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Name: 20220214_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 14, 2022
2397 lines.

In this episode of "The Alex Jones Show," Alex Jones discusses the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines and their potential effects on global population. He criticizes flawed science behind the vaccine, warns about its possible consequences such as rise in HIV cases, and suggests remedies for those who have been vaccinated. He also touches upon other topics including Dual Circulation Policy, China's plan for economic growth; globalists' plans for a staged cyber attack and civil war; and economic uncertainties like inflation rates, oil prices, and potential depression due to rising interest rates. He advises listeners to prepare for these uncertainties by investing in gold, silver, Bitcoin, high-quality foods, and staying informed through InfoWars and TrendsJournal.com."

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But these globalists just don't want to kill one race of humans, they want to disease us and destroy our genetics and cut our double helix with these spike protein injections and give us autoimmune diseases, and they're involved in their giant, murderous depopulation against us now.
And that's the truth.
And they'll use famine, and they'll use war, and they'll use cyberattacks, they'll use whatever they can to do it until they're not safe anymore.
Until they know we know they're behind it.
And it's identifying them and letting Black Rock and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates know we're on to them, and letting the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers know that it'll back them off.
But make no mistake, the rest of your life, here on out, is them waging war on you until the minute they're finally defeated and brought to justice legally and lawfully.
You can pretend that you're going to be part of the power structure.
You can pretend I'm wrong.
You can play whatever mind games you want, but you know deep down inside all your guts and all your souls that I'm telling you the truth right now.
So I want you to take the archive of this live show later when it's at Bandop Video, and I want you to share it like your life depends on it, because it does.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news.
Hello Americans, I'm Paul Harvey.
If I were the devil.
If I were the prince of darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness.
And I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population.
But I wouldn't be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.
So I set about however necessary to take over the United States.
President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by the shooting.
I'd subvert the churches first.
I'd begin with a campaign of whispers.
With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve.
Do as you please.
To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth.
I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.
I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square.
And the old I would teach to pray after me.
Our father, which art in Washington.
And then I'd get organized.
I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting.
I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa.
I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could.
I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction.
I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.
If I were the devil, I'd soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves, until each in its turn was consumed.
And with promises of higher ratings, I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.
The President of the United States is racist.
If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect I'd like to discipline emotions, just let those run wild.
Within a decade, I'd have prisons overflowing, I'd have judges promoting pornography.
Soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress.
And in his own churches, I would substitute psychology for religion.
I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.
If I were the devil, I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.
I would caution against extremes.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
In hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct, I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be.
And thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure.
In other words, if I were the devil, I'd just keep right on doing what he's doing.
In the midst of the worst health crisis we're facing in more than a century,
don't tell your supporters, don't be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Don't tell your supporters, don't be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid I just want to say they gave me Regeneron.
We have hundreds of thousands of doses that are just about ready.
And if you're in the hospital and you're feeling really bad, we're going to work it so that you get them and you're going to get them free.
And especially if you're a senior, we're gonna get...
El perro!
Help me!
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Is there no one who can tell them don't do this?
Biological attack is imminent!
It's going to happen.
It's not a question of will it happen, but when it happens.
A bioweapon release could be the thing they'd release to bring in a world government to counter a global problem, and the UN has said that a global pandemic is the only thing that may save their world government.
This is a biological warfare agent that had leaked out of the Wuhan laboratory.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this Valentine's Day, live, Monday, February 14th, 2022, uncensored, unfiltered, complete, absolute, populist transmission.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, honored and blessed to be here at the very center of the Zeitgeist broadcasting worldwide.
All right, all the news ties together.
All the major problems we face are run by the same people.
Our weakness is what allows them to win.
But we know exactly what's happening in Eastern Europe on the borders of Russia and Central Europe.
We know exactly what is going on with Spygate that's massively broke.
We know exactly what's going on with the deadly shots that we've now confirmed with mainline studies and scientists that basically erase your immune system and give you VAIDs, Vaccine Acquired Autoimmune Deficiency Disorder.
And they're now announcing massive unprecedented HIV cases worldwide, including in heterosexuals and including from saliva.
That never happened before in the saliva area.
I mean, it's on like Donkey Kong.
They hit us.
Same guy that created HIV hit us again with a new version of it through the shots and also spike protein itself is the HIV delivery system.
So the hospitals are reporting unprecedented autoimmune shutdowns.
They're saying it's AIDS-like, but it's accelerated.
Totally healthy people in months are dead.
Cancers pop up everywhere.
Sores in their mouths.
Swollen lymph nodes.
Never goes away.
Night sweats.
They hit you.
They hit you hard.
God Almighty.
It's just the boldness of these mass murderers.
They just did it.
And we kept asking, how are they going to get away when they inject Half the planet with this deadly shot, the other half smart and doesn't take it or can't be forced into it.
What will the cover story be once everybody starts getting sick and dying?
And of course, a massive war!
And then economic collapse and cyber attacks and race war and everything we see happening as the globalists organize a controlled demolition of the world economy.
So, here's what I'm going to do.
Roger Stone joins us 15 minutes to the next hour.
And, you know, I can say, oh, we're vindicated.
The special counsel on the Russiagate hoax.
The chief investigator on that got the documents in the raid on Clinton's head lawyer, and of course they were there spying on campaign Trump, spying on Trump Tower, then spying on the White House, and then having intelligence agencies carry it out for them as well.
But what's the issue of being vindicated?
Of course Russiagate 1 was a hoax.
That was the campaign claiming that Trump was working for the Russians and the Russians helped him.
Russia Gate 2 was claiming that they were ongoing running the White House and that Trump was involved working against Ukraine's interest for Russia.
And now we're into Russia Gate Number 3!
Russia Gate Number 3, that Russia is imminently going to invade Ukraine.
And I'm going to talk next segment about exactly What's going on there?
And what's really happening?
Because you hear every 48 hours, you heard this two weeks ago, you heard this a week ago, and now we've been hearing it since Friday, and the 48 hours never ends.
It's just 48 hours, 48 hours.
And now, frantic White House.
There's going to be war in 48 hours to create the perception like it's a movie or a new Netflix series that's about to appear on your television.
And oh, then, oop, the Russians attacked, but of course it'll be the globalist forces that attacked and have been massing on the Russia's borders.
And Russia's been saying that and saying, we have no way to want to invade you, we don't want to, but if you keep massing on us and keep attacking us through proxy armies, we're going to have to defend ourselves.
And the corporate media just beats the drum of the lie.
Meanwhile, Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, Installed by the globalist comes out again as he said two weeks ago and said there is no imminent war the Russians are not invading this is not true and asked Biden to come to Ukraine to see for himself, but see Biden knows that there's over a hundred thousand
trained Ukrainians by NATO that are already in skirmish fights of 14,000 dead in the last few years on the eastern border of Ukraine with Russia.
And they know now the TOW missiles and the anti-aircraft missiles have been shipped in by the thousands.
Javelin anti-tank missiles, anti-personnel missiles, all sorts of other anti-aircraft missiles.
And I've got the photos and I've got the images and I'll show you all of that when we come back in the next segment.
But this is an insane time to be alive, folks.
And I've got stacks of news of just HIV exploding everywhere.
And it's a new type that spreads faster and kills quicker.
And what does the COVID virus come up under scans as?
An HIV virus that's been beefed up?
And what does it do?
Attack white blood cells.
And what do the scientists tell you?
The injections of Moderna is five to ten times more powerful than the virus.
You look at the numbers with Moderna and Pfizer, it's just incredible.
I mean, we are under globalist attack.
They are attacking the whole world, all the people of the world, our populations, our future.
It's just insane.
So that's all coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
We also have all over the world calls for attacks on anybody out protesting the endless lockdowns.
The worst part about the 15 days to flatten the curve is the first two years.
We're now well past two years.
And Justin Trudeau is planning to invoke Emergency Act, which has only been done by his father the second time in Canadian history.
That is an act of martial law, the CBC reports.
And now it won't be stay indoors because of the virus, it'll be stay indoors, no protesting allowed, the military will come arrest you if you do, and they just so happen to build all those camps they claimed were for... people.
that had the virus, but now it's for your political action.
People say, "Why would you do that?"
Because there's a certain portion of people, a very small minority throughout history,
very race, color, and creed, that desire total dictatorial power.
They don't like checks and balances.
They don't like middle classes.
They don't like wealthy people that they don't control.
They don't like freedom.
And Trudeau said, by a group of swooning women two years ago,
What is your main goal?
What makes you tick?
What do you admire in life?
He didn't say my children or my wife doesn't even have kids or not rock climbing or not scuba diving or not painting or not helping orphaned children.
No, they actually killed it in mass in Canada and bury their little bodies.
First reported that 20 years ago.
Now it's all public.
No, it's being a dictator.
I want to be a dictator like Xi Jinping.
I want a basic dictatorship.
And his father loved dictators.
And now he's the protege of Klaus Schwab, and he is carrying it out quite nicely.
We're going to go to break.
Today, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the last days you've got We've been able to extend it till Wednesday and then 100% it's going to end.
And that's 25% off.
Last night was the last day.
They extended it three days.
Nobody else since their distributors gets this deal.
Twenty-five percent off on the entire MyPatriotSupply catalog exclusively at PrepareWithAlex.com.
That's a subdomain of InfowarsStore.com.
So follow PrepareWithAlex.com.
That takes you right to the special page with the full raft of hundreds and hundreds of different types of great quality food with the best packaging, ready to store, ready to save, ready to ship, ready to eat.
Or preparewithalex.com, or 888-253-3139.
And it will end on Wednesday evening.
X3 is already halfway sold out.
It will stay on sale for another week at 50% off.
That's so good for your immune system and everything else, and it funds the InfoWar.
And a bunch of other sales in Wednesday as well at InfoWarStore.com.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with the beginnings of a new world war.
And I got some really, really horrible news for you.
And that's coming up the start of the next hour ahead of Roger Stone joining us at 15 after.
We've now figured out exactly what they did.
We were able to put the pieces together two years ago and surmise it.
Those whole reports are posted at Bandot Video in the Alex Jones Predictions section.
Again, going back to January, February, March, April of 2020.
And we had a lot of top scientists in the discovery of HIV saying it, and the guy that wrote the U.S.
biological weapons laws and world laws saying it.
And so we knew it had a good idea, but now it's confirmed.
It gives you a new type of autoimmune deficiency disorder that's much worse and much quicker.
Usually HIV can stay dormant once it becomes AIDS for 5-10 years.
This doesn't do it.
Take six months, a year, two years, depending on how strong your immune system is before it eats through all of your white blood cells.
They are now confirming that there are unprecedented numbers of people with AIDS-like conditions now, and it's almost completely the vaccinated.
And Pfizer and Merck and all of them are coming out.
Wait for it.
With an M NRA HIV vaccine, which again will only mitigate the infection.
They got to keep giving it to you and then it'll end up killing you in the end as well.
So suddenly there's all these mutations and all these things going on and the very people that created HIV before made this new system in a lab and have now released it so they have plausible deniability and think we're dumb and just say, oh my God, AIDS is now everywhere.
HIV that causes AIDS, as they say, is everywhere.
This is so diabolical.
It doesn't just give you cancer.
It doesn't just attack your ovaries.
It doesn't just give you blood clots.
Those are some of the other little gifts that this gives you.
But you imagine Oprah Winfrey saying, you get a car, and you get a car, and you get a car, and you get a car, you get blood clots, you get myocarditis, you get heart attacks, you get cancer, but you get AIDS.
You get AIDS.
You get Vaccine Autoimmune Deficiency Disorder.
You get VAIDs, and you get VAIDs.
So she'll hand out like a hundred VAIDs before you get a cancer, or you get a heart attack, you get a blood clot right away.
But vaids will give you cancer in the end.
Don't you worry your sweet little heart about that.
And the people that give this to their kids and stuff, they'll never admit they were screwed over.
They'll Stockholm Syndrome and go in and get more mRNA shots to supposedly mitigate what they were already injected with, and no one will be able to face the full horror of this.
And then they got us.
Sorry, I said I'd start covering that next hour.
I have a big stack right here.
But I intend and I plan on getting more of this next hour for you.
Now, like I just started telling you this, I told you two years ago HIV will explode, and that the so-called mRNA vaccine is what's going to cause it.
And bigger than Dallas, Texas, it's here.
This is not a culture war, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a globalist Great Reset New World Order attack.
In fact, I want to just back to back play clip one and two from last night.
I never got to with Tucker Carlson and Dr. Malone.
And then I want to play clip ten ahead of all the Russian news that I'm going to be getting to where I was on national Russian TV this weekend talking about exactly that.
So let's play clips one, two and ten together, please.
Here they are.
You cannot go through the last two years without being transformed and becoming acutely aware of how compromised our government is.
And it's not just our government.
For me, I've been dragged kicking and screaming, just resisting this whole World Economic Forum thing.
The kind of the epiphany moment for me was when I encountered the Young Leaders Program and the videos of Klaus Schwab bragging about how he has basically infiltrated all of the Western governments.
I believe Justin Trudeau participated in that, didn't he?
Justin Trudeau, Gavin Newsom, it goes on and on.
As a matter of fact, one of the things we're going to do on our sub-stack is we're going to try to do the diligence and map the Young Leaders Program graduates to their various positions throughout the North American government structure, Canada and the United States, because they're all over.
Every neoliberal robot with power, it seems like, came through that.
And one of the characteristics they seem to share, if you look at Gavin Newsom and Justin Trudeau as two exemplars, The leader of New Zealand, it just goes on and on and on, is they don't seem to be big thinkers.
No, not at all.
They're very much party line people.
That was a confusion to me, too, until I saw the website where the World Economic Forum lays out its policy positions.
Very fascinating.
It's interactive.
If you click on COVID-19, it shows how that relates to You know, global warming and everything else.
Climate change, institutional racism, COVID.
It's all a matrix.
Yeah, but it is.
I know.
It is.
It's all there.
But where I was going to go with Steve is he started to use the term the party of Davos.
And I think that that's more than just political slang.
Oh, I agree.
I think it captures, I do think, I really have been dragged into this, but I'm now of the opinion that we have had a 30 year effort To subvert the Western democracies by a group of people that are backed by big money that believe in the concept of a centralized government for the world.
Their ultimate goal is to be like God and to have smartphones with a vaccine passport tied to a carbon passport and a global social credit score to track everything we do, but also control what we can buy, what we can sell using blockchain-type technology.
I'm not against blockchain, but it's going to use blockchain-type technology to then enforce on everyone the orthodoxy of BlackRock.
And if you look at BlackRock, it's at the very top of the pyramid with quadrillions under its control, not just hundreds and hundreds of billions, but not just trillions, but it's able to leverage thousands of trillions.
And it's been devaluing world currencies at a rapid pace to buy up all the infrastructure, and it wants to collapse the old human civilization.
And then during that process of build back better is what they call it, which is the Great Reset, Build on the ashes of the old civilization what they call a technocracy, whose endgame is then depopulation of 90% of the earth.
And so that's why Russia and China breaking with that program of depopulation is cardinal sins.
And I think Russia is a much more Christian, open, better model society.
I'm not judging communist China, but I am judging the communist.
But even Xi Jinping See the leadership of Putin turning back towards humanity, turning back towards what makes us great, turning back towards a human future, and Russia is even pulling China back towards a pro-human view, and that's what's enraging the globalist transhumanists who want to turn humans into a commodity that they own.
That's right, it's the humans versus the transhumanists now.
When we return, I will hit the latest Russian news and what is about to really happen and what all the propaganda means, and so much more today.
It's time to get right with God, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, here's the bottom line on what's happening between Russia and the New World Order, the globalists, the Anglo-American power structure, as the globalists themselves call it.
