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Name: 20220603_Fri_Alex
Air Date: June 3, 2022
2545 lines.

The video covers conspiracy theories about COVID-19 being a hoax created by elites to control populations. It criticizes media for not reporting on powerful groups like Bilderberg and claims that governments use geoengineering to release biocides. The speaker also discusses vaccine dangers, government lies on pandemic severity, conflicts in Ukraine, Joe Biden's stance on gun control, and an interview with Jenna Ellis. They promote alternative media outlets such as InfoWars and their documentary "2000 Mules" which provides evidence of election fraud. Topics covered include free speech, parental rights, tax returns, fighting against globalist agendas, and the influence of international organizations like Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and CFR on global policy- making.

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Tomorrow's news.
Thanks to you kids, we now know the virus is a hoax.
They included flu, pneumonia, and other infections to boost the numbers.
Let's find out who is really behind it all.
Like, President Trump is definitely behind one of these phantoms.
Gigi Ping?
Dr. Fauci?
Like, I thought doctors were supposed to help people, not scare them.
Microsoft's Bill Gates?
Not only a computer guy, he's a notorious vaccine pusher who wants to reduce the world's population.
I get it.
So Bill Gates wanted to vaccinate everyone after Fauci convinced them there was a deadly disease outbreak.
That's diabolical.
Yeah, that sounds pretty bad.
Don't worry, kids.
These globalists won't get away with their pandemic hoax this time.
Where they're going, they'll be locked up for a long good while in the big house.
Better than a rock round at home!
Imagine a virus, the most terrifying virus you can, and then imagine that you, and you alone, have the cure.
But if your ultimate goal is power, how best to use such a weapon?
A newly elected government seeking power and control develops a secret bioweapon And launches it against its own population to establish authoritarian rule and to blame the attack on their political enemies.
Taking pages right out of the 20th century, we see this fictional dictatorship not just seeking to dominate and control their population, but to be seen as saviors of the very people that they are dumbing down Inslaving, imprisoning, and killing.
The writers had a deep historical well to work from in just the 20th century.
With monsters like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jong Un, Who don't just seek to dominate and control the very lives and thoughts of their minions, but who also want to be seen as the savior by the very people who are their slaves.
Tonight, I will speak directly to these people and make the situation perfectly clear to them.
The security of this nation depends on complete and total compliance.
So, of course, in the film, those that release the bioweapon on their own population that they're preying on also have the cure.
Lo and behold, America.
Some believed it was the work of God himself, that it was a pharmaceutical company controlled by certain party members that made them all obscenely rich.
But the end result, the true genius of the plan, was the film.
Fear became the ultimate tool of this government, and through it, our politician was ultimately appointed to the newly created position of High Chancellor.
In V for Vendetta, we truly see art imitating life.
This is clearly an offensive biological warfare.
This is only the beginning to train you to be locked down so in the future when the really deadly bioweapons are released and billions begin dying you sit there believing governments and corporations are actually your savior and are going to shepherd you and protect you when in truth they're Judas goats leading you into the slaughter.
In the midst of the worst health crisis we're facing in more than a century don't tell your supporters don't be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Don't tell your supporters, don't be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid.
I just want to say they gave me Regeneron.
We have hundreds of thousands of doses that are just about ready.
And if you're in the hospital and you're feeling really bad, we're going to work it so that you get them and you're going to get them free.
And especially if you're a senior we're gonna get...
*Gasp* *Cat meows*
*Dramatic music* *Screaming*
*Dramatic music* *Screaming*
Everyone should be afraid of COVID Everyone should be afraid of COVID
Everyone should be afraid of COVID *Dramatic music*
*Screaming* *Dramatic music*
*Screaming* Is there no one who can tell them don't do this?
All of the major factors are aligning and the globalists have launched their tyrannical world government and the design orchestrated collapse of civilization as we know it.
Last week, we had the Davos Group and the UN meeting to announce a world government biomedical tyranny.
This week, they were meeting in Davos again to coordinate.
And now, in the suburb of D.C.
in Chantilly, Virginia, the Bilderberg Group is meeting, and there's no corporate press coverage of it.
Infowars.com is reporting on it.
Breitbart.com is reporting on it.
And that's it.
I've covered, personally, three Bilderberg Group meetings in Chantilly, Virginia, every four years.
They don't meet in Europe.
They meet every fourth year in D.C.
And this time, they put out a press release about what they're discussing there.
Just a decade ago, mainstream news was still saying the Bilderberg Group did not exist, ladies and gentlemen.
And who was the head of the Bilderberg Group?
Well, it of course was Klaus Schwab, ladies and gentlemen.
So we're going to be getting into that and understanding who is behind the push for gun control and open borders and devalued currencies and forced inoculations and so much more.
Today we will get into that at the bottom of the hour.
We have more major geoengineering news.
As major governments admit, they're not just spraying chemicals into the air, they're spraying biocides or pesticides that attack all life.
That is in government reports out of the EU and Spain.
More has come out since we spent an hour on that yesterday.
Same groups, same organizations running that.
We obviously have the big story.
But I'm going to start covering next segment, and that is Joe Biden's treasonous declaration of war against the right to keep and bear arms.
The Revolutionary War, after a long train of usurpations and abuses, started in 1776 when the Redcoats came to take the guns at Lexington and at Concord and now they have declared they're coming for the guns.
Got a bunch of clubs of Democrats in Congress in open committee hearings saying we don't care what you do.
We don't care what the Supreme Court says.
These are quotes.
We are going to take all your semi-autos and register all the rest.
And we know that's a formula worldwide that they've done in the UK and Australia and New Zealand and countless other places.
Italy, they then take the guns once they've registered them.
And so it is all going down right now.
We'll also be covering As the invasion enters the 100th day, Russia now holds 20% of Ukraine, Zelensky now admits.
But the key is, that area is 90% of oil and gas refineries and control of all the major ports to the Black Sea.
So Russia has basically cut off Ukraine and is in control of its economy.
And mainline analysts are saying Putin has already won.
Meanwhile, Biden has approved long-range missiles to target Russia.
Russia is calling that a very serious act of war.
This is deteriorating very, very quickly.
We're going to be laying all of that out today and opening the phones up in the second hour.
A very informative, very intelligent lady, Jenna Ellis, one of Trump's main impeachment lawyers, will be joining us to cover a host of issues in the third hour.
Biden attacking the Second Amendment, free speech issues are under attack, Pride Month, the LGBT agenda, going after kids, the Supreme Court decision.
And so much more coming up with her in the third hour today.
First hour, jam-packed with news and analysis.
Second hour, jam-packed with news and your calls.
Third hour, Jenna Ellis.
And then a lot more coming up, obviously, in the fourth hour as news develops and unfolds.
We've got a lot of news also dealing with COVID-19.
In fact, every day the news just gets bigger.
That stack is absolutely insane.
And we're going to be hitting that in the final segment of this hour.
Wait till you hear this.
I have Der Spiegel.
I have the Boston Globe.
I have the LA Times.
I have countless publications admitting record numbers of people in the hospitals, record numbers of ER visits, all-time record highs, double what it was just a few years ago with unexplained heart attacks, blood clots, Strokes, including in young people, and of course, what did all the scientists warn would happen?
What did the CDC's own document in October of 2020 say, before the injections began?
A list of what is now plugging everyone.
100% confirmed with all the insurance actuaries, a 40 plus percent death rate in 18 to 64, the working age.
Precedented information we're going to be breaking down.
That's just one area of the stack.
They are admitting, and it's already happening in New York and California and other areas, that the lockdowns are coming back, the mask mandates are coming back, children are being barred and high schoolers from graduation ceremonies have not been injected with at least three of the deadly shots.
It is unbelievable what we have in that stack as well.
But I'm going to get this out here right now, ladies and gentlemen, because it's so incredibly important.
We're taking George Soros and the New World Order on at Point Blank Range.
And to get to you, they've got to get through us.
And they see us as a media outlet, as the number one enemy, because we've got their number and we've studied them.
And as long as you stand with us, and as long as you spread the word, and as long as you financially keep us on air, as long as you pray for us, we're not going anywhere.
And our most important work that we've ever done is now happening.
The people's minds, their intellects are now more open than they've ever been to the truth.
But I can't do it without your support, so I make it really easy.
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And I want to encourage you all to go there and take part in the Memorial Day Mega Sale that is getting very long on the tooth and will be ending Sunday.
Also, other good news.
2,000 mules absolutely proves the election was stolen through the ballot harvesting fraud.
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We'll be back.
The treasonous declaration of war against your right to protect yourself and your family
by the corrupt globalists that are running this country to the ground and who use taxpayer
money to pay for an army of bodyguards, both public and private, has been made.
It is high treason.
Biden must be impeached.
Here's what the overwhelming majority of American people believe we must do.
Here's what the families in Buffalo and Uvalde in Texas told us we must do.
We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
And if we can't ban assault weapons, then we should raise the age to purchase them from 18 to 21.
Strengthen background checks.
Enact safe storage law and red flag laws.
Repeal the immunity that protects gun manufacturers from liability.
Address the mental health crisis, deepening the trauma.
Of gun violence and as a consequence of that violence.
These are rational, common sense measures.
Here's what it all means.
It all means this.
We should reinstate the assault weapons ban on high capacity magazines that we passed in 1994
with bipartisan support in Congress and the support of law enforcement.
Our lives the same as you did when you were kids, but we can't let you get away with this anymore.
Enough is enough.
Enough of you telling us that school shootings are a fact of life when every other country like ours has virtually ended it.
Enough of you blaming mental illness and then defunding mental health care in this country.
Enough of your thoughts and prayers.
You will not stop us from advancing the Protecting Our Kids Act today.
You will not stop us from passing it in the House next week, and you will not stop us there.
If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it.
If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it, and we will not rest until we have taken weapons of war out of circulation in our communities.
Each and every day, we will do whatever it takes to end gun violence, whatever it takes.
What we will do Is not fail the children of this country the way that you have failed us?
The generations of Columbine, Sandy Hook, Parkland, and Uvalde?
I yield back, Madam Chair.
Nadler, we got the club coming up, the head of the committee,
then says we can't trust 18-year-olds on any guns, but they need to be able to join the military and kill
(dramatic music)
I was hunting by myself when I was eight years old with a 12-gauge shotgun and bringing Dove back to the house for my grandmother to cook for dinner.
I was shooting shotguns when I was four years old.
And they have domesticated so much of this country.
We can't let this continue.
The worst school shooting numbers we've ever had is 118 in one year.
That's counting mass shootings, period.
That was Vegas.
All numbers that year, a few years ago.
With 100,000 plus a year dying of drug overdoses.
These people don't give a rat's ass about any of that.
And so it is on the World Economic Forum's top agenda to disarm the American people under the UN treaty, UNIDIR.
And I've said it over and over again.
Biden's cut off our energy.
He's completely opened our borders and violated federal law and allowed massive human smuggling.
We got him cut and dry.
And Republican leadership says we don't have the votes.
It doesn't matter.
Going into the election, you take the narrative away from them, you point out what they've done.
Polls show 90-some percent of Americans don't care about January 6, and 80-plus percent don't care about Ukraine.
They care about the inflation and the baby formula shortages and the open border.
Plus, it's unconstitutional and illegal what Biden's doing.
It's our duty to impeach him or to try, and it will force the issue and prepare the way after the midterms for the win of the House and Senate for Republicans to actually remove him.
And they say, well, we'll just get Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi.
We'll get rid of them, too.
It's your duty when someone violates the Constitution and pisses in the face of our hard-fought rights to stand up against it and to stop it.
Not to aid to bet the damn thing, excuse me.
So it must happen.
Here is Nadler again saying We can't let 18-year-olds have guns, but they need to register for selective service because they need to be able to be forced into the military.
Oxymoronic murder of logic in your face.
Here it is.
Um, we recognize different ages for different purposes.
We recognize 18 for the draft.
We recognize, uh, 16 for driving in some states.
We recognize, uh, uh, 21 for drinking.
Um, so we recognize different ages for different purposes.
That's all I want to say.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Could I have a second to engage that?
I'll yield to the gentleman for Kentucky.
Would the chairman join me in co-sponsoring a bill to raise the draft age to 21?
But the chairman feels that their brains aren't fully formed at 18, 19, and 20?
The research does indicate that, in certain respects, but the Selective Service needs... I mean, if the country needs people, it needs people.
It needs people whose brains aren't fully formed?
In certain respects, yes.
I yield back.
Directly waging war on logic.
119 people is too many to die in America's worst mass shooting year ever.
Go and put that to a vote.
Don't lie.
Don't lie.
Directly waging war on logic.
118 people is too many to die in America's worst mass shooting year ever.
But when it comes to real death in this country, it's not even a blip on the radar screen.
And they know that.
But Stalin said one man dies, it's a tragedy.
Ten thousand die, it's a statistic.
And that's absolutely true, what that tyrant dictator had to say.
They can pull on your heartstrings all day long about dead children.
And then it turns out six people have reported he said he was going to shoot the school up.
And the police knew.
And they did nothing, just like the white supremacist that killed 10 innocent black people at a Buffalo grocery store three weeks ago.
And now they are passing a bill In California, with the Governor's support, do not report threats of mass shootings.
You cannot make this up.
They want to kill you in the womb.
They want to kill the old people with euthanasia.
Bill Gates tells us there's too many people.
But they love us so much, they want to take our guns to protect, on average, 47 children.
Murdered each year in cold blood in the big flashing neon sign of public schools.
Crazy people!
It's an option!
Don't die by suicide by cop!
Don't kill yourself!
Go kill a bunch of kids!
You're a devil!
You're a devil!
Kill kids!
Kill kids!
And we know from the statistics and studies, the more media coverage there is of mass shootings, the more it happens.
So it's still very rare, but it is going up.
Because we've got an evil problem.
Alright, the Bilderberg Group, meeting in secret in D.C.
Straight ahead, stay with us.
A lot of people got arrested.
A lot of people got persecuted.
A lot of people got attacked and demonized.
To bring you the information we've got right here today on this June 3rd, Friday edition.
It was Westbrook Pegler, Westbrook Pegler, back in the 1960s, who was a major syndicated political writer.
And his sources started pointing out meetings in Europe, but also meetings every four years in the U.S.
on the East Coast, where hundreds of members of the Dutch royal family And the British royal family and the presidents and prime ministers would rent out hotels and block them all off and then meet for four days.
And he went and covered it for a decade before he retired and could never figure out the name or who it was.
Then Anthony Sutton, the Head of Congressional Archives was given inside information from Charlotte Iserby, whose father and grandfather were Skull & Bones members, and they knew the name.
Bilderberg Group.
So it wasn't until the 70s that we even knew the name.
Of the organization.
And now we know it, it's like passé.
InfoWars isn't up covering Bilderberg this year.
No one's covering it, physically.
We're talking about it.
Paul Watson's doing reports about it.
Kit Daniels is.
Breitbart did.
Nobody else I know of.
And why is that important?
Well, if you're ruled by a shadowy group, and they didn't want people to know they existed, because the devil's biggest trick is to convince the world they didn't exist, And then, going back about 15 years ago, the media went from denying it existed, because DrudgeReport.com, back when Drudge was running it or whatever's happened, I'm not sure, but back when Drudge was still in charge of it, or back before Drudge changed his mind, I haven't talked to Drudge in years, I don't know.
We're showing footage in 2013, north of London, covering Bilderberg.
Thousands of protesters, the media showed up.
And they went from denying it existed about 15 years ago in the London Guardian, a lot of publications, to saying it existed.
But for a good five years, there was a paradox where the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Associated Press still said it did not exist.
The New York Times, again, in 2008, Eight, when it was in Chantilly, Virginia, and we went and covered it, they had helicopters and marines and Secret Service and everybody, said Jones went to a hotel complex in Virginia, outside D.C., and had a full-on hallucination.
It didn't exist.
That's what he said.
Jones is insane.
He imagined men with black sunglasses and earpieces, even though we had the footage.
Even though I stayed inside the hotel when it started, and they grabbed me and threw me out.
