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Name: 20220708_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 8, 2022
2366 lines.

In a recent clip, Alex Jones discusses the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which has caused shockwaves around the world. He also talks about various topics such as global situations including the Great Reset, food production collapsing, and border issues. Additionally, he mentions the possibility of war with Russia and nuclear threats, Alberta's report on an increase in unexplained deaths, particularly among young people, and the revelation that Hunter Biden was a Chinese spy. Finally, Jones promotes a sale at his store M4WarsTore.com offering high quality products at discounted prices as part of their July 4 Super Sale. During this discussion, Jones explores various philosophical concepts such as the origins of philosophy in Aristotle and Plato, ancient mythology, and the limitations of materialism. He critiques radical materialism and promotes the idea that humans have a soul and a reasoning faculty beyond just physical gratification. Additionally, he highlights the importance of Orthodox Christianity's account of God. Jones also discusses esoteric elements of Renaissance philosophers, the concept of numbers and number theory, and an upcoming talk focused on philosophy and critical thinking. He encourages listeners to support InfoWars by attending events and purchasing products from their website.

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Well, the head of OPEC mysteriously died yesterday.
Boris Johnson resigned yesterday.
The former Prime Minister who really ran Japan and was gearing up for war with China has been shot in the back.
China is celebrating.
Two blasts from a homemade 12-gauge shotgun.
The assassin knew what he was doing.
Two shots to the heart.
The Georgia Guidestones have been blown sky high.
Vladimir Putin, in a speech, has threatened direct nuclear war with the West and says they're preparing for a real war if NATO does not stop pouring weapons into Ukraine.
We're not entering World War III, ladies and gentlemen.
We're in it.
And everything you see happening, everything you see unfolding, is just the beginning of the angrier world that Klaus Schwab talked about, the purposeful destabilization of the planet.
InfoWars Tomorrow's News Today.
A former Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, has died after being shot during a campaign
speech today.
The shooting captured on video.
You can hear there are two shots fired.
Abe suffered a bullet wound to the right side of his neck and also to his chest.
He was rushed from the scene in an ambulance and then transferred by medical helicopter to a hospital where he underwent emergency treatment.
But doctors could not stop the bleeding.
Moments after the shots were fired, you could see Abe's security detail tackling the suspect, a local resident in his 40s.
The gun he used appears to have been handmade, a motive not known at this time.
As Brianna said, Abe was Japan's longest-serving Prime Minister and was still a towering figure in Japanese and international politics.
He had crucial working relationships with both President Obama and President Trump.
And this assassination causing shockwaves around the world this morning.
And some breaking news tonight.
Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe collapsed on stage during a campaign speech, bleeding, and was in heart failure after apparently being shot in western Japan, according to NHK Public Television.
Witnesses say they heard gunshots while Abe was making his speech.
NHK says he was rushed to the hospital.
(speaking in foreign language)
(speaking in foreign language)
Former Prime Minister Abe was giving a speech for the upcoming upper house election
and we can see the smoke.
(crowd chattering)
(crowd chattering)
(crowd chattering)
(crowd chattering)
It's Friday, July 8th, 2022.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is an emergency broadcast.
I'll also be here tomorrow with another live emergency broadcast.
We'll shoot for noon.
Well, the head of OPEC mysteriously died yesterday.
Boris Johnson resigned yesterday.
The former Prime Minister who really ran Japan and was gearing up for war with China has been shot in the back.
China is celebrating.
Two blasts from a homemade 12-gauge shotgun.
The assassin knew what he was doing.
Two shots to the heart.
The Georgia Guidestones have been blown sky-high.
Vladimir Putin in a speech has threatened direct nuclear war with the West and says they're preparing for a real war if NATO does not stop pouring weapons into Ukraine.
We're not entering World War III, ladies and gentlemen, we're in it.
And everything you see happening, everything you see unfolding, is just the beginning of the angrier world that Klaus Schwab talked about, the purposeful destabilization of the planet.
We are going to open the phones up today.
I have canceled the guests that were set for the show and I will be hosting The entire four hours.
I think I'm going to call this a jade hour.
This is too important.
In the fourth hour.
So this is a very important transmission.
When I told you that I have not just a political and geopolitical understanding, but a spiritual understanding and a historical understanding of this.
I'm not playing games and I know you aren't either.
You can feel it.
You can see it.
This is very hard times that are here.
It's Friday, July 8th, 2022.
And the Prime Minister, he really still ran Japan, just like Obama runs the US.
But he was anti-globalist, anti-China, an ally of Trump, was executed with two shotgun blasts, 12-gauge shotgun blasts to the back.
We have the head of OPEC mysteriously dying yesterday.
We have Boris Johnson resigning a day and a half ago.
We have the Georgia Guidestones blowing up two days ago.
We have Vladimir Putin directly threatening a wider war and nuclear confrontation as well as the former president Medvedev.
We have all the futures numbers coming in showing absolute total collapse.
I talked yesterday to a major Major national supplier to grocery stores, and they are expecting no coffee, just to give you an example, by November.
All coffee supplies will be exhausted by November of this year, quietly.
Bill Gates and others have cornered the market and have been hoarding it and massing it.
Not to mention apples.
The list goes on and on.
I mean, it is just unbelievable what they're about to do to us.
If you think things are crazy now, believe me, if we don't have nuclear war in the next six months, we can count our lucky stars.
There is covert war going on everywhere.
There are at least four major globalist factions battling for control of the New World Order.
We have lived to be inside the New World Order.
We have lived to see the full launch of a bioweapon through the COVID release and then the so-called vaccines.
We have mainstream news, Wall Street Journal saying one study shows double, other studies show triple.
People dying who've taken the COVID shot.
You're twice as likely to die of heart attacks, you name it, if you've taken it.
I mean, it's just insane.
We are living through a bio-attack, and then the vaccine does the same thing as the virus.
This is unbelievable.
I mean, they're really doing this.
As a man, and I'm a guy that's known this is coming for a while, I've been ready for it.
As a man, I have to literally control myself Not to walk out of here and go to the middle of nowhere in a trailer with solar panel and a giant tank of natural gas enough to live for two, three years and just never be seen again.
But I'm not going to do that.
I'm going to stay at the helm of this ship right through this.
But I look at the general public going on about their business, having no idea what's about to happen, and I am just blown away.
If I was a selfish person, There's a few fallout zones in the United States during a nuclear war won't get hit by fallout and I would be in my RV right now.
I would have already bought a piece of property in the middle of nowhere and I'd be gone, gone, gone.
And I only tell you that because as a man, I love my children and I love my wife and I love my family.
And I have to, I have to literally get to the point of throwing up.
I threw up this morning.
Because my flesh is weak, and it was saying, you need to give it up, you need to run to the hills.
But my spirit says, no, you're going to fight harder than ever, and my spirit's in charge.
But my body, physically, said, you need to protect your children.
But I'll protect my children by stopping and mitigating this takeover.
I'm not going to run to the hills and hope they get me later like they say in Braveheart.
Yeah, you can run today and maybe you'll live and someday dying in your beds.
You're going to wish that just once, just once, you can say to our enemies, you can take our lives, but you'll never take our freedom!
And all the laziness and all the incompetence and the spell that Hollywood has put the public under is going to evaporate.
And the veneer of civilization is already peeling back and burning back like a re-entry capsule or pod coming into the atmosphere.
It's white hot now.
You will be tested like you've never been tested before.
You will be challenged, just like Winston Churchill, as World War II cranked up, and as the Nazis destroyed the British Army and drove them into the sea at Dunkirk.
He said, all I can promise you is blood, sweat, and tears, and pain, and a hard war.
And I can't even guarantee we're gonna win, but at least we're not gonna die on our knees.
And that's what I tell you now.
I'm not going to sugarcoat things.
I'm not going to lie to you.
I'm not going to lie to myself.
We have been, I mean, you know, the UN put out last week, and it's true, that the Texas border with Mexico is twice as dangerous as the next most dangerous border.
The United States border of Texas and Mexico is the most dangerous person, the most dangerous place for the individual of anywhere in the world, double.
That was done deliberately.
Our pipelines and fuel centers and refineries and drilling permits were cut off a year and a half ago deliberately.
Our shields are down.
We are burning.
We are being defeated.
We are being sunk.
And those Republican Senators that act like they're on our side sit up there in their cocoon and are just now starting to talk about the Great Reset and Build Back Better and the New World Order.
While our Border Patrol and our sheriffs and our police go S.O.S.
Red Alert Emergency!
Thousands of homicides a month on the border alone!
Total bedlam!
Decapitated heads, dead bodies hanging everywhere, raped children, murdered babies!
18 wheelers full of dead people!
Satanic leftist activating and going out and committing mass shootings.
The army of the dead rising.
And this is just the fuse.
You think all this craziness is scary and it's crazy and it's wild?
Brothers and sisters, that fire you see and that explosion, we're zoomed in on the fuse.
We cover the fuse burning.
We cover the symptoms, not the disease.
That fuse is going into a giant bomb.
And as soon as it goes, total financial collapse, nuclear war, EMTs, electromagnetic pulse attacks, it's here.
And your little candy-ass local church isn't going to tell you that.
This is it.
This is the new world order takeover.
This is the world depopulation.
This is World War Thousand.
This is World War Davos Group.
This is World War Bilderberg Group.
This is World War Extinction Rebellion depopulation.
They're burning and blowing up the farms and processing plants.
They're poisoning the cows and crops on purpose.
Biden's people run it all.
It's coming out in the news.
They're hitting not just humans with bioweapons, but animals and crops.
The carrying capacity of the civilization of Earth is being pulled out from under us.
The rug is being pulled out from under us right now.
And the average person is in a trance.
Even those of us that say we're awake have become comfortable with sitting in this boiling water like a frog as we politically, culturally, and spiritually die.
All I'm offering is the truth, as Morpheus says in The Matrix, nothing more.
You take the blue pill, you go back to sleep in fantasy land and get destroyed.
But you never know what hit you.
You take the red pill, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
I was born for this moment, and so were you.
We got God on our side, we're gonna make it through this and be strong on the other side.
But this is the greatest test humans have ever faced on this planet.
Since Noah and the flood.
This time it's not going to be by water.
As the good book teaches, it'll be by fire.
We built the ark.
It's a spiritual ark, getting close to God, protecting our spirits, protecting the spirits of our children.
Don't let the darkness take our children.
Don't let them feel forsaken.
We will lead them safe through the light.
Now, guard your soul.
Your body means nothing.
The great contest, told for thousands of years, is now here.
And we are.
Chronicling this great era together.
We'll be back, my friends.
Tomorrow's news.
All the games are over.
The global corporations are playing China, Russia, the EU, and the United States off against each other.
Meanwhile, the IMF and World Bank, controlled by the Anglo-American establishment, has already starved.
The numbers are out.
73 million extra people to death in the last 32 months.
God is pissed.
And if we don't fight as hard as we can to reverse the starvation of the third world, it will completely collapse and they will flood the West under the UN Replacement Migration Plan and turn the entire planet into a giant third world hellhole.
But that's the least of our problems.
I will unpack the assassination of the real leader of Japan, the longest serving Prime Minister ever.
They admit, even in the mainstream news, he was still running Japan.
He was working against Communist China.
Chinese news is celebrating his precision murder by obviously a professional assassin, 30-plus feet away, double shots into the heart with a 12-gauge homemade weapon.
So it's non-traceable.
Directly into his back.
Let me explain something.
With a gun like that, from 30 plus feet, probably 40 feet, they're saying, double shots, that is a professional, a 10 or 12 inch barrel is incredibly inaccurate, ladies and gentlemen.
Well trained, well prepared, executed him in public.
In a country with zero gun ownership, 90 plus percent of the police in Japan don't even have guns.
two 12-gauge slugs directly into the back.
And this is just the beginning.
The globalists are going to take out everybody who's their enemies.
He'd been moving to arm Japan against China.
He'd been aligning Japan with the United States.
And now he's been executed.
The head of OPEC's been killed.
Boris Johnson has resigned.
The UN is trying to indict Bolsonaro for crimes against humanity for telling the public the shot wasn't safe, which was true.
It's all happening.
It's all unfolding.
Right now.
Now the Russian news is unbelievable.
But when I say it's unbelievable, we knew it was coming.
And we're going to be going over all of it today.
But the plan is global destabilization, an angrier world, and that's where we are, where there's so many crises and so many things happening, people don't know who to blame.
It's the private central banks of the world.
Destroying infrastructure.
Destroying small businesses.
Destroying individual savings.
Destroying nation states.
A new national poll finds a record level of Americans have lost hope in the U.S.
institutions and the presidency.
They blame Biden and not Klaus Schwab and not Bill Gates and not the U.N.
and not Goldman Sachs and not JPMorgan and not BlackRock.
And as long as the globalists think They can carry out their attacks and they won't be the ones getting the blame.
They will continue it.
That's why I have desperately, for decades, warned you this was coming and in the last three years told you every day, if we don't address it as globalism, if we don't call them out as globalists, if we don't expose they're the ones behind it all, we don't have a hope in hell.
But if we simply do, They will be identified, there will be pressure, they and their operatives in government, the Klaus Schwab brags, we have penetrated, we control half the governments of the world now, soon we will control 80% of governments, we're going to collapse all of civilization and bring in our new system.
I mean, these are quotes, the post-human world is here, you will have microchips under skin to buy and sell, you will have no beef, you will eat the bugs, you will own nothing, you will have nothing, these are quotes, that's not satire.
Everything I just said is an exact quote.
You will eat the bugs.
The Netherlands just banned cows.
30% of cows are banned next year, 50% the next year, 80% the year after that.
Because they put out methane and nitrogen in the environment that are two life-giving gases.
They are outlawing life on this planet.
It is a scientific takeover and a war against the very building blocks of humanity.
All right, we'll get the great John Harmon, who's worked with me for 18 years.
He does our affiliate relations, but he also is a great guy at getting a lot of calls on the board, making sure they got clean phone calls.
You agree, you disagree, you hate me, you love me, you got a question, whatever you want to say, we're not censoring, you just don't cuss.
Tell us your name, where you're calling from.
The only screening is, you got a clear phone line.
90% of the time.
But the 10% of the time, I say, I want you to speak to a topic.
And today is one of those days.
And it's a gigantic topic, you can tie into anything, but this is the topic we're covering, so please listen to me.
We're not taking any calls that are not on this topic.
The topic is the Great Reset, the collapse of the world system, and the expanding wars, and the obvious assassinations and killing and death that's taking place.
And what is your view on where this is going?
And what do you think the new attack is going to be?
The cyber attack, the globalist launch and blame on Russia?
Putin threatening nuclear war?
The collapsing borders?
All of it.
I want to hear from you about what you think is happening currently and what you're doing to prepare and where you see all this going.
That is a gigantic topic that encompasses everything.
The Great Reset is the corporate globalist of the world taking down human civilization to make you totally dependent so they can dictate the terms of our enslavement and surrender.
That is the issue.
That is the subject.
I will give the number out.
It's a computerized phone system.
At 33 after, in six minutes, we will flip that phone system on and we will take your phone calls.
Bam, bam, bam.
And I've not been able to get back to my old self for 20 years.
I should do three hours every night, not just the weekday daytime show.
We should take a hundred calls in three hours.
We took 60 calls yesterday.
We're going to take 100 phone calls today.
We're going to take 100 phone calls, but that means you're going to make your 60 second point, and I'm going to hang up on you no matter how good you are.
No matter how amazing it is you're saying, you're going to get 60 seconds when I go to you, and we're going to move to the next person.
So fire up your engines and get ready, because we're taking 100 phone calls in the next three hours.
I'll let Jay Dyer host the last 30 minutes.
I love Jay Dyer.
On the world, on the Abe assassination, on all of it, we're going to be breaking it all down today.
The number, when we come back, Then I'm going to hit four or five stacks of news quickly in a news blitz when we return.
InfoWars.com, tomorrow's news today.
