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Name: 20220308_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 8, 2022
2515 lines.

In this podcast, Alex Jones discusses a range of topics including censorship, globalist agendas, health supplements, political issues, and the role of media. He promotes various products while addressing concerns about vaccine safety and free speech. The episode also touches upon potential conflicts with Russia or China, rising gas prices, and the importance of supporting alternative news sources to counter mainstream media propaganda.

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Emergency broadcast Putin says Biden's banning of Russian oil imports is a declaration of war Close quote Pentagon war game estimates 1 billion to die in NATO Russia war close quote The European Union the World Economic Forum and the UN all have officially announced that they will use the Russia conflict As a smoke screen to implement the Great Reset and the end of the use of fossil fuels, close quote.
So there you go.
They're all starting a war.
They all know exactly what they've done.
Putin's walked in to the trap.
And now we're all going to pay with a giant depression.
And they're going to use that as their Great Reset.
So get ready, ladies and gentlemen.
They think you're stupid, and they think you don't know.
It's them doing it to us.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Where has Dr. Fauci gone?
All of a sudden, the fame-addicted vaccine dictator has disappeared.
The Pfizer is an emergency use authorization and the J&J is an emergency use authorization.
All of a sudden the fame addicted vaccine dictator has disappeared.
Could it have something to do with the 55,000 page set of documents recently released by
the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research revealing to the public the data
Pfizer submitted to the FDA from its clinical trials in support of a COVID-19 vaccine license?
A big blow to the The New World Order plandemic after U.S.
District Judge Mark T. Pittman's denied the request from the FDA to suppress the data for the next 75 years, which the agency claimed was necessary in part because of its limited resources.
I have frequently said, you know, we're going to lead with the science.
Science is going to be the foundation of everything we do.
That is entirely true.
I think public heard that as science is foolproof.
Science is black and white.
Science is immediate and we get the answer and then we, you know, make the decision based on the answer.
And the truth is, science is great.
And science is not always immediate and sometimes it takes months and years to actually find out the answer.
But you have to make, you know, decisions in a pandemic before you have that answer.
A 38-page report included in the documents features an appendix titled, List of Adverse Events of Special Interest.
Listing 1,291 different adverse events following vaccination.
The list includes acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, cardiogenic shock,
death neonatal, deep vein thrombosis, encephalitis brainstem, front lobe epilepsy,
pneumonia, stillbirth, tachycardia, temporal lobe epilepsy, and vertebral artery thrombosis
among the 1,291 medical conditions following vaccination.
It seems to indicate a break in the veil that may allow legal action basically due to fraud
and concealment of these risks from the general public.
This is why you have not been able to have full informed consent
is they've hidden all this information from you and they've used all of the propaganda and censorship tools
which you're about to cover in paid media to keep all this information from you and spin it
so that you think that the left is the right and the up and the down is the up
and the moon is made of green cheese.
I'm an epidemiologist and people have asked me, Dr. McCullough, are the vaccines actually causing the
The epidemiological construct that we have to go through is called the Bradford Hill tenets of causality.
So the first question is, is it a large signal?
Is it a large epidemiologic signal?
And I tell you, it's astronomical.
All the vaccines combined in the United States per year, it's no more than 150 deaths, not temporarily related.
Here we are over 21,000 deaths.
So clearly it's a massive signal, number one.
Number two, is there a dangerous mechanism of action?
The answer is yes.
Frankly, we know the vaccines have a dangerous mechanism of action.
They install production of the spike protein.
The spike protein is what makes the respiratory infection lethal.
And it follows that in some people, excessive production of the spike protein in a vulnerable person would be lethal after a vaccine.
The third criteria is, is it Internally consistent.
Are there other conditions that are now acknowledged that they themselves could be fatal?
And the answer is sure.
With myocarditis, our FDA agrees, all the regulatory experts agree, that the vaccines cause myocarditis.
Can it be fatal?
Have there been fatal cases published?
There's over a thousand peer-reviewed papers published on fatal and non-fatal outcomes, so that criteria is met.
It is beyond any shadow of a doubt that the vaccines are causing large numbers of deaths.
It's unequivocal.
It is unassailable.
Those conclusions, and I'm a card-carrying epidemiologist, I'm telling you, the vaccines are causing large numbers of deaths.
Maybe Dr. Fauci can crawl out of his hole and explain what he knew about the massive list of injuries that he had hoped would only be released long after he was gone.
John Bowne reporting.
Well you can mark your calendar ladies and gentlemen.
Tuesday, March 8th, 2022, is the day the United States officially went to war with Russia.
Welcome here to the Alex Jones Show.
Last night, Tucker Carlson accurately pointed out that this proxy war that NATO started
with Russia was now bleeding into a full-scale war.
And when you block energy exports and you block imports into a country, that is the
oldest form of war.
It's called siege.
Putin has said just three days ago, on the 5th, that it would, quote, "be a declaration
of war if sanctions were put on Russia, like banning the importation of gas and oil into
Europe or the United States."
That's the Washington Post.
I don't just believe them.
I went and watched this press conference.
Here's Sky News, NPR, all reporting the same thing.
Putin calls sanctions a declaration of war.
And now, Biden, just minutes ago, officially announced a total ban on all Russian energy And a bigger issue is that Europe imports about half its energy from Russia.
They're announcing they're about to totally cut energy.
Do you have any idea what this means?
Total, absolute depression.
And they're in the news.
The head of the EU, the head of the World Economic Forum, the head of The UN, they're all saying they need tens of trillions in an emergency global bond to pay for everyone to transition to electric cars.
Even if they had electric cars, that wouldn't work.
Because they've cut off the coal to burn to make the electricity.
And now you know why Biden shut down more than 2,000 pipelines and pipeline spurs, including the Keystone Pipeline, as it was completed last year.
I have a stack of news and video clips with world leaders saying, this is an opportunity, this is a transition to the Great Reset and build back better.
But to build a new building, you got to blow up the old one.
But of course, they're not sinking our ship here and then giving us another boat to get on.
They're sinking us all into worldwide collapse with a few companies able to keep operating to vertically Integrate the world.
They knew, and I'm going to play a clip first of Biden and then of Lindsey Graham, Adam Schiff, and then Soros, all bragging over the years how they were going to start a war and we're starting a war with Russia, and they knew.
Putin gave them a month to announce.
That they would not take in Ukraine and they were putting out the chatter that Ukraine was about to be brought into NATO and that nuclear weapons were about to be stationed in Ukraine to manipulate Putin into invading.
And I said Putin was manipulated into this.
It's not a good idea.
But you know his brother was killed being shelled by the Nazis in World War II.
And of course he was born right after World War II.
And he is very very upset about Army's on their borders, Russia is always getting invaded throughout history, and then winning when the chips are down.
And that's where we are again, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, Biden got one thing right.
Usually when he screws up, his foot-in-the-mouth events are wrong.
But this one was so wrong, it was right.
He said Putin invaded Russia, and no one's invaded Russia since World War II.
Well, it's true nobody's invaded Russia since World War II.
And it's also true that Putin invaded Russia.
Because Ukraine is where Russia was born.
Why do you think they call it Belarus?
That just means white Russian.
Because as you go east, people get darker.
They call them.
Those are the white Russians over there.
What do you think Ukraine is?
It's the white Russians as well.
In fact, it's had names in its past like that.
The word Slav comes from the founder of Ukraine in nine hundred and something.
Look it up.
His name was Slav.
Look it up.
I have trouble pronouncing it.
So, that's where we are.
And now Russia's committed, ready for nuclear war.
Let me give you the big news here.
There was a Pentagon drill, war game, official war game in 2019 called the NATO-Russia-Ukraine War.
I'm going to show it to you here in a moment.
And they estimated, the Pentagon did in this big supercomputer drill, that it would lead to nuclear war and at least 1 billion dead.
And now major think tanks say 10% chance nuclear war within a month.
So that's on the low side of a billion dead.
So what did I say would come out of the Great Reset and come out of phase one, the virus, the tracker apps, the controls?
Then there would be a war, a cyber attack, conflict with Russia, and then China will move into Taiwan.
And that's what's going on.
War will cause hell on earth for global food prices.
But really, it's not even the war that's doing that right now.
It was already done with the supply chains, but now they're blaming Putin.
And he walked right into the trap of the Great Reset.
And I said that when it started a few weeks ago, when it started 14 days ago, and I say it again now.
But now if Russia pulls out, they'll pour even more weapons into Ukraine and accelerate that war with Russia.
And that'll go right back to where we are.
And they've got the former head of NATO.
They've got a bunch of former British and U.S.
generals all over the news.
I got a stack of them right here saying, time to go ahead and just have war with Russia.
Time to go ahead and just send in the U.S.
Time to take the A-10s out of mothballs and just kill all the Russians.
Well, the Russians will then use tactical nuclear weapons on Poland or anywhere else those aircraft are stationed.
Let's go ahead and roll a clip here of Biden just about 30 minutes ago.
while we die on the surface. This is their great reset.
They said 90% depopulation by 2030.
They're not playing games. That's official world economic forum policy and they're the mouthpiece of the globalist.
So don't you see they mean business?
Let's go ahead and roll a clip here. Biden just about 30 minutes ago.
Hey, I'm announcing the United States is targeting the main artery of Russia's economy.
We're banning all imports of Russian oil and gas and energy.
That means Russian oil will no longer be acceptable at U.S.
ports and the American people will deal another powerful blow to Putin's war machine.
This is a move that has strong bipartisan support in Congress and I believe in the country.
Americans have rallied to support their Ukrainian people and made it clear we will not be part of subsidizing Putin's war.
We made this decision in close consultation with our allies and our partners around the world, particularly in Europe, because a united response to Putin's aggression has been my overriding focus to keep all NATO and all the EU and our allies totally united.
All right, when we come back, I have a clip of him in 97 saying any move into Ukraine would be an act of war and Russia would respond with an act of war.
He believes World War III could start there.
They know what they're doing.
They started this.
The head of the CFR wants a war.
This is psychotic.
Here they are bragging about the war they've helped start in Ukraine.
Fight is our fight.
2017 will be the year of offense.
All of us will go back to Washington and we will push the case against Russia.
Enough of our Russian aggression.
It is time for them to pay a heavier price.
Enough of a Russian aggression.
It is time for them to pay a heavier price.
The United States aids Ukraine and her people so that we can fight Russia over there and
we don't have to fight Russia here.
When the Soviet Union, the Soviet Empire collapsed, and as the empire collapsed, I moved in and picked up the pieces.
First in Hungary in 1984.
and then Poland in '87, China in '87 as well.
And so this is how the, this, what I'm, the Soros Empire, replacing the Soviet Empire.
And how do you think you're doing in your imperial ambitions?
So there you go.
They're all starting a war.
They all know exactly what they've done.
Putin's walked in to the trap.
And now we're all going to pay with a giant depression.
And they're going to use that as their Great Reset.
So get ready, ladies and gentlemen.
They think you're stupid, and they think you don't know.
It's them doing it to us.
Well, welcome to a front row seat to Armageddon.
Nuclear war is on the table.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
You know, we would have Lee Stranahan on and a lot of other expert guests over the years
about Ukraine and how the West was using it as a money laundering operation and how they
were building up stay-behind networks and paramilitary troops trained by Army Special
Operations and others to lure the Russians into a trap.
I mean, I know a lot of people who've been over there for more than a decade before the West even overthrew the Russian-backed elected leader, who've been over there preparing this.
People ask, well, why'd they let the Russians in?
Why didn't they stop them out at the border?
Where were the tank traps?
Where were the mines?
Well, they were luring them in to attack them with thousands of anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft missiles.
And then more hardware is being poured in out of the West, out of Poland.
And Poland understands that Russia could target them over this.
They're like, oh no, no, we're not going to give fighter jets to Ukraine and then, quote, have the Secretary of State backfill it.
And so, OK, you give them your billions in jets, and then we'll just give you jets to replace those.
It's the same thing.
Oh, we're not going to give Ukraine jets to fight Russia.
Poland is, and then we'll replace their old jets with new jets.
And Lavrov and Putin came out yesterday and said, that's an act of war.
They said it two days ago.
And they bombed all the Ukrainian airfields.
They didn't want to destroy those before.
They do just want to kick NATO out of there.
And I'm not defending the Russian position, but I understand it.
And it was well known in all the big think tanks that doing this would make Russia go in.
And Putin kept warning and kept warning.
And he said two weeks ago on the eve of this, Just say that you're not going to bring Ukraine into NATO and I will not invade.
And stop shelling the east and stop trying to infiltrate and sabotage in the south area there at the port they've got that Russia annexed in eight years ago because the West and Soros bragged that they overthrew Ukraine.
Why does Richard Enhance of the CFR brag that they overthrew Ukraine?
Why does all these different globalists say this and talk about it?
Why does Zbigniew Brzezinski before he died brag?
Why does Soros brag?
Because they want to piss the Russians off To invade.
And they got him to do it.
So people were all in two camps two weeks ago.
Either, Alex, you should be pro-Putin, he's fighting the globalists, he's tired of being pushed around, and Russia's Christian now, and you should be for Putin.
Or, he's the worst guy on Earth, we should start bombing Russian troops and have World War III.
Not for that either.
Because I see 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20 moves out, and it's not hard to see this.
I told you a month ago, the war started.
They would cut off the energy worldwide, use that as a pretext to cover up for the supply chain breakdowns.
But it already happened.
And folks, this is so simple.
And now they're saying, oh, the energy prices are high.
Oh, the food isn't getting delivered.
Oh, the third world's starving to death.
Not because of two years of lockdowns in the third world, where the IMF and World Bank ordered it.
No, because of Putin.
And then Biden doesn't let the U.S.
drill in the Gulf.
He kills all the new oil leases on public lands, many on private lands.
He kills the Keystone Pipeline.
They kill it all.
And now they stop all Russian energy imports into the United States.
There's a lot of mines that they don't even allow in the U.S.
under the FDA, under the EPA, excuse me.
A lot of the rare earth minerals we get are from Russia.
None of that is allowed now in.
And that's going to hurt America further, but don't worry, Russia's now going to sell everything to who?
To who?
And they're going on the Chinese digital currency now, and they're going to sell all their oil to China now, and China will have energy, and China will have rare earth minerals, but we'll have nothing!
You'll own nothing, you'll have nothing, and you'll like it.
That's why Buddha Judge and the head of the Energy Department and all of them said, oh, it's a transition!
All being done by design, squeezing the little guy, just like the lockdowns.
Oh, your small company's not essential.
Oh, your business is not essential.
But the big companies, they are essential.
Here's Biden, who really, going back to being a senator, was the globalist in charge of Ukraine.
It's kind of like his little duchy, his little fiefdom, his little area that he runs for the bosses.
And here he is saying that, oh, If we bring Ukraine in, that's the red line for Russia.
Here it is.
I think the one place where the greatest consternation will be caused in the short term for admission, having nothing to do with the merit and preparedness of the country to come in, would be to admit the Baltic states now in terms of NATO-Russian, U.S.-Russian relations.
And if there was ever anything that was going to tip the balance, were it to be tipped in terms of a vigorous and hostile reaction, I don't mean military, in Russia, it would be that.
So the way I look at the calculus here...
All right, so there you go, ladies and gentlemen, and what was happening around that time?
They were bombing Belgrade and bombing Serbia, and they gave one-third of Serbia to the Muslims, the Albanians, to ethnically cleanse, and the Russians sent in Russian troops into the Pristina airfield to stop the full handover of the country to the Muslims.
So they know exactly what they've been doing the whole time.
MTG is going to pop in with some breaking news and a bill she's introduced and her take on a lot of issues in the next segment, and then I'm going to continue on with our World War III coverage.
But I can tell you this.
I was scheduled, and I'm still going right now, to go to California next week to be on some really big podcast and interview some huge folks and do some other meetings and things.
And I'm probably still going to go, but I'm watching this very carefully.
Things are so dangerous, World War III could kick off, I may not go.
That's how dangerous and how bad the situation is.
And just believe me, I got some interviews set up out there that'll break the internet.
It'll be as big as my Joe Rogan podcast.
I mean, how could you top that?
Well, use your head.
There's not many ways to.
So, it's that serious.
I legitimately know and believe there's a good chance we're going to see a regional war break out and then a nuclear war.
It's the Great Reset.
They want to get to 90% population reduction by 2030.
That's the official goal.
And they're implementing everything they can.
