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Name: 20220313_Sun_Alex
Air Date: March 13, 2022
1335 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics such as pro-trans rights protests, pedophilia, iodine supplements, and COVID-19 lockdowns. He criticizes trans rights protests for promoting a concept he believes does not exist - "trans kids". He makes connections between pro-Ukraine rallies and pro- pedophile rallies, stating that both are part of the same issue. Jones promotes his supplements, including Brain Force Ultra, and encourages support for his work through purchases at infowarsstore.com. He also highlights the benefits of using band.video as an alternative platform that allows users to create and watch content without censorship. Throughout his speech, Jones portrays himself as a hero fighting against Satan's pedophile army in order to protect children from harm.

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Ladies and gentlemen, it is Sunday, March 13th, 2022, and you are living through the most significant times in human history.
And there's so many different levels to it.
There's so many different angles and aspects to it.
As I'm getting the news sorted out here on my desk, getting ready for this Sunday transmission, I'm just reminded of all the different angles that we have right now trying to stave off this globalist tyranny, this one world government that wants a social credit score based off of the system in China, the end of free speech, the end of the right to protect yourself, pretty much just the end of any individual sovereignty at all, any nation state, any right to decide and determine your own destiny.
And it gets so bad, we're here in Texas today.
In fact, I just got back about 15 minutes ago.
We're out there for about two hours, I'd say.
And we've got some of the B-roll that we're gonna roll for you.
The crew is uploading some of the HD video right now to Band.Video.
But I'm out in Austin, Texas, where there is a pro-trans kids rally.
Which, I don't call it trans kids, there's no such thing as trans kids, until these pedophiles get their hands on them.
Then there's trans kids.
There's no such thing as a trans kid in nature.
Doesn't exist, never has.
The only way a trans kid even exists is if a pedophile gets their hands on them and mutilates their genitalia.
And so we've just got unbelievable footage.
It's the same crap you expect from these nutjobs.
But it just is wilder and wilder every time.
It's just, you can't believe this is reality.
How do I go to downtown Austin, Texas and walk into a mob of pedophiles?
By the way, that's literally the pedophile flag right there.
And so that's what I'm saying.
People tune in and they may think, yeah, you know, InfoWars is kind of extreme.
No, the world is extreme.
When I go to downtown Austin, Texas, and I've got people waving pedophile flags in my face, talking about how they want to mutilate children's genitalia, and they think they're the good guy.
Folks, that is a pro-pedophile flag.
They call it a minor-attracted-person flag, is what it is.
So you've got the tranny flag, you've got the gay flag, you've got the pedophile flag, and they all have these new flags they fly.
And it's all to create this new tribalism of sexual perversion that they then virtue signal and say, This is for the kids.
No, you're sexual perverts.
You want to be a sexual pervert and do your little activity behind closed doors?
They don't even do it behind closed doors anymore.
I'm not even exaggerating.
And this has a lot to do with the fact South by South Gay is in town.
South by Southwest is South by South Gay now.
And I'm not even kidding you.
I go out to breakfast this morning.
Popular diner here in Austin.
I love going to.
Good food.
But see, the more and more, it's the same thing with everything else.
The more and more woke it gets, the more and more the leftists run the place and are just jerks and start doing bad service.
It's like, I don't even want to go back.
It's like, you know what?
You got a great diner here.
You got great food.
I'm getting harassed by damn liberals.
I just want to have breakfast.
I'm not even kidding you.
A man shows up.
I, personally, I'm not, look, it's probably not the worst thing ever.
Personally, I'll never wear open-toed shoes to a restaurant.
I just, I just don't like showing my feet when people are trying to eat meals.
I just think that's a little uncouth.
But, okay, it's not the worst thing ever.
This man shows up, dressed as a woman, and walks into a breakfast diner with his ass out.
I'm not exaggerating.
Literal bare ass at a diner in public, just showing off the ass.
And you're just supposed to say, oh, that's a tranny.
Oh, that's a drag queen.
I'm not going to say anything.
Like, hey, why don't you get your bare ass off of the seat, please?
I'm trying to eat breakfast.
Ladies and gentlemen, you're tuned in to this live Sunday, March 13th edition of the Alex Jones Show.
It's an honor to be with you this evening.
And I am, uh, I'm pumping right now.
I've got the adrenaline pumping.
I am high as a kite right now.
No, I don't need any sort of stimulants or drugs.
I am fighting for freedom and truth in this country, and I just got done dealing with a bunch of pro-pedophile freaks at the governor's mansion here in Austin.
And it's just, it's so crazy because, I gotta be honest.
It's not that I'm numb to this, because if I was numb to it, I wouldn't care.
But these freaks have become such a normal part of our culture, or what I deal with as a journalist, that I don't even have the proper response to it.
Because it really is kind of a fight or flight thing.
Like, you either want to get the hell away from these deviants, or you want to fight them.
And I'm not talking about physically.
Though I was assaulted multiple times today, and you know, that's pretty typical stuff.
And they get away with it right in front of police.
I'm not going to complain.
I have to get assaulted as a journalist.
The year 2022 and 21 and 20 and 19 and 18 and 17 and 16 so I mean it's just seven years of me getting assaulted as a journalist and and I've only been able to get one person arrested.
Dozens of assaults on camera, spat on, punched, death-threaded dozens of times and I've only been able I've only managed to get one of them arrested and that was a sexual assault when the woman came and grabbed my uh My genitalia in public, so I've got one out of about a hundred assaults.
I was assaulted another dozen times today, but that's fine.
You know what?
I accept that.
But see, it's almost disgusting that it's such a normal thing to me that I'm not honestly like on air crying, weeping, that this is my society.
Because really, I should be.
I should be heartbroken.
I should be, like, we should be devastated that this is going on.
Not for me, not because I'm a grown man and somebody wants to try to punch me and run away or spit on me or whatever, that's fine.
I'm a grown man, I mean, you know, you want to try to fight me, that's another thing.
No, I'm talking about for the children.
I'm talking about for the children that these deviants I want the world to be them to grow up in.
And it's just, it's so demonic, it's so perverted, it's so evil, that I just go out there.
Folks, I didn't go out with a bullhorn.
Yeah, okay, I'm Owen Schroeder from InfoWars, so it's like, oh, okay, he's the bad guy, he's gonna get mobbed.
But I walk up doing a livestream, not even trying to provoke, just wanting to go film what they're talking about, what they're doing.
And a crowd of these deviants forms around me, starts moshing around me, bumping into me, rubbing their armpits in my face, doing little subtle jabs and elbows in the midst of the crowd, punching me.
Because I'm willing to call them out for what they are and that's pedophiles.
I'm done playing games.
So you know what?
Maybe it's fine that I'm not going to cry because these sexual perverts want to destroy the future for the children and want to destroy the children's lives before they even hit puberty.
So maybe that's a good thing that I don't weep for that and instead I get into a fight response intellectually, politically with these people.
So what did I do?
So all I did was I asked, what's a trans kid?
This is a pro trans kid rally, what is a trans kid?
They don't respond.
Because there is no such thing as a trans kid.
There is no such thing as a trans kid.
Oh yeah, and they have all the brainwashed minions out there protesting for Ukraine at the Capitol every day.
They're geopolitical experts.
They love Ukraine and Zelensky so much.
They have no idea where it is on a map or any of the history there.
So they just go out there like, oh, they love Ukraine, Russia so bad.
They don't have a clue.
But I guess it's all the same.
So, I guess it actually makes sense that you have the pro-Ukraine rally, and then catty-corner you have the pro-pedophile rally.
Because it's all the same.
That's not an attack on the Ukrainian people.
Putin doesn't want Ukraine to have troglodytes and cretins Like these sexually perverted freaks in Russia and in Ukraine.
He doesn't want this crap in his backyard.
Say whatever you want about Vladimir Putin.
Bad guy, oligarchs, all the crap.
You know what though?
Putin doesn't want trans kids in Ukraine.
Which is what the EU will bring.
Which is what the West will bring, and Putin says no.
You know what happens to pedophiles in Russia?
They get disappeared to Siberia, one of the worst parts of this planet.
Cold, isolated, desolate.
You get forgotten about in Siberia.
That's where they send pedophiles.
Here they get invited to the governor's mansion to do speeches about trans kids.
So I guess it actually culturally makes sense to have all the brainwashed minions for Ukraine protesting, and then Catty Corner having the pedophiles protesting, because it's all one and the same.
