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Name: 20220310_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 10, 2022
2403 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including the U.S. Embassy deleting evidence proving that Russian forces seized Pentagon-run biolabs in Ukraine. The Russian government shared documents showing that the Ukrainian Minister of Health ordered employees to destroy deadly pathogens found at these labs. Senator Marco Rubio asked the U.S. State Department if there was any truth to this claim, and Undersecretary Victoria Nuland confirmed both the existence and location of the biolabs, admitting that they contained weaponized biological agents which could be used by Russia to start a world war. Jones also discusses the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, predicting that Ukraine will surrender to Russia within two weeks due to lack of support and Russia's military strength. He criticizes Kamala Harris' handling of the refugee situation and highlights the dangers of censorship and authoritarianism being introduced across the world in response to pro-Russian information. Jones addresses various topics including the difference between the Trump and Biden administrations, the anti-American energy stance of the Biden administration, and the proposed universal basic income. He promotes his store at Infowars and discusses the economic consequences of shutting down energy production. Edward Dowd discusses the current economic situation and its effects on various aspects of society, including potential negative consequences related to Covid vaccines and mandates. Alex Jones promotes health supplements, discusses political topics, and encourages listeners to support him financially through his store. A guest discusses the dangers of globalism and the need for people to understand its seriousness. The speaker addresses various issues such as personal experiences with Turbo Force, the importance of free speech in a democracy, concerns about American values, and the need for independent media. They also discuss the rights of the LGBTQ community, the importance of faith in God, and political issues. Alex Jones promotes X3, a product that boosts immune systems and funds their operation. He discusses the need for a Congress that can regulate the Federal Reserve and balance the budget, and addresses the crackdown on populations, basic liberties and speech, and massive censorship as a result of war.

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So, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to be laying it all out.
What did I say two weeks ago when this started?
I said, well, Putin's gone into the trap.
Thought he was smarter than that.
But I guess they just think, hey, we got to stop the West putting weapons on our borders.
So they knew they were going into a trap, I guess.
But this is a bad, bad situation, ladies and gentlemen.
And it gives the New World Order the perfect cover to release biological weapons and blame it on the Russkies.
And if you don't think they're getting ready to do that, You must have a very low IQ, and I know you don't.
So get right with Jesus, folks.
We're on the downhill slide into hell right now.
Pray for global awakening.
Pray for the stupid globalist elites to finally get some type of concern and fear in their minds to back off before they kill us all, including themselves.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
After the Russians secured Pentagon-run biolabs in Ukraine, the U.S.
Embassy was caught deleting proof of this from their website.
And when the Russians shared documents showing the Ukrainian Minister of Health ordering employees of these biolabs to destroy all deadly pathogens, U.S.
Senator Marco Rubio asked the U.S.
State Department if there was any truth to this.
Undersecretary Victoria Newland not only confirmed the presence of the labs, but confirmed that they contain weaponized biological agents that they now fear the Russians will indiscriminately use to start a world war.
The Pentagon calls them bio-research labs and containment labs and claim their clandestine operation is all somehow in self-defense.
But they are admittedly creating and storing weaponized biological material.
And so these bio-labs are in violation of Article 1 of the Prohibition on Biological Weapons.
During the past couple years, citizens of the world have been getting an advanced education on bioweapons.
And the very same crooks we see foisting the Great Reset medical tyranny are involved in the Ukrainian bioweapons labs.
This is all being paid for with tax dollars through the Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the DTRA.
company Black & Veatch has been working closely with the DTRA building bioweapons labs since 2003.
Black & Veatch share an office in Kiev with MetaBiota, who signed an $18.4 million contract with Black & Veatch in 2014.
MetaBiota got their start in 2015 with funding from Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, who gave MetaBiota $30 million to help protect the world from the spread of epidemics.
This is the very same Rosemont Seneca that was mysteriously wired 3.5 million dollars from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.
And the very same metabiota partnered with Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance.
The group that Dr. Fauci used to funnel money to the Wuhan lab for gain-of-function research in 2014.
In 2014, MetaBiota, EcoHealth Alliance, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology were together researching infectious diseases deriving from Chinese bats.
MetaBiota is working with known CIA front In-Q-Tel.
It is funded by the U.S.
Department of Defense, the NIH, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, and the National Geographic Society.
MetaBiota's founder, Nathan Wolf, sits on the board of EcoHealth Alliance and is a member of DARPA's Defense Science Research Council.
In 2012, he wrote a book titled The Viral Storm, The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age, wherein he thanked his friends, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and biotech venture capitalist Boris Nikolic.
Boris Nikolic was named Jeffrey Epstein's successor executor upon his death.
Wolf has also been seen hanging out with Ghislaine Maxwell on multiple occasions.
He is also one of Klaus Schwab's young global leaders, trained on how to enact the Great Reset Agenda being directed by the World Economic Forum.
Russia claims the Pentagon has over 30 biolabs in the Ukraine alone.
China claims they are operating 336 biolabs in 30 different countries.
And now members of our corrupt US government are saying this is all a Russian conspiracy and that we should soon expect a false flag attack from Russia.
If there's a biological or chemical weapon incident or attack inside of Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that 100% it would be the Russians that would be behind it?
There is no doubt in my mind, Senator, and it is classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they're planning to do themselves.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you again for joining us for another live, original, teleprompter-free edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Nobody's telling me what to say.
No big establishment leftist billionaires are paying the payroll around here.
We are funded and financed by viewers and listeners like you.
Wow, it's Thursday, March 10th, 2022.
And I'm looking at all this incredible intel and information.
I'm going to lay it all out today, here in the next four hours.
And I'm thinking, what is the most important thing here?
What is the patterns within the patterns?
And what do people really tune in here for?
And what is it I can do that protects my family from a nuclear war, and by extension, your family?
And what can you do that will protect your family and, by extension, my family?
Because that's really the most important thing facing us.
So, what do we do to inform the general public and to make sure that the criminals that have hijacked and run our government, and most other governments, understand that they're not going to get away with starting a nuclear war?
Now you saw they were going to keep their COVID lockdowns going forever, they were going to keep the forced injections going forever, and in countries and areas they control, it's only getting worse.
But in places where people stood up and said no and didn't comply, and their own doctors and scientists and bureaucracy stood up and said we're not going to comply with this evil, it's been rolled back, it's been stopped.
And now there's major lawsuits and criminal investigations around the world, and there's mainstream news saying that indictments are coming of major big pharma executives.
So the moral is, when we push back, things get better.
When we submit, they get worse.
So the moral is, the establishment is now bragging that, oh, this is the next leg of the Great Reset.
We're going to use this to end fossil fuels.
I've got the Davos Group.
Documents all right here, I'll show them to you.
New statements about how they're going to bring in their cashless society on the back of the sanctions on the Russians by training everyone that any type of Russian commodity or gold or silver or anything out of Russia, even stuff that goes through Russia, will be banned and will be tracked and controlled.
They're now admitting that they're using this for the next phase of their lockdown, the energy lockdown, the surveillance lockdown, the global social credit score lockdown.
Now, sure, I said two years ago the next phase would be war right after they had pushed their COVID power grab as far as they thought they could.
They would then declare they were surrendering, but would behind the scenes continue the power grab on the COVID angle.
That's just a dirty military tactic.
But what comes after the war that starts up, the accelerated financial collapse, which they're engineering at every level, to be blamed on Russia?
So you can love Putin or hate Putin, love the Russians, hate the Putin, or be neutral like I am, but you still got to know they didn't start this.
You still got to know the globalists are the ones that devalued the dollar.
They're the ones that hyperinflated the currency.
They're the ones that shut off all the pipelines.
90% of the fuel increase of cost we've seen the last 13 months came before this Russia invasion.
That's a fact.
So, here are the stats.
Massive, breaking, unbelievable developments in Ukraine.
We're going to hit this first when we come back.
Then, the incredible shutdown of our energy by design and the heads of federal agencies laughing at people when they talk about folks going bankrupt.
Well, of course, what do you think the Great Reset was all about in two years of lockdowns around the world?
And your business being non-essential.
And all of it.
The World Economic Forum admitting they're bringing in a World ID control system on the back of it in their own press releases and their own documents.
And then the COVID stack.
Boy, does this stack tie in to the war stack, because they all tie in together.
The UN says they believe that a new deadly virus will be released out of the Ukraine conflict.
Just like I told you, oh, man-made global warming, a deadly bird flu, chimera, will come out of the jungles while they were making it in a lab in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and then transferring it to Wuhan.
Oh, it's your fault, it's the global warming.
After all, we've had All the usual suspects tell us that most humans will be dead.
It'll be the end of the world by 2030.
And then the other globalists say they want to collapse society to starve and kill 90% of us by 2030.
And then I point that out with all the quotes, with MTG and big national news stories.
Dozens of publications.
MTG's insane.
She agreed with Jones, there's a plan to reduce the world's population.
So I thought I'd actually show you some of the quotes in the Wall Street Journal, in the New York Times, in NBC News, where they say they want to reduce this by 90%.
And then we say, oh, this is pretty scary.
Oh, it doesn't exist.
What else doesn't exist, ladies and gentlemen?
Oh, the bioweapon labs.
But you know what I decided to do?
I showed you four or five mainstream articles from 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2019.
But I thought, you know, why not show you even more?
Because everybody's asking, how did Jones know there were bioweapon labs in Ukraine?
Well, how do I know there's a Six Flags up by Dallas?
Because it's on a map and I've been there.
How do I know that the University of Texas is in Central Austin?
Because it's there.
I've been there.
I have a whole stack of mainstream news bragging about how Obama built bio-weapon labs.
They call them that with, quote, deadly weaponized gain of function in his eight years.
And I'm talking Wall Street Journal, Foreign Affairs, Public Affairs, all, you know, State Department.
I mean, I don't listen to the Russians.
Like, you've heard, all they do is lie, right?
Our government tells the truth.
But I did thought I would just go back and show you where they were bragging about all of it, and they've got articles all over the place that I'm a Kremlin stooge because I, I mean they said two weeks ago, Infowars is putting out false news.
Remember, we were first, claiming there's bioweapon labs and that they could Claim that the Russians released a bioweapon and then blame them.
And now they're saying the Russians are going to release a bioweapon and blame the Ukrainians, the Russians are going to blow up a nuclear power plant and blame the Ukrainians, and that the Russians are going to launch chemical attacks and blame the Ukrainians, and that NATO will then attack Russia.
Now, do you think the Russians would actually bring NATO in so that we'd have a nuclear war and lose the war?
They're counting on nuclear Brinkman ship to take over Ukraine, install a new government.
That's their goal, whether you agree with it or not.
It's not to start World War III and lose the war.
Do they have a motive to release bioweapons?
Do they have a motive to release chemical weapons?
Do they have a motive to blow up a nuclear power plant?
And it's confirmed that the Ukrainians have lied about everything.
That's just the facts!
Did Putin walk into a trap?
Yeah, and I mean, I know Putin's not stupid, but I know The military.
I know a lot of people in the military in the last eight years that have trained giant stay-behind networks to destroy the Russians.
The U.S.
Green Berets, all of them have been there.
Giant weapon stores just preparing for this setup that Putin walked right into.
And you see the Russians are getting torn up bad.
And this is just a damn disaster.
So, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to be laying it all out.
What did I say two weeks ago when this started?
I said, well, Putin's gone into the trap.
Thought he was smarter than that.
But I guess they just think, hey, we got to stop the West putting weapons on our borders.
So they knew they were going into a trap, I guess.
But this is a bad, bad situation, ladies and gentlemen.
And it gives the new world order the perfect cover to release biological weapons and blame it on the Russkies.
And if you don't think they're getting ready to do that, You must have a very low IQ, and I know you don't.
So get right with Jesus, folks.
We're on the downhill slide into hell right now.
Pray for global awakening.
Pray for the stupid globalist elites to finally get some type of concern and fear in their minds to back off before they kill us all, including themselves.
All right.
Let me just Get calm here for a moment.
Let's have a moment of stillness and really think about where we are and what we're on the edge of.
Because if you think things are bad right now, I don't just sense, but I intellectually see absolute doom in our futures.
But humanity has stood at the precipice many times before, and we've pulled back because we sought God's grace and repented.
And we need that now.
When I look at the demonic animation that is in the different European Union and US diplomats, UK diplomats, you can really know who the true forces of evil are.
It is the criminals that hijack control of our country.
And we have the Energy Secretary, we have the Transportation Secretary, we have Biden, And other clips, Jimmy Kimmel making jokes and Stephen Colbert making jokes and ABC and NBC and CBS.
I mean, I have more than 10 clips yesterday I never played.
I got a whole bunch of clips today of them laughing and making fun of the gas prices and saying, oh, Americans want to pay more.
Yeah, we have compilations of it.
But do you really want to see it?
Do you really want to hear it?
These people are just like Marie Antoinette at the start of the French Revolution when they reportedly came to him and said, we're starving to death.
There's a hundred thousand people mob out there that says they're going to break in the palace if you don't open up the emergency granaries.
We know you've got enough food for millions.
And they said, nope.
No one knows if she really said let them eat cake, but they did say no.
And they broke in there and killed everybody.
And Klaus Schwab has said, we're going to make the world angrier, we're going to cut the food and water off, and the power off, and we're going to have the public overthrow all the governments, and then we're going to come in as the corporations and take over.
And I played two weeks ago, Larry Fink, on television, on international TV, at the Davos Group, this year.
Just last month, saying we're discrediting the governments right now and the corporations are about to take over, when they're the ones that literally installed all the people that are doing this to us.
So we can talk about Russia and Ukraine all day and China and North Korea and Mexico and the open borders and the dollar and the gas prices, but it's Larry Fink And Prince Charles and Bill Gates, I mean, those are the jerks.
Those are the a-holes.
And those words are too kind for them.
I mean, these people are literally your mortal enemy.
They cooked up the virus.
They released it.
They're coming after your rights, creating a world ID.
They're creating a digital world ID.
They're starting wars.
They've been in one-sided trade deals to build communist China into the most powerful evil the planet's ever seen.
And we are, as I've said, sleepwalking over the edge of a cliff right now.
Let me do this.
This is a shorter segment.
Longer segments are coming up.
I'm just going to be judicious when we come back and control myself.
And I'm just going to cover this stack right here of the current war news.
And then I'm going to hit the bioweapon labs, which it's not confirmed because Victoria Nuland told Congress three days ago that yes, the U.S.
has bioweapon labs.
It's on record in congressional funding over ten billion dollars.
And hell, they just gave them another 13.6 yesterday.
Five billion over what the government wants, 10 billion in weapons over the years,
10 billion plus in bioweapon labs, now another 13 billion.
And make no mistake, that's a corrupt government they've gotten control of, the poorest country in Europe, but extremely rich when it comes to natural resources.
They run that.
The Deep State runs that as their private piggy bank and they launder the money and don't even hide that all of them, Pelosi, Newland, Biden, Obama, all of them have family members that make millions a month off of Ukraine.
And the big guy, you know, has made reportedly a billion bucks.
Or more.
So, Putin just came in and took over their piggy bank.
Putin just came in and pissed in their face.
And they are hopping mad, and that's why they got all their surrogates all over TV saying, let's have a nuclear war with Russia.
All because Hunter Biden, the crackhead, won't get his money?
And I love how they're all over the news saying Don Jr.
is a cokehead, because he has high energy, and they always say that about me.
You got the wrong guy.
I don't need stimulants, anything alcohol I've done over the years off and on, because it lowers me down.
See, the left doesn't have energy, folks.
They don't get, like, Don Jr.
giving a powerful speech, and he's really becoming a good orator.
One of the best.
I mean, just a couple years ago, he was okay.
Now, it's like, damn, that's a powerful speech.
That's better than Joel Oldstein or somebody, or Martin Luther King.
And I'm not kissing his ass.
I mean, he's just come a long way.
Oh, he's on cocaine!
That's cocaine!