So they think you're dumb and will think of the breakdown of civilization and the energy prices exploding and the food prices exploding and all the hyperinflation is because of Putin, not because of the Great Reset, not because of Fauci, not because of Klaus Schwab, not because of Bill Gates.
They're the architect of this takeover with the Chinese.
Gates is building nuclear reactors, the newest in China.
They got new coal plants opening every week.
They're open for business.
We're closed for business.
We are under attack, just like the Russians are.
They want to have Americans and Europeans kill each other with the Russians, while China takes over the world.
That's why Trump said, hey, we ought to, you know, bomb the Russians and say it was the Chinese.
He said that as a joke, but that's what they're getting us to do, is bomb our own energy, bomb our own food prices, bomb our own dollar value in this big lie.
So this is the next political distraction.
We always ask, they're killing us with all these shots and it's coming out that they're deadly and how will they smoke screen?
And I said, a big war and a financial collapse.
And that's it.
And we're here.
I told you thousands of times, every show, multiple times, over and over and over and over.
Get ready to crawl in a hole and die of radiation poisoning.
Because we are a satanic nation and we killed 60 million babies.
If we don't repent now, and if we don't change our ways now, most of us are dead.
You understand that?
You're all dead!
Klaus Schwab's gonna murder you!
Well, we've got a lot to cover in this short 10-minute segment.
Thank you so much for joining us on this March 8, Tuesday edition.
Coming up after Marjorie Taylor Greene leaves us in about 10 minutes, we're going to hit the act of war Putin is saying with Biden cutting off any imports of Russian oil or gas and many other things as well.
Europe says they're going to follow suit.
I don't support Putin invading.
But at the same time, I don't support sending troops in and this going into a full-scale war.
I want to get MTG's take on that and then a new bill she's introduced that will absolutely bring accountability to how these voting scams are going on, not just across the country, but particularly inside the House of Representatives itself and so much more.
So it's great to have you back with us, Congresswoman.
Hi, Alex.
It's great to be back on with you today.
Well, you've got the floor.
We've only got about nine minutes.
Where do you want to start?
Well, I just want to comment on something you just said, and I think it's so important to talk about it.
I actually fully agree with you.
I do not at all support what Putin is doing with his Russian troops.
They've invaded Ukraine and many innocent people have died.
I think the death toll is somewhere over 400 of civilians.
And while we're completely against that, I think the decisions that are being made right now are going to further isolate Putin And push him into the arms of China.
And I think that is a great mistake.
I think that the Biden administration is handling this all wrong.
And sadly, all I hear is the drums of war here in Washington.
And I'm completely against foreign wars.
I don't think that's where we should be spending our tax dollars.
And I believe we should be working very hard and in Washington to make the American tax dollars work for our country.
You know, for example, our border, we should have a secure border.
We have out of control inflation.
We have rising crime that is that is so high in many cities.
And now gas prices are out of control.
We should be working hard on our own energy independence.
We should be building nuclear, we should be drilling oil and gas, we should be Pursuing everything we can to help America.
And we're not doing that.
And I'm not seeing any of that in the bills that I'm reading.
So it's very unfortunate.
I think that the Biden administration is pushing us into a very bad place in the world where China's currency could be the currency that dominates over the dollar.
And that's the future that I see with these bad decisions being made.
When you were in studio with us a few weeks ago, you talked about this and said you would introduce a bill.
You've done it today.
It's breaking news right now.
People can find the press release on your congressional site.
But tell us about this new bill you've introduced.
Well, my bill is the Congressional Voting Accountability Act.
I'm very excited about it.
Since I've been a member of Congress, I've spent a lot of time on the House floor calling for recorded votes.
And the reason why this bill is so important is it would stop Congress from passing bills by voice vote.
That's where just there's a handful of members of Congress sitting on the House floor and they simply say yes and no.
Well, there's 435 members of Congress, Alex, and this bill would force every single member of Congress to actually have to vote and not vote by proxy, show up to work and vote in person and on record.
So the American people can see our job performance.
Our votes are our job performance, and whether you're a Democrat or Republican, Independent, or you just don't even have a party you like, every single American and taxpayer should be able to look up Congress and look at what our voting record is on every single bill.
And that's why I'm so excited to introduce this bill, because I believe it's very important.
Most people when they hear the fact that they are voting without there being a record in many cases can't believe that.
I mean that is just amazing.
Do we know how long they've been pulling this trick?
They've been doing it for decades and decades.
And when you realize that they have been passing bills, which is, I mean, I've seen it happen with two members of Congress in the House chamber, two people saying yes and no.
I have watched them try to pass bills like that.
And every single time I've risen to the microphone and interrupted and asked for the recorded votes, that's the only way we can get the bills on record, forcing Congress to vote.
And I've done that over the past year.
And we have over 500 bills now.
For the 117th Congress that Congress actually voted on record.
And this is the first time in decades, years and years that it's been that way.
And most people don't even know this story that's been happening.
So I've introduced this bill and there's not a member in Congress that should be against this bill.
Because I believe everyone that they represent in their district all across the United States will want them to co-sponsor this bill and get it passed.
The copy I've got doesn't have a number yet.
Do we know what HRES it's going to be?
We don't have an assigned number yet.
It's being dropped today, and then once that happens, they'll assign a number, and I'll definitely let you know so that your viewers and all of your followers can track it.
Well, I really appreciate you breaking this news here.
And how do people follow what you're doing?
How do people get behind the different initiatives you're involved in?
Because I follow it.
I know how effective you are at exposing the mask mandates in Congress, which they're starting
to back off of, in exposing how they're running these voting scams, in exposing how they're
not releasing the bills till right before the vote.
Procedurally, you've been there demanding this over and over again and forcing them
to do the right thing, but you're now trying to change the actual laws so they're made
to do this.
And then they sell this idea that you're ineffectual because they kept you off committees.
No, that's because you are effective and you won with the biggest landslide of anybody
when you ran last, and you're an example of what they fear.
That's why they say you're ineffective.
That's why they say you're a loser.
That's why they say you're crazy because it's the opposite.
That's right.
Well, they have to, they have to tell these lies because I am effective.
And if any Republican on committees was effective right now, then we would see big changes in our country.
It's, it's just proof.
The fact that, that things are so bad in our country right now are proof that no Republican is effective in Congress.
But actually putting Congress on record is being effective and I've worked very hard to do that and I'm so glad that I've had my colleagues in the House Freedom Caucus join me in this effort.
But now we need to get this bill passed and I'll be pushing it around and seeing if I can get more co-sponsors and continue to put the pressure on for everyone to vote for this bill because Congress needs to show the taxpayers What they do at work, and that's why we have to get this one done.
Now, I'll tell you something else, Alex.
If people really want to put the pressure on my colleagues to pass the bill, I've got a phone number that people can call.
And you can call the Congressional Switchboard and ask to speak to any representative, your representative, no matter where you live in the country.
and that phone number is 202-225-3121.
And all you have to do is ask for your representative's office.
You can talk to them in their office and tell them to vote for my bill, the Congressional Voting Accountability Act.
Absolutely, and they count a phone call as if it's a thousand constituents.
Call, be polite, but this is a very important thing to do because so many neocons pose as patriots and go and vote by voice so that there's not a record.
This bill will make it be on record.
That'd be like if you had a son or daughter that was 16.
And you give them a credit card, but it's your credit card, and they don't want you to see the bill and don't want to know what they've been doing.
I mean, it's very suspicious, and it's obviously something they're using so they can hide from their constituents what they're really up to, so we get no report card on these people.
And now it makes sense why we're $30 trillion in debt and everything is getting worse and worse in America.
I gotta tell you something today, Alex.
We're waiting on the bill tax for the $1.5 trillion omnibus bill today.
When I left my office just a little while ago, only 53 pages were out.
This bill is going to be thousands of pages, $1.5 trillion, and Congress is supposed to vote on this bill tomorrow.
So, this place is broken.
Congress is broken.
It does not work.
Oh, there's wholesale robbery going on.
You said you can do one more segment.
That's great, because I want to get into the omnibus bill.
That's actually where I was going to go next.
More on Russia, more on the economy, more on Biden, where it's all going, and this big lie all over the news that you said, attack trans people.
That's not what you said, and we'll come back and set the record straight.
Of course, they're going to lie even more, but we'll break it all down.
Stay with us.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is our guest here on the Alex Jones Show.
The next hour, I'm going through how the UN, the Davos Group, the EU, all admit they're collapsing the world economy using the Russian conflict to, quote, force us off of oil onto electric systems, which don't work and aren't ready.
They want us poor.
You will own nothing.
You will have nothing.
It's here.
The next phase of the global collapse, and they're bragging about it and talking about once we're held hostage, And the economy's falling apart.
They want trillions per month at the UN to, quote, transition us to the new global green deal, our Build Back Better.
In fact, let's talk about that right now with MTG and how they had their Build Back Better bill that didn't completely pass.
But they've got pieces of it, I know, in other bills like the big omnibus spending bill.
And you're up there in the belly of the beast.
And so few members of Congress address what we're facing, this global You know, Alex, I always give people a lot more credit.
there but the quicker people understand what we're facing, Glenn Beck's getting it, Tucker
Carlson gets it, now Joe Rogan gets it.
How are we ever going to beat this globalist corporate takeover that wants to make us poor
to control us if people don't know even that they exist, MTG?
You know, Alex, I always give people a lot more credit.
Even if they don't really know the word "The Great Reset,"
they know something is wrong and they know that our government is failing them.
So I always give credit to the people, even though they may not know the name, they know what's going on.
Here's some things that they're trying to fund this week.
While we're waiting for the rest of the bill text for the $1.5 trillion omnibus bill, there are some things I can tell you that are in there for sure.
Number one, $22.5 billion for future COVID.
COVID has been the greatest political tool that the Democrats have ever found.
And you, you know, the people you were just talking about, the World Economic Forum and many other leaders in countries, they have used COVID as a political weapon against the people.
And they're planning more of this coming forward at $22.5 billion.
They want to be able to produce more vaccines.
And even the wording in the in the language of the bill that we've read is they want to vaccinate the world, vaccinate the world.
And they want the American taxpayer to pay for it.
It's completely wrong.
We know that vaccines should always be someone's individual option and never forced on the American people, let alone be enforced on the world, especially since Pfizer has just released in the past few weeks all of the reported health adverse effects.
And it's nine pages, nine pages of terrible things.
That people have reported from the Pfizer vaccine.
So, this is more funding that is to fund the political tool COVID that has changed our world in just the past 2 years and really hurt our kids the most.
Another thing that they're funding in this omnibus bill and that we'll be voting on today, maybe tomorrow, Is they want $10 billion for Ukraine.
Now we can't, it can't be expressed enough how sad war is and about the innocent people that have been killed and all the refugees that have been displaced, families forced to leave their homes and the destruction we've seen on television.
And I'm completely opposed to it.
You're opposed to it, Alex.
And we, we do not wish that on anybody and we wish Putin would stop, of course, but They want $10 billion to fund, and it says in the language, deployment of troops.
Deployment of troops.
And when we're talking about funding deployment of troops, well, that means, well, we don't know what that means.
What comes next, right?
And, you know, I'm completely against funding foreign wars.
I want to see our government take care of America for once.
And that's what I'm going to stand up here in Washington to make sure that I can do my part to make that happen.
What is the sense right now in Congress?
Because there does seem to be a bipartisan push to send more weapons to escalate war.
The Secretary of State's talking about sending fighter jets to Poland and then having Poland give it to Ukraine, which again, Putin says, is bringing the U.S.
into the war, which it is.
Putin has also said cutting off energy imports into the U.S.
is an act of war.
Technically, that is.
Again, I'm not a fan of what Putin did, because you can see where this was all going.
It's a tragedy.
I wish it never happened.
Now the danger of a full-on war and there's a big Pentagon drill that they did in 2019.
NATO intervention in Ukraine could spark nuclear war.
Here's how it could happen.
And in the report, it's estimated that a billion people will die during all of this in the big tabletop exercise that was done by the Pentagon.
And they're calling it the NATO-Russia war simulation of 2019.
What do you make of that, Congresswoman?
I think that should wake everyone up.
It's terrifying.
And, you know, I was appalled at Lindsey Graham outwardly calling for the assassination of Putin of Russia.
That was just the wrong thing.
That's escalating and that's involving the U.S.
just as much as funding weapons to be sent to continue the fighting.
That is U.S.
You know, another thing that needs to be said, there's other countries that have been in line waiting to buy these jets, these fighter jets that we're talking about sending to Ukraine.
And so they'll be missing out.
Then what comes next, Alex?
We all know Taiwan is obviously next.
China will be the aggressor.
Then where does it go from here?
Now here's the real cost.
Let's talk about the cost of all of this.
Russia is a major exporter of fertilizer and grain.
Not only do we buy oil from Russia, we also buy nuclear to help our nuclear power plants here in the U.S.
We buy that from Russia as well.
So no one's talking about how stopping buying oil and stopping buying these things from Russia not only affects the U.S., but affects other countries.
So if Russia stops exporting their grain, stops exporting their fertilizers, We're looking at potential food famines, and not only are we looking at energy shortages here in the United States, but we're looking at many problems all over the world.
I think we need to have cool heads in Washington.
People need to slow down.
We don't need the Lindsey Grahams and anyone else just continuing to drum the drums of war, rushing America into this.
We really need to take a step back.
And consider the real costs, and it's always human lives, and it's always the innocent people that suffer.
Very well said.
I know you can only do ten minutes with us today, but then a vote got pushed back and you can go a little bit the next hour, but we're only going to keep you five minutes to the next hour because I want you to be able to respond to the lies.
We're live right now, but later I'm going to take what you actually said in studio two weeks ago and then put it on the front so we can have a video to get out there to counter the fraud, but just to start to give the premise of what happened.
We were talking about men in girl showers, biological men in front of little girls, And some of these men, it was in the news, have assaulted
women and are being given light prison sentences and men are getting women pregnant in
prison and raping them.
And you said my husband would beat them into the ground.
Who doesn't agree that if a woman rapes a woman or a man rapes a woman or a little girl
that they need to have their head beaten in?
You didn't say beat up RuPaul on their TV show.
You didn't say beat up, you know, some transgender person walking down the street.
You were very clear that when men pose as women and sexually assault women and little girls, they need to be punished.
Yes, I was clear about that.
I talked with my husband about it, so it's easy for me to double down.
If there's a grown man, an adult biological man, dressing as a woman to be able to go into bathrooms, dorm rooms, going into women's private places, showers, and so forth, and we were talking about a camp.
We were talking about a children's camp, and I believe this was adult biological men Camp counselors who identify as women were staying in fifth-grade girls bathrooms our dorm our Camp houses with with fifth graders Yeah, they don't belong in there and in G. I want you to be able to get your full statement out stay right there We're gonna come back in two minutes.
You'll have five minutes You're gonna do we really appreciate you being here, but where's the best place for people to follow you on getter?
Where do people find all the great material you're putting out?
Yes, I'm on Getter at MTG4America.
I'm on Truth Social at ETMTG.
My Twitter is RepMTG, although that one's not as important.
I'm on Instagram, Facebook, so you can follow Gab.
I'm on Gab also, Telegram, so you can find me pretty much anywhere.
Everybody loves you, and you're getting more and more popular.
As popular as the Santas.
I'd love to see a DeSantis MTG ticket.
Alright, we're gonna come right back.
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Big Pharma, Big Tech, Hollywood are all funding the trans agenda.
Biological men saying they're women.
I don't hate anybody.
I'm a libertarian.
If somebody is a full grown adult, wants to think they're a dog, they can.
But you shouldn't target children and handicapped children, particularly autistic children, mainly boys, telling them, oh, you're really a girl, and then take parental rights away and have them chemically or physically sterilized.
But going further, we don't have biological Men in prison getting women pregnant, in some cases raping them.
We have a science camp out in California, KTLA reported on it.
A few weeks ago, MTG was here in studio.
And you have these biological men sleeping in the same cabins with the girls.
We were also talking about men that go in girls' showers and all the rest of it.
She was saying that when a girl is being assaulted or something, somebody needs to defend them.
And the media misrepresented it and said that she wants trans people to be physically attacked.
But she never said that.
That's the corporate media, Newsweek, you name it.
Hundreds of publications misrepresented what she said.
So she's here to be able to set the record straight.
Thank you Alex.
I'd love to set the record straight.
Well, as usual, the corporate media lies.
They always put the lies in the headline and then maybe the truth in the last paragraph of their article.
The truth is that biological men are assaulting or attacking anyone under the age of 18, especially children.