They don't even realize it, they don't know it, but they're attached at the hip.
So, it's, look, the crew is just going through my footage right now, which is just the point of view of me.
I'm just holding a camera, walking through these masses.
But we've got other HD footage coming.
Rob was out there filming HD.
Another great member of the staff was out there shooting HD.
There were other journalists out there shooting HD.
But all you have to do, all you have to do, because see it's rare that I that I get to go do this anymore because of Just threats against me, security restrictions, traveling restrictions, just all kinds of restrictions, obviously, that you're probably well aware of.
So it's rare that I get to go do this, which is kind of the genre that I created of online content.
Just going out into the masses of these brainwashed fools and just asking them questions and getting them on camera.
Now it's a whole genre of content on the internet, so it's not so bad that I can't really do it anymore because others are doing it, but boy oh boy, when they get their chance to get at Owen Schroer, they lick their chops.
And they've got these 300-pound women Like, they say woolly mammoths are extinct.
I beg to differ after what I saw today.
And they get these 300 pound women that are like bigger than NFL linebackers and they don't shave their armpits and they come up to you with their arms in the air and they rub their hairy armpits in your face.
Pro trans kids.
What is a trans kid?
There's no such thing as a trans kid until one of these pedophiles gets their hands on them and turns them into one.
And you can just tell who they are.
I mean, look at that demon.
Oh my gosh.
Guys, guys, pause it right there.
Hold on, hold on.
I know who that is.
No, no, no, no.
See that, see that one right there.
Yes, it is.
This is an individual right here.
I've run into this individual.
That must be a full trans person now.
That was a man two years ago.
That person right there was a man two years ago with a beard and was licking my microphone during a live report at a pro-abortion rally.
You see how these freaks operate?
They're always there.
They're always changing their appearance, and changing their scent, and changing their hair color.
Because it's all about being demonic.
It's all about being deviant.
It's all about being perverted.
It's all a big game to them.
And so if they can get the children, then oh yeah, they like that.
Yeah, if they can get the children to play their demonic games, if they can get the children to play their pedophile games, if they can get the children to play their perverted games, yeah, that's like the total victory to destroy the innocents.
But see, there actually is a more psychological aspect of this for some of them.
Some of these grown adults are still children intellectually.
They've never matured.
I mean, physically they've matured, but intellectually they're still children.
That's why they're attracted to children, folks.
Because they're children.
They've never matured to an adult, so they're still attracted to children.
That's why they want to play with their genitalia and chop it off.
So I'm convinced one of the beasts that I faced down at a pro-pedophile event in Austin, Texas today was formerly a man.
And we found the two images.
We let the audience be the judge here.
The crew is deliberating.
I'm convinced it's the same person.
There's the individual from a pro-abortion rally, I think it was two years ago, that licked my microphone and was doing all kinds of demented behavior on camera.
And then now here's that individual today.
And so you be the judge.
I think it's the same person.
The only difference is that today's version of this individual is showered and clean-shaven.
Because let me tell you, when I ran into this creature a couple years ago at the Capitol, there was no way there had been a shower or any sort of hygiene process in two weeks.
Let's just say there was an odious scent That, uh, perpetuated throughout any space that that person occupied.
Uh, but this individual is a clean-shaven female version of, uh, the deviant that I ran into a few years back at the Capitol.
That's the same person.
I mean, let's be clear.
And that's just one screenshot.
So you see, it's all about deception with these people.
It's all about games with these people.
They're demons, man.
They're little gremlins that run around and their whole purpose in life is to just destroy the world.
That's what gets them off.
Deception, destruction, that's their game.
Pro trans kids, you're a damn pedophile, man.
I'm not playing these games.
I'm not, I'm not playing your little word games.
Uh, pro trans.
There is no such thing as a trans kid until you perverts get your hands on them.
That's it.
It's pretty simple stuff.
But oh, they have their rallies in Austin, Texas.
They literally wave around the pedophile flag.
So, they don't even hide it, folks.
It's all about... It's all about deviancy.
It's all about deception.
It's all about ruining what is normal.
Ruining the world.
So again, the crew's still debating.
Is it the same guy?
Is it not?
It's... Because here's the thing.
I've been to go into these things for long enough.
It's always the same people, man.
There's like a group of 200, 300 of these damn demon perverts in this city.
And they all go to the same crap.
Trans kids.
Pro-trans kids.
There is no such thing.
And I'm riding down Congress Avenue here.
It's one of the main drags to get into downtown.
And you cross the river.
A lot of street traffic, south by southwest, going on.
And I'm riding down Congress.
And I'm on the PA on the truck.
And I'm saying, there's a pro-trans kids rally.
And people are like, trans kids?
What are trans kids?
It's like, yeah, that's what the left is doing here!
You think I want to go out in public and be the guy on a public address system saying that the Democrat left in America is pro-trans kids?
You think that's fun?
Okay, I'll be honest.
There's a little bit of fun to it.
But no.
Like, you're looked at like you're the freak.
Saying, hey, I'm sorry.
I'm not trying to be the freak here.
There's a group of people ten blocks down the road that want to chop children's genitals up.
Yeah, that's going on 10 blocks from where you're at right now.
Now, I'm not going to belabor this the entire transmission because we've got other big news going on that I'm going to cover with specifically all of the updates out of Ukraine.
And then I have a guest coming up in studio as well to talk about the gas situation that the Biden administration is lying about.
But, see, I don't go to this event, and there's all these trans individuals out there, and cross-dressers, and drag queens, and all this stuff.
I don't go to this event because I have a problem with them.
If you're an adult, you're of consenting age, you want to do whatever you want with your body, it's none of my business, quite frankly.
That is, until you show up at a restaurant as a man, dressed as a woman in a thong, with your ass out, while people are trying to eat breakfast, then there's something wrong there.
But, you know what I did?
I took my food and left.
Because I'm not going to eat in a restaurant with It The Clown's bare ass in my face while I'm trying to eat breakfast.
Oh, but that's what you got to do when South by Southwest is in town.
See, it's the freak show.
It's the freak brigade.
So, I'm not going to belabor these points, but let me just tell you.
The crew did a great job out there today.
Security did a great job out there today.
My driver did a great job out there today.
And I'm glad I'm still able to do these events and go cover these events when I can, with all the restrictions placed on me.
And we're going to continue to cover these events when we can, thanks to your support at InfoWarsTore.com.
Because let me tell you, you know, they make a joke of it when I go out there.
They're like, Troyer needs security.
Uh, no.
No, that's not it.
But you know what?
Yeah, I don't want to be put in a situation where I have to get into a fist fight with a group of gremlins, and then I have to walk out of there on my own feet, bloodied, because you people are trying to assault me.
And Alex Jones cares about me enough to make sure I don't get into that situation.
So yeah, we send security out there.
That's called smart.
But that's what I'm saying.
Just to go out and cover these events, to have the driver of the truck, to have the security, to have the camera crew, it's not cheap.
And I try to do it as cheaply and easily as I possibly can, but that's just the case.
But because of your support at InfoWarsTore.com, folks, we will never relent, we will never back down, we will continue our attempts to expand in the face of this madness.
We will continue to confront these deviants face-to-face when it calls for it.
And we will continue to be right here on the air covering the news like nobody else will.
And it's all thanks to your support at Infowarsstore.com.
And by the way, I'm so glad now.
It seems that every day when I go to band.video, there's new channels popping up.
And you can scroll down the channels.
It's like if you have a, you know, satellite TV or something and you just scroll through all the hundreds or thousands of channels.
That's what it's like on Band.Video now with all the other contributors and channels that we have there because they're getting banned everywhere else.
So they get banned.
We say, hey, you got a big audience.
You got good content.
You come on to Band.Video.
We don't charge them for that.
We pay the millions of dollars every month for the bandwidth for the archives and the live streams gladly.
But that's what you're paying for when you shop at InfoWarsTore.com and we've got the best supplements.
They keep me energized, folks, I'll tell you that.
You get yourself some super male vitality, you get yourself some brain force ultra, you get yourself some turbo force and... Woo!
You take off, baby!
And see, that's what they hate, because they know I have real energy, human energy, God energy, that I get from the Creator.
And they know it!
See, they get demon energy from underneath.
Probably, like, crawls up their ass or something.
That's why they're into diddling the little kid's genitals.
And they fear me because I come with a team of men and women that have energy from God, the Creator, and they can see it, and they can feel it!
