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Name: 20220601_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 1, 2022
2335 lines.

In a podcast interview, Mike Tyson discusses various topics such as his views on life, aliens, humanity's future, his marriage, family, spiritual growth through psychedelic drugs and fluoride in water supplies. He also shares his thoughts on Russia, China, Nancy Pelosi, and COVID-19 lockdowns. However, the interview was not aired due to pressure from YouTube.

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He talked about it yesterday, but now it's degraded quickly.
First, the globalists wanted to give long-range missiles to Ukraine.
Russia threatened nuclear war.
Biden said no.
Biden reversed himself today and said they're going to give long-range missiles that can attack Russia and guided by U.S.
satellites to the Ukrainians.
Unbelievable escalation.
End of the world, red alert.
Russia threatens nuclear war after U.S.
transfers long-range missiles to Ukraine.
While puppet Biden announces plans to overturn the second amendment with executive orders, watch live.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news.
Perhaps the most evil display of deception and murder we are subjected to today are found in the new phenomenon
of mass school shootings.
Prior to 1999, they were practically non-existent.
But today, they have almost become predictable.
And if you are able to examine the evidence objectively, without getting emotional, a pattern can be recognized.
Former Naval Intelligence Officer turned whistleblower, Milton William Cooper, wrote in his book, Behold a Pale Horse, published in 1991, that the CIA was using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in order to persuade them to open fire on schoolyards, to inflame the anti-gun lobby, and do away with the Second Amendment.
This probably sounds outlandishly evil, and it is, but the evidence is there.
In the Columbine shootings of 1999, we are told that Eric Harris and Dylan Kleibolt acted alone.
The town of Columbine, Colorado was created in 1958 for families and employees of the military-industrial complex.
Eric and Dylan were arrested a year prior to the shooting and were allegedly sodomized by the arresting officer, which may sound crazy, but a local officer admitted to raping informants, which is a known method of trauma-based mind control.
After this January incident, Eric and Dylan were put into a juvenile diversion program and prescribed SSRI drugs known to cause homicidal ideation.
During this time, Eric Harris was making online death threats and bomb threats.
Local police were aware of this and drafted a search warrant affidavit, but it was ignored.
Eric and Dylan threatened revenge for the January incident in their yearbook.
They produced a school video about their plans and began openly collecting weapons.
All of this while on probation and nothing was done about it.
During the shootings, the police stood outside the building and did nothing, while the sounds of automatic gunfire and explosions continued for hours.
In official transcripts, there are over 100 witnesses who saw more than two shooters, and more than 40 witnesses who identified the same two men in their 30s, one balding and the other with a short military-style haircut.
Several witnesses described the same adult male throwing a pipe bomb on the roof of the library.
All of them certain that it wasn't Dylan or Eric.
And all of this information pertaining to additional shooters has been redacted.
The FBI agent in charge of the Columbine investigation had a son who recently attended the school, who shot a student film inside Columbine High two years before the shooting about a character wearing a trench coat shooting up the school.
Dylan and Eric fantasized about hijacking an airplane and crashing it into a New York City skyscraper in 1999.
Are these just strange coincidences or remnants of the Fed's MKUltra program?
An honest investigation into any of the mass school shootings following Columbine will have the same signatures, such as families involved in the military-industrial complex, prescribed SSRIs and other psychotropic drugs, psychological care provided by the state, And associations with law enforcement prior to the shootings.
Just like we saw with the retired federal agent in regular communication with the Buffalo gunman in a private Discord chat room.
And in the recent Texas school shooting, how is the perpetrator able to afford nearly $5,000 of weaponry?
And why did the police stand down while children were slaughtered?
We are still allowed to question these things.
But for how long?
This evil will never stop until the truth is exposed.
And unfortunately, most of us are too emotional to see things as they really are.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
The report is on Bandot Video.
Get it out.
This is incredibly powerful.
It's on Bandot Video now.
Get it.
Get it.
Use it.
Use it.
It's Wednesday, June 1st, 2022.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
This is going to be one hell of a broadcast, so strap yourselves in.
All right.
The Biden administration has openly come out and confirmed what Biden said a few
days ago.
They want to start banning calibers and ammunition, and they intend to use executive orders that are unconstitutional to do it.
Unbelievable, while they send $60-plus billion in the last few months to Ukraine to just hand out AK-47s and M-16s and anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons to anybody that'll take them.
What a moment to be alive.
We also have the Sussman not guilty verdict with another rigged D.C.
jury, not just of Democrat voters, but of political operatives that work for Obama and the Clintons.
Roger Stone joins us at the bottom of the hour to respond to another massive miscarriage of justice.
We're going to be looking at the latest on the COVID tyranny and admissions.
They have new plans for lockdowns in the fall ahead of the election, right on time, as predicted.
We have major school districts around the world announcing brain chips for children.
Can't make this up.
Moving faster than I even thought it would.
Democrats all over the country are running TV ads where they say Republicans want to lynch black people.
No, Democrats want to kill black babies in the womb.
We've got video of that.
We have got so much for you here today.
We have a bunch of global government news and the plan for the post-industrial society.
We are definitely inside the New World Order now.
The first thing I want to tackle today Is the attack on the Second and First Amendment and how those directly tie together in the globalist strategy to successfully take over.
Here is video of the White House Press Secretary saying executive action on gun control is coming.
What we're experiencing, this is a epidemic, the gun violence that we're seeing across the country.
And we have to do something and we have to continue to make efforts to act, to protect our kids, to protect people going to the grocery store.
The president has made this one of his priorities from the first day that he walked in.
into this administration.
And now he's calling on Congress to act.
And so he is hopeful.
He wants to make sure there's action.
We have our White House team that is in constant communication with Congress
on an array of issues, including this one, because again, this is a priority.
because again, this is a priority.
And he wants to continue to make sure that he continues to voice his concern
And he wants to continue to make sure that he continues to voice his concern and what
what needs to be done next. Look, the President has done with Congress on an array of issues, including this one,
needs to be done next.
Look, the president has done everything that he can from the federal government.
We are looking at other executive actions that we can possibly do.
This president has done more executive actions at this point than any other president, but
it's not up to him alone.
Now let's hear from the spokesperson for victim disarmament and destruction of the Second
This is Beto O'Rourke last night saying he wants gun confiscation and then a compilation that Sean Hannity put together of Beto saying nobody wants your guns, yeah we're gonna take your guns and then later saying oh no I don't want your guns as he gets ready to run for governor and then now yes I want your guns thinking you have no memory, here it is.
I just took the position that may not be politically popular, may be too honest, that not only should no one be able to purchase an AR-15 or an AK-47 because they're designed to kill humans in that high-impact, high-velocity round.
We'll just tear up everything inside.
You'll bleed out before we can get you back to life.
But I don't think that the people who have them right now in civilian use should be able to keep them.
Americans who own AR-15s, AK-47s, will have to sell them to the government.
I fully expect our fellow Americans to turn in their AR-15s and their AK-47s.
Are you, in fact, in favor of gun confiscation?
Hell yes!
We're gonna take your AR-15, your AK-47.
I'm not interested in taking anything from anyone.
What I want to make sure that we do is defend the Second Amendment.
So he says, I don't want your guns four years ago.
And then two years ago, he says, hell yes, I want your guns.
And then he says a few months ago, don't worry Texans, I don't want your guns, it's made up.
Then he says this week and last week, of course we're gonna take your guns.
Flipping and flopping on and on.
And meanwhile, they're coming after our First Amendment.
Now, worse than ever.
All of this goes together.
And here's a great example of the attack on the First Amendment.
Big tech cannot get away with their new or older takeover.
The globalists cannot get away with it if we have speech.
They know that.
They admit that.
They can't let the people communicate and have our will.
We're not supposed to question open borders or fraudulent elections or new lockdowns or gun confiscation or any of this.
A lot of politicians have guns and bodyguards, but we can't.
And then about two months ago, Mike Tyson calls me one day and says, Hey, this is Mike Tyson on my phone.
And I'm sitting here working in the evening and I go, is this really Mike Tyson?
Yeah, call me.
So I call and it's Mike Tyson.
I said, let me FaceTime you.
I call.
It's Mike Tyson.
He says, hey, I really like what you're doing.
I'd like to be on the podcast.
I said, well, that's great.
I'm already coming to Los Angeles next week to meet with some folks.
Some of the top people, and that's not name dropping, it's to let you know that top people are really concerned about what's going on household names.
Not in Hollywood, but in big tech.
And I said, I'm available on Tuesday next week.
He said, great, that's perfect.
Come by.
So I get there, and they're finishing up a huge interview, and then he does an interview with me, and then I do an interview with him, and at the end of the interview, he looks out at the crew, there's like 20 of them in there, and he says, some of you told me not to have him on, he's evil, I think he's great.
This is on the podcast.
He says, this has been amazing, best podcast ever, we believe it'll be our biggest ever.
Then last week, I get another FaceTime call, And it's Mike Tyson up on a hilltop over Hollywood with he and his family.
And I'm talking to him for like 10 minutes and he's saying, yeah, you know, we need to get together sometime, blah, blah, blah.
And I'm like, hey, when's the interview going to air?
And he goes, you know, we're, we're working on that.
And then his assistant takes over and says, yeah, they're really trying to stop it airing, but we're going to make them air it.
Next morning, I get a call from Mike Tyson's head assistant, Troy, great guy.
And he says, yeah, there was just too much pressure, and they're not airing it.
We're still trying to make them air it, but we have a contract where the production company can decide what airs and what doesn't.
And then I made some other calls, I'll leave it at that, and confirmed that YouTube, because we said months ago, yeah, we were just interviewed by Mike Tyson, when that was discovered, phone calls were made to pressure The producers of Mike Tyson's hot boxing show, one of the top 10 podcasts out there, average show has 5 million viewers, just on YouTube, did not air it.
So this is a major controversy.
That Mike Tyson can't even air a two hour interview he shoots with Alex Jones because it's censored because of YouTube pressure.
You know, I've never let out all the inside baseball on why Joe Rogan went to Spotify.
But I knew six months before, when he'd done the deal, that he was going to Spotify.
He was coming to Austin, looking at houses.
We were hanging out, talking about it.
And that's why they lost him, was behind-the-scenes pressure about who he should have on and who he shouldn't.
So maybe Mike Tyson needs to move to Spotify.
But that exclusive interview, because we interviewed him and he let us shoot the interview that's been censored, that just went live at Band.Video and InfoWars.com and it's pretty powerful.
So you can see the censored video, one way or another we're winning, at Band.Video right now.
Humanity is in a fight for every single hard-fought freedom we have.
And I cannot express to listeners how important you are as the real brain trust worldwide that's aware of what's happening.
We have some really good news.
I've been harping on this and I've been really hammering this and I'll cover it next segment.
That if we don't get leaders to come out and point out that the main enemy is the globalist corporate takeover of the Great Reset, then we have no chance.
But if we identify they're the ones doing it all, it's game over.
The virus releases all of it.
They're on record doing it.
But their arrogance, their arrogance is their front because it's all a confidence act.
And so I just want to commend listeners that have kept us on air over the years.
I want you to understand This is an attack on you and your family.
This is an attack on everything you are.
This is a total, complete, de-industrialization takeover.
And that's why, when you share the articles and videos, that's why when you pray for the broadcasts, it changes the world.
And we are so close to beating these people.
And now the minds of the public worldwide, not just here in the U.S., are so ready for the truth.
So thank you for keeping us on air.
Two big things.
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We sold out a half of them in three days, and now we've sold out another 20% of them in the next four days, and they'll be gone again very, very soon.
I want to thank you for keeping us on air, but I don't know how anybody wouldn't want to have this serious memento of American history.
In their home.
Or to be carrying in your pocket and just know that you are the resistance.
You are changing the world like nothing else.
Financing an organization like this that's had so much success.
All glory goes to God.
So thank you all.
You know who you are.
That have been supporting.
Roger Stone is going to join us next segment.
And then I'll get to the Globalist next hour actually.
and how people are finally identifying them as a corporate global crime syndicate,
infiltrating governments by putting their operatives in.
We now have Tom Cotton, we now have Rand Paul, we now have Ted Cruz, we now have Tulsi Gabbard.
All the last week, I've got the clips right here, coming out against what's happening.
And there's a cartoon that we'll show you next hour that's on Infowars.com
that shows the progression of American history, from horse-drawn wagons through automobiles
to now back to horse-drawn wagons.
And they make a joke out of it saying it's Biden, but it's the globalists doing it.
So that's coming up next hour as well.
But they are coming for our freedoms, and they want the mask in the leftist parties worldwide,
the Great Reset cult, to be the symbol of their tyranny.
And we'll get more into this later next hour if Roger Stone leaves us, but just in, DOJ, under Biden's control, asked Federal Appeals Court to reverse order lifting airplane mask mandates.
They could be back on as soon as next week.
Is it that interesting?
Even though they recently admitted themselves in congressional testimony that it's all about theater, and Fauci admits it does nothing, it is a symbol of fear, and a symbol of control, and a symbol, just like under Islam, putting masks over women's faces, that you are under their control.
And what did psychologist Stanley Milgram find in his 1960 study?
That 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral resources to defy an authority's order.
No matter how illegitimate the order is, only 20% have critical capacity.
And a Stanford research study, not just the Yale and Harvard studies, show the same thing.
And this is what they're betting on.
That the 20% of us that see what's happening for race, color, and creed Can be silenced and bullied into submission and it's not going to happen.
It can't happen.
The alternative is absolute slavery, depopulation and death.
And so that's why when the audience calls in thanking me, I want to thank you because I want you to really get it through your minds.
Because I know you're humble like I am.
The fact that you've been listening to this show for weeks or months or years, The fact that you've been striving to tell the truth, the fact that you were led by your own intellect and God's spirit to seek out the truth and to find out what's happening means out of the seven and a half million people, the tens of millions that tune into this broadcast are very special.
It's not because we have pink skin, or brown skin, or ebony skin.
It's not because we're gay or straight.
It's not because we're old or young.
It's not because we're from Mexico, or Germany, or Russia, or Japan, or Nigeria, or Chile, or Canada.
It's because, for whatever reason, our family background, our research, our life experiences, we know what's going on.
We know what's happening.
And that's the other big topic.
Put the headline back up.
Thanks for reminding me.
He talked about it yesterday, but now it's degraded quickly.
First, the globalists wanted to give long-range missiles to Ukraine.
