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Name: 20220607_Tue_Alex
Air Date: June 7, 2022
2681 lines.

This video discusses allegations of Hunter Biden engaging in sexual activities with minors and family members, as well as brandishing firearms while with hookers and drugs. It also promotes Freeworld Outlet and praises InfoWars, Band.Video, and Alex Jones for supporting free speech platforms. The passage also covers topics such as San Francisco's Choir mocking conservatives, a drag queen brunch event for children in Dallas, Mexican president promoting an American super state and open borders, limited edition Infowars merchandise, and John Radcliffe's belief that John Durham is winning a war.

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Could Hillary Clinton, like, leave a trace of DNA at a suicide scene and still get away with it?
No, I'm sure this is... I'm sure that the Clintons are perfectly innocent.
I shouldn't... I shouldn't bring up the Clintons.
It's just another Clinton associate shot and hung himself.
That's a new one.
I don't know what's more ridiculous.
A Clinton associate, Vince Foster I believe it was, chopped himself up into little bitty pieces and put himself in a duffel bag.
He did that all on his own.
Look out, David Blaine.
Look out, Chris Angel.
Clinton friends are chopping themselves up, putting themselves in duffel bags, and now blowing and now blasting themselves apart with a shotgun, and then hanging themselves from a tree!
That's an... wow!
Wow, family of Bill Clinton advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times has blocked release of files detailing the death scene after he was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast.
I mean, he hung himself and shot himself with a shotgun.
Why is this so hard to believe?
So what?
It's another Clinton associate that commits suicide.
They just know a lot of people.
I'm just a guy who's been around for a long time.
I'm just a guy who's been around for a long time.
I'm just a guy who's been around for a long time.
I'm just a guy who's been around for a long time.
I'm just a guy who's been around for a long time.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, who would have thought you could find a worse press secretary than Jen Psaki?
But Corinne Jean-Pierre is having serious problems.
It doesn't matter.
She doesn't even have to be able to read or speak English.
For that matter, because you see, she's black, and she's gay, and she's an immigrant, and so therefore, she's the greatest press secretary of all time, doesn't matter if the IQ is zero, and she can't even speak for herself, which is the problem, is the case, and so she gets caught up with really tough questions like, hey, what is the Biden administration doing about the record high gas prices?
See, Psaki would go through the debate of, oh, do I deny and lie?
Or do I go off the response that we have scripted here from the Democrat Party talking points and then she would be able to at least look you in the eye and lie to you and communicate like a lizard human.
Psaki could talk, Karine Jean-Pierre has to read off of cue cards.
And so when all you have is a literal cue card of scripted responses, communication becomes pretty tough.
And here's an example of that in clip 11.
But I do want to say, if you look at what happened when Putin started amassing troops on the border with Russia, the price of gas has increased by $1.51.
Increased by more than that before.
And I also want to add, because this is really important so that people understand and flag that similar issues are happening around the world.
In the EU, gas is $8.15 per gallon and has increased by $1.74.
Because Biden gave Russia control of the pipeline.
$8.88 per gallon. It has increased $2.16.
In Canada, gas is $6.23 per gallon and has increased $1.93.
Because Biden ended the pipeline deals.
Since December of 2021. This is to your point, Phil, which is this is a global challenge.
This is something that everyone is feeling across the globe.
But we understand that prices, these gas prices, including food prices.
Pause it real quick.
So imagine it.
They have public policy.
We look at inflation and trying to make sure that we're fighting inflation in every way
that we can.
Another thing they caused?
It's hurting families.
It's hurting families.
Yeah, your policy.
So imagine it.
Pause it real quick.
So imagine it.
They have public policy, the Democrats have public policy that they're going to stop what
they call greenhouse gases or carbon emissions or fossil fuels or oil companies.
And that's their public policy.
And then they implement their public policy.
And then prices skyrocket.
They shut down pipelines.
They cut off energy.
Prices skyrocket.
They give Russia control of the pipelines, the key pipelines in Europe and prices skyrocket.
And then Jean Pierre sits there and says, yes, well, you know.
This is Russia's fault, and, well, this is just a worldwide problem, and, you know, it might even be worse in Europe than it is for you here, and so... But, see, what's the problem?
She's just reading off of cue cards.
Imagine trying to be the press secretary.
For the President of the United States, and you just have a little pamphlet in front of you with your scripted responses, your cue card of responses, and you're supposed to just read off that for whatever litany of questions you may receive from the media, and you just have to look down and read off a cue card.
Yeah, that's going to be a problem.
That's going to be a challenge to try to properly communicate when you literally have a finite list of things you can say.
But hey, they have public policy.
We're shutting off the oil.
Oh, you're shutting off the oil?
Then prices go up.
And then they say, well, we don't know why these prices are going up.
We'll try to figure it out.
But it's their own public policy.
And it's an honor to be with you on this Tuesday, June 7th, 2022 live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Alex is taking a well-deserved, and I'm sure much needed, It's vacation!
So, uh, Alex, I love you.
We all love you, Alex, and we miss you, but please, enjoy some time off, refresh the batteries, and if you're tuning in today expecting Alex Jones, I'm sorry, I'll try my best.
I'll try my best to fulfill your desire for the truth, unvarnished, uncensored, like is tradition here on the Alex Jones Show for more than two decades.
And I'm also going to be here live with you all the way through the end of the war room, so double duty.
And I do have six hours of news to cover easily.
Maybe even more, so we may have to cram.
Let's look at the waterfront today.
Now, I don't like talking about January 6th because of ongoing legal stuff, but Obviously I'm innocent and so therefore I can't lose.
Now I could have a rigged case against me, which is the case, or I could not do well in court, but that would just be political persecution by bad people against me, by the worst people of this country being politically persecuted by them.
That's an honor.
That's a victory.
But There are big developments in the January 6th narrative now, or at least the Democrats are trying to bring it back, because everything else has failed them, folks.
They cannot figure out what is going to get people to the polls.
And so they're going through this cycle now, their repeat cycle now, and they're back on January 6th.
Now notice, They've tried Ukraine, they've tried abortion, they've tried everything under the sun, and that was after they already tried January 6th, and that didn't work.
But now they're back on January 6th, and the same people that promised you, like Adam Schiff and others, remember?
They promised you that they had proof of Russian collusion.
Well, I mean, I can sit here and tap on my watch.
But I'd be doing that for the rest of my life because there is no evidence of Russian collusion, because there never was any Russian collusion, and now we all know it was just made up by Hillary Clinton and her campaign.
But see, Adam Schiff and the Democrats, they promised you!
They promised!
That they would show the evidence that they had of Russian collusion.
Think about the boldness of those liars to stand up there and tell you they are going to give you something that they don't have and they know doesn't exist.
Now they're doing the same thing with January 6th, saying, we've got more evidence, we've got more this, we've got more that.
Yeah, well, you've been doing proctology exams Of everybody that you could, that you possibly could involve with January 6th.
And everyone's cooperating with you because nobody has anything to hide.
And so let's see if they do decide they're going to try to piece something together for a public viewing.
I think that's their plan as they now hired an ABC News producer or news editor.
To now run the Democrat Party propaganda over January 6th.
And I'm pretty sure it was the same guy who helped ABC News spike the Jeffrey Epstein story.
Remember that?
With Gina Rohrbach?
Yeah, the same people that cover up sex trafficking are the ones that are going to put out a media puff piece For their own political purposes about January 6th, but I'll cover that later.
You heard Jean-Pierre in the first segment.
I don't know how it's not a bigger news story, and I know it's kind of a big news story, but I mean this should be like, this is like a five alarm fire at this point.
Are we in a recession?
Are we in a depression?
What is going on now?
Gas prices have doubled, energy prices are skyrocketing, your grocery bill, I mean, everything is just going up right now.
It's unbelievable.
And it's all in the mainstream news, I mean, nobody's even denying it.
But, when do they tell you you're in a recession?
When do they tell you you're in a depression?
Or when do they tell you, actually, this is all planned to destroy you and put you into a new caste system and a world government?
You're now You're now impoverished for the rest of your life because, well, you're producing too much of a carbon emission, see?
And I've got it all lined up, how they're doing it, how they admit it, how they brag about it, but that's just the next level.
Every day now is a new national average A price per gallon gas reaching a record high.
It's now at $4.91, national average, highest it's ever been.
And it's going up.
And then you've got people saying, I can't afford rent, I can't afford my grocery bill anymore, I can't afford my energy bill anymore.
And then Biden comes out and makes statements saying, best economic recovery ever, best economy in the history of America.
Literally, he makes these statements.
Then you read the news and there's nothing of the sort there.
But the important thing to understand is, it's all being done by design.
It's not by accident.
It is their public policy.
How do you think you're going to stop man-made climate change, folks?
You're going to have to get rid of man, aren't you?
You're going to have to stop the man in that equation.
Have you figured it out yet?
We're going to stop man-made climate change.
Well, what's the first word of that?
They're going to stop man.
Sounds satanic.
It is.
Then... I mean... At this point... Could Hillary Clinton, like, leave a trace of DNA at a suicide scene and still get away with it?
No, I'm sure this is... I'm sure that the Clintons are perfectly innocent.
I shouldn't.
I shouldn't bring up the Clintons.
It's just another Clinton associate shot and hung himself.
That's a new one.
I don't know what's more ridiculous.
A Clinton associate, Vince Foster I believe it was, chopped himself up into little bitty pieces and put himself in a duffel bag.
He did that all on his own.
Look out David Blaine.
Look out, Chris Angel.
Clinton friends are chopping themselves up, putting themselves in duffel bags, and now blowing and now blasting themselves apart with a shotgun, and then hanging themselves from a tree!
Family of Bill Clinton advisor, who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times, has blocked release of files detailing the death scene after he was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast.
I mean, he hung himself and shot himself with a shotgun.
Why is this so hard to believe?
So what?
It's another Clinton associate that commits suicide.
They just know a lot of people.
Oh my goodness.
Oh my goodness.
Then you have Hunter Biden.
More images leaking from... I don't even know where these things are coming from now.
I don't know if it's all from the same laptop.
Are there new images coming out?
As if you didn't have enough, now you've got Hunter Biden.
He always seems to be naked using drugs with hookers.
I don't know.
Always seems to be naked using drugs with hookers and wanting to capture the evidence of this for a video or a photo.
And now he's seen with an illegal firearm.
I mean, I don't know if it's actually illegal or not.
There's no paperwork.
And that's the Democrats' law, but He's holding a gun, he's got his finger on the trigger.
He's naked, using drugs, with a hooker.
And, um, I don't know, is that the same gun that he abandoned in a dumpster behind a school?
Was that the same gun?
I don't know.
Is the gun that Hunter Biden has seen gripping in the latest images, is that the same gun that he Ditched in a dumpster behind a schoolyard?
I don't know, I'm sure CNN will be all over it though.
I'm sure tonight, Rachel Maddow, I'm sure ABC World News, I'm sure it'll be, they will be asking the questions, is Hunter Biden's gun from the new image with him using drugs with a hooker, is it the same gun he ditched in a dumpster behind a schoolyard?
We're back here live on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer filling in for Alex.
Glad to be here with you.
President Joe Biden has been an absolute unmitigated disaster, but that's exactly what he was put in to do.
And it's incredible today to see the lies coming from the White House, coming from Joe Biden.
Who is buying this stuff?
Here's some of the tweets that have come from the President's account today.
Tell me if this offends you.
From Joe Biden.
This morning.
The fact is, America is in a stronger economic position today than just about any other country in the world.
Really, is that why we're... Is that why the dollar is crashing and the ruble is going up?
Is that why countries are about to start doing gas deals and oil deals, not using the US dollar?
That's interesting to me.
That's a strong economic position?
Seems he's, seems he'd be lying there.
Independent experts have projected that the United States economy could grow faster.
Well, could.
Anything could happen, I suppose.
Could grow faster than China's economy this year.
That hasn't happened since 1976.
When Joe Biden was in office, by the way.
Yeah, he's been around that long.
More from the President.
Because of our actions last year, 2021 marked the largest deployment of solar, wind, and batteries in the U.S.
Today I'm building on that progress by authorizing the Defense Production Act.
Here we go, folks.
Brace yourself for this.
To lower energy costs, strengthen the power grid, and create good-paying jobs.
Funny, because energy costs are only going up.
All we hear about now is how there's going to be rolling blackouts all summer because of the heat.
Oh, it's never been hot before?
And then create good paying jobs.
Really, that's why no one can afford anything anymore?
Everything he says, the opposite is true.
He continues to lie.
At the time I took office about 16 months ago, the economy had stalled and COVID was out of control.
Actually, the economy was booming when Trump was in office.
And actually, there have been more COVID deaths since you were in office, the first year, in fact, that you were in office, than the year Trump was in office with COVID.
So, two lies there.
Today, thanks to the economic plan and the vaccination plan that my administration put in action, again!
Trump's vaccine plan, Operation Warp Speed, this is an incredible one to me.
The Democrats are literally trying to take responsibility for the death shot, and Trump's not even letting them have it.
Trump is like, no, I want responsibility for that death shot.
Biden says, it was my death shot.
So literally, Trump's vaccine plan too, I mean, incredible.
But Biden says it says, America has achieved the most robust recovery in modern history.
Again, that would be, if you could make that claim, it would be Trump that could make that claim, by almost every economic metric.
It's incredible, isn't it?
So you might say, boy, how can a president, how can a man get away with such lies?
Well, it's pretty easy when the media covers for you, and when your voters have barely a double digit IQ.
That's how.
It's called Democrats.
And boy oh boy, are they an absolute cancer on this country.
Boy oh boy, are they a death sentence for any prosperous civilization.
Here's what's really going on.
Washington Post 2020.
November 2020, Washington Post.
Conservatives predict gas prices will spike under Joe Biden.
Experts say those fears are overblown, and yet here we are today.
Gas prices have more than doubled, and we have a record high in all 50 states.
I guess they lied to you then, too.
They always lie to you.
They always lie.
Pete Butt, judge.
Slams GOP as going to war with Mickey Mouse while Dems find solutions to inflation.
You mean the Democrats caused the inflation?
It's incredible.
Democrats say they're finding a solution to inflation.
No, Democrats are causing inflation.
How is this Twilight Zone even real?
Here's Democrats causing inflation and then they say, we're finding a solution to inflation.
No, you're causing the inflation.
What does that even mean, GOP going to war with Mickey Mouse?
You have Ron DeSantis, the Republican governor of Florida, dealing with Disney World there.
Other than that, where is the GOP going to war with Mickey Mouse?
I mean, it's just... It's just lies on top of lies.
If the Democrats couldn't lie, they wouldn't be able to talk.
But so here's what actually happened.
And we all know this is their public policy.
If you understand they want to stop man-made climate change, understand they want to stop man.
Well, how do you stop man-made climate change?
Well, you stop man.
So the Democrats want to stop man.
They want to stop humanity.
Do you understand that yet?
They're trying to stop humanity.
But it's just the globalists.
The Democrats are just either dumb enough to fall for it or corrupt enough to buy into it.
Earthjustice launches Gulf Regional Office, that's in Houston, led by Jen Powis, the new managing attorney.
So it's a bunch of leftists starting this place there in Houston, because Texas is a big oil state, and it's all about defeating man-made climate change and stopping fossil fuels and oil and coal.
Oh, okay, and then what happens?
Well, your energy prices double and triple and quadruple.
And nobody can afford life anymore.
And the Democrats do it.
And then they say, we're solving the problem.
