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Name: 20220715_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 15, 2022
2414 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics such as military exemption from congressional oversight, Secret Service text messages related to January 6th Capitol riot, Donald Trump's potential presidential run, globalist takeover, public education, pedophilia, financial collapse, and promotes products available at his store InfoWarsstore.com. He emphasizes the importance of supporting InfoWars financially and staying informed in the fight against tyranny. The video also covers current events like the Telford scandal, Joe Biden's behavior, and a dropped racist training program for detectives.

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Friday live, Donald John Trump has announced he is running for president in 2024.
Alex Jones, right again, just 11 days later than I said.
He said, I'm running for president.
I just don't know when I'll launch the official campaign, but the declaration he is running is he's running.
He said, my mind is my own.
I won't be intimidated.
I'm throwing down the gauntlet.
I'm running for president to be the 47th president and the 45th president of the United States of America and everything that entails and what that means.
Thanks for joining us on this live Friday broadcast.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
American Providence is careening off the rails as it is diverted by a spineless tax money pit salesman from California known
as Adam Schiff.
You might think it's okay that the president is reported to have helped dictate that lie.
You might think that's okay.
I don't.
As the Washington Times reported, Representative Adam Schiff wants a defense policy bill to include language blocking Congress from oversight of the military and National Guard, in some cases of domestic deployment.
The exemption from congressional oversight is narrowly focused on the domestic deployment of troops.
But Mr. Schiff's free pass for the Pentagon could impact a range of oversight from border security to the January 6th riot at the U.S.
The U.S.
military is not allowed to be involved in any way, even in the most minor way, involved in domestic politics.
So this suggests the U.S.
military under Joe Biden is involved in domestic politics.
Well, we also know, Tucker, from reporting by Newsweek, that said that military assets were involved in January 6th, even leading up to the events of January 6th.
What was the military doing?
And we know that the military was fully hostile to Donald Trump.
His own military leaders, including Mark Milley, were completely hostile to the president at that point.
Ray Epps, not Jacob Chansley or Joe Biggs, should be the poster boy for the supposed insurrection on January 6th.
As Revolver News reported, Ray Epps has turned out to be perhaps the only person nailed dead to rights confessing on camera to plotting a pre-planned attack on the Capitol.
On both January 5th and January 6th, Epps announced multiple times at multiple locations his upcoming plot to breach the U.S.
We need to go into the Capitol!
Into the Capitol!
He then spent hours attempting to recruit hundreds of others to join him.
On top of it all, Epps was seen leading key people and managing key aspects of the initial breach of the Capitol grounds himself.
It's that direction!
Please spread the word!
Alright, no Dave, but one more thing.
Yeah, so can we go up there?
When we go in, leave this here.
Are we going to get arrested if we go up there?
We don't need to get shot.
During the fog of war of the events following January 6th, Ray Epps and the actors surrounding
him were hunted by the FBI and the New York Times.
Now Epps isn't even mentioned during Schiff's January 6th committee hearings.
And now the New York Times has painted Epps as a victim of conspiracy theory, creating its own conspiracy theory.
The piece describes Ray Epps as a disappointed Trump supporter.
Well, here's the only thing.
Ray Epps, as far as we know, did not go to the speech.
Here is the alleged Trump supporter, Ray Epps, who traveled all the way from Arizona to Washington, D.C., and doesn't even attend the speech?
Meanwhile, 69-year-old grandmother Pam Hemphill from Idaho, who suffers from breast cancer and has no criminal history, just began her 60-day sentence.
Mom, what do you have to say to the American people as your last words before you go in?
Keep your faith.
No matter what's going on in your life, God's with us.
No matter what's happening to us, do what's right and help make this country better again.
Your government wants you to know it hates you.
As they cover up further evidence, according to The Intercept, the Secret Service erased text messages from January 5th and January 6th, 2021, though the Secret Service maintains that the text messages were lost as a result of a device replacement program.
The letter to The Intercept says the erasure took place shortly after oversight officials requested the agency's electronic communications.
The United States wasn't forged by bug-eyed corporate prostitutes.
The revolutionary fortitude of the invigorating human spirit imbued in the Declaration of Independence are alien concepts to those who would twist the very character of our nation to fulfill the half-baked whims of their foreign globalist masters and their dwindling party.
John Bowne reporting.
On July 1st, as we went into the July 4th weekend, I was talking to Roger Stone off-air before he came on, and I said, when is Trump set to announce, because he's told Roger that he is going to run, starting about six months ago.
He was planning not to.
He got angry.
They'd had dinner several times, and he said, yes, I'm running, and he consulted Roger on when he should run.
I said, can you talk about that on air?
And he said, yeah, I'll talk some about it.
And he said, look for Trump to announce in July.
In fact, he's thinking about announcing on July 4th.
I mean, he just talked to Trump the day before.
I made some phone calls to members of Congress that you see on the show, some you haven't, that talk to Trump on a weekly basis.
And they meet with him many times in Mar-a-Lago.
And they said, yeah, he's set to announce in July.
In fact, he's not even making a secret of it.
I went on air and I said he may announce July 4th, but he's currently planning to announce in July.
Now, I said for tactical flexibility, as he calls it, he might not do it in July.
But that was big, real news.
It's all over the news today, tomorrow's news today, July 15th, that Trump has done sit-down interviews with major newspapers and publications.
We've got them right here.
And they've talked to others that have talked to him.
And he said, my question is, will I announce imminently in July?
Or will I wait till after the midterms?
What he's doing is piquing interest in that right now.
But as of 15 days ago, he told Roger he's going in July, maybe even July 4th.
Now, when he didn't announce on July 4th, it was national news that Alex Jones is wrong.
Alex Jones said he would run on July 4th, he would announce it, and he didn't.
That's not what I said.
I said he told multiple people that I've talked to that he is going to run for president and would probably announce in July, maybe even July 4th.
That's what I said on the Friday.
That's what now came true today.
So it happened nine days, 10 days after I said he was thinking about doing it.
So it's all over the news, MSNBC, ABC News, you name it.
Donald Trump on 2024, I've already made that decision, I'm going to run.
The only question is do I announce now or after the midterms?
Forbes, Trump made up his mind about 2024, report says, but he's unsure when to announce.
The real headline is Trump just announced.
But see, that's the mind games and how people can't engage in even basic critical thinking.
That, I mean, I don't make stuff up, I get things wrong occasionally, but I talked to three people that talked to Trump in the last few weeks, and he told them, I am going to announce probably in July, And maybe, because I made that big announcement, it was all over the news, maybe Trump didn't want to thunderstorm, maybe he didn't announce on July 4th because of that, but it doesn't matter, he just announced.
So, Alex Jones is not always right, Alex Jones is usually right, and I try as hard as I can to be right, and to really give you the facts here on the inside and tell as best we can.
We have a special guest who I was told her business was not essential and then they find her and feed her and now they're taking her business away imminently because she's not essential.
Talk about slavery.
That nice lady will be joining us coming up in studio in the third hour.
Oregon salon owner.
State sent child protective services after me because I opened my business.
Yeah, they won't just take your business.
They'll try to take your children.
Lindsey Graham, not the Senator, but Lindsey Graham.
PatriotBarbie.com will be joining us in the third hour.
We're going to have open phones for that and so much more here today.
Now, let me go ahead and tell you some more of the news.
Imminent defaults By 10 major governments are set to be announced.
Major rating agencies are announcing that.
And guys I was shuffling my papers around before the break and I can't find that one so you reprint me 10 major nations set to default.
There's a bunch of news on it but I just I can try to dig around during the break, but I'm going to be getting to that.
We have this ultra-massive news.
Adam Schiff, the globalist New World Order puppet.
Yeah, I said ten nations is the headline I saw.
News & World Report say a dozen.
I mean, that's the whole point of it is, once you get a bunch of dominoes going, they just keep falling.
I mean, we're going over the edge of a cliff.
Let's not lie to ourselves.
So that's coming up too.
But this is kind of a big deal.
You know, we already basically live under a form of globalist martial law.
They put us under lockdown.
There's training wheels for it.
They're bringing in the world ID.
They're trying to push forced inoculations.
And now, a member of Congress wants the power of the purse transferred to the Pentagon, where the funding and their operations do not have congressional oversight.
You want to say rogue government?
Baby, that's it.
And when the military is its own standalone unit, you are living in a tyranny.
Schiff seeks rule that would block oversight of some military operations.
And guess what those military operations are?
I'll give you a wild guess.
Domestic operations.
Posse Comitatus.
Because they're getting ready for full-on hot martial law in this country when the economy goes completely belly up.
And that's why I've said every day we're still on Airs of Blessing.
I tried to stop this, you tried to stop it, we're now deep into it.
At least a lot of people know what we're dealing with now.
And folks understand it's a globalist takeover, but wow.
And they're putting in digital surveillance, digital martial law, that's what they call it.
That is just such a giant area there.
And then we've got what's going on in the public schools where children as young as six are being directed to secret chat rooms run by the federal government to discuss sex changes, activism, and the occult.
Man, the devil worshiping pedophiles.
All right out in the open now.
Kid, come here with us and get in a secret chat room, talk about sex.
The average person does that, the FBI busts them, they go to jail, but not when it's the almighty pedophile run,
collapsing US government.
We also have a bunch of videos of the World Economic Forum having their 40th anniversary.
And world leaders pledging allegiance to Klaus Schwab.
A supervillain in the flesh.
Ab-so-lutely incredible.
We have video of George Soros bragging how he overthrew Ukraine and how they control it.
They're going to pull down the statues of famous slobs, kings and queens, and put up a giant statue to a gay porn
You're like, that's a joke, right?
That's the onion.
No, that's... That's what's really happening.
So, we're in for it.
They are making their move, and you better get right with Jesus.
All right, there's so much more I'm going to get to.
I'm going to drill into all of it here today.
I haven't hit the COVID news yet about they knew it was hurting children and killing them, but they just covered that up.
That's the CDC.
These people are psychotic murderers.
We'll be right back.
Friday live, Donald John Trump has announced he is running for president in 2024.
Alex Jones, right again, just 11 days later than I said.
He said, I'm running for president.
I just don't know when I'll launch the official campaign, but the declaration he is running is he's running.
He said, my mind is my own.
I won't be intimidated.
I'm throwing down the gauntlet.
I'm running for president to be the 47th president and the 45th president of the United States of America and everything that entails and what that means.
Thanks for joining us on this live Friday broadcast.
All right.
I'm going to hit the amendment to the House rules offered by Mr. Schiff of California coming up to put the United States under military dictatorship.
That's what it is.
Just cut and dry like it's no big deal.
Like everything else you see is over the top.
It's really happening.
You just saw two years plus of on and off again lockdowns and masks and attempts at forced inoculations and many groups were forcibly injected like our military.
And now the real martial law is coming ahead of the total financial collapse.
We have dozens of major nations set to default on their sovereign debt.
Russia already did it last week.
This is just incredible.
This is mind-blowing.
I know the average person can't believe all this because it's horrible.
But you need to know about bad so you can prepare for it and be ready.
Speaking of that, let me just go ahead and say this is a status report.
On the state of independent free media in America and on InfoWars and on the InfoWars family and everything that the listeners and viewers and supporters have done in your investment in my quest and your quest in the last 28 years to expose the global to try to stop their new world order takeover or they did launch or take over have folks ready to understand that submission to it only makes it a hundred times worse.
We've reached billions of people.
We've awakened hundreds of millions together.
And Now the challenges we face are the same challenges everybody else faces.
Inflation, a collapsing economy, supply chain breakdowns, the annihilation of the family, exploding crime.
And I truly love this audience of activists and I truly love this crew.
They're amazing people.
And in the last three months, I brought in two outside accounting firms to really look at the back books, look at the current books, project forward and come up with the real numbers we have.
And I know that with the capital injections I made with the emergency backup savings we had, because any real operation needs at least a tenth of a tank, that despite all the donations and all the support, in about a month, InfoWars will be insolvent.
We don't have the money to battle these three Sandy Hook trials that start.
July 25th here in Texas, or in Connecticut, a week later, they'll have two trials at once going.
I mean, it's just insane.
The judges don't care.
They say they're going to order me to be in two places at once.
I mean, it's just incredible tyranny.
The judge in Texas has issued an order saying I will not be allowed to defend myself or speak about the First Amendment or anything else.
It's going to be one-sided, I'm guilty, and I'm just there to be pummeled and yelled at, and I can't talk.
Seriously, that's official.
People can't believe it.
No one's ever seen it.
They think this is worse than Guatemala or North Korea.
But nevertheless, they will compel me and make me go there or they will lock me up.
This is what these people are doing.
It's all just a sick attack on populism.
They see Alex Jones as you.
As the populace, as flyover country that they dearly hate.
So with the projections, the good news is Some supply chains a little bit better.
We got some better manufacturers, bigger ones.
One of the dozen plus products that have been sold out for six months to a year came in.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
That's bringing in every day about a third of the money we need.
In the next month or so, more of those products come in and I trust you'll be there and you love them and that will get us stable.
But in the interim, ladies and gentlemen, when I tell you this, I'm 100% firing the bat signal and the SOS signal and explaining what you've invested in and what you've built and what's going on here.
Will collapse within a month, right as the money starts to come in.
It's just, it's insane if you don't support.
So I need people to go to the live show feed and put that headline back up.
This headline about Trump.
Donald John Trump has announced he is running for president 2024.
Alex Jones, right again.
And if you scroll down under the live show feed, there is a link because it's so hidden for whatever reason at infowarestore.com.
I have a banner ad at the top of the site to donate.
You can go right below the live show feed right there.
Please donate today to keep InfoWars on the air so we can defend the First Amendment and fight the globalist agenda.
We need to bring in $20,000 a day because we pay for our own satellite uplinks, our own bandwidth, our own infrastructure.
Midsize small-town newspapers cost $10-15 million a year.
That's why they all went bankrupt and shut down.
And then you didn't have local news anymore.
But so many of them were just echo chambers.
It wasn't that big a loss.
Infowars imploding and our independent infrastructure that creates the truthful narrative that so many others then pick up on is something we can't lose.
And so I come to you respectfully and I come to you humbly asking you for your aid now.
As we send this letter out With an emergency rider in this digital Alamo that we're in.
Because we'll go on to the end.
We'll do it all.
And I would imagine once we start shutting down, people are going to freak out and get a bunch of donations.
But something that is this complex is very hard to turn back on.
And with the debanking and the attacks and everything, it'll be very, very hard for us to operate into the future, even as a shadow of ourselves.
Here's an example.
We have six, seven million people clicking and watching videos a day at Bandai Video.
We can lower the bandwidth where it's not really a quality video stream and save about half the money.
And we may have to do that.
I really don't want to.
But we had to build our own infrastructure.
You understand the hundreds of billions of dollars that go into Google Video and Twitter Video and YouTube?
We don't have that.
You don't have that.
The people have.
Band-Odd video that is then getting picked up everywhere and amplified with millions and tens of millions of views on every other platform every day, but they have to come there to the production platform that has hundreds of people that have been censored, different providers on it.
And we try to pay for that with advertising, but if we didn't have the product in because of supply chain issues and problems, then we don't have the products.
But the product will be here soon.
Bodies came in.
Vitamin Refusion gets in next week, it'll start to stabilize, and then we've got to take that money and pay the other 50% on the other nine products.
That's why, and then when that happens, in the next month and a half, it's about a month and a half, then we'll be stabilized and be able to fund and run things.
But I need money now, or your investment in time and energy will go down in flames right at a moment.
We're having a bigger effect in the world than we've ever had.
So yes, buy the products at infowarestore.com.
