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Name: 20220306_Sun_Alex
Air Date: March 6, 2022
1267 lines.

This passage discusses a wide range of topics including revolution, government lies, George Soros, LGBTQ+ rights, iodine products, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, censorship of conservative voices on social media platforms, the importance of independent research, the potential dangers of nuclear war, various products for maintaining good health, an interview with Oliver Stone, fear and control in society, survival gear, gain of function research, centralized power through debt, eugenics, transhumanism, privacy protection using Faraday cages, COVID-19 vaccine side effects, potential future events such as war and fake cyber attacks blamed on Russia, finding communities and being self-sufficient away from cities due to their toxicity, vaccine shedding leading to blood clots in periods of women around vaccinated individuals, and the need for the liberty movement worldwide to address the second global authoritarian corporate takeover.

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It's Sunday, March 6th.
Tomorrow's news, today.
We will not comply with the institution's sick illusion.
No, it won't be televised.
Welcome to the revolution We will not be by
When the institutions take it loose And all we want to do is die
Welcome to the revolution The revolution won't be televised.
Government been telling lies.
If you're not with us, you better step aside.
Witnessing the genocide.
Everything is centralized.
The food that we consume and they spraying it on with pesticides.
Easily identify the sheep and the snake.
The real and the fake.
Giving us a reason to pray.
I'ma make my own choices.
A voice for the voiceless.
They trying to destroy us.
Avoiding the poison.
It's all pointless if you don't have a purpose.
If you read the verses, you'll know who we versing.
Government can't tell you what you're worth.
It's no deeper than the surface.
The Soviet empire collapsed.
As the empire collapsed, I moved in and picked up the pieces.
First in Hungary in 1984, and then Poland in 87, China in 87 as well.
And so this is how the, this, what I'm, the Soros Empire was replacing the Soviet Empire.
And how do you think you're doing in your imperial ambitions?
So, George Soros, with U.S.
taxpayer money, has spent over $10 billion in the last 20 years in Ukraine for the overthrow they executed eight years ago.
And he went on CNN, he went on Bloomberg, we played both the clubs here, I'm not going to play them again today.
And said that he quarterbacked the overthrowing of that and intends to overthrow the Russian government and Vladimir Putin and have a leftist color revolution in Russia and then use the bordering states that are not ethnically Russian to have an anti-Russian phobia like you have an anti-white phobia here being funded by Soros and then break up Russia into at least four parts.
That is his stated goal of the foundation he heads with Fiona Hill, the Open Society Foundation.
And they say the operating system of the caucuses in Eastern Europe and Russia will be transgenderism for men and lesbian relationships for women.
I don't dislike any of these people or groups if they're adults and want to do things themselves or drink Drano, for that matter, or cut your penis off.
That's your right.
I'm a libertarian.
But when you target children with it, it's evil.
And this has really pushed the Russians over the edge.
And the left tries to gaslight in the last few weeks with articles where I point out that Russia is enraged by this sexualization of children, the pedophilia.
They, of course, have banned a whole bunch of countries in Europe, Eastern Europe, including Russia, adopting children to Europe and the U.S.
because so many end up being raped and murdered.
I mean, look that up, that's a real thing.
So they have Rolling Stone articles and others making fun of me about it, but then they had the head of MI6, they had the head of NATO, they had a bunch of U.S.
Senators and Soros all say the main mission is to turn Ukraine into LGBTP.
I mean, they said the LGBT part and the targeting of the children.
So I know that sounds whacked out to say that's the ideology of the left, but that ...is the ideology.
When you realize how weaponized it is to get men to not marry women and vice versa, and to castrate little boys, or chemically castrate them, that's how you kill people!
If they line you up and shoot you, like what Soros helped do when he was a kid under the Nazis, people would fight back.
But if they convince your child when they're five to have their balls chopped off in a couple years and take away
parental rights in a cult They can terminate the child
You are listening to an InfoWars.com frontline report It's Alex Jones.
Well, we've got a massive amount of key news and guests tonight on this live, original Sunday, March 6, 2022, wartime broadcast.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Filmmaker, author, Of course, also the son of Oliver Stone.
Good friend of mine, Sean Stone, is an expert on Ukraine, an expert on Eastern Europe.
He's written books about it.
He's got a new book out on the global deep state and the New World Order.
Of course, his father made several films about Ukraine and the Soros overthrow, and that is Ukraine burning, and one other film.
He'll be joining us in the second hour tonight.
Long-time InfoWars reporter who then went to work the last few years at the Blaze, Savannah Hernandez is now doing work with Truth Social, and she is with the convoy that entered D.C.
today, but hasn't gotten all the way into the main area of the Capitol, the ceremonial areas, all the monuments, because the traffic is so massive, the city is now completely, basically, in gridlocks.
We've got a lot of that coming up for you.
She'll be popping in with us at the bottom of the hour and then tomorrow.
She will be joining us with live video feeds from DC.
And by the way, Truth Social's now up and running.
The bugs have been worked out, and we're getting a lot of people following us over at the Alex Jones area at Truth Social.
So glad to see that Trump has gotten that open, independent social media system launched.
Great job.
Speaking of Trump, when Trump's right, Trump's right.
When he's wrong, he's wrong.
We know he's a whole hell of a lot better than Active Globalist, Link.
Soros controlled, Bill Gates controlled, Biden who's actively cutting off our energy, destroying our borders, while still buying oil from Russia.
How he squares that, well, we'll lay that out coming up.
But first, I want to play a clip of Trump.
Talking to a famous golfer, and they had him on speakerphone.
This just came out today, and so they released it out on Instagram and YouTube and everywhere else.
This is John Daly, the famous golfer, and Trump talking about Russia and Putin.
And why is this important?
The New York Post first reported weeks ago that Trump had threatened to nuke or attack Moscow and, quote, blow up all those beautiful gold towers you've got there in Red Square if you attack Ukraine in any way.
He reportedly also told Xi Jinping the same thing about Taiwan.
Well, now the National Archives was consulted and did find references to that in those conversations.
And now we have President Trump confirming, indeed, that was the case.
So, for four years, Russia did not make any moves against Ukraine.
But they did eight years ago.
With what we saw with Obama, and we saw it again happen under Biden.
The idea of blaming Trump for peace deals with Russia, peace deals with China, peace deals with North Korea, and then now claiming it's Trump's fault is asinine.
It is George Soros and the globalists' fault for poking the bear and moving weapons in there and bragging about it on national TV.
Doesn't mean I agree with what Putin has done, but they started it.
And now they want the Ukrainians to fight to the death against it as a smokescreen for what's happening by design in the Great Reset with the world economy.
This is a big deal though.
And here is the video of the real president, President Trump.
No, it's funny.
"Oh, he's a nuclear power, it's like they're a friend of him."
You know, he was a friend of mine.
I got along great with him.
I said, "Vladimir, if you do it, we're hitting Moscow."
I said, "We're gonna hit Moscow."
And he sort of believed me, like 5%, 10%.
That's all you need.
He never did it during my time, John, you know.
No. - We were all talking about it.
No, it's funny-- - Why didn't he do this during the last four years?
'Cause he knew he couldn't.
It's funny how she didn't bother you either.
Yeah, no, she didn't bother me, and he told him the same thing.
And we know he publicly told North Korea, China, and Russia that if you attack any major capital preemptively, we will then hit you.
the face of the earth.
You won't have a problem.
So that's Trump confirming what his policies were.
We know he publicly told North Korea, China, and Russia that if you attack any major capital
preemptively, we will then hit you.
And Putin and Xi Jinping believed it, so they didn't.
But under Biden, who they've blackmailed, both countries have paid off him and his son on record.
Well, they knew to make their move because they knew he was weak.
So for all the leftists cheerleading for Ukraine and Zelensky and saying, we need war with Russia, no-fly zones and massive sanctions and all of this, it's you guys that allowed this to happen in reality, not in the fantasy land you live in, where Trump And myself, and conservatives and Christians and populists are Russophiles.
We're America-philes.
We support America.
You guys are America-phobes.
That's the reality.
Now there's a bunch of these clips.
You know, he said in the State of the Union, Biden, a few days ago, the puppet president, the reanimated corpse that's up there speaking, that Iran invaded Ukraine.
Well now he's topped it.
Didn't even correct himself.
He's now come out and said that Putin has invaded Russia.
Which I guess is this is like the snake eating its tail.
Or in some stranger eons, maybe even death may die, as H.P.
Lovecraft once said.
Because it actually is where Russia was born.