And then they cause every problem.
announces Marta Segura as first chief heat officer as city prepares for hot summer months.
They have a whole new department.
The Office of Climate Emergency Mobilization.
And again, it's the same thing.
They're going to stop man-made climate change.
In other words, they're going to stop man.
They're going to stop you.
Okay, so that's their public policy.
That's their plan.
They tell you all of it.
And then what happens?
You have national average of gas per gallon reaching record high in all 50 states.
It's not just gas prices.
Electricity rates are up 77% to 233% in the last year.
So they announce all these plans.
Of course there's inflation, but it's really the consumer price index, the supply chain crisis, and the Democrats shutting off your energy.
That's what's really causing the economic strain more so than even inflation at this point.
That's why you're really heading into a depression now.
So they say, we're going to eliminate carbon emissions.
We're going to stop man-made climate change.
That's stopping man.
And then they announce all their public policy and how they're going to do it.
And then the result is what?
All the prices go up and there's scarcity.
And they say, oh, we're going to solve these problems as it's their public policy to cause them.
So what?
So then your rent goes up.
You can't afford rent.
We're all afraid.
Washington Post.
We're all afraid.
Massive rent increases hit mobile homes.
Park rents are doubling or tripling as high demand, low inventory, and a rise in corporate owners takes a toll on one of the nation's biggest sources of affordable housing.
But I thought it was the most robust recovery.
I thought it was the most high-paying jobs.
But now more people are looking to rent space in mobile homes and live in mobile homes or out of their vans?
So there you go.
Oh, and then you can't get any goods either.
Ship pollution is rising as the U.S.
waits for world leaders to act.
Yeah, they're sick of ships and trucks burning fuel.
Hey, stop that ship!
Sir, this has necessary items for this country.
Stop that ship!
Stop that truck!
And then the whole economy collapses.
And they say, what happened?
We'll fix it.
You cost it.
Well, the Democrats got a big problem.
And that's despite all their propaganda and all their attempts to prop Biden up and keep Trump down.
The latest approval numbers are in, and still, Biden is way lower than Donald Trump.
Way lower.
Pretty amazing.
In fact, he's been lower than Trump for about half of his presidency, and I would expect he'll remain lower for the rest.
So what do you do?
What do you do when the guy that you've propped up, the reanimated husk of a 50-year lifelong career criminal politician, and nobody buys your media anymore, nobody buys your propaganda anymore, nobody buys your lies anymore, and he's such a failure that the American people obviously see what's going on.
The blatant theft of the 2020 election.
Biden didn't even campaign.
Trump got 50,000 average at events.
Biden gets more votes than Obama.
I mean, you can go on and on, but you know the point.
So the point is that, and imagine if the media wasn't lying about Trump all day long, and they weren't lying about Biden all day long to protect him.
Trump's approval rating would probably be up above 60 all the time, and Biden's would be below 40, but that's if we had a real media.
That's if we lived in reality.
We lived in the corrupt clown world now.
So Biden only trails Trump by like, you know, 10.
Points on the approval rating scale.
It's only going to continue to go down as gas prices continue to go up and the consumer price index continues to go up.
So what do you do?
What do you do if you're the Democrats?
You've just been caught red-handed stealing the 2020 presidential election.
Do you really want to double down and steal it in the light of day again in the midterms?
That might be your only choice?
What do you do?
You've tried all these things to see if you could activate voters to get to the polls and they all kind of fell flat.
Interest in Ukraine is down.
They didn't really get many people to show up at Roe vs. Wade stuff.
They're not ready to fully go national with a midterm campaign on pro-pedophilia like Drag Queen Dance Time for Kids.
I mean, what else have they tried?
What else have they tried in the last 12 months to try to activate voters that just failed?
They got the gun control issue.
It's all fallen flat.
It's all fallen flat.
They're not producing numbers, they're not producing interest, and it's not going to produce voters.
So, now they're going back to January 6th.
And they don't even hide it anymore.
They publish their plan on the front page of the New York Times.
January 6 hearings give Democrats a chance to recast midterm message.
That came out first thing this morning for the front page of the New York Times.
January 6 hearings give Democrats a chance to recast midterm message.
In other words, they're going to use January 6 As their main issue entering the midterms.
Now, are they settling on this now, considering we've only got 154 days left to the midterms?
Or are they going to abandon this ship when they realize it's a failing operation as well, and move on to whatever the next current thing is?
And they hired a news producer from ABC News, a director, to hype this up for a made-for-television event.
Now imagine.
They've gone through thousands of individuals' emails and texts and everything for the last Uh, year and a half looking to find anything and of course they found nothing because there's nothing there.
So now what they're going to do...
Is they're going to basically put all that through a filter and do what you might call selective editing or cherry picking so that they can bring certain things up out of context, present them to the public to try to sway public opinion against Republicans and to continue their agenda of demonizing patriots and excusing their political prisoners.
Now, that's what they're going to do.
Is it going to take?
Is America going to buy it?
I don't think so, but that's what the Democrats are going to do.
They're already showing their hand.
That's their plan.
This is the most evil, criminal, hate-filled terrorist group in the history of America, is the Democrat Party.
And someday, the Democrat Party, if America can survive this, will go down in the annals of history, right next to the KKK.
Because that's where it came from.
And once America rids itself of the Democrat Party, we will have our next great renaissance.
We will have our next great boom.
We will have our next golden era.
But first we must put the corruption, and the crime, and the lies, and the deception, and the hate, and the terrorism of the Democrat Party behind us.
But until that day comes, we'll continue to put up with this BS, and they'll continue to lie, and they'll continue to do TV stunts for political points.
Think about it.
They have political prisoners right now that they're torturing in jail, the Democrats are, all for political points.
That's how little they value human life.
We all know about their abortion stance, but they're willing to torture people in cells for their own political points.
That's how sick the Democrat Party is.
And the Republican Party just sits there and watches them.
And Adam Schiff, the same guy who told you That he has proof of Russian collusion.
Multiple times Adam Schiff told you that.
That he has the proof and he was going to show you the proof.
He's yet to show that proof because he never had the proof, because there was no proof, because there was no Russian collusion.
Adam Schiff is a liar.
And now he says that he has proof Of what on January 6th?
I don't know.
He just says, we've got new evidence.
There's a great deal they haven't seen.
Oh, you're right.
You're right.
The general public hasn't gone into people's private emails and messages like you freaks have.
That's true.
Yes, the general public has not read through thousands of Americans' emails and texts like a bunch of sycophant, psychotic freaks like you, Adam Schiff.
You're right.
You're right, Adam Schiff.
Most people don't go through people's private messages for their own political stunts.
That's a you thing, Adam Schiff.
That's a you thing.
And where is your Russian collusion evidence, Adam Schiff?
Oh, that's right, it doesn't exist.
You lied about that, too.
But I'm sure you're being honest about this, Schiff.
So then I see this.
The Coming Collapse of Donald Trump's January 6th Conspiracy, Part 8, Ali Alexander.
And I'm like, hmm, this is curious.
I wonder what they're saying here.
So I go to try to read this from Seth Abramson, and oh!
Sorry, it's behind a paywall.
The information is so important, folks.
The information is so important.
It's a matter of national security.
It's so important that Seth Abramson wants you to pay 20 bucks to read his story.
That I'm sure is a giant nothing burger.
So man, I'm really curious.
I want to find out what did Ali Alexander do, Seth?
Tell me!
Blocked by your paywall.
Funny for a communist.
Funny thing for a communist.
Funny thing indeed.
But it's not working.
Bloomberg Politics.
Voters aren't punishing GOP candidates over January 6th capital attack.
Capital attack.
But it's a peaceful protest when you burn and murder and rape and everything else you guys love to do.
No, they're backing them.
No, what the problem is, is the Democrats.
That's your problem.
Democrats are scumbag, lying, deceitful demons, and people realize that now.
That has nothing to do with January 6th.
Although I guess it does because what you're doing over January 6th is so criminal and so dangerous.
Even Tulsi Gabbard gets it.
Tulsi Gabbard shreds Biden administration.
They weaponize government against the people.
But it's actually worse than that, Tulsi.
They weaponize the government against their political opposition.
So yeah, it's against the people.
It's against their political opposition.
They've turned the government into a force for their agenda, for their party politics.
And then again, oh, the Proud Boys.
There's more charges against the Proud Boys.
What about Black Lives Matter and Antifa that are responsible for the largest, most dangerous, murderous, and expensive riots in U.S.
Anything for them?
No, they're not interested.
Not interested.
And they've got more, we've got more footage now of the police murdering Roseanne Boylan that day.
And so everything they tell you about January 6th is a lie, but the Democrats still believe all the lies, even though all the people that died that day were Trump supporters killed by police, including an unarmed woman.
Normally the liberals would care about that, but not in this case.
This case, they're glad she's dead.
You ever seen that before?
Man, our crew is just awesome.
I can just sit here.
You guys like had me in a trance.
The awesome rock music with this shots of nature coming in.
I don't even know how... You guys are like a lighting crew at a concert or something.
It's all timed up.
That's amazing stuff right there.
The Info Wars crew, ladies and gentlemen.
Maybe I should just shut up.
Let them take over here.
Give you a little light show.
I don't know.
I mean, that's just the kind of stuff we're into here.
We like life!
You know?
We like life.
We like God's creation.
We like nature.
We like music!
Horns, strings, vocals.
We like it all.
What can we say?
We're just lovers of life.
That's all.
We're just big-time lovers of life.
And we see the enemies of life trying to destroy it and annihilate it and make it suffer and torment and torture and... You know what?
We don't take too kindly to that here.
We don't really like that.
Not really fans of that.
So we fight it.
We fight it tooth and nail.
And Alex has been fighting it for 20 plus years, folks.
And look, I gotta tell ya.
And believe me, I'm not claiming to be a victim.
I hop on the roller coaster and buckle myself in every day with a big smile on my face with my arms up in the air.
But it really is tiring.
I've only been here at InfoWars for six years now, being on air six days a week for like two or three years now.
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All right, where's my video list?
Here we go, here we are.
Let's see what we've got here.
All right.
You know what?
Let me just... Yeah, we'll do that later.
We will do that later.
Let's do this.
We've got MSNBC and BBC combining now.
Telling you they want to take all the guns, ban all the guns, so they want to defund police and they want to disarm civilians.
Boy, who could possibly see where that situation could go?
And so here's the BBC reporter telling the MSNBC reporter it's time to just ban all the guns.
Today is the 157th day of the year and there have been at least 246 mass shootings so far.
That's an average.
Have you noticed that all of a sudden the liberal mainstream media cares about mass shootings?
Have you noticed that?
This is not a new phenomenon.
It's not a new phenomenon.
And the vast majority happen in Democrat-run cities that have gun control by non-whites.
But that's why the Democrats and the liberal media never talk about them.
But now they're desperate to take your guns because they're more criminal than ever.
And so they're deciding now they're going to talk about all the mass shootings.
But it'll be interesting to see how are they going to walk the tightrope?
How are they going to walk the high wire of talking about all the mass shootings and violent crime happening in their own backyards?
In every Democrat-run city is where they're going to be covering most of this violent crime.
That's where it's happening.
That's where all the spikes are happening.
So how are they going to get away with covering the violent crime in a weird promotion of gun control?
Oh, there's a lot of criminals out there, a lot of criminal activity.
Let's take your guns.
Okay, let's see how that works for them.
That's what they're going with.
But then how are they going to avoid the subject And the fact that all this crime happens in the Democrat-run cities, that's going to be an interesting high wire for them, a balancing act, but they're going to give it a go.
And so, but here they continue now, where you have a bunch of limeys, a bunch of redcoats, again here, again, the British telling us to take, to turn our guns in, just incredible stuff, continue.
Is normal life in America, Joe?
Yeah, in Democrat-run cities.
I think, uh, Katty Kay, I'm so glad to hear you.
Pause it, pause it, pause it there again.
Yeah, yeah, it's normal life for Americans in Democrat-run cities.
It's normal life for Americans in Democrat-run cities.
See, so they've already answered my question.
That's how they're going to leave it out.
They're just going to act like you don't know it.
They're not going to mention it.
Queen's Jubilee, but whenever I talk to good friends from Britain, conservative friends from Britain, Tories from Britain, people who share a lot of the same views as I do on Western civilization, on culture, on politics, on small government, they will look at me and say, you Americans and your guns!
What's what?
And the contrast between the United States and Great Britain is so striking, considering we share so much in common.
But in this one area, it's just, the difference is just shocking, isn't it?
Yeah, I mean, this is making it very hard for allies of America, friends of America, people who love this country as I do, who have lived here for very long, to defend the country at the moment, when every single morning we wake up and there is another mass shooting, and we keep getting asked, what is going on in that country?
Why can't they fix this?
In the UK, you know this.
Joe, they fixed it.
It was a conservative government that fixed the United Kingdom's gun problem.
In 1980, after a mass shooting, they banned assault weapons.
In 1990s, they banned handguns.
After one school shooting is all it took, in Dunblane, Scotland, and the United Kingdom, banned handguns.
It now has amongst the lowest rate of gun deaths of any westernized countries.
And that was a conservative government that did it.
America stands out as a complete exception.
This is America's exceptional problem.
It's relationship with guns and the number of guns in this country, and the seeming tolerance for the number of people that get killed by guns in this country, including children in schools.
No other Western country.
So, uh, I mean that's just an outright lie.
It's just an outright lie.
There are plenty of countries that have stricter gun control laws and higher rates of gun crime.
See Mexico, see Brazil.
That's just two examples.
Just two examples.
Are those Western Hemisphere countries, by the way?
Oh, but she says, oh, I'm an ally.
I'm an ally.
I just want to take all your guns.
I just want to disarm you.
Of course!
Of course!
That's how it happens throughout human history.
Your ally shows up and takes your guns.
Your ally shows up and takes your defense.
Your ally shows up and you turn in your weapons.
They demand your weapons.
That's how the ally always works.
I see.
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So Americans are suffering record high inflation, record high energy prices,
record high consumer price index rising.
By all metrics, the economy is going the wrong direction for the American citizen.
But don't let reality stand in the way of a good Democrat lie.
Here's Biden telling you how good you have it.
I'm tired of trickle-down economics.
Oh my God.
Pause it real there.
You know, I just can't even play these guys for a second before they lie.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, so frustrating.
Trickle-down economics.
is non-existent.
It's made up.
It is a scarecrow.
It is a straw man that liberals made up.
I don't even know when it really dates back to.
And this has been totally proven by Thomas Sowell, the famous economist, philosopher, And he's debated Democrats, he's debated liberals, he's debated communists.
And every time they do this, every damn time they do this, they say, trickle down economics, trickle down.
And he says, show me trickle down economics, show me the theory, show me the literature, show me the origin of the idea, show me where it comes from, show me it anywhere in American history.
It literally doesn't exist, folks.
It's a made-up straw man by communists to punch at.
Trickle-down economic theory, there is no such thing.
It is a made-up straw man that Democrats punch at.
So I'm sorry, I couldn't even get through two seconds of this Biden clip before having to correct a lie.
I apologize.
Let's go back.
My plans are to produce the strongest, fastest, most widespread economic recovery America has ever experienced.
With record jobs and record small businesses and wages rising.
All that's a lie.
It's the foundation for an economy that works for working families.
Because of that foundation, we're in a better position than any country in the world to overcome global inflation that we're seeing.
Global inflation?
To reach a new chapter of stable and steady growth.
So let's come together and focus on what matters.
