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Name: 20220503_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 3, 2022
2412 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the potential overturning of Roe vs. Wade on his show, expressing excitement and speculating that a leftist clerk leaked the information to intimidate the Supreme Court. He also promotes limited edition collectible items available for purchase on InfowarsShop.com and celebrates potentially ending abortion as a victory for God, life, and good over Satan and his demons. The speaker discusses concerns about transhumanism, population control, and technology while praising Alex Jones and Infowars. They promote a limited edition Alex Jones shirt available exclusively at infowars.com and encourage listeners to sign up for news alerts by texting "news" or "show" to 833-470-0438.

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Satan's brainwashed minions, the brainwashed zombies of the American left were out in full force last night when they discovered that Roe vs. Wade was going to be overturned.
And a decision that will affect pretty much none of them.
A decision that won't affect any of them.
But yet they somehow feel the desire to go out there and promote killing babies.
And by the way, and just my crew pointing this out in the break, and I agree with them, there's definitely something else going on here, the timing of this and everything.
And I don't know when the opinion was written.
I think we're going to learn more about this.
My guess is that the Democrats knew about this for a while, and they've been planning something in response to this for a while.
And it's also odd that this is kind of right out of the plot of an old movie from the 90s called Swing Vote.
I mean, literally, like, the whole thing is right out of that plot, so it's just more predictive programming, or what's up with that?
But, abortion is now the new, I support the current thing, and it just shows how quickly, just like a computer programming, these people can be brainwashed into moving on to the next issue.
So it's Ukraine, it's Elon Musk, it's abortion, it's whatever they're programmed to do.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have to tell you, of all the different broadcasts I've done,
of all the different topics I've covered, of all the different reasons,
I've had to be here live on air to discuss developments and current events.
Today might actually be the best day to ever be live hosting the Alex Jones Show.
Today might be the greatest day, this might be my greatest honor of all the news we've covered here, of all the live reports, of all the breaking news, tomorrow's news today, all the controversy, all the victory, all of it, This might be the greatest day.
Now, I can't come on air and officially report that we are ending abortion in this country.
But, last night, I guess it was probably around, I don't know, nine o'clock or so, my phone just starts blowing up off the hook.
And I'm like, okay, what's going on?
I think I was making dinner or something, so I was distracted, just listening.
My phone just keeps blowing up, blowing up.
And I'm like, okay, what's going on here?
And I go and I look at it, and I've got about 10, 15 messages.
Did you hear they ended Roe vs. Wade?
Did you hear they're overturning Roe vs. Wade?
And at the time, I had the news on, and I saw the discussions of it, and my response was simply, yeah, okay, well, I'll believe it when I see it.
But man, oh man, if you look at the response from the American left, from the Democrat party, from liberal progressives, they truly are afraid that Rovers Wade is about to be overturned.
And in fact, it would appear that the decision has already been made by the Supreme Court, and so it was leaked by, obviously, a leftist.
Probably a clerk, a liberal clerk, leaked it to the media.
And the obvious question would be, well, why?
Why did this unprecedented leak happen?
Well, isn't it obvious?
So that the Democrats could engage in terrorism in hopes that they could intimidate, bully, and terrorize the Supreme Court out of this decision.
Now, I have a giant stack of news in regards to this development on my desk in front of me, and it's going to be the thrust of today's transmission.
In fact, I plan on probably covering all of this news before I get to the rest of it.
But here's what I'm going to do.
When we come back from this short break on the Alex Jones Show.
And again, I can't even tell you.
I mean, I have to fill in for Alex a lot, obviously.
I could not have picked a better occasion or honor to be on the air today to bring you this news that we might stop the satanic blood ritual of killing babies in this country.
Now that doesn't mean it's going to stop.
If they do overturn it, there'll obviously be black market abortions and you'll probably see states like California and New York go even further and say you can kill a baby after it's born.
So, there's going to be obviously backlash and there's going to be worse things that come out of this.
But something just feels right in my heart today.
There's an excitement today from Christians, conservatives, lovers of life and freedom that we will no longer be killing millions of innocent babies in a satanic sacrifice.
We're gonna stop it.
And it's a beautiful thing.
Yes, and now the new current thing, ladies and gentlemen, it's not Elon Musk, it's not Ukraine, it's abortion.
In today's world, abortion supporters routinely attend pro-life rallies and attempt to bully activists.
If you have a problem and need a smelly group of commie devil worshippers, maybe you can call the A-Team.
And how many did I adopt?
I kill my kids!
I kill my kids!
Hey, we saw your Facebook with your communist hammer and sickle.
That's pretty cool, man.
Is that you on the Facebook?
Is there a Facebook page of you with a hammer and sickle?
I don't think so.
How do you get your abortions paid for?
I pay for them.
How many do you pay for them?
Upwards of 50.
I thought you said three.
Upwards of 50.
Oh yeah.
F*** you, you piece of f***ing s***.
Bunch of misogynist motherfuckers!
Take your male privilege somewhere else!
Charlie, you're being aggressive.
I'm being aggressive?
Come on!
Excuse us!
Watch out!
Watch out!
These stats think that's the guys that attacked Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
It feels good, doesn't it?
It feels good, as Satan's demons are floundering, screaming, as their demonic souls are being tortured, knowing they can no longer kill, or potentially can no longer kill millions of innocent babies in this country.
The gnashing and clawing of the Satan's army of demons Is a sign of victory for God.
A sign of victory for life.
A sign of victory for the good guys.
Ah, yes.
I guess I could do that right now, couldn't I? Mmm.
Oh my gosh!
The conservatives, they're such bad people!
They don't want babies to be murdered!
They're celebrating today because we can't sacrifice babies to Satan anymore!
Oh my gosh!
Now, I need to be really focused today and not get too humorous in my ecstasy today.
Yeah, I'm ecstatic, man!
We might end abortion!
Like, it feels awesome!
I could have legal victory after legal victory.
I could be the top-rated show in the history of media.
This ending, abortion ending, the murder of innocent babies, feels better than all of that could ever feel combined.
So I'm telling you, I'm giddy today.
I'm ecstatic.
And I came in today and I am super extra focused to do an excellent transmission as I'm honored, Owen Schroyer, here to be hosting the Alex Jones Show.
I can't even do my job properly, I'm so excited.
Hey, it's the Alex Jones Show!
We're live on this Tuesday, May 3rd.
It's a great day to be alive.
And many babies, many more lives may experience this amazing consciousness, this divine creation, this epic destiny known as human consciousness.
But man, oh man, that light went on, we're live, I got millions of people tuned in, and I just feel good.
But let me, let me try to rein in my ecstasy here.
Oh, I can't wait to see the leftist printing the stories like, oh, InfoWars, a static at the controversial ending of Roe vs Wade, oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm pumped, let me tell ya, yeah, oh yeah.
Oh, I'm feeling good.
Oh yeah, this is a bigger victory than I could ever have.
Millions of innocent babies not going to be murdered in this country?
Yeah, that it goes way beyond any victories that I, Owen Troyer, an individual could ever have.
Oh yeah.
So here we are on this Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Alex out today dealing with legal stuff and taking care of some business as is needed here.
And so I am more than honored to be in the host chair today.
And I will be doing double duty, and believe me, I got six hours of news to cover today, probably even more.
Now, let me just do this before I really get into the big issue of today, which is the potential ending of Roe vs. Wade, and then the leak of that, and why that's important.
And so quickly, let me just say, yes, I've got a big stack of the Roe vs. Wade here news.
And it's going to be the thrust of today's transmission.
It might take me an hour or even more to get through all this.
And there's so many different angles.
There's so many different things to get into.
And I'll just lay it out briefly here.
But the Supreme Court, it appears, is going to overturn Rovers Wade.
A Democrat leaked the decision because they're hoping they can get enough rioting and terrorist activity that they can maybe stop Roe vs. Wade from being overturned.
That's how evil the American left is.
That's how evil the Democrat party is.
Let's make no mistake.
The only reason this got leaked is because the Democrats are hoping that their minions, their voters, go out on the streets and engage in terrorism tonight and last night, hoping they can get this thing overturned.
That's what this is all about.
That's the Democrat Party of America.
The biggest hate group and domestic terror group in this country.
Now, Putting that and everything else in the stack of news aside, there is other news today.
The economic news coming out today is not good, folks.
It's not good.
All signs indicate consumer price index going up, producer price index going up.
It's already gone up at record levels in the last 12 months.
New reports out saying that energy costs are only going to go up.
This is all a sign that we're entering a depression.
No, not a recession.
No, not little inflation.
Goods scarce.
Everything priced too high.
And then the government getting more oppressive in that, in those developments, clamping down on the individual liberties, fearing Fearing backlash over the policies that have caused the next Great American Depression.
It's, again, the Democrat Party.
It's Joe Biden.
We have 2020 election news where it's pretty much confirmed in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, they stole it from Trump.
They stole those states from Trump.
There's new information coming out about that.
the auditors are demanding investigations and they're just stunned because they're just
neutral auditors that come in to look at the election and they're like, "Hey, here's our
And then they turn them over to Republicans too.
They turn it over to Republican governors and they turn it over to all these people
and nobody wants to investigate, nobody wants to file a report and the auditors are just
like standing there shrugging their shoulders like, "You called me in to do this job.
I did the job.
Here's the reports, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, stolen from Trump.
Here's the evidence.
Now do you care to do anything about it?"
And they just say, "No, we're good, thanks."
And the auditors just kind of stand there shrugging their shoulders like, "I discovered
the election fraud."
Here it is!
What do you want?
They say, we don't want it!
The Clintons are not having a good week.
Nobody's going to tell you about all the crimes Hillary Clinton committed in the 2016 election.
I mean, we're still investigating the 2016 crimes from Hillary Clinton!
And then, of course, there is new news out of Ukraine.
And then we're hoping to get a guest on from Project Veritas.
Government insider reveals suspected known terrorists walk freely in the United States after Biden's Afghan withdrawal.
Yeah, the terrorists flew in from Afghanistan after that, and terrorists are coming across the southern border.
And Project Veritas has an insider whistleblower on tape telling you this.
What's the translation?
The Biden administration is letting terrorists into your community.
Today as I sit here in the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas, Satan's minions, the demons cast upon us, are seething that they might not be able to kill innocent children anymore.
It's a good feeling, isn't it?
It's a good feeling to know good is winning.
And this is a major sign that good is winning, and we're turning things around in this country.
So, let me give you the basics here before I delve into the nuts and bolts of it and dig deeper into this story.
The Supreme Court allegedly has decided to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
I have read some of the opinion and it's been confirmed that it is a real leak of the actual opinion, so it's real.
Supreme Court, Pierce has decided to overturn Roe vs. Wade and not only that, But the Supreme Court also in their opinion writing that essentially they expected Democrats and Liberals to riot and engage in terrorism when they learned of this decision and they even put that in the opinion saying we're not going to be swayed and persuaded and manipulated by violent terrorists.
I'm paraphrasing but I have the exact highlight from the opinion that I'll tell you so I mean They knew the Democrats would engage in terrorism when they found out about this.
But of course, whenever something happens that the Democrats don't like, they engage in terrorism.
Rioting, looting, arson, assault, battery, murder.
It's the Democrat Party.
It's the biggest domestic terror group in the country.
It's the biggest hate group in the country.
They run the whole show.
They now own the FBI.
So that's why the FBI does their bidding.
But let's not get distracted.
It didn't take long, did it?
Last night, the psychotic, demonic leftists were outside the Supreme Court gnashing and wailing and crying and screaming in disgust that they can't have an abortion.
Now, there's an odd factor of this that I don't want to belabor too much right now, but I'll come back to.
There's a really odd thing happening here.
Now, this is the new current thing, by the way.
The old NPC upload has now been updated.
So, I mean, within a matter of a month, we've gone from Ukraine, I support Ukraine, I stand with Ukraine, Ukraine, to then Elon Musk bad, Matt Musk really bad, we must stop Elon Musk, Elon Musk bad.
And now the new upload, and now the leftist trolls, the leftist brainwashed minions, Satan's demons, they've got their new upload.
Abortion good!
We must abort babies!
We must kill babies!
Overturning Rover's Wade, bad!
And so that's the new current thing that these brainwashed NPCs are parroting.
It's really amazing, isn't it, to sit here and watch the zombie hordes be brainwashed in real time?
It's really amazing, isn't it, to sit here and watch the actual propaganda work in real time and get a real-time response?
With almost no delay factor at all?
I mean, as soon as they say, we stand with Ukraine, boom!
The mobs, we stand with Ukraine!
As soon as they say, Elon Musk bad, boom!
The mobs, Elon Musk bad!
And then they're ready to forget about all of it!
They're ready to put all of it behind, oh it's their biggest issue!
But then all you have to do is, flick the switch, and all of a sudden the biggest issue on the planet, no longer an issue to them, now it's Roe vs. Wade, they must abort babies.
You are watching 21st Century Mind Control, MKUltra, in real time.
No delay, no hesitation, no resistance.
These people are completely brainwashed.
You're witnessing it.
You're watching millions of people under a trance, under a spell, under hypnosis.
Responding to stimuli exactly how they're programmed to.
Being used as zombie hordes as Satan's New World Order minions.
But how many of these people actually get abortions?
How many of these people are actually going to ever have an abortion?
How many of these people are actually even sexually active?
I mean, I'm not trying to be rude here, folks, but let's just be honest.
You go out to these pro-abortion groups, nobody's touching these women with a broomstick, let alone engaging in sexual activity with them.
These women aren't having abortions.
They're not having sex.
They hate men.
And men don't like them either.
They stink.
They're fat.
They're ugly.
They don't have an ounce of femininity in them.
They chant how they love Satan.
You think these women are having abortions?
You think these women are actually having sex and getting pregnant?
They're all on birth control anyway!
They go on birth control, they're not even having sex!
So it's a real odd thing to have all these creeps out there loving abortion so much, but you know they're not having abortions.
So that's a whole mystery level to this.
I don't believe anything they say.
Oh, I've had 50 abortions.
I've had 30 abortions.
You know what?
You're lying just like you lie about everything else.
So what is it really?
They're under mind control.
They're literally brainwashed zombie hordes just doing what they're told.
Maybe they've had an abortion.
Maybe they want to have an abortion.
I don't know.
But these aren't people that have had abortions that are just like sharing how great the experience is.
These aren't people that are planning on having an abortion.
Who does that anyway?
What kind of sick freak would do that anyway?
So it's this weird thing where it's just a culture of death.
It's just a satanic, demonic culture of death where they just want innocent babies to be killed!
And they like it!
So that's a really odd aspect to all of this.
Why is there such a rush to get out there and support abortion When you don't plan on having one, you're not sexually active, you've never had one, and somehow this is your big issue?
But that's kind of an odd aside.
This is an odd affront!
Roe vs. Wade should have been ended years ago, because it was a Democrat Party lie, and always has been.
You see, the Democrats took Jane Roe and convinced her to have an abortion.
And they convinced her not only to have an abortion, but to become the leading spokeswoman for abortions in this country.
Demons like Gloria Alred.
These are demons.
That's a demon.