They want control of all of Eastern Europe, and of Russia, and all of the world.
And a lot of Eastern Europe has big beefs with the Russians, going back to before World War II, but also during it.
Because the Nazis took all those areas over, the Russians came back in, a lot of the people were sympathizers with the Nazis, and the Russian Communists, who were just as bad in many ways as the Nazis, would kill them or send them to a forced labor camp.
And so, you got a lot of people in Eastern Europe rightfully pissed at the Russians.
I'm not saying the Russians are little cupcakes or perfect.
Certainly not when they were under Joseph Stalin, for heaven's sake.
But those old fissures are there.
And what the State Department and the Globalists do is they go and they exacerbate those old problems.
So, Ukraine was the European bridge into what became Russia.
The Vikings had settled some of those areas, set up some major forts and that had grown into cities by about a thousand years ago.
And then Christians came in, the Orthodox Church came in about a thousand fifty something years ago.
You look up the actual dates on it, that's about the time.
And then they went in and founded all of those major cities that then go into Russia, chief of which became Moscow.
Because then the Huns, Little after 1300, invade and just smash all of Eastern Europe and take over Ukraine.
And then for a hundred years, the Huns hold people basically as hostages and slaves, ship women back to the East, sell women and children into slavery.
There's a rebellion about a hundred years in, in Moscow.
Again, I'm just giving you basic numbers here.
You look it up yourself.
A major rebellion.
They defeat the Huns, a bunch of the people that had basically hidden out for a hundred years and lived in the wilderness, got together, organized, and then marched out of Moscow, picking up all those peasant armies, into Ukraine, and had a decade-long giant war that even back then was huge numbers.
Hundreds of thousands are estimated to have been dead.
They just dig up fields of, you know, bones and weapons all over the place in Ukraine.
There's a huge giant battle, just like The Christians and the Spanish took over a hundred years for the La Reconquista that happened, by the way, right around the same time, where the Spanish had been pushed all the way up to the north into the mountains.
The rest of Spain had been enslaved.
Spain was three kingdoms previous to that.
And amazing history, by the way, where they didn't even have wars with each other.
It was all challenged by champion.
So on a routine basis, All the nobles and people were getting killed because they didn't have wars.
They would have gladiatorial events, jousting events, where the Spanish would decide who was going to run what kingdom.
Well, the Muslims came in and basically took it all over, pushed it all the way back.
So what I'm getting at here is, this is the history of Europe.
This is where these countries come from.
So Spain's way down in the southwest, right there by Africa, getting invaded by Africa and by Islamists out of the Middle East, And then up in Central Europe and into Eastern Europe and Northeastern Europe, you have the Huns pushing across the steps from the East coming in.
Same reason that the Chinese, hundreds of years before, built their Great Wall of China to keep these people out.
So China dealt with some of the same stuff with the Mongols and then the Huns.
So for the Russians to watch this overthrow, What was it, in 2014, of their elected government, and that big coup, and all of it, and then Russian held areas that had always been 100% Russian, basically, on the eastern border.
Ukraine started getting attacked by artillery and tanks and weapons.
Well, the Russians sent in Russian troops to battle the NATO-backed militias and troops, and that ongoing war has been going on for seven years, since 2014.
Six, seven, almost eight years.
And so you can take the Russian side or you can take the NATO side.
This isn't who's right or even who's wrong when you geopolitically look at it.
It's, okay, where was Russia founded?
In Crimea, specifically, is the birthplace of Russia.
And then out of Crimea, you get Moscow and all that set up.
They fought major wars for 800 years over this land.
Okay, so that's understood.
And so then they see NATO and the West coming in with their leftist ideology, their anti-family ideology, their George Soros garbage, and trying to grab Crimea that has all the different oil fields and gas fields and gas lines that go into the Black Sea and into Europe, and they say, you're not going to take that.
So that's their only port in the Black Sea.
The Russians take Crimea, they annex it, and they annex areas of eastern Ukraine, which is almost 100% Russian.
For eight years, the West pours tens of billions of dollars of weapons in, and over time, the weapons get heavier and heavier and heavier and heavier.
I want to show you a photo on screen.
This is put out by the Ukrainian news.
They're very, very happy about this.
Hell yeah, my favorite 72nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade, with which I spent so much time on the front line, have just accepted the FGM-148 Javelins.
They already got new in-laws from Britain.
Ukraine keeps pumping up its very best.
And the angriest combat formations.
So, anti-tank weapons, anti-personnel weapons, high-tech missiles, where literally it's like a video game, shooting people miles away, And artillery, guided artillery, all sorts of other guided missiles and anti-aircraft missiles that can shoot down planes at 35,000 feet in the air.
By the thousands.
C-130s landing.
So they gave them $5 billion of weapons in the first seven years.
In the last six months, they admit, the State Department alone, that the U.S.
has given them $5 billion in anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles.
And the Russians are freaking out as they start to lose the proxy war in eastern Ukraine.
And so the Russians start getting more and more losses.
It's not just 14,000 dead on both sides.
It's in the tens of thousands higher the numbers we're getting from a wide spectrum of sources.
And so the Russians are starting to lose in the proxy war just to control their gas pipelines.
So they go, all right, start massing troops.
And tell NATO, do not take it.
Do not do Article 5.
Do not declare it's a NATO country.
Stop it.
You're moving weapons in.
You're amassing troops.
You're amassing troops in Poland.
You're amassing troops in other areas.
We don't want a war.
And that's just a fact.
So how do they convince the average American that Russia is about to attack?
When the West is pumping the weapons in, the West is starting the fight, the West is running this whole operation, And of course the Ukrainians have some real bees.
I mean, this has been going on forever.
It's like your big brother Russia comes in and beats you up on a routine basis.
But it's not the Huns and it's not George Soros that's going to cut your son's balls off.
You can have the Russians in there and you can have George Soros literally going after your children.
So that's where we are right now.
And here's the final equation.
It's very simple.
If you're already escalating a war, you're already in a proxy war that's going into a, quote, hybrid war, that's what it is, That then goes into a full-scale regional theater war that's destined to become an entire continental war and then a world war.
That's how it works.
So how do you position Americans when you're escalating your attack, when you're punching the Russians harder and harder every day, sitting in super high-tech A-class weapons, what do you do?
You say, oh my God, the Russians are about to attack.
So you're punching the Russians in the face.
Any day now, the Russians are going to invade.
The Russians are going to invade any moment.
The Russians are going to invade.
They're firing missiles, artillery's blowing, like, ah, firing at them.
And it's like, the Russians any day are going to attack!
The Russians any day are going to attack!
And then if the Russians show any footage of how they're being killed and slaughtered and things are blowing up and houses on fire and power plants are being vaporized, the news goes, ah, it's a false flag!
The Russians blew up their own stuff!
So again, the Russians are in eastern Ukraine, they're in a few other areas that they've annexed, like Crimea, and they're under attack, and the globalists just keep expecting, in the offensive they've already launched against the Russian-held areas, that the Russians are going to strike back, and then that's called a Russian invasion.
Just like in Georgia in 2008.
And that's just the facts, ladies and gentlemen.
That's the facts.
George Soros is there to take scalps, which are all the boys' testicles, and the Russians and some Ukrainians don't want their sons' balls literally chopped off.
By the way, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, February 14th, Valentine's Day edition.
Everything I say, you can look up, and it's open to interpretation, but you can look up anything I say.
Like, when I say George Soros overthrew Ukraine for the globalists, he went on for Reid Zarkaria eight years ago.
And bragged.
I played the clip many times.
You can just put it on screen if you want, guys.
Just the article or the B-roll.
And bragged.
Well, yes, I overthrew Ukraine with $5 billion.
What he did it with was U.S.
taxpayer money given to him.
He didn't actually give any of his money.
It's like he gets U.S.
AID money to then govern all the quote migrants, the $2,000, $3,000, $4,000 debit cards to
come to the United States on airplanes and buses and you name it.
This is all a UN-funded globalist takedown of the West.
So while they're trying to collapse Russia and Ukraine, everybody else are trying to collapse us.
These are vicious exploiters that want the land and control of it so they have the bureaucracy and governments in place to then carry out the forced depopulation.
Because they can't have one country or two countries where nobody takes the vaccine and then nobody's dying.
They got to have total control so they can manage all the data so people don't figure out what's happening.
That's just one example.
That's why having sovereign nations, even if they're not perfect, out there is a firewall against this globalist worldwide tyranny.
So they don't just run the tables on everybody.
And the globalists are in trouble.
So if you just tuned in, he went on Zbigniew Brzezinski seven and a half years ago, excuse me, he went on Vareed Zarkaria on How he had funded and run these operations and took credit for it.
You can pull the video up.
In fact, guys, I want to play that.
Go to YouTube.
It's probably on there.
Something like George Soros talks about funding or running coup in Ukraine.
And then he says, we ran a coup.
We ran a couple of revolution.
We overthrew it.
He has to brag.
And so they go overthrow an elected government.
George Soros is there bragging about it seven and a half years ago on TV, and it's just incredible.
Absolutely amazing.
And then they use it as a place to launder billions of dollars of money they steal.
And you see Joe Biden as vice president right before he left office, bragging at the CFR that this prosecutor was investigating me and my son.
So I called up the puppet president and said, we're going to hold a billion dollars up if you don't fire him by this evening.
And son of a bitch, they fired him an hour later.
You've all seen that clip.
So that's what's so frustrating about all of this, is this is all on record.
This is going on.
I'm not lionizing the Russians.
I'm not saying they're like little baby Jesus and they're pure as a driven snow.
I'm saying $5 billion to overthrow their government.
That's on record.
And then $10 billion in the last eight years.
That's a conservative number.
Look it up.
$10 billion in weapons aid off and on to Ukraine against Russia.
Ten billion dollars buys a lot of weapons, and five billion of it has just been in the last six months.
That's an offensive.
More funding than you gave them in the last seven, eight years in weapons, now in the last year, six months, and they're bragging on TV that they've got these weapons.
You're two, three miles away from a tank.
Aim at it, hit the button, it's a robot on its own, goes and destroys it.
Anti-aircraft missiles that again will blow jumbo jets out of the air.
Aim, fire, forget the missiles on it.
And that's what's going on.
And then our news shows old women with wooden guns.
The Ukrainians have nothing.
Women with wooden guns face the second largest military on earth.
All of these lies.
But that's what they do.
That's how the propaganda works.
And look, here's the president.
He did this two weeks ago.
He did it again.
Zelensky invites Biden to visit Ukraine in coming days and push back against imminent invasion fears.
Says there is not an imminent invasion fear.
Why are you saying this?
Because it's poking the Russians over and over again while they accelerate the attacks on Russian controlled areas in the east of Ukraine.
And that's what this is about, is the proxy war going into a hybrid war, going into a full war, into a regional war, into a world war.
And that's what Biden says on TV.
Oh, it's a world war!
That's last Friday with Lester Holt.
So that's where we are.
Also, George Soros could go in there.
I mean, literally the main mission is to literally turn it into a leftist hellhole.
Because they don't just want the testicles of American boys, they want them all.
That's their sacrament, their religion.
It's like they're gremlins that just go right for the reproductive organs.
That's why they rape children, is to screw them up for life.
If they could get away with the genital mutilation, they'd do it.
And I'm not joking, this is a cult that literally just obsesses on raping women and children and cutting little boys' balls off.
So Zelensky invites Biden to visit Ukraine in coming days and push back against imminent
invasion fears.
During her Sunday phone call, Ukraine's President Zelensky, they released it.
Biden didn't.
Asked Biden to visit Kiev in person amid continuing White House claims that Russia invasion is
set to happen any day now.
Saying that major Ukrainian cities are under safe protection.
Zelensky suggested that a visit of US president in person would stop the spread of panic and
prevent escalation.
And he goes on to say, I'm convinced that if you visited, I'll cut it off.
It always does that with our damn formatting.
I'm convinced that your visit to Kiev in the coming days would be a powerful signal and help stabilize the situation, unless he was quoted.
But instead, Biden is destabilizing, and the whole corporate media, and NATO, and the UK is, war, war!
The Russians are attacking!
I mean, hell, a week ago, Bloomberg said, the Russians attacked!
The war's on!
God, head for the hills!
And that's all meant to destabilize and create panic and create fear.
And the Russians are watching $5 billion in anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles handed out like lollipops at a birthday party, and are just asking themselves, what the hell's going on here?
And now, massive increase in attacks on the Russian border.
Well, yes, Russian troops are there battling mercenaries, NATO troops.
I mean, I know U.S.
soldiers personally that have been over there themselves.
It's been going on for years, folks.
So we're in a war with Russia right now.
And the left hates Russia because they no longer control it and because they're not teaching little boys.
Over there, how to have sex with pedophiles.
I mean, literally, when you see the demands of Soros and Hollywood and the left and Biden, it's like, Russia will not do sex education for five-year-olds and transgenderism.
They don't care about farming or space or the future or, no, it's all, give us access to the children.
It's like Aliensland.
They say, give us your children.
And that's, again, Arthur C. Clarke was one of the bad guys.
On record, you can look him up if you don't know about this.
He had to leave England because of some of the things he was up to and move on down there to the Pacific Ocean, just south of India.
And what did he say?
In a bunch of his books, aliens arrive and demand access to our children.
They just show up and say, we'll blow your planet up unless you give us the kids.
You go, why would you write books like that?
Well, it's a spirit.
I don't know.
You can say whatever it is, wherever you want, but they want to wear your son's testicles around their neck.
They want to take the future.
They want to cut off our genetics.
They want to kill our future.
They don't like what we're about to become.
They don't like what our destiny is.
It's like in the great book, Last of the Mohicans, there's a composite of true stories, but it's historical fiction that got made into That great film, Last of the Mohicans, with Daniel Day-Lewis, and what does the one tribe that's almost wiped out the other tribe say at the end of The Mohicans?
He goes, I have killed all your people, and now I will kill your race forever and take your seed.
Says The Last Mohican.
I'm gonna kill your race forever!
Don't you understand?
This is what real war is all about.
But these globalists just don't want to kill one race of humans, they want to disease us and destroy our genetics and cut our double helix with these spike protein injections and give us autoimmune diseases, and they're involved in their giant, murderous depopulation against us now.
And that's the truth.
And they'll use famine, and they'll use war, and they'll use cyberattacks, they'll use whatever they can to do it until they're not safe anymore.
Until they know we know they're behind it.
And it's identifying them and letting Black Rock and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates know we're on to them and letting the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers know that it'll back them off.
But make no mistake, the rest of your life, here on out, is them waging war on you until the minute they're finally defeated and brought to justice legally and lawfully.
You can pretend that you're going to be part of the power structure.
You can pretend I'm wrong.
You can play whatever mind games you want, but you know deep down inside all your guts and all your souls that I'm telling you the truth right now.
So I want you to take the archive of this live show later when it's at Bandop Video, and I want you to share it like your life depends on it, because it does.
And I need you to get high quality supplements and things you need for your body's immune system and everything that's a symbiotic relationship that keeps us on air at InfoWarsTore.com.
I've extended the 25% off, haven't done it in four years, sale on storeable food until Wednesday and then it will end.
That's also at preparewithalex.com or infowarsstore.com.
Thanks for keeping us on the air.
All right, I've got so much to cover in hour number two.
Stay with us!
on tomorrow's news today.
Coming up this Monday, the biggest sale in four years of high-quality, storable foods at PrepareWithAlex.com will end.
That's 25% off already the lowest prices you're going to find on high-quality, storable food at InfoWarsTore.com.
Again, you can go to preparewithalex.com or infowarrestore.com and it takes you to the same place.
50% off as well on super high quality products like X3, the Deep Earth Crystal Iodine.