Let's build on the extraordinary progress we've made.
Let's continue to build this economy from the bottom up and the middle out.
When that happens, everybody does well, including the very wealthy.
Tell me how you're going to build the economy from the bottom up.
I'd love to hear that.
It's this thing that Democrats do, we'll cover it later too, where they're like, corporations are making record profits.
They're making record profits.
Who do you think pays employees?
Oh, is it corporations?
Businesses are making record profits!
Oh, who hires people?
Who pays bills?
Who gives insurance benefits?
Oh, it's the corporations!
It's the businesses!
Who builds the economy?
Oh, that's the rich!
That's the people with capital!
Oh, let's put the burden on the poor to build the economy.
That's Joe Biden's, oh, we're going to build it from the bottom up.
Sorry, that's not how it works, no matter how much you hate rich people.
Oh, but, you know, it's just unbelievable.
So, so there you go.
There's some good, good old fashioned lying there.
They cannot help themselves.
And so MSNBC went out on the streets and, well, let's just say every time MSNBC goes on the streets, the segment doesn't last 60 seconds.
Let's just put it that way.
So here's 30 seconds of MSNBC going out to the streets.
Green car, electric car, hybrid car?
Alright, two-prong question for you, William.
The first one is this, and Katie makes a great point.
The fact that we are seeing gas prices impact people's pocketbooks so much right now, would that change how you're considering voting for the next election, whether it's congressional later this year, or presidential a couple years down the road?
I just know that one administration had cheaper gas, and this administration has more expensive gas.
This is a bottom-line, strictly financial conclusion for you?
I mean, it's a housing market, it's everything you previously mentioned.
I mean, gas is a big part of it, but... I mean, right now we're... Cut the segment!
Cut it!
Cut it!
He's telling the world how bad it is under Biden!
We gotta cut the segment!
No more street interviews!
Stop the segment!
But, oh!
Oh, you can't afford gas!
Why don't you buy an electric car?
Oh, thanks, liberal!
Alright, let's not forget Biden.
Tried to start a war with Russia.
And it's really just the globalist war with Russia, but the Biden family, the Biden crime family has inherent interest in Ukraine because they've laundered a bunch of money out of there and continue to in the name of war.
But it hasn't really gripped the American public.
Russia is winning the war.
And it's kind of been a very clunky embarrassment for the Democrats trying to launch this war against Russia with no support from anywhere else.
It's been very, very embarrassing actually.
And so it's still going on.
Russia is still winning and This was a story out of the Express.
Failure of leadership.
American public ready to abandon Ukraine as trust in Biden plunges.
Well, we've already sent 90 billion dollars, though, so we can't just abandon it.
Although most of the money has already been laundered, stolen, the weapons being sold on the black market, given to proxy armies and criminals and gangs.
It's pretty typical.
And so some of the numbers in here.
Sanctions hurt the U.S.
more than Russia.
More than 50 percent.
It's okay for the U.S.
to let Ukraine lose.
More than 40% agreed.
It'd be better to get Biden out of the White House than Putin out of the Kremlin.
More than 50% agreed.
I mean, this is a pretty significant shift in the balance of public opinion when the average Individual realizes that Biden is worse than Putin.
That's a pretty big public opinion shift considering the levels of propaganda being waged against Putin and for Biden.
The American people aren't buying it.
They're suffering.
Ukraine war frontline update.
Citizens shelled.
Ships stuck.
Agriculture struggles.
Yeah, Russia is winning the war in Ukraine.
Here's another one.
Turkey and Russia agree to demining operation in Ukrainian ports to erect grain corridor.
For days the United Nations has been in unsuccessful talks on cobbling together an agreement on plans to unblock Black Sea grain exports from Ukrainian ports, including controversial discussions with Russia, which stood accused of weaponizing global food supply with its military blockade of key ports.
Moscow has in turn charged that Ukraine said ports making tanker traffic impossible.
While also saying the West must ease sanctions if it hopes to get crucial grain exports flowing again.
So, again, it's another example of Russia winning.
They are running the ports.
And then... Honestly, the UN would have stopped the ports from operating anyway to try to hurt Russia.
The problem is they don't control the ports.
Ukraine lost that front.
So Russia controls the ports now, and they're in charge of the operations there.
And they're using that as leverage.
Because they're sick of being mistreated.
And really, that's not even it.
Really, they just wanted to save Eastern Ukraine.
But now, because of what the globalists have done, and more really, it's just, again, it's really just America.
NATO's kind of backed off.
They sent some weapons in, but that's about it.
European countries have sent little financial support, little military support, not much.
It's pretty much just been all America.
So Russia just says, oh, here you are, you dirty, rotten criminals in Washington, D.C.
Running proxy countries and proxy groups and proxy armies, now it's in Ukraine.
We're not going to take that.
You think you can do that in Afghanistan or Iraq or Syria?
Not in our backyard, not in Ukraine.
And so what is European, what are European leaders doing?
Not much.
But Macron, he's being pressured.
So what is Macron doing?
Well, he's going to issue a stern statement.
Macron warns against humiliating Russia in Ukraine.
Now this is just hilarious.
So, this is either the Tokyo Rose pretending like Russia is getting embarrassed in Ukraine, pretending like Russia is losing in Ukraine, or this is Zelensky, or excuse me rather, this is Macron Kind of letting the cat out of the bag that maybe they set a trap for Putin in Ukraine.
And now he's saying, hey, we shouldn't spring that trap.
It's going to be worse for the planet.
So this is either Tokyo Rose, because France isn't going to do anything for Ukraine, they don't really care.
Their leaders aren't as stupid or corrupt as Joe Biden, I guess.
So France is really not interested in anything going on in Ukraine, but they'll issue a statement, say, oh, let's, you know, we're dominating Russia, let's not embarrass them any further.
Like, okay, I guess that's your effort.
He knows that there's been a trap set for Putin, and he's warning against actually springing it, because of how bad it's gone so far.
And then, warnings flying everywhere here.
Putin warns Ukraine against long-range missiles, and it's just, it's the U.S.
shipping in the long-range missiles, and all that's happening is... I mean, somebody... Russia probably has informants on the inside, because The shipments are coming in and Russians are bombing them.
They're bombing them.
They're bombing the containment facilities and the ships aren't making it out into port.
So they're not even, a lot of these weapons that are going in aren't even making it.
A lot of them are getting cut off and seized by Russia or just blown up by Russia.
See, they're not telling you that, are they?
No, no, no.
Russia's losing, they tell you.
And then there's Lindsey Graham.
He's never seen a war he didn't want someone else to die in.
And he is just all over the Russia thing on his Twitter account.
He's promoting, you need to go watch this documentary called Navalny.
A truly compelling documentary that every member of Congress should watch to understand Putin's Russia.
And the bravery of the Russian opposition forces.
The bravery of Ukraine, yes, yes.
The bravery of Lindsey Graham, I'm sure.
No, he's a pinko coward.
A war hawk.
But hey, I went and I checked, Lindsey.
Nothing on 2,000 mules, though.
Nothing from Lindsey Graham on every member of Congress watching 2000 Mules.
He wants every member of Congress to know how bad Russia is because he probably has stock options in defense contractors and weapons manufacturers.
So he's looking to make a couple million dollars off people dying.
It's Lindsey Graham.
He's a psychotic freak.
And so he wants people to die for his profit.
So he wants to demonize Russia, but anything on U.S.
elections being stolen from Lindsey Graham?
Should members of Congress watch 2,000 mules, Lindsey Graham?
No, I guess he can't profit off that.
There's no bloodshed, so he's not interested in promoting that.
Lindsey Graham, ladies and gentlemen.
Lindsey Graham.
issues nuclear warning to North Korea.
This is just funny.
This is the U.S., this is Biden getting embarrassed on the playground, okay?
This is the Biden administration getting mud smeared in their face and kicked to the ground and kneed and just embarrassed.
And so they stand up and they go over to the smallest person on the playground, you know, they go over to the smallest little kid that has like a bunch of allergies, runny nose, just like hangs out under the jungle gym, and now they're gonna go, Kick him and push him around.
Like, oh yeah!
Look, I just got embarrassed on the playground.
I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go push around the smallest guy I can find.
It's like, look, we're getting embarrassed on the national stage.
Look, Russia's embarrassing us.
I know, let's, let's go bark at North Korea!
Yeah, I'll show them!
Look how tough we are!
Hey, North Korea!
Ha ha!
Real impressive.
Ooh, you guys are, ooh, you're warning North Korea.
It's like, oh, you just went up, oh wow, you just went up and kicked over a crippled kid.
Oh, you're tough.
You're tough.
I'll make you a bet right now.
I bet you North Korea tests nuclear missiles again by the end of the summer.
Now the U.S.
has said it's going to be a forceful response.
I doubt it.
I doubt that.
But hey guys, I mean, oh boy, look out.
Look out, we're... Oh, North Korea, oh, yeah, North Korea, you better stop that!
It's like, hey, uh, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna puff our chest out and act big towards China.
Oh, wait, we don't do anything to China.
We're gonna puff our chest up and act big towards Russia.
Oh, wait, Russia's winning the war.
Oh, boy, we're really embarrassed here.
I know, let's go bark at North Korea.
We'll look real tough then.
We'll show the world.
We'll show how strong the Biden administration.
We'll go tell North Korea what's good.
We'll go show them what for.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I just went and checked to find out how many of the final edition of the limited edition silver coins we have left.
It's the third and final edition.
The Come and Take It Free Men Bear Arms and the InfoWars founding member coin collection.
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Okay, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Let's go back here to Jean-Pierre, the black, gay, immigrant press secretary.
It's important you say that.
It's important.
The Democrats are obsessed with identity, so it's very important, because it's not about her accomplishments.
You know, it's not about her credibility or anything, it's about what color her skin is and her sexual preferences.
That's what's the most important.
So you have to make sure you say that before introducing her.
So this is the black lesbian immigrant, Press Secretary Jean Pierre.
Again, folks, it's hard for her to communicate because she only has a finite number of answers in front of her that's off a sheet.
It's like a low-program computer, basically.
Like a 2-bit computer is what she is, essentially.
And so, Here she is trying to prop up the lies of Joe Biden about
how great the Defense Production Act has been.
When he takes the Defense Protection Act, it's to make sure that he's delivering for the American people.
Uh, it is an important tool that he has used a couple of times and it has been incredibly effective.
So, for this particular Clean Energy Defense Production Act, he is invoking the Defense Production Act to rapidly expand domestic production of solar panel parts, building insulation, heat pumps and more.
He is putting the full force of the federal government's purchasing power behind supporting American clean energy manufacturers.
And he is providing U.S. solar deployers the short-term stability they need to build clean
energy projects and deliver more affordability energy to American families and business.
Altogether, these historic actions will cut costs for American families, strengthen our
power grid, and tackle the climate crisis.
And with a stronger clean energy arsenal, the United States can be an even stronger
partner to our allies, especially in the face of Putin's war in Ukraine.
Well, this is just a step to get to a place where we do have a clean energy arsenal.
And so this is a very important part of the President's agenda in getting to that clean energy system that he's been talking about since he walked into the administration.
So this is a way that we felt that we can act to get moving in that way.
What was that?
She did a little shimmy shake at the end?
Did you see that one?
Wow, she felt really good about herself.
She felt really good about reading off a cue card for a minute and a half that she did.
She felt so good.
She did a little, ooh, like, oh, like, oh, I did it.
Like, ah, I mean, it's almost as if we're being trained to accept a robot.
As the press secretary, because, I mean, that's basically a robot.
I mean, there's a finite number of responses, it's all pre-programmed, it's all just put into the code, and then the robot just has to pick which scripted response it has for the question.
I mean, that's Jean Pierre.
She gets a question, she looks down at her cue cards, she reads off the cue cards.
She's essentially a 2-bit computer in a 16-bit world.
Notice the lies.
They don't stop lying.
Again, let's go back to the Biden statement that she reiterates there.
She says the same thing.
They're both reading off the same script.
Who's writing it for them is the question.
Biden says, today I'm building...
On that progress.
They're making progress here.
Destroying America, I guess.
I'm building on that progress by authorizing the Defense Production Act to lower energy costs.
How's that going?
All the energy costs are going up, but he says he's going to lower them.
Strengthen the power grid.
Really, we're being warned about rolling blackouts all summer, so I guess that's failing too.
Good paying jobs.
People can't afford rents anymore, so I don't know where those are going.
And then Jean-Pierre added another one.
Tackle the climate crisis.
Well, what's the climate crisis?
Well, that's man-made climate change.
Oh, man-made.
So what are you going to do?
You're going to tackle man down to the ground and end it.
But see, notice how she doesn't answer the question.
What was the question?
The question was, what emergency is going on right now for Biden to invoke such an act?
What emergency is going on right now for Biden to invoke the Defense Production Act?
Well, of course, we know what the emergency is, and we know why Jean-Pierre didn't tell you what the emergency is, because the emergency is Joe Biden.
The emergency is Democrat Party policies.
They are the emergency.
So now they are taking more power because of the emergency they caused.
Man oh man, why are energy prices skyrocketing right now?
Gas prices, energy prices to heat your home, why is it all skyrocketing?
Hmm, maybe I can, maybe I can look to the energy department, maybe I can look to the energy industry, let's see what we have here, let's see, here we go, okay.
Pride Month news and happenings specifically for the energy industry.
Ah, oh, okay.
I see.
And then, yeah, you have Jennifer Granholm.
They're launching all these LGBTQ plus initiatives for the Energy Department, the Biden Department of Energy.
It's all about how gay they are.
Do you think I could maybe like... Do you think that works in energy?
Like maybe taking two male sockets and jamming them together?
Do you think that would transfer energy?
Or maybe two female sockets or putting, you know, both plus signs of the battery jamming them together?
Do you think that would work?
Can you have gay batteries?
Would that provide any energy?
So I'm not sure why the Energy Department is so interested in how gay it is.
Oh, maybe this answers it.
Pete Buttjudge.
Maybe that's what it is.
It's Pete Buttjudge in there.
We all know about how he's so gay.
He's the gayest.
And he rides bicycles.
And so, what is Pete Buttjudge doing?
Well, I don't know, folks, but we've got horrifying news here.
Any chances, any chances we had of lowering energy costs are probably going downhill with this horrible news.
Pete Buttjudge wants you to know he has tested positive for COVID-19.
Oh my.
Oh no.
I think he's been boosted twice.
I think he's, what is he, a three injection?
Three COVID-19 injection guy?
He's got COVID.
And he's experiencing mild symptoms.
Oh, he's got a tummy ache, guys.
What's next?
You got a headache?
Did you jam your toe?
You get a little hangnail?
Get a little cough?
Little runny nose?
I plan to work remotely while isolating according to the CDC guidelines.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you so much.
I was so concerned about that.
And look forward to when I can safely return to the office and the road.
Oh my gosh.
I mean, so noble.
I mean, the honor and nobility of a peat butt judge.
I'm curious, is he going to be breastfeeding his babies while he's got COVID?
You know, how does that work?
Well, I guess we have more questions on that deal.
But, uh, so Pete Buttjudge, you don't even know what he does on a daily basis anyway, uh, wants you to know he's got COVID.
And he's got a little runny nose.
And so now every time somebody gets a cough, I guess they have to let us know, is that what this is about?
Hey, you need a couple days off work cause you're sick?
Take a couple days off work cause you're sick!
But no, you gotta let everybody know, oh COVID, I've got COVID.
What's more important?