So even though he's wrong, it's not technically Russia.
It's where Russia actually started a thousand years ago in the history books.
So he's wrong, but he's right.
Here it is.
What's going on internationally?
How do we get to the place where, you know, Putin decides he's gonna Just invade Russia.
Nothing like this has happened since World War II.
Now, let's listen to an even bigger idiot.
And again, I have hung out with Sean Penn, and I've run into him backstage at the DNC when I was covering that.
However many years ago that was, 12, 13 years ago in Denver.
And he is literally a moron.
When he plays the part of the cool pothead, that you know the drug dealer in fast times at Ridgemont
High. The reason he did such a good job is he's a moron. He's a moron and he runs around to every
big event trying to be a hero trying to find a hero and he has endorsed Zelensky another actor of
just being God being the most incredible person he's ever seen.
Zelensky is a Soros puppet that has been lying every step of the way and who ran his mouth about war with Russia and helped all this happen.
And he's been posting video he shot years ago of himself in combat outfits as if he's at the front lines lying to people.
So just because I don't like Putin invading Ukraine doesn't mean I've got to like Zelensky and all these other idiots.
But I'm telling you, Sean Penn is so stupid that, I'm not being mean, I don't think he could work at McDonald's.
And here he is gushing over, I mean just look at him, like a vegetable.
A burnout, mindless vegetable that thinks he's important and we have to sit here and listen to this guy.
Listen to him gush over Zelensky.
I don't know if he knew that he was born for this.
But it was clear I was in the presence of something and again I think reflected of so many Ukrainians That was new.
That was new to the modern world in terms of courage and dignity and love that comes out of the man and the way he has unified that country.
And I think Mr. Putin certainly added to paving the way to that.
But this is such an extraordinary moment and I was endlessly impressed and moved By him.
And terrified.
For him and for Ukraine.
An empty, lying sack of garbage paid by Soros to go over there and she'll BS on us.
Alright, I'm gonna get to the serious news when we come back, okay?
Because there's a lot of it here on Ukraine and the world and the economy.
That's really the big news, is what it's doing to the economy.
And how the economy is already sliding over the edge, but this is just accelerating it.
And where all that's going.
And then we've got huge COVID news where Biden secretly paid over a billion dollars to
mainstream media to sign agreements not to talk about vaccine damage,
confirming the criminal racketeering.
Putin is trying to take Ukraine with limited casualties and limited loss of life and infrastructure.
He said that on record.
And as soon as the Secretary of State announced that NATO was going to be sending fighter jets to use the airfields outside Kiev to attack Russian forces, the Russians destroyed all the major airfields around Kiev and three other cities in one hour.
So Russia did send in its conscripts, its draftees, kind of like McNamara did in Vietnam, to draw out the enemy, to use up the ammunition.
It's a pretty cold-blooded move.
The real Russian army has been sitting back, waiting.
And now you're starting to see it move.
And you're starting to see a lot of precision devastation.
Also, it's confirmed and it's on record that the Ukrainian forces and the three main Nazi brigades that are actually, they wear Nazi outfits, they wear swastikas, they howl Hitler.
Those three groups are not letting Ukrainians evacuate to the West.
It's all on video, it's all on InfoWars.com.
We have a live update page with just hundreds of links.
And they are hiding in schools that no children are in.
And hospitals thinking Russians won't shoot at those, but then Redditors and Twitter users have flooded their leftist, literally with pink and blue hair and all the rest of it.
The photos and videos are insane.
There's articles and videos about it on Bandai Video.
And they are geolocating.
CNN said, geolocate where you are.
When you send in your footage so we can give you credit and buy the footage from you, you know it's real.
So they're geolocating videos and photos where they're with the rebel forces.
And the Russians then artillery attack or bomb with jets or missile strike the grid on the GPS.
I mean, that's a whole other show, folks.
I forgot to tell the crew to get the videos and articles on that, but there's a big section on Infowars.com, a live show update page where we have some of that.
Again, there's some videos on the front page of Bandot Video where other reporters have gone and shown this.
It is just next level to have CNN.
I'm sure you've all seen it.
CNN doesn't normally have viewers, but it does during a war, so I've been watching it some and other channels, and they're on there saying, be sure and geotag your videos and photos so we know it's real.
And then the left, thousands of citizen journalists, I guess to be heroes, and it's a big story, are pouring in and even showing off their guns they've got, and then they're dying because they're tweeting and Facebooking and Redditing geolocated videos and photos that anybody can go get and find out the location of.
Here I am with the Ukrainian fighters in this school.
And then 10 minutes later, artillery shells rain down on them and kill everybody.
And so you'll see headlines like, oh, Russians attack more schools.
50 schools destroyed today!
You don't see the word children, though, because there are no children in those schools.
You've got to really ask yourself how we're ruled by people like the CNN crew.
Or maybe they just want to see Ukrainians killed.
Be sure and give us your geolocation!
That then anybody can get.
You know, I have to tell people when they come over to my house, hey, please don't, if you're going to take photos in my house, please don't geolocate it.
And they look at you like you got three heads.
And I'm not even a tech guy, but I remember 20 plus years ago, I had reporters in my house and they go, why do you have a camera, I mean, a tape with a piece of paper over your webcam?
And I said, because the government routinely just dials in on those and so do foreign governments and hackers.
Of course, years later, the FBI director said you should do it, all the rest of it.
But again, that's the naivete of the public.
And I'm digressing.
I'm sorry.
There's so much news here.
We'll hit all the Russia stuff and more next hour.
But let me hit some of this right now.
and allies quietly prepare for Ukrainian government in exile and a long insurgency.
And I can tell you, the Green Berets and the Navy SEALs are in there training the insurgency right now and the U.S.
is basically at war with Russia.
This is just a bad thing any way you slice it.
Putin says Western sanctions are akin to declaration of war.
That's what sanctions are.
What do you think cutting off our pipelines and doing one-sided trade deals with China is?
It's war against the American people.
It's called Siege.
Putin warns against creating no-fly zone over Ukraine.
So, here's the video.
Secretary of State Blinken goes out and gives a speech.
Watch the whole press conference.
It's on Infowars.com.
And says, oh yeah, we're sending them planes.
We're sending them planes now from Poland.
So the Russians then bomb all the airfields.
It's going to end with Ukraine prevailing.
Secretary of State Blinken says, NATO countries have the green light to send fighter jets to Ukraine.
Zelensky pleads with the U.S.
Senate for fighter jets and Russian oil embargo in call with U.S.
Guess what Schumer also called for?
He called for the lockdowns and the COVID emergency declared two years ago by Trump to be kept in force, but the Senate outvoted Our Hitler clone, that's another form of siege against us, ladies and gentlemen, is trying to keep those COVID restrictions in place.
NATO nations can send jets to Ukraine, ban on imports of Russian oil being discussed.
Furious Zelensky lashes out at weak NATO for not imposing no-fly zones.
Cartoon villain or Rational actor, the problem behind the goodies and the baddies, foreign policy.
White House says it's working with Poland to get jets to Ukraine.
Warsaw says it's not true.
Over 3,000 Americans have applied to join the Ukrainian military.
But in a poll, it's wealthier Americans who support military involvement in European war because they don't have to go fight.
And look at this.
The Ukrainian peace negotiator, who was the interpreter, and not that he didn't need much interpreting, but there were some Americans there, has been shot dead amid claims he was a Russian spy after the latest meeting.
So that's how the Ukrainians are behaving.
That's not too smart to kill some of the negotiators.
We got so much more coming up.
That segment will learn about the convoy.
As you know, the U.S.
government's still trying to make truck drivers that cross the border either way to take injections of this deadly gene therapy.
And so we need to remember that they're going to try to bring back all the COVID restrictions if we don't continue to expose the fraud it was.
If we just brush ourselves off from the last year of abuse, last two years of abuse, and go back to the next big story, that's war.
Then Fauci and Gates and the New World Order and Pfizer and Moderna.
None of them get in trouble for what they've done.
So that's very important.
And Savannah Hernandez doing news reportage with Truth Social, who's in D.C., will join us.
And then we're going to get into the huge COVID news.
It's the biggest yet.
and Sean Stone joining us on the burning of Ukraine.
I'm eastbound, just watch old Danny run.
Keep your foot hard on the pedal, son, never mind them brakes.
Let it all hang out, cause we gotta run today.
The boys are thirsty in Atlanta, and there's beer in Texarkana.
Are we going to do what they say can't be done?