And buy the Alex Jones is Right t-shirt, because that's all the other shirts we sold at cost to get them out to the public, but that one we sold a premium, you know, raised $10 on the regular shirt and $20 on the custom shirt.
You go buy that all day at the mall for, you know, way more.
Why not support the truth while you still can?
Get a Dinesh D'Souza 2000 mules.
Get an Endgame.
Whatever you do, go to m4warstore.com.
But the easiest thing to do is go to the live show feed where it says donate or go to m4warstore.com where it says support and just go make a one-time or recurring donation that you know who you are and I thank you.
And whoever gave that Bitcoin, man, we would be shut down right now without you.
We had to use all that to pay off back bills and buy products in the future, but it hadn't come in yet.
So we need your support now.
m4warstore.com and I thank you all and I have faith in you.
I want everybody listening to my voice.
To say a prayer for awakening and for justice, please, if you feel the way I do.
And I want to ask all the viewers and listeners and affiliates and sponsors and everybody that cares about the truth to understand something.
I told you a few years ago, this is only going to get worse, and I don't think you need me to tell you that, you know that.
I want everybody, including myself, Let it really sink in.
This is a new type of war.
High-tech siege.
The purposeful destruction of the world economy and total collapse.
And it's going to be long, and it's going to be slow, and they're going to take their time strangling us while they consolidate total power and control.
The endgame having power over our bodies.
And just as Winston Churchill gave that speech after the British forces had been driven into the ocean at Dunkirk, But the real kickoff of World War II, all I can offer you is the truth.
And the truth is, a lot of blood, a lot of sweat, a lot of tears, and a lot of pain.
But total submission to this tyranny, the things it's going to do, is going to be a thousand times worse than what we're going to go through saying no to this.
Everybody's got their breaking point.
I've got mine, you've got yours.
And you've just got to have a breaking point where you break with the system, And you understand it's predatory and insane.
See, once you get evil in high places, it then recruits more evil, and then even more twisted sick evil people replace those evil people, and then those sickos get replaced with worse and worse people.
That's why organizations like Al-Qaeda and other groups end up, you know, raping children and eating people's hearts and... Because the very worst Of the worst of the worst are going to replace who was the worst last month.
And it just always and inevitably goes into a death spiral.
Now the globalists know that as historians.
They like evil, they like destruction, they like power.
They are triggering the collapse that decadence and evil always brings, pretending like they're in control of it because they understand that processing.
Talk about smoking your own dope.
Talk about drinking your own Kool-Aid.
And then you've got all the people Pavlovianly trained and conditioned on social media that is nothing but a digital re-education camp, getting up before Congress, the heads of federal agencies and groups, saying men can't have babies.
Pedophilia is good.
And you look at that and you go, what is that?
That's mind control.
That's a slave.
A lot of these people believe it.
And they find power in the brainwashing and in giving into it and actually believing their lie can destroy logic.
They decide to believe 2 plus 2 equals 10.
You know, I was sent a clip by Eddie Bravo this morning of a John Birch Society video from the 1990s.
And you'd think they'd been in a time machine to the future.
And we cover some of these very UNESCO documents in Endgame.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
And .
They explain how that from 2005 to 2015 through UNESCO and the world brainwashing system of the UN that's in control of all major education systems on earth except for a handful of countries.
Russia's not under it but they still follow it.
China is not commanded by it but basically follows it.
They're a member of UNESCO.
And it's teaching people to not have logic and believe 2 plus 2 equals 5.
And have total moral relativism brainwashed into the children so they don't know which end is up.
And boy, did their brainwashing program, did their gaslighting program work like a charm.
And you know, I know I used to own this video and a bunch of other things.
That's how I know so much.
These people were directly over the target, starting in Vietnam.
And everybody's got to look to their archives and their records and put those back online somewhere.
I can reach out to the JBS, I guess, and say, hey, we'd like to put this stuff on Bandai Video.
But this stuff's evergreen.
I mean, this is a copy of a copy of a digital copy, so it's all foggy.
I remember watching this very presentation, and it was, and these presentations were given to legislatures.
In fact, I'm going from memory, this is only a piece of it, but I think this was in front of the Kentucky legislature in like 1996.
But the point is, is that this is a plan.
And the people brainwashed by it really think they're on a winning team because they're delusional.
Even though in the real world they're going to get poor, they're going to be enslaved, they can't even come to grips with it.
Here's the clip.
The people who are perpetrating these things expect to do this and make it last.
And the answer to that is that you steal a generation of children.
And you indoctrinate them so that they accept these ideas and they become global citizens in the coming global village.
UNESCO came out and declared 2005 to 2015 the decade of education for sustainable development.
But they go on to say that it will encompass the 40 chapters of Agenda 21.
That is your federal national curriculum.
The entire purpose of second grade social studies is to transfer loyalty from the family to the government.
And teach them about sustainable economic consumption.
Students construct their own understandings of reality and realize that objective reality is not knowable.
So why bother?
The truth is, the truth, which keep men free, is being suppressed in order to prop up the attitude training agenda.
And it moves on.
This is our new math called Connected Mathematics.
Standard 3 tells us that students learn that mathematics is man-made, that it is arbitrary, and good solutions are arrived at by consensus.
Most of us assume 2 plus 2 is always going to equal 4.
You're wrong.
We might reach a new consensus.
How well does it work?
Well, they tell you.
In the teacher's guide in the back, it tells us that because the curriculum doesn't emphasize arithmetic computations done by hand, some students may not do as well on tests assessing computational skills.
We believe such a trade-off in the favor of CMP is very much to the student's advantage in the world of work.
Our children are mathematically illiterate.
On purpose.
How do I know on purpose?
Why isn't this just a basic bad idea?
Because the Sustainable Development Plan tells us so!
Generally, more highly educated people who have higher incomes consume more resources than poorly educated people who tend to have lower incomes.
In this case, more education increases the threat to sustainability.
Charlotte Isserby, I owe you an apology.
I did not believe for the longest time it was a deliberate dumbing down.
I thought the dumbing down was a natural consequence of a bad idea.
Folks, it's deliberate.
It's deliberate.
The sustainable globalist goal is the orchestration of a planned fall of American principles, values, and lifestyles.
The effect on the average American will be devastating.
With modernizing technology, the ordinary person will live without independence, privacy, or substantive rights.
Another press conference that I attended was the ICLEI Group, the International Committee for Local Environmental Initiatives.
It helps in the implementation of Agenda 21 in all of our local communities.
And one of the speakers was Harvey Reuven.
So, if you were watching the last segment, or you just tuned in, I'll recap it.
Those are from the UNESCO UN World Plans.
rights that Americans derive from the United States Constitution and the Bill
of Rights and that of course is your... So if you were watching last segment or
you just tuned in I'll recap it. Those are from the UNESCO UN world plans. I've
seen them myself, gone to the library back in the 90s, couldn't believe it,
pulled up the UN documents, made films about it.
America's Robot Design was the first.
Now you see, that name's correct today, isn't it?
25 years later.
Poor people don't consume as much.
We're gonna make people dumb and poor.
Actually said that.
And now they're so mind-controlled and so dumb, they think a man can have a baby.
And oh, two women had a baby in the prison!
And in the U.S.
and England, because they do it as an activism thing, men go in with beards, muscles, tattoos, they get up the stirrups, nurse comes in, doctor comes in, he says, check my cervix for HPV.
And the doctors all over the world, particularly the West, they say, all right, your cervix is clear.
They don't have a vagina.
They don't have a cervix, but you know why they do those checkups?
You know why the tampon makers all say men have periods too?
Because it's mind control.
There it is.
Yes, men need pap smears too.
And if you don't give the man the pap smear, you don't check his penis for a cervix, You get fired.
People go, that's insane.
No, that's not insane.
That's mind control.
How are the pedophiles going to get to the point where they can have sex with your children publicly?
They're going to normalize everything else and scramble everybody's brains and they've done it to a large portion of people.
Yeah, why don't you cue that up since you pulled it up.
I need a good laugh or a good cry from, I don't know, almost a year ago now, Stephen Crowder's show.
This piece got censored off YouTube, by the way, with all the men getting women pregnant in prison.
And we made a whole joke about it.
You ready with that, guys?
Go ahead and roll it.
Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which will be to
all people, for there is born to you a baby in this cell.
And this shall be a sign unto you of... A virgin birth?
A miracle?
Your cellmate, that guy dressed as a woman?
He's going to rape you.
I'm a girl.
But it's not funny, is it?
It's actually very, very, very, very, very sad.
All right.
I mentioned a lot of just ultra-massive information.
And I'm going to plow into it in detail in the next hour.
And I'm going to open the phones up for veterans and current active duty serving military and police only.
And we're going to calls quick now.
You've heard me.
I'm really getting to them.
So you won't be on hold that long.
We're taking five, six calls a segment.
What do you make of the Democrats introducing a bill that the House of Representatives and the Congress and the House Armed Services Committee will no longer be involved in oversight of the funds or operations of the Pentagon for domestic military operations?
That's domestic martial law.
And it's in the different presidential decision directives that go back decades, bipartisanly, that in a total emergency, Congress suspends its control Over the purse strings for six months.
This was statutorily put it into place and it's just being announced like it's no big deal.
I'd like to hear from you on that and how it ties into the control collapse, how it ties into the SJW critical race theory and forced inoculation to drive out the best people for the military, military recruiting falling to all-time lows, defunding the police so they can kick out the cops they don't like, bring in the politicos and commissars they do control.
And it ties into all this other news, but I'm going to go right to your calls.
Bam, bam, bam.
Finally broken my bad habit of not getting the calls.
My first five years on Talk Radio, man, I was the king of taking 30, 40 calls an hour.
I got to be really bad about ever even taking calls, but I like calls, listeners like calls.
I love the different angles you bring up.
So I want to hear from law enforcement, military, active duty veterans on this and just what it means with major governments defaulting on debt, massive inflation, open borders.
I mean, they're really collapsing things to then bring in the tyranny as the solution.
And they're saying they want to, hell yes, ban our semi-autos.
The toll free number to join us is 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex.
And I can say I've fought really as hard as I can.
We've had a lot of great success together.
Whatever happens, God's on our side at the end of the day and this evil will pass, but the question is how bad is it going to get first, and I'm going to leave it all on the field.
I'm going to stay on air as long as we can.
There's a real spirit of evil in the nation and the world.
There's a real spirit of dysfunctionalism that's been put out there by design, and it's creeping into every facet of life.
And all we've got to do is love our children, love each other, love God, not hate each other, but defend ourselves and just be as good persons as we can.
I know this is all a big test.
Satanists think they're doing their stress test with the Great Reset.
God's put us through a real Great Reset and a real stress test.
Leave it all on the field, ladies and gentlemen.
That's what this is all about.
And there's so much other news here.
Wait till you hear what they're doing to the six-month-olds with the shots.
It's killing them.
And it's hurting them.
And they know what they're just doing is an act of raw power.
They can't outright rape them.
They're gonna rape them biologically, chemically, with these injections.
It's just, it's just very, very painful, but We killed the unborn, we euthanized the old, and now we're all fair game.
When are we going to hit bottom is the question.
That's not the question for listeners.
When are we going to hit bottom?
I'd like to hear your take on that.
Your calls are coming up.
Separately, I'm trying to front load the plugs here today because we need to stay on air.
We've gotten real first-rate accounting done.
To actually project out what we need, what the expenses are, what's going to happen.
And if we don't raise major capital in the next month, we're completely out of even reserves.
And the good news is, in a month and a half, we got the numbers where enough of the product that's been sold out with past projections is popular, we will be doing actually okay.
You know, with a tenth a tank of gas, instead of fumes.
We're on fumes right now.
We've got great products you need.
It could be your last chance, seriously, to get an Alex Jones is Right shirt, or get an Endgame, or to buy Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, or...
So make a donation.
We'll still be able to do that.
We'll still have something going here.
But I really need you to go to InfoWarsTore.com and get the great products.
And I need you to go to the front page of InfoWars.com in the live show feed of the day, where Trump announces he's running for president.
Told you that was coming.
Right underneath the live show video feed, we have a link that takes you right to the sub page at InfoWarsTore.com.
And we're gonna add a banner to the top of mforce.com and mforceware.com to make a
donation at one time or recurring so it's easy to find.
Whether it's $10 or $100, this is one place you really know you're fighting the new world
This is one place you really know you're having a big effect.
And I just can't imagine a world where InfoWars isn't here.
But the Democratic Party and the lawsuits and the attacks and everything has basically almost run us to ground.
We're about to go over the rocks.
I don't have the will or the strength to turn the wheel myself.
Together we can turn the wheel of the ship and not run into the rocks.
And we'll be doing pretty good as we fix our supply chain problems in about three months.
I may be to the point where I only plug twice a day instead of every hour or whatever, because we'll be doing well.
We have a lot of plans to continue on, but it is nip and tuck, and it's just God showing us that, hey, I'm the one that gets you out of the trouble, always bringing me right to the edge.
And I have total faith in you, but thank you for your past support.
Don't let that support be lost.
Let your investment of liberty and freedom and sticking to the New World Order continue.
Our 888-253-3139.
And we fixed a lot of problems, found out about a lot of issues, fixed a lot of things last few months.
I've been spending more time getting the finances right and learning everything about it, instead of just, you know, selling product and hoping enough money came in, and then nobody orders the product, and there's a supply chain problem, and then... I found out about a lot of other stuff too, like...
Somehow it got flipped to the default that all the supplements had to be California Standard when nobody can do that.
Instead of just saying, not California Standard, Prop 65.
So that's another reason we couldn't get product, is they were doing California Standards.
No one can even do that!
So we're gonna go to Industry Standard, not California Standard.
Evil has organized itself into very powerful forces.
And it's confused and scrambled most people's moral compasses.
None of us are perfect.
But some a lot worse than others and it's here.
And the New World Order knows humanity was awakening.
So it's accelerating its operation into warp speed.
Now I'm going to open the phones up this hour from former military veterans, current military law enforcement about Adam Schiff, the Democrats introduced bill for no financial or Political military oversight.
Operational oversight of the military.
I mean, that's just a staggering bill to be introduced.
As if Congress in a bill could give up its oversight that's in the Constitution.
That's military dictatorship they're setting up.
Tucker Carlson covered it last night.
In fact, I'm going to air John Bowne's report again at the start of the next segment and then go to your calls.
Because it's so important, and he actually shows the clips and the documents.
But right now, let's just go ahead and get to the first caller here.
And Matt wants to bring this up.
It's true.
They're using the cover of nuclear war as the pretext to put the emergency system in or to activate the emergency system.
Matt's in Massachusetts, says he has friends in the National Guard in New York preparing for nukes.
Give us your information.
Yeah, thanks for having me on, Alex, and thank you for everything you do.
So, I'm in Massachusetts, and I have a lot of friends in the National Guard.
One of them's an E-8, actually a couple of them are E-7s.
And one of them called his wife, who are good friends with the family, and told us, you know, he was sent out to training two weeks ago.
He was only supposed to be there for a week.
So his wife gets a phone call, and he's telling her, hey, listen, I'm going to be out here longer.
I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be here, but there's something I gotta tell you.
And she says, what?
And he says, listen, they have us doing a lot of weird stuff.
He said, I've been out here training at night, and for the last week we've been doing night training, and he said, basically, quote-unquote, training.
They have us loading live ordnance into the back of trucks under the complete cover of darkness.
They're not allowed to use any flashlights.
The buildings where they're getting the ordnance from, they're not allowed to have lights on.
The trucks are not allowed to have lights on.
And they're only allowed to use NODS, which is the acronym for night vision for the military.
And he tells his wife, he said, hey, listen, you gotta tell our friends and I want you to do this.
You need to go get extra batteries and you need to fill up the gas cans for the generator and go get more gas cans.