And all I have to do is come within 50 yards of these creeps, and they all storm upon me!
Because they know I've got the real energy.
Folks, that's the same.
Look at that!
So I'm going to move on from this, but folks, again, if you like our coverage, if you like me going to these events, if you like Band Out video, get a great supplement from InfoWarsStore.com.
Brain Force Ultra on sale, 40% off.
Winter Sun Plus, that's the Elite Vitamin D supplement, 50% off as long as it's in stock.
and everything else at Infowarsstore.com The blue checks are out protecting their sexual deviance
The Blue Checks on Twitter, they're upset because I was at the pro-pedophile rally.
That's how I see it.
I mean, you wanna rally to talk about genital mutilation of children?
Yeah, that's pedophilia to me.
I don't know where you come from, but, hmm.
Some folks from InfoWars, this is Lauren McGaughey.
Some folks from Infowars have showed up here at the Rally for Transgender Youth.
I mean, right there alone, you promoting transgender youth, you should realize that you're the bad guy here.
There's been some pushing and scuffles.
Yeah, every time I show up, they push and scuffle and try to fight me and stab me and spin on me.
It's who they are.
State troopers telling people to calm down and create space.
I mean, folks, we literally have them throwing punches at me.
And they act like they're the peaceful, loving, tolerant people.
All they do is flick me off, assault me, scream at me, insult me.
But yes, you guys, it's like they don't even realize you're giving me the exact type of content I want to get.
You can't even help yourself.
It's like, yeah, I show up to show the world how psychotic and deviant you are.
That's why I go to this stuff.
And then you just, you just deliver, you just could just deliver after deliver.
I mean, you are the, you are like Carl Malone, the mailman.
You just keep delivering.
You just cannot help yourselves, can you?
But see, you should realize, they're out here in gay banana outfits.
It's gay bananas.
You should realize when you're promoting Genital mutilation of children that you're the bad guy.
Not the guy that wants you to keep your hands off of children.
You that want to mutilate children's genitals.
You're the problem here.
You're the bad guy.
I mean just look at how these people look.
And that's what I'm saying, is the crew's like, you know, you should talk about what's actually wrong with these people.
There's something wrong with their biochemistry.
Why do they all look like that?
Why do they all look like sweaty, obese perverts?
Why do they all look demonic?
Why do they all have this dark energy?
Why do they all look and sound and smell the same?
There's something there.
So, I don't know if this individual that licked my microphone and tried to lick me two years ago at the Capitol, this deranged leftist, I don't know if it's the same person I saw today, it looks the same, but they just all look and smell and sound the same!
It's a brainwashed cult.
It's Satan's army.
I mean, folks, I'm going up against Satan's pedophile army, man.
Oh my gosh!
And what do you think, again it's the same people, they'll do a defund the police rally and then they beg the police to come stop me from attending their event.
What do you think all the international media that was in town for South by Southwest that happened to pop by your event, what do you think they thought of you?
You just showed the world what a bunch of freak shows you are.
And you think, like, you think waving a pedophile flag is a good look?
You think chanting to chop children's genitals up is a good look?
You're gone, man.
You're not with us anymore.
You're with Satan.
You're somewhere else.
And you know what?
Maybe I can't help you, but I'd like to help the children that you want to get your dirty little paws on.
And you just see it in their eyes, man.
And you just see it.
When you look into their eyes and they look back at you, it's a deep something else.
It's not a human-to-human experience, man.
It's a demonic possession, evil, domineering, knowing what you're out there doing, knowing you want to protect kids, knowing that you have God by your side.
It's, oh, yeah.
We're going to get you.
We're going to get those kids, too.
And you think me showing up to these events fighting against the leftist agenda of pro-pedophilia, you think that's going to help me in the persecution that I'm dealing with?
Or do you think they're going to come after me even harder?
But guess what?
You're not going to get your hands on the kids, you demons!
You're not going to chop up little boys and girls' genitals, you freaks!
Not in Texas, dammit!
You want to do that crap?
You go out to California!
You went to the rest of you communist freaks!
You try to chop up little boys and girls' genitals in the state of Texas?
We're coming for you!
That is child abuse, and we're coming for you!
You're not going to abuse children in Texas!
And you're not going to go out to the governor's mansion and brag about it!
And I hope Governor Abbott witnessed that today, and I hope he gets even more hardcore going up against these deviants.
I hope Ken Paxton gets even more hardcore going up against these deviants.
I mean, look, if you had to get a babysitter for your kids, And let's say you just lined up a bunch of people.
Do you think you'd hire these freak shows for one second?
Or do you think you'd say, huh, I have a feeling these people are going to abuse my children or touch my children inappropriately.
They're not getting anywhere near my kids.
You wouldn't hire a single one of these freaks to be anywhere near your kids.
But see, that's why they want to be teachers.
And that's why they want to run daycare facilities.
Because they know nobody would willingly allow them access to children.
Nobody would voluntarily give these freak shows access to their children.
So they disguise themselves as teachers and drag queen story times and daycare providers and then they get those kids in the classroom and they teach them how to have anal sex and give blowjobs and wave the gay flag and turn them into trannies so that they can sexually be abused.
Yeah, we know what you're on to.
We know what you're doing.
And thank God for Ken Paxton for standing up to it.
Thank God for Governor Abbott for standing up to it.
I mean, my God, if Governor Abbott can't do anything else but at least protect the kids from these demons, then good for him.
Good for him.
What do you think's gonna happen if Beto O'Rourke gets into Texas?
You're gonna watch the whole school system go pro-tranny.
Alright, so, look, I've gotta move on from all of this.
And so all I'm going to say is, the full HD footage is going up to BandOut Video.
It'll be up probably by the end of the night.
Oh my gosh.
And then we're going to have a little bit of a highlight type of reel thing too, probably by tomorrow.
And then if you want to see all of my footage that was just a live stream on Getter, You can just go to my getter account at All I Do is Owen, and you don't even need an account to go watch it, you just go scroll down, you'll see the video, it's a picture of me in the Info Wars truck, and it's about an hour and a half livestream, and it's us going up and down the streets in the truck, and then me getting out and confronting these wicked ones.
Can you imagine that?
Pro trans kids.
I mean, what is that?
That's why I ask, what is a trans kid?
And they can't answer because there's no such thing.
There is no such thing as a trans kid until these freaks get their hands on them.
That's what it is.
Oh, but see...
The Department of Homeland Security has new rules on extremism.
And now if you question elections, you're considered a terrorist.
Unless, of course, you're a Democrat.
Then it's okay.
If you're Hillary or Stacey Abrams, you can question elections forever and you won't be a terrorist.
It's only a Christian or a conservative or a Trump supporter or a Republican.
You're not allowed to question elections.
So all this stuff that you see being introduced is all just political persecution.
It's all just creating the system where if you're a liberal Democrat, you can get away with murder, literally now, whether you're Officer Mike Byrd that killed Ashley Babbitt, or the officer that beat Roseanne Boyle into death, or the individual in Denver, Colorado that shot a Trump supporter, murdered him in the streets.
The Denver DA just dropped the case.
Just drop the case.
Just kill the person, cold blood.
Just drop the case.
But if you're a conservative, if you're a Trump supporter, if you're a Christian, if you're a Republican, you have no rights.
You're a terrorist, you're gonna be arrested, you better sit down, you better shut up, and you better give your kids over to the liberal left pedophile establishment, because they're gonna turn them into trans, and if you don't like that, you're a terrorist, and we're gonna lock you up forever.
And now everybody knows Joe Biden is an unmitigated embarrassment and failure as a president.
Including those that were so anti-Trump and promotional of Biden leading up to the 2020 election, like the not-funny host of The Daily Show, Trevor Noah.
Here he is, just being honest about the situation right now with Biden in clip one.
There is no denying that Saudi Arabia isn't playing ball with Joe Biden.
And you know what?
You can say what you want, but this would have never happened to Donald Trump.
No one was ever ignoring Donald Trump's calls.
Yeah, because if you ignored Donald Trump's calls, you didn't know how he would respond.
Maybe he'd send an angry tweet, or maybe he'd just, like, ban your country from everything.
You don't know!
That's why I bet in these situations, Biden actually wishes that he could hire Trump to step in as President Wildcard.
You know, just keep everyone on their toes.
Because if Trump was calling, you best believe the UAE, they'd be racing to pick up the phone.
