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Name: 20220216_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 16, 2022
2436 lines.

In this Infowars episode, Alex Jones and his guest Dr. Lee Merritt discuss the potential dangers of 5G technology on human health, medical censorship, and the globalist agenda. They also touch upon contraception, Marylyn Monroe, Kennedy's assassination, and the negative effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, particularly on women's reproductive systems. The speakers emphasize grassroots action, privacy protection, and awakening to the fact that humanity is under attack. They also encourage listeners to shop at Infowarstore.com and check out the book "The Inheritance."

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There is a global corporate crime syndicate that has been meeting since 1954 that calls itself the Bilderberg Group.
And they represent the most powerful families and companies in the world.
They are a group of transhumanists.
They believe in a post-human world.
And they have a public arm called the World Economic Forum, or the Demos Group, headed up by Klaus Schwab, who's also the ongoing Rotating head of the Bilderberg Group, once the founder of it, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the prince or consort to the Queen of the Netherlands.
And of course, cousins with the late Prince Philip, another eugenicist of renown, another depopulationist.
So if you want to know who you're facing and who is orchestrating the martial law worldwide, and the vaccine passports, and the global social credit scores, and the civil emergency in Canada, and the financial dictatorship, it's these people.
And they write books about it and give speeches about it.
I've got clips of Klaus Schwab saying we're going to bring in an authoritarian world government, close quote.
I've got Klaus Schwab on tape saying they're going to seize all the major national governments and already have half the world governments under their control, close quote.
I have quotes of him saying you'll own nothing and have nothing and like it.
I've got quotes of him saying we'll soon be in a post-human world by 2040.
I have quotes of him saying by 2025 you'll have microchips under your skin to buy and sell on national French television.
I got it all.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news.
Alex Jones is the greatest.
Dude, he's such a kind man.
He has been so cancelled.
Alex is right about far more than he's wrong.
How much heat have you gotten for being friends with him and having him on the show?
A lot, but I don't pay attention.
Okay, yeah.
I just, I can justify it.
I'll tell you, that fucking guy is right about a lot of shit.
He's a wild entertainer and a brilliant man.
Isn't he fantastic?
And no one is perfect.
I've known Alex for like more than 20 years.
I've hung out with that guy, we've been hammered together so many times, it's like it's...
That is the most misunderstood guy on the planet.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
Shout out to Alex Jones.
We love you.
Alex Jones is a journalist and member of the media.
End of story.
Recently, many of the biggest tech companies joined in a coordinated effort to censor content from broadcaster Alex Jones.
There's a reason why the mainstream media calls a guy like him a bomb thrower or a conspiracy theorist, because they're in fear of the truth that he does actually bring out.
Why are the most powerful companies in the world suddenly so threatened by an independent radio show host in Texas that they're willing to lose business in order to make him shut up?
He runs a media organization, and so when the January 6th Committee subpoenas him, they're basically violating our First Amendment protections.
The Department of Justice says not only is it investigating what happened inside the Capitol, but the conspirators and instigators who may have started this whole thing.
Now the committees decided to shut down one of the most popular journalists on the right, Alex Jones.
Yes, journalist.
The House Committee investigating the deadly assault on the U.S.
Capitol is subpoenaing Trump allies Roger Stone and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
The committee says he helped organize the rally ahead of the riots.
Alex Jones isn't simply innocent of inciting crime on January 6th.
Alex Jones actively worked to prevent crimes from taking place on January 6th.
Let's start marching to the Capitol!
[crowd cheering]
Notice, like Don Jr. said, we're not burning buildings down or shooting cops.
We're building America up!
We're here to take our rightful country back peacefully!
We're not running interference for Alex Jones, and we're not guessing about it.
We happen to know this for a fact.
We did not have a confrontation with the police.
We're going to make that a story.
Alex Jones is a journalist the same as Brian Stelter and Jake Tapper and Don Lemon are.
I was about to say the same thing.
Don't insult Alex that way.
Well yeah, Alex Jones never lied us into a war.
Right, right, right.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax, not for a second.
And if Jones sat down with Tony Fauci, he would ask him real questions, just as journalists are supposed to do.
He wouldn't just slobber all over him.
Epstein, he was way ahead with that.
He told me about Epstein a decade ago.
Alex detailed all of that.
Alex Jones, Info Wars.
The media has tarnished him with all sorts of name-calling, conspiracy theorists, bomb-thrower.
The one thing that I know about this gentleman, Alex Jones, is that he loves this country.
He is as smart as a whip.
He absolutely believes in what he believes in, and he also does his research and his homework.
He's incredibly detailed in his research.
He loves this country.
Jones's views on COVID and ask yourself, who's saner?
It's not even close.
He's incredibly detailed in his research.
He loves this country.
He is a patriot and he's somebody who we better listen to or others in this country better listen to.
Is it a stretch to say that Tucker Carlson is the new Alex Jones?
There are no vaccine passports.
That's insane.
That's Alex Jones stuff.
And by the way, just so you know, as proof, if you want to get a job, you'll need your vaccine papers.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight.
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
My friends, it's Wednesday, February 16th, 2022.
We're about to be here live.
For the next four hours.
There is a global corporate crime syndicate that has been meeting since 1954 that calls itself the Bilderberg Group.
And they represent the most powerful families and companies in the world.
They are a group of transhumanists who believe in a post-human world.
And they have a public arm called the World Economic Forum, or the Davos Group, headed up by Klaus Schwab, who's also The ongoing rotating head of the Bilderberg Group, once the founder of it, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the prince or consort to the Queen of the Netherlands.
And of course, cousins with the late Prince Philip, another eugenicist of renown, another depopulationist.
So if you want to know who you're facing and who is orchestrating the martial law worldwide and the vaccine passports and the global social credit scores and the civil emergency in Canada and the financial dictatorship, it's these people.
And they write books about it and give speeches about it.
I've got clips of Klaus Schwab saying we're going to bring in an authoritarian world government.
Close quote.
I've got Klaus Schwab on tape saying they're going to seize all the major national governments and already have half the world governments under their control.
Close quote.
I have quotes of him saying you'll own nothing and have nothing and like it.
I've got quotes of him saying we'll soon be in a post-human world by 2040.
I have quotes of him saying by 2025 you'll have microchips under your skin to buy and sell on national French television.
I got it all.
You see, I was just paying attention with horror of what they were saying 20 years ago.
At their events, but wasn't getting widely circulated.
And I watched them build their attack plan, and I watched them prepare for it, and I warned you it was coming, and I said they'd use a virus to bring in the first wave of control, then cyber attacks and power outages and race war would be next.
And I can tell you that in the Pentagon and the CIA, they are telling the managers, prepare for massive food shortages and power outages that of course will be blamed on Russia.
This country and the Western world is sinking.
We're under attack by globalists.
We're in our last days.
Some people ask, how are you handling it, Alex, with all the attacks you're under?
I'm on the deck of the ship trying to land the ship while we're taking on water.
I mean, how am I doing?
I'm looking at my children on board with me.
And you're on board with me.
And I'm not planning to be the damn captain here.
I'm just saying we better get together collectively and be the captain.
Because the wheel is too big for me to turn by myself.
And I'm fighting with it with Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates right now.
We're at the wheel.
It's like a wrestling match, an arm wrestling match, and I'm giving it everything I can.
And yes, Klaus Schwab has been rightfully called by some of the major conservative leaders of Europe a neo-communist.
That's why in his office he has a statue of V.I.
Vladimir Lenin.
So, everything flows out of that.
The tyranny we face flows out of that.
Ultra-rich that want communism for you, not for them.
They get jumbo jets, they get super yachts, they live on 50,000 and 100,000 acre palatial estates while you're locked in a 200 square foot coffin apartment.
That's their plan.
So I can cover all this news all day long and I will.
But if you don't understand that we're in the season of false flags and they've been pushing us and attacking us and going after populists and Christians worldwide, hoping to elicit a violent response so they can declare worldwide martial law and turn off the lights and come after us.
He that shoots first loses the upper hand.
That's why we're in the season of staging false flags to attack Russia.
Staging false flags in Canada's capital, Ottawa, to bring in control.
Staging racial attacks here.
Everything has been preset.
Everything has been prepared.
And right now we are politically, culturally, and spiritually turned back the tide.
The globalists are like a fish grabbed a lure, and we're running out to sea with it, a mile on that steel line.
But now the fish is tired and we are reeling it back in.
And it's going to fight.
But it's lost the initiative.
It's been identified.
People know about the New World Order.
They know about the plan.
And as more people get it, then everything becomes clear.
By the day, their destruction becomes more and more of a foregone conclusion.
That said, though, that will make them accelerate the organized collapse of society into a disorganized one, believing that's the only hope they've got.
So we're in between a rock and a hard place, and so are the social engineers.
The world is waking up, though.
People now understand, including his own party and even classical liberals in Canada, are understanding that Trudeau is setting up a dictatorship.
They're pointing out that he lost the election and only won by 30% in Parliament.
They're able to manipulate that so that he's a dictator.
It's all coming out.
This is Greg Rees reports on Bandot Video.
It needs to get out to everybody you know if you want to stop these monsters.
Trudeau's imminent false flag to crush the Canadian people.
Here's the report.
please share it like your life depends on it.
that's why individual rights and freedoms are so important right
Because it's you as a person.
You as an individual.
Not you as a family.
Not you as a group.
Not you as part of some other organization.
Not you as part of the province.
It's you as an individual Canadian.
Possess these rights.
That's what's important.
After discussing with cabinet and caucus, after consultation with premiers from all provinces and territories, after speaking with opposition leaders, the federal government has invoked the Emergencies Act to supplement provincial and territorial capacity to address the blockades and occupations.
Justin Trudeau has enacted the Emergency Powers Act against all who protest his dictates, including seizing people's bank accounts.
Trudeau won't allow these Canadian citizens to have a life in their own country.
Nor will he allow them to leave.
These are Canadian families celebrating together peacefully as they honorably protest their government.
It is now evident that Trudeau is capable of anything.
Last Sunday at around 3 a.m., more than 2,000 firearms were stolen from a shipping lot in Peterborough, Ontario.
A former sniper for the RCMP has announced that multiple sources have warned that Trudeau's government could be planting weapons in Ottawa to deceptively frame the Freedom Convoy as violent and use it as a false pretext for violently ending the historic peaceful protest.
While the truckers keep saying that their movement is a movement of the people and is non-political, certain suspicious individuals have stepped into leadership roles.
Dichter, a politician and co-founder of LGBTory, and Tamara Leach of Wegxit, who is funded by a sitting member of the Globalist's Atlantic Council.
...are the ones who set up and manage the GoFundMe page for the Freedom Convoy.
And former liberal staffer for the Minister of Public Safety, Dagny Pollack, has recently been made part of the communications team.
And people involved claim it's all a deceptive story.
Most people don't seem to know where these people came from, how they got involved, how they ended up controlling all of the money, why they're doing all of the speaking.
These people aren't even truckers.
Yeah, BJ Dictor's not a trucker.
Dagny, that was Marco Mendocino's campaign manager, who's a sitting liberal politician right now, who called everyone terrorists the other day.
And conveniently, these people seem to be holding a lot of keys somehow.
If they have this Media story, which is what it is.
It's a story.
The truckers have not agreed to this.
Nobody's going anywhere.
Nobody wants to go anywhere.
That they've agreed to move or leave or something.
The media will run with that and then the government will use that as like, oh, well, look, see, you know, they said they would, you know, do one thing and then they didn't and they're, you know, negotiating in bad faith and this kind of stuff.
It's a setup.
Reporting for Info Wars, this is Greg Reese.
Trudeau's imminent false flag to crush the truckers and the people is at Bandai Video.
Get it and share it.
Please stay with us.
Trudeau is nothing more than the puppet.
Christina Freeland is who's actually running the show.
She's the finance minister, and she is the granddaughter of an extremely famous Nazi, just like Schwab is the grandson.
She is a depopulationist on record, and she is the head chairwoman of the Davos Group.
And she is in full command of our closest partner, Canada, with a 5,000 mile border.
And that's where we are.
That's what's unfolding.
Last second of this hour, we're going to do a little bit of a deep dive on her.
And that's why all you need to understand, this is authoritarianism.
It doesn't come with army tanks, doesn't come with troops, it's smarter.
It comes with women talking softly and little pretty boys like Trudeau.
Like Tucker Carlson said last night with his 1970s haircut and talking real soft and manicured fingernails.
But he is a front man of these people and Schwab brags that Trudeau is the model of the world.
And everywhere where the Bilderberg Group, DeBose Group alumni are in charge, Austria, Germany, the list goes on and on.
What's happening?
They're under medical martial law.
They're being given medical IDs.
And it's the same thing for the Prime Minister of Australia and the Prime Minister of New Zealand.
They are under direct control.
Doesn't matter if they're conservative.
Doesn't matter if they're liberal.
Doesn't matter.
They're under direct command.
Now, who else has been to this?
Tulsi Gabbards and others who clearly have turned against it.
I don't 100% trust her, but she puts off a good aura.
She does pretty much, you know, nothing but good work.
Just because you went to this, like Dan Crenshaw, doesn't mean you're a bad person.
But everybody doing the bad deeds is an alumni of this.
An alumni of Spectre.
An alumni of chaos.
The better name for it is Hydra.
You're like, oh, I see that in Marvel comic movies.
Yeah, well, that's art imitating life, ladies and gentlemen.
And Red Skull is a communist Nazi movement.
You're literally looking at the agents of Red Skull when you look at these people.
What are we gonna do about it?
They've already injected half the world population, it's estimated, with a system that attacks your white blood cells on record.
If you want to understand this all, we're going to hit it.
After a special guest joins us for one segment, journalist and veteran and individual that's been up there for the last two plus weeks in the middle of all this, who's been helping break the news of the imminent false flag information that former members of the Royal Mounted Police are also reporting on.
But if you want to understand, Christina Freeland, they are financing similar garbage like this that the German government's putting out.
The poster reads, the future or climate killer.
And it's a mother breastfeeding a baby with her three-year-old standing beside her.
A beautiful picture of the Madonna of life, of the future, of our amazing species.
And it is a climate Killer!
The humans are the disease.
They're the garbage to be taken out.
And wow, you know, Tucker Carlson's always topping himself.
I didn't watch it till this morning when I was driving into work.
I had the audio on of it.
So technically he wasn't watching it.
And he did a 13 minute opening monologue that we're going to link in the live show feed.
I haven't written that yet.
So during the break, I'm going to go write it and get it up.
Under the live show feed of the show, I'm going to put the Tucker Carlson tonight from last night.
In 13 minutes, he calmly Lays out the official worldwide martial law starting in Canada and how it is martial law and just how incredibly evil it is.
And then we'll give you the cherry on top of the fact that Trudeau and Christina Freeland are graduates of Swab's operation.
But see, Freeland is a board member, senior board member, and the co-chair of the public arm of the Bilderberg Group.
Kind of a big deal, right?
See, it's not the Russians declaring martial law.
It's not the Chinese declaring martial law.
It's not the Mexicans declaring martial law.
It's not the Americans declaring martial law.
It's the Bilderberg Group, through the Davos Group, declaring martial law.
They've got infiltrators in all our governments.
They're hiding in plain view, and the FBI doesn't even have it on its radar screen.
Because after all, The ADL says there is no global cult.
There is no global power group.
And if you talk about it and how it wants to poison and dumb down and destroy the general public, well, you're a bad person.
You're a Nazi if you talk about all these grandchildren of real Nazis.
Working with the collaborator with the Nazis, George Soros.
Working with Nazis to start a war in Ukraine.
Oh, there were Nazis in Ukraine after World War II.
That was the last place the Nazis fell was in Ukraine.
It wasn't until 1946.
But see, I'm cursed with knowing history, the general public isn't.
But I want to be a thousand percent clear.
This is not a Nazi conspiracy.
The Nazis were just one spinoff of this eugenics science death cult takeover group that says mothers are and children are a disease, a tumor and a killer.
That's all coming up.
And then there's just the incredible Project Veritas News.
It's on InfoWars.com.
It's very, very important.
Where they have the high-level FDA administrator saying, this is about money and power.
They buy us off with hundreds of millions.
And now we force people to take our product, which will hurt them, but so what?
I mean, you want a bird's eye view into evil?
Into being a sociopath?
He's talking about mass death and Payoffs and bribery and ripoffs and just massive crime and you know what will happen.
The FBI has already let James O'Keefe know.
You keep doing this, we're going to set you up and put you in prison.
They've already raided him.
He's not backing down though.
So that's how America works now.
Unbelievable information.
We're going to go to break.