He said, there's a lot of rumors floating around.
I don't know what's going to happen.
So on top of that, a week ago in New York released a public service announcement where they had a thing on TV telling people what to do in the event of a nuclear explosion.
Now, I have other friends in there, so I wanted to confirm this, so I asked one of my other buddies to give a call and ask what's going on.
I said, hey, are you in training?
And he said, yeah, I'm in training.
I'm in New York.
And I said, I'm like, what, you're in New York?
So he said, I'm only supposed to be here for two weeks, and now they're telling us that they don't know how long we're going to be here.
And I was like, really?
And that's what they do in a war.
They deploy the troops first to go, last to know.
And he said the same exact thing, that they're doing a lot of training at night.
I asked him, I said, are you training at night with live ordnance?
And there was about an hour pause before our message came back.
And he said, how the bleep do you know that?
And he doesn't know I'm talking to the other one.
And he said, there's a lot of weird stuff going on.
I don't know.
Hold on, Matt.
Matt, stay there.
Don't hang up.
Then I'm going to go to Mike, Rodney, Angel, Jim, Jonathan, Surfer, Joe, Dr. Stewart, and Joel.
your calls are all coming up.
First time caller, long time listener.
I'm a self-employed 66-year-old senior who last November moved from the suburbs of Detroit to lead the Nazi governor.
Moved to the panhandle of Florida.
At the time, my family and friends thought I'd lost my mind.
They no longer think that way, but at the time, they did.
And I want to say, God bless you.
Stay on the air.
The devil is a liar.
I'm going to plug one of your products.
I listen all the time.
And I heard this guy talking about the iodine supplement, X2, saying, well, he's been taking it.
His memory's getting better and he's having dreams.
And I'm like, yeah, maybe.
So I had to go back to Michigan for three weeks for business.
I came back and for a week, I had massive sinus headache, massive sinus condition, and a earache that was driving me nuts.
I said, you know what?
I'm gonna try the X2.
I had just gotten it.
Two days later, earache was gone, sinuses were cleared, no headaches.
I couldn't believe it.
This stuff is real.
It works.
So, anyways, I want to thank you for all that.
American Providence is careening off the rails as it is diverted by a spineless tax money pit salesman from California known as Adam Schiff.
You might think it's okay that the president is reported to have helped dictate that lie.
You might think that's okay.
I don't.
As the Washington Times reported, Representative Adam Schiff wants a defense policy bill to include language blocking Congress from oversight of the military and National Guard, in some cases of domestic deployment.
The exemption from congressional oversight is narrowly focused on the domestic deployment of troops.
But Mr. Schiff's free pass for the Pentagon could impact a range of oversight from border security to the January 6th riot at the U.S.
The U.S.
military is not allowed to be involved in any way, even in the most minor way, involved in domestic politics.
So this suggests the U.S.
military under Joe Biden is involved in domestic politics.
Well, we also know, Tucker, from reporting by Newsweek, that said that military assets were involved in January 6th, even leading up to the events of January 6th.
What was the military doing?
And we know that the military was fully hostile to Donald Trump.
His own military leaders, including Mark Milley, were completely hostile to the president at that point.
Ray Epps, not Jacob Chansley or Joe Biggs, should be the poster boy for the supposed insurrection on January 6th.
As Revolver News reported, Ray Epps has turned out to be perhaps the only person nailed dead to rights confessing on camera to plotting a pre-planned attack on the Capitol.
On both January 5th and January 6th, Epps announced multiple times at multiple locations his upcoming plot to breach the U.S.
We need to go into the Capitol!
Into the Capitol!
attempting to recruit hundreds of others to join him. On top of it all, Epps was seen
leading key people and managing key aspects of the initial breach of the Capitol grounds
It's that direction.
Please spread the word!
Alright, no Dave, but one more thing.
Yeah, so can we go up there?
When we go in, leave this here.
Are we going to get arrested if we go up there?
You don't need to get shot.
During the fog of war of the events following January 6th, Ray Epps and the actors surrounding
him were hunted by the FBI and the New York Times.
Now Epps isn't even mentioned during Schiff's January 6th committee hearings.
And now the New York Times has painted Epps as a victim of conspiracy theory, creating its own conspiracy theory.
The piece describes Ray Epps as a disappointed Trump supporter.
Well, here's the only thing.
Ray Epps, as far as we know, did not go to the speech.
Here is the alleged Trump supporter, Ray Epps, who traveled all the way from Arizona to Washington, D.C., and doesn't even attend the speech?
Meanwhile, 69-year-old grandmother Pam Hemphill from Idaho, who suffers from breast cancer and has no criminal history, just began her 60-day sentence.
Mom, what do you have to say to the American people as your last words before you go in?
Keep your faith.
No matter what's going on in your life, God's with us.
No matter what's happening to us, do what's right and help make this country better again.
Your government wants you to know it hates you.
As they cover up further evidence, according to The Intercept, the Secret Service erased text messages from January 5th and January 6th, 2021, though the Secret Service maintains that the text messages were lost as a result of a device replacement program.
The letter to The Intercept says the erasure took place shortly after oversight officials requested the agency's electronic communications.
The United States wasn't forged by bug-eyed corporate prostitutes.
The revolutionary fortitude of the invigorating human spirit imbued in the Declaration of Independence are alien concepts to those who would twist the very character of our nation to fulfill the half-baked whims of their foreign globalist masters and their dwindling party.
John Bowne reporting.
We knew the globalists were planning this attack.
They'd better test it in the third world.
And we fought to stop them launching it, but it's really a paradox because they had to go ahead and launch it because we were winning.
But it's better that they launch it on bad footing than launch it from a winning perspective.
They're losing, but they're still going ahead with it.
People say, well, why'd you take them on?
Why'd we push them into a corner?
Well, it's better that we do it on our terms and we know who they are than just let them keep us in the dark and still do it.
I think we did the right thing.
I know we did the right thing.
I want to go back to your phone calls, but we were just talking to Matt, he talked to his friends in multiple states who are doing nighttime martial law drills for the power being off.
And combating basically the American people.
Nuclear war drills, and you have introduced legislation that the military can operate domestically in the US without congressional oversight.
If that isn't treason, I don't know what is.
For those that don't know, in the Constitution it is bedrock law that the military is under the control, funding-wise, of Congress and the President.
And they're saying the military will operate on its own, make a law where their own new branch of government I mean, that means the globalist top people.
Everybody keeps looking for the military to come save you.
The rank-and-file military are, on average, the best people in the world.
Most of my family are veterans.
My ancestors, they were all, I mean, just incredible men.
And they taught me everything about the New World Order.
And they told me the military was controlled in the 70s and 80s.
And I had family in the U.S.
Army that went around killing people in the United States on assassination squads.
Let's just get that straight.
So I know what I'm talking about.
And they didn't like what they were doing then.
Killing people extrajudicially.
So the U.S.
government's been out of control for a long, long time and now is completely and totally out of control and run by globalists.
They were killing mafia people and gangbangers and communists without even a death warrant 30, 40 years ago in this country.
And people then were like, this could be used against us someday.
Guess what?
It is now.
And so you need to understand that and really let that burn in, ladies and gentlemen.
Matt, go ahead and finish up with what you said your friends were telling you about the creepy drills they're doing.
Yeah, so I guess the most creepy thing he was saying is that they're loading truck after truck with live ordnance under the complete cover of darkness.
And he told me that in his 15 years of service, he's never done any type of training like this.
And they've never sent them to New York to do this.
Usually when the Massachusetts National Guard does their training, they go down to the Bourne Base, which is on the Cape, or they go to Fort Devens.
So they're over in New York doing this.
Now, I don't know if you covered this, But the same week that they're there training, New York television released a public service announcement.
It was a video and it freaked a bunch of people out to the point where the governor had to respond to it, telling people what to do in the event of a nuclear explosion.
Um, so it just seems to me like things are really getting serious over here enough where people that are 15, 20 years in are freaked out by what's going on and calling their wives, telling them to go buy extra batteries, go get extra food, go fill up the gas cans for the generator, tell our friends to do this.
We don't know what's going to happen, but I guess there's a lot of rumors going around.
And when she asked, What are the rumors going around?
He's told her I really can't say anything on the phone and I shouldn't even have said this to you on the phone.
So I just want people to know if you have friends in the guard or you're in the guard you should be paying attention to what you're doing for training because I'm pretty sure you're going to be doing this kind of stuff and I hate to say it but I really think something's going to happen in New York and that's why they're over there and that's why they're being told they don't know how long they're going to be over there.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, I'll tell you what is in the cards.
Not just stage mass shootings, not just bombings to be blamed on Trump supporters and info warriors.
You already see that.
But a nuclear false flag to be blamed on Russia.
And then we go into martial law forever.
That's why I don't have a fatalistic feeling.
I have a really sad feeling because it's all going down now, folks.
We'll be right back.
Well, we stayed on air long enough to see the end of the Republic.
That's where we are and all the horrors that come after it.
Trump needs to announce for president now.
He needs to come out like the Santas has done and Bolsonaro, and apologize for being looped into the poison shots, and move past that, and say no to the martial law, no to the New World Order, and realize that the enemy isn't going to give up with their political defeats and the fact that everybody hates them, they're going to take over.
And they're bringing the lockdowns back, ABC News is reporting.
It's so sad.
We're here still on air thanks to you and we got a fighting chance.
I'm gonna go back to your phone calls right now.
I'm gonna go to Joel and I'm gonna go to Angel and everybody else in the order your calls are received.
I'm gonna talk to Mike as well first.
Mike is in Colorado.
He's an immigrant from Poland.
Boy, that's a good thing to do to open the phones up to immigrants to talk about what they left and what they see happening here.
There's some of the most powerful testimonies.
Mike, You want to comment on, quote, the USA going bad.
That's a good way to put it.
Going bad.
Mike, give us your take.
Yeah, so first of all, I just want to let you know that I've heard your back signal and I ordered a whole bunch of the preparedness foods.
I have the a protein, the protein heavy one and the one month supply
and already had a couple before.
Thank you.
And then I ordered a whole bunch of like x2 ultra 12 oils and everything. So yeah.
And yeah, so going back to where I came from, I was a teenager in my late 50s. Now,
I was in my late teens when everything transpired in Poland with like Valencia and
the solidarity movement. And you're talking about martial law. And this feels like right before it,
right now.
They had show trials just like we had the January 6th.
You know, all the people who were striking in the shipyards, they were on TV and non-stop bashing of them.
Kind of the follow-up on the previous caller, All kinds of rumors going around that, you know, the military is getting ready to go and they're getting the tanks filled up with fuel.
And then, of course, you know, a few weeks later, this was in December of 1981, they rolled out the tanks and just started going through the streets and shutting everything down.
Then also you had your coupons issued.
So, like, say you wanted a tank of gas, you only had one tank of gas a month.
You could only have a kilo of meat.
And now they're announcing everybody's gonna be cold or not have air conditioning.
It's all the same plan.
Yeah, it's surreal.
burning fireplaces or furnaces and so you only had so much but your house
was always cold because it was you know that just a very little amount. And now
they're announcing everybody's gonna be cold or not have air conditioning. It's
all the same plan. Yeah it's surreal. I mean I my family escaped it and you
know my parents and listen to my dad is like listening to you Alex and it's
You know, I grew up with that sort of view and always the nonstop fighting.
And, you know, for the longest time, it was like, oh, we're in America.
It's free.
Everything is great.
And now it's like, what the hell is going on?
We're this is like what we lived through already.
Why is this story repeating itself?
What's going on here?
I don't know what the average American is going to do when they lose everything.
It's just so sad.
Oh, I agree.
Sorry, I just wanted to give you my perspective, and it's not that I want to make people sad or whatever.
No, no, we need to know what's happening, and I hear you.
It's an exact feudalist, globalist plan that the communists carried out against your people and everybody else, and now it's happening to all of us again.
God bless you, and I appreciate your call.
It's true, too.
Same globalists ran that that run this.
Same damn scum.
Joel in California, and then Angel.
Joel, you're on the air.
Hey, how's it going, Alex Jones?
Good to speak with you.
First-time caller, and I buy all your vitamins.
You guys are awesome.
I wanted to speak on the bill that they're proposing, and it makes sense because, you know, they're terrified of midterm elections.
You know, they can only cheat so much, and because of... And I should introduce you.
You're a U.S.
Army combat vet giving your take on The Democrats trying to hand dictatorial power to the military.
I mean, how is that not a big story?
It's, it's, it's... Talk about canary in the coal mine, man.
This is the parrot in the coal mine.
This is gigantic.
Oh, it's huge, and it's sad because Fox News became liberal, and they don't even report on it either, and it... You know, you know, they're scared of midterms.
They really are, and they've cheated so much, but because... Thank the Lord for Dinesh D'Souza and 2,000 mules.
You know, he showed half this country that, you know, that we were right.
We're not crazy.
And you know, they're terrified of it.
And I think Trump's holding off on announcing because I think he's trying to be strategic about it because they're, I think they're trying to destroy this country as fast as they can.
Cause if he gets back to power... He's declared early and Roger agrees.
He told Trump that and Trump said, well, maybe it was July 4th.
Now he announced obviously today.
So, I mean, he needs to come out against them, and it's a New World Order and a Great Reset, and he needs to basically follow what I'm saying and what Tucker Carlson's saying.
He needs to do it now.
We don't have time.
By the way, they're now saying the Iranians are going to kill him.
No, they're going to kill Trump.
Trump better announce now!
No, I, you know, I'm with you.
You know, the problem is that Trump doesn't listen sometimes, and, you know, but... Yes, his mind is his own, I know.
You know, and the problem is, too, is the military.
I was in the military.
You do your toll.
You know, we're scared of, you know, the typical, the real American work, you know, and we're afraid of getting a disarmable discharge for not following orders.
And the problem is, is the higher ups.
They're all Democrats.
They're all liberals.
They're all part of the government.
Oh no, there's this right-wing thing with Q that the military is going to save us.
Yeah, 50 years ago the military had good leadership.
They have put globalists in every position of power.
The guy that runs the nuclear waste dumps wears a dress to work and supports pedophilia.
Oh no, I know, it's disgusting.
I think they're trying to collapse us as fast as they can because they know 100% that You know, if we get House to House in the Senate and if Trump gets back in, you know, Hunter Biden is going to get out.
They know we're winning, which is why they're going to make their move now.
And that's why everything is so critical.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
All right, we're going to take six, seven calls next segment.
We're going to go to Angel and we're going to go to everybody else, Jim, you name it, on the other side of this quick break.
But let me just raise that point.
I don't like getting up here saying, buy this, buy that.
But when you're not given hundreds of millions of dollars like other media by George Soros or Bill Gates, they prop it all up.
None of the media makes money.
There's a glut of media.
There's a media war.
That's why there's millions of outlets.
And the globalists have flooded the zone, this is key, with disinfo and propaganda, but we cut through it.
That's why they're so scared of us.
That's why out of all the propaganda, our guests, our callers, our information is the most powerful.
We've got to stay on air.
You think I want to sit up here and beat you over the head for support?
I don't!
But I cannot imagine, until they finally turn the power off, us going off air.
I will fight to the last damn second!
And so I'm asking you, now go to infowarestore.com.
The top, it says make a donation.
The live feed of the show has a donation link.
That's money we get 95% of after the credit card fees.
That money really supports us.
We discount the products so much, we're making like 20-30% on a lot of these products.
On the hair and beard formula, we're losing money because people didn't know what it was.
It was just a multivitamin mineral, high-end.
It's 75% off.
It's about to sell out.
I just got to get money in here.
So please, help yourself, go to infoworkstore.com.
We are back live broadcasting worldwide on this live Friday transmission.
