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Name: 20220406_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 6, 2022
2077 lines.

In a deposition, Alex Jones discusses his coverage of the Sandy Hook shooting and its legal implications. He believes people have a right to question events under the First Amendment but criticizes mainstream media for misrepresenting his statements regarding the tragedy. Jones claims he's being railroaded in the legal process, facing unfair fines and changing deposition times from the opposing party. He argues that lack of trust in mainstream media and government is due to them lying too much and defends InfoWars' role in discrediting corporate media. Jones encourages listeners to support InfoWars projects like the Liberty Coin, which represents a memento of liberty and freedom. He emphasizes financial backing as essential to prosecute the information war against globalist forces like Soros. The speaker discusses the importance of exposing lies about COVID hysteria, climate change, and other deceptions through sharing truthful information.

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Governments are now not just interested in where we go and who we meet, but even in what's happening inside our bodies.
You see, this is a declaration of war against humanity.
And the Tavistock Institute and all the big tech companies that are pushing transgenderism admit that once you accept a man being a woman and a woman being a man, you'll accept babies being grown in pods, you'll accept human-animal hybrids, you'll accept humanoid clones that aren't really human, but...
Don't have rights, but are indistinguishable from humans.
This is the future.
This is how, in the name of civil rights, the globalists are bringing in a system that takes all of our rights away and turns us into a big corporate commodity.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's going to happen at the end of
this, but you want to fight, you better believe you got one!"
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Meet your new Supreme Court Judge, Ketanji Jackson.
In every single case involving child pornography, Judge Ketanji Jackson has been lenient and openly sympathetic with the perpetrators of child rape pornography.
Christopher Michael Downs openly bragged about molesting his 13-year-old cousin.
He was arrested for trading videos of child rape, including children as young as two years old.
Judge Jackson gave him the absolute bare minimum sentence.
Ryan Manning Cooper was arrested for having more than 600 images involving the rape and torture of children, including infants and toddlers, which is why the prosecutors made it clear that the case was on the more egregious or extreme spectrum.
But Judge Jackson disagreed and ruled that distributing images of infants and toddlers being raped is not especially egregious.
Wesley Keith Hawkins posted videos of 11-year-old boys being raped by men.
Jackson only gave him three months, sent him to a low-security prison, arranged for special protections, and apologized to him, telling him that she feels so sorry for him and his family, and for the anguish that this has caused all of them.
In explaining her light sentence, Judge Jackson argued for the child pornographer's future potential.
Six years later, he was arrested again for distributing child rape porn, and Jackson re-sentenced him to only six months in a residential re-entry center.
Neil Alexander Stewart was arrested with hundreds of images and videos of child rape, while trying to procure children between the ages of 5 and 11 to rape them.
Judge Jackson admitted that the felon was likely to re-offend, but still gave a light sentence, arguing that the current recommendations for child sex offenders is outdated and substantially flawed.
Three years later, Stewart re-offended.
This is how Judge Jackson got her start.
In 2009, President Obama nominated her to vice chair the U.S.
Sentencing Commission, where she helped weaken federal sentencing policy for child pornographers by arguing that child pornographers are not pedophiles.
Which is similar to how Hillary Clinton got her start when she defended a group of men who violently gang raped a child and later joked how she knew they were guilty.
It's also very interesting that when the biggest pedophile scandal in history broke, Judge Jackson was there.
After WikiLeaks released the Podesta emails, millions of people were asking questions about a strange coded language being used between President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their friends.
A code that seemed to reflect what the FBI says is secret code for pedophiles.
The whole sordid mess became known as Pizzagate.
And when the Fed's cleanup operation ended up in the courts, Judge Kitanji Jackson was there to help tidy it all up.
I'm sure this is all just a coincidence.
Just like it was a coincidence that the world's most infamous pedophile blackmail artist killed himself in jail while the guards were surfing the internet.
And just like it's a coincidence that Congress has paid out millions of dollars in court settlements that involve sexual assault.
In some parallel universe, there may be an Earth that protects its children from pedophiles and other child predators.
But not this one.
On this Earth, we pay them taxes and sacrifice our children to them.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reis.
And the title of this session
Are we ready for a new world order?
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Wednesday, April 6.
The year is 2022, and we have very important developments concerning the globalist plan to relaunch the COVID-19 lockdowns.
We're about to lay that out in a moment.
Again, thank you for joining us.
Paul Joseph Watson, Owen Schroyer and others will be taking over here in just a few minutes.
Front and center.
If we don't identify the globalists and the corporate crime syndicate as enemies of humanity and if we don't address the fact that they are the ones on record orchestrating the engineered collapse of industrial civilization, Then we have no hope.
The good news is, as you've seen around the world with elections and with our own Congress beginning to talk about it, the world is awakening to the real threat.
The question is, will we wake up fast enough to reverse this?
Front and center for them is to demonize and attack anyone that talks about this.
I am here in Connecticut with the whole Democratic Party funded, run, anti-free speech, anti-gun, Sandy Hook charade that's going on with their attempts to demonize me and set the precedent to ban everybody's speech.
And the first thing they brought up was, you believe in a New World Order.
You believe in one world government.
You believe in an armed overthrow of the New World Order.
So again, they're trying to demonize me as a terrorist who opposes the one world government that doesn't exist at the same time because the New York Times says so, even though just last week Klaus Schwab had their big event in Dubai titled World Government Conference and in it, Schwab and Harari and all the rest of the same cast of characters, James Bond villains, said the post-human world is here, And if the world economy is collapsing, but don't worry, they're going to build a new green system on its ashes, build back better.
And Booty Judge came out and said the same thing here in the U.S.
But that's okay, because again, they're allowed to push world government, corporate world government.
We're just not allowed to oppose it.
When we talk about it, we're crazy and violent, and it doesn't exist.
That's gaslighting.
That's brainwashing.
So here's this former federal prosecutor who's prosecuting the First Amendment and all of our freedoms.
In the first 20 minutes, he spent hammering me for believing in an imaginary new world order and global government and that I want to be violent and overthrow people.
Which goes the whole January 6th narrative and how they're trying to brand any political opposition as violent to what they're doing, but all the Democrat violence is mostly peaceful.
And Kamala Harris bailing out rioters and looters and people trying to burn down the federal courthouse in Oregon, they're in Portland, that's all okay as well.
Now I'm going to segue out of that.
I'm just pointing out how we have global government up here and we have their prosecutors now with lawfare trying to shut down our free speech at the grassroots level.
And that's so we cannot oppose the worldwide biomedical tyranny.
That is the basis of the World ID, the World Social Credit Score, the World Carbon Tax that they admit is now being rolled out on a planetary scale under the auspices of the vaccine passport.
So there's a big article from Zero Hedge up on InfoWars.com and I'm a Zero Hedge fan but sometimes they have articles that are quite frankly establishment.
And so I saw this story pop up on our site today and I just wanted to respond to it because Really what it should say is China and the globalists will roll out the next phase of COVID hysteria ahead of new lockdowns.
And we know Fauci and Gates and others have said, oh, look in the fall for it to be back in new lockdowns.
The head health minister in Canada came out a month ago and again yesterday said the same thing.
So they're clearly pre-programming and preparing everyone for this.
And the last time, 26 months ago, they started the hysteria in China.
And now, we're doing it again, and Xi is working closely with Bill Gates, the globalist on record, to coordinate and choreograph this whole rollout.
So the Zero Hedge article is like, oh, Xi's having trouble.
He tried to save everybody from the COVID, but it just got out of control.
His martial law didn't work.
What is he going to do?
He's not going to be able to have a zero COVID policy now.
Well, it's acting like he failed with martial law and failed with people kneeling and being scanned and failed with the robots and drones flying around and failed with people being welded into their homes and electric fences being put up around their houses so they couldn't get out.
All this dystopic martial law rollout for China and the world is not a failure of Xi.
It's showing them the pretext and the excuse and showing the world how the police state's supposed to work with all of our media pointing at it and saying, look, that's what we need here.
That's what they do in communist China.
That's what they do in authoritarian Australia.
But it's all part of the Build Back Better, Davos group, globalist cult that's coordinating this whole thing with China.
So President Xi faces an impossible dilemma in Shanghai as COVID outbreak worsens despite the COVID lockdown.
In the span of just over a week, the CCP authorities have gone from denying plans for a citywide lockdown of Shanghai to announcing what was supposed to be a two-part staggered lockdown to simply locking down the entire city and sitting in the military and a contingent of medical workers as locals accuse the government of violating its social compact to put the people's interests first.
Now the entire city of roughly 26 million faces what's already shaping up to be the most punishing lockdowns in China since the original three-month Wuhan lockdown nightmare, and then it just goes on.
We've got 9,000 asymptomatic cases, meaning they're not even sick, but we just have to
have the image, like out of a zombie apocalypse, of thousands of government vans going in into
huge identical tower blocks and taking everyone to giant garbage rat-filled quarantine centers.
I mean, this is dystopic garbage, because Xi is getting ready for the global financial
collapse that they are orchestrating to bring in the new global currency, that is programmable
And he's working in concert with the Davos group, with Bill Gates, and the most hardcore
group inside the new world order.
This is their exact plan.
And that's why they want us off air, because they know we're raising the alarm, and a lot of thought leaders are listening to us and checking out what we're saying and learning it's true.
So let's not buy in to this new, oh my gosh, there's a lockdown in China, oh, there's a new variant of Delta, it's coming out.
Let's hammer that it came out of the lab with Fauci and the Chinese and Gates and Daszak,
that it is weaponized, that they did release it, and now they've given us a vaccine that
creates the same thing on our body and erases our immune system so that future viruses can
kill us much, much easier.
That is what's happening, is martial law through the medical system, a biomedical tyranny.
We're going to go to break.
Your guest hosts are going to take back over.
I want to thank you all for your support, and I want to encourage you to be more vocal than you've ever been now, because this is the season of awakening.
This is the season when the globalists are making their move against humanity, and people are really receptive to the truth right now.
So don't let them gaslight you.
Don't let them tell you that there's not a new world order, not a global government, while they also announce it out of the other side of their mouth.
call them out on it and just move forward and keep raising the alarm in a peaceful way,
Paul Reveres.
God bless and good luck.
So far, it's corporations and governments collecting data about where we go, who we
meet, what movies we watch.
The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin.
The whole idea that humans have, you know, they have this soul or spirit and they have free will and nobody knows what's happening inside me, so whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will, that's over.
We have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale.
New surveillance technologies that are now deployed just to deal with this coronavirus outbreak.
When it's over, some governments may say, yes, but there is a second wave of corona coming, so we have to be prepared.
And there is Ebola, and there is also regular flu.
Why not protect people against that too with this new surveillance system?
Also, it's the moment when surveillance goes really under the skin.
Governments are now not just interested in where we go and who we meet, but even in what's happening inside our bodies.
And now's the time when things are shifting.
There's going to be a new world order out there.
And we've got to lead it.
We've got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.
Did you ever think you'd see the day?
Elon Musk is now the largest individual shareholder of Twitter.
And today he was appointed to the Board of Directors.
What a turn!
All this just days after Musk said Twitter's failure to uphold free speech fundamentally undermines democracy.
All the right people are fuming.
A prominent transphobe buying a large stake in Twitter, isn't that just all funny?
I'm honestly kind of terrified right now.
When ember seals with preferred pronouns in their bios are big mad, you know it's a good day for the good guys.
Others complained about the impact on the company culture.
Oh no, not the precious company culture!
Culture of what?
Weaponised mobs of angry soyjacks and beard-splainers.
Demanding anyone who dares suggest chromosomes exist be publicly humiliated and banned.
Swivel on it!
Bring back Trump.
Make Twitter fun again!
Oh my god!
Look at that!
Holy smokes, man!
But can Elon save Twitter?
Surely he's up against a wall of opposition.
But many of them won't be there for much longer.
Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal, the guy who threw free speech under a bus back in 2018, he's gonna be gone soon.
Jack Dorsey seems to be on the road to achieving some kind of miraculous escape from perdition to penance.
He expressed regret over the weekend for his role in helping giant corporations obtain monopolies over content and speech.
And then he welcomed Musk joining.
The board, many of the alphabet people and other adversaries of free speech, will, if Elon sees us control, be forced to perform their duty of moral exhibitionist seppuku and quit the company.
But the regime won't give up the fight so easily.
A condition of Musk being on the board of Twitter is that while he's on it, he's prevented from buying more than 14.9% of the company's stock.
That stops him from buying more of the company or the whole thing.
But his new position will give him huge influence over Twitter's increasingly draconian rules and content policies.
After he asked whether Twitter adhered to free speech, Musk indicated he was giving serious thought to starting a competitor.
According to analysis by Bank of America, quote, if Twitter does not agree to modify its content policies in line with Elon's vision, the Tesla founder could pull the trigger on creating a new competitor.
Not Truth Social or any other of these naff efforts.
One with teeth and mammoth funding.
Zero hedge summarizers.
One thing is clear, the current management team at Twitter, headed by woke CEO Parag Agrawal, is as good as gone.
Get woke, go broke in reverse.
The mere prospect of Twitter once again becoming a genuine free speech platform is invigorating.
Rescued from the pearl-clutching grasp of echo chamber blue checkmarks.
Liberated from abuse by cretinous journalists who weaponized it to ruin people's lives and silence ideological opposition.
Freed from the Ministry of Truth fact-checker legacy media industrial complex who sanitized it by banning anyone interesting and ring-fencing permissible Overton windows of discussion.
Emancipated from screeching AstroTurf hashtag activists and the mob.
Who manipulated it to dogpile, publicly shame, tar and feather anyone who dared contradict regime narratives?
To think that all that malignancy will just vanish overnight is pie in the sky.
But there's a real chance of change.
Hang on, isn't this all a Trojan horse?
How could it be that the richest man in the world isn't in fact part of the regime?
It just sounds too good to be true.
Well, it is true.
I can confirm.
With 100% certainty, the Elon Musk is indeed based.
And much to the horror of the woke cretins who have had the run of the social media network for years, Twitter may be about to be based again too.
Feels like we're back, boys.
Feels like we're back!
There you go, that's the latest from Paul Joseph Watson.
You can find that video at Infowars.com, band.video.
This is Harrison Smith, sitting in momentarily for Alex Jones.
We'll go back to an Alex Jones report that he filed from On The Road about Joe Rogan and the transgender agenda.
Very exciting stuff.
Just, just, I love talking about this all day.
I gotta be honest.
I don't know how Alex Jones does it.
I really don't.
I've been working here for about five years, and it is a weight, man, to have to talk about this every day, to have to focus on this every day.
And we have victories, don't get me wrong, but they're always a little bit bittersweet, aren't they?
Like, especially now with all the talk about transgenderism in the news.
People waking up to the cult indoctrination that our children are subjected to in public schools.
It's like, on one hand, it's like, good, yes, wake up to this.
Realize what's going on.
Hopefully now you can take that next step into understanding that this isn't a simple or momentary aberration but as part of a much larger plan of dehumanization
as part of depopulation like hopefully you can take that next step so it's good
people are understanding what's going on now the bad news is that it's been going on for years and
nobody seemed to care i mean how many years have we shown videos of drag queen story hour i mean that happened in
what 2016 at the We're the only outlet talking about it?
We're the only ones going, yeah, this is weird.
This is creepy when you have a man with a beard in a see-through dress twerking for a child.
There's something weird about this, in our opinion.
It's strange, and the drag queen stuff is especially strange because it doesn't even have the cover of transgenderism, right?
Transgenderism, you could at least claim, if you wanted to, that there was some sort of, you know, something going on in the mind.
Oh, I'm not the gender I was born as.
But drag queens, they're just men.
They know they're men.
They're not pretending to be women.
They're dressing up like women.
For sexual gratification.
Like, it's really not that complicated.
So we were talking about this forever.
So it's always bittersweet.
It's always like, good, yes, you're waking up to this.
But at the same time, where the heck were you?
Why did it take you this long?
You understand that if we had stopped this five years ago, it would have never gotten to this point.
And that because you ignored us, because you rolled your eyes, because you had this pathological altruism of, oh well, they just want to be themselves, and you allowed the predators to target your children, now we got a lot of reversal to do.
A lot of pushback.