Oh, Mr. Trump!
Mr. Trump, we're here!
We're here!
Too late, Ahmed!
You made me wait two rings!
We're bombing the UAE and the UFC, just in case!
Is this the, uh, is this the reckoning of the left?
Now, I could see that, you know, the Trump derangement syndrome in some people is starting to wane.
Maybe Trevor Noah is an example.
And there's members of the Democrat-left, liberal-progressive-left in America that just aren't fully psychotic, that see where the party's going and want nothing to do with it, kind of like a Bill Maher and a Tulsi Gabbard.
But what is this reckoning going to look like?
Because, really, it's the media that's to blame.
Of course Biden's a liar and a fraud, that's not going to change.
But who sold Joe Biden?
Who covered for Joe Biden?
Who lied about the emails?
Who lied about Joe Biden?
I mean, who told you he was in good health?
Who told you he was fit?
So really the reckoning needs to be with the media that brainwashed them into believing all this crap.
I mean, of course you can blame the Democrat Party.
It's their media.
It's their talking points.
But is this, I mean, what's the reckoning going to look like?
Because there's going to be some kind of a reckoning.
You're already seeing it.
And here's some of the headlines with it.
These graphs prove Joe Biden lying through his teeth about Russia causing high inflation and gas prices.
And again, I mean, you look at any of the graphs, as it was pointed out by John Carl on ABC News this weekend, he's no conservative.
If you look at the numbers, inflation really started to rise almost exactly when Biden came into the White House.
So again, whether it's... I mean, there's all these things they try to deny, like, oh, the vaccines, the COVID vaccines are killing people.
And you go look at the VAERS charts, as soon as the COVID vaccine was introduced, the vaccine death number goes sky high.
Well, that's not a coincidence.
We know what that is.
Same with inflation, same with illegal immigration, same with all this other crap with Joe Biden.
You can't deny the graphs.
No matter how much the media tries to cover up for Joe Biden, no matter how much the brainwash left tries to deny what's going on, it's so obvious to thinking people, and people that just aren't total liars, yeah, Biden did all of this.
It's kind of like when Trump got into office and the stock market, they called it the Trump Mountain.
It's like, yeah, that was, Trump did that.
You couldn't say Trump did that exclusively, but Trump getting into office started the movements that led to that.
So it's just all the evidence that Biden is causing all these issues and they just act like it's Putin's fault.
Scott Jennings on CNN roasts White House lackey for relying on Venezuela and Iran for gas.
Oh yeah, oh, the Iranians that chant death to America, the Venezuelans that are starving their own people, and that's who we're going to for gas now because we won't produce our own, and that's good.
Iranian gas, good.
Venezuelan gas, good.
Russian gas, bad.
Putin, bad.
Larry Summers is second Obama economic advisor to blame Biden for inflation.
So that's why you see Not Joe Biden, because he can't hack it.
It's Jen Psaki.
It's Democrats in media and State Department officials.
Biden's not to blame.
It's not Biden's fault.
It's Putin's fault.
It's Russia's fault.
Oh, it's your fault.
No, it's Biden's economic policy.
It's Biden's foreign policy.
It's Biden's domestic policy.
That's what's doing all of this.
And it's just...
The left just denies their own hand in front of their own face.
But see, Biden can't even do weekend interviews, and so they send Psaki around to do Biden's job during the weekend while he's getting medical treatments in Delaware.
And she just goes on TV saying, oh, the inflation.
But here's the story.
Remember, it was inflation doesn't exist.
There's no inflation under Biden.
Then it was, oh, the inflation is transitory.
Then it's, oh, the inflation is a good thing because it hurts the rich.
It's the exact opposite of the truth.
And then, oh, inflation is Putin's fault.
They just keep lying, keep moving the goalposts because it's so obvious that this administration has been an absolute disaster.
And even liberals and Democrats are realizing it now.
Trevor Noah blasts Biden over world leaders ignoring him.
Would have never happened to Donald Trump.
You just heard the clip.
Bill Maher defends Florida education bill.
Maybe kids that young shouldn't be thinking about sex at all.
That's called common sense.
That's called common sense.
And you know what's an extension of that common sense?
An extension is, if you want to mutilate children's genitals, Or you want to put them on life-altering drugs.
That's child abuse.
So see, that's what they do is, they play these games, the modern liberal progressives, they play these games when they can't have access to the kids and they can't pervert the kids like they want.
So in Florida they say, Oh, it's a don't-say-gay bill.
It's not in the bill anywhere.
It's a parental rights bill.
So it's just a total lie.
So that they can awaken the leftist radical mafia, and then they get on, and they start stewing, and they start steaming, and hemming and hawing, and a don't-say-gay bill!
And then you have all the Democrats in Congress doing videos where they say, oh, I say gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay!
All over a narrative that's fake.
There is no don't-say-gay bill.
It's the same thing in Austin.
In Texas.
Governor Abbott, Ken Paxton, if you genitally mutilate a child, or you give them life-altering drugs before the age of consent, that's child abuse.
And then they say, we're gonna protect trans children!
No, you're the ones doing the harm.
And now you have... I mean, what kind of a judge It's happened now in Texas.
A judge is stopping the investigation into parents that are sexually abusing their children.
I mean, how is this even the real world?
How insane is the current reality?
I mean, it's like, where do you begin, where do you end?
Democrats getting away with murder, Democrats getting away with rioting for an entire year, and then you step on the wrong piece of concrete in Washington D.C.
and your entire life is ruined.
They go out, they have events bragging about how they want to sexually mutilate children.
I mean, it's all perverted stuff, folks.
It's all pedophilia is what it is.
But see, there's gonna be a reckoning.
There's gonna be a reckoning.
People are going to realize what the left has become and there's going to be a reckoning.
Nobody wants to be a part of this pedophilia.
Nobody wants to be a part of crashing the economy.
Nobody wants to be a part of just all the devastation culturally, politically, economically that the American left represents.
The problem is the people aren't seeing the full story.
They're not getting the full story.
But the more and more psychotic and insane and perverted and demented that the modern-day left gets, The more people are going to sit back and say, you know what?
This is not the Democrat Party I thought it was.
This is not the liberal progressive movement I thought it was.
I'm out.
I'm not being involved in this.
Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, this is an embarrassment.
I was lied to about them.
Sexually mutilating and abusing children?
No, I'm not.
I don't want to do that.
No, thank you.
Starting World War III with Russia?
I'm good.
I'm good.
I don't think we want to be a part of that either.
So there is a reckoning happening, folks.
And even though it's a bit disturbing that they can still get so many people to believe their lies and propaganda, it's only a matter of time.
And that's why you're seeing it now from liberals in the media saying, geez, Biden is a disaster.
And all the lies the administration is trying to prop him up with, We're not buying it, and it's not helping.
And you send Kamala Harris to Europe for diplomacy?
Folks, I don't mean to belabor this point, but you understand that the left is now selling children's underwear for boys to tuck?
I mean, look, I feel disgusting even talking about this.
A story just went on Redux.com, guys, and it's everywhere.
Like, I'm disgusting.
I don't even want to talk about this stuff.
I feel perverted that I even know this stuff.
I want nowhere near this crap.
But someone's got to report this deviancy that's going on.
Folks, they sell underwear for trans kids, quote-unquote, where they give little boys this underwear and then they teach them how to tuck their penis so that they can pretend they're a girl.
Do you see how this is pedophilia?
They literally want to reach down your kid's pants.
They sell, what did they call it for little girls, the bitty packers or whatever?
Remember what I'm talking about?
Folks, they sell little cloth knit penises that they reach down into your little girl's pants and they put in their underwear so that they can pretend they have a bulge.
We're talking about, this is being marketed and designed for children.
Bitty Packer penises so that they can reach down your kid's pants.
Tuck underwear for little boys so they can reach down your kid's pants.
Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but, uh, when I was a little kid...
I like to ride bikes and climb trees and fences and go find creeks and play ball games and tag and hide-and-seek and playgrounds and maybe go over to your friend's house, play a video game or something.
Now it's all about bitty packer penises for baby girls?
Little boys tuck underwear?
I mean, they just want to touch kids' genitals, man!
So I need to stop yelling, I'm losing my voice, but it's like, you understand that I shouldn't be a voice in the wilderness here, okay?
I shouldn't be a man on an island here.
Millions of people should be rising up, stopping this.
I mean, this is not even debatable.
You want to debate about Russia, Ukraine?