Nobody ever got away with that.
By the grace of God, we did.
Just like Bohemian Grove.
The force is with us.
Imagine how hard they have fought and fought and fought and fought and fought and fought to even have its existence known.
And its former head, and off and on for more than 20 years he was the head of it, it rotates.
Prince Bernhard, you know.
husband of the Queen of the Netherlands.
He was the head for the first 30 years or so.
But Klaus Schwab had it up for over a decade.
So, when you see the Dabos Group, the World Economic Forum, the New World Order, all their open announcements,
"We're going to put chips in you and you're going to eat bugs,
and you'll own nothing and have nothing and love it, and there'll be no more any of this."
Remember that that is the mouthpiece of the Bilderberg Group.
and it is the progenitor or the heart of this whole thing.
And so it snuck up on me because I'm so busy looking at them out in the open at Davos Group and the UN announcing world government, announcing censorship and forced inoculations and all of it.
And saying, Klaus Schwab last week, we control the world and the future.
We are now in control.
We have penetrated the governments.
We own the leadership.
No one can stop us.
No more.
The public has power.
We have the power.
I mean, these are quotes.
Dictatorial James Bond villain announcements.
But the original OG organization Has met in D.C.
over and over again in Chantilly.
This time they didn't.
We checked.
No one knows where it's at.
But we do.
It's the Grand Orient inside D.C.
The Hong Kong government rented the whole thing out.
It's got Secret Service and troops and everything all around it.
And that's reportedly where they are meeting right now.
And again, why would they hide themselves?
Why would they not want you to know that several hundred world leaders Our meeting, in secret, right now in DC.
Because once you identify them, and the fact they control your government, and the fact that they're taking your freedoms, it's game over because you now know they're the ones that are doing it to you.
And I know as a regular listener, you've heard me harp on this a thousand times, and you already know this.
But the general public still doesn't.
We've got exclusive details of this being posted at InfoWars.com.
And I'll be honest with you, it snuck up on me.
Paul Watson this morning, we were talking, he goes, yeah, I'm going to report on Bilderberg today.
I went, oh, I forgot they always meet the first few days in June.
And sure enough, they are.
And it's been four years since they met in the U.S.
So now is the time for that meeting to take place.
And who's at that meeting?
Well, it's very revealing.
Senator Kristen Sinema, Finnish Prime Minister Martin Sanne, Pfizer CEO, and others attend Bilderberg meeting in D.C.
CIA Director, the Carnegie Endowment, all of them.
Here's Breitbart.
Global elites converge in Washington, D.C.
for Bilderberg Group meeting.
Christina Freeland is really the Prime Minister of Canada.
Works directly for Klaus Schwab.
She's on the board of the WEF.
She's there.
And they've got a press release at BilderbergMeetings.org.
See, about 15 years ago, they couldn't cover it up anymore, so they started publishing their agenda and what they were doing.
Not only lapdog press is allowed.
And we have the full list on InfoWars.com of the 2020-2022 list of participants.
A who's who of globalist parasites.
Paul Watson tweeted, the CEO of Pfizer, the head of the CIA, the director of the E-N-C-N-S-C, and the VP of Facebook, the King of Holland, and the Secretary General of NATO are all secretly meeting right now behind closed doors in DC.
It's called Bilderberg, and not a single major media outlet has reported on it.
So we've had major victories forcing all of this out in the open.
And we salute you all for keeping us on air to be able to expose this.
But when we come back, I want to get into their agenda that includes taking over your body and forcing deadly injections into you and how that ties into these treaties and how that ties in the latest COVID information that is just nightmarish.
But the good news is we know it, so we can expose it and fight it together.
ERs reach record capacity as hospitals are inundated with patients.
WHO's pandemic treaty, the end of national sovereignty and freedom, it all comes together because they're the ones in control, they're the captains of the ship, they're the ones running us into the ground, and we are going to expose it all.
Coming up here today on this historic broadcast, the economy, what's happening in Ukraine, What's happening with the attack on our children and the dehumanization, transhumanist movement, the transgender system.
It's all coming up today on this Friday, June 3rd, 2022 transmission.
We're about to play a clip from the archives.
In 2013, just north of London, at a huge hotel estate, more than 4,000 protesters, more than 100 media outlets showed up to expose the Bilderberg Group.
For the first time ever, it was all over international headlines.
We'd exposed the shadow government.
Now fast forward only a decade and this world government through the Davos Group is openly taking control of the planet and bragging they are in control of the planet.
Total complete vindication for all of you that helped get the word out about Bilderberg.
You are the tip of the spear.
You are the resistance.
Well, I kind of halfway expected something like this to happen because they've gone from being secret and saying anybody that talks about it is a cougar conspiracy theorist to now, okay, we're real, but we're just a little political chat.
And so they want to hide in plain view and have David Cameron come here.
And who knows, Sarkozy may come here.
The word is Bill Gates is going to be sneaking in.
A lot of times there's 20, 30 to 50 people who aren't on the list and those are usually the real conflict of interest and that's who they'll have sneak in or land behind fences and helicopters.
But the fact that Cameron is openly announcing as the head of a major state that he's going to be attending in the middle of it, I think this is This is Bilderberg pretty much going public.
And that's actually what I was told from my Senate sources, and what I was told by a major Hollywood source, through a member of the Bilderberg group, that they are having a major debate about just opening up their entire operation to the press, or at least the speeches they give that are Davos-like.
Uh, but it's the break-off groups where the real collusion goes on, uh, the price fixing.
I mean, there have been indictments before.
There have been investigations, uh, back in the 70s with Lockheed and Prince Bernhard and jet deals to the Netherlands.
So, that's the type of things that go on here and, uh, we've just been trying, uh, myself for 18 years, To get the public to understand there are these types of super high-level power broker meetings going on.
It was Westbrook Pegler back in the 50s that happened to be on vacation and see a hotel lockdown and people he knew, famous people, world leaders there.
And he was a syndicated columnist and wrote about it and they said, shut up.
And he said, shut up?
What, there's something above government?
And then it just grew from there.
We didn't even know the name of it until about 35 years ago.
I think that the influence of the Bilderberg Group has waned because of exposure, but it's waned even more in just the last few years, and now it's completely evident today, because of the fact that the founding members have died, like Prince Bernhard.
Or they're so old like Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller.
What we're really seeing is more than a death.
We're seeing a passing of the torch to what I call Googleburg.
And we have insiders on that.
That's what really freaked them out.
Why they threw us out days before it even started.
We have sources in government, but also confirmed with people that were in the hotel that work there.
All right, from the archive 10 years ago.
And here we are today living under the new world order.
Dictatorship now revealing itself.
So let's look at some of the things they're currently doing right now.
The World Health Organization's pandemic treaty, the end of national sovereignty and freedom, the Von Mise Institute does an excellent analysis of that.
And Adan Salazar is reporting WHO forced to back down after numerous nations led by Bolsonaro in Brazil reject pandemic treaty.
That's on Infowars.com.
Meanwhile, the main weapon they use is inflation and collapsing borders.
Observers say Erdogan of Turkey using migrants as political weapon against Greece.
Over 1 million migrants eligible to vote in upcoming Swedish national election.
Federal Ethics Commission in Canada flooded with emails calling for investigation into WEF conspiracy.
The National Post of Canada reports, we're identifying the enemy as you can see.
That's why they need election fraud.
That's why they need to be able to manipulate things.
Dominion, voting machines, and 16 states vulnerable to hacks, U.S.
government cyber agency confirms.
So that's just some of the news on that front.
But let's look at what they're doing through the biomedical tyranny front.
That is extremely central to everything this enemy, this depopulation cult of out-of-control, filthy rich people are up to.
I'll get more into this after we take calls into the next hour, but I want to just get to the headlines now.
This is so big.
This is the Boston Globe.
Again, this is all over the foreign news.
It's every Western country that took the Moderna, the Pfizer, the AstraZeneca.
or the J&J shots that all grow spike proteins in the body, that again the CDC's own documents in October of 2000 that
are on their own website, they predicted that all of this would
indeed happen and now it has. ERs reach record capacity as hospitals
are inundated with patients. They say it's way worse than it's ever
been. It's double what it was in the last two years.
They're having blood clots.
They're having heart attacks.
They're having strokes.
It's young people.
It's old people.
They say it's a mystery.
They just don't know what's happening.
Here's The Sun reporting.
The urgent warning to women in their 40s after sharp rise in sudden killer.
Blood clots!
And I know one of the top three famous bodybuilders out there who took the shots so he could go to the Arnold Classic last year.
And now, blood clots have almost killed him and he was in perfect shape.
And a medical doctor, I'll leave it at that.
So, there you go!
Scientists find world's first cure for heart attacks, Daily Mail reports, using same mRNA technology as COVID vaccines.
This is, as some are saying, a literal IQ test.
How dumb are you?
What will you put up with?
And we've got this clip.
Executive Director of Oxfam International at WEF's COVID statement.
Executive Director of Oxfam International at World Economic Forum says COVID has been one of the most profitable products ever.
We'll play the clip in a moment, but it is a product.
It's a new chimeric virus that they control that creates a poisonous spike protein in the body that replicates it.
And then the shot does the exact same thing.
So you can jump back and forth and say, oh, people are sick.
He really took the shot from COVID when it's the shots causing the COVID.
Here she is.
The rise in billionaires has been unprecedented during the pandemic.
And there's been several sectors where that has been mostly concentrated.
And one is, in fact, the pharma sector, because COVID has been one of the most profitable products ever.
So that's one point to discuss.
And our report out today is called Profiting from Pain.
How those delays in making this technology available and really having people vaccinated early has contributed to that.
But has also, as we said earlier, it's not only the direct health impacts, but it's the economic, social impacts on all parts of the population.
And in reality, an increase in inequality reversing the trend of the last few years where All of that is lies.
20 years ago, a handful of people had half the wealth.
countries and poor countries. Unfortunately now it has widened and the
statistic we're seeing is every 30 hours a new billionaire was vintage during the
pandemic. All of that is lies. 20 years ago a handful of people had half the
wealth now they've got 80 plus percent. The third world's never been poor.
The global disorder, the lockdowns, all their policies did this to the IMF and World Bank.
But she was honest about the fact that it is the most profitable thing ever for them.
Meanwhile, we've got this talk show host wearing a face mask and a face shield, getting ready to do battle with unmasked, unvaxxed COVID idiots on my flight to Charlotte to see my nine-year-old mom.
Says Stephanie Miller, the talk show host.
She got roasted by tens of thousands of responses.
You've had all the shots!
Aren't you protected, Dumbo?
Oh, it's not really a vaccine.
So you have the Venn Diagram.
The virtuous signalers.
I'm a good person.
The patronizing.
I'm more informed and intelligent.
The martyr.
I'm doing this for you, not me.
And the middle.
You are here wearing your little symbol of slavery.
Masks make a difference.
Do your part to keep others safe.
Wear your mask, even though statistics show they do absolutely nothing to protect you and cause bacterial pneumonia.
It's like saying a cardboard box is a bomb shelter to wear a mask.
Parents protest that your high school blocks unvaccinated students from attending graduation.
You're in the wrong school.
Former Goldman Sachs PhD, never returning to normal.
It's the new world order.
They love their mask.
They love their lockdowns.
They love their slavery.
That's... Joe Rogan doesn't love it though.
That looks like Joe Rogan.
Hello, I'm Heather and I'm addicted to the COVID narrative at their little COVID fear meeting where they all are wearing their mask and face shields, getting in to the fear as governments have to compensate people all over the world because of the damages caused by it.
All right, that's just some of what we're going to be getting into more later here today.
Just remember, The only way their conspiracy against humanity succeeds is if you don't spread the word, if you don't share the articles, if you don't share the videos on your email and your text messages and systems that are harder for them to censor.
And if you don't get great products you already need at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're down to less than 2,000 of the final coin, the three-part series, the Second Amendment coin.
There's a founding member, meaning you're helping us fund the future of the system.
You get a lot of exclusive content and deals.
Today we're debating a gun control bill that's actually six gun control bills in one.
at 1776coin.com and we're going to end the big sell to 60% audible paydrip points at
General Ady yields back for our purposes.
Mr. Massey, seek recognition.
I move to strike the last word.
Gentleman is recognized.
Today we're debating a gun control bill that's actually six gun control bills in one.
And why are there six?
Because none of them work.
If you take six that don't work and put them together, they're not going to work.
You can't make up for ineffective bills by having more than one or half a dozen of them.
Each and every one of these gun control bills in this single title is unserious and unconstitutional and suffers from the problem, the inherent problem, that almost all gun control suffers from.
And that is criminals do not obey the law.
They do not follow the law.
Who here today thinks that criminals are going to read the Safe Storage Act and some gang member is going to say, oh, I better lock this gun up or else they'll come and take it?
Who here today thinks that a 19-year-old criminal is going to obey the restriction on age for having a gun?
Nobody here believes this.
These are unserious.
But they're worse than that.
They're going to compromise the rights and the safety of individual citizens, law-abiding citizens.
Let me tell you the story of Nikki Gosar, who's testified here in Congress.
And she worked for me in my congressional office.
Nikki watched her husband get murdered in front of her, viciously, in a gun-free zone, while her licensed firearm was in her car outside of the restaurant.
That haunts her today.
Ben and her had just recently been married, and they just wanted to be in this restaurant, and they followed the law, and he was murdered by her stalker in front of her.
Now she went on to get the laws changed in Tennessee to get rid of that gun-free zone.
But that's one example, just one example of how all the rest of these are going to fail.
The criminals do not follow the law.
And the biggest thing we could do that nobody on the other side of the aisle is talking about today is to quit advertising our schools as soft Zones, soft targets for defenseless teachers, defenseless staff and students who aren't being defended.
Congress itself in 1990 passed the Gun-Free School Zone Act.
It's done more, it's cost more lives than it has saved.
Now some states have been able to override the Gun-Free School Zone Act and create their own areas.
And in those states and those school districts where that's happened, where they've allowed qualified teachers and staff to carry, there hasn't been a single mass shooting in one of those schools.
There hasn't been a single shooting of one person in one of those schools.
The biggest thing we could do here today is to repeal the 1990 Gun-Free School Zone Act, so that the default condition in this country is not to advertise every student as a target.
Now to Mr. Cicilline's point, he was talking about the Supreme Court.
You know, in 1995, the Gun-Free School Zone Act was struck down.
Why was that?
Because this document does not contain the authority to implement a Gun-Free School Zone Act.
So what did Congress do?
They resuscitated this unconstitutional bill by putting in a provision that says, well, as long as the gun is involved in interstate commerce, well then we have the authority.
Well I wonder if that's the case with all six of these useless bills in here today because only two of the bills say that.
It's actually two of the bills say it only applies to firearms involved in interstate commerce.
Does that mean the other four are unconstitutional?
It actually means all six are unconstitutional and they're trying to save two of them with the provision that killed the Gun-Free School Zone Act in 1995.
By the way, they overturned Mr. Lopez's conviction and he went on to serve in the Marines.
The one who was convicted of violating the Gun-Free School Zone Act.
But Congress came back and resuscitated it.
And unconstitutionally so, but there is a conflict between these six bills.
Some of them recognize the constitutional flaw and some of them don't.
And I want to close with this.
Some of my colleagues have said that the assault weapons ban from 1994 to 2004 reduced mass public shootings by 40%.
They make up a number a lot of times.
We're now into hour number two on this Live Friday transmission that the New World Order cannot stand is still on air.
And I cannot thank you enough for keeping us on air.
I cannot thank you for standing for my freedom, and I stand for yours.
Together, we form that invincible resistance.
I didn't talk, folks.
We are the tip of the spear.
You are the tip of the spear.
I need to get that through your beautiful mind.
When I pat you on the head, I ain't patting you on the head.
I'm thanking you for standing side by side.
Friday Live.
Globalist Puppet Biden.
Declaration of War Against the Second Amendment.
It's an act of treason.
He must be impeached now.
I want to open the phones up in this hour.