Russia threatened nuclear war.
Biden said no.
Biden reversed himself today.
and said they're going to give long-range missiles that can attack Russia
and guided by US satellites to the Ukrainians. Unbelievable escalation.
End of the world, red alert.
Russia threatens nuclear war after US transfers long-range missiles to Ukraine.
While puppet Biden announces plans to overturn the Second Amendment with executive orders, watch live.
What a broadcast we've got lined up for you today.
And Edward Dowd, the big stock trader, insider, who's so articulate, predicted so much of what's happening,
has new incredibly vital and critical bombshell information in the third hour.
But first, responding to another giant miscarriage of justice in the Sussman trial with a kangaroo jury, Roger Stone on the other side.
Please stay with us.
We're about to talk to Roger Stone and get his exclusive response to the Sussman D.C.
swamp verdict when they had all the total evidence of him lying to the FBI.
Something Stone was falsely convicted of lying to Congress on the whole Russiagate when the whole thing was based on Sussman and Hillary.
We've got big developments on that coming up in a moment.
But first, Mike Tyson called me two months ago.
So come out to LA, do an interview.
It was a huge, great podcast.
Probably their biggest ever.
Just like the Joe Rogan's biggest with myself and then Elon Musk.
They put pressure.
He doesn't control his show.
They killed the interview.
But we got an interview with him and we shot a lot of the censored interview.
That just went live at Band.Video that they don't want you to see right now at Band.Video and front page of InfoWars.com.
I hope you'll share the censored Mike Tyson, Alex Jones interview.
We had a lot of fun.
Here's a little 20 second promo.
I'm not even here.
I'm not here.
Let's just say we hit it off, we talk all the time now.
So they're not going to stop anything.
He's probably going to come here to Austin soon, if I want him to.
I mean, he's going to be on air with us, so.
The system, though, I know all the inside baseball, but YouTube put pressure, threatened them to basically ban his show.
And he said, still do it.
They said, we have a contract, so you don't control it, Mike Tyson.
So Mike Tyson caught blocked by YouTube.
Incredible information.
And that's what Roger Stone harps on.
If we don't have a communication system and we can't speak out in America, we don't have a hope.
And he warned Trump, I warned Trump, Trump spoke out against it but didn't take action.
And now he of course got banned everywhere as well.
Now it's true social.
But let's shift gears with my good friend, Roger Stone, and let's talk about this.
What a statement put out by Trump yesterday.
Our legal system is corrupt.
Trump responds at precessment.
FBI, Russia, hoax, lie, acquittal.
Remember, they spied on the candidate, they spied on the president-elect, they spied on the president.
Roger and I first broke that with critical intel from inside sources.
And then Roger, they falsely convicted him in a kangaroo jury filled with Democrats and Democrat operatives.
Yet again, Trump says our legal system is corrupt, our judges and justices are highly partisan, compromise are just plain scared, our borders are wide open, our elections are rigged, inflation is rampant, gas prices and food costs are through the roof, our military leadership is woke, our country is going to hell, and Michael Sussman is not guilty.
How's everything else going?
Enjoy your day.
And then we get all the other information.
Kash Patel Calls on DOJ to move Russia hoax trials outside DC after Sussman verdict.
Yeah, can't get a fair trial.
Special counsel loses first trial of Trump's probe.
Sussman acquitted.
Michael Sussman has been acquitted yesterday, and it goes on from there.
Here's the key one.
Representative Matt Gaetz, DNC law firm, Perkins Coie, who's been after us, by the way, admits it has FBI workspace in its D.C.
office as Michael Sussman was operating the worksite.
This was an FBI inside deal.
They protected their man.
Meanwhile, Roger Stone has 20 plus agents and helicopters and gunboats attack his house with he and his wife and his dog.
Absolutely outrageous.
The FBI is beyond discredited.
DC courts are beyond discredited.
We have people that didn't even engage in violence.
That article's right here.
Please help Marine Corps veteran Zach Riel, who did not commit any violence, did not break down barriers, has been detained for over 14 months and never Has held his baby and no trial set.
That is the Soviet Union, ladies and gentlemen.
So, Roger Stone, thank you for being with us today.
Alex, I'm delighted to be with you.
And this is really the first interview I've given since the not surprising Sussman verdict.
You know, the analogies between what I went through and this trial are extraordinary.
The only thing that's different is the final result.
Judge Cooper, who presided in the Sussman matter, an Obama appointee, his wife actually represents Susan Page, one of the two FBI agents at the center of the Russian collusion hoax.
He should have been recused.
He wasn't.
He would not allow Durham to provide evidence at trial that the entire Russian collusion hoax was fabricated and pushed by Hillary Clinton.
It came out anyway in the testimony of Robbie Mook.
In my case, she was a Democrat who had actually run for Congress.
She lied to get on to the jury.
That has indisputably been proven.
She attacked both Donald Trump and I on Facebook and Twitter in 2019 regarding the very case that she would later be selected as a juror on.
She kept that on a private setting during jury selection and the trial and tried to quietly erase it afterwards.
You then had, of course, the stacked jury.
In other words, Judge Jackson ruled from the beginning that activism by a jury in the Democratic Party, support for Hillary Clinton, and here's the clincher, hatred for Donald Trump expressed in the jury questionnaires would not eliminate one from being a juror.
The same thing was true in this case.
You had Hillary Clinton donors and AOC donors on the jury.
The jury forewoman actually gave a press conference after the verdict and said, dot line to the FBI is no big deal and the country has much larger issues.
So this was a totally politicized and corrupted trial.
There are really only two questions, Alex.
Why Michael Sussman?
He was the fall guy.
He was the sacrificial lamb.
He was the patsy.
And even he didn't go down.
The testimony produced by Mr. Durham's associates at trial show that the conspiracy Hillary Clinton.
Why the hell hasn't she been charged?
By the way, Mr. Sussman doesn't have to have this trial in D.C.
He could move it any place he wants.
So, will he indict anyone else?
I rather doubt it.
Can justice be gotten in D.C.
for any non- You said Sussman, you mean Durham.
Durham could have had it where we want it.
Yeah, look, D.C.
is a corrupted swamp.
We know, for example, that in the indictment of George Papadopoulos, Prosecutor Aaron Zielinski and FBI agent Curtis Heide actually altered the evidence that they submitted at court.
They reversed the exact documents, the 302s, in which Papadopoulos cooperated with the FBI in terms of trying to locate the mysterious Professor Mifsud, but in their indictment they actually said the exact opposite.
Mr. Zelensky should be disbarred.
Mr. Heidi should be disciplined.
But none of that will happen because they belong to a protected class.
The political elites of the Democratic Party can violate any law they wish to and nothing will happen to them.
Why Mr. Papadopoulos, who's a friend of mine, hasn't brought an action about this flaw in
his indictment, it's a bit of a mystery to me.
We're going to come back, long segment exclusive, Roger Stone, I'm going to give you the floor.
But Trump has come out and said the Pulitzer Prize group that gave Pulitzer Prizes out
to the New York Times and others for their fake reporting should reverse that.
Of course, I don't hold your breath, but, I mean, this was the whole basis of everything they did for years.
Impeachment, surveillance, saying we're illegitimate, and it's all a giant fraud.
It's a total fraud.
And it's all starting up all over again, as you may have seen over the weekend.
Some wacky left-wing lawyer from Hollywood has now decided that I was involved in the cloning and dissemination of Hunter Biden's laptop.
This is this is true, genuine Hollywood insanity.
We'll pick it up on the other side because I'm getting ready to start suing people.
I really don't have any choice.
But guess what, Alex?
I'm going to sue them in Florida, not in the District of Columbia.
Roger, tell us about your great frank speech show and the best websites for folks to visit.
Every day, 5 o'clock Eastern, 4 o'clock Central.
Go to frankspeech.com, but go to LyndellTV2, and you will see my daily show, The Stone Zone.
Alex Jones has been on the show, General Michael Flynn, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Governor Rob McGovern.
Every day you have incredible guests, and they're all posted at Band.Video on the Roger Stone Channel.
Stay with us.
You belong in the Republic!
You belong in 1776.
You belong to America.
And you will never surrender.
We are the front lines.
You are the front lines.
That isn't BS.
We don't make claims about the effect we've had thanks to all of your action.
It's the truth.
And you can see it in our enemies.
Hate our guts!
And I love it!
I don't love the attacks, I don't love the pressure, but I know I'm taking on evil and I know God's proud of what we're doing.
But I gotta tell you folks, the green light to the big tech and the bureaucracy and the government and the blue cities and the FBI to harass and attack and demonize us, if they can get away with destroying Sheriff Arpaio or Donald Trump or Roger Stone or Alex Jones or these thousand plus political prisoners of January 6th, They can get away with anything.
To watch them railroad Roger Stone, when he told no lies to Congress.
We covered the case.
Only Trump's action with a pardon stopped it.
And then Sussman on record lying with an office with the FBI running it, the top of the FBI protecting it, and then they say he's done nothing wrong.
That is a get-out-of-jail-free card to all the corrupt influences and all the corrupt individuals who work for the system to do whatever they want.
The message is you'll be protected.
Man, but I got to tell you at the same time, The system has discredited itself, Roger, and no one, there's a huge political realignment, no one I know, including a bunch of Democrats I know that are becoming Republicans, are buying this.
So I think they've bid off more than they can chew.
Where do you see all this going and other key insights than all you could give, Roger Stone?
Well, Alex, from your mouth to God's ears, I do believe more and more people are waking up to what's going on around us.
You made a very good point, I want to reiterate.
All of my Stone Zone shows can be seen at Band.Video.
Uh, and the number of folks seeing him there is really heartening.
So, if you can't catch my 5 o'clock Eastern or 4 o'clock Central show, you can catch it at band.video later.
Uh, and it's been, it's been a very, very, uh, uh, good to do this show.
Yeah, some interviews are getting 500,000 views.
That pisses the censors off.
That's beautiful.
That's victory.
Yeah, it really is.
The other point I want to hit real quickly is, I'm not sure people understand this, but Donald Trump's candidates took a beating in the Georgia primaries last week.
That's because Georgia state law allows Democrats to vote in the Republican primary and vice versa.
Because Democrat Stacey Abrams had no viable opposition in the Democratic primary.
Tens of thousands of Liberal Democrats switched over to vote for Governor Brian Kemp, which is the only reason that the President's endorsed candidates did not win.
That's right.
We must not let Democrats run unopposed so they can pull that trick.
So even if we're going to lose in a district, running is winning.
Everybody should run against the Democrats.
Republicans should do the same thing and go run as Democrats.
Well, stay in your own primary.
This has a history in 1966.
Congressman Howard Bowe Calloway, the first Republican congressman since Reconstruction from Georgia, later Secretary of the Army, ran for governor.
The Democratic primary was between Lester Maddox, a segregationist, and former Governor Ellis Arnell.
Republicans crossed into the Democratic primary and nominated Maddox, a segregationist.
The election was then held with former Governor Ellis Arnell running as a liberal independent.
Hal Calloway, the Republican, was first.
Maddox, the segregationist Democrat, was second.
Arnell, the liberal independent, was third, but none of them had 50 percent, and the Democratic legislature made Lester Maddox a virulent segregationist governor.
So there's a long history of shenanigans in the Georgia primary, but this was a major dirty trick.
Donald Trump's candidates did not Let's elaborate how they did it, because I get Republicans should run against Democrats, Democrats shouldn't run unopposed, but what about Republicans doing their own trick and running against Democrats?
I think Republicans should stay in the Republican primary.
Put it this way, in every state where the primary is closed to Republicans, Donald Trump's endorsed candidates have won.
I'm very hopeful that President Trump will endorse Mike Crispy running against Rhino Chris Smith.
Roger, like I'm five years old on this, explain the exact strategy and what needs to be done.
Well, see, some states allow open primaries.
In other words, whether you're a registered Republican or a registered Democrat, you can vote in either party primary.
So the Democrats actually get organized to invade the Republican primary and cast their votes there.
That's what happened in Georgia.
Had the primary been closed to Republicans only, well, Governor Kemp and the Secretary of State, Raffenberger, would have lost.
It's electoral mischief is what it is.
Unfortunately, it's too late to change the state laws, but Republicans should vote in the Republican primary.
Democrats should vote in the Democratic primary.
The New Jersey primary, coming up June 7th, is a closed primary.
The number one RINO target in the country, Christopher J. Smith.
42 years in Congress, Alex going for his 22nd term.
A gun grabber.
A guy who voted for the January 6th committee.
A guy who voted for the Biden infrastructure boondoggle.
Is facing Mike Crispy, a challenger who is an America First candidate.
General Flynn has endorsed Mike Crispy.
Rudy Giuliani has endorsed Mike Crispy.
I have endorsed Mike Crispy.
We're waiting for President Trump.
President Trump called on someone to challenge Chris Smith in the Republican primary.
We're waiting, Mr. President.
I get you're covering battleground issues as they unfold, but big picture,
with 160 days out from the midterms, what is your prognosis about what's about to happen?
Because you've been really uncanny on how accurate you've been, Roger.
The monkeypox pandemic is right around the corner.
If it's not monkey pox, it will be something else.
The Democrats cannot afford a free, fair, honest, transparent election in 2022 because they will lose power.
And therefore, I am still waiting for some cataclysmic public event That will allow Joe Biden to issue an executive order that requires only mail-in balloting.
And we predicted that over a year ago and now right on time the vaccine was delivered.
We have Fauci with the war games.
We have their think tank saying it would come in June and here it is on time.
How do we counter that?
In some states you have electoral reform, it's making it difficult, but we have to call them out.
We can't have a second lockdown.
We cannot submit.
The bottom line is we cannot submit.
If they tell you to wear a mask, don't wear a mask.
If they tell you to be vaccinated, use your own judgment.
Do not be vaccinated.
This trick may have worked once, I don't think it will work twice.
I agree.
So the bottom line is Roger Stone predicts they're about to use monkey pox for new lockdowns, new mail-in ballots.
I totally agree.
I don't think it's a prediction, it's just a fact.
Just in, the Biden DOJ has asked federal appeals court to override the Trump federal judge and reinstate the mask mandate.
Is not the mask the symbol of their totalitarianism like the swastika armband was under the Nazis?
The mask has no scientific or medicinal value whatsoever.
It doesn't protect you from anything.
It's a control device.
It's like making Jews wear a yellow Star of David before the Holocaust.
It is repugnant, but is largely symbolic.