Today is the last day and I extended it from Sunday.
it's as far as I can do it with my Patriot supply their entire catalog linked
up at preparewithalex.com or m4store.com you just go there and search
the storable food and it's 25% off ready to ship right now.
And with all the craziness and all the inflation, the supply chain breakdowns, it is my firm belief that one of the smartest moves anybody could make would be to get high-quality, storable food that lasts decades, is nutritious and good for your family.
It's the choice I made many years ago for my storable food.
Then I use it when I go camping, or I give it to the poor, or I, you know, give it to family, and it just tastes great.
And I've been eating stuff I bought 10 years ago, and then I bought new, fresh supplies in the last few years.
When the power was out for a couple weeks here last year, we had gas-powered stoves in here cooking food for everybody.
When the feds turned the power off.
So it's really smart to get this storable food now.
The globalists are planning a societal collapse.
We don't know if they're going to be successful.
We're trying to stop them while we also do backup plans.
And the backup plan funds InfoWars to help us stop them.
So it's a perfect 360 win, a non-zero-sum game.
The only way we fail is you don't take action.
Best place to spend your money is to keep us on air and get high-quality food that stores really well and is packaged the best you can imagine for transport, ready to be delivered to you right now.
We'll be right back.
What comes after you declare martial law?
That's what it is.
When you suspend the right of due process.
Well, next comes the false flag.
Next comes the provocation.
Deep Earth Crystal Iodine X3 at 50% off at infowarrestore.com.
We'll be right back.
What comes after you declare martial law?
That's what it is.
When you suspend the right of due process.
Well, next comes the false flag.
Next comes the provocation.
Next comes the burning of the Reichstag.
When Hitler, just like Trudeau, only won a minority of votes,
he was still able to become, quote, President in the lower house in Germany.
But after the Reichstag on February 27, 1933, Hindenburg stepped down and made him both Chancellor and President in the Parliament.
The Parliament voted, not the German people, to make Adolf Hitler the Führer.
And Trudeau won with about 30%.
In the last snap election, he thought he would win.
But still, they paid everybody off to vote to put him in.
And then he immediately moves for dictatorship.
And I'm covering that next segment.
It's bone chilling how Christina Freeland, one of the chairs, one of the main members of the Davos group, is on record wanting authoritarianism and Sharia law.
She said that on Bill Maher.
She said we should follow that.
Because they're allied with the radical Islamists.
And that we should only have one child.
And her grandfather was the head Nazi over the newspapers in Ukraine and Poland during Nazi occupation.
Very nice.
These people are unbelievable, so I appreciate him coming on on short notice.
Jeremy McKenzie is a citizen journalist, very popular podcaster, has been a frequent guest over the years with us and other shows on InfoWars, RagingDissent.com.
He said five days before that Trudeau would declare the emergency.
He's been dead on accurate.
He's got a lot of intel from military and police sources.
And so tell us what's going on, Jeremy.
How many days are we into this peaceful occupation there in Ottawa that's now had your puppet Prime Minister declare martial law?
Thanks again.
I appreciate you for having me back again, Alex.
It's gotten really disturbing and insane.
It's interesting.
It's funny and ironic that you make the Hitler comparisons when Trudeau is actually paraphrasing Hitler himself, saying, you know, how long do we tolerate these people?
They're taking up too much space and what should be done about them and these kinds of things.
Yeah, they've invoked the Emergencies Act, which as I understand doesn't need to be voted on for a few more days yet, but it gives the government a lot of unilateral power to Do a lot of crazy things that otherwise would not be permitted.
It's only been used in its current iteration called the Emergency Measures Act.
Before it was previously called the War Measures Act and had only ever been used during the First and Second World War.
And then later in the, you know, during his father's tenure as Prime Minister during the October crisis in which people in the FLQ who were a French nationalist separatist group were doing bombing campaigns and kidnapping people and there were some murders and this kind of thing.
So to compare this, Those people downtown honking horns and you know have children bouncy castles is apparently akin and on the same level to these people they understand Apparently they feel that threatened by it to the world wars and terror bombing campaigns Gregory's follow report on what's happening up there with the missing stolen guns and this former RCMP sniper saying he's getting Intel.
What can you tell us about that?
Yeah, that's Daniel Bolford.
He was previously on Trudeau's personal security detail and he's hearing the same things I'm hearing and I've been in touch with him that there is a truck full of guns that's gone missing, thousands of them in fact, in Ontario somewhere.
I don't even know how that happens.
Aren't things like that, shouldn't they be guarded around the clock?
Who's to say, but there are rumors that that is the intent, is that there's going to be something planted, maybe, to give the police, you know, Cass's belly, as it were, to move in and, you know, do whatever they're going to do.
And now they're threatening the truckers and stuff downtown.
They're handing out notices saying they're going to seize their property, seize their trucks, licenses will be suspended and revoked.
There could be charges and criminal charges and stuff.
It's getting really, the lengths they're going to to stop this has become insane and now there's been some arrests in Western Canada.
One of these guys I know and they're facing a conspiracy to commit murder charges according to the media.
And they're trying now to tie me and our community of people, we're podcasters and comedians and commentators and this kind of thing.
They're trying to paint us as some kind of domestic terror organization, some kind of domestic terror network to fuel this narrative.
Well that's what I've been told by my sources in DC that are talking to people at the highest levels of the Canadian government.
They say what made them go ahead and do the civil emergency and accelerate this was that suddenly more and more the police and military and plainclothes people were joining with the demonstrators and we were seeing defections out of the RNCP or out of the Royal Mounted Police, RCMP excuse me, and that that was really scaring them that it was a focal point of solidarity not just in Canada but worldwide.
Yeah, and they're desperate to try and discredit this and make it look like something that it's not.
You've got people from the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, which is a government-funded partisan hack.
It's a tabloid.
The government pays the money, and they've been smearing myself and my friends and other people saying that we're, you know, a neo-fascist, accelerationist, you know, neo-Nazi group.
There are black members of the community, Muslims, Jews, everybody, you know, and they know that, but they ignore it intentionally.
They pretend as though we're something that we're not so they can fuel this narrative, so they can prop up this fake boogeyman.
Well, you talked about this on my show years ago before this happened.
This is classic stuff that Western governments have corruptly done overseas to divide and conquer a country before you take them over.
What you're doing and what I'm doing is the opposite.
We're trying to keep our countries together from these outside multinational breakup operations.
And I think that's what scares them.
That's the ultimate threat to them, right?
I mean, there's people, again, in this community that we're, you know, we called it the Find Your Friends campaign, not Find Your Terror campaign.
You know, there's guys having barbecues and they're coming together from all over the country of every background you can imagine.
And you're seeing it downtown in Ottawa from people from all over the country, from every walk of life, unified.
You know, together against what they perceive to be, and it's getting very, very hard to argue that it's not, an authoritarian, out-of-control government.
And, you know, having everybody unified like this is the opposite of what they want.
They don't want to see people getting along for their common purpose and it's threatening them and it's scaring them and they're becoming desperate and saying crazy things about me and a lot of other people.
I've seen you on the national news.
We've known you for years.
You're a really nice guy.
Call him for peace.
That's why they're scared of you.
What do we know about infiltrators trying to take it over?
Also, infiltrators trying to stir up violence.
That's got to really freak them out to have a lot of, you know, former senior federal police that have now left and are actually there helping do security, you know, to make sure that Trudeau can't pull a false flag.
That's got to really scare them to know that everybody's looking for a false flag.
And we're aware of it.
The boys are down at the Veterans Memorial there 24-7 pulling security shifts on it because the fence was removed.
We went down there and this is our memorial.
It belongs to the people of this country.
It belongs to the veterans.
People should be able to go up and honor these guys if they want to.
And they put up a fence around it because it'll be desecrated or something.
That's right.
They claim walking up on a mime that everybody always walks up on is desecration.
But they never show the evidence of desecration.
And again, yeah, and I'd like to see a lot of the evidence for a lot of the charges and things they're saying about me and a lot of other people.
I'm not seeing, we'll see.
And downtown, yeah, you've got, there are people that I know that are, you know, they're on leave or there are currently serving police officers or anything in between and now they're being investigated, they're being threatened, they've gotten agencies, people showing up at their homes, at their family members' homes and saying things to them.
One guy's preparing to have his name dragged through the mud here on CBC on the national, you know, They're very concerned about this insider threat, as it were, which is simply just Canadian patriots seeing through the nonsense and wanting to help their countrymen.
There's more and more guys coming from the army, from the police, from different facets of our country every day, and they're panicking.
And again, I've always said, force a tyrant to act like one.
And if they do, everyone's going to see them for what they are.
Let's be absolutely clear.
This is a globalist move.
I've seen it all over.
Canadians understand about the Great Reset and Klaus Schwab.
I've seen the speakers talking about it, people on the streets.
I mean, am I being too favorable or are Canadians getting really informed quickly that this is an outside globalist program?
Most of the people, almost everyone downtown knew what was going on and that's kind of the beautiful thing about this is that it's the info war that you've been contributing to for a long time.
Thank you very much for that.
A lot of people know these names.
They know what the World Economic Forum is.
They know who Klaus Schwab is.
They know who Chrystia Freeland is.
She's our Deputy Prime Minister, by the way.
So if Trudeau is resigned or removes or steps down, she's going to take over.
Isn't that nice?
She's also in charge of all the money.
She's got a bunch of multiple cabinet positions and she's deeply connected.
Disturbing a human being for a variety of reasons as well.
We're going to talk about Christia Friedland when we come back in her bio.
She's on the board of the World Economic Forum.
That is the head public group of the Bilderberg Group.
Has literally captured her country and she comes from Nazi occupiers that her grandfather ran two countries for the Nazis.
It's been said throughout history that when people are living through the most incredible times they don't tend to recognize it then It's only later that they get up and brush themselves off and realize what they've just been through.
And I don't get up here and tell people horrible things just to scare you.
I do it because it's the truth of what's going on.
And if we admit that we've got a real consortium of sociopaths and psychopaths that big corporations around the world have used behavioral psychology to give them questionnaires and actually hire people that will carry out These crimes against humanity.
So we have the big Wuhan lab whistleblower joining us for part of the next hour.
She says that the CHICOMs are releasing hemorrhagic fever.
So that is coming up with Dr. Li Ming Yan.
And then Dr. Li Merritt's also joining us, and then Kate Daly.
But I wanted to just remind you before we go back to our very informative guest, that this story that's now on InfoWars.com from the wonderful folks over at Project Veritas, who I know have been told if they don't stop going after Big Pharma, I think I said months ago, I said the FBI is going to raid James O'Keefe for something else, but it's going to be about Big Pharma because they've caught Pfizer executives, they've caught FDA executives admitting the criminal activity.
And sure enough, James O'Keefe is not backing down, I'll just tell you that.
So now they've got the most bombshell news ever.
A recurring fountain of revenue, FDA exec admits Biden planning annual shots, including toddlers.
And of course, Trudeau's already said this last year, because he's the bellwether.
He's the mouthpiece.
And the senior FDA executive officer brags that they've been given hundreds of millions and paid off to do this.
I mean, it's open and shut, 50 years in prison.
But James O'Keefe will probably get indicted and SWAT teamed.
Because, you know, they told him, son, you shut your mouth.
You and everybody you know is going to jail.
Well, sorry, James O'Keefe isn't cowards like you.
Not everybody sells out, okay?
But I want you to know, I'm in danger.
James O'Keefe's in danger.
We're all in danger, folks.
This isn't a frickin' game, alright?
Everybody should make a bigger deal about what Zero Hedge is doing.
Video's been out since yesterday afternoon.
It's only got 200,000 views.
I learned about it because Joe Rogan called me last night.
I'm not name-dropping.
Joe really cares.
Have you seen this?
Have you seen this?
I said, no!
We all need to be like Joe and be upset about this, people.
This is serious.
Frickin' 200,000 views as of this morning.
Pisses me off.
Wasn't even on InfoWars this morning.
I'm not mad at my crew, but I'm just like, you know, this is a damn war, people.
And it's, I mean, wait, I should just cover this the whole show.
I mean, these people are crazy.
Because it's a new type of war.
It's not militaries.
It's not troops.
It's bureaucrats through the medical system doing this to us.
And he admits, by the way, the vaccines hurt people and laughs about it.
Going back to our special guest, I really appreciate him being here with us.
I want to play a clip of Christia.
That's Christina.
That's what I'm calling that in English.
And we're going to talk about her because she's the real prime minister, in my view, on the board of directors of the World Economic Forum.
Ukraine, but in Austria and Poland, what ran the major Nazi newspapers during occupation.
I mean, a direct line with Joseph Goebbels, literally.
This woman is literally the granddaughter of one of the adjuncts of Joseph Goebbels.
You can't make this up.
I mean, I looked him up.
He's, like, famous in World War II.
Of course she works for Klaus Schwab.
His grandfather sold the main flamethrowers to the Nazis.
Of course, basically at cost.
So, here's a clip of her declaring financial martial law.
Then we'll get Jeremy McKenzie's take on it.
We are announcing the following immediate actions.
First, we are broadening the scope of Canada's anti-money laundering and terrorist financing rules so that they cover crowdfunding platforms and the payment service providers they use.
These changes cover all forms of transactions, including digital assets such as cryptocurrencies.
The illegal blockades have highlighted the fact that crowdfunding platforms and some of the payment service providers they use are not fully captured under the Proceeds of Crime and Terrorist Financing Act.
Our banks and financial institutions are already obligated to report to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada, or FINTRAC.
As of today, all crowdfunding platforms and the payment service providers they use must register with FinTrack and they must report large and suspicious transactions to FinTrack.
And you've seen the same thing with Biden.
Everything, $600 or more reported in a year in your bank account.
So the Holy Grail is the world social credit score ID tied to your vaccine passport.
So they're just taking you to where Klaus Schwab wants it to go.
We have the clip.
I'll play it next segment.
He wants microchips in you to buy and sell next.
And she is his direct agent.
Is it fair to say Christina or Christia Freeland, and I've got her own Wikipedia page linked to her, on the board of this globalist group, grandfather famous Nazi propagandist over two countries in World War Two, head propagandist in major countries.
Is it fair to say she's really the Prime Minister right now?
I would put some stock in that.
I think she's definitely making a lot of the decisions over there.
You know, Airhead himself is busy, you know, hiding, cowering in a cottage this whole time.
But they're making good on their threats.
I already know people that have had their bank accounts disabled.
They can't buy food.
They can't do anything.
Their credit cards are coming back declined.
They can't get money out of the bank.
Uh, you know, and like I said, they're painting me and everybody else.
They're setting up, you know, some of our patches and stuff are showing up in arrests that we don't know how they got there.
Um, you know, and they're saying they're, you're throwing words like terrorists around and proceeds of crime and these kinds of things.
Um, it's, it's so, it's very disturbing and insane and, and makes you wonder how far, well, I mean, I guess we know how far they're willing to go to take this and, um, you'd hope that something is going to happen to stop these people, but.
By the way, they're freezing independent media.
That's who they want to target first, ahead of an attack.
That is outrageous.
The people's media, you can't have that.
Right there, that's my friend Kristen right there in that video.
They're coming after everybody.
These are just regular people.
These are regular Canadian people.
Moms, dads, family members.
And where's the solidarity?
Even when I got arrested and held for 10 hours when I flew in to cover Bilderberg in 2006, the media all got freaked out and came down, so the feds had to let me go in Canada, and I went and covered Bilderberg.
Because the media didn't like me, but they got their rights for being trampled.
Where is solidarity in media?
Don't these idiots get what's happening?
Well, funny thing about that, Alex, is that Justin Trudeau's government and the government of Canada has actually paid quite a large sum of money into the media apparatus.
What is it, $600 million so far?
That could be annually.
I've lost track of how much they give away.
It's insane.
They don't bite the hand that feeds you, and that's entirely the point.
They give them bailout money all the time, and they want to give even more.
They said recently that the CBC shouldn't have to rely on advertising money to stay afloat, so the government's going to give them even more money.
The Ministry of Truth has literally become a very real thing.
We're living in 1984.
There's people surveilling me.
We've been pulled over a couple of times.
There's tracks all over the place.
We're like, we're in the middle of nowhere.
You know, we're staying out here and there's people out.
I mean, I was in the infantry.
I was an infantryman.
They were reconnoitering the property.
There's tracks of the snow all over the place.
Like, you know, what is going on here?
We're just regular people.
And the police are coming to people's houses and saying, we noticed you're on Facebook.
We're watching you.
That's on video.
Yeah, they're trying to intimidate people and it's like, uh, you know, what is the crime?
