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Name: 20220412_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 12, 2022
2527 lines.

In this segment of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses various global issues including societal collapse, the role of globalists in controlling governments and policies, and the war in Ukraine. He also talks about vaccine injuries, corruption in news media, and satire being used to address real- world issues. The advertiser, Infowars, promotes a product called Alpha Power, which claims to boost sports performance, maintain normal testosterone levels, support healthy cholesterol, and more. Jones encourages listeners to support the website as it fights against tyranny and criticizes Chinese-style lockdowns like those currently happening in Shanghai. He discusses various evils being perpetrated by certain groups and individuals and criticizes those who support these actions as committing evil. Jones also promotes InfoWars merchandise, immune support supplements, and discusses how ivermectin can be obtained without a prescription in some places. Finally, he emphasizes the importance of thinking outside the box, standing up against tyranny, spreading information, supporting independent media, and connecting with God.

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is a maximum alert.
Maximum alert.
Globalist leaders installed by the World Economic Forum from Europe to the United States, from Canada to New Zealand are openly announcing the plan for a new planetary lockdown sometime in the next six to eight months.
The head of the health service in Canada came out and said it two weeks ago.
German officials said it last week.
Australian officials said it this week.
They're all reading off of the WEF's playbook, the World Economic Forum.
They are collapsing the world economy to get the public into greater debt, to force everyone to accept the cashless society control grid.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's Tuesday, April 12th, the year is 2022.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I'll be co-hosting with Owen Schroyer today.
We have some of the biggest developments yet in the ongoing proxy war between NATO and Russia in Ukraine coming up in the next segment.
The first thing I want to break down is this.
The evaporating borders, the disintegration of the dollar, the attack on the family, the breakdown in basic government services, the globalist move to cut back the size of police forces and turn them into political operatives and commissars is being directed worldwide.
Not just nationwide. That's why you see the same policies in New York as you see in California.
The same policies you see in places like Milwaukee, that you see in Broward County,
Florida. They are carrying out a program of societal collapse because they think that you're
societal collapse Because they think that you're so stupid and they think
so stupid and they think that I'm so stupid that during their great reset where they're collapsing
that I'm so stupid That during their great reset where they're collapsing to
to then build back better, their new world order, that we won't blame the clubless, we won't blame
then build back better their new world order that we won't blame the clubless
We won't blame the left For all the policies that destroy civilizations
But if we are able to expose them and the fact that they're the ones bragging that they're actually
Doing this to break down the infrastructure for a post-industrial world
Where almost everyone is either depopulated or lives like serfs
Without even running water electricity and the elites live in their own
compounds in their own mini cities basically like the movie Elysium, but here on the earth or
Or, like the books, The Hunger Games.
That is the globalist program.
And all over the United States, and all over Europe, there are now giant no-go zones.
We're up to a third of Paris, or large areas of Brussels.
Large areas of London you can't even go into if you are a Christian or if you're white, if you're not a Muslim or if you're not part of one of the criminal gangs.
It's just a fact that we have brought in all these groups that always take over and only allow their group to be wherever they are.
They are not open society like we are.
So when George Soros calls his organization the Open Society...
It's beyond critical to understand that that is a play on words.
It's a sick joke because he's creating societies that aren't open.
And now we see in many areas of the U.S., mail delivery is being suspended or terminated to areas because the crime is so high and things are so lawless.
And we see all the snatch and grabs going on and the carjackings exploding and the news most of the time won't even report on it now when it happens and they won't report on the race of who is committing the crime.
Because again they don't want people to be held accountable and they want to sell this paradigm that all crime comes from white people and that is white bureaucrats Selling that because they're using third world populations to politically and culturally conquer the West They don't want anybody to organize and say no to it before it's too late So here is a short clip from the local news in Santa Monica where again they're having to suspend mail deliveries because of the harassment the assaults the robbery and as You see this clip and hear this clip remember Macron just came out
In France last week, where people were being robbed and killed, and a guy defending himself from robbers in his house and shot him, that defending yourself is a crime.
Under the left, they get security guards, they get bodyguards, but you are disarmed, and they take the police away, except for only having some police for political enforcement.
So here's the clip, and we'll be right back on the other side with the huge Russia-Ukraine proxy war developments.
Tomorrow's news today.
Good morning, Tony and Araxia.
Yes, it's a definitely concerning situation here on the 1300 block of 14th Street in Santa Monica where residents say they have suspended mail service because of the fact that their mail carriers have been attacked or threatened or assaulted and they say this has been going on for a few weeks now.
Even one resident saying they saw a male strewn about the street because a man kicked over
the cart and basically threatened the male carrier with a golf club or some type of bat.
So because of all this, the Postal Service here in Santa Monica sent a letter on April
7th, last week, saying that the mail service will be suspended for this area.
About 200 families will be impacted because of this, because it's just not safe for their
letter carriers to be out here delivering the mail.
Now, of course, residents are concerned about this and wondering why they can't just apprehend the person involved in all this, making the threats.
Obviously, the Postal Service, according to this letter that they issued to the residents, say that this isn't a decision they made lightly, but they
cannot locate or apprehend the person involved in these threats. And so for the safety of the
letter carriers, they had to make the decision to suspend mail service here
in this area.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's gonna
happen at the end of this, but you wanna fight, you better believe you got one.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's Tuesday, April 12th, 2022.
And there's an extremely critical article on the front page of InfoWars.com written by Paul Joseph Watson.
It links through to the top publication in France.
And has the excerpts and the video of one of the most respected journalists in the nation reporting on the fact that quote, Americans are in charge of the war, says French journalist who returned home from Ukraine.
Now, why is this important?
Well, as I told you before this even started in February, officially, that the United States and NATO had thousands of U.S.
Special Forces, British SAS and others, in the country since before 2014 when the State Department overthrew the elected government.
George Soros brags about this on CNN.
They have policy reports put out by the State Department.
This is not even hidden.
It's an absolute fact.
But the public is totally and completely not just naive, but illiterate when it comes to geopolitics and the military and the things that are happening.
But the reason this is a big deal is that Americans aren't even hiding it anymore.
The American troops.
That they are fully in charge of running the brigades, recruiting the people, vetting who is in it, and then training them on the anti-tank, anti-aircraft, the switchblade drones, and so much more.
And then US assets in space.
are helping direct it all. This is a direct war with the Russians and I'll say it again,
the West started this war. The West started this proxy war.
And that doesn't mean that I support what Vladimir Putin is doing, but I certainly do
not support what George Soros and these international war criminals have done starting
this proxy war that they're now blaming on the entire world economic collapse which was
set up by the central banks, devaluing currencies and the two-year lockdown around the world.
But here's the article.
Just remember, you get this tomorrow's news today.
We were telling you this years ago, and warning in October that war was coming in February, that it would then probably expand massively, and that the Chinese would also go into Taiwan.
That's the intel I have.
They haven't done it yet.
I think they're watching to see what happens with the Russians, but here it is.
Americans are in charge of the war, says French journalist who returned from Ukraine.
A French journalist who returned from Ukraine after arriving with volunteer fighters told broadcaster CNews that Americans are directly in charge of the war on the ground.
The assertion was made by Le Figaro's senior international correspondent, Georges Malbrandt.
It continues.
Malebrant said he had accompanied French volunteer fighters, two of whom had previously fought against ISIS.
I had the surprise, and so did they, to discover that to be able to enter the Ukrainian army, well, it's the Americans who are in charge, he said.
The video is posted right there on Infowars.com.
You can watch it.
Adding that he and the volunteers almost got, quote, arrested by the Americans who asserted they were in charge.
The journalists then revealed that they were forced to sign a contract until the end of the war.
And who is in charge?
It's the Americans.
I saw them with my own eyes, he said, adding, I thought I was with the international brigades and I found myself facing the Pentagon.
The journalist went on to say he also mentioned America is providing Ukraine switchblade suicide drones, something highlighted by the Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in a tweet that revealed Ukrainian soldiers were being trained to use the devices in Biloxi, Mississippi.
We also have the photo of the Pentagon tweet on Infowars.com.
Citing a French intelligence source, he also tweeted that British SAS units have been present in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, as did the American Delta Force.
Russia is apparently well aware of the secret war being waged in Ukraine by foreign commandos and has been in the region since February.
And it just goes on from there.
Ladies and gentlemen, Vladimir Putin knew when he went in to Ukraine he was facing the best special forces of the Western world.
He knew he was throwing a very, very small military comparatively against them.
And you just have to pull back and think that this is really very, very reckless behavior.
The only thing more reckless is George Soros, the globalist, starting this whole damn thing, and it makes me extremely angry and pissed off.
We have evil running our governments, and we know it.
They run the policies, the transgenderism, and the children, and the pedophilia, and the grooming, and the open borders, and the devaluation of currencies, and the poison fluoride in the water, and the GMO deadly shots, and everything's happening.
It is a curse.
These are not Americans.
These are not Brits.
These are not French.
These are not Europeans that are running this New World Order.
These are evil, corrupt, globalist forces.
And Paul Joseph Watson's article goes on to show the polls, the numbers of 80% of Americans and Europeans and Brits, it's about the same number, 75 to 85% they average.
Some of them as high as 90% in polls, do not want any aid or any direct involvement of the West against Russia.
This is on their doorstep.
It's where Russia started.
We should not be getting involved in these affairs, but instead, the people that run our country have actually started the whole damn thing.
And that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's what we witness with the U.S.
sending in tens of millions of dollars a month now, that's the real number, into this giant expanding proxy war that the Russians just threatened yesterday.
May lead and will probably lead if it continues to expand into a direct military confrontation with the West.
And now NATO and the U.S.
are shipping armored vehicles and tanks and other devices of war directly into the combat zone.
And this is so dangerous.
This is so, so, so evil.
And they're controlling the Ukrainian border, the U.S.
government is, but not our southern border as Biden prepares to completely erase it entirely.
So remember that and think about while we're being imploded and while service men and women are homeless on the street, while people die of fentanyl every five minutes, I think it's every minute or so actually, while the whole society collapses and as test scores go to almost zero in many school districts, they have some districts where no one can pass a test.
As all of that happens, We're told we've got to follow this TV actor Zelensky and do everything he says.
So we are in deep, deep, deep trouble.
You can say what you want about Vladimir Putin.
He's been trying to modernize Russia.
He's been trying to move them onto organic farming.
He's been promoting the family.
And he's been banding the leftist Disney-style grooming garbage.
And so on that front, he is better than the globalist elites we have here that are in control.
But I'm not on Russia's side.
I'm not on America's side.
I'm on the side of truth and the side of God and the side of His Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
And I hope everyone will pray for world peace and pray for Americans to wake up and be America first.
When it comes to defending our nation and our borders and our sovereignty, because I am an American and I am loyal and I do love this country.
And that means I actually love the interest of this nation.
And also above that, the interest of God and what God dictates.
God, family, country.
God, family, country.
Not Disney, George Soros, New World Order.
Club of Rome.
World Economic Forum.
Tomorrow's news today.
Tomorrow is the last day of the giant up to 75% off mega blowout sale on so many amazing items.
The t-shirt sale will continue until they're sold out.
That is t-shirts, all t-shirts and other apparel at cost.
Without your support, we will shut down and be off the air.
With your support, we'll continue to fight on at point-blank range with the Globals, but we need your funds now.
We're in the thick of the battle, trying to stay on air right now, so please pray for us.
Please share the live links, and please go to InfoWarsStore.com and take advantage of the amazing specials and great products that will enrich you and your family's lives, and will also fund us and keep us on the air to reach out and inform others.
So again, InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWars.com, Band.Video.
Because we are the resistance.
We are humanity.
We're building a pro-human future.
All right, back to the great Owen Schroyer, who's now returned, who's hosting the show, and I will be back later this afternoon, and I will be in studio tomorrow, but taking care of some critical developments here today, you'll hear about very, very soon.
God bless, and good luck.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
And we'll be back with more from Alex on the other side.
Our fourth hour guest host today is Alex Stein.
And I'm looking forward to him being in studio with us as well.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a maximum alert.
Maximum alert.
Globalist leaders installed by the World Economic Forum From Europe to the United States, from Canada to New Zealand are openly announcing the plan for a new planetary lockdown sometime in the next six to eight months.
The head of the Health Service in Canada came out and said it two weeks ago.
German officials said it last week.
Australian officials said it this week.
They're all reading off of the WDF's playbook, the World Economic Forum.
They are collapsing the world economy to get the public into greater debt, to force everyone to accept the cashless society control grid.
Last night, Tucker Carlson was completely over the target when he pointed out that the massive lockdowns in China, just one in Shanghai, has 33 plus million people under total lockdown in nightmare, dystopic images right out of a zombie apocalypse of tens of millions locked up, thousands of vans taking people away to emergency centers who aren't even sick, images of thousands of cats and dogs in bags being taken off to be exterminated.
And what are they telling you?
All mammals are evil.
All mammals are bad.
All birds are bad because they can carry the coronavirus, the most common virus in the world.
By designating the coronavirus evil and with fake PCR tests, they list all life as evil and as garbage that the global government can target.
That is phase two of their plan to list all life on planet Earth as evil that they regulate and control.
To make living itself a crime.
That's why they first banned one-fourth of Earth's life force on the carbon cycle, carbon dioxide, that then produces the oxygen in plants, and you have the carbon cycle with water, sunshine, and the two key gases.
That's why I say the globals behave like aliens that are terraforming the planet.
Everything they're doing is actually attacking the planet and destroying its atmosphere in the name of saving it and targeting all basic life forms on Earth and undermining the systems of Earth's regenerative control.
Here is part of the powerful Tucker Carlson opening monologue.
This post is on Infowars.com.
Please get it and please share it if you want to raise the alarm.
It's titled, Video.
Tucker Carlson warns Shanghai's brutal lockdown is coming to America.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are being targeted for extermination.
This is real.
The global elites are acting as if they are an off-world species here to destroy all life on planet.
Whether that's the case or not, all the red flags and all the indicators point towards that.
Regardless, these people are anti-human and must be opposed.
I'm Alex Jones, the tip of the spear.
This broadcast is the tip of the spear.
And you listening are the tip of the spear.
And we salute Tucker Carlson and others.
Because if we don't expose the WEF's global plan, To collapse the world economy for their depopulation goal of 2030.
We have no hope.
But if we have a mass awakening and epiphany to this, we can and we will win.
Now, Tucker Carlson coming up and then Owen Troyer.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson's Side.
Happy Monday!
The first mass quarantine in human history began in the central Chinese city of Wuhan that was back in the beginning of 2020.
Within days, pictures and videos of what was happening there began to appear on English-language social media.
And at the time, the images were shocking to everyone in the West.
The Communist Party of China had effectively imprisoned 11 million people simultaneously.
The citizens of Wuhan were confined by government order to their apartments, and those who tried to leave sometimes found themselves welded inside.
Some of them starved to death.
Authorities in hazmat suits dragged screaming citizens into vans and then drove them to internment camps.
Watching this, you could barely believe it.
China seemed to have gone insane, moving from authoritarian to dystopian in a single day.
So this was the world's introduction to COVID-19, a virus we later learned the Chinese government itself helped create.
Looking back, it all seems like a bad dream.
COVID panic has now ended, the virus no longer constitutes a public health crisis in this or any other country, and it's clear in retrospect that government lockdowns, whatever their motives, in the end hurt far more people than COVID itself did.
The much-touted vaccines, meanwhile, provided nowhere near the protection that drug companies had promised, and at the same time came with significant risks that even now have not been openly discussed.
So at this point, knowing all this, as everybody does, countries all over the world are lifting their coronavirus restrictions.
Next will come the apologies, and then, in the free countries at least, lawsuits and criminal charges against the people who did this.
So we're just beginning to reckon with the nightmare that all of us have lived through.
And it's impossible to imagine living through it again.
But in China, they are living through it again.
The government of China has just completely shut down the city of Shanghai.
Shanghai is the biggest city in the country.
It's one of the largest cities in the world.
More than 25 million people live in Shanghai.
And the lockdown there is, by all accounts, more brutal and more far-reaching than anything we saw in Wuhan two years ago.
Well, if you think Wuhan 2020 was bad, welcome to Shanghai 2022.
This has been like no other lockdown, and it's in the country's cosmopolitan and most affluent financial hub of all places.
So this door behind me, this is my exit to the outside alleyway.
And late last night, I heard them taping up my door along with the doors of my neighbors.
They're placing a paper seal so as to keep it closed.
Some buildings with positive cases inside, well, they're locked shut from the outside.
They're using bicycle locks and padlocks just To keep people in.
So for once, CNN is not exaggerating.
You have 25 million people locked inside their homes.
You have the largest prison camp in human history.
Anyone who tests positive for COVID is shoved into a van and then taken to a quarantine camp.
Watch what happened to this child.
(speaking in foreign language)
So where are those vans going?
Well, here are pictures of a quarantine camp in China.
The child you just saw may be there now.
Many thousands of Chinese citizens are.
At this camp, mattresses are strewn on the floor of cells.
There's no water.
There's just one shared toilet.
Just days ago, the inmates you see here were living ordinary lives in their own homes.
Now they're in prison.
What happened to the lives they left behind?
What happened to the dogs and cats they left at home?
Well, chances are Chinese police beat those dogs and cats to death on the street.
That's happening tonight all over Shanghai, a mass slaughter of pets.
We hesitate even to show this to you, it's too horrible.
But it's also real, and we thought you should know.
The COVID prevention worker was caught on camera bashing to death a pet corgi.
Apparently this happened after the pet's owner had tested reportedly positive for COVID-19 and taken away to a quarantine center.
It was a resident in the compound who filmed this video and filmed how this health worker used a shovel to strike the corgi three times before the pet dog died on the scene.
A corgi beaten to death with a shovel.
In China, that's COVID protection.
