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Name: 20220327_Sun_Alex
Air Date: March 27, 2022
1198 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics such as population growth, death panels, eating bugs to save the earth, euthanizing pets, and his opposition to inter-Slavic civil war in a video. He also talks about the conflict in Ukraine and its historical context, the role of globalist forces in manipulating events, mainstream media's endorsement of executing prisoners, concerns over pedophilia being promoted in public schools, climate change, and his sleep aid product, "Down and Out." Jones critiques Bill Gates' $43 million house being built at sea level while advocating for sustainability, the brutal treatment of Russians by Ukrainians, the decline of Biden's approval ratings, and the intentions of eugenicists. He promotes various products on his website and urges listeners to stay informed and prepared for possible future events.

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Tomorrow's news, today.
Dawn, June the 6th, 1944.
The Allies begin an invasion of Nazi-controlled France.
June 6, 1944. The Allies begin an invasion of Nazi-controlled France. D-Day.
The Western world after World War II had a baby boom in our populations in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and
the United States.
The U.S.
doubled on average in the next 30 years.
And now we have the biggest aged population in the world.
Same numbers for Japan and China as well.
China's more than doubled its population.
To one point, almost five billion.
India's the same.
And so, there's been a decision by BlackRock on record, and Bill Gates has given speeches at TED Talks.
about this to just kill people at age 75.
Is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient, would
it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade off in medical costs?
But that's called the death panel and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
The main author of Obamacare, Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm Emanuel's brother, has written essays
and articles about how he hopes to die at 75.
By the way, he's past 75 and hasn't died.
He means he wants you to die at 75.
They can't pay you your pension funds.
They've stolen the money.
And they don't want to go to jail like Bernie Madoff.
They want you to die.
And then it gets trendy to eat bugs and all the rest of it.
You're not saving the earth.
You're letting the globalists train you to be a slave as they prepare to cut off the resources, make you fight over the resources, and then phase you out and get rid of you.
And yeah, Joe will tell you, you know, he didn't know what he was doing back on The Fear Factor.
Joe Rogan, that was all conditioning too, to get people to dehumanize themselves.
This is a long-term, anti-human, Alien agenda.
And by alien, all of this is alien to the normal way of life.
All of this is anti-human, anti-life on this planet.
The globalists don't want to just get rid of humans.
They want the whole thing taken over.
A silicon-based system.
This is an alien takeover.
This is the fight of our lives.
This is the enemy of our generation that we face.
And their new world order is a place that we don't even exist in.
And in the process of being destroyed and killed, we're going to go through hell!
And our children are!
Are we really going to lie down and take this?
Are we really going to see hundreds of articles?
In Bloomberg, and in Reuters, and in the New York Times, and in local magazines for kids in public schools for elementary kids.
Save the Earth!
Eat maggots!
Save the Earth!
Drink sewage!
Save the Earth!
Euthanize your dog or cat!
Don't take care of them!
This is dystopia!
They're attacking you with poison, with garbage, with lies, with big pharma, with poison shots!
Or maybe I've just been wrong.
Maybe I should submit and Maybe we should all go out today with hatchets and kill our dogs in the backyards and our cats.
Because it's to save the earth, right?
We're supposed to give up everything we've got because we're bad.
We're guilty because we have dogs and cats.
We're guilty because we have children.
We're evil.
But none of that's even true!
It's all a greedy group of monsters that want you to learn to hate yourself so you roll over into the ditch of history so they can steal the future.
They're projecting their globalist hatred of themselves onto you and I. All the beautiful, nice things they have and the science they have came from the commoners, came from the people.
We built all this.
And now they've got their robots coming online and they say they don't need us anymore and we're supposed to just hate ourselves and go commit collective suicide.
Well, guess what?
That's when it's not going to happen.
I am your host Alex Jones.
Look at that show headline.
Sunday live.
World shocked by torture and execution of Russian soldiers at hands of Ukrainian Nazi battalions.
They are the Azov and other Nazi battalions.
They shot the video themselves.
And I am really considering airing this in full.
We have some of the excerpts that aren't as incredible where they...
use handguns to blow their testicles and penises off, shoot them in the feet, shoot them in the legs,
in an industrial level with captured Russian soldiers.
And we have the Daily Mail celebrating it, saying Ukrainian doctor tells TV interview he has ordered
his staff, he runs the national operation for the UN with the ambulances, to castrate Russian
soldiers. Now I saw that a couple days ago and played the clip, but I didn't think it was serious.
We have the footage.
footage of them blowing their testicles off.
They either shoot, and you'll see it, they either shoot them in the testicles with a
handgun or they shoot them in the feet or legs.
Yeah, let's show some of this.
Now we're gonna show you close ups.
We're gonna show you close ups of them shooting them in the crotch coming up, okay?
And then they're begging while they kick him in the groin after they've blown their penises and testicles off.
My point is, can you imagine if there was footage of Russians doing this?
I mean, it'd be the end of the world.
I don't support Russia invading.
I don't support this inter-Slavic civil war.
I don't support the sanctions on America or Russia or anybody or Europe.
You know I'm against this whole thing.
I was anti-war for 28 years on air.
I was against all our major wars.
And I've been against this one.
But ladies and gentlemen, this is the reality of what has been going on for eight years.
So ladies and gentlemen, you need to understand that long before this war in Ukraine started
eight years ago with the overthrow of the Ukrainian elected government, you need to
understand, long before this happened, I was just a history buff.
I mean, I wasn't on the Russian side.
I wasn't on the German side.
I wasn't on the Ukrainian side.
I was just studying Ukraine because it was so interesting, all the wars that started there and how Russia was founded there.
And I knew that at the end of World War II, it took the Russians a year to kick all the stay-behind networks of Nazis out that Hitler had put in there while he occupied it for three years in Operation Barbarossa.
These are all real things I'm telling you.
Operation Barbarossa, Nazi occupation of Ukraine.
It's not debatable.
It happened.
And you have to understand that even once the Russians partially took over, those were still the mafias And the groups that were basically in control.
And so it was then the State Department and George Soros and others, and by the way, I'm not just telling you that as Alex Jones.
I have a stack of Newsweek, New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, back when they were telling the truth, strangely, admitting that Ukraine has a Nazi problem and that the main government's Nazi.
And they go, oh, well, Zelensky, you know, he's Jewish, so he's not a Nazi.
No, it's a coalition of groups, and I'm not saying Zelensky's a Nazi.
What I'm saying is this is the reality that we have to look at and we have to talk about about what's happening there and how George Soros went on TV and others have said we have overthrown The government eight years ago and we're gonna force Russians out of the country and then they push the Russian population up to the east on the border of Russia and then Putin said stop attacking them for eight years and warned everybody and said I'm gonna invade if you don't stop and they didn't stop.
Does that mean I agree with what Putin did?
Absolutely not.
What I'm saying is these are the facts.
When you see all this war propaganda from our government that attacked all these countries and launched all these operations and acting like Russia is the aggressor historically, it's just not true.
And then you've got how this helps China and how this destroys the dollar and how we have this president that's a puppet who's discrediting America.
All of this is for the globalists.
Playing the West and Russia off against each other, and all the analysts agree, Communist China is the winner in this.
So let's just pull out of the emotion and not be pro-Russia or pro-America or pro-Ukraine, and let's be pro-information and actually know what's going on.
But I tell you, viewer discretion is advised.
We're going to go to break, come back with a bunch of news, and then at the bottom of the hour, 33 after, when we come back, I'm going to show you unedited footage the Ukrainians are putting out.
I spent a long time looking this up today.
The Ukrainians are proud of this.
They're on TV saying, we cut their balls off.
And then they shoot them in the testicles.
And a lot of leftists are like, this is great.
We love it.
You know, they love war crimes now showing how, showing how soulless they are.
And there's a big 20 plus page live update page that just shows a lot of stuff that I'm not going to show on air.