Yes, they deserve to be beat up.
And there's nothing wrong with saying that corporate media and the radical leftists are completely detached from how parents feel and how the rest of America feels.
Not only do they deserve to be beat up, they deserve to be arrested, they deserve to be charged, and they deserve to go to prison.
It's completely wrong.
I'm like you, Alex.
I don't really care what people do, adults, consenting adults do.
It's none of my business.
I hold no judgment over people's choices with their sexuality, but I am taking a strong stand.
There's only two genders, male and female, and that the biological men need to stay out of our private places.
That's our bathrooms, our dorms.
Our sports, girls and women's sports, and you know, prisons, women's prisons, women's health clinics, women's rape clinics.
Biological men do not belong in there, even if they feel like they are a woman and dress like a woman.
So this is not, I don't hate transgenders, not at all.
I'm actually, you know, I know some and it's fine.
I don't care.
It's not a judgment on them.
I'm taking a stand for women and I'm taking a stand for what's right in involving gender and I'm taking a stand for children.
There should not be allowed, pediatric gender clinics are wrong and they're all over our country.
Educating children under the age of 18 and these teachers that are guiding kids under 18 and pushing them and trying to brainwash them that they're another gender is wrong.
And it's appropriate for me to say that because most parents agree with me.
Now, if this offends the media, that's too bad because it's not really about the media.
It's about the American people and parents are sick and tired of this garbage.
being shoved down their children's throats.
Now, biological men are trying to act like they're women as camp counselors, going into showers with fifth graders
or sleeping in their cabins with other little girls or boys.
That is completely wrong.
And it's okay for me to say that they might need a lesson.
There's nothing wrong with that and I'll double down and I'll say it again.
It's not about hating trans people or anyone.
It's about hating children being targeted sexually, undoubtedly, because I have three daughters, I have a son, but I know how camp works.
If they had female counselors sleeping in a little bitty cabins, that would be weird.
Adult women, it's weird.
And it's not done.
And look at the Boy Scouts handing out the condoms and then all of the sexual abuse of
children bringing on the Boy Scouts.
This is serious.
And these groups have infiltrated the Catholic Church and so many other institutions and
destroyed them.
And I'm glad you're standing up.
And look at all of women's sports now.
It's dominated by biological men.
Weightlifting, sprinting, swimming.
And it's a fraud.
It is men invading women's spaces.
If a man wants to say he's a woman and do all that, that's their issue.
But don't invade women's spaces.
So they're fine with men basically beating women in our women's sports.
They're fine with men beating women and taking advantage of things that are our rights, our privacy rights.
That's what the left is defending.
But they don't stand up for women's rights and they don't stand up for children's rights.
And I'm tired of it.
I have no problem speaking out against it.
It should be spoken out against.
Well, you are.
You're doing a great job.
Thank you, MTG.
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Fight is our fight.
2017 will be the year of offense.
All of us will go back to Washington and we will push the case against Russia.
Enough of our Russian aggression.
It is time for them to pay a heavier price.
Enough of a Russian aggression.
It is time for them to pay a heavier price.
The United States aids Ukraine and her people so that we can fight Russia over there and
we don't have to fight Russia here.
When the Soviet Union, the Soviet Empire collapsed, and as the empire collapsed, I moved in and picked up the pieces.
First in Hungary in 1984.
and then Poland in '87, China in '87 as well.
And so this is how the, this, what I'm, the Soros empire,
replacing the Soviet empire.
And how do you think you're doing in your imperial ambitions?
I think the one place where the greatest consternation would be caused in the short term for admission,
having nothing to do with the merit and preparedness of the country to come in,
would be to admit the Baltic states now in terms of NATO-Russian, US-Russian relations.
And if there was ever anything that was going to tip the balance, were to be tipped.
In terms of a vigorous and hostile reaction.
I don't mean military.
In Russia.
It would be that.
So the way I look at the calculus here... Emergency broadcast.
Putin says Biden's banning of Russian oil imports is a declaration of war.
Close quote.
Pentagon war game estimates one billion to die.
In NATO-Russia war, close quote.
The European Union, the World Economic Forum, and the UN all have officially announced that they will use the Russia conflict as a smokescreen to implement the Great Reset and the end of the use of fossil fuels, close quote.
That is what we are covering Here today, Joel Skousen is the opposite of a Russophile.
He does not like Putin.
And he's got a lot of interesting angles and points here.
He'll be joining us coming up in the third hour today.
I have a lot of news, a lot of clips, a lot to cover, a lot to go over here today.
But I specifically want to open the phones up and only take about 10 calls.
I don't want you to be holding on the next hour.
Four callers, we'll go ahead and fire the phone system up, to specifically give me your take on how you think we get out of this and what you think of the situation.
I'm going to just go through these calls quickly.
I'm going to hammer through all of them.
The toll free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
is 877-789-2539, 877-789-ALEX.
But I want to hit something that is incredibly important that we've already covered, because
it's central to all of this, and I'm going to come back with Kellan McBreen's three articles
on this.
And that is the report from a few days ago, Pentagon-funded bioweapons labs in the Ukraine by the great Gregg Reese.
And the reason this is important, we're about to play it.
Is it's on record in mainstream news the US built the stuff over there and Fauci of course was involved and the same old people with level 4 bioweapons labs.
And that's real.
And our media says it isn't, but we have the documents.
And the reason that's important is it ties in to Hunter Biden and Biden again.
These people are as thick as thieves when it comes to this.
And this is the next phase.
And I believe they're going to launch a new bio attack, a whole separate
virus other than COVID very soon.
And that's when we come back, I'm going to play that clip.
In fact, we'll, we'll play this clip going to break.
Now I'm going to come back with the head Canadian health minister.
The one that said three years ago soon we'll lock up the unvaccinated.
What has she been told?
She says another lockdown is coming.
Right after the election.
So here is Gregory's very important report.
The reason I keep playing this is this is central.
This is a big deal.
Here it is.
is running secret biological weapons labs around their borders.
And while Western media now claims this to be misinformation, back in 2013, they reported on it.
While the United States and Murder Incorporated have been waging illegal wars all across the world in the name of democracy, Russia has been quietly selling energy and minding their own business.
And according to National Geographic, this was the reason why the Pentagon was building these bioweapons labs in the first place.
Because Russia was entirely quiet on the subject, and the U.S.
wanted to get ahead of them.
The initial biolab in Kazakhstan was built by the US for a hundred million dollars to store high-risk diseases such as plague and anthrax and was hoping to attract scientists who might otherwise create biological weapons of mass destruction for someone else.
In order to keep the world safe, The U.S.
has since built several labs in Kazakhstan.
Most recently, a biosafety level 4 lab to be completed in early 2022.
As early as 2004, the Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency, DTRA, began creating a network of biolabs for infectious diseases in Uzbekistan.
And within a few years after operations began, outbreaks of unknown diseases were reported in the same areas as the labs.
In Georgia, leaked documents show that the U.S.
Embassy has been transporting deadly pathogens and human blood as diplomatic cargo, in a scheme where private U.S.
contractors working for three different U.S.
biolabs have been given diplomatic immunity to do so.
Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, AtWarClandestine released a video with maps of U.S.
biolabs matching up with maps of the recent attack, suggesting that Russia was securing these top-secret biolabs.
Western media claims this is false, but fails to debunk it.
And once the video goes viral, the U.S.
Embassy in Ukraine is caught deleting evidence of these labs from their website.
But not before an independent journalist was able to copy documents showing 11 Ukrainian biolabs funded by the Pentagon.
The Russian Embassy to Bosnia has accused the U.S.
of filling Ukraine with biolabs, which were very possibly used to study methods for destroying the Russian people at the genetic level.
And we now know that these so-called mRNA vaccines are destroying people at the genetic level.
We now officially know that COVID-19 is a man-made bioweapon.
We know that it was funded by elements of the NIH and Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance.
We know that it was made in Wuhan, China.
And so, what isn't threatening about the U.S.
encircling Russia with top-secret biolabs?
And who on Earth thinks it's a coincidence that everyone involved in the United Nations' Great Reset are now the Ukraine's greatest allies of all time?
The mercenaries and war profiteers in America are getting excited about making short-term profits off the dead.
But the only ones who will benefit from this war are the crooks at the top, who have been caught committing the most heinous crime against humanity in all of recorded history.
And the only righteous way out of this is to hold these crooks accountable.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Biological attack is imminent! Imminent!
It's going to happen.
It's not a question of will it happen, but when it happens.
A bioweapon release could be the thing they'd release to bring in a world government to counter a global problem, and the UN has said that a global pandemic is the only thing that may save their world government.
This is a biological warfare agent that had leaked out of the Wuhan laboratory.
All right, so if you go back three years ago, we've played the clip many times, Canada's public health officer, at the very top of the food chain, Theresa Tam, says deadly lockdown measures aren't off the table for the future fall or winter.
That's what the UN is saying, Bill Gates is saying, they're all saying it.
She's the one that said a year before any of this started, three years ago, plus years ago, that we need to lock up the unvaccinated.
What did she know was coming?
Well, they all knew.
They all war-gamed it.
They were all prepared.
Yeah, there she is saying, lock up everybody.
Anybody that studies history knows medical tyranny in the 19th and 20th centuries was the worst, and that the authoritarians used medical tyranny.
The Soviets did it, the Nazis did it, Communist China does it, and now they've done it again.
And still, all over Austin, I was driving by a golf course this morning, and I saw golf course workers At one hole, another hole, on the machines, cut into grass, wearing masks.
And I saw another guy raking leaves wearing one, hundreds of yards apart from each other.
This is mental illness.
And you go to restaurants, they're still wearing masks.
And I'm like, I'm not going to eat here unless the damn masks come off.
This is mind control.
Meanwhile, Russian embassy claims U.S.
filled Ukraine with bio labs to gently target Russians.
Well, there's no claims.
I mean, they did have those there.
That was part one.
He did on March 2nd.
Then he did Part 2 yesterday.
Russian military accuses Pentagon of destroying evidence of secret biological experiments in Ukraine.
And now Part 2 of that report, Part 3 total.
How are Hunter Biden, Klaus Schwab, and the CIA connected to U.S.
biolabs in Ukraine?
And they are.
Very important reports up on InfoWars.com because the same people that cooked up the virus and released it and used it to lock down the world and starve an extra 40 million people to death, Goaded and poked and manipulated Russia knowing they would invade by shipping weapons in, just played you clips last segment of all these world leaders admitting it, are now going to blame this war on the two years of lockdowns and the worldwide collapse was already in full swing.
And what did I say thousands of times on air the last two years?
I said, how will they cover up the deadly shots and record numbers of deaths, blood clots, heart attacks, heart swelling, cancer?
How are they going to cover up the financial collapse?
How are they going to cover up the hyperinflation that's coming, that's now here?
And I said, it'll be a war!
To then blame the war on that!
Because this is no-brainer!
Now, let me tell you what's going to come next.
We'll talk about it next segment, go to your calls.
What's coming next has me extremely guilty right now.
And I'm not somebody that ever feels guilty very often or that ever goes against my conscience.
But I have to balance this and do the right thing and be Christ-like.
This is a paradox.
Like, wait, you feel guilty but you're saying it's Christ-like?
Let me try to explain that in the best perspective because I know you're probably going through this as well.
My flesh and my individualism and my family that I really care about is in danger from nuclear war and financial collapse and road warrior scenarios.
And everybody's instinct has been for years, get out of the cities, get self-sufficient, you've got a spirit, you've got a subconscious, you've got a mind, you're connected to God, you know.
Now that voice is a screaming siren, get out, get out, get out, get out, get out, danger, danger, Will Robinson.
And now you see the reason you knew instinctively years ago.
Before the lockdowns, before the viral release, before the deadly shots, before the war, before the energy crunch, out of which a new global order, a new global Marshall Plan to save the earth, what did Prince Charles said four or five months ago, he said we need a global Marshall Plan.
We need a global government with more money than exists in the world to the UN and to corporations to force the transition off of fossil fuels.
A global military campaign, close quote.
And now you're saying it's a campaign to cull the population by collapse and by war and by virus and by starvation.
Where they pose as the saviors.
So the very UN World Health Food Program head is out saying hundreds of millions are gonna starve to death now because of inflation and because of Russia.
Yeah, I got the video right there.
We'll play it in a moment.
Think about that.
When the UN went along with the lockdowns, ordered the lockdowns that starved all those tens of millions of extra people to death, on top of who normally die every year from starvation.
And now the very same director is up there saying, give the UN money, give the UN authority.
And they're everywhere saying, oh, we need trillions for new green deals because gas is so expensive.
So they make gas and oil too expensive and try to force you onto something that's even more expensive and doesn't work and isn't rolled out yet.
So here is the head health officer in Canada, Theresa Tam, talking about the new lockdowns.
And so I think with all of those measures and understanding viral transmission, wearing a mask, ventilation etc. we've got to be able to go into the fall
and winter season or indeed the next wave if it should come in between with much
more ability to respond without those really severe restrictions. That is
the goal but you know we still need to be flexible with the suite of
measures should it become necessary and it's very different
For example, I think in different areas of Canada, where the health care system capacity may differ.
And that's why I think you saw even right at the beginning.
Some of the smaller jurisdictions taking more measures because they simply can't afford to have a rapid escalation in their health care system impacts.
All fraud, all lies, all proven to have killed over 40 million people, all proven to have caused massive suicide and people dying of cancer and heart attacks with no treatment.
None of it was real.
Putting people in their houses didn't slow the spread.
It's all on record, but she is a criminal communist.
Our second topic will be energy.
again that she relishes locking in your house and making you non-essential.
She has to call you. That's her mission.
Here's the German defense minister talking about Europe cutting off oil,
but getting off oil entirely and the European Green Deal built back better.
Our second topic will be energy.
We have to get rid of the dependency of Russian gas, oil, and coal.
I know the two of us agree on this.
The Commission will be coming forward with proposals tomorrow, and there are three main pillars.
One is the diversification of supply away from Russia and towards reliable suppliers.
This is mainly LNG and pipeline gas, and both have the advantage that the infrastructure is over time hydrogen compatible.
The second main element is to repower the European Union.
Repower means massive investment in renewables like solar, wind and hydrogen.
So we are looking for a focused acceleration of the European Green Deal.
And this is not only important and good for our strategic investment in our independence, it is also good for our industry and it is good for our planet.
All of that is a lie.
It is a post-industrial world that will starve billions to death total on record.
But they're just introducing total death, total collapse.
You will own nothing.
You will have nothing.
You'll no longer live in cities.
You'll live in communes.
Now you know how.
They're going to get you from A to Z. We're going to come back with more clips about the Great Reset and your phone call straight ahead.
So I just played you clips of the head of the European Union, who's also the head of the Defense Ministry, and other world leaders saying, oh, we need to unify and use the cutting off of Russian oil and gas as a way to force people onto electricity and windmills, which wouldn't be ready for years and don't work and bankrupt in Spain, and put Texas in the dark last year.
So here's a few more of these clips, and I'm going to go to your phone calls.
There are so many.
Here is Senator Markley talking about how we need to declare a climate emergency and have a world transition.
Whether it's Prince Charles or the head of the EU or Democrats, it's build back better on the ashes of civilization.
As long as there is a world market for oil, Russia will be able to sell its oil.
if you live in the first world, and starve you to death if you live in the third world.
I mean, this is like shining on to total death, and it has nothing to do with saving the Earth.
Here it is.
As long as there is a world market for oil, Russia will be able to sell its oil.
And so, unfortunately, not all my colleagues yet understand that the way to undercut the power
of Russia is to end our dependence on oil and have the world transition to renewable energy.
God, what's with these liars?
Everything they say is a lie.
And they're suppressing all the real technologies and things that are actually clean and good.
These people are so sick.
He said we should, quote, have a climate emergency and need to have the world transition to green energy to undercut Russia.
Absolute fraud.
Let's now move to the head of the World Food Program that the UN runs, the chief of that, David Beasley.
The same one two years ago that's like Oh my god!
Hundreds of millions are on the verge!
287 million are starving to death from just a few million.
Oh, 40 million are gonna- and the 40 plus million did die, extra.
In the next two years, but he doesn't ever tell you the UN put the lockdown in place.
Well, now he's back, but he's grown a beard.
Now he's Santa Claus.
And he's saying basically, well, just hear it from him for yourself.
He says that the higher cost of food and energy is going to cause hunger and death.
Here it is.
I'm standing here in Ukraine.