I've never talked to a single qualified doctor who believes they have any medical value.
That's right, Roger.
We're going to break in two minutes, but I want to come back and do five more minutes with you.
But what else is on your radar?
I've got a hundred questions, but what else are you concerned about right now?
Alex, I'm going to have to beg off.
I've got Mayor Giuliani waiting for me downstairs.
We're about to go do a campaign event.
So I'm happy to come back.
But the most important thing to remember here, folks, is prayer.
Pray for our nation.
In the 40 years I've been in American politics, I have never seen anything like the challenges to our Constitution.
We have a global elite.
The trial in Washington proves that they will never be held accountable.
God can save this nation.
He is the only one who can save this nation.
You can mock us if you want because of our belief in Jesus Christ, but you do so at your own danger.
I just call on every InfoWarrior to pray for this nation.
Pray for the protection of Alex Jones.
Pray for the resurgence and the resilience of InfoWars.
Pray for my wife and my family.
We're on the front line, folks.
We need your help as never before.
All right.
Beautifully said, Roger.
Thank you so much.
God bless you, Alex.
What Roger said is so key.
We are fighting for you because we're in the same boat.
I'm not like, oh, I'm your hero, I'm fighting for you.
No, I mean, I don't want to be a slave either, but I'm fighting.
I mean, everybody knows it.
I am fighting.
I am real.
I am committed.
I'm not for sale.
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Info Wars.
Tomorrow's news.
Perhaps the most evil display of deception and murder we are subjected to today are found in the new phenomenon of
mass school shootings.
Prior to 1999, they were practically non-existent.
But today, they have almost become predictable.
And if you are able to examine the evidence objectively, without getting emotional, a pattern can be recognized.
Former Naval Intelligence Officer turned whistleblower, Milton William Cooper, wrote in his book, Behold a Pale Horse, published in 1991, that the CIA was using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in order to persuade them to open fire on schoolyards, to inflame the anti-gun lobby, and do away with the Second Amendment.
This probably sounds outlandishly evil, and it is, but the evidence is there.
In the Columbine shootings of 1999, we are told that Eric Harris and Dylan Kleibolt acted alone.
The town of Columbine, Colorado was created in 1958 for families and employees of the military-industrial complex.
Eric and Dylan were arrested a year prior to the shooting and were allegedly sodomized by the arresting officer, which may sound crazy, but a local officer admitted to raping informants, which is a known method of trauma-based mind control.
After this January incident, Eric and Dylan were put into a juvenile diversion program and prescribed SSRI drugs known to cause homicidal ideation.
During this time, Eric Harris was making online death threats and bomb threats.
Local police were aware of this and drafted a search warrant affidavit, but it was ignored.
Eric and Dylan threatened revenge for the January incident in their yearbook.
They produced a school video about their plans and began openly collecting weapons.
All of this while on probation and nothing was done about it.
During the shootings, the police stood outside the building and did nothing, while the sounds of automatic gunfire and explosions continued for hours.
In official transcripts, there are over 100 witnesses who saw more than two shooters, and more than 40 witnesses who identified the same two men in their 30s, one balding and the other with a short military-style haircut.
Several witnesses described the same adult male throwing a pipe bomb on the roof of the library.
All of them certain that it wasn't Dylan or Eric.
And all of this information pertaining to additional shooters has been redacted.
The FBI agent in charge of the Columbine investigation had a son who recently attended the school, who shot a student film inside Columbine High two years before the shooting about a character wearing a trench coat shooting up the school.
Dylan and Eric fantasized about hijacking an airplane and crashing it into a New York City skyscraper in 1999.
Are these just strange coincidences or remnants of the Fed's MKUltra program?
An honest investigation into any of the mass school shootings following Columbine will have the same signatures, such as families involved in the military-industrial complex, prescribed SSRIs and other psychotropic drugs, psychological care provided by the state, and associations with law enforcement prior to the shootings.
Just like we saw with the retired federal agent in regular communication with the Buffalo gunman in a private discord chat room.
And in the recent Texas school shooting, how is the perpetrator able to afford nearly $5,000 of weaponry?
And why did the police stand down while children were slaughtered?
We are still allowed to question these things.
But for how long?
This evil will never stop until the truth is exposed.
And unfortunately, most of us are too emotional to see things as they really are.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reis.
Humanity has a mission of off-world colonization.
And my prime directive is to make sure that happens.
I believe in you.
I'm pro-human.
I'm a human.
I know we're made in the image of God.
And I don't just believe in you.
I know you are victorious.
I only ask that you research what we're saying and join us in the victory.
Alright, here's the deal.
I've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 stacks of news.
Every one of these articles we could talk for four hours about.
But we can't.
So the question is, what articles do we go to?
You know, I've got news I wanted to hit yesterday that's so central.
So fire up yesterday's list with the My Lai Massacre video for next segment.
We're going to tie that into the Milgram experiment and a Stanford prison experiment to understand the mind control we're under coming up next segment.
But because I mentioned this, let's go ahead and hit this now.
The disgusting display today Stories up on Infowars.com of Joe Biden, the third administration of Barack Hussein Obama, meeting with the New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern.
And he says, we need your guidance on guns and lockdowns and everything.
You're such a good little tyrant.
We need to follow your lead.
And that leads me to this clip I want to play right now.
Clip seven.
A compilation of globalists using the term Build Back Better and Great Reset, which means collapse civilization to bring you to your knees so you're dependent on them.
Here it is.
It's a very pertinent question to ask how do we build back better?
To build back better or whatever.
To have a chance to reset the clock and build back better than before.
To build back better than before.
Remember the terrible damage of COVID as we try to build back from this global pandemic.
Joe Biden calls it build back better.
Build back better.
Building back better.
To do things differently.
To build back better.
We're going to build it back better.
And build it back better.
My plan to build back better.
Start taking all the problems that have been created in education, mental health, and start to build back in a positive way.
I have launched a booklet called Build Back Better.
Britain after coronavirus.
It's about building this country back better.
A growing conspiracy following it.
It is called the Great Reset.
An unprecedented opportunity to rethink and reset the ways in which we live.
The Great Opportunity for Reset.
The theory even calls Mr. Biden's campaign slogan, Build Back Better, a front for the conspiracy.
Build back better.
Building back better our economy Build.
All elements of the Great Reset are fundamental to building the future we need.
This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset.
It's a big effort.
Some would say to build back better.
We would say to really have a great reset.
So they put the message out of what they're going to do, and then when you say no, they
say you're insane and it doesn't exist.
That's called gaslight.
They have New York Times articles, Washington Post all the time.
Jones is insane!
He claims there's a thing called Build Back Better and a Great Reset to collapse the industrial world.
And you tune in, we will collapse the industrial world, we rule the world, you are non-essential, you will have nothing, you will own nothing.
These are quotes.
Chips in your skin, no free will, end of family, humans gone, obsolete 2045, 9 billion We'll never be reached.
We will get rid of 90% by 2030.
And they're saying, hey, we're going to push this agenda.
But if you criticize it, we're going to demonize you.
We're going to attack you.
Here is what I mentioned earlier, President Biden with a New Zealand creature saying that she's the example of what they need to follow.
Well, good morning, everybody.
It's good to see not so old, but a good friend here.
And Prime Minister, it's a welcome to the White House that we last saw each other at the launch of the Pacific Framework, which is, I think, a fairly big deal for all of us.
And we need your guidance.
And we are, you know, it's a pleasure to see you in person.
You understand that your leadership has taken on a critical role in this global stage.
It really has.
Galvanizing action on climate change, the global effort to combat violence, extremism, and online, like happened at Christchurch recall.
And, you know, we want to be, I want to work with you on that effort.
And I want to talk to you about what those conversations are like, if you're willing.
So he's sitting there reading off note cards in his hand because he's the definition of a puppet.
So next segment we're going to look at two heroes.
Two heroes in the fight against tyranny.
We're going to look at Congressman Larry McDonald in his last interview Before he was murdered.
And then we're going to look at the army officer that stopped much of the My Lai Massacre and ask ourselves, which side are we on?
That's coming up next segment.
But I'll say this again.
I cannot prosecute this war without your help.
And I hate being right on the edge of the red.
So thank you for your support.
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888-253-3139. There's a link at the top of InfoWareStore.com if you missed the URL.
Just the numbers.
And again, you've been amazing activist listeners.
We love you and we appreciate you.
We'll be right back with more.
Stay with us.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
So I harp on this a lot, because if you understand this, you understand everything.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram found that over 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral resources to defy any legal order by an authority figure.
No matter how illegitimate the order is, only 20% have critical capacity.
And so here are several examples of this.
Congressman Larry McDonald, the head of the John Byrd Society, a Democrat, a patriot, exposed the whole world government plan.
They brought down his plane over Russia, killed him, and all of this was done to basically silence the liberty movement here in America.
Here's an interview he did a few weeks before he was killed.
Talk about moral courage.
The John Birch Society considers communism only one arm of a master conspiracy in which socialist American insiders are plotting to establish world government.
Now, it also says, and here's director John McManus, that's your public relations director, Saying that former Secretary of State Alexander Haig and CIA Director William Casey are two of these master conspirators who are plotting to establish world government.
Now, that kind of silly, asinine statement is what makes people laugh at the John Birch Society.
Well, Tom, I'm sure being a long-standing member of the Rockefeller apparatus, and as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations of long-standing, you're fully aware that there is an elitist core in this country that has seen value in subsidizing communism or protecting communism.
It has?
You're accusing me of subsidizing communism because I happen to belong to a non-political study group?
No, no, wait a minute. There is an elite core in this country that has dominated American society.
Well, I'm not one of them.
A trilateral commission, a council on foreign relations.
They have dominated both.
Well, let's face it. They have dominated the State Department for 40 years, and pretty much openly so.
But what are they trying to do?
Well, their objective is to try to bring about a gradual transition in our society.
dissolving of sovereignty and a moving steadily to the left on the political spectrum.
Who are they?
The elitist groups that I mentioned, particularly key individuals and policy makers and the Council on Foreign
Is the International Monetary Fund part of this?
Well, I would say the International Monetary Fund has certainly been set up for the purpose of facilitating
that transfer of sovereignty and transfer of wealth on the road to the United States.
Well, we like to admit to conservative... Let me just finish the point, because otherwise we're going to have a lot of unanswered questions, that you are looking at a group that has worked to bring about a dissolution of national sovereignty on the road to world government.
And certainly you're familiar with the local professor Carol Quigley, who has been part of your club, in which he admitted all this.
And he said in his book, Tragedy and Hope, the only thing I disagree is that we've worked to keep it a secret.
So that's the first episode of the crossfire back in 1983.
He was dead a few weeks later.
Talk about moral courage.
Talk about a medical doctor like Rand Paul on target with U.S.
intelligence sources telling what was happening.
And now we're all living it here today.
And let's talk about the My Lai Massacre.
troops get mad.
Officers decide to just wipe out a whole village.
And then one man with courage shows up and stops the massacres that have been far worse.
That, my friends, is moral courage.
That's what we're talking about.
The incredible truth story of Hugh Thompson Jr.
This is the type of courage we need today.
This is what we need in our culture.
These type of men and women that know the right thing are the leaders.
Because everybody else are followers.
We've got to be the leaders.
Here's the report.
I can't answer what it accomplishes.
I have very mixed feelings about it.
And I sure don't want to be in another one.
Because I know what goes on.
It was, perhaps, one of the darkest chapters in American military history.
At a hamlet called My Lai in Vietnam.
Where American soldiers killed over 500 unarmed Vietnamese civilians.
Women, children, and the elderly.
This was really pure chaos.
But it could have been much worse, thanks to one very brave helicopter pilot.
Hugh Thompson.
He was the hero at the My Lai massacre.
I just saw all these bodies everywhere and no explanation.
That's when I started trying to figure out what had happened.
I saw a wounded person, got on the radio, called for help.
The captain was put his weapon on automatic and killed him.
This is one of the commanding officers.
I'm the commanding officer.
It appeared that something was going very wrong that we couldn't understand.
Next time we landed in a ditch that had over 100 bodies in it, some of them weren't dead yet.
So I asked for help again, and I asked them, I said, can you help these people out?
And the soldier said, yeah, we'll help them out of their misery.
So I just told them, quit joking around, help them out, okay?
They said, yeah.
And as we took off, my crew chiefs came over the intercom.
It was the most somber voice I'd ever heard saying, my God, they're firing into the ditch.
Thompson and his crew then realized the American troops were on a killing spree.
Talking wasn't working.
I had to take action.
When he saw GIs advancing on another group of defenseless women and children, Thompson ordered his crew to turn their guns on their fellow Americans.
He landed the aircraft in between the American forces and the Vietnamese people got out of the aircraft and he went and had words with a lieutenant on the ground.
These are human beings!
Unarmed civilians!
The lieutenant outranked him, but he gave the lieutenant an order and told him to keep his people in place.
Get back!
With the aid of larger helicopter gunships, Hugh Thompson and his crew succeeded in airlifting to safety over a dozen old men, women, and children.
When I did instruct my crew to open up on them, if they opened up on any more civilians, that particular day I wouldn't have given it a second thought.
The soldiers trained to kill, Thompson was grilled in Congress over the charge that he trained his helicopter's guns on U.S.
Don't look for any rewards.
Thompson was grilled in Congress over the charge that he trained his helicopter's guns on U.S. troops.
I'd been threatened with prison. My life had been threatened. I was an outcast.
He was called a rat and a traitor by fellow servicemen.
But over the course of time, Thompson began to be seen as a hero.
30 years after Meliah Hugh Thompson and his crew received the Soldier's Medal, the Army's highest award for bravery, U.S.
Senator John Breaux nominated Thompson for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2000.
Thompson was widely recognized not just for his battlefield courage, but for his humanity.
Hello, ma'am.
Nice to meet you.
Thank you for me.
She had been dumped in the ditch but survived, shielded by the bodies of the dead.
Why, she wanted to know, were so many villagers killed that day?
And why was Thompson different from the rest of the Americans?
I saved the people because I wouldn't talk to murder and kill.
I just wish we could have helped more people that day.
In fact, they did help more people.
Some scholars say we saved upwards of 20,000 lives because that operation was supposed to go on for four days and there's up to 20,000 people living in all those villages.
You know, I've always heard the old saying, I thought it was kind of corny, but you can make a difference.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I guess I proved you can make a difference.
Thank you so much for your courage and your determination.
And your story was so touching.
Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you very much.
You know, we drop a lot of bombs, and then do a lot of talking, and then we become friends.
Seems to me that if we do the talking before the bombs start falling, then we can be friends also.
Hi, I'm Matt Orfalea.
I hope you enjoyed the video.
These are my sources, used with fair use under the U.S.
copyright law for educational purposes.
If you'd like to help me make more videos, please support me on Patreon.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is happening.
Tulsi Gabbards, a top Democrat, has come out against the World Economic Forum and the UN and said it's a corporate criminal takeover.
The article's up on Infowars.com and that it's the enemy pushing the lockdowns, it's the enemy pushing the open borders, it's the enemy pushing the inflation.
You're like, yeah, we already know that.
The people don't know that yet.
And if the people ever figure that out, it's game over for the New World Order.
And that's why I'm harping on that information.
And I know as an audience you already know this.
We have new listeners every five seconds.
Every second.
I'm not talking to you that already know what's going on.
I'm talking to people that don't know what's going on.
There is a savage, corrupt, ruthless, predatory, beyond wicked, Globalist New World Order that gets up on TV and says, we rule the world.
You'll own nothing.
You'll have nothing.
You don't have free will.
We own your bodies.
We've penetrated your governments.
We run your governments.
I mean, to me, every day I sit here and say, why is this happening?
And it's because the average person is in a comfort zone.
And believe me, I can pretend this isn't happening.
The third world isn't being starved to death.
I can pretend the border is not wide open.
I can pretend the courts aren't corrupt and sit there in my house and wait for it to come to my door.
So I get why a lot of people don't want to deal with this.
Because it's scary.
We told you 30 months ago about the inflation of the Great Reset because they bragged about it.
We told you how they plan to shut down all the small businesses because they bragged about it.
And I'm sitting here with the blueprint of the enemy and I know how to stop them getting their tracks.
And it's simply by you realizing this is happening and spreading the word and saying no.
the good news is just since I've been harping on this and I'm not taking
credit maybe this magically happened but I have a sneaking suspicion it's because
you made phone calls you sent emails you called talk radio shows you called
C-SPAN, Washington Journal, you lit a fire under their pacifist asses. To make
it front and center the group attacking us.
If we can just identify the enemy, everything else flows from that.
And my 28-year war against the New World Order has been about believing in you.
Believing you didn't want to be depopulated.
Believing you wanted to go to space.
Believing you wanted to innovate.
Believing you cared about yourself and your children.
Believing that you love God.
And now here we are today.
And all of us need to get out of our comfort zone.
All of us need to...
Slap up against the face to get us out of the coma we've been in and the mirage, the spell, the daydream, the trance that we've been under.
That's our mission.
Because I know the globalist's goal is depopulation and collapse and poverty and death and humiliation.
I know the trajectory.
I know what the weapon does.
I know who they are.
I know their endgame.
I know their plan.
I know I'm right.
I know that later, many of you tuning in today that work for Media Matters, Or others are giggling and snickering and it's funny and it's cute.
The inflation is funny.
The child trafficking is funny.
The war with Russia is cute.
It's all cute and funny because you have pretended psychically.
You have pretended spiritually that you're exempt, that you're part of the power structure.
I've got a stack of articles right here of Biden, who is a total puppet of the globalists, blaming the Federal Reserve.
Hey, the Federal Reserve can burn in hell as far as I'm concerned.
It is the private corporate banking dictatorship that is over America.
But to have the system infighting with itself right now and pointing fingers at each other, is that a sign of their strength?
No, my friends, it's a sign of their extreme weakness.
And that is a horrifying truth, because What do these people do when they're cornered?
What do they do when they're exposed?
What do they do when people are awake?
What do they do when their agenda's in trouble?
What do they do when the world's turning against them?
What do they do when they know they have no way out?
They double down with war.
An economic collapse and if they think you'll buy the collapse they're selling and if you'll buy into the fake narrative that Putin caused it or you caused it.
They will accelerate their operation.
But if we expose them, and man-to-man, woman-to-woman go, listen Rothschild, listen Rockefeller, listen Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, your gaslighting doesn't work on me.
And if we stare them in the eyes and say, you will be held accountable for what you've done, we know who you are, we know what you're doing, and we don't buy it.
They'll back off every time.
Every time their agenda is exposed, they back off.
Wait till you go back to sleep, relaunch the operation.
And so, it happens over and over again.
Your acquiescence, your sleeping, You're not taking full ownership of your birthright like I've done.
And I'm nobody.
I know there are millions of you that have got black skin and brown skin and pink skin and white skin.
I don't give a rat's ass about your skin.
I care about Your blood, baby!
Your spirit!
And I need you to beat these people for my family to survive, and your family to survive.
We have the keys to the destiny of the future of the human race!
But you're gonna have to admit what you're faced with, because if you don't know you're in a fight for your life, and if you don't know you're under attack, and if you don't know But the enemy is coming on strong against you and everything you are and everything your ancestors were, then you don't have a rat's chance in Hades!
But if you are simply aware of the enemy's attack, and you're simply aware of where you are and your future children's destiny, you are invincible!
With God's power!
But you must step into your birthright, you must step into your inheritance, you must step into your office, and you must decide to be a vessel of God to execute operations against the New World Order.
I am waiting for you!
God behind me is waiting for you!
So we're told.
Get ready for energy blackouts.
How many times did I tell you?
That was coming next.
We have a special guest in the next hour, but let's go to this Paul Joseph Watson report.
Where he deals with the fact that they're telling us energy blackouts coming this winter, not just here in the U.S., but all over the U.K.
and Europe, the Great Reset, the, the, the, the, the, what was Biden and the U.N., the Davos group called it, the transition, the change that we're a part of.
Here it is.
Millions of Brits face morning and evening power cuts this winter under the government's reasonable worst-case scenario.
Yes, the technocrats are telling us that we may have to endure energy rationing, which they've been demanding for years anyway to save the planet, because Putin bad.
The Times reports, a minister said the briefing suggested that electricity could have to be rationed for up to six million homes at the start of next year, Mostly at peaks in the morning and evening, the curbs could last more than a month, causing energy prices to rise again and leaving GDP lower than forecast for years to come.
A government spokesperson thanked a £90 billion investment in renewable green energy for the UK not being dependent on Russian energy exports.
Wait, hang on.
If green energy is going to protect us from the worst impact of Russia cutting off supply, Why are they telling us we're going to have to endure rolling blackouts?
Could it be because green energy is totally inadequate in meeting the country's needs?
Is this a foretaste of the government's promise to power every home in the UK using wind turbines by the end of the decade?
Difference being the power may randomly be switched off from time to time because demand outstrips supply.
Isn't it interesting how the invasion of Ukraine suddenly became a justifiable excuse for energy blackouts?
blackouts, thereby providing globalist control freaks with the perfect scapegoat for what
they'd planned all along.
We were told corona lockdowns were a precursor to climate lockdowns, which were then imposed
in some countries while the media and fact checkers claimed they didn't exist.
We were told runaway inflation, which was already ramping up way before the invasion
of Ukraine, was because of the invasion of Ukraine.
We've been socially engineered to accept the inevitability of lower living standards.
We were told a climate change tax and rationing may have to be imposed on me to stop global
The World Economic Forum gushed at the prospect of how people could be conditioned to get used to the idea of eating weeds, bugs and drinking sewage water in order to reduce CO2 emissions.
The technocrats have for years been telling us to get ready to eat the bugs.
Now the cost of living crisis is causing the price of meat and numerous other foodstuffs to soar, leaving many people broke and with no choice but to impose the rationing on themselves.
Everything the technocrats wanted for years but couldn't find a reasonable excuse to impose, is now being imposed after they found a reasonable excuse.
All this just suddenly became a crisis because Vladimir Putin bad.
Give me a break!
All right, so here is a illustration I mentioned earlier.
It's on Infowars.com that illustrates it all.
A brief history of transportation shows a man and a woman with a small cart and a horse.
Then the first steam driven cars, then a Model T, then the Station wagon, then the SUV, and now after Biden, we have where we were 150 years ago.
We make jokes about it, but that is the post-industrial plan that we're dealing with.
So let's look at some of these headlines that deal with this right now.
Russia sounds alarm on risk of direct conflict with the U.S.
Biden said two days ago he wouldn't send long-range missiles and artillery that are precision guided by U.S.
satellites that can shoot up to 50 miles to Ukraine.
Well, the neocons and others threw a hissy fit, and so now it's on like Donkey Kong.
Then Russia threatens to annihilate U.S.
with four Satan 2 missiles over Ukraine proxy war.
Biden unveils long-range rockets for Ukraine, stresses we don't seek NATO-Russia war.
There's nothing weaker than having a president that flip-flops every day.
Biden agrees to provide Ukrainians with long-range missiles.
Yahoo News.
Russia holds nuclear forces drill as Biden unveils 700 million more on top of the 40 million two weeks ago to Ukraine.
Russia threatens to wipe out entire U.S.
with just four Satan 2 missiles.
After Azov dropped Nazi insignia from uniform, media hypes new unicorn LGBTQ patch.
Well, isn't that cute?
Ukraine fires own human rights chief for perpetuating Russian troop systemic rape stories.
So that's the type of garbage that we're dealing with as a society.
Meanwhile, a very powerful sensor report at InfoWars.com.
I hope you share it.
Ukrainian citizens being bombed by their own government, terrified to speak out.
So, I ask the question, who's launching the burning down of hundreds of food processing plants?
Who's launching the opening of the borders?
Who's launching the devaluation of our currency?
Who's engaged in hyperinflation?
Who's doing this?
The globalists.
Biden takes direct orders from these people.
And I ask you this.
What will a month from now look like?
What will six months from now look like?
What will a year look like on this current roadmap?
On this current Blueprint.
On this current trajectory.
On the path we're on, where does this go in the next few months, the next few years?
I think you can see it.
What Davos Group says.
You will own nothing.
You will have nothing.
And you will like it.
This is it.
And great, Tulsi Gabbards and Senator Paul and others are speaking out.
What are they doing during the deliberate murder and destruction of our economy and our economic ecosystem?
policymakers misjudge inflation threat.
Until it was too late.
It'll bring down the world system, MSN says.
They did it all by accident, even though they've got the new global social credit score.
Even though they've got the whole new program set up and prepared.
The White House scrambles on inflation after Biden complains to AIDS.
Raging gas prices and inflation.
Top travel concerns.
Overtaking COVID survey finds.
Oh, really?
Economic pessimism growing in the U.S.
Gallup poll reports.
Biden plots inflation fight with Fed chair when they're all part of the same group.
They're both to blame.
Biden throws the head of the Federal Reserve under the bus for soaring inflation.
And yes, the Federal Reserve, under the political direction of the criminal elites, did this.
So what does it tell you now that a year ago they denied inflation was a reality?
now they point fingers at each other and say they're the ones who did it while they try to censor while they try to
control everything we say and
everything we do Coming up
Next hour Edward Dowd Big internal stock picker Wall Street insider will lay out
where he sees the collapse going and what we can do to protect ourselves.
But this is really the end of the world, red alert, as Russia threatens nuclear war after U.S.
transfers long-range missiles to Ukraine, while puppet Biden announces plans to overturn the Second Amendment with executive orders.
We're not in the preparation phase anymore.
We're not in the beta phase anymore.
We now, my friends, have come to the point where the knives are out and the new world order is launching its operation.
Hour number three straight ahead.
And we're going to lay it all out here today.
But I ask you this question.
Are you awake now?
Are you paying attention yet?
Because believe me, long after I'm gone, it'll be you and God deciding what you're going to do.
My work is almost over.
InfoWars has made history.
made history.
You have made history in your support of InfoWars.
And one of the biggest tools we've had to circumvent and override the censors has been patriot apparel, so we can identify each other, so we can spread the word, and so we can push people to websites like InfoWars.com so they can understand the globalist plan and how to stop it.
Now ladies and gentlemen, two months ago we announced we're blowing out of all of our designs of t-shirts, some of which go back more than 25 years.
All these shirts are limited edition.
They are about to be history and will only exist in your closet, your drawer, or your wardrobe.
So, there's only 15,000 shirts of 60 plus thousand left.
In a couple weeks they'll all be gone and they'll be history.
We're selling them all at cost at InfoWarsTore.com.
So thank you all for your support.
Please visit InfoWarsTore.com and get One of these historic shirts, hoodies, long sleeves, ball caps, you name it, while you still can, I want to thank you all for your support.
(electronic music)
Perhaps the most evil display of deception and murder we are subjected to today are found in the new phenomenon
of mass school shootings.
Prior to 1999, they were practically non-existent.
But today, they have almost become predictable.
And if you are able to examine the evidence objectively, without getting emotional, a pattern can be recognized.
Former Naval Intelligence Officer turned whistleblower, Milton William Cooper, wrote in his book, Behold a Pale Horse, published in 1991, that the CIA was using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in order to persuade them to open fire on schoolyards, to inflame the anti-gun lobby, and do away with the Second Amendment.
This probably sounds outlandishly evil, and it is, but the evidence is there.
In the Columbine shootings of 1999, we are told that Eric Harris and Dylan Clybolt acted alone.
The town of Columbine, Colorado was created in 1958 for families and employees of the military-industrial complex.
Eric and Dylan were arrested a year prior to the shooting and were allegedly sodomized by the arresting officer, which may sound crazy, but a local officer admitted to raping informants, which is a known method of trauma-based mind control.
After this January incident, Eric and Dylan were put into a juvenile diversion program and prescribed SSRI drugs known to cause homicidal ideation.
During this time, Eric Harris was making online death threats and bomb threats.
Local police were aware of this and drafted a search warrant affidavit, but it was ignored.
Eric and Dylan threatened revenge for the January incident in their yearbook.
They produced a school video about their plans and began openly collecting weapons.
All of this while on probation and nothing was done about it.
During the shootings, the police stood outside the building and did nothing, while the sounds of automatic gunfire and explosions continued for hours.
In official transcripts, there are over 100 witnesses who saw more than two shooters, and more than 40 witnesses who identified the same two men in their 30s, one balding and the other with a short military-style haircut.
Several witnesses described the same adult male throwing a pipe bomb on the roof of the library.
All of them certain that it wasn't Dylan or Eric.
And all of this information pertaining to additional shooters has been redacted.
The FBI agent in charge of the Columbine investigation had a son who recently attended the school, who shot a student film inside Columbine High two years before the shooting about a character wearing a trench coat shooting up the school.