Please don't forget this Sunday, the biggest sale of the year, the July 4th Super Sale, but 75% up to the Patreon points.
A lot of the products being sold below cost.
You've got to get funds in here at InfoWarsStore.com.
So many other great products like the activated charcoal toothpaste, Alpapower, Ultimate Krill Oil, Infowarsstore.com.
Thanks for your support.
Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has died after being shot during a campaign speech today.
the shooting captured on video.
You can hear there are two shots fired.
Abe suffered a bullet wound to the right side of his neck and also to his chest.
He was rushed from the scene in an ambulance and then transferred by medical helicopter to a hospital where he underwent emergency treatment.
But doctors could not stop the bleeding.
Moments after the shots were fired, you could see Abe's security detail tackling the suspect, a local resident in his 40s.
The gun he used appears to have been handmade, a motive not known at this time.
As Brianna said, Abe was Japan's longest-serving Prime Minister and was still a towering figure in Japanese and international politics.
He had crucial working relationships with both President Obama and President Trump.
And this assassination causing shockwaves around the world this morning.
Like the killing of Franz Ferdinand, the Austrian-Hungarian Archduke, to kick off World War I. I'm going to give the toll-free number out specifically on the Great Reset.
We're living in it.
We're living in the new world of takeover.
What do you think the most devastating facet of it is?
How do we mobilize our governors, our legislators, the few senators that know what's going on, to stand up and point this out?
I'm going to give the toll-free number out right now.
Alex, first-time callers, long-time callers.
Callers that agree.
Callers that disagree.
We don't screen your calls.
Just have a clean phone line.
Tell us whatever name you want to use.
You can claim you're calling from Pluto.
I don't care.
Just have your point.
We want to hear from you and hear the amazing ideas and points you're going to make.
Georgia Guidestones blown up.
Head of OPEC dies mysteriously.
Boris Johnson resigns.
Vladimir Putin threatens nuclear war.
The list goes on and on and on.
World collapsing food production.
Collapsing borders.
All by design, coordinated worldwide.
An angrier world.
Here are some of the headlines.
We'll play the Putin clip in a moment.
Putin to Ukraine.
Russia has barely started its action.
He says this is a police action to clean out the Azog battalions that were attacking almost 100% Russian ethnic groups on the border with Russia.
He says they've won that portion of the war, and that if heavy weapons continue to pour in and attack Russian forces, that he is prepared for full attack against the West.
This is not Saddam Hussein.
This is not the Ayatollah Khomeini.
This is not Hugo Chavez.
This is a country with the second largest nuclear force, with submarines off our coast.
Headline, US eyes direct war with Russia.
Putin to the West, you want to defeat Russia on the battlefield?
Try it.
But keep in mind that we haven't even started anything serious yet.
Russia's Medvedev, former president, warns U.S.
trying to punish a nuclear power risk existence of humanity.
Close quote.
Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, walks out of G20 talks.
No talks needed if West hopes Ukraine win.
And where's our Attorney General?
Busy over there running around controlling the attack.
Belarus threatens to strike Poland if cross-border provocations launch.
Army Chief of Staff says more weapons of Ukrainians get the more they desire.
German economy minister urges Canada to send turbine for Nord Stream to Germany. Gas futures in Europe
exceed 1,100 per 1,000 cubic feet, highest price ever.
Purpose of Biden finance bio project was to create infections that damage
agriculture. Russia Ministry of Defense has captured the labs, is publishing the documents. Huge article at Sputnik
News. Do I just No.
But I know that that's what they were researching.
China to conduct first test flight of aircraft for strategic historic significance.
A copy of our B-2 bomber.
to test a modern two-launch vehicle.
Ends in explosion.
can't get its hypersonic missiles off the ground.
NATO employs 30-year-old European meddling experience on Asia.
Meets with increasing opposition.
Chinese foreign minister lays out three points of concern over Ukraine.
Threatens war.
German troops plan to attack on Crimean Bridge.
We're not in a war with Russia.
We're in a potential nuclear war with Russia.
And it's escalating very, very quickly out of control.
And that leads us now to the big attack.
And it's our own globalist masters hitting their own people.
While they attack everybody else, they attack us, while their corporations double and triple profits every year.
Alberta reports, we have a newscast coming up next hour, Alberta reports unprecedented increase in ill-defined and unknown causes of death since 2021, starting directly when the mRNA gene therapy injections began.
Particularly young people, heart attacks and strokes.
Alberta is reporting an unprecedented increase in ill-defined unknown cause of death.
Possible vaccine game changer, NBC says.
Wait till we play you that clip.
And don't worry, if you weren't scared of all the different names they've given COVID, Omicron and everything else, now it's called Ninja.
Maybe ninjas will scare you.
We just saw a ninja execute the real leader of Japan.
This new Ninja COVID variant is the most dangerous one yet.
Oh my gosh, be afraid.
Be very afraid.
We need new lockdowns right now.
They're saying.
As it all comes out that Hunter Biden was a Chinese spy, was raping children, and was working for his father to launder money.
That's in congressional hearings.
That's in White House press briefings.
It's all over the news.
Why are they bringing it out now and not during the campaign?
Because they want to burn the minion As things collapse and blame him.
Throw him in the political bacon grease.
The deep fryer.
But throw those that control him onto the ash heap of history as well.
Unbelievable time to be alive.
And what do you think's coming next?
I'm gonna go to break in a few minutes and come back and get into all of that and we've got so much To cover.
And all these newscasts saying you will eat bugs again, and we're going to ban the beef, and it's already happening in Europe.
I mean, it's just incredible to be alive right now and to be witnessing all of this.
Now, if we can, I want to run some B-roll for TV viewers of the big sale we've got going on right now.
Because InfoWars is running on empty like everybody else.
Supply chain breakdowns, everything that's going on.
And it could be your last chance.
I'm not just saying that.
I've never talked like this in 28 years until recently.
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But I do know this.
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We get it, nobody buys it, nobody wants it.
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And you can take advantage of this below-cost, 75% off Heron Beard formula right now at InfoWarstore.com or 888-253-3139, InfoWarstore.com.
Let's hear from Vladimir Putin saying we've not even begun to fight, quoting John Paul Jones.
Here he is, Vladimir Putin, saying the war has not even begun yet.
Today we hear that they want to defeat us on the battlefield.
Well, what can you say?
Let them try.
We've heard many times that the West wants to fight with us until the last Ukrainian.
This is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people.
But it seems that everything is going to this.
But everyone should know that we, by and large, have not yet started anything seriously.
At the same time, we do not refuse peace talks, but those who refuse should know that the further, the more difficult
it will be for them to negotiate with us.
So Putin says we want peace, but you've escalated the war and we've only begun to fight.
And you've not seen anything yet.
And we're going to start targeting the borders of Europe that are shipping weapons in.
As the West responds, it'll go nuclear.
That's what his adjuncts, his aide-de-camp, his attachés had to say.
And people look at all the Russian dead and the dozen dead generals and they go, oh, they're losing.
No, that shows commitment.
Dead troops in a war and people pressing an attack does not indicate failure.
It indicates commitment.
We're going to take your phone calls now, I told you.
I will take 100 calls.
That means in the eight minutes left, I'm gonna take four calls right now.
Jeff in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
God bless you, Alex Jones.
I like this format of 60 seconds for every caller.
I do respectfully disagree with you about GUTEN.
I read in the Economist magazine over a decade ago that the BRIC nations are set up to be the top four largest economies in 2050.
So I do feel that Putin is in on it with Schwab, with the NWO.
It's the perfect way to destabilize the West.
The ruble's at an all-time high.
Everything benefits Putin.
Everything benefits the globalists by this controlled invasion into Ukraine.
I think that there really isn't a risk of nuclear war from Russia, but probably from China in the later part of this decade.
I'm going to hang out pretty soon to get the rest of the callers.
I took some pollen block this morning because I had a poison oak and it worked great.
So if you guys are looking for some for antihistamine, you know, something to keep down any sort of allergic reaction, the pollen block with the quail eggs really did work well for me.
But I do respectfully disagree with you about food and hygiene.
Jeff, we do not disagree.
I saw Owen Schroeder say yesterday on his show, That he thinks Russia controls Biden.
No, there's a bigger, new order level.
I actually totally agree with you.
They're preparing the end of the United States and Europe and the rise of this new global government with China and Russia at the heart of it.
I actually agree with you, sir.
Appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to another caller.
Neal Noel in Colorado.
Well Alejandro, I spoke to a source last summer who works for a Michigan grocery supplier, one of the largest in the state, who had told me back last summer we're going to see 10 to 15 percent increases in grocery prices.
That was last summer.
I was at the grocery store the other day in northern Colorado, $21 for a cheap almond butter.
We have yet to see the astronomical prices at the grocery store.
I agree, and it's already astronomical.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
I spoke to a man who works in logistics for a sheriff's company in one of the largest, one of the most liberal cities in Colorado, who told me since two years ago he's been having a difficult time supplying sheriff's departments In this particular city, it's Boulder, Colorado, just to be exact.
So just imagine small municipalities across the country who are having a tough time supplying their Sheriff's Department.
More than half the counties in the U.S.
can't supply fuel.
They've already done their yearly allocated budget only half the years past for fuel.
God bless you.
We're in the collapse, folks.
Brian, in Pennsylvania.
Alex, thank you for taking my call, sir.
I really appreciate it.
I heard the news about the assassination of Shinzo Abe last night, probably one o'clock in the morning, midnight, something like that.
And so there was a reference material I wanted to just pull off my shelf.
Brzezinski's The Grand Chessboard.
And in the beginning of that book from 1997, he kind of dismisses the importance of Japan.
He lays out A variety of countries and their value as, you know, their ability to participate.
He says you've got to control the center of the chessboard, that is, Central Asia.
Yeah, exactly.
What I thought was interesting, though, is despite, he kind of dismisses Japan, he only gives one sentence to it, later in the book he devotes about 10 to 20 pages about U.S.-Japanese relations.
And one of the most likely outcomes that he suggested was there would be a new A new Japanese generation that might want to actually dismiss America and kind of relinquish our duty to help them militarily, maybe just only kind of be there as a mentor, but actually create stronger partnerships with China.
And he pretty eloquently states all the reasons that they might actually want to partner with China.
But that's not happened.
Instead, Japan's fully behind the U.S.
and that's why Abe was assassinated, in my view.
Thank you.
Zach in Florida.
Zach, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me on, long-time listener.
I just wanted to touch on also Shinzo Abe being shot.
You know, after that happened, I was listening to the Secretary of Education speaking this morning, who was talking a lot about, unsubtly talking about taking everybody's guns as dilution, when it just blows my mind how they failed to acknowledge, you know, possibly putting an armed guard in schools, or maybe acclimating with the time, but they're quick to take away Yeah, Japan has a total gun ban, no civilian ownership of guns, and their Prime Minister just got executed with a homemade gun.
That's a pretty powerful message.
Completely unreal, man.
This is without a doubt, you know, it's a systematic takedown.
It's about time that people can't just be being nice to them.
We've got to start standing up.
Well, the globalists are pissed at Japan because the Japanese hate to make things that go obsolete.
They've got engines that run off, you know, 100 miles to the gallon.
They've got everything.
And the Japanese are just incredible.
And they're being blocked.
And you can say what you want about the Japanese, but they are freaking geniuses.
And they just can't help but make stuff that's the best.
And they've got stuff 10 times better than what they've currently got.
And they are just totally pissed.
And he wanted to... I mean, Japan would dominate the world if they just turned them loose.
But that's not what's happening.
Thank you, Zach.
Appreciate your call.
Bill in Illinois.
Bill, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir, Alex.
Love you.
Been listening since you were trying to get us to put A.M.
repeaters in our neighborhood.
Yes, sir.
You've been listening 20 years, brother.
Hey, look, and I have to... I'm ashamed I was a closet listener.
I had a few friends that put their InfoWars stickers on their car proudly.
But I was a civil servant and a...
In a bad town.
So when I retired, I moved to the country where I'm surrounded by farms.
I've been stockpiling precious metals, silver, gold, lead, copper and brass.
Yes, sir.
So, you know, just keep speaking truth to power.
You're like a beacon in the distance and people need to go to the light.
Thank you.
Brother, thank you.
We got 30 seconds left for break.
What do you make of the Great Reset?
You know, I think it's going to come down to a ground war.
I really do.
And I think a lot of... Everything always comes to a ground war, doesn't it?
Yes, and I think the cities will burn first, and that's going to be a clue for the suburbs to harden their... Little bit of a clue.
Well, that's the thing.
They always said EBT cards won't work.
No, they just won't buy anything soon.
And then the city burned.
The stores will be empty.
What good is money when the store is empty?
Damn, that's the... So... What's good is money if the stores are empty.
Thank you, brother.
Great point, Bill.
I just took like seven calls in that segment.
We're going to come back and take your calls.
Bam, bam, bam.
Carlos, Tim, Bob, Bobby, Andrew, Sauce, Eric, James, Curtis.
Hour number two is a few minutes away.
At this point, best case scenario is a few years of hard times for us all.
And if we don't turn it around soon, then it will only get worse.
But as bad as things are, we still have time to prepare.
And that alone is something to be grateful for.
A gravity water filter will provide you with clean, healthy water, even in the event of your taps getting shut off.
And having your own food will save you from getting ensnared in government FEMA camps.
And if you've already stocked up enough for your own family, you might want to consider stocking up for your neighbors.
Some of your neighbors might not be prepared for what's coming, but you can help them by having an abundance of storable foods and water filtration.
Whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Stock up now at preparetoday.com I feel like this all the time, trying to politically awaken people that they're being lied to, that there's an agenda.
It's not left or right.
It's, hey, there's mind control going on.
The signal's broadcast 24 hours a day through all this media.
Just become aware of it, and they'll say, there's nothing going on.
And I want to say, "Put on these glasses or start chewing concrete!"
They have taken the hearts and minds of our leaders.
They have recruited the rich and the powerful.
And they have blinded us to the truth!
The question is, do we all work for central bankers?
That's what I want to address to our guest tonight.
Our impulses are being redirected.
We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep.
An estimated 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder or sleep deprivation.
Outside the limit of our sight, feeding off us, perched on top of us, from birth to death, are our owners!
Latest census numbers prove the United States has the biggest gap between rich and poor compared to all westernized countries today.
Our projections show that by the year 2025, not only America, but the entire planet will be under the protection and the dominion of this power alliance.
The gains have been substantial, both for ourselves and for you, the human power elite.
And for the first time in all of human history, Mankind is politically awakened.
That's a total new reality.
I've got one that can see.
We can't be the only ones who can see.
Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate sinister entity that's got at the root of all our problems.
It's a new morning in America.
The old cynicism is gone.
We have faith in our leaders.
We're optimistic as to what becomes of it all.
It really boils down to our ability to accept we don't need pessimism.
I have two words for you.
Predator drones.
And who are you, little guy?
You will never see it coming.
Don't predict him.
The first guy who uses a Second Amendment weapon to bring a drone down that's been hovering over his house is gonna be a folk hero in this country.
I'm just trying to warn you folks that television is a giant LED weapon system.
It's so advanced.
They got a monkey farm in Bastrop, folks.
They do all sorts of testing on great apes, rhesus monkeys, all nine yards.
And they go, "Oh, you didn't see this," and punch a button.
And there'd be hundreds of monkeys with wires in their brains,
with television sets brainwashing them.
All I ever have to do is be famous.
People watch me.
And they love me.
You can have a little taste of that good life, too.
Now I know you want it.
Hell, everybody does.
Do it to your own kind.
What's the threat?
We all sell out every day.
Might as well be on the winning team.
The real men of the world have to stand up and say, I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.
And I'm all out of bubble gum.
Time to take a stand, boys.
You know what?
You got a little courage.
Stand up for yourself.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
The Oscar winners give a press conference and how to buy a sailboat.
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
CERN is an acronym that translates to European Council for Nuclear Research,
but has since moved on to studying particle physics.