No, that's you people that need cocaine to get up off your ass.
So I'm going to cover it all.
It's just unbelievable.
I mean, I can fill this whole four-hour show with arrogant stuff they're saying, and the laughing at us, and getting off on it, and giggling.
Because, see, people that have a conscience would feel bad about being part of this stuff, but they feel good.
They like effing you over.
And laughing at you and your family while they wage war on you.
Because they're robbing us, they control us, they pimp us out, and so of course they hate us.
That's the type of people that sell out.
That's the type of people that want to get in those positions of power, and they know their time's coming to an end, and so they're trying to burn the country down around us.
And then I do have a stack of articles.
I'm going to do this sometime during the show.
We've got a couple of big guests, too, with a news attack at MTG on my show, talking about the Great Reset's goal of depopulating the earth by 90%.
I mean, that's on the Georgia Guidestones.
That's been quoted by Ted Turner and Bill Gates, and that's been quoted by the Davos Group.
And I've got a bunch of their quotes right here.
Imagine the idiots that take the money to write the articles saying we're making this up, when they themselves are being targeted.
So guys, get me that compilation that I had made but never aired.
We had a shorter compilation, but about a month ago I said, I want, and we can't find it, we should make a new one, I want William Shatner getting off the spaceship a few months ago and saying, not the one on Star Trek, the real spaceship, you know, he went up in space, and we're not in 1969, folks, we're in 2022.
It's really about 2050.
for the technology and he said, "Oh, just everyone has to die. I'm so sad it's about to happen, but it has to happen."
And then Bill Gates saying, "We got to get the human number down to zero, the TED Talk, and we've got
all the usual suspects like AOC and Beto O'Rourke saying, "Oh, we'll all be dead by 2030,"
because they're being told it's an economic collapse, a financial collapse that can't
be stopped, so that even the politicians believe this is coming and do
all this evil stuff getting ready, because they're told you'll be protected but almost
everybody else is going to die.
So they're getting us ready for these cataclysms they're engineering, but they think we're too dumb to point out that they've laid out a battle plan and stop them.
Puppet Biden has devastated U.S.
energy in only 14 months.
We've gone from the number one exporter in the world to the biggest importer in the world.
And he's only getting started in the shutdown.
But here is the head of the Energy Department who admits they're raising our gas prices to force us onto electric cars that get electricity generated by carbon.
As well, it is a total fraud.
Here is Granholm bragging and then here's some of Psaki denying what's happening while Biden admits it.
Obviously we have the acute issues with the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack, but looking more holistically in a macro view, how does this speed up the efforts at DOE to move in more of a renewable direction since this is going to have an impact on people at the pipeline?
Yeah, I mean, we obviously are all in on making sure that we meet the president's goals of getting to 100% clean electricity by 2035 and net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
And, you know, if you drive an electric car, this would not be affecting you, clearly.
No more subsidies for fossil fuel industry.
No more drilling on federal lands.
No more drilling, including offshore.
No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill.
So the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate.
The suggestion that that is what is hindering or preventing gas prices to come down is inaccurate.
Would President Biden rescind his executive order that halts New oil and natural gas leases on public lands.
Well, 90% of them happen on private lands, as I'm sure you know.
And there are 9,000 unused approved drilling permits.
So I would suggest you ask the oil companies why they're not using those if there's a desire to drill more.
Would President Biden ever undo his executive order that stopped the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline?
Are you suggesting that would solve the gas prices issue?
Well, do you think that that would maybe affect prices faster than getting the whole country off of fossil fuels?
I actually don't think it would.
We have more oil than anybody, okay?
And it's an incredible thing that it's happened over the last few years, a lot of great things, and you're paying, what, $2 a gallon for your gasoline?
That's okay.
You know what that's like?
That's like a tax cut.
That's bigger than a tax cut.
If Biden got in, you'd be paying $7, $8, $9.
Didn't it say, get rid of your car?
Last month, we announced a $5 billion investment to build out a nationwide electric vehicle charging network so that people from rural to suburban to urban communities can all benefit from the gas savings of driving an EV.
By the way, for people that don't know about the oil business, who maybe aren't from places like Texas, We have a family that has done some studying on it.
She said there's 9,000 permits to drill.
Yeah, those permits stay open, and then they'll usually drill right next door and get nothing or hit saltwater, so they don't use the rest of the permits.
They'll get a string of permits, say for 20 wells, a small company, a big company, maybe 100, and then they start drilling, and if they don't hit, and they put the math in, and it's not going well, They then think that their geology is wrong and they move on.
So there's more than 9,000 open permits and that's because they're failed oil fields.
I mean, there are tens of thousands of dead wells.
I would probably say hundreds of thousands.
I know the number is very, very high.
There's thousands of dead wells in Texas.
This is just incredible.
You know, my late grandmother on my mom's side was never really an oil baroness,
but they had quite a few little oil wells out in West Texas that her father had gotten,
and they made some money back when she was a little girl.
But the wells were dead and empty.
And then about 20 years ago, they started filling back up with oil.
So my mom gets some nice little oil checks, then runs off and gives it to the local liberal church or whatever.
But the point is, is that that's what's going on here.
And it's not from fossil fuel.
It's abiotic.
They've proven it.
It's amazing.
It's like somebody built the planet for us and gave us the energy we would need.
Isn't that interesting?
That then creates carbon dioxide that plants breathe that create oxygen.
Thank you, God, for that.
Okay, let's start drilling into it, and then I should add Sean Stone, filmmaker, talk show host in his own right.
His father's film has been banned on YouTube.
It's official.
It was made, uh, Ukraine Burning.
It was made, uh, seven years ago, and because it's accurate, it has been banned.
So, first they banned Alex Jones, they tried to ban Joe Rogan, they banned Donald Trump, and now, Oliver Stone isn't allowed to have movies that he gives the public for free.
Abso- that's liberal!
That's freedom!
I mean, McCarthy never dreamed of something like that, but as long as it's the left with the social credit score crushing us all, It's good, but I called Sean up yesterday and I said, do you think your pop's gonna have a problem?
We posted it at Band.Video and he says no.
He just wants it out.
Post it.
So, Ukraine Burning and the next film they made as well that's being censored, both those are posted at Band.Video free of charge.
In fact, we're paying for the bandwidth.
And let me tell you, we're paying hundreds of thousands of dollars a month.
We've got some of the cheapest bandwidth out there, but when you've got 5, 6, 7 million viewers a day just on Bandaw Video?
In fact, it's more than that now.
It is expensive show.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for supporting us.
And people say, hey, build your own thing!
You know, you're kicked off Twitter, you're kicked off Instagram, Facebook, YouTube.
Why don't you build your own thing, Jones?
Well, we did.
The listeners built it.
And baby, that tank takes a lot of gas because that engine's big.
Because it's sending out a lot of horsepower.
We are kicking some ass.
And that means you are.
But that means we need cold, hard cash.
Just the bandwidth on Bandot Video, the non-streaming, is $150,000 a month.
The streaming of my show?
Millions a day?
You want to know how much it costs?
I was meeting with some of the folks last week, and they said, if you just don't have the player open up on the site, that would save you a couple hundred thousand a year.
But studies show it'll stop people clicking, and I'm like, just screw it then.
Full on, God will provide the money, if that's what God wants.
And literally, I was in the red last week, and just pulling my hair out, not wanting to lay off crew, and then God just opened a few doors up for us that brought us back to the black.
It's crazy.
We've never been allowed to get super into the black.
I guess God wants to keep me really hungry because that makes me innovate.
I ask God, why do you always keep me right with just enough?
And it's because that keeps you hungry, son.
Not that I want the money to get the fuel to fund the operation.
And then that diversifies everything we do.
So God is perfect and is always teaching us.
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Now a lot of our products have been sold out and never came back in because of the lockdowns and supply chain breakdowns.
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So get your X3 right now at 50% off at infowarestore.com.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, The Tip of the Spear is live.
This is The Alex Jones Show.
I am your humble and thankful host.
For all of you joining us, and how your word of mouth is overriding the censors, and conservatively, 4 million people a day tune in live, and millions and millions watch the archive broadcast at Band.Video.
We are changing the world together.
Now I had an old friend of mine, Sean Stone, who's a filmmaker and author and TV producer and news host from all over the world, and I also worked with him on Jesse Ventura's TV show for several seasons.
And of course his father is one of the greatest, I'd say top three directors in the world when it comes to serious issues, number one, and of course that's Oliver Stone.
And so his film Ukraine on fire from seven years ago.
You could turn it on today and it's all predictions came true.
But a few years ago he made another film revealing Ukraine.
These are being pulled down off of YouTube, off of all the places his dad put them up for free.
Even though they were big movies and movie theaters and successful films.
And so he sits down and shows both sides and shows what's really going on.
Well, they pulled it off of YouTube and people keep putting it up like whack-a-mole.
We have posted it back at Bandot Video so that everybody can watch it for free.
And that's Ukraine on fire.
We're also going to post the other one as well, revealing Ukraine that's even more powerful because it was just made two years ago.
Now two and a half years ago, but they're both incredible.
Talk about evergreen tomorrow's news today.
The only thing I'd gush over is stuff that's way before it's time.
That's where I'm at.
My whole system is about what's before it's time, what's ahead of the curve.
We're not covering what's about to happen or what's already happening.
We cover what's going to happen and then what happens after that.
So look at these headlines that tie into this.
This is out of the New York Post.
It's all confirmed.
The federal government, the Democratic Party, now wants Big Tech to censor any Americans amplifying anything they say that's pro-Russian.
Including Infowars.
We're being named in these stories, even though we just show both sides.
Federal government using social media giants to censor Americans over COVID, and now election questioning, and now Ukraine.
Don't let Americans give their view on war.
And now we've got Oliver Stone's bombshell historic film censored, ladies and gentlemen.
First it's Alex Jones, then it's Donald Trump, now it's Oliver Stone.
And we've got the New York Times saying don't search and research facts for yourself, and an article saying don't go down the rabbit hole.
The good guys don't tell you to not research, okay?
We tell you to research.
And it just goes on from there.
The EU wants to sanction spreaders of misinformation, announcing criminal charges.
World Economic Forum severs ties with Ukraine over Russia, or with Russia over Ukraine.
And it goes on from there, and then Saki gaslighting everyone, saying there are no biolabs, even though I have a whole folder right here of mainstream news when Obama built the labs and said they had bioweapons in them.
That's coming up after Sean Stone leaves us here.
I may get into that some with him while he's here.
So, wow, you were just here with us Sunday, and there was some censorship of your dad's groundbreaking watershed films.
Evergreen Films.
And now they're taking them down everywhere.
And it's not even an issue.
Now Oliver Stone's being censored.
I mean, we are becoming what we claim the Russians are.
So, Sean, thanks for joining us.
You cut it, Alex.
It reminds me of a short film I did in 2008.
My first short film was called Singularity.
And it was about a plague or a virus that spreads through respiratory, you know, coughing.
But it creates an entire totalitarian state in America.
That uses AI surveillance to basically decide who is infected.
And actually the whole posing of the question is, is it the idea that's actually the spreading?
The spreading of ideas of a conspiracy or saying maybe that, you know, this is totalitarian, that this is not.
I'll just interrupt you.
I remember seeing that film right when I first met you.
It just come out.
I remember watching it and it was amazing.
Say the name again so people can pull that up and see it.
Oh, sure.
It's called Singularity.
It's a singularity because it's a singularity moment when basically everything transforms in our reality.
And that's really what we feel like we've been living the last two years.
So it's on Vimeo On Demand.
You know, we're at the same place they can watch Best Kept Secret.
My docuseries, Singularity, is also just so fresh.
Yeah, but you talk about tomorrow news today.
Remember, in 2009, we helped Ventura produce that whole thing on how they would release a virus, have lockdowns, take over with Dr. Rima Labo.
I mean, it's just crazy.
We're not bragging, but I wonder why you and I have been so close to this and others didn't see it.
I think for us, we just look at its logic, you know, we just see patterns, right?
Once you understood the surveillance state was becoming what it was after the Office of Total Information Awareness.
Remember, they tried to set that up right after 9-11 and we realized, you know, who these neocons were, essentially that were part of the Iran-Contra scandal and they were involved in all kinds of money laundering and cocaine trafficking and things like this.
And these same people were brought back in the Bush administration and Poindexter, I remember in particular, right, trying to set up this Total Information Awareness and then Once that was established, then you had Facebook come out, and over the years we've become aware, right?
Google and Facebook and their relationships with intelligence, it seems, you know, especially Google having a relationship to the CIA investment arm, I'm blanking on the name of that company.
So the point being, we pay attention to what's happening, and we see where it's going, because we understand that they're a psychopaths running the world.
That's right, total information awareness networks, all of it.
So the problem is people don't pay attention.
People stay awake.
The reason I got interested in news and history is because when the Kosovo War happened, I remember just like when I was a kid seeing Saddam Hussein being compared to Hitler in 1991, I remember the Kosovo War and how they portrayed it like the Serbs were these awful barbaric people that were slaughtering everybody.
Well, you actually understand that KLA was infiltrated with drug traffickers.
It was a CIA operation.
They were trying to do, as you know, heroin trafficking through Kosovo.
That was very much an intention, not the only intention, but part of the intention of splintering Kosovo off, just like the Yugoslav wars in general had been.
No, it's on record that the West started through proxies the Serb war and that twice as many Serbs died as any other group.
Does that mean the Serbs didn't kill a bunch of people?
No, but they were attacked first.
And then we bombed them with depleted uranium, but it was okay because Bill Clinton's liberal.
Exactly, exactly.
We forgot all about that war.
So, I mean, it's just horrendous how people forget.
They watch the news and the news is designed to tell you what?
Like you said, they don't tell you about the past, they don't tell you about history, they don't tell you about what's coming.
They just say, you know, it's like 1984.
Today, Europe is fighting Oceania.
And then, you know, the next day it's, no, Oceania is fighting Atlantia.
And it's like, People are just meant to forget.
They're not meant to actually connect dots and see the bigger picture.
That's what we are here to do, is to see the bigger picture.
Exactly, Sean, but I mean, talk about bigger picture.
Your dad saw it seven years ago with the first film, Ukraine on Fire, now the new one being censored.
This is such a big deal that now Oliver Stone is having his YouTube, Google, is taking it down when he's giving away a huge budget movie I mean, that is such an assault, a rape of our freedoms.
Now, celebrated Academy Award winners are being censored.
Well, I can't say it's a big deal, because once you've had Trump, your president, be booted off Twitter, once you've seen all kinds of doctors being called disinformation agents and censored, I mean, why is that a surprise in all of his own documentary?
Well, guess what?
Igor Lopatinov, who's the director of that documentary, he's the one that was running the account.
Which is really Google, right?
Owning it.
What did they tell him that the reason they censored it?
Because it was some kind of violent, organized crime?
That was the implication of literally what they said to him in terms of why they took it down.
It was connected to violent, organized crime.
I guess that being Russia?
It's a bizarre, bizarre accusation.
That is huge news, exclusive here.
Ukraine on fire, taken off.
YouTube by Google, because they're claiming interviewing Russian leaders is interviewing organized crime, and that your dad and the director are organized criminals.
I mean, that is, yeah, that's a thing they're using a lot now against even conservatives, is saying, oh, you're involved in organized crime.
I mean, it's funny, because as we know, conspiracy is always the way that the government has targeted organized crime.
We say conspiracy, they go, oh, you know, there are no conspiracies unless it's the government making accusations of people connected to organized crime or terrorism.
Well, I mean, I get that.
I get that we've gotten it, but that's the paradox.
I'm the same way as what you're saying.
I'm not putting you down.
It's true.
I've gotten used to being raped and abused and shut down and lied about and censored.
And now Oliver Stone's being taken offline.
And we're just like, well, we knew that was coming.
And that's like the old quote out of Nazi Germany.
First they came for this group and then they came for that group.
I mean, we're deep down.
