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Name: 20220220_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 20, 2022
1613 lines.

In this segment, Alex Jones discusses various topics including potential conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the exposure of the globalist paradigm, vitamin D3 benefits, and Klaus Schwab's plans for an angrier world. He also mentions the importance of fighting against the New World Order and taking action by supporting Infowars. The speaker discusses the concept of a "vaccine passport" and how it relates to financial tools being used by the government against illegal blockades and occupations. They criticize nefarious human experimentation by the government and pharmaceutical industry, leading to physical side effects. The interview continues with Marjorie Taylor Greene discussing her experiences in Washington and expressing concerns about societal issues such as transgender individuals in women's spaces and sports competitions. She emphasizes the importance of grassroots activism and accountability in government actions. Marjorie Taylor Greene discusses the situation in Canada with Justin Trudeau acting as a dictator, implementing vaccine mandates, and declaring martial law against truckers who are providing essential supplies. She warns of potential consequences if similar mandates were imposed on Americans and praises the truckers for standing up against tyranny. In this conversation, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Alex Jones discuss January 6th events and how they are being used by Democrats to discredit conservatives. They argue that the media has been spreading lies about their involvement in inciting violence on that day and emphasize the importance of focusing on actions of the federal government and Democratic party.

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You can cut the tension with a knife.
It's Sunday, February 20, 2022.
Tomorrow's news today.
I come to you From Austin, Texas.
Very honored and blessed to be here.
I know every day, alive and on air, still having some semblance of free speech in these dark days is a real blessing and I place my trust and faith and soul in God's hands.
But God helps those that helps themselves and gave us the good wits and will and courage and common sense and friends and family and other random people you meet on the road who also Want freedom to be able to stand up against this evil.
Evil always makes its move.
It always seems like it's impossible to defeat until humanity realizes that there's no choice left but to stand up and say no.
We've certainly reached that point now.
Well, we have Marjorie Taylor Green about to get here to the studio.
And she's going to be joining us coming up in the second hour in studio this evening.
Really look forward to that.
She has a lot of courage.
She's an example of what we need more of in Congress to say it lightly, to put it lightly.
We have that and a lot of big issues we're going to be covering with her in studio here in Austin, Texas tonight.
But obviously front and center.
There are a lot of conflicting reports about what's happening in Eastern Europe, Northeastern Europe, and what's really about to unfold in Ukraine, where there's been an eight-year proxy war between the globalists and the Russians.
Here's just some of the headlines.
Russia plans biggest war since 1945, says the British globalist prime minister, who I wouldn't believe a damn word comes out of his mouth, but who knows, it might be true.
Russian troops receive orders to proceed with invasion, U.S.
intelligence shows.
The same U.S.
intelligence that says I'm a Russian agent?
That's the Daily Mail.
But what we do have is video coming out of areas of Russia itself, showing Russian armored tanks painted with the letter Z, which would probably be part of a drill, moving towards Ukraine border in huge convoys.
So we're going to find out very, very quickly what's really going on.
Putin and Macron are meeting right now in an emergency face-to-face meeting, we're told, to halt, quote, escalation.
Putin says they're shipping more weapons in.
They're launching artillery attacks into eastern Ukraine, Russian-held areas.
Well, we know that that's been going on for eight years.
So there's an escalation by both sides.
And the Russians, again, have been beefing up their troops in the area, because the West has been beefing up troops in the area, and George Soros brags, you're with our Russia.
We are in Russia's backyard.
We can't even control our border, the globalists have gotten rid of it.
Thousands of people die every few days of fentanyl, many of them children, but that's not a crisis, that's not a problem, that's ordered open.
But, oh, backing certain groups in Ukraine who are russophobes, Is what we're supposedly all supposed to back right now, so we can help the globalists bring in George Soros-style brainwashing of the youth, which is going on now in Western-controlled areas of Ukraine.
So, I believe in the Monroe Doctrine.
I know America's been an empire since the Spanish-American War and the blowing up of the main false flag that triggered that.
The anniversary was just last week.
But I am not a Russophile at the same time.
I do not lionize all of Russia's activities or behaviors.
But you'd be a fool to believe that this is about America spreading freedom into areas of the world.
This is about the globalists taking over and are so powerful now.
They're not just waging war against individuals and families and our savings and our currencies and our borders and our very existence.
They're waging war against other countries and other systems they believe they can push around.
And that's how big We've also got a pretty powerful video of Chuck Todd asking Secretary of State Blinken why Putin didn't escalate during the Trump administration, and he is speechless.
That clip's coming up as well.
But we've got some really good news when we come back in T-minus 60 seconds.
We're live.
Please tell folks we are.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you so much for joining us on this live February 20th Sunday broadcast.
We're going to be here for the next four hours.
Myself, Alex Jones, Marjorie Taylor Greene, great member of Congress, probably one of the best members of Congress.
She's definitely up there in the top two or three.
Amazing courage, amazing understanding of what we face, more of what we need in Congress, no doubt.
And Owen Schroyer, my great co-host, and so much more.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, here we are.
On the verge of a massively expanded war with Russia, and when Chuck Todd asked Secretary of State Blinken today on one of the Sunday news shows why Putin didn't escalate during the Trump administration, well, we know the reason that that happened.
And I'll be talking about that coming up at the start of the next segment.
We'll have that video clip for you, and we're going to be getting to all of that.
But the answer is Trump did not ship $5 billion of anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles and give it to not just the Ukrainian military, but to the quote, anti-Russian militia that's been attacking for seven plus years eastern border of Ukraine with Russia.
So yeah, when they tell you there's a war going on, yes, but going on eight years, and the Russians and others are sick of it.
If you look at the polls, they're 50-50 whether they're pro-Russia, pro- West.
The point is, it's not our fight.
It's not on our doorstep.
Our own borders wide open.
Our country's collapsing.
And this didn't happen under Trump because Trump didn't push the boundaries of NATO.
There's been five pushes.
This is the fifth push.
And Russia has said this far, no further.
We have nuclear weapons.
So it's not about picking a side here.
It's about being a pragmatist and realizing what indeed is going on.
We'll be covering that.
Coming up, as I said, for you next segment.
I don't know if I can do justice to this today, but who knows what huge news we're breaking tomorrow.
So I'm going to try my best here this evening just to talk about something so massively
huge and so incredibly positive.
But I don't know if this Sunday show is the place to do this.
I just don't know with the time we have, whether we're able to do that or not, but I'm going to do my best.
And I'm going to go ahead and just start getting to this right now, because it really is an epiphany moment.
It's a Perry Mason moment where The sunglasses are on like they live and suddenly you can see what's really going on and what's unfolding.
But I've been trying my best for a long, long time to get people to care about corporate capture, elite capture.
Now these are well-known terms to intelligence agencies and to national police forces and to the Justice Department and to PhD historians and others, but it's something they don't want the public to have any understanding about because in a republic and in a populist system, we're supposed to have the public in charge of corporate and elite capture.
And it's supposed to be done Where the whole world sees what's unfolding and the whole world sees what's happening.
And we're aware of what these corrupt forces are doing.
So we're able to come in because we're aware of that and block them and stop them.
But if we don't know what's going on and if we've been kept in the dark and told by the New York Times and CNN for decades that there is no global conspiracy, there is no Bilderberg Group, there is no secret group, there is no plan for world government, there is no plan for World ID, there is no plan to take children from their parents, there is no plan to sexualize your children, there is no plan for forced inoculations, then we can't ever form the political opposition to it Because the system won't even allow a discussion or a debate about it.
Well, yesterday, they had a Member of Parliament try to bring up Klaus Schwab and the globalist takeover and the Great Reset and how more than half the cabinet of Canada is openly controlled by him and he brags that he runs it.
And when the Member of Parliament tried to bring it up, they cut his mic and told him he couldn't speak, and then they have the socialist leaders say, that's fake news, that's not allowed, and they shut down the Member of Parliament.
That's how hardcore the martial law is in Canada, that like North Korea, when they're having one of their staged Politburo meetings, if somebody gets up and criticizes Kim Jong-un, they disappear.
Well, now that's happening in Canada.
If you go on Instagram or Twitter or anywhere, I spent hours last night today looking at it, it's incredible.
I have more than 20 clips here and that's just the bare minimum.
That's why I said I don't have time to get to it all.
It's unbelievable.
The whole world's waking up, including premiers, governors of major provinces of Canada are saying, look, foreign banks through the UN and Klaus Schwab took over and there's been a UN coup.
And then people go to the local airport and there's just U.N.
aircraft everywhere.
And, yeah, jets, big, big passenger jets landing with U.N.
troops with the U.N.
on the side.
And so, Canada's really waking up that it was seen as soft, compliant and weak, which it wasn't.
It was just confident and happy and working hard.
And it's been targeted by corporate, global government takeover, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, since they showed this at night, it gets worse during the day.
This is all these jets, big jets, with UN on them.
They've now blacked out the UN tags.
And it looks like put black paint over it.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, this is just, this is next level.
I mean, we have lived to see the attempted world government takeover, and it's collapsing in Australia, it's collapsing in New Zealand, it's collapsing in Europe, it's collapsing here.