The Chinese government has also confiscated some huge but unknown number of house cats
from people's homes, thrown them in bags and left them on sidewalks to be killed.
Again, it was a tough judgment call whether or not to put that on the air,
but it's real and you should know exactly what the authorities are talking about when they say
the Chinese government is responding to COVID.
There are videos like that one all over social media.
So the Chinese government isn't denying this is real, and it's not apologizing.
Leng Wanyan is a spokesman for China's National Health Commission.
Effectively, he is China's Tony Fauci.
He recently gave an interview to the state-run newspaper, The People's Daily,
and explained the government's thinking here.
Quote, "China adheres to COVID zero," he said.
"China's socialist system has a strong ability to organize and mobilize,
which will help it ensure the success of the COVID zero strategy."
So the Chinese government certainly has the capacity to mobilize.
But what does success look like?
Well, this is what success is in Shanghai tonight.
This is video shot by a resident of one of Shanghai's countless apartment towers.
What you're hearing in this video are the screams of the people trapped inside.
Has there ever been a clearer picture of what hell is like?
25 million people imprisoned in concrete apartment blocks, screaming for help and slowly starving.
In the words of a Western journalist called Jep Grohlmann, who is apparently stuck in Shanghai, quote, this is the biggest, richest, most international city in China, and people are starving, without medicine, without freedom.
Parents are separated from their children, the military is on the streets, and Shanghai's optimism has ground to a halt.
But it's worse than that.
Some in Shanghai are so desperate they are crying out for food.
And people are complaining that stores have run out of food and it's nearly impossible to schedule deliveries because couriers can't keep up with the demand.
One man in Shanghai documenting the shortages on Twitter says,
"We had three deliveries that were booked to deliver today.
All three were cancelled."
On social media, videos not verified by NBC News described as protests by people desperate to get food and medicine.
Store shelves cleared out.
This man on the street yelling, what am I supposed to buy?
What am I supposed to eat?
In some areas, drones telling people to stay home.
Control your soul's desire for freedom, it says.
And in this video, the residents yell at the police.
At one point, they say, we are starving.
We are starving, they scream at stony-faced police as drones overhead tell them to stop longing for freedom.
This is, again, the richest city in China, and you never thought you'd see anything like this.
So the question is, what is going on here?
Obviously, it's not about COVID.
Let's stop pretending.
Shanghai does not have a COVID crisis.
Even if Shanghai did have a COVID crisis, we know perfectly well from recent experience, this is not the way to handle a COVID crisis.
So from the perspective of China's central government, the problem is not COVID.
The problem is Shanghai itself.
Shanghai is probably the freest place in China.
It's certainly got more foreign nationals than any city in China.
They're drawn by the trade that revolves around its historic port.
So by Chinese standards, Shanghai is an independent-minded city.
And that's the problem.
For authoritarians, independent-mindedness is the main threat.
If you're the head of the Communist Party of China and you're trying to run a highly volatile country of 1.4 billion people from Beijing, naturally your top concern always will be Shanghai.
Shanghai is the one place a meaningful insurrection might start.
And that's especially true this year.
Xi Jinping, the Chinese autocrat, is set to take a third consecutive term beginning in the fall.
Now, that was not supposed to happen.
There were term limits in China.
But four years ago, the Chinese Communist Party did away with those term limits, and Xi Jinping can now rule the country forever.
Even in China, that is a controversial move.
As a China expert called Natasha Kasam put it, quote, "From Beijing's perspective, there is no higher priority
than stability ahead of the party Congress this fall. This is the closest you might come to
seeing a campaign season in China."
Oh, there it is right there.
A campaign season.
Even in an authoritarian country, public opinion still matters.
A campaign season is still real, even if you're president for life.
Sound familiar?
So China's rulers want to stay in power forever.
In order to do that, they're using COVID restrictions.
They're pretty sure COVID restrictions work.
They watched our last presidential election closely.
Now, how should we respond to this?
If you believe in democracy, this is repugnant.
25 million people just lost their most basic human rights.
So the question is, is anyone in the Biden administration, which is constantly lecturing us about democracy and human rights, said anything about this?
Has the State Department issued an angry denunciation of Xi Jinping?
Is the U.S.
government threatening sanctions against China for building the world's largest prison camp?
Well, of course not.
Effectively, our leaders are defending what China is doing.
Here's Tony Fauci admitting on camera he will never criticize the Chinese government.
We spoke to one of the WHO investigators who'd been to Wuhan to investigate how the virus started and they were prevented from seeing key details and from speaking to key people.
Why do you think the Chinese government did that?
You know, I don't want to create any or mention any disparaging remarks about that, but the Chinese are very closed in a way of being very reluctant, particularly when you have a disease that evolves in their country.
They become extremely secretive, even though there's no reason to be secretive.
I think they were very concerned and maybe embarrassed that the virus evolved from their country, but there's nothing wrong with that.
Yeah, so they lied about an international pandemic that they clearly had a hand in creating, but according to Tony Fauci, there was quote, nothing wrong with the Chinese government lying about COVID.
There's certainly nothing wrong with starving the population of Shanghai.
He would have said so if there were.
In fact, Shanghai may be a model.
A longtime Harvard epidemiologist called Eric Feigelding just wrote an op-ed explaining that we should all be grateful for the atrocities the Chinese government is committing in Shanghai tonight because they're in quote, everyone's interest.
A health security expert called Nicholas Thomas just told CNN that Shanghai is an inspiration to the world's leaders.
Quote, the legacy of Shanghai will see a return to mass lockdowns for larger cities in the near to medium term.
And if you watch carefully, you can see all of this taking shape.
And why wouldn't it be taking shape in this country?
We've got midterm elections coming, and the ruling party is predicted to be in tough shape.
So they're doing something about it.
In the city of Philadelphia, authorities just announced the return of an indoor mask mandate.
Is there science to justify this?
Philadelphia has a seven-day average of two COVID deaths.
Two COVID deaths in a city of 1.5 million people over a week.
Now, of course, when your strategy is, quote, COVID zero, two dead from COVID is more than enough to justify another mass quarantine.
According to a report tonight, the Biden administration plans to bring back its lunatic vax mandate for federal employees.
And of course, the mask mandate remains in effect for all commercial air travel in this country, though not for Nancy Pelosi's private plane, despite no scientific evidence at all that it works.
But you must obey anyway, and they're making sure.
At Love Field in Dallas, two robots known as Security Control Observation Towers, SCOT for short, scan the crowd to make sure that everyone is in compliance.
Now with facial recognition software, the robots could know exactly who the disobedient are.
We're just beginning to see the outlines of the repression that COVID has made possible.
That's the point.
And if you want what the future looks like, you can look at China and shiver.
In the state of California, the state is starting to pull funding from any school that won't comply with a new mandate, a vaccine mandate, for children.
Joe Biden endorses that.
Inject your children with a drug with no actual benefits or no education for your family.
Welcome back to this live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroeder is about to take over, but I just wanted to very calmly say this again.
This operation has been the first and the loudest voice exposing the plan for global lockdowns, forced inoculations, because we were aware of Operation Lockstep and other globalist documents.
But even before that, We were aware of this information from our Pentagon sources, not just General Stubblebine or Dr. Remo Labo, but others that had treated heads of state and where they talked about this virus release fear plan to bring in the cashless society for more than 30 years.
So the fact is, they only put a pause on this in some areas because political opposition was rising, and they didn't want the resistance to coalesce to a point where we took over our governments.
So they push, push, push, push, push.
When they wake us up, they back off.
And then we go back to sleep, and they push again.
And you see, you've been conditioned by the last attack, so you don't get as upset the second time.
That's why we gotta stay upset, focused, informed, and vocal.
Exposing the global biomedical regime is key.
Everything you see happening in China and those horrors is coming here.
And that's why keeping InfoWars on the air is more important than ever.
We were the first to be censored at a mass scale.
We were censored at the highest levels because they know we have the intel.
to defeat their new world order.
So please, keep us on air and share the live feeds at InfoWars.com, War Chess Show, and of course, Bandod Video.
But whatever you do, pray for this operation because without that, we're going nowhere.
With that, we are unstoppable.
And support the local AMINFM affiliates, TV affiliates, and so many others.
Whatever you do, continue to realize God is in control, and the globalists are trying to play God, but they will be defeated, and their God, their false god Satan, will be Punished!
All right, back to Owen Schroer in the live transmission.
All right, thank you, Alex.
And we are now live inside the InfoWars World Headquarters here in Austin, Texas.
Owen Schroer with you for the remainder of the Alex Jones Show.
We do have great guests coming up today.
We've got an individual that was injured by a vaccine.
The COVID vaccine sadly had to have a leg amputated.
And the doctor even said, yeah, the vaccine did this to you.
So the media won't touch that story.
So we'll make sure that that news gets out.
Very sad situation.
More vaccine injuries.
The bought and paid for by big pharma news corporations don't want you to hear about because Pfizer sponsors their shows and that's how they make their millions of dollars.
We don't do that here.
We're not corrupt scum here, like corporate news is for the most part.
And we also have one of the inventors of the 3D gun concept and model, Cody Wilson, is gonna be in studio with us as well.
Both of those guests are in the third hour of today's Alex Jones Show.
And then Alex Stein, Who is just on fire lately and really has, I would say, created a new genre of content and that's going to city council citizen communication forums, public speaking forums, and using that public speaking time to bring real world issues to the fore, but
With the slant of parody or satire, which would be like, so it'd be like, we're not there yet, we may actually be there now, we just don't know it yet, because these things take time to pull off.
But it'd be like if somebody, I mean let's just say I decided I'm gonna shave my beard and start wearing women's clothes or something and play women's golf just to show that some hat golfer can go play women's golf and be the best on the tour.
Now maybe that's a bad example, I'm just saying.
That'd be taking a real issue, which is men competing as women, and then doing that as satire, but doing it, actually going out on the field and doing it, and then watching the response saying, hey, whoa, you can't do that!
And so now that's what's happening is Alex Stein and another great comedian, really, Cassidy Campbell, who I'm trying to get on The War Room today later as well, I'll be hosting that, They're now told, oh, you can't come here and talk about trans issues.
You can't come to my city council and talk about trans kids.
Well, what do you mean?
That's the big issue.
That's what the Democrats are doing in all these cities.
They want trans kids.
They're having gay pride parade for kids.
They're having trans awareness days.
But then you're not allowed to go use that as an issue to show how ridiculous it is.
Which just means that the left and all these politicians know that their logic is flawed and it's all a lie.
It's all a hoax.
It's all political.
So that's all coming up and I'm looking very much forward to it.
And I'm thinking about just opening up the phone lines and asking the question.
Do you believe we're going to go into Chinese-style lockdowns, like Tucker Carlson was predicting last night?
Or maybe, just maybe not the total Chinese-style, but is it going to be the same timetable?
Is it going to be, oh I didn't even know this, Transgender Woman Wins Florida Mini Tour Event Set Sidesquarely on LPGA.
I'm sorry, I'm focused here telling you what's coming up, but I mean it's just ridiculous.
It's just outrageous folks, men or women.
I mean, how much longer can we endure this insanity?
Why are we being conquered by illogic and demonic activity?
It's just unbelievable.
But getting back to my point, opening up the phone lines maybe and just taking calls through the whole second hour.
Do you think we're going to go into a Chinese-style COVID lockdown, or is it going to be the same timetable where, if you recall in 2020, you started seeing everything coming out of China, the lockdowns, the hazmat suits, the panic, and then about a month or two after that it hit the U.S.
And so are we going to see a similar timetable here where it's okay, we're seeing everything happening in China, we're about a month, maybe two, removed from that coming here.
So maybe we'll open up the phone lines and ask that question in the second hour.
But, you know, as I see that story on Infowars.com about Matt Gaetz getting into it with Lloyd Austin, and I say good for Matt Gaetz, and I tip my cap, And I tip my cap to the other fighters we have in Congress.
But here's what it is, folks.
And maybe Matt Gaetz has already made this intellectual leap or this intellectual decision.
You can tell which members of Congress have and which haven't made this intellectual decision, this intellectual leap.
That is, maybe at one point in time they just figured I'm going into Congress and, you know, I'm going to be a good congressman and I'm not going to be corrupt or whatever and I'm just going to get in there and do my thing.
But it's a whole new burden to bear.
It's a whole new intellectual, philosophical conundrum to work your way through when you get up there and you realize you can't just be, there is no just sitting in the Congress and being a good person.
You either fight the evil or you don't.
So a lot of good people are out there, but they never got in it to fight the evil.
They just got in it to be in it, or they got in it for whatever other motive, and maybe they're not bad people, and so now they're in there, and they're like, whoa, I've got to make a decision.
I'm either going to sit idly by and let evil conquer America, or I'm going to make the intellectual, philosophical decision that I'm going to fight for good, no matter the cost.
And the cost is heavy.
Believe me.
I've paid it.
I pay it every day.
So most people get involved in media and all this other stuff, they haven't made that intellectual leap yet.
They haven't made that philosophical decision yet that wherever I stand politically or wherever I stand in my career or culturally or whatever, I'm going up against evil now.
And that is a whole other form of commitment.
But you've seen the ones in Congress that have made it.
It's Matt Gaetz.
It's Marjorie Taylor Greene.
It's Paul Gosar.
It's Madison Cawthorn.
It's a small handful of them.
It's Tulsi Gabbard.
I mean, she's not in Congress anymore, but it's clear.
I mean, you either stand up against this evil or you comply with it.
There's no in-between.
All right, let me do a quick programming layout for you here.
As we're back here on the Alex Jones Show, Owen Schroer sitting in for Alex today, taking care of very important business.
It's crazy here, folks.
Maybe I want to try to explain something right now, but let me just do a programming layout.
I'm going to open calls when we get into the next hour.
I'll come back in the first segment, and I'll open up the phone line.
I'll give out the number, and we'll take your calls.
And the question is, do you believe Chinese-style lockdowns, like we're seeing in Shanghai right now, I mean, you want to talk about human oppression, you want to talk about mass imprisonment of innocent civilians.
It's happening in Shanghai right now.
It's communism for you, authoritarianism for you, medical fascism for you.
Everything the left is supposed to be fighting against, but is on the side of.
It's really quite an amazing time to be alive.
And the question is, do you believe those style lockdowns, that oppression, that tyranny, that authoritarianism is coming to America?
And of course, if it does, and I guess this is more of a rhetorical question because everybody knows the answer.
If such an authoritarian style of lockdown and oppression would come to America in the name of COVID, who would be promoting it?
Who would be introducing legislation?
Again, I think we all know who that would be.
And would that not be the ultimate evil done upon us once again by the same people over and over and over again?
It's always the same people, isn't it?
Which gets back to what I was finishing up with in the last segment.
Most people who get into positions of power, whether it be in government or climb the corporate ladder or whatever, They don't have a philosophy or a mindset or a psychological approach to the activities that they're engaged in that go beyond just their own lives from a perspective of, I'm either standing up against the evil, I'm either making that choice, I'm making that philosophical approach to this, I'm standing against the evil,
Or, whether you're complicit with it, or sit idly by, or are in on it, you're all on the same team at that point.
And you might think, hey, well I'm not involved in it, but you're sitting idly by, well then you're going to be conquered by it.
That's the philosophical approach that you're seeing some make the commitment to now, like a Madison Cawthorn, like a Matt Gaetz, like a Marjorie Taylor Greene, like a Lauren Boebert.
And you notice, they're the ones that get attacked the most, just like InfoWars.
See, that's the foundation of the philosophy here at InfoWars.
Maybe we're the best broadcasters on the planet, maybe we're the worst.
Maybe we're the most entertaining, maybe we're the least.
We approach what we do here every day from the people that make this show happen, to the people that work in our warehouse, to the people that come on air.
Our commitment, our approach is that we stand against this evil.
What evil?
How about the evil of what you're seeing in China that they're probably going to bring here?
How about the evil of the left wanting to sexually pervert your children?
How about the evil of teaching children how to be racists?
Should we go on?
The evil of war, the evil of fake news, the evil of government corruption, political imprisonment, political persecution, lies, deception, propaganda.
I mean, for God's sakes, Anthony Fauci tortures puppies!
That's the evil we stand against.
That's our commitment.
There's no wavering.
There's no waking up in the morning and asking if that's the commitment we have.
It's seared into our soul.
Like a brand on a cattle, we're fighting evil here!
And slowly but surely, others are starting to see it and make that commitment as well.
Because it's almost like I mean, is it like a next-level genius thing, or is it really the most basic survival instinct?
To realize you're on a track for extermination.
To realize that you're viewed as a slave, or even worse, a termite, a pest, a cancer on this planet, and you have been diagnosed for extermination.
So is that next level genius to realize that's what's going on?
Or is that the most basic survival instinct that even a tiny cockroach has?
Maybe it's both.
But the point is we've made that commitment.
You've made that commitment.
We know where we stand.
Now it's time for others to get on board with it.
Now it's time for others to understand that's what's going on.
And you've noticed a lot on the left have made their commitment to evil.
I mean, that's what it is.
When you see these people coming out and doing videos like teachers, where they say, we're gonna groom your kids, we're gonna teach your kids how to have gay sex, We're going to sexually pervert your kids.
We're grooming your kids.
And they brag about it.
That's them committing to evil.
That's them saying, yeah, we're committed to this.
We wake up every day and we go to war against you, your way of life, and your children.
And they masquerade all around like, oh, it's about black people.
Oh, it's about gay people.
Oh, it's about the climate.
It's about the virus.
All of that's a lie.
It's about their commitment to evil and destroying life on this planet as we know it.
Are they under demonic possession?
Is it just basic Stockholm Syndrome?
Are these just some sort of fallen human entities that are actually mentally retarded because of the chemicals and the food and the water and the vaccines that just made them mentally retarded and now they're just totally propagandized by weaponized media?
It's really sad though because you look at what's going on in Shanghai and you realize that could easily happen to you As that same notion, that same prevalence of oppression and authoritarianism and tyranny and totalitarianism exists in America.