It's too brutal because there's footage of The actual testicles blown off and all the rest of it.
We're going to show you shooting him in the crotch.
And men that have been shot in the cross.
We're not going to show the pornographic images of the destroyed groins.
But if you want to see it for yourself, it's at Infowars.com.
Live updates, shocking video, reportedly shows Ukrainians shooting and torturing Russian POWs.
And again, you can't even come up with a headline bad enough.
Because I mean, if there was footage of Russians shooting people in the testicles and shooting people in the feet who were bound, I would just be like, my God, Lindsey Graham's right.
Vladimir Putin needs to be executed if he doesn't come out against us.
But there's no footage of that.
This is not happening, folks.
This is the Ukrainian globalist-funded Soros groups with the Azov battalion Nazi regalia on, literally with high-tech weapons, killing a bunch of Russian farm boys that have been sent into this.
And it's just an absolute disaster, ladies and gentlemen.
You can see the Russians aren't trained and the Russians aren't heavily equipped.
I mean, Putin said that.
He said, we got a 1980s military and we're just, we got nuclear weapons though.
We're going to go ahead and attack if you don't leave us alone.
And so now this is the situation that's going on.
Highly trained, Western trained, CIA trained paramilitary.
CIA bragged about it.
With tens of thousands of anti-tank, anti-aircraft missiles, and this is just a total disaster, and now our media and our government are endorsing the execution of prisoners and a complete violation of the Geneva Convention, the Nuremberg Code, and everything that is common sense in society.
And let me tell you, I've only watched six or seven of these videos.
There's hundreds of them.
I mean, they're so horrible.
And the pleasure of these Nazi brigades When they're torturing people and kicking them, when their testicles and penises have been blown off, and they're just kicking them and laughing, kicking them in the crotch, and then the left is seeing this on Twitter and like, this is badass, this is what we want to do, this is good.
No, this is not good.
If the Russians were doing this, it would be wrong.
If the Ukrainians are doing it, it's wrong, which they're doing.
And this is really George Soros' war.
You have Joe Biden threatening nuclear sneak attacks two days ago and saying Putin needs to be executed.
They're really trying to start World War III.
They're really trying to start World War III.
And this is just absolutely horrible.
And this is where I was worried all of this would go.
So we're going to be breaking all that down.
But here it is, Daily Mail.
We can show you the video.
We'll show you the video when we come back.
You know, the head of one of the main districts of the hospitals and the ambulance says, This doctor says, we don't follow the Hippocratic Oath, we kill Russians, or we cut their testicles off.
And so, that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the supposed good guys that George Soros and the New World Order have backed.
So we're going to come back and get into all of this, and then in the second hour, Christy Lee and Owen Schroyer are going to be in the other studio.
Right next door to me and they're going to be with myself and others laying out the incredible pedophilia that the public schools are pushing and promoting and preparing and caught red-handed with.
Locking parents out of the schools, teaching the children how to have incredible sex acts that are just horrible when they're five, six years old.
Texas AG says Austin School District is breaking state law after barring parents from Pride Week.
They locked the parents out while they teach the five-year-olds how to get blowjobs.
It's all coming up straight ahead.
This is absolute hell unfolding.
Stay with us.
My allegiance is to the truth.
My allegiance is for life.
My allegiance is to God and his son Jesus Christ.
I owe my allegiance openly.
I use no subterfuge or deception in what I do.
Everything is the truth.
That's why the police pulled me over two years ago.
Said, have you been drinking?
I said, yeah, I had a half bottle of wine.
They arrested me.
I could not tell a lie even when it would sustain me.
I would lie years ago a little bit about this and that or things that didn't matter, but I refuse to do it now.
I refuse to play games.
I will only send out the truth as best I can figure it out.
Sometimes I make mistakes.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, here we are broadcasting worldwide on this Sunday, March 27th transmission.
And next segment, viewer discretion advised, I'm going to show you not the worst stuff because I had to watch a lot of this today and I decided to show just the basics because it's bad.
I mean, I'm not going to show Russians with their testicles and penises blown off and men kicking the open holes in their bodies laughing.
I'm not going to show you that.
But I'm going to show you them shooting them in the testicles and shooting on the legs and feet.
And then I'm not going to show the torture.
I mean, you think that's bad?
It gets real bad.
They're begging for mommy.
We went and checked the Russian translation.
And who wouldn't be?
I mean, this is next level.
And it's even in mainstream news.
And mainstream news is like badass.
They're cutting their testicles off.
But no, they're blowing them off with handguns.
So that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
That's what Putin said they were doing in the East against those Russian-held areas since 2008 when Obama and Soros overthrew the country and started doing the ethnic cleansing.
So you're like, okay, maybe that's hype from Putin, you know.
And then you see it, and they're wearing Nazi arm patches, and you're like, this is on Ukrainian channels.
This is on TV.
This is on the Daily Mail.
Like, badass!
They're cutting their balls off!
It's gonna be kind of weird to pull a guy's pants off and cut it off with a knife.
That's kind of, you know.
But with a gun, they just blow him off.
I mean, you want us to sign on to this, folks?
I mean, that's who we are?
I mean, if we had footage confirmed of the Russians doing this, I would be really mad at the Russians.
I mean, but I'm supposed to like, oh, it's the good guys.
It's the Ukrainians.
It's George Soros' guys.
We're still fighting World War II, folks.
George Soros rounded up Jews as a Jew in Hungary on record and bragged on 60 Minutes and NPR.
I'm digressing.
That's next segment.
Let me hit this right now.
Bill Gates and the U.N.
have come out and said, you'll own nothing, you'll have nothing, you'll like it, Davos group.
And they've said we should ban all beef, it's evil and bad for the environment and everything else.
And you shouldn't be able to have a car, an air conditioner, they tell Africans and the rest of them while they live in, you know, lavish, giant, palatial facilities.
But now Bill Gates has come out, in articles, in NBC News, you name it, here they are, Saying Bill Gates believes the electronic tattoo will become reality and that you should be tattooed digitally from your vaccine to prove you've taken an Ordovian cell.
And there's another one.
Bill Gates says rich nations should move to 100% synthetic beef, as if synthetic beef is beef, and ban all beef.
That's the hill.
Then I've got articles saying Alex Jones is insane.
No one wants to ban your beef.
And then Jamie White, our great researcher and writer, wrote this today.
Bill Gates' interview calling for rich nations to move to 100% synthetic beef is getting a lot of attention right now, and it lays out some of it.
He wants you to take poison shots and ban beef, because that'll collapse what's left of the farms.
All the farms, I can tell you, in the U.S., almost all of them are bankrupt.
They can't pay with soybeans and wheat and beets and everything else and peanuts, but the beef, because we've got a farm in East Texas.
The beef barely pays the property tax on the bill and pays for the farm people we have working for us.
I mean, we've got crops, we've got cows.
I mean, my dad owns it.
He's gonna hand it over to me, you know, when he retires or dies, God forbid.
But I mean, I'm a farmer.
I know this stuff.
And we make no money!
In fact, the farmers we have, which are our own family members, they all got jobs somewhere else on top of it, and they're up at 4 a.m.
killing the crops, doing the work, preparing and all, and they come back at night and do it because they love it.
Why wouldn't you love driving around under the stars, baling hay?
They're baling hay at 9 a.m., 9 p.m.
In the spring, in the summer when you're supposed to.
They love their work, but man, these people are working 15, 16 hours a day, and at the end of the day, we just pay the taxes.
And Gates knows that.
You shut down the beef, baby, we're done.
What a creepy bastard.
That's all I can say.
And if you think Bill Gates is creepy, there's not many people creepier than Bill Gates.
In fact, maybe Larry Fink's not as creepy, but he's a damn second close.
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says Russian-Ukraine war is upending world order and will end globalization.
Now does anybody believe that?
I've always told you.
