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Name: 20220524_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 24, 2022
2211 lines.

In this video, Alex Jones discusses how major U.S cities are being taken over by the World Economic Forum, UN, and big tech corporations, censoring dissent and promoting vaccination agendas to gain total control. The globalists are using fear tactics such as arresting those who criticize lockdowns, pushing for a painful transition into the post-industrial world by forcing massive populations into reeducation camps, and promoting

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And they say humans are obsolete, and they say they're going to merge the machines, and they say the human era is over, and that all humans will no longer be human and are even allowed to live by 2047.
That's their official policy.
We told you they're coming.
We told you their plan.
Now they're starving everybody, collapsing everything.
Here it just hurts your pocketbook for now.
In the third world, you die.
And those that survive flood us.
So, this thing is a satanic alien attack by any definition.
The entire attack is to not just overwrite our genetics, but sabotage all life on Earth.
They say all non-silicon lives can be gotten rid of, and they say they're about to merge with it.
Satan is interdimensional.
It's not aliens coming from Alpha Centauri or Betelgeuse.
Or Sirius.
It is inter-dimensional attack working through these human agents.
And again, if that sounds crazy, their main future says humans will be gone, and a new species is being created, and that they are making aliens, and that they are merging humans with animals, and that they are rolling all this out.
This is the end of Earth as we know it.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Tuesday, May 24th.
The novelist and publicly declared war on humanity.
It's on Bollywood.
Tomorrow's News Today.
Let's also be clear.
The future is not just happening.
The future is built by us.
By a party.
Well, if you thought they'd been pissing on our faces before, you'll own nothing, you'll have nothing.
We have more than 20 clips from yesterday and today.
Of the New World Order's coming out party.
The final countdown's over.
And they are openly announcing hell on earth.
The quote, painful transition into the post-industrial world.
The end of the family as you know it.
Forcing massive populations into re-education camps.
It is all being announced.
War, famine, collapsing borders, devalued currencies, pedophilia openly being purported and sold by the system.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's on.
And what's incredible is I'm not even angry at these monsters.
They are what they are.
They're evil.
It is our governors, our legislatures, and the supposed good members of Congress and other leaders around the world who are not like Orban or Bolsonaro who state clearly this is a fascist corporate world government using communist tactics on the ground.
We should have press conferences with Senator Paul, and Senator Hawley, and Senator Cotton, and Senator Cruz, and others.
But no, it's only MTG talking about it.
And that's because the Republicans aren't controlled at that level, that faction that is good, but they know if you call out the Bilderberg group, the DeVos group, and actually fight it, they will kill you.
At this level.
People don't like being destroyed, and I get it.
But we're all going to be destroyed if we don't have some damn courage.
And I can say it.
By example, I've had courage.
My audience has had courage.
But, you know, it's because we can look a few steps ahead and realize total enslavement and collapse and death follows.
So really, it isn't courage.
It's understanding that you're cornered in an alley and a dude pulls a knife out.
And it just feels better to take it away from them and break their arm and smash their head in the concrete.
And that's what I've done.
Because I just couldn't give them my wallet and I couldn't get on my knees.
And I did enjoy bashing that guy's brains out.
He deserved to be put in a coma.
Now, I'm not calling for violence right now, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm calling for political savagery with the truth and attacking these people for what they are.
Instead, they're normalizing, you will own nothing, you will have nothing.
Your days are over.
No free will.
I have all the clips, all the statements.
It is unbelievable.
And five minutes before I went on, I told the crew, let's see what the latest videos these monsters have put out from today's meeting that's now wrapping up, because they're eight hours ahead of Texas time, seven hours ahead of New York time.
And guess what, ladies and gentlemen?
Well, they meet in Geneva.
We stopped it and paused it when he was being introduced.
So he's speaking right now, but we have it paused.
Bill Gates.
And when we come back, we'll go to the start of his little stinking speech about how do you stop the next pandemic?
You give him total control over your body.
So that is coming up and we have got so many incredible clips.
If you want to find them, most of them, most of them are in one article on InfoWars.com.
It's titled Videos.
Dabos elites warn, quote, painful global transition should not be resisted by nation states.
And they go on to say they're going to censor you.
They're going to shut you up.
And they went on to say that the U.N.
and the W.E.F.
is taking over All the major cities in the U.S.
directly with big tech.
This is the takeover.
So the final countdown's over.
The new world order is launch, launch, launch, launch publicly in late May 2022.
Fighting hard, believing in humanity, and moving forward only because of your support and prayer.
We are the InfoWar.
Join the main transmission in T-minus 60 seconds.
It's Tuesday, May 24th, 2022.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, coming to you.
From deep in the heart of Texas, from the embattled InfoWars studios, and we do have live coverage coming up with Savannah Hernandez and others from Geneva, Switzerland, where the World Economic Forum is in complete command of the UN and the World Government Biomedical Takeover Treaty.
If you thought they'd come out of the closet in the last few years about world government and about what that world government is going to do to you and your family and your business and your life and your freedom and your mobility and your body, your body, your genetics, your very blood, your cells, your DNA, You ain't seen nothing.
All the crazy clips the last few years.
You'll own nothing.
You'll have nothing.
World government, your free will's gone.
There's too many of you.
We're going to get rid of you.
We're going to get rid of the industrialized world.
In the last 24 hours, yesterday and today, they just finished up most of their speeches.
Bill Gates is the keynote speaker today, speaking as we speak.
Got a live feed of that we'll go to in a moment.
If you thought everything they'd done previous was out in the open, this is incredible.
We're going to track everything you buy, sell, and do.
We're going to put a carbon tax on the vaccine passport.
Everything we told you years ago was coming.
Because their plans were there, but not being executed.
We're going to get rid of all your free speech.
We're going to forcibly inject you and your family.
Humans will be obsolete.
Robots are taking over.
What do we do with all the extra people?
I mean, this is a nightmare.
And it's all being announced right now.
And then, as soon as Debo speaks, we see all the other puppet leaders, from the US to the UK to Germany to Australia to even Japan, parroting.
Like parrots.
This is a painful transition.
We're jacking up the gas prices so that you won't use cars anymore.
We're cutting off the coal power plants because you two use too much energy while they fly around in private jets.
It is just unbelievable.
Now there's a very important article that has 10 of these clips.
I've got more than 20 here.
But 10 of them are in one spot.
We're going to be going over them this hour.
The article's titled, Videos.
I'm going to have it linked to the live show feed at InfoWars.com.
Davos elites, I would say Davos crime syndicate, warn painful global transition should not be resisted.
My nation states, we are the Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Resistance is futile.
And they literally announced computers will control, that they program every facet of your life.
We have war clips where they say you're obsolete.
More clips where they say that they are going to be taking over all of our lives.
I mean, that they're going to sexualize children.
They praise Disney for now shows targeting two to five year olds, teaching them how to be LGBT, PQ, whatever.
I mean, this is the end of humanity if these people get away with it.
And you ask, why are they suddenly emerging?
Well, they've got their big tech system in place and the corporate media and paramilitary governments and ministries of truth being put in all around the world that are saying they're going to arrest people just like in Communist China who criticize the regime.
You've already seen it in Germany and France and in Australia and New Zealand where they come to people's houses that said they thought the lockdowns were wrong and arrest mothers pulling children out of their hands.
I mean, this is incredible.
And special units that say WEF with MP5 German Heckler & Koch submachine guns coming up and detaining reporters and saying, do not film us.
We do not let you film us.
We take you to jail.
Stomping and pissing on the press.
Oh, and the Dabos Group agrees with the UN.
They want your guns while they have all the taxpayer paid for.
This is tyranny.
Every facet, every checkbox, every level that you would expect in an absolutely evil takeover.
This is it, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go ahead and go to the clip here.
Economic pain.
From energy transition is worth it.
And then when the hours of this being said, Biden got his new script and was saying the same thing.
It's all on purpose.
It's not Biden doing it.
Here's all these headlines.
Poll axios.
Americans pessimistic on Biden economy.
It's not the Biden economy.
It's the great reset.
Build back better economy that you've heard every Democrat politician, every one of them, pledge allegiance to in the last two years.
They pledge allegiance to it and now face to the monkey pox and economic collapse and starvation is here exactly as we told you they would do 27 months ago.
Because we have their blueprints, we have their battle plans and that's my frustration is Where are the governors?
Where are the legislatures?
Where are the supposed good members of the Congress?
Senate and House members?
Where are the federal courts?
They're not dumb.
They know that all of this is going on.
They know all of this is happening.
They know all of this is unfolding.
So... Nobody's coming to save you.
Nobody's coming to help you.
Republican leadership or loyal opposition.
And so we're going to have to engage in civil disobedience at every level and not comply with this.
But what do you do when they're cutting off the industrialized world that fertilizer, the fuel oil, the natural gas, the crude oil, the gasoline, cutting off thousands of pipelines, killing all the drilling leases.
We are under attack.
And if Americans are too dumb and too selfish to care, That Bill Gates openly cooked the virus up at Wuhan and they cooked up the new virus.
It's all on record.
Then the general public deserves what happens to them.
But the reason I'm going to keep fighting is the children do not deserve what's happening to them.
And those of us that have been fighting this evil for decades, we don't deserve what's happening.
So we're going to have to get out there And legally and lawfully, but very aggressively, get in everybody's faces and explain to them that this is going to get progressively worse and is a slippery slope we're already on, racing down into absolute worldwide collapse so they can bring in their technocracy, total control grid, and they admit all of that.
So when we come back, We're going to get to all of these clips.
The first one, let's just get to it now.
The DNB ASA CEO says the pain from energy transition is a small and medium businesses, but it's worth it.
Oh, shutting down their competition.
Shutting down the non-essential.
Vertically integrating.
During the last two and a half years of tyranny, the globalists doubled and in some cases tripled their money across the board while we were destroyed.
While we go bankrupt.
While the supply chain annihilates all the small and medium-sized companies.
This is a savage corporate fascist takeover.
Encapsulated in the leftist sicky-sweet garbage.
Here's the club.
We need to accept that there will be some pain in the process.
The pace that we need will open up for missteps.
It will open up for shortages of energy.
It will create inflationary pressures and maybe we need to start talking about that, that that pain is actually worth it because if we don't, there's no business case, there's no economy, there's no welfare.
But so far I think we have been a little bit careful actually talking about Yeah, just put these handcuffs on and get in the car lady and I'll take you in the van out of the woods and torture you to death.
Of course, they don't tell you that.
Once you get the chains on, it gets worse, not better.
So they all get double and triple the money.
They fly around in giant private jets and live on huge mansions.
They all vertically integrate the society, run this whole scam, and then tell you it's for your own good.
Live coverage from the Switzerland-Geneva World Government Worldwide Collapse Summit.
Man, we knew it was coming for decades.
We fought the hell out of it.
But it's here!
So wake people up and get ready and say, no, you're not going to starbust to death.
I'm just getting massive chills right now.
It's hard not to get incredibly excited as they bring me transcripts and mainstream news articles of what's coming out of the mouths of these people.
They've got their main events, their breakaway groups.
A 50 person news team couldn't keep track of all the criminal stuff coming out of their mouths.
But look at this one.
And we got the video and the transcripts.
World Health Organization is officially recommending via World Economic Forum control every country adopt lockdowns in abrupt change to policy.
So they said, oh, we didn't know lockdowns would starve 40 million people to death.
We didn't know it would only hurt small businesses and hurt little people.
And now they're back again demanding and making parts of the treaty public that, oh, you know, we're going to lock your ass up because it's a prison planet.
Hence the site we had for decades that redirects to InfoWars, PrisonPlanet.com.
Unbelievable, but not unbelievable.
That there isn't a damn thing coming out of Congress.
The best thing we got's DeSantis, and he isn't doing 30% of what he needs to.
He's out saying they won't support the treaty, and they won't support the lockdowns.
Now he needs to lead people on the offense.
He needs to run for president like Bolsonaro did on stopping this!
And where is Trump?
He's busy defending himself, saying, I told you I wasn't a Russian agent, see?
I want Hillary punished, as if that'll ever happen.
They really know how to distract him like a bull with a red cape.
Here, Trump!
Trump's too busy talking about how Biden's an idiot, shutting down the U.S.
He's an idiot, but he's a puppet.
He's executing the New World Order!
And instead of them four being vindicated, it'd be like if I was an astronomer with a radio telescope and I said, we've decoded a transmission from Alpha Centauri.
It's an alien transmission.
We've decoded it from ancient Sanskrit.
It appears they've been here before and they've destroyed most human race before.
This is hypothetical.
And they are on their way back.
They will be here within 17 years if we look at these light year calculations correctly.
And you warn people and you warn people and now the aliens just pulled up right on time and are blowing up the cities.
At least humans would organize and fight that.
No, the globalists are just going to cut off all the fuel to the cities.
And they say humans are obsolete, and they say they're going to merge the machines, and they say the human era is over, and that all humans will no longer be human and are even allowed to live by 2047.
That's their official policy.
So I don't know if aliens are running them, but they might as well be aliens, boys and girls.
So imagine if an astronomer told you they've decoded it with mathematicians and that aliens are going to arrive.
And then finally other astronomers see the aliens coming in at 400, 500,000 miles an hour into the solar system as they slow down and we have a few weeks warning and we have radio telescope scans of their armadas, their weapon systems.
Oh, don't worry about that.
They're conspiracy terrorists.
And then, all of a sudden, they're only a million miles out.
And then they're coming into orbit.
Oh, we're sure they're friendly.
Start blowing the hell out of stuff.
It's the same parallel of the New World Order.
We told you they're coming.
We told you their plan.
Now they're starving everybody.
Collapsing everything.
Here it just hurts your pocketbook for now.
In the third world, you die.
And those that survive flood us.
So, this thing is a satanic alien attack by any definition.
The entire attack is to not just overwrite our genetics, but sabotage all life on Earth.
They say all non-silicon lives can be gotten rid of, and they say they're about to merge with it.
Satan is interdimensional.
It's not aliens coming from Alpha Centauri or Betelgeuse.
Or Sirius.
It is inter-dimensional attack working through these human agents.
And again, if that sounds crazy, their main future says humans will be gone, and a new species is being created, and that they are making aliens, and that they are merging humans with animals, and that they are rolling all this out.
This is the end of Earth as we know it.
They're terraforming the atmosphere right now to be unlivable for most life forms.
They are killing the earth while claiming they're the guardians and saying by 2030 everything will collapse, the oceans will rise and we're all going to die and that deadly viruses are going to come out of the rainforest and kill everybody.
It's going to come out of their laboratories.
So I just played you the clip of them up there saying, oh, it's really going to hurt everybody.
It's going to be painful.
And we got to be honest that this is being done for the earth.