The rabbit hole of tyranny right now.
We are.
I mean, we've watched this.
We've watched this roll out.
And the funny thing is they set everything up really with 9-11 in the wake of that.
That's why, for those, as I say, those of us that were awake, we saw where this was going.
We saw where the total information awareness was going to go as far as, you know, the social media, the use of the phones to surveil people.
And then ultimately, I believe it's moving towards an AI that's ultimately going to determine, you know, who's infected with the virus of free thought.
That's right.
All you gotta do is go to band.video, just the word band.video, and right in the center, at the top, the featured video is Ukraine on fire.
In the year 2022, Oliver Stone, multi-time top screenwriter, director, everything.
His film, the director, all of it censored in the United States of America.
We'll be right back.
You know what George Orwell said, in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
I'm sure Oliver Stone is proud right now, though.
All right, Sean Stone's with us another 15 minutes and he's going to be in studio hopefully.
He gets a chance to come to Austin.
He thinks he is next week on Monday or Tuesday, so look for that.
But what a time to have him on.
He's got a new great book out and an amazing new film.
We'll tell you about that next segment.
This is a short little five minutes.
Some stations join us next segment.
But Sean, just pulling back, to me it's so surreal.
to see all this happening and to see the censorship and the attacks
and blaming oil prices on Russia. I'm not lionizing Russia, but I mean we know it's our own so-called leadership that
is literally instigating all this.
How do we walk that tightrope or where do you see this going?
Yeah, it's Orwellian. It's basically everything that we've talked about and worried about as far
as the various agendas of totalitarian controls.
By the way, Ukraine on Fire and Revealing Ukraine My Dad's Documentaries, I think are also off Amazon now, which would indicate a higher level of pressure perhaps being put on the owners of Amazon.
Yeah, for folks that don't know, Amazon doesn't usually, it's not as bad.
Wow, is this breaking that the films are off Amazon?
I mean, I just looked it up.
I can't find it there unless maybe your team can find it.
I would check iTunes, I would check Amazon to see if they're actually still there in the Prime sector.
Maybe the DVD, you can get the DVD from Amazon, but as far as being on Prime, it seems to be missing.
So maybe your team can look and validate and verify that.
But it would be indicative, again, of something higher being pushed, you know, than just Google.
No, you're right.
That's what they do.
They take you off Prime and streaming first.
They'll leave the DVD out because that's happened to us.
They took us off and let us sell the DVDs.
That's a big deal.
Yeah, it's interesting.
But again, it's selling well.
So where is it going?
I mean, as far as what we can tell, as far as the Europe, the New World Order design is to what does the World Economic Forum say about it?
They want everyone to basically own nothing, to be renters.
We saw last year with BlackRock buying up property, houses, things that keep them off the market.
Keep the prices high, basically, for people that were affected, especially by the economic crisis.
I did a documentary last year called The Paradigm of Money I produced, which Robert David Steele, executive, produced.
And The Paradigm of Money is very much about a lot of the shenanigans of Wall Street and how they profit from the American people, such as the place where 1% of the economy now has more wealth than the entire middle class.
I mean, that's huge news to come I mean, we thought 2008 was bad as far as the transfer of wealth that we saw in that time period.
We focus on that in our documentary, but 2020 is even worse.
We saw, you know, with the lockdowns and what was intentionally closed.
So we have to realize, as you know, Alex, this is not a, this was never about science.
This was never about health.
This was about economics.
This was about taking, shutting down small businesses, telling the middle class and business owners, you can't do business.
Only Amazon and Walmart, the big global corporations can do business.
We hate you, the middle class and the little people of America.
Even though we tell you, yeah, we want a, you know, universal basic income, like that's really going to do much.
And what America stands for is this entrepreneurial middle class spirit, which we've seen the decades really, since the 70s you could say,
since the deindustrialization policies.
And Ukraine is the same story.
I mean, Ukraine was deindustrialized the same way we have been.
So really, it's like all of these are being gobbled up by these international powers, banks, big conglomerates
connected to, again, to Wall Street insiders.
And it's about the 1% and the 1% of the 1% eating up as much as they can and putting us into,
and making us feel more and more disempowered.
That's the agenda.
And I watched your dad's films when they came out.
And I've been intending to watch them again, but just watching the trailers reminds me.
He went and got Soros.
He gave them all the same amount of time.
They go to interviews, he does a fair thing, people choose Russia's side, because they're less evil than our leaders, and then they censor it.
That's like when he went on 60 Minutes and admitted he was a Nazi collaborator, and then he wants that video banned.
He said that.
So I love Soros' ego.
He does the interviews, and then doesn't like how they look, so he wants it banned.
Well, my dad did, you know, at some levels, you know, certainly, I mean, my dad and Soros were on agreement when it came to some legalization of marijuana policies, right?
Stay there, stay there.
Sean Stone, we're coming right back with filmmaker and best-selling author Sean Stone.
Stay with us.
What if I told you 10 years ago that in the year 2022, on March 10th, Oliver Stone, who's got more Academy Awards than you can imagine, who is a trailblazer, what Hollywood wishes it was, is having his films taken off YouTube, taken everywhere where he's giving them out for free.
Ukraine on fire in the newest film, all because they don't want you to know the real players and what's really going on.
Folks, this is the canary in the coal mine.
Trump was hated and polarized, Alex Jones hated and polarized by some, loved by many.
You can still, like, do that.
It's horrible.
But when you start banning classical liberal darlings, who are actually liberal and anti-war, and actually want to go find out what's going on, like his dad was in Vietnam, went there, and thought later it was wrong, which it was!
Look at Vietnam today!
They love us!
They hate China!
Why do we give them business deals like Ho Chi Minh asked?
Oliver Stone was right.
And so was his son, best-selling author, researcher, Sean Stone.
And we'll tell you about his book and film before he leaves us.
He'll be in studio, hopefully, with us next week.
But, uh, wow.
Sean, just continuing here with all the things that are happening, where do you think this is going?
What are your big concerns?
What's your wish list?
Because I've got children, I've got family.
I don't want to have a nuclear war.
And now they're saying Russia's going to launch a chemical attack.
They're going to launch a bio attack.
And Russia goes, no, that's going to be a false flag.
And there's this fog of war, but you can sense the danger.
I can palpably feel more danger than I've ever felt in my life.
And my gut's never wrong.
Yeah, I mean, we saw it, we saw it right away.
The Russians have been very tactical.
You know, they went, they got Chernobyl right away, which, by the way, I'm told off the record, there may have been, we know about the biolabs now, right?
This has sort of come out, you know, we discussed a little bit last on Sunday, but it seems to be coming more and more.
Victoria Nuland acknowledged it.
You know that Obama was part of installing it there.
So the Russians knew about the biolabs, but they also were worried about nuclear Deliferation, as I mentioned on the show on Sunday, and there was concern that it was being developed at Chernobyl, actually, as being an area where this potential nuclear or weaponry technology, dirty bomb technology was being developed.
So that's why the Russians went for Chernobyl first.
When they got hold of the other nuclear plants, what did we see?
Basically, they were trying to create false flags.
Ukrainians and their backers in NATO were trying to create false flags of Blowing up, burning a nuclear power plant, blaming it on the Russians.
Well, the Russians seem to have secured those.
So now, what is going on?
As the Russians, the Chinese, and others are saying, hey, America, answer for what the heck you were doing with these weapons, these biological weaponry, you know, in Ukraine.
Now we're saying, oh, it's the Russians that are going to do it.
It's the Russians that did it.
It's all fake, right?
Understand the Russians attack hospitals when we know the Nazi battalions are so dumb they've been tweeting Their geolocation, we know they kicked everybody out of the hospitals.
I don't just believe Russian propaganda.
I went and looked it up.
They are using hospitals and schools as human shields.
I mean, this is just like, it's basic understanding of tactics and the Russian psychology towards this.
You know, the Russians have not gone in there and bombed Kiev like we did Baghdad.
It's been very limited targets, very strategic.
I mean, it's just amazing that people buy the BS from the same people that sold them weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that sold them all these wars in Syria and Libya and, you know, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Oh yeah, the Associated Press and New York Times are asking, what's Putin's next target?
Well, does he have like eight countries on his belt like we do?
Exactly, exactly.
These people are just professional prostitutes and it's amazing that anyone even gives them credit.
I do think a lot of people are waking up quickly.
I do have optimism.
People have caught on to the alternative media pretty well outside of maybe the LA, New York.
But I mean, come on.
People are sitting there with three jabs at this point, ready to get three more.
They don't have a brain, I'm sorry.
I heard, by the way, is it true that Pfizer is being unlisted from the Stock Exchange?
They're all in trouble.
So is Moderna.
Yeah, big rumblings.
It's coming out.
They really bit off more than they can chew.
I mean, I think this is really where the story is.
And so, yeah, the psychopaths that run the world, you've got to watch Best Kept Secret, my docuseries.
It really shows the psychology of the psychopaths.
Yeah, where do people find it?
I know David Icke's distributing it.
Where do we find it?
On your website?
Yeah, they can connect to it.
The links are there on SeanStone.info.
I'd love to get on InfoWars, obviously.
We are.
We're going to carry it.
Best kept secret.
And then also the book, New World Order, A Strategy of Imperialism.
For people, we're not blaming English people, because I'm part British.
If I wasn't part British, I still wouldn't blame them.
But it's the British Empire model being used by corporations for global domination.
You've done a great job laying that out in your book.
Yeah, exactly.
So that's where we are.
We're in a place where half the American population is gone.
The other half is, I think, awake.
And, you know, the real war is going to be here.
This is the place.
Because it's not about physical war.
It's spiritual.
It's an awakening.
It's states taking their rights back, claiming their sovereignty from a complete... Sean, let's talk big picture.
Why are the globalists so upset?
Why are they starting wars?
Why are they releasing bioweapons?
What is this spiritual revolution you talk about?
What's happening?
Well, it's endgame.
I mean, it's really the endgame that you talked about a long time ago coming.
We're there now.
It's the place when people start to see through the lies, the deception.
It becomes so overt and so clear.
And states start to claim their rights and say, you know what?
Maybe we don't want to be part of this system anymore.
Maybe we need to go back to our constitution and the principles of states' rights against,
again, I say totalitarian federal government.
I mean, this is literally an illegal regime that has been put upon us.
This is not an elected government.
And you know, the swamp of Washington has been corrupt for a long time.
Trump's revolution was waking people up to that saying, hey, we can actually do something about it.
We can actually start to claim our rights again.
And we can, you know, we can have hope and optimism as opposed to this feeling of despair that we had.
The one new world order regime after another, basically just taking away our freedoms, our liberties, our values.
I think people have said we're drawing a line in the sand.
This is it.
We have to stand on certain principles of what it means to be a patriotic American.
And that's that's where I think half the country is.
I totally agree.
The globalists are doing this out of weakness, and nation-states aren't perfect, our governments aren't perfect, but they were constituted by us, and this global corporate system wants to blame governments for all the problems, wipe those out, and now we've got anarchy and warlords controlled by the big bankers, where now they've only got one person to talk to per region, versus the people.
And so that's why they're waging war against the nation-state, that's why the nation-state is going to be the firewall against that tyranny.
The nation-state is the principle that we have.
It's basically, it's also coming back to the nation, the state, the state's rights.
You know, the principles of, you know, having states that said no to, you know, you name it, federal mandates, federal, you know... Yeah, you can't just take over our federal government.
Now you've got to take over all the parts.
So the founders, as you know, said that separation of powers, divide everything up so dictators can't get control.
And they're going to try to roll out digital IDs next, you know, because their vaccine mandates are falling apart and the lies around the vaccines are coming out.
So the digital ID is the next step.
Well, again, a lot of states have said, you know what?
We're tired of being lied to by you guys.
We've had enough.
And we just we don't want to be part of this.
Well, isn't Florida amazing saying don't give children shots?
It hurts them.
Stop wearing the mask.
It's theater.
I mean, DeSantis has gone from awesome to fantastic.
There's no way he's not for real, in my view, with what he's doing.
That guy is awesome.
It takes courage.
It takes courage to not be bought, as we see.
Most people are bought.
They're bought.
They've become robots.
They've become bots, you know.
It's too easy to give in to a system where there's so much money.
As I said earlier, you know, 1% has more wealth than the entire middle class.
You know, people like Gates with their Tens of billions of dollars and people say well, I don't understand how how all these people can agree Well, guess what if you buy them if you buy the education system, that's a New World Order My book is about is how controlled the education system has been how much breeding?
I mean how much grooming goes on you don't get to be at the top of CNN without being groomed.
Are you kidding me?
I mean real journalists quit, you know, that's why they are you gonna be able to make it in the studio next week Yeah, I'm there Tuesday In town, I'd love to come.
All right, then you're in studio.
How about third hour Tuesday in studio?
Let's do it.
Let's nail it down.
All right, Sean Stone, thank you so much.
But I mean, it is a little surreal.
Oliver Stone movies banned off YouTube and now it looks like Amazon.
I mean, that is a real bellwether, I got to tell you.
I mean, you think the average leftist is going to agree with that now?
You know, the leftists have abandoned my father in many ways, you know, because they've gone to the pro-war, you know, anti-Russia, Cold War hysteria, these, you know, the left.
Well, I mean, your dad with Conan and with Scarface and with, what, Apocalypse Now, right?
I mean, just everything.
Your dad's everywhere.
I mean, I guess we're going to have to ban those, too.
All right, Sean Stone, thank you so much.
Great job, brother.
You got it, thank you.
Johnstone.info, and he's done a lot of great work himself, go check it out.
But I mean, this is getting ridiculous, folks.
Now Oliver Stone's getting banned?
I mean, what the hell?
You know, I love America, but it's been hijacked by a very evil globalist.
Let's hit some of these big headlines, we'll go to our next guest, who wasn't annoying, but almost annoying, in the last 8, 9, 10 years I've been interviewing him.
Warning of the nuclear war being triggered in Ukraine and the whole globalist program was built around that.
We just had Sean Stone on about Ukraine on fire now being censored, Oliver Stone's film being taken offline.
Look at some of these headlines.
We could put today's full show headline up.
I think it says it all.
It's a big deal.
And really front and center for me is this.
Global Emergency Broadcast is live.
Globalist-backed Ukraine orders Russia to surrender.
Intel shows New World Order forces preparing to launch false flag biochemical radiological attack.
And you see the pre-programming.
Oh, Russia's gonna release a bioweapon.
Russia's gonna release a chemical weapon.
Russia's gonna blow up a nuclear plant.
You've all seen that.
And you've got the head of the UN program Dr. Ryan of the Emergency Response saying, we know a bio event's about to happen from the sick people that are all together.
So they're already putting the cover story out that a wet market, a grocery store released COVID-19.
Now they're telling you that, oh, it's not the jungles of Africa that are going to give us the virus.
They're going to kill everybody, as we've been told.
No, it's Ukraine.
It's people in basements.
That's a clip.
It's coming up next segment.
And I went and checked this.
I don't just believe the Daily Mail.
I went and checked.
The Russians put this out, so the Ukrainians.
Ukraine war.
Kiev demands Russia capitulate, which in the actual translation is surrender.
That's what capitulate means.
Ahead of talks in Turkey with Lavrov today.
Because they know they're backed by the West.
House passes $1.5 trillion spending bill with $13.6 billion for Ukraine.
Putin begins to move on Kiev.
Russian tank columns repelled.
Another top commander killed.
Devastating ambush as Moscow's forces move within a few miles.
No off-ramps.
and European officials don't see a clear endgame in Ukraine, says the State Department.
Yeah, I think so.
Majority of Americans, 62% believe it's Biden's fault.
But don't you mean the people that control Biden?
And then this clip, we'll play it next segment.
Putin's trying to bait a trap.
No, he's actually gone into the trap, in my view.
But don't worry, Sean Penn has got an IQ below room temperature.
I don't say it with pleasure, it's true.