They create globalism and world government in the name of ending famine, ending hunger, ending war, ending violence, ending hate, all this, and then globalism is designed to implode the world out of the Great Reset, you'll own nothing, you'll have nothing, post-industrialization, build back better.
And then when they tell you, oh, globalization failed, everybody's about to die and starve to death in hyperinflation, it's because they've engineered it all and now they're blaming nationalists and people that didn't submit for the reason it's all failing.
And I'm not just telling you that today, I told you that 20 years ago because they brag about it.
Under their plans, that are not even secret but nobody promotes, Club of Rome, UN, Davos Group, when they collapse the nation-states of the third world, they'll have a calamity that collapses the first world.
Then they're gonna have armored, redoubt city-states that are actually formed in the countryside.
But a few cities will be set up as well as megacities, and everyone else, like a Judge Dredd comic book, will live outside of that in poverty and control with no electricity as a feudal slave, and then all of that will be fed into the technocracy megacities that will, quote, transcend humans and go to the next level.
You may have heard of it, Hunger Games is just a Hollywood extrapolation of their actual plan.
Now do you really want to live under a system like that?
So BlackRock CEO says that globalization's over, that the Russian invasion has ended it, and the Russians are going to cause inflation and the collapse of the global order.
But it's Larry Fink and the globalists that engineered every damn step of this operation.
Go read his letter to the shareholders, March 24th.
Just three days ago, laying it all out.
It is powerful.
It is important.
Meanwhile, Bill Gates has a $43 million, 200,000-square-foot shopping mall-level house on the beach at one foot above sea level, but he says it'll all be flooded soon.
And you can't have a car, you can't eat meat, you can't do anything else.
Months of construction work underway on Bill Gates' $43 million bachelor palace in San Diego suburb of Del Mar.
Isn't that just cute?
Alright, we're gonna come back.
Viewer discretion is advised.
They got a castration machine over there in Nazi-held Ukraine, where they shoot the Russian soldiers in the crotch.
You're going to watch it when we come back if you want to see it.
This is the liberators.
This is the good guys.
This is the angel cakes.
And if you don't agree with assassinating Russian soldiers and torturing them to death, well, you're a Nazi, even though the Nazis are doing it.
All right, we are back live.
Thank you for joining us.
So if American troops shot prisoners or shot them in the testicles or blew their feet off, You would say that's torture and that's wrong, right?
We're Americans, we don't do that.
And the Russians did that.
We'd be like, man, that's terrible, they shouldn't do that.
Or the Islamists, some of them do that type of stuff.
ISIS and people.
We're like, man, that's what bad guys do.
But boy, anything the Ukrainians do, anything they're engaged in, even though they overthrew an elected government eight years ago and have carried out all this genocidal murder, that then got Russia to invade, which I didn't agree with.
I think Russia took the bait.
Well, now it's supposedly legitimate and good.
And so we've got a big article up on Infowars.com.
It's more than 30 pages long.
It's got videos I'm not going to show here on air.
But if you're an adult and you want to go see these, you should go see these.
And most of these are from the Ukrainian military and the local Ukrainian news where, I mean, they're torturing people to death on television.
Ripping their jaws off, running over them with cars, blowing their testicles off.
I mean, it's incredible.
And our media is so controlled, it's not showing any of it.
Live update, shocking video reportedly shows Ukrainians shooting and torturing Russian POWs.
So let me go ahead and show you, ladies and gentlemen.
First, just a short clip from the end of a longer clip we're going to play in full in a moment, unedited, of The clip goes on for like an hour.
With just hundreds of captured Russian troops.
And they're shooting them in the knees, the feet, or the genitals.
And then they kick them and play games with them.
But I've got a few clips out of this.
And at first, our media was even spitting out, oh, these are just captured troops, nothing happening.
They don't show you at the end where they're shooting new people in the genitals, in the feet, in the knees.
Before they start torturing them.
Officers, are you here?
right, they deserve it, while the guys torturing them are wearing the modern
Nazi patches of these battalions. So ladies and gentlemen, here is again the
end of the video, then we'll start back at the beginning.
Here it is.
Who are the officers?
So it's one thing to say no quarter and just execute people.
That goes on.
I'm not defending it.
But to torture people is a crime under common sense, under international law.
So let's play a clip.
And here's the article, Daily Mail.
It's everywhere.
They're very proud of it.
The head Ukrainian guy that runs the whole national ambulance program tells TV presenter he has ordered his staff to castrate Russian soldiers.
And I saw that on March 21st last week and I thought, that's just a guy acting tough.
Well, it's on the videos.
I've watched them blow men's genitals off and then kick them in the groin laughing at them as they beg for their mommy.
So here it is.
Strict orders to castrate all Russians that you capture.
Okay, so you're thinking, that's ridiculous, and then you get the video.
So let's go ahead, for radio listeners, a lot of radio stations pick us up.
I'm gonna try to voice over this as best I can and basically narrate what's going on here.
This is a This is a short three minute clip here, three minute 39
seconds that leads into them.
Because you're wondering like who are these guys with blood coming out of their pants?
Who are these guys with blood coming out of their knees and feet?
They're Russians and then we've had it translated.
They're and they're they're they're having them basically you know denounce their invasion while
they're tied up being shot.
And then you see them shooting the new prisoners coming in in an assembly line of liberal love, like our unborn babies get the same treatment.
They deserve it, right?
So here is the liberal love.
Go ahead and roll it.
There's people laying around in a square in agony.
Holding their genitals, their feet, their legs, they're tied up.
There's people laying around in a square in agony, holding their genitals, their feet,
their legs, they're tied up.
And then you learn they've been shot in the crotch.
You can see the Ukrainian military, Soros' force, his army.
Black Lives Matter here in America, but there it's the Ukrainians.
It's all brainwashing.
You see, what are all these people laying around?
This goes on for hours.
It pulls the blood coming out of their genitals.
They shoot about half of them in the genitals.
The rest they shoot in the feet or the knees.
They put bags over their heads.
And they come over and have a little liberal celebration.
Of course, they've been beat up really bad too.
And this guy's completely passed out from pain.
He's had his genitals blown off.
By the way, we're not going to show you all the footage.
Some of this has been cut out of it.
So this guy's been shot in the genitals, as you can see.
And the leg.
So these folks are not having a very good day here.
But they deserve it, they're Russians, you know.
George Soros is good.
So is Drag Queen Storytime.
And here you go, these guys.
These guys probably shouldn't have given up now.
You know what I mean?
Not putting them down, but I mean... Give up to these people?
Not gonna happen for me.
They already got our kids though in the schools, I guess.
So he takes his little hood off.
Most of these guys are passed out in pain.
Yeah, this guy's been shot in the crotch.
Because they put a bandage over where they shoot you.
It's like, oh yeah, this guy's shot in the crotch.
Of course, he died.
The bullet probably bounced up higher.
He's almost dead.
How do you like getting shot in the crotch?
It's very liberal.
He's not feeling too hot.
He's been shot in the crotch by the liberators.
And it just goes on.
I could show you them actually blowing their genitals off.
Would you like to see that, folks?
Keep it going.
Keep it going.
Because you're gonna see fresh folks.
This is the big long lineup.
You can watch hours of this.
It's all out there.
He's already been shot once.
They want him to beg.
His leg's broken.
You can see that.
He's shot in the leg.
He's a lucky one.
And a couple of these guys, they kick in the groin.
A little extra pleasure.
These are real heroes right here.
Man, I gotta tell you, these Ukrainians are heroes.
I was neutral before, but I'm joining them now.
Like, watch this right here.
This is what good guys do.
Now they shoot some more people in the balls.
They unload them out of vans and shoot them in the testicles.
Man, why'd the Russians fight back against these people?
They should submit to them.
I mean, George Soros is the good guy, ladies and gentlemen.
You know what?
I actually agree with Biden.
We should have nuclear war with Russia.
You know, he said two days ago we should have nuclear war, a preemptive strike.
I agree.