Inflation and collapse.
No, their economic warfare to transfer money and power to themselves and double and triple their capital and shut us down and make us poor.
They now advertise as a transition and good.
They got a lot of nerve and they got balls the size of the frickin planet.
So what are you going to do about this, folks?
Because we told you it was coming, we gave you all the documents, we told you their plan, and now we're living in it.
And they've got hundreds of articles out attacking me when I pointed out that Men are becoming feminine.
Women are becoming hyper feminine.
Cancer is exploding.
Infertility and one side effect is mutated and tiny genitals.
And they make jokes saying Alex Jones says he has a small penis.
Ha ha ha.
When I showed in the report mainstream news and science reports showing that the side effect is the deformed genitals in women and men.
And they make a joke about it.
Like I'm a five-year-old or a ten-year-old and I'm gonna get upset because they say, Clay, I have a small weenie.
It's ridiculous.
Absolutely insane.
And they're the ones openly going after your sons, trying to convince them to sign up with the government to have their genitals removed.
But since they're so obsessed with my genitals, I'm just obsessed with mutation, I'll let you know it's above average.
I got four children.
I've had more women than you people will ever imagine.
But that is a side issue.
I'm no Wilt Chamberlain.
You people are out of your minds.
This has nothing to do with individuals.
It has to do with us all collectively being under attack.
But it's a fact that generation to generation, our genitals are shriveling up.
Just another sign of how we're being killed.
And no one can deny it, and it's going on.
And yeah, my dad's cock is a lot bigger than mine, but he just hurts women with that, so it's good that they keep poisoning me.
See, now I'm giving you some lines to joke around on the internet with.
Let's be really serious here.
This is a chemical attack, it's a biological attack, it's real, and we need to focus on it.
Stay with us.
Alright, I was joking around some last segment, but the chemicals in the food and water destroying sperm counts and mutating women and men and causing massive cancer in their own reports is not a joke.
It's very, very, very, very, very serious.
And my point was, imagine the left and all these newspapers and publications that saw that rant I did last week.
And I showed Sky News, I showed the New York Times, I showed mainline scientific reports about girls going to puberty earlier, boys becoming feminized in utero and after, genital sizes shrinking, And not just in humans, but in other animals from the runoff, and they edit it down to make it a joke, not even caring about themselves.
And the reason I point that out is that's the suicide pact that's going along with the New World Order.
They're announcing post-industrial world collapse of living standards for 99.99999% of people.
99.99999% of people.
They're bathing us in radiation 5G.
Our life expectancies are plunging.
They're cooking up deadly viruses and releasing them, then giving us dangerous gene therapies as the answer that erases our immune system.
And anyone going along with the censorship, anyone going along with this, is destroying themselves.
Everything is happening at this summit.
They're announcing the world taxes, the world tracking systems, the carbon taxes.
The fact that you're going to have your standard of living destroyed.
The fact that the third world is going to collapse.
The fact that we've got to have hundreds of millions of quote refugees because of this transition that they are engineering.
And they take out of all of that and all the proof I laid out.
Let's make fun of it and say Alex Jones is mad.
And then make up some ridiculous story as if I'm in junior high and I'm in a care that the National News goes, oh look, Alex Jones.
Has a small pee-pee.
That's the type of crap here.
Just like...
They did with the gay frog thing.
They did a whole 10 minute report, a whole segment with video clips in Berkeley, California and Durban, South Africa reports and reports out of Europe about frog and toad and other amphibian species becoming near extinct or extinct because of one chemical atrazine in the water that turns the male frogs basically into females.
The headlines of the studies are 100% feminization conversion.
The one you're seeing here is out of Berkeley.
That's just one prestigious, in-depth, five-year-long study they did looking at thousands of frogs.
That's real.
And they go, oh, he says they're turning the frogs gay.
And then the media says, well, what's wrong with gay frogs?
Well, a gay frog doesn't produce more frogs, doesn't produce more tadpoles, so the species dies.
And the frogs are the canary in the coal mine.
And I know as an audience, you know that.
But with all this going on, Trending over the weekend is one of the top things was Alex Jones's penis.
Above it, thank God, was Bill Gates' biological terrorist.
That was number one.
So that's good.
But I expected when I did that rant last week for them to pick that up out of context and to attack me.
And then now there's a big debate online, everywhere, about, oh look, he's right!
Genitals are shrinking, people are being sterilized, sperm counts are plunging, here's why.
And the best-selling book, Countdown, with a top scientist laying out how this is creating the potential extinction of humanity, something the globalists are pushing, putting toxic chemicals in the environment when they have replacement chemicals that work better and are cheaper.
It's being done by the science.
When I got up here and I said, when they collapse the third world, the next few years of lockdowns under IMF World Bank order, it's going to cause people to engage in cannibalism.
And one day that'll come here.
The globalists have their plan for the Great Reset.
And so I'm having to think about hauling my neighbors up with a chain and eating them.
And I said before, this is an analogy of a modest proposal by Jonathan Swift.
They edit all that out.
And they say Jones is gonna kill his neighbors.
I haven't had neighbors ask me about it.
Well, I heard about that.
It's a joke, right?
I'm like, uh, yeah.
You heard of Jonathan Swift?
They were old enough, they'd read A Modest Proposal.
When he wrote satire saying, let's not feed the Irish, let's just make them eat their children.
So, these people are unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen, and I purposely, ladies and gentlemen, Come here and tell the truth, lay it all out, and then they spin it and lie.
But always, within a month or a year or two years, it causes an explosion of awakening and people care.
Because if they don't care about a New York Times number one bestseller countdown to extinction, documenting it, and we've covered it decades before they did, I'm not territorializing, it's just a fact.
I know the book's true because I already know all that stuff.
The point is, number one New York Times best-selling books, major academic discussion, probably the number one around the world, the globalists admitting they're involved in it in some of the books written in the 1970s, like EcoHealth, by Obama's science czar, he was later the science czar, John P. Holdren.
They said we'll add chemicals to the food chain to do this.
They have done it by design, and it's one of the biggest issues of the ongoing attack, but it's not fast enough for them, and so they're moving ahead with the poison injections and the COVID-19 that does attack fertility.
And yes, does attack the female and male genitals.
Oh, ha ha ha, your ovaries are being eaten.
Why are you women complaining that it attacks your ovaries?
Oh, you have small ovaries.
It has Nothing to do with that, but that's the junior high mentality of having your testicles and your ovaries attacked and they make a joke about that.
That is sick!
Let me get back to this.
I'm just completely overwhelmed right now.
I mean, the mass heart attacks and sports from the injections are just even mainstream news.
Unbelievable information that I saw yesterday and didn't even get to.
We will today.
You know they sick the FBI on people peacefully protesting at school board meetings about critical race theory and drag queen pedophile time.
Well, now the National Guard Union and the National School Union called for Biden to deploy the military to suppress the general public from protesting the same left that burned down $3 billion of property.
I mean, these people are true authoritarians.
They want to arrest you.
They want control over your body.
They want to put in your body what they want.
And the Davos Group is announcing it's in control of the UN.
Ted Gross just got signed back up for five more years of WHO.
We're doing a great job running the lockdowns and the bioweapon release.
And now they're announcing carbon taxes and pain and pain for you while they double and triple their money.
It's just unbelievable.
And Biden says it's transition now.
He's doing it on purpose.
That's why they're cutting off your energy.
Let's go to clip 5.
WEF panelists boast about individual carbon footprint tracker.
That's what's going to be added to the vaccine tracker.
It's already official.
That's what we told you years ago, but here they are announcing it.
We're developing through technology an ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint.
What does that mean?
Where are they traveling?
How are they traveling?
What are they eating?
What are they consuming on the platform?
So, individual carbon footprint tracker.
Stay tuned.
We don't have it operational yet, but this is something that we're working on.
And of course, that's not true either.
They already have major airlines all over the world adding carbon taxes on outside of law.
And they released last year a Davos Group video saying, Your vaccine passport will be your carbon tracker, and it will also be your social credit score.
And I've said that and shown that probably a thousand times until listeners got sick of hearing it.
Every listener's like, yeah, we heard this 50 times in the last month.
Well, here it is.
And they're up there like, oh, it's all psychologically laid out.
Oh, we just thought of this.
It's not ready yet.
Don't worry about it.
But that's what's coming.
They're just normalizing it while they fly in by the hundreds of private jets paid for by taxpayer money.
And that's here on the stack as well.
So you get the star of a death, they get everything.
More of the clips.
Bill Gates has concluded his speech.
We've got that and so much more here today.
Tomorrow's news today, ladies and gentlemen.
You're under chemical, biological, electromagnetic and radiological attack by psychotic demons that say that they want a post-human world.
I said we want a post-New World Order world.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we have Savannah Hernandez coming on next hour live from Geneva, Switzerland, where this public announcement of corporate world government UN takeover is being made.
Global carbon taxes, global social credit scores, global vaccine passports, global lockdowns, global famine, and global inflation.
And they said earlier, I played the clip, it's for your own good.
And Biden says it's part of a transition, just like the head of the Energy Department said last year.
But the news says, oh, we just can't get enough oil or gas.
Oh, Biden wants to give you more.
He's sad.
Biden's running it all.
No, the World Economic Forum and the corporate fascists are.
And if we're under attack by something and we don't address it, well, then we're just as guilty as the people doing it.
But what do the Republicans do?
They make fun of Biden all day long, and say how dumb he is, and how he's ruining America, and how he's destroying the borders, and how he's devaluing the currency, and how he's cutting off the food supply, and cutting off the energy supply, and man, man, the midterms got to get here quick.
You think the Republican Party is going to fix this when they're sitting by knowing good and damn well what they're doing?
It makes me Chad beyond angry that this is going on.
The people perish for lack of knowledge and remember big tech and the sensors in the system are working around the clock.
To suppress this broadcast and to suppress Band.Video with my show and the live shows and hundreds of other great contributors.
Can't share Band.Video by name on so many platforms but you can share the URL that takes you there that is all the same links and that's TheInfoWar.tv.
It was Battle Plan News for a few months.
They banned that one two days ago.
So now it is TheInfoWar.tv.
TheInfoWar.tv and share the live link, share the articles, the videos, everything from TheInfoWar.tv.
And speaking of that, let's play Klaus Schwab again yesterday announcing that through the stakeholders, that's the corporations and governmental people they control, they're taking control of the nation states, they've penetrated the nation states.
Then I want to play the clip where the Australian head of their Ministry of Truth, Talks about how important it is to get rid of free speech.
Think about that.
This is their own Ministry of Truth.
But first, here's Klaus Schwab.
Let's also be clear.
The future is not just happening.
The future is built by us.
By a powerful community as you here in this room.
We have the means to improve the states of the world.
But two conditions are necessary.
The first one is that we act all as stakeholders of larger communities.
So we serve not our only self-interests, but we serve the community.
That's what we call stakeholder responsibility.
And second, that we collaborate.
This is the reason why you find many opportunities here during the meeting to engage into very action and impact-oriented initiatives to make progress related to specific issues on the global agenda.
So the World Economic Forum, which is the Bilderberg Group, has set up thousands of satellite groups that they fund with taxpayer money through their operatives in government to set up policy.
And that's also been announced by them.
I've got a clip where they admit they're taking over thousands of cities worldwide, hundreds of cities and towns in the U.S.
with the new smart green initiative directed by the World Economic Forum and the U.N.
Communalization, something Schwarzenegger, when Trump in his first year pulled out of the climate accords, the Paris climate accords, the carbon tax shutdown system, Schwarzenegger was on TV saying, what we will now do is take over the cities through the plan, and he led that initiative for three years worldwide to take over the cities.
So this is a corporate takeover of your body, of your town, of your school, of your factory, of your farm, everything!
By these depopulationist megalomaniacs.
Now here's the Ministry of Truth head, Julie Inham, says we need a recalibration of freedom of speech.
Because if something hurts somebody or is against their agenda, well then you can't have it.
She's the Australian East Safety Commissioner.
Calls for re-evaluation of free speech.
So they just were calling it basically this censorship board, which is the Ministry of Truth of
the U.S.
And she said, the lady heading it up said, "Oh, we're just coordinating all the
censors." Well, yeah, and who puts out what's to be censored? The globalists, the World Economic Forum.
It is the mouthpiece of the global depopulationist deep state. Here she is.
We are finding ourselves in a place where we're, we have increasing polarization everywhere and everything
feels binary when it doesn't need to be.
So I think we're going to have to think about a recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online, you know, from freedom of speech to the freedom to, you know, to be free from online violence or the right of data protection to the right to child dignity.
Unbelievable how they self-appoint themselves as building a better world, when they ran a plan that starved 40 million people to death, and they doubled and tripled their money and fly around on private jets.
It's just outrageous.
These are the bad people.
These are the enemies.
I've got so many other clips.
The Bill Gates thing, he's hard to watch, but we're going over it and going to play some of that.
It's all up on InfoWars.com.
Savannah Hernandez is there on the ground.
Caught them detaining reporters.
Jack Posobiec caught them threatening her on video.
That's all coming up next hour.
And then we have Reiner Fulmik joining us as well on moving forward to prosecute the globalists for their crimes against humanity.
That is all coming up as well today and some other surprise guests we're working on right now.
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Well, my friends, we live to see it.
Open world government run by Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and their sick group of criminal cohorts, their gold depopulation, planetary collapse, making themselves fabulously rich on top of all the power they already have.
These are the Hitlers and Stalins on steroids of our day.
Here's a little bit of Bill Gates' sickening speech that just concluded a little
while ago at this World Government Summit in Geneva, Switzerland.
Bill Gates, your new book is titled "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,"
but this panel is about preparing for the next pandemic.
So is the next pandemic really preventable?
Well, the ideal is that when you have outbreaks, that you detect them early
And you contain them before they go global.
Less than 2% of the deaths are in the first 100 days.
Infectious disease is an exponential phenomena.
And so if you let it run, then it's very difficult to rein it back in.
The true exemplars, the variance between the death rates in countries with similar GDPs is quite dramatic.
You have almost a factor of 50 between the good performers and the poor performers, where sadly the US is
in that poor performer category.
And there's clear things that they did.
If those were done early around the outbreak, then you could prevent it from spreading
to lots and lots of countries.
So that certainly should be the goal, is to not let it go global.
And we'll explore some of those very specific things that countries and institutions can do to help
prevent the next pandemic.
President Kagame, let me ask you, what do you see as the top lessons that we've learned about preparing for the next pandemic from dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic?
To begin with, we have to act as if there is going to be A pandemic sooner or later anyway.
So we get prepared for that, either to prevent it or stop it spreading as Bill has just said.