They already had to back off forced inoculation in Austria, Hitler's home, because their own police and military said we're about to overthrow the government, and the public got more aggressive once they tried that.
So, this is all Klaus Schwab and the New World Order trying their takeovers.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'm gonna have MGT in here in the second hour.
I'm gonna go right through this hour, and I'm gonna hit the big Russian news, the last segment of this hour.
But when I come back, For the next two segments, I'm going to play you the most astonishing, amazing stuff we've ever played here, okay?
Most of this is new, a lot of it's old, but I want to show you what's happening and them in live time shutting down members of parliament who bring up, hey Klaus Schwab brags he controls Trudeau.
Not true, sorry, you can't talk, you're shut down.
That's fake news.
So it's not just fake news that shut Alex Jones down when he tells you something that's true.
Now it's live time having to shut up the members of parliament.
Now you've got to shut up Joe Rogan.
Now you've got to shut up Tucker Carlson.
Now, like, major famous Muslims are coming out against the Great Reset and the New World Order.
I mean, so, Hollywood people are coming out against it.
Folks get this is bad.
Folks get this is evil.
And they've decided to reject this poison.
Evil's always trying to force-feed you poison.
All you've got to do is throw it up.
That doesn't sit too well.
You know, I think I'm gonna, yeah.
You know, you kind of make the decision to go out and eat something bad.
You go, yeah, I think that might have been bad fish.
That might have been, I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
No, I only do it every once a year or so, but I'll eat something that doesn't sit well.
And other people get food poisoning.
I go out to dinner with, it's happened before.
Not this guy.
I'm the opposite of bulimic.
I love food.
But once a year or so, I'll eat something and it doesn't sit well.
And it makes me something I ate at a gas station or something?
And I just go vomit that out.
And we just gotta say, hey, you know what, Klaus Schwab?
You know what, Bill Gates?
You know what, New World Order?
You know what, Ted Turner and all you world government people?
You force-fed us all this, but we reject it.
What did God say in the Bible?
You were hot nor cold, so I spit you out of my mouth.
You were lukewarm, I spit you out of my mouth.
Got to spit them out of our mouth.
We'll be right back.
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Anything of real quality, anything of lasting durability, anything that's really satisfying and empowering and fulfilling is going to be hard to attain.
And when it comes to information, boy is that true today.
We see the entire global corrupt, anti-human, depopulation, Great Reset Combine trying to collapse our society to build on its ashes, their transhumanist nightmare vision.
Suppressing the voices of good people all around the world and of doctors and scientists and engineers.
That are exposing all their lies, their COVID hysteria, their world's gonna end in 2030, carbon tax, global warming bull, all of it.
And none of it can succeed.
None of it can actually be carried out unless everybody is silenced and gas lit.
That's why truth comes with hard work and with research and with diligence.
That's why it's hard to share in full wars links and band up video links.
That's why we've got to share them now more than ever.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
So everybody always thinks about.
World War One World War Two Korea Vietnam.
(upbeat music)
Or all the other fights and police actions and things that different countries have been in.
Think about an enemy with military trying to take over the infrastructure of the other group and have the people surrender.
But you don't invade a country that It's going to fight back.
You don't invade a country that won't submit.
You invade people that are known to be soft and passive and easily scared into control.
So you build a virus.
You release it.
You create incredible fear.
You block treatments.
You then inject people with more poison to make them sick.
So they're scared and under your control.
We've got Klaus Schwab, who's the former head of the Bilderberg Group, big globalist secret power group that I've exposed and others have.
And you've got them creating the Dabos Group in the 70s under Henry Kissinger's direction.
He worked directly for Kissinger.
Went to Harvard, trained by Kissinger, all of it.
And then by the 90s, they've gotten thousands of leaders, mainly the children of rich people, billionaires, like Bill Gates and others.
And almost all the prime ministers and presidents you see now Trained by them in global governance.
And then he writes four books on the subject.
He gives speeches.
He goes all over television and brags that we've penetrated governments and we control governments.
And if you go to his Wikipedia page, it has a quote, him saying, we capture your democracies.
The people do not need to be in charge.
So he's another crazy German that thinks he should rule the world.
And he works with a bunch of other evil groups doing it.
But what's important is I've been harping on this group and making films about it for decades and warning you they were going to use the virus for control.
But now it's everywhere.
From Joe Rogan's latest podcast to Tucker Carlson to everywhere and exploded online.
People waking up and actually going and looking at who is in their parliament and who is in the cabinet of the government.
And who are their presidents and prime ministers?
And they're finding out almost all of them, whether it's Latin America, or the Middle East, or Africa, or Europe, or Canada, is them.
And now you've got Eastern European leaders, and the Mexican president that's a liberal, and conservative leaders, Bolsonaro, all saying this is a corporate Coup!
A scientific takeover of the planet.
That is a magic moment, ladies and gentlemen.
Where people finally get it.
So I've got more than 20 of these clips and I'll probably make a documentary on this in the next few weeks, a quick film, because people are really ready for this right now.
The Zeitgeist is here.
I'm also intending to write a book on this subject.
We're working on it right now.
But this is just so huge.
Here is a major conservative member of parliament censored for pointing out the World Economic Forum, the Davos Group's corrupt influence over Trudeau's government.
When this first broke on Friday, people thought it was fake.
They went and found the HD and off the government channel.
It's real.
But notice, first they say, oh, your feed's bad.
We can't hear you.
It was true.
Then the socialist leader, who's there in person, minding it all, pops in and says, it's not true.
It's disinformation that Klaus Schwab brags he runs Trudeau, even though I have five clips of him saying exactly that.
And we're going to get to him.
So this is really captured people's imagination.
And they're finally getting it.
So they don't even want Members of Parliament in a country captured by these people to do it.
And the finance minister declared financial martial law, said they'll take your bank accounts and track what you do without a warrant.
She announced yesterday at a press conference, it's permanent.
She said, we're permanently doing this.
And then another top liberal, they call him Labor member, said, oh, being a Trump supporter, we're going to take your bank account.
And even people on mainstream TV are like, that's crazy.
And then the graduate of Klaus Schwab's system, his cult, his intelligence agency, his private intelligence agency of New Zealand.
They've got tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands protesting there peacefully, and she says they're terrorists and that free speech isn't allowed.
And even the police tell her what she's doing is wrong.
So they're all following orders of the corporations that think they can put puppets in charge of governments and have them lock us in our houses, forcibly inject us, tell us we're non-essential, starve us, shut down our businesses, and that we're not smart enough to organize and figure out what they're doing.
But whether it's Trudeau of Canada, or whether it's the puppet of New Zealand, or whether it's any of these puppets, they all have one thing in common as a Governor in Canada came out and said, a premier, is they're all very weak-minded and very stupid.
And that's true.
Because these are the quizlings.
These are the useful idiots.
These are the people inside your fortress that lower the drawbridge for the enemy to take over.
And what does the enemy always do when they take over?
They put to the sword the idiots that open the gate.
Here it is.
Canada, a member of parliament censored.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I listened to my colleague's speech.
I had a constituent that wanted me to ask a question about outside interference to our democracy.
Klaus Schwab is the head of the World Economic Forum and he bragged how his subversive WEF, World Economic Forum, has quoted infiltrated governments around the world.
He said that his organization had penetrated more than half of Canada's cabinet.
I was wondering, in the interest of transparency, could the member please name which cabinet ministers are on board with the WEF's agenda?
Order, order, order.
I know the member was in a really good question there, but the audio is really, really bad, and the video is really, really bad as well.
And I apologize.
I don't know if the member... Okay.
Let's try again.
The Honorable Member for Timmins James Bay.
Mr. Speaker, that member is promoting open disinformation.
That's not debate.
We have to call it disinformation.
Oh, we're getting into debate again.
So, oh, I forgot.
It's worse than I've said.
Trudeau suspended the government and the elected representatives when he declared that a martial law a week ago.
And then they told all the other members of parliament, don't be there.
You can't be there.
But then they opened it up for the left to be there.
Everything's a deception.
Everything's a test.
Everything's to see what they can get away with.
And so the Conservatives and others, they're digital, coming in via Zoom or whatever system they use.
But the Left's there to haunt you and run it all.
Now, this totally has freaked out the people of Canada.
It's got tens of millions of views, the different versions of it.
And Canada's only 32 million people or so.
So, Again, once you identify the shadow government, once you identify it's a foreign outside group, once you identify that it wants to collapse you to then get you on welfare with a universal basic income to control you, once you know that, it's game over, baby, and it's happening everywhere.
Very positive time.
Of course, I have a clip of Klaus Schwab talking about it.
Their answer is to launch a cyber attack and to basically cut the power off
and bring in total complete control using that and wars.
Of course, I didn't just tell you that today.
I told you that months and months ago, but I have the clip of Klaus Schwab saying,
"The power outage, the cyber attack "will make COVID look like a wonderful thing."
And he smiles because he knows.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You are listening to an Infowars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Well, I'm really proud of humanity.
And I'll just tell you point blank, I'm doing this because I want to survive.
I want to live.
I want to have a future.
I know God's real.
I want to stand up against evil.
And so every victory we have, I just see that as my mission and what we're supposed to do.