We should sneak attack Russia with nuclear weapons so their submarines pop up all over our coast of Newcastle.
I'm actually kind of serious.
Let's just get this over with, man.
We are so damn evil.
At a sick level, I'd actually like to watch our cities vaporize.
And kill the Russians, too.
Kill the Chinese.
Kill everybody.
Screw this, man.
Because this is evil.
But I'm being sarcastic there, playing devil's advocate.
Here's the good news.
Nobody's buying this crap.
NBC poll.
Biden approval rating falls to record low amid soaring inflation and gas prices.
Inconsistent with U.S.
goals, Western analysis slams Biden's call to kill Putin.
What, are you going to kill all the submarines with nuclear weapons?
It goes on and on, folks.
It's unbelievable.
By the way, I just showed you the light stuff, okay?
There's footage of dudes with their It's unbelievable.
Their testicles are blown out, their body, and they're like, kicking him, going, Rooski, Rooski!
While they kick him in the balls.
Kick Rooski, Rooski!
And you're like, what is this?
You know if the Russians did this, we'd be seeing it, and it'd be the end of the world.
And the Russians shouldn't act like this.
I have accepted you as my deputy.
Think about your position.
What deputy?
Plus, plus. Znajka, Znajka, these are my people.
These are my people.
These are my people.
Znajka, Znajka, do you see them? Do you see four people?
Think about him.
What are you doing here?
You know, Putin's a cold-blooded person.
Because he knows the Russians don't want to kill the Ukrainians, but he knows there's those Nazi brigades.
So he knows once you put them in, they'd be tortured and killed.
Then it would piss the Russians off.
They're gonna start slaughtering everybody.
And that's how it works.
And that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
What a mess.
What a disaster.
What a crisis.
In the next hour, we're going to go through this and look at the Great Reset and who actually is gaining from this.
Pulling back and coldly looking at the different players and who stands to gain.
But you're being told!
You're being told everywhere, and I'm going to play a clip from General Flynn in a moment, that this is a New World Order.
Well, what does that mean when you hear New World Order?
That means the globalists expanding their control.
And when you pull back from this, the big global banks and communist China, they gain while Russia and while Ukraine and while America pay for this war.
But if you just look at a war between the different sides of it, you're a chump.
But if you pull back and look deeper into it, you're now at the next level.
And that's our real goal here and what we're trying to do.
But there is a lot of news we're going to hit in the second hour today.
And then Owen Troyer and Christy Lee are going to be taking over.
They're going to be co-hosting with me as well.
But because I'm in this little studio, you know, I like this little studio.
Nothing against the other studio.
I just am sick of being in it.
So I want to go back to one of the earlier studios here at InfoWars.
And do the show out of here just because it's much more intimate.
I just like it in here.
I did a show a few weeks ago in here.
I just I like to spread the studio.
So, you know, that's a good part of being the boss is I get to be the studio on one.
So I'll be close and back and forth in the studio and some of the others.
But this is this is more intimate.
This is what I like.
So in the big studio, the new fancy studio has been around three years.
We'll have Owen Schroeder and Christie Lee with me next hour, but I'll be in the studio.
They'll be in that studio right to the wall right there.
And there won't be the echoes or the mics and all the technical problems that come with three guests on the same show and the rest of it.
Anybody that doesn't understand that, you've seen lots of Democrats put on a debate with like five candidates that can't even get that straight, so it becomes an issue.
Okay, let's talk about brass tacks here.
And let's talk about the reality of what we're facing.
I saw a great tweet put out by Lore and Legends on Twitter, and it says, in less than a week, senile U.S.
President has let slip New World Order troops to Ukraine, 82nd Airborne, overthrow Putin, kill Putin, famine inbound, guaranteed to happen, oil shortages is what they want.
Says it all, doesn't it?
And then I saw this article in Rolling Stone, and without even looking, because I don't watch CNN, but it came up in my feed, CNN and others are all demonizing General Flynn, former head of Defense Intelligence, former National Security Advisor to Trump, great guy, salt of the earth.
My spidey sense is always 100%.
It just says this guy's the best.
Plus his actions are great.
But he came out and decried this war and said it was bad on all sides, but pointed out why it happened, which is the reality.
And then he said, I'll play the clip here in a moment, that this is Bill Gates and George Soros' New World Order in trouble, and that the New World Order is falling apart because of what Putin did.
Now, all these CNN, MSNBC, Rolling Stone, a bunch of them, said, oh my god, he's a Russian agent, arrest him!
They literally said that.
He just said that Putin's fighting the New World Order.
Biden said it eight days ago.
Biden said last weekend, like last Friday, so eight days ago.
Seven days ago, whatever it is, Friday before last, he said, we're a new world order, and Russia's broken the new world order, so now we've got to lead the new world order, and he admitted that, and then Flynn comes out and says, yeah, say what you want, but this invasion by Putin has really shooken up their new world order, and they go, oh my god, you are such a commie.
Michael Flynn says Putin's Ukraine invasion is disrupting Bill Gates' New World Order.
Someone like Vladimir Putin has upset the balance of the New World Order, and they're trying to achieve by going to Ukraine.
The former National Security Advisor said, that's completely true.
That's not an endorsement of Putin.
It's what happened.
It's what, hell, Biden's been honest about that.
But they think you're so stupid, that he actually just tells you what's going on, so he's bad.
Here it is.
Vladimir Putin has now upset this balance of the New World Order that they were trying to achieve by going into Ukraine.
And I'm probably the last person that's going to be a Putin apologist.
I won't be.
But what I do understand are the dynamics that are playing out in Ukraine right now.
And I sent you something earlier, Clay, and we don't need to go into the details of it.
All of what we are seeing play out in Europe right now is an upsetting of the balance of the world order as they want it, as people like Dr. Harari, as people like Klaus Schwab, and others.
Bill Gates is another one.
So we have to understand that these are people that are very smart, they're very well resourced, and they have a very sort of strategic idea of how they want to see the world develop.
And God And a soul are not part of that strategy.
Total truth.
And so they fund all the attacks on Flynn.
I mean, this is a world government, New World Order, and what Putin is doing is messing that up, whether you're for Putin or not.
That's what's happening.
And Biden says, this is upending the New World Order.
And then Flynn goes, yeah, it's upending the New World Order.
Oh my God, you're a Russian agent!
Because you're telling the truth.
It's ridiculous.
If there was footage of Russians executing prisoners and blowing their genitals off with handguns, we would say that's wrong.
And I'm sure the Russians probably are doing some things that are wrong.
It's like, you know, I'm not part of the Democratic Party.
I'm not a Republican Party minion.
I'm not under Putin.
I'm not under George Soros.
I'm trying to tell the truth and promote justice.
And we're supposed to just join one side or the other in this.
I'm in the Jesus Christ Party.
I'm in the Christian Party.
I'm in the Survival Party.
I'm in the Civilization Party.
I'm in the Love Party, folks.
But that means I'll stand up strongly for what I believe in and defend my family in that process.
The globalists are collapsing the world economy by design.
They brag about it.
They're using this as the pretext and the virus and the lockdowns.
It's the Great Reset and we've got to expose it.
We're gonna start the next hour, and boy do we have a lot to cover.
There's so many big stories we haven't even hit yet on the economy, and on the Supreme Court nominee, and on the war, and on the pedophile rings, and just the open parents locked out of middle schools and elementary schools while they teach children about sex acts, and it's in the news, and there's a Texas investigation by the governor going on.
I mean, even I can't believe it's gotten to this point.
And it's gonna get a lot crazier!
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So we're going to come back and continue to plow through all this news and more, straight ahead.
God bless them!
They're going to break the chains!
You can't stop them!
Stay with us.
Pfizer seeks approval to inject infants with deadly gene therapy shots.
We're going to play that clip and come back with Owen Schroer and Christy Lee in studio with us tonight.
We have got so much to cover with these massive war crimes being committed against the Russians.