And even though they invented the internet in 1989, they are most famous for their 666 logo, a video of a woman being ritually sacrificed on CERN grounds, at the altar of Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction, and for potentially destroying the universe.
Multiple lawsuits have been filed to stop CERN's particle collider in fear that it could destroy the Earth.
Which revealed to the public that CERN is a sovereign entity outside the jurisdiction of the courts, so they can do whatever they want.
What is it that they're doing?
It has to do with high-velocity counter-rotational spin, which was first documented in Nazi Germany's most secret program, Die Glocke, the bell.
According to surviving documents, the bell was somehow affecting time and space.
The most distinctive aspect of the bell was high-velocity counter-rotational spin, also known as torsion physics.
Many are concerned that CERN is attempting to open a portal into another dimension that will allow demonic entities to enter ours.
This was blatantly portrayed six years ago in a pagan ritual to celebrate the opening of the Gothard Tunnel just east of CERN.
The dimension they would be attempting to open is already somewhat accessible.
Do you hear voices in your head?
If you do, then you likely know it's best to keep that to yourself.
Because a doctor will tell you that you're a schizophrenic.
Modern psychiatry calls these voices auditory hallucinations.
And even though a whopping 1% of the world's population suffers from schizophrenia, there isn't much research.
But after 30 years of working closely with the criminally insane, Jerry Marzinski has noticed that the voices talking to these schizophrenics are all saying the same things.
There is a distinct predictable pattern.
The voices are exclusively generating negative emotion.
Leaving the patient physically and emotionally drained.
The voices are always pulling a person away from God or anything positive.
The voices are always a call to action.
Instructing the person to either hurt themselves or hurt someone else.
Which is probably why the voices always rebel against the drugs that are prescribed for schizophrenia.
These drugs make a person comatose and the voices want you to do things.
Marzynski believes that schizophrenics are being attacked by non-physical entities that he calls energy parasites, because they feed off of negative energy.
And in practically every case, the victim has experienced severe trauma, usually sexual trauma, which explains why the voices tell people to traumatize others.
These demons want more victims.
According to the ancient Gnostics, who referred to these entities as Archons, they are destructive, sadistic beings, who control the Earth via the thoughts of humans.
Voices in the head.
This explains the rampant pedophilia we are seeing today, and the incestuous inbreeding of royal bloodlines.
These energy parasites need traumatized people to feed upon.
Perhaps some of the thoughts in our own mind are not our own.
Most schizophrenics claim that this is the case, but are told by doctors that they are crazy.
Doctors who only give them lobotomies, electroshock, and drugs.
And Marzynski has only seen schizophrenics recover once they start seeing these voices as an external entity.
They then realize that they can actually resist them, and the voices go away.
And so, while CERN is a great mystery, and a concern, the demons from another dimension may already be here, in our thoughts.
So it's a good thing we all have free will.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Each caller gets about 60 seconds to move to the next person.
The great resets here, the assassinations, the death, the resignations, the war, Russia threatening nuclear war, all of this is bringing in the world government to destroy the old system and bring in the new system that is so anti-human.
Carlos in Canada, give us your view on the economic, financial situation that's happening.
Thank you, Alex.
I just wanted to point out to you that when there was a lockdown, people received money and they had money given to them because of the lockdowns.
This amount of money was available to them after the lockdowns were relieved and at this point
companies knew that this money could be vacuumed from their pockets. They had purchased the
securities in advance. They had purchased and since the 80s I've been following this.
They buy the commodities in advance, and then later on, in a block, you can only buy them from them, the brokers, intermediaries.
That's inflationary, and that's how they vacuum the funds out of the people's pockets.
The oil companies have been doing it as well.
That's right, it's economic warfare, absolutely.
This has been going on for now several years, and it's called scalping.
Basically, it's a new way of getting return on investment.
for billions and billions of billions of dollars that they cannot get any other way.
And they create crises, they short market.
How do we counter it?
How do we counter it?
You counter it by simply realizing that we're at the end of a cycle of fiat currency,
where we're printing money out of thin air, generates a wealth disparity,
which is what is panicking these people that are now trying to save their portfolios.
That's right.
And our answer is a whole new system with even more control.
This rules everything we do with the Social Credit Score.
Carlos, amazing call.
Tim in Canada.
Another call from Canada.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
The Great Reset.
Alternative Energy.
Go ahead.
I've been listening since 2009.
Alex, you've been an awesome leader in this and we need more leaders in this world.
Basically, I could get an extra minute because it's kind of interesting.
Go ahead.
Basically, thank you.
The Great Reset is relying on the control of energy, the suppression of energy sources, because instead they are putting us on an electric grid that will fail.
There will be too many vehicles on plugs and lines.
That's right, they're shutting off the old system while blocking real new systems, while claiming they're in control of new systems to replace it.
Exactly, and the thing is, is that even like starting to charge, it'll be a while, it'll be so long, you can't even charge your car.
I see people walking around their electric vehicles, they're so bored.
So anyway, I want to get these points really quick and briefly.
An example is Stan Meyer died mysteriously.
He was making water-to-power cars.
You can split hydrogen from oxygen, that forms H2O, right?
He talked about a one-world government with zero economic growth in 1993, zero population growth.
He was a trailblazer, yes.
Brother, you're right.
They're suppressing new technologies.
Thank you.
While claiming they're trying to bring us new technology.
Bob in Texas, last caller of the segment.
He had a Corvette and he used hydrogen and used a water splitter and a small particle
Brother, you're right.
They're suppressing new technologies.
Thank you.
While claiming they're trying to bring us new technology.
Bob in Texas, last caller of the segment.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
God bless you, Alex Jones.
That's all I have to say.
To learn that part.
I'm sorry.
What I want to know is how do I get people to watch your program?
I believe in you.
I've discovered you on Facebook before you got taken down.
So you're tuned in now, and say, how do you find it?
Infowars.com forward slash show, band.video and the live show feed, and then hundreds of radio stations across the United States.
I mean, how are you tuned in now?
Well, no, I'm on, you know, I'm on right now, but I'm about to lose the best friend that I had in my baby, because of... I hear you.
I love you, Bob, but I got to let you go.
I'm only getting a few of the words you're saying.
Thank you.
Yes, if all the listeners realize you can only come to InfoWars for this, or radio or TV stations, and people promote those local stations and local TV stations and InfoWars.com forward slash show, because people go to InfoWars and go, where's the show?
There's links everywhere.
You've got to bring them to the water to drink.
You're doing that, and I appreciate you.
Andrew, Bobby, James, Curtis, so many others, your calls are straight ahead.
And I've got a bunch of military clips, a bunch of economic clips, a bunch of gun-grabbing stuff to get to as well.
But I'm going to continue with your calls, talking about the Great Reset and the New World Order and how do we counter them straight ahead.
But please share the link InfoWars.com right now.
The Globalists are counting on you not taking action.
They are banning Cows in Europe right now, and millions of farmers are protesting.
It's here, the shutdown of our economy, claiming everything we do is illegal and bad to the earth.
It's all a lie.
It's called feudalism, getting rid of the general public, being wealthy so that we are independent.
I stand for human independence, and I know you do as well.
If you just tuned in, we're taking calls on the Great Reset, the New World Order, the Japanese real leader assassinated, longest-serving Prime Minister out of office but still running things, the head of OPEC dying yesterday, Boris Johnson stepping down, Putin threatening nuclear war, the Georgia Guidestones getting blown up, the economy's imploding, the border's collapsing.
It's the New World Order.
How do we mobilize people to understand What's happening to them, and understand who's behind it, so we can stop them.
Because if we don't identify who's behind it, they'll keep doing it.
Let's go to, in the calls, in the order they're received, let's talk to Bobby in Illinois.
Bobby, you're on the air.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
My analog, I thank you for providing all the data throughout the years, and I've been wargaming many doomsday scenarios, Dan.
In light of current events, I think I have the mother of all scenarios.
By the way, you're answering my call from an hour ago, and I'm glad you're actually calling to listen to me, because I want your view.
I respect you.
I need to interface with you.
I need to brainstorm with you.
They're going to pull a new crisis.
Will it be a power outage, a nuclear war, a financial collapse, an acceleration of that?
What do you think they're going to pull next?
Because you know it's coming.
Okay, sir.
Let me just ask you this question.
Do you believe that AI After downloading all the data on humanity, is now capable of deceiving all of us, including the elite.
Totally capable of shutting off our bank accounts, totally capable of shutting off the GPS satellites, totally capable of launching nuclear weapons, totally capable of destroying us.
Yes, sir.
Now, who do we know is known as the Great Deceiver?
The Devil.
Yes, sir.
Okay, now, based off that, We know that the devil cannot operate in a physical form in our reality.
What would it need to do so to complete... It would need robots that would follow its orders to take control.
Yes, sir.
And in order for him to completely annihilate humanity, it would need to open its gates of hell to unleash all of its minions.
And what do we know about what's going on?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
So all this...
Trying to take down the elites?
How convenient do we have the perfect archetype than Mr. Schwab that looks like a Mortal Kombat villain to conveniently out there?
I think he's being deceived and we're all just taking the bait.
Very sophisticated call, Bobby.
I agree with you.
Alright, let's take a call from Florida.
Let's talk to Eric in Florida.
Go ahead.
My man Pots and Pans, I love you.
I just put a thousand dollars order.
Thank you, brother.
Can't stay on air without you.
Um, so, this deep space alien DNA signal that, um, you spoke of the other day, I believe the 1977 WOW signal may have been it.
They went for 40 years developing this CRISPR and whatnot, and that... That's right, that's right.
They're getting transmissions on radio telescopes saying movies about it, but it's actually true, of DNA sequences which they then make in a lab building aliens here on Earth.
Now these aliens are building here on Earth.
Are they able to connect and communicate with where they're from, whether it be a billion years ago?
I don't know.
I know the globalists say they're building alien life forms.
NASA officially admits it, which is in the literature.
We make a point, they freak out and make jokes about it.
It's going on.
Yes, and I think the civilizations that have been wiped out before, many millenniums of human civilizations, have basically, they kept trying to get them to be intelligent enough to be able to pull this off, and now they finally pulled it off, and so now we're wiping this off.
They've done it before because they were too stupid to get it going, to CRISPR and whatnot, and I think that's part of the theory here too.
Yeah, no, this whole thing is like spraying poison on fire ants to kill them.
We're being exterminated, and they use us to do it with a transmission.
That's the weapon.
You're absolutely right.
God bless you.
All right, let's go ahead and make another call.
This is next-level information, ladies and gentlemen.
Just so you know, they are pulling their hair out right now.
This is on air.
James in Alabama.
James, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Sorry to kind of change topics here, but... Hey, it's wide open, brother.
Go ahead.
Hey, I've just seen an interview that Joe Rogan did about you.
And I was just wondering, I mean I don't know what goes on in the background because I mean I know y'all are best friends, you've known him for 20 years, but I was just wondering why that you are such good friends with him or you push him so hard because he never says anything to me that is good about you or promotes you outside of maybe your friendship in private because he was saying things like about your, you know, Mental breaks and alcoholism and all these other things which have nothing to do with his relationship with you.
And he's saying, agreeing with him, saying things that are, you know, that you're off the wall thinking or scatterbrained and stuff like that.
And I mean, why doesn't he ever say anything positive about you in the public?
Well, Joe said a lot of positive things.
You might have missed it.
And I've known Joe 20...
Four years.
And I wouldn't call his best friends.
And it's a lot of inside baseball.
And I pushed him really hard to wake up.
He did that.
A lot of behind-the-scenes things have happened.
And I'll just leave it at that.
But I think it's a backhanded compliment.
I saw the interview you're talking about with the computer scientist at MIT, a guy that works with Elon Musk.
I went out to dinner with him and Joe.
You know, Joe has his own way of doing things, and I'm not really worried about it.
And I, um, there's a lot of behind-the-scenes things people don't know about that's going on, and so I'm not at liberty to talk about it.
But, uh, no, I mean, I hear you.
But we've got to do our own thing.
We don't have to worry about what Joe's doing.
Joe's come a long way, and nobody's perfect.
And I saw the clip.
I've admitted to Joe that I particularly attacked him four years ago that I was drinking way too much then I'm not now.
And as for substance abuse, it's just about alcohol.
I don't take anything else but occasional nicotine and alcohol.
And I take like aspirin and stuff like that.
But, you know, I saw that and it was stuff like that caused our first big problem to begin with.
But I got to tell you something right now.
I got bigger fish to fry than Joe Rogan.
I like Joe and I'll leave it at that.
He moved here to Austin.
For the first year or two he was here, we were hanging out a couple times a week.
We've been hanging out once a month or so, but I'm not really worried about it.
I've not even really been contacting Joe lately.
I've just been leaving him off to do his own deal.
He's on his own journey.
Joe is all about winning.
He thinks winning for himself.
He doesn't like tearing, he doesn't like the New World Order, but he's doing his own deal and I appreciate your call.
I'm not going to spend any time on that.
Joe forgave me.
When I particularly went after him too far.
But I was mad that he wasn't being hardcore about stuff.
And so I was pissed off because I know he knows all this stuff.
He's really smart.
But Joe's going to make his decisions about the future.
We're all going to make those personal decisions.
I think the balance, Joe's a good guy.
And that's where I'm at.
And a lot of people took his comments on that show interview he did.
As negative.
A lot of people took it as positive.
And that's just where it's at.
You'll make your own decision.
More calls straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Well, the collapse of civilization is ongoing and is accelerating.
The Great Reset is a stress test to practice cutting off different parts of the economy and see how we'll respond, but also consolidate power and control.
And that's where we are right now in this country and in this world.
And they are cutting off the resources, they're starving people to death, they're imploding the borders, they're firing the police, they are cutting off the energy.
That's the program.
And the general public cannot believe that the social contract has been broken.
They don't even know what a social contract is.
Let's pull up a definition of social contract, please.
And so my whole job is to explain, big corporations are predatory now, on average.
They're a mafia that organizes themselves against us, and they're bringing in destabilization and a collapse to consolidate control, and then when things collapse, offer us the global digital currency, the carbon tax, the social credit score, the universal basic income that with it comes all of the dictates.
That's it!
Social contract theory says that people live together in society in accordance with an agreement that establishes moral and political rules of behavior.
Some people believe that we live according to social contract.
We can live morally by our own choice and not because of a driving divine being that requires it.
That's some leftist definition.
Social contract means people work together and we have a basic understanding of civilization.
Let's go ahead and go back to phone calls here.
Taking a lot of calls today.
Your take on this.
Let's talk to Curtis in North Carolina on the New World Order.
Go ahead, Curtis.
Yes, sir.
Nice to talk to you, Mr. Jones.
I just want to remind people that we are a grassroots operation and that's all it really takes to get outside of their system.
It's just simple things like learning skills that you can take to your local flea mall or gun show and meet people to trade and barter and Set up something outside of their economy.
That's how we beat this thing.
And if we don't play by their rules, I mean, that's how we beat them.
We beat them by getting back to God and becoming moral and realizing they've created an incredibly complex, crazy, high-tech society that has a lot of benefits, but they can use the high-tech society through AI and technocracy to totally mess with us and totally jack with us.
Well, I mean, but I mean, listen, they're not going to be able to control the food.
We're both Texas natives.
We know that there's enough wild hogs in that state to feed the entire country, and they're all over the country.
I mean, it's simple things like butchering that hog for somebody and then trading it to the person who's growing it.
Yeah, but see, you know how to do all that, so you think everybody else does.
90% of people know how to wipe their ass, brother.
I appreciate your call.
Appreciate your call, Kurt.
It's good to hear from you.
Let's go to Heath in FEMA Region 1.
Heath, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, thank you, Mr. Jones.
I have a passage from the Bible that I want to read that speaks about the Georgia Guidestones, the purchase and destruction of our farmlands, the livestock and food supply, and rounding up the citizens into FEMA concentration camps, the assassination of Japan, and war.
Alright, we're here in First Maccabees.