You want to debate about foreign policy?
You want to debate about domestic issues, funding, police, all that stuff?
There's room for debate there.
Having perverts design and market products so that they can reach their hands down your kids' pants.
There should be no debate here.
This should be, I mean, these people should be wiped off the map.
No pun intended.
Because that's where this goes next.
You need to understand where this goes next.
InfoWars next year's news today.
Here's what I'm telling you right now.
If they get away, in Texas, if they get away, With sexual mutilation of children, and chopping up little boys and girls' genitals, and drugging them, and destroying their lives, if they get away with that, folks, you know what you're gonna see in two years, right?
You're gonna see full-on pro-pedophilia marches, saying pedophilia should be illegal, and they should be able to have sex with your kids.
Two years.
You got two years to stop that.
It's like, you think it's dangerous now?
Sending your kid to a park without supervision or you, you know, you might be afraid now.
Letting your kid maybe ride the bike around the neighborhood.
Yeah, you're probably in a good neighborhood, but... All it takes is one of these pedo freaks, man.
They'll say, oh, do you know about trans kids?
Do you know about transsexuality?
Here's my trans daughter.
You wanna play?
Have you ever had tuck underwear?
Here, let me show you.
Have you ever had a little bitty penis packer?
Here, let me put one into your pants, little girl.
Here, go play with my trans kid.
You'll be seeing that in parks within five years, and you'll be seeing pro-pedophilia marches like you saw pro-trans kid marches in Austin today in two years if we don't stop these demented freaks now.
And the fact that Ken Paxton is not exalted and celebrated And Governor Abbott are not lifted up and supported when they say we don't want to sexually mutilate children is an embarrassment.
The fact that I'm out there with maybe a small handful of counter protesters dealing with these sexual deviants is pathetic.
So you know what?
They're coming for your kids and they're going to be introducing pedophilia in schools within five years.
I want to thank this audience for supporting InfoWars because if it wasn't for your support I probably wouldn't have a voice anywhere.
And that's not because I yell and scream too much and sometimes lose my voice.
I should probably tone it down, actually, because I've got a big broadcast week coming up with Alex on the road and Double Duty coming up.
But, um, no.
I probably wouldn't have a platform.
I'd be banned everywhere.
I wouldn't have a talk show like I have.
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Wouldn't have this great crew.
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I personally thank you because I don't know where I'd be without InfoWars.
I don't know where I'd be without this audience.
I'd probably be banned and censored off the map.
But thanks to you, we're still here fighting for truth and freedom and to protect the children every day.
I mean, isn't it so ironic?
Protect trans kids?
Like, that's the most hyperbolic statement you can make.
We're protecting trans kids from you, really?
I'm not the one that wants to put my hands on them.
I'm not the one that wants to chop up their genitals.
So who are you really protecting here?
We're the ones protecting the kids from you.
So, that's what we do, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, I'm gonna get into the latest news out of Ukraine and with Russia.
Quickly, though, I wanna go to a couple clips.
Here's Bill Maher.
Who's a classical liberal, well-known as a lefty in America.
Thought leader, if you will.
Big show on HBO.
And even he knows that Biden is an embarrassment and it's time for people to start asking questions about why Biden has been such a failure.
Here it is in clip 9.
But I'm not sure I can follow Biden's logic all the way when he dragged January 6th into this.
He said, look, how would you feel if you saw crowds storm and break down the doors of the British Parliament, kill five cops, injure 145?
Pause it.
You know, it's so funny Biden says that.
What did the Democrats do the entire summer of 2020?
Oh, that's right.
Went in front of buildings, burned them to the ground, shut down cities, formed whole militarized zones in Seattle and Portland.
It's like, how would you like it if a bunch of violent protesters showed up and looted and burned your business?
It's like, oh, you mean like the Democrats in 2020?
Oh, I got you.
But I'm sorry guys, just rewind it and play the clip again.
But I'm not sure I can follow Biden's logic all the way when he dragged January 6th into this.
He said, look, how would you feel if you saw a crowd storm and break down the doors of the British Parliament, kill five cops, injure 145?
Pause it again, pause it again.
Folks, you know that there were five cops.
Okay, one officer died two days later.
They lied about that and they said, oh, he got bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher.
He died.
That was a total lie.
He died from natural causes of a stroke two days later.
And then the other four cops committed suicide.
Why did they commit suicide?
What's that about?
So Biden just openly lies and said five cops died on January 6th, zero cops died on January 6th.
But this is just the left lying, the mainstream media lying.
Alright, continue.
Bundestag or the Italian Parliament, I think you'd wonder, okay, but if Putin thought Trump was really that supportive of him, why didn't he invade when Trump was in office?
It's at least worth asking that question if you're not locked into one intransigent thought.
Yeah, not only that, Putin has invaded Ukraine twice with Biden in office.
First as Vice President, now as President.
Here's Donald Trump at his recent rally.
By the way, Trump still has rallies.
Tens of thousands of people show up.
Biden couldn't fill a broom closet, but, you know, I'm sure Biden won legitimately.
That's not a problem.
Here's Trump discussing that at his latest rally.
We have to continue to drain the swamp.
We did a lot of it, but the swamp was deep, deeper than anybody believed.
Despite all of Biden's weakness, cowardice and incompetence, there is still a path for him to end this tragedy in Ukraine without getting Americans snared in a gruesome and very bloody War.
A bloody war.
This could lead, by the way, this could lead to World War III.
I see what's happening.
Because if you think Putin's gonna stop, it's gonna get worse and worse.
He's not gonna accept it.
And we don't have anybody to talk to him.
You had somebody to talk to him with me.
Nobody was ever tougher on Russia than me.
I'm the one that stopped the pipeline.
I had it stopped.
I'm the one that put all the sanctions on.
And I'm the one that he didn't attack during our administration.
Everyone's asking about that now, even the radical left reporters up there.
The U.S.
must make clear to Putin that he has two choices to negotiate peace right now or else face blistering consequences, including a Push to permanently eliminate dependence on Russian energy.
And we're talking about forever or for a long, long time, because without the money coming in from energy, Russia doesn't work.
But to make this threat credible, the U.S.
would have to immediately end Biden's ridiculous war on American energy.
We were energy independent.
It's very simple.
We have to get our great energy workers drilling, pumping, producing, mining and refining like never before.
We have to do that.
Some of them are sitting right back here.
That's a nice looking group.
You know, they all become famous.
Here's the thing.
You have a better location, but they're going to become famous.
You know why?
They're on television.
You have a better location, but they're going to become famous.
So imagine, Trump has another 20,000 plus at a rally.
Millions of people tune in on television and the internet.
Biden, they have to shut down the comments and the dislike buttons on YouTube because they're all negative.
Biden couldn't fill a broom closet with supporters if he had an event.
I mean, it's just a total joke.
Our country is being stolen right in front of us.
And it's the...
Sorry, I'm holding my words here, but it's the fudging Biden family again.
I mean, these people are just crooks, man.
They are stealing our country.
They are stealing our future.
Everything is being ripped away from us by a corrupt crime family, the Bidens, and all the people that they work with.
Here's some of the headlines, and we're going to really get into this.
On the other side, media now warning of chemical attack by Russia after biolabs exposed, and that's an ongoing feed at Infowars.com.
So, here is that, try to follow me on this narrative.
First, the biolabs don't exist.
Then the biolabs do exist.
Then they don't exist again.
Then they do exist again, but they're health labs, but also they're worried they're going to be used by Russia for a biological weapon.
Well, why would you trust the people that are lying to you about all of it?
What's behind Washington's denial of bio-warfare weapons program in Ukraine?
Well, because it's the Americans' program and now they've been caught.
Tensions rise between Ukraine and Israel after Zelensky reported to surrender.
Now Israel is siding with Putin too?
Only the brainwashed, fooled liberals in America are falling for any of this fake news out of Ukraine and thinking Zelensky's a hero.
It's really an embarrassment.
Alright, let me cover the rest of these headlines here.
Revolving around Ukraine and Russia and what's going on.
By the way, the U.S.
has now just affirmed another $200 million going to Ukraine.
What a joke!
I mean, we are just getting ripped off left and right by this deal.
So frustrating.
Meanwhile, it's like all the stuff that we see coming out of Ukraine is just total lies and BS.
Within 48 hours, almost everything that we see coming out of Ukraine turns out to be a lie.
Here's another interesting one.