Dylan and Eric fantasized about hijacking an airplane and crashing it into a New York City skyscraper in 1999.
Are these just strange coincidences or remnants of the Fed's MKUltra program?
An honest investigation into any of the mass school shootings following Columbine will have the same signatures, such as families involved in the military-industrial complex, prescribed SSRIs and other psychotropic drugs, psychological care provided by the state, and associations with law enforcement prior to the shootings.
Just like we saw with the retired federal agent in regular communication with the Buffalo gunman in a private discord chat room.
And in the recent Texas school shooting, how is the perpetrator able to afford nearly $5,000 of weaponry?
And why did the police stand down while children were slaughtered?
We are still allowed to question these things.
But for how long?
This evil will never stop until the truth is exposed.
And unfortunately, most of us are too emotional to see things as they really are.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Alright, we've got a special guest coming up in the next segment here today that you
We're going to be laying out the monkeypox attack and how they plan new lockdowns.
We'll be right back on the other side.
Stay with us.
So if you were Bernie Madoff to the next level, Bernie Madoff squared, and you had stolen trillions of dollars, put out quadrillions of fake derivatives and everything else, what would you do?
Well, you create a bunch of crises, wars, economic collapse, you name it, to cover up what you've done and pose as the saviors while you've done it.
And you'd have Klaus Schwab as your spokesman up there saying, we rule the future, you'll have nothing, you'll own nothing, you'll eat bugs, you'll drink sewage, it's so great.
The answer to the economy is killing old people and everything else.
And that's where we are.
We're getting ready with the next lockdowns, monkeypox.
We're here covering it.
We're not supposed to be on air, but we're still here thanks to you.
Edward Dowd is an ex-Wall Street professional who predicted over two years ago everything that's unfolded.
At HSBC, Donaldson, Lufkin, and Gennarette, and Blackrock.
He works all over Wall Street, the sell side and buy side, expert in fixed income equities, capital, markets.
He is currently trying to start a hedge fund with a friend, and he is at Dowd, Edward, Also at Getter, and he's here with us right now to talk about global debt collapse.
Monkeypox arrives just in time for the cover of The Collapse.
And the St.
Louis Fed President, James Bullard, floating an idea of immunity badges and surveillance tech to implement.
So much to cover.
Thank you so much for joining us, Edward Dowd.
Thanks for having me again, Alex.
Let's begin.
In April of 2020, April 5th of 2020, if you remember back then, we just locked down the economy and everyone was scared and there was a lot of fear and no one knew what was going on.
And then mysteriously on Face the Nation, Fed President of St.
Louis, James Bullard, talked about immunity badges and surveillance technology that could be implemented to bring the economy back online.
I believe you have the clip.
I gave you the clip.
I'd love to run it.
It's about a minute and 10 seconds.
I want you to see what he said in April of 2020 about how to bring us back online.
Well, let's lay this out here for people, what we're facing.
Well, basically, if you don't have the clip, the bottom line is I had a thesis that COVID was used as cover.
For the global collapse, whether it was engineered or not, we don't care.
It's being used as cover.
It allowed the Fed to print 65% money supply in 2020 and keep the bubble afloat for a couple more years.
What really set off my alarm bells was April 5th of 2020 seeing the Fed presidents talk about immunity badges and surveillance technology to bring the economy back online.
They floated that trial balloon, and as you can imagine, they quickly Memory hold that interview and it was hard for me to find that clip, but I found it again.
The reason they memory hold it is because people weren't even thinking vaccine passports or a control system under the guise of medical tyranny.
But basically, he was floating the idea and then they memory hold it because it was not popular at that time.
I started talking about it and I think you did as well.
All of us were talking about vaccine passports and what this COVID really was all about.
And I was labeled a conspiracy theorist in 2020.
And then in 2021, we saw what happened.
We saw mandates.
We saw vaccines.
We saw a rise in excess mortality.
We saw vaccine injuries.
And basically, if you're going to collapse the global economy because the system will collapse of its own way.
It's designed to collapse.
It's a system that has multi-generational length to it and we're at the end.
So, if you know that's going to happen and you can't control it when it happens, wouldn't you like to have a system of control in place to prevent riots under the guise of variants and viruses to lock people down?
Wouldn't you also like to not blame Policymakers the politicians and the central bankers wouldn't you like to blame a virus so that that's what happened in 2020 and we're again facing another economic collapse because we're literally at the end of the global monetary system as we know it and As you can see in the stock markets and the inflation that's raging We're about to basically enter another collapse and my belief is that this monkey pox arrived right on time and
A lot of people said it's a joke because monkeypox doesn't transfer to humans quite as well as the coronavirus did.
But guess what came out yesterday?
Dr. Malone put out a sub-stack saying what's looking like the current monkeypox that they've identified may have been engineered.
So it looks like something's happened to the traditional monkeypox and now there's evidence that it's been engineered.
And that's starting to really worry my friends on Wall Street.
I talked to a lot of different people, and the people who are awake and know what's going on, that's not the majority of Wall Street, it's only a select few, are now thinking, and I'm starting to think, there will be no elections in the fall.
They will lock us down under the cover of the monkeypox virus.
And at the very least, if we do have elections, it'll be mail-in ballots, and we won't be able to go to the ballots in person, or to the ballot boxes in person.
That's my thesis, that's where I think's coming.
Okay, so reintroduce the clip you sent to us right before the show.
We have it now.
Describe this clip.
Yeah, so this is, this is, remember, April 5th of 2020.
This is a Federal Reserve President who's got nothing to do with medicine or anything like that, floating this idea of immunity badges.
And, and then they were going to introduce in the next segment, the surveillance technology that could implement that.
So it's a minute 10 clip.
Uh, this shocked me when I saw it, and I knew something was afoot when I saw it.
But again, you gotta go back.
This is April 20, April 5th of 2020, a month after the lockdowns.
He was very prescient, wasn't he?
So, I think that this has been a plan for a while.
Take a look.
I remember this clip, but I've forgotten it.
Here's the clip.
It's actually doing quite well going into this health situation.
Well, I know, but that has that assumption also built into consumer psychology that people will feel safe enough to do the things that they did before.
Do you think that this global economy is going to look the same on the other side of this pandemic?
Are those jobs actually going to exist for people to go back to?
You know, I have good news for you, Margaret, because there is a solution using available technology today to fix the economic part of this problem.
The solution is universal testing.
What you want is every single person to get tested every day, and then they would wear a badge like they would at a after they voted or something like that to show that they've
been tested.
This would immediately sort out who's been infected and who hasn't been infected.
That would help the health care sector, but it would also help the economy
because we could interact with each other with a lot of confidence.
Well, we will talk about that surveillance portion of the equation
that you just referenced there ahead.
Stay with us. More Face the Nation.
So they need a crisis to cover up the crisis they've created.
And right now, we have inflation raging.
And I sent your producer a chart that shows what's going on with this commodity cycle.
And this is a unique commodity cycle.
The bottom line is the commodities index, it's a basket of commodities, oil, which is the biggest part of the basket, has risen 211% From the bottom.
This is the fastest.
It's not that chart.
It's another one.
But it's the fastest rise in the CRB, the Commodity Index, in any commodity cycle we've had.
So it's the fastest percent rise ever in the prior commodity cycles.
What else is interesting about this, Alex?
It's the only commodity cycle where the US dollar has had a concurrent rise with this commodity cycle.
Why is that important?
Because commodity cycles are usually a phenomenon of monetary policy because of the... Yeah, that's the chart.
Are usually a monetary phenomenon because we're the world reserve currency in the petrodollar.
Hold on, Edward Dow will come back.
This is so important.
Why are they bringing in the Great Reset?
What does it mean?
We'll be right back.
You know, I know why the general public shies away from this information because I live it every day.
And it is painful as hell.
And I'm just so thankful for this crew and our guests like Edward Dow that's on with us right now.
But we're covering real information.
You know, six months ago it came out that German and U.S.
insurance companies confirmed a 40 plus percent increase in death, 18 to 64 working age people.
I mean, we're living through a genocide right now.
It's very hard to be awake to this and to sit there and watch these people do it.
But that's that's where we are.
We are living in the most historic period in human history in my view.
And ever doubt you got cut off by the break with a really big key point you were making about what's about to unfold.
So you have been a trailblazer for over two years over the horizon radar.
What's coming next?
All right, so I was talking about this is the first commodity cycle where the dollar has concurrently gone up with the commodity cycle.
Never happened before.
And this is this is the first one.
So what does that indicate to me?
Well, you and others and myself have been speculating that a lot of this inflation is mostly policy driven.
You know, the energy policies of the Biden administration, the energy policies of the EU, and now the Ukraine war.
Well, guess what?
Financially, we have proof.
The dollar should be weakening if this was a dollar-induced commodity cycle, not tightening.
What does the dollar tightening indicate?
Well, because we've exported so many U.S.
dollars overseas, there's a lot of international dollar-denominated debt.
So we are seeing a credit crisis beginning to unfold because of the strengthening of the dollar.
It's bad for our international partners that have dollar-denominated debt.
So there's a credit contraction going on, probably due to the supply chain shortages and the policies that have been instituted by the EU and the Biden administration.
So the Fed is now going to hike interest rates under the illusion or belief that they can then fight inflation.
They're going to commit what I call a twin policy error.
We have the bad energy policy that's causing the inflation, not monetary policy, and they're going to tighten credit conditions into that.
It's a one-two punch.
You can see the stock markets are starting to worry.
The credit markets are starting.
The corporate credit markets are becoming unhinged.
I've been on this show a couple months ago saying that would happen.
It's beginning.
And the dollar has been very strong, and I suspect it will continue to be strong as we unfold into this crisis.
Eventually, the Fed Which is jaw-boning about raising interest rates.
We'll probably be lowering interest rates sometime before the end of this year.
And reversing course from quantitative tightening to quantitative easing.
So, it's a twin policy error.
You can make the case that it's intentional, but it's disastrous and we're going into a hard recession, not a soft landing.
So, Everdown, I want you to expand on that, but let's just elaborate on this.
What does it mean when Biden comes out and blames the Federal Reserve head for what's happening when we know the globalists and the Democrats particularly are tied to him?
That is unprecedented infighting that I've never seen in my 28 years on air.
I know there was some fighting with the Fed back in the 70s with stagflation, which they say is coming again.
What does it mean to have a sitting president, whether he's a puppet or not, which he is, Blaming the Federal Reserve for policy that is a joint decision by the globalists.
What does that mean?
Well, either he's off script or there is infighting.
I can't figure out what it is, but I will say this.
If I'm Jerome Powell and I wanted to defend myself, I would say to Biden, well, you know, it's interesting.
The dollar is going up concurrently with this commodity cycle.
It's never happened before.
It's not my fault.
It's your fault.
I would love to see that kind of infighting become public, because the inflation is all policy-induced.
But it is unprecedented to have a sitting president attacking the Fed when the Democrats and others are the authors of the quantitative easing.
I mean, Trump did attack the Fed when they were trying to raise interest rates during his term, but Biden is certainly off script, because if he wanted to stay on script, they should all be in alignment and pretending that this inflation is a monetary phenomenon.
So I know you don't want to speculate, but what does that do in the mix, to have that happening?
Rats leaving the sinking ship, or what are they getting ready for?
Chaos is hard to control and these institutions are starting to circle the wagons around their own institutions.
So there's going to be institutional infighting.
So it's every man for himself now.
The chaos is starting to become to the point where they thought they could control this demolition and it's starting to go awry.
And you saw Jamie Dimon came out today.
That's what you said a year ago.
You said, I remember you said they think they can control this.
They can't.
And now it's proven.
It's proven.
And the cracks are beginning.
And Jamie Dimon came out today and said, he's the head of J.P.
Morgan, CEO of J.P.
Morgan, he said, a hurricane is coming.
Brace yourself.
And Ben Bernanke came out and said that two weeks ago.
And, you know, I also want to share, give a little hope to your audience.
More and more people that are, you know, Are in the system, but not, you know, big players in the system are starting to wake up to what's going on.
And I was at a private gathering this weekend.
I'm in Florida right now, hanging out with my father, but I had the good opportunity to speak before a large group of very influential people and make my case as to what they're seeing in the headlines is caused by the global debt collapse.
And the central banks and the policymakers below them.
And Alex, I will tell you, this is no longer a conspiracy theory.
People are starting to understand what's really going on.
That what you're seeing is that the social contract has been broken.
95 to 99% of the world doesn't know that yet.
And they're scrambling to provide excuses as to why that social contract is going to be broken.
And what I mean by that is pensions broke, Social Security gone.
You know, municipal, you know, state, state budgets breaking, you know, state pensions.
We're talking about sovereign debt defaults.
And it's going to start, it's going to start away from the U.S.
at first, and then it's going to spread globally.
So we're the, we're the, the U.S., as always, because of a lot of people in this country and our freedoms that we still have, we're the dirt, we're the cleanest shirt in a dirty laundry basket.
Again, look how we're the ones that don't have lockdowns.
America's terrible until you compare it to other countries.
So, you know, I want to give hope.
People are waking up fast.
Before I got on your show, I was talking to a Wall Street professional and he said he's amazed at the amount of people who are really starting to, like, scratch their head and say, what the heck is going on?
What on earth is happening?
So we're in a quickening.
We're going to see Decades in weeks, whereas there's decades where nothing happens.
We're going to see decades in the next five months occur.
I agree.
Let's talk about that quickening with Edward Dowd.
Dowd Ward on Twitter, getter Edward Dowd.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
But it's good to know the bad news that's coming.
Edward Dowd.
Former high-level Wall Street stock picker is our guest, and here's the bottom line.
The end of the system, the end of the mega-bubbles of the central banks is here.
They need a pretext to change the subject.
They're doing it.
It's not working the way they wanted.
And I don't like the establishment, but I'm actually really concerned about the fact that they're not even in control.
So, Edward, you're a really smart guy.
I want you to be able to make all your points here without me asking questions, because you're smarter than I am on this, to give us your educated view.
Do you agree with me that they've lost control?
And then how do we even decide?
How do we even try to predict what's about to happen?
I mean, at a gut level, I have never been more concerned.
At a gut level, I'm crapping my pants right now.
I mean, you can feel it.
You can see it.
Russia's threatening nuclear war.
Biden's shipping long-range missiles into Ukraine.
I mean, it's all just crazy.
It's chaos writ large.
I think the next five, six months are going to be spectacularly wild.