The fear-mongering over a virus or promoting the efficacy of the vaccines?
Well, we have our answer.
Fear-mongering over a virus because all these politicians that are multiple-time COVID-19 vaccine injectors are all getting COVID.
But they'd rather you be in fear of COVID Then admit that the vaccines don't work.
And by the way, they do want you living in fear.
I've got more news on that.
The monkey pox.
But what are we going to be missing from Pete Buttjudge as he's out with COVID?
What could we possibly be missing?
Oh, Pete Buttjudge blaming everyone else.
Pete Buttjudge blames big oil!
Ridiculously profitable for record high gas prices.
I mean, this is such a lie, folks.
So, yeah, do oil companies make a lot of money?
I don't think anybody denies that.
I don't think they deny that.
Could you call them greedy?
But that's not what this is about.
The oil companies can't drill, so You know, they always talk about having a finite amount of oil.
What do they used to call that in the 90s?
Peak oil, I think, is what they called it.
It was the propaganda saying that, you know, we're going to run out of oil.
Well, now, basically, the Democrats have put us into that circumstance synthetically.
So they've created a scarcity of energy and oil.
So, of course, price is going to go up.
They've made it more expensive to transport and process the oil.
So, of course, prices are going to go up.
So when they blame big oil, they might as well just blame themselves.
What's the difference between now and two years ago?
Why weren't prices this high two years ago?
Big oil was still there.
Big oil was still making record money.
Big oil was still greedy.
Big oil was still profitable.
Why is the money so much now?
Because Democrat Party policy.
That's why.
They've shut down drilling.
They've actually made scarcity in the oil markets.
And they tax you almost out of existence.
So no.
Big oil is not to blame for gas prices.
Democrat Party policy is.
So we're going to be missing Pete Buttjudge, blaming everyone else for what he's done.
Biden officials admit Americans feeling the pain of inflation, but still play blame game.
Yes, they are the emergency.
But they say, hey, most robust recovery ever.
That's what you call record inflation?
Most robust recovery ever is record inflation?
Most robust recovery ever is record high gas prices, energy prices?
Very interesting.
Most robust recovery ever.
Is record high consumer price index increases.
Most robust recovery ever.
Pete Buttjudge says gas prices are not set by a dial in the White House.
I had it all wrong.
That's how I thought it worked.
I thought Biden could just turn it down.
No, instead he's turning it up.
But in a way it kind of is, isn't it?
There is a dial.
It's called taxes.
It's called policy.
So in a way, there is a dial.
So when you turn up the dial on taxes, and when you turn down the dial on access, what do you think happens?
Well, the gas prices turn up the dial.
The gas oil companies turn up the prices on the dial.
So really, there is a dial in the White House.
But hey, don't worry because the press secretary says, hey, it's worse in Europe.
It's worse in Europe, guys.
White House tells Americans they have it better than Europeans on gas prices.
Oh, well, you know, what are they going to tell you next?
Hey, you got it better than a Jew in Hitler's Germany, am I right?
I mean, hey!
Yeah, you don't own anything.
Yeah, you live in a pod with 16 smelly fat asses.
And yeah, you don't own anything.
Yeah, you have no privacy.
Yeah, you're poor.
But you got it better than a Jew in Nazi Germany!
I mean, come on, man!
I'm a Democrat!
I made your life better than a Jew in Nazi Germany!
Thank you and you're welcome!
Better than Europe, they say.
Better than Europe.
I don't know.
I mean, that's a nice dance move from the black, gay press secretary.
I mean, she's really, she feels good.
She was able to read off of her cue cards for 60 seconds straight without flummoxing.
That feels good for a moron.
For somebody that usually gets Fs on tests, when they get a B, they feel really good about it.
And they do a little dance.
They do a little, they're getting jiggy with it there.
Better off than Europe, they say.
What about the diversity?
How's that one working out?
30 North African migrants sexually assault 16 girls on train to Milan.
Folks, this is one of the most disgusting stories you're ever going to read about her here.
White women don't come up here.
Bunch of North Africans.
But hey, it's their culture.
If a woman shows skin, then you rape them.
That's their culture.
You bigot.
So, those six minor girls, those six teenage girls that are minors, that got raped by North Africans, flown in by liberals, they deserved that rape!
So, but, oh, see, if you have the debate, the rape debate in America, and you say, hey, look, that girl walked around, you know, dressed like a slut, Liberals say, oh, that's slut-shaming, how dare you blame them?
And fine, I don't agree that dressing like that means you should get raped, of course not.
But see, oh, in some Muslim cultures and the North African culture, where they do rape boys and girls, and then they say, hey, don't be bigoted, that's their culture.
Folks, can you imagine six teenage girls on a train in Italy, shouldn't even be worried about this stuff, and a bunch of A bunch of degenerates from another country come out and say, oh, you white women showing your skin, we're raping you now on a train.
How far will the fear-mongering for monkeypox go?
How far will it go indeed?
Biden's CDC says, put the masks back on for monkey pox.
Now remember, the DOJ is trying to get mask mandates back.
Why the DOJ would have anything to do with that is beyond anyone's comprehension, but it's the Democrat Party.
Everything is political and it's all about mandates.
And so mandates are one of their top things.
They're Democrats, they're fascists, they're authoritarians.
They love their mandates.
And so they now want to start Convincing people to wear a mask because of monkey pox.
They say if you're traveling, you should wear a mask.
Well, everyone's traveling.
And then they say, oh, but see, travelers should wear masks.
The official CDC statement.
Because they've updated the monkey pox threat to level two now, folks.
Ooga booga.
And so, ooga booga monkey pox!
And so here's the official statement from the CDC.
Travelers should wear a mask.
Wearing a mask can help protect you from many diseases, including monkeypox.
Oh, from many diseases.
Ah, yes.
You should live in fear forever.
You should always live in fear.
Your life should be dominated by fear.
But don't worry.
We'll have mandates to mitigate your fear.
Ah ha ha, yes.
Oh, any diseases.
Oh, hey, oh!
Yeah, I mean, I think you should probably wear a helmet because you might run into a post or a light pole or something.
You should probably wear a helmet.
A rock might fall from the sky.
I mean, God forbid a shrapnel from a meteor strike you in the head.
You might not have a helmet on.
There's inherent risk.
Wear a helmet.
I mean, you could trip.
In one of these Democrat cities where they can't even pave a road, potholes everywhere.
You could trip in a Democrat pothole and you could scuff your knee up pretty bad.
You should probably be wearing knee pads, too.
This is serious stuff.
So, I mean, that's the new Democrat voter.
face masks 24/7, helmet 24/7, knee pads 24/7, probably a hazmat suit on top of all of it.
But see that's why they're all falling for the propaganda.
That's why they're all convinced the answer to this planet, the answer to life that they're so afraid of, is to just sit in a pod all day and eat bugs and watch Netflix.
And their biggest problem is that most people don't like that.
Most people actually like life.
Most people like the challenges, the obstacles, the victories, the defeat, the triumphs.
The experiences, the risks, the loving, the losing, all of it.
We like it.
We like life.
But see, that's the New World Order.
They want you to hate life so that they can make you a good, obedient slave.
So let's see.
How many cases of monkeypox does it take to get to a level 2 alert?
Well, I'll tell you. 31.
31 cases of monkeypox.
There's probably 31 cases of monkeypox in the average North African country every day.
Every day.
And by the way, they can treat it.
I'm not saying you want to get it, but...
I mean, it's not the 99.99% survival rate of COVID, but, you know, wear your mask, wear your hazmat suit, wear your knee pads, wear your helmet.
You should probably just walk around with a condom on all the time, too.
You know, you never know.
You never know.
You may get raped in a Democrat city at any time.
So just as a matter of protection, probably wear a condom.
And you know what?
I mean, you might just want to, I mean, you know, if you have a little child with you, they may actually need to learn this now.
We're in the Democrats' America.
Five years ago, this would be inappropriate for children, but we're in Democrat America now.
You may also want to walk around with a butt plug.
Because for multiple reasons.
You can stop somebody from raping you from behind.
Happens in Democrat cities.
And more importantly though, you'll stop your carbon emissions.
And you'll plug up that carbon emissions spout on your back end.
And so, you know, I mean, look, we're just looking out for the environment here.
And this is liberal logic.
And plus, doing something like that, you're standing in solidarity with the homosexual community.
So, I mean, if you're not walking around, you know, with some sort of gay sex toy, are you really doing anything for the homosexual community in this Gay Pride Month?
Are you really an ally?
Are you really an activist?
Wear that mask for monkey pox, folks.
But here's a doctor that tells the truth, Dr. Simone Gold.
Masks don't stop viruses.
It turns out they're actually harmful.
That's right.
That's right.
And we knew that already, but Democrats never saw a mandate they didn't want to promote, and so they brought you the mask mandate.
That did nothing.
And they're going to bring it back.
Oh, they're going to bring that mask mandate back.
And I say go for it.
I say go for it.
You know what?
At this point, the Democrats might as well just show their full ass.
They might as well just take the mask off.
I mean, look, they're already telling us They don't believe in the Bill of Rights.
They don't believe in the Constitution.
Your rights are not set in stone.
How did Biden say it?
Not absolute.
Your rights are not absolute.
So they're coming out telling you they're openly traitors.
They're openly treasonous.
They don't believe in the Bill of Rights.
They don't believe in the Constitution.
It's something they swore an oath to.
And they love mandates.
They love medical mandates, which is essentially fascism.
And that's what it's all about.
And so I'm glad they're taking off their mask.
I'm glad they're showing us who they are.
And go ahead, bring back the mask mandates, please.
And let's see more medical mandates from you guys, too.
Just keep destroying people's lives.
Just keep destroying our freedoms.
Just keep showing America who you really are.
We've known who you are.
It's time for the rest of the people to understand.
And then they mandated that vaccine.
And I'm sure it has nothing to do with this.
Dental nurse, 24 years old, died from sudden adult death syndrome.
Went to sleep, never woke up.
This is the new thing, folks.
Sudden adult death syndrome.
Sudden adult death syndrome.
Yes, it's called cover-up from a vaccine death.
Now, is that every case?
Is that this girl's case?
We'll probably never know, because people don't want to be honest about the deadly vaccines, the COVID-19 vaccines.
But, you can go right to the Vaccine Adverse Reaction website, and you will find official government data that so far about 33,000 people have died from the COVID-19 vaccine.
That's official government data.
More than 30,000 people have died from the COVID-19 vaccine.
Guess what?
That's more people that have died from gun violence.
Should we ban vaccines?
I mean, come on now.
Let's go with the Democrat Party logic.
So because people die from gun violence, We ban guns, so because people die from vaccines, we should ban vaccines.
Vaccines kill more than guns.
Now, with the COVID vaccine, it's not even close.
30,000 plus dead from COVID vaccines.
We should ban COVID vaccines.
Well, of course we should ban the COVID poison vaccine.
We've known that since day one.
But I'm just using liberal logic here.
If gun violence kills people and we want to ban guns, even though we have a right to it, well, why aren't you banning the COVID vaccine that kills more people than guns?
Why aren't you doing that?
Why aren't you doing that?
Oh, that's right, because you promoted it.
You promoted that medical fascism.
You promoted that medical mandate that killed 30,000 plus people.
That's why.
That's why.
Now here's another interesting story.
Miracle Drug shows 100% remission for all cancer patients during drug trial.
A potential new miracle cancer treatment resulted in remission for every patient enrolled in a clinical trial at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
And that place may suddenly burn to the ground.
You know what I mean?
Hey, I think we got a plan to cure cancer, and then all of a sudden a fire breaks out at the facility.
You know what I mean?
You know how that works?
By the way, you know, I wasn't planning on doing this today.
I still have the research pulled up on my office computer, but since I'm on it right now, I'll just go ahead and tell you.
Did you know this is wild stuff, folks?
Did you know one of the individuals that was killed in the Buffalo shooting?
Did you know one of the individuals killed in the Buffalo shooting was working on a engine that could run off of water?
Did you know that?
I'm not even kidding you!
There were local news reports and everything!
He was inventing an engine that ran off of water.
I'm not even kidding you.
I know you don't believe it.
I may go print it off on my desk and cover it in the war room.
But beware!
And we went out and looked at the top brands, the top reviews, and came out with Alpha Power.
Now it's so hard to source good, clean herbs like we have in this that it's been sold out for more than six months, but now Alpha Power is back in stock at InfoWarsTore.com at 40% off.
Go to InfoWarsTore.com and read about these compounds and ingredients for yourself, and then try it for yourself.
Now the formula's made for men, but it does amazing things for women as well.
Find out what just one of the ingredients does, LJ100, and then go on from there.
Alpha Power.
I'm no stranger to a Democrat-Liberal-lying psychopath.
They're frickin' everywhere, man.
and it funds the info war. You are really missing out if you don't experience what Alpha
Power does. It has improved my life and so many others just at incredible levels.
I'm no stranger to a Democrat-Liberal-lying psychopath.
They're freaking everywhere, man.
Not quite as, uh, not quite as soothing as a rainfall.
No, it's like nails on a chalkboard, actually.
Satan's nails on a chalkboard.
Democrat Party policy.
And so, let's see here.
Gas prices, energy prices, consumer price index.
It's all on the rise post-Biden.
There's no denying it.
No, it's not Russia.
It's Biden.
It's the Democrats.
Here's your gay energy secretary.
You have to say he's gay.
Don't be a bigot.
It's Pride Month now, so let's make sure everybody knows how gay Pete Buttjudge is.
Very important.
No, I'm not being bigoted.
I'm being an ally.
Gay Buttjudge, the energy secretary.
It's Pride Month.
Gay Buttjudge.
Here's him, you know, answering the question, hey, how come all the energy prices are skyrocketing since Biden got into office?
Here's gay Buttjudge.
America's fuel gas price is just about more than anything else.
We're seeing $5 a gallon, approaching $5 a gallon across the country right now as we head into the summer vacation season.
Earlier this year, the President tapped the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
It hasn't made any difference at all.
Was that a failure?
Well, look, I don't think it's correct to say it hasn't made any difference at all.
This is an action that helped to stabilize global oil prices.
The action the president took around ethanol, introducing additional flexibility there, that's having an effect on prices in the Midwest.
But we also know that the price of gasoline is not set by a dial in the Oval Office.
Can you believe what he just said?
He said...
Biden releasing America's strategic oil reserves balanced oil prices on a global scale.
Now why would he say something like that?
I thought it was all about America.
Folks, Biden has almost drained half of our strategic oil reserves.
I think it's 40% now.
So we have 60% oil reserves that we had when Biden got into office.
They'll probably release more this summer.
Most of that oil went overseas.
Most of that oil went to Europe.
And then they still lie, and they say, well, it's helped balance the prices.
Because Europe has the highest gas prices they've ever had too.
So where is the balancing here?
Where are gas prices going down?
Where is any victory from releasing the strategic oil reserves?
There is none.
Pete Buttjudge is a liar.
And he says, oh, there's no dial in the Oval Office.
Yeah, actually there is.
You turn up the dial on taxes and regulation, which increases the price.
You turn down the dial on access, which increases the price.
So yeah, there are dials in the White House.
Pete Buttigieg is a Democrat, so therefore he's a liar.
And now here's the arrogance of the Democrats.
Here's a Democrat, again, it's so incredible how detached they are from reality and how insensitive they are when they make comments like this in front of Congress in clip 15.