That's what people are like, well, what did we do?
What you did was you're on the wrong, wrong think.
You're the political opposition.
So they're, they're target, they're using the media apparatus, which they paid for and the police, which do their bidding to, to destroy their political opposition.
Let me ask you this in closing.
You predicted the civil emergency five days before it happened.
You predicted, what are you hearing?
What, what's coming next?
Uh, I mean, obviously you're saying you're worried about a false flag.
Well, downtown, we took a spin through last night and now they're saying basically anyone, even downtown, you could potentially be arrested as a criminal and charged.
We drove around, the inner and outer cordons are basically set up, they're kind of tightening the security noose around the central location there around Parliament Hill.
And now handing out notices today that warning truckers and everyone that they're going to be arrested and charged, have their property seized, have their licenses revoked, and they will be ruined and destroyed, assets seized, you know, etc.
So I would expect in the next 24 to 48 hours they're going to move in here one way or another because I can't see them letting this go another weekend.
That's when the most crowds come in, people come in, they hug, they shake hands, they meet all these people, they video and they see how wonderful it is.
They go home and they tell their families and it's just getting worse and worse.
I can't imagine they're going to let this, permit this to go through another weekend.
They've already got down, they've, you know, the Alberta one is gone, Manitoba, everywhere else is, this is it.
This just is, what's left here is what's left in Ottawa and I would imagine very shortly they're going to move in here and roll this up.
Let's do five more minutes.
I've got an important question to ask.
I'm going to pose it now, though, and we'll go to break.
You can think about it.
They've been there, what, 15, 16 days?
How many days has this been going on?
Twenty, I think.
Twenty, okay.
Twenty days.
Trudeau's been hurt by this.
The whole world knows he's bad.
People have made their point.
I know they haven't given up on the forced injections for truck drivers yet.
I think if people just leave now, and I'm not saying do this, I'm asking the question, leave now, you don't give them the violent clash they want, just like the Russians pulled back from the Ukrainian border, and then Trudeau's removed by another snap election or something.
Uh, instead of letting them set this up and attack these men, women, and children.
That'll hurt Trudeau and the globalists more in the end, but I just, I'm not up there with these folks like you are, and I'm just saying discretion's the better part of valor sometimes.
We'll talk about that when we come back in two minutes.
Give me back my bullets.
I've done had my fun.
You know, I want to fix this peacefully, and I'm totally nonviolent when it comes to offensive actions.
If everybody that's pissed off and tired of being pushed around, the globalists are losing politically and culturally and spiritually.
They want violence.
They want it now that they admit that.
And so we need to be very, very careful right now.
And I'm worried if they go and kill some children, which they may do.
To trigger an uprising, then they're going to hit a North American power outage.
Guaranteed, they pre-programmed that.
I've talked to military, CIA, people that are good, that they're being told, get ready for it to be imminent.
If you think that the globalists have stopped, you got another thing coming.
But they want to have a violent confrontation first, then cut the power off.
And so everybody better just get ready and better get prepared.
I look at CHOP and these other autonomous zones the left set up.
Where the police wisely left it alone for a few weeks, then it descended into crime, the public turned against it, then they cleaned it out.
This is the opposite.
These are good, hard-working people that have a real grievance, who are saying, we want you to stop trying to forcibly inject us to track what we do, to drive these damn trucks.
And so I think they have a right to stay, and they should stay if they want, but...
Twenty days into this, they've made their point, is it now time to at least get the children out of there?
I'm not saying folks are using them as shields, they're not, but that's what's going to be said later.
I think the globalists may use the children to actually trigger something.
I'm not saying what Canadians should do.
What do you think, as a Canadian?
Well, Alex, the reason that there's children down there in the first place, a lot of them, is because these are families that have lost their homes.
They're living under these trucks now, and they're missing, you know, payments on them, and other guys are, you know, they're missing mortgage payments.
Like, they've got nowhere else to go.
So when these governments, they act like they care about these people, they say, it's time for you to go home.
Well, we are home.
We live on the streets.
So they've backed these people into a corner?
Exactly, and that's worrying, and I share your sentiment with that, and you know, we talked to some other people, and you played some video of it.
I said, when they come to arrest you, if they're going to do that, don't fight.
That's what they want you to do.
They want you to fight them.
They want you to have an excuse.
They want to have an excuse so they can, you know, bring the hammer down and just do whatever they got to do to you.
So what they did was, again, lock arms and sing O Canada.
Just let them arrest you if that's what they're going to do, and the whole world's going to see this, and the whole world's going to know who the bad guys are here.
These are just men, regular people.
Sure, sure, sure.
I totally understand.
I agree with you.
And these folks are more savvy.
It's not a million people.
It's not a one-day event like January 6th where we got set up.
I just really admire these people and I agree.
If they can stay peaceful and, quite frankly, let the police beat them on video and that gets out, it'll bring down Trudeau for sure.
So if they're willing to do it, then they're heroes.
And we should just be praying for these great Canadians up there because they're fighting for all of us right now with their peaceful civil disobedience.
Yeah, and we need to win the hearts and the minds of the people over and have them understand because I do believe that most of the people in this country and our homes are good natured people.
They're good people.
They've been lied to.
They've been fed, you know, nonsense and lies and poison.
And they're reacting in ways that are, you know, incompatible with reality, with the truth because of the things that they've been told by these liars.
And the longer we keep this up, the more their lies become obvious.
And I mean, you know, look at the size of these crowds.
This wouldn't have happened a year ago or two years ago.
It's getting out there.
So, you know, we just, you know, keep at it and, you know, win enough of these people over.
I totally agree.
How close to a no confidence vote in Parliament?
I mean, couldn't Trudeau be removed right now?
I mean, there's incredible video.
I know you've seen it just today where they scream and yell it in the last three days in a row and run him out of Parliament bipartisanly.
I mean, he's got to, him and Klaus Schwab got to know people are sick of his crap.
It's definitely tense, and I mean, I don't envy a lot of the people in that building if they're, you know, because they like their cushy, you know, politician salary and all the money they make and everything, but at the end of the day, this guy clearly looks like he's going down hard.
So, some of his own liberal MPs have turned on him.
You know, and again, that's the kind of people these are, mostly.
They're going to be self-interested and think about themselves, and if they look down the road and see that it's not in their best interest to stay aligned with, you know, Trudeau's cabinet and his government, then they won't.
And they're starting to jump ship.
I think you'll see more of that happening.
Exactly, and that's what leadership's all about, is to be the wintertime soldier to get these other fair-time patriots to go along with us.
Jeremy McKenzie, amazing job.
Please keep giving us updates.
God bless you.
That was from my show, but others will follow reporting at RagingDissident.com.
Thank you, sir.
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Zack, this is Crystal Palace. Inc. Narada has declared Defcon 3, Scramble All Alert Aircraft.
I repeat, Scramble All Alert Aircraft.
The bomber spends all its time thinking about World War III.
Target selection complete.
Time on target sequence complete.
22 Typhoon-class submarines departing Petropavlovsk, turning southbound at Nordkapp, airing 095 degrees.
Radar reports two unknown tracks are penetrating the Alaskan Air Defense Zone.
From the front lines of the Information War... Flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode.
We are at DEFCON 1.
Are you prepared to destroy the enemy?
You betcha!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
We'll keep control, but we'll keep it here at the top where it belongs.
3... 2... 1... Impact!
Shall we play a game?
How about global thermonuclear war?
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All units confirm weapons targeted and ready.
Awaiting launch codes.
We are at a launch mode.
Do you really believe that the enemy would attack without provocation?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We're in!
Russians are still denying everything, sir.
We have Soviet submarine watch detection.
I wish I didn't know about any of this.
I wish I was like everybody else.
Friends and family, the only winning goal is not to blame.
And Putin just played that game and pulled his troops back from the border, even though the West is massing there.
But who is expanding is Communist China, make no mistake.
And they own the Democratic Party.
But thanks to people like Dr. Li Mingyan, we have a good chance of exposing this and stopping.
And I'm not going to go over her amazing bio here, but we have got a lot to cover with her today.
She joined us last year.
Li Mingyan.
Is a Chinese virologist known for publications, interviews, reporting on SARS-CoV-2 was made in a Chinese government lab.
She said this two years ago.
She's been vindicated.
She said it before two years ago.
She was warning because she was working at a major university monitoring it all.
And so I don't get any of that wrong.
I'm going to bring her on to reintroduce herself to you.
And then to go into the latest, because she's saying the Chai Koms were not the Chinese people, but the evil Communist Party, who've also used their COVID release to control their own people, are releasing something else at the Olympic Games.
Quite the charge!
If it was anybody else, I wouldn't have them on.
I'd say that's too dangerous, only having one source.
But she predicted and was warning people I've seen the news reports before it was public about COVID-19, and now we know it was lab-made.
We know that Fauci and others lied about that, and are basically double agents with the Chai Kongs and others.
So, Doctor, thank you so much for coming on with us.
Li Ming Yan, thank you so much.
You're the expert here.
Where would you like to start?
Probably with some of your background for folks, so they know what your track record is, how accurate you've been, and how vindicated you've been.
Hi Alex, nice to meet you again.
Thank you for having me and I want to say the network is not very good so your word is time to time stop and I will try to briefly tell what I can tell so please repeat here.
I understand.
The Skype is not working well.
Give us your background.
You predicted all of this more than two years ago, and now you're saying the
communist Chinese have released a new weapon.
Oh yeah.
The first is I am a PhD.
I am a virologist and also a medical doctor.
I worked at the University of Hong Kong, the WHO H5 reference lab.
And also I am the independent coronavirus expert since the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.
And I came to America because I was a whistleblower and also the insider from Chinese in a matured lab which actually in a function make the
unrestricted bioweapons that's COVID-2 and then release it and launch the attacks worldwide cause
the pandemic.
And since that we stopped war and so they we stopped going so they try to disappear me.
And all the things I know, I tried to tell it through the media, since I came to the United States, and also I wrote the three-year report.
Since the beginning, I told people, this is not from nature.
This is Chinese Communist Party's military, and also together with their international helpers, including Dr. Fauci and the others, to launch the Man-made disaster for all of us.
And the other thing is, when you talk about the new bioweapon, what I want to say is, based on the intelligence, very important information from China, I received, and I verified many of the things they mentioned.
So in China, actually, because the Xi Jinping believed that he won the Covid-19 fight for the Chinese Communist Party because none of them got really punished.
So Xi Jinping and his scientists, military people, they decided to try the other bioweapon viruses.
And one of the things is the viruses which can cause the hemorrhagic fever, including Marlboro, Marlboro-like viruses, Lassa, Penta, all these type of Ebola-like viruses.
And also they actually trialed their secret antidotes in China.
And based on this intelligence, the Winter Olympics was one of the places, the opportunities the CCP planned to release the new virus or the new bioweapons.
However, we don't know if we can manage to postpone it or stop it.
Maybe they will do it later.
So what I want to tell people is, please don't give more opportunity to Chinese Communist Party.
We have to fully prepare and stop their evil plans.
I will tell you what is so frightening to me and so concerning, Doctor, is that, correct my memory if I'm wrong, but you were warning In December of 2019, or even earlier, of a escaped virus, and that it was lab-made and that it was SARS-CoV-2 type, and then now that all turned out to be true,
And now you're warning of hemorrhagic fever.
So how did you know so early first and then moving to the hemorrhagic fever you're saying you believe is being released at the Olympic Games?
Please give us evidence of that or why you're saying that.
The first is, I want to say, I started to talk about COVID-19 and reveal all the truth about this virus from mid-January 2020.
At that time, I was on behalf of WHO reference lab, did the confidential investigation about the Wuhan outbreak, and I got warned from the beginning that I would be disappeared if I don't keep silence.
And until mid-January, because they still cover up, WHO cover up with them, and also I confirmed that it's from the military lab, and it was not the natural outbreak, it is man-made, so I decided to tell it to the world.
It's not only about prediction, it is based on the real information, first-hand information from China's CDC headquarter office to the local doctors in Wuhan, combined with my expertise and also our all this knowledge from my lab because we are the top
emerging infectious disease lab in the world.
So now this time what I want to tell people is first China has done based on the very
confidential intelligence that they have done the trial using the citizens in China
during the lockdowns happened in December 2021.
That is the biggest city in China, Xi'an.
It has over 13 million people.
And CCP government launched a military drill, and they gave the excuse as anti-COVID, make COVID zero case in Xi'an.
However, during that time, they also tried their hemorrhagic fever viruses.
Doctors, stay there.
Li Ming Yan, stay there.
Back in several minutes to talk about hemorrhagic fever.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
The answer to lies is truth.
And I cannot hype this guest up enough.
I remember in January, February, two years ago, that she'd been in the news.
Warning that had been lab made and that had been released on purpose.
And we heard the reports of the release of the Olympics, then some of the or the military Olympics that were going on.
And I'm like, OK, we'll see what happens with that.
And then it all turned out to be true.
So then now she says the communist coms are releasing hemorrhagic fever for folks who don't know what that is.
Maybe she's a virologist, a doctor.
She can explain it to us.
But that is quite Quite a statement.
That is quite an announcement.
And so I'd like her to, slowly as she can, because we know she's a scientist and a doctor and a lot of this is technical, explain to us what hemorrhagic fever is.
And I know she can't give away her sources, but some of the providence of the intel and what the motive is and what she's saying is about to happen.
I mean, what is this hemorrhagic fever going to do?
How communicable is it?
Is it giving gain of function?
Please tell us everything you know, Doctor.
Okay, Alex.
So hemorrhagic fever can be caused by different viruses.
Hemorrhagic means bleeding and also plus fever.
This is a group of symptoms and it is usually caused by different viruses which are all high distal and also they can be Ebola, can be Marlboro, can be Lassa, can be Hantavirus, And this virus, most of them are already verified as a bioweapon.
And it can come from nature, from the animal, direct to humans.
It also can cause not severe human-to-human transmission.
I mean, the transmission rate is quite lower than SARS-CoV-2.
However, if you don't get treated in time, then you will get the best rate from over 10% to even 90%.
And we still, until now, don't have the well-known, efficient drugs to treat it.
You can be treated based on your symptoms and also according to the different viruses.
What I want to tell people is, the intelligence shows China has secretly conducted such trials in Xi'an, in that city.
Why do they want to try that?
Because CCP this time, they changed their thinking to study the bioweapon.
They first believe they have found the antidote, and then they say this antidote will match the viruses they are going to use.
So my source actually gave me the name of the antidote CCP believed.
The name is a drug from Johnson & Johnson Company.
That is a drug.
I have sent the link to Alex, your staff.
Maybe you can post it to the audience.
The commercial name is Datalax.
And it is a drug designed to anti-cancer, anti-leukemia.
It is a monoantibody, which is anti some protein named CD38 in the cancer cells.
So, when I got this name, I and my team, we examined why this can be the antidote for hemorrhagic fever virus case.
And then we found, CCPD conducted the studies to point out that When you get infected by the hemorrhagic fever viruses in your body, the cells abnormally express CD38, this protein, will increase.
And then they're thinking to use this antidote to kill these abnormal cells with CD38.
Well, let me just interrupt you, doctor.
So your source is so high level.
I mean, you're on record working at one of the main big, you know, hospital virus research facilities in the region, one of the best in the world, we know that.
Your predictions have come out to be true.
But your source is so high level, they don't just know that they released it, they even know, obviously, then what the treatment is, because obviously those that release it want treatment for themselves.
That is just insane.
I mean, that is wild.
What do they expect, if you're right here, What is the goal?
What is the motive of releasing this?
Why would they release hemorrhagic fever?
What I want to say is I cannot confirm whether they have released it already through the Winter Olympics or when will they exactly release it.
What I can tell you is CCP released it in Xi'an, that city.
They trialed it because they also want to stay the antidote and they have to do the military drill.
Remember, before the military games in 2019, CCP also conducted a military drill in Wuhan about the novel coronavirus.
What you said two years ago came out later in documents from Peter Daszak.
You're absolutely right.
So to be clear, you're saying they've tested hemorrhagic fever in other cities, but you're saying it's a threat they may release it.
That's good news.
You're saying they haven't released it yet at the Winter Olympics.
OK, I misread.
That's good news.
Oh, that is something, yes.
I'm still waiting for more intelligence, information, and because this will be very confidential, so I never say they already released it through the Winter Olympics, but I won't tell people.
They fully prepared once they see the timing.
And they believe the Winter Olympics would be a very good chance.
So if the timing is good, they will manage to infect some foreign participants, and this virus can come to America directly, or maybe it can go through other people to America later.