We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And former InfoWars reporter, Savannah Hernandez, that's worked with The Blaze and is doing work with Truth Social, is up there covering the People's Convoy that started arriving from all over the country in D.C.
And the big online and Apple and iPhone Droid apps for traffic are showing that the entire
beltway around D.C. is at a standstill tonight as the trucks get there.
And I'm told the trucks have already started getting into the main area of D.C. where all
the different memorials and government buildings are and are reportedly honking their horns,
pointing out that they want the COVID-19 police state to end.
We have had the U.S. Senate vote to end the national emergency, but the House still has
to do it.
But in blue zones in many areas, they're vowing to keep the mask on forever.
And CNN and others are saying, keep the mask on forever.
So we're starting to win the war against the COVID power grab.
But we've not won the war yet.
We've just won some major battles.
So, Savannah was just able to get to her hotel and to give us a report.
Savannah, great to have you with us tonight.
Tell us what you've been witnessing as you followed the convoy.
Thank you for having me here today.
So we today were watching the convoy.
They actually haven't made their way into D.C., but they went ahead and did two loops around the Beltway, which is made up of the I-495 and the I-95.
And they said that they did this because they're trying to be strategic.
Of course, they don't want a January 6th 2.0 type of thing happening.
They're very wary of the government.
Trying to, you know, stage a false flag, make them look bad.
So they're being very strategic and they did two loops around the Beltway today.
There were thousands of vehicles in tow.
We're talking semi-trucks, jeep, SUVs, regularly like a Toyota Corolla.
This is called the People's Convoy because it isn't just semi-trucks.
It's people from all over the nation.
It started off in Adelante, California on Wednesday.
February 23rd and we are now on day 12 of this convoy.
They've made their way to again, the DC beltway.
They're currently in Hagerstown, Maryland, where they stopped for the night.
And they said they're going to continue to drive this beltway until that
national emergency is declared over.
They want Biden to stop.
Uh, basically, you know, impeding on everybody's rights and freedoms.
And they're not standing up for the majority right now who keep saying, oh, why are these people even protesting?
It's pointless.
They're standing up for the minority, the police officers, the nurses, the military personnel that are still being subjected to forced vaccination and are still being fired because of this national emergency order.
Well, just overnight, Savannah, we're told forget about COVID, it's all over now.
Let's move on to Ukraine.
Let's move on to Russia, like somebody flipped a switch.
And they want to now tell us that Russia is the reason we're about to have a worldwide economic meltdown or that energy prices are up.
But we know this was already all unfolding long before.
And again, we're showing some of the shots.
Local news is reporting that the Beltway is basically at a crawl, very unusual for this time of night.
So you say you were there, Savannah, and that there are thousands of vehicles.
Alex, you bring up Russia-Ukraine.
I had to pay $4.70 for a gallon of gas yesterday here in the D.C.
The gas prices are absolutely ridiculous over here.
And yes, you're completely right.
Our entire media has shifted the narrative.
They want us focused in on Russia-Ukraine.
They're painting Russia as this bad guy, as Putin as the worst thing that's ever happened.
When in reality, the biggest threat to America right now is Biden, this administration, and this regime that is destroying America from the inside.
Biden and many of the other people in this administration are already trying to say that the truckers in Canada were insurrectionists, that the Canadian officials should have used federal powers to shut them down.
So of course the American truckers here, still trying to get their voices heard,
but be a lot more strategic about it.
Because many of them are very fearful of our government, because they have seen the overreach.
They have seen the power of the media, and painting them as these terrorists, these domestic insurrectionists.
And we've seen the government come full force against these people.
So the truckers so far have been very friendly, very energetic,
but of course very cautious of the media.
They're cautious of who they talk to, because they do not want the narrative being rewritten
about what this is about.
Again, they want all this to just go away.
And some people are saying, "Hey, COVID's over.
But as you said, the U.S.
government's trying to make Canadian and U.S.
truckers that go back and forth across the border take these deadly shots, use these apps to track everywhere they go, but if you're an illegal alien coming across the southern border, you don't have to.
Energy from these truckers has been amazing.
They're freedom-loving Americans.
I actually did a video yesterday where I had truckers give me their first name, where they were from, and an item that they delivered to the American people that we may take for granted.
So I heard things like balloons, corn, onions, cucumbers, a children's playground.
So many items are delivered to us from these truckers, the same truckers that this administration has come down on,
has taken rights away from.
And I even asked them, "What are you fighting for here today?"
And so many of them said that they were fighting for their freedoms.
They were fighting for their children, their future grandkids.
They were fighting for your kids because they realized that our country
is not the same place that they grew up in.
And now is the time to fight for their freedoms and stand up.
So again, the truckers said they're not going anywhere until this national emergency is completely lifted across all states, across the entire country.
They have had enough of this nonsense and they will continue this protest until their voices are heard.
Let's talk about TruthSocial.
I have really been excited to see it starting to work the bugs out and millions of people joining it.
I know you're covering things for TruthSocial right now.
What's your view on where you think TruthSocial is going?
Great platform.
We know that censorship has been one of the biggest issues that anybody in the media has faced, really.
If you're willing to tell the truth in this space, if you're willing to expose corruption, you're going to be censored at one point or another.
My favorite part about Truth Social so far is the fact that I've actually been able to see what's actually going on in Russia.
We're seeing that commentary.
We're seeing the political analysis About NATO, about why Russia has made these moves.
So, it's a very interesting site and again, they describe it to me as basically like a big tent site where they want people from all aspects of politics and all over the world to be able to have a conversation, censorship-free, so that way they can talk about their ideas, people can understand different viewpoints.
So it's been good so far.
Of course, it's in the beginning stages, so still working out a lot of things, but I think it's going to be great to have another platform Where people can spread the truth and where we can hear from former President Donald Trump, another man who has been very heavily censored.
Well, Savannah, I can't wait to see you out there on the road tomorrow, and I'd love to have you here with us during the weekday show to break this down on the live feed, but I can't think of anything more important than peaceful Americans going out and showing their discomfort with the ruling class trying to put us under a biomedical permanent martial law grid.
In closing, what do you make of the leaders of the peaceful Canadian trucker protest held in shackles, held without bond, facing 10 years in prison and being treated like they're al-Qaeda?
The federal government encouraged the Canadian government to use federal powers to shut down these truckers shows us very well what they think of the American people.
Look at the fact that the DHS just updated their terrorism bulletin to add misinformation and disinformation online.
Essentially, if you don't trust the government, they're trying to paint people as domestic terrorists because they question the government because we see that it's all corrupt.
So we should be very wary of this administration and how they view American freedoms because we've seen the immense attack that every single American has been under over the past two years and it's absolutely disgusting.
So please use your voice while you still have it no matter who you are.
The American truckers making a very big impact and making a very Strong statement here.
Every single American needs to continue to do this, not be distracted by what's going on abroad, but focus in here at home and send the Biden administration an important message that we need to bring America back and we need to stop allowing it to be destroyed from the inside by these corrupt officials.
Savannah, I totally agree.
Shifting gears out of the truckers, I want your view on the situation in Ukraine straight ahead.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back here to this live Sunday transmission.
March 6, 2022.
Freedom is under attack right now.
In Russia and the U.S.
and worldwide.
And governments everywhere are using it to shut down free speech.
Look at this.
We're talking investigative reporter Savannah Hernandez, also a great videographer.
And she is on the ground in D.C.
where tens of thousands of vehicles have shown up in the American Freedom Convoy against the police state.
And there she is on the great truth social.
Russia blocks Facebook and Twitter.
And then...
Facebook put out a statement saying soon millions of ordinary Russians will find themselves cut off from reliable information, deprived of their everyday ways of connecting with family and friends, and silenced from speaking out.
We will continue to do everything we can to restore our services so they can remain available to people to safely and securely express themselves and organize for action.
What happened to 90% of conservatives, it's estimated, have been taken off Facebook or Twitter?
What about the President being taken off?
What about all of that?
So CNN, ABC, CBS, BBC all cease Russian broadcasting because they passed a law saying it's illegal to put out fake news.
I don't agree with what Putin's doing.
America's supposed to be the example of free speech, but we have this paradox Or the corporate media that censors and spies and controls and says they want people arrested for their speech or sued out of existence for questioning mass shootings or any other event.
But then they cry bloody murder when somebody censors them.
And says, oh, it's a human right to have access to Facebook.
Oh, only for Russians?
Not for Americans?
After we build it?
We promote it?
We send people there and then they take it away?