Now, for Jane Roe, she ultimately didn't totally give herself over to these demons, because guess what?
She never aborted her baby.
That's right.
The baby in Roe vs. Wade was never even aborted.
Not only that, the plaintiff, known as Jane Roe, said that she regretted her role in the Roe vs. Wade case and regrets her life being used to promote baby murder.
The left never wants you to know about any of this.
See, and if you understand that, you understand everything.
All Democrat activism is rooted and founded in a lie.
They lie about everything.
Do you know, they even lied about Rosa Parks, did you know that?
I forget the woman's name.
There was a woman who actually was the real Rosa Parks, who didn't give up her seat to a white woman on the bus, but the Democrats didn't want to use her to promote.
Because she had an illegitimate child.
So the Democrats set up Rosa Parks to be the spokesperson, even though the real Rosa Parks had already been arrested, a black woman, put in jail, but the Democrats didn't want to use her as the face of that movement because she had an illegitimate child.
Is that racist by the Democrats?
Everything Democrats do is a lie.
All right, listen, we've got a guest from Project Veritas coming up with their latest report.
Project Veritas Government Insider Reveals Suspected Known Terrorist Walked Freely in the United States After Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal Plus Wide Open Southern Border.
And they'll be joining us here momentarily.
We're also going to be joined by Alex Jones in the next hour.
So right out of the gates in the next hour, Alex is going to weigh in.
On the latest reports of the Supreme Court ending Roe vs. Wade.
By the way, the Democrats were already prepared for this.
And now, the state of California is proposing legislation that basically, if you come, if you want to have an abortion, California will pay for it and pay for your commute to have an abortion in the state of California if it's If Roe vs. Wade is overturned, and then what you're going to have is immediately at least half the United States will make abortion illegal, and that's when California will propose, or maybe try to sign the bill into legislation, that if you travel to California, they will pay for your travel, pay for your abortion, pay for everything.
Yeah, the state of California that's in debt, totally broke, yeah, they'll pay for your abortion and everything else.
Same thing goes with the big corporations like Amazon.
Amazon said that they will reimburse employees who travel for abortion care and other medical procedures.
They just throw that in there.
It's really just all about abortion.
It's a political statement from Amazon.
I guess maybe is now the time, if you haven't yet, to boycott Amazon?
So, I've obviously got more on all of this coming up.
And it's just amazing.
I mean, to watch the leftists freak out and break down.
And they don't even realize at this point they're just the boy that cried wolf.
Because they panic over anything that doesn't go their way.
And we've just watched them in a small period of time now.
I mean, the whole world, but more importantly, the American people, have witnessed in the last three months But overall in the last five years, but more focused in the last three months, just how brainwashed and zombified and stupefied and in a trance the American people are, more specifically the American left.
The panic over Ukraine, so synthetic.
The panic over Elon Musk, so synthetic.
But now the legitimate panic that they have, that they can't murder their babies anymore, everyone is kind of looking around like, wow, these people are psychotic, they're brainwashed, they have a lust for blood and death, now they want to have a disinformation department, like right out of Orwell?
And get ready, because the Democrat terrorism and riots in response to abortion is about to begin.
And again, this won't affect 99.9% of the people that are going to go out and riot and protest against Roe vs. Wade being overturned.
We'll never have an abortion.
So why are they doing this?
So, we're joined now by one of the great members of Project Veritas, R.C.
And the latest report, again, Project Veritas, government insider reveals suspected known terrorist walked freely in the U.S.
after Biden's Afghan withdrawal, plus the southern border there, too.
R.C., thank you for joining us.
Project Veritas, always doing great work.
What do people need to know about the latest report?
Well, thanks for having me on, Owen.
Well, what they need to know is that there are terrorists, who are at least suspected terrorists by our own Department of Homeland Security, who are roaming freely here in the United States.
Our report is from an insider, a source within the federal government, Who supplied with us dozens of individuals that we were able to independently verify that were listed as Tier 1 armed and dangerous individuals from Afghanistan who were granted expedited access into our country as a result of Biden's Operation Allies Welcome.
Not only are they living in the United States, Owen, some of them even have work visas, living in parts of California, the Midwest, even our nation's capital, Washington, DC.
So, you know, this is definitely a harrowing report.
Americans are chill to these kinds of reports.
They feel like they're getting so much information about people coming in from our border.
However, this is legitimate information.
This is confirmed.
We've not been fact-checked yet.
We embrace a fact-check.
We know that they've endorsed InfoWars fact-checks many a times for InfoWars reports on refugees.
Well, this is an independently verified, confirmed report.
Given to us by an insider, a whistleblower from the federal government, who has said that there are terrorists, people who have engaged in explosive devices, even murder, internationally, who are now in the United States as your neighbor.
So let's be clear here.
The American people still have to get a proctology exam if they want to fly.
They still have to get their self padded down, walk through the metal detectors.
And we were told this is because people in the Middle East hate us and want to kill us.
Like, I don't know, out of countries like Afghanistan.
Now we're taking the suspected terrorists that we had to change our lives for and go into a security state for.
Now they're being flown in on the dime of the U.S.
taxpayer and the U.S.
government isn't even vetting them?
government has already vetted them and in fact determined that they are terrorists and determined that they should be on watch lists.
In fact, in some of these instances, as you can see from our report on ProjectVeritas.com, they were actually taken off of a terrorist watch list in order to gain access to some of these visas.
So, you know, we don't have any information on the intent behind the government in terms of letting some of these individuals across, but merely the eye test tells you this is negligence and incompetence And yes, you're right, you know, there are actually many Americans who are on no-fly lists for some of their political posts.
But keep in mind, there are people who have engaged, again, an explosive acts of terrorism, murder, and they're in the
United States getting work visas.
And keep in mind the director of US citizenship and immigration services,
we've also published a never before seen all hands video from an internal Zoom,
where they are actually patting themselves on the back for this process saying we are so,
so, so proud. She said proud many times about their efforts to, you know,
expedite thousands of individuals from Afghanistan, many of whom clearly are unsafe.
And one more thing, Owen, our insider has actually identified hundreds of individuals that he says fits the bill for suspected terrorism.
We at Project Veritas were only able to independently confirm access of dozens of those individuals.
So this is definitely something that all Americans should be keeping an eye on.
So we know there's at least a couple dozen of them.
There could be hundreds.
Did the government insider, the whistleblower, did he come to you guys with concerns?
You know, at Project Veritas, we obviously protect our sources, and we attempt to cultivate sources many times.
As you can even see on our social media posts, we're asking for insiders to come to us.
You know, but this is an instance where someone came to us blowing the whistle.
So, you know, obviously the information this individual is seeing must be so beyond the pale that he wanted to reach out to us because he knows that Project Veritas, you know, we're just going to publish records and we're not going to opine on them like many of these other media outlets might do.
And by the way, you guys have all the documents here with the suspected terrorists and the charges that they've already faced.
I mean, this is unbelievable that they would get access into the country.
I mean, we're talking about murder charges and other such charges here.
You guys have documented all of it in your most recent video, projectveritas.com.
Is there more to follow?
I mean, this doesn't seem like the end of the story.
Well, you know, we just made the decision to not redact certain information in the records, you know, including the actual files and the receipt numbers within the government record.
So anyone in the government wants to, you know, fact check us on this, they will find all those individuals.
They will also find their list of offenses.
Um, we definitely do expect more.
You know, obviously, we're going to continue working with our insider, who obviously has some phenomenal access within the federal government.
But, you know, we're going to continue working with our insider.
And, you know, I can definitely say we're not done when it comes to reporting on the broken borders in America.
We definitely have some more border content coming.
And I definitely like to discuss that with you when we have it released.
Well, this is unbelievable.
Project Veritas continues to do heroic work.
They should have a whole room full of awards.
RC, thank you for joining us.
They caught the Biden administration letting terrorists in, folks.
This is a big deal.
Yeah, I would say stopping millions of babies from being aborted is a win for the good guys.
That's a win for the good guys.
For the eugenicists, globalists, the social engineers, the population control agenda, it's bad news.
They don't like more people on the planet, so they're not gonna like... I mean, what are the numbers, guys?
I think it's 125,000 babies aborted every day in this... on this planet.
What is it, like 60 million aborted in America since Roe vs. Wade?
So, the globalists, the eugenicists, the social engineers, the population control agenda, it looks at that as a bad thing.
It says 60 million less humans is a good thing, because that means the potential 100 million humans that could come from that 60 million are no longer with us.
And then there could be 200 million from that!
And then half a billion!
And then a billion!
And then we have a billion more people!
And we hate people!
People need to die!
That's how Bill Gates and the globalists feel.
So, you have to understand something.
The people that view themselves as the owners or the stewards of this planet, it's a death cult ritual for the Satanists, and it's a population control agenda for the globalists, the eugenicists.
So that's why they rowdy up their base and anger and get their people out on the streets violently.
Because it's their agenda.
So that's why, you understand, all these people going on the streets, 99.9% of them won't have an abortion, never had an abortion, probably aren't even having sex.
If they are, they're on birth control.
So it's not even their issue.
It's not even their movement.
It has nothing to do with them.
They're just brainwashed minions being programmed to do what the social engineers want them to do.
So that's what it is.
This is a globalist population control Satanist agenda of killing kids, killing life on the planet, and it's just the brainwashed minions of that that are upset that there's not going to be 100 million more babies aborted in this country.
You've had over 14 million just this year alone.
By the way, most of the countries that the left says, oh, it's the best country, it's a socialist country, abortion's illegal in those countries.
They don't realize that, but nonetheless.
So just understand, that's why the minions are out in the streets, that's why they're panicked, that's why the media is telling them to go out and be violent and engage in terrorism, because it's the globalist, population control, social engineer, eugenics agenda.
They're just the brainwashed minions.
They're just the slaves.
They're just the zombies of that movement, of that top-down revolution.
It's really incredible, isn't it?
Watching all of this when it was all based on a lie.
Jane Roe never had an abortion and Jane Roe regrets being used by Gloria Alred and the radical anti-life left to start the Roe vs. Wade movement and the abortion movement.
It was all based on a lie.
And so when you understand that, you understand the Democrat Party operational procedure.
Everything that the radical left, everything that the radical left stumps for is based on a lie.
Man-made climate change, based on a lie.
Trump-Russia collusion, based on a lie.
I mean, you can go on and on and on.
Everything they fight for, everything they believe in, is based in a lie.
They just haven't figured it out yet.
And they keep saying, oh, it's the rights of women, it's women's choice.
Well, does the baby have any rights?
What if the baby's a woman?
And I agree, women do have a choice.
Women have a choice not to have sex.
And if they're forced to have sex, that's called rape.
And if the left was stumping for women that got impregnated via rape, and for them to have abortions, well, that would be one thing.
That would be one thing that maybe conservatives and Christians would compromise on.
Not all, but some.
But that's not what it is.
They want all abortions, all the time, for anybody, any age, even if the baby's born.
Of course, they don't actually want that.
They're not actually doing that.
They're just programmed and brainwashed into promoting that, which is just the agenda of the world elite, population control, social engineer, eugenicists.
So no, a woman has a choice, but isn't it amazing how we don't have this logic playing out in the debate?
Why don't we talk about, okay, a woman's choice?
A woman has the choice not to have sex!
It's that simple!
That's not rude or crass to say.
That's correct.
Again, if a woman is forced to have sex, what do we call that?
It's a crime.
But see what happens now, and guess what, the left is destroying that too, because the left now will issue false rape claims against people they don't like, like Brett Kavanaugh.
So yeah, a woman has the choice not to have sex, and by the way, a woman has the choice to engage in actual birth control, pills, implantables, all kinds of stuff, if she does want to have sex.
She can make a man wear a condom.
I mean, there's all kinds of options, obviously.
You can track your menstrual cycles and know when you're ovulating and when you're not, when you can get pregnant, when you're not.
All these different things remain an option for women.
Nobody's taking these off the table.
A woman does have a choice.
But they act like, oh, no, women just get pregnant.
It's like, oh, women just magically get pregnant, and you're forcing them to have a baby.
Just magically, a baby, just, whoop, baby, oh!
That only happened once, folks.
It's called Jesus Christ, and they deny that.
But see...
They not only sully the water there because they use rape, false rape accusations to destroy men that they don't politically agree with.
So now, even the dastardly, horrific act of rape has been desensitized in this country because of liberals!
Because of leftists that lie about rape accusations!
So now that's an issue!
So now because so many people have lied about rape allegations, now maybe a woman doesn't feel comfortable coming forward with rape allegations because she might not be believed because of all the liars that lied about rape for political reasons like the left with Brett Kavanaugh.
So you notice how there's a theme here?
The left destroys everything and the left wants to destroy life as we know it, literally before it's even out of the womb.
And the whole thing was based on a lie.
Jane Roe never aborted her baby, and Jane Roe wishes she was never used by the Democrats to promote baby murder.
Now, the leak is legitimate, it's been confirmed, and the Supreme Court, I guess, has already decided they're going to overturn Roe v. Wade, a decision long overdue because it was all based on a lie anyway.
And even in their leaked opinion they suspected that the left and the democrats would engage in terrorist activity which they're already threatening to do starting last night this was in the text from the opinion but we cannot exceed the scope of our authority under the constitution and we cannot allow our decisions to be affected by extraneous influences such as coercion
Or concern about the public's reaction to our work.
In other words, if we decide to overturn Roe vs. Wade, the Democrats are going to riot and engage in terrorism, but we can't let that threat stop us from doing our duty.
And that's what it is.
And they knew it.
Everybody knows it.
It's the Democrat Party.
It's the biggest terror group in America.
Just look at the summer of 2020.
So, what does this mean, though?
This means that everybody in the whole world, everybody in the country knows that the Democrats are the biggest terror group in America, and that even the Supreme Court is expecting them to engage in terrorism upon learning of this decision, as they put that, in so many words, in the leaked opinion.
And that's why, as soon as this came out last night, they were already out in the streets fomenting the violence that they're assuredly getting ready to engage in.
Now here's the other issue here.
This is now probably, I think that they've decided J6 is not a winning strategy for the midterms.
They can't run on the economy, that's a disaster.
They can't run on war, that's all, the Democrats are the party of war.
So they can't run on being anti-war.
They have nothing to run on, folks.
The Democrats have nothing to run on.
So now they're gonna run on abortion.
And I think that's their plan.
So don't be surprised if you start seeing pro-abortion riots.
Now, that's gonna be tougher to pull off.
That's going to be tougher to pull off, but they may try to pull it off.
By the way, so do... Remember, because the left says that men can't comment on abortion because men can't get pregnant, but the left also now says that men can get pregnant.
So are men now allowed to comment on this issue or no?
Or is that just another lie that you liberals told?
So men can get pregnant.
So now can men comment on abortion?
Or are we gonna say, well, no men still can't talk about abortion even though we make up that men can get pregnant now.
I mean, do you understand that the American left has gone completely psychotic?
Satan's brainwashed minions, the brainwashed zombies of the American left were out in full force last night when they discovered that Roe vs. Wade was going to be overturned.
And a decision that will affect Pretty much none of them.