New York Times denies journalist killed in Ukraine was working for the Times, was likely U.S.
intel collector.
Now, it's been very obvious from the beginning of this that there's spies everywhere feeding Biden information.
But so is this a U.S.
spy that got killed?
Or are the New York Times denying that this journalist was working for them because they are embarrassed that they just had a journalist get killed in Ukraine?
Either way, it's not good.
Vice President Harris says U.S.
backs Ukraine in defense of NATO alliance.
He also claimed Ukraine was in NATO in her European tour.
That is not the case.
I mean, what an embarrassment Kamala Harris is.
Good Lord.
Ugh, she's over there doing foreign diplomacy in Europe.
I mean, what an embarrassment!
Seriously, if you've been monitoring her speeches, her activities, folks, it's been a joke.
She's cackling when she's asked serious questions about war and refugees.
She starts cackling like a demon.
She's the queen of saying word garbage and nothing at all at the same time.
World War III just got a lot closer.
Russia announced its plan to bomb NATO convoys entering Ukraine.
That was the headline from yesterday's emergency broadcast from Alex Jones.
You can find it banned dot video.
But see, the left is afraid of what a nuclear war might do to their precious climate change.
This is in the Atlantic.
A nuclear war would kill tens of millions of people and would also prove disastrous for climate change.
Oh, by the way, you know, look, people are so stupid.
You do realize that there have been hundreds of nuclear bomb tests and atomic bomb tests?
Like, you can go find a graph right now of nuclear bomb testing.
I mean, it's been going on since the 70s.
Hundreds of blasts.
Russia, China, US, all of it, folks.
Iran, even.
They've been doing nuclear testing for decades.
So, nothing would change except they drop a bomb on people.
But, oh, it's climate change they're concerned about, not nuclear war.
Oh, the devastating effects of nuclear explosions.
Uh, I got news for you.
They've been going on for 50 years.
The US, Russia, and China have been testing nuclear weapons for 50 years.
What has that done to climate change?
Have you put that into your models?
I mean, what a joke!
Like, these people are so stupid!
And they think they want to run the show.
Russia threatens attack on NATO weapons shipments to Ukraine, calling them legitimate targets.
And in Putin and Russian's eyes, they are.
I mean, NATO aims missiles and weapons at Russia, so I mean, okay.
You're just supposed to get bullied by NATO that shouldn't even exist anymore?
NATO should be shut down.
NATO should have been shut down a decade ago.
Look at how worthless NATO is.
If you had any doubt about how worthless NATO was, just look at the past three weeks, and you'll figure it out.
Moscow rejects Washington Chemicals weapons claim.
Well yeah, Washington has lied about the whole thing.
First it didn't exist, then it did exist, then it didn't exist again, then it did exist but it was health labs, quote-unquote health labs, but somehow it was going to be used for a biological weapon by Russia.
It's all BS.
Russia is shutting down the West's biological weapons factories they had on Russia's doorstep.
Lindsey Graham still wants everyone to die in a war.
The best chance in 20 years to take this guy out.
Lindsey Graham again calls for assassination of Putin and crushing the Russian economy.
So, okay, so you're Russia, you're Vladimir Putin, you've got Western leaders that murdered Gaddafi saying, let's kill Putin, let's start war with Russia, and you're just supposed to sit there and take it?
I mean, seriously, like, even if you think Russia's the bad guy in all this, what is Russia supposed to do with all these people calling for Putin to be assassinated and Russia to be crushed?
Screw you, Lindsey Graham, you are a sick freak!
Lindsey Graham, never seen a war he didn't want someone else to die in.
A blackmailed twink, sitting in Congress on top of us, perched up there.
Woke World Empire, Representative Madison Cawthorn blasts incredibly evil Ukrainian government during campaign stop.
Lindsey Graham condemns him immediately.
Good for Madison Cawthorn.
Madison Cawthorn, good for you.
Keep doing you, bud.
You keep telling the world what you think.
Don't be bullied around by the sycophant, war hawk, blackmailed politicians like Lindsey Graham.
And whether you're right or wrong about Ukraine, the fact that you're not buying into the mainstream message and you're not a puppet of the mainstream news is enough for me to support you.
So good for you, Madison Cawthorn.
You are getting better and better as the days go by, and I'm glad to see it.
Trump blasts Biden and the Warhawks.
This could lead to World War III.
But remember, they said, oh, Trump will get us into a war.
Trump will isolate us.
No, folks, people ignore Biden's phone calls.
He's that much of an embarrassment.
Multiple Iranian-produced ballistic missiles smash into army base in Iraq.
Oh, that's good.
So now Iran is getting more hawkish and bombing its neighboring countries with Biden in office.
Iran's Revolutionary Guard takes credit for the rocket attack on U.S.
base in Erbil, Iraq, 10 days after Iran asked Biden to remove them from the terror list.
And they did!
Remember that?
Biden removed all these Iranian-backed terror groups From the terror watch list and within a week they started bombing people and murdering people.
Who could have seen that coming?
Oh, but see?
You, the American people, are the bad guys.
DHS releases new rules on extremism, will target anyone who questions 2020 election or challenges COVID narrative.
You're not allowed to think anymore.
The Democrat overlords are here.
The woke liberal mafia has taken over your country and they're allowed to loot and burn and steal and murder and they get away with all of it.
All of it.
And they're just now openly saying, all right, any opposition to the Democrat Party, we're just going to lock up and kill.
That's called authoritarianism.
That's called fascism.
That's called cold-blooded murderers.
That's called evil.
That's what the Biden administration is doing.
Joe Biden says he will welcome Ukrainian refugees with open arms.
Oh, good.
Because we don't have enough illegal immigrants pouring into this country.
Do we?
And we're going to spend another $200 million to protect Ukraine's border, but we don't get our own border.
That's nice, isn't it?
Real cute, real cute.
And what is happening at the border?
Oh, how about all the deadly fentanyl that's being shipped in?
Do we care about fentanyl, now the leading cause of death in middle-aged men?
Half a dozen Florida partiers OD on fentanyl.
First responders giving mouth-to-mouth also OD.
So there's, it seems to be cocaine is the number one thing getting laced with this deadly fentanyl.
And it's probably all Chinese made.
And the cartels are probably lacing cocaine with deadly fentanyl and it's killing middle-aged American men more than anything else.
And it's all coming across the southern border and the Biden administration is openly facilitating it.
I mean, how much blood is on the Biden administration hands?
They are soaked in it, sopping it in it.
And we've got a guest in studio who'd like to stop tyranny as well.
It's the unicorn lawyer Sarah Stogner, and she is running for Texas Railroad Commissioner right now.
She's in the process of a runoff right now, so another election before the main election.
And you can find her website, sarah4rrc.com, Twitter, at sarah4rrc, that's the number four, and then on TikTok, theunicornlawyer.
So, you've been a practicing lawyer for some time, now you want to get involved in Texas politics.
Why are you running for the Railroad Commissioner position?
Yes, I mean I don't really want to be involved in Texas politics, but when no one else... The necessity now, right?
When no one else steps up to the plate that's confident and is willing to do the job, you do what you got to do.
What are your big issues and why Railroad Commissioner?
Yeah, so my big issues obviously are making sure that the economy is strong and that we don't compromise our natural resources in the process.
So I moved out onto a cattle ranch in West Texas last summer.
I'd been there about a week and an old well that Chevron had plugged came unplugged.
And I thought, oh great, a big super major oil and gas operator is going to come in and do the right thing.
And instead, the state of Texas lawyered up against the landowner.
So if you're a criminal in the state of Texas, or you're a landowner complaining about oil and gas, you get lawyered up against.
I have one issue that, because I know that the oil prices, obviously gas prices are affecting everybody.
That gets everybody all of a sudden thinking about oil and production and everything, and so it really hits home right now, and they're blaming Putin, but really this problem started as soon as Biden got into office, specifically here in Texas.
What happened in Texas specifically When Biden got into office and they paused all these drilling permits, paused all these new pipeline projects, I mean, Texas was pumping out oil more than ever under Trump, was it not?
Yeah, they were.
And I mean, look, if you look back at what was happening with the economy pre-COVID,
and we had really ramped up production, right? I can't remember exactly how many million barrels
we were at in early 2020, but we had ramped up production and oil was inexpensive at the time,
right? We were at like 35. I'm now paying today. I filled up my tank today. It's now double. It is
now double to fill up my tank than what it was two years ago. Right. And so as soon as Biden
comes in and he says, OK, I'm going to shut down Keystone, no new drilling. And, you know,
people don't understand that operators plan their capital expenditures and their development
years in advance.