Savannah Hernandez, your take on this and Russia and Ukraine and where you think it's all going?
Well, I would have to thank you personally, Alex, because you were one of the first people that was laying out exactly what was going on in Russia and Ukraine, and one of the only people.
So when all of this was first developing, I, like the average American, don't have a long historical understanding of the tensions between these two areas.
And so I tried to Google it, and of course there were no articles about NATO, about the West's influence with Ukraine, about why Russia has been so aggressive, or why they decided to invade Ukraine.
And so you were one of the only people that was talking about this issue.
And I was even telling all of my friends, if you really want to know what's going on over there, go to Bandot Video and go listen to Alex Jones because he's one of the only people actually laying out in a historical context what's going on.
So it's been very difficult for the average American to actually understand what's going on and now the censorship is cracking down.
We aren't allowed to hear from Russians at all.
Russian people are being You know, attack themselves.
They can't use their own bank accounts.
They're being censored.
We can't see any information coming out of that country.
Ukraine is being propped up here in the U.S.
and we see all of the same warmongers, all of the same politicians, and all of the same media who have lied to us for the past two years, propping up Ukraine.
And it's baffling to me that conservatives who, you know, said that, oh, these people are sworn enemies for lying to us.
These same conservatives are now on the side Of those pushing for war in Ukraine, it's absolutely disgusting to me.
I want the truth.
I listen to your show because I want the truth.
So I have to say thank you to you for, you know, again, highlighting and exposing what's actually going on because you're not going to get that from the mainstream media or even from a Google search.
Well, that's why it's important to show all the different angles.
We show the different propaganda from Russia, from the United States, from the UK, from Ukraine.
We show it all and both sides are obviously being deceptive.
My big takeaway here is that Soros overthrew the elected government eight years ago.
He bragged about it.
He says he's conquering Russia.
He brags about it on TV.
And then they go and poke the bear.
What do they expect to happen?
And then that's my first question for you.
And then secondarily, I know a lot of prominent conservatives.
I know a lot of people in the media, you know, off record, they tell me what they really think.
They're all so sick of Soros and Hollywood and the left that by them endorsing Zelensky, they're now siding with Putin.
I think we should be neutral.
We should call for peace and not be part of this.
But I'm telling you, the establishment is so hated in America that the majority of people I know, Christians, conservatives, you name it, they are all actually rooting for Russia.
And that is a reflection of how discredited our political elites are.
What's your views on that, Savannah?
And again, just being on the ground, being at the People's Convoy, they are so careful with who they talk to.
And why is that?
Because the public has lost so much trust in the media.
Because they know that the media is going to take a situation, and they're going to spin it for whatever's popular.
Whatever's going to get the most clicks.
Whatever's going to get the most attention.
whatever is going to make the most money.
And that's what's happening right now with Russia and Ukraine.
We are not getting the truth.
Because the military-industrial complex wants to make money off of this war between Russia
and Ukraine.
Because war is a very lucrative thing.
That's why we're seeing all of these politicians who are going to be making copious amounts
of money off of this, pushing this in our faces.
I was reading at the beginning of all of the conflict a Politico article that was essentially trying to push us into war with Russia and painting the narrative that we immediately needed to attack them and be on the side of Ukraine.
Yeah, the article was sponsored by Lockheed Martin.
At this point, if people don't see what's going on, if people don't understand that we are being baited into a war that is only going to further enrich these same corrupt politicians that continue to lie to us, I don't know how to help, you know, that American.
So, we do have access to information like your broadcast, like Band.Video.
You do really have to research and be very diligent about finding the truth about what's
going on, but that is our duty to do so, so that way we're not sending, you know, innocent
people to go die in a senseless war.
And all the corporate media here in the U.S.
saying no one should be able to question the official narrative, when the official narrative is being proven to be a lie every day.
There was no ghost of Kiev.
There was no actual shelling of the reactors.
They were not damaged.
They shot up.
a command building that had troops in it shooting at them.
And I'm not defending the Russians, but nobody died at Snake Island.
So much of this has been downright, complete, fabricated lies.
And I mean, Alex, think about the fact too, that if you even do want to understand why
Russia is being so aggressive, you're immediately labeled a pro-Russian Putin-apologist.
Are you kidding me?
So, again, the censorship that we initially experienced online was just setting us up for censorship in the real world.
Now people are even afraid to question anything that isn't pro-Ukraine or to maybe look into some of the history with why Putin may be acting the way he is because they were immediately labeled pro-Putin and so they're scared to speak out against it and question things that we should be able to question at a basic level.
That's right.
Well, the Russians are in a real war against Western high-tech anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles.
This is not like when the United States goes in to these third world countries and our troops on the ground certainly fight and certainly face small arms and explosive devices.
But this is a real war and the Russians are dying by the tens of thousands and you better believe the Ukrainians are dying by the tens of thousands.
This is horrible and we pray for peace and we pray uh... for an age-old to announce that it will not absorb ukraine
and so that uh...
putin can pull out approach even talking about expanding more
behind the scenes from our intel and i just think that's a terrible idea understand what putin
was pushed into this
from his perspective but long-term is going to have the people the world
i'll stop soon savannah hernandez will be joining us at noon tomorrow
live from the convoy great job we're watching all your great reports over at uh...
truth social and people should go over there right now and get the app and
follow you on trumps new system
that's uh... got millions and millions of followers and is working quite nicely
And that's at SAV Says or Savannah Says and on Twitter at RapidFire underscore POD.
Thank you so much Savannah.
Thank you so much for having me Alex.
All right, folks.
We are listener-supported.
Hour number two is coming up.
We cannot fund this operation without your funds.
Now, I've been selling iodine for 10 years.
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Sean Stone is going to be...
Joining us, he is an author, he's a filmmaker, he's a friend of mine.
He did a great job on Jesse Ventura's show, helping produce it, exposing the plan for lockdowns 12 years ago before it happened.
He's going to be joining us coming up.
And I thought he was a guest in his own right, but his dad obviously is one of the greatest filmmakers ever.
Oliver Stone, also an amazing screenwriter.
But he's an expert on Ukraine.
But show is Sean Stone, who is a world traveler.
And met with many of these world leaders and has made films about it as well.
We'll talk about Ukraine on fire and more coming up with Sean Stone in a moment.
I'm getting a lot of calls.
I'm getting a lot of emails and calls and people reaching out to me, including family.
And they're saying, Alex, what do we do if there's a nuclear war?
How do we protect ourselves?
And I say, well, don't live near a big military base or key infrastructure.
In case there is a strike, but also promote peace, promote justice, promote an awakening.
Point out that the globalists want a war, a nuclear war for depopulation in their own doctrine.
And that the US and Russia have first strike in their doctrine that they may strike the other country first.
Push our governments to demilitarize when it comes to nuclear weapons and to not continue to develop new and more deadly weapons.
That is just common Since.
But as long as the New World Order is in there pushing tyranny and pushing division and pushing proxy wars, that's not going to happen.
So now we're on the verge of a major nuclear war.
And many political scientists and analysts around the world believe, in fact the majority do now, there's a consensus that the world is in the greatest danger of nuclear war it's ever been in.
Major hedge funds.
And major banks are out there saying 10% chance of nuclear war in the next six months.
Man, that is just such an incredible number, and I tend to agree with that number.
So I'm seeing a lot of stories out there about iodine being bought off the shelves.
Medical iodine that's not for ingestion.
Topical iodine that's not for ingestion.
I see the potassium iodide pills that are for nuclear war being bought off the shelves.
And I just want people to understand something, that That's only for one type or group of isotopes, and is something that helps you with most forms of fallout.
But I don't promote and sell the highest quality deep-earth crystal iodine for nuclear fallout reasons, even though it's something that mitigates it some.
But there's nothing like peace that mitigates it, so it doesn't happen.
It's essential to all electrochemical activity in the body.
And it is essential for your immune system.
And the UN estimates, and I agree with the number, I've looked it up, that over 2 billion people have cognitive disabilities and lower IQs because of deficiency in iodine.
China adds it to their salt.
The U.S.
government used to.
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They add the bad halogen, fluoride, bromine, bromide, chlorine to the water that does the opposite.
So out of all the things we sell and the things we do, true deep-earth crystal iodine with all different three types, the atomic iodine and two other types for better absorption, is in X3.
And we were ending the sale of X3 at 50% off, but then I noticed everybody was buying it up,
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(upbeat music)
We are now into hour number two of the Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
An old friend of mine, author, filmmaker, Sean Stone joins us.