A decision that won't affect any of them.
But yet they somehow feel the desire to go out there and promote killing babies.
And by the way, and just my crew pointing this out in the break, and I agree with them, there's definitely something else going on here, the timing of this and everything.
And I don't know when the opinion was written.
I think we're going to learn more about this.
My guess is that the Democrats knew about this for a while, and they've been planning something in response to this for a while.
And it's also odd that this is kind of right out of the plot of the old movie from the 90s called Swing Vote.
I mean, literally, like, the whole thing is right out of that plot, so it's just more predictive programming, or what's up with that?
But abortion is now the new, I support the current thing, and it just shows how quickly, just like a computer programming, these people can be brainwashed into moving on to the next issue.
So it's Ukraine, it's Elon Musk, it's abortion, it's whatever they're programmed to do.
That's why I wonder if these are even humans, folks.
I'm telling you, I don't even know if we're dealing with humans.
These are like aliens, or these are demons, or I don't know what this is.
But this is not human behavior, okay?
And we've got plenty of video evidence to support this.
We've got compilations of them responding.
We've got them out in D.C.
in front of the Supreme Court last night.
So, it's just more psychotic leftist behavior, and just, I have a feeling that the Democrat Party is going to try to Use this momentum and this energy into violence and terrorism in the summer of 2020, leading up to the midterms, because that's what they do.
That's what the Democrats do.
They are the biggest terrorist group in this country.
And you watch, just like the summer of 2020, they'll get their radicalized minions out in the streets committing acts of violence, because it's the Democrats.
It's what they do.
Just stumping to kill babies.
That's their new thing.
Stumping to kill babies.
Wow, wow, wow.
Just wow.
Isn't it amazing?
I mean, we've gone from watching the American left... I mean, they want to take away their own rights.
They want to throw away their own rights.
They want to throw away their own prosperity and future.
And now they're out promoting baby murder.
Can't go on, folks.
This cannot go on forever.
And, you know, here's what should happen, and it's not going to happen.
And so, unfortunately, God is going to have to intervene, and that's not going to look so good for them.
What should be happening right now is we as a country should be coming together and having a reconciliation moment here.
And just accepting, you know what, we're dealing with mass mental illness in this country, and so we need to address that right now.
And I don't really know what that would look like or how we could do that fairly, maintaining the values that we have of freedom, because you kind of got to flirt with that.
When you talk about what needs to be done with these psychotics, they need to be institutionalized.
They need to be committed to insane asylums and mental health facilities and funny farms.
But, you're a believer in freedom and you realize if that can be done to them, that can be done to you, that's why they want to do it to you first.
However, if we lived in a sane society and a sane civilization, that's what would be getting done right now, is we would be taking these psychotic, mental, ill leftists and finding them mental care that they need immediately.
But we're not going to do that, and so God's going to have to intervene.
And sometimes, God's intervention is actually doing nothing but letting evil succeed until so much innocent blood has been shed that he has to intercede, or until the people come together to stop this evil.
But that's not happened yet.
I'm not sure if it's going to.
So you're going to watch now psychotic leftists promote baby killing
in the wildest, wackiest, evil ways that you could ever imagine.
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your X2 today. A lot of people are calling me asking my view on the leaked
draft ruling of the majority of the court against the early 1970s abortion
ruling Roe v. Wade.
And my answer is this.
This is a very big deal on so many fronts.
Obviously, Republicans know that their voters want to end the heinous crime of abortion, especially partial birth abortion, now that it's known that the baby is totally viable, now that it's known that it's part of a eugenics depopulation plan.
Now that it's known that they're keeping many babies alive and then waiting till they get the highest bids on their organs and selling them and Democrat-controlled states moving to allow babies to be kept alive seven days to a month, depending on the state, is just so evil and really illustrates to folks what this is really all about.
It's about death.
It's about human sacrifice.
Corrupt pagan cultures all across the world, didn't matter if it was Mesoamerica, Europe, China, Africa, everywhere, would develop as civilizations and then finally collapse right around the time that archaeologists find that human sacrifice becomes prevalent.
And then quickly accelerates to the sacrifice of women and children.
And then the civilizations literally collapse because the priest class is so out of control, so power drunk, so insane that they just have to keep upping the ante in their lust for control.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
It's what's happening today.
So humans have acted the same over and over again in these cycles.
But now we've got nuclear weapons and bioweapons and all this technology.
And that's what you be concerned about. I know that's what I'm concerned about.
So there's there's that issue, but obviously this is being brought forward right before
the midterms and the Republican establishment is going to give a backhanded assist to the
Democrats because this will energize leftists and their minions who love abortion as
their sacrament to get out the vote and be very, very aggressive. And still 20 plus states
are set to ban abortion, but the Supreme Court won't ban it in all the states because
that's a federal issue.
And when you think when I say federal, I mean, it's federal government.
No, it's a federalist issue where they're going to reserve that power to the states and basically say it's not a federal government job to make those decisions.
It is the state's job.
But it is going into the midterms, a assist of the Democrats.
That's only one level of this.
Here's the big one that nobody's talking about.
The leakage of that draft ruling, majority ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, is the first time the Supreme Court in its 230-something year history has ever had that happen.
Why is it so important?
What I'm experiencing with the Sandy Hook cases and others is judges literally saying, we didn't appear in court, we didn't show up, we gave them no documents, and so we're defaulted, but they also say we gave them fake documents.
All of this lies.
And then, in Texas and Connecticut, they have filed to say that when they have the trials, we are not allowed to defend ourselves or quote mention the First Amendment.
We have the filings.
Unprecedented, all being coordinated by the Democratic Party from the national level.
And it just shows you how the entire legal system has been weaponized.
And how even at the Supreme Court now, the deep state Democrats are leaking.
They just can't help themselves.
All the rules have been thrown out the window.
And it's so incredibly dangerous.
You add that, the controlled corporate press and big tech censoring, and the suppression of the people, and it is a perfect storm of tyranny and control.
And if you look at what's happened in these court cases in Texas and Connecticut that are about destroying the First Amendment, that are the case of the century, have you seen Alex Jones on any of the hundreds and hundreds of news programs a month attacking me and lying about me?
Have you seen me respond?
Have you seen my lawyers?
Have you seen us able to say or do anything in response?
And the answer is no.
All completely one-sided.
They are developing formulas of control to do this to everybody.
But I am heartened by the fact that we've seen such an outpouring of support by independent journalists around the world and the country.
Like Tucker Carlson and so many others.
And by you.
And I just want you to know that my fight is your fight.
And we're in this together.
And the fact that even Chief Justice Roberts says this is just unprecedented and incredibly dangerous that this happened, and it just shows there are no rules now.
Now, Republicans and conservatives and Christians, you get before their courts, I've seen them be incredibly fair.
It's like night and day.
We're not perfect.
But the Democrats, you're literally dealing with villainous fiends, scam artists.
That have no bottom.
Here's the headline.
Betrayal of confidence.
Justice Roberts orders investigation of Roe v. Wade leak.
Massive information, ladies and gentlemen.
Alright, Owen Schroeder is doing a great job hosting today.
I am taking a day to get a lot of paperwork done, a lot of research, cut ads, just a lot of Things I have to do as the executive running InfoWars.
And I've certainly not been perfect, but I've learned more and gotten a lot better at it over the years.
So we got a lot of exciting things going on, a lot of challenges, but I know you're standing with us.
So again, I wanted to salute.
Thank you all.
I want to encourage you all to understand that the money that came in in the last few weeks was exactly what we needed to be solvent.
We're still almost in the red, but we're in the black thanks to you.
And I want to thank you all.
So please continue to support at InfoWarsTore.com.
Please continue to share the videos from Band Dog Video.
Please continue to understand that InfoWars is now the symbol of American populism and liberty.
Thank you, Alex.
And let me just re-emphasize something here.
We hate you, and when you spread the articles and videos, when you tell folks about Van Dyne video,
you change the world.
God bless all of you, and I want to thank you for the great job the crew is doing as well.
Now back to Owen Schroer.
Thank you, Alex, and let me just reemphasize something here.
You know, one of the things that I've been doing since, well, for a long time, since high school really,
but here at InfoWars, we've organized probably about a half dozen or a dozen pro-life rallies.
We've had them in abortion clinics here multiple times.
We've had them downtown multiple times.
I mean probably a dozen times we've had pro-life anti-abortion rallies here that I myself have organized.
Alex has done it in the past as well.
And so to have this Potential victory in the Supreme Court, which, by the way, you know, really all the Supreme Court decided here was that they shouldn't be involved in this process.
I mean, the Supreme Court decision is really not even a stance on abortion, it's a stance that we can't take a stance on abortion.
That's actually what was decided today, because what happened during Roe vs. Wade was the same stuff.
Democrat bullying, Democrat terror, mainstream media pressure on the Supreme Court to make this decision.
Now we find out that's all a lie.
And the Supreme Court re-evaluates and said, you know what, we should have never made that decision to begin with.
So really all the Supreme, actually the Supreme Court actually, it made a pro-choice decision today, quite frankly.
They basically said, you know what, the Supreme Court shouldn't have a stance on this and shouldn't be involved in this decision.
That's really the decision they made.
So that's not even being properly represented.
But I've got to say, this is a major victory and I think you should go to InfoWarStore.com today.
And purchase one of our limited edition gold bars that you can get.
The InfoWars Republic Defense Alex Jones exclusive gold bar and collector's card as a victory today.
Because that's what you're investing in.
You're investing in InfoWars.
You're investing in free speech.
You're investing in activism and pro-truth, pro-America, pro-human media.
We just had a victory.
We have been fighting these demons that want to kill babies for decades here at InfoWars.
And I remember giving a speech at one of my events, and I actually got some harumph from some people in the crowd.
I said, you know, we've just got to be patient, we've got to pray.
Some people were like, we need to take violent action.
I said, no, we've got to be patient, we've got to pray.
God will save those babies.
And here we are today, and it looks like we're going to stop millions of babies from being aborted.
Get your limited edition Baby Lives Matter t-shirt and onesie at InfoWarsStore.com.
Do black lives matter, by the way?
I'm asking the liberals out there.
Do black lives matter?
Because, what is it, 80% of the abortions in this country are black babies.
Let's not forget about Margaret Sanger, who started Planned Parenthood, who gave speeches at KKK rallies.
Planned Parenthood and abortion in the West was set up as a eugenics program to kill black people.
Because white racists like Margaret Sanger and the Democrat Party and the KKK, who merged into one, didn't want black people in America.
So they put Planned Parenthoods and abortion clinics in inner cities where you had most of the black Americans at the time.
And Margaret Sanger gave speeches at KKK events and had public statements saying, yeah, we're trying to kill black people.
That's the whole point.
There's too many blacks in this country.
So how do you leftists feel about that one?
How do you libs feel about that one? Knowing that your entire abortion agenda
was started to kill black people.
Yes, you really love black people.
You love killing them in the womb so much.
But you know, let's be fair, let's be accurate here, and my crew came in in the break and was just absolutely right saying, hey, you have to understand the real reason, and there's multiple reasons, but one of the big reasons Why the Democrats want their minions in the street panicking so much, it's the same old why, folks.
How much money is laundered through the cause of abortion and through the eugenics group known as Planned Parenthood?
Well, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars.
That's how much.
And guess where that money ends up going?
The pockets of the Democrat Party.
By the way, none of this is secret.
This is all public record.
The Democrats promote public funding for abortions and Planned Parenthood, so Planned Parenthood gets tens of millions of dollars every year from our government.
Planned Parenthood then turns around and funds Democrat campaigns for office.
They don't fund any Republican campaigns, they fund only Democrat campaigns.
So, the Democrats send tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood turns right back around and gives it right back to the Democrat Party.
So there's always your reason of money.
Always your reason of money.
They'll still do their organ harvesting.
They'll still have their killing of babies.
You know, it might have to be a little more, you know, it'll be off the record and maybe, you know, a little more tough to access.
Maybe less safe.
And they'll just say, oh, it's less safe.
Oh, really?
Tell me about how that's safe for the baby.
You think the baby says it's safer that way?
Safer to have the organs harvested in a Planned Parenthood clinic?
So they'll still harvest their organs.
They'll still abort their babies.
I don't think that's going to change.
They've already proposed legislation.
You want to have an abortion, we'll fly out to California.
Amazon will pay for it.
The Democrat Party will pay for it.
But yeah, they're upset that they're losing that money laundering operation known as Planned Parenthood.
Getting government money.
But I guess they can't be too concerned, considering how much money they're laundering through Ukraine right now.
Biden did release a statement, by the way.
Statement by President Biden on reported Supreme Court decision draft, and it's pretty much what you would expect.
But the funny thing is, did you know that the Biden administration has a Gender Policy Council?
A Gender Policy Council.
What in the hell is that?
Gender Policy Council.
They're weighing.
The White House is talking to the Gender Policy Council on how to respond to this.
They don't know what to do.
And I love this big lie from the Democrats.
Women's reproductive rights.
Everything they say is a lie.
Everything they say is a misrepresentation.
It's just the clown world.
The demon clown world.
That's what this is like.
This is like, um... What was that movie?
I forget what it was called.
Where, like, the insane clowns take over, like, a theme park.
It's like an old scary movie from the 80s, like this occult movie.
It's a horrible, awful movie, but it's kind of funny.
It's like these animatronic clown zombies take over a theme park.
That's like the United States and the Democrat Party.
It's like animatronic clown zombies trying to conquer your country now.
With things like the Gender Policy Council.
Conservatives call for probe of SCOTUS leak.
Warn justices in jeopardy.
So yeah, Republicans are calling for an investigation.
Yeah, there it is.
I forget the name of the film.
It's hilarious.
That's your Democrat Party.
Yeah, Killer Clowns from Outer Space.
That's what we're dealing with.
We're dealing with Killer Clowns from Outer Space.
That was actually a documentary before its time.
Now you're in it.
Killer Clowns from Outer Space, but they're called Democrats.
They're called liberals.
So, the Republicans want an investigation to get down to the bottom of who illegally leaked this.
First time in Supreme Court history.
Who illegally leaked it.
And we all know why they leaked it.
Because the Democrats want to foment violence and terrorism in this country.
So that's why they leaked it.
To protect their money laundering operation and their eugenics program.
So the Republicans say, hey, let's get down, let's have an investigation, this illegal leak, who did it?
And this is how it's being covered by leftists.
Conservatives launch a vigilante campaign to hunt down Supreme Court leaker.
Vigilante campaign?
Hunt down?
No, you're the ones that hunt down babies that haven't been born yet to kill them for profit.
You're the ones engaged in a vigilante campaign leaking this to the public.
You're the vigilantes.
So calling for the investigation is bad, but rioting in response is good.
It's Democrat Party politics.
It's invasion of the killer clowns.
Pelosi and Schumer attack Trump justices.
Yes, it's Trump's fault.
It always is.
For overturning Roe in leak of alleged draft decision accuses justices of ripping up Constitution.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say you can kill your baby.
In fact, it says everybody has the right to life and liberty in the pursuit of happiness.
Would that mean being born?
