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Name: 20220530_Mon_Alex
Air Date: May 30, 2022
2549 lines.

The speaker discusses various topics including info war, global governance, anti-defamation league (ADL), crime rates in different communities, media portrayal of crimes, bioterrorist attacks, race in the hole, biological attacks, radical form of social Darwinism, climate change as a talking point, resistance against tyranny, moral courage, support for local AM&F affiliates, memorial day mega sale on Infowarstore.com, recent events where politicians stand up against Biden administration's war on police, gun control, historical coin being sold on 1776coin.com, freedom of communication without being tracked or judged by others, covid as a critical situation pushing for biometric surveillance, fake news and free will, international politics and military alliances, natural compounds that boost energy and stamina, conspiracy theories, support for mfourwars operation, decentralization and preparation, spiritual aspect of things, ADL's influence on American society, hypocrisy of the ADL in labeling crimes as racially motivated

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Memorial Day 2022.
When we remember the soldiers, sailors, and airmen that fought and died in America's great wars.
What were we fighting for?
Were we fighting for a flag?
Were we fighting for a set of ideas?
And if so, what were those set of ideas?
Who supports the ideas that made us great and who is attacking them?
It's all out in the open.
We'll be discussing it today on this Monday, May 30th, 2022 transmission.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
And it's time for a little bit of a break.
I have the humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, "I don't know what's going to
happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe you've got one!"
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
In Davos, Switzerland, Klaus Schwab and his fellow wannabe tyrants have come out into the open as the arbiters of
world government.
They are openly calling for world war and the end of national sovereignty.
And they openly acknowledge that they must move quickly to be victorious.
Many are celebrating the fact that the people of Sri Lanka are rising up against their corrupt politicians, burning their homes and destroying city property.
But this is nothing to celebrate.
This is exactly what the World Economic Forum is hoping for.
They want governments to be destroyed and the people to lose all faith in the nation-state.
Their plan is to starve the people into destroying their own governments, so they can act as saviors.
It is important for Americans to realize that the current administration is not failing at all.
They are accomplishing exactly what they set out to do.
They did not steal the 2020 election to secure power.
They did it to destroy America and destabilize the entire system.
And they are rapidly succeeding.
The voices calling for violence are as ignorant and mad as they sound.
Violence towards who?
How will you organize?
And who are you going to fight?
Your brainwashed sheep neighbors?
That is exactly what the globalists want you to do.
And if your plan is to wait until they come to your door, then you'll just be a dangerous animal in a cave on someone else's private property.
But there are solutions.
For example, before passing in March of 2022, the great Jordan Maxwell's last project was to save America from global governance with America 21.
America 21's mission is to gut the system of globalist interference and reclaim all of America by 2025, so that we can rebuild our agriculture, production, and energy, and become a self-sufficient nation that serves the people.
America 21 is calling for a complete withdrawal from all treaties and influences of the United Nations and World Economic Forum.
Washington DC is just a symbol of our old corrupt federal government.
The New World leaders are living abroad, and the only way they can control us is through the compliance of our local governments.
According to America 21, your focus needs to be where you live, in your county and city.
Global governance ultimately depends on your county being taken over.
This is where you need to resist now.
This is how the United Nations and the globalists have been doing it, and it's the only way to properly reverse it.
America 21 has been having success in Montana, and they freely share their working model and support at America21Century.com, such as learning what language to look for in your local governments to detect UN initiatives and protocols being deployed by your local officials.
Keywords such as 2030, sustainable development, and carbon neutral.
Your local officials have to live with you, and in most cases, will prefer to keep their jobs.
Our voting system may be broken, but our elected officials still work for us.
And if enough of us come together, we can put the pressure on them to renounce global governance and to serve the will of the people.
This is the law of the land.
It really is just that simple.
But we have to come together and get active.
Americans have a choice.
We can either take action to purge the system of corrupt politicians and their thugs, or we can stop complaining about them and be good slaves.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a live Memorial Day broadcast.
Monday, May 30th.
Massive information.
Your phone calls, a special guest, and more.
Tell everybody you know, tune in now and be part of the winning team.
Memorial Day 2022.
When we remember the soldiers, sailors, and airmen that fought and died in America's great wars.
What were we fighting for?
Are we fighting for a flag?
Are we fighting for a set of ideas?
And if so, what were those set of ideas?
And who supports the ideas that made us great, and who is attacking them?
It's all out in the open.
We'll be discussing it today, on this Monday, May 30th, 2022 transmission.
Freedom is like lava trapped under the ground, waiting to erupt, waiting to dominate, waiting To build the future.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
We have another massively important transmission for you.
So many huge developments are unfolding right now.
We're not going to sit here like spectators and let the globals control our destinies.
We're going to educate ourselves, get informed, awaken and educate others, and then have victory.
Thank you for joining us on this Memorial Day transmission.
I have a special guest at the third hour.
I'll tell you about it a little bit later, but first, at the bottom of the hour, we're going to give the number out and take your calls for at least an hour and a half today for first-time callers that have tried many times to get through but couldn't get through.
First-time callers on this live Memorial Day transmission.
Alright, all hell broke loose at the NRA convention in Houston this weekend.
We've got what happened there and the left completely out of their minds.
And the Republicans and the NRA, tell them the truth, really just good decent people.
Absolutely contrasted to the crazy lunatics that want to disarm the general public but love the elites being armed.
We've got that.
We have something huge that unfolded last week that we mentioned some but that I've really dug into this weekend.
We have a major focus on and that's the ADL.
The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 when a man kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered a little girl.
And the ADL was founded to basically get folks like that out of jail.
You can see why the ADL today fits nicely in with the collection of pedophile supporters we have running so much of the system like Disney and Hollywood and the Democratic Party and the New World Order.
And so I wanted to look at even the Washington Post coming out in a huge article And admitting that their statistics that white supremism is the number one threat and the most common crime, when it's not even in the top 100.
White supremism is extremely rare.
It does happen like you saw a few weeks ago in Buffalo, and it's terrible.
Another mentally ill person who just picked up a failed ideology.
And it's just incredible that the entire corporate media, law enforcement, all of them, parentalize the ADL, saying that white supremacist killings are the number one killing statistic in America?
It's no attack on black folks, because what a minority of black people do is not reflected on other black people, but the FBI's own statistics show, in blue cities, 15 to 20 times the crime Carried out by blacks, compared to whites, Asians, or Hispanics.
And on average, it's 10 to 1 nationwide now.
In Mexico, who has about four to five times the crime rate of even the worst U.S.
cities, it's almost all Hispanic against Hispanic.
Why isn't it Hispanics killing everybody here?
Because it's gang related.
It's black gangs killing black gangs over turf.
It's Hispanics killing Hispanics in Mexico over turf.
And if you look back at other civil wars that have gone on throughout the planet, it's whites killing whites in Europe.
It's blacks killing blacks in...
It's Asians killing Asians in Asia.
Because who do you kill when there's not enough resources or you're dealing drugs or whatever the case is?
Well, you kill your neighbors.
And so, the number one most dangerous place for black people to be in the world, outside of the womb, in the womb, it's abortion.
The number two thing for blacks in America is other black people.
And when the media covers that up and hides that, and then pulls resources away from those communities, it causes the death rate, the homicide rate to explode, which has happened the last five years with the Black Lives Matter defund the police, which they've done up to 30-40% on average.
And the cops are scared to respond even when they do have enough funding.
And so it's black people dying because black gangs are allowed to run rampant.
And do they attack white people and others?
Hell yeah, they do.
But the point is, is that the ADL, inverting reality, when everyone knows the lowest crime rate is what?
Who commits the least amount of violent crime?
In North America.
Who commits the next lowest rate of violent crime?
White people.
Followed by Hispanics and then black folks.
But it is no judgment on black people on average that they have the highest crime rate.
It is societal, it is historical, and it's the whole gangster culture that's now being exported into other areas of the country and we're seeing similar phenomenon.
It's the great society paying black women starting in the early 60s to kick their husbands out of the house.
And we know that fatherless homes have between 5 and 10 times the higher rate of crime and children ending up in the system.
It doesn't matter if you're white.
It doesn't matter if you're black.
It doesn't matter if you're mixed.
It doesn't matter if you came from New York or Texas or California or Florida or Milwaukee, Wisconsin or Albuquerque, New Mexico.
If you come from a single parent family, you are 5 to 10 times the ratios in between that.
More likely to end up in prison.
More likely to end up committing suicide.
So, they know what they're doing, and that's why it's such a crime, not just dividing us along racial lines that the ADL is doing, they quarterback the whole propaganda operation, but then obscuring the real problems that are plaguing all of our communities, but particularly our African American communities.
And that is a fact.
And they've got the statistics, they've got the polls, you go to city council meetings in predominantly black cities, and the black women and men who run those cities and work hard aren't there bitching about white people.
They're bitching about not enough police, not enough funding, and criminals being released from jail.
They want law and order.
They don't want to defund the police.
But the corporate media tells you That they want to defend the police.
So we've got that, that I'll be covering at the start of the next hour, in between your calls.
We have more and more Republican leaders saying, world government's here, it's the enemy, it's running everything, and preparing new lockdowns.
Yes, that is exciting.
But now more and more we're facing who the real enemy is.
We've got clips of that.
We've got massive increases in inflation and it's only beginning and hundreds of cancellations.
We're on Memorial Day weekend for U.S.
travelers as society unravels and begins to collapse.
We have U.S.
parents in a Fox News report we're going to play having traveled to Tijuana.
To purchase baby formula as Biden baby formula crisis worsens.
Out-of-stock rate hits 70% and it turns out a year ago the White House knew about this and responded by having the FDA shut down three of the largest plants in the U.S.
to again create the desperation.
We also have households worldwide wrecked by soaring gas prices.
Brent crude oil hits $120 a barrel as gas prices soar.
It's all coming up on this powerful Monday broadcast today.
I will give the number out at the end of the next segment, and we're going to bam, bam, bam, take your calls today on all of these critical subjects.
We're also going to look into Nancy Pelosi's husband ran into somebody.
The media is covering that up.
That's actually in the local news, but not the national news.
Ran into somebody drunk as a skunk.
A lot of the cops said he wasn't drinking.
They took him in, blew super high.
Cops pulled me over, I said, yeah, I had a half bottle of wine.
Arrested me.
I blew way below.
Dropped the charges.
The point is, is these insider trader criminals think they're above the law.
We're going to be looking at that as well, and so much more today.
But when we return, we're going to look at Bill Gates.
Saying, oh, more deadly viruses are coming?
And you better expect hell on earth.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for joining us on this memorial transmission.
Our enemy is attacking us.
Our enemy is trying to take our speech.
Our enemy is trying to put us in a digital lockdown cage.
It's not going to weaken us.
It's going to make us awaken and become stronger than ever.
Well, it's becoming quite a pastime, folks going through PrisonPlanet.tv.
That was once a subscription service, but by 2016, we had surpluses of money, and I said to the 50,000 members, I said, it's all free now, and now it's been an archive.
Years later, I wish I'd have kept it as a subscription base, because we wouldn't have funding issues, but hindsight's 20-20.
But regardless, it's a great archive of more than 15 years going back.
To that point, we made it free in 2016 of every show we did.
And folks are really going in there and digging through it.
And you ask, how did I predict in 2001, 2002, 2012, what you're about to see in these clips?
Because it's an enemy battle plan specifically calling Locking you in your homes.
Prison terminology.
So here's a smattering of clips from 2002, 2010, 2007, 2012.
Alright, John in Alabama, finish your point and I'll get their take on it.
But yeah, the bio attack is one of the perfect ways for them to come in and really take over.
And they're gearing up for martial law, admittedly, lockdowns, total control.
And I think that's one of the most deadly cards they've got.
And they've got five or six cards in their hand.
And that's their ace in the hole.
And everything I'm seeing tells me that's one of the prime cards they may play.
But If they don't think they can control people and have us all just go off and die in our houses like they want, they may not play it.
Anything else?
Uh, yes, sir.
We know that that would terrorize every person in the nation, no matter where they live.
I live in the country, so I'm not worried about tall buildings falling on me.
But that would terrorize every individual.
So, uh, that would work anywhere.
And they've got the technology.
They may even have a vaccine antidote that the elite get, or whoever.
You know, and we're just, uh, that fits with the FEMA counts.
You know, if you're a zombie, you might be infected with this stuff, lock them up.
You know, or shoot them.
I mean, it's...
That's what their whole giant preparation is for.
God bless you.
Good points.
Gentlemen, quick comments on that.
Well, they definitely have to take it to the next level.
I mean, WTC 93 was a very small truck bomb.
Oklahoma City was larger.
9-11, of course, is what it is.
And they have to ratchet up the consequences and the effect, because it's not going to have the same psychological value if they just pull off another truck bomb that only kills 100 people.
That's not going to do anything.
They've already taken it to the level.
They've got to take it to the next level for the next attack.
And we look at the predictive programming that's coming out through the popular culture, and it's all biological, you know, martial laws required, some sort of nuke attack, again, martial laws required.
It's always the solution is to accept for, you know, government control, troops on the streets, and the conditioning for us to accept that.
And, you know, the emergency's so bad, we've got to arrest people that are saying the government did it, you know, because they're openly getting everybody ready for that.
Well if they nuke a city, if they dirty nuke a city or put a nuke in a city, you'll have people screaming blood demanding that Americans be rounded up under NDAA under mere suspicion and put in camps.
I mean a president who wouldn't enforce that would be chased out of office.
It would be a very scary time in this country.
The facts and common sense are in.
Yes, there have been corrupt empires.
Yes, they manipulate.
Yes, there are secret societies.
Yes, there have been oligarchies throughout history.
And yes, today, in 2002, there is a tyrannical organization calling itself the New World Order, pushing for worldwide government, a cashless society, open borders, total and complete tyranny.
We're human beings are absolutely worthless.
There's six and a quarter plus billion of us, and the globalists have said it many times, there's too many of us, we're causing a problem, we need to be cold at the tune of 80%.
It's amazing to talk about that, but it's the globalists, the UN, their own public statements, and they've convinced a lot of Liberals and elitist conservatives and others that by going along with this that we're intelligent members of society.
It's the ultimate Malthus worldview.
It is this radical virulent form of social Darwinism.
It's the excuse of tyrants.
And by creating open borders where there's no national sovereignty and only global bodies that control all the resources, By centralizing and socializing healthcare, the state becomes God, basically, when it comes to your health.
And then by releasing diseases and viruses and plagues upon us, we then basically get shoved into their system.
So, those are clips going back to 2002.
How did we do it?
Because we've learned that the enemies do drills of what they're actually planning, so that their own employees can't blackmail them, and so they can't get indicted by a grand jury.
They go, oh, we're just doing a drill, but then the drills are exactly what they do later as the operational battle plan.
It'd be like if I was developing a plan, to say rob a certain bank and I just wrote it as fiction.
That way if I got caught writing it, oh well it's just fiction. It's not fiction, they're doing
it, we're living it. And now at Davos last week, the Davos meeting in Geneva,
Switzerland, they didn't even hide it as a drill anymore.
They said, we're taking over.
We're going to control every facet of your life.
That's the way it is.
Get used to it.
Big article by Paul Joseph Watson that's so important on InfoWars.com today.
Just Friday and Saturday and on the Sunday show, I said the new talking point is new viruses are coming out of the jungles.
It's your fault they're coming.
New viruses are coming.
It's your fault you didn't pay a carbon tax.
You didn't get rid of your car.
That was an old talking point.
That's why we have video of me 20 years ago talking about it.
But now, they've brought it back, meaning they're going operational.
Bill Gates, next pandemic likely to be caused by climate change.
Not by him funding the Wuhan lab, not by all the gain of function.
No, it's your fault and just listen to him and don't eat meat and drink sewage and eat bugs and own nothing and have nothing while he flies around in jumbo jets.
All of that's fine.
Just do what he says and then you won't die.