But what we have learned, for example, from the perspective of our continent, we have to deal with capacity issues to begin with.
We have to have the capacity to test, to treat, To administer vaccines and so on and so forth.
That is number one.
Number two, the lessons we learned also show us that we have to avoid to always be dependent on others for things that our lives depend on.
So that's why we seek to build manufacturing capacities for vaccines like is beginning to happen in different parts of our continent.
The third would be, if you look at across the continent, we have to again work together,
have to put all our resources, in which case, continentally, we have the CDC, the African
CDC, we also have the African Medicines Agency, and we have to build in the capacity to help
All right, we'll be back with Savannah Hernandez from the New World Order Summit where they're announcing the end of freedom as we know it.
Stay with us.
History is happening now.
All of us are in grave danger.
Open world government, world taxes, carbon taxes, planetary social credit scores, new worldwide lockdowns, UN planetary medical dictatorship.
It's all happening in Geneva, Switzerland as...
The UN prepares this secret treaty, but now they've released large excerpts of it.
They're officially announcing every country set up lockdown systems under UN control.
Tedros has just been appointed to five more years over the WHO, rewarding him and Bill
Gates for their attack on humanity with the COVID-Wuhan virus.
And Savannah Hernandez, what Sav says, reporting for The Rebel and reporting for True Social
and President Trump and with info wars.com joins us from the street right outside the
CONFAB meeting in Geneva.
Savannah Hernandez, a lot happened.
Super viral video where Jack Posobiec was being detained by paramilitary police with
submachine guns.
Give us a rundown of what you witnessed now being there the last few days and now into
day two of this criminal takeover.
The speaker is showing up.
He's showing.
All right.
So we're having some issues there.
Getting audio to Savannah or vice versa.
But we've got all this breaking news and information for you here today.
Such an incredible announcement that was made yesterday by Klaus Schwab admitting that they control the planet.
Let's also be clear.
The future is not just happening.
and governmental leaders that they have installed, that they are bringing this entire system
Such an incredible statement, ladies and gentlemen.
So here's Klaus Schwab one more time, says Davos Summit, ladies and gentlemen, will change
the future and is in control of the world.
Let's also be clear.
The future is not just happening.
The future is built by us, by a powerful community as you here in this room.
We have the means to improve the state of the world.
But two conditions are necessary.
The first one is that we act all as stakeholders of larger communities.
That we serve not only our self-interests, but we serve the community.
That's what we call stakeholder responsibility.
And second, that we collaborate.
And this is the reason why you find many opportunities here during the meeting to engage into very action and impact-oriented initiatives to make progress related to specific issues on the global agenda.
Now let's hear from the World Economic Forum panel today, saying the pain is worth it to make the earth green.
That they are cutting off the energy, they are carrying it out, and then puppet Biden carrying out the agenda.
Hours later, mirrored the exact same statement.
Here it is.
We need to accept that there will be some pain in the process.
The pace that we need will open up for missteps.
It will open up for shortages of energy.
It will create inflationary pressures.
And maybe we need to start talking about that, that that pain is actually worth it.
Because if we don't, there's no business case, there's no economy, there's no welfare.
But so far I think we have been a little bit careful actually talking about the pain in the short term that is likely to come from this.
When it comes to the gas prices, we're going through an incredible transition
that is taking place that God willing when it's over we'll be stronger and the world will be
stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over.
This is just so evil that this is being done out in the open and that where is Congress?
Where are our leaders?
Why is nothing being done?
I mean, it's war to cut off our energy.
It is economic warfare to do this, and we are just sitting here, taking all of this, as it unfolds, and imagine what we'll take in the future.
with a group of people that are on record saying that their mission is to depopulate us
while they have billions of dollars they've stolen and fly around in their
big private airplanes and live on 50,000, 100,000 acre palatial homes.
I mean it's just insane but the people are so mesmerized, the people are so incredibly distracted
with the Netflix and the NFL and the NBA and all of it that they just can't get their minds around
what's being done to them.
So these arrogant predators have come into the mix and said it's their world, they're taking it over.
And that there is nothing that you can do about it.
And then they silence and de-platform and de-bank and persecute those of us that are informed and those of us that care.
That's why the audience of this broadcast of activists are humanity's only hope.
God is the hope!
But God works through us when we do the right thing and stand up and tell the truth and work hard, then God moves mountains.
But until we get serious, and until we prepare, and until we realize how important our mission is, and until we take ourselves seriously, we don't have a hope, ladies and gentlemen.
We have been born into the TV culture, we have been mesmerized into entertainment, We have become a planet, especially in the West, of digitally dumbed down, mesmerized, distracted people that are in a trance.
And it's that simple.
And so it's a very, very well-known political refrain.
It's a maxim.
And it really is the truth.
And it's simply this.
Wake up.
Wake up!
Get out of your trance!
Come out of the sleep you're in.
They live, we sleep.
That's the statement.
That's on the movie poster for the great 1980s film from a 1960s science fiction book.
Of these aliens that are corrupt and evil and walk among us.
And wear cloaking devices so you can't see.
They look like demonic skeletons.
But when you put the sunglasses on, you can see them.
And they live.
And we sleep.
And they broadcast electromagnetic 5G in the movie.
Saying sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep.
I say wake up!
Wake up!
Break free!
They lie when they say it's the 1% or the 2% that own and run things.
It is now, depending on the numbers you look at, there's different actuaries.
.00004237, different numbers, but it's .0000 out.
zero zero zero four two three seven different numbers but it's point zero
zero zero zero out it's not one one thousandth percent that rules the earth
it is less than a hundred people and corporations have 80 plus percent of the
wealth and now they're setting up a system to take all of it away so they
can fully control you They've got enough fake money they gave themselves to buy the world 500 times, it's estimated, or more.
Hell, that number's a few years old, probably a thousand times now.
They produced more money in the last year in the U.S.
than was ever produced or printed in the 240 plus years of our history before that!
In one year!
And now they tell you, just played the clip, it's for your own good!
For the Earth!
That we're destroying your pension, destroying your savings, destroying your paycheck, destroying your future.
And they just sit there and laugh at you, and leer at you, like you're a dumb animal!
Alright ladies and gentlemen, so much more coming up today.
Darren Beattie's got big Elon Musk breaking news, he'll comment on what's currently happening here, with the situation with world government, and more.
Stay with us.
Avi Amini is on the ground with Rebel Media and Sven Hernandez.
They were having some technical difficulties around the street.
They should be with us later.
But he's been shooting some amazing reports showing how when the Demos group comes in, they put up all these facades with their propaganda and their statements.
And when I was at the UN covering things last year, whether it was the Pfizer headquarters down the street, only like a half mile away, or whether it was the UN, they had these big giant plywood walls up.
We showed you the video.
Not just saying you'll own nothing and you'll have nothing, but soon we'll take over your bodies.
Soon you won't live in homes or apartments, you'll live in communes.
And it showed images that looked like bomb shelters in a desolate field.
You're like, why would they be selling dystopia instead of, hey, our idea is, you know, live longer and have more freedom and humanity have free energy and go to the stars and we believe in humanity.
No, humanity is horrible.
You'll eat bugs.
You'll drink sewage water.
You'll own nothing.
You'll have nothing.
You'll like it.
These are all quotes.
And suddenly there's TV news pieces, programs everywhere.
Debo's group put out three new videos this week, starting on last Friday, actually.
Oh, eating bugs will save the environment.
Eating bugs will save the earth.
I mean, it's insane!
In fact, I forgot to play those over the weekend.
You guys looked at the list and there's like three new ads about how eating bugs will save the earth and stop global warming.
They just want to sell you dystopia and see what you'll put up with!
So here's the rebel reporter out there showing what a facade the situation is.
Next week this time we won't be able to be standing where we are, that's why we've come early.
Yeah, because if you can see here, I'll just point the camera around, there's a security zone being set up there, so I think that will be where things are blocked off.
And this whole place is going to be locked down pretty hard.
You've got the marquees behind me being set up, just next to the conference centre.
That's where a lot of the oligarchs and the elites will be socialising.
No doubt planning their agenda for us.
What do you reckon?
But we'll be here to tell the other side of the story.
But for today, let's see what they're doing to prepare for next week.
Yeah, let's see how they're setting up.
Let's see what it's all about.
So here we are, Avi.
This is it.
In Davos.
What is it taking us?
What day is it today?
It's the third day, I think.
It's taking us three whole days.
If you're ever in doubt as to whether the mainstream media is going to actually ask the tough questions, I think that gives you the answer.
They're part of it.
They're literally a part of it.
The purveyors of misinformation there.
As you can see, the security is really ramping up behind us in the lead up.
To the annual meeting here in Davos.
Military everywhere.
Police, as you can see, converging on this small town in Switzerland.
So we've got IBM here, Virtue Signaling.
Let's create a better world with a smaller carbon footprint.
Let's press and that changes everything.
I wonder what their carbon footprint was just to set this up for a week.
Such hypocrites!
I wonder what their carbon footprint was for the executives to fly into Davos on their private jets and their limos and everything they're going to come here with.
It's all for show.
Look at the building and then look they've kind of built this fake wall in front of it.
It's everything here is fake and I think it's fitting.
It's fitting that all their buildings are fake because everything about this and them And everything to do with the East World Economic Forum is fake.
Not even the India Lounge?
Is the India Lounge fake?
It's a Potomac village.
We don't even live in the Sri Lanka Lounge.
Just think about the waste of money and resources going into self-promotion here.
But they, they justify this stuff.
There's justification for this from that side saying this is messed up.
We're going to go back to this in a moment, but he's asking the question, is it justified?
Yeah, nothing wrong with resources, nothing wrong with cutting down trees and giving people jobs if they want to put up facades, nothing wrong with private jets, nothing wrong with fossil fuels, nothing wrong with them eating nice fancy dinners, except it's stolen money and they want us poor so they can control us because a corrupt ruling class that uses feudalism to dominate always wants to keep you poor and dumbed down.
That is the oldest policy of control and the most common government in 10,000 years of recorded history.
And the UN says, and the Davos Group says, we're bringing in a new form of feudalism administered by the technocracy.
Have you seen the movie made out of the book, The Hunger Games?
That's really what they've got planned.
Before the Hunger Games ever came out, before the books were written, 25, 6 years ago, I made films like America Destroyed by Design, showing you the plan, saying they would do exactly this.
How do you think I play clips from 25 years ago yesterday, where I lay out everything happening, how they'd use a virus to bring in world government, and then cut off the resources, and cut off the fuel?
Because the damn criminals said they would do it!
But I'm not here now, warning you it's coming, and showing you documents or speeches.
We're making films about it.
We're getting arrested in Canada trying to cover it at the Bilderberg Group.
I am living it with you.
We are living it together.
And that's why I love this audience so much because of out of the whole world.
You've worked the hardest, you've been the most steadfast, you've cared, and there's major opposition forming around the world, but it's not forming here in the U.S.
because so much of the New World Order was set up by the criminals that hijacked our country after World War II and the whole Bretton Woods Agreement.
Let's go back to the report from a few days ago when they're setting up the facade.
Here it is.
Money and resources going into self-promotion here.
But they justify this stuff.
There's justification for this from that side, saying this is necessary to do.
Now do you reckon Zelensky will make an appearance?
He'd be silly not to.
Come on, how else is he going to win a war against Russia if he doesn't show up to the WEF?
They called for five billion dollars.
Pause again, guys.
They called for five billion dollars.
Zelensky did today.
Monthly, so he can launder the money and pay it back to the Davos Group and the globalists on record.
It all just goes back to the corrupt politicians and corporate leaders.
Just another way to rape the hell out of us.
It's like almost all the trillions in pandemic money went to them and they think it's funny.
Let's let him finish the report.
So there you have it.
We're first day here on the ground in actual Davos to show people what's going on.
I mean, the conference hasn't started yet, but we saw a bit of the behind the scenes, the setup, and really all the activities that go into putting this together.
And you see, it's literally a fake town that's been created for this conference.
And, you know, take it as you may, but, you know, there's something very... How do you explain that?
Absolutely, and we're going to be here all week to point out the hypocrisies, to challenge the ideas, to challenge the people.
Guys, wefreports.com, check out all the stories from the entire team that is converging here.
And again, obviously we're about to jump back on this train here and head back to our Airbnb.
Just to produce more, just to bring more, and all of this is only possible with your support at WF Reports.
Great job Avi Amini.
We're going to go to break and come back more and we'll have more of his reports as well here.
Great job for the folks over there at Rebel.
We have the head of Revolver.
Dr. Darren Beattie joining us to cover some really big issues hanging into this as well and more.
Big broadcast lined up for you today and a huge guest in the third hour.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
It's just incredible to see this happening and almost all the other corporate media that is covering it is just lapdogging and regurgitating and repeating whatever these criminals say.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
So, we know the UN, the WEF, Bill Gates, they're all meeting, their statements are public, it's all over the news.
To save us, they can't allow any free speech.
To save us, they've got to have disinformation boards in every country.
That operate via consortium of corporate boards and governing boards, governmental boards, that then put forward the received truth.
And they were game for decades before COVID-19.
What the received knowledge would be, what the response would be, how they would block any type of treatments.
How they would censor everybody, how they would bring in the forced inoculation, how they'd bring in the vaccine passport to then be the global carbon tax passport and social credit score.
That's all been announced the last two days at the Geneva Switzerland event where the World Economic Forum has publicly signed a treaty with the UN to be merged with them and basically be in command of them.
And Klaus Schwab announced that they are in control of the world to save it and to give us prosperity by building back better by destroying everybody.
And starving.
The third world to death and collapsing borders.
And Julian Inman, who is the head of the Ministry of Truth in Australia, he's called Australia's Safety Commissioner, calls for a re-evaluation of free speech.
Notice he calls online violence.
Not all the wars, not all the starvation they cause, not cutting off the resources, not bankrupting people, not shutting down small businesses, which they also admit that they're doing.
They said this is reasonable pain for you.
It's just part of a transition, as Biden just said, and as they said, off fossil fuels, that they're doing it on purpose.
She went on to say that, you know, we need to recalibrate free speech, and that ties into her own ministry of truth that has only been Submerged.
It had been under the water.
It came up like a submarine.
Now there's pressure.
It went back down.
Now they're trying to put the Pentagon and others in charge of it.
They got Kirby from the Pentagon coming over to run the White House press conferences.
As the wheels come off the New World Order, you see that they will then resort to martial law.
That's why it's now come out in mainstream news.
The National School Union called for Biden to deploy the National Guard to deal with protesting parents.
So it's not enough to Deploy them in burning cities, which they didn't do during the last year of Trump.
No, now they want to deploy them for those evil, evil parents.
Just unbelievable sign of tyranny.
