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Name: 20220227_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 27, 2022
1147 lines.

In this InfoWars transmission, Alex Jones discusses escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine, potential for a nuclear war, and the ongoing conflict's impact on global politics. He highlights evidence of advanced weapons systems and propaganda from both Russian and NATO sources. Jones promotes his products to improve focus and privacy while urging listeners to demand peaceful resolutions to geopolitical conflicts. The speaker discusses Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Biden's statement about a potential shooting war resulting from cyberattacks, and George Soros' involvement in Ukrainian politics. He expresses frustration with the direction of America, criticizing its stance on free speech and Western interference in Ukrainian affairs. Jones shares clips of Putin and Biden discussing the conflict while promoting various products available at his store. The speaker discusses the origins of COVID-19, criticizes politicians like Bill Gates and Barack Obama, and promotes brain boosting products for improved cognitive function. He emphasizes the importance of unity among all races, colors, and creeds to stand against evil control freaks. The speaker highlights ongoing battles between Russia and Ukraine, globalist plans, and the impact of Western values on other countries. He urges balance in life during turbulent times and promotes his products for privacy and well-being. The speaker discusses the World Economic Forum's announcement of a global social credit score through a vaccine app, Russian President Putin's threat of nuclear forces on high alert, and the expansion of the "shield process" to track healthy citizens. He encourages people to stay informed, maintain balance, and fight against tyrannical governments.

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Well, if you're a TV viewer, you can see a satellite HD shot of our little spaceship we call Earth here.
We've got amazing power that by 1943, the U.S.
government had produced the first atomic bombs.
They've been on the drawing board since the 1890s by Max Planck and others, but they were then a reality and you know the rest is history.
And of course, Those weapons are quite weak compared to some of the other even more deadly weapons that have been developed by the United States.
And some evidence shows that Russia and China may also have them.
One class of them is the antimatter bomb.
Of course, there's space-based DU, Shabo meteor guns, and other very serious issues.
There are neutron bombs.
that destroy life, but not infrastructure.
And then, of course, there are x-ray laser arrays.
Let's just say this.
There is a lot of stuff in space and a lot of stuff on the ground and in the ocean that launches from the surface and goes up into space.
So when you're looking at a hydrogen bomb or an atomic bomb before that, you're kind of looking at the blunderbussed compared to the howitzer.
And then it just goes up in magnitudes from there.
But what you're seeing is a massive, conventional, World War II-style invasion of Ukraine.
And I'm not lionizing the Russians or Putin, but if they wanted to clear out those areas, they would just drop heavy munitions on them and cluster bombs.
But because they don't want a high civilian casualty, they are facing massive casualties with their infantry going in to the areas because they have been ordered to attack people that have guns after they've got them in their sights or they're being fired upon.
And so that is why there is a large Russian death toll.
From what I've been seeing, I would imagine there's 20,000 dead Russian troops, not 5,000 like the Ukrainians are saying.
And I would imagine there are also tens of thousands of dead Ukrainians, but you're not going to ever be hearing about that.
The level of propaganda coming out from all different angles, both the Russians and NATO and all of it, is just staggering levels of BS.
But I gotta say, as usual, the West has clearly topped Russia in all of it, including hypocrisy, with all the massive censorship going on over here.
And then you've got them demonizing Russia for their censorship, which I do not support either.
Let's be very clear.
I think Putin's bit off more than he can chew.
I said that before the invasion began.
And I said that The globalists are going to try to stage cyber attacks against themselves, and then once they've done that, they could really ratchet up things with the Russians that could lead to a regional tactical nuclear war, and then probably a full-scale nuclear war because of just the satanic evil running our world.
I mean, we're really close to that.
And here it is.
If U.S.
has real shooting war, it could be the result of cyber attacks.
I've been telling you now for the last two years that the next move to bring down civilization by the globalists, because they want to depopulate everybody.
They don't care if you're Chinese, Russian, Mexican.
They don't care.
You live in an African country, they want your ass dead.
And they've got their big bunker complexes, everything set up, and they keep saying, when there's a cyber attack by whoever, they're going to launch nukes on them.
I famously have Hillary saying that if you even launch a cyber attack, we'll nuke you.
Well, how do you even know they launch?
A cyber attack.
And now Putin has taken his nuclear forces to their highest level before launch.
So they're fueled.
They're ready.
They're on.
They're hot.
The keys are in.
The codes are punched.
And the nuclear forces only have to get the order and press the button.
So thank you, NATO.
Thank you, New World Order.
Thank you, George Soros.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Let me read it to you on the InfoWars Sunday, February 27th, worldwide live edition.
Sunday live, Putin warns the world is on the brink of nuclear war as NATO ramps up arms shipments and sanctions against Russia.
Think about that, ladies and gentlemen, and we have the video of him saying it.
Unlike corporate establishment globalist media and their empire of lies, when I tell you something or I make a claim, I show you the clip.
Or sometimes I've already shown it 10 times in the last week.
I'll say, remember that clip and I'll show you an article, but you don't get that from the corporate media.
Because they're such deceivers.
And how do I know they're liars?
Well, I've caught them in lies myself tens of thousands of times.
So have you.
But I've also experienced the lies of the corporate media.
CNN, for weeks, has been advertising every break, breathlessly, an Alex Jones special tonight, 10 p.m.
Eastern, 9 p.m.
Central, that I was going to watch live and comment on here, but my family's more important, and World War III is more important, and the crisis going on is more important, and it's obscene.
For CNN to air something like that during a time like this.
And it's not because I'm scared of it.
It'll make us get more viewers.
They have a small audience, but still, we'll take them.
And I already know it's regurgitated lies.
They sent me questions and wanted me to respond to it.
Of course, I didn't because it's all BS, but I saw the questions.
It was a bunch of made-up malarkey.
Just ridiculous stuff.
It's the same regurgitated stuff out of the New York Times and John Ronson and NPR that I walk around the office, somebody had a goldfish, nobody ever had a goldfish here, and I reach in and kill their, eat their goldfish.
That's from Willful Wall Street, folks.
They don't even hire people that could actually make something up original.
So I'm not worried about whatever is going to happen.
I'm going to be Hoping there's a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia that's going on right now, in the middle of the night their time, or early morning, so that I can stop worrying about my children's future and your children's future.
But that said, we've experienced incredible lies.
And it's very, very sad.
But that's the way these people work.
I think the only way to do this properly is just read headlines and then actually go into these video clips themselves.
Putin and Western countries aren't only taking unfriendly economic actions against our country, but leaders of major NATO countries are making aggressive statements about our country.
So I order to move Russia's deterrence nuclear forces to a special regime of duty.
Now that's their next to last death con.
If they go up one other level, that's to launch.
And it just depends on what.
Is it tactical?
Is it regional?
Is it continental?
Is it global?
The submarines Russia has off our coast, the bombers in the air, the hypersonic cruise missiles.
This is the nuclear brinksmanship we've been led to.
And here is Putin, in Russian, but there's subtitles, saying what I just said.
You see that Western countries are taking not only unfriendly actions against our country in the economic sphere, I mean the legitimate sanctions, which everyone knows well, but senior officials of the leading NATO countries also make aggressive statements to our country.
and aggressive statements to our country, so I order the Minister of Defense and the Chief of General Staff to
transfer the responsibility to the Ministry of Defense.
And they say, yes, sir.
Russian Army in a special mode of combat duty.
The General is asking if we will follow the order.
The General says yes, sir.
So that's Putin with the gun aimed at us.
Because the globalists have guns.
Our guns we paid for were pointed at them.
And nuclear weapons were rolled up to their borders as well.
He says, fine, we're taking the safety off.
That's, they've taken the nuclear safeties off.