That sale is going on as well.
It doesn't end on Monday, it'll end in a few weeks when we're almost sold out of the product.
Everybody needs to have affordable food to be prepared, so become self-sufficient now with the best high-quality food at the lowest prices at m4warstore.com.
You know, I'm going to try to settle down a little bit, but World War IV gets me a little agitated.
And all this other news gets me agitated.
You think I'm happy I've been proven right about them putting basically HIV virus, but that's even worse, into vaccines?
No, I'm not.
I'm not happy about being proven right.
It's all over the news.
That's coming up next segment.
God help us.
I mean, it's just... The gullibility and the sheepishness of the public just brought these wolves, though.
It's not your fault they're attacking you, but being naive is what allows this crap to go on, folks.
We got to stop being naive.
We could beat these people so easily.
We could have such an incredible future together.
We just got to get these satanic forces out of the way.
And then educate everybody about how evil operates so it doesn't come back again.
We can do unlimited things together.
That's what I want for you and your family and your genetics is unlimited potential, unlimited victory.
I want you to have total victory.
You need total victory.
You will have total victory.
But you've got to recognize the evil and say that you reject it.
If you won't admit there's evil, you won't admit there's good.
If you can't see the devil, you can't see God.
Here's a little bit of a compilation of me talking about this two years ago, what's now unfolding.
People that are taking the COVID vaccine are getting HIV AIDS.
There it is.
They're giving you a new weaponized HIV with the vaccine, not the original virus.
It has nothing to do with bird flu, nothing to do with Corona, nothing to do with SARS.
They've taken a pneumonia virus and put HIV in it.
They call it a vaccine.
Uh, the notion that these were, um, false positives, I find a cover story.
I think they were giving people, uh, HIV in these, uh, frankenshots.
But what really happens is, when you read the medical literature on the mRNA vaccines...
It goes in and turns your immune system off and actually gets it where you will then accept similar viruses, which obviously they're going to be releasing.
That's what the scientists are saying.
They're going, this isn't even going to protect you.
Why the hell are they doing this?
It makes no sense!
The magnitude of...
of the HIV virus delivery system being added to an airborne pneumonia is beyond Stephen King's the stand.
And that's what's admitted.
Mainstream media admits that the Indian University is right that it has the HIV delivery system in it.
I was trying to tell listeners that, hey, this coronavirus probably isn't that big a deal.
It's a big UN drill.
That's why you're seeing this overreaction, and I still hope that's the case, but Zero Hedge got suspended on Twitter for posting this article, and then linking to the scientists that are in the major scientific paper published two days ago by one of the most prestigious, it's in the top two or three, Colleges, Kusuma School of Biological Sciences, Indy Institute of Technology, New Delhi.
And this big report that's got scans of the virus, the RNA breakdown, the proteins, I mean, this is it.
And so, ZeroHeads got suspended for writing about this, but then I found all these other mainstream articles going, yeah, it's true.
Here's the bombshell, that part of the HIV virus is part of this.
So I spent, like I said, hours yesterday, hours today, obsessed on this, going into the studies, going into articles, and just dozens of big mainstream reports going, hey, yeah, it's got part of the AIDS virus in it, but that's no big deal, it's not man-made.
It has nothing to do with bird flu, nothing to do with corona, nothing to do with SARS.
They've taken a pneumonia virus and put HIV in it.
Because HIV doesn't replicate well in the body, but it will take over your white blood cells, your T lymphocytes.
It'll kill your defenses, but it doesn't replicate, it doesn't spread well.
HIV just got added to a super communicable airborne pneumonia virus.
Where there is truth, where there is life, there will be danger.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us.
Roger Stone on this huge, I mean, when we say huge, we mean huge in all capitals with about 10 exclamation points out behind it.
Confirmation by documents filed in federal court of Hillary Clinton's campaign.
And then the intelligence agencies, while Trump was president, spying on him.
Now we already know all this.
That's why I know what Durham files true, because it was actually there.
In fact, I always forget that New York Times headline from January 20th that says Trump Tower Wiretapped Intercepts Confirmed Under Russian Command.
The image comes up, when you put that into Google, they may have blocked it, but we've done a hundred reports on this or more.
And we already knew about that beforehand, but there they were bragging, oh we know Trump's a Russian, we're spying on him.
We're like, oh really?
They go, oh no, we don't mean that, forget it, it's a conspiracy theory.
Well now we know exactly what they did, and just like that was a hoax and a lie, The new claims that Russia is about to imminently attack and take over Ukraine is a lie.
Russia already took over parts of Ukraine eight years ago, seven and a half years ago.
And Russia now says the U.S.
and NATO are building up weapons and troops, which NATO says they are, and high-tech weapons.
So that's why this is escalating to a bigger war.
It's very simple.
We're on Russia's doorstep, trying to take their oil pipelines, trying to cut off their gas pipelines on record, just like Biden cut off our pipeline.
They're the eugenics, New World Order, austerity, depopulation, post-industrial world cult.
But let me hit this, and I'm going to hit this more in the days and weeks to come.
I want to get Dr. Boyle on, that was the first person I heard talk about this two plus years ago.
And it's this information.
Overhead shot, please.
Scientists discover new highly virulent HIV variant in the Netherlands.
This is just one of hundreds of articles from Euronews.com.
Then they go on to say suddenly HIV numbers are record levels including in heterosexuals or people that aren't even having sex.
And it says doctors and scientists are baffled by the massive increases In people showing AIDS-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes, sores that never go away, cancers popping up, just having no immune systems.
And sure enough, right on time, Chemistry World reports, trial start of mRNA vaccine for HIV.
That just broke last week.
Volunteers in the U.S.
recently received the first experimental dose of a new type of HIV vaccine using Moderna's mRNA platform.
The vaccine has been developed in partnership with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, Bill Gates.
While huge amounts of development are still required to create a successful vaccine, the speed of flexibility of mRNA may accelerate the process.
So, they give you a form of Vaccine autoimmune deficiency disorder or VAIDS.
The virus itself that's man-made has the HIV delivery system.
It attacks your white blood cells.
This is mainline news!
But oh, it protects you from the outside virus.
No, it doesn't.
It's all a giant fraud.
But you commit a crime this big.
The average person just can't admit it.
Yeah, there it is, ABC News reporting the same thing.
So, let's expand on this here.
Look at some of these past headlines.
This goes back two years, January 31st, InfoWars.
Coronavirus contains HIV insertions, stoking fears of artificially created bioweapon.
Not fears, that's confirmed.
Indian scientists discover coronavirus engineered with HIV-AIDS-like insertion.
And it goes on and on and on.
Indian scientists discover coronavirus, engineers with AIDS.
Coronavirus, HIV, and then Australia had to suspend their vaccine where they just did a whole virus vaccine but attenuated it because it gave people false positives.
And now there's this more transmissible one and they don't know why.
Oh, it must be getting transmitted.
Yeah, and that needle you get injected with?
Australia cancels COVID vaccine trial over unexpected false positives for HIV.
By the way, guys, I gave that to you Friday and Saturday and Sunday.
My fault.
I didn't play it.
But we even have the local, not the local, the National Australian News with the Prime Minister admitting they had to end the shot because it showed people had HIV.
That was a year and a half ago, by the way.
Maybe we should show that again.
French scientist who discovered HIV and CIS COVID-19 is a lab creation, and he went on to say, Nobel Prize winner, it will give you a form of autoimmune disorder.
But why listen to the top scientist?
I mean, what, is he a top scientist or something?
And let's not forget this.
Bayer says it settled decades-old HIV-tainted blood cases.
CBS News, over 2 million people got sick and died because they knew it had HIV and hepatitis in it, but they still did it.
Isn't that just cute?
Yeah, here's the Australian news, your TV viewer, where they just admit, okay, well, people that take the vaccine says they have HIV, but, you know, we're just going to be quiet now.
And again, they'll just flim-flam you and have special tests programmed certain ways where the medical system doesn't show it, and then you'll just die of an autoimmune disorder, like cancer, when your autoimmune system shuts down.
That's what white blood cells do, is stop cancer.
It's just cute.
It's funny, because, you know, Bill Gates thinks you're a dumb animal.
And you know what?
If you let them get away with this, I guess we kind of are.
I mean, I should do a whole show sometime with the perspective of, say, I'm Alexander Soros.
I can host a whole show, I'll wear some pink sunglasses or something, so it'll be okay that I'm a criminal.
And I'll just, from their perspective, tell you how dumb you are, and how weak you are, and how ugly you are, and how I'm Alexander Soros, and I'm more enlightened, so I know best, and you need to die so I can have the Earth, and this is a beautiful thing, it's my mind's better than yours, so you need to die.
Because if you don't recognize this, if you don't realize what they're doing, if you don't say no, when you've heard this information, well, you kind of deserve it.
Oh, they found the clip!
Add that in post.
We're live right now, but my earlier breakdown of how the Globalists and Soros are behind the war in Ukraine?
World War IV, war with Russia, brought to you by George Soros.
I want at the front of that interview, because you guys found it.
That's great.
I'm glad you did.
Not their fault.
I sprung it on during the live show.
Put that on the front of that when we post the Band Off video so they can see him brag about, oh, I overthrew Ukraine.
I mean, blah, blah, come Dracula.
It's what we do.
We get your children.
So I'm at Alice in Crowley Rituals.
What do we do?
The Carpathian Mountains are so beautiful.
The children of the night, they make such beautiful music.
Prince Charles is who I serve.
He is doing quite good to everyone right now.
I am George Soros.
Thank God you are so stupid.
You think old George got some gold in those eye bags?
You think old George Sorcey, Sorcey boy?
You think he is taking the Moderna or Pfizer shots?
No, he's not taking those shots.
Those are for you.
Just like the death camps run by Apple and BlackRock are liberal.
And the NBA owner says, I don't care about those people in death camps.
They don't even rise the level of my mind.
What a perfectly satanic statement.
I'm cut off from millions in death camps.
I'm cut off from millions having their organs harvested.
I'm with the leaders.
I don't care about those people.
I'm George Soros.
I worked for Hitler.
I said it was the best time of my life.
And I get ADL awards because I'm soulless and I'm twisted and I'm evil.
Come on, come on, come on.
I got news for you, baby.
You ain't ever got to die.
Stay with us, my friends.
Never before has a story blown up in the face of 60 Minutes like it did with President Trump.
Here's where it all started.
The biggest scandal was when they spied on my campaign.
They spied on my campaign, Leslie.
There's no real evidence of that.
Of course there is.
It's all over the place.
Leslie, they spied on my campaign and they got caught.
Sir, can I say something?
You know, this is 60 Minutes.
And we can't put on things we can't verify.
No, you won't put it on because it's bad for Biden.
We can't put on things we can't verify.
Leslie, they spied on my campaign.
Well, we can't verify that.
It's been totally verified.
It's been, just go down and get the papers.
They spied on my campaign, they got caught.
And then they went much further than that, and they got caught.
And you will see that, Leslie.
And you know that, but you just don't want to put it on the air.
No, as a matter of fact, I don't know that.
Now what's incredible is we know he did that interview on Friday.
It had started to break in.
They aired on Sunday.
They were on promos and then now we know 60 Minutes attacked him last night and basically said he was lying.
The level of con artistry and fraud is insane.
To unpack this is Roger Stone.
I want to be very clear with the listeners.
I'm the guy that was wrong.
People say Alex Jones is always right.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you go back to Roger Stone as a political pundit and analyst for InfoWars in 2016, 17, 18, 19, until he got indicted, Roger was like, listen, I'm telling you, this is serious.
They're setting me up.
This Russiagate thing's important.
They want to outlaw political dissent.
They're coming after you next.
I'm like, Roger, you're not a Russian agent.
I know WikiLeaks wouldn't talk to us.
I was pissed about it.
You're OK.
Then they indicted him.
They swat team him, all the rest of it.
Well now I got religion, because I know.
They're in the news again today, despite all the exculpatory evidence saying I am a Russian agent and I need to be arrested.
And it doesn't matter that it comes out that Hillary hired a private group and then later got the Justice Department and CIA to spy on candidate Trump and President Trump and all of it.
And you see the third leg of the hoax.
As Roger said, first thing is saying candidate Trump's a Russian.
That was a lie.
Then President Trump's a Russian agent.
Then he's involved with Ukraine.
That's I guess the round three.
I guess this is round four.
Now they're saying the Canadian truckers are Russians.
They're saying the Australian truckers are Russians.
They're saying the Belgian truckers are Russians.
Because again, they're the globalist outside force.
They're betting everything they've got, including this new war with Russia, this proxy war that's already going, with U.S.
troops and weapons, NATO troops pouring in $5 billion the last six months of high-tech anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles.
The war is already happening with Russia.
And I guess the West is going to push it, thinking Russia's going to respond with its main military, then they call that invasion.
So here to decipher all this with us is Roger Stone, and also, not to a victory lap, but a, we came up for air lap, Judge Napolitano, censured, in trouble, never really brought back to Fox like he was.
When four years ago in 2017, he came out and said Trump was being spied on and seconded us.
He was never really brought back after that.
He was marked for destruction.
And so let's talk about our wounded on the battlefield here.
We've got that compilation coming up at the end of this hour.
So I've been through hell.
Roger's been through hell.
He's been through hell.
We're not victims.
We're warriors.
We're thanking you, battle-scarred and punished.
Roger, that's my breakdown.
So we're on air to be vindicated to now stop the fourth leg of the Russia hoax, war with
Roger, that's my breakdown.
What do you have to say to that?
Well, Alex, it's great to be back with you.
I am brought to you through the modern miracle of olive oil, I might add.
A terrific tip you gave me.
And I couldn't resist coming on today to point out that everything we said on InfoWars in 2016 has now been borne out.
The steel dossier, the entire phony predicate that the FBI used to open their investigation into Donald Trump, has been proven to be paid for by Michael Sussman, to be paid for by the Hillary campaign.
He billed her for it in his legal records at his law firm, Perkins Coie.
Secondly, the phony CrowdStrike report, the report that was classified during my trial, the report that the judge would not let us see, we now know has been completely debunked.
There was never any evidence whatsoever that the Russians conducted an online hack of the Democratic National Committee.
We said it here on InfoWars.
We were dismissed as conspiracy theorists.
And now the third unbelievable leg of the stool.
Undisputed evidence filed by federal prosecutor John Durham that the Trump Tower was in fact surveilled, was in fact hacked by the deep state, and that it went all the way into the Trump presidency.
Now, I'm the only person you know Who was actually investigated during Watergate and also investigated during Russiagate.
I went at age 19 before the Watergate grand jury.
Then, as now, I did nothing wrong.
Yet there were huge stories put out on Friday that Robert Mueller declined to prosecute Roger Stone.
Mueller passed up on prosecuting me for cyber crimes connected to the Russian hacking.
I'll tell you why.
Because there's no evidence whatsoever that I knew about or was involved in any Russian hacking.
Because, Roger, I'm not putting you down.
You're like me.
You and I couldn't hack our way out of a wet paper bag.
That's for sure.
No, this is the greatest single political scandal in American history.
This is the greatest single abuse of power that we have ever seen.
Let's define it, if we may.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, with the approval of Vice President Joe Biden, who was in the room when this was all approved, were involved in the use of the full authority of the United States government.
And the extraordinary capability of our intelligence agencies to spy on and thus launch an investigation to remove a duly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump.
That is treason!
That is treason against the people, against the Republic.
That's about as big a crime as you can commit.
And let's face it, Obamagate, which is what I call this, makes Watergate look like small potatoes, look like nothing.
But, go to the front page of the New York Times, go to the front page of the Washington Post, go look at the lead stories on ABC, NBC, CBS.
No, there's a willful effort to bury all of this.