But here is the Ministry of Truth head in Australia.
We are finding ourselves in a place where we have increasing polarization everywhere.
And everything feels binary when it doesn't need to be.
So I think we're going to have to think about a recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online, you know, from freedom of speech to the freedom to, you know, to be free from online violence or the right of data protection to the right to child dignity.
A total recalibration of human rights where you don't have any, you own nothing, you don't have nothing.
Dr. Darren J. Beatty is our guest.
He is a former professor of political science at Duke University.
He went on to serve in the White House as a speechwriter and advisor to President Trump and an aide.
He is now the founder of Revolver.News.
He wanted to get into the mystery of truth.
These big reports he's put out that are very detailed busted.
Disinformation operation who attacked Elon Musk.
Push for free speech.
Great to be back here, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
I'm going to give you the floor.
We're six minutes to break.
You've got the floor to get into this.
We're going to do more next segment.
All right.
I'm just going to do a little bit of table setting here.
For those who don't know, this report here, which is white hot bombshell, Follows another bombshell report that really the public needs to understand.
This pertains to Nina Jankovich, who as everyone knows is our favorite Harry Potter, wizard, rocker, disinformation commissar, who has chosen to run the DHS's Disinformation Governance Board, the ill-fated Disinfo Board, because it's now defunct.
Shortly before the Biden regime was sufficiently embarrassed to can this group, Revolver ran a seminal report, a bombshell report, about an organization called the Integrity Initiative.
Years ago, there was a huge leak, probably one of the most suppressed leaks In the country's history of this Integrity Initiative, which is a cluster of people, academics, think tank people, journalists, NATSEC bureaucrats from various European countries, who are engaged essentially through the government, which funds this organization to conduct secretive influence operations.
Nina Jankovich's name came up in those leaks and just Like, a couple days after we ran this report, Nina was no more.
But the infrastructure is still in place.
And in this follow-up report, we're showing that this is not simply a one-off.
As explosive and scandalous as the Integrity Initiative is, we have yet another disinformation operative named Rene DiResta, who's been recently attacking Elon Musk for Threatening free speech to Twitter, God forbid.
She was involved in a group called New Knowledge, which was involved in an admitted false flag info operation in the Alabama special election.
remember with Roy Moore versus Doug Jones, where her disinfo group set up fake Russian accounts to make it look like
the Russians were supporting the candidate that they didn't like.
So you literally have this woman who's now makes a living off of
disinformation scam. She's now working for Stanford, believe it
or not, even after this was revealed, working for a group that pretends to expose Russian disinformation. But in fact,
they were caught red handed artificially creating fake Russian accounts in order to frame an American politician
as being supported by Russian trolls and bots.
You simply can't make this up and instead of being run out of the disinformation industry they have such Lacking in shame that she was actually promoted and went on to do a bunch of other things, including heading a report on misinformation in the 2020 election.
So it's crucial that everyone look at this piece, share it, understand what the beast looks like, understand the anatomy of this monster that's been engineered to destroy you, to destroy your freedom, and to destroy the country that you love.
Well, that's right.
And back in 2016 and 17, we covered it.
Zero Hedge did a great job.
And if you just search Obama establishes Ministry of Truth, that was some of what they did in countering Foreign Disinformation Propaganda Act.
And he put money into these groups right as Trump came in to stay behind networks and organize this.
And that's why the head of this board said, oh, I've actually been working with Homeland Security for years.
We're just going public now.
So they're emerging that bureaucrats Or coordinating big tech and corporate media like Wolfpacks to go out and attack Americans' independent journalists to stand up to them.
This infrastructure has been in place for a long time, and I think the first place to go to understand what this infrastructure looks like, to understand the blueprint, is the Integrity Initiative leaks that Revolver News covered in its previous piece.
And as a follow-up, you want us to understand more about this infrastructure and the various NGOs.
And now universities have disinformation centers as well.
Harvard has two of them, the Shorenstein Center and the Berkman Klein Center.
At Stanford, there's the Internet Research Observatory.
So there's this whole constellation of NGOs, university organizations.
Cutouts, the Atlantic Council's DFR lab, there's a whole constellation in place to set up this disinformation industry, which is the information warfare component of the broader domestic war on terror being perpetrated against us by our own national security establishment.
That's right.
It is the deep state's propaganda and censorship arm.
Congress finally got a little bit upset about this particular woman because she was so slimy and hateful and so open about wanting to silence Americans and saying she disdained free speech.
But when we come back, I want to talk with Dr. Beatty about how do we get Congress and the governors and others to wake up and move against this completely un-American, absolutely authoritarian, ultra-dangerous operation.
I know, as you mentioned, this is a European model of censorship.
They've been bragging in the news, the Democrats have, that we need to look to Europe and their model.
And we've had the EU threatening Elon Musk, saying, oh, you think you've got speech?
Go ahead and try it.
I mean, this is out of control.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
You know, the robbery of our freedom, the mass rape and bullying of humanity by these
global corporations to the UN and the Davos Group and through their operatives that have
penetrated and taken over all the major governments to speak of in the world, physically, this
news today has made me physically feel, I mean the word is not murderous, because I'm
I'm not gonna kill anybody and that wouldn't be good for non-violence.
That's how we're going to beat them culturally, but it's just physically being dominated and enslaved and knowing these are just absolutely vicious, horrible people setting up surveillance systems.
Any legal, governmental, and corporate systems to coordinate attacks on we the people.
And I just want to see humanity wake up and say no and not comply and civil disobedience and to see leaders rise up and say no to this.
But during the break, I was just being overwhelmed by this and I realized this is the pendulum stopping.
They're trying to hold it from swinging back.
They're not going to be able to hold it like a beach ball underwater.
And you cannot deny that there's an awakening happening, not fast enough, and you cannot deny the globalists admit they're in trouble, and everything we see them accelerating their program and normalizing post-industrial world and post-family and post-human and all this evil is out of their desperation that they created the Ponzi schemes, they stole quadrillions, and now they want to tell you, as they've said at Davos this week, That it's good you're going to go through pain for the earth while they go through no pain at all and what they're doing has nothing to do with the earth.
It's just beyond sick.
So Dr. Beattie, I want to thank you for the great work you do.
Nine minutes left of the segment.
I'm going to try to, don't pause or I'll take over.
You're a really smart man to roll through the rest of this.
How it's illegal.
I know you've written about that and how it needs to be stopped.
And the fact that our real enemy is the Republican leadership that knows this and won't do anything.
Because if you know this and I know this and you put it all together, we put it all together for years, but you put up the latest together, then really they are aiding and abetting this if they don't take action.
And once we learn about the anatomy and the architecture of this disinformation industry, which is, as I said, this is the information warfare component of the domestic war on terror against us.
But who's perpetrating this war?
It's our own national security establishment.
And that's what's so crucial to understand.
That's why we're not going to get the solution to this.
Through the traditional political process, because the political process is largely controlled by that very national security establishment.
Let me just run some data points for your audience to really get a sense of the nature and the scale of the system that's arrayed against us.
So the Integrity Initiative, which is that Secret group of influence operations.
They did a bunch of stuff.
If you want to learn more about it, go to the revolver.news earlier report.
But this was an organization funded by NATO, funded by the UK government, funded by the US State Department.
And other organizations come up.
I mentioned the Atlantic Council.
They have a group called the DFR Lab, which purports to fight disinformation, but they all do the same thing.
It's all just a pretext to shut you up.
And who's funding them?
Same usual suspects and more.
State Department, U.K.
These organizations like the Stanford Internet Research Observatory.
Same deal.
A little buried gem in this recent piece exposes somebody called Ambassador Dan Fried.
This is one of the highest level operatives in the disinformation industry.
One of the kingpins.
This guy has co-authored numerous reports essentially on how to censor American citizens through the disinformation scam.
What is his role?
What is he known for?
Well, this is one of the guys who crafted the NATO expansion policy for the U.S.
State Department.
This is one of the guys who is the architect of U.S.
sanctions policy toward Russia.
So you'd ask yourself, what the hell is the guy who was a key architect of NATO expansion and Russian sanctions doing as a head honcho kingpin of the disinformation industry?
That gives you a sense of where this is coming from, and it gives you a sense of what the bottlenecks are.
Because you have a lot of these GOP operatives Who are beholden to the national security state for so many things.
Look at the conflict going on geopolitically.
All this obsession with Russia.
And yet the same networks and the same people are the ones responsible for the architecture designed to silence, suppress, and destroy anything associated with Trump or a populist movement or really kind of any effective organized dissent whatsoever.
And that's the predicament we're in.
But the first step isn't just to abandon happy talk about this and say, oh, we just need a Republican to do this and we need to beat the Democrats.
This goes way higher than that.
This is funded by the national security architecture.
And unless we address that problem, we're only going to have fake solutions.
So the first step is to understand what we're up against and to do that.
You need to go read this revolver.news report.
There's so many buried gems in there to give you a sense.
Okay, at least as a first step, we understand what we're up against.
So now we can figure out how to fight it and address it.
I know you were inside the White House advising Trump against some other good people at the time.
I remember being on the phone with him and saying, listen, it's the Stay Behind Network.
It's the Obama Ministry of Truth.
Here are the articles.
I even had some prominent law firms send him intelligence reports, paid for them to put together the reports.
All hell broke loose when that happened.
And they followed all these Democrat-funded lawsuits like a month after we did it.
But that's okay, it had to be done.
But it's so frustrating when you're telling the President of the United States, sir, here it is, it's illegal, it's the deep state, it's a military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned of, that was trying to push him around in 61 when he gave his farewell address.
I mean, this is it.
This is how they do it.
It's what coordinates the media.
I mean, the big tech, this is everything.
And as you said, most of the Republicans are getting paychecks from the same projects and the same people, they know good and damn well what they're
And so we need to force them to take action.
More and more, I think I see the Santa's doing what nobody else is doing.
He's actually talking about this.
Yes, I mean, there are optimistic signs there, but it's really difficult
because just by the nature of being politicians in a country,
you have to play ball with the national security apparatus.
And what do you do when that very apparatus is responsible for the infrastructure designed to crush the people that
you represent politically?
That's right.
It wasn't Big Tech running this the whole time.
That's why Trump... It's the deep state, dammit!
And that's the issue.
That's what's all come right into the fore, right in front of our very eyes with the Elon thing.
It's been beautifully clarifying exactly what, for instance, Twitter is.
Twitter is not some private tech company.
Twitter is a playground for the national security establishment where they conduct multiple influence operations everywhere.
That's what it's all about.
That's the value of it.
You can't put a price tag on that.
You can't put $30 billion, $40 billion.
This is worth way more than that.
Not as a company.
Not as an ordinary profit model.
But as a weapon system.
As a weapon system.
It is one of the crown jewels of the information warfare aspect.
Of our regime.
And they're not giving that up for 40 billion dollars, are you kidding me?
And they're illegally using it on you, and I, and everybody else, and I'm sick of it!
I think we're all sick of it and the next step is really to understand it and then do something about it.
But if you're fighting some illusion, if you're going against some illusion, you're going to have false problems and false solutions to those problems.
We want to elevate out of the fake and performative circular trap that we've been in.
We've got to be very clear and sober about exactly what it is that we're up against.
And this is the National Security Establishment, like we've seen in so many different domains.
The January 6th domain, which I've been on here to talk about, and now we see it in the tech domain.
We see this disinformation industry infrastructure, and now we know where it's coming from.
Doctor, please come back in the next week or so and do a full hour on this.
We'll do all the exhibits, we'll go over it all, because this is really the chink in the evil dragon's armor, and if the public becomes aware of this, and governors and legislatures, even if the feds won't do it, what they're doing is illegally, we can counter it with lawsuits, so many other things, but They're really now making their move at Davos and announcing through this international consortium, not just American intelligence, but as you said, NATO, that they're going to try to have the coup de grace, the final blow against us, and completely shut things down ahead of the next lockdowns.
So this is a life and death situation.
Revolver, ladies and gentlemen, revolver.news.
Your story's at the very top.
Thank you so much, Professor.
Thank you, sir.
Critical information.
The most important.
it and stay with us.
All the success that we've had together against the Globalists and the fact that we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because of you.
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please take action.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's going to happen at the end of
this, but you want to fight, you better believe you've got one!"
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Many of us didn't see it yet in early 2020.
But today, millions of us are now aware of the emerging one-world government and their deceitful plans to seize power hidden under the guise of world health.
And many of us are now awake to the fact that this so-called New World Order is religiously paganistic, luciferic, and satanic.
So it's no surprise that their coronation ball climaxes on May 28th with a devil-horned moon and the Jupiter-Mars conjunction, which is believed to bring success when starting a war.
Their big week of megalomania begins on May 22nd in Switzerland with both the World Health Organization's annual World Health Assembly and the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos.
In Geneva, the WHO will be voting on a pandemic treaty known officially as the Zero Draft Report of the Working Group on Strengthening WHO Preparedness and Response to Health Emergencies.
This pandemic treaty will make them the directing and coordinating authority on international health.
The WHO's Zero Draft Plan includes regular simulation exercises, global surveillance, more vaccines, more censorship, contact tracing, and digital vaccine passports.
In Davos, Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum's annual meeting theme is History at a Turning Point.
Their agenda includes more vaccines, more censorship, and more LGBTQI resilience.
The same week in Indonesia, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction is holding their annual Global Platform, where they will be planning for regular ongoing pandemic simulations, more global governance, more money to fight climate change, and ultimately accomplishing the United Nations 2030 Agenda, also known as the Great Reset.
After the New World Order's narcissistic coronation week ends, with the devil-horned moon and the Jupiter-Mars conjunction, Klaus Schwab and his fellow Satanists can celebrate with their friends at CERN.
And then what?
In March of 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative conducted a tabletop exercise simulating a global pandemic involving a monkeypox terrorist attack.
Something that Bill Gates has told us to expect.
The Biden administration has just bought millions of doses of monkey pox vaccines and mysterious cases are now being reported.
The final assault of the New World Order will involve a man-made bio-attack, food shortages, FEMA camps, rolling blackouts and endless riots.
Violence may save your life someday and it might save our freedom.
But it's not a solution.
If we really wanted to solve this problem, we could all peacefully convene at our local government council, and demand either their allegiance to the Constitution, or their immediate resignation.
Because the New World Order is not going to surrender, and the entire U.S.
government is under their control.
This coming Memorial Day, remember and honor the ancestors who died for our freedom.
Because it may very well be our last.
Here we need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strengths of the global private sector.
It offers the only real prospect of achieving fundamental economic transition.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reis.
Evil always builds in secret.
bills in secret.
And quietly undermines the pillars of the civilization it is infesting.
And then it becomes arrogant and expands the level of the crimes and conquests that it is engaged in.