To get into and I'll talk about in the next segment some of the calls I got this morning on American Journal, the show that I host from 8 to 11 every weekday morning here on InfoWars.com.
We are a call-in show primarily and the last two or three calls that we got are really stuck in my mind because it's more widespread than you would think the way that the state Law enforcement apparatus is cooperating and working hand-in-hand with the public school system to enforce transgenderism.
I mean, it's cult indoctrination at the start, but the enforcement arm of this cult is the Child Protective Services.
And it's pretty horrific.
And I'll read some stories and tell you about one of the callers that we had that herself got CPS called on her.
They tried to take her children away for simply asking questions to the elementary school about what her son was being taught.
And this is all happening at an incredibly rapid rate and across the world in a coordinated and designed manner to bring about their ultimate goal, which is total subjugation of all of humanity under a single globalist super state.
Are we starting to get that now, or is it going to be like once the Antichrist is on his throne and everybody's pledging allegiance that the rest of the world goes, this is kind of weird.
I didn't expect it to get to this point.
Well, why not?
What's going to stop it?
They're not going to stop themselves.
You have to stop them.
It's the only way.
And we'll talk about how on the other side.
This is the Alex Jones Show on FullHorse.com.
Alright, welcome back.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Harrison Smith, sitting in for Alex, who is on the road right now.
We'll be hearing a report from Alex in the next segment about Joe Rogan and Leah Thomas.
And I guess that's just our lot in life now, is we're just going to have to talk about transgenderism all day, every day, until we sort things out and get back to some semblance of normalcy.
We'll take on that burden.
We'll keep talking about it.
We have for years, and now apparently everybody else is waking up, to what's really going on.
The full-on cult indoctrination taking place in our public schools using child protective services as the enforcement arm of this bizarre religious ideology.
You know, in that last segment, Just as a quick little segue, quick little note, Paul Joseph Watson said that Elon Musk is based, and I'd have to agree, overall.
But then of course, any time I mention Elon Musk on something like Twitter, I'll get responses of people going, how could he possibly be based?
He's a globalist that wants to put a microchip in your head.
It's like, yeah, yeah, that's true.
Actually, that's really creepy.
And weird, in the Neuralink brain interface, I mean, that is the ultimate goal.
So how based is he really?
And what you realize is that we're just so desperate, hungry, famished for just a modicum, just an iota, just a tiny, tiny amount of logic and sense, and not just openly despising humanity or nature, that we just latch onto it.
We're just like, oh my God, yes, he knows that men are men and women are women.
He's based!
He's a genius!
Make him the president!
It's like, that's how hungry we are.
That's how rare it is to see a public figure that isn't, you know, openly trying to enslave us.
You know, compare Elon Musk to Bill Gates.
Yeah, he's pretty based.
But then at the same time, he's trying to implant chips in your head.
So, you know, it goes back and forth.
But again, we've gone so far as a society and as a civilization that we're just... Anybody that offers us just the slightest bit of common sense, we flock to.
Because we can't help it.
Because they're the only options out there.
It's such a rare thing these days.
And the transgender stuff is just...
Flouting reality.
In the most egregious way.
And I covered this story really extensively on American Journal this morning.
But it's called Trans Tyranny in Public Schools.
Chronicle magazines by Pedro Gonzalez.
And the story that it tells is horrific.
Harrowing, even.
Essentially, parents who found out, you know, their kid was just acting kind of strange, being distant, not telling them what was going on, wanted to go see a therapist, and so they sent her to a therapist, not really sure what her issue was.
And what they found out is that she had been secretly transitioned to a boy by her school, who were calling her a boy and letting her live as a boy without telling the parents.
And so this family decided to homeschool the kid, which again is like It's such a burden.
Like, really?
We don't have the right to have free schooling as our birthright as citizens of this country.
We have to forego that.
We have to take that burden on for ourselves, the financial burden, or the burden of, you know, having to do all the work and, you know, not able to have a job because you have to spend all day every day teaching your kid.
Like, that's a burden that people take on, and I totally get why.
Obviously, if your kid is being indoctrinated into a cult in school, you don't want to send them there.
At the same time, it's just not fair.
It's just not fair that People have to take it on themselves.
But they do.
They take the daughter out of school and away from the groomers.
And what happens?
They get the Department of Family Services called on them.
Texas' version of CPS called DFPS.
Department of Family and Protective Services.
And you'd think this would be something outrageous and rare.
You take your kid out of homeschool and you get somebody calling CPS to take your child away from you, saying that you are abusive.
But it gets worse.
It gets worse because the suspicion is that it was the very teachers and counselors who took advantage of a mentally ill child to transition them who are the ones that it looks like called CPS.
The daughter who they're calling Jane, because also they can't use real names in this, right?
This article they call the dad John and they call the daughter Jane.
It's not their real names, but we live in a terrorist state where if you are public about your opposition to, you know, castrating children or chemically sterilizing young girls, then you may be attacked by The Brown Shirts.
So they have to hide their name and they say, Jane remembered a counselor asking her leading questions, including whether she'd been denied medical care.
Jane mentioned that at a routine health checkup, her parents had declined a doctor's suggestion to put her on antidepressants, saying they had enrolled her in mental health therapy instead.
The counselor also asked about her living situation, including, oddly, about her house's security system.
John and his daughter realized together that the leading conversations he'd had with the guidance counselor seemed to inform the allegations of child abuse and that he had made erroneous assumptions that the security system was some kind of device to keep Jane locked up.
They suspect a teacher at the school may have been involved as well and may have filed one of the abuse reports.
There were multiple abuse reports.
So these people Transition the kid without telling the parents, hide it from the parents, then when the parent finds out and takes the kid out of the school, they call CPS to get the kid taken away.
And they do it by using the information that they have access to as authorities in this kid's school.
And one of them is denied medical care for refusing to go on antidepressants.
Is it starting to make sense what a horrific nightmare parents are in these days?
And this is happening across the country because then we got a caller from Minneapolis, Minnesota, who said exactly the same thing had happened to her, but even more intensely.
She had a kid who kept getting sent home because there would be COVID, you know, two week, whatever COVID, they'd send the kid home for two weeks.
And so she was looking at, you know, his homework and wanted to call the school and ask about the stuff he was being taught.
And simply the act of asking this question, Suddenly she had a CPS report filed on her and she said, you know, it's embarrassing.
It's embarrassing when you get a CPS report filed on you.
You feel like a bad parent.
So she didn't really talk to anybody about it until one day she brought it up to a complete stranger.
Apparently she was waiting at the bus and just brought up that this has happened to her.
And that stranger at the bus said, this happened to me too.
It happened to them too, and it was the same social worker who, at their school district, had filed reports with CPS.
So now there's a file on them, right?
And now they're under surveillance, and now they have to be squeaky clean, or else their child will be taken away from them and sent God knows where.
Some foster family, at best, right?
So this is the public school system actually working hand-in-hand with CPS to try to take children away from people Who speak up against their brainwashing of their children.
It's almost unimaginable until you realize these people are sick and they're evil and they're doing everything they can to destroy the family and destroy any connection to reality so they can build a false reality that they control and can enslave you through their biotechnocratic financial tyranny.
It literally is as simple as that and if you don't get it, I'm sorry, I don't know how to explain it to you more deeply than that.
Because it really is that simple.
And it really is that...
But again, you can sit there and tell these people, hey, you know, this destroyed my family.
This ruined my child's mental health.
This permanently disfigured my child physically.
This has been painful and horrific.
And you know what they'll do?
They'll call CPS on you, and they'll laugh in your face, and they'll call you a bigot for opposing them.
Because then we had another caller who said he talked to the chief of police in Washington, D.C.
about the story of the five Post-birth abortions that were discovered.
And he said he gave her a little piece of his mind.
He said, you know, if you people are in favor of this, you're demons.
You people are demons.
And of course the woman laughs at him, right?
Because it's funny to care about newborn babies being murdered.
Like, I know it's hard to understand for most Americans.
I know that you're a good person and you don't want to believe That other people can shut their hearts off to humanity like that?
But this is the point of the program.
The point is to turn people into little cult leader monsters who will slit your throat with a smile because they've been told they're on the good side.
They're on the right side of history and you are just a road bump on the road to progress.
They're dehumanizing everybody in every way possible.
We'll be back on the other side with a report by Alex Jones.
Stay with us, folks.
And welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to go back to the live transmission here in a moment, all the latest breaking news and information.
But first, I wanted to salute my old friend, Joe Rogan, for standing up against the transhumanist mafia that is using the whole transgender movement as its pretext to destroy the two genders and set up their scientific dictatorship.
And I always preface this with no hatred towards adults who have chosen to change their bodies
or do something.
They have free will and that is their body to do with as they wish.
But we shouldn't have to pay for it and we shouldn't have our children targeted with
If you want to have your genitals removed, that is your business.
Just don't try to brainwash children into doing it.
So Joe has come out and stirred new controversy by saying that trans NCAA champ swimmer Leah Thomas is an assault on women's sports.
And all the usual suspects are demonizing him for simply calling out the fact that the Emperor is wearing no clothes.
What it is now is not good.
What it is now is assault on women's sports.
And the idea that anybody would think it's fair that someone who was number 462 as a man, 462 in the nation, is number one as a woman a year later.
And that's fair.
You don't think maybe it was her passion for swimming that got her to number one?
Could be.
She's just an amazing woman.
Or a change in diet?
Could be.
Could be that.
Could be.
Maybe just becoming her true self allowed her to be a winner.
I can't think of any other factor it could be.
I'm just going passion for swimming.
You're probably right.
But that might be the woke straw that breaks society's camel back.
You're starting to see a lot of those now.
Women are so frustrated, or parents, if your daughter is competing, and they're competing against a trans woman.
It's not fair.
It's just not fair.
No matter what anybody says.
There's this nonsense idea of like, well, there's outliers and all.
There's outliers and then there's biological males.
That's beyond outliers.
There's always exceptions.
The ancient Greeks used to say there's no rule without an exception, but you can't define what it is based on the exceptions.
Well, it's interesting because in all other aspects of society, it's pretty much A given that, you know, a person can become trans and change their name and we're all pretty accepting of it.
Where people have the most pushback is in sports.
Athletic competition.
That's where the real pushback is.
Where people are like, hey, the fuck.
This is not fair.
This is clearly not fair.
There's a reason why we have a distinction between men and women's sports.
And it's ironic because the people on that side usually always champion equality and nobody having an advantage and, you know, the people who are maybe disenfranchised or less capable should have an equal opportunity and by throwing someone like Leah Thomas In there, you're kind of, that's the opposite of that.
I think it's also probably terrible for the whole trans movement because it makes people more cynical about what the positive aspects of it are, and it makes people more, you know, less likely to accept it.
Because they think of, now they think of trans people and trans rights, and they connect it to this athletic thing.
That's a great point, yeah.
Yeah, it's probably making people more distrustful, or more upset, or less accepting.
Why is telling the truth now an assault on, quote, trans people?
It's not.
The assault is on women's sports.
The assault is an attempted corporate takeover of the biological mechanisms of humans.
That's their stated goal.
They want to not just turn all the crops into GMO systems that can't reproduce without laboratory conditions.
with their Terminator genes, they want to do it with humans.
That's the admitted Holy Grail.
And if you go listen to Klaus Schwab or Harari or all these other globalists,
they're saying the end of humans is now, the post-human world is here,
your free will is over.
So far, it's corporations and governments collecting data about where we go,
who we meet, what movies we watch.
The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin.
The whole idea that humans have, you know, they have this soul or spirit and they have free will and nobody knows what's happening inside me, so whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will, that's over.
We have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale.
New surveillance technologies that are now deployed just to deal with this coronavirus outbreak.
When it's over, some governments may say, yes, but there is a second wave of corona coming, so we have to be prepared.
And there is Ebola, and there is also regular flu.
Why not protect people against that too with this new surveillance system?
indefinitely. Also it's the moment when surveillance goes really under the skin.
Governments are now not just interested in where we go and who we meet, but
even in what's happening inside our bodies. You see this is a declaration of
war against humanity and the Tabastock Institute and all the big tech companies
that are pushing transgenderism admit that once you accept a man being a woman
and a woman being a man, you'll accept babies being grown in pods, you'll accept
human-animal hybrids, you'll accept humanoid clones that aren't really human
but don't have rights but are indistinguishable from humans.
This is the future.
This is how, in the name of civil rights, the globalists are bringing in a system that takes all of our rights away and turns us into a big corporate commodity.
All right, I'm going to hand the baton back to the crew and the great live transmission in Austin, Texas.
I just want to remind everybody that InfoWars is literally the front line of fighting for humanity.
Infowars is the heart of the brain trust that understands the enemy's operations and that means you're at the very heart of that as well.
So that's why I always want to take out time to thank you all and to ask you to pray for us and to ask you to spread the articles and videos like never before.
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We've never been under so much attack because we've never been so effective.
Three things I want to tell you about.
All the t-shirts and apparel and flags and everything is being sold at cost.
Total blowout sale.
None of these designs that we've made over 20 plus years will ever come back.
They're all limited edition now because it's all ending.
We got to get the funds in.
You may still have some t-shirts in the future, but they'll be limited edition as well.
Only three or four designs at a time.
So all the old designs are gone.
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Here's your chance.
Pollen Block for seasonal discomfort and allergies.
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It's back in stock.
Sold out for a year.
It's 40% off.
And we've only got for the weekend to get Vazzo Beets and Biotricillinium for 40% off.
That sale is going to be ending in three or four days.
And then on top of that, we will sell out at current sales rates of a 1776 coin by Friday or Saturday.
It's part two and a three part series, 1776coin.com or info or store.com and follow that link to PatriotCollectibles.com and you can find those and the markup in the coin, funds keeping us on the air and everybody that gives us their email.
We'll be a founding member if we're able to stay on air and launch some new stuff, which we probably will.
We're going to try our hardest, but we need the funds.
You'll be part of something really special being a founding member, so don't miss out on this.
There's only three coins in the series.
We're about to sell out of the second coin in the series.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Thank you all for your support and your prayers.
Thank you all for your support and your prayers.
Back to the live broadcast.
This is Harrison Smith sitting in for Alex Jones here.
I'll be hitting the road, though, and handing it over to Robert Barnes for the 12 o'clock hour.
The 1 o'clock hour will be hosted by Mike Adams, and the 4th hour host will be Kate Daly.
So stay tuned for that incredible news coming up.
And, you know, if you're a regular InfoWars viewer, you probably recognize, because I know I have, even just the way Alex talks about the survival of InfoWars now has changed a little bit.
Hasn't it?
It's because we're facing threats like we never have before, and our survival really is up in the air, and it's entirely up to you, and we really do appreciate you going to infowarestore.com and taking advantage of the massive sales.
I mean, just the t-shirts alone, or the hats?
There's the Save the Frog hats.
that we were selling for $35, it's like $8 now.
I mean, that is, that's a steal, folks.
And these, the t-shirts, the hats, everything is made of the highest quality.
I can tell you personally, the only time I ever bought anything from InfoWars before I worked here
was the 1776 t-shirt that I still wear to this day.
that I still wear to this day.
So six years on, there's not a hole in it, the color isn't faded, it's really just gotten softer.
So six years on, there's not a hole in it, the color isn't faded, it's really just gotten softer.
And so the stuff that you're getting, just like our supplements, just like our information,
And so the stuff that you're getting, just like our supplements, just like our information,
it's the real deal, and it will last a very long time.
it's the real deal and it will last a very long time.
And of course, best of all, it portrays your love of country
and your hatred of the globalists.
We don't hate 'em, we just want them to go away.
That's all.
So please do support us by going to infowarestore.com and actually I had to call her,
an American Journal today that was telling a story about how he had his car declined at a gas station,
but he was wearing an InfoWars shirt and the two guys behind him were both like,
well, we love that shirt, we're gonna pay your bill for you.
So who knows what wonderful things will happen to you when you walk around wearing an InfoWars shirt,
but you're bound to meet more friends than enemies and now's the best time ever to support us.
Get some t-shirts while you're there.
Buy some supplements.
Just help us out, because we're fighting, and we promise not to stop as long as we can.
I want to thank folks that got part one in the three-part Founders Series at 1776coin.com,
or infullrestore.com.
And the second installment is the Tree of Liberty.
Thomas Jefferson quote, must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It's a coin I designed.