There's so much news we haven't got to yet, but really...
Adam Schiff introducing legislation officially with the Democratic Party to have no congressional oversight of domestic military operations.
I mean, that's so huge and so over the top and is permanent martial law.
Law is suspended, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution is suspended, the Declaration of Independence is ignored, and the military is now its own thing standing against the people.
I mean, that is the definition of a third world dictatorship.
Then you've got Ivanka Trump, Ivana Trump, falling down the stairs at 73 and dying, and the whole police investigation going into that.
It's just incredible.
All right, I want to get more into Schiff.
I want to get more into the defaults of major governments, the economy, and a lot of key stuff here coming up.
But I promise to get to all your calls.
We're going to do it right now.
So we're going in the order the calls are received.
We're going to go to Joe and then Angel.
Joe in Kansas, you're on the air, and you want to talk about what's going down right now.
Oh yeah, Alex.
I'm a longtime watcher of you, and God bless you, brother.
You know, there's, this is a lot of bad times, and it's going to get worse before it gets better, and we just got to believe in Jesus, you know?
Um, it's just, it's just crazy.
And I have so many friends that, you know, the Bible says that there will be so many fooled in the end of times.
And it is so true.
Uh, friends of mine that do not believe that this is happening.
They believe the other way, you know, uh, they believe in This government and what's going on with them, and it's just crazy.
I just, you know, you just have to believe that the good Lord will get us through it.
I totally agree, Joe, and I appreciate your call.
Let me put it to you this way.
Even if you don't believe in God, you should believe in a higher power, because then they can't break your will.
But if you don't believe in anything except them, they're there to hurt you.
So don't let them break your will, and know God is real, not just some thing we use to not let them break our will.
And together we can believe in that freedom and liberty, and we can manifest it.
Angel in Georgia.
Angel, welcome.
Alright, how's it going, Alex?
You know, spoke with you back January of 2020.
Yeah, right now, everything that's, I mean, this is crazy.
This is total insanity.
How, you know, if Congress is going to just sit and stand down on the situation, just say, hey, we're going to let the military run everything?
Look, back in the 80s when I was on active duty, and we spoke of this amongst ourselves as soldiers back then about having our guns on the street, military point guns as civilians.
This was not going to happen.
And that's why, you know, every veteran, regardless of what branch, everybody in active duty, sheriff, Local police departments, y'all please, I mean, listen to me, please.
Y'all pay attention to what these people are telling you.
This is all out, you know, this is a dictatorship.
And if we have to watch and be very careful of the people that we do have in power up in the White House and at Pentagon, we don't know which side really these people are on.
But when you're looking at a human race, We're on the brink of this total destruction Alex, you know it.
It's written all in scriptures.
It's going to be a time that we've got to stand up right now.
Right now as you've been preaching, just like you told about when we was going over Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The military industrial complex and everything.
We were warned of this.
Everybody needs to stand up and get out here right now and get off your butts today and say, no, we're not going to allow this to happen in this country.
We got to stop this now, Alex.
We got to stop this.
Well, as you know, Angel, being a veteran and obviously a smart person.
This happens in most places in the world, and believing it can't happen here is foolish.
Plus, it is happening.
It's not about to happen.
It's all happening.
Destroying the currency, dissolving the border, promoting pedophilia, preparing the military for war, saying they want to confiscate our guns, going after free speech, surveilling people.
I mean, we've got a foreign multinational corporate group of criminals In charge.
Our average enlisted men and women are great people, but the folks running it at the top are absolute globalists and now they're activating it and saying Congress is watching his hands and saying whatever the military does, it just does.
We don't have oversight about what's about to happen.
That doesn't look too good.
I mean, what does that look like to you?
I mean, it's insanity.
It's total insanity.
And I mean, if everyday people sit out here and not understand and look at the whole program, I mean, like I said, I've been listening to you for over 15 years, Alex.
And I sit here and every time, you know, and I talk to people, and I did.
As a matter of fact, yesterday I was wearing my Space Force shirt, T-shirt that I ordered
from you guys.
And, you know, people love it.
You know, they see the InfoWars flag and everything on the side.
I love it.
And I'm going to tell you what, some people are coming around and not fully awake, but
they start asking questions.
I start putting out information.
I start promoting InfoWars more.
I do.
And I want to do a quick plug on the vitamin mineral fusion.
That real quick, I got to put in on.
Um, I take a lot of medications from VA and stuff.
They help me, you know, I have a lot of joint pains and everything else, but when I even with the vitamin mineral fusion with all those essential minerals and everything in it, hey man, I have my energy, my joint aches and pains, my fingers, I was able to use my hands and everything.
And I'm telling people, if y'all can, get out there and buy these products.
Go out there to the Infowars store, check everything out.
Go out to them.
They're not pushing poison.
They're not pushing garbage and junk out there.
Go out there and use these things.
These things work that they put out there.
These are great supplements, and you guys keep that going.
Okay, bam.
I'm jumping right back in.
God bless you, Angel.
Thank you.
Let me say this.
It's all the highest quality vitamins and minerals.
It's been sold out for over six months.
We had like a thousand canisters in the warehouse that accounting didn't know was there and found.
That sold out like in 10 minutes last week.
It supposedly gets here next week.
And the way this works is we gotta have it FDA tested again and double checked and everything, but it's done.
15,000 canisters.
That'll pay for a lot of stuff once we get that.
And I just can't wait for it to get here.
And I'm totally honest with the audience.
I dug into everything around here, and I found out why we didn't have so many products.
Supply chain was part of it.
The other part was, and God bless our FDA compliance people, but I didn't tell them to do this.
I said, follow industry standards.
We've been doing California standards for years, and they were sometimes making our manufacturers redo stuff three, four times.
You can't pass California standards with most products.
If they're multi-ingredient products.
There's more lead in the air than they'll let you have in a product.
And so, make the announcement now.
We're going to standard U.S.
And thank God we got some bigger, better manufacturers that explain that to us.
They're like, well, we'll really try to do your California standard, but that's going to cost you all the testing because nobody does that.
The lawyers wrote that law 15 years ago in California to bankrupt everybody.
All you got to do is put on the container, doesn't follow California standards.
And so that's the weird stuff about business and life.
My main thing is the show and information and research.
And I try to just sell good products and have the highest standards.
I'm like, I want the highest standards.
Well, I didn't know what I was saying.
I guess I'm the one that did that.
What are the standards too high?
It's like saying carbon dioxide is poison.
So you can't have a coal plant.
Well, carbon dioxide is good.
And so, that logjam's being fixed.
The products are getting ready to come in, and we'll be good, but we need money now.
So the biggest thing that raises money for us is the Alex Jones was right t-shirt at InfoWarStore.com.
And we need to move these films out.
Everybody's in their archive.
I know DVDs, old technology, but it's great to have the information.
2,000 mules with a free copy of The Order of Death, while supplies last with The Order of Death at InfoWarStore.com.
Get 2,000 mules and a free copy of my film, two films, on Bohemian Grove and The Occult at InfoWarStore.com.
We're going right back to your phone calls.
We just tuned in.
The Democratic Party has entered a bill sponsored by the party to remove congressional oversight of the U.S.
military and all branches of it domestically in the United States.
That is the definition of martial law.
No civilian oversight of the military.
You can't have a stronger definition.
I mean, it's The highest card in a deck of cards is the Ace of Spades.
This is the Ace of Spades of Tyranny.
I mean, it's just fathomless that they would do this.
They brought forward untested, they secretly tested them, gene therapies that cause cancer and destroy your DNA and attack your liver and heart, and now they're giving it to six-month-olds and up, and I've got a stack of reports that's killing them, the government knows it.
I mean, mainline reports!
They are destroying confidence in the system, they are making us angry to have a civil war.
Klaus Schwab, a very angry world will collapse the old system, you will then own nothing and have nothing at the end.
And they're doing it.
And I watch the people that serve the system pretending like they're going to come out on top doing this with their children that live in this world.
It is crazy town.
All right, taking calls.
The order that they are received.
That would be Gio in Texas.
Gio, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Alex Jones.
Good afternoon.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Yes sir, so I've been listening to your show since I want to say back when I was like fourth, fifth grade, back when you were selling the Berkey Light, the Tea Tree Oil.
Talking about old school stuff there, brother.
I remember the V.A.
Stapes and the corner stores and stuff like that, but... That's right, so you've been listening since the mid-90s.
Yes sir, yes sir.
Mid-90s, late 90s and everything.
So I'm a disabled veteran and I was in the Army for a few years.
They sent me over to Afghanistan and all that.
I recall the injections they used to inject me with and everything.
All of a sudden I'm hitting 70 pushups without stopping, 80 pushups without stopping.
I'm all of a sudden going into the 90s and hitting 105, 110 pushups without stopping.
Same thing with the sit-ups.
I'm hitting like 5, 6 minute one miles and stuff like that.
It all came down to these injections, brother.
I was going to ask, you know, if you might have heard something like that about
maybe some experimental injections and everything that they might have...
It's on record that any captured population, poor whites in Appalachia,
black people in the South, and the U.S. military gets all this stuff tested on them.
And so there's all sorts of programs, thousands of known programs, secret programs that have been declassified, where they tested things on you.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Sounds like you got put in a super soldier program.
You know, a lot of folks get put in a death shot program to see about, you know, how they can hurt people.
But I imagine the side effects probably weren't great, but sounds like you were probably.
I mean, have you seen The Bourne Supremacy?
Yes, sir.
Especially the Bourne Legacy.
They really get into the whole pill and all that.
Well, they actually have that.
I mean, I covered that 20 years ago, and then that movie came out 10 years ago, whenever it did.
They have viruses.
They can inject you that are programmed to only eat certain parts of the brain, where it gets rid of your inhibition.
So, like, let's say I can bench press today.
My joints, 250 pounds.
I could bench press 400 pounds when I was in shape.
When I was 20 years old, I was super strong.
But I have an inhibition where you can really bench press three times what you think you can.
Your body has a governor.
Well, they have viruses that go in and eat parts of the brain where the inhibition is taken away.
And if I had to guess, Because if you took shots for a few years and they were training every day and you got stronger, that'd be steroids.
But if it was small shots, and all of a sudden you didn't care, that was probably a viral reprogramming of the brain.
Which is the Bourne Legacy.
I forget, what's the one where they give them the virus shots, which is real.
That's actually a real program.
Was it Bourne Supremacy or Bourne Legacy?
Yes, the Bourne Legacy.
They had a program where They had them on control these special pills that they were taking.
They didn't want to risk another born, so they had more control with the special pills.
And they were, you know, they would send the virus.
Sure, sure, no, no, no, no.
If they didn't have the pills, then they wouldn't have the attribute anymore, exactly.
It's a binary system.
They wanted to be able to control them once they had reprogrammed their brain, yeah.
Well, that's all real science, brother.
God bless you, and I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dr. Stewart in California.
Dr. Stewart, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yes, good morning.
Or should I say, well, good morning, Mr. Alex Jones.
I have been a longtime supporter of yours.
I support ample wars and the various products that I receive continually.
But addressing what's going on right now, and I'm a veteran of the U.S.
Coast Guard.
I work for the Department of Veterans Affairs and currently under this Dictatorship of Dennis McDonough, who's the Secretary of Department of Veterans Affairs, and what's going on in our nation here right now.
But all of what I'm looking at, what's taking place, because I'm drafting some communication to go over to the lobbying city council regarding militarizing the local police.
I look at, there's a new sundry of things that are happening with respect to what Mr. Trump ...negated and reputed the agreement that took place between Costco and the city of Long Beach, allowing the Communist Party to come in.
Now we've got the militarization of the police force.
Who are they going to be waging war in the city of California?
And all this is under the guise of what had taken place by the approval of the Senate.
The legislature here in California that was signed into law by Gavin Newsom authorizing the local municipalities to purchase these military weapons right now.
Now we hear what's being proposed right now in Congress regarding giving authority and
removing and modifying the U.S. Constitution, and removing the authority and allowing that
to take place with the military.
Well, they took an oath.
They took an oath to uphold that Constitution.
It's a violation of that Constitution when we look at Article I, Section 8.
To do anything other than that is now advocating another form of government, which is a violation
It is a new form of government.
It is a coup.
Thank you for the call.
Great points.
Alright, let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Flojo in New Jersey, retired police officer on the Marshall Law Bill introduced by Adam Schiff.
Go ahead.
Alex Jones, I love you.
I've been listening to you for many years.
I was a police officer in New Jersey.
Retired after being involved in a shooting.
I'm now a disabled retired police officer.
But I have to say, I have many plugs.
I have almost every one of your supplements and products, but I can get to that at the end if we have time.
Bottom line is, no matter if it's a bill or this latest claim from our government saying that because of Alex Stein 99 supposedly stalking AOC, we should have more laws to protect politicians.
That's right, now you can't even talk.
They say go harass Supreme Court justices, they say harass us at our homes, our businesses, at the gas station and grocery store, but you can't then talk to her on the street.
And what I want to say, and I think what everyone should start to understand, no matter what side of the spectrum you're on, because I once was, A Democrat, but I was born into that, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to be a police officer.
Now I see the world in a completely different way.
But what everyone should understand is, laws, mandates, rules, bills, it doesn't matter.
They are all nothing more than little tiny circumventions of the Constitution.
Not one of, I mean, I could name only a handful of laws that are actually constitutional.
Most of them, 98% maybe, are unconstitutional if you really think about it.
And this is not something I understood when I was a police officer because I wasn't taught that.
But, you know, we don't need more laws.
More laws equals less freedom.
We don't need more bills.
There's already a law on the books against stalking a politician.
There's already laws on the books against Well, you're right.
That's what they do is selectively enforce.
And I intend to go live tomorrow, as I did last Saturday.
At noon, we're going to get Alex Stein on the show tomorrow at noon to talk about it all.
Thank you so much, Flojo.
All right, I've got a special guest coming up.
More of your phone calls.
Stay with us.
And if we don't turn it around soon, then it will only get worse.
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There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Alex Jones, the foray conspiracy theorist who is apparently...
It's Alex Jones.
Russian scum!
Dolores comes to mind.
Your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
(upbeat music)
What do you wanna do with your life?
I wanna rock!
When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit.
You know, someone very profoundly once said, many years ago, that if fascism ever comes to America, it'll come in the
name of liberalism.
Stop. Stop.
Those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun control laws.
I happen to know this from personal experience.
Mike, you're in the skyjacket tomorrow.
All you gotta do is arm all your best.
I don't think that you should look back and whine and bellyache or try to hold somebody else guilty for everything you did.
Where's the peace?
All right, what is the Trilateral Commission?
An organization founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller.
You see, what they're really up to is a scheme to plant their own loyal members in positions of power in this country.
To work to erase national boundaries, create an international community, and in time, bring about a one world government with David Rockefeller calling the shots.
As Oliver North's public battle over government secrets and the illegal supply of weapons to the Nicaraguan Contras is waged in Washington, Congressional investigators in recent months have tried to learn if Mena, Arkansas was an illegal staging area for shipping guns to the U.S.-backed Contra rebels.
It all begins in 1982, when this man, Adler Berryman Seal, showed up in Mena, Arkansas.
He used to smuggle drugs.
Then he got caught and he became one of the government's most valuable informants in the war against cocaine.
But last night in Louisiana, Barry Seale's enemies caught up with him and killed him.
17-year-old Kevin Ives and 16-year-old Don Henry were struck by a train.
The medical examiner has said that the boys were asleep and drugged with marijuana.
The parents, however, disputed that claim.
The boys were killed because they had stumbled upon a large shipment of drugs dropped from an airplane.
Tears in the fabric indicate that Don had been stabbed before he was run over by the train.