And again, I'm not a Russophile, folks.
I'm a truthophile.
And this is just unbelievable war crimes on tape and our corporate media is not covering it.
But first, here's this report dealing with their system coming after our children with their bioweapon injection and we'll come right back.
Because some human beings care about their children, VAERS was established in 1990 as an early warning system to identify negative reactions and side effects of vaccination.
Which makes sense, but there are major problems.
It is managed by the FDA and the CDC, which explains why the VAERS database requires a class to learn how to find anything.
Taking the time to actually file a report is voluntary.
And out of fear of losing their jobs or being considered an anti-vaxxer, nobody wants to speak ill of the all-holy vaccine, let alone make an official report.
It is estimated that only 1% of vaccine injuries ever get reported to VAERS.
So that means when VAERS reports over 44,000 adverse reactions and 90 deaths, one can expect it to be as much as 4.4 million adverse reactions and 9,000 deaths.
And these numbers are only from the age 5 to 17 group.
Conservative numbers put it at 10%, which is half a million children that have been wounded and killed from an unneeded, unwanted, experimental gene therapy shot that we relied to about every step of the way.
Thanks to the Open VAERS project, which is built upon the VAERS data, the public can easily search these reports and see for themselves.
People are reporting adverse reactions such as chronic pain, loss of hearing and taste, talking gibberish, and acting out aggressively.
And these are the mild cases.
There is a tsunami of major brain damage, heart disease, and fatalities.
Edward Dowd has analyzed the data and has reported an 84% increase in deaths among ages 25 through 40, which is the same amount of lives lost to the Vietnam War.
Toby Rogers estimates that Big Pharma kills twice as many people that died in World War II every single year.
The press ignores this because it's not enough.
They want your newborn babies as well.
Pfizer is pushing to have children as young as six months old, given a shot that we know is potentially fatal, even though children were never at risk and are still not at risk.
The United States has been force injecting infants and children with experimental vaccines for years, and now they want to add the infamous clot shot.
Thanks to virtue signaling mothers, some children have already been getting it in the womb.
Which is resulting in miscarriages, stillbirths, and deaths from breastfeeding on toxic, genetically modified mother's milk.
Pfizer is planning on submitting another application for emergency use authorization in early April.
That's about 18 million children under five who could be sacrificed to the altar of big pharma and political correctness.
If Pfizer can achieve permanent liability protection from the FDA, who they control, then they can add the mRNA gene therapy shot to the childhood vaccine schedule, where it will enjoy permanent liability protection under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
These same crooks are putting a judge on the Supreme Court who openly defends leniency towards crimes that involve child rape.
They are coming for your children and they will not stop.
If you still care about the human race and are looking for something you can do right now, you can go to Toby Rogers at Substack and read his urgent call to action for more info.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, we are very honored and blessed to be joining you on this live March 27th 2022 transmission.
The great Owen Schroyer and Christy Lee are in the other studio with massive news coming up.
They'll be co-hosting with me this hour and they'll be hosting the Special broadcast we do that is Sunday live, 6 to 8 p.m.
Central, on the total sexualization and total pedophilic takeover of public schools across the country, including Austin, Texas.
Headline, Texas Attorney General says Austin School District is breaking state law after barring parents, this is Fox News, barring parents from Pride Week where they teach the children how to have sex with each other and more.
There's video of it.
I mean, this is just next level.
Forget, let gay marriage happen.
Man, let us have your kids.
This is unbelievable.
I don't care if they're heterosexual, homosexual.
This is pedophilic.
That is all coming up.
They have exclusive footage of Christy Lee with the police coming after her for even showing being outside the school on Friday and Thursday.
That is coming up.
They're going to be riding shotgun with us on all these other issues here in just a moment.
But I want to get back to where we are.
We have Footage, just hours of it.
It's on Infowars.com, on Ukrainian websites, and the Daily Mail and ABC News going, oh, the valiant Ukrainians, they chop the testicles off the Russians when they capture them.
Got the Daily Mail right here.
How great it is, how wonderful it is.
And then we actually see footage of it?
I'm not going to show you the footage.
I showed you shooting them in the testicles, and shooting them, blowing their feet off, and shooting them in the knees.
But then we have the footage of them with their clothes off, with their genitals blown off, kicking them in the groin as they beg.
I mean, this is just next-level torture.
But to the liberals, This is only as second best to killing a baby before it's born.
I mean, this is high evil.
This is super fun.
This is what the Nazi battalions did in World War II.
Now the grandchildren of those folks are doing it again.
I'm not even for what Russia did, but the less fun to the overthrow of the government.
Eight years ago Soros bragged and now they've started a war with the ethnic Russian groups that are 50% of the population and so the fight is going on and Joe Biden is saying he wants nuclear war.
Joe Biden is saying he wants to kill Putin.
He says the US may first strike Russia.
I mean you talk about scary.
I mean, you talk about an out-of-control lunatic with nuclear codes on TV.
This is just so surreal.
I can't even believe what's happening.
Every night I go to bed, I'm thinking, we may have nuclear war while I'm sleeping.
So we have all that going on.
Let's play a clip just of them shooting.
And there's hours of this.
It's on InfoWars.com.
I can play it all here for you.
It's too graphic.
Shooting the Russians that have been captured in the knees, in the feet, and in their genitals.
Here's the footage.
And it goes on and on from there.
You can see the genitals all destroyed.
Everything else, and them laughing when they go, Roski, Roski, and kick him in the groin.
Ha, ha, ha, Roski, Roski.
And then they say, Heil Hitler, and all the rest of their normal stuff.
So, of course, we have to make sure that Soros and Zelensky are very proud, because that's the little secret about it all, who runs the Nazis.
So, here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
I want to play a clip, though, before we... You know what?
I'll give the clip after we go to our special guest host here.
But we have the head of the whole New World Order, Larry Fink, Blackrock, saying some key things we'll cover at the bottom of the hour.
But let's bring Owen Schroyer and, of course, his co-host tonight for Sunday Live onto the broadcast to tell us about exactly what is unfolding.
So, Owen Schroyer and Christy Lee, what is your view on all this?
Well, you know, it's really hard to get down to the truth about anything that's going on in Ukraine, but the video that you played where it's the Russian soldiers getting tortured, I mean, that's what it is.
That's been confirmed by so many news agencies that it's almost weird that they want us to see that and know that it's going on when there's so much other stuff going on with bombings and captures and Russian tanks and all this other stuff, and you're like, okay, well, where's the original source?
Who's confirming it?
You know, there's all these different languages.
It's very confusing.
But all of them confirmed and bragged, like, yes, this is what we're doing to the Russians, Ukrainian news, everybody, yes, look, we've got them, we've got the Russian dogs, and they confirmed this video.
It's like, we can't confirm anything else.
Snake Island, Ghost of Kiev, all this other stuff, like, oh, we don't know, it's fake news.
But then this, though, they brag about this, Alex, they want us all to know that this is legit.
Well, it's designed to make Putin escalate it and start World War III, all of this.
Well, that's what you get the feeling of, but I think it's becoming more and more clear by the day.
The real agenda from the Biden administration is they want this to go on as long as possible.
They want this to go on as long as possible.
Yeah, this is their re-election bid.
And it's the perfect scapegoat.
Oh, high gas prices, inflation, all this other stuff.
Russia is the perfect scapegoat that they can blame for all of that.
Plus, if you take a look at the weapons manufacturers' stocks, they've all gone up at least 25% in the last week.
That's right.
COVID was for big pharma.
Defense gets its trillions.
Well said.
Chrissy Lee, what's your view on this?
Well, it's just sickening to have to watch that.
I mean, it's extremely violent.
But like Owen said, it's interesting that they will show us that.
It's also interesting that we're constantly, those of us that try and post things, constantly get misleading or missing context for everything that we post.
Meanwhile, Biden is posting on Facebook that Zelensky is a Jew.
There's no Nazi element.