The keys are in, the codes are in, they're in launch mode.
They're not having to put the keys in.
One more DEFCON up, it's nuclear war.
So that's where we are.
And I'm sure our woke military is really going to scare them.
I'm sure, you know, all the female generals and male generals have never even seen combat or actually read a military textbook.
But pretend that they're these big heroes.
I'm sure that sends major shivers of fear down the spines of the Russians.
Because let me tell you what Putin just showed the world.
And I don't agree with what he did.
I think he bit off more than he can chew.
But see, when you've got a bunch of nuclear weapons and thousands of delivery systems, you can bite off more than you can chew.
That's a little secret.
But see, the New World Order bit off more than it can chew.
It started the fight, it rolled the weapons in, it pushed Russia into a corner, and so now we see people starting to act desperate.
Because Russia has in its ethos, invasions by the Huns, For hundreds and hundreds of years, invasions by the Muslims for over a thousand years.
And then Napoleon and Hitler and 20 million Russians died in World War II.
Look it up.
22 million Germans died.
The Russians killed about 18 million of those.
So imagine, it's not just like, okay, we lose 600, 700,000 people in World War II or 60-something thousand in Vietnam and everybody felt it and knows it.
That was a real war.
But Russia lost 20 million people in World War II.
And so it is in the consciousness, and that's what Putin said.
He said, people always try to bully us.
They always come up on our borders with weapons.
And for the first time ever, Russia is not going to wait until you attack.
And if you want to have a nuclear war, let's go ahead and have it.
He actually says that in a 27-minute address.
He also says you want to sexualize our children, you're a bunch of pedophiles.
Hollywood's a bunch of devil worshippers.
You want to destroy men and women in the family, and we're done.
You want a nuclear war?
Let's just have one.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
I mean...
I don't even know what we're supposed to say at this point.
But the Russians know that Hollywood and the left is not America.
It is a disease.
It is a cancer.
But nevertheless, that cancer hijacked and stole the election.
And that cancer has the nuclear weapons and all the space spacecraft.
And the Russians aren't stupid.
They know they'll only get off a fraction of their nukes in a war.
It'll be enough to totally destroy North America.
And that's why all the billionaires All the big insiders have already hightailed it out of the United States.
They're all gone right now.
Almost all of them.
They're in New Zealand.
They're in Australia.
They're up near the Arctic Circle in different bases in Northern Canada.
Private airfields.
They're underground right now.
While we all sit out here and talk about what's going on with college basketball, or while we sit around and talk about how our gas prices are too high, And the Russians are, you know, 6,000 miles away.
6,000 miles is five minutes away when a submarine's off your coast with a hypersonic missile.
So by the time if Putin decided to hit the United States, I live 20 minutes from my house where my four-year-old daughter and my wife are right now.
I'm so old now, my other kids are moved out.
By the time I got in my car and drove halfway home, there'd be a big flash in the sky and I'd be dead.
That's where we are right now.
So, pray to God that people wake up and say no to this.
Because this is a Slavic civil war going on.
And I've studied history, I'm addicted to it.
And the Slavs, just like the Japanese, hate the Chinese and vice versa.
The Slavs are always killing each other, and they're always doing this, and it's just gone for over a thousand years, and it's a Slavic Civil War.
Everybody should just stay the hell out of it, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, when the Crips and Bloods are shooting each other in L.A., do we send the military in?
We need to stay out of it.
And if they want to all kill each other, knock yourselves out.
But make no mistake, it was George Soros and others, I'll play the clips when we come back, that lit this damn fuse.
And I hold Soros and the New World Order responsible.
Besides, they're the ones that released the virus.
Welcome back to this live February 27th Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer is coming up.
From 6 to 8 p.m.
with Sunday Live, right after me, taking your calls, special guests, and so much more.
Leo Zagami, who is a real expert on Russia and what's happening, and a critic of Putin, is going to be joining us the last 30 minutes of this hour as we try to show all the different angles of what's going on here.
And I want to be very clear, because the left is trying to misrepresent things.
I do not support an invasion of Ukraine.
I am not happy about this.
I have tried to show the Ukrainian concerns, those that are anti-Russian, the Ukrainian concerns of those that are pro-Russian, and the whole Slavic...
Background and history, because it's all fascinating stuff.
I mean, Putin tried to give people a history lesson on that, and a lot of folks said, just don't listen to what he has to say.
That's the stuff of nuclear war and death, to not listen to people.
Even if they're your enemy, you should want to know who your adversary is, or your friend, or someone that you could fix things with.
Knowledge is power, knowledge is good, in the hands of good people.
Anybody that doesn't want you to listen to something, or see something, or read something, has got a problem.
Now, that's one of my criticisms of Putin and Russia.
I think they've got an authoritarian background, going back to the Tsars, to the Soviets, and they should more democratize that.
But that's their issue.
The point is, we're going the way of Russia here with free speech.
In fact, in some ways, we've gotten much worse than Russia.
So again, it's hypocritical.
When I criticize Putin, it doesn't then mean that, oh, we're the good guys because we've become just as bad of what we've allowed to rule over us.
So here's Biden saying, if the U.S.
has a real shooting war, it could be the result of a cyber attack.
Isn't that perfect?
That's in Reuters.
We have the video.
Isn't that perfect way to escalate a war and not have proof of where the attack came from?
And I'm not saying Russia might not do that, but with all the globalists and all of the Klaus Schwab's and Bill Gates is saying the next thing is cyber attack and power outages to heal the earth and to have the next level of the Great Reset and they're the ones that cooked up the virus.
They're the ones that released it.
They're the ones that use it for their power grab.
And Now they're telling me Putin's about to do it?
I mean, if Putin was running around all day saying it was about to happen, and if Putin stood to gain from it, I might actually look at Putin as the culprit.
But no, I'm not looking at Putin, who's like a mile away in the woods like a turtle, and then you've got the fox in the hen house telling me somebody's about to eat the hens, and telling me it's Putin the turtle, when Bill Gates and George Soros is literally the fox with feathers hanging out of his mouth.
He's already eaten a bunch of the hens.
I mean, it's just, it's ridiculous, ladies and gentlemen, but let me digress because I've got so much to hit, I'm just overwhelmed here.
Let me show you why the Russians are angry and why the Russians are upset, and then we'll get to Putin's nuclear war threat, which is wild, and just everything that's unfolding.
I want to know what's really going on here.
Let's listen to George Soros, seven and a half years ago, after the overthrow of Ukraine.
He brags that he got $5 billion in State Department money to overthrow the elected government, where they did firebomb and shoot up the buildings and bomb the buildings and kill thousands of troops and all of it.
In fact, a lot of the footage you see of, quote, Russians being firebombed and killed now and APCs on fire, that's actually from the government of Ukraine being overthrown by a NATO-backed color revolution eight years ago.
Here's Soros.
One of the things that many people recognized about you was that you, during the revolutions of 1989, funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in Eastern Europe, in Poland, the Czech Republic.
Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?
Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia.
And the foundation has been functioning ever since.
And it played an important part in events now.
Do you think Ukraine will be able to assert a kind of independence from Russia and an alignment with the West?
Not a specific alignment as a NATO, but a kind of orientation toward the West, or will the Russians always stop them?
No, Putin will try to destabilize Ukraine, but the Ukrainians, the large majority of Ukrainians, are determined to be independent of Russia.
It won't be easy, because Putin has staked his regime on destabilizing Ukraine, because it's a threat to his regime in Russia.
If you have freedom, free media and so on, and a flourishing economy, that would make his regime unsustainable.
OK, then a few years later, when he was outgoing out of the Biden administration, he went on C-SPAN at the Council on Foreign Relations.
That's British intelligence arm that took over part of our country with Richard and Haas.