In light of this new evidence, the grand jury changed its ruling from probable homicide to definite homicide.
I'm scared of these people.
I'm very scaredo.
How do you think the crack rock gets into the country?
We don't own any planes.
We don't own no ships.
We are not the people who are flying and floating that shit in here.
I will tell you, Director Deutch, as a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time.
Men who are working for the CIA's army were responsible for bringing all that cocaine into Los Angeles that sparked the crack epidemic.
My boss goes on a fishing trip with George Bush and when they come back they say the ends justify the means.
Sir, the Republicans are trying to blame you for the existence of a small airbase at Mena, Arkansas.
This base was set up by George Bush and Oliver North and the CIA to help the Iran-Contras.
And they brought in plane load after plane load of cocaine there for sale in the United States.
And then they took the money and bought weapons and took them back to the Contras, all of which was illegal, as you know, under the Bowler Act.
But tell me, did they tell you that this had to be in existence because of national security?
We had nothing, zero, to do with it.
And everybody who's ever looked into it knows that.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms.
These allegations are false.
If you are receiving this translation, you are the Resistance's soldier.
(dramatic music)
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, third hour.
Your calls are coming up.
I'll host some into the fourth hour.
Lindsey Graham, not the evil senator, but the good one, Patriot Barbie, is here with us.
I think it's easier just for her to tell you her story.
It's gotten national attention.
She's written the book Triggered, as well, PatriotBarbie.com.
But she refused to close her salon, and now they're trying to take it away from her and sent the CPS after her.
Think about them saying you're not essential.
Walmart and Target are essential.
Everything else is essential, but small businesses, and now they're trying to bring new lockdowns back.
USA Today is reporting.
So, you're a freedom-fighting mama bear in your own description.
SheSoWriteShow.com on Twitter.
Real Lindsey G. Lindsey Graham, for the viewers who don't know who you are, most of you probably know the story, tell them who you are and what happened, and recap the latest developments.
All right.
Well, a lot of people probably remember seeing on the news it was May of 2020.
So back when lockdowns were fresh, we were six weeks in.
As you recall, it was two weeks to flatten the curve and two weeks and two weeks.
And at the six week mark, I had reached my breaking limit.
My husband and I had six businesses.
We were going to probably be bankrupt if it continued.
And so on May 5th of 2020, I was probably the second American to defy lockdowns.
I opened up against the lockdowns publicly, and in doing so, I triggered Kate Brown, the wrath of Democratic Governor Kate Brown.
She weaponized state agencies against me, including CPS.
She sent Child Protective Services after my kids.
They illegally interviewed my children, searched my home.
I was threatened with class C misdemeanor, $50,000-a-day fines.
I received a $14,000 OSHA citation.
Basically, all the things for not complying.
It was, let's make an example out of this woman and teach everyone to sit down, shut up, and do as they're told.
And then now the aftermath continues on.
The aftermath continues.
They created a monster.
I ended up closing my business due to cancel culture.
We sold our other businesses, we moved out of Oregon to Arizona, and I am now a full-time podcast host for the Patriot Barbie podcast.
I wrote a book about my experiences fighting the government, cancel culture, and I'm just a very staunch ally for other conservatives, patriots, and speaking up for freedoms.
It's been life-changing to say the least, but 100% worth the glory of laying my head down at night knowing I stood up for what was right.
But they're currently trying to take a bunch of stuff away from him.
They are currently trying to garnish my bank accounts and put a lien on my home for the $14,000 citation, which I refuse to pay.
They are charging me 9% interest on that citation until I pay it.
I have on record on recording the OSHA panel stating that they do not have a document in their file that can prove that I had employees at my salon, which is the basis for the citation.
However, they refuse to drop it.
And are now trying to put a lien on my home unless I pay that as of, I think... So they let armed robbers in over 800 jurisdictions run by George Soros, so the district attorneys, out of jail the next day.
They had a guy shoot three kids at a school this year in Dallas, or it was between Fort Worth and Dallas, and they just let him go the next day.
So they let people that shoot people loose, but then you wouldn't close down, so now you've got to have everything taken away from you.
Yeah, lost six businesses, I had to close my 25 chair salon, and actually the City of Salem is trying to come after me for $80,000 for the lease due on the salon that I no longer own because of lockdowns.
That's the Great Reset, isn't it?
It is, yeah, I'm a big part of it.
What do you make of all the, just where we're at right now, they're in the news saying they want new lockdowns.
I would encourage people not to comply with that.
I will say that even despite losing what I've lost, doing what's right is more important right now and fighting for this country and fighting for our freedoms is way more important than any monetary value, any business whatsoever.
We have slipped a slippery slope the last two years and you know my breaking point was being shut down for six weeks.
Other people have reached breaking points with vaccine mandates, mask mandates, things like that.
There can't be many more breaking points before we need the entire United States to stand up and say, we the people have had enough.
Then of course Lightfoot, in the middle of all this two years ago, said, well I'm important, I still get my hair cut, and so did Pelosi.
I mean, it's just next level.
Yeah, there was hypocrisy from the very beginning, which is another reason I was comfortable opening up.
I wasn't political.
I wasn't doing my research.
I didn't know much about COVID.
I didn't care, to be honest.
I basically had decided, well, if Walmart can be open and Home Depot can be open, and there's hundreds of people in there, I know that it's not about safety.
I think that it's about compliance.
And this is me getting red-pilled in my own world.
Well, yeah, it's big corporations shutting down their competition.
So, opening up was not controversial to me.
I knew that it wasn't about our safety, and it took me some time to figure out what it really was about, compliance and obedience.
But, you know, against the mandates I opened, and I never enforced masks in my business, we had thousands of people, as you can imagine, coming through, and we have had, and we had no COVID cases, not one.
No stylists, no clients.
Why were you forced to shut down?
To, quote, flatten the curve.
No, I know, but once you refused to comply, you had to shut the salon.
I would imagine all the other salons are shut down.
I had people come in here to the office for a year to just, you know, cut my hair, literally sitting around over there in a chair.
What happened?
There wasn't enough funds coming in?
No, there was funds coming in.
A lot of people donated, which I was thankful for.
BLM, when the George Floyd riots started... Oh, you're saying he got harassed?
Oh, I got cancel cultured.
To the extreme, yeah.
That is what cost me my six visits.
And I love how Antifa and BLM go out and harass people trying to open their businesses.
What does that have to do with Black Lives Matter?
It's just crazy.
Well, their rationality was, and they had no problem telling me this directly, was that I cared more about money than black lives.
And that if I didn't allow them to burn down my salon, as they were stating they were going to do, then I didn't care about black lives when I could simply file an insurance claim.
The intention was, the idea was that they had the right to burn down my salon because I was killing people by being open.
So, I did a call to arms.
The news did not cover this.
400 patriots showed up outside my salon in Salem, Oregon.
Proud Boys, 3%ers, veterans, ex-military, and we protected the entire city of downtown Salem.
And no shots were fired, no windows were broken, nothing was stolen.
And someone from the police department called me and said, I'll never go on record saying this, but if you hadn't called arms, Salem would look like Portland, Oregon.
And we saved the city.
Are you horrified, like I am, that they're openly saying new lockdowns, new hysteria coming?
I mean, they're really pushing that.
Does that have something to do with Trump running?
Thinking about running again?
I'm not surprised.
I mean, I think the first round was a test.
I think we failed miserably.
My hope and prayer would be that Americans learn a very valuable lesson in 2020.
It's a cult of control, a cult of compliance.
Even if you don't believe that COVID was a lie, two weeks to flatten the curve was a
lie and they didn't have any problem hiding that.
They will not cease to demand your compliance whenever they feel like it.
It's a cult of control, a cult of compliance, and now we have the Democrats introducing
a bill to have the U.S.
military operate domestically with no oversight.
Talk about washing their hands.
Talk about getting ready for martial law.
The definition of martial law is a military standing outside of law.
That's like the worst form of it.
Well, and if we continue to comply, which we've gotten ourselves into this mess by complying the first round, by complying the last two years, by masking up, by taking the vaccine, they know where to hit us.
And they're looking for our weak spots.
And for me, you know, my weak spot was saying that I was reopening because I had a right to provide for my kids.
Well, the next day, Child Protective Services showed up.
But what does that tell you?
They are looking for our weak spots, and when they enforced vaccine mandates, and people knew, I can't afford to lose my job, that's my weak spot.
I'm going to comply.
They're testing the waters, and again, we are failing.
And if we continue to fail, and refuse to stand up for our own rights, our own freedoms... It greenlights their takeover.
It does, yep.
It does.
All right, Lindsey Graham, stay there.
I want to get your take on how we fight back, your book, and so much more.
And then if you're good to do it, we got some callers about the martial law legislation.
You want to talk to those folks?
All right, we got callers coming up.
And not just the callers on there.
We're going to open the phones up for free for any topic you want to discuss.
Our Revolutionary War in 1776 started for a lot of reasons.
Our Revolutionary War in 1776 started for a lot of reasons.
Gun confiscation, corrupt courts.
But the big one was taxation without representation.
And the power to tax is the power to destroy.
Well, if you can say your business is not essential and it's shut down, that's the ultimate tax.
That's siege.
That's not letting you live.
It's trying to make you dependent.
And Lindsey Graham, it was a salon owner in Oregon who stood up and was attacked and shut down by a mob of criminals.
And now they're trying to take everything she's got because she dared stand up to them.
What a group of bullies.
What a group of criminals.
We have a totally open border, illegals pouring across, devalued currencies, all these crimes being committed, and they're targeting you to send you a message of submission.
What a cult.
I will not comply.
In fact, I'm excited to announce that next week I will be filing a lawsuit against Kate Brown in her individual and official capacity and all of the state agencies that have targeted me.
So they will not get away with doing what they're doing to the American people.
A lot of folks are going to say, why do we care about Oregon?
It's the same globalists running it everywhere.
It's the same program.
If it could happen to you, it could happen to us.
Well, and you see people fleeing Oregon now because they've destroyed it.
There's homelessness running rampant.
There's graffiti.
The state is being destroyed from the inside out.
People are fleeing.
Well, if they take those politics with them to other states, you've got a virus that's spreading all over the U.S.
No one is safe.
They keep saying Arizona, which is where I live now, is purple.
Well, it's very, very red.
We all know there's election fraud.
But if you've got this virus spreading all over the US, then we are all going to be looking at states in which authority figures have the capacity to do what they did to me and to make you suffer if you do not obey.
And that is very, very scary.
How do we fight back?
We go on Alex Jones Show and we speak up.
I think we all need to take a good look at our lives and what we own, what we have, what we possess, and decide for yourself now, before you're faced with it, where the line is drawn for you.
You should be organizing local businesses now against the new lockdowns.
Yes, absolutely.
You know what, and I had this idea when I had reopened, no one opened up with me, that there would be a foundation where every business that said, I'm going to make a commitment, I'm going to sign a contract to defy these lockdowns, this is my membership fee.
And they're going to target- And then if more people did it, they can't pick you off.
That's right.
And then if you do get picked off, you've got already the funds that your fellow business owners have collaborated to get for you to help you fight- To a business owner union.
And if they're going to do this again, it was too late for me.
I had already opened, I'd already defied, took on the government.
But if they're going to threaten this again, we can activate now and business owners can start communicating and start donating to an organization, a foundation, where they can support each other and say, listen, if you're the one that gets picked out of the group to get harassed and targeted by the government, we're going to have your back financially, we're going to have your back emotionally, and we're going to support you as being the one that's taking the hit for us.
Well, that's what listeners have done for us, and it's been great.
We've stayed on air, but now it's enraged the system.
They just keep doubling down, but if there's more targets, they can't beat us all.
Right, and they're trying to not only shut us down, but just make everything harder.
Everything's harder for a conservative.
If you're deplatformed, if your followers are erased, you have to waste your time rebuilding that support system.
And so they're effectively slowing us down.
But if we continue, eventually they're going to get worn out and we're just going to keep persevering.
I know people that have had their accounts deleted, you know, three, four times, and they get back up on the horse and rebuild.
That's exhausting.
But eventually they're going to get tired and realize we're not quitting.
We're going to fight back as long as it takes.
I'm not willing to give up any freedoms anyway.
Let me expand on that.
On Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, all these places, they censor our information.
Other people just keep popping up.
Even though they get deleted in a month or a week, it goes viral before they stop them.
People are really hungry.
So they're suppressing, but it makes it that much more desirable.
Yeah, the information is getting out there.
You've got to get it out there quickly before they find it.
But I think if we just keep persevering, they can't silence all of us.
They can try, but they can't.
Let me ask you this question, Lindsey Graham.
PatriotBarbie, PatriotBarbie.com.
We're going to go to caller here, Jim, in a moment.
Jim in New Jersey.
Is America over?
I think it's over if we roll over.
It's not over if we say no to them.
I agree.
It's a scary question to wonder.
Have we reached rock bottom?
Is this it?
But I don't think it's it.
I think that they're going to continue to test us.
We can't give up because there's no bottom.
I mean, they're not going to ever stop.
People are crazy.
No, and we're not going to stop either.
We're talking about a situation where it could be holocaustic, right?
At what point do you comply with being shipped off to a camp?
I mean, we are going to fight them.
I know there are plenty of people that are going to fight.
To the very, very end, whatever that looks like.
And I think everyone needs to get that in their brains, that this is not going to stop.
So you better start figuring out what your role in this is now.
Beautifully said.
They are introducing us to martial law in the long dark night of tyranny right now.
Jim, in New Jersey, is America over?
What is rock bottom?
What needs to happen?
Go ahead.
We have to decide that we've hit rock bottom, because the reality of, we can go down further, but most people don't do anything until they've hit rock bottom to start building back up.
We have to all realize that it's only going to get worse from here.
We've got to start fighting back.
I mean, the government, they think we're so stupid.
They give you a public service announcement that If you don't take the COVID jab, you're going to have a bad time.
You may die of COVID.
But then they give you a public service announcement to say that you could survive a nuclear attack.
It's so ridiculous because nothing in that public service announcement out of New York, I live in New Jersey, said, you know, any statistics of you surviving.
They didn't say if you should survive, this is what you should do.
They didn't even say that the government was going to help you.
But they're trying to get you to take a shot.
Because you've got to be afraid of COVID.
But you got this if we get hit with a nuclear bomb.
Just go inside your house.
You'll be fine.
You know, they've been dumbing us down.
I have a son that was born in 88, a daughter named Lindsay, spelled the same way as you, in 90.
And I've been telling them since the early 90s with television, this is the dumbing down of America.
You continue to see it.
It's been in our faces for 30 years.
So, are your children going, wow, Dad was right?
Of course!
They're like, you know, I didn't have all the particulars, but, you know, I could certainly see the stuff that was going on.
I mean, this is just dumbing down.
It's like, they're telling you the exact opposite of what you should, you know, what is truth.
I mean, and they expect you to believe it.
I mean, just like I said, they're expecting you to believe that you can survive a nuclear attack.
But you can't survive COVID unless you get that jab.
They think we're so stupid.
And the martial law is coming in.
One of the reasons why the martial law is coming in, in other words, I have a feeling they're going to do away with jury trials because they can't take the chances on the people siding with the people.
So eventually, jury trials are going to go to the side.
The other thing, too, is that They expect, I think if martial law comes in, they don't, I think a lot of people are not going to comply a second time and they're going to force them to comply.
That's one of the other things I think.
You're absolutely right.
I mean, that's why in these cases against me, they've defaulted me saying he gave us nothing.
We gave him everything, did it all.
And they go, oh, you're guilty.
Now we're going to have a jury trial on how much money you pay.
It's just insane.
All right, brother.
Well, you're doing what's right.