He's over there trying to get a no-fly zone in MiGs, which will cause nuclear war, you dumb bastard.
Ukrainian nationals attempt to cut power to Chernobyl.
Russia claims, well, they've been doing it the whole time.
What are you talking about?
Attempt to?
They did it.
Moscow responds to the maternity clinic and says the Azov battalion was there.
Well, I don't just believe the Russians.
They were putting it out on Twitter and Instagram and on CNN where they were bragging they've taken over the hospitals and other facilities as human shields.
And then we've got the BioLab News, which I've got a whole file on of our own corporate
media bragging how Obama built the labs with deadly pathogens and what a hero he was for
doing it.
I don't listen to anything the Russians say.
I go off where they admit they were doing it themselves.
Lee Stranahan joins us.
Lee's a syndicated radio host, author, researcher.
He's worked for Breitbart.
He's worked for The Huffington Post.
He's worked for them all.
So he's here with us.
I know you're a micro guy, but I want to do the macro here, a 35,000-foot view.
What's currently happening?
What is going to happen next?
Because you're the guy that's been harping on Ukraine for over a decade.
Well, so I think, I'll put it like this.
I wonder if the day after Eisenhower's military industrial complex speech, people understood the significance of what they've just seen.
Does that make sense?
I don't think so.
I think they saw the farewell address and they were like, oh that was interesting, and they commented about his tie or something.
What we saw yesterday, Victoria Nuland on TV in front of Congress admitted to Marco Rubio that there are bio labs in Ukraine.
That, the significance of that moment.
That's a clip that's going to be repeated for decades.
You're going to see it in videos that people make themselves, because you're not going to see it much in the mainstream media.
God bless Tucker Carlson, I'll say that.
He did a good segment on it last night.
But then it was immediately followed by Hannity, almost point-counterpoint, saying, no, no, no, ignore this.
This is a big deal, because let's point over what happened in a macro sense here.
In 2014, the United States overthrew a democratically elected government because, not that they were pro-Russia, but because they were neutral.
And a few big things came out of that.
Number one, we built bioweapons labs there, which by the way is why we attacked Iraq, was because we thought, we lied, we didn't think it.
You know that.
We lied and said they had bioweapons and said that's reason enough to invade them and kill a million people.
That's what happened there.
Now the other thing that happened was that government, Petro Poroshenko, the guy who eventually was a leader, was used to try to keep Donald Trump from getting elected in 2016.
You and I have talked about that many times.
Ukraine was right at the center of Russiagate.
So after we overthrew the government, Biolabs, Russiagate, and now the propaganda campaign.
Because, see, the other thing that I think is so significant, it's not just about the Biolabs.
It's that we had a solid, intense week.
And when I say intense, In the paper, USA Today, Business Insider, saying, no, no, the biolab story's crazy, tinfoil hat stuff.
Oh yeah, this is the biggest blow up in your face ever.
Thousands of articles saying it's insane, there are no labs, period.
Then, yeah, we run labs, they're deadly weapons, yeah.
I mean, they had to totally about-face and now say Russia's gonna release bioweapons.
So they don't just about-face and they go, there are biolabs and it's the Russians!
That's right.
And so in other words, you call it the biggest blow up in their face.
I agree.
But it's coming on a series of blow ups in their face.
What is COVID-19?
We've seen that over and over again.
In the past couple years.
The things they were pushing as propaganda, everybody's seeing it right now.
Oh yeah, they just released an internal Democrat top national strategy meeting where the Democrats called themselves cursed.
They even know they're cursed.
Yes, and they may literally be cursed, but let's leave that spiritual stuff aside for the time being.
But, no, but this is such a major propaganda loss.
For the U.S.
And I'll put it like this, whether the American public picks up on this, and whether the American news media picks up on it, they won't.
China, the morning that Nuland said this, is showing that they are taking this seriously.
They're not going to drop it.
And do you think Putin's going to drop it?
No way.
How do we look to the rest of the world?
Think about this.
Think about how we look to other countries.
That's not going to go well.
So, I know you're one of the smartest guys on this, I know, so I want you to just dumb it down for us when we come back.
I want you to lay out what's currently happening, what you think's about to happen, and what we can do to stop World War III.
Because my spidey sense is always, you know, tingling, but my God, it's like I got a, you know, a cattle prod shoved up my rear end here.
I mean, I am really upset right now.
When I grow up, I want to energize humanity to make the jump to the next level.
And I've already got a good start on it, thanks to God.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance!
My goal is human expansion.
Lee Stranahan joins us, syndicated talk show host, author, CitizenJournalismSchool.com, CitizenJournalismSchool.com.
All right, Lee, you're always background, you're a great, great guest, but you always go a little this person, that person, and, you know, it always turns out to be super accurate.
But just big picture, talk to me like I'm five years old, because my audience isn't five, they're not dumb, but they want big picture here to still knowledge, because you are a Ukraine expert.
My God, you harp on it, that's mainly what you do.
You know all the players you were talking about before even the overthrow in 2008, so you've been over the target.
My question to you is, why did Putin invade?
Why is Ukraine so incalcitrant saying Russia should surrender?
What is the level of these bio labs?
What's all the hype obviously around Russia's going to stage a biological attack, radiological or chemical obviously that's the setup the media is
preparing that, we don't have to be idiots to not see that.
Russia does not have a reason to use that, that turns the world against them, it's the last thing they would do.
It's kind of like Syria 2.0 and Obama's red lines, where is all this going?
Well, okay, so first off, everybody watching will understand when I say there are bigger issues at play here.
And you could see that with that woman who is a Ukrainian member of parliament who came out on Fox News and said, we're fighting to protect the new world order.
Remember her?
So those are the bigger issues.
But let's be very specific on what Putin wants.
We don't need to guess what Putin wants.
He did a number of very clear speeches on this.
Number one, he wanted to stop the expansion of NATO.
Which is getting right up into Russia with the move into Ukraine.
That's Russia's backyard, literally.
Yeah, we would never put up with Russian troops in Toronto or in the border with Texas.
And we shouldn't.
It's crazy.
So part of what's going on here is he wants that.
Now here's what's ironic about it.
They were never going to get into NATO.
Countries like Germany, they won't even let them in the EU!
So in other words, the U.S.
pushed this war, said we're not going to meet your demands, and one of the demands was something that was not going to happen.
And even Zelensky's come out and said he's skeptical of NATO now, because he's seeing that he's being pushed into this by the U.S.
So what's going to happen is, Vladimir Putin will not stop until The mission is accomplished.
He's been very clear on that.
And the mission is demilitarizing Ukraine.
I think it's very clear right now, first off, that Russia has, just in terms of the numbers, a vastly superior, much bigger military.
In terms of weapons and stuff like that, it's a much better military.
And I've interviewed people like Ex-Marine Scott Ritter, the UN Weapons Inspector, and he's adamant on this.
He also points out that Russia... Sure, Russia with conventional weapons could level the major cities in about 10 hours.
They don't want to destroy the infrastructure, they want to create a neutral zone in between.
So people think that Russia's losing, that's because Russia has had extremely soft touch here.
No, that's right, because they're not trying to kill civilians.
And I will say, one of the things, just to sort of tie in, I don't want to get off on it, but I think it's significant that Vladimir Putin is a Christian.
I actually think it's one of the reasons they hate him and demonize him.
He took a country that was the second biggest atheist nation on the face of the earth, and is now a blatant That's right, Christ said you judge a tree by its fruits, and whether you trust Putin or not, there's a giant Christian revival happening in Russia.
Yes, and I think there's reasons, and when I mention that Ukrainian MP and the New World Order, Putin obviously knows that, because this is a guy, you know, you and I can talk about George Soros, and we do.
But he threw Soros out.
Putin said, no more George Soros in 2015.
He gets the big issues here.
That's my point.
And by the way, even right-wing regimes like Orban have agreed and thrown Soros out.
No, and they're right.
From his native country, Soros is hungry.
Yes, exactly right.
And that's why you have people like Orban, who's on the right.
And by the way, Putin's on the right.
He's an anti-communist.
He was, you know, when the Soviet Union... Yeah, what did he make of that speech before he invaded three weeks ago where he said, you know, we're Christian and we hate communists and Lenin was wrong to give Ukraine away because it was part of Russia, and he just denounced communism.
He said, we're going to decommunize Eastern Europe, so get ready.
And then right-wingers can't believe this is happening.
They're like, oh, it's a fake thing.
Well, here's the thing.
You know, you've been talking, and you and I have been talking, about the danger of the deep state for a long time, and we know it goes back decades.
If you're going to take on the deep state, they're not puppies.
These are liars, right?
And they have a military.
The deep state The CIA and stuff like that have a military.
I think Putin is doing the work that journalists like you and I can't do, because we don't have an army.
We may have an army of info warriors, but he has tanks and planes.
And to do what he's doing, and to do it the way he's doing, and the reason I mention his Christianity is because I think he's, and this will blow some people's minds, but I think he's conducting the war in a very Christian way.
In other words, he's trying to avoid civilian casualties.
He's saying what he's going to do before he does it.
Again, war's bad.
We all agree on that.
War's horrible.
And innocent people do die in wars.
We know that.
But this latest story about the maternity hospital shows that Zelensky, who's spoken, there's video on YouTube of Klaus Schwab introducing him.
They're very clear on this.
That MP, she's been to the Davos crowd.
She's spoken to them.
She's not using the term New World Order because she doesn't speak well English.
She knows exactly what she's talking about.
This, I think, is Putin versus the worldwide deep state, the New World Order, with a military.
Think about that.
And he's not going to stop.
He surrounded the military strategy they've done.
I'm not a military guy.
I'm blind in one eye, so I couldn't qualify.
But they're surrounding cities.
And they're leaving humanitarian corridors.
They're trying to help civilians get out.
The people stopping them from getting out Are the Ukrainians?
Well, that's on record now.
Let me ask you this question.
Why did Putin finally invade?
What was the trigger?
The bioweapon labs?
Zelensky saying he wanted nukes?
What finally pushed him in?
I think it was the nukes comment from Zelensky, but I'll tell you what else is coming out now.
There is evidence, it seems like Russia had, that Ukraine was planning a big offensive in that eastern part of Ukraine, Donbass.
Where they are doing ethnic cleansing.
Sure, they're openly talking about that.
And they were literally, there's documentation coming out now, they were preparing a very big offensive.
So in other words, Putin, in order to stop that offensive in Donbass, had to go in.
And that's what I think.
Well, I think the biolabs and I think the new comment were factors, but now we know that there was an imminent military attack happening.
Well, what do you make of 60 plus percent of Americans basically agreeing with Putin and blaming Biden?
That's got to really worry the deep state.
I mean, no one buys anything they say now.
And when I talk to people, if I talk to people who are liberally loving people, right?
And I mentioned I work for Sputnik and I talk about Putin.
I get this reaction a lot.
They kind of lean over and whisper and they go, you know, don't tell anyone, but I kind of like Putin.
And I think, do you think that the media would ever reveal that a lot of mainstream Americans see that Putin is a leader who loves his country, is promoting family values, is not this crazy maniac that they try to make him out to be, but is They don't want people to know that a lot of people kind of like Putin.
No, that's certainly true.
And look, you can't say and have babies and be Christian.
You can't fake that by saying it's real.
Everything is going according to plan, Sasha.
That's what Putin has said.
I wish none of this would happen.
But NATO has been expanding.
Soros has been trying to overthrow Russia.
He goes on TV and says, I am the one that overthrew Ukraine, and I will overthrow Putin.
Russia is my empire.
I played that clip like five times last week.
So obviously they're trying to poke Putin into this.
Now he's done what they wanted, or maybe it was all just chutzpah, or bravado, or hubris.
But where do you see this going now, Lee Strahan?
Gut level, where do you see this heading?
Because you're right, Putin's fully committed.
He's not going to back down.
Looks like the Ukrainians aren't going to back down.
There's a bunch of U.S.
and other stay-behind networks there with high-tech weapons.
A bunch of Russians and others are getting killed.
This is a damn mess.
Well let me point out one other thing Putin's doing, and it's really important to understand what he's done and how significant it is.
And Alex, believe it or not, you of all people will completely understand this.
You've known the power in becoming self-sufficient.
That's why you have your own products, for instance.
You saw, you had the vision a few years ago to realize if you're dependent on other advertisers They have a way to take you down.
They have leverage against you.
Putin's done the same thing.
Russia has almost no debt whatsoever.
They announced recently all of these sanctions.
Let me just ask you, whether you think they're right or wrong, have the sanctions against Russia worked?
No, no, no.
The sanctions only work on us with $6 a gallon gas.
That's right.
And what Putin's done is they announced yesterday that they're going to stop selling raw materials, which include things like energy resources, fertilizer, GMOs.
And think about this.
Think what a huge boon to them that people like Coke, Pepsi, McDonald's and Pornhub are no longer in Russia.
Think about that.
That's a good thing.
It's like getting a bunch of ticks off your ass.
No, that's exactly right, and that's what I'm saying.
Putin has been building a self-sustaining economy.
You're a student of history.
You know at the beginning of the 19th century, the most powerful economy in the world was the China economy, the last empire, because they were self-sufficient.
And the British had to come in with the Opium War to take that down.
But they knew the power of self-sufficiency, as you've proven, and as you tell your The audience, every day, you want to be... Look, one of the reasons we like liberty is we like self-sufficiency.
And globalism is all about not being self-sufficient.
And that's why I say... Interdependency!
And I'm used to being on the radio, I'm on AM and FM, so I can't swear.
So I'll use a word that I know is safe.
Russia said about the sanctions about three weeks ago, we poop on your sanctions.
Except they said the S word.
Just say it, say we shit on your sanctions.
That's what they said.
That was a quote from the Russian government.
Literally, they said, we shit on your sanctions.
That was a quote.
Now, that told you what's happening.
And so they're building a self-sustaining, self-sufficient economy.
They're working with people, and you know what?
When you're making a huge change like this, it's painful.
Change is difficult, right?
Anybody who's been, you know, I've gone through a divorce.
Change is difficult, but it's often for the best.
And you've got to get through the painful part to get to the good part.
And I, I'm an optimist.
I think Putin, by having Russia be a self-sufficient economy and saying, we don't, okay, you want to sanction us?
Just think, the sanctions are going to have no power.
In fact, I don't know if you saw that.
Oh, and they're going to have power to shut us down?
Well, let me ask you this, then I'll get back to your point.
Well, we'll go ahead and make your point, but I've got an important question.
No, I was just going to say, in the headlines, the EU said, we can't sanction Russia anymore.
We've reached the limits of what we can do.
So the sanctions failed.
They're a failure.
And partially because Putin made a self-sufficient, self-sustaining economy.
Go ahead, Alex.
Well, I was just going to ask you the question then.
What are they going to do when world leaders from Saudi Arabia, you name it, won't even talk to Biden anymore?
That's confirmed.
The White House admits that.
What does that signify?
Have you ever seen that in your life, where world leaders refuse to talk to a U.S.
We've been watching the news for a long time.
I can't think of that ever happening in the history of the country.
Because that means they know he's not the president.
He's literally an Alzheimer's patient.
No, that's right.
And Saudi Arabia has been, you know, Donald Trump, the breaking headlines, he does have a little bit of an ego.
You know that.
But when Trump says this wouldn't have happened under Trump, He's right.
This would not have happened under Trump.
Because for one thing, Trump wouldn't have virtue-signaled and not made a deal.
The U.S.
could have made a deal.
Just think, what would it have hurt the U.S.
to say, okay, we'll have Ukraine stop attacking the people in the Donbas.
We'll have them go along With the agreements, the Minsk agreements.
It would have hurt nothing in the U.S.
It would have cost us nothing to say, OK, we'll stop.
See, the problem with NATO is we've been using Ukraine as a NATO proxy, putting missiles in there.
We've been even though they're not a NATO country, we've been treating them like, you know, our bitch.
I'll put it like that.