Especially in that industry with such big numbers.
You get a permit and then you go drill a well the next day.
You've got to plan your development.
You've got to make sure that the infrastructure is there, your pipelines.
Because you go and you drill a well, what are you going to do with the oil and the gas if you don't have takeaway?
And then now we've got Extreme pricing on commodities for steel and cement and the labor once the labor is gone cuz everything gets more expensive right exactly now Here's one thing that does confuse me because it's almost as if because the Biden administration keeps saying we're gonna do everything to lower gas prices Everything within our power everything they keep saying it everything we're gonna try to lower gas prices with but yet we're not tapping into our own
The gas that we could be drilling and pumping out now, it's almost as if someone else owns our gas.
It's almost as if somebody is telling Biden, that's my gas, not yours, you're not drilling it.
It sounds like a conspiratorial thing, but the proof is in the pudding.
Do you think there's something going on?
Like, does somebody else have rights to our oil?
Can we not get access to it?
Well, I mean, the Chinese are buying up Texas left and right.
So you think there might be a little foreign meddling?
I mean, it's a fair question.
Yeah, exactly.
They keep saying they want to do everything to lower gas prices, but yet they do nothing to lower gas prices.
Look, I don't know that you can do anything in the moment to lower gas prices other than maybe, you know, put a hold on taxing or things like that.
What I'm saying is, it takes at least 12 to 18 months for an operator to ramp up their schedule.
They've got to go get the drilling rigs, they've got to go get the crews, they've got to go find the casing, right?
Like this isn't, oh, you call up the store and go and pick up 10,000 feet of pipe.
It just doesn't work that way.
And then how frustrating is it because there was so much planning done when Trump was president and then Biden gets in and slashes all of it.
Now, the gas companies or the people that might be drilling for new oil, they don't even want to think about a new project because they just got screwed so badly on their last deal.
And everyone's making this big deal about these 9000 permits that have been unused.
We typically have several thousand permits at any time that aren't currently being drilled.
And again, some of those are not economical to drill, some of those They're planned to drill, and it's going to take a long time.
Some of those, they don't have the pipeline capacity, right?
So again, it is all these little things that add up.
But at the end of the day, if you've got a federal government that is so anti-oil, and they have been, Wall Street won't give you money, right?
Like the ESG movement, we've had all of these attacks, and they're overly subsidizing the wind and the solar.
And there's no such thing as green energy.
We just have to look at the costs and benefits.
Well, that's another one of the big lies from the Biden administration.
He bragged, I mean, one of his campaign things was, we're going to end fossil fuels, we're going to end oil.
I mean, that was a quote, we're going to end oil.
Well, now he comes in and they're claiming they're pumping out more oil than ever before.
So they're a liar on either one of the issues.
Quite frankly, I view them a liar on all of them.
But it's like they campaigned as anti-oil.
This should be expected.
We should expect gas prices to go up.
They bragged about it.
Now it's happening and they're saying, oh, no, no, no, no, no, we're not anti-oil.
That never happened.
Yeah, it's delusional.
There is your website.
Sarah Stogner, Republican candidate, Texas Railroad Commissioner.
She is in a runoff right now.
When is that election, by the way?
Yeah, so the runoff is May 24th.
May 24th.
Alright, so you've got a little more time to campaign.
Could Texas support the entire U.S.
if we were pumping out oil?
Yeah, I mean, I think we certainly could short term.
I mean, we've got, you know, 250 billion barrel, I think, over than that.
I was not aware of that.
What is that process?
at the technology, if we're being intellectually honest, where the kind of the struggle would
be is in the water.
Because when you produce oil and gas, it comes with it, comes water.
And so if you're pumping out 20 million barrels a day of oil, you're probably going to have
at least 40 to 60 to 80 million barrels per day of water, and it has to go somewhere.
I was not aware of that.
What is that process?
It just all comes up, the gas, the water, everything?
You fill a new well and you bring it online for every barrel of oil that you produce,
you usually produce one to 10 barrels of water.
And it's produced water, so it's salty, it has, you know, kind of nasty stuff in it.
Needs refined.
But you put it back down into the ground usually.
And now, this is the reason we're having earthquakes in Texas, is because we're not from the fracking, people misunderstand.
It's not that the fracking causes the earthquakes, it's that you're pumping 15 to 20 million barrels right now per day.
I mean, I look at our oil reserves getting tapped into as a completely unnecessary thing.
You spend a lot of time in Houston.
anywhere to go.
And so we're going to have to figure it out and start recycling more.
I look at our oil reserves getting tapped into as a completely unnecessary thing.
You spend a lot of time in Houston.
Houston alone, I feel like they've been handicapped as far as oil production is concerned.
And part of the problem is we're not permitting any new refineries, right?
So the refineries are made to refine a certain type of crude, and we can't refine the sweet crude that we produce.
So we'd have to build new refineries if we were going to refine our own crude that we're producing here in Texas.
And how much, I mean, how much of involvement would you have with that as the Railroad Commissioner?
Is that a big role that you would play?
So the Railroad Commissioner, not really.
So the Railroad Commissioner, they are, there's three of them, and they're in charge of all oil and gas exploration and production.
So the drilling of the wells, the intrastate pipelines, and then the surface mining for things like coal, lignite, uranium.
As far as the refineries, if you're going to have to go and permit like a new facility or do major changes, then you have to go through the federal permitting process with EPA and all that.
But there is an important role for the Railroad Commissioner in this whole process.
You want someone pro-oil in there.
Oh, yeah.
You need somebody with common sense.
Well, that's few and far between, it seems like, with our politicians these days.
I mean, why would the Biden administration tap into our strategic oil reserves, almost half of them now depleted?
We're about to go to war.
Boy, that doesn't seem like a smart idea when we could just be pumping out new oil.
I mean, common sense would say either this person is a complete idiot or they're consciously trying to hurt the country.
Yeah, I mean, look, I don't think it's not as simple as telling operators you guys can turn on the tap, right?
It's not like these wells are ramped down and we can just turn a valve and turn them on.
We're going to drill new wells.
And I mean, when I think if you look at the numbers of drilling rigs in 2017, 2018, we were like at 800 rigs and now we're at about 300.
And so it takes time to get those rigs back up and moving and the crews and all that.
I mean, even if everyone were to say go, It would be at least three or four months because we just don't have the skilled labor and the resources right now with steel and all the other commodities that are necessary to complete a well.
Well, I have a feeling the Biden administration won't be doing it within three months or ten months or a hundred months or ever.
Final segment of this live Alex Jones Show on this Sunday.
Sarah Stogner is my guest.
She's running for Railroad Commissioner and I just talked to her in the break, learned some other interesting things.
I was talking to her about her race.
I said, hey, let's talk about election integrity.
She said, hey, speaking of that, there was a dead guy, you were running against a dead guy, sadly died right before the election, but 200,000 people voted for a guy that's not even with us anymore.
Talk about election integrity and why that's such an important issue for you.
Yeah, I mean, look, if we don't have election integrity, we don't have a republic.
And the democratic process is broken.
So we've got to figure out a way without, you know, biometrically invading on privacy to have, you know, making sure that one person, one vote, and that's it.
It shouldn't be so hard.
I'm a firm believer in paper ballots.
One person, one ballot, one piece of paper.
And if you wanted to do the high-tech stuff, I think that there should be some sort of... I don't know how it would work out, but it's like, okay, when you put your ballot in there, there's some sort of an interaction right then and there that you see that your vote counted where you wanted it to count.
Like, you put the thing in, it slides, and then that tally goes up so that you know your vote counted where it was supposed to.
Because, I mean, you go on this digital machine, it prints out the thing, you shove it into another machine, You have no idea where that information goes?
Right, you have no confirmation number, you're not allowed to take a picture.
So it's really sad.
What are your big things, though, real quick?
Have a campaign speech.
I know you're campaigning crazy right now.
You're probably sick of it.
But just why should people vote?
You're going to have my vote coming up.
Convince me, though.
Convince me why I should vote for Sarah Stogner.
How about why you shouldn't vote for Wayne, and then I'll do me?
You shouldn't vote for Wayne because he's a career-long politician who takes bribes and has no oil and gas experience.