Anyway, China believes they have these secret antidotes, and also once it happens, China can use such antidote to kidnap the other government and the world.
And also my team, we have verified another thing is, although this is a very expensive drug, usually over 10,000 US dollars per dose, and usually it's short of a story because storage because not many people need these drugs. However,
in China, they managed to manufacture a lot of these drugs from last year, at least from last
year, from different companies.
They managed to get this drug patent from Johnson & Johnson.
And so China is going to repurpose it once the outbreak of hemorrhagic fever happens. That's why
at that time you have to listen to China. And I want to tell people that these kinds of
viruses, although it's very lethal, but it's difficult to cause the pandemic. It usually causes
a small outbreak because people are very, very alarmed of such viruses.
So are you saying, just interrupt, doctor, because I want to track all this right.
I don't want to make another mistake here.
You're saying the Chinese communists are pre-positioned and have manufactured this rare drug ahead of their potential release of it to profit from it?
Yes, they are already preparing that.
They put this expensive drug into the national insurance system.
This is very unusual.
Our government is never so nice to people.
Stay right there, doctor.
Your Skype's breaking up again.
Lee Ming Yan is with us.
You can find her at Dr. Lee Ming Yan on Gab and Twitter, Dr. Lee Ming Yan 1.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. All right. Stay right there, doctor.
Your Skype's breaking up again. Lee Ming-Yan is with us.
You can find her at Dr. Lee Ming-Yan on Gab and Twitter. Dr.
Lee Ming-Yan 1. She predicted first that COVID-19 was made in a lab and had been released before anybody else did.
I remember seeing her on Fox News like a year and a half ago talking about it and I'm like, well, later that all came out.
And now she's saying that the Communist Chinese have tested hemorrhagic fever in different cities, and they may release it at the Olympics.
Some of the news picked it up and said they had released it.
And then she talks about Chinese communist big pharma wanting to profit off a drug they already know is the therapeutic for it, just like the new Project Veritas report we'll play part of next segment, where they have a senior FDA executive saying, we get paid hundreds of millions.
The vaccine doesn't work.
But we're using this to basically take over.
A recurring fountain of revenue.
So, Dr. Li Ming-Yan, thank you so much for joining us.
You can find me on Twitter at Dr. Li Ming-Yan.
That's D-R-L-I-M-E-N-G-Y-A-N-1.
And again, there's so much to say, so much to break down.
Thank you for your courage.
I've just got to ask you, How did, I mean, obviously you were working at one of the major facilities.
You saw what was going on.
Why did you have the courage to come out?
Or why were you the first to talk about this?
And now two years into this, what do you think of the lockdowns and the forced inoculations and Fauci and Gates and just, just as a human being, what is your view of this, in my view, biomedical tyranny we're now living under?
Thank you, Alex.
So, my reason to tell it out is very simple because I am the medical doctor and also I'm the virologist.
Once I see what happened and once I know what will happen, I think it's urgent and I must tell people.
I will be guilty if I keep the secret with me and I see what happens in the future.
So that's my reason.
And I want to tell people is from the beginning, I tried to work with many other people, including initially the Chinese YouTube blogger Mulder, based in the US, to use his anti-SCP broadcast to deliver this message.
And we managed to change Xi Jinping's strategies and also postpone and reduce the damage at that time.
And also, after that, I kept telling, especially since I escaped to America, I told people that Dr. Fauci didn't tell the right things.
He's lying.
And also, Dr. Peter Daszak is lying.
And there are so many infiltration from military, from civilian scientists, and under control of Chinese Communist Party in the U.S.
and other countries.
And in the U.S., there are also a lot of bad scientists.
They didn't do the right thing to help China for their own benefits, including the people in Johns Hopkins and also in many other good universities.
So basically, Chinese Communist Party using coronavirus as the unrestricted bioweapon, that means They cannot only use the virus to cause such big damage, unless they also combine with the misinformation, censorship, and also propaganda.
And also, I want to tell people, I'm happy to say, after two years' effort, I see a lot of brave people, brilliant people, patriots from America, they realized what happened.
They stand up together, call for anti-Chinese Communist Party and anti-Such-Mandate policies, which actually means Communist ideology.
And also I want to tell people, we must know what Chinese Communist Party is going to do.
So they are unrestricted by a weapon.
For example, this time, when they are going to use hemorrhagic fever viruses, they have fully prepared also propaganda and misinformation.
You may not know, but Chinese government already started the propaganda from months ago to blame America.
They said American government will release other bioweapons.
And also, for example, they used the news of the monkey escaping from the Pennsylvania death trunk to make the misinformation that Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever will come out because monkey escaped from American lab.
All like this.
By the way, Doc, you're on fire right now.
And I remember when that happened three weeks ago.
use this propaganda to cheat you. You may heard such hemorrhagic fever come from
nature or come from other countries seems not related to China. You may heard
that this is American government did it to undermine China.
You may heard a lot of misinformation. By the way doc you're on fire right now
and I remember when that happened three weeks ago I thought that looks like a
perfect cover story then the supposed woman that was saw the wreck she got a
fever And I just said, that just sounds like a Hollywood script.
And you're saying that's a cover for if there's now this hemorrhagic release, they'll say it's naturally occurring.
That is something CCP used.
They have used it in China.
They make this news very, very popular.
They said this is the beginning of hemorrhagic fever in America.
However, we don't know what exactly happened to the monkey.
We also demand the investigation about that monkey.
It is not well protected because this is a lab monkey.
Usually we believe it's not an infectious monkey because that does not fit the protocol.
But if it is a kid, we must know what this monkey delivered to the lab for, which lab is going to accept it from which lab, and what happened to those monkeys.
And did they diagnose the monkey, whether they are healthy enough or not?
And we also need to know this, because we should not give the opportunity to the Chinese Communist Party to misuse such information.
Wow, Doctor, what else is on your radar screen?
What else are you concerned about?
Do you have any other information about any other QICOM plots that they've got cooking?
CCP, I really want to tell people, it's not a joke.
It's not a conspiracy.
If you can read in Chinese, you will see Chinese government already established the next five years plan based on the biosecurity.
Remember, biosecurity in CCP's world means bioweapon program.
So, for example, in 2020, the CCP's think tank from Shanghai Pasteur Institute, they have already said, we are going to use the control and the prevention of emerging infectious disease to achieve Xi Jinping's human community sharing one faith all over the world.
That means all over the world under CCP's control.
They already made sure that it's their central plan.
And if you check the industries in the biotech field, after two years pandemic, they were already developed.
So these industries earned a lot of profits from the pandemic.
And if China's going to release more, and as the intelligence already showed, they have prepared the antidote Although we don't know whether this is really so efficient and we even don't know the clinical results because China never shared this data to us, but if it happens, China also can use this to earn a lot.
So that's why I want to tell people, don't be panic.
First, this is not something can cause the pandemic.
They won't cause panic and chaos.
The second thing is you have to be well prepared and you should not give more chance to CCP because they have more viruses in their lab.
That's what I also said from the beginning.
So the Communist Chinese allied with globalist Bilderberg group, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates.
You can see it all, the mainstream media using it to all power grab, take over, shut down US industry, increase all their globalist investments in China massively, and just use it to bring in a worldwide authoritarianism.
from Canada to places like Spain and Austria where they have forced injections now taking place.
You can see it all. You can see Daszak covering up the lab, covering up the Chinese government
involvement. You can see our media doing it. It's all starting to come out. Wow. Simply amazing.
I'm not going to keep you for the whole next segment because I know you've got to go. I'm also
going to play this incredible Project Veritas report. I just wanted to ask you briefly,
we come back, ways to stop the CCP and their globalist allies in the West.
How do we stop the next phase, as you said, with this whole armory they've got of all these other deadly viruses they've cooked up that they're about to release on us, that then the left worldwide will use as a pretext to take full control?
Stay with us, this is incredible information.
Dr. Lee Ming-Yan is our guest.
I'm telling you folks, I know a lot of you know who she is and you've got good memories, but she was out there two plus years ago warning.
She was the first person.
And I'm sitting there in like January 2020 going, how does this lady know all this?
And I was a little skeptical and then now it all came out and she was right.
And now she's laying more information on us.
I forgot about the monkeys, the hemorrhagic fever, and obvious cover story.
I mean, that's just ridiculous.
That's like a zombie apocalypse movie.
So how do we counter the Chi-Coms and their...
Double agents.
Even the FBI director now says, OK, it's not white supremacists that are the greatest threat.
They're not even on the list of real threats.
It's the communist Chinese.
He's, quote, blown away by it.
Yeah, it's all over.
Most of the Democrats we know put a Chinese communist agent literally in their office as part of their deal with the CCP.
So this infiltration is like a marriage of the leftist elite with the chi-coms, in my view.
How do we counter that?
And what do we do to stop this?
The first thing is Americans need to understand the Chinese Communist Party.
Understand their tactics.
That's why you always say why I can tell this.
Because I grew up from mainland China.
I finished my studies there and also I have been there for over 30 years.
I know it.
And also I want to tell people is all of this is not conspiracy.
These are intelligence, and these are also based on my and my research team's verification.
So I will tell you based on the scientific analysis, based on the data, and you can verify by yourself.
What I want to tell people is, you see, CCP already celebrates their COVID trophy.
And also, Xi Jinping controls the country even worse, and so that's why in Xi'an, in the lockdown with 13 million people in December 2021, you barely can get any useful information from the media.
However, there were also many brave Chinese people there.
They tried to take their life risk to deliver the message to me and my team because they believe we can help them to reveal this.
What we want to do is we have to work all together to reveal CCP's tactics.
Let the world know what is the real information.
So also, I want to remind people, Last time, when COVID happened, most of you cannot believe that international scientists like Fauci, Dershowitz, worked with Chinese Communist Party to cover up to trick you.
However, CCP not only controlled them, CCP also infiltrated into other countries, especially like the countries in South East Asia and also Africa.
So if you check, you can verify that how CCP study hemorrhagic fever viruses in the West Africa.
They built the lab there with their military, they study it everywhere, and they send so many scientists there to understand hemorrhagic fever viruses.
So you should know, CCP already put a lot of efforts Last time they made the COVID and there is man-made evidence.
I pulled out the smoking gun.
Also, I pulled out it's not from nature.
This time they changed the thinking.
They want to tell you this is even no gain of function change.
It's just as a natural lethal bioweapon viruses like It can be from West Africa, it can come from maybe red or bad, and it comes to you, it will cause outbreak, all of these other things they can use.
The goal is to destroy your country, destroy your economy, make your medical facility paralyzed, and make you lose your trust to your government or your civilization or your constitution.
People ask, well the globalists are discrediting things, but we blame our own government.
They're not perfect, but it's meant to break down society and create a collapse of confidence, a cloud and pivot move.
So people think, oh Trudeau's destroying himself, but he's destroying Canada in the process, which is what these crazy post-industrialist environmental terrorists want.
Klaus Schwab has V.I.
Lenin in his office, and he's an ultra-rich Globalist, but that's what they want.
This is a cult.
Communist, Marxism, and also whatever name they use, if they want to push your mandate, lose your freedom, lose the humanity, then they are cult.
They are evil.
Basically, they are Antichrist.
This is not something about religion.
This is something about real faith.
And also, America is the country based on the Christians and also the Constitution.
It guarantees your freedom and also the liberty of this country.
So if you give up your freedom of speech, you give up your freedom of listening and thinking, they will never give it back to you.
Well, that's right.
So we have we have CHICOM, Allied, Globalist, Great Reset.
Forces that are openly in a revolution against our rights and so presidents and prime ministers come and go but the rights that are being trampled That's what they care about is setting the precedent for that.
All right, dr. Li Ming Yan.
Thank you so much.
You're on gab at dr. Li Ming Yan Any other places people can find you in closing comments?
Okay, so I'll put that on screen right here.
These are the right ones, right there.
You can see it, ladies and gentlemen.
Is that the right one on screen, Dr. Li Ming Yang?
I believe it would be.
I cannot see it now.
Thank you so much.
We'll talk to you again soon.
We appreciate your courage.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you, doctor.
All right.
That was an amazing interview.
Look, I didn't get to this and I've got a bunch of breaking news and there's just too much to cover it all, but I'm going to try my best.
This a recurring fountain of revenue.
FDA exec admits Biden planning annual shots, including toddlers, and admits that the shots are hurting people.
I mean.
The full interviews on Infowars.com and Zero Edge and Project Veritas.
Whatever you do, go to Infowars.com and get this article and share it.
I mean, this is smoking gun of smoking gun stuff, and you just heard that lady on, who 100% is for real, and is a top virologist, and was working at one of the top labs in Asia, and saw all this months before it broke in the news.
She's like, look, it's a new SARS, a new thing, it's man-made, look at it, because they've got the billion-dollar equipment to look at this stuff.
Man, I tell you, it's sick.
And then again, hemorrhagic fever's not that big a threat, she's saying, but it's a hysteria now, where every new virus, every new problem, these companies, including the CHICOMs, are going to sell you something for.
It's $10,000 a dose.
They're giving us the phobia.
They're giving us the medical hysteria.
They're turning us into a bunch of idiots while telling you, oh, vitamin C and sunshine and vitamin D and zinc and all this.
You don't need that.
You don't need things that are on record working.
Oh, that's all horse pace.
You don't want that.
You want rendezivir that eats your kidneys.
And then we've got this, we're going to talk about this with the next medical data that's joining us.
Don Salazar did a great job last night, but he ran this headline, two teen boys found dead in bed three and four days after receiving COVID-19 vaccine.
Great headline.
It's not hardcore enough.
It's a Harvard study, looked at a bunch of people that died, young boys, after they took the shot and concluded the shot killed them.
So that's the headline.
I asked them to repost it with a headline.
Harvard study confirms Pfizer COVID injection killing teen boys.
I mean, people think InfoWars exaggerates.
We can't even get it hardcore enough.
And then I got all these other articles.
My God.
We're going to hit it all coming back.
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Special Counsel John Durham has finally uncovered the horrible truth.
A bombshell crime worthy of the title treason.
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Special Counsel John Durham has finally uncovered the horrible truth.
A bombshell crime worthy of the title "treason."
This is the greatest single political scandal in American history.
in history.
the greatest single abuse of power that we have ever seen.
Hillary, Laura Collins, Daily Mail, did you pay to spy on the Trump campaign?
What are you gonna comment on the spying allegations, Hillary?
Did you pay for having spied on?
Let's define it, if we may.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, with the approval of Vice President Joe Biden,
who was in the room when this was all approved, were involved in the use of the full authority
of the United States government and the extraordinary capability
of our intelligence agencies to spy on, thus launch an investigation
to remove a duly elected president of the United States.
I was gonna say.
Like what the Russians did to Hillary Clinton, for instance.
That is treason against the people, against the republic.
That's about as big a crime as you can commit.
The fact that it has been immediately either ignored entirely or propagandized into oblivion
actually reveals the level of fake news masquerading as American journalism.
If they were acting here, there should be people going to jail.
If somebody actually intruded into the White House.
Like what the Russians did to Hillary Clinton, for instance.
And Wright is feasting on this.
This makes no sense.
This is grist for the mill for Fox News to go out and further gum up the works to create a whole lot of noise about nothing.
And it's an effort to change the subject from the investigation to January 6th.
That's another element of this story.
-This news about a German investigation.
Does the president have any concerns about a candidate for president using computer experts
to infiltrate computer systems of competing candidates or even the president-elect to use
for the goal of creating a narrative?
Is that something that --
-That's something I can't speak to from this podium, so I refer you to the Department of Justice.
Is what was described in that report, monitoring internet traffic, is that spying?
Again, I can't speak to that report.
I refer you to the Department of Justice.
But will the American people buy it this time?
Even though Hillary Clinton's lackeys are clearly tied to a massive criminal act putting the citizens of the United States national security in harm's way after sabotaging the secure servers of the executive office of a duly elected sitting president of the United States, Democrat paid operatives illegally hacked their political opponents communications during a presidential campaign and then did it again to a sitting president.
Your reaction to what we learned this morning?
When you look at Durham's pleadings in the Michael Sussman case, he is basically laying out a case.
Of where a number of laws have been broken by the Clinton campaign and where people are being protected by Sussman's lawyers.
In fact, the pleading is about trying to convince Michael Sussman and the court that he's not being well served by his own lawyers because they're in fact protecting the Clinton campaign and others in the allegations of their bias.
Durham has evidence of compromising, of Yes.
computer systems in an attempt to try to basically frame the President of the United States as having
Russia ties. This is where government is being used, where information that's political opposition research that is
false is trying to be placed into the government, into the FBI,
into to undertake criminal investigations that are absolutely false.