But I am really proud of all of you.
Because I know this audience of activists is at the very core of the fight.
And I don't have words to describe how amazing you are.
And Really makes me proud of this crew and everything we've done together.
That we're going to really get attacked hard because the enemy knows we're the detonation point of this thing.
But Info War, standing on the shoulders of great patriots that came before us, has been the tip of the spear.
And we've got a real fighting chance against these people now.
And humanity is really waking up and fighting back because of you and your support of this broadcast and your word of mouth and your prayer and what you did.
This is real-world stuff, and you did it!
Yeah, God's in charge, but God works through you.
And if you don't take action, well then, the dog doesn't hunt.
And I'm here to tell you, folks, this dog wants to hunt, but I can't hunt without you, and together we're doing it.
This is real.
This ain't Hollywood crap.
This isn't all the fake New World Order BS in the world.
This is real, and this is happening.
Maximum Red Alert!
Saturday Emergency Broadcast.
Western leaders claim war with Russia has already begun.
MTG, Marjorie Taylor Greene, live in studio, coming up next hour.
So let's continue here, ladies and gentlemen, with the biggest news.
And again, I'm going to have to make like an hour-long, quick, fast mini-documentary on this or something, because the wheels are coming off the New World Order right now.
All the best, and I say all, like the top 20 best-selling books last year are all about the Great Reset.
People get it now.
It's good news.
And so, this is very exciting.
I just pledged to the Member of Parliament being censored for saying that Trudeau pledges allegiance to the Great Reset.
Let's just start with clip 13.
Here's Klaus Schwab two years ago saying, use COVID to create an angrier world.
They want us all angry and killing each other.
When the resources are cut off, and people don't go to work, and the infrastructure collapses.
Because that's how stuff works.
You may not think your job is very important, but especially if you're a farmer, or an engineer, or a power plant worker, or a guy that puts power lines up, or a school teacher, I mean everything has an effect.
And if they don't go to work, stuff starts breaking down.
And people starve to death in the third world, and then we collapse, then we starve to death.
And that's what Swab brags about.
How great it is, and how they're cutting the carbon footprint and giggling.
He's a murdering depopulationist.
Sorry, let's get the clips.
So he's telling you, well, this angry old world is coming.
But he doesn't think he'll get the blame.
See, he'll keep doing this with his corporate controllers until he gets the blame.
The minute he doesn't think he'll get away with it, they're gonna stop.
So I've been like, attack the establishment, politically.
Expose them.
Emergency, emergency.
Everything we do is on this.
And now, finally, finally people get it.
And it's amazing.
So God is good, my friends.
God is real.
And God is in control.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip of this demon.
He's the front man, but he's the head demon with the devils above him giving him the orders.
And here he is admitting his plan.
I don't know how it will play out in November, but what we know is that we will end up with many more unemployed and particularly also people in the grey economy, which are not counted for, who lose their jobs.
So we will see definitely a lot of anger.
Already now, but probably increase by the end of the year.
Because this crisis will be with us until we really have found a remedy.
So... Stop there.
So his whole plan, he writes books, says we're going to crash the economy.
They order the lockdowns to make you poor and collapse, and then offer you a new utopia with a digital ID and universal income.
Oh, that he controls.
So here he is, last year, talking about a cyber attack, getting very excited.
How you think COVID was a bad lockdown, which he said was a good, he said it was good for the earth.
We'll wait till the cyber attack turns your lights out.
Here it is.
But still, pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring to a complete halt ...to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.
The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.
So they're the saviors when they launch it.
They're prepared.
You're not.
They consolidate total control.
security community can draw and improve our in preparedness for a potential
cyber pandemic. So they're the saviors when they launch it they're prepared
you're not they consolidate total control the top hundred billionaires
double their money during this operation that they triggered.
And there he is, admitting it all.
He wants a post-industrial world.
He pushed longer lockdowns.
And when they collapse society, he poses as your savior.
Here he is on Charlie Rose, talking about during the Great Reset, during the cyber takeover, during the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we change your genetics, not the Earth.
Here it is.
And you see, the difference of this 4th Industrial Revolution is, it doesn't change what you are doing, it changes you.
If you take genetic editing, just as an example, it's you who are changed.
And of course this has a big impact on your identity.
Possibilities that have to be careful about, you know, when you began to do that kind of gene editing.
Some people worry that you are changing what it means to be human.
That's the problem.
Of course, the new Industrial Revolution offers us many opportunities, but it raises many fold questions.
Now you know what they did to you.
You know, I'm going to play clip 8, Alberta premiere, Jason Kinney talks about the Great Reset as the best job boiling it down in a very conservative way in four and a half minutes.
That's coming up.
But let's go to clip five.
She's on the board of the World Economic Forum, the Davos Group.
She works directly for Klaus Schwab.
She's written books about world government and depopulation.
Her grandfather was number two under Joseph Goebbels.
Can't make that up.
A head propagandist in Eastern Europe when the Nazis occupied it.
And Chrystia Freeland, who is the economic minister over Canada, the deputy prime minister, she declared martial law last week, no due process, take your bank accounts.
Now they say it's permanent, and then she mentions an economic system, swab is announced with the UN, a global system that will cashless society track what you do.
Here's part of it.
In terms of the financial instruments which our government is using right now to act against these illegal blockades and illegal occupation... You know what?
Hit pause.
This is a two-minute clip and I went to it about 30 seconds late.
I'm gonna come back with that.
But when she says illegal blockades, they're blockading and saying if you don't take shots you can't have a job.
They're saying you gotta have 5, 6, 7, 8 shots.
Trudeau's bought the shots out many years saying this is the new normal.
They're blockading us.
They're putting us under siege.
They're controlling us.
They're telling us we're not essential.
They admit it's their fourth industrial revolution to take over our bodies.
I have C-SPAN interviews with Bill Gates and Fauci saying, oh, we need a virus out of China to blow up the FDA regulatory system so we can get instant authorization of this to have our revolution.
When I come back, I'm going to play the clip of her saying, we need this to be permanent.
Everyone watched in live time.
And then the other minister says, yeah, anybody.
Yeah, there she is.
Anybody that supports Trump.
We'll have his bank accounts taken.
I have the deputy minister saying that.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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us, they're never going to break our will and we are going to take America and the world
It's Alex Jones.
All right, Marjorie Taylor Greene's getting ready to come in studio next hour with us, here on the Alex Jones Show.
And remember, I said I have over 20 clips, it's actually more than that, with them admitting they run governments, admitting they've taken over society, admitting they're in full control.
We're going to get to those, but here is the Finance Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, who openly is on the Board of Directors of the Bilderberg Group's public organization, the World Economic Forum, that's running all this.
Saying, now this is going to be a permanent emergency.
We need permanent powers.
And now we have the police saying, any conservative protesting against lockdowns is illegal.
Biden has that in his national announcements as well from June of last year.
That any protesting against lockdowns is terror.
This is, this is, this convicts them.
This proves how bad they are.
Let me finish that clip though, that we went to with her announcing just, this is just Friday, this is two days ago, that, oh we need to make the emergency permanent.
For anybody we don't like, without a court order, without anything, the government, that means them, that's what they want, is the World Cashless Society, the social credit score, based on that vaccine passport.
The bureaucrats say, with the banks, who can have bank accounts and who can't.
Here it is.
In terms of the financial instruments which our government is using right now to act against these illegal blockades and illegal occupation, we reviewed very, very carefully the tools at the disposal of the federal government.
Uh, and we used all the tools that we had prior to the invocation of the Emergencies Act, and we determined that we needed some additional tools.
Now, some of those tools, We will be putting forward measures to put those tools permanently in place.
The authorities of FinTrack, I believe, do need to be expanded to cover crowdsourcing platforms and payment providers.
So that is something that we need to do, and we will do, and that needs to be in place permanently.
Alright, let's shut that down.
It goes on the full clips on InfoWars.
And Fintrax, this whole UN global government system.
And you can go to the World Economic Forum, and she is the Deputy Prime Minister and the Deputy Head of the World Economic Forum.
She's on the Board of Directors of it.
Here, here's Klaus Schwab.
You saw that Member of Parliament on Friday go, hey, Klaus Schwab brags that he controls half the Parliament in Canada, many other Parliaments, or half the Cabinet.
of the government of the Prime Minister.
They're like, sorry, that's disinfo, you can't talk about that, even though they brag about it.
Here's one of the clips they're talking about.
Prime Minister, good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, friends.
As you know, the theme of this annual meeting is mastering the fourth industrial revolution.
I couldn't imagine Anybody who could represent more the world which will come out of this fourth industrial revolution.
It certainly will be a world, hopefully, not certainly, hopefully, if we take the right decisions, which will be a diverse world characterized by plurality, It will be a world which will combine significant investments into the future, into our soft and hard infrastructure, with fostering entrepreneurial activity.
And he goes on to say in the clip that we have on screen, you can see it for TV viewers, that Trudeau is the ultimate example of this great reset in their takeover.
But here's the actual clip I wonder, I guess we got them mixed up, there's so many.
This is Klaus Schwab with David Gergen at the Kennedy Center bragging that he controls the cabinet and controls many of the leaders of the world.