You can see we're in a crisis, but it's not just a crisis inside Ukraine in terms of displacement, but it's also a crisis because this is going to affect supply chains, and particularly the price of costing of food.
Already, the World Food Program, Before the Ukrainian crisis, we were buying 50% of our wheat, our commodities, right here in Ukraine.
This breadbasket helps us feed the world.
Yemen, Ethiopia, Syria, that can go on and on.
And now we're looking at a price hike that will cost us an operational cost from 60 to 75 million dollars more per month.
And that means less people are going to get food, which means more people are going to go to bed hungry.
So the U.N.
cuts people off, stars them to death, and organizes military-age men into six-month to year-long brainwashing camps, gives them debit cards with thousands of dollars on them, ships them to the U.S.
to then undercut the wages and become a permanent underclass the Democrats control while they starve their families to death in their home countries.
That's full-spectrum murder, and that's how the United Nations operates.
You know, the founder of the World Wildlife System, Prince Bernhard, remember, got caught running illegal poaching operations all over Africa and uses organization as the cover for that.
Always what they tell you they're doing, it's the opposite.
Now, I want to go to your phone calls here.
I've got a lot of other news to get to as well, but this is just such a historic time and there's really a very Sickening, sinking feeling in my gut.
A sickening, sinking feeling in my gut.
Watching what's unfolding right now and the West going down every checklist every point on a checklist and Checking it off to piss off Russia and to use Russia as the cover story for a world financial collapse in the Great Reset And I've been saying that the last month is this build it up and now you see it and thank God I'm seeing a lot of other people figure that out in media because we don't want a proxy war to continue with Russia and We need to not be backing Ukraine.
We need to pull back and tell Russia to pull back and not keep going down this road.
Because again, this is being used as a smokescreen for the next phase of the Great Reset that is going to kill and starve to death innumerable numbers of people.
And it was so predictable they'd use it as a smoke screen, so predictable when they bankrupt the world economy, they'll announce a new global currency and a new global SDR system and a new digital tracking system based on the vaccine pass.
And that's now all being announced.
And then we are sleepwalking our way in to the Chinese style social credit score.
And waking up in the chains, the chains Are going on right now and I want to go to your calls, but we've got all of these sake clips.
Where she says Biden's doing everything he can to lower fuel prices and everything he can to transition us on the better energy and he just cares so much.
That's why I shut down over 2000 pipelines in the Keystone Pipeline.
That's why he's.
Shutting off the Russian oil now and now importing it from Venezuela and Saudi Arabia.
I mean, it's just.
She's up there saying 2 plus 2 equals 50.
And it's a horror show.
I mean, the globalists are at war with us.
We're going to go to break and come back with Jordan, and John, and Jack, and Aaron, and Jayvon, and James, and Brandon, and Mike, and Carlos, and Robin, and Paddington.
We've got Joel Skousen popping in for about 30 minutes.
I'll get to most of the calls before he comes on, but I'll get to Skousen for about 30 minutes or so, and then we will go back to your phone calls.
And then the great The great talk show host who I just really admire and love all the work he does.
Wayne Allen Root is going to be hosting.
The fourth hour, and I really want to play some clips from yesterday's War Room.
I mean, Owen's always a smart talk show host, he does a really good job, but he's just been on fire lately.
And so I've got a few clips I want to get to of the War Room, just where he knocks it out of the park.
And there's some other shows knocking it out of the park that I'm so proud of as well, but I'll talk about those later.
Like the Nano World Order, Episode 7 of a new show.
On the COVIDLAND channel on BandOnVideo is just first class.
Watched that last night.
We're going to go to break.
Please remember that there is a major run on iodine.
As people are figuring out, it's the missing link for immunity, the missing link for IQ, the missing link for stamina, libido.
But so many of it is bad, bound, garbage iodine.
It would take hours to explain it.
We have X3 that has the deep earth crystal iodine and two other types of good iodine.
To make sure you get maximum absorption.
It's great for everybody.
You should read what iodine deficiency does.
Over 2 billion people have it.
The globalists purposely bombard you with the bad halogens, fluoride, bromine, chloride.
We have the good halogen, and despite the fact it's going to sell out, the current sales rate's at about a week and a half right now.
People are really buying it.
I'm going to keep it at 50% off.
Also, Winter Sun, highest quality vitamin D3 or vitamin K for your immune system and more.
Taking it out of the tongue, it's incredible.
It's 50% off.
That's going to end soon.
And we have the great nootropic, BrainForce Ultra.
It's different than BrainForce Plus and TurboForce.
Three different formulas.
They're all different.
They're all amazing.
Like, one's a shotgun, one's a machine gun, and, you know, one is a next-level nootropic mind weapon.
But that is BrainForce Ultra.
It's 40% off in Full War Store.
That's because you didn't get taken like Paul to the third heaven.
The interdimensional heaven beyond the stars.
Until you get the Holy Spirit.
Born again.
You can die before you physically die, my friend.
All right, let's go ahead and go to Jordan in New Jersey with a great point he wants to raise.
Ukraine produces 25% of the world's grain, that's true, and he ties it into the Great Reset.
Jordan, tell us what we're witnessing.
Peace to you, brother Alex.
I just wanted to, you know, Mike Adams has been really good on this point in his podcast on Brighteon.
He's been talking about how they're trying to, through all this, as part of everything, basically shut down food production.
Amongst fertilizer, they're also going after the breadbaskets of the world.
No, you're right.
Mike said the next phase a year ago would be cutting off the fertilizer.
He nailed it 100%, and I really have been asking my producers to get him on.
Mike Adams, if you're listening, I'd like to get you on tomorrow.
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, and so he hit that right on the money.
You're right, Alex.
And the other thing, too, is to remember, and you've been discussing it, the history of the Ukrainian area, up into the steppes, you know, from Europe to the steppes, and food production there.
And really, who they're really targeting here is Europe, mostly Germany.
Oh yeah, they're cutting their oil off, their gas, their grain, and it's going to bankrupt Germans and bankrupt Poles and bankrupt French and starve Africans and others to death.
Yes, and India stands to really make a lot on this, and it's interesting that Biden's considering sanctions for the S-400 missile system against India, and all those strange moments with Bodhi and Biden earlier, or late last year, or earlier this year.
These are the times when world wars start, and if people can't feel the danger, not just intellectually see it, but if you don't feel the danger, you're blind, spiritually.
I mean, we are in grave danger.
Yes, and this whole thing about a radiological device in Ukraine, a dirty bomb, would be so disastrous for the European continent and the United States, because the United States has been decreasing wheat production since 1981.
You drive through Route 90 through Arkansas, it's all soy farms.
That's right.
Our government has been paying farmers not to produce wheat and not to produce other key staples.
Yes, and so people have to realize that this is part of it, and Mike Adams has been doing a good job on this.
You've been mentioning it, but they want to shut down global food production.
And if anybody knows Mike does, and I hope you get him on.
We will.
There's a big article about it on Infowars.com today.
Paul Joseph Watson, war will cause hell on earth, close quote, for global food prices.
And that's what all the experts are saying.
Wow, it's absolutely insane.
Thank you so much, Jordan.
All right.
Up next, ladies and gentlemen, who's been home the longest here?
That would be John in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, listen, I'm former military, and I'm a graduate of the National War College.
And, you know, Joel Skousen's right about one thing, which is it's really the war colleges, the National War College in specific, They're these globalist lecture series that kind of indoctrinate everybody, get everyone on the same page.
Oh, Thomas Barnett comes and gives speeches saying, America works for the New World Order, and America works for global corporations, and that America needs to be gotten rid of.
Yes, sir, absolutely.
And you ought to hear these folks.
You drive to school every day, and everybody's saying, well, you know, I heard on NPR this morning, it's just, it's, you get all these colonels, lieutenant colonels, and state department officials, and USAID officials.
Oh, yeah, that's because they buy into all the garbage, and they get promoted.
And you know, so the danger now is that, you know, we've got this senior working level folks, you know, that are, that are high up enough in the system that they get a vote, but they're not, they're not the real people in charge.
And they're at, you know, U.S.
European Command, they're in State Department, and they're, it's like you said, they're sleepwalking us into this horrible situation.
And the evil people behind them, the Victoria Newlins, the Wendy Shermans, that crowd, they're happy to let them do it.
It's just awful.
Let's be clear.
Victoria Nuland, McCain, Lindsey Graham, his mini-me, all of them have said they want a war with Russia and they want Ukraine to start it.
And now it's happened.
And again, Putin should not have taken the bait.
I understand why they did it, but this is a disaster.
And you can just smell the danger and the death.
And the average trendy out there, though, that, you know, likes the lockdowns and likes having nothing and owning nothing, they're about to get a front row seat to real poverty.
I mean, folks, I'm not trying to scare listeners.
I'm just telling you, everybody better get right with Jesus, because the whole world is going into a black hole right now if these globalists don't get stopped.
Oh, they took their mask off and they put their Ukrainian flag pin on.
It's awful.
And I mean, I think the best case scenario is Russia wins this I hear you, brother.
Good points.
Thank you.
Paddington in Washington.
to get this over with. Because the longer this drags out, the longer there is for a
purposeful or accidental miscalculation, and then they're going to get the war they want.
It's just terrible, Alex.
I hear you, brother. Good points. Thank you. Paddington in Washington. Go ahead, Paddington.
How you doing, Alex?
I'm all right.
Hey, so real quick, you know the bracelets?
What would Jesus do?
I think we need to kind of amend those a little for these times.
And WWAD, what would the Amish do?
Or to be more accurate, what would the Anabaptists do?
Which are kind of the overall group that the Amish are under.
And it's just We need to get back to reality.
Reality is truth.
reality. I was thinking about the Amish last week when I was on a business trip
in Florida and saw a bunch of them in Sarasota and just they've got it right
they know evil's coming they know they're being oppressed they know if you
try to be in the system there's other greedy hateful people that try to kill
you or put you in prison so they're like okay we don't want anything we just want
to be farmers and and and that's what Thomas Jefferson talked about the yeoman
farmer and how moral farmers are because they actually have to really work and
know what they're doing And that's why Bloomberg says he hates farmers.
He says they're evil, they're stupid, they're bad, because he's evil and stupid and bad.
Yeah, and the bigger group is the Anabaptists, then you've got the Mennonites and the Hutterites.
So it's not all we have to go full Luddite.
I'm not against technology, but because it's being used by the Satanists to control us, the only way to really beat this would be to basically go Luddite.
I mean, that's where we're at here.
I was talking to my family last night at dinner about this.
I just, you know, we got property.
I said, I'm going to try to fix this, but I want the system to know, too.
I'm not fighting some war with the, you know, with the New World Order and all their stuff over power and Trump and all this.
If Americans want to be part of the evil and America wants to go down, then, you know, it just has to go for those of us that don't want to be part of it just to remove ourselves like the Israelites did out of Egypt and just let all the leftists and all of them, you know, Just murder themselves because that's what they're a bunch of lost devil worshippers that want to take us with them.
And the only way to survive is to get away from them.
A parallel society.
That has worked with totalitarianism.
That's the top two or three ways that you make it through totalitarianism.
And that's what the Anabaptists did.
I hear you, brother.
I'm going to jump.
Thank you for the call.
Let's go to Carlos Encarnado.
He's been calling for over 15 years.
He's a really smart guy.
We only got two minutes.
Cut to your point, Carlos.
Thank you, Alex.
Well, I just want to tell you that The NATO has pushed itself to a point where now it's clearly obvious the United States uses NATO as a weapon against any enemy.
It doesn't really matter.
It's Russia today, it'll be China tomorrow, whatever.
It's really an obsolete instrument.
And I want to just draw your attention to two websites.
One is clarityofsignal.com.
One word, clarity of signal.
And the article is MSMMIA, the Ukrainian oligarch, right sector Nazis, MH17 and Joe Biden's son.
You will find in that website as well as in Dancing Bear's website that Joe Biden's son Igor Kolomoisky was his boss in Burisma.
It was a partner with Zelensky.
This whole thing has to be blown out of the water.
Alex has gone too far.
I think Sean Stone began to hit on it.
I think you should follow it up and expose it.
Now, with regards to Russia, I'm just going to continue what it's doing.
As long as, you know, nobody gets hot under a collar and tries to do anything, they'll finish the job.
And they'll get down to work eventually.
The suffering groups will get real.
And I think NATO has overextended itself with a new world order and new World Economic Forum candidates.
Zelensky, if you Google World Economic Forum, you will find that he is prominent.
Well, sir, I know you're right about all of that, and I know that the Pentagon did a big war drill three years ago and found that at least a billion people are going to die on the road that's being gone down here if the West got Ukraine to move towards NATO membership that Russia would invade, that Europe would start escalating with mercenaries and heavier weapons, and that invariably sanctions would take place, and that this was spent out of control with at least a billion people dead, mass starvation as well.
Unless the United States or NATO begins the war, Russia is not going to.
It's going to keep its gunpowder dry.
Because in the long run, it's the largest country in the world.
It's self-sufficient with all of the other... No, I agree with you.
So why do you think... There's all these top generals saying, put a no-fly zone in, go ahead and go to war with Russia.
These people are insane.
Well, Russia has basically now created a no-fly zone over Ukraine.
Because you try to go into Ukraine... No, no, Russia's going to go to war with anybody that flies over it.
So I'm saying, NATO is making moves to actually do it.
We'll be right back.
Putin likens sanctions to a declaration of war.
Says if any country's cut off export of oil and gas from Russia, he'll cut Germany off at the heart of Europe.
And more and more, Political leaders and military leaders are calling for public all-out war.
Tucker Carlson's right.
We are at war with Russia right now.
Clips of that coming up next segment.
And Joel Skousen joining us.
And then for callers that are still left on the board, we will continue with them.
In fact, let's go to them right now in the order that they were received.
Robin in Oklahoma, thanks for calling.
Alex, I remember several years ago, there was a gentleman called into the Rush Limbaugh Show.
He said he could literally, on a computer and a spreadsheet, see where America's decline started.
Financially, spiritually, anything you can name.
It was 1973, and we all know what happened in 1973.
We went off the gold standard.
No, man, no.
We started killing our unborn babies.
Oh, absolutely.
That, too.
That's even more important.
You're right.
Roe v. Wade.
We don't get away with it, Alex.
We're not going to get away with this.
We're just not.
I mean, this is reaping and sowing.
The whole world has reaped bloodthirsty Edomite behavior, and we are reaping what we have sown right now, and it is going to get worse.
Sight of a miracle?
I don't think we can get out of this.
We can talk political, we can talk war, we can talk, you know, Victory Gardens and greenhouses and cows and all that.
We are absolutely reaping what we sow.
No, I totally agree with you.
I don't know how I saw the point you were making.
I was thinking about economy today, but that's when we started the murder of 60 plus million babies.
And saying they're not humans, and now we say men are women, and all the rest of it, and you go look at leftists.
I don't feel good at how trashy and dumb they are.
It makes me feel bad that they've fallen to such a level.
They are literally confused, lost, demonic, hateful, crazy people, and they're everywhere now.
Everywhere all across the country and the world, and they are literally spiritless.
They have no human spirit, or God's spirit isn't in them.
They are completely drugged out and lost.
And they are just rejoicing.
They want nuclear war and death.
And they want to bring it down on us because they've given up their life force.
They are basically living dead.
That's right.
They're bloodthirsty edomites, Alex.
You're right.
They've been given over to a spirit of strong delusion.
Yes, sir.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you so much.
You made a really great point.
Thanks for holding to say that.
Jay Vaughn in New Jersey.
You're up next.
Thank you.
Uh, hi Alex.
Uh, first I want to say please, please get Bishop Larry Gators back on for an emergency interview.
Please get him back on.
Get on who?
Uh, Bishop Larry Gators.
Oh yeah, I like him.
We'll get him back on.
Yes, please.
I don't agree with the Ukraine-Russia conflict, but I do believe that Vladimir Putin went in there for a reason.
And I agree with you when you say he went in there to get out the Nazis and the pedophiles and bringing in a gay agenda and surrounding the country to try to infiltrate them.
And and things of that nature and I do believe also in Bishop Larry Gators broke us up That he's trying to get rid of the Rothschild family that has ties in the Ukraine as well So Vladimir has a plan.
I believe he did have this planned out for years and He's prepared for anything that may may come his way Also, I want to Get on to what's happening here in this country.
I believe we made a grave mistake helping Ukraine.
We're going to pay for that.
I'm going to say something that you won't say because you have a big target on your back, but I'm not afraid to say it.