I'm very, very proud of it.
And it will end up being a collectible.
I know that the first coin is already selling on eBay and other places for three times what we sold it.
We need to sell all 10,000 of these very, very quickly, and I appreciate listeners getting over half of them now.
I'd like to move them out very quickly.
I think they will sell out probably in five or six more days.
And without the last coin sale, we would not be operating at the same capacity.
We would have had to lay off a lot of people, and that's a big problem.
So it's a limited edition, collectible, tied to our political movement of liberty and freedom,
and it's needed for our infrastructure and building new systems.
So please, give yourself and us aid in the fight against the new world order at 1776coin.com.
And I just can't help but like notice...
And so your question was whether or not we...
I control the time.
Your question was whether or not we...
You guys have been blowing a lot of calls lately on matters of strategy, Mr. Secretary.
You guys told us that Russia couldn't lose.
You told us that the Taliban couldn't immediately win.
And so I guess I'm wondering, what in the $773 billion that you're requesting today is going to help you make assessments that are accurate in the face of so many blown calls?
You've seen what's in our budget.
You've seen how the budget matches the strategy.
And so I'll let that speak for itself.
Well, I mean, I've also seen that we're behind, Mr. Secretary.
We're behind in hypersonics.
We failed to deter Russia last year.
What do you mean we're behind in hypersonics?
Okay, who's ahead in hypersonics?
Your own people brief us that we are behind and that China is winning.
Are you aware of the briefings we get on hypersonics?
I am certainly aware of briefings that we provide to Congress.
But it's not just the hypersonics, it's all over the world.
It's in Taiwan, where China last year flew more sorties than ever before.
It's North Korea, on pace to shatter prior records, the number of missiles that they are testing.
And so while everyone else in the world seems to be developing capabilities and being more strategic, We got time to embrace critical race theory at West Point, to embrace socialism at the National Defense University, to do mandatory pronoun training.
Do you accept?
Again, this is the most capable, the most combat-critical force in the world.
It has been, and it will be so going forward.
Not if we continue down this path.
to do that. Not if we embrace socialism. The fact that you're embarrassed by your country.
Oh no, no, no. I'm embarrassed by your leadership. I am not embarrassed for my country. I wish
we were not losing to China. You know what? That is so disgraceful that you would sit
here and conflate your failures with the failures of the uniformed service members.
You guys said that Russia would overrun Ukraine in 36 days.
You said that the Taliban would be kept at bay for months.
You totally blew those calls and maybe we would be better at them if the National Defense University actually worked a little more on strategy and a little less on woke-ism.
Has it occurred to you that Russia has not overrun Ukraine because of what we've done?
So I think the idea of deterring Putin from invading Ukraine, deterring him by the United States, would have required the commitment of U.S.
military forces, and I think that would have risked armed conflict with Russia, which I certainly would have advised.
The Marxist running Biden's dwindling brain.
...have loudly complained incessantly about systematic racism in the private and public sectors, yet there is no concern for the systematic ignorance within the U.S.
military that allows those seeking higher brass to continue for decades as serial rapists and child molesters.
Case in point, Staff Sergeant Randall S. Hughes got off with a slap on the wrist after he raped the wife of a young soldier under his charge during a Super Bowl party in 2017.
He was merely transferred to Fort Dix, New Jersey, and it wasn't long before he was again accused of rape, this time by his own teenage daughter.
Finally, after a decade, Hughes' madness would come to a stop after an investigation revealed five victims.
That could have avoided the abuse had the military done its job.
A civilian army commander is accused of leading a child pornography ring that involved his own adopted son and also risking U.S.
David Frogsham was arrested in Arizona and pleaded guilty to sex abuse in 2016.
He's currently serving a 17-year sentence, but records obtained by the Associated Press show that he worked at Fort Huachuca.
After an army commander recommended disciplinary action.
The AP says that red flags were missed or ignored.
Fraud Sham pleaded guilty to sex abuse charges in 2016 and is now serving a 17 year sentence.
But the US Army and the state of Arizona had missed and/or ignored a myriad of red flags
for more than a decade, allowing Fraudsham to allegedly abuse his adopted son and his
other children for years.
Practices that made this higher officer vulnerable to blackmail.
It is actually systematic incompetence and blackmail that runs rampant throughout our
military and private and public sectors, crushing what remains of American national security.
A problem we would likely address if the country wasn't infested by Marxist treason.
John Bowne reporting.
Welcome everybody to the Alex Jones show here at InfoWars.
I am hosting especially for Alex Jones today for an hour or two.
Let's talk about false flags in Ukraine and false flags in general.
How do you spot or how do you flag a false flag?
Well, first of all, look for an event that has you comically, cartoonishly, grotesquely caricaturing one side to a conflict.
If you find yourself being asked to believe an entire group of people, an entire race, an entire ethnicity, an entire country, an entire army, is the distillation of pure evil.
Something like the demonic imagery that we saw utilized in the propaganda for the Spanish-American War, and the buildup to it, or the buildup to World War I, or the buildup to World War II, or what the Nazis did to various races that they disfavored, including the Jewish tradition and culture.
Soviets often did.
If we dig into that, that's when we have the first piece of evidence that we may be seeing a false flag, that they're asking us to look at some group of people as a group of people as somehow inherently and insanely evil, and that there be no rational reason for the course of conduct taking place.
Second, look for something that is intended to inspire and invoke an emotional response, a purely emotional response.
Without any geopolitical strategy, without any wisdom or logic, without any military strategic benefit, just purely an emotional raw rage.
If the event is intended to create that effect, to get us to be blind to the broader facts or contextual history or analysis or geopolitical self-interest, then be suspect and skeptical that the event is what the media or others are representing it as.
The third is, look at who benefits, look at who profits, look at the motive.
In other words, is the party that is accused of doing this, do they have any motive to do this?
Or is the party that's going to profit from this, the so-called victim of this?
There have been about a couple of dozen false flags already in the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, but the latest one is just the most grievous.
The allegations are that in a small suburb near Kiev, where the Russians occupied militarily For a very brief period of time.
And by the way, they occupied it without controlling it in the sense that they allowed the local anti-Russian mayor to stay in operational control and the local population to do whatever they wanted.
They did not cut off water.
They did not cut off electricity.
They did not cut off any civilian infrastructure.
They didn't even prevent internet or phone use.
They didn't even gather phones.
Kind of an odd thing to do if your goal is to commit horrible atrocities.
And in fact, no atrocities were reported while the Russians were present or even for several days after the Russians exited.
The allegations are, almost a week after the Russians exited, that the Russians went in and purportedly went door-to-door asking for all age conscriptable adults in that town, tied them up, took them down, publicly executed them and left them on the streets.
And that they did so from the very beginning and that those bodies had been sitting there for weeks, according to the New York Times.
This story fits all the attributes of a false flag.
First, it asks you to see the Russian army as completely irrational, as grotesquely evil.
The New York Post had some fake news headlines that actually used atrocities the Ukrainians had been committed, and documented to have committed, and claimed that Russians had did it, recycling the photographs to blame somebody new, in an embarrassing evidence that Rupert Murdoch is back to his warmongering days.
But so the first problem is it asks you to see the Russians as irrational, as evil, as demonic, as a group, as a society, as an army, as a civilian, as a citizen population, as we are witnessing in the discriminatory actions targeted towards people solely based on their ancestry, solely based on their nationality.
If you are a kid and you're a good pianist, you now can't perform at a concert.
If you're a tennis player, you now can't perform in a tennis competition.
If you're a dancer, you can't perform in a dance competition.
If you simply want to rent an Airbnb anywhere in the world, you can't, based solely on your nationality.
Open, blatant bigotry, illegal bigotry, on display.
Because these kind of false flag events are designed to get you to hate a whole group of people.
To get you to have your Orwellian two minutes of hate targeting, in this case, a race, a nationality, an ancestry, a population.
So this false flag had that first evidence right out of the gate, asking you to believe kind of ridiculous things about a whole group of people.
The second thing it did, of course, is it asked you for an emotional response.
This is what these war propagandas really known for.
It isn't a geopolitical analysis.
It isn't a historical contextual analysis.
It's not a legal analysis.
It's just filled with images meant to inflame your opinions in ways that deprive you of the cognizant capacity to think through the issue, to understand the issue in broader context.
That is very much Orwell's two minutes of hate.
And this had that same effect.
Look at the dead body.
Look at the dead body.
Don't look any further.
Don't look any deeper.
Don't look any wider.
Don't look any broader.
This was a classic false flag type event.
And then the third screams out.
Does Russia profit from killing random civilians in a small suburb of Ukraine?
How do they strategically gain anything?
To the contrary, they undermine one of their critical public relations intentions in this war.
Which is, as Putin has said from the get-go, that the Russians want to go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties.
That they are not at war with the Ukrainian people, they are at war with the Ukrainian military and its Nazified units.
In that capacity, the Russians have gone to great lengths, in fact historically unparalleled and unprecedented lengths, to avoid civilian casualties.
There's been no mass carpet bombing of the cities, like we did in World War II and firebombing Dresden or napalm bombing Tokyo or dropping nuclear weapons on Japan.
There's none of that.
There's not lore like we did to Serbia or Somalia or Sudan or Libya or Iraq.
There's no evidence of any of that taking place.
You can watch the videos in live time of live streams of downtown Kiev that look just the same as they did 35 days ago when this conflict began.
Secondly, there's been no cut off of meaningful civilian infrastructure.
How do you think the actor Zelensky is able to appear for the Grammys or the United Nations or for Congress or for Parliament in his repetition of his 1984 scene with the way in which that presentation was made?
Because no communications have been cut off, civilian communications.
No means of internet broadcasting has been cut off.
No water has been cut off.
No sewage has been cut off.
No power has been cut off.
Unlike what the Ukrainians, by the way, have been doing to Crimea and Maripol and in the Donbass, where they have cut off water supply.
Where it's the Ukrainians that have been shelling deliberately civilian locations.
It's the Ukrainians cutting off communications and civilian infrastructure.
The Russians have gone out of their way not to do so.
If you're not going to take advantage of the military power of your weaponry, just to avoid civilian casualties, are you going to go door-to-door and execute 400 people of a conscriptable age?
Does that make any sense whatsoever?
They could not profit from this.
They had no motive to do this.
By contrast, Ukraine has every motive to do this.
Ukraine is losing this war, despite what the media says, and Ukraine is run by a bunch of grifter elites who depend on Western cash and capital for their enrichment and empowerment, and they could care less about the Ukrainian people.
And as part of it, they have armed neo-Nazi-aligned groups.
And it's important to understand that in the Ukrainian and Russian context, Nazi means anti-Russian, primarily.
The same sort of horrible, psychotic, and sociopathic tendencies amongst the people that they're giving weaponry to, and that apparently the French and the British and even American Special Forces apparently are on the ground in Maripol training them, You have to wonder, why is it they keep sending in helicopters to get people out of Maripol, even though they get shot down over and over and over again?
Is it because of who's there?
Are some people there that aren't supposed to be there?
Are we back to our old post-Cold War, post...
World War II, Cold War era politics where we were arming Nazis, helping Nazis, empowering Nazis, helping Nazis escape, enriching Nazis.
Just research the history of Klaus Barbie in Latin America.
Figure out the real history of the origin of the cocaine trade from Bolivia and who might have been complicit in that?
Who might have facilitated that?
You don't just have to read the biography of people like DEH and Michael Levine and others to understand the scale and scope of that Nazi collusion that we engaged in.
That Operation Gladio can tell you a lot.
Operation Mockingbird also can tell you a lot.
Operation Paperclip can tell you a lot.
So we're back in bed with bad actors and we try to stage a false flag to do it.
Come back after the break to discuss more about the failed false flag in Ukraine.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show here.
This is Robert Barnes hosting it temporarily while Alex is out and has some other projects that he must take care of.
So we were discussing the false flag event in Butcha, which the evidence continues to mount for what appears to have actually happened.
Is that there were various people who are defending the civilians that were basically armed and tried to fight back when the Russians came in.
Some of them were buried.
They're now trying to call that a mass grave, civilian graves, completely false.
People are finding video documentary evidence to prove it.
Secondly, that because of Ukrainian shelling that there were people who died whose bodies were then Located where they were for the purposes of political propagandized effect, but in fact the actual source of their death were once again Ukrainian policies and decision-making.
And there's issues with the New York Times photograph.
The New York Times purported to produce a satellite photo from a particular time and date.
And forensic analysts have looked at it and said, well, first they noted right away it didn't quite make sense that if these bodies were out there for weeks and were just left there, then why were the bodies in a condition as if they had just been there for a few days?
Didn't seem to quite make sense.
There was no dogs, no birds, no other damage, no blood around them, etc.
But then people doing forensic analysis of the photos themselves, using the various known weather patterns and what the light patterns would be, debunked the New York Times and identified the photos' authenticity as much more likely, much later than the date that was being reported and published by the New York Times.
In addition, the Ukrainian media and Ukrainian social media accounts of the Nazified units of the Ukrainian military and police structure, Uh, themselves disclosed prior to the date of these photographs that they were going in to, quote, clean up.
Uh, this particular suburb, and what they meant by it, they said explicitly and expressly, both in these articles and in these social media posted videos.
Which was that they were going in to take out, uh, those they considered saboteurs, those they considered to have colluded with Russia's occupation.
That's why disproportionately, the people that are seen dead are wearing the white armband of Russian affiliation, or appear to have Russian food rations near them, at the time that they appear to have been summarily executed by the Ukrainian neo-Nazi units.
Here, it's critical that a lot of confession through projection has been going on.
Indeed, if you employ that filter, and confession through projection just stands for the idea, that you look at an event and assume that the person is talking about themselves rather than the person they're accusing.
Think about it in your own personal life.
How often has somebody made allegations against you that just really made no sense at all?
If you took the time to change the word you to the word I, how often was that person actually confessing their own bad deeds?
Same logic can be applied consistently to Ukrainian propaganda.
Ukraine just several weeks ago was claiming that the Russian intelligence operatives We're in dissent and there was complete chaos and disarray in the Russian intelligence hierarchy.
In fact, of course, it came out later that it was the Ukrainians who were removing key intelligence officers.
The Ukrainians who summarily executed people that were negotiating on their behalf.
The Ukrainians who summarily removed high-ranking generals from key positions of power.
Applying that same logic, listen to the accusations of Zelensky and he will be describing his own units, particularly the Nazified units.
These were units that were chosen because of their propensity to commit morally horrific acts, because they lack the limits of ordinary conscience.
These are like, if you dig deep behind Islamic fascist terrorists, the Ku Klux Klan, Antifa, certain violent communists, Any of these kind of groups, you just have to scratch a little and what you will find is their real motivation isn't the Quran, their real motivation isn't the Communist Manifesto, their real motive isn't the sort of Klan-based racism, their real motive often is that they are simply sociopaths, they are simply psychopaths.
They are people with a propensity towards violence who want to enact that violence, and what these ideas give them is a political permission slip to act out their sick, sociopathic, psychopathic fantasy.
This is in fact what Ukraine did, and particularly with the help and the demand of the West accelerating in 2014.
That the West armed the ultra-nationalist, far-western region of Ukraine, neo-Nazi aligned groups that idolized people who colluded with the Nazis in World War II, as Stepan Bandera and the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists did.
These groups of people Come from a part of Ukraine that is not representative of the whole country.
Not representative of the whole population.
They have extreme beliefs rooted in an unusual history.
They come from a part of Ukraine that was almost never part of Russia ever.
In fact, they used to call themselves Ruthenian.
If you research the Ukrainian nationalist organizations in the United States aligned with these groups, they originally did not even call themselves Ukrainian, which simply means borderlands.
They called themselves Ruthenian.
They have long alignment with the Poles, and then when they decided they wanted to separate from the Poles, they committed extraordinary acts of terrorism against the Poles.
Zipan Bandera himself was in a Polish prison for his assassination of Polish leaders.
That is who this group of Ukrainian ultra-nationalists is.
They tried to seize power multiple times, first in the interwar period between World War I and World War II, and then with the help of the Nazis.
In World War II, when the Germans came in.
Indeed, it was from this group and the Nazis that the Holdemore mythology took hold.