Do you think liberty, the right to life, liberty in the pursuit of happiness, do you think that includes being born?
Do you think so?
I'm not, well...
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say you can kill your baby, but it does say right to life.
Again, leftist Democrat psychotics don't live in reality.
The SCOTUS blog, which is a far left Uh, verified account on Twitter called Scotusblog.
It's just another front for the radical liberal left.
This is just hilarious, folks.
And see, when it gets down to it, this is how you know we're dealing with evil.
We're not operating on a fair playing field intellectually.
We're not having real discourse.
We're not dealing with real opinions and going back and forth.
You're dealing with evil.
You're dealing with an entity of evil.
Here's what the SCOTUS blog says.
It is impossible to overstate the earthquake this will cause inside the court in terms of the destruction of trust among the justices and staff.
This leak is the gravest, most unforgivable sin.
Now, who did this gravest, most unforgivable sin?
It's gonna be a leftist, it's gonna be a liberal, it's gonna be a democrat.
We know that.
But tell me, what is a more Unforgivable sin.
What is a more grave sin?
Leaking something to the public or killing 60 million babies?
What's worse?
Leaking something to the public or killing a kid?
Killing a baby.
Killing a child.
Killing an infant.
What is worse?
Of course, nothing is worse than killing a kid.
Unless, of course, you're a liberal, then it's a good thing to kill a kid.
And that middle America that's either apolitical or disinterested or just doesn't even care to know what's going on, just politically ignorant, they're gonna know what's going on now.
Oh, buddy!
Oh, baby!
Keep exposing yourself, satanic left Democrats.
You are pushing the American center, you are pushing the American apolitical, Where they need to be to the common sense American populist movement that is labeled as far-right when really it's just centrist and populist.
So keep it up.
Keep it up.
And by the way, yes.
Now why would this be?
When the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade leaked, what happened to D.C.?
Oh, immediately they had to barricade all of D.C.
up again, because why?
Well, leftist terrorists are going to be fomented by the mainstream media and the Democrat Party to commit acts of terror, like they did in 2020 and so many other occasions.
So just imagine, though, and this is, again, people that live in reality that aren't totally brainwashed, And our neutral observers are quickly figuring out what really goes on in this country.
For example, imagine you're Secret Service, and you are probably the most serious security force in Washington, D.C.
And so, in the Trump years, what did you deal with?
For four years, you dealt with radical left-wing terrorism and violence.
So bad on a couple of occasions that the White House had to be evacuated.
They burned a church to the ground.
They were in Lafayette Square.
The D.C.
government had to give the radical leftist terrorists an entire street block to go do their violence on.
They call it Black Lives Matter Square.
And you're sitting there, you're watching that as Secret Service, so you know what's going on.
I mean, you're top security echelon.
You know, oh yeah, Democrats, terrorism, yeah, we gotta protect Donald Trump, yeah, this goes on.
And then magically, all of a sudden, you're told that it's Trump supporters that are terrorists.
You've gone to how many Trump rallies, you've gone to how many Trump events, you've seen conservatives, you've seen Trump supporters, you've seen Republican voters.
They're never violent, they never do riots, they aren't never a threat.
It's always leftists, Democrats, and you've witnessed this your entire life, and then you see the FBI and the media telling you the exact opposite?
That's just one example.
This is happening every day now on many different levels, where Americans that are just living their life...
Politically neutral or apolitical, and they just see the reality unfolding in front of them, being neutral observers, and then they see, they get a completely different story from American Democrats and from the American media, and they realize, huh, there's a bunch of lies happening here.
Now this tweet on the screen is one of many deranged responses that we've seen from liberals in this country since the Leaking of the Supreme Court decision.
Now, I tried to look up who this Amanda Duarte is.
This verified leftist psychotic on Twitter.
I tried to verify, figure out who she is.
But the problem is, after she made this tweet, she completely ghosted her own stuff on the internet.
She's gone.
And you know what?
Probably for good reason, she realized that she's had a mental psychotic breakdown.
So maybe she's realizing that she's the problem here.
This was her tweet.
Folks, I'm telling you, the response to this from the left, It's sad, it's really sad, but it is actually a beautiful thing to watch because America realizes who the bad guys are, who the evil ones are.
Amanda Duarte.
I do wonder how these white supremacist lawmakers would feel if their little white daughters were raped and impregnated by black men.
I mean, I can't even begin to break down all the things that are wrong with that statement.
But she knew it, and she has now completely erased her entire internet presence.
They're showing you who they really are, folks.
They're showing you who they really are.
And the Democrat Party thought it would be advantageous to have this leak so they could engage their terrorists out on the streets.
And try to protect their money laundering operation known as Planned Parenthood.
All you've done is exposed to the entire country who it is you really are and who it is that votes for you.
Kate Hill, Katie Hill, you know that corrupt Democrat from California that was doing the sex stuff and the orgies and the bullying?
Hard to believe that girls being born today will have fewer rights than those born 50 years ago.
You notice there's a word there.
She uses the word twice.
She uses the word born.
Isn't that funny?
She takes an anti-birth stance, but promotes being born.
Do you think women would like to have the right to be born?
But, of course, these are the same people.
My body, my choice, my body, my choice.
Okay, what about masks?
What about vaccines?
Only your choice if you want to kill your kid.
Only your choice if you want to kill your offspring.
My body, my choice.
What about the baby's body?
You know, that baby that you want to kill, it's got arms, it's got legs, it's got phalanges, it's got an eyeballs, it's got eyeballs, it's got a head, it's got a brain, it's got a beating heart.
It's got a body.
What about its body?
Its choice.
Does it have a choice?
What if it's a black baby?
What if it's a female baby?
All the left.
Oh, black lives matter.
Okay, well what about that baby about to be born?
No, you want to kill it.
Women lives matter.
What about that female that's about to be born?
No, you want to kill it.
My body, my choice.
What about vaccines?
What about masks?
The American left has never been more exposed than it is today.
Crowd gathers at U.S.
Supreme Court after bombshell leak reveals possible Roe vs. Wade overturn.
And that's what the Democrats wanted.
They intentionally leaked it because they want their radical terrorists out on the streets committing crimes.
Protests erupt at Supreme Court.
Democrats scream and wail like demons after news breaks that SCOTUS is tossing Roe vs. Wade.
Burn it all down!
Democrats, leftists, call for violence following leaked SCOTUS abortion ruling.
Hillary Clinton weighs in on the decision.
It will kill and subjugate women.
Again, it's hilarious.
What is actually killing a woman?
Hillary Clinton fumes after news breaks of leaked draft showing Supreme Court set to strike down Roe vs. Wade.
The same Hillary Clinton, white supremacist Hillary Clinton, who went to the Met Gala in a, like a, she had a huge dress on, that she had a black slave, I'm not even kidding you, Hillary Clinton had a black slave, masked up, carrying her dress around behind her at the Met Gala.
How hilarious is that?
Hillary Clinton with a black slave following her around carrying her dress.
Now, I would apologize to that individual that was carrying her dress because he's a free man and he had the choice to not do that, I'm sure, but he's just doing his job.
So, I'm not trying to belittle the individual that got belittled by Hillary Clinton.
But again, how ironic is it that Hillary Clinton has a black individual wearing a mask keeping her dress off the floor as she walks around the Met Gala?
I mean, the optics of these people... Bernie Sanders weighs in, calls for Senate to end the filibuster and pass legislation that codifies Roe vs. Wade.
Bernie wants to end the filibuster?
What is that?
But really, he's just spouting off at this point.
He's just a bag of hot air at this point.
And again, folks, it's funny that the left doesn't even realize what's really going on.
If anything, the Supreme Court decision today was pro-choice, or whatever it's official.
If anything, the Supreme Court decision was actually pro-choice, folks.
The Supreme Court decided that they have no legitimate standing to decide a state's rights or an individual's rights on abortion.
That's what they really decided.
Is that this isn't a Supreme Court issue, it's an individual issue, it's a state issue.
So really the Supreme Court decision is actually pro-choice.
So the left is about to engage in terrorism over a pro-choice decision from the Supreme Court.
But they just want abortion legal and promoted and government funded.
Boy, liberals haven't been this mad since... Oh wait, they're always this mad now.
Ever since the Republicans took the Democrats slaves, the Democrats have been raging ever since.
They're only happy when the country's being destroyed.
They're only happy when babies are aborted and cities burned to the ground.
And we may experience all of that in the near future.
Thanks, Democrats.
You know, I'm about to finish up here with my response to the leaked SCOTUS ruling, and I've got a ton of other news to cover.
People are going to say, hey look, you're being distracted from this news coming out over here with the vaccines killing people, or you're being distracted over here from the devastating news coming out about the economy, and then the Biden laptop, and then the Hillary Clinton campaign caught committing crimes, and all this other stuff.
I understand that, but this is a huge victory, and I want to lavish it.
I do.
I want to lavish in the fact.
I want to rejoice in the fact.
I want to bask in the glory that we might stop killing millions of babies in this country every year with taxpayer dollars and also using the corporations that kill those babies to harvest their organs and fund the Democrat Party.
I am, I am I am jubilant over that.
And my guess is you are as well.
And that's why I want to just take phone lines.
I think I'm going to just take calls for the entire third hour.
And maybe I'll come back and cover all the rest of the news in the war room.
But I'm just giddy, I'm just jubilant.
But the battle is not won, ladies and gentlemen.
The Democrats have already proposed legislation for taxpayer-funded abortions and commute.
If you want to go have an abortion in California, the Democrats will pay for it, for you to fly out there and have an abortion.
They'll probably give you a little bonus money, too.
If you kill twins, they'll pay you double.
You know, this is the Democrat Party we're talking about here.
And their terrorists will be out riding in the streets, burning and looting as well, murdering.
So the Democrats do.
That's why barricades and walls have just gone up all over D.C.
in expectation of the latest wave of Democrat terrorists invading D.C.
and burning and looting and murdering and pillaging and sacking and raping.
It's the Democrats!
The Democrats are in town!
So, hide the kids, hide the wife, board up the buildings, board up the schools, board up the businesses.
The Democrats are coming.
The Democrats are coming.
So that's what I'm going to do is I want to take your calls on this for the entire third hour today.
And I'll give out the phone number right now. 877-789-2539.
Your response to the leaked Supreme Court decision, the response to what we've seen from the American left in the
last 12 hours, your response to how I've been responding to it and
covering it as well.
It's all fair game.
And so I'm going to take an hour of calls in response to that.
Then we have our fourth hour special guest host today.
Is it Paul Joseph Watson, guys?
Jason Bermas today.
Jason Bermas guest hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Then I'm back right here hosting the War Room and then I'll get into this other news and we'll see what else happens there.
So 877-789-2539, your response to this news on abortion.
And yes, I understand it's a distraction.
Yes, I know there's other news out there.
I cover this news all day long.
It's very rare that we get to sit here and celebrate a victory for America, a victory for life, a victory for freedom.
And let's hope we'll have it.
Let's see this thing out to the finish.
But you know the Democrats are going to be engaged in terrorism and bullying and intimidation and violence and everything.
And they've already proposed The Democrats have already proposed in the Senate to pass a bill.
They've already probably written it out even.
Guys, see if they've actually got the bill already concluded or they just have proposed the idea of it.
But Chuck Schumer has already proposed either the idea or the actual bill that the Democrats are about to present to the Senate that's going to make abortion legal.
They're just going to say abortion legal all 50 states.
And so that's what they're trying to do right now.
So, obviously in fear of Rovers Wade being overturned, they've got to find a way to kill those babies, harvest those organs, and launder that money.
And Biden has already confirmed that if the Democrats put that bill on his desk, that he will sign it.
So, Democrats going for baby murder.
They will never stop trying to murder those babies, will they?
They just love it.
Do it.
Do it, Chuck Schumer.
Do it.
Do it, Chuck.
Do it, Joe.
Write that bill.
Write that bill.
I mean, do it now.
Do it, not with a moment's hesitation.
Write that bill that you want to kill kids and put that bill on Biden's desk.
Let's go!
Show the world who you really are!
Show America who you really are!
The inflation, the crashing economy, the consumer price index, the producer price index, the energy prices, the gas prices, the wide open border, the war in Ukraine, none of that matters!
What matters is killing those kids!
Do it, Democrats!
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!
I'm cheering for you!
Do it!
And see, here's the thing.
I know that 50 million babies aborted in this country on taxpayer dollars is a sin.
A sin against me.
And a sin that I am involved in.
So that's not good.
But see, there's another level of this, that's maybe a little selfish and wrong for me to take, that's, hey look, people have been killing their babies forever, people have been doing human sacrifice forever, people have been doing blood sacrifice forever, I can't stop that.
I can try to stop it, I can stand up against it, but that's always been a thing that's not going to change, even if abortion becomes illegal.
But see, It's a selfish thing for me to say, even though it's true.
You want to kill kids?
You want to kill your offspring?
You want to kill your lineage?
You want to commit that sin?
You want to give your life to Satan?
You want to destine yourself for hell?
Go ahead!
But see, that's selfish, that's evil, that's not wrong.
So I don't want to take that stance.
But there's a part of me that's just like, yeah, okay, go ahead.
You guys kill your kids, you guys do your satanic sacrifice.
That's not me.
I don't want to be involved with that.
I want to go to heaven.
I want to do the right thing.
But see, I know that affects me.
That affects all of us.
So I don't take that selfish approach.
Or that selfish logic or understanding of the issue.
Because who's gonna stand up for those innocent babies?
And by the way, again, you know, it's just everything... The entire leftist logical paradigm is hyperbolic.
It is...
Contradictory at every level.
For example, what have liberals been saying for years?
Men can't comment on abortion!
Men can't comment!
It's a woman thing, it's only a woman's issue!
Well now, men can be women!
At any given time, at any given day!
So are men allowed to comment on abortion now?
Is it a women's rights issue, or can men be women?
You don't have to answer the questions, because the answer is the same.
Leftist liberal progressive Democrats are mentally ill.
They have a mental disorder.
These are psychotics.
So don't even try to figure out their logic.
They're mentally ill people.
Amazon to reimburse U.S.
employees who travel for abortions and other treatments.
And now the state of California is proposing the same thing.
They will pay for you to travel to California and have an abortion.
So it's going to be the corporate world government doing it, or it'll be the Democrats paying for it.
That's going to be a tougher one for them to pass, because they're going to have to spend our money to do it.
But they'll find a way.
These are evil bastards we're talking about here.
They like killing kids.
You don't think they're going to rob you blind to do it?
Top Biden health official says all pediatricians agree with castrating gender-confused children.
Do you believe that?
All pediatricians agree that mutilating children's genitals is a good thing?
Keep talking, Liberals.
Just keep showing your ass, Liberal Democrats.
You love killing kids, and if you can't kill them, you want to chop up their genitals.
You are sick, psychotic freaks.
Six psychotic freaks.
And then they write hit pieces on Ken Paxton here because he doesn't... Ken Paxton makes genital mutilation illegal in Texas.
You can't mutilate a children's genitals in this state.
That angers the left.
Paxton relied on false claims, errors to equate transgender care with child abuse.