Meanwhile we have a video on Infowars.com of climate change activist attacks the Mona Lisa painting in Paris, France.
A man dressed as a woman.
So there you go.
It's happened yet again.
Absolutely insane.
See these type of things unfolding and happening until you realize it's part of the larger destabilization plan.
All right.
Start your engines.
We are taking your phone calls, ladies and gentlemen, for first-time callers on any issue you want to raise, any topic you want to get into.
I love the wildcard nature of it.
Here is the toll-free number.
877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex, 877-789-2539.
And your calls are coming up on this live, uncensored, teleprompter-free broadcast of the people.
Stay with us.
Well, Biden doesn't know what he's talking about.
It was 223 or 556 ammo that was used in Uvalde, as if it's the ammo's fault or the gun's fault, not the psycho's.
So now he wants to ban 9mm ammo.
Talk about living on planet cuckoo, planet bonkers, while he's all guarded by the Secret Service and the military, the Marines.
And that's what's so crazy about all of this, is that all of these elites have their own guards, their own guns, but they want to deny you that.
So when somebody does something bad, it's Biden's fault because he's got guns.
It's their fault for trying to disarm us.
You know, we should spend more time on this, the Milgram experiment.
On the Stanford Prison Experiment, or several big ones, where they found that they can get the majority of people, about 80%, to commit murders, commit crimes, anything they wanted, if an authority figure ordered it.
So it's moral courage, we find.
That is even rarer than physical courage or the courage to go against the crowd, go against the group, like the abolitionists did 200 years ago in the US and England.
They were less than 1% to say slavery is wrong.
But they pushed and pushed and convicted the hearts of their friends, their neighbors, their family, their community.
And 65 years later, slavery was banned all over the world.
Led by the UK, led by England.
Here's a quote, psychologist Stanley Milgram found that 80% of people do not have the psychological and moral resources to defy an authority's order, no matter how illegitimate the order is.
Only 20% have critical capacity, but that's okay.
It's up to the 20% of us that have that to be leaders and say no to the evil.
I want to go to Liz, and Zim, and Zentura, and Steve, and Kevin, and Tony, and Dakota, and Tom, and Sean, and Robert, and Jeff, and all of you.
In the order your calls are received, and I'm going to do that in a moment.
But first, I want to just encourage listeners to understand something.
We're in a fight.
We're in a war for the future.
Toe-to-toe with George Soros.
Toe-to-toe with Obama.
Toe-to-toe with Klaus Schwab.
Toe-to-toe with the Rothschilds and the Rockefeller Foundation.
And because we persevered, because you... Listen to me.
Let that sink in.
Because you have persevered.
We're not caught flat-footed.
We have a fighting chance, thanks to you.
So when you spread the word about the broadcast, when you visit InfoWareStore.com, when you do that, it keeps us on air.
So, we had major funding underages last year.
We still are right there on the edge of the red, but in the black right now, thanks to you.
And I said, our listeners would love a collectible coin that has a decent markup in it to fund our operation that's historical.
And then if we're able to stay on air, which it looks like we'll be able to,
you'll get special promo codes to save money and make your money back instantly
at InfowarsTour.com.
We've already done that some.
You will get discounts on future products.
And when we do a lot of special films and other projects, you will be getting free access to that
if we're able to carry out our operations.
So you're betting on the future, and I salute and I thank you all.
So we're selling out of the third and final coin, your last chance, in the founding member coin set.
The first was George Washington's Slaying the Dragon.
The second was a Tree of Liberty.
I designed all these.
These are amazing coins.
The third is the Come and Take It Molon Labe Free Men Bear Arms coin.
Exclusively at 1776coin.com.
Takes you to the URL patriotcollectibles.com.
And from the funds that come in, with the great company we're working with, we're going to launch a lot of stuff that doesn't have the big markup.
But brings great products to you.
Patriot accessories, other coins, belt buckles, cross necklaces.
We've got a big plan with these great folks.
And then there won't be a four-time markup.
That's to fund the future of new projects and the money to bring the public what they ask for.
Because we sent out a survey.
to our best customers a year ago, and said, "What is it you really want
"from InfoWars as a product?"
They said, "Well, we got great books and films "and great supplements and great t-shirts.
"What we want is Patriot accessories.
"We want InfoWars belt buckles.
"We want rings.
"We want necklaces.
"We want coins."
Well, that's what the coin is, and then it becomes a perpetual motion machine.
But those of you that pay forward and pay extra, then finance and fund the new media,
new operations and reporters, and a lot of exciting things.
So, thank you.
Thank you for being part of history.
This is your last chance, because we've already sold out of 60% of the coins in just three days.
We normally sell out in 10 days, and current sales rates will be sold out by just a couple of days.
So your last chance to get the third and final Founder Coin, put your email in, or we can't send you free offers and all these special deals you're going to be getting.
It's already happening.
In fact, as soon as this coin is sold out, I'm going to send you a promo code.
For an additional 20% off on top of all other sales.
That means you'll be getting a lot of products at cost or below.
Because on average we have 100% markup on a product and we discount it.
We're making 50%.
You're getting an additional 20 and we do these big super sales, it'll be at cost or lower.
So that's going to be happening just next week or so.
You'll get exclusive video reports.
I can't tell you all about it yet, because it's been ready, actually, for two months.
I've just been so busy.
We haven't done the promotions or launched it yet.
We've already got some of these new projects ready.
But I'm busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.
So thank you for the support.
And please support our local MNF affiliates as well.
I'm not claiming I'm the biggest preacher around or I'm a perfect person, but we're fighting abortion and fighting the devil more than most churches out there.
So make a donation to your local affiliate.
Your local talk show.
Your local station.
Become a sponsor.
Support the sponsors.
That's so important.
And the stations are getting that support.
That's why we have over 350 stations.
The most we've ever had.
Biggest we ever got was 200 affiliates.
Now we're 350 plus.
Totally added like 10 last week, so it's just 360 something.
And it's because they're getting great ratings, they're getting support, and people are supporting the sponsors and just sending $50 a month, $20 a month, $100 a month right to the radio station.
And it is having a giant effect with all these great mom-and-pop stations that are picking us up, and it gives them the support they've got to say no and leftist, pull dirty tricks and harass the stations and do stuff that people get their part of the fight.
And so...
I don't want to let the left know, but the harassment of the radio stations by the left makes them go, you know what, instead of him being on at midnight, we're going to put him on live, or we're going to put him on during drive time in the morning, or in the afternoon.
And so most of our stations have gone from having us on at night as a rebroadcast to live, or they go, you know what, we're putting you on drive time in the morning, yesterday's show.
And they're getting great responses.
So keep bullying globalist thugs.
Keep pecking at our affiliates.
It's working great.
And of course I can tell them that because they're not going to stop.
They're bullies.
They can't help it.
They're not going to quit.
And we're not going to quit either.
Separately, let me go over it and come back with your calls.
We have the Memorial Day Mega Sale has arrived up to 60% off and double Patriot points.
So when we talk about immune support, that's at cost at 60% off.
A bunch of concentrated cold pressed herbs to supercharge your immune system, 60% off.
Alpha Power, 40% off.
Brain Force Ultra Incredible Nootrobic, 50% off.
Vitamin D3 Gummies, 40% off.
Ultimate Fish Roll, highest grade fish roll, so good for your heart, cardiovascular, 50% off.
Ultimate Crill Oil, 40% off.
Whole Food Multivitamin, 40% off.
Heron Beard Supports, even better than Whole Food Multivitamin.
It's the same thing.
It's just a really good formula of vitamins and minerals.
We should call it Heron Beard.
Can't relabel it though.
Really, it's just an incredible multivitamin mineral.
All Dr. Jones Natural 40% off all t-shirts that are all special edition about to sell out at cost.
Infoworkstore.com or 888-253-3139 to call.
We can also give you the PO Box.
It's listed on the website.
All right, I'm gonna stop now.
I'm done plugging.
I won't even plug next hour.
We're going to come back.
We're going directly to your calls for this segment.
Then I'll do a little bit the next hour on the ADL.
The wheel's coming off.
Talk about a victory.
The whole world turned against the ADL and their damn lies.
They're the heart of the brainwashing, the heart of the disinfo, the heart of the racial division.
They're the biggest racist around.
They don't represent great Jewish people.
They represent the left.
That's coming up and so much more today on this Memorial Day Transmission.
Thank you so much for spending this Monday with us.
We'll be right back on the other side.
Here's some excerpts of those that didn't cower like Lee Greenwood and Governor Abbott and Cancel going to the NRA event in Houston.
Here's some of the excerpts.
Democrats truly care about stopping the bloodshed in America.
The Biden administration's war on police must end, and it must end right now.
We will no longer defund... Thank you.
We will no longer... I knew it had to happen.
Who is that man?
Stand up, please.
Who is that?
Had to happen.
We will no longer defund the police, and we will no longer even mention defunding of the police.
We will never mention it again.
Great American heroes.
And if allowed to do their job, they will do it like nobody else can.
All of those crime statistics will be cut.
So, in such a big way, you'll be so proud.
You'll be so proud to be an American.
If we as a nation were capable of legislating evil out of the hearts and minds of criminals who commit these heinous acts, we would have done it a long time ago.
Many would still tell us that the evil on display in Uvalde or in Buffalo derives from the presence of guns in the hands of ordinary American citizens.
It's far easier to slander one's political adversaries and to demand that responsible citizens forfeit their constitutional rights than it is to examine the cultural sickness giving birth to unspeakable acts of evil.
perfectly said by Ted Cruz.
Everybody knows the rich people have armed guards.
Everybody knows the Democrats have Secret Service and Federal Marshals.
So they have guns and they're saying you having guns causes this, well then they cause it too.
No, it's evil people.
And we need to stop cowering and backing down every time there's an event.
I'll go ahead and tell this story now.
I know Mike Tyson's a listener.
He talked about me on different shows.
Some folks with him reached out to us.
I went out there over a month ago, did a great podcast with him, did my own interview with him.
They asked us to wait till it was going to air.
And then it turns out he doesn't own his podcast.
He has a contract to do it.
And they didn't want it to air, but he threatened to basically quit if they didn't.
They were going to air it.
And then the shooting happened.
It was going to be airing.
This week.
But it had probably 20 million views.
And they killed it just because of that.
Just like all these people don't go to the NRA convention they signed up for a year ago because this happened as if they're guilty.
Because the media says you're guilty because you own a gun for what somebody else did.
It's like if a cop has a gun and a guy robs a bank.
And the police show up and people protest.
What do you got guns for?
It's your fault this happened.
It's ridiculous.
Again, it's like if somebody runs over people in a car on purpose.
Happens all the time.
Mainly Islamic extremists.
And do we blame other car owners?
You would laugh at that.
All car owners are to blame for this.
Or if somebody beats somebody's brains out with a baseball bat.
Or stabs them with a butcher knife.
Or pours gasoline on somebody and lights them on fire.
Or drowns them.
Oh, a bad father drowned his teenage son in the pool.
All pool owners are now to blame.
You'd say, that's ridiculous.
But they do it with the guns.
We need to stop being intimidated by these people.
So there's a litmus test of who went to this event and who didn't go to this event.
Showing footage of Kenosha, Wisconsin.
And it turns out that guy was a crazy anti-white, anti-Jew guy who also liked Hitler.
There's a lot of that weirdness going on.
That's now come out in court documents.
That's coming out next hour.
But let's start going to your phone calls right now.
And I've got some of the leftists protesting at the NRA convention and more coming up next hour.
And what the ADL just got caught doing is curtains for these people if this continues to come out.
Even the Washington Post is reporting it.
Because no one believes that white supremism is the number one crime in America.
That it's the highest rate.
It's not even in the top hundred.
It's insane.
The lies.
That's coming up next hour.
But who's been holding the longest?
That would be Steve, in the great state of Oklahoma.
Steve, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, great talking to you, Alex.
And first I want to say, God bless America, and God bless all our troops, all the served, and this guide for our country.
And I was listening to your video, I was on the radio listening, and I heard the guy talking, or it was you talking, about Say that again, because I'm listening to you.
about taking it to then taking it to the next level and what came to mind was the
footage out of Nashville right after the election and the explosion and the
weirdness of the RV having the loudspeaker broadcasting you know
everybody leave the area. Say that again because I'm listening to you. What
happened? On Nashville the bright neon video And what happened?
That looked like an explosion from an RV.
Oh, I remember the RV explosion in Nashville, yes.
And how before it blew up, they were saying get out of the area.
Well, if they think there's a bomb, and the man was broadcasting on loudspeakers, get back, because he wanted to make a political statement.
He didn't want to hurt anybody, reportedly.
Yeah, and then Brighteon.com had a video from somewhere, you know, outside the city where it looked like a trailer from a missile coming down.
I'll have to check that out.
Thank you so much, Steve.
Interesting points.
Let's go to Pennsylvania.
Let's talk to Kevin in Pennsylvania.
Hey, you know the ADL said that the Great Reset conspiracy theory is a white supremacist conspiracy theory.
The Great Reset.
They also said replacement migration, all official UN plans, all official WEF documents.
They're giving speeches on it, but the ADL says, we'll call you an anti-Semite if you don't want to be under the UN.
Yeah, it's ridiculous the level of gaslighting.
How about having David Martin on and Steve Peters?
He references your articles, but you never reference him.
But the main reason I called is to say that you're only one guy with one store, with the InfoWars store, and I wish I could buy stuff, but I have no money.
But I would like to throw out to you, why don't you open it up so other people can put their own stuff up there?
And like, if it was to get like a 5-10% cut of what they sell.
No, I mean, I agree that if I had the infrastructure and the people to do affiliate programs, we should be doing that.
You're absolutely right.
Now, I'm not trying to be mean here, but who is Dave Martin?
Oh, he's awesome.
Oh my God.
Go to Grumble.com and look up David, David Martin.
You don't know who he is?
Well, a lot of times I've seen people step up, but the names don't click and I'm not, I'm not pooh-poohing him, but.
Well, he, he came out with a whole thing.
The names and faces of the people who are killing humanity.
It's all documented.
All the COVID.
Everything with COVID.
All are patented.
From the virus to the vaccine.
And I think I may have seen that video.
I can't keep track of it all.
Well, thank you for calling in.
Oh, I know who he is.
We tried to get him on the show.
One day.
Oh, yeah.
He's the big brokerage firm guy.
Big Wall Street guy.
I don't know if he's the one. No, no, no, no, I know he is now. Thanks for reminding me.
Again, you want me, there's so many Dave Martins and I was like,
you should be like a Dave Martin Raw that had like a website. I wasn't sure the same one.
Listen, I had a family emergency one day. He was scheduled to be gone and
I thought I had to leave for it and I did leave for 30 minutes and then the emergency ended
and then I came back and he thought I just canceled him because I didn't like him.
Absolutely I know who he is.
He posts his videos.
I've got great information how he proves the whole chain of events.
Absolutely we would love to have him on the show.
So that's where that is and I apologize like five times on air.
And he said, yeah, I'll come on soon.
It never happened.
But I think he's one of the most articulate, best people out there.
Sorry, I wasn't clicking.
I was having a... Here's my problem.
I used to have a photographic memory until I was about 40.
And all the stuff that's gone on and just all the information I have now, that I don't have that memory anymore.
It's gone.
Um, and I have a decent memory and I can remember a lot of stuff.
Uh, but it's the weirdest thing with names.
I never forget a face.
And then I was thinking, but, but, but anyway, side issue.
Love having monster buddy calling, emailing, telling him, come on the show.
Hey, come on tomorrow.
We'll fly him here to Austin.
He can come in studio.
In fact, I've offered that very great person.
And one of the few big people fighting the COVID tyranny we haven't had on.
So that's on my to-do list.
I'm glad you called.
All right, we're gonna go to break.
Start the next hour and go to Tony and Liz and Zentura and so many others straight ahead on this Monday Memorial Day broadcast.
Band.video, InfoWars.com.