He is an expert on geopolitical events, and so is his father, who's made the two absolute definitive films on the ongoing Ukraine crisis, Ukraine on Fire, and now his latest, Revealing Ukraine.
Ukraine on Fire came out, what, six, seven years ago?
Revealing Ukraine 2019.
Here's the trailer for revealing Ukraine from Oliver Stone.
More clashes in Ukraine's capital Kiev.
What we saw here today was a revolution.
I'm an outsider to this situation, but I would like to jump into the action.
In recent days, Kiev has turned into a full-scale war zone.
The events that took place at that time... At first, the actions were peaceful.
We, the radicals, noticed that we were dealing with the right party, a neo-fascist organization.
To all Ukrainians, America stands with you!
It seemed to me that the United States Embassy had a staff that managed this process.
To all Ukrainians, America stands with you.
Who was your highest level contact with the US government in this period?
Biden, the Vice President.
But the thing is that Mr. Biden said one thing, and in Ukraine they did another.
Questions of credibility are being raised after a private chat between two top US diplomats was leaked online.
So you had this remarkable phone call where you have these two senior officials of the US government
apparently talking about a coup or how they were planning to restructure the government of Ukraine.
The scenario of seizure of power and coup d'etat.
[glass shattering]
We saw in the 1980s, the Central Intelligence Agency had been largely discredited because of scandals that had been exposed in the 1970s.
They still want to get rid of certain governments.
They wanted regime change in Syria, for instance, regime change in Iran.
And they have a lot of allies now inside the news media, inside the government.
And that means that they can do a lot to control the narrative.
And it works with the American people.
NATO has expanded into 13 countries.
Why do we react so sharply to NATO's expansion?
When a country becomes a member of NATO, it is very difficult for it to resist the pressure from such a large country, the leader of NATO, as the United States, and anything can easily appear there.
A system of anti-missile defense, and new bases, and, if necessary, new strike systems.
And what do we do?
The United States is imposing new sanctions in key sectors of the Russian economy.
After the third wave of sanctions hit Russia, the tensions between the two countries skyrocketed.
So the question presents itself.
Are we truly witnessing the beginning of Cold War 2.0?
Well, you talk about tomorrow's news today, Oliver Stone knocking it completely out of the park.
(dramatic music)
And we've got his author, filmmaker, son in his own right, good friend of mine, one of the help produce the great Jesse Ventura series that exposed COVID-19 12 years before they launched it, Seanstone.info.
Sean Stone joins us, and he's a media host, author, actor, poet, speaker, and above all, truth seeker and spiritual activist.
Sean, great to have you on.
Man, did your dad, and also you've been out there, warning of this, call this Way in advance.
Thank you so much for joining us tonight.
We're also going to talk about your new book that I'm going to read as soon as I get it, New World Order, A Strategy of Imperialism.
We'll talk about that as well coming up in about 20 minutes.
But first, wow, good to see you there on the video.
And where do you want to start?
Wherever you like.
I think that Ukraine on Fire trailer really sums it up, doesn't it?
What strikes you in that video?
It's very much a color revolution.
Those of us that have been paying attention saw it all through the 2000s, right?
When we first started hearing about Soros' color revolution.
You know, in Georgia, Ukraine, you name it, Azerbaijan, right?
There were just countless of these also in the North Africa and Egypt and whatnot.
So you're just seeing, you know, you're seeing that strategy.
What's amazing to me is that's obviously, you know, you saw the tensions heating up in 2014 in Ukraine.
Well, then they turned the color revolution here because Trump won in 2016.
So they had to target Trump, right?
He got in the way of their plan, which was really to do what they're doing now back in 2017 with Hillary.
And Biden was running the whole show, they admit.
What is it like for you to be right in the middle of this, traveling the world, talking to world leaders, making your own films and books, just like your dad, but from your own perspective, to see him show right now?
Because this is like a time machine.
It's like your dad had been in a time machine to the future.
And now everybody's rediscovering these already hit films, hit documentaries he made that just absolutely nailed it.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, again, I mean, remember, this was a huge issue at that time period of the 20, you know, post 2014.
What did we hear?
They were screaming all that, all the, you know, the Romneys and the Democrats and everybody was screaming about Russia, right?
We saw the new Cold War at that time period in 2015, 2016.
And then the only thing that stopped it No.
No, he's not making this up.
Because Trump was saying, "Look, we're America first.
We don't necessarily want to stick with NATO. Screw NATO."
Do you know the history of NATO?
As you know, Alex, I mean, NATO is very much constructed off of former Nazi apparatuses.
There's Operation Gladio, which anyone I'm sure familiar with the show knows about.
Lay that out, because a lot of people haven't written books on the subject like you have.
Explain to people that Putin is not making this up.
No. No, he's not making this up.
Back in... Okay. Think about... Just take Ukraine.
There was Operation Nightingale, which was run by ex-Nazis, and Frank Wisner, one of our deputies at the CIA in the late 40s, setting up stay-behind armies, doing assassinations, all kinds of disruptions in the Ukraine at that time period, which was part of the Soviet Empire at that time, right?
That's just one of many examples.
There was Gladio, which was the NATO operation all through the post-World War era.
And there were a lot of fascists, ex-Nazis that were part of the NATO apparatus.
People may have heard of Reinhard Galen, who was one of the instrumental founders of the
And he was a former Nazi intelligence head who was focused on the Soviets during the
World War.
So, a lot of, as we know, paperclip in America.
Klaus Barbie, all of them, exactly.
And that's the best way to put it.
Ukraine had some of the biggest stay-behind networks ever put in it, and they used Nazi networks, the CIA did, to do that because the Nazis had occupied Ukraine for four years, so they had the networks already in place, and those networks have still been there till today.
I mean, the NATO itself, as I said, was based on the Nazi infrastructure of fighting the Soviets, right?
That's what NATO was designed for.
So, to sit here and go, why is NATO still in existence when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, right?
Why do you have NATO designed as an anti-Russian alliance?
And by the way, doesn't this go against George Washington, our founding father, saying no to the entangling alliance?
Trump should have got us out of NATO.
If Bolton's right and Trump would have got us out in this time period, in the second term, good for him.
We should not be part of NATO.
This is an entangling alliance that does not serve America's interests.
This has nothing to do with American security.
And there's no doubt that Putin wouldn't have invaded if NATO was not trying to basically pump arms into Ukraine as a proxy war.
That's an act of war.
I'm not glad that Putin invaded, but what did people expect him to do?
Your father made a film, what, six, seven years ago, warning this would happen, and now it has.
That's right.
The problem is that you have too many people, especially in the Western world, who don't know their asses from their mouths, so all they do is talk shit.
And you're talking about someone like Putin, who actually does what he says?
I'm sorry, it's a different capacity of leadership.
When Putin said Ukraine and Georgia are not going to join NATO back in 2008, Why do we think that he wasn't going to stand by his word?
Why do we treat Russia like some third-rate dictatorship like Iraq or Syria or Libya that we can just overthrow?
And obviously we've seen what happened, right?
We went, we overthrow these governments, we support coups, we support terrorists against Syria.
I mean, Russia's a different caliber.
Russia's the biggest country in the world geographically.
It's got the second largest nuclear weapons arsenal.
Again, exactly, they're starting a fight.
They're writing checks that we can't cash.
Whether people want to kill Putin or not, whether he's the devil or a good guy, this is not tenable, and the American establishment is insane.
That's the point.
This is the liberal establishment of Soros, of Biden, of Clinton.
And I say liberal, I mean Bush's are part of this, Cheney's are a part of it, but it's a liberal ideology of globalism, as you know.
And my New World Order book talks about it.
It's a global agenda, right?
The idea is to bring all of these countries under one world financial control, right?
IMF structures.
That's what they've done to the Ukraine.
Revealing Ukraine exposes how Ukraine was the richest country coming out of the Soviet Union.
What happened to it?
Sean Stone, stay there.
I know you're an expert on this.
You know more about it than I do.
We'll talk about it more in your new book.
Everybody can get it at Amazon.com and other places.
New World Order, A Strategy of Imperialism.
And it's all about what you see happening right now.
Get his new book right now.
It's got four and a half stars.
Get it today.
New World Order, Sean Stone.
Well I've known Sean Stone, wow, I've known Sean Stone like 15 years, maybe longer,
but got to him really well working on the production of Jesse Ventura's TV show
that was so groundbreaking, got censored.
A bunch of the episodes we worked on got banned, and you go find those banned episodes online, people just have freaked out over them.