And his favorite example of this is Justin Trudeau.
When I mention now names like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they all have been young global leaders of the World Economic Forum.
But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, That we penetrate the cabinets.
So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and I would know that half of this cabinet, or even more half of this cabinet, are actually young noble leaders of the world economy.
And that's true in Argentina too.
That's true in Argentina as well.
It's still in Argentina.
Let's cut that off.
He goes on and brags it's everywhere.
People are on to him.
Now here's something good before we go to break and come back with MTG.
Marjorie Taylor Greene in studio next hour.
So excited.
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney talks about the Great Reset and lays it out in very simple
to understand terms.
This is so important and we're going to start the next hour, whether you're listening on AM and FM, local TV, however, tell folks, tune in, that they don't want you to hear this.
The revolution against tyranny is now.
Here's part of this patriot, a major governor, premier up in Canada.
Ricky Butterworth, or it might be Cindy Butterworth, says, where do you stand on the Great Reset the Liberals are planning on introducing?
Well, let me just say that, first of all, what is this Great Reset?
Pierre Polyev, the federal conservative finance critic, recently raised concerns about this, and then he was attacked by some in the media and by the liberals for supposedly circulating conspiracy theories.
Well, The Great Reset is actually the name of a book by a very prominent advocate of it.
His name is Klaus Schwab.
He sent me a copy.
I guess he sent one to probably every government leader around the world.
And Klaus Schwab's thesis in his book Is that we should governments and societies the world should quote seize the opportunity of the public health and economic crisis to reimagine the world.
And radically change policies.
Now, in what ways?
I would describe it as a grab bag of left-wing ideas for less freedom and more government.
For more government intervention, for policies that would, I think, create massive poverty, particularly energy policy.
Uh, policies that he is advocating.
So, Klaus Schwab, by the way, is the president and founder of the World Economic Forum, also known as the Davos Summit.
I call it the biggest gathering of global hypocrites, uh, in history.
It's the, um, it's a little ski village in Switzerland and every, I think, February, um, a couple of thousand Super rich people a lot of billionaires millionaires global CEOs and Politicians fly into Davos men with hundreds of private airplanes.
They go into Switzerland and they spend a week basically lecturing The rest of the world including especially working women and men about how they should reduce their carbon footprint the hypocrisy in that crowd is is so Thick you can't even cut it with a knife.
And so no, I'm not going to be taking any Uh, policy direction from Klaus Schwab or his ilk.
And what I find offensive...
The so-called Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory.
It is an actual set of concrete proposals being advocated by some very influential people, and including, apparently, by Prime Minister Trudeau, who clearly alluded to it, referred to it, quoted from it, the Schwab Theory, in a speech he gave to the United Nations a couple of months ago.
So it's not a conspiracy theory to talk about that.
Those are the folks advocating it.
And I think it's perfectly legitimate for democratically elected leaders for me to say, heck no!
We're not going to exploit or take advantage of a crisis to advance a political agenda.
If we're actually all in this together, like we keep saying, then how about we focus on the crisis, on protecting lives and livelihoods, helping people get through this, And how about after that?
Instead of exploiting the crisis to impose on democratic societies a whole bunch of failed socialist policy ideas, how about instead we get refocused on generating economic growth?
On recreating some of the trillions of dollars of wealth that will have been destroyed?
Of restarting some of the hundreds of thousands of businesses that will have gone under.
Of obsessively focusing on getting the millions, the tens of millions around the world back to work.
Those who have suffered most in the COVID era have been the poorest around the world.
So the notion that we would then drive them further into energy poverty through Klaus Schwab's policy agenda is, I
just frankly find it offensive.
So no, it's not a conspiracy and nor is it a conspiracy theory.
I think it's just very distasteful and regrettable that influential people would explicitly seek to take advantage
of a crisis like this to advance their own.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
There are millions now waking up to the fact that they have been used in some sort of nefarious scientific experiment.
And many are suffering serious physical side effects as a result.
We can clearly see in the evidence presented by Dr. Yeadon's crew at HowBadIsMyBatch.com that different batches of the same vaccine are being deployed and monitored on a set schedule.
And studies from New Zealand and Spain have shown that there is cutting-edge nanotech in the Pfizer vaccine.
It is a massive human experiment.
It's killing people, injuring people, and destroying people's immune, neurological, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems.
People who trusted their government, and people who trusted the pharmaceutical industry.
Trust is a beautiful thing with someone close, but not with strangers we see on the television, and there is never a good reason to trust your government.
When a bloated government's main concern is profit and war, then psychopaths with degrees will be funded to research and develop more efficient ways of killing and controlling people.
This has been going on for a long, long time.
In 1932, the U.S.
Public Health Service began the Tuskegee syphilis experiment.
Patients were lied to about being treated for syphilis and were unknowingly kept sick and made worse.
During World War II, the Russians were using unsuspecting political prisoners to test lethal poisons on.
The U.S.
tested mustard gas on soldiers.
The Japanese tested biological weapons on Chinese prisoners.
And the infamous Angel of Death, Dr. Joseph Mengele, was performing all sorts of horrific experiments on people in the concentration camps.
Researchers at Vanderbilt University gave pregnant mothers radioactive iron, in what they were told were vitamin drinks.
In the 1950s, Dr. William Sweet was funded by the government to inject unsuspecting patients at Massachusetts General Hospital with uranium.
Immunology expert Chester Southam injected prisoners in Ohio with cancer.
The University of California experimented on newborns by freezing them and injecting air into their brains.
Israeli doctors killed tens of thousands of Arab children with radiation poisoning.
And in Montreal, Canada, Dr. Ewan Cameron was treating hundreds of patients with the same bizarre procedure.
Whether they were seeking a remedy for schizophrenia, depression, or an injured leg, Dr. Cameron treated them all by putting them into a chemical coma for up to months at a time, while subjecting their bodies to electroshock.
And just a few years prior to this, Dr. Cameron was invited to the Nuremberg Trials for a psychiatric evaluation of Rudolf Hess.
Perhaps the darkest and most prevalent experiment on humanity prior to COVID-19 is MKUltra, an endless web of inhumane projects primarily involving trauma-based mind control and the torture of children.
While legacy media often shows you the lurid sex and drugs aspect of MKUltra, they don't show you the congressional testimony of victims who were kept in cages, raped, and tortured as children in part of the U.S.
government's human radiation experiments.
I was a subject in radiation as well as mind control and drug experiments performed by a man I knew as Dr. Green.
The first significant memory took place at Kansas City University in 1966.
Don Ebner took me there by plane when my mom was out of town.
I was in what looked like a laboratory and there seemed to be other children.
I was strapped down, naked, spread eagle, on a table, on my back.
Dr. Green had electrodes on my body, including my head.
He used what looked like an overhead projector and repeatedly said he was burning different images into my brain while a red light flashed aimed at my forehead.
I felt drugged because he had given me a shot before he started the procedure.
When it was over, he gave me another shot.
The next thing I remember, I was with my grandparents again in Tucson, Arizona.
I was four years old.
The victims were given an apology by a smirking President Clinton, which is more than most victims have ever gotten.
Nothing has changed.
These are only a few of the many illegal human experiments that we know of, and there has never been any justice.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, I could care less about Hollywood stars.
I could care less about politicians.
I could care less about anybody but my family and other hard-charging patriots that love liberty.
But I get some butterflies and excited and was pacing up and down before she got here because I am extremely Excited to have MTG, Marjorie Taylor Greene, from Georgia's 14th District, with us right now.
Because out of all the great people, there's quite a few good people in Congress, quite a few bad ones.
I gotta say, she's probably my favorite.
There's a few good ones up there, but I tell ya, she is just the most genuine and she's the most popular of anybody that got elected in the last round.
But the system's coming after her big time.
She's up for re-election.
We're gonna tell you all about that.
And I wanted to talk to her about the tipping point and the global awakening and the elites against the people.
And I said, what do you want to cover first?
Right before we went live.
And she said the first thing on my list and my list was in this folder.
She hadn't seen it.
So we are definitely synced up right now.
So MTG, it's great to have you in Austin, Texas.
It's amazing to have you in studio.
Thank you so much.
And I'm so happy to be here with you, Alex.
I think this is the some of the most fun type of interviews I can do.
So I'm so happy that I'm here.
Well, we're all excited to have you here.
It's amazing.
So, I don't want to try to recreate what you said.
Repeat what you said before we went live about how the establishment sees us now that you've gone from Georgia as a business lady and a mother and a patriot.
Now you've been there two years.
You've been in the belly of the beast.
You had a great description of what's happening.
Well, I tell you, for me, what I see, and I'm just a regular person, I've never been in politics before, and going to Washington, the most disturbing thing that I have found is that the people in Washington, it's like a little bubble, and it's this tiny little world, and if you really look at it, it's a small percentage of people, but they truly look down on the rest of America, and they think that everything they think in their little bubble and what they want for our country is the most important thing, but they look down on the common American man and woman and they just don't care. They're so
That's why all they want is like war in Ukraine instead of even thinking about
you know truckers who deliver food and supplies. They don't even care about kids
wearing masks. They don't care about our border with fentanyl pouring across
killing young people and being the number one cause of death.