And I also want to warn your audience that, and to keep watching InfoWars and Bannon's War Room, all the other alternative news sites, that's signal to noise.
All mainstream media is complete propaganda at this point, even Fox News.
So you need to stick to these channels, support them, give money.
This is where you're going to get your real info.
And a lot of what you're going to see, is going to be distractions and nonsense and lies. So stick
to these channels and you will at least have an idea what's going on and what to avoid.
Discernment, personal discernment is going to be key going forward. Pragmatism is going to be
key going forward. And as dark as it's going to get, there's always opportunities in the
And there's going to be great renaissance on the other side of this, but you got to keep your head.
You got to be in love, not fear.
And fear is what is going to, you know, take a lot of us out if we let it, if we let it, you know, happen.
So stay calm.
You know, the sun will come up, it will go down.
You know, things will go on seemingly normally, stay in the present moment, but there's going to be tremendous chaos.
And my prediction is the following.
We're going to see stocks, markets, they may have a nice summer rally or they might go down straight from here.
I don't know.
But definitely in the fall, we're going to see.
By the way, you were on two months ago saying get ready for the stock market to go down.
You called it.
I mean, I don't have the crew.
The crew is great.
I wish I had 20 people just to get All our guests predict.
You called it.
I mean, you called it.
Well, no, I appreciate that.
But, you know, I don't like to make short-term predictions, but I do think by the fall we'll be in a... No, but you did say stock market's going to start going down like a month ago.
Yes, I did.
I think I said it when I first came on in February, that the stock and bond markets would become unhinged.
They are unhinged.
We're only down 20% from the top.
You know, I expect a 50-60% retracement over the next 6-18 months.
Exactly, so you called it.
Please continue.
Your gut level, what's coming next?
A continuation of financial chaos.
Monkeypox scares and news headlines will continue to be ramped up.
As I said earlier, Dr. Malone put out a sub-stack.
He put out two sub-stacks.
His first sub-stack was, Monkeypox is a joke, don't worry about it.
His most recent update, which he put out yesterday, has a lot of my Wall Street friends concerned, which is, you know, he doesn't have 100% proof, but it's looking like the early data of the variant that's been going around lately, the last two weeks, has been analyzed.
It looks like it's been tampered with.
So some sort of gain of function has gone on here.
Whether it is going to actually be able to be more easily transmitted to humans, don't know.
But it certainly suggests that this is a plan.
And the plan is being executed to shut us down into the fall because we all know that it's going to turn a sea of red in the fall.
The House is going to go GOP and the Senate is going to go GOP.
They can't allow that to happen.
They can't.
Because of the crimes that have been committed.
The crimes with the vaccines, the crimes financially, all the pilfering that's gone on.
They can't allow it.
And like you said earlier, no one's buying part two of this.
No one's buying.
No one's buying it.
And if it was weaponized, it may spread faster, but it's it's it's probably not deadly.
And, you know, from what I understand, smallpox, current smallpox vaccines can eradicate monkeypox.
I'm not a doctor, but and there's all sorts of other non-vaccine.
Sure, like they've got drugs that treat it like 99 percent success.
Yeah, there's no need to worry.
So, ignore the headlines.
And this time, you cannot comply with any lockdowns.
You cannot comply with mask mandates.
You cannot comply with any forced jobs.
And when do you expect they're going to try to pull that?
Because they're definitely building now.
So, it's June 1st.
This will be ramping up by the end of July.
They like to have their vacations.
So, they're going to have their little summer vacations.
Then they'll ramp it up.
Well, I was told by Army Special Forces Operation Command in Florida three weeks ago, they said by September they're planning new lockdowns.
They've just been told that.
They don't know the details, but that is directly from Tampa, Florida.
I 100% believe that, but they want to go on their summer vacations first, before they lock down.
September, September.
Yeah, September.
They're going to go on their summer vacations and then lock down after Labor Day.
That's my prediction.
That fits with your intelligence.
It's par for the course.
So Edward Dowd, how do we counter this?
Well, we do not comply with anything.
No mask mandates, no six-foot distancing, no passports to get in anywhere.
We're going to continue our lives, and we're not going to comply.
That's right, because wearing the mask is like wearing a Nazi armband.
It's a symbol.
It's a symbol of slavery.
That's all I'm going to say about that.
So, I've been asking the questions.
What else do you see happening?
We're coming to a great awakening.
We're coming to an understanding that things aren't right.
There's a lot of us that know that.
A lot of your viewers know that.
The hope is that I want to convey is people are waking up at an alarmingly fast rate.
And it's good to see.
You know, I went from crazy two years ago to being sought after to talk before private investors.
Two years ago, they would have said, you're out of your mind.
Now people seek me out.
Why do they seek me out?
Because my narrative is the truth.
And the narrative you see from the mainstream media is gaslighting and garbage.
We have truth on our side, Alex.
And truth does resonate with people who have discernment.
And people are starting to have more discernment because they just know in their guts something is horribly wrong and has been for a while.
The other thing I want to talk about are the airlines.
I was reached out to today by the Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition.
I'm going to start working with them.
It's a group of pilots and professionals in the airline industry.
I flew to Florida.
Uh, this weekend.
My flight was cancelled.
I was rerouted all over the place.
Yeah, what's going on?
Just airline disaster.
So the headlines in the mainstream media are the following.
Staff shortages, COVID, da-da-da-da-da.
What's really going on, and I put it out on my Twitter a couple hours ago, was made apparent to me by this association, which I will be talking to shortly.
What's happening is we lost a bunch of pilots initially to the jab who said, I'm not taking it, either retire or we're fired.
So that was the first round of pilot shortages.
Then the second round are those who've been jabbed who now have to, you know, go through medical checkups because that's industry standard.
You have to have checkups every now and then.
I don't know what the exact timing is, but some of these people are failing their checkups due to the vaccine injuries.
So, vaccine-injured pilots have to sit out.
So now, we have a creation of airline shortages, and staff shortages, and pilots, and you can see it in the real world.
It isn't just a Delta problem, it's a world, it's a national problem worldwide, and you can see the shortages.
Amber Downs, stay there, let's talk about this right now.
We are standing at such an incredible point in history.
Edward Down is our guest, former Topstop stock picker.
So in this closing segment, my friend, what else do you want to impart to the millions of people that are tuning in right now?
Well, I'd like to bring up something that I discovered on January 3rd, 2017, right after Trump was elected, that really put my mind into where I am today.
And I saw an article from Defense One, which is a military industrial rag.
The title of it is Weaponized Narrative as the New Battleground Space.
If you type that in, your people can find that.
And in that, that article, it was talking about the election, of course, and how it was, you know, taken over by Russians.
But what they're really saying is, they needed to control the narrative internally in the US.
And what you've seen unfold since Trump got elected and all the weaponization of the media and the FBI and the DOJ against him was begun after that article was drafted.
And I'm convinced that they're all about narrative control.
And even Klaus Schwab talks about it.
We need the great narrative.
Because that's what, that's what is going on right now is narrative is how human beings process information.
We, you know, we, we, we were hunter gatherers.
We sat around campfires and we told stories that hasn't changed in hundreds of thousands of years.
That's how we process information.
And they're trying to sell us a story and their story is garbage and full of lies and full of gaslighting.
Our story, which is the truth.
is starting to win.
And this is a battle of not only an info war, but a narrative war.
And these mainstream media, and I've been told by people since my journey began my 15 minutes of fame on the vaccine issue and the financial global central bank issue.
I've had a lot of I've had the opportunity to reach out like yourself, Alex, lots of senior people that have You know, that can touch the intelligence agencies and the panopticon of narrative control has descended and our tech media giants are controlled by intelligence agencies.
That's the bottom line.
They're all compromised and there is one narrative that goes out and you can see it all the time when they have their talking points.
And if you don't think that's real and you think that's conspiracy theory, there are serious people who agree with me and told me that's what's going on.
So be aware of the narrative.
Our narrative is the right one.
Plus, Edward Dowd, the globalists aren't winning.
Don't the people get working for the system?
They're destroying their own future?
It boggles my mind.
They're not winning because when you're at the point where we are now where you see such Gross gaslighting.
That it's starting to wake up even those who don't pay attention to the news, mostly.
I mean, people don't like being gaslit.
I've been gaslit in my life, and I'm sure you have as well, and it's a horrible feeling.
And it is, at first, psychological trauma, but then you snap out of it, and you go deep into your own personal discernment, and you know what the truth is.
You know, I believe my lying eyes, so to speak.
What other curveballs, Edward Dowd, do you think they're about to pull?
Well, we've got the monkeypox, we've got airline shortages, we've got fuel crisis.
I think the other thing you need to be prepared for, the Ukraine is a very special situation.
That was, I believe, a war that was known about well before we even knew.
I think you called it super early, Alex, I think sometime in the fall of 2021.
Maybe it's summer, but the financial markets picked up that the war in Ukraine was coming.
There was an anomaly that a commodities trader pointed out to me in the summer of 2021, where the Q4 contract usually trades at a discount to the Q1 because of the nature of the weather in Europe.
This is the European natural gas market.
It usually trades at a discount.
It was trading at a premium to the Q1 contract.
It's called a spread.
And normally, that's probably, you know, mean reverts.
Well, a bunch of commodity traders in Europe were taken out and bankrupted because there seemed to be a large bid underneath some central bank or somebody with a lot of money knew that the war in the Ukraine was coming in the summer of 2021.
And the reason why that's important is because the Ukraine is so important from a commodity standpoint, a natural gas standpoint, oil.
Russia gets their oil through the Ukraine.
There's a lot of pipelines.
There's a lot of phosphate fertilizer.
It's the breadbasket of Europe.
And by shutting that down, we're seeing the inflation that was already in force being exacerbated by that.
I'm here to say that we're going to see about 5 million barrels of oil probably semi-permanently come offline.
That'll impact oil for years to come.
We're also going to see a doubling of food prices, you know, again next year, maybe into the end of this year, and a doubling of beef and poultry prices.
This is, and there's going to be mass starvation in the third world.
We'll be able to feed our people in the U.S., but it's going to be at a cost.
People in the Mideast, Africa, India, they're going to die.
And we look at the globalists, they tell us this is coming and then say it's a good thing, it's a transition.
When they're doing it on purpose and then they're going to be the saviors with the new global currency, programmable tokens, social credit scores, carbon taxes, it's all being announced.
I don't see how they get away with this now.
I don't think they do, and I think that's why I'm very optimistic about a renaissance on the other side.
But, you know, the way life works and cycles work, and I have my own personal experience with this, there's no gain without pain.
And the pain, we're in, you know, if you believe in the fourth turning, the generational cycles of history... Yeah, for folks that don't know, talk about the fourth turning.
Yeah, so we're in winter, and I had the great Fortune of seeing Howe speak recently of Strauss and Howe's fourth turning and he basically said winter's here and some events coming and there'll be a big catharsis and then a spring will come again but we don't know how long winter is and how long it'll last.
But you got to keep your head through winter and a renaissance is coming and we're not going to allow the vision of, you know, central bank digital currency where every movement in my life is controlled.
We're not going to let this crazy wacko man, Harari, hack my brain and tell me that I don't have any free will.
That's not going to happen.
So, but everyone has to get involved.
Everyone has to stand up for freedom.
And, you know, the time to be on the bleachers is over, just over.
Gen X. I'm a Gen X-er.
I guess Gen X-ers are cynical generation.
That's why I'm here, I guess.
But we're not very active.
And I, you know, implore all Gen X-ers to start getting active and getting off the bleachers and getting on the field.
Well, I gotta tell you, Edward Dowd, you're a really smart guy.
I respect you.
I appreciate you.
How does everybody find the great work you're doing?
I'm on Twitter at Doud, Edward, D-O-W-D, Edward, and on Getter at Edward Doud.
Twitter has suspended me a couple times.
I still have an account there.
I'm not sure why, but I do try to avoid the algos and touch my words very carefully, but I, you know, you can get the gist of what I'm saying when you read what I say.
In closing, what do you make of Elon Musk?
Good guy, bad guy?
Elon Musk.
Elon Musk.
I applaud him if he's for freedom.
I also had a problem with Elon Musk several years ago.
I was one of the people trying to prove that he was running a fraudulent scam.
But he, you know, a lot of times businesses, you fake it till you make it and he made it and he turned it into a real business.
I guess what I'll say about him is the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
And if Elon, maybe Elon had a come to Jesus moment and said, I'm not living in this world.
And if he's with us, I'm his friend.
But I'll watch him carefully.
If he turns back to our side, we need to expect defectors back to humanity.
We can't just be these purists and say, well, you were bad before, but we're not going to accept you.
We can win if people realize globalism is a dead end.
We've all got to turn against it.
Yeah, exactly.
So if he's with us, I'll embrace him.
But, you know, we're going to watch, you know, I watch when people do know what they say, but his actions with this Twitter situation appear to be so far, and I've been told privately that he does believe in free speech and he's 100% committed to this.
So, you know, I think that's a good thing, net net, and I hope he wins the battle with Twitter.
All right.
Powerful interview, Edward Dowd.
Thank you so much for spending time with us on this Wednesday edition, June 1st, 2022.
Thank you so much.
All right.
Jay Dyer takes over now.
All right.
The great Kate Daly is about to take over on the other side of this quick break.
But I wanted to air a report that is six, seven years old.
That we had to dig up to find.
They finally found a great job crew.
And that deals with the gun control and the attempt to disarm us out of the collapse.
Because they're really worried about having armed people during their engineered collapse.
And so Kate Dowling is about to take over for the rest of the hour.
Owen Schroer in one hour at 3 p.m.
And of course, I'll be back tomorrow, Lord willing, 11 a.m.
Central, my own show.
You have a great Arizona Smith.
8 a.m.
Central, every day, with American Journal.
But this report, I don't know what you call it.
I mean, it's a censored report.
Everything we do is censored.
It's something that's rare.
It's something that's not out there.
It's something that needs to be seen.
And this is a classic promo going back to they never allowed a rally since the Daughters of the Republic of Texas took over the Alamo in the 30s.
And so the Texas Land Commissioner put this on almost a decade ago.
We went there, we gave a speech about you'll never get our guns, you'll never enslave us.
I hope all the great Instagram and Twitter and Twitch and everybody else that grabs our clips, I hope you get this clip.
I hope you get it out to everybody because this really says it all.
So here is the special report.
We're going to have it reposted to Bandot Video as the censored Second Amendment rant,
but here it is.