And it's all this made up BS and the Austin American Statesman saying, oh no, no, he got misinformation.
He got misinformation about this.
No, he didn't.
No, he got the right information.
He got the absolute right information.
That individuals in Texas were giving children chemicals and puberty blockers and forcing them to have sexual reassignment surgery.
And that's illegal.
That's torture.
That's child abuse.
There's no misinformation there.
There's no misunderstanding there.
He got it right.
You guys don't get it.
That's the problem here.
You're American leftist liberal progressive Democrats that have lost your minds.
You've lost your souls.
You've lost your minds.
You've lost the way.
Now you've lost the plot and the narrative.
And so you're about to have total mental psychotic breakdowns.
and we're all witnessing it.
You see this?
It's an InfoWars Republic Defense Card with original InfoWars art designed by yours truly with a little gold bar implanted in it and on the back it's got a hologram.
There are only 25,000 of these in existence and they'll never be made again.
The bank that owns the Mint, that has started putting these out the last few years, just sold out of 300,000 of a similar offering that was 40% more than what we're selling these for.
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Oh yes, it's going to be hilarious.
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Oh yes, it's gonna be hilarious America is about to witness
The ones that haven't figured it out yet. Just how psychotic the American left is and really just how they're just liars
and And they're gonna see it.
My body, my choice.
Wait a second.
My body, my choice.
These are the same people that made me wear a mask and take a vaccine.
Now they say my body, my choice.
Wait, these are the same people that said men can be women.
Now they're saying men can't comment on abortion?
America is about to find out how psychotic the lying liberal American left really is.
Just incredible.
Ladies and gentlemen, people are clamoring, they're wondering, will Alex Jones be allowed back on Twitter?
Now, of course, the purchase has not been officially concluded yet of Elon Musk purchasing Twitter.
It's going to be happening later this year, so there could still be some shenanigans before it all goes down, but they are wondering.
Now, Mike Lindell and others have tried to get their accounts back up and they put stuff on Twitter only to get blocked again.
So, the Obama implant G'day is still running the show with her minions of leftist radicals censoring people.
But the world knows, would Alex Jones return to Twitter?
And what would that look like?
Here's a little short.
Alex Jones returns.
Elon Musk is buying Twitter for an estimated $44 billion.
If you own all of Twitter or Facebook or what have you, you don't have to explain yourself.
You don't even have to be transparent.
You could secretly ban one party's candidate or all of its candidates.
Tonight, a deafening silence from the President's Twitter account in his waning days as Commander-in-Chief.
Or you could just secretly turn down the reach of their stuff and turn up the reach of something else and the rest of us might not even find out about it till after the election.
When people try to type my name into the search box on Instagram, the Discover box, my account does not show up.
Whether you type in Tulsi, Tulsi Gabbard, it just, it literally does not show up.
People try to tag me in an Instagram post and they get an error saying, we are restricting certain activity to protect our community.
What are they protecting their community from?
Nobody knows.
Elon Musk lives in a world in which the only kind of free speech is white men feeling free to say whatever the hell they want.
On Twitter, it is predominantly straight white men.
So when Elon Musk says, wow, this is about free speech, it seems to me that it's about free speech of straight white men.
And so let him have it.
If you get invited to something where there are no rules, where there is total freedom for everybody, do you actually want to go to that party?
Get those nerds!
The latest from Ping Trip, always doing great work with the memes and the visual shorts there.
So yeah, they're absolutely panicked that Alex Jones and Infowars might be back on Twitter, thanks to Elon Musk.
They're just freaked out.
You know what though?
Really, we need to use more humor to address these psychotic leftists.
I mean, they're such clowns in their own right.
It's like Ari Melber on MSNBC.
They could use social media to censor political movements and parties.
That's what you're doing, Ari.
All these people, white men this, straight white man that.
So you know what?
Straight white men!
Straight white men!
Come on, all my blacks and my browns in the audience!
Straight white men!
All my gays and everything else!
Straight white men!
Straight white men!
Come on, my fellow crackers!
Rise up!
Straight white men!
Oh, the left is seething!
Oh my god!
Oh, oh wait!
You just elected another straight white man named Joe Biden, a political corrupt criminal!
Straight white men!
Straight white men!
You love when Bezos owns your Washington Post!
You love when Mark Zuckerberg owns your Facebook and rigs elections!
Straight white men!
Straight white men!
We invented the lightbulb!
Straight white men!
Straight white men!
We invented this country!
Straight white men!
Straight white men!
Oh, they hate us straight white men, don't they?
Black lives matter!
Unless we want to abort it in the womb.
Woman, lives matter!
Unless we want to abort it in the womb.
My body, my choice!
Except that body in the womb.
Or if we're talking about vaccines or masks.
It's a beautiful thing.
The American left is about to be exposed, unlike ever before.
And the Supreme Court decision that's going to come out is actually a pro-choice decision, folks.
It's the Supreme Court just saying, hey look, we shouldn't have any involvement with this.
We're basically passing it on to the states.
So now there'll be a debate and a vote in each state.
But Biden just released a statement saying, whatever the decision is, the Democrats are ready.
So they've already got proposed legislation in the Senate to make abortion legal.
They're going to be all kinds of movements and funding and everything.
This is the new current thing.
So we've gone from Ukraine to Elon Musk to abortion all in less than a month.
And the whole country is about to see how psychotic the left is.
The whole country is about to see how brainwashed and just fundamentally against life and freedom and common sense the American left is.
We are looking forward to that.
Now, I'm taking calls the rest of this hour in your response to the latest news with the leak from the Supreme Court.
I'm also going to be covering it on The War Room.
But I want to take calls today, and then I'm going to get into the other news on The War Room and take more calls.
But, ladies and gentlemen, InfoWarsTore.com.
That's how you keep us on air.
That's how we're able to stay in the fight and celebrate and have major victories like stopping the murder of babies in this country.
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To figure out it's all the real deal.
All right!
The lines are loaded.
We're getting your response to the leaked, the Democrats leaking it, of course, because they want to get their terrorist mobs activated.
It's all a Democrat agenda to destroy America, so the Democrats have intentionally leaked the Supreme Court decision to rile up their terrorist mobs, and we've seen their brainwashed minions go from Stand With Ukraine to Elon Musk bad to now abortion is the current thing.
We start with John, calling in from FEMA 9.
John, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen, I'm 24 years old.
I've been listening since I was 15.
I got a founding member coin.
All your guys' products are dynamite.
Just to give you my current opinion on the situation, you know, I think abortion has always been, you know, it is and always has been child sacrifice.
And, you know, there's a graphic that you guys have shown before of the, I think it's like the Planned Parenthood hospital or the, you know, the headquarters, and it's literally shaped Like a, you know, like a temple that they used to sacrifice people in.
That's right, we show that image all the time.
The ancient Aztec pyramids that they used for human sacrifice.
It's like they built the Planned Parenthood clinics in the same shape.
Yeah, exactly.
It's so sick.
And you know, I think that this decision, they definitely leaked, you know, they want to act like You know, they're trying to press it on us as if we leaked it.
But no, they definitely leaked it.
This was planned so that they could have an uprising.
But, you know, I think it's good being pushed back to the states because I think that since we are the populist movement, you know, we can get involved in local government and be very effective.
And that's always been the key anyway, you know, is local government.
Well, and not only that, the bloodlust for these people to sacrifice children is just going to be more on public display.
Which, I mean, look, believe me, folks, I don't want to live in a civilization that has such bloodlust for killing kids, but, I mean, if I'm going to defeat that, it first has to expose itself.
So, it's about to expose itself.
And, you know, another thing, I think we need to take our money out of their system.
We need to stop supporting it, because they're just going to keep pushing their crazy, radical ideas, and we just need to stop supporting.
And, like, you guys have even inspired me to, like, I made an online Basically a phone book for Patreon websites.
It's very barren right now, but you guys inspired me to go out and make my own system.
I'm only 24 years old.
Well that's what it's all about my friend.
That's what it's all about.
And I remember, I was probably 24 years old actually when I decided, I was working in sports media, but I decided I wanted to pivot and go into politics.
So I launched my own political talk show.
I was syndicated on AM radio.
I was loud on the internet and YouTube at the time.
And I was probably about 24 when I decided to do that.
So John, you're just carrying the ball forward.
You're carrying the Freedom Movement forward and we appreciate you for that.
Thank you for your continued support and your call today.
Let's go to Stephen in Florida.
Stephen, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hi Owen.
I just want to take a moment for anybody that really hasn't thought about it to just take a moment and think about how huge this is for us.
Um, you know, we've we've lost close to 70 million babies in 50 years.
And, uh, from the list of this and the wording of the highlights in Politico.
They don't seem to be backing down, and this could potentially save another 70 million plus lives.
Well, they already had the numbers in Texas, where since we made it illegal to kill your baby if it has a beating heart in the womb, I think it was like, we've already saved 16,000 babies in Texas since that ruling was passed down.
So yeah, this is going to save millions of babies' lives.
And you know, and to your point towards Texas, you said earlier in the broadcast that California is wanting to pay for people to come there and kill their babies.
Well, I hope you travel through Texas to get there so Texas can do the pants off of you.
Because, you know, we are developing workarounds, and as bleak as it looks at times, there is light breaking through.
I really do feel like we need to take this moment And like you said earlier in the broadcast, just basking this.
This is probably the most Lori will steal until we can beat these guys off a lot more.
This is bigger than 9-11.
9-11, we lost 2,000 approximately.
We lost close to 70 million in 50 years.
What we've saved, in contrast, this is huge.
I do want to say also, and I don't mean to make it all about me, but I do want to say that, you know, I think it's wise also while we bask to think about what they have in mind with this.
Um, you know, they don't ever, obviously they leached it to try to stop it, but I think that they always have a plan B and C. Oh, for sure.
Oh, they've already got, we already know what their plan is.
Their plan is to release their terrorist hordes out into the streets and they're going to try to pass something in Congress, in the Senate, they already have it proposed.
They're going to try to get to Biden's desk to just say abortion is legal in 50 states.
That's, that's their next move.
Send the terrorists out to the streets.
And then apply that pressure with their street terrorism to Congress to pass an abortion legal in all 50 states act.
Absolutely, but I think we also need to be looking for them to pack the Supreme Court so this can't happen again.
Oh, yeah, yeah, they may want to expand the Supreme Court to pack it.
That's a good point.
Keep our eyes out for that.
Absolutely, Steven.
And you know, Steven brings up another good point.
I mean, folks, can you imagine?
If this plays out the way it should, in the short term, and the Democrats don't run their terrorism campaigns to pass a bill in the Senate to legalize abortion in 50 states, which I do expect they will, but if it does go down to a state's issue, as the Supreme Court is intending it to, and let's say it's going to be California and New York, they're going to be pro-abortion states, and they'll brag about it, they'll run about it, and it'll be their whole thing.
Do you liberal, do you Democrats really think becoming pro-human sacrifice states is a good move?
Like, do you realize how regressive you are?
Do you really think anybody would choose to go live in the ancient Aztec world where they were sacrificing kids?
Do you really think that's a good move?
Hillary Clinton says the new Supreme Court ruling would kill and subjugate women.
In other words, the new Supreme Court ruling would abort women?
So wait, it's a bad thing to kill women, it's a good thing to abort them?
I'm confused, but I'm trying to make sense of liberal logic.
Of course I'm confused, it's not logic at all.
It's clown world.
It's clown stuff.
These are clowns.
Demonic clowns from, what do we call it now, it's the invasion of the psycho killer clowns.
Killer clowns from outer space.
The old 1980s science fiction novel is reality in 2022 and we are just witnessing all of it.
We're taking your phone calls in response to this.
We've got Tony.
Tony is in New York.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
Tony, go ahead.
Hey Owen, how we doing?
Hey, I'm feeling good today.
Straight white male from New York here.
Straight white male!
So I'm a criminal justice major at the University of Brockport.
I'm a little late bloomer, I'm 32.
But I am going to be attending Syracuse Law School once I graduate out of here.
I think everybody's missing the big picture here.
As soon as you guys drop this news article, I know you guys are quick on the board, but if they want to pull up Supreme Court set to overturn Roe v. Wade leaked draft opinion shows and scroll down to the 98-page leaked document.
Go to page 30.
And page 30 is very important because it's Clarence Thomas' opinion.
And I think Clarence Thomas is the person that holds our conservative values the highest.
I mean, Kavanaugh, Comey Barrett, the jury's still out on Gorsuch.
Thomas is, you know, our go-to guy.
And his ruling right here, he says this, you know, the Roe case is very tied into the Casey case.
And Casey was like the fundamentals of abortion, the different trimesters and all that, the nitty-gritty.
Casey described, this is Clare's comment, Casey described it as the freedom to make intimate and personal choices that are central to personal dignity and personal autonomy.
Then he goes on to say, Licensed to act on the basis of such beliefs may correspond to one of many understandings of liberty, but it is certainly not ordered liberty.
Now, ordered liberty is, you know, is your fundamental right, your God-given right.
And for the Casey and the Roe v. Wade case to be overruled, We are losing our intimate and personal choices of personal dignity and personal autonomy, okay?
A personal autonomy is a person's ability to make his or her own rules in his life and to make your decisions independently.
Now what have we been screaming from the rooftops for the past two years about?
Forced vaccinations.
And this ruling right here sets the stage for Let me try to understand this better.
Are you saying that Clarence Thomas is alluding to that decision coming up in the future?
Because it's my understanding that the decision of the Supreme Court is not even an abortion decision, just a decision that they don't want to be the final decision makers.
They want to leave that up to the states.
Am I misinterpreting that?
They're going to.
It's a shadow game.
They are going to leave it down to the state.
So where I live, the babies are going to be killed.
I don't know what they want to do.
Three years old?
Well, actually, the new bill that's been proposed by the Democrats, they've already had a meeting on the steps of Congress that just wrapped up.
The new bill the Senate Democrats have proposed is a 50 statewide legalization of abortion All the way through nine months.
So basically, in a full-blown, full-blown, born baby, you can kill it, is their new proposed legislation.
The big thing, Owen, is that none of this has to do with abortion.
And this is the laugh now, cry later dichotomy.
Everybody's so happy about Roe being overturned, right?
But they're not seeing the bigger picture.
And the bigger picture is that with Casey and Roe being overturned, we have lost Personal dignity and personal autonomy and they are not ordered liberties.
Okay, I see so you're saying what you're you're predicting a bait-and-switch here saying oh if we don't have the decision to abort our baby we don't have the decision to not take a vaccine?
The next bill to come through the Supreme Court, I guarantee it, will be, you do not have personal autonomy.
And now, since the Supreme Court has overturned the Casey and Roe v. Wade ruling, we are subjugated back to the original Jacobson ruling.
And who foams at the mouth for Jacobson?
Amy Comey Barrett.
They cannot wait to make a Supreme Court ruling to force us to take these vaccines.
And abortion will not stop.
We're gonna be having to be forced to start aborting ourselves now
because we have lost our personal dignity and our personal autonomy.
And that's coming from our number one guy on the bench, Clarence Thomas.