This was that the Soviet famine that ravaged all of the Southern Soviet Union, in particular regions of Cossacks and Kulaks, independent peasant farmers with an independent cultural history, in the case of the Cossacks, they recast that as a Ukrainian-specific, ethnic, racial, bigotry-motivated genocide.
That was always patently false.
More people died by percentage of population in Kazakhstan than died in the borderlands of Ukraine.
And where the people died in the borderlands of Ukraine, it was in the Kulak and Cossack areas, not in the far western areas of Ukrainian ultranationalism, which was not even under Soviet control at the time.
This mythology that built up basically was meant to demonize the Russians and to see the Russians as their ultimate enemy.
And this was part of the shift that the Nazis employed to get the ally allegiance of these Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who had always built their political belief structure around Mussolini's Italian fascism.
And this long predated even the rise of the Nazis to power.
So their fascistic tendencies are built in.
They recruited from ranks of the intelligentsia, many of them the sons of the Greek Catholic priest class there in that far western part of Ukraine.
Another example of how different they are than the rest of Ukraine, which is either Ukrainian or Russian Orthodox by religious tradition, not Greek Catholic.
But they also employed all the sociopaths and psychopaths and lined them up.
They did it back then.
They ended up killing all... genocide effectively against the Poles.
They ended up killing over 30,000 Jews.
They were just horrific in their treatment.
Indeed, even the Nazis were shocked by how violent these Ukrainian ultranationalists were.
So much so that they gave them their own special SS divisions.
And almost wherever they went, some of the worst atrocities in the world history occurred.
The American West and the CIA decided, well, who would be useful to fight the Soviets in the Cold War?
Well, Nazis, of course!
And so we went into bed with Stepan Bandera.
We went into bed with these neo-Nazi Ukrainian ultra-nationalists to try to provoke a confrontation
in Ukraine.
We would then accelerate that by helping to spread the mythology of the Holder-Moor and
recast it as a Ukrainian genocide.
And that would in turn lead to its true institutionalization, which takes us all the way back to the color
Because this Ukrainian conflict is not a new conflict.
It's the political and military end of a decades-long conflict, mostly instigated and provoked by
the West.
More on that when we come back.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show here on Infowars.
This is Robert Barnes, especially hosting for Alex.
We are discussing the Ukraine-Russia war, the nature of the various false flags that continue to percolate and populate the various social media and mainstream institutional narratives that exist.
The one classic example of when you can know something is a false flag, dating back to our own first ever prominent false flag to get involved in a foreign war, the Remember the Maine, as they said, to hell with Spain!
Remember the Maine!
What was that all about?
It was about the sinking of a battleship in Havana Harbor, which our own people strongly suspected was actually the result of either an accident or internal sabotage, not the result of the Spanish.
But we wanted to go to war.
Our deep state apparatus at the time wanted to go to war.
Indeed, if you want to know whether a false flag type event or some other provocative event in war was going to happen in that time period, all you needed to know is that it would be connected to the Navy and a Roosevelt, someone named Roosevelt, would be in charge.
Indeed, it was then Theodore Roosevelt as part of the Navy That was the one demanding that war with Spain occur, using his position in the Navy to falsify, frankly, information concerning, remember, the Maine.
And then, of course, it would be his cousin, O. Franklin, who would do the same thing while he was at the Navy to promote World War I.
And while his key people were in the Office of Naval Intelligence to withhold key information from generals at Pearl Harbor to get us into World War II.
Nothing like a Roosevelt in the Navy to get us involved in war.
But in this particular false flag, and one of the keys to remember the main one, was the refusal to allow an independent third-party investigation.
Not only did the U.S.
refuse to allow Spain to get involved at the time, but disallowed any independent third party, then slow walked the investigation, and then had people in charge who were not even capable or competent to do their jobs.
Meanwhile, key evidence would ultimately go missing over time.
The same is already present in the Ukrainian latest false flag from this suburb outside of Kiev.
Right away, Russia demanded a special United Nations Security Council meeting to call for an independent, third-party investigation into what happened.
Russia believed that Ukraine had deliberately not only created this provocative false flag as an agent provocateur type event to inspire and instigate more Western involvement in this conflict in Ukraine, But it had in fact committed deliberate atrocities as they have repeatedly for almost eight years or longer in the Donbass as they had in the Crimea before Crimea decided to get out of the Ukraine and even then their water supply has been cut off this entire time.
They had gone in and deliberately executed people that were seen as sympathetic to Russia in that community and then turned around and blamed the Russians for it.
Well, what did the West do?
Did the West rush in to hold that UN Special Security Council meeting?
Did they rush in to get a third-party independent investigative team right on the ground?
Well, evidence is key, because right now Ukraine is in exclusive control over this evidence, over its forensic value and quality diminishing on a daily basis.
What did the West do?
The West said, eh, well, I'm sorry, it's tea time here in Britain.
We gotta get our tea and biscuits.
Consequently, we just can't hold this meeting today and couldn't hold it tomorrow or the next day.
In fact, no special meeting about this, nor any third-party investigative team is being sent in.
Instead, the only proposal is the EU.
The EU will go in, like anybody would have any confidence in the EU.
Not only are they ill-equipped to do war crimes investigation, But they're obviously politically prejudiced on this subject.
So, if you see any more allegations of Russian atrocities, be immediately skeptical and suspect of such accusations.
Apply that false flag filter.
It's a useful filter in any context, historical or present or for future events that may occur.
Look at it and see, are they asking me to demonize a whole group of people?
Are they seeking an emotional rather than a rational response?
Is the wrong party profiting?
Indeed, these were the same false flag filters that would have flagged the false flags in Syria chemical weapons attacks just a few years ago.
In the same capacity, the bigger, broader war that's taking place is the military war there and the economic war beyond it.
Let's move and shift to the military war taking place.
The information propaganda war is being won by the West because the West controls the means of production.
They control big tech, they control big media, and their government propaganda arms have long been successful in suckering American and Western audiences into whatever lunatic false flag even occur.
There's a reason for Remember the Maine.
There's a reason for the sinking of the Lusitania.
There's a reason why Pearl Harbor didn't quite have to happen.
There's a reason why the Gulf of Tonkin turned out the way it was.
There's a reason why incubator babies getting killed in Iraq wasn't the story they claimed it to be.
There's a reason weapons of mass destruction didn't exist.
It's because all of those lies worked.
Most Americans fought those lies.
You see many high-ranking political personalities and others, Sebastian Gorka's of others, just cheering on these lies, repeating these lies, championing these lies, like those deep state suckers and saps that they are, pipping themselves out.
Whores for war, once more.
That's who these people are and they will succeed at that aspect of it.
But more and more Americans are waking up on a daily basis.
And in this capacity, let's talk about the other big lie that's been taking place, one of the many in this conflict.
And that is the big lie concerning the military planning of the Russians.
As Fred Thompson's character says in the great film Hunt for Red October, son, Russians don't take a crap without a plan.
And indeed, you can assume the same.
And for this, it's useful to understand deep battle policy created by Russian generals after their multiple and myriad failures at the beginning of the 20th century.
They began to design and develop this strategy in the 1920s, and the main thing you need to know about it is that it believed that all future wars between armies, and that's an important point, different than wars involving insurgencies.
In wars between armies, the future of warfare was a war of attrition.
They believed that it was far more important to cut off supply chain and supply line, to isolate and encircle, to create what they call cauldrons, what the Germans called kettles, to basically completely surround like you would siege an old city, but only to do so once you have cut off all of the means of reinforcement, all the means of communications, all the means of supply chains in, supplies of fuel, supplies of food, supplies of ammunitions.
So this was critical as part of Russian deep battle operational policy.
If you understood that, and you understood Russia's intimate awareness of the difficulties of urban warfare, especially in a place like Kiev, that they defended aggressively in World War II, that at various junctures before losing it and then retaking it, Then you would know that what the West was telling you about Russian military strategy was also propaganda, was also a lie.
There was no desire for the Russians to go in and take Kiev.
They would know that especially when they won't bomb civilian locations, won't bomb civilian infrastructure, when they are recognizing and respecting civilian shields such that they're not going after the people that are using civilian shields, Then you know that the chance they're going to siege a city of 4 million people who have been taught for 20 plus years to hate all Russians and see them as the cause of trying to kill them with a national genocide and a mythology that had been made up but instructed into generations of Ukrainians after the color revolution of 2004.
Then you know that there is no chance the Russians intended to try to take Kiev.
That that would be a pipe dream.
Now you might think Because one of the key aspects of Russian deep battle policy is Maskarovka, a little masquerade.
What is the point of such a little masquerade?
It is to deceive people, to deceive your adversary into thinking you're going to do one thing militarily, when you're really going to do something else.
What the Russians wanted to do was to be able to encircle Maropol and take over the Donbass, part one.
And part two, be in a position to surround the core of the Ukrainian army units that are holding large parts of the Donbass region by first cutting off their supplies, second, cutting off their reinforcements, third, encircling them in a cauldron.
They could only achieve that objective in their minds if they distracted the Ukrainians into holding armed forces in Kharkov, holding armed forces in Sumy, holding armed forces especially in Kiev, holding armed forces in Odessa.
How do you sucker the Ukrainians to do that?
Well, you have Western media propagandists to effectively you enable and enlist them against their own interest for the Russian cause.
When we come back, a little more about how the Russian deep battle policy is playing out in Ukraine.
Welcome back everybody to the Alex Jones Show here on InfoWars.
This is Robert Barnes, special guest hosting today.
As we return to the subject of how is Russia doing militarily in Ukraine.
Well, using the deep battle policy that Russia brainstormed and has been their overarching method of military operations since the 1920s, particularly in dealing with battles between armies, what we could expect was that the Russians would first use deception.
They would try to distract And divert resources and particularly military resources of Ukraine in the initial invasion.
Indeed, unlike the Blitzkrieg strategies of the Germans, when the Russians would try to break through various barriers or various lines of defense, they would have a multiple front attack.
Secondly, once they broke through, they wouldn't just immediately encircle.
Several of the unions would go much further into deep battle policy.
And take out supply chains, take out means of resupplying fuel, resupplying food, resupplying ammunition, resupplying soldiers.
Sometimes they would use Mariscofa, the little masquerade, a little deception, to also achieve that same objective.
And it appears in Stage 1 that is precisely what the Russians did.
Knowing how difficult Kiev would be to take, the fact that they sent no more than 50,000 soldiers to that field, but they sent a long convoy of support materials that the world was obsessed with broadcasting, knowing that the NATO folks in the West would propagandize a false narrative of quick capture, That this would distract the Ukrainians into shackling their forces in those regions and not uniting in the east, which was the ultimate objective, to take Maripol, to take back the Donbass.
And in fact, that worked, quite extraordinarily so, quite frankly.
The Russians have mostly withdrawn from the Kiev regions, as predicted by some of us.
Uh, they have never gone to Odessa, as predicted by some of us.
They've never gone west, as predicted by some of us.
Instead, they are about to take off, take out the last remaining units in Maripol, and are further encircling and engulfing And creating a cauldron of the key Ukrainian units in the Donbass, who now are going to be without communication support, military communication, confidential encrypted communication support, because the Russians have taken it out so consistently.
Going to be without fuel, that's why the Russians have been hitting those fuel depots.
The media doesn't seem to get around to explaining the why of a lot of those fuel depot hits, do they?
It's because they're trying to cut off the fuel support for those Ukrainian army units in that region.
Historical fact, often unknown, one of the key reasons that the Germans lost in their Eastern Front battle invasion of Russia was not just the winter, not just a matter of manpower, but was because they never did conquer the Caucasus, never did get control of that oil, and they kept running out of gas on the way back, including in their mechanized units and tanks.
Fuel is the key, is in fact the fuel of war.
And so the Russian deep battle policy has all the elements of working.
Scott Ritter predicts and projects that the Ukrainians will be wiped out by the end of April.
Some honest NATO analysts have admitted the same to the Financial Times.
Others think it will take a little bit longer given the number of soldiers there and their commitment that you have a lot of Nazified units that are present there.
But speaking of the fuel of war, The other thing about this conflict, beyond its information war prospects, beyond its various military-martial means of conflict, and what is really happening in both capacities, is the economic and political war that it's really all about.
Ukraine is merely a proxy for not only the West versus Russia, but for globalism versus nationalism, for two different worldviews.
If you went back to 1997, you'd find that a young student, a young graduate student, who had recently come back from his service as effectively a clerk in the KGB, and worked as a deputy to the mayor of St.
Petersburg, took some time off to study some theories of power and strategy in St.
Petersburg, and wrote a thesis graduate paper that suggested that real power was rooted in control of resources.
Control of making actual goods, providing actual services, but even better, having the necessary resources that civilized society and functioning economies depend upon.
And that militaries often also, co-equally, depend upon.
Own and control the oil.
Own and control the gas.
Own and control the coal.
Own and control the uranium.
Own and control the potash.
Own and control the food and the fertilizers that go to make the food.
And if you did so, you could restore the wealth of any country and you could be independent of a globalist order.
At the same time, the globalists were propounding a different world vision.
George Soros, as really the penultimate leader of this group, Was propounding that what we can have is a interdependent global economic world where military power was inconsequential because of the global economic interdependence between citizenries and countries.
That would be controlled by a very small group at the top.
And this small group at the top would control the financial currencies that the whole interdependent economy was contingent independent upon and could leverage that for political control and could leverage that for cultural control.
They could dictate what policies countries, nations, and civilizations followed.
And they could also dictate what cultural mores and beliefs they ascribe to.
This is George Soros's, quote, open society, unquote, foundation.
His open society isn't open to many people beyond the George Soroses and the David Rockefellers and the Bill Gates of the world.
And in this capacity, his vision was totally opposite.
That resource power did not matter.
That whether you made goods or services did not matter.
What mattered is if you controlled the banking system.
If you controlled the currencies.
If you controlled the finances.
If you controlled the institutions of culture and media and academia.
That is why he spent almost all of his resources in those spaces and places.
But that young graduate student at St.
Petersburg said, no, real power is trusting and empowering ordinary people with democratic controls through a little D mechanism of using popular power as the basis of true power.
Beyond that, it's resources, resources that help the military run, that help society function, that help the economies of the world govern.
And in this capacity began, and that young graduate student was one Vladimir Il'inovich Putin.
And he went about building up Russia's resources.
So in the 90s, when Russia became a de facto colony of the West, ravaging and raping its people and population on a daily basis, destroying and wrecking its economy for external profit and gain, with crime going up by almost tenfold, with poverty dramatically skyrocketing, With the inability with homelessness, an unknown phenomenon suddenly appearing around the country, with oligarchs aligning with mafia units to steal and rip off from the people, both the workers and ordinary folks alike.
While that was going on en masse in the Boris Yeltsin, liquored up days of the 90s, of the colonized Ruski 90s, Vladimir Putin returned it to a different form beginning in 1999.
And soon that the poverty rate would drop by more than half.
The economy would boom.
The national security would be sustained.
The defense budget would increase tenfold.
Elections would be independently verified and validated by its most harshest critics as legitimate and authentic.
And Putin would build up a popular power base in Russia that is incomparable around the world, arguably incomparable at any history in world democratic politics.
And that power is what he would use to leverage the development of resources in Russia.
And it's that resource power that he believed ultimately would triumph over the globalist elite.
That's what this battle was all about.
Who was right?
George Soros or Vladimir Putin?
The Nationalists or the Globalists?
The people who believe in individual sovereignty or the people who believe in financial elite banker rule?
That's what the real war is all about.
Ukraine is just the battle terrain for this broader Nationalist-Globalist conflict.
There's a reason why Trump said it made sense to make Putin and Russia an ally, not an adversary, because he saw Soros and that world vision as the adversary, just as Soros saw with him.
Soros saw Trump and Putin as the two great adversaries of his goals and agenda.
Well, what's been happening?
So the Russians said, no, you need fuel.
You need food.
You need fertilizer.
And we got all of it.
And our military is going to be just fine because we enrich the uranium and we have the food and fuel and the steel to make it all work.
The West said, no, we will sink your ruble.
As Biden said, the ruble will now be rubble, is the predictions and forecast.
The Russian economy would implode.
The people would rise up in Russia and say, we don't want to be part of this nationalist sovereignty objective.
We want to be part of the globalist elite.
We want the George Soros world in our world.