Tens of millions of views, more views for the show now in the future than when it got back then, and it was very, very popular back then, had millions of viewers then.
Sean Stone is not overshadowed by his towering father, who makes so many serious, also interesting films like JFK, the list goes on and on.
Really what Hollywood's missing today, but he in his own right, international journalists, produces international TV programs, news programs, author, filmmaker.
So much more and when he talks about Ukraine and in Europe and Russia, he knows what he's talking about
Now I talk about Cecil Rhodes and the globalists the model they use his book is about that
He goes deeper than I've even gone. We're gonna talk about that in the next two segments, but in this
shorter segment continue to give us your view and Your understanding of what's happening in Europe and how
you cuz not just your dad back with Ukraine on fire Seven years ago and this new film a couple years ago
but you were coming on my show warning of this six, seven, eight years ago as well.
So you have really been on this.
Why did you see this coming so far away?
Because there's an inevitability to the globalist push, right?
I mean, not globalization itself, which is to say we've always been globalized in some capacity since, you know, the days of Alexander the Great, right?
Connecting empires.
I mean, trade is one thing.
Forcing debt slavery on people is a whole other issue.
What happened really, it seems, since 2014 was Europe basically trying to enforce a deal with Ukraine.
That's why they got rid of Yankovych, because he didn't want to take the deal.
That was basically to say, you have to take loans from us.
You have to be part of the IMF European community as far as finance is concerned.
That's why they ousted Yankovych, because he wanted to take a loan from Russia, right?
So, I mean, Putin's perspective is, look, Ukraine should be neutral.
Ukraine should be able to deal with both Europe and Russia.
It shouldn't be one or the other.
But post-2014 you've seen a resurgent nationalism that's very much staked with some of these neo-Nazis that have infiltrated the military, the government.
So, you know, Zelensky, you know, is Jewish, sure, but doesn't mean that he's not beholden to Kolomoisky and these oligarchs, right?
Kolomoisky was banned from America.
I think Glenn Beck did a great segment about Kolomoisky.
He was banned from America until Biden got him free because Kolomoisky was backing Hunter Biden's Burisma deal, right?
So we've heard about Burisma and this whole thing with Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden getting deals.
Well, they're very integrally connected to the oligarchs running Ukraine.
And guess who's one?
Probably the second most powerful person in Ukraine is George Soros.
Soros has been all over this place, funding the various anti-corruption things.
Well, guess what?
That's exactly how they run corruption, right?
When Biden fired the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden and Colin Wojcicki and all these characters, Biden fired him, right?
Had him fired.
Back in 2015, 2014, 2015, 2016 time period.
That's right, he brags about it.
And you know, when you talk about Nazis, just to interrupt because it's so important, it's all over you saying Trump's a Nazi when he was so pro-Israel or I'm a Nazi or anybody that questions critical race theories of Nazi when we're actually opposing Nazi-like ideology of people are bad because of what color they are.
That's the Nazis do.
These are real Nazis.
The most real Nazis in the world are in places like Ukraine.
Not all of them, but a large minority.
And that is a fact.
This is not debatable.
These people hold positions in Parliament.
They literally do the Heil Hitler salute and wear swastikas.
So when our media tries to ignore that, it totally discredits everything else they have to say.
Of course!
I mean, they're ignoring the fact that we, back in 2016, initially Congress was trying to stop putting money towards Ukraine because the Azov militia was integrated right into the Ukrainian military, and the Azov is notoriously a neo-Nazi battalion.
And so, originally they said, well we can't fund you, and then quietly they do it.
And there was even talk about this back in 2016, you know, wow, the Azov is neo-Nazis, but then ever since then they've just hushed it up.
You know, it's again, it's just continuous.
These people are hypocrites, as we know, you know, within their establishment, within the media.
They are hypocrites.
Why is it that they were, you know, the same CNN that was pro, you know, pro-war against Serbia, pro-war against Baghdad, pro-war against Libya, you know, pro-war against Syria, all of a sudden it's, oh no, we're anti-war.
Give me a break.
These people are, they're arming Ukraine.
What do you think is going to happen?
I mean, do they not understand that Ukraine is like Mexico or Cuba to us?
I mean, of course Russia would fight over it.
If Russia or China was putting missiles in Mexico, you don't think people would have a problem with that here?
Sean, again, you predicted this.
You did interviews.
You did reports on it.
Now tell me what you think is coming next, because you have such a deep understanding of this.
I want to know, my family wants to know, the listeners want to know, as somebody that's been a trailblazer, and it's just true folks, I know I'm gushing, I gush over people that are accurate way beforehand, that's what I'm always searching for, that's the holy grail of news and information, is people that really understand subjects.
What do you and your circle of researchers, that I know are some of the best, think is about to happen?
The Russians, I see the Russians being very smart, very calculating.
The media keeps saying that they're losing.
I just see them as, they're not trying to take civilian casualties.
I mean, that's the point.
Russia, Russia sees Ukraine as their cousins.
At 1900, it was Kiev, Russia.
Okay, this, they are, they are the same people.
Now there is a, there is a Germanic faction that's in the, you know, that's Western Ukraine.
There is the blonde-eyed, blonde and blue-eyed faction within Ukraine.
So it's not to say that all Ukrainians are Russians, but at least half the country is ethnically Russian,
speaks Russian, so Russia's not going in there to destroy Ukraine.
They are systematically, it seems, going after biolabs, going after the military, trying to make it neutral.
As Putin said, it should be like a neutral Switzerland type of country between the West and Russia.
That's his attitude.
Now, I've heard from military intel that the Ukraine was pushing for nukes.
Now, whether or not they actually have developed them, I've heard breaking stuff.
I haven't confirmed it, that the Russians did find- - Zelensky said he wanted nukes.
No, Zelensky said he wanted, I've actually heard, again, not confirmed,
but from intel people saying, yes, the Russians did find that they have dirty bomb or some kind of nuclear capacity
that they have been working on in Ukraine.
Please continue.
That's just the most breaking thing I've heard.
And that came from a few days ago.
And then I was someone else told me that independently today that they found it.
So this is coming from high level military in the Russian side.
So that's why I can't confirm it.
But it does seem that this is a major aspect of why Putin decided to move.
If there was not only the bio labs issue, there's as we've heard about genetic warfare things, you know, as far as genetic smallpox, things like this, but actual nuclear dirty bond type of capabilities being developed in the By the way, the Russians came out a week ago and said that they found all these bioweapon labs, and the media called it fake news, but we went and looked up old articles in Reuters, and you name it, admitting the U.S.
built Level 4 bioweapon labs, and we did a whole report on it.
Pentagon-funded biolabs in the Ukraine, banned on video.
So that's a fact that that's going on, and our media says it's not true, Sean.
Well, our media is a bunch of liars.
I mean, come on.
Didn't we figure that out during the Kosovo War?
I figured that out in Kosovo.
By the time of Iraq, I knew that there were no WMDs there, you know.
I was listening to Scott Ritter at Princeton when he came and said, look, you know, I was one of the UN chiefs of this, you know, looking into Iraq.
They don't have WMDs.
This is made up.
But guess what the UN believed?
The UN believed a little vial of white stuff.
I mean, let's be honest.
These people are crooked.
Crooked as they come.
You're right.
I want to get into your book when we come back.
And by the way, I'm going to order a bunch of these.
I haven't read it yet, but I know it's going to be excellent because I've read your other works.
And you're just dead on when it comes to the Anglo-American establishment.
Who really runs the New World Order?
What is the Anglo-American establishment?
Ladies and gentlemen, that doesn't mean white people.
It's a specific name.
Where is it coming from?
Where is it going?
Who are the different power blocks?
Where does he see it all ending?
And how can we, the common people, get involved and stop this global conquest?
Sean Stone's our guest.
Stay with us.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
World War I, World War II, the Cold War.
It was all about global empire.
Who is the most powerful combine in the world?
Is it the Russians?
Is it the Chinese?
Or is it the globalists?
Well, we know it's the globalists.
But who are the globalists?
I mean, they write books about themselves.
They brag about their plan.
Those back to Cecil Rhodes over 130 years ago.
And I know he's made films on it.
I've seen the reports he's done.
He's traveled the world exposing it.
And now he's written a book about it.
So if you want to understand the Russia phobia.
And why these powerful globalist forces are hell-bent on taking over Russia, and why George Soros brags that he will be the emperor of Russia.
I played that clip at the start of the show.
Why do they have such enmity, and where is this all going?
Well, I would postulate the globalists created the communist state of China.