And it's people and positions of power that have the will to crush you.
And that's just like, they're just lower level peons of the larger agenda, which are the people that believe they're the exterminators of the cancer or the parasites on this planet, that's you and me.
And, you know, it's all a funny joke.
Bill Gates goes on TED Talks and says, if we do good with vaccines, we can kill most the planet.
And Klaus Schwab goes in front of the World Economic Forum and says, we're going to make sure everybody here is a slave of our system, but they'll be happy.
They brag about it.
So that's their commitment to evil.
And maybe they really have convinced themselves in their head that it's a good thing to kill all people because we're a cancer on this planet.
Maybe they really believe that.
But they've made that commitment.
And so, If you're a gazelle, and you're getting chased by a lion, and you know what that lion wants to do to you, do you just stand there and say, eh, you know, I'm just gonna remain neutral here?
I'm just going to remain neutral on that lion wanting to gnaw my legs off and feed them to his cubs as I bleed out in the desert.
I'm going to be neutral on that.
Or is the gazelle a genius?
Because the gazelle knows that that lion wants to eat it for dinner?
And so the gazelle is a genius so it runs?
Or is the gazelle just an animal with basic survival instincts and it decides to run?
Either way, it makes that commitment.
It's not going to be eaten by the lion.
But even if it doesn't make that commitment and says, I'm going to do nothing, it gets eaten by the lion.
So that's where we're at right now.
But the great American awakening is happening, folks.
It really is.
From doctors, members of the media, politicians, athletes, and just the everyday citizen that goes to work and Punches the clock and raises a family, takes care of their neighborhood and everything else.
People are realizing the decision is going to be made.
You can lay out and chill in that desert and say, Hey, you know what?
I'm just going to hang out here.
I'm just going to be neutral.
And you can wait and that lion will come chew you up for dinner.
Or you can have the basic survival instinct or next level genius to realize that lion's going to eat you.
Maybe it's time to run away.
Or maybe And it's not the best analogy, but maybe it's time to get that line away.
Maybe it's time to say, this line that wants to eat us and kill us all, maybe we need to get them off of this plane here with us.
But we're not dealing with a line.
We're dealing with satanic, pedophile, demonic creeps.
And see, they just think it's, the lower level ones think it's all just a game.
Oh, I'm going to pretend to be a girl and then win at sports.
But the upper level of the cultural engineers, they know exactly what they're doing.
Making you so miserable that you invite suicide.
and you invite death.
Alright, I've been kind of just ranting here, or waxing if you will,
and it's just because, and sometimes this is the problem here,
it's just, you have all this stuff kind of clinking and clunking around your brain
that you need to clear out before you can even really focus on the news.
So I've just decided I'm going to take phone calls here in the next hour.
We've got our two great guests coming on.
Alex Stein hosts the fourth hour.
And then I'm just going to do all the news coverage on the war room.
Because there's a ton of news, it's important, but I'm just going to wait until I get everything out of my head so I can really focus and cover the news with massive effectiveness and efficiency instead of just clunking around with all the stuff that's going on in my head.
But let me just kind of encapsulate this or boil it down here to something And then we'll move on, but we're taking your phone calls the rest of this hour, and I want to give out the number right now.
Only on Do You Believe?
seven eight nine two five three nine eight seven seven seven eight nine two
five three nine only on do you believe we're gonna see a similar situation here
in America like what they're doing in Shanghai COVID lockdown 2.0 massive
imprisonment 2.0 massive medical fascism slavery 2.0 coming to America in the
year 2022 [BLANK_AUDIO]
Do you believe we're going to see that?
Will we stave it off?
Who's going to be responsible or the proprietors of that?
That's what we're talking about the rest of this hour.
But let me just draw back for a second here and try to complete this thought.
Which is a separate thought, but it's all connected, because I'm sure you've noticed here, you know, things have been a little different at InfoWars in the last couple months.
And a lot of that stuff, you do know why, and that's kind of just the tip of the iceberg from what's going on underneath the surface.
But you get the gist of it.
I mean, you know what's going on.
A lot of our stuff is publicly talked about and how they want to destroy us, and everybody knows we're most censored out there and everything else that goes on.
But Alex has not been able to come on air as much lately.
There's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes.
I mean, I'm like talking to lawyers almost every day now.
I mean, it's not... It's not fun.
It's the cost of fighting this evil, and that's why they do this to us, to try to scare other people off of fighting them.
Culturally, intellectually, politically.
We're not violent here.
Never were violent revolutionaries.
And so now that's what they want to try to paint us as, or set us up as, so that they can run their next false flag.
And you know, I have a lot of people saying, hey look, the New York shooting today, clearly a false flag.
No, folks.
There's mass shootings in this country almost every day, technically.
I mean, they could pick any day, any week, whatever, and choose that we're going to cover this and we're going to make a big news story of it.
I mean, there was just one in Sacramento.
There was just another one.
I mean, so they just decide.
So it's a false flag in that they decide to make a shooting the biggest story of the day after Joe Biden talks about the guns.
Doesn't mean the event didn't happen.
It just means that, oh look, we had a shooting happen, let's make that the biggest story on the heels of Biden talking about gun control in this country.
What a perfect thing.
They can do it any day they want, folks.
Case didn't notice, but we have massive homicide rates in this country.
But see, here's what I'm trying to boil it down to.
You know, I don't know if it's a numbness or a punch drunkness, but What has separated InfoWars really, I mean forget about being prophetic or next year's news today or whatever you want to say.
What has really separated InfoWars?
It's been the sense of urgency.
Now notice that the sense of urgency comes and goes now.
It's kind of like it comes in waves because it's like we're already in it.
The sense of urgency, it's like it's past.
Now it's like it's already here, we're gonna live it, there's no fighting it off.
Now I'm not saying I truly believe that, but see, you notice they're back out today saying if we don't stop Carbon emissions, then the planet's going to be dead in eight years.
See, they don't actually have a sense of urgency.
They don't actually live the tales that they tell.
Because it's all fake.
We had a sense of urgency because it's all real.
Now we're living it, and it's kind of like, well, what do we do now?
We're in the second hour of the Alex Jones Show, and we are getting your calls lined up right now.
Are we going to see the Chinese-style Shanghai lockdowns in America, as predicted by Tucker Carlson last night?
Is it going to be that bad?
Is it going to be like we saw in 2020, where they show it to us there first, then they bring it here?
Who are going to be the ones promoting it?
Who are going to be the ones enforcing it?
Those are our questions for the callers today.
And again, the lines are already filled.
We're just taking your names right now and getting you up on the board.
So while we do that, last week, and it was overdue for me because we launched the InfoWars clearance sales or liquidation sales or emergency blowout sales a couple weeks ago because we reached a point financially where Instead of selling things at a normal rate or selling things at a sales rate but still gave us a little bit of a profit margin, we reached a point financially where we just have to sell everything and get the return on it immediately as quickly as possible.
Forget about profit or whatever.
It's already money invested.
It's almost like we have equity in these products, you could say, and we need to get it back.
We need to just get that equity out of it now, as quickly as possible to fund things into the future.
And so that's why we decided we're just going to sell every piece of apparel that we have at InfowarsStore.com, the hats, the t-shirts, all of it.
We're just going to sell it at cost because we need to sell everything now.
And even if we don't make a penny on it, If we can at least get our return of investment immediately, then we can fund ourselves the next couple months and hopefully survive this current onslaught that we're enduring right now.
And I'm sure you'll hear more about in the near future.
But I mean, folks, it's just crazy.
I don't even want to talk about it.
So that's what's going on at InfoWareStore.com right now.
And what I'm saying is I placed my order Because I like limited edition stuff.
I just think it's cool stuff.
I'm kind of a collectible guy that way.
And so I went to InfoWarsStore.com last week and I made my purchase.
I think I got like 20 t-shirts.
They finally arrived in the mail yesterday.
A big box of them.
And I also got some supplements as well.
I just wanted to make sure that I secured my t-shirts from InfoWarsTore.com.
They're all limited edition now.
So I wanted to make sure I secured my t-shirts that I wanted from InfoWarsTore.com before they're gone.
So I'll hold on to some of them as a keepsake.
Give some of them away as gifts.
But I got about 20 or 30 in the mail yesterday.
And I just gotta say this.
The hats, I hadn't ordered these hats for a while, I'd been meaning to, I just had never placed the order and then they were sold out the one time I tried to.
The new style, I guess it's this new style of trucker hat, which I think is much more comfortable, by the way, than the plastic trucker hats that can sometimes rub against your ears or rub against the skin on your head and it's kind of uncomfortable, maybe itchy.
Kind of chafes you a little bit.
The new hats that we have, the Info Wars hat and the Save the Frogs hat, it's like this new style of trucker hat that's, it's, I don't know what, it's like, I don't know if it's cotton or polyester or blend or something, but it's really soft and it is really comfortable and it is now going to be my go-to golf hat.
I got, yesterday, Two of the Save the Frogs hats and two of the Infowars Snake and Flag hats.
The green Save the Frog hats and the baby blue Infowars Snake Flag hat.
Some of the best hats I've ever ordered.
And I'm a big hat guy.
I got too many hats as it is.
I mean, I got a closet full of hats.
This is one of the coolest hats I have right here.
And I am very excited to sport that thing on the golf course.
Very excited to sport that thing on the golf course.
It's going to be my new go-to golf hat as the summer golf season kicks off here.
The Save the Frogs in the green and the Info Wars snake flag in the baby blue.
I mean, that powder blue hat is just, whew!
I'm telling you, man.
And people really like the green Save the Frogs hat.
Once we sell out of these, folks, that's it.
And you know, We've had these things in the past with t-shirts and hats where we sell out and people are like, what do you mean?
It's all sold out.
It's like, hey, well, you know, we told you it was limited edition.
So get these hats, get these t-shirts while they last.
They're going to all be sold out soon, folks.
And get your piece of InfoWars lore of InfoWars history at InfoWarsStore.com before we sell it all out.
But I'm telling you, the hats.
Looking forward to sporting those things on the golf course this year and getting some good commentary, some good responses.
All right.
The phone lines are almost, well, they're all full.
We've almost got them full with everyone's names.
We're asking, do you expect Chinese-style lockdowns, communist authoritarianism to come to the West in the name of COVID, and who will be the ones promoting it and enforcing it?
And the callers are on the line ready to go.
Let's start with Kathy in Arizona.
Kathy, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Well, God bless you, Owen.
And Alex and all your crew.
I just love you guys.
Thank you so much.
We love you.
Yeah, I listen to you every day.
And yes, I do believe that that's their plan.
They're evil, demonic monsters.
And absolutely, that's what they're trying to bring the whole world to.
They want me on all of our necks or their boots or whatever.
I do want to make a plea to your listeners.
I know what Alex went through with his wife, and my plea is for everybody that's on any kind of medicine, not medicine, they've been poisonous, for antidepressants, anything to do with big pharma, get off the drugs.
Get your brains back.
Get in the fight.
These are monsters and half of the population, I believe, all over the world is on antidepressants that are depressing our brains.
I was on them for 30 years.
I got off them in 2020 when all this started to happen.
You would not believe how many doctors, hospitals I went through.
Nobody helped me.
I had to do my own research.
Well, Kathy, God bless you.
Let me just stop you right there, because I want to take calls only on China today.
But let me just say this in response to what you're saying, because you're completely right.
I watched friends of mine who were athletes in high school really hurt themselves with painkillers.
I watched friends of mine in college, who were just party animals, really hurt themselves with pills.
I mean, I watched it in my life.
I watched friends of mine just deteriorate.
And it's very sad.
And so, I just want to echo what Kathy is saying, and it's just, you know, it's part of this whole thing where our food is fake, our water is poisoned, our pharmaceutical drugs are supposed to help us hurt us.
Yeah, I agree with you guys, man.
get away from everything establishment folks, you just get away everything mainstream, everything
promoted by the mainstream, you're going to be better off, I'm telling you.
And big pharmaceutical drugs is just part of that equation, but I want to focus on China
today but Kathy, thank you for the call.
Let's go to Eli in South Carolina.
Eli, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, I agree with you guys, man.
Like the communists, they call things antidepressants.
They really depress you.
They say they're going to take the Bible out of the school.
It's going to be better for everybody.
The communists have been here.
They've been here.
Yeah, and you know, I guess that is the connection, isn't it, Eli?
It's that the same communists that are going to lock down China and treat everyone like a prisoner are going to do the same thing here.
They're the same people that lie to you about everything.
They mock our freedom, they get on the TV, they talk about how perfect China is and all this.
They lie.
It's all they do, it's all they know how to do is lie.
I mean you watch what's going on in China and you should be, we should be kissing the ground that we live in this country.
We have our freedom right now, and when they come to try and take it, it's not gonna happen the way they think it's gonna happen.
Well, and I'll tell you what, that's it exactly, Eli, and I'm not looking for a physical altercation, I mean, God forbid, but, I mean, if they really try to pull something off with new COVID lockdowns, they're gonna get so much pushback, I mean, maybe that'll be what sets off the Great American Awakening.
Slowly, but surely, You're seeing more signs, more tells, more symbols, more moments, more energy.
That there is a great awakening happening right now, or a reawakening happening of Americans.
Their patriotism, their love of God, their love of country, their love of freedom, their love of family.
Just the love of everything good and traditional that's worked and has made this country into the prosperous bastion of freedom that it is, where for the first time in human history, morbidly obese people are poor.
You never thought you'd see that.
Now that has something to do with the diets.
But the point is, there has been a great awakening bubbling underneath the surface In this country for a long time and this is going to be a major theme for me in the next couple months.
But what is it going to be that makes that volcano explode?
Because right now it's just still bubbling under the surface and it's getting hotter and it's bubbling up a little bit more and you can tell there's activity going on and there's grumblings and the ground is starting to shake, the magma is starting to move.
Maybe some smoke starting to billow out of the top of the volcano, but it's still not ready to blow.
If they try to do new COVID lockdowns, maybe that will be what blows it up.
I don't think that would quite be it yet, but maybe that would be it.
But we are sitting on a dormant volcano right now that is the American way of life, that
is the American will and desire and destiny to be free and prosperous.
And there's no lid, there's no, there's nothing the globalists can do to stop that volcano
from blowing up.
And they'll try, they are trying.
But they know if the volcano ever does...
Leave its stages of dormancy and explodes.
It's game over.
And it'll be freedom worldwide.
It'll be Western prosperity worldwide.
Doesn't mean everybody will do everything the same.
It just means, hey, no.
Individualism, freedom, free market, free speech, right to bear arms, rugged individualism, fear of God, knowing there's a creator, knowing there's a higher power, pro-human future, that's where this goes.
But the globalists can't have that.
They've reached their scientific conclusion that we are termites on this planet or we are a cancer on this planet and therefore we must be eliminated.
And they just look at themselves as we are so lucky that we are self-aware cancer cells or self-aware parasites on this planet to kill ourselves before we kill the planet and kill all of us indefinitely.
Would the Chinese-style lockdowns be what forces the volcano to blow up?
Because I'm telling you folks, we are sitting on a dormant volcano of American freedom, just waiting, just waiting to erupt.
And it's not going to be a violent thing.
It's the cultural shifts you're seeing.
It's doctors coming forward.
It's pastors coming forward.
It's political leaders stepping up.
It's people in the news that are stepping up.
It's slowly but surely happening.
But something will send that into light speed.
Could it be if they try to lock us down like they're doing in Shanghai?
I mean, who would ever support that?
We go back out to your phone lines.
Kyle is dialed in from New York.
Kyle, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen, how's it going?
Between you and I, I think I'm a third or fourth time caller.
I call you on the war room quite a bit.
Last time we spoke, I referenced the movie Songbird and then the current U.S.
COVID cases, and I had said the only way that you could get to a point where these people can't go out at the time is the weakened immune systems.
However, now there was one thing in that movie that I didn't see happening in real time, and now it's there.
It's the drones flying over.
In the movie, It's a surveillance thing in China.
It's a surveillance thing, but they're trying to cripple spirit by telling them basically to shut up, you know.
So I see that movie Songbird happening in China.
It happened in Australia.
I also point to the Super Bowl, and there's some symbolism there with the stage set up.
These quarantine camps, they are very much looking like how the Super Bowl is set up.
You know what?
I didn't watch that halftime show.
Can you talk about the halftime show?
I didn't watch the halftime show, so I'm just going to ask the crew to just pull up what you're talking about, because I still haven't seen it.
So if you type in quarantine camps China, you'll see these white cube-looking structures.
And some people have pulled it up on Instagram.
They didn't see much symbolism except for a Dr. Dre hand motion at the end, and they're like, oh, it was pretty tame.
Now, it looks like they kind of foreshadowed it, like, hey, this is what's going on next.
Snoop Dogg's coloring was kind of fitting to the flag of a conflict at the moment.
Oh, and I have to bring one thing up.
It has to do with that Pfizer court document.
The numbers are a little bit off.
It's not just 3%.
You have to take out two groups that aren't accounted for.
The mortality rate's a lot higher, and I sent out an email to you guys.
I know you guys are looking for specific people to interview, but I wrote the email.
If you take out I believe it's unaccounted for or unknown.
That number shoots up a lot higher, because this is at the time of the reporting, from January to March.
And it brings it up a lot, 4%, and then somewhere around possibly 52% more talent.
Well, look, they can take those numbers and do whatever they want with them.
I mean, you could have a hundred thousand vaccine injuries or vaccine deaths and they could just say, oh, it's COVID and lock us down again.
I mean, it's the perfect equation for total power.
Biggest propaganda push we're ever going to see.
Look, the only thing that I tell people to do is find God at this point, you know, find Christ.
You guys do a great job of that.
And I want to say God bless you and stay strong.