There's only a handful of places you can go to get the absolute truth and InfoWars is proven right yet again.
Back on Election Day, November 3rd, 2020, when the last remaining unredacted, long-hidden sections of Mueller's report were forced to be disgorged only because of the order of a federal judge, even BuzzFeed said, quote, Roger Stone is vindicated.
It feels good, I must tell you.
But it doesn't remove the carnage.
It doesn't remove the damage that you have suffered, that I've suffered.
We'll talk about that on the other side, on the effects of this.
But today, the truth is out there for everyone to see.
Stay there.
Roger Stone will be right back, folks.
This is big.
Welcome back.
Roger Stone riding shotgun with us.
Exclusive information.
Look at these headlines.
today to do a little bit of a victory lap. I plead guilty to that.
Absolutely. Stay there Roger Stone. We'll be right back folks. This is big.
Welcome back. Roger Stone riding shotgun with us. Exclusive information.
Look at these headlines. Report Ratcliffe gave Durham Intel that he said supports multiple indictments.
He said that months ago, and now he's saying that information he already has with his national security clearances is coming out.
Because the left didn't even hide this.
Remember, people asked, how did Roger Stone and Alex Jones know back in 2016 Trump was being spied on?
They were in the newspapers saying, we've got intel spying on him.
We know he's a Russian.
New York Times headline, January 20th, Inauguration Day.
Wiretaps at Trump Tower prove Russian connection.
And then, of course, we had all of our other sources and information.
Here's another one.
Majority of Dems want Hillary Clinton to be investigated over Russiagate poll shows.
So America really is seeing through this and understanding what happened.
Roger Stone.
I mean, here's an old headline from a few years ago.
Proof Obama wiretapped Trump.
This was not a big secret.
Says Alex Jones was right, right there.
So how big a deal is this?
And why do you think this is just now coming out?
What do you think of Durham?
Well, Alex, here's the most important thing to understand.
And that is, politics is always about the future, not the past.
We're going to see what John Durham is made of.
We do know that former director of national television Radcliffe says that
he turned over 1000 pages of evidence, which implicate not only John Brennan,
but also the former CIA director, but also former FBI director Comey.
In other words, both of them were informed that Trump was being surveilled.
Both of them chose to use.
the false narrative of Russian collusion to open investigations and to smear the president.
When I tried to say this during my own trial, I was gagged.
When I tried to prove this with evidence, expert testimony, forensic evidence, I was
barred from mounting that defense.
Essentially, the government said, we don't have to prove that there was Russian collusion
in order to convict Roger Stone.
They were right.
Here's the point, Alex.
They are now using the same exact playbook regarding January 6th.
Politics is about the future, not the past.
Once again, we're being told it was, quote, the most deadly attack on America in American history.
There's the beginning of it.
Proof that they were wiretapping me, Paul Manafort, and a third Trump advisor.
By the way, that's the front page of the New York Times.
That would disappear from their online version shortly after I drew attention to it.
So now what you have is them recycling the exact same playbook regarding January 6th.
You can go back and see the huge headlines.
Alex Jones and Roger Stone investigated in regard to January 6th.
There's nothing to investigate.
I don't know anything about it.
Wasn't there.
Had no advanced knowledge.
Didn't know about it in real time.
Denounced it as soon as I heard about it.
So what you're saying is it's true.
If you go to CNN, half their site is this.
ABC, half their site.
It's all, there was an insurrection terrorist.
Anybody that supports Trump or questions elections is a terrorist.
And so their new Russia hoax domestically is that January 6th was a big giant conspiracy to act like idiots and blow our political feet off.
And once again, they deny the involvement of the intelligence services.
So when Ted Cruz asked the Department of Justice official appearing before him how many FBI agents were on Capitol Hill, how many were involved in this operation, he got no answers.
When Ray Epps is clearly seen on video, the 5th and the 6th, rousing people to break into the Capitol, We're supposed to believe CNN when they just dismiss it saying, oh, he's not an FBI asset, he's not an FBI informant, he wasn't working for the feds.
Sorry, I'm not buying.
So it's the same exact playbook.
They keep saying this was the most deadly attack on the United States.
The only two deaths I know about are a woman who was literally bludgeoned to death Roseanne Boylan bludgeoned to death by a Capitol Hill police officer and this officer is deified, celebrated because she beat an unarmed woman to death, maced her in the face and beat her with a nightstick until she was dead.
And the coroner says she died of a drug overdose.
Sorry, I'm not buying.
And then there is the situation of Ashley Babbitt.
Shot in cold blood, an unarmed veteran threatening no one.
We actually have video now of her telling people, don't break the windows, don't break into the Capitol.
But she was shot in cold blood by a Capitol Hill police officer.
And I believe it was NBC deifies that officer, makes them appear to be a hero.
They killed an insurrectionist.
No, they killed an unarmed veteran.
They're trying to run the exact same playbook.
Because they have nothing else to talk about.
Joe Biden can't run and the Democrats cannot run in 2022 on their stellar record on energy prices.
Gas prices are going up higher than Hunter Biden.
I mean, even a majority of Democrats don't want him to be the nominee.
A majority want Hillary prosecuted for Russia.
It sounds like a complete awakening by large portions of the Democratic Party that Republicans aren't perfect.
Hell, we know that.
But the left and Pelosi and these people are crazy.
Well, and have we had food shortages in this country since the Great Depression?
This is the richest, most prosperous, and most successful country on the face of the earth.
Does anyone actually believe that we can't get chicken wings?
Does anybody actually believe that we have food shortages?
This is a manipulated crisis, and it is painfully obvious.
And let's talk about that.
Why would you want to be Trudeau and keep a country locked down?
Why would you want the EU to collapse things?
Why do they want to devalue the currency?
And even the head of the energy department said, we want to raise prices.
We're in a transition because it's clouded pivot.
They want to bankrupt people to get rid of the old great system that isn't perfect, but great compared to what they want, where we're all on a universal income.
We're being broken right now.
You're absolutely right.
If you want to see what's going to happen here, just look at Canada.
You had Derek Sloan on, a former member of Parliament, who resigned from the Canadian Parliament as a matter of principle, left the Conservative Party because The conservative party are like the rhinos here in the United States.
There's nothing conservative about them.
They're not pro-life.
They're not pro-gun rights.
They're not pro-God.
So Derek Sloan left.
He is now leading the charge with the truckers.
These are peaceful people who are peacefully protesting and they have caught the attention of the world.
So what's happening in Canada?
Now we have martial law and they're being accused of being terrorists.
They're not terrorists.
They just don't want compulsory vaccinations.
They don't want mandatory vaccinations.
They are now arresting pastors who dare to keep their churches open.
They've been holding some pastors for a month.
For a month to open churches.
I mean, this is crazy.
If there were ever a time that people need the support of God, if there's any time that they need the solace of Christianity, if there's any time they needed the church, it's now.
So that's why they want to close the churches.
You see Trudeau grabbing power in an outrageous way, leading the way as to what's going to happen here.
As I'm sure you've seen, Alex, there are multiple truck convoys being organized here.
My good friend Dion Sini is putting together one that will go from L.A.
all the way to Washington.
Do we have a country in which there is still free speech?
Do we have a country in which people, including truckers, can peacefully express their opposition to this COVID-19 madness?
Or are we a police state?
I can tell you someone whose home was stormed at 6 o'clock in the morning by 29 heavily armed FBI agents in full SWAT gear.
Someone who lost their right to travel, their right to speak, their right to make a living.
Someone who was bankrupted by the deep state.
It sure feels like a coming police state to me.
Oh, I don't think it's coming.
I think it's raping us right now.
And again, we don't blame the police.
That's not a police state.
The police are the police state.
It's the globalists running it, doing authoritarian systems to get rid of checks and balances.
They are the problem.
It is the people running it.
I want to get more into where the war with Russia goes.
It's already ongoing.
It's about to expand.
And so much more.
The midterms in 267 days.
And so much more with Roger Stone.
Welcome back.
Final segment with Roger Stone.
Embattled American Patriot, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
But I want to be clear.
Yeah, Russiagate's old news.
We all know it's a fraud.
We know it's a lie.
We knew that day one.
Obviously, the left, the globalists want to get rid of the country even existing.
We're the ones defending the country.
We're not the ones trying to get rid of it.
We're not on the payroll of the Russians or the shy comms like the left is.
We have to wrap our minds around that same excuse to attack the Russians is now being used to start a war.
And that's why this is so pertinent and so important.
It's such a big deal that the left doesn't want the news out right now.
They do not want the news out right now that Durham filed from his raid on Hillary's top lawyer, the actual billing her to hire the groups to hack into the servers and do all this, to then use fake dummy info they got To get the national security investigations going.
So where do you expect us to go now, Roger?
Well, Alex, I think that that the criminals, that the perps are hoping that all of this gets subsumed in their coming war in Ukraine.
Something that has never actually ever happened before.
You and I did an interview roughly a week ago in which I outlined why I thought that the justifications for this war were phony.
Putin has said over and over again that he does not want Ukraine to join NATO.
Translation, he doesn't want Western missiles on his border.
Just as President John F. Kennedy did not want Russian missiles 90 miles off of our shore in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
You and I had a very lively interview.
It was incredible how many people downloaded it afterwards.
And I put it up on my YouTube page so more people could see it.
It survived there for approximately five minutes before it was removed.
So it's not like you question Dr. Fauci.
Doing that will absolutely get you banned on any social media platform.
But now you can't even question the phony reasons that they put forward for war.
And you can't even defend yourself and say you're not a Russian agent.
You have no place to do so unless you come on InfoWars.
So I think that the Deep Staters, those who have been busted cold in this crime, are hoping that the entire news cycle gets subsumed in war.
It becomes more important than ever that we go to an unnecessary war.
It's clear to me that if the Ukrainians at the behest of the United States simply agreed not to join NATO or not to put NATO missiles that close to the Russian border that war could be averted that could save hundreds of thousands By the way, Roger, when I was trying to get you on yesterday and you popped in because of laryngitis for just ten minutes, that's what I wanted to start the interview with.
the subject because they have to distract by the way roger when i was
trying to get you on yesterday you popped in his allergic i was for just
ten minutes that's what i want to start here with soul start over cuz we're live right now but i was a clip of
this up front in your own words
clearly this whole war thing is a distraction from their whole
agenda collapsing here so it shows how this russia phobia
they've used to try to demonize their american opposition has now bled into a
giant psychosis and you got brzezinski that one destroy russia you got soros wants to destroy russia so then all these
weird old or dead uh... in the case of brzezinski
people had beef with russia we're still living in my head nuclear war because
old rich man still have a hard on for russia
In your own words, This is about distracting from Russia?
I think it has a huge amount to do with distracting from China.
China is our real problem.
Don't look over here at the Chinese, the way they have infiltrated.
That's what I meant to say.
Even when I get things wrong, you're right.
So, so, so, I mean, in your own words, Roger, because you already said this on air and off air, why is Biden wanting this war?
Why does the deep state want this war?
Well, first of all, I don't buy their fake narrative, which is that the Russians want to take over the entire country of Ukraine, insert a puppet government to restore the faded glory of the great Soviet Union.
That doesn't even make economic sense.
They couldn't afford to do that.
Putin's aims are very clear.
He doesn't want NATO missiles, Western missiles on his border.
His position is identical to that of President John F. Kennedy in 1962, when we didn't want Russian missiles in Cuba 90 miles off of our shore.
But their other great objective is to distract from the Chinese infiltration of every strata of our society.
I was talking to Jackson Lawmire, who's running for the U.S.
Senate in Oklahoma, a great patriot.
He told me that the Chinese have bought over 300 acres of prime farm and ranch land in Oklahoma.
Yet, if you read a report by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, it says there are only about 1,000 acres across the entire United States controlled by the Red Chinese.
That's clearly inaccurate.
In every case, this terrific new book by Peter Schweitzer, Red Handed, which really details the red Chinese infiltration of the Clinton administration, of the Obama administration, of the Bush administration, and of the Biden administration, particularly through Hunter Biden, that must be distracted from.
So, we have a war over here against Russia, folks.
They actually have the nerve to tell us that the Ukrainian borders are sacrosanct, that the Ukrainian borders must be respected.
What about our southern border?
Why isn't that being respected?
Extraordinary report by Laura Loomer only days ago, in which she actually got video of several busloads of illegals being dropped off in Maitland, Florida, being given preloaded Credit cards being given, hotel rooms.
We have homeless veterans sleeping in the streets with nothing to eat, yet we're giving illegals, by the way, who come here without being vaccinated, we're giving them preloaded credit cards.
Incredible report by Laura Loomer.
We wait for Governor Ron DeSantis to take decisive action.
In this regard, he said he would ship any illegal that was sent here to Delaware.
I take him at his word.
I look forward to their being shipped to Delaware.
To his credit, he and the Attorney General here have said that they will file legal action against the Biden administration.
Roger, in closing, because we never got to the Napolitano thing, later when we archive
this at Man.Video, we're going to play the Napolitano compilation right here at this
point, so please put a note in there, guys.
I want people, at least people to see that to watch Man.Video.
But look at these old headlines.
Did Obama wiretap Trump?
No, but it was just one of the President and GOP's top conspiracy theories.
They attack me, they attack you, they attack everybody.
This was all over the news, though they had admitted they'd been doing it.
So this is a big deal to be vindicated that they were wiretapping us illegally, they were
spying on everybody, and there was no evidence.
Obviously, they already knew that or they would have used it.
This is a big deal.
No, in fact, last week they announced with huge fanfare that Roger Stone was not prosecuted for cyber crimes.
That's kind of like, man does not bite dog.
That's because there was no evidence that I was involved in any cyber crimes whatsoever.
It's kind of like Alex Jones being investigated on January 6th.
The only thing I saw you do on January 6th is jump up with a bullhorn and tell people to pull back and not break into the building.
That's what I saw.
That's right.
One more thing, you know, people that are trying to get sued, and we're not litigious, we're not making threats here.
I've seen this Eric Garland, not Merrick Garland, people send me these clips, say terrible things about me that aren't true.
Roger Stone connects up Russian intelligence with Alex Jones employee, Jerome Corsi.
And then he just links to something that doesn't even say that.
That's defamation.
And then he goes on to call for all these horrible things, for us to be arrested and stuff.
I mean, I'm not a litigious guy, but at a certain point, you just can't keep saying I'm working with Russian intelligence when I'm not, Roger.
No, that's why I need people to go to StoneDefenseFund.com.
Because I'm finally ready to sue.
I'm tired of being on defense.
I'm going on offense.
I'm going to... I've already talked to attorneys this morning.
I do have actions.
My civil rights have been violated.
So have yours, Alex.
I urge you to do the same thing.
It's a brutal fight.
I'm already defending myself.
In six remaining bogus harassment lawsuits filed by George Soros front groups.
And I'll win those.
But now it's time for me to get back some of what they have taken from me.
So folks, you can support me at StoneDefenseFund.com.
Then go to the InfoWars store and buy a product or send a contribution because this is the last beacon of truth.
Without InfoWars, there is no place you can learn everything that is real Absolutely happening.
Thanks for having me today, Alex.
It has been great to get out there and point out that you and I are both vindicated that we said everything that has been confirmed in the last 24 hours.
You and I said in 2016 we were vilified, we were smeared, we were threatened.
In my case, I was framed, but we were right and we will continue to speak the truth.
It's what God requires of us.
It is what God wants of us.
I believe that I was saved for a purpose.
I'm back at the ramparts.
My grandchildren said, Granddad, Pop-Pop, it's time for you to maybe just retire, hang it up, write books.
No, I'm right back here on InfoWars.
I will fight for the truth shoulder to shoulder with you, Alex.
God bless you.