And it always bites off more than it can chew.
History is replete with examples.
You don't need me to give you those.
Now, we knew about the global government takeover plan.
Even before World War II with the League of Nations and the Rockefeller Anglo-American establishment program for world government that predates even them going back to Cecil Rhodes.
And we have the countless tabletop exercises and directives of the Carnegie and Ford and Rockefeller Foundation, John Hopkins, the United Nations, saying they would use a virus to bring in their world ID, the carbon taxes, the social credit score, The carbon rationing that comes with that.
But now at Daibosh, now moved to Geneva with 5,000 troops and 5,000 police, arresting and detaining journalists for no reason.
They are openly announcing new lockdowns in their new treaty.
We have it right here.
Reversing course.
They said, oh, the lockdowns killed a bunch of people who didn't work, but now they reverse course.
Who is set to officially recommend every country adopt COVID lockdowns, an abrupt change to policy, and put in a Bill Gates-controlled surveillance grid?
The Davos Group, two weeks ago, signed a treaty with the UN, basically merging them at the command of the UN apparatus in UNESCO.
It's incredible.
They're announcing censorship, globally directed.
They're announcing hell on earth.
Dr. Reiner Fulmik is a trial lawyer specializing in the banking and stock exchange law.
I won't read his whole bio, but I thought he's been one of the most articulate individuals.
He's put on these big symposiums that have done mock grand juries and juries with experts seeing the evidence on gain of function and so much more.
And we've got him for the rest of the hour here with us today.
Here's a quote.
We are dealing with megalomaniac psychopaths and sociopaths who must be stopped and in fact should even be stopped a very long time ago but now the time has come more and more people worldwide are waking up and realizing who is pushing which goals But the pandemic, even in the mainstream media, is hiding it.
Hundreds of thousands of people are talking and taking to the streets all over the world, truly millions.
Dr. Reiner Fulmik, he's with us to lay out the big picture and then zoom in the particulars as they prepare the next lockdowns and next phase in their own words.
But this is being done as a response to their global system falling apart and people waking up to it and their financial system with all the derivatives and Quadrillions of dollars they put out, coming to an end, and they now said in the speeches today and yesterday, we'll play them again later, that you need the pain.
The pain is good because of the earth.
That's why there's inflation.
That's why they're doing the transition.
That's why they're cutting off the fossil fuels.
So they're telling you the depression that's here is something you deserve, while they double and triple their wealth and fly around on private jet airplanes and live in huge mansions.
So that's my say on this.
I'm going to try to get Rainer Fulmik to have the floor here for the rest of the hour and really lay out what we're facing.
But such a historic moment to have corporate world government openly announced And that they are bankrupting us for our own good while they become even richer and now claim ownership of our bodies and our words and our speech.
We are facing tyranny that dwarfs Hitler, Stalin and Mao in its sophistication and in its capacity to carry out their operations.
So, Dr. Reiner Fulmik, thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you for having me again.
I, you know, I keep saying that had somebody told me this two years ago, I would have told them to take their pills, go see a doctor and things would be fine again.
But I have to agree with your assessment of the situation.
What we're facing is a long and carefully planned agenda.
This is not new.
This has been going on for about 100 years.
And I stand by our, and by our I mean the Corona Committee's assessment, but also, this coincides with Dr. Judy Mikevich's assessment, that we don't have a problem with any pandemic.
We don't have a problem with any virus.
We only have a problem with scare tactics.
That is the real pandemic.
It's vaccine-induced immune systems being compromised.
That is the real pandemic.
It's vaccine-induced immune systems being compromised.
It is vaccine-induced thrombotic diseases.
Nothing that we're seeing is real except for the damage that the vaccines, the so-called vaccines are inducing.
The virus, and this becomes clearer and clearer by the minute, so to speak, the virus is no problem for our immune system.
As long as it works, as long as we keep our immune system intact, we can deal with it.
Even if it's tempered with, even if it's the result of gain-of-function experiments.
I'm not even sure if these gain-of-function experiments play any other role than to induce
additional fear to make it look even more dangerous.
And I trust Judy Mikovits on this.
She seems to be one of the most brilliant minds in all of this as a biologist.
She's also one of the very few people who have had personal interactions with the people who are playing this game, including Fauci.
And she kept telling us over and over and over again, if you keep your immune system intact, you don't have anything to worry about.
She says she's been infected with pretty much everything that's out there, but as long as the immune system is there, it can deal with it.
And it turns out that probably even AIDS was not caused by HIV, but rather by fear-mongering.
There are different reasons why people had compromised immune systems.
Much of it has to do with an unhealthy lifestyle, just like the plague, for example, in the Middle Ages had to do with hygienic conditions.
Once these hygienic conditions were cleaned up, the plague went away.
This is what we've seen over and over and over again.
It's always the same narrative.
What we're dealing with is vaccine-induced, it's induced by the pharmaceutical industry, and just as you said, they're using health as a, I guess you could call it a crowbar, in order to force upon us their one world government and their one world digital currency.
That's all there is to it.
It's difficult enough to swallow this and it's probably very difficult for people who've been trusting, older people in particular, who've been trusting their governments.
They have to understand that what you're saying is absolutely correct, Alex.
We're not dealing with our governments anymore.
In particular in Europe, it is very clear that no one who is in positions of power in the European Parliaments They're all a creation of the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders Program, without exception.
They don't care about their people.
They do care about pushing through the agenda of the World Economic Forum.
They want to force us to take more vaccines.
They want to force us to wear masks again because all of a sudden this monkeypox appears out of nowhere.
Well, it doesn't really appear out of nowhere because all of the players who are involved in the corona pandemic have also written about or have been involved in coming up with this new monkeypox plan.
Monkeypox is not dangerous for anyone unless they have a compromised immune system.
We believe that they're coming up with this in order to distract our attention from the fact that the immune system's damage is a result of the so-called vaccines.
They're trying to distract our attention and they're trying to keep us in panic mode because more and more people are waking up and it looks like towards the end of the year, probably even sooner than that, maybe in the fall, so many people are waking up that they're going to have to pull the next stage and that is going to be the war in Ukraine, which I'm afraid it looks as though this is going to spill over into Germany and then the rest of Europe.
Hopefully it's not going to turn into World War III.
It all depends on how many people wake up by that time, but I'm very, very positive that it's going to be millions of people by that time, even in Europe, even though the main battlefield Where this war is won or lost is going to be the United States.
Because here you have many more people who have already woken up.
Dr. Reiner Fulmich, stay right there.
Back in just a few minutes.
Dr. Reiner Fulmich is our guest here on the Alex Jones Show.
You can find the site of the great organization traveling the country and the world exposing the evil.
Fulmich.com or crimesagainsthumanitytour.com And we really appreciate him being here with us as The Globalist publicly meet and close ranks having the WEF merge with the UN, making all these authoritarian statements.
I want you to go into the key points you've got, doctor.
But first, why do you think they're being so blunt about it now?
We're going to censor you.
You'll own nothing.
You'll have nothing.
You'll be on carbon rations.
We're going to make you take all these shots.
We want new lockdowns.
The world economy is going to collapse.
That's good.
I played the clip last hour.
I mean, I played it twice today.
Them saying, you deserve this.
It'll save the earth.
I mean, this is sick.
A corrupt ruling class obsessed with depopulation, giving us poison shots, flying in on private jets.
Thousands of prostitutes flying in, thousands of troops guarding them, and then they're telling us we deserve to die while they prepare new lockdowns that will kill tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions.
I mean, this is just unbelievable to watch.
Why do you think they are emerging now and being so arrogant?
Well, my personal view is that they've overplayed their hand and that they did not expect so many of us to wake up.
My personal assessment is that they were pushed into an early start.
They were going to announce the pandemic, or the plannedemic rather, in early 2020 when there weren't any cases.
And so they had to create these cases and they did that with the help of the PCR test.
But because of this early start, I think it's an early start, they're making many mistakes.
And by overplaying their hand, by crossing too many red lines, now they have a problem with more and more people waking up.
That's why I think they're going further than they probably intended to go, because we're close to, really, really close, in my view at least, to a tipping point.
And I think this shouldn't have happened, at least according to their plans, it shouldn't have happened quite yet.
But they need to come up with a new narrative.
You can see their desperation in the fact that they're trying to play the same story over again.
Monkeypox is nothing but Corona 2.0.
And that just shows you that they're hard-pressed to come up with something that'll keep people in panic mode.
Therefore, I think they're going to need that other narrative to kick in very quickly, and that other narrative being the war in Ukraine, which is probably going to spill over into Germany and then the rest of Europe.
That's my personal assessment.
I totally agree with you.
But even the Pope, that's a big globalist supporter, came out two weeks ago and said, NATO started this war.
They overthrew the elected government eight years ago in Ukraine.
They were pushing into Russian-held areas, attacking people.
with military force. So I mean even the Pope is saying this needs to stop. I mean this is out of control.
You can see that Klaus Schwab isn't arrogant anymore as you said. He's desperate. They admit in their leaked communiques
and documents they've been desperate for years.
And the wheels are coming off of this and more people are awake than ever. What do you expect them to do?
I think they're gonna double down.
I do too.
They don't have a choice.
I have a good friend who I met in India, a German ex-investment banker.
He was so discouraged and so disgusted with the banking system of the financial mafia, he calls it, quite correctly, that he spent a year at an Indian ashram.
What this guy told him is that these people will more or less be forced to kill themselves because once they're exposed they don't have a choice.
They don't want to be paraded in front of the TV cameras.
They don't want to have to be They don't want to be taken to court.
So I think that is a major problem that they have.
The wheels are coming off of this.
That's true.
Everything is out of control.
And that's why they're not really, they're not careful enough.
They're not, they're not, they don't have the power anymore to control everything that's happening.
And that's why, that's what makes it so dangerous.
Because that, and I think that's one of the reasons why the Pope came in, of course he belongs to them, but that's why he came in saying, hey, stop, this is going a little too far.
Yes, it is.
Because this is like a, like a fuse that they lighted and that they can't stop anymore.
It's going to keep on going unless a big portion of the European population rises up, and I have serious doubts that they will.
And again, I would use the Nazi example of Erwin Rommel warning Hitler not to launch Operation Barbarossa into Russia.
It wasn't that he was even pro-Russia or pro-communist.
He knew they would end up losing.
And it's the same thing with the Pope saying, stop it.
We're losing.
Don't start more wars.
Don't accelerate this.
Back off.
Yeah, because the thing is, they don't wanna kill themselves by starting a nuclear war,
which will probably, which cannot really be controlled.
I know there's a lot of talk about strategy, or rather, tactical nuclear strikes.
I don't know if that's possible.
I don't know if that happens, if one or the other side will still be able
to take a step back and calm down.
I seriously doubt that.
On the other hand, there are a lot of people out there, including Dr. Zelenko, who are saying the world needs a cleansing.
Maybe that's what it takes.
I think he's probably correct.
The big problem is what kind of cleansing are we going to see?
I would prefer the kind of cleansing that does not involve any violence by, for example,
allowing people to understand what's going on and then disconnecting, disengaging, decoupling
from all of these global corporations and global NGOs, which are all owned by the very
same people.
And let me tell you this, this is happening already.
I don't know if Russia is really going to pull away from the World Economic Forum.
They're saying this, but we don't know what role they're really playing.
However, there's another tiny country in Latin America, Ecuador.
They are definitely pulling away.
I just saw a video yesterday which seems to be real.
And maybe Brazil is also going to pull out of the WHO.
So some things point in that direction, because in my view that is the only way to solve this problem.
Of course you can have your legal efforts, we're going to continue with those.
Of course we have to believe that there is a higher power that will come to our aid, but the most important thing for for them or for this higher power to come to our aid, if
you believe in spirituality or religion or whatever, is that we ourselves get up first and do something.
And that means we have to understand what's going on and disconnect from them,
because they need us, but we don't need them.
Maybe one of the first countries to do that is a tiny little island country in a thousand miles northeast of Australia called Vanuatu.
Nobody's ever heard of them.
But these people there are so pissed off at what's been done to them.
They could see directly the WHO interfering with their sovereignty and not just advising them, which is what they thought they would do when they came into the country, but giving them orders.
So they want to pull out of this as well, and I think that's going to be a perfect example for the rest of the world to see how easy it really is to show them the door and to send them back to where they came from.
That's right.
Stay there, Dr. Reiner Fulming.
I'm going to come back and give you the floor on it.
other facets and issues you want to raise. I've got my own questions as well, but no doubt we are
at a critical crossroads in human development. Our future is really being decided right now,
and this audience is the largest, most informed audience out there. That's why you're so precious
and why I salute and thank you all. Stay with us. We'll be right back.
Dr. Judy Minkovitch, who's worked with Fauci at the highest levels that he just mentioned,
has been on the show before.
It went super viral, it was like a year ago.
She's on Friday with us.
And they head up, Dr. Reiner Fulmich and Dr. Migovitz head up thecrimesagainsthumanitytour.com.
Be sure and be part of that.
Very, very important information.
Talk about coffin nails, this tyranny.
I've seen his speeches and read his writings.
He's, I think, the most succinct in explaining the big picture of this and what we're facing.
But I played this clip already three times today.
I'm not going to play it again.
But they're at the Debo script saying, you deserve the pain and it's good.
And then they're doing nothing for the environment and living like ultra-rich pigs that stole their money, who on average double their money during the vertical integration, and they go on to say, this is going to hurt little people, small businesses, but it's worth it.
These people are just outrageous in their chutzpah, their bravado, their arrogance, whatever you want to call it.
Now, the Doc's nice, and he's pausing, you know, for me to respond, but I told him I want him to host most of this segment and the next show.
You've got the floor, sir.
I want you to cover everything and anything you want to get to.
Well, thank you very much.
Here's our take.
Again, when I say our take, I mean the Corona Investigative Committee's take, and also Judy Majkovic's, and also Patrick Wood's take on this.
We believe that much of or almost everything that we're seeing is just a grand illusion
that was created by psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, and that was has been planned
for for at least 10 years, probably a little longer.
They're using psychological terrorism and major vector or their major means of transporting
this message of panic and fear is the mainstream media.
That is why we as the grand jury, the model grand jury investigation group of people,
the international group of lawyers decided we're going to need additional testimony on
these two aspects.
Psychological terrorism and the media's role.
That's when we turned, this is a week ago, that's when we turned once again to Professor Matthias Desmet.
He is probably the most knowledgeable as far as his theory of mass formation is concerned.
And he once again explained to us that it does look as though this has been long planned.
They, the other side has done everything in their power to disorient us, to take away
our identities, genderism and all that, and to eventually lead us to believe that we're
all alone, we can't turn to anyone.