I mean, if you look at it, the trends worldwide are to populism and the people, not even about conservative or liberal.
as if I'm some kind of crazy person, like I have three horns coming out of my head.
But what they don't understand is they're the ones that are crazy and they're the ones that
are so disconnected. Well, that's the gaslighting that they're engaged in. I mean, if you look at
it, the trends worldwide are the populism and the people, not even about conservative or liberal.
And deep down, they know that. They're trying to gaslight us.
At least the controllers at the top are.
But I think the average leftist, I agree with you, actually does think you've got five heads or I've got six heads.
And that they actually believe their own BS.
I think they do too, and I tell you why.
I think they're really scared of the American people, because here's what they do know.
They know that if the American people actually woke up from the dream that they're living in, the so-called American dream, where it's more like entertainment, like Roman games or something like that.
And I think the elites in Washington, you know, the ones that sit in the think tanks, the political consultants, the neocons, the ones drumming the drums of war.
If they really look hard at America, they know that the American people can end everything they're trying to do if the American people wanted to.
So not only do they look down on the American people, because they can never make it a day in our shoes, never make it a day in your shoes.
Where you're working, you get up early, you go to work, you balance your checkbook, you pay your bills.
You're not in debt like the federal government is.
You're taking care of your kids, driving them to school, helping them with homework.
You're making all the right decisions for your family and they couldn't do it.
Not a single day like the American people can and do.
And by the way, you're not just saying that.
I mean, you had a good idea of this when you ran for Congress and won.
But now you've seen it, and I've been around these people as well over the 20 plus years I've been on air.
They literally pull you aside and they're like, why are you helping the average scum?
They're commoners.
I'm like, no, you're the scum.
People need to know how these corporate elitists, not just Democrats, some Republicans, literally their whole world is that they're an elite and you're scum.
And then they tell you America's scum, and America's bad, and America's racist, when this elitism is beyond racism.
They hate everybody that isn't part of their power structure, including independently wealthy people and middle-class business owners.
They want full control.
It's like in that movie, There Will Be Blood, that's based on a famous novel, that's based on compositive real oil men.
And there's this one guy who becomes one of the top oil men and he goes, I have a competitiveness in me.
I don't want anyone else to succeed.
Well, that's not what America's about.
It's about competitiveness and we want to see everybody succeed.
These people literally do not want to see anybody succeed but them.
What was the journey running like for Congress and winning by record numbers and being demonized and attacked and being the woman in the arena that Teddy Roosevelt talked about?
What has that process been like?
Because it seems like in the last three years, it's made you stronger, not weaker.
It's made me stronger because I know who I am and I know exactly what the American people think and feel.
And going to Congress for me was all about taking what I know can happen at home, what I know it takes to be successful, and taking that into Congress in the place where I see failing America, completely failing the American people.
It's been crazy.
It's been the wildest ride.
I feel like I'm in a movie every single day.
And here's what I can tell you.
When I got there, this is what they told me.
Marjorie, that's not how we do things.
You see, they wanted me to come there.
They want all the new members of Congress to come and learn.
Ooh, so talk about that.
Talk about so-so.
I mean, how did it happen?
Kind of pull you aside, take you to lunch?
What happens?
Well, it just comes gradually from different people.
And so they have their committees.
Everything's set up on committees.
And what you have to do is you have to vote the way the chairman or the leaders of the committees want you to vote.
And that's how you're being a team player, and that's how you're doing the right thing.
And if you're not doing that, then they want to minimize you, they want to punish you, they want to push you out.
They do not want your bills or your voice to be, you know... So you're saying it's not just the Democrats doing this, it's the Republicans?
Oh, a thousand percent.
It's both parties.
Because here's the truth, Alex.
It's really a uniparty in Washington.
See, there's very few people on the outliers.
It's mostly a uniparty.
And that's why the power that swings back and forth, the pendulum swinging back and forth, it never changes.
It doesn't matter if it's Republicans in control, Democrats in control, we're still where we are.
Well, that's right.
So who's more evil?
Somebody like AOC that's an admitted communist that flies first class and wears $8,000 outfits, but says a hard-working mom or dad, you know, running a business making $50,000 a year is greedy.
Is she bad because she admits she's evil?
She admits she's out in the open?
Or is somebody like Mitch McConnell more evil because he claims he's with us, but he makes sure that that power structure stays in place?
Well, there's a big comparison there.
I would say AOC is definitely anti-American.
She's against our American ways.
She's a communist.
She's honest about it.
She's honest about it, though.
She'll tell you.
Whereas Mitch McConnell, he lies to your face.
He says he's a Republican.
He's the leader in the Senate of the Republican Party, but he's married to Elaine Chao, and they're fully bought and paid for by China.
On record.
On record.
And everyone knows it, but no one does anything about it.
Just like Feinstein, just like Pelosi, just like Swallow's Well.
They're literally on the payroll of the CCP.
Yeah, absolutely they are.
And so are many others.
Think about it.
How, for decades now, corporations, the American corporation, they have totally blended into the system in China, in the CCP.
And what has that done to us?
It's completely sold out the small businesses, sold out the Americans, sold out the American taxpayer.
sold out the people that love our country and will do anything to stand for our freedoms.
And that's what we care about.
But it's these people in charge and it comes from lobbyists, it comes from former members
of Congress who become lobbyists, and they push these policies that sell America out
to China.
And so are we in trouble?
Oh yeah, we're in big trouble.
And it's, you know, sometimes I wonder is it too late?
But I don't think so.
I still hold on to hope constantly because I do believe in the American people.
I think the American people.
I mean, I believe in you.
I mean, I know you're for real.
I know your voting record's amazing.
And I know you're an example of a grassroots, hardworking, smart person standing up and going against the system.
And if you can inspire others and if we can inspire others, we're going to win this fight.
Thank you, Alex.
I really appreciate it, because I think it's regular people that can win the fight.
And this is something that we're seeing.
We're seeing parents going to their school boards and fighting on behalf of their kids.
But I think they have to keep going.
It's not enough to just go to your school board and demand to stop this mass shooting.
It's not enough to back them off.
We've got to remove these criminals.
We have to get them out of their position.
MTG in the house, ladies and gentlemen.
That sounds better than DJT.
Who knows, maybe she'll be his vice presidency candidate coming up in a year.
But she's running for Congress right now.
Keep her in there.
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
The devil went down to Georgia. He was looking for a soul to steal.
He was in a bind because he was way behind and he was willing to make a deal.
When he came across this young man... Well, we got the little angel from Georgia with us right now, the MTG.
And I gotta tell you, I like Devin Nunes, he did a great job down on his left to run the social thing with Trump.
I really like Jim Jordan, I really like Matt Gaetz, I really like so many great people.
But I gotta tell you, MTG, every time I see you on TV, there's no...
No telling what you're going to be saying, but it's always true.
And you're so popular because people can see you're unscripted, but you're really smart and you're real.
And that's scaring the power structure.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I hope so, because I'm tired of the power structure.
They've sold out our country and they're selling out our kids.
And that's where you wanted to go next.
I happen to have a giant stack of news.
Let me just read a few headlines, because you can't make this up.
This is from KTLA.
OK, that's one of the biggest stations in the country.
Get ready for this.
Outraged parents demand answers that were non-binary male counselors were allowed to sleep in fifth-grade girls cabins at school-sponsored camp event.
There's video of biological men sleeping with the fifth-grade girls.
It gets worse.
Facebook LGBT activist caught in alleged child sexting operation flying to Indiana.
Number four at Facebook to have sex with a 13-year-old.
This one.
Trans swimmers face off in Ivy League.
We told you it'll just all be men and women's sports.
Trans swimmers face off in Ivy League meet and the results up in transphobic arguments against their participation.
Yahoo thinks it's great because both men competed against each other.
What does that even mean?
Transgender Ivy League swimmers face off.
And it goes on from there.
Look at this, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't hate somebody if they want to be a woman.
They think they are.
But I love even how Fox News says two women competed.
Like, two women in a federal prison had a baby.
Or two women in a state prison had a baby.
No, a man saying they're a woman did it.
This is incredible gaslighting.
Going on, and MTG is here to give her take on this.
So much to deal with here.
Oh, I think it's straight evil.
First off, if I was a parent and my fifth grade daughter had to sleep and shower in some kind of cabin at some summer camp that I paid money to send my child to, and there was a man calling himself a woman sleeping in her cabin, showering with her, that guy, he'd be in jail.
He would be in jail.
Well, first off, my husband would have beat him into the ground, and then he'd be in jail.
But this is exactly how we need to stand up against this stuff.
And then the men, this guy, Leah, Leah Thompson, I'm sorry, that's William, and he's not a she, he's a he, he should not be competing in women's swimming.
Anytime he wins, he did not win.
Whoever came in second place, the real girl in the race, she's the winner.
He should be thrown out of swimming completely.
All of the men, I do not care about, it shouldn't matter about what they do in their bedroom, if they want to wear a dress, fine.
But what they're doing is they are defeating women.
It's about beating women down, and the left stands up for it.
And this is where America needs to say, enough.
Most Americans agree that this is wrong, and it's absolutely ridiculous.