This is a whole new level of corruption and is of grave concern. And it doesn't matter which side of the aisle this
is, everyone should be outraged and everyone should want to get
to the bottom of this.
But are you going to make sure to get to the bottom of it?
Congressman, I've got to tell you, people are sick and tired of things like this happening with absolutely no accountability.
Why is it that we always need to shift the levers of power in order for criminal politicians and their families to face prosecution, if they face that at all?
How long before Democrats literally get away with the murder of conservatives based on their stranglehold of power?
Oh, wait.
Prosecutors say they won't charge a police officer who shot and killed a San Diego woman.
John Bowne reporting.
Yep, January 6th is about outlawing opposition to this criminal chi-com back takeover.
Well, we've got one of the hero doctors who for almost two years have been exposing this whole tyranny for what it is, Dr. Lee Merritt joining us here in just a few minutes.
But I wanted to play a clip of this because this has had millions of views on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, but it's been taken down.
They're now suspending accounts that share it, and they're now not letting people actually even share the link.
We showed you that yesterday, but Dr. Roger Hodkinson is a medical specialist in pathology, graduate of Cambridge University, and a fellow of the College of American Pathologists.
That's what the coroners are too, that they know what is causing you to get sick or die.
And the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
He's got a long pedigree, I'm not going to get to it here.
The point is, we've seen him for over a year and a half speaking out, and he points out, you're violating the Nuremberg Code.
Doctors that go along with big tech and big pharma and the media, you are complicit.
This is real, folks.
This is happening, and this video's being censored.
So I wanted to play this again because they don't want this out.
This declaration of them being put on notice by a leading pathologist that, again, figures out what's causing disease and death.
That's what pathologists do.
Here it is.
The science is settled.
There's an overwhelming consensus that nothing worked.
Nothing could work, nothing did work, and nothing will work.
That includes the vaccinations, which are not just unnecessary, experimental, untested, and are actually killing people.
I want to take this moment to point a finger directly at the principal cause of why we're all here today.
And it's not the government.
It's us physicians.
Who have been intimidated by our colleges, both provincially and internationally.
If physicians had not been intimidated by the very body that's supposed to protect you from me, if they'd been allowed to speak their mind without the threat of losing their income and their positions, then an individual patient, such as you and me, in a closed examining room, would have been told the truth.
The truth!
They have been denied that ability to do that.
We have had that for centuries.
The two principal medical ethics have been trampled on by this government.
First Do No Harm and Informed Consent.
First Do No Harm has been trampled on.
The mandates have killed, as we've heard, more people, many more people than they've saved.
But Informed Consent, I will put it to you, how can you give informed consent if you are not informed?
And you have been denied information intentionally by the colleges that are supposed to protect you.
So I say this, putting a point on it.
The colleges of physicians and surgeons across this country and internationally are co-conspirators with government in state-sanctioned murder.
Thank you.
And the enemies of freedom don't want that video out.
Dr. Lee Merritt is here.
I'm not going to go over her whole bio, but she began her career at the age of four, carrying her father's black bag on house calls along the back roads of Iowa.
In 1980, she graduated from the University of Rochester, New York, a Rochester School of Medicine in the history of New York, where she was elected to live membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society.
Dr. Merritt completed her Orthopedic surgery residency at the United States Navy and served nine years as a Navy physician and surgeon before returning to Rochester where she was the only woman to be appointed as the Louis A. Goldstein Fellow of Spinal Surgery and the whole bio goes on from there.
I'm not going to read the whole thing.
We know what she's done.
She's a great lady and she's been there day one Warning what's happening and she wants to get into Ottawa.
She wants to get into the small window of opportunity before backs deaths kick in 5g collaboration of DARPA and MIT ISN Institute for soldier nanotechnologies and more this is the transhumanist revolution we are facing a transhumanist rape humanity. So Dr. Lee Merritt, thank you so much for joining
us. TheMedicalRebel.com TheMedicalRebel.com is where they find your great work. Wow,
where do you want to start? There's so much to cover. Well I don't know.
There is a lot to cover, and I have to say, of course, all eyes are on Ottawa.
And you know, in spite of us, many of us speaking out from, like you said, really very early, saying, this could be a sterilizing agent.
This has got synthetic DNA.
You're taking synthetic DNA or RNA into your body.
You know, we said all these bad things, but that didn't get anybody's attention.
attention really. I mean compared to what it took truckers in Ottawa to get the world to really suddenly wake up to
the tyranny that's going on here. And you know God loved the truckers.
But I just I think it's interesting right now that we're in a
situation it's kind of Davos versus the truckers. And so nobody's going to back down. And that's that's a.
You know we're going to win when Trudeau becomes a verb.
As in, I think I'm going to listen to my constituents because I don't want to be Trudeau'd.
I think that's going to be a sign when things start turning around.
But we're in a dangerous spot here.
And to me, I've been trying to think this out about situational awareness of where we are.
But the real problem here is, We're not out of the devastation that these non-vaccines, these are called viral-based genetic therapies, but nobody would take of genetic therapy, so they had to call them vaccines.
You know, we've just started to see the death and destruction here, sadly.
So, we're in a situation where, I mean, let's just think about it.
They say now that 75 to 95% of our military has been vaccinated.
You know, all our first responders, our medical people, they're still taking the stupid stuff, even though they can see, you know, videos of people dropping over.
I can't believe anybody is still running for this.
Our critical infrastructure has been strategically taken out.
Yeah, I think so.
And it's interesting, you know that they know what's going on.
There are people that know what's going on, but it's all about optics.
Like in Boston, I thought this was kind of funny, if it weren't so tragic.
You still have to be vaccinated to go to a sporting event, but they're not forcing people to be vaccinated that are the big athletes, because it's too obvious when they drop over.
Well, that's right.
They're not making the Ottawa police or the federal police take it.
Yeah, which makes you wonder who they are.
That's my point.
Our military is somewhere between 75% and 95% vaccinated.
Who knows?
By the way, I've talked to hundreds of them, including personal friends.
They've had hundreds of shots.
They've never been this sick.
I've talked to medical doctors in the Army.
I had a Green Beret in here a month ago.
He said, I've got half my mind I used to have.
He said, it's got brain fog now.
Yeah, it's not going away necessarily.
I mean, I think there are things we can do.
I don't want people to be... One thing is mitigation.
You were talking about that today.
Yeah, I think there are some things we can do to mitigate it.
But at the end of the day, you know, it's a little... People have to... You have to realize there's a problem.
I mean, first of all, we should realize... Somebody in the military should have realized the Chinese and Russians aren't taking this.
Their armies are not taking this stuff.
Oh, even Reg Tate had an article last week on it to cover, like, why isn't China or Russia taking it?
Obviously, yeah.
I mean, this was a very, they created, again, this was created, I said this last time I was here, this was a toxic nanoparticle.
It was created in multiple labs.
It was released on the world somehow, we can argue how, that part we don't know for sure still, or I don't.
But then they ran a very planned and sophisticated psychological operation on everybody and they used false testing and classic psychological techniques.
So they got everybody in the world that was glued to a TV.
The good news is there are areas in the world where people don't watch TV so they didn't get the virus.
But the people that were Subjected to the PSYOP, got scared and they ran out and they did less due diligence than if they'd been buying a used car and they got these vaccines and they're continuing to get the vaccines.
You know, so you've got a bunch of billions of people around the world that are at risk from these things, and they're not really vaccines.
We know what they are.
The FDA and the pharmaceutical companies know what they are.
They're called viral-based genetic therapies.
They were designed to be genetic and cancer therapies, and they do get into your genome.
I mean, MIT has shown that.
Other people now, other researchers have shown that.
We're in real trouble, and that hasn't stopped, you know.
The British, I think it's the Office of National Statistics, has shown that they have, what is it, they think that there's five percent, I think, in any case, monthly degradation of people's immune system.
And now what are we hearing?
That's right, that's right.
Once, what is it, six months in, then it just starts going downhill from there.
Stay there, doctor.
We're going to come back and lay it all out.
Small window of opportunity before VaxDeath kicks in.
It's already happening.
Way more deaths last year than the year before.
Way more now than the year before as well.
It's exponential.
This is horrible.
Stay with us.
Look at the time we have with Dr. Lee Marron.
I'm not going to go back and play clips of her a year and a half ago saying this is a
long time ago.
I'm going to be talking about the synthetic lab-made nanotech spike protein of the HIV
She said it, it's on record, now it's been confirmed.
And just a few weeks ago, we had the head of Pfizer come out and say, oh, we made the virus in the lab off a scan of the other viruses.
So it's beyond gain of function.
Here he is talking about it.
What information are you expecting to get over the next couple weeks, both from within Pfizer and BioNTech and also from around the world?
We saw the South Africa data last night.
We know that academic labs everywhere are working on this.
How will you make that decision about whether those three doses are enough or if you do need to switch to that Omicron-specific vaccine, which we understand you started working on already and could have by March?
The data that we received are data that we got from what we call pseudovirus.
So it's not the real virus.
It is a virus that we have constructed in our labs and it is identical with the Omicron virus.
This is a very well-known study.
So it's their revolution.
Just like in 2019, Fauci was on C-SPAN.
They said, we're going to release a virus from China, blow up the existing system, bring in an M-N-R-A.
And now they've got, oh, HIV mRNA systems.
Dr. Lee Merritt, continuing where you left off here about where all of this is going.
Such a historic moment as the world awakens to this, but still the system moves forward against this.
How did you know almost two years ago this was a synthetic virus?
Because they now admit that.
I know, and you know they knew it.
And people in science knew it because what happened was an article came out
and it was published on January 31st, 2020 by Prashant Pradhan and his group in Delhi, India.
And what they showed was that in every sequence that was uploaded to the gene bank
from purportedly sick people in China, people that they thought had COVID,
in every one of these sequences, in the S1 subunit of the spike protein,
keep in mind, you don't need a big 30,000 base pair virus.
All you need is this little S1 subunit, which is easily manipulable in a lab, okay?
181 base pairs.
And within that, they found four inserts.
And those four inserts were what they call 100% conserved, meaning they didn't vary from specimen to specimen, whereas the other parts of this thing did.
And when they ran those inserts through the BLAST program, which is a program that we have to look at what to identify genetic sequences, it showed they came from HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus associated with AIDS.
Now, these inserts didn't exist in nature.
They weren't in any other specimen of so-called coronavirus.
They weren't in SARS.
They weren't in MERS.
This is the first time they showed up.
There were four of them.
They didn't vary.
I mean, you can't make this up.
I knew it was correct immediately because on the next day, on February 1st, they were forced to withdraw the paper.
And not only were they forced to withdraw the paper, but I think it was Zero Hedge, which is not even a medical journal, economic journal online, they were deplatformed for reporting on this highly technical genetic article.
And I thought, What is going on here?
This is now crazy.
This is like the military pilot dictum that when you start catching big flak, you're over a big, big target they don't want you to take down.
And I realized right then, that's a big target.
They don't want to admit this was made in a lab.
Of course they don't, because that makes it a bioweapon.
Now I've got all these articles where people are saying the COVID vaccine, scientists are, is turning off the killer T's.
I know HIV attacks the T lymphocyte that programs the killer T's, but it's basically they're calling it vaccine AIDS or VAIDS.
Yeah, and you know, I think it's complicated and I don't think it's just from these inserts.
I don't, again, this is a little bit above my pay grade in genetics and immunology and things, but if you listen to Luke Montagnier, who died sadly this week at age 89, but was a great scientist.
That was a Nobel Prize winner, he isolated HIV.
Right, but not only did he do that, but he was an honest, independent scientist, because he had the courage, I think it was in 1990, to go to an AIDS meeting in San Francisco and say, you know guys, I was wrong.
HIV by itself doesn't damage T-cells and can't be the cause of AIDS.
It might be a co-factor, but there's other things going on here.
So he had the courage to speak out against the narrative, and of course, the big juggernaut of economics That's a key point people forget, doctor, that Fauci was involved in all the weird AIDS stuff and the bad treatments, just like Rendezivir today, he was pushing AZT and things where the cure was worse than the disease.
It's kind of the same crowd.
I mean, it really is the same crowd, and the same people researching it.
You look at people, they're involved in multiple organisms, including now we're hearing these little drops about Marburg, which we can talk about, but back to the immune compromise.
You know, there are other things that are in here, and of course the beauty of an emergency use authorization is You don't have to tell people what's in it.
You don't have to tell people.
You know, Albert Burlak can create these things with BioNTech CEO and they can put this stuff out and they don't have to tell doctors anything and that's why the inserts are blank and now they're even leaving them out.
But they have to tell you just the part that is for which they're claiming efficacy.
So they claim that this thing is going to produce the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 And it's going to produce, as they know, trillions of copies of this.
Now, if we accede to the notion that this original spike protein was manipulated in a lab with these inserts, and that it's a deadly toxin, they claim, oh, you don't want to get sick with this, three or four of those things in your nose can kill you.
But they've just produced a vaccine, a so-called vaccine, they're going to inject into your children, into your six-month-old, that's going to produce trillions of copies of that spike protein.
That is the bioweapon.
They're producing in you.
How can we not say that?
And it's hidden in plain view that that's an extremely toxic, cancerous thing.
And the video you just played of the doctor in Canada speaking out, he's exactly right.
This was brought to us by universities.
Unfortunately, our establishment medicine, the highest and brightest guys among us, they had to know.
My state university has a patent on the ACE2 pathway and RNA technology around coronavirus.
I mean, a lot of people involved around the world in creating this stuff and in using it.
It's not clear It's clear that it was man-made and it's being covered up.
I will just make this historical point.
I've lived in a university a lot of my life, so I'm not against universities, but we have to make this point.
The problem here was not brought to you by your local family doctor.
Um, just like in World War II, I used to think Mengele must be the bottom of his medical school class, you know, some kind of, you know, you know, bottom runner.
No, no, actually he was an MD-PhD.
He was at the top of his medical school class and he was being funded by the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical School and medical research arm when he was doing the experiments at Auschwitz.
We need to keep in mind that just because you have titles behind your name and you're a big, big guy in your specialty, you're saying the right things.
Not necessarily... Well said.
Dr. Lee Merritt, stay there.
We'll come back and talk about this and so much more.
Now we fight back against this trade ad.
Stay with us.
Obviously, I don't say this to impress people.
I don't say it to build up our status in the world.
I say it because it's the truth and I want victory against this evil.
InfoWars is one of the most important organizations.
Our listening audience of activists are the most important people in the world.
And we are facing a new type of war.
A scientific war against humanity.
But the great news is it's been the doctors and the scientists and the researchers that have been the front line of exposing that.
So Dr. Lee Merritt, medical doctor, is here with us.
She's been there from the very beginning, warning of what was coming and been dead on.
I appreciate her joining us.
You can find her great information at TheMedicalRebel.com.
I want you to get into the small window of opportunity before VAX deaths kick in, then 5G, which in the studies we know creates COVID-like symptoms, and the collaboration of DARPA and MIT and the ISN Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies.
Please lay that out for us, Doctor.
Well, yeah, and I think that when I said, I wasn't joking when I said this is Davos versus the truckers.
So, you know, the people running this show, it's not just about the virus or the COVID takedown.
You know, these guys also figured that they had, you know, the airwaves were theirs and they owned the, you know, they could control the hospitals.
We've seen that, which is shocking to most of us in medicine, how well they've been able to do that, to commit this democide, basically.
And they've put their leaders in positions of power.
I mean, look at Trudeau.
You know, he's like the turtle on the post that nobody knows how he got there.
Well, he got there through the WEF.
So, he's one of those global, you know, they're a bunch of them.
Macron, they've all trained with the WEF.
So, this has been going on in the background for a long period of time.
But what they didn't count on the fact is they don't, right now, they don't control the ability for people to transport goods and services.
It's the truckers and the people on the ground actually doing things.
The problem here is, we're getting word now from Australia that they feel there were directed energy weapons used against the crowd in Canberra.
Now, that's a whole other level of evil, this 5G ability, and this is not just sci-fi.
Anybody that wants to go, this is why I bring up the nanotechnology area and DARPA. You can't read about this 5G on DARPA
anymore, although you could at the outbreak of COVID.
Interesting. They've scrubbed it. But, you know, 5G was created as a denial of access weapon.
It was used for crowd control.
It was created to, you know, it interacts at the right, pick the right frequency and the right power, and it resonates with helical structures.
So it can fragment your DNA, but it can also interact with your hair follicles.
And that's what they used it for.
We used it.
Our military has used this.
And in like Baghdad, Green Zone, I think, and some places around the world, to get people out of the crowd.