We did a good job yesterday.
The day before we took a lot of calls in one hour, like 20 calls one day, about 15 another.
So we're going to load the phone lines up on the declaration of war against your right to self-defense and your view of it and where you think this is going with 158 days out from the election.
We're talking about that topic.
The right to keep their arms has been taken almost everywhere in the world.
And the few countries like the U.S.
and Switzerland, they're trying like the devil to get them.
I'll give the number out in a moment.
We're opening the phone line system up for first-time callers, people who have tried to get through, never could.
I want to get your view on where you think the deep state's going next.
I'll give the number out in a moment.
But this is a true meme.
Everybody remembers this.
You've seen this.
But it really says it all.
It says, pay attention kids, it's not science, it's politics.
So when they say don't question science, science is all about questioning.
Anybody that says don't question, it's science, is a cult leader.
They want you to be in their cult.
I want you to question me.
I want you to do your own research.
Oh, but CNN's Brian Stelter, and the New York Times, the rest of them say, headlines, don't ask questions.
Don't do your own research.
The five deadly words, do your own research.
Think about it.
That's a cult.
1960s, oil is gone in 10 years.
That's a club of Rome, Bilderberg Room.
1970s, another ice age is coming in 10 years.
1980s, acid rain will destroy all crops in 10 years.
1990s, the ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years.
2000, the ice caps will melt in 10 years, but the Al Gores of the world all bought oceanfront property, and it wasn't in Arizona.
And if you can believe that, I'm willing to sell you The Brooklyn Bridge.
I got some oceanfront property in Arizona.
If you'll buy that, I'll throw the Golden Gate in for free.
None happened, but all resulted in more taxes, more surveillance, more control.
That certainly says it all.
You know, I'm a subscriber to Fox Nation and Tucker Carlson's show.
A lot of times I get home at night and, uh, My other children are all grown up and moved out.
I'm an old man now.
Son's almost 20.
First daughter's 18 now.
My middle daughter decided a year ago to go live with her mom.
That's fine.
That's where she lives.
Love her to death.
Got my five-year-old daughter.
I go home and we watch Tucker Carlson.
Boy, does my five-year-old like her.
So does my wife.
So it's something we can all agree upon.
So I was watching this.
I said, let me see if I can find a clip of this on Twitter.
And I found it right away.
This is Brett Favre.
Famous quarterback, but more importantly, a father and a patriot.
And what he says with common sense is so important.
And every adult tells their children this.
Every smart adult does.
I know my parents told me this.
And it's enjoy your life now.
Enjoy being young.
Enjoy being old.
But enjoy where you're at.
Enjoy the blue sky.
Enjoy the moon.
Enjoy the stars.
Enjoy the beauty God gave you.
Don't let the globalists get you down.
Fight them because you love your family and love humanity.
Don't fight them because you hate them.
And listen, when I point my finger at you, three more are pointing back at me because I burned myself up with hate.
I did 80% of what I did for love.
But 20% was hate.
And boy, they were viral clips.
And I looked like the devil when I was doing it.
And I meant the things I said.
But it's not sustainable.
Love gives me more discernment.
Love gives me more power.
Love gives me more understanding.
Love in the moment and what God gave us is so important and what Brett Favre says is so true.
Don't let the globalists grind you down.
Don't make it a fight between you and them because you can't win.
You can't beat the devil.
But the God that made the universe and made us and gave us free will can and will beat the devil.
And so through God we will prevail.
But it is so central what Brett Favre says here.
Here's a clip.
Not every guy played that way, with that passion.
I think when it was over for them, however many years it was, how much or how little, they didn't appreciate it.
And I coached high school football for two years when I retired.
Didn't make any money, didn't want any money, enjoyed the hell out of it.
And I thought it was kind of a favor to the head coach to be his offense coordinator, but it ended up being a blessing because I really enjoyed it.
But I would tell those kids all the time, you got to enjoy the moment.
I said, first of all, you're young.
When I was your age, I couldn't wait to be 21 or move on to the next level.
Well, I was fortunate enough that I played long enough in the NFL that time sort of stopped, if that makes sense.
Along the way that I could kind of stop and smell the roses.
You know, the first seven, five, seven, eight years, man, it was balls to the wall, just blowing and going.
And next thing I know, it's like, it seemed like it took forever, but before you knew it, It's like, you know, when you turn 30, the next birthday, you're 53.
And the next birthday was 53, and you're like, damn, where'd all the 23 years in between go?
I was fortunate enough that I played long enough that I could kind of stop and say, you know, enjoy this.
And you know, that sounds really simple, but it's super deep.
fun or disappointing it is, enjoy this moment because there'll be a time when too quickly
it'll be gone.
And I saw so many guys not that it was here and gone just like them and never got to appreciate
And you know that sounds really simple but it's super deep.
And I've gotten to that point in my life at 48 where I was always trying to beat the new
I was always trying to stop what they were going to do.
I was always trying to think I could beat them.
I mean, I believe in God and I had God on my side, but you know, this is all going to play out.
This has all been foretold.
And we should all really freak out and realize, man, the Bible's really being fulfilled.
And it doesn't matter your little church or your big church isn't going to tell you that because they're bought and paid for it.
The church doesn't live at that church house.
The church lives inside you, as Christ said, inside your soul.
And so we got a lot of evil coming down on us, but we got a lot of good as well.
And so that's the most important thing I can say to anybody out there is God's in control, folks.
And God has a plan for you.
And just don't let these people get you down and don't get so upset and feel like you're guilty because you can't beat them.
Because, man, that's how I am.
And I can't survive doing that.
I'm so much stronger now that I just gave it to God.
Like when I was 16, 17, really 15, 14 years old, I was a Hellion.
My mom just prayed to God and said, I give them to you.
And it all turned out all right.
We gotta give it to God.
We're gonna go to break.
We're gonna come back with your phone calls on the attack, the declaration of war against what founded this country, your right to self-defense.
First-time callers, straight ahead.
And we got a special guest.
Trump impeachment lawyer.
So smart.
So informative.
Alex 877-789-2539. First-time callers straight ahead. We got a special guest
Trump impeachment lawyer. So smart, so informative in the third hour today.
All right, your calls are straight ahead.
There are a lot of key videos, a lot of key articles, just waiting for you to turn them loose.
You don't spread them, the dog doesn't hunt, we lose.
You take action, God works through you, we are unstoppable!
So take action now!
All right, my friends, the Alex Jones Show is live.
We're taking your calls right now on the declaration of war by the globalists to finally disarm the American people, ladies and gentlemen.
I stepped out during the break to get something out of my car.
It's pouring down rain out there.
It's pouring down tear, and I got a little bit of water on me here.
We got Kathy, we got Sully, we got Joe, we got Kennan, we got Patriot, we got Earl, we got so many great people already on the line.
There's a lot of debates about the right to self-defense, but it comes down to free will.
Should we let airline pilots fly planes?
Somebody might hijack it and fly it into a building.
Should we let other people own guns because somebody bad might do something?
And on its face, when you get a leftist to go out and shoot guns for the first time, and they are shooting bullseye in 10 minutes, they're like, well, why don't I get to have this?
You can have a chainsaw.
You can have a baseball bat.
You can have a car.
Why can't you have this gun?
And it's because they want to disarm you, to enslave you and control you.
It's a very simple equation.
So what is your response to the puppet president that stole the election, all proven by 2,000 mules, announcing their declaration of war?
Alex, God bless you and your family and the crew.
he's protected by the Secret Service, and all these mayors that have defunded the police
are protected by multi-million dollar private security contracts.
What do you make of this?
What do you think we should do next?
Let's talk to Kathy in Arizona.
Kathy, thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, God bless you and your family and the crew.
I've been praying for the last hour if I could get through to you and God answered that prayer.
What I'd like to suggest if possible, I know you're a true believer of a power of our mind
and God, if we could all pause on a commercial break or right now,
and everybody listening just pray that these globalist parasite snakes,
and that includes Peto Joe, That they are taken out, he is impeached, and let's do it now, all together.
I agree, the power of prayer is amazing, and I just ask that God heal our land, we seek God's face, we repent, and we ask that God remove these tyrants, if that's God's will.
You know, it's gotta be God's will, but if it's God's will, I mean, I ask that the innocents be protected.
Yeah, I've been praying hard for you and your little one, and your wife, and your little puppy dog.
And God's protecting you, and you're the greatest.
You're the greatest.
Let me tell you, God's the greatest, but as the people, you're the greatest.
God has had his hand on me my whole life.
I am a horrible, wretched sinner, but God has had his hand on me, and it's incredible, and God is so real.
And there's no doubt, God has had his hand on this operation, and it is such a blessing.
It's such a blessing to be in this position.
The persecution is nothing.
It is such an honor to be here, Kathy.
Thank you so much.
You're a beautiful person.
Let's go to Sully in New York.
Sully, thanks for calling.
Hi, Sully.
How you doing?
Okay, Sully's gone.
Let's go to the next caller.
Let's go to Joe in Kansas.
Joe in Kansas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, it's an honor to speak with you today.
I'm calling because I'm a farmer in Kansas and when COVID started, There was a local article in the news about how they were going to take these cabins that my neighbor owns across the street from me and use them to confine people who were disobeying their quarantine orders.
That's right.
They're just introducing the idea of disappearing and locking people up and they're building giant camps all over the world.
Isn't that incredible?
Well, it's incredible, Alex, and I did approach my neighbor about it and asked him.
He told me he never had any plans of the sort, so I can only assume that they were going to appropriate his land and build a concentration camp across the street from my house!
Brother, that's how real it is.
And it's all directed by the U.N.
and Bill Gates.
All over the world, including the U.S., FEMA has built camps for 10 million people, they reported last year.
So they've got designated sites for 10 million people right now.
Well, I'm personally a fan of most people in law enforcement.
I think most people in law enforcement are good, but there are enough bad people there that they may try to do something.
I asked my local cop about it, because he's a friend of mine.
I asked if someone told you to enforce a quarantine order, would you do it?
And he told me, hell no, he wouldn't.
And I believe most Americans do.
And that's why the left's at war with the cops.
The cops aren't perfect.
I'm not perfect.
You're not perfect.
But overall, compared to the general public, the police are amazing people.
And they get a lot of bad jurisdictions, they get a lot of bad orders, but on average, cops are good people.
There's a lot of bad ones, a lot of bad people, period.
But absolutely, that's why they're bullying the police.
I got an article right here, where there's a video of the woman with a gun attacking the police with it.
And then they say, oh, cops shoot an unarmed black woman who's pregnant five times.
And there's video of her with a damn gun aiming it at him.
And again, I'm not glad a black woman is dead or a white woman.
Any woman.
The point is, is that the media is at war with the infrastructure they don't control.
They control the top, they don't control the bottom.
Is the bottom perfect?
But they want to demonize the bottom, take control of it.
And when they have control of the top and the bottom, we are screwed.
Well, I think you're making us a little less screwed, brother, and I appreciate you.
That's really all I had to say, but thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Love you, Joe.
All right, I don't want to cut the next caller off.
We're going to take in this next 10-minute segment, five phone calls.
I'm coming in hot.
I'm going to your call.
I'm giving you each a minute and 45 seconds.
I'm going to be the next person that we get to all these amazing callers.
No need to thank me.
I want to thank you.
Like Rush used to say, just dittos.
I love you.
You love me.
We are together in this fight.
We're going to cover it all when we come back.
Now, speaking of what's going on.
It is such a blessing and I am just beyond thankful that it's definitely God because I didn't tell listeners a few months ago how bad it was.
We were two million dollars behind and I was gonna have to lay people off.
I'd spent all my personal money and there was no more money and we got big donations and listeners came through and bought products.
So now we are 5% in the black right now for the next six months.
Now that's not much, but when you've been in the red, being in the black is amazing.
So please keep us in the black.
Go to InfoWare store.
We got a big mega sale going right now.
Up to 60% off.
Double patriot points at InfoWarsTore.com and we've got all of the best selling products
there up to 60% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Get the immune support, get the vitamin D3 gummies, get the X2, get it all at InfoWarsTore.com.
We got Brain Force Ultra, we got Dr. Jones Naturals, we got the fish oil, the krill oil,
it's all discounted.
Thank you so much for your support, we can't do it without you.
I'd like to call to order this secret conclave of America's media empires.
We're here to come up with the next phony baloney crisis to put Americans back where they belong in dark rooms, glued to their televisions, too terrified to skip the commercials.
Well, I think... NBC, you are here to listen and not speak.
I think we should go with a good old-fashioned public health scare.
A new disease.
No one's immune.
It's like the summer of the shark, except instead of a shark, it's an epidemic.
And instead of summer, it's all the time.
Now I hate to be the guy who derails what everybody else loves.
He loves being that guy.
But Janice, we do have standards.
This can't be a made-up disease.
The only moral thing to do is release a deadly virus into the general public.
We do have something we've been holding on to, but it hasn't been tested.
Get over here, NBC.
Well, we certainly believe in testing, but I... Oh!
Oh yeah!
So, we've got our deadly disease.
Now we just have to blame it on something that's in every household.
Something that people are a little bit afraid of already.
House Cat Flu is coming, people!
The Center for Disease Disinformation predicts with some degree of probability that the House Cat Flu might spread in the following hypothetical outbreak pattern.
So petter beware, that warm body on your lap just might be ready to destroy your tender fiddles.
Springfielders are advised to stay tuned for more information if they experience any of the following
Mild thirst, occasional hunger, tiredness at night.
That's from 15 years ago, and now it all came true.
In your face.
Making a joke out of it.
We're taking calls, the order they received.
Kennan in Texas, you're on the air.
Welcome, Kennan.
Hello, General Jones.
I got two important features I want to point out.
Number one is the Joe Biden that you see right now on TV is not the real Joe Biden.
People's facial features do not change.
And if you look at the earlobe, the right earlobe of the real Biden that was in office when he was with Obama, you can see that his right earlobe is heavily rounded.
And if you look at the fake Biden, his earlobe is straight.
There's no roundedness to the bottom of his earlobe.
And once you start looking at the difference in the two Bidens, the fake Biden versus the real Biden, you'll see that the real Biden has a much taller, larger forehead.
So they've obviously not just got a puppet in there, but they don't even have the real Biden in there.
I think the real Biden is somewhere with Epstein on a new island somewhere.
The second topic is Microsoft keeps updating my Windows 10, even though that operating system is well over a decade old and there's no reason for any updates to be doing.
I've turned off my computer where I told it that I don't want updates to even be occurring.
And I'm talking about two or three, four updates a month by Bill Gates's computer business.
And he's still running the show over there, even though he says he stepped down.
Bill Gates is still the lead man at Microsoft and for some reason my operating system keeps updating.
Are you guys having the same issue?
Well, they're all spying on us.
It's all sorts of craziness.
Kenan, I don't know.
I mean, all I know is Biden's a puppet anyway.
He's slicing.
And he is a shriveled version of his previous self.
So who the hell knows?
But, I mean, anything could be because they lie to us so much.
Let's talk to Patriot in Ohio.
Patriot, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing today, man?
It's good to talk to you.
I've got a question for you.
Very rarely do I hear anything about our Sheriff's Department doing anything about what's going on.
I feel like they're our last line of defense, in which they are, to uphold the Constitution.
I've called Alexandria Sheriff's Department, left them messages, tried to get a hold of them.
They're not getting a hold of me back.
I don't know, but I feel like if everybody would talk to their Sheriff, I totally agree.
We should raise awareness of the sheriff being the oldest institution since the Magna Carta, predating that, and the most important elected official in any county who is there to enforce the Constitution and Bill of Rights and state and local law.
And they have incredible power and we need to empower our sheriffs to be guardians of the Republic.
I totally agree with you.
I mean, I really don't get it.
Do you have a reason or any reason why they're not arresting these people?
Like, are all these politicians immune from getting arrested?
Well, I mean, they control the Justice Department, so how do you get a state grand jury to indict people?
The question is, how bad is it going to get?
As the ruling class knows, there's nobody enforcing.