And nobody's talking about, you know, nobody is bringing up the fact that we have lost this
and that this is what's coming down the pike because the conspiracy side of me thinks,
how could you get Alito and Roberts and these super left-wing judges
to come on the stage and agree to overturning this?
There had to be some, and I don't have any proof of this, but there has to be some sort of backroom deal.
We'll overturn this.
And when it comes to the floor, you conservative judges have to vote on the forced vaccine mandate because this sets the stage.
You lost your personal autonomy.
You've lost the right to decide what happens to your own body.
And with that coming, here comes the vaccines.
Well, I definitely I definitely like your foresight here, and I think it's a very important aspect of this to understand.
But I feel that.
decision is ultimately a state's decision and that's what the Supreme
Court is weighing. But no doubt whether it's pre-planned or not, no doubt they're
gonna find a way to segue all of this into forced vaccinations. We know that
that's what the corrupt corporate world government wants.
We know that's what the Democrat Party wants. So could this be a bait-and-switch to
get us against what they call bodily autonomy because we don't want abortions?
I don't think it's a fair equivalency, but they'll try to paint it that way, to say, oh, okay, fine, I don't have the right to choose whether I abort my baby, and I don't have the right to choose whether the government forces me to take a vaccine.
I'm hoping, though, that it's the same decision.
The Supreme Court is like, look, we're not here to make that decision.
That's going to be up to the states.
And then it'll be the same thing.
You're in New York or California.
Abort your baby all day long and take a forced vaccine.
You're in Texas, Florida, Missouri, something like that.
Probably no abortions, no forced vaccines.
Well, everything comes down to case law and and Casey was the case law which superseded Jacobson, which said that we had personal autonomy.
Now that it's been overruled, we've lost that.
And I know everybody's happy about abortions are done for now, but you have just lost your right, case law-wise, through the courts, to have the legal defense of, I have my own autonomy, since it's been overturned.
And I think it's very, very dangerous and it's gone over a lot of people's heads.
They're happy for now, but they're going to cry later.
You're bringing me back down to earth today, Tony, and thank you for the call.
Definitely a more sobering analysis here.
I mean, yeah, I can't help but celebrate the fact that we're going to be saving millions of babies' lives, potentially.
We've already saved tens of thousands in Texas, and just watching the anti-life, death cult left of America celebrate or Excuse me.
Rive and seethe in this decision.
But yeah, we know the future wants forced vaccines.
So how is this all going to tie in?
I don't want to be caught in a trap being laid for us by the Democrats or the globalists into thinking, hey, this is a good thing.
We're not going to be killing a million babies in America anymore only for them to bait and switch and say, okay, fine, but we can force vaccinate you now.
I don't want to be baited into that trap, but it really shouldn't be the same issue.
And it's really not, but I understand the last caller's concern and I do agree with the premonition that he's having that this ruling will be used against us in future rulings to force vaccinate us, but it shouldn't even be in the same ballpark.
We're talking about killing a baby.
Bodily autonomy, if that's your argument, should be in favor of the baby.
Not the mother.
The baby.
But it's just, you know, there's so many different logical points you can make here that just prove how ridiculous the pro-abortion side really is.
It's like, really, do you girls just get raped every night?
No, of course not.
Most of these girls protesting this decision probably don't even have sex, aren't sexually active, nobody would even touch them, or are already on birth control.
So what is really this about?
Why are all these people really out on the streets?
Are they, do they just have sex every night with random strangers and say, yeah, just go ahead, just, you know, ejaculate inside of me?
Is that what's going on?
No, absolutely not.
So what is it really all about?
Well, they're brainwashed minions and their programming is telling them to get out in the streets and fight for abortion.
They don't know.
They have no idea.
We go back to the phone lines.
It's Diane calling in from South Carolina.
Diane, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen, can you hear me okay?
Well, um, I had this all lined up, but, um, Tony covered it for me.
Uh, it's like the same thing with the, um, Honduras monkey principle.
I think like this morning I got up, I was so excited.
I started crying when I heard this news and I was, Oh my God.
Um, but the Democrats are so calculating and they're so evil.
I don't really even think they care one way or the other, as long as their agenda gets through and what their agenda is.
Um, who knows, but I know that this is a move they're making.
And the move that I think they're making is exactly what Tony just said.
I think they're going to use this to knock down bodily autonomy.
And, you know, we're all saying, you know, the leftists say, my body, my choice all the time.
And then it's going to be okay.
Well, it's not anymore.
It's our choice.
The state owns your body and we're going to do what we want because ultimately they want those vaccines.
vaccines into people's bloodstreams to change them to make us GMO creatures. It's disgusting
I'm I'm elated You know on one level that this is happening that they're
going to overturn it or at least say, you know, it's a state issue
But it it's frightening. I think they're doing it. I really do. Well, and this takes me back. I think it was like
2012 where I Forget who it was but some a pharmaceutical company tried
to claim that they had a patent on a gene that was in women's breasts and
And so, at the time, the argument was, and then the fear was, well, are they claiming that they own women?
Are they claiming that because this gene is present in female breasts, that women are their product?
And so that was, I believe, 2012, and it was all around when Angelina Jolie, I think, had the mastectomy.
And they discovered this patented gene that was in women's breasts.
And they were arguing that that gene was their patent and they owned it.
And then it was like, oh wait, did that mean they own women?
Now that kind of fell apart at the time.
I don't think they got the result they wanted, but I could see them bringing that same argument back and saying, hey, we've injected this patent into your body.
This is our patented material.
This is our patented DNA sequencing.
Now it's in your body.
You're our property.
But that's an entirely separate issue.
Here's the problem.
Let's just take this from an approach of, let's do the right thing.
Well, the right thing is, we shouldn't be killing babies in this country.
That's the right stance.
That's pretty easy to say.
You shouldn't be killing babies in this country.
I mean, even liberals that promote abortion would admit that that's an immoral thing to kill their baby.
I think they'd admit that.
I don't know.
Maybe not.
So, okay, that's one issue over here.
The same thing applies with the vaccine.
Mandatory vaccines, mandatory medical experiments, mandatory medical procedures should never be legal and should always be fought against.
So, those are two fights where the side of moral, the good moral decision and the right fight is, you don't kill babies and you don't force medical procedures on people.
I shouldn't have to worry About thinking making one stand, one good fight here, is going to cause me to lose this other good fight here.
I should always just fight the good fights.
But again, I understand the concern.
I know how politics in America works.
And I think this is above the Democrat Party, quite frankly.
I don't think most of these clueless Democrats, like Amy Klobuchar and the rest of them, they're just morons.
I mean, Amy Klobuchar, she's an idiot.
She's out here promoting abortions today, saying, my body, my choice.
She was one of the lead promoters of mandatory vaccines.
So, they're clueless, they're liars, they're scumbags, they're deranged individuals.
They don't even know what's going on.
But this could be an operation above them.
Getting bodily autonomy removed as a precedent in the U.S.
to force us to take vaccines.
But see, the left hated it when it was Trump.
If Trump was in office during all of this, if Trump is in office promoting vaccines, then the vaccine is the worst thing ever.
But when it's their guy in office, all of a sudden the vaccine is good.
So these are deranged individuals, and if we put them in charge of the planet, we're all doomed.
But good call, Diane.
Let's go to XPRA.
XPRA in Washington.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hi, Owen.
Can you hear me?
Yes, got you.
Okay, good.
So the last two callers are on point.
I'm pretty much on the same frequency.
I have read alerts to this news.
Number one, we should have a lot of faith in the Supreme Court for the fact that, oh,
things are being leaked from there and this is supposed to be a prestigious institution.
Not so prestigious when things are being leaked out.
And then they admit, on the other hand, that they didn't even have the right to make the decision of Roe v. Wade in the first place.
So I just think we should maintain sobriety in a position of, okay, what is a Supreme Court and what decisions can they make?
That should be the debate here.
Look, I understand the whole killing going away is something that could be celebrated, but I also don't necessarily think it's going to go away.
I think we're going to see some crazy things from the communists, the regressive.
Call them Democrats, quick call them liberals, quick call them... or not.
But I think we're going to see horrifying social media trends of these crazy leftists doing home abortions, and you're going to have activists, abortionists, doctors.
It's going to get real sick.
We're in the new dark ages, and I don't have a good feeling about this.
Well, I actually agree with what you're saying, and perhaps my jubilation, as legitimate as it may be over the proposed concept that we're not going to be killing millions of babies in this country anymore, perhaps it is a little too soon, a little bit of a false start, but I actually agree.
I think the Supreme Court decision to leave it up to states is probably the right move, and I agree that once it becomes, if it's left up to the states, and you have maybe two or three states that want to be pro-abortion, I agree, it's going to become this new cause-celeb thing, and it's going to, I mean, at least when they do abortions now, I mean, we've slowly but surely seen them kind of celebrate it, where they do the routines, the celebration of abortions, and they literally do parades, and it's a whole thing, and we see them on tape, Bragging about harvesting baby organs, and we see them on undercover footage using aborted baby fetuses after they were born, marching them around in medical pans like it's some sort of a funny game for them, bragging about how much money they make.
And so that will probably go from an underground thing to, yeah, just being right out in the light, kind of like what we're seeing with the pedophile story time, drag queen story time, where it's just like, yeah, they're just going to start rubbing it in your face.
I do agree that we're probably going to see some of that, sadly.
Yeah, yeah, definitely, and you know, it's like an old yeller situation, and we all know, you know, what had to happen with old yeller, so that's just my point there.
Yeah, I mean, folks, we're dealing with a bunch of demonic, brainwashed, possessed zombies.
I mean, you've seen what they've done.
Yeah, you know what, the caller's probably right.
They're gonna do public abortions, they're gonna like hold dead baby parts up and brag about it.
That's how sick these people are.
Yes, the liberals can't decide which is the more important aspect of their ideology.
To groom the children in the schools?
Sexually groom them?
Or to kill the children before they get into the schools?
They can't figure it out.
There's also another major philosophical crutch right now for them.
Men can't comment on abortion rights, but wait, men can be women.
Which one is it?
Which one is it?
Men can be women, or men can't comment on abortion rights because they're not women?
The constant struggle of being a liberal, being an idiot, being a moron, having a constant contradiction of your own logic and ideology.
That's why liberalism is a mental disorder.
That's why they're so easily brainwashed Zombified and controlled.
But hey, London's mayor's weighed in!
This is hilarious.
London's mayor, Sadiq Khan, says Roe cannot and must not be undone.
Why don't you stick to London, buddy?
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We don't care what you have to say.
Let's go back out to the phone lines.
Sam has called in from Washington.
Sam, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen, you're on fire.
You're on absolute fire.
And these callers are on fire.
You're right.
I mean, the callers are right about the left, the liberals.
They're always angling.
Forever angling.
And so that's what we're going to see with Robich versus Wade.
Guess how these other callers are saying it's going to be used to, you know, force vaccine.
You know, they're not going to stop.
They're not going to stop Owen.
Oh, of course not.
It's a death cult.
Death cult.
Demon cult.
Until the death cult is eradicated, which, by the way, who had to eradicate the death cult, death rituals, sacrifices that were going on in the Aztec regions?
Oh, that's right, the Christians!
The Christians.
Now we know why they hate Christians so much, because Christians end death cults.
Exactly, exactly.
The left has to come back to God.
Which is that's the one thing they won't do.
They hate God.
Yeah, they hate God, exactly.
And what it is, that's like when a kid hates the parent for disciplining them and wants to run away.
Because that's what these liberals are.
They're really just mentally deranged, arrested development, petulant children.
They hate God the Father because they know what they do is wrong and they know that they'll be disciplined for doing it.
Exactly, and they know that they can never become God.
And that pisses them off to the core.
And so that's why you have you all Noah Harari prancing around, talking this crazy, talking to humans.
They're hackable.
You're hackable creatures.
This is perfectly normal.
We're going to figure all this out.
No, no, no.
And maybe he's right.
Maybe people can be hacked when they don't have God in their lives, and that's why they try to remove God, so they can quote-unquote hack all these deranged people, and then convince them to, you know, walk into the, uh, to the, to the firing squad, basically, and say, hey, this is like, uh, Logan's run here.
It's like, yeah, you have to give your life over now.
It's a maintained population on planet Earth.
You're a hero.
Go die now.
Exactly, exactly.
Well, and as we see, the left has been hacked.
The left has been hacked.
Yeah, look how they behave like NPCs.
I mean, in one month, their biggest issue changes.
The biggest issue, stand with Ukraine.
The biggest issue, stop Elon Musk.
The biggest issue, abortion.
I mean, these are just brainwashed, hacked creeps.
And the scary thing is that they're in a lot of positions of power in our society.
Oh yeah?
These brainwashed, satanic, pedophile, Bullshit.
You know, and so, bottom line is they're not gonna respect anything but the sword at the end of the day.
They just won't.
They're demonic.
They're possessed.
You can't... Give me an old priest.
Give me a young priest.
No, I hear you.
I hear you, Sam.
No, you're absolutely right.
Thank you for the call.
Let's go to Jimmy in Utah.
Jimmy, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's up, Owen?
Hey, so I just want to tell you, man, some people look up to movie stars and rock stars, but you guys, you and Alex and Harrison, you guys are the ones I look up to, man.
I just want you to know that.
But I just want to say this is a victory, dude, this Supreme Court thing.
And yeah, we've always got to look out for what the left's doing, but that shouldn't take away from what this is.
You know, we've always, and if they want to try to sit, they're going to force us to take vaccines in the future.
We'll deal with that when it comes, because we're not going to let that happen.
You know, but obviously it's a good thing that they're going to overturn Roe v. Wade, don't you think?
I mean, well, they're going to give it up.
It sounds like they're just going to make it a state's rights issue.
So there's still going to be abortions.
Democrats are still going to get their abortions.
You know, it's a tough thing to measure of how big of a victory it really is because we really don't know yet.
But, for example, we've already had victories on this issue in Texas and Alabama and other places where they have the heartbeat bill where you can't abort a baby that has a heartbeat.
I think it's like eight weeks in or something.
I don't know the exact number off the top of my head.
And so tens of thousands of babies that would have been aborted So, do you know what reason they brought this up for?
but here in Austin, or excuse me, in Texas, we're like 10,000 less on average now of abortions
after they passed that law.
So do you know what reason they brought this up for?
Like why is it all of a sudden they just decided to overturn that?
Or is it something that they've been looking at for a long time?
Well, they've been looking at it for a long time.
The question is really, why did they decide to leak it and why now?
That's the real question.
I don't think we have the answer to that in front of us yet.
I think we may have some more ideas of why in the future.
But for now, it's just a matter of why did they leak it and what's the agenda behind the leak.
But we know the obvious, which is they're going to send out their radical terrorists into the streets.
They want violence.
They want looting.
They want burning.
They want to use that terrorizing intimidation factor that the Democrats always use to try to get their way politically.
And so America will watch that probably happen again.
Maybe they don't burn down cities this time.
We'll see how much they love abortion and how heavy the propaganda is.
But that's the phase that we're at right now.
Get the radical leftist terrorists into the streets.
Begin the intimidation.