And what happens is you turn it on, it resonates with your hair follicle, it makes you feel like your whole skin's on fire.
Now, I don't, I'm not saying it was that particular technology, but something... No, but you're right.
I mean, I remember stuff 20 years ago, DARPA working on using cell towers for crowd control.
I mean, this is real stuff.
This is real stuff.
And now, you know, what do we have?
In my little town, 1400 people.
We have now the new 5G lampposts all over.
I just noticed them.
I have one outside my bedroom window, essentially.
This is full-spectrum dominance.
It's everywhere.
Yeah, and so I've heard, and I heard years ago, I thought she was a little crazy at the time, but I heard years ago about, it's a physics PhD person that worked at CERN, and she was saying, when these things get into place, it will be like having an AK-47 on every tree, and then forest, on every lamppost in the city.
Because they can resonate them however they want.
Yeah, because they can tune this.
I mean, yes, it can be used harmlessly or reasonably harmlessly, but not completely.
And keep in mind, we're electrical beings.
There's a lot of history here.
By the way, there have been engineers in the UK, and I check with engineers, they looked at 5G, they put those points on them where they can energize them and use them as particle beams, and no one even knows that, and just fry drivers as they go down the street.
They're targetable.
And the other thing is, just on a more lesser, obvious level, Electromagnetic frequencies can create symptoms that are completely identical to what we call COVID.
They can cause lung inflammation, brain fog.
Look at the Havana Syndrome.
They can do all sorts of things.
So is that why we see it in the more dense areas like New York and places?
Because you're right.
The CIA is so worried about Havana Syndrome.
Well, okay.
If you look at it, people are seeing this all over the place.
Right, I think it's happening, you know, and I don't take care of a ton of people anymore, but when I was still treating people for COVID, and myself included, I can tell you this.
One of the things that seems to be a symptom of people that are more sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies, when they have a problem, they get pink urine.
It has to do with the biochemistry of your porphyrin, how you make hemoglobin.
And just like some people have an enzyme system that isn't robust and they can get gout, Other people have an enzyme system that apparently isn't robust.
It has to do with your building of hemoglobin, and it's more sensitive to damage from EMF.
So, for whatever that means, I started seeing people that had, first of all, they'd already had what looked like COVID, and now they're getting sick again, in the city, coincident with 5G being turned on in their neighborhood, and they're having to incur it.
And the globalists love the joke that we're holding a microwave device up to our head, frying ourselves.
They can joke about it all they want, but the same disinformation about this is the disinformation about cigarettes.
There's no evidence that cigarettes cause lung cancer.
There's no evidence.
They told us for decades that that was all just coincidental.
There's a lot of coincidental disease about this thing too.
It's just all a quest.
Oh yes, the Zimmerettes aren't connected to cancer, though they knew and suppressed it.
I remember five years ago, Wired Magazine had a big report with studies.
5G causes cancer.
But suddenly, all that cut off.
No reporting on it.
Right, that's exactly right.
And there is a great video online by Dr. Debra, me saying this now it'll probably get cut down, but Dr. Debra was an EPA physician, maybe the chief medical physician for the EPA at one time, but she actually had a great lecture to the combined departments of engineering and medicine in New Zealand or Australia, and you can still find it on the internet.
It's worth looking at because she debunks, she shows how the same disinformation about cigarettes and about secondary smoke and about various different things are involved with this.
And we see this, you know, we see this over and over.
I mean, people thought we were crazy worrying about fluoride and I have a lot of family history around the science of fluoride.
I'm telling you, it's not crazy to worry about fluoride.
There are lots of these things and there's a common theme.
They damage your immune system and they damage your neurologic system.
But even Harvard has studies, looking at 25 studies a decade ago, that it lowers IQ, lowers fertility, lowers sperm counts, plunging.
I mean, we're seriously sick, there's no doubting that.
Right, right.
Even before this all broke out for the first time, we had had a decrease in our life expectancy in America.
It had been increasing and increasing and increasing and then it decreased.
That's not a small point because it means that we're being faced with a lot of things hitting us and toxins are a big one.
I'm doing a talk on this coming up.
It's on fluoride.
It's a big one.
Bromide is a big one.
It's interesting that after World War II, a lot of this started.
You know, the pharmaceutical, IG Farben was the biggest pharmaceutical company, chemical conglomerate in the world prior to World War II.
Their CEO helped fund Hitler.
And after World War II, during Project Paperclip, a bunch of those chemists came over You can make it out what you will, but subsequently things have happened, such as we used to stabilize our wheat, our flour for breaking bread.
We used to stabilize it with iodine, which is a good halogen.
That's a good halide.
But what do we stabilize it with now?
Bromine is toxic.
It's toxic to your brain.
There's a disease called bromism that's like depression and psychiatric problems.
And it's toxic to your thyroid.
It can give you congenital abnormalities due to thyroid.
So they're poisoning the water, they're poisoning the bread, everything.
Alright, Dr. Lee Merritt is on fire.
Final segment with her straight ahead.
Is it too late to turn this back?
We'll talk to her about this, folks.
This is life and death information.
Find her website at themedicalrebel.com.
We'll be right back.
Dr. Lee Merritt is our guest.
Her website, themedicalrebel.com.
So this is just a short little two minute compilation of all these people having seizures,
collapsing, in some cases dying after they take these shots.
Again, the establishment doesn't want this seen, that's why they're censoring everything.
And this whole attack, as bad as it is, is a test, in my mind, for my research of what's coming next.
I'll see what Dr. Merritt thinks about that statement, but first, here it is.
She says we should force inject people on that sheet.
There's this.
[speaking Portuguese]
The military police was called to the rural area of Ribeirão Vermelho.
Do you know why?
Look, it's...
I don't mean to brag, I don't care, but I want you to know, double vaxxed, booster, flu shot,
and, I'm gonna be honest, I have the shingle shot too.
And I got two. (crowd cheering)
Never got COVID, clearly Jesus loves me the most.
So nice.
So nice.
I don't care if you're Donald Trump.
I don't care if you're Bill Gates.
I don't care who you are.
You come at children with experimental Nuremberg Code, violating vaccines that you broke the law to ram through.
You are terrorists in league with Joseph Mengele 2.0.
We have a player down on the court.
We'll try to get more information.
Johnson taken out on a stretcher and rushed to local Tallahassee Memorial Hospital.
Leading cardiologist says cluster of collapses in footballers likely to be just a coincidence.
A terrible coincidence at that, but just a coincidence.
Yes, just a coincidence.
You really need to get vaccinated.
Get vaccinated.
Listen to our government agencies.
These guys are telling the truth.
You know, there's no conspiracy here, folks.
Just get your damn vaccine.
Dr. Lee Merritt, in the 10 minutes we have, or 9 minutes we have in closing,
is there a way to stop this closing window of opportunity to stop the vaccine death kicking in?
And where does all this go?
Because I've got a Harvard study out here where they're admitting that it's causing little boys to have heart attacks and die when they take the shot.
I mean, this is just insane.
Yeah, well I know, and they're actually putting in medication now into the children's vaccine that helps to stop them from having bad sight.
Yeah, how crazy is they put an anti-heart attack drug, because it's emergency, no one has to approve it, so, oh, we don't put saline solution, we put a heart attack drug in, and it's, exactly, it's crazy!
And they've got programs that make it sound like it's normal.
Yes, children die of heart attacks, too.
It's hard to watch those videos.
It's sad.
And people, you know, when that comedian fell, they thought that she was just making this up.
It was part of the joke.
No, she fractured her skull.
And if you watch her and you watch these other people, they're having a sudden neurologic insult.
I mean, their eyes become unfocused and they can't speak.
Suddenly they lose their speech and then they fall.
So it's not made up.
This is for real.
So yeah, can we get out of it?
Can we get out of this?
Well, we better do it right now.
That's what I'm saying.
I think there's a closing window of opportunity.
And we can't let the truckers lose.
That's number one.
Because if the truckers lose, it sends a signal to the big boys that are running this show that all they have to do is just wait us out.
We're past that.
I think you can deny reality, but you can't deny the consequences of reality like these people have done.
Some people even after having vaccinated their child and having the child having a side effect, Still say, yeah, but I still believe it and I'm getting my other children vaccinated because they've been so brainwashed by this idea is, oh, this is just a few people.
It's not just a few people.
And that's why I think that big study that came out of the insurance company out of Indiana and the ONS that shows all cause mortality up in 2021, the year of the vaccine by 42%.
That we've never seen before.
That's like a 13-sigma event.
It's not normal.
So something really bad is going on.
That was my next question.
This even ended up on Fox.
Fox called and confirmed a consortium of major insurance companies, 100 billion under management, and now Yale and Harvard and Princeton, they're all confirming 40-plus percent death increase in 18 to 64, the working age.
That wasn't that big in World War II.
This is the biggest in U.S.
I mean, you can't hide real numbers like that.
You know, when Michael Eden said they're trying to kill billions of us, and I said this is an extinction-level event, we weren't exaggerating.
This is a potential, really, world, even if we get out of it with just those people injured, it's a world-changing, life-changing event we're experiencing.
So what do people need to do?
Well, again, the people that have been vaccinated need to recognize the problem and do something to help themselves.
We can't help people that don't want to help themselves, but there are some things we can do.
I recommend, you know, I've got a whole thing on my website about vaccine remorse.
Here's some things we think can help.
Another thing I think we need to do is that every time one person speaks up, It encourages somebody else to speak up.
They want us to think... Yeah, I love that, by the way.
I persuaded... That's Jim Jones.
I persuaded over 900 people to drink my Kool-Aid.
I was just saying, amateur.
I get these... sent these memes, and so I put a favorite one up every week.
It's sadly true that that's what's going on.
Every time somebody speaks up, they encourage somebody else.
They want us to think we're all separated, but there are a lot of us speaking out.
And what did we also learn just now from Ottawa?
These guys control a lot of things.
Don't give up your cash.
These are part of your readiness, even medical readiness.
The whole rollout is about a world ID, getting rid of cash.
Oh, exactly.
They control a social credit score.
They admit it.
This is a planetary takeover.
And if we recognize it as that, we can beat it.
We're designed to win wars.
But we have to, as you said earlier at the start of the show, start of the hour, we have to admit we're under attack.
We have to admit we're in a war.
That's exactly right.
Think about who dies early on in the war.
It's the people with lack of situational awareness.
You know, people in Sarajevo, the war broke out over their heads overnight.
They went from being a first-class, world-class city, they got up in the morning, thought they were going to the place to get a little cappuccino, and then they got hit by a stray round.
I mean, you can't be ignorant now of what's going on.
We need to take action.
And I think the next step is, everybody that's cooperating with the enemy needs to stop.
If you're working for Merck or you're working for Pfizer, think about where you are.
If you're a doctor or a nurse and you're pushing these vaccines, these non-vaccines, these genetic agents, Quit doing it because let me tell you this when this comes down we're not going to give up and when this comes down and people realize how many of their family members have been killed or maimed by this program they're not going to look they're already looking askance at the hospitals let me just be honest they're not looking favorably at hospitals
And you don't want to be there.
Doctor, I totally agree with you.
We're not looking for war, but we have been really just trying to warn people in a position of trying to stop this.
But once civilization breaks down, there'll be no way they're going to stop the millions of people who lost their daughters and sons and mothers and fathers.
I mean, the globalists, I think they know now, though, they want to do this by stealth.
They thought it would work.
They miscalculated, like you said an hour ago.
I mean, is there any way to give the globalists an armistice?
Or to give them a, like Napoleon goes to Alba, is there a way to reach out to them and say, stop?
Because the weaker they get, the more they double down.
I don't want to kill them.
I don't want a conflict.
I want them to stop.
But it just doesn't seem like they can.
It doesn't seem like they can.
But we can stop, again, Eichmann didn't run Auschwitz, he just designed the train system.
If there weren't people doing the little jobs that made it run, it wouldn't run.
We have to stop the machine that's bringing us here.
I totally agree.
We've got to reach out to all the bureaucrats, the police, the military, and say, do not, look fools, do not be part of this.
Having spent 10 years in the military and my life in medicine, I am just absolutely shocked at what's going on.
I think our military leaders have been captured.
They're not thinking about this in a military way and that's their job, to think about bioweapons, to think about Unrestricted, uncharacteristic warfare.
And they're obviously compromised.
They're obviously compromised.
But the people that are the, you know, the mid-level field grade officers, the enlisted guys, the guys that do the job.
Come on guys, wake up.
Do not participate in this.
Policemen, really?
You know, you saw some of these policemen in Ottawa and in Australia especially.
I couldn't believe what they were doing to their own people.
Don't they realize they're coming after your children too?
We really have to stop them cooperating, and I think that's where this goes next.
But you agree, Doc, that overall it's not going like the globalists want it.
As negative as things are, it seems like it's falling apart for the system.
Well, I think they wanted to have this be deadly, but they wanted a slow bioweapon, a slow-kill bioweapon.
And too many people dropped over in the acute phase, and it made them look bad, and now they're scrambling.
It's like the assassin.
You don't want the guy to drop over right in front of you.
You want to be two blocks away when he I agree.
Stay there.
Two minutes.
Do five more minutes with us.
Dr. Leigh Merritt, straight ahead.
We'll give you her website.
Everybody should visit and share it, ladies and gentlemen.
It's a revolutionary act to share this URL, TheMedicalRebel.com.
Don't forget, ban.video.
Well, that's banned to share.
So now it's FreeWorldNews.TV.
Oh, that's banned.
So now you share FutureNews.News.
Oh, that's banned.
How about RedPilled.News?
I've been on air 28 years, and I grew up By God's grace, knowing about what was happening in the world.
And I wish this wasn't true.
But we're giving everybody a jumpstart on what's happened.
Believe me, I wish this wasn't true.
But depopulation of the planet is now taking place.
And if you conservatively look at what's happened, it's going to be devastating.
I've had family that's rebelled just because I'm Alex Jones and gone out and got the shots that are now deathly ill.
They look like shadows of the former selves.
It's painful.
But you know what?
Not everybody makes it.
And my family is not just my family.
My family is all you.
So I can save some black person in Africa or some Hispanic person in Mexico or some white person in Poland.
I don't care at the end.
This is about doing the right thing in front of God.
We got Dr. Lee Merritt here, medical doctor, great patriot exposing all this.
How do we beat this?
Other angles, other things you're seeing.
Where do you see this fight going in closing?
Well, ultimately we have to take back our world in multiple areas and it's mostly local.
But there are a couple things I think that we need to realize how this came about.
They used my profession, which I love, medicine and science, to bring this about because they knew that it was It was hard for people to get their head around it.
We have let the propaganda machine tell us year after year, just take your vaccines, we know what we're doing, and it's been safe and effective, blah, blah, blah.
And we've been doing it for years.
We've been standing in line, and people have been getting their flu shots.
They were set up for this, okay?
And science means knowledge, but keep in mind, science can also mean it's a way of hiding knowledge.
But it's like you said with Jim Jones, it's Kool-Aid most of the time, then finally it's cyanide.
Right, exactly.
So we have to take back our ability to talk to each other, to take back the language, to know whom, you know, people don't know who to associate with for truth because they've been lying to you for so long.
And you guys in the independent media, and you particularly, for years have been fighting to keep this alive, and that's Now, maybe we need you to help us do medical shows
and things where doctors can share information because that is one of the things
that allowed this to happen.
Centralization of medical learning under a few guidelines.
We have the Politburo Theory of Science now where you can't just publish something
that's your ideas based on what you saw and let other people decide whether it's true or not.
We have a few people at the top that decide before it even is published whether it's true
and then whether it can be out there or not.
That's the problem.
We don't have good medical and scientific transparency.
It's completely corrupt how we do publishing for science.
That's number one, and so we have to take that back.
You know, as physicians and scientists, you can't let them redefine our language like cases.
You know, we can't do that.
Cases were always sick people.
Now suddenly it's a positive test.
That is also what allowed this to do.
It's a lot of little things, but we need everybody standing up.
The problem here is people were not, they just didn't believe.
They did not believe they're being under attack.
I think a lot of people still don't.
And until we get them to believe, we can't take it back.
That's why the Ottawa Trekkers and the people, the USA Convoy now, it's so obvious that we're not alone.
And I think the more we do that and the more we support these guys, But I'm not joking.
We need an InfoWars for medicine and science.
I totally agree, Doc.
And the way you started the interview an hour ago is the way you end it.
It's about grassroots action.
It's about awakening.
And it's about realizing we are under attack.
So we've got this great infrastructure at InfoWars.
I'm trying to hire more people to run live shows.
I agree.