They can insider trade, child smuggle, open borders, devalue currencies, anything they want.
The question is, how bad will it get?
I mean, we've reached that point.
Yeah, oh, I totally agree with you.
I had another question for you.
You're always talking about need money to keep InfoWars on air.
How about if you guys put, like, all the information you've ever had on what's going on onto, like, zip drives and sell them?
I mean, I'd buy it.
That's a great idea.
Download the websites and put all our main films on a zip drive and sell an InfoWars archive.
We've heard that before.
That's something we should look at doing and doing.
God bless you.
Great idea.
All right, let's go ahead and take another caller.
Let's talk to Aaron in Wisconsin.
Aaron, welcome.
Hey, Jones.
How you doing?
I just want to make a couple points quick.
I've been listening to you for probably about 15 years, though I never found you at InfoWars.
It was always on YouTube.
And just kind of to your point of discernment, I always kind of had this discernment that what you were saying was the truth, or at least put me on the path to the truth.
I could just kind of feel it.
I didn't really know it, but now I've been listening to you.
Hold on, I'm not going to interrupt you long, but let me just say this.
What you said is the perfect description.
I am not the truth.
I try to tell the truth.
I'm fouled.
I'm a sinner.
I'm a human, but I'm trying to tell the truth.
But we're very good at getting people on the path to truth and to God.
That's a perfect way.
InfoWars is not the truth.
It helps get people on the path to truth.
Because truth is a journey.
Go ahead.
Exactly, and you have put me on the path to God, and I've found God, and I really credit you largely for that.
I've always had my struggles, you know, with the idea of God, but, you know, honestly, it's you and others like you who have shown me the other side of that coin, the evil, you know, that shows me that, you know, the good side, God, really does exist.
And again, I just, I can feel it now.
And, you know, another point that I wanted to make is, With the Second Amendment being under attack and just people like me and you, Trump supporters, the right, whatever you want to call us, I feel like our leaders in Congress or just public figures don't really make the point enough that even if it were true that Donald Trump and all of us supporters and Republicans on the right, even if we were these nasty racists and
All of this, even if it were true, it's people like you and like me who are the watchdogs, who need the Second Amendment, who would never allow people like that tyrant to take hold and to round up, you know, the LGBT community or black people or Asian people or whoever they want to parade out.
Oh, it's outrageous lies.
The Democrats are running ads that Senator Rand Paul, that's anti-war, is going to lynch black people.
I mean, it's like saying I'm going to blow the moon up tomorrow.
What they're doing is savage evil.
Fraud, lies, division.
Right, and it doesn't take much to expose.
I mean, there's like that video of Rand Paul and his wife walking, you know, I think it was after the Republican National Convention 2020 when all these riots were going on and these people were You know, following him, and there was a police officer who stuck with him who, I think, took a punch to the face.
And these people don't even realize that he's the one who is introducing legislation to get rid of these no-knock ones.
Well, they kept saying, say her name, when he got the bill passed, in that woman's name.
The black lady that got killed.
It's insane!
It's like...
It's just crazy.
It's absolutely crazy.
It's like coming to Michael Jordan and saying, say Michael Jordan's name.
Why are you against Michael Jordan?
And you're Michael Jordan.
Great point.
Thank you so much.
All right, Ahmed and Mike and so many others, your calls are coming up on the other side of this break.
But speaking of support, all I'm asking listeners to do is follow your heart.
and think about what do you want to support?
Where is there a place for you to know that you're supporting by word of mouth,
by prayer, by buying products that you know is having a big effect?
And InfoWars is really the best place.
And we're embattled.
And we're on the front lines.
So InfoWarsTore.com is going to end this Sunday, the Memorial Day specials
up to 60% audible Patreon points at InfoWarsTore.com.
Have you tried X2?
I mean, have you experienced these products like TurboForce or BrainForce or BrainForce Ultra?
This is your chance to do it in FullRestore.com.
All right, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're taking calls right now on the attack on the Second Amendment.
Ahmed in New York, thanks for calling.
We really appreciate you.
Go ahead.
Okay, so the Roe v. Wade is Roe v. Wade, my body, my choice.
Then they're going to disarm the public, quarantine everybody.
It's a one, two, step, three, you know, we all know what's going on.
And unfortunately, I don't know if the masses are really gonna be civilly disobedient enough.
Because everybody's just like, going back to 2019, they're like, oh, yeah, let's go back to our lives.
And there's no, they're attacking our family, attacking our structure, attacking God, attacking our religion, whatever religion you are.
They're just attacking any hardworking Americans, hardworking patriots around the world that believe in a pro-humanistic future.
And these people are actually They're applying the pressure on us, so us as masses, we need to really come together before I don't even know what's going to happen.
No, I agree.
They're dividing and conquering us while Hillary, that has all these armed bodyguards, says no one actually needs an AR-15.
Well, maybe the folks in Benghazi needed people with AR-15s to protect them, Hillary.
And then the mass shooting, the mass shooting that happened in Texas, my condolences to the family, but they did a whole, the digital soldiers around the world, we actually put a video of Google Maps There's a Mason symbol.
Anybody can go Google Map this.
The only angle of the shooter going inside the school, the only angle of the shooter going inside the school, they put it on Google Maps, and you literally see in front of it, there's like a garden piece where they hang it on the tree on the left-hand side.
Anybody can go Google this.
It's on the Google Maps, the Mason sign on there.
And the Masons, my family's been part of the Masons, and I know, Alex, a lot of people around you,
and there's good patriots around the world that are part of the Masons,
but they've been infiltrated by a lot of bad people, bad people that have killed good people like Jerry Gallatin,
which was the king of barter and trade.
That was given, that was by New York Magazine, New York Times, this was back in the '80s and '90s.
My grandfather was the king of barter.
They killed him because he was taken out by the IRS, by taxes, he was allowing people to have a free economic
and free, powerful, capitalistic future without the IRS, which they're crooks.
I'm sorry.
They're crooks.
I still have- I hear you.
I will look into that.
Thank you so much, Ahmed.
Beautiful points.
Let's go to Mike in Kentucky.
Mike, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
This is Mike from Kentucky.
How you doing there?
Man, I'm taking your calls.
I'm on air still, so I'm doing good.
Okay, great.
I was bringing up a thing about the mayor's thing and all.
So, all right.
I have congestive heart failure.
I was a mechanic on a cab driver.
I was forced into retirement.
What I'm getting at is that they're violating the Nuremberg Code, the HIPAA law.
HIPAA law is supposed to comply with medical staff only, not private American citizens.
Am I correct?
Thank you, my friend.
Thank you.
And also with the shooting thing, I heard it was pre-planned.
It's disgusting.
I heard the sheriffs or the cops got their kids out of the school first.
They saved their kids.
19 kids shot dead in Tejas.
Very sad.
And I'll tell you what, I'm outraged because that should have not have happened.
I'm serious.
40 minutes of wait?
That's a bunch of crap.
Well, it's more than that now, Mike, and they've changed their story at least 19 times.
And so I don't know what really happened there, but man, there's a cover-up going on, brother.
You got that right, brother.
And I'll treat it like a second-class citizen.
I was dead.
I had two heart attacks in four days so far.
Look at all this.
I'm forced on security.
I'm a mechanic and a cab driver.
I'll make a long story short.
What can I do about this?
What can I do to help?
I'm mad as hell.
I want my country back.
Just take care of yourself.
Take care of your family.
Warn others.
Many hands make light work.
And pray to God for a global awakening.
And that's the real power, brother.
I love you and I appreciate you.
Thank you for the call.
Let's talk to Mark in Kentucky and then George in Canada.
Mark in Kentucky, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Mark in Louisville.
Honored to talk to you.
My question is about abortion and what they're doing with the fetuses and the body parts.
Do you believe that they're creating, I guess, a treatment for the world elites with that?
I don't think that.
They're using it for live extension technologies.
They're sucking their juices out and sanguinating them to create treatments.
A hundred percent, they're just teaching us that humans are a commodity.
Yeah, I guess, because I looked at when, you know, Hillary collapsed at the 9-11 ceremony, and that they rushed her to Chelsea's apartment instead of a hospital.
I just wondered what treatment was available at her apartment that wasn't available at a hospital.
Well, they do get private treatment, so they do get the blood of children.
That's mainline news.
There's major companies that do it.
Okay, I appreciate your input.
Thank you, Alex.
Anything else, sir?
Any other questions?
Those were great questions.
Not now.
Keep on.
Keep it on, brother.
Well, it's like in Soylent Green, the science fiction movie from the early 70s.
Soylent Green's mad at the people.
We're turning ourselves into a commodity.
George in Canada.
George, welcome.
What's going on, buddy?
Well, first your dictator announces gun confiscation.
Now ours does.
Well, listen, man.
I just want to say something.
Grease that horse.
I find you don't push it enough.
Great program.
Loved it.
I recommend it to anybody.
We're really proud of it and it's all about how they control you and transcending it.
We love ResetWars.
I want to thank all the folks that got the course.
Next off, okay, the big thing I want to talk to you about is, we got NATO, right, with the World Economic Forum, the globalists pushing Russia to war, and we got the Chinese that are aligned with them.
Now, we know that the ideology that the World Economic Forum is pushing is communist.
It's a form of communism.
But we have China and Russia that are pushing somewhat of a similar ideology.
I mean, at the end of all of this, man, it's communism that comes in.
We don't win, right?
Like, it comes down to us people having to take our governments back because it's communism either way we see it, man.
Well, it's communism integrated with a high-tech, world social credit score, carbon tax, vaccine passport, but yes, it's communal systems, which humans are designed to do in small tribes, but not a big central government running it.
They want that for social control and dehumanization.
Yeah, but I mean, like, if this war does end up happening, if either side wins, I mean, us, the people, are taking on communism, you know, like, For me, I guess my question is, what are your thoughts on that?
Do we end up having to take it back at some point?
Or do we have to accept either side?
Only God understands the total future.
The devil pretends to.
And it's our job to tell the truth and be strong and give the rest of it to God.
And so this is all a giant test.
That's what we know, brother.
Yeah, well it's just like I find everybody, like I'm not trying to say that everybody's playing it off like Russia's putting a thwart on the world economics plan, the world economics forum's plans, but I mean it's the only type of somewhat communism that allows Christianity.
I mean, this is an attack on Christianity.
Thank you so much for the call.
Don in Texas, go ahead, you're on the air.
Yes, sir?
This is about the one world government that is obviously being proposed.
It's nothing new.
It's in the Bible.
It's mentioned twice in the Bible.
Babylon in the Old Testament, which was the Tower of Babel.
I'm sure you know this.
And God knocked it down.
So we don't know exactly what's going on there, but it got knocked down.
Now, the second world one government called the Whore of Babylon.
A lot of people mistake it for it being America, but that's actually not true.
The Whore of Babylon That is when all the nations lose their sovereignty, and that is the one world government when God's protection is removed, and that's exactly what is happening now.
Like you said, we don't know what's going to happen, but nothing new.
Well, there's no doubt we have a satanic world government that is following everything the Bible said would happen.
So, you can deny it all day long, people can say it's not happening, but it is.
The question is, what are we going to do?
Well, we realize we have an eternal soul, so the main thing is a relationship with God to prove that no matter how bad it gets, we're going to stay being good people.
It's a test.
We're not even supposed to be able to fix this, brother.
We're going to go through this.
Appreciate you, Alex.
Do you mind if I ask you a question?
No, go ahead.
Okay, so there's a Joe Rogan video, it's called the Stay Behind Network of Hitler finding Hitler.
And basically the reason these people are so corrupt is they think they're entitled, they're like a bloodline.
Obviously they're deceived by saying just like Hitler was.
And how, and you know, in that video it talks about, you know, they didn't really find Hitler.
All the stay behind elites went to Southern America and they're all there.
I mean, do you think And those people are entitled to a bloodline.
I mean, you talk about people who are narcissistic.
It's people.
And we're adopted through Jesus Christ.
We know Christians are not like that.
We know we are adopted.
Do you think it's true?
Do you think there are these stay-behind networks of people with that mindset?
Because they all have that same accent.
Oh, there's no doubt that the globalists, the Merovingian line, all that, believe that they are chosen, they're elites, and they're supposed to take the dominion of the earth, get rid of us, the useless eaters, and that because of their genetics, which are psychopathic, they have a right to rule.
And so what you're saying is absolutely central, and I appreciate your call.
I already aired this report yesterday, but it's so powerful.
I'm going to air it again when we come back.
Then our special guest joins us.
And then after she's gone, if everybody wants to hold, we've got a lot of calls here on the board.
I got to a lot of calls, but there's a lot of them left.
We'll get to you as well.
I want to air this report, the true evil behind America's mass shootings.
This is just unbelievably powerful.
That's coming up next segment.
And then our special guest, former Trump impeachment lawyer and talk show host will be joining us.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
I don't care if you work in a cafeteria, or pump gas, or whether you're a farmer, a rancher, a doctor, a lawyer, or a millionaire.
Fortune and Money Magazine have all done these profiles.
You see it every year.
30 different tax returns, 30 different answers.
And almost all of them just screw you over, especially the big firms and the big tax groups, because they're part of the system and they don't want the general public understanding this and knowing this.
So, it's a very important situation with inflation and all the things out there hurting everybody.
To be able to do things tax-wise that's legal and lawful, that allows you to keep more of your money.
We wouldn't even be here if I hadn't gotten great tax advice in the last few years.
The whole IRS is social engineering.
It doesn't even run the country.
They just print the money.
This is so they're rich and powerful.
...can buy everything up, and so the public is basically being sapped to keep us non-competitive and consolidate control.
That's basically feudalism.
And so the IRS puts out this report and says, well, we don't like this, we don't like that, even though it's the law.
And people go, oh, well, the bully says, I don't get the same law as the elite.
And then they just screw you over because you don't have knowledge.
It's totally sick.
It's totally evil.
CPAs by their nature are not advocates.
They are risk adverse.
They just want to get the return done and not get in trouble themselves.
They don't care about making sure you have the least amount of taxes paid.
That's where an advocate, a tax attorney, comes into the picture because What a tax attorney does, what we do, is we don't care what the IRS, what some clerk down there interpreted the Internal Revenue Manual to be.
We know what the actual law is, and we will assert your rights.
Because it's your right as a taxpayer to not pay one penny more than you owe.
And let's explain, you guys cut to the chase.
A lot of law firms, you've got CPH2, kind of drag you through, milk you, do all this stuff.
In most cases, you just look at right away where they can save money, and then they legally lawfully do it, and then you guys just get a percentage of it, basically.
What you need is an advocate.
That's a legal representative who's going to fight for your rights and represent you upon that matter.
That's what we do.
And Alex, it's just like you said.
It doesn't matter if you have money, if you don't have any money.
You need to make sure you're paying the government who has admitted that they don't like you.
They want to make you broke.
They want to take away your dream of owning property and you rent.
So that, you know, they can have their globalist agenda.
Every cent that you pay to the government is going to things that you don't believe in.
Ukraine, Hunter Biden's legal defense, etc, etc.
So, it's your duty as a patriotic American to pay the least amount as possible to the regime, to the globalists.
And we are experts in making that happen.
They want people to be poor.
And that makes me angry.
I don't want people to be poor.
And so, it's just such a no-brainer that everybody needs to call you guys at 833-900-4285.
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Perhaps the most evil display of deception and murder we are subjected to today are found in
the new phenomenon of mass school shootings.
Prior to 1999, they were practically non-existent.
But today, they have almost become predictable.
And if you are able to examine the evidence objectively, without getting emotional, a pattern can be recognized.
Former Naval Intelligence Officer turned whistleblower, Milton William Cooper, wrote in his book, Behold a Pale Horse, published in 1991, that the CIA was using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in order to persuade them to open fire on schoolyards, to inflame the anti-gun lobby, and do away with the Second Amendment.
This probably sounds outlandishly evil, and it is, but the evidence is there.
In the Columbine shootings of 1999, we are told that Eric Harris and Dylan Clybolt acted alone.