[Sounds of a car driving by]
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
I order all those assembled to immediately disperse.
It's a military mission in North St. Louis.
Heavily armored vehicles are rolling into town.
And don't be alarmed if you see those over the next seven days rolling through your neighborhood.
If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, do not be alarmed.
Guns will be taken.
No one will ever be armed.
We will take all weapons.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
NSK SLA News 12's Jeff Ferrell discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
If you've got a business, you didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
Blackhawk choppers soaring through the night sky, but this is only a drill.
Heavily armed officers in Watertown search for the suspect house to house
It's a joint military training exercise involving local police also military
In your apartment!
I am in my apartment, sir.
Go back inside right now!
I am inside.
I have two words for you.
Predator gloves.
You will never see it coming.
The dramatic scene played out in front of our cameras.
Parents grabbing their children and running after spending the night hunkering in their houses and then finding themselves face-to-face with the muzzle of a SWAT officer's rifle.
They let them in the area, they told them they could come in, and now they're coming in like they're trespassers, punching and shoving people.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not backing down!
If you want them, come and take them!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
♪ A revolution in their mind, yeah ♪ ♪ Too rich to starve, too proud ♪
♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ This is the world they wish they have to live ♪
♪ In all the hate that's going in their heart ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪
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Hi, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for this hour.
So happy to be with you.
I am from katedallyradio.com and we have a lot to talk about.
Last week, well I hope you're having a great start to your summer by the way.
I hope it's fantastic and I really do hope you enjoy a lot of time with your families.
I've been camping a lot and to try to get away from the headlines and all the junk and Jim Gaffigan calls it an exercise in homelessness, which I totally love.
We pretend to be homeless for a weekend.
It's great.
But I absolutely love it.
And you know what?
We may be camping a lot, depending on what happens in the future.
You just never know.
So just to get away from all of this.
So last week I commented on the timeline at the end of the show.
We talked about voting.
We talked about the election system and how fraudulent it is, and then at the end I kind of addressed a little bit of the timeline issues about Uvalde because just even the next day, that night, I had noticed some really clear inconsistencies and thought, well, I'll bring them up because I want to just throw them out there and see if anyone can help me out with that timeline.
Well, it's been a week.
And I have even more questions.
Nothing's been solved.
The timeline is now even more bizarre and I'll share with you why I feel that way and some solid evidence as to why.
But I also think of this in the way of the mainstream media telling you this story.
It would be like a courtroom proceeding where the prosecutor gets to say everything the prosecutor wants to say, construct a story, but the defense doesn't matter, doesn't exist, and there's no voice for it.
That's kind of how I feel right now.
I feel like in society, if you ask a single question about the Uvalde event or any event like it, You are the pariah.
Not allowed to ask a question.
It's as if there is no defense whatsoever.
The defense was always good at, uh, once, you know, the prosecutor would sum up the story, they would sum it up with such eloquence that you're sitting there like, oh, well, of course he did it or whatever the case may be.
But then when the defense would present, wouldn't it always be sort of shocking to you that you were like, well, there's some good points being made.
And I think in America what I miss the most, and I've thought about this a lot, because I've been talking about false flags, I've been talking about these kinds of situations for a decade, and we're missing curiosity.
We are missing curiosity.
We are so dependent on mainstream for them to tell us what to think about a certain thing going on, never to ask any questions.
They don't ask any questions.
They're a bunch of I love how Celente calls them media whores.
They really are.
So they'll read the script.
They want to go up the chain of command.
They want the next promotion.
They'll read the script and they won't ruffle any feathers.
And that's what the media does.
So when the scripts are constructed, it is without even revealing to you the single most solitary question you should be asking is, where is the proof of what happened that actually happened?
Instead of just telling me what's happening, But I'm not seeing it on screen.
Why don't you show me?
Why don't you show me with screen clips?
Well, that didn't really happen, did it?
Especially in this case.
So I will talk about that.
But I do miss curiosity, our willingness to want to know things, to want to understand things, and to have things make sense in our minds.
We really are missing that quality.
You know, we are a dumb people.
We really are.
We're not smarter than generations before us, I'll put it that way.
We're so dependent on the media.
But I went back into the 1950s, the 1960s, the 1970s, 80s and 90s and 2000s to really kind of look at some of the changes that have gone on in the schools.
And you might want to know this.
It's kind of interesting.
So in the 1950s, they had five incidents, if you will, and at a school that they considered a shooting.
So right now in America, they claim 2000, you know, incidents.
What they're claiming is Anything that happened around the school, in the vicinity of the school, even if they knew it was gang related, even if they knew it was, it was just something that happens between two people, an act of vengeance, a teacher killing another teacher because maybe they slept with his wife or something, you know, that kind of thing.
So in the 1950s, they had five incidents targeted to basically Targeted events where it was one person who had a vengeance who wanted to take it out on somebody else.
That was the 1950s.
In the entire decade, they had five incidences like that.
And as the population grew, you got into 1960s, and they had 10 incidences like that.
The whole entire decade.
These were pretty small incidences, and the person usually went off to prison, and you had the basic, you know, gang, oh, it was probably gang-related, or it was a situation where the kid did not like the teacher and he came back and he killed just the teacher.
It was never anything but that.
So the 1950s, five incidences.
1960s, ten incidences.
1950s, five incidences. 1960s, ten incidences. Okay? The entire decade. One guy even had
diminished capacity.
They said that.
They shoved him off into prison.
But these were all high school incidences.
When they give the numbers today, they give it all the way up to, like, beauty colleges and universities and everything else.
But everybody in their brain equates it as a school shooting, so everybody thinks the number is a lot higher.
It's really not.
And when you start to really go through the incidences and you start to analyze them, you're thinking, wow, they sure included a lot of things that didn't end up in anything.
There wasn't a death or anything.
So that's why they call it incidents, is because they want to make sure that you think the number's high and that all these people are dying.
But they really aren't, all these decades.
So 1970s, I went back to the 1970s, so 50s you had 5, 60s you had 10, and the 1970s as the population grew of course, you have 17 incidences.
Two incidences, you know, were kind of a little bit more random in the entire decade.
But they were all really targeted, and for specific reasons, like somebody was getting teased, or somebody stole somebody's girlfriend, and that's how they took it out on them, okay?
That is relatively low, and considering the fact that our nation, being an armed nation, has always had an extremely low death by gun violence rate, and I mean low.
It's quite amazing to me that this is the subject at hand, again, like it is every single year.
I feel like I'm having the same conversations on the air every single year.
Really and truly, we have the lowest because we are armed.
I'm going to bet that you didn't hear one media person say, man, had anyone been armed in this situation, everything would have been fine.
You'll never hear it because that's not what they want to do and you know that.
1970s, 17 incidences.
That's not a lot considering the population jumped a huge amount, okay?
Let's go into the 1980s.
That's a decade I went to high school in, okay?
28 incidences, almost all of them specifically targeted and a lot of gang activity.
Gang retaliation, teacher revenge, teacher against teacher, like adults, not even the kids.
And so they had They had a little bit higher casualties than a couple of them, because in the past, decades and decades and decades, there's usually one victim because they were targeted, right?
And so the 1980s, then you got into the 1990s, there were 48 incidences.
Of course, our population grew.
And then you have a lot of things, right?
You have a lot of things at the helm, and we'll talk about that.
But you have mostly gang arguments over girls, suicide packs, because they include everything.
Um, and one incident of a four being killed by Kip Kipling and then you had, um, you had Columbine.
Um, so you had the Columbine event and really and truly in the press when they're talking about these things, they go to Columbine really because Columbine had the most, even though you had two shooters, you had two shooters and you saw everybody running from the school, right?
All of those scenes, but there were two shooters.
I do have some questions about Columbine, but that's not for today's show.
So we go back to Columbine and then there's been some instances in the 2000s and in the 2010s, okay, going all the way up to 2020.
What's interesting though is that like, what was it?
I'm sorry.
I think it was Kip Kinkle.
They even said that he exhibited signs of paranoid schizophrenia, all of these types of things, and that he was mentally retarded, was one of the diagnoses that gave him, okay?
And that he was hearing voices, voice B, voice C, he said he had a voice who was constantly telling him to kill things, and so that was in the 90s.
They also had the West Side School shooting.
But really and truly, not a lot, not a lot.
I know one of the perpetrators' fathers was in Columbine, was military, right?
Was he military intelligence?
That's a good question to ask, and I'll tell you why when we come back.
I'm going to come right back, but I wanted to also say that as we get into the 2000s and 2010s, I'll kind of give you my assessment after going through each and every one of these incidences, because it is really rather interesting.
I'll be right back.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
I'm so glad to be here with you and hope you're having a good day.
We need a lot more of those good days, don't we?
So let me let me go back.
When I was talking about the prosecution, can you imagine sitting in the courtroom and saying, well, why would they lie to us?
Why would they lie to us?
Let's just not question anything.
I think there's a problem with how people are demonized right now for asking questions, because that would be the equivalent right now of trying to ask questions of the media, but then people turn around and say, well, why would they lie?
Everything's great.
So in the 2000s, we had 19 incidences in the whole, in the decade, in the entire decade.
Now they counted a lot more than that.
Things that didn't end up in death or anything like that, but 19 incidences where somebody died and it was pretty targeted actually.
Very targeted.
They had one shooting, the Red Lake shooting, with 10 people being killed and this was the Native American kid.
The one that had been passed around the system and pretty rough life.
They say they put him on too much Prozac.
It was kind of interesting circumstances, if you will, but that was in the 2000s.
Then they passed the Smith-Mundt Act in 2012.
That went from the 1940 Smith-Mundt Act, where they could propagandize to foreigners, and then it was legalized within our country.
And that is such a big deal to understand.
Because after that point, we had mass shootings with the same type of perpetrator, Which is kind of weird.
And about the same amount of incidences, although now you add in the incidences where, like Columbine, so that was kind of random in the 90s, right?
Or you had the Red Lake shooting, which was kind of random.
And then all of a sudden, you had more specific circumstances surrounding ones from 2012.
Same type of MO, 18 to 29, same type of person at the helm, and you had multiple events.
You had Sandy Hook, Marjorie Stoneman, you had Santa Fe, and then you have Robb Elementary.
So you have some major events, and so it jumps from one casualty And then rarely would you have like a Columbine or something like it.
I mean, that was pretty rare.
Obviously, there's only a couple of those.
And then you went to all of a sudden having a lot of casualties.
And I mean, a big amount of casualties compared to all of history with these types of shootings.
And really what's lacking is motive.
Why would somebody want to go into an elementary school and do that?
Is there a motive?
It seems the odds of being in a school shooting are astronomically high, unless the CIA, the FBI, the SWAT team and the Border Patrol are nearby.
Then your odds decrease.
So let me give you a kind of a couple of things that don't make sense.
And I only really want to bring this up because I want it to make sense.
Boy, would I love it to make sense, but it clearly doesn't.
And really, I'm using their own words to describe what happened.
So as I said last week, because I gave you a couple of these, the district tweeted out at 11-17 that everything was just fine at the school, but there had already been an active shooter.
So that had already happened.
So before 11-17.
At the school, and that everything was fine, right?
Everything was fine.
That's what the district tweeted out.
There was an active shooter, and now we're good.
Strange at 11-17.
Very, very weird.
Because the authorities say it didn't actually happen till 1132.
Not 1131.
Not 1130.
Boy, that's kind of a weird time stamp, isn't it?
Because you have 1117, then you have 1132 when it was supposed to happen, but the school district had said it already happened.
Well, that's odd.
And then, 11 minutes into what was supposed to be the event, The school came out with a time stamp on Facebook at 1143, the actual elementary school.
And they said everything was fine.
Everything was fine.
In fact, let me read it to you.
There is an active shooter.
This is what they put on Facebook at Robb Elementary.
There's an active shooter at Robb Elementary.
Law enforcement is on site.
Your cooperation is needed at this time, but not by visiting campus.
As soon as more information is gathered, it will be shared.
The rest of the district is under secure status.
So, so they, they, they put that out at 1117.
All right.
They put that out at 1117.
I'm sorry.
That was the district.
Then what they did was they said, okay, they said, uh, at 1143, this is what they said.
I like reverse those.
Rob Elementary is what they put on Facebook.
Rob Elementary is under a lockdown status.
Rob Elementary parents, please know at this time Rob Elementary is under a lockdown status due to gunshots in the area.
The students and the staff are safe in the building.
The building is secure in a lockdown status.
The students and staff are safe in the building.
11 minutes in.
Your cooperation is needed at this time, but not by visiting campus.
As soon as the lockdown is lifted, you will be notified.
The status is lifted.
That's what they tweeted out.
Really strange, right?
Didn't sound like much was going on because they said it was in the area.
It wasn't even at the school.
But they would have been really in the middle of the event, which is really strange.
So then the cops say it lasted for an hour and a half.
Until they put the suspect in custody at 1 o'clock.
So 1132 to 1 o'clock.
About an hour and a half of a shootout.
But at noon, the district said the kids were transported around noon to the Civic Center.
In the middle of a shootout?
But there were people outside.
There were cops standing around.
There was media.
Nobody saw any kids leave.
Nobody saw any gurneys.
Nobody saw any action.
Nobody saw anything going on.
Everybody was in stand-around mode.
There was even a helicopter to capture.
There was nothing.
Really strange.
You also have missing police chatter tapes at that time, too.
You know, I was down in the Las Vegas shooting.
I was actually on the freeway and I had just picked up my daughter from the airport.
And what was interesting about that was we were stopped right in front of Mandalay Bay.
So we immediately got on to the police chatter.
The police chatter was completely different than the story the next day.
Because they were chasing multiple people around Las Vegas.
I guess we're not supposed to say that.
But I was down there.
I was listening to it.
This is firsthand.
Anyway, so the tapes are missing.
So the cops say it lasts for an hour and a half, and in the middle of this shootout, the district said the kids were transported to the Civic Center in the middle of all this with no ambulances, no buses, no ambulances to the hospital, no buses, nobody leaving, nothing.
How did they get there?
To be picked up by two o'clock.
In fact, there was a sign outside that even had the teacher that passed away, her name on it, and also a big thing of water bottles sitting right next to it, right in front of the Civic Center.
I have the photo.
So, really kind of strange.
So then the police department said they had him in custody, 1 o'clock, right?
But then they said, and they changed it, and said that he died in the shootout.
Is he in custody?