Well, just because Zelensky is Jewish doesn't mean that there isn't a Nazi element.
And so it's like he's trying to take that away from The fact that there's this violence and that there is a Nazi element there.
But there's no missing context or misleading fact check attached to that, which obviously that is misleading just by pointing out that he's Jewish, that supposedly that there's not a Nazi element to root out.
But beyond the Nazi element thing, the West started the war in Ukraine and did all this.
That's not debatable.
And the fact that the battle lines in World War II were Nazi versus Russian.
So of course that's the last battle that was fought there.
I'm just really concerned.
We're a month plus into this now.
How crazy is this going to get?
Well, I think, you know, what's odd is Zelensky's come out and said, OK, we won't be a part of NATO, but that didn't seem to calm things down.
I'm not really sure what Putin's full agenda here is.
That's the one thing, if you could say Putin hasn't been honest, he hasn't been honest about that.
He said he wouldn't invade.
He did.
So I think he's kind of unpredictable, even for the globalists.
I agree.
We don't know what Putin's real plan is.
But that's actually what adds to the genius of it.
I mean, the fact that Trump was such a good leader is because you never knew what he was doing.
That's why people didn't go into war on his clock.
And so in that same aspect, they're like, what is he doing?
Will he do any nuclear?
And they won't answer that question.
So it's actually, whereas Biden just is like, I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that.
And so it's just the tactics of war obviously are not good on our side.
They just want to push us into war ultimately.
Yeah, and if you do believe Biden and his slip-ups from his short trip to Europe, he said troops will be in Ukraine, so I guess that's him telling us within, maybe before or after midterms, they're going to send troops to be on the ground in Ukraine.
Just another war in a foreign country that our troops will have to die in.
We'll spill blood and treasure in, and we'll get no benefit at all.
I mean, is this a backup plan if they don't have a serious virus situation that they'll be like, oh, we can't vote right now, or we have to have mail-in ballots again because we're in the middle of World War III?
I mean, is this just the backup plan?
Christie, I totally agree with you.
This new war is COVID 2.0.
And that's really the big question we're all going to be asking ourselves is how crazy is this going to get?
And why is Biden saying, we'll nuke Russia, kill Putin, and then his own Secretary of State says, no, that's not what we're doing.
It just shows it's all completely out of control.
I want to play this clip when we come back.
A BlackRock CEO, Larry Fink, says Russia's Ukraine war is upending world order.
What does that really mean?
Are they really claiming that globalism's in trouble, or is this just globalism expanding its control?
I'm going to do three more segments with our guest hosts, and they're going to take over tonight from the other studio for Sunday Night Live.
They've got so much to cover.
And again, this is independent media trying to tell the truth, trying to find the answers.
Such a precious operation.
We're only here because of you and your support at InfoWarsTour.com.
But just as important as you spreading the word and sharing the live feeds, the articles, the videos and more, again at InfoWars.com forward slash show and Bandai video.
We'll be right back on the other side with Christy Lee, Owen Schroyer, a bunch of video clips, and so much more ahead of the weekday shows that kick off at 8 a.m.
Central with Harrison Smith.
The powers of world government, the powers of dehumanization, want this broadcast silenced.
Please never forget that.
So, BlackRock CEO with over 10 trillion in management, the guy that invented housing derivatives and massive frauds.
He has come out, ladies and gentlemen, with a letter to their shareholders and said, world government is over.
Globalism is over.
It failed.
Now everybody's going to starve and society's going to collapse.
Go read the letter.
He actually says it.
You should read it for yourself and see it.
Because globalism was always meant to collapse society, and I told you they want to collapse the nation-state and have everything implode, the third world plode, and then have a city-state set up that's above the law and run by them.
That's their plan, to collapse civilization, a post-industrial world, is the statement they've made.
I mean, they got their acolytes and their minions to go along with all this corruption and censorship and secret arrest and wars and lies to build the utopia, and now they go, oh my god, it all failed!
The utopia's over!
The utopia's over.
And now globalism has to fight the nationalists.
He actually says that in a statement.
They're the ones that caused the war.
They're the extremists, not us.
It's all been prescripted.
Here's a clip of Laura Ingraham talking about it Friday night.
We've told you before about the great reset of capitalism that's being pushed by the elites at the World Economic Forum.
Now, among the most ardent resetters is BlackRock CEO Larry Fink.
But in his annual shareholder letter today, Fink issued a warning to his Davos buddies,
saying the Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we've experienced
over the last three decades.
Companies and governments will also be looking more broadly at their dependencies on other
Joining me now is Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover Institution senior fellow.
Well, Victor, if there's a bright light and a devastating, tragic, ongoing nightmare in
Ukraine, it might be that people are generally beginning to wake up to the idea that it's
time to decouple from these despotic regimes.
Yeah, I think people understood from the League of Nations failure in the 30s that political
globalism never worked.
I mean, the United Nations condemned Russia's invasion, didn't do any good.
The majority of the population in the world didn't sign on to sanctions.
That's why Joe Biden has changed his tune.
But what's fascinating, Laura, is this is economic globalization.
This was supposed to make us all live in utopia and here we have an architect of it and he's
saying you know of two or three years ago he would say you know
capital chases labor and production costs anywhere in the world where they're
the cheapest and now he's saying we can't do that and i think he's saying
that because the natural order of history is not calm it's not peace it's not cooperation
unfortunately and tragically it's war it's revolution it's plague and we
learned that with covid and now you're paying and so now everybody
knows i'm not trying to make intellectual dunks on laura ingram or
anybody but that's pathetic Oh, Larry Fink now realizes his plan failed of love, and now he realizes it's all... No, they sucked everybody dry.
They sold everybody on this police state in the name of ending war, and then now they go, oh my gosh, it all failed.
Now we're gonna have to, you know, do whatever.
This is a really serious situation.
Christy Lee, Owen Schroer, what's your view on this statement by the The most powerful globalist in the world, Larry Fink.
Well, I think it's pretty clear they're just running a bait-and-switch or a shell game here to blame Putin or Russia for everything.
It's the same thing that Biden is doing here in America.
Wait a minute, you mean gas prices aren't up because of hyper-printing of currency?
It's Putin's fault, right?
Well they brag all day how they're going to have this great reset and how you're going to have to pay for it and now it's actually bearing fruits and you're seeing it and they've got the perfect invasion of Ukraine with Russia behind it to distract from it and say, oh look, this is all Putin's fault.
You're going to starve because of Putin.
You're going to be poor because of Putin.
You're going to eat the bugs because of Putin.
And it was their plan all along.
I don't know if this is Putin even playing into their hands or falling into a trap or he's still acting organically or doing his own thing, but clearly that's what's going to happen here.
And when you have Joe Biden letting it slip, letting the cat out of the bag, oh expect food shortages, expect famine.
He didn't say expect, he says it's going to happen.
It's going to be bad.
Yeah, so I mean, that's all this is to me.
It's just the bait and switch.
It's a shell game.
Perfect scapegoat for all the things the globalists are doing, all the things Biden is doing, is Putin and Russia.
And he just really doesn't even play ball with them at all.
He comes out and makes a statement maybe once a week or every other week to just kind of give an update.
But other than that, you really don't know what Putin is doing, what Putin is thinking, what, you know, what warnings he's making on a daily basis.
Russia continues to be the wild card that America should be.
Christy Lee, what do you think's going on?
Well, I'm like, of course, thoroughly tainted by the mainstream news, so even with Fox News coming out with this and the Wall Street Journal talking about it, I'm just skeptical of every bit of it.
If they say that, oh no, we're losing our plans of globalization, I feel like if they're putting that out there that...
It's the opposite, that they still have these plans and they're still going to move forward and they're just kind of like trying to make it seem like that they're surrendering.
So I'm just always skeptical.
If that's the narrative that they're putting out, I'm always thinking it's something that's the opposite.
No, I totally agree.