Honestly, when we talk about calls to action, you are doing what's right.
You're teaching your kids, because we are all going to die, probably not of COVID.
And your kids need to know the truth, and they need to know how to speak it boldly.
All right, Senator Graham, stay there.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
More phone calls and Senator Lindsey Graham.
We have a foundation in Ukraine and it happens to be one of our best foundations.
They refuse to leave and they are leading civil society.
I also want to mention that there is one person who was very deeply involved in Ukraine, and that's Biden.
In fact, I got to know him with regard to Ukraine.
He had a lot more patience than I had in trying to convert Poroshenko into a democratic leader.
I fed up with him and I told him so, but actually Biden kept on trying to convert Poroshenko into a Democrat.
To offer my personal congratulations to you on this, the 40th annual gathering of your creation, the World Economic Forum, you chose as its motto, committed to improving the state of the world.
I would observe that few who have set such a lofty goal have more reason to be pleased with their accomplishments.
To have conceived of the need for such an institution as this required insight, to have established it took commitment, but to have then nurtured it as a podium from which business and political leaders could nudge public policy by addressing their peers from around the world, that is a formidable achievement and Professor, this gathering salutes you.
So that's the former Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, praising Klaus Schwab.
Lindsey Graham, not the Senator I was talking earlier, but the Patriot Barbie who had her salon shut down.
She refused to shut down.
They said BLM shut it down.
She's now moved from Oregon to...
Arizona and she's here visiting us today.
She'll be on 4 p.m.
also today on The War Room.
So that's coming up in a couple hours.
I want to go back to some more phone calls from Tito and others just talking about this great tyranny and people from other countries that have seen their nations go down the tubes and now see America going down the tubes.
But what are other things you'd like to add to the audience?
Oh, I would love to tell people how I became the Patriot Barbie, because I always think it's such a kind of vain term.
But when cancel culture came for me and decided that I was this raging conservative Trump supporter just for wanting to open my business, they took a picture of me wearing a MAGA hat and said, I don't always play Patriot Barbie, but when I do, I kill people's grandmas and steal their money.
And I had been so sick to death of the left coming at me and trying to cancel me that I changed my Facebook page to say Patriot Barbie and they lost their minds.
So now it's... So you took that attack and...
I turned it right on its head.
I took everything.
I took every attack and turned it on its head.
Well, it's like the British called Northerners Yankee Doodle Dandies, which means like goofy, wimp, gay dudes.
So they sort of call themselves, yeah, we're Yankees.
So that's what you got to do.
Laugh with them.
They're trying so hard to get out and hurt us.
And the less that we give them that ability, that's our fight.
Our fight is that they don't identify us.
Define us.
What we do in the privacy of our homes and what we do for this fight is what's right.
And no amount of name-calling is ever going to silence me again.
So they've unleashed the Kraken?
The fury of the Patriot Barbie.
It's an honor to be a conservative activist.
I was not political before lockdowns and I actually don't even know if I consider myself political now.
I just see that there's social and cultural issues and I'm a mom.
I want to leave a beautiful America for my kids.
I want my kids to not be brainwashed sheep.
One mom's fight for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Targeted by tyranny.
I haven't read your book.
I'm going to read it this weekend.
this isn't going to go away overnight and it's not going to go away anytime soon.
Targeted. One mom's fight for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Targeted by tyranny. I haven't read your book, but I'm going to read it this weekend. Tell us about your book.
So the book was very distinctly a calling from God to sit down and write what had happened to me
because it's such a unique story and it's like I'm telling someone else's story when I say that
not very many people went through what those of us who stood up against lockdowns did.
And as I sat down to write, I realized that I have had a colorful life.
I've made some pretty bad choices in my youth.
And my faith in God says that God turns all things to good.
And we know that.
And I lost everything in this fight.
Everything of monetary value, if you will.
The businesses, the home.
And I've been put on a purpose that I believe is much, much bigger than hair extensions.
And let me guess, you're more fulfilled now than ever.
I'm more fulfilled now than ever.
And that book is a compilation of what has God allowed me to go through in my life that has made me prepared for this fight.
And it's not easy.
Every day it's a struggle and it's a commitment.
And I believe that he's taking all of the things that I did in my youth, those bad decisions, turning them into good.
And he said, look, I let you go through these so that you could be this person today.
Let's talk to a caller in California.
Tito, you're on the air with the Patriot Barbie.
Go ahead, Tito.
What is your view?
You're an immigrant from Nicaragua.
Give us your take on what you witnessed in communism.
Yes, yes.
I was born in Nicaragua in the 80s and I came here to the U.S.
in the early 90s.
My mom migrated here.
Thank God I didn't have to go through crossing the border and all that.
I had a visa, thank God.
But I just wanted to reach out to you.
First of all, I want to say thank you for everything you do.
I got introduced to you when Trump was running, but I want to just Give an idea to you if you can have a show or a segment of having Latinos, you know, because a lot of us are waking up, you know, we were, but we need more guidance, you know, and kind of like, hey, a lot of people want to stay in the closet, but, you know, they have the same views that we have, but, you know, they're afraid to have come out because they feel alone.
So it would be awesome to have some Latinos in your shows, reach out to them.
I know there's Legzik in California.
I'm not sure if you've heard of them, Latino exiting the Democratic Party.
Yeah, growing up in Nicaragua, it sucks.
The whole war happened in the 80s.
Coming to the United States, it's a beautiful country.
It's a dream.
It's a dream being here.
People don't take advantage of it in the wrong way.
I just want to say thank you for all you do.
Well, God bless you.
I see the text you told the call screener about the paradox of seeing what tyranny is like.
Seeing it now here.
Yes, yes.
And see that's the thing being born here and not being Seeing the communism how that works. You don't have no idea
You only see what the news is telling you but to actually have family that are being born there and actually
Experiencing for yourself you see very differently and as much as you tell people
Hey, this is coming to the coming that they don't believe it until they actually here and then when it's here
It might be a little too late, you know So, please please people out there listen to the people
that are telling you that they come from this country You know, we're not just saying it just to say I mean we
experienced it You know, I still have family over there that anytime they
want to send up to the government to have rocks and machetes and that's it
But the government responds with guns and that's it.
It only lasts a day or two.
Powerfully said, Tito.
Thank you for calling today.
What do you think of Trump announcing he's going to run for president?
Did he actually do it?
Well he said, "I'm going to run, I'm not going to say when I'm going to announce."
It's the same thing.
Oh, I gotcha.
He said, "I've made up my mind."
I've made up my mind to run.
I've made up my mind to run.
I think that's amazing.
I miss Trump terribly.
I'm very, very excited to see him back in office.
If we can get the elections under control, then there is no way he won't win.
He would have won.
He did win this last time.
It's going to be a landslide this time.
Well, absolutely.
But I mean, I talked to Roger Stone and my folks that talked to Trump.
He said he was going to announce in July.
People are like, oh, it's not going to happen.
No, he said, I'm going to run.
Not just sure when I'm going to announce.
But that's like.
You're announcing that you're going to announce.
Yeah, he says, I'm gonna run, I've made up my mind.
I think he likes to play with the media, because if you take that headline all on its own, it's like, I'm announcing but I'm not announcing, because then they can't run a story that he's announcing.
I think he's toying with the- He's getting announcements over and over again.
Oh, yeah, and he's getting the media over and over again, and they don't know what to do with him and his play on words, and where's the official announcement from the 45th President of the United States?
I think it's amazing that he messes with the media the way he does.
They deserve it.
All right, Lindsey Graham.
I've always wanted to debate Lindsey Graham.
Let's debate.
Oh, you're the wrong Lindsey Graham.
You are a lot better looking than Lindsey Graham.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All of you that have been holding, I'm going to get to you.
The Alex Jones Show.
Patriot Barbie is here in studio with us.
Lindsey Graham.
The patriot mother.
Business shut down by the communists in Oregon now living in Arizona, visiting us in Austin, Texas.
And let's run to these phone calls right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ruben in California.
Rubin, you're on the air.
Rubin, they say silence is golden.
It really is.
I appreciate you, Ruben.
All right, let's go.
Oh yes, Andrew in Toronto, Canada.
Talk about tyranny.
Justin Trudeau, go ahead.
You're on the air, Andrew.
Hey, Alex.
I love what you do.
I just wanted to touch briefly on my experience of talking to friends and kind of, I guess, waking them up or something.
What seems to work really well is kind of group chats on Signal and whatever.
I had some kind of conservative-ish friends.
Like, it was more or less a political chat.
And, you know, after, let's say, six months or something, they're pretty much all libertarian.
They kind of get what the game is with the government and everything like that.
And I think that's a good way to wake up kind of friends and family.
I think it has to do with the dialogue, the two-way of it, rather than just shouting at them.
I think you're right.
What do you think about the announcements of the military to be outside of government and operate on its own, the Democrats introducing bills to eventually put in military dictatorship?
I don't know what the implications of that is.
I assume it's bad.
I really don't know, though.
Alright brother, I appreciate your call.
You know, Lindsey, I don't see them doing all this as a sign of strength.
I see it as a sign of weakness.
Yeah, I see it as one more way to passive-aggressively threaten us.
If we are so uncontrollable that they have to go straight to the military, First of all, good for us.
We should be so non-compliant that they have to go that far to get the people to shut up and comply.
But it's also terrifying.
The more we speak up and stand up, the harder it's going to get.
We've got to be prepared for this.
We knew it was coming.
What do you make of the left that are having their own futures destroyed but pretend they're part of the power structure?
From social media, encouraging them, all of it, they just, they have no idea even what they're doing.
I've been asking myself this, like the mainstream news, these reporters that are, you know, refusing to report some things and twisting the rest.
What do they think is going to happen when we are a socialist, communist country?
Do they think they are going to get an elite status and be above?
Do they think that their children are going to get a free pass?
Because they're not.
They're not.
You are sealing the fate, the demise of your own future.
I can't imagine a world where I would be okay saying, well eventually it's going to get really bad, I'll help, and then I'll let my kids endure that wrath later.
Absolutely, that's the big debate.
Alex in North Carolina is a security clearance investigator for the DOD.
Let's talk about corruption and this martial law legislation introduced by the Democrats.
Thanks for holding Alex, you're on the air.
Thank you, sir.
22 years long listening with you.
Great that you're waking people up still and we're in the fight aisle together with this and we've got to keep going.
Um, one thing about the corruption I want to say is, uh, with the security clearances, this is what I want to back this corruption on.
These guys would not be in office if these investigators were doing their due diligence and not playing the games just because they wear the title of a general or president or private.
They are not all the same.
And when they walk in the door and they walk in there and they see a general title general, And assume that they've got a perfect background and no history to them, and they write them off like it's, you know, no problem.
Every one of them needs to be investigated properly.
If they were done due diligently, these people like Adam Schiff with the Chinese spy and all these others that are in Congress and the Pentagon and the White House, including Hunter Biden, they wouldn't have these clearances.
We wouldn't have the problems that we have right now.
Well, that's right.
They use security clearances to hold Trump up getting anybody when all these Democrats are literally selling the country out.
We have the resources, but they're spending it on the wrong narrative.
And pulling in the military to come on to be on domestic territory is absolutely Going to turn this into martial law.
There's no doubt about it.
That's what they're looking to do.
They're going to reinforce their backup, and that's going to be their backup.
And let me ask you this, Alex.
What is the trigger, though?
A mass shooting?
A power outage?
A nuclear false flag?
I mean, this is big stuff they're getting ready.
Yeah, exactly.
They're getting ready to do something very big, and I believe it's going to be maybe like an October surprise or a dark winter.
I totally agree with you.
They want to bring us to our knees.
faithfully and I believe that we've come to the fruition of being right here in
it. We're in in it right now and it's fixing to be exposed in front of us and
I don't know if it's going to I kind of feel like it's going to be something
having to do with our electrical grid because once the grid goes down we have
no communication. I totally agree with you. They want to bring us to our knees. Thank you so much Alex.
Gut-level Patriot Barbie, Lindsey Graham, what do you see them pulling?
Oh gosh, it's terrifying to think about.
I think that the food supply chain is probably their very first move.
Listen, I don't know what I'm talking about, but when I'm a normal mom sitting around trying to do what all I can do, this is what I'm seeing is the fake meat, the cows dying.
These are not conspiracy theories.
This is just too weird.
Anyone that's awake knows that this is not normal.
All the food factories burning down.
I mean, that's not something they're going to do.
That's currently happening.
To me, That is the first thing to do.
Shutting the infrastructure off, the energy off, everything.
Jay in Pennsylvania.
Combat veteran.
Go ahead.
Hey Jay.
This is Jay Mack from Pennsylvania.
With most of you, since you were a stone age caveman, haven't messed up stuff.
Me and my fiancee, since back before stop and steal, you and Owen.
We have both found our coins, three of the gold bars.
Basically, the main reason I wanted to call in is for everybody listening who hasn't bought a product or is on a test.
I used to be a drug addict with snorting pills.
I couldn't go 12 hours without withdrawing.
I used to think you were peddling snake oil or just trying to make money until I bought your... your product.
I filled it with 50 magnesium, a vitamin or fusion, your winter sun, dextroiodine, B12, and selenium, and I literally subsided my withdraws.
And I'm trying not to cry, Alex, but I want to thank you because you and your products literally saved my life.
I was a drug addict, and I'm now clean.
Oh, they're all the highest grade out there.
It doesn't mean I'm perfectly in health or perfect myself, but they're great products and they keep us on air, which makes them amazing.
Everybody should get them, absolutely.
What's your view on this whole craziness?
It's absolutely mind-blowing what's going on.
You definitely see supply chains in my area going down.
the false flags, what they're doing with the military. I mean, I got out in 2011, so I saw
it going downhill and I got out a long time ago. And just like the weather, I'm in central
Pennsylvania, the creek's sure drying up. It's like they're messing with the weather, like the
drought, trying to kill the crops. They're doing border crisis. They're just, I'm seeing migrants
in my area here, rural Pennsylvania. It's...
They're breaking it down and it's happening right in front of our eyes.
They're bringing the country down.
Alright, well we're aware of it.
We're going to fight back against it.
It's the only option we have.
Patriot Barbie, I want to thank you for coming in studio with us.
You'll be on The War Room coming up in two hours at 4 p.m.
Central with Owen Schroyer.
But closing comments to the audience.
Thank you guys so much for supporting my fight.
Thank you for supporting InfoWars.
Let's get Hunter Biden some of those supplements, shall we?
Get him on the right track?
That would help him.
Thank you guys.
Thanks for having me.
And guys, keep the faith.
Stay strong.
Fight back.
Always, always do what's right, no matter what it costs.
That's what we all need to be doing.
And speaking of that...
We have the Democratic Party that bankrupted the NRA and Remington trying to shut us down.
We've held out longer than they have.
We can hold out forever.
Got a bunch of plans that are behind schedule but are very close to launching.
We need funds now.
Your whole investment of time and energy over the years is now up to right now.
We're on air at the most critical time in our history.
We need to stay on air.
So get great products you need at the same time and keep InfoWars on the air.
Get an Alex Jones is Right t-shirt.
Get an InfoWars t-shirt.
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Make a straight donation at the top of InfoWarsStore.com.
There's a support donate button.
There's also on the live show feed today.
Thank you all for your support, and we're going to keep fighting to the end.
I can't imagine a world without InfoWars, but you see the world we're already in.
It's getting crazier and crazier and crazier.
So InfoWarsStore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to thank Lindsey Graham for joining us.
Thank you so much.
Thank you very much, Alex.
All right, I'm going to come back with some closing comments and hand the baton to our guest host.
I'm going to try to jam in a few more phone calls from Mark, Donna, and John as well.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow's news today.