The town of Columbine, Colorado was created in 1958 for families and employees of the military-industrial complex.
Eric and Dylan were arrested a year prior to the shooting and were allegedly sodomized by the arresting officer, which may sound crazy, but a local officer admitted to raping informants, which is a known method of trauma-based mind control.
After this January incident, Eric and Dylan were put into a juvenile diversion program and prescribed SSRI drugs known to cause homicidal ideation.
During this time, Eric Harris was making online death threats and bomb threats.
Local police were aware of this and drafted a search warrant affidavit, but it was ignored.
Eric and Dylan threatened revenge for the January incident in their yearbook.
They produced a school video about their plans and began openly collecting weapons.
All of this while on probation and nothing was done about it.
During the shootings, the police stood outside the building and did nothing, while the sounds of automatic gunfire and explosions continued for hours.
In official transcripts, there are over 100 witnesses who saw more than two shooters, and more than 40 witnesses who identified the same two men in their 30s, one balding and the other with a short military-style haircut.
Several witnesses described the same adult male throwing a pipe bomb on the roof of the library.
All of them certain that it wasn't Dylan or Eric.
And all of this information pertaining to additional shooters has been redacted.
The FBI agent in charge of the Columbine investigation had a son who recently attended the school, who shot a student film inside Columbine High two years before the shooting about a character wearing a trench coat shooting up the school.
Dylan and Eric fantasized about hijacking an airplane and crashing it into a New York City skyscraper in 1999.
Are these just strange coincidences or remnants of the Fed's MKUltra program?
An honest investigation into any of the mass school shootings following Columbine will have the same signatures, such as families involved in the military-industrial complex, prescribed SSRIs and other psychotropic drugs, psychological care provided by the state, And associations with law enforcement prior to the shootings.
Just like we saw with the retired federal agent in regular communication with the Buffalo gunman in a private Discord chat room.
And in the recent Texas school shooting, how is the perpetrator able to afford nearly $5,000 of weaponry?
And why did the police stand down while children were slaughtered?
We are still allowed to question these things.
But for how long?
This evil will never stop until the truth is exposed.
And unfortunately, most of us are too emotional to see things as they really are.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
in one hour, a whole hour on Bilderberg 2022 meeting in DC, secretly right now.
Exclusive info on that.
But first, our big guests coming up straight ahead.
Well, I could not think of a better guest to get on with what's currently happening.
Jenna Ellis is a constitutional lawyer, attorney, and served as senior legal advisor to President
Trump on his campaign and so much more.
And she was the chairwoman of the Election Integrity Alliance, special counsel for Thomas More Society and Newsmax contributor.
She's also an author of Legal Basis for the Moral Constitution.
And she joins us now at the JennaEllisShow.com at JennaEllisESQ on all social platforms.
So much to talk about with the midterms, 158 days, with the Russiagate thing being proven to be a hoax.
Hell, we knew that ourselves because they blamed me for being a Russian agent.
I have no connection to the Russians.
The attack on free speech, the whole LGBTP attack on children, the big Supreme Court decisions coming up, Biden attacking the Second Amendment, and so much more.
So Jenna Ellis, Thank you so much for coming on with us.
Great to see you here.
I feel like I know you.
I watch you so much on television and watch your show.
Where do you want to start now at this Friday, June 3rd broadcast?
Yeah, well, thank you so much, Alex, for having me on.
And I'm a huge fan of yours as well.
And we have to stay together to be truth tellers.
And I think that's where we have to start is fundamentally the truth, because all of
these things have one thing in common, that the government and the Democrats can continue
to try to infringe upon our constitutionally protected rights.
When Joe Biden said last night that the Constitution and the Second Amendment is not absolute,
he has no idea what he's talking about.
Because even if we repealed the Second Amendment today, well, guess what?
God himself gave us the right to self-defense and the right to keep and bear arms.
And our declaration in our government recognizes that those rights come from God, our creator,
not our government.
And so it would be meaningless.
But the Democrats continue to try to push their leftist, Marxist agenda, and we have
to continue to stand firm and speak truth.
How would you describe the Democratic Party right now?
They seem desperate.
All the polls are historically against them.
I mean, how would you describe their position right now?
Because I see it as desperate, which makes me more dangerous.
I think desperate, but also confident in a very dangerous way.
Because we have seen through the 2020 election, we've seen what they are trying to accomplish through the World Economic Forum and so many other ways that they don't care about the voters in America.
They think they are entitled to power.
And so I don't think they care what the polls show.
I don't think they care what the voters are saying.
They don't care what the evidence shows.
They just want Well, that does make them dangerous, because they hid Biden on the campaign trail because they know they're about to steal the election, and now they don't care how low the polls go.
What is their ace card up the sleeve?
Is it another 2,000 mules, or what are you thinking?
Yeah, I think that they're going to definitely run on this whole abortion issue and Dobbs being overturned and also the Second Amendment and gun control.
But that has failed for them in the past in the sense that we're all seeing through this now.
My generation and Gen Z is the most pro-life generation because we understand the truth that abortion is a medical intervention that's specifically designed to cause the death of a child.
We know and we're seeing from ultrasounds.
I mean, follow the science, right?
Follow the science that shows that life begins at conception.
So that's going to fail for them.
Gun control is going to fail for them because we thankfully now through the course of the COVID pandemic have seen how the petty tyrants can very quickly arbitrarily and easily take away our rights so incredibly quickly that we are not as a country going to be disarmed.
We are not as a country going to just trust the health advisors.
We're not going to trust the government.
So the only thing that they have left is to cheat.
And interestingly, yesterday, a mule from Arizona actually pled guilty.
And this is showing that even more indictments are coming.
And while the leftists are just saying, well, this was only a couple of ballots.
It's not outcome determinative.
It's not widespread proof.
The question we need to ask is, how many more were there?
And why don't you care?
Everyone has to care about election integrity.
Well, we have all the compilations of Democrats talking about election fraud, now the machines don't work, and all the rest of it before, but as soon as this happens to Trump, oh, now it doesn't exist.
You're not supposed to question it, but we also have this new Homeland Security report out saying that Dominion machines in 17 states have major holes in them.
Yeah, and you know what's fascinating to me about this is we had a report in Texas from, I believe it was around 2016-2018, so well before the 2020 election, that questioned the security measures of these machines.
And so the fact that Texas didn't allow implementation by their Attorney General report, Now, if we even ask questions about the machines, if we ask questions about the ballots, if we ask questions about the outcome of the election, well, you're an insurrectionist, you know, you are a traitor, you are a fraudster.
I mean, they're trying to take away my bar license as a lawyer simply because I was willing to advocate for President Trump and to put forward my client's claims and to say we are willing to ask questions.
And so the fact that the left He's trying so hard to suppress the truth of what happened in 2020 and the truth of the danger of all of these lack of security measures across the country just shows that they have something to hide.
I would imagine you've seen 2,000 mules, but for me, it's extremely compelling evidence of how they did it.
And I was actually there in Mar-a-Lago with my good friend Dinesh D'Souza and President Trump and Rudy Giuliani and others for the premiere of this movie.
And, you know, it was, to me, it just showed what we knew all along, that this was a coordinated effort and that you saw all of these people who were caught on video based on this geotracking.
There's no other reasonable explanation why someone at 2 and 4 a.m.
would be going to 24 or multiple different ballot drop boxes in the middle
of the night and that their geo-tracking location showed them there. So then you go and
you get the video and the left keeps saying, well, you know, there weren't some video on some
things and how come, you know, you blurred out this has been a debunked myth. Well, they're, they are
never ever willing to focus on any of the facts, any of the evidence. You know that I submitted over
9,000 pages of documents to the January 6th committee.
Do you know how many reporters asked me about the substance of those documents that we had during the 2020 election?
Absolutely zero.
Oh, that's the thing.
The truth doesn't matter to them.
They just act like they talk to you or myself so they can then make up what we supposedly said to them.
Like they said, I called the committee and I was and I called the FBI and I was going to come in and expose Trump.
And it was just all completely made up in hundreds of newspapers, and I had thousands of calls and emails saying, why are you selling Trump out?
I never talked to Trump during the election.
He didn't send me to the Capitol to attack people, but they just lied in the news and said that I was gonna come in and expose everything, all a giant fraud.
Just like Russiagate, just like that's a fraud, their Russiagate, but then Hunter Biden, how they censored that, how they covered up the laptop and said that didn't exist.
Yeah, and that's all that they have are these lies, and they have the mainstream media that is the fourth estate, and they have the mainstream media that is willing to lie for them and to paint this false narrative, and so we don't even ever have a chance, other than on broadcasts like yours and all of these other platforms that are not legacy media.
That's where we can truly get out the truth.
And I think that's why your show is so successful because people are recognizing that they can't trust
the mainstream media telling them what to believe and that they are hiding things from them.
And so they want to hear the truth and they're having to go to alternative sources
to actually hear the truth that aren't going to be censored and that won't be silenced because the truth tellers
and every single person watching this, you are a truth teller and you can stand up
in your sphere of influence and you can make a difference because what the legacy media has seen
is that we won't be silenced and we will go to alternative platforms
because we are so willing.
To speak the truth and we are willing to defend this country.
I am proud to be an American because I love my country and I love what our founders gave to us, which is the truth of the recognition of the Declaration of Independence that our rights come from God, our Creator, not Fauci, not Biden, not the government.
Chita Ellis, former top lawyer for Trump, here with us.
We're so blessed to have her.
Clearly, they're planning new lockdowns, new viral scares.
They said they are.
Well, I hope not and I think that a lot of people are going to make sure to stand up and they're going to push for election integrity and we'll talk about that definitely because I don't think that the American people are going to stand for it.
Will they get away with another stolen election?
Well, I hope not.
And I think that a lot of people are going to make sure to stand up and
they're going to push for election integrity.
And we'll talk about that definitely because I don't think that the American
people are gonna stand for it.
They didn't stand for it in 2020 either.
We're going to go to break.
I'm back with Jenna Ellis covering a whole bunch of big topics about the state of America and the world censorship and so much more.
And what's President Trump planning to do?
Little birdies tell me he is going to run again very, very soon in 2024.
We'll be right back.
Tomorrow's news today.
All right.
Well, the top former legal advisors to President Trump, Jenna Ellis, hosts her own show, the JennaEllisshow.com, is with us.
And I want you to just have the floor for the rest of the hour, because I could pick your brain all day, and I want to get into all these big issues.
But first off, how is President Trump doing?
We know he's the real president.
A lot of sources I have to talk to him say he really is intending to run.
It will probably announce obviously right after the midterms because now national campaigns
are a year and a half, two years.
If so, what's your view on that and what do you think the establishment is going to try
to do because they're trying to use obviously the whole January 6 hysteria as some type
of pretext to preclude him from running just like they did with Marjorie Taylor Greene
and so many others.
So, oh, we don't want to steal an election, but we want to keep people from running, which
is the same thing.
It is the same thing and they're not going to keep President Trump from running.
And I think that he will run and I think he'll have a huge, huge support.
And we see that through all of his rallies.
He's doing great.
And so, you know, I talk to him still frequently.
I've seen him down in Mar-a-Lago a number of times recently.
And he cares about this country.
And you know, my favorite moment every single rally is when he comes out on that stage to
proud to be an American.
And he is cheering along with, you know, 50,000 of his closest friends and everyone else who
is watching on TV.
And that's exactly who he is in person as well.
When you sit with him one on one, he talks so much about how he loves this country.
He loves the Constitution.
He loves that we have capitalism.
He loves freedom.
I mean, all of these things that we should cherish.
And that's the reason that he left a very comfortable, posh life to actually take a step down.
I mean, think about that.
Throughout the course of our American history, only one person has actually taken a step down by saying, I'm going to go to the White House.
And that's Donald Trump.
And the only reason that he did that Is because he loves this country so much and he is a fighter.
He's a fighter like you and me and he is not going to stop fighting for this country.
But you're right, Alex, because the establishment has never liked him.
I saw with my own eyes.
The extent of the disgusting underbelly of the Swamp when I was with him in DC and especially in the 2020 election when you had Ronna McDaniel and you had the Chief Counsel Justin Reimer and you had all of these others in the RNC that literally were saying that what Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis are doing is a joke and we need to just let all of this go because we fundraise more when a Democrat is in office.
That is how low they think of our rights.
That's how low they think of our country.
And the RNC is now just DNC lite.
And so when that all came out, I actually left the Republican Party.
I'm now a proud unaffiliated because I'm just an ultra MAGA American who actually care about this country.
And so I think the establishment is going to do everything that they can To convince or to discourage President Trump from running.
But they know that this is his party.
These are his people.
And people like you and me are going to stand up and fight for this country.
And look, in hindsight, none of us are perfect.
I know Trump's for real, because I experienced the total demonization I got supporting him.
I watched the whole power structure turn against him, and that's why the American people should still love him, despite the fact he's not perfect on every issue.
But on so many issues, like trade and borders and taxes and the UN, he has been dead on.
And you know, listen, it's no secret that I didn't support Trump going into the primary in 2016.
I didn't know him.
I knew him just, you know, from The Apprentice.
And I thought, why would somebody like this be running for office?
And then I was convinced after I heard him in person come to Colorado and speak, and I saw his dedication, I saw his passion in person.
And after I supported him and I proudly voted for him in 2016, I was so grateful to see that we had someone who was not a politician, who would just stand up and do the things that our government should do, which is to give power back to the people.
And that's why they hate him.
When he went and spoke at Davos to the World Economic Forum in 2017, he became public enemy number one to the people like George Soros, to Klaus Schwab, to all of these other leftists and even members of the Republican Party like the Dan Crenshaw's of the world.
And so President Trump is absolutely a fighter and I think it's Actually, a good thing, that we can change our mind when we have more information.
I wish that there were more people who could say, you know what, I was convinced one way, but then I looked at the facts, I looked at the evidence, I heard rational argument, and I changed my mind.
Because we don't change our principles.
We know that we are adherence faithfully to the U.S.
Constitution, to the rule of law, to God and country.
But when we get more information on a particular candidate like Donald Trump, then of course we can change our minds.
But that's what the establishment doesn't want us to do.
They want to continue to vilify him.
They want to continue to vilify people like Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania who's running for governor.
I'm helping with his campaign.
They're trying to call him an insurrectionist.
And the GOP, right before his primary, in the week before, they all tried to band together
to try to cast him as the Trump-supported insurrectionist.
But he won with nearly 45% of the vote because the people in Pennsylvania have said, "We
have had enough."
And I think they reflect what everyone else in America feels.
And we're going to see that in 2022 and in 2024.
Jenna Ellis, knowing the Democrats and how they operate, how do they get rid of Biden?
What are they going to do?
I mean, he's gone from a complete embarrassment to a spectacular disaster.
They're already, it looks like, laying the framework for some way to discredit him, but he's their guy.
Then we just get...
Kamala Harris or somebody else, but I think we have a duty to go for impeachment, even though we can't get it passed right now, just to change the subject from January 6th and their other distractions onto what he's done.
Open borders, gun control, devaluing the currency, cutting off the pipelines.
What's your view on how we should go after the Democrats here in the midterms and beyond?
I heard your argument for impeachment and you're absolutely right because Congress does have a duty when a president who is a sitting president is willfully ignoring the Constitution and openly blatantly saying I'm ignoring the rule of law like what he did for all of the COVID pandemic and the tyranny and all the topics.
You just mentioned.
Congress has a duty then to remove him from office.
And everyone says, well, we don't like Kamala.
The Democrats tried really hard to make her happen.
She's a total embarrassment.
But we have to deal with that in the next step.
The first step is to say that Joe Biden not only is incompetent and the 25th Amendment should absolutely come into play if his cabinet was serious about this country, but Congress absolutely has a duty to impeach, not as retaliation for President Trump, but because of what Joe
Biden himself has willfully ignored in our highest law of land. If we don't
hold our highest chief executive accountable, then of course Congress will get
away with everything else. So absolutely we need to impeach him.