It says, The beauty of the woman faded.
He spoke to them in deceitful and in peaceful terms, and they believed him.
And then he attacked the city suddenly in a great onslaught and destroyed many of the people.
And they took captive the woman and children and seized the animals.
Her feast returned into mourning.
Woe is me!
Why was I born to see the ruin of my people given into the hands of enemies?
Once free, she has become a slave.
Many were wounded and fell and the Romans took their lives and children captive.
They plundered them and took possession of their land, tore down their strongholds and reduced them to slavery.
All the other kingdoms and islands that had ever opposed them, they destroyed and enslaved.
Thank you, Alex.
It's always a pleasure to speak with you.
Thank you.
Well said, brother.
History is repeating itself.
Brown in California.
In Jesus Christ's name, God bless you Alex, God bless the Info Wars crew, God bless the Info Warriors out there.
I just want to start this off by giving an Alex Jones battle cry.
[Speaking Spanish]
And I just want to say that I don't think that Otaku, that geek with a homemade shotgun.
was the only one involved in that assassination because if you look at the videos there's a
projectile that goes right into his chest about half a second before the second shot
and it hit him directly um you know shotgun spread well he's got a shotgun
That shows slow velocity, though.
Black powder, though.
If you can actually see the projectile.
But it should all be investigated.
Hell, the state police in Texas say the whole story of Yuval is a lie.
They don't know what happened.
So it's fair game.
You know, who knows?
We've been lied to for so much.
I get why people are so deceived.
But one thing, and final note, Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth, the life, the way.
We have to get back to them so we can win and expect death.
They just shoot death at us because that's all they got.
And if you fear death, you will be reduced to nothing.
Don't fear who can kill the body, but he can kill the soul.
Beautiful, Brown.
Thank you.
Let's talk to Sauce in FEMA Region 9.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
I just want to fire off a few things.
I know I've got 60 seconds.
Basically, the Sanofi power plant's on the 33 degree parallel.
It's right next to Camp Pendleton military base.
It could potentially blow that up and blame it on Russia.
Prevailing winds take that fallout to the other states, thus contribute a national blackout.
Or they could do the EMP as you mentioned, but I think the EMP would cause too much national damage for them to rebuild.
So I think they're just going to turn the power off artificially and let people duke it out for however many months, six months to a year.
I agree, the control power outage is one of their main cards.
NATO's going to come pick up people that are going to have their wills broken because they're not
going to be prepared. NATO's going to try to take them to the FEMA camps where they're going to have
all the amenities. They're going to try to get you vaccinated. And the people that didn't make
their communities, as a Buponcala mentioned before, the people that didn't go over their
system or under their system and communalize with their local people are going to have a hard time
because that's the system they're going to have to assimilate to because they're not part of the
new system. So that means they're going to be living in the hills, living in the sticks,
and they're going to use the same tools they used on the Taliban to hunt them. It was all a test.
This is what it's leading up to, brother.
And another thing before I go, I only got a few seconds left, is that Bitcoin was made by the NSA and JP Morgan is behind Ethereum.
You're going to tell me that a phantom creator is going to slip in a digital currency into a sovereign... No, I hear you.
I appreciate your call.
Thank you, Sauce.
All right, let's go ahead and go to another caller.
Who's up next here?
Let's go ahead and go to Hillbilly.
Hillbilly in Missouri.
Go ahead.
I want to say that I support Russia and their special military operation of denazification in Ukraine.
It is beyond evil.
The Biden regime is using American tax dollars to fund a Bandera Nazi army in Ukraine just because they want to kill Russians.
Well, they want to start a larger war and take control of energy in Europe.
Where do you think it's all going?
I don't know, I just think they're trying to cover up their crimes in Ukraine, and they want to break up Russia, and they want their resources.
But at the same time, it's made Russia richer with oil and everything, and it's making America weaker.
What do you make of that?
I don't know, I'm not up to par on all that, but I do support what they're doing over there.
I think America would be lucky to have a strong leader like Russia has, like Vladimir Putin.
And I'll say this, if Russia invaded America today, I would view them as liberators.
It'd be Red Dawn in reverse.
Putin, 2024.
President of Russia.
All right, Hillbilly.
Thanks for the call.
The grass is always greener on the other side, isn't it?
I think it's all part of the same club at the top.
We're gonna go to break, come back with more calls.
Please don't forget, this Sunday, the next three days, is your last chance to get the biggest sales of the year, double Patriot points, and up to 75% off at infowarestore.com.
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So many great products like It is noteworthy that the percentage of women who register to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the men who do so, end of quote.
Repeat the line.
For the last time, anything you put on that proctor, Burgundy will read.
Precisely, not and or, or political power.
Oh, son of a bitch.
The year is 1995, and InfoWars launches the last of America's counter-globalist probes.
In a freak mishap, InfoWars.com and Alex Jones are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems and returns Alex Jones to Earth 25 years later.
Transdimensionally, over the space-time continuum through full space.
Where people are extremely lazy, the social engineers are there laughing.
What we envisioned 100 years ago, 20 years ago, is now reality.
While the society unravels, men run around totally frantic, not knowing how to be men, and women run around frantic, not knowing how to be women, and they don't understand that it's an animating contest of life, and that it's fulfilling to be informed, it's fulfilling to be involved, it's fulfilling.
Tomorrow's News.
So, it's open phones right now on this Friday, worldwide broadcast.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're taking a lot of calls, getting the job done, hearing from you.
Let's talk to a caller in Texas.
Rick, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
For all people around this world.
Hey Alex, man.
Good to talk to you.
Hey, did you get my song I sent to your show tip?
You got 45 seconds, brother.
I gotta move the next caller.
Hey, man.
Hey, George Green, man, he moved to Ecuador because he says it's China's turn to run the world.
So you kind of need to maybe look into that, you know.
And Jordan Maxwell, I'd love for you to get him back on.
Love your products, brother.
So yeah, we could talk all day about this stuff.
But yeah, man, freedom for humanity.
That's the name of it.
Take care, bud.
Yeah, it might be hard to get Jordan Maxwell on, but I appreciate your call.
Very interesting caller.
Nick in Michigan.
Nick, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, can you hear me okay, Alex?
I can, yes.
Great, thank you.
I appreciate you taking the calls.
The biggest thing I see is that the national stuff that goes on, to me that's nothing more than look at this hand, you know, watch one hand while they distract you at the local level.
Like here in Michigan, if you go to transparencyusa.org, it'll tell you all the donors for the big, for like, who's running your state and all your elections and stuff.
Like, here in Michigan, the biggest hospital, McLaren Northern Michigan Hospital, they have a big family name, Offfield.
They are Grinch and Whitmer's biggest donors.
And, like I said, people are missing the local stuff.
Like, I just got a thing from Medicare.gov telling me about how safe the boosters are for the kids, six and up, six months and up.
And so, like I said, a lot of stuff, this national stuff that goes on, it's all bad.
Like, in Japan, there's fascination and all that other stuff.
But to me, that's just more of a distraction for the mass, you know?
It's the local stuff that people aren't paying attention to is where their money's going and who's bringing, you know, the actual communists and the players into their states and who's running the show behind all the scenes.
Powerfully said, sir.
Appreciate your call.
Let's go to the next caller.
Wayne in Arizona.
Wayne, you're on the air.
Right on, Alex.
I want to read a few items that are the Citizens' Rulebook.
The one that you used to hand out when we purchased your supplements.
Supplements that have worked for me.
Thank you, sir.
Right on the front cover, Alex.
Where the spirit of the Lord is.
There is liberty.
And looky here.
The fireworks are in the document itself.
Well, let's find that righteous and judicious fuse and light it with an orderly vote.
Page 13.
Unchecked power is the foundation of tyranny.
It is a juror's duty to use a jury room as a vehicle to stem the tide of oppression and tyranny.
To prevent bloodshed by peacefully removing power from those who have abused it.
The jury is the primary vehicle for the peaceable restoration of liberty, power, and honor to we the people.
We have two more votes.
We're not a democracy.
Serving on the grand jury, I got a great Alright, appreciate your call.
Let's go to Steve in Oklahoma.
the tiger great i will not discuss the case leading up to a_k_ f_y_i_
our d_a_ introduced us to another d_a_ from another area from another district
from another area they brought with them the statute the law and the evidence
and they asked us if we would take it wow
i appreciate your call let's go to steve in oklahoma steve you're on the air
God bless Owen, Christy, the crew, Harrison, all you guys.
God bless you guys.
I wanted to talk to you a little bit about... I got so much to talk to you about.
I wish we could just throw out after all this.
I'm not even too far from here.
I'm in Southern Oklahoma now.
I moved from Chicago.
Get out of that night, Baron.
and all that stuff.
But let me get back to what we're talking about 'cause I don't wanna hold up everything.
But with CERN, I feel like they're trying to isolate the Higgs boson particle,
that's what it's called, the god particle, 'cause they could create matter from it,
and then they could manifest all these entities and assholes, I'm sorry, all these entities
onto our plane, and then we gotta deal with it.
It's all about, it goes back to Alistair Crowley almost, when he was talking to Lamb, this evil, real entity,
and it's all about this real energy that they're all obsessed with,
and that's why this new Google AI is called Lamb, duh.
It's all part of their weird little sorcery and magic and all this crap, and it's tied in with the Nazis.
Everybody's on point, everybody's waking up, it's so great, you know?
I understand it's rough.
Here's what I got.
and holding. Taking a lot of calls here. Jeff in Maryland, you're on the air. Go ahead.
Alex, how are you doing man? I understand it's rough.
No, it's good to talk to you brother. Glad you're here.
What's your view on China and Russia?
Well China and Russia, they've always wanted to run the world.
So I feel like they decided to team up and give a high five and let the globalists think that they're going to run things, basically break everything down through the distractions, the mass grooming and all these leaders that are being assassinated and the payments basically going through Ukraine to all the politicians.
While that's going on, they got the fuel shut down, the sales, the food shortages, this blowing up the plants.
What I feel like is eventually going to happen is invasion of the southern border and you know obviously that's going on.
Russia and China.
China's been hanging out in Canada getting trained by the Canadians for winter warfare for quite some time.
West Coast has already been told that they're going to be open.
Ships are already sitting off the west coast.
Who knows what's in those ships.
That's right.
There's not a southern border invasion going to happen.
It's already happened.
And what's really scary is now Gates owns over a quarter million of farmland and also the railways.
A lot of people don't realize the railways that he owns.
Whenever you decide to not eat meat anymore and he wants to force feed us, making our money unusable.
I used to work in the medical marijuana industry and they do the automated grow, which basically moves the plants along.
They get AI farmers to take care of that.
Rush has already requested Alaska back and I know for a fact in China Lake they are testing pulse energy weapons.
Which might have been a situation with the Georgia gods then.
I don't know all this stuff.
Powerful brother, appreciate the call Jeff.
Rachel in Texas, last caller of the hour.
Go ahead Rachel.
Hi Alex.
I just wanted to call about the July 4th shootings that we all know added insult to injury where the country's morale is pretty low overall.
I came across an article posted by Crisis 24.
You may not have heard of them, but you may have heard of Guarda World, which is a private security company based in Canada, and they've been known to work with the U.S.
government since 2003.
Crisis 24 is a white glove boutique risk management service where they are using over 200,000 sources of AI intelligence across 40 languages.
And they posted some skeleton stories with scant but spot-on information about the location and the number of shooters involved in the Philadelphia shooting, or excuse me, the number of police officers that would be shot, posting two separate articles, one about the Highland shooter, Highland Park shooter, about four hours before the actual incident happened in Central Daylight Time, and about the Philadelphia shooters, about four hours before it happened Eastern Daylight Time.
And that might be a lead as to where the... Oh, we know they've had massive warnings in all these attacks, and they've stood down.
And Texas is a blaring example.
77 minutes of standing down, Rachel.
Yes, sir.
I know it.
And I don't know where this information's coming down the pipeline, but that might be a good lead where to start.
I will look into it, Rachel.
Thank you.
Amazing information.
All right.
We're taking phone calls.
We're taking a lot of phone calls.
We're actually getting it done.
When we come back, Jeff, David, Bone Crusher, Steve, Mike, Jeff, Arthur, Zen, Daryl, Mary, we're going to every one of you in the order your call was received.
And I've got some other breaking news on InfoWars.com that we've not gotten to yet, but we're going to print up the latest articles from InfoWars.com that I see right here.
And we're going to be covering those in the next hour.
What a time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
And if we don't turn it around soon, then it will only get worse.
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Why did the Supreme Court do the right thing and overturn Roe v.
Wade just under the Constitution and kick him back to the states?
One of the reasons why this issue is so hotly contested in the United States is that it wasn't decided by the people through the democratic process of the legislatures.
And now it will be.
And it will go to the states where those states will be able to reflect the will and the views of the people who live there.
A lot of reasons.
But the big one is that we have three Yeah, I would murder them!
womb, sucking their thumbs and even two, three months, playing, dancing.
And we know that's a human.
And then you've got the pro abortion crowd saying it's a satanic sacrament in court saying, we're going to kill
those little bastards wearing shirts celebrating.
I killed my baby.
I'm going to kill more.
And really showing us how sick and evil they are and their cult of death.
Now it's not a total overturn of Roe v. Wade saying that it's illegal.
Well, states can't announce slavery is legal again.
The statement has been made that the government has a right to come in your home and tell you as a woman and as a family what you should do with your body.
This is not about freedom or personal choice.
We also know that we've had a history in this country of government trying to claim ownership over human bodies.
States can't announce that they can take your guns.
States can't announce any of that in our republic system.
It was the left's celebration of killing babies up to their due date.
And then multiple states, like New York, passing laws you could kill babies for weeks after birth?
I'm talking about your bill.
How late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the woman?
So, I mean, through the third trimester.
The third trimester goes all the way up to 40 weeks.
Okay, but to the end of the third trimester?
Yep, I don't think we have a limit in the bill.
Where it's obvious that a woman is about to give birth?
Would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified?
Uh, Mr. Chairman, that would be a, you know, a decision that the doctor, the physician, and the woman would make at that point.
I understand that.
I'm asking if your bill allows that.
My bill would allow that, yes.
And people were like, what the hell is this?
And finally started waking up out of their comas.
I am Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson, formerly the director of the largest abortion clinic in the Western world, and I am the last surviving founding member of NARAL, a pro-abortion organization which brought legal abortion to the entire United States.
I am personally responsible for over 75,000 abortions.
We founded NARAL in the late 1960s with our purpose to export our pro-abortion mentality everywhere.
To achieve that end, we adopted a strategy to deny what we knew to be true, that abortion kills an existing, living human being.
We denied that fact in an effort to mislead the American public and the courts of this land.
This was the greatest mistake of my life and legal abortion was the greatest mistake this nation has ever conceived.
This shows in this sea of evil and corruption and collapsing borders and devalued currencies and pedophilia and world government attacks on the family and all of it.
That humanity is coming back.
You've got to have the will to accept the truth and buck the system and the group collective.
Do that, and you'll earn your way to the next level.
This is the InfoWar.
We built an unnatural world.
We built a world where we don't have to actually know what we're doing.
And it's all coming to an end.
And the globalists know that, so they're accelerating that end.
And you're all going to experience it now.
This is going to divide the boys from the men.
Global Red Alert.
Former Japanese Prime Minister assassinated.
Head of OPEC found dead.
Boris Johnson resigns.
Vladimir Putin threatens direct nuclear war with the West.
This is an emergency broadcast happening now.
We must identify the Davos Group.
We must identify the Newell Order.
They're carrying out the policies.
They're executing the operation.
Jeff in Florida, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Man, I'm really not doing too well.
I do want to say thank you to you and your crew and also a shout out to Tucker Carlson, obviously.
And my favorite products, X2 and the Brain Force in the dropper.
I love it.
Gotta hold back on it.
It's amazing, sir.
Thanks for keeping us on air.
You've really done an amazing job.
Hey, my pleasure.