Tom, tomorrow's news today.
That is a very important URL for InfoWars supporters that want to get great products and save massively.
FreeWorldOutlet.com is an amazing organization that we have partnered with who is helping us purchase more product in the future so they can sell our products at a greater discount than you'll normally find at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Please welcome Yuval Noah Harari.
(audience applauding)
COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize total biometric surveillance.
We want to stop this epidemic.
We need not just to monitor people, we need to monitor what's happening under their skin.
What we have seen so far, it's corporations and governments collecting data about where we go, who we meet, what movies we watch.
The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin.
We now see mass surveillance systems established even in democratic countries, which previously rejected them.
And we also see a change in the nature of surveillance.
Previously, surveillance was mainly above the skin.
Now it's going under the skin.
Embedded in his hand is a microchip that serves as his keys, his ID, and his wallet.
Governments want to know not just where we go or who we meet.
Above all, they want to know what is happening under our skin.
What's our body temperature?
What's our blood pressure?
What is our medical condition?
In a matter of seconds, the chip is inserted.
The transformation is complete.
When scanned, all of a person's information about their vaccination status is shown on a reader or phone.
Now humans are developing even bigger powers than ever before.
We are really acquiring divine powers of creation and destruction.
We are really upgrading humans into gods.
We are requiring, for instance, the power to re-engineer life.
Humans are now hackable animals.
You will own nothing.
And you will be happy.
(upbeat music)
I think that fake news have been with us for thousands of years.
Just think of the Bible.
You know, the whole idea that humans have, you know, this, they have this soul or spirit and they have free will and nobody knows what's happening inside me.
So whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will.
Let's all go.
involved with any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling, anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?
To Turkey?
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
How is it that this organization is so well-funded, so organized?
Islamic State-linked militants have gained a stronger foothold in Libya, seizing new economically vital areas of the country.
The leader of ISIS in Libya is none other than Abdel Hakim Belhaj, and of course he was armed to the teeth by NATO.
In a world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
The Russians say they're negotiating with North Korea to hold joint military exercise.
Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin teaming up, creating an ominous alliance against the United States.
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is aggressively opposing the nuclear deal that the U.S.
government is negotiating with Iran.
Saudi Arabia is apparently prepared to allow Israeli jets into its airspace to conduct attacks on Iran.
We have an unprecedented opportunity to build a new world order.
I set up a foundation in Ukraine and play an important part in events now.
Ukraine is set to receive the first tranche of an international monetary fund aid package.
We had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin is on the move.
Only when this transformation is complete will we be able to take full measure of the opportunities presented by this new and involving world order.
It's known as the Milderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
Thank you so much for joining us on this Memorial Day transmission.
We are live, live, live.
We are alive and fighting back and waking the world up.
Together, you are the tip of the spear.
Every one of you that are activists spreading the word.
We're an American band.
We're coming to your town.
We are taking your phone calls right now.
I'm going to take three or four phone calls right now.
And in more calls next segment than bottom of the hour, I'm going to hit the ADL hitting a brick wall.
This is big.
Right now, let's go back to your phone calls.
Liz, in the great state, I have Florida envy, folks, with people waking up there.
I mean, I get mobbed all over, and I'm not bragging, but I'm a litmus test.
Because the average person isn't well known, so you're not going to know when people are awake.
But I go all over the country, rural areas, In Washington State or Oregon, rural areas in Northern California you think are liberal, super awake.
Rural areas in New York, rural areas in, you name it.
I get attacked in downtown Austin by the left that's taking over.
Sure, I'll shake 20 hands to every person that says F you, but it's still a lot more than other places.
L.A., most people like me.
But man, Florida, I can't walk through a parking lot without cars stopping, people getting out.
I get mobbed.
And that is an example of how popular freedom is, and it's exciting.
So I do have Florida envy.
Liz in Florida, thanks for calling, thanks for holding, welcome.
Thank you, Alex, first-time caller.
Never thought I'd be calling in.
Been listening to you for a long time.
But you, your guests, and everyone who calls in are so brilliant.
I really never thought I would call in.
But I've been trying to wake folks up for at least 10 years.
Never seem to have a lot of success.
And I was listening to your emergency broadcast the other day.
It was short.
And you had the head of the WHO and the head of Pfizer on there and they were short clips.
They were only like 30 to 40 seconds long.
So I replayed your emergency broadcast on my iPhone and I video recorded those two clips on my iPhone and I posted them on my Facebook page and sent them around a couple of places.
And it was like I almost broke the internet.
People were contacting me and calling me and saying, oh my god, this is so horrid.
What do I need to do to find out more?
And I was just, I mean, I couldn't believe the response.
It was amazing.
And I was just wondering, you all play such wonderful short clips that get people's attention.
If there's somewhere I can go to find some of those clips that your staff put on your
site every day.
Do you have like the little short ones like...
You know, I was thinking about this this morning, talking to Rob Dewar, Darren McBrainer, one
of our great researchers, because there's so many clips we play by themselves, but getting
all the Bill Gates clips, it's like an hour of them, and getting all of the Klaus Schwab
clips and the Harari clips and the Pfizer clips and the Tedros clips, and just putting
them back to back to back to back, because when you see it together, it's even worse.
World government, world IDs, carbon scores, Tedros admitting the shots are killing children,
saying they're going to take control of our bodies.
Bill Gates saying he wants to depopulate us.
It really is stunning when you look at it all together.
So we should create like a hot clips section or a viral video section of Bandai Video and just put those clips up there.
A great idea.
Alex, I think that would be so stellar.
And if you could even break them up so that I could or that people can just grab like one, because Facebook and those places, you have a limited amount of space, I guess, to upload, maybe 45.
I mean, people were blown away.
They had no idea.
And if you just say, go listen to Infowars.com without something like that grabbing their attention.
Once they see that, they're like, how do I find out more?
Oh my goodness.
So yeah, if we could do something like that.
I was waking, I woke up like 20 people in less than an hour.
It was amazing.
Well, you're absolutely right.
I mean, you've got to have a hook of info to show them, and people are really waking up right now.
Thank you, Liz.
God bless you.
Amazing goal.
When I say go out and send clips out and send articles out, that's exactly what I'm talking about.
And that's what needs to be done.
And some of the biggest clips waking people up is myself and our guest 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago, 3 years ago, predicting exactly what has now happened.
But again, we didn't predict it.
The people running things told us what they would do.
Let's go to the next caller here, who's been holding the longest now.
That would be Zentura in California.
I just want to say it's Ventura.
Just a quick, uh... Well, that's got Zentura as a cool name.
They put Zentura up there.
So you've been promoted with a cooler name.
All right, Ventura.
Uh, well, quick product plug-in.
X2 is great.
Vitamin Dural Fusion is great.
The hats are amazing.
I got my good old flag hanging up.
My hat's hanging up.
It's great.
I encourage everyone right now to go to InfoWarstore.com.
You want to keep in force, going afloat, help support them, help support the small businesses that need your help the most.
And I do want to say that's part of the right.
I want to dive in to the shooting here again, because it's tremendous.
It's horrid.
But what's happening in this day and age when the leftist liberals are, you know, trying to take our guns, trying to take our freedom, trying to murder babies.
It's horrible.
The American people, folks, listen.
You're listening right now, whoever it is.
You need to stand up.
Make your own little podcast on the internet like Alex.
Put yourself out there saying, hey, defunding police isn't cool.
Killing babies in the womb is not cool.
It's not cool.
Being gay is not cool.
I mean, there's all these things.
It's like people need to really wake up and realize that we are in threat of the new world order.
Alex has been warning us for years and decades.
And you're not waking up.
Wake up, America!
Well, you know, the wake up is always slow, but fast once it begins.
My issue is this.
I don't hate anybody for what they've done sexually or whatever, as long as they're not hurting children or targeting children.
And it doesn't mean that as a Christian I can't say, hey, that's a destructive lifestyle, that may not be good.
I just want a big tent to have a pro-human future and to recognize what the UN, what the WEF, what Hollywood's pushing is pure death.
And I totally agree with what you're saying.
And I just hope people realize that it's fine and dandy that we have successfully predicted what happened so far.
But we know what the globalists plan to do now that they're operational, and that is Absolute collapse of civilization.
And so people better understand, they don't want the next part of this to come true, and people are in the dark, starving to death, going, man, those conspiracy terrorists were really right.
We need to stop this now.
Thank you, Ventura.
We're gonna go break here in a few minutes and come back with Tony and many others that are patiently holding.
And then, as I said, I'm gonna run through The ADL with the wheels coming off at the bottom of the hour, then I'll continue with calls after that as well.
But what they do is they distract us with the new hype and the new fraud.
And they always make money off the new hype, the new fraud.
They always get more control off the new push.
And then just move on to the next distraction.
So it was COVID.
And then like a light switch, it was Ukraine.
And then, like a light switch, it was monkeypox.
And then, boom, the next thing, it was Givaldi.
Which then distracts from everything else they're doing, and the hyperinflation, and the running out of the staple products, and explosions in energy.
And we've got to keep looking at who said they're doing this.
Well, the Davos Group and the U.N.
and Biden and his Energy Secretary, they've all said we're doing this on purpose.
We have them.
It is a rich, out-of-control, crazy, transhuman, exterminist death cult.
We'll be back with your calls.
We're going to calls in the order they're received.
Tony in North Carolina.
Tony, you're on the air.
Hey, Ben.
Hey, Alex.
You got me?
Yes, sir.
Okay, I'm out in the middle of the woods on 19 acres, so I have to ask that periodically because my reception goes in and out.
I just want to thank you, man.
I love you.
I've been listening to you ever since Hillary said, there's this guy, Alex Jones.
And I just did an internet search and I found you and I've been listening to you ever since.
I probably have 20, 30 products on my shelf in my room.
Um, several t-shirts and I ordered your, uh, your fundraiser shirt today.
Um, I just, I can't thank you enough, man.
I changed my location.
I was a city guy.
Um, my wife and I cashed in our retirement.
We bought 19 acres in the country.
We got three forms of, uh, how to power our property, or at least the things that are important, like the water pump to our well.
preparation stuff over the years. Boy do I envy you, you're in a better position than I am.
Let me just say this, I was sitting here before this segment started and I thought,
man I want to thank the listeners again for keeping us in the fight. They are everything.
And I just said, no you do it too much. It just, it sounds fake because you do it so much.
But I just wanted to thank everybody.
Then I go to your call and you're thanking me.
Brother, don't thank me for trying to live and have a good country in the future.
I want to thank you.
Beautifully said.
And you are the people keeping us in the fight against George Soros and the globalists.
Powerful words.
What else do you want to add, sir, about the gun control?
Just quickly, I bought my first gun around when I found you.
Just because my eyes were open to how serious things are getting.
I never thought I would own a gun in my life, and I now have a concealed carry permit.
I volunteer for my church security.
I'm in a good old-fashioned country church, and it's probably only 100 people or so, but I bet you 25% of us are carrying every Sunday.
And the last thing, my wife was a schoolteacher.
Actually, two more things.
My wife was a schoolteacher.
She got out of the public schools and now she's teaching for a private Christian school, and we've got armed security, and I'm on the ground too, I'm on the maintenance team, and if something happens, I know several people are going to the fight.
And again, these killers always target big public schools.
And so, not attacking public schools in general, they're good people that work there, but public schools at the top are badly run, and the police chief of that public school Ordered the stand down and that's confirmed. That's not debatable
and you can say well, why did you do that?
That's up for speculation, but not that they did it. You're absolutely right. The answer is decentralization
getting out of the big cities if you can and Absolutely getting prepared beautifully said what else you
want to say tony Last thing uh, alex. Um, I just want to encourage everyone
to not give up on witnessing to people Uh from my sisters who think you know, you're just a guy
full of hatred and you know You're rude. You interrupt people and I just say, you know,
he's just passionate and I tell my friend I I just don't give up hope and I tell people at my church
And now people are starting to listen and ask me questions, but it went through a dozen rejections. So
out of love Go in to walk away and try another day, but don't give up witnessing to people.
God bless you, brother.
Good to hear that you are in the fight.
Beautifully said.
The answer to evil is more good people getting involved and informed and armed.
Let's go to another caller here.
Dakota in Louisiana.
You're on the air, Dakota.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
Can you hear me?
I can.
Well, I'm kind of in the same situation.
I'm out on a bunch of land, so I know you don't like the callers calling in with bad signal, so thank you.
Look, real quick... Your signal is as clear as it gets, brother.
Look, I was laying in bed last night and thinking, you know, I need to call in and talk to Alex.
I'm a longtime listener, first-time caller.
It's about the spiritual aspect that you speak about so much.
I try to listen to you as much as I can, cutting grass or just whatever, And you've really been hitting on the spiritual aspect of things so much lately, and just a quick story.
When I was in high school, you know, I was really involved in church and trying to do the right thing and reading the Bible all the time, but something just felt off.
And I'll never forget one night, my junior year, I hit my knees and just begged God to just show me the truth.
And for all the listeners out there that think it's a game, it's not, because when you really open that portal up, He's gonna hit you upside the head.
And the truth that came after that, I found your podcast out, you were streaming back in those days, 2009, and it just opened your world up.
When you really try to start following God, and you're not just consumed by the preachers and the, you know, The little fairytale church world that a lot of people live in.
Man, it turns your career, your life.
As soon as you cry out the Holy Spirit, the whole war opens up and God shows you what's happening.
And it's the opposite of what's in mainline churches.
And I wish more churches were good.
Some are starting to wake up.
You're absolutely right.
The real Holy Spirit is a completely different thing than what these churches are teaching.
And you know, you've hit on a lot lately, and I've been sharing some of your Band Up video stuff with some pastor friends of mine.
And obviously, a lot of them say, well, you know, if the Lord ordains it, it's going to happen.
Well, that's true, but that still doesn't mean that you should just give up your responsibility to wake up... Yeah, I mean, why did Jesus do what he did?
Why did the prophets do what they did?
Why did George Washington fight back?
God helps those that helps themselves.
God works through us.
And, oh, God ordains we all take a chip.
Yeah, and we're supposed to fight it and prove who we are.
So, yeah, these preachers are just trying To expand the number of people.
They're not really churches, most of them.
And it's disgusting.
And if we had a real church in this country, we would not be in this position.
But there are a lot of real churches out there, brother.
Yeah, and the real church, if you look back at history, got persecuted, and most of those people died brutal deaths, you know, all the disciples.
They got killed in the Roman Colosseum, and I guess that preacher would say, well, they should have done what Caesar said.
Romans 13 is out of context.
Jesus said, they said, hey, should we pay taxes?
And he goes, yeah, that's Caesar's money.
That's Caesar coined that.
That's his.
Yes, give to them.
That's their system.
But don't be part of the world.
Build your own system with God.
Well, hey, Alex, I don't want to keep you, but all these callers calling in, thank you.
And I just want to say, look, you know, it's not just Alex Jones.
You're seeing Rand Paul and all these guys start to wake up and ring the alarms.
You know, this is the spiritual battle.
This is the battle that the Bible talks about.
And like Alex says, get your families and your hearts right.
You know, learn how to can food, learn how to do things out of your comfort zone, because we're here and the devil moves by stealth and it's not long.
But thank you, Alex, man.
God bless you, brother.
God bless you, brother.
All right, Dakota, amazing call.
All right, we got loaded phone lines with Tom and Robert and Jeff and Cameron and everybody else, the order your calls are received.
But next segment, I got to go after the ADL and things blowing up in their evil New World Order, race baiting, racist faces.
That's coming up.
And then, final segment of this hour, your calls again.
Stay with us.
If you look at everything happening today in America with the fact checkers and the censors and saying that anybody that questions open borders or replacement theory, which is a UN plan, or forced inoculations or lockdowns or election fraud is a white supremacist, and you wonder where did this all come from?
This is being duplicated by Biden and by Homeland Security and by so many captured U.S.
government agencies.