I mean, what they're doing is, oh, the collapse isn't the new world order, it's Putin.
That's why your gas prices are up.
That's why all this.
That's just the cherry on top.
It's been the whole devaluation, their whole program, their lockdowns that did this.
You're totally right, Christy.
Yeah, I mean, and people are waking up.
That is the silver lining of all of this.
I mean, everybody feels the pain of the pump.
Everybody feels the prices at the grocery store.
And I don't think people are buying it anymore, that it's just Putin's fault.
We were feeling this before this all happened, and now they're trying to reach back and continue to blame things that have nothing to do with it.
National polls show 25% of people blame Putin.
They're blaming Biden and the globalists.
You're right.
I mean, everybody knows it's Biden who shut down the Keystone Pipeline, not Putin.
And it's funny because Biden will say, this is just poor leadership, and he's referring to Putin.
But it's just like, no, yes, it is poor leadership, but it's your poor leadership.
I wish it was all Putin's fault.
Sorry, Ellen, go ahead.
But just notice what they always do.
In the Bush years, it was you're losing your freedoms because of radical Islamic terrorists.
No, the government did that.
During the coronavirus years, it's you're losing your freedom because of a virus.
No, government did that.
Now, during this Ukraine war, which will probably go on for years, who knows, maybe even decades, and they'll say, oh, it's not your government, it's Putin doing that, it's the Ukraine war doing that.
So, it's the same story.
Our government constantly destroying us, destroying our freedoms, destroying our country, and then blaming somebody else.
It's the typical game that they play with us, and the people are starting to wake up to it, but those that fall for the propaganda are more obvious than ever.
Yeah, here's another stand with Ukraine march.
I know there was a big one in Philadelphia today.
They have them in Austin all the time.
It looks like this one is in D.C.
So it just shows how they can just get their masses, their brainwashed masses, even if it is a minority, to go along with anything, get in the streets, and then they win the optical battle because they own all the news stations, so they just make it look like, oh, everybody loves Ukraine, everybody's standing with Ukraine, and if you're paying more for gas and food for Ukraine, then that's okay.
That's just fine.
And again, if Ukrainians really didn't want to be with Russia, I'd be all for it, but Soros brags they went and started it and did it!
It's ridiculous!
This is just more of the, let's blame Russia for everything, and that's why it's laughable at this point, and that's why people are waking up, because they blamed Russia on literally everything, and we've seen every narrative crumble.
Oh, I slipped and fell, Christy, in the shower yesterday.
I was kidding!
Puttin' a little banana peel right there.
We're gonna come back and talk about this and a lot more, and where the economy's going, and where you think, where you guys think this is all gonna unfold.
With Christy Lee and Owen Schroeder, straight ahead, I'm Alex Jones, stay with us.
All right, Alex Jones back live.
Christy Lee and Owen Schroer riding shotgun with us.
They're taking over in about 27 minutes in the third and fourth hour tonight on just staggering sexualization and brainwashing and grooming of our children in Austin, Texas, where we're based.
And exclusive footage, that's all coming up.
Christy's load of her bear.
So is Owen.
But guys, getting back to the current state of the world, And looking at what's happened to the U.S.
economy, we see Biden saying, oh, food shortages will happen in America.
And sanctions on Russia are sanctions on America.
But Russia's just selling its extra oil to China and India.
It's not even hurting Russia.
What's your views on this economic situation?
Because it's just crazy to watch.
Here's the big geopolitical picture that nobody wants to talk about, and it's weird, Alex, to think that us here at InfoWars, this ragtag team of freedom-loving, free-speech-loving berserkers, are the only people that understand this or are at least willing to talk about it.
The geopolitical forces of nature are changing rapidly right now, and what you see is Saudi Arabia, UAE, probably Egypt in time, Mexico, Brazil, and Russia, and China, and India, all starting to form this kind of anti-globalist Exactly.
They know it's the globalists in control.
they see eye to eye on everything, but they know most of the world's corruption is coming
out of the West.
They know that it's the Western political empires that are running most of these operations.
They know it's the globalists in control.
And look, they've got their own corrupt leaders and they've got their own stolen loot and
they've got their own problems.
They don't want to teach their kids how to suck cock, okay?
They don't want to teach their kids how to be gay and use dildos and vibrators and everything else.
I mean, that's just one measurement of it.
Putin even came out for JK Rowling and said, she says men are men, women are women, she's banned.
This really freaks people out around the world that your boy, we're going to teach your boy he's a girl.
That really is kind of a break the deal thing for people.
Well, and look, I'm not trying to be graphic.
We've got the stories Christy Lee covered this month ago where they show your kids pornographic material and teach young boys how to give blowjobs.
I mean, that took to other boys.
So we're going to cover that coming up.
And you shouldn't teach boys, girls, anybody that.
Yeah, it's so disgusting, and that is one interesting thing.
I know you've watched plenty of the Oliver Stone stuff, but we watched that whole thing where he's talking to Putin.
Very long documentary.
It's really fascinating to hear about what he thinks about these things, and particularly, basically, they don't let them talk about that thing to children, those kinds of subjects, to kids, period.
Well, exactly, Christy.
Two weeks ago, Bill Maher said, I agree with the governor of Florida, DeSantis, why are you teaching six-year-olds how to do stuff that, I mean, it's totally evil.
If a parent was teaching their six-year-old this, you'd arrest them.
I mean, this is crazy.
It is so crazy.
Tending to see is that they've overplayed their hand. They pushed this to such a degree that it has caused many to
wake up But as far as the other subject with the Ukraine
It's interesting if you talk to actual Ukrainians or people that came here from Ukraine and just their perspective on
things I was talking to Angela for Indiana a woman running for
Congress there in Indiana who came here as An immigrant from Ukraine was born in Ukraine just to hear
her actual perception on everything And I was saying, so what is the truth?
You know, because we're obviously getting major narratives from both sides, propaganda from both sides.
And she said, what I am seeing is that the only explanation for the leadership in America Is that they are purposely trying to destroy America.
She's like, there's no other explanation for it and it's so sad that I came here at the young age of 20 and I lived the American dream.
I'm a successful financial advisor.
Now I'm running for Congress and I have to now see the total destruction of America, the purposeful destruction of America at the hands of this current leadership.
Well, I mean, that's really it.
Russia's not perfect.
We're not even saying that.
But clearly, when Putin says, you're trying to take over and kill our families, that's what the left's doing.
And that's what they're teaching in Ukraine.
And that's the reality here, is they're coming for our children.
Well, and I think if you look at the Gaddafi story, everything kind of builds out from here now.
For so many years, there wasn't a political leader or country that wanted to stand up to the West for obvious reasons.
I mean, look at Bill Clinton bombing Kosovo and all the countries that they would just bomb relentlessly just to get headlines off of him.
Blow jobs under the White House desk.
Look at what we did during the Bush years.
Look at what we did during the Obama years.
So nobody wants to stand up to the West.
Nobody wants to stand up to the globalists and fight for an independent nation, or they'll give you the Gaddafi.
And everybody knows this.
We have the emails from Hillary Clinton's staffers and the Democrat Party and the State Department.
So now here comes Putin, and Putin is basically giving the double bird to the Western media, which is their first line of defense.
And then if they don't take that, they move on to just bombing you.
Well, now people are saying, hmm, Putin is standing up to the West, Russia is standing up to the West.
Oh, OK, maybe we can get on board with that.
And so you see UAE, you see India, you see Mexico, you see Brazil, you see these other countries.
And again, the globalists actually stay in the game from that long term.
And that's what's crazy about this.
They just don't.
I just see it like this.
Some of the world leaders have signed on to the idea, maybe because they believe it, that we're a virus on this planet.
It's like from the movie The Kingsman.
And so we have to be killed.
We have to be killed or the planet's going to die and we won't be able to live on this life raft and floating through space.
Or they just don't care.
They like the money and power for themselves, wipe humans off the earth.