You've taught me so much.
In fact, so much that I forgot some.
I have a couple of questions for you.
One, I do remember, I think you said a former president said, quoted, keep them entertained and they'll never know what hit them.
I remember that quote.
You remember that quote?
I do not remember who it's from, though.
Well, there's a lot of that in the movie Gladiator.
It's in some of the Roman histories that use bread and circus to entertain people and they won't care about losing their freedom.
So it's just a well-known kind of saying.
It's a cliché.
Okay, because I see it playing out very well amongst everybody I know almost.
It's sad.
And another question, when the Uvalde shooting happened, and my prayers go out for the families of the victims, my gut right away told me something stinks.
It was like too convenient in Texas.
And then pops up McConaughey and the state police tell us the whole official story is a fraud and a lie.
Thanks for the call, Jeff.
Thank you so much, sir.
Dave in Wisconsin.
Dave, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you.
Father God, I ask that your anointing will continue to fall on Brother Alex, his family, all the families that work at InfoWars, InfoWars Store, all the entities under Free Speech Systems, Father God, and all the listeners and people who not only enjoy but share the components of his broadcast every single day.
Alex, I think we need prayer.
Not just prayer for us.
I'm ordained.
That doesn't mean anything.
You know, sitting behind a podium in a pulpit doesn't make you a pastor anymore than sitting in a freezer makes you a frozen fish.
So the church is failing.
We, the Church of the People, we're the church.
You've got a lot of prayer warriors on your channel.
I want to suggest that we don't just keep it in a circuitous fashion of sharing the love of God.
Lord has shared with me that you possess all elements of the Fivefold Ministry, Alex, Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher.
And let me just say one last thing.
Before I got Reset Wars, when it was first released from you, I was curious if you would have stuff about Uh, Barbara Marks Hubbard in there, sure enough, in the first chapter.
That is the most conscientious and elemental, informative purchase that someone could make right now, because it's going to keep them up to date.
You know, we forget so much stuff, you know?
And to have Info Wars, your production of Reset Wars, at your fingertips.
I'm not saying share it.
I'm saying get your copy, buy your own copy, get the information from it, and then go out into the public and talk to people you don't know.
We can't be playing telephone here.
No, I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate you.
I mean, the only reason we're getting all these calls, we're taking them fast.
Bone Crusher in FEMA Region 10.
Go ahead, Bone Crusher.
Alright Alex, I'm gonna fly through this here.
Alright man, I call this the InfoWars Triforce.
It's BrainForce Ultra, Bazzo Beats, and X2.
You gotta get on that stuff.
Not you, but everybody else.
They need to get that.
And then Alex, I got extra Iron Maiden tickets at the end of September.
It's on a Friday if you wanna come get my info from the crew.
And then lastly, I used to work at a hotel.
There was a bunch of refugees there.
Some were from Iraq, Afghanistan, wherever.
One of the Afghani guys, I started showing him a lot of American stuff.
He loved John Wick, loved John Cena, loved John Wayne.
Once he became a full-on citizen, he changed his name to John Muhammad.
He just had a kid the other day and sent me a picture of it.
I asked him what he named the kid.
He named it Alex Emmerich.
Your legacy will never die.
Well, I'm fighting hard, Bone Crusher, and I appreciate your support.
I'm just mad watching Open World Government starve hundreds of millions of people to death and get away with all these crimes.
I mean, it is just insane.
We've become normalized and comfortable with being destroyed.
You're right.
And you know what?
People need to start standing up and they need to wake up.
And like I said, they can try to censor you as much as they want, but your legacy is never going to go away, man.
I don't care about my legacy.
I just want to beat the Globals, but I appreciate your support.
I love you and I appreciate you, Bone Crusher.
All right, let's go to the next caller.
Arthur in Texas.
Arthur, you're on the air.
Yes, Alex.
On July 4th, I heard the rebroadcast of your one-hour interview with Dr. Zelenko.
I think it was last Christmas.
I've had a few interviews with him, but yes.
You know, maybe we should just re-air that interview right now, brother.
Maybe we should re-air that.
the globalist master plan for depopulation and the related strategies designed to achieve
You know, maybe we should just re-air that interview right now, brother.
Maybe we should re-air that.
Yeah, I assume it's posted on your site.
Yeah, I don't have it in front of me, but yeah.
He talked about the, well, he mentioned the open and shut case of premeditated, scientifically
planned mass murder in history.
And he drew attention to the stakeholders at the very beginning of the interview.
And the tsunami financial catastrophe that's been in the works for the last 30 years.
And of course these owners of the central banks The International Banking Cartel, Associated Financial Institutions, Corporations, Non-Governmental Organizations, CFR, Bilderberg Group, etc.
There was an interesting, in 1913, not only the Federal Reserve Act was passed creating the central banks, the central bank here in the United States, and the Income Tax Amendment to pay for the interest they were going to create the debt to pay the interest on, It also, I think there was an act of Congress creating the tax-exempt foundations that have been funding these organizations and policies for decades.
It is a total financial corporate takeover at every level and no one recognizes it.
I think it's Russia or it's Putin or it's Biden.
They're all puppets.
It's the globalists launching the whole thing, brother.
Or a few in number.
Of course, they've got scores of front men And hundreds and thousands, probably, of willing workers that further this plan.
But really, I mean, the directing leadership is probably very few in number.
People like David Rockefeller didn't come out very often out of the shadows.
And now they're making their move.
Humanity's waking up to a great extent, but it's not fast enough.
What do you make of all the assassinations and resignations of world leaders right now?
I mean, this is what happens before a big war.
He's gone.
All right.
You know, since you mentioned that Dr. Zelenko interview, I'm going to air part of that.
And then Jay Dyer is coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't know if I'm going to be here next week.
InfoWars is in so much trouble right now.
And what I tell people to do, my crew's great, the production crew's great.
What I tell the crew to do, other areas, is not done.
So, if I don't physically stay here 12 hours a day, make sure product comes in, to make sure bills are paid, nothing's gonna happen.
Just like this operation's in crisis, everybody else is in crisis.
Society, people are in zombiosis, they're watching Netflix all day, people aren't conscious, it's just unbelievable what's going on.
And so, I said I'd do a Saturday show, not gonna happen.
I don't know when I'm going to be back, because if I don't right the ship here and I don't myself personally carry all this out, it's not going to happen.
So love you.
I appreciate you.
And hopefully we'll be back on the air someday.
All right.
All right.
Thanks, everybody.
Appreciate you.
Tomorrow's news today.
The world is hurtling over the edge of a cliff, and I appreciate the great production crew.
They've been great people and it's been great knowing them.
All right.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
That if we don't identify it's on purpose, and we don't identify these are war criminals, and we don't identify they cooked it up on purpose, then they keep being able to debate us and argue little fine points and keep people distracted.
So that is not the point that we're making here.
This is not some accidental thing.
These aren't just companies that mean well that screwed up and all this garbage.
These are individuals that are using this to take over the planet.
And it's in the Great Reset documents.
And it's an incredible time to be alive.
So Dr. Zev Zelenko joins us here.
He needs no introduction.
So much has happened.
He also issued an alert yesterday that if something happens to him, that he's not dying of cancer, which he's fighting right now, but that it can be foul play.
I want to say the same thing.
I'm getting a lot of death threats right now.
We're not being dramatic, folks.
We're at the tip of the spear exposing mass murderers.
This is a war.
And like Marshall McLuhan said 50 years ago, I got a lot of questions and a lot to say and a lot to break down and I want you to be able to take us where you want to go first.
against each other.
So Dr. Zalinko, so much going on, so much happening.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Thursday broadcast.
Hi Alex, thanks again for having me.
I got a lot of questions and a lot to say and a lot to break down.
And I want you to be able to take us where you wanna go first.
So take us there.
And then I wanna talk to you about Dr. Michael Yidan, who I know you talk a lot about getting even more hardcore
now and basically aligning with what you and I are saying.
It isn't about us being right, but I think it's key to really have people face what we're up against if we have any chance of beating him.
We're going to win.
It's like someone who plays chess.
The better chess player you are, the more moves ahead you could see.
And I see already that it's checkmate.
The only question that's still a variable is how much carnage and what will be the body count of the innocent until we get to that point.
And the reason why I'm doing these interviews is that I hope that spreading the true narrative and giving people hope may mitigate or reduce the body count.
And so regarding Dr. Michael Yadin, I know him personally.
He's a mentor of mine.
He's a brilliant scientist, former Vice President of Pfizer.
And he told me personally that for every one child that dies from COVID, 100 die from the vaccine.
The vaccine is 100 times more lethal to children than the virus.
I think it's more than that, but he has the statistics and the data analysis to prove that, and he has actually presented that information to the world.
He's a man of integrity.
He has only Uh, what to lose from coming out of retirement.
He's a very wealthy man.
He doesn't need, uh, uh, all this aggravation.
The only reason why he's doing it is I believe that he's being motivated by altruism and a genuine desire to, um, protect people from carnage.
Um, now I think that it's extremely important to understand what is the motivation behind the criminals and monsters that have done this.
Because and everything no one should believe a word I'm saying they should just listen and then do their own due
diligence I provided for you
resources and references to what I'm about to say, but Much of which I'm sure you know, but 30 years ago. It
became obvious to the people in Power and people who are the wealthiest most powerful
people in the planet that there was going to be a major catastrophe
economically In 30 years there would be a collapse
bankruptcy of the beginning a bankruptcy of Social Security and Medicare and that's all known and known
And Biden's recent policies of increased entitlements have upped the date to the anticipated collapse that 2027-2026 used to be 2028.
That's the beginning.
And within 10 years, there'll be a complete bankruptcy that will have a tsunami effect on the global economy and threatens the stakeholders, their power and their wealth and control mechanisms Over humanity, which they've had cultivated over millennia.
We're talking about a force of evil that has always used human slavery as an asset.
Slavery has always been The most lucrative industry in the history of humanity.
And these people are amoral.
They're not immoral.
They are amoral.
Which means they are moral when it's expedient for them.
They're immoral when it's expedient for them.
They support the Jews when it's expedient for them.
They support the Christians when it's useful to them.
And then they set the Jews against the Christians and vice versa when it's useful for them.
They're capitalists when they need to be.
They're communists when they need to be.
This level of malevolence Transcends all of these systems that they have set and they play games and create chaos and geopolitical destabilization in order to promote their own agenda.
In this particular case, it became obvious to everyone that there was going to be a huge economic collapse and they were threatened.
What have they done?
They've initiated a plan over the last 30 years that will result in when the system collapses, The dust settles, they will have the new financial infrastructure and control mechanisms to lead to the ultimate enslavement of humanity.
And let me explain.
In 2016, everyone knows Klaus Schwab said that within 10 years, meaning by 2026, right before the anticipated collapse, 7 billion people will be tagged With a digital tracking device, essentially.
A biometric sensor that transmits biometric data with your location to a third party.
And it's not science fiction.
There's a patent, which we've spoken about several times.
He said on French TV, he said, first you'll wear it, then it'll be in the skin.
That's Klaus Schwab saying that, and I have that video.
But in addition to that, there's a patent.
There's two patents that go hand in hand.
The one patent that says that the current vaccines have nanotechnology in them that allows them to measure your heart rate.
I want to come right back to you.
This is riveting information.
Dr. Zelenko, please stay with us.
Now, I didn't talk to Dr. Zelenko before he came on air today, and I didn't tell him I want to talk about the Great Reset and engineered financial collapse and how SWAB is now pre-programming.
There's gonna be a big cyber attack that they claim terrorists launched.
We know who will really launch it.
And notice he just brought it up without us even asking because we're all synced up.
That's God consciousness.
That's what scares these Satanists.
He wrote an article titled, Government is the Enemy?
What is really going on?
By Dr. Zelenko.
So, doctor, please continue.
You got caught up on the break getting into They know they fraudulently created all this fractional reserve banking.
They've created all these derivatives.
They've taken the world over by it, but it's a scam.
So instead of them all going to jail, they've come up with a plan to collapse the world economy, pose as the saviors, and depopulate the useful seeders in the process, which is what so many corrupt feudal lords have done in the past, like the Aztecs and others, when they didn't want to feed their population.
Please continue.
Yeah, so the patent that I mentioned earlier, it gives the technology and the mechanism through which Klaus Schwab's prophecy, let's say, about 7 billion people having a digital identifier that connects them to a centralized network or grid or matrix is going to happen.
And the second patent that goes together with that is what Microsoft has from 2020.
Um, it's W.O.
And that patent describes the linkage of biometric data transmission to cryptocurrency.
And so let me explain to you what that actually means.
It means that in the future, let's say 2026 at the time, there'll be no more EasyPass, there'll be no more Apple Pay, there'll be no more credit cards.
It'll be biometric Transactions.
In other words, you are now injected with a technology that transmits your internal temperament and your internal data with your location to a third party.
Now, and that will allow you to, let's say, put your hand on a scanner and then walk out from the supermarket.
So the hipsters think it's cool, but the problem with that is, what if I don't want to be part
of the matrix?
What if I don't want to be injected with a tracking technology?
Well, then I would be excluded from the system of finance.
I won't be able to buy bread, at least not probably on the black market, but I won't
be able to buy bread for my family.
So it's a control mechanism.
It's the mark of the beast.
In other words, if I don't participate in the system that they have created and control,
I will be excluded from the ability to do transactions, financial transactions.
So they don't have to put a bullet in my head.
They just have to prevent my ability to buy food for my family.
And that's like the social credit system in China, where basically they could set a radius through which I can't go out of my house and put me on house arrest.
They know my location.
I step out out of my permitted radius, let's say, and they turn off my ability to do finance.
So this is a control mechanism.
The entire crisis here has nothing to do with medicine, has nothing to do with health.
There are fools on this planet right now who actually think that the governing bodies actually care about your well-being, and there's no hope for you.
But the reality is that COVID-19 is a weapon of mass destruction.
It was made in a laboratory, no one denies that.
And I want to tell you something, Alex, I don't know if you realize that Ralph Barrett,
Dr. Barrett was involved in every step of the development of this bioweapon and converting
it to a human virus.
He took a bad coronavirus, changed some things on it, got it back.
got a patent for it and technology to convert it to a human virus then hit
Dr. Baric and Zhengli in Wuhan funded by the NIH they published a paper
thanking the NIH figured out how to augment the lethality of this virus to
destroy human lung tissue. Which was key because Fauci wanted his HIV protein to
be part of us he get paid. Yes but here's something you may not know that in March
of 2020 I came across data papers that helped me formulate my treatment
approach based on zinc and zinc anaphoresis which is what the Z-stack concept is.
What I didn't realize until last week was that Ralph Baric published that
paper. Wow. Processed that. In other words the guy who made the bomb also created the
antidote to defuse the bomb.
funded by the government. Incredible. And start over say that again that is you know I did not
know that Dr. Zlingo this is groundbreaking explain oh my you're a big researcher that's
how you found these treatments somebody else had and then when you found the research paper it's
the guy that was engineering it all out of Chapel Hill North Carolina with Obama with Fauci moving
it this is so huge please start over. And by the way on your Skype is a link to that paper.
So I did that.
Everything I'm saying, I have evidence for and it should be presented because otherwise it won't be believed.
Yes sir, we'll either put it on screen or we'll put it in post later once this is archived.
Please start over, this is huge.
Okay, fine.
So, Ralph Baric in 1999 did research at the University of Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
He was able to manipulate a bad animal virus, a bad coronavirus, converted by modulating a surface protein to infect human beings.
But it was still benign.
It was just infecting human beings then.
And then, in 2010, the same Ralph Baric figured out a way to diffuse coronaviruses By using zinc and zinc-ion, of course, inhibiting RNA-dependent RNA polymerase or inhibiting a coronavirus replication.
In 2015, and by the way, everything's here being funded by the United States government.
So, because it's on the papers.
And on the peer-reviewed papers, they thank the United States government, NIH or whatever, for the funding.
