains as male or female.
Minnesota Theatre caves to woke mob and cancels Dave Chappelle's show.
All those articles and more are available at summit.news, but keep it locked in because coming up next we have War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Keep it locked in right here.
We'll be back.
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We found 1,100 bottles of that, that because of a miscalculation with AutoShip we had, it'll sell out probably today.
It's available at InfowarsStore.com as well, or by calling toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And despite the fact that it'll sell out today, it's still 25% off.
And I'm going to stop right there now, and I'm going to move back to your phone calls.
Other than saying this, I talked to the next to Susan four weeks ago, five weeks ago, with I think the most important documentary ever proving that they stole the election.
And I said, I bet I'll buy 100,000 DVDs from you because people want to have it in their archive.
And it's such a historic film.
And we bought 20,000.
I said, I think we'll be reordering it every few weeks.
We've only sold out half of these.
And I'm not mad at the audience.
I just think you're crazy.
With all the censorship online, what's happening?
You need this historic film on your shelf to show friends, family, neighbors, your office, your boss, your employees, your church, whoever.
And so we have it.
We have Coben Land 3, the shot, getting into how deadly the shot is.
Both those are just coming together.
Everybody needs them.
And I'll be quite frank, I'm surprised more people haven't got it.
I think you're crazy when you're ever on the site getting other products to not get this, and it keeps the show on the air.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.