I know that it's tough, but that movie Songbird, that trailer, It's all happening now, and I would just recommend everyone take a YouTube look, because it's weird.
We talked about it in the past, but Owen, I just want to say, Fizzy Magnesium, my mom loves it, and I got it made in 1776 shirt.
You guys are awesome.
Keep fighting.
Thank you, Kyle.
Fizzy Magnesium available at InfoWarsStore.com.
I drank some Fizzy Magnesium this morning.
Best orange drink you're going to find out there, folks.
Fizzy Magnesium from InfoWarsStore.com.
Kids will love it, too.
And it's healthy for them.
But just to kind of finish up on what he was saying there, there's a new element to all of this that I was Really researching this morning that I still don't fully understand, so I'm not trying to come on air and talk about it yet.
And the best thing for me to do would probably be to research it a little bit further and then have Dr. Brian Artis back on air maybe later this week.
He was on the war room with me last night kind of teasing this.
But COVID-19 snake origin.
Something weird is going on here, folks.
Again, I don't fully understand it.
But these are some of the old headlines from January 2020.
China coronaviruses may have come from a snake.
Wuhan coronavirus may have been transmitted from snake.
Snake venom molecule shows promise in fight against COVID-19.
It's all this old stuff, how it came from snakes, and there's all these common effects of snake venom, and it's just... It just gets weirder every day, okay?
We don't live in Kansas anymore.
We're back here live on the Alex Jones Show.
We're taking your calls.
Will we see Chinese-style lockdowns in response to COVID, or that's what they'll claim, here in America like we're seeing in Shanghai, where folks... Again, I'm like... I'm like kind of sick... sickly numb to all of this now.
Where I already know I'm in it, like, so... It's just, it's weird to have known all of this was going on, and now to be in the middle of it, and it's just like, oh, well, okay.
How's the world gonna respond now?
The videos coming out of Shanghai are horrifying.
Horrifying, folks.
Whether it's the animals that they've put into bags to be beaten to death, whether it's the images of people that are hanging themselves, people jumping out of apartment buildings, videos in the middle of the night where people just step out on their balcony and record and all you hear is shrieking, and crying, and screaming, and it sounds like a horror film, like a murder scene.
Yeah, listen to that.
Do you want me to... Do you want me to...
They're locking people in their apartments, folks.
Literally barricading them, imprisoning them.
And so all they can do is go out onto their balcony and just scream for help.
And then when they don't get it, they jump out the window to their death.
Oh my gosh, I mean, and just... And you just think about how good this planet could be, the human experience, how awesome, how incredible, how unique, how fantastical, how mystical the whole thing is... And then you have to deal with that evil?
You have to experience life like that?
It's evil, folks, it's Satan.
So that's what I'm saying is I could just sit here for the entire broadcast and air all the shocking and horrifying videos and images and sounds coming out of China.
I just can't do it.
It's too heavy.
It breaks my heart.
It sinks my stomach.
It collapses my soul to know that that's going on.
It's the same thing when you think about the January 6th Defendants that are rotting in jail cells for over a year, being tortured and tormented.
It just breaks your heart that somebody has to have their divine experience here on this planet, this consciousness destroyed by Satan, destroyed by evil, and they want to do it to all of us.
They want to kill us, man.
It's a giant death call.
I mean, these people celebrate murdering the baby before it's even born.
What do you think we're dealing with here?
Let's go back out to the phone lines.
Do you think we're going to see the Chinese-style lockdowns return here in America?
Denise, in the state of Washington, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I really do believe that could be a distinct possibility.
I live in Washington State.
My governor is Jay Inslee.
Dr. Malone outed him yesterday as a World Economic Forum fella.
And, you know, he's kind of been laying low.
But a few months back, I watched a Zoom meeting of our Washington State Board of Education.
Kind of got a heads up, they were passing shenanigans about quarantining.
And it had to do with protection from AIDS.
But through that, they Um, made legislation and can't do what they're doing in Shanghai here in Washington State.
I saw the ads where they already did hire people to run the quarantine camps.
I saw Ivory Hecker, uh, in visiting a quarantine camp in Western Washington.
Uh, she actually got stuck in there or her car did.
And, uh, so yeah, I think it's a distinct possibility.
And what do you think happens if they try to do that, or who's going to be promoting it?
I mean, it's just, can you imagine them trying to do this again to us?
I mean, you know how the old saying is, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
I mean, are we going to be fooled twice again by this?
I think cities like Seattle, lefty cities could be.
I live here on the east side.
It's wheat country.
And there are a lot of guns here.
It'd be a little tougher.
It's more conservative on the east side of the Cascade.
Kind of two separate states in a state, so to speak.
But I have family.
I come from Whidbey Island over there.
And all of my family is over there.
I'm the only one who's here.
And I have one who's conservative and the rest are, you know, shot and boosted and asleep and I mean, they won't talk to us anymore and think we're nuts.
Well, that's a real shame.
And, you know, you wish them the best, but these vaccines aren't working out so well for people.
I just I think about if they really try to rule this out, what it would look like, and it would probably be the major cities where obviously it's going to be the worst, and they'll shut down, and maybe if you're out in a conservative rural area you won't have to deal with it, but they've already projected that this is all coming, they've already predicted programming all of this coming, and you know what, here's the stance that needs to be taken now, by
Anybody in our government that doesn't want to see that tyranny come here, or anybody that doesn't want to see the COVID tyranny come here in any form, lockdowns, shutdowns, whatever, the stance, the logic, the argument needs to be, because they could release a really deadly virus that actually kills 50% of people, you know, I mean, they could do whatever they want.
I don't care.
The stance needs to be that If there's a virus that kills 90% of people that get it, you still can't force somebody into a lockdown.
You still can't force somebody to shut their business down.
You can't force somebody to be a prisoner.
It's called freedom.
You want to take the risk of going outside during a deadly pandemic or during a tornado or anything?
You have that right.
That needs to be the intellectual approach to this, but our politicians are so far behind it'll never even happen.
And they'll probably just go along with the whole thing and get scared by whatever numbers they're told to believe.
Denise, thank you for the call.
We'll stay there in Washington where Sky has called in.
Sky, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Alex Jones Show.
Thanks, Owen.
So fear not now, but I just wanted to mention, we gotta be strong.
What's going on in Shanghai is terrible.
It reminds me of the Dr. Lee Man Young, who was the whistleblower who was on a lot of broadcasts.
And I think she mentioned what I've been hearing, I don't know if it's true, but hemorrhagic fever going on.
But this type of disease outbreak is what Title 42 is meant to protect on our border as well.
Oh yeah, which they lifted that.
Yeah, Owen, so it's good to talk to you.
God bless you all, and those were the two points I was mentioning.
Well, thank you for the call, but imagine that.
Revoke Title 42, which means anyone can come into the border.
I mean, it's all just, it's all just ceremonious, so it really doesn't make a difference, quite frankly.
But, there were some precautions or some procedures, another form of protection for our border, because of a deadly pandemic that they got rid of.
So the White House gets rid of pandemic protocols at the southern border, But then they fight tooth and nail to keep you wearing a mask at airports and on airplanes.
This government is so evil and such a joke, man.
Why are we so pathetic?
What has happened to us?
We know what it is, folks.
We've fallen.
We've fallen.
We're in Sodom and Gomorrah.
We're in the time of judgment.
Satan is ruling over us with our celebrities and our culture and everything.
It's so bad now you just have pro-pedophile teachers coming out and publicizing their mentality to your kids and I mean, so.
Yeah, we're getting Judge Charged Core right now.
I mean, Satan is on the move right now.
We're back here live on the Alex Jones Show, brought to you by InfoWarsStore.com, where we've got the big clearance sales happening now.
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And I don't want to sound like a naysayer here, because I'm really not.
I mean, yeah, we all get blackpilled and depressed about what we see going on in the world, but I have no doubt, just as Satan's army is moving and Satan is getting his reign of power on planet Earth right now, I have no doubt that God's legions of angels and good people are going to be pushing back on it tenfold.
My real concern is just, when is that going to happen?
And will I even be around to witness it?
Because this evil cannot rule over planet Earth for very long.
I mean, we're already reaching points of insanity that we should have never reached on this planet before.
I mean, men are women.
Men competing in women's sports.
I mean, that's just one little thing.
Teaching kids how to be sexually perverted.
Teaching kids how to be racist.
I mean, it's just total insanity.
You can't live like this forever.
This is not human destiny here.
So Satan's getting its command right now.
Satan's legions and Satan's armies are getting their control of this planet right now and that's why you're witnessing all this insanity from the torture and human imprisonment for false political reasons or false health reasons to the teaching the youth how to be sexual perverts and hateful bigots to just all the lies that you're told about health, about About drugs, about your body, where we came from.
It's all going to fall, ladies and gentlemen.
And all this misery that humanity has had to go through will be ended.
But it comes and it goes.
That's why the Bible is so prophetic.
Because this is the pattern of humanity.
Satan gets his time to reign.
The world becomes an evil, dastardly place.
Humans suffer.
The blood of the innocent is shed.
And then God and Jesus intervene to put Satan back down where he belongs in hell.
But yeah, you're gonna watch leftist liberals... I mean, folks, they're just gonna start... I mean, they're already molesting kids.
I mean, let's call it what it is.
When you take a little kid to a strip club and teach him how to be a stripper, when you take a little kid and you bounce him on your lap with your penis exposed... I mean, that's molesting kids.
That's not drag queen story time, that's molesting kids.
You're grooming children is what you're doing.
So, yeah, I mean, how much more evil does it get than sexually grooming children before they can even read or write or ride a bike or tie their shoes or do multiplication?
I mean, how much worse than that can it get?
Is it what's worse?
Sexually grooming and perverting children and teaching them how to be hateful bigots?
Or locking down an entire city of 23 million people and making them prisoners in their own home completely unnecessarily?
It's all the same satanic energy.
It all must be rejected at all costs.
We cannot go on like this.
Ugh, how much more do we have to endure?
What are they, what is Satan going to do to us next?
Let's go back out to the phone lines.
King in Missouri, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
King, go ahead.
Hey, what's up, Owen?
Corey here.
So, I want to say something real quick.
I've been a minister for 10 years, and the Bible says that Satan has already been judged, John 16, 11.
Jesus said that he gives us power to trample on serpents and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy.
So we have to have the right picture, the right imagination.
See, you just said, what is Satan going to do to us next?
What if it was Satan saying, what are they going to do to me next?
We have to get on the offense as Americans.
And the founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence said something.
Could I share it with you real quick?
Go ahead.
It says, "Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, life, liberty,
pursuit of happiness, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute
new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such
form as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness."
We have to abolish a wicked, satanic government.
We have to declare independence from Satanism and globalism and get back to our Pledge of Allegiance.
And we need to arrest, close down these Satan churches, man.
God's not happy with that.
They are terrorists.
They need to be labeled terrorists.
Satanists, they want to kill I completely agree.
You don't have to convince me.
I've already, you know, I've experienced this for myself.
And so, you know, it's, I mean, what do we have to wait for?
Is it a miracle?
Is, I mean, are new leaders going to step forward and do something?
I mean, I'm not, I mean, obviously nobody can really know, but it's just like, how is this all going to be resolved?
We can't, I mean, we can't go on like this forever.
This is insane.
No, and God is saying the time is over, but God's people have to stand up and be these new guards.
We can't have halfway-on-the-fence Christians trying to stand up in government and protect us because they bow down to Satan.
They're not tough.
They haven't been qualified by God.
Well, I guess that's it.
What is it going to take for the average American that's not awoken to the world and this satanic takeover that's happening, what is it going to take for the average American to get it?
What is it going to take?
And I'm afraid to answer that question quite honestly, because I've seen what we've put up with to this point, and there is not nearly enough pushback.
I mean, we don't have 10% of the amount of pushback we need to save this country right now.
I mean, we probably don't even have five, folks.
I travel around, man, and I talk to almost everyone I talk to is awake, and I've been talking to lots of people in the military, they're like, We're just waiting.
And the thing about it is, if you establish a new form of government, just like in the Holocaust, Israel established and they formed Nazi hunters, and they had Nuremberg 2.0, if any nation would say, hey, we're creating a group to go after this list of criminals, And every person in every state needs to have a list of the criminals in their state.
Because if they want a war, we'll know who to arrest.
That's what we need.
We need Nuremberg-style trials.
We need to arrest the criminals that have committed all these crimes against humanity.
And it's the intellectual elite who believe they've conquered the planet, but they're now the stewards of the planet, and so they're going to kill billions of people to save planet Earth.
That's their conclusion.
Or at least what they project as their conclusion, what they talk about in their inner circles as their conclusion.
And so... But what you said is interesting, and I've heard... I have a similar experience too, and I thank you for the call.
I agree.
Most people are awake.
Most people think the same way you think or I think.
They just... They don't see the world for what it is quite yet.
They don't fully understand what's being done quite yet, but they...
They see the evil, they call out the evil, they know something's wrong, but what you said was, it's like they're waiting.
And that's the problem.
And I'm partly guilty too, because I'm almost waiting every day for God to do something.
I mean, you know, because I just accept that I'm not in control of these things.
I mean, I can do whatever I'm capable of doing, and I'll pray for God's strength and guidance and all that, but yeah, it's almost like, okay, I mean, I'm set to be totally destroyed here, so God, please, you know, whenever you see fit, or whatever you see fit, but everyone's waiting.
Everyone's waiting for someone else to be the hero.
And that's the problem.
That's the problem.
And that's part of the Hollywood, DC, Marvel, comic book, movie propaganda is that you get used to this idea that someone else is going to save the world.
Someone else is going to be the hero, so you never fill that role.
You're taught to believe that someone else will be your hero.
You're taught to believe there's a superhero coming to rescue you.
There's not.
There's only one hero that's going to save you that's on this planet in human form right now.
And if you want to find that hero, go find a mirror.
All right, I'm going to take this short segment to take a couple more calls, and then we're going to be joined by our guest Alex Mitchell.
Sad story of a vaccine side effect that the media doesn't want you to know about because they're paid for by the vaccine manufacturers.
But quickly, a couple more phone calls here.
Let's go to Monty in Florida.
Monty, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
It's a privilege to be on the air with you today.
It's my first time.
And about the second round of lockdowns, I think they are coming back.
And sadly, I think it's going to coincide with the upcoming election.
That seems to be how they like to play things.
But I wanted to touch on something you said earlier in the first hour about committing to evil.
And as a school board candidate myself down here in Hernando County, Florida, people really have a choice.
They can either sit back and let these perverts in our schools groom our kids.
And outside of the school system, you can sit back and let these Chinese style
lockdowns happen, or you can choose to commit to fight.
For example, down here in Hernando County, when the school board defied
the governor on the mask mandate, I took great inspiration from you guys,
especially you, Owen and Alex.
I showed up to the very next school board meeting in a full biohazard suit.
And, um, I mocked them heavily and I got other parents involved
in mocking the school board.
They showed up in Halloween masks and such.
So our county, even though they defied Governor DeSantis on the mask mandate, we were able to end it after about a month.
And one of the board members came to me and said, as long as you people stop coming up here in costumes, we'll end these mask mandates right now.
So that is committing to a fight.
People have to really get out there and fight back against this, regardless of lockdowns, mask mandates, or whatever.
And I strongly urge your listeners, consider running for office.
I'm running for school board here in Hernando County.
I'm not a politician.
I'm a father.
We actually homeschool our kids, but we're paying out the nose in taxes and my kids are going to grow up and have to live with all these sexually abused kids and the warped reality that the school system is creating for them.
Well, and to get back to what you said about committing to evil or committing to fighting against evil is, you know, that's the problem, is most people just wake up and comply with it.
They just comply with it, and that's why it gets worse and worse.
And, you know, I do believe there's some sort of a sixth sense that we all innately have, that we all understand, and this is why we live in fear.
Instead of giving that fear to God, and being fearless, is that we know Satan runs this planet.
You know that when you start to stand up against good, and you become a leader in that stand, that the system, that's satanic, is going to be turned against you!
And you could be destroyed!
Everybody knows that.
That's why nobody speaks up.
That's why they're letting pedophile groomers have access to their kids in the schools.
Because, I mean, that's what I'm saying is, I'm not a parent.
I don't have a kid in these schools getting taught how to be perverts, okay?
I don't have perverts coming to teach my kids, but it's like, how do parents put up with that?
So I go down the intellectual thought process.
Okay, the parents put up with it because they don't want to take a stand because they're afraid what might happen to them.
The school puts up with it because they don't want to take a stand because they're afraid what's going to happen to them.
The law enforcement puts up with it because they don't want to take a stand because they're afraid of what's going to happen to them.
And you say, but wait a second, what's going to happen to them?
You're going to get fired!
You're going to lose your pension!
You're going to lose your retirement!
You're going to lose your bank account!
You're going to lose your free speech!
You're going to be arrested!
You're going to be lied about!
You're going to be demonized!
You're going to be physically attacked!
So what do they do?
They comply with evil because they'd rather be complicit with evil than have evil attacking them.
But evil's already attacking them.
And that's why the story in V for Vendetta, that's the analogy here is, it's not saying you have to die and face death to understand, but it's to understand you're already under attack from evil.
Just complying with it doesn't mean it's going to stop.
It just means maybe you'll have a little lesser of a problem with the evil conquering you.
But the sense of urgency from parents is really, I mean, it needs to step up.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Unnecessary government intervention in our lives needs to be stopped.
Because what's happened is our governments are now satanic.
They are corrupted, they are evil, they are demonic, they are filled with members of a death cult.
That believe it's their job as stewards of the planet to eliminate the human population or the human virus as they see it on the planet.
Now why do I say that leading into my next guest, Alex Mitchell, who has sadly had a bad vaccine injury happen to him?
Because when your government is evil and satanic and you allow the government to intervene in your life whenever it sees fit, well how do you think that's going to go, folks?
And so that's what this is.