So that is one of the major ingredients, loneliness.
Loneliness and then out of this follows what he calls free-floating anxiety, and that was
the perfect grounds for installing this agenda, because free-floating anxiety needs a target
to home in on.
And that target, they decided, would be the corona pandemic.
So there you have it.
You have people who are isolated from each other, who don't believe in their being social beings anymore, and then they turn to this common enemy towards the pandemic, towards corona, And all of a sudden, they have something to focus on.
All of a sudden, it's not free-floating anxiety anymore.
All of a sudden, they know, oh, that's where the enemy is.
And that's also the point at which they forget about their individual sovereignty, because everything they're doing is from now on for the common good, without them realizing that it is not really the common good, but rather it's for the good of those people who have been planning this.
Mark Crispin Miller, Professor Mark Crispin Miller is a professor from NYU, New York University.
He specializes in media.
He explained to us in great detail how the media were used to transport this message, to convey this message to as many people as possible.
That's why we believe the solution to all of this Apart from the legal efforts that need to continue, especially in this country.
It doesn't make any sense in Germany at this point, but especially in this country.
That's why we believe the most important message that we can get out there is give everybody an opportunity to look
at the real facts and then check whether or not these facts are in line with what he's been.
I've been suspicious off he or she has been suspicious, suspicious off for a long time, and then they'll know who's
speaking the truth and who isn't speaking the truth.
But then and only then will they understand that we're not dealing with politicians making any mistakes, that we're
not dealing with negligence or anything, but we're dealing with politicians who are not our politicians, but rather
And that we're dealing with intent, which legally translates into there is no immunity for anyone.
As soon as you end up with intent, with malicious creation of damages, there is no immunity
But then they also understand that the easiest way out of this is by simply disconnecting.
Don't watch these mainstream media anymore, the dying media as we call them.
Do not listen to what the World Health Organization or the World Economic Forum or the UN or any
other of these global NGOs are saying, but revert back to real democracy.
And real democracy has to do with bottom up and not top down.
We don't need any globalists to tell us in our family, in our community, in our regions
what to do.
We, in our family, we in our region, we in our community, we know what's good for us.
That's why we think, and many Americans seem to agree with that because it's happening already.
That's why we think we have to disconnect and start our own tailor-made, custom-made system of the judiciary, if we
need it.
Healthcare, education, extremely important, and economics.
Designed to serve the people where they live, to serve their needs, their individual needs.
That's important, because many people seem to believe, oh, somebody's got to tell me what to do, or I have to ask for permission to do what I intend to do.
No, that is not the case.
As long as you understand that we, each and every one of us, has their individual sovereignty.
It's not just national sovereignty, but it's also individual sovereignty, or as Judy Mikevich always says, God-given immunity.
Probably the best way to explain this.
I mean, I keep telling everyone that I'm not religious, but that has to do with the fact that I believe religions, all religions, all the churches have failed us.
I don't believe in organized religion because that's about power.
But spirituality may be the same thing.
My wife seems to believe that.
So, that is an additional element, apart from the fact that we need to get the information out, apart from the fact that we need to continue with our legal efforts.
There is a higher power out there, and if you realize that, if you understand that, then nothing can go wrong.
Because, as we've seen in the past, anyone who's ever tried to play God has never gone unpunished.
Therefore, ultimately, the problem is humongous, it's huge, but the solution is very, very simple.
Because we are the 99.999 whatever percent, and they're less than 1%.
It's just an illusion.
And the only way to understand is by looking at the real facts.
Try to check up on them, try to get your information, not from the mainstream media anymore, but try to get it from people like Alex and myself and the Corona Investigative Committee, from Judy, from Patrick Wood and all the others who really have taken a deep dive into what we're seeing here.
My testimony or what I'm telling you right now is not based on my experience, it's based on what the experts From all walks of science have told us over the last two years almost two years now since July 10th that's when we founded the Corona Investigative Committee and I have absolutely no reason to believe that these
Highly esteemed experts, including Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President of Pfizer, including... Hold on, stay there, Dr. Rainer Fulmich.
Dr. Rainer Fulmich, final segment straight ahead, start over about 10 seconds back.
When we come back, this is so critical, powerful information.
Find out more at fulmich.com, crimesagainsthumanitytour.com, and support us, please, at infowarstore.com.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Evil is making its move as it has done throughout critical points in history, and there's no doubt with all the weapons and all the technology we've got, this is the most dangerous period in human history, hands down.
Dr. Reiner Fulmik is our guest.
He's been leading the charge on pointing out the crimes against humanity that have taken place.
And I want to be crystal clear, as dark as this news is, it's good to know that there's a hole out in that field you're going to be out in at night.
So you don't break your leg.
So we're not being negative here.
We're laying out what's really going on.
And what he said when he first came on 50 minutes ago is so critical.
The pendulum is swinging back.
There is a great awakening there.
The globalists are having to accelerate their program, not out of strength, but out of weakness.
And so we don't just have hope.
We know they're coming with the worldwide lockdowns.
We know.
I told you years ago they do it again.
It's in their own plans.
Their arrogance will be their undoing.
And the next thing he said was they have angered and enraged, to paraphrase, the real scientists, the real lawyers, the real doctors, the real people And so the sleeping giant has been awakened, like when Admiral Yamamoto launched Pearl Harbor under orders.
He said we shouldn't do it.
He'd already written him letters back to the Emperor saying, don't invade the mainland, because the Japanese Emperor wanted to do that.
Behind every blade of grass there is a rifle.
And he said, I fear we have awakened the sleeping giant and filled it with terrible determination.
And so there's no way they win now.
The question is how bad will this fight be and how should we fight this fight?
I think it should be peaceful.
With information, their only hope is roping us into violence.
That's why I'm against that.
Dr. Fulmik, you've got the floor.
Please continue.
Yeah, I want to direct your attention to two aspects of this crisis that I think are critical.
One is the role of the media, of course, and the other is what about the judiciary?
Professor Mark Crispin Miller of NYU explained to us that, and it's Everyone needs to know this, that in 2014, I think it was under the Obama administration still, the propaganda, everyone has always known that propaganda is used by NATO, by the Allied partners of NATO, by the Five Eyes, against the enemy.
The enemy as perceived by us was Russia or China or whatever.
But in 2014, it became possible for propaganda to be used against our own people here in the U.S., and that's what the mainstream media are engaging on.
They're using propaganda against their own people by spreading outright lies, and more importantly, by censoring everything and everyone who's not in line with Our government, which as I said, is in reality a world economy.
Just to interrupt, I want to back you up.
You can pull up the article's headline, Congress legalizes use of propaganda against Americans.
Obama legalizes use of propaganda.
They didn't even hide this then.
They admitted it and now we've seen the aftermath of it.
Yeah, and that's why it's so important.
Once you know that, it's going to be a whole lot easier to turn off your TV and to turn off your radio, at least when it comes to the so-called mainstream media, which, as we all know, you've explained this over and over again, are owned by basically five or six corporations, with these psychopaths controlling these corporations.
Now let's take a look at the judiciary.
As far as I'm concerned, the only place Where the judiciary has an effect when it still applies the rule of law is here in the United States.
Maybe in India, because India has a functioning judiciary, but certainly not in Europe.
And in particular, not in Germany.
Why am I saying this?
Just to give you the details on this one.
About a little over a year ago, a German judge in the town of Weimar decided that he would hear a case that was brought to his attention by a woman, a mother of two underage children, seven or nine years old.
She told this judge, my children are being tortured.
They have to take a PCR test every other day.
There's social distancing.
They have to wear masks.
They can't sleep at night.
They have belly aches.
headaches, they wake up in the middle of the night screaming, you've got to do something
about it.
And he said, yes I will, I'm going to talk to the experts because I'm just the judge
but when I don't have any first-hand knowledge about stuff, I have to turn to experts and
that's what he did.
He turned to four esteemed professors from renowned universities, one of them being a
PCR test expert, another one being someone who's very knowledgeable about masks and the
The third one was a child psychologist.
Based on their testimony, his decision said School, stop this.
This is illegal.
There is no factual basis for any of this.
And as there's no factual basis, there's no legal basis.
This is unconstitutional.
Three weeks later, his house, his car, and his office were searched.
His cell phone and his, um...
Computers were seized, same thing happened to the experts, same thing happened to the attorney who represented the children's interests, and the same thing happened to a friend of the judge's just because she was a friend of his.
That's why, and he was, the decision was not a decision that was totally out of whack because it was in line with two Two very identical decisions that were handed down first by the appellate court in Portugal stating PCR tests cannot be the basis of anything because they can't tell you anything about infection.
Sure, and the inventor said it was a fraud for viral tests, exactly.
So we have the deep state openly attacking judges now that shows their incredible arrogance.
Exactly, and that's why I'm saying the only place where the judiciary, at least in parts, is still functioning, and where you have the advantages of the American legal system, meaning you have class actions, meaning you have pre-trial discovery, which is a real... So what you're saying is the fight for the world is happening here in America?
Exactly, because here, if you look at the federal court's decision from Florida from, I think, April 18th, which said there is no authority for the CDC to issue mask mandates to rule that there must be masks worn on planes, on trains, etc.
They have no authority for this.
A day later, and of course, we all remember the pictures of people dancing on the planes, including the flight attendants, including pilots.
That was the most important That's right, so you've traveled the world, you've seen as bad as America is, it's the best house in a bad neighborhood, and we should really fight here.
of Americans took off their masks.
I want to invite you back as soon as you want to come back.
We appreciate your stellar work and we salute you.
30-second closing comment.
Well, thank you very much.
The only thing I have to add is don't believe the illusion.
In order to get away from it, go out into nature, connect with nature, do your own thing, grow your own food, have your own energy, solar energy, whatever, but try to be independent of the mainstream and then you'll find your peace of mind and you'll find like-minded people and you'll be surprised how many of us are out there.
I suppose that here in this country it's at least 50, probably 60 percent That's right.
They use the fact that we're in an industrialized capacity under their control and unindependent to control us and hold us hostage.
The key is creating our own communities again.
Dr. Fulmik, thank you so much.
Thank you very much for having me.
Powerful interview.
Everybody will post it to Bandai Video later.
Share it.
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You gotta share theinfowar.tv.
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All right, I'm gonna come back in five more minutes to hand the baton to the guest host.
Owen Schroer's coming on in a little over an hour at 3 p.m. Central, infowars.com/show
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We'll be right back in hour number four.
Wow, what a powerful broadcast so far.
You know, a lot of people have asked me to cover the Durham trial of the Clinton operative and how it came out that Hillary ordered it and knew it was a lie and everything.
I mean, she's a criminal.
And don't hold your breath for her to ever get indicted.
And she's just a puppet of the larger New World Order.
But yeah, we've got all that news here.
and it is important but what's really important, the head of Wayne Allyn Root taking over next segment,
boy is he always loaded for bear, is headlines like this out of the Boston Globe.
With the Buffalo Massacre, Fox News has blood on its hands again
because Tucker Carlson covered the UN documents on their website
calling to open us up to third world populations and bring in 600 plus million people in the next two decades.
It's his fault a crazy guy mentioned that, even though it turns out the guy's a Democrat.
That's what authoritarians do, is guilt by association.
Oh, if the guy down the street murders somebody, you go to jail.
Or if the guy down the street does something the system doesn't like, you get in trouble.
When the Nazis would come into Eastern Europe in World War II, if one of their officers got shot, they'd round up 100 villagers and kill them.
If one German got shot, they'd round up 10 villagers and kill them.
Look it up.
How is, and that's ended up with turning, to turn the Russians and the Ukrainians and the Poles against the Nazis was crap like that.
So tyrants do the same thing over and over again, thinking it's going to work.
It's like Hitler bombing civilian targets during the Blitz.
90 plus percent of Brits were against a new war.
They lost millions in the World War I. Most Brits thought Germany got the short end of the stick.
Under the Versailles Treaty, as soon as Hitler started bombing London, they said, let's go to war.
And it went 99% pro-war.
So, you know, the left always wants to push people around and punch us in the face and, hey, we're going to sue you.
Hey, we're going to attack you.
Hey, we're going to threaten you.
You know, they're cowards.
You see, that's why they think people being pushed around makes them want to grovel.
No, it pisses people off.
And that's why I mentioned this Boston Globe article.
He talks about the same law firms that sued Remington into oblivion because this guy used a Remington firearm and because Fox News talked about replacement migration that they want to sue and they're talking to the same law firms that have sued me to create a precedent to take somebody's free speech and then shut them down.
Well, now they're going to use it on Fox News and on Remington again.
Buffalo shooting victims' families look at civil action.
Unbelievable that all of this is going on.
But it's what the tyrants are doing to try to keep us in line.
And I've always believed in freedom.
I've always believed in you.
I believe in the American people.
I believe in the people of the world, but particularly the American people.
And as bad as we are, notice we just had a big German lawyer on talking about how we're the only hope and we're turning the tide worldwide against the lockdowns and against what they're coming with next.
So I've always bet on you.
And I want to thank the viewers and listeners of this broadcast for betting on InfoWars and betting on this incredible crew and our reporters and what we're doing.
And that's why I want to thank you all.
For your commitment to the truth and just to realize that Infowars is a weapon system of truth to counter the globalist weapon system of lies and they stay awake at night.
The globalists are obsessed with shutting this show down because of the people listen.
And if folks find out what's happening, it won't just be the USA that's free.
It'll be the world.
But if they can conquer America, and use it as an example of tyranny, well they believe the rest of the nations will fall like dominoes.
So, Wayne Ellenroot, best-selling author, talk show host, you name it, is about to take over.
And then, Owen Schroyer in T-minus 56 minutes from now.
The War Room.
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Thanks for taking action.
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All right, Wayne Alleyroots, welcome in for Alex Jones.
Thank you, Alex Jones.
Always great to be on your show.
And always great to have the honor of being the guest host on Tuesdays on the Alex Jones InfoWars Network.
Waynerootrootforamerica.com is my website.
You can always email me, wayneroot at gmail dot com.
I have so much to say, it's hard to fit it in an hour.
I do a three hour national radio show and I can't fit what I have to say into a three hour national radio show!
They're hitting us from a thousand directions.
It's everything I ever said.
Believe me, I don't want to say I told you so.
I don't want to say I'm a smart guy.
I wish I was wrong about everything.
But this is a communist, globalist, authoritarian, madman, evil attack upon the United States.
To either weaken the United States in a worst-case scenario, as far as these people are concerned, these evil scum.
The worst-case scenario is to weaken the United States and allow us to be overcome by China as the greatest economy in the world.
China instead of us.
Or maybe China invades the United States and takes us over.
And on a best-case scenario, their intent is to destroy the United States and to make all of you slaves.