It's kind of double-crossed them, and that's a beautiful thing, because I don't defend Xi Jinping.
I think he's a super tyrant, you know, compared to somebody like Putin, who's more of a strongman.
Then we have the really True sophisticated evil perched on top of America and Europe, in my view, that is sucking off of us and hates us as much as they hate the Russians.
So I see that Americans and Russians really have the same foe, we're just more occupied by it and through Trump and populism we're trying to throw off that yoke.
That's probably an oversimplification, but I want to get Sean Stone's expert view on that.
Yeah, I'll give a plug real quick.
People can contact me through SeanStone.info if they want a signed copy of the book.
bookstores and of course amazon.com and seanstone.info. So Sean, please continue and lay out the book
for us.
Yeah, I'll just give, I'll give a plug real quick. People can contact me through seanstone.info
if they want a signed copy of the book. That's another option. So the book, I mean, you know,
we talk about who's the head of, it's very difficult to locate who's the head of the
A lot of people talk about World Economic Forum these days, right?
That's become part of the common parlance.
That's definitely the mouth of it, in my view.
That's definitely the spokesperson.
And who... so who trained Klaus Schwab?
Well, Schwab was trained by Kissinger, amongst others, right?
But that's fascinating because my book is about Kissinger's lineage and how he was trained very much through his mentor at Harvard, William Vandell Elliott, who was a disciple of the round tables of England and the Roundtable factions really were born from, as you mentioned, Cecil Rhodes.
Not the first globalist, certainly in the tradition of imperialists.
Who was his banker?
It was Lord Rothschild, I believe.
Nathan Rothschild, I believe.
So the Rothschilds basically being very intimately connected to this whole operation, which shouldn't surprise people who've studied
globalization, right?
I mean, the power of the Rothschild banking system, obviously the Rockefellers and other
other elite families.
But I also would argue that these are new money compared to maybe some of the older
families that that are behind the scenes, very much, you know, interrelated, connected
to this to this whole apparatus of finance.
Like the Sachs-Coburg-Gothas and those folks.
Oh, sure.
I mean, that's, I guess, the Queen's family is connected to them.
But ultimately, it's like, you know, who finances the governments?
Who controls the central banks?
Who puts people into debt?
Because that's ultimately what this is always about, right?
It's creating debt slavery.
I was mentioning with the Ukraine commercial that basically at the end of the Soviet era, Ukraine was the richest, wealthiest republic.
It was an industrialized nation.
What did they do to Ukraine?
Same thing they've been doing to America.
Deindustrialize it.
Basically, make it such that people become debt slaves.
This one lady put it on French TV.
She's like, people are putting half their paychecks every month to their gas, to their electric and gas, you know, and heating.
I mean, it's crazy.
Soros, in the full C-SPAN interview I saw from 2015, was bragging how he basically was already infiltrating it when Russia controlled it, and how he's been in control the whole time, and is basically sucking it dry, just as you just said.
It's always about getting basically getting put people into death slavery.
That's really the globalist agenda.
And so the more that they can use international bodies to do so, you know, like the IMF and World Bank, it was we've seen throughout the late, you know, the Cold War era.
John Perkins talks about this very clearly.
John Perkins talks about this in his book, The Confessions of an Economic Hitman, right?
Talks about how, you know, they put these countries into debt, deep debt that they can't afford to pay off.
And then they basically go into these austerity programs.
So there's all these different apparatuses, but ultimately the drive is to centralize power.
And we saw it in the 2020 era.
I mean, it was fascinating to watch all through this COVID debacle, how it was like the World Health Organization and all these non-democratic bodies are dictating You know, how to respond to a bad cold.
I mean, it was insanity, right?
But again, this is surrendering power because what is the real target of the New World Order?
The New World Order's target is America.
America is the only country in the world premised on the idea that God gives us divinely equality and sovereignty.
That we empower the government.
No other country in the world does that.
Every other country says the government, which used to be a king or an empire, gave the people some rights.
Man, you are preaching it, brother.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution say, "No, God gave you the right as a human
being and we empower the government and those powers we don't give the federal government
are reserved to the states and the people therein."
And that is why they hate America.
Man, you are preaching it, brother.
And you know, we've gotten to know each other pretty good over the years.
And I know you've had a chance to get into some of the highest levels of things where
They bring you in and see if you want to be part of that particular arm.
I've had a chance to meet with some of those organizations and groups.
It's all different heads of the same hydra.
Looking at it, what is their endgame?
I see it as total domination, a global social credit score to be able to control every aspect of our lives, literally the biblical Mark of the Beast, to then force us to give up our humanity in exchange for being able to even live.
I mean, I really see this as an alien takeover, and I don't say little green men or flying saucers, but a spiritual, dimensional takeover of the natural order of humanity.
I see this entire globalist movement As alien.
So the sequel, really, the spiritual sequel to New World Order, the book, is the docuseries I just put out called Best Kept Secret.
And you're featured in it.
And it's a powerful docuseries because it goes into the nature of how the elite, the dark elite, use Franklin scandal, sexual, you know, sexual pedophilia, satanic invocations, really traumatic to traumatize people to, you know, to basically hide this core of really, I believe, a satanic Uh, a satanic heart that's really behind it.
I do believe there's a demonic force at work.
I do believe this is a multi-dimensional war, a spiritual war.
There is something beyond this physical realm, and this docuseries gets into that, step by step.
It's a powerful series.
How do people find it?
The best is on Vimeo On Demand, but so is SeanStone.info, my website is the best place to link to.
It's also on Iconic, our friend David Icke's streaming, uh, iconic.com.
Sean Stone, best kept secret.
Find it at his site, seanstone.info.
Continue laying out this group's aims, and how do you think we fight back against it?
Ultimately, I mean, it's the things that you know and you've talked about.
That's why you're in the series.
I mean, it very much is a spiritual war.
They want the transhuman thing because it's designed to disconnect us.
You see, we as beings, as physical beings in our bodies, we are connected to God in our very being, in our very breath, in our every atom of our body is connected to the earth, right, which is God's universe.
The more that they can basically move us into this sort of digitized, controllable version, synthetic version of humanity, right?
And it began really, I would say Steiner and others saw it coming a hundred years ago with the synthetics, the chemicals, the chemical warfare, the chemicals in our, you know, putting into our, talking about fluoride and things like this, but into our foods and our waters, the Monsantos, all these different companies.
They were born a hundred years ago.
Really at the dawn of the First World War.
And that design for synthetic life, non-natural, non-organic, right?
The fact that you can go to a store and have to look for organic food should tell you everything you need to know.
This is satanic.
It is against that which is natural, which is made by God in the natural universe.
They're creating a synthetic artificial metaverse, really.
That's the way I see it.
An artificial reality where they control it outside of God's domain.
And you've been talking about this for decades, Sean Stone, and now here we are.
And again, they hit us with so many different thousands of attacks and chemicals, but you can't ever blame any one group.
When you add it all together, you see the agenda.
Total sterilization, total death, or to have a baby, you've got to go have a chimera splice creation made that's not even really a human, and then your checkmate, the scientists now, are God.
Yeah, I mean, essentially, I remember seeing a few years ago the Chinese were developing artificial sperm.
Do you remember that?
Yes, I do.
Yeah, I mean, it's like, what is that about?
What is the intention here?
It's really, a lot of this is eugenics, right?
I mean, again, talk about the Nazis, why the Nazis inherited in eugenics, but guess where it really began?
It began in the Anglo-American empires.
It was the British and the Americans, as you know, that were hosting the first eugenics conference.
That's right, let's talk about that with Sean Stone.
Final segment, riveting information.
We gotta get him in studio soon.
Coming up in about a week and a half, we're gonna have Sean Stone in studio.
So look for that.
I'm Alex Jones.
Your host, Owen Schroer, is about to take over with Sunday Live.
And that's from 6 to 8 p.m.
It's picked up by a lot of our AM and FM stations and TV stations, but we cut all the network ads out.
So there's only six minutes of ads an hour on that broadcast.
And I'm starting more and more podcasts that are commercial free as well.
Those are very, very popular.
So look for more of those.
Right, right.
Where to begin?
days and next few weeks with special guests and more in your phone calls.
Johnstone, the vaccine, the biomedical tyranny, how does that tie into your book, The New World Order?
Right, right.
Oh, where to begin?
You know, as I said earlier, you saw the global response, the global nature of this response to the to the to the
covid pandemic, let's call it right, knowing that there was gain of
function research going on, seeing now that Moderna had patented
some sequences of it.