An unnecessary government intervention in your life by way of an injection that they're calling a vaccine that isn't even a vaccine.
And you can say, well, the government didn't mandate that.
Well, maybe it wasn't your actual United States government, but it was the corporate government, or it was the US government influencing the corporate government.
That's how this works, folks.
And so Alex Mitchell is from Scotland and he sadly...
Because of government intervention, was told to get an AstraZeneca vaccine, and had to have his leg amputated after it was confirmed to be a vaccine injury.
Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia.
I may be butchering that, but you get the point.
And so he is here with us today with one less leg, totally unnecessarily, but because of Government intervention that was unnecessary.
Now he's here with us today.
The story at Infowars.com.
Vaccine whore.
Man describes losing leg after AstraZeneca jab.
And so Alex, not just losing your leg, you should have never had to deal with that, but also other problems post vaccine.
What has it been like for you almost a year now from your vaccine injury?
It was actually a year yesterday.
Well, it's the anniversary of me having my left leg amputated from above the knee.
The year has been everything you can imagine in your worst nightmare, and probably more.
It's more compounded that you're trying to fight to get help back, to try and get some support, to then find that the government asked you to do the right thing for the right reasons.
To save lives, to protect the NHS, to protect the medical staff.
People did that.
Did it for a good reason.
And they lied to us.
They knew there was problems with these vaccines, test trials, whatever you want to call them.
The result of which, people like myself have been in a real, real bad position.
I've been left not only unable to work anymore, I've got other health issues that I've never had before.
I now have an eyesight problem with my right eye.
I'm waiting on a scan for that.
I've had numerous scans.
My blood is still checked every two weeks.
I still speak with haematology conference calls every three months.
I had one Tuesday where I had some good news that I'm no longer at a stage where I'm now able to go and receive dental work.
I've not even been able to go and receive dental work because of what's happened to my bloods.
The condition fit vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombothenia.
It's a hard word to say.
What it means in English, plain speak, is that the vaccine has caused my platelets to drop, my D-dimer to go through the roof, and there's an antibody in your blood that's called negative PF4.
That's what keeps your blood the consistency it is.
With the condition, it becomes positive, which then means that your blood just wants to clot.
I'm now on permanent medication to thin my blood.
It looks like I'll be on that medication for the rest of my life.
I now have some eyesight problems where I think probably a micro-clot has maybe exploded in my eye.
So they're going to have that looked at because the damage is not natural.
So there's lots of side effects.
They've taken I've taken a lot of my life away because I've spent the last year basically fighting to try and get some kind of support from anyone other than basic state benefits.
Now, having never been unemployed in my life, state benefits is not something I'm used to.
I've got a mortgage, I've got a car like everyone else, I've got bills to pay, I've got two children.
They're older, they're not staying with me, but I've still got children.
It's all about family.
They've tried to take what I believe is my passion.
Now, the picture that you flashed up there was me on my scooter, minus my leg.
That was my passion.
That was my life.
I was quite happy being me.
I was quite happy to fade into mediocrity.
But they've tried to take that away from me, and so many others.
There's 438 vets in the UK alone.
38 vets in the UK alone. Sadly 78 were tragic, they were fatal cases.
I'm now friends with some of their wives, their mothers, their husbands, their daughters, their partners.
It's heartbreaking.
These people have been confirmed to have bicornia, to have passed solely by the AstraZeneca vaccine.
And yet the British Government is still holding out and giving these people support, and myself.
There is 922 Claims against the UK Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme in the last two years.
They have not paid anyone out.
Not a single claim.
They have not supported a single family.
That's just the 920 that met the criteria of now being medically 60% disabled.
There are millions and thousands around the world, but particularly thousands, that are fighting just to get acknowledged That this has been caused by a vaccine.
They're fighting.
They've got a fight I've not got.
And I don't understand that fight.
I'm lucky.
I've got all the medical paperwork.
I've got all the evidence.
I've got all the proof.
It's all in writing.
I've got a letter that says I am not allowed another vaccine because of my reaction to a vaccine.
I have not worked in a year.
I'm not allowed to work.
Because my blood's still unstable.
And as I say, I'm one of the lucky ones.
I've got the evidence.
I've got the medical evidence.
I've got the medical team behind me, backing me.
There is thousands upon thousands of people that I'm in touch with on a daily basis.
Some of these people have now become very close friends because their lives have been wrecked the same as mine.
Now, Whatever you think, whether it was a virus or not a virus, it's neither here nor there.
Our governments coerced us, pushed us to do the right thing.
They told us not to hug our grannies.
Some of what they've told us, and now they were partying.
The Prime Minister of the UK and the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the UK were partying while people were dying.
This is the content that these people have for vaccine damage injuries.
I'm very angry.
I'm very... My life has been destroyed.
I refuse to back down to these people.
These people have to be called to action.
These people will not even talk to us.
All we want to do is let's talk.
It's not difficult.
We're not going to go anywhere.
There's too many of us.
I know that in the USA, the condition is very, very unheard of.
Because there's only, as far as I'm aware, two, maybe three cases in the USA.
Canada has quite a few.
New Zealand has quite a few.
Australia has quite a few.
Norway, a lot.
Norway were the first people to see the problems with the clotting issues.
All we want is someone to help us.
Mainstream media do not want to help us.
They do not want to know.
You know, I went down the official route through my MP, who has been fantastic, has written letters to both government departments.
One department didn't even acknowledge an MP's letter.
to take a break here, Alex, but this is very powerful stuff and you're not going to get
your wish of fading into mediocrity now.
You're going to have to be a leader for truth and that's what you've become.
We'll be right back.
We're here with Alex Mitchell from Scotland and he has sadly had severe side effects from
his AstraZeneca injection, including a leg amputation and just continued blood problems.
It looks like it's going to be a lifelong thing for him to deal with.
And here's what people need to understand and why Kevin's story is so important.
This is really, it already is on that level, but we'll just say, you're one step away from government-mandated death.
And really, you're already there, quite frankly.
But for some people, they might not be ready to understand that intellectual conclusion.
When the government can mandate you to have an experimental medical procedure, or any medical procedure for that matter, that results in death, that's government mandated death.
I don't want to be in a civilization that has government mandated death.
And that's where this is going, folks.
So that's why I get freaked out about this, that's why I stand guard against this, and that's why I'm not just pissed off that this is going on, but infuriated that other people don't understand this.
If the government can mandate you to have a medical procedure, the government can mandate you to death.
And that's where this goes.
And so, I saw Alex nodding his head in agreement, but comment on that, or first let me ask you this though.
What was it that prompted you to get the vaccine?
Was it mandated by government?
Was it mandated by work?
Did you believe that it was going to help get things back to normal?
What was your motivation to taking the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine just over a year ago?
In January, February, there was a lot.
My mum was elderly in mid-2019, just before all this kind of stuff kicked off.
She stayed with her neighbour.
Neighbour was with her neighbour for 30 odd years and the lady had fell and broken her leg, went into hospital and passed away with Covid.
And we were hearing all this and we wanted to protect my mum.
And given what we were getting told, this virus was that bad, you know, for the last years of my mum's life, we locked her away.
Now we realise we didn't need to.
You know, we tried to protect, as we all have, The ones that we love.
You don't want to lose your mum.
You don't want to lose your gran.
You don't want to lose your wife, your daughter.
You don't want to lose your life.
This was the narrative and this was the way they were pushing it.
So in March 2020, there was no reports, no official knowledge, nothing was coming out that there was any problems with anything.
In fact, that very week, the BBC and the UK government announced that the vaccines were safe.
You try and do the right thing.
Do I regret it?
That's something I'll always regret for the rest of my life.
And every second of every day, I feel that I'll regret that for the rest of my life.
I'll deal with that.
I can live.
I can't change what's happened to me.
Nothing's ever going to give me my leg, my life, my love back, my mediocrity, as you said earlier.
Nothing's ever going to bring that back.
But what I can do is I can spend the rest of the days I've got fighting for justice.
Not just for me.
For all the ones that don't have a voice anymore.
The names that are in my mind that never leave me.
I'm guessing some of those names did get the government mandated death?
They're all tragedies, they're all fatalities.
I know their wives, their husbands, their daughters.
So it sounds to me that the answer is the corporate government propaganda is what made you want to get the vaccine to protect your mother because that's what they were telling you.
So I'm going to have a kind of a two-pronged question for you here.
Do you feel that you were lied to about the vaccine and do you wish you would have known about these side effects before you took it?
Yes, I was lied to about the vaccine.
We now know, we can prove I was lied to about the vaccine.
The safety data that they submitted to both the UK Health Regulatory and the FDA was the same data.
The FDA rejected an emergency licence on the grounds that the data was incomplete, incorrect and outdated, yet the UK Government went ahead with it.
Now, even if the UK Government didn't note that point, Surely when the FDA rejected the emergency use of it, that would have made them aware that there was a problem with the data, yet they still went ahead.
There was no issues of side effects.
On the 20th of March 2020, the sum total of the side effects I was told were, and this was verbally, not in a leaflet, not in a written form, this was verbally, you may have a sore sight area for a couple of days and you may have cold or flu-like symptoms That's the sum total of the side effects I was told.
If I was made aware that there was clotting issues, if I was made aware of that, in reality, having no underlying health conditions, being supremely fit because I was a seal erector and I carried a lot, a very manual physical job, there's no necessity for me to take a vaccine.
I would have survived the virus.
It's a 1% fatality rate.
At my level of fitness and health.
So yes, we have been lied to.
Not just the UK.
Governments all around the world have lied to lots of people.
And the problem we've got is that I may have a voice, and I could scream from the rooftops, but unless the public around the world surround us and support us, go on to your politicians, go on to your MPs, Go on to your rulers.
Make them aware.
These issues are not going to go away.
Now the numbers I gave you were for fit only in the UK.
We've not even touched on myocarditis, myocarditis, Bell's Palsy, Gillan Barry Syndrome.
The list goes on and on and on and on.
Yeah, there was just a list of almost 1,000 athletes now that have had heart attacks or blood clots or died post-vaccine.
Almost 1,000 athletes.
I think the number was 800.
1,000 of them, on record, post-vaccine side effects.
Many have died.
Average age, 23.
So Alex, let me just ask you this in closing, and I've only got 60 seconds left, and I thank you for coming on air with us, and we ask you just Godspeed and God bless you in your journey.
How has this experience changed your worldview?
My worldview is that I still believe that out of the 6.7 billion people on this planet, 95 to 90% of them Our good, hard-working, loving people who want to do the right thing.
My views haven't changed.
I'm still a positive guy.
This won't change me.
I'll fight.
But it won't change me.
Thank you very much for having me.
Thanking you for allowing me to speak my voice.
And I hope that people listen.
If I can save one life, that's enough for me.
Thank you everyone.
Well thank you and again we just we say godspeed to you and your journey and the connections that you're making there and your fight against the government that their propaganda the corporate propaganda the government propaganda forced you to take this vaccine it's altered your life and now they just don't care they just they just throw you off the scrap heap like they don't care about you and folks I just don't want to see this happen anymore I'm sick of it this is not how human life is meant to be Let's just call it what it is, folks.
Government intervention is just evil.
It just is.
Government intervention is just evil.
And you know what?
This is what happens when you let it happen, folks.
And I'm joined in studio by Cody Wilson.
He's been involved as the director of Defense Distributed and Ghostrunner for almost two decades.
He's been fighting for your right to defend yourself and to a firearm, which The Biden administration and the Democrats are on a full-out war to take those rights from you.
So we heard about yesterday, they're making this big deal about a ghost gun rule, so we wanted to get Cody Wilson in today, who's one of the pioneers of 3D gun printing.
And one of the best advocates for your Second Amendment freedoms.
And so he joins me here today.
Now Cody, just to start with what they talked about yesterday, what they announced yesterday.
Give it the face value report, but then we'll talk about what it really means.
Yeah, you had a rose garden ceremony, Joe Biden mispronouncing the ATF's name, things like this, and he says, oh jeez, yeah, celebration, well, you know, this is some momentous gun control we've achieved together, the fulfillment of the promise of the March for Our Lives, the post-Parkland shooting, but all they were really able to boil their efforts down to was saying certain kits in the mail are now going to be included in the definition of firearms.
under the law, which itself isn't like an illegal rewrite of the statute.
The statute literally means some things are firearms and some things aren't.
So they're just trying to tuck as much as they can into a new definition of firearms.
And they're targeting a way that people make guns at home with kits in the mail.
But you get the sense that this is kind of a letdown for gun controllers, I think.
Well, and in two ways. First of all, I mean, essentially, with this logic, they're going to say
a 3D printer is a gun.
I mean, you can't even have a 3D printer because that's a gun.
I mean, that's essentially the same thing as you can't have the materials.
That's smart.
So today, in their rule, they say, well, of course we don't mean that.
But actually, if you read their rule, they do give themselves, like they equip themselves with the logic to say that.
Well, if you sell a part, and then some other parts, and depending upon the equipment and instructions you provide, maybe that is a firearm.
Which is an insane definition of a word, which should have a normal dictionary kind of construction.
We all know what a firearm is, and what a firearm Yeah, and what does it really mean, though, folks?
What it really means is that they want a gun registry.
They want every gun on the record.
They don't like you having any privacy, any private firearms.
of the elected, maybe Kamala Harris, to say, "Well, of course, I'm just regulating firearms.
What's wrong with that?"
But she means something much larger in its scope.
And what does it really mean, though, folks?
What it really means is that they want a gun registry.
They want every gun on the record.
They don't like you having any privacy, any private firearms.
They don't like that.
So that's the approach they take is, "Hey, we just want to make sure we know where your
We just want to make sure that there's no ghost guns out there.
We, the government, that loves you so much and wants you dead, we just want to make sure that we have all those guns on record.
So they act like it's this innocent, oh, we're just trying to help you, typical government approach.
No, this is more infringement on our rights.
They want it both ways.
It's somehow neuro-linguistic programming to say, like, well, your private right to make a farm, which you've always had since this has been a republic of any knowledge, somehow that private right is scary, right?
It's, ooh, it's a ghost.
It's spooky.
You shouldn't do it.
Like, look out!
Your neighbor might have a ghost gun!
Ooh, it's a ghost!
It haunts you!
And it programs this idea that the government has this need to know, which of course it does not.
We recognize our privacy interests in almost everything, especially our fundamental rights recognized by the Second Amendment.
So it's a way of divorcing you from what it should be, I think, a standard traditional activity.
If you have the right to keep and bear arms, surely you have the right to make these arms and to know how to make them.
But they're saying, well, no, in your interest, of course, we'll take that away from you because safety and our police and all these things are so much more important.
And like you said, don't you know we love you?
Uh, it's just... As they want to defund the police, so... Oh, I can't defend myself!
The government took my gun because they love me so much!
Now a criminal's got a gun to my head!
Uh, let me call the cops!
Oh wait, the same people that took my gun defunded the police!
Oh, I guess I'm just here to die now!
There's no legitimate role for self-defense, or especially opposition of the government, if they don't have access to the serial numbers on those firearms.
And, as has been disclosed in other things, and I'm sure you're reporting, and Alex is, even though the ATF is barred by statute from having a database of actually recording who has transacted in firearms and who owns what, they've admitted in court filings and other things that they are in fact building this illegal database.
Yeah, we know that's a lie.
Yeah, and of course, we should have always suspected it, but this is, this new rule, Biden's new rule, is a part of this, which is to say there will be nothing outside of these tables of registered firearms with serial numbers, which by the way, we're secretly recording, there will be nothing outside of it.
We're not recording, but by the way, here's all the paperwork so we can record it.
Right, exactly.
And the ATF has even admitted to not just its public guidance, which is insane and arcane and you can't get through it all, even today's or yesterday's rule is something like 364 pages.
Good luck.
But beyond that, the ATF admits that it has even secret guidance underneath this.
So even if you could get through the 364 pages, there's the guidance that they don't even show you.
And once, take this down the field a little bit, what are they really afraid of?
Well, the corrupt government that wants you dead, of course they don't want you to have a firearm when they come to kill you!
They want you to lay down and die!
Don't you get it?
It's because we love you so much!
But I found this amazing, and this is where, this is one of the more frustrating things where I just, I wish more people could think logically, and reach logical conclusions as to where all this goes.
Like, for example, One thing Biden said leading up to the election was, because the Democrats have really become anti-Second Amendment now, it's party policy, is, hey, you know, not everyone was allowed to own a gun in 1776, not everyone was allowed to own a gun.
Okay, who wasn't allowed to own a gun?
Oh, slaves!
That's right, slaves weren't allowed to own a gun, so they want to make all of us slaves.
But here's like their new, here's their new buzzword.
Biden claims Second Amendment didn't say you can own any gun you want.
No, you're right.
You know what the Constitution is and the Bill of Rights is?
It's to protect us from the government.
They seem to have forgotten this, Cody.
It's a willful ignorance.
It's a malicious ignorance.
And obviously, when I see the government defending, let's say, restrictions on firearm ownership, they go, well, historically, we've always had these restrictions.
And as you mentioned, these all come from post-Civil War or, let's say, slave code regulations, where there were literally disfavored classes of people who weren't allowed to own firearms.
That's not what we mean.
And that doesn't mean that's traditional or that's for a lawful purpose.
The right to keep and bear arms is absolute and it shall not be infringed.
It's in the text.
And of course it's being infringed upon every day.
But that's what I'm saying is, they're able to get away.
It's the same thing they say, oh, the virus shut down the school, the virus shut down the... No, the government did that!
That's not a damn virus!
No virus came to the school and said, you gotta shut down now, sorry, I'm here and I'm taking over.
No, the government did that.
So it's the same thing.
They always want to put blame on something else somewhere else when it's them doing it.
The Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment, is to protect us from the government.
And now they've somehow flipped it to say, well, the government says not everybody's allowed a gun, slaves.
And the government says, well, the Second Amendment doesn't say you can have any gun you want.