And I don't know why Fox News or anyone else goes along with the whole pronouns, the he's and the she's and the she's and whatever.
These are men.
We need to call them what they are.
They're men.
That makes them a he, a him, and not play this pronoun game anymore.
And let's expand on that.
Dave Chappelle is no conservative.
He came out and said, listen, women need their own space, just like everybody else does.
I have three daughters, but even if you don't have daughters, can you imagine what it's like?
To have full-grown men around the country showering with your daughters because they say they are biologically a woman.
This isn't just other male students that claim they're female.
This is adults.
And this is causing people just to totally freak out.
And like you said, they're stealing women's spaces.
And children are being taught with Drag Queen Storytime that a big, fat man in a clown outfit is a woman.
I'm sorry!
That's not a woman!
That's a big fat man or a little boy dressed up like a girl.
This is all very, very sexualization of children.
In fact, I can't show this video in Austin, part of what we have.
They had men on stage with little kids giving them money, who had no g-strings on, saying they were women with glitter on their genitals and hugging little kids.
Naked men.
This is four years ago in Austin.
Naked men literally grabbing children?
How did we get here, Alex?
I can't even understand that.
That should never, ever happen.
This is so evil.
I can't even believe these videos.
No, but here's what we have to do.
We have to draw the line in the sand and say we are not willing to cross it.
This is such perversion.
But it's also grooming children.
It's grooming them to believe things that are lies and that are completely wrong.
No, children are not born a certain way, thinking they're another gender.
It's their parents that are training them that way.
It's these mothers that think it's like a handbag.
They need to have a boy, a girl, and a trans child, like as if they're some kind of accessory.
It's like Hollywood stars and all the things they've engaged in.
Look at this photo of the progressive leftist, not wearing their mask, but showing how the kids all wear masks.
It's literally a rite of passage that they have Destroy the child.
They've enslaved them in their MKUltra operation.
Oh, it's sick!
And then yeah, they don't have masks on and the kids have to be masked and it's just, it's so, it's completely wrong.
It's absolutely wrong.
And I don't think it's a bad thing.
Here's what we have to do.
We have to speak out.
I don't think it's wrong to stand up and say, we aren't going to tolerate this.
Men, get out of our bathroom, get out of our sports.
These are our private places.
And think about how it's done in the name of helping women.
Oh, we're going to let, it's like that huge 300 pound dude going, it's ma'am!
It's ma'am!
While he smashes the store because the guy's like, hey dude, come on up.
It's like a huge dude with pink hair.
Hey, bro, come on up.
Oh, it's a man!
It's a man!
It's an excuse to mess with people.
Weird psycho dudes.
Yeah, no, it's really disturbing, but here's what bothers me the most is so many good men are silent with it.
They won't say anything, Alex, like they don't stand up and protect us.
We want men, real men, to stand up and say, we're not going to allow you in our daughters' bathrooms.
We aren't going to allow you in our girls' cabins at camp.
We aren't going to allow you to beat down our women and our daughters.
Like in the UFC or other, not the UFC so much, but other MMA fighting, they let biological men literally kill women in some cases.
Yeah, that's what they would love to do.
It's like they want it to happen.
And I can't comprehend it.
I don't understand it.
I mean, look at this dude.
He looks like Frankenstein.
Oh, the top weightlifter is a man in the women's sports.
Bodybuilder in women's sports is a man.
The top swimmers, the top three, are all men.
They're all men.
They're all men.
They're men!
And we sit here and let these leftist, weirdo, sicko groups send a man in to women's sports to unseat them.
That is just sick!
It is sick, and then they praise him.
And I'll tell you, I've been an athlete most of my life.
I've competed.
I've been in plenty of races.
I've competed in CrossFit.
My daughter's a D1 athlete in college.
This is not, this is such a joke.
Actually watching this guy right here go out there and compete against women, beating women, and then look, yes, celebrating.
Oh wow.
And then people allow that to happen.
I mean, what a mockery.
It's a fat slob that beats up on girls.
Yeah, that's right.
A fat slob that beats up on girls.
And we sit there and tolerate it.
And then we sit there and say, oh, we have to be nice, we don't want to hurt his feelings, and call him a woman.
And allow him to do that.
And look, he's got his ding-a-ling bouncing around in his pants.
I'm sorry, but he didn't even have the nerve to cut it off.
Yeah, well, they can't.
If they're going to go all the way, they should go all the way.
And I'm not attacking these people.
I'm not even against him.
He's obviously completely mentally ill.
Because who's going to go out and compete?
I'm against him.
I don't hate him personally.
No, I don't hate him personally.
I hate what he's doing.
Yes, I'm completely against what he's doing.
Stay right there.
OTG is in the house.
You absolutely must stay at home.
You must stay at home.
All gatherings are cancelled until further notice.
It's not a suggestion, it's an order.
We will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we need to, we will arrest you and we will take you to jail.
This means no weddings, in-person services, or even parties.
Quarantine will be mandatory.
I wasn't thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.
We're watching you, and we are going to take decisive action.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or you're mine.
I mean, I'm not even worthy to be bringing you information this powerful.
And I hope that you pay attention to what we cover here, minute by minute.
Because I've had chills since last night.
The question is, will you have the courage to really do the research yourself?
Because I don't want you to just sit here and hear me make these claims.
This just confirms everything else we've already researched.
Rockefeller study envisions future dictatorship controlled by elite, millions being killed, mandatory quarantines, checkpoints.
Everything that's in the other documents, but this dovetails with all the other Rockefeller Foundation documents about the GMO food to sterilize you and forced vaccines and the hell we're already living in that's just going to continue to intensify until we take our governments back from these eugenics madmen.
You're not going to be able to go to the ballgames anymore.
You're not going to be able to just go out and get drunk with your friends.
You're not going to be able to just go out and enjoy yourself all the time.
It's scary.
One thing the NFL really plans to do this year is take as many precautions as possible just to keep everybody safe.
And that starts with the vast majority of teams deciding already that there will be no fans at all allowed inside the stadium for the games.
And every single player in the league has been given a smart tag tracking device to help them keep their distance off the field and for contact tracing should it become necessary.
You're not going to be able to go to the ball games anymore.
Players are not excited about this kind of idea of no fans.
Yeah, but they may have to get used to it.
No fans will be allowed in.
I can't imagine Howie playing in the NFL this day and time with no fans there.
I honestly can't even conceive that.
You're not going to be able to just go out and get drunk with your friends.
You're not going to be able to just, you know, go out and enjoy yourself all the time.
Don't get the vaccine?
You can't go to the supermarket.
Don't have the vaccine?
You don't show it?
Can't go to the ballgame.
Don't have the vaccine?
Can't go to work.
Because everybody in the establishment will still kind of halfway listen now and go, well he's been right about everything else, maybe we should look into this.
Look, you'll believe it if they release it.
So just remember this transmission then.
The Orange County Coroner's Office is investigating the death of a woman who passed away several days after getting her second Moderna vaccine.
She died after suffering blood clots just over a week after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Her 58-year-old mother died less than an hour after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.
My little sister just died.
Her first dose.
And in Orange County, an x-ray technician has died after getting his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
His dad died four days after getting his second shot of Pfizer vaccine.
I'm not asking what's in the infusion.
I'm not looking up all of the ingredients in the infusion.
I am sticking out my arm and I am taking the infusion.
You really need to get vaccinated.
Don't resist when they release the bioweapon.
Submit and die with pleasure!
Tomorrow's news, today.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
MTG is on fire as usual.
A really powerful woman.
A powerful mother, a powerful member of Congress that scares the entire corrupt political system.
And I'm telling her, I got a hundred topics to cover, but I said, where do you want to go next?
And she's got a lot of inside baseball on Congress and roll calling votes.
And also I asked her, hey, I'm hearing everybody's really excited.
30 members of Congress are not running again.
Democrats, she said, oh, that's not the good news you think it is.
So she'll tell you about that as well.
Take it away.
So Alex, here's the thing.
You know, we're hearing about all these people retiring and we're hearing about 30 Democrats retiring.
But the real question is who's coming in behind them if they're retiring from their seat?
A lot of those seats are Democrat districts.
They're not necessarily being flipped to a Republican.
So what kind of Democrat will take their place?
And I'm afraid it could be the wrong kind.
That just means the progressives will get stronger and the squad will build.
And you're not just saying that.
I've seen the numbers.
They're pushing a lot of moderate Democrats in almost everywhere and like actual communist AOC America haters are getting in.
Yeah, no, that's what they want, because they're so extreme, they're so radical, and they definitely want to build the Democrat caucus that way.
They want the entire Democrat conference to be progressive.
That's what AOC's trying to do.
She's pushing her power.
But here's something that a lot of people don't understand about Congress.
So, most of the bills that get passed are passed by voice vote.
That is, until this year.
And, you know, everyone remembers the story of me being kicked off committees.
Not that big of a deal because Democrats are in control.
And Republicans can't really do much on committees anyways when the Democrats control the House.
And that was a badge of honor.
Because that means, you know what?
That means the swamp knew exactly who I am.