Literally to enslave you to the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and George Soros and all the scumbag evil piece of human crap in the world who have billions of dollars and want to suppress your life and your means of mobility and opportunity and making money.
It's disgusting what's happening.
It's outrageous what's happening.
It's disgraceful what's happening and we got to...
I think it was Ben Franklin who said, we either hang together or we hang separately.
Meaning you stick together or everyone's gonna hang if it's every man for himself.
So we better stick together.
There's all kinds of things on my bulletin board.
What are the big issues?
That I'm thinking about writing about in the next week.
I'll kind of riff off this number one headline out there.
And this is not in any particular order, but these are all on my board of what I'm planning to write about.
Number one would be 19 dead friends.
And that's about the fact that since my wedding, the count is 19.
And that's because that's only the people I know about.
I don't speak to people every day and every friend who ever came to my wedding every day, and they don't share with me every day how sick they are and what problems have happened after their vaccine.
But 19 dead or gravely injured friends since my wedding, 200 people at my wedding, I invited about 225.
The idea that 19 could be either dead or very sick or gravely injured is insane.
It's impossible that it's a coincidence or a mistake.
And I called all 19 that I know are dead or injured and spoke to their relatives and all 19 admitted the ones who are dead or injured were vaccinated.
That's not a coincidence.
That's not a mistake.
That's not a rare statistic, an anomaly that means nothing.
In one guy's wedding, 19 people dead or badly sick or injured or disabled from a wedding that was November 21st, 2021, like six months ago.
It's impossible that that is not representative of the horrors going on for this vaccine all over the United States of America.
And that's one of the things they use, one of the tools that this evil globalist elite, this communist scum elite that want to take over your life and produce the Great Reset.
That's just one of the tools in their tool bag was vaccine mandates.
And now they've got monkeypox.
Can you imagine what a silly name?
Do you want to make me laugh or do you want to make me worried?
Because it's having the opposite effect.
I'm not worried.
I'm laughing at the absurdity and the humor and the ridiculousness of all of you who believe in a new pandemic of monkeypox!
It's absurd!
It's absurd that it turns out it's only gay people involved now.
It's absurd that the name, I think, is simply meant to make all of us either be scared, or in the case of me and smart people, laugh!
It's so stupid!
They're testing!
Are you so dumb that you- OH MY GOD BUCKY BOX!
Or are you a smart person who looks at it and goes, this is a joke!
This is absurd!
It's just a new attempt to get you to vaccinate another- Evil, death-enhancing, dangerous vaccine, I'm sure, they're going to come up with within days, that they've been ready for for five years.
There was even a war game simulation in 2021.
And during that war game simulation, they said the world will have a monkeypox pandemic.
I swear to you, that's the name they came up with.
The same name!
A monkeypox pandemic.
And they said it would break out on May 15, 2022.
Well, that was a week ago!
That's what we heard about monkey pops!
Are you starting to get the impression all of this is a planned, intentional destruction of the United States and democracies and capitalism around the world to make everyone bankrupt and scared and panicked and hysterical?
And lose everything we've got and close every business, at least every small business, and all that'll be left is big box retailers, gigantic stores, multi-billion dollar multinational corporations, and the rest of us will be slaves of a globalist system.
Of course that's the plan!
You can see it!
And it would take an idiot to not know that COVID was purposely sent to the United States to make us lock down and to destroy our economic system and destroy capitalism and knock out Donald Trump, who is the only thing standing in the way of China and a globalist world.
And they accomplished what they wanted to accomplish.
With the insanity of the people.
So, 19 dead or very injured or very sick friends since my wedding only six months ago.
It's what I call a vaccine cluster.
I compare it to Love Island, which was a suburban area in, I believe, upstate New York.
Buffalo, I believe.
Excuse me, Love Canal.
Love Canal.
Love Island, I think, is a show on Fox, a dating show.
But Love Canal was a suburban neighborhood where all the kids came up with cancer.
And it was a cluster is what they called it.
A cluster of kids had cancer and died from cancer.
What a horrible thing.
You know, how do you see a child with cancer?
You know, it takes a lot to make a guy like me, as macho as me, cry.
But if you want me to cry, it's people who hurt animals would make me cry and children that are either abused or hurt or raped or molested or cancer in a kid would make me cry like a baby.
And can you imagine if a hundred kids in one neighborhood all came up with brain cancer, lung cancer?
Something's wrong, right?
It was a cluster and it turned out that a toxic waste plant had operated there and they dumped all the waste in the ground and it got into the groundwater and then they built a suburban neighborhood over it and these kids all died.
This is a vaccine cluster.
People are dying of heart attacks and strokes and cancer and blood clots in numbers nobody has ever seen before in the history of medicine, healthcare, in the history of the United States.
And the 19 at my wedding is just a small cluster that is emblematic of everything happening in America today and the world today.
All the athletes dropping dead in their 20s.
All the military people sick since the vaccine.
300% increase in cancer in the military since the vaccine is what whistleblowers are saying.
Dramatic numbers.
And of course, politicians and Hollywood stars who are dying in large numbers.
Out of the blue, it's always suddenly dies, sudden heart attack, sudden stroke.
Politicians, like the guy running for U.S.
Senate in Pennsylvania, who just won the primary, Fetterman.
Like the guy in Maryland, United States Senator, I think it's Cardin, who just had a stroke.
It's unbelievable how people are dropping like flies.
Other things I've got on my bulletin board.
No, Joe Biden is not an incompetent failure.
He is a traitor and it is time to impeach him and indict him for treason.
He should be held in treason for what happened in Afghanistan, for the soldiers that died in Afghanistan, for giving up Afghanistan to the Taliban, and also for leaving 80 plus billion dollars of equipment on the ground for our Islamic terrorist enemies, and also for the open border that's destroying our country every day, and for announcing in a speech just yesterday that, you know, gas prices are good.
He almost said The general gist of what he said was gas prices are going up so far but it's good because we need to make a transition away from fossil fuel.
He admitted it is a purposeful destruction of the middle class of America because they want you off of cheap fossil fuel and they want you on expensive green energy that will bankrupt the entire middle class and ruin our lives.
It's incredible what's happening.
Also on my bulletin board Biden Blitzkrieg.
They're destroying America so fast it's like the Nazis that were on meth that took over Czechoslovakia, Poland, and France, and Belgium in record speed.
The Biden Blitzkrieg.
When I get back, more!
Wayne Allyn Root, RootForAmerica.com, and of course, Wayne Root at gmail.com.
We'll be back in a sec.
All right, a lot of great emails already.
WayneRoot at gmail.com.
I love to hear from my fans and friends and Alex Jones viewers and listeners.
Fantastic stuff.
WayneRoot at gmail.com.
My national radio show, Wayne a la Root, raw and unfiltered, can be found by going to either usaradio.com.
Click and listen now.
Listen live now from 3 to 6 p.m.
West Coast time, 5 to 8.
Central time and 6 to 9 p.m.
East Coast time or you go to my website root4america.com and you click there Anytime and listen to my show or listen live again 6 to 9 p.m.
East Coast time Finishing up with my idea for columns.
So 19 dead or very badly injured friends for my wedding Biden blitzkrieg just like Nazi soldiers on meth running through Europe.
That's what's going on.
I think Biden has put meth In the food or the drink of his lawyers and regulators and bureaucrats and Democrat activists, because they are attacking us at a speed, lightning speed no one's ever seen before, the Biden blitzkrieg.
It's time to call Joe Biden a traitor.
Why can't, maybe the headline really should be, why can't the Republican Party just stop it already and call Biden a traitor?
Stop pussyfooting around.
He's a traitor.
He's purposely opened the borders, he's purposely knocked the price of gas way up to destroy the average American, and he admitted it in a speech yesterday, and he's purposely joining an amendment to the WHO treaty of health care that says in a medical emergency we have no rights anymore.
None of us, not even President Biden, has rights.
No governor, no senator, no congressman, no president, no health authority.
Not even the CDC and Fauci would have rights.
The World Health Organization would rule our lives.
These are traitorous actions.
This is a traitor.
The people behind the dummy with dementia are traitors selling out and destroying the United States.
Stop pussyfooting around.
Call Biden a traitor and indict him already.
Another column on my drawing board or or my board is did Biden steal a billion dollars from the US taxpayers?
Prove me wrong.
And basically what that is, is a friend of mine buys the exact covid test kits that Biden bought Biden paid, and I don't have it in front of me, but I believe $1.3 billion for COVID test kits back in February, $1.3 billion of taxpayer money.
And my buddy buys them by the $10,000, not by the millions like the U.S.
Understanding business, it's impossible you'd pay the same price buying millions as you would buying $10,000 of the test kits.
If the U.S.
government buys $100 million, you're going to charge half of what you did for the guy who's buying $10,000.
And yet the U.S.
government under Biden paid more than my buddy!
Which means he ripped us off for a billion dollars.
Either Biden's the dumbest guy in world history and the people behind him are the dumbest and the worst negotiators in history, or everybody got rich on that $1.3 billion purchase that should have been a $300 million purchase and a billion dollars was ripped off the American taxpayers.
That's another one on my drawing board.
And also, finally, I should say, Divorce America style.
I think that Roe v. Wade, that announcement is going to come any day now.
And if that announcement is as the leak promised, that it's going to be the end of Roe vs. Wade, which is not the end of abortion, by the way.
That's a lie.
Don't listen to all the liars in the media.
All it is, kicking it back to a state's rights issue, which is what the founding fathers and the U.S.
Constitution said from day one.
And then each state will decide.
I think that will push my idea of divorce American style.
We need a divorce.
We can't live with these crazy Nazi communist globalist scumbags, these evil people ruled by the devil.
We can't live with them anymore.
And by the way, they can't live with us.
They hate us.
They despise us.
They want to destroy us.
Matter of fact, there was a news story the other day.
That was so incredible.
Remember we found out at some point a national education organization pushed hard and school boards pushed hard for the FBI to get involved in PTA meetings and harass parents and arrest parents.
Now we got an actual original copy of the letter.
And the letter that was sent by I think was the National PTA organization to the Biden White House said that he should get the National Guard Army and the military police involved in PTA meetings and school board meetings.
This is a military communist attempt to destroy the United States.
They want to use the power of government and guns To disarm us and then tell us what to do and enslave us for the rest of our lives.
That's so clear now.
So we need a divorce.
And I think Roe vs. Wade will push that divorce because what liberal, crazy, femme Nazi would want to live in a state like a red state like Florida or Texas when they ban abortion or severely restrict it?
And what conservative will want to live in a state like California or New York or other liberal states?
Illinois, as an example, Rhode Island.
Maryland, some other liberal states, Hawaii.
What conservative will ever want to live in those states when they say it's okay to murder a baby till the moment of birth, a week after birth, or a month after birth?
I've never heard such madness in my life.
I've never heard such evil in my life.
What conservative will stay in those states?
This will accelerate my opinion.
What's already happening?
Everybody who is conservative and business owner and has money and income is leaving California and leaving New York and states like them, blue states like them, and they're moving to Florida and Texas.
And by the way, my state, which has a tendency now to be a blue state, Nevada, but is still Zero state income tax, zero capital gains tax, zero business tax, zero inheritance tax, and I believe like the ninth lowest property tax in America.
So my state is still free and open compared to and low tax compared to any of the blue states.
And so all the blue state people are moving to my state, Nevada, and they're moving to Utah, and they're moving to, you know, all kinds of other red states.
Tennessee's another big state people are choosing.
Wyoming and Idaho and Montana are states people are choosing.
They're willing to go to freezing cold states that are as cold as Canada, and it snows like nine months a year, and they're willing to do that rather than live in a California ever again.
So it's accelerating exactly what I want.
Divorce, American style.
We all have to get away from the liberals.
Let me point out, we have about two minutes left of the segment.
The protest and boycott book is my book.
And you can buy it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
Amazon sucks, I know.
Barnes and Noble's liberlase suck.
But that's who sells books.
That's who sells 99% of all conservative books.
So there's no other, no choice.
That's where you have to sell your books.
At least they're still selling conservative books.
This one lists the names of all the most woke corporations in America, and their CEOs, and their board of directors, and tells you exactly how to contact them on the phone, on email, and every other way you could think of, of snail mail, actual physical mail.
Social media.
It's a great book, Great Patriot Protest, the boycott book.
It works.
My theory works.
My theory was the only way we have power now is to put the corporations out of business and put them on notice that if you screw with conservatives and treat us like crap, we are absolutely going to stop buying your products.
You're going to go broke and you're going to be fired, Mr. or Mrs. CEO.
And it's been working, working fantastically.
And guess what happened?
I was going to announce to you as of yesterday, State Farm was donating transgender books For kindergartners to schools in Florida.
Can you imagine State Farm?
You got to be kidding me.
So guess what happened?
The reaction was so bad from their own customers that today they canceled the project.
See, we do have the power because who buys home insurance, car insurance, life insurance, health insurance?
Republicans, not liberals!
We've got all the money and all the jobs!
We own all the houses!
Remember how Democrats said we're the party of the rich?
We're not the party of the rich, we're the party of middle class people who work for a living, and upper middle class people who work for a living, and small business owners.
And so, if we cancel all our policies with State Farm, there is no more State Farm.
They're gone.
We have the power.
The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book is the way to take back the power.
When I get back, So many more stories to tell you about that define what's happening in America today.
Wade Alleyroot, RootForAmerica.com, waderoot at gmail.com.
All right, Wayne on the Roots!
I let off the last segment.
First of all, a little station identification.
I am on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm guest host every Tuesday between 12 noon and one o'clock West Coast time where I live in Las Vegas.
I live here in the house that Root built in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Root, the Root, the Root's on fire, as I always say to start off my radio show, because I am on fire.
I'm angry and I'm passionate.
I'm high energy.
And I let you know what's going on.
I'm not a guy who invents things.
I'm Paul Revere.
You know, Paul Revere is still famous to this day, 250 plus years later, for being the guy of the American Revolution.
As far as I know, he never killed anybody, never killed a single British soldier.
He wasn't a general, he didn't lead the battle.
He wasn't a politician, he wasn't a president or a senator.
He just rode his horse and said, the British are coming!
The British are coming!
And that was enough to make him famous for the rest of all time in the United States annals.
And that's what I am.
Wayne Allyn Root, count me as the Paul Revere.
I'm not a lawyer.
I'm not an expert on election fraud.
I'm not an expert on borders.
I'm not an expert on vaccines.
I'm just the guy who tells you the truth about what's happening with these things and screams from the highest mountaintops, the communists are coming!
The communists are coming!
It's a communist, vile, vicious, evil takeover of the United States and I am the guy to shout it from the highest mountaintops like Paul Revere.