I do have to say, just on the issue of gas prices, after waiting for a long time to have enough trips in this country to finally get my electric vehicle, I got it and drove it from Michigan to here this last weekend and went by every single gas station and it didn't matter how high it was.
And so, I'm looking forward to the opportunity for us to move to vehicles that aren't going to be dependent on the whims of the oil companies and the international markets.
The whims of the oil companies.
No, again, it's the whims of the Democrats.
It's Democrat Party policy.
God, please free me from these damn demons.
These Democrats are all such lying scumbags.
They're just crushing us.
So, oh, she says, oh, I've had to, I've had to scratch and claw my entire, how old is Debbie Stabenow?
70 years old?
I've had to scratch and claw my entire life to finally be able to afford a $50,000, $60,000 electric vehicle, and then I'm gonna rub it in America's faces saying, huh, you can't afford gas prices, why don't you get yourself an electric car?
Let's see!
I can't afford $5 a gallon gasoline, I can't afford $100 to fill my tank, so I'll go out and buy a $50,000 vehicle.
That must be Democrat liberal logic!
But they rub it in your, they rub it, just go get an electric vehicle, let them eat cake!
Third hour here of the Alex Jones Show, and by the way, I was not kidding.
Some of the crew thought I was joking.
They thought it was some kind of a ruse.
But the crew went and investigated.
I don't have my research in front of me.
It's sitting on my office desk.
I wasn't even going to cover it because it's so crazy, but maybe I will.
Maybe later on the war room, but no.
What was the guy's name, guys?
I forget the guy's name.
Say it one more time for me.
Aaron Salter.
So there's Aaron Salter.
He was working on developing an engine that could run on water.
Here's some of his videos that were on the internet.
He'd been interviewed by local news multiple times, special news reports on it and everything.
And he just happened to be in the Buffalo supermarket that day where a individual drove 300 miles to go commit a mass shooting that day.
This guy had patents and everything.
Um, think what you want of that.
What are the odds of that?
So, no, I was not, that was not a ruse, that was not a joke, I was dead serious.
I mean, what are the odds of that, folks?
So, there you go.
I mean, you want to talk about attacking big oil?
But, uh, anyway, anyway.
These are just some of the oddities.
These are just some of the craziness.
Some of the craziness we, uh, experience here.
Pretty wild.
Here's another one.
Remember, um, I believe it was Vince Foster.
You guys remember Vince Foster?
Guys, plug Vince Foster into a search engine here.
I believe it was Vince Foster, was the individual who, uh, former Clinton associate who somehow managed to chop himself up.
Into pieces, and then put himself into a duffel bag, and then even after he chopped himself into tiny pieces and got into a duffel bag, he was then able to transport himself hundreds of miles.
Vince Foster, I believe was his name.
Incredible stuff Clinton Associates are able to accomplish while committing suicide.
I mean, just unbelievable features that we're witnessing here from Clinton Associates.
Yes, there it is right there.
Yes, he chopped himself up into pieces.
First he killed himself, then he chopped himself into pieces, then he climbed into a duffel bag, and then he relocated his rotting corpse pieces to a park a couple hundred miles away.
It makes sense.
It makes sense.
And so here's another one, another Clinton associate.
Family of Bill Clinton advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times has blocked release of files detailing the death scene after he was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast at a ranch 30 miles from his home.
Top Clinton advisor Mark Middleton died by suicide at the age of 59.
The Perry County Sheriff's Office in Arkansas has confirmed.
Another Arkansas.
Middleton was President Bill Clinton's special advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein to the White House 7 of the at least 17 times the pedophile visited Clinton.
The married father of two who lived in Little Rock, Arkansas shot himself at the ranch 30 miles from his house.
So did he shoot himself before he hung himself?
Did he hung himself before he shot himself?
I don't know, it's fun.
Did Vince Foster chop himself up before or after he killed himself?
Did he hop into the duffel bag and then kill himself?
Did he get in the duffel bag and then chop himself up and then kill himself?
Did Vince Foster get in the duffel bag, chop himself up, crawl hundreds of miles to a park in Washington and then kill himself?
What about Mark Middleton?
Did he hang himself and then shoot himself with a shotgun?
Did he shoot himself with a shotgun and then hang himself?
Just amazing stuff.
Always the Clinton Associates.
And they say, I mean, it's too good to be true!
The two filed the family Daily Mail can reveal now, Middleton's father Larry and his widow Ray are fighting to keep photos and other illustrative content of his death sealed.
The two filed for an injunction arguing that blocking the release of the footage would halt a proliferation of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
Yes, making sure nobody knows about the next Clinton associate that somehow committed suicide in a wild fashion, making sure that you block that information, that's going to stop conspiracy theories.
That's going to stop it.
So, and the county has denied FOIA requests for any paperwork on the case.
I'm sure that will also help.
Conspiracy theories.
So, what's weirder?
The fact that an individual, supposedly, is about to make an engine that runs on water, gets shot in a mass shooting where an individual travels 300 miles to go to that supermarket in particular?
Maybe it's Vince Foster chopping himself up, crawling into a duffel bag, shooting himself in the head and then crawling hundreds of miles before being discovered.
Or maybe it's Mark Middleton, one of Clinton's top associates, who ushered Jeffrey Epstein into the White House multiple times.
Was a concierge, if you will, for Jeffrey Epstein, the industrial-level sex trafficker to Bill Clinton, and how he somehow hung himself and shot himself at the same time.
And you're not going to hear or see anything about that because it's all being covered up, and they say this will stop conspiracy theories from spreading.
Crazy, crazy times.
Crazy times indeed.
And now here's the latest.
Nude Hunter Biden cavorts with hooker illegal gun in latest mess for president.
Are you kidding?
What mess?
This mess is going to be, this mess is cleaned up before it barely even spreads.
This mess is covered by the media.
They're not going to cover Hunter Biden's gun crimes.
So let's see here.
Oh, the party that's all about gun control.
Let's see here.
Hunter Biden lied on federal documents to get a gun.
He then also had an illegal firearm that he ditched in a dumpster behind a schoolyard.
How's that for gun control from the Biden crime family?
Lies on federal documents.
Also has illegal firearms.
Ditches them in dumpsters outside of children's playgrounds.
Secret Service covers all of it up.
Now you've got Hunter Biden Who films himself having porn with what many say appear to be minors or family members, and then he sends his porn to his dad!
Hunter Biden sends his porn to his father!
And now you've got new photos with Hunter Biden brandishing a firearm with hookers and drugs.
Why is Hunter Biden always naked with hookers and drugs?
What is the deal with that?
I mean, look, if you've had one instance in your life where you're naked getting photoed with hookers and drugs and guns, then you've probably had one wild night.
My guess is 99.99% of people probably have never had a night where they're brandishing firearms, naked, abusing drugs and hookers.
Let alone being filmed or photographed while that's going on.
But apparently this is commonplace for Hunter Biden.
Is this before or after he smokes the Parmesan cheese?
It's just... It's really amazing, isn't it?
And... It's not about whataboutism.
It's showing the double standard.
It's showing the corruption.
It's showing the hypocrisy.
I don't like doing the, well, what if it was Trump?
But I mean, let's be honest.
If Trump had 50 associates that committed suicide with crazy stories like Vince Foster and Mark Middleton, do you think the media would make a big deal of that?
Do you think they'd be saying, hey, he's like some mafia criminal boss having people off?
Do you think so?
But with the Clintons, you don't talk about it.
What about if Don Trump Jr.
Was making porn, ordering hookers, abusing drugs, videotaping it, filming it, all this stuff.
Do you think the media would cover that?
Do you think they'd make a big fuss out of it?
By the way, it just came out, one of Hunter Biden's hookers...
Folks, one of Hunter Biden's hookers got PP money or whatever from the Biden administration, tens of thousands of dollars.
Joe Biden's administration literally gave tens of thousands of dollars, taxpayer dollars, to Hunter Biden's hookers.
Again, should I say it?
Imagine if it was Trump?
So in the latest virtue signal attempt, well, one of them from the Democrats in response to a shooting, Something they mimicked from Nazi Germany is they put a bunch of shoes out on the lawn of the Capitol to show victims.
I guess to show supporters of gun control, and it didn't really fill it up, but a bunch of people left their shoes.
No, the original stunt, or the original illustration rather, was done by Jews that were killed by Nazis.
Shoes left by victims of gun control.
Nazi Germany, 1945.
So, sorry liberals, sorry democrats, the victims of gun control outnumber Outnumber there the victims of gun violence.
And it's really not even close.
Ask the Chinese under Mao Zedong.
Ask the Jews under Hitler.
Ask the Cambodians under Pol Pot.
The list goes on and on.
But that's the left.
That's the leftist ideology.
It's all about control, and then ultimately it's all about mass death.
That's where the leftist ideology always leads to, in case you haven't figured that out yet.
Here's an example.
California, number one in gun control, number one in active shooter incidents.
How's gun control working for California?
Not so hot.
Not so well.
Here's a map of what's happened in California in the last 40 years.
And on the left, what you see is that California was a red state in 1980.
A red state.
California was doing awfully well in the 1980s, by the way.
Doing really well in the 1980s.
Very prosperous state.
And what has happened since?
Well, since, slowly but surely, the Democrats have taken control of California, and now it's one of the worst states to live in.
People are fleeing the hellhole that is Blue California.
The question that begs asking here is, well, are these legitimate election results?
Are Democrats legitimately taking over the state despite destroying it the entire time?
Or is it rigged elections?
Well, I don't know, but we can clearly see that as California went more blue, went more Democrat, it also went more into a hellhole situation.
And one of the candidates running against Gavin Newsom is Michael Schellenberger, and he's sharing some of the data.
Drug overdose and poisoning deaths have doubled since the election of Governor Gavin Newsom in 2018, and yet he refuses to shut down the open-air drug markets in our cities.
As Governor, I will shut down the open-air markets that are killing our people and ruining our cities.
And then he shows the graph here.
You can see it literally has gone from 6,000 drug overdose deaths in California to 12,000 Since they implemented things like the Safe Needle program.
And remember they said, oh, we're not giving drug paraphernalia to citizens.
Yeah, they are, folks.
Yeah, they are.
Not only are they giving them drug paraphernalia, they're giving them what they call safe spaces to go use and abuse drugs.
Safe drug use doubles the death.
You think that's by accident?
Let me ask you.
Do you think it's by accident that Democrats encourage deadly drug use, and then facilitate it, and then they double the drug overdose death?
Do you think that's by accident?
Do you think that's a mistake?
Or could someone have maybe reached the logic of, if you're going to poison yourself to death, let me just fast track that process for you.
Which one do you think it is?
Do you think Democrats are intentionally getting people to overdose on drugs, or do you think they're getting people to overdose on drugs accidentally?
Which one is it?
Are Democrats intentionally killing people or accidentally killing people?
You decide.
Here's some more examples.
Drug deaths and shoplifting have skyrocketed since their decriminalization in 2014, but Newsom refuses to restore penalties for either, not even mandatory rehab and psychiatric care.
percent of shoplifting cases ending in arrest in san francisco has gone from sixty percent in twenty fourteen to now fifteen percent fifteen percent let's see if criminals know the odds of them not getting arrested or getting away with a crime Better than 50%?
Do you think they're going to want to commit crimes?
And if it's 15% of punishing after you commit a crime, do you think they're going to increase committing crimes?
Well, of course.
So not only is the number, not only is the percentage of arrests for criminal activity going down, not only is that going down, the number of crimes is also going up.
So you're getting the old double team there by the Democrats.
The old double team.
But see, it's a complete disaster.
Chessa Bodine and the limits of San Francisco liberalism.
Folks, this is actually one of the wildest things.
Chessa Bodine.
Okay, do you know who Chessa Bodine's mother is?
Oh, she was just a member of the Democrat leftist group called the Weather Underground that engaged in domestic terrorism, like burning buildings to the ground.
Yeah, that was the mother.
I don't even believe this, honestly, and I've gone back and looked at this over and over, and I still don't even believe it.
So the radical Democrat terrorist, who by the way got released from jail and got a teaching job at Columbia University.
Democrats, liberals always protect their own even if they're murderous terrorists.
Cop killers.
She ended up getting paid as a professor at Columbia.
And then am I really supposed to sit here and believe that the son of that woman, that known terrorist, is now the San Francisco District Attorney?
Am I really in that much of a twilight zone?
Have Democrats really gone that terrorist?
It's just, and that it is.
I mean, it's mind-blowing, but it's true.
And these are the people that are facilitating crime in Democrat cities.
They're criminals themselves, or they come from criminal bloodlines.
You can't even believe it, but it's true.
You can't even believe it, but it's true.
You want to know why San Francisco is such a hellhole?
Democrats, that's why.
And you remember the story about the New York Democrat attorneys that got caught firebombing during the liberal summer of rage in 2020?
You remember that?
Remember them?
Well, their case was finished.
And they had reached a deal.
And they were facing up to 30 years in prison.
And then the department, the Biden Department of Justice decided they were just going to inject themselves into this.
No request, no reasoning, no standard, no precedent.
They just voluntarily inject themselves into this.
And they're going to make sure that those two Democrat terrorists, those lawyers, Colin Ford Mattis and Uraj Rahman, they're going to make sure they don't see any jail time at all, or very little amount of jail time.
Is that not unbelievable?
I'm just... You can't believe it, folks.
You can't believe it.
The Biden DOJ steps in to bail out Democrat terrorists.
Because, see, it's all about promoting Democrat violence.
That's what it's all about.
It's all about letting their terrorists know that when you commit crimes, we will have your back.
But where are the Republicans on all the political prisoners of the Democrat Party rotting in jails right now that are completely innocent or did victimless crimes?
Where are the Republicans on that?
Meanwhile, Democrats are bailing out known terrorists and murderers.
Go and turn up that disco.
You'll forget you were ever upset We'll convert your children
And make an ally of union We'll make an ally of union
We'll make an ally of union A little pride
We'll convert your children Then we'll turn to you
Giving up the fear inside Is creating like you never knew
This is what you call brainwashing, folks.
None of it's organic.
It's all propaganda.
It's all brainwashing.
It's all astroturf.
It's all a corrupt political agenda.
But, you know, that song there, That was from the San Francisco Choir, I believe it was last year, when you had conservatives warning about what Democrats were doing to children.
Promoting them into sexualization, promoting them into sexual deviancy, and quite frankly, just outright engaging in pedophile behavior.
And so that's what this is now.
Little rendition from that choir there.
It hits a little bit differently after this weekend, doesn't it?
In fact, guys, I want to do this.
Because there's a very important thing, there's a very important lesson that I want to teach here today that some people may not understand.
When you see this stuff, but guys, yeah, you guys are reading my mind.
What I want to do is I want to play that again.
I want to play the audio, but let's have it playing with sights and scenes, not the sound.
So I want the audio from the San Francisco Choir saying, we'll convert your children.
I mean, that's a direct threat.
I mean, I don't know how else we're going to convert your children to a sexual deviancy.
I mean, that's, I don't know how that's not a direct threat.
And then, but guys, I want the pictures and the scenes and the videos from the event in Dallas on the screen as we play the video, or as we play the audio, because it just hits differently, doesn't it?
And I'm kind of springing on this on the crew last minute, but it just came to me.
Guys, can we make that happen?
Do we have all those elements ready to go?
So guys, so again, that was the San Francisco choir making a joke out of conservatives warning about how the left is sexualizing children and quite frankly engaged in, I mean, if it's not pedophile activity, it's as close as you can get to it.
And so the video just hits differently after this weekend.
Here it is.