And Biden, as the vice president says, that he basically puppet controls the new regime there after they overthrew the elected government.
Here he is bragging to the world that they own Ukraine.
I was not I I but it just happened to be that was the assignment I got I I got all the good ones and so I got Ukraine and I remember going over convincing our team or others to convincing us that we should be providing for loan guarantees and I went over I guess the 12th, 13th time to Kiev, and I was supposed to announce that there was another billion dollar loan guarantee.
And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor, and they didn't.
So they said, they were walking out to the press conference, and I said, we're not going to give you the billion dollars.
They said, you have no authority, you're not the president.
The president said, I said, call him.
I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting a billion dollars.
I said, you're not getting a billion.
I'm going to be leaving here, I think it was, what, six hours?
I looked, I said, I'm leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
Oh, son of a bitch.
Got fired.
If the prosecutor's not fired.
So, they make all these thug claims, act all tough, ship in $10 billion of weapons, $5 billion in the last year, attack all these Russian-held areas, and the Russians are just like, okay, I guess we'll attack back.
Because they created a proxy government, had a guy that was a TV star, that was the president as the TV star host, and then they install him and do all this, and Russia went crazy!
Doesn't mean I agree with it, doesn't mean I like it, but that's the left always doing whatever they want.
And now here's Biden.
Just a couple days ago, not knowing who he is.
So then these foreign adversaries see this, and this scares them even more, that there's such incompetent leaders, and they say, well screw it, we gotta show strength in the face of this.
And Putin has said that.
Here it is.
Judge Jackson, congratulations.
And the podium is yours.
Let me pull this out for you.
Where is it?
There you go.
You got it?
See, presents can't do much.
Thank you.
He doesn't know what planet he's on.
When we come back, I'm going to try to run through a ton of headlines and videos, but there's something else.
I've got a bunch of clips of Democrats like Adam Schiff saying, we've got to fight Russia in Ukraine instead of over here, send them heavy weapons, crush and kill Russians.
And the Russians are watching this while it happens, and they see our major leader saying, crush them, destroy them.
What the hell do you think is going to happen here?
This is insane!
This is abs... and again, it's not like Russia's communist anymore.
We are now.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
Broadcasting worldwide.
On this Sunday, February 27th.
27th 2022 broadcasts. And we have powerful corporate global interest that
think they're smart and everybody else, I think they can take the world over.
And they set up the Communist Chinese and gave them one-sided trade policies to transfer all our jobs and everything we've got over there.
And then anybody could tell you down the road the Communist Chinese are going to double-cross the globalists.
The CFR, the people that said, oh, it's the Chinese century.
They're invincible.
They're perfect.
And as soon as the Chinese broke their deal with them six, seven years ago, they cut their GDP growth from 15% to 10% to 5% to 3% to teach them to behave themselves.
And of course, the communists didn't care.
They wanted to be in charge themselves.
Just like Hitler and Stalin in the early 1940s had a deal to divide Eastern Europe amongst themselves.
And of course, Hitler then double-crossed Stalin.
That's what these criminals always do.
Well, Putin doesn't have any deals with the West.
And all he sees is weapons and things being shipped in and prepared to attack them, ladies and gentlemen.
And he sees the immorality of the West, and he talks about it.
He talked about it in a clip on Friday.
Nobody's aired it.
We're going to air it coming up, start of the next hour, or I'm walking out of here.
One way or another, we'll air the whole damn speech if we have to.
So, I've tried to explain to people for a long, long time how serious things are.
And I understand we've been raised in a country that's been so free and so open that we're domesticated and don't get
how much danger we're in.
But all of that saved up freedom and all that saved up liberty and all that saved up security that we had in the
bank, ladies and gentlemen, is almost gone now.
And at a certain point, there's probably no reason to even talk about this anymore.
I'm gonna go.
I'm gonna go.
I'm not mad.
I'm going to go home and be with my family.
Folks, you just enjoy yourselves and knock yourselves out.
I'm serious.
I'm gone.
I'm out of here.
And it's not that I'm mad at the crew.
I'm not mad at anybody.
I just can't do this anymore.
I can't pretend anymore.
I can't go along with it.
The globalists are going to destroy the whole planet.
They can't be stopped.
They're Satanists.
I just prepared too much for this show.
I prepared like eight hours yesterday.
I prepared like six, seven hours today.
I just can't do it anymore.
I'm not even complaining.
There's no way to go read all this and look at all this and know all this and then just
sit around while the whole culture is totally asleep while the ship's sinking and on fire
and it just becomes an absurdity.
Maybe God's just going to allow the planet to be destroyed.
And maybe that's the best thing.
I mean, I'm not gonna blame God if there's big nuclear flashes and we're all dead in a couple days or weeks.
I mean, let's just get it over with.
Seriously, doesn't Hollywood need to be gone?
I mean, don't... New York, you know?
And I know there's a lot of good people there, but it's like, at the same time, just blow us up, God!
Let's just get it over with!
But you know, the children don't deserve to die, so I shouldn't even sit here and entertain that hypothetical.
I'm going to air a tape, but I'm not sure if I'm going to come back.
Let me get the crew ready in case I go.
Because seriously, I need to be with my family.
In fact, I think I'm taking off this next week, in the middle of all this, just all of this obscenity, and just all of this insanity.
I'm just not going to be here.
Because I think that's the right thing to actually do.
Is not even talk about it, not even to look at it.
It's like this CNN crap.
I don't even care.
They're stalking me.
They're liars.
But it's emblematic of how, while the whole world burns down and goes down, they're like trying to stop somebody who's trying to stop it and lying about them.
I've got all these clips and all this news.
I mean, who even?
You don't even want to know this stuff, do you?
Probably don't.
Yeah, just play in the PDO bureaucracy.
*sad music* The scumbags that prey on America's children are multiplying.
They are so brazen that they hunt them on social media.
No, I need your help now, manager.
People are following you.
Does it look like we're trying to fight you?
You're on the registry!
You were masturbating to a 13-year-old girl!
Can you come and get me Danny?
On the video chat!
Help me, Danny!
Danny, will you come help him?
Sometimes they are even the developers of those platforms.
So, when he told you he was 13, what were you thinking?
I didn't know exactly.
I thought maybe someone in trouble, if they were reaching out, thought they knew me.
So I was like, I'll continue this conversation.
You weren't even like, whoa, you're 13, don't talk to me?
Yes, of course.
Okay, because you not once in this whole conversation expressed or he expressed that he was in any kind of trouble.
So he never told you that he was in any kind of trouble.
So I wouldn't say that for your defense, but we'll keep going.
He said, better watch my language with you.
And he said, why?
Because you're a youngin, you said.
A Vancouver teacher has been implicated in a child pornography ring.
Police in Australia have announced the arrest of 11 people.
Two are Canadians.
As Teresa Lalonde reports, the ring allegedly operated through Facebook.
If we can stop it at that initial point, then we can lessen the impact on the child and hopefully, you know, lessen the distribution of their images and videos of them being tortured.
Facebook would deactivate the suspect's site but not contact police.
The suspects would simply set up a new account in a different name.
They are their teachers.
They are in top positions in law enforcement.
These two individuals, a deputy in Livingston Parish and his teacher wife, who is a middle school teacher, Um, got caught by Adobe.
They were photoshopping things.
Adobe turned them into authorities in Louisiana, which launched an investigation.
Authorities for the Attorney General's office showed up at the couple's house.
They found this safe full of hard drives, computers, thumb drives, things like that.
And all of it was encrypted with a software called Keep My Data Safe.
And so, essentially, they had to come in and decode everything.
And when they decoded everything, they were alarmed at what they saw.
They saw child porn.
They saw child rape.