If you go back to where it came from, it's the ADL.
And I could spend an hour on the ADL being founded after a man kidnapped, raped, and then murdered a little girl.
And the ADL was founded in 1913.
Look it up.
To go after anybody that exposed that type of stuff.
So it was born out of that.
And the ADL in the 90s Got caught in California infiltrating police departments, robbing police files on people.
They got caught shaking down movie theater owner chains, saying, if you don't let our people, you know, control this, we're going to sue you for being an anti-Semite.
They've lost major lawsuits.
And they've gone around and given awards and all sorts of monies to police chiefs around the country, just like Soros does taking over The District Attorneys and the County Attorneys and all the rest of it, and Schwarzenegger has been involved with the whole UN project to munialize cities is the term, and put them under UN control.
So that's what the ADL does.
And two years ago they had the ADL Summit, and had Sasa Bear Cohen up there calling for my arrest.
But then they talk about the Azog Battalion, actual real Nazis.
In Ukraine, they go, oh, well, they're good guys.
That's on screen for TV viewers.
So something happened last week, of all places, and we already knew this, we already talked about it, but the Washington Post did a big report with the FBI's own crime statistics and the statistics the ADL was using to point out that when a white person murders anybody, black, white, doesn't matter, it's counted as a white supremacist attack.
And then they don't count black people attacking white people or any other racial attacks as a racial attack.
They just lie.
And then the FBI picks that up, even though their own numbers don't show that, and says the number one threat is white supremacists.
It's the number one cause of death in the United States.
That's not true.
It's not in the top 100.
So here's the Washington Post article if you want to read about it.
Beware the data on American right-wing violence from the ADL.
Murder and extremism in the United States.
Here's the ADL report.
Meanwhile, BLM rails against Biden's executive order.
Policing is a white supremacist institution rooted in slave patrolling.
So any police is racist.
They just want to take over the police.
Rand Paul comes out and slams Democrat plan to brand police soldiers as white supremacists if they don't adopt the critical race theory transgender communist ideology.
It's a litmus test.
Washington Post ADL data on right-wing extremist violence is a fraud.
Key article by Chris Minahan at Infowars.com with all the documents.
Here's one of the reports.
Demographics, age of gang members.
So they basically count any crime by a white person that's violent as a white supremacist attack, even if it's against white people.
Fox News, Daryl Brooks, the Facebook post, that's the Kenosha attacker.
Remember the car they said attacked?
The SUV attacked?
Called for violence against white people in support of Hitler.
There's also this weird leftist support of Hitler and anti-Semitism against Jews in general.
All very important reports to understand this.
And here's the article I mentioned.
ADL defends Ukraine's neo-Nazis.
They don't attack Jews or Jewish institutions.
Remember there were Jewish collaborators with Hitler in World War II.
The ADL murder report that cried white supremacists.
Another key report.
So, what are we going to do about this?
Because we have Homeland Security and the Justice Department saying that white people are number one terror threat, when the opposite is the case, and that white people have the second lowest crime demographic of anybody in this country.
Asians have the lowest.
It's simple.
The Democratic Party working for big mega banks and corporations, with authoritarian regimes around the world, and NBA team owners saying, so what if there's 3 million Muslims in death camps in China?
These people know that Americans don't want to be called Nazis.
We're the good guys.
We beat the Nazis.
And so they threaten us, we'll call you a Nazi if you don't agree to our entire political agenda.
But the good news is, even the Washington Post is now reporting on this and saying it's just not true.
Because it's not true.
How many white supremacist attacks where a white person really went and killed brown people this year?
You know about Buffalo.
There was actually six or seven other cases.
We're talking 20 dead black people.
And it's wrong.
How many black people got aborted this year?
Hundreds of thousands.
Millions total.
That's why the DHS head was questioned last week, or two weeks ago, and couldn't name one case that he referred to the DOJ for white supremacy or domestic terrorism.
In fact, I've got clips here where Democrats are saying it was a white supremacist attack in Uvalde, when it was a devil attack in Uvalde.
She can say, OK, the ADL is discredited.
Well, they're not discredited being founded to protect a murdering pedophile.
They're not discredited breaking into police departments and being convicted of stealing data.
They've lost lawsuits for shaking people down like Jesse Jackson does.
Do this or I'll say you're racist.
We have to stop.
Carrying what Hollywood and the corporate media and the Democrats and the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center say.
The Southern Poverty Law Center's own employees went public against them.
They got a billion bucks offshore.
It's all a giant scam.
They're tied into German intelligence.
And these are the political bullies out there trying to silence and take our sacred First Amendment and our sacred right to self-defense the Second Amendment.
And so we need to stop being intimidated by the ADL and expose what the ADL is.
An anti-American authoritarian group dividing the American people and lying with fraud, claiming that the number one crime in America isn't millions across the border every month and hundreds of thousands of sex trafficking and thousands dead and the heads being cut off and all of it.
And all the other crime and thousands shot and killed in Chicago every year, none of that is on the radar.
It's all, did you look under your table today?
Because Hitler's hiding under there.
And then they're financed by people like George Soros, who bragged on 60 Minutes and on NPR that the best time of his life, it was exhilarating, he said, to work for Hitler and to round Jews up.
And the ADL gives Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose dad was a Nazi, awards when Hitler told Rolling Stone he loves Hitler.
I mean, it's just sick!
So to get the ADL's endorsement, you need to be a Nazi!
Or a collaborator.
Or a sympathizer.
Or somebody that's worked with them.
It's disgusting.
So we need to get this report out to your local police departments and sheriff departments and other places because in most cases in big cities but also a lot of medium-sized cities and towns the ADL is there putting on conferences brainwashing and recruiting your police to be their political enforcers and agents and it's wrong.
So if you want to politically non-violently break the back of this We have to fully discredit the ADL that has these tracking systems that spy on Americans online, that reports back to the government, and that labels any criticism of censorship or tyranny as racist or anti-Semitic, and it's disgusting.
There aren't many Jews out there that support the ADL.
They are a criminal organization, in my view, that hides behind Jews and tries to paint America as Hitler.
No, we're not Hitler.
George Soros is the one that supported Hitler.
We'll go to break, come right back to your phone calls.
Please stay with us.
Why is America special?
Well, we're not perfect, but we got on the lockdowns first, and we're an example of the world.
The fight for the future's here.
Alright, let's go to phone calls right now.
In the order they're received, Tom in Wisconsin, thanks for calling, thanks for holding, welcome.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
We're in the thick of the new world order now, brother, it's gonna get crazier now.
Yeah, yeah it is.
You know, I think the one thing that I think gets missed by most people, even those that claim to be, you know, patriots and love America and all this and that, I think the one thing they forget is that most, if not all, of the current state of what you call the government, or which is really just a Latin anglicized word called mind control, what they forget is that most of this, if not almost all of it, is color of law.
It is perceived authority.
And let me give you a prime example of what I mean.
Take the IRS.
The IRS on the face of it has no jurisdiction at all.
For most people.
In fact, if you're an average working man or woman, the IRS has absolutely no jurisdiction at all over you.
Unless, the big unless, you sign the contract and you send it in every single year.
So, That's the thing that people seem to lose in all this.
They think that they can fight the IRS.
In the same way the FBI got Martha Stewart for lying to the FBI, she hadn't committed a crime, but under penalty of perjury, getting you to be part of it is how they get you in the system.
You're right.
So let me just use myself as an example.
Walk in my shoes for a moment, Alex.
I have not paid the IRS any single penny For over a decade.
Actually, going back to 2007.
So it's been like 15 years.
I haven't paid them a dime.
And I got one thing in the mail from them, like, years ago.
And it had a year on it that said, we got no information from you for this year.
And there was nothing else on it.
That's how, that's how, um, color of law actually is.
And once you start to fight them and say no, That is when you actually start to win.
But it goes it goes beyond that even to well, that's a whole other subject and I hate to even get into this
without doing two hours on it But yes, 1913 we got the Federal Reserve
we got the income tax we got the 17th Amendment to 16th Amendment to move the
Senators out for being elected by the legislatures to the federal government to create that permanent Imperium
And so yes, it's unconstitutional Yes, it's a fraud.
Yes, the rich people don't pay it.
Yes, they write loopholes for it.
So there's different ways to do it.
If you want to operate and have companies and businesses and do things, they're going to get you if you don't pay it.
Or you can just do the way we do it with jonestaxrelief.com, powered by the great folks at American Tax Solutions, that give you all the legal, lawful loopholes the elites use to basically pay almost no tax.
So that's the thing.
If you can be, you know, like a carpenter or a plumber or a business owner that's small and under the radar, more power to you, it's all a fraud, doesn't go to run the country, and social engineering, you're absolutely right.
But a lot of people Don't know how to navigate that, so that's why I try to promote the option of using the Establishment Zone loopholes.
Yeah, and I'm not going to say that you're wrong for doing that, because if somebody's not on that level, they're just simply not on that level.
But that's a problem, Alex.
That's a problem.
No, I agree, because they're going to use that now for the cashless society, the social credit score, and make you take shots to even have access to get a paycheck.
So yeah, we've got to say no with civil disobedience.
The Supreme Court's ruled people not paying income tax being against a war is legitimate.
And so there's a lot of things out there that people can do to not play along with us.
Yeah, and here's the other thing, Alex.
Here's the other thing.
If you're not covering your own assets in terms of food, shelter, even clothing, transportation, if you're not finding ways to find it to come from the earth as the good Lord made it, then you're dependent.
And that dependency is, in a way, it is consent.
No, you're right.
Everything they want is dependency to make us unnatural under their control.
Great points.
Thank you so much, Tom.
We've talked to you all day long.
We've got to get to all the callers here.
Jeff in California.
Jeff, welcome.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've spent so much money at the Billboard store, and I'm thankful for it.
My true testimonials are great, and I think it's a reason One of the biggest reasons why I'm for wars is where it is today.
I mean, just I could plug so many, but iodine and the vitamin mineral fusion I feel has changed my life, has made me feel more youthful.
The products, they're great discounts.
I give them away as gifts at a Christmas gathering that I had.
Family, I don't see that much.
I gave out the Ultra 12.
I don't think it's in stock right now.
It is.
All the tags and everything on the manufacturing.
But the family, they were looking at me and they were like, this guy, we don't see him that much, but he looks so much more youthful.
He looks so much more vibrant.
What is it?
And they just really were interested in the products that I was giving away since they're so powerful.
Oh, there's no doubt that I couldn't do what I do without X2 and things like that.
It's just incredible.
Thank you so much, Alex.
I know you don't.
I will get on to my point.
No, no.
Thank you, brother.
What's on your mind about the next 12 months?
Yes sir, yes sir.
It's something the Holy Spirit has just been itching on my soul to share with the audience, something that I really feel is coming.
And I guess it keyed from a great Leo Sagami interview that I saw I think last summer on this program, where he talked about the next decade, the great reset decade from 2020 to 2030, he broke down into three-thirds.
And the first third was biological, which we've seen with the COVID virus and we've seen with the shots.
That's a biological attack.
He said the middle third was going to be cyber.
And that's when I think, you know, from four or five and six decades, the years of this decade, you know, potentially we're going to see those cyber attacks.
And then he said the last third of this decade was going to be nuclear.
So he broke down the three thirds.
He did say that.
Zogami is amazing.
Talk about a real insider.
We should get him back on to break that down.
Like maybe a whole hour commercial-free Saturday show this next Saturday.
Because boy, he is on fire and he's been vindicated.
It was.
It was a very powerful interview and I could just feel that he's really trying to... I think he knows more than he's letting in.
Well no, I mean he's on record.
I've been to Rome with him and he was in the real Illuminati.
And he went public against it.
Alright, thank you so much.
God bless you, Jeff.
We're going to move quickly to everybody here.
Let's go ahead now and let's go to Robert in Alabama.
Robert, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
First off, I want to thank God for enlightening me to tune in to your broadcast.
I first started listening to you from one of the Joe Rogan podcasts, and the day I did that, I realized You were telling the truth, and I've been listening every day since.
It's been two years.
Well, let's be clear.
I try to tell the truth.
Sometimes I make mistakes, but yes, we are trying to tell the truth.
Big Devers from the corporate media that's lying on purpose.
Yeah, well, when you show the documents and everything like that, you know, there's no denying you're telling the truth.
And one of the things that, you know, I've Been trying to call in for over a year now, and after watching Reset Wars, it made me think of, you have so much knowledge, and I think everyone needs to listen to certain key points you have.
And I think if you came out with a show on books that you've read that has shown the Things that have happened, the powers that be have been orchestrating what's going on for decades, if not centuries.
I think that would be essential for our survival and overcoming this.
That's a really good idea.
There's a lot of stuff we need to do.
I want to do like Prager University-style reports, just like we used to do, that are just four or five minutes and just show a particular topic.
But yeah, that's a great idea.
What do you think, with 162 days out from the midterms, the deep state's going to pull, brother?
Oh, I mean, they've already cheated one time and stole the election, and what's going to make them stop from doing it this next time?
Unless we stand up.
And really, the only one that can save us is Christ.
That's right.
Robert, if we don't act... Go ahead, sorry.
If we don't act, God won't do anything.
That's why he gave us free will, and we need to stand up.
Show these people who's boss.
That's right, when these mainline preachers say it's God's will, don't fight evil, they're like devils.
They're not like devils, that's the doctrine of devils.
We've been given free will to do the right thing and God is working through us.
Amazing point, thank you sir.
Alright, we got a special guest coming up, but I'll also intersperse your calls with that guest.
So, everybody holding.
In other words, Cameron up first, and then David, and then, got two Camerons, and then Robert, Paul, and Ryan, we'll get to all of you.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
This is an emergency transmission from deep in the heart of Texas, the U.S.
resistance against a global corporate combine, empowered and funded by Communist China, allied with the big megabanks that set up Communist China in 1949.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of U.S.
telecommunications infrastructure.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of Hollywood.
The Communist Chinese take control of the main universities.
This is all confirmed.
This is not a drill.
Big Tech in Silicon Valley is almost completely run by the Communist Chinese government.
It officially becomes state-run.
Apple 100%.
Google is now making the transition and announcing a merger and total worldwide censorship.
They are now beta testing using me as the straw man, a demonized version of Alex Jones, to do that.
This is happening.
This is not like the other probes before that were meant to get you used to probes and censorship, thinking you would adapt to censorship by just putting up with it.
Now this attack is thousands and thousands and thousands of times the magnitude of all previous attacks.
This is a titrated dose, reverse psychological warfare operation using adapt and overcome, subversion, paradigm manipulation.
In layman's terms, they are manipulating the fact that we adapt to being oppressed.
We adapt to being pressed with the low dosages of oppression.
Now when the megaton hits us of the total takeover, we try to adapt to the poison infusion instead of not knowing.
It's a lethal dose if we accept the dose.
Total Internet of Things, integration, global social security.
virtual reality AI weapon system now attacking the United States with traitors inside the major
security agencies blocking Trump's resistance of the program and attempting to stop us from
removing the tentacles of the Qaikom/Big Tech banking combine emergency situation.
I have been chosen for destruction because I brought you this information and have been
battering, ramming it out as much as I can. They want to double use me as they always do in any
complex system of mathematical deception where every angle of my good is turned against us.
So they take what I've said, being sincere, build me into an insincere person in the straw man.
I'm a person that cares about life and children, and is against these wars, and so they make me a herder of children.
And then they build me into this lie to then set the distraction while they're actually censoring all of you to make the debate about Alex Jones.
So even if I didn't sell out to them, they now use me as an archetype to serve them by being the main distraction.
I have now been captured by the enemy in the information warfare fulcrum and is being used against you.
Only your full understanding of this key will break you free from this paradigm.
I have given you the transmission I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Eisenhower said beware the military-industrial complex, and I would say that that needs to be updated to beware of what I call TIM.
technology, intelligence, and media.
with us a few weeks ago.
He joins us.
I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better
believe you've got one!
Infowars has made history.