He is a Grammy-nominated gospel singer, though.
So he's got that going for him.
So if I need a gospel singer, Wayne's the guy.
But if I need a railroad commissioner, you're the one.
If you need somebody that actually understands the operational realities of exploring for and producing hydrocarbons, it's me.
I'm an oil and gas lawyer.
I'm supervisor well control certified.
I am actively in the field.
I understand what's happening down hole and I understand the operational realities of what it takes to produce oil.
I mean, is there anything like, can Texas just give the Biden administration the middle finger and just say, screw you, we're drilling, baby?
Yeah, for sure.
I mean, you know, the federal government has no jurisdiction over anything other than the federal lands.
So we could, in Texas, essentially just be leading our own charge right now.
Yeah, and Texas, for example, there's about 13 million acres of Texas land that you, as a citizen of the state of Texas, own a part of, right?
We've got all those lands.
And most of that has oil and gas on it, and most of it is leased, but I think the latest numbers I heard is about 25% unleased.
So go talk to, you know, George P. Bush about that.
How would we?
He was the former land commissioner, right?
But he's had to sacrifice that position to try to get Paxton out.
Right, but the land commissioner oversees all of those public lands.
But he can't be the land commissioner again, right?
He sacrificed his position to run for Attorney General, right?
Yeah, he's right.
Thank God.
We need to protect Ken Paxton at all costs.
I mean, that guy is a hero right now to me.
Shows a lot of teeth, doesn't bite all the time, but when he bites, it's good.
And he needs to be protected at all costs.
We don't need another Bush run in Texas.
You know, another issue, and this is kind of maybe not even an issue that might affect you, but you were talking about Seems like a no-brainer.
Legalizing marijuana, legalizing cannabis.
This is something Texas should do quickly.
There is so much profit sitting there.
Taxable profit.
And, I mean, look, I don't like government taxes.
I don't like government, you know, involved in anything.
I don't want to pay taxes.
But it's like, look at how much money Colorado's made off marijuana.
Look at how much money Washington's made off marijuana.
It's already decriminalized most places.
It's going to be legal probably every state.
I mean, Texas should probably get ahead of this, I would think, soon.
But you were talking about how there's People that are trying to block it like Big Pharma.
Yeah, I mean like Big Pharma wants it to be rescheduled, not descheduled, because they want it to be only through, right, the pharmaceutical program.
And then you've got Big Alcohol and Big Tobacco that want a part of it.
So we as a state should really be proactive, I believe, in legalizing cannabis and letting our ag people do what they do best.
Does Texas have the potential?
I mean, it has the potential, but does it have the potential in the leadership to start taking some of these steps to not just make Texas even better than it is, but for Texas to lead the charge again.
Hey, we're going to pump oil.
We're going to get your gas prices down.
Hey, we're going to legalize marijuana and cannabis.
We're going to have that revenue stream coming into our state.
We're going to have these farmers coming in farming.
It's going to add revenue, add jobs.
I mean, this is something that it's like, obviously not overnight, but you can start making these moves.
And within months or years, you'll start seeing the windfall.
Yeah, absolutely.
There it is.
That's what Texas is going to look like in six months.
There's going to be just marijuana everywhere.
It's already everywhere.
I go downtown Austin, you can just smell it in the air.
It's south by southwest right now, too.
So you get a couple different stenches, actually.
You get the drug stench and then you get the liberal stench, the California stench.
Oh, it's just unbelievable.
So what do you think, moving forward, can Texas leadership with Sarah Stagner and Ken Paxton and Abbott, I mean, can we start to really, because Florida's kind of led the way, I think, post-COVID.
Florida's kind of what conservatives look at as kind of the new leader of the right side of America, as far as the state is concerned.
Do you think Texas can take that role back?
Yeah, but to be honest, I don't think our current leadership can do it.
Like, that's the problem.
Like, they're too entrenched into what, in my opinion, doesn't reflect a modern-day GOP.
And we need more people our age stepping up and running and being like, OK, guys, let's actually go back to being fiscally conservative.
Let's actually go back to respecting landowners and property rights and, like, the fundamentals of what it means to be a conservative.
And you know what?
It's not about being a greedy capitalist pig, but it's like, hey, let's be greedy capitalist pigs!
Let's do it!
Let's let the Texas economy boom!
Let's pump the oil!
Let's have all the jobs come here!
And it's like the same thing.
You see all the people in New York moving down to Florida.
We all know why.
You see all the people moving from California to Texas.
We know why.
We should be owning it.
We should be owning it and we should be making it even more of a cause to move here.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, we are adding a thousand new people a day.
And you're talking about issues, right?
Our grid and the freezing and all this.
We've got to fix those issues.
And how do you fix those?
Well, you get intellectually honest and you say, OK, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results.
We can't continue to do what we've been doing, which is just sitting and kind of letting a few big major corporations have their way.
And the political guys saying, OK, and not taking hard stances and standing up.
I mean, crony capitalism is the absolute worst thing that we can have.
And so we need real capitalism.
Yeah, we need actual free market capitalism.
And by the way, speaking of the power outages, I mean, I'd like your take on this too.
I'm sure you'll have something to do with this when you're the Railroad Commissioner.
But it was the Texas energy sector that got capped.
They said you can only produce this much energy using coal or gas.
So that made us rely on other states.
And so we got hit with the ice storm.
We had to shut our energy out.
That was a synthetic blackout.
That wasn't something that happened because of the weather.
Right, we had a little bit, right.
What I think fundamentally part of the problem was is that we did not have ahead of time a designation of what was critical.
And so our leaders failed to say, okay, if you are a natural gas power plant, yes, obviously you're critical.
But to get the natural gas to the power plant, you have to make sure that your wells are online.
You have to make sure that your saltwater disposal wells can take care of the water that we were talking about.
You have to make sure that your pipelines don't freeze.
And so Wayne, the guy I'm running against, right, blamed it all on alternatives.
And they did play a small part, but a lot of the reason was because we didn't have the foresight ahead of time to designate critical infrastructure.
And look, there are times when, right, you're going to have these really extreme events and there's no way, it's not feasible to go and do what North Dakota does.
We just don't have North Dakota weather that often, right?
And nobody wants to talk about, okay, if there's another really bad freeze, we need to make
sure all of our industrial facilities stay open.
And then maybe we make sure that one or two schools in town has some cots and is warm.
And if people lose power, then they need to go there.
I mean, that's an uncomfortable truth.
But that's the kind of leadership.
It's like, guys, we have to get our priorities straight.
We need to make sure that no one dies.
How do we do that?
We make sure that they have a warm place to go.
And we do the best that we can for everything else.
But growing 1,000 people a day, we can't keep up.
And you know, the funny thing is, too, I guess it's not so funny.
Yeah, that was a big freeze for Texas.
I don't know where you're from.
I'm originally from Missouri.
That's like a typical winter day, and it's like everything shuts down in Texas on a typical winter day.
Something was definitely up with that.
There was a lot of blame being passed around, but it sounds like there's some common sense stuff that can be done.
For sure.
Yes, again, it's not rocket science.
It's not rocket science.
Sarah Stogner, lawyer.
She's got experience in the oil field.
What other experience makes you right for Railroad Commissioner here?
I've got an undergrad degree in economics, so I understand economics.
And then I've got my law degree, and I've been an oil and gas lawyer for 14 years.
I mean, I negotiate contracts.
I litigate risk issues.
So when a well blows out, I sue the insurance companies to get them paid.
I understand how all the contracting works.
I understand how all the regulations work.
I would actually get in there.
We've got the rules on the books.
It's not like we need to go and redo our rules.
We just need to apply them fairly and evenly as they're written.
So it's between a person who's no longer with us, may he rest in peace, a gospel singer, and you, the experienced lawyer in the oil field.
Right, so I made it past the original primary.
I came in second, so it's me and Wayne.
So there's the runoff in May.
Alright, Sarah Stogner, thank you so much for joining us.
Where can people follow your campaign, follow what you're doing?
Yeah, so my website is sarah4rrc.com, and like you said earlier, my Twitter, I'm all over.
I'm pretty easy to get in touch with.
Let's get good leaders in Texas that want to see this state as an example for red states, and let's start pumping oil.
Gas prices here are not as bad as they are on the coast, but they're getting bad here, folks.
Sarah, thank you.
That does it for the Alex Jones Show.
Harrison Smith coming up with Sunday Night Live.
Don't go anywhere.
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