Go and see San Francisco.
Go and turn up that disco.
You'll forget you were ever upset.
You'll forget you were ever upset.
We'll convert your children and make an ally of you yet.
Before we get...
I want you to be an ally of...of...of evil.
No, you're not.
We're not going to be an ally of evil.
We're going to be an ally of evil.
then we'll turn to...
Go and turn up that disco.
Go and see San Francisco Go and turn up that disco
You'll forget you were ever upset Just hits differently, doesn't it?
Is that still a joke?
Is that still a joke, San Francisco Men's Choir?
Is that still a joke?
Or does that provide the right dressing to the activities that went down in Dallas this last weekend?
So, here's what needs to be understood about why this is happening.
And why they're targeting children.
The truth is, most of these people are not actually pedophiles.
Pedophiles will take advantage of this system, obviously.
But most of the people engaging in this, promoting this, are not pedophiles themselves.
They understand the power of propaganda, and they understand the power in taking the innocence from the youth and brainwashing them at a young age, so that they can be controlled.
That's what this is all about.
And so let me tie it into something else that's happening right now.
There's a new Top Gun movie, Maverick, and it's very popular.
People are happy because it promotes America as a force of good.
It promotes the Navy and pilots as awesome badasses, and it's just a very pro-Americana type thing.
Top Gun inspires patriotic fervor as surge trends to become fighter pilots soar, and apparently Navy fighter pilot requests are up too.
That's the power of propaganda.
Now, am I saying Top Gun Maverick is a propaganda film?
Well, anything can be propaganda.
I'm saying it's influential.
I'm saying it has an impact.
Now, the social engineers obviously know the power of this.
Hollywood obviously knows the power of this, has for a long time.
The Nazis understood this.
Goebbels, Bernays, I mean, it's very well known, the power of propaganda.
And so, Use Top Gun Maverick as an example, but there's so many others.
How many movies have inspired people and influenced their lives?
It can be silly movies like Star Wars, but then that ended up having a major impact on people.
I'm sure there's movies that you remember watching as a kid that had big impact on your life and put something into your head that inspired you.
So they understand that, and they understand that it's the most impressionable at a young age.
So that's why they're targeting the children with all of this.
So yes, they are grooming them.
Absolutely grooming them.
Now, to what ends?
I'm open for debate.
Now, are they literally just grooming them so that they can engage in sexual acts with them?
Or is there something else going on here?
Are they grooming them to somehow think that they're going to be voters for the Democrat Party if they turn gay the rest of their lives?
Is it just all about more satanic activity and sexual deviation?
I mean, so, but that's what's going on.
They're going after the kids, it's all propaganda, and it's all meant to hit them when they're innocent, hit them when they're impressionable, so that they can control them the rest of their lives.
And if you can be controlled via sex, that's huge.
And they know that.
So that's why they're doing it to the kids.
And I had somebody who's a liberal reach out to me.
A friend of mine who follows the show, I mean, disagrees with me, but knows he's going to get more accurate information from me than anywhere else, and he says, you know, you shouldn't just sit here and call all these people pedophiles because it turns people like me off.
I feel like you're exaggerating and you're overblowing it.
So fine, I'll hear that.
If you don't want to call that pedophilia what happened in Dallas this weekend, if you don't want to call that pedophilia, then fine.
I mean, but can we not come to a mutual agreement that that is most certainly inappropriate?
And if not borderlining on child abuse, if not borderlining on pedophilia, at least it's inappropriate.
I mean, can we not all agree on that?
But they're not gonna stop, folks.
Arlington, Texas is having a Disney drag brunch this upcoming Sunday.
I have a feeling some people are going to show up to protest this too.
June 12th, two shows.
Drag Brunch for Kids.
Featuring Mystique Summers!
And other drag queen story time people.
But they don't even do the story time anymore.
It's just drag queen strip tease.
It's drag queen sexual time.
It's drag queen dance time for kids.
So that's this Sunday, June 12th.
Two shows.
Troy's Inside Texas Live Disney Drag Brunch.
I'm sure that's going to be so good for kids.
That's going to be show great.
And I'm sure lots of conservatives will show up to tell you how they really feel about it.
Here's the solution.
Texas lawmaker proposes ban on minors attending drag shows.
This is the answer right here.
Make them defend child drag shows.
Make them defend this inappropriate activity, borderlining on pedophilia.
Make them defend it.
Make the public see it.
That's the answer.
My final segment here hosting the Alex Jones Show, Wayne Allen Root taking over the fourth hour and then I'm back hosting the War Room 3 to 6 p.m.
And I've done such a good job getting through all the news today, I'm probably going to have time for some phone calls, but I do have a great guest coming up on the War Room as well.
You're not going to want to miss.
Ladies and gentlemen, as I said earlier, we are now down to our final thousand.
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So that's what your support at Infowarsstore.com does.
All right.
Let's look at some of these other news stories before Wayne Allen Root takes over.
Mexican President Calls for American Superstate and Open Borders.
Well, we're essentially already there.
There already is a wide open border.
The problem is, you know, here's the thing.
In a way, in a way, sadly we've reached a point where this would actually benefit the U.S.
in some ways.
It would hurt the U.S.
in some ways, benefit the U.S.
in other ways, but right now, it's just, the open border is just hurting us.
So really, we just need to close the border, and do no more illegal immigration.
That's the obvious answer.
But, if we just opened the borders, that would provide us an avenue to get rid of the welfare state!
If we just officially said no more borders, well then we would get rid of the welfare state, and we wouldn't be spending hundreds of billions of dollars on non-citizens and illegal immigrants like we are currently.
I'm not saying I support that!
But I'm saying now the Mexican president is sitting here saying, look, we already have wide open borders, so why don't we actually have some sort of a diplomatic solution like they have in Europe, so that we don't have this border crisis anymore.
I kind of understand where the Mexican President is coming from here.
The wide open U.S.
border is hurting Mexico too.
So they want to get rid of this.
They're looking to do anything they can to mitigate this wide open border policy that the Democrats are implementing.
I don't agree with the solution.
I'm just telling you that's what's going on.
But think about that.
The Democrats want a wide open border and an endless welfare state.
We all know where that leads.
We all know where that goes.
Except apparently liberals and democrat voters, they're stupid.
So they don't know where that goes.
But we already have a wide open southern border.
We've already had millions of illegal immigrants come into this country today.
So far to this calendar year.
Here's the next one.
Actually there's two caravans on the way right now.
There's one that you see right here in Tapachulo, Mexico of 7,000.
And there's actually another one right now.
I forget where it's going through, of 12,000!
So, I mean, it's just totally out of control.
Who funds this?
Who pays for this?
Well, you do!
You're paying for all this.
Once they get here, they get free welfare.
They get free food.
They get free shelter.
They get free travel.
They get free clothes.
And you're paying for all of it.
So it's not really free, is it?
You're paying for it.
It's free for them.
That's why they're coming here.
They're not coming here because they have prospects.
They're not coming here because they want to build a business.
They're not coming here because they're persecuted in their own country.
They're coming here because they want free stuff.
And the Democrats are giving it to them.
With the plan of turning them into Democrat voters and then conquering the country via this invasion democratically.
That's what this is.
This is a Democrat voter block invasion that the Democrats are facilitating at the hopes they can turn 10 million, 20 million, 30 million, 40 million, however many it is, illegal immigrants into permanent Democrat voters By making America a fourth world impoverished hellhole, and then promising these people free food and money like they've already gotten, which they won't deliver on, they've gotten it now, they won't get it in the future, hoping they can turn them into Democrat voters.
It's sick, it's treasonous, it's illegal, it should be shut down, but we're sitting here dealing with this criminal activity every day.
John Durham's prosecution may have lost the battle, but they're clearly winning the war, says former Director of National Intelligence John Radcliffe to Maria Bartiromo on Fox News this morning.
I'm sorry, no, Mr. Radcliffe.
I like you, but I don't see how you're correct there at all.
I don't see how John Durham is winning any war.
What war is John Durham winning?
Clinton already got away with her crimes.
Obama already got away with his crimes.
There is no war.
The war is over.
Now it's just Democrat Party tyranny.
Trump supporters are suffering.
Trump supporters are being persecuted, arrested, locked up, tortured, solitary confinement.
Where is any victory for John Durham?
Show me a single victory for John Durham that would make you say he's winning the war.
No, we're losing the war for the country.
John Durham, I'm sorry to say, is a loser.
Is a loser.
Winning the war.
I don't see any battles won.
I don't see any wars won.
I see Hillary Clinton walking free.
I see Barack Obama walking free.
And I see innocent Americans being tortured in solitary confinement for a Democrat political stunt.
So John Radcliffe thinks that's winning the war.
John Radcliffe is not very bright.
There's been an interesting turn here with the Kyle Rittenhouse story.
And this is just a headline, but I want to go somewhere different with this.
Kyle Rittenhouse was on Fox News with his lawyer last night.
Kyle Rittenhouse announces lawsuits against Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and other media outlets.
But here's what's happening with Kyle Rittenhouse.
Kyle Rittenhouse is now becoming a major Second Amendment activist.
Most likely unwittingly, because he's kind of become, in a way, like a social media phenom.
And he's been turned into a living meme.
And the Democrats tried to destroy an innocent young man's life and lost, turning him into a bit of a celebrity.
And now he's on the internet posting videos and photos with guns, firing ranges, making jokes about Biden and Democrats and all this stuff.
And so, what the Democrats have done here is they've turned Kyle Rittenhouse into a Second Amendment activist.
Who is going to be in turn creating a bunch of other Second Amendment activists in his age group that would not have been there before.
There would not have been a Kyle Rittenhouse, there would not have been a young individual that turned into kind of a Second Amendment activist promoter just through osmosis.
Promoting to young men...
Safe, practical, legal use of firearms.
They've now created that in Kyle Rittenhouse.
And so thousands of young men that would have never heard about gun culture or the Second Amendment or anything like that, if not millions, are now going to be following Kyle Rittenhouse and getting involved in gun culture and learning how to use firearms legally and lawfully and safely.
So thanks, Democrats.
Thank you for that.
Democrats have always been The number one gun salesman in America.
They always have been, and they will always continue to be, because people understand, oh wow, I see tyrants, I see evil, I see Democrats, I better get a gun.
It's a natural instinct, instinctful response when you see a tyrant you want to arm up.
That's why people see Democrats and they immediately want to get guns.
Rain Allen Root takes over.
Infowars has made history.
You have made history in your support of InfoWars.
And one of the biggest tools we've had to circumvent and override the censors has been Patriot apparel, so we can identify each other, so we can spread the word, and so we can push people to websites like InfoWars.com so they can understand the globalist plan and how to stop it.
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All right, we're in on the roots.
Guests host every Tuesday afternoon here at InfoWars and the Alex Jones Show.
Guests hosting from 12 noon West Coast time to 1 o'clock, so 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock East Coast time.
Welcome back to the show.
Great to be with you.
All right.
I wanted to talk to you about my latest commentary.
I think it's very necessary for you to hear this.
I wrote it on Friday morning.
And, you know, as a Jew, which I am born Jewish, although I took Christ as my savior, Jesus Christ is my savior.
32 years ago, almost today, almost to the day.
So I'm a completed Jew, a messianic Jew, whatever term you'd like to use, but I'm still a Jew.
Two Jewish parents, four Jewish grandparents sent away my DNA.
I'm 99.9% Eastern European Jewish.
So I think I qualify as Jewish, don't you think?
And as a Jew, I think I'm qualified without any criticism from the media to make a comparison between what's happening today and And at least one aspect of Nazi Germany.
I'm not comparing what's happening today to the Holocaust.
I'm comparing what's happening today to the Nazi German Army takeover of Europe, which happened in record time.
In split second time.
It was the most incredible takeover.
The speed was the most incredible takeover in the history of military.
No one imagined you could take over a country in a day, in two days.
And Hitler's forces took over Poland and Belgium and Netherlands and France and you name the country in Czechoslovakia in such fast time.
And most people don't know why or how they did it.
And I'm a student of history, and I know how and why they did it.
So I named my latest commentary, which appeared in newspapers around the country this weekend, the Biden Blitzkrieg.
Biden is destroying the USA as fast as Nazis on meth.
I like to put a little humor in my titles at the same time as a little shock of value.
The Biden Blitzkrieg.
Biden is destroying the USA as fast as Nazis on meth.
I'm a Jewish American.
I understand my history.
The speed with which Biden and his Marxist handlers are destroying America and the U.S.
economy has never been seen in world history except for Nazi Germany.
I call this the Biden Blitzkrieg.
Because I compare what's happening today in America to the Nazi Blitzkrieg.
The Nazi army conquered Europe at a speed never before seen in world history.
Do you know how the Nazis did it?
Hitler pumped his troops with meth.
That's right.
The Nazi army was literally drugged with speed.
They became super human speed freaks who could run, fight and kill 24 hours a day, seven days a week for weeks on end until their bodies collapsed and they died of a heart attack.
Or they were killed in action.
And this is how Hitler conquered each country in Europe in a matter of days.
And no Democrats.
I'm not comparing what's happening today to the Holocaust.
Nothing ever compares to the Holocaust.
Nothing ever compares to that atrocity.
But I am comparing what's happening today under Biden and his handlers to the speed at which the Nazi army captured each country in Europe.
So let's now reflect on the speed and the depth of the destruction of America and the U.S.
economy by this Biden blitzkrieg.
It takes your breath away.
We're being attacked and destroyed from a thousand different directions at once.
The speed of the attack is stunning.
Biden has got to be employing an army of lawyers, bureaucrats, regulators, and radical Marxist activists on meth, just like the Nazis and the Nazi soldiers to carry out this vicious 24-7 attack on the American people and on American business.
So I'll finish this.
We have about 30 seconds to go.
I'll finish this story when we get back in the next segment.
My commentary again is comparing not Nazi Germany or the Holocaust, but the Nazi Army's Blitzkrieg take you over Europe to Biden's Blitzkrieg right now, take you over the United States.
States and destroying the U.S. economy, destroying the middle class, destroying capitalism.
It's all happening right in front of you.
And when I get back, I'll tell you about the latest honor in my life because I am now Sir
Wayne Allyn Root knighted this weekend.
We'll be right back and I'll tell you more.
Wayne Allyn Root, RootForAmerica.com, Wayneroot@gmail.com.
All right, Wayne Allyn Root, I'm back.
I want to finish up my column about the Nazi blitzkrieg versus the Biden blitzkrieg.
But before I get there, I want to tell you about something wonderful that happened to me this weekend, because I think it's important in the context of this show.
Because in my opinion, in my humble opinion, The Democrat Party's goal is to rip apart America, destroy capitalism, destroy the middle class, destroy the mobility and opportunity of America, destroy American exceptionalism, and destroy the American Dream.
And I am the American Dream.
I'm a witness to the American Dream because I'm living it.
I'm an SOB, son of a butcher.
I started out the son of a butcher.
My dad walked around with a white apron with bloodstains on it, went to a butcher store every day, six days a week.
And I was just knighted this weekend.
There's the video up on the screen of the knighting of Wade Allerud.
It was the honor of a lifetime.
It's the oldest royal house, we believe, in the world.
It dates back to A.D.
There I am with the Prince of Spain, Prince Rafael.
And, uh, the actual house that knighted me is the Royal Order or the Royal House of Constantine the Great and Saint Helen.
And I am forever now known as Sir...
Wayne Allen Root.
It was a great honor.
They knighted 24 people.
They do this every year.