Well, that's not for them to decide.
Yeah, that's right.
And if anything, the Second Amendment is clearly built to protect military grade weapons, you know, of the revolutionary era for this structural purpose of militia defense of the, you know, the freeholders or something.
So if anything, the Second Amendment's about having the cannons and things that Joe Biden says you shouldn't have and not having handguns.
And so everything has slowly kind of flipped in the many generations since then.
And there's all these absurdities for that reason.
But, you know, this ghost gun conversation specifically, to your point, seems to be about reversing the standard of care to say, well, doesn't the government have a right to be defended against all you evil gun owners?
So that's what my next question was going to be.
What do you think this ghost gun, because clearly they want that to be in your mind now.
The whole term ghost gun, that's the buzzword that they've chosen.
They probably think tanks, focus groups decide ghost gun is what we're going with.
That's right.
Should it be villain gun or ghost gun or maybe black gun?
Oh, that might be racist.
So what do you think the real motive of pushing this whole ghost gun thing is right now?
Honestly, man, I think this is a little bit of Emperor wears no clothes, like they're spinning what they can out of almost nothing.
Because the ghost gun settlement, this problem affects less than 1% of crime guns, less than 1% of murders, or any of the things like when Joe goes to New York to deal with the new mayor and say, hey, I'm going to somehow tamp down on the double murder rate that we've had in the last 18 months.
Which is going to double again this year, possibly?
Ghost guns are a vanishingly, almost infinitely small part of that problem.
Like, nothing.
Statistically, nothing.
No part of that problem.
And so, because he can't achieve some meaningful settlement or compromise for the crime problem, which is something that they own and encourage, right?
With their shock troops in the cities.
You've seen it in January, of course.
They want to arm Ukrainians all day long, but not you!
They literally are about, like, sowing this division and this armed conflict in our country and others, and of course, when they can't deal with that problem, they have to point to the lawful gun owner and say, well, something about your freedom here that we haven't addressed is the problem, and therefore we've solved it, and therefore we're not to blame.
And there's two levels of this.
There's the control freaks who are just petty control freak douchebags who just love getting involved in your life and telling you what to do so they just want to control your life and take your guns.
But then there's the elites that don't want you to be armed because they look at you as slaves, commodities, bugs that if they want to kill they want to be able to kill nice and easily.
But that's why they get so panicked is, oh my gosh, you might be able to make a gun at home and I don't know about it?
I can't stand that!
I'm the government!
I'm a lefty!
I need to control your life!
It's great to have Cody Wilson in studio.
We should get you on again soon, because you're just a great in-studio guest.
We're just so busy today, we've only got two segments with you.
But a couple things that I want to get to before we let you go.
What do you think this is going to do for the idea, because you were mentioning it, ghost guns or 3D printed guns, it's like 0% of crime even?
I mean it's like, I don't even know if it registers.
What do you think this is going to do to the concept or the idea of what they're calling quote-unquote ghost guns or 3D printed guns?
Because every time the Democrats push for more gun control, more legislation to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights, they just become the most biggest gun salesman in human history.
I mean, don't you think this is only going to promote the idea?
We saw that, in fact, yesterday.
Polymer 80, which was the primary corporate target of Joe's new rule, the Polymer 80 kits, they completely sold out yesterday.
I'm imagining something like a million dollars in sales in a day.
They couldn't have had a marketing campaign work any better.
You know it's always going to be like this.
Obama famously sold record sales for the gun industry.
It's the same thing at our company, Ghostgunner.
It's the same thing at Ghostguns.com.
I mean, everybody's selling out.
Everybody wants kits.
And there's rules like this take many months to come into effect because they're afraid of lawsuits.
There's APA guidance.
So this rule doesn't even become law for like, let's say, 120 days.
So what do you think's going to happen in the meantime?
Just kit after kit after kit.
And it's like the liberals in a sense understand this.
They know that they're not even removing removing the problem and every year henceforth it's like an
evergreen issue.
They can say, "Oh, those nasty private guns and Americans who insist on building guns
outside these, we've got to tamp down harder."
They'll continue to invent ways to solve a fake problem with fake solutions.
Here's my thing.
It's not logic if it cannot be applied universally.
Then it's illogic.
Their whole approach to guns is illogical.
If I go out and I beat somebody to death with a Louisville Slugger baseball bat, nobody's
going to go to the baseball bat manufacturing company who provided the wood to the baseball
or maybe they'll go and look at a pine tree and they'll say, "Screw you, pine tree.
You caused this person to die from a baseball bat death!
That's insane!
But that's the approach they take to guns!
They say, oh, we gotta go after the manufacturers, we gotta go after the supplies for the, for all the materials and everything, and so they try to shut it down, that's their logic with guns, but not with anything else.
I could go buy a kiln and some clay and mold myself like a cleave or something and go beat somebody with a cleave.
Oh, we've got to ban pottery and clay and kilns.
I mean, of course nobody would ever say that, but that would be their logic applied equally.
That's how you know it's not logical.
To be fair, of course this is all in bad faith.
We all know gun control is about, you know, this bad faith effort to remove a certain political, structural veto power that the American public holds on government.
Or at least to make that government less afraid of us.
Which is a bad idea and not very Republican.
As my co-founder Benjamin Dinio likes to say, if you murder someone with an axe and do your time, when you get out of jail, that next day you can go to the store and buy an axe.
Or make an axe!
Sure, ghost axes.
Yes, ghosts with double hatchets running around.
To be fair though, some progressives are more insane but consistent than others, and so like the Eternal Anglo in the UK, they do actually want to ban knives.
They have many, have banned knives, yeah.
You know, like let's not pursue them to be that...
Well, how am I supposed to eat a steak?
Well, you got two hands.
Pick it up, man.
You know, you bigot.
Why wouldn't you eat it with your hands?
Don't you care about public safety?
So, you know, I don't want to chase them on hypocrisy.
It's just interesting to note what they do and why, which is, like, they don't actually want to solve the gun crime problem because, if anything, it's in their interest to sow this kind of demographic collapse and this otherwise, this tendency to make our public and metropolitan spaces completely unsafe to visit.
And it is interesting, like you pointed out in the previous segment, Senators like, let's say Blumenthal, who's like a chairman of the Armed Services Committee, is exactly the same strident senator who would say, no, public possession of assault rifles can be permitted under the Second Amendment, but he's the very same man that says we have to give AK-47s to every Ukrainian citizen in the name of freedom.
And it's not even a secret.
They know it's just random citizens walking up, joining the Ukrainian army.
Of course.
It's all, like Aaron McIntyre says on Twitter, it'll be a shame when progressives forget that they're into nationalism, borders, and assault weapons to protect democracy.
Yeah, no, that's only in Ukraine.
That's only in Ukraine.
They're not interested in that for you.
Yeah, exactly.
But you know, Biden said a big lie yesterday, but I want to get your response to this.
He said, after fumbling and bumbling through the words, so I'm having to do some editing here, but he said...
Imagine if the tobacco industry had been immune to being sued.
He went on a word fumble, mumble mouth thing, but that's what he was saying.
Is that true?
Is the gun industry or gun manufacturers, are they immune to being sued?
There is a special statute called the PLACA, which protects arms manufacturers against certain kinds of liability, like the use of their products in crimes.
which Congress expected in 2005 was a, I don't know, it is a kind of unique protection.
But it is not true to say that there aren't products liability,
expectations and other things in this industry. That's a lie.
So he's kind of conflating the two problems.
It is true that the gun industry is protected against certain kinds of bad faith litigation.
But for this very reason, because there's so many progressive people in the movement,
which they have all this bad faith and they want to have a hand in making
and telling people how to make firearms.
And so you mentioned Big Tobacco.
That is actually the approach of every town, Giffords, all the Bloomberg controlled entities right now.
They eventually want it to be just like Big Tobacco.
They want to be illegal to advertise firearms on public airways.
in private media and they want to basically specify and put that not just
that orange tip that you remember from like your childhood but they want to put
safety devices and crowd all those other things into firearms to where eventually
all you'll be able to have at home is what make be a 22 handgun that you kind
of can lock away like in a cabinet at the police department.
And your bullets have to be like a mile away or something?
Yeah, yeah, like a standard capacity.
Actually, you know what?
You can have one muzzleloader in your house.
Yeah, exactly.
You can have one muzzleloader.
Fight it, fight it, cut it down with all this false public safety concern, product liability concern, over and over and over.
And their playbook, they've mentioned this in symposia at New York University School of Law and other places.
This is all in the public.
They're going to follow this big tobacco 1990s approach where they're just going to do big, like the Oh God, what was it, the Winchester suit, the Sandy Hook shooting, the other one.
It was a Remington suit, that's right, and they forced that big settlement with Remington because Remington went bankrupt.
That was a huge problem, and they're going to continue to sue every single manufacturer.
And by the way, they're taking that as basically a protocol or a standard of how they want to go after other companies they want shut down.
That's it.
So they're showing you their playbook and I imagine until there's meaningful resistance or a major like Sig actually defeats them in court, they're going to keep doing that.
They're even sponsoring lawsuits from foreign countries like Mexico.
So because there's so much gun crime in Mexico, they're actually sponsoring Mexico as a plaintiff and suing the major manufacturers.
By the way, you're just looking at some of these, uh, I guess these are considered ghost guns by the Biden administration.
These, these look like polymer 80 kits.
And of course that, uh, lowered there on that handgun may have been printed.
In fact, it very likely was, but, uh, that's just the thing about these ghost gun rags.
Maybe they ban polymer 80 kits, but of course it's completely simple, almost impossibly easy to just print the very same thing.
They'll have to ban, they'll have to ban 3d printers next.
And look, I'm sure there's no problem for Democrats in Congress wanting to do that.
It's just they don't have the majorities.
They'll have less of them after November, we think.
So we'll probably see more of this on a state level before we see it again at the federal.
By the way, the irony of Joe Biden saying, oh, the gun companies can't be sued.
Well, not only is that inaccurate, he's the one that goes out and promotes the vaccines all day long.
And the vaccine manufacturers, as far as I...
I think there's some strange things that we don't quite understand yet in the rule.
The rule is so large and I think it has some unintended consequences which we're still processing.
down to it, Cody, what did the ghost gun rule actually accomplish? Anything?
I think there's some strange things that we don't quite understand yet in the rule. The
rule is so large and I think it has some unintended consequences which we're still processing.
So major litigation will proceed, of course. Gun Owners of America, NRA, Farmers Policy
Coalition, a number of people will bring, I think the Second Amendment Foundation and
even my company will be playing us in various challenges or parts of this regulation.
So we'll get to see what ATF says in the litigation as additional explanation for what they mean.
But for now, I would say it remains legal to make a gun at home.
They haven't challenged that.
They can't challenge that, even if they want to.
It remains legal to 3D print your firearms, to CNC mill them, to use products like the Ghost Gunner CNC, or like I said, to use a 3D printer to make a Glock frame.
Not really attack the heart of this industry or its ability to be made and reproduced on the internet.
So what did they do?
Well, you know, there's a lot of nuance there and that's good for a free society.
You want nuance.
You want things to be interpretable because that provides more room for freedom and debate and discussion.
So when does it, if you've got a 3D printer at home, let's say somebody's got a 3D printer at home and they're thinking about maybe doing a 3D print of a gun, when is it considered, I guess, a firearm?
In the case of 3D printing, you're kind of making something from nothing.
So the ghost gun rules don't really catch on.
Because the ghost gun rules are concerned about, like, when I have a block of metal or something that's kind of pre-machined, at what point does it reach a critical stage of manufacture where the law then considers it a firearm.
With a 3D printer, I make something from the ground up, so by the time I'm done, I have made a gun.
I've made something that's legally recognized as a firearm.
But because I didn't pass through, I just did it from plastic filament or whatever you want, I didn't pass through a regulated manufacturer or any other type of authority that needed to include a serial number.
I could just do it on my own.
Cody Wilson with us.
It's good to have you back.
The website is still DEFDIST.org, short for Defense Distributed.
Yeah, that's right.
DEFCAD.com if you want some files, learn how to 3D print a gun.
GhostGunner.net if you want to mail them.
Well, and you've been empowering people with the 3D gun technology for years now, and you've gone through your fights, and we're glad you're with us here today.
Cody Wilson.
Folks, you want to learn more about 3D-printed guns?
Cody, thanks for joining us today.
Thank you, sir.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, Alex Stein.
I think he's in the studio.
He's in the house.
He might be in a woman's swimsuit.
We'll find out soon.
You got all these fake news articles out there, that I got $10 million, don't have that.
I got $20 million, don't have that.
I got $100 million, don't have that.
I don't have that, ladies and gentlemen.
We are maxed out to almost no reserves, trying to put out as many articles and videos and band out video and millions a day watching that.
And we're just such an oasis of truth.
Thank you.
We're keeping us on air.
Just go to InfoWarsTore.com and get some of the great products like Pollen Block, sold out for a year, back in stock.
And Vazobeats, sold out for a long time, back in stock.
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And we have the emergency blowout sales selling out all of our t-shirt designs forever.
They will all be now limited editions.
We'll have some new designs in the future, but hundreds of t-shirts available right now in limited supply.
Some there's a thousand, some there's twenty of them.
The point is they're all selling out now and we need the money to stay on air.
Please visit InfoWarsTees.com.
That takes you right to the sub page.
Stay with us.
Alex Stein, 99.
He's in the studio now.
He's going to be hosting the fourth hour today, but I had to just spend five minutes with him here.
As he joins us on the Alex Jones Show.
He's got some, let's see what we have over here.
We've got some Ivermectin.
Oh boy.
Well, Owen, you know, it's funny because I had a little bit of the sniffles and you know, your boss, AJ, the man, the king, the legend, you know, it went viral when he took his Ivermectin online, you know, on air.
So I said, you know what?
I'm going to take my dose on air and I want to show you guys.
I'm primetime 99.
You know, you're like, oh, that's for a horse.
Well, I am a horse.
If you're watching this, I'm stronger than a horse.
I'm about three horsepower myself.
So I really need three doses of this.
But yes, Owen, we're about to, we're like, this is what I'm saying.
I'm more official than a referee's whistle.
I'm on the AJ Show with the man himself, Owen Schroyer.
You guys, you know, buckle up buttercup because it's going to be a bumpy ride today.
Three horsepower.
Now, how does that apply when you're in the water swimming against other female competitors?
Well, I have a huge advantage.
I'm long.
I mean, honestly, to be honest, you know, I shaved my chest, so that does, you know, I'm a little silkier and smoother in the water, but my pit hair is slowing me down.
You haven't made the full commit?
I didn't.
That's the problem, because I've been competing, but I still have all this hair under my pits.
It's slowing me down.
I mean, it's one thing to shave the chest.
But the pits, it's, you know, I don't know.
And you know what?
Honestly, my chest is so itchy that for the bit, I'll do anything.
So the Seinfeld episode was real?
Oh, yes, dude.
I'm like itching.
I think I had bed... I just got back from New York.
I don't know if I have bed bugs or my chest is itching.
Those are known in New York.
You may have caught a spell.
That's what I'm saying.
No, seriously, I will do anything for the bit, but the fact that I shaved my chest and now I look like I have little breasts, it's not pleasurable.
I like the chest hair.
It covered it up.
I thought you maybe put some padding in it.
There's padding, yes it is!
This is what the next video is going to be.
I bought that bathing suit.
I went to Dick's Sporting Goods trying to buy an official women's race suit.
By the way, Dick's Sporting Goods is probably sexist and bigoted, but we'll cover that later.
Oh, for sure, yeah.
It should be Vagina Sporting Goods.
But this is what I'm saying.
At Dick's, as I walked in there, I couldn't get an official bathing suit that fit.
And they were like $79.
Oh man, imagine Leah Thomas' problems.
I mean, Leah Thomas, Lord have mercy, is taller than me, and has a bigger dong than me, so I'm sure she has a lot of trouble, but this is what I'm saying.
So I went next door to TJ Maxx, and I bought this bathing suit, and it fit like a glove, and except for, the bra has like kind of a wire in it, so I'm actually gonna make a video of me returning it to TJ Maxx, and I'm gonna show them the video, and I think that, I think people will enjoy that, me returning the bra, because, you know, the bathing suit, because the bra was uncomfortable.
Well, and I don't know what you're getting into today, but you brought this up to me, and I'm going to have Cassidy Campbell on hopefully tomorrow to talk about this.
They're changing the rules.
So basically, I love what you've done.
You've created a new genre of content.
You really have.
And now the system is having to respond and adjust itself to this, and I don't think it's fair.
But see, what you've done is you've exposed their logic.
It's not that any man can compete in women's sports, only liberals!
Only liberals are allowed all these advantages that they give.
A conservative's not allowed to do it, so now they're trying to stop you from doing your bits.
Well, 100%.
And see, what I'm doing, and I didn't coin this term, it's called culture jamming, Owen.
It's where you take the craziest part of our culture, and you jam it in their face.
And sadly, this is the reality we live in, when you have Leah Thomas, who swam on the men's team for three years, and then is able to go and compete in the NCAA Championships as a female that still still has his male genitalia and when?
And that's the problem is that's against women's rights.
I mean, we're in the upside down world.
And so when I go and I try to call that hypocrisy out, oh no, we're gonna shut down the meeting.
You only have one minute to speak and they're gonna put it at the end of the meeting.
So what I'm saying is they don't realize when they're doing all of this,
they are proving that we are winning the culture war.
They are so shaken up by, they're afraid.
They gotta change the whole meetings.
And this is one of the city council members said, one of them had half a brain.
He said, you know, I've been a member of this board for years, and this is the first time that we're ever changing the rules, and doesn't it appear that we're letting them win?
And I'm in the audience like, duh!
Obviously it does, because they're bending over backwards, scared to death, anytime Cassidy and I walk in that room.
And it is.