This country will, I believe, I pray to God that it won't happen, but I believe that we will get hit with a nuke.
I had a dream years ago, way before this happened, that the lower part of Georgia got hit with a nuke.
It came from the east.
We will pay for what we've done, especially with all the... Jayvon, I've got Joel Skousen coming up, but after he leaves us, I'm going to go back to calls.
If you can hold, I'll go back to you.
If not, I appreciate your call.
We'll go to Aaron and Brandon and Mike.
But Joel Skousen is going to come on for a few segments, and I'll go back to your calls.
We'll be right back.
If you will simply get X3 with all three types of good iodine that boost your immune system and help everything that goes on in your body at the cellular level, It will change your life.
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And then your purchase of X3 funds our operation.
Now, a lot of our products have been sold out and never came back in because of the lockdowns and supply chain breakdowns.
They were sold out of X3 for a long time.
And I had it on sale.
We're 50% off.
A lot of folks have been getting it.
And I was thinking, you know what?
I'm going to bring it back on sale again, just until it sells out.
Because even though we won't make as much money in the long run, a lot of folks need this product, and we need to get the money from the sales in now to stay on air.
So get your X3 right now at 50% off at infowarestore.com.
Alright, we had not checked the email and it's no big deal, nobody's fault.
Joel Skousen had to reschedule to tomorrow.
We're getting Mike Adams on as well and a lot more.
So that means your phone calls and the news and information here on the Alex Jones Show.
So Jayvon...
Let's call him from New Jersey saying he really thinks the U.S.
is going to get nuked.
Well, I know this.
Russia and the U.S.
now say they have policies to use nukes first.
We've got all these U.S.
senators saying Democrat and Republican, let's nuke Russia first.
You've had the Pentagon saying, well, we can start using tactical nukes on each other and agree to not use intermediate or long-range missiles.
But that's how all the war games show World War III, World War IV, whatever you want to call it, starts, is that exact type of behavior.
When your troops get overwhelmed, you use a tactical nuke.
That's the doctrine.
This is just unbelievable.
I'm going to go back to your calls, and then at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to recap and break some of the new news that's coming out.
But it is just wild.
But before I go back to Jayvon, I want to play a clip from Colonel Douglas McGregor last night with Tucker Carlson saying, Russia won't suffer as a result of our sanctions and Biden's plan to have Ukrainian pilots fly jets out of Poland, which Lincoln says is a plan, is the first decisive step across the line into what could make us a co-belligerent in a war in Ukraine.
Moscow will not take this lightly.
So Poland's saying they're not going to do it, but the Pentagon was on TV yesterday.
I saw the spokesperson, Kirby, up there talking about, well, yeah, I mean, you know, we might, we're looking at getting the A-10s out, going over there and killing all the Russians.
I mean, this is real, folks.
This isn't a simulation.
It's not a Hollywood movie.
And the Russians say that they'll use tactical nukes on any country that's flying those planes out.
I mean, Putin's on record.
And I guess they're just going to let him be the bad guy and we'll have a nuclear war.
That's really going to cut in all the green and blue and purple hair with all the trendies out there.
And again, I don't care that you have blue and green and purple hair.
It doesn't shock me.
The point is, is that you love tyranny.
You love big corporations.
You love forced injections.
You hate the Nuremberg Code.
You love abortion.
You love Satanism.
You love being stupid.
You love being lazy.
You love death.
You love war.
You love Satan.
You're idiots.
And the government is just filled with all these weird, crazy perverts now.
And perverts aren't just, you know, looking through your window at night, masturbating.
Perverts love war.
They love death.
They love evil.
They love fraud.
They love doing bad things.
They love lying.
I know our enemies.
I've run into them.
I've been around them.
They're literally weak, twisted, unhappy people turned over to evil.
And then they've got a bunch of dumbed-down followers, because there's not enough leaders standing up, that are following what they're saying and what they're doing.
And they're leading us over the edge of a cliff.
But so many others are just mercenaries.
Rachel Maddow is a mercenary.
She still goes on TV and says, the vaccine's 100% effective.
Anybody criticizing that should be, you know, taken off the internet.
Biden still says, take the shot, you'll be protected.
It's not even a damn vaccine.
It erases your immune system.
They know what they are doing.
And those of us that, again, never get tired of swimming in the swimming pool, never get tired of hiking, never get tired of looking at the stars, never get tired of just going out to dinner and eating a nice meal, and never get tired of going and visiting our neighbors or petting our kitty cats or puppy dogs, never get tired of just being normal, good people, you're not mentally ill, you're not satanic, you're fallen, you're not perfect, but you're not giving over to it.
And you keep projecting your goodness onto these leftists and onto these people and thinking they can be convinced or gotten out of it.
They can't.
They're gone.
In fact, put the pictures back up and we'll go to the calls for TV viewers of Antifa arrestees and what they look like with their mask off.
No wonder they want to cover their faces up.
And then show the images of people on Instagram and Twitter.
We didn't randomly select these.
These are their pages.
Who took the shot and are showing off they took it.
Look at these people.
These are the servants of Satan.
Almost every one of them on methamphetamine.
Almost every one of them blasted out of their brains.
Totally disconnected from God, having no idea what's going on, so lost they just believe if they join with the corporations and Big Pharma and CNN and Dying Hollywood, That they have attained something and they are better than you and they are part of a group and they are anointed when all they are is clowns that want one thing, access to your children so they can get them when they're young and brainwash them and turn them over to their lifestyle and their system.
And ladies and gentlemen, I did not guard my family enough.
I did not Keep a steadfast eye on this, even myself.
And I've got four wonderful children.
And the system got one of them.
And they're gone.
And it's very sad.
And it's the thing that's wounded me more than anything.
That my other children look like movie stars.
Or, you know, Rex, if he had dark hair, looks like Clark Kent.
And this one beautiful child of mine.
Put him back on screen.
looks like that now. And it tears my guts out to see that spirit.
And it's a spirit, folks.
I told you I've gone through a lot the last few years.
Satan's really had a lot of dirty tricks.
And I'm not a loser, and I'm not a whiner, and I'm not a victim.
And I don't feel sorry for myself.
I asked for this.
But I can tell you that I should have gotten out of Boston years ago.
But my infrastructure's here, my crew's here.
And I stayed here and it's my fault.
I knew this was going to happen a couple years ago if I didn't get out of here.
I mean, God told me, your children aren't safe in this town.
Get out of it, go to a small town and get in with real Christians or you're going to, you're going to lose your children.
And it's already started.
You can't live in Babylon.
You can't be part of the system and live around it and be protected from it.
It will get you.
And these people are just such sad victims.
So caught up in the lie.
We have to pray for them.
And there's been a lot of other stuff, and I know you're all going through it as well.
My God, I had friends and family die of the bioweapon that Fauci made and launched.
Almost killed my dad.
There's all the reports out of the long-term brain damage it causes once the prions get into the brain.
And to sit there and watch it, you know, eat my brain.
It's in there growing.
I've done some things to mitigate it and basically knocked it out.
But I caught it early enough.
But I know a lot of people aren't the same.
After the New World Order launched their attack and ate their brains.
You know, we're leaders and we're not wimps.
We dust ourselves off when we get run over and keep fighting and keep moving forward.
But you don't want to just keep making money and living and doing your job.
You need to spend half your time, folks, fighting the New World Order and exposing it.
Because if you think the last two years of death and murder and dumbing down and psychic poison and spiritual poison and demonic attack, if you think you've seen the full attack, you have seen nothing like a poisoned cup That we're going to be forced to drink, like that last caller said, the lady, forget her name now, that God is going to punish us for the 65 million dead babies.
And that God, if we don't repent, like David did, and go to that quiet place the most high, and get on our knees, and really tell God to come in and clean us out, and push it all out, and renew us and forgive us, then God's gonna allow evil to destroy us, and it's gonna lower our shields, or the biblical term, lower the hedge, remove the hedge, remove the wall.
Get the chills, you can feel it coming in, can't you?
But you know what?
We deserve it.
Every damn one of us, me included.
If God was to destroy the earth by fire this time, right now, I would understand it.
But I'm going to keep moving forward and keep exposing this evil as best I can, because God's watching and wants to see what we're going to do.
You've got to protect your children, ladies and gentlemen.
Because the power of Satan is intense.
The power of Satan is upon us.
And the weak are going to fall and kneel to it and be overtaken.
We've got to protect the children.
You're in a physical war.
You're in an undeclared, unrestricted total war of the New World Order.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I saw this tweet going around.
It really gets you thinking.
For radio listeners, I'll describe it.
It shows a human being held down by two metallic aliens with hypodermic needles in their hands.
They're saying, it's time to alter your DNA.
All the big CEOs admitting they're going to alter your DNA.
It's a revolution.
Get you used to it.
Take you over.
And it alters it by beginning to grow spike proteins in your body and cutting your double helix.
And it grows all the different Graphene oxide matrices in your body.
I'm going to go back to your calls right now, but I'm going to play a few minutes coming up from a powerful new show that's got some of the producers and directors involved from the great film series, Cupboardland.
I think this country, I can't speak on any other country.
episode. Watch how nanotech in COVID vaccines destroys your body. We've got a bunch of good
COVID news as well that I haven't hit yet, we'll be getting to, but right now let's go back to
Jayvon. Jayvon, thanks for holding. So tell us where you think this is all going.
I think this country, I can't speak on any other country. I'm just going to speak on ours.
This country is going to go to hell.
And the reason why, it doesn't have to, but it's going, because like you said, it's too many people that don't care, they don't want to care, until hell comes knocking on their door.
And I think it's going to take that for everybody.
Whether you're rich, poor, middle class, hell is going to knock on your door.
And you're going to see how real everything is really going to get.
I blame the pastors for not going to Washington D.C.
instead of truck drivers.
It should be the churches taking the first steps and then everything will follow, I believe, because when you keep, you know, God first and you're preaching and you're teaching and you're saying this and that, but yeah, action.
It takes the action of those works because Chase Without Works is dead.
And I think the church needs to start getting ahead and start leading things before any other organization does because it's not going to take effect until a missile strike, until something, a catastrophe happens.
But then it's going to be too late.
Because this is not a third world country.
The powers that be want America to be a third world country.
And people are going to see how places like Venezuela and Cuba and parts of Africa really are.
Because the people that come to this country legally, they don't want communism.
They don't want socialism.
But the people that were born here are so dumb and ignorant that they believe that communism and socialism is a good thing.
And we've been lied to our whole lives.
Through the school system, through the college system.
They're absolutely wrong.
And we're going to pay.
It's sad because I try to be optimistic, but I can't.
Once I found out that Ukraine got invaded by Russia, I got chills.
I really get chills.
I got chills once I saw that news.
Because it's coming.
You know, Joy Reid, who's paid to create racial division and control people on MSNBC, she said people only care about Ukraine because they're white.
No, it's because Russia's got nuclear weapons and most experts believe the nuclear war is going to start.
It was going to start in Ukraine.
That's why everybody's so concerned, because this could end the damn world.
And some people, you know, they don't know geopolitical politics.
They don't know anything.
They don't have a mind of their own.
They've been taught years to not have a mind of their own because of the public school system, because of college, the indoctrination from the Khazarian Jews, from the Rothschild family that's been plaguing this world for over 2,000 years.
It's them, and we've become institutionalized as a nation.
And it's sad because they're so biased, especially black people, and I'm black, especially black people are biased on this whole Ukraine-Russia thing, that they are on the side of Ukraine not knowing anything about anything.
because they're ignorant. It is scary. Listen, Javon, I appreciate your call. Really, really
interesting points. And I mean, I'll just say this. There are evil groups and satanic organizations
heading up every major ethnic and religious group on the planet right now.
I mean, what he's saying is, is, is very reality based. And I'm not saying that the Greek Orthodox
or the Russian Orthodox Church is perfect, but they're calling out the new world order.
They're saying this is the mark of the beast. They're saying the vaccines are poisons.
and that's who Putin says he's following.
Now, people can say, well, he's just manipulating them.
Well, regardless, the globalists want the Russians taken out.
Abramovich, the high priestess Satan lady who literally worships the same religion as
Aleister Crowley developed a version of black magic, saying she supports Ukraine.
It's just out of control, ladies and gentlemen, and it's extremely dangerous.
We're going to go to break, come back, and go to more calls.
Then I'm going to hit some clubs from some really powerful shows lately that have been on Bandai Video.
I mean, I am really honored that there are folks doing whole shows and podcasts now just on Bandai Video.
And I want them to put them everywhere.
But they're calling us, getting vetted, and then getting put on there.
Because we'd love to have everybody on Bandai Video.
A, I can't pay for all the bandwidth.
And B, we can have provocateurs get on there and try to set us up and call for violence, because A, I don't believe in offensive violence, and B, we're not going to let people set us up and put us in prison for violence.
They already take things I've said out of context and edit it together, or the New York Times, the Washington Post will take two-word comments and one-word comments and quotes to make it look like I said something I didn't say, trying to Get us shut down and trying to get our listeners to believe I said that so they'll go out and carry out some violence.
So this is a spiritual fight.
There's a time for defensive violence.
And it may come to that for people, but that's between you and God and that point in time.
I am not called to be a military leader and to try to direct people into conflicts.
You saw that January 6th, where I thought I was just there to be at a peaceful demonstration, and I've been to all these other Trump events that were peaceful, and then provocateurs came and took it away from us, and now the very system that did that is busy trying to put me and Owen Schroer and Sam Montaya and others in prison.
That's currently all ongoing.
And there's a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff people don't even know about, folks, but...
I'm not worried about that.
I'm worried about nuclear war breathing down our neck, and I'm worried about the open borders, and the collapsing dollar, and just the evil, twisted people running things that are just not even human anymore, folks.
They are demons.
They are just husk or avatar bodies, meat suits for these things, that everything they do is to take our humanity, hurt our children, poison us slowly, and then kill us.
Kill, steal, and destroy.
They're what the Bible describes as devils.
I will be right back with all the callers and so much more.
Those links only get shared when you share them, and that's critical to winning the war.
Okay, folks.
I was about to go back to your calls, and they brought me news during that break that as soon as I watched the video, as soon as I started reading about it, I mean, I knew the rest of the story before I even watched it.
There's a program You remember Jocelyn Elders was the nominee to be the Surgeon General when Bill Clinton first got in office in 1993.
And I remember Limbaugh played the clips a lot.
It's very hard to find it out there, but it's out there.
Of her, in a speech she gave, saying it's important to teach little children how to masturbate by age two.
Reach down and help them.
Touch them.
Show them.
That's how she talks.
And you ask, why do they do that?
Well, it's to sexualize children and train children that adults are touching them.
It's pedophilia.
And in 1984, which is based on a Stalinist future, and George Orwell had been a Damien socialist who worked for the communists and things,
he knew about it.
In the book, they hand out porn to everybody when they're kids so that no one ever forms a lasting
relationship. But studies show the more porn you watch, you know, things like that, the more
partners you have, the less chances are you'll actually form a bonding relationship and have a
family. So it's about not having children. Just like transgenderism is about not having children.
That's why it's pushed. I don't hate the individuals that are doing it. Just don't
target children, in my view. But the point I'm getting at here is I'll go to your calls,
these clubs, and I'll get to this next segment, is that they're now having not just summer camps
where biological men are with fourth and fifth graders in the tents with them and in the cabins,
but now they're having liberal masturbation camps where people
I mean, this is just sick.
And then these weirdos show them how to sexually assault their children, in my view, is what it is.
I mean, this is just sick.
And this is going on in Austin, where they are sending out summer camps and actually springtime camps
for adults to bring their children to these adult camps to, quote, "teach them how to masturbate."
I mean, it's just next level.
So, I'm going to be getting more of that coming up.
But the leader of Sexy Camp recommends that children begin to masturbate as toddlers.
Masturbation is really healthy and I recommend it to people of all ages.
All ages, as soon as my nephews could talk, they were doing it.
So that's, my children talk between eight months and one year.
So, that's unbelievable.
It's called Sexy Sex.
It's the image of a butt.
Sexy Summer Camp Schedule.
If you go to Target, there's just stuff about all sorts of sex, and sexy baby, and it's all just very pedophilic.
This workshop will include discussion, games, and some hand-on practice.
Let's just go to it now.
This is going all over Twitter right now, and that's why you have New York Times, Washington Post, Salon, Forbes, all coming out saying what's wrong with pedophilia?
It's a good thing, it's loving.