They knight 24 people from around the world at events around the world, generally in Europe, usually in Spain or Finland, sometimes in Hawaii, because the only royal palace in America on U.S.
soil was in Hawaii.
And there it is.
Some great music to go along with the knighting.
Some royal music.
But this happened at the Venetian.
Sir, Wayne Allyn Root at the Venetian in Las Vegas just this past weekend, happened Sunday night, actually.
And they had it in Vegas because of COVID.
They thought people might have a hard time from around the world getting to Spain or Finland or even the Royal Palace in Hawaii.
So they changed it this year to Las Vegas.
And they knighted 24 people, 12 women and 12 men from every different field for their spectacular accomplishments in life.
And it isn't just about money, by the way.
It isn't about money.
It's not about TV success.
It's really about what you've achieved.
There was one person there that had a U.S.
Marine with four tours of duty in Iraq who saw amazing action in Iraq.
And he was knighted as well.
I thought that was great.
There was a SWAT cop who was knighted for his incredible work in law enforcement.
And then there were some really famous people, Alex Stern, who invented constant contact.
The thing that almost everyone in America uses to send out mass emails Alex Stern was knighted.
He's a billionaire.
The Rolando Blackmon, the four-time NBA All-Star and collegiate champion and Olympian
and Congressional Gold Medal winner was knighted.
And Ray Parker Jr. was knighted alongside me.
If you don't know who Ray Parker Jr. is, one of the great songwriters
in the history of the American music business, including the one he'll probably forever be known for,
who you're gonna call Ghostbusters.
That's Ray Parker Jr., also an incredible guitarist who backed up Stevie Wonder and the Rolling Stones on
So we were all honored and Wayne Root was honored for both my business career and entrepreneurship
and for the arts, my entertainment, TV and radio career.
So I'm forever known as Sir Wayne Allyn Root.
It's a great honor and I greatly appreciate it But what it proves is the American dream is alive.
First of all, I am the conservative warrior Nobody fights like me the only guys who are even close Alex Jones fights like me He's really close and I think Tucker Carlson on Fox fights like me He's really close and there's a few guys on podcasts that I really like But in general, in general, there aren't a lot of fighters in this world.
The Republican Party is a bunch of cowards, a bunch of feckless, weak cowards who are afraid of their own shadow, or they've been bought off and bribed, or both.
But I'm a fighter and I'm a warrior.
Isn't it apt, isn't it perfect that this warrior should now be a knight and that I was given
my ceremonial sword which must weigh about 15 pounds.
Matter of fact, if I get a chance during the break, if we have a two minute break instead of one minute,
I'll run downstairs and grab my sword and I'll show it to you.
It's huge and it's heavy.
And I had to walk through the entire Venetian after the ceremony with the sword.
And I turned to my wife and I said, can you imagine the reactions we're gonna get
when I'm walking through the Venetian casino in a white tail tux and a sword.
And she said to me, oh my God, this is going to be weird.
And then I walked through the casino, four levels, to get outside to my car in front and valet, four levels with a tux, white tails and a sword.
Actually, black tails with a white vest and a sword.
And not one person said anything.
That kind of tells you everything you need to know about Las Vegas.
Nobody even thought it was odd that a guy was in a tuxedo with a sword walking through a casino.
The guards were aware.
I was walked out by two guards who said, why do you have a sword?
And I said, I was just knighted.
And they were like, How cool is that?
Can we walk with you and hear the story?
And that way we'll actually guard you and make sure nothing strange happens.
No one attacks you and grabs your sword.
So I was walked out of the casino by two guards.
But not one person had a weird reaction to me carrying a sword through a casino.
Tells you all you need to know about Las Vegas.
All right, let's get back to it.
So I just want to point out again, son of a butcher from the wrong side of the tracks, Malvern, New York, Bronx borderline, mostly majority minority town, mostly black town, all black middle school, all black high school.
And today, I have a star, a 180-pound granite star, in the Las Vegas sidewalk, on the Las Vegas Walk of Stars, with Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Wayne Newton, and Liberace.
And today, I'm knighted Sir Wayne Alleyroot, and this October, I'll be in the Hall of Fame, the Nevada Broadcasting Hall of Fame.
And I would say that America's been pretty good to me.
Only in America could this happen.
Has nothing to do with me and my talent.
It's that if I had the same person, same talent, any other country in the world couldn't happen.
And any socialist or communist country, it's the opposite.
Not only couldn't it happen, I'd be in a prison cell or I'd be living in abject poverty.
God bless America.
Only in America.
All right, let me finish my column about the Nazi The Nazi Blitzkrieg.
The Biden Blitzkrieg compared to the Nazi Blitzkrieg.
Biden is destroying the USA as fast as Nazis on meth.
Let's not reflect on the speed and the depth of the destruction of America and the U.S.
economy in this Biden Blitzkrieg.
Bookmakers across the world have made Donald J. Trump the huge favorite to win the presidency in 2024.
All that's well and good, but I have bad news for America.
We are going to make it to 2024.
America is hanging by a thread.
Listen to me.
We're not going to make it to 2024.
I'm not even sure we're going to make it to the November midterms.
Republicans are in a dream state.
Do you think they're going to let us win in a landslide?
You don't think there's going to be World War 3 breakout between the United States, China, and Russia?
Or you don't think it's going to be about monkey pox or a new variant of COVID to make sure it's 100% mail-in voting and no one can leave their home?
Or that combined with World War III?
How about the Department of Homeland Security today announcing that all hell's about to break loose and they think there'll be many violent acts coming up soon?
What is that about?
They're trying to set you up for no election in November.
Ask the smartest billionaires in America, Jamie Dimon.
And again, I'm running out of time.
I'll finish it in the next segment.
But let me give you a good part right here, a little bit of red meat.
The smartest billionaires in America have spoken.
Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan, just warned that an economic hurricane is about to hit America.
Then John Waldron, the president of Goldman Sachs, added that he has never seen so many
major shocks to the system facing our economy at one time.
The richest man on the planet, Elon Musk, said this week he has a super bad feeling
about the economy and asked his top executives to stop all hiring worldwide.
What are these non-stop shocks to the system all these brilliant billionaires and Wall
Street titans are talking about?
GDP economic growth collapsing, stock market crashing, inflation exploding, home sales cratering, gas prices headed for $10 a gallon, which I've been predicting on this show and my national radio show for literally months now that gas will go to $10 a gallon and destroy the American economy and destroy the trucking industry so truckers cannot make a living anymore and they will stop Quit their jobs, stop bringing food to market, and we will have a massive food shortage.
All right, I'll finish up, we'll get back.
It's the Biden blitzkrieg versus the Nazi blitzkrieg.
The speed at which they're destroying the U.S.
My name is Wayne Allyn Root.
My website's rootforamerica.com.
And you can always get me anytime with email, waynerootatgmail.com.
My book up on the screen, The Great Patriot Protest, the boycott book, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book, and the newest one coming out in the next 60 days, The Great Patriot Boycott Book, with all the companies to buy from while you're boycotting all the woke liberal companies.
We'll be right back.
All right, Sir Wayne Allyn Root is back.
Yes, I was knighted over the weekend.
It is Sir Wayne Allyn Root.
Here is my sword, my trusty sword.
I wanted to actually show it to you.
Let me step back a little bit.
It is the real thing.
It is the kind of sword that someone would pull out and use in medieval times.
it is engraved with my name, Sir Wayne Allyn Root, and the Royal Order of Constantine the
Great and St. Helen, and the date of my knighthood, my divestiture they say, knighthood, June
5th, 2022. A great honor, and I accept that honor, Sir Wayne Allyn Root.
Alright, Pitar, there it is, my Yugoslavian friend who's with me for 35 years now, producing
every single TV show I've ever done for 35 years. One man came over from Serbia and met
me within a year or two, and the two of us kind of grew up together on CNBC, then known
as Financial News Network, and we went to 32, actually in those days there were only
28 NFL teams, 28 NFL training camps together, two seasons in a row, July and August, we
traveled to 28 NFL training camps together where I interviewed all the biggest names
in sports, Joe Montana, Brian "The Boss" Bosworth, you name it, all the biggest names in those
days in sports for FNN Sports, which then became CNBC. That was a lifetime ago.
Let me continue with my commentary that was out through Creator Syndicate this weekend.
The Biden Blitzkrieg.
Biden's destroying the USA as fast as Nazis on meth.
And let me repeat one paragraph so that no Democrat, no liberal, no communist scumbag can get me in trouble.
No Democrats, i.e.
I'm not comparing what's happening today to the Holocaust.
I'm a Jew.
I understand the Holocaust.
Nothing ever compares to that atrocity, or at least nothing so far has ever compared to that atrocity.
But I am comparing what's happening today to Joe Biden and his handlers and the speed at which they're destroying the United States compared to the speed at which the Nazis captured each country in Europe.
So what are these non-stop shocks to the system that some of the titans of Wall Street are saying?
The worst things happening at one time from 20 different directions that they've ever seen in their lives.
So GDP is collapsing, economic growth, interest rates rising, inflation exploding, home sales cratering, stock market just suffered the worst few months since 1929 and by some comparisons worse than 1929 with the amount of days and weeks the market was down.
No one's ever seen anything like this.
Gas headed for $10 a gallon.
Grocery prices exploding to unimaginable levels.
The trucking industry in disarray, and they bring every product to market, including all the food we need.
The supply chain ruined.
Massive food shortages coming.
Baby formula shortages.
You know how bad the baby formula shortages are?
In Michigan, Biden administration airlifted baby formula to Michigan.
I told people it was there and they wound up with a one mile line of cars to get baby formula to save their babies lives.
Does this remind you of anything?
It reminds me of the fall of Saigon.
Is this America?
We have to airlift food to save babies lives?
Are we Africa now?
Are we Haiti now?
And you know where all the baby formula is?
It's all at the border.
Biden stuck it at the border to cause a baby food shortage because he wants to make sure that millions of people are coming over the border soon.
He knew that.
He's asked for it.
He's encouraged them.
He's waving them in.
And so he wanted to make sure there's plenty of baby formula for all the illegal alien babies that are about to enter United States soil and stay here forever.
But it caused a massive shortage of baby formula for America's babies, plus the supply chain is screwed because of Joe Biden, plus no one wants to work anymore, plus Biden's FDA, the same one that brought us the killer vaccine that's killing so many people, and they said it was fine, and they told us it doesn't hurt pregnant women, even though they covered up the fact that in Pfizer's own pre-trial studies of all the pregnant women they gave it to 82% lost their babies!
They had miscarriages 82% of the time and then they went and told every doctor in America went and told all the pregnant women get the shot it's completely safe I guarantee everything's fine because Pfizer didn't want that information released for 75 years but it's in the Pfizer report that I've seen that everyone has seen That was forced, ordered to come out by a judge who said, you can't wait 75 years.
You're going to let all the pre-trial study come out now.
And so thousands of pages came out and volunteers have looked through thousands of pages and they have found all these horrible things about the deaths and the injuries that happened in the pre-trials.
And then they said, it's safe.
Don't worry about it.
They erased it.
82% of the women miscarried their babies.
No problem!
Drive on by.
Nothing to see here.
By the way, in the last New York Marathon, a few days ago, the marathon, two weeks ago, the New York Marathon, 16 runners collapsed with cardiac problems.
Never seen anything like that in history.
No problem.
Drive on by.
Run on by.
Nothing wrong.
So, baby shortages.
We're like the fall of Saigon, or we're like Biafra, or we're like Haiti.
Countries that are crumbling and the babies are starving.
And it's only going to get worse this summer as energy experts are promising mass blackouts of the electric grid across America this summer.
And then there's the massive crime and theft wave enveloping America's Democrat-run blue big cities.
Under Joe Biden and his Marxist handlers, America has become a third world, shh, I'll say crap hole.
Third world crop hole.
Don't forget open borders.
Biden is desperate to open the floodgates and allow the whole world in.
If Biden gets his way and Title 42 is lifted, millions of the world's poorest and sickest migrants and violent criminals released from jails all over the world, in hell holes all over the world, will pour through our open borders.
And let's not forget Democrats want to take all of our guns away.
I've seen a movie where only the government and the military and the police have guns.
You know what that movie's called?
Schindler's List.
That's what happens when the people have no guns.
When the Jews have no guns, they gassed them and tortured them and murdered them and took all their assets away from them and murdered their children.
Forced experimental vaccines also remind me of what happened during Nazi Germany.
And just in time for the midterm elections, I predict we will see new attempts to bring back lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and vaccine passports with an experimental for emergency uses only vaccine that's killing people and they want to force it on your children, let alone you.
And now add in censorship, banning, intimidation, and persecution of conservatives, patriots, and even parents at PTA meetings by government agencies like the DOJ and the FBI.
Exhibit A is the arrest of high-ranking Trump official Peter Navarro just days ago.
And then there's the education system trying to brainwash and indoctrinate children with communist, anti-American, anti-white, transgender, sex identity ideology.
And don't forget Biden's poking Putin again and again, provoking him to start World War III.
Does Biden want to provoke a nuclear Armageddon or an EMP attack that will turn America into Mad Max?
Clearly that's what he's doing.
Is this all about destroying America so China can rule the world?
This is the total decline, destruction and collapse of America happening at a speed we never thought possible.
This is the Biden Blitzkrieg.
It's now clear we're dealing with radical Marxist traitors combined with Nazis on meth.
I'm Wayne Allyn Root.
It's happening all around us.
The question is, what are we going to do about it?
Wayne Root at gmail.com.
We'll be right back.
All right, welcome back, Wayne Allyn Root.
WayneRoot at gmail.com.
My website, RootForAmerica.com.
And of course, you can always reach me at everything I do at that website, RootForAmerica.com.
In other words, my national radio show, Wayne Allyn Root, raw and unfiltered.
You can go to RootForAmerica.com.
It's like master control.
And at the top you'll see a little dial.
You click on it, you're on my radio show.
You click on it, you're on my other radio show.
You click on it, you're on my podcast.
You can find my books there.
You can find my videos there.
You can find my commentaries there.
It's all there.
So as we came on the air, I saw a new interesting thing that comes across my desk.
And it is Bon Jovi.
The founding bassist of Bon Jovi is Alec John Such, and he was found dead at 70 years old.
I think either this just happened or it happened over the weekend.
The founding member and founding bassist Of John Bon Jovi's group, Bon Jovi is found dead.
So I just ask you, it was only two weeks ago on this show that I think I came on and that morning they had announced that the famous actor was dead.
And then two more famous musicians died that week.
Ray Liotta is the actor and then that week it was the keyboardist of Yes and then it was also Another famous drummer from another group was found dead.
And they're all dead the same way.
They're dead suddenly.
Those are the quotes.
Unexpectedly dead.
Found dead.
Suddenly dead.
There are some people that are now dead.
Now, listen, I know they're rockers.
I know they're druggies.
I know they're drinkers.
You can get cancer.
That's a normal thing in America.
People have heart attacks and strokes before the advent of the vaccine.
So I'm giving you all the outs.
I'm giving you all the, you know, the little asterisks is now Ray Liotta up on the screen.
One of my five favorite actors in the world.
He's dead now.
Don't you think this is funny?
Strange, bizarre that this many famous people are dropping at the same time.
And by the way, athlete deaths are up by 1700% since the advent of the vaccine.
Now that nobody's done a study on celebrity deaths, because how do you grade who's a celebrity?
You know, and does celebrity include musicians and actors and politicians?
They're all dropping.
You know, they're all dropping.