Begin the threats.
Begin the propaganda campaigns.
But I think we'll figure out pretty soon what the true agenda here is, once we have some more answers about the leak.
Let's go to John in North Carolina.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I think the leak is caused Because they're going to make a January 6th again.
And bring in more surveillance and tracking.
So wait, I'm sorry, what?
I think that the leak was going to be caused because they're going to try to make another January 6th.
Who is?
The government.
To bring in more tracking and more surveillance.
Is this about the abortion story?
What's the connection?
Just say the riots will start.
So they can bring in more crack unions.
I don't know why they would.
They're not going to use their own terrorists to bring that in.
I don't know why they would.
Well, did they in the summer of 2020?
Did you hear a big outrage about this in the summer of 2020 when they were burning cities to the ground?
Well, I saw it today. I'll do it again.
And it'll just be more calls for more surveillance and tracking to ultimately the impeachment of Biden.
Yeah, I mean, they already have that agenda.
I don't think the two stories tie in, though.
I don't think it's going to have anything to do with that.
When the left wing engages in terrorism and violence, it's OK.
They call it a peaceful protest.
When you get conservatives or Republicans to have an event for the first time ever, First time ever a conservative Republican event has ever gotten violent, and of course we know it was all staged by the left.
The cops stood down, the D.C.
police stood down, it was all a Democrat Party agenda.
They refused the National Guard, they sent in their leftists, their FBI goon squad members to go in there and start the violence.
But fine, aside from that...
For the first time in ever, they got conservatives, Christians, Republicans to have violent actions at their events, and then they called for all of the censorship, and then they called for all the spying, and they called for the surveillance state.
But when they were burning cities to the ground in 2016, 2017, 2014, 2020, They never called for any of that, so I don't think the two stories are going to be linked up.
If anything, they'll back off the public calls for surveillance while their terrorists are in the streets rioting, if it gets to that point.
And then maybe try to bring it back in the midterms, like, you know, say Trump has another event with, you know, 100,000, 200,000 people, they'll send in their goon squads to try to start violence at that again.
But it's not going to work, because we're smarter and more wise to what they're up to now.
All right, I'm going to do another five minutes on the other side of this break just to take a couple more calls here.
And I'll be back hosting the War Room as well.
Jason Burmess has the fourth hour.
Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWarsStore.com.
This is the fight we've been having since InfoWars started to stop the mass murder of innocent babies in this country.
And you know what?
This isn't a complete victory, but I think babies' lives will be saved because of this.
Final segment for me here on the Alex Jones Show.
Jason Burmas takes over.
I'll be back hosting the War Room with a bunch of other news and video clips I didn't get here today on the Jones Show because I'm taking your calls.
I want to go back to the lines here quickly.
Mike in New York has dialed in.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen, the Cook, Destroyer, Shroyer.
Yes, hello.
How you doing, big guy?
I just want to say, um, You know, I actually, everything I called in about was covered.
The whole audience was on fire today.
Today was insane.
They hit on every single aspect, you know, looking at the trickery, looking at, you know, Celebrating what happened today and everything it's just all points fantastic show and this is why this show needs to be preserved This is why InfoWars need to be on the air.
You're not gonna find a more all-encompassing Transmission in response to this like you do here with the with the callers and the crew and the host.
It just doesn't get any better That's right.
And one last thing I want to touch on I tried to call him the other day about it But there was we ran out of time something really big Has like shown up to me in the in the department of like music and entertainment and it's so it's so toxic everything that we're given and you know we had uh what's his name the the singer on the show last week.
Jimmy Levy yeah he's awesome.
Jimmy Levy yes I started with him right I first started listening to him and it led me down this rabbit hole finding these like More like, God-based, and like, not like the traditional God-based, but one that you've probably heard of is Bryson Gray.
He's really popular right now.
Yes, of course.
And one that's a little less popular right now is Tyson James.
He's really good friends with him, and their content is just like, it just gets you going.
No, it's fantastic, and this is the part of the culture war that I mean, we don't get too much into it.
I do cover it a little bit.
But yeah, it's not going with the globalist, satanist, dominating the culture, but finding the alternative people that believe in God and humanity and freedom.
Of course, they get blackballed from the mainstream market.
I mean, Jimmy Levy is like...
As talented as it gets as a vocalist and a songwriter and singer, but he'll never be mainstream because he loves God and Jesus Christ, so he's not allowed to be that.
But thank you for the call, Mike.
Let's go to Jason, final caller for me today.
Jason in Ohio, go ahead.
Thank you for putting a priority of a child's life ahead of everything today, Owen.
Here's the real reality, okay?
The Supreme Court did not stand up to block the injections into these children.
They're going to be catastrophic from the mother and then to the newborn, so they haven't stopped nothing.
The jabs are going to take care of the abortions for them, okay?
So, everything God has done good for this earth, man has flipped it upside down for evil.
So, The marriage, which I blame men 100% that they don't care enough about a woman to marry the woman, have a child and an honor underneath God and do it as a blessing.
Instead, here in the year 2022, two kids and that's too many.
We need to take a couple of them out.
But a hundred years ago, They had 10, 12, 15 kids and they had a family and it was a blessing.
That is no longer the case in this country anymore.
And that's a cultural issue and it's more of a selfish nature of our culture these days.
They get celebrated and so I understand where you're coming from here.
And, but you know, the funny thing to me is that you can go ask all these women out there that are protesting for abortion, that love abortion so much, and you can ask them, just like, I mean, I guarantee you, none of them probably have boyfriends, none of them are probably sexually active, none of them have had an abortion or plan on getting an abortion, and you can just say, hey, you know, if you don't, if If you don't want kids to come into this world, why don't you just not have sex?
And they would take that as some, like, affront or offense.
Why is that offensive?
It's pretty much basic stuff.
You don't want to have a kid?
You don't have sex.
Or you can have birth control.
Or you might say, hey, you know, why don't you just close your legs?
Oh, no, no, no, no!
You don't slut shame anymore!
Jason Burmess takes over.
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and all of you that donated, we salute you and thank you.
Is going to be in my opinion the epitome of why InfoWars.com and Alex Jones is so damn important because we are going to spend the majority if not all of this hour presenting a true Contrarian viewpoint on, you guessed it, Elon Musk.
Somebody who, at least in right-wing media and alternative media right now, has been erected as some type of savior.
And I am here to warn you that the only person that is going to save you is you.
And that we cannot invest in puppeted, globalist, Billionaires.
And if you don't think that Elon Musk is one of those billionaires, let's start here.
Elon Musk gained a 600% wealth increase Over the COVID-1984 nightmare.
You can check this out at MoneyTransfers.com.
Now, to put that in perspective, other awesome people, other great billionaires that love us so much, also had huge increases.
Jeff Bezos, he obviously loves you.
Bill Gates, boy, does it get any more of a love fest.
Warren Buffett, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin.
Now, think about that for a second.
During this total and complete takeover of not only our elections, but our free speech and thought over the last two plus years, a medical martial law tyranny being instituted, they allowed Musk to increase his wealth.
And let us not forget that he was also espoused by the good people at Time Magazine As the person of the year in 2021.
You know, the same magazine that proudly wrote an article how the election in 2020 was fortified by the good guys.
Now, these are really only the beginnings of the things that we're going to be talking about.
We're going to be talking about him pushing transhumanism.
Climate change.
And yes, warfare in Russia and the Ukraine based in space-based weapon systems that he's partnered with DARPA on.
Okay, let me repeat that.
Partnered with DARPA on.
You know, those good people at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Now, before we get into all of that, I will give the muskernuts his due, because one of the reasons that people have fallen for this facade, in my opinion, is he's spoken truth on a plethora of issues.
We may even have time to play, for instance, where Musk Talks about overpopulation being a myth, which it is, and that this planet could handle many times the amounts of humans that are currently on the planet.
He's telling you the truth there.
He told you the truth about artificial intelligence and its dangers at one point.
Absolutely did that.
He's telling you the truth when he tells you you're being censored Online.
One hundred percent.
But at the same time, he's not only being pushed by Time Magazine, he's being pushed by another transhumanist that we've played clips on this show of and we're going to do so now.
And that man is Dennis Bushnell.
Dennis Bushnell, still the chief engineer over at NASA.
He is a talking head for the Defense Department and beyond and has been around pre-Apollo since the Gemini days.
And although we've shown you this clip before, we're going to go back to 2011
because in this very, very long clip, we're not gonna play all of it.
This man talks about what?
Instituting population control.
Malthus 101 says the code word is sustainability.
Brags that they may genomically alter human beings.
We've all seen the muskernuts talking about mRNA technology and how it can change your genes and how you can turn somebody into a butterfly if you wanted to.
A lot of echoes here.
And maybe the most stark thing that was said by Bushnell in this is that they had already put 10,000 brain chips in humans.
We're not talking cochlear implants.
We're not talking retinal implants.
We're talking about the real deal memory slash super soldier type brain chips.
We're not only going to play this clip.
But we're going to play a clip from 2018 where that number is no longer 10,000 as you can imagine.
But in 2014, he told you how 40,000 people had these brain chips.
And in 2018, we'll play it for you.
people had these brain chips and in 2018 we'll play it for you 200,000 people
with these type of brain chips. We're in 2022 and this man has written down a
blueprint that was published in 2001 prior to 9/11 called future strategic
issues and future warfare circa 2025 where he lays it all on the line in a
timeline of a transhumanist future nightmare of total surveillance and
control Okay?
So let's start here.
Let's play Dennis Bushnell talking about population control, which they may institute along the way, and Malthus 101.
Remember, Malthusianism is the price of a life and goes right in line with these predator class globalists.
The code word is sustainability.
Crashing of the ecosystem is due to population growth and the way we're now living, our standard of living.
The estimates vary between 30 and 50 percent of a planet that we're currently short.
To sustain the standard of living and the current population, much less the population growth.
As the Asians and their billions come up, as they are at 9 to 11 percent growth rate, the Western standards of living, we're going to be short three more planets.
And they're not readily available.
This will result in peak everything.
This will result in standards of living plunging.
There's a partial solution of this, and that is to switch to halophyte salt plants.
And by the way, this partial solution, he espouses well over a decade, and yet it's never been instituted.
And by the way, he says it's not a partial solution in other videos.
No, no, no, no, no.
It is actually a way to salt.
Food, water, and energy.
But you know what?
That technology would empower the people and we couldn't use code words like sustainability to enslave them, to control them, to put them on a carbon market system.
And remember, Musker Dew was the anointed one for his Tesla Motors because, you know, that's going to solve climate change.
I'd also like to point out That Elon Musk was so happy to put together a new sustainable house.
Sustainability, lower standards of living for you and me.
You think the Musker Dew is going to be in sustainable living?
Well, if you believe the propaganda that they put out there about this guy, that he's just an average guy and he's helping every... He's couchsurfing!
Oh, yeah!
Elon Musk doesn't even have a home right now.
He's out couchsurfing.
He's Cato Kaelin, apparently.
He's in the guest house.
Like, do you believe these things?
Now, on the flip side of this, we are going to have to dive deep into how Elon Musk is helping to start World War 3.
The man is outwardly challenging, outwardly challenging Putin to single combat over the Ukraine And then getting in fights with members of Russian Parliament while arming the Ukrainians with his Starlink satellites that are being used in drone warfare.
This is total and complete insanity, and we must bring this to light.
I watched the Tuckster last night.
This is what he got wrong.
He talked about the Democrats wanting to go to war, while Elon Musk says we will coup who we want to coup.
We will be back on the other side at InfoWars.com.
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So go to InfoWarsStore.com right now and make that purchase for free shipping.
And we are back.
I am Jason Burma sitting in for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We're talking about Elon Musk and the other side of the story.
Before we get into his involvement in the Russia-Ukraine situation, I want to play just a little bit more of Bushnell before he praises Musk.
For his what?
Work with human brain interfaces, aka microchips, that have been developed for human use by the Defense Department, by DARPA, over the past several, and we're talking about three, four, five, maybe more, decades.
This is not new technology.
This is what is known as procurement systems.
They develop with about 15 years and then they house them for about 40 years
and distribute them consumer-wise through what?
Trojan horse civilian systems.
And I will argue to you right now that Elon Musk and his front companies
are those Trojan horse civilian systems.
So, let's go back to our good friend Dennis Bushnell for a moment.
And he's going to explain to you once again that this is Malthus 101.
Well, who's going to be instituting the population control when he says we?
Because it's certainly not going to be Jason Burmess.
And I'm sure that the United States government's not just going to announce that they're going to institute population control, or the United Nations is going to announce that they're going to institute population control.
So ask yourself, who is the we that Dennis is speaking of?
So this is Malthus 101.
These innate ecosystem restrictions and shortfalls Think about that.
That changes everything!
That changes everything!
a growth mantra, one of sustainability, with possible population control instigated along
the way that changes everything?
Think about that.
That changes everything.
That changes everything.
And you got people like Yuval Noah Harari walking around yapping about a post-human
All right?
This is their move.
Make no mistake about it.
And what I want to do right now is I want to bring up another clip right here of Bushnell praising Musk before talking about what?
Weaponized satellite systems.
And why are we going to play this clip?
Because the weaponized satellite systems are now being utilized in Russia.
Make no mistake about it.
That is exactly what is going on right here.
These Starlink systems are being used for drone strikes.
And if Twitter wasn't down on a desktop right now, it appears they're having problems with the website.
I wonder if it's some kind of a malicious attack.
And of course, if it is, it'll probably be protesters of Elon Musk, making him even more of a folk hero for those looking for free speech, when I don't trust him at all, posing with the Starlink.
Well, maybe what you didn't know Is that literally over the last, what was it, the last weekend, I'm sorry, two weeks ago, they launched the spy satellites with SpaceX.
You know, the thing that's gonna bring us to the moon and Mars.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
That's not for you.
That's not for us.
That's the Hollywood feel of humans and space travel.
Okay, instead what SpaceX is doing, it's launching Falcon 9 rocket satellites and US spy satellites, aka the Blackjack program from DARPA.
Okay, here's another one over the summer, the Mandrake-2 satellites, part of that DARPA program.
Okay, and you know, they tell you right out there that it is The Starlink or the military.
Now, even if it was just Starlink, those are what are known as Trojan horse civilian systems.
So is it a coincidence that Elon Musk is man of the year?
And he's made 600% of his wealth over the COVID-1984 nightmare?
And he's launching military satellites and being praised as a hero as we start a proxy war that may lead to World War III and says we'll coup who we want?
I'm sorry, these are things that I just can't get over when he's telling you, you can have a brain chip put in your head At a robot kiosk in only six hours and then you can listen to Taylor Swift in your brain!
Totally what I want!
So, here's Dennis Bushnell, now talking about Elon Musk and his work with these human brain interfaces.
Humans are now becoming cyborgs.
We have cochlear implants to hear, artificial retinas to see, Artificial hearts to live, artificial limbs to move, artificial organs to function, and brain chips.
There's a couple hundred thousand people wandering around with brain chips now.
A couple hundred thousand people wandering around with brain chips now.
This is four years ago.
That's what he's publicly stating.