They knew that I wasn't going to hand over my... They didn't want you looking at the legislation.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, they didn't want me... They didn't... They knew... They know I'm going to stand my ground.
I'm not going to say, oh, I'll do whatever you want me to do.
I'll vote however you want me to vote.
I'm willing to go along.
They know that I was there for a reason, to actually do what I told my district, my voters, I would do.
And so when I lost my committees, I started sitting on the House floor.
And I don't know if you've ever heard this story, but I started sitting on the House floor and what I wanted to do is learn the process.
And so I started watching them debate the bills back and forth.
And they would, the person in the chair that was supposed to be Speaker Pelosi, she would, or he, whoever it was with a mask on, I had no idea, but it usually wasn't Nancy, they would ask for the voice votes.
And so after they debated the bill, the Democrats would say, yay, and then the Republicans on our side would say nay.
And then the person sitting there in this, in the speaker's chair with the gavel would Say the bill passed, and like 10 members of Congress would have voted saying yes or no.
I'm not kidding you.
And so what I started doing is I started using floor procedure, and I started asking for roll call votes.
So they would debate the bill back and forth, and then this person in the chair, you know, speaker mask face or whoever it is, would ask for the voice votes.
And before the bill would pass, I would say, Madam Speaker, I asked for the recorded vote.
Well, that means that all members of Congress had to come in and actually vote.
You see, we have a voting card, and we're supposed to use it.
It's supposed to be an electronic vote, and it should record all of our votes, whether it's yes or no.
And so I would put my, we are supposed to put our card in there, push yes, no, or present.
I don't even know why there's present, but either yes or no.
I've been doing this since February.
The House Freedom Caucus joined in with me.
And at this time, Alex, we have over 500 bills that are on record that you can actually look up.
Any member of Congress, you can look up their vote and even see, did they even show up for work that day?
Did they actually vote?
Did they vote yes?
Did they vote no?
What you're saying is they're doing it not just to manipulate the votes, but to hide the record.
That is exactly what I'm telling you.
So they all love to vote by voice, because then you don't know how we vote.
And I notice Crenshaw, who is one of your main targets, and I agree with you, he's a very disingenuous individual overall, and a Davos Group graduate of Klaus Schwab, unless he wants to come on the show and challenge that, he's on their website.
He got up a few weeks ago when he was endorsing this new candidate, and he said, Don't listen to the Freedom Caucus.
They're lying.
They don't really vote conservative.
I do.
And people went and fact-checked him and it wasn't true.
So that blew up in his face.
So he's, I guess, really pissed there's a record that you have, such an amazing record, and so many others do.
That's right.
And it's because I was willing to ask for recorded votes starting back in February, and then by the end of March, Freedom Caucus had joined me, and we have a floor schedule, and we've kept a schedule so that every time Congress is in session, every time we're voting, we are calling for recorded votes, and so that no one can slip away.
And we should be held accountable.
And I was aware of you doing that, and I was aware it enraged them a year or so ago.
They kind of shut up, though, because they don't want too much attention on this.
Yeah, that's right.
Talk about a watchdog, folks.
You never bring this up, but even though you won with a record level in Georgia, they're coming after you, they've got PACs after you, they're running scams.
We need you to win with a record level or they could remove you from Congress when you're such an important person there.
How do people donate to MTG?
Well, I really appreciate you asking that.
So, it's so important.
I'm only supported by regular people.
I don't take money from lobbyists or PACs.
It's your $5 donations, $25, maybe even $100.
That's what helps me get re-elected.
And just, if you help me out, I'm so grateful and it'll send me back to Congress so I can keep putting Congress on record.
Well, absolutely.
I mean, listeners get this.
My listeners are awesome, and I have all these great people on that I support, but you particularly.
It takes money to win wars.
Yes, it does.
And if we had the money that George Soros and the globalists did, we'd have no problem.
We don't.
We have pockets of resistance, but because freedom's so popular, we're able to still hold them back and have victory despite that.
But it's so close.
The margins of victory for your family and your future are so close.
No matter where you live in the United States, you need to donate right now.
To Marjorie Taylor Greene's re-election campaign.
There isn't a better champion who isn't afraid of the censors, who isn't afraid of the demonization, who they want expelled from Congress, who they want arrested for not wearing a mask.
I mean, you know a person by their enemies, and the enemy of me and my family absolutely goes into a red rage over you.
That makes me love you even more.
Oh, thank you so much.
No, it's true!
I mean, we have the same enemies.
Absolutely we do.
Well, you know, it's the elites in Washington and it's really those that serve the global economy.
That's the biggest problem.
You know that, Alex?
Those that really don't care.
They claim they care about our country.
But they've sold us out.
Talk about America first versus the globalists.
Well, what it is, you know, and I think the American people know it.
The American people are so smart.
And they know exactly what's going on.
I think that's why there's so many people in our country that don't engage and don't vote.
And we need them to engage and we need them to vote.
And that's why primaries are so important.
But the difference is, is so many people in Washington, you know, it's the most powerful place on earth.
Richest city on earth?
Yes, it is.
And it's a dangerous place and people get sold out.
Isn't it crazy it's the richest place on earth and the most dangerous?
It is the most dangerous.
Well, it's a dangerous place because it steals people's souls.
You know, I think so many people go there with good intentions.
But there's such great temptations in Washington, and it's easy to get sucked in.
And before they know it, and before they realize it, next thing you know, they're actually voting, and they're actually investing, and they're actually making deals to serve countries like China, and not America.
And that's what's happened.
It's really sad.
I totally agree.
When we come back, we'll hit whatever topics you want, but what do you make of Bill Maher even coming out and saying the left is evil, the left supports communist China?
What do you even make of him saying censorship's wrong?
It seems like even a lot of people that have been leftist get now that it's an authoritarian movement.
Well, I think it's interesting hearing him say that, and I don't know him at all, so I'm not sure, but I hope he's being sincere in what he's saying.
You know, it's really, the thing, what upsets me, Alex, I'll tell you this, when I got kicked off of my personal Twitter account, I still have my congressional account, but I'm limited on what I can say there.
I can't campaign for myself, I can't fight certain fights, I can't ask for money.
But this is what upset me, Alex.
So many of my Republican colleagues stayed silent.
That's right.
And the Republicans are the ones constantly saying that they're going to fight big tech and they're going to hold them accountable and they're going to stop censorship and protect free speech.
But it's the Republicans are the ones that are failed.
And I was really upset.
Let's talk about that.
We've got to go to break.
Hard break.
But you can find her on Getter at MTG4America and at MTG4America.com.
Stay with us.
You are insane if you are not supplementing vitamin D3 and vitamin K in your life.
That's not my opinion.
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The best place to get it is naturally from the sun.
The second best place is by ingesting it and the best way to do that is under the tongue into the blood vessels so it goes directly in the blood and that's how you take winter sun is sublingually under the tongue.
Now this is a high-end, organic, bioavailable vitamin T3.
And then on top of it, it has a high-quality vitamin K because the two work in synergy,
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And when I forget sometimes to take it for a week, I feel it, I notice it.
I religiously now henpeck my dad and call him every couple days and make sure he's taking it.
I go over to his house every couple weeks and check that the bottles are going down.
And since he's been doing it for six months, it has been miraculous he looks ten years younger.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am religiously now taking it every morning a couple drops out of the tongue.
It's great for children.
It's great for adults.
It is extremely critical for older people and, again, folks with brown skin.
If you've got brown skin or you've got dark brown skin, you better listen to me and research this, because the system isn't telling you why black folks out there are dropping dead in such massive numbers.
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Wherever you get it, get your vitamin D.
We have a high quality source, back in stock, 50% off, winter sun, infowarrestore.com.
(dramatic music)
Go to Michael in Virginia.
Michael, thanks for holding.
Go ahead and tell us what you think's going on here.
Oh my God, Mr. Jones, this is my first time calling to speak with you all these years trying to get through.
First of all, I want to say hallelujah to you and the production staff for all the hard work that you're doing and have done throughout these years.
I want to say hallelujah for our crew as well.
You're awesome.
Yes, sir.
And I'd also like to commend you for your introduction of the quantum mechanics, the quantum physics study of our reality.
That's amazing that you did that, and I want to commend you on that.
In 2008, I took and studied your endgame.
It was a significant change in my life.
I studied the brain.
I studied quantum science.
And for over 15, 16 years now, I've come to the conclusion and studied this and understand that we make a change not through weapons.
We make a change not through arms and these types of things that the globalists want us to do.
We make a change by using the power of Almighty God, which is the power given to us in our mind.
Our Lord has given us the power to control and manipulate these evil demons.
And I want to again say thank you for the battles that you have fought.
We are winning.
Every battle is a step towards Beautifully said.
I want to say I love you, Michael.
I appreciate your call.
And he's absolutely right.
That's why I talk about Reset Wars.
Because, look, I know this information innately.
You know it innately.
But you've got to spend six, seven hours going through the fact the enemy knows it and is using the technology against you instead of you using it for yourself.
So if everybody goes to ResetWars.com, and we're running a special right now of 50% Oh, InfoWars is almost shut down?
Good, MSM.
Good Democratic lawyers.