And in Ukraine, I think the people in Ukraine are starting to realize that we're like somebody who pushes their friend into a fight at a bar and then turns around and hides once the fight starts.
Sure, because even Zelenko now says he wants to be part of the EU, not NATO.
How do you see this ending?
Putin's not going to give up.
Ukraine is saying you need to surrender Russia.
Arrogant statements.
Is that bravado?
Or why are they saying that?
No, it's complete bravado.
They're in no position to set any terms.
Russia has these cities surrounded.
Mariupol is the home of the Azov Battalion, the Nazis.
The explicit, the guys you see with the Nazi uniforms and everything.
That's what's in Mariupol.
So I think where this ends is in about 10 days, Ukraine is forced, within 10 days, 10 days at most, Let's call it two weeks to be nice and even.
By two weeks from today, by the Thursday after next, Ukraine will have surrendered because Russia will have won militarily.
And they will realize that they have no support.
What Zelensky's been trying to do is to get a no-fly zone, trying to get NATO to come in.
And even Poland is saying, Poland was saying, we're going to give you jets.
After Blinken gave him the green light.
Think about this.
Blinken said, we're giving the green lights for weapons.
Then yesterday, they come out and said, no, no, no, never mind, don't do that.
They're afraid of Russia.
That's what's going on, Alex.
They're afraid of the mighty Russian military, which does have well-trained troops and Fabulous weaponry.
And they haven't even used it.
Like the hypersonic weapons that Russia has.
Forget nukes.
The hypersonic missiles that they have are effective and they have them.
They haven't used them yet.
Meanwhile, we've got Harris.
In fact, cue it up.
It's a short clip.
Have you seen her cackling and laughing when they're asked about refugees?
I mean, how would you send this moron who clearly couldn't manage a McDonald's to be the broker of this?
I mean, what is wrong with the Western establishment?
Well, you know, it's the problem at the end of Empire, right?
At the end of Empire, you start to get Caligula in there.
That's Hunter Biden, for anyone even dragging on.
But you start to get Bad leaders.
She can't even believe she's there!
She's literally acting like she's on ecstasy or something.
Just giggling and laughing while they're talking about refugees.
I can't even believe this video.
No, it's horrible.
And I'll tell you who's starting to wake up.
Zelensky in Ukraine is starting to realize that he was pushed into a conflict with Russia that he didn't want.
You've got to remember, Zelensky was told by the Nazis in Ukraine, if you betray us, you'll hang in the public square.
That's why part of the Ukraine giving up would be to keep those Azov battalions people in place, because they're the bullies that will help them throw the next government.
All right, Lee Stranahan, great points as usual.
Amazing information, citizenjournalismschool.com.
People can find your show there and all the work you're doing.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
Well, what he's saying is accurate, so there you go.
It's a real mess, ladies and gentlemen, and they send Kamala Harris to the... You think that puts confidence in the Ukrainians?
I mean, you'd send a general, or you'd send a member of the Senate that's... You send her?
I mean, it's like...
They're trying to get the Russians to attack everybody.
Like, the horrible withdrawal out of Afghanistan, all of it, is a damn joke.
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Edward Dowd, the big Wall Street insider that first exposed the coming collapse of Moderna and Pfizer, will join us coming up next segment.
And we've got more on the Bioweapons Lab.
Exclusive information we'll be breaking down after he leaves us.
But here is a very important report by John Bowne at Bandoff Video.
The Engineered Energy Crisis.
Back at the gas station, you realize people want this solved.
Anthony Okoko voted for the president.
I'm a good Republican.
The way things are going, something's got to be done.
If you think phase one of the launch phase, COVID-19, was bad, the artificial cutting off of the world energy supply is a death sentence to hundreds of millions, and it is a poverty sentence for another billion people or so, and that's in the numbers.
At this pivotal moment, I see several priorities for the global agenda.
We must revitalize the global economy and accelerate its transition to net zero.
Last month we announced a $5 billion investment to build out a nationwide electric vehicle charging network so that people from rural We're going to see gas prices likely increase.
What is the thinking within your caucus about how to deal with that issue?
That issue hasn't come up.
That issue hasn't come up.
We have to move to clean energy solutions with great accelerating.
A clean conscience is worth a buck or two.
I'm willing to pay.
I'm willing to pay $4 a gallon.
Hell, I'll pay $15 a gallon because I drive a Tesla.
We should be investing right here at home in renewable energy technologies.
We should be weaning ourselves of fossil fuels.
The spectacle of Biden publicly asking Saudi Arabia to increase output publicly asking Venezuela to increase output, and then
blocking all new oil leases on public land and most of the other leases,
and shutting down several thousand pipeline spurs, including the Keystone pipeline.
A foreign army couldn't shut our power off like this.
It's simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production.
That's simply not true.
One of the biggest changes that we've seen between the Trump administration and the Biden administration is the volume of regulations that are now on the table.
President Trump was correct.
He wanted to dramatically reduce the number of regulations on the books that that would actually provide greater autonomy and freedom for these companies and for the American people.
Biden's doing the exact opposite and it's even worse than that.
He's looking to have mission creep So if there's a traditional authority that the EPA operates, he wants the Federal Reserve to get involved, he wants HHS involved, the Securities and Exchange Commission.
That's not how our constitutional system works.
There are 9,000 approved drilling permits that are not being used.
So the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate.
The suggestion that that is what is hindering or preventing gas prices to come down is inaccurate.
That accusation is a complete red herring and it's really a distraction from the fact that this administration has paused leasing on federal lands.
Something that we're concerned about and something that we think needs to continue right away.
The fact is that industry is producing at a higher level on existing leases on federal lands than in the last 20 years.
And these leases take many years to explore, to develop, and to produce on.
It's not truthful, right?
And it's not truthful at all.
From day one, day one, this administration has been hell-bent with their anti-American energy holy war to shut down the production of American energy.
She knows that, right?
It's delaying leases.
Look, you can get a lease and then they delay the permits for you to be able to do seismic and do work on it.
In Alaska, they delay the ability to get a permit for an ice road, which is how we go and do exploration on these leases.
They've shut that down.
They've tried to kill pipelines.
Day one you saw Biden said he wasn't going to produce on energy, on ANWR, even though it's in the law that he has to do it, says shall.
And then you guys got, you have people like John Kerry and Gina McCarthy going around to the American financial community saying don't invest in American energy.
So day one, They have been focused on killing the production of American energy.
Phase one is to release the virus, lockdown society, destroy supply chains, introduce the idea of a global digital ID as a vaccine passport, so they can then have a war and cyber attacks, and then bring down the world currency and blame COVID and the war for it, but offer everyone a universal basic income to survive.
Well, three days before Putin invaded Ukraine, Kamala Harris was in Eastern Europe telling the Ukrainians we'd backed them in a war.
But it's not just the Democrats.
We've got Lindsey Graham and others running around saying the same thing.
And now they didn't back down.
They kept attacking Eastern Ukraine on the border with Russia, and Russia attacked.
And then here's Kamala Harris last night.
In Europe.
And when they ask her about refugees and what to do, well, she starts laughing like she's a hyena starring in the Disney movie The Lion King.
Here it is.
For President Duda, I wanted to know if you think, and if you asked the United States to specifically accept more refugees.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
This time.
It keeps going.
Madam, the situation is very complex.
This is what I was saying.
This time, it keeps going.
Madam, the situation is very complex.
So when you are in over your head, this is what you see going on.
I mean, listen, I've been studying this stuff since I was 10 years old,
and I could confidently do the job, but I would have real problems,
because there's so much you don't know.
You're dealing with a lot of lives here.
Can you imagine knowing nothing and being in charge?
Tucker Carlson has been a trailblazer on this.
For weeks he's been pointing out, what is she doing in charge of Ukraine?
And it's not an anti-woman thing.
I know a lot of women that have got their act together better than I do.
A lot of ball busters, man.
Put them in charge.
This is no Queen Elizabeth, ladies and gentlemen.
This is an idiot.
A true moron.
Got a big guest coming up.
He's that big former Black Rock executive that called what was going to happen to Moderna and Pfizer before it happened.
He's joining us coming up here in about 10 minutes.
I mentioned this at the start of the show.
I want to get it on record now and we'll go to our next guest.
But again, I hate to give you the magician's trick, but you need to know it.
You ever gone to a magic show?
It's one of my favorite type of magic shows.
I went to one last year in Round Rock they were having, and I went there with my wife and a couple of my children went, and the magician would do the trick and then show everyone the trick.
Now that really makes a lot of other magicians mad, but that's the kind of magician I am.
Like, it's fun, you see the trick, it's neat, and now I'm going to show you how I deceived you.
And that's really what we do, because it's okay to have a magician that fools people.
But you can't do that in politics and religion and business.
You can't be based on fraud.
You can't be based on smoke and mirrors.
And so my favorite type of magician is one that shows you the tricks.
And that's who I am.
I show you their tricks, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's why they hate my guys.
So, people ask, how did you know, even before the war started three weeks ago, to write
articles and talk about the bioweapon labs in Ukraine and what would happen in a war?
And the media first said, Robbins, Fikes, look, Jones, and his website, and his writers, they're talking about this, it doesn't exist, they're insane.
But why was I already concerned about it?
Because from past wars, they will always blame whoever they're attacking for chemicals, biologicals, or radiologicals that get released.
And even if they're not released, they will then blame those people.
And here it is.
Articles, going back years, with links to the Washington Post, links to the Associated Press, where And I love how the National Pulse, you're nice folks, but exclusive deleted webpage shows Obama led an effort to build a Ukraine-based bioweapon handling, especially dangerous pathogens.
Okay, it's disclosed from the Washington Post, 2005.
official Russian invasion of Ukraine risk releasing of dangerous pathogens.
That was in February.
So before everybody started pointing out what was happening, they were already warning about the U.S.
lab saying, what if the Russians get them?
And then Victoria Nuland, the Ambassador, Undersecretary of State, she comes out and she says it three days ago.
Everybody's like, whoa, wait a minute.
We're telling everybody it doesn't exist, but she says it does exist and the Russians are going to get it and they're going to release it.
So if any of it gets released, it's their fault.
She's up front blaming them for the labs that Obama built.
Say that again.
She's blaming them for the labs Obama built.
They previously did not exist, but now they've gone, well, they've got the proof.
The Russians have taken over the labs, so the Russians are going to release it.
All right.
And of course, here's the U.S.A.
Fact check.
False claims of U.S.
bio labs in Ukraine tied to Russian disinformation campaign.
That was back in February.
There's a lot of these other articles here that deal with this, but I've got some of the articles here going back 15 years, 16 years, showing all of this.
So there they are claiming it's all Disinformation.
But let me actually show you the reports.
Here's a meme out there with Alex Jones on it.
False claims of U.S.
bio-warfare labs in Ukraine grip QAnon.
They're going to say Alex Jones is QAnon and all this other made-up stuff.
No, it's the U.S.
government admitting this.
Foreign Policy, the CFR, puts out Russian bio-lab propaganda on Ukraine, spreads on QAnon channels.
dismisses claim of bio-warfare labs in Ukraine yesterday, a day after the U.S.
Ambassador and the Deputy Secretary of State came out and admitted it was true.
That's Reuters.
Saki Gaslights claims Ukraine bio-labs a conspiracy theory, despite State Department confirming their existence.
She's the evil Chucky.
And it goes on from there.
Victoria Nuland, Ukraine was biological research facilities.
Worried Russians may seize them.
How could anyone look at Ukraine's refugees in the camps and laugh?
Well, that's who this lady is.
And they don't care if a bioweapon gets released, because they'll just blame The Russians, and here's an article, U.S.
funded bio labs in Ukraine, constructed, conducted research into bat coronavirus, Russian M.O.D.
They don't say, it's in the Obama funding documents.
It was on the news, and Lynn Greenwald, Or Glenn Greenwald has done a whole breakdown on this.
Greenwald slays fact-checkers as Newland's Ukraine biolab bombshell.
And this whole article lays out the proof of what I just said.
Here's one of the articles, Washington Post, August 30, 2005.
Listen to this and listen clearly.
to aid Ukraine in conducting and countering bioweapons.
to aid Ukraine in countering bioweapons.
How do they counter them?
By setting up stations supplying highly lethal pathogens.
And it goes on to say they were taking over the former Soviet bioweapons labs and that they were expanding them.
It says it right here, to counter the Russians.
Just like the Wuhan lab was to counter all of this.
The United States and Ukraine agreed yesterday, this is 2005, the United States and Ukraine agreed yesterday to work jointly to prevent the spread of biological weapons, signing a pact that clears the way for Ukraine's government to receive U.S.
aid to improve security at facilities where dangerous microbes are kept.
And all the Russians said is these things are there.
Nope, nope, nope, they're not there.
The agreement, the result of more than a year of negotiations, was announced by Senator Richard G. Lugar and Barack Obama during a visit to the Ukrainian capital.
The Senators credited Ukraine's revisionist, reformist leaders ushered into power last fall's Orange Revolution for breaking bureaucratic resistance to the pact.
One lab to receive funding is the, it goes over the whole name of it, Scientific Research Institute in the Black Sea port of Odessa.
The institute was part of a Cold War network of anti-plague stations, just like we call ours anti-plague, that supplied highly lethal pathogens to Soviet bioweapons programs.
And then it goes into the U.S.
expanding those labs under Obama, and then you're told they don't exist.
Shut up.
Nothing to see here.
Move along, ladies and gentlemen.
That is incredible.
Tomorrow's news today.
All right, I blew people away when last October I said the word is there's gonna be a major war with Russia and China because China was greenlit to go into Taiwan by late February.
I had that from a lot of corporate and military sources that they've been told that.
People that have been right 90 plus percent of the time.
Doesn't mean they're God, doesn't mean things don't change, but I came on air and told you that.
That was really from high-level media, high-level corporate, and high-level military that I reached out to the military after I was told it.
Well, Edward Dowd basically has the same job, but in Wall Street, to forecast and to be able to be a futurist, to see the trends and tie them together.
And he's worked at HSBC, Donaldson, Lufkin, and many other places like BlackRock.
He's worked all over Wall Street.
And the key is, is that He was able to predict what happened to Moderna and then Pfizer before it happened, and the news that is now unfolding.
So he joins us here with some amazing statistics and numbers dealing with CDC data broken down by age.
The CDC doesn't do this, but insurance experts did.
The story it tells is devastating.
We're about to lay it down.
And again, he can't comment on BlackRock due to all the stuff that's going on with that.
He never has commented on BlackRock, so we're not going to get into any of that with Edward Dowd.
Edward, thanks for joining us here today.
Quite a time to be alive in.
Give us the 10-foot view and the 35,000-foot view, please.
Yeah, no problem.
So, last time I was on your show, we talked about the insurance company results and that they were seeing excess deaths in the younger age group.
Well, it turns out, when you go into the CDC data, and they don't break it out by age, but my insurance industry expert who's been helping me, he's part of my team, and he has actuarial training, former Wall Street sell-side analyst, he went into the data, And we were looking for something else, but a disturbing story emerged.
He was able to break it down by age and create his own baseline death rates from the ages.
So all this excess mortality I'm about to show you comes from his work, and he wants other people to recreate his work via the CDC database.
It takes time and effort and some expertise, but it can be done, and we challenge other people to verify our results.
Here's the punchline.
The punchline is this.
If you go to chart four, we call this the money shot, chart four.
On chart four, basically you see that millennials experienced 84% excess death into the fall and winter of 2021.
So excess deaths accelerated when mandates and boosters hit.
And this age group is important because they're healthy and you can't say that they, you know, missed their cancer screenings.
This is ages 25 to 44.
So this is just devastating evidence that the vaccines are causing this age group to die at an accelerating rate.
The way I'd like to frame this is in the second half of 2021, I know I showed percentages in that chart, but the numbers, the actual bodies are 61,000 in the second half of 2021, millennial age group.
To kind of wrap your mind around that, that's the Vietnam War event that just occurred to the millennial generation in the second half.