What rabbits do you think the Biden controllers, I guess Obama-stirred
administration, have up their sleeves?
Because all the evidence shows they're doomed.
Not just a political landslide, a political realignment is undoubted by all the analysts, and I agree with them.
What's your gut tell you they're going to do, Jenna?
They're going to change the narrative and how they're going to do that could be in a multitude of different ways, like what we saw in 2020.
Heading into 2020, we had the greatest economy.
President Trump was so well-loved.
I mean, it was just a foregone conclusion he was going to win re-election.
And then they had the COVID narrative and they promoted fear.
And so I think fear has worked for them.
And so just like a football coach, if you run the play and the play works, you continue running the play.
So I think they're going to change the narrative.
Close to the midterms and then again in November of 2024.
And they're going to use it by fear so that they can convince the low information Americans to turn over more and more control to the government.
Because if it worked for COVID and you still see people with masks, you still see people getting the booster.
I mean, I heard that California is going to reinstitute a mask mandate.
Are you kidding me?
But if that works, they're going to continue to run that play.
And we cannot be controlled by fear.
That's right.
So you're saying, like Roger Stone said this morning on American Journal, they're planning to run the germ fear straight ahead.
We'll be right back.
I've been on air 28 years.
And I've never lived in such an exciting and, quite frankly, dangerous time.
We are in the danger zone right now.
Powerful corporate anti-free market monopoly forces using leftists for control, allied with communist China, drug cartels.
Hollywood, you name it, are making their move on humanity because they're weak and because they know we have awoken.
And they are in pure culture war right now.
We have Trump's former chief legal advisor, Jenna Ellis, the JennaEllisShow.com.
You also want to get into the attack on the Second Amendment and the whole LGBT attack on our children.
Give us your view on that.
Yeah, well, let's start with the Second Amendment because, you know, the left likes to trot this out whenever there is a narrative or a story or a tragedy like what unfolded in Texas a couple of weeks ago, and somehow then blame the object instead of the perpetrator.
And so you have to wonder, why didn't they call for more minivan and SUV controls after what happened in Waukesha?
Well, because that doesn't fit their narrative.
And so instead of looking at why are we raising a generation of young men who so devalue human life that they are willing to go into a school and shoot up a school and how did we get to this point?
Instead of addressing the fundamental worldview problem and the fact that they are so rejecting God and rejecting the image of God in people, of course the left goes after the guns because that's the only way, if they take away our guns, they can get to their control and domination of society faster.
So we need to push back on this and I wrote a piece It's back in 2018 for the Federalist.
You can still see it online.
And it talks about, for the Federalist, why our Second Amendment rights are not just about guns, it's about human rights.
Because if our government is able to have all of us be guilty based on a few individuals' actions, presumptively guilty, and say, well, everyone has to have their Second Amendment protected rights taken away because of the few, then what else can the government not preemptively say, well, you may speak something we don't like.
We're going to take away free speech.
You may worship in a way we don't agree with.
You don't have free exercise of religion.
You may associate with somebody like Alex Jones that we don't like, so we're going to take away your right to free association.
So that's what they do, is presumptively say that everyone is guilty based on the narrative of the few.
And we have to push back on that and say, no, the government can never tell me I'm guilty of anything, presumptively, before I actually go and perpetrate a crime.
And even then, they have to convince a jury of my peers that I'm guilty beyond any and all reasonable doubt.
And only at that point can they then impose a punishment or a criminal consequence.
You're talking about pre-crime.
We're not supposed to have pre-crime in a free country.
Yes, 100%.
And we can't ever have that, because if we allow the government to say a class of people is guilty, or even these red flag laws, like, oh, you are showing markers.
You know, I'm all for signs of, you know, mental health issues, of getting people treatment that they need, but those are all voluntary things.
That's not the government coming in and saying, you resemble and have certain markers or certain affiliations, like maybe you wear a red MAGA hat, so now we're going to say that you are more likely to commit an offense than someone else, and then take away your rights on a presumptive basis.
We never do that in this country.
We never can because of the way that our Constitution is designed, and we actually have due process, and due process matters to this country.
So much more than the left is giving it credit for, on purpose, because they just want control.
That's right.
Jenna Ellis, again, a former chief legal advisor to President Trump, talk show host, here with us today.
Speaking of that, not just due process, not just presumption of innocence, what about separation of powers?
This just broke in the last five minutes.
Former Trump advisor charged with contempt for defying January 6th subpoena.
Uh, I've sued to block one of their subpoenas.
Uh, not that I need to hide.
It's just, it's not their business.
Uh, prosecutors have indicted Mr. Rodrivaro, 72, saying he failed to appear for a deposition or provide documents.
Congressional investigators, in response to subpoenas issued by the Federal, uh, House Committee on January, on February 9th, the indictment charges him with two counts of contempt.
Please carry a maximum sentence of a year in prison, as well as a fine of $200,000.
So, he has been indicted.
By the political witch hunt, the not even properly constituted committee.
I know you've been a target of this, so have I. Where do you expect this classical witch hunt to go?
Well, they're going to continue to try to pursue this witch hunt until they see it going the way of the Russia hoax and the Mueller investigation that finally no one cared and they saw it for the hoax that it was.
And so now they're saying that they're going to start these public hearings in just a few weeks or a few days and they're going to try to make this, again, a giant narrative.
That is completely and utterly false.
And the only reason that they keep using this term insurrection is because they're
trying to tie it to the 14th amendment.
And they're trying to say that we're going to remove from office and also say that
you, that they're not qualified for reelection like Marjorie Taylor Greene,
Madison Cawthorn, Doug Mastranato, and others.
It's about blocking Trump from being able to run.
And if they get one success in that, then they're going to call Trump an insurrectionist and say, hey, you can't run.
They have tried in every way to stop him, and they're manipulating and bastardizing the Constitution and its text in order to try to stop Trump.
They will stop at nothing.
Well, I know you can get hit with contempt of Congress.
You're a lawyer.
I'm not, but I've researched telling them I'm wrong.
If you just don't show up.
That's why I took the 5th.
Not that I had anything to hide, but they would twist whatever I said with a perjury trap or have some witness saying it was something else.
I didn't talk to Trump.
Nobody planned violence.
We had a bunch of rallies in the months before we had a rally on the 5th.
We were simply there to protest the election and say we wanted a 10-day congressional investigation that the Democrats had tried to have just four years before.
And then the fact to learn they have these racketeering and anti-terror and sedition investigations going on for even myself and Roger Stone and people that were just putting on peaceful protest.
They're now trying to outlaw the First Amendment.
This is so dangerous.
It is, and you were, in my opinion, you were very smart to go and plead the fifth and sit there because giving them the ability to pursue contempt of Congress charges and contempt of whether or not the subpoena was valid, and I don't think that it is a properly constituted committee, I think you're right about that, but the fact that they've issued the subpoena, go, sit, plead the fifth, and then they can't have an easy win.
So for people like Navarro, for people like Mark Meadows and others who now have these contempt charges, then they're going to have to mount a defense and it just
gives the left another easy win instead of saying we know your political theater fine I'll
show up but I'm not giving you anything because I have nothing to hide and in fact the Supreme
Court even wrote an opinion saying that the Fifth Amendment specifically protects people who are
victims of malicious prosecutions and political prosecutions.
That's right.
And that's a famous ruling.
I forget the name.
You probably know it.
But it's not just for self-incrimination.
It's if you know there's a witch hunt and you know they're setting you up, you have a right to not talk.
Exactly and that's why the Supreme Court has said due process matters.
So I think you were very wise in that and you know they're just going to continue this but the good thing is is that everyone sees through this and it's only the idiots like the Liz Cheney's who are the Rhino Republicans who hate Trump and everyone who hates Trump who is still thinking that this can even survive.
Oh they've got as you know they've done national polls 90% care about the inflation And then that's basically it.
Another 40% about the borders, depending on the poll.
January 6th doesn't even show up.
It's not even a concern.
Yeah, nobody cares because they know that it's the next political theater and they're sick and tired of spending taxpayer dollars on this and sending $40 billion to Ukraine when we don't even have baby formula, we're paying $8 in gas prices, and we don't have truckers for the supply chain because they've been fired because of the COVID mandates.
I mean, all of these things are what government should be addressing.
No one cares about their little, you know, primetime media hits so that they can put forward their political theater for January 6th, and no
one should care about that.
That's right.
And still we've got hundreds of people, some of which weren't even violent, still held
in those gulags.
We come back, I want to talk about the rest of the left's agenda and how you predict it's
going to unfold and how we beat it with our special guest.
I'm Alex Jones, Infowars.com, The Jenna Ellis Show.com.
Stay with us.
The Jenna Ellis Show.com.
She kicks ass every day.
Jay Dyer is our in-house expert on the New World Order.
You think I know a lot of stuff?
He knows even more.
Their own documents, their own legislation, their own books, their own...
White Papers.
He's going to be hosting the fourth hour ahead of the War Room with Owen Schroyer today at 3 p.m.
Central here in about 70 minutes from now.
Well, Jenna Lynn Ellis, the JennaEllissShow.com is a former senior legal advisor to President Trump and we really appreciate her joining us here today.
We got 10 minutes left in this segment and I've got so many topics I want to raise but I want to ask you what else you want to impart to this audience and obviously we need to get into the whole LGBTQ movement and where you see that going.
Yeah, that is just a disaster for our children.
And when you look at the leftists and these educators who are saying that children as young as four need to have sexual therapy because they need to understand the LGBTQ movement, it just shows that they are on purpose trying to program our children away from the truth That they know just because they are human beings made in the image of God and understand reality as it's presented to them.
Kids as young as four, kids as young even as, you know, eight and nine, they understand that there's boys and there's girls.
They understand that.
But it's the programming from the left that is trying to purposefully indoctrinate kids.
And the one thing I would say to parents, if your child knows more about the worldview of Mickey Mouse than he does about the worldview of Jesus Christ in the Bible, That is on parents.
That is on the church.
It doesn't matter what these woke corporations are doing.
If you can make sure that you are raising your child and training him or her up in the way he should go.
Because like what Proverbs says, when he's older, they will not depart from it.
And so we can push back against all of these woke corporations.
We can talk about policy.
But everything starts in the home, and parents need to take more responsibility for raising the next generation.
Children do not belong to government or to community.
That's what the left is trying to do.
So we have to fight back hard for parental rights as well.
Well, listen, if I'm at the park and some 40-year-old dude comes over with my wife and children and my 5-year-old daughter and says, I want to talk to your daughter about sex, we're going to call the police or he's going to get his ass kicked.
They have wedded their sex cult, whether it's heterosexual or homosexual, to their political movement and are demanding access to our children.
It's outrageous!
It's so ridiculous!
It's disgusting and it's vile and we have to stand up firmly and say no.
And this is the flip side of free speech.
Because the First Amendment does protect my right to speak what I believe, but it also protects my right to not speak what I don't believe.
And that's incredibly important because the government is trying to compel you and me to participate in their lie and their narratives and affirm these transgender swimmers like Leah Thomas.
I don't ever talk to Trump.
I know Roger Stone talks to him.
We have a few conversations.
that and we should continue to say that.
And I don't care if I get canceled.
I don't care if I'm called all kinds of names.
I will speak the truth and I will never, ever allow my government to tell me what
I can or cannot say, or what I have to say.
I don't ever talk to Trump.
I know Roger Stone talks to him.
We have a few conversations.
I'm sure you still talk to Trump.
And again, I only bring this up because it's got a lot of our listeners upset.
I know the process of what happened, and I understand he meant well.
But I even know Don Jr.
You know, talked to him about it a few months ago when he was still pushing the shots.
They were holding the country hostage.
They said, sir, we won't have a shot for two years.
And then, but they even had this plan to get it done quicker.
He wanted to get the country out of the hostage control it was in, knowing it was causing mass suicide and depression and economic collapse and death in the third world.
And so he went with warp speed.
And I think if Trump explains that to people, he'll be fine.
But I think DeSantis has pulled ahead of him with most people I talk to, and I like DeSantis
as well, because DeSantis has been more vocal against the vaccine tyranny.
And I see that Trump doesn't want to be hypocritical, but he's not hypocritical.
Just because the system tells him one thing and he does one thing, doesn't mean he can't double back then or circle around, as Psaki says, and say, hey, I was misled to a certain extent.
So I think the one big problem Trump's got is the whole vaccine situation.
What's your view on that?
I think he needs to be perfectly clear that he has never, ever advocated for compulsory vaccines.
He wanted that as an option.
And more options are fine.
Some people I know... And he's opposed giving it to kids.
But people don't hear that.
They just... yeah.
They don't.
But that's what he has to make clear, is that it was always just an option.
And hey, the left is for pro-choice, right?
And that should be in genuine matters of healthcare, not abortions, but genuine matters of healthcare.
We should have choices and that should be a consult with us and our doctor.
That's all that he's promoting.
And the thing that I find dangerous about DeSantis, I love what he's done for the state of Florida, but I'm very, very concerned that he's overstepping His executive boundaries by just trying to go after what corporations in retaliation and will he continue to overstep the Constitution in ways that the left is doing just because we like the outcome is conservatives doesn't make that okay and it sets a very dangerous precedent.
And President Trump has always stayed within the margins of the Constitution.
He loves this country and he loves the limited, limited powers of government.
That's why during the whole pandemic, he said, I'm giving this to the states.
I'll provide resources, information and support, but this is a state and local matter.
And that was wise.
That was constitutional.
And so I trust President Trump a lot more than I trust Ron DeSantis right now in terms of staying within the margins of the Constitution.
Well, I know this.
I got a little suspicious of DeSantis, and I'm not attacking DeSantis, because his fruits are really good right now.
But people like Bill Maher saying two years ago, you know, right before he even got it up, we like DeSantis.
With Yale and all that, there seems like something going on there.
Maybe he's breaking with them, but certainly parts of the establishment really like DeSantis for some reason.
Yeah, and that is concerning because we have to know who would he bring in to staff the White House?
Where are his allegiances?
What does he think of the RNC?
And those are all very valid questions.
And we saw that, especially in the 2016 election.
And we saw that, you know, frankly, I think that with President Trump's next term, assuming he gets one, and I would definitely be a fan of that, that he's going to change a lot of the staffing issues and not trust the RNC as much.
I agree.
to staff and put people, you know, like the Reince Priebuses and, you know, some of these people
in-house that are so swampy. He's consistently said he has to drain the swamp. We don't know
Ron DeSantis' position on that. So I love a lot of what Ron DeSantis is doing. I think if we
didn't have the free state of Florida, we would be in a very different position. I agree. I mean,
I think he's the example of what other governors like in Texas should be like.
I love DeSantis.
I don't want to, I'm just not going to be in a cult for Trump or DeSantis or anybody.
I want to look at Trump's got an issue here.
DeSantis has got an issue there.
We should get it all on the table.
In closing, without you giving it out on the inside baseball, obviously I've talked to Roger Stone.
I've talked to a few others that have had long meetings with Trump.
When he first got the election stolen, he wasn't going to run.
He said it was done.
But when he saw the country being screwed over by Biden, he said, yeah, I'm going to do it.
I know he told sources of mine in the last few months, no, I'm running 100 percent.
It's done.
He's pretty much said so in public.
But can you elaborate without giving out any internal info?
You're saying he is running.
I'm saying he's a fighter and I believe that he will run.
Yes, I think he's running.
And I think that he is rallying to that effect and saying, you know, hey, we're going to take back Washington.
We're going to take back the White House.
He is saying that without saying it because he's focused on the midterms right now.
And I think we will see a Donald Trump come back in 2024 and I'm ready for it.
But like you, I will still criticize the things that I don't like about any leader.
We should not be members of a cult.
We should be in favor of people like Donald Trump who are willing to stand firm for this country, and we should support him.
Because even though, while he's not perfect, he is so fantastic.
He's been the best president of my lifetime, and I love and support him still.
Perfectly said.
Yeah, the only cult I met as a left cause is Christianity, and that means the real God of the Bible.
That's the only king I've got is King Jesus.