The senator from Maryland, Democrat, Chris Van Hollen, I think his name is, he had a stroke.
And Futterman, the guy running for U.S.
Senate, excuse me, for governor, I think it is, in Pennsylvania.
No, U.S.
Senate in Pennsylvania.
He had a stroke.
And now he's a pacemaker.
And he's a young guy.
You know, a young guy in his 50s.
You don't find this unusual?
Athletes dropping dead.
Non-stop musicians dropping dead.
Actors dropping dead.
Celebrities dropping dead.
Entertainers dropping dead.
You know why?
Because they're all liberal.
There's Fetterman from Pennsylvania.
Because they're all liberal.
And so they all drank the Kool-Aid.
And they all took the vaccine.
And that's why they're dropping dead.
Okay, not every one of them.
Like I said, I gave you the asterisks at the beginning of this little opinion piece by me.
That's now the Bon Jovi basis.
They're all dropping dead.
Some of them, maybe we're going to die anyway of cancer, heart disease or stroke with or without the vaccine.
Some of them killed their bodies with a lifetime of drugs and alcohol.
I get that.
But not all of them.
Too many are dying in the headlines every day.
It's weird.
It's strange.
It's bizarre.
And at the same time that's happening, OK, I believe it's 86 percent is the number For the millennial generation, deaths are up since the vaccine.
86% death rate increase for young people, millennials, since the vaccine.
Ask Thomas Renz, the famous class action lawyer, who's on my radio show all the time, and Thomas Renz will tell you that in the military he's got the data.
From whistleblowers, from the Department of Defense, and he says cancer deaths are up 300% in the military.
Every other kind of death and injury is up dramatically.
But wait, I said that wrong.
I want to make sure I'm always accurate.
Cancer is up 300%.
Not cancer death.
Getting cancer is up 300%.
The five-year moving average before the vaccine.
Of military members who got cancer was about 30,000 per year.
And today, since the vaccine, it's now 135,000 who have cancer.
The number is staggering!
How many of them will die?
How many are suffering right now?
Pretty much all of them.
I know because I lost my mom and dad 28 days apart from cancer in 1992.
So number one, I understand cancer.
Number two, I understand it can happen to anybody with or without a vaccine.
We had cancer long before the vaccine, but cancer is exploding now.
There are many doctors, the kind that I believe in, who were not bought off by Big Pharma, who are now saying, admitting, and warning, That cancer in America is up between 1,000 and 2,000 percent since the vaccine.
This vaccine hits your immune system and destroys your immune system and causes basically AIDS, okay?
It's not like you're gay, it's not like you have AIDS, you don't have HIV, but you've got a form of AIDS called VAIDS, Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency.
And your entire immune system is being destroyed by the vaccine, these doctors tell me.
And all over the world they're seeing it.
People get, I mean, everyone I know has COVID right now is triple vaccinated or quadruple vaccinated.
And they all go, and it's amazing how ignorant they all are.
They all look at me and they go, I don't get it.
I did everything right.
I got four vaccines.
Why do I have COVID?
Because you got four vaccines, you numb nuts.
It's just amazing.
They've all been brainwashed by the media, which lies and deceives and commits fraud and covers up for big pharma.
And they've all been deceived by the doctors.
Let me go into my opinion rant about the doctors.
Almost everybody listens to my show.
My national radio show that has been vaccinated and thank God it's probably only 20% 80% listen to me.
They did not get vaccinated, but 20% got vaccinated.
Maybe more maybe even 30% are vaccinated and when they email me and say how much they love my show and they wish they hadn't gotten vaccinated.
I say.
But if you listen to my show every day and you love my show so much, why did you get vaccinated?
And you know what their answer is?
My doctor told me I had to do it.
My doctor said it's safe and you've got to do it.
Or my boss at my job said you're fired and you lose your job and lose your income if you don't do it.
So, between the threat of losing their entire income and the threat and intimidation from doctors saying, are you stupid?
I'm your doctor.
I know better than Wayne Allen Root, a conservative radio host.
And why do they know better?
Because doctors Are very good at taking tests and they're brilliant people and they all graduated Harvard at the top of their class and went to Harvard Medical School and all that jazz.
But I went to Columbia, which by the way, the latest rankings from US News World Report, the number one college in the world, I believe, was MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Number two was tied, Harvard and Columbia.
So I've got the best college in America right up there.
And I met all these kids up close and personal.
All my friends were medical students and law students and engineering students.
And they're all brilliant test takers, but none of them had an ounce of common sense.
Not one of them.
And they all are stooges and sheep who listen to authority.
The type of personality that becomes a doctor listens to authority.
Whatever the CDC says, they do.
Whatever the AMA says, the American Medical Association, they do.
Whatever the FDA says, they do.
And all three of those organizations were in cahoots with Big Pharma and they have poisoned the American people.
It's an opinion show, it's my opinion.
They have poisoned the American people and the world with COVID vaccines that are killing people with heart attacks, blood clots, Strokes, massive increases in cancer, and a thousand other problems, including right at the top of the list, immune dysfunction and immune disorder that is similar to AIDS, and also right at the top of the list, massive explosion in shingles and herpes.
And if you've ever had shingles or herpes on your face or on your body, you know that's a life-ruiner.
And there's injecting people with something that destroys your immune system, So shingles and herpes breakouts come out and they come out all the time and your life is ruined.
You might as well give up on life if you have nonstop shingles because the pain is so bad.
It's intense and it's burning and you can't get any work done.
And if it's on your face, your career is over.
So that's the vaccine.
We'll talk more about it when we get back.
Wayne Root at gmail.com, rootforamerica.com.
Don't even look at that on the screen.
That is ugly.
We don't want any of that.
Stay safe, stay healthy.
We'll be right back.
All right, Wayne Allyn Root is back.
Sir Wayne Allyn Root.
I have to get used to saying that.
Sir Wayne Allyn Root is back.
And it's funny because the only criticism I got about being knighted over the weekend, 99% of everyone said, oh my God, how cool is that?
And congratulations, Wayne.
But 1% said, Wayne, don't you hate globalists?
And isn't this like a globalist thing that you're knighted and you're Sir Wayne Allyn Root?
And I said, no!
This is a group that, first of all, it's a humanitarian group and a charitable group, whose main goal in life is to give away a tremendous amount of money to women and children of the world who have been abused and are living in poverty.
So first of all, it's a good thing.
Second of all, it's not globalist in any way.
Almost everyone involved with the organization is a huge fan of mine and a huge fan of President Trump.
So, it was not a globalist thing in any way, shape, or form.
They like President Trump.
Matter of fact, I gave a speech to the 24 people who were all being knighted, and I was scared to death.
They'd all hate my guts after I gave the speech.
And I told them I'm a friend of Trump, and I had my honeymoon at Mar-a-Lago with Trump, and I was a big supporter of Trump, and I've written books about Trump.
And I have him on my radio show all the time.
In fact, Donald Trump will be a guest on my national radio show coming up this Monday, this coming Monday.
And that, you know, I've also been opening speaker for all of Trump's speeches.
And, you know, I gave a speech about all of that and how great my career has been.
And God bless America.
And only in America can a butcher's son be friends with the President of the United States.
And afterwards, almost every one of the 24 came up to me.
You know, maybe 22 of the 24 came up and said, they always whisper.
I always call Trump the whisper vote, right?
And nobody wants to say out loud they're a fan of Trump.
They all whispered, Wayne, that was great.
I'm with you.
Everyone was with me, but they whispered it because they're afraid the next guy would hear and the next guy is not with you, right?
But 22 out of 24 whispered, we're with you.
And you know what the other two said?
Not one person said a bad word about Trump.
The other two came up to me and said to me, I don't really like Trump that much, but I'd vote for you.
So that was kind of interesting.
I won over all 24 with my speech about how great America is and how much I love immigrants, but only legal immigrants who want to work and don't want welfare and speak English and don't want to bring their entire family over.
50 other members who want welfare and don't want to work.
They love that speech and they love what I was saying.
So everyone there was on my side.
And I think that's really cool.
There's nothing globalist about it.
I'm a fighter.
I'm a warrior.
I should be knighted and I should have a sword because that's what I do.
I fight all day long.
All right.
Enough of the knighting.
Enough of the knighting.
Get rid of the video.
Let's go on to more important stuff, which is COVID.
I want to talk about COVID.
So the president of the European pharmaceutical giant named PharmaMar, and I might have mentioned this last week but it's so important I want to bring it up again in the context of what I'm talking about.
He's the president of one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in Europe.
He lied about his COVID vaccine status.
He took a shot of salt water instead of the COVID vaccine.
And he bought a fake COVID vaccine card so he could travel.
And I believe this is happening all over the United States and all over the world.
That happened to happen in Europe.
I believe it's happening everywhere in the United States.
That happened in Spain.
And they caught 2,200 other celebrities and elitists and CEOs, the biggest people in Spanish society, who all had fake vaccine cards.
See, I'm not a fraud.
I've never bought a fake vaccine card.
I've never shown anyone a fake vaccine card.
I've said from day one, I'm not taking the vaccine.
I will never take the vaccine.
You'll have to force this vaccine on me and my family with my cold, dead hands.
You're not giving me the vaccine.
So I'd be a hypocrite if then I boarded an airplane to go somewhere where you required a vaccine and I showed him a fake card.
I don't roll that way.
I don't play that way.
That's not my game.
So I don't get fake cards.
I tell people up front on national TV and national radio, no vaccine for me.
There's the guy who was arrested for fake vaccines.
So doesn't that make you think, if they all know, including the CEO of the pharma company, that they don't want the vaccine, but they're pushing it on you and saying it's fine.
And we happen to know that the vaccine trials, before they ever put it out, showed lots of people died, lots of people were injured, lots of babies died, pregnant women miscarried, and even a baby who was breastfeeding died.
And several mothers reported breastfeeding their babies and that The milk came out of their breasts, blue-green colored.
Folks, this is a disaster of epic proportions.
You know, somebody, I look up a text, somebody, one of my good buddies, Darren, just texted me a few minutes ago in the break of the show.
And he asked me, you know, if I had to predict what's going to happen with the COVID vaccine.
Here was my answer.
Lots of deaths, mass deaths, a.k.a.
mass murder, because they all knew and they let it happen so they could get rich.
Mass murder.
Plus, let's forget about the COVID vaccines and all the death.
Riots coming, massive food shortage coming, gas at $10 a gallon coming, collapsing economy coming.
Happy now?
There's the truth.
Mark it down.
I predicted it all.
I called it all.
You'll be calling you a soothsayer.
And no sooner I say that, and there's a DHS Department of Homeland Security bulletin out this morning, warning of heightened threat environment and violent months ahead.
You know why they know that?
Because they're the ones causing it.
It's like Bill Clinton when he said, I feel your pain.
And I used to joke, I used to be a regular guest in those days on ABC's Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher.
And I used to say, Bill, Bill Clinton feels your pain because he's the one causing it.
And that's, they know there's heightened violence ahead because it isn't the right causing the violence, it's them causing it!
It's the left, it's Antifa, it's BLM, and it's the government.
It's Homeland Security and the CIA and the DOJ and the FBI who want to arrest patriots and call them terrorists while they let other people go.
They want to arrest Peter Navarro.
Who negotiated trade, the trade deal with China and Mexico and Canada.
One of the most important men in America for the American economy.
And they shackled him and stuck him in a jail cell that used to be John Hinckley's jail cell when he was under arrest for attempting to assassinate President Reagan, the President of the United States.
They put him in Hinckley's jail cell.
And they put him in shackles at the airport and took him away in front of everybody with leg irons and handcuffs!
My God!
He's 72 years old!
Never done anything wrong in his life!
John Hinckley's out after trying to murder Reagan and shooting two other people who had brain damage and major medical problems the rest of their lives!
He's out!
His record's cleared!
But they're putting Peter Navarro in his jail cell, who is the trade representative of the United States of America, and right-hand man to President Trump.
You don't think that's Nazi behavior, by the way?
You don't think that's the Soviet Union?
That's not the KGB?
That's not the East German Stasi?
This isn't reminiscent to things that have happened?
It's not the Holocaust, but it's like Nazi Germany!
The propaganda, the lies, the fraud, the deceit, the media tied in with the government, and the government persecuting patriots who don't like what the government says!
Wanted to disallow speech or arrest you for speaking out against them.
By the way, Peter Navarro was arrested the day after stating, when the Republicans win back the House, I will help them to lead the impeach against Joe Biden.
He was arrested the next day.
This is crazy that we're allowing this to happen.
Oh, did I forget to mention that killer after killer, the two lawyers that threw a Molotov cocktail into a police car and tried to fry two policemen to death in New York City during the BLM riots, they gave them a very reduced sentence.
I think they could spend a year in jail.
And did I mention that the guy who killed, is it Kate Steinle?
I'm just going by memory.
The girl Kate the beautiful blonde on the on the pier in San Francisco like seven years ago he shot her dead and he's an illegal immigrant who'd been deported five times and committed countless crimes and he shot her dead this beautiful girl bled to death in her father's arms I think was Kate Steinle but I know it's Kate and this criminal this piece of human garbage this scumbag that she put in hell and rot with Satan in hell They gave him time served so he's only gonna spend like a year in jail and they let him out.
But they're putting Republicans in jail for our political beliefs.
And they're putting January Sixers.
They're letting him rot in solitary.
They didn't even enter the Capitol building.
And they're charging them with sedition and being traitors when they weren't even there at the Capitol building.
There's a guy who's in charge of the Proud Boys and they're just charging him, we found out today, with sedition, I believe is the term.
And treason, and 20 other charges, and he wasn't even at the Capitol building!
I do not describe how I feel about what's happening, except that the left is filled with communist, radical communist traitors to the United States of America.
And they're coming to take us over and they're trying to destroy us.
And by the way, I didn't even get to finish my COVID columns, but that's okay.
I'm writing a big column about my COVID stories and I'm writing a big column about it.
That'll be out next week.
So I'll do it.
I'll deal with it on this show next Tuesday.
The Great Patriot Protest, the boycott book.
This is one way to fight the left that I think is very effective.
It's copying the civil disobedience of Dr. Martin Luther King.
And we Republicans, conservatives and patriots and Christians have got to use it.
The Great Patriot Protest, the boycott book.
And I tell you how to take on all the woke corporations.
Put him out of business.
My name is Wayne Allyn Root.
My website's RootForAmerica.com.
My national radio show is Wayne Allyn Root.
We're on unfiltered.
I always say the Root, the Root, the Root's on fire.
I hope I was on fire for you today here on the Alex Jones Show.
You can reach me anytime.
WayneRoot at gmail.com.
Have yourself a great day.
Fight, fight, fight.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
I'm about to give you a very important URL that you need to save, that you need to write down,
that you need to keep in your mind.
If you want to keep InfoWars on the air while at the same time getting amazing products and save money Then this is the place to go.
Now, I've worked with the folks that have created this amazing online shopping cart for many, many years.
And because we've been deplatformed, because we've been attacked, because a lot of powerful forces are trying to shut us down, we've been reaching out to partners we've had, in some cases for over a decade, like in this case, and asking them to develop and set up sites and systems so people can get our products into the future, no matter what happens to some of the InfoWars operations.
So if you want to save money, and get amazing products like DNA Force Plus that's sold
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They're going to be adding new products all the time to FreeWorldOutlet.com.
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FreeWorldOutlet.com and thank you so much for your support.
InfoWars has been selling a variety of Faraday cages to protect your privacy for more than 20 years.
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