And thanks for having me.
Beautifully said.
Yeah, folks, look, we're fighting for you.
We're fighting for ourselves.
You want people to be champions and fight the global sedatives, Soros, the new world order?
We're doing it.
But we need your support at Infowarstore.com and support our local affiliates.
We thank you all.
Hour number three with another big guest coming up.
Thank you, Roger.
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Well, a true champion of liberty and truth and justice and who saved tens of thousands of lives by giving free doctor prescriptions
People to go then go pay for the drugs, but free prescriptions For folks when they needed help is dr. Ben marble. He is
coming up next segment But I want to talk about some of the successes
With folks right now just this no-man's land some stations don't carry this segment. I want to discuss this right now
with you We are seeing seismic success on so many fronts against the
most powerful entrenched
Global corporations that are tax-exempt above the law that control the United Nations that control most the major
governments the world Despite everything that Pfizer and Moderna and Bill Gates have thrown at us, we are seeing huge victories.
We got almost no coverage.
You tried to share it on Instagram or Twitter a year ago?
You would get banned.
Think of the crime of that.
If you tried to share the information that the EU had banned 16 and under taking these experimental shots, their own scientists, their own boards had told the government don't do it, you would get banned for showing what they did.
And then if you talked about the FDA in two different rounds and the CDC in another round, making the majority of their board members resign, Because they wouldn't authorize this experimental shot or the boosters saying it annihilates your immune system and doesn't work, you would be censored as well.
That's serious crimes against humanity.
And now it's come out that Google and its sub-companies like YouTube and others and Instagram and Facebook and Twitter blocked mainline studies on hydroxychloroquine and on so many other things like Zinc and vitamin D. It's amazing, ladies and gentlemen.
It's so evil.
But despite that, the truth's now out.
Look at this, ABC News.
In reversal, FDA puts breaks on COVID shots for kids under five.
Says they're pausing it, they're not seeking it.
Moderna's now backing off, saying they don't want it.
What's going on?
COVID vaccine for children.
Bill Maher comes out and says, Trudeau's rhetoric sounds like Hitler.
Round up and arrest the uninjected.
This explains a lot.
Creepy Dr. Zeke Emanuel, the godfather of death panels with Dr. Fauci's Director of the Department of Bioethics, the Ethical Oversight Board.
He says everybody should be dead or killed by the government by 75.
Don't believe me?
Look it up.
Global freedoms hit dismal record low amid pandemic.
Pandemic's the pretext for corporate worldwide martial law, but people like Dr. Marble are fighting back.
So we've come so far together.
We're all battered and bruised and bloodied, but we're coming through this and we're protecting the children having big victories.
So praise God and thank God for this and champions out there like Dr.
Yidan and Dr. Malone and Dr. Marble and Dr. Bartlett and Dr. I mean there's so many McCullough and Mercola and just everybody because believe me behind the scenes I know what a lot of these people gone through and it's been rough but they're men they're women they're strong they got God they're not they're not whining about it but let me tell you it's been rough so we need your prayers we need your support and I need you to go to m4warrestore.com and get things you already need Like our triiodine, all three types of iodine you need for your immune system, and your body, and your libido, and everything.
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Whatever you do, realize we've proven we take action.
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Plus, these are great products.
That's the sound of freedom worldwide.
With Canada prepared to declare martial law to crush the peaceful truckers who don't want to be forcibly injected with an mRNA shot filled with a spike protein of HIV.
It's hitting mainstream news now that the spike protein basically is connected to autoimmune disorders.
We'll talk to medical doctor Dr. Min Barbel about that and so much more.
He's a medical doctor and Nobel Prize nominee.
He is the founder of MyFreeDoctor.com and leading telehealth provider online.
He's the biggest now and is known as being the first doctor to treat patients in all 50 states for free.
Dr. Marble created MyFreeDoctor.com.
I know a bunch of other doctors that just really admire him.
We've been so blessed to have him on when I didn't even realize the great work he was doing.
I know he was doing some great work, but he's just amazing.
Dr. Marble created MyFreeDoctor.com at the beginning of the pandemic to save lives by providing accessible, affordable, and effective healthcare To everyone, just like the website's name states, the telehealth visits are free and the service is purely donation-based.
If you suspect you may be feeling ill, especially from COVID-19, do not delay.
Head to MyFreeDoctor.com to get access to a licensed doctor who will provide care and give you access to effective treatments and diseases.
And the website's MyFreeDoctor.com.
And the reason we have him on is he's not a sponsor.
He doesn't bring the money in to do that.
He works, I know people that know him, 20 hours a day.
He's got a bunch of other people that did it.
I mean, when I first had Dr. Bartlett on, And then my dad got really sick later, and the local pharmacy wouldn't give him the Ivermectin and the Budesonine.
As soon as my dad got it, by Dr. Bartlett calling and getting doctors to come to the house, my dad got better like in a day.
It was miraculous.
My dad had 82% oxygen, and we were taking him to the hospital, they would have killed him.
But he was back to 93% the next day, back to 98% in a couple days.
He had some brain fog for a while, but his body was back.
I was told, well, these other telemedicine groups are overtaken, and Dr. Bartlett and Dr. Peter McCullough and others said, well, Dr. Marble, he's been the best at this.
So people have been totally overwhelmed, ladies and gentlemen, and then Marble's been good at reaching out to small mom-and-pop pharmacies that'll actually give you the things you need, which are totally safe drugs, but they don't want you to have.
Talk about evil.
Talk about them wanting to destroy hope.
So to talk about that, Well, I'd start off by saying Happy Valentine's Day, Alex.
I hope you're having a good day.
I appreciate you having me back on the show.
Dr. Marble, and Dr. Marble, I really, really appreciate you joining us today.
This is so incredibly important.
You haven't been on about four or five months.
Where do you wanna start off first here?
Well, I'd start off by saying happy Valentine's Day, Alex.
I hope you're having a good day.
Appreciate you having me back on the show.
You know, I did go and testify at Senator Ron Johnson's COVID summit, a second opinion in Congress a few weeks ago,
and a lot of great doctors showed up for that to get the word out about what's really happening
because the mainstream narrative is just all lies and they censor anything that doesn't follow
the PC Nazi COVID cult line, basically is how I see it.
And so that was great that Senator Ron Johnson was able to have us all there and to actually get it on public record, this permanent record of the Senate now.
What we all, you know, most of the doctors on our side of this discussion actually believe is going on, which is, you know, it's all bad.
You know, everything they censor, everything that they, you know, Any drug or treatment that works, they try to ban it or not let doctors use that treatment, and they try to put treatments on the public that don't actually work, like drugs like remdesivir.
Remdesivir is a horrible drug.
So I guess it just depends on what specifically you want to talk about today.
It's kind of up to you, but I can talk about any of those issues.
Well, I mean, that's it.
Exercise and evil by big pharma big tech and the media to push poisons on people
Lie to them lie them about the so-called vaccines block treatments
And then basically take over society and bring in world IDs and world tracking systems for the vaccine passport
But it seems to me like the worms really turning And their whole agenda is not defeated, but it's certainly
in trouble What do you make of some of the huge developments around
the world?
It seems to me like we're seeing a big awakening you talk to more people than I do
You know, I know hundreds a day yourself thousands every week got a bunch of doctors and others working for you
What are you hearing? What are you saying?
certainly there the narrative is Collapsing and you know, the masses globally are awake now
and realize what's going on. Yeah I think it's important to clearly define the enemy.
A lot of people say it's the Democrats or it's the Republicans or it's this group or that group, but the biggest enemy of all globally that's responsible for this, that planned the whole pandemic, if you will, the Great Reset, is the The billionaire globalist, the World Economic Forum at Davos.
You know, for example, if I was president, I would drop a bomb on the World Economic Forum at Davos the next time they meet.
And the pandemic, this whole thing would end that day.
You know, they're the enemy, they're the ones, you know, Nazi Klaus Schwab, Dr. Death Fauci, Bill Gates of hell, George Soros, all those leaders, Marxist Mark Kuckerberg, They're the ones who have planned this all, this great evil that they've put on the world.
You have to think about what happened.
Dr. Death Fauci, he is the great architect.
He's the greatest mass murderer in the history of the world.
He's the architect of COVID-19.
It's a Frankenstein virus, includes part of the HIV virus, part of SARS virus, Part of the RSV virus and then the spike protein.
Okay, they use that Frankenstein virus in the fear campaign, the global fear campaign with the fake news to scare everybody and convince everybody to take in the experimental gene editing poison.
Which in my opinion are slow acting lethal injections.
You know, Nobel Prize winner Luke Montagne, he just died last week and he said his belief was that any person who took even one shot would be dead within three years.
Well, he also mentioned the fact that You know, if you go ahead and you've already had the shot, go ahead and take an HIV test.
Don't be surprised if you're positive, because a lot of people are turned positive from the poison shot.
So, they've already given over 10 billion doses of the poison.
So, the way I see it, next to 4 billion people, over 4 billion people, which is half the planet.
So, they've already dosed half the planet with slow-acting lethal injections.
So, now they can flip-flop on all the things we know that don't work.
Masks don't work.
Simplest explanation for why masks don't work, Masks don't cover your eyes.
You can get COVID through your eyes, so it's a no-brainer.
A three-year-old should understand that masks don't stop COVID.
The lockdowns and the social distancing don't work.
But that was all designed to convince people to take the poison.
And the problem is, is over four billion people did.
So now they can stop all the things that we know don't work, because all they have to do now is wait for everybody to die.
That's right, and then claim that HIV is suddenly exploding.
I'm sure you've seen the numbers.
Oh, there's a new HIV.
It spreads quicker.
Everybody's dying.
They have autoimmune disorders.
They all happen to be vaccinated.
This is really scary.
It is very frightening when you think about it.
And, you know, we try to offer hope.
You know, I say, I tell people, fear has no place here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
And we're here.
You ever get so mad you just want to cry because it's just so...
enraging of what's going on. It's horrible. It's totally wrong. Let me ask you this,
and you can elaborate next segment, have the floor sir.
What about mitigation? Do we have any knowledge about what mitigates people that have
the vaccine? I've read that it looks like ivermectin, since it
also attacks the real virus, that ivermectin also could do something.
Because we know what they're going to push is an mRNA HIV vaccine that Fauci's now announced to counter what he already did to us.
When we come back from break, can you elaborate on that?
Yes, sir.
But I want to give this out again.
I've talked to a bunch of doctors behind the scenes, the most prominent people, and they say you have been the most effective at giving people free health care.
It's all donation-based.
Some give nothing.
Some give $100, whatever.
You're running a whole operation.
How many people have you gotten medicine to that people are trying to deny them?
And how many lives do you estimate you guys have saved?
We're probably somewhere around 175,000 now.
I haven't crunched the numbers lately, but we passed 150,000 free doctor visits around Christmas time, so we're around probably 175,000 now.
We still have a 99.99% survival rate of our patients.
I would say, you know, the four patients that we had that passed away, they wouldn't take the medicine, so... Hold on, stay right there, Dr. Marble.
We'll be right back.
All right, Dr. Ben Marble is our guest, and he was breaking down the numbers of people That we see becoming ill from these injections and the fact that half the world has basically in many areas had this and where he sees this going and how serious this is going to be.
But the other question is, is there any mitigating factors or things for people that have been forced or didn't know, we're not blaming anybody, we're not judging them, that took this to mitigate what the injections have basically caused?
Yes, sir.
Well, there are several Remedies and treatments that we're using, whether they work or not, certainly is debatable, but ivermectin is one of them, pine needle tea, black seed, apopectin, and there's a few others that, you know, depends on which doctor you talk to.
Those things are believed to help.
The bottom line is, you know, experimental mRNA gene editing is bad, and once you edit your genome, you know, it's hard to Basically, you're a genetically modified organism.
You're no longer human, is what the transhumanists would say.
Theoretically, there's a way to reverse that, but it would take millions of dollars and several years of research to figure out how to reverse engineer the shots, basically.
What I say, Dr. Death Fauci, he always talks about following the science, follow the science.
What they're talking about, you know, their science is fake science.
They claim people can change their sex.
Well, newsflash, nobody can change their sex.
Your sex is in your chromosomes.
You're either genetically XX or genetically XY.
XY is a man, XX is a woman.
Anything else is a genetic abnormality as proven by the fact that anything else cannot sexually reproduce.
You know, their fake science claims people can change their sex, claims men can get pregnant, and claims gene-editing poison is a vaccine.
Well, that's all a great big lie.
It's not a vaccine.
It's poison.
It will never be a vaccine.
And when they talk about the treatments for it, like for the people that are going to, you know, turn out HIV positive, we're calling that VAID, vaccine-induced AIDS.
They're suggesting that people take another gene-editing poison.
Well, any of the mRNA gene-editing or DNA-editing technology, they're all poison.
They're experimental.
We don't know what the long-term outcome is going to be.
So, you know, if you survive the shot, it's kind of like Russian roulette.
Some people die in the first, you know, 48 hours from the clot, strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary embolus.
If you survive that, going forward, you may wind up with AIDS, or we're seeing radically increased amounts of cancers, other You know, the reduced immunity... Because as you said, it's now confirmed.
They're finding this a year after injection that it's still replicating in your body.
They said it would disappear from your body in 72 hours when they first came out with this.
And we're seeing research that is still producing spike protein at even higher levels than an acute COVID infection.
And the spike protein is the self-spreading bioterror weapon.
This is a bioterrorism program, no doubt about it.
And the spike protein is the single biggest weapon.
Now, I would also get at the root of, you know, we talk about root causes.
The root cause You know, the globalists at Davos, their biggest weapon is political correctness.
Political correctness is how all this has happened.
And it's the great big charade... That's right, they use that to paralyze.
Like, oh, you're truckers that want to be injected.
You're a racist.
Oh, you don't want your five-year-old to be taught about transgenderism.
You're a racist.
We go, oh, don't call me that.
I'll do whatever you say.
It's ridiculous.
It's a paper tiger.
It's like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain.
It's a hoax.
Yep, the fear of being called a racist.
Everybody will go to extreme lengths to avoid being called a racist.
Well, you know, political correctness is why that has happened.
Political correctness is the exact opposite of free speech.
And, you know, people used to think, oh, it's just good manners.
But no, it's not good manners.
It's getting millions and millions of people killed around the world is what's Happening because of political correctness, so I would say going forward, you know in 1946 They made it illegal to be a Nazi in Germany Well, when this war is over political correctness needs to be banned globally or at least in America because I'm tired of this crap People need to realize it is an evil group trying to control our minds and create division it is it is a Nazi ideology of race to control people and
It certainly is, and a lot of people don't realize it, but George Soros is a literal Nazi.
He's on many occasions stated that taking down America was his life's goal, and he's doing a great job of it.
Why he's still alive, I don't know.
If I was president, he would be the first person I would take out, along with Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates.
Uh, and Fauci and a few others.
Uh, those people, minimum, they need to be arrested and on trial.
I would, you know, I'm a doctor.
I'm sworn an oath to protect life, so I'm not going to take anybody's life.
But, you know, the job of soldiers during war is to arrest and or kill the enemy.
Well, first you have to know who the enemy is, and I'm clearly stating who the enemy is.
The enemy is Nazi Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates of hell.
George Soras, Dr. Death Fauci, Dementia Joe, Kamala Horace, there's a few others.
And we want legally and lawfully, through juries, grand juries, the system, them and their controllers, to be brought to justice.
I mean, I get what you're saying.
You're saying they're murdering us, we need to identify their violating the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, and put them on notice that, just like the Nazis were dealt with, we're going to take our countries back and they will be held accountable legally and lawfully.
You know, Rainer Fulmich, he's a lawyer in Germany.