Maybe you should host or help us.
seven nights a week, an hour of doctors, uncensored, saying what they want to say to the American people.
That is a genius idea.
Doctor, thank you.
Dr. Lee Merritt, you'll find your great work at themedicalrebel.com.
And by the way, the way Weird Fate works, you haven't been on in three, four months,
and you're about to be on with a guest host, Kate Daly, coming up in about 25 minutes.
So that's how synergy and serendipity works and fate works.
Thank you so much, Doc.
Hey, thank you.
Amazing lady.
And man, has she been on target.
You know, that's who we have on, is the people that have been proven right over and over again.
And boy, has she been frighteningly accurate.
Speaking of Kate Dowling, she takes over right now.
Thank you all for your support.
Please spread all the articles, all the videos.
Without you, we fail.
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Hi, I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
So glad to be with you.
You know, I love how we both wanted Dr. Merritt in the house today.
She has important messages and I'm really happy to bring her on with me right after this segment.
But I am so glad to be here today and I have something to say today that probably is not going to merit me a lot of popularity.
I want to start off saying that I have enjoyed watching the Freedom Games going on in Ottawa much more than the Beijing Games.
And it's not to diss the athletes.
I'm sure they worked very, very hard.
I think people are so exhausted about what's been going on in this country and all around the world that the games are something that's kind of an afterthought for a lot of people.
I know I haven't even hardly tuned in at all.
But here's the thing that I want to point out about Ottawa that most people aren't going to do this.
Men will not publicly recognize what I'm about to say because they won't.
They won't do this for themselves and women won't offer this observation up anytime soon.
And I just want to recognize the fact that who is saving our liberty right now?
Who's in the fight?
Who's really trying out there and making the most difference?
In the United States, it's firefighters, police, it's pilots standing together.
Male-dominated careers.
In Canada, it's truckers.
Truckers are 90% male.
Women won't acknowledge this.
We've been trained to Think of this in sort of a, you know, women power, the media is doing everything they can do to make sure that you think that all women are saving the world all the time and yada, yada, yada.
And I think it's bogus.
I think it's the most ridiculous storyline narrative that we have.
When it comes to the heavy, heavy, heavy lifting, and I'm not saying women aren't wonderful because they are, and they are making huge differences.
Look at the women doctors, look at the people speaking out.
But, as Hollywood and media want you to think it's a small group of, you know, liberal women and some lesbians, let's face it, saving the world in every single movie.
Everything fostering that girl power mantra.
It's many wonderful husbands and fathers out there that are not backing down and that are making the most productive changes and sticking in the fight and making sure that Justin Trudeau Castro is on his heels running from this and looking like the dictator that he is.
Kind of glad that's happening actually.
Women are in the fight too, but it's groups of men banding together, hard-working middle-class male dominated careers that are saying no for the rest of the world right now.
This is so much more exciting to me than the Olympics, but I want to give credit where credit is due because it's so rarely given, especially right now in our society as we stand right now.
Our young boys need to know this.
Our young boys need to hear this message.
And so to the men out there caring about their families and don't want to be a guinea pig in this very, very dangerous series of shots, we may not win this war in the long run.
I get it.
But the fight is going on.
And the fight is the story that will be told.
And when we tell the story of Blovid, we need to give credit where credit is due.
And I know that if a man brings this up, he'll be villainized for it, so I'm gonna do it.
But I thank you for all that you're doing to help everyone's liberty, and it's going largely unnoticed by a lot of people because they're afraid to say it.
But I thank the men out there for standing up.
I also want to say that Justin Trudeau Castro needs to just keep on being himself.
Because you know what?
He is scaring his own supporters and it's wonderful to see.
And just like, you know, they have it in reported car accidents now, you know, where they acknowledge whether or not somebody was wearing a seatbelt, whether it mattered or not.
I want in every single death notice, in every single death article, I want some sort of acknowledgement about whether they took the shots or not.
It's only fair, right?
I mean, as far as the seatbelt goes, they always have to acknowledge that ever since they started forcing and compelling us to wear seatbelts.
Well, I want to make sure that people are recognized when they take all of the shots and what happens to them.
I think it's fair.
Don't you?
Anyway, I also wanted to mention this.
Next week I'll be talking about the reproductive problems with the shots and I'm going to have on a fantastic doctor to talk about that with me, hopefully.
And I also wanted to mention that the sterilization that went on that one certain doctor founded, he founded it in a series of shots.
The shots had to be a series.
It couldn't just be one shot.
One shot was about contraception, but it had to be a series of shots that actually performed complete sterilization that was irreversible.
This is really important to know because that doctor died mysteriously two years ago.
So I'll be talking about that next week.
And I also wanted to give you a little bit of an update before I bring Dr. Merritt on.
I had Christopher Fulton, the author, on for the book, The Inheritance, and the reason I was telling you to get this book is that it was so fascinating in peeling back some layers of the story of Kennedy's massacre, of his assassination, in areas that we might not think are something to even look at.
I look at Marilyn Monroe and the reason I brought her up, we didn't go into a lot of detail in that hour
with Christopher Fulton, but this is really important to know.
She came out of nowhere, Norma Jean Baker.
She really wasn't that much to look at.
She really wasn't noticeable on the side of the street.
You wouldn't have stopped a car or even honked a car for Norma Jean Baker.
But in a time when the CIA was actively producing MKUltra and all obviously, you know,
producing a lot of people in the media and in Hollywood that would penetrate not only the media,
CBS and Hollywood and everywhere else, we came up with Marilyn Monroe.
She was created.
In the book, "The Inheritance,"
Christopher Fulton, the author, who spent time in prison because he has the Oval Office tapes
and a watch that was very, very crucial that the CIA wanted.
The reason that his book was important is it peeled back some layers of Marilyn Monroe.
Was she a mule for information between Russia and the United States?
Was she used?
And, you know, we tend to think of her as the, you know, sexual dynamo, and of course that's all Kennedy wanted from her.
But, you know, when you are dealing with the star of the day and you're a President of the United States, It's kind of interesting that he would pick her, somebody that's very, very visible, right?
Well, I just wanted to kind of share the little notion that maybe she was a lot more to the CIA than just a little sex kitten for JFK.
Maybe there was a lot more to that story, in that she was engineered, in that she was somebody that produced information.
I suspect that several of the women coming in and out of the White House that we all thought were just affairs were also mules for information.
That book brought up kind of a layer that I hadn't even considered or thought about before.
And I wanted to share that with you because when we're lied to, boy they do it good.
They lie to us on every single corner about every single thing.
And in my 10 years of radio, let me just tell you, the one thing I have found is don't trust Because when you look at Marilyn Monroe, obviously she was knocked off for a reason, and was that reason because she was a deliverer of that information between Russia and the United States.
Very interesting theory.
Also, the watch that he was wearing.
Did you know that Lyndon Johnson's Secret Service, and his own Secret Service, stripped him of all the jewelry he had on him?
Right before he was to get in the limousine.
They said it was to test for nuclear activity.
But the problem was, was they never gave anything back to him.
They didn't want him wearing any jewelry because they didn't want any remnants of those bullets hitting the jewelry and staying in the jewelry.
Well, on their way to the car, actually, or in the hotel room, I think, right before they got into the car, Jackie presented him with a watch that she had gotten out of a service.
It was being serviced.
It was an anniversary gift, and you can tell in the photos that he's wearing this particular watch.
That watch had certain bullet fragments, certain fragments that they didn't want to leak out because, on the information that is, because it would tell the tale of who actually killed Kennedy.
Those fragments, those mercury fragments located in that watch, the piece of evidence that they wanted so bad from
Christopher Fulton and threw him in prison for almost a decade, was really important to the story of JFK.
We must know how they do things.
We have to look beyond the story and catch every single item of that story and question it.
Because I think that if you want to know how they're doing this today and their little game plan and what they're doing, there's a lot of things we can study.
There's a lot of things we can learn from.
But the things that I want to be able to learn from are how they tell the lies and what they do to interject the narrative and also sell us on the lies.
And the Inheritance Book is great for that, so I highly recommend it.
I'm going to come back on with Dr. Lee Merritt.
We're going to be talking about shedding specifically and the new HIV narrative that seems to dominate the headlines because I want to know why.
There's always a reason why.
Are they injecting HIV AIDS?
Yes, we'll talk to Dr. Merritt about that.
But I will be right back, of course, with the awesome Dr. Leigh Merritt, who helped me so much in my own personal situation.
What a wonderful frontline doctor she is.
I'll be right back.
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host.
Hi, welcome back.
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host today.
And a big thank you to Alex for having Dr. Merritt on because I asked Dr. Merritt probably, gosh, a week ago, hey, I need you with me.
I need you to come on the show today.
So definitely a serendipity here.
And I think Dr. Merritt has many, many important messages that we all need to hear.
She's been on my speed dial, my own personal speed dial, many, many times and I really appreciate all that she's done to sound the alarm bell, to make sure people understand what's going on.
She completed the orthopedic surgery residency in the United States Navy and served nine years as a Navy physician and surgeon.
Dr. Merritt has been in private practice of orthopedic and spinal surgery since 1995 and is the past president, president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
What a powerful voice!
The website TheMedicalRebel.com.
Welcome Dr. Merritt.
How are you?
Oh, thanks very much for having me.
This is just by accident.
I didn't realize it was a good day.
You know what?
I love it.
Yeah, it's fantastic.
Are you kidding me?
I wanted to ask, you know, a lot of questions about shedding and about what the vaccinated are doing to the unvaccinated because I keep my email boxes literally blowing up with people wanting to know, hey, I'm spending a lot of time around vaccinated family and I'm getting sick all the time.
I would love to hear you out on this subject.
And I'm so sorry if you covered this with Alex because I did not listen to that hour.
So I apologize.
I know, and I think the two things that I always think about, because you and I started this whole conversation on shedding years ago on your Utah show, and we also talked about what to do.
We talked about your husband when he was in the hospital, about what to do to try and save him from the clutches of the hospital.
Boy, that's becoming a big issue, and I think that's something we could talk about.
But yeah, the whole thing about shedding.
First of all, It's not that we don't know something about this.
They hid from us for a long time but we were able to unearth stuff.
There was a European Medical Association meeting in 2008 where they talked about this.
It's a long time ago because this is a problem that they recognized.
The vaccine researchers and the FDA and the European Medical Association recognized That was happening to people in these test programs for these genetic agents.
And this is how we know the real name of these.
They're not vaccines.
They're viral-based genetic therapies, or VBGTs.
That's what they call them.
So they know about this, and they didn't tell us.
When we started having all these, they're still not telling us, right?
When we're still having all these questions.
We still have questions, but we've learned some things.
So there's no question that they knew that shedding existed.
The issue is they don't know what's coming off people.
Isn't that wonderful?
They just put this on to billions of people and they can't tell us really what people are shedding.
They said, well, could be viral, could be genetic, or it could be some recombination.
That's really, really comforting to me.
I assume it is to you too.
So, but they do say it usually is in a 10-week window.
Because the problem here is, is if you're elderly or, and it's not really about age, it's about your immune system.
If your immune system is not functioning very well, you can become chronically infected and chronically shed these things.
Now that's part of it.
They believe that it comes off in two waves and they say that From the way they want you to study, this is again, this wasn't written to doctors or treating people, this was written to their own pharmaceutical researchers.
And what they tell you is, if you're going to be using this kind of, you're going to be doing these studies, here's how you test people for shedding.
That starting on day one and You know for every day for a week or 10 days and then after that they want you to test these people weekly until they have three weeks where they don't shed.
And the testing does not appear to have anything to do with your breathing.
You're not shedding this stuff by breathing on people.
So don't don't people shouldn't be afraid to go to the grocery store.
That's not how you get shed upon.
It's being in close contact with people.
So I know multiple cases now where somebody is in a group of people Or they have family, and they get shed upon, and then that whole group of their family come down with classic COVID.
Classic symptoms of what we consider COVID, which is, you know, cough, shortness of breath, sometimes hospitalization, fever.
Yeah, so it clearly transmits not only to the person being shed upon, but some other person.
And I will tell you, the ugly part about this, if you go back, this is the piece of information that when I was on a podcast over a year ago, And Robert Malone was on that podcast with me.
You could tell he didn't want me talking about it.
It was a piece of research done in Australia called Self-Disseminating Vaccines for Emerging Infectious Diseases.
And essentially what they did is they wanted to get rid of, apparently, it's kind of funny, I don't know that we have this in the Midwest in America, but I've talked to people in Australia, this is true, they have these outbreaks of mice.
And these mice will just suddenly your whole barn will be filled with mice.
So they claim that they're worried about some disease breaking out.
Hasn't, but they worry about it.
So they want to get rid of some of these mice.
Well, how are they going to do it?
They can't shoot them.
They can't trap enough.
You know, they have to do something.
So they came up with these self-disseminating Immunogenic contraceptive.
So you inject the mice, you trap enough mice, and you vaccinate them with this stuff.
And if you look at the way the stuff is made, it's made like the J&J vaccine.
It's a DNA vaccine made with a replicant-deficient virus.
I mean, I can go into the technicalities of this, but it does matter.
It's like the J&J vaccine.
And they vaccinated a group of these mice.
It sterilizes the female mice by damaging their ovaries.
But then these mice go out, and they run around, and they are apparently very gregarious animals.
You see them in all these big clusters.
And so they rub up against all these other mice, and now they become sterile.
And then they go out and rub up even against a bigger group of mice, which becomes sterile.
And then it kind of fizzles out in the population.
And I think that's what we're seeing.
I hate to say it, I think that's what we're seeing.
Now, you know, because in addition to just not feeling good, what are we really seeing?
Women, my friend Christiane Northrup, and keep in mind I'm an orthopedic surgeon so this isn't my field, but Christiane Northrup.
is a world famous OBGYN doctor.
And she told me, she says, "We are seeing all these women,"
and I've had people complain to me about that, "Women that are having menstrual irregularities.
"Suddenly they were normal for 10, 15 years "of their reproductive life,
"and then suddenly they're having two periods a month, "or three periods, or unrestrained bleeding,
"or they slough the inside of their uterus.
"And then we're having elderly women "that are post-menopausal."
Well, I shouldn't say elderly, I'll put myself in that category.
"That then start bleeding."
And then we have people who are... This is no small thing, right Dr. Merritt?
I mean they're trying to shove this and myocarditis off as something that's just, oh it happens, no big deal.
This is not a small thing.
This is huge!
Well, this is not a small thing either.
Because, guess what?
They're also having little girls down to age 2 start to bleed.
Now, what Christiane Northrup says is, when you see this kind of behavior, you're seeing damage to a woman's reproductive system.
Something, now I'm not saying it's irreversible, but you're seeing something happening that's not...
It's not good.
So what is happening here?
And here's the potential worst case scenario, but they can't rule it out.
And that's the problem.
When you've voiced something, no matter... I don't think their intentions were good.
Let's back up.
I don't think the CEO of Pfizer and BioNTech and Moderna all got together and said, you know, we really need to help the world with this.
No, I think they for five years or ten years had said, I think we've got a way of getting people to take our product.
We'll get the government to force them to take our product.
We'll scare the heck out of them, you know?
So I don't think this is done.
But let's suppose, just for a minute, even forgetting the motive, you know, you should not force people to take something when you haven't really worked out the details.
And most of the details have not been worked out.
We're going to come right back more with Dr. Leigh Merritt.
We'll talk a little bit more about the HIV.
Why is this popping up in the news all the time?
We'll talk about shedding and also in the paperwork that Pfizer released, there was something very interesting called occupational transference.
We'll come back, we'll talk about that too.
Hi, I'm Kate Daly, your guest host from the Kate Daly Show, katedalyradio.com.
I go live right after this every day, three hours a day.
And I welcome you back.
I have Dr. Leigh Merritt with me.
And let me just say this, in the documentation that Pfizer is forced to release now because they wanted to wait 75 years, yeah, there's nothing creepy about that, but trust the science, but in that documentation it said occupational transference, I think it was section 8.3 if I'm not mistaken, Dr. Merritt, And it was occupational transference.
They were very, very worried about what the spike protein would do and how it could shed on people in your household.
And that it could be done through touch.
It could be done through saliva.
And they were going to keep tabs on this.
Of course, they never did.
They never did keep tabs on this.
They're not keeping tabs on anything because they don't want the truth to come out.
So when they say safe and effective, it means they looked at it for about five seconds and went, it's safe and effective.
And so this shot, this occupational transference, it's not like Pfizer didn't actually admit that there was going to be a problem with shedding.
There was going to be a problem from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated in this.
And you should look at, again, that article that they sent to their researchers.
Who did they whom did they think they should protect?