They also saw what appeared to be this deputy who was ejaculating on sweets that were then being served to his wife's class.
They are in the tax-fueled bureaucracy that runs our lives.
The Defense Department releasing brand new details into an investigation involving child pornography and dozens of its workers and contractors, some with top-level security clearance.
Not only are these very serious accusations, but investigators say some of the people involved were handling the nation's most sensitive secrets.
Take a look at this, for instance, the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, and the very secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Others also worked on actual military installations, including Edwards Air Force Base in California, and also the California-based Naval Air Warfare Center.
So they had access to military secrets in some cases, and military hardware.
Department of Defense computers.
...are being misused to share, to spread, to access child pornography.
The Department of Defense does not have an adequate way of responding to this, of tracking down and investigating who as an individual is misusing these computers, who is sharing these pornographic images of children, who is sending them to whom.
This is the hill to die on.
The charade has gone on long enough.
They can't have our children.
John Bounder.
Listen, I want to apologize and I mean it from the bottom of my heart to the listeners and the crew, but I'm not somebody that sits here and acts like I'm not, you know, that I'm something I'm not.
I really care.
I'm really informed.
I'm really involved and I'm at the end of my rope with all the stuff going on in the world and I know the globalists, nine times out of ten, are the ones lighting the fuse that are endangering all of our lives and our children's lives.
It's like that Narls Barkley Show.
I wasn't crazy because I didn't know enough.
I knew too much.
I'm going to stop now.
You have my word.
I've gotten good about not blowing up on air, better than I was.
I'm going to start over and I'm going to plow through the news.
But you have to understand something, ladies and gentlemen.
There's also a great frustration just this stack right here.
Is so horrible.
And I refuse to rationalize what's going on and like not make it a big deal in my brain and go into Stockholm syndrome.
If there's one thing Alex Jones doesn't have, it's the Stockholm gene.
Where when I'm being abused, I can make excuses for it and I can decide I don't like it.
And you know, just go along with it.
I can decide I don't like being awake.
I don't have the Stockholm gene.
And instead, when people are enslaving me and my family and enslaving you, I get extremely upset about it.
And just this stack alone right here is unbelievable!
Do you know what happened?
They had three more universities with CRISPR gene editors scan the damn COVID-19.
And it is 100% made in a lab, and it's 100% made by Moderna, and it's 100% made in 2016!
I had family and friends die!
They murdered people I know!
And debilitated other people I care about!
And now they start a war with Russia.
I'm so sick of Bill Gates!
I'm so sick of Barack Obama!
I'm so sick of Hillary Clinton!
I can't even look at him anymore!
If Vladimir Putin had his fingerprints on a bioweapon, I'd say go to war with the Russians!
I've never been to Russia!
I don't have a dog in that fight!
But I don't ever catch the Russians messing with me!
Oh, like it's the criminals raping me and my family and raping you, telling me I'm a Russian!
And you know why they call me a Russian?
Because the Russians aren't bowing down to their crap either!
That's why they call us a Russian!
They call anybody that doesn't get down on their knees and bow down to Hollywood and let them screw our kids and F us over the Russians!
See, Russia's the new American, because they captured America.
You can't have a free, open country because everybody else might want that.
See, what's happened is, people used to love these rants, but they're not good for me when I do them.
And I stopped doing the rants over the years, you notice?
But then I get pissed I gotta walk off the show because I don't want to start doing this, but... I mean, I'm not gonna stand here and watch George Soros and Barack Obama blow the damn planet off because they got some kind of satanic fetish with it!
See, I told you I was going to focus and cover the news.
I'm going to behave myself.
I'm going to take deep breaths.
And we're going to go through all of it in the next hour.
And if I have to, I'll push the great Owen Schroer back 30 minutes so I can cover all this.
Because I got ready to cover all this, and I got prepared probably a little too much.
Anytime I prepare 15 hours for a show, it's the weekend.
But I don't ever stop working.
I apologize.
I have to learn.
I've got to just prepare for a couple hours.
That's enough.
Instead of literally reading three times more than what you see on my desk here, I read at least three times, thousands of pages and thousands of videos and hundreds of videos.
Oh my God.
But you don't need me to tell you how screwed you're being screwed.
Oh, by the way, I've got another video clip.
We'll never have time to get to my fault.
In fact, people are like, why don't you just play the clip?
You know what?
Maybe I should just start the next hour and just play clips and not talk and just let it be self-explanatory to you.
Did you see Joe Biden?
He said, oh, the economy's great.
He fixed it.
And you're mentally ill because you don't like the inflation.
He actually said that.
And that little chicken head, chicken neck, babbling BS.
It's like blood in the water to China and Russia.
I mean, just, we're cursed!
This is what God has put over us is a corpse.
is a reanimated piece of beef jerky.
Okay, I'm gonna settle down.
Let me do this in the few minutes that are left here.
Just tell you what I got in the stack.
You know, I called it a month ago when the CEO of Pfizer said, oh, we actually make whole viruses artificial in the lab.
We did make COVID-19.
People went, what do you mean you made COVID-19?
He goes, oh, you know, off the other virus, just to cover the rest.
Now the head of Moderna went on Fox News.
And admitted, the video's on Infowars.com, that, okay, it's man-made, big deal.
Because they're caught red-handed with all the top universities.
They look at it, they go, like, you know a 57 Chevy when you see one.
Or you know a Dallas Cowboy helmet when you see one.
Or you know what a Christmas tree is.
Or what Santa Claus looks like.
Or, you know, what George Washington looks like.
Or what Jesus looks like.
I mean, you know what the Hindenburg looked like.
And they look at it and they go, good God, this is the most ridiculous man-made virus we've ever seen.
It's got all the codes, how it was cut together.
It's synthetic.
None of it's real.
It's not even pieces of viruses.
The whole damn thing is synthetic!
And then I gotta look at this little chicken-neck weasel up there like it's funny that they made it and they killed all these people!
And then they shut the economy down.
And then they murdered all those people and ran around and pissed on us.
And then they made hundreds of billions of dollars.
And now they're up there giggling and snickering.
Look, look, he's got like a 50 million dollar painting hanging on the wall behind him.
I got a stack of that.
I got stuff even worse than that.
How do you, like what world do we wake up?
Oh, well, he's not a soldier.
So he's allowed to kill us with shots.
He's not a soldier.
He's allowed to create this, caught red-handed with the COVID spike protein program delivery system, 2016.
And we had the documents two years ago that it was made in a lab and the emails, how they tried to release it and set the Pentagon up and everything else.
Just this story alone you can make 20 movies about.
You can talk about it for a thousand years.
This is the crime of the century and that's just one giant bombshell massive revelation.
Moderna's CEO struggles to answer why COVID-19 contains patented gene sequence.
It's one out of three trillion that you could find that And that's just in the wild, much less a company that makes those things, that was at the center of it, owned partially by Bill Gates, having it three, four years before the virus was released.
It's one thing to say one out of three trillion, this could occur naturally in nature, but then the very company that rolls it out to try to make you take it is the one years before that has it?
That's impossible!
And so because I tell the truth, the Deep State goes around and pays Judas Iscariot off to lie about me in HBO, CNN, Netflix, you name it, specials.
And it doesn't hurt me when they're lying about me.
It hurts me that people I never did anything to are literally whole cloth lying about me for 20 pieces of silver with their own future.
is hanging in the balance.
They don't even have life force.
They don't have any.
I mean, look at this little CEO.
Look at this guy.
He dumped all his stock before they plunge it in a criminal pump and dump.
Don't hold your breath for the Justice Department doing anything about him because he's like Nancy Pelosi and all the members of Congress.
He's above the law.
He's allowed to do whatever he wants.
And it just gets more insane.
This is all COVID nightmare information.