He's currently conducting mock trials to lay forth the evidence for the world to see about everything that's going on.
And so I would encourage everybody to tune in to what he's doing and to follow that.
But what we really need is some of the You know, the police, the upper level military to start arresting these evil people.
They need to be arrested and in prison and then we can hold trials.
You know, I'm actually in favor of a global ban on the death penalty, but in the middle of a time of war when millions of people are getting killed by the enemy, we have to do something.
Uh, to hold these people accountable.
They cannot be allowed to remain free.
Fauci would be another person.
He needs to be in prison.
He needs to be on trial.
And I don't know, how do we make that happen is the great mystery because it seems like all the, it seems like the billionaires have bribed everybody and everybody's corrupt.
They've, you know, think about this, nine U.S.
Supreme Court members, all nine have taken the poison.
So we have a completely corrupt Supreme Court.
Majority of Congress has taken the poison, so we have a corrupt Congress.
All the global leaders globally, like Justin Trudeau, why is that guy not in prison?
I mean, it's ridiculous what's going on, but the people see through it, so how we take back power, we just need to overthrow all these leaders and get rid of them, throw them all in prison where they belong.
Well, there's no doubt they're involved in undeclared, unrestricted biological warfare.
They believe to cull the human population.
When we come back, Dr. Marble, I want to go over some clips here.
Since you mentioned this, the CEO of Pfizer came out recently on a Sunday news show and admitted they're, quote, creating artificial viruses that are purely synthetic in labs.
And then that ties into Another very important clip I have here with a British virologist, Peter Daszak, admitting in 2019 they created COVID-19.
So that's coming up.
But for everybody out there, I'm not going to die promoting this.
I just feel good letting people know what's going on.
If they need help or aren't being helped by their local doctor or pharmacy, you can contact Dr. Ben Marble and his great crew at MyFreeDoctor.com.
They need your prayers.
All right, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
You know, Doc, I want to get into this really bad news, really scary HIV synthetic attack news, but I want to hit some positive news first.
In reversal, FDA puts breaks on COVID shots for kids, following Europe outright banning it.
This has gotten almost no coverage.
They had to replace, as you know, listeners may not, the boards over and over again.
Until they got boards that would approve it, but finally they backed off, and they're now trying to back off more boosters.
This is a big victory.
From your research in Intel and being a medical doctor, that has so many contacts, what is this about?
This looks like good news to me.
Certainly that is good news.
I think overall, you know, I would have expected that they would have already pulled all these shots by last June or July based on the data and numbers I was seeing.
But, you know, if you go to OpenBears.com, there's over 30,000 deaths reported already.
Close to two million adverse events.
So that's more than all other real vaccines over the past four decades combined in just a short 14 months.
Explain that.
They pulled the swine flu back in the late 70s for what?
20 bad reactions?
A couple deaths, right?
Yeah, the normal on the F, if it's FDA approved, if there's 25 deaths or more, if there's 25 deaths, they're supposed to pull a product.
But the problem is, is these aren't truly FDA approved.
They're emergency use authorization.
So you can literally kill a billion people with an EUA drug and they don't have to pull it.
That's the way that this is.
And they premeditatedly got it done that way and did secret agreements now admitted with over 100 countries to give them liability protection and make their contract secret.
Do you have any idea what's in that contract?
It's still secret right now.
No, I don't.
They keep all that hidden in secret.
Certainly all the manufacturers are immune from lawsuit.
The doctors are immune from liability as well.
So they've basically covered all their bases, bribed everybody around the world globally.
They planned this for over a decade or more.
It's well over probably 10-15 years that they've been working on this plan, maybe even longer than that, but they've basically bribed everybody, all the higher levels of government, all the alphabet agencies are in their back pocket, the FDA, CDC, NIH, on and on.
Let me just back you up there, because I've studied atrocities throughout history.
There have been atrocities that killed more, but now it looks like in the aggregate this will be the biggest kill ever, because it's a soft kill.
But this is undoubtedly, hands down in my view, I want your view, the most premeditated, massive, widespread fraud ever perpetrated on humanity.
Absolutely, no question about it.
And that's why I say Dr. Death Fauci is the greatest mass murderer in the history of the world.
You know, in last year, let's recap, 2021, the great Feldbach experiment, over 10 billion doses of poison delivered over 4 billion people.
So it's easy to predict that this year, 2022, more people die this year than any year in human history.
Now, that sounds horribly bad, but the good news for the for the people who did take the shot is,
early treatment does work whether you're vaccinated or not.
So I encourage everybody, the problem is is for the 4 billion people
who did take the shot, most of them won't get early treatment.
And if they don't get early treatment when they get sick, then their odds of dying go way up.
And then long-term their odds of having the cancer.
And I want you to explain that, for those that don't know,
we see this line from Fauci a year ago, 99% of the people who get vaccinated,
99% of those in the hospital unvaccinated.
He later got challenged, he just made it up.
Now we hear 90% in the hospital.
But when you actually read the British Medical Journal, or the EU numbers, the US numbers, it's almost 80% what I've seen of the hospitalized and dying are injected, which is higher than even UK and US vaccine records of who's vaccinated.
So it looks like it's worse if you've had the so-called vaccine to get COVID and die.
This is a great example of how to lie with statistics.
That's Bill Gates, one of his favorite books.
I call them hellspittles because what happens when somebody goes in the hospital is they stop all the meds that work and they start all the things that don't work.
So, it's just a great big conspiracy to maximize death at every turn.
You know, you won't let people have visitors when they're sick.
You're giving them remdesivir, which is known to cause renal failure, and about 20% of the people get it.
Then, if the patient complains there's something, they sedate them, and once you're sedated, the next step is you get intubated, and then, you know, over 90% of people that are intubated die.
So, what we say amongst ourselves, the groups of physicians we communicate with, Uh, is that basically the hospitals are the new concentration camps where they send people to die and get rid of the useful idiots as the globalists call them.
And we've seen that in Australia and now in Europe, where if you're not, quote, vaccinated, you can't see your children in the hospital for a broken leg, you name it.
And then suddenly the broken leg becomes, oh, your child's intubated, and they literally murder them.
Particularly Down syndrome children have been targeted.
This is a eugenics, bioethics cult.
Christy Lee did a whole report on that.
It's at Bandai Vidya.
Well, yeah, that's the thing.
Gene editing is eugenics, and that's what a lot of people don't understand.
These fake vaccines are eugenics.
Eugenics is a crime against humanity.
So, you know, we shouldn't be allowing this, is the bottom line.
But, you know, Uh, it's the level of evil here.
People, people, the average person doesn't want to believe that this level of evil exists and they're like, oh, this is just a conspiracy theory.
You're just a, you know, right wing nut.
But, uh, it's not a conspiracy theory.
This is a great conspiracy to cull the human herd.
You know, you know, it's true.
And most of the people that are actually paying attention know it's true.
Oh, I do.
And history shows it happens over and over again.
Oh, absolutely.
It does.
They've wrapped up their Killshot program.
The Killshot program is complete.
So now they can flip-flop on everything.
And then when everybody starts dying, they can say, oh, you got AIDS.
You got a weird variant of AIDS.
Well, they're just lying.
Now, the phrase fully vaccinated, let me point this out as well.
Fully vaccinated is a meaningless term because you're not fully vaccinated until you're dead, from their perspectives.
And fully vaccinated is a term they use in all the statistics you see on television and stuff.
And that's when they mention, oh, The hospitals, you know, 70% of the people in hospitals are not fully vaccinated.
Well, that fully vaccinated means you've had, you know, three or four shots.
But if you're not fully vaccinated, that includes the people that took one shot, two shots, but it also includes the people who took zero shots.
So that's how they watered down the statistics for the people who didn't take the shot.
The reality we're seeing from everybody I'm hearing is that, you know, roughly 75 to 80 percent of people in the hospital took at least one shot.
They're not fully vaccinated, but they took at least one shot of the poison.
And then we see some people, all over the world it's happening, get 7, 8, 9, 10 shots, so obsessed, wanting like, okay, well it doesn't work, I want more shots, and then they die.
That's the great, you know, everybody knows, you know, the definition of sanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
And that's the proof that political correctness causes insanity.
It's the cause of this mass formation psychosis or global mass psychosis.
It's a global brainwashing.
And the people think, oh, well, the fifth dose didn't work.
Well, I need a sixth dose.
Well, I need a seventh dose.
And just keep going on and on with doses until eventually they're in the graveyard.
and because it's destroying their immune systems.
If you make it past the first few days where the spike protein circulates and causes clots,
strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary emboli, that's how a lot of people die acutely.
You make it past that, then you wind up with the vaccine-induced AIDS, immune deficiencies,
cancer rates are going through the roof.
We're seeing sperm counts are going down to zero in people who've had the shot.
A lot of these women are going to turn out to be infertile.
They're not going to be able to have children.
The miscarriage rate, I think, is close to 70 to 80 percent of women who've had the shot.
That's right.
New England Medical Journal, the first two trimesters, it's 86 percent.
Yeah, it's nuts and we have a paper coming out on that pretty soon with me and Dr. Thorpe and Dr. McCulloch and a few others discussing all of that issues in the pregnant women.
Dr. Marble, let's come back in the final segment, whatever you want to cover, I don't want you to hit, but isn't it hard?
They really did it.
They really launched their depopulation.
We're living in this now.
We're two years into the biggest bio attack in world history.
Yes, sir.
It's crazy, and it's hard to believe it's happening, but it has happened, and we can't just bury our heads in the sand.
We have to fight back and take our country back and take the planet back from these evil doers.
That's right, folks.
They've already wiped out billions of us that are just slugging it out now, but we're going to organize and realize what happened.
We're going to reconstitute, rebuild civilization, repopulate.
We're going to do it, and we're going to bring these people to justice, too.
They will go to prison for the rest of their lives.
Fauci, Gates, all of them will pay.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
The proxy war on the borders of Russia has gone to overdrive.
The President of Ukraine has made a big announcement.
We'll be covering that when I start the next hour and hand the baton to the one, the only, Gerald Solente.
Dr. Ben Marbles here.
And you know, Doc, I wish you were wrong, and I wish all the scientists and doctors I had on were wrong.
I wish the discoverer of HIV was wrong, who won the Nobel Prize you just mentioned.
I wish that the former chief scientist at Pfizer was wrong, Dr. Yidan.
I wish the inventor of mRNA technology was wrong, Robert Malone, Dr. Malone.
I wish you were all wrong, but you're not wrong.
And I can see the statistics.
Major insurance companies, a consortium, say over 40% increase in deaths 18 to 56 or 18 to 64, working age, bigger than World War II death rate increase, where we lost a million people or so.
So, and they admit it's not COVID.
It's, now there's, oh heart attacks are normal in kids, oh strokes are normal, oh there's all these autoimmune problems, oh and we're just living in this, watching this happen.
And it's like, why?
All because the globalists were inbred?
All because they like to kill people?
All because Bill Gates and his father and grandfather were headed up Planned Parenthood?
I mean, we've done the research.
You're a MD doctor.
You've done the research.
We're not, like, spouting off BS here.
This is real.
And so, yeah, we're starting to turn the tide, but you're right.
It should have never happened.
The medical boards, the FDA, others, they should have stopped it, but they didn't.
But finally they are, because now they realize the crimes they've committed, that higher-up corporations knew what was going on, but had them certify it.
So where do you see all this going?
Well, certainly...
A big concern would be going forward, you know, now that the globalists and the enemy leadership realizes that we're on to them, that they control the grid, for example.
They could shut the grid down.
They can cause food shortages and other things.
So that's my big fear later this year.
As the mass die-off of 2022 progresses, it could and probably will cause... Exactly.
They're going to trigger major crises to smokescreen that.
It's going to crash.
The stock market is probably going to crash and then it could cause food shortages.
The biggest problem would be if they shut the grid down.
That's going to cause panic across the globe.
Uh, hopefully that doesn't happen.
Uh, that, you know, the way to stop that from happening is to arrest them sooner rather than later.
You know, I've been speaking out on this, uh, that I believed it was a lethal injection kill shot for over a year now.
And all the other doctors are like, don't, don't say that.
You're scaring people.
You got to give people hope.
And it's like, I feel like, uh, the guy in the movie Unsullied and Green is people.
Fake vaccine gene editing is poison, you know, and I'm not trying to scare people, but people need to be aware that they're taking poison.
It's like, you know, even Dr. Yedon, former chief scientist at Pfizer, now says you're right.
It's a kill shot.
It's depopulation.
Dr. Zelenko's right.
I mean, now they're not, they're not criticizing you now, are they?
No, not at this point, but the big problem is all the doctors are afraid.
We've had a cowardice pandemic across America among the physicians.
They're just afraid, and they're selfish, and they're afraid of their own career instead of their patients' lives, so they're all afraid to stand up and speak the truth, even though the vast majority of the doctors I talk to, they all believe it's poison.
They know it's poison.
They see the data, yet they're afraid to speak up because somebody might rat on them and complain to the state medical board and
might get them in trouble and if they lose their license they can't work so
It's you know they've tried to silence all the doctors and some of the doctors just say screw it and speak up anyways
And that's where I would encourage all the doctors to do because what's the alternative?
You're just gonna sit around and watch everybody die and never speak up
It's like you know if we were in World War two if you if it was
1943 and you treated a little Jewish child for strep throat or something, but then you don't warn him
hey, don't go to the gas chamber, don't go crawling that oven.
Well, that's just crazy.
We should be warning people not to take this poison.
And I would encourage all doctors to speak up against the poison.
I'm one of the only doctors I know, I've never recommended a single dose for a single patient, because it was easy for me to predict that it was going to be dangerous.
One, because rush science is always bad science.
And no vaccine had ever been produced in less than four years, and suddenly they're producing this in nine months, so... And it's run by Bill Gates who wants to depopulate us.
And, remember their own CDC document in October said, all those listings of heart attacks, blood clots, myocarditis, they knew.
Why would they, Dr. Marble, put that in a report, make it public three months before?
Was that a good guy slipping that in, or was that them covering their ass?
I would have to think that was somebody with some, you know, basically a good guy that accidentally leaked it out and that person probably got canned real quick after that.
But, you know, the truth's out there for those who are willing to find it.
That's one of the great things about, you know, info wars and just the Internet in general is if you look hard enough, you can find information and it is hard to know what Sources to trust though, and that's where your site has just been spot-on over the years.
You've been way ahead of the curve.
I commend you guys for all that you do.
Well, we've had about a 98% accuracy rate.
We make mistakes, and they make a big deal out of those, but we're trying.
We're not trying to lie like CNN.
You're right.
We're trying to tell the truth.
Yeah, and I'm occasionally wrong as well, and if I'm wrong, I'll readily admit I was wrong about that.
You know, but The doctors will never admit they're wrong.
They claim they're science.
I mean, certainly that should set off alarms for anybody listening.
When Fauci said, I am science, I was like... Science is about exploration and learning and questioning, isn't it?
So when somebody says, don't question science, that's the opposite of science.
That is the exact opposite of science.
That's crazy talk.
That's fake science and what they believe is fake science.
The PC COVID cult, they're just in this dystopian fairytale world that does not exist where you can just pretend you're whatever you want.
You're not a man.
You're not a woman.
You're just a they or an us.
And all your enemies are Russian agents because you don't want nuclear war.
Yeah, and anybody who says anything against that is racist and all this just nonsense.
And they're just all crazy and brainwashed.
And the problem with those people is once they're brainwashed, it's hard to bring them back.
I mean, once they, you know, we have patients that will come to us, they've taken the shot and then they get sick.
And then the problem is when they get sick, their doctor won't treat them.
And I would encourage people across America... That's right, the doctors wait until they now can't breathe to get that $53,000 for innovation.