I ended the last segment with State Farm donating transgender books for kindergartners to schools in Florida.
Can you imagine what corporate executive thought that was a good idea?
And then overnight they got so much negative emails and comments and calls, outraged calls.
Everyone was going to drop State Farm.
As their insurance company and State Farm pulled out of that entire plan or situation or concept as of this morning.
So we are making a difference.
We really are.
Like a creepy neighbor, State Farm is there.
That should be the new saying.
Like a creepy pervert, State Farm is there.
President Biden, as I mentioned in segment number one, Seems to praise high gas prices as this incredible transition that Americans must go through and get and no coincidence Gas prices go up for the 12th day in a row to the all-time record all-time record 12 days in a row never happened in the history of America Somebody sent me this during the break and let me get to it because it really was fabulous here.
It is love your show D And they sent me a chart.
What an interesting chart.
So let me read the chart.
This is what Biden's done since he became president when he says it's not my fault gas prices are going up.
First of all, under Trump was the lowest gas price in history.
We had plentiful gas, plentiful drilling, plentiful coal, plentiful energy, and all the laws that would allow you to drill and do what needs to be done and frack and do whatever needs to be done to make Fossil fuel cheap and plentiful for the average middle class American.
Save our lives.
So here's what he's done since he got into office, Joe Biden.
Otherwise known as Basement Biden.
Joe Biden got inaugurated on January 20th, 2021, and he cancels the Keystone Pipeline.
And I believe that wasn't the only pipeline he canceled.
And I believe he signed like 25 executive orders on that first day, if my memory serves me.
And at least 10 of them opened the border up and the other 10 shut down all drilling and all coal and all gas.
And that's why we are where we are.
Number two, on January 27th, Biden halts new oil and gas leases temporarily.
Then on February 19th, he rejoins the Paris Climate Agreement.
On May 7th, he takes 30% of all the land for drilling in America off limits, oil and gas
off limits.
June 1st, he halts drilling in Alaska with his millions and millions of acres of land,
actually miles and acres of land to drill.
We have all the oil we need in the whole world.
We can supply oil to the entire world for years to come.
We never again need to depend on our enemies like Venezuela or any of the Arab countries
in the Middle East or Russia, even worse.
June 30th, Congress reverses all of Trump's natural gas regulations.
That's June 30th, 2021.
October 7th, 2021, Biden reverses Trump's NEPA regulations.
I don't even know what that stands for, but obviously another bad deal that kills our ability to produce and manufacture Uh, cheap fossil fuel.
October 29th, Interior Department begins a new program, the social cost of carbon.
So they study every single deal for the social cost.
That must be social justice and environmental social justice.
And they'll cancel every deal that isn't environmentally meet the needs and the loves of every communist out there.
November 15th, 2021, a moratorium on oil drilling in Chase Canyon.
February 24th, 2022, Russia invades Ukraine, and that's also because of Biden.
March 1st, 2022, Biden releases oil from the Strategic Oil Reserves.
And on March 21st, the SEC, the Securities and Exchange Commission, proposed an anti-oil rule.
And on May 12th of this year, just a couple weeks ago, Biden cancels the remaining lease sales.
So what a fantastic thing said to me by D, because I knew all this, but I didn't know the exact dates and each exact moment that Biden caused the terrible energy crisis that has come to America and that is going to get much, much worse.
You think that prices now at five and six and seven dollars a gallon is bad?
Wait till it's ten dollars a gallon and wait till you have to wait in line for three hours to get your ten dollar gas.
Okay, UN food head warns conditions are worse than the Arab Spring as inflation riots spread.
Folks, we have a disaster in the making and it's not just gas prices, it is food shortages.
An analyst warns the world Has just 10 weeks of wheat supplies left in storage.
Do you have any idea how much trouble we're in?
If you understood how bad things are right now, I don't know if most people could sleep at night and I don't know if you'd want to get up in the morning to go to work.
You just pull the covers over your head and cry.
That's how bad it is.
All caused by one rigged stolen election and therefore they propped up a tin pot dictator with dementia who wears diapers and poos in his pants.
Otherwise known as Basement Biden.
And this guy just signs whatever they put in front of him.
Who puts it in front of him?
All the communist enemies and traitors of the United States of America.
George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Chinese Communist Party, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice.
Remember, this is an opinion show and it's my opinion.
And these are public figures.
These are the worst, most evil people in the world.
And they live by Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals.
That book was dedicated to the devil, Lucifer.
These people are from the devil, clearly.
A Bush assassination plot against George W. Bush.
Was revealed in an FBI warrant that just was publicized to the world and outraged Ted Cruz demands we secure the border now.
What we found out was that through that open border, enemies of America were sending terrorist hit squads to capture and murder George W. Bush.
Don't you think it's time we close the border?
That's why I say that Biden is a traitor.
And that Biden must be stopped.
He must be indicted.
He must be convicted of treason.
And whatever the verdict is, we do to him, whatever the judge and the jury decides, whether that is life in prison, whether that is death penalty, whatever it is, if you're a traitor, you deserve it.
And only if you're convicted.
I'm not saying mob justice.
I don't believe in mob justice on either side.
You have to have a jury.
You have to have a trial.
You have to have a good, fair judge.
You have to have a great lawyer representing you.
And if you don't have any money, the state has to appoint a lawyer to represent you.
But these are people that should be on trial for treason.
Joe Biden's America.
Desperate mother waits on tarmac for baby formula.
At the same time, Mercy Flights, plane carrying over 78,000 pounds of imported baby formula, arrives in the US from Germany.
Let this sink in for a minute.
In America, there are mothers waiting on the tarmac with children in their arms because there's no baby formula and they're praying it arrives?
And in America, we need cargo planes from Germany to drop some sort of product into American mothers' hands or children will die?
Does this sound like Africa?
Does this sound like Haiti?
Does this sound like all the communist nations of the world and all the backwards nations of the world?
President Trump and I would call them Nicely.
There's another word, I can't say it on this show, but it begins with an S-H.
But they're crapholes.
All the crapholes in the world, for a hundred years, have been saved by the generosity and charity of America and the American people.
And all of a sudden, we're the basket case that needs to be saved.
In just a year and a half, Joe Biden has turned America into a craphole.
What an embarrassment.
I'm Wayne Allyn Root.
Rootforamerica.com, wayneroot at gmail.com, and my book, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book.
Grab a copy.
We'll be right back.
All right, Wayne Allyn Root.
I'm laughing because I was watching Alex Jones.
TV commercials during the break about masks and the face diapers.
And I'm just thinking, can you imagine if I did a whole TV show with a face diaper over my face?
I'm gonna grab my Kleenex box.
And by the way, I'm available.
If you want to sponsor the show Kleenex, this show is sponsored by Wayne Root.
And I'll do the whole show with a Kleenex box over my face.
Can you imagine watching a TV show with a guy with a Kleenex box over his face or a guy with a face diaper?
How absurd!
That's what it's like to do business with a mask on.
My God, you look like a bank robber.
You look like a person dying of cancer.
I lost my mom and dad 28 days apart to cancer.
I'll never forget the horrible feeling of being in a cancer ward and everybody wearing masks and everybody around me dying.
Everyone looks like they're dead in a day or a week and it's enough to make you so depressed you want to jump out a window.
Every time for the last two years, I see people with masks.
I go from, I jump from one to the other.
I go from, are you crazy?
What's the matter with you?
I can't see your face!
And then I go, are you dying of cancer?
And then I go, are you a bank robber?
Are you mentally ill?
Those are all the things that run through my mind when I see anybody with a mask on.
Stupidest thing I've ever seen.
And the saddest thing I've ever seen.
You heard me talk.
A moment ago, I think one of my columns coming up, I came up with a new name, is America now a third world crap hole?
That's going to be one of my columns, too.
But the liberal media freaked out yesterday because President Trump retweeted, although he's not on Twitter and neither am I, but I still sometimes use that word tweet.
But he shared a post from the president of El Salvador who tweeted that America is being destroyed from the enemy within and pushing our country to civil war.
Isn't that interesting?
The President of El Salvador said that.
Here's his exact quote.
I've got it in front of me.
I don't know if I can pronounce his name.
The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele.
Nayib Bukele.
He tweeted out, the most powerful country in the world is failing so fast that it makes you rethink what are the real reasons.
Something so big and powerful can't be destroyed so quickly unless the enemy comes from within.
And Trump shared that with his viewers, his social media fans, and the liberal media went wild.
Like it's some big assertion to say out loud That the country is being destroyed from within, and that Biden's a traitor.
And you know, Biden went crazy last week about this Great Replacement Theory.
Oh my God, Tucker Carlson is talking about the Great Replacement Theory.
I've been talking for years about how Democrats want to use the border to wipe out American citizens.
But let me tell you how we're all going to couch it from now on.
Everything's about how you say things, your style, your angle, right?
It's not about what you say, it's how you say it.
Biden's trying to make the case that if you believe in the Great Replacement Theory, that Democrats are trying to replace white people by opening the border and bringing in brown-skinned people, you're a racist.
Au contraire.
You know what I think?
The Great Replacement Theory is absolutely happening.
Joe Biden's absolutely carrying it out, although Obama's the real president.
So Obama and company Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Chinese Communist Party, they're all putting in place the Great Replacement Theory.
Of course they are, but...
It's not a white thing.
Don't let them make it a white thing.
Don't let them make it a racist thing.
They're replacing all Americans.
That includes white people, black people, and legal Hispanic citizens.
Heck, that includes American Indians.
There's going to be no jobs left for any of you.
They're replacing all of you.
All of these people coming through the border are illegals from other countries who are not Americans.
And they're going to take your jobs that are rightfully yours.
They're going to take all the black people's jobs, far more than white people's jobs.
Because, like it or not, the fact is, Democrats say this all the time, black people are on the lower end of the working scale.
They've got the lower jobs.
They're not lawyers and doctors and business owners yet.
Many of them are.
But as a group, they're on the lower end more than white people.
Can we acknowledge that?
Democrats say it.
I think we can acknowledge that.
So guess who's stealing all the black people's jobs?
Illegal immigrants and illegal aliens coming in from 190 countries around the world over an open border.
So Joe Biden is carrying out their placement plan, but he's carrying out against black people and white people and legal Hispanics.
That's why, almost overnight, the entire Hispanic Latino community of the United States is now anti-Joe Biden.
He's got a 26% approval rating, and I'm sure the whole 26% that approves of him is illegal aliens!
But all the legal Latinos hate his guts because they know their jobs are gone, and they see the inflation, and they see that their life is going to hell.
They ran away from a craphole, and now they're living in a craphole.
He's turned America into a Central American craphole, into a Haitian craphole, into an African craphole, into every country in the world that is a craphole.
Vietnam's a craphole compared to America.
He's turning us into a Vietnamese craphole.
It's not a racist comment.
I don't care if you have brown skin, yellow skin, orange skin, blue skin, white skin, whatever skin you have, we can see that there's a crap hole in how great America is.
So the great replacement theory is absolutely happening, but let's not couch it in terms of he's replacing white people.
He's replacing the entire American working and middle class, and he's replacing white people, black people, and legal Latinos.
So there you have it.
Replacement theory is a fact.
This is amazing to me.
One of my fans sent me this this morning.
Do you remember a week ago?
It's hard to even remember.
So much goes on.
I've already forgotten it.
It's a very sad, tragic thing.
But life goes on.
You move on.
There was basically a terror attack in Buffalo, right?
In a supermarket in Buffalo in a black neighborhood.
And a white guy killed a bunch of people, mostly black.
I think he killed like 11 people.
And I think nine of them were black.
But he did kill two white people.
So it is not a totally racist attack.
It's a mental illness attack.
It has nothing to do with racism as much as it has to do with crazy people.
He's a sick man.
Nobody on the right, nobody white on the right, wants to hurt a single black person, wants to hurt a single little black girl, little black boy, little black adult, little tall black basketball player.
I don't want to hurt anyone black or Latino or white.
But a mentally ill person does.
So there was a terrible attack.
I think you'd call it a terror attack.
Whether it's domestic terror, Islamic terror, it's a terror attack.
In Buffalo.
And some black people died along with two white people.
That's it!
Now we move on.
It's been a week or two, and there's a thousand other things in the news, and Ukraine is about to turn into World War III, and the United States military is totally incapable of fighting both China and Russia, as I've been saying for months.
And China and Russia did military exercises together today.
They flew their airplanes together today.
They're showing the world that any war that happens, China and Russia will be fighting us.
So do you think I'm thinking about Buffalo from two weeks ago?
But the New York State Department of Education has now cancelled the Regents' tests.
My son won a National Regents' Scholarship.
My daughter won the National Regents' Scholarship.
They both won this amazing award that proves you're the smartest kid in America.
You're right in that group that's a half of a half of a half of 1% at the top.
New York State has canceled the Regents test because of this horrible, reprehensible act of violence in Buffalo, New York.
Because they're afraid that questions on the test may somehow offend and drive black people or people of color into fits of rage or insanity or depression.
And they will offend a black person taking a test for everybody to prove you're good enough to get into college.
Because of a terrible event that happened two weeks ago.
Folks, this is the biggest bunch of bullspit and poppycock in the history of America.
It is hip-high poo-poo is what it is.
If you are a kid, 17 years old, 18 years old, and you can't take a test because a week ago somebody shot 11 people in a supermarket, Then you are a moron and you are such a snowflake that you are an emotional cripple and you will never be hired in your entire life.
Did everybody in New York get the day off?
Or the week off?
Or the month off?
Or the rest of their lives off?
Because one person who was crazy shot 11 people in a supermarket and 9 of them happened to be black?
We don't want that to happen.
I don't want it to happen.
I should have a tear over it.
I never want to see that.
But you're canceling the Regents test that proves that someone's qualified to be at the best colleges in America or get a scholarship for one of the best colleges in America?
Because you are looking for excuses to make everyone mediocre like Cuba and Venezuela and every communist country in world history.
Nobody can be an A-plus student.
Everyone's got to be a C.
All of you.
The D is raised to a C and the A's are dropped to a C. Everybody's equal in misery.
That's Cuba.
That's Venezuela.
That's every communist country in world history.
That's what the Democrat Party wants.
That's what the Teachers Union wants.
That's what Klaus Schwab wants.
That's what all the evil people destroying our country who want the Great Reset want.
I'm Wayne Allyn Root, RootForAmerica.com.
Wayne Root at gmail.com.
My book, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book.
Have yourselves a great day.
Keep fighting as Winston Churchill said.
Never, ever, ever, ever give up.
You can't stop us.
We will not let them prevail.
We will be victorious.
Bye bye.
Bye, see you next Tuesday.
(dramatic music)
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