All of it confirmed.
All of it horrible.
But we're so tough, they use that against us, that now that it's come out they did it, now that they've moved on to a new subject, though they're gonna bring the lockdowns back later, we're all just supposed to forget about it and rush ourselves off and all the people we buried and just move forward.
No, we're not gonna move forward.
And if it's my dying breath, we're going to make sure you guys are prosecuted.
The head of Moderna, the head of Pfizer, Bill Gates, Peter Daszak, that little monster, garden gnome Fauci.
All right.
I got really upset earlier and I'm not going to apologize anymore for it.
Like I told you, I apologize.
I'm going to be calm now.
And I blew up, but that's what I wanted to do.
And it's an acting out.
But quite frankly, God made us this way to get upset when things are going on like this so that everybody just doesn't take what's going on as normal.
Because none of this is normal!
And putting up with it is really not normal!
Am I the only one that sees how crazy this is?
No, obviously you care too and I love you of every race, color and creed.
Whether you're an American or Ukrainian or a Russian or a German or a Brazilian or a Mexican or a Nigerian or a South African or a Libyan or an Egyptian or an Israeli or an Iraqi or an Iranian or an Somebody in India?
It doesn't matter.
We all just want to live our lives and be good people.
And we're sick of evil control freaks attacking the basic human programming of what it is to be our species.
We've been fighting over resources since the beginning.
That's part of life.
That's competitiveness.
And it's a good thing to a certain level.
But we have unlimited resources now with our technologies.
And the globalists are cutting off all the major pipelines.
Not just the Russians.
You know, if we had greedy, right-wing, over-competitive capitalists that had America being the giant, big exporter, and we were opening new pipelines and stuff, and then we cut off Russia's, I'd be against it, but I wouldn't be enraged.
Because then I'd think, well, there's an excuse, because they want to make more money off theirs.
It's just done to screw everybody!
Like all these idiots that hate Israel for no reason.
I'm not saying Israel's perfect.
I'm saying people obsess and think Israel runs everything.
Joe Biden a month ago killed Israel's pipeline they've been building for 10 years out of the Mediterranean, the Middle East, of gas to Europe.
And they killed the Russian pipeline last week.
And they killed the pipeline we have eight months ago.
Do you see a pattern here?
It doesn't matter if you're a Midwesterner or a Texan.
It doesn't matter if you're an Israeli.
It doesn't matter if you're a Russian or a German or a Pole.
It doesn't matter if you are anybody.
They're cutting your power off.
Got that?
Yeah, there goes your whole theory that Israel runs everything.
You mean criminal interests that Control Israel or everything?
Oh yeah, of course.
Same ones that run us.
Same ones that run whatever.
That's why I get so mad about the Russians are evil, or the Ukrainians are evil, or the black people are evil, or that this is evil, or that's evil.
There's good Jews, there's bad Jews.
There's good Christians, there's bad Christians.
There's good Muslims, there's bad Muslims.
There's good Buddhists, there's bad Buddhists.
There's good Hindus, there's bad Hindus.
But the point is, is that there is an evil global force manipulating us off against each other, and we know what it is.
It's the godless globalists that think they're God, and want to be God over us, and are attacking the family, and men, and women, and children, and our energy, and our future.
You attack our families, and you attack our energy sources, you are the enemy!
And everything the New World Order does is to attack that at every level.
So let me give you an equation.
If somebody's trying to jack your power and trying to cut your power off, and they're not starving to death.
If somebody's starving and they try to steal your stuff, you understand why they did it.
They're not evil, they're starving.
But when you're the big giant Rockefeller, Rothschild, New World Order, Bill Gates, and you're doing everything you can to keep Africa with IMF and World Bank money locked down.
They tell them, you don't get your money, your IMF World Bank money, if you don't just take people, stay in their houses.
They're like, well, they're starving to death.
Well, you're not getting the money.
So like five African presidents said no, they were all killed instantly.
You don't want to take your money and watch millions starve to death?
No, I don't.
Well, you're dead.
People are like, well wait, we're getting flooded with African migrants, Jones, we gotta go ahead and kill them.
They shut down their economy to make them come up here!
I don't want to kill them!
Just because I don't want them brought here to outvote me and be controlled by the globalists, doesn't mean I'm gonna frickin' kill them!
And these guys think they're gonna get away with this forever.
They're not getting away with it.
And no bunker's deep enough.
No hellhole's long enough.
For them to escape God.
God Will and is going to destroy these men.
You can guarantee that.
All right, I'm ready.
I'm ready.
Hour two, baby.
So, ladies and gentlemen, here we are on the precipice On the verge of thermal nuclear war.
You know, the last few months, so many of our headlines say emergency broadcast, red alert, thermal nuclear war threat, because that's where we were going.
But today I looked at the headline, I said, no, let's just say Sunday live.
Because I don't need to tell everybody now we're on the verge of thermonuclear war.
We got NATO talking about nuke in Russia.
We got Russia putting their nuclear forces on the highest level of readiness before you launch, where the keys are turned, the codes are in.
Putin orders the generals on TV to give the launch codes to the services so they can launch the attack if they need to.
You don't hand out the codes unless you're ready to hit the button.
And Putin's thinking, well, they may try to kill me.
They may think they can cut off command and control and put this in the hands of the nuclear forces.
Folks, that is horrible.
It's horrible that we've come to this point.
And I don't support this war, and I'm not glad this has happened, but you see the New World Order is getting its bluff called right now.
I mean, this is historic.
Putin must wheel his balls around in a wheelbarrow.
And that's basically the point we've gotten to.
So I'm going to do my best to show all the news that's happening from the Ukrainian side,
the NATO side, and the Russian side.
I've got a bunch of clips, a bunch of articles, and a bunch of things to get to, but let's just start.
And again, this is in Russian, but there's subtitles for TV viewers.
If I stop and start, it'll take too long.
So I'm just going to play it so it's on record so people know he said it, because I show you what I'm about to say, what I'm about to claim has happened, and then I will paraphrase what Putin said.
Here it is.
They've been trying to use us in their own interests.
They've been trying to destroy our traditional values.
They've been trying to impose their own pseudo-values on us.
They've been trying to devour our people from the inside.
They've been trying to... Let's pause there.
I'll get some of this.
He says they're using psychological warfare operations to destroy our families, to erode us from within.
So we collapse.
They want to destroy our families.
And we're aware of this.
Go back to the beginning.
This is so important.
He says, like they've done in the countries they control.
I mean, they're bombing us with FITNO and LGBTQZ.
They're bombing us with transgender.
I mean, that's how you destroy somebody.
Now, Russians aren't dumb.
They look at this and go, my God, this is the most evil thing we ever saw.
And because they don't want to embrace this, they're the bad people.
So, properly speaking, the attempts to use it in their own interests never ceased until quite recently.
They sought to destroy our national values.
Start it over.
Until recently, attempts to use us in their own interests have not ceased.
To destroy our traditional values and impose on us our own pseudo-values that would devour us, our people, from the inside.
(Russian speaking)
Attitudes are directly leading to degradation and degeneration, degeneration and degradation because they are
contrary to human nature.
I mean, they realize like it's a Soviet, New World Order, Borg, corporate, transhumanist takeover.
They're like, we don't want to give up our humanity.
They're like, well, we're going to attack your borders.
Start at the beginning, I'm going to shut up.
But he goes on to say, this is not going to happen.
You're not going to defeat humanity.
You're going to fail.
I mean, what do you say to that?
Because this is an alien takeover.
I don't know if it's green men running it.
I don't know what, you know, Satan, whatever.
But whatever's going on, whatever's running most of the world is anti-human, folks.
And Russia and China are rejecting it.
And that's why war is about to start.
Go ahead and roll it.