58,000 died in the Vietnam War from a U.S.
Wow, let that sink in.
The same number died in Vietnam in 10 years, just died in one year.
Vietnam event for the millennial generation.
And also, you know, I also want to point out these are due to mandates.
You can see the acceleration starting in the summer when mandates started hitting in August and September.
And then Biden came out and really, you know, clamped down the vices on that.
And boosters were also authorized and started happening.
So let's call this what it is.
Let's introduce a term I've heard you use before.
This is death by government mandate or democide.
Death by government.
That's what's going on here.
And I don't even feel worthy to be covering this because we know insurance companies have said this.
It's been confirmed.
You hired a big statistician to dig into it.
It's here.
This is just breathtakingly painful to know these psychos actually did this.
Why in the hell would they do something like this?
Because it looks like it's premeditated.
All these other scientists that had been in the same field said it was going to do this.
They got warned.
They bought off the regulators.
Why would you commit such a giant crime?
Well, there's two ways to look at this.
Just good old-fashioned power and greed, or there was a plan hatched by some very evil people.
I'm going with power and greed for now, but as we roll through this very active fraud that's being exposed, there's more and more evidence coming to the front that this is part of a Some sort of bigger grand plan.
What we've seen in the U.S.
has occurred in other... I haven't looked at their data, but I'm guessing this has occurred in other global governments that have mandated the vaccines.
So this is a worldwide tragedy.
And it's a war.
And whether the government knew it was a war on people, they're currently warring on their own people.
And it's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life.
Well, Edward, you're doing groundbreaking work.
Please continue with the news and information.
So the other thing I want to point out, a couple of weeks ago, a German insurer, BKK, one of the board members came out and he said, and used their data, that the government was underreporting injuries, not deaths.
Forget deaths.
It was underreporting injuries by a factor of 10 to 1.
Then they took their data and said, well, if we just apply what we've seen in our own 11 million clients and apply that to the total population of Germany, they came up with a number of 2.5 to 3 million Germans who were injured by vaccines, enough so that they had to go seek medical treatment.
That's 3.6% of the German population, or 1 in 25.
So I would challenge any regulator at the FDA to tell me they've approved a drug with that kind of adverse event profile.
I would say they haven't.
And so we have a fraud that occurred on the front end, and now we're seeing the fruits of that fraud coming to fruition right now.
Well, I agree that a lot of the evidence points towards a premeditated plan, but Moderna panicking, dumping most of their stock, deleting their Twitter accounts, that also shows that they didn't know that it was all just greed and insanity, kind of like what we saw with BP and the whole Deepwater Horizon ordering them to do drilling that the engineers told them would blow up, and the CEOs and people just said, screw you, drill without the Absolutely.
being poured in. So there's also kind of a corporate mental illness here. That may
be it. I don't know what's scarier. Like they don't even know they did this or
they did it on purpose. That it's just no matter what these people are crazy.
Absolutely. You know what, when the investigations ensue we can we can
figure out if there was a plan before this. I'm starting to get there.
I'm increasingly becoming more convinced that this was a plan rather than just power and greed.
I need a little more evidence, but I'm leaning towards that at this point.
I'm data-based, data-driven, so it's starting to look super ridiculously ugly from that standpoint, Alex.
All right, brother, we're going to go to break, but how do people follow?
We're going to come right back with you, sir, but how do people find all your groundbreaking work?
Where's the best place to go?
Twitter just got off the seven-day suspension.
I'm going to be mostly posting on Getter.
My Getter is at Edward Dowd, D-O-W-D, and Twitter is at Dowd, Edward, D-O-W-D, Edward.
Your work is the most important out there.
Thank you so much for what you're doing.
We're coming right back to you, sir, on the other side.
These numbers are insurance company breakdowns, folks, and government breakdowns from CDC numbers.
Just a nightmare situation.
[Outro Music]
How are we supposed to get there with the way that we're living today?
You talk lots about God.
Freedom comes from the call, but that's not what this bitch wants.
Not what I want at all.
I want money, power, glory.
I want money, and--
Edward Dowd is a Wall Street analyst.
Worked for all the major big companies, many of them HSBC.
You name it, BlackRock.
And he's here as an independent citizen, going in and breaking down numbers
that we've seen from insurance companies, but drilling into the actual numbers
from the CDC.
And we see similar numbers out of Europe.
They can cover up old people dying and claim it's something else, but they admit that we are having a shorter lifespan, They admit that way more people died last year than died the year before before the vaccine.
And so here we are continuing with Edward Dowd with this huge news facing this.
Going through the whole story, what other facets should listeners know about?
Well, I just also want to I just want to reemphasize that this is the CDC's own data.
They don't make it easy for you to break this out.
And they provide charts that aggregated into all age groups that doesn't tell the story I'm telling here today.
And there's a reason they haven't broken out the data because it tells a devastating story.
I suspect they know.
In fact, they must know what's going on.
And isn't it interesting that Walensky, Michelle Walensky is refusing to answer Senator Ron Johnson's letters for information.
So these people are hiding now.
We're in the hiding stage.
Where's Fauci?
I don't see him anymore.
This is, this is getting to be ridiculous.
And, you know, let me, let me also go on to it.
We've been dropping these charts one a day since starting Monday.
We're dropping two more charts, one tomorrow, one Saturday.
And I'll kind of give you an idea about what one of the other charts says.
So in, since August, Uh, of last year into February of this year.
Remember, we had miracle vaccines and, uh, you know, everything was supposed to be getting better.
We shouldn't be seeing acceleration into the end of the year of death rates.
Um, the over 65 generation saw 306,000 excess deaths in the second half into February of this year.
That is, um, a World War II event.
291,000 people died in World War II from the U.S.
So, the baby boomer generation just had a World War II event.
And let's take the numbers a little further.
About a little over 1.1 million people have had, we've had 1.1 million excess deaths since the pandemic began, many of which occurred in the second half of this year, which is, again, that's all we need to know.
1.1 million excess deaths equates to 4,000 World Trade Center events.
So, the media wants to talk about Ukraine, and we just literally had a war here on our own soil.
We're at war with someone, and it's occurring.
And the numbers are there.
They're not debating.
It's even mainstream news that way more people died in 2021 than died in 2020.
I don't know how they're going to be able to cover this up.
And then you've got all the heart attacks and the microcarditis and the people getting
sick that took the shots.
I know a bunch of people because their jobs took the shots, and they are all...
All of them sick.
Military people, police, school teachers, professors, lawyers that are all telling me, yeah man, I got blood clots, I'm sick, what the hell happened?
I mean, it's so crazy to ask yourself, I know I keep going back to the motive, and you're just going off the numbers that we know what happened, but just the motive of this.
Why would you do something like this?
Well, this is speculation on my part, but Since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the system writ large, not any one individual, but the system viewed a human being as a center of profit.
If we think about the debt bubble that I've talked about, the sovereign debt bubble, and all the liabilities associated, both unfunded and funded, Medicare, pensions, what have you, what If the system writ large viewed killing a human being as more profitable than extracting profit.
I'll just say that and leave it at that.
What if that's what's going on?
Well, that's it.
With the social safety net people are invested in, it's easier just to kill them than to actually pay it out.
Yeah and you know the math used to work but maybe the math no longer works and I'm not saying it's a bunch of people in a smoking room but maybe there's just decisions being made one by one across the globe that we got a problem we can't pay this money and oh here comes COVID and oh well oh well some people are dying I guess that's Not great, but it's good for us long term.
And now we've got a new global social credit score and a new digital currency where we get rid of the old problem and have a new one.
They admit that.
I've got it all right here.
I know you tracked this, but it's the Davos Group.
They're all announcing it.
All the major central banks are announcing that soon they're going to control the money and program the money and will actually dictate how you can spend the money.
And, you know, I don't think I said this on the show last time with you, but I've said it in other interviews I've done.
You know, people ask, how did you come up with that series of tweets that predicted the future?
Well, I thought we had a sovereign debt bubble.
What would it look like if they used it as cover?
Well, you know, I have something that really got me to write that tweet series.
And on April 5th of 2020, there was an interview on Face the Nation with Federal Reserve President James Bullard.
And there was talk of, you know, the virus, this and that, and how are we going to come out of this?
How's the economy going to reopen?
People will be scared.
We can't restart the economy.
And he said on April 5th, 2020, that, well, it's great.
We have technology and we can come up with an immunity badge that people could wear.
And then I didn't see the rest of the segment, but they said, when we come back, we're going to roll into the surveillance technology that would enable that to happen.
So, the Federal Reserve Bank President of St.
Louis floated that idea in April of 2020.
Now, a bunch of us on Twitter were outraged about that, and they floated that out there.
If you notice, that disappeared from the national conversation in 2020, and if you said anything about vaccine passports, you were called a conspiracy theorist.
Well, lo and behold, we had a lot of vaccine passports in 2021, didn't we, Alex?
That's right.
And you know, I started saying this two years ago.
If they've launched something this big, they've got to have something that's so horrible later you forget about the last attack.
I think that's the war.
I think it's the gas prices, the energy crisis, but I think it's something more.
How do you think they're going to try to get out of what they've done?
Because as you said, you're dead right.
You said this, you were on a month ago.
You said, oh, they're hiding.
They're already hiding.
And I was kind of, well, now they are.
You're 100% right.
They're hiding.
But how do they try to extricate themselves out of this?
Well, you know, there are no such things as coincidences.
You know, the Ukraine war, which was set up, as you said, months ago, was launched on, I think, March 23rd of 2022.
And the timing on that couldn't be more beneficial to them because that's when the German insurance company came out and said what they said.
And then they, you know, a week later on the State of the Union address said COVID's over and everybody's lifting mandates and all this nonsense.
They literally don't want to talk about this anymore.
And, you know, I think there's enough of us awake who know how the games are run and how they try to distract with events.
This event isn't going to hide what's happened.
And there's plenty of people out there who are going to make sure we don't forget.
The public doesn't forget.
We have alternative news media now, which I would say to you, I'm a futurist, right?
You guys are already the mainstream media.
These guys are dead.
Twitter stock is in the tank.
Facebook stock is in the tank.
The mainstream media, they're dying.
So if you were a public company, Alex, and you were a growth stock, I don't your stock.
Hand over fist in my portfolio.
Because the future is bright.
Well, that's what some other big players are saying.
I hope it's true.
We're going to try to win together.
Edward Dowd, stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Give him that deadly shot.
Pressure him.
Push him.
Demand it now!
And then suddenly, about a month ago, they began to say, let's just shut this down.
And let's move on to war.
Edward Dowd was there weeks before it began predicting it was about to unfold.
Moderna, Pfizer, all of it.
And now they're hiding.
You don't see them on any channels.
They are so scared.
The awakening is massive.
But then you've got to be concerned.
If these people are willing to pull this off until they get away with it, they had a plan B to divert us.
So how would they poke and prod?
Who knows what they shipped into Ukraine to get Putin to invade?
I'm not lionizing Putin.
You're a smart guy, Edward.
What is your view on this war and the economy and the gas and the fuel and national polls, 60 plus percent blame Biden, not the Russians.
I mean, I've got Democratic Party articles right here.
at one of their big get-togethers, Dems in disarray at one of their conferences,
high-level calling their retreat "cursed."
Yeah, I mean, but I don't even want them to be cursed.
It's scary.
They're in charge, and you've got a bunch of insane, I mean, you've seen the Pelosi clips
where she can't even hardly talk.
This is frightening.
It's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in my life, and all my Democratic friends don't even talk
about these people anymore.
And they don't even, when those on the red team, I'm not on either team right now, I'm on Team Humanity, but when the red team starts giving them a hard time, they don't even want to talk about it.
So that's where we are with those clowns.
Let's go back.
To Biden's first day in office, because I don't have a memory like Goldfish, like so many in our country seem to have.
He shut down the Keystone Pipeline.
That was his first executive order.
Number one, I believe.
Number one.
So there was a plan to shut down this energy production in this country.
Okay, and the high oil prices we saw before this war were due to that, and also monetary inflation.
And also, you know, supply chain issues from these stupid mandates and, you know, obviously people dying around the globe and not enough people to, you know, to fill the spots.
So that's the one-two punch.
What do I think is going to happen going forward?
I predicted on Steve Bannon's show this morning that we're going to go into recession in the third quarter.
I had really smart friends on Wall Street predicting that in the fall.
We have a really big problem with the Federal Reserve.
I've seen studies that suggest that this rate hike cycle that they've been talking about, raising interest rates, it's over before it began mathematically because the market dictates really what the Fed does.
The Fed usually lags the markets and the market is suggesting That if they do raise one time, it'll be one and done and they're going to have to start stimulating again because we're rolling over.
The other thing that's interesting is this rise in commodity prices, mostly oil, has occurred without a subsequent rise in short-term interest rates.
It's the first one that's happened since 1983.
So that suggests to me this is a supply shock more than anything.
Even though there's monetary inflation going on, it's more of a supply shock.
And I think done on purpose.
All the actions of the Biden administration have exacerbated this and caused this.
So it lies squarely on their shoulders.
So where are we?
What's going to happen?
So I think We're going to see a deflation.
So the inflation the last 10 years has been in financial assets, okay?
Yes, there's been some inflation recently in goods and services, but mostly the inflation went into financial assets from all the funny money they printed.
What we're going to see is a deflation in financial assets and an inflation in things you need, like food, Medicare, what have you.
By the way, I totally agree with that.
That's bone chilling.
You're going to see a deflation in the garbage derivatives and crap, but inflation in real, real things.
This is going to be really rough.
It's a one-two punch.
I'm not a gloom and doomer.
I just think that people out there need to get mentally prepared for a tough sledding
ahead for the next couple of years.
They're cutting off the supply chains.
Now all of this cascading 25% of the world grain being cut off.
I mean, I think we'll be lucky if it's just a recession.
In fact, beyond a depression, what do we call this?
I mean, I don't know what we're going into here.
It's interesting you mentioned grain, wheat.
Wheat prices were already trending up and then once this war started, they went parabolic.
So, and we're already hearing, I'm hearing from a Wall Street guy and Dr. Malone who owns a farm that the wheat farmers and the hay planters are already saying they have to cut production because of fertilizer prices.
So, I suspect, and I've said on other podcasts, We're going to see global food riots in the fall.
Maybe this summer going into the fall.
It's going to be like the Arab Spring, but across the globe.
And you know the math on inflation.
Once food becomes 50% of your disposable income, riots usually ensue.
Food riots ensue.
They always ensue.
So, you know... And we've already, as you know, last week crossed the threshold of the last Arab Spring.
The level's now above that.
Well, you know, look, the spark is set.
The fuse is lit, I should say.
And look, my recommendation to Americans is don't freak out.
Don't live in fear.
Just tighten the belt.
learn how to fast.
Fasting is good for the soul and good for your body, and I do it all the time, despite having some money still
to buy things.
Oh, I need to.
You look great.
I look like Jabba the Hutt.
But I mean, seriously, people should get ready to not, don't jump out windows, don't panic.
This is gonna be the biggest time to wake people up, and look at it as a way to wake people up
I totally agree.
Folks, don't commit suicide.
Don't get depressed as your stupid bank account goes down.
Just get ready now, and you're going to be the leaders in the future.
Yeah, exactly.
If you have a lot of your identity in your bank account, in your job, and the stuff you have, you need to stop that right now, because that'll lead to depression, because it's going to, in my opinion, become less or worthless over time.
So what you need to do and what I've been doing and others have been doing is establishing human connection, relationships, a tribe, people you can rely on.
And it's been wonderful.
I've been meeting like-minded people.
And, you know, we're not scared.
We're not living in fear.
We're not excited about what's coming.
But we're not going to lose our minds.
It's like somebody starts a fight with you.
You're not glad some thug just mugged you and punched you in the head, but you're beating their ass and you're suddenly in the fight.
It's like, hey, I know how to do this.