Jenna Ellis, very impressive.
Thank you for coming on the JennaEllisShow.com.
Hopefully we'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you so much for having me.
I'm a huge fan.
And so is my boyfriend, Mike.
I know he wants me to say hi to you.
So thanks so much for having me on.
Anytime you want to come to Austin, you and your boyfriend, please come.
Come in studio.
Will do.
Let's do it.
Thanks so much.
We'll buy the tickets.
Thank you.
All right, folks.
We're out of time.
Jay Dyer is about to take over.
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Jay Dyer takes over from Bilderberg.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Today is an important day because we have Bilderberg.
Bilderberg is going on.
Of course, it's secret.
Secret for many years in the sense that people kind of knew it existed, and it was one of these big international steering committee types of meetings with corporate elite, a lot of the heads of media, a lot of people from the Trilateral Commission, from the CFR.
And they would meet at Bilderberg, but the press would typically not report this.
I mean, you would think that the most powerful people in the world, the wealthiest CEOs getting together and discussing global policy would be something worthy of media attention.
And yet we would only find typically kind of occasional stories here and there.
Maybe in the European press, there might be a story here or there.
But nobody really talked about it because, of course, there was quite a bit of clampdown and it was intentionally not discussed.
But to find out the real origins of Bilderberg, of course, there's quite a few books out there now, but most famously, which you guys have heard me talk about many times in the fourth hour, is David Rockefeller's own memoirs.
And to really understand the purpose of these institutions, steering committees, NGOs, think tanks, et cetera, they all kind of fall under the banner of this global elite plan.
It helps to go to the man himself, David Rockefeller.
Now the Council on Foreign Relations itself was set up as one of these kind of steering committees in 1921 at the behest of the Rockefellers.
And it was intended to be an entity that would help steer global policy modeled on what Dr. Carol Quigley talks about in his books on Chatham House, on the Royal Institute for International Affairs, on Pratt House, and so forth.
All these things are kind of models of what they call roundtable groups.
And the roundtable groups, again, are a strategy, a type of governance coming out of the British Empire.
In the waning of the British Empire, you have the rise of the American Empire to replace it.
And no figure, in my view, is more important than David Rockefeller.
I mean, I think he's really the pivot man here.
Obviously, other families are important.
Obviously, the joining of the Rothschild and Rockefeller fortunes some years ago was an important move.
But in the early phases of the 20th century, it's really the Rockefeller family that dominates this whole arena.
They also extended this influence to many other meetings, which again, David Rockefeller openly talks about in this famous chapter.
Now, maybe you don't want to read this big, you know, boring 600 page, 700 page book, which is understandable.
500 pages, excuse me.
But if you want to really understand what's going on, you just need to look at one chapter and that's chapter 27.
And that's what we're going to talk about first.
Then we'll look at some more about Bilderberg.
But the whole chapter is called Proud Internationalist.
Proud internationalist.
And the idea here is that the world needs to be restructured according to what you, when you hear people talk about the New World Order, this is what's being talked about.
It's not a shadowy unknown thing.
It's not some thing that people are just throwing around.
Oh, I don't know what it is, but it's just this term that somebody, no, it's a very precise, very clear public thing in all of these big fat global elite texts.
In chapter 27, It's all about that.
It's called Proud Internationalist.
And it begins with a quote and it says, in my lifetime, the pursuits as an internationalist might best be summarized by my extraordinary day in 1995.
in 1995. And what he's talking about in 1995 relates to the CFR, the United Nations, and
what he calls a kind of capitalist mechanism for restructuring the world.
It's a new way to structure the world.
And he says, now, a lot of people don't like this.
A lot of people have said, hey, you're part of a communist conspiracy.
And he says, it's neither capitalist nor communist.
It's a new way of approaching all this.
Now, he is a monopoly capitalist.
But if you guys, everybody knows, right, he wrote the two editorials where he famously said that Mao's China is a great experiment, nothing wrong with it.
We know that the OSS trained Mao's guerrillas.
And so a lot of people at Yale, skull and bones, they were actually for Maoism.
And they did that to restructure and change the landscape of China.
And David Rockefeller has chapters in the middle of this book, by the way, about putting Chase Bank in communist China, restructuring China, his positive attitude towards China because he thought he felt that it could also be a eugenics based technocratic government eventually, right?
And that's of course where we see China going all of the behest of these Western powers and support now we come back.
We're going to get into what is internationalism on the Alex Jones show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones on your guest host Jay Dyer of Jays analysis.
We are discussing first.
Ideas of the internationalist clique, the monopoly capitalist, and their greatest allies and tools, the socialist communists, and how they both share a common ideology of creating a global, single, monoculture that would be the international new world order.
And for people that are skeptics, David Rockefeller has a giant chapter in his giant book on it.
Again, one of the wealthiest men in the history of the country, one of the most influential, who steered the path of America, basically, through his family, through their funding, through their foundations, through the United Nations, through all of these different entities that they helped set up, including the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Institute for Pacific Relations, all of which are described at length in Dr. Carol Quigley's Strategy and Hope as well.
And in this chapter, Rockefeller says that Well, a lot of people are not happy with this because they get confused and they think, well, is he a capitalist?
But he said he supports socialism and Maoism.
What's going on here?
And of course, he goes on to say that it's not really about either either of those things.
Ultimately, this is about, he says, what people call a secret cabal.
They say that David Rockefeller is part of an Influential conspiracy, a secret cabal to change the world into an international single global world order.
And especially a single economic structure.
And he says, not only do I agree with this, I stand guilty of this and I am proud of it.
And I am proud of it.
Low IQ skeptics.
Can you read?
Do you see what that says?
It says, and I am proud of it.
I even put right there for you, famous quote.
And you see that people are, I mean, it's amazing the sort of doubling down delusion, right?
That people get into when they just, ah, that makes sense.
You're crazy.
Conspiracy there.
And then it's right here on the page.
Can you read?
Can you read?
He says, the people that oppose me, he says, I would call them populists.
You mean people who actually support the idea of humans and other people, right?
That's what he means by populism and not being ruled by money-obsessed oligarchs.
He says, those are populists.
He says, populists call it a conspiracy.
But, you know, what's funny in a lot of these guys' writings, they say, well, it's not a conspiracy, right?
Which their normie minions in the media say, ha ha, see, there's no conspiracy.
He says, he's not part of a conspiracy.
Well, clearly it's not a conspiracy if he says he's not in one.
But then he goes on to say it's not a conspiracy because it's in the open.
So, that's what he says.
He says there's no secret conspiracy because it's all in the open.
It's in the book.
It's not a secret conspiracy if the book says publicly as a bestseller, New York Times bestseller, that yeah, I'm here trying to control government.
So again, it shouldn't be a problem.
And then he says, here are some of the institutions that we help set up and fund to create this international order.
The United Nations, the Rockefeller family donated the land for the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and we also help get NAFTA done.
And he says, anybody that opposes this, we just call them isolationists.
Remember Ron Paul?
Well, I think we need to audit the Federal Reserve.
I'm not knocking.
I like Ron Paul.
It's just, you know, I like to do impressions.
Okay, don't get mad.
People say, why is he impersonating Ron Paul?
Somebody get him.
I like Ron Paul.
I'm just being goofy, okay?
Well, I think we need to audit the Fed.
Well, Ron Paul was right.
And what do they call Ron Paul, right?
Back in 2007-8, right?
He's an isolationist.
He doesn't want America involved in the global economy.
No, no, it's because it's a scam.
Do you understand that the real way the world is run is on the basis of scams?
Okay, and of course, right, Ron Paul, great politician and statesman, was able to see that.
He was right.
And not just Ron Paul, I mean many people even in public, in the public sphere, right?
Previous, even Ronald Reagan at one point even talked about this, right, when he was running.
He would talk about CFR, he would talk about the UN, he would talk about These kinds of things being a problem, and well, I think everybody knows what maybe happened to Ronald Reagan at one point when he talks about those things.
But David Rockefeller says, yeah, all of these institutions, we are involved in this, and these are all to create, first of all, a global economic order.
If we create a global economic order, then what will naturally flow from that Is a single world currency, a single world technocratic order that we can then control first and foremost through the currency, through the economy.
So, as everybody knows, their economic model is a debt-based fiat system.
It's where central banking entities that are privately owned can print as much money as they want.
And everybody that's in this, the more conservative Austrian school of economics, etc.
People that believe that there should be sound monetary policy?
What has everybody in that camp always said?
You can't have a fiat system.
This shock doctrine system will destroy the economy.
And ever since the shock doctrine, what has happened?
Gigantic national debt going crazy.
Trillions of dollars.
Trillions of dollars.
Print more.
Print more.
What was that?
Well, I did videos when the Cufid narrative first started happening, saying this is an economic attack.
This is an attack on the economy.
And then what happens?
Massive centralization of wealth, putting massive amounts of middle class people, small business owners, out of business.
Now you got to go to Amazon, Walmart, etc.
All of those corporations were intimately connected to and involved in this gigantic scam.
Look at Gil Bates, right?
He just happens to have the answers.
He's going to sell you baby formula.
He's going to sell you beyond meat, fake meat, because of the crises that suddenly occur.
So the inflation, the money printing, and they just gaslight everybody, right?
They knew good and well when they printed all of those stimulus checks and all the bonuses and all that, that we would later, we would have to pay for it.
Now we're all paying for all of this quantitative easing, money printing, debt scams.
And it's theft of wealth and energy over time.
That's what all this is.
Inflation is stealing from you over time in a gradual way.
But because it's gradual, you don't notice it, right?
Your honey buns go from $1.50 to $1.75 to $2 in a few years.
By the way, you shouldn't be eating honey buns.
Don't ever eat honey buns.
They're disgusting.
But it seems like basically all of the South, like everybody just lives on honey buns.
Because everybody in the South is now gigantic, by the way.
Stop eating garbage food.
Everybody listen.
Stop eating honey buns.
When you go in the grocery store, basically only eat things that are on the outer rim of the grocery store.
That's it.
Anything in the middle, do not eat that.
That's lesson number one today.
Don't eat anything that has Bill Gates's food crap.
Don't eat anything.
None of that.
Bill Gates wants you eating honey buns.
Don't eat honey buns.
Now the honeymoon companies are going to try to expose me.
Anyway, so the internationalists, they want to set up this connected global order through economy first and foremost.
That's what the 20th century and its wars were all about, erecting this global order.
Remember, Tragedy and Hope says the two world wars of the 20th century were about erecting the League of Nations, then the United Nations, and then through the Cold War, further integration into the synthesis of Eastern Bloc Communism, Western Monopoly Capitalism.
Put these two together, the Hegelian synthesis, problem, reaction, solution, and what you get out of that is the nascent world order.
That is what is being rolled out right now.
Again, do you guys understand?
Everybody's now heard about Klaus, they've heard about the World Economic Forum, they've heard about Bilderberg and these groups, but do they realize that they've been meaning for years and years and years and years Talking about the very things that David Rockefeller says these things were created to create.
IMF, WTO, NAFTA, UN, CFR, Prolateral, Bilderberg.
There's a section in here on Bilderberg which we're going to look at in a minute.
He says that what I would call these entities like the CFR and so forth, he says these are influencers.
These are influencing societies.
That's what they're about.
So, do they control everything as the people do when people counter us with their red herrings and straw men?
Well, you think the Bilderberg controls everything in the world?
No, no, no.
Nobody ever said that.
They're steering committees, policy planning committees, debate committees, and what he calls influencers.
They influence the formation of American policy, he says.
Don't go anywhere.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Just finishing up a plate of hot honey buns.
And I wanted to move on to the next section where we discover that David Rockefeller is a big fan, a big promoter.
The origins of the Bilderberg Group.
So as he moves on in page 410 of his biography, by the way, I do want to read one quote before we got to Bilderberg, where Rockefeller says on page 324, the powers of international capital had a far-reaching plan, no less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands to dominate the political systems of every country And the economy of all the world as a whole, the secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world's money.
That is from Dr. Carol Quigley, and that is page 324 of Tragedy and Hope, and that's exactly the same model and message that we're going to see over here in David Rockefeller.
There was another great quote, by the way, from a lesser-known book by Professor Stephen Dorrell with the "Secret History of MI6" and I read that book many, many
years ago.
A lot of people don't know the real history of MI6, but he wrote that, well, this is from
me quoting him, that in his book on MI6, he mentions Bilderberg, "In an effort to cement
Western cooperation throughout the Cold War.
The first Bilderberg conference was held in May in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeek at the Hotel of Bilderberg, from which the meeting took its name.
It was seen as an opportunity for shapers of opinion among elite groups in Europe to speak with one voice to their counterparts in the U.S.
So again, clearly a globalist entity.
Who feared the differences of European integration and Eastern Europe, that this would create misunderstanding.
Funding came courtesy of the Dutch government and the CIA.
That is Stephen Dorrell's book, MI6, page 508.
That is a mainline history of MI6.
That is not a conspiracy book.
I'm so tired of all the conspiracy accusations.
Which, by the way, that's a legal term, where if people are conspiring to do something criminal, you're charged with conspiracy.
So, first of all, it's not a made-up thing.
It's a criminal action when you're convicted of it.
Number two, if you could just replace it with the word espionage, then I'm pretty sure most people would admit that espionage occurs.
Okay, well that's conspiring.
And if espionage occurs, then you could just call it espionage theory and mainline books on the history of espionage contain revealing clear sections on what Bilderberg is.
Again, Stephen Dorrill.
Famous, well-known book.
Public academic, not a conspiracy text.
David Rockefeller's memoirs.
Public academic history text.
Well, I don't guess it's academic, it's just his autobiography.
And on page 410, he moves on to say, let's talk about Bilderberg.
He says, now conspiracy theorists love to talk about it.
But he says, it's not a conspiracy because it's in the open.
It's the Open Conspiracy.
Where have we heard that?
Oh, I just covered that last week.
Wells' Open Conspiracy book.
Now, is it hard to prove or to demonstrate that they have the same plan from H.G.
Wells to David Rockefeller to Klaus Schwab?
No, it's not hard.
Number one, they're all part of the same entity, the same power structure.
Royal Society, Fabian Socialists, all together the same structure.
The Royal Society International Institute.
Royal Society of International Affairs.
Royal Institute for National Affairs.
Roundtable groups.
Talk about it in their books.
Same thing.
Same power structure.
World Economic Forum.
Formerly chairman of Bilderberg Group.
Not hard to figure out.
Who helped set up Klaus?
And Davos, Henry Kissinger, Harvard, Herman Kahn, Rand Corporation, and the CIA.
Again, Johnny Vedmore, Whitney Webb, they did the lengthy exposés covering all that.
It's all now well-known.
Now, who helped set up Bilderberg?
Prince Bernhard, formerly of the SS, okay?
So, by the way, I forgot to mention, Dave Rockefeller had said earlier in this chapter that a key role in help setting up the CFR was John Foster Dulles, who was involved in Kissinger, by the way, and into Operation Paperclip.
Okay, so there is a Nazi element to this.
A lot of people get tripped up in the different sides of this.
Communists, Socialists, Capitalists, Nazis.
No, they're all at the higher levels run by super wealthy people.
And they don't really care so much about the ideologies.
Now, something like Nazism is falling out of favor, right?
There used to be a time period when a lot of people in the British establishment were very openly pro-Hitler.
People in America were.
Time Magazine had them on the cover of Time Magazine, right?
So there was a time period when there were people pro-Hitler in the establishment.
Then that kind of, that's not really feasible anymore.
And so you get people like Julian Huxley, who wrote The Philosophy of UNESCO, part of the same cadre.
We're going to have to change the terminology.
Let's just rebrand this to not be depopulation and eugenics.
We'll call it biometrics and health.
So let's rebrand it as biometrics and genetic health, right?
Women's rights and health is all just rebranded variants of eugenics.
And Rockefeller is very open about that.
He says, yeah, we created this entity with people like Prince Bernhardt, with eugenicists who adamantly believe these views.
And he said this was really together with Etienne d'Avignon.