Actually, until recently, attempts have not ceased to use us in their interests.
To destroy our traditional values and impose on us their pseudo-values, which would devour us, our people, from the inside.
Those installations that they are already aggressively planting in their countries.
And which directly lead to degradation and enmity, because they contradict the very nature of man.
Alright, that's good.
He goes on to talk about how they won't make a deal.
it's good he goes on to talk about they won't make a deal so I'm not glad about what Putin did but I
understand the position Russia is in and what they're facing now let's hear from former congresswoman and
army veteran Tulsi Gabbard's about the fact that okay we're gonna say Russia isn't completely free
What about Ukraine?
I mean, the West eight years ago, Jordan Soros, who played it last hour, admitted they overthrew the government there and have installed now a string of puppets.
And here's Tulsi Gabbards talking about what really happened.
Here's something you are not going to hear on the mainstream media.
What you do hear is warmongers arguing that we must protect Ukraine because it is a quote-unquote democracy.
But they're lying.
Ukraine isn't actually a democracy.
For example, to hold onto power, Ukraine's president shut down the three TV stations that were openly criticizing him and his policies.
Imprisoned the head of the opposition political party that had come in second place in their elections.
And went and arrested and jailed that party's leaders.
This is exactly what Putin has been accused of doing.
But Ukraine did this all with the support of the United States.
Alright, so there you are.
And it's not saying Putin's good.
It's just that the West is starting...
That's fine.
And think about Iraq, and all the other wars, and Libya, and Syria, and everything these special interests have done in our name.
Think about Serbia in the 1990s, twice.
The West, sometimes month-long bombing campaigns, dropping depleted uranium.
On to civilian targets in Serbia, so the Muslims can take over.
And I'm not even against all the Muslims.
My point is that Serbia has been holding the line for over a thousand years against the Muslim takeover of Europe and Albania, and now they've given a third of Serbia to the Muslims.
Russia said, please don't do this.
Russia said, stop.
And going back to when that happened, Russia sent in thousands of troops to Pristina, the airport, To stop the total takeover of Serbia, where they were going to give the whole thing to the Muslims and let them ethnically cleanse every single Christian, Slavic, Orthodox Christian person there.
And since then, it happened anyways.
And Serbia is a shadow of its former self.
But she asked the average American, hey, what do you think of Serbs?
Oh, they're Nazis.
Oh, they, you know, Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State under Clinton, said they were Nazis.
Madeleine Albright was saved and her father and mother saved from the Nazis by the Serbs in World War II.
They fled from Germany to there.
The Serbs didn't know they'd been working for Hitler.
They were double agents of Hitler.
They'd stolen a bunch of Jews art and stuff they killed.
But of course, that's Marilyn Albright, George Soros, you know, these are the rulers that feed on the Jews when they come to them and then rob them and kill them like thuggy in the night.
That's why Marilyn Albright is so powerful.
Her father helped round up and sell out Jews and then ran off with all the stolen money to Serbia.
And then 50 plus years later, bomb their country with depleted uranium for them saving her and her father.
Because that's what Madeleine Albright does.
She grew up with her father.
When Jews would come and ask to pay money to the Nazis to get out of Germany and get out of Eastern Europe, he'd take their money, pick the telephone up and call the SS.
Just like George Soros did.
They come take those Jews to their death.
Madeleine Albright with a Trained full of gold and stolen art.
Just come out in the news.
Took that into Serbia.
Big, fat, bloody, murderous tick that had just had her way with the tens of thousands of Jews her father sold out to Adolf Hitler.
What we're talking about here, we're talking about scum, ladies and gentlemen.
And then that scum tells you when you want American values, you're Hitler.
No George Soros.
No Madeleine Albright.
You work for Hitler.
Alright folks, and I will be here live tomorrow with the Monday show, but I have decided, even though this major war is going on, that I'm going to take off a few days because I've got to really think about what's happening and just somehow disconnect because here's the problem.
Just like I know this is happening to you probably.
I'm thinking about this all the time.
I'm dreaming about this.
This is all I'm doing.
But I'm becoming very unbalanced.
And that's the globalist plan.
Sometimes you gotta go to the desert.
You gotta clear your brain out.
You gotta get close to God.
And sometimes only unplugging from the Matrix can get you to that point.
Owen Schroer is coming up in T-minus 40 minutes with Sunday Live, and he is loaded with key information and intel.
Let me just do this.
Let's move the whole Russia World War III stack, or stacks, excuse me.
It's like hundreds of articles and videos.
Let's move those aside and let's move this stack over here.
This is the World Economic Forum with the Chinese Communist and the UN last week
announcing their global social credit score through the vaccine app by law that tacks and
and traces everything you do, and then Bragg will be a great example to shut Russia down.
So you want to be on a dog leash with them watching everything you buy, what you do, programming the blockchain tokens to where you can only buy goods they say you can't.
There's video of Klaus Schwab saying all that.
And then this.
Belarus's Lukashenko, who they're always calling an idiot and a moron and saying he doesn't know anything.
So I decided to actually go research Lukashenko, and I've been doing it for months.
And you ought to watch his speeches.
They're like an hour long.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And I'm not endorsing everything he does or what he's up to there in white Russia.
That's what Belarus means.
Because, you know, in the old days, you'd go further east, people are more brown.
Old white rushes, you know what they called towards the west.
And he comes right out and lays out everything that's really going on in the world.
That's a whole speech.
But, you know, maybe you don't like Lukashenko.
He's a bad guy.
Well, I got a good guy for you.
That's right.
We've got the head futurist at the World Economic Forum.
And we have a clip of him.
Saying that God doesn't exist, but he will be a God with Bill Gates and Microsoft.
I'm not kidding.
I'm going to play you Lukashenko's statement when we come back.
And then I'm going to play you the World Economic Forum official head futurist saying he is a God with Bill Gates over you.
And then it gets worse.
Forbes is announcing that all over red states, they're rolling out the vaccine passports
and there's no debate and Republican governors are doing nothing.
That's a small stat.
Look at all these right here.
Now let me get back to the Russia situation.
I'm gonna hit these clips when we come back next segment.
Let me let me just get back to this.
Look at this right here.
Let's just go to these headlines.
Putin's speech.
Russia has no other option but to launch Ukraine invasion because West deceived us about NATO expansion.
Putin threatens nuclear forces now on launch level.
That's all just horrible.
Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert escalating tensions.
Red alert.
Putin puts nuclear combat on ready.
Bank runs underway in Russia as US-EU agree to cut off country from SWIFT system.
You mean the globalist bankers are beta testing what they just did to the Canadian truckers in Ottawa to do to Russia and you and everybody else.
That's what's really going on here.
But don't worry, when Russia sees this, the new Joint Chiefs of Staff, if you can call these women, I would be against some of the women I know being there, but if they actually had the background and the work and the dedication.
But no, these are the women that are going to take on the Russians and win everything.
What a joke.
Aren't their mommies proud?
Turns out Snake Island border guards who told Russian warship to go F yourself may still be alive!
Why, even Reuters and AP are reporting that it looks like it's a fake story.
Gee, if it's too good to be true, it usually is.
But if I would have questioned it earlier, I would have been bad.
But just when you think things can't get even more insane, remember amid Putin's invasion of Ukraine and terror, Tens of thousands dead.
Joy Behar complains it's ruined her trip to Italy.
And she's so tone deaf, she doesn't even know what she said or what she did.
But when you think it can't get any worse than that, it gets way, way worse with George W. Coquette Bush, who's now a vegetable, reportedly can't even wipe his ass.
This guy, Mr. Warmonger, Mr. Anti-God, Mr. Leftist, slams Putin for illegal invasion, and boy did Twitter react.
Because you can say whatever you want about Putin.