You have made history in your support of InfoWars.
And one of the biggest tools we've had to circumvent and override the censors has been Patriot apparel, so we can identify each other, so we can spread the word, and so we can push people to websites like InfoWars.com so they can understand the globalist plan and how to stop it.
Now ladies and gentlemen, two months ago we announced we're blowing out of all of our designs of t-shirts, some of which go back more than 25 years.
All these shirts are limited edition, they are about to be history, and will only exist in your closet, your drawer, or your wardrobe.
So, there's only 15,000 shirts of 60 plus thousand left.
In a couple weeks, they'll all be gone and they'll be history.
We're selling them all at cost at InfoWarStore.com.
So thank you all for your support.
Please visit InfoWarStore.com and get one of these historic shirts, hoodies, long sleeves, ball caps, you name it, while you still can.
I want to thank you all for your support.
Well, we love to have people on that are super informed and on fire, and I gotta tell you, Clay Clark is amazing.
He's putting on the huge Reawaken America Tour with tens of thousands showing up at these events all over the country, with General Flynn, myself, and so many others, like Roger Stone.
But he was on a few weeks ago.
I had to get him back because he is just over the target.
He has the documents, he has the research, and he's guest 2.0 where he plays his own clubs of what he's backing up and what he's saying.
So I welcome him to do that with us as well.
But last week at the big Davos Group meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, where they went public with their plans in amongst the announcements of implantable microchips to buy and sell in world government, carbon taxes and world IDs and Margaret the Beast.
They said, we want countries to prepare new lockdowns for new viruses.
Basically to, quote, cut carbon.
And they want to make you work in the metaverse and not be able to leave your house, be a prisoner.
So he wants to get into the new lockdowns being announced by the private corporate group running the UN.
He wants to get into monkeypox and so much more.
But there it is.
The World Economic Forum lockdowns are improving cities around the world.
And they called for new lockdowns.
The specific headline was, they put a document out, was they asked nations to prepare a codified plan for new lockdowns.
So Clay Clark, thank you so much for joining us.
Alex, I really do appreciate you allowing me to be here with your listeners.
I encourage everyone to get out a pen and a pad, or maybe a massive crayon.
I've got a massive orange crayon here.
Whatever you need to take notes here, folks.
But I encourage you to write this down here, okay?
First thing is go to timetofreeamerica.com, and then click on the button that says Monkeypox, or just look at the button that says Monkeypox.
And Alex, isn't this interesting that the Nuclear Threat Initiative, an organization funded by Bill and Melinda Gates that was supposedly started by Ted Turner, that they somehow prophesied nearly 18 months ago that on June 5th of 2022 there would be a monkeypox outbreak?
And they even had Biden and others order the monkeypox vaccine that was delivered a week before the new scare started.
And so what I'm going to do, Alex, I'm going to play a couple of clips because I want people to understand why they're so obsessed with scaring everybody into putting RNA-modifying nanotechnology inside your body.
But again, folks, go to TimeToFreeAmerica.com and click on the button, the monkeypox button.
You'll see it all there.
The first clip I want to play for you, this is An audio clip from the World Economic Forum, okay?
And this is an audio clip featuring the CEO of Intel.
Listen to this, folks.
Again, this is the CEO of Intel at the World Economic Forum.
He actually says their vision the World Economic Forum has for you and your family in the future.
Here we go.
Let me back it up.
Here we go.
If I may, a vision of the future.
What time do you normally wake up in the morning?
That's kind of an intrusive question.
Somewhere between six and seven.
Okay, six o'clock.
Tomorrow morning, right, your alarm goes off at 5 a.m., right?
The voice comes through your alarm clock and it says, last night I noticed a heart irregularity, the third one you've had this month.
We've decided that we need to schedule you for an appointment today.
I've pre-scheduled your doctor's appointment.
Your personal devices now, all that information has been uploaded and we've done a full DNA analysis of everybody fits your age, your ethnic community, etc.
The schedule is already there.
Since I pre-predicted the driving pattern to get to your hospital appointment, I had to get you up an hour early.
Apologize, sir.
I preloaded the directions into your self-driving car.
I've also moved your coffee order from your normal Starbucks to one that's on the way.
And we are going to the heart doctor, so I made a decaf.
And Alex, don't you think this is a great thing?
I mean, this is complete and total control over free will.
So again, this is the CEO of Intel explaining to you how the RNA-modifying nanotechnology and the COVID-19 shots, these biosensors, would control your life and your schedule moving forward.
It's a total, complete AI takeover of every facet of human life, like Harari and others have been saying.
Well, you know, Alex, the CEO of Nokia.
Okay, Nokia.
Everyone probably has a Nokia phone or had a Nokia phone.
He was asked about the smartphone technology moving forward.
Again, this is at the World Economic Forum, and this is what he said about smartphone technology moving forward.
This is the CEO of Nokia, Pekka Lundmark.
Listen to this audio.
Here we go.
I wanted to ask when you all think we're going to move from this form factor to something that's on your face, glasses, and computing's all on the edge.
All right, 50 seconds.
Who wants to answer quickly?
Here we go.
I think it will go.
First of all, it will definitely happen.
I was talking about 6G earlier, which is around 2030.
I would say that by then, Definitely the smartphone as we know it today will not anymore be the usual, kind of the most common interface.
Many of these things will be built directly into our bodies.
Okay Alex, he just said that in the year 2030 all the smartphone technology will be inside your body.
So let's just kind of cover what we've unpacked so far.
One, the CEO of Intel just said that the RNA-modifying nanotechnology inside the COVID-19 shots, the biosensors, will have the ability to schedule an appointment for you and schedule your day for you and to tell you when you have a health crisis that you need to then cancel your day and worry about.
Two, the CEO of Nokia just said that by 2030, your smartphones will be built directly into your brain.
And third, Alex, at the World Economic Forum, you have a person by the name of Helen Clark.
Now Helen Clark said that the WHO needs to be able to prevent the next pandemic by actually having new powers to deploy assets on site and to stop an outbreak before it begins.
This is Helen Clark from the World Economic Forum again speaking here from Davos.
Here we go.
We have to believe that it's possible to stop a localized outbreak becoming a raging global pandemic.
And that means better surveillance, more transparency, frankly, by all member states.
If they think something's happened, it's got to be reported.
And the WHO needs the power to be on the site with whatever teams need to be deployed.
It needs to be able to publish the information it has rather than beg countries for permission
to do it.
It's got to be able to take a precautionary approach in running up a flag.
And it's got to be able to declare an emergency without being kneecapped by an emergency committee.
These are basic things that need to be dealt with in a review of the international health
Otherwise, we will lose weeks again next time something happens.
So folks, quick recap.
The models that said that 2.2 million Americans would die from COVID-19.
Those models are false.
Two, the PCR test, the polymerase chain reaction COVID-19 tests are falsely calibrated to inflate
the number of cases.
Three, COVID-19 is 100% treatable using budesonide, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine.
They cooked it up themselves.
Five, they said they use a virus to take full control.
They're self-appointing themselves leaders and commanders over the earth with a biomedical dictatorship run by the UN.
You're correct.
And now we're saying, well, why are they so obsessed with everybody putting this technology inside their body?
It's because they want to put the smartphone technology in your body, as they just said.
Again, this is the CEO of Nokia.
The CEO of Intel is saying they want to be able to have a complete medical-driven technology totalitarian government.
What's happening, Alex, is we are seeing the implementation of the Mark of the Beast system.
So I encourage everybody, as we head into the break, go to time2freeamerica.com forward slash revelation.
That's time2freeamerica.com forward slash revelation, because we are living through the implementation of Revelation chapter 13, verses 16 through 18.
We're living through the book of Daniel.
The Bible prophesied these things.
God wasn't surprised by this.
But Alex, you and I happen to have the fortune or misfortune to be living through The implementation of the Mark of the Beast technology, and I encourage everybody to stand up and fight back.
Now is the time to lead people to Jesus.
Now is the time to get back in the boat.
There's a flood coming, folks, and you want to be right with God, so I encourage everybody, join us on the Reawaken America Tour.
I mean, Alex, you were called a conspiracy theorist, and you still are for well over a decade, and we've got folks like Eric Trump and Kash Patel and General Flynn.
The reinforcements are showing up because people are discovering Alex Jones was right and I just encourage everybody be a part of it.
We're going to Virginia Beach in July.
We have just under a thousand tickets remaining to the Reawakened America Tour in Virginia Beach featuring Mike Lindell, General Flynn, Eric Trump, etc.
Then we're going to be going in August to Rochester, New York.
And Alex, we are not going to stop because it is the Great Reawakening versus the Great Reset.
All right, Clay Clark, stay there.
He's excited because he should be.
Open world government, Mark of the Beast, control system, saying they're going to be gods, prophecy is being fulfilled, and where are most of the churches at this critical time?
It is insane.
Those are some clips we didn't play from the meeting last week.
There's so many.
I mean, it's just wild.
You have no free will.
We're taking over your body.
We rule the world.
You won't be able to leave your house unless we say so.
You'll live in the metaverse.
We're going to make your kids be transgender.
I mean, this is a declaration of satanic war and a digital dictatorship.
We're about to look at Revelations 13, 16, 18, in just a moment with our special guest, Clay Clark.
But I want to encourage listeners, I want to encourage viewers to understand, we are sponsored, we are backed.
In this historical fight by you, not by Soros and the big money.
So please visit InfoWarsTore.com.
We're running the Memorial Day special this week only.
Can't go any longer than that.
Up to 60% off and double Patreon points.
That means 10% off, not 5% off on your next order.
You can make straight donations at infowarestore.com.
Right up at the top, I want to thank you all for your support.
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All Dr. Jones Naturals toothpaste and mouthwash and rocket rest and Primal Youth and Comet
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And we have the founding member third coin, the final coin in the three-part series.
We've already sold out 60% of them as of this morning.
Put them on sale Thursday.
They'll be sold out in just a few days.
And that founding member, will you give us your email?
We'll get a lot of special benefits and things in the future if we're able to stay on air, which it looks like we will be able to.
So, get the Molon Labe, come and take it.
get a Freeman Bear Arms coin at 1776coin.com or Patriot Collectibles.com.
Get this historic piece while you still can, and thank you all for the support.
Now, Clay Clark is an author, researcher, talk show host, businessman in his own right.
Amazing, you can hear him.
Puts on these Reawakened American Tours with 5, 10, 20,000 people all over the country.
It is so exciting to be part of this and to have him on air with us.
this but he mentioned Revelation 13 16 18 16 And he hath all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or their forehead, and that no man might buy or sell, save he have that mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of the name.
Here is wisdom.
Let him who have understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of man, and his number is six hundred, three score and six.
We are living through this now.
It's incredible as Christians on this planet that God gave us free will, but God loved us so much he gave us his only begotten son, and gave us a cheat sheet on what would be coming and what would be happening.
Clay Clark, it's just incredible.
Why aren't more churches talking about this?
Well, I can answer this question very directly.
I happen to work, Alex, as a consultant.
I'm not fishing for clients.
I'm just explaining some context here.
If people go to Thrivetimeshow.com, how I make money, Alex, is I get paid by 160 organizations to help them grow.
And unfortunately, or fortunately, I've had an opportunity to work with a lot of really terrible pastors and a lot of great pastors over the years.
What I found, Alex, is that a lot of the pastors have gone through seminary.
And they've been taught with a Rockefeller-style education that says, blindly memorize and repeat, and then a lot of them quit reading the Word of God.
Now, I want to praise pastors like Pastor Greg Locke, who's on the Reawaken America Tour, Pastor Brian Gibson, who's on the Reawaken America Tour, Pastor Phil Hotzenpiller.
They actually read the Bible.
And so when you read Revelation chapter 13, verses 16 through 18, and it tells you to look out for the number 666, Immediately, when they see Congress running out legislation called H.R.
666, immediately they as pastoral leaders, they tell their flock, hey guys, listen, listen here, look out for this, it's called H.R.
Congress is trying to roll out legislation That would implement the Mark of the Beast technology.
When they saw legislation called HR 6666, it was abundantly clear that the Mark of the Beast was near.
Folks, look it up in DuckDuckGo, HR 6666.
When Google rolled out their new logo that looks exactly like a 666, or when CERN, CERN is the organization that is trying to summon demonic spirits, their logo is 666.
And so those kind of pastors are wide awake.
And so Alex, what I'm trying to do with the help of General Flynn and Eric Trump and others is to bring pastors to these events.
And I'm proud to say in Virginia Beach, Alex, we have nearly 300 pastors RSVP'd already to attend the Reawaken America Tour because the pastors are rising up.
I am seeing pastors wake up, but I blame the Rockefeller-style education system that pastors are ran through At seminary for them being asleep right now at the time that their flock... And by the way, Clay Clark, you're just quickly saying that, but let's flesh that out.
A hundred years ago, the Rockefeller Foundation created the World Council of Churches, and what you're talking about is they literally go and buy off the major denominations.
They send them to these paid-for conferences that brainwash them and say, you'll get support, you'll get funding, follow this doctrine, and that's the answer of why this is happening.
You're correct, and I'm going to go ahead and cite my sources.
If you go to time2freeamerica.com and you click on the button that says, The Truth About Renting Religious Leaders, I'm going to name some names here real quick that are going to blow somebody's mind.
You know that T.D.
Jakes, I used to listen to T.D.
Jakes, T.D.
Jakes is out there doing Zoom calls with Dr. Fauci right now, pushing the RNA-modifying nanotechnology shots!
This is T.D.
Another example, again, this would be, you have major, major pastors are pushing lockdowns and shutdowns.
Think about this, Rick Warren, a lot of people know Rick Warren, he wrote the book Purpose Driven Life, Purpose Driven Church.
Rick Warren is a huge proponent of the World Economic Forum.
Think about how dangerous that is, that when you take a spiritual leader, Who is using their pulpit and the power that it provides them to push the Great Reset narrative.
Another example is the Pope actually hosted a transhumanism meeting of the minds at the Vatican.
And folks, you can find all of this by going to time2freeamerica.com and clicking on the button about the truth about renting religious leaders.
There are many, many religious leaders right now that are intentionally steering their flock because they've been bought and paid for The money of the World Economic Forum.
And what we're trying to do, Alex, is wake people up to the truth.
As I mentioned earlier, Clay Clark, I've got New York Times here.
Universities are now implementing in schools mask mandates.
They're talking about new lockdowns.
When do you think they're gonna try this?
Well, right now we know that Monkeypox, if you go to time2freeamerica.com and you click on the Monkeypox button, we know for sure right now that there is a document that was created by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and it was founded by Ted Turner.
And this particular organization is saying that starting June 5th, and they wrote this document nearly, what, 16, 17 months ago?
They're saying that a Monkeypox outbreak is set to begin on June 5th, Of 2022, I repeat, the Nuclear Threat Initiative said that a monkeypox... And right on time, the vaccines are delivered, the hype is delivered, the fear is delivered, they don't even hide the fact it's all scripted.
And if you go to DuckDuckGo or Google right now and you type in monkeypox and you click on the news feed, we just, less than 24 hours ago, moved into Threat Level 2, which means, Alex, you're not supposed to travel right now unless you need to.
Now Threat Level 3 is you're not allowed to travel, essentially, unless you have to.
Threat Level 4.
We saw this before.
They're laying it out right now.
They're right on time.
They wrote it down.
Either they're great at guessing, or this is a plan.
Alex, you've been saying it.
I've been saying it.
This is a plandemic, and folks, we have to get involved.
The time to sit back and thinking that, oh, I can't wait till COVID's over, and then we'll get back to normal.
No, we are never going to get back to normal until we stop this, because COVID-19 stands for Certificate of Vaccination, I-D-A-I.
It is the mark of the beast technology, and either we win or they win, but we have to fight back.
That's right.
This is the big fight.
Clay Clark is our guest.
At Clay Clark on Twitter, Thrivetimeshow.com.