We didn't start the fight, but we're going to finish it.
You know, Alex, it's funny you said that.
You know, I'm not excited to be in this fight, but this is what I've been doing for free for the world for the last two months.
This has been the best job I've ever had.
I wake up every morning excited to get at it.
Because I feel like I'm in the fight, and it's a great feeling.
Let me ask you this.
We have a little segment coming up, and I want you to join us again very soon.
You're dead over the target here, Edward.
What else do you want to telegraph to everybody out there to be ready for?
Okay, let me drop a little news.
The insurance Wall Street analyst that has been helping me is going to go public soon, but he's going to go public In his own way, to an audience that can make a difference, that has a financial interest in this fraud, that is on the wrong side of this fraud.
So look for that coming soon.
What he's gonna do will eventually go public.
He's not gonna put out a press release, but it'll go public.
And I also want people to understand that I was contacted by a very senior chief risk officer actuary at a major insurance company who wants to compare notes.
So, things are going on behind the scenes, and this thing that I'm doing, I'm about to lose control of it, and I'm gladly going to hand it off to my friend who's been doing all the work.
You know, if you're on Wall Street and you still think Pfizer and Moderna are good buys, I got news for you.
There's some catalysts coming that are probably not going to be good for holding those stocks.
Well, let's come back and talk about this, but let's start now.
Melinda French Gates coming out saying it's Bill's problem.
He's got to answer for Epstein.
Epstein's the most evil man on earth.
I mean, she is burning Bill.
That shows her.
She knows big stuff's coming out.
Oh, absolutely.
Alex, you and I, I told you on your last show, you're a stock picker.
You just didn't know it.
These are what we call tells.
These are things that happen before the news comes.
And one of the tells on Pfizer was the CFO of Pfizer, Lou D'Amalio, who helped run Lucid into the ground in that dot-com bubble.
He left in November because he knows what's coming.
He doesn't want to be there.
He retired.
He said, you know, I've seen this movie before.
It doesn't end well.
I don't think he was involved in the fraud, but he was the numbers guy.
There's no accounting fraud at Pfizer, but you probably heard what was going on, and he was horrified, and he exited stage left.
So Melinda Gates is a tell.
Something bad's coming.
Damn right, we'll come back in five more minutes with Edward Dowd, and you can also find all his great work at D-O-W-D-E-WARD, and that's on Twitter, so be sure and check that out.
A Vietnam-level event, 58,000 dead young Americans.
A World War II-level event, and our older people.
I don't just believe Edward Dowd, I've saw the numbers, but he's gone out with experts and crunched them.
It's not deniable, ladies and gentlemen, this happened and the psychos, the crazy people that
did this are still in control, though they're hiding, which is a good sign at some levels,
a bad sign at others. Edward, try to join us again, not just once a month, but next week if
you can, because there's a quickening happening. I watch you when you're on the war room and
Steve Bannon and those great guys doing a really good job breaking all this down.
But in closing in the five minutes we've got left, other things you want to get out to people and also what is the solution?
What else do you think people can do to try to put the fear of God in these globalists to stop?
Or do we just market-wise crash their companies and then they stop?
I mean, what do we do?
Well, it's a multi-vector attack.
We've got the good doctors who came out early with the evidence.
We've got lawyers now involved.
And then I'm trying to help on the Wall Street side.
But, you know, we need everybody.
And this has always been a battle for the marginal mind.
And the more we can wake up and convince that they were literally just poisoned.
The more of a chance we have for these guys to literally go down without a fight, because they need their useful idiots to believe their lies.
And if we get it, you know, the American Revolution really only started with 5% of the population that were active.
We can get to 10, 15, 20, 30%.
It's over.
We win.
You know, I'd also like to make a plea to the members of the cult in the mainstream media because it came out recently that they were getting paid off by the government to spread these lies.
That's not a fact.
My plea to some of these cult members, and it's a cult because there's retribution if you step out of line.
We see that with anybody that ever steps out of line.
My plea is this.
You just got poisoned.
The people that you supposedly work for poisoned you through mandates or whatever.
It's time for you to figure out where you stand on this side of the fight and do your part within these institutions to get the word out to the rest of the people.
That's my final message.
I mean, it's like Nazis in World War Two or the Soviets.
Going along with this is you're denying your humanity.
You're in a cult.
You're not allowed to be free.
You're persecuted if you tell the truth.
And we need people in the MSM to not just get caught on tape with Project Veritas.
We need them to break through and say it was wrong and come out against it.
We don't need the project.
I mean, Project Veritas does Yeoman's work.
I'm not going to take anything away from them.
We need someone to get on TV and say, Oh my God, what just happened?
We need confessions.
We need confessions.
And that's what's going to save these people.
No one's going to hate people that confess.
We're going to love them.
Don't they get it's all going to burn down?
It already is.
The only way to go is to repent.
I absolutely agree.
Anybody can be redeemed.
I mean, My journey to this point in time, I wasn't always doing the right thing.
But over time, I've learned that doing the right thing is rewarding from a mental health standpoint.
So people need to understand that doing the right thing, no one's ever going to be mad at you for doing the right thing.
And we have forgiveness in our hearts for anybody that was wrong and said awful things.
If you pull a 180 and you mean it, And you have impact, you will be forgiven.
You may not avoid consequences, but you will be forgiven.
That's what matters.
I mean, look at Bill Gates's ex-wife.
I mean, people are like, screw her.
She's a devil.
Hey, we don't know that and we can't attack her.
That'll keep others from turning against the system.
We want to welcome these people.
All right, powerful interview.
Edward Dowd, thank you so much.
People can find you all over the place, but on Getter, you're saying Edward Dowd is one of the best places to find you where you're not being censored.
Please join us again very, very soon, and thank you for all you do.
Thank you, Alex.
Again, thank you for your, you know, the slings and arrows you're taking for us through all these legal battles.
Really appreciate you and Owen and all the rest of your crew.
So thank you.
We appreciate you.
All right, folks, I'm going to come back, introduce our next guest who's running for Congress against running against Ilhan Omar.
So that's coming up on the other side.
What a crazy time to be alive.
And the documents are clear, folks.
It's now up to us to take action.
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It's a match made in heaven.
The answer to 1984 tyranny is 1776.
All right, we're about to hand the baton to our next special guest, Royce White.
And yeah, I like he was a former NBA player and a current MMA fighter, but I like him because he's smart and knows what's going on.
He's about to host The rest of this hour, but man, that Edward Dowd interview, with the documents, and I've had insurance companies look at it, and I've had statisticians too, and I mean, it's in the insurance numbers that they are killing millions of people.
Just in the U.S.
I mean, that's a fact.
It's hard to, like, cover this and move on to something else, but I mean, this is the globalists.
They have a fetish to kill people.
They just, they're sick.
Please keep us on air.
You gotta realize, millions of people, let's be conservative, 2 million people on radio stations, TV stations, and the internet, conservatively are tuned in today.
And a couple million more in the next 24 hours will see the banned podcast and watch this banned video.
That's 4 million people.
That's an army.
The U.S.
military is not 4 million people.
The Russian military is not a million people.
The Chinese military is about 10 million people.
The point is, we're not going to go blow stuff or kill people.
We've just got to tell people about the truth, and then tell them to tell them about the truth, and then we're going to win.
And people are ready for the truth right now.
You want to know why your gas prices are $6 in California, and $4.20 in Texas, and $5 in Minnesota, and $5 in New York, and $5 in Florida?
Because you're being screwed.
So I want to thank the listeners for their support.
I want to encourage everybody to keep us on air, because we're literally right on the edge of being on the red or the black right now, which is fine.
But do you want Alex Jones, yours truly, Pumpkinhead, spending five hours a day trying to raise the money?
So I need to stay on air, and I got products you need.
X3, still 50% off.
Winter Sun, still 50% off.
Rainforest Ultra, 40% off, and all this stuff is selling out.
Very, very soon, but I'm selling it to get it out there, and you need it, and it keeps us on air.
I mean, I love signing that check every month for $200,000 in bandwidth, knowing that hundreds of millions of people tuned in, but it's still hard to do it.
See, everybody else goes to Twitter or Facebook or YouTube and just, it's all paid for by big techs.
They control it.
We are paying for the bandwidth, and I'm not bitching, but our success is what's killing me.
So please support us financially and help get the word out to folks that aren't awake yet.
Infowarsstore.com or AAA253-3139.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, our next great guest takes over.
Royce White right now, running for Congress against Ilhan Omar.
He's got a lot to say.
Thank you, Royce White.
Take it away.
Thanks, man.
I appreciate it, Alex.
I'm always happy to be here.
Yeah, I think, you know, for me, The most troubling thing of our time is this globalist movement, this idea of globalism, and just how hard it is to get people to understand how serious they are about their plans for the future and their plans for people.
You know, I'm running for Congress right now, and it's one of the calling cards of my campaign is to talk about globalism, to talk about This idea of the Great Reset where you're going to own nothing and be happy.
And I have to stress to people that, you know, when they say you're going to own nothing and be happy, they're not saying we're going to make your life more fulfilling and meaningful.
They're saying we're going to make the material highs so good, you're not going to notice that we're stealing from you.
And when your government steals, when your government makes it lawful to steal, everybody's stealing.
That's the reality.
Everybody's stealing.
And, you know, Congress, for example, is supposed to be regulating the Fed.
They're supposed to be the ones in control of the Fed.
They're supposed to be giving the marching orders to the Fed.
But instead, we got Wall Street, you know, over top of the Fed and big corporations, big global transnational corporations controlling the Fed.
And really, we got those same organizations controlling our Congress, controlling individual politicians.
But ultimately, the Fed ends up controlling the Congress.
The Fed ends up controlling the Congress.
And this thing is all the way backwards.
You know, to me, I have trouble with watching my fellow American citizens be fooled and sort of hypnotized at this level.
And like I said, they're going to try and make the material high so good that you just won't notice.
You'll be distracted.
You won't be able to you won't be able to manifest a real resistance against these evil forces.
And they are evil.
And this is part of the this is part of the reason why I've continued to stress my faith in God.
And I think this country is in a crisis in a very Dire crisis.
And the only way for us to save this country is by restoring our faith in God and our national honor.
And we have to give people security and opportunity.
And I'm all for that.
I'm all for government doing what they can to create security and opportunity.
But we have to do it through American constitutional values.
We have to do it through truth.
We have to do it through freedom.
Freedom is the cornerstone.
That's become a sort of lost value for us.
Freedom, number one, but the truth.
And the truth is that the global affects the local, right?
The global affects the local.
And these Democrats, these liberals, but really the Uniparty.
The Uniparty has lied to us.
They've misled us.
They've misrepresented us.
They've sold us on this fantasy of globalism.
And ultimately, all they want to do is create the next iteration of slavery.
They want to go to slavery 2.0.
They want you to be so hooked on this, you know, on all of the material goods that you never stop to notice that they're taking away everything that's meaningful about your life.
They're creating drones.
And what's worse about it is The, you know, the droning of the American people or the droning of society is just a stop gap until they can get rid of us and just use robots.
And they're not really shy about that.
You know, and I'm running for Congress here as, as a Republican and the congressional district, Minnesota's fifth congressional district.
And I see some of these same issues on both sides of the aisle, right?
I think there's a huge, huge problem.
In my own party, with having a real declarative belief in God.
And I'm not saying that everybody needs to be Christian or Catholic.
I'm not saying everybody needs to believe in one God, although I do.
But what I will say is we were completely mistaken.
We were completely mistaken and arrogant and naive to think that we could take God from society and still maintain a moral and ethical structure, a sound moral and ethical base.
To our communities, in our individual relationships, and certainly in the relationship between government and the free people.
And make no mistake about it, I mean, we are under the thumb of a corporatocracy.
I said it before and I'll say it again, the five-headed hydra of the New World Order is very clear.
You got the three industrial complexes, media, medicine, military.
You got big tech, and you got the central banks.
And the New World Order scam is very, very clear.
We're going to scam you and you're going to be too distracted and too high to see it.
And this is troubling.
This is probably the most troubling thing for me and I think people like Alex.
You know, people like Dan and other individuals who the mainstream media has such a stronghold on our cultural narrative that they're able to pincer these individuals, individuals like us, with character attacks that are accepted by the masses.
And I grew up in a community that was full of cultural Democrats, people who believe that they should vote Democrat.
Solely on the basis that the Democratic Party is more amenable to civil rights and on the falsity that the Republican Party are just racist.
It's very hard, even for me today, to be running as a Republican and knowing that many of the people in my own family even, you know, look at my allegiance to a person like a Steve Bannon or the America First Movement or a truth teller like Alex Jones and see that as a betrayal.
Um, and it's very hard to get them to understand and commit and invest the time to look into these issues enough to be able to find that clarity and truth that many of us have already found.
I think that one of the biggest hurdles for us going forward is to really find the faith in God, to be able to take a ministry of truth into the belly of the beast, because this country, we will lose Slowly but surely.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
I'm happy to be back again this hour, this segment of InfoWars.
I'm your host for the hour.
You know, I laid out in the last segment my thoughts about globalism and just how dangerous it's become.
And I think what we're seeing right now going on in the world, obviously, with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we're seeing a information attack On common people all over the world who don't have a very good understanding of history.
Understanding of the First World War, the Second World War, you know, the Warsaw Pact, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Cold War.
All of these things have a time horizon beyond the little two to three, four second high that you get from your social media ad and the way that we've been conditioned to receive information.
And these are very, very complex geopolitical issues.
And what has become clear is that you can't even question America's involvement in these issues as an American citizen.
And that's why I say that the real battle here, the real battle ultimately is a spiritual one between good and evil.
But the highest level of the political battle is one between globalism and citizenship.
And our citizenship is devalued.
It really is devalued every time one of these geopolitical conflicts breaks out and our government and our corporations, which have merged to make a corporatocracy, Tell citizens that we can't have our own opinion.
And there's no bigger indicator of evil or corruption than contradiction.
And I think this Ukraine-Russia conflict has shown us another blatant contradiction on two fronts.
One is that If we're going to say that the threshold for our intervention, whether that be America or NATO, in geopolitical affairs with other countries that aren't involved in the NATO alliance officially, because Ukraine isn't, there has to be a violation of human rights.
I'm fine with that.
But we have to be consistent.
We have to be consistent in that call for moral and ethical goodness.
And obviously what China has done, for example, to the Uyghurs, is a prime example of how this liberal establishment, this neoliberal, globalist, elitist establishment, are very arbitrary and selective with their moral standards.
Because based on the Ukraine and Russia conflict, we should have invaded East Turkestan, Xinjiang, and China long ago.
And not only are we not on the brink of any type of military intervention or going into China in any serious way, not only are we not willing to prosecute China through economic sanctions or even a public decry of China's actions, We're not even willing to admit that these things in China are actually going on.
In fact, many liberals in this country and the liberal establishment have given China a pass on many fronts to do their ethnic cleansing.
And you can see this mirror itself in the climate.
Lobby in the climate narrative in the green initiative, which is going to become the left-wing dog whistle for authoritarianism.
I can promise you that and Alex Jones has stressed this for many many years and to his credit.
I think that he's right over the target.
We there is no moral goodness.
First and foremost.
I would like to say I do believe we should be concerned about the climate because I'm a Christian.
We should be concerned about the planet.
God tells us to be good stewards and to have dominion and look after all of the creatures in this world that we've been blessed with and given.
However, we should think about how our actions affect future generations around all of our decisions, not just the climate, not just the earth and its overall health.
And what you can see clearly is that The real Green New Deal initiative is not one to get rid of pollution.
It's one to transport and export all of our pollution to a country like China.
The same thing can be said of drilling and the oil or the fossil fuel situation.
If we're going to say that pollution is the climate and pollution are the highest priority on the list, then we can't do a deal with China.
And they think so little of the American people's and common people's intelligence that they can sell us on this BS idea that China is still a developing nation and we have to allow them developing.