That's why the Germans under the CIA placed per city thousands of children as young as age three with men to
rape them.
They said this is how you form the new love. DW.com has it all.
And then earlier last year it was reported even in the New Yorker magazine.
People told New Yorker magazine, hey you don't understand, this is love.
Take a child at three from their parents, give it to a man that rapes them, at age seven they're then put in sex dungeons.
And I'm not joking!
And this is what the public schools are, this is what the schools want your kids to wear masks and take all these shots, they want to rape them one way or another, this whole agenda.
So go ahead and play the sickening.
Uh, video, uh, of where this blob, uh, is, and it might even be a useful idiot that actually thinks this is all good and doesn't even know what it is, but the whole agenda, the whole system is sexualization of children and, and, and, and getting children use, like the TSA psychologists admit, not blaming the TSA agents themselves, but touching little kids, and then the federal law and state law said it was illegal, so now if you're under 12, they don't touch you.
You know, I'm sicker with a man rubbing the back of his hand over my genitals.
It's how pedophiles test a child and test people and get them used to the abuse and prepare them for the big finale.
So look at these people.
I mean, if you're a TV viewer, look at these women.
Remember the San Francisco Choir said, we're going to recruit your children, we're going to get them, they're ours?
And I said, I guarantee you, you do a background check on those guys, you're going to find a bunch of child rapists.
I said, do background checks, go out and get the plates of Drag Queen Story Times all over the country, and go run their plates legally with PIs, and they busted them all over the country.
About half the time, they were convicted child rapists.
But see, now it's the normal thing.
Oh, no, no!
Bring your child, and we're going to hands-on show you, and with a group of a bunch of weird, fat women standing around.
And you got drag queen story time at hotels in Austin where people bring their little children, little girls, little
boys, and men put money in their g-strings.
Oh, it's a workshop. $500.
Of course.
Sexy sex ed.
Sexy sex ed virtual sexy summer camp.
Sex with me, self pleasure, reproductive health, the basics, gender diversity, talking out relationships, let's talk about sex, over sexualization and policing of blackness.
Sexy trans sex ed.
What does Black Lives Matter say?
The main mission is getting black men to have their genitals cut off.
Sex managed abortion info share.
Pelvic floor health is for everybody.
I'm not gonna listen to these women about that.
The three Ps.
Pee, poop, and pleasure!
Oh, of course it's got to do with pee and poop!
Sex on drugs!
In Appalachia!
Contraceptive options!
Sex after body trauma!
Cycle tracking!
Closing celebration!
Gotta reach down to the baby and touch its penis!
They get the thrill.
And how many of these people were abused as children themselves?
And it's all they know.
We don't know, but it should be investigated in a legal, lawful, peaceful way.
But look at all the eyes on these people.
I mean, this is a pervert convention.
A pervert convention.
I bet money half of them are school teachers and the other half are social workers and college professors or college instructors.
Go ahead and roll the video.
That's how we should.
You know, like, get down with yourself.
Explore your own body.
Masturbation is really healthy.
And I recommend it to people of all ages.
All ages.
As soon as my nephews could talk, they were doing that.
That's what they were doing.
Kids touch themselves.
Kids start to ask questions and we teach them the language for their bodies, right?
Touch your nose!
Touch your nose!
Show Aunt T you can touch your nose!
But my sister's not saying that when they're tugging at their penis, right?
But it feels good, right?
We have to learn ways to talk to young people about this so that they know how to explore their body consensually so that it's not in public, right?
We don't want people exploring their bodies in public.
That's not consensual.
But exploring your body at any age, grandmas, grandpas, all of us need to be exploring our body.
And that's the key.
It's not consensual when a one-year-old has you touching their penis.
They're not of age to make that consensual decision to engage in incest activity.
Oh, did you pick up on that too?
And these people are so far gone, That everything with them is the coming out.
So now we're seeing this whole pedophilic coming out, this whole public schools putting kitty litter boxes in Michigan, that was confirmed, telling kids to crap in boxes.
It's a bunch of mentally ill, whacked out people that are all into different pervert fetishes, who literally want to rule us!
And say, we're coming for your children, they belong to us, we're going to get them!
This is the true horror.
This is video we shot in Austin.
This is what goes on.
And it's all backed by big tech and the Tavistock Institute.
All ages.
Babies need to be sexually assaulted to teach them the pleasure by their parents.
That is the evil of the New World Order, and that is the mutilization of the children with the transgenderism.
We'll be right back.
Alright, I'm going to go right to your phone calls.
We've got a caller from Italy and others that have been patiently holding.
I appreciate folks like Aaron and others staying there.
I want to get to you and Mike.
But I get blindsided by news about this Democrat Party group, Sexy Sex, that it turns out is funded by Black Lives Matter and Think Blue, a big Soros group.
So you cannot make that up.
It's called Act Blue.
So this is the Democratic Party.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is who they are.
And it is just unbelievable the things they do for having a sex camp to teach people, in my opinion, how to assault children.
It's like, well, I, you know, I start teaching my family when they're one year old or when they can talk.
Unbelievable evil.
These people are just lost devils.
I tell ya, that's why you gotta get your children out of public school.
The colleges are gone, it's all gone, it's all lost.
They look like zombies when you go around them.
I mean, any lapis aeria, the children look like they've had their souls sucked out by a giant
psychic spider or something.
It's so sad.
In Italy, thank you for holding and thank you for calling.
What's your take on Ukraine and the world war in NATO?
Okay, thank you, Alex.
I was in the NATO for many years, unfortunately, and I discovered bad things like you discovered too about these people.
Anyway, we got a letter last week from the Italian Army, and if you want I can email it to you, which they're calling All the people born from 1970 to 1980 and we gotta go to the base very close to her town and they do the physical and be ready for go to the war which I guarantee you NATO is beginning war to Russia and China be attack US and Iran be attack Israel.
I told Owen long time ago This is Biappen and it's very nuclear. This is by the Bible,
it's Israel versus Jacob.
And the wrong person, and the bad person in this part, it's the Pope we got in Rome,
unfortunately. This is the chief command for all these things. Thank you, Alex.
Don't hang up yet.
I'll get more information from you.
But if we can put that back on screen.
That's Bosnia with NATO troops going up by the Russian border.
There are NATO troops, missiles, tanks, everything massing.
And you're saying you were formerly in the military and that you've gotten a letter preparing to recall everybody going back 30 years.
Have you ever heard of such a mobilization of Italian forces like this?
Well, showtips@infowars.com or robd, rob's good at checking his email, r-o-b-d, just
the initial d, at infowars.com and send us that letter, sir, we'd like to publish it
and then take a snip out of what you had to say and add it to the article.
Anything else you'd like to add?
I want to say God bless you and I want to tell you, you know, they call it in Europe,
Putin, it's the prophet.
They say he's the Prophet.
So everybody love him.
And he protecting all the nuclear base in Ukraine, which some legionnaire or some private military organization, they try to blow up and blame Russia.
He want to protect this nuclear thing.
And like Hillary Clinton say, that bitch, I'm sorry, my language, she want to start this war with Russia.
Well, I know this.
With mainline classical liberals, with conservatives, with people all over Europe, with a lot of big names, they're all pro-Putin.
You know, me personally, I just see this as a real disaster, but I understand why Putin did it.
But you're right.
The West has had everybody turn against them because they're not Westerners, they're globalists.
And it is a very, very dangerous point to be in societally, and I'm personally praying for peace.
Please send us that letter, sir, and thank you for the call.
From Italy.
I'm gonna go to Aaron and Mike here in just a moment, and we'll try to get to everybody here ahead of the next special guest host, Wayne Ellen Root, taking over.
But I gotta say this or we won't be here anymore.
Hell, we might not be here soon anyways.
Nuclear war, but...
We have great products you need, and so many of the products we've had, because we won't cut the quality, we can't get anymore.
That's why a lot of best-selling products, supplements, are discontinued, because we won't cut the quality, and it's insane.
And so many of the great products we've had are hard to get in.
We've got to now buy them 10, 20, 25 weeks out, depending on the product.
So when products are available, I would get them.
We're offering X3 for your immune system, your body, and for other issues.
at 50% off despite the fact that we're not gonna get more for at least 10 weeks.
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So we're offering it at 50% off at Infowarsstore.com and what it does for your whole body is just amazing.
It's all three types of good iodine, the deep earth crystal iodine, two other types.
50% off, there's big runs on iodine out there right now and we've got it in stock ready to ship to you.
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Neutropic. Infowarsstore.com it is 40% off as well. Get a book, get a film, get a water filter, get an air filter.
If you don't have water filters right now, you're crazy. We've got the best ones, lowest price, you're gonna find at Infowarsstore.com.
The Alexa Pure Pro. Alright, let's go back to the phone calls. Let's go to Mike in Illinois, then Aaron in FEMA
Region 6. Go ahead, Mike.
Alex, we are exiting a pre-planned pandemic.
And we are entering a pre-planned nuclear war.
Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, visited Putin in Russia at his private residence.
Fast forward, Donald Trump gets elected as president and he's not even allowed to speak to Putin.
I knew when she went to Russia for that meeting that it was some type of key meeting.
I think that they discussed Wildlife preservation.
I think wildlife preservation means depopulation.
Alex, do you know?
Well, I mean, I remember her bragging that she spent, I think she said, five hours with him in his private office at his home.
So I think, uh, I don't know what they discussed, but my gut tells me that they will do nukes, but they will be limited and they will be here and there and they will be used to scare the population and scatter the herd.
I know this, all the big elites are building their bunkers and moving into them right now, and it's just an insane time, brother.
Yeah, it's crazy.
But I think people got to keep a level head.
We're not all going to get incinerated.
It's going to be nukes here and there, just like in Orwell's 1984, where they always had the war out in the outskirts to keep everybody on their toes.
In my opinion, just keep an eye out for Okay, a nuke went off here or there, and now we all need to get rid of our... Well said, Mike.
Well said.
And we know there's a lot of behind-the-scenes deals.
We know Biden said, go ahead and invade, we're not going to attack you, to get him to invade.
I mean, I think at that level, there's definitely signaling going on, because then he'll use that as a distraction, he'll use it for the Great Reset.
It's just unbelievable.
Very, very dangerous time.
Thank you.
All right, Aaron in FEMA Region 6.
That's Texas and a few other areas.
Welcome, Aaron.
Hey Alex, first I want to plug your Saturday broadcast.
I think that was your most compelling and informative show to date.
To win, we need all to be on the same page and doing the same thing.
So we move like a machine.
We need to all be using the same language.
We the patriots need to flee and migrate to Texas and Florida where we will have strength in numbers and also be able to trust our neighbors and work with them and barter with them in the future.
We need to grow our own food.
We need to support local farms.
We need to teach our children what is going on, as they are resilient and deserve to know the truth.
We need to journal and document what is happening for future generations, as this knowledge shouldn't die with us.
And remember, if they attack, don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes.
God bless you, Alex, and God bless America.
And get a gas mask while you're at it.
All right, Erin.
Great, great points.
Anything else?
That's all, sir.
I so appreciate you.
I think we need to abandon their satanic world they have created and start our own.
I totally agree.
I totally agree.
Thank you so much.
It won't be a utopia.
They always take some of the bad with us, but... Nothing... I mean, the left is a disease.
They're a fallen... They're victims of the devil.
I mean, they're literally gone.
And they're hateful and they hiss at us and everything because they're not people anymore, folks, and they want to take us with them.
And when you come to that realization that they're like gremlins, lobotomized gremlins, it's very sad.
You just need to get away from them.
Don't engage them and just stay away from them.
And then try to find people that you can save and people that aren't under full demonic gremlin control yet.
I mean, that's really what this comes down to.
This is a spiritual blight that's hit us and with it comes death and war.
With it comes disease and pestilence.
With it comes hell.
He was on a white horse and death followed.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Yeah, go ahead and bring me that now.
Thank you.
I was reading it during the break and left it over there on the desk.
Thank you.
This information is just unbelievable.
I'm going to cover it next segment.
We just got one step closer to nuclear war.
One step very close to it.
One giant step.
Not for mankind, but against mankind.
Jill in Louisiana, thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I just want to say, first off, I love you, my brother in Christ, and all the other brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe.
Thank you for what you do.
I recently got a book from Tony Robbins.
It's called Life Force.
And the more I've been reading this, the more it's freaking me out.
He went to the Vatican.
The Pope is involved in this very deeply.
They're talking about using artificial intelligence to simulate and test and solve all your problems.
It's like scientific miracles.
And they want to bring this about by 2030 with nanobots in your blood.
It's creepy.
I didn't know if you've heard of it yet.
I was given that book and I intend to try to read it.
I'm glad that you just reminded me that that was given to me last Friday.
I think it was that book when I was in Florida.
Isn't he opening up a medical clinic?
Yes, yes, it's disturbing.
It's pretty disturbing.
They want to use AI.
I haven't read the whole book yet, but just the fact that they did this with the Pope and the Vatican, and after all the medical tyranny that we've been suffering, and now they're going to do this.
I just feel like, wow.
Well, I know Tony Robbins has criticized the globalists and stuff.
cutting off people's souls from God, this may be the second part of it, you know,
and then they're gonna blow us up with nukes, okay, they're gonna get rid of all
of us and it's... Well I know Tony Robbins has criticized the globalists and stuff, I've
got to read the book first, and of course you know there's always people saying
they've got this and that, medical miracles...
It's kind of like Theranos.
I'm not saying what he's doing is like Theranos.
I haven't investigated it yet, but I'm going to definitely look into it.
But the whole biomedical claims of what they'll do, you know, in general is greatly exaggerated.
Thank you for the call.
Mike in Ohio.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex Jones.
Yes, sir.
Nice to talk to you today.
Nice to talk to you.
So listen, I'm calling from Cleveland, Ohio.
I'm calling about the gas.
So, if we think back a few years ago when the gas prices were quite expensive, you know, at least equivalent to what they are now.
See, my problem is, you know, back then when the cost was so high, everything else was on a normal amount.
And now we're getting stuck in situations where everything's going up.
Yep, it's real hyperinflation coming because of the Great Reset.
All to now be blamed on Russia.
Isn't it convenient?
Yeah, so convenient.
So let me ask you this.
Here's a question.
And when is somebody going to ask these people in this administration this?
What does the administration say to us common civilians that are starting to feel the strains here?
I actually have the clips.
They say that Biden's helping you and his policies are making it cheaper for you.
Fauci and Psaki and all of them gaslight everybody.
And then they say that it's all Putin's fault, even though it's all the globalists' fault.
Turning the power off, Mike.
It's sick.
This is amazing.
Owen's right.
This is an upside down clown world and this is not good for us.
Brother, I could talk to you another hour, but I've got to go.
Mike, thanks for holding.
I appreciate your call.
Wayne Allen Root, best-selling author, syndicated columnist, is about to take over, but huge news just broke.
So I'm going to come back for two minutes on the other side, and then hand the baton to Wayne Allen Root.
This is the biggest news yet on the Russia situation and it is bad.
But I want those of you that have been on the fence about getting Winter Sun or getting H3 to try the products and see how amazing they are and I believe you will then get hooked on them like myself and my family.
And the crew are.
So again, both these products are back in stock.
Both X3 and Winter Sun.
They are 50% off for a limited time because they're going to sell out at this price.
I would estimate in less than a month.
So this is your chance to get X3 and experience the good halogens versus the bad halogens.
This is your chance to have the highest quality vitamin D3 with vitamin K for your immune system as well.
They're amazing.
And they're at infowarestore.com.
And the reason this is a 360 win is it funds the operation.
I need funds to run the operation.
You need to be healthy.
We need to stay on air.
It's a match made in heaven.
Welcome back into hour number four.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Wayne Allen Root is about to take over.
I will hand the baton to him in T-minus two minutes.
And then the war room is coming up at 3 p.m.
Central in about 54 minutes from now with the great Owen Schroer.
Well, here it is.
Zero Hedges reporting on it.
It's got links to the Financial Times of London and others.
I hope this plan gets killed.
We've been hearing a lot about it in the last three days.
The Secretary of State said this is indeed going to happen, that the U.S.
would give them new jets, and then Poland would give these older MiGs, who are still highly effective, to the Ukrainians.
And the Russians have said that is an act of war, which it is.
Poland has made available all of its MiG-29 jets for U.S.
to transfer to Ukraine.
And that's why the Secretary of State said two days ago, we're going to then backfill their jets.
I saw the spokesperson for the Pentagon yesterday say that indeed they're looking at sending U.S.