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com and Bandai Video.
Stay right with us.
Despite all the attacks, thanks to you, we're still on air.
And I see Clay Clark, host of The Reawakened Tour, amazing businessman and talk show host his own right, has a guest with him in studio.
Clay, I was going to ask you before you brought your guest in, and I can't wait to hear what he has to say in other clips you have.
What is it like as a patriot, as a husband, to actually see all this happening?
Because even though I knew this was all coming, it's still crazy.
You know, we're inside the Beast takeover.
We're inside the market of the Beast.
I mean, it's all happening now.
Well, I brought Carter on here because Carter works with me every day.
And, uh, you know, when I called my wife and I said, Vanessa, I feel like God wants us to do, I talked to my wife, I said, I feel like God wants us to do a Reawaken America tour with General Flynn.
And my wife says, you feel like God wants you to do it?
And I'm not the kind of person, Alex, that says, I feel like God wants me to do something.
I just felt this call that we had to fight back and so I hopped on One America and Newsmax and all these different programs and I gave out my phone number and I said, if you want to come to the Reopen America Tour, we are not going to capitulate, we're not going to give in.
That was April of last year and we had literally 50,000 people request tickets and I had the opportunity to hire great people like Carter over here to work with us.
And Carter, I mean, we're talking to some of the salt of the earth who are requesting tickets?
What kind of people are wanting to come to these events?
Because I know for the Clark House, it's been a time of revival.
It's been a time, Alex, of pressing into the word of God.
It's also been a time where my son was the only kid at his school not wearing a mask.
I know it's a time where my wife's had to get involved in the school board.
I know it's been a time where I've had to sue the mayor of Tulsa to stay open.
But what kind of people are reaching out to come to the Reawaken America Tour, Carter?
I mean, we have all kinds of people.
We have people of God, we have patriots, we have people who have felt like they were alone the past couple years, and then they're finding out that they're not because of these amazing conferences.
You know, Alex, what we're discovering at our house is my wife is the kind of person who normally didn't want to get involved in the school board, but when she saw that my son was the only kid in the school not wearing a mask, it was like, you know, she had to fight back.
And I think that's what's happening, Alex, is everybody in America feels like we're pushed into a corner and we have to fight back.
And I believe that God is not done with this nation yet.
And I want to take just a moment to read off some of the names of the people that are attending.
We haven't read this on any other show yet, Alex.
This is the confirmed lineup for day one of the Reawaken America Tour in Virginia Beach here in July.
And again, folks, you can go to time2freeamerica.com and you can request tickets.
And again, you can always name your price.
What's the lowest ticket price you've sold so far there, Carter?
I think $5.
Five dollars is pretty low, so you can always name your price.
But we have Pastor Greg Locke, batting lead off here.
We have Pastor Leon Benjamin.
Dr. Zelenko, he's missing a lung.
He has stage four cancer, yet he continues to come to the Reawaken America Tour.
We have with the whistleblower, Nurse Erin Olszewski, who's been on, you know, Tucker Carlson, that sort of thing.
We have Eric Trump, Dr. Rashid Buttar.
President Donald J. Trump Jr.' 's, he's his son there, Donald J. Trump Jr.
We've got Karen Kingston, Steve Strang, the founder of Charisma Media, Jimmy Levy, Hi-Rez, Jim Brewer, the comedian, Dr. Judy Mikevitz, Kash Patel, Sean St- Alex, I'm not seeing Alex Jones on here yet, but I'm still going to be calling your people to see if we can make that happen.
Mel K, Mike Lindell- Okay, well when is this, you want me to come to this event, when is it?
This is July 8th and 9th in Virginia Beach, and I've got one spot still open on July 9th.
That's Saturday night.
So I've got one spot still left, Alex.
So if you want it, I'm throwing it out there.
And again, I don't take any income or salary from these events, and this isn't like a paid gig for these folks.
We're all doing this to save our country.
Everyone can name their price.
And no pressure, but America needs you.
Well, I loved your event in San Antonio, so there's a good chance I'll come.
On your radar, with 162 days out from the midterms, what do you think the deep state's going to do when they know there's a giant tsunami, not just an avalanche, not just a landslide, but a total political, cultural, spiritual realignment happening?
They know it.
What do you think they're going to pull, Clay Clark?
I know for sure what they're going to pull, and it's not a prophetic thing, it's not a spiritual thing, I just read the document.
But if you go to timetofreeamerica.com and you click on the button that says, The Truth About Monkeypox, there's a document, this is written by the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
And this perverse document declares that there will be a monkeypox outbreak beginning in May, which, by the way, has happened.
Then they're saying there will be a massive outbreak, a massive outbreak beginning on June 5th of 2022.
And this is the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
And Alex, this document, interesting, it's funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
And if you scroll to page 10 of this document, it talks about the monkeypox outbreak.
And Carter, I've been talking about monkeypox nonstop for the last week.
You have indeed.
And is it shocking to you that this document that was written 18 months ago says that May 15, 2022, there will be a monkeypox outbreak of some kind?
I would have been surprised a couple years ago, but at this point, not really.
Yeah, it's happening.
Why do you think they don't even hide it, Clay?
It's all right there.
Well, unfortunately, this year as I've studied a lot about the Bible, I've also had to discover a lot about Satan.
And what do I mean by that?
I talked to Pastor Phil Hotzenpiller, who's a wonderful pastor in Anaheim, California, who was one of the only churches willing to let us have the tour there.
And I asked Phil, what is going on with these Luciferians?
And he said, well, Clay, Luciferians, they feel in their perverse worldview that if they tell you what they're going to do in advance, you then, if you capitulate, then you agreed to go with their plan.
So what they do, Alex... That's right.
They want to include you in it so that you don't take action, so that God blames you.
And so you lose protection.
And so I'm going to play just a brief audio clip.
This is my good friend, Dr. Dave Martin, and he articulates this better than I possibly could.
Let me play.
This is Dr. Dave Martin explaining the monkeypox outbreak.
By the way, folks, we've already hit level two.
We hit level two today, according to the CDC, so we need to travel now on high alert, whatever that means.
So Carter, be paranoid while driving.
Here we go.
When you want to terrorize a population, what do you do?
Turn to the experts.
And so, I love to point out, a lot of people have been really upset about this monkeypox, you know, scheduled release on March of, or sorry, May of 2022, coming from a March 21st publication.
And people sit there and go, oh my gosh, how on earth could they have ever been so prescient to find out that That they were going to have a monkeypox release three days away from the stated date for the alleged outbreak to occur and this document that you have on the screen published Seth in 2021 in March of 2021 so 15 months earlier this group was able to pick the day of monkeypox outbreak
Plus or minus three days.
And so Alex, going back to the World Economic Forum, we have the CEO of Pfizer who said to Klaus Schwab, this is the CEO of Pfizer.
He looks at Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum and he says this out loud.
Listen to this.
This is mind boggling.
I think we will see a lot of advancements with mRNA.
And the good thing after the success of COVID, it is that right now we have a substantial wave of companies, biotechs and big pharmas that are working on mRNA.
A lot.
And they're working on multiple applications of mRNA.
So I think the first thing that I'm hopeful to see is other vaccines other than COVID.
A flu vaccine with mRNA, a single vaccine with mRNA.
So they're saying, Alex, they're going to put the mRNA-modifying nanotechnology in all of the vaccines or many of the vaccines moving forward.
And if you want to read the patents, folks, go to TimeToFreeAmerica.com forward slash revelation.
TimeToFreeAmerica.com forward slash revelation.
But the translation works like this here.
The RNA-modified nanotechnology in the shots, when connected to 5G, has the ability to release a pathogen found inside the lipid nanoparticles.
So I repeat, inside the shots, there are lipid nanoparticles that contain pathogens.
And whenever they want to release a pathogen, whenever the World Economic Forum seems it's time to do that... They just activate it electromagnetically, that's in the patents.
So it's a binary weapon.
They implant us with it, they activate it with the 5G.
And what happens is fear blocks logic.
So for anybody who's ever studied psychology, the amygdala is the emotional processing center of the mind.
And so, Carter, if I were to say, you know, we have a snake in the studio somewhere under the desk.
Let's go ahead and record the show.
How would that possibly change the way you perceive the show?
I would be a little more frantic, I think.
Because fear blocks logic.
It would be hard to have a sane conversation, which is why you shouldn't do accounting while skydiving.
That's just a business pro tip.
So I encourage... And they're doing all of this.
Counting on the fact that we're not awake and counting on the fact they control, say, the FBI with all the stuff coming out with Hillary running Russiagate.
We knew Russiagate was fake, but now it's all confirmed, but they don't get in trouble, which makes them incredibly arrogant to commit even greater crimes.
We'll be right back, and our guest will leave in a few minutes.
I'm going to get to David, Cameron, Cameron, Robert, Paul, and Ryan.
I'll take a little bit of the next hour for Gerald Cilente, then he takes over as well.
Clay Clark's our guest.
Stay with us.
All right, going to your phone calls here in a moment.
Clay Clark, final segment of the Rebaking American Tour.
Clay, let me ask you this question in closing.
As world government openly is established, as all this tyranny unfolds, as they starve people to death and inject them with poisons and all this, what are the people going to do that signed on to this believing they'd be empowered?
I mean, you can see that this nightmare depopulation operation is going to lead to total rebellion and just insanity and will destroy the so-called elite themselves.
But we know they're controlled by Satan, so they're slaves.
They're ordered to do it.
But anybody that's got half a brain could sit back and say, what we see unfolding is not a good idea.
Well, you know, Alex, I want to mention the guy's name, but I'm not going to because I haven't talked to him
directly about this.
But there is a certain senator that I met last year.
And Alex, you know how when Joe Biden does his interviews and you look at him or you look at even Jack Dorsey
with his testimonies he did when he's testifying, where you'll see Mark Zuckerberg where he was testifying
and there's some just not right.
You kind of look, I don't know if you saw that Carter, where there's something, it seems a little bit off, and I don't know what it is.
I met the senator, Alex, he comes to me at one of these events.
They don't look quite human.
Right, there's something weird going on.
And the Senator says to me, he says, this is for a watch party for a Republican event in a certain state, and I was emceeing it, and he says to me, is this a mask-free event?
Because my entire team, we were there, and none of us were wearing a mask.
And I said, oh yeah.
And so this elected official takes the mask off.
And then the media shows up, Alex, and this elected official puts the mask on.
And I just started noticing this total compliant mindset of this person.
But then more importantly, when I looked at this person, I discovered, Alex, they had those weird sort of eyes.
And everything they say is compliant and scripted.
It looks just like that.
And I don't know exactly what that was.
They're like robots.
They've given up their free will.
And Alex, I talked to a lieutenant governor this year on the phone who told me, quote-unquote, he said, Clay, I recognize the models are false, the PCR tests are false, and the treatments are real.
And this person had actually read the Great Reset book.
And they said, I just don't like to get involved in politics.
This is a Lieutenant Governor, Alex!
So I don't think people understand their actual goal.
And so I have a final sound clip I want to play.
This is Yuval Noah Harari.
This is the top advisor for the World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum.
His name is Klaus Schwab.
And he was just asked recently, you know, could you kind of tell, he's sitting down with Richard Branson, and he wrote with Russell Branson, and he's asking a question.
What do you see the future will be like?
And this is what you all know Harari said here.
In the future, maybe the main struggle is the elite doesn't need you.
There is nothing that you can do which is beneficial to the economical or political system.
They don't need you.
So again, Russell Brand is interviewing him during a Penguin book signing.
This is Russell Brand, the English comedian, TV star.
He asks you, Paul Nohara, he says, so what does the future look like?
And again, this is what he says.
In the future, maybe the main struggle is the elite doesn't need you.
There is nothing that you can do which is beneficial to the economical or political system.
They don't need you.
Today, all over the world, every year about 1.25 million people are killed in traffic accidents.
That's twice the number of people who die from crime and terrorism and war put together.
If, and most of the traffic accidents are caused by human error.
If we replace human drivers with self-driving vehicles, it is likely to save maybe a million lives every year.
So they want to get rid of your ability to drive?
They're calling you useless people and then you've all goes on?
If you're not doing jobs, if you're not doing things, you're obsolete and you're not happy if you're not doing things.
We're building a post-human world.
All right.
Powerful Clay Clark.
The Clay Clark on Twitter.
The Rio Bacon Americateur.
Thank you so much for spending time with us.
Look forward to speaking to you again soon.
Alex, I appreciate you being right for the last decade and a half.
Keep it going, my friend.
Thank you.
I'll try, brother.
Thank you.
Hopefully I can come to that event in July.
All right.
I'm going to start the next hour in six minutes, get some more news hit right now, and then we're going to Go to your calls.
We've got six calls on the board.
I'm going to go to your calls and hand the baton to Gerald Cilente.
We'll be back after this break.
But I wanted to air a little compilation we put together because one area I've dropped the ball in is this.
Things that I know were bull five years ago, things we've already talked about 5,000 times probably, hundreds of guests, I just can't look at it anymore.
I do see former federal prosecutors on MSNBC saying Alex Jones is a Russian agent, he should go to jail.
No proof, no evidence, all a hoax.
And all of their opposition is a Russian agent.
If you're against the war in Ukraine, you're a Russian agent.
If you are for controlling the borders, you're a Russian agent, or you're a white supremacist.
So, the wheels have come off of this as well.
It's come out in the trial of Sussman.
The Hillary direction and all, we already knew that.
But now it's all confirmed with FBI agents and others testifying to it.
So what does that say when she doesn't get in trouble?
The people running this country are the ones destroying it.
They're the outsiders.
They're the ones that hate us, not those of us fighting for the country.
And I know as an audience, you're like, tell us something we didn't know, Alex.
I know, but now we've got to get in the left's face about this and point out they're wrong.
They're a fraud.
So here's this quick report.
Russian Russiagate Media Compliance.
Reports at Band.Video.
We'll come back start the next hour and go right to your phone calls.
Please stay with us.
You try to make sure anything you put out of the public arena is accurate.
Hillary approved planting a false Russia story.
On Halloween, October 31st, 2016, just before the presidential election, Franklin 4 published.
Was a Trump server communicating with Russia?
Some mysterious piece.
Trump connected to Russia.
Was there a connection between a Russian bank and the Trump campaign?
A connection between a Russian bank and the Trump campaign?
Not only is there clearly something there, but there's clearly something that someone has gone to great lengths to conceal.
Akin to what criminal syndicates do.
An explosive story linking the Trump Organization to a Russian bank.
The most direct link between Donald Trump and Moscow.
The Russian bank.
The key to unlocking Trump's ties to Russia.
The Russian bank.
Accused of colluding with the Trump campaign.
Confirms our worst fears about Trump.
I mean...
What more evidence do you need?
Folks, I'm an expert.
It's very, very obvious.
Alpha Bank pinging the Trump Organization server.
Implicit allegations of collusion with the Trump campaign.
Connection between the Alpha Bank server and the Trump Organization.
Connection between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank.
A possible conspiracy.
We're just living in kind of suspended animation as we await the findings that Mueller is going to come out with.
Director Mallory Slate published a report suggesting that a server at Trump Tower was secretly communicating with Russia's Alpha Bank.
Do you know if that story is true?
I believe at this point it's not true.
I'm really bothered still about the server connection between Trump Tower and Alphabank.
The Russian Alphabank.
Whose server was found in Trump Tower.
Boy, there are a lot of dots that are starting to be laid out here.
I feel like there are a lot of dots here.
I'm worried about all the little dots that I see out there.
It looks quite disturbing.
These connections.
These connections.
You know, what was being transmitted?
That could be a missing link in terms of figuring out how involved the Trump campaign was in the Russian effort to interfere in the election.
This is really important.
Some sort of odd computer server connection.
The Alpha Bank.
Trump Tower.
Suspicious web traffic.
Dots that are being connected by Special Prosecutor Mueller.
And if we stop chipping away at it, we're not going to get to the big answer.