And so we have to give them a pass for their pollution as long as they say that they're they're trying their best to create renewable energy strategies.
Meanwhile, it leaves America vulnerable economically in terms of national security and morally.
It leaves us vulnerable, because we are telling our people here in America that we should be anti-American or that we should be, you know, a globalist instead of nationalist, which they say is just racist.
Because, you know, we're ahead in our development and we should lead the way.
Well, let's lead the way all the way around the board.
Let's lead the way in every aspect.
And I believe wholeheartedly that What Russia is doing is tragic.
It's tragic.
What's happening between Russia and the Ukraine is a tragedy.
And I think wars happen between kings, not common people.
And a lot of common people suffer when kings decide to go to war.
Now, I will say also, to accompany that statement, that some wars are justifiable.
And I think This globalist agenda pushes us right to the edge of being able to discern whether or not this war is justifiable.
And I think NATO has gone back on their word a number of times when it comes to Vladimir Putin and their agreement for them not to put weapons near his border or neighboring countries.
And whether or not Vladimir Putin is Whether or not Vladimir Putin is in on it, whether or not he's just a little bit hot-tempered and irresponsible, completely psychopathic, none of that can be easily discerned when we have gone back on our word.
And that's the danger of colliding forces.
Around the world in times like these and in the fog of war.
It's very hard to discern but I do know I do I can tell that common people are suffering and It seems that our elites are invested in their own game of geopolitics more so than they are How it affects?
The people on the ground and and the same thing can be said here in America when it comes to our economy You know, we should we are an energy rich nation We can be self-sufficient when it comes to energy.
But instead, we've created a narrative to make a moral claim around progressive, inclusive, humanitarian politics that we've put the bill on the American working class.
And what's maybe scariest of all is that we as a people have become so Disconnected and dissatisfied and unfulfilled with genuine education, learning and knowledge that many of us have bought into this idea.
And that's the real, that's the real issue that we have to address going forward.
I think 2022 as an election and 2024 are not a referendum on Joe Biden.
It's not a referendum on the Democrats.
It's not even a referendum on the globalists.
Thank you guys again for having me back as a host for this hour.
I appreciate the time.
I want to recast this idea that I was laying out before we went to break here.
I think 2022 and 2024 are not necessarily a referendum on Joe Biden.
It's not a referendum on the Democrats, the globalists, or our elites.
This is a referendum on the American people.
We have to decide what kind of country we want to have going forward, what our values must be, what things we hold dear, what things we actually believe this country can and should stand for.
And right now, we've become victim to a runaway consumerism, right?
We've become victim to a culture that is conditioned in sin.
And we have to find, we have to find faith, we have to find courage to turn back from that because it's appealing, it's seductive.
And that's how, that's part of the validation, I believe, of the Bible and of Judeo-Christian history or stories, is that it very, very accurately points out how seductive and capturing, captivating sin can be.
And we've all become so entrenched in it, by and large, that it's very hard to even discern the truth anymore for many people.
We don't have any faith.
We don't have any faith in our discernment.
We don't have any faith in our gut instincts, in our intuition, in our consciousness.
We're being told what to do.
We're being told what to do.
We're given marching orders and we take to it out of fear and out of the fear of the unknown, but also out of the fear of being disliked or isolated and rejected from the other members of society who are in on the same seduction, who are captured by the same institutions, the same overlords.
And people have to be very, very courageous going into the next chapter of our society, or make no mistake about it, The vaccine mandates, the social credit scores, the carbon tax, that's just going to be the beginning.
And I think ultimately, you know, China is the herald of this new world order.
People really don't understand that the relationship between the West and China isn't just an economic quid pro quo.
They covet Xi Jinping's authoritarianism.
They covet his dictatorship.
They want the West to move further in that direction.
It's not by accident that Wall Street, you know, your Black Rocks and Vanguards and all of these other big finance institutions, Have sold us down the river to China and moved our national identity, our national honor, and our labor, and our manufacturing, and our ingenuity to a country that's authoritarian.
This is by design.
And if it isn't by design, if individual people are not in on this conspiracy, which it is, then we have to look to the metaphysical.
Because there's too much evidence, too much momentum, In one direction, away from what we say we value as America to ignore.
Now, the main problem is that many people don't even have a very sound belief in what America is.
And that starts on the education at the educational level.
And I think that is completely absurd and disgusting that we have a mainstream establishment that has fought against the Exhibiting of national honor in our public schools, but promote a guy like Pete Buttigieg's husband, you know, leading a pledge to the pride flag for a bunch of students.
These are dangerous times.
These are very, very dangerous times.
And part of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, you know, God didn't bring the wrath down on Sodom and Gomorrah because they were sinners, because we're all sinners.
And any Christian who understands the Christian faith knows that we're all sinners, capable of redemption if we believe in God through faith and through real atonement and repentance.
The reason why Sodom and Gomorrah were burned to the ground, or raised to the ground, was because they had made sin lawful.
They had integrated sin into the law.
And when we play games with our national identity, with this beautiful country and nation that is the United States of America, and all of its incredible history and its incredible impact on the global society, Which is profound and really great, a miracle to be quite honest.
And we allow cultural hijackers to say, America's inherently racist, America's inherently evil, and we're going to substitute our national honor and the Pledge of Allegiance to our national honor for a Pledge of Allegiance to the pride flag.
This is as dangerous a cultural idea as you could possibly imagine.
Because when we said separation of church and state, for example, I think there was great utility to that.
Because I don't believe that faith in God means faith in the church, although I am a Catholic.
But I do understand that members and individuals within the church have the potential and often do end up corrupt and succumbing to sin and corruption, just as they explained in the Bible of the Pharisees in the times of Jesus and in many other times throughout history.
But I will say that it doesn't seem by accident that we bought into the separation of church and state.
Only to turn around shortly thereafter and sort of institute a church of atheism or a church of LGBTQ.
And make no mistake about it, if we can't teach religion in schools, if we can't teach about faith in schools with confidence, then we shouldn't be able to teach an ideology of LGBTQ beliefs.
Or Marxist beliefs, or communist beliefs.
All of these ideas, and any idea, any ideology, has the potential to become religious, depending on how it's taught and how people are taught to engage with it.
And make no mistake about it, the LGBTQ community does have a right To have sex with who they want.
They have a right to love who they want.
They have a right to, you know, engage with other individuals the way they want.
That's America.
They don't need any more special classification from this government in order to do so.
And we can't in any way explain with good decency and reason how denouncing America or replacing our national honor With an LGBTQ ideology is anything but heresy.
And it is a heresy.
But it's not just the LGBTQ's fault.
And it's not just the Democrats fault.
There is a widespread lack of faith in God.
There's a widespread rise of atheism.
And it goes, it goes further.
I don't think that we're just Lacking faith?
I don't think that we're just atheists and don't believe in God.
We've become anti-God.
There's a seductiveness, there's a utility in our day in being anti-God.
There are many treasures to obtain in being anti-God.
To being anti-Christ.
And you can see it right out in the open and people will admit it.
And people will try and berate you for your belief in God.
In our time.
I'm going through it now from both sides of the aisle in some respects, but I do think that our Republican party is the party of God.
I think the Republican Party has to stand up and take the reins and proclaim their faith
in God, proclaim that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, and that there's
real utility to Judeo-Christian values and morals and ethics that supersede even the
Constitution, that are baked into the Constitution.
Now, that doesn't mean we need a theocracy here in America, but we certainly can't be
100 percent rejecting of the idea.
Again, I'm very thankful to be here on InfoWars as a guest host in this hour.
I appreciate the time so much and my good friend Alex Jones for allowing me this time to talk to his audience.
Look, I laid out the spiritual.
I laid out the spiritual war, right?
And ultimately that's where we have to find our faith and our strength.
I laid out the geopolitical war.
Between globalism and citizens, free people all around the world.
But now let's talk about how the global affects the local.
We have to talk about America and being America first, because I do believe that America and American citizenship is the first line of defense against tyranny.
This is why I'm running for Congress.
Congress is in charge of regulating the Fed.
Congress has to get a hold.
By some miracle of us electing America first candidates into our Congress, Congress has to get a hold of the Fed because these people won't stop themselves.
These globalist, elitist, anti-American sellouts will not stop until the $20 bill in everybody's pocket is worth a penny.
And listen, they don't just want the middle class.
They want the middle market as well.
They won't stop until the middle class is destroyed, the middle market is destroyed, and all that's left are big box corporations.
We have to get a hold of the Fed.
We have to have a Congress that has the courage to get a hold of the Fed and balance this budget.
The Fed and these corporate elites are stealing from us.
They're stealing from our future generations.
They're stealing from our grandkids' grandkids.
Okay, when you when you spend when you deficit spend, that's stealing.
And like I said earlier, when your government steals, everybody steals.
We have to get a hold of this right now.
We this this can't wait.
And if we do, if we're able to get a hold of this, of the of the Fed and balance our budget, By bringing American manufacturing back home, by bringing our essential antibiotics back home, by tapping into the energy, the rich energy that we have within our own borders, by getting control on the free movement of illegal immigration at our borders, we can actually increase the value of our citizenship again.
We can actually have an ROI citizenship, a return on investment citizenship.
Right now, the way we're going, our citizens are going to be in the hole for this generation and many future generations to come.
And serfdom is their ultimate plan.
Serfdom is their ultimate idea.
The you're going to own nothing and be happy mantra.
On top of saying, we're going to make the material high so good that you don't know we're stealing.
Ultimately, they just want to take the welfare system and blow it up into this Dystopian, high-tech subscription model for everyone.
And we have to, in order to address this, in order to have the motivation and the discernment and the courage to address this issue, we have to understand that the great trick that's been played on us is that there's a way to cheat and win in life.
You can't cheat your way to win it.
You can't cheat your way to meaning.
You can't cheat your way to fulfillment.
There's something meaningful about a hard day's work.
And we've been lost in capitalism.
We've lost ourselves in capitalism, which has really become crony capitalism, where we think that it's actually par for the course for us to cheat in order to win.
Now, I'm not saying that we should be in favor of communism.
That's the wrong approach.
That's the wrong adjustment.
Communism should be a non-starter.
No communism should ever make its way to be the header of this great nation, full stop.
But we have to constantly adjust the capitalism that we've built alongside of morals and ethics.
And when we don't, we condition ourselves to be the slaves and the drones for a very corrupt player.
And I know the audience that I'm talking to now is like preaching to the choir, but I'm sure because I'm running for Congress and many people will say that that I am, you know, aligning myself with conspiracy theorists like an Alex Jones.
Alex Jones, as many of you know, has been right many more times than he's been wrong.
And we are all wrong at some point.
I've been wrong.
Any person who's ever lived on this planet has been wrong.
But the question is, who benefits?
And when they say to follow the money, you know, there's some real truth to that.
But there's more benefits than money.
Who benefits from the American public being believing that there are groups of people, very powerful,
intergenerational, evil people, who don't have to worry about money,
that are able to collaborate and undermine the civility, the integrity, and the faith of this great nation
and its people.
Who benefits from that?
The answer is very clear.
If you follow the money, if you follow the trail of blood, the trail of contradiction, the trail of lies,
it becomes very clear who benefits.
My opponent, who I'll be running against here in CD5, in the congressional race, Ilhan Omar, she benefits.
She benefits from being married and divorcing her husband and then marrying a new man who's in on the political apparatus and gets paid from her congressional funds.
And that's legal, right?
There's legality to it.
But who benefits?
Who benefits when Ilhan Omar says we have to be conscious of the human rights violations of China, but then when the bill passes that President Trump wanted to bring more sanctions down upon China, she says we have to go softer on China.
We can't risk starting a Cold War.
Well, there are some wars that are justified.
There are some wars that are righteous and divine, and America has fought them in the past, and America will have to fight them again.
We have to understand that in order for America to remain America, in order for us to keep what's good and what's vital for America, for Americans, there are forces outside of America and within that look to take that from us.
And we have to prepare ourselves for the very real possibility that a war may need to be fought in order to save this country.
That's not far-fetched.
It's not far-fetched at all.
That's not an extreme or radical idea.
We fight plenty of wars to try and confiscate natural resources and other kinds of things from places all around the world.
So we seem to have a very blatant contradiction there again in our culture where we say war is only okay when the kings and the elites of our country decide that there's something valuable they can obtain through it.
Do the people often get to decide whether or not we go to war?
Do the people have much say in the bombs that we drop every day around the world?
No, our military action has very seldomly been in the interest of the American people.
Sure, they fly the banner of national security, democracy, freedom, and other catchwords and buzzwords, talking points.
But the reality is that the American people have become disconnected from power.
That our citizenship has become disconnected from power.
We are not, we are not we the people right now in this country.
And this goes out to, this is a message to everyone beyond the Alex Jones audience and InfoWars audience, who I know will also be listening.
Where is your self-respect?
Where is your pride?
And I don't mean pride like the seven, you know, the one of the seven deadly sins pride.
I mean, pride based on faith, pride based on, on understanding and goodness and moral clarity.
Where is our pride as a nation?
Our individual citizens know that we are being scammed.
The question is who's ignorant to it and who's in on it.
And when I say in on it, I mean, there are those who are scamming us, who conspire to scam us.
And there are those of us who like the high so much that we can't find the energy or the courage to stand up to this.
That's why people are voting Democrat.
That's why people are voting for a party that continuously govern in opposition of their interests.
That's why people are buying and voting against their own self interests.
Because they like the high that's provided to them.
By this establishment, by the status quo, by the centrists.
We have to pull back from this.
And under no circumstances can we make a claim about human welfare, humanitarianism, or just being human.
If we can't find the courage to reject evil, to reject sin, to reject the indulgence and all of these hyper-material things in the interest of a greater good, of a higher calling.
And I know all of my socialist, democratic, communist, Marxist counterparts will sell people on the idea that inclusivity and intersectionality is all about trying to create a better standard of living for everyone in this country.
But it's not true.
And look at the proof.
Even if we go to universal income, the universal income isn't going to give you any ownership.
It's not going to give you a stake in a stakeholder society.
They're going to give you just enough to continue to get high.
Brain force in the liquid form is even superior than the old brain force capsules.
This is a great product.
I used it when I worked as a correspondent in InfoWars.
That's kind of when I discovered it.
I've never been without it.
And the reason I like it is it is, it doesn't give you that jumpy, ramped up feeling
that Ephedrine does and all the products that include some form of Ephedrine.
You can take this stuff, you can get a burst of energy to write a column or to create a video
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Your brain doesn't bounce around like a baby in a boxcar.
So I highly recommend BrainForce.
I really like the new liquid formula.
I find it superior because the absorption is immediate and it works.
It's a subtle lift.
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Now suddenly you've got not only the creative energy, but the physical energy.
So I can't say enough about this product.
And Alex, I'm not compensated to say any of this.
So no, we don't have some secret deal where Stone will plug our products.
No, I'm saying this because it's true and for no other reason.
And also... I got to interrupt you.
I have plenty of time next hour, but it's funny you raise this.
Last time you just brought up off air how much you liked one of the products and the iodine.
And then I said, well, you ought to say that on air.
So we came back, you said it.
They made a huge, like it was a scandal.
He promoted the iodine product.
They tried to say that I'm somehow selling quackery.
Iodine is indisputably extremely value in terms of boosting natural immunity.
There's no dispute about that.
All I was pointing out was that the iodine product sold at InfoWars is of the highest quality.
I mean, I bought iodine down at, you know, the vitamin shop, and I've ordered it on Amazon, as much as I hate giving Jeff Bezos a penny, but it's not of the quality that you can get at InfoWars.
That's all I was saying.
They make it sound like this is some kind of hucksterism, or that I'm somehow compensated to push these products.
I said it because I'd just gotten over the Chinese virus, and I was at the point where all I had left was this nagging cough.
Thanks to ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, I had a quick recovery.
That'll ensure that we're banned everywhere, just that I mention those.
And I talked about the quality of the product.
It's a joke.
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