That's exactly what it is.
You're culture jamming.
You're putting a mirror up to society at these city council hearings, and they can't stand it.
Yeah, and you know, like, I know you've spoken at a lot of these meetings, and if you go there and you give them the serious business, you know, they're going to look at you and go, No, you're some tinfoil hat, you're some blah blah blah.
They want you to do that, but the culture jamming is the most effective, because you're just, you're fighting fire with fire.
No, that's it exactly.
I've probably spoken at city councils 10, 15 times, maybe had some viral moments, but nothing nearly as powerful or viral as what you did.
That's because I was serious, like I wanted a serious thing, and they were like, yeah, we don't care, on to the next one.
Alex Stein takes over.
Let's go!
Oh, we're live right now?
Let's go, baby!
It's PRIMETIME99, Alex Stein!
And let me tell you something, the Info War has just gotten started because I'm your General, PRIMETIME99, and I'm trying to do my best Alex Jones impersonation and yelling and screaming, but sadly, what is happening today in this day and age We are being lied to on a huge level, so that's what I want to do, is I want to expose the lies.
So it's such an honor to sit in the same seat as Alex Jones and do the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
For me, guys, I don't want to just sit here and cry and be all sad because we've got a lot of information to get into, but I just want to thank the entire crew, thank everybody at The Infowars for this opportunity.
For me, Dog, I'm in the championship game!
I'm the quarterback!
I'm in the main seat!
So this is such an honor.
And first of all, guys, we've got to talk about what's going on right now in Kiev.
I brought this article up before we even get, before we even really dial into all the information we've got to talk about.
Now in Kiev, they're going back to their plays.
Look at this.
And in a way, they're kind of mocking us.
In this article I pulled up, They're talking about in Kiev, they've brought back the plays.
So now we're in World War III, but apparently they can still have a Shakespearean play.
And what the people are doing in Kiev is they're actually dressing in their finest garments.
And they're going out there, and what they're doing is they're laughing at us.
They're mocking us.
Because what's going on, guys, is we're having a...
World War III, every single warmonger in the world wants us to go, the military-industrial complex wants us to go fight World War III and fight over the border between Russia and Ukraine, and their own citizens are going around and having a matinee and going to the play, yet our border between Texas and Mexico, they don't even care about!
We're here in Austin, Texas, and let me tell you something, you go down the street, there are people that you can tell are strung out on drugs, the same drugs that are being ushered through our border Literally by not just cartels, but we are letting them come through with Joe Biden's Title 42, with what's going on.
All these people are going to have free reign at our country.
Yet we're going to sit here and we're going to capitulate.
To the Ukraine!
To Vladimir Zelensky!
You're gonna have Vladimir Zelensky is at the Grammys!
This is what's going on in the world, guys.
We should all really be upset.
And we need to wake up to the tyranny.
Now, I know Alex says that all the time, but it's just, it's a sad reality when you realize The tyranny that we're actually under, that people are mocking us, people are laughing at us.
They're going to talk about World War III all day long and, oh, we have to support Ukraine, yet they won't even support our own country.
And you have the same guy, Joe Biden, is going to say, oh, the inflation, the reason it's $8 a gallon of gas is because Vladimir Putin.
No, it's going to be $10 a gallon of gas because Joe Biden is incompetent, because he doesn't care about you, because they want to actually get rid of the middle class.
We need to wake up to this, guys.
This is the problem in society in this day and age.
They want you either so poor that when you get your $600 stimulus check, you're like, I can buy my PlayStation!
Oh, I can be on PlayStation and play my video games all day!
And that's where I can escape the harsh reality of the real world!
But that's not okay guys, because $600 to me and $600 to somebody watching this realizes
that doesn't go very far.
But to a person that doesn't realize the harsh reality of our situation, they're going to
cheerlead it.
So this is what I'm trying to say with all that's currently going on in this day and
Our inflation is only going to get drastically worse and we're at the point of no return.
And listen, if you think Donald Trump is automatically going to save it, no, we have to do something.
We have to stand up and metaphorically fight back against the New World Order because this is the problem.
It's a globalization of our resources.
They're going to subvert.
We have enough oil and gas in Texas to supply all of America.
Yeah, the Biden administration makes legislation almost impossible for people to get new drilling rigs in order to get access to our own oil and gas.
And what are they going to do?
They're going to lie to you and they're going to say, oh, oh, the gas is high because...
Of Vladimir Putin!
And Jen Psaki is so full of it, that's why she's running to MSNBC, because she doesn't have anywhere to go, because she knows at the end of the day her goose is cooked.
And we're obviously going to be able to tell that they are so full of dog caca, we can smell it from a mile away.
And I know most of the listeners listening here today, you guys are awake to the tyranny that we're currently experiencing.
But the problem is most people are asleep.
They're at the wheel.
They have no idea what's going on.
They don't have any idea how we're going to fight this inflation.
And you look at companies like BlackRock, you look at companies like Vanguard, what they're doing is they're artificially inflating the price of the housing market in order to make it impossible for a young person to even buy a house.
Because they want you to be a debt slave.
They want you to be addicted to paying your monthly note on your apartment or your car.
And they're gonna look and they're gonna laugh at you and say, oh well, young people just want the hotel lifestyle.
Yet, you look at a guy like Klaus Schwab, who will even tell you in the future, You will owe nothing and you will love it.
You're going to be so happy that you owe nothing because you don't have any stress.
You don't have to mow your lawn.
If your toilet breaks, you don't have to fix it.
Yet there's a million people out there that would love to be able to fix their toilet.
But we have lost the plot because in this day and age, we don't have that ownership mentality.
We don't care about owning anything.
And that's the problem, is we're losing to people like Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, who's going to tell you that you're going to be so happy, you're going to rent your washing machine, you're going to rent your car, you're going to rent your internet service, and you're not going to own one freaking thing.
And they've laid the groundwork now where we're actually fighting the technocracy.
And I know you're like, what does the technocracy have to do with this?
Well, very easily, guys, you have a digital footprint.
And that digital footprint, they can delete you from the internet.
They can put you on the no-fly list.
They can make it where you can't have a bank account.
And then what are you going to do?
You're toast.
You're up a creek without a paddle.
And that's their plan.
So what they're doing now, it's similar to, there's two trains of thoughts.
There's the 1984 George Orwell train of thought, where they're going to take everything from us, they're going to say, oh, love is selfish, and you're going to hate life.
You're not going to have any freedom, you're going to have constant surveillance.
But see, the reason why that isn't, to me, as bad as the brave new world aspect, and these are two rules of thought for the future.
You can either go with the brave new world aspect, where You're going to be able to be on Soma.
They're going to have you pilled out.
You're going to be having constant sex.
You're going to be distracted by movies, television, and media.
And that's currently what's happening.
So in my mind, when I look at the dystopian future that's right around the corner, I actually prefer the 1984 version.
Because at least in that version, people were upset.
People are mad.
People aren't comfortable.
But what they're going to do is they're going to...
They're going to massage your back all the way into the gulags.
They're going to give you a back massage.
Oh, we're going to rub your back.
Oh, you're going to drive a Jeep, but you're never going to own it.
You're going to be tricked into thinking that you live in this materialistic world where materials are going to bring you happiness.
And let me tell you something.
If you think an inanimate object will bring you joy, you're wrong.
You are wrong!
And that is laying the groundwork for the metaverse, guys.
We're seeing this right now, you see on the screen.
When you look at the Oculus headsets and you look at it now, this is just the beginning.
This is the seed that they are planting.
And you can pull up the articles right now.
They're gonna have technology where you're not even gonna be able to differentiate.
Between a digital version of sex and a real version of sex.
They're going to have objects connected to your genitals, connected to your brain, and you're going to want to plug into the metaverse.
So what they're doing now, they're going to make your life as terrible as possible here on planet earth.
And then they're going to say, well, you know, you only live to about 75 years old, but if you go and you plug into the matrix, you plug into the metaverse, you can live for a thousand years.
That's right.
You can live for a thousand years.
And as a matter of fact, if you're overweight, you can be skinny.
You know, you can be the captain of your football team.
You can be Tom Brady in the metaverse.
But what you don't realize is once you plug into that metaverse, guys, that is when they're going to kill you.
That is when they're going to take your soul.
And that's something we have to realize.
They don't want you to know that you are a special being.
That just the fact that you are here was almost impossible.
We have already won the lottery.
We won the lottery of life!
We won!
But you wouldn't know that.
You wouldn't know that because you're too worried about your bills.
You're too worried about A, B, C, or D. And that's what I'm trying to do is I want to wake you up out of that mass hypnosis to realize that every single day on Earth, above ground, is a gift!
Is it gift?
And we're going to get into it on the other side of the break, but I just want to make sure that you guys realize that the future can be changed in the battle of good versus evil.
Good can win, guys, so stay tuned.
I'll see you on the other side of the break.
Thank you, guys.
I appreciate that introduction.
Let's go, baby.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back from the break.
It's primetime 99 Alex Stein, your fourth hour host of the Info War.
Let me tell you something, guys.
We are not going to be able to survive without your support, so I want you guys to really actually go up there, and I'm not trying to sound like one of these pulpit pimps, but I'm telling you, when you support Alex Jones, you're actually supporting an individual that is trying to make a difference, that's not trying to virtue signal.
He is actually virtuous.
He's actually trying to wake people up.
So really consider going to Infowarsstore.com and purchasing something.
Let me tell you something.
Ever since my viral success, I've been using the heck out of the super male vitality.
I got ladies, I'm beating them off with a stick, all right?
And you can have that same success, because I'm telling you, this stuff will make you harder than Chinese arithmetic, as they say.
But at the end of the day, it's not just about that.
There's a lot of other products that are going to help your wellness, because that's what they don't want you to have.
They want you to be eating microplastics.
They want you to be hooked on pharmaceutical drugs.
None of that stuff, at the end of the day, is going to help you.
You really need to look into taking accountability for your own health. That's one of the most
important things we can do because life is short and we don't want to run
into the metaverse because your health is so poor. That's what they're gonna
say they want you so fat. Oh well in the metaverse you could immediately lose
300 pounds. So make sure to go out there and support Infowarsstore.com. Get a t-shirt.
We got a 70% off sale and listen this is not going to enjoy George
Soros's pocket.
This isn't going to some globalist billionaire.
This is actually going to pay for the crew because these people work so hard.
You have no idea the effort they put in there.
And really and truly, they're probably not even compensated well enough because everybody here He's doing this because they know that the agenda against us is a it's a terrible we're under so much tyranny people are doing this for the love of the game as they say these aren't a bunch of diva wide receivers that are sitting out these people come here and show up every day because they know that the fight that they're fighting is just okay so on top of that now let's get back into a little bit of the fourth hour
Now, there's an article coming out about a new book, and it talks and it details about Ghislaine Maxwell.
You're like, Alex, well, you know, I have Ghislaine Maxwell overload.
I'm sick and tired of hearing about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.
Well, let me tell you why this is so important, and this is why we shouldn't ever forget about it, because...
We have Bill Clinton flew on the Lolita Express 26 times, oftentimes without his secret service.
Now that's almost impossible for an ex-president to even get rid of his secret service.
And the reason why I want to bring up this article, because in the article it talks about how Ghislaine Maxwell's dad, Robert Maxwell, who had a proper Israeli funeral, as a matter of fact, we know that he is what we call a double agent.
He worked for Israeli intelligence, and what he would do is he would get information on important people through a process called honeypotting.
Now, I know a lot of people that are listening, they already know this.
But in this honeypotting theory, what they do is, this is what they get politicians.
You see Madison Cawthorn just talking about how they have orgies in Washington.
What they do is they put you in a vulnerable position.
Then they have dirt and evidence.
That's why they want you to sleep with a child.
That's why they want you to do, you know, something, you know, homosexual.
Because then they have leverage on you, and then they own you.
And so you look at Robert Maxwell.
He was one of the most effective people in doing this.
And in this book it talks about how he abused Ghislaine.
It talks about how...
She had special tools that he would use to spank her or to whip her.
Now, for me, I was lucky enough, I only got a spanking if I was really bad, very far and few in between.
I would never ever, you know, think of my dad as an abusive father.
But just the fact that Ghislaine Maxwell's dad, Robert Maxwell, who was a wealthy man, a powerful man, the fact that he would hit his daughter is one of the most disgusting things.
But the problem with it is that these relationships are oftentimes cyclical.
Somebody that was abused as a child, like Ghislaine, Doesn't have the ability to feel empathy for the children that she abuses because she feels like that's their rite of passage because she went through that That's probably the same with Jeffrey Epstein now I don't know about his upbringing but I think it's very likely the abuse that he did to children He may have been abused as a child.
So when you look at this and you look at these high-profile people Look at Ghislaine Maxwell, at Hillary Clinton's, you know, at their daughter's wedding, at Chelsea Clinton's wedding.
These people are the most connected people in the world.
You look at Dennis Hassert, Speaker of the House, convicted pedophile.
You look at, we call, the groomer-in-chief himself, Joe Biden.
Now, we don't have a lot of evidence of Joe Biden doing anything other than weird pictures of him smelling children, but where there's smoke, there's fire, in my opinion.
We have a society and a system that is rigged against us.
And these ultra elites, when they do get in trouble, they get off.
They get small, small punishments.
And now they're trying to capitulate to us and they're locking Ghislaine Maxwell up for life or whatever, you know, lie they're going to give us.
And it's going to be a very unjust punishment because they have information of huge celebrities Huge politicians doing disgusting, even evil things with children that we're never going to see.
We're never going to get the real information.
The same, we're going to get about the same information as when Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself and they said, oh, the cameras were off.
Oh, the guards fell asleep.
And then when they, when they go to court.
The guards are let off.
They have no criminal charges.
And then you look at Jean-Luc Brunel, who is also a child procurer.
He also died under similar circumstances as Jeffrey Epstein.
So these people have evidence, the same, just like Robert Maxwell, that could actually shake the system, could actually do what we want, because really, we want the whole system blown up!
And that's a metaphor.
But we don't want these evil people in power.
We want to expose every single one of them, but we're never going to be able to expose them Because they're always going to give us, you know, they're going to give us a little, a little bit, but never the true, the true information.
They're going to give us, oh, Ghislaine Maxwell got arrested.
Oh, oh, we're so happy she's in jail.
Yet we know Bill Clinton was on that plane.
Celebrities were on that plane.
Bill Gates was on that plane.
And you look at Bill Gates' wife.
She's talking about, oh, I knew Jeffrey Epstein was weird when I met him.
Oh, I knew he was weird.
These are the most powerful people in the world.
Bill Gates has made a global vaccine.
He's the biggest vaccine salesman in the entire world.
And this guy was hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein, somebody that we know abused children.
And nobody in the mainstream media will mention it.
That's why you have to come to a place like InfoWars to get this information.
And that's what makes me so mad.
It makes me so mad that we have the mockingbird media that's never going to give us the real facts.
It's never going to tell you what's really happening.
All they're going to do is tinkle on you all day long and say, Oh, it's raining.
Oh, it's raining.
That's not tinkle.
I know it smells like that, but no, no, that's rainwater.
So you can never get this real information.
We're never going to know unless you open your eyes that God gave you to see.
And that's what I'm trying to ask people to do today.
When I first started creating content, I was coming at it from a real pragmatic sense.
I was giving you guys information, kind of like what I'm doing now, and then I realized people weren't jiving with that.
People weren't really just super accepting of that.
They weren't accepting of it because we're constantly under information overload.
Everybody's, oh, here's a stat.
You look at CNN, oh, it's 600,000 desks, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
From every single aspect, you're going to get data.
And so, what I try to do, and what Alex Jones is so effective at doing, is we have to give them some sugar to help the medicine go down.
We have to actually give them some sort of humor.
We have to create some sort of levity.
Now, I know I'm talking about serious subjects like Ghislaine Maxwell and her being a child sex procurer, but we have to be able to laugh, and not laugh at this, and there's nothing funny about that, but we have to find reasons to have joy.
We have to find reasons to be happy.
Because if we don't, then we're just stuck plugged into their fake matrix, their mainstream media, Don Lamond matrix of all bull crap.
And that's why it's called bull crap, because there's nothing of substance in it.
It won't grow anything.
You can't use it to compost.
And that's the difference between real crap and bull crap.
And we don't want the bull.
We want the real deal stuff.
And that's why you guys listening to InfoWars today, we're gonna be able to give you information.
We're gonna be able to spread the real truth out there and expose these people for their terrible crimes
against humanity.
And let me tell you something, after the break, we're gonna dive deep into some,
a YouTuber got arrested at USC that I have a little personal connection to,
I wanna bring that up.
And then we're also gonna talk about the metaverse.
So we'll see you on the other side of the break.
Stay tuned, thank you guys.
And we're back from the break, guys.
Thank you.
Make sure to go to Infowarsstore.com and give us some support, because we need it, because we are fighting a literal war, and we have the globalists against us.
We're not just saying that.
That's not a hyperbolic statement.
That's not a metaphorical statement.
We are actually fighting globalism, and I want to talk about New York City right now.
It's very convenient.
Joe Biden just had a speech about ghost guns.
And you look at who he's putting in charge of the ATF.
He's putting somebody that wants to get rid of assault weapons.
And they want to, you know, require background checks for everything.
And this is not an accident, guys.
And I'm not saying this is some sort of false flag attack.
I don't want to say that.
But what's happening in New York, what's very convenient.
A person on the subway, in the most famous subway in the entire world.
You can go on my Twitter, you can go, you know, it's all over online right now, the shooting.
These people are, you know, they're leaving a train, things full of smoke, and somebody was shot multiple times.
Now this is where I have a huge problem, guys.
This is in New York City.
These same police officers in New York City, when the people got off the train, because this was a transfer port, a transfer point, there was multiple other trains, I believe it was the R train, the N train, and so now the shooter, the shooter was able to get off that train and then hop on another train to some other borough and magically get away.