It was neonates, the elderly and the immune compromised.
Whom did they push these vaccines on?
This is not an accident.
They're pushing it on our children and the elderly and immune compromised.
They told us it was safe in pregnant women and what did we find out when the actual data came out?
And by the way, they tried to hide it in the actual data by misinterpreting the data.
This is what they do, they change the definition.
Like in the hospitals right now, you're not vaccinated if you've had two vaccines and are 13 days out of the second vaccine, you're considered unvaccinated.
So, by changing the definition, you can change the outcomes in these papers.
And what they've done is, they tried to change things so that it just didn't show up.
Like, it was a problem of how we define miscarriage, okay?
And I'm not an OBGYN doctor, but I can tell you, my friends who are experts in this said they claimed it was a 19% fetal loss or something like that in the first trimester, and it turned out to be 83 to 87%.
So, it's four times the fetal loss in the first trimester to vaccinated mothers.
And we're seeing infertility and we're seeing all sorts of things that go along with what we saw.
With this bleeding and this abnormal problems that we're seeing, and it's down to children.
So think about how horrible this can be.
This is not, you cannot say this is by accident.
It's a crime against humanity.
Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon talked about the infertility problem before it even came out.
They said, in theory, this is going to make proteins that's going to bind with your uterus and the placenta.
And so pregnant women may lose their babies.
You can't bring this out.
We need to have more testing before you do this.
And they ignored all this, you see.
So they knew about it, and they ignored it, and they purposely are attacking the infirm, you know, the people that they think are, let's face it, we've seen this term before, kind of the useless mouth breathers.
People that are only taking money from the government.
They're not contributing.
They don't like that.
And I'm not, you know, I can't speak to motive.
I'm not a lawyer and I'm not inside their head.
But this is what it sure looks like to me.
So it's really, really ugly.
And how do we take care of ourselves here?
Here's one of the problems and the saddest thing in this whole thing could be, in my opinion, is let's say that your grandmother and you how many I hear this all the time.
Grandma is told by her children.
Oh, you can't see your grandchild until you come get a vaccine because they're totally bought into this.
They haven't even done the due diligence, as I said earlier on Alex's segment,
that of looking at this like a used car.
You know, read something outside of what the car dealer's telling you, okay?
They're just listening to the car dealer, in this case, the pharmaceutical sellers.
That's what the 95% was.
That isn't a real number that shows up anywhere.
That's just propaganda.
So they're just listening to them and just running out and getting this vaccine
for themselves and their children.
But let's just think about this.
So grandma wants to see her grandchildren.
So she takes the vaccine against her will, but she takes it, and then she goes,
And what does she do?
She could shed on her 10-year-old granddaughter?
Render her sterile?
Is that what's going on?
You see, when you don't test, you don't know.
And that's, that is the point of that paper that I bring up about the mice, because that's exactly what happened with them.
They shed and transferred infertility to other mice.
So this, you know, we're in a, we're in a, we're in a, you know, so many people want to, want to give them every benefit of the doubt.
And they want to say, oh, you know, it was an emergency.
And so they did all this just to help the emergency.
This was an emergency with a 99.8% survival rate in the world.
Okay, so this is not that big an emergency, you know, and yet this year we're seeing a 42% increase in all-cause mortality.
Now why is that happening?
Because these things are toxic to your immune system for a variety of reasons, and it's going to get... we have not begun to see the avalanche of death and disability from these things yet.
So, stand by.
It's not a pandemic if the only people dying, they're not peeling off on the street, they're only dying in the ICU on an experimental drug called remdesivir with a ventilator.
That is not a pandemic by any means and I hope people are starting to realize That they did not go to more funerals in the last two years than they've ever gone to in their life.
We are not in a situation that we can even call pandemic, not even close.
Yet they're getting away with it in the press and they'll never ever go back and they'll always call it a pandemic.
But we really need to cut through and see the truth.
Did you want to comment on why we're seeing so many HIV articles?
Because I know in the last segment we'll talk about what you can do to keep yourself safe throughout the rest of this flu season.
But what about the HIV articles that are suddenly cropping up?
Because we know this is where Fauci made his big debut was in AIDS.
Very interesting.
That it's cropping up.
Right, and Prince Harry suddenly saying, oh you should all, even you people that are not gay and no drug abuse, you should go out and get tested for AIDS.
What does he know, right?
Well, let me just, and as I told, and I think Alex remembered this, that I said this a long time ago.
This is how I knew it was a bioweapon.
This paper was published in January of 2020.
It was forcibly withdrawn, but it was out there, and people could have read it.
People in science should have known about it.
That there were four artificial HIV inserts into the spike protein that came out of the lab.
So, what are they doing there?
Well, it may have nothing to do with those, okay?
There's a lot of reasons this thing could be damaging your immune system.
The graphene oxide, the known cationic lipids, there's lots of things.
And the known micro... Here's what they did, to be very honest.
It's not that they just didn't know about the The, what were we just talking about, the shedding, that they didn't know that they were willing to go through that and miss that.
They also don't really know when they, you know, it sounds good to say, oh, we're using mRNA technology, but what are they really doing?
Unfortunately, this is one of those things when you screw around with the basic DNA, RNA of life, and you screw around with these very complicated Algorithmic kind of things that happen in the body that are very dependent on, you know, lots of little moving parts and lots of mRNAs and DNAs that are just, it's like this well-choreographed dance that God created and now man's trying to screw around with it.
And like that old commercial for the butter, the fake butter, it's not good to fool Mother Nature.
So they've got these things that are called micro RNAs.
So they make it sound like they're giving you this one little bit of RNA that'll make the spike protein.
That's not true.
They admit now there are other RNAs in there.
And some of these are called self-amplifying RNAs, and they're micro RNAs, and these act at a very upstream level to change your overall response, your immune response somehow.
And the issue is they don't really have it all nailed down.
You know, they know they're doing some things.
They know, by the way, that they had to decrease your immune response in order to get this stuff to stay around long enough to have any effect.
They know they had to decrease your immune response to get it into your genetic material to produce the spike protein.
And for genetic therapies and cancer therapies, which these were designed to be, they know they had to decrease your immune response in order to get it into your nucleus, which MIT and other researchers now say is happening.
So this is not by accident.
They decreased our immune response.
And what's a decreased immune response?
It's called acquired immunodeficiency.
You know, it's not like that's a new, that's a descriptive term.
It's not like, it's not like malaria or, you know, brucellosis named for some bacterium.
It's, it's a, it's a syndrome and we, you can have congenital, meaning you were born with an, with an immune deficiency.
You can have an acquired immune deficiency that happens later in life.
And they're just giving it now a cutesy name, VAIDS, as opposed to AIDS and making it sound like, oh, it's just something that happens.
You know, it's like the issue of sexual contact between men and women, and now they've come out with a new syndrome called Winter Vagina, because women are having... We'll come right back with Dr. Lee Merritt.
I'm your guest host, Kate Dally from The Kate Dally Show at katedallyradio.com.
My guest, Dr. Leigh Merritt, the wonderful Dr. Leigh Merritt, frontline doctor.
And you can go to themedicalrebel.com, themedicalrebel.com to get more information.
She covers so many topics there and also can give great help on how you can prepare for this season.
But Dr. Merritt, we can't let winter vagina go.
Really, what in the hell?
You really need to comment on this.
Winter Vagina.
Again, they're making up diseases to explain what they're seeing as a consequence of these damaging vaccines.
So a man takes a vaccine and his wife gets a vaginal outbreak of a virus or a rash or something that's painful and now it's winter vagina.
Another example, now we have all this chest pain that these guys are getting, mostly guys but other people, It's now post-COVID stress syndrome, okay?
And shoveling.
So shoveling is dangerous.
Now it raises your cardiovascular, like rolling dough, or taking a walk, or having sex.
People are just going to peel off and die, and they're just going to say that now they're just in cardiovascular, you know, hell or nightmare or something, and they'll never contribute it to the shot, will they?
Yeah, there it is.
Cold weather can cause a winter vagina.
It's unbelievable.
But you see, the point is that they're changing the language and they're trying, and I just don't think it's going to work this time.
I think enough people, but we need to realize, though, that history can be changed in a couple generations.
You know, it doesn't take long for people to forget the truth.
We have to keep speaking the truth, and every time we speak the truth, then somebody else is empowered to speak the truth.
It's really important to take back our language here, and that's, you know, I'm trying to think of another one.
There's been a bunch of these things, but they're trying to normalize heart attacks in children.
And that's what I would say is, Even one of my favorite commenters, Nolte at Breitbart, who usually writes great articles, he got suckered into this, it's the unvaccinated pandemic in the hospitals right now.
No, the people that are getting sick are not getting sick with COVID per se, they're getting sick and they're vaccinated, but they're not defining them as vaccinated.
So you have to be really cautious about when they change the definition things, and that's what's happening.
And like Dr. Judy Mikevit says, she said, you know, these are my somatic kind of machines that that you can put anything into.
This is why I was asking you about HIV.
And all of a sudden now, you know, we're looking at, well, actually, let me let me talk about this, because you made a great point.
And I want to I want to expand on this a little bit.
You said it's so delicate and whatever they're doing in this to take down our immune system systematically through a series of shots.
When they added squalene, that oil emulsifying squalene to the anthrax shot and started giving it to our servicemen, they, you know, obviously then they started calling it Gulf War Syndrome and they never stopped giving that shot regardless of the fact we never had an anthrax.
scare amongst our military but they keep giving those shots and it affected us
mentally it affected their immune systems most importantly and they
started adding that squalene to the flu shots and so this is really interesting
because when you take an ingredient and you start injecting people with it and
then you have to call it something to get away with doing it and you're
hurting people's health and mental health there's a problem with this
obviously we're all going to agree and so we don't know what is exactly in this
shot I don't think we'll ever have all of the information to you well only if
they come clean and let out the research data You know, they don't have to tell you right now.
What they have to do is only tell you that part that they are claiming efficacy for, and that's the spike protein.
So they can tell you it's the mRNA that produces a spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, and that's bad enough.
That alone should have stopped people from wanting to take it, once you understand that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is an artificially created toxic nanoparticle.
But there are other things that we did know about.
We knew about, well, they didn't label the squalene in a way that most people would recognize it, but it is in there.
But they did label PEG, for example, polyethylene glycol.
And we have 10 times the number of anaphylaxis reported than we did in any other vaccine ever rolled out.
But they don't care about the numbers.
They don't care about the numbers.
And let's be honest, they don't care about the data.
And that's why they can hide things.
And you have to be really careful when you look at the data.
That's the one thing they can't hide.
That's why I like all-cause mortality as an indicator of what's going on.
And I think I learned this from you, because in 2020, with a year of the great pandemic, you pointed out that you looked at cemeteries and funeral homes and they were not increasing their capacity, right?
If we had this huge pandemic, why aren't we not building more Cemeteries, right?
So, that's an interesting point.
So, the all-cause mortality in 2020 was not up.
In fact, after we talked, I went back and looked at it.
It took a while for the numbers to show up, but the UN collects total mortality data, and the mortality data in 2020 was 7.612 per 100,000 per year, or per 1,000 per year.
hundred thousand per year or per thousand per year and that's below every year from 1950 to 2015.
Okay, so they did we did not have increased all-cause mortality in 2020 but we are having it
for sure in 2021.
Now, I get into this debate sometimes with one of my sons who's in medicine, and the argument is, oh, that database is wrong, or that calculation is wrong.
You know, you can maybe say that about one thing, but in law, unlike medicine now, medicine we apparently just look at individual things and never create a pattern.
But in law, they look at the preponderance of evidence.
And if you look at the preponderance of evidence here on all fronts, you're seeing athletes die like you've never seen these things before.
It's not that we don't see soccer players with cardiac problems, but not like this.
You'd have to go back 40 years and add a bunch of years together to see this many problems.
And we see the celebrities, we see the ONS data out of England saying there's a serious increase in all-cause mortality.
Now we have insurance companies saying there's a serious increase in all-cause mortality.
We have nurses squeaking out in the hospital and saying these are the vaccinated.
It's the preponderance of evidence.
We need to pay attention here.
Hi, and theirs is just believe us, right?
And you know, this comedian, I don't wish anybody to have a problem.
I don't wish ill on anybody.
But, you know, she's making fun of the anti... and they make these words up to be derogatory... the anti-vaxxers.
She's clearly making fun of them.
She's making fun of Christians.
And then it happens to her.
We'll see if she has an epiphany here.
Because she hit hard enough to break her skull.
You know?
We have just a few minutes left and I wanted to give the audience, what are the five things they should be taking right now to keep their immune system up, in your opinion?
What should they have in their arsenal?
Well, and actually that's why I put together my immune stack on my website, if you can support me.
But it does happen to have a couple things.
You know, anti-oxidate your life.
You know, this is not just about supplements.
It's about eating correctly, exercising, do the things that you... It's not the time to eat junk food.
And junk food with bad oils increases inflammation.
So you need to live the anti-inflammatory lifestyle.
There's lots of literature about that.
I put some things on my website about that.
But the other thing is, there are certain things we know about this vaccine, for example, and in general.
Methylation goes down after you take the vaccine, and methylation is what's critical for protecting you against a lot of things.
Neurologic problems, cancer.
So, I have in mind betaine, which is trimethylglycine.
It's not only a glycine donor, it's a methyl donor, and you need both of those things.
Here's a hot tip.
The Fauci guys were giving AZT, right?
They gave AZT and the gay community has a little bit of a heart attack with the Fauci and those guys because they said they killed a lot of us and that's what happened.
They killed a lot of gay people during that period of time with this overdose on these toxic chemicals.
But other researchers at the same time had noticed that for some reason people that had selenium, selenium seemed to protect the T lymphocytes.
And so they started giving people selenium and those people never progressed from positive test for HIV to AIDS.
Or they did, it was less than 90%.
I mean it was 90% were protected essentially.
So it dropped it from 100% to 10% or A lot.
So the point is that selenium helps.
And I heard Dr. Buttar early on in this whole thing saying selenium was birth control for viruses.
Even if the viruses don't exist as we think, selenium is doing something really good.
Now you don't want to overdose on that.
You know, and then, honestly, vitamin C, you can't beat vitamin C. Saunas are a great thing.
You have to be a little bit concerned about the EMF in some of them, but most of them, I mean, the 20-minute hot sauna helps you purge.
One of the great things you can do for your immune system, again, it's not a supplement that you buy, it's just a lifestyle, confine your eating to a 10-hour window.
There's a lot of evidence that that improves your immune system, fasting actually even more.
You want to go on a fast for a week, there's a prolon diet that a guy devised,
which you can find all sorts of, there's a thing, I'm blanking on his name right now,
but it's called the Fasting Handbook.
He wrote the obesity code up in Canada.
He's a Canadian physician, and so he's got all about fasting and the benefits to your immune system.
This is the kind of things we should be doing, not taking toxic agents like Remdesivir.
You've got this.
We're out of time, but you've got all of this on TheMedicalRebel.com.
I really encourage you to go there.
Also, it's at KateDalleyRadio.com, too.
Thank you so much, Dr. Merritt.
What a gem you are.
Dr. Lee Merritt.
Thank you.
I really appreciate you.
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host.
See you next week.
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Let's go to Michael calling in from Mississippi.
Michael, you're on the InfoWars War Room.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen.
It's truly an honor to speak to you.
So, quick product plug.
I just wanted to plug COVIDland Part 2, the mask.
If people are still on the verge of getting it, get it.
Get it, share it, post it, whatever.
Because, I mean, I watched the first one.
First one was great.
Second one, I mean, me and my wife were literally in tears when it went over.
The impact on the children, I mean, it's just, it's very powerful.
When I started hearing the schools start talking about putting children in masks
in order to be able to go back to school, I thought it was a joke.
I thought, who in their right mind would put a mask on a child?
Masks on children is quite the slippery slope.
Look at your children.
They're confused.
They come home lethargic.
They're frustrated.
You may see variances in their mood.
It's because when you are wearing a mask, it makes you tired.
We elected the five of you.
We chose you to make difficult decisions for our children.
We chose you to make decisions that would be in our children's best interest.
Enforcing five, six, seven, eight, and nine-year-old little children to cover their noses and their mouths where they breathe for seven hours a day, every day for the last nine months for a virus that you know doesn't affect them.
That is not in their best interest!
And this has to stop!
The mask has been used for millennia to subjugate the human spirit.
It hides the endlessly changing expressions that allow us to express our emotions and empathize with one another.
The mask becomes our only expression.
It is fixed and unchanging.
This is the purpose of the mask.
To turn us into expressionless animals and submissive slaves.