We want the, we want to make sure we have our BMWs and our Mercedes-Benz and our Gucci bags and our foreign culture.
Please, please bring us Disney.
We must have it.
This was what the Soros types actually believed would happen.
Well, is that what has happened?
What has happened in Russia?
Has Putin's popularity cratered?
Is imminent overturn and revolution and coup about to take place?
Is the economy about to fall apart?
Are the globalists winning?
Or is Klaus Schwab crying in his Wheaties as we speak?
Is instead the Russian ruble rising?
The Russian economy replacing the dominant dollar?
when we come back more on that war and its development.
April 2022 just kicked off and it's already been incredible.
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, they, along with many other New World Order operatives, have gone on national television and announced that we are now under a world government.
They have a summit taking place right now in Dubai titled World Government Summit, and they are announcing incredible tyranny.
Everything we've talked about is now coming true, and the globalists want to take us off air.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are running the biggest sale in the history of InfoWars right now.
In our 28 years, all InfoWars apparel is being sold at cost until the inventory is gone and we're never going to print these t-shirts and ball caps and InfoWars flags again.
We may have t-shirts and apparel in the future, but I don't even know.
We are blowing out of everything to get emergency funds in right now.
I'm firing the bat signal and asking you to get your t-shirts at InfoWarsStore.com right now.
They're at cost.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the end for war and say, "I don't know what's going to happen at the end of
this, but you ought to fight!"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Meet your new Supreme Court judge, Ketanji Jackson.
In every single case involving child pornography, Judge Ketanji Jackson has been lenient and openly sympathetic with the perpetrators of child rape pornography.
Christopher Michael Downs openly bragged about molesting his 13-year-old cousin.
He was arrested for trading videos of child rape, including children as young as two years old.
Judge Jackson gave him the absolute bare minimum sentence.
Ryan Manning Cooper was arrested for having more than 600 images involving the rape and torture of children, including infants and toddlers, which is why the prosecutors made it clear that the case was on the more egregious or extreme spectrum.
But Judge Jackson disagreed and ruled that distributing images of infants and toddlers being raped is not especially egregious.
Wesley Keith Hawkins posted videos of 11-year-old boys being raped by men.
Jackson only gave him three months, sent him to a low-security prison, arranged for special protections, and apologized to him, telling him that she feels so sorry for him and his family, and for the anguish that this has caused all of them.
In explaining her light sentence, Judge Jackson argued for the child pornographer's future potential.
Six years later, he was arrested again for distributing child rape porn, and Jackson re-sentenced him to only six months in a residential re-entry center.
Neil Alexander Stewart was arrested with hundreds of images and videos of child rape while trying to procure children between the ages of 5 and 11 to rape them.
Judge Jackson admitted that the felon was likely to re-offend, but still gave a light sentence, arguing that the current recommendations for child sex offenders is outdated and substantially flawed.
Three years later, Stewart re-offended.
This is how Judge Jackson got her start.
In 2009, President Obama nominated her to vice chair the U.S.
Sentencing Commission, where she helped weaken federal sentencing policy for child pornographers by arguing that child pornographers are not pedophiles.
Which is similar to how Hillary Clinton got her start when she defended a group of men who violently gang raped a child and later joked how she knew they were guilty.
It's also very interesting that when the biggest pedophile scandal in history broke, Judge Jackson was there.
After WikiLeaks released the Podesta emails, millions of people were asking questions about a strange coded language being used between President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their friends.
A code that seemed to reflect what the FBI says is secret code for pedophiles.
The whole sordid mess became known as Pizzagate.
And when the feds clean-up operation ended up in the courts, Judge Kitanji Jackson was there to help tidy it all up.
I'm sure this is all just a coincidence.
Just like it was a coincidence that the world's most infamous pedophile blackmail artist killed himself in jail while the guards were surfing the internet.
And just like it's a coincidence that Congress has paid out millions of dollars in court settlements that involve sexual assault.
In some parallel universe, there may be an Earth that protects its children from pedophiles and other child predators.
But not this one.
On this Earth, we pay them taxes and sacrifice our children to them.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Alright, welcome to the third hour of the Alex Jones show here today on InfoWars.com.
I'm Mike Adams.
I'll be filling in for this hour.
I've got some breaking intel to share with you on the controlled demolition of the National Food Supply.
I've also got a special guest coming up here in the next segment.
Who has some additional intel to add to that picture.
Now, to set the stage for you here, I need to underscore the urgency of the situation of the controlled demolition of the food supply.
I received intel from a different source several weeks ago.
It told me, and this is a source related to the DC swamp and all of what's going on with the Biden regime and so on, and that source told me that their orders had gone out to food logistics companies, supply chain companies, distribution hubs and so on to achieve slowdowns in food distribution.
And in addition to that, we're watching millions of meat birds who are being culled across America.
Tens of millions of egg-laying hens and millions of turkeys and so on.
And this is all being done via PCR diagnosis.
Of bird flu.
And we know that PCR is a fraud.
And so we know that the mass culling of these meat birds is part of the controlled demolition to take down the food supply in America and deprive the American people of access to affordable meat.
In this case, chicken and turkeys and other such birds.
Now, what you're about to learn here today, with my special guest, is how the rail logistics systems Are now, well, cancelling or shall we say force majeure on selective contracts that deliver grains to dairy herds and other meat animal herds across America.
And this is designed to force farmers and ranchers and dairy operators To cull their own dairy cows and meat cows and hogs and so on.
And what you have to understand about this is it doesn't take very long to starve, to starve to death dairy herds.
It only takes a matter of days before they face starvation and just a few weeks before they die.
And yet to restore dairy herds, it takes about eight years to get back to production.
Because it takes years to raise cows.
You have to have cow-calf operations, and then those cows have to mature, and then you can't restore all of it at once.
It takes time.
It takes a few years, about eight years, really, to get back into full operation.
So if this effort to starve out the dairy herds in America is successful, and it is happening right now, it is happening right now, Then we're going to have a shortage of dairy products, you know, milk and cheese and yogurt and everything else that comes from dairy until the year 2030.
And this problem is being deliberately caused.
And so again, we've got a guest coming up who's going to give us more intel about that in the next segment, as well as other warnings about what's happening with the grand solar minimum and how it's affecting weather systems that are going to lead to more crop losses around the world.
And right now, by the way, in Europe, there is an Arctic cold blast that is shocking the springtime planting that is happening there.
It's going to lead to more food shortages in Europe, on top of the shortages that will be caused by a lack of heating gas for the greenhouses across much of Western Europe, as well as the lack of exports from Ukraine, which is the breadbasket of Europe.
These effects are going to be felt worldwide.
And as of yesterday, there are now food riots in Peru.
So it has reached South America.
There are uprisings, riots, you know, protests in some European countries, in many Middle Eastern countries, but now South America.
And this is only the beginning.
We're going to see food riots in the United States.
My prediction is the second half of this year.
We're going to see mass famine and food scarcity especially affecting marginal or developing nations that can barely afford to feed their own people even in normal circumstances.
And let me point out something.
Very important in all of this, the globalist extermination efforts to depopulate the planet, they realized that they needed two weapons in order to achieve global extermination.
For developed nations, they use vaccines, because they knew they could convince people in America and Australia and the UK and so on to take vaccines in very large percentages.
But the vaccine uptake was extremely low in developed nations, especially in African nations, such as Nigeria, for example.
The vaccine uptake, I think, it was only in single digits.
And so the weapon system for the globalists to take out developing nations is food scarcity and mass starvation.
And that is what is being administered right now.
Of course, they're also trying to take down the United States as much as possible, but because the U.S.
is a wealthier nation, people can absorb more price increases, and it doesn't eat into their discretionary income as much, in terms of percentages, as what it does in a developed nation, where people are living on poverty level, a couple dollars a day, and if food prices go up 20%, they begin to starve.
In America, food prices have already gone up 20%.
We are not yet facing mass starvation.
And food prices can still go up further, and they will go up further.
One of the guests I interviewed just the other day, Marjorie Wildcraft, is predicting 100% food price increases this year.
That is, from January of 2022, To the end of this year, food prices will double.
So they went up 20% last year, she believes they will go up 100% this year, and that they will double again in 2023.
So we are not far from the point of mass uprisings and food riots, and yet we are living under what I can only call a food terrorism regime, which is deliberately Trying to destroy the logistics, the food delivery systems, you've got the USDA paying farmers to not grow food and even to destroy their crops.
You've got shutdowns of pipelines.
In fact, it was the very first thing that Joe Biden did when he got into the, you know, his fake presidential position, the acting president, he signed executive orders to shut down pipelines and to shut down thousands of permits.
That could have brought us affordable energy, that could have been used to create fertilizer, that could have been used to fertilize farms and grow food right here in America.
If Joe Biden has done anything at all, it is to make sure that America is not self-reliant, to cripple America's infrastructure when it comes to food and energy while waging a culture war against the American people that now has the entire federal government claiming that they don't know what a woman is.
Claiming, I mean, even the Supreme Court justice nominee, Katonji Brown-Jackson, claims she doesn't know what a woman is.
And yet, she's proclaimed as, allegedly, going to be the first black woman to sit on the bench.
But she doesn't know what a woman is.
So we are in very dangerous territory.
We are watching the final stages of collapse of a debt-based empire.
We're watching the weaponization of food scarcity against the people and the weaponization of the currency with Biden saying that he now has to have about a $6 trillion budget, a federal spending budget next year.
That's about half a trillion per month.
And then they're going to have stimulus money printing on top of that, trillions more.
We are very rapidly approaching a point where our government, you know, our illegitimate government is going to be spending a trillion dollars a month We're at $30 trillion in debt right now.
A trillion dollars a month is coming.
And this is the final blowout stage.
And then you're going to see the collapse of everything.
You're going to see the collapse of the dollar, the collapse of the federal government as we know it, the collapse of America as it is currently structured, the collapse of the food supply, the collapse of Democrat cities, the collapse of the rule of law, the collapse of reason and logic, by the way, and even the collapse of definitions of men and women.
And that collapse is taking place right now.
So, we are in red alert territory right now, and we only have a few months remaining until the food starts to go empty, at least regionally, on many grocery store shelves across America.
Not that it's all going to be wiped out, but you're going to see food missing from the shelves in many places across the country.
So your time to prepare is growing very short.
To prepare for the collapse of food, the collapse of the dollar, the collapse of the rule of law, all these things, your time is very, very short.
We're going to give you some solutions today, and we'll be back after this break with a special guest with more intel in these areas and much more.
I'm Mike Adams, guest hosting this third hour.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back here on the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, welcome back folks to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Mike Adams, the health ranger filling in for the rest of this hour.
We've got a special guest coming up with new intel on the collapse of the food situation in America, the deliberate collapse.
But first, I want to mention how much I love the idea that InfoWars came up with these collectible silver coins.
I think it's a fantastic idea.
First of all, silver has value all by itself.
And by the way, you can get these at patriotcollectibles.com.
The current coin, which I believe is the second in the series, is the Tree of Liberty founding member silver rounds.
These are one ounce custom-made, custom-designed silver coins.
Not only are they, of course, silver, but they're also collectibles.
They also help fund the InfoWars operation.
So get those at patriotcollectibles.com.
And, guys, please save a set for me, because I want to buy a set myself.
Just give me, like...
I mean, I really want a set of this, and I haven't done it, but just let me get in and buy one before they're all gone.
They're probably going to be gone tomorrow, so I better hurry.
Anyway, enough said about that.
I'm a big fan of silver, a big fan of that whole project.
All right, now we're going to bring in our guest today, who is David Dubin.
And his channels are called ADAPT2030 on various social media and video platforms.
And David Dubin is an expert in the grand solar minimum phenomenon, which affects agriculture and crop production.
And David brought me some intel yesterday that just coincided with intel that I'd received a couple weeks earlier, but I had not yet gone public with because I wasn't able to confirm it.
Well, David's Intel confirms this, and now he joins us here to share that intel and break it down for us.
Welcome to the show, David.
It's great to have you on.
Yeah, thanks for having me back.
And I totally agree.
If Russia is going off to a gold-backed ruble and a gold-backed commodity payment system, we're going to be swinging back into using precious metals.
And I'm sure down the road after this food collapse and during it, you're going to be able to use those rounds of silver to trade off for medicines, food, ammo.
Just like it's been through history, those metals are always used and tradable.
Always has been for the last 6,000 years, so I don't see why it would change in this cycle.
Yeah, you're absolutely right, David.
I'm glad you jumped right to that point, because when food scarcity becomes widespread, you end up seeing a lot of real desperate local barter and trade.
And the things that people trade for food, historically, around the world, in collapse scenarios, are ammunition, silver especially, and then other forms of emergency medicine.
You know, not so much fiat currency, because usually these are in situations where the currency is collapsing.
How desperate do you think the situation is going to get here over the next one to two years in America, David?
Oh, I would fast forward that to less than six months.
Coming into the harvest season of this year, 2022, we're definitely going to see something that nobody has really envisioned in terms of how society can collapse so quickly.
And how scarce food can become even in a food producing nation and how fast the value in the agreed value of a currency, a fiat currency that's traded for goods and services across the planet, how that faith can be so like in an instant eroded away where that will have no value.
And if you have a valueless piece of paper, you're not going to bring anything into your country.
I mean, yeah, you could use it within the country during that initial collapse phase, but at that point, then what do you really get from that paper?
And we've always had this illusion that it's going to last forever.
I mean, even empires, I think the average length of an empire span is 260, 265 years, somewhere around there.
Fiat currencies are far, you know, they just don't last.
Whatever form they have taken up to this point, 100% of them have collapsed, except the ones that are in use now.
They've all collapsed up to this point, and we're talking thousands of years.
So if you're looking at historical cycles, and that's what I like to study is cycles, the things that trigger societal collapse, government overthrows, economic shifts, and then population migration.
There's a cycle to that as well, and I think we're right at the cusp of another one.
But it's all about the agreed value and then you really what is it going to be value when you know what is a 50 pound bag of a hard red winter wheat that could be used as seed or ground into grain?
What's the true value of that if you're in a starvation scenario?
But it is going to be lightning fast.
I'm glad you mentioned that.
What is real value?
Because right now, our economy has been based on a lot of financialization of the economic output, which is bankers creating financial instruments, derivatives, and making bets on things that are real, but then assigning value to the bets themselves, which is how we got the subprime mortgage collapse situation.
We are seeing right now, especially with Russia and the decisions made by Putin, a shift from global financialization of the economy to global commodities-backed currencies.
And in the case of Putin, even gold-backed.
Now, what, 5,000 rubles to a gram of gold, which establishes really a floor for the price of the ruble, which also establishes a floor for the exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar via gold.
But Russia is now saying, That they're going to demand rubles for commodities exports, especially from unfriendly countries.
So it's not just energy now.
It's going to be aluminum.
It's going to be wheat.
It's going to be other minerals and metals, copper, things that they export and fertilizer as well.
So suddenly commodities matter.
What's real has real value.
Your thoughts, David?
Well, if I go back to the denarius and the 250 grains of wheat measured down to the exact grain for that weight of silver.
I mean, what is, are we going to go back to silver traded for food?
Because food, in my opinion, will become the most valuable commodity on the planet, hands down.
Everything else will be second, third and fourth.
Food is the thing that keeps a society and a civilization functional.
If you don't have the nutrients, the calories to keep your bodies and industry moving and people functioning to keep the base level of just keeping the lights on, if you don't have food to supply that, You've seen through history, they'll let nations go down into vegetarianism to send protein to the troops so the frontline guys keep the morale up.
And look at World War II when we went to Victory Gardens and how they rerouted all the highest value foods to the frontline troops.
It's all about the food.
And you need bodies functional, and you need that protein, and you need the micronutrients, and you need the minerals and the vitamins.
And if you don't have that, your cognitive function declines, and so does the ability to make good decisions and just physically getting work done.
You can't have a society where everybody's laying on the floor malnourished.
It doesn't work.
It just doesn't work.
Yeah, you make a really good point there that when people lack calories and they're facing famine, their cognitive function begins to decline and you might end up in a country where people don't even know the difference between a man and a woman, for example.
That could happen.
Or you might end up with a president who doesn't know where he is.
Or, you know, a fake president who's demented and mentally incapacitated.
Gee, hmm.
But in any case, I know you've got a lot more intel to share with us.