Or did he die in the shootout at the school?
Very strange.
And why was the Border Elite team there?
He just happened to be in the area.
I want to talk about that when I get back.
It's a really strange, just happened to be there in the area kind of thing.
But I want to talk about it when we get back.
And also, none of this timeline has made sense since the beginning.
Still doesn't a week later.
We need some answers.
I'm Kate Daly.
I'll be right back.
Hi, I'm Kate Daly.
I'm back with you on the Alex Jones Show today and just kind of going through some of the things that don't make sense.
I want it to make sense.
I really do.
It's not.
At all.
And here we are a week out, still not making sense.
So, go back to the Uvalde Memorial Hospital post.
They actually posted this post.
Information at this time is that an active shooter at Robb Elementary is in custody.
UMH is currently caring for several students in the ER.
Immediate family of those students are to report to the cafeteria on the second floor.
So what about that sentence doesn't make sense?
So the active shooter is now in custody, but we're already caring for people here.
The problem is, is that when did anyone leave the school?
There's not one single photo or picture of this.
And if you've noticed, if I could go as far as to say since 2012, think about all those events since 2012.
Never did you see the ambulances lined up and the people being taken out and all the chaos that ensues when that happens alone, because we're talking a lot of ambulances, a lot of ambulances.
But there's never any footage of that.
It's really kind of strange.
There's never any coroners on site.
There's never anything that you would expect to find or see, even in the chaos, at any of these events.
That's probably the one thing they have in common.
Well, they have many things in common.
That's only one thing they have in common, actually.
And so, looking back, you go back to the 1950s, things were always targeted.
Then it became The unstable, mental patient, something's wrong with him, loner, that now I guess we're all supposed to think is going to happen everywhere in America.
That's how they paint it, okay?
And it's the same MO, it's the same, almost the same kind of kid.
Gangly, 100 pounds, barely eats, sort of just has sharpshooter skills that no one else on earth has.
Not even the most trained.
No motive.
But they, for some reason, go into a situation where they're going to go, and the ability to kill a lot of people in a short period of time, with not having those skills, with not having the money to be able to buy the things that they are reported to have, that's kind of strange.
I also thought it was really strange, and I'll share this with you too, because this was really weird.
The night of the event, there was a guy on Facebook named Alfred Garcia, or Garza, I'm sorry, Alfred Garza, and he had pictures of the little Garza girl, and he was, the picture actually stated, come home baby, daddy misses you.
Daddy misses you.
An older guy, more heavyset.
Well, the guy on CNN, that's her father, his name I think is Angel Garza, right?
Angel Garza, Alfred Garza.
Well, Alfred Garza on Facebook suddenly took all the pictures down.
That's weird.
Took all the photos down of her.
I went back and checked.
Isn't that interesting?
So which is the dad?
The skinny younger guy on CNN or the other heavier set guy?
Also there was a picture of the two of them together from 2018.
Only problem is, is that she looks exactly the same from 2018, three years ago.
And we all know how much kids change.
Just throwing that out there.
Really strange to have two different dads claiming to be her dad with the same last
So it's not like dad and stepdad kind of thing.
They both have the same name.
That was kind of interesting, I thought.
I wanted to share that with you.
And they were showing different pictures of Eva Morales.
We also know that Eva Morales, her husband actually, just had conducted a drill where the suspect was a student at the high school several months before.
The suspect was having to play dead in the scenario of the school shooting.
It's always interesting to me how many drills happen.
Right before an incident happens, a real incident.
So, then we had the Border Elite team that I told you I was going to talk about.
So, okay, so this gets really strange because this was what was said about this elite team, Vortac team being there.
During the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas, the Del Rio Sector Field Office nearby deployed BORTAC to help assist the local authorities, arriving about an hour after the beginning of the shooting.
An hour?
I also read that they were just down the street and they were the first ones on scene even before the PD was there.
Okay, another inconsistency.
So, they ended the massacre by breaching the classroom where the suspect was barricaded, neutralized, and one BORTAC officer was grazed in the head by a bullet.
So, when you start to read about this group, this group was also deployed during George Floyd protests in Portland, Oregon.
Brian Terry was also a BORTAC agent.
He was killed while pursuing members of a gang that operated along the border of Mexico and Arizona.
There's a lot to question about that situation that happened in 2010.
In 2020, White House deployed BORTAC to sanctuary cities.
Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, you name it, Los Angeles, everywhere.
San Francisco for three months.
And they said they were there to assist ICE agents.
Everybody thinks they're ICE, but they're actually an elite team.
And they act as, and it even said, a show of force.
Then they were there for the Elian Gonzalez episode.
They were the ones that executed the raid.
They also worked with the Secret Service for the Salt Lake City Olympic Games.
Boy, they get around.
And during the 1980s, of course, they were down in South America doing hell knows what.
I'll just leave that one right there.
The whole 80s, South America.
We remember that, right?
So, why?
They were also at the riots, special agents, thousand riot trained federal special agent team.
And then, of course, well, many others.
I could go on and on.
But it said that this was first started in 1984 to deal with disturbances occurring with immigration and naturalization services.
Well, they sure moved on.
Gave themselves a lot of authority they don't have.
And now they're a special response team.
You're not kidding me.
They respond to everything.
So is the reason that the press is quickly demonizing the cops in this whole story?
Because that's where the whole anger has gone and the press wanted it to go there and the government wanted it to go to the cops on site.
This happened in the Marjory Stoneman shooting too.
So is the reason to demonize the police to maybe have more of a, I don't know, federalized Vortac team?
Could be.
And I think we should kind of remember whenever the media and the government want to direct attention, usually there's a really big agendized reason for it.
And so I'd have to go with yes.
I'd have to go with yes, Bob, for 20.
Yeah, you get the Ginsu knives.
I think they would really like to demonize local police, whether they deserve it or not.
demonize them so that maybe people are more, I don't know, just a little bit more open to
federalize. And I mean, they already are to some extent federalized with training,
but I mean, really federalized. I mean, did we even know as Americans since 1984 that these
Bortak teams were employed? And they said that they were just down at some, at some, you know,
drug houses.
They just happened to be there at Uvalde.
And then, of course, they ran right over because they were in the area.
Just happened to be in the area.
Well, that kid that couldn't afford anything and came from a very poor family, they keep telling you over and over again, had a Ford 250 truck, which is not cheap, and guns worth about $5,000 and a whole lot of ammo he could not afford because he only worked at Wendy's for like a month.
Something's wrong.
So when I come back, we'll wrap it up.
I want to bring up some other things that I noticed with this, and we'll wrap it up for you.
I'm Kay Dally, your guest host for the Alex Jones Show, and there's just so much about this that we need to be curious about.
Hi, I'm Kate Daly.
I'm back with you on the Alex Jones Show.
How are you doing today?
I hope good because we need to have a positive attitude moving forward that we can do some things to help wake people up.
And really that is my plea to help educate and wake up and maybe, I don't know, maybe make people a little more curious.
Something's got to happen.
So a kid that is going to do a shooting and he's 18 and he just got his first gun.
I just don't know how or why.
I mean, I've got boys this age, right?
And they go out and they buy 315 rounds, right, inside the school.
And then also, additionally, a total of 922 rounds found on the school property, outside the building, consisting of 22 spent cartridges and 900 live rounds.
Now, we all know some 18-year-olds.
Not the brightest, not the brightest tool in the shed, okay?
And they're going to go out and get all this extra ammo that they don't have money for because they work at Wendy's?
They come from a poor family, sleeping on a mattress in the living room, and they have money for all that?
Where do they come up with all that?
And why would they even think they needed it?
I know somebody could say, well, they said, well, they said Ramos had purchased 1600 total rounds of ammunition.
With what?
His grandfather said he didn't even know how to drive, didn't even have a driver's license.
And he had just legally purchased a Smith & Wesson, they said, from a local gun store May 17th.
Where'd he get the money?
And he had two.
So, where'd he get the money?
The door was locked.
How did he even get in the school?
I heard that one of the officers let him in.
One of the school officers, resource officers, let him in.
With a rifle?
Two rifles?
And all that ammo?
I mean, my gosh, the ammo was bigger than he was.
How did he walk around with all that?
How did he carry all that?
Why would you do that?
And then, of course, with the Boston, or not the Boston, the New York subway, he had all of these different things that he was going to use, all this ammo and everything.
Why would you haul all that around and then try to get out on foot?
That was the subway shooting.
Didn't make sense.
The guy couldn't even tie his shoes.
He's a pretty large guy.
I don't even think he could run, to tell you the truth.
But here we have the same kind of situation.
Doesn't make sense.
It really doesn't.
All the guys in these scenarios are scrawny, tiny.
There's no way that some of these things could be done physically and without the skills to do it and without a lot of mental capacity.
I mean, there's some screwy things going on.
And I don't like it when people make it all about the drugs because I think that's like a directional thing.
They want the government to then take over mental health in this country.
And I don't think you ever want them to take the kind of control that they want to take.
They already have a lot of control.
They reached across the aisle, they felt each other up, they're, you know, ooh, we love each other,
we love each other.
And of course we agree that government should be getting control of mental health, right?
Republicans and Democrats.
We both know they're all the same, right?
And they agree on that.
Well, of course they agree on more control.
Why wouldn't they?
They're all corrupt.
It's a swamp.
So we don't want them having control over us and mental health because then anyone could be a victim of mental health problems.
If you don't agree with the government, you could have a mental health problem.
If you don't agree with the media, you could now have a mental health problem.
But none of these guys could really, I think, pull off something that they attributed to these guys.
And so my advice to people is, look, if your kid's in a situation where the feds, the border patrol now, BORTEC, comes in to do a drill, you might not want to go to school for a few months.
Just going to throw that out there.
So, let's put it this way.
Let's identify it, okay?
These are the same things that happen in situations that I think there's more behind it, pulling the strings, than we want to admit.
So, number one, media can never get the facts straight.
They can't detail the exact weapon, right?
But they got the assailant and they know exactly why he did it within the first two seconds.
But they still don't know what weapon.
It's very loose in general.
Then the assailant is a loner between the ages of 18 and 29.
The story never adds up.
The numbers change dramatically.
And they did.
All the victims that were in the hospital pretty much died within an hour.
That's a really strange coincidence.
Really strange.
Right before the nightly news.
And so it went from 13 injured to 13 dead.
Then it went to 19 dead.
Now they have 22 dead.
So the assailant also has more skills than without any training.
The assailant ends up dead or sent to a mental hospital, like Dylann Roof.
We've never heard from him again or about him again, right?
Just shoved off.
There's usually a lot of money involved and a lot of government payouts.
Marjorie Stoneman families are getting huge, huge payouts by the government.
And in that South Carolina shooting with Dylann Roof, there was immediate money given.
Remember, $29 million by Obama.
So a lot of money, a lot of money.
And ends up exchanging hands and a lot of money in GoFundMe accounts.
And the media will talk about the event 24-7.
They'll ignore some, but really focus on some others.
And gun control will be at the center of every single interviewer's statement from the very, very beginning.
Nothing else.
Totally politicizing it from the moment it began.
It always happens in a place that most figure is safe.
But now the message is nowhere is safe and this is going to happen in every single school because everybody's mental.
Because everybody's on their phones and everybody's on drugs.
Now I will say drugs do a part.
They can actually, yeah, they can change the brain.
We're putting too many kids on too many things way too early.
But that doesn't necessarily mean they're not going to have a motive all of a sudden be able to buy a whole lot of ammo and go in that they can't afford and go into a school with no motive at all just to go and shoot people up.
I don't think that's really possible, that connection.
But that connection is being made every single day.
So the assailant will always have social media posts that tell you the motive,
so no actual police work ever has to be done.
And the government will wanna always destroy the evidence.
They'll always want to take down the school, they'll want to rebuild.
Usually there's funding issues.
I know that Uvalde Memorial was having some funding issues in February and the school, by the way, was getting CARES money that was about 40% of its budget and its enrollment was declining.
So you always kind of got to look at maybe the situation the schools were in or what have you.
So the news will tell the story but you're not actually Like I said, no gurneys or ambulance.
Where was all that?
I would love to know.
Maybe I'm wrong and got all this.
I'm suspicious for zero reasons.
Okay, I'll accept that.
But where was it all?
Because even the hospital said, oh, well, we've been caring for these people.
How did they get there?
How'd they get there?
There's no explanation whatsoever for that.
There's a whole lot of pictures with a whole lot of people standing around.
And so the government's quick to do payouts, millions of dollars.
The police will have bungled, they will have bungled something.
There has to be somebody to kind of point the anger to so that no one's really looking at maybe some of these agencies too hard.
And then major confusion about the timelines.
That's exactly what's been happening and here we are a week out and I still have the same questions, even more so than I did from last week.
The families, there's a lot of expression of words but not feeling the real emotions.
You know, we can always be empathetic and I can be empathetic because I got five kids and so, you know, nobody wants to see anything happen, right?
Do I even need to say that?
Everybody is empathetic to that.
The problem is, is when you see something that seems really off and you can't put your finger on it.
And sometimes I think that's why we have a lot of anger towards these situations and we don't want anyone to talk about or bring up questions.
We already know inside that it doesn't make sense, that something's wrong.
And the problem is, is people are not awake enough to really nail the story behind the story.
And as long as we keep giving into this and as long as we keep not wanting to see it, we're going to have a problem in America.
Also, the one thing that I've noticed that usually happens in something that I'm usually very kind of suspicious about is that one person in law enforcement makes sure that no one else goes in for quite a long time.
It's kind of weird, right?
And I just wanted to bring these things up because If we can get people to ask more questions and at least be curious about a situation that has not added up since the moment it was talked about in the press, then maybe we have a chance to actually save this country.
Maybe we actually have a chance with enough, with a huge percentage of people that go, hmm, something doesn't sit right.
Something's wrong here.
They're using these things, right?
Until then, we feed into What a guy that is.
Anyway, always on the forefront of, I'm here to concede and give in and I have no principles and I'm really weak and I have zero chin.
So that's Mitch McConnell.
And you knew it was coming because of course, bam, bam, bam, you have enough incidences where everyone's fatigued.
So we concede and we give in on principles and try to diminish our own Second Amendment.
How unfortunate, how evil, how sad.
So I just wanted to bring a couple things up.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from katedallyradio.com for the Alex Jones Show in this hour.
And I really hope we start paying attention to the details and the things that were not shown.
Those are the most important things.
the things we don't see on TV.
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