I don't like the war he launched, but I get why he did it.
This guy lied about WMDs and invaded Iraq and just slaughtered tens of thousands and then millions died of starvation.
And now he's going to tell you don't invade a country when Iraq was 6,000 miles from New York City and wasn't involved in 9-11?
Saudi Arabia was?
His partners?
And then Ukraine is on the Russian border with NATO weapons attacking, and the left is just loving him now.
Oh, W, we love you!
Meanwhile, Biden administration freezes new oil and gas drilling leases despite recent court-ordered injunction.
The courts say, don't turn off Keystone.
Don't turn off all our things.
Don't turn off the Gulf of Mexico.
And Biden says, screw you.
I cut off the Russian pipeline.
I cut off the Israeli pipeline.
I cut off the American pipeline.
Because I want to hurt little people.
Because all those Soros and Bill Gates and Warren Buffett owned pipelines are just making so much money right now.
Total exploitation Anti-free market, anti-prosperity model.
And it just goes on and on and on and on.
But don't worry, he's getting ready to have a State of the Union.
Where old Socky, old Scratch, is going to tell you everything's wonderful.
You talk about delusional, This is the definition of it.
Meanwhile, the real footage coming out of Ukraine shows Russian and Ukrainian troops guarding Chernobyl together.
It's going to be a mix of things that happen with the troops, but it is a mess.
And they go, oh, Russia's doing a horrible job invading.
What do you think a real ground invasion looks like?
It looks like a disaster zone, which it is.
So much more coming up ahead of the war room tonight.
I got a bunch of footage I want to get to of what's happening in the Ukraine.
Pray for peace.
Prepare for war.
All right, folks.
Leo Zagami is a best-selling author, researcher, Vatican expert, and also an expert on what's been happening in Russia.
And I thought I would get him on.
Man, during the breaks, I'm reviewing footage, a lot of which I don't want to put on air, of Ukrainians getting killed, Russians getting killed, of people, men, women, and children trying to get on trains to Poland and They're trying to keep men from getting on.
They're putting women and children on.
And so some Africans and some Indians are trying to push to the head of the line that's being called racist.
But I went and reviewed the footage.
They're not letting men on as well.
Just all sorts of insane stuff happening.
And it's just a nightmare.
And then I look at all of the other things that are unfolding where they're pulling people over And asking where they live and who they are.
And if they're Russian, which half of Ukraine is ethically Russian, they're just gunning them down the streets.
I've got some of that footage coming up next segment.
So, this is a real war.
It's a big war.
And it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
The president of Ukraine and Putin's people are meeting on the border.
With Belarus and Ukraine right now.
We'll see what happens with that.
But Leo Zagami, I really appreciate you coming on.
You've been saying this war was coming.
You've been really accurate.
What's really going on in your view?
Well thank you for having me on and yes for years I knew that this war was coming to Europe since I was told back in 2002 by members of Vladimir Putin's administration that Europe was inevitably going to have a crisis at one point or the other and that will be the moment in which they will not liberate Europe like They tried to do in the first world war, ending up with really heavy consequences that after led also to the revolution.
But also, of course, we have another important problem here, because you are talking about a country, Russia, that has certain values and that after
the fall of the Soviet Union doesn't really want to fully be forced into this oppressive
embracing of the values we have here in the West.
So the actual situation at the moment is confusing because we don't really understand the Russian
In that meeting I had in 2002, it was at the Bolshoi, where I was actually doing an event for the victims, children victims of terrorism, there were various diplomats.
And I could see already back then that India and China's ambassadors were very close to To Russia.
And at the same time, like I said, that they said, if we will be forced to go further with the war in to Europe, at that point we will invade Europe and we will say to Europe, because even in the Second World War, they told me, Leo, we have heavy consequences.
You know, we have to liberate Berlin and look at what we got in return.
I mean, so for them, it's like looking at the past and wanting to repeat the same mistakes.
Now, we had some treaties that were signed in the early stages, immediately after the fall of the Soviet Union.
And those treaties had a meaning because they were built to maintain an equilibrium.
Unfortunately, Boris Yeltsin, who was the first president of the Russian Federation, Was a drunken fool.
He was actually, from the mid-90s, he had a really serious alcoholic problem.
He basically turned the other side when Bill Clinton and the others suddenly got the Baltic states involved with NATO.
And there was a really heavy crisis economically speaking in Russia at that time, especially in 1998, just a year prior to Vladimir Putin coming to power.
I started going into Russia because I was working As an artist, as a record producer, but also as in the cultural field.
And I was involved also in meeting Vladimir Putin, both in Moscow in 2002, briefly, and in the early stages when he was still a mayor in St.
Petersburg, I remember.
And he really changed Russian politics.
So you have to understand that in the middle of the 90s, Russia was basically like the World War West.
People were literally shooting themselves in the street.
Because after the fall of the Soviet Union, most of the KGB agents ended up becoming the Russian mafia.
One person who didn't follow that kind of path and went instead into politics was, of course, Vladimir Putin, who was a cultural attaché for a long time in East Germany.
But in reality, he was the head of the whole intelligent system apparatus that also had under him not only the KGB, but also the Stasi officers.
In fact, I've been told that off-record by some pretty famous CIA people that Putin was actually a secret liaison during the Cold War in Germany.
That's why they know him.
He officially he was a culture at the shape.
But in reality, he controlled not only him.
He had to make sure that everything was in check and they had one million soldiers, Russian soldiers in Eastern Germany at that time.
So imagine the So he's had a responsibility the whole time, long before he came in and was Vice President.
Why did he invade?
What do you think is about to happen, Leo?
Because obviously he's put the nuclear forces on the next to highest alert.
The next alert is launching the missiles.
What's going on?
Well, first of all, we have to know there is different levels to the pyramids.
If you go on top of the pyramid, there is definitely Klaus Schwab, who is very happy about all these sanctions because they're going to cripple the world economy.
And we're all going to end up earning basically only nothing and being happy.
At least that's what he says.
So, we have to understand that Vladimir Putin was a young member of the World Economic Forum, a leader just like Angela Merkel, who used to be also, by the way, a Stasi agent, just like Schultz, by the way.
So, these people have a little bit more behind the scenes that they are not really admitting, you know, more connections that they are really admitting.
But the truth is that the future is basically about recovering the whole Soviet Union in time for the centenary.
This year is the centenary of the Soviet Union that went on from 1922 to 1991.
Now in 1991, when they did a poll in Ukraine about how many, because they did a poll in the whole of the Soviet Union, a poll, to see how many people from each republic wanted to maintain their presence in the Soviet Union.
Now, that poll didn't really end up having any relevance, because after there was a coup and the Soviet Union came to an end.
But in Ukraine, for example, over 70% of the population wanted to be with the Soviet Union.
So you see, then there was, in 1994, another poll conducted in Ukraine, in which in Duansk and Luansk, the people there were rather happy to have an independent Ukraine.
As long as they recognize the Russian language and the Russian culture.
Unfortunately, in 1990, just a year prior to the fall of the Soviet Union, George Soros had, of course, opened his own foundation in Ukraine.
And from that moment onwards, he has become really in charge of the whole politics there.
And so is there any doubt that NATO is shipping weapons in, and Soros being involved has antagonized Russia to come in?
They have been antagonized for years.
In 2007 already, at the Munich Security Council, there was Vladimir Putin warning the West that they were basically forcing Russia into a new Cold War, not respecting these treaties.
For us here now in the year 2022, mostly for all those leptards who go to leptard universities, they don't realize that treaties have a very important meaning.
And when you don't respect those treaties over and over again, and Russia also asked from 2015 onwards... Hold on!
Leo Zagami, stay right there.
We'll come right back to you.