Now, guys, we have enough technology to be able to track anybody that goes, you know, they could figure out who these people are, but because he's probably not the right color or because he doesn't fit the right agenda, they're just going to let the guy walk free and they're going to, you know, search and it's going to bring more media attention.
And this is the problem is they want to take away your guns.
They do not want you to have Any sort of protection.
And that's why in this day and age, you really do need to be armed.
You need to be ready.
And in the Ukraine, the same people on the left are saying, oh I hate guns!
I hate guns!
Yet to a citizen in Ukraine, they're just handing them out, oh here's a gun, here's a gun.
Because why?
Because a gun is your last line of defense against tyranny, against a war, against something happening to your family, to your loved ones, to your pets.
So we really need to protect ourselves.
And this is the saddest part about it.
We have people in leadership positions like the ATF and we know these alphabet agencies are so full of garbage.
Look at the Whitmer, the Gretchen Whitmer case right now.
Everybody, all the charges have been dropped and the same FBI people, these are all what we call agent provocateurs, similar to what happened on January 6th.
All of those people that were involved in it, that basically entrapped these American patriots into a fake plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, they actually got promoted!
The same people that ran that investigation got promoted!
It's very similar to after 9-11.
If you believe the official story, which you shouldn't, the same people that let those towers fell down, none of them lost their job.
They all got promoted.
So to bring that back around to New York City. I was just recently there and
if you do watch Fox News, you watch the conservative media, they will describe New York as this dystopian,
you know, hellhole.
And I would have to tend to agree with them a little bit, but in my short time there, it wasn't as bad as I expected.
But as I say that, as I say that, I went to what is called the new One World Trade Center.
And it's called the One World Trade, and for me, that was a very emotional thing, and to dial it in to my own point, is one of the biggest wake-up calls in my entire life was finding out the truth about 9-11, and that it was orchestrated by people within our own government in order to create a never-ending war in the Middle East and destabilize the seven biggest countries that were a threat to Israel and Saudi Arabia.
So, when I look at the globalization of the world, they are mocking us.
They go from the twin towers, two towers, into the one world trade center.
And that's what they want, guys.
They want us under one ruler.
They want it to be one world.
And when we become a group of one, this system will fail.
That is a very bleak future.
We need as much small government and as many different governments as possible.
Because their plan is basically based out of the Bible.
It's Genesis chapter 11 verse 9.
In that, that is the story of the Tower of Babel.
And Nimrod wanted to build a tower to the kingdom of heaven to go kill God.
And what did God do?
He made everybody speak different languages.
Broke them up in separate tribes so they were not able to communicate, and then they were not able to achieve Nimrod, the satanic figure's plan.
Now what's happening now when you look at things like the One World Trade Center, that is the reverse engineered plan of Nimrod.
They want you under one ruler, one language, you know, no borders, just all, everybody's under the same country.
And then that means Satan is calling the shots.
And that's what we have to fight.
It's a battle of good versus evil.
I tell this story all the time.
And I know that good, at the end of the day, good is going to win.
But it's not going to be an easy win.
It's going to be 39 to 38.
It's going to be a barn burner.
And that's why we have to support the info war.
We have to support each other.
We have to love one another.
And I'm not trying to sound, you know, colloquial or anecdotal.
Oh, we gotta spread love.
But they want to keep us in this negative vibrational state.
They want to keep you in a constant state of fight or flight so that you are able to be manipulated.
So that when you read the death scroller on CNN, you're like, oh, I'm so scared.
I'm going to put on all my mask and I'm going to take all my boosters.
I'm so nervous.
They don't want you healthy.
They want you depressed.
And if you go to your doctor and you say, you know, I'm having anxiety and depression, they're going to give you SSRIs that make you have suicidal idolization.
If they cared about you, why would they give a suicidal person medicine that makes it more suicide?
More suicidal?
It doesn't make sense!
Because we live in a world that doesn't care about you.
They don't.
The only person that's going to care about you is you and that's why we have to take self-accountability.
That's why we have to do something now.
We have to strike while the iron is hot.
People just went through this pandemic and people are waking up.
I've been awake for a little bit longer than most people, but that's still relatively new compared to people like Alex, compared to a lot of the people that are working on the crew.
So I'm saying, there is levels to this.
There is levels to your awakening.
So it's hard to go to your family and be like, oh, you know, 9-11 was an inside job.
Of course, they're going to look at you like a goofball.
They're going to say, oh, well, that's crazy.
But that's not why we give them that.
What we try to do is we try to, what I try to do, is I try to jam the crazy left culture in their face.
It's called culture jamming.
And you look at situations like Leah Thomas.
Leah Thomas was a boy, and I talked about this earlier with Owen, that swam on the Boys University of Pennsylvania swim team for three years.
Then decided that now now William is Leah and Leah is going to take hormone therapy and Leah is going to join the girls team and Leah is going to go to the NCAA Championships and not only compete but she's going to win two events first place.
But unfortunately Leah still has male genitalia.
Leah is still six foot five, 215 pounds, and is built different than any other competitor.
But the mainstream media is going to look at you in your face and say, Oh, this is good.
This is progressive.
Guys, the progression that we are heading is a dystopian nightmare.
This is not progress.
Letting the boys swim with the girls.
That is part of the plan in the future.
They want us all to be one race and one sex.
That's why they say, oh, they don't even... Kentucky Brown Jackson, the new Supreme Court Justice, when they just asked her a simple question, she can't even define a woman.
She says, well, I'm not a biologist.
So she even admits that it takes biology to decide what a boy and girl is.
And it's very simple, guys.
A girl has her period.
A girl can have a baby.
A boy can't.
All you need to watch is a movie, Kindergarten Cop, with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Girls have a vagina, boys have a penis.
It's that simple.
But they want to blur the lines to keep you in this constant state of confusion so you have no idea what is up, what is down.
Even these people, one of the most honorable lifetime judges, one of the highest positions that you can possibly be.
Can't even do a simple definition of the difference between a boy and a girl!
And you're like, Alex, why are you yelling and screaming?
Because this is sad!
This is sick!
It makes me sick!
I come up here, and with the people that are put on a pedestal, Joe Biden, you look at, we need to pull up the clip, Saudi Arabia, everybody's making fun of, there's a viral clip right now, basically just bashing Joe Biden about how dumb he is and how incompetent he is and how incompetent Kamala Harris is.
So these people that are in the most high, Powerful positions!
All are idiots!
And they're not there on accident!
They're placed there by people like George Soros, people like Bill Gates, these people like Klaus Schwab!
These puppets that are ruining the world, guys, and we're going to expose all of that!
So stay tuned after the break, and we got a lot more to talk about, but I just want to say, we got to wake up!
Before it is too late, we're gonna see you guys on the other side of the break.
Guys, the time is flying by.
You know, this is one of our last segments for Primetime, 9 to 9, filling in for the king himself, Alex Jones.
And I want to start off by talking about in Tennessee, guys.
They just made it right now.
You can get ivermectin without a prescription.
And why that is a big deal is you look at countries like Nigeria that have had some of the lowest rates of COVID.
In that country, they often prescribe Ivermectin as just, you know, basically given because they have so many, you know, river issues, they have a lot of bacterial issues there.
So they give it to their people just, it's just a common thing.
And we know that Alex, you know, one of his most viral things he ever did was taking a little Ivermectin on air.
So in honor of him, I got a little, I got a little bit of the sniffles, as you say.
And you know, I love this apple flavor.
If we can zoom in on this, guys, this is, this is, uh, where does it say apple?
I want, oh, right here.
This is, this is what, this is what it's all about, baby.
It's that apple flavor.
So I want to show you guys, this is all it takes.
You know, I'm not in Tennessee.
Sadly here in Texas, I can't go get my ivermectin.
They want me to get the COVID.
They want me to go get on a ventilator and they want me to die.
But guess what?
I'm going to do a little, this is a little Primetime99 Alex Stein, and this is a little Nigerian trick.
I learned this in Nigeria.
You get it on there guys, you get it on there, and the apple flavor, this is for you, this is for AJ.
The New World Order, they're not going to get me.
I think that's just how you have to react after you take a little Ivermectin.
But, mmm!
Man, that goes down very smooth.
But I wanted to bring a little Ivermectin awareness and congratulate Tennessee for being based in reality.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
I love it.
We got to be a little more based in reality and actually let people have access to this stuff because in other countries, you can just get it over the counter.
But here in America, if Big Pharma can't tax you and can't make money off it.
Then you can't get it.
And sadly, that's the problem.
These multinational corporations, they got all the money in the world.
They don't even need money, guys.
They got it all.
And you look at Apple.
They're one of the biggest companies in the world.
And you know how they treat their employees at their Foxconn factory?
They have suicide nets because so many people are jumping off it.
So that's how much these companies care about you.
They're so empathetic.
Their own employees are jumping off their factory.
Killing themselves and the best way that they can come up with combating it is building nets to catch them when they fall off.
So this is the day and age that we live in when the most powerful company in the world that has the most money can't even support their own employees enough to make it where they don't want to kill themselves while they're at work.
And really and truly, this is just a good indication of what's happening in our world today.
Sadly, it's not very much different than when you go to your doctor and you say, oh, I'm suffering from depression, and they give you the SSRI that is going to make you have suicidal thoughts.
Okay, guys, I'm saying guys a lot.
I apologize for that.
I'm just so excited to be here, and I know my time is running short, so if you guys enjoy this, you know, please let the crew, you know, please let Alex especially know that you enjoyed my time.
I want to talk about this.
I kind of want to end it on this.
Right now in Plano, Texas, a few of my viral videos have really shaken the mayor and the council members to their core.
And they're actually making it, they're changing the rules and making it where now you can only speak for one minute.
And they're also putting the public comment at the end of the meeting.
So how are we going to combat this?
And they're actually, on top of all that, they're putting an agenda item in two weeks to get rid of the public comment altogether so that they can do it at a special meeting that isn't recorded.
So they are scared to death.
So we are making a difference.
So this, what I'm doing right now, is a call to action.
I want to try to get anybody, it doesn't matter what your grievance is, it can be something small, it can be something serious.
You don't have to put on a woman's bathing suit and go up there and mock Clea Thomas.
You can talk about something serious or you can go up there and talk about something goofy.
But I want everybody in the world to go out there and speak and call out these politicians because what happens when these people get elected, all of a sudden they think That we work for them!
That's not the case!
They work for us!
You need to let them know!
You need to go!
All you gotta do is a simple Google search, whatever city you live in, how to sign up at ABCD, how to sign up at the Tallahassee City Council.
I guarantee you, the first thing that comes up on Google is going to be a link, how to do it.
I'm not a genius.
If I can figure out how to speak at all these meetings, I promise you guys can figure this out too.
And we need to do a call to action.
We need as many people standing up To these politicians.
And you're like, Alex, well, I don't have the same, you know, ability to you to public speak or embarrass yourself.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
Me going to Plano, Texas over three months has made them change their rules that they've had in place for years.
So we can shake up the system and the reason why we need to shake it up at a local level because guys like George Soros, they are the people that are funding the district attorneys.
They are the people that are picking the county judge that are all rigged against you.
So you need to stand up against this tyranny and you can do it.
You don't need to live in fear.
They want you to be afraid.
Your life is going to be short.
Really and truly, life is almost meaningless unless we leave our legacy on this earth.
And you can leave your legacy here on this earth by standing up to the tyrannical nightmare that we're currently under.
And the lower the level, the better it is.
And why do you think that is?
Because it goes, it's a reverse funnel.
When they know at the lower level that people are standing up, it scares them.
Then they, all these people, all these mayors, they talk to other politicians.
And that's what's happening.
There's a coordinated effort to try to silence me.
I'm just one man.
I know I'm Primetime99 and I got the ego and I talk the talk and I do all the, you know, all the jazz.
There's a lot of jazz with Primetime99.
But I'm just a normal guy.
I put on my pants, one leg at a time, just like you.
You can do this too.
You can shake up the system.
If me and Cassidy Campbell can make a mayor of a prime city, a city with a million people in it, scared to death, when we walk in the room their eyes look like dinner plates.
You can do it too, and you can do it by calling them out because everybody else lives in that constant state of fear.
Everybody else is in a constant state of trauma-based mind control, and they're too scared.
They're afraid of the repercussions.
But you need to be unapologetically yourself.
You don't need to apologize for being you.
You don't need to apologize for being yourself.
They want you to fit into... They want to make you fit inside of a block, inside of a square!
And human beings, we don't do that!
I don't do that!
I think outside the box.
Or as Taco Bell used to say, I think outside the bun.
That's a brilliant saying.
I know you're talking about Taco Bell, but I'm just trying to use it as a metaphor.
It's that we have to be different.
We have to try something new.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
And currently, that's what's going on.
We're doing the same thing.
We know Joe Biden is a puppet.
We know Kamala Harris is unqualified.
But nobody's standing up to these people.
So where can you stand up?
You stand up to your local mayor.
You stand up to your local council member.
And that will bleed its way up.
Because that fear that these politicians have will spread.
And our energy will spread, too.
Because, sadly, when you're in that low vibrational state, misery loves company.
It attracts more misery.
But if you cannot live in fear and you can rise up to that high vibrational energy like I have, you attract more high vibrational energy and then you can actually have some joy in your life.
So we need to take the worst parts of our culture and jam it in their face to wake up people to what is really going on.
One of the most effective things that Cassidy and I, and I bring up Cassidy Campbell because he's a partner in crime of mine, we go out there and we wake, we try to wake people up.
But we go out there and we fake canvas as Beto O'Rourke supporters.
And a lot of people say, oh, I support Beto.
And then you say, hey, well, do you think a five-year-old should be able to reassign their gender?
Do you think six-year-olds should be able to take hormone blockers?
Do you think nine-year-olds should have gender reassignment surgery?
And these people are thinking, well, I don't know.
That sounds kind of bad.
These are what these people want!
Better or worse, we're going to protect trans kids.
What the heck?
You need to protect all kids!
We don't need to capitulate to the 1%.
That's what they want to do, is they want to make 99% of the population bow down to less than 1%.
They want to make every other female swimmer, all 99% of them, lose their ability to have or have a championship to less than 1%, Leah Thomas!
Because they have their thumb on the scale.
We live in a rigged system and the only way we're ever going to fix it is if we stand up to the tyranny before it's too late!
And you need to spread this information far and wide.
You look at Alex, he's been deplatformed.
He's been lied about.
They have deleted him from the internet, basically.
So you, the best thing you can do to fight this culture war is you spread this information to your friends, to your family, to whoever will listen.
Because this is the information they don't want you to have.
They don't want you to know you can get ivermectin in Tennessee.
They don't want you to know that Bill Clinton was on the Lolita Express 26 times.
They don't want you to know Bill Gates is best friends with Jeffrey Epstein.
There's some serious stuff they don't want you to know!
So we gotta wake people up!
They don't want you to know about the CIA during the Iran-Contra trading guns with Nicaragua for cocaine and then selling that cocaine to citizens of our own country and getting people, creating a crack epidemic.
Or the opioid epidemic created by the Pfizer pharmaceutical companies.
Or the current fentanyl epidemic.
They don't want you to worry about that.
Or the over 100,000 drug overdose deaths.
All they're going to do is tell you, wear a mask, take your vaccine.
Well, we are the vaccine to the New World Order.
Infowars is the New World Order vaccine!
So if you like your vaccine, you need to support the friggin' Infowar!
Before it's too late!
Because right now, the time to strike is while the iron is hot.
So I want to see you.
A call to action.
Come and speak at any meeting, any opportunity, and try to wake people up.
We'll see you later, guys.
Thank you.
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You need the two together.
It is back in stock.
It is 40% off.
That sale is going to be to be ending on Monday or so because we've already sold out
a lot of the stock.
And we're trying to, again, reach our underages with things we don't have in stock anymore
that people buy by selling out of the t-shirts.
And we had 63,000 t-shirts over the last few years I ordered and bid and never promoted
or sold.
We had a lot of, some t-shirts sold well, some didn't.
We had a lot of them just building up.
Some of the best sellers are there as well.
We're never going to reprint any of these.
We'll have all new shirts after this.
And I appreciate everybody coming through.
We've already sold out 20% of the stock.
So in another week or two, we should sell out of all these t-shirts.
Your last chance to get them ever.
We're selling them at cost at infowarestore.com.
Thank you for your support.
Stay with us.
My guest is David Sinclair from VoltaWireless.com, and this is so great that we're having new endeavors in the private market startup to fight against big tech on so many different fronts, whether it's video platforms like Rumble or Band-Op Video, and now tech companies like Volta that wanna help you maintain your privacy.
VoltaWireless.com for more information.
And even though the phone is pre-order right now, they ship out in May, you still can get the Volta Wireless services with the app and other things.
Yeah, so you can go out to the site today, place an order for a phone, place an order for a subscription.
What you'll be able to do is immediately download the app and start using the service right away.
And what services can they use right away?
Well, so immediately you'll get a Volta Private Number, which is essentially an anonymous phone number that you can use to make and receive calls.
Nobody knows who it's assigned to.
assigned to. If you want to keep your existing phone number, you can port that number over
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And, you know, right now... And that's the Volta Digital Nomad Package.
The Volta Digital Nomad Package gives you the unlimited talk, text, and high-speed data.
We have other packages that will give you unlimited talk, text, and low-speed data, but what we find is most people aren't really happy with the low-speed data because most people want to be able to do something on the Internet.
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So, if you want to be able to do stuff on the internet, you really need to do the high-speed data plan, which is the $39.99 a month.
Right now, if you use the code ALEX, A-L-E-X, when you subscribe, you get your first month for $9.99.
For most people, I would imagine this is probably going to even lower your phone bill.
I know it would for me.
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VoltaWireless.com, again, is the website.
VoltaWireless.com, folks.
It's the cell phone for privacy for everyone.