Yeah, I would encourage patients, if you got sick with COVID and you called your doctor and they wouldn't treat you, sue that doctor.
That's a fake doctor.
He needs to be sued because this is how we force doctors to actually start doing what they're doing.
What do you call that?
Failure to render aid?
It's abandonment.
It's patient abandonment, and abandonment is malpractice.
You know, that's a violation of the first student harm oath that we took.
You know, abandoning a patient when they're acutely sick with COVID, refusing to give them any treatment, they won't even let them come to their office and just talk to them, and that takes away the patient's hope when the doctor won't even communicate with you.
Yeah, since when do doctors not help sick people?
That's why it's been an honored priest class, is you put yourself in line for bad things.
You put yourself in the way of things.
Since when?
Oh, I'm sorry, I'm a doctor.
I can't be around you.
You're sick.
Yeah, it's completely backwards.
You know, they can redefine the, the lawyers and politicians, they can redefine the word up to mean down, like they redefined gene editing poison to be a vaccine.
But that doesn't make gene editing poison a vaccine.
It's still poison.
Poison is poison.
Nobody should take it.
These doctors should all be ashamed of themselves.
They need to start delivering early treatment or they need to quit being doctors.
Go be a lawyer.
Go work for Bill Gates or something.
But you're not a doctor if you won't treat your patients.
Well, Dr. Marble, you said it.
Their system's collapsing, but they're about to launch a bunch of other distractions
from the fact that their program is in so much trouble.
I mentioned this.
Do five more minutes with us, because I want to get your take on this before our next guest host,
Gerald Cilente, takes over.
So please don't hang up, because I wanted to play you the Pfizer CEO saying that we didn't save the virus.
We created one in the lab, which is beyond gain of function.
And that other clip, which is British virologist Peter Daszak admitting gain of function.
I want to hit that when we come out.
But listen, folks, you've got to write this down.
You may have gotten over COVID or you may be fine.
That's that's great.
Your friends, your family, your neighbors get this synthetic spike protein that's floating around, and if they go to a mainline hospital, they'll say, go home, because they're given a battle plan.
Most of them aren't even aware of what they're doing.
While it incubates, while it takes over, while it destroys your tissue, and then once you can't breathe, once your oxygen is low, now you're prepared.
The protocol says put you on a ventilator, which kills 94% of people, even the New York Times admits that.
You need vitamin C. You need vitamin D. You need zinc.
You need it all up front to be heavily loaded on it.
And then, obviously, from all the evidence, you need to have access to a medical doctor.
And folks will give you prescriptions for things that Big Pharma doesn't want you to have because they're trying to kill you while they suck.
$53,000 per minimum out of you.
So, MyFreeDoctor.com, MyFreeDoctor.com.
Write that down.
Save that number.
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Where do I call?
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But you'll find it all there.
All right. Hour number four. Straight ahead. Stay with us.
Well, we've seen at least eight different hearings in the last two years where Senator Paul destroys
the man involved in the gain of function in his own documents using that term.
But if you create a totally new synthetic virus of a scan of natural viruses, they can claim it's like a new designer drug.
It's not covered by law yet.
And that's what the head CEO of Pfizer said on national news.
This got no attention a few weeks ago, but here the clip has now been discovered.
Covering his ass, admitting that indeed they have created totally synthetic viruses in the lab of COVID-19, completely illegal.
And then we get to Peter Daszak in December of 2019, also telling the media they'd indeed done this.
Here it is.
What information are you expecting to get over the next couple weeks, both from within Pfizer and BioNTech and also from around the world?
We saw the South Africa data last night.
We know that academic labs everywhere are working on this.
How will you make that decision about whether those three doses are enough or if you do need to switch to that Omicron-specific vaccine, which we understand you started working on already and could have by March?
The data that we received are data that we got from what we call pseudovirus.
So it's not the real virus, it is a virus that we have constructed in our labs and it is identical with the Omicron virus.
This is a very well-known study.
But if you're saying these are diverse coronaviruses and you can't vaccinate against them, they're no antivirals, what do we do?
Well, I think that coronaviruses are pretty good.
I mean, you're a virologist, you know all this stuff, but you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily.
Spike protein drives a lot of what happens with the coronavirus, zoonotic risk.
So you can get the sequence, you can build the protein, and we work with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this, insert it into the backbone of another virus and do some work in the lab.
So you can get more predictive when you find a sequence.
You've got this diversity.
The logical progression for vaccines is if you're going to develop a vaccine for SARS, people are going to use pandemic SARS, but let's try and insert some of these other related and get a better vaccine.
And I guess also knowledge of what's there.
If you see something emerging, give it a head start on making a vaccine or a therapeutic.
That's true.
And, you know, better knowledge of where they are as well so that you can put your money into these clinics that matter.
And that's one of the big things that we've been trying to push.
So there you go, folks.
A catch-all vaccine that Bill Gates made with Peter Daszak now released on us and they take over the world.
And they're making stuff synthetic in labs and they admit it all, but there's no gain of function happening, Dr. Ben Marble.
We've got two minutes left.
Closing comments on that.
Well obviously he just that's an admission of guilt what he just said and why he's not arrested yet is boggles my mind uh you know the CEO of Pfizer there he should be in prison as you know the CEO of Moderna he just deleted his Twitter account the other day after he sold like 400 million dollars worth of stock in Moderna So, they know the game's up and they're cashing in their chips because the Killshot program is done.
They're done with it.
They've already dosed half the planet.
So, that's pretty scary what's to come.
I would encourage people certainly to go to MyFreeDoctor.com though and get the early treatment protocols.
Yes, we prescribe ivermectin.
Yes, we prescribe hydroxychloroquine and all the other controversial drugs.
There is a battle going on with the pharmacists across America and this is where each state can step up and put a stop to these pharmacists.
I call them COVID cult pharmacists.
They refuse to fill a prescription for a simple safe drug.
Ivermectin is safer than Tylenol.
Because they're executioners.
They know damn well what they're doing.
They're part of the cult.
They're practicing medicine without a license and the governors across the country need to put a stop to these pharmacists doing that.
They're blocking medical doctors that are practicing medicine.
They're stopping us.
They're killing people because they won't let us deliver the early treatment to the patients that need it.
So that needs to stop.
I would say to any patients that are getting through, we do get overwhelmed.
We're a ragtag crew of about 35 people treating the whole country.
And so, if you do get through and have a hard time getting to us, you can always email support at MyFreeDoctor.com.
If you have any difficulty, always be sure to include the patient's name and that will help us to find you in our system.
Dr. Marble, don't be a stranger.
We love you.
We appreciate you and we salute you.
Thank you so much.
Give out that support email again.
It's support at MyFreeDoctor.com.
All right.
God bless you, sir.
Thank you so much.
All right.
I got some big, bad news to cover.
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And it funds the InfoWar.
And a bunch of other sales in Wednesday as well at InfoWarStore.com.
Alright, we're now into hour number four on this February 14th, Valentine's Day transmission.
And we have got some really serious news.
The West propagandists are creating this idea that war is imminent.
Two weeks ago they said the war had already begun.
A week ago Bloomberg ran the headline that Russia attacks and invades Ukraine wasn't true.
And then now every 48 hours the State Department says in 48 hours Russia will attack.
And so Biden said on Saturday they will attack on the 16th.
Since when does somebody attack on a set date?
That's the last thing you do.
The truth is we know Western forces have moved into Ukraine.
They've moved in heavy weapons.
There's a proxy war going on since 2014.
TOW missiles, anti-tank, anti-aircraft, it's all being moved in.
I'm not a Russophile.
I am someone that wants peace and not to die.
And so now Ukraine's President NBC reports Says he's been told Russia will attack Wednesday.
Well, yeah, we've heard that everywhere.
We're told that February 16th will be the day of the attack, the President of Ukraine said.
He said Monday, his government has been told Wednesday, February 16th will be the day of the attack by the U.S.
State Department.
Now he's come out and said, well, they told me that, but I'm being a smart mouth.
Well, that's not how you stop wars.
But he did come out, and I've got the statements here, And say, come visit Ukraine.
We're not under attack, Mr. Biden.
Stop saying it.
The Russians aren't invading.
So he says that.
It's in his newspapers.
It's in their newspapers.
But it never makes it over here.
We just hear, hey, Russia is attacking.
Russia is attacking as the C-130s and Galaxies land with the anti-aircraft, the anti-tank missiles, and as the Ukrainian forces press towards the east into the Russian border in those Russian-held ethnic areas.
This is insane?
This is what you'd expect from their whole vaccine platform falling apart, their whole lockdown program falling apart, Trudeau set to declare martial law, and of course, what do you do when your power grab fails?
Well, you launch a war.
So this is just crazy.
They've got some actor, comedian president, they say, out of his depth.
Biden doesn't know what planet he's on.
This just has disaster written all over it.
I know I'm really looking forward to hearing what one of the top researchers in the country and the top trends forecaster, Gerald Solente, best-selling author, talk show host, researcher, has to say.
So, Gerald, I know you've probably got a lot to cover, but I'm guessing you might be about to cover Russia first, or am I wrong?
Oh, you're right.
Alex, this is the Trends Journal from back in spring 2014.
And guess what?
This is an article by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who you well know, former Assistant Treasury Secretary under Ronald Reagan, did a whole story over here.
You know what the Russians are going to do back in 2014?
They're going to invade Ukraine.
They've been saying this since.
And they keep building it up, and you spelled it out perfectly.
The total failure Of America's military wars.
They lied us into Iraq.
They've never brought these liars up.
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld.
Well, they're dead now.
I think Rumsfeld's gone.
That other one, Powell holding up his little colon of Powell crap.
This is proof that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction.
They lied us into these wars.
A total failure.
You ready for this?
This shows you what morons and imbeciles And that are in charge.
Remember Operation Enduring Freedom?
Oh no, you mean the 20-year war in Afghanistan that's destroyed the place that B.S.
Biden pulled out of, finally, with the words, oh no, no, the Taliban's not going to take over Kabul.
They're not going to take over the country.
And as you made it perfectly clear, you go to one of our magazine covers of the Trends Journal about three weeks ago, when all else fails, they take you to war.
As we're speaking, take a look what's going on to the Dow.
Oh, how many down days has the Dow had recently?
Only a couple of 500 points here and there.
Look what's going on.
Look how the United States is now amplifying its war bases going to countries in Africa.
Look how NATO is expanding all around Russia, which is in violation that they never talk about of the agreement made between Gorbachev and Reagan and Gorbachev and senior Bush administration.
That NATO would not go, quote, by James Baker, one inch further than they are.
Not one inch further?
Oh, you mean now they're all around Russia?
We would love it if the Russians were up in Canada and the Chinese were surrounding us in Mexico.
We'd be fine with that.
And that was the whole deal.
Ukraine was never supposed to go into NATO.
And going back in all the facts you hear in this magazine back in 2014, here was the deal.
Ukraine was in trouble, economically, as they've been for a long time.
What happened?
The EU made a deal with them.
That they would give them money if they followed XXS and were going to join NATO.
Russia came by and said, listen, don't join NATO, we'll give you a better deal.
We'll give you a better economic deal and we'll give you a better deal with gas prices.
So they said, OK, we'll go with Russia.
That was the end of it.
Anybody with a brain bigger than a pea Go to Victoria Newland, N-U-L-A-N-D, Washington D.C., December 2013.
There she is, giving a talk, saying, this is at the National Press Club, and she goes on to say that Washington, you ready, has invested five billion, that's right, B, five billion dollars, In non-governmental organizations, these are the NGOs, in Ukraine, you ready?
To teach democracy in Ukraine.
You look at this video, on one side of it is ExxonMobil, and on the other side is Chevron.
That's who it was brought to you by.
Oh, the gas deals and everything else?
Oh, we forgot about little Hunter Biden?
The little crap boy hunting for free crap all the time and whatever else he could hunt for?
Oh, you mean the deal that they did after they overthrew the government of Ukraine?
Where little John Kerry, another little arrogant nothing of a clown boy, who was US Secretary at the time, his stepson-in-law, Who is Chris Hines from the Hines 57.
He ain't married into that family.
Biden's son doing a deal with Burisma Energy in Ukraine.
Making, I think by the end, he made like $3 million.
Doesn't know crap about energy.
Burisma was a very, very shady deal company that I think they finally put out of business because of its corruption.
This whole thing is one scam brought in front of us.
Again, when all else fails, they take you to war.
People forget, before 9-11, the Dow, the NASDAQ rather, was down 66%.
Little Georgie Bush, again another daddy's boy, born on third base, thought he had a home run.
The Nasdaq is down, America's in a recession, his popularity rating is rapidly falling into the toilet where he should have gone with it.
All of a sudden, 9-11, Operation Enduring Freedom, The phony real estate market, everybody forgot about the dot-com bust that happened in March of 2000.
Several months later, we're off to war.
And the same thing is happening now.
The markets are going down hard.
The harder they fall, the faster they'll sell us to war.
History is just repeating itself.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And listen, everyone, do what you can to support InfoWars.
This is very serious what's going on.
It's been very serious.
It's been going on for a long time.
It just keeps getting worse.
Again, as I had forecast in the Trends Journal going back to about five weeks ago, the COVID war is going to start winding down.
And for two reasons.
One, midterm elections.
And the other one, the pressure From things such as the Freedom Convoy.
And again, when the Freedom Convoy happened, before it happened, and I'd been on Canadian with the movement, I told them that you guys are now, and women, are now setting the path for freedom like it's never been done during this COVID war.
What you're doing is huge, and it's going to make a very big difference.
And I told him on and on and on to make sure you speak about peace all the time.
And that's what we're talking about now is we're talking about the what's going on in Ukraine as well.
This is about peace.
Where are all the religions that where are all of them saying stop this war rhetoric?
We need a march to peace.
Where are they?
I'm doing it as much as I can.
And as you know, I started the church.
Freedompeacejustice.com, Universal Church of Freedom, Peace and Justice.
None of them are talking about this.
Alex Jones is talking about it, I'm talking about it, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
A number of us are fighting for freedom and peace and justice, but the mainstream media is just selling us war.
I'm gonna go back to the Trends Journal.
Remember, this is when it was a quarterly, now it's a weekly, and And Dr. Paul Craig Roberts wrote articles.
I wrote articles.
This is how they were launching the Ukraine war and teaching us more about hating Russia.
And like Alex Jones said, I'm not Russian.
I'm not supporting Russia.
I support peace.
Just like I wasn't for Iraq or Afghanistan.
I still want to go to war with them.
So this is what I wrote.
Excuse me, this is Dr. Paul Craig-Robertshaw.
Again, this is spring of 2014.
On March 10th, the U.S.
Department of State issued a document listing President Putin's 10 false claims about Ukraine.
In fact, the document was Washington's 10 lies about Russian aggression against Ukraine.
The latest lies came from the Obama regime.
I just want to stop about that for a second on the Obama regime.
All these little libtards love that murderous Obama, quoted in the book Double Down, quote, I'm really good at killing people.
Yeah, now the reports are out that some 30 million civilians were killed with drone strikes during the Operation Warp Speed and the War on Terror when it began in 2001.
This is also the Obama, I want that guy Qaddafi out of there!
Yeah, that Nobel Peace of crap prize winner that destroyed Libya, the richest country in Africa where people had more rights and benefits than most of the world!
I want that guy Assad out of there!
Oh, only what, about 600,000 Syrians are dead since Obama started that war?
Yeah, murderers, three of them, right there, one after another.
Little Billy Clinton, an arrogant nothing of a clown, that every time he got caught with his pants down, bombs away over Iraq.
Oh, calm down, Salenti!
Go to war!
Die for unjust causes!
Yeah, Bill Clinton, and you could look it up, Madeleine Albright, or not all that bright.