Then, in 2015, in Wuhan, Collaboration with Jing Li, Dr. Jing Li, the bad lady they call her, were able to figure out a way to augment the payload of this weapon to destroy human lung tissue and cause blood clots.
They wrote a paper about it, they thanked the NIH, they published it, and they got patents on it.
And here's another layer to the story.
The same Ralph Baric worked with a team from Gilead Pharmaceuticals to make remdesivir.
Which destroys the kidneys and doesn't help you.
This is so diabolical.
So every way you can see the criminal pre-planning.
And so, um, this is a bio-web.
And they have the antidote for it.
And they suppress the antidote intentionally, not for themselves.
You think these, these, um, Masterminds want their own families to die?
Of course not.
They themselves know, this is consistent with what I knew about the executives of... Yeah, you broke that a year ago, and Joe Rogan confirmed it, that hundreds of members of Congress in Hollywood all know about this, but still want it suppressed.
That your protocol, they were using your protocol, but they suppress it for the general public.
Talk about evil.
Yeah, also the executives of Google, I know internally that they're all taking hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.
And so, this information, the antidote to the bomb, the poison, was known, was created by the same monsters, but they hid it from you and me.
Now, when doctors like myself stumbled across these approaches, because we had a necessity, the patients were dying, and so we needed some help, we needed to help, we needed to treat the patients.
And so, immediately, anything that Would help hydroxychloroquine, then ivermectin, and even the concept of early intervention, getting rid of this infection before the complications begin.
Everything was vilified, marginalized, and doctors that were advocating for it were deplatformed.
What you laid out is, they knew it, they had it planned, they censored it, they did it all.
We'll come back with Dr. Zelenko to explain how huge this is.
Straight ahead, please stay with us.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Dr. Zelenko.
And again, I would apologize for 14 minutes of ads an hour, but that's the standard for talk radio and TV, and I hate going to break when Dr. Zelenko is saying something so important, but it's all hardwired in by the satellite feeds that literally cut into the radio stations.
That's called the deplatforming of the internet.
We said on air we had over 200 radio stations and we still do.
So we're very thankful to those stations.
But I am going to start the new year three nights a week.
at least three nights a week, a multi-hour, commercial-free podcast, direct to you,
the viewers and listeners, with guests and callers.
Where I might take a break to go to the bathroom or get a cup of coffee or something,
but it's not gonna have regular commercial breaks, so look for that in the new year,
something I promised to do.
The world's so crazy, we're here.
But Dr. Zelenko, I know our listeners are smart, they're awesome people,
but I want them to get what you're saying.
You're laying out any grand jury, it would take a few weeks to give a grand jury all this,
but they would definitely indict Fauci for what you're saying.
You're laying out the compendium of basically how this criminal plan was set up.
And when you see how criminal it was, like you were saying last time you were on, months before the outbreak, Gates and Fauci are already sending messages saying, get the vaccine ready.
You're like, wait, they didn't make the vaccine.
No, they own the patents to what vaccine they, quote, wanted to then be sent out to the major makers, which they also got paid money from.
So the trail I think it's what you're saying of them scientifically preparing this is one of the most open and shut premeditated murder cases ever.
Is that what you're saying?
I'm saying this is the worst crime in human history.
It's a genocide.
It's mass murder, first degree premeditated genocide and mass murder.
And it's being driven essentially by demonic personalities that are Absolutely obsessed with power and wealth, but more than wealth, I think it's power.
Because once you have $100 billion, let's say, what's the difference if you have $150 billion?
You don't feel it.
But power and being able to enslave others, it fulfills the perverse desires of these narcissists, egotists, and really, we can call them Satan incarnate or the embodiment of the essence of evil.
Do you know who Barbara Marks Hubbard was?
Okay, she is the demonic mother of the New World Order.
She, uh, I hope she burns in hell for all eternity.
She, um, and I'm going to read you a few quotes from her that will explain to you the philosophy.
She's the ideology, the mother of the ideology of Klaus Schwab.
One force of humanity must be eliminated from the social body.
It's a quote.
We are in charge of God's selection process of planet Earth.
He selects, we destroy.
We are the riders of the pale horse death."
End quote.
Another quote from her.
This act is as horrible as killing a cancer cell.
It must be done for the sake of the future of the whole.
So be it.
Be prepared for the selection process, which is now beginning.
We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity.
It is like watching a cancer grow.
Something must be done before the whole body is destroyed.
The destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body.
I want to read you one more quote, not from her, from... His name is Jacques Attali.
He was an advisor to the French Prime Minister from 1981 till in the 90s.
I think 1991.
Yeah, that was Francois Mitterrand, who was a big Luciferian.
Please continue.
Yes, so he was Mitterrand's right-hand man.
And this is from a book called Verbatim in 1981.
Now, the Facebook fact checker, Mythbusters or Myth, whatever it's called, says that this isn't true.
But this is how I know that this must be true.
The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population.
Of course, we will not be able to execute people or build camps.
We get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good.
We'll find or cause something, a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the elderly.
It doesn't matter.
The weak and the fearful will succumb to it.
The stupid will believe in it and ask to be treated.
We will have taken care of having panned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself.
They will go to the slaughterhouse alone.
Dr. Zaliga, let me just say this, because this is about God consciousness, and I don't say something that isn't true, but it's a little embarrassing to say just because it's so personal.
You normally, it takes about a week to get you on the show.
Today you were able to come on.
I had a dream about you last night, but I couldn't remember the dream when I woke up.
When I got up, I said, I got to get Zelenko on today.
And then I said, what was the dream about?
I couldn't remember.
And then I just remembered that I said to myself, well, Zelenko kind of says the same thing every time he's on, just like you do.
It's not an attack.
It's true.
Same emergency message.
But I said, no, today's going to be different.
And then I intended to come in here.
And talk about depopulation, talk about the UN, talk about Schwab, and talk about... She wasn't even by name, but those same groups.
And then here you said it.
This is amazing.
And I'm not trying to be weird about it.
It's just true.
So I feel like I should have said that.
Go ahead.
Listen, truth is truth.
It's in the air, you know?
And people that are attuned to it...
I think it's become much more accessible to anyone who wants to access and download this information.
I'm not talking about metaphysically.
There's an intuitive sense of what's true and what's not.
Anyone who has some degree of sensitivity sees that this is a And so God knows evil's coming after us and God's opened the floodgates.
That's what I feel, actually.
I mean, my discernment's way more powerful than it used to be.
on sociopaths and corrupt governments and a belief in the golden calf of these false
And so God knows evil's coming after us and God's opened the floodgates.
That's what I feel actually.
I mean my discernment's way more powerful than it used to be.
Are you seeing the same thing?
Yeah, but I see it actually in a different way.
I see that God is giving every human being an opportunity.
It's like we're in the generation right before the flood of Noah and God is saying, listen, repent and get on the ark.
Don't stay in the turbulent waters of idol worship and child sacrifice and paganism.
You see, it's the decisions of man.
If you know, there's a psychoanalyst, what's his name, I guess, but I'll remember in a minute, but Carl Jung, he wrote that the degradation of a society begins with the degradation, a moral degradation of an individual.
And so you can learn vice versa, that the moral improvement of a society begins with the refinement of the individual.
And so it's the sum total of all of our bad decisions over the last Whatever period of time that has led to the slaughter of the unborn, the defamation and desecration of gender roles, the desecration of what marriage is, the perversion and poisoning of the youth through the public school system, which teaches debauchery and normalizes the worst behavior, immoral behavior.
Basically, this country has drifted away from Judeo-Christian Morals, and let's just keep it simple, the Ten Commandments.
And so therefore, it's not surprising to me that there comes a kind of a tipping point that's crossed the threshold that's been passed through collective humanity, where God says, okay, now it's time for a cleaning.
And I think that's what we're going through.
And it may be the best result here is that people repent.
They return back to the umbrella of the divine will.
They live a moral life.
They respect life, the sanctity of life.
They respect marriage.
They respect children and the unborn and so on.
And that could avert a major body count.
However, regardless of whether or not people are going to realize that, the cleansing will happen.
And so, again, every single individual right now is being given a choice, and that choice is from God.
And here's the question.
Who are you going to bow down to?
I agree.
Stay right there, Dr. Zlingo.
Final segment.
We'll talk about solutions straight ahead.
We'll be right back.
You know, I've got another Barbara Max Hubbard quote for you.
She's one of the gurus of Hillary Clinton.
I think she's dead now, gone to hell.
But she talks about, we are the pale horse death.
We're the new world order.
We're going to carry all this out.
I'll pull that quote up for you coming up here.
It's just a few minutes, but I was just paraphrasing it.
But Dr. Zelenko, medical doctor who helped get the first treatments out to save millions of people, he's here with us.
And I wanted to talk about where we're going here, because everything Satan does is a counterfeit.
And so Satan says, oh, I'm going to call the people.
I'm going to make them make the decision.
I'm going to make them decide which side they're on.
Really, that's God's plan.
It's up to us individually to choose, not for Satan to make those choices for us.
And here's Jack Posobiec, who's a smart guy.
Pretty clear Biden is only crediting Trump for the vaccine to set him up to take the blame for what comes next.
I think that's a very simple, neutral way to say it.
And now Trump is rubbing it in after speeches in Texas, saying take the shot, it's totally safe, it totally works.
None of that's true.
Trump says most Americans dying are unvaccinated and encourages everyone to get the shot.
Now he loved Dr. Zelenko's protocol.
Help promote it.
I think Trump just thinks doctors are trustworthy.
He hasn't heard of Joseph Mengele?
And I'm sorry to bring up a Nazi analogy, but it's the one that fits here, Dr. Zelenko.
I think Trump's a good person, but I'm really worried about him with what he's doing here.
I think he's being set up.
What do you think?
Whatever his motivations are, I have to publicly Disagree with him.
I think he's done a lot of good.
I would say the main thing they did that was good was move the federal judiciary to the right with more than 300 justices that have Judeo-Christian values.
I think that did help move the moral compass of this country.
But what he's talking about when it comes to these vaccines, he really doesn't know what he's talking about.
Or if he does, then I have a real problem with him because Um, he's worried about his legacy.
You know, he's a narcissist.
And, and, um, what he cares about now is his, is his legacy.
And he went warp speed.
Um, due to political calculations, this I know for a fact, but, uh, he was going, looking into pre-hospital treatments and emphasizing that until hydroxychloroquine became politically radioactive.
And then he made a calculation or his team got bad advice in my short that shifted him towards a warp speed, the vaccine development, because he thought that was going to help him win reelection.
And then he went after he secured a second term, go back to pre-hospital.
I was told.
Pre-hospital treatment.
Now, the reality is that the vaccines were known, the side effects were known, and the FDA knew about it, and months before they released this poisonous death shot on innocent humanity.
That's right, I'm going to back you up.
October, FDA, CDC documents said they knew all these things would happen that did happen.
Please continue.
Slide number 16, yeah.
That's exactly what I was referring to.
And so, you know, he has a choice.
I still hope that he chooses the right thing.
I think that the Deep State operatives, like Rick Bright and Janet Woodcock, and I have evidence for all that, sabotaged his plan when he gave an order to make hydroxychloroquine available to all Americans.
They spun it and issued an emergency use authorization.
There is nothing, there is no more epitome of free speech than right here.
And that's what people recognize and resonate with.
And as Ward said, you're not going to find a better place for information.
You might not agree with everything, you might not agree with all our perspectives, but we cover all the information.
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Thank you for that, Ward.
Infowarsstore.com, by the way.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Today I'm going to give you an introduction To my third book, my new book that just came out.
It should be arriving in the next week from the printer, and you can get signed copies through my website, jasonalsys.com.
I'll also be doing a speaking event, which I finally locked down, so I've got the venue ready to go.
For those of you in the Tennessee, Nashville, Kentucky, Georgia region, if you want to come to Nashville and see me live, You can go to my website and you'll notice the link right there for the speaking event.
You can go to Eventbrite as well to see the speaking event and lock in those tickets.
Should be a lot of fun.
It's going to be an all-evening event.
I do have private security.
There's cameras, so any creepers and weirdos trying to do anything, you're not going to get anywhere.
So let's talk about why I wrote this third book, and it's called Metanarratives Essays on Philosophy and Symbolism.
You know, so much of what goes on in terms of the elite power structure is symbols and controlling us through symbols, the symbolic logos, and all these things relate to symbolism.
And one of the top questions I always get asked is, how do I start with philosophy?
Where's a good place for me to start in terms of learning The thinking process, critical thinking.
And so that's why I wrote this book, which is trying to give people what I call an educated introduction to philosophical reasoning and thinking.
So it's not a boring textbook.
It's not going to take you through a bunch of, you know, boring Venn diagrams and sort of math problems.
Nothing like that.
It's more of a literary kind of introduction to philosophy through analyzing movies, text, these kinds of things.
Of course, the first two books deal with movies.
This book doesn't deal with movies, but it deals with introducing the ideas of philosophical thinking and a God-based worldview.
So instead of orienting our life around material possessions, around pride, around vanity, around the vices, reorienting and re-shifting our paradigm to where it's oriented around the pursuit of truth, the pursuit of the virtues, The Pursuit of Rational, Coherent Thinking.
Not Rationalism, but Rational, Coherent Thinking.
What was discarded in the modern era that was so crucial to the ancient and medieval world?
Something that we've lost.
Not just the wisdom of the ancients, but the idea of a discipline of philosophy that's called metaphysics.
Now, if you go to a bookstore, you might be duped into thinking that metaphysics is something to do with witchcraft, cryptozoology, or something like that, because they usually title the metaphysics section where they have all the witchcraft books or whatever.
That's not what we're talking about.
The ancient and medieval worlds usage of the term metaphysics had to do with what exists
and what doesn't exist, what's real and what's not real. So I introduced the book
by talking about this from the classic philosophers like Plato and Aristotle.
So again I tried to do a really a readable introduction of these topics to
people who are now interested in philosophy and who may not really have a lot
of a background in But if you think, well, what does that have to do with me?
Why does philosophy matter?
Well, philosophy matters because it's the pathway to where we are in the modern world.
It's how we got to where we are.
The ideological trek from the ancient to the medieval world, and then the transition after the enlightenment.
And the revolutionary period, the French Revolution, and so forth, to get to the modern, atheistic, materialistic, Darwinian world that we're in now, in order to understand that trek and that process, and where we will go if we don't stop the way things are going.
What you heard Alex talking about in the first couple hours today, the bad direction that we're going in, if we don't stop that, We're in for trouble, right?
And we're already seeing hard times and they can get only worse.
And so what are the remedies for this?
Well, some of the remedies are clear and coherent thinking, critical thinking, right?
How do we have a ready at hand sort of arsenal of ways to think logically so that we don't get duped by propaganda, so that we don't get duped into emotional, emotive responses to things, right?
All of that is what I'm gonna be dealing with in this book, and we're gonna kick it off with metaphysics.
I hear the music, does that mean, are we?
Okay, it would sound like you were cutting out, my bad.
So we're gonna start off with explaining what metaphysics is and why this matters, and what were Plato and Aristotle both trying to teach us in terms of the positive aspects and the bad parts of their philosophy.
Don't go anywhere, this is the Alex Jones Show, I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer, Jason Alces.
We're talking about an introduction to philosophy and philosophical reasoning.
I just took a drink of coffee.
Hold on.
I'm getting choked up talking about Aristotle and Plato, the fathers, you could say, of Western philosophy.
What are the pros and the cons of their thought process?
On the one hand, Aristotle was good in that he taught us to look at the here and the now, and he was kind of the proto-scientist, so he really pioneered the idea of empirical data and reasoning, and there's nothing wrong with that.
But of course, you can also swing too far to that side of the pendulum, and you can get bogged down in the here and the now and empiricism or materialism, the idea that all that exists is the material world.
Aristotle kind of inadvertently kicks that off, but his master Plato was kind of in the other direction, right?
He was the extreme of the rational, the transcendent, not so much the here and the now, but focusing on the abstract.