It's not true.
When it came time for Robert Mueller's report, the Mueller report didn't mention the Alpha Bank thing at all.
And honestly, it has been driving me nuts.
The Alphabank server mystery.
Strange, unexplained, vexing little mystery.
Very vexing.
The mystery of Trump's ties to Russia.
Mysterious contacts.
Mysterious contacts.
The mystery is still unsolved.
So mysterious.
The Alphabank server talking to the Trump Organization server does sort of look like the Trump Organization and that Kremlin-connected Russian bank, Alphabank.
They did have something weird going on.
They tried to keep secret.
Computer communications.
Communication between different computers.
Mysterious electronic communications.
Strange communications between Alfa Bank and Trump Tower.
This bank in Moscow is communicating.
Trump Alfa Bank communications.
Why was the Trump Tower server communicating with Alfa Bank?
Alfa Bank.
Trump server communications.
Secret server to communicate with Russian Alfa Bank.
Why the hell is a Russian bank communicating with a server that belongs to the Trump Organization?
Communications between somebody at Alfa and somebody at Trump Organization.
Computer communications.
A computer server communicating.
Unexplained communications.
Covert communication.
Covert communication channel.
Nefarious secret communications.
Unexplained communications.
Communication between the Trump server and the Russian Alphabank server.
Unexplained communications.
A secret line of communications.
What kind of communications?
Why was it communicating?
The content of the communications remains the holy grail here.
If there were communications.
Uh, this is just made of data, so... The FBI ultimately concluded that it could be spam.
Spams, girl.
Really strange, unanswered communications.
But we do know that the FBI apparently took the communication between those servers quite seriously.
The FBI had actually ruled out anything nefarious.
That is classic propaganda, and the Russians are really good at it.
Crazy, right?
How's it going Alex?
Good to talk to you again.
This is important so I'm going to try to be brief.
over here in about 10 minutes, but I promise to get to all your calls for those who were
patiently holding on this Memorial Day broadcast.
Holding the longest would be Cameron in Texas.
Cameron, you're up.
Thank you.
How's it going, Alex?
Good to talk to you again.
This is important, so I'm going to try to be brief.
There's three things that the Satanist Globalists and the New World Order have in common.
They have the absence of God, the inversion of truth, and seek to kill off via eugenics
the rest of us.
It's a very, very important thing.
If you haven't heard of this book, you need to look at it.
It's New Age Bible Versions by Gil Ripplinger.
It's the case for the King James against all the other versions.
Madame Levinsky and Molester Crowley teamed up with Westcott and Hort to pervert the Word of God, just like it was in the Garden of Eden with the serpent with Eve.
That's where the attack is, our perception of the Word of God.
What they did was, everything after the King James, these people, they took out Lucifer, they took out the three spots in Scripture where it represents the Father, Son, Holy Ghost in one word, Godhead, which exists in King James, but not these other versions.
So now people are reading versions they think are from God, but they're not.
They've been perverted.
And so it comes down to obedience.
We've been a disobedient nation, and as Israel was disobedient, they were led into captivity by Babylon because of their failure to come to their Heavenly Father.
I believe if this nation does this, there's going to be a revival, there's going to be a quickening of our spirit against the devil, And that's where it is.
It starts in the schools.
The pilgrims taught their children the Word of God, how to worship, read and write.
And that's where school was founded.
But it's been an absence of that.
It's been an inversion of that.
And as a result, we're seeing the fruits of this.
All right, Cameron.
Interesting points.
I agree with you.
Thank you.
Robert in Virginia.
We're moving quick here.
Robert, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, it's a blessing to be here talking to you, my friend.
I got something I just want to spend on my heart.
I want to share with you.
I've had an idea for how we can fund the show and grow the message.
And what I've been thinking about is something called We The People.
And what I mean by that, let me elaborate on that.
What I want to say is, I'm a graphic artist, and I myself am very creative, and I've been thinking about how you've been pushing these shirts here lately for sales.
And what I was thinking about was, what if we could open up a forum so that people such as myself that are listeners and artists, we could contribute to the show, come up with designs or concepts For ideas to push your message and to get the word out.
And then what could happen is we could set up a forum so that people could chime in and register and say, okay, I like this idea.
So everybody can vote and weigh in on what they think is a good idea.
I think that's a totally genius idea.
Have like an art site where people pull art and talk about what they would like to see manifest.
Right, so yeah, we would all vote on it, and it would keep it fresh and keep it current.
And these new ideas would come in, and I think it would beget and beget and beget more ideas as time would grow.
And I think it would fund it, I think it would blossom and grow, and I think we should give this a shot.
I mean, I agree with you.
I mean, I'm busy just trying to pay the bills and run this operation, do the shows.
That is a genius idea.
It's like a Reddit of art, and it's absolutely what we need, brother.
So, I mean, I hope somebody builds it.
If somebody builds that, I would love to support them.
Well, what I'm suggesting is, could you just open it up so, like, maybe, I know your resources are stretched thin, but what I'm saying is, if you could, like, set it up Like a side page or something where everybody could do submissions, like a piece of artwork or just a concept or an idea.
No, I think it's a great idea.
I think to take the art of our amazing audience and put it out there for people to share, period, is a genius idea.
Thank you so much for the call.
All right, we're gonna go to break for 60 seconds.
We're gonna come back and join some stations.
We're gonna go to Ryan, David, and Paul, and then hand the baton to the great Gerald Slint, to the top trends forecaster here on this Memorial Day broadcast.
With all this big news breaking, they're admitting the Ukrainians are losing their NATO war.
We have that.
We also have more reports like this pouring in on InfoWars.com.
UK man dies from catastrophic blood clots in brain following estrogenic enchantment or being uninformed of life-threatening risk.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
And we went out and looked at the top brands, the top reviews, and came out with Alpha Power.
Now it's so hard to source good, clean herbs like we have in this, that it's been sold out for more than six months, but now Alpha Power is back in stock at InfoWarsTore.com at 40% off.
Go to InfoWarsTore.com and read about these compounds and ingredients for yourself, and then try it for yourself.
Now the formula's made for men, but it does amazing things for women as well.
Find out what just one of the ingredients does, LJ100, and then go on from there.
Alpha Power.
All right, I'm about to hand the baton to the Trends Forecaster and Gerald Celente, TrendsResearch.com.
Bookmark it, check it out.
Powerful information.
Over-the-horizon information.
out if you don't experience what Alpha Power does. It has improved my life and so many
others just to incredible levels.
I'm about to hand the baton to the Trends Forecaster and Gerald Cilente, TrendsResearch.com.
Bookmark it, check it out. Powerful information. Over the horizon information. Next year's
news today. Jamming in three final calls.
Let's talk to Ryan in Florida.
Ryan, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I'm the guy who emailed with that giant email signature about 90% of American media being owned by six corporations and the hyperinflation of the dollar with tips to survive it.
I'd still email if your staff would tell me how after my call, since the email I used to use no longer works, because then I could tell them about my ideas to re-bank InfoWars.
But first, your audience needs to go to InfoWarsStore.com and buy all of its inventory.
And two, need to email or snail mail their federal state elected employees about what they intend to do to stop the planned invasion of the West Coast.
And their state's attorney general to indict Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and others for violations of the Nuremberg Code.
But what I really called about, what I wanted to call about all news events must be analyzed in light of how they help the Chinese.
Because when one looks at the Uvalde shooting and all the other shootings which will follow it soon to come, when we'll see that they are intended to disarm Americans
so there will not be a rifle behind every blade of grass when the Chi-Coms invade us this
summer. Now it'd be great if I could talk to one of your staff. Thanks Alex. All right we'll put
you on hold brother, thank you. All right let's go ahead and go to David in Pennsylvania. David
you're on the air.
Alex how are you? I'm good brother. Hey long-time listener, second-time caller.
First time I spoke to you was when your member of city council told you guys to hold the signs for the gun collection.
And what I wanted to bring up is back in 2014, I think it was Pantier, a truck driver called in about five Nuke warheads.
They were putting on his truck and he wasn't with the Department of Energy.
And Lindsey Graham said something about Charleston Harbor.
Do you remember that?
Yeah, that was a nuke base in Texas.
And they did go on alert, and there was a cover-up, and Obama was trying to steal nukes.
And then Lindsey Graham said a nuke was about to go off at Charleston Harbor.
I remember that.
Where are they now?
You know, with this season of false flags, I think we should keep an eye out for that.
I agree.
What else is on your mind?
Buy your products.
Love them.
Long-time listener.
I call Congress about you.
Tell them you're right.
That's about it.
Founding coins.
Love them.
They're nice.
David, you're the reason we're on air.
I want to thank all the listeners for their incredible support.
Thank you.
All right.
Paul in California.
Go ahead.
Paul says three things on the school shooting.
The police had reacted to the shooter before and outside.
Why didn't the school lock its doors when he was outside?
Another, the police, a police officer and a mother entered and got their kids out.
Didn't get any more kids out.
And as far as confronting the shooter, how did the police know he was going to the school and were there before he entered the school?
It's all... Nothing adds up and no one's buying the official story.
Go ahead.
No, I say, and a hundred police officers, so, you know, three or four police officers could sneak out of the school having already been inside and shooting.
I don't know.
It's sad.
It is sad.
Look at some of these headlines.
What's your take on this, Paul?
Republicans line up to violate your rights in order to please Democrats.
A whole bunch of Republicans have come out against the Second Amendment.
Biden looked clueless as Yuvalde residents get in his face and boo him.
Here's why six people said nothing when the Buffalo mass shooter told them of his mass murder plan.
Yes, six people.
The police were told nothing was done, just like the white supremacist attack.
DOJ opens probe into Yuvalde's shooting response.
And the list goes on from there.
Ted Cruz asserts we're not responding to tragedy by giving up our rights.
Absolutely true.
Thank you, Paul.
All right, I'm out of time.
Great job to the crew.
For the next 50 minutes, Gerald Cilente of the Trends Journal takes over TrendsResearch.com and then the great Owen Schroer, 3 p.m.
Central, The War Room.
I want to thank all the listeners, the great crew, our sponsors, our affiliates, everybody else.
And now, Gerald Cilente takes over.
Thank you, Alex.
And you have a great crew, and I thank you so much for what you're doing.
I have to tell everybody, I'm really sad.
My heart is broken.
To see where this country's going.
And, um, you know, on the school shooting, the fish rots from the head down.
The whole culture of this society, right from the top, the top fish heads, it's Memorial Day.
What's your favorite war?
Did you like World War I?
A World War I, the war we should have never been in?
That's some madman.
Some arrogant little boy, Woodrow Wilson, got us into?
The same Woodrow Wilson that brought us the Federal Reserve?
The same Woodrow Wilson that gave us federal income tax?
Yeah, World War I.
Most people, of course, the people watching InfoWars know, but the average American, hey, did you hear about Johnny Depp and, uh, uh, what's her, I never heard of the name before.
Oh, yeah.
After they signed the Versailles Agreement, they said World War II was going to happen shortly after
because of this terrible agreement that was signed.
All's quiet on the Western Front.
I read that book in Catch-22 when I was a young guy in high school.
Needless Wars, Memorial Day?
Here's the New York Times, the toilet paper record, today's edition.
Not one mention about Memorial Day.
Memorial Day?
What's Memorial Day?
Well, They Google it up, it says the day on which those who died in active military service are remembered traditionally, are remembered, traditionally observed on May 30, but now officially declared on the last Monday of May.
Officially declared.
Officially declared by the official pieces of crap that give us war.
Officials, I want to make this very clear to everybody.
I was not put on this earth to take orders from official pieces of garbage, scum, crap.
I am a visionary.
I will put my trend forecasts up against anyone in the world.
Read my books, Trends 2000, Trend Tracking, Trends Journal Magazine since 1991.
Show me a track record and then we could talk.
World War III has begun.
Get this in your head.
Memorial Day?
The same sick people.
Remember the Maine?
Oh no, you don't remember that.
That went back to Hearst Organization.
One of the fellows called up before how the big corporations control the media.
And that's when America attacked Spain and so we could get Cuba.
Made up.
How about Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Qaeda?
Total lie.
Should bring him up on war crime charges.
You like Nuremberg?
How about the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
Memorial Day?
Only about 60,000 Americans died.
Guy's my age.
I was prime draft me.
Only killed over 3 million Vietnamese on a lie of the Gulf of Tonkin incident that never happened.
Memorial Day?
There he is, an arrogant piece of scum crap, McNamara.
He admitted, by the way, that it was made up.
And I wrote about it in my book, Trends 2000, before this clown admitted it.
We have murderers in charge.
Memorial Day?
How about remembering no foreign entanglements?
George Washington, first president of the United States, and a real fighter.
Not like these little clown boys that couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.
Hey, Lindsey Graham, they don't have paper bags big enough for you.
We'll be back.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And again, You know, I do what you can't support in these four wars.
I mean, you know, you're going out and buying a lousy cup of coffee at one of these chains that tastes like crap.
You know, I mean, you know, for pennies, pennies a day, buy their products, they're healthy products.
You need the... People ask me, what can you do?
I say, what you have to do now is you have to get in the best shape you can, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
We're in the fight of our lives.
World War III has begun.
Get this in your head, everybody.
We have lunatics in charge all around the world.
I want to make this clear to everybody.
I'm an American, and my only priority is America.
I'm Italian descent.
My blood is Italian.
But my heart's American.
What goes on in Italy is none of my business.
What goes on in Syria is none of my business.
What goes on in Israel is none of my business.
What goes on in Ukraine is none of my business.
I'm an American.
And I know what crap my country has descended into.
So when I have lunatics telling me that they're gonna fix a problem in another country, Happy Memorial Day!
Spending trillions to kill millions and our guys and now girls go fight for some foreign dictator that America wants to support or throw out.
Memorial Day!
Who cares about the Iraqi young men that were killed?
Oh, and the suicide rates.
Were there about 20 a day from people that serve in the military because these young guys believed the lies that were shoving down their throat?
And they saw what an atrocity was being committed?
Memorial Day.
What do you spend 20 years fighting in Afghanistan for?
For a great loss?
And having a clown, a little arrogant boy with cojones about that big, but a mouth as fat as Lindsey Graham's.
Joe Biden did everything he could to avoid the Vietnam War.
Bunch of deferments.
The Senator's sons don't go fight.
Arrogant, arrogant, arrogant boys!
You look at the cover of your Trends Journal this week, last week.
No one will be out tomorrow.
A weekly.
Two dollars a week.
You look at the cover.
You want war?
Get in the ring and fight it out.
Comedian Zelensky against the mad Russian.
Yeah, put it on Netflix.
You get some money back.
We could do a live broadcast.
You want to fight it out?
Hey, Biden, you want to go get in the ring and fight it out?
Leave me out of it.
It's your fight.
Go fight it out.
No, you guys, you gutless little boys and gutless little girls.
Oh, you remember Condoleezza Rice?
If only a woman was in charge.
The next mushroom cloud you see.
Yeah, telling us about the lie about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction.
It's a freak show and you got freaks in charge.
Oh, you remember Tony Blair?
The Tony Blair that's become a millionaire?
An arrogant little nothing of a clown that also lied to people into the Iraq War?
How about Barack, Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner who sold himself as a peace candidate in the 2008 election?
Yeah, what is it?
The troop surge in Afghanistan?
Oh, what makes that crazy killer over there in Texas any crazier than Obama?
Quote, Qaddafi has to go.
Oh, you mean the leader of Libya, Muammar Qaddafi?
That took the country away from a crime syndicate and made it one of the richest countries in Africa?
Yeah, that one.
Qaddafi has to go!
Qaddafi has to go!
No, no.
Assad has to go, quote.
Oh, you mean Bashar Assad, the head of Syria?
Yeah, I don't like him!
I don't like him!
We'll only kill over 600,000 people, but we're going to tell the American people we're doing it to melt ISIS.
Hey, you hear about Amber Heard?
Never heard of her.