You know, I've got to get Leo Zegami on this week for a full hour on the weekday show that airs 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
The Sunday show, obviously, is very important.
A lot of folks are tuned in right now.
We've got triple the audience we normally do.
We can see it.
People are tuned in and concerned, and I've tried to do the best job I can, but I'm just so frustrated by this because I'm not even taking sides.
I mean, I see the globalists starting a war with Russia and then putting the Ukrainians in the middle of it.
So Leo is an expert on this stuff.
He's explaining to you that, not just as a journalist, but he's somebody that's been in the actual secret societies over in Italy, that Klaus Schwab and the globalists on the top are getting power and control out of this.
But on the ground, we're all going to pay more, whether we're Russian or Ukrainian or German or American.
It doesn't matter.
It's a terrible thing.
So what's your intel on how this is actually going for Russia, going for Ukraine?
Do you think a peace deal will be made?
What's your intel on what's really happening and where do you expect this to go?
And what will some of the globalists think now that Putin's done this?
Because he obviously wants their respect to know he's drawn a red line.
First of all, I want to straighten up this propaganda that is coming out of Russia with thousands of people getting arrested.
I mean, Russia has a population of 144 million people who back President Vladimir Putin.
If 3,000 people get arrested, and those 3,000 people I know for sure belong to organizations that are Western organizations financed by the West, They, of course, get money also by George Soros.
It's not relevant for real Russians of the working class.
Those real Russians who actually, grandfathers, great-grandfathers participated to the Russian Revolution, those people are not the people who are marching today in Russia.
Those are basically... I don't mean to interrupt you, Leo, but you're usually somewhat critical of Putin.
That's why I wanted to get you on.
But you seem right now to be explaining The whole Russian perspective.
I want to be, Alex, I want to be objective with what I know about what's happening.
I mean, I have great respect for the resistance in Ukraine that is giving their lives.
Sir, sir, I'm not asking you to go over there.
I want your real views.
Continue, please.
No, but I want to say that the Ukrainians are getting fooled by a comedian who for five years pretended to be a president on TV.
He's a comedian.
He's an actor who was financed, by the way, by a corrupt oligarch who is a friend of George Soros.
So the Ukrainian people have been fooled over and over again by the people who rule them, corrupt individuals who have taken all their money and brought it abroad.
And these people are now fighting, of course, for their country, mostly because of the nature of the Ukrainians.
They're peasants and they want to defend their land at all costs.
But the Russians have a reasoning in what they're doing because of their culture and because of how they've been cornered by this new world order to comply with the whole thing.
Now, from today to Tuesday, we have already China moving with the South Sea.
That was my next point.
Well, we're talking about Russia.
What about Taiwan?
Yeah, well, they are working together to shift.
Like I said, the four years and like I say, my new book, I anticipated what is happening today in my new book.
We are shifting from an American To a Sino-Russian New World Order that is probably going to last a long time, because that is what they have been planning behind the scenes.
If you are now doing sanctions, the only people to pay for these sanctions are us, because Russia is simply going to look on the other side and work with China.
So, I mean, China is the problem.
And that's why Schwab's on record so happy.
It'll push Russia out of our arms into China's.
Of course we have Schwab who is also pushing the digital ID and we know that now the vaccine passports will be digitalized in the meantime even here in the U.S.
So Russia is being the vanguard for China and the deep state and Klaus Schwab to distract Europe and the world while China takes over.
And also there is an ideology here.
Luhansk and Duansk, the two republics, they're called People's Republic.
Now, People's Republic is clearly a Marxist-Leninist concept.
So it's obvious here that this centenary, Putin wants to return to the Soviet Union.
But he wants to do it with a form of communism that is respectful to the Orthodox Church.
So, he wants to inaugurate a new kind of Soviet Union in which the... A nationalist, with a mantle of Christianity, new Soviet.
Yes, yes, yes.
And of course, like I said, People's Republic, really, that is nobody, no journalist here is talking about the fact he has called it People's Republic.
But People's Republic is the People's Republic of China also.
I mean, it's communism that is manifesting.
So we are here in front of a global change, of a long war.
If America continues to have some incompetent people in the White House, in Langley, at the NSA, we will basically I was about to say, I mean, we know that Trump threatened to nuke China and Russia face-to-face.
They did that.
They didn't.
Under Obama, Putin invaded Ukraine.
And then they stopped for four years under Trump.
They invade one year later under Biden.
I mean, there's no doubt.
They're trying to blame Trump.
I'm not even defending Trump.
It's just not fair to blame Trump.
They didn't invade under Trump.
Why did they invade under Biden?
Because of what he did in Afghanistan and the bumbling?
Yeah, the weakness of Biden really made it even more, you know, increased the possibility that America will not react in the proper way.
I mean, let's remember one thing.
What is happening today was planned for a very, very long time.
He came into power in 1999 and in 2001 he said he would never do anything against America because it was inconceivable.
But then things change.
Then gradually they have cornered Putin and wanting him to comply to what is being decided, of course, here in the United States and in other countries like in Europe.
And he doesn't want to agree with that compliance.
He wants to join instead China in a different alliance.
So Leo Zagami, I want to get you back on because I know your new book is out.
I haven't read it yet.
I want to carry it at InfowarsTour.com.
So I want to invite you back on the show maybe tomorrow or the next day.
We'll talk about the book here in just a moment.
But what are you, because you've been really great at predicting things.
What do you think is going to come out of this major war happening on the continent of Europe?
First of all, we have the end of the European Union.
They are basically shooting themselves in the foot.
The sanctions are going to eventually push Russia to close those pipelines and that oil that is arriving always into Europe and it's creating the economy.
So once you are renouncing to... we hardly have Any resources here because, of course, with Joe Biden we lost the energy self-sufficiency, no?
And now... And again, that shows how the globalists are above it.
They're doing a deal that'll drive Russia away with its energy while they cut off the Israeli pipeline to Europe, while they cut down our pipelines.
You can see the globalists, they're shutting the power off of the West right now, and they're going to send all the power to China, just like when they killed the Keystone, they're now shipping by train to the West Coast to again go to China.
I think that the moment in which China invades Taiwan, then things are going to really change also in the attitude of the United States.
They're going to have to shut up and go back to those respectful ways that Ronald Reagan had when he was doing the meetings with his Russian counterpart.
I mean, to call Vladimir Putin now a criminal, an insane individual, a guy who has nuclear rockets pointed at us, is completely insane.
The Biden administration is behaving in a reckless way, is endangering itself.
But even those generals who are supposed to be conservative and go on Fox and say, we're going to have to wipe out Russia from the face of the earth.
Are you realizing that Russia has a new nuclear device called Satan 2 with 10 nuclear bombs that can basically destroy nearly the whole of Texas in one go?
Do you realize that?
So just shut up!
That's the thing.
These people don't realize that we are in front of another kind of war.
In that war, when it becomes nuclear, the only option is diplomacy, but not diplomacy
made by a bunch of fools who were actually laughing at Donald J. Trump when he said that
they were depending too much on Russia.
Like, for example, when he made that speech at the United Nations and this bunch of Germans
were laughing.
Well, there's nothing to laugh now.
I'm sure they're not laughing.
And nobody in Europe is laughing any longer, because already the military is moving to defend their territory, because the plan is this, the centenary of the Soviet Union.
So after Ukraine, he's going to have to get Moldavia.
He's going to go into the Baltic countries, and at that point, all hell is going to break loose.
And so, basically, Europe, I don't think, is heading for peace, but is rather heading for a period of uncertainty, chaos, and war.
And so, if you are an American— Leo Zagami, we've got to get you on this week about your book and all this.
Thank you so much.
God bless everybody.
Let's pray for peace and pray for an awakening.
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