I've heard at the very beginning that there is HIV in the in the spike protein,
I guess, or within, you know, within the covid-19 virus.
So, again, you're talking about genetic.
Really, viruses are genetic warfare, if you think about it.
Because that's really what a virus is.
It's genetic.
Some people argue that viruses themselves are not really deadly.
It's the terrain.
It's how your body responds to it, right?
But you're basically looking at why are these gain-of-function researches going on in the first place?
Why are they trying to create... And we saw this back in 2001, right?
The creation of anthrax and how that was deployed right after 9-11.
And we still don't have answers as to who created that anthrax and spread it.
But it seems to have been an inside job of some sort, right?
There was never clear answers.
That always indicates that there was an inside job.
They had to cover it up.
The point is, so they're weaponizing, you know, these viruses and you're, you know, again, dealing with genetics and how they're trying to maybe target certain gene groups.
I mean, we, we gene pools, I mean, we saw, we heard about this a long time ago with HIV as well.
You know, was it, was it designed to basically malevolently affect people of African descent more than, more than Well, you know, let's say like white descent.
I mean, it's very, it was very interesting to hear these various conversations.
So when you look at the nature of the genetic, we were talking earlier about the eugenics process, right?
The eugenics programs, which is very much racially based and trying to target certain groups, trying to depopulate certain groups.
You have to always wonder, you know, with COVID-19, you know, is, was this designed white?
Is that why it affected?
The Native community, the Black and Latino communities more, let's say, in America?
Well, exactly.
We know the spike protein plugs into receptors that people that have more equatorial bloodlines have larger receptor sites.
That's just a fact.
And as you pointed out, Moderna now admits that they patented in 2016 that very spike protein that is genetically modified, that is in the COVID-19 virus, proving it was man-made.
And guess who holds the patent?
A consortium with Bill Gates and of course Fauci and others involved.
And what do you make of Melinda Gates, now Melinda French, coming out against her husband and saying he needs to answer, that's a quote, Epstein and that Epstein was evil incarnate.
Sounds like she knows some big shoes are about to drop, Sean Stone.
Well, I take that with a grain of salt, considering I can, I, I, my, my feeling, my hunch is that she's a Satanist herself.
So I think it's kind of like, well, whatever happened with this divorce, uh, does she feel like maybe, you know, is there something going on behind the scenes?
You know, is Bill basically, is Bill in trouble or is there, is there another motivator?
You don't buy that she's a good person, but that is big news that she's distancing herself from him.
Oh, absolutely.
It's important.
It's certainly important and indicative of what she's saying about Epstein.
Epstein was not just a pervert involved with pedophilia.
He was a very wealthy guy.
We don't really know how wealthy he was or, you know, if he was connected to Mossad, CIA, British Intelligence, probably a collection of all three at some level.
Julian Maxwell obviously would indicate, you know, both Mossad and British Intelligence, and Epstein himself being Jewish, so it's like, this is not surprising.
But the point is that Epstein also, as far as I know, was interested in things like getting blood from the, you know, the youth to preserve longevity.
We've seen about Silicon Valley, right, being very interested in the blood of the young.
He was also obsessed with human cloning.
He was obsessed with corrupting scientists so they could control them.
Yeah, exactly, exactly.
So his interests overlapped with very, you know, why, why would, I kept asking, why would Bill Gates, who's supposedly the richest guy in the world, courting Epstein for money?
Give me a break.
Especially after he's convicted, convicted as a pedophile, right?
Oh, let me go ask this guy for money.
Who are you fooling, man?
You know, looking at some of these headlines, the Babylon Bee made the joke, Putin receives Nobel Prize in Medicine for ending COVID pandemic.
They've now, the Senate's passed a law to say, okay, the emergency's over, but the House hasn't yet.
Why do you think they're backing away from this now?
Because of the backlash?
What do you think's happening?
Yeah, that's a really interesting question as to what is going on.
Are people waking up to deception?
Obviously post, you know, we saw through this winter, not only was Biden completely inaccurate that it was going to be a winter of death for the unvaccinated, but people that were vaccinated were all sick.
Everyone got sick, apparently, right?
It was like, vaccine, another vaccine, everyone got sick.
It was a cold, you know, whether it was a bad cold or, you know, some people got, you know, the worst, you know, the longer version of COVID, I guess.
The point is that everyone got sick, and so you can no longer simply say, well, the vaccines are working, because you could see with your own eyes that it wasn't working, and you could see with your own eyes people were dying.
you just, you know, everyone was, had someone they knew die from the vaccine.
So you could know, I think at some point you could, you realize that there was no longer a way of suppressing
it plus the Pfizer documents being released as we saw,
CHD was saying that there's a 1291 side effects from the vaccine, including death.
Can you imagine a commercial where they say, take the COVID vaccine, and they start listing the 1291 side effects?
And by the way, that was the first tranche of documents from just the first month, and they report maybe one out of a hundred actually got in there.
You're absolutely right.
And so they tried this, they pushed it, they're going to try to do it again.
But it certainly blew up in their face.
You don't see Fauci on TV anymore.
They've really got their tails between their legs.
And as you said, more and more is coming out.
What do you expect him to do next?
I predicted war.
I predicted fake cyber attacks they blame on Russia.
I predicted power outages.
And now they're telling us get ready for that.
I'm really concerned.
You know, again, we have to focus our energy and our intention in the awakening process.
I believe very much in communities.
I believe in states.
I moved to Florida to get away from the insane people.
Because as far as I'm concerned, you know, California, LA, places like this, they proved themselves to me when they went to apartheid.
When they issued apartheid based on your vaccine status, you showed your true colors to me.
And I don't want to be around people like that, or politicians, or you name it.
That's not the way I want to live my life.
I totally agree.
It's a total red line to say you've got to have an app to buy and sell and leave your
Folks, that is a 10 on the Richter scale of martial law and tyranny.
I mean, you accept that, you're done.
I mean, this is incredible.
So it's time for us to unite, to find each other.
Maybe, you know, cities could be dangerous, especially, look, the EMF toxicity, the overall pollution.
I mean, cities are tough places in general to live.
I think people are being drawn to land, being drawn, you know, to maybe conscious community, to buying land, getting, you know, growing crops.
eating organic, finding a local farmer.
This is all mixed, you know, we've been talking about this myself and my friends and whatnot
for a couple years now since actually before the pandemic.
So I still believe this is the way forward is find your tribe, find your community,
and it can be global, but it's not within these toxic, fascist...
Every cell of my body was saying do this a few years ago.
Now it's a demand.
Move the country, become self-sufficient.
Every cell in my body is commanding me to do this.
It's obvious we've got to have an exodus now out of these big cities that are going to be death traps.
In closing, what do you think is going to happen in these big cities?
Why are our very cells telling us get the hell out?
Yeah, I mean, it's already begun.
I mean, we felt it with the 5G rollout.
You know, my girlfriend is electrosensitive and she could feel the 5G.
Whenever we were in a 5G area, she would literally feel it in her body.
So we had to flee that initially and then, you know, the pandemic started.
But you can feel the toxicity as far as I mentioned, the pollution, the access to clean water, you know, the lack of clean water, the lack of access to farm, you know, to like fresh farmed goods.
It's just, it's an overall visceral energetic feeling of low vibrational people that are not particularly informed, not particularly interested in being informed.
You know, they go from wearing a mask one day to, you know, putting the Ukrainian flag over their mouth the next.
You said the key.
We all electromagnetically, they probably pick up a six cents.
We all broadcast our own, you know, energy system.
And we, it's toxic to be around these zombies.
It's sad that as good people leave them, it's going to make them get worse and we're going to get better.
But this is just the separation that has to happen.
Unfortunately, and the vaccine shedding is a true thing.
I mean, we've seen it firsthand.
Women having blood clots in their period, having multiple, double, triple periods in a month from being around... Discharges?
Yeah, I mean, it's just ridiculous what's happened here.
And I think that MIT just put out a report, a study on it, actually.
Looking into the shedding, it's part of their artificial intelligence.
That's all it is.
Sean Stone, incredible job, look forward to you being in studio coming up here in the next few weeks.
Seanstone.info, the book New World Order, and of course there's also the TV program you'll find there on the Illuminati.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Great to have you with us.
It's a pleasure.
Wow, good to see him. Amazing.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to go to break.
The next two hours, Owen Schroer in studio with Sunday Live.
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So congratulations, everybody.
But now the real battles, the final battles are coming.
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God bless.
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