Tank killing.
A-10 warthogs.
The authorities of the Republic of Poland, after consultations between the President of the government, are ready to deploy immediately and free of charge all their MiG-29 jets to Rammstein Air Base and place them at the disposal of the government of the United States of America.
So we're getting a lot of mixed signals on this, but there's some of the articles.
works with Poland to provide Ukraine with fighter jets.
Financial Times.
This is extremely dangerous.
They've been talking about it for days, but now they're discussing actually Doing it.
Let's look at some of the other articles here that deal with all of this.
Biden announces ban on Russian energy imports, which Putin says is a declaration of war.
And then you have a NATO-U.S.
exercise with the Pentagon 2019 and the quote, the NATO-Russia war starting in Ukraine that kills at least a billion people.
That is the reality of what we are faced with right now, and that's why this is so incredibly dangerous.
We played the clips at the start of the show of Biden saying going in and backing Ukraine would start a war with Russia.
We've got Lindsey Graham saying we're fighting him over there to not fight him here.
We've got Adam Schiff saying the same thing and Soros bragging.
This is incredible.
They have started this.
Doesn't mean I back what Putin did.
He's walked into a trap.
We'll be covering it more in the room today.
Wayne Allen Root is loaded for bear.
He takes over now from his studios in Las Vegas, Nevada.
All right, Alex, thank you.
As usual, I find myself on the same side as Alex.
I'm certainly not a fan of Russia or Putin, never have been, but I'm the guy that's been shouting from the highest mountains.
I've always considered myself like a Paul Revere, right?
I don't invent anything.
I don't produce anything.
I'm not a doctor.
I'm not a scientist.
But I'm the guy who yells, the Russians are coming.
The Chinese are coming.
The vaccines are killing you.
I'm a guy who spreads information that people need to know.
And I've been warning for a couple of weeks now that if you didn't believe the media about the rigged and stolen election, If you know the election was stolen, and you know the media lied to you, and you didn't believe the media about the vaccines, and you know the media lied to you, and people are dying because the media lied, and because the media was paid off, now it turns out, oh was I right!
Fox News and Newsmax took the money from the Biden administration to lie, and to cover up, and to mislead about the vaccines, the COVID vaccines.
So if you didn't believe the media on the first one, The rigged election.
You didn't believe the media on the second one.
COVID vaccine.
Why would you believe the media about Ukraine-Russia?
Maybe the scenes you're seeing are meant to get you to love Ukraine and Zelensky and hate Putin and Russia.
So that you support America getting involved in World War III, destroying the oil industry, $10 a gallon gasoline.
It's already $7.25 at stations in California.
$7.25 a gallon.
This will wipe out the middle class.
This will usher in a new age of bankruptcy and disaster for the middle class.
This will wipe out jobs by the millions.
Are you willing to give up your job and your home and become homeless?
For Ukraine?
I know I'm not.
Are you willing to let your kids die for Ukraine?
I'm not.
I'm not saying I'm on Russia's side.
I'm not saying Putin isn't a bully.
I'm not saying Putin isn't a madman.
I'm not saying Putin isn't really attacking Ukraine.
Of course he is.
But the images you're seeing, just like COVID was real, but the images you saw on the screen were meant To make you scared to death so you supported lockdowns, business shutdowns, school shutdowns, vaccine mandates, mask mandates, all the things that ripped our country and our economy apart.
What makes you think the exact same thing isn't happening in Ukraine?
Every image is meant to make you believe that America's got to get involved.
And if it means World War II, and if it means $10 a gallon gas, heck, if it means $15 a gallon gas, We got to do it.
This is madness.
The entire world's economy is in danger right now.
A great friend of mine, who is a brilliant economist, financial guru, stock market expert, his name is Kip Herrich.
And Kip called me two days ago.
Literally, almost in the middle of the night.
And he said, Wayne, my friends in New York are so scared.
All the billionaire hedge fund managers, the brightest guys on Wall Street, who have been right again and again, are scared to death that A, we're getting into World War III, and B, by taking away all of Russia's financial system.
The underpinnings of it and destroying all the money.
They're wiping out the American financial system.
He said it's all underpinned by Russian money.
The Russian oligarchs have billions and they give it out in loans.
And if you take it away, and the money that Russia has, you take it away, the entire world credit system and the entire world financial system could collapse.
It could happen in days or in a couple of weeks.
And we're all scared to death.
Thank you, Kip, for educating me on how bad this really is.
How we're on the edge of the abyss right now over a little country, Ukraine.
It reminds me of Vietnam.
A little crappy country, Vietnam.
And they sent, what, 60,000 of your children and grandchildren to die there for nothing.
And in the end, we pulled out and let them take over anyway.
What was the point of Vietnam?
I'm a conservative Republican.
When I was like six and seven and eight years old, I was supporting Vietnam.
I went to school and told my teachers, I'm for the Vietnam War.
I'm for Richard Nixon.
I love Nixon.
I was a Republican when I was three handing out literature for Barry Goldwater.
But I was fooled by the military industrial complex.
This is BS.
We don't need a war over Ukraine.
This is insanity.
So I wrote the column That got a lot of play over the weekend on, you know, the fact that this, you need your red pill.
Remember the movie, you know, the movie, The Matrix, the red pill or the blue pill, the red pill tells you what's going on, right?
You need your red pill or you need your blue pill.
I forgot now which one it is.
I think it's the red pill, right?
But you need the pill that wakes you up so that you understand that Democrats and communists, for whatever reason, I'm going to give them credit here.
They're very smart.
They play chess at such a high level while we're playing checkers or all of our politicians are either dumb and playing checkers or they're bribed or blackmailed or a combination of bribed and blackmailed, which you can see with Biden and the Biden crime family.
You know, he's been bribed, unbelievably, but he's also been blackmailed because of his son and his own cheating and stealing.
Biden stole money, clearly.
But again, it's my opinion, so he can't get sued.
He's a public figure, and I'm giving my opinion on a public figure.
It's very clear he's the biggest thief, the biggest traitor, the biggest committer of fraud and extortion in the history of America.
He makes Hillary Clinton look like a piker.
He stole so much money from Ukraine and China, and Hunter Biden involved with what appeared to be Underage girls in videos.
So there's blackmail, there's bribery.
They got him by the short hairs.
Biden is corrupt.
Biden is owned by China.
So is John Kerry.
John Kerry's probably owned by Iran.
Why else would you do an Iran deal?
That's the worst deal in the history of the world.
And big America gives a pipsqueak, terrorist country everything they want, and then some.
And lets them get a nuclear weapon with no oversight.
Because John Kerry's probably, in my opinion, making a cut of the deal.
Iran's giving John Kerry a hundred million dollars, a half billion dollars, maybe even a billion dollars in a Swiss bank account or a Cayman or Belize bank account.
I don't know where the account is, but it's offshore outside the reach of United States authorities.
John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, they're all rich on your taxpayer dollars.
They use their office to enrich themselves and their friends and get rich.
And the Ukraine war is an extension of that.
Every single dollar we send Ukraine and every weapon, I'll bet you, my opinion, a piece of all of it is going in the pocket of the Biden crime family, the Clinton crime family, the Kerry crime family.
We'll be back with more in a sec.
Wayne Allyn Root.
All right, I'm live, Wayne Allyn Root, guest host for the Alex Jones Show for the great Alex Jones.
I love the man.
I think he's he's a guy wakes you up.
He is the red pill, right?
I think I got it right.
You're not going to believe this.
I never watched The Matrix.
I work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and I don't watch very much TV or movies.
So I've never watched The Matrix.
I work like a Fifteen, sixteen hours a day.
I work out two hours a day in the gym.
And then the rest of the day, that's my sleep time, which is just a couple hours.
So I just don't watch movies.
I've never watched The Matrix, but I think it's the red pill versus the blue pill.
Whatever it is, it's time for you to get some information.
So the Great Patriot Protest and Boycott book is my bestselling book, number one bestseller on many categories at Amazon for several months.
And I think it offers an opportunity to open your eyes and to help take this country back.
Patriot protest and boycott book.
Please get a copy.
It's not just a book.
Everybody writes books.
Anyone can write a book.
It's got solutions and then it's got a resource guide in the back with the names of the top 120 corporations in America that screw over conservatives every day and we have to go over them.
There it is.
Great Patriot protest book.
And then I give you the phone numbers to reach the CEO and the email to reach the CEO and the social media accounts of the CEO and or the company And the mailing address to reach the CEO and the board of directors and the names of the board of directors.
So you can now take five minutes a day and fire off emails or make a phone call and tell these companies how you think you're a conservative.
You're not going to buy from them ever again.
And the number one thing that I think is kind of.
A good example of my philosophy, which is Dr. Martin Luther King, civil disobedience, is the Canadian truckers and then the American truckers that have been in Washington the last few days.
That's how we win back the country against these evil people that are owned by the devil, by Satan, by Lucifer.
They're horrible.
And by the way, don't think I'm exaggerating.
Their playbook is Rules for Radicals by Saul Linsky.
And the first page says the book is dedicated to Lucifer.
And that's their playbook on the left.
They actually are idolizing the devil.
These people are sick in the head.
They're mentally ill and they're evil.
And they don't want to hurt us.
They don't want to beat us in elections.
They want to kill us.
And a great example, of course, is the vaccines.
I'm the guy from the day one.
And my guess is the only other guy in the country from day one was was Alex Jones, who has a real show, radio and TV, and was out there saying, don't take the vaccines.
I'm worried about it.
And Alex, I'm sure, was out there day one.
I was out there from day one.
Say it scared the bejesus out of me that nobody should listen to government.
Think about it.
When has government ever been nice to you, been kind to you, been right, led you in the right direction?
Why would you ever trust government?
And they rushed the vaccines into production.
And then next thing you know, it's no control group at all.
If you don't know what I mean by that, every vaccine in history, every drug in history has control groups.
50 people on this side, 50 on the other.
It's probably 10,000 on one and 10,000 on the other.
But to make it simple, let's say 100 on one side, 100 on the other.
This 100 gets the vaccine, this 100 doesn't.
Let's watch what happens to them in three months, six months, a year, 10 years.
You've got to follow people for 10 years and a billion dollars to $2 billion to get FDA approval for any drug or any vaccine.
There was no control group for the vaccine.
They don't know if in three months, six months, a year or 10 years, You will lose all fertility.
You will drop dead of cancer, heart attack, stroke, blood clot.
You will die of multi-organ failure.
You will grow three noses and five ears.
You will look like you're radioactive.
They have no idea they never did because there is no control group and there never was except for 30 days.
They had a control group for 30 days and then they decided it was mean To withhold a vaccine from the other hundred people, say, in the control group.
So they merged the two groups together and gave them all the vaccine.
Oh, my God!
That violates every principle in the history of science.
It violates efficacy.
It violates every human law.
You can't give everyone the same vaccine because you'll have no idea who's sick and who's alive and what caused it.
That's how they delivered the vaccines to all of you.
And then the government came out and said, the vaccines are great.
Take them.
And you all know I love President Trump.
Next week, I'm going on my honeymoon.
I got married in November, didn't have a chance to get away.
We're going on our honeymoon next week to Mar-a-Lago.
I'm staying at President Trump's home and country club.
Staying there.
I love the guy, but he's been wrong on one issue, the vaccines.
But that's okay.
He learned.
He learned.
I made a very strong statement in all the media and I said he's got to go after the vaccine mandates and stop bragging about the vaccines.
And ever since then he's done that.
He's fantastic.
He got the right message.
He understood conservatives don't want him bragging about the vaccine.
Because my belief is millions will die from this vaccine eventually.
It's going to start cascading soon.
It's going to be a blizzard.
It's going to be an avalanche.
It's going to be a tsunami.
It's going to be an earthquake.
It's going to be a tornado.
How you like those analogies?
Whipped him up, popped this up in my head.
It's going to be an avalanche of death.
It's getting worse every day.
So many people are dying from the vaccine.
So many are sick for life.
Just as an example, just my own accountant, one of my accounts, I have several of them, but one of my accounts got the vaccine.
It's a woman.
She got the vaccine and then she literally almost lost the sight.
She almost went blind for life.
Sight in both her eyes because her retina is detached from a shingles attack in her eyes within Days of getting the vaccine.
And then she was rushed to the hospital and she almost died.
All of her organs shut down.
I think if I remember her story from the drugs they gave her, her organs shut down and they thought she was going to die.
And then she lived.
But one eye is gone and the other eye is weak.
And she's in constant pain and has constant shingles attacks and never had them before and has only had them since getting vaccinated.
This is just one example.
So she's not listed as a death.
She's listed as a Injury and adverse effect.
That doesn't sound so bad.
That's not as bad as death, right?
When I tell you about deaths by the thousands from the COVID vaccine, that sounds bad and it's happening.
But when you say someone had an injury, well, maybe it doesn't mean anything.
Maybe it means they stubbed their toe.
Maybe it means for a day they had a headache.
Maybe it means for a day they had a cough.
I'm telling you, the injuries people are getting are heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, multi-organ failure, massive autoimmune attacks on their own body, and massive shingles, herpes attacks that are so painful it's blinding.
Forget about her being blind in her eyes from the shingles attacking her eyes and detaching.
It's shingles attacks anywhere in your body are the most, I have heard, thank God I've never had one, are the most painful thing you've ever felt in your life.
You can't touch your arm against literally the wind blowing against a piece of cloth.
You have to wear short sleeve shirts because the pain for the shingles is that bad.
That's what this causes.
Anyway, back to Ukraine.
So if you heard all of what I just said about COVID and you realize that Newsmax and Fox News,
it's now proven, took bribes for the federal government to lie to you about COVID and mislead you about COVID.
Even your friends at Newsmax and Fox News took the money and ran and never again were allowed
to let any anchor or host say anything negative about the vaccines and never allowed to have a guest on
who said anything negative about the vaccines.
And to my knowledge, this is a fact, but I'll say allegedly my opinion.
I heard it from Emerald Robinson, who used to be on Fox News, Newsmax,
a White House correspondent, and she wrote a story this weekend
that spilled all the beans that said that they were both Fox News and Newsmax
took literally along with other networks, a billion dollars from the Biden administration
to be always positive and run positive ads about vaccines and never allow a single guest to besmirch
or warn you of the dangers or deadliness of the vaccines.
So why would you now believe what the same government And the same media is telling you about Ukraine.
Story this morning that George Soros and Hillary Clinton are cheering on the war with Russia.
Of course they are.
Biden has destroyed the United States, the energy industry, inflation, groceries, home prices, rental prices, the open borders, the disaster in Afghanistan.
The list is long.
Our country is a disaster, like under Jimmy Carter.
And they want to disguise it and distract you from it.
And now you're starting to get the feeling we're about to enter World War III.
All right, welcome back, Wayne Allyn Root, guest hosting for the Alex Jones Show.
For those of you who don't know me, I'm an SOB, son of a butcher, born on the wrong side of the tracks in Malvern, New York, on the Bronx borderline.
I was the only Jew in a very overwhelmingly minority town, went to an all-black middle school, all-black high school.
Very different upbringing than any conservative in the media today, so I have a very different outlook on things.
I had to fight my way to survive on the mean streets of New York.
I had to fight my way to prove myself To all the people that were trying to attack me, and hurt me, and kill me, and intimidate me, and steal my lunch money, and you name it, steal my homework, chase me on the way home from school, but I learned how to fight back, and eventually I won, and then I won all their respect, and then I walked tall and never had to do that ever again, actually became a marshal at the school, carried a badge, made arrests, literally, citizen arrests in the school hallways against guys much bigger than me, changed my life.
All the people that run the Republican Party are a bunch of pussycats, I'll say it that way, You probably get in trouble if you say the wrong word on TV or radio.
They're pussycats, and they spent their life playing golf at a country club with Chip and badminton with Muffy.
And I didn't have that upbringing.
I didn't have that luxury.
So I understand the real world, okay?
My national radio show is every afternoon, 3 to 6 p.m.
Pacific, 6 to 9 p.m.
East Coast time, Monday through Friday, on USA Radio Network.
You can listen if you don't get it on your local radio station.
You can listen online which is where it seems like almost everybody now listens to me.
I mean I get thousands of fan mail a week and they all say they listen online.
So go to usaradio.com and listen live on the stream or go to Odyssey on your phone.
Odyssey's He's the number one streaming app in the United States of America.
40 million people listen to radio on Odyssey, A-U-D-A-C-Y, and they just took my show about two weeks ago.