What about Johnny Depp?
Who cares?
I do!
I'm a dumb American!
And I believe the crap that they swallow or shove down my throat that I do swallow.
Memorial Day?
Not a word about peace.
Not a peep about peace.
You know why?
Because they're pieces of crap.
Murderous boys and girls They're mentally ill.
Get this in your head.
Mentally ill people are in charge.
Memorial Day.
World War One.
World War Two.
Oh, I forgot the Korean War.
Oh, and I forgot.
How can I forget?
Harry Truman.
Bombs away over Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Nuclear weapons killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
Oh, I forgot about Dresden in Germany.
Bombs away by the UK.
We've said it from the beginning.
It's in your Trends Journal.
Ukraine will not defeat Russia.
Napoleon couldn't do it.
Hitler couldn't do it.
And the Ukraines can't do it.
We need peace.
Sending what is up to about over $40 billion of weapons of death to keep the destruction and the dying going.
These are by mentally deranged people.
It's a time for peace.
And I started the Universal Church of Freedom, Peace and Justice.
And to think that I got the domain name freedompeacejustice.com in 2021.
Tells you that's not a part of the culture today.
And part of the culture is the Renaissance that Alex talked about.
Art is the way of finding the true meaning of the human spirit.
And art is dead in America.
It's one bad rap.
We have to rise to a higher level.
United we stand, divided we fall.
As I said, Do what you can to support InfoWars.
I'm doing everything I can.
That's why I'm here.
We must stand together.
Because if we don't, we're going to be living hell on earth.
We have lunatics in charge.
We'll be right back.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
You know, they talk about super male vitality.
That's one of my favorites.
An old cat like me, you know, this stuff jumps things up a little bit.
So I love it.
I've got to tell you, I'm so sad.
You have no idea.
We're talking about super male vitality.
Last night, three Italian women were visiting.
And there's a beautiful hotel next to my building called the Kinsley.
Beautiful place.
An old bank in New York that they redid.
It's gorgeous.
And I have plants all in front of my building.
My building's beautiful.
One of them right next to that.
And of course I have the three pre-revolutionary war stone buildings right on the corner.
The only place in the United States with pre-revolutionary war stone buildings.
And I bought them because the seeds of democracy were sold, were sold, were created in Kingston.
The Constitution that came from New York State when Kingston was the first capital that was written here, over 70% of America's Constitution comes from it.
And John Jay was a judge right at that courthouse.
They could almost throw a rock and hit it.
That's how close it is.
So anyway, they wanted to see my place and I invited them in and showed them.
I'm so heartbroken.
I didn't even ask him to stay for a drink or anything because I have a beautiful bar and everything here.
I'm so heartbroken.
I mean, even Supermail Vitality didn't get me where I want to go.
I'm a visionary.
And I see the demise of this country.
The way people look.
The garbage they eat.
And again, that's why these products are so important that you're getting from InfoWars.
And they have these sales that they're giving you the best that they can do to keep this going.
So, you know, do what you can to support them.
They have a sale going on now.
What is it?
It's a Memorial Day mega sale.
And they're saving up to 60% off in double patriot points.
So again, I'm heartbroken.
Here we go.
And they got, again, they got these great products here.
They got Alpha Power, Rain Force Ultra, Vitamin D3 Gummies, Ultimate Fish Oil, Ultimate Krill Oil, Immune Support, Whole Food Multivitamin, Hair and beard support.
I could use some of that hair support.
And all Dr. Jones Natural Products, 40% off.
And all t-shirts, you get them at cost.
So don't miss out on these biggest sales of the year.
Visit InfoWarsStore.com.
Again, this is a time to support freedom, peace, and justice in any way you can.
So, you know, it's sending Over what, $50 billion of lethal weapons to keep the Ukraine war going when we're going to lose it?
When we're going to lose it, when they're going to lose it makes absolutely no sense.
The buildings that have been destroyed are gone.
You're not going to bring back that building that was built in 1835 or 1922 or 1950 or 1980 or 1990
or 2001. It's gone.
No one's talking about peace.
As I mentioned to you Memorial Day, this is the toilet paper of record.
Not one mention.
What is Memorial Day?
A day on which those who died in active military service are remembered.
Traditionally observed on May 30th, but now officially observed on the last Monday in May.
Who died in active military service.
Active military service in the lives of all the wars of my life.
Dying for what?
I mentioned about the death rate.
The wounds.
Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of American soldiers wounded.
The mental illness.
I have a guy, you know, when you mention him, he says, no, no, I don't want to talk about it.
He went there.
Iraq, Afghanistan, 20 years.
The military-industrial complex has robbed the nation of the genius of the scientists, the sweat of the laborers, and the future of the children, just as General Dwight D. Eisenhower, a five-star general, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces warned in his farewell address in January of 1961.
You can Google it up and look it up.
And then you have these little arrogant little draft dodgers like Bill Clinton.
He liked the Yugoslav War, killed over 500,000 Iraqi children on the Asia Five.
Oh, he violated the agreement we've made between Gorbachev and Reagan and Bush Sr.
that NATO wouldn't expand one inch further.
So, of course, if we had Russia up in Canada and Mexico had the Chinese and, yeah, let's put Iran over in Cuba, we'd be happy as can be.
This is sickness going on.
Again, not a word in the toilet paper record.
Let's open it up.
Begins on page four.
At Café, staff tells of Duarte's drug war victims.
A whole page.
A whole page.
Here, UK's labour struggles to capitalise on Prime Minister's raft of mistakes.
Not raft of mistakes, this little Clown over there playing Prime Minister is a perfect visual example of the freaks running and ruining our lives.
Boris Johnson.
Our great artist to the Trends Journal covers, Anthony Frieda, could not create a more freaky little fool than Boris Johnson.
What do we got?
In Sri Lanka, lavish projects decay as the country faces crushing debt.
Country faces crushing debt and so do emerging markets all over the world.
And because of the sanctions put on by O'Biden, because it's the same crew of criminals.
That's it, O'Biden.
Oh, when I went on the air, Brent crude, $121 a barrel, the highest in two months.
$31 a barrel, the highest in two months.
Wheat, barley, sunflower.
Because of the war and because of the sanctions, these poor countries are going to get poorer.
You're going to see protests, people taking to the streets.
Can't have basic living standards, government corruption, crime, violence, and immigration at all time records.
Building a new wall over there in Greece, separating Turkey.
You know why?
Can't stop the refugees from flooding in.
New York Times, toilet paper of records.
Memorial Day?
Solar power is new adversary as Taliban try to stamp out opium.
That's right.
The Taliban were stamping out opium.
They had stopped opium until George W. Bush, another little arrogant daddy's boys with cojones much smaller than a pea.
And if you saw those, he was doing fake interviews with a guy that pretended to be Zelensky out of Ukraine.
And you see Bush going, I'm not making that up.
All right.
A murderous war based on lies.
Governments lie.
A country near you.
How much more proof do you need?
I am anti-authoritarian.
I have not been put on this earth to take orders from criminals.
I believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
That is my schedule of orders.
One ignorant article after another.
Russian speakers decide to use Ukrainian instead.
Why do I care?
Not a word about Memorial Day.
Support InfoWars.
Our lives are on the line.
And get to Trends Journal.
Read history before it happens.
We'll be back.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And again, as I keep saying, do everything you can to support InfoWars.
Buy their products.
They're great products.
I put my money where my mouth is.
And of course, if you want to read history before it happens, the Trends Journal.
What's going on in the Ukraine?
Well, we said this was going to happen the day on February 24th that Russia invaded Ukraine.
And I'm totally against the invasion.
I want to make that 100% clear.
And again, as we wrote in the Trends Journal back in 2014, when the United States overthrew the democratically elected government of Viktor Yanukovych, we know the whys.
And, you know, the corrupt designs of the technocratic elite are robbing us of our freedom.
And we're leaving humanity.
And this is a great book that you might want to look at.
You get on InfoWars by Joe Duran, Leaving Humanity.
And he's a writer for the Trends Journal.
So, I'm telling you, I'm heartbroken.
I'm truly heartbroken to see where things are going.
Again, my business is a visionary.
That's what I do.
And as I said, do I get everything right?
No, I'm a human being.
Did I get the crash of 1987, the dot-com bust, panic of 08?
Yeah, oh yeah, the Asian currency crisis, bottled water trend, said that would happen in the 1980s.
Organic coffee before anybody was doing it.
You know, on and on.
Clean foods.
Not organic coffee, but higher end coffee.
Clean foods is a word that I coined that New York Times had a story on me.
So I see the future.
And again, we have freaks running our lives.
And you got one over there in California, another arrogant little daddy's boy, a member of the club.
As George Collins said, it's one big club and you ain't in it.
This is last week.
Quote, this morning, the governor tested positive for COVID-19 after exhibiting mild symptoms.
Governor Newsom's office, the Newsom Gruesome of California, said in a press release.
And this is what that press release goes on to say.
Vaccinations and boosters remain the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19.
The release added.
How about go, I can't say the word because they tell me to watch my language, but to go do yourself.
Who are you talking to?
This clown lawyer got two boosters, fully vaccinated.
Why don't you interview me?
I haven't gotten any vaccines.
I haven't been sick now in almost three years because I take a variety of supplements.
That my medical doctor, my chiropractor, have given me to take.
Take them every day.
And half of them twice a day.
No one talks about natural healing.
But these arrogant, authoritarian, little boy, hey, hey, hey, Newsome, why don't you go fight in the war in Ukraine?
I'm sure you're a supporter of Ukraine and you are such a tough guy.
You got such a big fat mouth.
Yeah, you could take him out.
It's a freak show.
In front of our eyes, when you see a crazy person walking down the street, you know they're nuts.
But when you have a gruesome newsome that knows how to play the arrogant role, like a psychopathic Obama, the pathological liar that sells himself as a peace president, folks.
Folks, folks, always folking us all the time.
And he does it so properly, unlike you, Gerald, because you get angry when somebody tries to rob you of your life.
You should be calm because you're not calm because you don't have the crew behind you.
And you're a man on your own.
And you're not a member of the club, the gang, that morons and imbeciles call the government, the crime syndicate.
Memorial Day?
Not a word about peace.
And how many people are left from World War II?
Very few.
Vietnam War veterans?
Iraqi War veterans?
Afghan War veterans?
Or just send them to these other countries like Sudan and Somalia?
Wars of Iraq?
As one of the most decorated Marines in history, Smedley Butler said in the book, War is Iraq.
And the war, again, as I said, I'm not pro anybody.
I'm pro-American, end of story.
Because chance of death to Arab clashes more Israel's Jerusalem Day.
Chance of death to Arabs?
What if it was chance of death to Jews?
Oh, that's not a conspiracy theory.
That's from the Jerusalem Post headline.
Times of Israel.
Israel warns against travel to Turkey amid real threat of Iranian revenge attack.
Revenge attack?
Oh yeah, it was reported last week in the New Trends Journal, this week, about how Israeli officials said they killed that Iranian guy that was a colonel of somebody.
All right?
And the United States took an Iranian ship, they said it was a Russian ship, stole the oil out of it and brought it to America.
What did Iran do?
They took two Greek ships, because that's where it happened, and they took the oil.
There's very shaky political tensions going on with the ruling party in Israel, with Bennett's party, and Netanyahu is trying to get back in.
As I keep saying, when all else fails, they take you to war.
What followed the Great Depression?
World War II.
What followed the dot-com bust?
The War on Terror.
If war breaks out in the Middle East, I already mentioned that crude oil is now $121.72 a barrel.
It'll go beyond $150 a barrel.
and 72 cents a barrel. It'll go beyond $150 a barrel. We will see an economic and equity
market crash that will make the crash of '29 seem just fine.
If Iran and Israel go to war, war going on between Russia and Ukraine, it's the end of life on Earth.
Get it in your head.
World War II destroyed Elegant Europe.
Beautiful Berlin.
That was grander than Paris.
It wasn't ancient history.
It's not ancient history what's going on now.
You have maniacs in charge.
Gun control.
The fish rots from their head down.
And all they do is keep Weapons of mass destruction going to a country around the world.
Imagine the President of the United States going to Lockheed Martin, bragging about their missiles that they could send to Ukraine.
Not a peep about peace.
When you see the President bragging of sending more deadly weapons, World War III has begun.
We have maniacs in charge.
Name the country.
I just mentioned what's going on in Israel.
Germany's Chancellor said, we will beat Russia.
Oh, we will beat them?
You mean the Hitler you're talking about?
They killed 27 or 25 million.
I don't want to get wrong.
In Operation Barbarossa World War Two?
My forecast, the Trends Journal forecast, from February 24th, when the war began.
Here it is.
This is from our March 8th edition.
Quote, the only message from politicians and mainstream media is to increase the military conflict of Ukraine.
Rather than work toward a peace agreement, we continue to note that neither Napoleon nor Hitler could defeat Russia.
Thus, to think that Ukraine can defeat Russia's military is nonsensical.
Memorial Day.
My heart goes out to the men and women that fought in the wars.
I'm very sorry what you've gone through.
If you want to keep InfoWars on the air while at the same time getting amazing products and save money Then this is the place to go.
Now, I've worked with the folks that have created this amazing online shopping cart for many, many years.
And because we've been deplatformed, because we've been attacked, because a lot of powerful forces are trying to shut us down, we've been reaching out to partners we've had, in some cases for over a decade, like in this case, and asking them to develop and set up sites and systems so people can get our products into the future, no matter what happens to some of the InfoWars operations.
So if you want to save money, and get amazing products like DNA Force Plus that's sold
out at InfoWareStore.com, available discounted at FreeWorldOutlet.com. Or things like
X2 about to sell out at InfoWareStore.com.
It's 25% off right now. It is 40% off at FreeWorldOutlet.com.
Let me tell you what else is discounted there.
Knockout Sleep Support, 50% off at FreeWorldOutlet.com.
Brain Force Plus, 50% off at FreeWorldOutlet.com.
Ultimate Bone Broth, 50% off at FreeWorldOutlet.com.
And so many other great specials.
So, you get the very same great products.
At Infoworkstore.com, we partner with these folks so we can get money into the future to be able to actually produce more products to keep ourselves on the air.
It's partnerships like this that help us stay on air and help you save money while enjoying the amazing health benefits and life-fulfilling benefits of the amazing supplements.
But not just that, there are a whole bunch of amazing books and documentary films and so much more.
They're going to be adding new products all the time to FreeWorldOutlet.com.
So keep InfoWars on the air, save money, enrich your life at one place.
FreeWorldOutlet.com and thank you so much for your support.
InfoWars has been selling a variety of Faraday cages to protect your privacy for more than 20 years.
We were one of the first national talk shows to expose satellite tracking and how government corporations and hackers and other criminal groups are using it to steal your identity and sell your information.
Everybody out there watching right now has had the apps and the phone companies and the big tech companies track your data, create a dossier, and sell it to hundreds, if not thousands, of different organizations.
And they use this data to collectively screw over not just the people of America, but the people of the world.
Now we've sold more than 10 different brands of Faraday cages.
But a couple years ago I said, listen, I want high quality.
Made in America systems that the military uses that are also very, very affordable.
So we set out to find out who has the main contracts to supply the Pentagon, the FBI, and others.
We finally made contact over a year ago.
We put it in order more than six months ago, and they came in, ladies and gentlemen.
We have 12 different sizes of high-quality Faraday cages for iPads, laptops, cell phones, big cell phones, little cell phones.
They've even got huge bags you can put multiple desktops in that are 100% impenetrable so that different organizations and groups and contact tracers cannot penetrate into your device and steal your data and create a
map of your life and how to take you down. This is so critical and going
into the future everybody is going to be involved in this. In fact it's one
of the fastest growing industries out there. We have high quality systems
for every different type of device at InfoWareStore.com under our new private
label that we've done with this great company titled Redux.
So get your Redux Faraday cages at InfoWarStore.com to protect your privacy and your life while you fund the InfoWar.