Is that in the news?
Are we talking about that on any level?
We're talking about Super Soldiers, the real deal.
And every time Super Soldiers come up, people want to talk to me about China.
Hey, get with the program.
Post World War II, United States black programs and underground bases, like Area 51, that have helped push the alien mythos, were not only involved in propulsion and energy systems, but genomically changing human beings.
So, you know, Dennis loves the muskernuts.
Defective brains and increasingly defects memory and other things.
DARPA's working on brain shifts for super soldiers.
And people are now working, thanks to Musk and other people, funding direct machine brain communications.
It's not us versus them, us versus the machines, we're merging.
And this is the human evolution of the humans.
There is no more natural evolution of anything.
People are convinced that the human evolution of everything is 10 million times faster than any natural evolution.
And so this is just part of the human evolution of the humans, which will apply in a little bit when I talk about something else.
So let me just stop it right there before we get into the satellite systems on the flip side of this break.
He's telling you evolution is over unless we're at the helm of it.
And in his little document from 2001, what does it say?
Well, it says that the bio nano era will enter into 2020.
And in 2020, Billions of people were injected with DARPA bio nanotechnology.
Now they don't know how long this is going to last.
No they don't.
But they know at the end it's the virtual age.
And the virtual age isn't just the metaverse.
And it's not just you logging in to not go to work from your living room.
Dennis Bushnell will tell you.
It is you uploading your consciousness to the machines, whether you like it or not.
Let that sink in.
And Musk is a huge part.
of that transhumanist movement.
So on the other side, we're going to talk about World War 3.
We're going to talk about Elon Musk.
We're going to talk about fake heroes and so much more at InfoWars.com, where your donations and your support are needed now more than ever.
So get to InfoWarsStore.com and we'll see on the flip.
And we are back.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas, sitting in in the fourth hour, and we're going to talk a little space warfare, because if you didn't know, right behind me on the screen, if you are an audio listener only, is a 1983 Time magazine cover.
Now, again, Time loves to promote that propaganda.
Hey, Mr. Man of the Year, Elon Musk.
And at the time, they were pushing the Star Wars program, the strategic initiative, the initial weaponizing of space.
Now, you could argue that really the beginning of that came with the first Russian satellite and DARPA's predecessor, ARPA.
And at the same time as those were being born, so was NASA.
And so was a thing called Born Classified that allowed black sites Like Area 51 to come into fruition.
I would advise people to please read the vast works of Annie Jacobson, currently working on a book that she says terrifies her.
I have a funny feeling that it's really about transhumanism and that's why it terrifies her.
Because she's talked about Area 51.
She's talked about Operation Paperclip.
She gets How this moves into what?
The Pentagon's brain, aka DARPA.
She's talked about that technology being utilized, beta tested, if you will, in Afghanistan and Iraq via 1st Platoon.
Okay, so she's worth reading.
But you know what?
InfoWars is worth supporting because guys like Robert Bowman Who are a part of this strategic initiative of the Star Wars program.
Guess what?
They came on Alex Jones and they told the truth and said that the program was absolutely successful and highly classified.
Now, our good friend here, Dennis Bushnell, while speaking at FIRE 2018, has already discussed space warfare and its reality.
I know.
Space Force is a big joke.
It's really just an extension of what they had via the Air Force, right?
They're already, that's where they're launching Space X out of Vandenberg, where the secret space programs have been taking place in large part, obviously, in other areas as well.
But here, he's going to be, he's going to be asked about weaponized satellite systems that the Russians have.
And I want you to take note on what's said and how Dennis thinks it's hilarious when he answers the question.
Is the Russian satellites that are moving in unknown and unusual paths, in other words, satellites are no longer just satellites, but now they are they are moving around in unknown and unexplained patterns.
Can you comment on that and the evolution you see of satellites with that similar technology?
And the second one is the Russians apparently have satellites up there.
I don't know how to describe it.
They're moving in strange ways.
And they may not be normal satellites.
Maybe they're doing something different.
So what's that all about?
You see the huge smile on his face?
You gotta understand, part of Bushnell's job is to be a spokesperson for these technology.
To empower No comment.
military industrial complex which he is a high high high ranking bureaucrat you
see that big old smile he's like yeah they're weapon systems but I can't
comment no comment
oh come on now killer satellites Are they?
Okay, alright.
Sorry, Ty.
What he didn't tell you is I'm the NASA rep to the National Intelligence Council.
And so I gotta be a little careful.
He's gotta be a little careful.
You understand?
He works for the Defense Department.
He is the military industrial complex.
He openly discusses how what NASA does Only 20% is space exploration.
He's pushing the climate change agenda.
He's pushing transhumanism.
And he's pushing old muskernuts.
Now, to get back to the fact that these satellite systems, just the Starlink ones, forget about the Blackjack ones that are launched in the ride-along program, are being utilized in warfare, I want to go back to Tucker Carlson and his opening piece last night, which I thought was pretty good.
He was talking about the true believers and Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff and the Democrats getting behind the Ukrainians because Russia, Russia, Russia.
Russia ruined everything.
Russia put Trump in office.
Russia hacked our elections.
Russia disinformation everywhere.
Now, let me tell you right now.
A guy like Adam Schiff knows that's all Johnny nonsense.
And I would assume that Nancy Pelosi, even in her old age where she can barely walk and is kind of stumbling around her words, not so much zombie Jay style.
I mean, it's it's tough to get Joe Biden style at this point, but enough where you can tell she's aged.
Maybe she's not as much in the loop, but they surely are not the true believers that Carlson talks about.
However, their bases, I guarantee it.
These up-and-coming congressmen and senators that have pledged their allegiance to the Democratic Party probably do buy into that.
Probably do want to get behind it.
But ask yourself, what is the excuse of the vast majority of conservatives and Republicans that are behind it as well?
Well, it's really simple.
This is about the military-industrial complex Arming the Ukrainians as a proxy to start these wars which can escalate to any level Okay, you got Putin and the crew openly talking about nuclear weapons openly talking about Perhaps launching them in European targets going after those that would arm the Ukraine Okay, while we're sitting here bragging bragging about giving them 30 plus billion dollars bragging
That they're using our sidewinder drones, bragging that that's not enough.
That we have to give them ghost drones as well.
Okay, all these things are happening.
And let me tell you right now, something could happen in this country.
Doesn't necessarily have to be Russia, right?
Just like Assange isn't a Russian agent.
Assange wasn't working with the Russkies.
Okay, a dirty bomb went off here.
If a nuclear weapon, God forbid, went off here, if a chemical or biological attack happened in this country, Russian sympathizers anyone?
Russian terrorists working with Al-Syedah?
ISIS and the white supremacists?
Any narrative is possible!
Any narrative is possible!
And by the way, all you folks of color out there, I want to let you know, you're not safe either!
You're not safe either!
Because whenever the narrative needs to fit beyond white supremacy, What does it go to?
Oh, Black Extremist.
Remember that one individual who drove, tried to drive through the White House gates and was shot down?
Who did they associate with him immediately?
Black Supremacy, Black Extremist, Louis Farrakhan.
And now, we have this shooter in New York City, okay?
And if you look at his videos, what do they say?
Black Extremist!
Black supremacy!
Also just happens to be that the guy was doing videos about 9-11 and questioning that event as well.
And yet, with all the surveillance we have, all the real-time cameras, all the biometric devices that are set up all around New York City now, and that's a reality, what happens?
The cameras malfunction.
See, it's just so convenient Every time that technology might, you know, empower the people and hold those in charge accountable, we don't get it.
We have to just, yep, Epstein killed himself twice.
Both times.
We didn't have camera footage.
That first time he tried to kill himself.
Didn't do it.
Couldn't do it.
But we don't have the tapes of that.
And the second time, when he was successful, we don't have the tapes of that either.
And no one's even talking about Jean-Luc Brunel, who again, was not only a close associate of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein, but seemed to have those weird Israeli intelligence ties, and was involved in what, the fashion industry, and modeling, and raping underage girls to the tune of Vice doing a special on it.
Oh, he just hung himself as well.
And nobody has any footage of it.
We're going to come back on the flip side.
We're going to give Musk his due.
We're actually going to play the clip where he exposes overpopulation as a myth because we want to be balanced here.
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and support Alex.
And we are back.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas.
I want to remind everybody that you can see all my stuff for free, uncensored, over at ROKFIN.com.
That's R-O-K-F-I-N.com slash Jason Bermas, including all of my documentary films.
Which I really believe are more important now than ever.
Who's changed Final Cut, Fabled Enemies, Invisible Empire, A New World Order to Find, and Shade the Motion Picture.
And the reason I think that they are more important now than ever is because I truly believe a lot of conservatives are well-meaning people.
There are a lot of people waking up on the left that are well-meaning people.
But unfortunately, When viewers of this show and listeners of this show are out there playing chess, these other people, unfortunately, they're not even playing checkers.
They're on Kinect 4.
They're on a glorified tic-tac-toe.
They don't understand that Homeland Security was initially set up out of the gate.
For them.
That's what it was.
It wasn't for the terrorists overseas.
It was for you.
Out of the gates.
Make no mistake.
And that's why loose change final cut and fabled enemies are so damn important.
I was sitting for about an hour with the head of OAN in DC on Thursday and he must have taken two pages of notes and was only slightly familiar With the majority of what I was discussing.
And I was discussing with him things like the Bilderberg Group and that they announced in 2018.
We live in the post-truth world.
He didn't even know what the Bilderberg Group was.
And I said, he said, well, are they leftists?
And I said, well, not really.
You know, you got people on the right, like Peter Thiel, sitting next to Musker Dew here.
Oh, oh, wait!
These two were involved in the creation of the first large-scale digital money system, PayPal?
Peter Thiel has sat on the board opposite somebody like Eric Schmidt, who is on the left, okay, of Bilderberg, for over a decade.
Over a decade.
But the thing is, the problem is, that guys like Thiel We'll go to Bitcoin conferences and tell you the truth about decentralization.
And he'll talk about how the government is bad and how they're never going to be able to take your Bitcoin away.
I don't know that that's the truth.
But the truth is that we do need more decentralization and the government's not great.
And that's why I understand why people want a hero.
But you don't need one.
You need to become your own hero.
Even when Musk says truth like this, when he exposes the overpopulation?
Well, AI is certainly one of the biggest risks.
It could be the biggest risk.
I think we need to watch out about population collapse.
This is somewhat counterintuitive to most people.
They think that, well, there's so many humans, maybe too many humans, but that's just because they live in a city.
It's not just because they live in a city.
It's because they've been propagated by guys like Bushnell, telling you Malthus 101 is necessary, and that the ecosystem is crashing, and this is why they've chosen CO2 as the gas to regulate, because it regulates all human life.
They're not talking about real issues, real pollution, genomically changing, genomically modifying nature in every aspect.
In plant life, in biological life, creating chimeras.
Those are the real dangers to our ecosystem.
If you're in an aircraft and you look down, if you dropped a cannonball, how often would you hit a person?
Basically never.
In fact, there's stuff falling in from space all the time.
Natural meteorites, old rocket stages, all the time.
But nobody worries about it, because the actual... In fact, there's a cool website called WaitButWhy, and this guy Tim Urban, he actually just did the math, and all humans on Earth could fit in the city of New York on one floor.
They don't even need the upper floors.
That's actually the cross-section of humans as seen from Earth is extremely tiny, basically vanishingly small, almost nothing.
So we need to watch out about population collapse.
Low birth rate, I think, is a big risk.
And it's also not exactly top secret.
You can go look at the Wikipedia, you know, birth rate.
So, and this is actually, this is definitely the civilization ends with With a whimper, not a bang, because it would be a sad ending where the average age becomes very high and really the youth are effectively de facto enslaved to take care of the old people.
Enslaved to take care of the old people, but I assure you that the solution that they're going to give you are robotics, automation, and again, merging with those machines.
And that's the thing about Musk.
He's warning you about all the right things, but he's bringing in their technology.
And I tell you now that the brain chip is ready to be commercialized.
Paralyzed man orders beer using brain implant.
First words out of his mouth.
And of course this brain implant is helping the large, overweight woman who's outside in a mask with her severe depression.
Sure looks like it's working.
You know, let's not suggest a dietary change, and some jumping jacks, getting out, walking around, maybe some human contact.
Isolate yourself, put on a mask, get out in the garden, and rev up the brain chip!
That's what they're pushing on you, in this post-truth world, while they set up a real Ministry of Truth.
Well, the Ministry of Truth is only one part of the story.
Because the military's secret undercover army is 60,000 plus strong in this country, has been carrying out domestic operations for over a decade, has zero oversight, and is considered an art form known as quote-unquote signature reduction.
And you can bet your ass the head of OAN had no idea about this one.
This article We'll be a year old, a year old, in two weeks.
And who's covered it?
Jason Bermas has covered it.
I saw Matt Taibbi, okay?
You know, who's one of the better progressive slash left reporters out there.
Used to do some good work for Rolling Stone.
Hell, he attacked me in Rolling Stone because of loose change well over a decade ago.
And he just, he posted, he goes, what's this?
What's this?
Well, it's an extensive investigative journalist piece that shows you that posse comitatus, or the separation of the military and police, is gone, and that they are armed with DARPA tech, such as the thing you see behind me, if you're watching on Prison Planet, or on Band.Video, or InfoWars.com.
You see, that's not a hand.
That's a hand in a biometrically capable glove.
You see it's skin tight, you put it on, and anybody's biometrics, aka fingerprints, handprints, can be put on there.
Oh yeah, and it emits human oils as well.
So in other words, biological material.
And you ain't heard about it.
So guys, here's the deal in the last couple of minutes.
I need all of you out there.
To reconsider what you think about Elon Musk.
Yes, I'm for free speech.
Yes, I want to see people reinstated on Twitter.
Yes, I want to see the algorithms go away.
Musk says, hey, I'm going to keep my biggest critics on Twitter.
Well, buddy, I might be your biggest critic.
How about a blue checkmark, bro?
I could use one.
Let's up the algorithm for truth.
And no matter what good things a person does or an organization does, we must always question the things that could be used in a negative connotation.
And I'm sorry, I don't trust billionaires being pumped up by the mainstream media as men of the year with Defense Department contracts that are out there trying to goad world leaders into World War 3.
Folks, I'm going to be speaking At the Clay Clark Reawaken America Tour, I believe on the 12th and 13th over in Myrtle Beach, I'm going to be presenting a series of things about NASA, the military industrial complex, Elon Musk, and transhumanism.
So if you can make it out there, I'd love to see you there.
But most importantly, most importantly, we must keep InfoWars.com and Alex Jones afloat.
I was just in New York this past weekend, at my alumni weekend, and I can't tell you how many people came up to me with a distorted view of what Alex Jones believes, of the information that InfoWars.com presents, and what is truly going on at this attempt for a Great Reset, a New World Order agenda, where their great narrative is used to enslave and exterminate the human population on behalf of a predator class transhumanist agenda.
I love you guys!
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The only way we fail is if you don't take action.
When we get together and stand up against the globalists, we are unstoppable.
I'm counting on you.
Stay with us.