We're going to be right back.
We're going to take a quick break here, David.
Stay with us.
I want to ask you then about more specifics about what's happening with rail-based deliveries of grain across America and why this is not yet public information but it will be soon.
So stay tuned folks.
We'll be right back here on the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, get prepared.
Take some notes for this section here, this segment of the show today.
Welcome back, I'm Mike Adams, the health ranger here for Alex Jones Show, today on InfoWars.com.
And we're joined by David Dubin, who is the creator of the channel called Adapt2030.
And he's an expert in the Grand Solar Minimum and the effects of solar radiation on food production and weather systems as well.
So welcome back, David.
I'd like you to get into now, you and I both have many different Intel sources, and you really shocked me with some of the Intel that you shared with me yesterday.
I know there are details that you can't yet make public, but share with us what you can, and then I'll augment that with some of my sources.
But go ahead and jump right into that.
Yeah, I will.
And the way we're going to take a look at this is it's going to be broken into two different parts of the world, as we know.
We've got the industrial side over here, and then we have sort of Main Street, just people going off into the supermarkets that are going to soon experience what the industrial side is seeing.
Well, when you're going to move grain, it doesn't generally move by truck.
It's too bulky, it's too heavy.
The ROI on that by moving 18 wheelers, it just doesn't work unless it's in a very, very close location to where it's coming off the field.
If you're going to take it from the grainery to a factory that might be a mile or two away.
And they might even have set up some sort of conveyor system at that point to cut down on that over the years of how many transports they're going to take.
So you're going to generally run your grain by rail.
And if you're a major buyer and you know how many cattle you have and what your throughput is per year, you're going to contract forward that out on, I need this many rail cars for this year and I will guarantee payment that we will take 100,000 cars, 220,000 cars.
And you give it to us at a certain price and you always know that we are going to run grain on this.
So you're going to have the correct cars and your teams are going to get ready and then you'll have your crews and everything should be a well-oiled machine.
If you're buying in at 200 plus thousand rail cars on delivery, that should be a devoted staff and team just for your movement of goods.
But it seems that even though there has been payment on contract, Walmart and Consumer Goods have suddenly bumped grain off the rails because they're paying about 30% more for their delivery.
And even though it's on a contract basis, they're calling force majeure.
Now force majeure, at least for me, you know, just the way I understand, that's an act of God.
Your ship capsized at sea because of a rogue wave.
You know, there was massive fires that blew through and rolled up, you know, 600,000 square Acres somewhere that ruined your facilities and it ruined tracks and you couldn't, you know, transit at that point.
Anything an active got on that kind of earthquake, a landslide that's taken something out.
But to get a higher freight rate from consumer goods manufacturers and sellers in large box stores to then knock the grain off the rails to put theirs in the front of it.
It just doesn't make sense to me unless it's to Slow down the delivery of grains to the end user, whether it's feeder cattle or dairy.
And chicken and turkey, you know, these are all, you know, included in this hog.
But now they want to vaccinate the chickens, and it just gets into this whole bizarre world of they want to vaccinate chickens now, and you see where that might take it.
But if you slow down the grain...
Sorry to interrupt, but what you're saying is that the rail carriers are now dropping the contracts that they previously agreed to to deliver hundreds of thousands of cars of grain to certain kinds of operations such as cattle and dairy and so on, and they are claiming force majeure, which means they don't have to make good on their contracts.
That's what you're saying, and that is beginning now, correct?
Are you able to confirm that?
And it's also the rule of law.
If we look at, you know, contract law, it means there is no more rule of law.
So now this, you know, where does it move from this point?
You know, the faith in a fiat currency being shattered at the moment with the U.S.
dollar, it's no different than a force majeure is being called because you want to get a higher freight rate from an industrial good to deliver off to Walmart or somewhere.
It's the same thing, the rule of law no longer exists.
We saw that with the CDC interfering with rental contracts right during COVID.
So yeah, they just said we're going to overwrite the contracts.
But critically, what you are saying is that Uh, dairy herds and cattle herds and so on, they will begin to starve to death within a few days from right now.
And if they are not in some way able to be fed or rescued or whatever, then entire herds in America are going to be culled!
I mean, they're going to be killed.
It's like killing the goose that lays the golden egg.
In this case, you're killing the cow that provides the milk, that provides the cheese and the yogurt and everything.
And it's going to take years to ever bring that back.
Many years.
And look on the consumer side, too.
If you go up the chain of value in dairy, you know, it's the whey proteins, and then you finally get up to what would be put and included in the infant formulas.
Now, a lot of people are thinking about this.
If there's a complete destruct in the dairy industry, yeah, your cheeses might not come, and milk is the bottom of the barrel.
That's the lowest, you know, value product that comes out of a dairy facility.
But, you know, when you're bringing it far up to the point where infant formulas are going to get disrupted, or even non-available, Where does that bring part of our society if, you know, you're being malnourished anyway and you're counting on something to be able to feed children?
I don't know.
That takes us in this direction.
Well, folks, I want to encourage everybody, if you can, get yourself some goats.
Seriously, get some Nubian goats.
That's a great breed.
You can milk Nubians.
They're much more productive than the Nigerian dwarf goats that I have, that I milked in years past.
It's a lot of milking work to get a little bit of milk, by the way.
It's not really worth it.
But you get some bigger goats and you can You know, infants, you know, human babies can live on goat's milk.
It's actually the best replacement for them, instead of the processed garbage that's sold, you know, in the stores, so-called infant formula.
It's junk, in my opinion.
It's toxic, in my opinion.
But I also wanted to add this, David.
We have intel because we're in the food business as well.
We were told, I think roughly two months ago, that there's no more certified free-range organic milk powder in North America as of two months ago.
And, you know, that's a product that we buy, you know, 50,000, 100,000 pounds at a time or whatever, can't even get it.
It's gone.
And that was before this that you're talking about.
So even we are seeing shortages, we are seeing just things completely wiped out, especially, you know, organic options are just getting destroyed.
And then conventional options are going to be destroyed as well.
You know, how, I mean, when are the mainstream Americans, in your opinion, David, going to go to the grocery store and start to see some shocking, significant percentage of the shelves empty?
Or is it just going to be prices are 300% higher, but they still have supply, or a mixture of that?
What's your opinion?
We can start over in England or in the UK.
They're giving a list right now of things that were grown in greenhouses that are not going to be available for anybody to purchase.
This is in England, you know, things like eggplants, that sort of thing.
Again, it comes down to can you heat the greenhouse?
And, you know, what's the production coming out of that?
But I was talking to somebody yesterday and they are work and go in are associated with Walmart in a certain capacity.
And they were saying that the price is there.
They're repricing six thousand food items right now.
So that'll give you an indication.
Aldi is also increasing prices of food anywhere from 30 to 50 percent.
I know that's in Germany, but it's also the same here in the United States.
So, you know, we come into that conundrum, like how on a different supply chain, completely separated from an ocean, some of us locally sourced or at least continentally sourced, like how do you raise the prices across the board on both continents, the exact same percentages, which doesn't make sense.
But there is some drip feed of what is going to be lost or what is going to be less available in stores.
And you might have to put a sheet together to start to take a look at all the strawberries won't be there.
Aberganes won't be there.
The oranges aren't coming here.
And you just look at the nations that are having a problem in Europe that export out as well.
You know, you got the Spain over there problems, France is having problems.
And it is going to be a, it's going to be like chipping a piece of ice away to make an ice sculpture.
Well, you hit one, maybe there's a larger chunk that comes off.
You hit it and there's a couple flecks that come off.
It's going to be the same way with the food inavailability.
You might go in one day and then, you know, one shelf is completely empty or you go in the next day, it's one thing that's been repriced or not available.
And notice the switch that's coming over.
And take a look at your cans and see if they've been double-stamped for the goodbye date or the expiration date.
Because there seems to be stories coming across of a lot of cans that have been double-stamped, so you can't really read the expiration dates on it.
I don't know if it's on purpose.
David, I gotta jump in here.
Sorry to interrupt you.
We're gonna go to break here shortly, but I'm gonna go grab a lid of my own hydroponic grow system.
I'm gonna show it to you here on camera.
Gonna go grab that during the break and I'll be back to show people that.
And let's bring some solutions into this, David.
What can people do right now to not starve to death and to be more food self-reliant as Joe Biden is trying to destroy the food supply for all Americans?
We'll be right back.
Okay, welcome back folks.
Wow, I had to make a mad dash to my grow area to show you this.
We're going to talk about solutions for food.
Let me show you this.
These are some plants of a hydroponic system.
This is a non-circulating hydroponic grow box system and it uses no electricity and no pumps whatsoever.
So, if you look at these plants, you see they're developing their own root systems.
And this works in an off-grid mode.
If the electricity goes down, your plants don't die, unlike in many aeroponic systems.
And if you want to just research this, there are a ton of videos online.
This is called the Kratky System, K-R-A-T-K-Y, and technically it's called the Suspended Net Pot Non-circulating hydroponic system, and I am growing unbelievable amounts of food using this system.
You can make them yourself.
It's not a sales pitch here.
This is a pitch for not dying of starvation, basically.
I think Parris Island lettuce.
You can grow red oak leaf lettuce.
You can grow chard.
You can grow cilantro, oregano.
You can grow your own herbal medicine.
You can then distill those.
You can make your own natural antibiotics using this system.
No soil.
No weeds.
Dirt cheap to operate.
Let me set it down.
It costs almost nothing.
Almost nothing to do this after you, after your initial investment on the bins.
So, David, I want to ask you also, wow, I got Water and roots here all over.
I want to ask you, you know, just with that introduction, how critical is it that we all have to get to solutions and we have to become more food independent?
And what do you recommend people do to start that journey if they haven't started it already?
First, I would, you know, set aside a budget and, you know, with your family or, you know, husband, wives, whatever it is, take a look at your finances and see how much first you can allocate Two, getting seeds and getting tools.
And you're going to need row cover in case it gets cold.
And you're going to have to think of things to defend your plants.
And can you make natural insecticides from things that are, you know, more, they're not going to get into your food system and make you sick.
And it's a great point about all the lettuces that you spoke about there.
What is the nutrition content or the vitamin or the mineral content in lettuce?
I mean, a perfect example is romaine lettuce versus iceberg lettuce.
If you look at romaine, it's literally 4X to 10X across everything from the vitamin A all the way from the iceberg lettuce.
I wouldn't consider it exactly a superfood like moringa oleifera might be or goji berries.
You have to go more into Chinese medicine on the longevity.
Herbs, but things that can keep you nutrient-rich because if you look at the plagues through history, the reason that a lot of these plagues on set were because people's immune systems were so depleted because they didn't have, you know, micronutrients, vitamins, these sort of things that we would need.
So if you have the research, we have the internet available right now, start to do the research on things that can grow in your area, that are easy to grow, like moringa is the miracle tree, incredibly easy to grow.
But then, you know, do an analysis on what you want to eat because you're not going to want to grow something that you're not going to eat.
But then it's really, you know, doing a little bit of research on, you know, what's going to keep your body sustained, what's easy to grow and what you can protect easily.
You know, that is a good weekend of a few people doing the research and at least you can get a base list of where you can go out and then get the seeds and start getting your garden together at that point.
At the base minimum, doing something like that.
Well absolutely David, I'm really glad you mentioned those points about nutrition because the lettuce and the processed food and all the dead food that you typically buy at the grocery store, it's not doing you much good anyway.
You may think you're filling your belly, but you're not getting the nutrition that you need.
And one of the silver linings from this global famine that has already begun is that more people are going to learn about how to grow real nutritious food.
And you might think, You know, if you're a meat eater, you know, barbecue all the time, you might think, oh, I can't live off lettuce.
Well, yeah, you can't live off that garbage lettuce that you've had at the store.
You can live off of this stuff in an emergency and you might be able to augment it from time to time with some venison or some wild hog or some rabbit meat.
If you raise some rabbits or some chicken meat or chicken eggs or even a squirrel or something from time to time, you can augment This, but this can be your primary source of medicinal molecules, plant-based medicine, and it can give you the fiber and fill your belly with some real protein.
There's calcium, there's magnesium, there's protein, there's chlorophyll.
This is real food, not the garbage that they sell in the lettuce section at the grocery store.
So, thank you for pointing that out, David.
What additional thoughts do you have on solutions for people right now, things that people might want to look into?
Well, the superfoods are really kind of where I'm focusing right now, because if you look at mulberry, those are quite easy to grow, and then you can eat the mulberry leaf or turn it into a powder and save it, dry it, keep it for a longer period of time.
Moringa as well, the leaves off the moringa tree, superfood, and you can powderize those leaves, but you can eat them fresh and the mulberry as well.
So I'm kind of looking at all these dual-purpose trees that give you the fruit, that give you the drumsticks, that you could produce into oil off moringa.
But, you know, trying to use every part of the tree during the seasons, and if you have a tree growing, it's quite a bit easier to maintain it than it is replanting annual flowers or vegetables that you're going to turn into your medicines.
And that's kind of the way I'm looking at it.
Let nature help you along as long as you start that process and maintain the process.
If you're in that mind frame of turning it into a forest and, you know, what can you forage through the different months of the years.
You know, you spend the $12 or $15 to go to a bookstore and get a book on what grows in your area.
Like, if you bought one of the books in the Southeast U.S.
where I'm at, it's not going to do you much good in Oregon or something.
But get regional books where you can forage and find things that grow in your area to supplement also, because every month of the year there's something to eat, even coming into the nut season at the end of the year.
Speaking of proteins, walnuts, hickory nuts, that sort of thing, chestnuts, there's a lot of nuts around that people don't think to eat any longer.
We get currently we get about a dozen eggs a day from our current hen laying flock.
And remember, folks, you can also plant trees such as mulberry trees that will provide food for chickens.
So you need to also think about how to grow your own grain or food supply for chickens or rabbits and rabbits and chickens will eat also the leftovers from your garden.
And then in addition, you need to be able to think about how to create your own fertilizer.
And I was interviewing Marjorie Wildcraft recently just talking about urine.
Just talking about the fertilizer value of urine which people normally flush away.
You're going to have to start thinking about that is another resource.
An actual fertilizer resource that your body makes and You can use that on a garden, and it can replace the synthetic fertilizers that are going to be in short supply.
And I know it might be an odd thought.
People are like, what, I've got to save my pee?
Well, I mean, only if you want to not starve to death.
Start thinking about these things.
It's very real.
So, Dave, we're down to about a couple minutes left here.
I want to give you an opportunity to tell people a little bit about you and your work and how people can follow you as well.
I know some of your videos are on many platforms, including Brighteon and others.
Tell us a little bit about what you're doing right now, your focus.
Well, I've been following the cycles in history based on solar activity and how that would then affect what you consider civilization or society or emperors or these types of things that we've seen, kingdoms, fiefdoms, that they're on a regular collapse pattern, but they're also on a regular growth pattern to the apex of what would be considered art and mathematics and engineering of the times.
If everything that you look back in history, it's always at the apex and then they collapse.
Well, why is that?
And that's what I started to look at and then I was doing this cycle study and it brings us to this point right now.
And my whole message is we can get through this together if we're all informed enough to start to go off and be more self-autonomous and do your own decentralized gardening and grow our own foods and create communities that can then work through this.
That's the message that I'm giving.
Trying to, you know, analyze the problem and then come up with solutions at the same time because we are here now because everybody in the past did live through these events.
And you know what we're facing now with so many more people on the planet.
It's going to take a coordinated effort for us to move through.
But in smaller communities, if you understand what's happening and the collapse cycle and what's being triggered with the losses of foods being grown on an industrial scale due to solar activity and jet streams and cloud cells moving, you can put some sense to it.
And once you do that, you know, communities have survived through time immemorial.
So it's time for us to get back to take our own sovereignty back for so many aspects of our lives that have been given away to centralized control.
But it's time to take it back, organize.
And that is truly my message is, you know, when I find new information, let's share it.
And then maybe that'll help you and get you and your families and your communities a little bit more prepared so we can get through this.
Because if your community is more compared to mine is, we're all going to get through this better.
Yeah, we've all got to have this shared preparedness or mutual grassroots decentralized preparedness, and that's what's going to get us through this.
And I just want to mention some names, too.
Not only you, David DuBine, but Ice Age Farmer is doing some excellent work in this area.