They really couldn't care either way.
But I don't think that's every leader on the planet.
I don't think that's what Donald Trump represented either.
So there's kind of this resistance forming to that mindset of the only way to save humanity
is to kill humanity.
And it all seems to be kind of forming geopolitically right now around Russia's resistance to the
globalists in Ukraine.
And if you look at a NATO map from 1998 to just this last year, you'll see it's NATO
that's been expanding.
It's Russia that has biological weapons labs that are the United States backed on their
borders and they finally had enough with all the other stuff going on and Putin decided,
I'm launching this.
religious holy war for Russia, which is how he sees it.
He's aligned himself with the Christian movement in Russia.
He's a strong nationalist, and so he's decided this is his time, and he probably knows he's on a suicide mission.
He probably knows that he's either going to get killed trying to do this to save Russia, or he's going to have a strong Russia, stronger than it's been in a long time, and they're going to be a world leader.
Chris, what are your views on that?
Well, I mean, Russia is the one that's winning in this so far.
I mean, with even the, they're taking Bitcoin now, you know, their money is strengthening.
Like you said, they're not hurting, they're just finding other buyers.
So the sanctions only hurt us.
So, I mean, this I would think would only embolden him.
So something's got to give, which obviously is scary because we just feel so indefensible right now.
I mean, gosh, we don't even care about our borders here.
So it is very, It's scary as a mother to just be watching all this play out, have no confidence in our leadership, and seeing the strengthening of other countries.
I think that's right.
All right, final segment straight ahead.
I got a couple important clips I want to play.
And then the next two hours, Christy Lee and Owen Schroer are going to host Sunday Live.
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And I'm so exhausted and cross-eyed.
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Thank you for being the Infowar.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
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Central, I'll do my own show.
Of course, there's the War Room with Owen Schroyer, 3 to 6 p.m.
Central, and American Journal with Harrison Smith, 8 a.m.
From this very studio I'm in right now.
The Globalist hope you don't share those links.
They hope you don't tell folks about the broadcast.
They hope you don't tune in.
But here's old Larry Faint, the head of the really $20 trillion, they say $10 trillion, but they've leveraged it, program who invented Who invented derivatives?
Who invented the mortgage-backed derivative in the 80s?
He's just a front man of all this, but look at him.
He's so confident.
He sees you as something he's going to prey on.
He runs all the leftist movements, the devaluation, the open borders.
Look him up.
He says, oh, the New World Order failed, everything's gonna collapse, we're all gonna be poor now.
That was always their plan.
They've already stolen the wealth, now they want you to think nation-states, individual people caused this calamity we are now entering.
And then I see these headlines, where you've got the Supreme Court nominee defending sex offenders and child rapists.
And then you wonder why all this is happening, because it's about getting us to go along with anything they want.
Always believe a woman, they told us.
And they told us, no, we don't even know what a woman is.
That's where we are in this world today.
So, Christy Lee, Owen Schroer, give us a prelude of what's coming up in the third and fourth hour tonight.
Well we were actually just discussing where we were going to go first out of the opening segment here coming up on Sunday Night Live and quite frankly my angle is we're going to show all the stuff, we're going to show all the gay pride for kids marches, we're going to show how, and Christy just confirmed this because she's doing her own independent research too, how now When you're being taught grammar and English in schools, they have a whole new system with the they, them, transgender pronouns, which are just, it's just so out of control at this point.
I don't even know how you could learn anything.
Total takeover of biology, language, everything.
Literal sexualization of your children.
You gotta hand it to them.
This is so diabolical.
Yeah, and I mean, if you were doing this in a playground, or like, I had like, you know, a summer camp for kids and I was doing this, I'd get sued, I'd go to jail, I'd be a predator, because that's what it is.
And in fact, we have the actual psychological warnings for what predatory behavior is, and they match it every single way.
So we're going to show you everything they're doing, we're going to show you the pornographic material that they show to kids, and then say, oh, it's not pornographic, it's educational, teaching your sons how to go into the bathroom and suck each other's male members.
Not even kidding you, that's what they say, they say it's educational.
That's what you learn in school now, man.
I mean, the left is just unbelievable.
They say it's educational, so you know, it's not pornographic, but if I showed it on TV, I'd get an FCC warning.
But so we're going to show all this stuff.
A bunch of dudes dressed as women, dancing with our children, and oh my God.
Yeah, it just goes on.
It's literally a bunch of perverts being accessed to our children.
And that's what they want.
You see them, man.
They walk right up to the kids, they grab their little heads, and they start to grind on them and everything.
Oh, it's all an act of dominance.
Look at these headlines.
Fox News.
Texas Attorney General says Austin School Board is, and district, is breaking state law.
After barring parents from Pride Week, they locked them out while they celebrated it and brainwashed them and psychologically raped them.
Austin Elementary School holds Pride Parade, instructs students not to reveal what is said in community circles.
We have the documents.
I mean, this is pure pedophilia.
A week-long indoctrination of your students, your children.
School district breaks state law with Pride Week events, Texas AG says.
And then we show the actual training.
I mean, oh my God.
So yeah, and then I'm going to also show how this is not isolated incidents, but it's going on in every state right now.
Oh yeah, just like Drag Queen Storytime is in Germany, it's in the UK, it's in Canada, it's in the US, it's all funded by BlackRock and other big banks.
Christy Lee, what's coming up?
Well, I'm going to go on record and say I'm kind of sick, honestly, of Ken Paxton's lip service and Abbott.
Like, they have always said a lot of good things, but they need to do more.
It's pretty sad when I feel like I'm a one-woman show trying to fight against my own school district just outside of Austin ISD, and then showing up to Austin ISD, and I'm the one that's kicked off.
I'm the one that's pushed away.
You guys all saw a whole day trying to show what they're teaching in school.
I had the books.
Some of the officers I was showing them to were horrified, but then when push came to shove and it went up the chain, went up the chain, the officer's like, yeah, I still can't take your police report because I talked to the district attorney of Texas or I went up the chain and he said we can't do anything about it because it's in an education setting.
So I'm like, so pornography is okay as long as it's in the schools.
Okay, that makes sense.
So, I mean, I need more help.
I need more parents to get involved.
I need more of you all to To pay attention to what's happening in school.
That's right, and this latest footage of you last week being kicked off just the sidewalk out there by police.
How dare you expose that they're locking children in?
And the fact of the matter is, as I was reflecting, you know, always thinking, what could I have done differently?
What could I have done better?
You know, I realized in reflection, they didn't ever even tell me to get to go away or to get off the school administrators.
None of that.
Their resort was to call police.
They never asked me to leave.
They just straight up went and called the police, and they sure enough roll up in five cop cars for one journalist.
Again, this is going on all over the country, but the particular elementary school you went to, give people that headline in the name of the school.
Doss Elementary is an Austin ISD school and I was there very far away from the kids just talking about what they're teaching and they just right away call the cops and try and make... It's all about intimidation.
They lock the parents out.
PAX to the Attorney General states that students must Ask him if this is a public school that gets taxpayer money.
the school delivers human sexuality instruction according to state law. I mean this is pure
pedophilia. The pedophiles have figured out a bureaucratic way to do it. This is happening
literal miles from our studio right now. Here's a clip of Christy Lee just a few days ago
in Austin.
Ask him if this is a public school that gets taxpayer money.
I mean this is a public school that gets tax dollars but the public can't actually step
foot on it.
This is here to protect the ethnicity of the school.
We need to move on.
I'd love to protect the kids.
I wish there was more protection of kids, actually, which is why I'm here covering this.
All right.
To that end, as he explained, this is a criminal trespass warning.
That's a ticket.
You don't have to do anything with it.
For your information, it says that if at any point in the next 365 days you're identified on one of our properties, you will be subject to arrest.
With authorization.
With authorization.
Can I say, if you want to come on the stand?
All right, I'm so glad you guys are protecting the kids from me and an iPhone.
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