The endgame of the globalists is implantable microchips in our bodies, Klaus Schwab told us.
Stories on InfoWars.com.
China is the beta test.
CCP issuing location temperature monitoring bracelets to Beijing residents returning from other cities.
It's on.
Right now.
Let's talk to Donna in Texas, then Mark and John.
Donna, thanks for calling today.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, I love the show today.
Listen, I'm calling, you just said about the end game.
You know, I want to encourage everybody that obviously all the struggle that's going on, it's ultimately bringing everybody together in Christ.
The unity in Christ is going to make us stronger, but not just theoretically.
It's, we get stronger when we're giving.
So, if I'm giving financially to you, to support you, or other places consistently, I wanted to share this because I myself, I've dedicated my life to ministering and specifically understanding the quantum physics of human consciousness.
And specifically in terms of giving and receiving.
And when we're giving constantly, like if I make a commitment every month to give, it's not just though we're being nice.
We need to support, obviously, those that are sharing truth and speaking up.
But for our community in Christ, when we're giving consistently, We literally heal our brain and our mind.
When we give, the left and the right brain hemisphere merge together in unity and light.
So we heal anxiety, insomnia, depression, anything in our body through giving.
So I just want to encourage everybody that Everything that's going on right now, just give.
Give support, Alex.
Give to, you know, people that are in Christ, you know?
And by the way, Donna, you're not just saying that.
The studies do show that.
But plus, it's a natural defense mechanism against tyranny to stand up and support organizations that are fighting for you.
But it's just like humans exhale carbon dioxide, plants breathe carbon dioxide, they put off oxygen.
It's a symbiotic relationship giving is key.
Yes, but I believe all this challenge ultimately is going to end in Christ winning.
So we have to have this for Christians and people in Christ to come together to be so strong in Christ through our relationship with Christ, but specifically in giving to our community.
And that's right, and the evil is going to force things so bad and cut us all off with a social credit score that it's going to force us to finally understand that and come together.
You're right.
Yeah, but here's what I have believed for so long.
The quicker we get the lesson right now, the quicker we start giving more, give more money, support the church, support Alex, support the people in your neighborhood.
Listen, I'm coming just like Patriot Barbie.
I'm telling you, I've been in ministry for many, many years as a singer, Christian recording artist, as well as a public speaker, but I have struggled, Alex, the last two years.
I've lost everything.
I'm a literally starving artist.
But I have faith.
And I've been where I've ministered in shelters and women's shelters.
I've done fundraisers.
But when I needed it, I wanted to share this too.
That I've gone through, I've looked into the government help, the homeless places to get housing.
Alex, there is no help for people like me.
There's help for other identity groups, okay, and racial groups, but if you're a single female like myself that doesn't do drugs, I'm not a certain identity group, I'm not an ex-con, you just leave on the street.
And so I share that to say, people, please be there for the people in your community, because that's what it's going to take right now.
Support giving.
Make a commitment to give financially.
Beautifully said, Donna.
God bless you, and I appreciate your call so much.
What an honor to have you on the broadcast with us today.
All right.
Paul Joseph Watson always does a great hour, and I don't want to cut him short.
So, John and Mark, don't forget.
Crew's great.
Don't forget tomorrow.
We're going to open the phones up.
We're going to continue the discussion of the Democrats preparing martial law.
All of it.
I'm sure Owen will be covering an hour with the War Room.
But John and Mark, you'll be first tomorrow.
We'll call you back and give us your number and get you on the show.
Paul Joseph Watson from England takes over Summit.News straight ahead.
Tomorrow's news today.
I want to thank you all for your support.
The fight is really getting real right now.
and great job of the crew.
And if we don't turn it around soon, then it will only get worse.
But as bad as things are, we still have time to prepare.
And that alone is something to be grateful for.
A gravity water filter will provide you with clean, healthy water, even in the event of your taps getting shut off.
And having your own food will save you from getting ensnared in government FEMA camps.
And if you've already stocked up enough for your own family, you might want to consider stocking up for your neighbors.
Some of your neighbors might not be prepared for what's coming, but you can help them by having an abundance of storable foods and water filtration.
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Stock up now at prepare today.com.
It is the 15th of July.
It is the height, the middle of summer.
And yet, as we're going to cover in this broadcast, some people whose entire identity is predicated upon, revolves around being constantly terrified of whatever the current thing may be.
Have a new current thing to be terrified by.
Because yes, indeed, it is summer.
And despite the fact that much of the summer here in the UK has been relatively mild, suddenly, in the middle of July, we have hot temperatures.
And you know what that means?
Global warming fear-mongering!
BBC News reports, heatwave national emergency declared after UK's first red extreme heat warning.
You know, we've had these kind of temperatures in the past.
They didn't call national emergencies, they didn't have emergency government Cobra meetings, they didn't issue red extreme heat warnings.
We had one in 1976, the summer of 76, everyone just went out, they went to the swimming pool, they went to the beach, they had fun, they enjoyed themselves.
Now, because of this weaselly safetyism that's gripped our country over the past couple of decades, People are once again scurrying back inside.
They're retreating to the safety of their own homes, despite the fact that in many cases, because we don't have air conditioning in this country, the inside of their homes are even hotter than being outside, but that doesn't matter.
And basically the media, the clickbait mainstream media, is absolutely loving it, because everyone likes to talk about the weather in this country anyway.
And now we get some hot weather in summer!
My God, the absolute horror!
Sky News reports UK heatwave Cobra meeting called as national heatwave emergency could be declared.
Yes, they're literally calling an emergency congregation of top government officials because it's getting a little bit hot in the middle of July.
Absolutely incredible!
Bear in mind these are all the same people that locked us down based on the founding myth that Covid was this massive killer.
The same people are doing so again.
You've got this strange dichotomy where people are equally terrified of a slight rise in COVID cases in the United Kingdom over the past few weeks, while also being absolutely petrified of it getting a bit hot in summer.
So they're outside in summer, in 35 degrees Celsius temperatures, but also with their masks on.
Actually restricting their own breathing at a time when you wouldn't want that to happen because they're scared equally of both things because the media and the government have told them to be scared of it.
Headline up on summit.news, latest excuse for technocratic control.
It's hot in summer!
Now bear in mind this is coming out of the UK Met Office which poses as an independent meteorological agency.
Easy for me to say.
And yet they've engaged in climate change hysteria on the regular routinely over the course of the past two decades.
And in fact there's an article speaking to that before I get into the latest hysteria, which is out of Daily Skeptic, which is linked in that article.
Net zero global warming alarm based on temperatures measured next to airport runways with hot jet engines and tarmac.
We've seen these reports before where the foundational global temperature rises that are parodied in the media, that are parodied by the media as being indicative of man-made climate change and rising temperatures, they take the temperature measurements of the hottest surface in the hottest location you could imagine.
It's not a fair measurement, it's deliberate manipulation.
So there's about one half of all land surface temperature measurements used to show global warming and promote the command and control net zero agenda, which basically across Europe has got the farmers in revolt.
We've seen it in Holland, we've seen it in France, now we're seeing it in Spain as well, because they're bearing the brunt of the nitrogen restriction rules that they're imposing in those countries.
They measure the temperature rises in the hottest places you could possibly do that.
They're taken near or adjacent to airport runways.
This is one half of all land surface temperature measurements.
There's this amazing fact from research by Professor Ross McKittrick casts further serious doubt on the validity of three major global temperature data sets Including the one compiled by the Met Office, which is in the news today saying it's a national emergency, that it's getting hot in summer.
Oh my god, panic!
Red extreme heat warning issued, says the Met Office's official Twitter account.
Parts of England on Monday and Tuesday.
And as commentators have noticed over the past couple of days, they posted The previous weather forecast maps for the United Kingdom, when we had similar temperatures in the mid-thirties to early forties, or mid-thirties to late-thirties, previously they didn't colour the country in blood red.
Now they've changed it to colour the country in blood red with these temperature forecasts again.
To advance this hysterical, contrived moral panic that it's never hot at the height of summer.
Granted, most weather in the UK is terrible.
It rains out of one of every three days.
But again, as I said, it's been a cold winter.
Two weekends ago, it was absolutely freezing.
It was like 16 degrees at the start of July.
They don't talk about that.
The same people who say weather is an indicative of climate change when it's cold.
Say, oh no, but it is indicative of climate change when it's hot because we say so.
That's basically the argument.
So they put out these apocalyptic temperature graphs in the mid-30s with blood red covering the entire country and say people are going to die in their thousands, it's going to be horrific.
Again, it's this entire mindset of safetyism.
They've built this mindset within the United Kingdom which the stereotype was true.
It used to be stiff upper lip.
The United Kingdom used to be comprised of people who were hard as nails.
Now everyone's living in constant terror, constant panic, constant fear of whatever current narrative they've been fed by the media and by the government.
But as we've noted and as I know in this article, In the real world, and this was just a few months ago, Arctic sea ice is just 3% below its 30-year average.
But again, what's the real agenda?
we reported last year, one of the authors of the United Nations IPCC report, notoriously unreliable,
debunked bias, which focused on extreme consequences of man-made global warming,
he lauded the fact that people are "starting to get scared"
about climate change and that this would affect the way they vote. So they're literally
explicitly, and these were the same people behind the Club of Rome report in the early 1990s,
saying the only thing that's going to unify people behind our agenda is making man an enemy of
the planet, making man itself the enemy, because they've tried all these other things, none of them
They tried to run with the, oh there's going to be a new Ice Age scam in the 1970s, Newsweek printed that, bunch of other legacy media publications ran with that.
Complete bunk, never happened.
We also had the 2004 report in The Guardian, which again I link to in this article, They said that man-made climate change would cause, quote, millions of deaths, major European cities would be sunken, and there'd be nuclear war, and they actually put a date on it, and that date was 2020.
That date has kind of passed.
Didn't happen.
Again, I remember being a kid in the early 90s.
I literally remember the moment of feeling terrified myself as a kid, hearing a radio report saying that the climate of the United Kingdom would be like Siberia within 30 years.
They were spinning this yarn 30 years ago.
They'd been proven wrong time and time again.
Montana's Glacier National Park.
They put up signs which said glaciers will all be gone by 2020.
Didn't happen, they had to remove the signs.
Again, we've had the predictions of massive global population boom, overpopulation that would lead to giant famines.
The same people who put out that propaganda back in the 60s and 70s, Paul Ehrlich and his ilk, And now the same people behind the global warming scam.
Why would we trust these people when they've lied to us over and over again?
Al Gore.
Arctic would have ice-free summers by 2013.
Again, as we've seen, the extent of Arctic sea ice is barely any different from what it was 10 years ago.
It's a scam.
They're pulling it over and over again.
Why anyone affords them any credibility at this point is absolutely mind-boggling.
We'll be back.
No, go away.
Well, we know why they're pushing the extreme heat, the moral panic, the hysteria over, God forbid, warm weather in summer in the United Kingdom, a country that moans incessantly about the cold and the rain for ten months out of the year.
As soon as it gets a bit warm, as soon as it gets a bit Mediterranean, oh my God, the horror!
We're destroying the planet.
Absolute bunk from the same people.
Who take these global temperature measurements from airport runways on hot tarmac, fired by jet engines.
Absolutely incredible.
And you know the agenda because they'll introduce any current thing necessary to try and convince you to go along with it to reduce your living standards.
We have that again with the war in Ukraine.
Macron announces streetlights will be turned off in France in response to energy crisis.
Despite claiming that France has little dependence on Russian gas, President Macron, who has just formed a minority government that is pathetic and can't get anything through Parliament, announced that public lighting would be turned off at night to save energy.
And again, this was a program, this was an agenda.
Food inflation, the cost of living crisis that was In evidence, before the invasion of Ukraine, they just used that as an excuse to get you to go along with it, to support the current thing, even as in other European countries like Germany, they're literally designating areas of cities as warm-up areas for people who are freezing this coming winter, because they won't be able to afford their energy bills.
And again, whether it's through climate change propaganda, whether it's through war current thing propaganda, the end goal always remains the same.
Of course, we have the same narrative being pushed during the coronavirus lockdown, the one in 2021.
Also in the context of climate change, where the Indian government locked down cities based on pollution, and then the mainstream media came out and ran articles saying it was a conspiracy theory to even suggest that there were climate lockdowns taking place, even as the Indian government, the biggest democracy in the world, was literally implementing them in major cities in India.
Absolutely incredible!
Let's talk about the other current thing, which still remains current, despite the fact that many people thought it would disappear in 2022.
That is COVID.
We see the same technocrats creeping back once again.
Here in the United Kingdom, BBC News reports COVID booster will be offered to all over-50s this autumn.
Meanwhile, Daily Skeptic reports coronaphobic Britain starts locking itself down.
Again, there's been a tiny spike In cases of this new variant, oh my god, that causes sniffles.
No knock-on effect in terms of serious illness, people going on ventilators, or people dying in hospitals.
None of that is happening.
Because this new variant, the latest variant, which I had, and I've literally had worst colds, doesn't cause serious illness.
Maybe it does for people who took their four or five vaccines.
But the UK is currently in the midst of a mild fifth wave that's seen infections rise for the past month.
And again, if you look at the actual infection rates, it's like a tiny blip.
But you go out in the streets and there's like 50% more people wearing masks.
Again, they have no critical thinking skills, they're so easily led, and their entire existence is based around being terrified by something.
It's like they need to be terrified by something to instill their lives with some kind of meaning.
Despite the fact they're not even living their lives because they're living in constant fear of everything.
Whether that be COVID in its mildest ever form, or, oh my god, the sunshine.
So, with 2.7 million people carrying COVID in the most recent week, even though deaths and ICU admissions have remained flat, but a poll for Mail Online found 29% of people have stayed indoors at some point Since cases began rising to avoid catching the sniffles, while 42% have worn a face covering.
So almost half have worn a face covering, despite the fact there hasn't been any mandates on face masks in the United Kingdom for half a year now.
There's almost half observed social distancing rules that have not been in place since February, while two thirds said they had sanitised their hands.
So again, As soon as it creeps back into the headlines, as soon as the globalists, the technocrats start ramping it up, hyping it up in an alarmist fashion again, you see the knock-on effect in the streets in people's behaviour.
And yet these people who are so obsessed with Staying safe and safetyism in general, and not putting themselves at any risk whatsoever, living in a bubble their entire lives, they're deathly afraid of a virus which has now mutated into such a mild form that people have way worse colds.
But what they're not concerned about is the fact that in the United Kingdom there have been 9,000 non-Covid excess deaths in the last 10 weeks alone.
Now what's causing these excess deaths that weren't registered in previous records if you go back 3 years, 5 years, 10 years?
Well we know some of them are because during the pandemic, during the lockdown, hospitals were only 40% full.
Despite the fact that we were told they were overwhelmed because they kicked all the patients out and they prevented people from being treated for serious illnesses in hospital.
Something that has already killed tens of thousands of people will probably end up killing hundreds of thousands of people.
So now all those people who didn't get that urgent medical care that they required during the lockdowns because they were either afraid to go into hospitals because of the propaganda, or the hospitals didn't want them to come, or they couldn't get doctor's appointments because all the doctors said you have to do a remote appointment.
You have to do it via Zoom.
So people said, what's the point in that?
I'm not going to bother.
Well, all those people are now dying.
And all those people who supported lockdown, the blood is on their hands.
But no one's talking about this.
They're talking about a slight rise in COVID infections.
They're talking about a fifth vaccine, the 100% ineffective vaccine, giving out to 50-year-olds here in the coming months.
They're talking about heat waves killing people.
They're not talking about something that has killed 9,000 people, non-COVID, excess deaths, none of the usual reasons, heart attacks, cancer, whatever.
This is excess deaths that are not normally registered.