Do not go to InfoWarsStore.com to see bound-up video on the air.
shut down. Good MSM, good Democrat lawyers do not go to infowarestore.com to keep that video on the air. No.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order is
It's Alex Jones.
MTG in studio on the February 20th broadcast.
MTG in studio on this February 20th broadcast.
She wants to get into the truckers in Canada and what's happening with the truckers now traveling across the United
States to D.C.
and the Feds are talking about putting up barriers and fences around the Capitol again.
So much going on.
So Marjorie Taylor Greene, what is your view on Canada and the Great Reset and everything?
Well, I think it's something to really be scared of.
This is the country that's just north of us.
We share the border, the northern border, and here we're seeing Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, act just like his father.
He's turned into a dictator.
And I think that should terrify every single American.
But what is so disturbing to me, Alex, is the truckers.
These are the very people that provide food because they drive, they deliver all the supplies, critical supplies, medicine, clothes, you know, people's food.
Everything that we need to survive comes from truckers doing their hard jobs.
And it's the truckers were the ones that were so willing to stand up against the tyranny in Canada with these vaccine mandates.
But yet we're seeing Justin Trudeau turn into a dictator, declare martial law, and go to shut these people down, arresting them, throwing them in jail.
But this is why it's terrifying.
The Democrat Party would love to do the same thing.
They would love to do the same thing to Americans.
And now we have this big truckers convoy going to Washington, D.C.
And what's the first bit of news that came out of Washington?
The fence is going back up.
Because now they're trying to make the image that the fence needs to be there because truckers are so
dangerous and that's the biggest lie and that's the biggest bunch of propaganda that Washington
wants to sell to the American people.
Truckers aren't dangerous, Democrats are.
They've tried to claim that you and I had never talked until you came on the show a few weeks ago
and I saw you say some nice things about me on the show, a TV show, so I called, got you on
and we're very glad you came on.
But they've had thousands, when I say thousands, that's conservative, of articles claiming you and I and Trump planned that violence, that there's a conspiracy, that you need to be expelled from Congress, that I need to be arrested.
That's all a giant lie.
You want to respond to that?
Yeah, it is a giant lie, because here's the truth.
Those are the people that we should be holding accountable.
The ones telling those lies.
It's that the news media that wants to sell the propaganda and say terrible things about you, Alex, say terrible things about me, calling us names, you know, and selling these lies to the American people.
But it's really the federal government that is so out of control and hurting our country, enslaving Americans and $30 trillion in debt, trying to tell us that our children need to be brainwashed with CRT, taught to be racist, that our kids need to be told that they can choose their gender, and that grown men can go in our children's cabins and showers at camp.
It's outrageous.
So what is your synopsis?
You're great at boiling things down.
We've looked at every angle.
What really happened on January 6th?
I see a million people showed up.
They had some leftist provocateurs.
The Capitol Police basically stood down.
They opened the doors.
And now, almost a thousand innocent people have been charged with stuff.
I mean, this is... And now they're calling every day January 6th.
They're calling the truckers January 6th.
They're saying, arrest everyone.
Where do you see this going?
Because it seems like Democrats are betting everything on January 6th.
Of course they're betting everything on January 6th.
That's all they have.
No, actually, you know what's every day?
Every day should be the riots of 2020.
That should be every day.
That's when the Democrats showed us who they are.
And isn't it funny now that Biden is in office?
There are no more riots, but has anything changed?
Has police violence changed?
No, crime has gone up.
Have black lives stopped being murdered or black lives stopped being killed?
No, they're being killed every single weekend in Chicago.
The numbers are up.
Oh yeah, the numbers are much higher.
As a matter of fact, it's so much worse.
But the reality is, every single day, is we should be looking at who Justin Trudeau is.
We should be looking at who the Democrats are.
Never forget Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, funding BLM, sending out these links with the Minnesota Freedom Fund to bail out violent rioters who were burning businesses, rioting in the streets against innocent Americans.
That wasn't the Capitol, those were American cities.
And it went on night after night, but the Democrats have shown us who they are.
And that should be our focus every single day, not January 6th.
You know what happened on January 6th, Alex?
There was a lot of beautiful people that had a wonderful time there.
And they never want to talk about that.
They only want to show the small amount of rioting that happened.
They don't want to talk about Ashley Babbitt being shot.
They don't want to talk about the other woman that was trampled in the tunnel.
that you know I've seen the video of what happened.
They, like, grab her back and kill her and beat her brains out.
And, you know, that's the thing.
We have a million people there.
And then a very small group go in, most of them waved in by police.
When you have a Lakers game and they win a championship, you don't blame the 30-40,000 fans that showed up for the 1,000 people that rioted, but that's what they did here.
Yeah, of course.
Well, here's what they should be doing.
They should be talking about Ray Epps.
We should be talking about the people that were encouraging regular Americans to go into the Capitol.
You know, most of the people that were there that day, that was their first time at the Capitol.
They didn't know that there was a certain line they weren't supposed to cross.
They had no idea that they were supposed to stay behind the barrier because Ray Epps and others had torn them down before they had even gotten there when they had left the Ellipse and walked down to the Capitol.
So yeah, people got charged that day for fighting and different things, but they've been charged, but they shouldn't be rotting away in jail.
That shouldn't be happening.
But the real question is, why did police just open the doors and tell them they could go in?
Were there FBI agents or different informants or people working with the FBI involved in what happened on January 6th?
Because that's the truth that we should be talking about.
And my biggest question every single time, Alex, is what happened to Nancy Pelosi?
And why did she not have the National Guard there?
That's right, Trump tried to get them and they blocked him.
He asked repeatedly and they blocked him.
And by the way, that's on record.
They call that a conspiracy theory.
That's on record.
Oh, absolutely it's on record.
They want to lie and say it's a conspiracy theory, but it's not.
You know, it bothers me.
I was a brand new freshman member of Congress.
I'd only been there a couple of days.
You know, Nancy Pelosi put all of our lives in danger because she refused to have the National Guard.
It's as if... Well, obviously you've got a million people coming.
You should do that.
Yeah, well President Trump asked, but they had intel.
They knew that there was possibly going to be violence that day.
So if Nancy Pelosi cares about the Capitol like she claims, she calls it a temple, why didn't she have the National Guard there?
I totally agree.
So what do you think the deep state and the corrupt system that is out of gas, collapsing, everybody's turning against it, what do they do now to grab victory from the jaws of defeat?
That's my concern.
Start a war with Russia?
What do they do?
I don't know.
It's hard for me to even fathom starting a war with Russia.
I don't even think that way, so it's hard for me to understand.
Look at her reviewing her troops right here.
Oh yeah, of course.
Well, that's all for the camera.
She's got to stand out there and talk to them and act like she actually cares.
But Nancy Pelosi doesn't care.
It's such a... it's just a big charade.
And there she stands with her mask, but I guarantee you as soon as the cameras went away, she took it off while... Oh, absolutely.
So we're 261 days in the midterms.
What is MTG's prediction?
What's your gut level feeling right now?
I think we're going to take back the House, but to me, it's very important how we take back the House.
I don't want to take back the House with a Republican conference that's just going to continue to do the same thing they always do, and that's just work across the aisle with the Democrats.
I'm fighting inside my GOP conference, and I have no problem with it.
To me, you know, they talk about the Civil War and the GOP.
Well, I fully embrace it, because I believe that iron sharpens iron, and we need to be the GOP conference that actually does something for a change, instead of talking about it on Fox News.
You see, I think Republicans have a job to do, and that is to become the American party.
We need to be the American party.
I agree, not left or right, the American party.
Yes, the American Party.
And I'm working on something with my staff.
I can't talk a whole lot about it, but it's called the American Revival.
And it's the plan that I think that all of us need to embrace.
It's the plan that I think we need to bring our country back, to save our country, and to revive America, not just in our economy, not just our border, but so much about who we are as a people.
If we don't know who we are, we can be enslaved.
If we know who we are and our mission, we cannot be enslaved.
We cannot be defeated.
American Revival with MTG at MTG4America.com and getter MTG4America.
People can also follow your congressional site on Twitter.
In 60 seconds, thanks for being here.
Closing comments.
Oh, thank you.
Well, first off, I would just want to say thanks for having me, Alex.
And to everyone watching at home, I really appreciate your support.
And if you can support me in my re-election, I greatly appreciate it at MTG4America.com.
Stay strong, keep fighting, and always keep the faith and the hope, because you can never let it go, no matter how dark it looks.
I think it's always important to stay focused on fighting, and I truly believe we can have an American revival, and that's what I'm working on.
Well, you're not afraid to defend free speech and you're not afraid to defend people that have been ostracized and attacked.
That's another great sign.
But I just really appreciate your great voting record and all you've done.
And everybody out there, there's not a place that you can fight for freedom better than Marjorie Taylor Greene and her re-election.
Owen Schroyer and Sunday Live is about to take up.
the show and we're going to have MTG's just taped interview with him. It's going to be airing
tomorrow on his show right before she came on live with me.
So Marjorie Taylor Green, thank you so much for being with us. Thank you, Alex. Wow,
that was an amazing two hours, the Alex Jones Show. 11 a.m. tomorrow, the Alex Jones Show
kicks off. Owen goes live in two minutes.
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