Right, Christian.
Marjorie Wildcraft, of course, is teaching people how to grow food.
You know, I'm one of the experts in the area of food as well, and I'm sharing information every day.
You know, I've got a podcast on Brighton, of course, on the editor of NaturalNews.com.
I think everybody knows that here.
Folks, you know, get the resources that you need.
Get some stored food where you can, but also learn how to grow food if you want to make it through this.
And supportinfowars.com.
The silver coin is at patriotcollectibles.com to help this broadcast stay on air so we can continue to bring you these critical messages for human survival as we move into this time of controlled demolition.
Thank you for watching today.
I'm Mike Adams.
Take care.
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Hi there.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for this hour.
And I have a lot to talk about this hour.
And so I hope you learned something.
I hope I learned something.
It's always something that intrigues me is to be challenged in my thinking and to maybe see things in a different way.
So that's what I hope this hour brings.
And let me just tell you a little bit about my weekend.
I cook a lot for my family.
I know that must just really piss off the feminists, but I really actually enjoy it.
I made this pasta salad and it's my grandma's recipe.
And I love it.
And it has sweet pickle in it, right?
A lot of people don't like that.
They like dill pickle.
And so I make this salad and I make it with a lot of different ingredients.
And ingredients can really change up a salad, can't they?
And so you have people that have a certain taste for things or don't or just don't like it.
So I serve this to my family.
And some of them liked it and some of them didn't.
And it's just one of my favorites because I've loved it for a long time and I'm used to it, right?
And it's a fabulous recipe, but I'm probably not the only one that likes it.
And then also there's all kinds of different kinds.
Now you're probably wondering why I'm talking about pasta salad.
That's a clear example of what our media and government does to us every day.
You know, pasta salads are, it's true, people eat them.
There's lots of different varieties.
There's all kinds of pasta salad.
But it absolutely is not important.
And really, there was no point in telling you the story.
It was just a piece of information for you.
And that's about it.
And I always find it really intriguing to look at how the media has operated over the last 100 years, and what they focus the stories on.
Yeah, I get it.
And sometimes relevant, sometimes and mostly not.
But what will they always miss?
They're always going to miss the big important story.
They're never going to tell you the absolute truth.
And they're never going to tell you something that's really important to how you should probably be examining and looking at your life in general.
And so that story, you know, as pointless as it was, because who cares about pasta salad?
I still have to go to the fact that we really need to wake up in this country and understand that we're not being told the truth.
And that's the most important part.
And so we have about 160 years worth of eugenics going on in our society.
And I think sometimes we look at it as we're over here kind of leading our life and then eugenics is over there.
And it's something that they have really gotten off on, have really wanted to do to our society.
They're very, very, very afraid of our population.
But the problem is, is that we're here, right?
And that really drives them crazy.
But they have designed just about every single way to impact our lives.
The media and government will never tell you this story.
And they'll never have you look at it in the way that I want to present it in this hour.
Because eugenics has been their theme, it's been their goal, and it's been what drives them.
And it's really at the root, getting rid of you, is really at the root of why they've done what they've done throughout the years.
But interestingly enough, I think it's hard for us to fathom people that do this, but the elites are, the ones that are calling the shots, are atheists, right?
That's usually what is kind of backing them.
And so they're afraid of population.
They don't want a huge population.
They don't have faith in people.
They don't have faith in God, right?
That we have a great earth that was designed for us and can meet our needs.
I know when I drive across the country, there's a lot of open land, but not according to the elite.
For 160 years, they have been trying to destroy us.
And I want to introduce a couple of ways that you might not have thought of.
And I want to say, look, we have our lives, we have our families, and our marriages, and our kids, and we think that life is crazy enough just to get through those challenges.
But as we go through this, I want to describe really what's at hand with depopulation and eugenics, what they're really trying to do and why.
So I'm going to come right back in just a few minutes.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from katedallyradio.com and you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'll be right back.
I'm back here with you.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show and I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
I so appreciate you tuning in for this because I do hope you look at this a little differently.
I know I did.
And anything I can do to help us to understand what's truly going on.
That every story of the week is not pasta salad.
It's more like word salad going on all the time with our government and our media, and our media is just the voice of our government.
And so there has been a lot of things in our past that are never talked about, ever.
And that should be disturbing to all of us, that we never get the real story, we never get the real problem, and we never get the important stories.
Um, media is just nice hair and nice teeth.
I mean, really, when you get right down to it, um, with their little robotic gestures and their script reading.
It's awful, isn't it?
You know, something that's always bothered me is that the FBI cannot tell you how many missing children there are, but they can tell you down to the number how many occurrences of different things take place, or the murder rate, or they embellish the gun rate, of course, because we know that's under 1% in the entire country.
But they embellish it to make it look like it's the biggest threat of our lives.
But what's interesting is they can't really tell you the number of missing children.
Isn't that kind of fascinating?
I mean, at birth, we're all given a number like cattle, you know, social security number for the most part.
Very, very few people have babies off the grid anymore.
It's almost impossible because you can't lead your life without being stamped like a piece of cattle.
Bought and sold on the exchange, right?
And so we know that that's what we are to them.
And 160 years of this, I want to go back to a couple of things that have been part of our life, even though we didn't really realize it.
160 years ago is what started two things, pharma, and of course, we had the insurance companies.
And the insurance companies just, man, through all of the hundred years of war and Great Depression and all kinds of things, right?
They seem to always make their gains and they seem to always come out on top because the same companies that came up 160 years ago, well, they're still there and thriving, doing really, really well.
And so, as they, I think, have been gaming the system according to Dr. David Martin, which I love his spiel on this.
It's really, really good.
If you want to find that on Rumble, it's fantastic because insurance companies have really gamed our death and they've done it quite well and they've done it quite profitably, to tell you the truth.
And they just kind of seemed to know when things were going to happen.
And then, you know, it's kind of like right now they're going off and buying insurance policies on the people that have been taking these vaccines, right?
Because they don't want, they know there's going to be a huge amount of losses coming, but they don't want to lose their shirts.
And so gaming the system, but they've been doing this for 160 years.
And ever since the advent of pharma, which I've talked about a lot on the show, And a lot on my own show is that pharma is a driving force behind a lot of deaths.
And this is why they've been experimenting on us.
And this is why they kicked out the country doctor and the homeopathic things that we used to use.
And now all of a sudden, it's all about pharma, pharma, pharma, you know, like Marsha, the Brady Bunch, you know, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.
It's pharma.
Everywhere we look, it's pharma.
And all of us are on a lot of drugs, aren't we?
Because of it.
And so you have this happening in the last 160 years.
And then also, we have endless wars.
This is really a fight for our lives.
Did we need endless wars?
World War I?
World War II?
Were they implemented?
Were they positioned?
Were they... Well, there's a lot of reasons for war, but we've had endless war, really, since about World War II.
If not, I would probably include World War I, okay?
It's a great way to get rid of a lot of people, too, if you really are threatened by the population.
And so, we have a lot of war, and then we also have a lot of war substitutes that really do a lot of the same thing, it just is more disguised.
The abortion rate, over 60-70 million deaths in abortion, that's a lot of babies that could have led their own lives, but sadly enough, the mother chose to take them out and murder them.
So, what do you do?
You know, there's a lot of sanctioning of abortion.
And a lot of that comes from the elites, of course.
These are the groups that designed it, Planned Parenthood, Margaret Stanger.
They all came from these, even Bill Gates' father, part of Planned Parenthood.
They really, really love to keep that population under control.
We also have drugs and we also have vaccines, right, which I've talked a lot about on this show too.
But vaccines brought an explosion of cancer.
A lot of people don't realize that.
The vaccine, polio vaccine, that was unnecessary and unneeded because only 1%, just like COVID, lovid, actually were even affected by it.
But they rushed in this shot and they rushed in 90 million of those shots, right?
Half the population got an infected version of polio.
Well, what happened after that?
Well, we had the war on cancer with Nixon, right?
I've talked about this.
And all of a sudden we had this huge explosion in the cancer market.
One in three now has cancer.
Soon it'll be one in two, maybe one in one, if a lot of people are taking the fourth, fifth, tenth, twentieth, thirtieth shot that they're supposed to take this year.
So you've got a lot of these kinds of things going on.
In fact, when they handed out the infected monkey kidney disease polio shot, They actually admitted it.
They knew it.
They admitted it.
And Dr. Mary's Monkey is a great book to go on to get even more information on that so you can understand how they did it and why.
But even as they were passing it out, they said it's more important to get this out than it is to tell the truth about the fact that it was infected.
And so they finally did tell the truth about that.
So then you have cancer and you have a lot of pharma and a lot of profitability on that.
Then you have, uh, they're touting the 1 million deaths by COVID right now.
Have you ever noticed the excitement in the media?
Have you ever noticed how like they're almost salivating over, Ooh, a million.
Oh, I just got off on a million.
Um, and then they want it to be possibly 2 million, 3 million.
It's almost like there's some sort of excitement in the air when they can say a million deaths.
They're smiling.
Have you ever noticed that?
They're smiling over it.
Now, we all know that those million deaths were pulled from other categories like car accidents and head trauma.
They were not COVID deaths, but they do get really excited about numbers, don't they?
They love to project high numbers and they like the death toll, okay?
We just barely stopped after like a year and a half hearing the death toll every day, right?
Well, possibly two years we heard the death toll, death toll, death toll.
They like that kind of thing.
Environmentalism is also about saving the earth.
Don't populate.
We have the vaccines that I think have caused our immune systems to go down and I think they have caused like HPV, a lot of infertility.
My guess when they started with HPV, because my daughter was 13 at the time when they started with that, my whole reaction to that, my whole gut feeling behind that was absolutely no.
Absolutely no.
Now all of those girls are 25, 26, 27 years old, having a difficult time getting pregnant if they're trying right now.
And some of them not even trying right now, putting their families off, thanks to our next one, feminism, right?
And of course, to be a feminist, you've got to worry about your career, you've got to have all these other things going and families on the back burner.
And that is if you can find a good daycare to take care of your child because heaven forbid you ever, you know, cook your family a meal or stay home with your kids and teach them yourself.
And so feminism was also brought in to depopulate because of course they don't want fertility.
They don't want babies.
They're not about babies.
And so we have a lot of things like this.
You also have corrupt the family.
You also have, let's have everybody in America think they are gay, lesbian, transgender.
Thank you, Disney.
Or, um, you know, basically bringing in this narrative that, uh, look, you just need to concentrate on what sex you are, you know, of the 5,000 different genders.
That's what you need to be spending your time doing.
And let's screw up your body with more drugs and more hormones and more things so that it'll be impossible for you to ever procreate, even if you wanted to.
And, of course, it's the entire save the entire country with this kind of nonsense, right?
And save the entire country because now we're going to focus and make people think that this is the largest population on earth of transgender and gay, right?
And lesbian.
I don't care if you're trans, gay, or lesbian.
I really don't.
I absolutely don't.
Live your life.
Live your dream.
But to make people think that you should be experimenting with this, that this is something that you might be, is really the danger to our youth and it will be a danger to our population coming up.
A lot of people are going to get stuck in this cycle of trying to see what they are rather than accept who they are.
And proceed with, say, a family and children and things like that.
And so, of course, the ruining of our culture and all of these things that these leftist progressive little communists bring to us, now you can kind of understand where they're headed.
A lot of it has to do with infertility, procreation, on that side.
I'll be right back.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for this hour.
I'm so glad to be here on a Wednesday.
And, of course, I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
You can go to katedallyradio.com.
I do a live show every day, right after this actually, and expand on a lot of these things that I'm talking about right now.
The pasta salad that we've been served up by our media and government for all these years is just that.
It's true, but it's ridiculous to focus on in a story of non-importance.
In our lives, these are the things that are important.
And so, you know, many still think our government is there to save the day, to help us, or look out for us.
Anyway, it's hard to fathom, to tell you the truth, that people still believe this.
But they do.
And I think it's maybe the inherent goodness in all of us that speaks to that, that says, you know what?
I want to find the goodness in our government because it has to be there, right?
Because I'm good.
You know, that which you have without, can you see within, right?
Or that which you have within, can you see without?
I actually said that absolutely backwards.
Anyway, that which you have inside, can you see without?
And I think it speaks to our goodness, to tell you the truth.
You know, we have the war on cancer, which only increased cancer.
You have a war on drugs that only increased drugs.
What we really need is a war on the Constitution.
Maybe we can increase its use.
Anyway, all I'm saying is that we've had so many things against us.
You're actually lucky to be here.
You're lucky to be alive.
And this is why it's important to kind of understand maybe broad picture, broad spectrum, what they've been trying to do to us for over really 160 years, but I'll go with 100 because I think that's an easy number.
We have had endless war and I want to talk about that for just a moment.
But this is so funny.
I read this in a report from the 1960s.
By the way, the 1960s changed so much of what we're dealing with today.
And I'm going to talk about that in just a moment, too, because there's so much on that subject I need to talk about.
But I'll never forget reading this example in this report, right?
This was the Iron Report.
Rather than accept speed limits of 20 miles an hour, we prefer to let automobiles kill 40,000 people a year.
It's true.
They really cared about us.
Why wouldn't we be driving 20 miles an hour everywhere we go?
And it was like the accepted norm.
They don't care.
They actually want us to kill each other out there.
I don't think they have ever actually cared about you, your family, or your family's lives.
And I think they've done just about everything, the elites intertwined with government, to not only take your liberty and make you slaves, but also to ruin you, to absolutely ruin your health and ruin you and psychologically ruin you.
I hate to say that because it sounds so terrible, but it's true.
We've had these endless wars for over 100 years.
World War I, World War II, Korea War, Vietnam, you name it, Desert Storm, all designed and implemented, right?
For profit, for international planning purposes, for power, of course.
We know this because the UN came out of this and we've had nothing but war since the UN, even though they promised peace.
But one of the biggest things was to depopulate.
And I know that sounds terrible to a lot of people because, you know, but it's true, right?
You know that.
And so this is sort of like the situation of threats against the national interest, right?
Created, accelerated to meet the changing needs of a war system.
And really, comparatively, recent times, you know, we have, you know, used war budgets as defense requirements, right?
And so what we do is we try to say everyone's aggressive and everyone's out to get us and everyone wants our freedom,
so therefore we're going to go around and be in wars, right?
Not to mention the vaccination program they have on the poor military.
The poor military are guinea pigs for sure.
But it's been really interesting to watch the national interest of these things because are wars actually necessary?
Do people really want to engage in wars and are other nations really after us?
No, I don't think they are.
I think that we have been running a very, very rogue CIA for obviously 70 years, and that they have been creating a lot of the wars that we're in.
Before that, we had the OSS, we had a lot of different groups running rogue, but a lot of the people in power have been doing these things to create big, huge sweeps of depopulation as well, right?
And so war is a general social release, right?
There's lots of reasons that we have war.
This is also from the same Iron Report.
And there's a psychological function.
There's behavior patterns.
There's all kinds of things.
It's the ideological clarifier, right?
It's the stabilization of relationships, of conflict with other countries.
And you know what's really strange is that we accept it.
We absolutely accept it as part of Say the norm, right?
Well, it's a continuous battle.
We must always stand for our freedom and people are going to be after us.
And so we need to engage in these wars.
I'm starting to sound like a hippie.
I'm not a hippie, I promise.
But it's amazing that we have accepted being a warlike people as part of the general function.
It's like going to work.
It's sort of accepted in our society as something that we must always have to do.
I actually don't think that.
I think psychologically they've given us the idea that it brings our country closer together and we're all in the fight together and psychologically we must come together to fight the big enemy.
Someday that enemy is going to be what they say is coming from space.
I don't think it will really be coming from space.
I think it'll be them and the biggest false flag of our lives.
But right now, right, they're still writing the war on terror and right now Putin is the terror, right?
Putin's the bad guy!
Today it was innocent grandma, you know, gets killed in crossfire.
I mean, any story they could possibly conjure up to make Putin look like the bad guy so that we can go in and get him and it's all justified.
But we've been doing this a very, very long time, and a lot of innocent lives have been at their peril because of wars.
If you think about this, there was a theory a while ago that I was looking into about the civilians, the casualties of war, and how accepted that is.
Is it necessary?