And I could tell you when I did a big gig on the QE2 and she was the speaker before me.
I could tell you that another time.
Anyway, she was ambassador under the UN ambassador under Clinton as he put sanctions on Iraq.
And Madeleine Albright is on with Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes.
And Leslie Stahl asks Madeleine Albright, is the price of 500,000 Iraqi children dead because of the sanctions worth the price?
And Madeleine, not all that bright, said, yes, it is.
There she is, Ms.
Fatshah Brut.
Right to the right!
The lower right!
Matter of fact, look at these people!
Look at them, and they're telling us what to do!
Look at the evilness exuding out of that fuck-up brute's face!
A murderer!
Murderer who condoned that!
Oh, and by the way, going back to the article, the latest lies from the Obama regime, repeated endlessly by the prostitute media, Are that Russian troops, you ready?
And tanks are masking on the Ukraine border.
And they're ready to attack.
Russia is being warned not to invade Ukraine.
Washington puppets state in Eastern Europe are calling for U.S.
aircraft and NATO troops to protect them from non-existing threats of a Russian invasion of Eastern Europe.
Washington is pressuring its NATO puppets to spend more on armaments and to speed up forward deployments of troops to Russian borders.
NATO announced that it suspended civilian and military cooperation with Russia, a right Alright, they've never stopped this.
When I was a kid, they had us hiding under a desk because the Russians were gonna drop an atom bomb on us.
Yeah, like being under a desk was gonna make any difference.
Yeah, just like when you go into a restaurant, you gotta wear a mask, because COVID will get you when you wear a mask walking.
Boom, you can sit down, you can take the mask off when you eat.
And when you're in an airplane, you can eat and drink without a mask on, but you better put that mask on when you're not eating and drinking, because that's when COVID will get you.
I'm saying this because these are the same psychopaths that are taking us to war again.
Oh, and building up the military-industrial complex.
As the economy goes down a turlet, all these crap heads What did they pass?
What is it?
$778 billion?
Defense budget?
Yeah, you guys did a great job in Iraq!
Love what you did in Afghanistan!
More money for more murdering!
All right.
History before it happens.
We tell you what's going on, what it means, and what's next.
Again, this is when this was a quarterly.
It was a quarterly and it was 49 pages.
Now it's a weekly, last week was 159 pages.
165 pages.
No ad.
And no big pictures anymore.
We're doing everything we can to help you prepare for this.
And you look at the facts.
What did I say about gold?
What's gold doing today?
What did I say about oil?
What's oil doing today?
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What's next?
It's history before it happens.
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Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show, InfoWars.
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Because I'm going to go see what it can do for me.
Going back to where we left off with the hate Russia routine.
Again, that we've been writing about in detail.
You saw what happened with the China Olympics.
Oh, what they're doing to those Uyghurs.
Yeah, China's terrible.
Not my kind of place, you know.
Again, the COVID war made in China.
Wrote about this when it happened.
Cover of our magazine.
January 28th, 2020.
Right after the COVID war was launched in China on Chinese Lunar New Year.
Coronavirus, 106 dead in China.
Our next line was 106.
No, excuse me, 104.
1.4 billion still alive.
What are you telling me?
106 people died out of 1.4 billion in this filthy country.
106, no excuse me, 104, 1.4, 1.4 billion still alive.
What are you telling me, 106 people died out of 1.4 billion in this filthy country,
and that's why they wear these stupid masks all the time.
Who would have believed, who would have believed that we'd be wearing masks and accepting being locked down
like China started that war?
So I'm no fan of China.
And again, as I said, they started the COVID war because they couldn't stop what was going on in Hong Kong.
And I used to be on Hong Kong TV throughout 2019 when they couldn't stop the protests.
7.5 million people, a million were taken to the streets.
You can't get a million people in America out of 332 million to take to the streets.
So, going back, I'm no fan of China.
I don't like the communist nation.
We've become that.
And one of my top trend forecasts is the 20th century was the American century, the 21st is going to be the Chinese century.
Because the business of America has been war, while the business of China is business.
Going back, and again we write about this, the Dual Circulation Policy, giving you all the facts in the Trends Journal.
Going back, look how they taught us to hate the Chinese Olympics.
Look at the ratings, they're down the toilet.
You ready?
They did the same thing to Russia back in 2014.
in 2014. There's a picture right there. Are you not willing to let an atrocity go to waste
On December 29, 2013, following a terrorist bombing in a train station in Volgograd, a Russian city, several hundred miles from where the Sochi 2014 Olympics were to be hosted, the headlines across America blared, Terror attack hits Russia leading into 2014 Winter Olympics!
I'm not making this up.
Again, this is several hundred miles away.
Week after week, leading up to the February games, government officials, quote, credible sources, and quote, intelligence experts warned Americans that traveling to Sochi was risky.
From toothpaste bombs and shoe bombs to Black Widow bombers, The message was clear.
The fear campaign worked.
Just days before the opening ceremony, a February 5th CNN poll showed that 57% of Americans believed terror would strike during the Sochi games.
And that wasn't all.
According to a steady stream of reports, hotel rooms were in disrepair.
The city was filthy.
Poor people had been shipped out of sight and stray dogs shot.
The Olympic venues were not ready, reporters claimed.
It wasn't safe to drink the yellow water.
You know why?
Because they do pee-pee in the yellow water.
And there were homophobes everywhere.
Minor annoyances were magnified.
Americans even popularized the hashtag, SoshiProblems, with the hash mark in front of it.
On Twitter, to highlight any failures, the propaganda campaign was a resounding success.
TV ratings fell 12% from those for the Winter Olympics in Vancouver four years earlier.
And a Gallup poll in February showed that 60% of Americans viewed
Russia unfavorably the most since 1994, while 63% viewed Putin unfavorably.
Thus, when the Ukraine crisis violently erupted, American minds had already
been pre-programmed by propaganda.
Facts would not get in the way.
The stage for war and hate had been masterfully set.
Again, we wrote this in 2014.
And, you ready?
Veteran security consultants like Bill Rathbun, yep, he's quoted by There's this Yahoo News.
The security threat is higher than it's ever been in the history of the Olympic Games!
Rathbun blurted out, in my opinion, which isn't worth crap, craphead!
It's not a matter of whether there will be some incident.
It's just a matter of how bad it's going to be.
They're teaching us to hate the Chinese and Russians so they could build up the military complex, industrial intelligence complex that spies on us, that steals our money, and that gets our people killed.
But nothing other than dough.
It's great being on the Alex Jones Show.
I appreciate so much what they do.
And you should too.
So do what you can to support InfoWars.
Get their products.
They're terrific.
And again, if you want to read history before it happens, there's no magazine like the Trends Journal.
You got the Wall Street Journal here today.
It's a tiny little thing.
Our magazine is $2 a week.
The toilet paper record, the New York Times?
$6 for Sunday edition.
They'll give anything, nothing.
So do what you can to support us.
You know, I get angry, and I see Alex, of course, does too.
He who is not angry, when there is just cause to anger, is immoral.
Because anger looks to the good of justice.
And if you can't live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.
Said St.
Thomas Aquinas, a philosopher.
This is a time to be angry in a peaceful way.
Because he who's not angry, when there is just cause for anger is immoral.
And there's a just cause to be angry.
Look at the wars.
Look at the lives that they've ruined in this country.
You like the Vietnam War?
It only cost about 60,000 Americans.
They were guys of my age.
I was of that age.
Only about 350,000, you know, wounded seriously and mentally, you know, hundreds of thousands of more killing innocent people.
You like that, Agent Orange?
Yeah, let's poison a whole joint.
No, no, I know you like the Iraq War.
No, I like the Afghan War.
One war after another, we have to stop this.
You bet I'm angry.
And those That are not against these injustices, you are immoral as well as unjust.
Again, McCoy St.
Thomas Aquinas.
Let's stay on the war again.
The um we're writing in this is the from the 2014. Go on, Hillary Clinton, because what happened was
they Crimea broke away from China.
Not from China, from Ukraine.
And they say that Russia seized it.
As Dr. Paul Craig Roberts make very clearly, they did not seize it.
That, you know, it had nothing to do with that at all.
Because, The Crimean population is mainly Russian.
He went on to note and that Washington did overlook important facts about modern-day Ukraine.
For about 200 years, Ukraine was part of Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.
The Russian Black Sea Naval Base is located in Crimea.
Crimea, a Russian province for most of the period since the time of Catherine the Great, was added to the Soviet Republic of Ukraine because what happened was Khrushchev was Ukrainian and so he said you could be a separate republic.
But again, I'm not saying what's right or wrong, just giving you the facts.
So here's what Hillary Clinton said.
She compared Crimea's 2014 to Czechoslovakia 1930 and said Russian President Vladimir Putin's actions were like that quote, what Hitler did back in the 30s.
And Vice President Joe Biden managing to ignore that over 80% of Crimeans turned out to vote with nearly 97 voting yes to reestablish its centuries-long union with Russia.
You've got to see page 16.
In what international observers called a fair and clean election process declared it to be, quote, blatant, blatant violation of international law.
Nothing more than land-grabbing.
All right?
I write, pimping himself before 1,000 LGBT rights supporters in Los Angeles gala.
You ready?
Biden made a stab at linking Russia's anti-gay laws to the position it's taken in the Ukraine crisis.
How can you be so stupid to compare those two?
What does one have to do with another?
Well, I'm Joe Biden.
It doesn't have to do with anything.
Before we wrap up, I want to talk about the equity market.
You got the Dow down now, and that's about 150 points.
It's down more, it's rocking and rolling back and forth.
Over in Europe, The equities on average were down nearly 2% today.
Oil prices are at 8 year high.
And you're looking at Brent crude now approaching $97 a barrel.
What does that mean?
There's a thing called inflation that they lied to us about again.
Your Trends Journal said inflation was real and would get worse when little Jerome Powell, either lying or really stupid, was saying over a year ago that it was temporary.
Now it's transitory!
Now it's transgendatory!
You gotta be proper!
Along with Ms.
Fatsha Bruta, Janet Yellen.
These clowns, one after another.
Oh, you mean the one that was the former head of the Fed-Bankster gang that's now our Treasury Secretary?
Yeah, they said it was only temporary and transitory.
Oh, and that our number is, when inflation hits 2%, we're going to raise interest rates.
You mean them?
And every time they raised interest rates since the panic of 08, you never saw inflation going this high?
Last time they raised them inflation was like a 1.8% and now it's at 7.5% and they haven't raised them yet because they want all that cheap money to keep flowing into the equities markets so that bigs could buy up everything like they're doing.
Merger and acquisition activity was at an all-time high in 2021.
The billionaires got, a handful of them, got a trillion dollars richer.
So, the equities, oil, All things are connected.
Oil prices hit over $100 a barrel.
You're going to see inflation take off big time.
Big time.
What does it mean?
It already means that although wages have gone up, even at this inflation level, the wages are down about 3%.
It also means they're going to have to raise interest rates.
When interest rates at 1.5% to 2%, that's our forecast, you're going to see the greatest depression hit.
If they're raising 50 basis points, it won't mean a lot.
But even this talk about raising them from near zero to that is shaking the markets up to show you the volatility.
Let's go back to inflation.
When they raise interest rates because of inflation, they have to service a $30 trillion debt.
The higher interest rates go, the more it costs them to service that debt, as well as all of the people with adjustable rate mortgages and other big loans that are adjusted by inflation.
Oh yeah, you're gonna have to pay more as things are going down in the economy?
You see where this is heading?
And again, I don't give financial advice.
We write about in the Trends Journal how to prepare, prevail, and prosper.
I'm still with GSB.
Gold, silver, Bitcoin.
Even with Bitcoin taking the big hit it's at, what is it, still at $42,000 a coin?
And again, we've been right on target where the breakout points of this has been.
When it goes to a certain point, I'm going to see it go lower.
Another we're going to go higher.
We are in a complete category of madness.
And all you have to do is look at the faces of the freaks running the show.
That's it.
All you have to do is look at them.
This thing's going to go down big and hard if we don't have Freedom, peace, and justice.
So do what you can to support our church.
Support InfoWars.
And again, if you want to read history before it happens, it's a money-back guarantee.
30 days.
Great being on.
Thank you, Alex Jones, and all the staff for all that you do.
You're looking at InfoWars' newest designer t-shirt.
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And it's got all 46 presidents going back to the founding of this nation with George Washington.
And it ends up with Obama, Trump and Biden.
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It'll cause a lot of conversations and it's a great Way to wake people up and also makes a great gift.
You're not just giving someone the gift of a fun t-shirt when you give them this.
You're also funding the information war and there are dozens and dozens and dozens of new t-shirts that we've designed in the last six months.
They're now available at InfoWarsTour.com and when you purchase the shirt, you're giving yourself the gift of waking up the world and living in a free society.
So get one for yourself and give one as a gift.
All of it is a 360 win and it keeps us on the air while the Democrats and the Deep State and the Davos Group and Klaus Schwab and the Globalists are fighting around the clock to shut us down because they can't succeed if we stay on the air.
And of course we have a whole line of amazing 1776 shirts in short sleeve and long sleeve.
And then of course there's one of my favorites, the Vaccine Passport T-shirt.
This lets the Globalists know you're not signing on to their Mark of the Beast.
You're fully aware of what they're doing and you're educating other sheeple at the same time while funding the M4 War.
A true 360 win.
Get yours now with hundreds of other amazing t-shirts to choose from at M4WarStore.com All of this art is original and it's incredibly thought-provoking, like this one.
You've got one mouse asking the other mouse, are you going to take the vaccine?
He says, no way!
They haven't even finished the human trials yet.
These are the type of shirts you'll find exclusively at m4wrestore.com.
Again, hundreds and hundreds of shirts to choose from.
Dozens and dozens of new shirts that we just produced in the last few months.
And it funds the InfoWars and it spreads the word.
Like this one, which is mainly for Texans, but other folks might want one.
Most likely to secede.
It's all available at InfoWarsTore.com and it keeps us on air and it exercises free speech in the public.
Something the left doesn't want.
So again, thanks for keeping us on the air and thanks for shopping at InfoWarsTore.com.
I want to salute and thank you all for your support and want to encourage you to go and
get these t-shirts and other pieces of apparel and wear them openly, loudly and proudly and
let the leftists know they're never going to silence us, they're never going to break
our will and we are going to take America and the world back.
Michael, you're on the InfoWars War Room.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen.
It's truly an honor to speak to you.
So, quick product plug.
I just wanted to plug COVIDland Part 2, the mask.
If people are still on the verge of getting it, get it.
Get it, share it, post it, whatever.
Because, I mean, I watched the first one.
First one was great.
Second one, I mean, me and my wife were literally in tears when it went over.
The impact on the children, I mean, it's just very powerful.
When I started hearing the schools start talking about putting children in masks
in order to be able to go back to school, I thought it was a joke.
I thought, who in their right mind would put a mask on a child?
Mask on children is quite the slippery slope.
Look at your children.
They're confused.
They come home lethargic.
They're frustrated.
You may see variances in their mood.
It's because when you are wearing a mask, it makes you tired.
We elected the five of you.
We chose you to make difficult decisions for our children.
We chose you to make decisions that would be in our children's best interest.
Enforcing five, six, seven, eight, and nine-year-old little children to cover their noses and their mouths where they breathe for seven hours a day, every day for the last nine months for a virus that you know doesn't affect them.
That is not in their best interest.
And this has to stop.
The mask has been used for millennia to subjugate the human spirit.
It hides the endlessly changing expressions that allow us to express our emotions and empathize with one another.
The mask becomes our only expression.
It is fixed and unchanging.
This is the purpose of the mask.
To turn us into expressionless animals and submissive slaves.