And so Plato was very influenced by the ancient mystery schools and the idea of numbers and Pythagorean principles kind of having their own independent ethereal existence.
So what I go into in this book is the good sides and the bad sides of both of these guys at the very beginning, and kind of going back into not just Aristotle and Plato, but even ancient mythology itself.
Homer, the Iliad, and how there's a lot of symbolic structures and meanings and kind of hidden things in Homer.
That would be divulged, I think, later on in other philosophers.
They would kind of key into this.
For example, there's a triadic structure that you see in Homer, where he has the notion of the underworld, there's the world of mortals, and then there's the world of gods.
And we consistently see these triads or triplicities that are structured into Homer's thought.
And there's actually, there's reasons for this.
And later philosophers would kind of comment on this and bring out what some of these esoteric and mysterious elements actually meant.
And even to the point of an overlooked kind of mystery text from Plato called the Timaeus, which was Plato's creation account.
And in this fascinating document, he says that some of the forebearers in Athens
had gone to the Egyptian priests and learned all the mysteries of Egypt, the ancient mysteries of Egypt,
and that they had sort of codified this and they were passing it down in a kind of an oral
And what Plato's famous and overlooked essay, the Timaeus, is about is about that structure of the cosmos.
Now, the biblical account, of course, in Genesis gives us the six-day creation account in Genesis 1.
And what we have in Plato is something very similar.
And Plato might have even been influenced by the Mosaic account in Genesis.
We don't really know.
It's a lot of speculation in the academic world.
But there's good reason to think that he might have been influenced by the creation account there.
But of course, his is very different.
It's clouded with a lot of notions of eternal recurrence And so we actually find the origin of the Ouroboros, the snake eating its own tail.
We find that in Plato's Timaeus as an image of the universe itself.
So the universe is kind of a, if you've ever seen that esoteric symbol of the egg and the serpent.
This comes out of the Orphic mysteries, which are very closely connected to the Platonic mysteries of Plato.
And that's a symbol of the universe.
Now the most fascinating element is that In Plato's account of the Timaeus, his Cosmogony, it's a pagan account so he's got the gods and all this stuff, but he talks about the fundamental structure of reality at a very minutiae, minute level.
And he talks about how it's all ordered and structured in sort of what was called platonic solids or geometrical forms.
Now, how in the world would Plato know that?
Given the fact, or Socrates, his master, or Solon, that's the source of this dialogue, how would he know that given the fact that there weren't, you know, microscopes, right?
So Plato seems to have some insight into the fundamental structure of reality that goes beyond just the ability to see things at a, you know, a human level, so to speak.
And so it's very possible that there was some mystery tradition that was passed down in Plato.
And again, I'm not trying to promote esoteric or occult stuff.
You know, I come at this from an Orthodox perspective, but we can pick out and we can find truths even in Plato or even in the pagan philosophers, even in world religions, of course, as what we call in the ancient Christian apologists called this the Logos Spermaticos.
That is the idea that the seeds of the Logos of Christ are found everywhere.
Because if Christ created the world, if God's the creator of the world, then even in the other religions you're going to find seeds of truth, even though those religions might not be in totality true.
They're still going to contain some truths because the world as it is created is itself good, right?
Evil is an aberration, a rebellion against whatever is the good or whatever exists.
And so we can again find quite a bit of truth in the philosophers in Plato and Aristotle, in Plotinus, and of course in the first thousand years of the Church.
Many of the Church Fathers did a great job of digging into and pulling out of the philosophers what things were true.
Maximus the Confessor, for example, a famous Orthodox theologian, he did this in the The First Thousand Years of the Church to find many mysteries about how the universe and the world itself was structured.
So, I go into a lot of that and try to make it more readable and not too abstract.
Next, I move on to talking about some other dialogues of Plato that might not be as well known like the Fayeto.
Plato's Fayeto is a fascinating discussion, not just of the origin and structure of the world like the Timaeus, but How do we understand things like abstract principles?
How do we understand things like truth, justice, mercy in themselves?
What are they in themselves, right?
Are they just human relations to one another?
Is it just a token term that we give, a name that we give to something?
Or is there a real existence of the good?
Is there a real existence of the beautiful?
What about particular things as they relate to universal things?
The one and the many is what this begins to be called in the history of philosophy.
So I go into explaining that from this famous dialogue known as the Fayeto.
The most fascinating thing about the Fayeto isn't all of that.
It isn't just the archetypes that are the patterns for the created order in the mind of God and this kind of stuff.
So this is called divine conceptualism and how we can kind of prove God's existence on the basis of these kinds of abstract objects.
I go into the world itself in terms of the divine mind and how the world seems to participate in different levels of divine existence, right?
Participation in God at a level of grace that Jesus talks about in John 17 where he says that we participate in God that in the same way that he participates in the glory that he shared with the Father before the foundation of the world in John 17, in the same way and in a different mode the world participates in God in differing degrees.
Now that's not pantheism because there's a distinction between the creator and the creation. And so I actually critique
Plato on those pagan elements and where I think he got things wrong. But what we can find that's
most fascinating in Plato is an early attempt to describe fundamental minutiae level reality in
an ordered, structured way.
So we find that the world actually has patterns and structure, platonic solids as they're called, and later physicists and thinkers in the 20th century like Werner Heisenberg would actually go into depth in terms of discovering and vindicating some of the things that Plato talked about again thousands of years ago.
And he's doing this from a physicist's perspective unknowingly, right, vindicating Plato.
In fact, he even stated in one of his famous essays, Werner Heisenberg, that The philosophy of the description of the world in terms of atoms, right, isn't really totally accurate.
In fact, he says Plato and the Pythagoreans were more accurate because they understood that the universe at a fundamental level is energy.
And at that fundamental level, it actually is structured in a highly organized way.
And really, this is something that Again, ancient philosophers knew that now modern physicists, at least somewhat revolutionary physicists like Werner Heisenberg, have argued for and noted that this shows us design, right?
This shows us that there's not random pure chaos in the world, but there's actually structure to the world.
And the only way that we would get this kind of high level and low level structuring, you can even see this, for example, in The patterns that we see in nature, for example, the structures that we see in plants, the structures that we see, the Fibonacci sequences, these kinds of things.
When we look at reality in that way, we can see that clearly there has to be a single divine mind involved in the teleological structuring of the world, or giving the world purpose, that it has a structure and a design, even in nature itself, that is not chaotic, it is not random, It does have elements of randomness, but it is ordered and
And so I go into showing how the modern physics has actually vindicated not just the Bible,
but also the ancient philosophers who were better than other philosophers, right?
So, for example, Plato's better than some of the other philosophers, even though he has a lot of mistakes.
In this domain, he gets a lot of things right.
So that's what I cover early on in the book.
Don't go anywhere.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jay Dyer.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We're covering the new book that I have out that will be arriving, I think, in the next several days.
It should be any day now, actually.
Maybe in the next four or five days.
And it's a book dealing with an introduction to philosophical thinking, an introduction to Critical thinking through the lens of looking at classic texts in philosophy, and not just philosophy, but also literature.
Also, the history of warfare.
There's even a chapter on geopolitics and warfare towards the end.
There's chapters dealing with Dostoevsky, with Nietzsche, with Kierkegaard.
We look into figures like Plato and Aristotle, as we said.
And, you know, as we were discussing the notion of the structuring of the universe and how there were a lot of insights into this in regard to ancient philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, Next, what I do is I talk about how that structuring of the world doesn't make sense if the world is a product of pure chaos and pure chance.
And so the idea that there is no God, there is no force behind the world, no creator, it's just sort of a bunch of goo and muck that's spraying out of a black hole randomly, it really makes no sense as modern physics and science and engineering probes the depths of reality and finds it to be so highly structured, right?
It makes no sense that there would be pure chaos ruling everything and yet at the same
time we have the ability to have order.
The reality itself is just basically a giant fabric that's highly structured.
And so I go into that and I talk about the philosophy of creation itself, right?
And so even though this is not really a theological book, it does touch on these topics, but I critique Darwinism and I critique the anti-creation type of view from a philosophical perspective, pointing out the dead ends that we would be in, the way that if The atheist kind of worldview, the materialist worldview, if it was true, this would actually make knowledge impossible.
We wouldn't have the ability to have knowledge.
And so I kind of go into what would be the end result of a universe like that.
And so the fact that we do have knowledge, the fact that we do have the ability to predicate things in the world, that we have the ability to do reasoning, to do logic and so forth, those things themselves show us that the world cannot be A purely material world, right?
In other words, all that exists is matter, right?
We're not talking about materialism in the sense of accumulating possessions.
We're talking about it in the philosophical sense of the idea that nothing exists except pure, solid, hardcore matter.
That's it.
This has really been deconstructed in the modern world in terms of science, which is odd because this is an older sort of enlightenment view, the idea that all that exists is atheistic materialism.
This has really been deconstructed in terms of philosophy to show that it's not true.
And yet so many people still believe this.
And so what I wanted to do is to go into a critique of that, not so much from a science perspective.
I mean, I do touch on that some, but my training isn't in science.
My training is in philosophy.
So I go into a philosophical critique.
of the idea of radical materialism and the idea of scientism.
And so I talk about how the model of the universe as created by a single creator God makes way more sense and fits the data, it gives explanatory power, it gives a justification for knowledge, whereas the opposing worldview, a worldview that's pure chaos, chance, randomness, meaninglessness, leads to nihilism and thus the impossibility of knowledge.
And I even go into some elements about how the Royal Society and different entities have promoted the idea of a purely chance chaos universe, a pure flux universe, in order to dumb down and to destroy education and knowledge.
And in fact, many of them have even written about this.
Bertrand Russell, as we covered in so many of the elite texts, talked about the intentional dumbing down.
And so, I found many years ago, and that's why I included this in this book, A very obscure reference to the famous logician and mathematician Kurt Gödel who, if you don't know, he was again a mathematician who came up with what he called the incompleteness proofs.
And these were proofs that, in a logical way, showed that, through set theory, you could never have an all-encompassing set, right?
Because he was arguing against Bertrand Russell, who argued that mathematics and set theory could explain all of reality, right?
And Russell's argument hinged on the idea that everything was purely matter.
So he was a rabid atheist, as everybody knows, you know, the most famous atheist of the last century, Bertrand Russell.
And what Gurdell did was show through mathematics and logic that you could actually disprove Russell's assumptions and presuppositions.
And so what I did was I said, well, let's look into Gurdell because he seems to be a fascinating character.
And it turns out that some of the scholars who had studied under Gurdell And under Husserl and some other famous philosophers, had uncovered the fact that Gödel believed, through his interactions and debates with Bertrand Russell and people of the Royal Society, that Russell was involved with philosophers in the Vienna Circle, the logical positivists, in a worldwide conspiracy, in Gödel's own words, to dumb down and destroy mankind.
In fact, Gödel was so shocked at this conspiracy, That he was thought of as crazy.
People in his day thought he was going nuts because they couldn't believe that some, you know, great logician, so-called, as Bertrand Russell, would be involved in such a grand, vast conspiracy.
But it's not just Kurt Gerdel, as we've seen, that noticed this.
As we've covered in the last couple months, J.R.R.
Lewis, two of the most famous authors of the 20th century, also discovered Bertrand Russell and these other characters were involved in a vast Malthusian conspiracy to dumb down and destroy the masses, rabidly advocating for this.
Again, everybody knows this now, now that the Great Reset has come about.
We've lectured through over on my channel and on my works on my website through about 50 or 60 of the writings of the elite now, which prove this beyond any shadow of a doubt.
And it's just fascinating that one of the other great academics and mathematicians of the 20th century, Kurt Gödel, had also stumbled upon this, right?
He had figured out, wait a minute, these people are insane.
They're actually involved in this attempt to destroy and dumb down the masses.
And not only that, Gödel discovered that there was a conspiracy amongst some of the Royal Society intellectuals and the Vienna Circle positivists to actually censor and destroy manuscripts of famous philosophers that disprove materialism.
Yes, Gödel actually talks about this.
He had discovered that they had suppressed writings of Leibniz.
Again, this is not to say that any of these famous philosophers are right in everything that they say.
But Leibniz was a very capable philosopher and mathematician.
And what it appeared to be going on here was that to suppress the discoveries of Leibniz, who was fundamental for computers, right?
I mean, the logic and argumentation of Leibniz.
Leibniz anticipated the computer centuries ahead of time.
Where he had this idea that you could create a logic machine that mirrors the human mind, right?
And that's all straight from Platonism.
Now, in order to suppress and destroy this kind of information, the Vienna Circle would censor and try to get rid of these texts, and that's what Gödel and other philosophers had discovered, and they were shocked at this.
They couldn't believe that there were these nefarious designs amongst academics.
And so I cover some of that in my book.
And I get into other philosophers who had noted problems in modernism and in materialism,
such as Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Dostoevsky.
Now, it doesn't mean that everything that Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Dostoevsky said
was correct, right?
I think of all those guys, Dostoevsky was probably the best.
And he anticipated and predicted many fascinating things in his literature.
But he was also a fascinating character in regard to his critique of the Enlightenment.
And that's why we can find some really interesting facts that come out of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche and Dostoevsky,
because they point out the bad side, the atheistic side of the Enlightenment philosophy.
That's what we'll look at next on the.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of jasonalesos.com, and we're covering the new book that I have on my third book.
Of course, the first two books that I did were essays on philosophy and symbolism in film.
I did Esoteric Hollywood I and II, Sex, Cults, and Symbols in Film.
And we went through the top directors, the top film that cover everything from geopolitics to conspiracy to cults to mind control and culture in Hollywood.
And then now this new book is very different.
It's more of an introduction to, as we said, logic and critical thinking through essays covering a host of topics related to philosophy, philosophers, literature.
And we just left off talking about Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche, famous philosophers.
who did a critique of the enlightenment and it's not that the enlightenment itself is all bad but
rather the excesses of the enlightenment are the problem and so what we get there
is a really insightful critique of as we said the atheism the materialism
the uh denial of anything transcendent the denial of anything beyond pure passions right
Pure bodily gratification, that man doesn't have any faculties above just the desire for physical gratification.
Man is basically just another phenomena of the natural world, just another monkey.
And there's multiple problems with this.
I mean, not beyond just the idea that the scientific critique of that that worldview, but in the philosophical domain, it's very easy to show that this is pure nonsense.
And so really what I do is go into multiple chapters in critiquing Darwinism, critiquing the idea of man as a pure What's the word I'm looking for?
Basically just an emergent phenomena of the natural world, right?
It doesn't have any design or any purpose beyond physical gratification.
And this is a means then of control because if they promote that worldview that you're just an animal, just an ape, just cattle, then you become much more malleable and much more susceptible to control.
And so what I really wanted to do in this book was to wake people up to the fact that you're not just an
animal. You have a soul, you have a reasoning faculty, and you were made for a higher purpose than just
physical gratification. You were made to be an eternal living thing, right? You were made to live
forever. And so next I go into elements in Egyptian theology and philosophy again compared
to the biblical account.
So there's both pros and cons that we can find in ancient Egyptian theology and philosophy where we find not just a creation account on the part of the deity or the monad or the one, but even in terms of the structure of reality itself kind of being this binary thing where there's A fundamental, energetic, created realm, right, that's structured in a highly structured way, that revolves around being and non-being, or on and off, right?
And you can see this in terms of electricity, right, where the current, the way it flows, and when you turn a thing on, right, you see that the current flows, or it's interrupted And it can't flow.
And this is some of the stuff that we saw with Nikola Tesla, where he discovered these things and was able to implement them into the way that he could power an entire city, right?
So Tesla was, I think, a student of a lot of these mysteries.
And again, I'm not advocating for pagan mysteries, but I'm advocating for what the true elements in these religions are, because ultimately, in my view, the Logos, Jesus, the Logos, according to John 1, is the real source of all truths, including the truths of the natural world itself.
So, we can find elements in Egyptian theology or in Platonic philosophy that are true.