Do you think there might be the offing of a lot of civilians in these cases that isn't necessary, that never had to be?
But we always look at the death toll, just like we do with COVID.
Ooh, salivate, look at the death toll, you know?
Ooh, pay attention, right?
The scare tactics of the media and the government.
It's kind of interesting that we've sort of really accepted, well, there's always going to be a huge death toll.
Oddly enough, in Ukraine, there really isn't a huge, huge death toll, is there?
So, maybe one might want to look into that for sure.
And so, I think that there's a lot of things that we've accepted as a society that we don't really think about.
And of course, are we the targets?
Is our civilization the target for depopulation?
I absolutely think so.
There's no doubt in my mind.
From contraception to To you name it, to war, to even environmentalism, which is really the don't populate the earth because the poor planet.
You need to worship the planet like a god, right?
And even though we don't have actual human-caused climate change, there's climate change.
It's just not human-caused.
There's nothing we can do about it.
It's kind of like the billionaire Dan Pena says, you can't do a fart in the wind.
It's a fart in the wind, whatever you want to try to do to stop climate change.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
But what are they selling people on?
Love the earth, don't have kids, don't populate because us, the horrible humans are at stake, right?
We're the ones, we're the horrible humans.
So there's a lot of things that we take on, that we do, that seem to be Something that takes the numbers of our population away without really realizing what we're really for, what we promote, what we do.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for the Alex Jones Show.
I'll be right back with a very interesting theory.
I'm back here with you on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for the hour.
Listen, take your vitamins.
We have been in a, they've been in a very concerted effort to destroy our immune systems for a very long time and through the flu shot to the vaccinations and I've talked about that on the show and so I'm not going to, I'm not going to sit and talk about that for a long time today because I want to get to a very interesting theory of mine.
But I will say this, take the supplements that Alex talks about because I'm telling you, you need to do everything you can do right now in order to get your immune system up because you have to fight your way through all of this.
And like I said, you're lucky to be here.
In fact, they've had so many different programs trying to take you down and ruin you that if you're not taking a food supplement right now, You're putting yourself in danger because our food supply, what used to be the nutrients of the potato 100 years ago, you'd have to eat a whole truck full of potatoes right now just to get the same nutrients.
I'm serious.
There's so many different things that we don't think about that we must be doing right now to help ourselves.
So take the supplements.
So just for a moment on vaccines before I move on to a really kind of interesting theory about mental health.
The vaccines, these have, well, let me put it this way.
We have a vaccine program going on right now that you all know about.
And if you listen to the show, you're already going to be 10 steps ahead of what I'm saying right now.
But the fact is, is it's one of the biggest genocide programs going on right now, but very quietly and very nicely with a smile from your medical community.
It's very, very scary and it's got an unusual dosing schedule and it's distributed to women of childbearing age.
There's lots of problems with women's cycles, all kinds of things happening right now.
There's really absolutely no question in my mind that even among all the tetanus shots given out in 2013 in Africa by depopulist Gates, you know, this is the training ground for how can we make people infertile?
How can we give them so many problems that they cannot conceive?
And I actually just think we're sitting on the brink of what we're going to see in America for infertility.
They absolutely want to depopulate.
There's just no question.
And so somebody that questions that, I want to say, read a damn book.
I mean, goodness, look at all the things I've mentioned that have been working against us.
If you really want to go big picture, my gosh, we're lucky.
We're seriously lucky to be here.
So let me jump to something that I have found kind of interesting.
I told you guys about a bill in Georgia, right?
A bill that went from you can commit somebody with an imminent threat of hurting themselves And they changed the wording on that bill and the bill was put through as from it went from imminent danger to at some point you could probably be a danger to somebody.
That could classify well all of America.
Am I right?
So I want to talk about this this kind of different kind of a different thing and this comes from the late Dave McGowan too.
He did a tremendous amount of research on this.
And he talked about something that sprung up in the 60s.
Everything sprung up in the 60s, if you've noticed.
But this is kind of interesting.
We had a lot of psychological groups.
We had the CIA, we had MKUltra, we had all these different, even today we have the 4th Psychological Operations Group right there in North Carolina.
We've got all kinds of different psychological groups.
And there was a certain explosion of something that I don't know if people really looked into or noticed.
And Dave McGowan did a report on this and it was all about serial killers.
It was all about, all of a sudden we just had this major explosion.
Up until that time, we had maybe a couple of peculiar, rare instances of this.
You're thinking probably Jack the Ripper or something like that, Philly Phil or whatever that guy's name was.
There was like a couple.
And then in the 60s, we had this huge, huge explosion of these individuals.
We also had the lone gunman killer, like Lee Harvey Oswald, which you know was a joke, right?
Total patsy.
Or we had Sirhan Sirhan.
We had all of these different individuals sort of crop up and just become very violent.
Now, this was a phenomenon in the 60s, and it's what we call, you know, mass murders in society.
It's because our society just got really wicked, evil, and bad.
Or is it?
And questioning this, the explosion in the 60s as I was really looking into this, we had two dozen or so.
I mean, we had like Manson, you had Son of Sam, you had Henry Lucas, you had Dahmer, you had the Hillside Strangler, right?
And you had so many.
And so many of these guys received really light sentences.
But there was a common theme.
There's a couple of common themes with all of these individuals.
First of all, they would always say, well, I was hearing voices, right?
And so that's why they termed new terminology for them, multiple personality disorder.
We had movies about it.
Remember Sally Field's movie?
It wasn't it?
The Eve movie?
Anyway, we had a lot of focus on this, okay, starting in the 60s.
And what's interesting is, is they also, many of them, and I'll get to some of these statements, many of them said, you know, somebody told me to do this.
I was trained to do this.
Very, very interesting.
Even Charles Manson himself was, he got out of, out of jail really to be an informant, and then also was part of a program there in California.
Many people were in these programs in San Francisco.
quite ironically, and San Francisco then became the beacon of the hippie, right?
This is when they introduced all these different drugs, okay?
And we know that it was our CIA that introduced a lot of, you know, LSD and a lot of these
So you have all of these guys all of a sudden spring up, and what's interesting is there's
a couple of things that stand out that you really need to sort of take in a little bit
and think about.
And so one of them, Rafael Ramirez, right, in a letter to a reporter in Houston, he said,
"At some point I have started to hear funny voices like a person calling me, but no one's
calling me."
Sirhan Saran said he didn't remember what he did, right?
And I think the first inclination, because of all the press we've ever seen, is you don't believe them, right?
What if they were trained?
What if they, in many respects, knew each other?
What if many of them were involved in CIA?
Military projects.
Killing machine projects.
Kind of interesting, right?
And also, the victims, for instance, would be completely kind of a crazy pick of victims.
You'd have Ramirez, who, you know, 21 to 88 years old.
I mean, all kinds of different types of victims.
And also, Um, you have a situation where they had one thing in common.
They always had weapons of opportunity.
If you're a killer and you're going to a scene, usually you would know what you were going to kill with, right?
But just like the CIA has historically taught assassins to kill, they taught to use weapons of opportunity, weapons that were acquired at the crime scene.
That was something that a lot of them had in common, and they used multiple ones.
Hammers, axes, screwdrivers, fire pokers, you know, knives, all kinds of different ones.
So, there was a program, Noam Chomsky, not my favorite guy, but he actually talked about a CIA-backed Salvadorian death squad, and he said draftees were made to kill dogs and vultures by biting their throats and twisting off their heads, and they had to watch soldiers tortured and killed, suspected dissidents tearing out their fingernails, cutting off their heads, chopping their bodies to pieces, and playing with the dismembered arms for fun.
Um, and so how many of these death squads have taken place here in America?
How many do we have?
It seems that several of these serial killers knew each other and came from some of the exact same possible training programs.
That's weird, right?
Most Americans have difficulty kind of accepting the idea of a mind-controlled killer, whether it's a lone assassin or it's a serial killer.
We don't understand this kind of behavior.
But why would it all of a sudden just absolutely blow through the statistics?
And since the 60s, we've had so many of these.
Is there a causal reason?
I think there's always a cause.
But multiple personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder, all of these things have cropped up, right?
The other thing they have in common is hitting light sentences and then returning and pulling off more crime.
A lot of them even might not have been alone, right?
Maybe they had some help.
I'll come back to this theory and I'll tell you why I'm telling you about this theory when I come back.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for the hour on the Alex Jones Show.
You're going to want to hang out for this last segment.
It gets interesting.
Hi, I'm Kate Dally back here with you from the Kate Dally Show and of course you're listening to the Alex Jones Show today.
So let me just finish this off because there's a reason I brought this up, I promise.
So I've been thinking a lot about this and I wonder just how manipulated, truly, things have been.
I've talked about feminism being manipulated.
Of course it was.
Gloria Steinem was CIA.
There's so many in the CIA that were taught to protest and taught to get some kind of altercation going, right?
protests becoming more violent all of a sudden.
You know, a lot of bought and paid for actors.
They really do mean that word, actors by our government.
But the fact that we always thought we must always go to war
to protect our freedom, that it's always in peril.
Really, who's after us every five seconds?
I'd love to know the answer to that.
And that people are just getting more evil.
So just accept when they put it out there and they say, well, now we have what's called a serial killer profile.
But really and truly, none of the serial killers really met that profile that they kept telling us was the profile.
It was really interesting that we had this big surge in the 60s of all, and since then, of all of these killers.
Although in society, we didn't have that before.
Before the government was introducing drugs to us and MKUltra programs and everything else.
And so they came out with this profile, all of a sudden the FBI, which, by the way, didn't even have the grounds to pursue Lee Harvey Oswald in the presidential, in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, they didn't even have the jurisdiction at that point.
But isn't it oddly enough how the FBI jurisdiction just suddenly started growing?
In fact, they built their brand new, huge Quantico facility, right?
1972 and all of a sudden, man, there was just such a big need for all these these killers that were going from state to state.
Well, the states couldn't handle it, right?
So we needed to have the FBI handle it because it was interstate, right?
And so it gets kind of interesting, too, because all of a sudden you see you see this this.
People are getting more evil narrative, right?
And look, see, you could be the victim of the next serial killer.
And what's okay, so the so FBI grows its stance, right?
And they are working with people with maybe multiple disorders because of the fact of the abuse that they have suffered, you know, whatever the case may be.
These guys are usually the prime targets, right?
And so, you take somebody with a huge amount of severe childhood abuse, a diagnosis of multiple personality disorder, you have the reporting of voices in the head, you have connections to the intelligence community.
That's really important to understand.
How many connections they had with people in intelligence communities.
Fostering them into programs, connections to the military, prison, psych facilities, suspected to be in MKUltra projects, and a lot of the time, connections to each other.
Richard Ramirez was fostered in by a guy that was in a program, in a kill program.
Kind of interesting.
Here's some of the comments they made, too.
This is Night Stalker Ramirez.
You don't understand me.
You are not expected to.
You are not capable of it.
I am beyond good and evil.
Legions of the night, night breed.
Repeat not the airs of the night prowler and show no mercy.
Yeah, he sounds like a wackadoodle, but at the same time, listen to what they're actually saying.
Son of Sam said there are other sons out there.
God help the world.
And Manson.
What about your children?
You say there are just a few.
There are many, many more coming in the same direction.
They are running in the streets and they are coming right at you.
There was also an accomplice to point the finger.
Somehow, someway, Serial Killer didn't get all of the victims.
And there are some cases where it was just downright odd that these victims survived or got out of the situation.
But they were always there to tell the tale of how the Serial Killer did it or what they did, right?
Very interesting that there was always somebody else.
And in some cases, like Manson, they were in on it, right?
Very interesting.
And so when you go back and look, do you guys remember the killing of... there was like nine nurses that were killed.
There happened to be one of the nurses that hid under the bed and there was no way the killer couldn't have found her because they were all in one room and she was hiding under the bed and she says that she escaped the guy and she was the one that opened the door for him and he systematically brought him out of the room and killed each one of them when they could have escaped but didn't.
It was very, very strange and you have to wonder how many people are in on this.
There's also the theory that these are hit squads.
And this is why some victims survive, some don't, but the killings are not random.
That these are hit squads and that they are put out there as hit squads.
So, let me kind of come back to the theory of why I brought this up today.
And I think it's important to understand.
There's something that's really been hitting me wrong about these mental health bills that are flying through all the states, right?
And they always seem to fly through at the same time.
There's also an uptick in mental health.
For instance, the building of mental health facilities by our government and the let's lean across the aisle and we all agree it's so bipartisan.
What a joke.
It's all bipartisan.
But anyway, they're all agreeing that their focus Their focus, and all the state legislators, their focus happens to be on your mental health.
And at first I thought, okay, a lot of this could be about gun control.
Maybe it is, too.
You know, take away your rights to defend yourself if you are ever put away in what would seem to be now a state.
Some of these states are passing, instead of imminent threat, you could be actually put in for being, you know, a threat at some point, right?
And so they get to evaluate you for your political ideology or say that it's a mental health condition, right?
To be a Christian or believe in the Constitution, whatever the case may be.
And I used to wonder about scenes, you know, from what we have told, as things get crazier, the depravity, the murdering of family members, you know, a lot of people that study kind of what happens to us, maybe even religiously, like in the last days, there are acts of complete depravity, right?
Complete and utter just murder and things like this.
And you wonder how our society can get there.
Yes, hunger can do it.
But not like that.
Not in the form that we keep hearing about.
And I thought, you know, I wonder how many people they can screw with in mental facilities.
I wonder how many people that they can take and put on certain drugs and get them to do things that even they themselves wouldn't do.
I mean, if you look at the vaccination program, that's one way to get rid of us.
But what's another?
Maybe a civil war among us?
Of a lot of depraved people doing things that they would have never done before?
Could that be some manipulation into mental health?
Is this the reason that so many governments are building so many beds in mental health facilities, telling us we're all going crazy?
Now, there's certainly a lack of truth.
So I get that.
And truth, really, if people want peace on earth, what they really need is truth on earth.
And truth, the absence of truth when your gut and your spirit kind of knows what's true and what's not true.
Yes, there's going to be something that has to do with that as far as driving you a little batty.
I mean, who's not batty among us after living in this world, right?
But the point is, is they could, they could do everything they could do to the Patriots, right?
They said a hundred on January 6.
They not only incarcerated people, they weren't on gun charges, they were on trespassing charges.
Why is that?
They didn't have any gun charges because people didn't have any firearms.
How did 140 cops then get hurt?
They didn't.
It was a lie.
It was an absolute lie.
And so, you know, in fact, if people had guns, there probably would have been a big old shootout.
Would there not have been?
So if they were able to incarcerate people and then try to brainwash them once they're in prison to tell people that they were mistaken and that they, you know, really what the truth is, oh, they don't believe in that anymore.
Don't you think they could do a lot more of that in mental institutions?
And don't you think we would be the ones that would be going into those mental institutions because of our beliefs?
You know, they escalated everything on purpose, the FBI, and they wanted sort of this new precedent that people can be incarcerated, no big deal, even the politicians can't visit them, right, in prison, and that we could be the people next on the chopping block for just showing up, just to see Electoral College votes being read.
Why would we have ever interrupted our own proceeding?
There's no accounting for that.
But they were able to turn it into see patriot bad.
Does our Christianity put us in a mental hospitals with our love of Constitution in America?
Is that the new mental health disease in America?
Because you're not going along with the ruining of our culture and with everything that's happening?
Do they play with our minds and instruct us to do things we would never do?
Is that how they get us to take each other out?
It's a lot easier than them taking us out.
I'll tell you that much.
Just some things to think about.
I know it's dark.
I say it with a smile because I know it's dark.
But I just want us to think about where we're headed.
There's a reason their focus is on mental stability.
There's a reason their focus is on mental health.
What happens when somebody's locked up?
Everybody thinks they probably needed to be locked up, right?
We don't question it.
We should be questioning it.
Are we digging our own graves?
When we dig these facilities, you know, to construct these facilities, I just wanted you to leave with something to think about today that is really frightening and I think we ought to be thinking about why their focus is on mental health in the future.
Could be many reasons.
But you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dalley, your guest host, and I'm off to do my show, katedalleyradio.com.
Thanks, you guys.
Thanks for listening in.
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Launching the American Journal with Harrison Smith.
The Alex Jones Show.
This is The War Room with Owen Schreier.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
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