So I'm very proud to say you can get the Odyssey app on your iPhone or on your Android, and then you listen on the phone every day, 3 to 6, or 6 to 9, East Coast, 3 to 6 Pacific, 5 to 8 Central.
I also want to mention my website, Root4America.com is my website.
Root4America.com, that's where everything starts.
There's my website.
And you can buy my book there, The Great Patriot Protest.
And boycott book, you can read about the book.
You can click on my podcast there.
I podcast seven days a week.
You can watch my video podcast there every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
You can watch my video commentaries there and you can read my written commentaries there and you get to my radio show, my national radio show.
You just click and you're automatically listening to my national radio show when it's live.
So all of that are ways to reach me and then of course I love when you email me.
Wayne Root at gmail.com.
I love to hear from my fans and friends.
Wayne Root at gmail.com.
You give me all my best ideas for my shows.
So good stuff happening and a little birdie tells me soon I should have a TV show talking a bunch of different TV networks and they're all interested so I'm guessing I'll pick up one of them and so we'll have a daily TV show as well.
So those are the things going on.
And you can also get my opinions on all the biggest news stories of the day at Getter, G-E-T-T-R, which is the Twitter for me, the new Twitter, because I'm banned for life from Twitter.
That's probably the best thing I could tell you about me.
I'm banned for life from Twitter.
Does that tell you that I'm good at what I do?
I was attacked by the IRS for four years under Barack Obama.
They tried to destroy my life.
Does that tell you how good I am at what I do?
When they all want to get you, when they all want to destroy you, you know you're good at what you do.
I put out a tweet Two years ago, and the Attorney General of a state tried to come after me for a tweet that told people what I take each day to be healthy.
Can you, does that tell you how effective I am?
Like Alex, liberals are looking and listening to every word I say to try and destroy me.
Right-wing watch, Media Matters, they all listen and record every single minute of my three-hour daily radio show to try and take one sentence out of context and hang me with it.
So obviously they're listening to everything I say and they're watching every social media post.
Can you imagine an Attorney General of a state has nothing better to do than to read my tweets and try and destroy me with one where I talk about what I take to be healthy?
It's so bizarre that it's beyond belief.
OK, so look, I started to talk about this topic before we went to the break.
It's so amazing to me that Emerald Robertson, the former White House correspondent for Newsmax
has now disclosed and a FOIA request has confirmed, Freedom of Information quest,
has confirmed that government of Joe Biden spent a billion dollars and gave it out to TV networks,
media companies, and newspapers to convince them to run positive ads for COVID vaccine
and to never, ever, ever, ever allow any hosts to see anything negative about COVID vaccine
and to never allow any guests on to see anything negative about the COVID vaccine,
which is why I used to be on Fox News all the time.
I was one of their favorite guests.
I could show you videos of several Fox News hosts saying, we love Wayne Root.
Wayne, you're one of our favorite guests.
Our audience loves you.
And yet I've never been allowed on again since the beginning of COVID.
They've all been bought off and bribed, every one of them.
They gave them money to shut up and lie to you and they didn't care if their own viewers and fans died
or got crippled for life or got shingles and their retinas are detached.
They don't care, but nobody ever bribed me.
I would not take the money.
And I've told you the truth from the first day.
Now, let me tell you some things that I put out today on social media.
Obviously not Twitter, because I'm banned for life.
But here's a post I put out at Getter, and I want to read it to you and then talk about it.
Another disaster.
I was talking about Joe Biden announcing today that he's banning us from buying Russian oil.
Another disaster.
This decision was clearly forced by conservatives in the media like me.
Who have been talking for days about how absurd it is that Joe Biden's making Russia the enemy and the most evil country and Putin is Hitler and at the same time buying a billion dollars a day of Russian oil.
It shows you what a liar and fraud Biden is.
So, I said that, I wrote that, I said it on TV, I said it on my national radio show, Wayne Allyn Root, on Unfiltered on USA Radio Network, I said it on my podcast, War Raw, I said it in all those places, and so did others I'm sure.
I'm sure Alex Jones said the same thing.
And many other really good conservative hosts said the same thing.
And Democrats watch everything we say to counteract it.
So he went out and banned Russian oil.
Now, that would be great, because I was saying how ridiculous it is.
Why would you give the Russians a billion dollars a day and finance their war when you claim the war is evil and Russia's evil and Putin's evil?
Well, guess what?
They went out and did it.
So I'd like to take credit for it, except for one little problem.
They're morons!
I didn't say to do it while we don't create and produce and drill for oil in America.
We've got to have our pipelines open.
We've got to have coal.
We've got to have drilling.
We've got to have fracking.
We've got to have all the energy companies working day and night, night and day in the United States for us to be allowed to do that.
Or instead, we're going to buy all our oil from Iran and Venezuela.
How stupid are we?
What a dumb country.
What a dumb leadership.
What a dumb government.
But is it, Tom?
Or is this all the purposeful destruction of the United States of America?
Because is this perfect?
They're playing chess and we're playing checkers while they're doing this.
Look at what's going to happen.
There's going to be $8, $9, $10 gas.
Maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe there's gonna be $15 gas a gallon.
You're going to bankrupt the whole middle class.
You're going to destroy the whole American economy.
You're going to kill capitalism.
You're going to make everyone in America possible dependent on government and wanting welfare and food stamps like a bird waiting for handouts.
That's what you've done to America.
No one's going to be able to afford to drive to work anymore.
No one's going to be able to afford to go to a birthday party, a wedding.
Whatever it is, they're not going to get in their cars anymore.
Who can spend $10 a gallon on gas?
So you've just killed the entire economy.
You've wiped out the middle class.
You made everyone dependent on government.
And how about as a bonus?
Well, and you've ushered in the Great Reset, where everyone's a slave and a serf and lives for government.
But the bonus to all of this is You've just made green energy make sense.
Green energy never, ever, ever made sense.
Wind, sun, biofuel, electric cars, they're ridiculously expensive.
The only cheap thing that works for the middle class is fossil fuels.
But if fossil fuels no longer cost $2 a gallon or $3 a gallon like they did under Trump, They cost $10 a gallon, then suddenly electric cars make sense.
Suddenly, green energy makes sense for the first time in history.
And that's going to make all the Democrats and their friends filthy, freaking rich, and in control of the entire energy industry and the American economy, and put Exxon, Mobil, and Chevron, and Texaco, and everybody else out of business, who are all conservative leaning, and fund conservative candidates.
This is a game plan of the Democrat Party.
They've managed to kill the oil industry, to kill the middle class, to kill capitalism, to kill American exceptionalism, and to usher in the green energy that makes them rich.
That's what just happened.
All right, Wayne Allyn Root, guest hosting on the Alex Jones Show, wayneroot at gmail.com.
Love to hear from you.
My book, again, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book, it's the last segment.
Boy, does this stuff go fast.
When you're enjoying yourself, not because things are going well in America, they're not, but because I am enjoying hanging out with you guys and telling you what I think, giving you my opinions, all raw truth, no holding back from the truth.
The truth shall set you free!
The truth shall set us free!
Without the truth, we have nothing.
Now we find out, we were backstabbed by even Newsmax and Fox News.
And who knows how many conservative websites took the money from the Biden administration to refuse to discuss the negatives of the COVID vaccine.
Let me tell you what all of this reminds me of.
And let me give one more plug, my website, RootForAmerica.com.
Everything starts at Root4America.com.
My books, my national radio show, you can listen live there.
My podcast, you can listen there.
All my commentaries, they're all there.
So I'm very proud of the fact that I work out every single day and I work out about 90 minutes a day or so, sometimes two hours in the gym, but about 90 minutes of workout time.
The other 30 minutes I'm on my cell phone talking to people, doing business deals and talking about politics.
So I get 90 minutes of workout in every day in that two hour window.
And the only way I could possibly get through a 90-minute workout is to have something great to watch on the screen in front of me.
Now, I mentioned earlier in the show, I don't watch a lot of TV.
At night, I don't, but that period in the gym is the only time that I turn on my TV and I watch something that inspires me, that I really enjoy, and then the 90 minutes goes by fast.
So, about seven years ago, in 2015, Trump had not even announced for president yet, and I'm on the treadmill and I'm watching a movie with Warren Beatty.
Tell me the name again, the name again.
Bulworth with Warren Beatty!
And Bullworth is about a U.S.
senator running for re-election who's getting killed by 20 points in the polls.
And then he decides he wants to run for president after he's re-elected and his staff thinks he's insane because he's down by 20 for senator.
So how can he run for president?
And he decides he's going to take a risk and start telling the truth to everyone.
He's going to literally sing the truth and he starts singing and rapping what he thinks is the truth about politics.
You know, hey, stop complaining because you're on welfare because you're a bum and everyone starts booing him.
But then all of a sudden they go, hey, he's right.
And suddenly he gets huge crowds and they start cheering for him and cheering him on to tell the truth.
And I wrote a commentary that said, this is Donald J. Trump.
He should be our next president.
That's who I met Trump.
I never met him in my life.
And Trump sends an email the next day after my column comes out.
And it says from the office of Donald J. Trump.
And I open it and it says, see attached.
And there's a personal handwritten note on Donald Trump's stationery that says, Wayne, what a magnificent article.
You're the best.
Love the Bullworth analogy.
And you will be very excited about what I'm about to announce soon.
So I knew at that point he was going to run for president.
That's how I met Donald Trump.
And ever since then, he sent me nice notes about everything I wrote.
Well, yesterday I was in the gym working out and I chose a movie to watch.
And it was Braveheart with Mel Gibson.
And I watched that movie over the last two days, yesterday and today, because it's like a three hour movie.
So I did 90 minutes yesterday, 90 minutes this morning.
And you know what I found?
It's today!
It was a thousand years ago in Scotland and England, but it's today!
We are living in Braveheart!
It's a perfect analogy with what's going on today.
Let me explain what Braveheart was about.
Scotland wanted to be free and independent, the Scottish.
But they were under the rule of England and their vicious, disgusting king, Longshanks, who wanted everything for himself.
Every woman, every daughter, every dollar, everyone was under his control.
And Scotland was under his control.
And the Scottish people were led by this new hero, Sir William Wallace, who is Braveheart.
And he led them to such magnificent victories that the king paid everybody off to entrap him and kill this guy, capture him and kill him.
And eventually they did, by the way, sad ending to the movie.
But his death inspired a new battle.
And it was the first time that the Scottish people ever actually defeated the the British army on a battlefield.
And they won their independence.
So first, William Wallace, which is Mel Gibson, Braveheart, Won battle after battle, small battles, and then they won the biggest battle of all after his death because he inspired them by being tortured and murdered by the British king.
And so, long shanks.
And so, what's the point of the movie?
Number one, everybody wants freedom.
Every, the people want freedom.
Those people are Donald Trump's voters.
The little people of Scotland wanted freedom.
America's blue collar, middle class, working class wants freedom.
Then they're led by a brave hero who says, screw it, I'm going to tell the truth.
That was Sir William Wallace, Mel Gibson, and that's Donald J. Trump.
And then in between the problem is and then you have the enemy, which is the king of England and all his army.
And in America today, the enemy is the Democrat Party.
They're clearly of the devil, of Satan, of Lucifer.
They're evil.
They're horrible.
They want to destroy America.
They want to destroy the middle class.
They want to make you broke and make you a ward of the state for the rest of your life, just like Longshanks wanted from you.
But there was something amazing about the movie Braveheart that that triggered my epiphany here.
Because there's something in between all those people.
It was the noblemen of Scotland.
They acted like they were on the side of the people of Scotland, but in reality, the King was bribing them with all kinds of goodies.
Land, hot women, hot daughters, sex on the first night of marriage.
With anyone in Scotland getting married, after the wedding ceremony, the King of England said, you, the noblemen of Scotland, have a right to have sex with that girl on the first night and then bring her back to her husband.
So the nobleman said, hey, that's great.
Let's screw over the Scottish people.
We are a loyalty to the King of England.
So the people, which is the Donald Trump voters, loved Braveheart, which is William Wallace, which is Mel Gibson.
But the people now love Donald Trump.
But we're being sold out by those noblemen.
In Scotland, it was the Scottish noblemen.
In America today, it's the Republican Party.
All the rhinos are selling us out and selling Donald Trump out and stabbing him in the back, just like the movie Braveheart.
It just explored and explained everything that's happening in America today.
Nothing ever changes.
Scotland, England and Braveheart is America today.
All right, let me read you something else that I put out today on social media.
I warned you about this days ago.
Do not take the bait.
If Biden wants war with Russia, if Obama wants war with Russia, if Hillary wants war with Russia, if George Soros wants war with Russia, Clearly, it's the wrong thing to do.
Clearly, it's a bad move.
Clearly, they're brainwashing you.
Clearly, you're seeing bad images in the news.
Clearly, they never, those four never have America's best interests in mind.
So stay away from anything these four communist traitors want.
This has nothing to do with saving the Ukrainian people.
This is about saving Biden.
This is my social media post today.
Saving Biden from the worst poll numbers in modern history.
Distracting you from open borders And $7 a gallon gas making you forget the lies they told you for the past two years that damaged your life and damaged your kids for the rest of their lives and ushering in the Great Reset to make us all your poor, broke serfs and slaves dependent on government to survive.
That's the game they're playing.
They lied to you about the rigged election.
They clearly stole it.
They lied to you.
About COVID and the response to it.
It was just awful.
The lockdowns, the business closures, the school closures, the mask mandates, the vaccine mandates, the vaccine passports, all lies, the COVID tests, all false positives.
My God, they just lied and lied and lied.
And you took the bait.
So many of us took the bait.
So many conservatives I know are vaccinated.
Since my wedding, since my wedding in November, 10 people I know Almost all conservatives, all vaccinated, have either dropped dead or had massive open heart surgery and they're just barely hanging on or just barely recovering right now.
10 people at one wedding!
And that's just the people I know about!
They lied to you and they covered it up in the media by giving out a billion dollars, and they made sure the media featured nobody like me to tell you the truth about the COVID vaccines.
The Iran deal now is all about bribery, just like the Ukraine war is all about bribery.
It's about how much money can they cut off of each deal.
If we give $10 billion to Ukraine, Joe Biden's going to keep $1 billion.
It's all incredible.
All right.
Look, my time is up in about a minute.
I want to say goodbye to y'all.
I've got answers every day, three hours a day.
Wayne Allyn Root, raw and unfiltered, on USA Radio Network.
You can listen at usaradio.com, ask your local conservative radio station to get The Wayne Allyn Root Show, or go to rootforamerica.com.
You can always contact me at wayneroot at gmail.com.
Again, the website where it all begins, rootforamerica.com, and the book that I'm so proud of, number one bestseller, The Great Patriot, protest, and boycott book.
Thank you, Alex Jones, for giving me the time on this show today.
Always enjoy being on your show.
Nobody can fill your shoes, but I try my best.
Alex, thanks for all you do.
Wayne Allred, we got 30 seconds left to go.
Have yourselves a great day.
Fight, fight, fight, and never, ever, ever give up or give in.
Do I think the situation's good?
Do I think it looks good for America?
Do I think the odds are against us?
Are we on the way down?
It sure looks like it.
But if you never give up, and you keep fighting, and you're relentless, as Winston Churchill said, never, ever, ever give up, we can win this thing.
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And Alex, I'm not compensated to say any of this.
So no, we don't have some secret deal where Stone will plug our products.
No, I'm saying this because it's true and for no other reason.
And also... I got to interrupt you.
I have plenty of time next hour, but it's funny you raise this.
Last time you just brought up off-air how much you liked one of the products and the iodine.
And then I said, well, you ought to say that on air.
So we came back, you said it.
They made a huge, like it was a scandal.
He promoted the iodine product.
They tried to say that I'm somehow selling quackery.
Iodine is indisputably extremely value in terms of boosting natural immunity.
There's no dispute about that.
All I was pointing out was that the iodine product sold at InfoWars is of the highest quality.
I mean, I've bought iodine down at, you know, the vitamin shop, and I've ordered it on Amazon, as much as I hate giving Jeff Bezos a penny, but it's not of the quality that you can get at InfoWars.
That's all I was saying.
They make it sound like this is some kind of hucksterism or that I'm somehow compensated to push these products.
No, I said it because I'd just gotten over the Chinese virus and I was at the point where all I had left was this nagging cough.
Thanks to ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, I had a quick recovery.
That'll ensure that we're banned everywhere, just that I mentioned those.
And I talked about the quality of the product.
It's a joke.
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