And a lot of these things, maybe not so much about God himself, I think the philosophers and the Egyptian thinkers They were able to discover a lot of things about the natural world that were true, but when it comes to God himself, not so much.
They're not very good in that domain, but they're pretty good when it comes to insights into, for example, fundamental structure of reality.
And so I go into how some of the gods and some of the deities even in the Egyptian pantheon seem to have been symbolic of or represented forces in the natural world.
And so if we have that interpretation, we can actually derive quite a few fascinating, what would eventually become scientific principles out of the Egyptian theology and philosophy.
So every now and then, yeah, they would kind of hit on some truths as it related to God or to the One or whatever, but typically I don't think that they were very good in that domain.
And so that's why I think Orthodox Christianity really has the best account of who God is.
But if we wanted to find other domains where we could look in the philosophers and see a real clear refutation of modern errors, we could look at the way that numbers themselves refute materialism.
Even modern philosophers like Thomas Nagel, who was for many years, you know, a famous, I think, materialist and really struggled with the idea of how there could be such a thing as consciousness if we are just pure bags, meat bags.
If we're just matter, then what does it mean to say that we have a mind?
Because there's this problem that plagues modern philosophy known as the consciousness problem, right?
How can we say that we have a mind when all we are is molecules?
Because what molecules make up mind?
What molecules make up the self?
You can immediately see how these are problematic, right?
Because there's no clear delineation.
And if persons or minds are just molecules, then there is no such thing as a mind or a self, right?
Because molecules are just molecules.
They're all the same.
And so ultimately, this is called monism.
It's the idea that all that exists is one type of thing, right?
And this is a problematic view, and it's not just problematic in the sense that it doesn't make sense.
It actually makes knowledge impossible, right?
Because my brain is not the same as your brain, right?
And if The brain is equivalent to the mind.
If we reduce, it's called reductionism, we reduce the mind to the brain, then how is it that you and I can think of and talk about the same concepts, right?
Because the concept in my head is not the concept in your head.
Because if concepts are also just grey matter, then the grey matter up here is different from the grey matter in your head.
So you can begin to see how this becomes absurdity, it becomes nonsense.
And actually, even Plato realized in a lot of his arguments that this doesn't work.
This is a bad argument.
It leads to absurdity.
It's a sophistical kind of argument.
On the part of people who believed in pure rank materialism.
And so Plato would debate with different people in his dialogues who had this kind of materialist or empiricist or sophist kind of view, where they thought that there's no such thing as anything beyond the material world.
And he would reduce their arguments to absurdity by showing that, well, so wait a minute, you think that the number seven is identical to seven coconuts?
And if you guys haven't seen I did a debate a couple years ago with Stefan Molyneux and the locus of the debate ended up being about that where we had I mean it was a civil you know exchange and we got to the point this point about numbers and number theory and coconuts and this seemed to be really lost on a lot of the audience because they just couldn't understand The difference between the number seven and seven things, okay?
They're not identical, right?
If I get rid of seven items in front of me, if I erase the number seven on a chalkboard, have I destroyed the number seven?
Of course not, right?
So clearly we can't equate the number seven itself with the instances of the number seven, the seven on the chalkboard or the seven coconuts, right?
It's something more than just the physical instantiations.
This is an argument actually that Plato used.
Uh, when he would try to argue against bad philosophical argumentation from his opponents.
Next in the book I move on to discuss some of the more esoteric elements of Renaissance philosophers like John Dee who thought that you could take a lot of this mysticism from Plato and Egyptology and turn it into a technology of transhumanism.
So there's actually an article in there about the Golem, about the creation of a human created being.
That could potentially be controlled and become a more or less a mind controlled entity and how this kind of pre prefigures and pre stages the idea of an idea or an AI self existing or self conscious creature which i don't think exists i think i mean.
You'll never get consciousness out of an algorithm, okay?
I mean, a computer is not self-conscious, okay?
It's just a machine that's programmed to do what it's programmed to do.
You'll never get, you can, no matter how many algorithms you put into a machine, it's not going to become alive, okay?
This is silly.
But if you have a magical thinking worldview like evolution, you could see how people would be prepped to believe that more complex machines somehow mean that it's alive.
You see, it's absurd.
And so I go into this essay critiquing this idea all the way back to John Dee, the famous court magician and his esoteric philosophy, the first 007 by the way.
And how he sort of pioneers this idea of, you know, creating life out of nothing.
It's really just man trying to be God, thinking that he can become God and adopting magical thinking and absurd worldviews to further his quest to be God.
So, really fascinating esoteric stuff there in that chapter.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
You know, we were talking about the new book that I have out that should be arriving any day now.
You can get signed copies of the website.
Go to jaysanalysis.com.
You'll see the shop there.
You'll see the big pictures and you can just click on those and it'll take you over to the pre-orders page.
And we've got quite a few pre-orders in, so you get those in, they will come to you first.
Then I'll remind you guys that we're doing a live event.
So we've done several of these over the years, but this I think will be the first sort of big live event that I'll be doing in Nashville.
It's about three weeks from now, so it'll be July 30th.
If you'd like to see me in North Nashville live, it'd be a good-sized fixed-up venue there.
I do have private security.
There's cameras there, so don't try any skullduggery now.
You're going to get caught if you do.
But this will be a live event where it'll be basically an evening with me.
So we'll have from 4 p.m.
to 10 p.m.
in North Nashville.
We'll have a multimedia, I guess you could say, event where I'll be doing some kind of Icebreaking silly stuff at the beginning and we'll do that for a little while, maybe an hour, and we'll have a lot of impressions.
We'll have a lot of the, everybody wants to hear the retinue, about 50 impressions.
So we'll do all of those in sequence, I guess.
Then we'll have the The next segment will be Jamie speaking.
She'll be doing a presentation on her books from her Critiques of Hollywood.
We'll do a break and then we'll come back and we'll have a presentation on the new book.
If you like the topics that you're hearing me discuss today on the show, the presentation at the event will be like this, but it'll be a lot more in depth.
So I'll be going on for about two hours or so into a lot of depth in terms of the philosophy,
philosophical thinking, critical thinking, critiquing atheism, materialism, these kinds
of worldviews, critiquing the ancient philosophers, looking at literature.
There's a chapter on geopolitics and warfare from Machiavelli.
We'll get into false flags.
We'll get into all of these elements in the full talk that evening, and then we'll have
it open for Q&A.
You can bring your challenges, you can bring your questions, you can bring your arguments, whatever you want to do for the next couple hours.
And then we'll have a book signing.
You can get the book there as well.
So if you go to my website, you want to lock in your tickets.
We've already sold about a third of the tickets already just in two days of open ticket sales.
So I would say if you want to come, go ahead and lock in those tickets.
As I said, it's about three weeks from now in the Nashville area, July 30th, four to 10 p.m.
And if you go to my website, you'll see the link there for the Evening with Jay Dyer or the Eventbrite link there.
You head on over to Eventbrite, you can reserve your tickets.
I think it's about $32 for the tickets with the tax and everything.
So if you wanna come out, we'll have a lot of fun.
And you can even challenge me if you want.
Bring your arguments, I don't care.
You can come refute me in person if you're apt to do that.
But you have to be civil, that's the rules there.
You can't act a fool.
No actin' a fool.
But as we get into the rest of the text...
I move on to talk about critiquing Darwinism in a more precise way.
So I go into the specific philosophical assumptions of Darwinism and most people don't critique, you know, the Darwinian philosophy this way because I think a lot of people just don't know about philosophy.
So if you're looking for a way to have a unique upper hand in the debate or in the discussion about these topics, my book will, I think, really help you to do that because it helps us to understand that The Darwinian thesis primarily isn't a scientific thesis.
It has elements that border on science, but really the Darwinian thesis is a grand metaphysical
narrative structure.
It's an assumption about man's origins and man's destiny, and so much of that is not
proven by empirical sense data.
It's actually something that's a leap beyond empirical sense data, and very little of Darwinian theory and philosophizing is actually based on empirical science and data.
Now, I'm not saying all of it isn't, but very little of it is.
And so I go into how this is actually weaved into the Alien mythos.
I go into panspermia and how this is a deception in my view, and how we have two models for the created order as well.
One that's random pure chaos and mutations, and the idea that mutations give rise to life itself, which is again something arising out of nothing, which is impossible.
It's basically an atheistic version of a miracle, right?
So the irony is that the atheist materialist worldview constantly posits miracles events that have no explanation without anyone behind that,
with no creator, with no mind behind the created order, no purpose in the created order,
everything is pure random chance and chaos, which is itself a self-refuting presupposition
in worldview.
So I go into demonstrating that in the book with philosophical and logical precision.
We go into a lot of the other mythologies, a lot of the frauds that have been famously propping up
the Darwin narrative for so many decades, including Piltdown Man, these famous frauds.
Ernest Haeckel and his numerous drawings that he supposedly proved, you know, the transition stages from.
All of that gets critiqued.
And I would like to add one point, too, that will, I'm sure, come up, which is, hey, how come in your book You know, you're so copious in terms of footnotes in your esoteric Hollywood books.
How come in this new book there's so many places where the footnotes are missing?
Well, I did that on purpose.
Because it wasn't laziness, it wasn't sloppiness.
I didn't leave out 50% of the footnotes on purpose.
I didn't make them up.
What happened was, a lot of these were essays that were on my old website.
And if you guys recall, back in 2018, it was the very day, almost to the same hour, that when Alex happened to be systematically removed from all platforms, I wasn't removed from all platforms, but my website, which was my main sort of hub at that time, My website was totally deleted with no explanation from WordPress.
So I had my everything just gone.
Out of nowhere.
They gave, of course, no explanation.
There was no answer.
It was at the same time, as I said, that many other sites had just been just totally gone.
And, you know, that was pretty devastating to me at the time.
I had to rebuild everything from scratch, completely rebuild a whole website.
You know, it cost me like seven or eight thousand dollars of my own just to do that out of nowhere, out of scratch.
And so when I exported the website after that mass censorship campaign, a lot of the essays, a lot of the links, and a lot of the hyperlinks were broken.
So I intentionally left this that way on purpose because it's a testament to the tech censorship, to WordPress basically destroying hours and hours of research.
So, I have no idea what all of those footnotes were.
I mean, a lot of these were essays I wrote.
I wrote hundreds of essays in my 20s and 30s, and so I would never be able to find all of these footnotes again.
Now, that's about, as I said, maybe 40% of the footnotes are gone.
So, but that's why, right?
But I can already anticipate there's going to be people who will, you know, they'll write Amazon reviews and they'll be like, he didn't cite his sources, he's a fraud!
Well, this is the reason why.
It's because my website got destroyed and they destroyed a lot of the footnotes.
So that's why, but you know, as I'm looking through many of the essays, like there's a couple of them where 90 to 95% of the footnotes are all still there.
So it's not all of them.
And you can see that, you know, clearly I did my homework.
It's a, you know, it's, it's, it's a solid work.
I'm happy with it.
I think you'll enjoy it.
And then, so next we move on to, Topics like cryptography, we get to, there's a whole essay on that, how it relates to, again, computers and the rise of AI and quantification.
There's a couple chapters on David Hume and Immanuel Kant.
There's a chapter on Marxism and the Frankfurt School.
So I do a critique of Horkheimer and Adorno and their book, Dialectic of Enlightenment.
There's a chapter where I go into Machiavelli.
This sort of concludes the book.
Because again, a lot of people don't know that Machiavelli wrote another book called Art of War, right?
Sun Tzu isn't the only person that wrote Art of War.
Machiavelli, who everybody knows in terms of The Prince, wrote another book that's actually the book that initiates modern warfare.
So ancient and medieval warfare was constructed and done in a certain way, conducted in a certain way, and Machiavelli's book is the first book that really revolutionizes warfare to be done in a, quote, modern way.
And so there's some fascinating elements in that book, especially chapters five and six, which deal with false flags, which deal with trickery and deception, deals with religious engineering, right?
That warfare should engage in religious manipulation on the part of the state.
Now, it's true that prior to Machiavelli, yes, warfare always involved deception.
It always involved Going against principles of, you know, honor, chivalry, and so forth.
But what's different is that in the ancient and medieval world, or especially in the medieval world, when you had the influence of Christianity, Christianity had a lot of moral influence even on warfare.
And so they tried to temper, as best you could, the church, the society tried to temper the brutality of warfare that was so common in the ancient world with Christian and biblical principles.
So what we see in the rise of modern warfare is really the return to barbarity in a lot of ways, and the prevalence of a lot of really skullduggery deception and nefarious stuff, and I pinpoint Machiavelli as being a key figure in that regard.
And his book, Art of War, gives us this modern warfare.
So you can go to my website.
You can get the book there in the pre-orders section at jasonalsys.com in the shop.
And you can also sign up for the event if you're in the Nashville, Memphis, Tennessee, Georgia area.
You want to come down to the Kentucky area, July 30th in Nashville, 4 p.m.
to 10 p.m.
Tickets are on sale now.
So this is the Alex Jones Show.
I also head over to the Alexa shop and support the info were there as well.
We have a giant sale going right now of amazing products that you and your family really,
really need.
(upbeat music)
And we also need the funding to stay on air and not have InfoWars shut down.
You need these products.
These are all amazing products at great prices at InfoWarsTore.com.
It's the July 4th Super Sale and it starts today.
Up to 75% off plus double Patriot points at InfoWarsTore.com.
Starting today and running through next Wednesday, a few days after July 4th, We have 50% off plus double Patriot points on Brain Force Plus, Ultra 12, Vitamin D3 gummies, Ultimate Krill Oil.
That's a huge deal.
I make almost no money on that.
Lung Cleanse Plus, Fizzy Magnesium, Prostagard, Ultimate Fish Oil, Vaso Beat Complete, 40% off on Knockout Sleep Support, Alpha Power, Living Defense Plus, Whole Food Multivitamin, Pollen Block, Survival Shield X2, all Dr. Jones Natural Products, massively discounted 40%.
And up to 60% off on Double Patriot points on Super Female Vitality and Iodine Surface Cleaning Spray.
And finally, save a massive 75% plus off plus Double Patriot points on Hair and Beard Support Formula that really is just a powerful multivitamin mineral.
Just as good as our other formula that calls itself a multivitamin mineral.
Maybe even better.
That's at cost or below it.
We got to blow it out to fund the operation.
At infowarestore.com.
And I want to explain something here.
With what's going on in the world, you want to boost your immune system.
And a lot of these products really, really do that.
But they do a lot more amazing things as well.
And here's something just as important.
We have to sell these products to have funds to operate into the future,
even though most of these products, we only have a few thousand bottles left of,
and we're not even sure when we're going to get more, But I'm in that catch-22 of where we've got to move it.
So this could be the last time you ever get these products.
We absolutely need the funding, and they're amazing products.
A 360 win at infowarestore.com.
It is the July 4th super sale blowout that is starting right now, and I have taken the donations, the Bitcoin donations and things and put
orders in on eight of our best-selling products that have been sold out because of supply chain
breakdowns and we got in a bind because the supply chain breakdowns didn't have funds from
other products being sold.
So we didn't have the money to even buy those popular products now they're actually available
again. Highest quality proprietary but now we do and so in one month four of the products come back
in and in two months the other four products come in. Hooray, hallelujah, thank you for that donor.
So we can take that donation and then double it to stay on the air. So we're talking about
the nick of time ladies and gentlemen. We are like just one.
Right there on the edge of oblivion, but God keeps coming through, through you.
You keep supporting us, so thank you so much.
So please, please take advantage of this July 4th super mega sale with double Patriot points and up to 75% off.
In fact, we're losing money on that.
And some products we get that I think are amazing don't sell.
Hair and beard is that.
Nobody wants it.
It's really just a super powerful multivitamin mineral.
Good for women, men, children, you name it.
Very expensive version.
Very fancy.
It's 75% off right now at InfoWarsTore.com.
And don't forget, an Alex Jones is Right t-shirt while you're there.