9,000 in the last 10 weeks.
If there were 9,000 COVID deaths in the last 10 weeks, they'd have us under lockdown again.
But this article in the Daily Skeptic also notes Looking at deaths by date of occurrence, if we compare them to the rollout of the vaccine doses in the Spring Booster campaign among over-75s in England, we can see what appears to be a correlation, meaning a possible connection should be investigated.
When you look at this graph in the article, the Spring Boosters for the over-75s in England started at the end of March, They continued and peaked throughout April, towards the end of April, then they continued throughout May until the end of June.
And you'll notice that the correlation between the vaccine boosters and the non-COVID excess deaths almost aligns completely.
Now obviously some of these deaths are caused by people not being able to get treatment because of lockdown, but then others are caused By a different reason, that we're not allowed to talk about in this country, that we're not allowed to talk about on social media, because we'll be blacklisted and silenced.
But if you want to look at that graph, very interesting correlation between the spring boosters in England and non-Covid excess deaths, which remain in this country, according to the media, a mystery.
We'll be back.
Now I want to get to some of these videos here in a moment because we've got quite a few to plough through and indeed
there are updates to those videos that I put out that I want to come back and talk about off the back of them.
Final word on this vaccine Covid issue though because I mentioned Macron earlier.
He was actually booed and given the finger by French citizens in Paris during their Bastille Day parade yesterday.
Someone put out a video on Twitter of multiple clips of Macron being booed, jeered, whistled, given the finger.
That didn't make the media at least at the time that I put this article out.
Problem with Macron is that he now rules over a minority government because he had a basically a disastrous election last month.
So he can't get any legislation through and they tried to get the vaccine passport scheme through at least as it applies to foreigners coming into the country.
Despite the fact that virtually every other European country now has dropped that mandate that you have to get vaccinated to enter the country.
United States hasn't dropped it, obviously, so I've got no hope of entering the United States.
Probably until Biden gets kicked out of office, if not beyond that.
But in France, they tried to pass a vaccine passport scheme.
Macron's government lost the vote by a margin of 219 votes to 195.
We saw wild cheering celebrations in the French Parliament because of that.
Remember, the vaccine passport was, of course, initially enforced against French people themselves.
You weren't even allowed to go to a cafe, to a bar, to a restaurant without a vaccine passport.
They literally had police patrolling, checking people's vaccine papers, even if they were sitting outside.
At a Parisian cafe.
Good news though because Macron now had a disastrous election.
He's got a minority government.
He can't get it through.
That gridlock is a good thing for freedom.
But let's go to this first video now because there is an update on it.
This is regarding the bizarre behaviour of Joe Biden, his obviously slip into dementia, into cognitive decline, which has become very apparent over the past two years since a doctor, as I feature in this video, made an estimation on whether he was suffering from dementia or not.
This video is called, There's Something Wrong With Biden.
and here it is.
There's something wrong with Joe.
The evidence is just overwhelming.
And I'm sorry, I'm not making fun of dementia or anything like that.
But for the political leader of the free world, it's just getting really awkward.
The, um... And some of the... When...
the political coverage of the...
[Crickets chirping]
[Indistinct chatter]
[Indistinct chatter]
[Indistinct chatter]
Excuse me.
Finale and, uh, what am I doing here?
A question that has baffled some of the greatest minds on planet Earth.
Well, folks, uh, you know, you don't have to stand every time I hear "Hail
to the Chief"
wondering where the hell is he.
Took me a long while.
You think I'm joking, I'm not.
Turn around and where, where's, where's the President?
Some of this is actually quite sad.
It's almost like it's a cry for help.
She's fine.
It's me.
That's not together.
This doctor talked about signs of dementia back in 2020.
This is Dr. Grande.
Does he have some type of dementia or is he exhibiting early warning signs of dementia?
And although the doc was quite skeptical at the time, look at what he said and compare it to how Biden has behaved since.
Memory problems really stand out, especially short-term recall.
And we're also joined today by, uh, uh, Larson and, uh, and, uh, uh...
I'm not.
Have you decided, sir, whether to go to Saudi Arabia?
No, not yet.
No, no.
There happens to be a larger meeting taking place in Saudi Arabia.
That's the reason I'm going.
It's that short-term recall that is much more noticeable in terms of looking at symptoms that point to dementia.
Next we see difficulty concentrating, losing track of the topic.
You like to be able to... Anyway.
America is a nation that can be defined in a single word.
I was in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping.
Oh look.
Getting lost when outside the house?
Sometimes people also get lost in their own house.
this is considered a more severe symptom.
I get up in the morning and look at Jill and say, "Where the hell are we?"
Getting lost.
That's the President of the United States in his own house.
That's the President of the United States in his own house.
Sometimes people also get lost in their own house.
Other symptoms include going off on tangents, being repetitious, having difficulty finding the right word.
All men and women created by God, you know the thing.
The administration I served in last.
He forgot Barack Obama's name.
We have a conversion of the road to Damascus.
Because now you say, by the way, are you going to stick with the president on the following president?
The last guy on this issue?
He's saying that it was president, my boss.
Confabulation. This is when somebody has gaps in their memory and their brain populates memories into those gaps.
Now these memories are from other events so the stories that they tell don't make any sense.
I was doing Villanova's commencement and one of my nuns from school was getting her doctorate degree.
I presented it to her and she said it was pretty good job.
The president didn't make a commencement speech.
No, but let me talk for a second.
I'm a professor.
So confabulation is considered a fairly severe symptom.
Getting a lot of reaction after saying he used to drive an 18-wheeler.
During a visit to a Mack truck assembly plant yesterday, while the White House is struggling to defend the claim, since driving a big rig requires a special license for one, and while there is nothing in Biden's history to suggest he's ever actually done this.
We also see difficulties with agitation, anxiety, paranoia.
Not more, fewer!
What the hell, what do you do all the time?
When did I say I was comfortable?
You said in the next six months.
Read what I said.
Read the polls, Jack.
You guys are all the same.
You lost your child.
You lost your child.
He's gone.
I don't know if Biden has dementia or not.
The doctor said that in 2020.
But as you've seen, the last two years of Biden's antics somewhat fit the bill.
Now there's been an update to this today.
Former White House physician says Biden won't finish his first term.
This is Ronny Jackson, physician to Obama, physician to Trump.
Obama wrote him a scathing letter basically saying, how dare you question Biden's cognitive ability.
Well now he's questioning it even more given what we just saw in Israel where once again that happened after I edited that video together.
Yet another example of it where he's doing a fresh air handshake with nobody in particular.
This is Summit.News.
We'll be back on the other side.
Don't go away.
We've got a couple of videos to get through and we have updates on these issues.
So first we're going to go to this one.
Basically it happened again.
It should have been the top story in the United Kingdom for the whole of this week, for the whole of the rest of the month.
It wasn't.
It was a story for about a day.
Once again, gangs of Pakistani-Bangladesh Muslim men grooming young white girls over the course of 30 years, viciously abusing them when it's investigated or indeed not investigated by the authorities.
They cover it up, they blame the victims because they feared being called racist.
This is yet another example of how political correctness Political correctness isn't just being nice to people.
It causes relentless real-world harm.
Political correctness is just being nice to people.
Here's the clip.
Can this at least spell the end of that whiny, disingenuous, craven mantra we've heard over and over again?
Political correctness is just being nice to people.
No, it isn't!
Political correctness facilitates evil.
And yeah, I'm afraid to say it happened Again.
Over 1,000 young girls in Telford.
Trafficked and sexually abused over the course of 30 years.
And the perpetrators not only got away with it, but the victims were blamed.
Because the police and authorities didn't want to be called racist.
Just like Rotherham.
Just like Rochdale.
Just like Oxford.
It's an oh-so-familiar tale in Diversity is a Strength Great Britain.
Telford scandal, over 1,000 girls abused and raped by Asian gangs while police looked the other way.
More than 1,000 girls were sexually abused by gangs of Asian men in Telford while police dropped cases like a hot potato for fear of inflaming racial tensions, a damning report has found.
For at least 30 years, abusers in the Shropshire town They turned a blind eye, ignored obvious signs of sexual exploitation, and get this, tried to pressure the girls into admitting that they had consented to having sex with members of this vile grooming gang, despite knowing that under the law,
Children can't consent to having sex with adults.
Then they accused the girls, some as young as 12, of being prostitutes.
Where are all the Me Too people?
Where are all the Believe All Women activists?
Fucking AWOL, that's where!
After brainwashing them, they then abused and raped them, issuing death threats if they threatened to expose the abuse.
Witnesses told an inquiry how West Mercia police had appeared frightened to question or challenge because they didn't want to have the finger pointed at them, saying they were being racist.
In its findings, the report said the force's decisions were impacted by fear of complaint or because of concern about the impact on racial tensions.
Manchester, same thing.
Where authorities refused to stop a network of Pakistani men abusing children because they feared it would spark community tensions.
Listen, if protecting kids from nonsense sparks community tensions, What kind of communities are we creating in jolly old England?
The Telford Report highlights the fact that these men, these abusers, were emboldened by all this.
They knew they'd get away with it for years, for decades, in some cases forever.
Because apparently child welfare ranks below our concern about offending minority groups.
Tom Crowe, the QC who chaired the inquiry said quote, Basically every year now a report comes out telling the same sordid story.
They were deliberately humiliated and degraded, they were shared and trafficked,
they were subjected to violence and their families were threatened.
Basically every year now, a report comes out telling the same sordid story.
It just keeps happening over and over again.
So don't keep telling me that political correctness is just being nice to people.
When political correctness facilitated kids being blown up and maimed at the Manchester Arena, because despite brazen and relentless signs of suspicious behaviour, the suicide bomber was left alone.
Because eyewitnesses, security guards, police officers feared being called racist.
Don't keep telling me we have to look the other way while over a thousand children are abused.
Simply because police councils and local authorities didn't want to be called Islamophobic by idiots on Twitter.
And don't keep telling me that diversity is a strength as a camouflage to hide the awful truth about what has happened to this country.
So we have not only the industrial abuse of young white girls by this certain minority community, but we also have the systemised cover-up of that crime by the authorities, again out of fears that they would be seen as offending minority groups.
Why they would feel offended by that, I don't know.
And of course the fact that they may be seen as racist.
This kind of ties into it.
This came out today at the London Times.
Bearing in mind that this just happened, and it's happened multiple times in the United Kingdom over the past 20 years, racists met police corps for detectives ditched after protests by attendees.
The Metropolitan Police has been forced to drop a racist, misogynistic and discriminatory training program for its next generation of detectives after university lecturers refused to deliver it.
Lecturers and students objected to an excessively violent case study that they said stereotyped Asian and Middle Eastern immigrants as rapists, And child abusers.
Because that would never happen in reality, would it?
No, it just happens every single month at this point.
Let's go to this final video, because while these Asian grooming gangs are abusing children en masse, the important thing in this country is to continue to make white people feel guilty.
This video is called, Oh No, How Awful Here It Is.
Viewers watching the BBC's coverage of the Women's European Championships football tournament
noted the very odd reaction of the BBC presenter, who was reading out a script,
to England beating Norway the previous night.
"An historic 8-gold victory for England last night as the Lionesses secured their place in the quarter-finals."
But it wasn't enough just to celebrate England's victory.
No, no, no, no, no.
You see, the team may have won 8-0, but they did so...
*sigh* They did so while being white!
But all starting eleven players and the five substitutes that came onto the pitch were all white.
Oh no, the absolute horror.
Were all white.
And that does point towards a lack of diversity in the Blues game.
How awful!
Strangely enough, I've also never heard them highlight the serious problem which is the lack of diversity within the Ghanaian national women's team, or the Nigerian national women's team, or the Pakistani national women's team.
Olympics. Strangely enough I've also never heard them highlight the serious problem which
is the lack of diversity within the Ghanaian national women's team, or the Nigerian national
women's team, or the Pakistani national women's team. What's next? Is the BBC going to do
a segment on the shocking lack of diversity within the UK grime scene?
Perhaps they're just too busy telling us that the English countryside is racist because 98% of the people who live there are white.
Thing is, there are three non-white players on the England women's football team.
Presumably they just weren't good enough to get in the squad on that night, but three players out of a 23-player roster represents about 13% of them being non-white, which mirrors almost exactly the demographic makeup of the country.
So in reality, by the numbers, they are fairly represented.
Bear in mind what happened last summer during the men's tournament, where speculation was rife that England manager Gareth Southgate deliberately chose black players to take crucial penalties in the Eurofinal against Italy.
In an apparent attempt to enforce some kind of try-hard message about diversity, and have the final word on weeks of controversy over players taking the BLM knee before kickoff.
Problem being, they both missed the penalties.
And England lost the game and the whole tournament.
Here's a novel concept.
Maybe just pick the best players regardless of their skin colour and stop crowbarring divisive identity politics into a sport which already has plenty of non-white representation and some kind of desperate extension of your weird agenda to make white people feel guilty about an immutable characteristic.
So, let's turn to Germany now in this final two minutes, because we had a big story out of there the other day.
Government figures show non-Germans responsible for over 39% of murders.
Remember, this is off the back of Chancellor Angela Merkel inviting in over a million migrants, refugees into the country after 2015.
She said it was a great success.
The government's statistics on serious crime tend to suggest otherwise.
Figures released by the German government show that non-German foreigners are responsible for over 39% of total murders and over 56% of manslaughter convictions.
Those figures have risen from 2000 when the number of non-Germans convicted of murder rose from 29%, so that's gone up by 10% in 20 years as they import more of them.
And the manslaughter has gone up from 37% to 56%, so again a rise of almost 20% in the space of 20 years.
Now that's interesting, because while they represent 39% of total convictions murder-wise, they only represent 12% of the population, but diversity, as we're constantly reminded, is a strength.
Germany's new anti-discrimination commissioner called ethnic Germans potatoes, Yes, this is the woman rewarded with a government role to enforce equality, diversity.
Turns out, though, she basically hates white people.
Of course she does.
That's why she's been given the job.
In a Spiegel article, she wrote that Germans resemble potatoes.
That's the perfect candidate to be given a job on good race relations.
I was going to wrap it up for Summit News.
War Room is next.
Stay tuned.
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Separately, we hold back items for people to sign up for auto ship with the initial 10% off.
And they overheld some stuff.
It's coming back in late July, they think.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion, one of our best-selling products.
High-quality vitamins, minerals, amino acids.
So tasty, so great for children, adults, you name it.
Put a scoop of it in water and some ice.
Tastes amazing.
It does so many great things because it's liquid, you absorb a lot more with the pills, even though they're high quality.
We found 1,100 bottles of that, that because of a miscalculation with AutoShip we had, it'll sell out probably today.
It's available at InfowarsStore.com as well, or by calling toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And despite the fact that it'll sell out today, it's still 25% off.
And I'm going to stop right there now, and I'm going to move back to your phone calls.
Other than saying this, I talked to the next of citizens four weeks ago, five weeks ago, with I think the most important documentary ever proving that they stole the election.
And I said, I bet I'll buy 100,000 DVDs from you because people want to have it in their archive.
And it's such a historic film.
And we bought 20,000.
I said, I think we'll be reordering it every few weeks.
We've only sold out half of these.
And I'm not mad at the audience.
I just think you're crazy.
With all the censorship online, with what's happening, you need this historic film on your shelf to show friends, family, neighbors, your office, your boss, your employees, your church, whoever.
And so we have it.
We have Covid Land 3, the shot, getting into how deadly the shot is.
Both those are discounted together.
Everybody needs them.
And I'll be quite frank, I'm surprised more people haven't got it.
I think you're crazy when you're ever on the site getting other products to not get this, and it keeps the show on the air.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.