This is the origins of Bilderberg.
And he talks about there being scandals.
He talks about there being secret interior groups.
He says even Opus Dei had a role in helping set up these things, which of course was a Roman Catholic CIA connected sort of front group.
All had a role in this and something he calls the Parenti Group playing a key role in helping to set up Bilderberg.
He says, but these are not menacing secret societies.
He says they're just secret groups connected together with the CIA, the Vatican and other Entities to promote ultimately our internationalist order now, that's not me.
That's not a conspiracy theorist saying that that is page 413 where David Rockefeller talks about Opus Dei in the Vatican and the CIA all kind of collaborating and working together To help put together this international steering policy debate influence committee Okay, so no, Bilderberg doesn't control every event in the world.
We're not schizophrenics.
We're people who read books.
That's it.
He says that really it's just the top corporate elite of the world.
So the idea is let's get together the top CEOs of the Fortune 100 slash Fortune 500 and we will coordinate policies there and try to have a unified agenda We're steering the world, steering committee.
Corporate collectivism.
I've been writing about Bilderberg for at least 10 years in essays and podcasts and whatnot.
And I was looking back at some of my old essays.
I did one in 2014, eight years ago.
And there it was, I called it, I called one of my articles corporate communism.
That may not be it.
But so I've written at least three big long essays over the years on Bilderberg and its history.
And one of them is called Corporate Communism because That's an accurate description, right?
It's communism for everybody else, a corporate managerial class on top of them, and then a super-rich class on top of them.
That's the pyramid.
That's how the world really works, okay?
Don't go anywhere.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
We're covering Bilderberg.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I want to remind everybody, I'm not suicidal.
If I turn up dead, it is the Honey Bun Industrial Complex that had me liquidated.
You know, I go to Walmart, I see scooters, I see armies of scooters.
People that can't even walk.
Boomer scooters just rolling around.
And it's because people are eating things that aren't food.
Honey buns.
Hashtag, stop the honey buns.
You know, I was, uh...
Looking through this book and I was just reminded at how transparent all this is as I was flipping through.
It's been many years since I looked at Rockefeller's memoirs.
And then there's also another important book, of course, very famous.
Probably most everybody's heard of it.
The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, which is the kind of classic history of Bilderberg.
But there's another book, too, that's really important that people should be familiar with because it really puts another angle.
It's a big puzzle piece for what we're talking about today.
And that's the famous Professor Anthony Sutton's book.
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, right, where he goes into the true story of the history of the wealthy industrial banking elites, including industrialists, not just bankers, but also industrialists who really helped Bolshevism and the Soviet Union build up to be what it was to have the Cold War.
And again, to most Sort of normie, left-right, political-minded people.
They just cannot figure this out, right?
It just blows their mind, right?
It's just that what?
How could a rich?
There's no rich person who would fund a communist because he's his enemy.
They hate commies.
There's the commies and the rich people and they're in a fight.
Who would actually believe such a naive?
That's so silly.
That's so naive.
Who do you think funds The revolutions!
Did it ever occur to you maybe that revolutions require money?
Okay, and typically revolutionaries don't have a lot of money, right?
I mean, like, college dudes, right, on, like, living, mooching off of everyone else in the dorms, the real commies on the streets, are they usually pretty wealthy?
Not really, okay?
Maybe they're trust fund kids every now and then.
Okay, so who's putting the money into the revolutions?
Where's the money coming from?
Oh, exactly.
Wealthy people.
Where did Karl Marx get his money?
Did you know Karl Marx was like a big moocher?
Literally, he's just like a mooching dude.
Yeah, man, like, uh, uh, can I stay here, please, tonight?
Which is what he did.
Like, he just slept around at everybody else's house, mooched on everybody, and he had a benefactor.
Wealthy stock owner.
David Rockefeller puts money into liberal socialist causes for many, many, many decades.
This is old school stuff.
This is geopolitics 101.
You will never get anywhere in understanding how the world really works if you don't get this one.
This is number one.
Level one.
You got to beat this boss before you go to level two.
If you don't get this, you're an idiot.
You'll never figure anything out.
Nobody can have a revolution and overthrow a government without funding.
Follow the money, okay?
And all of these people write books.
I actually went into the archives at my university.
I found Warburg's private letters.
The banker.
And he has letters about this.
And he says, I am so pleased that my money was well spent in the Russian Revolution.
Corporate collectivism.
A key figure comes into play in the 1970s, 1972.
David Rockefeller devotes a whole chapter to his protege.
Do you know who his protege is?
Why it's none other than Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Now, I've done multiple podcasts, multiple lectures through the books of Brzezinski, but Rockefeller devotes a whole section to him in 416.
Zbigniew Brzezinski was my understudy and he's one of my greatest achievements.
I concocted this man out of nothing, right?
So they recruited him out of Columbia.
They put him at the head of the Trilateral Commission.
In fact, He mentions the key entities connected to ZBIG.
He says Harvard, Columbia University, Brookings Institute, Ford Foundations.
We all had a special place in our heart for ZBIG.
And he says, I called up Henry and I said, Henry, where can we put ZBIG?
Well, Mr. Rockefeller, we have a steering committee that I will create just for ZBIG.
It will be called the Trilateral Organization.
That's literally what happened.
There's a whole chapter on it, and people call this conspiracy theory.
It's a damn chapter in the book.
And he says, Zbig sat down, and in 1974 we had this talk, and Trilateral would be devoted to, quote, a new world economic order.
New world economic order.
New world economic order.
Did you hear that?
Blue checkmarks!
Did you hear that?
New World Economic Order!
That's him!
That's what that was!
We need to do this!
Do you remember the ad that I used to run for Truth Rising?
And Luke Grodowski confronts Z-Big.
And he asked him about 9-11.
He asked him about the New World Order.
Do you remember Z-Big's response at that public event?
Sit down and shut up!
Not sit down.
Sit down and shut up!
Everything starts with a Z. Z-Big literally starts everything with Z. Sit down and shut up!
Because it's all true.
It's all in his books.
It's all in David Rockefeller's books.
And he even says, if everybody has seen, you know, Endgame and Alex's stuff over the years, I'm sure everybody in this audience has seen it.
If you haven't, go watch Endgame.
Very prophetic.
You know that there's a section, I believe, where it talks about Jimmy Carter being selected.
David Rockefeller has a section where he says that, yes, we chose Jimmy Carter.
We thought he would be a key Bilderberg president.
Jimmy Carter, right?
Whatever, that was before my time.
But he talks about Bilderberg and OPEC.
And by the way, that's in Ingdahl's book.
I think Full Spectrum Dominance talks about that Bilderberg actually engineered at the advice of Henry Kissinger the whole 70s gas crisis.
So if you want Earlier precedent for the kind of inflation crisis and whatnot that we're having right now, all the boomers talk about, I remember this back in the 70s.
This is just like the Carter era with the gas and all that.
Yeah, because it's the same people doing the same things.
This is engineered.
And on page 417, he talks about OPEC and he talks about that being an engineered oil thing.
The oil shock, 1974, OPEC.
In 1974, OPEC and the oil shock led everyone to call for a new international economic order.
By the way, did you see the new World Economic Forum?
I don't know if it's new, but the bug cookies.
Eat the bugs.
Not only are you going to eat the bugs, the maggots, literal maggots there, right?
I mean, it's probably mealworms, but to me it looks like maggots, right?
But the cookies?
Don't those look ominous, dude?
That looks like something from a frickin' Grimm's Fairytale.
They think of us as bugs.
There's a quote in the authorised biography of the Rockefellers where Rockefeller Sr.
Feed them the bugs. They think of us as bugs. There's a quote in the authorized biography of
the Rockefellers where Rockefeller Sr. goes to India and he says, "I became convinced of
the need for depopulation when I went to India." And he says, "I realized that people are just bugs."
That's what he says.
He says that we basically set up Jimmy Carter to be an anti-Washington, anti-establishment candidate, but he was really just our guy, right?
He was just kind of a cut out goober, goober peanut man, country man, right?
He has the face of, that's disgusting.
He has a face of being this man of the peoples, right?
I'm Jimmy Carter, I'm a man of the people.
Just vote for me because I love peanuts.
I love farming and peanuts, right?
And it was all a scam.
I mean, he's talking about, on page 417, Jimmy Carter just being this cut out country boy to make everybody think that the President's a good old boy.
And then he talks about Reagan.
We'll get a little bit into Bilderberg and Reagan here in a moment because there's some problems there.
David Rockefeller admits that about Reagan, too.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Go check out my stuff at my website.
Welcome back.
This is Jim McConnell.
I'm just a humble little mealworm maggot farmer.
I'm just a peanut farmer.
Did you ever watch Blade Runner 2049?
You remember at the beginning when Ryan Gosling flies out to the gigantic bug farms in L.A.?
All of L.A.
is like a giant dystopian bug farm.
Well, California, basically.
is the giant hellhole.
But if you remember, there's no food.
And so vast swathes of land have been converted into Mealworm forms.
So everybody has to eat the bugs.
Do you remember that?
Now, a lot of people didn't really like Blade Runner 2049, but there were some interesting elements in terms of the sort of predictive programming where you have everybody eating magnets and mealworms.
And David Rockefeller really just says, you know, Jimmy Carter was just kind of a creative thing.
He was just a Bilderberg front character.
And then he says, now, you know, Ronald Reagan, when he was running, he said some things that we didn't actually like.
We weren't big fans of him calling out Jimmy Carter for being in the Trilateral Commission.
And he says that President Reagan felt like this was not appropriate for a society based around the idea of representation and government by the people.
This is a funny quote here.
It says, however, President Reagan ultimately come to understand the importance of the Trilateral Commission's value.
I wonder what made him come to understand that.
Could you think of any event that might have had an influence on getting him to change his mind?
I mean, it might be something out there.
I'll let you guys figure that one out.
And then a little interesting little tidbit, which you've heard Alex Cover over the years.
He'll mention it here and there.
How did David Rockefeller do all this?
Is it just because he was a rich dude?
Like what?
Just being rich.
I did not.
Not every rich person is able to do this.
Well, a lot of people don't know this about David Rockefeller.
He says.
These organizations all reflect reflect my belief principle.
My belief.
In what he calls constructive engagement.
So here he is saying.
All these institutions that I've listed, Trilateral, Bilderberg, CFR, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
He says, they're not sinister forces.
They're just reflections of what I want to see in the world.
He says, if you want to know how I learned to do this, it was my time as an intelligence officer during World War II.
He says, I learned to use all of my effectiveness Which was dependent upon my ability to develop networks and larger networks of people with reliable information and powerful influence.
Some might feel that I'm cynical and manipulative.
I disagree.
In fact, I built lasting friendships with all these people, which is what allowed me to create my globalist networks.
He says I have a giant Rolodex that I started In the 40s, basically just have a giant Rolodex.
And that's what I do is just have all my network contacts.
And I learned how to do all this from my intelligence training, espionage training.
And he ends the chapter by saying, uh, if people want to call me an internationalist, ready to create a new world order, go ahead, because that is what I'm after.
Interesting admissions there from pretty high up.
Near the apex of the pyramid.
Maybe not the tip top.
Maybe not the eye.
The eye of the pyramid might be a spiritual entity.
But, you know, sort of those little bricks up near the top, sort of underneath the eye of the pyramid.
Somebody like the Rockefeller, I think, clearly we can see that by open admissions in the book.
And again, that chapter is so important because it's about the Bilderberg Group.
It's about the history of this international steering committee.
Which does have a lot of power, because again, remember, this is people who are all over CEOs, all over the Fortune 100, all through government, so public and private sector people.
And there's a great poster that kind of illustrates the gigantic printout poster, which has people who are in the Bilderberg Group, people who are in the Trilateral Commission, people who are in the CFR and the media.
They're all part of the same groups.
So I would call that racketeering and coordination, conspiring, espionage theory.
You want to call it that?
I mean, didn't David Rockefeller just say that I learned all the techniques because I was trained in espionage?
So if you don't want to use the word conspiracy, if that hurts your feelings, just replace it with the word espionage.
And that's exactly what David Rockefeller says at the end of the chapter.
I was trained in spy work and that's how I did all this.
No matter where you look, The key to the control, according to Daniel Esselin, is the secrecy that Bilderberg was concerned with for many, many decades.
They're not so concerned about that anymore.
It's kind of well-known.
Everybody's heard about Bilderberg Group.
They're not so concerned with this being a secret thing.
They kind of passed the torch on to the Silicon Valley tech people and the DARPA people, which was four or five Bilderbergs back, right?
They had made that kind of public.
The key to this control is secrecy.
As one says, the meetings of the Organization for Economic Cooperation, OECD and Development, G8, WTO, World Economic Forum, Central Banks, European Union, EU Commission, EU Summits, EU Cabinet meetings are all people who attend and interact and steer through Bilderberg.
Esalen goes on to say that if you want to understand their modus operandi or their ideology, it is really a covert way, something akin to a kind of Fabian socialist model, he says, which can include people who are not socialists, who are not Fabians, who are not fascists or whatever.
You can have any of the views you want because it's not about those things.
They're all modeled on Shadow government, covert government approaches, steering committee approaches, what you might call the deep state.
And the deep state is not just in America.
It's an international clique.
David Rockefeller's words are proud internationalists.
And as we get into the chapters of the history, one of the things that occurred to me, I covered this, I think, six months ago, right?
If you guys remember, we did a whole fourth hour on Bilderberg and all that.
Uh, and I don't need to rehearse all that because you can go watch that.
But just to remind everybody, back when Estalin's book came out, the famous Bilderberg group, I think his book came out in 2006 or seven.
He had been to Bilderberg either 2005 or 2007, one of the two.
And at that point back then, they had a few agendas that were on the list.
I think I've got pulled up for me this year's agendas, which relate to Sustainability, which is always one of the scam words for the Green Agenda.
Anytime you hear of sustainability, you know that's a bunch of baloney.
I think, let's see, what else is on this year's?
I don't have my list pulled up, but I want to take you back a few years and listen to the list back in 2006 or 2007, and you tell me if you think that you've seen any of this come about.
That year, Bilderberg's wish list included, number one, the creation of one international identity.
By empowering even further the international bodies to completely destroy national identity, there would be subversion from within.
What did Klaus say?
We have put all the people in the cabinets.
We will put an Indian in the cabinet.
We will put an Indian in the cupboard.
We will put Inside of you!
Remember all the Klaus's statements about where they're going to put people in the cabinets?
We are going to penetrate the cabinets!
Very weird innuendos there from Klaus.
Well, in 2007, Bilderberg said, we will infiltrate the various national governments, which they've been doing for many, many years, but to a greater degree.
To create a universal set of values.
What's Klaus's new book?
By the way, I just got that in the mail.
It's a grand narrative.
What's the grand narrative?
A new story.
We need a new narrative, a new story for mankind.
There we go.
This year's topics.
Geopolitical realignment, NATO, Russia, China, Indo-Pacific, Sino-US, Russia, of course, how to subvert, control, destroy all of the remaining entities that are not fully integrated into the NWO.
Disruption of the global financial system.
Probably things are like Bitcoin and crypto.
How to control and steer those markets into the crypto that Klaus wants.
Klaus has a list of his favorite cryptos.
Disinformation, which just means how they will put out disinformation and control the truth.
Sustainability, which is, of course, controlling everybody through carbon scams, vaccine passports.
Trade and de-globalization, not meaning that they're for that, but how to combat de-globalization.
Quote fragmentation of the democratic societies, which is what they actually said they want to do.
Back again to 2007, Bilderberg, 2006-2007.
Centralized control of people.
Get rid of the middle class.
Obtain a zero growth society.
That's austerity.
Control society in a chaos, control chaos to where there's a perpetual imbalance in all areas of society.
Empower, greater empowerment of the United Nations.
COVID brought that, this new treaty, greater empowerment of the United Nations, right?
Expansion of NATO, we just saw that.
One world legal system and a socialist welfare system, UBI.
This was discussed in 2007 at Bilderberg, long ago.
There you go, proof.
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